1979-10-01 RM Exhibits C E R T I F K A T E , I, Alyce B::..Rusmisell , the duly appointed. Clerk. to the Board of the New Hanover County Commissioners do hereby certify that the attached extract from the Minutes of the Regular meeting of the IJew Hanover County Commissioners , held on October 1, 19 79 - , is a true and correct copy of the original Minutes of raid Meeting on file and of record insofar as said original Minutes. relate to the. matters set forth in said attached extract, and I do'further. certify that the copy of the Resolution appearing in said attached extract is a true and correct copy of such Resolution adopted at said Meeting and on file and of recordo _ ~ ~, In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal, of said New Hanover County ,.this 2nd day ~: of. October ~ 19 79 ~.. ~; ~, ti ~'~ ~, ~'~' is ~ J,~ , i; __~' r~,i / ~ "~, ~ ~ ;. ; ~~ . ~, .r i ,,;, ; j` ~ ;~ ,, SEAL ~ .j '~ '% rt. ,,1 ., !V i j 1 '~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ `~ ~. ~~ SO FO:ti-1 5100-19 (4-70) -v~~,~:.,''-~--~s--- ~,~$.r,-.•:..-3--,y~:;,r~.~:z~s:-'~i^~'-r,.r»~ - ,SF`s`::-.,--'~°:,.~°.~,~T"~B ~,,.-•,.. ~~~r..,_-~,,,_ ;-•~,.-r, .'T~--~---T--- j--:-.~--~s'--r- a if?._.~ ti.. ~ _ _.x~_... , ~. ~. .. ,,. ' '~'' RESOLUTION (GRANT AGREEMENT) - r, • , ~, '. ~i ,~ EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF A Regular Meeting _ ~ '! r '- MEETING OF THE New Hanover County Commissioners F ' HELD ON October 1 19 7 9 __ _ ~ £~ The following Resolution was introduced by Comm. Armistead - ~< ' seconded .by 'Comm- Wright read in full, considered and . . ~~ ~ adopr_ed: ~ ", RESOLUTION AUTfiORIZING,.ADOPTTNG, APPROVING, ACCEPTING AbTD RAT7FY.ING - ~ : "~ THE EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT N0,6-37-0084-•06 BETtJEE2~ [; 1 ~; r . _. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND the County of New Hanover, North Caralina. ~' `- " . ~BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Comrni.ssioners of County of New Hanover ~ ~ ' ,'~ ~ ` Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes, SECTION 1• That said ~'- adopts, approves, accepts and ratifies the execution of Grant Agreement" ~: between the Fedaral Aviation Administration on behalf of the United States -'' _ . of America and the County of. New Hanover ~> SECTION 2. That the execution of said Grant Agr..eement i.n qu.adrupJ.icate on behalf of said -Board of Commissioners . - ~ ~ `' ''1 by ''.Ellen C. Williams , Chairman ~ - and the impression of the official seal of the County of New Hanover ~ 44 (If. there a.s no .seal,. so state.) -K and the attestation of said execution by Alyice B. Rusmisell ~ t Clerk is hereby authorized, adopted, approved, Coun Y I . ' `~ accepted and ratified. ~, k "SECTION 3. That the Airport Manager is h.orPby authorized ~ ~0. " (Title of Position, Airport Manager, City Manager, etc. ~~ to execute payment requests under this Grant Agreement on behalf of said ; Board of Commissioners ; ' SECTION 4. That the Grant Agreement referred. to her.einabove shall ,; i attached hereto and made apart of this Resolution as though it were be ~ •i fully copied herein. .< SO FORM 5100-18 (10/7) (Supersedes previous edition) a; ~~ ~~~ _ -.4,. i:{ .•Y~Tlp4i.'3~ S~' ]~O^rTy~}~T~ ~ ~ f~ &~A... r....-~~i~~ ' _ _ .-.mot-~-~f(-"S d.~., Page I of 4 pages . DEP/~6R-i'MENT OF' YRAi~lS'PC~RTATiON F'EDERA4. AVtATtOM1I A'Jh11hJ1$T'RATIOf~ - Part 1-Offer Date of Offer S E P g 7 1978 , New Hanauer County /'rirpart Wilmington, North Carolina Project I~[o. 6-37-©084-06 Contract hloo DoT-FA-79-SO 12?,2J. ~ .., . °I'(); County of Iv°ew Hanover, forth Carolina (her~in referred to as the. "Sponsor") PIZQ~t: T}~e United States of America (acting through the Federal Aviation Administration, [-erein referred to as the "FAA") ~h'1-Ilri.'.FAS, the sponsor has submit±ed to the FnA a Project Application dated September` 12, 1979 for a grant of Federal funds for a project far develop- ment of the New Hanover County Airport (herein called t13e "Airport")> together with plans and specifications for such project, ~vhicli Project..hpplication, as approved by tale FAA is hereby incorporated herein and made a part Hereof; and ~/}-;[;IZEAS, the FAA has approved a project far development of the~Airport (Herein cal}cci cl~~ "Project") ~cansisting of the following-described airport development: Construct and light partial parallel taxiway to Runway S (Taxiway I3); instiall. beacon; rehabilitate HIRL, Runway 16/34; relocate National ideather Service equipment; install two taxiway guidance signs and ate. remark holding lines, Runway 16/34; install one automatic security g all as mope particularly described in the property map and plans and ,'specifications ~tcorpor{Ited in the said Project .Application; Whereas, this project will not be completed during Fiscal Year 179, the total federal share of the estimated cost is $683,112, and the sponsor has requested multi-year funding for_ the project. PAGE ~ FAA fQRM 5100-t3 1'G. t (10-71) SUPERSEDES FAA FnF+tM tb32 PG. 9 Y ~ ~., r^' . i 1 _T.., - ~ _ ~.,.- ,. ;~.,- . Xis ~.v-. ., d...,/ , ~ au ~ -.,., ?^ ~y~ . page 2 cif 4 llagcs o and for the purpose of carrying out the provisiool,sidcration o! (,c-)~ '`'~ i~(?'lJ TiiliP,EFORE, pursuant t 49 U.S.C. 170!