1979-06-25 SpM Exhibits,,~ STATEMENT OF DEBT OF THE COUNTY OF NEW~HANOVER , NORTH CAROLINA, MADE AND FILED PURSUANT TO SECTION 159-55 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE ACT, AFTER THE INTRODUCTION OF THE BOND ORDER,(S) AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $20,000,000 BONDS, INTRODUCED AT A MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF SAID COUNTY HELD ON THE 25th DAY OF June 19 79- (a) Appraised value of property subject to taxation as certified by the County Tax Supervisor. (b) Gross debt as listed in the attached "Schedule of Gross Debt", (c) Deductions to be made from Gross Debt as listed in the attached "Schedule of Deductions", (d) Net debt (being the difference between the Gross Debt and Deductions). (e) Percentage that net debt bears to the appraised value of property subject to taxation. $ 45,170,000 $ -o- $ a~,i7n,nnn 2.50 ~ ~~~ ~'Ynance 0 ficer of v oun y of Neu Hanover, North Carolina Dated: June 25, 1979 ~, SCHEDULE OF GROSS DEBT (The debt described below should not include debt incurred or to be incurred in anticipation of the collection of tam es or other revenues or in anticipation of the .sale cf bonds other than funding and refunding bonds. The debt described below should r_ot include revenue bonds .) ~. Bonds authorized by orders introduced but not yet adopted: Purpose Amot._-nt t~Tater $20, 000, 000 Total $20,000,000 3. Uni ssue? bonds authorized by adopter orders Puroose Psnot:_-~t Tat.al $ _0_ C. Outstyr.aing debt not evicenced by bends So:~~'ce o` Debt P~.:r~ose ~~o~.:nt Total $ -0- D. Outstaning debt evidenced by bonds: Date of Bonds P~~rcose ~-~o~,~nt See Attached Schedule A Total $25.170,000 Total $ 45,170, 000 • ~r , 1 SCHEDULE OF DEDUCTIONS ~) Funding and refunding bonds authorized by orders introduced but not yet adopted. $ _~_ 3} Funding and refunding bonds authorized but not issued. $ _~_ C) Amount held in sinking funds or otherwise .for the payment of gross debt other than debt incurred for water, gas, electric light or power purposes or sanitary sewer purposes (to the extent deductible under Section 159-55 (b) of The Local Government Finance P.ct) . $ _p_ D) Bonded debt included in gross debt and incurred or to be incurred for water, gas or electric light or power purposes. $ _p_ . ~) Bonded debt included in gross debt and in- ' curred or to be incurred for sanitary sewer system purposes (to the extent deductible by subsection. (b) of Section 159-55 of The Local Government Finance Act). $ _p_ F) Uncollected special assessments levied or to be levied for local im~rovemen is for which gross debt was or is to be incurred, to the extent to be applied to tine payment of such gross debt. $ _p_ G) Estimate of special assessments to be levied for local improvements for which any part of gross debt (that is not otherwise deducted) was or is to be incurred, to the extent that the special assessments, when collected, will be applied to the payment of any part of gross debt. 6 TOTAL $ -0- $ _ 0 _ STATE OF NORTH C.