B111511 New Hanover County Board of Social Services Meeting Minutes Multi Purpose Room A 10:OOa.m. — 11:00 a.m. The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Tuesday. November 15. 2011 at 10:OO in Multi Purpose Room A of the New Hanover County Department oFSocial Services. ATTENDING: John Craig. Chairman: Evelyn Bryant: Diana Woollen. Patrick Riley and Brian Berger ALSO ATTENDING: LaVaughn Nesmith. Secretary to the Board: Stephanie Monteath. Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. Mr. Craig asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Ms. Woolley moved for approval of the agenda. The motion was seconded by Mr. Riley and passed unanimously. Mr. Nesmith led the invocation. Mr. Riley led the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Craig asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Ms. Woolley moved to approve the consent agenda. The motion vyas seconded by Mr. Riley and passed unanimously. INFORMATION AGENDA Ms. Woolley congratulated DSS on the positive response of the recent Star News article about children failing to thrive. Ms. Woolley noted the numbers in CPS. Courtesy Cases and Guardianship for adults are all on the rise and asked that the agency let her know if more staff will be needed to accommodate that rise. Ms. Woolley asked if the rising Medicaid numbers will impact the budget. Ms. McNamee explained it will most likely impact the State budget. not the County's. NIs. Woolley asked about the ENS number which skyrocketed. Ms. McNamee explained that many people who applied for Disaster Food and Nutrition Services realiied they were eligible for a monthly ENS installment which increased ENS numbers substantially. Karen Graham and Director Nesmith explained the numbers for the monthly budget expenditures. No action was taken by the Board. Pate i of 4 STRATEGIC' .ACTION AGENDA Guardianship Challenges Patricia Robinson_ Leslie Smiley. Wanda Marino and Gwen Stahl discussed the challenges of finding family members or disinterested public agents to serve as guardian for incompetent adults. DSS has actually had some success in this area in part due to community education. the Family Find program (which helps find other family members throughout the country) and other agencies such as the Health Department and Mental Health. which are often the more appropriate agency to assist in an individual*s needs. The Clerk of Court can assign guardianship to various agencies including DSS. the Health Department. the Department of Aging and the local Mental Health agency. DSS. the Clerk of Court and the various guardianship agencies will be having on-going meetings to work out the kinks and stressors of guardianship. Mr. Craig asked if DSS acts as guardian of the estate as well. Ms. Marino explained usually a local attorney will serve as guardian of the estate. Mr. Nesmith shared the agency desperately needs another social worker to work in guardianship. Mr. Rilev asked for clarification as to why DSS' numbers are growing when there are tour agencies providing guardianship services. Ms. Marino explained that historically DSS has provided guardianship services but the aging population is growing so fast that DSS cannot keep up. The f our agencies have always been available to provide guardianship but the clerk of court has not traditionally appointed any of them besides DSS. Mr. Berger asked how much money goes toward unfunded mandates. Mr. Nesmith noted it can't be tracked as there are so many ranging from generating fishing licenses to disposal of unclaimed bodies. Ms. Woolley feels the unfunded mandates are a legislative issue. .Abuse/Neglect of Children in Licensed Care Achievements Brian Bocnuk explained that DSS deals with children who have been abused and neglected and the goal in placing them in fester care is to not ha\c them abused or neglected there. The target goal giv en by the State and Feds is -00.69 °O of children will be abused in a licensed care facility. DSS conducts regular visits to foster homes and provides a lot of education about what type of things to expect for potential foster parents. Foster parents in \eNy I Ianov er County practiced -shared parenting- vyhich means they work with the biological parents to come up with plans and strategies for the kids. Mr. Berger asked if there is a picnic in the park for adoptive kids. Mr. Bocnuk said there is a picnic this Saturday and the Board Members are invited to attend. Ms. Woolley asked if abusive parents engage in the shared parenting meetings. Mr. Bocnuk said that the agency uses court orders and good judgment to determine whether or not the parents will see the children. Often in severe cases the parents are incarcerated. As well. usually shared parenting is practiced in cases where the goal is reunification. Update from Social Service Institute Attendees Leslie Chancy gave an update about technology sessions she attended at the Social Service Institute and discussed NC' FAST and Northwoods (tor document Page ; of 4 management). NC FAST vv ill not be fully deployed until 1017. NC' FAST w ill not include a document