1980-06-25 SpM Exhibits .. ',' . ~g),~/p~ 'f'j '.', '" NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA i. 1980-1981 BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina in special session assembled: Section 1: The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of New Hanover County government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981, according to the following summary and schedules: Estimated Fund Balance Total Summary Revenues " Appropriated Appropriations General Fund $22,024,079 $ 1,500,000 "$23,524,079 Debt Service Fund 2,548,698 38,000 2,586,698 Airport Operating Fund 482,257 135,000 617,257 Public Assistance Fund 4,587,242 161,255 4,748,497 Public Health Fund 2,099,983 100,000 2,199,983 Revenue Sharing Fund 548,314 548,314 Water and Sewer Fund 61,592 56 , 508 118,100 Reappraisal Reserve Fund 5,000 62,568 67,568 General Capital Reserve Fund 369,000 369,000 Total Budget $32,357,165 $ 2,422,331 $34,779,496 Section 2: That for said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund the following: Code 11 410 11 420 11 421 11 425 11 430 11 440 11 441 11 445 11 450 11 455 11 470 11 480 11 490 11 495 11 510 11 520 11 522 11 525 11 535 11 536 11 537 11540 11 555 11 600 11 615 11 620 11 625 11 630 11 640 11 641 11 660 11 663 11 664 Department Appropriations Governing Body Administration Personnel Human Relations Elections Finance Data Processing Contingencies Tax Listing and Collection Tax (1983) Evaluation Legal Register of Deeds Planning and Zoning Services for the Aging Sheriff - Operating Sheriff - Jail Juvenile Services Civil Preparedness Property Management Engineering and Services Administration Engineering Inspections Garage Coroner Agriculture and Economics Recreation Museum Library Clerk of Court District Attorney Non-Departmental Transfer to Other Funds Contributions to Other Agencies $ 114,611 104,572 54,030 78,802 74,647 155,347 120,003 347,089 77 5,844 67,568 116,500 244,076 187,702 39,403 1,957,780 496,762 240,389 21,147 547,907 26,288 195,797 354,255 109,695 32,789 69,207 173,353 171 ,754 534,328 20,440 2,900 1,081,450 5,769,148 9,238,496 Total Appropriations - General Fund $23,524,079 " ,i Section 3: It is estimated that the fol1m.;ring General Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981, to meet the foregoing General Fund appropriations: ' - Code 11 301 00 11 301 01 11 301 02 11 301 03 11 317 00 11 318 00 11 325 00 11 329 00 11 331 00 11 331 01 11 335 00 11 335 01 11 339 00 11 341 00 11 342 00 11 345 00 11 346 00 11 347 00 11 348 00 11 349 10 11 350 19 11 350 41 11 350 45 11 350 46 11 350 47 11 350 48 11 350 50 11 351 00 11 352 00 11 353 00 11 354 00 11 357 00 11 358 00 11 359 00 11 360 00 11 367 01 11 367 02 11 380 00 11 397 31 11 397 73 11 397 76 11 355 00 11 299 00 Revenue Source Taxes - Ad Valorem - 1980 Taxes - Ad Valorem - 1979 Taxes - Ad Valorem - 1978 Taxes - Ad Valorem - Prior Tax Penalties and Interest Tax Advertising Fees Privilege Licenses Interest on Investments Rents and ,Concessions Garage Rental Income Miscellaneous Revenues Library Funds Intangibles Tax Wine and Beer Tax Register of Deeds Fees Local Sales Tax ABC Bottle Charge - Mental Health ABC Revenue Sheriff Fees Civil Preparedness Federal Grant State Grants: Coastal Area Management Library - Personnel Grant Juvenile Services - Subsidy Administration Assistance I & E Gran~ - Processing CAMA Land Use Planning Co~unity Based Alternative Funds Court Costs, Fees, and Charges Facilities Fees Municipal Tax Collection Fees . Emergency