Agenda 2002 06-03.; r 1 . .-4• ' AG E A 1 ~ /~ NEW I~ANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COIVIMISSIONEIZS IV t-~ . , ` Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 ' ~ ' ! Wilmington, NC ~_ . TED DAMS; JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G: GREERMCE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMI SSIONER . • .. • ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA OOPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F, HARRELL, CLERK TO THE B -. OARD June 3, 2002 '` 5:30 P.m: MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAN CE ~. APPROVAL OF CONSENT-AGENDA ESTIMATED ~ _ ITEMS OF Bl<ISINESS Page TIMES..- ; ~ ~ No. .. " 5:40 p:m. ' 1. Presentation of Distribution of Available, ABC Revenue 1 . . 5:45 p.m. 2. Consideration of Naming the:Judicial Building Annex 3 S:SSpm. `~` 3.1 'Review Recommended Funding with Specific OrganizationsaudHoldaPublicHearing 5 . ' on the FY 2002-200 Recommended Budget u 3 n * ' 6:35 p.m.. 3.2 ded Budget ( blic Hearing on FY 2002-200 Recomme ) P • ~ ''`Eacli person or organizational representative will be allowed three (3) :nzinntes to ~ ~~ conzn>!enton the proposer! FY2002-2003 budget. The total puhlic com~nent~period" - ~ ~` _ will not exceed one (1) hoar. . ~ 3..3 .. , Board Discussion oii Proposed FY 2002-2003 'Budget ~, BREAK - 8:,00 p.m. , ~ . 3~.4 Consi~deratioii of Resolution. Requesting theLocal Delegation ofahe N.C: General 7 Assembly to GeaiitNew~Hanover Cotmty the Authority to Enact a Special One-half ('%z) - ~ Percent Sales Tax Effective July 1, 2002. Public Hearin:' ' ' 8:05 p.m. 4.. Rezoning: Request byJeffKeeter for Conbrio, LLGto rezone approximately 3.92 acres 9 of property. located at 4837 Carolina Beach Road„North ofthe Lakes atJohuson Farms . . ,. from O & I Office and Institutio~ial to CD (B-2) Conditional Use Highway Business' . , (Z-739, 04/02) ~ - , ' 8:35 p.m. ~ . ~5. Public $earinQ: Wilmington Hanby-Beach: Water and Sewer Special Assessment 17 9:35 p.m. 6. , Discussion of Mason Creek No Wake Zone 19„ 10:00 p.m. ~ 7~. e Consideration of Ordinance to Protect Birds at Mason Inlet- : ~ 23 10:30 p.rri. 8. Second Reading: Approval of Franchise Ordinance for Solid Waste Collection . 25 . .10:35 p.m. ~ 9.: Consideration of Approval of Franchise Application-for Solid Waste Haulers .. 37. . ~ M1 ~ _ .. ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 11.:00 p.m. 10, Consideration of R~olution Requesting That Local. Govermnent Revenue Sources 39 Be Made Secure ' 11:05 p.m. 11. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 41 11:15 p.m. ~ Non-agenda items (limit 3 minutes) 11:20 p.m. Additional Items: County Commissioners, County Attorney, County Manager Adjourn Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less tine, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. ~~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND .SEWER DISTRICT - ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE ~, CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1 2 3 4 5.1 5.2 5.3 _... Page No. - Approval of Minutes 57 Approval to Apply for a Job Access Reverse Commute Continuation Grant fora 59 Two Year Period FY 2002- 2003 Approval of Rules for Major Events on County Parks 83 Acknowledge School Board Budget Amendment 91 Approval of Budget Amendments: #2002-41 Sheriff -Controlled Substance Tax 97 #2002-42 Sheriff -Federal Forfeited Property 98 #02-0195 Human Service Transportation 99 . ~ . IVE11V HAiVOVE~ COIJIVTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIOiVE~iS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION , - Meeting Date: 06/03i~2 ~ .' - , - 'Regular Item #: 1 Estirimated Time: Page Number: ' Department: County Manager Presenter: Billy Williams. - - " Contact: Allen O'Neal, County Manager: - ~ SUBJECT: . ' l'resentation.of Distribution of Available ABC Revenue BRIEF SUMMARY: -. The New Hariover,County ABC Board has realized a revenue that can be-made available to the - . County in the amount of $577,860, • ' ~ RECOMMENDED.. MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Express appreciation to ABC Board a`nd accept the $577,860.: Staff recommends. appropriating the - money to a special General Fund Account for the purpose of developing a permanent solution for . the departments housed,in the Administrative Annex Building. that are being relocated. to the Third Floor of the. Library. FUNDING SOURCE:. ATTACI-1MENTS: - " .: ~ - ,ITE1U7 i3(3ES l1iOT REQUIRE REVIEV'/ ~ . COUNTY MANAGER"S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . t Concur with recommendation as noted above. A budget,amendment-will be presented at the second meeting in.Ju,ne reflecting the Board's decision on the use of the unanticipated ABG revenues. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: , -. ~ - . GO~i~11F ~OMMiSSIQ~I ' . APPROVED O r REJECTED . REM `' ~ , ' . *~ .. STPONED ,. BEARD C] . oR~E G ~ 3 . o ~' • . • . . {This page intentionally left blank} 7~M1YJU`V' „ ~~P Y1F2~1.'I Y 3 f ~, , r O[ p~ gp `t '~rr ~ g ~~, l 'k7~Vw7 Y cf x n%'! ~~ g 6cd V.~I U ~. * ~ ~ ~ iy+ ~ ~} ~ t p ~ *~p 1~C~ 6~ ~c7 P o H'~f v i,,, A ' y ~, , i~3 n~Ew ~~wov~R couwTV BoAR® of connMass~o~E~s REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' ' . Meeting Date:.- 06/03/02 tem #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~ , Regular ' Department:. County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson- Contact:- Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: , Judicial Building Annex -Naming BRIEF SUMMARY' . Commissioner Greer has re~ ommended that the riew Judicial BUiiding Annex be named in honor of W. Allen Cob.b,. Mr. Cobb was afour -Germ District Attorney for New Hanover And Pender counties (1967-1983). .For more than 50 years his leadership influenced and helped develop this , ' district''s court system. He was active in many state, community, church and• military organizat~o~ s. . It is, planhed.to have a cornerstone on the Annex, an interior dedication plaque, and a<bronze pla~ ue , • in the entrance to .the' landscaped area of the Annex. Renderings: will be provided by Bruce Bowman AIA at the meeting: • Mr. Cobb's son and Resident Superior Court Judge W. Allen Cobb,.Jr. will be present. ; RECOMMENDED MOTION AIVD~REQUESTED ACTIONS: .' ' Consider naming the Judicial'$uiiding Annex after former district attorney, W. Allen Cobb. , :. FUNDING SOURCE: I Funds are available•in the capital project fund. ~ • • ATTACHMENTS: - /TEM'DC9FS NOT REQUIRE REV/EW • - ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS A~1D RECOMMENDATIONS:. , - Recommend consideration of aming' the Judicial Building Annex after W. Allen Cobb as recommended above ~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTI COMMENTS: ~Q~ff~lY.~O~i~i 'IQN Af~PROVED . . REJECTED ' REMOVED • ~~ • ~ ~'OSTPONED l G~EARD 8 ' `. ..Y ©A~'E ~ „~~ { ~~a~~ page i~atentio~tc~lly le~~ bl~n~} ~-~~.~ , i~ •,+,, ~~ ~~ ~} ~, 3 '.,J Y i~nw i~ . N~~1 ~3AN'~1e'E~ C®UiVI?V ~~~~D~©F ~fl~1/I~1111~Sa~~ERS . REO.U3=ST FOR BQARD AOTiON • 1Vieeting Date: 06/03102 . q .. ~' • , Regular i#em #.: 3.1 to 3.3 Estimated Time: Page' Number: ` Department: Governing 'Body Presenter:. Chairman Davis ' • Contact: Allen O'.Neai, County Manager SUBJECT:- , Rev9ew Recorrirr~ended Funding With Sped#ic Organizations ..and Hold a Public i-ie~ring On,the, F'Y 2002-2fl03 Recorr~rnended Budget ,' BR1EF SUMMARY: Beginning at 5:45 p.m., on Jurie 3, 2002, the Soard of County Commissioners will review FY 2002-2003 recommended funding with specific organizations .and hold a public hearing to receive public comments on'the FY 2002-2003 Recommended Budget. Following is a list of organizations , ' scheduled to address the Board, of County Commissioners: New Hanover County Schools ' ' Cape Fear Community. College ' ~ Health Department Public Hearing on FY 2002-2003 Recommended. Budget REC'flNIMENDED P/IOTION AND R;=QUESTED ACT90NS: Benin at .5:45 p.m: on June. 3, 2002, to review FY 2002-2003 recommended funding with specific .organizations and hold a public hearing to_receive public comments on the FY. 2002-2003 Recommended Budget. >`~JNDIN'GSOURCE: ' AT~"ACH1111E~1T5: REil1E~iVED BY: LEGAL:: FINANCE: NIA- BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES:- N/A, COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATlON5: , Hear comments from New Hanover County Schools and Cape Fear Community College. Others washing to speak will sign up ori~Monday night. There is no 'way for me to know how many people • will show yip. Chairman Davis awn ~I iscussed the. matter or` limiting speakers to three minutes each- for a total of one hour. '~~~-~" t ., 'COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/C MMElVTS: ' ',~ . . .. ..~.. ~. ~~; {This pti~e lntentl®~c~lly le}'t blc~aak} n n ~° {~~~ ~IE~V HAN01/E~i GO~J-VTY BOARD ®~ C0~11~1I~SSiO~V~RS • .REQUEST FOR BQAFiD ACT10~! . ' Meeting ®ate: 06/3/02 e ~~ Re ular Item #:" 3.4 Estimated Time: ~ Page Number:, , 9 ~ ~ . Department`. County Manager Presenter: Allen O,'Neal - - ' Contact: Cam Griffin - SUSJECT: . . ~ortsidexation of a ~esalution requesting lVevv 4~a~over ~o~nty Legislative . ' Delegation to Introduce an'd'Sup~o'rt a fine Half Cent L®cal'Cption Sales Tax for: ~ ' hlemi Hanover Gounty , ,.• . . ,.. ,t3RIEE SUM11l1ARY: The Governor's Budget as introddced on May 21 did not include reimbursements for repealed local taxes that were scheduled to be paid to local governments. New Hanover County's FY02=03 Recommended Budget includes `State collected local government reimbursements of $4.5 million. . Following is~a resolution for consideration, by the County Commissioners .requesting that all - ~ members of she New Hanover County~Legislativ-e Delegation introduce and support .a 1/2 cent sales tax for New Hanover County effective July 2002. ~ " ' An additional 1 i2 cent sales tax would generate $8., 6 million. in FY02-03. ' ' •RECOMIVIENDED MOTIOi~ A~lD t~EQ.UESTED ACTiflNS: . .~ Consider the Resolution. ~ , FUND°1~1G St34.JRCE: '. ~IT~YyI DC?ES N©T ~7EL3t1/f~,E 4cVIf~~V . ' COUNTY MA"i\1,~,GER'S COM:MEIVTS A~]D REC~IMMEiVDA7'1flNS: Recommend approva~f~--- ~~`~-~ ~ ~. ~~ ``' ' ' COMM1SS10iVERS' ACT~OIVS/COMiV1E1uTS: COU~TIE' ~©Mi~ISSiONE.~~', . - (('PROVED O . , , . ~EJCCTED , !.'~ IR.~tj>liQVED POvTPONED ~ ,I PiERRD , t~ ®ATE' '~~ ~ ©c~~ ~ ` ;~ es®Ht~~ of tl~e l~evv Hanover County hoard of C~an~nissioners WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners is charged with the responsibility of promoting the health, safety, and welfare of residents of New Hanover County, as well as those who work within or visit the County; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is seeping alternatives to continued reliance on ad valorem property tax; and WHEREAS, if the Governor's budget is approved as of July 1, 2002, New Hanover Colmty will. lose X4.5 million in funds made available by the State of North Carolina to replace revenue lost because of legislative action that: (1) repealed sales taxes imposed on purchases made with Food Stamps; (2) repealed property taxes imposed on inventories held by manufacturers, retailers, and wholesalers; (3) repealed taxes on intangible personal property; and, (4) reduced taxes levied on residential property owned by low-income elderly taxpayers; and, WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby finds that, particularly in light of the circumstances cited herein, the levy of a One-Half Cent (1/2¢) Local Govenunent Sales and Use Tax. is necessary to adequately finance the operations of the County and the cities and towns herein. The net proceeds of the tax levied shall ~~be divided among the County and the municipalities u1 accordance with the method by which the One Cent (l¢) Sales and Use Tax levied in New Hanover County pursuant to Article 39 of General Stahrtes Chapter 105 are distributed. N~3W, THERE~'~1~E, BE IT RES~L,VEI~, that the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby requests that all members of the New Hanover County Legislative Delegation introduce and siip~port a One-Half Cent (1/2¢) Sales and Use Tax for New Hanover County. Tlus the 3rd day of June, 2002. i ~~ ~`~~ . ., •~ "~L~icie F'."Harrell;~C'lerlc to the Board Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~.a iVEViI HA~IOVER:C®t~IUTY E~OARD OF COMII~JIISS101VERS "° REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10~1 . ,.. ,: ~ Meeting Date: 06/03/02 - ~ . ' - ~ _ ,. Regular Itsm #: 4 Estimated Time: Page. Number:,. ,'- Department: Planning Presenter:`- Dexter Hayes - . Contact: Baird Stewart ~ ~ - ~.k SUBJECT: .~. Rezoning Case Z-739, 0~/02:'O&I Office and Institutional fio. CD {B-2~ Conditional • • lJse Highway B?.asic~ess . - ~ ' BRIEF SUMMARY; .