1979-07-23 RM Exhibits,, LARRY 1. POWELL Tax Administrator 763-0991 RAYMOND E. BLAKE, JR. Appraisal Supervisor 763-2462 ~~anober ,; -~ ~~~1, 320 CHESTNUT STREET ~iitnittgtott, ~. c~. 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU JUNE 30, 1979 1978 Charged Per Scroll $11,681,843.69 Discoveries Added 1,820,360.50 . $13,502,204.19 Less Abatements - 47,5.59.62 Total Taxes Due New Hanover Co. $13,454,644.57 Total Collected -13,126,516.13 Outstanding Balance $ 328,128.44 Percentage Collected 97.56% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 409,753.20 Less Abatements - 7,094.34 Total Collections to Date - 218,362.98 Outstanding Balance $ 184,295.88 Percentage Collected 54.23% CHERYL R. ROBERTS Listing Supervisor 763-8439 JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 763-7385 1977 $11,092,525.59 '1,781,668.62 $12,874,194.21 - 35,131.47 $12,839,062.74 -12,506,430.79 $ 332,631.95 97.41% $ 467,381.79 - .3,257.33 - 284,886.51 $ 179,237.95 61.38% Personal Property Taxes $ 415,166.59 $ 361,133.31 Less Abatements - 25,737.98 - 12,968.37 Collections to Date - 56,549.56 - 67,366.71 Outstanding Balance $ 332,879.05 $ 280,798.23 Percentage Collected 14.52% 19.35% Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date $20,449,626.43. This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1978. . ~~ c c~.,Y.~, ~1~.3 ~1` .. _ ~` Respectfully submitted, ~~ nie B. Straughn Collector of Revenue JBS / p j r i~~~ MEMBER IA/.~O INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS ~~~/ `~~~ .,, MEMORANDUM July 11, 1979 TO: Mr. Dan W. Eller County Manager FROM: Larry J. Powell Tax Administrator SUBJ: Abatements. and Refunds i~ Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Jack Alford 2. Joe Barnett 3. Paul Gainey 4. Michael Johnson 5. William Johnson 6. Donald Johnston 7. Edward Richard 8. Catherine Rutter 9. Michael Sanders 10. Theodore Stephens $ 14.17 1,331.08 (1975-77) 8.95 21.64 1.63 22.57 62.06 (1975-77) 37.62 52.53 17.14 (1973) Request the following taxes be released as the personal property is not located within the city or town limits: 1. Jon Bowers $ 41.50 2. William Brainard 57.62 3'. George Brown 116.36 4. William English 61.08 5. Homer Inman 9.64 (1973) Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: 1. Steve Anderson $ 28.29 2. Lester Bryant 25.04 3. Lula Daniels 55.99 (1974) 4. Willie Davis 3.76 5. Randall Frank 18.85 (1975) 6. Dean Peterson 41.38 Ray and Dorothy Atkinson request they be refunded $120.05 which they paid in listing penalties for 1978. They certify that they placed the listings in the mail during the month of January 1978. ,. ~ ~ Mr. Eller Page 2 July 11, 1979 Request these items be placed on the agenda of the County Commissioners' meeting of July 23, 1979. cc: Mr. Fox Mrs. Rusmisell LJP/p j r r ARTICLE VII - CONTINUED Sec. 25. Military Leave Permanent employees who are members of the National Guard or Armed rorces Reserve will be allowed ten (10) work days military training }.cave with pay for the following. periods of service: Annua}. active dut}r for f:ra.i.ning (commonly referred to as summer camp, field training, et.c.); unannounced practice al.exts when they occur on any employee's normal workday; and attendance at service schools in lieu of annual active duty training. Z~or periods i.n excess of ten (10) working days, employees shall be entitl.eci to militar}r leave cai:th, da.ffe~~e~lti~a.l pay between military pay and regular government pa.y if the military pa.y is the lesser. The employing agency may require the employee to submit a. copy of hisjher orders or other appropriate documentation evi_denci.ng per.forma.nce of required military duty.. During .the periocT of mili.tar}r I.ea.ve wit] pay, no employee shall incur any loss of service or suffer any adverse service ra?:ing. He shall continue to earn and accumulate sick and annual leave,. earn time to- ward his next salary increment, receive any promotion or a:llcrement for which he might otherwise be eligible. Sec. 26. Civil Leave All county employees called for jury duty or as witnesses in any civil or criminal legal proceeding will be entitled to leave with pay for such. duty during the required absence. 1Vhen a county employee ata:ends court in connection with his official duties, no leave is required. t'Vhen an employee a~taends court in connection with his official duties, all time spent.in court and in travel to and £r.•om home, or place of work to court will be considered working time and no leave will be required. An employee may keep fees and travel allowances received for jury or witness duty in addition to his regular compensation, ex- cept that employees must turn over to neiv Hanover County any witness fees or travel allowances awarded by the- court for court appearance in connection with their official duties. The county will compensate employees for travel, room -36- ~ w_ ARTICLE VII - CONTINUED ... _ f,~ o Sec. 26. Civil Leave - Continued and board, and special expenses incurred while serving as witnesses in connection with their official duties. t1'hile.on civil leave, benefits and leave will accrue as though on regular duty. Sec. 27. Administrative Leave During periods when the Manager deems inadvisable for employees to report to work, such as inclement weather, he may authorize administrative leave, which shall not be.charged to sick or annual leave. Administrative leave may also be granted for partial periods of a work day for purposes such as voting. -36a-