1979-08-20 RM Exhibits NEW HANOVER COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE Jr ~ a ~ r NEW HANOVER COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE An Ordinance creating a New Hanover County Animal Control Division of the New Hanover County Health Department prescribing the duties of the di- vision, regulations regarding animals, and providing for the enforcement of said regulations. 'The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County herewith ordains: IN GENERAL PURPOSES: The purposes of this ordinance include but are not limited to defining and prohibiting the abuse of animals; regulating, restricting or omitting the production of noises or other sounds that tend to annoy, disturb, or frighten, citizens of the county; regulating, restricting, or prohibiting the keeping of strays, the running or going at large of any domestic animals, including dogs and cats; regulating, restricting or pro- hibiting the possession or harboring within the county of wild animals dangerous to persons or offensive to the senses; summarily removing, or remedying public nuisance animals that are dangerous or prejudicial to the public health; and levying an annual license tax on the privilege of keeping dogs within the county. DUTIES OF OWNERS AND CARETAKERS: The owner of any anitael which com- wits a nuisance upon the property of another person or who damages another person's property or person, shall be responsible and accountable for those acts. The presence of any stray animal or animal at large, as here- inafter defined, within the county of New Hanover shall be declared to be prima facie evidence of a public nuisance and is violation of this ordin- ance. Animal owners shall provide their animals with humane shelters from .Z ~, i heat, cold, rain, wind and snow; and shall provide food and water adequate to keep their animals in good health and comfort. All animals shall be given reasonable care and provided by their owners with veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering. It shall be unlawful for any person to poison or maim any animal or to abandon same. Unwanted animals shall be given to the Animal Control Center to be sold or otherwise disposed of in a humane manner. ENFORCEMENT: To abate the aforementioned problems and enforce regu- lations hereinafter set forth, primary responsibility therefore ie here- by delegated to the New Hanover County Health Department. This ordinance is supplemental to any state laws pertaining to animal control or care and the enforcement thereof. Responsibility for the promulgation of rules and regulations and the establishment of fee schedules shall tae delegated to the Board of Health in order to operate and maintain the Animal and Rabies control program in New Hanover County. .. , .. , . ~ ,. SECTION 1. CREATION OF NE~J HANOVER COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH There is hereby created the Animal Control Division of the Department of Public Health of New Hanover County hereinafter " Animal Control Division" which shall be compose of the Health Director, Animal Control Director and such employees as shall be determined by the County Board of Health and ap- proved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. The said Director and employees shall be appointed and compensated in accordance with the per- sonnel policies of New Hanover County. (a) The Animal Control Division shall designate employees or agents enforcing this ordinance as Animal Control Officers. In the performance of their duties, Animal Control Officers shall have all the powers, authority, and immunity granted under this ordinance and by the general laws of this state to enforce the provisions of this ordinance, and the General Statutes of North Carolina as they relate to the care, treatment, control or impound- ing of animals. (b) Except as may be otherwise provided by statutes, local laws, or ordinances, no officer, agent, or employee of the county charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this ordinance or other applicable laws, shall be personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of such duties unless he acts with actual malice. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with, hinder, or molest any Animal Control Officer, police officer, veterinarian, or other duly appointed agent while in the performance of any duty authorized by this ordinance or to seek to release any animal in the custody of said agents, except in the manner as herein provided. Each Animal Control Offi- cer while performing his respective duties shall wear an identification insignia of siza and design tci tie determined by the New Hanover County Board of Health. (d) Animal Control Officers shall not be authorized to carry on their person any firearms of any kind unless otherwise authorized by the Animal Control Director. The Animal Control Division may store at the Animal Shelter or carry in departmental vehicles firearms approved fpr use and use such firearms when necessary to enforce sections of this ordinance or under applicable law for the control of wild, vicious, or