`., ~ _. ` Request by Jeff Keeter for Conbrio•,. LLC to rezone' approximately 3.92'.acres of property located at x$3'7 Ca•rolina,Beach Road, North of the Lakes at Johnson Farms from O&I Office and Instifutioriai to. CD {B-2) Conditional Use Highway Business. ,. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED'ACTiOiVS: -' ~ .. , The'Planning Board recomm-ends approval with conditions. _. FItNDiNC SOURCE: .. . . . N/A ATTACi-IMENTS: 4 . 6 Pages, 2 Maps - • ~ ' , . fT~M ~D~S'NOT RFQU/RE RE.V/FW . COUNTY~IVIANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~~ . ` °Ci~M1VIISSiONERS' ACTIONS/C~OIVIMENTS': - ~.: . t, - .. Niflfli: Si4~€RS a GOI~fVT1f CO . ~ ~ f~t~PROVED .REJECTED ~" REMOVED ^ • , . POSTPOf~ED k ~, H'ERl; D ~ • ' ` .. ~ ~~~ . ~,. CASE: Z-739, 04/02; APPLICANT: Jeff I~eeter for Conbrio LLC REQUEST: O~~I To CD(B-2) ACREAGE: 3.92 Acres LOCATIC3N: 4337 Carolina Beach Road Northwest of The Lakes at Johnson Farm LAND CLASS: Developed.-The purpose of the Developed class is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. These areas are already developed at a density approaching I,~00 dwelling units per square mile. Urban services are already in place or scheduled within the immediate future. Density may exceed 2.~ units per acre. within the. developed class, depending upon local zoning regulations. PLANNING P®ARD REC®iVINIENDATI®N x/2/02: The pe#itioners attorney presented the conditional use site plan. No one spoke in, opposition to the petition. The president of the adjacent dome Owners Association spoke izi support of the conditional use plan. After considerable discussion about providing a connection to an existing access easement and right of way on the nortlztivest side of the property, the Planning Board vated to a-ecommend APPR~dAL of the petition with the follo`ving conditions; 1) The petitioner will provide a 25 foot buffer tivith an 8 foot high fence along the eastern property line adjacent to The Lakes at Johnson p'arzn, /// 2) Live iVlusic or L~zztez-tainment shall be prohibited within the storage facility, 3) !architectural style will bey-similar to the illustrations and samples presen#ed and on tile, 4) Lighting ~ti°il1 be directional lighting mounted below the eve-line, ~) ~f a mail is constructed within the adjacent b0 foot bvide parcel reset-v~ed for a right of way, ~~ connection shall be provided across the nortlztivestern ,pa-rt of the Conbrio LLC parcel to facilitate access. Improvement of the 60 foot ride access was ' considered a cz•itical part of the design for the jj~ dwelling units approved at Johnson Larm. STAEE SU~I~~IAI~~': The subject properiy is part of a lar~=~r tract of lend located at =~5 ~7 Carolina Be~eh Road. The property has approtimately 4~0' of frontage on Carolina Beach Road and the fror,ta~e is currently zoned B-2 Highway Business to a depth of X04 feet with the remainder of the property zoned O&I Office and Institutional. The current split zoning o~fthis parcel is the result of a 1999 rezoning request for B-2 Highlway Business which il~cluded parcels 7, ~, 9 and the subject propert}~ (see site map j. Based on the availability of undeveloped B-2 properiy nearby, the ~~,~~ enc roacs~i~~errt,c~f,~he request into e;~istin« and de~~elopin~ residential areas, the concern for striping otrt of our n~lajor corridors and the property's eligibility for High density Development, staff re'~ommended denial of the 1999 petition. At that time the Planning Board recommended approval of the B~ 2 District on parcels 8 & 9 but recommended denial of the other propei-ry. ,:. ~ .. ,~ ;.: ', (.;,e ~ .l ' ~ ~ „ ~. l . This petition raises some of the same concerns about encroaching into existing. and ~. developing residential areas and the proximity to available undeveloped B-2 property. However, the subject property adjoins The Lakes at Johnson Farm a lame high density development which is developing predominantly as detached single family units. On April 24, 2002, the TRC reviewed some of the remaining sections of The Lakes at Johnson Farm. The developer. agreed to ' provide a road stub from-Johnson Farm, to the existing access easement adjacent to the subject ~~ ~ .property. The benefit of a conditional use rezoning is that there is a site plan review with = ~ limitations oil the types of uses along with additional conditions that can be incorporated into a .,.` special use permit. "' ,,. ... The Comprehznsive Plan supports providing nei;hborhood level services inclose proximity to the rtaarkets they serve. A storage facility adjacent to a high density development ` would provide a necessary service for that neighborhood. The benefit of:having this service adjacent to Johnson Farm can only be-fully realized if a road connection is made between the tvvo developments: S#aff recomr~aends approd~al with thz construction of a cenneciinQ road along the v I~`orthwest property line which will provide access to the Lakes at Johnson Farm. ... ~~ ~ .. :, . ~ '. ,. .~ Case: Z-739, 04/02 Special Use Permit for: 1Vlini-`Varehouses in a CD(~-2) District Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public. health or safety if locatecl.where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The subject property is located within the ;Myrtle Grove VFD.~__ ~ _ B. County Sewer and City water are available nearby.. C. The site has direct access to Carolina Beach Road. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning ordinance. . A. A site plan which meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance has'been submitted. B. Several existing trees will be preserved onsite as part of the buffer areas and near the buildings. C. Adequate area .exists on the parcel to accommodate stormwater management; buildings and parking associated with the proposed project. y 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. .~. Buffering will be provided in accordance with the zoning ordinance. B. Lighting for the project is proposed to be directional li~htin~ morlnted lower than the buildin, height. C. No evidence has been presented that the proposed use will injure the value of adjoining or abutting property values. 4. The Boaa~d must find #hat the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity tivith the plan of development for Merv f-Ianover County. A. The site is classified as developed by the New Nanover County Comprehensive Plan and is within the urban growth boundaries. The purpose of the developed class is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. These areas are already developed at a density approaching 1;500 dwelling units per square mile. Urban services are already in place or scheduled within the immediate future. Density may exceed 2.5 units per acre within the developed class; depending upon local zoning regulations. B. No structures are proposed in the northern corner of the property. Planninb Staf'f' Concerns: ~) The petitioner has committed to the condition that Live Music or Entertainment shall be prohibited within the storage facility. ?~ The New Hanover Cotulty TRC Committee has recently reviewed a subdivision plan Northeast of the subject site and required a road stub to be provided to tl~le existing 60 foot access easer~letli adjacent to the subject property. This site plan should be consistent with that plan. -; 1 .. ~ m '..Case:'Z-739, Q=~/02 . , . ~ . " ..O.wne"rlPetitioner: Jeff Keeter for Conbrio.LLC ; . . E~istinQ Land Use: Vacant , . . -. , Zoning History: April 7, 1971 (Area 4)' Water Type: City.Water (nearby) - " Sewer Type: County '. , P~ecreation•Area: Myrtle Grove Park , . ~ , Access ~~ ~Traftic Vohime: 26.000 (19.99 ADT) . ~ ~ ~ • • F_e District:. Myrtle Grove... Watershed ~~ Water Quality~~'Classification: Mons Creek C(SW-) Aquifer P~echarae Area: Primary Conservation/Historic/Arehaeolo~ic Resources: None _ ~ . Soils: Lvnp Haven, Stallings . .. ,. . . ~Se~tic~S~uitability: Class III {Severe~LiiZ~~itatit~ns),'Cl~ss II (Moderate) ~~, Schools: Pine Valley ~1! s z..,z..l ,. - ~~, 1 ~ ~ !. rm f ~ ~~`-~----~ i~fDtS9~S A 1YfcIhJT/R~' ~a~- ~ ~ _ ~ _._. _ ,, , ~r~;., { 3~Gt.141~Y h9. G lL 8~",R 7; JR. ~ 1 ~ ~ ,~~ ~,?~ 5 r~"~,. ~°~°~ •~' ff °~^rn ~~a ti _ ~_,~~ ~T~ ~f . r~~,w °~a 3 ~Q ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ .y -,~ .~ ~ ~ G , , p~ ~ ,~~0 V{y ~~ ~ t~ 1 ~ ~ r~ 1 '/ p~ CC' ~~ ~i~, `3' <" Aura, ck / "•tir ~ '1' g "~c ~'o . •~' ~ ~` r~'~ '~,. '~. ~, •~.z ~ N ado IB' E X51 ii{„~~o~~~~, ~-`~-8 < , r' ' ~'~-~.~a ay r 'V~-- pL- -y__^~__- -q0.- 9 ~! ~-'i ~ ~~- ~..3 ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~n ~~ ~~ ~ Sty, {h ~ ~,. ~6 . a ~ ~ t~ ~ '' ~~r r ' \ ., 5. ~:i ~ ~ ~ L 4 .V II ~/ ~~JJ e, 00"" /^* q ~ ~, I ~ ~~.,- ~~ '~~.. ~"~ \ X ~, h~ fi: 'v ,rte i l~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,r'~-~`~; . ,~/ ~'' ~\ Cam} ~ ,,~',~,, . A ~.. ~ • ~ .' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~' r~ : • , "'~~~ j~'i ',,~;'~ , ~~~ >''~ ~ qua ~;;' { ~ , , ~r G_ ,,:.;! ;~ i 7i r is i '~ ..` w ~'/ \' , ''" a `t?' ~r~ f '/ ~~ ~ ~ °~'~ .•'' ~ ~ ~ , r"~~ y.~~~;y;. ~~ ~ ~ Y f ~ F~`"~ P f`~S ~~ N !~'.r~ ` ~ ° ;~ ~ ~SCt, \,r .~- -~ _ ~ J ` J 7 ty~~. C,a~~;3~ °~~* .5~~,ra.us ~," %~ r.~ ate, ~ ~ . ~ ~~ ~, ~~J j ~ ~ ~~~•. ~ ~ ~ `~j ` ~ 4.~'r~` \°1gq„~{yr r •r. ` ~ ~ ~.. ; _ _...~ / 1 ~ _.y -~ ``'~. ~~/ ~ ~{~ ./ J `~ ~~~`~.d+~~ \e~ `- lid ~~ '~. p~ ~Mv ~":~J"lti; fT'.~r ~ .;yk. :'~'.~'."7-i:.; ;~ .-:y..~ s~:s:;- -C.. _. l~ _. "~' J ..FRONT ELEVATION. ~ ,. ~~~M ~.>r .a _ __ ~, s , -~t~ .. a •3. `: .~ .r +~ n ~-~ ;I . = ~ ~II~II r . , - - - ` ~, - .. __ _...-- - --. --_._ _ b.,a '~' ~ 14M~ _ .. . ~. - ~~~~~' .'I ~ 6~ 'fit. ~ ~~ 1 ~.a - n~~ 3 ; l'fi 74 rl ~ Jr _ - __ ~~v ~ I~I~I! h~~ t~-4:.: _ ~~ ._ ~_ ff~~. { - ~q ~~. ' ' . a ... _ .. - ~:~ ~ qCa 1 ~~~. - ;" £ ~ r i'~ "" 1 a y ~ ~~ ~ ~~' ~~ I i + ~ ~~i I ~ L' ,~ 1 - ~ '~ ~ ~ ~~{~~~~~~~~ ~ 'I~ ~I~i~ li ~1 r~~ ~l_I~`~~~Ili 1, i~~ , . Ir ~ Ti a- ~ ~,~ ~. y ~~ ,p,~~7; ;~1~ -. ~ ;_ .., ,_ '.-- ~~ ~-, • ~ IVEVV HANOVEFi COUiVTY BOARD OF COMMISSIOiVERS ' REQUEST'FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/03/02 • • Regular Item #: 5 Estimated-Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce Shell & Wyatt Blanchard Contact: Bruce Shell & Wyatt Blanchard '` SUBJECT: • ~ Pubiic Hearing -Wilmington Hanby Beach Water and Sevver Special Assessment • BRIEF SUMMARY:. • • At the request of the New Hanover County Board of Health and the residents of Wilmington Hanby Beach, The New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners approved the construction of a water and sewer system on August 16, 1999: On May 20, 2002, the Board of County Commissioners approved the final determination of cost for the project at S5;256,169. As required ' ~ 6y N.C. General Statute 153A-193 a public hearing is required to confirm the assessement rolls for ' this project. Upon confirmation of the assessment rolls, New Hanover County will bill. the property owners for 'their appropriate share based on square footage and their designated number of water and sewer: •.• taps. The assessment has the same force and effect, of property taxes. The Board of County Commissioners will establish the term of payment and the interest rate for the assessment. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct public hearing, establish terms of payment and confirm assessment roll. • "FUND1lVG SOURCE: • n!a ~ - • ATTACI-i1VIENTS'. REVIEW'~D BY: '. ' ~ LEGAL: FLNANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A , ., COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: • Concur with recommendation •noted above. ~ q,"~',+,; AS OF 10:1 5 A.M. ON MAY 29TH THE INFORMATION COMING TO ME IS THAT A VERY LARGE CROWD OF RESIDENTS FROM THE WILMINGTON HANBY BEACH AREAS .ARE PLANNING TO ' ATTEND THIS PUBLIC.HEARING. THE MAYORS OF CAROLINA AND KURE BEACHES REQUESTED • THIS ITEM TO APPEAR FIRST ON THE AGENDA. CHAIRMAN DAMS AND i DISUCSSED THE ORDER .OF THE AGENDA LAST WEEK. BASED UPON THAT CONVERSATION I HAVE LEFT THE AGENDA ORDER AS`IS. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS; ` . ~ .. ~, ' {This page intend®nally left blank} l.i ~;~ • NEV1~ H~I~OOiER COUNTY BOARD OF COIViM1SSIOIVEI~S REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 06/03/02 , , Page Number:.,. #: 6 Estimated Time: Re ular Item g Department: Legal' Presenter: Robert A. Parr • - ~ Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau; Deputy County Attorney ~- ' .SUBJECT:.. ` Discussion of. Mason Creek 119o Wake Zone • ~ BRIEF SUMMARY: VVith the deepening of Mason Creek as a component of the Mason Inlet project, resulting additidrial boat traffic may constitute a puEjlic safety concern unless a speed lirnitation is imposed. Creation of.wakes also results in increased erosion of the channel banks. To create a no wake zone, the ' County must pass a resolution .to be forwarded to. the ~ North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission together with an application. The County,.as sponsor,, would have to agree ao install -State required signage. The first step in the process vvould be fo authorize staff tb advertise fora ` ' , ~ public notice indicating the County' wilt consider the "No-Wake Zone" resolution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND FiEQUESTE® ACTiflNS: Consider authorizing staff to prepare and advertise a No Wake Zone application aril resolution for. consideration during the June 1 7, 2002 County Commissioners meeting. ~ FUNDING SOURCE: Costs for signage have not been determined. Buoys. for State required sighage are about Two ~ Hundred.