1980-08-18 RM Exhibits . .' . . t~~ I3l.1i1L I t- 7 ill/J. ttr?)j}eJ -;: 7,~ ~anobrt ~b ~~!-.\~ ltq ~ {&' ~ \.~ ~ LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator 763-0991 ~;.~ RAYMOND E. BLAKE. JR. Appraisal Supervisor 763-2462 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru July 31, 1980 Prepayments Collected To Date 1980 $ 29,303.56 Back Taxes Real Estate Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $LBl ..682.45 315.75 - 19,791. 87 $41~5'74. 83 4 58% Personal Property Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $541,623.28 346.63 - 11,521.04 $529,755.61" 2.12% CHERYL R. ROBERTS listing Supervisor 763.8439 JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 763-7385 1979 $ 15,209.44 <)>409,308.06 22.91 - 22,049.93. f~J87 1 235. 22 5.38% $450.640.20 821.80 5,913.96 $443-,--904 ~4 1. 31 % Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Bea6h, Khte Beach and Wrights- ville Beach to date, $144,407.01. This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1980. Ft~~~tted' Janie B. Straughn Collector of Revenue ............... ........ ........ MEMBER IJAJAD INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS .... ........ ............... ~ )3L .J!ll!-) fi g- '6 - r,- "f) 0 ~c ~S~ I1rL '<1!y 5'H MEMORANDUM August 8, 1980 From: Mr. Felix Cooper County Manager Larry J. powell~ Tax Administrator To: Subject: Abatements and Refunds Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayer reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Sheron Hill Howard $45.10 (Refund $30.04) Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: 1. Stephen Benson $10.59 2. Perry Glaspie 79.47 3. Jo Anne T. Palmeter 70.18 4. Fred Qaka 63.28 (1977) Request the taxes in the amount of $81.63 charged to Ethel Stead~~n tie refunded as these taxes are due to a clerical error in not allowing the Senior Citizens' Exclusion. Request these items be placed on the consent agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting on August 18, 1980. The Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. LJP/pbc Copy: Alyce B. Rusmisell James C. Fox ~ ~ Uy:Jl!/} ~ ;9. c; Con.<Sc~ ~~ 'i(\<r Cc- August 7, 1980 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Mr. Felix Cooper County Manager p~~ Larry J. Powell~ff' Tax Administrator SUBJECT: Collection Settlement and Charges for 1980 Levy Attached is a copy of Mrs. Straughn's settlement for the 1979 tax levy. If this settlement is accepted by the Board, I recommend that Mrs. Straughn be reappointed as Collector of Revenue and charged with the 1980 tax levy. I am forwarding herewith the charge sheet and summary of taxes due which Mrs. Williams needs to sign if the charges are made. This recom- mendation is made in accordance with G.S. 105-349. Attached also is a copy of the oath which will be admin- istered to Mrs. Straughn by the Clerk of Superior Court, if the appointment is desired by the Board. The 1980 tax bills are completed and will be mailed by September 1, if the charge for the collection of these taxes is made at the meeting of August 18, 1980. Request this item be placed in the consent agenda for the Commissioners' meeting of August 18, 1980. LJP:kw Attachrnents Copy: Mrs. Alyce B. Rusmisell Mr. James C. Fox Mrs. Janie B. Straughn Mr. Andy Atkinson .J '. NEW HANOVER COUNTY SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1979 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Interest Collected Cost Collected Real Estate Liens Sold Delinquent Personal Tax Prepayments Refunds on Prepayments Deposited Wachovia Bank $12,337,244.77 2,007,511.78 14,344,756.55 74,737.02 14,270,019.53 24,682.74 2,666.00 $ 220,821. 