1981-09-08 RM Exhibits \0\__ ~ ' ~~ ~~ TO: APPROVED Number ~ -= Department J Account Name \ \ Date Health - Neurology \ 8-20-81 .=- ~ TRANSFER FROM (OR) INCREASE IN REVENUE REVENUE - i Account No. Account Name \ Amount Account No. Account Name Amount ( DEBIT) (CRED1T2-.- 11-5172-32 professional Services 1,752.00 11-3517-37 Revenue 2,200.00 postage 50.00 \ printing 60.00 Department Supplies 224.00 \ I . I 11-5172-51 Auto Allowance 114.00 \ \ . \ \ 1 II ~ ., ~- \' \ I J \ \ . J \ I + - .' I I II \ .:: tion To reduce budget to agree with cut in State Funds. This budge"! . COUNTY MANAGER County e budget to agree w~th cut Manager's Signature Date in State Funds This budget is completely funded by the State Date-Commissioners' Approval (if necessary) - PAPER PRODUCTS CO. 10.80 SOO 13371 U7L --.- ~~ ...--:.----- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST (!C ~-' ~ "" , Explanation This is necessary to bring in line with cuts by State - This is a state su orted budge - APPROVED County Manager's Signature Date Date-Commissioners' Approval (if necessary) Finance Office PAPER PRODUCTS co. to-80 500 13371 147L DepartmentJ Account Name I I Date Health - Heart 8-20-81 TRANSFER FROM (OR) INCREASE IN REVENUE .,?/ I , TRANSFER TO (OR) DECREASE IN REVENUE - , -J Account No. Account Name Amount Account No. Account Name Amount (DEBIT) (CREDIT) , 11-5170-326 Professional Services 1,200.00 1-3517-371 Revenue 3 462.00, 11-5170-370 Contracted Servicp~ ~7c:, nn . 11-5170-382 Postaae I ?5 00 I, 11-5170-392 I M & R - Equipment ?nn n~1 . 11-5170-411 Printina <;n ()n I I 11-5170 -421 Denartment Sunn1ies 1 .1'17 ()n I I I 11-5170-520 Tr.. Meetinas & Schoo 1 ~ 1 1 C; IV' I II I I I I I , I I I TO: COUNTY MANAGER Number NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST APPROVED I County Manager's Signature Finance Office Date Date-Commissioners' Approval (if necessary) 0-80 500 13371 U7L To reduce budget to agree with cut in State funds TRANSFER F.ROM (OR) INCREASE IN REVENUE V-.- .. ~." ;- ,v -. , (. , - ~ , , II TRANSFER TO (OR) DECREASE IN REVENUE - I \ Account No. Account Name I Amount II Account No. Account Name Amount (DEBIT) I (CREDnr .1-5171-326 Professional Services 2,418.00 1 11-3517-37j Revenue I 2,418.db ,I I .1 II I I I I I " II I I I , ! I I II EXplanation This is a State supported budget. TRANSFER F.ROM TO: COUNTY MANAGER Department I Account Name Health - Orthopedic Number Date 8-20-81 NEW HANOVER COUNTY - --. .----_.._, _. -. . ---- BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST ~'" ty.l " .~ Explanation To reduce budget to bring in line with cut made in Federal/State Funds --- - - APPROVED County Manager's Signature Date Date-Commissioners' Approval (if necessary) Finance Office PAPER PROOUCTS co. 10~80 500 13371 t47L - I: Account No. . Account Name I Amount II Account No. I Account Name Amount, (DEBIT) (CREDIT) 11-5142L510 Auto Allowance 50.00 11-3513-371 Revenue 1,227.00 11-5111'-421 Department Supplies I 175.00 11-5161-421 Department Supplies 350.00 I , 11-5182-421 Department Supplies 200.00 I 11-5131-510 Auto A1lm-lance 277.00 ~ 11-5121-421 Department Supplies 175.00 . , I I I I I I II , I I 1 , I I I I I TRANSFER FROM (OR) DepartmentJ Account Health COUNTY Name NCREASE N REVENUE < TO MANAGER NEW HANOVER COUNTY _ _ . _n_ _ __ __ _ BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST Head N Number II Date 8-27-81 ~ REVENUE 7' '2,. ~;t Explanation To reduce expenditures in line with cuts made by the State - - APPROVED County Manager's Signature Date Finance Office Date-Commissioners' Approva if necessary) PAPER FRODUCTS co. 10.00 600 13371 t47L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Department/ Account Name ( ~tment Head (Sign~~ I Date Health - Hypertension '-- A'?~/7J ',b 1 8-27-81, TRANSFER FROM (OR) INCREASE IN REVENUE L./ I TRANSFER TO (OR) DECREASE IN REVENUE - . I Account No. I -\ Account No. Account Name I Amount Account Name Amount (DEBIT) I ! ( CREDIT) 1-5166':"100 Salaries 2,576.00 I 11-3516-37r Revenue I 5,075.00 I 1-5166-210 FICA 172.00 I I 1-5166-221 Retirement 206.00 I' I 1-5166-230 Group Insurance 84.00 II ' I 1-5166-381 Telephone 2.00 i 1=5166-392 M & R - Equipment 109.00 1-5166-411 Printing 140.0~ 1-5166-421 Department Supplies 589.00 II 1-5166-510 Auto Allowance 937.00 I 1-5166-520 Tr. Meetings & Schools 260.00 I I I I I I I i I , I I !