}, and ui c and Airway UeveloPment Act of 1170, as amended the hcn~~fits r s ado lion and ratifiication of the representatc°nafterd rovided,`and~(b)iined in s~+i the Sponso p Project Application, and its acceptance of this Offer as e P • ~ o ~}~e United ,States and the public from they dedin~~lEiFE FIiAI[_c f~V1ATlOt~ Att) a0 3CCrtic. t operation and maintenance of the Airport as herein pro , loN FOR ANU ON 1;t;liALF OF THE UNITED SZ'ATFS, EIL-'REf3Y QFFF.IZS Ar' :' to a , as the United. Slates share of the allu~fable costs incurred in accontl~lis Ii+tg t +c l`t1N1STRAT . led under the Airport and Airway At,RL•.I S p Y gp/ from funds appropri Project, eighty percent Development Act of 1970e ~ ,.~.; . This Offer is made on and subject to the following terit~s and conditions. bL ! . The tnaximttnl obligation of tlic United Stat.cFPscall Yeare198Q Oobligatilon shall be $259,14$:for Fiscal Year 1979. The rovided, established as specified in paratiorhshallfnotiexceedeinnthe~dggregate $683,11 however, that the r,~ximum oblig = daye 2, The Sponsor shall: (~t) begin accoi~~ptishmeitt of the Project within ninety o , t,,scribcd by the J=Ah, after acceptance of this Off`l tin sous caugerforjteriitin• do vof t11e obligaiiuns ~tf tltc with failure to do so cunsti g 1 .United States hereunder by the FAA; nd coin lets the Project without undue delaof 1970, and S coons 1~~y2•~tfe (!;) .carry out a P ' terms hereof, the Airport and Airway Ueveiopment Act ions are hereinafter ' 63 of the i~,egiilations of the Federal Aviation ~dmrnRrsc~i~ In (14 CFIt 152} itt 152. effect as of the date of acceptance of this Of erq referred to as the "Regulations"; ,~ .,.Y•pirte: t},e Project in accordannc~ w~ehrche plans,an ~ ~~rcii~vi4hi~ltc (c;) carry out s-aoii c....• and property map, incorporated herein, as they Y approval of the FAA... , • llowabie costs of the pretject shall not include der ~eocstiony 1~2~,i7e(')bof h[te lie ui(t- 3. The a be ineligible for consideration as to allowabi ity un lions. ' d States share of the allowable project costs wil! be ma Ie ptirsu~Int 4. Payment of the Unite ]52.71 of the Regitl:ltiuns. to and in accordance with tleteapo abilityoof theiotosts of~he prOlPct ulati~ons~'}~wide~d~, Final determination as w th ~ ~ of the Reb time of the final grant payittent pursuant to Section 1:..71 • emi-final grant payment is made pursuant ~ossctoi<whic[2such~t,cnti- ihat, in the event a s Regulations, final tdcterrnitiai ~adeaat thettimelof suchis~mir~nal payment. final pa}•mcnt rctaaes will be pAG~ 2 '~j: ._ -- p1T10 ~~ c ~ A FOR!u 510-13 PG, 2 (7-721 i SUPERSE:PES PI~EVIOU~ __. _._ 1 F _.. .. .. r -- _ .- ,, , . _ =- ~~ . ~ x~ s . ,, ~ ~ _ Imo.. ~.: ~~'.'~' ~ ~__ ~ } .( ~'.~ . to tii r _ _ _ ~~;,~~ ~ ~ ~ - Page 3 o=f ,.la ~. _~ iia~;es ,~ '.,,, `~-The sponsor shall operate and maintain the Airport as. Provided in the~PrUj_ecC°-• `; ~ Application incorporated herein and specifically covenants and agrees:.- ir~.~` -- ..cc.ordanr_e with its Assurance 20 in PArt V of said Application For I'ecicr.al. r `+ Assistance (For Construction Programs), that in its operation and the opera-- tion of all facilities thereof, neither it nor any person or organization occupying space or facilities thereon will discriminate against any person or class of persons by reason of race, color, Breed ar national origin in the use of any of the facilities provided for the public on the airport, U. The FAA reserves the right to amend ar withdraw this Offer: et any time prior to its. acceptance by the Sponsor. . 7. This Offer shall expire and the iJnited States shall not be obligated. to pay any part of the costs of the Project unless this Offer has been accepted by the Sponsor on or before September 28, 1979 or.such subsequent date as may be prescribed in writing by the FAA. "~ 8. The Sponsor hereby agrees that it will incorporate or cause to be incorporated into any contract for construction work, or modification thereof, as defined in the regulations of the Secretary of Labor at 41 CFR Chapter 60, which is paid for in whole ar in part with funds obtained from the Federal Government or borrowed on the credit of the Federa2_Government pursuant to a grant, con- tract, loan, insurance, or guarantee, or undertaken pursuant to any federal program involving such grant, contract, loan, insurance, or guarantee, thc~ following Equal Opportunity clause. i During the performance of this contract, the contra.ctoi: agrees as follows: (1) The Contractor will IIOt discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color,. religion, sex or national origin. The contractor will. take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees . are treated during employment without regard to their race, calor, sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the followings Employment, upgrading, dem~~tion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or " termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation;. and selection for training, including apprenticeship,. The contractor. agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided setting forth. the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. (2} The ,contractor will, in alI solicitations or advertisements for employees placed Uy or on behalf of the contractor, state that alI qualified applicants will receive consideration for employr.