93 163,735.56 25,843.75 197.98 13,886,030.75 Known overpayment on Prepayments 14.87 Under-remitted Due from City of Wilmington Unknown overpayment $ 1,149.13 1,149.23 + Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Janie B. Straughn Collector of Revenue $14,297,368.27 $14,296,234.01 $14,296,219.14 $14,297,368.37 $ .10 Total 640.20 151.88 601..61 886:""71 887.72 1.01 .01 1,00 -0- 06 61 91 41 95 77 82 99 83 83 'l $450 44 28 377 377 + Total 308 810 13 552 958 057 98 1 96 96 -0- $409 -211 + - 4 192 193 + + NEW HANOVER COUNTY BACK TAXES Personal Property 1978 1977 1976 1975 Prior - - 6/30/79 Old Control $117,745.37 $95,333,62 $40,524,80 $17,333,03 $179,703.38 Collections - 22,906.52 10,309,98 2,859,79 1;578.58 6,497,01 Abatements - 1,023.43 31 7.96 259.81 205 ,56 26,794,85 93,815,42 84,705,68 37,405,20 15,548,89 146,411,52 6/30/80 New Control 93,803,86 84 , 622,52 37,405,64 15,601,22 146,454.48 Difference - 11,56 - 83.16 + ,44 + 52,33 + 42,96 Under Remitted - ,01 Adjustments - 1,00 .... 11,56 - 83,16 + ,44 + 52.33 + 41,95 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BACK TAXES Real Estate 1978 1977 1976 1975 Prior - - -' - -, _... 6/30/79 Old Control $224,897,56 $100,975,52 $49,269,91 $17,604.45 $16,560.62 Collections -122,722.59 52,316.48 24,186.25 6,222.53 6,362.76 Known Overpayments , 11. 80 2.11 'T Abatements - 995.36 982.66 775.65 674.97 1,123.77 101,191. 41 47,678.49 24,308.01 10,706.95 9,074.09 6/30/80 New Control 101.194,36 47,638.93 24.458.56 10.878.99 8.886.93 + 2.95 - 39.56 + 150.55 + 172.04 - 187.16 Adjustments - 2.00 + .01 - 95 39.56 150.55 - 172.04 - + - + - 187.15 Due to Wilmington - 60,98 - 35,85 95 39.56 89,57 - 13 (3-:19 + + + 187.15 F\LEO moG ^UG \ 8 ?l~ /.p \ ~ \iE\4 \\AHDVER CQ\l~n. C.S.C. ........----..---- I, Janie B. Straughn, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Collector of Revenue of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and that I will not allow my actions as Collector of Revenue to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. The above oath was administered to Mrs. Janie B. Straughn on August 18, 1980, before the Clerk of Superior Court and filed with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners on this date. /.LrJ/)~ of Superior Court County Administration Building 320 Chestnut Street Room 605 Wilmington. North Carolina 28401 Phone (919) 763-5177 .. \ o' ~i~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY ENGINEERING AND SERVICES County Inspector t~arch 5, 1980 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Robert Williams, County Engineer FROM: Thad W. Carmichael, Superintendent of Inspections ~ SUBJECT: Proposed Fee Increases In reference to the memo dated March 23, 1979, we are resubmitting the attached proposed fee increases for approval. Please call me if you have any questions. TWC/cb cc: Mr. Gary Cannon 'L //dbfFed " F flee.ti'v'e,. .' ?/)~/!?d' / LJ II e L> j;~ 151..}!/2 ;>. It> .' B(UJn~cdI~ng Va~lJJalc~(()fn) Dalc81 The following Building Valuation Data represents the average costs for most buidings and is presented as a service to our members. These unit costs include plumbing, electrical, mechanical equip- ment, architectural, engineering, and contractor profits, Special site conditions, and architectural or structural extras may require adjustments to the average costs listed here, It should be noted thai these values are based on nationa! averages and may change from day tc day. '" ~ Type Type Type _'!ype IV TVI e V ~~eVI structlon Occupancy I II III I-Hour Unprotected l-Hour Unprotected l-Hour Unprotected -.--- ---- -- _._- Apartment (R) 38,00 35,50 33,50 33.50 31.50 32,50 30,00 28,00 26,00 Automobile 26.00 23,50 21. 50 Parking Structure (5) 21. 