1981-08-17 RM Exhibits ~~ ~ LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator 763-0991 DAVID E. SPALLER Appraisal Supervisor 763-2462 '1hanobrt ~ ~U.~/'17 ~l b" q~ ~ 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru July 31, 1981 1981 Prepayments Collected To Date $ 33,448.87 Back Taxes Real Estate Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Personal Property Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $475,768.08 74.93 - 41,412.18 $434,280.97 8.71% $637,436.63 249.35 - 15,887.20 $621,300.08 2.50% WILLIAM L. JACOBS Listing Supervisor 763-8439 JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 763-7385 1980 $ 29,303.56 $431,682.45 315.75 - 19,791. 87 $411,574.83 4.58% $541,623.28 346.63 - 11,521.04 $529,755.61 2.12% Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrights- ville Beach to date $169,136.13. This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981. :kw Respectfully submitted, ~B.~ Janie B. Straughn Collector of Revenue MEMBER INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS ~ ~)..- ..fl.t.f-,I P.1? August 10, 1981 MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Felix Cooper County Manager ;~ Larry J. powell~ Tax Administrator . From: Subject: Abatements and Refunds Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Kenneth Buie $ 21.52 (1979) 2. Everhart Auto Sales 7.13 3. Glenda Faye Hall 31.34 4. Karen Hall 15.88 (1979) 5. E. R. Holland .81 (1979) 6. Preston C. King, Jr. 47.43 7. George R. Meyer 1. 90 8. Gilbert E.. Milligan 10.05 (1979) 9. James Streeter 3.08 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: 1. Hoyel L. Guill 2. Lois T. Plankers 3. Douglas Price $ 16.49 (1979) 39.01 (1977) 12.50 Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to error in number of acres and number of bathroom fixtures: 1. Rosa Taylor 2. J. O. Broughton $ 18.50 (Refund 1976) 16.90 (Refund 1978 - 1980) Request the following taxes be released as the personal property is not located within the city or town limits: 1. Joseph C. Corbett 2. Carol Faircloth 3. Delores Fitzgerald 4. Ronald C. Fowler 5. Carolyn Guyton 6. Christel Hobbs 7. Ardell Lewis 8. Bobby Passmore 9. Arthur Tyson $145.93 (Refund $38.74) 18.25 11.88 (1976) 36.84 125.40 112.43 (1977 - 1979) 36.84 38.76 (1973 & 1975) 33.17 (1978 & 1980) -2- Request these items be placed on Commissioners' meeting on August 17, 1981. these abatements as the Commissioners have releases in the past. LJP:kw Copy: Mrs. Alyce Rusmisell Mr. Robert Pope the consent agenda for the I recommend approval of approved these types of ?4 ~/di'~1 /Y7 August 10, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Felix Cooper County Manager Larry J. Powell ~(t1 Tax Administrator Jr FROM: SUBJECT: Collection Settlement and Charges for 1981 Levy Attached is a copy of Mrs. Straughn's settlement for the 1980 tax levy. If this settlement is accepted by the Board, I recommend that Mrs. Patricia Raynor be appointed as Collector of Revenue and charged with the 1981 tax levy. I am forwarding herewith the charge sheet and summary of taxes due which Mr. O'Shields needs to sign if the charges are made. This