~ent without regard to race, color, reli&ion, sex or national origin. (3) The con*_ractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided advising the said labor union or workers' representatives of. the contractor's conunitments under this section, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places avai..lable to employees and applicants for employment. F'Ak Fortis 5100-13 (2/75) '- _'~_~~~` ~,...,,~~wpta7 P-~. .~. k ^'t~--rFn'~~-z ,nom.°:- t-_,~..:..~--..-..,.~_.. -r~.~-.~-~r^-^ ="'*•-^: '3 -~~" , /^ Y ~~) The contractor will comply with all 11246 of 24 September 1965 and the orders of the Secretary of Labor. Page 3a of. 4 pa;;es ... -~ 2: ~. - _ provisions of Executive Or~ei .LL _ rules,. regulations, and relevant (5) The contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965, anti by rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor_,`or pursuant .thereto, and will permit access to his books, records,. and accounts by the administering agency and the Secretary of Labor far purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulati.ens, and orders. (6) In the event of the contractor°s noncompliance with the non- discrimination clauses of this contract or with any of the said rules, regulations or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further government contracts or federally assisted canstruction contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order 11246 of 24 September 1965, or by rule, regulation or order of the. Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law.. (~) The contractor will include the portion of the sentence i.irnned%aL-eLy preceding paragraph (1) and the provisions of paragraphs (l) through (7) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations or orders of the Secretary of Labor. iss•led pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of 24 September •1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor. or vendor. The contractor will take such action with. respect to any subcontract ox purchase order as the administering agency may direct. as a means~of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for. noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the. event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with,liti.gation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the administering agency, the contractor may request: the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests af. tlae United States.' The Sponsor further agrees that it will be bound by the alcove equal opp.•rt:unity clause with respect to its own emplo}^nent practices when it participates in federally assisted construction work: Provided, that if the applicant sa participating is a State or local government, tt~e above equal. opportunity cruse is not applicable to any agency, instrumentality or subdivision of such goverruaent which does not participate in work on or under the contract. The 1. D ~^.> and and ing Sponsor agrees that it will assist and cooperate actively with the admi.ni:~ter.- ~ °'" agency and the Secretary of Labor in obtaining the compliance of cont.-ac':or.s ~ subcontractors with the equal opportunity clause and the rules, regulations, relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor that it will furnish the admi.nister.- aeer_cv with the Secretary of Labor such info nnation as they may require };,; AAA Fora 5100-13 r -. ,~ ;r_ .. xt~* .~ „~ . ; _ , Sft~ ..~! 4 z. i J {G f ~'i~ ~ 1 ~ -~- y Pagc 3b o'f. 4 - ~z~~5e• _ . for the supervision of such compliance, anh etaaenct°.sl{>>"i.milrYrresp''n~`'1'.~ ~ r tYc'. admini:sterinb agency in the discharge of t g Y __ for securing compliance. • The Sponsor further agrees that it will refrain from e.nCcring into an}~ c~~,~- tract or contract modification subject to Executive Order 1I2~+6 of 24 September 1965 with a con tractor thebExecutivemOrder`dandh`willocarrytoutd construction contracts pursuant to such sanctions and penalties for violation of the equal. opportunity clause. as may be imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by the adm5.ni.sec~r~_n; agency or the Secretary of Labor pursuant to Part III, Subpart D of tike Executive Order. In addition., the Sponsor agrees that if it fails or refuses to comply with these undertakings, the administering agency may take any or all of the following actions: cancel, ter-n1nuaranteeUJprefr.~~zin whale or in part this grant (contract, loan, insurance, g )~ from extending any further assistance to the Sponsor under the program with respect to which the Failure or refund occurred until satisfac_tary assurance of future compliance has been received from the Sponsor; or refer the case to the Department of Justice for appropriate legal proceedings. 9. The Sponsor's financial records of the project, established, maintained, and made available to .personnel of the FAA in conformity to Section 152..63 of the Regulations of the Fedeti~esvoftthe ComptrolleriGeneralCof the)Ilnitecl3Statcs. available to represen a 10. It is understood and agreed that the term "Project Application°` wherE'ver it appears in this agreement or other documents constituting a part of. this agreement shall be deemed to mean °'Application Co r. Federal Assistance: (For. Construction Programs).11 l.l. The Sponsor will send a copy of all Invitations for Bids, adverti.sc~d or negotiated, for concessions or other businesses at the airport to thc~ appropriate Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OPiBE) ropsorewillldisclose identified by the FAA Regional Civil Rights Office. 