1979-04-02 RM Exhibits~ r lI '' ':~ Y,~ ~'~`~~ NORTH CAROLINA LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEE,S4 RETIREMENT SYSTEh4 ..,.k;~,~,t .r; . RALEIGH, NURTI~ CAROLINA ~76I 1 - • CERTIFICATION: AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE CERTAIN BENEFITS AS SET FORTH 1N CHAPTER 1314 9F THE SESSION I,,.AWS OF 1973 (ZND SESSIOiv', i9i4t) CHAIRMAN MUST SIGN BY EACH BENEFIT DESIRED •~ - In accordance with the provisions•of Chapter 1310 of the Session Laws of 1973 (2nd Session, 1974) setting a..•.. i.onnF,*~ ~,:oh4. be rnzde Syail~biw in. mQmhQSg. of thfl• NG.rtti ~ t ,7•a•'.,.. sta.. t.',.t~ ~1,.. ht° en fort:. `1112 %~iluitivata uiauva hau..a ut~ Il~,aa v cv c°.,rtctiaa va+a...aa.a ,.a.. Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System, this AGREEMENT is hereby entered Into between the.New Hanover County_ Corrnnissioners __ and the Director of said Retirement System.. (governing.board of local governmental unit) - -. - . In consideration of art increase of ____.Q~_____ iri the. employer's contribution: rate effective .as of _ July 1, 1979 __~ the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees` Retirement System hereby agrees to (date) .. extend the privileges and rights of said benefits described in Chapter 1310 of the Session- Laws of 1973 (2nd Session, 1974) to the employees of the County of Now Hanover _~ T~~ ~__ ~yho arcmemLers of - . (local governmental unit) - said System on and after the above effective date. This Agreement Shall continue in effect: from year to year with the understanding that the rate payable for said benefits may be modified as the System's Actuary may periodically determine. _ - Approval of the above increase in rate was authorized by New Hanover Cotxnt_y Cammissianers -. (governing board. of local g©vernmental urut)~ April 2,1979 ________~,______ and is retarded in the minutes of said Board. at its meeting on __________- (date) (Chairman, Local Governing Board) (Chairman, Local Governing Board) (Chairman, I.oca1 Governing Board) APPROVAL: (Director, Retirement System) A. CREDIT FOR MILITARY SERVICE B. REPAXhIEI~T OF WITHDRAWN ACCOUNTS C. CREDIT FOR OUT-OF-STATE SERVICE (date) .,r NORTl~ CAROLINA LOCAL, GOVERNMENTAL EMP'LOYEES' RETITiI`~MENT' S'~''ST'Ehfi_ - L+ RALEIGI'I, l`iORTkI CA1t.O1.II'3A X7611 - RESOLUTION TO ENTER AGREEh1ENT 44'ITi~i NORTF: C~OLINA _ LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES' RETI;REMEN~" SYSTEh'1 TO ~f;O~t„asE C,yR"i':~.i~ $ENEFITS :~ cIE-r ~~~u lie iesas:~'R d,c~r -. OF THE SESSION LAbVS O]b 1973 (2N0 SESSrt~N; 1970 WHEREAS, the 1973 General Assembly amended the North Carolina Local-Goverrunentai fs"mployecs' Retlre~ ment System laws so as to permit agreements for providing certain bene~tg far e:mnloyn~ ~-e._rrabPrs p+.rrs+~2rst to . Chapter 1310; and _ - WHEREAS, the governing body of this Unit realizes t~.e desirability of providing its•ernployees with the security and protection provided by said benefits; and - - - ~ . WHEREAS, Article 3 of Chapter 128 of the General Statutes of North Carolina provides that any employer governmental unit desiring to provide said benefits for its employee members must execute an. agreement therefor with the Director of the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirer,~ent: System: . - - NOW, THEREFORE, $E IT RESOLVED BY THE NEF]~H.