1980-12-15 RM Exhibits±. LC. 7~ 4~~ 1z-r~ N ~a~ LARRY 1. POWELL Tax Administrator 763-0991 RAYMOND E. BLAKE, 1R. Appraisal Supervisor 763-2462 ~~,;~. ,11 CHERYL R. ROBERTS Listing Supervisor 763-8439 JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 763-7385 320 CHESTNUT STREET ~i[ittittgtoilt, ~. ~. 2401 NEW HANOVER. COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru November 30, 1980 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co. Total Collected to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Total Collected to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance .Percentage Collected 1980 $14,147,201.61 1,796,886.00 $15,944,087.61 - 30,925.16 $15,913,162.45 - 5,588,920.45 $10,324,242.00 35.1% $ 431,682.45 - 2,175.20 - 92,665.84 $ 336,841.41 21.58% $ 541,623.28 - 713.59 - 43,215.39 $ 497,694.30 7.99% 1979 $12,337,244.77 1,766,509.92 $14,103,754.69 - 23,337.69 $14,080,417.00 - 4,402,987.10 $ 9,677,429.90 31.27% $ 409,308.06 - 1,427.42 - 115,503.50 $ 292,377.14 28.32% $ 450,640.20 - 1,439.08 - 21,350.78 $ 427,850.34 4.75% Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date $8,263,576.03. This report is for the fiscal yeax• beginning July 1, 1980. R spectfnully submitted, U Janie B. Straughn Collector of Revenue .kw ii~~ ~~l~ MEMBER I/.~AO INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS ~~~~ tt~~ ,, P~IEMORANDUM December 8, 1980 To: Mr., Felix Cooper County Manager From: Larry J. Powell Tax Administrator Subject: Abatements and Refunds ~.C. ~.. ~a-9- ~ Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. James Allen $ 33.32 (1979 & 1973) 2. Patricia Baldwin 30,20 3. Virnelle Byrd 23.73 4. Carolina Waste Systems 190.16 5. Clothes House Inc. 172.00 6. Annie Duffy 10.56 7. Harris Farrow 30.53 8. Jack Hall 46.48 9. William Hennessee 129.'00 10. Henry Howard 35.41 (1979 & 1978) 11. Lucy-Howard 22.3° (1979 & 1978) 12. Sheron Howard 24.94 (1977 & 1976) 13. Walter Hunt 42.33 14. George Jones 534.14! (1977) 15. Lance Inc. 957.65 16. Margaret Martin 214.90 17. Hugh P,4cAllister 34.88 18. Hugh IIIcEachern 7.10 19. Letha McQueen 19.53 (1979) 20. Herman Moore 129.00 21. Wallace Murchison 9.08 22. Richard Phipps 7.70 23. Lynn Ray 18.59 (1979) 24. Norma Ringer 26.88 (Refund) 25. Bruce Shell 10.97 26. James Strickland 23.33 27. Julian Wilson 33.30 (Refund) Request the following taxes be releas ed as the personal property is not located within the city or town limits: 1. Almont Shipping Co. $562.12 (1980 - 1978; $350.74 Refund) 2. Bert Blake 1,07 (1978) 3. Marvin Bridges 38.95 (1978) 4. Carolyn~~.:Deutsch 56.76 5. Victor Gore 37.01 (1979 Refund) 6. Clara Highsmith 61.47 7. Gregory Jamieson 67.69 8. Karen King 24.23 9. Thelma Maness 37.29 10. Lawrence Mason 40.61 -2- 11. Sally Mullinix $ .95 12. Richard Perkins 54.45 13. Larry Thacker 94.63 14. James Tidwell 14.74 15. Stephen Wilson 29.49 charged: Request the following taxes be released as they are double 1. Ruth Allen. 2. Alaine Bryker 3. Frank Byrne 4. Henry Connor. 5. Foreign Car Hospital 6. Ernest Fullwood 7. Harold Hamilton 8. James MacDonald 9. James Moore 10. Sam Moss 11. C. L. Reavis 12. James Reese 13. John Rogers 14. James Spicer $ 67.26 (1978) 27.07 (1.979 Refund) 1.47 21.78 50.59 27.31 8.37 54.66 31.13 (1978) 39.85 90.86 9.07 (1978) 1,541.64 (1980 - 1978, Refund $1023.74) 4.83 Request the following taxes be abated as these charges are due to clerical errors in misfiguring the values, incoding incorrect information, not allowing qualifying Senior Citizens' Exlusions, mispricing motor vehicles, etc.: 1. Danny Adams $ 32.99 2. Hoyle Anderson 106.74 3. Thomas Brock 55.59 4. William Cotton 41.47 5. James Dowless 3.01 6. Elizabeth Koutsouflaki 129.00 7. Barbara Landon 7.38 8. Samuel McCoy 34.86 9. Oakley Plantation 28.89 10. Jean OP1eal::_ 38.13 11. John Pollard 12.93 12. Sanford Purifdy 6.45 13. Leon Rivenbark 57.75 14. Lorraine Starnes 15.33 15. John Woodruff 46.01 (1979) (Refund) Request the following listing penalties be released as the individuals certify the listings were mailed during the month of January, 1980: 1. W. E. Spooner $ 44.27 2. H. R. Williams 40.47 Request these items be County Commissioners' meeting on approval of these abatements as types of releases in the past. LJP/pbc placed on the consent agenda for December 15, 1980. I recommend the Commissioners have approved -3- the these Copy: Mr. James C. Fox Mrs. Alyce Rusmi~sell ~~wG-~-7~,~~- ~' ~~~ REVISED - 8/IS/80 .. ,. L` ~ ' AN ORDI NAi~1CE REGULAT1~iJu THE /'~~J NE4+l HAivOVER COUNTY yIATER SUPPLY SYSTE~1 ~.