Agenda 2002 03-25 . ~~,NOYER Cp ~ ~* I Q 91~ IMPO'E%P/ ~O~ f- ixousTnr ~'c NORTHc~ March 25, 2002 9:00 a.m. NEW IIAIVOVER COiJN'I'Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third"Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GFtEER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY' LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE . APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA _ ESTIMATEID ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 9:15 a.m. 1. -Proclamation Proclaiming April 13, 2002 "Take Me To The Mall" Girl Scout Day at 1 Westfield Shoppingtown Independence 9:20 a.m. 2. Presentation of New Hanover County Employee Service Awards 5 9:30 a.m. 3. Recognition of New County Employees 7 '" E~ 9:35 a.m. 4. Designation of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Model System Administrator 9 9:45 a.m. ~ 5. Consideration to Proceed with Veteran Park Please IlI B and Approval of Associated 15 Budget Amendment #2002-39 10:00 a.m. 6. Consideration of Interlocal Agreement with the City of Wilmington for Operation of 17 Parking Deck • 10:1.5 a.m. 7. Consideration of Approval of Street Addressing Standards and Procedures and 19 Adoption of Amended Ordinance, Chapter 47, Article IV, Section 47-109 10:20 a.m. 8. Consideration of Proposed Programmatic and Policy Goals for FY02-03 21 1.0:35 a.m. 9. Consideration of Offer to Purchase County Owned Property 31 10:45 a.m.' .BREAK 10:50 a.m. 10. Committee Appointments 33 11:00 a.m. • 11. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 55 11:30 a.m. 13. Non-agenda items (limit 3 minutes) 1.1:50 a.m. Additional Items: County Commissioners, County Attorney, County Manager • :_ ~ ~ ~ Noon ~ "Closed Session Pursuant to G.S. 143-.318.11(5) to Instruct Staff in Negotiating a 53 ~' Real Estate Acquisition. 12:20 p.m. ~ Adjourn 2:00 p.m. Work Session with Planning Board Note: Times lasted for e ach item is estimated, and in .the event that a preceding item takes less time, the Board w ill move forward un til the agenda is completed. ,_, t MEETING OF THE WATER AND .SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit to 3 minutes) - 55 2. Approval of Minutes 57 3. Consideration of Acceptance of Public Dedication: Greenview Ranches Right-Of--Way, 59 Area A and Middle Sound Right-Of--Way, Area B 4. Consideration of Proposed Water anal Sewer User Charges for Larger Meter Sizes 65 5. Consideration of Proposed Sewer Tap Fee Change 69 6. Request for authorization to Request Qualifications from Consultants for Update of 73 Sewer System Construction Schedule 7. Consideration of Emergency operation of Greenview Ranches Water System 75 . ADJOURN CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS. Page No. 1. Approval of Minutes 79 2 Approval of Revision to Fee Policy -New Hanover County Health Department 81 . Environmental Health -Tattoo Artist anal/or Body Piercing Permit Per Location 3 Approval of Possession and Control of Abandoned Acorn Branch Cemetery 1910 85 North Kerr Avenue 4. Approval to Proceed with Engineering Work for Installation of Carbon Injection 89 . and Noxout Systems at WASTEC " 5. Award of Contract 02-0149 to Thomson & Co., Inc for the Constructed Wetlands 91 Leachate Treatment System at the New Hanover County Landfill 6. Award of Contract 02-0299 to Post Buckley Schuh & Jerrnigan, Inc. for Closure 97 Design Services for Cells 3B-5 at the New Hanover County Landfill 7. Approval of FY 01-02 Equal Employment Opportunity Grant 99 8. Position Reclassification and Job Title Change for IT Administrative Support . 101- .Technician Position 9. Release of Value 103 - 10. New Hanover County and New•Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports 105 11. Resolution to Extend the Existing Cable Television Franchise of Charter 109 Communications to Operate a Cable System in New Hanover County. 12. Approval of Contract #02-0304 with Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. for the Purchase 113 of a Fire Engine through Installment Financing for the County Fire Services Department Approval of Budget Amendments: 13.1 #2002-37 Controlled Substance Tax-Sheriff i 19 • 13.2 #2002-38 Federal Forfeited Property-Sheriff 120 13.3 #02-0151 Various ~ ~ 121 13.4 #02-0156 Sheriff/Administration/Jail 122 • NEUV HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMBSSIONERS REQUEST F©R BOARD ACTi01V : ~ Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Timer Page iVumber: Department: County Manager Presenter: Deborah Goodman of Westfield Shoppingtown Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Proclama#ion Proclaiming April 7 3, 2002 "Take Me To The' Mall" Giri Scout Day at Westfield Shoppingtown Independence... BRIEF SUMMARY: Westfield Shoppingtown Independence mall will be showcasing Girl Scout accomplishments to the community with troop displays,. council exhibits, performances and other activities. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt proclamation FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQU/RE REV/FW . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt proclamation. ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: t LfIVTY COMMI~IpNpt~S :APPROVED ~~ REJECTED (,~ , . REMQVED C3 POSTPONED p ;~ HEARD - RES®L~TTI~N ®F TIDE NEW FIAN®VEI2 COITN'I'Y B®ARI) ®F C®1VIlVIISSI®NEI~S WHEREAS, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., the world's largest voluntary organization for girls was founded by Juliette Gordon Low on March 12, 1912; and WHEREAS, The Girl Scout movement is dedicated to instilling high ideals of character, conduct, service and patriotism in girls and has inspired generations of.girls to improve the world around them in their homes, communities, and society; and WHEREAS, The Girl Scouts of New Hanover County and the Coastal Carolinas are celebrating the 90`'' anniversary of the Girl Scout organization; and W~~EREAS, Saturday, April 13, 2002 has been set aside as "Take Me To The Mall" Girl Scout Day at Westfield Shoppingtown Independence. The mall will be showcasing Girl Scout aecomplislunents to the community with troop displays, council exhibits, performances and more. ,"~ NOW, TI-~EREF~RE, be it resolved that the New Hanover County Commissioners do hereby proclaim April 13, 2002 to be Take Me To The Mall" Girl Scout Day and urge all of our ~c~itizens to join in recognizing Girl Scouts for their countless contributions to our town, cities, state, and its people. Adopted this the 2~t~ day of March, 2002 [SEAL] ~. ~. :,~ g"°! f` : I Y t"> ~~ L~icie F~. I-larreli, Clerlc to the Board c ~~~ Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman F''I ~1a; . 6. 2002 1:33PP~ WESTFIELD SHOP PING 9IC-392-311 I ~ ,!. _ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~: ~~3Js1a~ ~.~-~~ rum; ~1 E~.: s '3 ~ + _ ..t Q ~~ ~~~ ~~ p~0 ER; 910-392-~ 7~6 FAQ i~3E.k22: 910-392-341 7 ~®. C3.F' PAGES : ~ ~ ~ No~1113 p, 1~2 r ,, 3 H p ~~~'"`°~' ai~~Y.~,P.l~T O W N 35D0 4leandgr pEN~~ ~Imin9rort, NC 29403 Fac3c~lm1la~ (9101392-1p76 t~1a) asa.sat7 ~rJ ~ ~ ~~„~ ~ `~ "te"a v i S~ Q,(\ ~~ . V ~ ~- try r~c'~ ; r~ r~ ~ cvr-- ~-! v.° ~,. ~/~ ~, '+'~.~ 5~.'L., o ~.,~. ~ ~ ~; ""1 ~f 1VEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM~SS10iVE€~S REC2UEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards - BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Frank V. ,Deal -WASTEC; Arthur C. Pratesi - WASTEC; Joe A.~ Garcia -Health Dept.; Julia L. Courtright -Social Services; Genevi A. Francis - Social Services; Nancy C. Hayes -Social Services; TEN (10) YEAR: Helen B. Simmonds -Social Services; FIFTEEN {15) YEAR: Catherine C. Morgan -Human Resources; Rodney J. Driggers - WASTEC: TWENTY {20) YEAR: Theresa Brinson - IT; and. TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEAR: Karen M. Vincent -Social Services. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING. SOURCE.: • • ATTACHMENTS:. !T'~iv ~G'~S NOT REQU/RE REVIEW rUf C6MMi APPROVED ~' ?EJECTED [~ REMOVED POSTPONED l~EARO -. ~/~si f _. 1 ~'~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~a~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~, ~~~~r ~~€ ,, ~~~~~, :~~ ~;~ ,, J ~~._ :_ _. ~: J NEVI/ HANOVER COUNTY ROAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Re ular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: g Department: Human Relations Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene Carney _ SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of newly hired county employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACFlMfNTS: ITEM DOES NOT RE(2UIRE REVIEW ~. LVL_31~d i i ivitiivH~cn a .~ W~~~ome new employees. w.-.n nnn~e~~fnsl~rl l~~ l~l~Tl/'1 ,APPROVED ~.. REJECTED Q t; !R•EMOVED ~ r POSTPONED 1~EAR(~ ~- . ~~~~~~,~ ~~ ~~:~ CG~.~tr~'U"a {~~~~~ ti_i~ C9~a'.14k~.~ ~E'~V ~ANOiOER G®llNT~l S®A~i® ®F CGMMISSI®iVERS ~_ ~~''`~{ ~~ f RE'~UEST FOR S®AR® ACTION ~ ~ ~~"'" Meeting Date: 03/25/02 ~'~ Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin Contact: Patricia A. Melvin, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Desicdnation of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Model System Administrator J~, ~S {~ SRIEF SUMMARY::~h3 ~~ House Bill 452 grid House Bill 453 were enacted requiring that each county establish an EMS system and `ensure that quality emergency medical services are provided to all citizens. The county may also designate a system administrator to perform EMS coordinating and monitoring duties. The ultimate responsibility for insuring services to our citizens still rests with the County. At the March 4th meeting of the EMS Model System Planning Committee, the Committee- agreed that New Hanover Regional Medical Center should be designated as the system administrator. The Planning Committee consists of representatives from various EMS providers from public and private sectors • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution to designate New Hanover Regional Medical Center as the system administrator for EMS services in New Hanover County, with periodic reports of .activities presented to the Board of County Commissioners. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: €iEVl~~NED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A • '~, ~ ~P~aovED ~ DEJECTED ~ 6i'EMOVED ~~ 1;'0$TP~NED ® s G~EARiJ 9 RESOLUTiOIV ®RAF7~ OF THE NEW HANOVER COUiVTY BOARD OF COIVIiVIISSiONERS V1IHEREAS, in the 2001 session of the General Assembly; House Bill 452 and House Bili 453 were enacted requiring that each County establish an EMS system and ensure that emergency medical services are provided to its citizens; and WHEREAS, the County or such other entity as it may select shall be system administrator to perform EMS coordinating and monitoring duties; and VeIHEREAS, the system administrator shall, among other statutory and regulatory duties, prepare a narrative describing the overall EMS system, structure data collection mechanisms, undertake overall. management of the system, coordinate public education as to the role of the EMS system, arrange medical oversight and formulate operation protocols;.and VlIHEREAS, the system administrator may form such committees, advisory boards or stakeholder groups desirable to facilitate performance of its duties; and ~JHEREAS, the New Hanover Regional Medical Center. currently provides the full spectrum or EMS services under an exclusive franchise issued by New Hanover County, subject only to the preexisting franchise granted for non-emergency ambulance service; and V1IHEREAS the New Hanover Re Tonal Medical Center has the resources, experience and 9 expertise to perform system administering duties and is agreeable to such an undertaking. NO1N, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the New Hanover Regional Medical Center be and is hereby designated EMS system administrator for New Hanover County pursuant to House Bill 452 and House Bill 453 and.. . regulations enacted by the State Office of Emergency Medical Services. This the day of , 2002. (SEAL) ~ ~TTEST:~ ~ ~`~~~~_. t;1 ::l ~,`~ l _ , ~~ f Clerk to tfie Board ~. ;. ... New Hanover County Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman I;1~'iS h,'Iodel System I?lanning Committee l'ieetin<~ Summary ~ NIaP-Ch ~~ ~0~2' ' Desired ©utcomes: Determine who will be the Eti1S System Administrator . Provide ~iwareness of new nlles and r~~~=ulations coi~icel~ning OE:NIS and H.B. 452 & 453 ~~~~gree on Responsibilities Ae,ree oil involvemenC of all agencies Sunimarv of Actions S Decisions '~' k emp '~ll':-peau p;o~'ldec'. an OVeCVieR' Or I'ic~\% i111cS :1Rd i;e~LllatlOnS a Eti'IS System Administrator will be New Hanover Regional vledical Center with~an Advisory Board I'he~ Systemm administrator a11d Advisory Board wi11 be e~_pected to: ~ Develop a plan for the. model system °~ Conduct a review and analysis of co1i71nunity needs for the model system ~ Fnsure local compliance. with recuirements of I-LB. 452 and =153 ~ ~ %usure service provider agency coalp'liance ,with rnode.l system plan ~ ReUOrt non-compliance to Corulty Commissioners Act as ran informaiion resource; i.e. enstu~e two-way conu~nulicatioti with prov~del~s; sharing plan, changes, sports, etc. Stakeholders who should be included on the Advisory Board iilclude: ~ , 1" Responders ~' Cit.izens ~• ti'[eaica{ Director ~ l'ranspori service providers, i.e. KOSA; Gene, al Eiechic ~ Taachin~ ii~stihltious ~ ~iurses Pl:vsicians ~ Hospitals ~ . Public safety agencies ~ County goverllmeni ~ Medical clinics ~ Long-term care facilities ~ Local municipalities Options for Plan Development and Implementation ~ Advisory Board- consisting of all stakeholders to oversight work of System AchninistTator and act as liaison between System Adlilinistrator'and County Commissioners '9 Quatit~~ Nlana~emellt Committee - enn-ently exists to insure qulliry patient care ~ I'ianning Committee - to develop model system plan Particlnarts a~ ~ that this intomlatlon should be s~ ' ~~.~Itted to the Board of County Collunissioners as a 1~.;omnrP~~ .a~iion for delegati1~47 its authority fo~~ .:~unlrlstrative oversigl~rt over I:~Y1S services aad dev~'. ~,ineut of ~11e ENiS Modci SysrF m ~.:.~~1IC. i ~' ~~J~S ~9odei ~y~te~n ~eeti~~ i~ar~h ~, 2fl0~ Attenulees: Mr. Barry Hood, Cape Fear Community College; Lt. Tim Smith, City of Wilmington Fire Department; Nir. Scott Wolodekitsch, KOSA; Ms. Kay Blackwedier, RN, KOSA; Ms. List ~1~Jhite, KOSA; Mr. Paul Hubbard, Medical Transportation Specialists; Ms. Patty Graham, Medical Transportation Specialists; Cpl. L. J. N1acNeish, New Hanover County -Sheriff's Department; Chief Ed Woodard, _New Hanover Regional EN1S; Mr. Michael Nave, Ogden-New Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad: Mr. Robert Pugh. Wrightsville Beach Fire Department; Lt. L. R. Narramore; Nlr. Frankie Pridgen, Ne~:v Hanover County Fire; Mr. Donnie Hall, New Hanover County Fire; Nls. Pat Melvin, Assistant County Manager - flew Hanover County; Kemp Burpeau, Esq., Deputy Attorney -New Hanover Oounty; Ms, Linda Augino, New Hanover County Fire; and C`,~1s. Donna Sue Jordan, Administrative Associate, New Hancver Regional EMS. Ms. Pv1elvin began the meeting by going over the desired outcomes for today's meeting: determine who will be the EMS System Administrator, provide awareness of the ne~.v,rules and regulations concerning OEMS and House Bills 452 and 453, agree on responsibilities and agree on involvement of al! agencies. What needs to happen in New Hanover County to make a decision on compliance with H. B. 452 and 453? The best way.to make this decision is to get people involved, obtain feedback and suggestions. The information from today's meeting u`~ill be presented to the county manager as our recommendation for compliance. Ms. Melvin then introduced Mr. Kemp Burpeau, who is the Deputy Attorney for Nesv Hanover County. N1r. K. Burpeau tiirll highlight a few of the issues relating to these house bills. Mr. Burpeau stated that the County has two functions: 1 } to talk 2.bout tine State's lati~~~s and reaulatians ar~d what they mea,~~, for the County and those involved and 2) franchise authority. i r:e Sate wviii hcd ~~ ~ County responsible for compliance. -. ,,~=::~e counties are involved in the pilot program. New Hanover County was chosen for full compilance. T'rie State felt that it needed to ensure how medical services v,~ere being provided and that the system in place allows all components to have input. At the last meeting, we discussed the Hospital having a major role. While the County, would nave the responsibility of overseeing and monitoring as an independent entity. An individual or company is required to have a county franchise to provide medical services ~,vithin this County. VVe are tivorking with the State for legislaticn on this issue. At present; NHRMC has an exclusive franchise. The Hospital will address any additional franchise re quests The County ~~~il! ha~.~e overview responsibilities. Ms. Melvin started the discussion on the options for New Hanover County. The County is responsible for providing franchises for medical services and has the opportunity to delegate the authority. Administrative Oversight as a Model System (Suggestions from the Group) - '1. Oversight Board of Knowledgeable Outsiders 2. New Hanover Regional Medical Center . 3. Oversight Board with New Hanover County Staff Knowledgeable of EMS Systems, EMS Stakeholders and Outside Entities 4. Hospital with an Advisory Committee Some participants felt thy;- r~r~ore issues needed to be dis~!.:ed prior tc making a decision: ~,vho will be the administrative r,.~~~~sight entity and who will be th;:: guard members. Ei\~IS Model System March 4, 2002 Page 2 The stakeholders were identified as EMS, First Responders, citizens, medical directors, transportation service providers (KOSA, GE), teaching institutions, hospitals; public safety agencies, county government, long-term care facilities, medical clinics, local municipalities, physicians and nurses. VVe need to determine the limit of board members. The administrative oversight committee ar~d the planning committee do not have to be two different groups of people. The administrative oversight committee will consist of representatives from these stakeholders. Mr. T. Hatley felt that some issues still exist that require further discussion prior to making arr~ decision. The Hospital absorbs the responsibility of EMS and should afford them some options on how this system is administered. Establishing an oversight committee to oversee h0~~w the Hospital operates the system may cause a problem. If additional costs are involved with being compliant, Lt. Narramore slated this could cause a problem for some local services. Mr. S. Gibson stated that there should not be any costs and that we are bringing agencies .together as one group. i~lr. P. Hubbard suggested that lwe focus on a system and that ~rve should not r"ocus on one entity. The system should be adaptable for any entity to run. Chief E. Woodard mentioned that the current contract requires a 1-year r7otice to the County to terminate 'the operation of E(\~iS. " • The purpose of this meeting is to obtain input from all agencies represented and to take back our recommendations to 'the County Commissioners for their revie~r: and approval. is li'~r..'