1979-05-07 RM Exhibits«A11cS E. NOLSHOU55R, JR. GOVERNOR DA'/tD T. i LAN~RTY SECRETARY . ~t ~~wj~,; l 1 =~ ~ 1 ~ - ~n'2'?.W ~F~ 5`d"~1~'~'Or ~+IO~~"~ G~~i©1.17 ~, ~~.?~1RTPYlEtVT 4F HU7~~i~ ~~SOU~2C~5 ~i~ision ©f ~'acili~y ~~r~vices P. O. SOX 72200 RALEiGN 27505 Parch 24, 1976 1 L O. ~HILHBASO~i, JR_ piR£CTOR. ' TELEf'FiCrIE to reply specz/y code: EI~~S P~1r. Peter Davis, Chairman Board o-i New Hanover County Commissioners County Commissioners Bullding ' North Third Street lrlilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear ~1r. Davis For failure to comply with Section II and III of "Rules and P.egul ati ons Governing Arr:bul ante Service" effective January 1 , 197.6, the folloyring ambulance provider inspection result eras unsatisfactory. ' The ambulance tivi71 be re-inspected at a time a~hich is convenient for a71 concerned. Provide r New Hanover Ambulance Service 1973 Dodge i-iaxivan Serial No. B25AF3X080660 If yvu have questions concerning this matter or if I can be of assistance, please let me kn aw. Sincerely, Richard E. Taylor P.egion "0" Eh~S Regional Coa•rdinator RET/jlm cc: Bob Bailey Henry !-loyle Ellis Meares, Jr. c Jk.49ES E. HOLSNOUSER,'JR. GOVERNOR DAVID T. FLAHERTY SECRETARY April 7, 1976 t.~a. waxERSO~, aa. DIRECTOR TELEPFgftlE do reply specify coder EMS ^'a The Honorable Peter Davis Board of New Hanover County Commissioners County Commissioners.Building North Third Street tJilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Commissioner Davis: For failure to comply with Section II and III, "Rules and Regulations Governing Ambulance Service -- January 7, 7976" pertaining to minimum standard equipment aboard the ambulance, the following ambulance provider has beer; issued a conditional ambulance permit-for the ambulance indicated. This permit is valid far sixty (60) days and should allow the provider sufficient time to comply ~oith the above Rules and Regulations. The ambulance will be reinspected at the end of sixty (60) days, if in compliance, a regular one (1) year ambulance permit will be issued. In cases where it is determined that the provider has attempted to comply with the Rules and Regulations, a renevaal of the temporary permit ~~~ill be considered. Provider 1973 Dodge Restrictions Make, Type, Serial Na. 625AF3X080660 Permit Expiration Date Play , 1976 If you have questions concerning this matter, or if I can be of assistance, please let me know. With best wishes, Sincerely, _ c c : Bob Ba i 1 ey f ~~•J3 _~t ~ ~~ Ellis Meares Richard~~E~ Taylor Henry Hoyl e Region 0 Efr1S Regional Coordinator RET/ j 1 m e"..._~.~.~ . r ~ - =: .~~~:` aT~1TE Off' fdORTF-4 CAROl1~L! DEPi-RTf1?tE~T OF HUMAi~D RESOURCES Division of Facility Services P. O. BOX 92200 RALEIGH 27605 M ~~~ ~~ ,_ „ -. ~~~ JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. GOVERNOR DAVID T. FLAHERTY SECRETARY March 24, 1976 L O. WILKERSOld; JR. DIRECTOR TELEPHONE In reply speci/y code: EMS '}~-~--., Mr. Peter Davis , Ch airman Board of New Hanover County Commissioners. County Commissioners Building North Third Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Mr. Davis: For failure to comply with Section II and III of "Ru1es and Regulations Governing Ambulance Service" effective January 1, 1976, the following ambulance provider inspection result was unsatisfactory. The ambulance wi71 be re-inspected at a time which is convenient for all concerned. Provider New Hanover Ambulance Service 1973 Dodge Maxivan Serial No: B25AF3X080660 If you have questions concerning this matter or if I can be of assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, Richard E. Taylor Region "0" EMS Regional Coordinator RET/jlm STATE Off' NORTH CAROLINA DEPART@~AENT OF HUEIH,4N RESOURCES Division of Facili~y~ Services P. O. BOX 12200 RALEIGH 27605 cc: Bob Bailey Henry Hoyle E11 i s Meares , Jr. JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. GOVERNOR DAVID T. FLAHERTY SECRETARY April 28, 1976 I. O. 1NILKERSOId; JR. DIRECTOfl TELEPHONE In reply speci/y code: "~~The Honorable Peter Davis, Chairman Board of New Hanover County Commissioners County Commissioners Building, North Third St. Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Chairman Davis: For failure to comply with Section 19 of Ambulance Inspection Form, January 1, 1976, pertaining to vehicle equipment cleaniness, proper care of equipment for patient use, the following ambulance provider has been issued a conditional ambulance permit for the ambulance indicated. This permit is valid for sixty (60) days and should allow the provider, sufficient time to comply with the above Ambulance Inspection Form. The ambulance will be reinspected at the. end of sixty (60) dats, if in compliance, a regular one (1) year ambulance permit will be issued. In cases where it is determined that the provider has attempted to comply with the Ambulance Inspection Form, a renewal of the temporary permit will be con- sidered. Provider Neta Hanover Ambulance Service Make, Type, Serial No. Pontiac 69 262908P187835 If you have questions concerning this matter, or if 1 can be of assistance, please let me know. With best wishes, Sincerely, Richard E. Taylor Region "0" EMS Re e ~. -x ~. ~y :. ,~4 .,~,~~,; STATE OF PVOFiTH CAROLIPVA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES division of Facility Services P. O. BOX 12200 RALEIGH 27605 ~~, 3ional Coordinator RET/ceb cc : E11 i s P~leares Rnh Railnv . d~,.c tea, ~, 'r' •~~{" :J JAMES E. HOLSHOUSER, JR. GOVERNOR DAVID T. FLAHERTY SECRETARY F. O. WILKERSON; JR. DIRECTOR TELEPFIOt1E In se ply speci/y code: EMS Mr. Peter Davis, Chairman . Board of New Hanover County Commissioners County Commissioners Building North Third Street Wilmington, North Carolina 2.8401 Dear Mr. Davis: For failure to comply ~~~i th Section I I and I I I of "Rules and Regulations Governing Ambulance Service" effective January 1, 1976, the following ambulance provider inspection result was unsatisfactory. The ambulance will be re-inspected at a time which is convenient for all concerned. Provider New Hanover Ambulance Service 1973 Dodge Maxivan Serial No. 625AF3X080660 If you have questions concerning this matter or if I can be of assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, ,, ~ , Richard E. Taylor Region °'0" EMS Regional. Coordinator RET/jlm cc: Bob Bailey Henry Hoyle Ellis Meares,. Jr. STATE O~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMEfVT Off' ~lU9lfiAN RESOURCES IDivision of g'acility services P. O. BOX 12200 RALEIGH 27605 March 30 , 1976 ~.. ~~.. ~ 4 `'ice '~"'~ ,„ ~ ~....: 414' ~~~£f ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ d jl f~ ~ ~ t i (~ ® - DIREC70R OF FINANCE vi j~~I ~ ~" nlr ~? J ( ~ / r ! r t > j' d p i~ ~~ I ~~ ~ ~ =~. E r. lJ • r fJ ~'" ~ ~ r ~ r.~r ~ ~' AND CITY ACCOUNTANT ~~~I739~;•~. NORTH GARO~.INAM1 ~• ~,. '~-s.~ BOX 1810 28401 April 30, 1979 Mr. Dan Eller New Hanover County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Re: Project I10-117 Dear Mr~ Eller: Attached please find a Ilst of bids received on City/County owned surplus property. An update of the program status is enclosed for review.. Please place this item on the agenda for the next scheduled meeting of the County Commissioners. Yours truly, ~~~ ~ ~ Art i s R. ~~ Property Management Specialist ARB/wph Enclosures C23 z w H .-.] C_~ • U ti H C.' a a a w .~ ~c; ~~ E-' Q H ~l LU L _.1 W a a~ Ul C!~ L:i !~ <., a~ 0 ro o ~ ~ w ~r ~ O N M M ~ U O O O~ V M ~ ~ C - tt1 - rrl b9 ... N ~D M I11 ~ O CO t` - - M T~ O O - O O - 0 o co 0 0 0 - o N N rrl N N N N N O O Lcl C.7 O O O O O O O N O O O O O O ~ ~ OJ to tp ~ M O ~ M M CO N N - c`v N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O hl V -. cY CO ttl CO V' CT ~ O~ ~ O~ ^ r~l r` M ~ LT N - - ~f' N C y - V - '~ O ~~ ~ _. _ _ ~ - ~" .