~ i , I I TO: COUNTY MANAGER NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST ec Number '1__ '7. /9 APPROVED I County Manager's Signature Finance Office Date-Commissioners' Approva if necessary) PAPER PRODUCTS co. 10.80 500 13371 147L Date To bring this budget in line with State cuts in revenue \ - Ii Account No. Account Name I Amount II Account No. Account Name Amount (DEBIT) (CREDIT) 11-5151-3 81 Telephone 245.00 11-3515-372 Revenue NC Matching VD Control 3,515.00 11-5151-3 ~2 M & R - Equipment 28.00 11-5151-4~1 PrintinC) 1 00.00 I: Departmental Supplies 2,710.00 II I 11-5151-4 1 11-5151-4 30 Laundrv and Drv C1eaninC) 40.00 I ! 11-5151-5 0 Auto Allowance 292.00 11-5151-5 00 Travel, Meetinqs & Schools 1 00.00 I 1\ I I II I I I I Explanation TRANSFER FROM (OR) TO COUNTY MANAGER DepartmentJ Account Name Health - Epidemiology NCREASE N REVENUE TRANSFER TO (OR) DECREASE Number I Date = 8-13-81 N REVENUE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST .- &/J.'~.:../ M .111.L),: fi; ~ ,I'!I,.~ , 1 .!',; 'I ;1,' ',I II,' ., 1'1'[ ,I l' ,I, ":'1 I I '1'8 ,,' AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO ! ," j." ! < ,It: "t.. CABLE TELEVISION COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT ;, lit.",'" AND MAINTAIN A CABLE, TELEVISION SYSTEM l)i'I"CI': WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF .' '::!Iji~;'::~(':" ( 'i), NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, ',.i, <Ii tr",;1 'I " 'I:; t,"l,;t,::Jiii' 'J i,'I' .. '''''lh, "t ,I, THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COU!:l~!;)" II: NORTH CAROLINA ORDAINS: ': ::'I.,r".~,:',\,!l'~,i' Ii, J , j, "::'1,,111:1 'i -! .' ~c?'H Ii . 'I' ",:11,,,,)1,,,,',, .. Section I. Grant and Term. "Ji;;I;C:"fll:l,i'~~"I" i j ;Ii,;~?:'~f!i!"ii/~il< .:.; I '/ , I."~,, I,l. I , Subject. to the terms and conditions of the'~New' 'Hanover , I Ir\,iill:'~III;i Ii ,I: County CATV Ordinance and the other terms and conditiC5hl~'l.of this II' I;J'!i,:,~'rU j'lll'" " . . . . ,:1: th~I.Ji;~;r::~':L,I:. ,,"i ~\ Ord~nance, Cable Telev~s~on Company, (Cable) ~ts suc~~s!3Q,rs,' and , ,I', )..'!'I";';'IIII J', )!, I "~;'Ir;',~;~Alq'~'I:', ~ . .. . ,'l,hl!. " llllj~, " " I... ass~gns, ~s hereby granted for the term of f~ve and ,one'!ihalf ~ 1 +~,I,: II"'j', .11'1 :': . l.l, ,1"1 " " (5 1/2) years from and after the effective date hereo:e- :,the' right, ,i i:~~;~I~I~li:JI;', ;11 :i privilege and franchise to construct or have constructed~tl:e:xtend, ;~"~l'!l;.";;';':!; i!~;;j .~i ~ I operate and maintain a cable television system in tne.':~t'~h;, it :, I' """,11'1') I .:~, '~ " ~!r : j -, unincorporated areas of New Hanover County, North Caro!i"ria I'for "'J" ,/ 14'lj,,' ," " . . . 1); i),~;llj'~t\r~': !'lll/I " ~ the purpose of providing cable telev~s~on serv1'ce to,,' II;iJ:!; citizens of the unincorporated areas of New HanoverjHbl:l~ 1i',: ahd : " 'ljl~, """" ,'I',' 'I' ;.1. ),'1." . . "l'I " It'. "1 ,1 for that purpose to erect, install and construct upotH rqss', beneath and along any street or road all necessary ~~~~i .~I~J~ ) i 111,1;11: t:'i jllli I ~' other equipment and facilities as may be necessary ill ~~. ;:;:;,'Ii!I: il; . "'111,,']1, ,1111, appurtenant to the cable television system, subJect"lt;o.r sent 1'/'11 I 1'" ' , ij:,LrII/l Ihr! r and future ordinances of the County relating theret,q,:~,':":,, ~,dl' ition, this right, privilege and franchise shall extend 'toiliil~~~~~r~~ I~ ]li ,lliltliill"lliJ "ill,("'I' ;,~ , ," ,I", t I !rI~ 'i,,!,', 'l rented or leased from other persons, including but notli!limited ,: 'I:':I'HNI.:;' 'I j': ,,\.. ;", JIlL ~ ~ll: ,: to.-JUly public utility or other grantee, franchisee o~':\ p(;)rn'\J"tt~e, , ,i+1 t,.'JII,lI,I.'''''.,''.,I.l."", ,I','. . , 'ill" ,11il~,I/!ll" '/II in order to do business in the unincorporated areaS;;jPf/' ew,,'Jllil: 'f r lilli, I f I;, I ., II' I " 1 I, I ,~. Hanover County. The cable.television system and serv, ere~n I I, ::1',11 i(l,i! ',I ';I!