1980-08-04 RM Exhibits ...;; ! ,/ ., ,I i~ ~U.~I~'-/, ~ ~. "! It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a resolution of intent to close that portion of. 47th Street (formerly Second Str~et) in the Winter Park Gardens Subdivision of New Hanover County, North Carolina, running from Park Avenue to Pine Grove Drive for a distance of 161.2 feet, between Lots 13 and 17 of the Winter Park Gardens Subdivision, was adopted on the 7th day of July , 1980~ and it further appearing that sOlid resolution called for a public hearing to be held on the 4th day of August , 1980, at which time all persons would be heard on the question of wl;1ether or not the closing would be detrimental to the public interest, or the property rights of any individual, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington . Star-News Newspaper. in accordance with General Statutes 153A-241, and that all persons were heard on the question of whether or not the closing would be detrimental to the public interest, or the property rights of any individual, and the County Commissioners are of the opinion that said public road ln the County of New Hanover should be closed and removed from dedication and the closing of same is in the public interest, the legal description of said street being as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the south line of Park Avenue (89.0' R/W) and the west line of 47th Street, formerly Second Street (66.0' R/W) a~ shown on a map of Winter Park Gardens as recorded in ~ap Book 14 at Page 44 of the New Hanover County Registry. Running thence from said point of beginning with 'the southern line of Park Avenue, S 790 36' East, 66.0' to a point in the eastern line of 47th Street, formerly Second Street; thence with the eastern line of 47th Street, South 100 24' W, 205.94' to a point in the F={OUJ\JT?EE 8(. ~~E.t\GLE 'i S'~iJ fH f.;f-Tl-' '~;T;:.~Ef:::l ;.s~'l L'..r\i U':"';~:C:['J, ,I. I;, iii! .. ~ northern right~o~-way line of Pine Grove Drive; thence with th~ northern line of Pine Grove Drive, North 450 28' W, 79.74' to a point in the west~rn line of 47th Street; thence with the western line of 47th Street, North 100 24' E, 161.20' to the,. point of beginnipg, containing .278 acre. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed and ~emoved from dedication. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this Order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. This the . :zz..- 4,-- / day of cL~ './ , 1980. , .) \ I ;i. I ( "' ,\ '\,1' . , , , ,\ , , I II i ... \ . / ! . t" . . 6~;!&:,-/ (~.- /!tj~~l/f~-t2/yc...-;.J CHAI~ffiN, BOARD OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: ! I ".. ~ 1 _~. ;' :', / ,\ \, ... l~ \.' /)'.4' .-:?\ \ /;J / U Y:-<-l;)'2-e..- \-:<) . ,f;'1 ~"-1/(-(-,,,a..e.-&L_ COln-JTY CLERK STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA * . . COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER * I, } c"" " )1..r~I.,-,cJ.( V//V/'./-cC in and for the State and County aforesaid, do ~ .. ( ~-v~_::z_"vtA_~-I!.-e.-/ , a Notary Public hereby certify that LUr 03 before me, and who being duly swor~, personally appeared says that,d~__ knows the common seal of the County o.f New Hanover and is acquainted with G . /' (flv,-1-/ C. Lf)~~ who is Chairman of the Hoard of New Hanover County Commissioners, and that ~~, the said (,dr:3 (2~,~p- Hanover County Commissioners, , is Clerk of the Board of New and saw the said f/ee~ c . ie-I .J.t<-c'~'l~ Chairman of the Board of New Hanover CQunty Commissioners, sign the foregoing instrument, and saw the said common seal of said New Hanover County affixed to said instrument by said Chairman, and that ~~, the said ~~~ ~ /] tJ (J:..--(~____/7......t~.J?.- , Clerk as aforesaid, signed ;::{OU:"~TF~:=:~ 2~ SE=:J\(?,LE ~. S::'")LJ:~H :"'"1 !-,.;~ ~~'J~"c:r::T 2 \'~J ;' .. I ~J' ":- "" '.; ". I . . :-':',.a_ - '. . ... . .......~ j JuN name in attestation of the due execution of said instrument in the presence of said Chairman of the County- of New Hanover. WITNESS my hand and notarial stamp or seal, this ,r'. \ i .\ ,) '. , c~"~ ~ , 1980. ~~j ? c>>~ NOTARY PUBLIC My, Commission Expires: j j \ \ I) , ?if;' ,", I '{~ \" .',-,,~~ i7 ICft;;; "\,,, . I ORDER ENTERED UPON PEI'ITION OF WINTER PARK BAPTIST CHURCH. F~c) 1; N 'r (:'~. .-;=: .-~t" S,-: A.:-;. L E ~. "~: '.J r. t :.. -;;- - .-, ~... r ~~;..~ ~~... ',' J '....-; l ~" ~,'- .:-; .' ~ ~,L~/~s- .