}.. 3 L L L .y,. O ~ tll T O cn L (] . L C Cll t- A O - .rte ~-U i° -h -- -p , O CL " ~ ~ ~ U • O •- U •. _~_ - ~ - c _ ~ •- cll °- <L 3 Cn .n - c ._ c ~ ~ O + - O u> ca In N .~ O._ .~ In U ~ T U O L - N - ... - ... tS1 .. M .,,. - N ..., N u - v - ~.. Ip to U E -F- O +- L O O ~ °~ ~ ~ E O L U~ O ~ U d . ~. i.. -I- •4-- C/? L -F- i- ~ -{- L N . ~ ~ ~ +- ~ cn cn cn ~-- L + ' "F"' .~ U U ~ ~ to ~ C L N - O +- ~ Oi .~ ~ rn O ~ - c c +- M ~ Q Z _ N ~ L ~ ~- L O ~ O 7 O I © m z o ~O o o ~ ~ _ N !Y tIl iN, N O O (O O .~ U1 O ls1 O - O =f M - N M iT " - I N N O -, ~ O ~ O ~ - __ 1 ~ 1 C~ t G1 t v i M ~ t` ~ ~ t ~D ! L; i ~ rt O 1 O~ ~ -t 'C:7 O O O O O ~, ,~. 0.7 d' 1 V l 1 V- J ~ 1 V ' I V 1 V f1 Itl tS1 l. 1 to l1l .. *, UPDATE PROJECT 110-117 4/30/79 I. Parcels sold from 5/21/73 to current 200 Sales price (Includes forfeited deposits of $283.44) $12Y,826.77 Tax Value of record at time of sale .279,.920.00 2. .Parcels submitted this report g Amount of bids $ 3,900.25 3. Parcels to be advertised for upset bids ~ Bids to date $ 2x817.00 4. Parcels held dormant 1 Resale under G. S. 105-376(C) $ 8i1.?I 5. Parcels with no bids lib 6. Additions to workload ~. 7. Total in workload 333 8. Less parcels held for future public use -- 57 9. Net workload ?_76 PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SPORTS AND PLAYFIELDS TO BE KNOWN AS "TRASK PARK" BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County WHEREAS: 1. New Hanover County, with the financial assistance of Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, United States Department of Tnterior, is engaged in the construction of a capital asset, an athletic complex consisting of 2 lighted softball/baseball fields with restroom facilities. 2. County desires to authorize the budget for said Capital Project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 159-13.2 such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 159-31.2. 2. The capital project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the construction of an athletic complex in New Hanover County, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenues that will finance said project are: Grant Funds $ 66,308 County Funds 54,708 In-Kind Contribution (Non-Revenue) 11,600 TOTAL REVENUES $132616__ 4. The following appropriations, necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above. General Construction $ 48,200 Lighting Contract 48,000 Fencing Contract 13,500 Equipment 6,300 Supplies & Materials 5,016 In-Kind Services 11,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5132616 This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners and within five (5) days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the Finance Officer, the Budget Officer and Clerk to Board of Commissioners, New Hanover County. Adopted this 7th day of May 1979. ~~' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ::,f ' FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - i,, Page 1 of 2 Pages Contract No. DOT-FA-78-SO--11360 .~ tQoc~~ i-T~nn ~rar Lr^L!_^_tv nirrenr t. ! Y " " Wilmington, North Carolina. AMENDIrTENT N0. 1 TO GRAvT P.GREE;INT FOR PROJECT N0. 6-37-00$4-05 WHEREAS, the. Federal Atri~tion Administration (hereinafter referred to " as the FAA) has`determ.ined it to be in the interest of the United States that the grant agreement between the FAA, acting for and on behalf of the United States, and the County of idew Hanover (hereinafter referred to as the sponsor}, accepted by said sponsor on the 7th day of September, 1978, be amended as hereinafter provided. NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETti: That, in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the parties hereto, ~,.,` the FAA on behalf of the United States, on the one part, and the sponsor, on the other part, do hereby mutually agree that the terms and conditions of the grant agreement between the United States and the sponsor, accepted i:, by said sponsor on the 7th day of September, 1978, be amended to increase i the maximum obligation of the Untied States as set forth. on page 2 of the grant agreement by .