50 20,00 21,00 19,00 20,50 19,00 Church (A) 43,00 40,50 36,50 35,00 32.50 35,00 32.00 30.50 28,50 - Covalescent (I) 51.50 49,00 43.00 43,00 40.50 41.50 NP 36,50 NP Dwelling (R) 1I11q~ 42,00 40,00 38,00 36,00 34,00 34,00 32,00 32,00 30,00 Educational (E) 42.50 40,00 36,00 36,00 34,00 36,50 34,00 34,00 32,00 Factory-Industrial (F) 26,00 23,50 20,00 20,00 18.00 19,50 ,17.50 18,00 15,00 Hazardous (H) 22,00 20,00 18,00 1800 15.50 18,00 15,50 NP NP Hospital (I) 73,50 71.00 69,00 6900 67,00 65,00 NP 55,00 NP Hotel (R) 41. 00 39,00 3500 34,00 31. 50 33,50 31. 00 33,50 31. 00 Office (B) 44,50 42,00 37,00 33,50 31.00 33.00 31.00 33.00 31.00 Private Garage 20,50 18,00 1600 16,00 15,00 16,00 15,00 15,50 14,00 And/Or Shed (5) Public Garage (5) 26,00 24,00 21.50 19,00 17,00 19,00 17,00 1900 17,00 Restaurant (A or B) 45.00 43,00 39,00 38,00 36,00 38,00 36,00 38,00 35.50 Retail Store (M) 35,00 3300 28,00 27,00 24,50 26.50 24,00 26,00 23,50 Service Station (B) 41. 50 3900 35,50 35,00 33,00 34 .50 32.50 30.00 29,00 Theater (A) 48,50 4600 38,00 36,00 34.50 36,00 34,00 36,00 34,00 Warehouse (5) 21,00 19,00 17,00 17,00 15,00 17,00 15,00 17,00 15,00 ." 1 1 Notes: 1. NP-Not permited by code 2. Apartment Basement $16.00/sq. ft. Dwelling Basement $12.00/sq. ft. 3. Sprinklers $1.00/sq. ft. Continued on next page 6 Southern Buildil Building Valuation Data - Regional Modifiers- The Building Valuation Data should be used in conjunction with the following modifiers. Choose the type of con- struction for the building and multiDly the averaqe cost Der SQuare foot bv the modifier listed for the state. Example: To adjust cost of a Type VI, unprotected, unsprinkled dwelling for the Florida area, select Regional Modifier 1.02 and average uniT cost per square foot from Building Valuation Data $30,00, Multiplying, you obtain 1.02x30,OO = 30,60 CENTRAL U.S. Modifiers EASTERN U.S. Modifiers WESTERN U.S. Modifiers Alabama 1.00 Connecticut 1.10 Alaska 1.58 Arkansas 1.00 Delaware 1.15 Arizona 1.14 IIIiois 1.12 District of Columbia 1.14 California 1.24 Indiana 1.10 Florida 1.02 Colorado 1.11 Iowa 1.09 Georgia 0,98 Hawaii 1.26 Kansas 1.06 Maine 1.03 Idaho 1.07 Kentucky 1.08 Maryland 1.07 Montana 1.09 Louisiana 1.05 Massach usetts 1.13 Nevada 1.17 Michigan 1.12 New Hampshire 1.01 New Mexico 1.07 Minnesota 1.11 New Jersey 1.17 Oregon 1.16 Mississippi 0,98 New York 1.14 Utah 1.08 Missouri 1.15 North Carolina 0.95 Washington 1.16 Nebraska 1.05 Pennsylvania 1.12 Wyoming 1.09 North Dakota 1.10 Rhode Island 1.10 Ohio 1.14 South Carolina 0.94 Oklahoma 1.08 Vermont 1.06 South Dakota 1.02 Virginia 0.99 Tennessee 1.10 West Virginia 1.10 Texas 1.02 Wisconsin 1.11 F;~' l;f-J.,' Hld:OVER (ouray HlGIUERING & SERVICES (PROPOSED) SCHEDULE OF BUILDII~G PERJ~IT FEES jJd ~ft~d ; l? /1,y!~O fHea.T,ve- .. loll/pI) .;----..-.Q . B. Building Fees- Building Permit inspection fees shall be calculated on the basis of a realistic ~stimate of the construction cost of the building, alteration or repair, excluding the cost of the plufT,bing, electrical, and mechanical equipment in accordance with the following fee schedule. If, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, the estimate of the construction cost of the building, alteration or repair, appears to be underestimated on the application, permit shall be denied, unless the applicant can show detailed estimated cost to meet the approval of the Building Inspector. Permits will be required on all construction costing in excess of $150.00. No charge on permits unless cost exceeds $150.00. There will be no maximum fee. From From From From From From From From From From $ 150.01 500.01 800. 01 1,OOO~01 3 , 000. 01 6,000.01 1 0, 000. 01 "- 15,000.01 25,000.01 50,000.01 to to to to to to to to to and up $ 500.00. ...... .....$ 12.00 800.00............ 