_ ~ opportunity for the people involved in this process to be a part of the plar~ning? I~~;r. D. Hall stated; from our standpoint, vre are concerned nvith tt~ie First Responder's aspect of it and County Fire's place. ~lde would like to see the planning Team broken do~:vn into differenr. groups that deal with certain areas City Fire, County Fire and other agencies That respond as primary get together and plan their segment of the overall program. Agencies that provide transportation services could be irn~olved after this point. b~Jould everyone agree ; at the stakeholders would be a part or the advisory committee? Remember there is another reference to qualify management involved in the house bills. So, are we in agreement that the stakeholders would be a part of the advisory board/committee? If not; would they be a part of the quality management review team? Mr. T. Hatley stated that having all of the stakeholders involved in the advisory group would be great and that he would oppose all of the stakeholders being involved-in quality management, because you may end up with patient-sensitive information. A suggestion was made to make two separate committees: an advisory committee and a QNl committee. The advisory committee would consist of stakeholders and the QM committee vrould consist of a select group of people. Mr. T. Hatley stated a quality management committee currently exists. Since this committee exists, aye do not need to further discuss this issue. ~J~loutd the advisory committee hr t;~e planning committee or sha!<': there be a separate planning committee that will pull tor.^!.s;er all of the information that is : _,rrently in place and appends additional information that is rer:,.,;;red by the Statues. The planni~~,~ committee could be brof<er~ down into subcommittees. i EN1S Model System Nlarch 4; 2002 Page 3 What would we expect from the administrative oversight entity, which at this point is the Hospital with the advisory board? Planning could be one of the components of expectations from that entity. They vvould have the responsibility of pulling in all of the right people with the right subcommittees to address all of 'the issues within the timeframe given to us for developing the model system. Ms. P. Melvin asked what would be expected of the administrative oversight entity and the advisory committee: 1. Develop Plan for the Nlodel EMS System 2. Review the Analysis of Community Needs for the System; Include Improvements for Currently System 3. general Compliance ~lviih the Requirements of i;ouse Bills 452 and 453. 4. Ensure all Entities are Compliant v~rith the Plan: Means to Report Compliance to County Commissioners 5. Information Resource for Changes and Reports. A v/ay to Communicate with the Service Providers. Our desired outcomes vrere to determine 1) v/ho would be the EMS Mode! System administrator, 2) make you a~rrare of the rules and regulations concerning the H.B. 452 and 453; 3) agree on responsibilities, v/hich v/e are going to do right now, and 4) agreement on involvement with all agencies, which we went through with the stakeholders. ,~ Have we accomplished our desired outcomes today? Are you satisfied with what we have done? Can ~nie go to the County Commissioners in our next County Commissioners' meeting, which ~rrould be the second meeting in March, and give them a recommendation from this group that the Hospital ~,vill be administrator along v/ith an advisory committee. Is there any additional information that you think vre need in hard, in ~duiti~r~~ to .~~ur expectations, before ~~~e make this recommendation? 1f the County Commissioners do not agree with our decision, they can decide to do something else. The ~;.~a meeting of the County Commissioners is two weeks from today and Nls. P. Melvin will inform ±his group of tl~e m~:~~-t!ng date; time and location so that any or all of us can attend. . 1~Ne grill make you a~rrare of the meeting date and present to you a copy of what ~:ve ~~vi!I present to the Commissions in recommendation. If there is anything that you may think of when you leave today's meeting that should be included in our recommendation or the information that we share that eve do not have, please inform Pvis. P. ivielvin. Pv1s. Nlelvin, Assist County Nlanager, located in the County Manager's office and her telephone number is 341-7184. Next Nleeting The next meeting for this group will be scheduled after the County Commissioners' meeting, which is on March 25. Once a date is determined, information on the time and location will be provided to all. Channes Submit any changes to this document to Donna Sue Jordan at 343-4800. iw IVEW NAtVOVER COUNTY' BOARD OF COMMISSIOiVERS REQUEST FOR' BOARD ACTION Meeting. Date: 03/25/02 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: ` Department: Engineering ~ Presenter: Bonet' Architects ,Contact: Max Maxwell/ Neal Lewis ~~, i /~ SUBJECT: Veteran Park Phase III B BRIEF SUMMARY: ' On 1 1 /1 5/01 Mr. John Poole, Grants Coordinator for North Carolina Department. of Environment and Natural Resources, made a presentation to the Board of Commissioners regarding the approval of ' 5500,000.00 Land and Water Conservation Fund matching Grant and $250,000.00 Parks And - Recreation Trust Fund matching Grant for Veterans Park. The Board of Commissioners previously approved a budget for the 5250,0. 00.00 on 06/1 8/01. A budget amendment will need to be approved for the $500,000.00 LWCF Grant. Bonet' Architects have designed Phase IIIB and will give a presentation on the design of Veterans Park-Phase iLIB, to be paid for by the matching grants. This phase includes a youth baseball complex, football/soccer complex and common areas that include sidewalks, fencing entrance shelter, playground and picnic shelter. - - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff requests the Board of Commissioners authorize staff to proceed with the project and formally bid this phase for construction. Request approval of budget amendment #2002-39. FUNDIN G SOURCE: 319-612-3190-6000 $500,000 (in current project budget) Federal Grant $500,000 , - ~ ATTACHMENTS: ~ry ,~ t r~ ~~.~~:`; ba2002.39.wp •. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ' COUNTY MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval.. . nnnnnn~c~r~~.~n~rnn, ~~r~ ....,........~e.~,. - ~PPROVEL~ ~~ ~~:vv ~~~ '~v~ f~EJECTED ~~r~ ~~`~ ;.-~ REMOVED ~r~ f`~~; Pt?STPOV EQ '~~ j, . ~. NE~1V HANOVER COUNTI( BOARD OF COMil~ISS101VER~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ilAeeting Date: 03/25/02 Budget A~nend~nent DEPARTMENT: Veterans Park Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-39 ADJUSTMEAIT LWCF Grant Extended Project Expense DE81T $500,000 CREDIT $500,000 EXPLANATION: To budget Land and Water Conservation Fund grant awarded for Veterans Park. The grant was accepted by the Commissioners at their 17-05-01 meeting T~equired match is in the project budget. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners r~~ -.~_~. 6dEM0~Efl ~~'~~'~ ~. .~ b'OSTPE„~, ~ 9Rl~r: ~ r ~ a~A~ ~~ r ~ W .~...._- . _...__~ .. ..~ 1 NEVI/ HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 • • Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Inter3ocal Agreement with the City of V~/ilmington for Operation of Parking Deck BRIEF SUMMARY:. The County's new 648 space .parking deck should be open around .1uiy 1 , 2002. Spaces will be provided in the. deck for County employees, library patrons, potential jurors, and others needing parking. Staff has been working with the City to put together a consolidated parking system for the. decks owned by the County and the City in the downtown area. This system will allow the operaters of the three decks to communicate with each other and-if one deck is full, tell the visitor where space is available. An interiocal agreement with the City will allow the County to obtain the services of Central Parking (Park Wilmington) as the operator of the deck. Again, this will benefit those using the decks since they will go to one cent al office for complaints, to pay morithiy parking fees, or any other needed service. The City`-s contract with Central Parking expires August 29, 2003. They have several renewal options if it's deemed the services are being provided as needed..The annual proposed cost for the operations management is $77,708. We will be able to generate adequate revenue to cover this cost. :~~ t: r~ $105,000 to cover the cost of establishing the parking control system will betaken from contingencies. This system is the software, hardware, ticket taker booth, ticket spitter,and electrical hookups needed to establish the ticket taker station. This was not in the orginal budget since we had ..not made any decisions on the type of control that would be established for the deck. t RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of the interiocal agreement with the City for operations of the parking deck through their contract with Central Parking. FUNDING SOURCE:. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMEN A D RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve interiocal agreement. av worked very well with the City to make this happen. i appreciate the cooperation. COMMISSIONERS° ACTIONS/C MM NTS: r`~ ~ ,- ~PPROVED ~~/ P~EJECTED ~ REMOVED ~ ~~ ,: ; POSTPOt~Ep ~ ~.~ .. `~i , ,~ ~ ~o-eu u~m~~'0' ~e ~~ C~~u~~ ~ ~~~ `~~~ .~' ~-~'~ ~, ~ k ~, ~~~~'~~ ~~~ ~~ r; ~,. )'`-~~~} ?1 ~~1~~~ :~~ ~~~ l ~'a</~ ~.K. x ~ } f.~ t+ /J h,,.... _ .1 ~, _ T NEVV NAi'~O!/ER ~®U~TY SOARD OF COMNiiSSi®iVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTiOiU . Meeting ®ate: 03/25/02 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' Department: IT Presenter: Dexter Hayes, Planning Director Contact: Dexter Hayes, Mike Arkinson . SUBJECT: Approval of Street Addressing Standards grid Procedures and Adoption of Amended Ordinance, Chapter 47, Article I,/, Section 47=100 BRIEF SUMMARY; Assigning proper addresses and house numbers is extremely important for many functions, e.g, ' billing and 91 1 response. The present system of assignment of street names .and numbers has led to some inconsistencies and confusion. Many large communities adopt appropriate aimed at avoiding confusion, , This Addressing Standards and Procedures Manual is being presented to the Board for recognition as,an official document detailing the operational addressing procedures for - New Hanover County. The purpose of this document is to set standards for addressing, by providing guidelines by which house numbers and street names can be assigned, recorded, and maintained., It is also critical .for people to adequately display house numbers. The amendment to the Ordinance states the conditions of enforcement of County Code ,Chapter 47, Article IV, House Numbers, Procedures and Display of Ofificial Numbers. There presently is no sanction for violators of this section of the code. Appendix B on p. 47 of the report provides additional information. Ln practice, a homeowner would be .given several notices of violators before a fine- would be imposed. fiF~'~'?x <'. "ENDED MOTION. AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recon,. , ~~nd approval of Street Addressing Standards and Procedures and Adoption of amended Ordinance: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: /TENI DOES NOT REQU/RE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend approval. ~~i ~~PRBilE® ~`""~ DEJECTED ~ I~EM(?VED t~?QSTpONE ~; r / -i"G-Y -~~1~. /Q. ;4N ORDINANCE OF THE NE~lV HANOVEI~ CO~INTY ~OAR® OF COM~lIISSIONEI~S The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 47, Streets Sidewalks and. Other Public Places, Article IV, House Numbers Procedures and Display of Official Numbers, of the New Hanover County Code be amended as follows: Adel a nev~r,section to be designated: Section 47-'~ 09. Enforcement. (1) ~ Civil Penalty. Any person who is found in violation of this Article shall be subject to a civil penalty in the amount of One Hundred Fifty ($150.00) Dollars for each offense, to be issued by either the Fire Services Department, Sheriff's Dep~utment, Code Enforcement Officer or Planning Department. Each violation shall be treated as a separate ot~ense. (2) Other Remedies. In addition to any other available legal remedies, equitable remedies may enforce this Article and any ~.~nlawful condition existing in violation ofthis Article maybe subject to an injunction or order of abatement. Except as specified referenced herein, the existing provisions of Chapter 47 shall remain in full force and effect. This the day of - , 2002. [SEAL] ATTEST; yy (3 ~f~(~ j( t ©t~~.N.y~V~ Wy~© U Ujff~y`f l~J Clerk to the;Board~~~:~,. ~; , ~a ~i~, ~r ~ ~ ,,~,~ ~~~ I~ANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners • • i~EVV ~.AN®VER C®~lIVT'1( ~®ARD ®F COMM15SiONERS REi~l1EST.FOR BOA~?D ACTlDiV tVleeting Date: 03/25/02 Regular -Item #: 8 Estimated Tirne: Page Number: department: County Manager .Presenter: 'Cam Griffin - Contact: Cam Griffin. - ~ ~~~`~~ ~~~'f~~ ~ ~ `~ ~~ ~'~ SUSJECT: - Proposed Programmatic and Policy Goals for FY02-03 BR9EF SUMMARY: The GFOA ,Government Finance Officers Association, National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting recommends the development of programmatic, operating and capital policies and plans to guide the development of the budget. .During the January 24, 2002 Budget. Planning Session staff presented the County Commissioners with proposed Programmatic and Policy Goals for FY02-03. Attached are these programmatic and policy goals for adoption by the County Commissioners. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACT90NS: ' Review and adopt FY02-03 Programmatic and Policy Goals FUNDIIUG SOURCE: , N /~?. A_~ , ,~CNMENTS: _ _1~ Programmatic Policy Goals.doc f 1T~IV~ ,~JOFS NOT R~t3(I/R~ RF'/I~y!/ COUNTY MANAGER'S CQNlMENTS AND R Recommend approval. ,~-, >~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTI`O~N~S/COMMENTS: z F~?ROVED ~ EiJECTED ~~EMOVED ~ ' E~OSTPOIVEC~ . HEAR17 i tom`. ~-~~ ..:..~~~ C1~~`t~"~ . PROGRANitVtATtC AIVD POLICY GOALS L To provide a safe communi#y for att tVew Hanover County citizens: 1. Support the Juvenile Day Treatment Center in its continuing effort to address the needs of youth who have entered the juvenile justice system. 2. Review and implement new security procedures in addressing the safety needs of staff and the public using County facilities. 3. Work toward reducing the-level of crime and improving the community security level. 4. Promote a responsive public safety communications center with employees that are highly skilled in responding to the emergency- needs. of . citizens and the community at large. 5. Foster a team concept with he public safety agencies served by the Public Communications Center and enhance services provided to the public. 6. Provide safe water to the public by maintaining well and tower sites in accordance with State and Federal regulations and laws. 7. Work with North Carolina Department of Transportation and the City of Wilmington to provide alternative forms of transportation including transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities. 8. Provide safe public educational facilities for the children of New Hanover County by maintaining the established partnership with the schools and its officials in the deployment of school resource deputies. 9. Ensure the County's ability to effectively handle bio-terrorism, .hazardous materials threats, and natural disasters. 10. Provide a `superior level of fire protection through acceptance of public educational grants, improved community fire protection rating, and :;;cement of a Fire Investigation Task Force focusing on arson related fires. 1!. To con#inue investing in etec#ronic technot®gy stn#erne# end to#ranet} for the efficient facititatson of, County business: 1. Enhance the County's technology resources to .provide greater public access, efficient internal operations, and improved electronic communication and payment system. 2. Continue expanding the use of the Internet and Geographic Information System (GIS) resources in disaster planning and response, mapping of -- water and sewer lines, epidemiological surveillance, and the orthophotography mapping project. 3. Expand and enhance departmental web sites and the New Hanover ~~~ ~~•~~ ~tCountyaTelevision (NHC-TV) to ensure the public's awareness of all ~~,s~er,~vrces provided by County departments, as well as, keeping the public •-~ f~q~rmed of decisions and/or policies made by County officials. 4. ~n~,crease departmental efficiency through the support of wireless communication systems (mobile data terminals, mobile officing) used in field operations by County employees. r~ PROGRANil~AT1C AND POLICY. GOALS 5. Continue redesigning of County's financial, human resources, and budgetary software packages; install a new tax system; and begin the redesign of the minority business directory and reporting system. Ill. To protect the environment and the quality of life enjoyed by New Hanover County citizens: 1. Effectively plan for the orderly growth and devefopment of the County by. providing and reviewing annual updates on the implementation of the Wilmington-.New Hanover County Coastal Management (CAMA) Land Use Plan. 2. Concentrate on the infrastructure and operational .requirements of the Enterprise Funds. (The Water. and Sewer -and Environmental Management operations should meet the growth needs of the County.) 3. Provide for the protection of ground water and air quality by operating the .landfill and Wastec in accordance with maximum achievable control technology and best management practices. . 4. Address important environmental issues and encourage citizen input and involvement in issues such as storm water management, drainage, waste disposal, and water and sewer. 5. Continue exploring opportunities and/or options in efficiently and effectively reducing waste disposal casts. 6. Reduce litter and illegal trash dumping in the County through aggressive r. enforcement of anti-litter laws. 3'', ~'~ ensure the health and welfare of all New Hanover County citizens; 1. Reduce the number of substandard housing units through rehabilitation programs and housing grants. 2. Support the Community Transportation Program in its efforts to provide low cost transportation services to and from medical appointments, ~. congregate meals, employment, education, and social recreational sites. 