7`he Sp and make information about the contracts, resentati.ve andcmdi.norityrf.i.rmsuonc ments available to the designated OMBE rep the same basis that such information is disclosed and made available to other. organizations or firms. Responses by minority fi.rms•to Invitations for Kids shall be treated in the same manner as,a11 other responses to the In~~i_tations for Bids. Compliance with the preceding paragraph will be deemed poendixtC(a)(l.)(x), pliance by thc~ Sponsor. with requirements of 49 CFR 1.1 A p Regulations of the Office of the Secretary of Transportation. -'b ~, . ~- T ~: '.: s ;.E :4 ~ ,., ...~... ... ,w.,,. ., ...., ... __. __ . ~ ,..'~T.._......_.r. _... _._.. _. ~; z. ~..~, h"Y!f.ti. s 1t ~ ~~1,..., _ .. ._ ;~?~ .. v ~ - •F ~ F - Page 3c of 4 Pages - _ ._ _ ~ . r' ~ - i''"- _ . u. t _ - .•~ 12« It is understood and agreed that no part. of the federal. share of ~- - ' an airport development project for which a grant is made under the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, as amended (49 U.S.C« 1701 et seq.), or under the Federal Airport Act, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.), shall be included in the rate base in establishing fees, rates, and' charges for users of the airport. , 13« This project and all work performed thereunder is subject to the Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Accordingly, (A) The sponsor here'oy stipulates that any facility to be utilized in performance under the grant or to benefit from the grant ~ ,, ~.:r i 1 ir' (B) The sponsor agrees to comply with all the requirements of Seztion 114 of the Clean Air Act and Section 308 0 the Federal j Water Pollution Control Act and all regulations issued thereunder. i (C) The sponsor shall notify the FAA of the receipt of any communication =; ~ ~ c.`" from the EPA indicating that a facility to be utilf_red for , performance of or benefit from the grant is under consideration to be listed on the EPA list of violating facilities. ;;w D ( ) The s onsor agrees that it will include, or cause to be included, P ~ ~ '` in .any contract or subcontract under the grant which exceeds a ,, ' ~ $100,000, the criteria and requirements in these subparagraphs„ ber 18 of Part V of the pxoject application. incorporated ~• 14. Assurance Num hErein is amended by including at the end of the second. sentence -', the follo~+-ing language: "including the requirement that each air carrier, author~.zed `to engage directly in air transportation pursuant to Section ~. 401 or 402 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958,. using the air- r -:' 1 3 f_ ~, v _-, w. .f 9 port shall be subject to nondiscri~nzna2ory aiau s2.io5~~suL.i.aJl.ly ~ comparable rates, fees, rentals, and other charges and non-• discriminatory conditions. as are applicable to al]. such air "carriers which make similar use of. the airport and which utilize ` similar facilities;~subject to reasonable classifications such as tenants or nontenants, and combines passenter and cargo flights or all cargo flights, and such classification or status ~ ,~ ` as tenant shall not be unreasonably withheld by any sponsor ~ >; e provided an air carrier assumes obligations substantially similar E to those already imposed on tenant air carriers. This provision shall not require the reformation of any lease or other contract entered into by the sponsor before July 12, 1976." ~`ie i - t I ~,..~_.. t j [fl a l a, ~ `~ ~~' lair.-. r ,,,,~_ . . - _15 . 16. 17. 18. Page 3d' of 4.. Pages__ _ t{~ ~3-, - ~- The grantee agrees to effectuate the purposes of Section 30 of the I ~~~ Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, as amended, by assuring ~ ~~ that minority business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole ' or in part with federal funds provided under this agreement. Fora " means the purposes of this provision, "Minority Business Enterprise l; a business enterprise that is owned by, or is controlled by, a socially _ ,. or economically disadvantaged person or persons. Such dj.sadvantage `~ may arise from cultural, racial, religious, sex, national origin, chro:~ic economic circumstances or background or ether similar cause. Such persons may include, but are not limited to, Blacks not of Asians or Pacific Islanders; of Hispanic origin , Hispanic origin; persons ' ' ' ~ American Indians; and Alaskan 23atives. Grantee further agrees t:o- j camply with such regulations as may be issued by the Federa]. Aviation. k Administration to implement Section 30 of. the Act. 'The sponsor will co~ply with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and 49 CFFt Part 27 which provides ,.r for nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in federally assisted programs and activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial. V ti assistance and requires certain design standards to be implemented ~~ at airports. ~ ~~ Pursuant to Section 19 of the Airport and Airway Development Act, as amended, the FAA does hereby commit the United States to obligate - an additional amount to this project for pa~-ment of its share of the :~ d h i cost, in accordance with the terms hereof, not to excee t e apport on men>i made to the sponsor for FY 1980 pursuant to Section 15(a) (3)(a) of said Act, as amended, and subject to the restrictions now or. here-- inaft~r imposed on the FAA on use of such apportionment .by but not limited to Appropriation Acts now or hereinafter enacted. Therefore, it is