~ROLZNA ) COUNTY OF NEt~I HANOVER ) ss.. George F. Cooper. being duly sworn, says that he is the Finance Officer of County of New Hanover in the State of North Carolina; that by a resolution passed by the Governing Board thereof he was authorized to make the Foregoing statement; and that the foregoing statement is true ay-~d kas made and subscribed by him after the introduction of the c_der or orders referred to in the headina_ of said ~ state- :~~nt. ~, Finan e Officer Swor:~ to and subscribed before ~e on the day of the date of said statement. y ~./' `..,, - --- - Notary P 11C ,, '~`_-. Co-~aiss ion expires the ~/~~ ~- day of ~~~ . - 19`rS~.3. _ , ~,, S ~"-.'~.' E Or NORTH CAROLINA ) CtJL~'TY OF NEW HANOVER ) I, the undersigned Clerk of the Board of Commissioners cf +,~e County of New Hanover , Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the acco~aoanying affidavit were filed ir. cf June .-1979, after the introd ciders referred to in the heading of .' _ II~T R'ITN'~";SS WI~REOF, I have af=ixed~the seal of said County cf June 19 7~• in the State of North foregoing statement and my office on the 25th day sction of the order or said statement. hereunto set my hand and this 25th day ,f~ Clerk, Board of Commissioners .~ '! r~ w w z w W H Z tV e trl w rl N to N • hM 1' 1 w r~1 N O N b_ O L'1 u1 N N O tc1 t~'1 N N O O O • • e • • • • • • e • • • • s s O .. .~a 't1 a1 N N '-1 ,•• +1'1 I'- ^~ ~O ~-~+ in ctl O :fl •4 Cq N •-~ ~ <+'i c+l v+ iP t`~ r-+ t~l ~+ t` O f~ ~a O •-O --a ~ .•d N c<1 N 00 07 p th w w w w w w w w w w w w :-+ ~ tr1 G'~ ~' ~' '-I N O !d'1 G7 O O O u1 1S1 O O C1 to to O O O c7 SV O O -c1 tc1 N N a ~ tsl N N O O O 0 0 • • • • s s • • • • • • • • 7 .-~ to ~n N N ~-+ *-+ u1 ~. f` ~O -a s~ a~ O n +J '~ ~ N r-+ ~-1 C+l ~'1 ~ fJ~ " r ~ -~ .^ i1 P - t'° rJ ~^ 1 ~~^^ t 1 ^ 1 v n ~ w w w w w w w w w w w ~ N a W ~ W a w ,. 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N N U~ cT u1 i`+ t~ C~ ~A t=.1 ~ a ~ r-f i'+. ~, ,..t Pd r-d N :sJ .~d .-1 ~ N h° tt} . ~. ~ p w a w w w O p .n N rY) '~' 7 N ~~ ~ W ~ r~ o .n w ~, w ~, ~- ~+ w 7 ' w ~ ;~' ~ Q ~ V ~ ~' l.t. ,~ ~ ur O O u.J ~ ~,u w ~ u :~.~ w w ~1J t-. w •~ w ~ x ~ ~ : ~ x pC cx s.u .J J 4 ri ...J %u ~ a w ~ w €1,J w w ~~ ~ a :~ a M 4 - - ~ a a w ~ ~ a v . „~ ~ '~ t.:a c.~ ~.a v a W C.S --1 !~ C] O 4 C] =/) ..J O O :~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w c~ t- a z ~ ~-! _ . ... ._ ~ z cry ,n ~_~ :n :if :.~ cn V a4 ~ U /~ v ~ <T p-4 ~ ~ F_ 0 -~ ._ - .~ - °~ ;~ c~ ^~ m N ~V N ~ ~ ~ to a~ a~ to ~- ,r •.o o w t.1 '.O .O '•.t'1 ~-n to u9 t1~ +~ v7 JU ~ ~ Ir t~ r. J g H E' N o w ri O ^'1 O .d ' O +'°1 •O r-1 O ~^i O r-+1 O .~d O .~ O r/ L7 .+~ O r-! ~~ r-1 O .-~ O r-1 O --~ O O O • a 0 O Q r -.~ w N i i J Q F- O 1-- .., ., ~ ., b~ ~- ~ . ~.,'~ .. 1;, ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA , • 1979-1980 BUDGET"ORDINANCE Be it ordained•by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Gounty;~North Carolina , in special session assembled: Section 1: The following amounts are hereby .appropriated "for the opera tion of New Hanover County government and its activities for the fi scal year beginning July 1, 1979, and ending June 30,..1980, .according , to .the , • following summary and schedules: • •. Estimated ~ Fund Balance Total • Summary Revenues Appropriated .Appropriations • .General Fund ~ $19,221,724 $1,117,635 $20,.339,359 Court of Justice - 14,927 14,927 .Debt Servi.ce•Fund 2,467,753" 140,000 2,607,,753 ," • 'Airport Operating Fund 490,439 (7,.9.32) 482,507 . Public Assistance Fund '4,301,`417 (119,000) 4,182,417 Public.Health Fund 1',.741,406 20,000 1,761,406 Revenue Sharing Fund 1,206,700 25,146 1,231,846 , ~ Jail~Const. Fund - Courthouse 15,000 15,-000 . . Water F~,Sewer Fund 76,465 2,667 ~ 79,132 • ' Reappraisal Reserve Fund 10,000 138,000 148,000 Public Schools Capital Res. Fund 500' 30,500 31,000 General Capital Reserve Fund 20,000 333,000 353,000 . Total Budget $29,536,404 $1,.709,943 ;.