Adult Care 2008-10-01 Community Advisory Committee Minutes For New Hanover County ,,..„.. Adult Care Home 1 October 2008 New Hanover Senior Center Attendees: Harvin Quidas, Regional Ombudsman, Mary Busbee, Lorraine McEvoy, Oliver Schreiber, Janet Locklear, Brenda Thomas, Karen Vincent, Tom Jennings, Judy Smith,Nadine Shipman, Joanne Wright, Sandra Ogelsby, Woody Sutton 1 Guests: Regina Anderson, Adult Care S4ewisor; Jane Jones, Director of Cape Fear Area Agency on Aging; Larry Reinhalit, Director of the PACE Program; Heather Wrenn, Clinical Manager PACE Program Absent: Corey Gore,Martha Stein Resigned: Carolyn Hooker, Ginger Page 1 Meeting was called to order by Brenda Tho 7 as Larry Reinhart, Director of the PACE ProFam, and Heather Wrenn, Clinical Manager of the PACE Program, gave a presentation on the PACE program and discussed its services for participants. Harvin Quidas lead a discussion concerning the facilities role in assisting residents with voting. Ms Quidas provided the group with information on listening to the resident with more than just the sense of healing. Board officers were nominated and elected by affirmation of all members present . The officers are Karen Vincent, Chairman, Lorraine Me Voy, Vice Chairman, and Judy Smith, Secretary. The 2008 calendar for quarterly meetings was presented and approved by affirmation of all members present. An update on the facility survey process was given to members by Ms Quidas. Visitation reports were given by committee members. The next meeting date will be October 1 from 9:30-11AM at the New Hanover Senior Center. Tentative dates for facility visitations are Group I—October 14 and October 22 Group II—October 14 Group III—November 10 Minutes Recorded by Mary Busbee