15.00 1,000.00. . . . . . . . . .. . < 20.00 3,000.00....... ....._ _24.00 6,000.00.. ... ... ....0.30.00 10,000.00. ............ .40.00 15,000.00............, 50.00 25,000.00... ......... 70.00 50,000.00.............100.00 $100.00 plus $1.50 per thousand over b. f.iobile Home Fee .........$10.00 l.~ofiTle Home and Travel Trailer Park Fee...... $2.00 per space - up to 100 spaces Over 100.....Tota1 fee $200.00 c. Houses moved....;...Fee in accordance with v~lue of house. d. Swimming Pools, residential or public.......Permit fees for swimning pools are based on L~permit fee schedule for general construction costs. (See building fees) e. Sians Fee.........$lO.OO (In addition to the above fee, illuminated signs require en electrical permit in accol'dance \'lith the El ectri ca 1 Permit Fee 5chedul e. r:ote: :'~obil e 5i gns require electrical permits only. f. Billboard....Fee in accordance with cost of sign and erection. g. Bathroom over 1 - Haff Batti (no tub or shm.;er)..... .$200.00 each. Full Bath.........$400.00 each. h. Fire Place gr~ater than 1........$600.00. '- ",; ., . l~Schedul e ~_uil dJ~-9--P~!..!!0-L!_ees 1.. Insulation Permit Fees 11r1~ftQ.(/.. " t//t"/r-o E !{e.eii /Je.: II) /1 /~6 All permit fees are based on the price of the insulation job. The permit holder is entitled to two (~) inspections on new construction and one (1) inspection on existing construction. Cost of Insulation From $ 0 to $ 500.00..........$ 10.00 From 500.0T to 1,000.00... ....... 1 2. 00 From 1,000.01 to 2,500.00........ .. 15.00 From 2,500.01 to 5,000.00.......... 18.00 From 5,000.01 to 8,000.00. ... ...... 22.00 From 8,000. 01 to 10,000.00.. ... ..... 25.00 From 10,000.01 to 15,000.00......... . 30.00 From 15,000.01 to 20,000.00.......... 40.00 From 20,000.01 to 30,000.00.......... 60.00 From 30,000.01 to 50,000.00.......... 80.00 From 50,000.01 to 75,000.00.......... 135.00 All call backs or extra inspections will be.....$5.00. j. Estimating Values: See attached IIBuilding Valuation Datall sheet for fees. k. Extra-Inspections: The above fees entitle the contractor or applicant to the necessary footing, foundation, rough-in .inspections and one final inspection. Extra inspections or inspection trips made necessary through the failure of any person, firm or corporation in charge of work, to give specific locations of work to be inspected or failure to install work according to Code regulations, are hel'eby designated IIEXTRA BUILDING INSPECTIONSII. This Extra Building Inspection Fee shall be.......$5.00. Permits will be required when structural changes are involved, such as the removal or. addition of a load hearing wall, changes in footings or foundations, installation of a new roof or other items involving structural changes. A Fee of $15.00 will be required from any person, firm or corporation that begins any construction without obtaining a permit. NEW HMWVER COUNTY ENGINEERING & SERVICES (PROPOSED) SCHEDULE OF PLU/.1BING PERl~1T FEES . lido;fed: E -Ffe-a ti I/e... : ?)If/f'D !b I, )JP'Q a. Fixtur"es ............................................. $ 2.00 (Each trapped fixture and hot water heater) b. Sewer Connections ............. ......... ............... 7.00 (Each buildlri9Thouse) sewer, Pub 1 i c or Private System) c. \I,'ater Pi ~ .......................................... 7.00 Each water service pipe or water tap, Public or Private System) d. I-lob il e Home Par k s ....................................... 7 .00 (Main water and/or sewer tap connections made to Public I'!orks Commission System) e. 11inimum Fee For Any Plumbing Permit ..................... 7.00 f. Extra In~pections ....................................... 