1979-06-04 RM Exhibits'.` F 1 C .; R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Commissioners have amended Section 72-5, paragraph (1) of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance to require proposed multi-family developments to have direct and adequate access to an existing collector or arterial facility as indicated on the New Hanover County Thoroughfare Classification Plan; and, WHEREAS, a New Hanover County Classification Plan, including a map dated June 4, 1979, and a written text for the classification system of streets and procedures to amend the plan, have been prepared to meet and conform to the above referenced Zoning Ordinance amendment; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have examined and heard public comment on said New Hanover County Classification Plan at a public hearing held this day for adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover does hereby adopt the attachments as follows as official County policy for the purpose of Section 72-5, paragraph (1) of the .. County Zoning Ordinance: (a) The street map entitled, "New Hanover County Classification Plan" dated June 4, 1979. (b) The text entitled, "The Street Functional Classification System for the New Hanover County Thoroughfare Classification Plan and Procedures for Revising The New Hanover County Thoroughfare Classification Plan." This the .~~ day of June, 1979. --_-- County CommissiJ~o~e~ry~Q- Chairman /~ ~ ,' ~~ ~ ~~~~ r ~99 __-- i•. ~~V.~ i -Streets with open shoulder 20 feet ~ 18 feet Minimum shoulder width 6 feet 6 feet Design speed 35 mph 35 mph D. Local - Comprises all streets or roads not designated as a higher facility. Provides access to land and higher facilities. Through traffic usage discouraged. - 2 - THE.STREET FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY THOROUGHFARE FOR THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY THOROUGHFARE CLASSIFICATION PLAN New Hanover County Thoroughfare Classification Plan - A functional classification system and accompanying plan of transportation facilities within the unincorporated areas of New Hanover County established for the purpose of determining the eligibility of proposed multi-family development in terms of meeting access requirements as outlined in this ordinance. The classifications are as follows: A. Principal Arterial - Serves intra- and inter-state trip desires between major urban centers with a population exceeding 5,000 persons. Typically, U. S. numbered facilities. B. Minor Arterial - Augments principal arterial system and serves as a link to smaller urban areas with populations between 1.,000 and 5,000 persons. Serves intra-county trip desires. C. Collector -.Facility which complies with one or more of the following categories: l., Collects traffic from residential concentrations of 100 or more units and directs it to a higher facility, and carries a minimum traffic flow of 1,000 average vehicle trips per day; 2. Provides access to major traffic generators and serves inter-community trip desires; 3. Serves as a link between arterial facilities. In addition, the facility must meet or exceed the following standards: New Existing Construction Street Right-of-Way width Pavement width 60 feet 60 feet - Streets with curb and gutter 34 feet 34 feet i c 1' PROCEDURE FOR REVISING THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY THOROUGHFARE CLASSIFICATION PLAN As conditions change, revision of the designation of certain facilities as indicated on the Thoroughfare Classification Plan may be necessary. Any proposed revisions in designation shall be in compliance with the provisions of the preceding section and shall require approval of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners in the manner described herein. Proposed revisions may be initiated by one of the following methods: (1) Petition - A request to reclassify a street may be made by petition by any property owner on that. street. The petition shall identify the subject facility and shall also specify its boundaries (i.e. terminus points). Petitions shall be submitted to the Planning Department and must be accompanied by a $25 fee to cover advertising costs at least 20 4 working days prior to a regular Planning Commission Meeting. (2) The Board of County Commissioners or Planning Commission may initiate a reclassification of a street at their discretion. Amendments to the provisions, standards, and/or other text.