1980-11-17 RM Exhibits ',- ~ ;3J., J2lL / P. ~o,' ~anobtt (![ ~~~ i._, O"q~ I /-/7 &15etV~ tlr4 (J /" ,,' ,(,iJ ~/Cl~//.Il' "V LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator 763-0991 CHERYL R. ROBERTS Listing Supervisor 763.8439 RAYMOND E. BLAKE, JR. Appraisal Supervisor 763.2462 JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 763-7385 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru October 31, 1980 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added 1980 1979 $14, 147 ,201. 61 $12,337,244.77 1,796,886.00 1,766,509.92 $15,944,087.61 $14,103,754.69 27,053.71 18,526.02 $15,917,033.90 $14,085,228.67 - 3,054,051.01 - 2,871,341.48 $12,862,982.89 $11,213,887.19 19.19% 20.39% $ 431,682.45 $ 409,308.06 1,932.25 920.43 75,692.79 84,237.93 $ 354,057..41 $ 324,149.70 17.62% 20.63% $ 541,623.28 $ 450,640.20 615.12 937.40 36,986.72 16,412.48 $ 504,021.44 $ 433,290.32 6.84% 3.65% Less Abatements Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co. Total Collected to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Total Collected to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Total money processed through Collections Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date, $4,759,806.34. This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1980. Respectfully submitted, ~~B,~ Janie B. Straughn Collector of Revenue JBS/pbc MEMBER INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS 'MEMORANDUM November 10, 1980 To. From: Subject P~4r. Felix Cooper County Manager ~ /~, Larry J . Powel l ~~, Tax Administrator ~ Abatements and Refunds ~~ ~ , ~~p ~/" , Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Glenn Benton $ 17.54 (1979) 2. William Blount 25.80 3. Winfred Butler 19.77 4. Elizabeth Cameron 22.72 5. Beulah Carter 132.11 6. Edna Davis 5.78 7. Tyler Divine 168.54 8. Constatin Dukas 37.73 9. East Coast Outdoor Sports 357.58 10. Graham Farrow 22.31 11. Douglas James 20.21 12. L. T. McFayden 129.00 13. J. C. McKenzie 30.11 14. Charles Murrill 15.91 15 . Pti4VNB Sco.f field 402.53 16. M. B. Palmer 25.80 17. Edith Paul 12.77 18. Alma Ryder 20.55 19. William Schnell 49.28 20. Inez Scoggins 141.91 (Refund) 21. Walter Sidbury 35.69 22. Sub Station II 548.49 23. Margaret Ward 129.00 24. Van Louis Weatherspoon 17.56 25. Glenn Williams 82.56 26. Rufus Yow 129.00 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: 1. Raymond Bell 2. Frank Byrne 3. Louis Cook 4. Lewis Davis 5. Susan Dyson 6. First Baptist Church 7. Henry`s Hanover Amb. 8. John Deere Leasing Co. 9. Samuel Jones 10. William Jones 11. Virginia Lettley 12. Edison Martin 13, Diarie Miles $ 39.59 (1978-1980 Refund) 14.69 96.43 129.78 6.88 (Refund) 108.04 (1974-1978) 92.95 486.68 28.70 14.27 21.16 (1979) 28:10 39.04 -2- 14. John Olsen $ 6.17 15. John Owens 22.47 16. John Pettit 39.82 17. Alton Suggs 2.85 18. Suggs & Harrelson Const. Co. 196.87 19, Clarence Sullivan 12.66 20. Brenda Thomson 40.43 21. Nanette Vereen 32.53 22. Barnie Von Cannon 10.09 23. Larry ~5'illiams 22.62 24. i~iary Williams 26.82 Request the following taxes is not located within the city or town (1979) (1979) (1977) (1967-1974) be released as the personal property limits: 1. Edna Benton $ g,gg 2. James Bilisoly 42.09 3. Isaac Blaylock 70.66 (1978 & 1979 Refund) 4. Dorothy Borneman 23.04 5. Jeffrey Davis ?.31 6. Robert Evans 63.83 7. Charles Gurganious 68.16 . 8. Ann Guthrie 8.56 9. Agnes Hand 15.50 10. Milton Hardison 126.36 (.1979 Refund $70.78) 11. Hardison Realty 121.04 (1978 & 1979 Refund, $63.37) 12. Kathy Hines 38.91 13. David Jones 44.41 14. Louise Kimrey 45.13 15. Jessie Lettley 52.00 (1978 Refund) 16. Joan liabry 12.59 17. Betty Nieding 49.22 18. Bertha Permenter 55.91 19. D. L. Peterson 46.55 20. Alexandria Potter 6.65 21. Anne Putnam 25.C8 22. Rays Automotive Cleaning Serv. 31.5E 23. Da;.-id Rhodes 47.40 24. Ryder Truck Rental 71.C1 25. Robert Sellers 4.45 (1976) 26. Tray-is Strong 5, 9.50 27. Sara Tiencken 30..40 28. Village Antiques 54.42 (1978 & 1979 Refund, $31..59) 29. Margaret Woods 50.40 30. Bey-erly ~Yynne 38.00 Request the following taxes be abated as these charges are due to clerical errors in misfiguring the value, incoding incorrect information, not allowing qualifying Senior Citizen or Disability Exclusion, misfiguring motor vehicles, etc.: 1. Ster~hen Allen $ 31.19 2. 1~Iarv Blocker 44.29 3. Della Branham 16.90 (1979) 4. `tiilliam Brewer 114.94. -(1979 Refund) -3- 5. Retha Bridgeman 6. John Browning 7. Myrtle Davis 8. Marvin Farmer 9. Kenneth Frazier 10. Constance Langtry 11. J. Reid Larson 12. McLambs Used Cars & Service 13. Christine O'Sullivan 14. Holly Prim 15. Howard Sill 16. O. L. Smith 17, Norman Spencer 18. Albert Strikol 19.' Wisley Summer 20. McDuffy Taylor 21. C. Fletcher Taylor 22. James Toomer 23. Two Wheeler Dealer 24. E. N. Westbrook 25. Roy Zalesky $ 93.81 39.27 29.24 6.55 29.79 126.75 (1979 Refund) 6.74 30,00 (Refund) 37.61 6'.74 32.21 (Refund) 3.78 57.75 5.39 10.75 242.64 (1979 Refund) 23.12 57.75 60.51 (Refund) 57.75 7.66 (Refund) Request the following listing penalties be released as the individuals certify they were ill during January, 1986, or the listings were mailed during the month of January, 1980: 1, R. C. Bridger $ 82.36 2. B. C. Bryan 6.92 3. Ken Daubour 39.73 4. Ester Downing .32 5. Evelyn Peterson 57.79 6. James Robinson 11.19 7. William White ~ 9.48 Request the, following taxes be released as the property is owned by an exempt organization and qualifies for the exemption: 1. Diocese of East Carolina of the Episcopal Church Trustees $880.37 2. Myytle Grove Baptist Church 125.81 (1978-1980) 3. New Hanover Co. Board of Ed. 225.34 Request these items be placed on the consent agenda .for the Commissioners' meeting on November 17, 1980. I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. LJP/pbc Copy: ~IrS. Alyce Rusmisell Mr. James C. Fox ~=~ ~~My. ~ , ~. v .-+ V7 :~ \\\ ~l y J ,, J V 0 / ~ ~. C ~ ~ ~~ I~ - ~c V~ \ ~ ~~ J• } ;1~~ n~ t~ ,..i. r.. \O ~' :~\ Z ~ ` \ V l ~ v l z ` 1 -1 o ~ ,~ n o e ~ ~+ ~ *~ ~ '1 ~ '` ~ ~ rt o \ ti K ~ l ~ .. i ~ ~ ~, V~ ` '! ~ Q f"f ~Q '~) ~I~ l~1 -~ X V ~ ` ~ ( ^ ~ i p ,~ h ; ' ~' ^ : ~ . , z` ~ C~ ~z N ~ ~. zz o rn L c~ z K O C }-+ N ~a ~~ a ~-3 p . ,.~ ~ -3 O CrS o~ 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ n v, H CT3 77 rn n t7 as N-t r 0 7 G7 I~ ! r-~, Id ~ ~. I> i~ I~ ~r JD ~~ ~ `-t I o ~z ~` t ~ ~ ~~ ,s ';~ J _~ N n v. L ~, ~ ~~ O M; O t: ~s O ~~ 1 ~. I ~ oa 1 ti '° ~ ... ~i~ G7 • `~ ~ ~I H p, 7 <<° i ~ ~ N• ~ cn 1 :~ ! n }-~ ~ v ~ ~ i t ~ A ~ ~ CJ ~ K 3 ~ O ~ 4 ~ ~~ ~- a ~ ~ , ~ ~~ ~ th ~ _ H ~ + i ~ ' ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ :~ ~ ; N ; ~ ~ ~ t ` V] ~ V ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~"~ ''t 1 ~ Q ~ l ~~ V ~ 1-a ~ l ~ o ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i O ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ n v ~ Q ~ 0 ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~~ ~ . I ~ ~ ~ a ~s ` ti j{ 1 ~~ a ^. '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ n ~ l ~ i ~ o ~ ~ ~ O ~. , ; ~. Z b O F-' < fS. 6' t-~ n N ~ I Ul O ~. ~ 3 ~ ~ 0 ~. W 0~ or o r• ~~ .w ~~ ~~ n 0 rr i~ n ,. Vi ~ r= } ~. i -: }~~ 1 `-' +r >, i -= 1~ jo (z .~ ., ,. r ~. C LIBRARY MOVERS OF AMERICA 3f2 WEST SEVENTFE STREET HL00hSINGTON, tN~1tANA 47409 BID PROPOSAL Owr_er: Cour_ty of New Hanover Library, I~arth Caroling: Project: Proposal for moving Library contents- Bid 7r 1.2-~-80 Location: From - A:ew Hanover County Library 409 Market Street 'rlillmin'gton, North Carolina . To- Location of Plew County Library Contr~.ct: Name of bidder - Library Nlavers of Arr~er•ica,- Inc Address - 312 W. 7w St., Bloomington,. Indiana 47401 I-'hone - (812 )339-978. To: ~ Purchasing Agent, Plew Hanover County, Admina.strat:l.on. F3ui~.ding8 320 Chestnut Street, ~~dilmingtorz, Plorth Caro1_ana 284x1 Proposal Bid: - Pursuant to and in compliance with your Invitation for. Bids dated October 17, 1980, and the Contract for moving date February 16, 1981. 2-tove date is subject to revision at the discretion of the County. i Relating to ,the above named project, the Ylndersigned agrees to enter into an agreement with the Owner to move the books, bound periodicals, unbound periodicals ducurnents, microfilm reels and card catalogues fre;~ tie old location to the r.e« location of the New Hanover County Library, in accordance with said Contract Document fox° the sum of~ TH t RTY THOUSAJ`!D ONE HUi~DRED ~! } NTEE!vDOL! ARS ARID 30,119.20 ~ TWENTY CENTS ~~ `__ ) as the base pi•ol,osa.l. Enc:Losed please fin!3: Z. .. Bid Bond 2.