mutually understood and agreed that the sponsor. shah. be notified. by letter of the exact amount of this commitment. when such computation and obligation can be made in FY 1980 It is further understood by the parties hereto that this commitment does not in itself obligate, preclude nor restrict the FAA in the use of any funds made available for discretionary use under Section 15 of ,said Act to further aid the sponsor in meeting the cost of this project under the terms of this agreement and limitations of law. _ . It is mutually agreed and understood that the sponsor has knowledge of and recognizes the costs associated with operating and maintaining the airport ]..fighting and agrees to operate the lights throughout each night of the }ear or in accordance with some other plan approved by the FAA. 4 i ~f ,. . ~. ~ . , r~ _ _, `. , . ._ _. ,,- ~~ ~ '- ~, ~ ~s _ _ _ __ ,' The. Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adoption of the Pro~ect_Applicat)on -- ~t-j. 'inc'orporated herein shalt be evidenced by execution of this instrument by the Sponstr,~asrhere)it=~~~:: ,~'~ after provided, and' said Offer and Acceptance shall comprise a Grant Agreement, as provided by the Airport a.nd Airway Development Act of 1970, constituting the obligations and rights of the United States and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the Project anal the operation and maintenance of the Airport. Such Grant Agreement shall become effective upon. the Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and shall remain in full force and effect throughout the useful life of the facilities developed under the Project but in any event not to exceed twenty years from the date of said acceptance, except as otherwise provided in sponsor°s assurance No, 17, Part V, of the project application. UNITED STATES OF A~~IERICA FEDERAL~AVIATION ADMINLSTRATION QY- CHIEF; • AIRPOR'~S • nIS~RICI'• OFFICE...... . . (TITLE) Part II-Acceptance The County of New Hanover, North Carolina does hereby ratify and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements contained in the Project Application and incorporated materials, referred to in the foregoing Offer and does hereby accept said Offer and by such acceptance agrees to all of the terms and conditions thereof.. Executed this ......................day of .............................. , 19.... ..County og •New •Haxrbu~r• ..:............ (Name of Sponsor) (SEAL) By ........................................... Title ...:....................................... Attest:.. ................................. Title :.......................:....... - .... C1~RTIFICATE OE SPONSOK'S ATTORNEY I . . . . ... . . . .. . .... . . . . . ............. .acting as Attorney for the .County , of..Ne~r. Hanovex..... , (herein referred to as the "Sponsor") do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing Grant Agreement and the proceedings taken. by said Sponsor relating thereto, and find that the Acceptance thereof by said Sponsor has been duly auth- 1' ~ ~~ _, ~~ `' ~ ~ prized acid that the execution thereof is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the h wi laws of t;ie State of .Haxth .Caro~~.na ................ .and further that, in my opinion, said Grant ~ ~: Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the Sponsor in accordance with the terms thereof. -~ ~.~ Dated at ..............................this.......... day of ..........................., I9...., '; Title ...........................:........ FAA FORM 810013 PG 4(10.79) SV P£RS£DES FAA FARM 1832 PG c PAGE 4 {~{ h°'. ".~."'....' ~'~''~`~!4-T"i'~~~"'T`A~Bi'`-.-'s'T'i~~.'~tt^---rr~c-+^^v~s~; ~. '-;-rr-"'~'u?;rt-::.'~-7-~'^-~?yr-,-°.-~..^-.,,gr ;u~ '' "~ `~' 1 ,. _ ~: i F, .. t~.!' ..+ . ~.-..~, NEW 1-iAN~\/~,R Ct7~~'I"~' Y ~ ~- ~'°~ DI~E'ARTIVIEI~^t' OF' ~~~IAI~ SI~RVIG1=~ Fem. ~ 1020 RANKIN STREET ~' `~ ~~ " WILMINGTON, NORTI~ CAROLINA 28401 September 13, 1979 Mr> G. Felix Cooper County A7anager New Hanover County Administration Building 320 Chestnut Street lUilmington, North Carolina 28401 TELEPI-td NE, 763-6521 Re : iVord Processing Bid #6-69 Dictation Equipment Bid #7-79 Dear Mr. Cooper: I recoirimend approval of the IBbi bids on moth the Fvard t~rocessing acid Dictation Equipment. The bids are attached for your inspection. On the 1Vord Processing System I~i~. has quoted a loose cost. of $1,616.95 per month. This is a two-year government Lease which. allows us to cancel at the beginning of any fiscal year due to lack of funds with no penalty. Fifty percent (SO%) of our lease payment is accrued toward purchase up to a maximum of one-half the cost of the equipment at the time of purchase. Lanier offered several options which are attached. The monthly costs of leasing Lanier equipment are slightly higher than IBh}; however, Lanier does offer afull-pay-out Lease. Should we plan to ultimately purchase the equipment the Lanier Bid would be the cheapest, On the Dictating Equipment IBM is again lower on. a lease basis even though 'v;e 4':iLl p'.ArC}'iase ten (iC) portable units. Aga~.in should we piaii to ultimately purchase the equipment the Lanier is cheaper,. The Office Manager and I have observed demonstrations of both IBM and Lanier Systems: It is our judgment that the IBM System can more easily meet the needs of the New Hanover County Department of Social Services. I have also talked at length with Directors of Social