(5200.00) Dollars each. SeJeral buoys may be required. ` ATTACHMENTS: Letter frorri NC Wildlife Resources Commission ' ~ Map REVIE1~11ED BY:. • LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A 13UDG.ET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A . COUNTY MANAGER`S COMMENTS AN.D~RE,COMMENDATiONS: ~ ~ Consider the matter and direct staff~ ' . --~'~ ~7~ ' ~ . ! ,.; COMMISSIONERS' ACTIOI~IS/COMMENTS': . _ - _ i ~~f~Tl~ 0®MMiSSiQN~~?~ ' ' Ct'PROVED ^ [~EJfiCTED p ~ ~tE~~.`CL'ED d i .: • . ~E,-,RD. ., - ~ ~3R;~E (~ 'J • B -• -: IRF-'~ ~ -`°" ~ ~ _, '%J i 1 y _~xy ''~' North C~.rolina~Iildlife Resources Commission Charles R. Fullwood, E~:ecu~ivc DIYeCLOC April 2, 2002 Robert ,~,. Parr 6706 Falcon Pointe Rd Wilmington 2811 Dear Mr. Pan-, The information below is a brief reiteration of our phone conversation of :March 22"~, This letter will replace the one sent on that date that has apparently been lost in the mail. The authority Luzde.r which fhe Wildlife. Resources Commission may promulgate a no~wake zone rule is ?ranted by statute under specific conditions. One condition is that we act in response to a request by a local governmeni that has provided notice to the public of its consideration of the issue. Another condition is that the rule be necessary to protect human safety. A citizen who wishes to have a no wake zone established by rule must first obtain The cooperation of the local government that has jurisdiction. If, after public notice; the town or count, passes a resolution requesting the WRC to ul~dertal<e rulemaki~lg for a no ~~~alce zone, an off~~er w~'! be sent to investigate the area. If the of cer determines that a tizreat to human safety exists in that area; the off cer will recommend that the a%RC undertake ruiemaking. Enclosed are forms that help explain the process. A first step is to confer with the clerk of the relevant local Qovernment's commission or cotuicil. He or she will need a Forn~ D-I (enclosed). If I can be of firrther assistance, please call me at 919/73 ~-3391, extension's 227. Re`~n~s: '`, i ~ r--- .,1i n rov ,,,~ Rulemaking Coordinator 4o- .y *, .~,+. .a.~ , C3.ils~ s a . ~. ~•w Mailing Address: 1701 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC ?7699-1701 K;,ww+" Office Location: Sit N. SalisburySireet • Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 • Telenh~ne~ r~~m 7;;_3391 ~laP - ~.r~t 1 ~ ~~ ~~ h~ i y ~ '~Mh. . ~~~ x ~~ '~ :~ .: ~ I hA ~~ - m ~ . Q ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~y~ ~ --j; \ .` t ~# ` ~ ~~ 4 v 1 } AS.~'. ! ~~~ ~ , ~R +t''~ li r;~~-~ ~ ~ d \~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. 1'S~r . i:. ~! ~ ~ e 1 7 ~ • ~ rw 1 s. L~ t-r k -r ~ Z. ~ ~,T~~i'ti. ` .~ 1yrcL ~.O 1~~~~4> ~p + ~ti'+~ ;t Y ~ `~ Z ~ ` `~;l ~ \. ;'_ F i ~ ;~ i CD m~.(A T ~ ~ D i m n m ~7 Z r n yt ~' ~ 7.~ ~ YC J l 1~ _~ • D f [ll f1l ~ y ~r ~ J ~ n~Z~D = J lr '! D. A. n = y ~ v ~~,,l.~. ~ ~~ ,t ~- ~ ~ rO COO b Z , r r ~! r~ ~r~ ,, W ~ ,~.~ - w~, ~..~ ~: , ~ ~ y ~~ ' ' ~ ~ __~" .., ~~,.. ,.,~-ef,. ~ ~:E_ a ... r• :~+'..W ti~ ., " a ~ ~I, -- ,~ a p, ~, ~~, ~ ~~ ~~ L ` ~ ~ltiv i•" ~''~ ~ m»~ CHANNEL PLAN VIEW .~ ~ ~ i - ~'°` L ro~o~ ,e:-mm - L - _ STATION 0+00 THROUGH 30+00 - _. v APPLIED TECNNOLOOT R MANAGEMENT ~,~, ~T^ ca.nv a 1O` ~ OI NOPTN CANOl1NA, INC. ~ s. j ~ rt - - - ~ ~'~" r.L ~~~ CNERwrt ST.. xiunwrax is few •.,." ww ~~ wa .y.wra, p~ua I .__ ~.._.___.- __.._._. __-- -__ ~_ _~ _-_ I._.. _._... ._ . t2 - ' ~: IVEI/V HANOVER COUNTY BOARD ®F COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BC3ARD ACTiOiV ' ~. . _ 'Meeting Date: 06!03/02 ~ ~ . Re ular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: ` .9 Department: County Manager Presenter: David F. Weaver, Assistant county Manager Contact: David F. Weaver, Assistant County .Manager and Kemp P. Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney ~ . SUB.9ECT: - , -Consideration of Ordinance to Protect Birds at Mason Inlet - , BRIEF SUMMARY:' ' The proposed ordinance seeks.to address issues raised ih the. Federal .permit process for Mason ' Inlet. Permit conditions require .protection of water birds and their nesting habitat. The.,ordiriance ' would make it a misdemeanor,;to intentionally harm birds in the unincorporated portion of Wrightsville Beach Island'. ' ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AiVD REQUESTED ACTIONS:, . Consider Ordinance . FUNDING SOURCE: ' ATTACHMENTS: - . ~~,1 € '~ =~ :. birdordinance.wp . ~ , REVIE'vVED BY: ~ , LEGAL:. FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - t~6i~f~T~ COMMiS~i0N~2=S , , APPROVED ; ~ S.Q ~ RE.IEGTED ' POSTPONED i~ . HERD. L . Qa-~E ,G~3~o~ ~ ~ , AN ORDINANCE DFZ~'1 FT OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 38, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Article IV, Breaches of the Peace, of the New Hanover County Code be .and is amended by the addition of; a new section as follows: Section 38-1 D8. Harassment or Harm of Birds Prohibited. a} For that portion of Wrightsville Beach Island situated north of the incorporated area of the Town of Wrightsville Beach, it shall be unlawful for any person to harm any bird by chasing, attempting to .capture, throwing objects at or touching the animal, or tampering with nests. b) Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than Five .Hundred {$500.00) Dollars or imprisonment for not more than thirty-eight {38} days, in the directive of the court, as provided by N.C.G.S. 14-4. Except as specified referenced herein, the existing provisions of Chapter 38 shall (~ remain in full force and effect. ~J This the day of , 2002. [SEAL] ATTEST: NEW HANflVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board . t ,, '~ ~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF C0l111MISSiONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTlOiV ~ - •..Meeting Date: 06/03/02. Regular Item #:''`8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: David F. Weaver, Assistant County Manager ~: , Contact:, David .F. Weaver, Assistant County Manager . SUBJECT: , Second Reading: Approval of Franchise Ordinance for Solid Waste Collection BRIEF SUMMARY: The Soard, at its May 20 meeting, approved the Solid Waste Collection Franchise Ordinance (see ' 'attached May 20 agenda item).. The Ordinance is required to. go through° a second reading.. On relafed notes, staff is working with the municipalities to further refine the draft Lister Local ! Agreement. In addition, staff is working with the solid waste haulers to complete franchise applications to be approved as a Later agenda item in this meeting. . RECOMMI=NDED MOTi01~! AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: ' ~ ., ' - RIrVIEWED 8Y: ~ ' LEG~~.I~: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN. RESOURCES: N/A ' ' ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMEND, .TIONS: Conduct second. reading and approve Ordinance:--''~ ~ - COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ,;~ ~~ )': .~: ' f , ~Oi~l~l`f CO~NMlS~iON~~ ~ . l~PPRO~JED REJECTED ' RE~rOVED ,. ^ s' ' . PQSTPONED ~^ , ' _ @iERRD C7 ' QATE G rte' , O of - - ~`"..~ R~{~.l.J~ij f 1=i~~i ~Q~~~. ~~ i 3C3~ i~~~tin~ ~ai~: ~?~l~flifl~ Renular ltern #: 14 Estimated Timer Page i\lumber: ~>-~---- Department: County Manager presenter; Dade 'Weaver ~~~.-~~ ~'~° ~' P ~ Doniact; Dave VVeaJer SUEsdEC T ~~~~~ic ~-~~urir~~; ~o~sa~~r~~on of ~ran~~is~ ;~,~~a~~er~~nt ;c~ ~014~ V~Jast~ ~~1~~vtic~r3 n 1~^ ~11 ~'\P n~!l1 ~j The Soard directed staf~ to pregare a franchise arangement for solid waste collectl,on that viould ~. sir.. aSSISt the CGUnI}~ bOtil In tit2 man2C8ment O1 SOtld ~NaSt2 CGtt2CtiOn 8nC1 t0 C"15Ur2 ~~~~CSa~ c:t County-designatad faciiitles. 1n, order to accomplish this~purpese, st~ffi has prapared the following three draft documents (artachedl ror the Board's radiaN: 1) Franchise ordinance -This ordinance requires all solid waste hauie.rs to obtain a franchise from the County. This ordinance requires the hauler to meet certain minil~~um requiraments, including GISCGS81 Of Solid WBSte O(liy at COllnty-GeSlg'lateG Tf~CIIIt12S. Z} Franchise agreement -This. document is a contract required by the above ordinance betwaen the County and any hauler whG wishas to collect solid ~Naste in the County. 3) Inter ~ocal Agreeme~rt (~~_A) - The ILA ~t~aes that P ch municlG~~lity wll~ recuire all solid waste I~~aulers ~nnthn eacn ~r~rlsdiciion to cornpl/ ~itn tf-e rrnnchise system. !! ~'i~~lr", ~he ~ou~~ty wilt ~rOVICie tong-term diS~GSaI i2C1ht1eS fGf fTIUnlClpal solid b`/aStl It IS ImGOr tant t~;^,2t 1:n2 m'.InICIC;aI!ti6S p ;~ tI'~IS IL~ .n re CGg nit!Gri Oi C^vmmUnl~`j CCG~tEratiOn aild aS a^nilS SilS t0 Se.; ~lre c: ar l ;'i BL ;^. lC' OriG_-tBrr71 m2an5 07 SOild :nJaStB DISDOSaI. ~JGrtn Caroina la'uV aiiC`PJS i0r trs;; ~,OUnIy tC rcgUlr2 the fianChlSc S`/Stem t0 [?e Ir'n~lemcn'C2Gi !n the 11lUnIClpflll~tlP,S. This franchise s~,istem may be Implernanted b`;J Jl.iiy "I providec'~ Decisions can be made In a timely nrar;ner ire COarCi requested that a p~~lblic hearing be-held on these mattars. Since ti,~e April 15 (?'ie~r!nQ, ~,aTf t"laS aISO met ~Nlth the i7llinlCipailtle5 Hnd SCIiD `,NaSte' haU12rS. 50me OT 1h21;' SugGBStIOnS ha'J2 be°n inCCrC'Oia~ed IniC tiia BttaChed dCGUments, ~, ~= C~1Mi~J~c~.lDcD (~J1~ T C,! Jtaff ; 8GCfTlmenCS itlc:t iil2 ~Gart7 CGnSider and au"Opt ''hc frariCiliS2 GrdlnanCe and Conti c;Ct, and ct approve the iLP. and direct sta; ~ to tai<e the ILP. '[o the municpaiities for approva . ,ri'~~~ii~ria SC~U~CE: T T;~.Ci~NIE~T~; ~ . ~: i :~ i ~.~r+pd Lt...A~: FiNANC~E: ~,;3~rcve BUDCE'I : Ap;;ro~J~ rUfV1T;N RE501..)RCES: fl~l/ CCJ~~i;~ n/','~,i'~]Ar~7~L CDI'~3~J1=?1TS ~~1D REC~.:'1~P~'d1~~1JL.TiG"1~~: '.~ ~ 1`i _ CC'1~/3'J1/3'~cJ3~~'~~~.'i~~ ~~~t~-i ~r1~J~%.~~f~~~~~'~TJ: - f; - -,;~,- ,' t d -._~'-' ~ . ,;. s ~, ~"~"~'' - AN, ®RI~INAN~~ OF '~~~ . t~TE'~V H~~1~~~R C{~I7N.'I"'~ . B®ARD ®F C€~ivll~IISSI®N~RS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 44; Solid Waste; Article II, Collection and Disposal, of the New-Hanover County Code " • be amended as follows:. , {1) ~ Add a new section to be designated:' ~ . `. Sec. ~~=~3.5 Franchise' Required for Solir~ ~3'aste ~'^~~^~-°~~~~ ~al~lectian ~ ~ . (a) A franchise from the Board shall be required of anv person or entity who collects, transports; and.or disposes of-solid waste f^r r^mmP,-~;°i, ~„~+^,mPr° for compensation within the county:. Operation without a franchise is prohibited and violations are subject to the enforcement provisions of this chapter. The franc-hire shall be readily available at the franchisee's place of business. ~~ ~ "_ ~~(b) ~ A11 applicants for franchisesto collect, transport and dispose of solid waste shall file written application with the County Manager~or his designee, and shall fiirnish the following infornation: ' (1) , Name and address of applicant and whether a sole proprietorship,corporation; or partnership; with disclosure of the otivnership interests; ` (2) A list of the equipmentpossessed, available, or to be obtained within 18 months by the applica~~.. ~ " ' ~ ~ ~ ~ (3) ~ Number o~f employe.es the applicant expects to use in said business:' (4) ' Experience of the applicant in solid waste collection;. , (5) .Balance sheet or equivalent financial statement prepared by a certi#ied public accountant or other person satisfactory to the Board as of the close of the applicant's last business " '-year, showing the .net worth of the business. All financial data sabmitted~in compliance with the requirements of this paragraph shall b.e confidential under G:S. ~ 132-1.2, and shall nofbe regarded as public information. In lied of the financial statement, the County will accept a notarized statement . from a certified public accountant~verifying the financial viability of the applicantbusiness. ~ - (b) Any information the Board may hereinafter request; " ~ The County shall process, accept or-deny, each application within sixty (60) days of receipt. . {3) All waste haulers operating in the County as of January l; .2002, shall be granted a~ franchise. ~ , (d) Franchises shall be subject to a yearly review with the information designated