~1V01GR couTSrY coMMZSSZOr~xs _^ in . - (gciverung board. af. l~ual~govErni:uental unit) P regular session, - - _ - ~- 1. That the S.rzunt~_c~.N~~t~:I~.Q~[~ _~_._ ___ hereby elects to secure. said benefits for. its: - - (name of Ibcal governmental unit) employees in the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System. -. 2. That the __Caunt..g.._o.f_~1~~ ua nc~~Pr __________, hereby agrees to comply with all previsions... (name of local governmental unit) - . of the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System as defined:: ir7 Article 3, Chapter 12b' of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, and to make such increased employer's cc~r~t:ribut.ians ac the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System may determine #o be necess<~ry in order to provide said. benefits. - 3: That the P,~Q~ty of NewYHariover_ __ ___ is hereby ordered and directed. to execute (name of ixal governmental unit) _ _ an agreement with thc~ DireciWr of the North Carolina Local Gavernmental Employees' Retirement System to irn-= element said benefits of Chapter 1310 of the Session Laws of 1973 (2nd Session,. 1974). _ - " Upon motion of ____ Comm. Karen E. Gottovi ___~____artd seconded by ~~~~_.._._ _,_.__Comm • ~],,.~u~L4' ~l~i old st Jr .____~__, the above resolution. was introduced for passage, The following number voted in the affirmative: ___5 ______~_____________.. The following number voted in the negative: ~ _________________________. r- .~., . .~ NORTH CAROLINA t,GCAL GOVERNMEN`T'AL, EMPL.aYElvS' RETIREI~fI~NT SYST1EAf RAI.EfG[-I, NORTH CAROL,-NA 276YI ' ~t~;~ ~ i;~ iC~.'~'~6~~i This is to certify: 1. That at a regular meeting. of the __ New Hanover County Commissioners (~UvCrIilrl~ DOard)--^~_______^______,_ held in Wilmin~Ic tonLNC ____ on the ?tea day of ______?~p~~-1 ______, 19?9__r p~~G attached reso- (place of meeting) lution was duly introduced and legally passed in accordance with the applicable provisions. of .taw relating to the ___ New Hanover ________ and the General Statutes County of _______________ Zpolitical sub~ivision~ of North Carolina. 2. That the meeting at which said resolution was passed was duly constituted, a cluorwtr was present,. and that a resolution was publicized in accordance with the applicable provisions of law anti ti7e General Statutes of North Carolina. 3. That the attached resolution is a true and accurate copy of the resoh~tion passed by the Ne_w_Hanover_Caunt~ C~ommi_ssioners _ ___ ____ as the same appears on Page .._~S`~? ._ of _ (governing board) ~~ the Minute Books.:$F~S. ,,~~,ti 1 ~'i •. U k • ,~•Tliis,thel~~~Lr~~~:-~-day of ------~,..~_.e~ ----~-----~> I9 ~!__. ~•~ i ~'' ~ ~) ~ i~ ~ ~r -, ;,~ ~, ' Clerk to the Board t -~ , • ~ . ~ : ~~ ~ 1±, Corporate Seal; ' ~ . ,> ~ . ~ ~~ ,\ ... ',~~ ` ~'~ ' ,} ;• GEORGE F. COOPER County Finance Officer March 21, 1979 .~ ~ i FINANCE OFFICE 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON,. NORTH CAROLINA 2840'i (919) 343-02$6 T0: Mr. Wayne Morris J FROM: Felix Cooper ~~..C---''`-~"`~"~ -v~-~-~-'~L`'~-~,- Subject: Budget l~mendments The following are budget amendments worked. out: in our meeting Friday, Please review them and if they meet with"your approval, please forward to I3an Eller for reconm~endati.on to the Eanunissioners. GFC:ik Enc. }cot, j /; c~ E•':;~a-c...,~ ey~ `~~t ~ *~s Ta jn.. ~~t`r_~ ~ Y ~-~.