1980-09-02-RM Exhibits "I ~ 6f-.Yf1J-; /~/I . July 24, 1980 .--. Mrs. Ellen C. Williams Chairwoman, New Hanover County Commission 320 Chestnut Street Room 502 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Mrs. Williams: As a result of our study of appointed boards and commissions, the City Council has adopted the attached ordinance and resolution which affect the jointly appointed Board of Examiners of Electricians and New Hanover County Council on the Status of Women. I am trans- mitting these to you for your consideration. These actions will not become effective until adopted by the'County Commissioners, and are presently in the format necessary for Council action. The ordinance amends Section 8-46 of the City Code to provide for staggered terms for the members of the Board of Examiners of Electricians. In reviewing the boards and commissions, we concluded that staggered terms benefit most boards when any technical information or expertise is needed. Such is the case with the Board of Examiners. The resolution adds a paragraph to the April 25, 1978 resolution establishing the New Hanover County Council on the Status of Women ? which specifies the duties and responsibilities. The Council on the Status of Women has also requested that their title be changed to read IINew Hanover Council on the Status of ~'Jomenll, but we have taken no action on that request as we felt that such a change is up to the Commissioners. ....--.~ . -~--~ ~ In addition to these aocuments, we have also recommended that ; formal resolutions establishing the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission and the Wilmington-New Hanover Insurance Advisory Committee be adopted. Staff is in the process of developing such resolutions. Drafts will be submitted for your review prior to any action being taken. Input by the affected boards will also be solicited. _/ ---~ -.---.-------- --,._--_..._".~--~.._--- '.--/ ~C!- .~" 7- -:1.'f-iV CITY COUNCIL . " Mrs. Ellen C. Williams Page 2 July 24, 1980 Your approval of the intent of the attached ordinance and resolution is requested. Sincerely, JFD/JCG:ds Attachments ~ ~ ' " ;.-- l.nt.rodl.lced by. Councilman Joseph F. Dunn City Cound Cjty of WilmingtoI North Caroline RESOLUTION AMENDING A RESOLUTION OF APRIL 25, 1978, ESTABLISHING THE NEVi HANOVER COUNTY COUNCIL ON THE STATUS OF WO~1EN Date_ ......Jy lY 22 J~ R.ESCL~ that the resolution of April 25,1978, which established the New Hanover County Council on the Status of Women be amended by adding a new Section 4, as follows: 4. The duties and responsibilities of the New Hanover County Council on the Status of Women shall be as follows: To advise the respective governing bodies making appointments on the Council on the status of women in their communities. h alth To advi se the respecti ve governi n9 bodi es concerni n9 th~/e~ucati'on and employment of WOr.let1 in the community of jurisdiction. To advise upon matters referred to it by an appointing authority. To sponsor programs of education for women and men in the community. To advise upon legislation affecting the status of women in New Hanover County. Adopted at a meeting 0"- Anon regular July 22 19. 80 ~~ifj, ~~;(?t/ Mayor ~ '-' / t(/tA..'u. 7\j4-<.",(7,):/ C it'{ C ler/(/ 9g~flfll;r, TO SE A TRUE: COP't' ~y~ ~ITV e\"~~~... .. . '-'~::~~;lli-m.~~,'.,~~;~~i't~.~~i~~%: . I", '~S[~~'~~~BS~~CJo~r:; .;r.. ~"<:" . .' ..... 1 . '.: ~t.(,~:c ", ~", JI . uty COl.i~ City of Wilrningtc North Carolm , ~ bv1 Co'unci lman Joseph F. Dunn .. ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8-46 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON Date.-_~ly 22 10 ,-..,...j BE IT OROAI NED: That Section 8-46 of the 1961 edition of the Code of the City of Wilmington, as amended, be further amended by repealing Section 8-46 thereof and substituting the follovJing: Section 8-46. Composition, appointment and term of members. The board of examiners of electricians shall consist of six members, one of whom shall be a city electrical inspector and one of whom shall be a county electrical inspector, two electrical contractors, one power company employee and one electrical consulting engineer. The city electrical inspectors shall be appointed by the City Manager, or his designee, and the county electrical inspector shall be appointed by the Count~ Manag~r to serve on the. board of examiners. The remaining members shall be appointed by the City