Agenda 2002 04-15,~ i~~ # i. - 11 .t' ~~~p~®11E9~ CpG'~~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ Ifs , J• IMPO NTS•£JtPORTS ,IXOU®0STRY pp~ ~~ ~®Sl l ~ ~Y' f U NEB I3AN®VEI~ C®€-TN'I'Y ~®AI~ ®~' C®1VI10?ISSION~I2S Assembly Room, New Hanover Count Historic Coicrthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, 1dTC TED DAV1S, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREERVKE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ------ALL-EN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER' WANDA.COPLEY,.000NTY AT(ORNEY_=-LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD April 15, 2002 9:00 a.m. . MEETING CALLE D TO ORDER {Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION ~ ' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF CONSEN T AGENDA L'STINiAT~~~ - ITEMS ®~+ BLTS~N~SS ~ ~ Page TIMES No. 9:1\~ a.m. 1. Presentation of hTew Hanover County Service Awards 1 9:25 a.m. 2 Recognition of New County Employees 3 . 9:30 a.sn. 3. Presentation of Susan Taylor Block's Book Airlie. The Gardens of Wil~tnin~ton 5 9:40 a.m. 4. ~ Proclamation Proclaiming April 14 - 20 as National Teiecommunicators Week in 7 ~~ ~. ~ ~' New HanoverCounty 9:45 a.rn. 5, Resolution to Proclaim Sunday, April 21, 20D2 as "Earth Day" in New Hanover 9 County . ' 9:50 a. m, 6. Resolutio>~ to Proclaim April as Fair Housing Month in New Ha>~~over County 11 9:55 a;m. 7. Presentation of the Distinguished Budget Presentatio Award to the BudQe~t 13 Department for Fiscal Year Begi~n~ing July 1, 200 ~! 0:05 a.m: 8. Update by Art Costantini, Director of Southeastenl Center on Status of Local 17 iVlental Health Reform Break 10:40 a.m. 9, Presentation by Diana Corbett on Cape Fear Partners for Education 23 10:55 a.m. 10. Presentation by Dan McIntyre on Tournament Spcrts in New Hanover County 25 11:10 a.m. 11. Status of Traffic Impact Studies - - ~ ~ ~~~ 27 :30 a.m. 12. Consideration of FY 2002-2003 Programmatic and Policy Goals.. 35 .11:50 a.m. 13, Consideration of franchise Arrangement for Solid Waste Collection 45 '~ =12:0 a.m. 14. Consideration of DSS Subsidized Child Care Program Payback 5S "~ I2:25 p.m. 15. ~' Consideration by Board to Seta Date for Holding a Discussion as Public I-Tearing 59 -. ~on the Possible Enactment of an Additional one-Half Cent (Yz ¢) Sales Tax Authorized by The General Assembly 12:45 p.m. ~ 1 b Meeting of the Water and Sewer District ~ 65 ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page '~ ~ TIMES No. I 1:15 p.m. Non-agenda items (limit 3 minutes) i Additional Items: CoLmty Commissioners, County Attorney, County 1Vlanager 1:45 p.m. Adjourn Note: Times listed for each item is estimated, and in the event that a preceding item takes less. time, the Board will move _. __ forward until_the_agenda_is.completed. " MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT - ASSEMBLY R®O1VI, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTH®USE ~~ 24 NORTH TI~IRD STREET, R®ONI 301 ' WILMINGT®N, NC . ITEMS ®~' BUSINESS ~ Page N®. ', 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit to 3 minutes) 65 - 2. Approval. of Minutes 67 3. Consideration of Request for Sewer Expansion - Cree4cstone Community 69 4. Acceptance of Public Dedication: Greenview Ranches Right-of--Way, Area A; Middle 89 Sound Right-of, Way, Area B - 5. Consideration of Wastewater Impact and Development Fees Lady of America - 5226 S., 95 College Road ADJOURN ' ~` CONSENT AGENI9A NEdV I-IANOVER COUNTY'BOARD Off' COMMISSIONERS \ ITEMS OJF' BUSINESS Page No. 1. Approval of Minutes 99 2. - Adoption of Resolution to Prohibit the Wholesale Disposal of Construction and--- - -10I-- - ~--- Demolition Waste at the WASTEC Facility 3. Approval of EZ-LSTA Basic Equipment Grant 105 4. Approval of Consolidated Contract Between the North Carolina Department of 107 Health and Human Services and New Hanover County Health Department 5. Approval of Health Department Fee Changes Based on Adjusted Medicaid Rates 109 6. Approval of New Hanover Count} and New Hanover County Fire Districi 113 Collection Reports 7. Approval of Release of Value 117 8. Appointment of Joseph F. Hughes to the Nursing Nome Advisory Committee 119 9. Approval of Amendment of Sewer Connections and Plumbing Improvements 121 Revolving Loan Program 10. Adoption of Resolution Requesting NCDOT to Add Roads in Greenbriar South 129 Subdivision and North Chase at Marlwood and North Chase Business Park to the State Road System 1 1. Approval to Submit Application for Rural OperatiugAssistance Program Funds 135 Approval of Budget Amendments: 12.1 #02-0163 Aging/Nutrition-Home Delivered/Nutrition-Congregate li7 12.2 tt02-0164 Aging/Nutrition -Home Delivered 138 12.3 #02-0165 Public Health/Navigator/Navigator-Partnership 139 12.4 #02-0166 Social Services/DSS Administrative Grants/Crisis Intervention Program 140 . i • • • ~6iY Y e/-i'V ® ~u• ~`~~~ i 0 ~~Tl~® V~ ~dJ`1r98i1 i9A9~~~&e~~ RED.Uc~T FflR GUARD AC~i~)V i~9leating Date: X4/1 ~/02 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time:- Page 1~9umber: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant SUBJECT: ~reseratatic~r~ o~ i~1aw ~a~over Ut~unty S~rvica ~4vvar~is BRIEP S"~1ViMAR'f: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New. Hanover County: PIKE (5} YEAR: Patricia A. Bryant -Property Management; Curley B. Johnson -Property Management; Retina T. James - He~!th; TEsV {10) YEAR: Cindy B. Smith -Social Services; Kevin ~I. Reeves - Parl<s; rB~~'~1=i'V (75) YE~~?: Barbara A. A~1cCray -Tax; Marion E. T ay!or -Sheriff's Dept.; James A. Wells -Sheriff's Dept.; Jacques Taylor = WASTEC; and T1N;=1V~"Y {~~} YEAR: Robert C. Bowen, .ir. - iT; and Paulette B. Long -Social Services. RE~~I°/~11d7G~d3~~;.d I,~1V~3L+iti S~41V9J Il~?..LL3L.77~~ H~.eT7V!?i~: )'AJ 1V ~I~V JO~R'V L: ATTACi~l1~'`i~TS: ~Q~~~ C~fl~~6s~(~~ ~aprROVED L~ REJECTED t REMOVED -^ POSTPONED D N£RRD ©RTE `T~' ~~' ~ ~ { ~'hi~ ~c~~~ i~ttent~~~~ll~ left bl~n1~} ^) ', i . ~ ~ ~ `~ c~ a`F •~ ~S 9 ti )' ~ ` ! { ~ ~A~~V~~ C~ll~1~~( B~~'+~~ C3~ C®IlJifiliiS~~~i~~~S RE~U~ sT FOR BflARi~9 AGTi~3~1 i~le~ting ®ate: 04/1 ~/02 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene Carney Si38J1=C~": ~~c®gniti~~ ©~ evv Era~~iay~~s SSIFP SUMN1,~,~Y: A list ot" newly hired employees will be provided to the Soard prior to the meeting. ~?EC~ai1/IME~1~Ei3 MC)~'IC~ A,iVT~ R~Qt9EaTEi~ ACT10i~1S: FUNDING S~l9RCE: A, i ~A~;I~MEN7S: lT.~~1/I I~~L~'S N~97" R.~L3UIR~ T-~~1/I~'~1/ ~~oi~i~~ co~~n~s/~~aNs APrROV~l~ G/ (~EJECTd:.^ u ;-~ {7'1~i~ pc~~~ int~~ti~ncell~ l~,ft ~1~~} ,~, ~ <<~, ~ , . A r q ~~ .. t aj~ .. :,,~ v . °ta~ .~„ ~, .} ~ NE~J ~-ir~a8U0`~/~~ Cfl~1V~"1( ~®,~~® ®F CCi',~J9~J11S~i(~~~~ . RBfl.UEST FOR BOARD ACTlfli11 Meting Da~~: 04/15/~3~ Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: L38~artment: County Manager Presen#er: Susan Taylor Block Contact: -Allen O'Neal SiJBJECT: , - , P~e~entation of S~as~n Tay~o~ 89ock"s ~oo~C ~rl~e; ~h~ ~~,rdens of UViir~~ra~tc~n 8R1EF SUMMARY: Susan Taylor Block will present signed copies of her latest book Airlie: The Gardens of Wilmington. Susan is also the President'o# the Friends of Airlie. The book was published by the Friends of Airlie. The proceeds from the sale goes to the Airlie foundation REC01VIM1_~IDSD MtJT1C3i11 ANa R~~'3~lEST~B AOTIflNS: F'~IVDIi\!G S~3iJRC1= ATTACI-IME~JTS; l1 ~N~' L~~~S llli~7" i~f~tllRf ~i~'~11t''JI/ - . COI~,'~1TY MAI~IIAGI:R'S OOMMENTS ANA R ~ M1?l1~NI~AT1oI~S: Receive the books, no action required:,,.o' C~lV1MISS1flNERS' ACTit~NS/COMM~IV~S: ~p~i~i C©V1/i~i4S ~PrROVED ^ [REJECTED ^ (REMOVED ~' ~OSTPr"~cD D ~cARD QR~'E ~ • ~~. ~ ~.~ { ~'hi~s a~ ~ in~e~zt~~n~ll~ l~~~ bl~r~k} ,~ 1~ A w ,k , Md F -ti.~:u ~ ,,,:.. /~ ._ • • • ., i~E'~V ~A~~~~ ~®lJ~3T~ B~~~t~ ~~ G~~~'11~~It3t~~~~ RE~U~ST Ft~~ ~~3~R~ A~C~'1®~9 ~eetir~g ~at~: ®4/~ s/~JZ Regular item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County .Manager Preser+ter: Steve Smith Contact: Brenda Hewlett SUBJECT: ~3a~i~~aa9 Te~e~or~~~~a~catflrs ~~ee~ Prc~ciarr~ati~~ BRIEF SU~11i~1~,R'f: National Teiecemmunicators Week is ,4pril 14-20 and recognizes the work of J11 operators who are often the first, and most critical contact citizens have with emergency services. RECDI~Iii`Iiir~iDEI~ ~11~3TiOP~ Ai~9~ RE~UESTi=L7 ~,CTi{~i~iS: Read and approve proclamation FU~3i~i~iG SaURCE: ATT~,~i~l~t'lE~3Tv; ~~ r~ESOL~.JT1O1~1 t~locommuni;c~tors w~ RE'~IiEWEC R`f LEGAL: FIN;~~dCE: /~ BUDGET: Approve HUM?,N RESOURCES: i~/;~ r~®~f+~P CO~~1iSS1QN Api=ROVED ^ {~E,IECTED C? [~EMOVfD ^ ~OSTPOi~ED ^ t~EARD C~ .; Q~TIE - .~,r ICY '€'II~E iaT~W ~.~!~d~~I~ ~®~T'`11 'i'Y B~AR~ ~F C®~M~SSI(~P+1ERS SAS, protecting life and ensuring safety are important responsibilities of local government, and ~~AS, the ability of all persons to quickly summon help in an emergency is essential to a commtu~itv's well-being, and ~"T~It~ A~, the safety of our law enforcement officers and firefighters is dependent on the quality and accuracy of information obtained from citizens who telephone the Ne~v Hanover Coiu7n~ 911 Center, and "~/~~~~~AS, Public Safety Dispatchers ~~re the :first and most critical contact our citizens have with emeraencv services, and 'W~~AS; lives in our comm~ulity have been saved by compassionate, understanding a1~d professional emergency service dispatch workers, ~; ~~~, ~'~~~.~~ ~~. ~~' ~~~~'~~3, that the Ne~v Hanover County :Board of Con:mzissioners does hereby declare the we~elc of April. 1 ~-20, 2002 to be National Telecoanmunicator's Week in New Hanover County, in honor of the men and women whose ~ ~~ diligence and professionalism keep our comzntiulity safe. . Adopted this, tl7e i ~`~' day of April 2J02. New Hanover Go~lnty .Board of Commissioners [Attest j Ted Davis Jr.. Chairman Lucie P. Harrell, Clerk to the Board ~'~~R~nu~a~ yp of . ~ ~ ~ ~'E'7' V Y.d'~ ~~~ ~ ~< f ~ i 'r,'4~J`r~J ;r ppp pA yy~.~ qp~ q ~/-,~) a/~p y p `g, g}~.~p 9/y3, ]/~~ }q.~(, pg-~y .~ /pip p9 pyw ~ai ~~. - ~, ! 9!'1MJ~~~ ~~+~~ iy 1.J'P^aY il../ `~..+'~ V V~CY iiY NILS'~~~Y9f~~~ ~~~.~~~T ~~~ ~~~~'~ ~~Tl~~ ~88119i1~ Da#~: ®~~~ ~~~~ Regular Stem #: 5. Estimated Time: Page Number: -. Department: Planning Presenter:. Chris O'Keefe ' Contact: Chris O'Keefe SUBJECT: ------ - - -- ------ - -._..__ ~esa~a.~t~c~r~ t~s $'roc3air~,o ~~r~d~y, ~'a~~4i.2~ , 2302 ~s "~~rt~-a ~~~~" a~~ ~egrv ~~~~v~r ~~~nty ~ ' s~i~~ ~I~I~I~As~Y: :Earth Day 2002~will be celebrated on Sunday, April 21st from Noon to 6 PM at the Greenfield Lake Amphitheater, located at the corner of Tennessee Avenue and Lal<e Shore Drive off of Carolina 'Beach Road in Wilmington. The theme for this .year is "There's No Place .Like Home". Environmental :issues, such as gardening and lawn care, water quality, re-use and .recycling, alternative transportation and others will ,be addressed throughout the event. Highlights of the event include: live music from bands including Jah Creation and .4 Amp Fuse, displays by local environmental groups, demonstration projects, guest speakers, stewardship awards, poster/att7photo contests, games:and lots of fury and interesting things for all io enjoy. Organizing Sponsors: N_ C Aquarium at Ft.. Fisher, Lower Cape Fear River Program, i~le~~v Hanover - County Planning/Tidal Creeks. Program, Cape Fear River ~hlatch,. Surfrider Foundation, City cf ~•~'Vllm[ngton Storm Water Services. ~FCO~VII1~E~l~ED Md~T1C3~J A~~D RE~UESTEt~ ,~CT10NS: Sicln the attached resolution Proclaiming SUNDA`(, APRiL 21, 2002 AS "E:4RTH DAY" AND THAT DAY Si-TALL RESET ASIDE FOB A PUBLIC FESTIVAL TO COMMEMORATE THE OCCASION FU)~D~~+,O SOi~RCE: . . NiA ' .~ATTAC;°~i~l~R~l7~: Resolution T~®~ t~ ~f)MMiSSPQN ~Pt=ROVED O REJECTED REMO!/ED d POSTPONED ~ '~;; ~IEARD ~ V~ QAT~ ____ - _ _ " _ ~`` 111e'~ H~~®ve~' ~®u~t~ ~tDa~I'd ~f ~® ~55~~~~~'~ a ~~ ~~ .,,.° . ' , ~~ ~ ~,~ ' " ~ - ~ z ""~ ti ^ ` r ' ~ ~ '~ ++ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ } ~;. ~:s 'S { X .~ L 5 S 1 -'k~ - u i 1 ~ ~ ~~ ~ v L a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~I ~ ' t ~I ' & a .- --- J- . .,_.,._ _.. _ 1~V1-9ElZ~i~, thirty ane years ado, Yraore than twenty r~ilAion ;lanericaa~s ,join~tl to:;ether on the first Earth t3ay in a tlei~aotastratioa~ of t~~ncern fir the enwiron~meaat; and tVt-~i=:~ ~~vv tiar~aa~~~r C~ur~~r ree~a~nia,~s the ia~a~~rt~~ncs a~as3 s~scial a~ua.Tit~,. of ®ur coastal environment to our c®ynrnuni~~; and uur. respon~ihility for ties pr~eservati~n, protection, and enhancement of nor natural resources as steavartis f®r future ~enzrations; and ' ~i~FiEliEt~~, i~ew ~Ianc~ver couni~/ has a ~~a,s~gt~~a ®f asset sa~tarraif~rga~s~~ 'ts~ the cgualitw of life and the future of our s:oYnanunit~~; a~ld 't~$3EtaF:r`~, ~e~w F3ancaver Eounty desires to ensure sustainable c®m~hnnltie:~, providing for the nestle of the present without coaa~praxraisin~ our ability to ~r~eet the ~ieetis of future ~t aerations; and 't't'iIE~~Er-~;5, fire ceie3~ratic~r~ €~f Earth F3ay will €'urtheY• ~9~ese a>i~jective3 h~~ increasing awareness and appreeiation of o~.~r natural resources; and . 4VFiEEiEr~, the Eartl~•~av '~~ii2 actin-hies earl ey,ea~ts will educate all siti~ens ors ~~e isnfdorta~~ce of actin: in an er~~'iranane~~tall~- sensitive ~naz~ner haJ protecting a~vater duality, recycling, canserving ener~~- and avater, using efilcies,t transpo~'tatiota, reen .~rdenira~ and l:~balt~ care, aa3d atlopti~,~ a rrro~•e ecologically sound anti susta~in~l~le iil'estg~le; ~d~~,~T~li~Si~~~E~~ L)F :~'F:.1~`~ Fi.~s;43~%E3~_ c~tli~'"T'i' l~~E~ 3lEIZEt~~' ~FF'it;i,~l:F~' T'3~t~~'l,rB3 ~f ~~'V~i~'~'o t~~~ae~~: ~ ~ ~~~ '~if~~~ ~l~~rrr ,=~'ai~ ~ ~~1~~ ~f~S~' ~~~.-L s~~ ~~~' ,`~~~~~ ~~~ !~ l'tt~d~iE FE~~i~~~a ~i'his the ~5"' clay of f?~pril, 20f12. "I'ed Davis, Claairtnan ~ -. ~e,~ ^~ ~ ` ~,,,~ fittest . dgr„~ ~~ ~ N ,~arS~~-> ~ _--_ / ~ Clem t~) tl~e Board i1APG~ 5, :(POR 5.~ f'. ~~ IM JUS ~q~ ~ ~i1 ' ... ~ .. ..~'~^S ,y ~~~'L~ I~ [~ • • ~E~IU ~8,4~®'~/~~ CfJI~~iT~ B©A~IJ ®~ G®~11~I19~S~~31~E~3~ #~~~UEST FflR S®ARD ACT1®~ Meeting Date: 04/15/a~ Reguiar Stem #: 6 Estimated. Time: Page Number: . Department: Human Relations Presenter: Anthony .Gentile, Jr., Chairman and Carl A. Byrd, Sr., Director Contact:. Lynda Nichols S~3B,!'ECT: ~ro~iarraa~ior~ ~'roc9ai~ir~g A~ri~ as Fair ~8asasing Nl~ar~~~ BRIBE= SUl1J1MA~?`(: The Nev~~ Hanover Human Relations Commission requests the Board of Commissioners .proclaim April as .Fair Housing Nlonth RIeCOMIVIE3~Si~1=~ 1V1C3T1C~N A~]D R'EC3UESTED ACT909V~: Adopt th'e Proclamation ~Ul~SD11~iG V'~J 1J a-1 ~..r L. See attached proclamation ~~ s '+ 7~ h~° <:r. y~ ry rUlrl iO ~.l~~~01iG P;E~J1Ei/11ED B`l: .. LEGAL: FiNANGE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: lV/A r C~9Y~fi1i~ ~©MNiISStf3~i€. l~P'r=ROVED ^ REJECTED ^ REMOVED ~ ^ ~~ (~OSTPO~ED CD C~ERRD C~ SATE _ ~` ~'SY ,,/~ ~A ~~ko-'9~i >y ~'}~ ~.J ~.31~ l~~~a~~ 5.~+~~d ~,., raw' Fair ~s~using t~Io~~t~i Aril 2~4~2 . ~, , ~, fJ JJ ~ i 1 r ~ ~~,r ~ ! i~f c" 1 i'3 ~ ) ~~/ ~;~IHERE~S. the ! 'ew- Hanover Human Relations Commission and the Friends of Human Relations are sponsoring lair Housing ~,~lonth; and 1,`~HERE,~S, the New Hanover Human Relations C~:ommission seeps the elimination of housing discrimination through public aw~ueness and housing commtuzin~ education ~~uzd tlnderstandin~ oEFair Housing Laws; and WHEI.~AS, we er.coura~~e all citizens to respect, work, and st,pport the establishment of fair and equir.abie housing For all persor~5 reg~u-dless of r~lce religion, sew, co1_or, disabih~,-, and familial status; and ~'(TNEREAS, through personal commitment to the value of justice. and C;ivi1 Rights, specifically as ::nev pen:ain to housing e::cla of us can help to preserve; protect, anr~ perpetuate the rights of orl,:ers ~ ,, ~ . to lreec_om; tiber~y, ant. )usrtce. NOW; ~HEI~~flR~, ~~: ~"I~ RES{3~ V~,~ b;; the Ne~.v Ha<<cve_- County Board of Clommissioners tl:::u r1.e month April 200?, be dcclarecl r ~`~ir -~t~ats?~~~ 1~'~t~~t~~ i3z 1~~v~zc~ .~-~iz~rr~v~~~° C'r~zi3tt~i ~,, . ~ ~ 1 bond of recognizing and eve call upon air citizens to join forces in ct-cating and practicing a mntua respecting difi=erences, and resolve to accept a personal challenge to provide Fair 1~iousina opportunities to all citizens or New Hanover County. I~doptecl this 15th day of April 2002 AT"I':EST: ;:'~ ~, P r. _ ;~ ,,.t ,~ ' ~°~S"~Lucie ~ Harre~'1 ~''~ Clerk to the' B'o~`id f~ ~;;! ry~"t~~ `'' s~!3 ~~~1 ~ ~'`~r~l °I Ted Davis, Jr., Chairl:>~~a Netiv Hanover County Board ~"' of Commissioners '' .' e~ ~~ ~~ RE{3!lEST FOl3 BC3A;~D ACT10~1 Meetia~g Data: 04/15(0 ' Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Davis Contact: Allen O'Neal, County Manager SiJ~iJECT: ~resentatic~n of the ~lsti~a~u~shed ~3udget ~resen~atio~a ~~rard to the 5u~i~et ®ep~rtr~ent far l=iscai Year Oe~l~sning July 1, 2001 BRIEF S~.IMMARY: . Notification has been received from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada that New Hanover County has yuaiified to receive the Distinguished Budget Presentation Avvard for the tenth consecutive year. The award is for New Hanover'County's budget submitted for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2001. This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting. The budget is reviewed by a panel of independent budget experts who use extensive criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of ,the budget as: a .policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communication device. Award-wining documents must be rated "proficient" in a]! four categories. • RECOMMENDED MOTIflN AND RE~3UESTEi~ ACTiflNS:: Recommend that the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award be presented to the New Hanover County Budget Department. PiJ1Ni~31`1G SOURCE: AT"~':'-~.CHi~IIENTS; 1. ~~~rtificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation 2. .Distinguished Budget Presentation Award ~T~t~~ T~~J~ ri/t7T R~~"1d1/RE R,~VI~~/1/ CC~~3~1T°f MANACE?~°S COilI1ME~JTS A~il~ rREC03V3i~1iE~1DATifl~1S: _~-_g._ Present award and recognize the good work of the budget staff.,,.-~` ~~`A~ ~~.'~ WJ Ct3MM1SS90!~ER ACTIfl!VS/C~JIV1MEi~iTS: i ~._J r~~~ E©MMiS~iQN~, (.~P~ROVED ^ DEJECTED ^ REMOVED Cl POSTPONED ^ ,, ~IEARD d QPcTE ,~_ ~, r~ f ~k~ .~~R~~~1 -:'° ~ f .~~~n,• • i A • ~ ' J ~~y ^ r" ~„ {~ ` ' ~' am .y ~ ~ '" ;~/ ~ ~ _ .'~ ~+ ~ ~; ~; ~'J .~ ~, C ~ : ~. i ; ,J '' ~~a ! ~ I' ~~,~ Il~ i i ~ ~, ~I . ~ ~l ~~ { il 1 laf ~ ~ ~,~~ l~ ~ ~ ~, ~ - ~ '' I ~ I l c _~. - ~ - __ ~. ti ~;~ ---- ---- f ,i ,~ w `~ c~ I . ~~ ~- ~ ~ ~` ~ j ~~ ,, ti ~~ f 1 , _ ~ ~ T m~~ ~ .~~ r7 ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ ~ c v~gF `. r, I ~ ~. ter; ~ ;~ ,. L~ i _ www~~~"' ~~ ~~t w N ae i ~ ~ .,. ~ ~ i l ~ +a ~ ,~,~~ i 6~ ` ` usse~ ~~ ~ ~ 9 ~`/ ~ , n,~ p ~ Mu' ?ti s "~ ~r ; .. {'his pc~b~ i~~e~t~o~¢a~d~ l~~t b~~nk} • ~i11/ $~A~1~"~~R 'CC3~I~TV' ~~~~~ ~~ C~i1~1~9~~~~~~I~J~~~ REC3~9ES3 FOB ~~ARD A~TP~P~ . i\lleeting ~a~e: ~94/"i 5/~2 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: 13epartment: County' Manager Presenter: Dr. Art Costantini, Director Southeastern Center Gantact: Allen O'Neal ' SO S.1 EGT: Update ®ra status of ~s~cal I~Jier-atai ~e~lth ~ef~r~a BRIEE S~JMMAf~Y: North Carolina is in the process of reforming the statewide Mental Health System. County Commissioners must approve and submit a plan for local compliance to refiorms by October 2002. fir. Art Costantini will provide. an update on local compliance activities. RECOMMEIVDE£3 MOTION AIUD I~EO.LfESTEI~ ACTIOI'+IS: .Near presentation. 'No decision required at this time. 1=UNDIiVG SO~JI~C;=: • • ~iTT~.C's-1MEI~TS: I~~.~~1 ~fl~'S fllflT ,~tf~2lllf~~ ~'~~J9f~~l COUNTY MANAGER'S C0141MEi~~TS AND PEGOMME~ Hear presentation. No decision required at this time. ice. ~O11!IMIS5101?1~RS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: r ~.~~f~T1P ~©NiMiSSPr~~P (APPROVED ^ (f~EJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ "'. POSTPONED ^ ;sl I~EARD ^ `,+, RTE _. ,.. `,I MAR-<5-~r2 0^c : fl? PM SEGM!-I 91 F] 7963133 t Dp-~9~~~'7~ 9 8Yr'i0r ~i d 8 9lb.tl V P Q' .? ® '~~ i°i1~f3IS~ uystem teas iron ur•~der funded for years -and casts con#inue to increase. The torrent cost #ar {area programs is ~75i3 million {S~~ is 3~0 c~iilian).__-_-- _ _ _ _. ~laitir~g Lists for ser~~ices have ai~aays existed and today r~or~ ~~ple need more intensive services than ever More. ~~o~Se have tr°i°+e more vl and advaC~BC'J groins have ~e~r~e rruore active.. °~arr~~iairtts~ about services havva increased. ~ederai t.egisl~atian, the t~lrr~stead ~A~, rewires de-institu#ior~ali~atic~n; i.e•, the t~averr~nt of severely irn~alred clients tram iristiirJtior~s to camrnunit~s. ~omrnurli#!es do not have rvic~s to meet t}~e~ese c3ient'~ needs. ® ~c~sts, nurr+bers of c3t~ts, ciiera~ ?;net need servless that have teat bra deveiod an+d ~~- tunded legal rnar3da?es are a!! incressing. `) J Tie first prod saluiitn (~l31) in#roduc~ in ear#,~ ~~3 ~y Sena#or ~#even t~ ~e~rs~ntative ~'er4a ins:..a ~rc~t~s~d to m~~e r~~ill~l~1S~. a #o~ily ~~a~n#y" res~ot^si~il!#~j. This shed Est send respoo~~ibiiit~,~ erorn tt';e Mate #o thy: ~,ounty. 3ath the genera! ~rrsend of tfi~e ur3ties wing that abate mere no benefits ire aiio~ing #~ae ~t~te to shift Y ~5ts and resp~ansibiiities fcr' rnhlddlsa from the Mate tt~ the ~o~anties, ~it3use ~iil 3~~ and ~e Mate ~1an had to address the existing problem within a "~tate~ ~ystem~ .The Mate had to ~fi) re~irsce current cta~ts; 42) prevent Costa from esr..alatir~g in the future; (3) dec,Pease or shift the Mate's legal respon3ibility for mh/ddlsal services. - T~u~: ~ ~ ~~ u}µ ~~ ;. __ .~~. ., K. ~} -' . ,, -w ~:~~_ ''`~::~~''>i . ~. ~~,`~ ~.~ , i ~, '` ~ ,~ . -. r~=~f `) o~~ q .MAFZ-25-02 02'10 FM SECMH 910 ?,963133: ~, T ~1~~+rit~ ~~~o ~~a~o~ fi ~2~ dc~~r~~n~: • F.e~ 1, }~8 381 ~~ rat~i~ end signed into Lair in ~3cto~r ~{3fl 1 - "bra ~c't t® ~ha~-in i~npiem~ntatit~ o~ intai Ne~ith S~~tem ~~~®rrr~ ~t ~ State ar~d Locai Levi" - 2. ~h~ eve (~~ year State i'ian subrraitted to the i;.,a~i~l~tion iersight Commi~sio~,_~,~.__u_._ _ _.- Secretary ~Garr~nen i-ioo~er ~ueii on 1~11~1. T3~e m~}or'~~~airaments of tine t~.(2~ dr~enta are: i. ~o~e~an~ ii. _ i~ro~~s ter ~eciarir~g ~, Sing9e Count! ~ro~rarn iii. Coniiidat'on ~'ian:°~.0 C+ar~ter~ orb or Less i~: ~~o~ision ~f Ser~i~~: Ce^nt~~ cot~in Lori ~~ana~ent nliti~~ ~~.~) ra,her thin Ser?iice ~ro~id~rs ~. Centers dust i~eveio~ Business Mans with Care ~unoi~ns ~~~ Tared ~'o~ui~tions . ~ Ci~ois 1. Sin~l+e Co~~a ~odei.,..~rati ~~ ~ Count ~art~ent ~. ~iti-lC~u~t~y~~ad C,cunt; od~l.... . 3. area ~rrarn ei... {Singie n~ ~iti-Co~~ntty~... ,.. ~e~air~ ~~ ~ ~d~a~tage~ disadvantages fore local c~ntroi ovor bow ~®ra r~s~~r~sibiiat~ fc~r prr~~aidsr~g~ dol0ars are spent anct ~liich f~+nci~n~ -for se~oices t#aat are micas are irri~ier~entes~. ~ rnar~lared . at tlae Mate arsdlor .Federai 9eve9. ~Aore caa-~trol over Pei~onnel fore i~al iia~aBity ~taen clients are that operate tfi~e ~'ro~ram; ~e.g., uns~en/ad; ~e.g.> a~!!ie ~;R., Ti~omas . ®ir~ctor, etc. ~. lam s~i4s. ~e Cour9t~ ~o~aid ~ tt'~e defendant. : ~ Coun~j- Corr~rnis~ioners ~~st deride on a, ~v~~an t~s~d~i nor ~~15~ S~r~i~s in their Co~;n they ~,~iii n to deii~re their c~~~ic~ i~ min ~y i~~toi~r . 