~ L.: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HAJ\JOVER B:EFORE TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY cor-u'..n SS lONERS IN TIiE ~~TTER OF THE CLOSING OF A PORTION OF THE OLD FEDERAL POINT ROAD ) ) ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a resolution of intent to close a portion of the Old Federal Point Road in Federal Point Township, located on Lot 9, of the Samuel Southerland Subdivision, New Hanover County, North Carolina, running from the northern line of said Lot 9 to the southern line of said Lot 9 for a distance of approximately 665.34 feet, was adopted on the 7th day of July , 1980, and it further appearing that said resolution called for a public hearing to be held on the 4th day of August , 1980, at which time all persons would be heard on the question of whether or not the closing would be detrimental to the public interest, or the property rights of any individual, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star-News Newspaper in accordance with General Statutes l53A-24l, and that all persons were heard on the question of , whether or not the closing would be detrimental to the public interest, or the property rights of any individual, and the County Commissioners are of the opinion that said portion of said road in the County of New Hanover should be closed and removed from dedication and the closing of same is in the public interests, the legal description of said portion of said road being as follows: 1he centerline of said portion of the Old Federal Point Road to be closed is located as follows: BEGINNING at a point which is located South 83 degrees 48 minutes East 452.0 feet from a point in the Eastern right-of-way line.of U.S. Highway #421, said point in the Eastern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway #421 being located 668 feet as measured Southwardly along the Eastern right-of-way line of U.S. Highway #421 from its point of intersection with the centerline of the Masonboro Loop Road (Secondary Road #1492); running thence from said be- ginning point South 25 degrees 55 minutes West 271.8 feet to a point; running thence South 09 degrees 21 minutes West 393.54 feet to a point. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above-described portion of the Old Federal Point Road be and the same is hereby closed and removed from dedication. It lS further ordered that a copy of this Order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina~ This the 7"'% day of (f.~c;,:<.-v,:.-7"--' , 1980. , ,)'1 >. ,l '\ " ~... I . '. . I);) \ \ . , "1/ I I, / \ '. , /. /; / ("-/' / /: (..r'")./l~',t5:.:>.. -' ,,'~ "IJ)J (",;-.62 -;;."-- c:;. ' CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY Cm:[MISSIONERS 'I ATTEST: /:'/ .o? /.? i ;.: / / '..A:.J_-<--/'j.!._ AJ /'-I..'.oI.,d-.,.;-t_':-'.2.,i- t.~ \ COUNTY, CL):;FI,K,',.' . \ " =, '. \', ' i jl jll, II, . , 4~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ._~ G ~ 1 . - I ,ht~.J /. ( --::t,--t~ a Notary Public in. C!ud.for .thestate and county aforesaid, . do hereby certifY.: that (if LA_/<~6. (.~2/~~ personally appeared before me, and being; duly sworn, iJated that /;-")j:''--e ~. knows the common seal of the County of New Hanover and 1S ac- quainted wi th "'~.t..L'h/ C. it'! A...z,~,_.,...~-<=> , who is the Chairman of the Board of New Hanover. ountyCommissioners, and that ~~ , the said ., '--:73" (2~~-;:.!.A~~.../ ,is Clerk of the B<:>ard of Ne\'i Hanover County Conuni sioners, and saw the said <(~Uc...,J C tu'de,-~,-= , Chairman of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners, sign the fore- going instrument, and saw the said common seal of said New Hanover County affixed.to said instrument by said Chairman,and t~at ~~~ the said (Le "'./'/ 2. a~~~:-eJ2/ , Clerk as aforesaid, signed ~~~ . name and attestation of the due execution of said instrument in tne presence of said Chairman of the Board of New Hanover County Com- missioners. ! WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the .:;/' t:L day of /'; ( )"'a--:r-, ~~J fio C7!~ Notary Public My Commission Expires :--+z=:.,.ju_ _ 17 /9 ff',3 I 1980. . .11/ ". '\ \' J '/ / :'-, , /, (NOTARIAL SEA-f..) 1 i . \) , 0, /, I \ \ \', \ . .. i l~ \} \) \,\ \' .- '1'\' ,,\\,0 .-:2 -. '. ,1 ~ ;2) Ifll-I!f' fo I Ccy1 y ~ /Vl.," r5~^' -'.: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service North Carolina State University A & T State University and the Board of County Commissioners The North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service was established as a part of the School of Agricu1t~re and Life Sciences of North Carolina State University by Federal and State legislation for the specific purpose of "extending" the educational service of the University to the people of the State on subjects relating to agriculture, home economics, 4-H and youth, and community and natural ~esource development. The laws creating Extension were specifically designed to ensure that th~ findings of research in these areas were communicated to the people. Under the ~ppropriations Act of .1972 funds wereproviaed to the 1862 Land Grant Universities to enhance the 1 . . extension outreach of the 1890 Universities, of whicry A &T State Un~versity is one. The Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 stipulated that these funds would be appropriated directly to the 1890 Institutions and formalized the Extension progr~ as an official part of the School of Agriculture at this institution. However, to rrovide effective coordination, administrative contacts will be handled by the county ~nd district chairmen of North Carolina State University with appropriate attention given to A & T State University personnel. Legislation