1979-02-05 RM Exhibits_ ir- ._ °r STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA * BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF CLOSING OF ) A PUBLIC STREET OR ROAD ) O R D E R IT APPEARING to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County of intent to close a portion of Imperial Drive as the same is more fully described in a map thereof duly recorded in. Map ~3ook 8 at Page 73 in the ;New Hanover County Registry, running from the eastern right-of-way line of Horndale Drive as shown on the same map 458.57 feet to the western right-of-way line of Colchester Place, a street as shown on. the map of. Waterford Subdivision, Section 4, recorded in Map Book 18 at Page 111 in the New Hanover County Registry, was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the .~ day of z2-~~r~.a~.~ .. ~ 1979, and it further appearing that said Re:solution. called for a hearing to be held on the S~ day of ~-~,~..c<~ , 1979, at ~~ v ~.m. at which time the Board of County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that the notice of said hearing was duly published in the Wimington Star-News News- paper in accordance with. the provisions of N.C.G.S. §143A- 241, and no objections were raised to the closing of the above described portion of Imperial Drive, and it further appearing that no property- owner in the vicinity of said road or street will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by closing of the same, and the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described portion of that public street known as Imperial Drive shall be closed and removed from dedication and the closing of same is in and not contrary to the public interest, and the metes and bounds description of that I portion of Imperial Drive to be closed is described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the easternmost line of Horndale Drive and the northernmost line of Imperial Road, said point being the southwesternmost corner of Lot 24 of Horndale as shown on a map of the same recorded in Map Book 8 at Page 71 of the New Hanover County Registry; running thence, from the point of beginning, South 72 degrees 15 minutes East with the northernmost line of Imperial Road, 252.17 feet to a point of curve, said point being the beginning of a curve, to the right, having a radius of 492.74 feet; thence, Eastwardly, with the arc of said curve along the northernmost line of Imperial Road, to a point. of tangent at the end of said curve, said point being South 66 degrees 05 minutes East a chord distance of 105.86 feet from the preceeding point; thence, South 59 degrees 55 minutes East, with the northernmost line of Imperial Road, 107.34 feet to the point of intersection of the westernmost line of Colchester Place and the northernmost line of Imperial Road, said point being the southeasternmost corner of Lot 9,_Block 5 of Section 4 of Gaterford Sub- division as shown on a map of the same recorded in Map Book 18 at Page 111 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence, South 31 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds West 60.01 feet to the point of inter- section of the westernmost line of Colchester Place and the southernmost line of Imperial Road, said point being the northeasternmost corner of Lot 3, Block 6 of Section 4 of Waterford Sub- division as shown on a map of the same recorded in 'Map Book 18 at Page 111 of the New Hanover County Registry; thence North. 59 degrees 55 minutes West, with.. the southernmost line of Imperial Road, 106..22 feet to a point of curve, said point being the beginning of a curve, to th,e left, having a radius of 432.74 feet; thence, Westwardly, with the arc of said curve along the southernmost line of Imperial Road, to a point of tangent at the end of said curve, said point being North 66 degrees 0.5 minutes West a chord distance of 92.97 feet from the preceeding point; thence, North.. 72 degrees 15 minutes West, with the southernmost line of Imperial Road, 252.17 feet to a point in the easternmost line of Horndale Drive, said point being. the northwesternmost corner of Lot 23 of Horndale; thence, North 17 degrees 45 minutes East, with the easternmost line of Horndale Drive, 60.00 feet to the point of beginning, the same being a portion of Imperial Road as shown on the map of Horndale recorded in TRap Book 8 at Page 71 of the New Hanover County Registry. PdOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described street be and the same is hereby closed and removed from dedication. It is further ORDERED that a copy -2- ~. .._ of this Order be filed in the Office of the Register of of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. THIS the da of ~ r.' - c. 1978. " "°` ~° ; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .~~;,1'~~~;~It ;~,~~'~,: NEW HANOVER COUNTY, ~~ ~, ~~ ~ NORTH CAROLINA '' r ~~ ,~ , ..,, 1, '; j" ', ~',, ~ .',~ ~i ` ~,i i`I %'r; ~,f f:ti' ,~ Chairman ..~' ,, i, r, , ` ,, ;,, _ '~. , ?'ATTEST , , ~ ', ~~' ,~~ L1,11 i~~l ~~ ~~1,~ ~/~jj~~-~ y~ Lam; ~, , , /~ ~ ,Gc-~ mc~~~ Cou y Clerk NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY - .. I, ,'~ ~• ~~,~ --~~ , a Notary Pub]_ic in and for the state and county aforesaid, o hereby certify that Alyce B. Rusmisell personally appeared before me, and who being duly sworn, says that she knows the common seal of New Hanover County and is acquainted with Ellen C. Williams, who is Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, and that she,. the said Alyce B. Rusmisell, is Clerk of New Hanover County, and saw the said Ellen C. Williams, Chairman of the Board of County Coitunissioners, sign the foregoing instrument, and saw the said common seal of said County of New Hanover affixed to said instru- ment by said Chairman, and that she, the said Alyce B. Rusmisell., Clerk as afore- said, signed her name in attestation of the due execution of said instrument in ,,,, the presence of said Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. ~) r f ( •',' ~` WITNESS m hand and notarial seal this the // `~ , •. y (~~~ day of February, 1979. .~~~ ' ' ~ } ~ ,l NOTARY PUBLIC ~~-~ ,~.I~.,, ~'"My Commission Expires: -3- RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY ~-; ~° COMP~IISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, - NORTH CAROLINA OF INTENT TO CLOSE A PORTION OF PEACHTREE AVENUE IN WINTER PARK GARDENS, HARNETT TOWNSHIP, OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the Chairman and Members of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County are of the opinion that a portion of Peachtree Avenue in Minter Park Gardens, Harnett Township of New Hanover County, North Carolina, should be closed, and the closing of same is in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in regular meeting assembled on this the "~ ~ day of 1 ~ ~., , 19~,, as follows: 1. The Board of County Commissioners intends to close a portion of Peachtree Avenue in Winter Park Gardens, Harnett Township in New Hanover County as follows: A portion of Peachtree Avenue running from the southw®.stern corner of Town Lot 6 for a distance of 396.0 feet to MacMillan Street, and the County Clerk is hereby directed to cause this resolution to be published once a week for four successive weeks pursuant to G.S. 153A-241. 2. The Commissioners will hear all persons on the question of whether or not the closing would be detrimental to the public interest, or the property rights of ~y individual, at a public hearing to be held on the /~ day of ~ a~-~ , 19 7 7' at _Tj~'~ti o ~ ~/~ ~ in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut 'Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the County Clerk is hereby 'directed to send by registered mail or certified mail a copy of this resolution to all owners of property adjoining portions of the above road as reflected by the ta.x records of New Hanover County, and to post in at least two places along said road proposed to be closed a notice of said hearing. The foregoing resolution of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County adopted _ -~~. ~; at a"meeting aforesaid. ,~ ~ :. _ r , ~~ ~~ ~__ _ Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners ATTEST : ~'- -- - - Coun y Clerk ~~ ^Y, .~ , rdEW HANOVER COUNTY ORDINANCE IMPOSING COUNTY PRIVIL--EGE LZGENSE TA~~S BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW ~.~ANOVER COUNTY as follows: 1. For fiscal years beginning on and after July 1, 1978, there are herewith levied privilege license taxes on trades, occupations, professions, businesses and fran- chises to the full extent authorized by Schedule B of the Revenue Act (:Chapter 105, Subchapter 1, Article 2) anc~ any other acts of the General Assembly. ' Said 2 . / schedule B attached hereto sets forth a list of privilege taxes applicable to the trades, occupations, professions, businesses and franchises taxed, and the amount of the annual tax on each one. 3. Each privilege license tax herewith. levied shall be for twelve months commencing July 1, and shall expire on the 30th. day. of June of each year; provided, that where the licensee begins such business or exercises such , privilege after t;-~e expiration of seven months of said fiscal years, such licensee shall be required to pay one-- half the tax prescribed. ~, All taxes imposed by this ordinance shall be paid to and collected by the Tax Collector of New Hanover ~~. t County: shall be due and payable on or before the lst day of July of each year, and after such date shall be deemed delinquent