in the above division (b) being presented to the County Manager, during the last month of each year of service, or at such alternative annual date as designated by the Manager's office. (5) The County Manager or his designee shall bring applications for franchises and a review of existing franchises to the Board at such times as he deems appropriate, consistent with the period for approval above, and may grant to the applicants adjudged by .the Board to be qualified, a franchise to collect waste in the County. The terms of such franchises shall not exceed seven years; and shall be renewable. (b) The Board reserves the right to revoke any franchise granted, upon satisfactory proof of the inability or failure of the franchisee to properly perform the duties covered by the permit and contract in a satisfactory manner or for any of die grounds as set out in subsection "k"below, after the franchisee has been given an opportunity for a hearing upon ten days written notice by mail before the hearing setting forth the grounds for revocation. (7) The franchisee shall serve every person or business who contracts with him or her for solid waste in such a manner that the franchisee does not cause the person to be in violation with this chapter. The franchisee shall not discriminate against any person for contract purposes in violation. of the Civil Rights pct as amended on the basis of race, color, creed; religion, national origin, physical impail~nent or sex. (8) ~ Before the County Manager issues a franchise pursuant to this chapter, the County :Manager or his or her duly authorized representative shall determine that all facilities, equipment, and proposed operating methods the applicani plans to use in the solid waste collection business are in compliance with this- chapter and applicable .regulations of the State Commission. for Health Services. (1) The applicant, upon being awarded the right to collect and dispose of solid waste 'oy the Board as here inabove provided for; shall secure and present to the County Manager a good and sufficient surety bond or liability insurance policy covering and insuring payment of such damages as maybe done by the franchisee to the premises or property upon which he or she may enter for the purpose of collecting or disposing of solid waste. Such policy shall contain a "hold harmless clause" indemnifying the county against claims made by the franchisee. (~10) Should any franchisee, now existing or hereafter granted under the provisions of this chapter; be sold, assigned; pledged, or transferred, or if control thereof should be changed by stocktrar~sfer or othertivise, or any rights thereunder leased or should there be any merger or combination affecting the franchise be made through acquisition or control by stock purchase or otherwise; then a new application will need to be made and written approval which shall be given if justified by the facts then existing. If anv such transaction takes place prior to approval of the new application, the new entity shall operate under a temporary franchise under the terms of the previous franchise, subject to approval or termination at the time of the consideration of the new application. (11) Any and every franchise now existing or hereafter issued, shall be subject to the provisions <~~~, C~ . .- :' of this chapter and as it may hereafter be amended from time to tune, except that any amendment or amendments that may be made from time to time affecting the duration of a franchse.or franchises existing at the time of the enactment of the amendment or amendments. Any franchise transferred or assigned without the express written authority of the Board of County Manager or his designee shall be void and of no effect„ and any collection thereunder is in violation of this chapter. (1) A franchise granted under this .chapter may be revoked after notice'andhearing as provided _ _. in subsection"e'.'. and for noncompliance with the provisions of this chapter: (2) ; . J'he effecti~%e elate of Section 4J-43.5 will be July 1, 2-002. Except as specified referenced herein the existing provisions of Chapter 44 shall remain in full force and effect.. v' . ' ~ This the day of , .20Q2. ~ .. • [,SEAL] NEW HANOVER COUNTY • " ' ATTEST; Ted Davis, Jr.;.Chairman Board of Commissioners ' Clerk to the Board ~. . ~ ~. . ~; .. . ~~.``~ i~ew I3anover County Contract ~0`- NORTH CAROLINA AWARD OF FRANCHISE. COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AND AGREEMENT FOR SOLID WASTE SERVICE THIS FRANCHISE .AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the day of 200?; by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, North Carolina, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter called "County," and a ~ Corporation with its principal office in ,hereinafter called "Operator." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the County has, through the power granted to it under G.S. § 1 ~ ZA-136, adopted an ordinance regulating the collection and disposal of solid wastes and requiring that all waste haulers have a license and a franchise in order to operate in the County, in order to provide the residents and commercial customers of the County with reliable, environmentally sound waste disposal now and in the future; and W`1=~rREAS, Operator has contracted with commercial and/or residential customers located in New Hanover County in order to provide solid waste collection and disposal; and i\TOtiV THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the parties hereto, and based upon the mutual covenants contained herein and the considerations stated herein, the parties do hereby covenant and agree, and, County hereby conveys anon-exclusive franchise to Operator, to collect and dispose of solid wastes to commercial and/or residential customers in the County. The parties therefore agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. Terms of Agreement. The initial term of this Franchise Ordinance and Agreement shall be seven (7) years from the date of signing. The Franchise may automatically renew and extend for a subsequent seven (7) year term, contingent upon County Commissioner approval pursuant to G.S. §153A-46. 2. Scope of Services. For the term of this Franchise Agreement, Operator agrees to ~,~~~ Nevv Hanover County Contraet #0 - ' provide commerciaLand/or residential customers with solid-waste collection and transportation to ..County-approved disposal sites. ' . 3, Disposal at County-Approved Facilities. Operator agrees to dispose. of all , r waste collected in the County, as part of this franchise agreement, A ~ .,., J, ^+~,A,- ,~ ~+ ~^ ~ a,.+A,~ ~^,- ' - g<,;r ;,, +1,P r;,:;+,+~~ at County-approved facilities. With regard to County-approved facilities, said approval must be obtained by Operator prior to the disposal at said facilities; and said approval shall be granted or denied entirely at the discretion of the County. The County also has the authority to ' desiffnate which facilities, hall'be used. ' 4. Administration,Billin~. All billing of customers shall remain the '. responsiblity.of the franchisee. ' • • ,.. ~ 5. Franchise. ~ It is understood and agreed that all of the terms and conditions of ~~ .. ' hie~v Hanover County Code Chapter Via, entitled "Solid Waste," pertaining to a franchise for. solid _ ' waste collection .are incorporated herein by reference-anal made a part hereof as'if fiilly set forth, including but not~limited t'o insurance requirements. It is understood by both parties that. Sections 4~-=12 and 44-~~ shall not be enforced so long as the County remains.enjoined bythe United States Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. b. Personnel -and Equipment. Operator shall equip and maintain all vehicles with staff and equipment such as to comply with any applicable regulations and Laws. , 7. Independent Contractor. It is mutually understood and agreed that Operator is ' an independent, contrZCtor and not an agent of the County, and as such, Operator, his or her agents and employees shall aotbe entitled to any.County employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation; sick leave, insurance, workers' compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. ' 8. Indemnity. To the extent permitted bylaw, Operator shall indemnify and hold the County; its a~~ents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, .causes of action; or other liability, including attorneys' fees, on acco,ur~t of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Operator hereunder, . ~. , ~ ~~ ~ resulting from~the negligence of or willful act or omission of Operator, its agents, employees and subcontractors. To the extent permitted' by law; the County shall indemnify and~h'old the Operator, ' .its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands causes of action, or other Nemv Hanover County Contract #0 - liability, including attorneys' fees, on account of personal injuries.or death or on account of property damages arising out of or related to the solid waste services operated and administered by the ~.J County, and resulting from the negligence of or willful act or omission of the County, its agents, employees,-and subcontractors. 9. Assignment, Contracting. The. parties agree that this agreement is not transferable or assignable by either party without the written consent of the other party to this agreement. Operator shall not subcontract with another entity. to perform the services described herein without the approval of the County Manager or his designee. 10. Termination. This agreement may be terminated by either party at any time, upon three hundred sixty-five (365) days written notice to the other party. -This notice provision shall not apply to re~~ocations as described in Section 44-43.5 of the New Hanover County Code. This franchise may be modified or revoked by the County in the event that an ordinance is passed by the Board of Commissioners creating an exclusive franchise system for solid waste collection. 11. ~ Non.-Waiver of Rights_ It is agreed that County's failure to insist upon the atria performance of any provision of this agreement or to exercise any right based upon a breach. thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constiitite a waiver of any rights under this agreement. 1 ?. Equal Opportunity. In connection with the .performance of this agreement, Operator agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for ernployment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, or national origin. 13. Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties with regard to the provision of solid waste collection and disposal. No modification or Tes~cission of this agreement shall be effective unless evidenced by a writingsigned by both parties to this agreement. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, by authority duly given, on the day and year first above written. ~.~ ~ ,~ . . ' ~ \Tew Hanover County Contract #0_- . (SEAN) ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY . .• .. ATTEST: . - ., Y ~ ~ Ted Davis, Chairman. - ~ ~ ~ Board.of Commissioners . - Lucie F. Harell Clerk to the Board OPERATOR , . [CORPORATE SEAL] :ATTEST: .. President Corporate Secretary ~ . ~+ _ ; ' This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local , Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. approved as to form:: County Finance Director ~ ~ ~ ~ County Attorney NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, ; , a Notary Public of -the State and County aforesaid, certify that Nucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that • she is Clerk to the. Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly - ~ ~ ~ ~ given and as the act of~the Board, the foregoing instntment was signed in~its name°by its ,Chairman, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. `~ TNITNESS my hand and official seal, .this day of , 2002. . ~ ry Nero ~-Ianover County ~on~ract #®_- Notary Public My commission expires: NORTH CAROLItii TA COUNTY 1, , a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid. certify that ,personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)heis Secretary of , a corporation, anal that by authority duly gi~~en and as the act of the corporation; the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President.. sealed with its corporate seai and attested by hirrv'herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 200? ~' otarv Public iVly commission expires: l.