diseased ani- male. SECTION 2. ADVISORY C01~41ITTEE A.n advisory committee is hereby created to advise the Board of Health and the Animal Control Director with respect to animal control matters. The advisory committee shall be compsed of members appointed by the Board of Health and shall serve at the pleasure of said Board. Hembers will in- elude but not be limited to interested citizans and persons representing animal care, welfare or similar organizations. Jr SECTION 3. DUTIES OF THE ANIMAI: CONTROL DIVISION The Animal Control Division shall be charged with the responsibility of (a) Enforcing all State laws, County ordinances and resolutions re- lating to the care, custody and control of animals especially with regard to vaccination of dogs against rabies and the confinement or leashing of vicious animals (without limiting the foregoing, reference is particularly made to the State laws as set out and contained in N.C.G.S. Chapter 67 aad 106-364 to 106-387) in New Hanover County. (b) Investigating cruelty, animal abuse, or neglect with regard to dogs, cats and other animals. (c) Making suc~- canvasses of the County, including the homes in the County, as deemed necessary for the purpose of .ascertaining that all dogs are duly and properly listed fQr licensing purposed and that all dogs are vaccinated against rabies. (d) Operating the New Hanover County Animal Shelter pursuant to poli- ties of the Board of Health. (e) Listing .for licensing and issuing of New Hanover County license tags for dogs, and maintaining a reference file in connection therewith, all in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and the policies, of the Board of County Commissioners. (f) Issuing to the owner a PROOF OF RABIES VACCINATION CARD at the time of redemption for any unvaccinated dog 4 months of age or older. The card shall be completed by a licensed veterinarian and returned to the Ani- mal Shelter by the owner of the dog within seven (7) days. (g) The Director or his authorized representatives, hereby designated as Animal Control Officers, are hereby empowered to issue citations to any person if there is probable cause to believe that such person has violated any of the provisions of this ordinance. Citations so issued may be served in person on the violator by the Director or his representatives or they may be mailed to the person by registered mail if such person cannot be readily found. Any citation so served or mailed shall direct the alleged violator to make payment of the fine provided therein to the New Hanover County Tax Collector on or before a specific day and hour named in the citation; and the period so specified shall not be less than seventy--two hours after service or del- ivery to the violator. If the violator is served by mail, the violator shall have six (6) days after the return receipt date to respond to the citation. (h) If the violator does not appear in response to the above des- cribed citation, the Animal Control Director shall forthwith have a com- plaint entered against such person and secure and issue a warrant for his or her arrest. The arrest shall be for the violation of the section of this ordinance charged in the citation, and, upon conviction, the defen- dant shall be subfect to the penalties prescribed by the ordinance. (i) All citation forms shall be serially numbered in triplicate and all records, with respect to the said citation forms and the dis~ position of the same, shall be so maintained that all such forms shall be capable of being accounted for. The County Finance Officer or his representative shall periodically invistigate the records of the Aivision for the purpose of determining the disposition of said citation forms and shall report the result of such investigation to the County i~9anager. Far the purpose of making this investigation he shall have access to the records of the Division. SECTION 4. DEFINITIONS As used in this ordinance, the following terms mean: (a) Owner: Any person, group of persons, firm, partnership or cor- potation owning, keeping, having charge of, sheltering, feeding, harbor- ing or taking care of any animal. The owner is responsible for the care, actions, and behavior of his/her animals. (b) Kennel, Dealer, Breeder, or Pet Shop: Any person, group of per- sons, partnership, or corporation engaged in buying, selling, commercial breeding, hobby breeding, and boarding pet animals not otherwise covered by the Federal Animal Welfare Act (P.L. 89-544), or the North Carolina Animal Welfare Act ( N.C. General Statute 19A-21 et. seq.). (c) At Large: Any animal shall be deemed to be at large when it is off the property of its owner and not under the, restraint of a competent person. (d) Restraint: An animal is under restraint within the meaning of this ordinance if it is controlled by means of a chain, leash or other like device; or, is sufficiently near the owner or handler to be under his/her direct control and is obedient to that person's commands; or is on or within a vehicle being driven or parked; or, is within a secure en- closure. (e) Spayed Female: Any female which has been operated