~ Certificate of InsurGnce 3. Current Financial Stateme;~t 4. Letters of reference and part experience. D~ L(BRAR'f M4V~R5 ®R A~ERIGA 392 WEST SEVENTH STRE>eT BLOOM1NG70N, lNOiANA 47409 Fees: The following fees. are offered for alteration. and additions to the work in accordance with .Equipment. and Co1le~tion Statistics, "Extra Work and Changes in th.e workP" . A. For addivional work over and above Equipment and Collection Statistics which is performed by our own farces. _ Any delay of operations due t;a ~ ec}:anical ox electrical. failure of equipmer9t in buildingsg except act of God, and unavailability of loading and unloading areas ~~r:l,~_ necessitate an add on ta.ourly feet '.phis fee ~~ill be appl:i.r,~:~~~ e if one hour or more is in.va~_ved. B,. Before the work is startedthere will be a visual a~.d . 9~rritten inspection. of IVew and Old Libraries for the piirpcise of listing any ax9d a1:L damages priax to the move: After the jaY~ is campleteds another visual and, ... written inspection will be impletr~ented to determine an,y ~~znd all damage.. Due to adequate ~~n.surance cover~~g~ ri.a money wwll be withh.sld from ~Cayr.:e~t of contract, Terms: IVst ~0 day:=~ Interes~ will be charged on a~.~° .iU id b.ay:.:.e o~-er. 3(? da,~i~•s a~; the 'rate of I~z~ ber month (18~ per annum), LIBRARY MOVERS OF AMERICA 312 rYEST S£VEN?:; u ~ °"~.T, . BLOOMING70N, INDIANA 474Qt Acceptance of Proposals The undersigned agrees -to execute a contract for ward covered by this proposal provided that these P~idders be notified of its acceptance within thirty (30) days after th.e opening of the Bid Proposal. Dated OCTOBER ~9• ~9HO LIBRARY MOVERS,OF AMERtGAw~i-~c, Name of Bidder i ;'1 ,; , e B /r ~~"?iN.(/!i_/ PreSide73.{: .M. 5tornts 1 `. - . ~' t , ~y `5 t arms' " i ~ . ` ~.~.....~ \ ~ ~Q~,~~~ ~~~~ N, tart' Public County of Monroe, State of Indiana r;y cora~sissiosz expire: APR 1l 8, ~g8~ - - Tdew Hanover County Finari~e f)ff:icer. B Notary Public County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina 1`ty commission expires: *If this bid proposal is accepted please sign, then Gubmit one' copy and retain one for your file. .. '1 ..: f.lBRARY MOVERS OF AMERICA- 312 WEST SEVENTH StREET E3LC7h11NGTON, INDIANA 47401 BID PROPOSAL Owner: County of New iianover Library, ATorth Carolina Project: Proposal for moving_Library contents- Bid ~ L2-50 Location: From -New Hanover County Library 409 Market Street blillmington, North Carolina To- Location of New County Library Contr~.ct: To: Proposal Bid: Relating to the above named project, the 'Undersigned agrees tc enter into an agreement with the Oti~n~r to move the books, bound periodicals, unbound periodicals: ducurnentsy microfilm reels and card catalogues from the o1.d location. to tt~e ne~.~ location ~~f the New Hanover County Libr3r;~s in accord~.nce: with, said Contract .Document for the- sum ~:C: ~. TH 1 RTY THOUSAND- ONE HIJC!OREO ANA N l.NE7~~ N rQLLAHS _~~VJ T,,i~ ~i ~ `! CE^: ~ S (~ 3o,~~g.2o ) as .the .base proposals Enc:Losed please find: l,. Bid Bond - .. - 2: Certificate of Insurance 3. Current Financial Statement 1-. Letterer of reference and east ex j:e:ri =nc ~ . Name of bidder -~ Library Movers of America, Incur . Address - 312 W, 7~ Ste, Bloomington, Indiana 4740:L Phone - (812)339-971 .. - Purchasing Agent, New Hanover County, Administration, J3u~_lding} 320 Chestnut Street, tdilmington, 1'lort).~. Carolina ?_81f0a_ Pursuant to and in compliance with your Invitatiozi for Bids n~,ted October 17, 1950, and the Contract,.for movizig date T`c':.,nary 16, 1981. Move date is subject to revision at: the discretion of the County. i - ,..- ,~ :. ~ _ r ... - ~ ,.,. r~ ... LIBRARY _`Y }., M ~,,,.,, LIBRARY iv10Vi=RS OF AMfiftlCµ .- . ~. ~ Q ~ '~ti .yam ~;~ a.~._ {~~~,~_~ 312 YYEST SEVENTd•E STREET . '.,,,:~• ~~~~`~f BLOOA4tNGTON; INDIANA 47401 e' ~ ~' Fees: The following fees are offered for alterations and additions to the work in accordance with Equipment and Collection Statistics, 1tExtra Work and Changes in th~* works°8 . A. For addi~ional work. over and above Equipment and Collection Statistics which is.perfoxmed by our a~rn, forces. - Any delay of operations due to mechanical o~ elect~°ica~. failure of equipment in buildings, except act of Cod, and unavailability of loading. and unloading areas =~:~17_ necessitate an add on hourly fee. This fee will be applicable if one hour or more is involved. B,. Before the work is started there will be a visual aiYd written inspection of New and ©ld Libraries for the purpose ,of listing any and all damages prior to the move After the ;job is completed, another visual ar_d written inspection will be implemented to determine ~iyy and al). damage. bue to adequate insurance coverrxg~, rio money will be withhold from payr:e?~t of contract, Terms: Nst 3o .day:. Interest will be charged or_ any unpaid balance.. over 30 days a+ the rate of lyf~ per month (18~ per annum). ~. LIBRARY MOVERS OF AMERICA 3f2 WEST SE~JENTFO STREET BLOOMINGTON, INOPA~lA 47401 Acceptance of Proposal: The undersigned agrees to execute a contract for word covered by this proposal provided that these bidders .be notified. of its acceptance within thirty {30) days after the opeazing of the Bicl Proposal. Dated, OCTOBER 29, 1980 a n k t E`'~~~ ~.I' D ' No arjr Public~~ ~~~ County of Monroe, State of Indiana LlSRARY MUVERS OF AMEROCA~ ~~~. Plame of Bidder ~ +,.,~ 1 ~o' ? s ~ ~ ,,'~~-z rl,,QJPresident B ~ ~ ~., ,V'..`~~Pres,. ,' J . Ja torrris~ _ ~. ~-~~ ~.l\\ \ Mir commission expires: FiPR ! L 8, 1981 Notary Public New Hanover County Finance Officer By. County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina rty commission expires: *If this 'bid proposal is accepted please sign, then submit oile~ copy and retain one for your file. .-~ a. ' ~ - ~ ~ L 1 B~RARY MOVERS. OF AMERICA, ( NC . TRIAL BALANCE SEPTEMBER 7joy X980 SE[~TEMBr_R ~O ASSETS: CASH IN BANK ACCOUNTS RECE{VEBAL - LIBRAR.tES:: . - CARTS gc OTH-ER EQUIPMENT LESS: DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT S.RECEIVABIE -~ PETEtS Sc PURCELL' TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES: FEDERAL INCOME TAX WITHHELD FICA TAX W(THHELO STATE INCOMt TAX WITHHELD COUNTY INCOME TAX W{9'MHELD LOAN ~j M STORMS TOTAL LIABILITIES STOCKHOLDERS E~UggITY .fULY 3, ~90a PLUS NET PROFIT OR LASS TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES & STOCKHOLDERS Er~UITY ~ 523.a~ 7+,93o.oa ~ 6,ooo.ao 5,7oapoo . t3oo.o0) - S 60037 ~ 78,23.38 ~ 2,945~~6 2, 53'I ~._~~ 208a7g 30.63 _ .. . 25,009.76 30~725.5~ ~ 6,470.77 4 i,0 i7.o3 ~ 47,487a8o ~ 78,Z'~3.38 L18R~~R IES •MOVE,RS OF AMERICA, INC: STATE~9ENT OF PRO,opFlT ~, LOSS THIRp C~UARTER 1ajU0 INCOME: LtBRAR{ES EXPENSES: DEPRcCIATION FICA GAS INSURANCE Laao~ Mrsc. OFF I C~ He POSTAGE OPERATING SUPPLIES PAYROLL PHO^iE REPAIR TRtP TRUCK RENTAL TOTAL EXPENSE NET PR:~~IT OR LOSS THfRD QUARTER $i22=23?P10 ~ 300,00 63387 952b85 756>16 9,566.77 59x.31 80.96 . 779.55 5o,622b98 ~1Y1Q4.28 1 /C~ w33 14,061.80 ~ - 2,634.21 a 81, 220'. U7 S 4~,01`~.C~~ ~,~ ~, ,, =:~ ~-~=~ ~~ _ ~, ~.~ .I>-. ~_+. ~.. +... . 7;x'1 *~ Yyv ici .:-.l; +t;, ~I ~,; :~'.~ ~i'T r,lilc; .T~~i'i~." ~~,'-'^"xa~?~t^--,.,i.>.-,x ter'.; y; ;:A.b1E atiD ADDRESS O: AGENCY - r Orre s t Sherer, Inc . C~7A~PAi~IES AFFORDI.tVG COVERAGES P. o. Box goo tTi t' Terre Halite, Ill 47808 CO"APANY ' LETTER i>~ St Paul. ~, e . ~~ - ~ COdAPANY IraA LETTER ~ '=' ~Y' e~ ^:Al.1E AN7 AGGRESS OF INS'JREO -~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ :>: Pete' s ~ a Purc T ll' f ~y ~ ~~RNY g ~'~ e s ns r er Cti ~.F r• _ '= Storage Company, Inc. 312 'lest 7th Street ~OMPRNY '~` 4 Bloomington, Iii 7401 ' - tp~ COMPANY ~,o- LETTER `t.A ~ Q<:. This is to certiF,r that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured names above and are in force at this time. ~iohNithstanding any rzGuirement term or wnditi --`rs on of ary contract or other docurnent with respect to which this certificate may be i , ssued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the pc!icies dexribed herein is subject to all the terms, exc!usiors and canditions of such policies. 'i CO`!P?~ Y ` POLICY - Ll:ilitSafl.lahfl tt}+IRTfIO+.lS2r1 d5~QQQ) >{ LETTER TYPE OF 6VSURANCE I POLICY NUMBER EX~'IRAT!ON DATE EACH kGGREGA :+=' TE ~y ~ `- OCC U P. R. NCE b:,~ GENERAL Llr~BlLITY -= eoD!LY I~cJURV s 500 ~. ±~~? C0.!~fPREHENSIVE FORDA ~! £= ~ X J PR~MiS`S-0?c P,AT10NS PRCP~RTY DAMAGE 5 5OL! s50Q _ F±-~ EXPLOSION AND CVLLAPSE •~ ~ ~ -,v HAZARD U`lDERGP OUND R Z _ `~3 ~ . HA D A ~ PROCUCTSlCO!APLETEO _ ~; ;; 3 ~ ~ OPERATIONS HAZARD CONTRACTUAL INSURAtiCE 513AB1840 11/`15/80 BOO;LY INJURY AND , '"~ PP.O.