~ .l 1 111 { LJ LVVL 111V UV IJ`t 1111 1111V L11U 111LL11311V t 1311 tiVl V iv ~ Val ZV\/V1 1 1 VV D~.ft ILA between the County and. each rnuz~icioality for solid waste disposal New:Hanover County. and ~ agree to enter into this Inter Local Agreement - ' ~ (ALA.) for the purpose of providing a long-term, environmentally sound, and economically effective means for solid ~svaste disposal for the municipalities and all residents and . ....businesses of the County. ` section ~~ae: R.eq~air'e~e3~t's upon the County . (l;l) The County. shall designate solid waste disposal facilities to which all solid . waste in the County shall be brought. These facilities shall mee# the following , requirements: ~ . l . 1. l All' facilities ~~ill meet State requirements 1.1.2 .The facilities will provide a combined projected disposal capacity for . ~ . a rninimezrt3 o#'twenty years. . 1.1.3 Facili~des will be chosen at~ Least partially `for their ability tc~ permanently dispose: of solid waste. .1.1.4 County facilities shall. also provide ,recycling services and environmental services related to solid waste rrariagemen#. { 1.2) The County shall charge a $4~ tip fee for F~.' 200212003. This tip fee will not increase greater than the ConsurnerPrice Index in followingyears, adjusted far possible one~tirne increases required by nevr mandated -State or Federal environmental regtzlatior~ rdquiring increased capital costs; providedthatthese . , increased c~lpital costs will .not increase the tip fee by more than 20% per year. . .. (l .~) The Count- will operate a franchise or similar system that requires all solid - waste haulers in the County to transport solid waste to County designated facilities. The County will not otherwise restrict municipal solid waste - collection and hauling. systems. ' . (1.4) The County, will not place restrictions on the municipality i£ it wishes ta: develop and use its own facility and system fflr the processing of recyclablvs. (1.5) Revenues will be used only for solid waste management service available to all residents of the County. 4. __ ~~~ . ~~ . fIH7'G~'~UU~ l tiU Ub ~ j4 HI1 CY11U C.IYt~ l IYC~1:K 11YU r Hn IYU, y 1 U X41 4U~b r, UJ (1.6) The County shall submit an annual report to each municipality. ~eclion Two: ~equiremen#s upon the m'tenleipalities (2.1} Tf the municipality has asolid-waste_collection system, the municipality will transport solid waste for disposal atCounty-designated facilities and pay the tip fee. ' (2.2) 'T'he municipt~lity will allow the County to implement its franchise system for al.l solid waste collection within the municipal boundaries other than solid waste collection by the municipality. ~ee~an Three: 'T'erm {3.1) The term of ~tbis agreement will be for six years and will be renewed every three years. section lF'oaars Ter~rain~t~on or I~iodification (4.1} This agreement may be terminated or inodifaed at any t:rs~e upon mutual agreement by the municipality and the ~`ounty. (4.2) Either the C aunty or municipality may te:~ninate the agreement with a. notice of two years. ~`eetion dive: ~'a~rmataou of r~d~ri~ory Commatte~ (S.i) 'The Manager of each municipality or his designee shall serve on an advisory Committee concerning solid waste management that shall meet at least twice pe year. In the case of Kure Beach, the Mayor or his designee shall serve. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTiOiV 1Vleeting Date: 06/03/02 , Regular Item #: 9. Estimated Time: Page .Number: °. ~ ' Department: County Manager Presenter: David F. Weaver, Assistant County ..Manager .~ Contact: David F. Weaver, Assistant County Mariager SUSJECT: Consideration of .Approval of Franchise Application for Solid ONaste !-laulers BRIEF SUMMARYc • ' Assuming that the franchise ordinance is adopted by the' Board in its second reading; the Board • • needs to approve franchise applications° from solid waste haulers. The franchise must be approved by a process of two readings, with the second one to be„at the June 17th meeting. Due to the short time frame available to .implement the franchise system by July 1 . Applications will also be accepted on an incomplete basis. with the condition for scheduled completion., - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Staff will recommend that qua,iified applications be approved; with. a second reading to occur June 17; 2002: ' FUNDING SOURCE: .. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY': ' :LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUIVIAN'RESOURCES: N/A • - - ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AMID:-RECOMMENDAT70NS: a ', Concur with motion. noted above, GOMMiSS10NERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: O~~f~JT`~ ~411~~1fSSi0N~~S' . (APPROVED ~'~ 3 - 2 . ` REJECTED' ® - REMOYED O . ; iaOS'fPONED ~ 1-iEARD.: 8 . . ~ ~ ~ ~' r {This page intentionally left blank} gf.~~HW ~'abd;~~~ ~ ~~ _ 1 + ~'' IVEV1/ HAIVOVER COUiVTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Mee#ing Date:. 06/03/02 Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: ' Page .Number.: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Contact; Ailen'O'Neal, Couhy Manager .SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution Requesting That Local- Government Revenue Sources ~ ` ` Be IVlade Secure BRIEF SUMMARY: " The attached resolution requests the General Assembly enact legislation that will secure the revenues sooner from the State. " RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: , Consider adopting resolution and sending each member of our delegation a copy with an . accompanying letter of request. •" FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: ."~ - rev,enuesources:wp ` /TEM DOES IVDT REQUIRE REI/IEW G~JUI`~TY' I~II.~,NAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with recommended motion as noted above.,.. ~`~.,, ~ ~ . ~.~~ ' • CONIMISSIQNERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: j .. .. _ COY~f',1T~ CO~I~-I/iSIQIV€r~S ~• , APPROVED ly $'-O DEJECTED. RErt~1OVED " POSTPONED , ,. HEARD 8 _~ , . " ~ .. aR~E G , ~ , o . a uESOi.uTlo~v OF W~-I~REAS; New Hanover County is required by North Carolina lativ to operate and maintain a balanced budget and comply with the provisions ofthe Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act: and W~3LREAS, New Hanover County is required to maintain a stifficiezlt fiord balance to operate in a fiscally sound manner and to have adequate reserves in case of emergencies; and W~ERE~AS, the ability of county governments to borrow for capital infrastructure needs is dependent on reliable revenue sources for repayment; and WI~ETZ~AS; adequate revenues are required to carry out the above mentioned responsibilities; 1`d~W, ~'I-~E;~R~F~R~ ~E IT I~~S®LVE~ TAB' the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners respecYfiilly requests that the General Assembly enact legislation that will ~el.Lile ;rye 1(~Cal anVEril111E1if i'P,VP.Tl11P Cfllll"C',P.C ~1"1(~ PnC11Y'P 1'~'1:1i' 1-haca rc~~ir ni~c~n .,ro .-1:,,+«;1-,.,+,, ,] to local governments on a timely basis as set forth by the state's General Statutes. Adopted this the 3rd day of June; ?002 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk+to the Board ~.° 1 ti .~ !~ . ~~~-1 ~.~. J { 'his page intend®nally left blank} r~, -> NE~IV ~~iVOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMM9SSIOtVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT~OIV Meeting Date: 06/~ 7/02 Water & Seweritem #: 2 Estimated Timer Page Number: • `Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell • Contact: Lucie F. 'Harrell ' SUBJECT: " Approval of Minutes BRIEfi SUMMARY: • Approve the following- sets of minutes: , Regular Meeting, May 6, 2002 ~ , Regular Meeting, May 20, 2002 REC®MMENDED MOTs©N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SQURCE: ." . , ATTAGFiMENTS: ~ ~ REVIEWED BY: * LEGAL: FINANCE; N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCE S: N/A , C©UNTY MANAGER'. MMENTS AND REC®MMENDATiQNS: ~ F Approve minutes. ip~ COMMISSitJNERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• .. , ~ . laf~PRC~7ED f " - - ~iEJCCTED " ~Er,~at~ED ~ , . a - POS r PCIVED ~ ' ~ ~4ER€~D ~ ~ ~ 0~ G ' C ~ ~ _ E , QR1 • {This page intend®nally left blanl~} <;.::.. f ...~ .. ~~ N:EW FiAN~VER C®IJNT'Y R®/AR® ®F ~®11I1[VI1~~iONERS-' .- . ~ RE~3UEST FOR B®AR® ACT1®1~ . Meeting ®ate: 06/03/02 r Water & Sewer.ltem #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ . Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Bruce T. Shell ,Contact:: Julie Griffin . - -- -- - SUBJECT: - Proposed Waterand Sewer Charges Effective,J~ly 1; 2002 ~ ~ y BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ . -Effective with the FY02-03 budget, the attached. ordinance reflects changes'in,the-water and sewer , user charges. The changes include. 11 increases in the charges for water and sewer usage based - on. per 1,000 gallons of usage, , 2) a change from a fixed fee and minimum usage billing to a base rate plus usage system which is the same xate structure offered by the City of Wilmington; and 3) ' .the addition of an eight inch .meter service for water and sewer services. These changes result in an approximate 6-7% increase in rates generating approximately $768,000 • in .additional revenues -for the upcoming FY02-03'budget. RECOMMENDED°MOT3ON'AND REQIlESTED~ACTIONS: Staff recommends these user charges be approved as indicated on the proposed ordinance. FUNDING-SOURCE.: . Water and Sewer District Revenues :.. .. ' AT1'AC}~MEi~JTS: ' . See attachments under a separate cover. LEGAL: .FINANCE: Approve ~ BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A CO.JNTY MANAGER'S CO, NT5 AND RECOMMEN®ATiONS: Recommend approv °'~ . CC3MM1SS1{3NERS' AC BONS/COMMENTS. 4rO113.1~ t I Ii~IYIIVIIJSfiJ~~~~ 7 .. PC?u7"r'~NED ® ~~ ~,~ ® ~iEARD ~ :' j t~R~E b . 3 , p ,~ ~ ~ `. . ~ May 28, 2002 ~~~~~a-~~~' ~~.~ To: Allen O'Neal; County Manager ;.,,~.. ,.' From: Bruce Shell, Finance Director ,_ Re; Agenda Item for the Water & Sewer User Charges An agenda item hg's been submitted for the June ~, 2002 meeting of the County Commissioners for an ordinance change in relation to the water and sewer user charges. We are requesting that this ordinance and respective changes be approved in order to generate additional revenues for the Water and Sewer District. In summary; the changes that are beingsuggested include: 1) Increase in the rate per 1,000 gallons usage for both water and sewer usage. This is outlined in ordinance, sections 56-37(b)(3)(a) and 56-315(b). 2) Increase in the sewer residential flat rate to $58.00 bimonthly. This increase of 12°/0 over the current rate is needed to cover the additional sewer treatment cost the we are charged by the City of Wilmington for flat rate customers. 3) Change in the rate structure from a fixed fee and minimum charge to one that provides for a base rate plus usage rate on each 1;000 gallons. The changes in the rate structure increase the revenues generated by the District by approximately X768,000 and also align the District's rate structure more closely with the City of Wilmington's rate structure which was put into effect January 1, 2002. The City is also proposing a 5% increase in rates effective July l; 2002. A schedule is included to show a comparison between the District and the City's rates for water and sewer. ._ - '~ ~. ~.=_ ~. r ._ AN ORDINANCE • ~ OF 'p~-IE • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County,. North'Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter Sb, Utilities, Division 9, Fee Schedule, Appendix B be amended as follows • Division 9. Fee Schedule, Appendix B • I. §Sb=37(b)(3)(a). Water usage charges: ` . Change T'ahle as ~olloivs: . _ TA~I,E.INSET: Gallons, per 1,000- gallons ~ Charge 0 - 45,000 $1.60 45,000 - 562;500 $"1.35 . Over Sb2;500 $1.10 • Water Meter Size (inches) Base Rate 5/8" and 3/4" $4.50 1 " $ 6.00 1 i/~" $12.00 2„ - - --___ _ _ .. _ $20.00 3" $30.00 4" $60.00 6" $120.00 g" $240.00 III. §56-315(b). Basic user charges (user fees). User fees consist of the sum of fixed fee plus gallonage rate as follows.: Change to §56-315(b). Basic user charges (user fees). I1ser fees consist of the sum of the base rate plus gallonage rate as follows: ~, (1) Residential bimonthly (single-family). (a). Metered rate option. The metered rate option is applicable to ~/8",3/4"andl" water meter sizes. C'har~ge Table as follows: ~~BI,E IiVS~T: Water Meter Size (inches) Base Rate Rate per 1,000 gallons 5/8" and 3/4" $16.50 $2.87 1" $20.00 $2.87 IV. (b). Flat rate option. Bimonthly flat rate of $52.00 with a maximum of four bedrooms, $4.00 for each additional bedroom. Change to (b). Flat rate option. Bimonthly flat rate of $5$.00 with a maximum of four bedrooms, $5.00 far each additional bedroom. V. (2) Nonresidential bimonthly. Change Table as follaws: TALE INSET: ' Water Service Size (inches) ~ Base Rate ~ Rate per 1;000 Gallons ~/8" and 3/4" $30.00 ~ $2.87 1" $6.00 $2.87 1 '/_" ~ $108.00 $2.87 ~" $168.00 $2:87 3" $304.00 $2.87 4" $498.00 $2.87 6" $980.00 $2.87 8" X1930.00 $2.