and subject to all remedies available and penalties imposed. for the payment of delinquent county privilege licensing taxesm_provided, that if a person, firm or corporation begins any business or exercises any privilege requiring a license under this ordinance on or after July 1, of any fiscal year, and then such. person, firm or corporation shall obtain a county license for conducting such. business or exercising any such. privilege in advance, and before the beginning of such business or the exercise of such privilege; and a failure to obtain such county license shall be and constitute a delinquent payment of the county license tax due, and such person, firm or corporation shall be subject to the remedies available and penalties imposed with, the payment of such_delinquent taxes. 5. Any person, firm or corporation which shall s willfully make any false statement in obtaining a license under this ordinance shall be.guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined and/or imprisoned in the discretion of the Court, as authorized by Dlorth Carolina General Statutes §. 105-33 (.j )_ . 6. Whenever the business taxed hereunder is of .a seasonal character, license may be issued for such. seasonal business at one.-half of the. annual license tax. -2- 7. A license issued for a tax year for the conduct of business at a specified location shall upon a sale or transfer of the business be deemed a sufficient license for the succeeding purchaser for the conduct of the business specified at such. location for the balance of the tax year;, provided, that if the holder of the license under this ordinance moves the business for which a license has been paid to another location, a new license may be issued to the licensee at a new location for the balance of the license year, upon the surrender of the original license for cancellation and the payment of the fee of $2.00 for each license certificate reissued. A separate license is required and a separate privilege license tax must be paid for each. place of business unless two or more places of business under .common ownership, each. conducting a business subject to the same tax under this ordinance, are contiguous to each other, and are operated as a unit. In addition, a separate privilege license tax must be paid for each type or class of business taxable under this ordinance conducted by the taxpayer at any one/more locations however, the tax collector may issue a single license for all taxable businesses conducted at one location by a single taxpayer. A licensee shall post his license or licenses conspicuously in the place of business licensed. 8. Exemptions (a )_ Except as otherwise provided in this -3- . ~ . ordinance or by state law, no person ~.s exempt from the pay- ment of a privilege license tax levied by .this- ordinance. (.b) Charitable organizations. A person who operates a business for a religious, educational, civic, patriotic, charitable, or fraternal purpose, when the entire gross income of the business is used for such a purpose, is exempt from paying any privilege license tax levied by this ordinance. (;c) Blind persons and members of the armed forces and merchant marine. Blind persons and r~ersons who serve in the U. S, armed forces or the merchant marine are exempt from paying any privilege license tax levied by this ordinance to the extent provided by G. S. 105-249 and G. S. 105-249.1. (_d) Must obtain license. A person exempt from paying a privilege license tax levied by this ordinance shall nevertheless obtain a license from the tax collector. The license shall state that the licensee is exempt from paying the privilege license tax. 9. Whenever a license tax is required by this ordinance, ,t shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation without a license to engage in such. business, trade, employment, profession, or do the acts when such tax is imposed, it shall be lawful to grant a license for the business, trade, employment, or for doing the act. -4- 10. (a) Every person, firm, or corporation desiring to obtain a county license for the pr~.vilege of engaging in any business, trade, employment, profession, or ,of the doing of any act for which a county license is required, shall state the definite place in New Hanover County where the business, trade, employment or profession is to be exercised; the name and resident address of the applicant, whether the applicant is an individual, firm or corporation; the nature of the business, trade, employment or profession; the number of years the applicant has pro- secuted such. business, trade, employment or profession in New Hanover County, and such other information as may be required by the Tax Collector. (b ). Upon receipt of the tax prescribed by this ordinance, the Tax Collector, shall issue a county license to the applicant to engage in the business, trade, employment or profession in the name of and at the place stated by the applicant. No license issued by the Tax Collector shall be valid or have any legal effect unless or until the tax prescribed by this ordinance has been paid, and the fact of such. shall appear on the face of the license. 