5.00 The above fees entitle the contractor or applicant to the necessary rOQgh-in inspections and one final inspection. Extra inspection or inspection trips made necessary through the failute of any person, firm, or corporation in charge of "work, to give specific locations of work to be inspected or failure to install work according to code regulations, are hereby designated "Extra Plumbing Inspectionsll. . ,./' ,..-:-----., .;.e-.- . .,~ . .- -. -. . - .- .. - . - . . -.' . , )jd()ft-~d.' ? I If/PO : 'J3ff ee-i;tJ€.." I}) II /R-o {;'l>t! · SECTION 2-6.15 SCHEDULE OF HEATING AND AII~-CONOITIONHIGPER1'IIT FEES. For the' tnspectton of vlOrk performed under the provi s ions of thi 5 Ordi nance, inspection fees shall be in accordance with the following fee schedules. (a) Heatin~'systems, permit fees shall be in accordance with the following fee schedule for the installation or replacement of the following types of heating eguipment, based on th~BTU input of each unit. Oil, gas, and electric furances (duct distribution). Boilers, conversion burners, heat exchanges, '. and hot water systems. . . . ',-:?, .. ; ,", Hd6ff&-d.,' ? /;1f< , ~lleC!.rrll(J..; 11;// If-I> .' (b) Permit fees for central air-conditioning shall be in accordance with the following fee schedule for the installatio~ or replacement of air-~ondition- ing.systems based on the BTU rating of each unit: (1) $ 7.00 up,to 24,000 (2 ) 9.00 24,000 30,000 (3) 10.00 30,001 36,000 (4) 12.00, 36,001 - 48,000 (5 ) 15.00 ", 48,001 ,- 60,000 (6 ) 20.00 60,001 - 90,000' (7)", 25.00 . , 90,001 120,000 (8) 30,00 120,001 - 180,000 (9) 35.00 180,001 - 240,000 (10) 40.00 240,001 - 300,000 An additional fee of forty cents (.40) per 12,000 additional BTUs \'Ii 11 be charged for central air-conditioning units over 300,000 BTUs. (c) Permit fees, packaged units shall be in accordance with Fee Schedule(b). Air-conditioners (central) for the installation or replacement of each packaged unit (oil, gas, or electric), provided the heating and cooling equipment is contained ,in the same enclosure (factory assembled and approved). Note: If the system is split (contained in separate enclosure) permit fees shall be in accol'dance with Fee Schedule (a) for heating and Fee Schedule (b) for cooling Ordinance. (d) Permit fees for the installation or l~eplacement of all hr::at producing equipment listed below, which utilizes gas (natural or liquified) oil, electricity, steam or solid fuels, shall be in accordance with the follo\'ling fee schedule ro,' each unit: Floor Furnaces $7.00 Space Heaters Unit Heaters - less than 100,000 BTU Hall Heaters 7.00 7.00 7.00 ,I' '\ . )}d()f.ls,~': R/lr/?b F'ffli..'(!'71 ve-: / A II/rlJ '" (1 e) Permit fee for all gas appliances, house plplng systems and other similiar connections shall be according to the following fee schedule: Each Appliance Minimum $4.00 $7.00 f) Minimum Fee for Any Heat or Air-Conditioning Permit-if one contractor does both the plumbing and the gas connection, the fee will be ... $7.00 g) Solid Fuel Heater Equipment Insert and free standing $10.00 h) Permit fees for the installation or replacement of any blower or fan including duct distribution system installed for ventilation, in other than residences and multi-fami1y'houses, shall be in accordance with: Motor Horsepower o - 25 26 and over $10.00 $20.00 i) Permit fees for the installation or replacement of any commercial, residential or industrial tank for flammable or combustible liquids (underground or above ground), shall be in accordance with: Flammable or Combustible Liquid Tanks 50 to 500 gallons 501 to 10,000 gallons 10,001 and over, $2.00 per thousand j) Permit fees for the installation; replacement or alteration of Fire , Extinguisher Stystems for commercial, and other than residences