1980-02-14 SpM Exhibits @ffice @f · ~ '1/. ir/__~, ~L..:::I &1. ,lirr:J~' is?- .' 2:U.EN C. WilliAMS, <:HM. :".~;"F.N E. GOTTOVI, V-oiM. h~'.vARD l. ARMISTEAD, JR.. MD CLAUD O'SHIElDS, JR. VII/IAN S. WRIGHT , G. F::UX COOPER COUNTY MANAGER JAM~S C. FOX COUNTY ATTORNEY ALYCE B. RUSMISELl ' CLERK, TO THE BOARD ~llard of OIommt$siouer$ ~efu ~UnOberarount~ 320 <tI~estnut ~treet ~ilminBton" ~ oriq <tInrolinn 28401 'ffi,elepqone [919] 163-3688 February 14, 1980 . ,- . , ' MEMORANDUM TO:' Mrs. Ellen C. Williams, Chainnan FROM: 'Vivian S.Wright, COmmiSSioner~~ . I.....;L.,. I would appreciate it very much if you would read this into the record of the meeting tonight before you go into executive session. When we met recently with a number of Castle Hayne residents present, they, presented a request for a special meeting among oth~r things. This was not discussed publicly at that meeting, but I was questioned about it during the break. I told several people that I did not know whether a : special meeting would be held but that when we had a report from the con~ sultants, I knew we would have a public hearing. Although I am aware that the question of a special meeting is on the agenda for the February 18 regular meeting, I do feel that I cannot, in good conscience, attend tonight's meeting concerning site acquisition discussions. To me this would not seem to be 'acting in good faith with those residents with whom I talked. I am concerned very much, as I have mentioned previously, about the procedures and timing in relation to the consultants' work. It was my understanding that " they would select and recommend a suitable site within the time limits specified. It appears that they are just considering a number of sites at this time, and I ,.," ' do not feel their work is going to be completed in time to satisfy the emerge-.ney type.situation we face this summer. I will look forward to discussing this entire matter whenever it is appropriately timed for discussion at future meetings. .' \ VSW:abr .. '