$31",246,347 ~ , • Section 2: That 'for said fiscal ,year there is hereby app ~ ropriate'd•out of the General • Fund the following: < , Code Department Appropriations 11 410 Governing Body $ 93,431 11 42.0. Administration 110,5.46 -11" 430 ~ Elections 93, 008 • 11 440 Finance . 137, 222 _ • 11 441 Data Processing 45,000 11 445~~ 'Contingencies 215,000 ' , 11••450 ~ fiax Listing and Collection 590,680 ' 11, .470. Legal S3, 600 •11~ 480. ~~ Register of Deeds 194, 265 11 490 ,"Planning and Zoning 106,923 , . ' ~ • ° 1.1 510 Sheriff. - Operating ° " ~ 1., 561, 775 • ll 520 Sheriff -'Jail. 341,221 , 11 522 Juvenile Services ~ :203,155 • 11;525 Civil Preparedness ~ 17;962 ~ . 535.•; Buildings and.Grounds ~ 11 467,861. • . 540 ".Inspections 11 477,272 , 11 555 Garage ~ - 90, 835 11 600 'Coroner 31,184 -" 11 615 Agriculture and Economics 61,613 11 620• Recreation 117,241 - 11 625 Museum 141,584 ~-- . 11 G30 ,Library ~ 421, 338 11 640 Clerk of Court 18,780 11 641• District Attorney ,' 3,065 , 660 Non-Departmental 11 577,152 ~ . 1.1 663 Transfers~to Other-Funds 5,641,433 •, 11 664' Contributions to Other Agencies 8,526,213 • ~ Total Appropriations - General Fund. • - $20,339,359 ' y „1 i Section 3: It is estimated that the following General Fund revenues will ,be~~. , available during the fiscal year beginning Jialy'l, 1979, and ending June 30, 1980, ~to meet the foregoing~General Fund appropriati ons: Code Revenue Sources ~ Amount 11 301 00 ;Taxes _ Ad Valorem - 19.79 $13,341",312 11 301. 01 Taxes = Ad Valorem - 1978 134,400 11 301; 02 'Taxes - Ad Valorem - 1977 35,000 11 301 03 Taxes - Ad Valorem - Prior 60,000 lI 317 00 Tax Penalties and Interest 65,000 11 318: 00 Tax Adverfising Fees 3,000 11 325~~ 00 Pr'ivile,ge Licenses 25,500 11 329 00 Interest on Investments ~ 400,000 , 11 331 00 ,.Rents and, Concessions 45,000 lI 331 0~1 'Garage Rental Income 1,000 11 335 00 ~ Miscellaneous Revenues ~ ~ 75,500 I1 335 O1 ,Library Fines ~ ~ 8,000 ' 11 339, 00 Intangibles Tax 523,397 _ 11 34 T. 00 Wine and Beer Tax ~ ~ 138,'796 11 342 00 Register `of Deeds Fees 221,.000 11 345 00 ~ Local Sales Tax ~ 2,982;250 11 346 00 ABC Bottle Charge - Mental Health ~ 57,091 11 347 0® ABC Revenue 418,000 11 348' 00 Sheriff Fees 27,000 11 349 10 Civil Preparedness Federal Grant 7,500 ., State Grants: 11 350 19 Coastal Area Management 240 11 350. 20 -Recreation 9,390 11 350 40 Library - Basic Grant ~ 4;0.00 11 350 41 Library'.- Personnel Grant 13,000 , ~11 350 42 '~ Library - Effort Grant 29,032 11 .350 43 State Aid - Per Capita Grant ~ ~ 881" 11 35'0 45 Juvenile Services -'.Subsidy ~ 65,000 11 35;0 46 Administration .Assistance ~ 52;500 11 351 00 Court Costs, Fees, and Charges 16,608 11 352 00 Facilities Fees ~ 75,000 II 353 00 :Municipal Tax Collection Fees 105,000. - ' 11 357 00 Inspe,ction.Fees '132,000 1~1 358 '00 Jail Fees ~ ~ ~ 20, 000 11 359 00 Juvenile Evaluation Fees 1,950 11 360 00 Returned Insurance Premiums 5.;000 11 367 .O1 ~ StateSales Tax Refunds ~ 28; 000 11 367 02 State~Gasoline.Tax Refunds 12,000 '11 380 00 Sale of Fixed Assets 10,000 11 -397 17 Transfer from~Court of Justice ~ _ 14,927 11 397 31 Transfer. from Airport Operating 26,450 11 397` 63 '. Transfer from Courthouse and Jail, 15;000 ' ~11 397 76 Transfer. from General Capital Reserve 17,000 . ~. Total Revenues - General Fund $19,221,724 Section 4: Fo r sa id fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Court of Ju stic e F urid the .following: , .