2010-10-12 Minutes Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Meeting was held on 10/12/2010 at the COG conference room. Attendees: John Brett,Julie Brewer, Sharon D'Andrea, Catherine Davis, Dorothy to e, Patricia Lawler, John Coble, Denise Shuart Meeting was called to order at 4pm by Audrey Marshall Did project review of sensitivity training by Ombudsman. Reviewed by-laws. Approved by committee, signed by John Brett. Discussed sharing or changing nursing homes. Wrightsville each nursing home closed. Balance out visits with two teams. Election of 2011 officers John Brett President Kristi Dale Vice-President Denise Shuart Secretary Patricia Lawler resigned from committee. She will be missed. 2011 Q erly meeting dates handed out. Review of Quarterly Visits. Schedule visits for fourth quarter nursing home with teams. Next meeting 1/11/2011 4pm at the COG conference room. Meeting adjoined by John Brett at 5:15 pm Submitted by Denise Shuart „AL ilkurtfti,