~ i~~-s'/~~ PJew Hanover Coun-t'y, North Caro} i na FVHEREAS : Ne~~~ Hanover County has a County 4°tater Supp { y System under construction to provide water to the county service area initially desig- Hated as Flemington, and intends to subsequently provide water service for all unincorporated areas of the county and to municipalities desiring such service, and VIHEREAS: The said project, designated as the Flemington area, is providing water service to an area of the County kno~.vn as The Flemington Community, and environs, and 6°1HEREAS, it is recognized that the continued gro~Nth and development ' ~ within the county will require the orderly operation of and create requests for extensions and provision of service to existing and new structures in Flemington and other areas without public water supply systems; NOtI THEREFORE, BE IT P,ESOLVED AND ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that after completion of construction of the first phase of the county water supply sys-rem, water service shall be provided to the Flemington area and additional areas of the county as follows: Section I : DOMES T ! C A. JD COitil`~IERC I AL CONtJECT I CNS . A. Al! persons o~~~ning or occupying structures having a water supply piping system which provides ti~rater for human consumption located within the effective service areas of the county water system, shall apply for and be provided a connection to the county system when available and existing. for such service, except structures connected to an existing. private water system operating in conformity with State Utility Co~:,mission and Department of HuMan Resources regulations. 8. Applications for service shat! be made on forms provided during the construction period of the system which provides the service at the ?,ew Hanover County Tax Office, 320 Chestnut Street, 4;ilmington, ;~, C. . 2 8:01. All applications after the construction period steal! be made to the County Utility Office at the same address. C. The County may require the applicant to submit as a part' of the vrritten application such information, plans or other data as ray be required to adequately determine if the requirements_of this ordinance are to be mat. D. The applicant shall request the size service fine and meter desired and shall pay the scheduled connection fee for said service and meter upori filing of request for water service. E. Fees and charges for connections shall bz as shown an the.tatest schedule adopted by the Board of Commissioners. The schedule shall be part of this ordinance as though incorporated herein. ixiater rates wilt also be included in the schedule and billing shall be made bi-menth(y. F. 6i1ling, cut-on and cut-off requests, and payments shalt be made -I-a the County Tax Office. G. Complaints and questions concerning billing and problems. 4rith leaks should be reported to the County Utility Office. H. Discontinuance of water service shalt occur when payment of a water bill is 30 days in arrears. Charges for cut-off and cut-on are shovrn in the Schedule of Fees. I. Each connection will provide service to one residence, business or customer. The rasale or extension of the connection to a second residence,. business or seperate user is expressly forbidden. !~d'nere special water al- lov~ances are mach, as in the case of Flemington designated customers, the free use or consumption by persons other than residents of the connected ?