~revisions to the New Hanover County Thoroughfare Classification Plan. shall require final approval by the County Commissioners in the manner prescribed herein and may be initiated by one of the following methods: (1) An amendment may be requested by an individual or individuals. Such requests must be submitted to the Planning Department at least 20 working days prior to a regular Planning Commission Meeting and must be accompanied by a $25 fee to cover advertising costs. (2) The Board of County Commissioners or the Planning Commission may initiate an amendment at their discretion. Any revision or amendment to the New Hanover County Thoroughfare Classification Plan as described herein shall be subject to the following procedures: (1) All petitions, requests, or directions shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission who shall forward a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. Recommendations for denial must be appealed within 10 working days of the Planning Commission decision by filing notice with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. (2) The County Commissioners shall consider the proposed revision for final approval upon receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendation or appeal notice. (3) The proposed revision shall be advertised at least once within 10 days prior to the Planning Commission consideration and at least twice within two weeks prior to the County Commissioners' action. - 2 - i ~ i1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z Z Z C = S ~ ~ r b' 4• . ' ~ /~ 4 'i ~ .. ~ ~ /~ PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TAXIWAY ~B` NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County {YHEREAS : 1} New Hanover County has received a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration to be used for construction of a taxiway at the New Hanover County Airport. 2) State and local .funds will be used to match the Federal Grant. 3) County desires to budget for this construction in a capital project budget, such budget showing the total anticipated revenues and the total estimated expenses for the period of construction. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1) This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to N. C. General Statute 159-13.2. 2) This project is undertaken and will be completed pursuant to a contract between FAA and New Hanover County. 3) The revenues that will finance said project are:. Federal Funds $631,448 State of North Carolina Funds 69,460 Refund of State and County Sales 'Tax 7,500 County Funds - Transfer from Airport 69,460 $777;868 4) Expenditures required to complete said project are: State Sales Tax $ 5,625 County Sales Tax '. 1;875 Preliminary Engineering 9.,500 Preliminary Survey 49800 Preliminary Testing 8,000 Basic Engineering 41,300 Resident Engineering 30,000 Additional Engineering 1,000 Construction Testing 21,000 Paving Contract 568,400 Lighting Contract 21,000 Contingency 65,368 $777,868 This project ordinance .shall be entered in: the minutes of the Board of Commissioners and within five (5) days hereof, copies oz this ordinance shall be filed with the . Finance Officer the Budget Officer, and Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, I~ew Hanover County. . `, ~ ~~ tir ~~y {~ 1~7~'VP ~L"11~i® V ~~ ~~0.J1`I d H ~~1~~~~~ ~®1~'11VA1~J~J1®1`~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT ROUTE 6, BOX 49 ~~°`'"~",agPO9T INILMI(~IGTON, NORTI-! CAROLINA 284J5 =oar ~``~ r.~'~°~3 . z 3 oy ~ Commissioners Telephone (919) 763-1671 W ~ o LENOX G. COOPER, Chairman ~ Z Y GEORGE E. KIDDER, Vice-Chairman AUDREY W. FEENSTRA, Secretary ~ _ Q~°'~ ~~.~apo~ ~ ,. _ . HOWARPAULAE GREGORY R., b1. D. - N~~N CARO~'~~? ~ ~. ' W. ED SA?AUELS ' RAIFORD G. TRASK, JR. ~ ~ RUDOLPH C. S~1A.CKELFORD, JR., A.A.E. Atrp~rt htanary_r ~ - Iti E 1!i O R A N D U P.4 TO an tiV. Eller, County Manager. FROP.i •,. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr., A.A.E. Airport rianager DATE relay 18, 1979 SUBJECT Capital Projects t3,~dget-Taxiway ~~RT~ Attached is a recommended Revenue and Expenditure Budget for -the construction of Taxiway "B", j9e have received a Tenative A11oca- tion from the FAA in the amount of X631,448. The Tenative Allocation may be increased by ten percenu after the. receipt of construction bids therefore, the funding from North Carolina State and the transfer from the Airport's Operating Budget ref]_ects the matching amounts plus ten percent. Request you and the .Commissioners consider enacting a Capital Project Ordinance to establish this budget as detailed on the attached sheet. If I can be of assistance to you in this matter, please call me. cc: Felix Cooper 4~ BLUETHENTHAL FIELD MEMBER: AAAE • SAMA r ~,, . CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET AIRPORT-- - TAX I jOAY "B" .. ~ :.., Interest on Investment -- 0 -- Federal Grant Funds 631,448 ~. ~.. N. C. State Grant Funds 69,460 ~.. . State & County Sales Tax 7,500 Transferr• fr=om Airport 6J,460 .Transfer from Contingencies _ General -- 0 -- 777,868 EXPENDITURE: State Sales Tax 5,625 County Sales Tax ~ 1,875 - Preliminary Engineering 9,500 - Preliminary Survey 4,800 Preiirnir~ary TeSti~ig o, OuU Basic Engineering 4.1,300 Resident Engineering 30,000 Additional Engineering 1,000 Construction Testing 2.1,000 Paving Contract 568,400 Lighting Contract 21,000 Congirigency & Administrative 65,368 777,868 REVENUE: Includes l0o~over