recom- mendation is made in accordance with G.S. 105-349. Attached also is a copy of the oath which will be admin- istered to Mrs. Raynor by the Clerk of Superior Court, if the appointment is desired by the Board. The 1981 tax bills are completed and will be mailed by September 1, if the charge for the collection of these taxes is made at the meeting of August 17, 1981. Request this item be placed in the consent agenda for the Commissioners' meeting of August 17, 1981. LJP:kw Attachments Copy: Mrs. Alyce B. Rusmisell Mr. Robert Pope Mrs. Janie B. Straughn Mr. Andy Atkinson Mrs. Patricia Raynor L44 '. , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BACK TAXES '" .~,~ ;;.-.,,;: ': I . Personal 6/30/80 Old Control Prior Years not on Control Adjusted Control Collections Abatements 6/30/81 New Control Due to City of Wilmington Adjustment Real Estate 6/30/80 Old Control Collections Abatements 6/30/81 New Control Adjustment 1979 $163,735.56 $163,735.56 - 45,713.16 1l408.6~ $116,613.73 11.6,692.6~ + 78.95 20.65 +$ 58.30 1979 $238,624.59 -127,144.43 1,003.80 $110,476.36 110,678.94. + 202.58 +$ 202.58 1978 $93,803.86' $93,803.86 -12,605.95 '. 332.23 . $80,865;68 80,983.05 + 117.37 Total I.~ 1 ~'f '. . . $284-, ,o,~3';86:~,~~4l , 623.28 ',':'I';,:;l,:;:'ir:,~~ f.~, .:~ _'," . ~:\ ,? ,>/" 193 '.80c;~):L"';~ 193.80 '$284; 277:.:66~r~;i~'C$541, 817 ; 08 '':'''17, 135:;!57'j:t; -:79 ,45"4.68 .,:::' 2b.J..72. 861:/-' .- 23,513.76 ..$245;369.'23!~~$442,848.64 245,193.55,' 442,869.28 , 175..68 . + 20.64 ,', "'.. 20.65 .....01 + .01 175.67 -0- " ~"'~,-+'( ."r: 117.37 ,:"'$' ;;1,.:,': . +$ 1978 $101,194.'36 - 48,828.27 679.60 $ 51,686.49 -51,509.20 177.29 -$ 1i7.29 . ~ .: ,.r" ~ -,. , ,~.. ,"'.... "1. ....,'.. . 1,0 .. Prior Total '. '1" I: "l ( ': $91,863.41 . .:"'45,386.01' - 1,707.45. $44,769.95' 44,745.27-- 24.68 -' .61 --$ 25.29 $431,682.36 -221,358.71 3,390.85 $206,932.80 206,933.41 + .61 .61 -0- NEW HANOVER COUNTY . ..,:: "-; ,/~.~!i;',~,l~' SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1980 ',,y " Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Interest Collected Cost Collected Real Estute Liens Sold for Taxes Delinquent Personal Property Prepayments Deposited Wachovia Bank Known overpayments Overdraft from Advanced Payment Acct. (To be charged in 1981) . Due from City of Wilmington Due from City of Wilmington Receipt #33112 -. ,', " ,,'.. $14;1~"7 , 201.' 61,' , 2,073,340.85' , $16,220,542.'46 . - ':,55,621. 08 ' . $16,164,921. 38 ,26,461. 95 . ' . 6,998.00 . $16,198,381. 33 $ 239,374.12 194,567.35 7,650.90 15,756,792.50 $16,198,384.87 $ 3.54 ,," " : ,-,: r \-, , . ~ ,,\. . ..... $ .68 2.91 .05 , , ,,'., I.,,.. ;',1 ,~ ~~ , ",- - 1, 3.54 ~ : " ; .00 : ", r ~. ~ 8:t .[2IC/ ,,/J,1( ell FD ! . .'- . I':,:! I '\' 1'1 r.;\ 2: l~ 2 ...1 1,.', I III I:E;,! i:,\!.;}.<. ,'1 :: I.. ;~. ).'