1979-07-02 RM Exhibits{ .~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSU~,NCE 0~' $20,000,000 ?,~~_~1E=R BO\~DS 0~' 'S'HE COUi1TY OF NEj~~ Hf?~10VER" T~~HERL'AS, the Board of Commissioners of the County O! i\e~~j ~anOVer deeli;S It adVlSable t0 ma'~e the improvements -cereinafter described; and ~~IJERE S, the Board has caused to be filed with t:~e Secretary of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina an application f_or Commission approval of the bonds Hereinafter described as required by The Local Government Finance Fct, and the Secretary of the Local Government Com- ri_ssion has notified ti,~e Board that the application has been `fled a=iC accepted for SL2bm1SS10n t0 the LOCal Government Co~mi ssion ~ NOti~T, Tf?ERE~'ORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Bcard of CCir:~-rIi ssioners of tl~e Count= of Ne~~a Hanover, as follows; Section 1. The Bcard of Commissioners of the County- of '~e~,- Hanover has ascertained and hereby determines that it is neceSSa?'y t0 prCVl.de a S~%StE'?I? fOr the suppll%, Storage, tree,t- ~::ent and distribution of water, includin~x the construction of transmission and distribution lines, pumps and storage facilities, the acquisition and installation of ec?uipn?ent and machinery rewired therefor and the acquisition of necessary land ar:d -~ciZts-in-land, and to may capital costs of such s~7stem. Section 2. In order to raise the money required to pay Cam:=1ta1 CCS'~S CZ prCVl.dInQ tile' Sy~tel?l 2S Set fCrtl"1 aiJOV~~ in addition to any funds which ma~~ be made available for such p~..:rpose f?-om any other SOUrCE, bonds of the County of tve~a Hanover. ~.re hereb~.> authorized and shall be issued r~ursuant to tiie Local .• ~~ CCVeri7~'...... ~ ~'_.. ,nC° C:` O_ ~.O_ .-.. C<:.=ol_na , m.'.e iil~:.,? iT,~::;? G~"'C".,y;:~i ~e Dr1nC'_Da1 a;i:Ol`nt C. Sa_C .JOnQS cuL:IC'_-'!~ZeC b~- f_h1S bonC1 OrQer ~ra?1 ~e $20,OGO,OGO. Section 3, ~ ta:: su-`~.cie :t to. pay the Drincipal o= ai:d i-tErest cn sa_u bci-_ds ~•;her aup shall be ar_nually ~ EV1EC and COl 1 r`Ctcd. `T'nc reVEPt1eS Oi tl~e COLlii''~y' S WatE'r .-~ S`1%Steiil, O110i•,"1nGc.D'J11Ca-~10n t''jeY'e0i t0 pay thE'' OperdtlnC, _ s 'iclri'i.ei7a=,Ce ~P_~ Cc::1 ~cl Oiii_lcy E;`T~•C:]SeS O` Si.iC1'i S~%Ste?7l, Shall -- ~E SnC c=e ~"?~'re~y _,1 eC %c G'' t0 t,_~lE Gc'J ~1Gnt Gt trle interest On ~i:Q D.r1i':C~ nil O` Sc'1d CC_1CS, I~7-O"JiC. d Mat SuC~'i re':TenueS ITTd1.% also be nlec,ed o~ ari e~:u~l r:asis Lo ti-te pat~ment o= interest On cnC _ =1=?Cl~~~l O~ FJC:IGS O~ ~_^.e COli?7 y :~ereG_ ~~r 1SSUeCi `Or =?':OrO~'e_itC:7tS t0 Si1CI1 t•iGt°r SVSE'1, CECtiGn ~ . ._ S'v,"Orn _tcteiii°i~t Oi tiiE COliS'it~% ~ S QeL>~ r!%--S OEe== --~ eG ~ri.'_ ~}? ~~"le C! E'_'":l 0- i..-!E iSCc'.rC. O__ COIiL't 1SSi07le?"c c_iZQ 1S C~~eri ~O 'JlL'J~ 1C '_n~i•eCL10P_. Section 5. `_'his bone order shall to}:e e; fect ~•;hen c^J?-OV2d C1' t}1e VOLE?-S 0- t~?e COicIZtV Oi ?`'E'TA' ~~Ci10Ve1;' ~t ~ 1'11E _O.reCO? riG DC~'G OrGer :?~S Jet='-:'==1L?=GC1UCeC. c"1 C1 2 S;•:O'"=? S~-cte=iiE.lt O G{e.Ot I'!GS :~eeri i~ leCT unGcr the LOCaI COVern::lEilt ~O~Cl c:C~- SP_OTd1_"'-C ~~~E'_ G=p?"c_SEC 'vc~L'°_ Or tie COtlrtt~' O~ ~'e~,- t7an0~'e?" to be $1~ g03, 334, 201x'-d L`=e net cebt thereo= , includinc the prcoosec bones, to be ~-45,170,000 ~ r- tax T~Till ire levied to ^a_" L'tje Dri riCi ~cl O_ c~C i:1tErESt Cif L~'ie .bOndS l~ theV are i SSUeQ, ~n~%0=:e W'=0 ~-~ Si'ES ~O be hEcrO Oil 'tl~e CueStlOnS Gi the "c t 1C11V 0= trie :JOnC O.C:er GiIC ~ :e aCJ1Scb111t\% O. ivSLl.";C the bO~dS iilc~' 4p~ear ~;-. ~ ~ubl~ C ^e?rl`'_C O?" an acjOU?~n?dent thereOS to be tielc at. the Assernbly Room in tY>e New Hanover County Administration Building, 4th and Chestnut Streets, Wilmington, North Carolina, at 9:00 o'clock, A.. M., on .the 2nd day of July, 1979. a ~~ /~y Clerk, Board of Commissioners New Hanover County, North Carolina ,. STATE O _10R^H CAROLINA COU2.TY OF NEj'i HAi~10VER . ss.. I, ALYCE B. RUSMISELL, Clerk of the Board of Commiss_oners of the County hereinafter described, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, as -ollocls: 1. ~ A regular meeting of the County of New Hanover, a Carolina, was duly held on July meeting have been duly recorded in accordance with-law for the of said Boarc. of the county 2, 197 in the ?urpose Board of Commissioners in the State of North 9 and minutes of said Minute Book kept by me of recording the minutes 2. I have compared the attached extract with said riinutes so recorded and said extract is a true copy of said r.~inutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said minutes relate to matters referred to in said extract. 3. Said ninutes correctly state the time when said r,~eetirg was convened and the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board who attended said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of said County, this 2nd day of. July, 1979. _ _ ~~,,: ~ -_ ~-~ Cle Board of Commissioners w ~ ~._ ~ of New Hanover County, North Carolina '~ Received July 3, 1979, at j~:3~ o''clock a. m. p! +~ ~^. New Hanover County Board of. Elections (SEAS ). ~, Dorothy Harrell, Supervisor of Elections ~, J~i -:. ik . ( ~.7:'i.; l.. • ~ ~ {' :F EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County was duly called and held at the Assembly Room in the New Hanover County Administration Building,, 4th. and Chestnut Streets, Wilmington, North Carolina, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. on Monday, July 2, 1979. The following Commissioners were: Present: Ellen C. Williams, Chairman Howard L. Armistead, Jr. Karen E. Gottovi Claud O'Shields, Jr. Vivian S. Wright Absent : None The following is a true copy of a portion of the minutes of the meeting: * * * * * * * * * * ;;~. ~~:,~ t. ~: ~.~, The Clerk reported to the Board of Commissioners that the bond order which had been introduced on June 25, 1979 had been published on June 26, 1979 in the manner required by law, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing thereon on July 2, 1979 at 9:00 o'clock, A .t2. The Clerk also reported that the County's Finance Officer had filed in the Clerk's office a statement of debt complying with the pro- ., visions of The Local Government Bond Act, and such statement as filed showed the net indebtedness of the County to~be 2,50 0 of the appraised valuation of property in the County subject to taxation. Comm. Karen E. Gottovi moved that the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the water bond order. The 1 ; f .. A t !,- u'lOtiori was seconded by Comm. Howard L. Armistead, Jr, unanimously adopted. and was ti E~.,t 9:05 0' clock, A .M. , the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners announced that the Board would hear anyone who wished to be heard on the questions of the validity of the water bond order and the advisability of issuing the bonds. At~tlie direction of the Chairman, the Clerk read the bond order and the published notice of hearing. After the Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard, comm. Karen E. Gottovi moved that the public hear- - i ng be closed. The motion was seconded by comm. Claud o'shields, Jr. and was unanimously adopted. - Comm. Claud O'shields Jr. moved that the Board of - Commissioners adopt without change or amendment and direct the Clerk to pubhish as prescribed by The Local Government Bond Act the bond order entitled, "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of 520, 000, 000 j~7ater Bonds of the County of New Hanover", introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on June 25, 197 9 . The motion was seconded by. Comm. Howard. L. Armistead, Jr. and was adopted by the following vote: AYES : Chm. Ellen C. Williams Comm. Howard L. Armistead, Jr. Comm. Karen E. Gottovi Comm. Claud O'Shields, Jr. - Comm. Vivian S. Wright ' NAYS : None Comm. Claud O' Shields, Jr. , moved the adoption ~~, of the following resolution which was read at length to the Board: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has adopted the bond order hereinafter described authorizing the issuance of $20,000,000 Water Bonds and such bond order and the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of such bonds and the tax to be levied--for 'the payment of such bonds should be submitted to the voters of the County of New Hanover for their approval or dis- approval in order to comply with the Constitution and laws of North Carolina: NOW., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The question whether the qualified voters .of the County of New Hanover shall approve or disapprove (a) the t indebtedness~to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of the County authorized by the aforementioned water bond order, which indebtedness shall.be secured by a pledge of the County's faith and credit,. (b) the levy of a tax for the payment thereof, and (c) said bond order, shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said County at an election to be held in said County on September 4, 1979. (2) .The Cler}c is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice~of said election which shall be in substantially the following form: ~'~. . ,_, . +~i.x, 'y~~~ ~. ..y(. rtif" ., `,ry~,5 t ~t. 3 k E i t tai { ~~ TF,Y.