1, 2~. fore integration of ill®L1SA with other County ~~gartrnen#s; e.~„ i~ublic l~ea~l#h, ®SS, etc. ~~ Mr~R-25-62 62:16 pM SECMH 916 7963133 p, 65 ~~~ J~SY3~68 \ ;~dva,~i~ges ~is~d~antages ~t~ore insul~iion forge County ~ L$ss control ov~~ Administration, from funding dem~andsl~nenci~! Serv'sces, and ~'ersonnei. --- -seibacti end lair suits. - - --- --- J~. ~~~~ -_'! ~~.3 ~'raa ~~sr a~aJ~~reg ~ S~~ie ~z~ura~ ~rr~~ Cat~n~,~ ~arrrrissian~rs s~~ali haid a ~~blic ~iearirrg. ~aunt~ shall hire ~ J~ire~s~r, t#e~eiop ~ °~usin~ss'i~l~na. . ~ar~~iy v~i~h all requirerv~nts fz~r a fro ~2) year prc~~ss. ~ !r~ ~an~aar~ ~C~, the Secretary shaJi decide ~ ~ ~o~rat~ ~'rt~gr~rri refs the re~;~ires7'+eni:s to ape!#~ as ~ se~~r~te ~rt~rarn. ~ Sy ~ct~er ~t~{3~, ap~ro~ed ~'rsxjrarr+s o~n dame f~nctior~~i. ~~ ~~a ~aus~~y shall ~~ifl~dra~,~ #rom ~n aria ~~thori~ +~itha~at first derr~a~str~ting ih~$ r,:orafiruify oJ' se~~iaes ~~ill ~e essvr~9 ar~d i'tho~t friar a~~r~~~f frorn.fJ,,~ Sec~;tary, ~ ~~;y ~U~g~t~r'~' sLSrY;JUs av~ila~ie ~0 ~r4 area a~thOri ~# t3~~ #irre ~'! its 1.1is.~'~I~.ition ~!! distr9~ta~~ °S~9 '~~'9e ~19r1t1~5 ~dT1~ri~n~ ~~'+'~ arm ~~thorr~~ ~r~ ~h@ ~r31~ bra rata ~3~sis ~~'~~ tl~ ~a~r~ties appropriated ~~ cor~ri~~ted ~urtds to fhe area au#~crit'y's d~3dger d~r3nc~ cu~rerzt fs~! year. ~ t r'~.~ppe~s i~ 2 ;a o. arc-grans th~f d~~r~d fns{~ ~~nf ~~a Jr~gJ~ i3~asr-fy ~ragr~r~s i~ ~ata~er 2~~~'? Sy Sepiemz~r 9, ~0~, ?~ Secretary shdl! ~mplete ~ar~d ~°y .;ana~~r,~ ~, ~g sh~il submit) to ~e_ ~oir~t ~3versight ~mrr~itiee, a cunsL+iidati6n pi~~ t~sat his s its parameters {targets)... ~ . {a) ~~xsr~~m of ~~ ~a~~t~j end/orAraa Prograrrrs ,, (b~ ~~cfi ~ragrar~ haying ~ mirrnt~m catchment area of ~~3iJ,~At3 r~~i~er~ts ~/oir ser•~ing fare {~) ~uraties. Sy ~~nuary 1, ~~7 fhe t;drasaiidation 3~la~ veil! irnpier~er~ted. ~~, MAR-2S-02 02:11 PM 'SECMH' 1~~~-~~ 5~~33~ar~ ~ ~ ~r~~#a#on oY Se~3cee 910 796133 "area 1~'rf~grarras and Gounty Brt>grarns are #o be i,.ocai na~ement ~nfi#~s ~i-~1~~p F. 05 the area authority ~ha91 contract. vsrith other public or priva#e agef'scies, institutions, or rersourt~s for the. pr©vision of services,-and ~aaibje~ct ~ ap~~ov~~ of ~~~~~} aor~~~ ~arovade fv4ca~ direct3y. the area authority or caunty presgra~rn sh~li indica#s in its local business plan how senricas will ~ provided an+d how the provision of senncas will address assues of access, availability of qualified paablic or private providers, consumer choice, and fair comps#i#ion, ~ 'thy ~cr~tary shall take into account t?3ese dssuas when reaeiewing the local business plan and cs~nssdering approval of the di~c# provision of services. ~e Sec.~e#ary s,'~all develop cri#e~ia fcar the approval of dire rice provision by area authorities and ccu~o#y programs in actardance wi#h this seciion and as ~videncad b'~ compliance with the local business plan For the pur~o~s of this s~eciaon, a qualif~d public or privy#e provider is a provider that m~#s the prov~ler qualifications as d~lined by rules adopted by the °Secretary. All area authmrity or ccun#y prrarn semis prc~lid~d direc~fy or under cs>rttract small ra# the raquirar~nts of appi~cal~'~ State ~tatut and rules ~' the ~a~rrarniQSion and the cr~tary. ~ Secatary n,ay delay payments and, h writ#en noti~catior3 of mouse, ~aay radu or-deny payment of funds if ~,n area aaatl~aorit~j or co~.lnty program fails #~ meet th~s~ requirements. ~ G - ~ ~ ~.~ Business flan ~egaired; ~onten~, ~ro~ss ar~d rtifition every cour~t~~, throaragh an area au#horifij or coun#~y . prograrra, shall ~ provide for developrrsent, revaew, .and approval of a business plan for tl-a~ manan# grad deli~teng o~ min#al heap, develflprnent~nl disabilities, Arad ~t,abs~,arir~ abut services. ,~ Business.. plan sl'aall provide de#ailed inforra~ation on hoed the area autht~rity or aunty progratra will meet Sta#e standards, la~,v~, and rules for ensuring goal"a~ rraental heap, developrnen'tal dtsab~lities, end ~3b~da~n~ ~13US2 ser*~ices, "including t3~3$~0, i~~ rT?~~Y~~ for ~'~~~d1~~iTl~ program e~e~~ivess. ~;°~;a 'Business a:'lan shall bd in effedi for at lead °thr ~3) State fiscal years. I~o~l Business ~'~ns are to be de~~eloped ar~d submitted "b~ the Gounty or l~re~ program #othe Secretary by JarroarJ ~, 2~?03. ~ ~e cret~ry shall cs~rnple#e certificca#ion afi one-third of tl~e ~raa ~r~cgrarn~'Gasunii~ by July ~, 2G~3; #w~-#hirds of the ~'rcgrarr~s ray Janua+y 1, ~~ end t~rnpletion of certifica#ion of ail prcgrarns by July 1, 2Gfl4. __ _. ,area p'rograrn grad noun#y ~'rograrns are to l~ a °i.ocal l~anagemer,t Sr3tiby (I_l~E~. a _ the t.l~l~ is f~s9bie f®r ~e fodlowir~g °G~r~ ~~aracf~as' State l'3ar~ -page ~ ~): ~. MAR-25-02 02:12 PM SECMi-i 910 7963133 ~ P. 07 (a) ~r~rai~g - A, brie ~tra~ctur~d interview to d~terrrafr~~ ~rh~th~r ~r raot. an ir~ciivida~a~ ''~ --` sh~ufd be referred for ~urti•aer ~r"vices. (b) ~ n! - i~fagn~si~ a~ determir~atirra ~fi ~e ~ra~n'a diaabifity arad efigibiiity int©a "target ~'opuiation' grad intensity of nod. __ __ ._. - ---- _ (c}. ~~rr~i - ~fferirag inf~rrraatiora ai~u# a~aiiabi~ qual~ed pr~4/id£'r5. 3~is infi~rrst~tibra ~'aali be used by the LI+~E to determine ra~~ ira se~ica. (d} ~r~e~eracy ~~~+~~~ - ~ spectrum Tiff f~n~ti4ns irs~;udiric~ 2~-r9~ur ~si~ hc~tiines, . urgent or ernerg~nt r3inic, crisis :~abiii~aticn, pis ~1~iter, det~~ifi~ti~a ser~ic~, emergency p~y~aiatric.fi~~s~itaiizaticn. {e) ~~rwi~~ ~~ord€~~tius~ - insuring that ir~di~ida.sais bra®~+ ~+.~ end ire 9ira~~ ~aiti~ iha ~~is and ~upparts a~aiiabie in their c.~aa~a~~r;ities and iracre~sing the rommuraity'~ capacity to prflvide ~aapport~. ~3iis i~ rn,ucta ~a~a~er #~art Cam management. (f) ~~r~~~abrsn - ~rc~aid~d to ether er3ci a-~d isadi~~iduai prac3iticraers tc prcr,~cte ~iarar~ing ar?d devefz~pr~ent of f~l~~ ~rvic~s. ('~) ~d~~~#t - signed tc irafcrrra t~aa ccr?°arraur3i~y abut e ~i~t~r~ /Lr~l~~, ~-er':~i~~ at3d r~ica~ ar~t~ ~u~p~rt~ in ~~ ~tat~ arld ~rmrr~aa~i. {ta) ~~~er3~a~t~ - t~~igraed tc teams grad irafcrrr°~ indi~~dvals abut insights ar~d ;iii ra?lated ~ taea~hy. iiving. 7'r~~t ~s~.pa~~~r~~ ~r~~Ildtr~ ~O~YV!£;~~ $~ dP3~~~ld~~~ia `a~19ti3 ~f'Y~ rrit)~t ~~`l~r~ d~i~4iita~ a is 3~ p~3ra3~ '~t?~:.~~ ~~ the sy~em. the Mate ~f~n'~ target p~auuiatic~n~ fqr pe~pie ~ ~~arF~u~ disabiiitie~ in the areas mental f~~~it~, da~~;~~rr~~9 disa~iii~se~ and substar~ bu (Mate ~iar~, page ~~)~ t~ F~E~tIlE~T F'OR F3~~~® AC79®~9 IVles~tir~g Date: 0~/'i 5/02 , Regular item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Cepartment: County Manager Presenter: Diana Corbett Contact.: Allen O'Neal Si~i:3Ji=CT: gape Fear Fa~tner~ fr~~- Fdu~ati~n i3RiEE ~~Ii111MAf~Y: Diana Corbett, Director of Education Programs for the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce will make a presentation on Cape Eear Partners for Education which promotes the connection of community resources with schools to help youth learr, successfully and stay in school. ~?I=COiVIIUiENDED IVIOTis~iU Ai\i~3 ~3EQUESTED ACTIONS: • Hear presentation r~JND!N~Ci SOUF3CE: AT3AC,-IiV1EI,9~'S; ~ ~E,~/1 .~ ~ E,'~ IV t3 T ,4,~Q ~J~~ Rte ~r'3~ 9~~! CL~~3NT~l IV1A~,iAGEP'S CcOf'+/1°111E1~iT~ Hear presentatior~. No action requir n~m,~nnsc•ranaarr,~~ as.~9na~cir+,rn~ann .~®~-fi~Y OO~M1SSi0N /~PFROVED D . f~EJECTi<!~ ~ ~ ~ i I~EMO~ED a ! , . ROSTPON~D © ~ , ~ ~iEARD ~ ~ ~A~'F a_-~. - ~~'~; { ~'~iis ~~~~ i~~~ti®~all~ ~~~~ ~lc~n~~ r-- _. ~;,~ ~ :.y,. ~3 ~.. ~:~° IVY' ~~~~'~'~~ Cfl~lIV~Y ~~~,~~ ®F ~~~~IiS~1t~~1~R~ . R~{1UES~' FflR ~®ARD ACTI®~ Meet6ng Date: 0/15/02 Regular aterro #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Oepartmen#: Governing Body Presenter: Dan McIntyre Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: ~reseratat~or~ ~~ ~tatu~ o~ To~a~nar~ae~t ~~orts in ~levv ~9anove~ Dount~ ~3R~Ea= SU~IlNlAFi~: At the request of Commissioner Caster, Mr, Dan McIntyre will present information concerning various tournaments and their impact on New Hanover County. Mr. Mclntyre's presentation seeks to show the economic impact of various sporting events held in the county. An outline of the presentation is as follows: ~1 ,AAU Baseball Tournaments 2. History /Nelson Hardister /Director AAU Baseball North Carolina 3, Economic impact 3a. Hotel, Restaurants, Shopping 4. Field Locations Needs /Concessions 5. Commissioners and New Hanover County Parks and Recreation Personal Support 6. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Support 6. Closing Comments RECC~AA11Ei~1DED'1~J1CT3L11U >~aiVD' REr'?UEBTEi~ ACT1f~I~1S: Hear presentation. FUNL~91iJC SC~3~iCE: 6aTT~;:;;;=i1J1E,N T S: Cf3UNTY 1~1A1~9A{~ER'S CflMN9€3~]TS Hear presentation. No action requir • f Cfl"~i~~°P 00~i~Rf~S10~1~. l~PF=ROBED ~~ECT~'~ ~~~ ~E~40~'~~.~; r~ 6~OS7FC~f`~~0 D IHERRD ~ • RTE .~._-------- ' ~~~ { ~'hi~ age int~~ti®n~xl~y l~~t blc~~k} .... ~ ~`~ -. :.~~ • R~~~~s-~ ~o~ s~~~D A~-r'~r~ Meeting Date: 04/1 ~a102 Regular Stem #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: ®epartrr~ent: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Contact: Dexter Hayes SUB.lECT: ~res2ntati+~n on ~tat~s of ~'ra~fic 1rx~pact St~c~ies E~R1EF StJI~liMAFiY: i=ollowing the Board's Directive on November 5th, 2001 staff has prepared Ordinance Amendments that would require a traffic impact study to be completed for large development projects that would generate more than 100 trips during the peak hour. Guidelines fcr the studies have also been completed. The standards .being proposed are similar to the requirements that the City of Wilmington utilizes in~ their site plan review policies. Comments and suggestions that vve received from transportation planners and engineers vvorking for NCDOT ,and our local MPO have been incorporated into the draft document. The Planning Board reviewed the proposal at their meeting on February 7th and deferred action until they could schedule a work session at a later meeting. i~E~;fli~11IVIEi~~DED MOTiflr~ AND F~E{21JETED ACT1~;1'~,45: Discuss status, no action required • • FUN~3ING St~1JRC`: A i T ACHi11JlE~lTS; , Ordinance amendments and Traffic Impact Study Guidelines ~a Traffic impact study section 59.7 ~?E'~i9EWED B`I: LEGAL:. FINANCE: ~1/A B!JDGET: N/,~ HUPJIAN RESOU,RCFS: N/d~ C'L"3i~T+JTY 11/9AiVA'3ER'S Ci39V9MENTS AND REC!~Mi~J1E~.~9DAT10~US: Hear presentation. No action required. However, if the Board d ices it is appropriate that the Planning Board move forward with developing the Grdinance. ~'~~ COI~iMSS$iO~JERS' AC~1C~iS/CCMPIIE~JTS: ~,~~j ~". ~~ ~~~ COi1~fUifSSiO~I~ ~ /~PFROVED ^ REJECTED .";~ REMQI1C:Ca f~ POST!?+Ji~ED D WERRD 62~TE - - - ~« >~~ '° s° ~onsic~e~-ation of ~r~i~ar~~~ ~a~e~d~~r~ts to R~ga~ir~ ~'~-a~~ie ~~act ~tu~i~s ~-3~5 2/fl2 - - - ~e~tior~-59.7-Conc~i~io~a~--~Jse ~is~~l~:t 59.7 -,(2) A traffic impact study is required for any development that will generate Add to more than 100 trips during the peak hour. The study shall be prepared in e. accordance with Standards and Guidelines approved by the C.olult~~ and shall be submitted at least twenty working days prior to the first scheduled meeting of the project's review. ~eition 7~ ~~~~a~ tJse ~'z~-~~is ~ssu~c~ 3~y ~~~ I3oa~~1 of ~oa~n~ ~or~iss~or~ers. 71-1(7) A traffic impact st~ldy is required far any development that Twill ~ene~rate Add snore than 100 trips during the peak hour. The study shall tie prepared i~n accordance with Standards anti Guidelines approved by the County and shall be submitted at least ttiventy working days prior to the first scheduled meeting of the project's review. ~u~s~i~as~ora ~rt~inaneg Section 32 Prel.iminarv Plat ~~-~ Add (21) A traffic impact study must be completed prior to the submittal of ~w preliminary plan that swill generate more than 100 trips during the peak hour. Tl1e study shall be prepared in accordance with Standards incl. Guidelines approved by the~Cosinty. ~~Iarch 4. 2002 ~= ~~ t~ • • Y ~r~f#i~ ~~pact ~t~zcl~% S#~a~~3:~~ds As the City and ~oimty continue to grow and new developments place additional demands on oirr existing transportation it is critical that all of our local elected and appointed boards have necessary information with which to make informed decisions regarding traffic impacts. ! CGS 1~3-A-341and 3~1 provides for development -regulati~ons~to-be designed to lessen congestion on the streets- and facilitate the. adequate provision of transportation. Oiie of the main~issues identified in the tiUilmin~toa~/ Ne~,v Hanover County Comprehensives Plan is increasin<~ trafficvohlmes exceeding thz capacity of our street nettivorks. In order to maintain adequate service i_evels many cities and counties now require that Traffic Impact Studies be cor~zpie~te~d prior to the approval of anv large commercial or residential development. By adopting these standards the coLmty seeps to ensure that all decisions regarding traffic impacts are based upon techncal~infornaton and that needed improvements are made in 'a cost effective and efficient mariner. ~II~I~"~~~,Tf~I '~IJIIi~'~~~1~,~- The application for all proposed developments must include a transportation information sheet completed'oy the applicant. The ii~formatoia on this sheet inchid~es the Project Name. existing zonin~.or use, proposed zarung or use, total numt~er of proposedunits in the c~ e of residential development, gross door area (thoLisands of square feed in commercial. and industrial developments or the appropriate variable(s) as deterr!7ined in consultation tivitl7~ o~uliy and titPtJ Staff for.estimatin~~ the trip generation characteristics of the proposed development; using the Islstitute of Transportation Et~girieers SITE)' Trip Generation iYlanual (most receni editionl and an .estimate of the Avi and PvI peak hour drivetivav (street)traffic to ~be Qenerated bt.~ the proaoseci development. Any estimates ofpealc hour trafficnot using the most recent ITE TripGeneratiot~ 1vilanual must 7Clenti~i:y the source of theinformation. The illEoi~az3atiotr si~eet should also have attached aproject location map a,nd minor thoroughfares at ~ scale thai adeq~.lately idersiifies possible areas ofco~~cern. T.he~appiicant slio!;lci also clent~~y anv proposed thorouUhfares in the immediate vicinity of the proposed developiz~ent on the map attached to the information sheet. The location of any improvement to a. street or the provision of other transportation services proposed by tl,e applicant should be noted on the. information sheet. After this initial review a traffic impact study may be requested ui accordance with. the followin~~additionai requirements. consideration will also be given to N~L~flT to .eliminate anv duplication of study recommendations that they may require. 2 , <d.~- ~ ~ ~~~I'TItINA~ 1~C~IJI~+ 1VI~im1'I'S- Those new developments that are anticipated to ~e~nerate more than 100 trips ~dt~ring any peals hour period on the surrounding roadways (generally 7:45 -8:45 AM and 4:45-~:45PM) upon completion of all or any portion of the project must submit a written traffic study prepared by a replrtable firm or individual with expertise in traffic engineering ell-avg. In the case of ,currently developed property.a nzt increase of 100 peak hour trips will also, require the completion of a study: The firm and individual conducting the sttldv shall meet with County and MPO staff as well as representatives from NCDOT to establish the scope of the study.-These staff members -- -- - will inform the~consultant of the site-specific issues that need to be addressed by the study in a timely manner after the scoping meeting. Staff will make available existing NCDOT and MPO data on traffic- operations in the vicinity of the proposed project upon reque.st'oy the applicant. The information will be provided at no cost to the applicant, will include all existing and appropriate signal timing, facility capacity, and traffic couni information in the vicinity of the proposed project. The,traffic impact study shall be submitted at least twenty worl<inQ days ~in advance of the first scheduled meeting at which the project will be revievued. The St~idy shall include the following items at a~ minimum - 1~) Study purpose and objectives: B) " Description of site and study area boundaries including appropriate mapping and therationale for selectiol~ of the study area boundaries: . C) A strmmarv oaf existing conditions inchiding.but not lirnited to: surrounding street and lieu intersection traffic volumes; tun:~ing movements, and capacities, safety deficiencies and fielded transportation improvements. D) Anticipated or approved develop7~r~ents in the area; E) ~ Trip generation, trip distribution; modal split, and discussion of: -source of trip generation rate ineluding~ ~t17e ITE code used toidentify the development trip generation rate and assumption used or data ct?1lected for -any variations from generally accepted ITE rates or equations: passby trip factors and assumption internal trip assumptions for mixed use developments trip distribution and modal split assumptions (F) Projection of future volumes and assessment of future roadway and ~~ ~, ,. .~ intersection operating conditions for the year of the ultimate completion of the project. All projections. should specifically document projected background traffic as well as the traffic generated by the proposed development. If the unphased buildout period of the project is greater than nine nears, then a minimum of one intermediate and one fill buildout impact assessment is required. All assessments should include the following three scenarios:. -no build _ __ _ -._ _ _. _____-_~ . __ -maximuull possible development under existing use or zoning; for assessment of project phases the cumulative development of the portion{s) of the property to be built out dcuing phasing, is to be assessed; the impact of the development of a phase i s not to be compared with the total possible build out of the entire project location. -proposed development (G) Recommendation for site access and transportation improvements or mitigation measures needed to maintain traffic flow to, from; within and adjacent to the proposed development at an acceptable and safe level of service (generally assumed at L0~ D or better). Any recommendations for travel cienialld measures. eactension of public transportation or roadway improvements should identify funding sources for these improvements. (H} Data collected for the study will be made available to County and ti:IP~J staff for evaluation of the study conclusions. The'~format for data submission as tivell as the format for data to be provided by the County will be detelrnined at the study scoping nleetlnC7. ~~) ~~vhen a traifiC 1nlpaCt stlldy projects that the 111teTSeCI1Gn~S~ Or rOadway(si 111 the stiidv~area will be inadequate then either of the following alternatives may be considered by the County: ]. j The project is deferred or reduced in scope so that d1e level of service standard is not exceeded, or 2) A mitigation plan is submitted for review by the County and4~-thy NCDOT. The mitigation plan together with the recommendations __ of the departments are presented to the Planning Board andior County Commissioners. The elected body has the authority to ~-" " '" ~ - " either approve or disapprove those projects solei_y index its jlu'isdiction. ~1CDOT has final authority over the number and location of drivewati connections to State maintained roads. • ~~ 3) The improvements recommended in,the mitigation plan are the responsibility of the developer to implement unless 100°'0 of construction costs for the projected improvements are in the `~--~ c~-t-current budgei year of tlie.seven year Transportation Improvement Program or the local Government's Capital Improvements Program. - - - ~) The developer-may agree to pay fees to fund the necessary improvements by written agreement with dze County and/or TICDOT. (J). If the existing level of service is inadequate (i .e. "E" car "F"}; or the existing plus the background grotivth (not including the site) causes an inadequate level of service, then the developer will be eYpec-ted to mitigate only the traffic to be generated by the proposed project. (IC). If the proposed development is of significant economic importance it may be recommended that the developer be granted an exception and/or tivaiver where improvements are scheduled or included iii either the ~iCDOT TIP or locally approved, Capital Improvements Program. (Ll A mitigation plan: 1. Is an addition to a traffic impact study, (ihe recornm~~~ndation for which is identified by preliminary sttiidy results). ~~. is intended to identify specific causes of 1'otivexed .levels of service {traz~fic impacts); 3. Recommends im~~roveme~nts that will moderate the e~Ffecas of projected traffic impacts; ~. Recommends transportation dem~uld mana~~7ernent options. ti~here legally allowed, e~~ampie~s of possible mitigation plan improvements may include, bui are not limited to: construction of new roat-is, coact i.m~provements, traffic signals, ridesharing :programs, off=site parking facilities, and Para-transit; signal timing/phasing changes, channnelization modifications, changes .in ingress/egress points, reducing the numbe~~r oaf entrances, and/or lane widening. (NIj Mitigation Plan improvements may be phased aid shall be sensitive to the following: 1. timing of short-term and long-term.netsvorlc improvements that are already planned, scheduled andlor funded; 2. time schedules of adjacent developments; ~. size and timing of individual phases of development; ~~`~, >. 4. right-of--way needs and availability of right-of-tivay within appropriate time frames; ~. local priorities for transportation improvements and fiindin~; 6. local priorities for transportation demand management strategies; 7. necessary lead time for additional design and construction; v 8. that the sum of improvements are proportional to the projected impact. analysis of traffic needs by development phase ~ shall provide the information needed to determine the appropriate sequence of improvements. 6 °'r, +~ w„/ {~'his~ pc~~~ in~~nti®~c~lly left ~l~x~l~} ~IE1111 HdAlUO\/ER COUNTY BOAR® OF COIVIIVIISSIOIVERS REQUEST. FOR BOARD ACTIOiV ' Meeting Date: 04/15/02 Regular Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Cam Griffin SUBJECT: F`Y d2-03 Pr®grasnrr~atic and Policy Goals BRIEF SUMMARY: The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA1, National .Advisory ,Council on State and Local Budgeting, recommends the development of programmatic, operating, and capital policies and plans to guide the development of the budget. -The goals are designed to provide direction for County departments to direct resources to areas the County Commissioners deem to be mast important. Upon adoption, the departments will be instructed to develop their own individual goals and performance measures based on the County's Programmatic and Policy Goals. Exhibit A of the FY 02-03 Programmatic and Policy Goals has been revised as requested to eliminate any unrealistic expectations in this challenging financial time. Changes are noted by italics. Exhibit 8 is the on final FY 02-03 Programmatic and Policy Goals with an introductory section explaining that these goals '°are dependent on available financial and staffing resources" and "are in no way a statement that the end vrili be achieved. in a specific time period." As defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a goal is "the end toward which effort is directed. " County departments will be instructed to strive to work toward these goals; but with the understanding of the financial and staffing limitations that could hinder or delay accomplishing these objectives. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND. REflUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of Exhibit B., 'however, if the Board is nat comfortable with the language, then adopt Exhibit A. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~~vr. L`~r ' ~ ~ - - - - Programmatic Policy Goals Amended (Exhibit A).doc Programmatic Policy Goals(Exhibit B).doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider two versions as presented and adopt version as desired ~_; ~' ,,,.i CfllVIM1SSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: j QlfFl`P1P ~OiViMiSSiON ~SPFROVED ~ l~EJECTI~D C] , ~i~Ma~ ~QSTPOI~ED Q~EARD ~ ~ ~' ~°*. ' PRt~GRA~lIiViATtC ADD l~~OLICY 'COALS (exhibit A) to To provide a safe community for all ~le~ }~anover County citizens: ~ , ~; ";,l~'t~,~~-it~i' ~>>e; ~~,it;~, :4~uppork the Juvenile Day `Treatment Center in its continuing effort to address the needs e~f youth who have entered the juvenile justice system. 2. Review ra=;d--~n~ ~-~s-~_ .-n~'.~r-security procedures in addressing the safety needs of staff and the public using County facilities. - -- ~. Work toUVard reducing the level of crime and improving the community security level. ~. Promote a responsive =rr~ublic :>afety ~~ommunications ~: _::enter with employees that are highly skilled in responding to the emergerlry needs of citizens and the community at large. ~, 1=osier a team concept with the ,public safety agencies served by the Public Communications Center and ,.ri ,~ `~ ra -~ -services r _ ~ ' to the public. ~. Provide safe water to the public by maintaining v~rell and tower sites in accordance with Ctate and federal regulations and laws.f 'i, Work with ~Jorth Carolina Department of Trarisportation and the City of Wilmington, =.i"+ ~ r„~`; t ~~- ~~.rr~. ~::~ _provide alternative forms of transportation including transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities. 8. Provide safe public educational facilities far the children of t\!ew i~anover County by maintaining the established partnership with the _: °:Wools and its officials ire the deployment of school resource deputies,. g ~. the County's ability to effectively i~andle bio-terrorism, hazardous materials threats, and natural disasters, ~ 0. Provide <_ ~, ~ - .. --fire protection `through acceptance of public educational ^.~ improved commi.~nity fire protection rating; II~ Tc~ continue investing in eiectroniz: teci-rnoio+~y {Internet and 3ntr~~net) for the efficient facilitation of County I~usiness~ ~, _ - ~ -~~ the County's teWnoiogy resources ko provide _ public access, efficient internal operations, ar7d electronic communication and payment system. i?. Continue =_: £Y= ~ ~. =~ ,-°;< - Internet and ~aeographic information System (G1S) resources in disaster planning and response, _mapping of_water and sewer lines, epidemiological surveillance, and the orkhophotography mapping project. 3. _ ~.~~~ ,,:-- _ :departmental ,web sites and the r. ;; _~.. _-~ P~lew Hanover County Teievisior; ~HC-TV) - {'`~ ~, ~~.:~ R~~;..~,~ -~s - , services provided by County .. ., .._ . ,; ~ H,s• ° ~ departments, ~ . `r` _; - decisions ~~ and/or policie., made by County officials, communication systems (mobile data terminals, mobile offic~sng) - ,. i.` ~ ~ field operations by County employees. - ,~- ~T ~~~. ~~ ~.~~~J n ~~ PRC~G~AIVilV1ATlC A~!® !'~flLICY GL3ALS (Ex~albit A) . " . 5. a~ ,~~r~~~ ~,rc ~ ; „~~f:,;,- ::~~,ontinue redesigning ~.~~- ~~~~~ County's financial, human ~esources,~ and budgetary software packages:. ~ s ~~ ;~t ~t ~ -~ { , x >, !!!e TO ~3i"®~~~°~ ~~~ ~tli/ia i3a'lri"i~1'f`k end ~~~ ~L9al3~)/ C3'~ !i'~~ ~~9~~~:v~~ ~3~ !~l~V~1 !"l~fl0\/~3' ~t3Urlt~ ~3$1Z~3'lS: 1. effectively plan for the orderly growth and- development o~ the County ;~ ~,,r - -and reviewing annual updates on the iniplementation cf the Wilmington-flaw ~-lancver County. Coastal Management (CAMf~j Land Use Plan: 2. Concentrate on the infrastructure and operational requirerr~ents of the . ,- _ _ ,. enterprise Funds ' j - ._ . . ~~ ~~ ~ _ tip,, ~.:~~ = ,.. ,~_: ~ ~~ ,., _ '~. Provide 'for the protection of ground water and air quality by operating the landfill and Wastes ~ in accordance with maximum achievable control technology and best management practices, ~. :address important environmental issues and encourage citizen inp~it and involvement in issues such. as storm water management, drainage, waste disposal, and water and se~~ier. 5. Conti~iue exploring opportunities grad/or options in efficier?tiy ar~d effectively reducing waste disposal costs. 6. ~Zeduce litte;° and illegal trash dumping in the County through ~ _ enforcement ofanti-Litter laws, ~~d, t ~ ~r~9s~r~ 4di~' ~.'"t~.q~~ ~r'~~ w~~as~l~ ~~ ~Hl 1'~~A~ ~3~~~~~r~a~!'~..~n~~~ ~7~~~~r~se ~~ ~ ~ ~ .. :educe the number of substandard h~.~using units ~t~hr~~;.agh rehabilitatior-~ progr-arYas and }~7ousing grants. %. Cupport .the Ccma~nunity Transportation Program in its efforts to provide lcw .cost transportation services to anc~ from medical appointments, congregate meals, erraployment, edaracation, and social recreational sites. 3, ~upporr. the Health Department in their efforts to improve access t+7 health care; -preventive services, and - Lifestyle j related risks.. ~, :rovide social economic programs to assist c1tlZBns ~~,'~il~h basic ~~I~~;:~~ence need S, ~. .. _ ~ - - : rovide protective services ~o citizens cf all j - - -- __. ages ~,~/itf-~ physical, s~~cial; end emotional problems. 6. ~ ~~~ ~_-: the home-delivered and -~ ~ rongrenate meals programs in an effort to serve r~loon meals to the elderly and frail population of the County. 7, ,, ~ ,. ,~. - ,;.;_.,:= welfare reform. move clients toward self-sufficiency a. -_ _ - r;4= ~~ ~~~ .. , health care coverage `. the County art ac~cc~rdance with -ederal grad ;fate to eligible residents of la`.~s and program regulations. ~~ PROGRAiVItVIATIC AN'D POLICY GOALS (Exhibit A) ~a To insure equality of all IVevv 1-lanover County citizens; (` 1. Ensure accessibility to the County's many facilities by ensuring ~'~~~-rte, ~ \ facilities adhere to the American Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Prohibit discrimination in employment and housing by supporting the rK1 County's Fair Employment and Housing ordinances., ~. ~.. .~=~- ~ ~ errs ~ j.~ ,~,tz-;~ ~r ~;.~ ~it.~~,^% encourage cultural and ethnic-diversity by working~Nith -community--development organizations, business,. government and educational institutions, which promote and support diversity, 4. Encourage broad public participation in government decision making, ensure public notification of significant changes, solicit responsible public input, and ensure government is inclusive of all racial and cultural groups. ~C3 :~~ ~: ,; ,.+'.~_ ~~, ~ ~:~ _ ~~+ °-~ ;rovide outreach library ~ services to homebound individuals unable to use library facilities., 6. Create and support events, activities, and County services that encourage the interaction of all cultures and ethnic groups. i, Support the efforts of minorities and women in participating in all aspects of the County's construction and procurement programs, ~Jia ~o ensure and encourage prorrapt, cc~urteo~as, an~i professi®nal services from ail Cc~ur~ty err~piz~yeesa ` and I 1. ~ _ an annual market ~tudv anaiys~s benefits prograrri that w~ii. _ ensure market competitiveness in recruitment and retention of qualified employees. ~: Ensure satisfaction with Co~_anty services by encouraging employees to respond to services and/or inquiries requested by the public, or by other Coi_inty deparkments, in a prompt, courteous, and professions! manner. ,3. 1 ~- ~,~ ; productivity and -efficiency _ by providing appropriate training to employees. I ~. promote safety by providing routine maintenance and safety inspections of County facilities and equipment, as well as `=" ~r: ~ safety training .... ~. Ensure qualified and skilled personnel are recruited and hired for ~ -job vacancies. 'Jli, `i°c providc for the recreational, e~lucationai, an+~ cultural needs of the community: - -. -- _ _ 1 - ~ ~: ~ ~: communication and planning efforts with the Board of Education concerning school funding. 2 :-;; . ,-t- ----:: : `~ needs of Neuv Hanover County .. citizens - ~~, ~~~,. _ ~_ s~, . { .. ,, s. .. ,..a: _. _ 3. Support the Cape Fear ;viuseum in its effort to teach residents and visitors the history and science of the Cape r=ear region. PR~~R~,~11Ni,~TiC Af`d{~ P®L1C'Y G~~LS (~xi~ibif ~) 4. Efficiently operate .the n ~-~7-~#-~~---County parks and recreational facilities while providing safe, clean, hazard-free parks, trails. and open space areas.... - ~~ 5. -~ i r. ,i~ , :~, .; new park facilities ,~ ~: ~- ~ ~ and improvements to existing parks ..._-~, a _: ,~. -_, :, 6.. Incorporate the multi-year Capital improvement Program as an integral pdrk of the annual budget .process. ° 7, ,, ~ •~ r ; ~ +:~ro:vide--a-variety-of children and -youth programs encouraging their imagination and intellectual growth, appreciation of arts and history, ~.anderstanding of natural science, and. development of healthy • fifes+yle issues. • g, ,_ ~ ~..:: "; - ' ,rovide a comprehensive recreational, ~- educational, volunteer, and health prarr~otion program for senior adults. 9 : ;ontinue development. of Airlie Gardens as a premier, world-olass garden facility and environmental c,uality educational .: program, °10 . Encourage participation and express eppreciation to the many vr~iunteers dedicated. to helping their fellaGV citizens in the giving of their time and talents to various County programs, ~lllla ~'~ e~sr~~e '~~ae fiinar~cia9 .stability and lega3 prrafecti~~-a ~f the ~a~,~fy; - ~ . Support a strarg undesignated, unreserved fund balance of at least 16.'l' percent of the total Ger-seral Fund budget in an effort to maintain ac'ec~uate reserves and the highest possible bond rating. 2, ivlaintain ar~d improve the current bond ra~ir,g with fvlaody's ar~d Si:andard and Poar's. ;3. Encourage ail departments to closely monitar~ expenditures, aggressively collect revenue when due, seek. afterr;ate farms of .revenue whenever • ~ .passible, and periodically review operational and ~dn?ir~istrative costs. =~ Cor~~tinue taking a praactive,raie in lobbying tote articials to release local I ., government reimbursements, endorse alternative r'e~•/enue sources, and ` ~ eliminate ~~-funded mandated:programs, ; ' 5. Achieve a `a8 percent collection rate of ad valorem taxc-s. 6. ~vliriimize litigation against the County anc-i maximize legal documents that ensure 'the Co~_~nty's pratertion and legal well-being.. 7: Enforce State and County code provisions and enca~:!raae uniformity and predictability in all permitting and regulatory policies and praoeduresa ' 8. Keep the tax rate as low as possible while providing the essential services to citizens' of flew Fianaver,County. _ • 9. Establish a risk management policy that will reduce uncertainties regarding potential lasses tai assets`; maintain continuity of services to the . ~ public, and support the, integrity of the Budget. ~O~Promote excellence in financial and br.~dgetar°y repaf-ting thro~!gh cor?tin~..;ec~ qualification for.the Certifi-cats of Achievement for Exce+lence ire Fin~,nciai Departing and the Government Finance rJffic~rs Assaciati;~r, ~isiirrguished budget .Preparation Award, ~ ~ .Provide accurate, efficient.. and c;ampiete tax infarmatiar~ in irc~ting, listing, ar~d -, ~. ail persot-rai: and, busir~ess• property in. the County„ v PROGRA'MMATIC~ ~4N® POI_fCY GOALS .(Exhibit ~) As recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting, the following programmatic.and policy goals have been designed to guide the deve!'opment of the 2002-2003 budget. These goals and polices have been developed to provide direction for County departments in their allocation of resources to areas the County Commissioners deem to be most important. Ail departments have been __instructed that at all times, but :especially during the current economic condition, ------- that these goals are dependent on available financial and staffing resources. These goals are in no way a statement that the end will be achieved in a specific time period. I. To provide a safe community for all flew I-ianover County citizens: 1. Support the Juvenile Day Treatment .Center in its continuing effort to address the needs of youth who have entered the juvenile justice system. 2. Review and implement new security procedures in addressing the safety needs of staff and the public using County facilities. 3. Work toward reducing the level of crime and improving the community security level. 4. Promote a responsive public safety communications center ,with employees that are highly skilled in responding to the emergency needs of .citizens and the community at large. 5. foster a team concept with the public safety agencies served by the Public Communications Center and enhance services provided to the public. 6. Provide safe water to the public by maintaining well and tower sites in accordance with State and Federal regulations and laws. 7. Work with North Carolina Department of Transportation and the ~ City of Wilmington to provide alternative forms of transportation including transit, ,bicycle, and pedestrian facilities. 8. Provide safe public educational facilities for the children of New Hanover County by maintaining the established partnership with the schoals and its officials in the deployment of school resource deputies. 9. Ensure the County's ability to effectively handle bio-terrorism, hazardous materials threats, and natural disasters. 10. Provide a superior level of fire protection th-rough acceptance of public educational grants, improved community fire protection rating, and development of a Fire Investigation Task Force focusing on arson related - -- - - - -- fires. li. To c®ntinue.investing ita electronic techn®logy (Internet and Intranet) for the efficient fiacilitation of County business: 1. Enhance the County's technology resources to provide greater public access, efficient internal operations, and improved electronic communication and payment system. 2. Continue expanding the use of the Internet and Geographic Information System (GIS) resources in disaster planning and response, mapping of water and sewer lines, epidemiological surveillance, and the orthophotography mapping project. PROGRAIVINIATIC ARID POLICY GOALS (.Exhibit E3) 3. Expand and enhance departmental web sites and the New Hanover County Television (NHC-TV} to ensure the public's awareness of all services provided by County departments, as well as, keeping the public . informed of decisions and/or policies made by County officials. 4. Increase. departmental efficiency through the support of wireless communication systems (mobile data terminals, mobile officing) used in field operations by County employees. 5. Continue redesigning of County's financial, human .resources, grid budgetary software packages; install a new tax system; and begin the redesign of the minority business directory and reporting system. Ill. To protect the environment and the quality of life enjoyed by Pdew Hanover County citizens:. 1. Effectively plan for the orderly growth and development of the County by providing and- reviewing annual updates on the implementation of the Wilmington-New Hanover County Coastal Management (CAMA) Land Use Plan: 2. Concentrate on the infrastructure and operational requirements of the Enterprise Funds. (The Water and Sewer and Environmental Management operations should meet the growth needs of the. County.) 3. Provide for the protection of ground water and air qualil:y by operating the landfill .and Wastec in accordance with maximum achievable control technology and best management practices. 4. Address .important environmental issues and encourage citizen input and involvement in issues such as storm water management, drainage, waste disposal, and water and sewer. _ 5. Continue exploring opportunifies and/or options in efficiently and effectively reducing waste disposal costs. 6. Reduce litter and illegal trash dumping in the County through aggressive enforcement of anti-litter laws. 11/. To ensure the health and welfare of all lVew Hanover County oitizens: 1. Reduce the number of substandard housing units through rehabilitation programs and housing grants. 2. Support the Community Transportation Program in its efforts to provide low cost transportation services to and from medical appointments, - .- ~ - ~ - -congregate meals, employment, education, and social recreational sites. 3. Support the Health Department in their efforts to improve access to health care, increase preventive services,- and reduce lifestyle related risks. 4, Provide social economic programs to assist citizens with ,basic subsistence needs. 5, Provide protective services to citizens of all ages with physical, social, and emotional problems. 6. Support the home-delivered and congregate meals programs in an effort to serve noon meals to the elderly and frail population of the County. PROGRAMMATIC AND POLICY GOALS Exhibit B) 7. Enhance welfare reform by continuing to move clients .toward self- sufficiency. 8. Maintain and expand health care coverage to eligible residents of the County in accordance with federal and state laws and program regulations. - V. To ensure equality of_ail New i~anover County c~tizens~~~___~•. 1: Ensure accessibility to. the County's many facilities by ensuring County facilities adhere to the American Disabilities Act (ADA). 2. Prohibit discrimination in employment and housing by supporting the County's Fair Employment and Housing ordinances. 3. Advocate and encourage cultural and ethnic diversity by working with community development organizations, business, government and educational institutions, which .promote and support diversity. 4. Encourage broad public participation in government decision making, ensure public notification of significant changes, solicit responsible public input, and ensure government is inclusive of all racial and cultural groups. 5. Provide outreach library services to homebound individuals unable to use library facilities. 6. Create and support events, activities, and County; services that encourage the+interaction of all cultures and ethnic groups. 7. Support the efforts of minorities and _women in participating in all. aspects of the County's construction and procurement programs. ~'l. To ensure and encourage prompt, courteous, and professional services from ail County employees: 1. Support . an annual market. study analysis and competitive benefits program -that will ensure market competitiveness in recruitment and retention of qualified employees. 2. Ensure satisfaction- with County services by encouraging employees to respond to services and/or inquiries requested by the public, or by other County departments, in a prompt, courteous, and professional manner. . 3. Maximize productivity and improve efficiency by providing appropriate training to employees. , 4. Promote safety by providing routine. maintenance and safety inspections of County facilities and equipment, as well as, offering safety training to all employees. _ 5. Ensure qualified and skilled personne9 are recruited and hired. for ail gob vacancies. Wll. To provide for the recreational, educational, and cultural needs of the community: 1. Improve communication and planning efforts- with the Board of Education concerning school funding. 2. Support the literary needs of New Hanover County citizens through the Main Library and its branches. F) ~l r~ ~~ PROGRAIVI(~iATiG AND POLICY GOALS (Exhibi# B) 3. Support the Cape Fear Museum in its effort to teach residents and visitors the history and science of the Cape Fear region. 4. Efficiently operate the numerous County parks and recreational facilities while providing safe, clean, hazard-free parks, trails and open space areas. 5. Continue to add new park facilities and improvements to existing parks as ' funding becomes available. -- --.T6.._ lncorpoi-ate the multi-year Capital Improvement Program as an integral -part of the annual budget process. 7. Provide a variety of children and youth ,programs encouraging their imagination and intellectual growth, appreciation of arts and history, understanding of natural science, and development of healthy lifestyle issues. 8. Provide a comprehensive recreational, educational, volunteer, and health promotion program for senior adults. 9. Continue development of Airiie Gardens as a premier, wor9d-class garden facility and environmental quality educational program, 10 . Encourage participation and express appreciation to the many volunteers dedicated to helping their fellow citizens in the giving of their time and talents to various County programs. Vill. i'o ensure the financial stability and legal protection of the County: 1. Support a strong undesignated, unreserved fund balance of at feast 16.7 percent of the total General Fund budget in an effort to maintain adequate reserves and the highest possible bond rating. 2. Maintain and improve the current bond, gating with Moody's and Standard and Poor's. 3. Encourage all departments to closely monitor expenditures, aggressively collect revenue when .due, seek alternate forms of revenue whenever possible, and periodically review operational and administrative costs. 4. Continue taking a proactive .role in lobbying state officials to release local government reimbursements, endorse alternative revenue sources, and eliminate un-funded mandated programs. 5. Achieve a 98 percent collection rate of ad valorem taxes. 6. Minimize litigation against the County and maximize legal documents that ensure the County's protection and IegaO well-being. 7. Enforce State and County code provisions and encourage uniformity and predictability in all permitting and regulatory policies and procedures. 8.. Keep the tax rate as low as possible while providing the essential services to citizens of lUew Hanover County. 9. Establish a risk management ,policy that will reduce .uncertainties regarding potential losses to assets, maintain continuity of services to the public, and support the integrity of the budget. 