~. I, Patricia J. Raynor, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina 'riot tnconsistent therewith, and I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Collector of Revenue of the County of New Hanover, North yarolina, and that I will not allow my actions as Collector of Revenue to be influenced by personal or, political friendships or obligations, so help me God. ?cv+nG=~ 12~ . (Mrs.) Pa trJcia J. aynor Collector of Revenue The above oath was administered to Mrs. Patricia J. Raynor on August 17, 1981 before the Clerk of Superior Court and filed with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners on this date. ~t#~ Ho~orable Clerk of Superior' Court ~ 4 ~' V'~J7~~~ , ~~IIL -;7J.-'7j'r- -- - . ". RESOLUTION (GRANT AMENDMENT) EXTRACT FR0l-1 THE MINUTES OF A Regular MEETING OF THE New Hanover County Commissioners HELD ON August 17 19 81 The following Resolution was introduced by Karen E. Gottovi se-oonded by- Donald P. Blake read- in full, consider~d~and adopted: RESOLUTION AUTHOR IZ!NG, ADOPTING, APPROVINd, ACCEPTING AND RATIFY ING THE EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT NO.2-TO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT NO.______ 6-37-0084-05 BE1WEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND Npt.1 H;:mm7l:>r County BE IT RESOLVED, by t~e Board -, of Commissioners of New Hanover County SECTION 1. Tbat said Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes, ----::- ,o~::=--a-dopts'-,"appiove8;-- accepts and ratifies the execution of Amendment-No. to Grant Agreement between the Federal Aviation Administration on behalf -- - --~.- ------ . ~o=--=~-"of -the"'United States of America and the County of Net., Hanover SECTION 2. _ That the execution of said Amendment to Grant Agreement f ~ qu~druplicate on behalf of said _~( Ctaucr 08 Shields, Jr. New Hanover County , County Commis,sion Chairman, and the impression of tbe official seal of the County of New Hanover __ ,_,,,,,,,,._o_...,..,...;"':;-,,,~ ;_~..-._-----~-=--__ =---- (If there is no seal, so state.) and the attc.station of said execution by .--1iQ..rma E. -- Philpott -- ,-, , _-. ,Qeputy_ Clerk ,---. is hereby. au tbor-ized, adopted,-approved, --.--- --- - --. .. - ._'-'---- ~. -' .~'. ~..... -~-, .....-,' ,,> '-~~~-:.:_:_.. accepted'an~f-rati'fied. SECTION 3. That e true copy of the Amendment to the Grant Agreement referred to hereinabove is hereto attached and made a part of this Resolution ,as though, it were fully copied herein. SO FORM 5100-17 (10/75) (Supersedes previous edition) '- , ~ ~ flUG 0 6 1981 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION . I ,1 I 1 Page 1 of 3 Pages . ----- .:..:. -. --- -+ 1 Contract No. DOT-FA-78-S0-11360 New Hanover County ,Airport- Wilmington, North Carolina AMENDMENT-NO. _ 2 TO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR_PROJECT NO. 6-37-:0084:-:05_==::__,-.___ WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (hereinafter referred to as the FAA), has determined it to be in the interest of the United States that the grant agreement between the FAA, acting for and on , behalf of the United States, and the County of New Hanover (herein---.