1979-04-17 RM Exhibits~a`~ LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator 763-0991 RAYMOND E. BLAKE, 1R. Appraisal Supervisor 763-2462 7~a i1T10 b QI• ,, ,I~%~~ 1 ~ _--_ 320 CHESTNUT STREET ~ilmittgto~t, ~. ctC. 2S401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAk COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU MARCH 31, 1979 1978 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co. Total Collected Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Total Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $11,681,843.69 1,820,360.50 $13,502,204.19 - 45,297.80 $13,456,906.39 -12,942,763.08 $ 514,143..31 96.18% CHERYL R. ROBERTS Listing Supervisor 763-8439 JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 763-7385 1977 $11,092,525.59 1,781,668.62 $12,874,194.21 - 34,038.31 $12,840,155.90 -12,290,546.95 $ 549,608.95 95.72% $ 409,753.20 $ 467,381.79 - 5,461.46 - 2,893.78 - 172,996.52 - 213,748.25 $ 231,?,95.22 $ 250,739.76 42.79% 46.02% Personal Property Taxes $ 415,166.59 $ 361,133.31 Less Abatements - ~2-5;733.68 - 12,820.52 Total Collections to Date - ~ 46,742.90 - 46,913.21 Outstanding Balance $ 342,690.01 $ 301,399.58 Percentage Collected 12.00% 13.47% Total money processed through Collections Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Town of Carolina Beach, Town of Kure Beach, and Town of Wrightsville Beach to date $19,968,222.17. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1978. Respectfully submitted, ~.~ ~j ~ - Janie B. Straughn ~O~~r iii MEMBER Collector of Revenue JBS/p j r ===0 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS ~~~~ .d ~- Y MEMORANDUM T0: Mr. Dan W. Eller County Manager FROM: Larry J. Powell,.,%~ Tax Administrator SUBJ: Abatements and Refunds April 10, 1979 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing. 1. William Alliston 2. Talitha Brown 3. Marvin Cowell 4. James Crowell 5. Lillian Crowell 6. Robert Delmonico 7. Frances Entwistle 8. Robert Gentry 9. Georgia-Pacific Corp. 10. Lawrence Hayes 11. Joe Hearne 12. Louise Hollingsworth 13. Hy Speed Products Co. 14. Carl Lee 15. Douglas Luster 16. Herbert Mallette 17. Red Apple 18. Beverly Roberts 19. Maybelle Russell 20. Sanderson Refrigeration 21. Sanitary Utilities, Inc. 22. Marsha Thompson 23. Barry Von Connon 24. Gold Walker 25. Edward Ward 26. Robert Williams 27. Herbert Zimmer $33.46 (Refund) 42.98 (Refund) 41.90 1.05 (1973) 37.65 10.58 29.00 48.43 95.93 21.78 46.38 5.29 242.65 103.46 17.50 7.19 31.24 (Refund) 30.33 1.95 (Refund) 31.98 4.88 212.90 44.53 (Refund $43.36) 13.43 (Refund) 18.73 36.63 4.87 (1976) Request the following taxes be released as they are double. charged. 1. Thomas Batton $26.96 2. Ronald Coley 3,42 3. Alberta Corbett 1.88 4. Russell Hunt, Jr. 88.80 L~ A Mr. Eller Page 2 April 10, 1979 5. Margaret Irving 6. Wesley J ones 7. Marilyn Tucker 8. Douglas Ward 9. Bernice Williams $31.36 (1975-78) .84 (1973) 74.30 108.17 181.26 Request the following taxes be released as the personal property is not located within the city or town limits. 1. John Adkins $26.68 2. Nancy Done 46.42 3. Ottis Gore 107.39 4. Clarence Long 46.33 5. Reco Electric Co. 21.60 6. Sun & Surf Motel 343.75 (1976-78;Refund $24.08) Request the following taxes be released as these are clerical errors in misfiguring lot size, charging incorrect listing penalty, and not allowing Senior Citizens' exemption through error. 1. Richard Griffith 2. Mervin Miller 3. Frederick Nissen 4. Artemis Pastis 5. Lindsey Williams $12.69 (Refund) 38.51 (Refund) 57.72 (Refund) 68.02 (Refund 1976-78) 18.12 (Refund) Request these items be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of April 17, 1979. LJP/pjr cc: Mr. Fox Mrs. Rusmisell ,~„ PRELIMINARY CONDEMNATION RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COP~lNlISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY Whereas North Carolina General Statute Section 153A-159(.1), and North Carolina General Statute Section 153A- 274(.3) authorizes New Hanover County to condemn the land hereinafter described for solid waste collection and disposal systems and facilities, and it is required by law that condemnation procedures be initiated by this preliminary condemnation resolution. Now, therefore, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Resolves: 1. Schedule A attached hereto, and made a part hereof, contains the description of a tract of land in which property rights are to be acquired by New Hanover County. - 2. The nature of the right, title or interest to - be acquired iri the aforesaid property 'is an estate in fee. simple. 3.. The property is to~be acquired for the purpose of establishing, constructing, operating and maintaining solid waste collection and disposal systems and facilities. 4. The owner of the aforesaid property will be permitted to remove all or any portion of any buildings, structures, permanent improvements or fixtures situated on or affixed to the property. 