the matching share of $63,145 -* _,. are T GEORGE F. COOPER County Finance Officer MEMORANDUM May 22, 1979 3 . ~'~~-L~``~ /v~~ lam/ ~, 1 ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ V ~~ FLNANCE OFFLCE s~~ e~+~sTNUT s-rfi~E~r WILMINGTON, NORTN CAROLINA 28401 (919) 343-0286 T0: Mr. .Dan Eller FROM: Felix Cooper ~'~ Subject: CETA Project Ordinance Attached are the project ordinances covering the CETA grants for the period 4/1/79 through 9/30/79. Please request the Conunissioners to approve these. GFC:ik PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR GRANT FROJECT CETA` AD1~IINISTRATION BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County WHEREAS: 1) New Hanover County is a contractor with the State of North Carolina, a prime sponsor for the Department of Labor under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, and 2) County receives funds for various contracts in the CETA program, .and 3) County desires to budget for each of these contracts by an ordinance adopted. by the Commissioners, such ordinance showing the total revenues and the total expenditures for the period of the contract. N0~9,THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1) This nxoject is adopted pursuant to Nn,-th Carolina general Statute 159-13.2. 2) This project is undertaken as a contractor with the State of North Carolina to carxy out the provisions of the CETA Act. 3) The revenues that will finance said project axe: Account # Description Amount 61-3S0-41 State Grants $32,589 4) The amounts contracted for expenditures are:. Account # Description Amount 61-684-01 Participants - Salaries and Wages $21,788 -02 Staff Fringe Benefits 3,873 -04 Staff Travel 1,500 -06 Supplies 300 • -07 Communication 1,500. , -08 Other Operating Expenses 2,300 -15 Equipment Cost ,.~ 1,328 $32,589 This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners and within five (5) da ys hereof, copies of this ordinance shal l be filed with the Finance Officer, the Budget Officer and Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, New Hanover County. Z'}1is ordinance to be effective, July 1, 1979. a PROJECT ORDINANCE FGR GRANT PROJECT CETA III - CONTRACT NUMBER 3-95006-9-0-OI00-3-H-9 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County tiVHEREAS: ~ ~ ' 1) New Hanover County is a contractor with the State of North Carolina, a prime sponsor fox the Department of Labor under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, and 2) County receives funds for various contracts in the CETA program, and 3) County desires to budget for each of these contracts by an ordinance adopted by the Commissioners, such ordinance showing the total revenues and the total expenditures for the period of the contract. NOW, THEREFORE; WITNESSETI-i THAT: 1) This project is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute i59-1`3.2. 2) This project is undertaken as a contractor with the State of North Carolina to carry out the provisions of the C.E.T.A. Act. 3) The revenues that will finance said project are: Account # Description Amount 61-350-33 State Grants $58,175 4) The amounts contracted for expenditures are: Account # Description Amount 61-680-.17 Indirect Cost $ 2,103 -23 Services 1,000 -33 Other Tuition 490 -36 Equipment 1,500 -37 Supplies 11,571 -50 Participant Wages 37,310 -61 FICA. 2,287 -62 Workmen°'s Compensation 560 -69 Blue Cross/Blue Shield ~ 1,354 $58,175 This project ordinanc e shall be entered in the minutes. of the Board of Commissioners and within five (5) d ays hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the Finance Officer, the Budget Office and Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, New Hanover County. This ordinance to be effective, July 1, 1979. PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR GRANT PROJECT TITLE VI SPECIAL AIRPORT - CONTRACT NiTMBER 6-03182-9-0-3700-2-0-9 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County • WHEREAS: , 1) New Hanover County is a contractor with the State of North Carolina, a prime sponsor for the Department of Labor under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, and 2) County receives funds for various contracts in the CETA program, and 3) County desires to budget for each of these contracts by an ordinance adopted by the Commissioners, such ordinance showing the total revenues and the total expenditures for the period of the contract. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1) This project is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 153-13.2. - 2) .This project is undertaken as a contractor with the State of North Carolina to carry out the provisions o.f the C.E.T.A. Act.. 3) The revenues that will finance said project are: Account # Description Amount 61-350-39 State Grants $53,.844 4) The amounts contracted for expenditures are:. Account # Decription Amount 61-683-17 Indirect Cost $ 2,961 -33 Other (Tuition, Insurance) ,1,178 •-34 Staff Travel 300 -36 ~ Ec{uipment Cost 300 ` -37 Supplies 400 • -50 Participants - Salaries and Plages 45,252 -61 FICA 2,774 • -62 Workmen's Compensation 679 $53, 844 This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners and within five (5) days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the Finance Officer, the Budget Office and Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, New Hanover County. This ordinance to be effective, July 1, 1979. r 3 This pxoject ordinance sh~.Il bP entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners and within five (5) days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the Finance Officer, the Budget Officex and Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, dew . Hanover County. This ordinance to be effective, 3ul.y I, 1979. PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR GRANT PROJECT CETA VI - CONTRACT Ni.m1BER 6-03181-9-0-3300-2-0 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County {4F3EREAS 1) New Hanover County is a contractor with the State of North Carolina., a prime sponsor for the Department of Labor under the Comprehensive~• En'ipivyiu~"'.iat and Training Act, ai'id 2) County receives funds for various contracts in the CETA program., and 3) County desires to budget for each of these contracts by an ordinance adopted by the Commissioners, such ordinance showing the total revenues and the total expenditures for the period of the contract. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT:. 1) ii`t3.S ;r~ject 1~ :adopted p~Jl't'SilaTt'C t0 :vG3'l.ft ~:.r3i3ilit v2ieral. St.:+.t11te 159-13.2, 2) This project is undertaken as a contractor with the State of Nori:h Carolina to carry out the provisions of the CETA Act. 3) The revenues that will finance said project axe: Account # Description , Amount 61-350-38 State Grants $387,158 4) The amounts contracted for expenditures are: ,. Account # Description Amount • 61-682-17 Indirect Cost $ 105791 _50 Participants - Salaries ~ Wages 347,949 -61 FICA 21,329 _62 Workmen's Compensation 5,219 _6g Blue Cross/Blue Shield 1,870- ' $38 17 58 This project ordinance shall be~.entered in. the minutes of the Board of Commissioners and within five (S) days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the Finance Officer, the Budget Officer and Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, New Hanover County. This ordinance to be effective, July 1, 1979. PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR GRANT PROJECT CETA II - CONTRACT NUMBER 2-95012-9-0-3300-2-0 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County WHEREAS: 1. New Hanover County is a contractor with the State of North Carolina, a prime sponsor for the Department of Labor under the Comp rehensive Employment and Training Act, and 2. County receives funds for various contracts in the CETA pr ogram, and 3. County desires to budget for_each of these contracts by an ordinance adopted by the Commissioners, such ordinance showing the t otal revenues and the total expenditures for the period of the contract. NOW, THE REFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 159-13.2. 2. This project is undertaken as a contractor with the State of North Carolina to carry out the provisions of the CETA Act. 3. The revenues that will finance said project are: Account # Description Amount '61-350-35 State Grants $781,618 4. The amounts contracted for expenditures are: Account # Description ~ Amount 61-681-17 Indirect Costs $ 24,202. -31 Salaries and Wages {Training) 25,000 -32 Fringes 7,000 -33 Other 84,108 -34 Travel 6,000 -36 Equipment Costs 9,000 -37 Supplies 20,000, -50 Participants Wages 558,653 -61 FICA 34,246 " -62 Workmen's Compensation 8,380 -69 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 5,029 $781;618 ~~ - .. S'' .AMENDMENT TO PRELIMINARY CONDEMNATION RESOLUTION OF THE - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute Section 153A-159(1) and North Carolina General Statute Section 153A- 274(3) authorizes New Hanover County to comdemn the land hereinafter described for solid waste collection and disposal systems and facilities; and, ~4HEREAS, on April 17, 1979, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County adopted a Preliminary comdemnation Resolution to initiate the comdemnation of a certain 299 acre tract of land described more fully therein and owned by International Paper Company for the above .enumerated. purpose, said Preliminary Condemnation Resolution having been recorded in Book 1148, Page 1029, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County; and, WHEP.EAS, subsequent to the adoption of the Preliminary comdemnation Resolution, the Board of Appraisers appointed to appraise the value of the property to be taken made an inspection of the land and premises, and received evidence submitted by New Hanover County and International Paper Company as to the value of the subject property to be taken; and, VdHEREAS, the Board of