- after referred to as the Sponsor), accepted by said Sponsor on-t-he-- 7th day of September, 1978, be amended as hereinafter provided. -- I NOW TIIEREFORE WITNESSETII: .. - -. --f--- ----. -~._-- -~_.i That, in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the parties 'hereto, the FAA on behalf of the United States, on the one part,~ an4_ t~~_ Sponsor, on the other part, do hereby mut6ally agree that the te~s and conditions of the grant agreement between the United States-ann- the Sponsor, accepted by said Sponsor on the 7th day bf September, .1978, De amended: ---.-~~, -, " ---~__ __ _._"::=<l _0.0- _ ___.~ :__J.-. ; The project description on Page 1 of the grant agreement which reads,~ "expand and-light -ge~al' aviation apron (19,200 square yard) ;-::.install--' VASI-4's on Runways 5 and 23", is hereby revised and read ,as follo~s: Expand and light general aviation apron (19,200 square yard); install VASI-4-'s on Runways 5 and 23; install switchgear for . en,gi~e.,generator. It is understood and agreed that all the othet: _terms and condjtions------.:-:-- of the grant agreement remain in full force and effect and are not changed or altered except as hereinabove provided. The United States shall not be obligated under any provision hereof unless this amendment has been executed by the Sponsor, on or before September 30, 1981, or such subsequent date as may be pre- scribed in writing by the Administrator. . _...~ , " 1 , i ! IN WITNESS WHEREOF p the parties hereto ha~~- caused this amendm~i -''icf~~'''' the grant agreement to be duly executed as of 17th day of Aug:ust 19~1 '. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION New Hanover County Sponsor ----__ __ '(Seal)',: ': ~" . . ~y ~~~,~~u Ti tle Chlllrman ~ 0," '---"- ,.::~~ ...."'f'"l;~-.' '---.---=-::--~-:-----,.., - -=- ~ - --, --, ,- ;~~: _:_~ . ,,- ,- -." -, - " --. -.. -- ~-"-~_..---" -----, -,,------ - '-=; -- '" -.-- -,-- ,----- - -~ . - .~-.- - - -. - Attest: . .- -" ~" - .' (/ _ -'-.I.in.: '~ -(l;I3,~ -=. - -~ -~ . . --- - ---- - - - . - - "'" - . ----:: -- - - , '" " - " - - - - ---- . - - - . -- -- -- .;~~'~- .. . ~....-.-...:,.-. -.., :- --.- --- .... - . ---_.~- ,.; :, '-:'_~_ .::"; -' :____'..'!-_**f~~"'<*-~3.'c"!********* ~- ---:,,:-'~~_:-='::-'::~-=-'~' -:-"'"';"-----. -- -~. -. -- --- . - -_.--.."" ,,~:+",~,==<.--.,,'~~--- ___L';:"'- _~ --;~:::;:;'=-~-".r..~",. -. =:,,-~~~;;:o.~~'~~c' .~:.~:-: ---~-- - ""-"--- .._.-_.---=.....:~._~-..." " , . --. .'. - _. ,- ----..- -- .---.-..-- --- --- -- - - ,;, -_""0...; ~':;-='.- ;...::.:'...- "-~.r t' -.. -~~~:.. .'~-L~,:~',.'D~'~::.~ ;;.~--~:~.~:---...:.~--- "": -~ +--- ,- _ Cr;:BIifl'<:!\1:1t O'F-.EPON.E~R', 'SAJ:T9IW~Y. . - . . - .- ---- ............<.- -. -. ~~--~- -~ - .-..--...-.....----""----..:.--.. - -.:...:.. - -. - -~ -- -. - --------"'-""'---.. ~~ C,_ ,_ .-:.._1, _ Robert W;Pope .,' ,acting as Attorney ~for: New~~~ _,', .c_Hano~er. CountYoi~~~~rei--naf ter-;referred Eo"-as ~"sporisoinJ~~_~~~:.~y .- - - _H_. ....cert-:fi.fy.:.~..~ or; c_......;. "..;!'.'''-;'~:::,;:-...:'P~.'':~~_._~..-...:.F-r.:-~-- -"'---- --- - +- -- .-- ... .._.~. ~'- _.p. .-._--~...~-----._- - . ~.~ That I have examined the foregoing..amendment to gt'J1.Ilt.