and multi-family houses, cooking applications shall be in accordance with: $6.00 10.00 One system Each additional system at same location $10.00 $ 5.00 At the time of application for a permit, the installer shall furnish the UL listed system or plan number of system to be installed. Equipment shall be installed in accordance with North Carolina State Building Code, Volume III, Chapter 9. Installation of system shall be made only by persons properly trained and qualified by the manufacturer of the system being installed. A certificate of qualification shall be filed with the inspection office and updated yearly for all persons engaged in the installation of fire extinguishing systems. A copy of certification of inspection shall be forwarded to the inspection office. Installer shall call for inspection when system is completed and shall perform operational checks for the inspector as required by same. k) /ldt>tted: 8)tt5/.?O Hood and Canopies over Cooking Areas (Commercial Uses) 1=ffee:t,lle: //;/1 IE/) .II . . " New installations or replacement 1 ) Mobil e Homes $10.00 Permit fees for installation or replacement of furnaces (oil, gas or electric) and air-conditioning equipment (central) in mobile homes shall be in accordance with Fee Schedule (a) Heating, and Fee Schedule (b) Air-Conditioning, of the Heating and Cooling Ordinance. m) Solar Type Installation Permit fees for the installation, alteration, and/or replacement of each Total Solar or Solar assisted type appliance, equipment or other such devices utilizing solar energy, to include all associated piping, valves, heat exchangers, storage tanks (excluding electrical elements), circulation pumps, rock storage bens, solar panels and any other such materials specifically designed and/or approved for use in solar installations. $15.00 per system n) Service Charge Services not covered by permit Minimum $10.00 + materials furnished by the County 0) Extra Inspections $10.00 The above fees entitle the contractor or applicant to the necessary rough-in inspections and one final inspection. Extra inspection or inspection trips made necessary through the failure of any person, firm, or corporation in charge of work, to give specific locations of work to be inspected or failure to install work according to code regulations, are hereby designated IIExtra Heat and Air-Conditioning Inspections". p) Fee for not ac uirin a Permit. An additional fee of ten dollars ($10.00), or amount 0 fee requlre y permlt, W lchever is greater, above the fee required in Section 6-39 is to be charged for any person who begins work without first obtainin the required permits. ,;--/ .--.-.,-.-.., l\tH HfdiOVER (OUIlTY ENGIUEERIrIG & SERVICES (PEOPOSED) ELECTRICAL PERHIT FEE SCHEDULE ,lld()11~ci: ?11~)r: Fffl!'l!.-t/lle: Jj))1 Jr. , ' ,~. '., )~ '. ----..... Electrical permits are required on all electrical work as per G.S. 153A-357. (Minimum fee $5.00 per permit) , NEW CONSTRUCTION FEES TO BE BASED ON A!1PERE RATING OF SERVICE RESIDENTIAL -------- CO).'.!I;ERC IAL, UmUSTRIAL, & INSTI _(INCLUDING I,)OT[LS AIm HOTE~5J_ 00 - 125 $15.00 126 - 200 35.00 201 & over 35.00 plus .10 per a over 200 00 - 100 $12.00 101 - 150 20.00 . 