upon to pre- vent conception. (f) Neutered Male: Any male which has been operated upon to pre- vent reproduction. (g) Unaltered Animal: Any unspayed female or unneutered male animal. (h) Animal Shelter: Any premises designated by the County for the pur- pose of impounding and caring far all animals found running at large or other- ,. wise subject to impounding in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. (i) Exposed to Rabies: An animal shall have been exposed to rabies within the meaning of this ordinance, if it has been bitten by, or other- wise come into contact with, any animal known or suspected to have been infected with rabies. (j) Vicious Animal: Any animal that has made an unprovoked attack on a human by biting or in any manner causing injury or the reasonable liklihood of injury; or, one who habitually or repeatedly attacks farm stock or other pets. (k) Stray Dog: Any dog within the County wandering at large or lost and which does not have an owner, or does not bear evidence of the identification of any owner, or any dog within the County whose owner, if determinable, has failed to pay for and procure a dog license tag or vaccin- ation tag. (1) Public Nuisance Defined: Actions Aeemed Prima Facie Evidence of a Public Nuisance: (1) A public nuisance is that which annoys and dia- turbs rights and privileges common to the public or to all the people of the community rendering their ordinary use or occupation of their property ' physically uncomfortable to them. (2) Enumerated in this subparagraph by way of example and not limited to certain types of animals, actions involving animals, or conditions maintained or permitted by the animals' owners or possessors which shall constitute prima facie evidence of a public nuisance whether said animals are located or said acts are committed on or off of the owners' or possessors' premises. (a) Any animal which is found at large off the 8 premises of its owner and not under the restraint of a competent person. ,. (b) Any animal which damages the property of anyone other than its owner, including, but not limited to, turning over garbage containers or damaging gardens, flowers, or vegetables. (c) Any animal which is a vicious animal as described in Section 4 (j) preceding. (d) Maintaining dogs in an environment of un- sanitary conditions in violation of Section 15 of this ordinance. (e) Any act which by virtue of number or type and location is offensive or dangerous to the public health, safety, or welfare. (f) Any animal which barks, whines, or howls in an excessive, continuous or untimely fashion. (g) Any animal which is diseased and/or dan- gerous to the public health. (h) Any animal which habitually ox repeatedly chases, snaps at, attacks or barks at pedestraine, bicycles or vehicles and is not in an enclosure or under restraint. (i) Failure to confine a female .dog while in heat in a building or secure enclosure in such a manner that she will not be in contact with another dog, nor creating a nuisance provided, this section shall not be construed to prohibit the intentional breeding of animals within an enclosed area on the premises of the owner of an animal which is being bred. (m) Competent Person: A person of suitable age and discretion to keep the animal under sufficient restraint and control as to prevent harm to person and property. io SECTION 5. LICENSE TAG AND RABIES TAG (a) It shall be unlawful for any dog owner to fail to comply with the State laws relating to the control of rabies, and it shall be unlaw- ful for any dog owner to fail to provide any dog which he/she owns with a sultable collar or harness for the wearing of the rabies tag to be issued upon compliance with the State law, and to take such action as is necessary to see that said rabies tag is worn by said dog at all times except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. This ordinance shall supplement the State law by providing a procedure for the enforcement of State laws re- lating to rabies control. (b) It shall be unlawful for any dog owner to fail to provide his dog four (4) months or older, with a license tag to be issued by New Han- over County showing that said dog has been listed for licensing purposed in accordance with law, and to take such action as is necessary to insure that said license tag is worn by said dog at all ties except as other- wise provided in this ordinance. Every owner or keeper of any dog in New Hanover County, annually, between January 1 and January 31 of each year or at such time thereafter as such owner or keeper of any dog shall come into possession of such animal, shall obtain a license from the city-county tax collector pr the Animal Control Division for every such dog, and at the time of obtaining such license, give a brief description of such dog. Pur- suant to N.C.G.$. 