~t W ~ LS. .. Y'` 1?...~ .-k i `., , p !, ._ COL~ITY CF ?dEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA '1C-TICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION ::., ~~: . :; :,_. ,~~ s `. i ';w~ ". `.. Z:OTICE IS ~-~REBY GIVEN that a special election will be held in the County of New Hanover.,.North Carolina, on September ~, 1979, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said County the question whether they'shall approve or disapprove, (1) the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said County of the maximum principal amount of $20,000,000, which indebtedness shall be secured by a pledge of the County's faith and credit, and (2) the levy of a tax for the payment of.such bonds and (3) the bond order entitled, "Bond Order authorizing tze issuance of $20,000,000 Water Bonds of the County of New Hanover", adopted by the Board of Commissioners on July. 2, 1979, to authorize the issuance of said bonds and the levy of such tax. Thy ~9ater Bonds are authorized to pay capital costs of providing a system `or the supply, storage, treatment and distri- bution of water, including the construction of transmission and distribution lines, pumps and storage facilities, the acquisition and installation of equipment and machinery required therefor and the acquisition of necessary land and rights-in-land. The hallos to be used at said election shall contain the words, "SHn.L~L the order authorizing $20,000_,000 of bonds secured by a pledge or the faith and credit of the County of New Hanover to pay capi~al costs of providing facilities for the supply, storage, treatment and distribution of water., including the cori- struction o~ transmission and distribution lines, pumps and r_.. -__ ~. ~ ;~'~ ' _ ~' _ ~ ' 4 (' storage facilities, the acquisition and installation of equip- ment an;l machinery required therefor and the acquisition of _.ecessar~- land or riches-in-land, and a tax to be levied .or the payment thereof be approved?", with squares labelled ^yFS" and "NO" beneath or beside such words in which squares the voter may record his choice. In the event a majority of the qualified voters voting at said election vote to approve such order, the incurring of such indebtedness and the levy of such tax, said bonds shall be issued and a tax shall be levied for the payment of such bonds. The polls for the election will open at the hour of 6:30 o'clock,. A.M"., and will close at the hour of '/:30 o'clock, P . '~i . The election will be held at the following polling places in each of the respective election precincts: Polling Place Precinct Dudley School ` 920 n. 6th Street Wilmington #1 Tiles ton .School 412 Pnn Street Wilmington #2 ,William Hooper School 410 Mures Street Wilmington #3 Sunset Park; Junior High School 201 Ter_nessee Avenue Wilmington #4 ~5 Fire Station 1502 wellington Avenue Wilmington #5 hew Hanover High School . Brogden Hall Wilmington #6 ~~illiston Junior High School 401 South 10th Street Wilmington #7 ' Lake Forest, Inc. -250 Pir_ecrest ParkG.a:7 Wilmington #8 tr.,~_, ;, . :, ,, 5 ,;~, . _ - - ~ '; 1' - . ,: ~6 ,; Polling Place Chestnut Street School 2150 Chestnut Street .Catlett School 814 Colwell Avenue #2 Fire Station 3403 Park Avenue Forest Hills School 41.0 Colonial Drive , Winter Park Presbyterian Church ,4501 4~rightsville Avenue r~oland Grise Jr. High. School 4412 Lake Avenue ~~'illiam H. Blount School 3702 Princess Place Drive Wrightsboro 640 Castle Hayne Road St. Stanislaus Rectory Castle Hayne, N,C, E. A. Laney High School - Highway #132 ~~7inter Park School 204 MacMillan Avenue American Legion Building Masonboro Loop Road Bradley Creek School 6002 Oleander Drive College Park School 5001 Oriole Drive Noble