Appraisers on May 9, 1979 drafted their appraisal report as to the value of the land taken and the same was submitted to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on riay ll, 1979; and, WHEREAS, subsequent to the report of the Board of Appraisers, it has been determined that certain portions of_ the property described in the, Preliminary comdemnation Resolution may be unsuitable for the uses contemplated by New Hanover County, and that, therefore, it is necessary to amend the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution to set forth a new and G i revised description of the property to be taken and to set forth a procedure for the Board of Appraisers to reconvene and revalue the property as described in the amended description as contained herein; and, L~]HEF.EAS, International Paper Company, the owner of the subject property, has consented and agreed to this Amendment~to the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution. Now, therefore, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County resolves that: 1. Schedule A attached to the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution is amended to read as follows: Beginning at a point in the Southern right of way line of the New Holly Shelter Road (S.R. No. 1002), said point being South 54° 50' East 430 feet as measured along said Southern right of way line from the Southeast corner of the tract of land conveyed to Peter Braak et. ux, by deed recorded in Book 501 at page 363 of the New Hanover County Registry and said beginning point also being North 54° 50' ~rdest 30 feet from the centerline of the dirt road entering the property to be described. Running thence from said point of beginning along said Southern right of way line of the New Holly Shelter Road South 54° 50' East 800' to a point; thence South 13° 30' East 3,860 feet, more or less, to the Northern right of way line of the right of way conveyed to Carolina Power and Light Company by instrument recorded in Book 915 at page 493 o_f the New Hanover County Registry; thence along said Northern line of the Carolina Power and Liglit Company right of way South 60° 30' West 2,750 feet to a point; thence Northwardly 4,230 feet, more or less, to the Southwestern corner of the tract of land conveyed to Charity Pickett by deed recorded in Book 385 at page 569 of the New Hanover County Registry, said corner being in the run of Jumping Run Branch; thence Eastwardly with the run of Jumping Run Branch about .1,430 feet to a point that is 30 feet West of the centerline of the beforementioned dirt entrance road; thence Northwardly 1,010 feet more or less, following a line that is parallel to and 30 feet to the West of the centerline of said dirt entrance road to the point of beginning containing 225 acres, more or less, and being part of the tract of land conveyed to International Paper Company by Thomas R. Orrell by deed recorded April 27, 1947 in Book 390 at page 332 of the New Hanover County Registry. -2- Subject to: (.a) An easement granted and reserved to North East Lumber Company and E. L. Sleeper,. et ux, Eva Lawson Sleeper and the public generally by deed dated May 29, 1924, and recorded June 2, 1924, in Boo}: 157 at Page 44 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County. (b) Right of way and easement granted to the Tide Water Power Company, its successors and assigns, by Thomas R. Orrell by deed dated March 12, 1941, and recorded Larch 13, 1941, in Book 300 at Page 595, New.Hanover County Registry. (c) A perpetual easement 30 feet in width granted by International Paper Company to Carolina Power & Light Company by deed dated April 7, 1952, and recorded May 21, 1953, in Book 544 at Page 553 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County. (d) The right of adjoining landowners, the State of North Carolina, and the public generally in and to the old I:olly Shelter Road. (e) The rights of adjoining landowners, the State of North Carolina and the public generally in and to the State Highway leading from Castle Rayne to Hampstead. (f) An easement granted to Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns by International Paper Company by deed dated November 11, 1969, and recorded December 18, 1969, in Book 872 at Page 339, New Hanover County Registry. (,g) A right~of way granted to Carolina Power & Light Company, its successors, lessees, and assigns by International Paper Company by deed dated July 23, 1971, and recorded August 13, 1971, in Book 915 at Page 493, New Hanover County Registry. (h) 1979 ad valorem taxes and possibly subject to New Hanover County ad valorem taxes for prior years. 2. Paragraph 6 of the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution is amended so as to add the following paragraph after the last subparagraph appearing in said paragraph 6: On June 6, 1979, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., the Board ~- - of-Appraisers previously appointed, the same consisting of Neill M. Laney, Bill E. Huffine, and • Bruce Deschamps, shall reconvene at the site of -3- .