5. The name and address, of the owner of the property and all other persons known to have an interest therein .are as follows: NAME AND ADDRESS International Paper Company 4354 Market Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 NATURE OF INTEREST Owner of fee simple estate in property described in Exhibit A, subject to exceptions and encumbrances set forth therein. ~. .. 6. The property particularly described in Schedule A shall be appraised by a board of appraisers composed of one person appointed by New Hanover County (:named in paragraph 7 hereof); one person appointed by the owner; and one person appointed jointly by the other two appraisers. Each appraiser shall be a freeholder of New Hanover County who has no right, title, or interest in or to the property being condemned, is not related by blood or marriage to any of the owners, is not an officer, employee, or agent of New Hanover County,. and is disinterested in the rights of the parties .in every way. Either the County or the owner may reject an appraiser appointed by the_other.or by the County's and the owner's appraiser if the person .so appointed is' not disinterested. Notice of rejection of an appraiser shall be given within forty-eight (48) hours of his appointment, or else the right to object shall be deemed to have been waived. If an appointment is rejected, the County or- owner shall immediately appoint another appraiser and shall give notice of this action to the other party. The owner's appraiser shall be appointed and his name reported to the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners within fifteen (_15) days after this Resolution has been served on all owners having an interest in the property. Appointment shall be made by those owners having a majority `interest in the property.. If the owner, fails to appoint an appraiser within the time allowed, or if the owner's appraiser and the County's appraiser fail to agree on the appointment of the third appraiser, the County will apply to the Clerk of the Superior Court of New Hanover County for appointment of either an appraiser to represent the owner or the third appraiser, as appropriate. 0 - 2 - Y' Each appraiser shall take an oath or affirmation that he will fairly and impartially discharge his duties as "an appraiser. The first meeting of the board of appraisers ,shall be convened at the site of the aforesaid property at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, May 4, 1979. The Board of Appraisers shall view the aforesaid property and immediately thereafter retire to the New Hanover County Administration Building in order to hear any evidence presented by the owner or County as to damages and benefits that will result from this condemnation. The evidence need not be reduced to writing unless one of the parties demands a hearing on the record, in which event he shall bear the cost of the transcript. Tf for any reason the first meeting of the Board of Appraisers cannot b.e held at the time fixed herein or at the site of the aforesaid property, the appraisers may fix another time or place and shall serve notice of the change in time or place upon each. owner. Notice changing time and place of the first meeting shall be served not later than five (_5) days before the date of the meeting. The Board of Appraisers may adjourn the first meeting to any other time or place to hear additional evidence, or it may hold additional meetings. No notice need be given of an adjourned meeting if the time and place of the adjourned meeting were fixed before the close of the first or adjourned meeting. Notice of additional meetings shall be given as provided for a change in time or place of the first meeting if they are to be held to hear evidence, but. not otherwise. The Board of Appraisers shall determine the compensa- tion to be paid to the owners by the County for its acquisition of the property. In determining the compensation, the ' - 3 - k appraisers shall take into consideration both the loss or damage that will result to the owner from the acquisition and any benefits that will inure to, any remainder of the property from .the improvement or project for which the property is being condemned. Benefits shall include both . benefits or advantages special to the property and benefits or advantages .to the property in common with other property affected by the improvement or project. When it has determined damages and benefits, the Board of Appraisers shall make a report to the Board of ' Commissioners of New Hanover County. The Board of Appraisers shall report within thirty (_30) days of its appointment. The report shall show separately the amount of damage, the amount of benefits, and the amount of compensation to be paid to .the owner. The report shall be. sufficient if it is concurred in by two of the three appraisers. If no two of the appraisers can agree upon a report, or if the Board of Appraisers fails to report withiri~the time allowed, a new Board of Appraisers shall be appointed in the same manner as the original Board-and shall follow the same procedure required of the original Board. 