Junior High School 6620 Market Street P.ipa Industries 112 N. College Road Ogden Voluntary Fire Dept. Ogden h'rightsville Beach School Harbor Island. ~~' - Pine Valley School ~~. Pine Valley Estates k .F ~: 6 Precinct Wilmington #9 Wilmington #10 Wilmington #11 Wilmington #12 ' Wilmington #13 Wilmington #14 Wilmington #15 Cape Fear #1 Cape Fear #2 Cape Fear #3 Harnett #1 Harnett #2 Harnett #3 Harnett #4 Harnett #5 Harnett #6 Harnett #7 Wrightsville Beach Masonboro #1 i- `~ ~~;~.a . . g. ' . Polling Place Precinct '~, *iasonboro Baptist Church 1501 Beasley Roac Masonboro n2 New Hanover Rescue Squad 4550 Carolina Beach ,"Road" Masonboro ';3 Trinity Presbyterian Church 3701 South Collece Road Masonboro r4 Myrtle Grove Baptist Church 2•iyrtle Grove" Sound Masonboro '; 5 Hank's Chapel Carolina Beach Road Federal Point ttl Carolina Beach Torn Hall Carolina Beach, N.C, Federal Point ~2 Kure Beach To~••~n Hall Kure Beach, v.C. Federal Point n3 The registration records will be kept open at the office of the New Hanover County Board of Elections, located at the County Administration Building, 149 N. 4th Street, 6~ilmington, north Carolina, from 8:00 0' clock, A.r'i. , until 5:00 0' clock, P.M. , . t ~•londay throu~,h Friday, through August 6, 1979. The respective Registrars and Judges of Election for the above Precincts may register voters, by appointment, through August 6, 1979. Informa- tion concerning the names and addresses of the Registrars and Judges of Election. can be obtained from the New H anover County Board of Elections at the office set forth above. The last day for registration for the election will be August 6, 1979. Any qualified voter who (1) expects to be absent from the County during the entire period that the polls are open on said election day, or (2) because of sickness or other physical disability will be unable to be present at the polls to vote in person on said day, or (3) is incarcerated and otherwise entitled to vote 'in said election, or (4) is an employee of the County Board ~.~~„~ ;~ •~:~ 7 ,~- • ~ ~' ~ . of Elections and his assicned duties on the day of election will cause him to be unable to vote in person, may apply for an a].:sentee ballot to be used in voting at said election. Informa- tion concerning the time and manner for applying for an absentee ballot, including the last day for making such, application, can be obtained from the New Eanover County Board of Elections at the o=fice set forth above. By order of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover. Clerk, Board of Commissioners New Hanover County, North Carolina ;, '~;, ~4a..• i~y~;_ .?.;?` Said notice of special election shall be published at least- t~,~ice. The first publication shall not be less than 14 days and the second publication not less than 7 days before the last day on which voters may register for the election. Y (3) The polls for said election shall be opened and - closed at the times and at the places stated in said notice and electors shall be registered for said election in the manner stated in said not ice . (4) The New Hanover County Board of Elections is. hereby requested to print and distribute the ballots and to provide for the registration books and equipment for the holding of said election and to conduct and to supervise said election. (5) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners shall mail •or deliver a certified copy of this-resolution to the New Hanover County Board of, Elections within three days after the resolution is adopted. Comm. Howard L. Armistead,. Jr. seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously adopted. * * ~ * * x ,t~: ~y 9ti~ tit .. ~ ~. ~ 4-.