~agreement" ----- and the p.rCl~g~i~S, ..t_a.kep,-.J1}Z,'"Zu.i9-_~ponsor relating thereto, and find that, the execution thereof by said sponsor has been duly authorized and is' in" all respects due "ana proper an~~naccord-" an'ce"with--the laws Hof' the':-State of North, Carolina,. and:'-further'" that, ~in my opinion, said amendment to grimt-agreenrene: 'consti---:-- _.- tutes a lega1and-'bfndfng "Obligation of the sponsor-in=-accoI."d:"'''':':'- anc~with the terms thereof. ': .::,: .---- . --- :-;-~\~7".r-----'- ~-- -0- _ _;/ _ --/-' --'. , / . , I 'J': ..'....Go~~ .. 7'~: ~ Dated at 19..!.1. Wilmington~'-; N ~~~'C.S ;,\1' ; this' 25th day of August j' ,1 " Title G2, .',' ", ':,--7).._ --. ..~ ;' '.' . . ~. . . ~. -,' .,~ '1 \ l-'.. '.' County Attorney' ",., , ..-::-:....'~_.~.~~~- .....::::;.(;.......1"_ ......1::J;=:~r' .I;''''~,i~:d::-.~~~ -" - -.----,~........, ---.- --..-.-- --- -. . - -~:~~~'-. , ~.;--f. .... . ,. , I .' ~ .... , t . ....." ! '.f.. ,) :~. ~ .. ;;.j . r. . ..,.~ \ - ,-..._-~: ~.~~. -'2-1__- .-=--7-~--~~ 'j .. -:...rc~ ------_. - ----- --' . ~. .--- -'-:-rr-;-'" -' . -~- -.----. ----.. -' I I I I I I I~I ,_. - -'>. .- --- ~ ~.. ~."...,..----....-. - ._--.. --~- -- ~ --- -- - --::--:-,..-~-:-,...;..~. -----"..,.,-...,. -. ~.."...--.,._. ~._- -_. - ,-- _.L':" .....t, --=-~ e-'->-.--.-...... ~ ~~~L_ -' --,.. - -. . ..,.- '- , .' -' .---==-. ,,";'-=--- . ;.../~;"'?".L ...."" ;- ~-.. I"~.'~. i':~:f'-'- .~.~~. -.:F-S- ,,;.r_-.=e~' --'"-~. - . ----- . ~."'-~__=_..:"V '..- -. . .. ... .-... - ..::-0- - ..- ~.. ~. - -~.... ....~. .~..."..,......,-- -~-"-.-- --~..- .. ~... . -I' ~. .-.- ] ::;1 -Ct1.~ ~-~~~~~..~~~"2T}- - #~ -. .....- ---~- . _._~---_.~ ._- -. -.....-.-- ~ --- _. -. ~:I !~~...:~;;1.~ -- -- -. - - '-. --. --.-... . ~.~...'....._- _._~-- ~ __--p-;- - -tD - - ; -~~~~---:- t""--:'=_ .f-:".. -... -~. . f.. I 1 . . 4 t. ~....\... , ...--:- . -~ ,.... I ': ; -r-----.-.-..-- '- 1 ~ .:.- ,.'t, ~ t ..........:. '" .- r;~'t~:' t. -\":"'tr I' I i I .", ..J.". ...:...-a.~..(. ...~.~ ...,.j"-~~..... _,,., r-;....'1...t.~~...___ ~~.::. "_.~.~.~d'~~'_::'n.!~~::t-.~~'-'";~...;~:.~~- -::;~: ~u ",~-.;...,aii-.~ 'r~.1 r~) .-;y ~':-:.;:'--'O:':'T ;"'''''-" -"~~~:''''...:-~-~-~.:=..._----===--~=---.-:-- ---- - - -- - - \ ~- J.., t~~;_~.;.~~tB~p~~-~:-~;'~~~~~~;:}R~;:~: to..,..-~,. t.... r~ -; ~~~r1.:];;; t~-~ j _._~___l.L..;__:..~':-~~:~~r.i:~.~ .-....L':1/~r~~tLf1.;=~~--:-1.;~....t_~~:~~l- ;~.: ~ffc'-I>~-~~:.: f~ .~h, :'"n('..~."'l 0,'" '''It.. ..1 ,.' ; ':P;~q"l'-I''';';;'''1'.. t"l'.l" .'..n '-"I'j' "I _. _....~ .. -<,,;.l., ~."!,,,,,.~.-c.,.:-,.,-,,':"'~.lo.- ~.:..._ &,.....",..".!L"t.k:-.!~;;;-...i:.,;,.~ "~."',.;.'.J'.. . '. '''''.;1:"~-'';',,-?!~. '~., :..J_m"-., n___.. _ -~---!h~'~.-'"l::il'i..r--~ iI r~~r1ii:.'~Fi '-~t-1:!jji !lC't. D(j"'.:.\:\.i t:.I~ 1"-;. *.~.dcl'" \"~..{Y :~r~!f!a';1.:)r 1'-,:'1'-~)~ t.~'-~L:~"'l~ t.hio ~'t.d...:rldt~:-~At :~;..!:.: l'n/..n (.1t~(; ...-~- ...~A~.- -t~I€T ~ ;,,,.:.rrt${'.S;~O{t-.~'" ._,~:.'.)t'L Se.p!;.e~~t;"-:ro1J:t./~;]~-t1~!-"t~.i._L 6\..~~._-.::~~-:1J~nr-~~:-c ::n fi1B7 -~-:;. -t''t-:-~~- :~.l.4.:"l;(J ;,0. ...;Z'ft:i:~:t':J~--~~ .::\tL.~~n'LBtrrUr::i:::-4~ ~--~::..:_------ ____ ---------- ~_~...2.