Services iri Brunswick and Union Counties who have installed IBM Systems and the Director, in }Vake County who has Lanier, These conversations have confirmed my judgment. Both companies essentially meet or exceed the specifications, though the IBM System does provide a hig}ier density storage disk. Lanier has acknowledged that they cannot provide truly "automatic gaper and envelope handling and ability to feed from ultimate drawers." Lanier has the capability o.f "single sheet feed" but envelope processing would require that our envelopes be printed on a continuous form thus increasing supply costs. Both companies provide operator training; however, Lanier charges additional for such training. ~ . ~ "al Mr. G. Felix Cooper . County D4anager ~~~~. Page 2 The key element of the IBM Information Processors power and fel.i_xibzlity is the high-density diskette that provides for high volume storage capability of approximately 130 pages ar 274,000 characters of typed material and the accessibility needed to handle the information needs of our Department. "The record processing capabilities of the Information Processor will enable us to keep track of the more than 2,200 Medicaid cases, 1,600 active cases in Child Support Enforcement, and the 3,400 active cases i:n the Food Stamp Pro- grams. In addition other sections such as Child IVelf_are, Title XX, Protective Services and Day Care will benefit from the capabilities of the equipment in writing daily, weekly and monthly reports, keeping track of employee and client schedules, day sheets and tracking of client information, Much of the manual day to day record keeping now being done will be cut to a. minimum and allow the employees to service the people of idew Iianover County more effectively. The automatic printing capabilities of the System are an integral part of the increased productivity that we will realize, as being able i.o print reports, forms and letters at speeds }~etween 55 and 92 characters per second automatically. The Model 440 will feed its owri paper. and envelopes auto- matically.without operator intervention and completely unattended. Letters to clients, as in the area of Child Support Enforcementl: ~tihich now prepares approximately 900 letters per month and in the Aiedicai.d. which prepares ap- proximately 400 PA 25 forms per month, will be printed. with the unique capability to merge already stored record information with the letter. or form. The Model 452 which has an impact printer will be used to produce the numerous multi-part carbonized forms in the Food Stamp program (approximately 2,400 "Action" forms/month). In the Pdedi.caid Department (approximately 2OD eligibility multi-part forms) and in the Protective Services Department. These farms will be prepared automatically instead of the now manu.a.l_ method, p._~ T}"ie r~iJdCl 420 wiTi uv "tiSed aS aii iTi u~ Stat1O73 aiid 31SG %o build the numerous legal doCan~ents used in the Child Support Enforcement Department. The dictation equipment recommended will give us up to five hours of continuous recording time and also can be used to dictate while in the field with use of portable units as well as in the building by using their own telephones. The need of the workers to dictate home visit reports a.nd to up date client files on a timely basis is needed and caill. greatly increase the productivity of the workers and therefore enable them to spend Tess time on. paperwork and more time serving their clients. The above outline is only a small part of the many capabilities of the Office System Infozmation and Dictation Equipment..recommended., Mr. G. Felix Cooper .County A4anager Page 3 In summary, I recommend awarding the contracts to IBIS for the following reasons: 1, Though Lanier offers a lower purchase cost and an apparent savings, we feel that this is false economy, Word processing technology is improving rapidly, therefore purchased. equipment may soon. be obsolete. Secondly, State and Federal regulations require that purchased equipment be depreciated for purposes of claiming matching monies. Federal and State share of the cost of this equipment is approximately 67%=, which can be claimed on a '.'true" lease such as IBM's.. It is possible that receipt of matching money for i:he Lanier equipment could be spread over a 10-15 year period depending on the IRS schedule for depreciation of the equipment. 2. Most importantly, due to the experience of other counties and. our own observation, we feel that the IBht System can meet our needs more easily ~i:han Lanier,. Specifically IBM 11as demonstrated their system's capability in a practical manner using our specific requests :vhile Lanier has provided a generalized demonstrata_on which did not address our specifics. IBM has shown us that their system can. meet our needsa Lanier has provided an elaborate high-pressure-sales campaign and. asked us to have faith that their system wil_1 work for us, 3,. A key to the effectiveness of the system will be trainin_.g, IBM excells in this area at no additional cost tows. 4. }Ve.feel that both Word Processing=Equipment and Dictating Tquipmenl; are components, of a total 4~1ord Processing System and that implementation will be easier if both components are purchased from th.e same vendor. If you have aii~' questio,-~s, please advise, incer - y, ~ e F. Wayne Morris Director FC~'M/ gb Attachments cc: :dew Hanover County Social Services Board r ~~ ~ ~• c ~ c y r'p P • v t N NG~O oc c7 C'7 r.. t-~ U. tp r-i ~ z ~ n N "< • • (!] O ""~ O ~ 7 rte-. t~ G3 G:. r ~, ~; a ~~ ~, rr CA rn f; ~- ~ '~ i (1. U~ x ~ n { e~ ~~ ~ r ~" 0 ( ~ n L ~ r~ \ ~ ~ Y•?Q ~a z .y iaEt'! ~t1~i~Ov'1 ~!1 l.O l%:f (Y • 1•lilr~ington, i~1.C. ;•fORD PF:OCESSING SYSTt=t4 - Bid n 6-69 Ii~1STRUCTI01~lS TO BIDDERS: General: 1) All prices quoted are considered to include fre%ght and delivery charges. State and County sales tax should not be includ`d in price, but•should be added to invoice. Freight must be prepaido Lease charges to include service. . 