-.. ~ ~ .. ~ e~ ~ ~ t ., a ~„ ~, -- - -., k~~.;' June 2~7, 1979 :+ ~~ The County Board of Commissioners New Hanover County Administrative Office Building Fourth and Chestnut Str- Bets Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Re: Figure 8 Island Proposed Multi-Family Condominium Devclopement . . , Deax Commissioners: I have been asked to expound in more particular detail on my previous letter to the Wilmington New Hanover Planning Department in February, 1979. ,~ In that letter- I was asked to answer two narrow questions concerning the proposed Development which did not allow me to properly address the risks• which are inherent in this proposed development . I was asked whether our volunteer fire department could provide "normal fire service to the project" . To this question I answered in the affirmative, and still do. However, I wish to now explain my ' ~ ~ answer . • . ~~- Normal fire service or protection - is the level of fire pr. erection that most people provide for therr~selves with home fire extinguisher and garden ' hose. While this normal service can be provided to Figure 8 Island any fire .. ,' in the Figur. e 8 Island proposed condominiums could not be classified as normal ' ,and would involve a high degree of risk because of the following facts: ' a. Remoteness -Figure 8 Island is beyond our four mile rating ~. ~ ~; district. It is approximately six miles from the'station to the '. causeway -the four mile radius is the limit which experience ' . and fire insurance adjustors tell us beyond which the response time to a fire report would be so late that the chance. of saving - the structure is minimal. There are gener-al problems associated . with this area's remoteness: ~• ';:' .- ;~; ' (i) The present bridge is inadequate and at low tide our tanker truck is not even able to cross to the island . (ii) Bridge openings - an open bridge during an attempted "'. response to a fire would cr. Bate an additional risk and hazard. (iii) Nearest help would be the,,-Winter Park Volunteer .end Sexyy Cate Fire , ' Departments the Empie Park Station or the Ba~-':1ey ~ae<iul ~u~~?in.¢if,} \ '',, The County Board of Commissioners Page 2 Hills Station -all of these stations are over fourteen miles away and their response time would probably average` thirty minutes to the fire. • (iv) Our response time -due to our being a volunteer unit • our members must be summoned at home or at work in °~~• ~ the event of a fire . During the day (when volunteers ' are at work) the response time to a fire within the four • ~ ~ mile radius would be ar. ound fourteen minutes . At night (when volunteers are at home -closest volunteer ' , lives approximately 3/4 mile from the station) the ' response time to a fire would'be around eleven minutes . ' You would have to add approximately four minutes to these times to compute arrival time to the site of ,,, ,~ • the proposed condominiums on Figure 8 Island. b. Structure proposed. The proposed condominiums are to be constructed on pilings elevating the first floors high above the ground level the main two story structures are to be constructed on top of this. This ' • , is a tall structure and with our present equipment and ladders we would be unable to reach the roof top which is important in fire .a ~ protection and fighting : In order to solve this problem an aerial truck would be the best solution . W e do not have such a truck . available to us nor will our budget permit one being purchased at ~~ . , this time . 'b. ~. ' In addition, the ocean front condominiums ar. e to be constructed bf wood siding which has no appreciable resistance to fire . The ~ . ` several buildings are lined up side by side with only approximately ' ten feet separating the buildings. ,The space is inadequate to ' provide any buffer space or zone between buildings and allows little ' access or fighting room between the structures . Each building, would contain approximately five or six apartments side.by side which must be considered as one large unit for fire danger and protection purposes. This poses a much greater risk than single `. family detached dwellings . ' .. c. Wind Factor-the ocean front condominiums are lined up parallel to the beach front=this is in general in a line with the normal prevailing «inds . ~ This wind factor would tend to create an additional hazard because it would tend to spread the fire down the line rather than away from the balance of the units. This danger is not present with single family separated and detached dwellings . d. Water supply-at present our two pumper truc]ts carry 750 gallons and 1000 gallons respectively. Our two tanker trucks can carry 1200 and 6500 gallons respectively. The large tanker. cannot cross the bridge at low .tide at present . W e have pointed out that this water supply is The County Board of Commissioners Page 3 ' inadequate to fight a fire of any size. the swimming pool would , provide an