~ e v..~~.~u.~. N~,i i ~ ~ ~.~`6. J Ji r~~ 4 ~ r i"~/r1'" r ~S r21 P'C G~ (~ ~ i i ^ C~~ J.. 4`TJ i } G;~~ .; - - .. - e AID TO FAMILIES ti~IITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN: Exp. - AFDC Rev. - State AFDC To reduce the budgeted revenues and expen- ditures to xeflect the direct payment method implemented on 1/1/79. The county no longer pays AFDC. charges and gets State ~.. reimbursement:~except on the first checks. Rev. ~ - State - ADFC ' Exp. - AFDC To budget for the expenditure requirement of first checks and the revenue anticipated at 83.905%. Exp. - AFDC ~To budget for additional. AFDC needs. Additional County money required - ,. y Account ~ Debit Credii: 41-610-03 $1,100,87b - ~1-350-03 $1,100,87( 41-350-03 14,096'. - 41-610-03 a:6,80U 41-.610•-03 41:sG7Je 44,375 Consolidated Budget Entry Exp. AFDC 41-610-U3 Rev. State - AFDC 41-350--03 SPECIAL ASSISTANCE FOR ADULTS: E~-p. - Special Assistance for Adults 4I-GIO-04 Rev. ~ State Special Assistance for Adults 41-350-04 To reduce revenue budget to amount actually - :~. _ received to xeflect change in method of reimbursement effective 1/1/79. This also reduces expenditure budget. Exp. - Special Assistance for Adults 41-GIO-U4 To reduce budget to reflect only actual amount required for March-June. County money released Consolidated Budget Entry Exp. - Special Assistance for Adults 41-G10-04 Rev. - State - Special Assistance far Adults 41-350-04 l,f)4~,405 . ~ ~ 7., 08G, 780 ].17,817 ., • page 2 hiEDICAIDE: Rev. - County Money Required Exp. - Medical Assistance Medicaide To provide for additional medical assistance expense.. STATE - FOSTER HOME CARE: Rev. - State Foster Home Care. Exp. - State Foster Home Care To budget for additional needs for March-June. County money required GENERAL ASSISTANCE:' Actual Transfer of Expenses: Exp.. - Miscellaneous Expense - Title XX Exp. - General Assistance This is not a budget change but charges ex-. pendituxes improperly charged to General Assistance to Miscellaneous Expense. Budget Transfer: Rev. - County Honey Itequixed Exp. - General Assistance To budget for additional General Assistance requirements. VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION: Exp. - Vocational Rehabilitation County money .released To reduce. the budget figure by funds? not xequired~. AFDC FOSTER CARE: Exp. -AFDC Foster Care Rev. - AFDC Foster Care County money released To reduce the required expenditures and to reflect the reduced revenues at 83.905 a. Account # Debit Credit $ 100j000 41-610-OS $ 5.U0,00O 41-350-06 $ 3$.500 - .. 41-610-OG $ 1:Os.00(t ~ . G,SOU 4I•-609•-S? 5,>OC<63 41-610-07 S,SOG.6 41-•610-07 4I-610-OS 41-610-09 4I-350-U9 1Sb000. T:S,00O ' ~:G, 000 13,42~~ 2,575 ' Page' 3 - a . AFDC DAY CARE AND WIN DAY CARE: Rev. - AFDC Day Care-WIN Day Care Ea-p. - AFDC Day Care-WIN Day Care To increase expenditure budget to allow for additional required expenditures and to budget £or expected State participation. Required additional revenue $(10,112) Overrealized revenue already xec'd. 22,162 Excess overrealized, revenue $ 12,050 Rev. - AFDC- Day Care-WIN Day Care County money released Consolidated Budget Entry Rev. - AFDC ~ WIN Day Care - Exp. - AFDC.