Council and the New Hanover County Commissioners, with the City Council appointing one electrical contractor and one power company employee, and the County Commissioners appoint- ing one electrical contractor and one consulting electrical engineer. The members shall serve for a period of two years with the terms staggered so that the electrical contractors are appointed in even-numbered years, and the power company employee and the consulting engineer are appointed in odd-numbered years. All members shall serve until their succes- sors are appointed and qualified. This ordinance shall be effective from the date of adoption, subject to ratification by the New Hanover County Commissioners. ~,/~brJ MAYOR .------- Adopted at a _E.&.~llar_ meeting on July 22 , 1980. CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE COpy ~'T~ lClIlN CLERK .L\TTEST: (&,.{jU-, ~L.~d/.-,~;Y CITY CL~ " .. !r~ ~tl,~/ ?/~ ." /IJ/, >:>-!fs"C> C C Kc:S f-\ 'fe.nJc.... q J2- / a-o OFFICE OF THE MAYOR (919) 762-0832 August 12, 1980 Mrs. Ellen Williams, Chairman New Hanover County Board .of Commission8rs County Administration Building 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Dear Chairman Williams: With the establishment of separate City and County planning functions, it is necessary to amend the method through which the Wilmington area receives transportation planning funds. At present, the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission is designated as the Lead Planning Agency (LPA) for transportation programs and, as such, is the designated recipient of transportation planning funds. In order to insure continuity in the transportation planning program, City Council has requested the Governor to designate the City of Wilmington as LPA. According to our discussions with state officials, the designation process will be facilitated .if the County Commissioners endorse this re uest. Therefore, it is respectfully requested tha e Board of Commissioners ?pprove the attached resolutio~ to that effect. It should be noted that LPA designation relates primarily to the receipt of grant funds and will not change the operation of the Technical Coordinating Committee or the Transportation Advisory Committee of which you are a member. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~~ Ben B. Halterman Mayor BBH/WBF/jw Att. . !1trocilnd bY- Robert G. Cobb, City Manager . L~~) City Counc City of Wilmingtol North Carolin~ Cat.. August 12 .19. , , RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THE DESIGNATION OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON AS THE LEAD PLANNING AGENCY FOR TRANSPORTATION PLANNING FOR THE WILMINGTON URBANIZED AREA WHEREAS, Section 134(a) of Title 23 United States Code states that after July 1, 1965, the Secretary (of Transportation) shall not approve under Section 105 of this title any program for (transportation) projects in an urban area of more than 50,000 population unless he finds that such projects are based on a continuing, compre- hensive transportation planning process carried on cooperatively by states and local communities; and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Governor to designate a lead agency in each urbanized area responsible for carrying out the transportation planning process; al WHEREAS, in 1973 the Governor designated the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission as the Lead Planning Agency for Section 134, Title 23, U.S. Code; and WHEREAS, in its capacity as the Lead Planning Agency for Section 134, Title 23, U.S. Code, the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission has served as the designated recipient of transportation planning funds. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Wilmington, North 'Carolina, does hereby recommend ( 1 ) The Governor of the State of North Carolina designate the City of Wilmingto as the Lead Planning Agency for Section 134, Title 23, U.S. Code, regarding transportation planning for the Wilmington urbanized area; and That in its capacity as the Lead Planning Agency, the City of Wilmington serve as the designated recipient of transportation planning funds. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners be requested to endorse such designation. (2) ;(;' /~/ -- .- //.' ;" ,~' h/' \ . >~ j ,~) '. L,/,:?A1?"ji;1.---- ~1A YOR Adopted at a regular meeting on August 12 , 1980. ATTEST: ,(J /i 1 W:.~ CITY CI.:ERK 7bfJJJ ".i " /