~IIII 1','1' I, , ' " i franchised shall be used and operated solely and exclusively ~or /'1,1'" II , Ii! Ii ",,' I f: the purpose expressly authorized by ordinance of New ,H~~?Ver ir 1"''1" I County and no other purpose whatsoever. ' ',I ,,1 tl' I ~i . 'I "I ' I ' ~,!;j. + ' : . _'.:~l i: ; j' I .' I q,': ' I, I;:t/;~l.it: 'I, l Section II. Renewal. j; :';["1'. II I. ;. ,~< I:J I " 1 ~ This franchise is not renewable. ' : t'r,}ll ( )"1;'11' ' I. ;, :\;'T~'. i" r,' , "(,b',:1. II II 'I ~~.~ I ;,. ' ' 11ft ,I " 'll'I'" 11 .: .,l. f'!d, ,1 l~ ': ":,:iF:11 I " .,' f,ll. i' d I", "I I' 'i.,r:,l"ll ii" " I".:!,I :, ~ Ii:; '1", , . I.' ';>'1:' I I "J,~ I h \,j I '. -1J: I ;1: rl ',",. )li '11..1,1 " Section III. Non-exclusive. I' ," ,1'1, rl:j;,. "1. " " :,:: !'I' " ': I,U,' I, , . ~ I ' ., '1. .1 j . ! , I, I, The right herein granted to construct arid 'ope'rate a i ,..',: I cable television system and service shall be non-exclus'ive, I '" loll . ,1 I',lll \ and New Hanover County reserves the right to grant similar' : I: t .l , .;, I '1 franchises to any person or persons at any period during ;the I' . , 'I :;~"II:I f 'I I,' l', i ~ ''I' '1\1 . 'I " ~ L ,I '" I ; . .: "I'" ill ' , .'1,' '.. I 1 ,,:,\! r " 'I.f Ii Section IV. Construction, Extension and Maintenance of,System. I'; " I \, All highways, roads, streets, sidewalks, avenues,: ' I ! ""'11, alleys, bridges and other public and private places that'lma'y be disturbed or damaged in the construction, extensi~ri;~1.'61i:)i -1"1 . . "'I II ,'I 'i..' maintenance of the cable television system, shall be ~~omptly , '11', '1. 'j' I. ,.d I' ..': II! ,'I repaired or replaced by Cable, at its own expense. ,A~F;I?ores ~ :'1': '/11;1.",11 " ,I" '" II ill wires, cables or other facilities to be constructed dr, 'l.nstalled :, ".I'<,Jli:, ;'1: ; within the streets or roads shall be constructed or..l:l.,n,s,tall1e, d' 11'1 ",:' to, 1 ',i:'1 ~"I ' , ,. , , I. 1 i. ~ 1\ 'I~ i.,' I 'I only at su~h locations and depths and in such a manner:":~~:I:t8 ; 1,1,: ',!.~q'l,i:,1: .: comply with all state statutes and rules and regulation'~jof ! ':11 !'I"'" .1"j 'II the North Carolina Department of Transportation, or!I'I~f~~\~';:l'a'gency' ,1.!'I.,.\I.1,1 'Il ' . . " 1:1 ,.'i!il" J I~q. ,: , of competent ]url.sd1ct10n, and sa1d Department of Tral}spo,ratl.on , ,!III:::!j:l::::)jl!'I,::11 or other agency of competent juriSdiction must approy-el:',. S\1cl1 'I' jl'l;I".I'I:iiY~:,'III~I::'II: , ., . ,.I , 1,11',1 I construction and maintenance. All facl.11tl.es constructed: or 1 , 'I" """:::\1.,, 'II ' 1.:1' I" ;1., :[';'1.' ,i , installed wi thin the streets or roads shall be so constitu,c1:ed . - , ,Ii:: J: ,:;:!1 ,I ~I " and installed so as, to cause minimum interference' W~~lh, \t~~!1 , : /, """'"1.' .' proper use of said streets or roads, and minimum interfererice :1 It 1.,:';1'", , : , ;J'I' i "'11'11. "f with the property rights of property owners adjoini~~r'~~~clliil streets or roads. Said facilities shall be construb~Jld)t~~:'it! . , . , : I:::, !'!l:'::fi '1'1. ' installed so that, after construction or 1nstallatl.c;>~.,li'1.~llj;C6~Plete, ii' 11"1'111..'1,:\.1:1'\11 I they shall cause no interference with proper use of'lsait:lI"I~t'~eets I !,I ! li';II.:"'i,'1 1'1,'1 I" !' '."11- I I or roads, and no interference with property rights ~~?)~~fr~i of property adjoining said streets or roads. In the ev~htil:~~bie' '1.\,'!:j;.-li'l,l: . shall fail to replace or repair any of the said Publ+q';,:!'~n!~ I~rivate ,I,d, I' ",,"1 'I ' I',,' ,1"'1' ,: I", facilities within ten (10) working days after writtennot1ce to .'I,;:! "I. III ]' ,'I.,I',j," .1" do so from the New Hanover County Manager, the same maYl:~e'l ! ,,;,',' 1'1: ,I I, replaced or repaired by the proper authorities of N~wH~nov~r. ,.:..,.1,,11,11:1 1-[' .r , .,! I I~ I ;,'. 'il "'i ' ,: rlh~:l ',I'" ! .!I:',!';i'iJ'I'i:'i!:ljl ;:/'II!I: ':1 . '.,:,:.'1, ;:'11 "~>, :1, 1. ....> ) '1'1"""" ..t .( .~). 1 ''",' '!I' \ ,1,1.1' ?"'I "I 1[": .' ',1,1'1 'j 'I' ,: ." . !;')i:.,(:,' :" , ,...' 1:11 ' I 1,1' j' 1"1'"11",, 'II.' 1 ' I I I,.. I . ;' " II I'" . 'I I, , : " I. present franchise or any extension thereof. 