153A-153, an annual license tax on the privilege of keep- ing dogs shall be levied according to the rules, regulations and fee sched- ules adopted by the Board of Health. (c) The Animal Control Division or its designated agents shall furnish all persons listing a dog for licensing purposes with a license tag of a size, design, color, shape and texture to be determined by the New Hanover County Board of Health. The tag shall clearly indicate the year for which i~ it had been issued and shall contain a number or other designation, and a record shall be kept of the person to whom the tag has been mailed or otherwise delivered. (d) Unless proof of vaccination is available, the Animal Control Division, shall cause the person who owns, redeems, or adopts a dog to vaccinate such dog, furnish a PROOF OF RABIES VACCIANTION CARD and main- tain a record of that vaccination. (e) In addition to all other penaltie$ prescribed by laW, a dog is subject to impoundment in accordance with the provisions of this ordin- ance if the dog is found not to be wearing a currently valid dog license tag and rabies tag. (f) It shall be unlawful for any person to use for any dog a vac- cination tag or license tag issued to any other dog. Any operator of a kennel or owner or keep~x.af a pack of dogs, in lieu of paying the license fee for individual dogs as provided, may pay the current fee schedule adopted by the Board of Health for kennels. /2 SECTION 6. KEEPING STRAY DOGS It shall be unlawful for any person in the County knowingly and inten- tionally to harbor, feed, keep in possession by confinement, or otherwise, any stray dog which does noC belong to him/her, unless he/she has, within twenty four (24) hours from the time such dog came into his/her possession, notified the Animal Control Shelter. Upon receiving notice, an Animal Com- trol Officer shall take such stray dog and place it in the Animal Shelter, and shall deal with it as provided in Section 16. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to surrender any such stray dog to an authorized repre- sentative of the Animal Control Division upon demand of such representative. J SECTION 7. RABIES VACCINATION AND CONTROL It shall be unlawful for an owner to fail to provide current inoculation against rabies for his/her dog by a licensed veterinarian or a person appoint- ed by the County Health Director. Should it be deemed necessary by the County Health Director, Board of County Commissioners, or the State Public Health Veterinarian that other animals be vaccinated in order to prevent or control an epidemic, a potential epidemic, an existing epidemic or other communicable conditions dangerous to or threatening the health or welfare of persona or animals in New Hanover County,it shall be unlawful for an owner to fail to provide current, necessary inoculations as directed against rabies or other communicable diseases or conditions. (a) Bite cases: Duty of Owner: Every animal which has bitten anyone. or which shows symptons of rabies shall be confined ~.mmediately and shall be reported immediately to the Animal Control Division by its owners, or persons having charge of the animal, and thereupon shall be securely quaran- tined at the direction of the Animal Control Division fora period not less than ten (10) days, and shall not be released from such quarantine except by written permission from the Animal Control Division. If the dog becomes sick during the ten (10) day period the dog shall be examined by a licensed veterinarian at the expense of the owner. The biting animal, and its records of vaccination and registration, if apy, shall be inspected by the Animal Control Officer who shall observe the following procedure: (1) A properly vaccinated and licensed animal may be securely quaran- tined and confined on the owner's premises provided, however, that an Animal Control Officer determines that the owner has an adequate means of confine- ment and quarantine upon his own premises, that the animal is being properly and adequately confined and quarantined on the owner's premises and the ani- iy mal is subject to observation by the officer at any time during the ten day quarantine period. (2) Any animal not properly vaccinated or licensed, shall immediately be quarantined and confined in a veterinary hospital or the County Animal Control Shelter, at the expense of the owner, for the ten (10) day quaran- tine period. The animal shall not be vaccinated prior to or during quaran- tine and confinement. (3) Any stray animal shall immediately be quarantined and confined in the County Animal shelter for a ten (10) day period, or sacrificed, and the head examined for rabies. (b) Surrender for Quarantine Required on Demand: Except as provided in subsection (a) above, it shall be unlawful for the owner to refuse to re- lease upon demand, after an investigation by the Animal Control Division, any animal which has bitten a human, or other warm blooded animals for the purpose of quarantine, the expense of which shall be borne by the owner. If rabies does not develop within ten (10) days, the animal may be reclaim- ed upon payment of the current fee scheduie adopted by the Board of Health, and upon compliance with other provisions of this ordinance. (c) Rabies Diagnosed: If an animal dies while under observation for rabies, that animal's head shall be submitted to the New Hanover County Health Department and the State