3. Support the Health Department in their efforts to improve access to .health care, increase preventive services, and reduce lifestyle related risks. 4. Provide social economic programs to assist citizens with basic subsistence needs. 5. Provide protective services to citizens of all ages with physical,. social, and emotional problems. 6. Support the home-delivered and congregate meals programs in an effort to serve noon meals to the elderly and frail population of .the County. 7. Enhance welfare reform by continuing;. to move clients toward self- sufficiency. 8. Maintain and expand health care coverage to eligible residents of the County in accordance with federal and state laws and program regulations. • PROGR~.iVI1ViATiC ADD POLi~Y Gt~ALS V. To ensure equality of ail New i-ianover County citizens: 1. Ensure accessibility to the County's many .facilities by ensuring County facilities adhere to the American Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Prohibit discrimination in employment and. housing by supporting the County's Fair Employment and Housing ordinances. 3. Advocate and encourage cultural and ethnic diversity by working with community development organizations, business, government and educatioriai institutions, which promote and support diversity. 4. Encourage broad public participation in government decision making, ensure public notification of significant changes, solicit responsible public input, and ensure government is inclusive of all racial and cultural groups. 5. Provide outreach library services to homebound individuals unable to use library facilities. 6. Create and support events, activities, and County services that encourage the interaction of all cultures and ethnic groups. 7. Support the efforts of minorities and women in participating in all aspects of the County's construction and procurement programs. Vi. To ensure and encourage prompt, courteous, and professional services from all County employees: 1. Support an annual market study analysis and. competitive benefits program that will ensure market competitiveness in recruitment and retention of qualified employees. 2. Ensure satisfaction with County services by encouraging employees to respond to services and/or inquiries requested by the public, or by other County departments, in a prompt, courteous, and professional manner. 3. Maximize productivity and improve efficiency by providing appropriate training to employees. ~. Promote safety by providing routine maintenance and safety inspections of County facilities and equipment, as wel! as, offering safety training to all employees. 5. Ensure qualified and skilled personnel are recruited and hired for all job vacancies. VIf. To provide for the recreafionai, educational, and cultural needs of the community: - 1. Improve communication and planning efforts with the Board of Education concerning school funding. 2. Support the literary needs of New Hanover County citizens through the Main Library and its branches. 3. Support the Cape Fear Museum in its effort to teach residents and visitors the history and science of the Cape Fear region. -, a~ PROGRAiVIN1ATIC , AID, POLlGY, GOALS ' ~4. Efficiently operate the numerous County parks and recreational facilities while providing safe, clean, hazard-free parks, trails and open space areas. 5. Continue to add new park facilities and improvements to existing parks as funding becomes available. _ 6. Incorporate the multi-year Capita! Improvement Program as an integral - part of the annual budget process. _ . 7. Provide a variety of children and youth, programs encouraging their imagination and intellectual growth, appreciation. of arts and history, understanding of natural science, and development of healthy lifestyle issues. 8, Provide a comprehensive recreational; educational, volunteer, and health promotion program for senior adults, 9. Continue development of Airlie Gardens as a premier, world-class garden facility and environmental quality educational program. 10. Encourage participation and express appreciation to the many volunteers dedicated to helping their fellow citizens in .the giving of their time and talents to various County programs. Vll1: T® erasure fhe firaancaaf s$al,liaty grad legal pro#e~#ion of $he C~s~rsty: 1. Support a strong undesignated,,~unreserved fund balance td at least 16.7 ,percent of the total General Fund budget in an effort to maintain adequate reserves anal the highest possible bond rating. 2. Maintain and improve the current bond rating with Moody's and Standard and Poor's. 3. Encourage all departments to closely monitor expenditures, aggressively collect revenue when due, -seek alternate forms of revenue whenever possible, and periodically review operational and administrative costs. 4. Continue taking a proactive role in lobbying state officials to release local government reimbursements, endorse alternative revenue sources; and: eliminate un-funded mandated programs. 5. Achieve a 98 percent collection rate of ad valorem taxes. 6~. Minimize 9itigation against the County and maximize legal documents that ensure the County's protection and legal well-being. 7. Enforce State and County code provisions and encourage. uniformity and predictability in all permitting and regulatory policies and procedures. 8. Keep-the tax rate as low as possible .while providing the essential services to citizens of New Hanover County. 9. Establish a risk management policy that will reduce uncertainties regarding potential losses to assets, maintain continuity of services to the pubilc, and support the integrity of t'he budget. 10, Promote excellence in financial and budgetary reporting fihrough continued qualification for the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial ' Reporting and the Government Finance Officers Association ®istinguished . Budget Preparation Award. 11 . Provide accurate, efficient and complete tax information in locating, listing, and valuing of alf personal and business property in the County. Pi~OG~AiVii'~ATiC .ADD POLICY GOALS i. To provide a safe community for ail ~9ow Hanover County citizerss: ' ffort to 1. Support the Juvenile Day Treatment Center in its continuing e address the needs of youth who have entered the ju enile justice system. 2. Review and implement new security procedures i addressing the safety needs of staff and the public using County facilitie . 3. Work toward reducing the level of crime and i proving the community security level. 4. Promote a responsive public safety com unications center with employees that are highly skilled in responding to the, emergency needs of citizens and the community at large. 5. Foster a team concept with the public saf ty agencies .served by the Public Communications Center and enhance services provided to the public. 6. Provide safe water to the public by maintaining well and tower sites in accordance with State and Federalregulafons and laws. 7. Work with North ~ Carolina Department of Transportation and the City of Wilmington to provide alternative forms o transportation including transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities. B. Provide safe public educational facilities .for the children of New Hanover County by maintaining the established partnership with the schools and its officials in the deployment of school resource deputies. 9. Ensure the County`s ability to effectivehy handle bio-terrorism, hazardous materials threats, and natural disasters 10, Provide a superior level of fire prote/ct~on through acceptance of public euw;~-~~~~~~onal grants, improved community fire protection rating, and devLluapment of a Fire Investigation Task Force focusing on arson related fires. 69. °fo continue insvestir~g ire electronic techraoiogy (Bnterrset and intrar~et~ for the efficient faciii#ation of Co/nty business: 1. Enhance the County's technology resources to provide greater public access, efficient internal operations, and improved .electronic communication and payment system. 2. Continue expanding the use ofl the Internet and Geographic Information System, (GIS) resources in dis ster planning and response; mapping of -- water and sewer lines,epidemiological surveillance, and the orthophotography mapping project. 3. Expand and enhance depart~rnental web sites and the New Hanover County Television. (N~#C-N ~ to ensure the public's awareness of ail services provided by County departments, as well as, keeping the pubiic informed of decisions and/or policies made by County officials. 4. Increase departmental efficiency through the support of wirePess communication systems (rt~iobile data terminals, mobile officing) used in field operations by County employees. PR~GRAI*~IUTATiC AND POLICY G®ALS 5. Continue redesigning ofi County's financial, human resources, and budgetary software packages; install a new tax system; and begin the r design of the minority business directory and reporting system. ~, III. To ~rotect the envir®nment and the quality of life en9oyed by New Hano er Coaanty citizens: ~1. Effectiveplan for the orderly growth and development of the County by providing nd reviewing annual updates on the implementation of the Wilmington New Hanover County Coastal Management (CAMA) Land Use Plan. 2. Concentrate n the infrastructure and operational requirements of the Enterprise F ds. (The Water and Sewer and Environmental Management op rations should meet the growth needs of the County.) 3. Provide for the p tection of ground water and air quality by operating the landfill and Wast in accordance with .maximum achievable control technology and best anagement practices. 4. Address important en ironmental issues and encourage. citizen input and involvement in issues s ch as storm water management, drainage, waste ,disposal, and water and ewer. 5. Continue exploring. op rtunities and/or options in efficiently and effectively reducing waste isposaf costs. 6. Reduce litter and illegal tra h dumping in the County through aggressive enforcement of anti-litter is I~. To erasure the health and w Mare of all New Hanover County citizens: 1. Reduce the number of subst ndard housing units through rehabilitation programs and housing grants. 2. Support the Community Trans ortation Program in its efforts to provide low cost transportation servic s to and from medical appointments, congregate meals, employment,- ducation, and social recreational sites. 3. Support the Health.. Department i their efforts to improve access to health care, increase preventive services, and reduce lifestyle related risks. 4. Provide social economic progr ms to assist citizens with basic subsistence needs. 5. Provide protective services to citizen of all ages with physical, social, and emotional problems. 6. Support the home-delivered and. tong egate meals programs in an effort to serve noon meals to the elderly and ail population of the County. 7, Enhance welfare reform by continuin to move clients toward self- : sufficiency. 8. Maintain and expand health. care cover e to eligible residents of the County in accordance with federal a state laws and , program regulations. PI:tOGRAflIIi1~AT1C AND POLlC`l GOALS V, To ensure equality of all New Hanover Co my citizens: _ cessibilit to the Count 's ma facilities by ensuring, County 1. Ensure ac y Y facilities adhere to the American Disabiliti s Act (ADA). 2. Prohibit discrimination in employment and housing .by supporting the County's Fair Employment and Housin ordinances. 3. Advocate and encourage cultural an ethnic diversity by working with community development organizations, business, government and educational institutions, which promo e and support diversity. 4. Encourage broad public participat' n in government decision making, ensure public notification of signifi nt changes, solicit responsible public input, and ensure government is in lusive of all racial and cultural groups. 5. Provide outreach library services o homebound individuals unable to use library facilities. 6. Create and support events, activ' ies, and County services that encourage the interaction of all cultures and ethnic groups. 7. Support the efforts of minorities and women in participating in afi aspects of the County's construction an procurement programs. VI. To ensure and encourage prompt, courteous,' and professional services from ail County em loyees: 1. Support an annual market study analysis and competitive benefits program that will ensure arket competitiveness in recruitment and retention of qualified employ es. 2. Ensure satisfaction with Co my services by encouraging employees to respond to services andlor ~nquiries requested by the public, or by other County departments, in a prompt, courteous, and professional manner. 3. Maximize productivity and improve efficiency by providing appropriate training to employees. 4. Promote safety by providi g routine maintenance and safety inspections of County facilities and eq ipment, as well as, offering safety training to all employees. 5. Ensure qualified 'and skill d personnel are recruited and hired for all job vacancies. V11. To provide €or $h+e recreational, educational, and cultural needs of the comrr+unity: 1. Improve communication a concerning school funding 2. Support the literary need Main Library and its branc 3. Support the Cape Fear M! the history and science of d planning efforts with the Board of Education of New Hanover County citizens through the es. seu'm in its effort to teach residents and visitors lie Cape Fear region. PRGCRAMMATIC AND POLICY . GOr4LS 4. Efficie tly operate the numerous County parks and recreational facilities while p oviding safe, clean, hazard-free parks, trails and open space areas. 5. Continue add- new park facilities and improvements to existing parks as funding be omes available. . 6. Incorporate he multi-year Capital Improvement Program. as an integral _ part of the an ual budget process. ~ .. 7. Provide .a va iety of children acid youth programs encouraging their imagination an intellectual growth, appreciation of arts and history, . understanding o natural science, .and development of healthy lifestyle ISSUES. 8. Provide a compreh nsive recreational, educational, volunteer, and health promotion program f r senior adults. 9. Continue developmen of Airlie Gardens as a premier, world-class garden facility and environmen al quality educational program. 10. Encourage participation nd express appreciation to the many volunteers dedicated to helping the.' fellow citizens in the giving of their time and talents to various County ograms. V111. To ensure the financial sta~ility and legal protection of the County: 1. Support a strong undesignate ,unreserved fund balance tout least 16.7 percent ofi the total General Fu d budget in an effort to maintain adequate reserves and the highest possib bond rating. 2. Maintain and improve the Curren bond rating with Moody's and Standard and Poor's. 3. Encourage all departments to clos ly monitor expenditures, aggressively collect revenue when due, seek a ternate forms of revenue whenever possible, and periodically review oper tional and administrative costs. ~. Continue taking a proactive role in lob ying state officials to release local government reimbursements, endorse Iternative revenue sources, and eliminate un-funded mandated programs. 5. Achieve a 98 percent collection rate of ad alorem taxes. 6. Minimize litigation against the County grid aximize legal documents that. ensure the County's protection and legal we -being. 7. Enfiorce State and County code provisions a d encourage uniformity and predictability in all permitting and regulatory p ivies and procedures. 8. Keep the_ tax. rate as low as possible while pro 'ding the essential services to citizens of NEw Hanover County. 9. Establish a risk management policy that 'li reduce uncertainties regarding potential losses to assets, maintain con 'nuity of services to the public, and support the integrity of the budget. 10. Promote excellence in financial and budgetary report g through continued qualification for the Certificate of Achievement for Ex EllEnce in Financial ~Eporting~and the Government Finance Officers Associ tion Distinguished ~` Budget Preparation Award. 11. Provide accurate, Efficient and complete tax infiormation i locating, listing, grad valuing of all personal and business property in the Co nty. c l i v..~d ~f~'~~-- iVEW HAiVOVER COU(VTl( BOARD OF COiVIIVIiSSiO1VERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Departrrient: Legal Presenter: David F. Weaver, Assistant County Manager and Christine Q. Neal, Engineering Support Coordinator ~ Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney and Christine Q. Neal, Engineering Support Coordinator SUBJECT: consideration of Offer t© I~urchase Coun#y Owned Property. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Temple of Israel has offered $10,000.00 for a County owned parcel situated at 1 530 John Morris Road. As shown on the attached map, the tract is a .1.6 acre parcel abutting an existing cemetery that appears to be abandoned. In that the County tract has existing graves, it would appear eligible for ongoing cemetery use under State law. The Temple wants to further develop our parcel. as a cemetery. As part of the offer, the Temple would agree to allow the County 50 free burial sites for U. S. veterans and will maintain the existing cemetery and all new graves. 1t is important to note that veteran burial sites in Wilmington are generally unavailable. This advertisement of the offer is the first step in this process. .Other steps include a zoning text amendment that wouldallow cemeteries to be place in Airport Industrial (A11 districts as well as a special use permit. The Airport Authority has been notified of this proposed action and may offer comments. The County's Veteran Services Officer, "Bud" Baker, is in full support of this action. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REt3UESTED ACTIONS: Consider offer and direct staff to advertise offer as required by statute. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Map REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N!A BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~v~~ .;~~ ~. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . ~'^" '~' ~~MMI~S iyS a ~~ ~. ~D Q r . h: _~,'Ep ~ ~.~ ~EARIJ ~, ~' ~~ ~. ~a 9VE1~`J H~t~OVER COllIVTY BOARD OF COMMISSI01lIERS REQUEST FOR B®ARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 ' Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointmen#s SRIEF SUMMARY: - Appointments are needed to the following Boards/Committees: Library Advisory Board - ~''z~U~~ ~+~t~~~i ~ Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee -- l~~a,-~, ~ ~u~~ ~ ~~%~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REC14lESTED ACT40N'S: Make Appointments FUNDING SOURCE: • • r{altlB 8 il~'+ i APPROVED ~f"~ 3 ~tEJECTED ~ ~,EMOVED ~ .