2 a. .~_ , I i, . t .:: ~; , ! i ,I ' !,;' II" 'I I County, North Carolina, and Cable in that event, shall:" forthwith pay to the County the cost of such work. I' .1 11,;",::-1; II" . , i " '~. II I I" " '.-f ,I, '~ . : . 'I " I , "i,1 " "'I 1','1 I ~ I ' . ," . 1""1 Cable shall be subject to all laws and ordinaribe~ relative to the use of all public facilities, relativel~~III;!; i cable television systems and operations, and where appr9~ri~~e, , " H ,'I I relati ve to planning ordinances, policies and procedures ~l :1, ~ I , I , I Section v. Ordinances ,Applicable. , , ;. 1 ~ I i , ' ':,11 , I 1" I Section VI. Location Maps. " 11,: '" I ,I; !' Cable agrees to maintain in the office ofr I~hei: " ,I New Hanover County Manager copies of all maps showin:g.,':'th~"il.1 ' ,,.,' Ilil" :1: ' location of all its wires, cables and other fixtures;~i~~a~ed' i " ';:!, ,:, ,I ~ ". ;1'1 wi thin the unincorporated areas of New Hanover County 0 ,\'Ii "~>, ,', '" :"1: I:" ': : ,': ." ,",,01/1-::'1 "II, , ~ I: ,""1 ':", 111'1 ' , , , j, I, I" . i' , ,~ I ~ '1 : , , '/:/1\,:'" 1! '1'1 ; ,'" "'II' "I 'I " ,;' " I I ' . I'" ~:I ' ' , ; : ,: I , '!" j . ~. I' A. Cable agrees to complete, extend, andlope~ate a ':' i <i'll", "I''"' ' 1! ~'~, . i ;! I' r, ~ 1 j cable communication system in the unincorporated areas:!of New !; j :I,'!I.,,' i: : it' 1'1 . . . ' I ~ . .' I l' ' I ' " ~ Hanover County as described J.n J.ts proposal dated Jtine,"~5,!: ' ""1.'1"";':'1,,11 ! 'I,' 'I i d ~::' i !! "i' I 1981 (the "proposal") which proposal is incorporated:,: he're'inl by It', :jl 1'/1' I . . . . HI; ''''"'.1, .I ~ I (I" ~ reference, except as specJ.fJ.cally mod1fJ.ed by subsectJ.ons,B(J.) through (iv) below. The legal, financial and techni~~'i2;'-::1Ift, :", II" ",'I ',' . i ,:." 11.1 'oil 1 .. . /,-' ":111" , qualJ.f1catJ.ons and the adequacy and feasibility of :1!'.1'i"" I', : ,} : I I ' I , ,':" I construction arrangements of Cable as prescribed inl:t ~~:~l:, ; . J', _''.!'I I'; I proposal dated June 15, 1981, have been examined andl approved " ' ,if"'11 ""I ,. " : i' i;. " .I ! I; I :1 ~ 1'1' I,..,: " , 1'1 'Itl"'1 II i'i"; .,' ,'4:1 'I"~ 'I j' I d i 1', III , , 111"!:'''1 \!' I ':~ I : ,I!,i,; !\, 't, ,I' I ~ ': J ,j,' ;., I (i) To build a system with electronic ,I '],i;' r , f ~ 'I':. equipment of at least 35 channel capacity, with amplifiers I "I I:: I spaced for 274 megahertz and with cable capable of de~ivering ; .;, :'I! i i:1 to customers 274 megahertz signals (30 separate video ~hannels). .I! . ,';1, ;'11 I " , In addition, one satellite earth station will be provided at II I ' ",;/ I, the headend, and converters will be provided to customers ' I i' Section VII. The System and its Operation. by New Hanover County. B. Cable agrees: contracting tiered service within 18 months from the effective ~ t : ! 3 !,,' ,I' "', I 1'1 ' : I .:I, : 1 !i ,,)" 'I " :" I '1-" 'II "', II, 'I 1'1 f<' \ i ,I," ill,/, ,':1 I. i" I ' '. . I,,' ; i, : :: ~ II date hereof. .~~-~ ,:: ; : I;J ',[: 1[ . "I ' ; , $10.001 . S'~IO~ 10~OO! I '1"/'I',lt' I I 5~OO ,'W:oil!: ,i ::, :15~POli;I"i'. " '1, t:I' II LJ ~I I I 1\ " :;, ,'I: '1 I ~Ii :j :11 :1' 'I ' ! ' "I ','I'" ! ' ,i"iii::: '.i" i All rates for multi-family residences and'commercial ,! :, 'I' "" ",'I, '.l . , , ..,., II, , "[I' establishments shall be negotiated between the Gran'teel andlth~ ! ':, i iH I I) prospective subscriber. :1 j::;!ltiI:,/J ';:',/:"1' For all other services, including pay ~. ~)~;: '~~b:lf,l:' 11 I, ' : 1"/", ',1'1: , 'I II' I . Grantee may_ set its rates without review by or the priorl~; "1'1'11 I I"" "1'1 I II' I: " Ii.'::', ;.' ';:, ,:,: " ;: t i :"",;.,1 .liII' I, 1'~!ll q ':!' t."I'; "'fl; ~ 'I ";1', ,I.., 'I ::,1':. ,;1. III,~: ,'. ';' ,11"1: :i' , ! 1,1::-,,' '" Ii , ':', : r-, I : i/ iiro'i This ordinance shall not be valid unless accepted ,by . I, ;/", ;:::'!I :] Cable within the time and in the manner provided in,' tJ:1e;*e~ 'I . . I: "itl.jl Iii Hanover County Cable Television Ordinance, said ac,c~l?tari~e,i,to:! ,';1 " ,.I, ,I,' be in writing and in such form and executed in such lman:n~r 'as.. , ",I' " ::";';:1""" Ii I f"ll" j~:, i , ,'I,,:' ' )',,1"111,',1" If , . I,':' i..1 "IJ' I:'., "f :' '" i ,', (:, 1,1,: 'II Section IX. Grantee's Representation and covenants"~illl";:';'il'I"I,.i ' - 1'1 I" " I,. "I', I' 1 The acceptance of this franchise ordinan~~lj"bil(~~ble '. I I"ld:"iti' 'II .1 shall constitute representations and covenants by '~Cl'~;\h~;!