Laboratory of Hygiene for analysis. (d) Emergency Quarantine and Procedure: When reports indicate a post- tive diagnosis of rabies, the County Director of Public Health shall order an area wide quarantine for such period as he deems necessary; and upon in- volking of such emergency quarantine by the said Health Director, no animal capable of contracting rabies shall be at large or not strictly restrained dur- ing such period except for treatment at the office of a licensed veterinarian. During such quarantine, no animal may be taken or shipped from the County Y ~s without written permission of ttie Health Di"rector, and each member of the Animal Control Division, Police and Sheriff's Department is hereby fully authorized during such emergency, to impound or follow the procedures in N.C.G.S. 106-376 in handling any animal found running at large in the County. During the quarantine period, the Health Director shall be em- powered to provide for a program of mass immunization by the establiah- went of temporary emergency rabies vaccination clinics strategically lo- cated throughout the County. No animal which has been impounded by reason of its being a stray, unclaimed by its owner, shall be allowed to be adopted from the Animal Shelter during the period of emergency rabies quarantine except by special authorization of the County Health Director. (e) Animals bitten by a known rabid animal shall be immediately destroyed unless the owner agrees to strict isolation of the animal at the Animal Shelter or at a veterinary hospital for a period of six (6) months; or if the animal has a current rabies inoculation it shall be re- vaccinated immediately. (f) In the event there are additignal positive cases of Rabies occur- ing during the period of quarantine, such period of quarantine may be ex- tended at the discretion of the County Health Airector. (g) It shall be unlawful for any person to kill or release any animal under observation or quarantine for rabies, any animal suspected of having been exposed to rabies, or any animal having bitten a human, or other warm blooded animal or to remove such animal from the County with- out written permission from the County Health Director. Any violation of this section shall be subject to those penalties prescribed by Section 21 herein. (h) The carcass of any dead animal exposed to rabies shall be surren- dered to the Animal Control Division. The head of such animal shall be sub- matted to the New Hanover County Health Department and the State Laboratory of Hygiene for analysis. (i) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to surrender any animal for quarantine or destruction as required herein when demand i,s made therefore by the Animal Control Division. SECTION 8. WEARING OF COLLAR, TAGS AND IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED Upon complying with the rabies inoculation and licensing provisions of this ordinance, there shall be issued to the owner numbered license and rabies vaccination tags, stamped with the number and the year for which the tag was issued. It shall be unlawful for any dog owner to fail to provide #~is/her dog with a collar or harness to which current vaccination and license tags may be securely attached. Collar or harness with attached tags shall be worn at all times except when the dog is confined to an enclosure pn the owner's premises, or during the time animals are performing at Shows, obedience trials, tracking tests, field trials, txaining schools or other events sanctioned and supervised by a recognised organization, Owners of dogs not wearing tags as required may be prosecuted for violating this ordin- ance or the dog may be impounded. Recognized dog trainers can obtain special annual permits exempting them from this upon payment of the current fee schedule adopted by the Board of Health. ~r t 'S SECTION 9. DOGS RUNNING A'1 LARGE PROFIIBITED: FINE (a) It shall be unlawful for any owner of a dog to permit said dog to run at large or be off the premises of its owner and not under the restraint of a competent person. (b) Upon an Animal Control Officer's observation of a dog running at large or off the premises of its owner and not under the control of a com- petent person, said officer may, at his descretion, impound said dog or re- turn it to its owner. (c) Upon an Animal Control Officer's receipt of a complaint that a dog is running at large or is off the premises of its owner and not under the control of a competent person, said officer shall investigate said complaint and upon a finding that there is probable cause that a violation his occurred, the officer may issue a citation or a warning or take any other action pro- vided for by this ordinance or any State law a$ the circumstances may require. (d) Any owner cited for a violation of this ordinance may discharge the citation upon payment of the current fee schedule adopted by the Board of Health. If the dog is impounded, the owner may redgem the dog under the pro-. visions of Section 17, 10 Redemption Procedure for Impounded Animals," pro- vided the owner is in compliance with all other appl~.cable provisions