~7 • • Current Water Fee Schedule in Ordinance Section 56-37(b)(3)(a): Gallons, per 1,000 gallons Charge 0-10,000 ~ $1.50 10,001-110,000 1.25 j Above 110,000 ~ 1.00 Proposed Water Fee Schedule in Ordinance Section 56-37(b)(3)(a): ~ Gallons,'per 1;000' `~ - -- i , gallons ~ Charge ~ 0 4_5.600 ~ :31.60 ,~ 45;001-562,500'. ' 1.35' Ahove,562,500 1.10'I, Current Water Fee Schedule in Ordinance Section 56-37(b)(3){b): ater Meter size ixed Fee - Water Allowance Minimum Bimonthly. Water Charge ~ 5/8 $4.25 ~ 5,400 'i $12.35 ~ _ 3/4 ~ 5.00 ~ _ 7,200 i 15.80 1 ; 6.00 9,000 ~ 19.50 1 1 /2 ~ 12.00 26,250 j 47.30 ~ ___ ~i 2 3 ~ 20.00 ~ ~ 30.00 35,000 ~ 50,000 ~ 66.25 82.50 j ~ 4 ~ 60.00 70.000 132.50 6 ~ 120.00 ~ 140,000 ~ 255.00 ~ Proposed Water Fee Schedule in Ordinance Section 56-37(b)(3)(b): - Water Meter size -- Base Rate ' ~ ~ ~ 5/8 and 3/4 ~ I $4.50 ~ 1 6.00 ~ 1 1 /2 12.00 2 20.00 j 3 30.00 4 60.00 ~ 6 _ ~' ~.. -. 120.00 _ '240.00'; No minirrium b~morthi~f No water Water allowance <.Charge ~; »~ Current Residential Sewer Fee Schedule in Ordinance Section 56-315(b)(1)(a): ~ ~ 1 Minimum ~ ~ ~ Water Meter.size ~ Fixed Fee ' ~ Rate per ~ 1.000 gallons Sewer Allowance Bimonthly Sewer. Charge„ 5/8.and 3/4 $16.50 ~ ~ $2.70 5,000 ,~ $30:00 i 1, ~ ~ ~ 20.00 _- 2.70 . 5,000 . ~ 33,50 Current Nonresidential Sewer Fee Schedule in Ordinance Section 56-3i5(b)(2): ater Meter size ixed Fee Rate per 1000 gallons Minimum Bimonthly Sewer Charge 5/8 $30.00 ~ $2.70 ' $30.00 3/4 ~ 30.00 2.70 , ' 33.50 1 56.00 ~ , 2.70 56.00 1 1 /2 108.00 ; 2.70 108.00 I 2 168.00 2.70 168.00 j 3 304.00 , 2.70 304.00 4 498.00, ] 2,70 ~ 498.00 6 j 980.00 j 2.70 980,00 ~I, proposed Nonresidential Sewer Fee Schedule in Ordinance Section 56-315(b)(2): Water Meter size 5/8 and 3/4 1 j 1 1/2 j 2 j 3 __ 4 6 8 No Minimum I Bimonthly ~ E~~te per,' ' Seliuer Base Rate ~ 10Q~ gallons - >'Charge $30,00 I '' 82':8 - -- -- 56 00 I 2 8~' 108.00 _ 2$7 §,> 168.00 ' 2:87 _ _ 304.00 _ 2:87 498.00 2:87 980.00 I 2:87' 1_;,330 00 2`.87 J ~'~ _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY . 'WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT • COMPARISON_OF COUNTY WATER & SEWER RATES (MONTHLY BILLING) TO CITY WATER&SEWER RATES / Y ' . ~ _ ., Sewer Total Water Metered 'W&S Average monthly usage (in gallons) 6,594 6,594:,., A :, County Proposed Rates (Effective 7/1/02) 12.80. 27.17 39.97 • , B ~ City Proposed Rates (Effective 7/1J02),_ 16.92 .23.42 40.35 _ ___._~ _ . Percentage difference County vs. City ~ -32.22%~ 13.80% -0.93% • A ; 0 Minimum gallons 4.50 16.50- 0 Base Rate County .13,187 gallons at X1:60 21.10 ~ 37.85. 13,187 gallons at $2:87 • ~. 0 .,g~allons'at $t.35 • 0.00 0.00 0 ~ 0 gallons at $1:10 ~ 0.00 0.00 0 • Bi-Monthly . _ 13,187 25.60 54.35• ; 13,187 • Monthly : 6,594 - 12.80 27.17 6;594 D' 0 Base Rate 8:00 9.00 0 Base Rate City 13,187 gallons at $1.96 25:85: 37.85 13,187 gallons at $2.87 ' 0 gallons at 51.76 0:00 ` 0.00 0 " 0 gallons at 51..47 0.00 0.00 0 Bi-Monthly 13,1.87 33.85 , 46.85 i3,t87 •- ', , • _ ', countywsrates9l-01.WK4 ,.~®. { 'his gage intentionally left blank} r~ ~~a ~!~ • - CONSENT AGENDA ' NEW.HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .. ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS °. _ ,_. _- age No. ~1. Approval of Minutes S7 ~` ~ . 2 ~ Approval to App y for a Job Access Reverse Commute Continuation Grant fora 59 " - ~ Two Year Period.FY 2002-, 2003 ' . ~ 3. Approval of Rules for Major Events oil County Parks 83 4:: Acknowledge School Board Budget Amendment 91 ` Approval'of $udget Amendments: 5.1 #2002-41 Sheriff -Controlled Substance TaY 97 5.2, #2002-42 Sheriff -,Federal Forfeited Property 98 '• ~ ~ 5.3 „ • #02-01.95 .Human Service Transportation ~ 99 .. x , •. . . {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ , ~ ' •~ IVEVV H64'NOVER'000IVTY BOARD.OF~C®MMISSIOIVERS , .. ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~. ~ ~ Meeting Date: • 06103°/0'2 ~ ._ N b . P e E ` ` er:. • age um stimated Tim : #: 1 - Consent ltern . ~ , ,, • Department:• Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell.- ~ '" '~ - ~ Coritacf: Lucie F. Harrell -t - App~ovai ofi Minutes ~ ,' ~ BRlEE. SUMMARY.: . Approve.the,following sets-of minutes,:` ~ . Board'of E&R; May 6; 2002 Closed Session,. February 4, 2002 Closed Session, February, 18, 2002 Closed Session, March_25, 2002 ~ ' •Closed ,Session, April 1 5; 2002 :Closed Session, May~6, 2002 RECOMMEiVDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ _ ; . Approve minutes. ~ .. FUN®liVG SOURCE:.:- .~ .. - ". ATTACHMENTS: - . : , ~ >TEM ®OES NOT REQUIRE REV/EW , . ' C®UNTY MANAGER:' OMMENTS AiVD RECOMMENDATIONS: '. Approve minute COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ` ..~~U~TY CO~lllftic.alt~i~~R~ - . . , . l~PPRCV£D ,, , REJEC i c_D . ~ - , . ~ ~ , RE11~JVE - D POSTPONED [~~ ti , , HERRD CJ s ..:r~R7E ~~~~~ • {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ .~; .~~ r~_ ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/03/02 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Annette Crumpton, Deborah Houston Contact: Annette Crumpton SUBJECT: Approval to Apply for a Job Access Reverse Commute Continuation Grant for a Two Year Period FY 2002 and FY 2003. BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County received a Job Access Reverse Commute grant from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for 2001 to provide employment transportation to Work First and low income persons. New Hanover Transportation Services .requests approval to apply for a two year continuation grant in the amount of $244,000 per year to continue this service. Grant monies will be used to increase hours of transportation operation, extend the Blue Line general purpose fixed routes, build on existing van routes, and concentrate on employment transportation for persons with disabilities. The grant award of $122,000 per year in federal funds must be matched with $122,000 per year in local funds. Match will be as follows: $92,000 DSS and $30,000 New Hanover County for each year of the grant. If approved, funding will be effective October 1, 2002 -September 30, 2004. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Recommend Commissioners approve the request to apply for the Job Access Reverse Commute continuation grant in the amount of $244,000 per year and accept the grant if awarded. Request approval of necessary budget amendment if awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $122,000 per year; Local contributions $122,000 per year. Breakdown of local match: OSS $92,000: and New Hanover County $30,000 per year. Grant will be awarded for a tvvo year period, October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2004. ATTACHMENTS: Job Access Reverse Commute Grant application REVIEWED BY: LEGAL:. FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN-RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~~t~rvT~ cc~n~~~~io~~R~' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: f~PF'~G~fED G I RE.~f~+1TEC9 !~ RE"~rG\/ED ID ; e P~~T~~GN~DI~ NE,c,RD C7 h~ S SATE G•~•©o~_ C`~~ .~ " ~ a, ANNETTE CRUti1PTON Director 141ay 28, 2002 1 ~I DEPARTMENT OF'AGING ' ..2222 SOtiTH.COLLEGE.ROAD WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 4~2-6400 Fax ('910) 45 ~-6411 Gayle Worley NC Department of Transportation Public 'Transportation Division 15.50 1Vlaii Service Center Raleigh, ~NC 276.9-1550 Subject:.lob Access Reverse Commute Grant ' ~ • Dear Ms. Worley: flew Hanover County is pleased to subttlit an application for a Job. Access Reverse Commute (JARC) continuation grant for FY 2002 and FY 2003. The proposed JARC grant requires ~ 122,000 federal dollars and a local match of $122,000 fir each year of the two year-~~rant. The fi.tnds will be used to reduce transportation as a barrier to Welfare and low~income persons in New Hanover County. The two year project ~}rill continue the development of fixed routes as proposed in the current Job Access Reverse Commute grant (2001), t,ttiliae services of 2Plus, Inc. to assist with marketing and vanpooling efTorts, unplement a zoning plan to createcost effective routes and schedules in outlying areas of the county, expand hours of operation and•increase ridership for employment transportation. • A copy of the application and letters of support are included for your review and consideration 'lease contact me at 910-452-6400 if you have questions. , Sincerely, Annette Crompton ~ ' ,.. ,, Enclosures ~(I )~ , ~! n tD V rx- • • t Appendix A: dARC Grant Proposal Application FEDERAi.. TRANSIT ADIVI9NISTRATI®N .J~~ ACCESS AND REVERSE C~1VIiVIi1TE PR~GRAIVI GRANT PROPOSAL.APP~,ICATI®N `THIS SECrI'I®1>1 I~E~LIESTS I1'~~'®RI~IAT~®t~1 >F~I~ rI'~-IE " ~~PLLCA'I'I®N AS A W'~®LE: ~~ A1'I'LICANT INE~I21V1A~'ION VendorlD~+: N/A NCDOTis . the reci ient. If you are a new applicant -- Please call the appropriate ;FT,~_,Re~iona.l._off ce to acquire a Vendor ID number. Name: New ~-Ianover County, North C:aroiina J Type of Agency (see Appendix G): , " County Government S~iB~ECIP E:~'T INE~~IAT~I~N (fill in. space as needed) ~ ~ . List of Subre~ci Tents: Ty e of A~~encies.(see A endix G}: ~~ -~ - - -- 4 5 6 ~ 7 8 9 ~ 10 I l1 12, ~J 14 ~ 9 16' 17 ~ . 1~ 8 . 6 ~C~. 19 20 21 22 '~ ~ -> ~ ~~ 25 ,~ ~ > . . . 27 ~~ i ~~ - 30 31 ~ ~ 2 ~ -- i~ >4 _ _ ~_S .. 36 _ ~ 37 ~9 ~ _ 40 4} ,~ i 43 ~ ~ . 44 ~ (~ ~~ ~~ - ~o '~ -- ~ FOR ~~®~I'~'ION~sE [N~'OR1VI~=~TION C'ON'~"ACT: Name:. Annette Crum ton Address: NNC Department of A<,ing 2222 South College Road Wilmington, North Carolina Telephone ivumber: 910-452-6400 Fax Number: 910-452-641 1 ~ Email.: ~ acrumpton u,nhc~oy.com FOR NO'~'~Fi<CATI:ON OF :PROJEC;'I<" SiELECTlON CONTAC'T': J 1.J 2 a~- • • • Name: Annette Crompton Address: Department of Aging 2222 South College Rd Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone Number: 910-4.52-6400 Fax Number: 910-452-6411 Email: acrumpton a,nhc~ov.com P4a~PC3SAL SL1M1dlARY (2 paragraphs, 250 words or less, for press purposes, including planning partaiers, brief description of gaps in service that exist and services proposed to br~d~e daps, aratended pro_~ect beneteciar~es): :Employment transportation is a major barrier for welfare recipients and lower income individuals in :New Hanover County. Most potential job sites are located away from existing transit service and in many cases shift schedules do not match regular hours transit services are available. .Mew 1-lanover County, now in the ~irstyear as recipient of the Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) grant; has made definite strides toward the elimination of someof the transportation barriers these individuals face. flew routes have been established and hours of operation have been expanded. New Hanover County will implement a GIS system June 2002 for development of efficient routes. If awarded continuation of the grant, we will expand ridership through increased marketing and outreach, build on existing roLrtes, increase .hours of operation and concentrate on employment transportation for persons with disabilities. ~L~IE-.F DI~,S~'~2IP~'f4~T~ G~ AP~L~CAti~''S I~INAi`~C]AL, .LEGAL, ANI3 ~'~LCL~i~IIC'AL ABIL~'f~' 'i'® A>p~T,~i' F®~ AND .~®I~iINLST~~~t P€~~,~ECTS: New Hanover County is qualified and positioned to implement the proposed project for _year two. and three of the JARC grant. 'T,he County has the experience of the "New Hanover County Gets to Work" program in :1998/1999 plus the current year's experience designing~an employment transportation program under JARC. "The work of this. past year confirmed that the demand for job related transportation service far exceeds the present resources. A central transportation office,.with dispatch telephone service. is in place to serve clients with their transportation needs. A GIS routing system will become operational June 2002. Two committees, New Hanover County Employment Transportation Committee and the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Work. First Advisory Council, are in place to facilitate discussion among city and county agencies, nonprofit organizations and the private sector. In addition, employers and employees have and will continue to have an opportunity to be a part of the development and implementation process of the pro~~ram. ~'®rCAL ;FEI)EIaA~, .9A;[2C FI1NL)Ii"~G R.EQ[1LSTED F~I2 AI.L ~'(~N'I'I°II1A'C~~N P'iE2G~EC'TS: Cp ~ $,. !. P®PU.LA'I'Il7N >1,000,000 200,000-1,000,000 50,000-200,000 <50,000 FY 2002 Job Access $ $ $ 122,000 $ Reverse Commute $ $ $ .$ FY 2003 Job Access $ $ $_122,000 $ :Reverse Commute $ $ $ $ 'I'®TaL ~'~iDE~AI., ~9,~R~: ~'UNI?ING R.~QIIES'1'ED UDR A1:,1_, N~.V~ P~®.1EC'1'S~ P®PLi~I,A'-I'it,1N >1,000,000 200,000-4,000,000 50,000 200,000 ' <50,000 ~'Y 2002 Job Access $_ $ $ $ Reverse Commute $ $ $ $ ~'~ 2003 Job Access $ $ $ $ .Reverse Commute $ $ $ $ ~~I.