2011-05-03 Regular Meeting New Hanover County Airport .Authority May 3, 2011 Page 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY REGULAR. PUBLIC MEETING May 3, 2011 CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Tuesday, May 3, 2010, at Wilmington International Airport, 1 740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Chairman Burton called the meeting to order at 6 :37 p.m. Airport Authority members present were Paul Burton, Chairman; John Lennon, Secretary; Charles Lays and Harry Stovall. Robert Rippy, vice - Chairman, was not present. Also present were Jon Rosborough, Airport Director; Julie Wilsey, Deputy Airport Director; Jim Morton, Pirl is ni-rcy trVr. t'Znvxy �rrltiYrY�ttr- �r-rarntirt n �Yrr nir�w '[ 1h i#r�acr �rc and �'nn iicn �/ n,nnrts,^= i Li 1( LI%.:V I - DIVA �)LLI Y JJIXJ &kIt.VL I I LJJJ%,ILCLI%J110 .VII%.,% tAJ1 Yy 111Lw_' l �L.fU�V, � LLL111 1Y.iLi1[CL� %4 , Sandra Routh, Executive Assistant; Wanda Copley, County Attorney; and Steve Bright, Talbert & Bright, Inc. CLOSED SESSION At this time Chairman Burton called for Authority members to go into CLOSED SESSION to discuss a litigation platter pursuant to NCCS 143-318.1](3). Mr. Lennon MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Kays to go into CLOSED SESSION. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Burton called the meeting to CLOSED SESSION at 6 :35 p.m. RETURN TO REGULAR MEETING Mr. Stovall MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. days to return to the Regular Meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Burton returned to the Regular Meeting 7:22 p.m. Chairman Burton noted that during the Closed Session, Authority members discussed a litigation matter. No actions were taken. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The .Authority has reviewed the minutes of the Agenda Review and Regular Public Meeting on March 30, 2011. Dr. Kays MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Stovall, to approve the minutes of the March 30, 20 11 1- agenda Review and Regular Public Meeting as submitted. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. ITEMS BY THE PUBLIC There were no comments from anyone attending the meeting. FINANCE REPORT Mr. Dorton reviewed ILM's cash report for the month of March for Authority members. Mr. Morton reviewed ILM's summary of accounts for the month of March for Authority members. Mr. Morton reported he had several action items for Authority members' approval, including a New Hanover County Airport Authority May 3, 2011 Page 2 contract with Lanier, Whaley & Craft in the amount of $36,600 for ILM's annual audit, and publication of notice for public review of ILM's proposed FY 2012 operating and Capital Budgets. FA CILITIES Mrs. Wilsey updated Authority members on current projects, stating the LED Guidance Sign Project with Barnes & Powell and the Airport Boulevard Rehabilitation Project would be wrapping up during the month of May. She stated the Rescue Base Roofing Project was complete and would be inspected and certified within the next month. Mrs. Wilsey reported that Mr. Prease had the old cooling tower removed around the end of April. She said a pre - construction meeting with Bast Coast Contracting was scheduled for May 11 to get the New Parking Lot Project started. She commented Talbert & Bright was working on the design and 1_' A a _ .. rw TY A ,-1 A T11 ., *11 , , z ., UIU LIOGUHICI lS 1UI I]_,1'1 s upcoz u g �Xir projects Lndt wm nave to ne aia anu suDm ttea to ine FAA for neat year's entitlement funding. GOVERNMENT There were no government issues to discuss at this meeting. MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Mr. Morton informed Authority members that with a new television commercial and new radio spots, staff continues to market ILM's airlines and non -stop destinations, with emphasis on Washington, DC and Chicago. He recommended Authority members approve the annual contract with Fourth Day .Advertising for television commercials. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Mr. Morton reported that work continues on the lift station project and should be substantially finished by May 13. OPERATIONS DEPORT Mr. Broughton stated the total number of passengers handled in April was 64,067 (31,857 enplanernents + 32,1 deplanements which is 2.7% less than April 2010. The total passengers handled year -to -date was 234,406, which is 3.9% more than the year -to -date statistics for April 2010. Mr. Broughton stated ILM's load factor for April was 91 %. He reported the April load factor for the new Washington, DC weekend non -stop service was 81 % The monthly fares and fuel comparisons have been completed for April 2011. Mr. Broughton reported ILM's international traffic using US Customs statistics for April: 213 aircraft were cleared, which is 10% less than April 2010; and 1,422 persons were cleared, which is 2.4% more than April 2010. Year -to -date, US Customs has cleared 940 aircraft, which is 7.4% less that 201 and 5,454 persons, which is 6.7% less than 2010. New Hanover County Airport Authority May 3, 2011 Page 3 DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Rosborough reported he and Mr. Morton would be flying out on Wednesday, May 4, for the annual Allegiant Air Airlines Conference, stating they would be meeting with Allegiant's representatives to maintain ILM's current service to Sanford /Orlando and to promote additional air service. He stated that in June, he and Mr. Broughton would be attending the ACI -NA JumpStart program in Cleveland, and meeting with various airlines to promote additional air service at ILIA. Mr. Rosborough reviewed the May and June calendars. I Ie reported the Department of Homeland Security would not be upgrading their security level in the aftermath of Osarna Bin Laden's death. Mr. Rosborough commented that in discussing the pros and cons of the most recent air show, Authority members and staff carne to the determination that ILM had outgrown air shows and would not pursue having another in the future. ACTION ITEMS Mr. Lennon MOVED, SECONDED by Dr. Kays, to approve the following amended Action Items (Mrs. Wilsey deleted item #3 and added item. # 1 I ; Mr. Morton added Items #6 -10): 1. Approve a contract with Hasco, Inc. for airfield rubber removal, painting and other maintenance items in an amount not to exceed $47,000. 2. Approve a work Authorization amendment with Talbert & Bright for the Storm water Phase 11 Project for additional staff time to review and prepare information in an amount not to exceed $1 5,000. 4. Approve FY 2012 operational Budget of $6,559,800 and Capital Budget of $21,307,500 for public review. 5. .Approve an annual television media contract with Fourth Day Advertising for $106,31.2. 6. Approve the purchase of two parcels of land totaling 7.53 acres along Blue Clay Road for $900,000, usin ILM's PFC funds. 7. Approve additional service with W.K. Dickson for $19,200, for the design, coordination, bidding and observation of the relocation of a water line and extension of a sewer line in the business park. 8. Approve a contract with Lanier, Whaley and Craft in the amount of $36,600, for ILM's annual audit. 9. Approve an authorization up to the amount of $25,000, for the purchase of 2945 Acorn Branch Road ( 1.34 acres of land). New :Hanover County Airport Authority May 3, 2011 Page 4 10. Approve a change to raise ILM's maximum dollar amount levels for purchases and approvals: a. Purchase orders are required for any purchase in the amount of $1,000 or more. b. Airport Director may approve purchases up to $10,000. c. Airport Authority Chairman may approve purchases up to $20,000. 11. Approve a contract with Tinney Painting to paint the canopy located at the terminal's front entrance in an amount not to exceed $28,000. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. YT�. XjU1T#&j 11Q.711LL YP V tJi \ Mr. Rosborough announced that April 28th was Chairman Burton's birthday, and everyone wished him a belated "Happy Birthday." NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to discuss at this meeting. OTHER ITEMS BY THE AUTHORITY, There were no other items for discussion by Authority members. ADJO URNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Lennon MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Stovall to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED UNA NIMOUSLY. Chairman Burton adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m. Prepared by: Respectfully Submitted: Sandy Routh John D. Lennon, Secretary