10. Promote excellence in financial and budgetary reporting through continued ~" qualification for the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Preparation Award. 11 . Provide accurate, efficient and complete tax information in locating, listing, and valuing of all personal and business property in the County. {~'his~~r~~ ~~t~~ti®~all~ l~~t b~cr~,k} ,~ ~E~.~EST Ffl~ ~~~~~ E4~~~OiV I~~~ting ®a#e: 04/3 ~/~~ Regular Item #: 13 Estimated Time: Page Number: f3epartment: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave. Weaver SUBJPCT: ---- -- _ ___._ ~~nsid~ra#it~n ~f E~a~~~hise ~rr~ngerr~en~ #or solid ~1as~e ~oilec~i~ra BR9EF S119V111/iAFiY: The Board directed staff to prepare a franchise arrangement for solid waste collection that would assist the County both in the management of solid waste collection and to ensure disposal at County-designated facilities. In order to accomplish this purpose, staff has prepared the following three draft documents (attached) for the Board's review: fi) Franchise ordinance -This ordinance requires all solid waste haulers to obtain a franchise from the County.. This ordinance requires the hauler to meet' certain minimum requirements, including disposal of solid waste only at County-designated facilities. 2) Franchise agreement-.This document is a contract required by the above ordinance between the County and any hauler viho wishes to collect solid waste in the County. 3) Inter Local Agreement (ILA) -Because the County cannot legally require the franchise system to be enforced within municipal boundaries without municipal approval, the County must request the City and the Beach Tovvns to approve this ILA. The lLA states that each municipality will require all solid waste haulers within each jurisdiction to comply v~rth the lranc'r,~se system. In return, the County will provide long-term disposal facilities for municipal solid waste. !t is important that the municipalities participate to this ILA in recognition or` community cooperation and as a means to secure along-term means of solid ~,Naste disposal: This franchise system may be implemented by July 1 , provided decisions can be made in a timely .manner. REC~3iV111i~Ei~3DED IiJiGTf~Ji~ AID REQUcSTED AC i 1Qjl~: Staff recommends that the Board consider and adopt the franchise ordinance and contract, and approve the !LA and direct staff to bring the ILA to the municipalities for approval. FU1~JDf~1G SflIJrRCE: ATTACfi~9~lEi~TS: tRE01fE~~JED B~: EGAL: FINANCE; Approve BUDGET: Approve Recommend approval as noted abo G~N1iV1f5~is~NEr'~S' A~CTI~l~l~/ HUMAN RESOURCES: >>\3/A ~pUNT1P ~Oif~MiSSION~, (~PFROVED D DEJECTED C:J REMQVED ~ ~OSTPgiVED &iERRD ~~lTE ~~,.> ~~ AN ~~f~A~~E ®~Rtii' ~;~ ~~1YAlYi~~.7~A®1'`ILid~.7 _ _ The Board of Commissioners of_1~lew Hanover County, Forth Carolina. does hereby ordain that Chapter 44,~ Solid ti~%aste, Article II; Collection and Disposal.. of the New Hanover County Code be amended as follows: (1) Adrl a r~e~~~ section to ~~ tlesignat~cl: ~e~. =~=I-=~~.5 . ~r~a~ciaise ~~~~ired for ~omerciai Coi~o~tio~ (a) A franchise from the Board shall be required of any person or entity who collects. transports, and/or disposes of solid waste for commercial customers for compensation within the county. Operation ~~ ithout a franchise is prohibited and violations are subject to the enforcement provisions of this chapter. The franchise shall be readily available at the franchisee's place of business. (b) Al~l~applicar~ts for fr~7chises to collect, transport aizd dispose of solid waste shall file written application with the County tilanager or his designee; anti shall furnish the following information: (1) Name and address of applicant and whether a sole proprietorship, corporation; cr ~ partnership, with disclosure of the~~ ownership interests; (?) A list of the equipment possessed, available, or to be obtained within 18 months by the applicant; (3) Number of employees the applicant expects to use in said business; {~G) Experience of the applicant in solid waste collection; (~) Balance sheet or equivalent financial statement pxepared by a certified public accountant or o#lier persen satisfactory to the Board as of the close of the applicant's last business year, showing the net woz-th of the business. ~ All #inancial data submitted in compliance ~~ _ ."~~ with the requirements, of this paragraph shall be confidential ~~mder G.S. ~ 132-1.2, and shall not be,regarded as public information; E'~`~~I.~•;l (b) Any information the Board-may hereinafter req~iest; • ..> J I r The County shall process, accept or deny, each application within silty (60) days of receipt. (c) X11 waste haulers operating in the County as of January 1, 2002, shall be granted a franchise. (d) Franchises shall _be subject to a yearly review with the information -~ ~ - ~ designated in the above division (b) being presented to the County Zvlanager, during the last month of each year of service, or ai such alternative annual. date as designated by the Manager's office. (e)~ The County Manager or his designee sha11 bring applicatidns for franchises- and a review of existing franchises to the Board at such times as he deems appropriate, consistent with the period for approval above, and may grant to the applicants adjudged by the Board to be qualified, a franchise to collect was~te~in the County. The terms of such franchises shall not exceed seven years, gild shall. be renewable.. (~ . The Board reserves the right to revoke any franchise Granted, upon . ~ ~ satisfactory proof of the ~inabiiity or failure of the franchisee to properly perform the duties-covered by the permit and contract iii a satisfactory manner or for anv of the grounds as set oLrt in subsection ` k" below, after the franchisee has keen given an oppo~rttiuiity for ahearng upon ten dayswritten notice by mail before the hearing setting forth the grounds for T°evocation. {g) The franc-hisee shall serve every person or business who contracts tivith him or her for solid waste in such a manner that the franchisee does not cause the pe-rsoir to be i:~ violation with this chapter. The franchisee. shall not chiscriminate against any person for contract pl~rp!~ses in violation of~the Civd f~:i~hts Acf as arne,nded oiZ the basis of race, color. creed, reli~~ion, naticnal origin, physical impairment or sex. (h) Before the County Manager issues a franchise pursuant to ,~~hs chapter, the - Cot~mty Mana~er or his or her duly authorized representative shall determine .that all facilities, equipment, and proposed operating methods the applicant plans to use in the solid waste, collection business are in conlpliance~ with this chapter and applicable regulations of the State Comrriission for Health Services. _ -. --...--- _ .__ (i) The applicant, upon being awarded the right to collect and dispose of solid waste by the Board ~.ts hereinabove provided for; shall seclue and present to the County Manager a good and sufficient surety bond or liability insurance policy covering and insuring payment of such damages as may be done by the franchisee to the premises or property upon which he or she may enter for the purpose of collecting or disposing of solid waste. Such po1_icy shall. ~~ contain a "hold harmless clause" indemnifying the couniy against claims made by the franchisee. (j} Should any franchisee, now existing or hereafter Granted under the provisions of this chapter, be sold, assigned; pledged, or transferred, or if control thereof should be chanced by stock transfer or otherwise, or any rights thereunder Leased or should there be any merger or combination affecting the franchise be made through acquisition or control by stock purchase or otherwise, then a new application will need to be made and written approval which shall be given if justified by the facts then existing. If any such transaction takes place prior to approval of the new application, the new entit<~ shall operate under a temporary franchise under the terms ofthe previous franchise, subj ect to approval or termination at the time of the consideration of the new application. Except as specified referenced herein, the existing provisions of Chapter ~4 shall remain in filll force and effect. (~) ~'l~e ~ff'ecti~~~ dare of Sa~etis~n ~~--'.~.~ ~~111 he .~raly ~, '~~132. This the 1 ~`~' day of April, 2002. [SEAL] ATTEST: (k) Any and every franchise notiv existing or hereafter issl~ied, shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter and as it may hereafter be amended from time to time, except that any amendment or amendments that may be made from tulle to time affecting the duraiion of a franchise or franchises existing at the time of the enactment of file amendment or arnendr~zents. Any franchise transferred or assi~~rned without the express written authority of tie Board of County Manager or his designee shad be void and of no effect, and any collection thereunder is in violation of this chapter. (1) A franchise granted under this chapter may be revoked after notice and hearing as provided in subsection "e" and for noncompliance with the provisions of dlis chapter. NE~~J HANOVER COC,~!~TY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board ~, ~'Y Neav ~I~nov~~- Cou~~ ~or~~~-act #fl= NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER Att%ARD OF FRANCHISE AND AGREEMENT FOR SOLID WASTE SERVICE THIS FRANCHISE .~GREE,ivIENT, made and enter-ee%-into -this the-- ~ -day---o.f __~~ ._ _-~- 2002, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, North Carolina; a political subdivision of the ~ State of North Carolina; hereinafter 'called "County;" and a • Corporation with its principal office in ~ ,hereinafter called `Operator." WITNESSE7'I~ WIiERc,AS, the County has, through the power Granted to it under G. S. § 1 ~ 3 A- 13 6, adopted -~ ~~ ~ an ordinance regiu.ating d1e collection anci disposal of solid ~vaste~s and requiringthat all waste haulers have a license and~a franchise in order ~to operate~in tl;e ~;ountti, in order to providz the ". ~ ". resident's anal commercial customers of'the County with z'eiiable, environmentally sotrnd waste disposal now and in the future; and . tVFIL'-RE.~~ S, O_perator~ has contracted-withcon:~mercial and/or resid~e~ntial c~~lsiomers located in New Hanover County in order to providesolid ~-vas~te collection ~icl disposal; and ~~ NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutt.al bei7efits inuring to the parties hereto, and based upon the mutual covenants contained herein and~the c-onsiderations stated herein, the parties do hereby covenant and agree, and,. County hereby conveys anon-exclusive franchise to ~. ~ Operator,to colleci anal dispose of solid wastes to commercial and/or residential customers iii the ~~ ~ County. The parties therefore agree to the following terms and conditions: r I . Terms of Aai~eement. The initial term of this Franchise Ordinance and AQreemen~t shall be seven (?) years frog the date of signing. The Franchise may .automatically renew anct extend for a subsequent seven (7) ;veal- terlrs, contingent upon County Comiziissioner approval pursuant to G.S. ~ l ~~A-46. 2 Scone of Services. For the term of This Franchise Agreement, Operator agrees to ~'~'~' t l~e~v Hanover County Cnntrae# #0_- provide commercial and/or residential customers with solid waste collection and transportation to ~ County-approved disposal sites. 3. Disposal at County-Ateproved racilities. Operator agrees to dispose of ail waste collected as_part .of t11is franchise_a~reement,_and anv_other waste collected for gain in the County, at C'olmty-approved facilities. With regard to County-approved facilities; said approval must be obtained by Operator prior to the disposal at said facilities. and said approval shall be granted or denied entirely at the discretion of the County. The County also has the authority to designate which facilities shall be used. 4. Administration/Billin~. A1_l billing of customers shall remain the responsibility of the franchisee. ~. Franchise. It is understood and agreed that all of the terms and conditions of New Hanover County Code Chapter'l~, entitled "Solid Wasie," pertaining to a franchise for solid waste collection are incorporated herein by reference and. made a part hereof as if :fully set forth, incluc~ting but not limited to insurance rectuirements. It is understood by both parties that Sections 44-~2 and ~4-'13 shall not be enforced so 'long as the County remains enjoine~~ by the United States Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. E. Personnel and Equipment. Operator shall eduip and maintain all vehicles ~,vith staff and equipment such as to comply with any applic~ible~ regulations and laws. 7. Independent Contractor. Ii is r~nutualhr understood and agreed that Operator is an independent contractor and not an agent of the County, and as such, Operator, his or her agents and employees shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, s~rch as, but not limited to, vacation, sick Ieave, insurance. workers' co~~npensation, or pension or retirement benefits. 8. Indemnity. To the extent permitted by law, Operator shall indemnify and hold the County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands,_causes of action, or other liability, including attorneys' fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account oaf property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Operator hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or willful act or omission of Operator; its agents, employees and subcontractors. To the extent permitted by law, the County shall indemnify and hold the Operator; its agents and employees; harmless against any and all claims, demands causes of action, or other ~n I'~e~v I~anover Cou~a~~ ~ont~-ac~~ #~_- liability, including attorneys' fees, on account of personal injuries or death or o~n account of ro erty P p , damages arising out of or related to the solid waste services operated and administered by the County, and resulting from the negligence of or willfill act or omission of the County, its agents. employees; and subcontractors. 9. ~ssi~nment. Contracting. The parties agree that this agreement is not transferable or assignable by either party without the vv~~itten consent of the other party to this agreement. Operator shall not contract with anv person, corporation; partnership; municipality or organization to provide solid waste services in~iew Hanover County without written approval of the New Hanover County Man~lger or his designee. 10. ~ "I'errnination. This agreement may be terminated by either party at any time, upon three huzzdred.silty-five (~6~) days written notice to the other party. 'This notice provision shall l7ot apply to revocations as described in section 44'-~~.5 of the ?'view ~~anover County Code. This franchise may be ~.nodified or revoked by the County in the event that an ordinance. is passed by the hoard of~ Co7r~nissioners creating an exclusive, franchise system for solid waste col e~cti~n. 11. Non-tiUaiver of Ri~~hts. It is agreed that County~s failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this agreement or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of anv performance during such breach, shall not constitutz a waiver of any ri~~_nts -under-this agreement. 12. Ec~?iai C~pr~ortuni.ty. In connection ~vitll the performance of this agreement. Operator agrees not to discriminate against anv employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age,,disability, or national origin. ,~ 13~: ~,ntire Affreement. This agreement constitutes the entiro understandin~~~ of the parties with regard to the provision of solid waste collection and disposal. No moditica~tion or rescission of this agreement shall be effective un~ess evidenced by a writing signed by both parties to this agreement. IN ~rITNESS T•HEIZEO~', the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, by authority ciuly given, on the day and year first move tivritten: • Ne~v ~ano~~~ ~Coun~v Contrac± #0 - (SEAL) NEW.HANOVER COUNT' ATTEST: Ted Davis. Chairman ---~ Board of Commissioners Lucie F. Harell Clerk to the Board ` OPERATOR [CORPORATE SEAL] ATTEST: Cor»orate Secretary President This instrument has been pre-audited in the ma:nz~er rewired by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control_ Act. Approved as to form: C-ounty Finance Director County At~torne_y NORTH CAROLINA NE~V HANOVER COUNTY - ~ - ~- ~ --L ~ ~ ~ , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harz•ell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that sl:~e is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover. County, and that by authority duly Qiven and as the aci of the Board, the` foreQo~ing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed ~,vith its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of .2002. Notary Public ~y commission expires: Ne~v I~Tanover Con~a#y Con#rzc# #0 - ~~ NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY I, , a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, certify_that - - - - ------,.personally came before me this day .and achnowledQed that (s)he is Secretary of , a corporation, ~~ and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal ar~d attested by him/herself as its Secretary. ~YITNESS my hand and official seal.. this _ day of , ?0~2. Notary Public . NIv commission expires: • {7'i~ p~be inten~`i®~c~l~~y 1~,~~ hl~n1~} ^~. ~JE'~ ~i,4~1®'~J~~ C~~T°( BC9ARt~ ~~ G~3~~1~~i~~l~~3~ ~tE~3Ui=ST 9=0R ~~3A~~ ~Cv1"td~~1 Nlae#ing date: 04~/15/0~ .Regular item #: 14 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: DSS i'resenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal __.. SUBJECT: 875 S~9bsidiz~d Child Cage Prograrra ~'aybac'~ BRIEF SU1~/19'JIARY: New Hanover County received a_ request from the Department of Health and Human Services fer immediate repayment of funds illegally obtained by a relative of a DSS. employee in 1 999. This employee caused her sister to receive seme $62,000 in funds for subsidized child care services which had not been rendered. The case was addressed by the judicial system and the recipients of funds are required to repay that amount received.. To date we have received and submitted to the State $7,030 of the amount due. However, because this finding was discovered and reported in a 1999 audit the State Auditing Unit is requesting immediate repayment of the balance of $54,969. The Social Services Board recommends that the payment not be submitted. RcC{)MIV1E1lIDED MflTdON A~3D RIrQ.llES~1'1=D ACTIONS: After indepth discussions of this matter with the Finance Director, it is recommended that repayment be submitted as requested by the State. 1=UI~IDING SOURCE. A`rTAC~I~I'iEIVTS: RE`IIEV~JED B~f: LEGAL: FII~IANCE: Appro~re BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MAI~IACER'S COMIVIEI~TS ACID RECi~I~~ 1 recommend fu.! payment as required by the State. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIflP~7S/COiV19V1ENTS: ~M~iSS~A~~ i ~~ ~ J ,~i~~ROVED ^ REJECTED REI~0VED ^ POSTPONED ^ MERRD ~ } RTE - ., ~„..° m.; OFFICE O1' THE COIJiYT~'MANAGER 32fl CI-~ESTi~1UT S'IRI'rET, ROOM X02 ~I~,NIINGTO~1, NOi~T~~ CAROLINA 24()3-4fl58 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7184 F4X (9I0) 341-437 i~~tC V(O R~~\N I~ Uwe TO: New Hanover Count~~ F3oard of Conlmrs: oners ~~ PR01vI: Ai leis O'Neal, County Manager ~ ' ~' Patricia A. Melvin. Assistant County t ~Iana~er :1LLEN O'NEAI. County Manager :A~{DT2IrtiV J.:ATt<7~SO~I CP °~~ Depute Cuunty !~I ul ~~~e; PATP.ICiA A. h'(LLVTN vJ Assistant County YLanager D:1VID I~. WEAVER Assistant County Manager - - 4_l~_Chest:utt_St,eet.-Roon~.1.0-~-_ Telohhune (910) ~=ll-719 Fax (910j 341--F035 RE: ,agenda Item -DSS Subsidized Chid Care Progran~l Pati~back The item referenced above will be on the April l ~`'' meeting agenda -For your consideration. i ha~~e been contacted by a Star-~(ew~s reporter concerning this item. The information beio«~ will provide some insigh+. for you. Ne',-v 1-iallover County has received a request from ?~he D~:pt. cf i-Lealth and I-lrunan Sereices i~or immediate repay nlent of ('ands ilfc~~~ally obtained by a relative of a DSS enlplo;'ee in 1999. This cmplo~ ee caused her sister to receive some ~a62,000 in funds Tor subsidi2ed child cane services which had not been rendered. The case was addressed bv_ the judici~>t system and the recipients oaf funds are required to repay that amount received. To date ~,ve ha~~e received al~d submitted to the State ~7,0~0 ofihe amount due. I-ion-veer, because thi~~ ~indin r ~.~-as discovereci and reported in a 1.,999 audit the State Auditing Unit is requestin<r in,ll~ediate- repavnicnt of the balance of `~S4;9b9. The Social Services Board rec~~mmencfs that the p~lyrn('llt nOt ~~e SLIJ!111`li;fJCl. Auer ilideptt~ discussions of this matter with the Finance Director, ihave determined thallwe leave bi~fser issues to fight with the State. Thus, it is reconunendeci that repayment be submitted as requested by tl~le State. This recommendation is inconsistent with that o~Fthe DSS Board. znd the request for immediate repayment is inconsistent~vi'th advice and procedures previously fo((owed by DHEIS. No~.vever, ii is an audit ~dnding which was reported by VfcGladrey and Pullen concernin« use ot~subsidized ~tilnds. and I reel it must be addressed ~tippropr~iatel,;. Pieria feel free to call Pat vlelvin or me if yotl have questions. '~~~ " ~' ~~ w:}~ ~Y4A +7b . ° ~~ • ~~ool-~ooa~ Sherman Lee C~iner, Cflair.~,an lean L. Ch~~}r, Vice-Chairman Thomas i. Arthur 1'hvllis Gorham Frnnltie Roberts Allen O'Neal Court.- ~;-iar_a`~r ~z~w Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street tiV;Inlington; tiC 28='G1 ~~ ~ TI` ' ` r ~~..~ 1650 GREENFIELD STREET POST OFFICE DR,~tiVER 1559 ~IILNI~i~TON, NORTH CARflLIN ~ 2802-155 T.~L.EPHO~~iE (91Gj 341-=~?00 F~,Y(91~J) 3.11-40~? __ April l; 2062 R~: ~~:~'t)sidi~~1 Clai3c7 ~Cat~e ~'ro~ram ~'ayb~c~s - ~~~:ret~r~ C~L~crrs's fetter o~ ~'!~~~rzh ~, 2G02 Dear YIr. O'Neal: The Board of Social Services received a cop}> of Szereiarv Odoul's letizr to you dated I~[areh 5; 2002. At our meeting on l~I,arch 2i, 2002, we discussed the Iz~ter and tl;z history beflind~-the letter. l~ e bellzw that your response to the aa~lizr cor?'espondence i:n which you ~L~o.r~~~ d :~7,0~(~,Qt) r-enr°s~~r;n t~? CcSC~~~~lun I'PC21Ved as OIFZCJrLIar: a. ?G!~2~ anCi OiIZ~CCi t0 SL1bI71Ii p~tir;',;.L'iS as t1i.." WeCe C~Celvzd I~aS appropriate. ~~Ve tahe e~cepticn to the, Szerzt~v's arbitrary' treatment of thz Qai~ance and pG'._cy Ln[C1 uCellti0i1 ~iVc'"1'OV he!' O~V'il D1ViSiOT'i OI Cillid D`~CIOpi11eC?T 0`.1C" ih° ~'ic15i SCVO:'dl `+e'~rS. ~~_11rtr1P,i, '4V~, illld ii C°pr~h~IiSlDlc Ch a[ lli% Dep21CII11ent 0? ~ii:,'~.I[l1 1I1 ~ I~IUI'12:n `jZ^~;ICeS C:'e1C5 TIiC ~.,OL1i1TV_ DepclCt[11ent OT JOC13l ~cCb'ICC;`i C1S the!r a'?eii`l tilt In tf7iS Case, tdlCc ;i0 CeSp011S?~?Ilti~`, rTliS ISSt:e fS a))Oilt !7101'C; rhlitl '~~~=1;~)~y.