°ERTVDAP.9:1Gc $ g ~S ~ ~ SROAD FOP.M PP.OPERTY COMBINED ~' CAMAGE '' ~"` ((,~ ~7 8LJ INDEPENCENT CONTP.ACTOP.S .. ~•. t' ~ ~ ` t PERSONAL INJURY - ~ PERSONAL INJURY SSOO ~%' ~y' e AUTOh10BILE UABiUTY soDlLV!NJURY £ : .~ ~ ~ rE~cH PEasovt a J_~ , .~ ~ CO!A.PRcHENSIVE FOR!.? _ Y BCU!LY !`1JUR S ~ ' i OYr:ED 5131~.B18 40 11`15/80 (=:.CH ACCIDENT) _ ~ _ _x=~=.. „- ~°a~ ! ~ H;RED PROPERTY CAl9AGE 5 ~.~' _X .~, . ~' 1 ! ' ~ ~ ~ i`:ON-OL'iNED SOD~LYIVJUi3YAy0 ,,[[OO _ G'i'g``=~ ~ " PROPERT'/ DA.LiAG= 5 J >~-,": a2 - ~ . I EXCESS LIABILITY I ^ UMBRELLA FOP M aooav INJURY AND E. , '! GTHERTHANUMoRE i t ~ PRO?ERTYCAhtAGE 5 Y ~ 1=,' L . . FORM ~ ~ ~ ~ COMBINED ~~ ~ t'om', :~; ~ .x ` `'.'+'O?X=t~,S' CO'ri?EI`iSATION i ~ _ f t5 and 014782084 12 1 /80 ` J/ ~ __ f• R~ ~ E~RPLOYERS'LIABILITY ; „=~ ~'~~` S 10~ , `'~ " +e:c~ acaoec, r OTHER ( v ~ i f~~ i ~ ~ - _ _ - r~: >° ~- rt~r~~„~. Vr VrcrtH++V ^I J/LUl.F 11U:VJ:VtH:C:LtS Propoasl for moving library contracts Bid ;~12b80 Canc~!lation: Sho-+Jld any of the above desc~ioed policies be cancelled before the expiation date thereof. the issuing com- pany ~.liil endeavor to mail days written r;otice Yo the belt:`; :gar-;ed cer;ificaie holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of ar.y !t!nd upon tie ~ompa_.^. y. +~lAE ;.ND ,CD?`55 JP CERTIflCA7E HOLDER. i,Purc'r~a.sing Agent Tae:r anover Comoe.ny ! i ?administration Bld.g., Boom 51.0 ~ ' 320 Chestnut Street ~ ?~lilmington, IvTC 28L01 / p :a GATE ISSUED ~- d` 2 ~ lU O s` €.. ~u7r;oRI~ED ,~aR_sEr:;~rr:= ~ - ~, ~~~ - ..~ .~l r _i 'I :~' !]1•~ ~ f~i~ ij ~''~'~3w ev~'2 _x yY, ~ ~ l ~u!a: AuD :,DD=ESS GF AGE^~CV ~~~ F©rrest Sherer9 Inc. ~ C^v*r1PAtYitS At=FORl~trlG COVERAGES P 0 Box 9oa . . .__ _ Terre Haute, II~T X7808 r-'"'~,Y r ~ St ~R Paul ~ Y' LET' , : .. -..r~ cG~A?aNV ~ IAA r; ;ER LE i i•` rtAlAE ANC ADCRESS GF INSUR"tD "' 4 ~ _ '~- Pete s & Purcell s Tran.s~er & ~G'fPA~r ~; _ Storags Com p az~ Info ~; s y ~ 31G TJI ~i$t' ?yii StX~e~t C T ?4YY ~ ~ .. .. i»^~ _ Bloomin Iii &~7~t1I ton ( , Vii' ~- g , . ' ... COMPA,YY ' .. ~ ii - Lc? i cR This is to cer•.i:~ that policies of insurance iis:~d below have been issued to the insured Hamad abo.'e and are in force at this time. No~rri:hstanding any requirement, term orcandition: a_ of any corird or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or rroay ;r•rtain, tha insurance afforded by the ~oi;cies described harem is sub•ect to all lhie '~ l i t 1 erms, exc us ons and conditiors of such policies. ~: CG~APANV TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY N = PGUCV Limits of Liabil ib/ in Thousan ds {OOQ) •``' LETTER U'~iB R ~ EXPIRATION DA74 EACH OCCURRENCE __ _....; AGGREGATE }V F~: GENERAL LIASILITY ~~~ ------ COb!PP EHENSI E F ~A BODILY INJURY $ j°° (,,- , V 02 ~: ' ~.°RE!AISES-OPERATIONS - PROPEP.I`I DAMAGE ~q $ 50 U~ ti: $56~ ~% EXPLGS!ON AND COLLA?S? t (~ HAZARD - ~ U UNDERGROUND HAZAP D , PRODUCTS/COMPLETED' ~ ~ ,.,.~,.-.~W - {t a GPEP,ATIONS HAZAPD -~ >~ CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE ~ ~~}} 3 ~ 5.3- AIDI8~tD - Il f 15/8 t~ BCDiLYL`iJUP,YAND P ~ _ ~" ~ BROAD FOR~9 PRGPEP.TY ROPERSYDAMAGE COk!BiNED $ _ $ `~~.}- CAMAGE INDEPENDEDIT CONTR:,C7C?S - ~ PErlSONAL INJUR'r _-'M~ ~ ?ERSONAL 1NJUP,Y ~ $~O~ P"~ y} .- AUTOPriOBILE LIA31LlTY eoDrv r.I!uRY - + CO!APREHENSIVE FORA (EACH?ERSGNI BODI•_f 1 WURY $ S ~- r ~. 3~TX+,~+~ I A I ~~ ~~';iNED 513AB18zt-4 _ 11/15/gt} . (:.ACH ACCIDENT) ~ry-~ti`~_ ' ~} ~ ~ Hi RED P.oOPERT`rC:'.7AGE S ~~ ~ i>""%`=~-~'Y~+3~"''`+.,' ~~ ti0N-04VNED 80DILY INJL'P,Y AND ~~," ~~ ~'-'~ • ~ PRO?ERTYDA!.9AGE '~ tw.,~~~, • EXCESS LIABILITY `o U`!BR`cLLA FORb1 30DILY 1":JURY AND ~ GTY ERTHAN UM PP,OPERTy DAMAGE $ $ . BR_LL:. ~i . i'fYV?,l .~.RSf CJ~it ty C:!Jr~1 IJ•~ _~ ~,__.~_ _ i I clod ~r~ J~ n~¢ 4 i C1~78208~'~'• i 12 j~5 /C?~ Sf:. -.~T~:~~ZY .'. ~.. E*.iPLOYERS' LIABILITY f ~ -'M1s~- & ~,QQ - rxirncclnenn ., OTHER 1 ~SCRiPTION OF G?ERA (IONS/LOCAF:~ONSP/EHICLES --_.__.._.._.._... _ _~ y Propoasl for mooring library contracts Sict ~12~8t~ Cancellation: ShGU!d an;; cf the above desc~~.:d policies be ca-:_e'I=d before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- a pany'~•;iii endeavorro mail days written r,~_ce to il'e bolo:' named certificate holder, but tai;ure to mail Such notice sha!I impose nG oblioat!on or ;;aD::-: ~- a^y kind upon th°_ ccmpany, =.i 3 :j 3 :, :3 ~:; N?,!,IE ANU ADDRE=S C~ r=_a7;FiCATE HOLD. R: Puy»chasing Agent Pfe;,~ Hanover Comp Administration Bldg., Boom 510 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, 1VC 2801 auTHOR¢ED R~PRESer,rarive DAJE ISSUED: .,; , . ~,~ sLG rlo: 05o0~oz11,o . POA r10. 015 ~~ ~ ~ ~ BAL~30A IIUSUI~ACdCE COIUIPANY ,, 4 PROPOSAL BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Zibrar;~r Movers of America9 A Division of Pete `s & Purcells Transfer ~ Storage ,Co., Inc., 312 West Seventh Street, Bloo:rrngtor., Sndiana 47101 as Principal, and the BALBOA INSURANCE COI1~iPANY, a corporation under the taws of the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Counter of r?ew hTanover9 North Catalina ?20 Chestnut St., Room 51.09 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (hereinafter called the obligee) in the full and 'ust sum of Five Percent of Total Amount Bid_ 5`~ of Bid-. ~ Bid not to enceed X40,000.00 a Dollars, ~S ® ° ~ for the payment whereof in lawful money of the United States, we bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severely, firmly by these ,presents. WHEREAS, the said PRINCIPAL has submitted the accompanying bid for Movin? Library Contents, Bid T12_8o • iV0`N, THiRi:FORE, ii the said contract be awarded io the Principal and the Principal snail, within such time as may be specified, enter into the contract in writing, and give bond,. with surety acceptable to the Obligee for the faithful performance of the said contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and Seated this 5th da~ of __rlovsmber 19 80 LIBRARY i.,4 SRS OF r'•'~:RIC~, A DIVTSION t~~ PETE •; ~ PURCELS TR~:P'S~'R & STORAGE CO., INC. ': ~ PRIN OPAL B ~ _ ~ ~ ~ 1-'li'YYLrI Y ~ ~ '., 1LOO1E674 \~ RAL60.4 INSL'RAiYCE COMPAi~1Y ' JC)•?n ~. I}JOjU•o-1 ~S ATTORi~EY-iN-FACT ~~_~ ~ ,~~ ~ , ,~l .~ • l.. , ~• _ 620 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, NEINPORT..(3EACH, CALIFORNIA 32600 ~ - - ,V .i. V - ~ ~ ~, - .. GPA _ _ POWER OF ATTORNEY VALIO GENERAL POKIER-OF ATTORNEY ONLY IF NUMBERED IN RED • Know AI! Alen by These Presents, That BALBOA INSURANCE CO1~tPAiv`Y, a corporation duly organized and existing under tha laws of the State of California, and having its principal office _in Newport .Beach,. Orange County, California, does by these presents make, constitute and appoint __ JOHN B. DOUGLAS of Terre Haute and State of Indiana its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full • power and authority hereby conferred in its name,__ pplace and stead, to execute, acknowledge and deliver BID BONDS ONLY (S.B.A. Guarantee AQreement~ So not to exceed X12 500.00 loo not to exceed $25,000.00 20% not to exceed $50,000.00 - "THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY SHALL TER~~IINATE AND BE OF NO FURTHER EFFECT AFTER DECEiviBER 31, 1980" ~ . and to bind the Company thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President, sealed with the • corporate seal of the Company and duly attested by its Secretary, .hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in the premises. Said appointment is made under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Balboa Insurance Company at a meeting held on the 22nd day of March, 1962. . 'Be It Resolved, that the President, any Vice-President, any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary shall be and is hereby vested with full power and authority to appoint any one or more suitable persons as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company subject to the following provisions: 'Section I. Attor~rey-in-Fact. Attorney-in-Fact may be given full power and authorit}~ for and in the name of and on behalf of the Company, to execute, acknowledge and deliver, any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts, agreements of indemnity and other conditional or obligatory undertakings and any and all notices and documents canceling or terminating the Company's liability thereunder, and any such instruments so executed by any such Attorney-in-Fact shall be binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Corporate Secretary." ' to IVitrress IVhereof, Balboa Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed by it Vice President _ and its corporate seal to be hereto .affixed this lncorpora`ed . • . State of California Feb. 6,1945 ~ ~ ss.: County of Orange On this 21st ~A 50p~;~~ March B~ By Senior 21st ,,,,, „r _, A.D., 19 80 before me personally came a' ,. LIBRARY fti90VEAS 0.F AIV1ERiCA 312 WEST SEVEMTF9 57'REET ELOOw91fliGTON, IPID1l:N~ 47401 THE FOLL01aING 13 A LIST" OF LIBRARY t•IOVES SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED BY ~'L 1 gRARY MOVERS OF AMER I CA~~.. ' , INDIANA UNIVERSITY MRe TOt-9 SObITER BLOOf91HGTONy INO{ANA ASS~tST~,NT ~BRECTOFF INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY MRc i'FYEO HA$NES TERRE HAUTE' 'NOIANA D1FtEGTOR UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE MR o ~~05EPH .,~AGKSRI'~ AT CHATTANOOGA CHATTAtd00GAy'TcNNESSEE L 6 NCOIN L 1 BRAR`P BuRALD 1 NE DAYLA $?