2010-01-12 Minutes New Hanover Nursing Home Advisory Co ittee Quarterly meeting January 12, 2010 Members present: Dorothy Grime John Coble John Bilobran Kristi Dale Julie Brewer Denise Shuart Sharon D'Andrea Audrey Marshall Patti Sacchetti Ombudsmans Meeting was called to order at 4:15 pm by Audrey Marshall. Kristi Dale present as co-chair. Discussed North Carolina general statutes 13ID-32 [a&bl and 131E-128a. The functions of Co unity Advisory Co unity involvement. Discussion followed how to involve co unity into nursing homes. Kristi Dale suggested contact mother groups. Julie Brewer suggested scouts and high school contacts. Denise Sh suggested CW and CFCC nursing d social worker students who need to do volunteer service. John Bilobran suggested we do a more in depth survey with nursing homes to meet there needs. Also suggestion to have booth at volunteer fair. Te- s to ask at exit interviews what is needed at each nursing home. Kristi and Julie are going to check on contacts and get back to Audrey. Audrey info ed te- of in service on 3/25/2010 in Leland. She will fo ard info ation by e-mails. Next meeting April 13, 2010 @elpm. Training with Sharon Wilder, state • budsman. Reviewed quarterly visits by Dot Grime and Julie Brewer. With no further issues Kristi Dale closed the meeting at 5:15pm. te- s scheduled there visits. Minutes submitted by Denise Shuart _ _