B101811 New Hanover Countti- Board of Social Services Aleeting Minutes Multi Purpose Room A 10:00a.m. - 11:00 a.m. The Ne« 1 IanoNer Count.' Board of Social SerN-ices met in open session on TuesdaN. October 18. 2011 at 10:02 in NIulti Purpose Room A of the Nevi I lanover County Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: John Crai<u. Chairman: ENc1Nn Bryant: Diana Woolley and Brian Berger ALSO ATTENDING: LaVauohn Nesmith. Secretary to the Board: Stephanie Monteath, Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:0-1 a.m. Mr. Craig asked for a motion to approN c the agenda. Ms. Woollcvmoved for approval of the agenda. The motion «as seconded by Ms. Brant and passed tinanimously. Ms. BrN ant led the im ocation. Ms. Woollev]ed the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. CraiL) asked for a motion to approx e the consent agenda. Ms. Woolle\ moved to approve the consent agenda. The motion vyas seconded h\ Ms. Brant and passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA N,Is. WoolleN asked about the separated employees. Mr. Nesmith confirmed all separated ernplo%ees Neill be replaced. Mr. Craig asked if the client walk-in number on the Sku'nificant Service DelivcrvIndicators Was erroneous. Mr. Nesmith explained the number was extraordinarily hioh because of the emergence Food and 'Nutrition Services food replacement cards. As another result of emergence FNS cards, mampeople realized theN arc Chu'iNe for FRT cards and the number of ne\v applicants went up by over a thousand. Vs. McNamee explained the waiting, list for child care is hein~~ ~~~~rl:cd as slots bCCO IIIe av ailablr due to people becomin(_' unemployed thus ne(.)atinL, the need for child care. Ms. Woolley asked that case load size be an a(7enda item for November's Board meetin0. The NorthNvood's project is still on hold as at this time. Staff %\111 be attending a meeting-, «itb State and NC Fast on October 26`x'. Staff hopes to learn N\ hat the States current plans are for document mana(.,ement software and integration vvith NL C Fast prior to makin,a a Final decision on implementing the Northwood's sofm are. Item 2 Page 1 Pa~~e2oi3 Mr. Berner asked for a briefing-, from the Social Services Institute In Hickory for Noyember's Board meeting. Ms. WoolleN asked for clarification on several budget items Ms. Woolley asked for follovv-up on the ARC guardianship through Southeastern Mental Health. Alyssa Harrell explained the Child Support Incentive Program. The State (-,iv'es funding to counties to be reinvested in their child support program for meeting incentive goals set by the State. No action vv as taken b% the Board. STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Adult Protective Sen ices Susan Sprenger talked about the goal to reduce recidivism of maltreatment of the a-ed and disabled and revie\v,ed the strategies currently in use to meet that goal. Mr. Nesmith noted the elderly population is exploding according to the latest census numbers. Ms. Marino explained that although people may need assistance. they are often their own guardian and as such. DSS cannot force them to move into a differentSafer situation. 'GIs. Sprenger responded to a question posed by Ms. Woolley bvcxplaininL, that SA (Special Assistance) In-Home care enables people to receive assistance in their own home as opposed to moving into a nursi1121 care or assisted liv ing facilz if they are Medicaid Eligible. Ms. Sprenger shared some outreach stratc(: ics to ensure the community knovys vyhen to make an Adult Protective Service report. M%ssa Harrell discussed some successes of Child Support. Currently Young illiams is meetI - or exceedinL, State (-,oals for collections. Despite the economy the a<~enc\ continues to increase collections. So far for Fiscal Year 1 112. collections are at S33335-022 00. As vyell. the a,-,cncvis above the state-vyide average in all incentiyc areas, There vyere no questions from the Board. No action vyas taken by the Board. Next Meeting Objectives Guardianship Challenges Abuse%Ne(-'lect of Children in licensed Care Achievements Caseload Discussion Social Services Institute t;pdate Additional Items 'GIs. AV,oolle\ mop cd to enter closed session at 10:44. The motion «as seconded b~Mr. Berger and the board unanimously entered closed session. Item 2 Page 2 Page 3 of' %Jr. Ber-oer mop ed to re-enter open session at 11:08, The motion was seconded by Ms. Brv ant and passed unanimousIN . Mr. Hollarickworth explained that the Social Services Board is priN~to am information or records the al-'encv hTs_ but thev can not discuss them outside of, a Board mectin %,Is. Lloyd-DaN is further explained that if information is discussed outsidc the Board mcetirng. to the media or others. it is a violation of tkt-State lay Mr. Craig asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Berger moved to adjourn at 12:18 PM. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed unanimously. As there were no further items to discuss as provided in G.S. 154A-98 to consider infrnrmation that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and or G.S. 154A-98. the board by consensus adjourned at 12:19 Ph1. Respectfully submitted. L LaVau('hn Nesmith. Secretary to the Board ~Iohn E. Craig, Chairman Item 2 Page 3