11. P1o change in the name. of a firm, partnership, or corporation, nor the taking in of a new partner, nor the withdrawal o,f one or more of the firm, shall be considered as commencing business; but if any one or more of the -5- .. partners remain in .the firm, or if there is change in owner•-- ship of less than the majority of the stock of a corporation, the business shall be regarded as continuing. 12. A county license issued under the provisions of this ordinance shall not be construed to exempt from other forms of taxation th.e property employed in such licensed business, trade, employment or profession., nor shall such license alter, modify or affect any other law or regulation. 13. (_a ), If any person, firm, or corporation shall continue the business, trade, employment or profes- sion, or to do the act, after expiration of the license previously issued, without obtaining a new license, he or it shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined and/or imprisoned in the discretion of the Court, but the fine shall not be less than twenty per cent (200). of the tax in addition to the tax and the costs; and if such failure to apply for and obtain a new license be continued, such. person, firm, or corporation, shall pay additional tax of five per cent (50)_ of the amount of the county license tax which was due and payable on the first day of July of the current year, and in addition to the county- license tax imposed by this ordinance, for each and every thirty days, or fraction thereof, that such. county license tax. remains unpaid from the date the same was due and payable, and such.. -6- additional tax shall be assessed by the Tax Collector and paid with the county license tax, and shall become a part of the county license tax. The penalties for delayed payment hereinabove provided shall not impair the obligation to procure a license in advance or modify any of the penalties for failure to do so. (b ), If any person, firm or corporation shall commence to exercise any privilege or to promote any business, trade, employment, or profession, or to do any act requiring a county license under this ordinance without such county license, he or it shall be c~uiity of a misdemeanor and shall be fined and/or imprisoned in tli.e discretion of the Court; and if such. failure, neglect, or refusal to apply for and obtain such county license. be continued, such.. person, .firm or corporation shall pay an additional tax of five per cent (,.5%), of the amount o~ such. county license tax which. was .due and payable at the commencement of the business, trade, employment or prof ess.ion, or doing the act, in addition to the county license tax imposed by this ordinance, for each. and every thirty days, or fraction thereof, that such county license tax remains unpaid. from the. date that the same was due and payable, and such. additional tax shall be assessed by the Tax Collector and paid ~~.th,the county license tax ,and shall become a part of the county license tax. (c )_ If any person, ,firm, or corporation -7- t• shall fail, refuse, or neglect to make,immedate payment of any taxes due and payable under this ordinance, additional taxes, and/or any penalties imposed pursuant thereto, upon demand, the Tax Collector shall certify the same to the Sheriff of New Hanover County, and such Sheriff shall have the power and shall levy upon any personal or real property owned by such delinquent person, firm, or corporation, and sell the same for the payment of said tax or taxes, penalty and costs, in the same manner as provided by law for the levy and sale of property for the collection of other taxes, and if sufficient property is not found, the said Sheriff or Tax Collector shall swear out a warrant for the violation of the provisions of this ordinance as provided in this ordinance. 