Medical Services - Fees Inspection Fees Jail Fees Juvenile Evaluation Fees Returned Insurance Premiums State Sales Tax Refunds State Gasoline Tax Refunds Sale of Fixed Assets Transfer from Airport Operating Transfer from Reappraisal Transfer from General Capital Reserve Contribution from City-Human Relations Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues - General Fund Amount' ' $15,251,765 130,000 40,000 55,000 55,000 7,000 25,000 400,000 47,000 3,000 45,000 8,000 495,000 147,000 240,000 3,294,150 59,000 421,000 30,000 10,500 3,000 52,758 75,000 52,500 5,000 19,500 66,785 18,000 76,000 131,500 137,376 182,227 11,500 1,500 5,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 26,450 67,568 224,000 35,000 1,500,000 $23,524,079 Section 4: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Debt Service Fund the sum of: $ 2,586,698 Section 5: It is estimated that the following Debt Service Funq revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981, to meet the foregoing Debt Service Fund appropriations: Code 21 349 01 21 397 11 21 397 78 21 299 00 Revenue Source H.E.W. Interest Grant Transfer from General Fund Transfer from Capital Projects Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues - Debt Service Fund -2- Appropriations $ 46,808 2,401,890 100,000 38,000 $ 2,586,698 ~" .J Section 6: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Airport Operating Fund the sum of: $ 617,257 Section 7: It is estimated that the following Airport Operating Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981, to meet the foregoing Airport Operating Fund appropriations: Code 31 329 00 31 331 00 31 333 01 31 333 04 31 367 00 31 397 11 31 299 00 Revenue Source Amount $ ,9,:800 318,204 70,362 600 2,500 80,791 135,000 $ ',: 61 7 , 257 Interest on Investments Rents and Concessions Landing Fees Miscellaneous Income Tax Refund - State Transfer from General Fund Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues -Airport Operating Section 8: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Assistance Fund the following: Code 41 609 00 41 610 00 41 611 00 Object of Expenditure Appropriation .' Administration Public Assistance Information and Referral I $2,385,638 2,352,859 10,000 $4,748,497 Total Approptiation'-:Public Assistance Fund Section 9: It is estimated that the following Public Assistance Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981, to meet the foregoing Public Assistance Fund appropriations: Code 41 329 00 41 350 03 41 350 06 41 350 09 41 350 10 41 350 11 41 350 12 41 350 14 41 350 16 41 350 17 41 350 20 41 350 21 41 397 11 41 350 23 41 350 24 41 350 25 41 299 00 Revenue Source Amount Interest on Investment State AFDC Fund State Foster Home Care AFDC Foster Care AFDC - Day Care and WIN Purchased Services-Chore Services Family Planning Program Staff - Administration State Day Care - Title XX Child Support Program Miscellaneous Revenue Abortions Transfer from General Fund Specialized Foster Care State Day Care In Home State $ 430 102,056 48,600 58,031 305,010 82,536 1,900 1,694,638 96,000 35,000 5,000 30,000 1,960,806 7,285 84,000 75,950 Appropriated Fund Balance 161,255 Total Revenues - Public Assistance Fund $4,748,497 Section 10: For the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Health Fund the following: -3- /"- Code 44 575 00 "44 590 00 44 591 00 44 592 00 44 593 00 44 594 00 44 595 00 44 596 00 44 597 00 44 598 00 44 599 00 44 600 00 44 601 00 44 602 00 44 603 00 44 604 00 44 605 00 44 606 00 44 607 00 