~AS~ L,IS'I' ~'®I2 EA~~ 1'Rl7.lEC'"I' IN ~'~INI)~Nt'; PRIOR~T1' ~f~.~D~~ (fi11 in space as needed} Fdinding ~ ~raori~_~-_ Shot•t`~'it~e _ :~re~a Servec!• ~~t~ngressioibai ~®istriit(S) Cont~nu~~tioa~ Nevv 1 ~ New. Hanauer County ~ New Hanover. county 7 I Yes ?002-2003 ~ y ~ ~+ ~ s _ 6 ~ 1 ~~ ~ I ~ 9 ~ .i ~ ~ ~~ I 10. i l1. 12 i3 1-~ 15 i ~ ~ 4 -,. J ~p t a. • • • 16 ~ _ 17 _ !8 19 ~o ~ ~ ~l 22 ~~ i ~J 24 _ ~ 25 _ ;~ 6 - ~--- ~- -- 27 I 28 i ~ I 0 ~9 I- J~- ~ _ IF 3 2 ~~~ ~3 ~ _ ~ ~ ~4 ~ j ~ ~ _ ~j ~ I _ ~6 ~_~ _ 37 _ _ 40 ~ ~~ ~ ~ _ ~ 42 !~ ~ 43 ~ ~ ~ ~- ~~ ~ ~-. 4b 47 I ~~ 4~ ~ i- rt9 50 . 'T~JIS S~CTIO~ REQLIES'TS INF'OR1~I.~7'IOI~ Oloi A Pt20JE~'T-~3~'- ~~O.~E~C~I' ~.4SIS. 1'ro,jects will be evaluated according. to responses to the following four criteria, the values of which are provided. applicants appiyirig for funding for a number of projects, such as statewide or metro-wide applicants, should provide the. following information for each ~A~C project. A pi-o~ect is a service or a set of services aimed 5 lCj ~ a.. at glow-income population Located in a specifii geographic area (see Appendix C - d~efinitions). PROJECT (IDENT'IFIED BY FUNDING PRLORITY NUNtBER FROM PART - .. I): 1 1. COOd2D1NATED 1~UNgAN SERVICES/Td2ANSPORTATION PLANNING :PROCESS AND 32EG1ONAL JOB ACCESS ANA REVERSE COlY1M1TTE T12A~1SPORTATION PLAN {25 PO1N"d'S) A. date Area-wide .IARC 'Transportation Plan submitted to appropriate ' F'I'A regional office: iWdonth October min Year_2001 yyyy d3. Date oflatest revisions to Area-wade .dARC Transportation :Plan submitted to approljrihte FTA: regional office: Month mm '4'ear yyyy C. brief, 2>0 words or less, description of the collaborative human services/transportation planning process Lased in developing the Area= wide .dARC Transportation Plan, including allparticipants (states, 1vIPOs, existing transportation providea•s, agencies administering TANT' and WttiV funds emplovea•s. anc! others): New I~Ianover County has created an integrated outreach effort to include welfare recipients and othea• 1©w-income persons in the sea•vice area. The primary forums for identification of transportation needs are the New Hanover County Employment Transportation Committee, the. Work First Advisory Council, and representatives from city and county agencies as well as major community employers: The Employment 'Transportation Committee; created in 1998, helped to identify employment needs and provided input into the JAd2C grant application. Organizations participating on the Employment Transportation Committee include nonprofits serving the participants targeted ira the JARC grant request, Wilmington Area Transportation Advisory Committee (the designated l~1 PO}, New Hanover County Transportation Services (NHTS}, Wilmington `t'ransit Authority (WTA}, New [-lanover. County :Department of Social Services (DSS), and the Wilmington Housing Authority (L~'I-1A}. The Work First Advisory Council provides information to area employers on barriers to employment for low- income individuals, information on $ax credits and options, for j transportatioh.~lVlembers of.the Work First Advisory Council met 13 4 6 J t~ ~ o- • • times over the past year to address the issue of work related transportation. New Hanover 't'ransportation Services (NHTS) and Wilmington Transit Authority (WTA) are currently engaged iafl a study to consider a merger of the two systems. Efficiencies and areas of improvemeht will be identified to improve transportation throughout the county. ®. brief description of outreach efforts to community to be served (i.e., welfare recipients and other how-uflcome ~nclwatluals New .Hanover Transportation Services (N.fI~TS) has increased' its outreach activities during 2002. ,~ video describing the route of the t31ue sine General Public route was developed and is shown daily on the local government television channel. ,~ public service announcement promoting the ~~lue Line airs daily on a local radio station during the morniiag, midday and afternoo-fl hours. The selected times9ots were specifically designed to attract potential adult riders, especially females age 3~ + (between the hours of 3-7 9?~%I). Employers of business situated on and near the )31ue .Dine route were contacted and mode aware of the bus schedule for use by employees. County staff-has met with members of the medical and nu~•sirflg home community to discuss transportation options for their employees. New b~~ochures describing all transportation services were designed a~fld distributed to ~lp~al-tmesflt complexes, paflblic housing sites and ehurche~s for use by potential riders. Thr®ughout the development and implementation of the Job Access transportatioafl plan, communication with key agencies has remained a priority. 'T'hese agencies i-flclude: New Hanover County, Department of Social Services, CVoastal 1i.nterprises {formes-ly lteys lac.), Wilmington Housing Authority, the AI~~' (l'oe-mes•ly Association for t:etarded Citi~en5 of North !Carolina), Soutlfleastern Center for Mental f-health Substance Abuse and I9eveiopmental Hisabilities Services (SEC), New Danover ttea9th Network and l~rnployment Security Commission. The agency discussions have provided valuable information oifl the location of jobs and shift schedules. The Work First advisory Council held a workshop for employers to publicize benefits of hiring welfare recipients. This session included information on employer tax credits, support available to entry-level employees, transportation options and childcare subsidies. A Town Hall meeting was held May ?002, to gather information from county residents on transportation needs. 'T'his infornflation wilt be used for the proposed county/city merger study and for development of future transportatioafl services. • 7 ~0.-- ~. Number of meetings of JARC transportation. planning partners since original Area-wide JARC Transportation Plan was submitted to FTC: ^0' ^l ^ 2 ^3 ^4 or more We have had more than 4 meetings F. I3id all partners provide written endorsement of the plan? Definition of the proposed. project servace arQa(s). the proposed project service area includes all ofNew EIanover.County. .'This irrciudes the County seat.of Wilmisrgton, as weil.as other ~ . communities such as ~!rightsville beach, Carolina ~13each, lure fieach, Castle Hayne, fJgden and others. fn New .Hanover. County there are currently 922 famelies receiving T'ANF financial assistance. (3f these, 584 are potential users ,of the . transportation systeirr. An estirnated 22.6 `%~ of the population are below .150°/+~ of poverty, for a total of approxirn~rtely 36,229 low-income persons within the proposed service area. b) Descri tion ot`ma-or.em to ~ment o ortunrtres. , ~' As a result of the nation-wide r~ecessiorr, empioyrrrent opportunities in New Hanover County have diminished. However, since the implementation of the JARC grant, over twenty-five rrew employers employing semi-skiiled and entry-level employees have opened. These new employers are scattered. throughout the county making the development of transportation routes difficult. 8 ®Yes Written endarsernent attached to hard copy of application. ^No ~ ~ ~ ~ G C. If riot, pieaseex.plain. 2. DE1Vi(~N~S'C12ATE~~D NEED P®R r~DDtTt~NfiL ~I'12ANSP®RTAT~I~N SEl2~iCES (30 P®INTS) ~. Percentage of low-income persons in project service aria. ^0-241`% ^2i-~0%~ We fall in the 21--10% ^ 41-60%~ ^61-80°/n ^81-:100'% l$, percentage of low-income persons in 4ietropolitan ,Statistical area or coutrty. ^0-20°/~ ^21-40`%. We fall in the 21-JO'%, ^~1-60°/~ ^61-80%>~ ^81-100`%~ C. Describe the. transportation gaps between existing services and employment opportunities for low-income individuals in the. sea-vice area. lrrclude: a) r; n ltd D rs-- Geagraphical groups of employers crave been identified: • 1Vlarket Street between New Centre Drive and Porter's Neck 12oad (6) identified) and the Dutch Square Industrial .Park (25+ employers). WTA has expanded into a portion of this area. ® 1-highway :1.32 North and f-40 Corridor east and north of_'~'Vilmington (6 large employers). s Eastwood road (Route 74) between lYiarket Street ar~d Military Cut off (17 + e~edium to large employers). Highway 421 Corridor, north and south of Wilmington (approximately 25 +). Major development is under construction on the southern erDd of 421. N1-1"1'S' general pnblie fixed route, the 131ue :Line,. has been designed to reach same of the businesses along this corridor. c) Description of existing transportation network, inclyding human services, rlyirle ilnCr ~3LIDnC rrrUls}lur~ilLeUfl ~avv~~~c». • The existing transportation network in New t-Ianover County relies upon two goverrrrnent agencies, private taxies arrd shuttle services. Tire Wilmington Transit Authority (WTA) provides bus service dvithin the city limits of Wilmington. WTA operates eight routes six days,per week, generally from 7:00 Ai'+'i to G:30PM Monday through Saturday. TI-ree of these eight routes primarily serve the university of North Carolina at Wilmington. N~-1~TS, through its fleet of 25 vehicles, provides courrtywiele transportation via the Dlue Dine, demand response and subscription routes from 6:00 A1WI to G:30 PN[ ~Londay through Friday and half a day an Saturdays. NDTS contracts with Coach 1.iSA to provide services. Private operators such as taxicabs and shuttle companies, as well as WTA, ar•e deed as backup providers when Coach 11SA cannot provide the service. In 2000/2001 N1JTS provided ~~ total of 111,35f} trips. in 2002, NI-I'd'S projects 120,000 trips will he provided. A total of 3,~G9 employment transportation trips have been provided October - 1~'Iarch 2002 as a result of the Job Access grant. The Wilmington ~oirsing Authority, also a financial partner in our JAftC project; provides limited job related transportation for• their clients. New Hanover County's Job Access program has begun to integrate some of these clients into routes and anticipates expansion and increased usage over the nest two years. ®ther area human service agencies currently provide limited job related transportation. J'hese organisations, including S'~C and NIJC i-lealth .Department, are being targetec! for irrcldsion into i+(1-1`;('S' Job Access transportation program. • d) ®escription of transportation gaps between welfare recipients and other low-income populations and employment opportunity sites. (For reverse commute projects, describe need for additional transportation services.) 9 ~a During the implementation of the New i~anover Co~unty~ Gets to. Work program in 1998/99 and the current Job Access project, it has become very clear to city and county officials, community employers and employees that transportation is a decided barrier for low income lIldiVldnalS IIl \`ew N.anover bounty. ldloreover, jobs are more difficult to find today, than a year ago and dependability is a must" if an individual wishes to remain employed. ,. 1. Recent ecanomic development is scattered and many potential job sites, both new and existing; are located outside the ~V'1',-~ bus lilies. The ~Iaae aline was expanded in 2002 and .provides some relief to persons in portions of the northern and southern areas of the county, but transportation to other area work sites is lacking. The Dlue Line operates from 6:00 :~:l~I - 7:00 PM. This does Iiot help the employee who needs transportation for a second and third shift. 2. Hours o~f transit operation do not match shift work schedules. W~'~ bus service operates from 7:00. ANl - G:3~ P18%I, :~loliday through Saturday, N1-~T5 regular service hours are 6:00 ~~'f - 7:00 PIYl, Monday through ~~'riday and u-ntil 12:00 ~~ on ~Satu~-days. 3.. '1'he current economicdown~turn has made the job senrcb.more diffi~ciilt for welfare and low-ilicome persons and leas creatietf a stronger aieed for reliable ti-anspoi•tation. ®nce welfare and low- .. .I income personsfand employment, they must demonstrate dependable transportation in order to remain employed. 3. ~:X`1~~~i'I''('(~ ~~1C;1-1 l~R~l'4~51{JD Sly-RV';f~'LS ~'IIJL ~'11JE~1' ~'1-1E, ~E~I~S ,~. Percentage of~target population (low-income population in service areas) served by the proposed project. ^f-f~0'% ^11-30'%~ We fall in f0-30'%~ ^3f-50`% , ^51-10®`%~ l3. Describe in detail the extent to which the proposed services improve access to employment sites, employment support services (training and childcare etc.) and low income residential areas. Include: . a) Project description, including goals and objectives. ri'he overall goal of the project is to remove transportation as a ~I signibcaiit barrier to-those seeking employment in New Hanover (:ounty and to expand on the capacity for transportation by the establishment of rtiore efficient v1n service. Specific objectives include: l0 ~a ~-- • 1. Utilizing the opacity of the CIS system to design a routing plan that creates a "zoning" approach to preparation of transportation schedules. The current Job Access program has provided a clearer view of the needs of low income employees and a design of their residential location in the community as related to their work sites. The GIS system will use this information to~ establish efficient routes. 