~ Code. - Department Ap~opriation 1T:516 99 Clerk of Court ~ $ 14,927 . ~ i .. Section 5: It~is estimated that the following Court of Justice Fund revenues will ' be~avail;able during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979, and ending June 30, 1980, to meet the foregoing Court 'of Justice appropriations: $ - .0 - Se'ctio~i~ 6:. For•said"fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Debt Service ` Fund,the following: • Code Object of Expenditure Appropriation ' 21 575 81 Principal on Bonds $ 1,360,000 21 575 82 Interest on Bonds 1,242,753 ,.• 21 575 88~ Bond Expense ~ ~ •. 5,000 • Total Appropriations .- Debt~Service Fund $ 2,607,.753 .• Section 7: It is esti mated that the following Debt Service fund revenues will' be • " available during the fiscal year beginning July 1,:1979, and ending _ . June 30; '1 980,. to meet .the foregoing Debt Service. Fund appropriations: Code ~ - Revenue Source Appropriation • " 21 329 00 'Interest. on Investments $ 40,000 . 21 349 01 ~H.E.W:•.Interest Grant _,• 47,000 • 21..39.7 OT Transfer from General Fund 2,380,753, • Total, Revenues _'Dept.'Service Fund $,2,467,7.53 •rv• • Section 8: For said fiscal.year,.there is hereby appropriated .out of the Airport ' • Opera"ting Fund the sum of: $ 482,;507 ; Section .9: •It is esti mated that, the following Airport Operating~F.und revenues will' • be available during the fiscal .year beginning. July 1,197 9, and ending • June 30,..1980, to meet the foregoing Airport Operating Fund appropriations: Code ~ Revenue Source Amount 31 329 00- Interest on Investments '$ .4,100 • 31 331- 00. Rents and Concessions ~ _ 270,000 - • 31 333 O1 Landing Fees - ~ 59,000 31 333, 04 N~iscellaneous Income 500 31 367.©0 . Tax Refund - State 500 31 397 11 Transfer from General Fund• .. v 15'6,339 ' Total Revenues. - Airport Operating.;, $ 490,439 Section 10: For said fiscal•year there.is hereby appropriated out of• the Public - Assistance"Fund the following: - .'-:C®de Object of Expenditure Appropriation , 41 609 00 .Administration $ 2,043,056. 41 610 00 Public Assistance 1,986,166 41 611 00 Information and Referral -- 12,525 41 612 00 .Consumer Credit Counseling 28,700 41 617 00 Northside Neighborhood Center 11,749 41 618 00 Human Service Agencies .63,002 , - 41 619 00 Open House 37;2.19 . • • Total Appropriation - Public"Assistance • 'Fund $ 4;_182, 417 • -3- ,. ti' ~ , . Section 11:- It is estimated that the following Public' Assistance Fund revenues - 11'~ 'b•~ ~ " 1 bl d th 'f" 1 ~ ~ b J 1 1 1979 d 4 S'ection.l2: For, the said fiscal year-there is hereby, appropriated out of-the Public . ~ Health., Fund the following: wi e avai a. e uring~ e. isca year eginnang u y , an ' ~.endng~ Juiie :30, 1980,"to meet the .foregoing Public .Assistance Fund , appropriati ons: . ~C®de Revenue. Source Amount , 41 350 .03 State Public Assistance -AFDC $ 70,409., - - . ~ 41 350 '06 State •Fost'er Home Care 45, 000•` 4.1 350 09 AFDC -Foster 'Care • 56;327 41 350 10 ~. AFDC -Day Care and 'VIN Day :Care 329,893 •41' 350 I1. Purchased Services - Chore Services 138,232 • .41 350: 12 Family Planning: 3,800 ~~ - .