1981-12-21 RM Exhibits , .- . '.! ~ ~v~ 1S/c-,7J];C.?" ~o~ ~s- (ARTICLE V.- S~PARATION, DISCIPLINARY ACTION, AND REINSTATEMENT) Sec. 8. Failure in Performance of Duties An employee whose work is unsatisfactory over a period of time will be notified by the supervisor in what way the employee's work is deficient, and what must be done if the work is to be satisfactory. 'It An employee who is suspended, demoted or dismissed for unsatisfactory performance will normally receive at least three written warnings before dis- ciplinary action.ia taken by the appointing authority. The three warnings may result from any kind or claas of conduct, related or unrelated, constituting failure of performance of duties at any time during employment" and are not limited to those listed in subparagraphs (a) through (a) ** in this section.* The fi~st two written warnings must be issued by the employee's supervisor and shall set forth the points for which the employee has received the warning, and the corrected performance that must take place. The third written warning must be issued by the department head serving the notice upon the employee that correct performance must take place immediately in order to' avoid suspension, demotion or dismissal. The employee shall be required to acknowledge by his signature the receipt of all such warnings.* The supervisor and the department head must record the dates of their discussions with the employee, the performance deficiencies discussed and the corrective action recommended, and must forward copies of the letters of warning to the Personnel Office to be filed in the employee's personnel folder. The employee must be allowed at leaat five (5) work days to respond to the charges in the third warning before any determination is made by the appointing authority concerning demotion or dismissal. DJ,lrtng this period, upon the approval of,the department head, the employee can: be suspended pending' final determination. l/ /. . . .",.:) .' (ARTICLE V. - SEPARATION, DISCIPLINARY ACTION, AND REINSTATEMENT) Sec. l4. Employee Appeal -~ A permanent employee wishing to appeal a letter of warning, a supen- sion, demotion or dismissal may, within five (5) working days after the disci- plinary action and after notifying his Department Head in writing of his intentions, , appeal the ac~ion in writing to the Personnel Officer. The appeal must contain, the response of the employee to the charges, a response to the disciplinary actions .taken, and the remedy ,desired by the employee and any other pertinent information. ( The Personnel Officer shall make a recommendation to the County Manager within ten (10) working days after receipt of the appeal. The recommendation will in- clude the specifics to the charges, and what additional actions he feels should be taken. The County Manager, at his discretion, mayor may not hear the employee. If no hearing is scheduled, the County Manager will render a decision within ten I (10) working days following receipt of the recommendation from the Personnel Officer. The response will include the basis for the decision and the evidence relied upon. In the event a hearing is held, the appealing party and his Department Head will both be present and have the right to be represented by counsel. Either party may request the presence of any person who will provide information that will assist the County Manager in rendering a decision. The names of all such persons, and how they are related to the case shall be submitted to the County Manager no later than five (5) working days prior to the hearing date. The County Manager will reserve the right to limit the number of persons to appear. The County Manager will render a decision within ten (10) working days after the hearing, including the basis for the decision and the evidence relied upon. The decision of the County Manager will be final. The decision of the County Manage.r wiil be sent to the home of the appeal- ing party by registered mail. All hearings provided for herein shall be held during working hours.,. .. . " 1 (ARTICLE VII- LEAVE OF ABSENCE) Sec. 17. Leave Without Pay - Policy .