__ -..... -. ; a." .. ADAP-05 TCA 326 June 10, 1981 .. " AMENDMENT NO. 1 The Contract for Engineering Services dated May 15, 1978 by and between New Hanover County, OWNER, and Talbert, Cox-uand Associates, Inc., ENGINEER, is hereby amended as f~llows: ", - _ Page 1, proj ect, second paragraph is r_e.Yised_,_tQ~ncJ,.ude 1) Updating their Airport Layout Plan and Report in accor- dance with the attached work scope, 2) _H-Prepare-new Ex- hibit "A" Property M~p, 3) Construct General Aviation Apron- Expansion-and associ.3.te-d - Apron' Edge-Light.ing and---- ----- Flood Lighting, 4) Preparing an Approach and Obstruction Survey, and 5) Provide Automatic By-Pass and Transfer Switching for the Emergency Generator for Airfield Lighting, hereinafter called the PROJECT. ~ ::~--:;;~.~-~-:-'~~___~op.ag-:-c: -~a::j~aij--tnerict,,' . second - paragraph, is _ r~v_ise~-=- t::.q_ p~ovide a . _._---- .-..- .' --- __,_ ~~f)_ ?um 'payment of $24,500.00, TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED _ ", DOI.ili'ARS, -for-Pna,se=II ~services. . -~ -......... ''''- ..... ...,...",.,..,...-- ,- ., - . _.... - - .. -...,...=-=,....."....-.;.=-=::-i;o.._ ""__"'- '~-~"'"-." _ -.-. ------ . " -"-- ~- -:-ENGTNEER::o:.,:=,:,=:-_~-;-.-,..:--~,_~,~:'--- ,':.-0-:.... -- -- - . - ~ OWNER: :::.-- -:-;-.- - :n:- _-~r:.=~==-...:--:__ -- - ,- -TALBERT;- 'COX --& AS'SOCIATES, INC. NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N.C. ~"::'-~t. ~:..." _~Y'(!b~~~- ---_..__..._----~--~_.------:--. ~-- --- WITNE~S~f ~ ---=---...--- . .. - .--' _.- -- -. .. ~ .... __ "_ _ '__'~_~_~"4' '. -- - . -.--'-- .~-_.__._. - ,. .....--:-~.- ':of> '~ p. zPF/ j? /f7 ',' RESOLUTION (GRANT-AMENDMENT) EXTRACT FRON THE HINUTES OF A Regular MEETING OF THE New Iianpver Count.,y Commissioners HELD~ONAnCJnst 17 r ~9 81 The fo~lowing Resolution was introduced by Karen E. Gottovi seconded by Donald P. Blake read in full, considered 'and adopted: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZ ING, ADOPTING, APPROVING, ACCEPTING AND RATIFY ING THE EXECUTION OF AMENDHENT NO. ....L TO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 6-37-0084-06 BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND New Hanover County I'Y"'""" BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County SECTION 1. That said Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes, . ...- adop!s, 'approves, accepts and, r~tifies the execution of Amendment No. 1 ~~____t~G~a~t Agreement between th~ F~d~{~~ Aviation Administration on behalf of the United States of America~,and the, New Hanover County 6 _ ,SECTION-2-: -- Th at' t h-e--e xec u-ti:on-'ocf--cs~td-Ame ndmen-t-t:o- Gr-ant-Ag t" e ement - 1--- in quadruplicate on behalf of said New Hanover County by _.. Cl.=Jl1n O'ShieJdsr ,Jr. -- , County Commission Chairman, and the impression of the official seal of the County of NeVI Hanover (If there-is no seal', so state.) and the attestation of said_execution by Norma E. Philpot:t: '...:J2~puty r.l ~rk _.- ac-cepted and ratified. :,-=-,...:-1s he-i::'eby authorized, -adopted, approved, SECTION 3. That a true copy 'of the-Amendment to the Grant Agreement _" u _________~eferre~~_~~reinabove i8,~~re~~ attached and made a part:of this , '.