of this ordinance. If the owner is charged under a warrant or bill of indict- ment and convicted, the provisions of Section 21 of this ordinance entitled " Violations: Misdemeanor" shall apply. /8 SECTION 10. VICIOUS ANIMALS It shall be unlawful for any person 'to keep any vicious, fierce, or dangerous animal within the County unless said animal is confined within a secure building or enclosure, or unless said animal is securely muzzled and under restraint by a competent person who, by means of a leash, chain, or rope, has such animal firmly under control at all times. SECTION 11. BARKING DOGS It shall be unlawful for any dog owner to keep or have a dog that habitually or repeatedly barks in such a manner or to such an extent that it is a public nuisance. SECTION 12. TEASING AND MOLESTING It shall be unlawful for any person to tease, molest, bait, or in any way bother any animal not belonging to him or legally under his con' ~; trol. /9 SECTION 13. INJURING DOGS; NOTICE REQUIRED It shall be unlawful for any person injuring a dog or other domestic animal by running over, or into same, or coming into contact with same, with automobile; motorcycle, bicycle, or other vehicle, to fail to notify immediately the owner of said dog, the Animal Shelter, or the Police De- partment if 1n the City or the Sheriff's Department if in the County. SECTION 14. CRUEL TREATMENT It shall be unlawful for any person to molest, torture, deprive of necessary sustenance, cruelly beat, needlessly mutilate or kill, wound, injure, poison, abandon or subject to conditions detrimental to its health or general welfare any animal or to cause or procure such action. The words "' torture," 11torment," or "cruelty" shall be held to Include every act, omission or neglect whereby unjustifiable physical pain, suffering, or death is caused or permitted; but such terms shall not be construed to prohibit lawful shooting of birds, deer and other game for human food; not to prohibit the Animal Control Division or its agents or veterinarians from destroying dangerous, unwanted or injured animals in a humane manner. c~D SECTION 15. MANNER OF KEEPING AND TREATING ANIMALS GENERALLY It shall be unlawful for any person to keep animals under unsanitary or inhumane conditions; to fail to provide proper food, water at all times, shelter from the weather, reasonably clean quarters, and proper medical attention for sick, diseased or injured animals, as yell ae adequate inocu- lation against disease, according to the species of the animal kept. a.1 SECTION 16. I"iPOUNDING ANIh1A1.S Any animal which appears to be lost, strayed or unwanted, or any dog which is found not wearing a currently valid license tag and a currently valid rabies vaccination tag, as required by State law or this ordinance, shall be confined in the Animal Shelter in a humane manner for a period of five working days (S) for redemption by the owner or otherwise disposed of as herein provided. (a) Release, Sale, or Destruction: If an impounded animal is not re- deemed by the owner within the time allowed for redemption, it may be offer- ed for sale to any responsible individual who is willing to comply with these animal control laws and when such animal is offered for sale it shall be to the first paying for it as hereinafter provided. Animals not re- deemed, within five (5) days after being taken ,into custody, may be sold, or destroyed by the Animal Control Division in a humane manner.as recom- mended by the American Veterinary Medical Association or made available to officially approved and recognized medical schools or research institutions. (b) Notifying Owner: Immediately upon impounding an animal, the Ani- mal Control Division shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner, and inform such owner of the conditions whereby the animal may be redeemed. (c) Unaltered Dogs and Cats: The Animal Control Division shall rec- ommend and may require the execution of a release agreement providing for the spaying or neutering of any animal released from the Animal Shelter. (d) Suspected Rabies: Animals impounded which have been bitten or suspected of being bitten by a rabid animal or appear to be suffering from rabies shall not be released but shall be dealt with as provided in the section entitled " Rabies Vaccination and Control" of these ordinances. (e) Unwanted, Diseased or Inured Animals: If an animal is officially surrendered by the owner to the Animal Control Division, it may be sold or destroyed in a humane manner without waiting five (S) days. (f) Other Diseased or_Injured Animals: Any animal impounded which is badly wounded or diseased (not a rabies suspect) and has no identification shall be destroyed immediately in a humane manner. If the animal has iden- tification, the Animal Control Division shall attempt to notify the owner before disposing of such animal; but if the owner cannot be reached readily, and the animal is suffering, the Animal Control Division may destroy the animal at its discretion in a humane manner. (g) Provisions for Animals the Animal Shelter Cannot Care For Animal Control Division is authorized