Object of Expenditure Animal Control Public Health Operations Maternal and Child Health Family Planning Drainage and Mosquito Control Insect and Rodent Control ,Hypertension Screening Home Health Cancer Screening Women, Infants, and Children Dental Health Environmental Health Laboratory Epidemiology Personal Health Control Nutrition School Health Tuberculosis Infant Tracking Appropriations $ 185,"-665 1,165,279- 135,.729 143,750 119,164 63,986 33,375 70,651 17,959 67,091 15,227 23,159 30,531 13,923 90,765 1,971 14,039 2,918 4,801 Total Appropriations - Public Health Fund $ 2,199,983 Section 11: It is estimated that the following Public Health Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981, to meet the foregoing Public Health appropriations: Code 44 335 00 44 359 00 44 359 01 44 361 13 44 361 14 44 368 03 44 368 05 44 368 06 44 368 07 44 368 08 44 368 09 44 368 10 44 368 11 44 368 12 44 368 15 44 368 16 44 368 17 44 397 11 44 299 00 Drainage Insect and Rodent Tuberculosis Control Venereal Disease Control Revenue Source Miscellaneous Revenue Fees - Other Animal Control School Health Program Dental Project Federal and State Grants North Carolina Matching - North Carolina Matching - North Carolina Matching - North Carolina Matching - Medicare and Medicaid Family Planning Maternal Child Health - State State Grant - Hypertension State Grant - Cancer Screen State Grant - Women, Infants, Home Health Transfer from General Fund and Children Amount $ 780 55,124 30,000 13,911 15,227 85,000 52,000 8,500 10,776 4,686 80,000 112,837 121,140 25,000 11,489 67,091 48,236 1,358,186 Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues - Public Health Fund 100,000 $ 2,199,983 Section 12: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund the sum of: $ 548,314 Section 13: It is estimated that the following Revenue Sharing Trust Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981,' to meet the foregoing Revenue Sharing Trust Fund appropriations: Code 56 349 00 Object of Expenditure General Revenue Sharing -4- Appropriations $ 548,314 ~ ~,~ZO-/,)~~ /0 C~~~ AND ASSOCIATES .., _....' HEN R Y V 0 N 0 E S E.>~~ CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS Telephone (919) 763-0141 611 PRINCESS STREET P,O. DRAWER 2087 WilMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402 June 13) 1980 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Re: Water Supply System Flemington Area New Hanover County, N. C. Ladies and Gentlemen: We are enclosing a tabulation of bids received on June 12, 1980 for the referenced project. We have checked the bids and all appear to be in order. The low bidder is Rothrock Construction Company of Murrells Inlet, S. C. in the amount of $187,946.40. This amount is within the estimated budget. The low bidder, Rothrock Construction Company, appears to be pro- perly licensed in the state of N.C. Although we have not had any working experience with this contractor, we have made several contacts with Owners and Engineers that have had recent experience with Rothrock Const. Co. and it would appear they would be acceptable. We are continueing to research this matter and if any information to the contrary is received, we will let you know. We recommend award of the contract to Rothrock Const. Co. on' the basis of their low bid in the amount of $187,946.40. Very truly yours, HENRY VON OESEN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. //'-~7/7'/ '-----z5/.9/ f'l ?)?Yvv(~ James R. Benson, Jr., r:-E. JRBjmou ~ L----- __..