(~i~). ~I~lle ~C.CI'c't1lti 5 hOS!tlGn l1CiC1E'.CI11il1:,S file CGlli:epC ChE1L file JC 1'.e dil~. Llie L Ollll':1_ lI"e p 11 C!,"I'S In i':c' CIc'.IIV%i'Y of services. `~.1`.~ritL!Cli dlscLlJslon. %i?e Board Gf SCCIaI `Jer'/ICeS 'vCted UnanlIllC)LI~iV LQ r~COCClI"rzlld LiiaT `:'Ct! ]10I SLILC^;T the ~~'!,~n9.00 as dzrlanded and hlrthzr that you ~n;lst filar the Department of Heath and HLlman Services honor the policy decisions and advice !"endzrzd bV its own staff inthe Division o'FChild Develovmz,lt. S illcerely. ~ . 1 ~, -- Shenllan Lee Crinzr Chairman New Hanover CoLlr:ry Boa rci of Social Services xc: ~ Ted Davis L~ruce Shell Pat Melvin l~~;L_~~cR: ,`I:R SIC'~~~Lli4'":7:,`SSOC::a?:~'Or~IOFC'Or~IV':'180.-!1'•.~S' OF SOS I.~L S~ ~,' ICES {7'hi~~a~e inte~ti~nally left blc~~~}. n ~IB~I HP+~{)\IBB CCt~1VT°f B©AR~ CF C+~~~DlSSlC~~RB Ri=flU~ST FflR B~3AR~ AflTI~N ll/leeting ®ate: fl4/151fl2 • Regular Item #: .15 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Contact: Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Consideration b~ hoard to het a Date for ~t~iding A Discussion as Public iaearing on the Possible Enactment of an Additions! One-~aif Cent (112 cent) Sales Tax Authorized by The General Asser~abi~r ia~i~~ su~nnnA~~: The additional /2 cent sales tax that was enacted by the General Assembly !ast year is to expire on July 1 , 2003. At that time, the counties are authorized to enact the sales tax on their behalf. In order to enact the sales tax, a public hearing must be held. R;=CQf~!MEfNDED MCTif~ly AND RE~U;=STED ACTIONS: Consider beginning the process for enacting the 1 /2 cent sales tax to be~ effective July 1 , 2003. Set a date for a public hearing. rUND81~JG SOURCE: ATTAC;~fllIE~1TS: ' ,. ?.ride 4- Sale<_ i 3X.v0C Re_olution Third Or~zy~-~zL` Cer~ Szles Tax.d~c R~v!E~~~E>~ e~: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUCGET: HUI~/IAN RESOURCES: N/A COU?~!T`l iV1ANAGcrR'S COi~rlMEiti9TS A~1D BECGMII~ENDATi0NS: Recommend the Board set a date, at a regular meeting, for a public hearng. The attached resolution is only the sampl 't't~~resolution you will be required to approve in the event you support this action, C,_„ COI~11M1SS10NERS' ACTIONS/COt~IIiUIENTS: , • flfltfnlT`P CflMi~1SSI0N~fi~~ (~''"'C!~ED O i ~,,.. ,"rTED ^ ~r~.J1YED Pf?a'~PONED !-iEhRD ©A~E .._ ...J ~~~ ~~ :~~~rn Tfl: New Hanover County Board of Co/ missioners TNFtflI~flH: Allen O'Neal, County Manager ~; ~.. F~3fl~l: Cam Griffin, Budget Director ~~~~''/ ®AT~: April 3, 2002 ~~: A~3T1~L~ 44 SALES TAB ~T~IAD {~N~-~IAL;= C~~1T (1/2~) t_t)flAL C3PTlflt~) The North Carolina Budget Act of 2001 (Senate Bill 1005) increased the State sales tax by one-half cent (1/2~) to 4 1/2 percent as part of the package to balance the budget. This new sales tax is temporary; and it will sunset on June 30, 2003. The budget-balancing package also includes a provision that discontinues the reimbursements to local governments in fiscal year 2003-04. To replace these / revenues, the State has authorized counties to enact an additional one-half cent (1/2~) ~ J local optior ~ sales tax, in effect allo~Ning counties to`"continue the one-halfi cent (1 i2~) State sales tax. The effect on taxpayers would be neutral: The Board or' County Commissioners may enact the new sales tax at any time by resolution, but it cannot be effective until July 1, 2003. According to the March 2002 edition of the "County Lines,' published by the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, some Commissioners have expressed a fear that the State will keep the sales tax beyond June 30; 2003; while simultaneously leaving counties without their reimbursements. James 8. Blackburn; Genera! Council to the 1\lorth Carolina Association of County Commissioners; states: '`This might not be a bad time to enact the resolution. We think there will be some additional farces against an action to retract that legislation if a lot of counties have already taken action to enact that sales tax.'' The new local option tax would be distributed as follows: 50% based on point of origin 50% based on populaticn (per capita) -J ~~ -2- The new tax is intended to replace the reimbursements for inventory ~ taxes, the intangible tax, the elderly homestead exemption, and the sales tax on food stamp transactions. Preliminary estimates are that New Hanover County would receive $5.8 million in revenue firom the tax, which would exceed the lost reimbursements by $1.3 million. The State requires not less than ten days notice of a public hearing on the adoption of the local option sales tax. Please let me know if you would like me to publish a public hearing notice to start the process for enacting the Third One-half Cent (1 /2c) Local Option Sales Tax. Attachment • • I2ES~JLUTI~N LE~%'~'I~fG'I'~-1L ~'I~I~:33 ®?~iE-CALF C'Li'e1'~ (1/2~) L®~C;AL (p~4F~NN~LN~ S.~LFS AN'<3 LiSE ~:~~ ANA P~ES~I~il~i~l~ TIDE N~PTP3O1~ ®~' I~~S'~~~i~U I'1®~! (~~ THE PR~CFL~S `uIT~~N N~~~ ~I.~N~VE~ ~~UN~Y ~L~'~S, the General Assembly has authorized the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to levv a one-hal_f percent (1/2~%) local sales and use tai by enacting N.C.G.S. - ~ J. ___ ___ - ~ 10~-517(b) in Section 34.14(x) of Session Law 2001-424; and, yV~:AS; the New Hanover County :Board of Commissioners held the public hearing on the issue of adopting this resolution on . 20_. as required by N.C.G.S.:1.0~-~17(b) and proper public notice of the Board's intent to consider this resolution was provided as required by N.C.G.S. 10~-517(b); and, ~~~IZFAS, the General Assembly levied none-half percent (~1i2~',~0) State sales tax effective Octobi~r X16, 2001; by enacting Section 3=1.1~(a) of Session Law ?00:1-~?~, and this tax expires July 1, 2000; the same day the sales and use tax levied hereby becomes effective; and as a result the Board's action herein will not result in an increased sales and usa tax for the consumer: and. w~HFAS, tls of July 1, X103; New Hanover County will lose ~~.~ million in funds made available by the State of North Carolina to replace revenue lost because of legislative action: (1) to repeal sales taxes imposed on purchases made with Food Stamps; {2) to repeal property taxes imposed on inventories held by manufacturers; retailers, and wholesalers; (3) to repeal tales on intangible personal property; and, (4) .,t~ reduce taxes levied on residential "`~~~ property owned by low-income elderly taxpayers; and, ~r~6'~~~J~:~S, the 'New 1-lanover Couni~J Board of Commissioners h~reL;;r finds thaf., particularly in light of the circumstances cited herein; the levy o~f the Third One-1-~l~llf Cent (.i./2~~) Local Government Sales and Use Tax is necessary to adequa(:e1y finar,,ce the operations of the County and the cities and towns herein. N~~~J, ~H~~F~'~~~, BF~ ~T ~~S~L~%L~ b_v the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: (1) There is hereby imposed and levied within New Hanover County the Third One.-half Cent (7./2~;) Local Government Sales and Use Tax authorized by Section 3=1.14{a) of Session Law 200.1-424 and codified as Article 44 of Ci-iapter 10~ of the General Statutes of Norti^f Carolina. The tax hereby imposed and levied shall-apply to the same extent and be. subject to the - same limitations as are set forth in said Session Law 2001-424. (~) Collection of the tax by the North Carolina Secretary of Revenue, and liability therefore. shall begin and continue on and after the first day of J~u1y, 2003. J • (3) The net. proceeds of the tax levied herein shall be distributed by the Secretary of Revenue on a quarterly basis to New Hanover County as prescribed by N.C.G.S. 105-5?0. The amount distributed to New Hanover County shall be divided among the County and the municipaiitie~s herein in accordance with the me~Chod by which the one percent (1c/c) sales and use taxes levied in New Hanover County pursuant to Article 39 of General St~ituCes Chapter 105 are distributed. (~) This Resolution is effective upon its adoption; and a certified copy hereof shall be forwarded to the North Carolina Secretary of Reve-nue. Adopied this da~~ of . 20_ • Ted Davis. Jr.. Chairman New Hanover County -Board of Commissioners • Lucie F. Harrell. Clerk to the Board ~~ '~ 1 { 'his ~ccge ir~te~ti®~r~lly left blc~,~k} F~ MEETING OF THE WATER ANH SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW I4ANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. 1. Non-Agenda Items limit to 3 mimrtes) ~ . 65 2. Approval of Minutes b7 3. Consideration of Request for Sewer Expansion - Creekstone Community 69 4. Acceptance of Public Dedication: Greenview Ranches Right-of=Way, Area A; Middle ~ 89 Sound Right-of--Way, Area B 5. Coi~sideration.of Wastewater Impact and Development Fees Lady of America - 522 S. 95 College Road ADJOURN • • ,~ ~.,.a { ~'h~~ pc~~~ i~t~~~ionc~~l~ l~~t ~l~nk} ~VEVV ~iA~VG1/E~ GOU~VT~' ~~~-~i~ aF CflM~liBSS~~J~JE~S REC3U~ST FflR B(~AR~ A~TID~1 Meeting Data: ®4/1 B/02 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: [department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contaot: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: _ _ ___ __. _ _ _. Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval ~of minutes for the meeting held on April 1 , 2002. . RECflMMEiVDED MtdT1CiV A1~]D REc2U~STED ACTi0~3S: Approve minutes. FUIVDlNG SOURCI=: ATTACHMEiVTS: IT.~M L3flES /1IOT ~iEQC,'lRf R~'1/l~'VV • • C®lfiU1~P COMMISSION APPROVED REJECTED ^ REMOVED O r POSTPONED HEARD ©A~'E ~ - - { 'his p~g~~ i~tenti~~c~iiy l~~t black} I, ~ ~~~~4'; , ~s Q~*~qq /q y EJ ~ ~~~ ,; ~~ ~y 1t.• {- ~ ~M1 d n ~ ~~1~ R1EU11 ~~~Jai/E~ G~~l~1VT'l'B~~-RD (~F Cfl~4~S~i®E~S.. , `REQUEST FflR SOARD A~i'iON . i1J1e~$ing D~~te: X4/15/©~ '' ~ Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number;• , Department: Engiri'eering Presenter: Gary W. Ahlberg ' C©ritact: Wyatt ,Blanchard SUBJECT: . __ .-- ~ --- - - - - w_______°.~ - -_ R~c~+~est ft~r 5~~nrer Exp~risi~r3 - Cr~skstQr~~ ~omma.~r~ity o Bib;=s SL9MMARY: The sewer dine which will serve the .new jail on Blue Clay ~Fioad is being constructed from the north near Parmele Road (See attached map>: The sewer line runs along Creekstone Lana and then to the ` jail site. There are ,seventeen (17)-homes which may..connect to the Setiver along Creekstone. - Connecting to Creekstone Lane is a street called. Plumtree Lane.' There are eleven (1 1) homes on Plumtree. The residents. on Plumtree have asked for the sewer to be extended up Plumtree Isee attached Plumtree Lane map). Also attached is a sheet from the Health 'Department that indicates`. there have been nine (9) septic report permits issued for Creekstone and Plumtree 'since 1 987. Vile have Looked at two options .for providing sewer along Plumtree ,Lane. The first is to provide 1,033 feet ~of se~,nrer line .to-tile -end of Plumtree to serve all the homes at an estimated cost of X81 ;7OQ or $7,427 per unit. The second. option would be to oonstruct only 602 feet of line at a. cost of S58,OOO oc 56,444 per unit. This would serve all' the homes except two. .' Funds exist in the Water and Sewer fund or the.jail capital projecfi fund to executa this project.° A decision needs to be made on~the 15th to take advantage of the Seuen contractors which is.beirig mobilized, in `the area {spe attached memo). P,Iso attached is .the, previous agenda item and the information previously presented by the residents. ,y`~ J?ECOJUIMEPlIDcrv' i1J9UTICJ9e3 ANJ~ J3EOUESTEJ3. AGTJ0~15; Consider request from Creekstone Community and funding mechanism. E~~>1DiJ1JG SflUt~CE: . AT7Q,CHME~JTS:. BE',/dE~NED B~/: LEGAL: JV/A FINANCE: J~/A BUDGET: ~1/A -HUMAN RESOURCES': N/A Ct3tJJ1JT~ JVIAI~IACE~'S COMME>~JTS AJVJ~ ~tEC~3f'JJJViEi~DATJJJVS: , ' . Recommend approval of-project. If approved; the Board will need to decide if_the ,project is-funded by the Water and 'Sew r~(~istrict or the.Jail Project. The Health Department staff endorses sewerirg this area. ' ~ GOJV3NIJSSJt7~JEJ3S~ ~ ~rioJ~~/can~JVJ~~TS: r~O~JIU1rP COR~MISSI(~NER~i APPROVEf~ ~ l REJECT~"~ ~ , REMOVC~ D '"~' .. POSTPONED ® ~ ~~ ...HEARD 8 ~ ¢' _- DATE - ." ,` % \~iQ~~ ~I %~ ~, SEWER LINE ROUTE ER~~ 1A!! C ITS ~~L!`4311 •w.ra i ~ .. ,f, Y '" • i ~~~r -_ - - ~ i_ ----' i Ne~~v Hanover County _~~~t~~~ ~ c~~ ,~~~~~~ ~~~~ Ma,p-Not-To-Scale 3/05/02 W c 67 N ~ A -~ C f~ O C D W -' C7 C~ C7 C7 C~ ~7 -0 "D n CD CD CD CG C D C = C ~ p (D CD CD CD N ~ J ~ N J3 V7 cn V) cn ~ CD CD (D ~ 0 ~ TT ~ ro ~ c~ ~ c~ ~ m ~ m m N m r r r r r r ~ ~_ _ ~_ ns_ v-- . ,~ - _ _ T.- ~ . _ v._ . ~?. ~ J J J J ~ i~ O O O O --~ -~ O O O '-I N ~ cn c~ N o -p c,~ N m N O -> ' (V ~ N N O O ~ N O 'v t CO N O ~ O ~ CO O ~ O Cfl ~ ~ C^ C~ C W C ~ C U~ I O O C,~ ~! Ut ~l V1 m I ~ Q rn o w o- N N c a u ~ ~ .p CO W o -~ O N G7 ~i v1 '~1 C~~ ~a V1 f n -~ m o ~ j l o 0 0 I ° co -~ ~ m o ~ ~~ ~ ~ w ~ o~ rn ~ ~; o co " o ~ -~ co ~,. C7 C7 C) ~ C7 -~ o o - c - - o -~ z z ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ z `~ C < < m ~~ + ~ -~ A z '- z z - - - - - r - - - r m 0 0 ~ c o 0 0 o o c _ _ _ _ 1 ~ -a ~ A C -P C -P +`- -P -F O o C O O O O O C O ..~ C O O G O O O O O r -1 -P ~l N N GJ C.J G'i ~ O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 -P N 07 -> G'J CO ~ - N 0 0 O O O O O O O O O C O O C O O C C O O O O O C O O J `~ s~ ~ ~~ °~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ev"° `~` {" b ttrK-U~-000~ WKU U~ ~ 14 Aft NHL trNl~ 1 NK~.K 1 Nu r Hx NU. y 1 U X41 4uu~ r. u ti uc Tfl: ~oa:d ~f County' Catnmissian~rs ~~fl~: ~Ty~tt E, Fl~uachard; ~. E. ~~ bounty 1/n~neet . ;: Construction of Se~rrer Syst~na oar Pram Free Lane ~ . 7n r~spans~ to your req~iest at the 1Vionday night Carnmissioner's mee¢in~, the se~v~r contractor is scheduied tc cc~nsta~act e sewer Tine along Creel~star~~ lane. ~c ~lrst week in :June. Ta pre~ient additiarlal cost of relacatin~ ~~taiprncnt, it will be necessary to 1~ave the c,onstructio~ pla~.s prepared. prior to dune. To accomplish this it will he nec~ssa.ry' to male ~. decision conceriaing she plum Tree sewer at the April l~ r~°Yeetin~. At~tach°d is a capy a'f au e9anail irom max a~-~,v~ll cancerning this prajec~. if yoga neeri ~ddition~l information #eel free to cantaot rr~e. At~tachmerlt cc: Allen fl'~lcal, Ct~tzraty ~~na~er I~awe ~Jeaver, Assistant r~aunt,~ Tvia.na~er • ~, nr~-urcuuc WCU UtS~l4 H!'I lYtiV C.lYlr114t:CItllYlr rnn IYV, ~lU J41 4ucc r, uuuc """ Max Mta~leil 70: Wyatt 8lanchard/NHC ~,.-,~'~'` - cc: {bcc: archive) ~'~ ~ `~ 04!02/02 41:24 PM Subject;, PrOpns2d Flom tree Sewer E;ctension ,.~„ ,, Wyatt, Aeoording to the latest construction schedule from Dellinger lnc. the sewer line that tuns from manholz 5 to manhole 6 is scheduled to be installed the fiat week of June. This is the sewer line that runs across €'!um Tr2e lane. if we are to install sewer lines up Plum Tree it wi11 have to ~ per,"ormed the first of June so not to impact Dellinger's construction schedule. As you know the sewer extension for Plum Trees is not designed and it will take approx. 30 days to design and issue drawings to Dellinger. It will take approx. 3 to d weeks for delivers/ time for Dellinger to order the additianal manholes for Plum Tree Lane. We will need to haae G decision no later than the April i 5th meeting in order install the Plum Tree sewer extension and not impact the construction schedule. It is very critical that we do not delay Dellinger in any way that may delay the Jail Project. )f you have any guestion, pleave let me know, Thanks, fViax ~~~ March :~ , 2002 '~'~: ~~unty C~am.~iss%~~ers . ~`1 ~~ ~~~i~1: Wyatt ~.:Blan~haxd ;~~`' '=~ ~~~.~raty ~nglne~r V . ~.,: ~etiv~r - I~1~x~.tree . The sewer line which tivill serve the ne~%v jail on Blue Slav Road is being co~ZStructed.fromthe ~lorth neat Parrnele Road (see attached map). The sewer line = ~,rLrns~~long ~reekston~ L arse and then cross country to the jail site. There are seventeen (~I'7) ho~7~es which will have availability of thesetiver along Cre~lcstoxle. ~~-. .~ Connecting to Creelcstone Lane is a street called hlumt-ree Laze. There are . eleven (11) homes on Plurntxee. The residents on ?~lumtree.have asked for the sewer to be extended up 1'lumtree (see attached l'lumtree Lame rnap). We~have looked at ttivo options for providing se~wex along Plun~i Tree Lane. The first is to provide 1033 feet of sewer line to the eild of T'lu~ntree at our estimated cost of $~ 1, %00 or ~ 1,427 per unit.. The second option would be to construct only b02 feet of line at ~ .cost of ~5~,000 or ~~,444 per ~,~init. This would serve all the homes except ttivo. The line could be shortened if the last utlit5 do not want sewer. The attached map will help explain the two sewei line options. ~iVE~/aj . • p~ Pu~~o~~ FO~~O~J-~~ iu~~~Tl~GS ~lT~ c0~T~Y STAFF (8I2~fl0 & ~l~oo~) ~~v~~o~ ~~0~~l~G R~.~f~o~~~l~ w~Ti-~ cou~T~ ~~ITIGAT~ UVAT~R QUALiT`( l~JiPAC T S TO P~i~IC~ GEO~.G~ CREED 1/'~ATERSHED I~JIPOSE.~ ~~( CUiti~~~TliO~ ~cVELOi='1~iE~1T liVi~ACTS 1~ A OO~SERVATl~'3~ L.A~D-USE AREA E~:TE~ ~0~1T~' OF SEOTV~F~ RESO~F~ZO~ T O TAE OO~II~'!-~T~ COiU~i'~l..~~iT`(- FLU~Tr~EE L1~JE B~JC~GET A~~~~iUlE~T F.EA~1~E FAVOF~AB!-E COST-BE~EFlT 9~ C~A~SGE Oi~~ER TO V\lORi~ ! FF;OGRESS FOR JAIL SE~I~JEF. (~EL~.1C~ER) ESTAE~lS~; ~~F~~A~~~~~~T ~~~~FTl0 FROG! T A~,l~FA~T, OR ASSESS~°~~Ei~,lT FEES F0~ FREES T Oa~~~ 5~~~!'~1510 E~ F~ESO~ UTl0~i n t+~ ~~ M . •...__-_. . ~. _ _~y~ i~ ~~ ~°°-~ `~~ ` + ~ :! _ ~ J r' i ~ ~ ! yi # '~ 3 ~~ _ ', ~ .. -3 _:ay ~~ µ' ~:.~ w. ~d .. _ g ~j Y f~ y ~o....r+ a `~ ~~,. ~! .. _:i -,~ s~°"' ~'A c u, • 1`a a~Y z ~ ~Y ~ ~ ~t -~- ~. g ~~ ~ ~~ tip, ~~ ~ ~~ ~:- ~~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ^ . ~~, t ~ ~,.~ ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ o, ~ ,~ .~ ~ ~ _~ ~ y F rs ; } ' t ~~. 5 ; `7 f ti~ 'y~~ r,,..-+ l ~'~ i i,~" ;] • ,~1; ,~".°' ~, ,, ti l® a~P y ~~_ ~ "~ sy - CREEi~STONE PETiTiOi`~ !i~ Aid EFi=QRT TO Ii~PRO~IE E.~~Ii~Oi'~ll~E~iTAL At~D F'UBLiC ~1EALT~i C0~1DiTiO~S iiy T HE AREA A~1D M1TlOATE POTENTIAL 9i\JiPACTS O~ THE ~IEVV ~IA~lOVER COlJ~ITY JAIL. PROJECT Oi~1 EXISTii\!G DE~/E~OPIViE~T, THE CREEi~STO~E CO~~i~Ut~iT`~ REQUESTS THAT THE CO~JiIVIISSIOI~EP.S TAKE THE FO~LOiNIiuG ACTIONS: ADVISE CC~li4lT~' ST,4~~ TO PREPARE A EUDGET AiUIE~ID~i1E~IT POR COI~STR~JCTiO~I OF THE PL'~IUiTREE ~i'~E SEDER LiiUE AS A CHA~lOE. ORDER TO DE~~II~O~R, iI~C.'s CONTRACT POR THE JAIL i='RC~JEC T . ESTIie.~ATED COST = ~82,OOO.Q~ ADOPT A RESOI.~JTIO~I E~EIV~PTii~10 AFL E~ISTIi'~O AI`~D F~JT~RE i='ROPERT~( C~i~~ERS ~RO~l9 A°~° Cfl~3T~' irEES (TAi=', li•~PAC T ) ~,SSOCIATED V111TH THE CONS T RUCT101~ OP THE S~~~ER S`(STE~~ ill THE C~EEI~S T OBE S~BDi',lISIO~ ACID CO~ECTIOS TO D~IE~~I~~GS. ADOP T A RESO~~TIOI~ TO PRECLUDE FUTURE JAi~. SI T E ACCESS ~/IA ROADS I~ THE CREEI~STO~E SUSDi\IISiOi~l. FORS AI~I AD~IISOR°~ COI~II~/IITTEE U~IHiCH PRO'~IIDES i~=ORi~ilATlO TO T!-~E LOCAL COI~/II~JIUiT~'~' ACID SEEDS PUSLlC INPUT REOARDI~10 THE STATUS OF THE JAiL PROJECT, PLI~LIC SAFETY'" ISS~IES, Ai~ID OTi-IER' E~ T ED iS SAES 11~i-iiC~ A`t' E~~=ECT THE. COIV11V1 ~ ~I ITS' . MAF?CH 11, 2002 ~~ . ~ Name ., Address " Signature ---> . 2. _ :~: r.' ' ~~ ~h~' 1 ~ cr n T ~ e ~. ~ ,~~ - % IUv r1 LZJ`~' ` 1'~C ~,~I, `=J'L't~~ ,tom ~ -~ ~J ~. .~ /~ / /~ C G~ " ~ r _ ~ ~~ ~, ~' ,,t~'f `(l,l ,d ~~ l~~-1.~ '~ ~~1~ ' ~~ ~ tel. i 1 ~f~ " 1t ~:~ ~ ~ ~' "' C~ (//~ ) ~ jI ~ /~ C~ ~) ,,J. .. 1 ~ ~ , , ~, ((_.d ", `' ~ ~l~ ~~/j~~~~ •! V/~l G i J ~ ~l (r~ iJ ":/'1 1,.`1{ ~~1 J ~n-'Z- /j", ~ ~~~~/ ~.~, ..10. 1'1. "~ ~~~~ 1~ i).. 3 ~~ ;>- 14. I S. _ _ ~ " l " 1 c" ----- 1;'. -. IQ. 1 ~, .?.0. ' ,. ..,~. r. ~ ~ ~ _ ,.. 23. - , ~~. 2~ - ~d ,- - - - .,~, " ~ ~1'y ,~ ~, ~?, p 1415 !.I ~ 7 1 . ~ ~1~ t i (~ .i 9, d w h~r _ . -I ~ ,yN~, ~~ T 'I ~ i '' F~ ~~ , ~ 'S`~ , Y2r } rl T ~ .~ +~ F .~ x ~ ~ I [ J 1 ~ t ~ 7 tYt .,~.~. ~1~~ _' ihs.u~ p~'~y~ ~}'~l~i^ . J y.F 2L`~L '~~5+. ~b Y ~ ~R-~."ra ~_ .. ~ i _ , r 7 T, r ,.a. .~ [;L.. ~. ru_ 2~ ;i I ~I'''"'~'~ ~ I L ~~ M ~ ? 19 y e. i t 7 ~„, it 1~,~~15~.~`p1 y r t y ~. _ ~~4'> ki~7~1Y Lf ~ ~ ~ S't't La ~X* ~i+^lif r a ~`i~~~'~ ~'d~'~r,~r ~ '~ ~ t ,,r~~~` ti ~.,,~, ~ ti {,~ w~ al ;~ ~I!~ yl ' 9.7~jr,.`s '~~ 1:=a'`gr"{i+~, ~t "q- zzr ~.e :c ~T ~ ~','~,.. ; ~.::i ie S L4~ ~ r~ ~~~ p,'~ t... F w ~ r ~?~lmrw~ I T` Y ~Vindo~~s vie~fvjail °l ~, Plumtree Lane home Plumtree Lane home Creekstone dead end • 1 ~ ®F~'IC~ ©~' TIC COUNTY NIAI~TA~~R 320 CHE TNL1'I' STRE.~T, I~'0®~'I 502 ti~IL~IIN~'I'ON, NORTH CAROLINA .28401-~05~ TELEPHONE (910) 341=718~f ~::~~ (9' 0) 311--1027 January 30, 2002 Dear Ms. Richter et al: ALLEN O'NEAL County 1V~anager ANDI2E'~' J. ATKI''ti SON CPA Deputy County Manager PATRICIA A. ~ELv~ Assistant County Manager DAVID F. WEAVER Assistant County Manager k14 Chestnut Street, Room 101. Telephone (9 i0 j 3d 1-7li9 The County EnQine~r has estimated it will cost appro~urimately $85,000 to expand setiver down Plum Tree Lane. i~io`v that we ha~~a the infcrr~ation on cost for the sewer extension in your area; I'd like to inforn you and your neighbors-about the process for seel~in~ expansion of the. sewer into your area. .] ~t"oii andyeur neighbors need to submit a request for e:>pansion of se~%er down Plum _ Tree Lane. Four request should be made to Robert C. Creer the Chairman for the ~~iater and Sewer District_ His mailing address is 320 Chestnut Street; Room 305, ti~iimin~ on; ~~C 28401. The Commissioners must decide how the,cost of e.