~~ '~; ~'OSTRONED ~ J . ~/~ _~~: ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information Sheets and Applications ITEnA DOES N®T REQUIRE RE11/~W COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 1 VACANCY -UNEXPIRED TERM (EXPIRING 8/31/Q2) The Soard may want to consider making the appointment for the unexpired term plus the first 3-year term expiring 8!31/05. APPLICANTS:. Allison Rankin Ronald 1N. Rylands, Sr. ~ Elizabeth Poplin Stanfield Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ~~ (Cad ~ ~,~, (~ ~~~~-~t~~t =~ Cc~~l~~J~~~9 N~1 ,t:', .. ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT ~3 °~ LIBRARY AI3VISORY BOARD Plumber of Members: 12 • Term: three years Qualifications: see page 3, Item B, 1-8 of Library Board. by-laws. • Regular Pvleetings: Third ~u ,sd~ each month at 2:30 p. m. at the Library. Statute or cause creating Board: Policy for the Governing and Operation of the Library. Brief ors the functions: to develop necessary policies for the efficient and responsive operation. of the County's public library system. Also responsible for making recommendations to the County Manager and County Commissioners concerning .the operating and capital needs of the library. Board members a.re expected to actively promote the library's service program; keep abreast with trends in public library development and to work for the continued improvement of .library services offered by the County. r TERil~1 PRESENTLY TEI~/I CIJRREPIT 2~iIE~iBERS SL,RVL~i+G E~PIIZES Jane L. Free ~ Unexpired .8/31/2002 30 Salt do4v Road -~~'`-~ Wil ~~~n, NC 28411 ~~ r '~ ~ D ~--- (Appt. 11/27100), 6 -450~~- H) john°P, Gangemi First ~ 8/31/2004 3112 Rivendell Place Wilmington, NC ~284ll-9669 (Appt. 8/20/01) 686--5973 {H) ` Jane I. Grant Second 8/31/2003 111 Seapath Estates Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (Apps. 4/21/97, 8/21/00) . 256-2922(H) 392-7682(W) I~fary E. Hatcher 1905 E. Lake Shore Wilmington, NC 28403 762-7259 (H) First 8/31/2002 (Appt. 6116/97, Reappt. 8/16/99) Emily Sue Ihrig First 8/31/2003 7600 Ha~.vk Road Wilmington, NC 28411 (Appt. 8/21/00) . 251-8C89 (H) L~RAR'~ ADVISOR' BOARD (CONTIlVIIED) C~TRRENT i~IEi~IBERS Wilbur D. Jones, Jr. 4700 Chamberlain Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 793-6401 (H) 793-6393 (W) john L. Lauer 2235 Deepwood Drive Wilmington, N C 28405 256-3563{H) Robert E. Lenzner 99 Beach Road South Wilmington, NC 28411 686-9452 (H) James C. Mahony 120 Eagewater Lane Wilmington, NC 28403 256-9549 (H) Robert L. P~~iavo :~~~j8 Timber Creek Lane -' lmington, NC 28405 ~.~6-7430 {H) Nancy G. Millen ` 2018 Seawind Lane . Wilmington, NC 28405 763-9988 {H) J. Richard Tamisiea 6207 Fox Run Road Wilmington, NC 28409-2201 395-6368 (H) Library Director: David Paynter 201 Chestnut Street 341-4390, 341-4389 8/Ol file: /library.wp TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVIl~G EMPIRES First 8/31/2002 (Appt. 8/ 16/99) First 8/31/2003 (Appt. 21.15/98, 8/21/00) First 8/31/2002 (Appt. 8/ 16/99) First 8/31/2004 (Appt. 8/20/01) Second 8/31/2004 (Appt. 9/21/98, Reappt. ~8/20/O1) First 8/31/2003 (Appt. 05/18/98, 8/21/00) First 8/31/2004 (Appt. 8/20/01) Fay,+~ i .,. yr n.tuwg~ v.wuu y~..r ~l¢xy. uuu \~~, 0 \, l-. \/ ~~! i /~\ ~~~~ ti~~~ P`~` ~ a ~~~ co'`~~~5 ~~Fs cF Qo for ~poiawnenY Yq: z o~?. A~apdicutaae~~`o~A~~rc~int~n~rat fo ~arrpsis, ~'r~itt~es, anal ~ar.ais~ios~s .~4~paintecl by ~~e,a~eav ~aan~r Ca~uaty ,~vartd o~ Com~tai.~.si~u~ea'3. ~ r -,.~' r~,A Name: _ ~fi7 ~1 ~x'.~..~• ~t.! h t+~°,~d~ .I~ow long have j~au fieear a reslC.~erat of Nest Hanover ~'ounty? ~ '~ ~ ~',,,~ y',~ , L./ Home tltldresq: ~ ~ ~.-- r o t ~ ~ ~ ;,rte' ,c~czllingAddt-ess: , ^5a yy, ~- City and State: Zip Code: _-_ - _ - 1`elephcane: Name: ~ .8ust~aess; 1 ~ 7 'Jt 'S`ex: *12cxce: ~,b1--_ ~ '~ age: `~ `-Jt `This b:, f{a~ttutiota is rc~quesiecl for thya~sot~ laur~ose of assuring that a crasa,sec:ion of the comrx unirv tp appoiatted ~"~°ra~ylrayed by. __-~ n~+' ~Y'~ f' to 1r~sn~ t~ ~e i,,,~_ {`~~~~~. m"Aperson currently empicyed fiv Jae agenctr or depetr,7nelat forwhich this applicat1o77 is made, nausiresiglg 1=Ic/herpasiti~n wi upon aaPaintmen~ !n acCOrdtancgwith.9rTicte /I, Sec. ~ oflfaeN~suHartm~erCotarty~ersonnelPolley. ,Ivb Title: Professlc»s~s1 ~4tf,•i1Yes: Y41u>ft~er r~ctiviti~s~_y~ bF3ay do you wish to se~:e ~3r. ommittee, or ~'vrns 1 r ~~s! . r ~1 ~- ate' 7~t~'~ ~a f ~ ~ W ~.~-'=~ d'~. ~. Wftat do you fee! ate yaarr qualiftcatioru for serving an the Board, C'rnnan fttee, or Cantmissio ten quested? < P ~ ~../ YY3tatcxa-eas ofconcerra tivor~ldyou lily to ses t/he Board Comrnitree, ol'Coriamisssrnr adclre.Ys alrad'a'Y~~°_. I to d (t~ /1f r'r'^~ O s~ f 5~ ~ ~" .. _. _.I~ .r..• ~ f :... _ _ ~"~ r~ l s ~ ~r~ c ~ ;~ ~~~ ~ %~~' °'` ~ r~ ~. i~'c sea ~ r~,z'~ ¢-.~ ~s; oz r: i a ~ 37 r~k~.ann.nuu~ w.t n~{~uiuuuauta h4tp:l/wFwv,nhcgov,arnn/CCiap~ty.kfra ~YOe c'~'~n~y serving as another board or committee vppaixted by a rnu~teipality or a cauaaty? If so, please Tilt: ~~ L7are: ~1.t8.Yc-~.'~.~- ,'~Srgn~ztttre r RET-~F; F'Iecase provide [hr~e lr~caT personal references: 1darT1@~tlane ~duCriber '~. 2 oft 3l5~? 7;14 PM wul~lruvrt rdX~J1U(GLl~1fL Jul 2:~ '01 9~1~ P. 01 N~~ .~N~v~~ ~r3~N~~ . 320 Chestnut Strut, Room 30~ Wilmington, NC 28401-40393 ' Telephone (9101 341-1149 FAX (91 a1 34 t -4 i 30 - _-- - - D ~ c~ C~~~[~. ~ u ~ 2 5 ~oa~~ NEW HANOVER.CO BO OF COh1M!SSIONERS APPlica7~an far AppoinP.rtaeni' to Boards, CQmmiit~esr and Car~r~i.~si~rrs Apaointed by the Nevv Hanover Cr~uraty ~o~rd of Corrrmissit~rrers. . Request farAppointment ta: `' i r ~,~-1,2 ~ ~ f~ f 1.~~ ~ >~~_ fiome ~ How long have you be?ra a Address:_~_ >=%~'""'~ °'~~ '~`~• rPSidentofNewNanaverCounty? / Y~A~S' rlrJailirtgAddress: ~~,~ " .~ °'-~" ~'.~' ~7": Ci;y avid Spate: 1 `-~~7'~~ .=1,.,/~^ ~':~~'~ ,~ ~~- Zip Code: r ,~'~~? Telephone: Nome: ; , ,~-- ,~ •~~`; ' ~~ ~4:2 Business: ~~~° ~'~ ~ ° ~~ ~~ ".5e~: dr~,f'-r~ - "Race: ~r J~i?.~/.~~J ~61ge: ~i ~` "7his mfarrnstion is requested for tho sale purpose of assuring Lhat a crt~ss-section of the comlt7unlt'y~ is appoinCed ~"Ernplc~yed 8y: ., ,~i~ f~~t./~r' _ '"'.~~~ GI,~'Jt'' ~i~ °J~~ "°A person currently employed 6y the agency or depcrimertt for which this application ismada, mustresign h/s/horposiCion with Ne~.v Hanawer County upon eppoinimant, in acccrdance with Article V!, Sec, 4 of the !'.'ew Hanover County Personas! Policy. Jab Ttle • ___e_ ,~1~~. ~1 ~ J {~' i 1~: ~ -~~"C.>~`~:~. ~~~~~~ ~ ~ -- Rraiessional ,- VyivlftES: ~,~ ~-r',C ~ ~~ ~~ ~'1rt/f ~~.~,~ !'#°'~'~ "° 7 ~"/~~~~~~6 ~~ Vv/unteerActivitis.>: <-;'"~ --r"y~.~,~~-- t~ r'i.-,~~ ~; ~' °~~..7""_` / ,~` girl d°~=,~ "~ °~1i/}:y dca y>~u wish to serve on th+~ Board, Committee, or Commr"ssiora requested? -7r~ ~~ {r ,~~~~~ ~'PYt<'/ '/~,r ~-" /41J-~~ ~Y--J~.+/'i~ 'rL'~ ~il~ ~=~° ~{i z'~Y '''~~ What do you feel -are your qualifications far serving`on the Board, Commit; ee, or Comm(ssion requested I1`~`1 What areas of concern would you like to sae the Board, Committee, or Cornrnissiart address? ~'" '4` % ~ :~f -~" ,=-~ " ~!~ Tom`' t~' c ,~ 1~' 1 t1/ I ~?~ ,:~-~ - Are you Current/y serving orr another board Qr comrnittae appainPed by a municipality or a county? If so, p/ease 1/st: h/~''~ Dares: f]_ f_'~`=~--`~ / (Fdeasa vs® reverse side for additional comments) Signature LUU151rtl~it'f r ax ~ JlUi l~~l~l (L Jul. t~ ' U'1 y ~ 1ti t', UL RE'FFRFIV GFS: ' PCease proufde three local persona! references: Phone Number 1Vame 3. ~ ~'~ YUCK/~;11~ /n~;r~ T~ "~ - Applicant: ~ 7~~ `~N~ "~ 0 ~ ~~ \ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 - ~ 2002 ~a~ . Wilmington, NC 2840,-4093 Telephone (910) 34.1-7149 NO'~E~ ~~ EFS ` FAX (910) 341-4130 NE`s' C~ti1M~SS'~~~ . 8D OF Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~--- - - Request for Appointment to: ~ T i ~:-~rv Ad-visorv 3oard Name:. Elizabeth Poplin Stanfield (Mrs. William T. Stanfield II) Name Haw long have you been a Address: 2910 Park Ave . Wilmington, hTC 28403resident of New Hanover County? 6 mo . -~ iviailing Address: (same as above) :: i lived here. as a child and _ graduated froi~i T~~icI City and State: Zip Code: Telephone: Home: 910-752-5151 Business: none/I'm retired.from . • "Sex: Female "Race: White ",age: 71 Georgia S ate University "This infcrmadon rs requested for tha sole puroosa or" assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. A t l a n t a , Ga ""Employed by: Assistant Professor Emerita of Modern & Classical Languages "'A person currently amployed by th,e agency or dec~rtment for which this aoplicaticn is made, must ~asign his/har position with l4'ew Hanover County upon appointment, in accoroanca with .^,rticla Vl,, Sac. 4 of the New Hanovar County Personnel Policy. Job Ti^'e: are:;s;one, `;;it;es: ~nnt_rlbrltino writer to several ma~az~nes, lecturer on historica subjects volunteerAct~~~ities: teacher of English as a Second Language to Hispanics VUhy do you wr~h to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commr"ssion requested? T am an avid reader, o~an many books of my own, and love libraries.. As a child I remember the NewHanove iorary wnen 1 was i •ai I wou ZKe o s are my C a'in` with others and contribute to the future of the fine county liorar;t we nog. hav What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on .the Board, Committee, or Commfssian requested? I hold degrees in English and Romance Languages from UNC-G and Emory Univ. I have been reading and doing research in fora ~e ~~ ~~ a 1 ~` . What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee; or Comm/ssion address? Public awareness', ..._.-__ usage and participation can always be increased. Literacy program Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please Ifst: i~ ?ate: March 1 , 2002. Signature ~ ~'~C~ ~~~ r ~ i~ (Please use reverso side ,'or additional comments) ~ v / `REFERENCES . ,. Please provide three local personal references: . Name 1) ~Tohn H. Debnam 2) Sue Boney Ives~(Mrs. Glenn W.) 3) Mr. ~ Mrs. Jack L. Marshburn Phone Number 762-9814 762-3229 - 762-4453 n • COMMITTEE APPOII~TME~ITS NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE VACANCIES: 1 - 5 Mandated membership: 9 Current Membership: 10 Maximum Membership: 14 Term: One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter APPLICANTS: - Faye Griffin Hoffman - Patricia E. King _. Joseph Tralle ADMINISTRATORS' NOMINEES None • Atta_ chments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X "~ NURSING HOIti~1E COi•'INIUNIT~'' ADVISORY CO~IiITTE;iJ Number of Members: 13 One-third of the members may be nominated by Nursing Home Administrators. Number of members are determined by the number of Nursing Homes in County. The immediate family of a patient in a home may not be a committee member or persons with a financial interest in a home served by the committee. 'Perin: 1-year term initially; 3-year terms thereafter Compensation: none Regular 1vleeting: called as needed Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 130 Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes. This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing. home it serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. CURRENT ~IENIBERS Joan Barbara Apke 109 Cromwell Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 799-4574(H) Catherine R. Davis 5613 Greenville Loop Road Wilmin~*on N;r; 28409 3y5-5512 (H) X50-2100 (W) Dorothy Lane Grime 5583 Wood Duck Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 350-0672 (H) Peggy J. Hall P.O. Box 5216 Wilmington, NC 28403 762-4665 (H) Bridget M. H ing 2248 Dee ood Drive Wilmi bton, NC 28405 255 805 (H) tom' TERM SERjIING First TERi11 E~'IRES 1.1 /30/2002 (Appt. 9/21/98 to 1 year term) (Appt. to 3 year term 11/15/99) First 6/30/2002 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) Appt. to 3 year term 6/21/99 First 6/30/2003 (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1-year term) (Apps. 6/19100 to 3 year term) First 2/28/2004 (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term) (Appointed to 3 year term 2/19/01) Initial Appointed 2/19/01 2/28/02 ~~ N3JItS~NG HONK COii~IitiflU1~11T~' ADV~S~RY C~i'Y~':11~IIT"T~~ (COi~t'TiNL7ED) TERlVi CUR~2EN~I' lYIEYiBEI2S ~ SERVING Joseph F. Hughes Initial _ 605 Plymouth Drive . Wilmington, NC 28405 Appointed 4/16/01 • • 452-1832 (H) 910-254-4690 X-110 D. Alton Parker, Jr. 5429 '/z Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 392-3j 14 (H) Donald E. Price 201 Lawton Circle Wilmington, tiC 28412 799-5358 (H) Steven R. Roberts 806 Bay Blosso"m Drive Wiimin~on, NC 28411 397-0665 (H) 256-2330 (tiV) Eileen B. Rock 2614 Columbia Avenue ~rVilmington, NC 28403 762-5103 (H) Joseph 'Tralle 213 Mendenhall Drive j,~Iilmington, NC 23411 686-2105 (H) TE~2iw'I E`~PIR.]ES 4/30/02 First 8/31/2004 Appointed 8/21/00, 8/20/01 First 2/28/2004 (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1-year-term) (Appt. 2/19701) First 8/31/2003 (Appt. 8/16/99 to 1-year term) (Appt. 8/21104 to 3 year term) First 6/30/2002 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Initial ~ 3/31/02 . Appointed 3/26/01 ommate v ursm~ ome mmistrators. Staff Support: Harvin Quidas, Region 0 Long Term Care Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 N db N aH Ad File: /Nursing 8 /0l ~s Application for Appointp~nts \\~~ (<' ~~1 ~~ ~ ~,~~~ 0.c~:~~,,~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ ' ~ '` °~ Wilmin ton NC 28401-4093 ~°,;; ~ - Telephone (990) 349-7949 ~-' FAX {910) 341-4930 Paae 1 of 2 ~, Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees; and Commissic Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~.~,.s~~ ~.nr~-~~ .~1`~~Q4-+ ~ ~'~C'^~~-~-- Name: Haw long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? ~~ ~'~`~~ - \~~a, Qz-S Home Address: \4~'~3-, C~ t ~ ~ Mailing Address: QO ~O "4. ~~ ~~ ~~~~~-- ~''~ ~`-~~'~`~ City and State: L~,~m1c~i,-~rOc~ ~ ~--~ Zip Code: a-`~~~~ Te;.-~:^hone: Home: 1.v - ~,q ~ - ~ 2a ~~ Business: ~\ {~ ~~ *Sex: ~ *Race: ~ Age: *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is app **Emplayed by: ~..~ ~ ti~JO~;"~ ~A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Persor Job Title: Professional Activities: m~~~~ Q~~~.~.~ ~'~~~ ~~`-~l~'k~'~ Q~'~x~~1~~ ~~~~ Volunteer Activities: ~~`~-~~ c~~,~ca c~ - ~. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? c~ y ~~ cmcU ~ ~ ~ ~,,eN„5 va,, ~~.~ ~m c..~ n~ ~^.~c ~~~ ~ e 5 ~~ ~~T c~~a~ c~nce~r.-n c~,.a ~ ~ .u, ~ ~r ~ ~ c ~ ~, c~~ ~~i a ~~- ~i 5 5 u a roc What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? n _ _ ~ ~ _ ~ ,. ~ ~.~ ~ ~ C ~ ~-l.i C.~ . , ,._ http://www.nhcgov.com/CC/apply.htm L~ s~.~,,~-~.~CX'~ .~3 ~~~- oq;~~ ~~~ n+~.'r Cv~ ~-c'L~ N`+~ ~~ W1~ 3/3/98 Application for Appointments What areas of concern would you tike to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? r ~ ~~ , 1 Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, ph ~~ • Date: `c"~~acg-, ~ .~ '}CSJ-~-- Signature REFERENCES: Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number Page 2 of 2 u 2. r"> ~ ~\~ to ?~ - O ~0 39 3. - ~~~_ 031 http:/iwtii~w.nhcgov.com/CC/apply.htm 3/3/98 ~` Application for Appainittrents Page 1 of 3 ~' 32a Ch~straut Strut', Rcom 30~ 9 Wi(mil~g~an, NC 28~C1f-4093 m Tefepiion$ (410) 34?-7149 F.dX X91 ~) 34 7 -4130 ~, AppticatFOn for Appointment to Beards, ?`o~mltt8eS, Qrad>romma$SJOTlS - Appointer! by tits Ne~v Hanover Cozmty ~atrrd of Cornmissfoners. Request far Appointment to: ~C[/2 st~ ~ df0 I~,E' ~ {'~Vr S d ?Z-(,/ ~jjytt~x. i-~-~-~~ 1Yatne: ~f~'T~ { G f .4- ~'- ~ ~~'~ ~ How long have yeu been a resident of Mew ti'lanal'8r Coztnt',~~ S/aycc~ l ~'~'~~ Nome Address: ~D ~~lil- C?A~ Ic g ~(L{ ll~ . ° /~9aiGngAddress: Cfty acrd Staff: __ L° 45 Tl-~ r~~i '~.~~' ~C.. ZPp Cie; ~ ~'~f Telephone: Nome: ~7~'" 3~~ Business; ;Sex; t~.,~l~t.~'1~ .Race: ~-(,r ' "Age: _ ~~- °`fhis information is requested far tfte safe purpose of assuring rifer a eras-section af. the community fs apiiointed. `"Cmplayed by; __ ~~~1 r~ ~ ~~ ~n (5 i ~iL~"~~ 11,~CL ~5_ ~ /p~`l+~ f~r~.do 1/~,~' ~ b Cc.,,~-L .tt'~-~ h"'A person currently employed by the agency er department for which this appticotton is made, must resign his7her pas9tf~ k thew Hanover CoUnh,~ upon apoaintment, in accaracnce with Ar#icle Vt, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Per~ohne{ Fotlcy. Application far Appointmea;y Page 2 of 3 ~, ,~ Prafass9onat x~;:r"~s: ~. r~ ~~ YaluntQerdctlytties: _,L.Z~:1~'fZtc~~ /L~G,~55 ~.~L-dG t~}"~,~LTi~- ,~~~, m a m Why da you wlsh to serve an the Board, Camm~ttes, or Cammissian requestedl 57'~LcT~ ~ r ~+1 T~~2-~ s i x ~ G-~ .~~ ,S--~-u- r'.~/L~ - C~~'st~c. r`?'r ,.s+-~~JG~ ~a a What do you fee! are your qualifications for stirring pan the Board, Committee, ar Commisian requestedl 1C~1a ~ L~".i~G:.~ c ,~J ,~l((If > ~1 ~ i ~A-G~-~ ,v ~ ~ X P/~ ,~z.c ~ ,t1G.r~ ~ `,~ ~'~ .~. ~' ~~r,~ _~'~ r T-~.c.- C° ~t1,4- ..yam ~ C,r~ ,~ !~ G.L..~-SS ~S, Lt)D ~21Gr.t1 G otl ! ~-J„ r G~ ~r2-?'! ~S ~d R1 What areas of cnncern would ynu lire to see the Board, Committee, or Camrnls3ian addressl ~~ ~~'r' o ~'~"~ 6t,4-NGG ~ ~A Lf~ C~9-2~ ~~ /~ ~'.t-' s is-t~~' D >° 7"17`'C r~';~..i ~~.,~ - ~,~~~..t5 ~' ~~ lci~5 a~ ++!-fdcJ ,tJ~a-~i-- ~}rt~La~iY$ GDr.~ s iTS s~,,yta~- ~'f +z..~-.~5 r. ire yeu currPntty serving on another board ar cammlttee appalnted lay ~r munic-Ppalfty or a countyP If so, p[8asa lfst: luv tote: ~ ~.J1 z l dam- Signature G~~...-.~ Application for Appointments - Paga 3 of 3 Ptecrse provide tdtres tatat pp~rsorKrt ref~renres: z Name Phcme d~umb+er . m ~, m ~' Lo La r ,5 r'"- ~ t ,~ Z. --.~ ~~~ Z. 3. - ~' S' 0 httn:":b°wsv.nhcgov.c;omlccjapply.htrn 3/12/Q2 ~'9 Application for Appointments ,~~vv ~~w~ v~~ ~~v~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~e~,~s~+~~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2340 l -4093 Telephone (990J 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 . http:/iwwvv.co.new-hanove:.nc.us/CC/appiic hta 0 EC - 4 2000 i~E'v4' HANO`JER CO BO OF COh1"•11SSi0NER~ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.- Request for Appoin~ent to: ' "~ ~ S /~ l~~m ~' _ n ;.".a ,. ~ ; ~;_,,~Ln , , U,/~ ~iG Name: -~ s C I~~ ~2~- LC C~~ tiow long have you been a reside.~t of New Hanover County? ~ ~~ S Horne Address: ,~? ~ 3 :~ ~ r~ ~~~ry,~~ L~ ~ ~ Mailing Address: /1-r~ ~ `- City and State: Ly~ L,v'1 / ~~~ ~ ~~~ i"1"~~--- Zip Code: L y~~~ f Tzrephone: Home /G'~ ~ ~''~ '-2/ d ,S Business: Sex: ~~'/ 'Race: C ~ `'' C f, S i,-? ,t.~ *Age: 7 ~ TThis information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appoi,cted. ,, °~ person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his'her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personae/ Policy. /ob Tit!e. f~/~-~ l~ ~~~ ~ ~~ NTC-Z-~' I=o ~ ~/L,~ c--~~~ ;,~ ~ cwt Lr ~iN~~,rr~ii~r ~'~-/~ c ~`,~siN~~ ~~rY~ Professional Activities: /~ ~d ~ S o2 ~o,~~/T, Volunteer Activities: ~~/hy do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? f/~~<-- i~ S ~'~/r o 2 S G ~~ ~f~~' j~l~'/=~ i2f~z~r~~ ~~'..L' ~ Sc-7Z ri'i cG--~ ~Nhat do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? /2i ~/ Si`~ L G S ~ S ~ ~ 'U' ~=-G r / / ~ L' J I % ~ i~ ,~ iv~~ jvc~/ ~ i3 / ~ r 7-,~' 7~' !