~} 'I: . ~' A. It accepts and agrees to all of the pto~isi6ns: : 1':'jll",qJ'lljtr!i III : of this Ordinance and those instruments incorporateJIIJ'h~t~':i:~li , lll' 1,111/ "I'ill"!' III " , 1,'111 :> Ijl l " . ':: 'll'r''',,;~i'II,II:'I'': I', .,: " j~I'VI7;\itll".fl:I;; lJ,I.l ' : 111'11"tlj'i':;:~if::I! if (j " I i 'I", "I , 1 t I ,~. 1 j U! I , 1""'r11q,,' I""" ; !'III"!I:"/ "il:':'!':l;'I:: .' ;11 , ,", i: "Iii " r 1.1 ,II, In . RATES AND CHARGES TO SUBSCRIBERS MONTHLY CHARGES FOR SINGLE F~lILY RESIDENCES Video Service - Per Month (payable in advance) Each additional video service - Per Month (payable in advance) "Each FM Service - Per Month (payable in advance) INSTALLATION CHARGES If no previous cable television service -- first hookup (no additional charge for underground wiring) Each additional hookup Reconnect Each additional service or change of service location Transfer prewire during construction (each outlet) approval of the County. Section VIII. Acceptance of Franchise. to be a valid and legally binding acceptance. by reference; -s .........:- " II; !. :~ i I : 1, 'i"'. " : I, I' " i, 1"'1 .' ! I" !, 1 ':,11' '1'".", , ,I " , .- I. , ' ':11:, " . J'" j I ~ I " ',-11 I. " II ; ':1 'i1 $ 9~' 0 d ,,' I,'I[ I :1 'I' 2 ~'20, I ~ I ,'I " :,;,: Ii, I I 1.751'1 . ' . , ; ,I I ',' I. I; )l', 1'1 I' .~ . : ,- ,'I. Ij' "l;'I' j ''Ii , " I ' B. It has examined all of the provisions'of this I' and the New Hanover County Cable Television Ordinance and i'il' waives any claims that any provisions hereof are unreasonable, .;1 II arbitrary or void; 'I' ; I C. It recognizes the right of the County to mafe; ,I I : 1 I I " reasonable amendments to the franchise ordinance or franchise 'i ' , I:' ':1 agreement during the term of the franchise, provided, that no: I 'I ~ I . i, I such change shall compromise Cable's ability to perform !Ii i' I ""II I' satisfactorily its obligations or rights under this'brdinanbe~ , , ,I , , , I' " i 1 : " It further recognizes and agrees that the County shall in'l no 'I I , , LI,,!,' ,'Ii' i way be bound to renew the franchise at the end of the, ,franchise :1'1:, I! ,,/ I ' , " '.'1" "ii, i, 1 " "~I 1],' ';:,:111 'I I . ~ I: " ':; ': I ',I I D. It acknowledges that its rights hereU~d~~,!1r~I' " subject to the pOlice power of the County to adoptr ,~nd ,enirofce ",'I", "11' II, general ordinances necessary to the safety and welfaredf the , ; " I: I, ,",; I', 1 I" ", , public; and it agrees to comply with all applicable general', ' , , ,"hll II,' , .1 I laws enacted by the County pursuant to such power; ;: :',' I : E. In addition to the standards of const~~'ti'~.~;f . maintenance and operation set forth in the New Hanov~f C~'~rtty! - ,I' ", Cable Television Ordinance and in its proposal , it ~Iili'!cieei~ , I . ,: ~, : , , , the standards of the cable television industry related to,,' I , "I" :1 "'. 1: signal quality and technical standards of constructionvilli'l, ,i " , operation and maintenance of the system and the state of !;~e art of the industry. This performance shall be subject, to: ,,'" '1"1 dl ' '1.1 periodic review by the County.' I': ,:,::;:ritlr:i' ", i ',I',' 'II' i,' ., jl 11"1 I ,j ":':"1 fill' 1'1 ' : ,,1.1": 't: ' , Section X. Insurance, P en al ties and Enforcement. ~ "",:'~ 1" , ,i, I I ,1,11" "I 1 !i i ~ Ij : I ~ . I~, ! l :1 Remedies for Breach and Contravention of' Franchise: :;, ,I" '1"1', " :, J'I!': tJ ~1'!1" 1'1(: I A breach of Cable of the franchise agreement, in addition,' tp . :. It;' ., !.:fi';: [I consti tuting a breach of contract, shall const1. tute ,~ :,,~:i:! ll..i, j 1,1 J~':, I,' ,'. ~: 1 1.. ' violation of this ordinance. The cost of any Ii tigati..6rt~li!, I ! incurred by the County to enforce this ordinance ori,I~~~:, t'ti):' I',,!~' , I ',J II ~ . I II .' , ,llil ; " ",:" J ' franchise granted pursuant hereto, or ~he franchise, '~g~'f!