to obtain suitable board, maintenance, and care for any impounded animal, from any available source, which the Animal Shelter is not equipped to care for. The owner of any animal im- pounded and cared for under this provision of the ordinance may redeem with- in 5 days the animal upon the payment of all costs of maintenance, transpor- tation, and care plus the regular redemption fees provided in Section 17. If not redeemed, the animal shall be sold for fair market value and a re- port of the sale be duly reported to the County Finance Officer. :Z3 SECTION 17. REDEMPTION PROCEDURE FOR IMPOUNDED ANIMALS When any animal has been impounded at the Animal Shelter, notice thereof shall be given to the owner; or if the owner is unknown, then notice thereof shall be posted for five(5) days, or until the animal is disposed of. The notice shall be posted on a bulletin board at the Ani- mal Shelter, and shall indicate the time and place .of taking said animal and the time and date of posting the notice. The time for redemption of the animal as herein provided shall not begin to run until such notice been given or posted. The owner shall be entitled to resume possession of his animal, ex- cept as already provided for certain animals, upon compliance with the provisions of this ordinance and upon payment of the current fee schedule adopted by the Board of Health. If two or more violations occur within one year, the owner redemption fee shall be paid according to the current fee schedule adopted by the Board of Health. In addition to the other fees set out herein, a board- ing fee at the rate according to the current fee schedule adopted by the Board of Health shall be paid before dogs may be redeemed. If a dog has been impounded for failure to wear a license tag, the dog shall be listed for licensing before the dog may be redeemed or re- leased. If the dog has not been vaccinated against rabies, the owner shall be given a PROOF OF RABIES VACCINATION CARD at the time of the re- demption or release. This care shall be stamped with a date stating the maxium time limit allowed to take the dog to the veterinarian of his choice for rabies vaccination. Time limit for dogs four (4) months and older will be forty-eigth (48) hours with Sundays and holidays excluded. Puppies under four (4) months, shall be vaccinated for rabies upon reaching four (4) months of age. acY SLC'TION 18. EaEriPTIONS Hospitals, clinics, and other premises operated by licensed veterinarians for the care and treatment of animals are exempt from the provisions of this ordinance except for the section on cruel treatment and manner of keeping ani- mals generally. SECTION 19, INTERFERENCE It shall be unlawful and in violation of this ordinance for any person to release any animal from a trap or cage, or carry away, interfere with or damage any trap or cage set or placed by the Animal Control Division. SECTION 20. RECORDS It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Division to keep, or cause to be kept, accurate and detailed records of: (a) Impoundment and disposition of all animals coming into the Ani- mal Shelter. (b) Bite cases, violations and complaint investigations. (c) All monies belonging to the County which were derived from im- poundment fees, penalties, and sales of animals. (d) All other records deemed necessary by the County Manager. s~ SEC1'1C)N ?I. VIULA'I'TONS: MISDEMEANOR Pursuant to State law, it is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed fifty dollars ( $50.00 ) or imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days to violate any provisions of this ordinance unless otherwise provided herein. SECTION 22. SEVERABILITY If any section or part of this ordinance should be held invalid for any reason, such determination shall not affect the remaining sections or parts, and to that end the provisions of this ordinance are severable. This ordinance shall supersede the present County Animal Control Ordinance in total and all county ordinances contrary hereto are hereby repealed. SECTION 23. .7URISDZCTION This ordinance shall be effective within the corporate limits and extra territorial jurisdiction of any municipality within New Hanover County which shall so agree by appropriate resolution. SECTION 24. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall become effective on ~' Gr~-~ =c~a a /~ 79• i .. ~,. ~~a~ LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator 763-0991 RAYMOND E. BLAKE, 1R. Appraisal Supervisor 763-2462 ~aanub ,~,, ,~i er ~ -- 320 CHESTNUT STREET ~ilnti~tgtoit, ~. c~. 28401 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections Thru July 31, 1979 Prepayments Collected to Date Back Taxes Real Estate Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Personal Property Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected ).'-~ Yr-ca^ ..