14, Each and every day that any person, firm, or corporation shall continue to exercise or engage in any business, trade, employment or profession, or do any act in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, shall consti- tute a distinct and separate offense. (a) 15. /Except where otherwise provided, the Tax Collector shall be the duly authorized agent of New Hanover County for the issuing of all county licenses, and collection of all license taxes under this ordinance, and it shall be his duty and the duty of his deputies to make diligent -8- ~, inquiry to ascertain whether all persons, firms, or corpora- tions in New Hanover County who are taxable under the provisions of this ordinance have applied for the county license and paid the tax thereon levied. (b ). The Tax Collector shall continually keep in his possession a sufficient supply of blank county license certificates, with corresponding sheets and duplicates consecutively numbered; and shall stamp or imprint on each and every license certificate the words "Issued by the Tax Collector of ~Iew Hanover C,ounty." Neither the Tax Collector nor any of his deputies shall issue any duplicate licenses unless expressly authorized to do so by provisions of this ordinance or schedule, unless the original license is lost or has become so mutilated as to be illegible, and in such cases the Tax Collector is authorized, for a fee of $2.00, to issue a duplicate certificate for which.the tax is paid, and shall stamp upon its face "Duplicate`'. 16. This Ordinance shall be permanent and shall stand from year to year until amended or repealed. 17. This Ordinance shall be effective as of ,7'uly 1, 1978. -9- SCIIEDULE I3 LICENSE TAXES G.S. 105-87 1. Advertisers - sound truck or other motorized sound making vehic]_e X10.00 (County may charge as much as $25.00) 105-82 2. Agents for companies selling, repairing or maintaining pianos, organs, phonographs, phonograph records, T.V. sets or parts, radio sets or parts. 5.00 105-38 3. Animal. shows, circuses, menageries, wild west shows, dog or pony shows (a) Traveling on .railroads Not more than two cars, per day 15.00 3 to 5 cars inclusive, per d ay 22.50 6 to 1.0 cars inclusive, per day 45.00 11 to 20 cars inclusive, per day 62.50 21. to 30 cars inclusive, per day 87.50 31 to 50 cars inclusive, pe.r day 125.00 Over 50 cars, pe.r. day 1.50.00 (b) Traveling by automobi.l_es, trucks or other veh:i.clc other than railroad cars Not o ver 2 vehicles, pe_r day 3.75 3 to 5 vehicles, per day 5.00 6 to 10 vehicles, per day 7.50 11_ to 20 vehicles, per day 12.50 21 to 30 vehicles, per day 22.50 31 to 50 vehicles, pe.r day 30.00 5]. to 75 vehicles, per day 37.50 76 to 100 vehicles, per day 50.00 Over 100 vehicles, per vehicle, per day 2.50 105-35 4. Artist exhibiting own painting or statuary 2.00 105-55 5. Automatic sprinkler systems, sale or installment 100.00 (When principal or branch office is located in this County) 105-56 6. Automatic sprinkler systems, repair and service 20.00 (~tihen pri.ncipa]. or branch office is 1_ocated in this County) 105-8J 7. Automotive equipment and supply dealers, ~vhole- sal.e 62.50 1.05-89 8. Automot:i.ve Service Stations (a) Every ~7erson engaged in the bus_i_ness of servi.cin~;, storing, etc. or in selling -tires, batt:ea:~i.es, accessories, fuels and lubricants and auto radios 12.50 (b) In rural sections outside of city limits (l) Garage or repair shop $ 2.50 (2) Gas or fuel pumps, each 1.25 105-GG 9. Bagatelle tables and comparable amusements (a) SVithin city _limits 25.00 (b) In rural area outside of city 10.00 105-64 10. Billiard parlors and pool halls (a) Tables measuring not more than 2'X4' 5.00 (b) Tables measuring not more than 22'X5' 10 00 (c) Tables measuring not more than 3'XG' . 15.00 (d) Tables measuring not more than 4'X8' 20. U0 (e) Tables measuring more than 42-'X9' 30.00 (Organizati.ons having a national charter-- American Legion, Y.NI.C.A., etc.--no-t applicable) 105-64.1 11. Bowling alleys ~ 10.00 (Not applicable to fraternal_ organizations having a national charter--American. Legion , Y.NI.C.A., etc.) 105-39 12. Carnivals Per jUeek 150.00 1.05=71. 13. Contests, newspaper and magazine subscription (a) Every person, firm or corporation that COI1dL1CtS contests and offers a prize, prizes; or other compensation: to obtain subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals (1) D~Ionthly, weekly or semi-weekly 25.00 (2) Daily 100.00 105-74 14. Dry cleaning ~i;orl~, solicitation from out-of- Reference Statu~t state for Fee 105-5G 15. Elevators - repair and service 20.00 (1~Iust maintain an established place of business wii:hin County) 1.05-55 1.G. Elevators - sale or installation 100.00 (S';rhen pri_nci.pal or branch office i.s .located ~':1t11.LI1 COUIlty) 105-58 17. Fortune ~1'ellers 200.00 (Prohi_bted by speci.al_ o:rdina.nce in New Hanover County)' _105-66 .18. Games O:f s.l~ill, shooting ga.lle.ries and comparable 25.00 amusements (ri.ding det%ices, skating rink, s~f~~imniing pool, etc. ) ~. r k.. t T ~'?°daa" am x -~ ~x ~u A'" -;~. ~n- :'~.. "`x""~~ ~ .r^;'rr a,. --~-Mrzs a-,_^- -';: ~7;~. u.,.. ,, ._, .. _ a ,...«. _+i' ... ~ .aT L 'hi^'.,rT_'_.•:'~{1is °:`, r _."",. i. :.-..rta^1z~KET-^.~?S'""F?:-~~?ux~'S'.n'•'..~.T^.'?