~ A permanent full-time, permanent part-time, or probationary employee, upon the recommendation of his Department Head may be granted a leave of absence without pay for up to one. .year by the County Manager p except that temporary employees will be granted Leave Without Pay, if necessary, while on Worker's Compensation leave. The leave will be used for reasons of personal or family disability, continuation of education, or performance of special work that will permit the County to benefit by the experience gained or work performed, or such other reasons for which Leave Without Pay is deemed to be in the best interests of the County by the County Manage~. The employee will apply in writing to the supervisor for leave. The employee is obligated to return to duty within or at the end of the time approved by the County Manager. If the employee decides not to return to work, he should notify the supervisor immediately. Upon returning to duty after being on Leave Without Pay, the employee shall be entitled to return to the same position held at the time leave was granted. Failure to report at the expiration ,of a leave of absence, unless an extension has been granted, will be considered a resignation. o . . 1 ,(ARTICLE VII:- LEAVE OF ABSENC:E) -. Sec. 22. Maternity Leave - County's Responsibility On recommendation of the Department Head and with the approval of the County Manager, a permanent full-time, permanent part-time~ or probationary .~ employee will be granted maternity leave without pay, for a reasonable period of time, when the employee desires to be away from work due to pregnancy, mis- carriage, abortiori, childbirth. or recovery. Based on the type and nature of work performed, the supervisor will be responsible for determining, in consultation with the employee and upon advice she has received from her physician, how far into the pregnancy the employee should work. Reinstatement to the same position or one of like classification, senior- ity, and pay must be made upon the employee's return to work. Sec. 23. Maternity Leave - Employee's Responsibility The employee will apply in writing to her supervisor for leave~ designat- ing her choice of the maternity leave options. The Department Head will revie~ , the request, and make a recommendation to the County Manager for his approval. The employee is obligated to retun to duty within or at the end of the time approved. If the emp~oyee finds that she will not return to work, she should o notify her supervisor immediately. If the employee determines that additional leave time will be necessary, she should make a written request to her supervisor for\an extension of the leave prior to the end of that leave period. Failure to report to work at the expiration of a leave of absence", unless an extension has been granted, will be considered a resignation. LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator ~ 4L\~. p~~ S-J-. /? f0.w.f(I7..~vtt--. .',', ' ,";,,1"0'., .' iI"/)' ""'. 'c-.+-4J.A.':! ,. . u., Gb'c~'~ .. NEW HANOVER C~UNTY. ;c;j;v OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR I 2- ~ ILf- ~I ~ 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 Telephone (919) 763.099 I NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTrONS Collections Thru Nove~ber 30, 1981 1981 I I i ' 1980 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Due New Hanover County Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $16,411,131.85 2,394,059.11 $18,805,190.96 18,791. 76 $18,786,399.20 - 5,156,172;;56 $13,630,226.64 27.45% $14,147,201.61' 1,796,886.00 $15,944,087.61 30,925.16 $15,913,162.45 - 5,588,920.45 $10,324,242.00 35.12% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected I $ 475,767.69 $ 431,682.45 2,403.81 2,175.20 114,042.70 92,665.84 $ :)59,321.18 $ 336,841.41 24.09% 21.58% $ 637,438.18 $ 541,623.28 618.28 713.59 50,870.61 43,215.39 $ 585,949.29 $ 497,694.30 7.99% 7.99% Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections To Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Total money processed through Collections Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date $7,385,298.34. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981. Respectfully submitted, ~, 11 n . ---1. o.ln CZo... r. V ~ . f\ N Patricia J. aynor~ Collector of Revenue PJR/pg MEMBER INTERNA nONAl ASSOCIA liON OF ASSESSING OFFICERS Y1.1AA'~'Aj-.,IM-~~.-R~..SS-: (!.~",.:" .. 7-"-;.'-~-' .'. . .....Ii 0<. ..... -L ~," -, :' . . .'; ,:' ".' ',. .: .:" (!'~~/" ", ~.. . ..; ", " '., , '", lajov . / 2- '- I tf.- fS/ ~ ' . MEMORANDUM To: From: December 14, 1981 Mr. G. Felix Cooper County Manager ,afJ ,Larry J. powell-J7Y Tax Administrator Subject: Abatements and Refunds ,I I Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: l. 2,. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. .22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Johnny Bordeaux Duane Cook William Cothren C. E. Crowell James Crowell Routh Di:~{On Milton Faulk W. C. Grimstead H. &H. Enterprises, Inc. William Heinberg M. L. Hicks Patricia Hobbs Roy Hood Alan Jones Chester Kropp M. & M. Transmissions, Inc. Susan McChesney Kathryn Murdock John Newber Peanut Shack Anne Seawell Joseph Smith Sally Sullivan E. W. Todd Stephen Wardenfelt James Williamson $ 48.06 66.97 108.96 3.61 187.55 16.14 (Refund) 66.66 4.28 211.43 43.87 30.86 26.49 121.46 (Refund) 109.64 21. 02 27.28 49.43 45.25 16.05 487.87 106.33 5.38 18.92 135.75 9.25 67.43 Request the following taxes be released as the personal property is not located within the city or town limits: 1. Camille Bishop $ 33.96 2. Samuel Drain 44.84 (1976) 3. Rhonda Freeman 33.25 4. Judy Hicks 24.80 5. Doris Johnson 68.16 6. Steven Mitchell 48.39 7. Luther Peele 107.61 8. Clayton Price 53.91 9. Gary Sloan 56.76 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ,Mr,.'G. 'Felix' Cooper Page 2 : December 14,1981 ,". . ~\ ~'. ~ . '..r". , . :. ',~ "'." , . , ~ (Refund) (1979) (Refund) (1980) (1979) .1 I ! (1980) Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of incorrect encoding, not allowing qualifying Senior Citizens/Disability Exclusions, incorrect penalty, incorrect building components, mispriced land, mispriced vehicles, addition errors, etc.: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24'. 25. Osca'r Capps Travis Cooke Callie Garris Morris Gesser Arnold Henegar Barbara Johnson Donna Keen Delma'r Kelly William Kelly Mary Meeks N. C. National Bank James Palmeter Vend A Stamp Wilmington Automotive Inc. R. H. BO:rkenhagn Sam Brown Whiting Campbell Carolina Glove Co. Rona.1d Causey Paul Cauthen Charisma, Inc. Polly Compos Raymond Creech Martino Dasan Mary Daum TeadorGlod Grover Gore Glen Greer Catherine McArthur Emmer Newkirk Addie Palmeter Wilbert Sanders Julius Segerman Anthony Sidbury Singer Co. Lou Smith M. Page Taylor Sr., Heirs Robert Williams Frank Wilson $ ,20.01 59.20 125.80 62.26 30.80 10.44 133.72 42.35 132.93 50.28, . 1,697.78 23.11 18.10 27'.91 $ 926.91 5.16 149.33 7d.14 4.95 23.68 1,741.76 135.75 1.49 7.10 58.00 64.50 177.07 23.09 43.35 118.74 155.4l 81. 43 16.37 34.39 439.74 167.60 9.46 25.80 1. 08 (Refund) (R.efund) (Refund) (Refund) N. C. District Council of the Assembles of God, Inc. requests 1981 taxes in the amount of $100.85 be refunded as this property qualifies for exemption as outlined in G.S.105-282.1(C). , .. , Mr .G.~F:elixCoQper ,;>ag:e. 3 December 14; 1981 /''',.. " ;f; .-t, ,., '< .,' Request these items be placed on the consent agenda for the Count~ Co~missioners' meeting on December 21, 1981; I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approv~d these types of releases in the past. LJP/pbc " Copy: vMrs. Alyce B. Rusmisell Mr. Robert Pope , I I strat December 10,1981 2:30 P.M.; local time Co. Mgr. Off., County Admin Building, Wilmington, N C Date: Time: Place AND TREATMENT SYSTEM NORTH CAROLINA WATER SUPPLY WELL FLEMINGTON AREA NEW HANOVER COUNTY or. i i t ~ ,~ ~ c;.. ~ BID TABULATION . BIDDER LICENSE NO. BID BOND GENERAL CONTRACT WELL CONTRACT REMARKS Skipper~s Well Drilling 231 5% ~n Rid $14 qq" 'in t.Jil mi no ton N. C Poquoson Construction Co. 5% $ 92 285.50 110 Bi d Apparent Low Bidder Huntersville. N. C. ^ 1 "on ,rnc.t .. East Coast Construction Co. . , Jacksonville NC 7102 5% $101 286 00 $20,900.00 Jere LeG~in Construction Co. $103.700.80 14ilminqton, N. C. 6553 5% $16.000.00 Pleasant~ Inc. . . $11 655.00 *Bills vJe11 Drilling fa.vettevi,lle. N. C. 6010 5% $120 679.95 Fay'ville NC A.ooarent Low Bidder Well Contract ... ....... . , I true and s proj ect CERTIFICATION: I certify this to be a correct tabulation of bids taken on thi to the best of my knowe1dge and belief &#~ NC OESEN AND ASSOCIATES, Engineers & Planners North Caro I i na HENRY VON Consulting \'1 m i ngton .' ~'""'....",- ""~",,,,,,",,,<""''''''''''''''''.'''''''''-''.'~'' -~_.~"., ...... -^._"..~".~..... .... TA B U L A T I 0 N 0 F - FOR , \VATER SUppLy € TQEATHE I -FLEH II'JGJTON AREA I'J t:. \V l-lANOYE.R co., .l--J. CAR JE~E LEG,\VI N ',~ p[ ITEM IT E M ESTIMATED I CO~ST l NO QUANTITY UNIT AMOUNT, UN'lT PRICE PRICE lA" ~" 0.1. MAIN 1,735 L,-F Q80 12,~ '.1 e" C;" PVC HAl tJ 1,735 Lf 5:.45 """,507. t30 8.~ Q.50700 2. G:," VALvE5 4- EA, ~.QO~ I" G,OO,OO C;OO.~ 3. \VELL SITE:: COMP LUH~ 5Utvl 24 000.00 I 4, Tr:(E.AT pLA NT t3 L o~ LUMP SUH ZG, 108.00 I 5. CAUST -FEED. COMQ LUHp SUH 2pOO.OO G. cl...\Lo~, 5YSTEH LUHP su~ . 400000 . h . 7. \VATER LE VE. L CONT LUHp SUH 3,000. 00 B.A 1,500 ~. P~ESS TAN 1"\ 7000.00 I. , 8B 5000 Gj. Pt:?ESS. TAN '" 1'2;oao~oo '" '. . a.c... J500 G... QQE5S.]AN K 14- 00000 ._....w......,