151 - 200 30.00 201 - 400 45.00 401 & over 45.00 plus .05 per amp. over 400 Aoartments shall be based on each unit service . nOTE: Above rates include all special circuits, outlets, fixtures, signs, etc. 11[\1 SERV ICE 00 - 100 $ 10.00 101 - 200 14.00 201 - 400 24.00 401 & over 24.00 plus (All fixtures, outlets, & Above rates apply to Main SERVICE UPGRADE, f-\DDITIONS~ J!JID ALTERATIONS VlIRIUG \nTH no SERVICE Up to 20 outlets $ 5.00 Over 20 outlets 10.00 (The above fees do no include .06 per amp Special Circuits etc. special circuits included) Service for multi-occupancy buildings. HjAC SPECIAL CIRCUITS - $2.00 EACH (TO BE USED ~JITH NO SERV I CE CHAti,Qil Electric Re.nge \:a ter Ec:a ter Oil 8urner Di sl1l':a sher Laundry Circuit Electric Dj"yer :-;eating Circuit AIC Circuit Space Hc:ater Electric Sign Electric Furnace \':alk-in-Cooler HI SCELL/:,r:EOUS Swimffiing Fool ~iring & Grounding :1'..;n'i11ing Fool PUJi':p & Filter Only ~ddio & TV ;nten~a Te~porary Pole (Saw Service) ~obile Ho~e Ir5~2ction ~obi1e Ho~e Pipirg In ~obile Ho~e Fole & Pipe in Household & Garden ~ater Pump Grounding Mobile HOffie Pedestal (2ut not to excEed $38.00) Repairs to ~obile Home BillbOc.r'ds COj,:~unity \!atE:r PUiT!ping System low Voltage ~iring-[up to 32 volts Each Gasoline Dispenser' Prior to Final Cut-On Extra Inspections l.jOTORS TO BE USED ~nTH-r:O-SERVICE EP.ARGE ------.------.-- $12.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 $5.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 1st. Motor $5.00 r:ext 2 - 10 l'~otors 1.75 (ach Additional Hotors .75 Each (Total for ffiotors'not to exceed $200.00) ~ -.. J 1 I. " I.' II j', 11 ,~ ,,' .. -2- 1d~ff~d.' e--/I~/~~ E(fet!Ti~e-: /b /1 / R"L> -~ _: _ Electrical Permit Fee Schedule -------------.------.------ dOTE: The above fees entitle the permittee to the appropriate number of inspections for the \'lOrk performed ~s one additional in2Q,Q.f.150n for corrected '.';ork. Permits must be obtained prior to starting work. Any jobs started without a perrnif-\'iiTIbe subject to a $25.00 civil penalty in addition to the normal permit fee. It is the responsibility of the permittee to notify the Inspection Department of any electrical work that will not be performed by him on a given project. $10.00 to be assessed if the contractor fails to do this. It is the responsi- bility of the Inspection Department to require this work to be performed by a licensed conti'actor and charges vJil1 be as 5hO\.m in Addition and Alterations Schedule. . ,.. ~ ~. }-t1t-;! P. It>. Procedure in which an annual electrical permit may be issued for the installation, construction, maintenance, or'repair of electrical wiri'ng devices, appliances".or:-' equipment by persons, firms, or corporations, upon their own property, who regularly employ one or more electricians for the purpose of install~ng, maintaining, : altering, or repairing of electrical wiring, devices or equipment used for the conducting of the business of Certain prerequisites, listed below must be understood by all parties to achieve a workable routine: 1. Annual permit fee is $ , not to exceed $200.00. 2. A separate permit shall be issued for each premises owned and/or occupied by i. i to facilitate record keeping. These separate permits will be included in the annual permit fee stated in No.1. 3. Electrical inspector must be called on the first work day of each month to make routine inspection of~ facilities. Specific inspections at any time. 4. A continuing record must be kept by inspector and permittee, showing all areas that have been inspected. 5. At end of Fiscal Year, June 30, a settlement will be made. If, according to current fee schedule, the permittee is due a refund, and both parties agree to continue the annual permit procedure, a credit will be given toward the following year fee. If the permittee owes the county part of the annual fee, he is required to forward balance due before the next annual permit is issued. 6. If aforementioned work is to be performed by a licensed electrical contractor, permit must be issued in .that party's name. This procedure shall not apply for electrical work to be performed by a licensed elettrical contractor who is not regularly employed for maintenance, etc. . .. .J \ \,