1980-12-08 SpM Exhibitsr r4.~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA REF~`!IT N0. 65-03 DATE ISSUED 12-8-80 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES D.~v.cl,~.on a ~ Health . Sehv.~.e.ea P.O. Box 2091 Raleigh 27602 SOLI D WASTE MAraAGEP'IEhIT PERP~i I T NE[J HANOVER COUNTY is hereby issued a permit to operate a located SANITARY LANDFILL ON. BLUE CLAY ROAD in accordance with Article 13B of the General Statutes of North Carolina and all rules promul- gated thereunder. The facility is located on the below described property. BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the eastern right of ~:gay line of the [Jilmington and [•,eldon Railway Company and 65 feet from its center; said pipe being southwardl}' 1787 feet as measured along said eastern right of way line of said Railroad, from the 7 mile post on said Railroad; said beginning point being also the north*.aest corner of an 89 acre tract of land formerly sold to George S. LeGrand and wife;• thence from said beginning point along the northern line of said LeGrand Tract, south 79° 54` east 14.58.6 feet to an iron pipe; thence south 27° 50' East 2500 feet to an iron pipe in the western right of way line of the Blue Clay Road; thence along said western right of way line of said road north 62° 10' east 491.5 feet to an iron pipe thence north 15° 30' ~•;est 419 feet to an iron rod on the west side of Pumpkin Kiln Branch; thence with the western edge of said Branch north 54° 30' East 262 feet to a stone~marl-:ed HB, said stone being the southeast corner of Purpart ~i3 of the hermitage tract as shoran by sur~~ey or map by J. L. Becton, ~G.-E:-- dated Piarch 1, 1911 and duly recorded in New Hanover P.egistr~ P,ook 21 at page 322; thence along the eastern line of said purpart i3 north.0 30` west 410 feet to an iron pin; thence south 85° 45' east 503.6 feet to an iron pipe; thence south 52°; 15' east 86 feet to an iron pipe; thence north 22° 15' east 647 feet to • ,. i ~~ ~ Hugi~ H: T~Lson, M.D. - O. W. Strickland, Head" Director '' = Solid & Hazardous Waste Management Division of, Health Services Branch - Environmental Health Section r DHS Porn 2871 (Rcv: 10/79)' Solid & Hazardous-Waste Management Branch S ,~ . `~'~ :: __ PERMIT N0. ~~ 65=D3 ~;~ ~ ~ DATE ISSUED 12-8-80 SOLID.. 41ASTE - f~ANAGE~f~ENT P~ERf~IT Property Description (Continued); an iron pipe; thence north 550 0.' east 743 feet to an iron pipe; thence along the northern line of said Purpart ~~3 north 490 30' west 1314 feet to an iron pipe; thence nor.th_630 O'__west.3608 feet to a stake_in the eastern right of way line of said [Jilmington & [Jeldon_.Railroad, said stake being n_orthraardly 442 feet. from the "7"mile post; thence~alono the eastern right of way line of said railroad south 100 30` west 2229 feet to the point of beginning, containing 206.8 acres, more.or. less. The same being part of the land conveyed to .Herbert Bluethenthal and wife, and C. B. Pa ~~ele and wife, by heirs of H. C. Twining, by deed duly recorded in Book 235 at Page 485, and part of the land conveyed to Herbert Bluethenthal and wife, and C. B. Parmele and wife, by Fidelity Trust Company, E:<ecutor of Augustus F. B~rgwin, by deed duly recorded in Book 235, at Page 508, and part of the land conveyed by 'ri2ry Burg:•:in to C. B. Parmele and wife, and Herbert.Bluethenthal and wife, by deed duly recorded in Book 235, at Page 308; and part of the land comTeyed by Hill Burgwin et al, to C. B. Parmele and wife, and Herbert Bluethent}la1 and wife, by deed duly recorded in Book 235, at Page 505 and part of the land conveyed to Herbert Bluethenthal and, wife by C. B. .Parmele, and wife, by deed duly recorded in Book 320, at Page 179. The above reference to conveyance being to books and pages in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County. HS Form 2871 - Con~t.~("Rev'. 10/79) olid & Hazardous Waste =Mana.gement Branch / ~, r ~ ` ~ ~ - /~ '~ S 0'L I D - PERMIT N0. 65-03 DATE ISSUED 12-8-80 WASTE f~1Ai~A:GE`M:ENT .: -~~ PERP~IT '~ Conditions of Permit: 1. The following ~r.equirements shall be met : . ' ~a. Filing -of the=cer-t=ified copy of the permit'with_..tfie register of deeds. n ... _ ...- . ~_.. ,...,~__.... a . _ ~ b. Posting of the solid waste permit number on the entrance sign to the landfill. 2. .The area where solid waste will be deposited will be limited to~the approxi- mately 12 acres as shor~Tn on plans by Post, Brickley, Schuh & Jernigan. ~-_ - 3. The .final two feet of cover will consist of clay. The insitu permeability of ~i the clay shall be at least 1 x 10-6 cm/sec. Tlie site will be ~:.onitored on a routine basis by the Department of Human .~ Resources for five years after closure. _a r '`~ 5. Height of completed fill is not to exceed elevation 48. 6. tdastes will not be;.~deposited below. existing ground elevation. ~~ ,x f~ l Y.. ri G~ 4- ~.ii _.. -:'I .. -_. -!~ - ~~ ' _ ~Y '`(DF3S corm 2871 - Con't.-.(Rev: 10/79) Solid & Hazardous Waste Mar.aoerrent Branch ;--