management function. One Case will remain a central repository for client data but vv ill not pros ide case management after the full implementation of NC FAST. Northvyoods Lasertische will streamline the scanning of documents in the agency and handle forms processing. This will be especially important until all programs are implemented in NCFAST and able to share client information. Nevy Hanover County IT vv ill make sure that NC FAST. Northvv odds and One Case vv ill interface. Mr. Nesmith talked about "Virtual Workers- and a workshop he attended addressing clients \\ho speak languages other than English. New Hanover County is in a good position with the steps that have been taken to serve the non-Fnolish speaking and deaf hard of hearing community. Mr. Berger asked if there is a way to track those who need lanouaoe assistance and in which languages. Ms. McNamee responded that there is a field in the client record that asks which is the primary language and if an interpreter is needed. Mr. Berger asked for clarification on the virtual worker. Mr. Nesmith and Ms. Chancy explained that while the \ irtual worker would rely more on technology. it will not eliminate the need for a physical human \\ho has a \ast know ledge of the program. Mr. Berger asked if NC FAST will have the ability to detect potential fraud. Ms. Chaney said it will in that it will easily he able to point out anomalies and easily compare driver's license numbers etc. Mr. Nesmith shared that 199 cases from the issuance of emergency food and nutrition cards due to the hurricane have been identified for an audit. Draft Letters of Proposed Child Care Incentive Ms. AVoollev would like to see one change to the letter. She would like the letter to say. -wailing list- as opposed to -wait list-. 1Nlr. Nesmith interjected that DSS is currently '. orking the wait list and the timing may not he right to send a letter requesting additional funds. Ms. Woolley suggested then just changing the last sentence of the first paragraph. Ms. McNamee added that DSS would like to see the letter incorporate the annual COPT (Community Child Protection Team) report's recommendation. Ms. Woolley moved to revisit the letter again in January and put it out that month as well. The motion \\as seconded by Mr. Riley and passed unanimously. Discussion of Imposing a Fee for Client Records Caseload Discussion Karen Graham and Director Nesmith explained that many people are coming to the aocncv and requesting a copy of their records. Other agencies such as the Health Department are now charging S5.00 per record whether it is I page or 100 pages. Ms. Marino noted outside attorneys request very large records regularly. Nis. Woolley asked if DSS could charge attorneys but not clients. Mr. Nesmith explained that he \\as not comfortable with that differentiation. Mr. Nesmith suggested the agency not charge for the records as our clients are already really needy. Ms. Woolley suggested tracking the cost throughout next budget year. Mr. Riley does not recommend Page 4 of-t tracking it. Ms. Bryant noted that would add to administrative costs. No action was taken by the board. Case Load discussion Director Nesmith has charoed his two Assistant Directors with tracking caseloads to determine how manv staff may be needed in the new budget year. Ms. McNamee noted the State refuses to set a standard for program caseloads in Economic Services proorams. In addition to that. there is no way to determine how the implemented technology and health care reform will affect the workloads of economic sere ice caseworkers. As a result. Ms. McNamee is not prepared to make a request for staff at this point. Ms. Woolley stated that she thought DSS could assume that we are understaffed and suggested asking for more expecting to get less. Ms. McNamee noted there has been no relief in Economic Services and in fact. there has been a steady increase in numbers for the past flse years. Mr. Berger asked if the Smart Start cuts impacted the Day Care Subsidy program. Mr. Nesmith explained that the State legislature has mo\ed administrative responsibility of the pre-kindergarten program to DCDEE from the Department of Education. Wanda Marino explained that Social Work case load standards are set by the State. Currently Social Work is not in need of staff in Child Protectiv e Services and Child Welfare Services but may need additional staff in Title XIX Medicaid Transportation and Adult Guardianship cases. Next Meeting Objectives Child Protective Services Challenge and Child Custody Achievement Holiday Agency Luncheon Additional Items Mr. Craig asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Riley moved to adjourn at 1 1 :1 8 AM. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berger and passed unanimously. As there vv ere no further items to discuss as provided in G.S. 154A-98 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-89 and or G.S. 154A-98. the board by consensus adjourned at 1 1 :19 AM Respectful) ' submitted. c7 iir „ z /1 /_. . s . EaVaughn Nesmith, Secretary to the Board .�f � lll E. Craig. Chairman B11I52011