~-tendina ser~~ice dolvn Plum Tree Lane will ~be covered. They could ~deeide that all residents bear the cost, that the County would bear the cost or some combination of the two, The ne;~~t regular C-ounty Commissioners me;:iina is .February 18 at 9:00 a.m. If you would rather corr~e to a night meeiing, i~/Iarch 11 is the ne:;t ni?ht meeting tiz-hich begins at 5:~5 p.m. Please indicate in your letter to Chairman Ci-reer ~,vhich ~rLeeiir~G time is best for ycu. . If you have any questions concerning the aciual steps that must be taken.to have setiver constructed in your area, ~LVyait Blanchard is the County EnUneer in charge of all tivater and sewer construction in~the county. IIe can be readied at 341-7129. Sincerely Aridretiv .Atkinson C: ~Lyatt Blanchard Robert G. Greer, Chairn~an, ~~/ater and Server District Nancy Pritchett, Vice Chairman, ti~ater-and Sewer District . ~1 P.O. BOX 58~ WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402 February 28, 2002 V1A FIND I3EL9VERY Mr. Robert G. Greer, Vice Chairman New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, l~lorth Carolina 28401 RE: REQUEST FOR SE1/~/ER EXPANSION NE~,N HANOVER COUNTY JAIL'PROJECT CREEKSTONE SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Greer: (`1 The Creekstone Community is located directly north of the new County Jail facility currently under construction. This project has accelerated de~aelopment of the water and sewer system in this area of Nevv Hanover County. In fact, the se~Ner line to the jail facility is under construction now and will be laid down a portion of 'our subdivision, Creekstone Lane, over the ne;<t se~~era1 weeks. From envi>•onrnental; public health,-and ecorcrnic perspectives, we believe that it is in the best interest or' the County to maximize the benefit of this new infrastruciure. ~Ne respectfully request the opportunity to present our petition and proposal to the Board at the next scheduled 'New Hanover County Commissioners Meeting on March 11, 2002. Development in the area is placing increased impacts on an area designated for "Conser`iation° in the County Land Use Plan. The cumulative impacts of the old landfill, nevv jail, communiy college, and U.S. 17 bypass projects represent increasing risks to -- water quality in the Prince George Creek watershed. Expansion of the sewer system in this area provides the means to reduce wastewater leaching from septic fields to surface waters and will partially offset the pollutant loading associated with new industrial, commercial; and residential deve!epment. ,: e'~ . - page2 Creekstone Sewer Expansion With a contractor already mobilized for the jail project, there is a logical cost-benefit for extending the sewer line down Plumtree Lane and completing sewer delivery to the community as a component of the current project. According to a letter from the County Manager's office and discussions with the County Engineer, an estimate for the associated change order has already been prepared. As there will be significantly less cut and boring involved with the Plumtree line, the estimate projected from current work . is likely conservative. We would appreciate your assistance in placing the Creekstone Community on the, Agenda for the March 11, 2002 meeting and look forward to further discussing our equitable proposal with the Board. Please call me with any questions at 362.9800. Sincerely, . ~. ; f ~' Gary W. Ahlberg ` Cc: Andy Atkinson ~ . Wyatt Blanchard • ~' ~ l ~~ Tito Castle }f,t)ne Sleeting Connnittee held a ntcciing ai 7:(1(1 p.ttt. Augnst R. 2(1(1 at the Castle }?a\'nc C'onnuunil\ E3uildinF to discuss the proposed building of the ,jail facilit\ on Bluc Clad Road. Mctnbcrs present \\crc. Ch,tintt;ut Tont Radc\\cic~. Entc~t Fus4cas. BiH Ftrndcrtonrt;. ~ti'iflic~Sid~cr~.. 1_c\~i; Ni.~on. }int Bordrtn~ ;utd C'hnricnc Pctc. Gucsls inciudal nnd\ nikin~on, f)cpnl) Counlc Rl;tnnt,cr. Ttif;t.~ i~i;t~.tcll, Coun!\ engineer. Sltnnc Lippard. En\ironntrr(;tl En~,irrecr end D,t\id Slc\enson front the Sieri(T-s Dch;trln~e,te Sie,u trp sheet irtdic;tled'-l ;utcndccs.(Exitibil A) Ch~inn~n Rade\\cic7 introduced the guests and presented ~.ir. Atkinson a cop} of a loiter dated 12/1711)4 (f .~hil,it Fi) In tltc C'ottn(\ cnnccntin~ the rcnta\al of the sc\\cr pipe front tltc tiler a~ul Ill;tt the C'astlc ii,tlnr -- - -resid~ltts-roc}nested-of--t.ltc Cot~itl.\_tct be iril'orntcd of any proposals conccrnin`~ Ibis arc;t lire Clt;tinn;ut outJittcd tlr: projects in progress lltai u(tint;tlel\ \\'tll allccl ilte C;tstle f-l,t\ r,e are;t as follo\~s: 1 Sc\\a~~c fncilil\ non in progress along }{\\'~ 1 17 and 1-~U, 2 DOl btipass outer-loop f-~tt lltnt Critic 1-{;t\~ne. ~ CP~?_L is building a \~archonsc for ccVuipr,tcnl. clc. -1. Sidliun Rcul is prints laigci for nc\~ st;udicisions: C,uncron propcri~ (old s(tln~~p plant) nc\~. pmposcc! su~'di\'isions ~. DOT offices ntcv'ing l0 1--1(1 location. r~ Cape Fear Cor;ntilnity~ Co(Ie~c nevv~ f~tcilil~~ in progress 7. Nc~~, jai! Caci(itv'.(Esltibif C) Dcpul~ S(c;~cnsort ad~.~iscc! ,liar the prescnl f,~ci(ilti hats uol been adc~t~~nlc Tl~c ir.n.~i:nurt space for 21)9 innl;ilc, lt:ts ninl,lliiicrl lod,n~ to ?~ % innt,ilcs in Iltc l~iiilt.iin~~. (lour. cis. Soit;c lrnitsl~orlcd I~~ Rti!iicrfortllon. T`iC' I~a lln,lsc ~~~ ('rc cosl of ~-! ~.tt;t fret d;:,,. I Ic st,liccl ftlrtllcr tlt~tl as fair ;ts (Ito dcp,uUncltl t~n~5 onccrnc~,! s~le prefcrcn:~_ ~,1,t, of Ito collscpucncc Fir, ~ chofc-~ for the si;. ,u per . ~~ ;~.I~ins(~I! ~~,,, Ilt~~ ~lu~:, Cf,t~, Ra,ttf_ , .I tl~ , res~,.. t;n;c it is unb:nol~ ~~ li~ t!':c ~l~,cn;l-s rdnunislr:;lio;t •,rill lac Ilot~~~s~cd ,tr s;tn~~c lortyion ilc sinlc~l Ilr,li sc~,~cr~:l proiccl5 in Ills v~~or'•:s. such ,.- i, i 'iii 1'~,:`--.. juaicl~u l~li~.ldin~ ~t,_ .u,cl e(1iI1n~IS~ICiICr~~ I<~ c! ~c-:dr hc'~1~ cifii ~; t~:il~ r ~;~~. li,~nrke' c'P to hc'IC a ~,1~~ I i 'r ' ~~. F ~~ ,uld ~ ~~ ., l~l ~ I ,c~l~(~ I ~I s l~ ~'.~ l~ I hen'' ;t~~d ~~ l~r~ll~' ~ t~~c iii: ,u cl ns,cntb~:cl I ~- t,~•1 f, l',=III., Slll I.Ol1SC (.~)n ln, .~I~s V',~'lll r; Jill fcf rt~..l l.on~tl f0'l5 b ~S Ti'C fii~ ~i'~ ~ t~ D"CJ~CtCd to iotiSC li~~''~~ ilull;llc:~ ~,~.Ilicl.: sltot:ld he nd~.:cl::nic tnltil ~c;tr ?~`t?rt nr 2't'~~. Qucs(i~;; from ;t(lcndcc~ ;~. ~^ ul!~,~ Il~c j;tii fa_ifil~~' ',.~ nnl (n b~ inc:llcd do~.'. n(o1~• n in lire col~rtl~,~:';tisC ~ icitti,l ~ a:i'._ e\fl~~tltiC'. II!C 11CIi;lIU1 f'r~le=i. 7ilcrc 1 ;1 loi;ll Of ~ ~~ ~CrC, <IA"l~l~i~~,. ~= ~~"lt::<~ ~~ ?~reS Cll lll~ ~'.~~ f,. ,, .~~.:~ f:~'~ lhC II'~`. `, f,l~l~ll'. Cl( .7:,. 0~~ llc 10111 i~'1 ~~ ~, 1,~0 r~1 11lili III'.: ~ O' ;Ili A'. II {1C' ~I~)i ilf,l~"' f'r `~l" ' I~., I~lil.i I I,C C.liit': lr1C(SC_~ 111 ti,. Iii1 LS ,'~rl iii ll ti"_ ~~ III;IJr~_ ~~ ~ IliC~~ ~1~ ~I ~ ICI; A i! ~Jl t'11C (C1 IJC nillli?'i~J:~ I! _ ,i:!~cu lire I,ulcl9ill «ill renl,un for t~,tc lilrc 1,~~i,~~~. Ito1,c~,cr. Illis is n f~rsUlcln rnol~~_~a^:I,,~ btu; II~~ l~:nd(ll shnulll I.c 1'l'!11f111'(l ~,.-li~ /~.I~~IIl~i1n St;t!C.I (iI'.:rC VAi:f~J il^ fti;111S ;li I'i~CSCiII t0 rCIIIC!Ve II:C iall;i~Ill ~C?riCeril C'~~;IC1CliilCli;1~. I:I`. II1C'IIIC~ 1:1r CIIf/,CiiC. IA•fr. 'Vi~~.llli(111 si;llCCl filrtil:r Ille t'~10 Al;l1S t0 flil;l(1CC tliC IiC01~::~ CCriIiIC~I~'~ rl~ ~;1rltClf',~l~I!~I'. (~p;t~:~ IS~iIC) A10i11(j riCi rCC'~illfC ;1 to~C Cf t;lAp;t1Cr OC IO;lii ;l~ R10Ij~?~l~e 0f`. rile f;1CIi11V' (preClprlrilC$ 1'OtC Of lit.A(1~l'tiCr 1 C'~rs11c fl~t~nc Slccrin~ C'ontn;i(Icc nlcntLcr Bill Fundcrbur~; rcr{ttcslcd c~~itics o~ lire fol!ow~ing pcrntits fort our tics: 1, i1'c~\ Ilannrcr Cntrnt} 5tntc apf;ii~:,ttinn n~l)I pcrtnit under Cic;tn ti~,ttcr ~1ct Z. C:opics of -a11-I ircricr;tl ;inl1 (~uttnty~ pcrntit 3. `r'C ('r~111:1 pcrmif.v -4. Cnptti of letter from fhe a~~cnc~.' to the C'rtunl~ to cnl,tr;,~r thi'.tail. Qucstinns front t!tc nilcnc!cc~ inclll<lcd the clcciinc of prnpctly' v~nlnc in Iltc agog t~.fr. T~I!:in;on slated tlt;rt it III:I~~ l?l' ;1a1;1nL1~,l Olls t)^CitUSe Of (lIC l1l1(Cr ilild $C11 Cr rC(i!il(C I11C111S ElliCi x150 n;itllr~lf ~li~. HC StlllCCl tllCt'C sllolllcl I1(~1 h~c ;tn~ ;td~.crse cffcels. Qrlcslions re,;trdin~~ !its proper drainage vti'crc ;tddresscd. ~Frescn( problcnts vyi(it poodin_ ~i:ut~,~ concerns abou( rite impact of the drainage for prescn( residents. Coneents ahout the cost being doubled Leculse of Ilse proposed silt. Concerns about fire ;~freci upon Ilte Caste ~{n\'ne ac~luifer. Concerts rcgardinp Ih_ sf~r~_i.;I use pcrnlils nn Iltc f;rescnl I;tnd~li.~~..~-.-~~,~~.~ . 11te ntcntbers ihankcd the o~cinls (or their lute. Nteeting \\as ad;;ouracd at 9 p.n.. Rcspectfuli}~ subntillcd. /{ ~~ ~,l ~1h f Sccretan~hT'reasurer 4~" , `~~ Tj T l ~ T OFFICE OF THE COUNTY I~tANAOER 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 502 `~JII.NtINGTON, ~iORTH CAROLINA 2401-4045 TELE,°NONE (919) 391-7139 FAX (9l9) 3-11-4oZ7 Septeniner I9', %OOC Thomas ~. Radewicz, Chairman Castle Havne Stcerinc Coin~~Ilittce • 3=125'~~tarat~~on Avenue Castle Ha~ ne; i~;o-th C~o1n~ 28''?9 ~'~ : iti~ e ~~,~ j ~2 i'', ALLEY O'NEAL County Ntanabcr ANDREW J. AT'rCl`~SO.`t Deputy County tiianagcr PATRICI.~ A. ~{EL~'I.~ Assistant County titanas"- DAVID F. \4'EAVER Assis:an: County ~lana~c; l~l'Chestmut Strcc:, Room j~! Tel~pnon~ (91-0) 3~ I-7139 ~ir.'y .~'.^i_ t'1 ,r! GJI....... t`"?_.:1 re~p!:~_~: lC) ~i~L° C.1~J..~.'J.IlI `•v~,". c._.~_ `~~~_ c'1~!~, r%~~_, C, :1CZ:"i.!:'r Cl~.'~.7~ t:1_ .... ~~..i c:_t_,~ ~1Le C~~, iC~~ Stte" ~S o~aii~Cd7.. ~.~~ „'~ ,~ ..,_.:,~ 01-. ,0-r ~~ - C~ ic~:~._!.~ 1ti~Ol1~Ci be a"'~~0.!. ~~. .~-.~ r~,~;i0i? Th- ~~. !=!~' ~..~..C~~_ ~~~ J ?:..!•~lC:l^.fo, h _~.1:?` a''~'c:~" t:.° tr~.S~1 ~"?C Lt. _. ? ~i° F..~~'_.. CI`_'; sits a-1d 51.~-' r,_iilion for co!~~°~~t~ction of a receivir~~ cell a t.-~~ Cc'_nt- L~:C:1!'! o:: . ~i:a h'ti`r:a'v' ~~ i ~~. ~71ti'e:~! the COs': ~`lr:~ Lyle au o~LCer!I preSeT!l. SeClirl~ Of tie Blue C~ .~ ste, i~ ti~~oaid ~,e difficult to recor~~~!en~ removal ~t this ti1~e. ~ Sete -J i ~!d '~~-i peg-:nl~s; ai!d C a,~"{ n DCriTiitS ai"C r10t c.DpiiCc~~.~ '...__. ~~"_,~o.'._' of this l~t_er, I will request~our Count-~ At*~one~;~'s office"to ~~ ov'i~dZ y"o~.: tir~.... • crib" COp1CS Of 1.-_~ers fOri! ti'ie ~`~,C. Dey~al~Ir!eI~'t Gf T Cy~~ ~ -',11CZS CCP.Ce1T.:='•~ O~i:erCrO;~;'dna T lie project ~,~r~ill have vi.> Lualiy no imp'.ct on talc Castle ~-iai,'ne ~^.q~ife:. The titi~ei! which ti~iill suppi~rn~e.~t the existing CoLr.t~'sy'stem that tivill se~'e the project will De located off-site rand Coanty sewer sei~'iCe ~,vill be provided or the project. ~'o.. haz~.rdous dy~.ste~~vii1 be~discharQed to the gTouridtivater. b There ara no restzictions of the pe ~~ it for the landfill on tree jai? project.. ~`' ~- z ~z Thomas A. Radelvicz• Page Number Two September 19, 2000 ® A 8" gravity sewer line wi11 be run from the jail north to Parmeie Road. A 8" force mlain tivill then be run to the 10" force main on N.C. 132. The sizes of the proposed line are still under design. The lines will reflectthe-Count-y's lon-a=term. s~~ti'er plans___. _ for the area and tivill be available for use by other property owners. Each request for connection wi11 be evaluated individually: Each connection will be required to pay full cost, through fees a!~d easements, for connection and impact fees. Because the jail project will be less than 1"°% impervious surface, drainage impacts ~,vi1.l be minimal and will be handled by grassy swales and sheet flow. Hotivever, the Mate may impose additional requirements for drainage control. o A X00,000 gallon water tar',: ~ti'i11 likely be placed at the Cape Fea` Community Coiieae-NorthC`r:ase site. There are no plans to expand the v~ater sysiem in the areas ' a~ this time. P'~ ~- f~°l f~_ze to c~~n~,act me ir-.~,~o~~~ have ~~:y questions or co~~~~~~~t~ :~~~,° ~' ,ter->i~, ~~ , L;-~____ ~. ~L. _ >li:.ll ~ 1\ec;i~, Cohn ;t 1r~=~_ Ar'_.;ir,~~~~ Depuiy Count.v ~iar_~~er ~,~~la:^:d~ Ccole}, Ccunty Atiorney G.°~ Tho:~:~son, Chie^Project Fngnee. ~:~ ~~ ~~, ,~ -- ; .. bV K D PJ 0 . Engineers • P~unners • Surveyors Landscape Arc;rtects - S H C T N~. ~C ~ ~ ~~ CUEIJT _ ~ CHECKED BY OATS ~ :~~. s a d .. _.. _ Jam/ _. ~ ~ . _. ~.-~- r ~ "" .-- . j ~.,~ ~f~~a ~ -ia _ ~ - /~ ~ ~ J Z U J ~r _`~i ~' ~.. } .. _ .. .~. ~,., .. „ D~ ~ . r; ~. * -.. ~ _.... r ~. ~Yj~J2 z _.. Y > _. ~7 _, F; , J /~ l i . , ~ /} ... ... ... . 1 / _.. . __ ,d ~, .:.._ /'`~ ~ ~'D~1~3.~J '~.vr ~Tta% ~ .5 ZDI~ GO ~~ - . 7~ ., .,, 7 ,~ ~ _.. ,' _. . _ __ ... _ J . _ i { ~'h~s ~~b e i~rt~nti~nc~lly left blc~n~} r~ z ' 1VE'~V ~,~i~~idE3~ C~L1~TY ~~A~~ ®F ~0~11f~~~~»~~~'~ - REQiJES~' rOR ~OARL3 ACT!®~l - Meeting ®ate: 04/~ 5/02 .Water & Sewer item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Departrrient: Water & Sewer District Presenter: •Jim Craig Contac#: Christine Neal SUBJECT: /~cceptan.ce of.Public ®edicatior~ ~reenvievv Ranches Right-c~-Wad -.area ~ Midc!!e So~a~d Riga#-c#-Way -Area R BR9EP 5U~V1iV~ARY: .. ` Area_A ' The County is'working with a private developer who plans to run- sewer lines within one or more of the platted right-of-ways shown on a recorded map for the Greenvievv Ranches Subdivision, The right-of-ways `were not. originally deeded to the District. i_he right-of-.ways are platted and offered •` for public acceptance. Attached is a document accepting .the right-of-ways for sewer and/or water utility and other public purposes, at the District's d,isdretion. Area B , - I `t d ri ht-of-w~ sand easements in the • • ....The. County plans to run a sewer line down numerous p a~ e g ~ ay Middle Sound Area. This is only the first group of right-of-.ways and easements ~in this area the County will present for acceptance. This group contains roads and easements within the Buena Vista; North Bend, Oceah View and Glen. Arbor Subdivisions. The County Engineering Department will present additional. road easements. for acceptance. as our sewer plan continues. ,These .right-of-ways currehtly are not State maintained. The •right-of-ways and easements vyere not originally deeded~to the Districf. The right-df-ways and easements are platted,.and, offered for p,~iblic acceptance. Attached'is.a document accepting the right-of-ways and easements for sewer and7or ~~iater utility and other public purposes, at .the District's discretion. RcCCMI~/iE311DED MflTICal!! ~ai1i~ FiBQUCS~'ED->~1t;T1C3~lS: Recommend that the Board accept.-the right-of-ways and easements and authorize the Chairman to execute the document df acceptance.: FU~a~~tr ~~u~c;/: , Water and Sewer District ATTAC}iNIEi~TS: ",*~~ ~ ' buenavistareso(ution.~rt_. _'___ .__ , greenviewrancheS.wp C~3t111~iSS1~NE~dS' ACT3flNs/C~~11ME!'~TS: Location Maps ~®~~~ ~®lUIMIS$IQN~f~ - !APPROVED RE~d'l~~1VED BY: is r LEGAL:: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURC~ES.D~F,~~ REMO~ILt CflUNT`('3~/IAlVAGER'S C>BM~/IE3~TS Al~1D R LQIVIME~dDATiO~6:5: ~ POSTPONED? '~, Concur with the action noted above. ~ ~ ~,~ NERRD ~ _,~~ ~~ >~ A RESOLUTION f~~'j4~T OF THB NE1N NANOVER GOUNTY V1/ATER AND Si_'JVER DISTRICT BOARD OF C091itiViiSSiONBRS WHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153 A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and se~rrer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish a water and sewer district; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of a sewer system in the unincorporated County; and WHEREAS; the District desires to locate portions of the sewer system withir, dedicated subdivision>easements in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, various easements in New Hanover County have been dedicated to the public use by the recordation of a subdivision plat or other reap; and WHEREAS, G.S. 153A-158 authorizes acquisition of a fee or lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or other lawful .method; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District desires to accept the offer of dedication of certain streets and easements for the purpose of providing sewer and/or water services-to.County residents by and through the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; ~iOW, THEREFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED as follows: Thai Blew Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts for sewer andior water utility and other public purposes, in the District's discretion, the offer of dedication of those subdivision streets and easements as more,fully set forth below: Street Description: being all those streets and easements as more fully shown on plats of Buena Vista Subdivision recorded in Map Book 2, Page 120, Map Book 7, Page 72, N1ap Book 6, Page 63; Map Book 4, Page 4; the plat of Williams Subdivision recorded in Map Book 2; Page 121, the plat of Ocean Vie!N Subdivision recorded in Map Book 6, Page . 52; the plat of North Bend Subdivision recorded in Nlap Book 30, Page 56 and 57; and the plat of Glen Arbor recorded in Map Book 28, Paae 23, all recorded in the Registry of Deeds of New Hanover County. The New Hanover County Water and Sewer District does net accept said subdivision streets or easements for purposes of providing any drainage services or road maintenance whatsoever. ADOPTED, this the _ day of , 2002. NEW HAT`iOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT [SEAL] Robert G. Greer, Chairman r fi i~~~,t~ 3~~Te~2 rE+; 1~~i~~ ~'~' ~H~}~~A ~ Y"1"1M~^4e Rr.~ Clerk to the B`oard"ry''~"7 g ~ " {~~^] e.,! +.,, ~'~ffl a ;~ESOI`uT1oN C~~~~~ OF THS -, Ni=l 1-9,4NC',/i`R CO~JNTY V11ATl=R AND S~VVSR ©1STRICT BC3AR® OF COMMiSSi®NERS . WHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153 A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 16,2A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish a water and sewer district; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District,, which District has arranged for construction of a.sewer_system, in the urinco_rporated_County;_and_____ E WHEREAS, the District desires to locate portions of the sewer system within dedicated subdivision easements in New Hanover County; and V~,'HEREAS, various easements in New Hanover County have been dedidated to the public use 6y the ` recordation of a subdivision plat or ether map; and WHEREAS. G.S. 153A-~ 58 authorizes acquisition of a fee or lesser interest in real property by gifit, grant or other lawful method; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District desires to accept the offer of dedication of certain streets for the purpose of providing sewer and/orwater servicesto County residents by and, through the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; NOVV, TNE~EFORE, 13E IT RESOLVED as follows: That Mew Hanover.Courity Water and Sewer District Hereby accepts for sewer and/or watertitility and other pubiic purposes, in the District's discretion, the offer of dedication of those subdivision streets as more fully set forth below: ~ , " Description: Being those three sixty foot wide streei:s; t~tivo hundred feet in length; intersecting the northern boundary line ofGreenview Drive as shown on a plat cfSection 2, Greenview Ranches, recorded in Map Book 9, Page 16, New Hanover County Registry. The Ne.-v Hanover County ~N~ter and Server District does not accept said subdivision streets for purposes of providing any drainage services or road maintenance +Nhatsoever. ADOPTED, this the day of , 2002. - ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' WATER AND SEWER DLS T RICT - Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~~ d~ .- i i / '~. ~,.; -.. ,: i ~ % I ~~ ~, ~ ~ i i ~ . ` % ... ,. i ~ i~ ~- ~ ~. .., s,, ~~ J ~~ i i i~ . --- ~ o~^~ + -gam ~ ;. _. ~, i .. ~- ,, . ,; .. ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ j / ~~~~ \ ~ j I .. ~ ~. ~. ~J` i ~ I I ~ ,~ ~~~~ ' ~ --- - ----- ~ , i~~: ~ ~~+ ~%~ ~„ i i I .. .~, ~ ~.,g , ~` r _ ~~', .. .- ~~ _ j __ -` ~, ,~ ~ - ,. ~ ~ ~.' '°~ ~ r ~ ~ , ~ ~_ _, _ _ ~~, ~ ~ :; I i _~ ~ ~ ~ i < ~~ , ~ .r. ~~, ~- ~ Q" / '~ ;. . - _ ~ ,. .. l~ _~` ~. ~ r f..~ .,. Ne~r~ rianover. County ~a~-Not-To-Scale w c - , ~ r~ 2i~~io~ s ~~~ ~, RCOAD-E,^=;SEIVI'Ei,~T ~=,GCL~T~.~ SCE FAR UTILITY,PUR~i~ScS March 7, 2.002 Map=l~7bt-To:-Scale -, { ~'~ii~ ~~~ e ~~at~~ta~a~c~~~~ ~~~t black} n 4.r~ :.i 3 ~9E~l1J F~,4~10~lE~ C~~l~9~'Y BflA~® ®~ C~lillPJ~i~Slat~Ei~S R~au~~z FflR ~®~€~~ A~Ti~f~ Meeting ®ate: D4/~ 5/®2 • • Water & Sewer Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Wastewater impact arac~ ~eveiopr~nent Fees lady o~ ~america - ~2~~ ~or~th ~oilege load BRIEr sutyitylAl~~: On October 15, 2001 , a request was presented to the Commissioners. asking that consideration be given to reducing the amount of the wastewater impact and development .fee paid by a Lady of America fitness center located in a shopping center in Monkey Junction. It was decided to delay a decision on the request until there was at least one year of history of sewer use for the business. Tne fitness center has now been in operation for just over a year. During -the year, the average water consumption has been just over 1 15 gallons per day, which is less than one-half of the usage of a home. The low usage is apparently due to the fact that no shower facilities are available at the facility. This particular fitness center serves customers mainly in the immediate surrounding. area. Based on the water use and information provided, it does not appear that a facility of this type will have nearly the impact on the sewer system as a full service gym. Therefore it is recommended that we consider a usage figure of three (3) gallons per day per member usage for fitness centers without showers rather than ten (10) gallons. Using three gallons for 100 members per day would yield a total impact and development fee of $1,575. The original fee charged was 51.9,600,- which was based on available criteria at the time of application. R~GO~~l~,n1=~1DED N1OTi®~1 AND RE{3~JES~ED ACTIONS: .Recommend the Commissioners consider approving the fee of 51,575 and also granting a refund of 517,925 to Lady ~f America. FUIVDIIVG SOURCE: Water and Se~Ner District Fund ATTACI-IMEVTS: LEGAL: FINANCE:. Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: lU/A ~t~~t~ ;C~MMI5S6@N R° _ 1ED NERRD `~ {~'has~c~b~ i~t~~~i®~alZ,~ l~~~ ~lc~~~~ c ~; C~~ ~: ~, ~~ ~;:.~ ~i~~ pp}}¢ MYf. t CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUN'I'~' BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS , ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. 1. Approval of Minutes 99 ~=~..- ------- 2. Adoption. of Resolution to Prohibit the Wholesale Disposal of Construction and.. . 101 _..._ _. ' Demolition Waste at the WASTEC Facility 3. Approval of EZ-LSTA Basic Equipment Grant 105 4. Approval of Consolidated Contract Between the North Carolina Department of 107 Health and Duman Services and New Hanover County Health Department 5. Approval of Health Department Fee Changes Based on Adjusted Medicaid Rates 109 6. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 1 li ' Collection Reports 7. Approval of Release of Value 117 8. Appointment of Joseph F. Hughes To the Nursing Home Advisory Committee 119 • 9. Approval of Amendment of Sewer Connections and Plumbing Improvements 121 Revolving Loan Program 10. Adoption of Resolution Requesting NCDOT to Add Roads in Greenbriar South 129 _ Subdivision and North Chase at Nlarlwood and North Chase Business Park to the State Road System 11. Approval to Sabmit Application for Rural Operating Assistance Program Funds 135 ' Approval of Budget Amendments: 12.1 #02-O1b3 Aging/Nutrition-Home Delivered/Nutrition-Congregate 137 12.2 ,#02-0164 Aging/Nutrition -Home Delivered 138 ~ . 12.3 #02-016ti Public Health/Navigator/1`davigator-Partnership 139 ' 12.4 #02-0166 Social Services/DSS Administrative Grants/Crisis Intervention Program 140 r) { ~'~ia~~~~~ e inP~nt~®n~l~~y le~ f~ blink} A i~~131/ HAlV~~~R COll~I~Y ~3~AR~ ~F CO~ii~1~~i~~I~RS RFC2UEST F~R.Bt3ARD AC~"ifl~! i119eeting ®ate: 04/'i ~/fl2 , Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: aeper#men#:: Governing Body Presen#sr: Lucie F. Harrel! Con#ac#: Lucie F. Harrell SlJBJECT: . App~a~a~ of iVlinutes~ BRfEF Si~iV9i1lIAl~Y: ' Approval of the following minutes: Said ~Naste Work Session, February 18, 2002 Regular Meeting; April 2, 2002 RECOIVIME~+1t~E~3 l/fflTlJl'~ A~1~3 3~'Et2~J1=STEfl AC i JOIVS: Approva! of minutes. FU~1~3i~1G St3URCE: A~'~'ACHMEI~ITS: ~':?~.~~~~ ~~~A~E~~~ ~..~M~~~~ A~J~s ~E~flr~i~iE;~1I~A~Jfls: Recorrim~nd approvaf-"',-j.,. GO,~J1N1iSS's~Iy1~I:iS' A~TJOt'~1 ~IC~311/3;~191_~U~S: 1/~ltt't~~ gfi +R~~fI~S~IQI~~' l~Pr:~ ~ C7 RG-.! ~ ~E ~ p . ~ @~OS-~ r-JNED ' ~iERRU ~ ; _ . . ~ ?RTE : ~ _ - r . t~ 0 {This~aae intend®ntrlly l~~t blank} ~. a ~.. (~ .. "< Cj ... ~~~ ~:: ~ ~ ~~ R~~Q.