~,me1;1t ~. 1.1, ", 'I II or in relation thereto, or in relation to the cancellat16n or I,'" ;Ji 1: l i ',I ;' rJ termination of a franchise, shall be reimbursed to the ,Cqunty by Cable, Such costs shall include filing fees, co~~~~-:i~:~,;,.I!i i ;'1'" r,: II,: r, ,I", 'ill I ,', .,1>1: "::":I,!I',,I", Ill' t"""'1 j'I' .." 6 , ''",(il, ,i} 1;,11.' " 111,11''1'''1 ;':H ,IIn1 ' I.' "I',J' .:I! I ': I,~ 'l'I'l,;I'i~il ~I 'Ii" ill.,,: .......t.o4'"I 'll' t ,'I r I' j 1\ term; I: ': I depositions, discovery, and expert witnesses, all other,expenses 'I .', ;]',' ' \ -I I. l ~:' 'I I i hi! ";!"'l ~ '. I Violation of material provisions tif this ~td~rianc~ ',( ~~, III j I i I. ~,,:'" I ~I !: 11 I lrJj'jll. I. _ _ ,~t . _ ~j l' ' " ; I 'I' ',: 1'" ., ' 'i' ~h :11 I H A. Failure of Cable to meet performance sta.nc;1a:i:ds~, i: . ";1 I I 111;:1\ as determined by the County Manager, to which it has,! a,g17eed, ,may I ' " ' ! ,i I "'1:; J : , result in a rebate of rates or charges to subscribets'affected, I '1'.1 ~ .: . II -,\] ',I _ provided that the County Manager shall provide ten (l~), 'da~s ' , III ,I :,,:1 : 11,1''''11' i Any rebate ; may :~e I I I I ~ J' 1-1 I ):'1 I!, !~ ," "",1111 ' , , '.'" 11'1'1 ,I '"II ,I " ", :': , :', . 'H' r ~ B. For failure to provide data and repo~ts~. ' ~ requested by the County l.fanager or the Board of co~i~:sQ~:ners:l :1,.1, 1,i ,; , I' and as required by this ordinance, the penalty' shallji,bE{":j;:ifty 'Iii ,: ""1 dollars ($50.00) per day for each day not delivered.OI!. ",~hi'~' , penalty may be chargeable to the performance bond.1 ':;::{J:A! ~:1!:' :' i'l;' ;11: f'~IL I :'j C. For failure to complete construction'M~xfe~~~oh, :1:P:;:I'~~lliUI.I:'! and installation of the cable system, unless the B6,a, r,d,'I,1b" ~',' i ,11'11, ~I , "Ill""" 1.IIIll: ,I , I;: Ull,i'c'~:l ;1 d,l ':11 'hl~ Conunissioners approves the delay because of reasons I!USY:G>n '. t e control of Cable. : I :,il;i::II:iJl~li!'I~il'i; \'::[!, il! D. Cable may appeal any penalty which Ml nt~J~!UL i 1 1\;: ~I~I, 11:;"11,1 i ! ~~I:l unreasonable to the Board of Commissioners, and sue 1111 1,':,,:,'li,'" ,: ' !" I !'IIi ~ild ',! determination by the Board of Commissioners shall,b :c[usi.'e, I, UH' illl! J: :::::::d~o:::e::r ~u::::e C::l:r::::~d h:;e l::~l recon a,!i'.I'.,: III~"I ~' 1',1,1," ' , 1';~ 1 I r ii' I! '~;:,I!I!:i ~l, , "'''II .' I ",i: ,I " This franchise is granted in contemplati ' )1 ~h~ '; . il:ih:ll!jl~:~illlllll)II;,il !il ant~cipated merger of a subsidiary of the Newhouse', ,I. ,;~ ~ I' 1~CI~ ,II 1~ljj 111 1III I, and Vision Cable Conununica tions, Inc., of which cab~~I'i '1;~#{la: ~, '! ; wholly owned subsidiary, under an agreement by WhiCh;i,;~~~:~onl i f Cable Communications, Inc. will be the surviving corporation jl ~ II! II' " :, 'II" 'q", ! I and then under the 'control of The New House Group, In~ll"d :ISuch; ," '", "'III I ',: I, I': (',. I , merger is specifically approved. ,:;{"!""~~:Ir;,, '. i ) ,\,,'( ~'ll,i ,J', 1;1 !" ~ il,; jll, U , ~,-I', II' ',.ii:'!,'l1 "h I!',"l'" )'1', I, - I .11:\ 'r"J.i.tf!,jd . With its acceptance hereqf, Cable shall post\:orfile, !1?:j:',I~~J'; '!' r:'l 1 as the case may be, a Letter of Credit or a Performance\l~on~ ~n I I \11'1'11, I, ,il! ri ]'1';!,. ;' ii, 1':1 '~II'I, : II,' II .f ' 1.1"1' , \'1" !', I' 'I,' 'ji,'I'j:: f.lli :1 , I,,, ':,~" II' I',i I I' , "I:' (' . ~i' 'I : ~,' I, ':':1, :~ I"~, "" 'I' I J. . .:.t,r t- '.: :d f..:'t:': '11 I' ,:1,' :lh';.' , of suit, and reasonable attorneys' fees. shall subject Cable to the following penalties: written notice of the failure to Cable. charged to the performance bond. Section XI. Newhouse'Merger. Section XII. Performance Bond. 7 ~..," ~;...... Section XIII. Effective Date. It :. II'il'!,;" , . '" \ .oj i: ':1,4,1.1' ~ t I ',. . 'I ' 'f.' r If: I ' ($10,000. OO)::o.'II~:;I:11 I ; ,~! ,,': ( ,. I' . 'I "lll r ~. '. I' ,~ :/';... I t t! ~ j' if I ~ ,( i'1 ,f III ' I . '.~" . the amount of Ten Thousand and No/lOOths I." . , This ordinance shall be in full force and :,effect from I,::. I, ;' I " l' ....r I and after its final adoption by the Board of Commissioners 'of' New Hanover County, North Carolina. I " , ~~. ! J:2-40t:!.4.