/ >1.~ h L ~ C ~ W w,~ S ~~`_ -~ / ~ ~ C A-l'~ 'c' ,~ S -~ .v ~ ~~ ~ / !'~ ~= YLv ~ JL,7--~ 1 oE?,~ 11/3/2000 :30 P~. Appli~,ation for Appointment http://wrvw~.co.new-hanover.ne.us,~CC/applic.htn What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~v N~ / L72,?-z C~r2c-.'- ~'~ti•S'y~G-i~ j~,f1o T--~%ic;l~ ~-~o~:,.z ~- ~/~4-ri/~~~flrr/CG-~ a i4~i~ /yic~~Tre~-j~otif • Are you currently serving on another board or corrimittee appointed by a municioaiity or a county? if so, please list:.. pt/c' iUG Date: ~/- Z J _ ~~~~ Signature ,!.-~-w-G-/ ~! ~~ REFERENCES: ` / P/ease provide three local personal references: NamePhone Number 2. STyL~ ~- S~~'~(~~? 7 ~'« . ° / ~' - ~ I ~ - 745 0~' 3. ~f ~ h ~y . ~ L' ~ ry J/~- / ~c~S 70 ~ f - s~ ~S -- o ~S • s ?~~~ __ 'I:~J~' ~' ~I ~~ DEC - ~ .2000 i ;~ NE',Y HnNO'rEn CO 8D Cr COMb1ISS10NERS 11/8/ 0 1~PN NEW S~ANOVER COI~NTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTION • ~ Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Regular Item #: Estimated Time: Page. Number: 1 ~. Department: Legal Presenter: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney i Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney ~_. SUBJECT: ~ ` Closed Session BRIEF SUMMARY: • ' Closed Session pursuant to G. S. 143-318.1 1 (5) to instruct staff in negotiating a real estate acquisition. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct Closed Session. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend holding a closed session for the purpose noted abov . ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: s ~~ ~ 1 ~-PPROVE® ~ ~' ~EJECTE® ~ .~ REMOVED ~ ,~~ POSTPONED ~t k~#FAR(~ ~ !~~ Q~ ~~~ 5:~ r '~~~~ ~~~~ ~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~ ~~c~~~~c~ r ,- ~. ~J4~~i"y~. . ~ ~~ Ii~vi~ii,(!r rr l~ ' ~~~ ~ ~i~~ I ~ ~ y 1 ~t'~ Y 1~ ,7 aitP'r } } ~ fit i g~g ~ ~ ~ p ~15J~V J O --- //~~~ ~ ~(y~~ti/ { ) ~J ..y, 5~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit to 3 minutes) ,' S5 2. Approval of Minutes ~ 57 ' . 3. Consideration of Acceptance of Public Dedication: Greenview Ranches Right-Of--Way, 59 Area A and Middle Sound Right-Of-Way,-Area B 4. Consideration of Proposed Water and Sewer User Charges for Larger Meter Sizes ~ 65 ' 5. Consideration of Proposed Sewer Tap Fee Change 69 6. Request for authorization to Request Qualifications from Consultants for Update of 73 Sewer System Construction Schedule 7. Consideration. of Emergency operation of Greenview Ranches Water System 75 ADJOURN • s T~,~ ~~~ ~ rn~~r~tr~c~l~y l~~t b~~~l~~ .,.~~ - 7 • • NEW HANOVER` COUNTY BOARD OF C®MMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: 'Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Water and Sewer- Agenda -Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held. on March 1 1, 2002. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: /TEM DOES NOT REQU/RE REV/EW COUNTY MANA ER' OMMENTS AND R Approve minutes.. ` ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:. rUltl G D &Y4dYbU ~ ~ ~;~fECTEO ~ ~;: ~E'MOVED ~ ,r'/~ , i~'OSTP91~1~9 ~] ~ s7 {This page intend®nally left blank} z 4 ~ :~~ ~;~:~ , rtt. ~Yf Y.:in al(1'E ~n:~ri6~~t~"~ 9`; ~~ e iVEiAI FiA~®\iER C®l7i~TY E®ARD OF C{~IViiVIiSSi~fVERS RF43.UEST FCR BOARD ACTTOiV . Meeting Date: ®3/25/02 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter; Jim Craig Contact: Christine .Neal SUBJECT: • Acceptance of Public Dedication Greenview Ranches Right-of-~11lay -Area A Middle Sound Right-of-Way -Area B BRIEF SUMMARY: Area A The County is working with a private developer who proposes to run a sevver line within one or more of .the. platted. Right-of-Ways shown on a recorded map for the Greenview Ranches Subdivision. The tight-of-ways were not originally deeded to the District. The right-of-ways are platted and offered for public acceptance. Attached is a resolution accepting the right-of-ways for utility purposes. ' Area B The County plans to run a sewer line down numerous platted right-of-ways and easements in the Middle Sound Area. This is only the first group of right-of-ways and easements in this area we wil'I present for acceptance. This group contains roads and easements within the Buena Vista, North Bend, Ocena View and Glen Arbor Subdivisions. This department will present additional roads and ' .,easements for acceptance as our sewer plan review continues. These right-of-ways currently are riot ~~ate maintained. The right-of-ways and easements were not originally deeded to the District, he right-of-ways and' easements are platted and offered for public acceptance. Attached is a resolution accepting the right of -ways and easements for sewer purposes. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends- that the Board accept the right-of-ways and easements and authorize the Chairman to execute the resolutions of acceptance. FUNDING SOURCE: No funding involved. ,. ATTACHMENTS: BuenaVista•WilliamsSub-OceanView•Etc-Chap153AAcceptanceResolut ~#PPROVED . REJECTED ® ;, ~'~ ~ ~?EMOVED ~ ,. r'. POSTPONED .~ ,~C, /`~~~~''J ~ GreerniewDrive-Chap153AAcceptanceResolution I~}~ARL~ . ~ .~ ~ ~p y Location Map ~~ ~ (`~ ~' ~ f Q.~C~ ~2r~ ~ ~~~ , ~L'CLS REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: .Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:. Recommend approwai. ~,w;;?,~~.,, rnnnnn~ccennicac~ nr~r~nn~cirnnanncai-o-c. A RESOLUTION DRAFT OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOARD OF COIViMISSIONERS WHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153 A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish a water and sewer district; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of a sewer system in the unincorporated County; and WHEREAS, the District desires to locate portions of the sewer system within dedicated subdivision easements in Nevv Hanover County; and ~,~ c ~,p~,'~c'~ WHEREAS, various easements in New Hanover County have been dedicated to the publicuse 1 ;~~ L:~~~"~" by the recordation of a subdivision plat or other map; and WHEREAS, G.S. 153A-158 authorizes acquisition of a fee or lesser interest in real proper ty by .gift, grant or other lawful method; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District desires to accept the offer of dedication of certain streets for the purpose of providing sewer and/or water services to County residents by and through the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That New Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts for sewer and/or water utility purposes the offer of dedication of those subdivision streets as more fully set forth below: Description: Being those "three sixty foot wide streets, two hundred feet in length, intersecting the northern boundary.line of Greenview Drive as shown on a plat of Section 2, Greenview Ranches, recorded in Map Book 9,-Page 16, New Hanover County Registry. The New Hanover County Water and Sewer District does not accept said subdivision streets for purposes of providing any drainage services or road maintenance whatsoever. , ~, , fir. ;., ',~ ~?;' ;e'~ i _ [SEAL];; t ~~~:~;; f . ., ATTEST: ADOPTED, this the 25`" day of March, 2002. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Robert G. Greer, Chairman Clerk to the Board a RESO~uTI®N ®14A~~ OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER~DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153 A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish a water and sewer district; and WHEREAS, .New Hanover County has established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction.of asewer system in the unincorporated County; and WHEREAS,. the District desires to locate portions of the sewer system within dedicated subdivision easdments in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, various easements~in New Hanover County have been dedicated to the public use by the recordation of a subdivision plat or other map; and WHEREAS, G.S. 153A-158 authorizes acquisition of a fee or lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or other lawful method; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Water. and Sewer District desires to accept the offer of dedication of certain streets and easements for the purpose of providing sewer and/or water services to County residents by and through the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOL'JED. as follows: That New. Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby .accepts for sewer and/or water utility purposes the offer.of dedication of those subdivision streets and easements as more fully set forth below: a Street Description: Being all those streets and easements as more fully shown on plats of Buena Vista Subdivision recorded in Map Book 2, Page 120, Map Book 7, Page 72, Map Book 6, Page 63, Map Book 4, Page 4; the plat of Williams Subdivision recorded in Map Book 2, Page 121, the plat of Ocean View Subdivision recorded in Map Book 6,,Page 52; the plat of North Send Subdivision recorded in Map Book 30, Page 56 and 57; and the plat of Glen Arbor recorded in Map Book 28, Page 23, all recorded in the Registry of Deeds of New Hanover County. The New Hanover County Water and Sewer District does not accept said subdivision streets or easemenu for purposes of providing any drainage services or road maintenance whatsoever. . ADOPTED, this the 25`h day of March, 2002. NEW HANOVER COUNTY °+/VATER AND SEWER DISTRICT SEAL; ~, Robert G. Greer, Chairman . ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~ ~ '~~ ^ ~. ~:~_ ~ i` %"' ~l ,, ~, ~ ;' ~ ~' ., ; , ~~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ . ~ ; / ~.~ ~ C ~ ~'i r~ ~ New Hanover County ~c~ti~n ~f ~att~ Sgt®~f- ~y~ re~~vs~ ~~ch~~ Su~c~~~~is~n Map-Blot-To-Scale 2~27io~ ~. W s O i% c i ~ ~_ i ~, ~~o~` ~ ~~ ~ ova o ~ ~y ,, ~,` ~~~- ~~' ~ ~ `~ F ~ .~~` /, .. ~__ z ` , /,, ~ ~>~ -`~' ~, {T'his page intend®nally left blank} c~ ~~ NEVI HAB~lOVEI~ COllIVTY BOARD ®~ COMMISSIOIVE83S ~ , AyG~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~~( ®'n I Meeting Date: 03/25/02 ~~ Water & Sewer Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Pa e Number: 9 Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Contact: Julie Griffin SUBJECT: Proposed Water and Seenrer User Charges for Larger Meter Sizes. BRIEF SUMMARY: " The ordinance currently does not address user charges for large meter sizes for water and sewer usage. There are approximately 12 customers affected by these proposed new rates ($20,000 in revenues). Attached is a copy of a proposed ordinance change which will add these user charges for the 3", 4"'and 6", meters for water usage and the 1 ", meter for residential sewer usage. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACT90NS: " Staff recommends these user charges be approved as indicated on the proposed ordinance. FUNDING SOURCE: Water and Sewer District Revenues ATTACHMENTS: ~'-~ chapter56.wp ~ , REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMM1SSiONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ulv ~~fiMl~9~ ~~ APPROVED 4..a~ ' DEJECTED C~ _ &2EMOVED D ~ ~,'~~ :~ POSTPONED C~ ~N OR®iNANCE ®i~.Q~~ OF THE NE1l~J HANOVER COUNTY SOAR® OF COIVIlV1lSSiONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 56, Utilities, Article III, Division 9, Fee Schedule, Appendix B be amended as follows: ®ivision 9. Fee Schedule, Ag~endix 13. I. § 56-37(b)(3)(b). Minimum bimonthly water charges: Change Table as follows: Change nonresidential "larger" category to specifically identi;:y three (3'~ inch, four (4") inch, and six (6'°~ inch water meter size rates: TABLB 1NS~T: Water Meter Size (inches) Fixed Fee Water Allowance (gallons/bimonthly) Minimum Bimonthly Water Charge 3 $30.00 50,000 $82.50 4 $60.00 70,000 $132.50 6 $120.00 , 140,000 $255.00 i ii. ~ 56-315(b)(1)(a). Basic user charges (user fees). r Add a one (1") inch residential water meter size rate: 1. Residential bimonthly (single family): a. Meteredrate option. The metered rate option is app9icable to 518", 3/4" and 1" water meter sizes. ~ ~-- ,,rig ~;,~,~~{~~~Change Table as follows: ~ ~ °.;: ; z~Tr~~ Jfpl X • TABLE diVSET: Water Meter Size Fixed Fee Rate per 1,000 Sewer Allowance Minimum {inches) gallons (gallons/bimonthly) Bimonthly Sewer -. Charge 5/8" and 3/4" $16.50 $2.70 5,000 $30.00 1" $20.00 $2.70 5,000 $33.50 Except as specifiied refierenced herein, the existing provisions of the Fee Schedule, Appendix B.shall remain in ful! force and effect. This the day of , 2002. [SEAL] NEW HANOVER COUNTY s 0 ATTEST: Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman - Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board G7 {This page.intenti®naclly left blank} Iw. ~..,~...~ ~$ 0 ~a~ IVE1lil HAPJOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMlSS!®lVERS `~ ' ~J REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV ~ P~ Meeting Date: 03/25/02 ~~d Oontact: Wyatt E. Blanchard Water & Sewer Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Proposed Sewer Tap Fee Change BRIEF SUMMARY: During this time of limited funds for sewer system construction, staff directed to develop a scenario for increasing sewer tap fees to assist in the continued funding of the sewer system construction. Attached is a copy of a proposed ordinance (Section 56-315) change which will increase. the existing tap fees as indicated on the tables below. ~ ' Existing Fee Schedule for'"Sewer ~~ ~~ ~ , G' 4" Tap $900 $1800. Tap provided by County " (During six month) 00 (After six months) 200 $2 .for existing: douses construction of d i Tap 6 $1,1 (During six month) , ~. (After six months), ~ ur ng ~i? ~+c r`~'~~"~j sewer- (There is'no'~.t'ap fee for new su'ijdivision) impact Fee/Facility Fee $.06.75 per square foot $1800 Maximum Impact fee on ' (Residential)- $500 Minimum und,ev,eloped property being developed (There is no impact fee for existing houses) `!mpact Fee%Facility Fee $3.75/gallon of average $1,115 Minimum Average daily flow as (Non-Residential) daily flow No Maximum established by NCDEM` Se :, °~,~ Development Fee $450.00. NA Special areas that developers have I provided sewer for the .County. ~i Proposed Fee Schedule for' Sewer Taps (other fees will not chancel v 4" Tap $2,000 $2,500 Tap provided by County (During six month) (After six months) during construction of 6" Tap $2,200 $2,700 sewer f ~ (During sik month) ~ (After six months) An increase in-the tap fee will assist future construction oT the sewer system, but it is also crucial that funding through sales tax continue. The proposed increase' in the tap fee will still not cover the total cost of providing sewer. The existing impact fee will not change. it is recommended that the new tap fee become effective immediately. RECOMMENDED MOTIORI AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the sewer tap fees be adjusted as indicated on the proposed attached ordinance. FUNDING SOURCE: bq ATTACHMENTS: 'j F ~ r Chapter56~SewerSystemOrdinanceRevised ,APPROVED ~"a~--' ~` q. ~2EJECTED ~ ~~ REMOVED ~ ~<=1 ~'OSTPONED ~ r~ ~. . ~KEAREJ ~ ~ti ~;::;; *~ r~~~~~~~~ `=b~~~-,vim; 4f r 1~~ !~ r ~F~ ~~-'Y1 KL' , ~ ~~~ ~ ~. ~ ~ BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: Ri/A 7~ REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve • • f AN ORDINANCE ®/~A~~ ~ OF T.HE i NEW HANOVER COUNTY $OARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter ;56, Utilities, Article III, Sewer System, Division 9, Fee Schedule, Appendix B be amended as follows: .Division 9. Fee Schedule, Appendix B. ~I. Change sewer tap fees as follows: § 56-315(a)(1)a. Tap fees for a lot on which is situated a structure requiring waste disposal: Residential and nonresidential (within first six month of sewer availability): Four Inch $2,000.00 Six Inch $2,200.00 Residential and nonresidential (after initial six months of sewer availability): Four Inch $2,500.00 Six Inch $2,700.00 § 56-315(x)(2). Tap fees for a lot on which is situated a house or nonresidential structure requiring waste disposal: Four Inch $2,500.00 Six Inch $2,700.00. A user may install a tap with New Hanover County .Engineering approval upon first providing any required deposit to the County. No tap fee shall be imposed when a user appropriately installs the tap. Except as specified.. referenced herein, the existing provisions of the Fee Schedule, Appendix B shall remain in full force and effect. This the - day of ,.2002. [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the .Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners h I {This page intend®nally left blank} ~~ IVE1nl HANOVER COl1NTY BO~ORD OF COMM9SSiONERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Water & Sewer Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number Department: Water & Sewer Distfict Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Request for Authorization to Request .Qualifications from Consultants for Update of Sewer System Construction Schedule BRIEF SUMMARY; The existing sewer system construction schedule was originally developed in 1989 by an engineering firm call Espey Huston and Associates. This plan was updated in the early 1990s by a committee appointed to provided recommendations on future sewer construction. The update included financial considerations and phasing. Considering the amount of construction which has taken place in the various areas out of schedule it is very likely that the financial model is not as accurate as it should be: With this in mind and knowing that funding the sewer in the future is a question, it is advisable that the Sewer Construction Schedule be updated as soon possible. s A limited analysis needs to be be performed using as much of the existing information, including the work performed as a part of the expansion of the wastewater treatment plant. This use should prevent having to start over and will help reduce the consultant fee. Once this study is complete, the Board may wish to consider forming another citizens committee to any-.1~,,~~° ; and prepare recommendations concerning prioritization of areas to receive sewer service, means of funding, and possibly expansion of the water system. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that staff be authorized to proceed with preparation of a Request for Qualifications to develop anew sewer construction schedule and to also advertise and received qualifications from interested firms. Once this engineering work is completed, staff will bring to the Board a recommendation for possible formation of a committee. FUNDING SOURCE: Funding for a study is available in the Water and Sewer District. ATTACHMENTS: s REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve .FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with County Engineer. (~ '` ,; ,. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A APPROVED DEJECTED C ~; REMOVED ~ ~'~i~ED ~ ~~ ~ ~ .~ .:~~~-1~ {This page intend®nally left blank} t ^ ; ~,~ ,, ;,~.~ ~~st~w~~~~v~1i~t~1 .'.~ v~`~ t " ~~~ <~fi. f ,z I ~~ . IVEVV HAiVOVER COIJiVTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIOiVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT101V Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Water & Sewer Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~~ ®epartment: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT`. - Emergency Operati®n of Greenvievv Ranches Water System BRIEF SUMMARY: The Commissioners may have received numerous calls from the residents living in the Greenview .Ranches area served by Coastal Plains Utilities, a privately owned water system. The people are very dissatisfied with the pressure and quality of water which is being delivered to them by the private system. Information on the system, including the number of customers and service area, will be provided to the-Board at the meeting on March 25, .2002. The North Carolina Utility Commission has contacted the County and is asking if the County would . consider emergency operation of the system. If this is considered, the County must have as much information as possible on the system which will include connection cost, water development fees, maintenance cost, and time frame. RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Board send a letter to the Utilities Commission stating that the District is willing to take over the{private system provided such issues as mentioned above can be ~,,R satisfactorily ddressed. FUNDING SOURCE: Water and Sewer District Fund. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: '~ LEGAL: FINANCE.: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend directing staff to proceed with investigating taking over the ys MMENTS: ~.~' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/CO APPROVED ~I .a, DEJECTED ~1 ~- t~EMOVED ~ ~,% ''' ,~ POSTP®IVED tRl~ ~ , -€k1. ~~/7'Ir -SS'r`Gy'L~riC. 2~~i Lt/ ~~~~ {This page intentionally left blank} J'tl ~,~::.:~' ~ ~~~~~i~E~s~ ©f ~~'~'' ~c~'~:~ 1~ CONSENT AGENDA ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF' BUSINESS Page No. 1. Approval of Minutes 79 2 Approval of Revision to Fee Policy -New Hanover County Health Department 81 Environmental Health -Tattoo Artist and/or Body Piercing Permit Per Location. 3 Approval of Possession and Control of Abandoned Acorn Branch Cemetery 1910 85 North Kerr Avenue 4. Approval to Proceed with Engineering Work for Installation of Carbon Injection 89 . and Noxout Systems at WASTEC 5. Award of Contract 02-0149 to Thomson & Co., Inc for the Constructed Wetlands 91 Leachate Treatment System at the New Hanover County Landfill 6. ' Award of Contract 02-0299 to Post Buckley Schuh & Jerrnigan, Inc. for Closure 97 Design Services for Cells 3B-5 at the New Hanover County Landfill 7. Approval of FY 01-02 Equal Employment Opportunity Grant 99 8: Position Reclassification and Job Title Change for IT Administrative Support 101 Technician Position 9. .Release of Value- 103 10. New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports 105 1 i. Resolution to Extend the Existing Cable Television Franchise of Charter 109 Communications to Operate a Cable System in New Hanover County. 12. Approval of Contract #02-0304 with Pierce Manufacturing,,Inc. for the Purchase 113 of a Fire Engine through Installment Financing for the County Fire Services Department Approval of Budget Amendments: 13.1 #2002-37 Controlled Substance Tax-Sheriff 119 13.2 #2002-38 Federal Forfeited Property-Sheriff 120 13.3 #02-0151 Various ~ ~ 121 13.4 #02-0156 Sheriff/Administration/Jail 122 s 77 . {This pale intenti®nally left blank} 7~ NEyN HAiVO\/E~ COIJi~TV BOARD OF COi1/!!1/OI~SIONE~iS REQUEST FOR S®ARD ACT90fV . Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Corisent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell ' Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the. following sets of minutes: Solid Waste Work Session, February 18, 2002 Regular Meeting, Mach 1 1 , 2002 RECOMMENDED MOTIQIV AND REQUESTED ACT1OlVS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: /TEM DaES NDT REQUIRE REVIEYfJ COUNTY MAMA R'S MENTS AND REC~MMENDATlONS: Approv+~ minutes. COMIVIISSIONEFiS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: s ~~i ~~r°~ ~~a~ ,J~PPROV~D ~,~ DEJECTED E3 6~ ~t,EMOVED ~ ~ ~~, , POSTPONED S3 ~ ~. Y ~~ ~ R G3/aS/.rte {T'his page intentionally left blank} .., ~;,_9 ~t~~~~i,~ '~~-a ~c~ ~0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Dianne Harvell, Environmental Health Director Contact: Dianne Harvell, Environmental Health Director 343-6665 s SUBJECT: Revision to Fee Policy-New Hanover County Health Department Environmental Health -Tattoo Artist and/or .Body Piercing Permit Per Location BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board of Health approved a reduced fee (from 5200 to 5125) for a Tattoo Artist and/or Body Piercing Seconday Permit @ alternate location. An appeal was by a Tattoo Artist/Body Piercing Facility Owner to reduce the cost of a permit for an artist at an alternate location. This owner opened a facility at a second location, and' any artist permited at h.is primary location would have needed to pay for a second permit at 5200 inorder to work at the second location. This fee change will take effect April 1 , 2002. This will involve only a small number of secondary permits (between 4-8} since currently there is only one facility owner in New Hanover with. a second facility location. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED'ACTIONS: Approve fee revision ' FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: yes-3pages (1 page fee schedule and 2 pages, letter from facility owner} REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A' COUNTY MANAGER' Recommend approval, ~~ ~~~~ ~PPR01/EL~ ~~- b~EJECTE D~EMOVED (~ ~' ~'9STPORIED ~ '''? RD ~ i ~' i T cT" pJ) ~ cA J ~. C I. N C v~ F. ~ y ~ ~ c3 c: O L ~ C b ~' ~ O ~ _o ~ c~ O a~ G G x N i '. 'C ~ 'G ~ ~ " ~ J ~ ~ ~ s 'C3 CG ti O N , " ~ ~ ~ G O G N :-, I rJ r N ~ b r-. .~ - C.. O ~" c O C O C G O C A ~ - O m, O N ~, >, G ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ a o. ~ `' ~~ ~ ~ * n. a c. * a i ~ c 0 o o 0 0 0 o c c 0 0 o o o c c o o c 0 0 0 0 o 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 c 0 o 0 ~ ~ 0 co cc o N rr1 c o v o c- ~n o o <t c c o. o ~t c c C o co c ~ N c ~ '~ 0 ~ 0 V o %~ r1 0 ~n ~ o 0 ~n 0 r~ , c N O vi N o O j':.~ N N oo N N' N N N N rj ~ I ~ 04 09 69 EA Ff? fT v9 6^-, v° ER 69 b4 ~? vt b? 64 W o4 :f? 6H v4 69 ~3 6`? 69 lip, I'i k_ i i ~I i i a='::s ii III { i ':N~ , C 1 _ ~ cJ V O r ^ C y ~ L _ r -i G cis ~~.. . ,;~ i > ~ ~ ~J :,N ', ~ ~ ~~ ~ o .~ ` f H G C .- O V ~- ~, . ..~ U _ N E (~~. 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ G ~ ti J ~ V U F . ~_ ~ ¢ J ~ r ~ v U ~ G C J ~~ V Q E / ... ~ ~' ~ C i O N O J G ? M G i .. ~ 'O ~Pi. }~' ~ G G O % ' > G G - G . ~ ~ ~ ` N Q ~ O N ~ ~, G ~ w%-. a O' G d C G ~ G K • ^t,C . V, N O C ~ cC ~ ~ y y ~ O C, r.. CL O O _ ~ o ~ a[i ~ y E !N E_ ~~~ ~°a~i'~ a~ ! ~ ~' ~ ~ .~ G e~ ~ a, y y C ~ =s .c 0 ° 0 ° o c~ G :i ~ ~ : 'r~- _ c , ,, ~ :J :J N' aJ _ bA C9 O ~ , a~ u ^J Cn V: Vl p r O E C o 0 o cn ~u cn .,n = c ~ • ,~, o G ~, - _ _ cn a~ v. .y gin;' c3i " ~ - > w ~ x "'s] x ""W a~ o! ' ro v, ~ v, G ~ 5 '-- ~ cs ~ a ~ a ~ m ~ ai v; ~ s 3 cn 3 ~ aGi .- ~ - ,- ~ `r ro ~ ~ ^_ r G ~. H N O N N O J, r^, G:: >- rr~ ~.r s. v G U O h _~ ~. _ o ; ~N~ N =' ~ C '~ s c ti__c~ , r U y ~ G C G .~. CA U J ~ ~ ~ ~~ c :; O Q' ~^ j y L L ~. ca H r- ~ ~, o _ c ~ ~ ~~ :~ ~i ~ U O O ~ G a ~ c i~ n Q f-- ~ ~ 0 ~ ,_~ r,..1 `~-~ -~ I W ~"" `, -~, .~ ~~ .,:~ ~ M i _ d, U ~ +Y~ V1 ._ C' ~_ 4 ~ J o c~ 0 ~ r~, ~ ~_ c~ z_ ar ~_ `_~ ~a ~J ~,w ~, 'tY,i V \ U INLJ ~ ~~v'v w„~. v ~ ~ w- ~~ ~ •°--~~ kanover Co. HealTh De ~~ ~ DEC 4 207 ent~ Health ~Q~-r~C`~ ~.~1CS~l~-~'' `_t~ UL~~C" CL'Y~ c,'l ~e Q.LSL ~ ~ ~~f~ ~2C~ ~~~ (3.trc~ ~\ 0~ ~, ~UJJ~ ~1'(~v1Cz~~ ~u~l~'> ~~c~ocu ~C2--~ ~C.vt~~c~ ~~ ~b c~,urn o-Q ~~~ ~ G~ 3~7 0 ~ G C~~~ti^~ ~1~~.~ `~-~1 ~v~c~. 1995 ~c~ ~; `- ~ mac, ~ ~a~,o~.v~~,~ ~ ~m C~e~~ ti~ l~c~,~ ~~ ~~~ 1999 ~~~ ~rn ~ ~.p ,~b~,ti~ ~ vJ~ Gc4, o r~ce~~ ~jc~~ r~c~~ ~cg-~ o~v~~-- U ~,c~-~ t~ ~-cm ~ Corn cQ c~~-eI ~ ~ c4-t C~`Yn~a .Q~~ ~n e~ w~-h ~-fi- J~~ env v~~~ ~ g-e, ~ ~~~~ ~1~ ~-E- ~ C~`w~ D~~ ~ ~~ ~1 ~ ~ 1~~~. ' ~~~~ ~ ~~ ,/,'~~oS-~~ ~ ~ C'~L~ ~ -- C ~~' 3 `~3~a~~ JUS~~ ~~ /v ~~ • • • • ~iE~l' HAN~ifER C~U~TY B®AR® ®F C01V1~lil5~8®IVERS ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT101V Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: j Department: Engineering Presenter: Christine Q. Neal Contact: Christine Q. Neal SUBJECT: Possession and Control of .Abandoned Acorn Branch Cemetery 1 X10 North Kerr. Avenue BRIEF SUMMARY: There are several known abandoned cemeteries on individual parcels of land throughout new Hanover County. Pursuant to State regulations, counties are required to take .possession and control of these sites if there is no clear title that can be readily determined. This cemetery falls under that category. Attached is a resolution to take possession and control of the Acorn Branch cemetery. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that the County take control ofi this. cemetery and establish the boundaries for maintenance purposes. Recommend Board adoption of the attached resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: '1 10-410-4197-1000-3942 ~; ~ ~~~~ F,_ ~1'il CemeteryResolution-Possession&Control-AcornBranchCeme 1910 North Kerr Avenue 1_ocation Map REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COM a TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: J ~Y'.Y'~f V M 4 ~IYI~~tlYy®~~ .~P~ROVED ~/ g,.. ~iEJECTED Ga REMOVED ~ '~J POSTPONED ~ . RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COIVIIVIISSIONERS WHEREAS, pursuant to G.S. §65-3, the County Commissioners are required to take possession and control of all abandoned public cemeteries to establish property boundaries; and to preserve such sites, as appropriate; and WHEREAS, an examination of tax records and historical sources indicate that the cemetery situated at 1.910 North- Kerr Avenue, Tax Parcel No. RO3400-.003-012-000,.. Acorn Branch Cemetery, is abandoned within the' definition ofi the statutes; without any ascertained record owner, and without any person or entity maintaining said site. NOW, TH9=BEFORE, BE JT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby accept possession and control of the above-referenced cemetery as required by law. This Resoli.ition is directed to be recorded in the Registry of .'Deeds. This the day .of ; 2002. (SEAL)..... _,. (~T. AO 1071. Cierkto the Board New Hanover County Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State. and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and. as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, Ted Davis; Jr:, sealed with its corporate seal. and attested..by herself as its Clerk. ` ,',,.,- ~'~ ''`"'~ 1NITNE'SS my hand and official seal, this day of , 2002. '~+ ~ ~ ~~~ - , , >~w ~,~s~~ Notary Public lily commission expires: t 1 BAVARIAN LN ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~- - ;~ / ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~, ~. I I ~ ~/ \,~ ~~~ ~\ t • N W E S Mao No# To Scale 2127/02 `l {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ s~ NEVV HI~AN®VE~ C®UNTY BC/~R® t~F CCi~f11V91SSi®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT101V Meeting Date: 03/25/®2 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: ,'Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church/John Hubbard Contact: John Hubbard SUBJECT: Approval to proceed with engineering work for installation of Carboni Infection and 1Voxout Systems at WASTEC. BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff requests approval to contract with. HDR Engineering, Inc.. of the Carolinas to provide program management services for the installation of Carbon Injections Systems and a Noxout System on WASTEC's Units 1-and 2. HDR will provide permitting assistance, system design review, a bid package, and bid evaluation.,. Cost of this work is not to exceed $55,000. In December 2000 the Federal Environmental Protection agency directed that all Municipal Waste Combustors (i.e., waste-to-energy plants) with units the size of WASTEC's smaller .boilers meet specific regulations for emissions control with a final compliance date of December 2005. WA$TEC negotiated with North Carolina State Air Quality personnel in December 2000 to have the projects completed by December 2004 -giving WASTEC two budget years to complete the required projects. However, in October 2001 , North Carolina Senate .Bill 31 2, awell-drilling bill, was passed by state legislature. 1n that bill, last minute language was added which accelerated the date to March ?, 2003, that small Municipal Waste Combustors (i.e., Units 1 .and 2) must meet the new RECOMMEiVDED MOTION AND RE+C2UESTED ACTIONS: - Staff recommends that the Board of Commissioners authorize the County to contract with HDR Engineering, Inc, of the, Carolinas to provide program management for the installation of Carbon Injection Systems and a Noxout System on WASTEC's Units 1 and 2. regulations. For this reason, the schedule for meeting the new regulations must,be accelerated, requiring staff to request engineering services in the current budget year. Since these services were not. includ~.:~ in the FY 2001 /2D02 budget, staff requests that the source of funds be the Departmer~~ of Environmental Management's fund balance. FUNDING SOURCE: The Department of Environmental Management fund balance. • ATTACHMENTS: ` BA #02 0150.wpd Recommend approval. HUMAN RESOURCES: iVJA ~E~r_cT~D ~ z YRt~ ~D ~ } x4 ~,, Sg REVIEWED SY: .LEGAL:. FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: DEPARTMENT: Environmental Management BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0150 ADJUSTMENT Landfill Operations: Appropriated Fund Balance wIASTEC -Administration: Contracted Services DEBIT CREDIT $55,000 $55,000 _ E3CPLANATION: To appropriate Environmental nagement fund balance to instai9-air quality equipmen#. required by State permit. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners 0,-. '~(Phr~' ~~n~k1~SiC~P+i 6d~M@~lF~ w,~ ~:~. r '~ ~OSTyPO1;ED ~ ~ ~ ~ t VFW ~~N~vE~ c~uNTV ~~A~D of c~nn~nisss~NE~s REQUEST' FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 ®- Consent Item #: 5 Estimated. Time: Page Number: • Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Contact:.., Ray Church SUBJECT: Award of Contract 02-0149 to Thomson & Co., Iric in an amount of for- the Constructed Wetlands Leachate Treatment System at the New Hanover County Landfill BRIEF SUMMARY: In 1993; Environmental Management staff embarked on a mission to determine if constructed wetlands could be used to treat landfill leachate. Several years of studies funded primarily through grants from the Coastal Area Management Agency and the Water Environment Research Federation and with the assistance of NC State University and UNC~W~proved'I~th"at constructed wetlands can be used as an effective treatment process. In 1999, the Department-was avvarded Grant No. 19988-505 from the Clean Water Management. Trust Fund in an amount of 5 85,000 to construct a full-scale wetlands project and associated spray irrigation system to reduce ,the wastewater discharge from the landfill to the Northeast Cape Fear River. Or%;Thursday, March 7, 2002, a bid opening was held for the construction project. The bid tabulations~'are as follows: .. :>; Contractor Base Bid Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Alternate 3 Alternate 4 ,T'-;.~4fe $188,000.00 $12,600.00 $11,550.00 $20,000.00 Construction $1,074,980.00 D.F. King $ $275,326:00. $13,300.00 $25,300.00 518,000.00 Construction 962,984.45 Morgan $169,200.0.0 $11,144.00 $18,645.00 $25,000.00 Company $1,089,985.50 ES&J 5 5235,000:00 $21,112.00 $29,997.OOf 516,000.00 Enterprises, Inc. 954,560.36 Thomson & Co. $ $243,000.00 $16,800.00 514,025.00 525,000.00 916, 958.00 Atlas Resource 5188,000.00 522,400.00 $16,500.00 $15,000.00 Mgt. 51 ,046,500.00 Phillips & $216,315.00 $ 9,120.00 511,340.00 $17,000.00 Jordan Co, 51,005,585.00 The, project is to be constructed using the grant funds to be received from the Clean Water ' Management Trust Fund. The amount of funding available is $785,000.00. The Lowest base bid of $916,958.00 was received from Thomson & Co., inc.. As the lowest base bid was over budget, staff negotiated with Thomson & Co. to bring the, project within the a{lotted funds. I~ECt)MME~IDED M®TIOIV AIVD REQUESTED ACTT®IVS: Staff recommends award ofi Contract #02-0149 to Thomson & Co., Inc., in an amount not to `exceed $785,000.00 for the construction of the Constructed Wetlands Leachate Treatment System at the New Hanover County Landfill. FUIUDIlVG SOURCE: Capital Project Fund 730 Grant Funded Grant Agreement No. 19988 - 505 f ' ~J ATTACHMENTS: Resolution f ~ /~ wetlands.resol.do \/// REVIEWED SY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval and acknowledge the goo ~of the Environmental management staff to reduce the cost to the budgeted amount. /, , COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COt~NTY COM "~aION - 6~RPRO~IED ~ REu'~C i ED CJ PC;:: =-T~~:1VED HE:iRDz~~~ ~~~ ~, RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD ®F COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTI' WHEREAS, New Hanover County's Department of Environmental Management desires to protect the environment and to minimize the discharge of treated wastewater to the Northeast Cape Fear River; AND WHEREAS, New Hanover County's Department of Environmental Management was awarded grant funding totaling $785,000 from the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund to build a constricted wetland system for the treatment of landfill leachate; AND WHEREAS, a budget amendment was adopted on November 23`d, 1998 allocating $243,500 in County matching fiords available in the Environmental Management Fund Balance; :AND WHEREAS, New Hanover County's Department of Environmental Management desires to reduce oxygen demanding wastes, nitrogen, and suspended solids reaching the Northeast Cape Fear River and adjacent waterways; AND WHEREAS, New Hanover County's Department of Environmental ~~~~t~~_s-~ient desires to help improve the water quality of the Northeast Cape Feai- River and adjacent waterways; AND WHEREAS, .New Hanover County's Department of Environmental Management will remain a leader of cutting edge. technology for the treatment of landfill leachate; AND WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina looks favorably upon projects such as this: AND WHEREAS, the engineering firm of Camp; Dresser, & McKee has designed a constructed wetlands system for the treatment of landfill leachate, AND WHEREAS, a bid opening was held on March 7, 2002, to receive bids for the construction of the wetlands system. AND WHEREAS, the bids were received as follows; • 93 Contractor Base Bid Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Alternate 3 Alternate 4 Thalle $l,0~~,980.00 $188,000.00 $12,600.00 $11,550.00 $20,000.00 Construction ~ D.F. King $962,984.45 $275,326.00 $13,300.00 $25,300.00 $18,000.00 Construction Morgan $1;089,985.50 $169,200.00 $11,]44.00 $18,645.00 $25,000"00 Company ES&J $954,560.36 $23,000.00 $21,112.00 ` $29,997.00 $16,000.00 Enterprises, -- Inc. Thomson & $916,958.00 $243,000.00 $16,800.00 $14,025.00 I $25,000.00 Co. Atlas X1,0=~6,soo.0o $188,000.00 $22,400.00 $16;00.00 $15;000.00 Resource. i Mgt. Phillips & ~1,oo5,5s5.oo $216,315.00 $9,120.00 $11,340.00 $17,000.00 Jordan Co. ~ '~ " J AND WHEREAS, the bids received were higher than fiuiding provided by the grant. AND WHEREAS, staff were ~successfill in negotiations with the low bidder to bring the project within the allotted funds, AND WHEREAS, the Dixector of Enviromnental Management and the County Manager recommend that Contract 02 - 0149 be awarded to Thomson & Company in an amount not to exceed $785,000.