- --- - -.,..---- - -- - -.--.- -- --- . , , , Resolution 'as though it 'were futlycopied herein. --- so FOR}I 5100-17 (10/75) (Supersedes previous edition) ,,' . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION . AUG 0 G 1001 Page 1 of 3 Pages . Contract No. DOT-FA-79-S0-1Z2Z1 New Hanover County Airport. Wilmingtdn, North Carolina ~ffiNDMENT NO. 1 TO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 6-37-0084-06 WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (hereinafter referred to as the FAA) has determined it to be in the interest of the United States that the grant agreement betweentheFM,acting for,andon behalf of the United States, and the New Hanover County (hereinafter referred to as the Sponsor)~ accepted by said Sponsor on the 21st day of Sept~ber, 1979, be amended as h~reinafter provided.~ .-- - - ~._~ - -_.~ NOW TIIEREFORE WITNESSETH: - ... .--" _ ...,.__ _"" _........ __ ._ -'-'.<-c That, in consideration of the benefits to-accrue to the par.ties=ner.e:t6:,-'-~~ the FAA on behalf of the United States, on the one .part, -=-and~,the~ ~-- .. Sponsor, on t~other part, do hereby mutually agree that the terms and conditions of the grant agreement-oefween-the United-States and the~- Sponsor, accepted by said Sponsor on, the-Zlst-day.'of Sept-emoer,--C-1979;-:' -'.''. . as amended: - - '-' .. '-- , ---.-----+ .--.--. .--- .- ~.'-"_.~~-"- ......_~...:...........~~~-"'.."-'-~~ The proj ect description on Page 1 of the grant agreement which -~ead's-,r- ' " "Construct and'. light partial parallel taxiway to Runway 5 '(taxiway~ IH..:::; __:- install beacon; rehabilitate HIRL, Runway 16/34; relocate Nationai~~--.- ~ Weather Service equipment; install two taxiway guidance signs and remark holding lines, Runway 16/34; install one automatic security gate," is hereby revised and reads as follows: Construct and light partial parall€l taxiway to Runway 5 (TaxhJay :8); install beacon;' rehabilitate HIRL,.nRunway- 16/34-;--reJo5i!-te-Nationa-1~~-- Weather Service equipment; install two taxiway guidance signs and-.'-. remark holding lines, Runway 16/34; install one automatic security gate; install engine generator. It is understood ,and agreed that all the o,ther terms end conditions-of=-_-_-. the grant agreement remain in full force and effect and are not changed--- ---- -- ,. - or altered except as hereinabove provided-~ --. '. --- , I n',. _ ~ 'I'. -- , -~.~--- , I I - I I i :. " ~ --- ~~ ~1-:- -,/,:-" - I The U.!li.t~d S~a_tE:s shall_ not be obligated under any provision hereof unless this amendment has been' eXecutecr--by -the-Sp-otu~or;--on~c)-f7,Defore September 30. 1981. or such subsequent date as may be'prescribed in writing by the Administrator. -,-_,~,__IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have caused this amendJrient to , the grant agreement to be duly executed-,as-of. -17-th--day-of.,August-~~-. 19.]1. - -- " . .......... . - - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION .,. -_.- -- ~ -~~.,...- --'-'--'"- .-..~~- VY-{!. __~1 New-Hanover County Sponsor tJ(~!$L:J~ ~. --, () ',--- . --.---- - - .-. - . . - - --------- .