{~ SITRONGS'tELOa ILLBNOdS "~ C'ITY CLERK ROSE~HULI`IAN I HST t TUTS MR ~. F~08ERT Wt LLETS - OF TECHNOLOGY 1j14f PRESSDENT TERRE HAUTEs iN01ANA MORRp53®N~REEYE3 LtaRARY MRS..IiARRtET ~;~ BAID . RICHNiONO~ IHDtANA ~ LIgRAR$AtQ MEd l CAL CEHTER ~, $ BRARY ~"1R a ~tRTHUR Wo' COLL I NSi JRo DUKE UI,i1VER51TY " DURHAP4q NORTH CAROLINA BALL .STATE UN$YERStT3° MRa SACK M(C~ARLAk{1- MU?IC 1 E ~ I ND I AHA _ D I RECTOR OF t~URCHkS T 11G ' . MART I MSV I LLE N I GH ,SCHOOL MRS o f«F{AtdFaRD ~ ' MARTIHSYtLLE~ INDIANA (<.IgRAR1At9 WESTERN ILLINDi.S UNIVERSITY DR.. R1CiG FOX MACOt'i3y I_LLIt:01S LIBRARY MOVE DIRECTOR CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE 1IR6 WILl1Ah§ BECK CALIFORNIA PA• Li©RARY MOVE DIRECTOR DURHAH COUNTY LIBRARY MRo GEORGE LtNDER' LIBRARY DIRECTOR DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA MRe DAVID NICKELL~ MOV• COORDINATOR LAU SCHOOL MR• RICHARD OANNER DUKE UNIVERSITY DIRCETOR DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA t' THE FOLLOWING LIBRARY MOVES NAVE BEEN COMPLETED, PLO LETTERS OF REFERENCE HAVE BEEN RECEIVED AS OF THIS OATE9 $EPTEM$ER ~f. ~98oe PLEASE FEEL FREE. TO CALL THEMo LAW SclsooL MRo !~ t citARD pAtaNER puicE UNIVERSITY piREC7OR . pURNAMy NORTH CAROLINA g~9-6~~~2847 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN YVONNE WuLFF f1NNA /~R60R s MI Ctf 6 GAN ~ HEhD (.. I BRAR i kN HERBERT N. LEHMAN COLLEGE MRS JkMFS KEARNES BRONX' NEW YORK LIBRARY p1REC7DR 212--960-8577 Ll~RARY ~ilOVERS ®F AMERICA 312 WEST SEVEtVTl~ STREET ' BLOOMINGTOtd, ItUDIAtdA 47401 WE HAVE MOVED EIECTRO! C DATA PROCESS i NG >=eu f r~rl~riT f"OR Ttit: FOLL039~ . tNG: INDIANA IINIVERSiTY9 1101 ~• ,I~7Ha S7'a~ BLOOMfNGTON~ 11-~DO `P7'f0~ ATTN: PURCHASING DEPARTPtENTy DONALO Ce FELTOPI FIRST NATIONAL BANK DATA CENTERS KERKWOQO AVENUE4 BLOOP4ING~ TON ~ 1 ho . ATTN: .JOHN B1=LD"t'CN WESTINGHOUSE CORPORATIONy CURRY PtKEg BLOOMINGTON= INDe ~+7~b01 ATTN; DAN KING NERt3ERT N. LEHMAN COLLEGES BEDFORD PARK BLVD. trIEST$ BROraX'9 NEW YORK 1©~CS . U. `" _o ~uhe j~niversit~ ou Ai. i.. M 010 TN CARL MINA E 7706 S-rtGOL OF L/aw L19RARY ~ October 24, l9CJO ~ TELEPHONE X79-F84_294T h1r. J . M. Storms ~ ' Library Movers of America ~. 312 ti•J. 7th St. Bloomington, IN 47401 Dear Mr. Storms: Now that the dust has settled a bit, and the summer's construction project is finally a memory, I would like to take a moment to thank you and your firm for the work done here at Duke. As you are well aware, our asbestos ceilings .were removed on a very . tight schedule. Fortunately for us., we were able to put the library back in to operation by the time the semester started, only because of the speed and skill exercised by Library Movers of America. Both in the packing, removal, and storage processes at the start of the summer, and in the unpacking and reshelving at its end, your company competed its work in half the allotted time. Your crews were clearly the most efficient and the most controlled of any who worked in the lair school this summer. Your supervisors were uniformly excellent. hlost of all I must compliment you and your staff ~:: the imaginative treatment you gave our special problems. Your systems for maintaining the shelf order and location of two floors of library materials enabled us to pack and store them for t~•ro months and then return them to the stacks in as good an order as they were originally. Throughout the project ,you were most cooperative and helpful. I would not hesitate to recommend your company to anyone needing a library moved; and would certainly call on you again had I the need. Best_of luck in your future endeavors. Sincerely ~i ~ ,.:. Dick Danner Acting LaG•r Librarian DD:sr ,, _ . -. __ ~ cST~Rti ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY ~ ' • - c:p.i-;S. /~, ;,;,p/S 61-:55 • uraivE~tsirY• uas~aY :'o~: e goer o , 1978. . J._`•t. Storms, President - Li b: ary Plovers of America 312 :•;est 7th Street B'_oomington, Indiana 47k01 Do?r Joe: .t is past time to follow up the completion of our library move ' =th this letter of appreciation. .Please feel free to use t::is e ~ per aY?d my name for future inquiries that you~~zy receive from :ototial custo~ers.,-Because of the possible use of this letter, I rill be more descriptive than usual.. - ~~ let me first say that Y personally was more than pleased with. the cegree of professionalism and expertise that yo~ar staff de~nonstx-ated e•.:+i.g the move. Unlike most companies-that Z researched prior to - bid letting, your staff provided expert• supervision in the areas of stud_nt management, furniture moving, stacks construction, budget co^trol, and general coordination. It was doubly appreciated by.xae bec~use.of my lack of experience in moving a li~rary. ~ :. , id~:;.~hat the dust has settled, it is interesting to look back on o~:.r accomplishment. You moved in excess of 7x0,000 voh„mes of lib_ary related materials. These volumes were *~ove:d from three ci'-erent locations to the new library. Although ~•;estern Illinois Un_-:ersity did not anticipate the moving of furritu;~e, your company demonstrated the flexibility to assume that responsibility and add .- :'~:': Load of some 1900 items ranging from. tables ~•:d storage - Cat~'notS to coat racks and fans. ^1o make matters more interestir_o, ~. ~e rsauested that you break down, move, and reconstruct 511s double- _ mace sections of shelving. Sde even asked that these be placed on the - s-:~^ flooi° of our nnw building.. It would be an understatement to S=~'• ~'_^_at the above -was done 'With the utmost success. I_° you remember, Joe, you.did not move the University Library into ~ . 2 cc~pleted building. Xou and your staff wex~e able to ad,}ust your s~~ed~,:le to accomodzte unfinished floors (not yet released by the Capitol Development Eoard to F7estern Illinois Uriversi ;y) and a r;;~~_a3 of laborers. T _e~-sonally appreciate the methods used by your company which ^~-~.:~ed your pre=:rove on-site inspection, yjour willingness to r_.°t %:•ith library staff, physical plant representatives, construction .-~- r°presentatives, architectural representatives, and the Capitol =e-: e_cpTMent Board representative for final ano~,re detail p?_anni ng, and t_':-~ : sst-r::ove meetings to conclude any details. -- ,~ .. .. ~~ :. ~, ' , In clcsi ng, I feel the bottom line in d°aling with any co:np4:~;1 y or with any individual, coires down to the accor±Iplishment of ~~'rlat one' sa~•s will be accomplished. In every sense, your conpany' backed up statements with excellent performance. This is :post certa'nly a credit to you and the fine people who work far yau. . ror i;e it uas 2. unique, once in a lifetime experience. I appreciate the way i^ which you z?Iade my fob a success, Sincerely yours, - . f _ °.~~ ~alpri :. rox, Ph.D. '~ - ~~ Director ~i br`ry. P•:o ~: ~. Ci ~'CUlatlOn Librarian ;~F : ds a R • ~t'~'ESTERN•ILLIV'OiS 1JN11/ERS,iTY 11'r'O'1~ 1L~ l~'.~p1S 51Y~'S .... I ~ • 1 r-~ ~ ; i J. ..- .. .. ? ." UV:VE.RSfTY LIBRAf3Y - November 17, 1978 20 Whoa It i`iay Concern: " The Library ~tove~s of America has recently conciuded a most successful - : "-" - move of the entire library at Western Illinois University""frocr an "~' '" older library building and two storage facilities to the ne*a $12 million ~ - dollar library. Unlike cros.t moving experiences this was~a pleasant. occasion which sas ,.