- ,6, ,~LJLY/~Lt.1 Clerk to the 'Board FIRST adopted by a first reading and passage'at a , 'I i I . ;:"1:,). regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of New! ,Hanover \ ',' ,,'I .,' '19Bl~Iand FINALLY adopted by a second reading and p~ss'~~~ at1; i: 1,:\", ': of New Hanover ., ", I i I, 'I' !', Ii f' ',' " , 1981..11 Ii ' ,', . ,.;I;"! f jl:, ' I, il"j'I':" " ,I' J, . ,'. d. 1 COUNTY 'COMrn:'SSIONERS OF R COuN~~;; ',)\(O~TH C:fROL~IN,A i , '; I ~,I;, ~ , I C \"~~ "rft,~' % IJ '111!I~i;,"A"11I,:t ill" I. , .',l'I!.,I' !II<' '/1 ,I, I". 11fP'ih ~, I. .' ) 1'1 :',',\:, I: 1;1, ~rl;', ; I ! 1.:1:,' 'I"':, '[",11'1 ' . P, I,,"! i:! r: I)l ; ',"; :,"1,.,;1.11;1' '., i of: '::, ' I I' , ' Ii II i:I,,! 'fll ;,I!;, 1,1' This Franchise is hereby accepted this ~ay of I': :,; '~ fil,: JI' i ;,~ 11'.'1: :;'j',1 :', ,J'I'~'I~I:, ','II' i,lll, ' i.'" ,,'lil;;'.I:,!II"'.' rJ ' " I II. I' I '1 ;'; fl')liiilfJ!lil'lilil' CABLE TELEVISION 'COMPANY r I '",: ':.'(1:111,1 '. . .J ",' J , ,I" I,,"', 'I , i,' . j"'/I).....Y '~ III l' 1':j/'I1"IIII'I;i'("'~~ 1 ~1,IIJ/I~;lli:!!i'l:~ 'j' 11,'11 :'Ij. . j, I' 11i"j'I':1Ij"IIL:! '; , t", 'j :1" 'I Ir!' t': I" t II" 'I, .' I 'I : "~I (:! ijl:\i.j)1 ,: "\ ; , f,11' , )"It :' ,I, I I " III ,I, I { ~. l J1! ~)I:::.I'.il: Ij1i:11 " It , JI(i:il','hll', ','1,1": ','I !\ 1~ ~! ,H , : ~1"'li""':" :;1, I ",1; l . 'I' {'" t,; , r ' j. .~ . t I ~ :,:rr~Htl~l, ';.'f 'I .",' it. . 1'~I~'I:;"d\'l'I~I, .J : j 't I ~: Ii: 'It Ii ' \ :~,.,' ,;..J 1:1 ,j/'I, J i'llHI",,"/y'J' . (1~',:'iAII."ijl!~:f 1'1,\ ,I' 'j' I, "'~' "~! Ii '; " :', " t' i {.I ',j .~ \'J '1 )''':'1' ;1' :, ',~'t\(~;< t ~ Iii :., .'. 1 'I' ~""Jl;j:.J\"':!. ,II 't' . I,,' .,' '..~ :/' ., , 'i,:" ..qj~.,"l \r , .:r;/~~/,\; I';;; , ' i ; '''':f II'fj.:. .. i !,~/:;. ,1/' ',!,~ J _, "'j" l I,.. i l~ifJ~ .,.' , -, I j'P,j..'{.', I;:, I II i'PI",~,/:u.Y'!'., 'I ' ,'It,' ,~'111:.;" rlql" , 'Ii 'J", jAh,;!:n'j.\.,l': 11'11:<1' " t tV-i.oIt< ~ . , .'~' I "t ,I J! il;;;: I, l~'~" J ,. . h._, , " h, . .. , 11,[ "~I' ' . ~: l: ~!. I; . .;1::;'1['1111' d r -.lj 11 "1\ ii' I, Iii " ,I, 1', I 'Ii'.' 'I . ' .~jv,tl:"Iv, ;~' 17th day of August County on the a, regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners I /-<k",,~~U!_-<- . (,./ /?~. day of County on the BY: 1981. A'l'TEST: :, " 8 .~ ,"'" " \"',1 . It<, ~~ " ! : ':j. ' I' , ':,,' : .1 ,"" nl :,;: ~.'", 'l~/ I.), I I:" r I,,'.; '(" 'It:, .I.i:~~.j,l" . '1"',1' I,,;.': 1'"11. , "~, ,/' "1ij '.. , ',1,'1'''',,1, "';'1"1 . .11)1 ,It ;~' , Ii "",": I, ' a Notary Public in and.,for the , '~, ' "~I (!. 11',,1: : 'i" ..., ( certify that Alyce I;IB' . V I I,. i) ,II!!!!, :1 Rusmisell personally appeared before, and who bein9f~iik~orn. says that she knows the conunon seal of New Hanover County: and: -I" "II i ,! is acquainted with Claud O'Shields, Jr., who is chairin~'~I!Of the ';1 ' 1: 1 IlL I:' , I ,t, I' I Board of County Conunissioners, and that she, the said ,'Alyce B. I' 'i?,fjiU I'!I~I' Ii' :, Rusmisell,' is Clerk of New Hanover County, and saw the 'said , It I "I' II' '~1 , "1 ',/'1,' I, I , Claud 0' Shields, Jr., Chairman of the Board of County',:Commissioners, :./.11,: !, il,,' II ' '"" II'!,' I sign the ~oregoing instrument and saw the said commo, 1,1, 1"i,S,~, ,~l:',ilofl,',' I!," I '!i"lll'; I 1 said County of New Hanover affixed to said instrumen,t,,', ,,:b:'fil,:I/saidl . '11'1"11" 1': 11,\ I ' I ',r ),1 'P,d ,. .'; Chairman, and that she the said Alyce B. Rusmisell,Clerk' 'as' aforesaid, signed he. r name in attestation of the dU;~:!';\~~~~JU~iiO~ ,.J:I ":11" II, ,: of said instrument in the presence of said Chairman " e I Board \: 'Iii l:lir~'1 ~r ~ :! :,'I:t~'I~,' , i,! (:1 11J!\f I 1,,',:1 ,1, ,(l~~ of lil: ..~ ~, , }i;,,'1 1,'I;,l.,I., III [.11,' I!~ 1'/'11 1\ ~;I ,I: I,U '~, 11111 t Hli J'ill "Iii 1;1 [:',1,)111 I '" '1i!:1 I 1, n;,i !:ii\l: ii:~ I lhli,p!., ~':!ll.' I!' , , I \,I-:,'Ii~ !:;t, ~,:tl: i 'I I 'i ,,' If,; ,I'll' , , ,-II',' r f'r 'I. ) a Notary Public O~\.'