2) Please contact ilr. Elmer l~lilliamson, Social Services Departr~7ent for any ~dditiona7 information. Telephone nunber 919-753-6521. 3) Quotations not accented if not on this form. 4) A bi d secctri ty deposit i n the amount of 5q of the E~i d price in the -orm of cash, certified check, or bid bond shall accampany each bid. Company checks are not acceptable. SLecifications: 7 t~'ord Processing equipment to be compatible :•ri th installed ~;ae~neti c card e qui pn~:~nt ill thout interface device. 2) Ability to qualify on three fields and sequence records on r.~p to -your fields in one bass. • 3) Abi 1 i ty to rr;`rge -text and the fi 1 e entries for cccpl sled job un- attendod_ 4-) Rearrange euthut from files for acquiring only management information. Idr-_nti - i tali on nurnb~~rs for undati ng records . 6) ;1i gii dcnsi ty storage (if 4 mi 71 i on characters) . 6) Autornati c paper and em~el ope handling and abi 1 i ty to need paper frcrn a] ternate drat•rer. .1;ar:;° Of B i rider IzAPIIER BUSI~,SS PRODUCTS _ Delivery Date I~~'DIATELY Lease Price $ Authorized Signatur ~' 50n Equity plus Fundir.~ clause and the first two months rent to be waived as 'trade-in allowance for existing, installed N.ag Card I . KJ . •~• ~av~E~BVS~r.[SS p~OC.uCTS K~C ' GEPJERAL OFFICE: 7700 CHr.NT1LLY DRIVE, N.E., ATLANTA, GEORGIA 3032: {404) 3?_9-LQ04 TELEX NO. (54-2750) • ALTERNATE BID 1UA__NTITY ITEM -. PURCHASE ~,~AINT. 2 LTE 3D 522,800.00 4 51600.00 1 LTE=33 X9/0 Printer 7,400.00 550.00 1 SPEED FEED 1,995.00 240.00 1 FORMS TRACTOR 300.00 25000 1 CARD READER ?,500.00 000.00 1 RECORDS ?diANAGER PROG . 1 , 200 . C~0 50.00 TOTALS 541,195.00 53065.00 LEASE OPTIONS: Leases are full payout wlthfi option to cancel for a nk ~f A nT)?"nT.~ ,~..[r LR~ 1r"7,Ii,.fti ~ L t.iV `.:a~jllilil.)`1~ d1 a.i:~y` ..-,.. ~i.~..~. ~ e'er i c 24 MONTHS 36 I~,.O~?TUS 52,194.88 $1,623.91. =48~~-?ti;O~TTHS 60 I~.ONTHS 51,340.49 51,17?..00 WORD Pi OCESSING SPECIALISTS IIJ DICTATING EQUIPPIENT, AUTOPdATIC TYPING SYSTEtrS AND 3".7 COPYi~lG EQJi''.~cN.i '•~ ~ c•:•E~ f3uS:Ni SS pnODUCT 5. wC ;;ENERi,L Or"EICE: 1700 CHANTILLY DRIVE, N.E.o ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30324 (404) 329-b00t1 TELEX NO. (S~+-?_750) ttiAlN BID/ALTERIv'ATE ONE 24hiTH . ~tJANTITY -.--- ITEM PURCHASE I~FAINT ~ R.EI~ITAL 2 LTE 3D X22,800.00 X1600.00 Y95a.00 1 LTE-3S 9 ,990.00 750 .00 345 .00 1 LTE-3S ~"l/0 Printer 7,400.00 550.00 440.00 1 SPEED FEED 1,995.00 240.00 82.00 1 ~ FORMS TRACrI'rJR 300 .00 25 .Oi3 :F_1 ®i,0 1 RECORDS hiANAGEP~ PROG . 1 , 200.00 5 0.00 5 0.00 LESS TRADE-IN ?;iAG 1 1 , 500.00 TOTALS Y~42,185.00 X3215.00 $]_,878.00 1T l1Tm f'(1 v r_...- UL.lia!_ _~}. .tV!~t~.~: }.,F~,CCyg ia.t'~ stlii. ~.Jaj%f'iil~l, rii'..:i V~~G1GAa i.~ ~:a_ilCe~ .F..Vl lack of appropriated funds at the beginning ~f any fiscal, ~ea.r. 24 2~10NTHS 36 ItiONTHS $2,253.98 $1,669.30 48 ?dONTHS ~1,3~~ .07 60 MONTHS w]_,206.53 V:~ORD PROCESSING SPECIALISTS 1N DICTATING EOUIPt'Et~T, AUTOi/ATIC TYPING SYSTEA~S AidD 3M COPYING EQUIr`.AE,i n•x s ~_ ~_L1J LJ ~~ lJ ~ ~~ ~,~y.cn BVSN[55 pA00uCT5 rtaC GENERAL OFFICE: 17C0 CHi,NTILLY DRIVE, N.E., ATLANTA, GEORGIA 3032< (404) 329-8000 TELEX NO. (54-2750) ALTERNATE BID aUANTITY ITEM -. PURCHASE ?RAINY. 2 LTE 3D X22,800.00 ~1600~00 1 LTE=3S YI/O Printer 7,400.00 550.00 1 SPEED FEED 1,995.00 240.00 1 FORh4S TRACTOR 300.00 25.00 i CARD PLEADER 7,500.00 600.00 1 RECORDS R~AI~TAGER PROG. 1 , 200 .00 50 .00 TOTALS X41,195.00 $3065.00 ! LEASE OPTIONS: Leases are full payout with option to cancel for ctf ~nT)rn7~A'~U{F=r? Itiu+a~' e,v tiT~ ti°~iiaz2ri~' ~f u~.;,` ~- ~C4.~~ aea-~ U - l.a~k ~L,1J4.~~ 48~•-h-:Oi~TTHS ~1,:34U.4y ~1 , 6`L `3 .91 a 60 1~ONTH S X1,172.00 \vORD PP.OCESSING SPECIALISTS IN DiCTATJNG ECUPPti~ENT, kUTOD~!ATIC TYPIi`!G SYSTEt/tS P,ND 3PJ~ COPYING EOJiP:'~~cNT e f ` • ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY 4lilming~:on, N.C<. b10RD PROCESSING SYSTEPd Bid ~ 6-69 INSTP,UCTIONS TO BIDDcRS: _.. _ _._ General: ~ ~ _ i Ail prices quoted are considered to include freight and delivery charges. State and County sales tax should not be included in price; but should be added to invoice. Freight must be prepaid. Lease charges to include service. 2) Please contact Mr. Elmer Glil7iamson, Social Services Department . for any additional information.. Telephone number 919-°763-6521. 3) Quotations not accepted if not on this form. 4) A bid security deposit in the amount of 5% of the bid price in the form of cash, certified check, or bid bond shall accompany each bid. Company checks are not acceptable. S eci fi cati ons ~ . i t~tord Process?ng equipment to be compatible with installed magnetic card equipment ~~rithout interface device. 2} Rbility to qualify on three fields and sequence records on up to four fields in on e. pass. 3} Abi 1 i ty to merge text and the fi 1 e entries for completed job un-- ' attended. 