$21,150 from $544,876 to $566,OZ6. ~ ~ ~'- _... ,._. . .. ,~ ~_ - -. v ~ - r _. " `It "ls understood "and-`agrced~ that` all `the other` terr.LS and ``conditions of= the """ -° grant agreement remain in full force and effect ard,axe rot changed or 'altered except as hereinabove provided. ~ i' The United States shall not be obligated under 'any provision hereof unless ( ; this amendment has been executed by the sponsor on or before May 31, 1979, ~; or sucta subsequent date as may be prescribed in writing by the Administrator. f I:i WITNESS;t~1HERE0F, the parties hereto have caused this amendment to the grant agreement to be duly executed as of day of UNITED STATES OF AAR:RICA ~ ~ FEDERAL AVIATION r1Di~SINISTRATION f ~. l;y Title Chief, Airports DistricY_ Office ~ ~ F f ~-_ Y ^.._.,-.. ~~ 1"`.-.'[ ~a~~'~,. ~ h'~ .:.. aI` ~. '3',e' ,-' ~ t`~"s` '4 "~f ~~" ( - f~~ ~1~f~.h.,'/,"~~€~*5~ M )J W \,-P x r t #x ~' ~y+ 'G t .d Et ],y~ to ~#R4~ ~~ i 9 '~ ~y~~~ M1~ h~ ~ ~ ~~~~•~~ ~'-. rho. t ~. i ~~ ~ A _ _ ~ ot~ ,C ~ .. °tftft~hlU t4 )~iM =EY ~.f~' ~4.. C' ~'t~ ~ 4 ~ f ~~ }~ ~` .!~ ~~ ~ f ~ t ~~ ~ ~ I -~ ' ~ ~ P'age' 2 of Z Pages _ f;: - ~ t ~ ... ~ - .~ .. _ _-- ... .... ,.. .. • '~ County of New Hanover, North Carolina ~ ~; Sponsor • ~ , • . , r N~~ ~; .; . ~~~ (SEAL) By ~ ~ ..:.~ Title _ .~ .. ~~ - .. r ' Attest ' . . ~ ' ' ~ . .. .. , .. ~~ P P.t k'::" ~t?A't, Title 7Rxk~Yk:~~'c~c~c3r*~c~c~c7k*;E**',ek*~~c~e .. ~" .~~ " ~s . ~r' CERTIFICATE OF SPONSOR'S ATTORNEY ~' ' ; ~ h, ~ '" ~ , acting as Attarrey for the Cot;nty of k , >. New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as sponsor) do hereby certify: ,~ „ y ,~ That I,have examined the foregoing amendment to grant agreement, w 5 and the roceedin s taken b said s onsor relatin thereto-, and . P g Y P g _, - , . _ ~: find that the execution thereof by said -sponsor- has been..duly _ r `,. ~ '. -- ~- = ~.-authorized arid~ is ~'in'' all'"•; respects ` due`~and p'roper''and in ~cco'rdance ~ ",:. ~~ ~ " ~ ~ .. .. -. with the laws of the State of ~lorth Carolina, and further that, in k . my opinion, said amendment to grant agreement constitutes a legal . ~,~~ ~~° and bir_ding obligation of the sponsor in accordance with the terms ";`~ thereof. 'f a " Dated at , this day of „ 19 + ~ ~' , _ ~:; -,. . ,. . r . ~:n ; .. ; ~ '~;1; Title ~. `+~ i ' , 1 • r _Lr. - _ ,RESOLUTION (GRANT AMENDMENT) . ~ _ ~~? ' EXTRACT.FROM THE MINUTES OF A Regular Meeting ~ ~. ~. ~ ~" ~ 1 MEETIDIG OF~THE "New Hanover County Commissioners -. ` ' `°' HELD ON -~ May 7 19 79 - • ~..`.t .The following Resolution was introduced by Comm. Karen E. Gottovi ~. - " ~~."'~~ . ,:~ ;~ ~ , seconded byComm.Howard L. Armistead,Jr.read in full, considered and adopted: ~aT A 1 TT!»` r/T*TI'~ AT(1T.2T TATf' /~ DTJD (II/TAT/T A('('F~'i'TTi(' A wm n A TTTt~ TTT(i KESOL'u'1 Iv-v c~JTnvtclc,.uvv , ~.,.,~ i i~:.y , ~.. ~ ~.... ~...:.~ , ~..,.~--_ ~Yiv„ cus t ,tr i live ~^?~ THE EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT N0. 1 TO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT N0. ~ ~'; ' . ~~' 6-37-0084-04 ~ BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND T_he C6gcT v ~~ . ~.'.~ .. _ - of New Hanover North Carolina '~ ~ - ~~~~ ' BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of rhP o mty _ ~~ ~ - ' Y~ . - of New Hanover i ~ ~' SECTION 1. That said Board of Commissioners ~ hereby authorizes, ~ ~~~'` . . _ _ .. ~ ' adopts, approves; accepts and ratifies the execution of Amendment No. ~ , ,~,'q, to Grant Agreement, between the Federal Aviation Administration on behalf ;~"~ ~'~`'t ~ ~' . .. ~„ of the United States of America and the County of New Hanover. ,~ ~ - ' . qtr; ; - ~~,. ~ ' . ~~ ~ r `.; ''~"SECTION 2. !' That the execution of said Amendment to Grant Agreement ~' `~~= :.:. ... in•quadruplicate on behalf of said Board of Commissioners -- ... ~..