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of 1\?ew Hanover County that the Contract for construction of the Constructed Wetlands Leachate Treatment System at the New Hanover County Landfill be awarded to Thomson & Company for an amount not to exceed $785,000.00, and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. ~~ This the 25`'' day of Mai•ch, 2002. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerl: to the Board Ted Davis, Chairman Board of County' Commissioners • 9S {This pale intentionally left blank} fl q6 NEW HANOVER COUNl'Y BO~i63D OF C®MMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Contact: Ray.Church SUBJECT: Award of Contract 02-0299 to Post Buckley Schuh, & Jerrnigan, lnc. for Closure Design Services for Cells 3B = 5 at the New Hanover County Landfill BRIEF SUMMARY: North Carolina State Solid Waste Rules governing the operation of landfills require final closure of a cell within one year of reaching fiina{ elevation of the cell with waste. The eastern side slopes of cells 3B - 5 have reached final elevation and the State has requested that we perform a partial closure on these cells. The closure cap must consist of a system .equivalent to or less than the permeability~of the system used for the base liner, or as in our case, a synthetic liner system. The firm of Post, Buckley Schuh & Jerrnigan, Inc. was requested to submit a Scope of Services for the design of a closure system meeting the requirements. The firm was selected based on liner experience and design knowledge of the base liner system. This firm was chosen for this project as they were the design firm for the base liner also. It is good engineering practice and lessens liability to have the same firm design both the top and base liner systems. The engineer will provide design services, permit application, surveying, drawings, specifications, and bidding assistance. In addition to the closure services, the engineer will provide assistance in addressing the impacts of the filling sequence of Cell 6 and it's impact on the placement of waste against the western slope of Cells 2 - 5. The engineer will also propose the State approve the interim closure of the western slope of those cells using an alternative cover. A request for proposals for engineering services will ,be developed for cell construction on adjacent landfill property once Cell 6 D is completed. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution and award of Contract 02-0299 to Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan, Inc., in an amount of 5189,562 for the permitting and' design services required for the partial closure of Cells 3B - 5. FUNDING SOURCE: Funds for the closure design services were provided for in the current Department of Environmental Management Landfill Fund, line item 700-480-4191-3700. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution cellciose38-5.res RE~lIE1NED 8Y: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE Recommend approval. BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOU'R~~~Cp~p~p~ `jC~~d~-/7j~~~® ~3d`ITf6o NG~L,~ ~a. `AND RECOMMENDATIONS: DEJECTED Q ~. REMOVED ~ -r,,`` =NTS: ~ POSTPONED O ~~. s, , eaD ~ _ ~~ ~ lvt~~ .,4 ~~3 Q` sG ,~~/.. IZESOi~U'I'ION ®F ~x~ ~OARI) OI' COMMISSIOiatl+ ItS O~ 1~lEW IIANOVEIa COIJNT~' WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules require that Municipal Solid Waste Landfills install a cap system that is designed to minimize rain infiltration; AND ~IHEREAS, the cap system shall be designed and constructed to have a permeability less than or equal to the permeability of any base liner, AND WHEREAS, the cap system shall conform to the requirements set forth in the North .Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules 15 NCACI3B; AND WHEREAS, .the Engineiring firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh, &Jerrnigan, Inc: has demonstrated its ability to meet the design criteria by previously designing a closure system acceptable to the State Solid Waste Section; AND WHEREAS, the firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh, &Jerrnigan, Inc., has submitted a Scope to Services toprovide design services for the closure of a portion of Cells 3B through 5 at the New Hanover County Landfill; AND WHEREAS,. the Director of Environmental Management and the Cotmty Manager recommend that a contract be awarded to Post, Buckley, Schuh, ~i Jerrnigan, Inc., in an amount of one hundred eighty-nine thousand, five hundred silty-t<vo dollars ($189,562); AND 'WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in. Account No. 700- 480-4191-3700 to cover this contract; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Contract for Engineering Design Services for the Closure of a portion of Cells 3B through 5 at the New Hanover County Landfill be awarded to Post, Buckley, Schuh; c4~, Jerrnigan, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $189,562; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. Adopted this the 25f1i day of March, 2002. [SEAL] - Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ~~-1TTEST:~s~ ~~,~~ Clerk to f11e"Boar•'dl ,~~ J q$ IVEW FiANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM1SSiOlUERS REQUEST FOR B®ARD ACT101V Meeting Date: 03/25/02 , Consent Item ,#: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: Human Relations Presenter: Contact: Carl Byrd SUBJECT: FY 01-02 EEOC Grant BR1EF SUMMARY: The Human Relations Department has been awarded the standard EEOC grant for FY 01-02 in the amount of $23,000. The budget amendment is prepared to bring the current budget in line with the grant award. RECOMMENDED IVIOTfON AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend acceptance ofi the EEOC Grant; recommend authorization. for the County .Manager to sign the grant document; request approval of associated budget amendment #02=014?... FUNDING SOURCE: EEOC 523,000. ATTACHMENTS: ~~ ~ ~~. ba02-0147.wp LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET..: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES' N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT, RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval ~ ~~:~~'• ~PA~OVEC ~~ ~' ~' ,.T'G~,EMOyED ~ ~~ ;r ~ ... - - ~O~TPOi~E[3 ~ 4aR[D .~ ~5~~ . 59 NEW HANOVER COUN'i"Y BOARD OF COMI~ISSiONERS RE{~UEST FOR BOARD. ACTIOiV ~ileeting Date: 03/25!02 Budge# Atnendrner'I# DEPARTMENT: Human RelationslEEOC BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0'!47 ADJUSTMENT -DEBIT EEOC Grant $2;000 Contract Services ' CREDIT $2,000 ~) EXPLANATION: To increase budget to actual amount of FY 2002 EEOC grant award (current budget = $26,000; $E,000 of that was carried forward fro ast FY, $21,000 is current year). New award is $23,000, so budget amendment is for $2,000. ADD1T10NAL 1NFORNIATION: ~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be appraved by Board Of Commissioners ~0lNNil ~a~~~.. 1 ,~'€~ROVED ,.~ l:~p ~~~ a~9STPORIEI~ ~t~y R ~,,' ~~~,-., t i- `~~' "~~~' li ~qT .aryc5C~S'~~"'~4rTIh~-'YP~ ' 1 AS4 ie"}':~t. /o~ v • fVEW HANOVER COUNTY BOA-i~D OF COMMISS~Oi~ERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10lV Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: IT Presenter: Bill Clontz Contact: .Bill Cloritz SUBJECT: . Position Reclassifiication and Job Title Change for !T Administrative Support Technician Position. BRIEF SUMMARY: The. IT Department has reassigned some significant technical duties to the' Administrative Support Technician position that were previously performed by a Programmer . The reassignment of these duties greatly increased the required technical skil'I level for the Administrative Support Technician position. Human Resources was asked to reclassify that position to more accurately reflect its increased work content. Their recommendation is that the position be reclassified from a CR3 to a Professional Technical 2 and that a new position title of IT Procurement and Administrative Specialist be assigned to it. See the Human Resources Review and Recommendation Summary for their recommendation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request that the Administrative Support Technician position in the IT Department be reclassified.. from a Core 3 to Professional/Technical 2 and that its title be IT Procurement and Administrative Specialist. FUNDING SOURCE: General Furid ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT RfQU/RE RFV/f'~I/ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMIVIENTS AND F Recommend approval. ~ ~_,; ~, ~ ~ F ~ ~r +,~,, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: `t~'~C 1;~~ s~JrmJili;_rJ.~~.-~;1 ~~~ I ~~~ ~EMOVE® ~ ~~ IPOSI'A®RIE~ ~ ~ -~. D ~ ~ ~ r s~~ Cathy Morgan To: Bill C Clohtz/NHC@NHC 03/13!02 10:19 AM cc: Allen O'Neal/NHC@NHC, Andre Mallette/NHC, (bcc: archive) Subject: Reclassification of Administrative Support Technician Position TO: Bill Clontz, IT Director FROM: Cathy Morgan, Senior HR Analyst SUBJ: Reclassification of Administrative Support Technician Position After careful review and consideration of your request to reclassify Pam Harrell's position, currently classified "Administrative Support Technician," I recommend it be reclassified to "IT Procurement & Administrative Specialist" at pay grade PT02. As you know, "IT Procurement & Administrative Specialist" does not currently exist in our classification plan and, therefore, you must submit your reclassification request to the Board of County Commissioners so that the classification plan may be amended to include the classification. Please feel free to forward this memo to the Board in support of the reclassification. The significant changes to the position, i.e., the shifting to it of procurement responsibilities for all county-wide computers software and hardware, justify such areclassification. Pam assumed these responsibilities from Jan Kavanaugh sometime ago, which allowed Jan to resume her assignments as a programmer.. The assignment to the "PT" (professional/technical) s'atary structure recognizes the added technical aspects of the position. Catherine C. Morgan, Senior Human Resources A. nalyst New Hanover County Human Resources Department. 320 Chestnut Street. Suite 405 Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 341-7178 Fax: (910) 341-4293 E-mail: cmorgan@nhcgov.com ~ 'Y •~'?- . ' h +~~~u+~.• Jam.' ; C~4t~'2`~a;, , 10~, • • 0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV .Meeting Date:. 03/25/02 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Bob Glasgow SUBJECT: Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following taxpayers be granted. the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: lapplications and letters explaining late filing available upon request) Bailey, Mattie L. $ 20,000 Baldwin, John James Etal. 20,000 Bowen, Thomas 14,320 Evans, Elizabeth S. 20,000 Freeman, Ralph M: 20,000 Jones, Virginia M. 20,000 Kivercuk, Patricia M: 20,000 Mills, Nancy Fox 20,000 Stalvey, Jeanette 20,000 Walker, Marian 20,000 Wigner, Mary L. Life Estate _ 20,000 Request approval of the following delinquent application for exemption from property tax for the following. organization: (application and letter explaining late filing available upon request) Masonvoro Baptist. Church, Inc. R06700-001-003-001 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of these releases. . FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: /TEM D OES IIIO T REQ U/RE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTI NS COMMENTS: i~EJEG'P'E~ ~ B~MOVE® ~ .„r ~-° ~®~TP9i~E®® ~` .~11. l ~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~.~ -~ -~~; 1,~~~"ice F~v;~-~;<., ,~, L;; ,' i~'~~;1 .~ ~n~ IVEVV H/~NC)VER COtJlVTY. B®AF~D OF CONIIIJIISSI®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: - Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Pat Raynor . SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County .Fire District Collection Reports - BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of February 28, 2002 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REO.UESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of these reports. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~f`, ~ . i 3 s.._• Feb02NHCColrpt.doc Feb02FDcol.rpt.wpd JTEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. . . COMMlSS10NERS' ACTlO S/COMMENTS: ~PPR®!/E® tai ~EJECS°ED {~EM01/E® ~ ~~ ® li'®~TP®RIEI~ ~ ~~~ ~., . \" . ,. 3 ~. ~ ~ . ~ ~°~` CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 2/28/02 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2001 AD VALOREM ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL $ 102,139,092.].1 DISCOVERIES ADDED 3,711,097.48 LESS ABATEMENTS - 592,522.40 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 105,257,667.19 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES :DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS .00 77,611.88 6,076.00 $ 105,341;355.07 - 100.834,957.43 $ 4,506,397.64 95.72%* MOTOR VEHICLE $ 6,280,392.06 13;380.46 - 80,645.05 $ 6,213,127.47 .00 00 .00 $ ~6,2li,127.47 - 4,699,386.44 $ 1,513,741.03 75.64%* S 3,698;729.73 81,966.68 - 713.591.81 S 3,067,104.60 - 996,$92.70 S '',070,211.90 32.50% FEB 2002 $ 16,035.31 $ 73,452.23 207.50 FISCAL YTD 169,646.76 1,912,869.16 11,756.50 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR~NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON; WRIGH~fSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $159,679,209.28. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGNN]NG JULY 1, 2001. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, PATRICIA J. RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF-RE--U,ENUE, ~.-, * COM$INED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 94.60% t=J C.~] ~ ~:.~ ~SII, :, ~I~ oj~I1I~'~8:~` l~~ LONSEFVT AGENDA tl A T E ' __.......-___ ITEM. NQ.------- NEVI HANOVER COU~}TY EIRE DISTRICT TAX CIILLECTI(1A15 ~ _ +~ CDLLEGTIONS THRU 02J2Bf02 ! CURRENT TAX YEAR m 2001 AD VALOREM ~l070R VEHICLE /gffi'W Y0®MW6f FfltlWlm.®®0W~®®®~O®O MiY Y®®®®BO®@®~e~1i0. Odd®i.ll®i4®ii ~lq ~PtA ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SC~OLt~ ~ 2~57b~i0S.53 ~ J:90~4i1.7b DISCOVERIES ADDED 1471380.81 757.03 LESS ASATE~fENTS 769192.444 2'S55.22m ®®®es®..~,,.m®...~~. ~®am®~..m~®®®®® TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 26474293.90 $ 188ybi3.57 LISTING PENALTIES Ct4ARGED 2448.54 .QO . svv,sa~~YVS.®q...u® ~nva.wwoa®arr.sw.s..sa TOTAL LEVY $ 2~b49g742.44 ~ 188yb13.57 COLLEGTIi3NS Ttf DATE 2'S409712.1b~ 144~069.39~ OUTSTANDING BALANCE ~ 109y030.29 $ 44y544.18 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 95.89X~ 7b.38X~ 8AC9C TAXES . REAL ESTATE AtUD PERSONAL PROPERTY 95'819.45 CHARGES ADDED 3'X84.58 . LE5S ABATEMENTS 28~505.7Om TOTAL TAXES t3UE $ b0'498.33 CDLLECTIONS TO DATE ®®~®®14®~69.35r OUTSTANDING 6ALAMCE 5 45'828.99 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 24.25: THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR 9EGINNING JULY 1' 2001. R~.~PECTFULLY SUBh1I T-ED~ PATRICIA J. R~YNOR \ COLLECTER OF REVENUE ~ COi~BINED COLLECTIOPI PERCENTAGE m 94.59 ~~ i {This page intend®nally left blank} I~ NE1N HANOVER COUNTY B0~4RD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Consent Item #: 1.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter:, Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney' ' SUBJECT:. Resolution to Extend the Existing Cable Television Franchise of Charter Communications to Operate a Gable System in New Hanover County. BRIEF SUMMARY: Charter and New Hanover County desire to extend the existing franchise to allow adequate time to - negotiate a new franchise agreement. - - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS; Approve Resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: ' LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A - HUMAN RESOURCESc N/A COUNTY MANAGER' CO TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Recommend approval. l+nwaw/11~O01Awlcn[~. n /'.TI wln /l~l'1wnwArwlTn_ ~APPROVE~ REJfCTE® ~ ,.. t~EMOVE® ~] _ _ YeRO ~ ~ ~ %`. /D9 A RESOLUTION TO EXTEND THE EXISTING CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE OF CHARTER COI~~JNICATION TO OPERATE A CABLE SYSTEM IN NEtiV HANOVER COUNTY WIIEREAS, the cable television franchise of Falcon Cable Media, a California Limited Partnership d/b/a Charter Communications, (hereinafter "Charter") expired February 2002; and WI~REAS, Charter and New Hanover County desire to extend the existing franchise to allow adequate time to negotiate a new franchise agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved:. THAT the cable television franchise currently issued to Charter is hereby extended through and until May 31, 2002; and THAT the terms, conditions, responsibilities, and obligations set forth in the currently existing cable television franchise agreement shall remain in effect during this period of extension. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: THAT this action shall become effective only upon receipt of the written consent by the County to Charter within fifteen (15) days from date of issuance; ';.HAT said action shall be entered into the minutes of the Board; and THA'I' the County Manager is hereby authorized to notify the cable operator of this action in writing; furnishing said operator tivith an executed copy of this Resolution. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Agreement to be executed, this the 25th day of March 2002. ATTEST ' .X ~ ~ '. .'.