^,~ ;~ ... '?7 •• , 105-~17 1U5-53 19. Horse and ~llul.e Dealers $ 12.50 (buying, selling, or trading) 20. Itinerant salesmen and merchants 100.00 (a) Every itinerant salesman or merchant who shall expose for sale any produce, goods, wares, or merchandise at retail, and not being a regular merchant. (Operating business for any period less than six months.) (b) Shall not apply to persons who sell books, periodicals, printed music, ice, wood or fuel, fish, beef, mutton, pork,bread, cakes, pies, dairy products, pou]_try, eggs,livestoclc, or articles made or produced by the individua]_ offering such articles for sale. Shall apply to medicines, drugs or articles acquired or assembled. 105-102 21. Junk Dealers (a) Every person engaged in the business of buying or selling what is commonly known as junk G2.50 105-G5 22. Juke Boxes ( R4usic 11-Zachine) , each 5.00 105-85 23. Laundry - Out of County 12.50 Every person engaged in the business of ~_ laundry ~~,°ork or in renting clean linens or towels when work is performed outside of county, or when linens and towels are supplied by business located outside County. 105-59 24. Lightning rod agents 20.00 Every person selling or distributing lightning rods. 105-85 25. Linen supply companies, out of Coun-ty 12.50 Every person engaged in rentinJ clean linens or towels when work is performed outside of county or when linens and towels are supplied by business located outside county. 105-88 26. Loan Agencies 100.00 Every pet son engaged in the regular business of making Loans or lending money, accepting liens on, or contracts of assignments of salaries, wages o.r other security or evidences o:E' debt for repayment in installment payments or otherwise and maintaining in connection with same any office or established place for conduct o:f business in any manner (Not applicable to banks, building and loans, credit unions, or. real estate loans.) 105-80 27. b4etal:lic Cartridges $ 5.00 105-89 .28. 141otor Vehicle Dealers Located within city limits 50.00 Outside of city limits 20.00 105-89,1 29. b4o~torcycle Dealers 10.00 106-65 30. 105-100 31. 105-50 32. Every= person engaged in the business of se17_ing, buy:i_ng, or distributing motor- cycles, or motorcycle accessories (1rlay also sell. bicycles and bicycle accessories without additional tax.) ~-lusic l-tachines ( Juke Boxes) ~ 5.00 (License to be posted on each machine.. County has power to seize, remove, and hold such machines for default of payment, until such time as default has been remedied). Patent Rights and Formulas, sale 10.00 Pawnbrokers 400.00 105-53 33. Peddlers . (a) On :Loot 10.00 (b) `Vith vehicle propelled by motor or other power, for each vehicle z tan yr less 25.00 (c) Vehicle over z ton 200.00 r 105-66 34. Per. Ball i!:Iachines 12.50 105-48 35. Phrenologists 200.00 105-48.1 36. Photographers, Itinerant 100.00 (An itinerant photographer is defined as a person, partnership, or corporation having no regularly established place of business. "Regularly established place of business" defined to mean a place of bus:i_ness open to public at least two days a week for not less than four hours daily, having one or more persons in charge and at which place the same person ha.s the intent to continue~in business for at least six consecutive months. 1.05-80 37. Pisto7_s (See ~,~eapons) 50.00 105-G6 38. Riding Devices (merry-go-rounds, hobby horses,- 25.00 switchback railways, roller coasters and comparable <:imusements} (a) Rural areas with population less than 10,000 10.00 105-102.2 39. Scrap Processors (a) Less than 2,500 population $ 12.50 (b) 2,500-5,000 popul~.tion 15.00 (c) 5,000-10,000 population 25.00 (d) 10,000-20,000 population 37.50 (e) 20,000-30,000 population 50.00 (f) Over 30,000 population 62.50 (Two mile radit.is considered city rate) 105-52 40. Sewing 1lachine Salesmen 5.00 (Applicable to each agent who holds a dup]_icate copy of license issued, to any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of selling sewing machi.nes.) 105-66 41. Swimming pools, skating rinks and comparable amusements (a) ~9ithin city l:units 25.00 (b) In rural area outside of city 10.00 105-92 42,. Trading Stamps, issuing, selling or delivering 100.00 105-35 43. Traveling Theatrical Companies (a) Per Day 25.00 105-80 44. SVeapon Dealers - Pistols, bowie knives, dirks, daggers, s_ling~ shots, Leaded canes, iron or metallic knuckles, blank cartridge pistols or metallic cartridges. (a) Pistols 50.00 (b) Boccie knrives, dirks, daggers, slingshots, leaded canes, iron or metallic knuckles, or articles of like kind 200.00 (c) Blank cartridge pistols 50.00 105-1.13,81 45, Nlalt Beverages (a) Beer On Premises 25.00 Off Premises 5.00 (b) Stine On Premises 25.00 Off Premises 25.00 Note : No County license on forti:Eied (20% stiveet ) License applies to un:ford:[i_ed (12/14%)