- the direct result of Mr. Joe Storms, his competent staff, anti the way in which all staff personnel related to the University Library adrnin- istration. .The selection and supervisinn of college students was done ._ • with skill and understanding of both-the work at hand and the moti- vation of the students. Our move was extremely complicated, involving not~cnlq the reloeatfon of furniture and technical*equipment but also the disr>Santlin;, mc~tY~.ng, and ereetion of a large number of metal bookstacks, Because new• " furniture had not arrived it was necessary for us to make do with . nany bulky items such as Circulation counters which were reduced tc~". ".:: parts and then reconstructed to our satisfaction iri the ne-,~ building... :-. ".. - It was indeed a pheasure for our library staff to work with Mr, and' - Mrs. Storms and their corps of assistants. These people are very dedicated, sensitive, and kna~aledgeable individuals who earned the gratitude of the entire library staff. Therefore, it is a genuine pleasure for cre to recommend the Library Movers of America fnr other library moving projects. ~~ earce . Grove - Director of Libraries eo r r~- - ~ . ' Thr C'nic~•r,it~• f ibra~ir•s° • ~ :BLOO!+[ItiCTO?G, [VDIA\A 4ii01' ~~,..,y., wf 4~ .. a "s ~~ a ~' . V ' ~~, ,c~9 -<o4i 'i_r_-: e:_d a trer~° satisfactor~r job o~: ;-io'>~.n the cal^ec.ia_~s a, ti ~ S?:. O~ .: i . _~~~, ~ ~ :.L. i ib='a?'~ e.~d c^. CO.1'- ~ ;'Y'-t'.. 1~Ca~'.Pi:S ''.7uO -..1ui _~;~ '~"1: ~ e='S? i.'•; IT'C:1 vl_ O.LI. _.? ~ ~ ~ ..~ ~~ ari zr: ~ .....__ _ _. "` _< 1 ~' *aorit da~rs. ~ ~ erv ~.Jem e ~ bo .t v 1~ ` z::~ ..-e -:e-, ''aid ~;'orGrJs all 1•)i „nin _s. :.:. .. - ::o-re ~ . e :... . =be rove, t:~e e%z~ cierc;;~' ~•~~.~'~ j~a~~i ch ire^= :;~:s i*~~rassed ;•~i ~h the organi:.a~io:. o_ ~ - • • _ =r. ~- i,e.~t ro :ri n :''e reall~r did not i~ave are ha:~:~~u~ ~::at i reca~..1,; ~ . t.~liS :•3cS Clle 'LO L::e C1OSe '67Orl~zn~ •to e ~:.er Oi oUr S2~e_v~•SGr.~ G....d a.lr S'~a~3. ~ d liZe planner, preTri.ol~s to the la~re :;as vital but ;lot: `~.e~t cot ~~ajor loca~.ans.. ~ ;.;; t:t a ~t ~ ~r G:' -~~,c to s~a'~= .'. . and.:~et t'~e de.:.dlines, e ren "'; tie :~ror'_.e-rs t^otn n, rani dl,j' ~ lite Sri ce also t•1a5 -reasonabl~c - as „eca_I. Y e- " nce is t~ ~ cal _ T ieel~ a Lb-rGrian~ tz~n~ erou_-~ seA ;rites t•7ould ~i nC1... . o~:.~^ e:r r_e f°- s - eason~.b1Q °ce, your e:raerie_,ce in ^at ;;raU did E:. ~OOCi jOb, pra'1?t~;l~ 2;.d ?Or a ?' np-;'±:,~ ~ ~i:?"~Y'=e5 OvC2' the. ;,rears S'^OUId 5~a-nd ~roU in ~OOd Ste43. . _ Sincerel;l, ~ SSL. ~L"'eCtO" .. '. e F c ' ~;..; ,_ . - -:;. ~•. .~~; :, , 6 "~~ .'~- ~;j ..`JAI\IS i ~.?~:':.:,=?CES ' Duke. University ti1edic~l Center C!brary oua~ar., r+GAr;,~naou~,az~:.;- ' - [cLEPNO"1E!9t95£2oQC4i 12 September-, 1977 Mfr. J . ~{. $torlIIS - - - . . .. Library "_overs of America -- - 312 ldest Seventh Street - ~ ~ „ . ' - , oloo~; r_g~on, Indiana 47'501 ~ - Liar i•ir. Storms: - I aW pleased to be able to report to you that, the move of our Library facila•ties ; to ou= : e=.~ building was successfully co;apleted by Library -fovers of. erica to our eati_e satisfaction. We feel that three main .factors contributed to this success: the complete and detailed pre_planning of the entire move by ou~° pro- - ~ - iessional staff together with your peoples the supervisory skills and resourceful.•~ . ess o= `tr. Wry. STONE and his staff (especially in the manaoemenE:~ Uf the willing - s.d seer'noly tireless student labor crews); and their e:{p~rience, specialized - equip~~:a, and total understanding of the problems invol.vad. `The fact that the Lo:Te ~:as accomplished in less than the estimated time by a consider~.ble margin, .'.-.-. _. .. that the collections from four separate locations were aerged, in proper order, - dt~ri«g the actual move, and that the Library had to suspend services only for a three-e=y period are all to your credit. We :could not hesitate to r_ecom„-~end your - - serviczs to other libraries. , inar_'. you fora good job , well done. - - ~' Sincerely, - - ~ ~ ,~ - / ~ f -. ,. ~- ,J jdarren Bird , L~ir~<Ttor - ~J~ • C. . - ~~ TNT UNIVERSITY' OF ~TE~INESSYE 'A,7 CHATTANOOGA CHATTANOOGA, TcNNi~SSEE 37401 . ~ ~ `, elR~c~c~ eF Lie~~Rits September 19, 1977 . ~. t-tr. J.M. Storms, President ~ • Library Movers of P.merica ~ _ 312. 41est 7th Street Bloomington, Indiana 47401 Dear Mr. ~ Storms a :;, In' January 1974,' library Movers of Ar,:erica. moved more than 200,000 volumes from the old university library to our new $5.~! . million building. We were very pleased with the care and speed Mr. BILL SYOnEand his cre~•r tools. To be personal, this. move Vras -- the third in my career, and ! assure you it ti~aas the best. 1 am ~. pleased, indeed, to recommend your organization to future librarians who will be moving. . Do call on us'if tire can assist you more. With kindest regards, _ t am ~ .. ... b°. ' Sincerely yours, V Joseph H. Jaci:son ~. Director of Libraries . JAJ:bh ...~ L ~, ;~ ~ ., ROS:=-~HUii~~fAl'~l INSTiT'VTE~ Or, TECr-l,'~lO~OGY 3300 W,q;7ASN AVE4UE TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA 4780' ~ti~;1TG?F~. . ~/~~~ ~; ~"~,.-` era: a~~-.3.: • ~ . ~~: `~ Ji.. `-~ C ~' •- ` . Se~t~inDer 7~ 177 . 1~Ir. j, i\/I. Storms T ibrc."y 1~~iovers of America 3' 2 z:b~est 7th Street . _ Blao:~ington, Indiana 47~Oi wear tilr. Storms: I want to take this opporfianity to express to you our appreciation for the effective and efficient manner in vtzhicil you moved oui library collection from its otd location to the new library building . The collection :vas carefully handled and protectQd so that there ~rJas no damage ~~rha± so ever.: 'The mcve was ~vell organized and conductzd so as to 'reep our lest ti ~:.e zt a n abso lute. minimum . ~ - $i nCer2ly ~ , Ro~e~ T . ~~Vi IletS Lice President for Finance IJIe , c ,,f~ _ /_~=~~ ~. ~~ C':1Llt=Ut:~l:1 S~C:':~i'i:. COLZ.CC;t~ ~ ~(~~ "~C =~~ ~:~LIFORtit.1..~Ff~::\NS1rLV.~~L1,1;•ll9 1 ~~f IT ~ 11 ~.~ Lr7L'IS L. ~•1~~'II;FRi~~O LI~~RY A.u~ust 23, 1979 i-`_^ . ~ T•irs e J . i I . Storms ' ?7Q0 Lak~~.:ood Road Lr~or~ille, Ird1?.Ti3 47463 . D~..'^ °1^ . 6 "IT'S . StOT~7I1S : ' . On behalf of the faculty and staff of Buis L. i-.=nd°_riro Library, thank you so much for the tray o Ba:'clava ar_d though~ul ca:~-d which arrive-d ir~ cur T~rarny last Friday.. Your thoughtfulness was atefully appreciated. ~ ~ . , C~ai..n, I would like to thank you arld your cre:a Tor all the work and effort a~ve and beyond the ^= ~ ~ of duty ir. consolidatin ; al.l Library and ~,e~ia ' Taco? i ties in our new buildin. You ,:~.de .ctihat appease-tl - to b° an as?escr:;e task a once in a lifeti.r+.e experience. ~ ~~ ' Tr~-~Jrs for everytilirb and I look for~•lard to seei rg you =n October. Sincerely, e ~ , '' = - ~, . ~~ . [,;illia-a L. Beck ~ _ . Director of Library Services t•LJ/h 3z `, s , c F' r: y ~{p' ~ gr ~.0. SOX ~~D~ i 27~~ ~r~~k~~efl3~ Road j ~ichfdaid, ®hio 44288 ! . Akron - ?62-x683 Cl~dsi~ndlftichfioid - 659.3183 October.30, 1980 1Jeav Hanover County Finance Office 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. Carolina 28~tO1 Attention: Mr. Andrew J. Atkinson, County Finance Officer Gentlemen: ,~ {Ye are pleased to offer the follawing quotation for your con- si derati on e LAB DR FOR MOVING THE .COrITENTS OF THE PlElY HANOVER PUBLIC LIBRARY, ALL I1! AC- CORDAPJCE lYITH YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. PRICE --------------------------------~~17, 900.00 ABOVE MOVE TO B.E STARTED OJl FEBP,UAP,Y 16, 19810 !7e are attaching our Bid Bond hereto, as requested. {Ye thank you for this opportunity to be of servzce_ Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to con- tact us. Very truly yours, R~~G, INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES, IfdC. Saye~Akbar SA/at Enclosure i~'/e S~ecialixe in IZe j~ublic Steel Sto; »ge Products .~ _ _ ' ~ _SURE:I'1' DEPART~SENT ~~ . ~ ~. i t ~. C S ~' fi .~ ~~\• ..:.+rs?1t~ BONA HO. Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connectacut Q61Is (A Stack Camp¢ny) Pno~v All Dien By These Presents, That ~ti e, BII) BOIlTD R. Ge Industrial Supplies, Inca 2718 Brecksville Road Richfield, Qhio 4~428G as Pr. incipal, hereinafter called the Principal, and the HARTFORD ACCIDE\'I` ~ZD I\DE_l[1IT~' COl~IP9I1~, a corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut, whose principal office is in ,zIartford, Connecticut,. as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto County of New Hanover Wilmington, North CarolLna as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of Five Per Cent Of Amount Bid Including All Additive Altexnates ---_____s_________________________v____.~___-_~_____ Dollars (~ ~% ~ for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and, assigns, jointly and severafhr, firmly by these presents. `Whereas, the Principal has submitted a bid for Moving Contents of New Hanover Public I..ibxaxy " .. ,.#... HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND lNDEMN1TY COMPANY 000184 ....... Hartfortl. CnMM:ticu\ , POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents, That t.'1e HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COM. PANY. a corporation duly organized under the laws 01 the Stata of Connecticut. and having its principal oHice in the City of Hartford. County of Hartford. State of Connectic.!:'t. does hereby make. constitute and appoint JiU-!ES S. H.L\RTENSTEIN. RICEARD ,.. DALZY, B:::?NAPD- G. LABBE, J?. and tt. PRESLEY YOUNG of ;1.l.?Ger, OEIO its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact. with full power and authority to each of said Attorney(s)-in.Fact, in their separate capacity if more than one is named above. to sign. execute and acknowled~e any and all bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the company in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of pUblic or private trust; guaranteeing the performance of contracts other than insurance poli. cies: guaranteeing the performance of insurance contracts where surety bonds are accepted by states and municipal- ities. and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law aliowed. in ~enalties net exceeding the S~ of T,';O EU;:iD?ED FIFT! 7:-::0USAlTD DOLL.ARS ($250.000.00) each, _______~-_--_-----__-____-~-----------~-----------------------------::::::~~n-_ --~- ------------------ and to bind the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if sucn bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereol were signed by an Execlltive OHicer of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and sealed and attested by one other of such Officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney(s)-in.Fact may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted by and under authority of the following provisions: (1) By-Laws adopted by the Stockholders at. the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meet- ing duly called and held on the 10th day of February. 1943. ARTICLE IV 5cCT:ON 8. The President C?' any Vica~Presidenl acting with any S~c:'atary Of Assistant Se-:fctaf)l. shall have power and authority to appoint. !or ;:lI':roos-gs only of executmg ;lnd attestmg ::><Jnds and undert3.kings and ather wntings ooligalOry in th9 nature tnareot. ono or more Resicef1t Vlce-?:-::!S,Ceflt9. Resident ASSIstant Secretaries 3nd Attorneys~in-FaC:l and at any time to remove any sucn Resident Vica~President ReSIdent Assis- tar.t S~r-=t3ry. or Attcmey..in.Fact. and' revoKa t:'Ie power and authority given to him. S~CTION 11. ArtorneYS.fn.Fact Shall have power and authority, subject to the terms and limitations of tho pOwer or ai.tomey issued :0 them. to etecu;.~ and ~e(i\Jf!< on b-ahalt of ~9 Company and to a:tach the seat of th9 Company tnerelo any and ail bonds and uncertakiogs. and other wr1tings ooi'garor"l In trI8 naturd ttaereof. and any such Instrument executed by any such Artomey~in.Fact s:lail be as binding -upon the Company as if si~ned ':Jy an EIll:-Ku:;v& Of:icer and sealed and attested by one other of such Oh~cefS. (2) Excerpt from the Minutes at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEM. NITY COMPANY duly called and held on the 11th day 01 June. 1976: ReSOLVED: Robart N. H. Sener. Assistant Vice-President and Thomas F. Delaney. Assistant Vice-President.. shall each have as lonq as he hcl03 ~uch office the sam" power as any Vic....P'es;denl under Sections 6. i and a of Artic!e IV of the By-Laws of tne Cornp3ny. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by \he authority oC the following Resolution ado;)ted by the Directors of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 6th day of August. 1976. R,,50LVED. That. whereas RO~ef[ N. H. Sener. Assistant Vice-Presicent and Thomas F. Delaney. Assistant Vice-President. acting WIth any S~etarf or As5tstant Sacretary. each have the PO'H9f" and authority. as lor-go as he hOles such a;nca-. to apooinC by a power of attorney, for purposes 0(11)' :It e)l;ecutng and a:testing bondS and uncarta:.ongs and oL'1er wntings ob!.lgatory in :.he na(ur:J th9feof, one or mOtl! Aesident Vjce~Pres.i~ den~_ Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys-m-Fact: NC"N. :tlerefare. the sig:1atures ot such Officers ai'1d th~ seaJ of the Com;::any may b9 affiXed to any such power of ar-..om-9Y or to any certificate :"el2''::;9 thereto by faCSimile. and any S'Jch Dower of attorney or certificate bcanng 'Such tacs.mile signatures or facsimila ~al shall be 'V3\id and binding uoon t'le Company and any <such power so e)(€'Cuted and certlfied by :a.cslmda siGnatures and facsimile seal snail be varid anC binding coon the Company in 019 future with r~pect to any bond or undertaking to whic"l it is arl2.cne-j. In Witness Whereof, the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPAI-lY has causad :~esa presents to be S:~,I~C: by its ,o..3sistant Vice-PresiJant. and ~ts corporate seal to be h~fe~o anixec. dl~\Y attested by its Secretary, thl3 9th cay of August. 1976. - Attest: HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY #~.":r~:: . ~-:f: .dJ~ 1nomas F. D~faC19Y Assi:;tan, Vica~Pr3s;dent STATE OF CONNECTICUT. ( COUNTY OF HARTFORD. \ ss. On this 9th day of August. A.D. 1976. before me personally came Thomas F. Dalaney. to me known. who being by me duly sworn. did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Hart:ord. State of Connecticut: that he is the ASSIstant Vice.President of Ihe HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the aoara of Directors of said corporation and that he 5,gned his name thereto by like order. ~ Ol-Y? _..., ..:h. A .) STt.TE OF CONNeCTICUT. I ':~2,':.~.'_:: ~. "~;r--. , . l::., , ~ GiOfl3 ~~alo~as. N1J!ary P:Jb:ic r s My Cum:ms5ion E:lIpr9S March 3 t. 1978 COUNTY OF HARTFORD. I s - CERTIFICATE I. the undersigned. Assistant Secretarj of the HARTFOPD ACC:DENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY. a Connecti- cut Coroo:ation. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregOing and attached PO'NER OF ATTORNEY remains in lu!l force and has not been re'/oked: and furthermore. that Article IV. Sections 8 and 11. of the By-laws of the Company. and the ReSO'utions of the Board of Dlre(:tors. set forth in the Power of Attorney. are now in force. Signed and sealed at the City of Hamore!. Datee! 1M 5th day of November ~:'~.. !~ "?"v.b !'\.-.;a...: \~ ,~ 19 80 Form S-3501.3 P:1~~~:r. U.S.A ~ Assls:anr S'I!Creiary .. ~_""..::....:."""__ ,......,.-..::.:-. ~.t-.-..!; _ .~. .... _..,,-;:...._..:.. -.~.:-.:...'::...-.~.:i-..:....:::::.~.::r~..:::-~~""~_.~.. ~~...- "'''':':::''-' ] I'i~ w' ~ P. O. BOX 418 -TEL. 762-5317 agent--411eed'+lan t-5nes, Int. 1121 SOUTH FROtdT STREET ~' WILIV~fNGI-ON, NC7R7~f-f CAROLfNA €, 28402 ~- T;ov~-her 5, 19~~0 County Finance Office ~oora 510 320 Chestnut Street :''~7..~,inoton, `:orth Carolina ~~ - ??LOPOS ~L tT0'0~ ~!OV'IPZG LIB~a~Y CO~JT.~i"V!.'S, L.t.Jl ~-ti0 ~ /' :~~? submit in the anount of X13,532,00 our bid for the reloc>_t~an of th? ideY~r %anOVer COUnty L1'Cr3T'y'e hdeaUate ~erSOnne1 ?:7..LA l~rfll~e2' Su~al'l%X.SiOn T,']._~~., be avails^.1.u,, and. ire forese° no proble':~s v.2th this ~o~,e. - rie Vri?s. assur!>.e rest~onsibility for any darla~e to property, a.:Ld proof of.' our Certificate of insurance cover~e is attached, _ Our- curie^t Financial report is also attachedo '~'r. Robert Pierce, ~~o vrill be supervising the w o••re, w'_nile ir> trie employ of Central Carolina Bonded of ~,zrham, 'rdor°~`~'_n Caron ~ ra, superv.-~ sed the relocation of the Du_t;e University LibraryT in 1907. Farrar Transfer moved the offices of ?eabe~:~?~,,u,e~?y ~'ar:et:n~ ipn ;r~ Cits~, _~crth Carolina, in 1979. Z°:'hile the comranJ is not a Libra y~, pallets of n1L:~oered coupons i~rere moved. ~, e coupozis ha Q + ., c, 1' *~ mh d to b„ pug bw ~c in ire s3~e oraer. r•~r.. .lerce 3':Or'_~Ceu 1n a supervisor,- capacitir On tlli5 :':!O~Te 2.150. Cur most recent l~.rge clove :eras relocating the offices of the 5out'r,ern. Bell Telephone Co>~pany in f,;i~ington, i~Jorth Caro?ina, . in October of this ;dear. ~•i~ ~~~=~~;`?:ent, la'cor, and Other npCESSar~r _te:S t0 CO''l'J12i.2 tii° i:,fJVe Tdl1~. be f'.~='x!15! ~eG~ hj- Fzr_rar 1'?^=?i1S* er, a t ? 'r, ~,,. --, nr ~ 1 '-~~ (r ~ ' -- a ;l1 - no ur h.._ ek,, s., w ,,: - o~n~~•, 7d co~lectien materials ;rill be c?zaned befo,-~ reloc~t;ng. :~;~ see na diff~_cv~lty~ in comp? Ptino the move in seven days, the allotted tir~le. -~ i.~'11d li'_~e t0 add :.hat i ar. ar lr~~,-lsf~r has teen a re".iuT.~v1E: ?O ~T1YIy~' firfl. 