~ it Clerk to the Board . . ice) (Gi3i"r• ,i -~ COL?NTY OF NEW HANOVER By: Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ~~ • seal CHARTER COI~~~VILNICATIONS Accepted this the day of • • President APPROVEID AS TO FORM By: .Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney 2002. ~S~ {'his page Intentionally left blank} ~ ~~, F7 fVE~ F~ANOO/E~ COlJ1UT`( BOARD OF COnl91V1lSSiOIVERS REC2UEST FOR SOAR® ACTIOIU Meeting ®ate: 03/25/02 Consent Item #: 1 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Fire Services Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin or Donnie Hall SUBJECT: Approval of Contract # 02-0304 with Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. for the Purchase of a Fire Engine through Installment Financing for the County Fire Services ®epartment. BRIEF SUMMARY; The current Fire Engine being used needs major repairs and needs to be replaced, Fuhds were not in the budget to purchase the Fire Engine this year and therefore, the purchase will be secured through installment financing. Budget Amendment # 02-0153 reflecting the financing is attached for approval. The installment financing will be secured closer to the delivery date of the Fire Engine and the installment contract will be brought back to the Board of Commissioners for approval to finalize the financing. As part of the resolution, reimbursement language is being included to acknowledge that this is being purchased with the intent to reimburse the County with the. installment financing. The first debt service payment will not be due until FY03. The attached memo from the Budget Director states that while the tax rate in FY03 will not need to be increased, budgeting over the next several years will be very tight. Through G.S. 143-1 29(g? the County is allowed to "piggy back" on another government's contract if the vendor is willing to provide the item at the same or better price. The Town of Nashville, North Carolina formally bid a Fire Engine and awarded the contract to Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. in July 2001. Pierce Manufacturing has extended the same pricing to New Hanover County. .Purchasing this Fire Engihe through the piggyback option allows the County to purchase the new F:re Engine at last year's pricing. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of the resolution: 1 , awarding contract # 02-0304 with Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. for the purchase. of a Fire Engine 2 approving the purchase to be made through installment financing with the understanding the County will reimburse itself at a Cater date 3. approving Budget Amendment, # 02-0153 4, authorizing the County Manager to execute the contract FUNDING SOURCE: Installment Financing: Account 130-436-4340-6450 ATTACHMENTS: The resolution and budget amendment are attached. Contract # 02-0304 is being forwarded separately to the Manager's Office. - F. APPROVED ~'r--~' ~a~ ~~~~; DEJECTED ® ~. ® 020304 resolution for award of Fire Truc ea not oi53.wpd REMOVED ~`i ~ ;~ PQSTPQ~I£D ~ x -REJ ~ ~' ,~ ~ F REVIEWED BY: ~~f LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A J/ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. However, it is extremely important that the Board realize that a tax increase may be necessary after budget year FY 02-03 in order to maintain the financial crediblity of the service fund. a' p ~ ~-'' t.;' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~0 ! RESOLUTION OF TIIE NEW ~IANOVER COUN'TY.BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, G.S. 143-129(g) allows local governments to buy off of another government's contract if the vendor is willing to provide the item at the same or better price; ~ -- . AND WHEREAS, the~Town of Nashville, North Carolina formally bid a fire truck and awarded the bid to Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. on July 10, 2001 in the amount of $333,961.30 to secure a fire engine; AND WHEREAS, Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. has agreed to extend the same pricing to New Hanover County, total purchase price of three hundred thirty-three thousand, nine hundred sixty-one dollars and thirty-three cents ($333,961.33); AND WHEREAS, funds. were not in the current budget and County intends to finance the purchase through installment financing with the financing agreement to be processed and approved by the Board at a later date in conjunction with the delivery of the Fire Engine; AND WHEREAS; budget amendment ~ 02-013 is attached, budgeting the installment financing in Account No. 130-436-4340-3000-6450 to cover this. contract: AND `VI-IEREAS; pursuant to the re.quu~ements of the United States Treasury Regulations Section 1.1.03-8, the County hereby declares its official intent to reimburse itself with the proceeds of the financing for any of the expenditures incurred by it prior to the issuance of the financing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners ofNew Hanover County that the contract for a Fire Engine for the Fire Services Department, contract # 02-0304 be awarded to Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. in the amount of three hundred thirty-three thousand, nine hundred sixty-one dollars and thirty cents ($333,961.33); and that the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute contract ~ 02-0304, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. Adopted this the 25t`' day,of March, 2002 (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ~ ~~ 1;~~. f f* 1 ,. -.4..1 ~.. Clerk to the Board ~; ~ .,; ~l~' NEB HANOVER COUNTII' BOAR® OF CO~l~11SSIOiVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Mleeting Date: 03/25/02 Bt~dge# Amendr~et~f I0 . DEPARTMENT: fire Services Administration BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-01 ~3 AD,lUSTMENT Installment Loan Proceeds Motor Vehicle Purchases CREDIT $333,962 EXPLANATION: To budget funds for the purc ~ f a fire engine through installment financing for the Highway 421 North fire station. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i~.~FROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~~ ~Aflitltl~ ~r ~ ~!1'PR01lED Lj : uy ' ~E.lECTED CCl 6tEMOVED ~ ,r~-` 5~` :` POSTPONED DEBIT $333,962 ~a _ . Z• :v~'i::t::$. ~.. ;~...~~ T~: Alien O'Neal, County Manager FRt~i~: :Cam Griffin, Budget Director ~'-' ®ATE: March 12, 2002 . RE: PLlI~CHASE +®F Fi~3E ET~GaiVE - iV1AR~H 25 A{~Ei\1®A BTEi~1 There is an item on the March 25, 2002, Commissioners Agenda to purchase a fire engine that was. not budgeted in FY 01-02. This engine will replace a unit that would not be cost effective to repair in Donnie's opinion. It is possible that even after repair the unit might sail(have operational. problems. . Donnie and 1 have reviewed his budget for the next several years to determine the impact ofi the new vehicle's debt service, The Fire Service District will be able to fund the debt service without increasing the tax rate. Ti~~ purchasing and financing of this vehicle will eiirninate the possibility of any increase in staff or ra~a~or capital purchase for the next several years unless the Fire Service District tax is increased. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. cc: Dave Weaver Donnie Haif • rr ~ {This pale intend®nally left blank} Ili . IVEVV h!AlVOVER COUNTY BOAl~D OF COM1V!lSSIONE~S' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT(OIV 1Vleeting Date: 03/25/02 Bud et Amendment 9 Consent Item. #: 13.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: ..DEPARTMENT: C'ontroiled Substance Tax-Sheriff. BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-37 ADJUSTMENT DESIT CREDIT Controlled Substance Tax funds ~ 514,999 ' Extended Project Expense 514,999 ' EXPLANATION; To increase budget for additionai revenue received 1-20-02, 2-12-02, and 3-5-02. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as ceived and must be used for iaw enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ADDIl'iONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATU To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • ?~EJECTE~`' "'Q ~~.EM01lE®- ~° ~t ~R® ~ ~ ~~~ IVEUV HAiVOVER COlliUTY ROAR® OF COMMJSSiONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: .03/25!02. Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 13.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Federal Forfeited Property-Sheriff _ , BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-38 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Federal Forfeited Property 513,486 Extended Project Expense 513,486 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional revenue received 1-22-02, 2-12-02, 2-18-02, and 3-6-02. Federal Forfeited_Property funds are budgeted as eived and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL. STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: "~': k ~$RdLdIVI l tip1JIY11 Y/l ld'4\Jg7.li'-[k~~ ,~ aJ.' V/ Y pr ~ ~ f1 fF3Zd..J~`~~,W ~ '~ ra~ ~1~ ~~ ~. e I'RD ~ 4 4 ~. iVEW HAAIOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMIES!®~EBB REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 13.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Various BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0151 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT General Fund: Pooled -Cash: Interest On Investments $1,000,000 Finance: Sales Tax - 1 Cent 51,400.,000 Property Management: Salaries and Wages 530,.000 .Engineering: Salaries and Wages 540,000 Airlie Gardens: Contribution to Airlie Foundation 5200,000 Other Improvements 572,000 Capital Outlay Equipment 528,000 Library: Salaries and Wages 530,000 k.ducation: Transfer To Public Schools Fund 52,000,000 . New Hanover County Schools: Transfers InlGeneral fund 52,000,000 Contribution -Current Operating $2,000,000 EXPLANATION: To transfer funds to implement plan to reduce budget because of the economic downturn as presented to the Commissioners on February 18, 2002. Additional budget amendments may be required to implement othe rtions of the plan as the fiscal year con#inues, ADDITIONAL .INFORMATION: ~~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be entered into minutes COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSlCOMMENTS; ~f ~~~ , .G . ~PPFt®!!E~ °~,~ I~EJEC`~~®~~`' ~! I~,EMO~~® ~~ i -:, I~ r ~~~ 1,~ ~lEW HAS®0/ER COIJN~'Y ~®1~R® OF CC3MM~SS1®NERS REEZIJEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/25/02 Administration: Other ADJ4lSTMENT Jaif: Motor Vehicle Purchases DEBIT $4,115 EXPLANATION: To budget insurance proceeds from r cked jail vehicle. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATiJS: To be approved by Board of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS_ _' ;c 't` '=~ r t ~qq~ :S..N ~~ '`c 1~ ~'~ ~ ~'~% ~- :5 <'lc", CREDlT 54,115 3 ~. ~. • ~. y~' mayy' Sr {~ ~ v ~ z 0 0 z 0 0 0 r-, z ~"~ O~ ~~ O~~ ~za ° . . Q " ~ , '" ~ 0 + ° ~-- E-- wwz cn C7 ~ >~~ w~~ ~mQ ~ ,~ ~ zwz w~~ ~ ° ~ ~. ~ / ~~ Q V 'W.: i i I I ~ U ~ I ( ~ z ;- I. i ,~ W G I ~ ~ ~ I ~ C ' I w i i z i O O ~ i I m ~ . ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~~ > o ~ U ~¢' ~ ~ ~ ~ Z o I i Q G N cYi cr ~ ~ z a, ~° w _ . Q = o~ w~ v~ 0 iyf J Q ,. =., ~;~-:, a~ ~ a~ ~~~ ~ ti °°° ~ ~ I ->,`~ ,:. yl i ~~ f I ~: i -i .I ~ I '~ i I I ~~ i I, i ~'~" i ~ `x ~; t; .~~, ; .1 i ail a~ ~~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ ~ ti. zzz°~ ~ ~' (G ~. m O ~ O O ~ i Q ~ ~ ~ <CYQ Q ~ ~ • ~ o c cn ~ .N~ +~ .~ ' ~ o e~ (~ U Qi ', Vi, ~ i i O ~~ U y. o~ a> r ti N, I ~~~i ~~~~ ~~ ~I O ~ _ 4. Z,Z O ~ }-- ~ Q ~ ~ ~ x~c d i2~~ ~: f~3 ~~ ('~ d' w - ~ G Q ~ Z >- "- ~ L r Iw ~ i ~~ z o ~~ ~ ~ cw.~ L ~ `` '~J s C Z ~c z G ~ C O w U ~- Q i ~~ ww n ~ ~ , J ~ o z. r U z u a ° w 0 z ~~ _O F- W v~ LL ao cn o z U Q o ~ a ~ w t --i z ~ ~ , o~ ~zQ --_~ O ~ .~ ~ ~a ~ O ~ I '~ wwz cn ~ ~ >°~ ~m ¢ f- F- ~ zwz w ~ ~ ~O LY ~ ~ ~ m Q v I i I i ~ I i U I I F- ~ = ~ I U w: J r i i ~ j ~ ~ ~ U l ~ w ~ I O ; ~~ ~~ ~ i i ;= O o I ~, ~ I i 000 ~ ~ ~ 6 ~~~ zz ( 0 u f= cc ¢ ~ ,~ ~ O N z o w ~ I a ~- w w U) Ci W ~ ~ ~ J Q O i- i , ~; ~~ ~, ,,y .~. f~ < Q~ Q~ ~ l~ +J rl Q ~I ~i wr1 1~~, , ~~~ ~y~ i= ~_ ~_ ~ _~ ~ i =i ' ~~ i i I ! y I~ ~i ; I ~ i ~ i o ~I ...: ~ ~ ~' f r J: I C]J i ~;~~ i ~ Uj ~ i ~ 1 ~- m~ { U U .J ~~~ ~ ~ J i ~I ~ ~ r +- ti m ,~ cU ~ zzzo ~~~ ~i ~ J iy ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G O ~~ ~ 21~ ~I Z I_ Q ~ ~ ~I OIL ~ ~~:~~ ~ y ~.~~~I~ ~~~ ~i~ fl ~ U X ~{~ C .NEXT SCREEN : LCR N E W H A N O V E R C 0 U N T Y COMM.A.~?D : INQ FINANCE DEPT CASH RECEIPT RECEIP-T NBR 67906 DATE 3/12/02 P.GCY 410 ~ BANK 50 OFFSET ACCT A.P DECEIVED FROM:. NORTH CAROLINA CO LIABILITY & PROP INS OUST NBR TOTAL LOSS .CLAIM :CASH,. CHECK 4115.00 CRED DD CHECK NBR 02403.3 TOTAD 4115.00 FUND AGY ERG SORG ACTV RS SRV RCAT BS OBJ SOBJ VENDOR 'AMOUN'T D 1 110 431 4311 6030 4115.00 TYPE... DESC TOTAL LOSS CLAIM JOB NBR 2 ` TYPE DESC - - ~?OB NBR 3 ' TYPE DESC JOB NBR 4 - TYPE DESC JOB NBR 5 TYPE- DESC ~ JOB NBR 6 . TYPE DESC JOB NBR 7 TYPE D~:SC JOB NBR • O ~~: Be~aerly T'nomas, NHC rinance Dept. ~'rorrs: TiiianV Allen G~: James Derseraux, NHC Vehicle Management ~B~~e: G3/~ 1!2002 ~~: Auto Accident of 0125/00 Please find enclosed Damage Disclosure Statement and Power or' A~~orney for the 15°5 Chevrolet Caprice VINE-1 G1 BL52P3SR175b4%. Claim payment of $4,115 fcr the total loss vvas sent to Emily M2~k under separate cover. Piease complete the ierrns per the att=.c,hed ins'~.ructions and return 4s soon as possible to Virgil I ~oilingsniorth at Sedgv~iick CMS, 482 Parkway PIGza Blvd Suite 150, Charlotte, NC 28217, ~~ 1 ~,~ Se~~~wick ~~ Sedgwick Claims ~1anagement Serviczs, Inc. 4824 Parkway Plaza~6ouievard, Sui!e i50, Charlotte,. North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704 423-E200. Facsimile 704 329-1942 March 5, 2002 New Hanover County P.O. Box 607 Wilmington NC 28401. A`tn: tiffany alien Re: ii~SURcv/i~i_Ic~N CLAiM NUMBER: DATE O;^ LOSS: CLAIMANT: Dear iv1s. Aden, NCCLIPir--F- f~New i~a;~over Co~a;~tyi A-11840-0480 09125/00 New Hanover County Sheriff's Departmrent y~ ~ 1 ,--, n .~~ f am'the S~dgwick CMS claims representative assigned to handle the above captioned claim. I am writing to foilo~,v up with you in regard to your claim. ~Je have received an estimate in excess of X5,000.00 for the repairs to your ve'nicie. Subsequently your auto has been declared a total loss. Please be advised that we will issue to you payment in the amount of X4,1 15.00 for the ACV (Actual Cash Valuel of your vehicle. Enclosed you will find our Power of Attorney and Damage Disclosure foryms. !ask that you return the Damage Disclosure form and the notarized Power cf Attorney form, along ~r~ith the original title to the vehicle, to my attention in the envelope provided. Upon receipt of -the executed form(s;, tive will issue to you payment in the amount above. In the interim,. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the number listed below. You may reach me Monday through Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Eastern) Sincerely, Virgil Hbilingsworth, Claims Representative Sedgwick CMS For ~dCCL/PfPF 800 822-;4469 x6216 ~~ ~~ 5eg~~ck ~~ Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. 4824 Parkway/ Plaza boulevard, Suite 150, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Telephone 704 423-o20q. Facsimile 704 329-1942 i ~~ A-1 ~ 840-0480 I HERESY APPOINT SADISCO SALVAGE OF THE COUNTY CF STATE OF AS Pr1Y ATTORNEY-IN-FACT TO APPLY FOR CERTIFICATES OR DUPLICATE CEP,TIFICATE OF TITLE TO; AND TO REGISTER (AND/OR) TO TRANSFER TITLE T O THE MOTOR VEI-IICLE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: I~A3'C~: G~~VY CAr RISE CLASS3C `t'EAR: '1995 SIN#: 1 G11~L52P3SR~ 7567 ~ieN ri2nover County By: '` t % L (Foil name exactly as it appears on the front of the title) Subscribed and s~;~iorn to before me, a Notary Public in and fcr the State of /~~~6't, ,~ i~:~~,~,1c.~' y ~ ~~.wJ'~2 this ~ day of J ~ Count of /~C.~-~ -~ ~~ ~- ~~~ ~- / M~,~c.-~~ 20 !~~~ by the above person(s) who acknowledce the same to 777999999~r be in his/I'%~~~, ''~,~d voluntary act and deed. _ ~i4 ~~ 9ae••a~ ~I b ~ a'' ° ; e ~ -- -~/-- ~ -- ~ ~,{t ~ ~- . ~. ~,~~,~,~ : cJ " Notary Public i ~~ • ' ~ n i o- .~~. '•• '''r~q~0 DER 7~0'~ `' Address My commission expires on ~"~ ~~~~,-~,.. i~ ~, ~~~~~~~ ~~ ,J ia~ ~~,~ ' ~~~ ~ec~~~ick ~S ~~' Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. 4824 Parkway Flaza Boulevard, Suite 150, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Teieohone 704 423-6200. Facsimile ?04 329-1942 DAAIIAGE D1SCL05URE STATEAPI~~IT VEHICLES FIVE (5} YEARS OLD AND NEWER Alterations or erasures will void this form. STATE LAW REQUIRES THAT EVERY SELLER DISCLOSE TO THE BUYER (F HE KNOWS OR RESAONABLY SHOULD KNOW, THE INFORMATION LISTED BELOW. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT (N CIVIL LIABILITY: ' 1995 CHEVY CAPRIXE CLASSIC 4DR '1 G1 BL52P3SR~7~647 YEAR MAKE/MODEL 60DY STYLE VEHICLE IDENTiF(CATION NUMBER 1. Has this vehicle been dammed by Collision ~cr other occurrence to the ext~~` at damages exceed 25% of its value at the time of the Collision or other occurrence? YE /NO -lf YES list the parts that were damaged: FRONT-END Z. ~I~IaS the ,fie!-~;~lc a ~~lya~a ~,-,nrpr yai~;~la"? YEC,A`N-(/)1 -If YES, in which state was it titled? 3, L this vehicle a Flood vehicie1? YE ' 4. Is this vehicle a Recovered Theft Vehicle? YE NO -If YES, list parts that were dammed: 5. Has this vehicle been reconstructed?" YES%~) I dec(cre that the above.informatior is true to the best of m.y knowledge: 3%0 Chestnut Street-Room b02 ~~1~7 {' ~~ ~'~ ' Wilmington DiC 28401 ;' ~ signatu'r-e"~o-` seller (~~) Seller's Address `--~: For Ne=.'r Hanover ~C~unty ' Dealers or ScLLER Social Security Number: ACKNOU/LEDGEMENT OF BUYER: Signature o. buyer buyer's Address • #A11840-0480/NEW HANOVER CNTY NOTICE TO BUYER: RETAIN THIS INFORMATION, STATE LAW REQUIRES YOU TO DISCLOSE SIMILAR DAMAGE INFORMATION 'vVHT YOU SELL OR TRANSFER TITLE TO THIS VEHICLE lF IT IS LESS THAN FIVE (5) MODEL YEARS OLD. J ~~ _~ ~- ~~ ~~ C 0 ~ ~ _" ~ ~ ; Rio. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J U L 9 G ~ C } A } t„y } ~~ 4,~. ~, 7 c` C ~. t - i ,z ~w ,r. :~U ~..,,~ L' 1 ~M `- ~i _'~f '~ k'a ~~ !^~ `~ ~1 .~~ ~ s.,. rJ f~ i.~ !J,? ~~ ;^ 6 ~~ `~ v1 ~_ I.: ! `~1 <.. .... f~~ ~ _> ~, +:;~ ~-~ ~ J M ,' 1 ~a ~ ~, k..- L",' n d U vC L '..\.. !C N_ f p ?i i r v G- -'.' ~ 7 1 (~ W F ~ v C G~ ',J ~ U V ~ t ~, ~ `~ J ,~ o ~ b ~ 4. L } ~ c `' a ~'c_ o ° •~ o ~,~ `ter O` o~ a_ ~ r ~ Z .~a oc ~ o ~' - ~ L ~~': C ~ ate'' .a = ~ ~, T :d ~ / ~ ~ ~'. I U ` c ' o v - ~' j~ T"1 4~* P,1 ~1 `. ~~ ~~,. ;-~ r_ %.. ~ ~- 4~ ~, .~T ~ c~ ;; i ~_ ~. ~ ~ ^ ~~ ?..ry }^^- .T .. _ ~ a S^~ _ ~ ~'' ^"; ~„ n Z ._ m w w c 3 < c o z e W' G G 0 J i j r¢ I;~ j W Q l0 _ a i.° i e >o m= °W n - LL' C Z ~~ 9 '1 ~~ ~, F G i` i i . i ~: c ~_~_ a - G _ O - LL - C f >or ~ ~ ~ : . tU r ,. .i `t :; ~~ .'~ l~