_ structure or their guests, is expressly forbidden and such act or acts will result in loss of privilege as a designated customer. J. Flemington Designated Customer: Fora period of time to be determined by the~Eoard of County Commissioners, those structures :rhich hava been inconvienced by their individual well supplys being rendered unusable by undetermined sources,' wi!! be classified as Flemington Designated Cus- tomers and in such classification will be provided with up to1~000 gallons of water per billing period (two months) without charge of meter service charge or rate. AI! water used over1~000 gallons per period will be billed at the prevailing rate for such additiana! usage. When a structure (and property) occupied by a designated customer is vacated by that person or family unit, such designation wilt automatically terminate. 3 Section 2. GEidERAL EXTEtdS I O.J RirQU 1 RE"4~NTS . Fill extensions of ~•rater service shah be governed by the fo;IowinQ_ R. ~•,hen app l 'r cat i cn i s made by a I ar:do+frner or devet oiler desiring to cor~struct water extensions to serve a develop^~ent project that is planned a.s a part of a larger project or subdivision, all of rrhieh is not to be ~ - developed at the time application is made, the owner or owners shalt submit plans in sufficient detail in order to determine the_size and type facili- ties :•rhich will be necessary to serve the entire development or subdivision when completed. Plans and specifications Shall be prepared by a Registered . Professional Engineer and shall be suitable for submission by thQ Board to the State Board of Numan Resources for approval. P~laterials and equipment to be used in the system shall be of the same type and standardts used in the original system unless otherwise approved by the Gounty. B- ~ ~ Tha minimum distance for any extension of a wa•\rar maist shat i. be dote ~++ined by the Board of Commissioners.. to general, ~t-he r:rinimu~e - distance for extensions shat! be no; less than one platted block; or in-any case whsre such .extension is possible, it shalE not be less than the dis-- lance to connect both ends of the extension to an existing water main, when- . ever the physical conditions of the proposed extension'tritl p°rnit_ -- C. The s i ze of -•tater mains to he i nsta i led and othzr- regtzi red system facilities shall be determined by the Board of Gommissianers in accordance with the recognized standards and accepted engineering practices and design. - D. No extension to the county mater syste:~ she ! I be rude •~ i thouT approval of the Board of Commissioners, and no application shall be approved except in accordance with the .requirements of this ordinance. E. S•lhere an o~~rner, developer or a nu~!ber of lando~~ners ti~rithin an existing subdivision or group of sumdivisions, er small developed areas 4 do not des i re to underta're the requ i repents of Subparagraphs :~ c~nci B above, thoi.r application shall requas-f ;he~Board of Co~,~issioners to under-fako such e~:tons i ons, i nc I ud i ng the prepa ra-~ i on o f p I ar,s, acco~;p t i sh~;ent of perm its and construction of said extension, and shall contain a petition re ;uesting such extension of acceptable legal fora, and said petition sha{i contain the Iegal signatures of a majority of all landowners in the area covered by the extension, said lando~.,+ners owning Wore than ha 1-f of the property frontage facing upon the system line extensions in said area. - Sect i on 3. _ ~ F i I'aAitiC I ~1G OF SYSTE?~! EXTE, IS I OVS . A. Extensions to Exisfiing Approved Subdivisions or Developed F'ropsr-;y . ( l ) :~Jhen app 1~ i cal' i on i s received requesting fihe extension .of v~ater sarvi ce .to serve property w i th i n the County Se~r-vi ce Area ~•~h i ch has been previously approved as a subdivision, tine County Manager . o r persons designated by the Board shat! esfiir~afie the cost o; ' fiha project and present the appticalion for such extension and other required information to the Board of Co;~missioners for #hsir - corsiderafiion._ 1# the application is approved by #ne Board of CoTmissionsrs ar,d, subject ~to the availability of funds, the County wT i t instal i or gave insfialled by contract under its supervision the exteirsions t~hich Nava been - zpproved_ (2) .Prior to the beginning o.f any construction in a ns~ or' proposed development, the property o~,rner(s)/tdeveloper) shaEl advance -o the Counfiy funds in an amount equal to IOQ of the total