1980-02-04 RM Exhibits ::. ~ /J._k...JZI:C} P~i7 Fe.bfl.UMY 4, 1980 N0W HanoveA County Comm~~ione.nh RE: Pf1.opol.>e.d Land6ill Sau ..t.n N0W Hanove.fl. Cow1ty A committe.e. On I.>ix ?leu.. be.e.n I.>de.de.d -6l1.om the pl1.opo~ed .f..and6ill ~-Ltu il1 an e.660f1.t to l1.epl1.ue.lU: the. l1.uide.VI:tA On the. af1e.eu... They Me. eu.. noUow~: ste.ve. Jan6Y - Sae. #6, SUI.>an B.f..aloc/z - Sae. #5, JU.6ie. SU.6iOM - S-Lte. #4, Eme.Mon Whitte.d - Sae. #3, CI1.Mg Bf1.aa/z - Sae. #2, El1.nut Pu.J.:.I<.eu.. - Sae. # 1, and Ron Shac/zu60f1.d eu.. a committe.e. me.rnbe.fl. at lCULg e. . ,,).; It ~ wah aLe. due. l1.upe.d to the. CowU:Y Comm~.6ione.tu that we. e.ome. he.fl.e tovu..ght in an attempt to 6ace the. pl1.oblem 06 what to do wah the. ~ oud weu..te. 0 b t{u.o c.owtty. We. the. c.i:tizeM 0-6 Ca.6tie Hayne cULe de.eply c.onc.e.fl.ne.d and 6eM the pOMible. fueu..vWUl.> e.66ew 06 a new landnill in the Ca.6tie Hayne. Me.a 011. in any othe.fl. lOc.aJ'vLon 06 New Hanove.fl. County. The.fl.e ~ no qUMantee. , that OWL pfLime. 6Mmland.6, we.U.o, c.f1.e.ek..o, f1.iVe.M, tidal we.tlandl.>, and OM ve.fl.Y e.nv.UWI1rnent will not be polluted, c.ontamiI1ated, aId vif1.tuafly de~tf1.oyed by a new land6ill. ,The pl1.oblem 06 ~oud weu..te fupo.6al ~ t,{1I? l1.eJ.., po vv:,ibj.1j;ty 0 -6 (Y.Ve.f1.iJ c.j.J.j.z e;1 {; il tl1.i.c. c.ounty and not j !M.t .the. JUv5,idevLt.6 06 thue ~ix pl1.opMe.d landiliU I.>au. It .6 eeml.> Vrovu..c. that the .6ame. quau6icatioM 6011. a good wonkab.f..e. land6.c.ll C.OMti:tu;tU the .6ame qUaU6ic.atiOM On pfLime 6Mmlavl.d. It would be. untlun/zab.e.e to tal<.e ovelL the.6af1m.fand.6, w{uc.h have. pfac.ed on OU.lL tab.e.e.6 the 600d.o that ~UI.>tMn OM Ve.fl.y~x~teJ1c.e inuud.i.ng the. gILMM, .6w.{.ne, and vegetablu. We aUo C.W1V!.Ot 60l1.get the 6.e.OWe.M pl1.oduced in the Mea, wruc.h dec.onate, OM homu and c.hMc.hu bOlL aU OCC.eu..iOM. The, Ve.fl.y wa;t.:e.fl. wruc.h the c.i:tiZe,M 06 Ca.otie Hayne, and tw c.ounty depend upo n c.o mU bhom the, Ca6tie. Hayne, aquib'(!A. We, the, c.i:tiz e.M 06 '," . Ca.otie Ha.yne. an.d 06 th.e. c.owu:y c.annot C.(.b b Of1.d e.ven the, ~ug htut chanc.e. Ob c.onta.minc.tUon 06 th.e, Ceu..tie, Hayne, Aqui6e.tL. We, the, l1.uide,l1t!.> 0 b the, .6.c.x pf1.0 pO.6 e,d ~au 0 b a .6 ani:tMY lcmd 6.c.U OppO.6e, the, .6Ue,c.;tiOH 06 any On t{1e, .6au 60h the, 60ilowing J1.e.eu..OI1.6. 1 . It would du;tJw y .6 ome 0 b the mMt -6 eJr..:t...i.1.e. land'.c.J1 :the, c.ounty, which ~ c.uJLJ1.e,I1tfy bung Ul.>e,d bOll. phodLLung c.f1.0p.6 an.d .6e.fl.viVl.g a.o a. ~OMC.e, ob inc.ome 6011. many pe.nhOM. "',f Fe.bhUMY 4, 1980 Page, 2 2. The imme,diate and ilutUf1.e, e6ne,w 011 the e,cology 06 OM nf1.agile phy~ic.af e,nvi!Lonme,nt he.fl.e, would be, to gf1.e,at (t_ W /z. 3. OM Me,a 06 New Hanove.fl. County ~ expe,J1.,[e,nung muc.h f1.uide,nLi.al gf1.owth. It wOlLid impe.de, t{1.i.c. ghowth aVl.d f1.educe, the, quafi:ty oil living ailLe,ady ~~tab~he,d he.fl.e. 4. It would c.ontf1.ibute. mof1.e veruc.ulM congution on pfLimaJ1.Y and ~e,c.ondMY f1.oad.o in the. Mea, wruc.h Me ailLe,ady c.ongute.d. 5. It would mal<.e. thMe. wah phope,!1.ty adjac.e,nt to the. apphocLc.hM to the..6ae, vulne.fl.able. to de.bJU.6 ilf1.om paMing ve.ruuu on f1.oute to the, .oae. and ille.gaf depMili nf1.om pe.MOM who d~po.oe. oil the.iM be.60he, ne.ac.!ung the. ~ae.. 6. The. ve.tunin a.o~ouate.d wah a land6ill eu.. a he.aLth hazMd c.anvwt be. adequatdy c.ontf1.o.e.e.d. 7. The. inadve,!1.twu: dumping On hazMdoUl.> indUl.>tf1..{.af weu..te ml.(..6t aUo be. a pfLimMY c.onc.e.fl.n. Finafly, we, the. J1.uide.VI:tA On the, ~ix pf1.opo~ed~au, than/z you 60J1. pf1.oviding U/.) the, oppof1.twu.ty to give I.>ome. input on an ~I.>ue. ~o vaaf to :the. ilutUf1.e. 06 OM imme.diate. c.ommuni:t.{.e.!.> and OM c.ounty. We, would hope, that in the.6u;tWLe, you wou.1.d c.on:U.nue. :to e.J1c.oMage. c.oW'l..ty-w.Lde. debate. on t~ .i.!.>l.>ue. and pnovide. othe.fl. OppOJr.;(:wUt.{,u 60f1. aU c.i:tizeIU 06 the. c.ounty :to I.>hMe. in giving thw vie.uJI.> on tl1.i.c. ~I.>ue.. A~ 0, .c..n pMl.>ible" :the. J1.uide.VI:tA 06 :the. Me,a.o involve.d and he.pf1.e.- I.>e.n.ted by t~ c.ommittee, would li/ze. 60h you :to hold a I.>pe.uaf c.ounty comm~l.>ione.nh meeting :to 6wr.:the/L fuc.U/.)~ t{1.i.c. ~I.>ue in detail. The. conc.e.Jmed C.-L'Uze.M On :t{nJ..o county hupe.diluUy .6ubma :thue. peti:t.{.oIU in oppo~~on :to the pf1.opo.oe.d land6ill .oae.!.>. Than/z you, ..:...... ,