-41. 350 14.E Program Staff -Administration 1,393,128, 41 350. 16 AFDC =,Day Care -40,780. 41 .3'50 17 Child Support Pro.grain '(Incentive) 25,000 .. 41 350 20 ~ Miscel~Ianeous .Revenue ~ - 7, 000- ' ~~ 41 3:50 ~21 Abortions I •30, 000 ~,.' 41 ` 350 23 Specialized. Foster Care ~ ~ 21, 060 •41 35,1 O1 State -•Information-and Referral Service. 9,394. 41 351., 02 Local - Informat"ion and Referral Service. •~ 3,131 '. 4'1.' ..352 ®1 State - Consumer Credit Counseling 20; 325 4I` 352-. 02 Local - Consumer :Credit Counseling 8,375' -41 •356 O1 .State - Northsde~Neighborhood Center . 8,812 ~. X41 356` 02 Local' - Northsde Neighborhood Center 2;937 • ; 4l 370 Ol Community = .Based Alternative Fund ~ 32,219 . - 41 397 11 Transfer from General Fund ~ 1,940,595 ~.Y f. 41 39.7 56 Transfer from Revenue"Shaing~- AFA Fund 115,00 • ., Total'Reveriues - Public Assistance Fund $ - 4,301,417 Code ~~ Object of Expenditure i Appropriation •~` ' ". 44 575 00 .. Animal Control- ' $ 169,893 " •. .44 590 00' Public Health Operati•onsi 1,143,822, - , 44 591 00 Maternal. and Child Healt~i ~ 100;494• 44 592. 00 Family.Paanning .~ 11.8,837 ' 44 593 00 Drainage and Mosquito Control .. . 97,932 44' 59,4 • 00' .Insect and Rodent Control - 53,973. . • .44 595 00 = Hyperteri~sion Screening !.' 30,960 . 44 597 00 Cancer Screening j'' ~ '. 10,464 '•k 44 538 00 Women, Infants, and Children 21,192 . " ,- 44 599 00 - DentaT'Health ~ E _ 13,839 • r. - Total Appropriations -'Public Heal l ' th Furidf $;1;761,406 Section l3: It . . . 1 ;, is,estimated that tli'e following .Public Health Fund revenues will be ~' ~ ~ available•d'uring.the fiscal ye`ar.begnning July 1, 1979, and•ending - • June .30,;1980;•,to meet the foregoingiPublic Health• ~ appropriations: ~. , ~ l Amount . C • ode e Sour Revenue • • •44 329 00. Interest on Investments .! ~. ~ $ 8,000 , • 44, 335 00 Miscellaneo~as Revenue ~ -. 3, 350. 44 359 00 Fees -'Other ~ 30,;000~- • 44• .359 O1 Animal' Control, Fees - ~ 36, 000 _ 44 361 13 School Health Program i, ~ 13,932 . - • 44 361 14 Dental'Project ! 13,839 : `44 .368 03 Federal' and State Grants 78,604 _ ', '44' .368. 04 Special Clinic ~ State l r 300 000 40 ' ~ .44 ~368~ 05 o • -, Drainage =Mosquito Cont , ; 44 368 06 Insect and Rodent Control -.State• 9;000 • 44 - _~ .368 07 T.B. Control -.-State ~ ~~ ~ 9,246 ' ` . ~. -4- ~ ~~ - . „ ~. - ~ , ._ Code 44 368 08 44 368 09. 44 368 10 44 368 11 44 368 12 44 368 15 44 368 16 44 397 11 Revenue Source V.D. Control - State Medicare and Medicaid Family Planning Maternal, Child Health, State Hypertension - State Cancer Screening State Grant - WIC Transfer from General Fund $ 4,260 60,000 118,8.37 100,494 30,960 10,464 21,192 1,152.,928. $ 1,741,406 Total Revenues - Public Health Fund Section 14:; For'said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund the sum of $:1,231,846 Section 15: It is estimated that the following Revenue Sharing Trust Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979, and ending June 30, 1980, to meet the foregoing Revenue Sharing Trust Fund appropriations: Code ~ Object of Expenditure Appropriation 56 349 00 General Revenue Sharing ~$ 1,091,700 