~ the aforesaid property and shall view the aforesaid property and immediately thereafter retire to the New Hanover County Administration Building in order to hear any additional evidence presented by New Hanover County or the owner as to the damages and benefits which will result from the condemnntion of the property described in paragraph 1 above of this Amendment to the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution. Subsequent thereto, the Board of Appraisers shall determine the compensation to be paid to the owner by New Hanover County for its acquisition of the property described in this Amendment and the Board of Appraisers shall make `their report to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on or before June 8, 1979. The report shall show separately the amount of damage, the amount of benefits, and the amount of compensation to be paid to the owner. The report shall be sufficient if it is concurred in by two of the three appraisers. If no two of the appraisers can agree upon a report, or if the Board of Appraisers fails to report within the time allowed, a new ° Board of Appraisers shall be appointed in the same manner as the original board and shall follow the same procedure required of the original board. 3. In all other respects the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County shall remain the same as originally adopted. 4.. A copy of this amendment to the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution shall be served on the owner and, all other persons known to have an interest therein as named in paragraph 5 of the.Preliminary Condemnation Resolution. The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote, received the following vote and was duly adopted th i s day of ~~.,,.,,.~ 19 7 9 ; Ayes. ~ Noes: y Absent or Excused: ~y ~3 -4- • 4 CERTIFICATION I, Alyce B. Rusmisell, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of an Amendment to, the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution as adopted by t-he Board of ~ C"omini;ssioners of New Hanover County on the ~~= day ._ _ ~ o~f _ ` //~,~ ~~ 19 7 9 . J " ~ Alyce B. Rusmise 1 International Paper Company agrees and consents to the Amendment to the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution as hereinabove stated and herewith accepts service of the above Amendment to the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County adopted ,~/ a Service of copy ~~ ____~ of said Amendment to the Preliminary Condemnation Resolution in the manner prescribed for service of summons in a civil action by Rule 4(k) of the Rules of Civil Procedure (N. C. Gen. Stat. Section 1A-1) is hereby waived. INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY By. James Carr, Attorney for Inte ational Paper Company -5- AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: ~~ ~ D Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended, be, and the same is hereby further amended as follows: r 1. Revise Section 72-5, paragraph (1) to read: ~~. (1) Adhere to the following traffic related conditions: A. Proposed multi-family developments containing five or more units shall have direct and adequate access to an existing collector or arterial facility as indicated on the New Hanover County Thoroughfare Classification Plan. The adequacy of the facility which provides direct access from the residential area of the proposed development to the collector or arterial shall be judged in terms of its ability to: (1) safely handle the traffic generated by the proposed development; (2) accommodate the safe and efficient delivery of public services; and (3) prevent to every degree possible the traffic generated by the proposed development from intruding into existing or proposed residential development. Such access shall be designed to comply with the standards of the North Carolins Department of Transportation Secondary Roads System. B. The Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Department shall perform a traffic analysis for all proposed multi-family developments to determine the impact on traffic in the vicinity of the proposed development. In performing such analysis, consideration shall be given to the provisions of the above paragraph. Findings from the analysis shall be used as a determining factor for recommending approval or denial of the proposed development. In instances where such analysis reveals that modification to the site design would be necessary for the purpose of eliminating the adverse traffic impact in the vicinity of the proposed development, such findings may be used as a basis for recommending conditional approval of the development. Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted thi s '~ day of ~,~.-~_ 1979. ,- , Chairperson and Commissioner :~; ~,~ . Commi ss, oner Comm,;i'ssioner` l Commissioner Commissioner