1.n ~`r~Lr:i ~~ton for 52 ;-tears anu i•:e are confident t^at =•:e can ha :~1e this r::o re satisfactoril~r for all concerned. Our eerti.fie:: c~:ec, ;n e ~~ount of ~=:61+.10, covering 5 ~ of our bid is attached. .] ..i Lemma L. Bea.chtrn ra.,o r ~1 ~'ana Jpr FURNITURE - MERCHANDISE - POOL CAR DISTRIBUTION - GENERAL HAULING - CRATING - PACKING - SNIPPING ~- 't ~~i~Q. First Union National Bank Nlilmington, NoRh Carolina 28401 -- _ k/ o o a m b~ ~ ~ 19.~,~ 66-532 531 ';aY TO TH. ~RDFR of County of New Hanover ~ 68~ _ IQ k f30LV:RS .. `, ~„ `OR Bid Sect Deposit. ~ ~ . ,Farrar lxansre~&-S"~T'z~~oe AUTHORtZFD SIGNkTURE x:05.3 ~Oq3 2;?~: 9 i50Q6 093311° FAP~PAR. TRANSFER & STORA~ ~I~;P, FiOU~, Ii~~C. STA'fiiJ:LN1' OF IA;Ci~s~~ period Ended September 30, 1980 Intone: i?auling Packing Storage H~.ndlir~g Commissions Fuel surcharge Ocr~r Total income C~~rating expenses: Salaries -officers Salaries _ office Salaries -other taxes on salaries r_dwrtising ra"ji OrtiZatlori ad debts Co;~a*~issions Contribu tions Ja~aage claims . ;~preciati on Dues and su,oscriptions insurance izbor :`? scellaneous rofessional fees ~ent Repairs ~up~oli?s - c~fi ce . supplies -operating Supplies .- vehicles laxeS o otter Te lepnone -=a~-el Ut11it1eS Total o,~;rating expenses Operating income _::arcial excense~ I:~come before taxes on ir_come ~ 99,553 42, 910 29,392 5,693 12,944 10, 710 5,851 207,383 11, 6~~0 :11, ~31~.7 51, y15 5,392 2, ~+'19 32. 4, 61q 25, 6'72 20 4x 3 z2 4,174 475 6, 3 91. 1,164 35 1,228 ~`, 200 5,q1+2 2, 75 5 10,455 10,3 73 3,,168 1,1+10 3, 511 1,539 177,768 29, 615 3,555 ~ 26,~J60 N1MF aND ai.? ~Si ?i< <.E hi f .•.. . (CO'YvPAN1ES AFFOR01(VG COYE~2AGES "`~ P. O. Box 270 '~ `` "' CommercialUn.i.on; Ins. Com an, =' jVilmington, N. C.' 28402 -._... ...----------'----.. _. .._ _.....-----' -- .____.-L_ _Y -'° Aetna Insurance Company .:, Na!uE AND o ~'W" ._._ ..._--~ _. --~- LL .>> Cii tNjU77c ti ..--._.._-_......___._.-_..___._.._..__ 1 ' -' -- - -- -- --- ~~ Farrar Transfer &~ Storage Warehouse, Inc ,,,~.,.,. ~:~~ - ~ 1121 S. Front Street. -- ----- - __ jlilmington, N. C. 28401 ~ ~'~ ~' - . _ PirL f . This i5 t0 ~e^_`.y Tat ~OlitiBS a! irs:nanCe IiSted be1,:rH have tee.^. ~>suw' °n •i,a i~c.w?d n `rn;; a, ,;~,~ ._ - a 01 any LOf!tra^ or Cih?t dOCUn'2~t 'Nlih ; f.'Spt2t tJ «nir.R this rgrtih-; ~ ~ _ -- "fO`=' at this 6roe ; co^„tthstarding 3^'r ~?~urfemzi9t, 4erm or _cndihon ' terns, exciuvons arul xnditions e` :uic?± dolic+es. -" % •'a~.-e aNnr~+~ ~y ;-:: ,wK~~es ds5,crsl;w; herein is sub~ryi' !o aL' the ' ~~Nr':.N. --f----- - --.. .-~-----~---- - -- ( ~ ~Errr~ ~ -::~.':::N,~aavr,:. r. . , .: _ tlmi!s ofi Liab',lity i?eThousands (_ ,.. .: •. . -,~ ! GENERAL LIABILITY ....__ ..._ .... _ .;i+tii~;~ Tf A ! ~ ~Mp?EHEti51`~E i RSA ~ -.. •... • +;t? ~ ; ;10/01/81 ! i E ~ °OC!e!SES-_p~EG:a 1 p;NS ~ 1 i { ~F_~r :;mot a;..:•':7i~ HA,A::% ~ .; - ' ~:'_~~~'i'?a~rt;aL :v5t; i;=Yr`p e i ~...~:.~ ~ °.:VRi'.AN?; 1 '~ ~~ j 6:•~jg0 F,?M vRUFElrii' i e ucx::>c.,t. Cn~.!A; E t aJ~Q ~ /~ ~ .:.,,t~,ryEO i 500 C~~+aGE ~ ~ ~~~, ~"•GEaE~:CE~iC CONrPk:,T•~u; a ~~ armor./Ai :N 11~PV ~ ~ T.L - ~ L 1 ., ., .,..,...,.~.. i.nc~~u a r - 7 E42 48 43 Ala/a1/81 ~~ - ~ i 1 ...3c.D 1 !~ , :r. ------- -- :: i cXC_SS LI~DIUTt i -_..... ..__._ _ .- .. ._ ... -' - - :: , [ WO ~ K SP. S' CO fsA P E'9 5 A T lQ rv~: '- _.. __ ............ . .. _,-.----- - ----__-_- ~~-- and ~ -= E EFdPLOYEP.S° L1~4lt_t7Y iGS2 O1 76 ~ 10/01/81 =~ ! --.~...___._._,_._:.L.....:_._. __.._. _ . ..... .... ........._ ....-- _ r OTNEF~ v ~ IM 57 47 68 10/x1/81 B E4arehousemen s ~ T'A~-~1~Li ~_l~~v,,-Included Transportation 1 _~ .c:'_ Tux p, Oi ~ .-.. :;J-.S~'_^.,;,i.. .. ,.. _ _.. ._. ;,: -. Car,calfaiicr: ..;i~0:^~al iV4 ;i.Hy ~ S 'i 6' ~i~r :?~ II~P~ . r ~ ; ~ : , l s *' -'V iJ a?wIw GE i Declared Value Bill of Ladding Replacement Cost S . Y ~; :~. •~, ar,C:oLr.n ,7', ,. 1a _, ° .~: ~. ,J°. i!'c'T ;', a~ I:SUiiI S~. ..- '2' New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street ~'iilmington, N. C. 28401 ;Job: New Hanover County Li'urary P.Iove 1 f _. .._ . _ . ?5 (; > J 11/05/80 - ~ =.~ . S`;OODPliRY & CO. - _----,~ n '100 ~~ - 4 ~ .x" ~ «. .., _v- a ~Y^ ,.bra - w-. +~ ~5: 4r: CARDiIiIAL ~1OV11~C & S~TC~RAC~, Inc. 1215 N. 23rd Street, P. ®. Box 1712 ' WILMINGTON, N. C. 2$40.1 TELEPIi0N1= 919 762-6661 November 4, 180 ~` Andrew J. Atkinson, Purchasing Agent New Hanover County Administration Building 320 Chestnut Street, Room 510 Wilmington, N. C. 28401_. Reference: Proposals for moving Library Contents ~ ~ - Bid ~~12-80 - Dear Sir: We have read your "Invitation to bid on moving library contentsf' anti the attached "specifications for moving specified library contents°'o 1Je a,re prepared, to comply with the specifications. Our bid is $12,400.00._ ~. . In order to comply with requirement of most currently issued full f_ina.ncial report, we are attaching 5 pages of schedules to our 1979 income tax return prepared by Cherry, Bekaert, and Holland. This statement of income and balance sheet should suffice. ~ - Also attached is our bid security deposit in the amount of $020.00.. Further, we submit the following references of past experience in 7_ibrary r!oves> 1).Addison Hewlett's Law Library 2) Fred Anderson's Law Library 3) Brunswick County Law Library _ -.~ , 4) Brunswick County Clerk of Courts 5) Brunswick County Register of Deeds 6) Rev. Allen Laymon's Personal Library 7) Wilmington Orthopedic Group's Patient Records. Suitable insurance coverage is carried through idalker Taylor Insurance Company. A certificate of insurance trill be furnished you immediately upon notification of bid acceptance. Yours very truly, ~` , G/~x~ 1/vU Alex `i. E~ird President A~•1E : eb E.-}r~ - AGENT FON ftOf~h~m?fiCafl VA'.: iti S -"~ ..- ~' `~~` tt41~ ~~ e -~ ~ ;_- Name l ~r~;--,at /11nvi„F. `ahd ' S~or:~b~ ~L E. I. No g~- OS~34~,~ Addresg ~-1~1-~~~c.-~n ~ JVC. Year ending i~-/3J~?~ CORPORATION STATEhIENT OF INCOIvIE Gross receipts or gross sales Less: Ret. & Allow. _____________ Less-cost of sales (Schedule ) ___r______________________________________A_____-_ GROSS PROFIT ----------------------------------------=------------------------- Dividends (Schedule ) ---------------------------------------------- Interest on U. S. obligations ______________________________________.d_________._____.__ __..._.. Other interest ------------------------------------------------------------- Rents -----__-~--- Royalties (Schedule ) ---------------= ------ ------•___-----------_-- Net gains (losses) from sale or exchange of property (~~~nl~ ~9Z) Other income: -~~n~_~wice~„---------------~--•-~_-- TOTAL INCOME __~_~___.__~__o__________________________.._________ Deductions: Compensation of officers (Schedule ~) ____________________.__.:________ Salaries and wagesi :.____________________________________________________ P.epairs ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bad debts --------------------------------------________---_.W_.__________ Rents ------------------------------------------------------ --------- --- Taxes (Schedule a ) __________. __________________~_____._~_.-____.._-_m Interest --------®-----_-----------.._____________________-----_:__...____.___ Contributions (Schedule _v~~) _________________________________________ Amortization (Schedule _-.~) ____._____________________..__.._.___________ Depreciation {Schedule ~'' ) _________________________________________ Depletion (Schedule ) ___________________________d_____.._______.___ Advertising ___________________________________________________________.. Pension, profit-sharing, stock bonus, annuity plans ___________~_____________ Otn2r employee benefit p}ans _______________~_______-________W_.__-_._____.~_ Other deductions: -~%+cd~l'~-~•------------------------- '------------- -----'------.--.~-.~-..~_._ t J ~ ~ .-i ~ w~a.i~ NET INCO;4SE (LOSS) -~ FEDERAL _-________ before net operating cuss dreuctlon anti special oeductiwea Adjustments for State Tax' Return: Ada back State income tax deducted above _________________________________ NET INCOME (LOSS) •- STATE ------------------------------------------------- ~uu ~ n x, s Name~rd~r.a~~ moviYlc. and '``~-QY.1GG ,~n~ ~~ 1.1~ ~».~n6~'Oh 1L . - Address :e ~`~ ~ CORPORATION SCHEDULES E. I. No 5~- D94~4-34to Year ending t~l~,t ~~ COST OF GOODS SOLD TAXES Inventory-Beginning Real & Personal Property Tax ~ Purchases Payroll Taxes I~ SQL Salaries & Wages Privilege Licenses Other Costs: Auta & Truck Licenses State Franchise Ta;:/License Fee State Intangible Tax ~ X Total -State Return Total State Income Tax Less : Inventory Ending ' Cost of Goods Sold _ Total --- ]i'ederal Return ' COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS Percent Ex~nge NAME ,,5, .