56 397 77 Transfer from Law Enforcement Capital Project 115,000 Total Appropriations - Revenue Sharing Fund $ 1;206;700 Section 16: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Courthouse and Jail Construction Fund the sum of. $ 15,000 Section 17: It is estimated that the following Courthouse and Jail Construct ion Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979, and ending June 30, 1980, to meet the foregoing Courthouse and Jail Construction Fund appropriations: ~ _ . $ ' -0- Section l8: For said fiscal year there .is hereby appropriated out of the Water and Sewer Fund the sum of $ 79,1.32 Section 19: It is estimated that the following ',Hater and Sewer Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979, and ending June 30, 1980, to meet the foregoing Water and Sewer appropriati ons: Code Revenue. Source Amount , 64 335 00 Assessments - Other~Governments $ 1,874 64.349 60 Federal Grants: "201" Greater Wilmington 28,293.. 64 349'62 "201" Greater Wilmington II ~ 35,595 64 350 60 State Grants: "201" Greater Wilmington 5,061 64 350 62 "201" Greater tilmington II 5,642 Total Revenues - Water and Sewer Fund $ 76,465 Section 20: For said fiscal year there 'is hereby appropriated out of the Reappraisal Reserve Fund the sum of $ 148,000 -5- ~ ., .' ._ - . Section 21: It is estimated that the following Reappraisal Reserve Fund revenue's will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979, and ending June 30-; 1980, to meet the foregoing Reappraisal Reserve Fund appropriations: Code Revenue Source Amount 73 329 00 Interest on Investments $ 10,000 Section 22: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $ 31,000 Section 23: It is estimated that the following Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979,~and ending June 30, 1980, to-meet the foregoing Public Schools Capital Reserve Fund appropriations: Code Revenue Source Amount 74 329 00+ Interest on Investments $ 500 Section 24: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the General Capital Reserve Fund the sum of $ 353,000 Section 25: It is,estimated that the following General Capital Reserve Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979, and ending June 30, 1980, to meet the foregoing General Capital Reserve Fund appropriations: ' Code. Revenue Source Amount 76 329 00 Interest on Investments $. 20,000 Section 26: There is hereby levied in the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1980, the rate of $.7400 on'each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed valuation of taxable property as listed as of January 1,.1979, for the purpose of raising the revenues from current year's property tax as set forth in the foregoing estimates of revenue, and in order to finance foregoing appropriations. • Such rate is based on an estimated total appraised value of property for the purpose of taxation of $1,878,000,000 with are assessment ratio of 100% of appraised value. Estimated collection rate of 96% is based on fiscal year 1977-1978 collection rate of 97.41%. Section 27: Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the County Manager and the County Finance Officer of New Hanover County, North Carolina, to be kept on file by them for their direction in the collection of revenues and the expenditure of amounts appropriated. Adopted this 25th day of June 1979. -6-