estimated cost of the proposed extensions:. Upon receipt of such funds, a written con~rac- sha{f 6e entered into by and between ~lesv Hanover County and the groper~y o:rn'r(s), under ti-ihich the County wi l l use -funds upon the fo# Io:~ing terms ar,d conditions: (a) The funds shall be deposited in the County Utiii:-y 5 Construction f,ccount and a separate accoJnting wil! bE ;jade, (b) f,t the tir.:? construction of the ex-tension is co~uieted and the -total cost thereofi is determined, if the amount deposited exceeds the ~tota ! cost, -that por i ion i n `excess of the ar,;ount deposited w i 1 t be refunded to the ownsrC s) ti•~ i thout i n i tires; . ! f -'the amount. deposited i s 'less than -the rota 1. cost, the o;~ner(s) shad pay such additional amoun~f f-o the County and this condition shall be a pa rt of the written contract.. . (c) 1n lieu of depositing funds, the ownerCs) r;-aya with the approval of the Board, provide a surety bond acceptable to the County o r some other form of security that.tirill insure payment to the County of the - ownerCs)' proportionate share of the cost of extensions in accordance with this~ordi~ance. td) Plo refund or reimbursement of funds shall. be grade to the ownzrts) who pay the Iota! cost o; extension under the requirements of this subsection except as provided for in °aragraph (b} above. te) All costs of administration, legal costs and enai::eering costs .involved in the County's accomplishment of such extensions shall be conside,-ed a part of the totat~cost and shall be included .in.ait.estimates and_- accoun s'i ngs under -this ord i nanca,. .~ ' (3 } Mew Ffanover Coun ; y }~~ i 1 ! finance f ram funds appropriated -tor- this - purpose only such additional portions of such extensions as are racluired -~. by the County for overall system benefits and rec{uired in tha construction_ Such additiona{ costs shall be for air relief valves, increase in sizes of rya i ns over eight inches, spec i a 1 cross con7ec-t i ens -to existing taci I i ~i i es, and special connections made for -the County Ts purposes. 6 8. Faci I i t ies Excluded in La~err~inir~g (?~.;ner(s)' Shar4 0. C;'ost-_ ({ ) '.ihen the County deter;~ines -slat i-f is acfvi say to fio instal i {ar,,~r SILe fc~Cllttie5 tr~n are necessary •i0 serve ti;e prOa°rTy rr'QU~S'~'tL1:J sU~~il exten5 ! On u5 I S Set Oll-i` abOV°, tRe d I T i :.`~ E'nCB 1 n •i h1 COSt Oi T}lC larger size facility over the cost of the ~aciiitiPs required to serve the property requesting such extension shall be paid for by the County end excluded from fihe total cost.to be shared by the property a;rner and the Counf-y as ps-ovided herein.• AI! mains up to~eight inches in size, ail-valves, fire hydrants, hOXP.S and blocking, and pavement repair shat} be considered as being such as are required to serve the property requesting such extensions. (2) Pumping Faci i'tties, storaoe tanks and other special facilities installed for general public use shall be paid for by fine County and exci used from the fiesta I cast fio be shared by the propYrty a:~ners and the Coun-i'y, as provided for herein. - . C.. Exceptions Au~iiorized. Nothing i n th i s ordinance sha i J prevan~- the Board of Com~~ri s- s i oners from extending grater mains ~~r i t h in the County Service Area on she i ~. o~~n motion w i thout receipt of . an app { .i cation - ro~;r property owners and ~f•o assess the cost of such extensions in accordance tiritR Subsection t2}.and {3) of R, Section 3 of this ordinance when, in the opinion of the Soard of CaTM~missi;oners, the censrai public interest demands such extension of service. 7 SS_~c_~ io ^ 4. SPcC{F1CAT10:`aS, Oi',NERSf-IIP_ F,ny ka-ter mains extended under thn provisions of -Phis ordinance shall be i nsta 1 1 ed and cons t rucPed i n accordance w i -f n the appro,fA , p 1 a;,s, sped r' i- cations ancf o~Pher requirernents~of the Coun-Py_ F,I { taci 1 ities instal Ied - u: ~ der the provisions of this ordinance sha 1 i beca~,e `Phe safe propzri-y_ of iv8~t Hanover County and under its jurisdiction for any and ail purposes ~. - whatsoavar at the Lima such facilities are connected to the County syste~r. 6•,hsn required, the property o;~nerts) shall grant to the County Such utility easernents as the County nay require, In addition, a deed to the County for :•rater facilities instal fed, the cost ofi which is borne by individual property o~.rners, shat{ be execuied prior to the tima any extznsions are provided for in this ordinanc? are connected to thQ County syste:n_ S Sect i cn ,5: Oi'ERAT I vv^`!, I~?:1 i i~ITEiJA~~CE AND I?