additional resevoir in the summer when it is filled but because of its location would only be of real help if the fire was in one of the three most southern units . The other units are too far away to pump the water under sufficient pressure to ' ~ ~ ., the units with present equipment . W e would need an additional pumper truck to use as a relay . The sound would provide an additional water source only for the sound side condominiums. Because of its distance to the ocean front condominiums, it would be of no real benefit. The present water supply on the island is inadequate to provide us with sufficient water to fight the type of fire risk imposed by this development . Our pumps would suck the present supply on the island dry and it doesn't have any agpreciab.le recovery rate. Due to circumstances outlined above it is our opinion that in the event one apartment unit in the proposed ocean front condominiums became completely involved with fire the wind factor, remoteness factor, structure factor and lack of sufficient water would give us little or no chance of saving that apartment or' the unit in which it was located from destruction . Our efforts would probably be most productive by concentrating on trying to prevent the fire from spreading down the ;., ~ ro~v to other independent buildings. This takes an awful lot of cooling water. The fire itself would be like five or six houses burning down at once-alot of heat-this . magnifies the danger not pr. went on the island at this time. Afire in any end unit would be most dangerous because of the ventilation factor (i.e. additional windows and the exposure to the wind,) .. If the wind factor was particularly adverse at the time of the fire there is the risk of losing all of the units. It should be noted that even with the 1GSs hazardous single family development presently existing on the island, the last two fires on the island totally destroyed the houses involved. It is r_oteworthy that any one of these proposed units is larger than the normal or average home within our service area and because of its elevation, size,. location, construction and remoteness pr. esents a much greater risk than is normally faced by us . In the event these condominiums are built as proposed and due to the foregoing risks we would most likely request assistance from o±her units if we .received a fire report. While it is my opinion their response time would come too late (25 to 30 minutes) to assist in saving the unit in which the fire occurred they would be helpful in preventing the risk and danger of. the fire being spread down the line. We again urge that if these condominiums are allowed on Figure 8 Island that the water storage and pumping capacity on the island must be greatly increased. Fire hydrants should be installed, access for pumper trucks to the proposed swimming pool installed and a new bridge capable of handling our large tanker trucks be provided. i 'v i~:~ `.,. The County Board of Commissioners Page 4 We• shpul~ 1~3~eadditional hose and a third pumper truck and an aerial truck is strongly recommended. In summation, the risk and dangers of fire under optimum preventive circumstances is always too great. If we add to this the normal risk the factors present with the proposed multifamily condominium development on Figure 8 Island these being their remoteness, bridge, openings, availability of help, response time, elevation and height of the proposed buildings, construction material proposed, adjoining apartments and closeness of buildings to each other, wind factor on condominiums, inadequecy of water supply or pumping capacity and size of the apartments then in our opinon the risk is greatly magnifiecl._ ___ _ y__~~`___ _._ ' ~ Sincerely yours, ' L/ ' E .~i_. Covil, Jr , Cheif, Ogden Volunteer Fire Department -~. ~- /~ I, LARRY J. FOWELL, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and lativs of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully. discharge the duties of my office as Tax Administrator of New Hanover County, North Carolina, and that I will not allow my actions as Tax Admin.istrator~ l to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. ~;,, .,-", r ~ r Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd rday~o,~ July, 1979. _~ Clerk Superior Court New Hanover County