7. The name of the member of the Board of Appraisers appointed by New Hanover County is . Neill M. Laney 8. A copy of this Preliminary Condemnation Resolution shall be served on the owner named in paragraph 5 hereof. The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote received the following vote and was duly adopted this the 17th day of April 1979; ~: Ayes : Four ~..`:. Noes : None ,;,,, . Absent or Excused: One '~~~: .+ + ., - 4 - .., ~ yk' . ;iYwr •.• !", . ;e CERTIFICATION I, Alyce B. Rusmisell, Clerk,to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, do herewith certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of a Preliminary Condemnation Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on the ~~ day of , 1979. Aly B. Rusmisell (.SEAL ) International Paper Company herewith accepts service of the above Preliminary Condemnation Resolution of the Board of the Commissioners of New Hanover County adopted ~ r1 ~ t_i ,-1 ~r ~.r : , , ;/ Service of a copy of said Preliminary Condemnation Resolution in the manner prescribed for service of summons in a civil action by Rule 4(_k) of the Rules of Civil Procedure (N. C. Gen. Stat. Section 1A-1) is herewith waived. International Paper Company / ~/ , h r i~'~ .;Y Y~~n; - 5 - ,1 _ i .., ` EXHIBIT A Beginning at a point in the southern right of way line of the New Holly Shelter Road (S.R. No. 1002) where the same is intersected by the southern line of the tract of Land conveyed to Peter Braak et ux by"deed recorded in Book 501 at page 363, New Hanover County Registry and running thence S 54°50'E with said right of way line 1230 feet to a point; thence S 13° 30'E.3,940 feet,. more or less, to the center line of the right of way conveyed to Carolina Power and Light Company by instrument recorded in Book 915 at page 493,' New Hanover County Registry; thence S 35° E 920 feet, more or less, to a point in the northern line of a tract of land conveyed to Riegel Paper Corporation (now Federal Paper Board Company, Inc.) by deed recorded in Book 418, at page 148, New Hanover County Registry; thence S 60° 30' W 1000 feet to an iron pipe., said pipe marking the terminus of"the 21st call of the description contained in the deed to International Paper Company recorded in Book 390 at page 332, New Hanover County Registry;. thence S 83° W 2085 feet to "a point; thence northwardly. 4,52'0 feet, more or less, to the southwestern corner of the tract of land"conveyed to Charity Pickett by deed recorded in Book 385 at page 569, New Hanover County Registry,-said corner being in the run of Jumping Run Branch; thence eastwardly with the .run of Jumping Run Branch .to its intersection with. the center line of the Old Holly Shelter Road, said intersection being the terminus of the 48th call of the description contained in the aforesaid deed to International Paper Company; thence .with the center line of said Old Holly Shelter Road N 62° 45' W .84 chains (55.44 feet) to a poin.t;~ thence N 50° 25' W 11.72 chains (7.73.52 feet) to a point; thence N 67° 15' W 11.26 chains (_743.16 feet) to a point; thence N 63° 10' W 6.71 chains (442.86 feet) to a point, said point being in the southern line of the >former Sleeper. tract; thence N 78° 14' E 1340 feet with the southern line of the former Sleeper tract to the point of beginning; containing 299 acres, and being part of the tract of land conveyed to International Paper Company by Thomas. R. Orrell by deed recorded April 27; 1947 in Book 390 at page 332, New Hanover County Registry. Subject to: (,l) An easement granted and reserved tc Lumber Company and E. L. Sleeper, et ux, Sleeper and. the public generally by deed 1924, and recorded June 2, 1924, in Book in the Office of the Register of Deeds o County. North East Eva Lawson dated May 29, 157 at Page 49 f New Hanover ,~,x ~•a• (2 ). Right of way and easement granted to the Tide Water Power Company, its successors and assigns, by Thomas R. Orrell by deed dated March 12, 1941, and recorded March 13, 1941, in Book 300 at Page 595, New Hanover County.Registry. (3 ). A perpetual easement 30 feet in width granted by International Paper Company to Carolina Power & Light Company by deed dated April 7, 1952, and recorded May 21, 1953, in Book 544 at Page 553~in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County. (4) The right of adjoining landowners, the State of. North Carolina, and the public generally in and to the old Holly Shelter Road. (5) The rights of adjoining landowners, the State of North. Carolina and the public generally in and to the State Highway leading from Castle Hayne to Hampstead. (_6 ). An easement granted to Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns by International Paper Company by deed dated November 11, 1969, and recorded December 18, 1969, in Book 872 at Page 339, New,Hanover County Registry. (_7) A right of way granted to Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors, lessees,. and assigns by International Paper Company by deed dated July 23, 1971, and recorded August 13, 1971, in Book 915 at Page 493, New Hanover County Registry. (_8) 1979 ad valorem taxes and possibly subject to New Hanover County ad valorem taxes for prior years. w~ `; ~,. ,~:~ v~ -2-