! sai:d County \v\ \~ ~i u Lk~p.e~tUr~~~ty! came . ~'\I::CI,.:/U,II'!i' II' I before me, this day and acknowledged that he 1.S 'if 1 ' "'" I ~!. .. ' Secret~ry of CABLE TELEVISION COl\lPANY, a corporatio~t,I;::i~~,.~II: that ~", "', II, I , ' III ",Ihl!' I' , by authority duly given and as the act of the corporatJ,on', the foregoing instrument was signed in its name, by its' ~1~~~l~,Hi(J A.. ;...J ' ii" ." "i I; ., ~: II :~ Ii. ,~~, , 1 ~t, sealed with its corporate seal, and attestediby fi' ,"'~: [1'1' t,"'j:"'I\"lli 'It~' 1,'1', 'll:'", , :1 " ,:: ::"".,11." II' '111 , 'j, 'i'Ti :~! ,I: ~", j!if:I;'.'I)!'Il'I 1 ~ .:1 ,'I .. 'II " "t. I" " .. ',':. :.,rl~!" , ~,~l,' . lli~ I,!; .' " , ; .It Ie il ~. t . 'll 1 : j..,,"I'II,.I, ,I, ., :' . ,I ~ :1 ' t,:' .., I ',II ": ~ ,1 '" .. I " ,. '" 1 ;]'f 1 i;' ~,Iq ;;JI ' ;': ': ,',.,,:!:I!,:I . I .1 :';.,'JI: I, NORTH CAROLINA NEt'l HANOVER COUNTY I. f<ath<j Rni-c.ArJe-'v. state and county aforesaid, do hereby of COUIity conunissioners. , ,1981. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal this the -"...... ~::'.. My Commission Expires: B/I&>/ B~ STATE OF ~ ~W ~ ~ ~ ,"'- COUNTY OF \) p .....J "l \0 ~ ~ I , ~ ~ ~ \\ ,\ .\ 'E I..\. ~ \:, and State certify that G\ (l\ \,~ \>.. '" as its Secretary. 'himse If I 1 i.~ , 'I "~~ ' 9 ~~ '\ I. j. ." If, :1.l,1 1 1 J~I" ",;, ' I!I .. i ii' ~ll,-I I j, , , . ':~ II ,I' I 'I'," I)', ,1,,1.' i 1 ~ \(I'! II f, ~1'1 \ ,I I, .L~_~:II'" ~ ~ .;. !'~" day -1/11"[ I' :11 ~ III, .;1,' '1\:d~li'I' ;.y; :1 . ' : ~;f :j 'I jl. 1 t', ' ' I , ~' ' II' 'I i'lI'1' ;. ~~, Iii;' ,',' . ,j :i,~' , , .. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal, this the of ,,-\ u.. (,. ~~ \" , 1981. 10 bl J.:C 1 I 1,,,-- " . ,;,' "1 ,I , MARA'. :~ "Q:;,:":ii I Notary Public. StatejpfNe,w"y.ork No. 31.471~772), '; I Qualified in New Yo(k,lQoul1ty I Commission Explre:s March 30'11902 . Ii!'., :'fd,,;.j i ;":. '. h II' Ill, 'I,'t;, i:ql ',I J'll.". "'!I' 1111,' . 'I, . '.1 'ji ,.,'11: "r ',fJ ".,., : ~~ I . ':!. ; " I , L"l ,I.., 'J q '~l : :,ri':'I.:I~.!' !i'l . ,wi! "r)' IT ,<.,1.';'1' r . ~:i I,' . :,;, ill~ ' 'Ill': I: \!h, , ,\iI.,., 'I:" i I'/::~);:'l ~'~'II' 'I';. . '".lI' 1 "qJ'~,'~,.i;,j i~,HI'1 'Ii, ! r,~L ,1'111 i I'II:'/~:fl ;,' ~il I" , I [,l 'I, 'r,: I 'I ,,;,;.1\ :,H!i~'1 " ,;, I r I 1"':, '.." I, lfl,. ,"~'I, ,.,' t r';<,i !PIII:I" r" I;. ;,\ ~ ,I . Ii. I" '1'1 ,j, , ii, 'I ~,I.t, ' 1:1 :\h'.,'lj " ';"",d I . i,l', ,!'OJ .1'1 II I .~: ' < ~ l ~ , '~ '1,1, ' I: ",',' " "j'J'!.,!I!'i' !I II " ')1,,'1-" I ',i>i'I,I,I,( II j." )",'1 '!1~ La, !, "1"'" "Jh, ,I " "JI:, ' ,; !l'j "'1' I;' d' II ~ ., I, ", ~ 1 i 'I' 1 , ' .. I' "I .I:!,!,II " '\ ' ") 'I' , Ii' ',' j :;: I , r i :i,; ~; Il'~ 1'1., . I .. ',I:': ""\'1': 1111: i 1 :1'1'1\11" 'l,il,I;,:I' ,Iii' I 1\' I' ii", II' ,I I;':, " I,! 1 ,; ';:'.Ij' '1' I ;,'.1 ;,1, , I 'I.! .' ~I,', ' 'T ", , , "" ,1.1' " i!ll'.jll\:t :Illi'l: l'il,I ',I' i, ,I:, ,ir~ll '11f. ,i J!~ ,,:;;/Hil' :!: 'JI 1111; I,' 1llll"I',jll " " " ,-I!,' ,Iii;' ~ III" :i 1,:11'; lj':ili!! 1::1: I ' II' il' 1;, ~I,iilll! : II J ~ ", 1-,,; Il 'I' , 'I i" "1', I', ;:1 :1'1)1,;;: .:; ~i';,~(II;! r, i','i!ii,f ";I:;:li i I'! .' I, ' ':.1", . i.ill, ,I i ':1, .:H:jl,li'Iil!,I'1 Ii:' " 11"11 "I..' ' };':r1t ,;~jll:i Ii' j 1;,'1"1','\:' i:;!,!.;",:; 'I ',I' .,: :[1'::; II ' ,: , 1'1.:',"'1 '.,' , "1,'1, 'll'i , 1'1:'1 ., I ~ .' ~I . , I :1:;1 J,'f' : :'1', ill I , .II'! '.11" ',I:" " l.~l I,! : I' jdi rl' ,li~;'1l' 'i;~i'::'I" !I,: li~jt/iilril;i!I!: ..tl . ) !, J- 1 j! (i i '~111 r . ':' 1111 ','~ 'I" I' it' , I j'll:-:I'I:'II' i" . 'i '. I ~' I' , 'I' Pll:'" : I ~\'I'jll:1 ii '; '. I . It . ' ~ ~tl ' II My Commission Expires: ., \)t)\ '1"- ~""'''''r ROUNT~EE & SEAGLE ATTORNEYS P(T LAW AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY . . . Robert W. Pope, Esquire County Attorney County Administration Bldg. Wilmington, NC 28401 11 SOUTH 5TH STREET _ p, 0, BOX 1409 PHONE (919) 763-3404 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402 DATE 1 September 19~ VISION RE' of the final approved e~ duly endorOCd~ ly yours, ;J.tuR' hd-J eJ(-Let.J/i/' /tjLt.. hUI- (f') fJleA!< C~ue. ~.ft~w.dt ~ /N.a d fJ. Of) ,flA. ~ - and three copies nce and GRIII/sfh Enclosures #4c~ .. ~ CO<(""~fi' .J pJrl-