~+~,^ 1? ca 1979 $ 15,209.44 $409,308.06 - 22.91 - 22,049.93 $387,235.22 5.38% $450,640.20 - 821.80 - 5,913.96 $443,904.44 1.31% CHERYL R. ROBERTS Listing Supervisor 763-8439 JANIE B. STRAUGHN Collector of Revenue 763-7385 1978 $ 12,953.43 $394,602.49 - 183.35 - 13,392.10 $381,027.04 3.40% $415,166.59 - 177.17 - 12,907.85 $402,081.57 3.11% Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date, $66,658.22. This report is for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979. Respectfully~-~--snu,-bmitted, Janie B. Straughn Collector of Revenue JBS/pbc i::~ ~~~~ MEMBER IAAO INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS ~~~/ `~~~ a -/ G / G Gym ~~ MEMORANDUM August 15, 1979 To: Mr. Felix Cooper Interim County Manager From : Larry J . Powel l ~,,~ ~~ Tax Administrator Subject: Abatements Request the following taxes be: released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Lonnie Dennis $ 33.36 (1976 - 1978) 2. Hub'~~rt Dickerson 14.25 3. Philip McGee 21.36 Request the following taxes be released as the personal property is not located within the city or town limits: 1. Virginia Eason $ 84.05 (1976) 2. Pamela Hamrick .80 charged: Request the following taxes be released as they are double 1.~..'Annie-.Ballard $ 71.03 (1967-1972, 1974) 2. John D. James 28.66 (1967-1971, 1973-1974) 3. J. D. Murray 4.49 (1974) Request these items be placed on the agenda for the Commissioners' meeting of August 20, 1979. LJP/pbc Copy: Mr. James C. Fox Mrs. Alyce B. Rusmisell ti -. .,f - ~:;. ~ . i Y. ` `~ ~~i~ /_3 ~' CHERYL R. RCRERTS kissing Supervisor J63.8»39 JAMIE a. sTRaU:t~ Collector of ?.ever.uz T63-1365 LP.RRY J. PO'~VELL it ~~~:'_~ ` -=-r`;?~r1 z ,j~ Tax Administrator ~ ~ ! ~'-~~ ~' J63-G99: ~.~ / e~~1~7tF}-~sl :_t~ tone ~~~~ ~c~:'~j RAY;r10~~D E. 6LA3E. JR. > ~ ~~ 1 :s ~~~ f .~~ ~ ~ ~r A z~sat Supervisor ' ~ ~`7~ ,z,n~-~r.~sC` Jo3-2462 ~i ~.~ _~~_~_g,?„`agJ.'~=' ~ _ ._... 32Q CHESTNUT STREET ~t~22ItIIE~~Oit, ~. L. 2~'~OI NE~`i HANOVER COUNT' Settlement of Tax Collections for 1978 Charged Per Scro11 Discoveries Added Less Abater~,ents interest Coil2Cted Cost Collected Real Estate Liens Sold far Taxes $ Delinquent Personal Property Prepayments Deposited tYachavia Bank Jnder Remitted S:nown Over-Payments Due from City of j4'ilmington Due to Carolina Beach JBS/pbc X11,681,843.69 ~ 1,820,360,50 '1.3 , 502,.204.1.9. - 47,559.62 . ~]_3,454,G44.57 21,641.02 2,303.50 ~a_3 , 478 , 589.09 209,215:51 117,'745.37 - 9,085:53 13,141,376.2.9 .~_3 , 477., 42.2. 7C - 1,166.39 -- 3.09 ~- ~ 1,169.48 ~~ :,, r a' ~~ ~. ,' F~ µ~{ 1t. , ~~ ~ ~` ~ '".: e~ ~ _ ~^ ~, I _\ • ~ t ~~ ~ 1,169.75 .27 + ~ 1,169.48 -0- Respectfully submit~l.ed, (~ ~ ri ;, J~ nie B. Straughn `" Collector of Revenue. a ss: yi., „°,3.;;~ :ff9i X11 M EM 6cR ~,1,~;~.,1's~. IYTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFfC:RS rx~ ~.~ ^~-oJ~ V J V' V V V N6~MCO~C~JC9 Ot_c~cYJtOMC1JCY3' . p to tf3 C7i O o0 t~ C`- _. • Af C7N~t'~Oct+d+ .O '- - a ~c~oor-+~r-- -a mgr-o~+~~Ln ~ s`MONd+~--+~ ~ cod~M~rnr-tom E.., .. .. .. F, ~~~~~ O rn oo N d+ d' O ~ a H Ori OOCO H tnC9tf~NN d'N ~~ 1 r-Itf?NMM d+ M M t 00 M d' r-~ 67 N L`- to ~ lC3 M r-~ ri O tf~ lf? t~ 6~l~O~MI~~OId' L~ O~c~3NpC9L`diN G O - . H M d' r--I [~ r-i tf~ t~ H 1-C) d~ N CYJ l`- di^ Gf7 ~(? [-Yi MCS~CO~NM M LY tf~OG~~NCS7 (~? a, Muir-+c~c0 a MMM~or- d~ r-+ m rn rn N c~ -r» fn N r1 I CO N M M rR r-i r-I I I MI~N~MO cU OOI~MI`-d,'Mr-1 I ON6~COCOO O c9 , NOMMC`-C~i Cr? ~~~-~~~ ~ d+ d+O[~.L~LnfANCO" C` G7CflOMM [~ r-id~MML`Mr-iN 67 O tf~ to 07 C7i G7 _ r--i r-~ G7 65 ~ ~ ~ ~ r-1M CflC9 l~M MM N r4 'C+ ~ dt I 1 W H ~ .. . ~ ~ W c~ooo~~no o ~ Moo~nc*~cr~ oo , tnNMG1d+~ tC) `~" diOG7M.OC9 Cil t'i, t(') r-i DD Q7 M di G7 67 C/] tf7 di P^ C` O7 M Cr7 M W i`- tf)67t[~~G7OM M LY Cam- MMM~OMC~- L! ~ W rn cr1 rn ~c ~ w N ~ rn ~ o E-, ~-, ~ ~ N~O~rac9MM H r-i00rnd~Od~ d{ O'„ rlMM6)ItP.G7tS~ ©COON W vi di U O x O d' M CO 07r-t~6JG7OCOr! U M CO Olf~Mr-{d~C9 CO q Cam- GO C9 M 00 CO ~x M ~`+, ~ L` G7 ifa ao ~ N N N 6) ~ H M O r--! N ~l O r--I M L~ tf) N N ~ Z z ~ ~ ~+ d+ di i 1 Z ~ d' ds d~ O U P: G)[`-~~NCAN'd'r1M CUdiONNO. C3 W L~COC-MC~~r-iC~di a'i 07pML~0007 6~ Q lY}l`InlC~InOL~d' '~ r-~rlC~NMO O t` N [~ M r-1 C~ cJ Lam- 00 O C- N C~J 00 C`- M CS> CSa . d, C~ M di rl C~ 07 N r-I T-a C~- I t.C) O r--I N M ,-~r+ oo MM c~c . W N r-( r-1 rl ! i '~ ~ 1 1 z O~ U1 O J ;a O~ U] O U +~ ~ ?-~ C? ~ CJ ~ f~ +~ O ~ O ~ p U ~= O N ;-~ G U t O ~+-~ !z QJ •rt zS ~--~ O . Oc.~~ ~~1C OU ~ ~ ~~ 0o rn . ~ ~ ~ t` N ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 o O o c= ~ M M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " c9 ~ c0 Cn ' I, Janie B. Straughn, do solemnly swe~.r. (or of-firm) that I will support and maintain the Constitut:i..on: arid. l~~vs o.f the ~Jnite:d States, and the Constitution and 1a«rs off` North Carolina ztot inconsistent therewith, and I «~ill faithi~ully discharge the du.i:.es of my office as Collector of P~ecenue of tlae County of Ne~v Hanor~e.r, i~Torth Carolina, and that T will not alloy my actions as Collector. of Revenue to be influenced by personal or political f_rier~dships or obligations, so help me Cod. . - ~____ (Mrs. Janie B. Str~augh.n ColJ..e for of Revenue The above .oath was administered to Mrs. Janie B. Straughn on August 20, 1979, before the Clerk of Superior Court and filed with. the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners on this date. .~~~ u~:b-1 le.r of Superior Court