~ Stock Owned .Amount of Ac..ount Title Com. Pfd. Compensation Alloaranee Alex r/1 ~~ ~ eS to ~ ~ ~ ~ ag t _ 3~- a-ac®3 d ~3 '?S 8 - CONTRIBUTIONS OTUER DEDUCTIONS /~/ C ~12d fed {--rS'~ivl ~ ~ ~ ! 4 '` ~p~ ` , Vo%iL~C VPFjif S c~-~. R11 ~ r. T"LT ~f~ T UV~ D ~~ C.IR(r G t t t-, GY O i ~ i Ct r ' oc 9 t t"1 r i~urr..~,a sed C.al=,os~ r,r1 Trans ~ ` /' ~t`r/V ~ ~' ,+ n oPM ~r LL ~ ~o e[ ~P-e16rIT q'~^ l7 e dJ Sri 1 '7 `' . 4 ai ota I ~ 1 Co Less carryforward TOTAL ALLOWABLE ~ 3 ~ t, TOTAL I~ 030 ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ K 0 z W 'ti o ~' cry ~ a~ ~n ?~ .~ .x n s~ a~ v L ,.~ 0 Q N c~ Z ~ O --+ "~ Q U ~_ L:7 C Lam., ;_: C. U Q Q Q ~' w -~ e o w q ~ Q U Q v ~ ~ . ~ ~- H ~ w ~ ~ ~~ .., U Q U w ~ X ~--~ O :ter tf) .--~ q Q s ~ ~ ~ _Q a ~ ~' N S ~ S ~ ~ Ti ~ n ~ ~ 'O O v .,^. ~ m ,~ z z e ~' ~ `~ ~ a n + U ~ 1 n - t T ~ O '~ ' ?~ ~ c rl ~ U ~ t o- a~~~ 1aa a t~ pou~a ~ ~ ~ _ ~, ~ ~ r ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t N `~ y ~ ~' ~ ~ .m ~ ~ U ~ ~ .. Q Q Y Y :~ ~ ~ 0° ~ i c cs ai cn s r a- ~ ~ i ~ ~ f R r \{v . ~ U fU ~ ~ ~ p cb r ~ o ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ ~` ~ ~ ~t _ 1 ~ ~ ,: c0 ~ Q ~ - s ,? e i ~ S o ~i d a 3 , U r 4. ~ 41 v a c ~ Q 1 ~ ~~j ~ : l - . , --~ ~ ~ ~ --t R J CBH 401 (4-64) Sch,~_(Pag~ ~ of ~) ~"~ ~ , '~ Name ~~ anal ~ rioy~YtL c~h%~ ~ ~i.J6c + hc~ E. I. No- 5~--0944.1, - ~~ ' Addres4~•y~lw~ini~~r,n ~Ir - Year ending -~1~~17y •-°~ t r`J - BALANCE SHEETS - Corporation , ASSETS; 1. Cash -------------- ------------ ---- --- 2. Notes & accounts receivable _______________ (a) Less: Res, for bad clebt~ _______________ 3. Inventories ------------------------------- 4. U. S. Govt. Obligations ____________________ State, subdivision obligations _______________ 5. Other current assets..~~~--~ ~~Y~~-~, (-BEGINNING OF YEAR ~ END OF YEAR A1ti10UNT TOTAL AMOUNT TnTAT. __---- 6. Loans to stockholders ____________~:________ 7. Mort. & real estate loans ____®_____________ 8. Other investmentse_P____-_______ 9. Buildings & depreciable assets ______________ (a) Less: Accum, depreciation _____________~ Y0. Depletable assets -------------------------- (a) Less: Accum, depletion ________________ 11. Land (net of any amortization) ____________ 12. Intangible assets (amort. only) _____________ (a) Less: Accum, amortization __..__________ 13. Other assets ~-u/?!~~_~s~-~'-__ -------~--fauPihG_ ICrt_l,~-..__-_-_ 14. TOTAL ASSETS , LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL: 1b. Accounts payable _________________________ 1&. .dortgages, notes ~: bonds payable in less than one year ---------------------- 17. Other current liabilities /~!-u~ ~?~~S ~htr _ -------- IdXQS ~M~1~o~G -- 18. Loans from stockholders ____________ 19. Mortgages, notes & bonds payable in one year or more ----------------------- 20. Other liabilitias________________ ------------------------ 21. Capital stoc'~: (a) Preferred stock ----------------------- (b) Common stock ----------------=------- 22. Paid-in or capital surplus __________________ 23. Retained earnings-unapprop. ______________ 24. Shareholders Undistributed taxable income __ 2~. Less treasury stock _______________________ 26. TOTAL LIABILITIES & C~IPITAL _________ .a NamA (~rclir~dl /I~oyiytL aht~ `.~nr,l~.~. ~L, E. T. NO.~-~44'3`N ~'~` ,'• Address,~.~;=~ nG-~"~n ~ G Year ending ~ a131 I~ R RECONCILIATION OE INCOME PER BOOKS WITH INCOME PER RETURN Federal t State 1. Net income per books ---------------------------=---------------------- 2. Federal income tax ---------------------------------------------------- 3. Excess of capital .losses over capital gains ________________________________ 4. Taxable income not recorded on books this year: 5. Expenses recorded on books this year not deducted in this return: State income taxes _________~.._.____________.___.._ --~ .s~t~_L~~. ~~nL~.--------------------_---- ly.h~L~P.~.~__v________________________v__...__.__ I~- 6: TOTAL of lines 1 to 5 ~ ~ oc~.3 7. Income recorded on books this year not included in this return :_ __ _ _ _ ~, _ _ 8. Deductions in this return not charged against book income this year:_"___ 9. TOTAL of lines 7 and 8 _ ` 10. ~ TAXABLE INCOIYfE BEFORE NET OPERATTNG LOSS .DEDUCTION (line 6 leas 9) _ ~ p~.3 ~ ~~ ANALYSIS OF UNAPPROPRTATED RETAINED EARNINGS PER BOOKS 1. Balance at beginning of year ------------------------------------------- 2. Net income per books _________________________________________________ 3. Other increases:___.___....._____ ____ ___..~__.____..__. 4. TOTAL of Iines 1, 2, and 3 5. Distributions: (a) Cash ----------------------------------------------- (b) Stock --------------------------------------.__--____- (c) Property -----------------------------------------_-__ 6. Other decreases:.___^______________________.r___ 7. TOTAL of lines 6 and 6 ~11Z7l40~ _ 8. BALANCE END OF YEAR (lines 4 less 7) i CBH 209 (8-75) Sch ~ -~, ; - r , 6~ „First Union National Bank •• i~~~,~1, ~., Wilmington, North. Carolina 28401 ~ ®~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Nov. 5, : _ 19 8O 66-932 531 .. .. ==;Y TO TNc New Hanover County ~ 620.00 Ili ~~'SrT -~;: - .~ `fin. F~L :r~,1~t <,:~,_ -oH Cardi*ial Moveing & Storage ~~ •~-`* ~""~_}-~ ~~: - ~~~~•- ~ Bid De ~ I2..80 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE . ~j~_~1;~?•~•t~~:Yy,r` ~:053bQ9327~: -9 15006 29 2~11e ~~... _~:. - - •~ . ~ ~ ~'- ~~ ~~'~~," t . :: ~:.. . _ ~,~ ~~~ `.;.1! ,~ -, f~ffce~ f~fr - . `ctlBN C. ;YI! LIAM$, Gild ~ ( - ~~ - KAR=N c. GOTTOVI, V4}NiO. r ~~~ ~~ ~~g~.yy~~~~~bxyq.~~~ .. kOWAAD L ARMIS'TEAD, JR., MD ('~ ~ 'L~, `'~a~ ~'4 ' CLAUD O'Skl'eLDS, JR. VIVIAN 5. ;YFi1GHT ~P++'° ~~~P~ v°~+ti - ' G. FEUx COOPER c~vh-r,,u~:.acEa _ ~tzu ~hP~fIY2I~~p~t1PPt " JCOUNiY A OFinEY ~ ~1lYlYl2LL~f,IIY~ ~QTfh ~c'IYUIIT'l22 2~4~~- - ~ ". ~ . ALYC'c 8. RUSMISELL ~ ~ ~ - «=aK ~ T~= BOAA~ (~Iele{S~nnE 913] 7ti3-3b8~ ~ ' T0: Felige" Cooper and Co~pmmissioners - FROM: Karen Gottovi ~/' C. ~~ ~ - ~ . DATE: November 14, 1980 RE: Regional Solid Waste Proposal _ ' Before we can seriously negotiate with other units of gavernnient for. a Regional 5olid~Waste System, I feel we. must agree among"ourselves as to .some. of the things we want and would be willing to offer irl return.' Belo~,~ are my suggestions for a three stage process: Stage I 1. ~ state permitted, first class landfill in an outlying county fox New Hanover's use as well as other units of governments` use. Acquisition costs, engineering costs, and devel~,pment costs to be borne by Neva Hanover County in return for along term contract to use the landfill. Ownership and ma;,age:ner,i: o£ - landfill would be open to negotiation, .as well as fees far use ."". and long. tern liability. 2. Volume reduction (incineration)equipnent to be purchased by New Hanover County, be property of New Hanover County.. I~iost likely ~'" ~-_ to be installed in New Hanover County. '.This should keep anyone else from having any :high initial costs and also insure that the volume of material from New Hanover County will. be reduced.. - 3. a) Transfer station established in New Hanover County where private haulers a:.d small municipalities (and iJilmington?) will tip and pay fee. New Hanover County will supervise tipping and monitor garbage, and haul to the landfill. This will eliminate possibility of hazardous waste from 'New Hanover County fron getting rota the landfill and reducz truck traffic through adjoining counties.. -~•~~'' ~ Felix Cooper; and Commissioners Page 2 b) Transfer station at landfill site to haul burnable wastes to New.Hanover Coun~y~incinerat.ars. - c) Recycling stations at transfer sites could be installed. to recover paper, g7_ass, metals, etc. and process them far _ sale if this becomes feasible. This would further reduce the. volume of.landfilled materials. 4. Ordinances regarding..the pick up and hauling and disposal of solid waste: will 'be passed by New Hanover County.. This t•~ill better regulate solid waste disposa.l.and its costs and minimize the danger of hazardous and toxic wastes entering the system. Stage II 1„ 'Volume reduction equipment (incinel°ators or other technology) guaranteed to be sited in .the county that-has the landfill. Assistance from New Hanover County and. COG in developing the scenario, to include: a) Energy recovery system for a local industry ' b). Construction of a basic building to use steam generated by incineration to serve as an inducement- far industry to locate there. Stage III Other counties and/or municipalities to enter the system. as they are willing to bear .a suitable share of the costs. -