~OPER USE Or= THE COUNTY ,~;b T EP, SYSTEid_ A. Operation ar,d maintenance or the completed County water system shall he accomplished by the Utility iepartment or" Flew Hanover County. This shail includa the installation of ne~rr services, servicing of existing ser- vices, care and maintenance of meters, care and servicing of hydrants and valves, and repair of minor leaks and breaks in the system piping, a[t major repairs, extensions, painting and repair of elevated tanks. B. _ The Board will authorize use of fire hydrants for the sole use of the authorized fire departments of the county and incorporated municipalities on)y. Unauthorized use of hydrants, operation of valves or damage or misuse of the system shall be a misdemeanor. C. i•Jater for construction use dra•~rn from hydrants through _ ' . special meters shall be controlled by the County Utility Department at the tees and rates set out in the schedule. 9 J:c+ i0i1 b. r'RI Vi1TE ':i:ii t~; S'(STFi~iS. ~ • A. Excep~~ as provided for herein, a!i existing private water systems operating in conformity ti~rith the State utitif'res system ~oovarnina such systems shall be alloti•red to continue operatiora ~rithin the areas no's served by such system. . Q_ ti•lhere the county water system pipelines are available to existing private systems, those systems may purchase water from the county systen. The County wi11 construct the necessary service pipe, proper r.~eter, valuing - and peter vault, to which point the private system must connect. The tapping fee and rates shall be as published and currently in effect. ~. C. Sn order to provide aft county citizens within than area which might be served by the county system and is served by an existing private water system, all private water systems located within an area which might be served by the county system shall, within five (51 years from the date of completion of the county system as available, provide for its customers . a water supply of equal quality and fire protection fro: a hydrant system which will provide comparable fire insurance rates to those available to areas served by the county system. D. Upon the adoption of this ordinance, alt new propased priva-re water systems and all proposed extensions to existing privet? water systems - in the county shall be constructed only after approval of the Board and she() conform to the then current standard specification for the county Hater system in all respects. E, ti~lhere owners of private ti•~a-ter systems desire. ~ta d i vest o'.Ynersh i p to the County, such desire. shall be submitted to the board in written, complete dotail, including an accurate map of the system including valves, hydrants, services, sizes and a specification of -i~he materials in the system by location. Tho E'oard, of-ier conducting such study and investigation, shalt • notiry the oa.•rner of !ts acTions on sash reciuest. ?•:iZar~ private sysF~.its 10 ' • do not meat County specifications, the °oard may reject att or parts of s~~cn system as not acceptab t e at i is d i scret i on . Pio prov'r s i on i s r^ade as to payment for any or a I 1 of any sys-; e^~; such sha 1 l be o;;en to neget i a-t i on V:Hera requested. i n each i nsi-ancA. ' F. Private systems located totally within unsubdivid~d tracts of land cannot be considerild for osanersnip by the Board unlzss adequate ease- menu and rights of way are included in the propose! and that- acquisition of such systems appears to~tne Board to be in the County's best imerest. G. Nothing in finis ordinance shalt prevent property owners in areas served by private water systems fron petitioning the Board to provide them or i th a dourest i c supp 1 y and/or fire protect_i on w i to a f ire h~/d rant system where such service does not exist or where the property owners are desirous of having service trom the county system, Secf i on 7. C0:•iFL 1 CT I ~ :C ORD 1 ~tiA~CcS REPcnLED . Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be applicable to t;~e o~rr~zr- ship, extensions and/or -Yhz operatio~~r and r^aintenance of exis~ing rzuni.cipaf or private water systzr~s yr i th i n the County SQrv i ce F;rea . Ail ord i nano~s or parts of ordinances in conflict ti~rith the provisions of tn'ts ordinance are hereby repeated. ~ - Section 8: EFFECTIVE .DATE. ' This ordinanca shat t be in full force and effect from and after the . %~ day of ,~~-~~,~c:-~~c.~J i 9 ~o . . ~ ~ Cha t rman . New Hanover Counfiy Board f Car~mi ss loners r ATTEST: ~~. county C1erk~ A°PPOVEO AS TO FCR~t_ Cjol •n-ty Attorney V 12 SCHEDULE OF CGidP~ECTf0~1 FEES, 4~lATER RATES A.1D OTHcP, FEES {. Genera! Information 1°later service will be supplied to a convenient point near the street right of way line, where a meter, shut-ott valva and mei-er box will be placed by the county. Each customer will be responsible for the piping from the meter box to his house. Every effort will be made to locate the meter box in accordance with the wishes of the customer. The customer should be aware, however, that field conditions may prevent location of meters exactly as requested. Those customers arith a preference should attach a sketch showing the pre- ferred location along the property ling and/or mark the location conspic- uously on the ground at the desired point. 2. Connection Fees and Deposits A. During a system construction period alt fees and deposits in- dicated below shall be paid at the time of application and are'in effect in the area to be served by the system,-prior to the cut-off date to be fixed by the Board near the end of the construction period. Service Size (nitiai 4~later Bi 11 Cripe - ;~;ster) Connection Fee DeQOSit Total Fee 3/4" x 5/8" ~ 35.00 S 15.00. ~ 50.00 I" x 3!4" 35.00 15.00 50.00 I-I/4" x I" 50.00 25.00 75.00 i -- I /2" x 1 - I /4" 75.00 50.00 125.00 2`' x I-1/2" 175.00 75.00 250.00 2- i /%`' x 2" 300.00 2GO.OC 500.00 Larger At actual cost Qy contract '- (3 .' when an applicant desires water service after the i~nitia! con- nection period has ceased and at any later time, -fhe following connection fees and deposits shat! be charged. Service Size Initial ;later Dill .(Pipe - i~teter) Connection Fes Deposit Total Fee 3f4" x 5/8" $ 275.00 $ 25.00 $ 300.00 I" x 3/4" 300.00 25.00 325.00 -i/4'' x I" 350.00 25.00 375.00 -f/2" x l-I/4" 450.00 50.00 500.00 2'' x I-I/2" 550.00 100.00 650.00 2-!/2" x 2" 750.00 250.00 1,000.00 Larger At cost + 10;~ Sy contract C. 1~later rate schedu l e- B i -month l y b i l l i ng . Llater b i l l sha 11 consist of sum of meter service charge and water usage c harges for actual water consumed. (I ) h~teter servi ce charges Size of ~~later Peter Service Charoe 5/8" meter $4.20 per two months 3/4" mater 5.00 per two months I" meter 6.OO per two months -i/4" meter 8.G0 per two months -!/Z" rneter 12.00 per two months 2" meter 20.00 per twa months Larger Per contract (2) l~dater usage charge (to ail customers) - two months: First 10,000 gallons 51.00 per 1000 gallons PJext 100,000 gallons .75 par 1000 gallons Ali water above 1!0,000 gallons .50 per 1000 gallons 2 (3) The minimum rate (bi-monthly) for services: Size of (~1eter ~rlater A I f owance ~~~1 i n , i3 i -UO. plater Charge 5/0" 3,000 gal./mono; $ 1.0.20 3/4" 4,000 gal./month 13.00 I" 5,000 gal../month 16.00 -1/~)'' 10,000 gai:/month 25.50 -!/2" 15,000 gal./month 37.00 2" 20,000 ga(.Imonth 52.50 Larger By contract d. Other service fees: (I) For service tai{ to cut on or cut off service: each cat! $5.00. (2) For service tail to reinstall meter removed because of non- payment of water bill: $25.00 (3) For call to change meter in order to test meter accuracy: If meter is found to be accurate - X25.00; if meter is found to be inaccurate - no charge. (~) For call to repair leak or damage to water service line or meter: no charge. (5) Leaks or damage on house side of retar are for property owner to correct. 3