- WIN Day Care PURCHASED SERI~ICES - CHORE SERVICES: Rev. - Purchase Service - Chore Service Exp. - Purchase Service - .Chore Service_ County money required To budget for additional requirements and the anticipated State participation. PURCHASED SERVICES - FAMILY PLA'vT1ING: Rev. - Purchased Service - Family Planning County money released To budget for overrealized revenue. SPECIAL ACCOUNT: _ Exp. - Special Account County money released To release funds not required SPECIALIZED FOSTER CARE:. Actual Transfer: Exp. - State Foster Care Exp. - Specialized Foster Caxe 41-350-7.0 99F973 - 41•-610-10 ~ 87¢23 41-550-7.1. d4,250 ~E7..•-6 ].0-7.1 ~ 50,000 . 5,,750 41-610-06 41-610-1S 5,280.54 5,280 No County money affected •. ~age~ 4 Account ~ Debit Cxedi.i. TITLE XX, TOOo DAY CARE: . Rev. - Title XX - Day Care 41-350-16 $ 3.5&000 Y Exp. - Title XX - Day Care - 41-610-16 $ 15,000 This is to budget for additional require- ments.and tv reflect anticipated State ~:- participation. ,.~. No County money affected. ____-~.. ~ . STt\TE PAID ABORTIONS: Rev. - State Paid Abortions ~#7.-Sb0•-21. ~ 11.x:000 :. Exp. - State Paid Abortions ~1-610-2U ].1,000 To budget for additional requirements and ~ -~. to reflect anticipated State participation.. No County money affected. CHILD SUPPORT: :~ Rev. - Child Support 41_-350•-].7 :x.5500 County money released To:reflect overrealized revenues. l~1ISCELL_4Iv'EOUS REVENUE: Rev. - I~iiscellaneous `1-350~=1U. ~k000 County money released - ~ -. To budget for anticipated revenue. I,5U0 6,UOU. a _ Page 5 - SUr~RY Account # Debit Credit - REVENUES: (Debit = Increase, Credit =Decrease) -" -. State AFDC 41-350-03 1,086,780 -: ' Special Assitance 41-350-04 117,87.7_.`-.' State Foster Care 41-350-06 3,500 ~,' AFDC Foster Gare 41-350-09 : 13,425..'.,:.: ` ~ . AFDG WIN-Day Care 41-350-10 99,973 " - , ' - Chore Services 41-350-11 44,250 - - Family Planning 41-350-12 4,560. - Title XX Day Care 41-350-16 15,000 - - State Abortions 41-350-21 11,000 ~ ~. ~-.":_ Child Support 41-350-17 1,500 . Miscellaneous Revenue 41-350-20. ~_ 6,000 `: . ._." EXPENDITURES: (Debit =Decreases, Credit = Increases ~ - AFDC 41-610-03 1.,042,405 _- Special Assistance 41-610-04 227,980 ~- hiedicaide 41-610-05 -. 100,000 ~ State Foster Care 41-610-06 ~. = 10,000 General Assistance 41-610-07 ;15,000 Vocational Rehabilitation 41-610-08 86S ' AFDC Foster Care 41-610'09 16,000 ~. - . AFDC -WIN Day Care 41-610-10 '- 87,923 Purchase Service -Chore Service 41-610-11 .. 50,000 Special Account 41-610-13 -1,680 ~- Title XX -Day Care 41-610-16 - ~~ 15,000 State Abortions 41.-610-20 ~ A1,000 Contingencies 41-610-20 32,232' ."~... p ~. < •. ~N r- . Page 6' Budget Amendments for Public Assistance Administration: . Debit - Salaries and ti9ages 41-609-02' X35,800: . ~ ' Utilities 41-609-7.3 ~ ~ 2,000 . --.: . Credit - Professional Services 41-609-04 ~l.?,500~~ ~ .. - Telephone and Postage 41-609-11 ~ 4,500 Printing 41-609-1?_ S00' Travel 41-609-14.' 2,000 - Contracted Services 41=609-45 ~ 30.0 _ Supplies and Materials 41-609-33 ~ 5.,000 Capital Outlay -Equipment 41-609-74 13,000