~~~T FO~t B©AR~ ACTi~3~1 1~19oo#ing ~a#~: {~41'i ~l>~~ Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number. ' Department:- Environmental' Management 'presenter: Ray Church Dontact: Ray Church '~'IJSJEC~t": ~sdo~#ion of a Elesoiu#ioo #o Prahi~i# tho ~/~o~esalo ~is~osal of Co~astr~c#ion and ~o~oii#ior~ ~~ila~to ~# #~o V1f~~~'~~ Eaoi3i#y S3RlEF Si,li4l11VIAR"Y: in an effort to improve operations ahd efficiency and to enhance revenues •at the WASTEC Facility, staff request the Board of Commissioners adopt a resolution prchi~iting the wholesale disposal of construction-and demolition waste at WAS T~EC. Construction arid Demolition waste is comprised of Large bulky items including plywood, sheetrock, wall board, appliances, furniturz, shingles, concrete, asphalt, lumber, metal conduit, and other no'ncornbustible materials. Thesz materials often cause loss of efficiency due to bridging in the charging chutes,or ash conveying system or contributing to the formation of clinkers (glass that becomes molten; _In the furnaces. Shingles, roofing materials and wallboard also create by-products of combustion that must be morq -heavily, controlled by-the pollution control equipment than regular municipal solid'~ivastz. It is staff's desire to divert these materials to the landfi4l where they can be better handled with large heavy equipment. The landfill operates Monday through Friday bztvvzer~ the hours of 7 A.M' anci ~-3G p.iM., on Saturday from 8 A.M. until 1 1 :30 A.1,1. and most holidays io receivz these wastes. Construction and demolition waste in small quantities, delivered in front end loader trucla and from homeo~n~ners, will continue to be ~cceptzd at the WASTEC Facility. R;=C~II~":!'Ei~IDED MDTI~J~,I ACID REGI.~EST;=D :~CTICI~~: S-raft rc;:n~~~,mer:ds the Board of Commissioners adopt the attachzd resolution. ~ ' ~ t-~ A. fTA+CaNMENTS: . ti resolution.noc&d.d ~~ I T~'M ~ OE5 r~lO T RfQ illR,~ REV/E ai3/ Recommend. approval- - , (r~~~l~ C©IVIM(S$PQ APPROVED ^ ~` ~tEJEC;'~~ ^ . _" s;VED ~ ~GJ ii p ~~~~~~ ®R~E ~ ~~;~ / ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~, ~~' C~Nlli~i~SS~®~lE~~ ®~' WHEREAS, New Hanover County owns and operates-a tiVrite-to=Energy-Facility;------------ WASTEC, for the. combustion of municipal solid waste and the generation of electricity from the energy of that waste; AND WHEREAS. it is the desire of the Board of Commissioners and staff to improve the operation and efficiency of the WAS'I~~EC Facility, AND `vUHEREAS; improvement in operation and efficiency of WASTEC reduces the amoLUit of waste that must be placed in a landfill; AND-, WHEREAS. an increase in ~avaste incinerated contributes to ~an enhancement in electrical revenues. AND WHEREAS, the incineration of waste construction and demolition materials does Mot contribute to an improvement of the operation or efficiency of the JAS"r~EC ~= acility; AND WHEREAS, construction and demolition waste may contain, materials that are not desirable to be placed into a municipal waste combustor; AND ~UHE~'~EAS. those materials may include,, but not be limited to; asphalt shingles. roofing materials; wallboard, sheetrock, concrete, bricks, asphalt, large lumber, plywood, metal strapping; banding materials; conduit. polyvinyl chloride pipe; appliances, _rnetal siding. wire, carpet, furniture, and other similar products, AND WHEREAS, the incineration of certain construction and cle~nolition waste materials such as shingles and wallboard or sheetrock create emission b`_~'-products that must be controlled by pollution control equipment; AND ~UHEREAS. when construction and demolition waste materials are delivered to the WASTEC Facility, they must be separated from the desirable combustible waste and delivered. to the landfill at an additional-cost to the citizens of_New Hanover County ~or cause operational problems and loss of efficiency ~if placed in the waste combustion units; AND WHEREAS, the New ~-lanover County L~~ndfill operates 1Vlonday through Friday ~betwe~en dre hours of seven o'clock A.1~1, and four-thirty P.IVI. and on Sat~irday from. eight ,~.,,~~.+~j o ~~c,~l<,~A ItV~I~~lntil eleven thirty A.NL, and a majority of the nationally recognized ~S r~rr.lGd:E4~1 # r Y~ 't~ ~ liohd°avs to'~receive construction and demolition tivaste; ~? ~lA '~.1 t~ s~ !~ Q ~~ n n ~~, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New ' Hanover County that the disposal of wholesale. loads of construction and demolition . waste be prohibited at the WASTEC Facility unless authorized by the New Flanover County Manager or his designee. This the 1~~~' day of April, 2002 . NE~~' HANJVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of.County Commissioners - ATTEST: ' Clerk to the Board . ` {7'i'ii~ pc~~~ i,~t~~tic~nc~li~ l~}t ~l~znk} ,~, ~~~ ~~'~J ~A~!®!/ER C~3U~l~Y ~3~AR~ flF C~M~B~~Sit~~1~~~ RE{~~EST F{3R ~~~R~ A~~'l~e~ Meeting ®ate; 04/15/2 Consent !tern #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number:. - Department: Library Presenter: Contact: David M. Paynter • SUBJECT: - ~~-LSTA basic ~gcaiprnerat Grent $~ilEr- SUMlV1A~iY: Grant will be used to provide seven PC's for use by the public at the Main library for accessing the Internet and library electronic resources. The grant is for $9,683. No county match is required. A copy of the grant application is available in the County IUlanager's Office ~ECOMfViEt~DED lV1t~Tlfli~ AiVD ~iE{2UESTEI~ ACTld~~7S; Approve application and if awarded, subsequent budget amendments. FUl~D11VG' SJURCE: Library Services & Technology Act Eunds - no County funds required. ATTAC~N1Ei~TS: Grant application Equipment replacement policy Acceptable use policy #',EV1E~~VErJ 8Y: LcGAL: i=1NANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Gi:rUl\1TY iVlAiVAGEP'S COMMENTS AiVt3 ~ECOi~/li~IfENDATlflNS: r ~:.ommend approval. The grant application is not included in,.t~e.,bacf<up material dine to the ~~olume. It is available in the manager's office for review. ;~'`y CC'Nl111!lSS,C~l~4Et~S" ACTii~~fS/CON11~!lE~1TS: ~ ~4~~-°` J r~9Y~NT~P CONfI~lSSiON ~pPROVE~J REJEC a ~"~ C3 ~EMC~~/~.~ Cl POSTPONED ~ ~ ' ,I HEARD ~ ~ ~. t~RTE /=s n ,~ . ~~~ k ..~d Au7 V 'r~~ {This pr~8~ i~te~ationcrddy d~~t blank} J RE~3DFST FOR S~~,RD ~D~'Ifl~ lVi~~tir~g Date: ®4la ~/02 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Cindy Hewett, Business Officer ' Cantzct: Cindy Hewett ext 6680 51JB,lECT: _~ Ooraso~idat~ti Dc~~tract Re~~rveera t~~ ~1~rth Car~lana D~gartr~aaa~t cif '~~a3t~s arat~ . ~ ~a~rnar~ Se~v9c~s a~~ ~~ ~ar,c~rcr Dcunt~ Fl~:a9~~ Dcq~ar~a~ent. ~J~IE~ ~~IIVIIV>lA~~t: Each year we for+rrard to the County Commissioners, the CONSOLIDATED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS REPRESENTED BY THE STATE HEALTH DIRECTOR and the New Hanover County Health department. This agreement is FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAWING AND PROMOTING THE ADVANCEMENT OF HEALTH IN NORTH CAROLINA and it sets forth the terms and conditions applicable for theactivities carried out by the health department involving STATE funding.. -The total funding is S 2,652,541 (~ 1,688,119 in State Grants; $ 964,422 in Title XIX (Medicaid reimbursement)). for services provided by the Health Department. Copy of the agreement is on file. in the County Manager's Office RJ=COMMENDED MOT90~+J AND ftEGUES~(ED ;4CT;~ONS: Approve, accept the funding (already projected in the Health Department's Fiscal `(ear 2003 Revenue Budget Request), and sign the Slate Consolidated Agreement for the period from Ju}y 1 , 2"002 t4-~rough Juhe 30, 2003. FUNDI~JG SO'U33GB: State /Medicaid ~-1T T AC~i~J1St~,1TS; P~~3E~iVED ~Y: LEGAL: FINANCE: ,{approve BUDGET:.~pprove HUIViAN RESOURCES: IV/A COUNTY 1~1ANAC3Es'S COfVII1/1ENTS AND ftEC01ViIV11=fVJ~ATIfl~IS: Recommend approval, This is a routine contract. CD11/13~J11SSIt3NERS' ACTIONS/CC3PJIMENTS: ~~U~P C~~~~!I:SSI0~1 APPROVE s, ~ . RE.tEC T'~'-, ,' REMG~;'w~i p POSTFO~~ED ® F' FIEARD (~ ~ ~~ "' BRTE - r . ,~ ,~,~% { phis ~a~ ~ intend®nully left b~~n~} ' i`:,`G ~'~ y'~4 ~`" ~. .r ~r~ `ii~ ..........:.~...... .. . -- ~711i..~ "1 F?E~l9ES~. FflR 8~3A~D AC~'1CIV ..~ _ Meeting Date: 0~/'1 ~/t32 ,, Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: ®epartrrient: .Health, Presenter: Cindy Hewett, Business Officer _ Contact: Cindy Hewett,343-6680 o'r 'Lynda Smith 3a3-65.92 y_ SUS:JECT: ~eaith ~~partr~aent Fee Changes ~3~s~d on Ad~ust~d Medicaid ~~tes , 13R1E= SUIVINIARY; Please approve the adjusted medical/clinical cafes. We received a fisting of new Medicaid rates ' from Dennis Harrington, MPH, Chief of Local Health Services with the North CaColina Department of 'Health end Hinman Services, with new Medicaid rates effective February 1 , 2002. After reviewing this fist, there are many of our current fees that need to be adjusted based on the newly adjusted (Medicaid rates, VVe project there will be little or no change in our revenue since some rates increased slightly and other decreased. - ° ,See the attached listing for the. specific service codes and• rate changes. . R1=CO1VlMEND~D MOT1ON AND F~EC.2tl1=STE1] AC~T1t~NS: ` Approve rate changes effective February 1 , 2002 ~, ~UNDINC SOURCE: Medicaidifees , ... ATTACHIVIE;~3T~: - Ye's-2pages ~ , . REVIE~NED 13Y: ~ ' LEGAL: FINANCL: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUPJIAN RESOURCES: iii/A COUNTY 1VlANAGc,~,'S CO ~i1~TS AND RECOM~i1ENDAT1ONSc . Recommend approval. °"°j ~~'~ .. , `COMM1SSiONE?~S' AC lO~1S/CQM1~lENTS•: ` ,~iDUN'~'~ 'l.,Q~~i1Vt1~7~1~1Y~' ' APPRC''` ~ L7 EJ C'- ~. ~ ~ t ~ . ~p5~f ~-~NED . HEARD .' , ~ ~ - DAVID E RICE, 1l~I P H, NI _~ Health Du~eotor March 20, 2002 NE'~V I~AN~'~ER C~1JN'T~' I~[E~~I1T~ D~l'A~7~'NIEN~' 2029 S~UT~I 17TH STI~EE~' o ~ V~II~1dIIl\TG'T~N, N~ 28=~fl1-~~~6 ~EEE~~oNE (910) ~~3-~sflfl, F~~~ ~~~fl~ 3~1- ~~ ~146~ E~<.rywbuc. ~v<ryn~y. Ev~~ybudy. LYNDA F SMITH, ~[ P II Assistant Health Director To: Ne«- Hanover County Board of Health From: Cynthia W. Hewe;ti_ Business Officer ~~'~~`~ Subject: Naw ivledicaid Rates We recently received an email, along with a listing of the net-v ~~lcdicaid rates, from ~c;LlI1.1S E. Harrington, NIPH; Chief of Local Health Sel~~iees. These rates are retroactively effective February 1, 2002. After reviewing this list, there are several of our current fees that deed to be adjusted based on tl;e nee-vlv adjusted Medicaid Rates. Code (Description of Serti~ice) A4260 (Norplant !pit) ('~ New cocle) X8301 {1LTD Retnovai) 1 197 (insert Norplant) 11976 (Remove Norp(ant) 11977 (Remove/Reinsert Norplant) ~40~0 (DestntctionlLesion/Condvloma) 46900 (Destroy Anal Lesion) ~,- ..,, , ti 1Ly '~t2J! ~3 3~ I ~-7 C~,~. 'si ~ , 4~,~~~ Current ~ree Charged New Medic; id Rate .Proposed Fee to Charge `S 0.00 ~ 390.00 :6 v9U.00 ~ 9.00 `~ 96.89. `; 96.59 :~~C=1.90 ~ 1G2.82 `~ 102.82 $ L97~11 ~ 117.92 $ 197.11 ~ ~~3.00 ~ 190.38 $ 190.38 $ 120.89 $ 134.04 ~_ 13,4.04 - -_ `~ 162.26 $].'79.07 ."~ 179.07 "Your Hecrlil~r -Our Priority" ~d ~ . .Code (Description of Service) Current Fee Charged New Medicaid Rate Proposed Fee to Charge 96110 (De,velopmental. Test/IJimited) ~ 168.00 $ _64, 71 ~ ~ ~ 121.00 .W820~ (Parenting Education Classes) $ 74.9 $ 7.93 :~ 7:93 ~Y2044 (~N1CC Home Visit) _ ~~ ~- ~ 72.56-~ ' ~ -_-- $ 73.87 $' 73.$7 The following services are currently being billed. only to Iti~fedicaid. Our Nutrition Program is continuing~'to elperience an increase in the number of private pay patients beii,g referred to and seen in their program. We ~wou~ld like to begin billing private pay pati~:nts for these services. (Please note that for these services private pay patients ~~°i~11 be placed on a s:ic'ting fee scale and their charge will be adjusted based on their level of income). Code (Description of Service) ~ Currel~t Fee Currerit tiledicaid _ Proposed Fee '~ ~ _ Charged Rate ~~ to Charge 9702 (lilitial' _<~ssess ~~ted Nutr Therapy) $ 16.70(iVledica~id Only) ~ 1b.70 ~ 80.00 97803 (Re-~SseSS ~~Ied Nutr Therapy- l~ n:in) `~ 16.70(i'~Iedicaid Only) $ 1<.7() ~ 18.00 97803 (Re-assess ;\'1ed Nutr T1.crapv- 30 min) `~ 3.40 ('~'l~dicaid Only) ~ 33.40 S 36.(U 9~78Ci3 (Re-Assess.i~~led Nutr Therapy- 45-min) ~ X0.10 (y!leciic~iid Only) :~ X0.1.0 ~ 54.00 -97803 (Re-Assess ~Ied Nutr Therapy- 60 mill) ~ 66.$0 (Medicaid Only) $ 66.50 ~ 72.00 • ~~~ { ~'Ii~s pc~~~ ~nt~~ti~~a~ly lift blc~n~} ~1 ~~ ~' • ~IE1~ I-IAIVO'~1E~3 C0~91~1TY BOARD OF C®11,'In,~ISSI©I~E~3~ REQUEST FOR 80ARD ACTiOi~ Meeting Date: 0411 ~/®2 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Pat Raynor SUBJECT: - - -- ---- - - -- New Hanover Counta~ and iVevii !-ianover Count/ Eire District Coiiection deports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of March 31 , 2002 RECOMMENDED MOTION AP~9D REQ'.~ESTED ACT3ONS: Request .approval of these reports. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACPIMENTS: DAzr02~-.CColra.doc mzrtdcol.rpt.~rrad IT~iV! ©OES NOT RcQUJRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S C;~3'Jl,`i~/I~'NTS AND R Recommend approval. '' t COMMISSi0~1E~SS' ACTiONSlCOMMEN T S: ', ~' ~®~~~ eo~~~~sslov~ 1 l~PPROV~- ^ -~ REJE~" -~ REIN%, d PO~. -U ME~;,,,~ ®RTE _ ~~~ CONSENT AGENDA DATE=--------- iTE~' NQ.-----_ NE~1 HANO~V-ER-COON-TY-EI-RE -C-ISTRICT--TAX CQLLECTIONS C.DILECTIONS TNRU 03/31/02 CURRENT TAX YEAR w 2001 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATE?4ENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY CDLLECTIONS TG DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED AD VALOREP! as ®m®~a®® ~p~2~576y105.53 1479655.62 76i535.49m ~ m2~b47p225.75 2'939.42 aa~ ..~~s~dm~ ~®^2~b49'b65.17 2~590y9b5a85~ m®~A o®d®~a ~59pb99.32 97.78°~~ ~"OTCR VEHICLE $y®p®209728.44 818.7E 3y176.20~ $m~'~207'371.02 .co ~®~®~207y371.02 1b4ya91.30® m®.. m..®..®~~ma..r® ~ 42779.72 79.37~d~ BAC?C TAXES ,~®..e ®a ®®.~ REAL ESTATti ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY .~~ P5~819.45 CHARGES AODEO 3~2'~5a73 LESS ABATEMENTS 28'892.84-~ 7OTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIG'NS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALAtdCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL ~.~a°ECTFULLY SU3M. TEDj PATRICIA J. RAYNDR COLLECTOR OF RE~JE~IUE ~m~m~mmma~®,..,m.. ~ bfl~172.34 16g908.68~ ~~~~~~43~263ab6 28a10~` YEAR BEG Ii` ING JULY 1~ 200i. r * C0~9BiNEu COLLcCTION PERCENTAGE ~ 9b.45~ ,,., ~'~ ~,.~v'' ~ ,'~`'3'~ ;,.~ Yi 7 7 ` .~~ r_ f CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO. NEW HANOVEI~ COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS - COLLECTIONS THRU 03/31!02 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2001 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGIi~tAL TAX'LEVY PER. SCROLL $ 102,139,092.11 $ 6,909,629.94 .DISCOVERIES ADDED 3,730,794.82 I4,447.45 LESS ABATEMENTS - 612:192.32 - 97.335.12 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ~ ~ ~ 105,257,694.61 $ 6,826,242.27 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED ~ 10,.877:50 .00 LISTINGPENALTIES CHARGED 77,31.99 .00 CLEANING LIENSCHARGED ~ 6.076.00 ~ .00 TOTAL LEVY" S 105,351,964.10 S 6,826,242.27 COLLECTIONS TO DATE - 102595,896.33 - 5.344.612.43 OUTSTANDING BALANCE ~ 2,756,067.27 S 1,481,6%9.79 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 97.38°~0~` 78.'0°~°,F BACh TAXES. ~ . REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ~ 3,698,729.73 CHARGES ADDED 35.353.90 , i.ESS ABATEMENTS - 721,373.3 TOTAL TAXES DUE ~ $ 3,062,710.05 COLLECTIONS TO DATE - 1,036.142.71 • OUTSTA1~rDING BALANCE ~ ~ S 1,976;567.,4 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 35.46% NL~~R2002 I=ISCALYTD RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS ~ S 16,329.9; ~ 18>;976.69 ROOti~1 OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS t00,270.50 ~ 2,.013,139.66 PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS ~ 1,011.25 ~ 12,767.75 TOTAL iVIONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY; CITY OF WIL-MINGTON; WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. CAROLINA BEACH AND ICURE BEACH TO DATE,- $163,808;156.17. THIS REPORT IS P'OR'FISCAL YEARBEGII~,'N~ ~1~1LY i, 200i. x.,._r''~ RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ~, ~ __ PATRICIA 7: RAYivOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE k COMBINED~COLLECTION PERCENTAGE -96?2% • >~ ,") {T~ais ~~~ e inten~~~nc~lZ,~ ~'e~~` blanks ~l ~~ N~~ ~ANfl\1ER C~l~1VTY B~AR® ®F ~®I-Jil'v'l~~Sl~~IE~~ RE+C2UEST FOR E30ARD ACTit~iy Meeting ®ate: 04/15/02 Consent item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: '_ Department: TAX Presenter; None Required Contact: Bob Glasgow - ' SUBJBCT: ~y~ T Release of Value BRIEF S>JMMAR'Y: " Request approval of the following delinquent application for exemption from property tax for the following organization: (application and letter explaining late filing available upon request New f;egirining Christian Church R05405-027-001-000 R05405-027-001-001 R05405-027-002-000 R05405-027-01 D-000 RE+/flMME~IDED MC3TION AND RE~~3~~TE43 ACTlOi~15: Request approval' of. these releases. Ft~NDi~3G BflU~?CE: I~'~M DflfS Nl7T R~~~J/RE RE1rl,~V4! COUNTY MANAGEi1'S G~fj41E~3TS AND R:=CflMMENDATifl#~3~: ' Recommend approval.~ '~ ' CflMM3~Si®l~lE3~S' ACT1fl~JSlCflMMENT>: l '~ ~ ~ Ut~IUIV 1 i ~i01YIIVIiS~i®IV~~~ .. ''I /APPROVED ^ i 1REJECjC "° ~ ,~ tj I ~ ~EMt~!`a :~ O fi'OSTP~NED ® t NEAR© ® k " - ' ~~ ;Td~as page i~tent~®raadly le,~t blank} ~~ ;.. :~~1 ' , ~ k . , ~ ~"u~ ~ ~'~ ~~~ ~~ (-, ~'~C2UE~T PflR S~Ai~D ACTi~iV • ' f1l9eeting late: D4/~ ~/fl2 C nt !t #: 8 E : t d Ti P Nu b ti onse ern er • ma e me: age m s • -Department: Go,verriing Body Presenter:. Lucie Harrell Cantact: Lucie Harrell ~ • _---- .. _v ----- - - -~---_ SUBJECT: . ,~ppointrner~t o-~ Jaseph ~. H~.~g~es to tie ~~t~rsing ~a~e ~, dvasory lc~rrarr~itte,e BRiE~ SU~!fi-MARY: _ "Mr. Hughes has served his initial one-year term and is now eligible fo r athree-year term. No other . r applications on file. RECOMIi/IENDED MOTION AND 13E{2UESTED ACT1C~~~S: ` Appoint Mr. Hughes to a three-year term, expiring April 30, 2005. ~Ua~IDINO SOURCE: A7TA~HMENTS: "" Application , ' 1TE~11 IJvE,'j IVDT ,4E0~11,R~ R,EV1~i~ ' ~C;O~JNTY ~JdANAC~E'S COiVII'J1E;~,1TS Ai~D RECOMi~J1.;=j3DATiONS; Nla!<e appoihtment. CON1Mi5SiONr~S' ACT1~~lS/COTV1~11EsNTS: QIPF;~~" -•- (f~~.': t ~~, • • ., P{3.r... .l ...._ MEAP:.J ~ r, ~QTE ~.a ~~~ ~~ ~~~ 320 Chestnut Strut, door,? 30~ W'ilm,ington, NC 2840-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 F,4X (9 1 01 34 1-4 13v ~Di~~~~~1-1'r'1~~~.,, ~, ~~1A,n 2 2 2001 ~ ~ ~>> ' ~u Nt~rv ~~~wo~/~~ co -~ an c~ cnh~~.a~~s~nw~r,s j _ ~ppiication for,4ppoir;tment to Boards, ~ommittoos, ar~d ~orr~Wssions .~4,opointed ~y too l'~e~,v H.rnover Co~rnty Board of Comrnisvionor.~~ - -- Request fcrAppcintrr;ent te: Name: \ ~ C~ Ho,^~e ~~~~~ Address: ' r n i ~~ ~ /~' ~ S ,','c~~.~ long ;;a,,~ you baer,~a j, res~c'ent of 1~~~~fv ~`fanover County? C/ r f ~ ~ / / ~ ~ ~ rvlailingA,ddress: C"t~J and .date: //! ' / ~' r /!r /~ //%~%`. l'~ (~~ L!O COde: ~~_--- '~~_ ~ j ( eleanone: h`e r;e ~ ~% /~ 1 ~ j G=- J/" ~{{i ~ ~ _ __ /~ , ~~ / J ~~ ~c~/ I' ~.r,i~ !% ~ j 1 \. ~ ` ~ /` / °T~is inrormarion ~s re4uested for !;^e sole ,ourcose rf assuriny^ :hat a crosssa~ction of iha community is apoeintsd. '~^~~,- ~' I,1C ~ ~~ "'°~rr"picyPd 5y: ~; ir~r7":,/:? 7 1 ~r~,;~_,~i%~ ~?~=' ~i~,~/J ` 1-~' ~.- //'~f> /V~/~~ ` i'~ „ , , ,, ~ _.-- ~, 7 " N parson cur; sr. rly ec^,;;ioyed'~,y rnr agency or owner*men(for r~;^,id; this ?s~iics«on is ,^^ace, ;r,us; rasigr,;nisihar position with Ne',~~ ;-!ancvar County upcr, appoi~ tmen ~ in accorrance with ,='r{;'nla U7, sac. u of the Na~rvr.'anover Cnunry Personnel ,°oiicy, . , ,, ess;crlU~i ,=c', ;ides: /~;~~r/'j/~„'" 1i ~ ~-- l"' ~- - .? ~ 9 ;? -,-- -~? ~~,/ ~ ~ _ ~ ~~i , ~ %, ~~ y ~~ ~ ~- r / '- ,-~ ~ '~OlUnreerA .%'/tries `~~%'i~~ i r ~ ~~i~;i/lam i~ ~J t-L!Y;~ ~, f`, !~ / ~ r / .~ i/ r ~ i,y,r ~ - ~ I ,/ / i ~'1'fj ~ i '~ ~- n ~, o ~ r' // ~/ da JCL' wIS!'7 t0.Serle Cn tt7e irOdru, COm/7r,:i_~, 0. C'Gfl?ml,,SlGn r._rJ..~...!~! % ,'~i ~,i//C/~ / ~ ?"''~ ~~ ~ ~ 5 r %/ ~ ; / i N~ / i ~ /,'~ „'!~l ~ ~'r 1 i = i , ;i I'r,' // 7. i j~l f~' '`i' i''!."iii ~ ~ f.;7~.a..:~ ~ '~.'!j" / l ~ /',ti ,J' ~.. /~ / ~` _ ~ WiSat do you feel are youv qc"alir'ication~'for sereling on t,',e Board, Committee-, /~c'r Commissi'o'n requested? ~~% 14~~'~? / • ;J~i ~ Gar /~~./ ~;~. ,/ What areas f concern would you ,rke to see the board, Committee, or Commission address? ;,r~i~ r~~~,, , !/ // 1 L/,. , ~. -i ~ > /}"r_. ~, s~/j71~L~t<'~ ...~ ~ ~~r~ / ! ~C~,;rt~ ~" ~ / /"-. / Q' , .ot/t ~~^ ~,ln /.~, ~~j /., ~~ ,Gr ' ~ / ~-~ ,'~._.2~- ~~ ~-' % ~:1 f ~ ( r/'"--'~1~/i~~t~v r.Gi/ ~ ,~a, / /,cY =~'~r,~nt;iTV ~r ' ~%r J / J~/ Are ~~ current/y ser~~ing on another oyyard or ccmmit:ae ~p,~omtear~ y a muni~t"pa/ity or a c.;unt/~ /f so, please list: ~~~ j;~~ / ;~ / _ _ / ~~ / ~ / Date: ~~~1.~ ~~'%~ ~- ,~ J ,~ ~ Signature ~/~'~ f~ (~1 ~>'.~ ~ v _ (Please us~~reverse side for additional ..eiri`mentsi ~ // ~,; ; ;~ RE{~.~JEST FC3R $~AR~ ACTi~J~I Meeting date: ~~•l151®2 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: C~epartment: Planning . Presenter: Wanda Coston Contact:. Wanda Coston SUBJECT: -- --- - __ ,_-~ - ,Ar~er~drnent of Se~~Jer ~r~nr~e~~ti®ns and ~laarnb~r~g ir~~r+arre~aents i~evolvinc~ Lnar~ ~'~+~c~. rarn 839;=r SU11~11\f1,~5R'f: The County has two different programs that provide financial assistance to eligible very low, low and moderate income persons to assist with the costs associated with sewer connections and;or plumbing improvements. Neither of these programs allow for funds to be used when connecting to an available water system. Presently, the County is constructing the sewer system in a portion of the Castle Hayne area, The sewer project is being partially funded using Community Development Block Grant (. CDBG) funds. CDBG funds are also• being used to provide no interest loans to low '~ and moderate income ,persons to assist them with the costs associated with connecting their homes to the' sewer system. The tap fees are also waived. Construction along Holly Shelter Road will also involve. the relocation of some existing wails. At the-same time,, the City of Wilmington is it the process of constructing a water. system in the area which could provide ~f/ater sertiiice to the affected households on Hoiiy Shelter Road Since many of these households will most likely ~e eligible for sewer loans, it is proposed that rather than relocate the wells, that financial assistance be made available to connect eligible homes to the City's ~-eater system.. By amending our revolving loan program the. County .could also provide assistahce when connecting to the ~~rater system- in other areas of the unincorporated County. The same .criteria that is being used for this program to determine eligibility for financial assistance ~f•;oulci be used to determine eligibility for assistance with water connections. ~ECG`s1il1V1ENDEL M{~~'1C~1 AND 3-iEflt~ES T ED .~~,~;T1flNS: RecommEnd amending the County se~n/er revolving loan program and the Castle Hayne sewer revol~,/ing loan program which would allow financial assistance to be made available for o'onnecting to either the Gity or County water systeirs using CD8G or other appPicable funds . ' PU1~1DIi~~G SOURCE: ~ . CDe3G funds and re~iolving loan fund A,TTAC1-iMENTS: YES • 1T~1~~ 1~C~J /Vt~T RL~'QtJIRE ~~ill~L~J • C~U9~1T~ IiliAi~lA.