provided that Agricultural Extension work be a partnersh~p among three levels of governmerit--Federal, State and County. . Extension Agents a~eofficially appofnted as members .of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and charged with carrying out educational work of the department. Upon acceptance by the Boar~ of County Com- t. . missioners, they are also designated as field faculty members of eitperNorth Carolina . . State University, with professional rank, or A & T State University.; To' assure that the educational programs offered by Agricultural Exte~sion at both land-grant institutions meet the needs of local clientele, it is important that both elected and appointed officials of each level of government understand their respec- t tiye responsibilities and relationships in the conduct of this work. Responsibilities and Relationships The North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service and the A & T State Agricultural Extension Program will: ~ - ., - ....,.......... --'~'~._......',....-_.. ._- _..;....--...................~ ...,................__..,..............-.k...:.t....... ,:......_:..~ , 'II. Memorandum of Understanding (continued) 1. 'Establish minimum requirements and qualifications for employment in Extension ," : work. 2. 3. Receive and examine applications for employment. " " Interview and screen applicants to determine their qualifications and avail-" ability. 4. Recommend to the County Commissioners, qualified applicants for appointment to vacant or new Extension positions. 5. Recommend the salaries of Extension agents and paraprofessionals. 6. Recommend the salaries of Extension secretaries and pay the State portion according to the State Personnel Pay Plan. 7. . Determine jointly with the County Board of Commissioners the share of salaries to be paid by each and provide the State and Federal share of 'these salaries. 8. Prepare and submit an annual budget request to the Board of Commissioners for the county's share of funds fbr salaries and operating expenses. 9. Provide funds for official travel necessary in the conduct of Extension work to the extent that funds are available and for purposes authorized by State and Federal policies. ..10.,- Provide Extension' agents with official envelopes, bulletins (designated for I. , ; free distribution)~ leaflets and other publications for educational purposes. 11. Accept responsibility and provide the leadership for administ~ation and super- vision for Extension programs and personnel, including compliance with the re- quirements of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opporturiity guidelines. 12. Develop and administer a personnel management plan that will provide for: a. The annual review of each worker's performance. b. Counseling for job improvement where needed. c. Periodic county program reviews. 13. Provide a staff of specialists to continuously train agents i~ current.tech- nology and other changes affecting agriculture, home economics, 4-H and youth, community and natural resource development and to assist them in the conduct of work in these areas. 14. Provide Extension workers with training programs as needed to maintain effective program delivery. 15. Develop and maintain a County Advisory Leadership System to insure that county Extension programs are based on the particular needs of people in their re~ spective county. ." . ~ 1. ;' ~ Memorandum of Understanding (continued) The Board of County Commissioners will: 1. Provide the county's share of salaries for Extension personnel. 2. Provide office space and equipment, utilities, telephone, office supplies, demonstration materials and other items needed for efficient operation of the County Extension Office and program. 3. Review and consider the annual budget request from the Extension Service and . take appropriate action by July l.of each fiscal year. 4. Confer and advise with the District and County Extension Chairmen and Extension Advisory Council relative to county Extension progra~s. The North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service and the A & T State Agricultural Extension Program and the Board of County Commissioners mutually agree: 1. That all county Extension appointments and separations are to be worked out jointly between the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service and the Board of County Co~~issioners, and that no official action will be taken by -either party regarding appointment or separation prior to discussion of the matter with the other party. That the policies established by .the State of North Carolina and followed by the Univer~ity be used as a guide in granting annual, sick, c~vil and military leave for Extension personnel. To cooperate in applying Affirmative Action and Equal Emplo~ent Opportunity plans of the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service. That Extension agents will not be classified under a county classification 2. 3. 4. system. 5. That Extension agents will follow county policies relative to office hours and holidays.