--.. --- ----- - ------ (Seal) By -. "'~"~'_~__-r_~-.""~ . - _.. -- - ~ - -. . ~ -- -~- ----. --- .-- . -.--- ~._....,.--^--" '.' --_.~ - -'--- - . -- ~ . -. - ..- .--- . - -.. - -- =Title cri-alrman ;==~=:~:e~::~-1.~~~ ~-=:-'~~'t~~e;:'~~'. _:-~.)t)j_~:;~.o;, =~=-=::~._- ~~~~.kJ......L:. ::..~----- - "'~__""""':_~--'~ -~=-----_._-- -- ......... - -- - _--=:':':::"'--.__~.,..:"~ '___~___:_ n_ . _' _______ -_.-. '-".-'-jJ..;-<---.~.t' -.-'. -.... .' _. "--'----.. _~_ ~--~ ---- ----- ~-~~ -- ,- ---,------ -,. ~------- ---. ------- ...----.-.-,- - -......, .',e -----.- -/(** ** *** * * ***~.. *-'Jraf-Jf*;l{*~~u" Certificate of Sponsor's Attorney ,- _~___w___. _ _~ ~:--=~;..;.-~...._" ~-"""_~_-=-~_."~...1- _~_,~_'~~.-:-~~~-_"":r:-"""""""_7_:-- --~'---.,. ------:-:!:"--Robert w. PoP~ -- ~~.:acting 'as~_Attorney for Nel>l Hanover County, (hereinafter-referred to as "sponsor,") do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing amendment to grant agreement ,_and the proceedings _taken by said Sp...Q:nsor relating thereto, and - _ -:fii'ld that the execution thereof by'said sponsor has been duly ___U_, -authorized and is in all respects.=.c~ue~and-proper-and-in-'accord-.. --anc~with the laws of the State of North Carolina. and further -that, -uin-my-opinion,said-amendment=-togrant agreement consti- tutes a legal and binding obligation of the sponsor in accordance with the terms thereof. I I i----~- \'~ , - L .~ I _ I I i ~ I .' I --_..--4;..l: Dated at August o to.' . . , I. f' 'I _~ .,,! t..... ~ Wilmington. North Carolina , 19 JL1 , this 25th day of ..' '. , ~ f : .. ';;'0 t (I (.~~: 0 ': ~ I ~ t ..I' ~ :~ ,R '''C .\ -' ~. -: ~ "~~. " Qt~~ Title County Attorney .. .__,_~________. ~_____. _~_--:---:-:-,_:=:---=-":-::T~:-_,'_ , . ".! f .0 .., ~ ..: ""0 .,,-(!v=.:..-.~~~ .... ..", . ,1" ," "ADAP-06 TeA "326 June 10, 1981 AMENDMENT NO. 2 .. The Contract for, Engineering- Services-dat.eGl:c"Ju-ly-2T--1-9-79-,-by------- and between New Hanover County, OWNER, and Talbert, Cox and Associates, Inc., ENGINEER, is hereby amended as follows: Page 1, Project, second paragraph is revise-d- to include Con-' structionof-n"ew":TaxiVtay=lI1f,,~.th 'associated taxhvay-l:i-ghting, .rehabil- itate HIRL R/W 16-34, Vault Repairs for R/W l6-34~ Supplemental Wind Cones R/W 16- 34,' Lighted ILS hold sign :16__-:"3::.4-::,_w_e:ath:er~ towe~,~,__", ---.-- .",--~_. .-..,--.,............- - .- . --. - -- - .....- .' installation, automatic gate and fence, rotating- beacon, and new emergency generator power for airfield lighting. Page 4, Payment, second paragraph, is revised to provide a lump sum paym~l!_~,.(:)!' $55;'900~O'O-:",- FIFTY-FI'-:E THOtTSAND NINE-HUNDRED DOLLARS, for Pha~~ II services. .- '_:~--=-~~~~~j:;:;- .-.... =.........,. --. ---- -. --.--------- -...--:-:.- .~_. _.- ~-:....:~.....;..:..::::.~-=-~.~~~-="----- .-. - _. ---.-- - ---- ~{NER :7--=---- ENGINEER: 6 - - =.;= ._~ -------==--~-=-:---------,._---- TALBERT, COX & ASSOCIATES, INC. ,_.:-NEW. ~-I~NOVER:~GOUNTY , N.C. . - - -, _._-- - - -,-. =--~---:---=--~_._...~-- --- -- ------ .- - - H-~~:~~ ~ WITNESS: ~ W · ()~~ Jt WITNESS~.f"~ -- ... - - -_.~ ..