--_-- - p- ____ __._u__ __ ___ '_~-'--'- --___ ___uP _-- -_____ ______ -_--- _______ u__-___._ - ---~,---.__- r,py YCH, OrSlr /,' ASSOCiA lLS DS B OF ON T A 8 U L'A T r T Wll.MH-lCTori I "'I) _ ?]59 Ul\!t'f.-_. --:T:;:."':J.,"u;u_~ OPENE 0 ..J,",:l..0_6U~( ----- SNCEDEN, \ 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS TABULATION IS TRUE E\ COlmECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWL E OGE AND BEll EF . ' ----1~ '''-'.,c---:~~-L~)-<''- -l:./c~ FOR WATER SUF)F'L Y SYSTEM FLEMI~~GTON !\f~EA NEW HANOVER COUNT~, NORTH CAlWllNA ~lJg, NC BIDS JERE lEGWII~ CONSTRUCTiON CO, AMOUNT COfi51RUCT1~ INC. EAST COAST COMPANY,_ AMOUNT I SO.PAR UTILITIES CO., INC. IUNIT ,PRICE T. A LOVI~~G COMPANY UNIT F'R ICE NC ROTHROCI~ CON 9Hl UCT I ON ESTIMATED QUANTITY TEM ITEM T NO AMOUNT UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT UNI1 PRICE i t I ! 24 "3'), O. 9. ~~) 9,'?~' ~~- ~~~C::' "". 422..0-"- 5.9 ) 1. ~() 60, Z3G.':'~ 00 ~.? W 9.QJ 9(i.J ,"- 9 ~" 40~F 8' 0.1 ~~ 7, 503, ,".9- "fs 2. 8, 7, 9..9.. 49,4')0 92- o~ 37,47 I ,OC;O. ~ 4,32.0 Q'" 5,940.~ 320,~ 9750~g 33~0 QY 4.~ 480"" 330,"" IGO,<<' G'50,~ z~ 9:9 ,OGO. 4,500,"-" 7,2.00 "!p 400,"''''- '2..000 0." 'S 19 4.~ 500'!9 400.~ 200.~ BCO," 4. '<S' 35':}. '>-"- I, ~O 4 Q2. (';...:..~ ..>" ?_9- 600.2!> 4 ~~-- 3700Q9. 592.0 IJ30B ~, 2,354 95L 2.) <<lJ 0, ",,;L ~43,OW,q,~ l!S2. '3 9,19 G.~ S qQ 40LF P VC MAIN q~ OQ,'!9 w~ 0.= 5, 550. ~ B I, 3D.\!!? 50,00 ~" "c 3700 4872, 2.750 - o ~.8'5 3,-19 %5,2>' 12(,3 W 152 "5' +-=- I (,5(; ~ 13. go !30.,-" r--------- 100,"'-' G'2.2 3, G,"" I), ~~ 1- 4. ~.~-~ i4 ~ A. o~ 522 7~~_ 32. 35,350 "_9- .~- I, 373,:>,9" 5,2.70,00 2. ~O. "-~ 9.675 ",", 78 Z.1i .ql')~ 2::~Q~ , Jl'.~,'?2 r----- 1645.~ 9.!L 874 3,1')0 -- 4950 7. G~911l5 !J. 40 I..... F 8 8 8 ~9. 300, Q9. 8,2'SO.~ 2 3 350," 2.75 'f'. 150~ 550.~ 2.,9.Q 3J '(7,50Z. ?9. 503~"- --_.--- 3330,...... 4950,"'''- 7070. LF 70.-'0 L~ 707C> LF D.r. MAIN \:'\'. B" e" r" ., (,', MAIN A,(. MAIN 3.89 Ac. MAIN -- PVC MAIN ,<:\0 370~-1 275,~ 300<;"" 50,~ EA E^ Z. EA 2(;;5 I.....F '? 15 B c;,Ji 2.' 18. Ie. LA. e.B. 2.c.. .3. 4. 5. G. 7, MAIN VALVES VALVES PVC 2.' B02.'5,~9- 535""" '5 EA. VALVf:S I="IRE l-lYORANTS 2..2. 80., 25!- e~ 12.1."-9- ~,~ 00 100 440, Q9 1.0 I. 2.00 LF SERVICE ~." '1 P E \" CORP 5TOP e 7'99.~~ 552.0.'.:>. 3. ~, I, 2. 95 ,,"- 2)ZZO. <!2 .3,248,22- 375 129 ~5,"'"- 00,""1 850,9.9. 4BIO~ 50,~~ 30,~ '3' Ell, 37 EI\ 512LF 55LF 9.C?~ 42,~? 3/ "9 120.2." 375.~ 10.'29 2.5. '>2 DO ?44. <:!9- ~75. <;;>.9, 2,00 l5,~ +- '45,2" 4.~ 25, e.. 35,9<' G090."" 550. QSl 7,50 IO,~4 45,92 50."" ~,OQ - 6.6<:00.10'" 4G,a> 4."'" 39~ 2.40,~ 3e.~ 4, 390,"-"" con, <!:", 132,594 0,.9 'J.,<f' 350. 1.,240,~ 72.,1<02. ~~ 40. 'l9 20.~ 35,"5' 40.~ e.oo.~ " 50,"" 5 ~Q 6,02.0. ~ 45, 5.~ 12.,~" ~ ~ 200, G72.<g.. 58.000 ~ I zO.Q9 99 2. 7,8'5G.59 3,700 ~ ~ 3,000,'22 4.000 ~ 2 qq 00 c::?_l.l 7, BOO, ~ 50,5>2 35G LF' ',000 4)000 20.~ IIG,~ 62, 43I.9.-q, 500.<?C" (1)575 <>,<> 4, <><', 0."" OO,~ II 2.0 ~S- - 53,OG9 ""'- 35.~ 4.~ 59-" 50, ~ 20,29 I) 2.0. 29- ---t--- 55,000. = 500:=- 0.000 -Jj ..Ii..."'" 14 1'5 zo,~g NFO o TONS 5(, SY LUMP SUM 2.4 60.99- NFO 950.Q<2- 2, 496 ~"'- METE'R 1"AvEME.NT I{EPAIR 4" S'EE.L CASTING e~ J \O"S1HL CAS11NG 'P ~ j Jt" 5TEEL CA511~ b~ J ~!: cr~'ICE JACKING ( ) 5TONE DWY. I )Wy, REPAl~ \ TE c.olllPLfTE ( :XIST. c;;" W/L .vI:. PIT :~ I eI. 10 I 2" '3 G 17 ~ - 'SUM '5VM LUMP LVMP \9 eo. ~ 2.'::lB.G54 #, "1 ooo,~ # 2.49, i). 2.Z8>3G3.~ tOPPOR -'t'MATI 9.~ 2.14,2.513 *11 i g"- ~5'2..~ 95 # ;1 '34-<:0, ~ 67 $ BID I. TOTAL .....