~3eR';S Ci31UiMENTS AI~,i4J REGC'tVINIE,,iDAT14~9115: Recommend approval. CflM8V18SS1CIUBRS' ACT1t~~1S/CL)WJII=NTS: • `u ~~~~niss~a (~pp~rJ''_-~ D (REJ"~ p ~~~ ,r. ~~~ ~l ~ ~roa C~ . d 5„~ i~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ d ~,a"' S: tS :dam°~ ~~ ~'7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SEVTER CONNECTIONS AND PLUMBING IMPRGVEMENTS REVOLVING LOAN PROGR.z1M REVISED WORDING: .. PROPOSED AlyIENDMENT: APRIL 15, 2002 Administrative Guidelines ~Y~-TQ Q-Y-~-J-3T 4 ~d.Fs" ~. {q~ ~i.~:,;~j ~ v 4:.F+ - '{ 3 ~~ ~ ti~j _~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY • SEWER CONNECTIONS AD]D PLUMBING IMPROVEMENTS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ADMID°:ISTRP'iIVE GIIIDF'L! NE,S Ti1is document is des_ar~ed to serves as ~he bass s for ~_."-`-~ administrative policies, guidelines, and procedures necessary to efteCLlvely ~rnpl°ment a ~ ~_ .,~._~`_~-~.-Or: 2nd PlUmbing ~mprO~rementS AssiS'~.anCe ~rOgY•am for NeW ;ial"lOVe?" County. C`ertdln 2''i"~.end?T~.entS and supplement-s to previously adopted guidelines are'oeir~g proposed that should rasultin a more effective andef=icier!t `_mplementation of the program. Revised Wordina:...imx~lernent a Sewer and .Water Connection... Financial Assistance Program 'j';lc f1nu=?C~~a_ "' _ `--~-?~" S~-- CO~li_eCt~oi7~p +-aiili~lpG ~mp~CV`?T.e nos O~ O~.^Jner-CCC~ b'~ ed C<We~ 1_'"lG' Un=~~ w111 .Ce aVallab ~ ._ fOr - - _, Ve-y _G~,+1 criQ IO~~J 1.=1Co~i~e 110'~SPr!oC1S O~ LVe',ti -1an0`•Tcr LOL1ntj/ L1'i ~.!'lc form cf an ~ merest F~ _~ ?a~%ment Loan (T.~Lj .. '~o~ ~,urpos_v of aC~t711Cai_t el~~=!b111LV Qet_r"1_?`_%~L~oil, ~~ilomeOWl"?e1'~~ 1S. Cep ~ I'-ied a5 a ~y~1c r CL ?y_ra e~' ~,te Cr LC -! "tc~ St ~ i_ e a~ r r .l t;"le - v p~O~~rt1T ~~ '~°_ aS_ _d. 1'^ 1FP~ jrir Cfi ~~ ~ "'e 5~'~:~'ed ~..-~T c.__ ~..=eC.aed D°eC.' - r,_,. S% U-OOn ^~I'~_ti ~ _C_Or'C Ci a `i.t_~ er'C!a Lo Cle~.criTllr!° O~^;p~rS~'liC. 1. a C[e..CtC-' ,.. 1_S, CoTI~TcV: , tL_~="15f2~S off= tiss-gns •~z~s realty , voluntarily or involunt ari ~~ v, o_~ di es , rc. SAN t~nU y. rl 2 ~'~rOp=._-V tra.r ;~f-r, prlOr CO t.__ iTlati::=~t~i O_ ~ L.'_'"_e tnat CO"-.es dL1P_, ti?e tLl_' 1 __ .~~.~'~ .de~t, Or~CGeTaUlC = lrl d.i:'^T payrl=__t ing ~Jc ! ance C- ti"_e debt; :]lt_=OLlt 1__Ce~ eSt, s~~a11 b=~ C~Ue a~!.i i 1%c1~! e ' -_ ~.1n1C`Ue C_rCLiit~St2~?C~S 61'ie Ye t:7 e Ct~.btOr; r1=8 f ~C„' h,~y'',= or ~'~S1 CfnS canr!ot ~,~ay ~.ne =~~m ~,vhen d~-_" ~__~ '"~ _ - ..- ...__~ __~~ =-~.-~== m.a~r rcSL-rllCtL1=~C~"!._ C:e~-, W1~__~ Or ^il~:!CUt 1:rt~_C=t, ti~r^teCtlnQ~ rice COUr!t"y''., ~~edltOr Y1C;t1tS. _ Revised Wording:...program for sewer and ,eater connection.... Revised Wording:...the Commur_ity Development Planner..._ EXC°pt as Se% forti'1 a~GVe, t_'?e de'.:,tvr Si7211 pa~i isle ! Oa.ri debt 1n ~1-mOntPl`r% pa'ImentS ~Ni ti'?CUt ~?'1C~ rcSt Wh1C'~ Will ~e ~, part G`i t_"le• "Sealer' ~i .:i 1 i na._<Ctatellent . -- , ' Any repayments will be cor!sid~red program income ~vr t:~e ongoing operation of c'ne County's housing programs.. ~; _ ~. OtiVileY•-OCC~,.iLJ"1c~ 1~OL2Sej70.ZC~S SVit-"1 1~?COIP.C _~IIIi~S t~iaL c?_'"2 S`r" fC'~L 1n t~` lJ..~. ~2~G~~t1i!2rt Oi HO~iS111C7 ~~~ L1r~ai"7 DeTT010~i•"iclit ~~~,'n~ LCi C~'!~= 1 W i 1_m.i ngton 1~TS~~ UJi11 be Offered amore i z-ed loans at Zero (0 0) percent interest which wi11 require the repayment Of principal only. The County will take into consideration the llomeOwner's present housing expenses ir~cludin_g utilities ar~d family size to determine the ccvr_er's ability to pay. The term of the loan will be maintained fer up to ten years. For example, minimum. loan repayme.~t for a $I, 500 loan would be $12.56 per month over a ten--year loan period. 1 t S1'IOU1CZ .be noted that i~OUSehO1CS ;^J1 t!2 a poor Cred1 i; -iiiStorV Of--- --- debt o.blzgat ~ ons anti unclear tz t1•e w~ 11 be asszsted to resolve any judg7??e1?t°, 11enS OY" UnC!e ar ~_t1e SO aS t0 L~Y'OVi~e these OWnerS W1 t~'1 a 10an . i t an OW"ner Sc•11 S Or tranSi eY'S Li'le prcner tV .before trle lOS~n has rJeen repa~.~, ~he total amCUnt Of ..he loan Wi11 be QUO ~, t0 the COUiltV. To encourage participation s=_--t"~m~__ _..~~. _'~~_:~e-~~=a~? roves tor-owners who are above low and moderate income :but ti~J_h_OSe tenan tS are el i C7i.D7 e Under ~'iTD income 1 imi ~S for the N_TS~ area theSc ~n:reStOr-OW11erS ,vi~_ .Ci° E'1 -~2.O1.e for a ZC~O ~nte"'°St loam Lv~~!"? a r"epavment SChedUle "_ a ten. ;JearS. A p-`OtiiSiCn Oi _he ?Oa?1 for th° ~~~ ~C-t? :~~~~=~ Of rental Urope~`ty, t~Jill b.° that the borr O'v'Ter c"'~~JreeS n0 L t0 _ nCr ... zti ~ ~. ~1? ~ ( ~ .i,`/ iTi01~E- t_"1S~n tC_'~ (1 J J CerCent Gf ~_~~. .GaSe ~Cilt CVer a _Oer~O~ C~ three VearS. Base ren~~ _~ ~ Cal=''Ot e:~Ceed 3J~ Of ~ile ilOUS:~!701d'~ grCo_ ~~?COI7ie. r~,r; i 7 ,;~C ~e~e_mined 7JriC_ t0 t~"le apprCVai OL tP..e erVc'r C'CnneC.10';. loan ~~,J_'iCat10I?. ~n aad=~10~"7 the COSt Of ~?nt and U~ ~11~~es Revised Wording:...in the revolving loan program... Revised Wording :...sewer and/or water connection.... ~th~r P-roctram Elements P ~, r ' 1 ^ 1ri c~l L 1 G T? / F =' . C ~ C ° ?Tl e ?''_ L - - - - ~- ~- C ~"1 n ~ y Mi ~. 1 ! e-~r . e ~ ._ ,, ~~ fi=- =~---T~+ ~; ~`-t~.+,A,- -~ ~'~~__ _.~~,.._.,~~r=.~~ v5~~r ~. L." ~~.~i ~__ C~._...__r~:z-,_:',.._y~~ em"u", -~--=_j , C O 1" CiLi 1 r n e •_ ..i ~..,. 1 tT? a Y' V e i? i e•- C S L O :C~ e iil `- L O t`.i'le i'lOUS1T1Cl UY?1t . Revised Wording:...eniorce the minimum plumbing code in accordance with the North Carolina Plumbing Code 2000 InterrationaZ Plumbing Code with North. Carolina Amendments.... Income Veriiica~tions - When veri~ving total hou,~e~oid income and %1?~icinC~~l c't~SP_tS OL GW"1eY'S OL ~r0_vert~ t0 be. cis: 1Sted, `i"1e COLinL~J will include a'1_ wage and benefit income Ler the read of nou~=ehold, SpOLiSe, c~nd Oti'ler li?'_'labltc.T'i~~S ~-.E. , re~'ulcr COi'1trl~UtOYS t0 2 ~) ~ ~~ ~ household expenses), including household members ~g years of age .and older. T'r~e person(s) applying. for assistance will be required. to provide .a copy of their income tax records of the previous year. Benefit income of minor dependents will pct be verified. Hcwever, savings and other. cash accounts may be verified. Business income for sell-employed' individuals wi-11 be veri`iea through. income tax . °records of the previous three years and w111 inCLUde'net pro~lts as _ well as wages paid to_h~ousehold members.., ~XeCtltln~ Deeds OL TruSt~ _~Llri ng t~"le cdminlStratlOn O~ the ' ~-~~ ~c.~ a.~d Plumb i rig Improvements F_ss_stance Droaram, dwelling units eligible for assistance may be owned by •numerous heirs, some Of whom may :lot wish. to participate in she prograr~t; by owners in clear possession of the property who • ~do not wish to participate in the program; oar by persons ;n apparent possession of the property ~.'~ith.unclear title to the • ~rOyerty. Il"1 Ord~t tO pre'Tel`lt SL1bSe~L1e r_t Sa~~, ..rar:5fe Y', Or • ccnveyar:ce 'of assisted ~ropert~LLj ar~d to insure -ionc~-term . bencfi.t t~ very low and low i :come resi den~.s while ma~~_ritai ring the primary program goal oT addressing p-'~'~lmbin~r; se~sier connect-ion n eds, an executed Deed of Tr'u5t ~1~i11 oe required. Revised Wording:...Se~,ver and Water Connection... ~SS1StaT'].Ce Pr1C:~, ti-C - ~'_~:. ~~-:~`~G~c~-~-_? _-a ~~.--~=..'r- ~'-'~=rte; C .,..C, ~;-e-~ ~, _,..-T ~=ti ~a__ be uS2.~~ CO 1Ce"?C: i, C:ne_1ir1C' .,:i~it~ not :.n C.^~it:~! _..~nCe. 1 ~jeSe Stailuc_dS 5`:,a_1 ,.1°O be L:S_,A - ~ - 1 .- t0 2.nt-f'v reNC.1r, ~nirl_Ctil Tr~:uSC be IT~.~ ~e ~:::ri~e r t__e P:COC; rfzl?! . ~ ~' `~-~ it~µC~iS eS, ~'le ail X.1'7luiil~ lOa:'1 amGUrit ~/J~_1 T:'Ot ~..~ StAfL- ~.1c__C .tO cO~.p1 -c-~ y e ~ ._"T:=pate a ~ _I StY_l.1CCUrct ~ _._ r_eo.-! th ~~1aZard p,~Ob ems . ~_~ ~ I.nsuch cases, the. Countv~wil-_ ~irst attempt ~o have t~1e hOmeO`,^Iner Cblitrl:OUtc _he , ._C eS5 COw ~ Q1 ...SS-Sta11Ce , as OLit_lned o.bOVe. ~ _ri1.5 of=ort ~5 LinS~_,iCOe ~SL_l1; tale CoLtn~v 'rT~i1 _ °c~O'~~ate ~J1%~ the O~,vnel. tC ~ emCr~ tii171G= COametlC 1.ems from ~rle ~rio,~~.._ ~,a,_-~_te-Ll~. If as~~.stance 1s st1~1 1t...pCSV_.c-1e with=n 'ti"'_e ~~,'JOJ g„"ant _imit ~__._ CCUnty.mav ~nCr=aSeChe IOan i_m-t =0L an 1nC1=Vi dual unit ~_~" m.~i~Or1tV ?TCt e ~1 ~ lie ROarQ GL l Ci",itl _S1O-tier 5 . Revised Wordina:...North G'arnlina Plumbing Code 2000 International Plumbin_q Code with 1Vorth Carolina Amendme_nts.... DWe_11nC un_t "'iSUeC~1OI"?S - ~ __Spect~ 0115 Gt eaC_i ds,Jc' 1=ng 'uni.t ---- oc-cunied by an app-lic~,r~~ w; 11 =be~ mn~e b_:~' a licensed and insurecl~ pllr:nlbina firm t'_nat will detail what. ~is necessar~,r in Order t0 COr:n2CtJ file Qwel_1nG Onto tie 2cri-O-=-~=~=°;=t. P!Lim}Je'~S will also identify repairs which should be made to place the pluit,b-ng _n .COmp I i anCle . H - _n,~ i i _'~Spe Ct-On (S) ~~iill ~JJe done b`;' the County inspections Department. 3 . ~~,, Revised Wording:...sewer and/or water system... COSt EStlmaLeS - EaCil prOperLy CWT'ier SUi i 1 UDC required. t0 obtain at least three (?) cost estimates from three (3) licensed ar_d insured plumbing cOr_trac'~ors which detail all work necessary to bring the plumbing into compliance VdiL~~~ the erode . ~o~unLy pe -~son~~el may provide asslstarlce as needed . Loan EliCibility Criteria - Ail very lcw and low income, O~rlner-OCCt1pi ed dwe.i ~ 1ng Ll1_'?1`_S lOCated ~r71tn t_re ~=.=- LLy_ ;~~vct . - _ _ ~~~ __~,_, may be eligible ~or 1_oans depending upon the OCCtipant ~ S 1nCOm:? and Y1O~itC OWnerSi7lrJ StatuB. ~C"vieVer, t':le COStS Cf ~- ;~C._ .,~?4~,^_~.C____ .,.t~' CXC=~.d th° aVa- ~ c.''~J1~'i i Cy Of =L1"1dS t0 .Gr1="'_C~I ali dWe ~ l_nG t1I11tS ii`1t0 CO~.i~.pl lance . 'l r: t~1aL cVe'!"!t, the following priorities will be utilized to determine which Uri1tS Shail reCP_1Ve ~OanS: Revised Wording :...county sewer project areas and areas where a water system is available.... Revised Wording :...sewer and water connections may... (1) Owner-occupied with ha_~d~capped head of _nouti.., hold; 2) Owne -occupied with elderly head O~ :r!c ~sehold • ~~) u~rl".er-OCCUpled wit__ iallil! ~~° f'!aV i ng _~= ! O`n7°SC Ve~''lf ied 1nCOiTlc ~ (, _% O~riT?et-OCCUp1ed 'tvlt.n ~e;?1~._e-iZead hGU;Se!'lOl~~. ~-'iouSei!OlQS _na-T~ng LWO OY ?Tl0''-C OL Li'1= a';'iO~Ic CCn~1`..1Cn= will _~~_i~re highe pri^r_ty. F_li !~?OL:SehOlu t=iCO~l"le ~ri1_l ~^ `~Te"'111~G i!7 ~.000ru~~nCc W1L~"1 tl?e CurL''~-_t riUD ~ ..__C'dt~-~ ..~_ ~~-~-~ =-~:~-'£-L_Cr'vT ~.. .~.r~.~_..,---~ "ti's ~~_C~f -: C. f~y" l , ;'d: ==car=~ ~'uS C ~---.'~-ti~- --0-:3--~ C ~-~-=f~~O~TC-r ~-mac FrO~ .. _ ~~-crate 1 m~~,r=r~-O-Ei~- ~ _ ... ~-~-c-.= =~ _ l--a gad-S-` Revised Wording:...schedule to determine the eligibility of very low, low and moderate income households. The income limits for the program will change to reflect the current HUD schedule as it is made available by HUD. The existing income limits for ~~ew Hanover County are as follows :.... 4 .,~ ~~`~, , N ` ' " ' L ' ii 2I ~ ~;~V. ~A`v~VE v ~ R C(3~i ~~ ~C yIE~~~N I~~C~i pr ( ~(31): ~~6;700 ~a~ni3v ~-Members: 1 2 3 ~ ~ =I ~~°~~ LlnlltS ~~'~~ 1I2~)0 I26~0~ I=1~00 VernLow-Income 1630 18700 21000 2330 Lovv~-Income ~ 261 ~0 29900 33600 ~ 373 ~ 0 30°;o Limits l ~ I ~0 1620 1 3>0 18 ~0~ Vern Low-Income 22.00 ~ 27100 239,0. ~ ~ 30800 Low-i.izcome ~ 4030 ~l_.3~0. ~!6~?C 4900 ~ i1~e m~c.ia:~: f~~r.:1v income io t_~e ~,~ 'lniin~7ion!l~t ~ . ir~el~~~cle~ all e~~iv~e~,v H4~nc=ver Co~~~.nty. • ~;'`..~~ {T~i.~ ~a~ e int~~~it~~c~lly h~'~ b~~x~~} ~; ~~'~ .~~ ' N~ ~iA~V(~1I~R C~U~TY ~.~~~D ~~ C®~JI~l1~S~1~IVE3~S R~QUP~Y FOR B~ARi:9 ACT1C3tV . IVlesting Date:. 04/15/02 ~ , Consent Item. #: 1 0 Estimated Time:. Page Number: department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Cantact: Lucie Harrell ` SUBJECT: Adoption of Resoiutiora requesting NCDO~' to ,add ~o~ds ire Greenbrier South Subdivision and IVorthChas~ at BVlarlwood and iVorthCt~ase Business PariC to the. ' Mate load Systes~. ' BRIEF SUMMARY: _ NCDOT is considering the addition 'of roads ih Greenbrier S~ubdivisior~ (Div. File No. 1014-N) and ih NorthChase Subdivision at Marlwood and NorthChase Business Parl< (Div: File No. 1019-N) to the State road system. if the Board concurs with the recommendation, the Cgi_mty will need to .provide ' an-adopted resolution for further handling. . R1=COMIV9EiVDErJ MO~It3~1 AID REt1U;=STED ACTiCi~S> - Adopt Standard Sesolution , FUNIBING Si71113CE_ , ATTACI-3MENTS: _ '~ Letters from NCDOT with 5R-1 ` ' ' iTE/V7 1~~~5 NAT }~~~tJl~~ ~~Vl,~'~l CC3UNTY MAr,1AGE'S CGI,t'~ItAENTS AN1~ RECOMMEi~1f~ATlO~~S Recommend approval -~--''~~ ~`,.,~ r q , ` - COMi~'IfSS1C?t~~ERS' AC31l~~IS/CflMMEi~~S: ' 'CO~Pi1~ G'OMMiSSI©N~~ ' - l~PPRQ~'~~~.~ ~ ~tEll~: ^ {~~i /E~'l7ti . ~ ~} „a STA7F o~ u ~ i J/ ~~F... _,~ V STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPAI~TiVL~NT OF TRAI'vTSPORTATION _ _ _M_ ICHAEL F. EASLEY_ _ - LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRE"I';~RY ivfarch 22, 2002 NIs. Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street ti~/ilmington, North Carolina 284' O 1-4093 Dear GIs. Harrell: . This office is considering the addition of roads in Greenbriar South Subdivision (Div. File No. 1014-N) to the stale system. Afrer the Board's consideration, if their concur with our recommendation, please furnish this office with the current county resolution and official road narr~e for our further handling. If I may be of further assistance, please advise, Very truly yours ~; ~! ,~ ~ ~~~ Daniel R. Cumho, P. E. District Engineer DRC:psj Attachments cc r.- , ~~ ~~ tilr. S. E. Cooke. P. E.: n ~~ '~,~~. ~~ ~~ APB NE'~4 HANOV~R CO ~o o~ corn~eiss;or~E~s ~= a :~~~ ., ~~J ~~~~1 ~I .;.~ 124 Division Drive, wila:ington, N.C. 28d0I (910) 251-26~~ Fax: (901'} 251-279 ~; - ~ North ~'arolina Department of Transportation Division of ~igh~vays Petition for Road Addition ~~_~~~C ~'~~'~~~+/I_a.~I(~~ (Please Prin~'Type) ~~~~ County:. New Hanover Road Marie: Gran Squirrel Drive and ~,Uest~-one brine ~P!ese list additions: street names and !en~t?a on t;ie back of"this roan.) SubdivisionName: ~,~Iasonboro Woods at Greenbnar South Length (miles):- 0.24 miles Number of occupied homes havinc street frontage: 19 Location: 0.1 miles N~ S ~ E ~ W ~ of the intersection of Routs 1492 and Route 1?89 (Check ane} ((5R1, NC, liSj ((STI, i1iC, Us; We; the ur~dersivned; being propertr~ owners anti%or deve?opers or^ ~Iasonboro Woods at Greenbrier In ~'e'~xi H'driOVer COUntV, do hereby rZOU°St ti`?~ D1'v1~i0r1 Oi ~il°_htiva''S t0 ac"1C1 the abOVe described road. ~~~v ~'.-~~~' ~~~~ ~'a~::e ant: ~cicre.._ of tits. P~.::tioaer. (Please Pint%T`;~-e) . dame: ti'Ia~>,-ice ,S. ~ri~._art. ~ir. (Developeri P`ZOne Nu~x.btir: (910) 79? -220=1 Stre°~ <~~ddress: !~'faili:"l? <'`~ddreSS: cy -~QLIa Vr15ta Drl~e, ~aj/1'_r1lnvTOn. ~(~ 2~=-()9 ~R~PEF.TY ~ti4N~:FtS Name ~ ~ ~..tailir:~ Ad-dress Telephone _~ Fc~-n°SR-1 (i/200') F~ ~~ i" 4v. SL4TF''y 4~ v ~ ~~ ~ ~I~ ~~ •~~~• STATE OF NORTH CAROLI~~A DEPARTIvIENT CAF TIZ~NSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LY~IDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY March 22, 2002 Ivls. Lucie F. Harell, Clerk Ne~~v Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Str°et Wilmington, North Carolina 2840.1-4093 Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considerinff the addition of roads in Northchase at ~Iarlwood and Northchase Business Park (Div. File No. 1019-N) to the stale system. After the Board's consideratioiz; if they concur with our recammendation, please furnish this office with tl~e curent caunty resolution and afficiai road name for our further handling. If I may be of further assistance, please advise. , V erv truh,~ vours. I,I ~ I V Daniel R. Gumbo, P. E. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~GQZ District .Engineer ~~~ ~~~ F ~ CD DRC:psj t~E',~ Ha~r~o~~ ~,~ r~s ~~ or co~n~~~ss~or~ - Attachments _ __ec: NIr. S. E. Cooke. P. E. - ~~ 12=~ Division Drive, Wilmineton, N.C. 28401 (910) 251-2655 Fax: (901) 251-2759 i ~.. ~~ . NORTH CAROLINA 1>EPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PETITION' FOR ROAD ADDITION FOR'~1 S~-I REVISED I-9 ROADLV.~Y" 7?yFOR~tAT10~[• (Please Print) County:~~__, u,,-,~~,er Road Name: r~nr~tP Drive South (Please list additional street names and len~ns on the back o; thu orm.) Subdivision;vame NorthCha~e, Corporate Dr. South 0.34 - ----..___. ___-- -- ----_- Lengh (miles): Number of occupied ho;,~es having street frontage: 5 vorthChase Location: 0 . 3 ~ miles N S ~ W .of the intersection, of Route ~1C ~ 13 2 P r.~cwy , S - (Circle one) and Route (SR, NC or L'S) (SR. NC or US) ~~~e; ~hC L"7d°.'S1~?l:'j. Oe;na ~rODeiy 0~71~°,r5 3rld:'or deVelopel"o`. ~ ~ 17r __V CJll}ti] J'r~CI1V ~ ~ ~ Or71 C'nr-~Or~^;- a c ~le-a anover Cooney, do hereby request the Divisiar, of Highways to add the above described road. CONTACT PERSO~r: Name and Address of First Petitioner. (Please Print} .~r3fne =1 ?r('T~T~ i' ~'.!T,TtO~S `J1C~ Pr°SL~~^i~ P~lOile~'IllT~Oe': t 9~ ~i ~ 56~°1.3~~ Str=..:Address: ~1na~~ r, nnn tii;ll pd ~~1a~A ~~"'as~ NC 27~g7 n,Sai]in~Address: PO Sox 1615 , make ~ orest, NC 27583 ,;fig ..:.i a,tr ~~ r ~~l~.l~~ ~. i~~ !(~a.,,.tc t Sys. PROPERTY" fltii~'NEI2S ~L~iL~~IG ADDRESS ~ro.~ Cat„ ~ ~D.~~ ~ y S,~ ~~~i ' 02 36.5' ~~„ Po,/, 7~~ C~ Uf; ~'~ ~i TET ~ a~CNrF ~~~ - 9~~- $ 9 z y ./C ~s z-530 ,~(iG. 7(Z - ~ S4 e ,~%G ._ 7 Z- /5~a .`~-..~. {~'his,~ag~ ~ntenti®nally hit blank} ~~ ~ ~~." - N~~ ~Ir~I~~~E~ Ct~~l~1TY 8~a~~3fl ~F ~~11~~f1~~1f~~E~$S . ~iEt~,i_IE~T FflR SflAR~3 ACT3t~~l . Meting ®ate: ®~/'9 5l®2 - Consent Item #: 1 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' Department: Transportation Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin Contact: Patricia A. Melvin --- -...-_.._ SUBJECT: ---- --- -- App~oval $o Subrrait Application f®r Ru~a~ flp~:~ating Assistaro~~ Prograrra Funds - B~iIEF SUMMARY; New Hanover County has been notified of its eligibility to receive an allocation of $1 31 ,568 in N.C. Dept. of Transportation Rural Operating A.ssistarce Program funds for FY 2002=03. These funds must be used to provide transportation services to elderly, disabled, Work First, and the general public of the unincorporated areas of the County. Services are provided via New Hanover Transportation Services. No'local. match is required. ,. RECOMME~4®ED-MOTl~ON AND REt2UES'fFD ACTIflIyS: Recommend authorization to submit an application for funds. ' F~11yl~ING S®~..IRCE: ATTACH;V1EndTS: Ji~~1 i30~.'; NOT Rz~Od~/fi~' fs'FiIlE'N . Ct3~l1UT'~ MA~IAGI=R'S CUM, EDITS A~11D REC~3MMEN(~ATIflNS: Recommend approval. ~~>"~ ~~ .. .. i,~~.. ,.~.+..n.,..rr...~ n.-.-rs.-,~'w~n ir. ,-~nnnn.-n~rr•_ CCU Of91~il~iSS~O~ii" /~FPROVED ^ c~~r~c~~~ a f ~EMOVEC (7 r. , '~ . Q~~ARD ~] ~;' . ~'~ >~~ - ~,...... -, f e~j a..r f {'his page int~ntianally left blank} "1 ^ t~~ r~ ~, - Rir~L1E~T FflR i3©AR® A~TiO~i Nleetir~g date: fl4/15/~2 Budget Ara~e~dm~nt - Consent item #: 1 2.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEi'ARTMENT: Aging/Nutrition-Home Delivered/Nutrition-Congregate .. BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0163 ADJUSTMENT DE$!T CREDlT Nutrition -Home Delivered: ~ . Nutrition - CDi3G $6,632 Contracted Services - Meals $6,632 .Nutrition -Congregate: Nutrition - CDSG $4,420 Cor•,tracted Services -Meals $4,420 EX~LAP+1A79ON: The Noah Caroiina Division of Aging has forwarded to the Area Agency on Aging ...the amounts ofi the State FY 01-02 Horne and Community Care 8loc?c Grant and the hate Senior Center General Purpose grant. The amounts have .been reduced from current allocations to ` accammadate.the shortfiali in North Caroiina State Government revenues througn June 30, 2002. As a result of this action, the North Caroiina Division of Aging has instructed each recipient of Home and Community Care Sloclc Grant fiends to reduce its 2002 allocation by 2.3%. This required State reduction has been divided among ai! providers. The loss for the Nevv Hanover County Department of Aging is $11,052. , Thin budget amendment refilects th redact ^n in the home-delivered meals and congregate mean programs due to this cut. ~"°`'~J __i... ,~ ADDiTIONAi~ iNPfli~MATiCN: '~ . APP~O',/Ai_ STATUS: To i,e approved by Hoard Ofi Commissioners COMMiSSIONEl~S' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~u c~~~ssic~~~;t /~PPR~ED~~.,,,~; RFJE~~~~~~:;~~~', ~ r' ~Y MG , '~ :~ ,tii^L?] .:~M ~~ _ ~ v ~ ~' ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Nutrition -Home Delivered: Aging/Bridge Donations $10,000 Meals -Bridge $10,000 EXPLANATION: To contribute $10,000 to the Meals on UVheeis Council for their weekend program. No additional County funds are needed sink funds in the Aging/Bridge Donations escrow account will be used. ~~„~` ADDITIONAL If~li=ORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissianers CO~/1M1SS1ONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: GOU(VT1P ~f~~A~16~SP0~ (REJECTED ~r •° ' REMOVED (~ ~;rt*1 ;;x POSTPOiVE®® ~ ` ~ .~~: HEARD ~ ~ ~~__/ ~Al~ -- _'-~- - j ~ ~"', ~~1lV' ~1~I~f~1/E33 GflU~T'( B~AR~ ~F ~OIIl~~J1f~.~~~~1~~S REQUEST FOR BOARD AOTIO~ . Meeting Date: U4/15/02 - ~aa~~~ A~,~~a~,~~,t Consent Item #: 12.3 Estimated Time:. Page Number: _ DEPARTMENT: Public Health/NavigatorlNavigator-Partnership ~ - __ _ ~ BUDGET AMENDiV1ENT #: 02-0165 ~ - --,__. _ AD.ltJSTMENT DEBIT CPEDIT 1\7avigator: ~ . `State Grant ~ $6,500 ~- Navigator-Partnership: ~ . Salaries and UVages 5,350 Navigator: . . Contracted Services ~ $400 . Departmental Supplies 53,250 Emplayee Peimbursements $1,500 - \~ EXPLANATION: To budget addition'ai State grant i~ ;for the Navigator Program. No County . funds are regtured. ~;'~ ''''~~ . .~ ~ _ ' ,~ ~ ADDITIONAi_ INFOF~MA3'i0~1: ~ APPRO'JAL.STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMiVIISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMf~JIENTS: . ~4U'NT1P C~M~1SS~41~i~i . (~PPROVEp ` _ "[~EJECT40 • REMO~JE[3 C;~ ~ , . ST 1V ~ }~$ ED , 0 PO ~ .~ ~, ~ . ~IEARD E~ ~ ~ ~.~:.; -. ~~~ . ~ 9V~VV HAS®\J~R,~000~lTY BOARD OF C®MiVI1S~iC~i~ERS RE{3UEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/15/02 ~~dget ~Amendrnent Consent Item #: 1 2.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: ; DEPARTMENT: Social Services/DSS Administrative Grants/Crisis intervention Program BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0166 - •- - -------- ---._~__ ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT DSS Administrative Grants $54,725 Crisis Intervention Program: Assistance Payments ~ $54,725 EXPLANATION: To budget additional State dollars for e risis Intervention Program. No additional County funds are required. 'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Baard Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSlCOMMENTS: ~OUN;fY C~NIMISSICfI~ REJECTED ^ a ' REMOVED O it ~~ POSTPONED ~ ~ ` _. BEARD ~ "~'`' .~ ° ~~,.