~ ~.r.. ~.. _ .. .., ... .e ~.... ~....~... .... .... - ~ _ , .. - .. ... by ~ Ellen C. Williams ,"Chairman , ~ :~ and the impression of the official seal of the County of New Hanover ~~~~ . ~ ~ _` (If there is no seal, so :state.) , ~ ' and the attestation of said execution by Alyice B. Rusmisell ' Clerk to the Board - is hereby authorized, adopted, approved, _ " ~ <<a accepted and ratified. '- `n~"' ~~~ .~~; - ' SECTION 3. That a true copy of the. Amendment to the Grant Agreement ~~' ~r referred to hereinabove is hereto attached and made a part of this Resolution as though it were fully copied herein, SO FORM 5100-17 (10/75) (Supersedes previous edition) 4 ~ ~.. ~ y y ~~, Y µ ~' UNITCD STATES OF AMERICA ~_ . FEDERAL AVIATION, ADMINISTRATION y~- '`kx' i Page l of 2 Pages •~ Contract No:'DOT-FA-77-SO-10710,,:., ~..~ ;, ~ .. '.. ~ ~ ~ ,.. .New Hanover County Airport '' Wilmington, North Carolina AMENDMENT N0. 1 TO GRANT AGREE?TENT FOR PROJECT N0. 6-37-00$4-04 WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (hereinafter referred to as the FAA) has determined it to be in the interest of the United States that the grant agreement between the FAA, acting for and on behalf of the United States, and the County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as tYie sponsor), accepted by said sponsor on the 6th day of September, 1977, be amended as hereinafter provided. NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETi-I: That, in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the parties hereto, the FAA on behalf of the United States, on the one part, and the sponsor, on the other part, do hereby mutually agree that the terms and conditions of the grant agreement between the United States and the sponsor, accepted by said sponsor on the'6th day of September, 1977, be amended to increase - the maximum obligation of the United States as set forth on page 2 of the grant agreement by.$53,877 from $704,790 to $75S,667. It is understood and agreed that all the_:other terms and conditions of `'~ "~ ''' ~~'~~~' ~ the grant''agreement--remain=-in~ full°°f.orce -and--effect-_and;: are~-~tat•=changed., -w_=_:__;>, .:-;, . or altered except as hereinabove provided. The United States shall not be obligated under any provision hereof unless this amendment has been executed by the sponsor on or before May 31, 1979, or such subsequent date as may be prescribed in writing by the Administrator. ..~ IN WITNESS Tv'HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this amendment to the grant agreement~to be duly executed as of - day of 19 . L'~II TED STATES OF ArtERICA ~ ,,; . , FEDERAL AVIATIO\ ADI`tINISTRATION ' ifP ^ BY ~:z TITLE Chi-ef, Ad~orts District Office --- ~ ''` -~~~: ~` ' r '~~-~t .. _ - Page 2 of .2 Pages .- ~,~:- ,Y. _ Count of New Hanover, North Carolina ~~~~~ Sponsor ~-"~" (SEAL) ~ . .. BY - f, TITLE H ~;~~ ATTEST: ,~ TITLE - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:K~s~ CERTIFICATE OF SPONSOR'S ATTORNEY I~',. , acting as Attorney for the County of I3ew Hanover (hereinafter referred to as sponsor) do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing amendment to grant agreement, and the proceedings taken by said sponsor relating thereto, and ' -~-~ °'=;f,ind;: that' the 'exe.cu,tiom, _thereof by.., said: sponsor has been. duly ~,-;_ ~., ~-:.~ . ~ _ _ _ .~ . .. _ . ~~ -authorized and is in all respects due and proper and in accordance.. •~ with the laws of the State of Forth Carolina, and further that, in my opinion,'said amendment to grant agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the sponsor in accordance with the terms thereof. Dated at ~ this day of •~ , 19 ` TITLE s