4) Rearrange output from files for acquiring only manage~r~ent ~informat~ion< Identification numbers for updating records. ~.~ (.3 ~,, ~onC ° i- t' f •^ n7 / l PA rn~ l l r ° l_r 2 vj .~i~h t.E..~it.j $~.o C'iyc.. tE/-t 1EE141EOEi ~.C~~i!`~GE%i.t'~71. 6) Automatic paper and envelope handling and ability to feed paper crom alternate dratiYer. .~ Quotations Name of Bidder ~ ~- [~~ Delivery Date ~~ ~y l ~ CJES~„m ~~~ ~~ ~7~r~E° Lease Price ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 9S Authorized Signature ~E~c~` ~'~~ _ ~ ~ ~~~ Da ie e _" ~ z .o ~. .~ -~ ~. . ~~ -~+ a w o- io E-' cv z w~, ~. rn ,-, ~ ~rn a r+ u~ 7 ~ O ~ ---t H ~. U ~ H ~ Q 'Q i~ . r-' Q ~. U ~~ J ~ O ~~~ ` ~ ~ ,- 1 E~ ~~. x ~; !U ~ ~ CC •r-t ~ ~ ~., (.{ V ,_.i ~ ~+ . ~ O _ ~ U _ , .~ __., y ~~ , ~. ~~ ~~ '" ti y ~ ~ n~ ` •~ . ..... .` a - ~• P1Et~1 HANOVER COUPiTY FJi?mington, N.C. DICTATION EQUIPi•1ENT ' Bid ~` 7-79 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: General l-j All prices quoted are considered to include freight and delivery charges: State and County sales tax should not be included irF price, but should be added to invoice. Freight must be prepaEdo Lease charges to include service. 2} P?e?se=contact P•1r. E7~ner btilliamson, Social Services I3epartment, for any addi t"i onal i nformati on . Telephone nu~~bet g1 D -~63-652 [ n 3} Quotations not accepted if not on this form. 4} A bid security deposit in the amount of 5% of the bid price in the form of rash, Cer`:'•f?ed ~he~!:, ^r hi~ €Jnnd Shall acd~G~~py.~?y °~C~'t ~:~. Company checks are not acceptable. ~S ecifications (! Internal and external access to recorders by E3.nJF dial telephone. - 2} Segmented recording media for efficient c•ror{c"1 cad di stt i buti on G. 3} Reuseables fileable, mailable recording media. 4) Five hours unattended recording time (per recorder}. ~j T;.-illy-ui~t' h~ci~r per da;y a"vaiiability of recorders.' 6} Automatic disconnect at end of recording- 7} Portable dictation uni t compatible srri th transcriber (dual media.} $} Transcription accessories available for portable'recorder. Quotations - Name of Bidder ZANIER BUSINESS 1~- RODUCTS `~' ` . Deliver Date Y IhSt~"SEDIATLEY x- - Lease Price ~ 821.97* See attached ~a , A7.ternate Bid _ Authorized Si gnature~ ~--1' R ~ >`r' to * 100 Equity plus Funding Clause ~nN:F ~+6u5'N[SS PFODUCTS ANC , GENERAL. OFFICE: 1700 CHANTILLY DRIVE. N.E., ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30324 (404) 323-8000 TELEX IJO. (54-2750) MAIN BID ~L'ANITY ITEI~i UNIT COST TOTAL COS' 5 Tel-Edisette X1995.00 $9975..00 5 Dial Dictate Coupler 470.00 2350.00 3 Time Commander Transcriber 599.00 1797.00 10 Vest Pocket Secretary 259.00 2590~C0 3 Micro Adapter 128.00 3$4.C0 ~17Q9~.oo Less Trade-In Allowance ai present Dictation System 2554.40 - Purchase Price including Installion and X14531660 Training of Personnel eases are Full Payout with option to cancel far~Lack of Appropiat~~d 'unds at the beginning of any Fiscal Year. X821.97 X620.56 FOUR YEAR FIVE YEAR X520.59 X461.15 V,lORD PP OCESSING SPECIALISTS IN DICTATING EOU(PMENT, AUTOh4ATIC TYPING SYSTE~4S AND 3U1 COPYING EQUlP "F?~I - , `• ,~ ~A\~~ A C3US~•~:E S.ri PF1000C/5 1.'V~ GENERAL OFFICE: 1700 CHANTILLY DRIVE, N.E., ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30324 (404) 329-&000- TELEX Np. (;'i4-2750) ALTERNATE BID ##1 oUANITY 5 5 3 10 3 ITEM UNIT COST TOTAL COST Tel-Edisette Dial~Dictate Coupler Regent Transcriber Courier Portable Mini Adapter X1995.00 470.00 469.00 159.00 89.00 Less Trade-In Allowance of present Dictation System Purchase Price including Installion and Training of Personnel ~~.9975.00 23.50.00 1407.00 1590.00 267.00 $15589 ~.00 5.870.00 $13719.00 eases are Full Payout with option to cancel for Lack of Appropiated 'ands at the beginning of any Fiscal Year. Tj90 YEAR THREE FEAR ~ 750 .22 $590.07 FOUR YEAR X495 .68 $439.57 V:ORD PROCESSING SPECIALISTS IN DICTATING EQUIPMENT, AUTO~rATIC TYPING SYSTE\1S AtJD 3M GOPYIiJG EQUtPPAENT Y r. C NEt~t HANOVER COUNTY 4lilmington, N.C, DICTATION EQUIPMENT Bid ~ 7-79 jI~tST'rZUCTIONS 70 BIDQERS: Genera? ~1 A11 prices quoted are considered to include freight and delivery charges. State and County sales tax should not be included in price, but should be added to invoice. Freight must be prepaid tease charges to include service. 2} Please contact hir. Elmer trlilliamson, Social Services Department, for any additional information.. Telephone number 919-~7b3-6:121.. 3) Quotations not accepted if not on this form. 4} A bid security deposit in the amount of 5~ of the bid price in the form of Cash, ~ertifled rt?c'~43 >r bid b0~d Shall a.Ccompany e~?Ch !3'4d. r Clt~~;1d11~ <.Ii4'l. l~~ ui :- 11U ~. C1 ~.. t.G'E71.4U s ~. S~eci fi cati ons 1 Internal and external access to recorders by any dial telephone.. 2} Segmented recording media for efficient ~ror~l~oad distribution. 3} Reuseable, fileable, mailable recording media. 4} Five hours unattended recording time per recorder}. 5} T4~~enty-four hour per day avai 1 abi l i ty of recorders . 6} Automatic disconnect at end of recording. %} Portable dictation unit compatible ~vith transcriber dual media), ~3} Trarscri pi : on accessories avai 1 abl e for por-tab i e recorder . Quotations name of Bidder Delivery Date Lease Price ~_ Authorized Signature ~ k~ ~ ~!fi' 7 ~ ~`~s . iv~~~~h .. r~n~T~ po~~~~~sE~ 8' ~ Date