2. Increasing the number of employment transportation trips provided by van trips instead of solo trips. Total number of trips projected 8,300 per year. 3. Increasing outreach and marketing efforts of the transportation service to potential employers and gaining more financial support from the business community. Plans are underway with 2I'lus, Inc., anon- profit vanpooling service, to assist with this objective. =1. ~~panding NUTS hours of operation from 6:00 AM to 12:.00 midnight, Niondav through Sattrrday. _ • '~) ®peration-specific data, such as m-1es/trouts of servrce, new rou€es, route 'xrensr®n5. re(lUCelr LTiiVCi LiiliGJ, GLI.. The continuation of the grant will expand Niue dine services to more areas of the northern and southern corridors of the county including the aDgden and l?ort~rs Neck communities. This will provide transportation to job sites and low income and disabled housing developments currently not served. New routes will operate 6:00 ~.1VI until 8:00 P19'I. The Fernand Response van services will be improved through the usage of a U~IS routing system. Vlore efficient routing wilt improve travel time and decrease the cost per trip. ®ernarrcl Cdesponse vans will be scheduieci from 6:00 AI~i until 12:OOrriidni,~ht, i1~londay through Saturday. c) Indicators that will be used to monitor project per4'ormance and to make ubsectuent adjustments m project rmpreurernaLwrr. The overall goal of the Job .Access project will be to provide cost effective employment transportation to employees. This will involve efficient grouping. of trips, identification of critical mass of employees and employers and analysis of cost and ridership figures. This will be accomplish as follows: 1. 2Plus, Inc., will also collect statistical data on ridership, location of employers and possible employment routing options. This information will be made available to NHTS for future pl~~rnning purposes. 2Plus, as a part of a contractual agreement, will assist with outreach to new employers, marketing of vanpool and other employment transportation routes and. actual establishment of vanpool routes to new and '~/ ~. underserved areas of the county. 2. 'l'he G15 routing system will be reviewed monthly through billing and statistical reports to provide immediate feedback on the efficiency of routing and, scheduling._'T'~he system will give insight into the location of employees and employers that will be used~to develop future planning strategies. ~ , . 3: NiFI'l'S will track transportation,recluests fulfilled by vanpooling and other group trips versus solo trips.as a means to reduce costs. A review of all rejected trips will be analyzed. 4. IY~-ITS will conduct a customer satisfaction survey each year to gain input from the riders. 'This information will lie used to make changes in the overall operations of the syste~u. d) Estimate of anniealized cast per rider. 'To date 3,59 employment trips have been provided by NITS between October 2001 and March 2002:. Annualized cost per rider from October 200 through Anril 2002 is $~t207.00. _ e) Employment potential in service ao•ea, inc,fluding new jobs/employment sites reached. 'T'wenty-five (2~) new businesses, ope3aed within the past ;year, have ~ hired semi-skilled or entry level; employees. Retail and service employment is located throughout the county with several located in the corridors covered by the proposed expansion of the :flue Liaae routes. Th~e~expansion of transit services until 12:00 mid~aight will allow persons employed on different shifts toaccess transportation. In preparation of the initial Job Access grant pn•aposal, NHTS identified 157 employers along the four fixed routes that were to..be deyefloped. NT~TS is in the completion stage for these routes. 'T'he project is continuing to identify critical_ masses of employers and employees to develop routes in other areas of the County. f) )Description of how project meets the, -nabiiity needs of persons with Tltis project will have no problem meeting the mobility heeds of pars®ns with ~disabiGties. The,N iTS fleet has 19 lift equipped vehicles to provide transportation to perso~is with special needs..NEITS'staff inquires of each person requesting transportation as to.vvhether or hot he/she has special transportation needs. NITS will include Tlnited Cerebral paisv,~~oastal Enterprises, a 12 2 ~- tered workshop and Southeastern Center, the portal of entry for employees with developmental disabilities, 'en the planning process of the I Job access project. C. Describe how the project effectively uses existing transportation providers and ' integrates the new services into the existing trans ortation s stem or services. dVith each transportation request, existing transportation options, including WTa, Blue Line, demand response or taxi, are reviewed and the most cost- effective option is implemented. The new GIS system will be a key factor in the integration of new services into existing transportation routes. This program will provide` location off' critical masses of both employers acid employees and assist with mapping most efficient route for specific destinations. ~ The contract with 2I'lus, Inc., will open doors with potential employers and ` provide yanpooling for low income persons to these sites or connect employees avth existing transportation services. 2I'lus, Inc., through its BZB program will inform employers of tax credits, vanpooling and other transportation ..options. I Expansion of existing routes frequency of routes"and expanded hours) will allow employees opportunity to seel: employment outside of regular ~-5 hours and i~~ the outli~aing areas of the co~~~tty___ ~ _ ~, FINANC~~, C(~M~II~'14~ENTS j15 p~Li~TS) ,~. Document sources of matching funds and degree of commitment for this a~ro~ect. _ _ ` ~Iew 1-lanover County ®epa-~tment of Social services 92,000 ~ ~`ew Hanover County 30,000 I " Total SI22,000 B. Identify long-term financing sources to support continuation of the proposed project or other aspects of the regional plan, including continued transit, human servSce and emp-oyer prov-ueu -iuxn~:ia~ re~~un L~~. T,VNF' dollars, I-IUiD Fa~aily Self-Sufficiency funds and county funds will continue to support this program in the future. In addition, through the increased community education of employers of the benefits of the transportation tax credit, private dollars will be available to supplement this program. User fees will be assessed to increase participant's financial responsibility C. For new projects, provide estimate services are expected to begin. L Y ~J C'. 5. PR(JJEC"I' BUD(sE'l, ,~. Totai C~ipital FTA Assistance $_0 List capital-costs such as purchaseof vehicles and facilities. For vehicles, ,include the tyke of vehicles end quantity of each type. (till in space as needed)" ~~~ Ca ital Items ' ~uatitity ~ '['otal ~.li ible Cost:_ ~" ff+~'A Amount . $ I ~ . $ $ " $ $ $ $ " ~ $ $" $ $ $ $ ~ $ $ $ $ ~ $ $ ~ $" $ i $ S - S $ $ $ ~ $ ~~ , $ I ~ $ $ i_ ~ ~ ~ - .. $ $ ~ ~ S $ ~ $ $ I ~ i' $ ~$ $ ~,$ S $ $ I _ ~ ~ I3. "'Total ®perating F~i'A Assistance X488,000 (twa year grant) List operating assistance costs. €nelude the period of~performance. (fill in-space as 'needed): Operating costs Dates ' mm/dd/y yv Total Eligible Cost FTA Amount Start: 10/l/02 End: 9/>0/0~ $244,000 ~ $122,000 Start: 10/1/03 End: 9/30/04 $24,000 $122,000 14 n ., i • Start: ~ End: $ $ Start: End: $ $ Start: End: $ $ Start: End: ~ $ $ Start: End: $ $ Start: End: $ $ Start: End: $ $ ~ Start: End: $ $ Start: End: I $ $ Start: End: $ , $ Start: End: $ ~ $ Start: End: $ $ Start: End: I ~ $ $ '-.Start: Start: Start: ~ -- ~ End: End: End: ~ ~ ~ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~ Start: ~ ~ End: ~ $ $ Start: End: $ i $ Start: ~ End: $ $ Start: End: $ - ~ $ - -- Start: End: ~ $ - $ _ .Start: End: S $ _ _ ~ Start: ~ ~ End: ~ $ $ C. Project Administratia~~ (:~~_~t~licants such gas State ~Q'l''s or i~iP+®'s applying on behalf of multiple saabrecipients m7y include aap to ;10`%. of the lat~~l project costs for' project administration.) ~. Total Project Cost $488,000 (Two year grant) Total Eligible aCost .PTA Amount ~~ S488,000 ~ $244,000 E., Total Federal JAi2C Funding requested for this Project. ]5 ~o.- Check one: ® Continuation Project (This is a continuation project) ^ New Proj~ct. P®PULATI®N FY 2002 Job Access Reverse Com~iurte E'Y 2003 Job Access Reverse Commute >1,000,000 200,000-1,000,000 50,000-200,000 <50,000 $ $_1.22,000 $ $ ~ $ $_ ~ $_122,000_ $ $ $ $ $ 6. ADDITIONAU IN1~®-t1V1AT1ON FR~i%I APPLICANTS ItEQL1ESTING C®NTLNUATI®N ~'IJNDLNG A. Project was reviousl funded under rant number s): Reference grant #~lTC37X99; ~~rant is pending award._ >3. fir, ~rarit aanendment number s): C. Total amount of funds a raved -for this ro'ect in. revious year(s): $ 142,000 federal funds for 2001. ~ i ~. Totai amoient of funds (from all previous years) dispersed to date: To date, $52,850.08 has been expended on demand response employment trips. frost ol'vd'TA bus tickets in the amount of $17,875 has been identified as employment related trips. Total of $70,725.OS has been spent®ctobe'r 2001. through April 2002 L Prief strmmarv of what has been accomplished to date: The initial Job Access grant implemented new Cixed routes in specific areas of the county. The following objectives have been put in place since ®ctober 2001: a. The route on Market Street between New Centre .Drive and Porter's Neck Road and the Dutch Square Industrial Park is partially completed. The WTA bus has extended its daily route and provides some expanded service on this corridor. b. The Highway 132 North and I-40 corridor east and north of Wilmington is being serviced on a request-basis by NHTS. A study is underway to identify a critical mass of employees and employers in this area. once that study is completed; a fixed vanpooi route will be put in place. c The area of Eastwood Roy;d (Hwy 74), between ldiarket Street and Military Cuf~ 16 ~; to o-- • • Off, as well the beach communities, are receiving partial services by the WTA bus. The beach community route developme~it is still in progress. The upcoming tourist season will help in development of a potential routing plan for the beach corremunities, as jobs iii those areas will increase. d. NLost of Nt=ITS concentration since®ctober has been placed on the expansion of the Blue Line General Public) fixed route on the southern and narthern parts of the county: Employers on this corridor have been contacted, a video describing Blue Line services guns daily on the government TV channels, and NFiC _l~epartment of Social Services Work First staff have promoted jobs on the ;Blue Line. route. In additioei, the Greatew ~Viimington Chamber of .Commerce, public housing authority staff and apartment complexes have been targeted far educational discussions about transportation services. As a result of this effort ridership on the Blue Line has increased 60 %~. e..New Hanover County moved into an office that is dedicated to transportation services, thus centralizing all transportation under one roof. 'T'his improvemec~t has made access to transportation much easier for ~Il residents of'the county. F. New stops directly reaching or within l/4 mile of employment, childcare, or training sites not previously accessible by transit: Number: 13 Brie#~ f:~xplanation (250 words or le Expansion of the :Blue .Line routes outlig~ed in E above, have Hallowed for c-•eatioaa of f3 new bus stops within'/a mile of employment. At the inception of the Blue Line expansion, employers were contacted prior to establishment of the stops. The route ~~chedule is directly related to employer input. Foe• example, Autumn Care Nursing l-lonae is located on the. southern end of l-lwy =121, away from any transportation service. Most of their employees are CNAs ~aki~ag minimum wage. "Phis specific segment of'the work force is desperate for dependable tr~~nsportation. The Blue Line now serves the needs of autumn Care employees by stopping at this site six times a d • ~. ridership on new transportation services since initiated: Number: 1.32 clients; 3,869 trips .from ~ctaber- 2001 thraugh April 20D2. t5r~et ~:Yplanat~on ('>SU words or less The .fob Access grant in Nedv Hanover County became operational ®ctober 2001. In the seven months of service NHTS has seen a decided increase in the number of employment trips for Work-First and low-income persons. Blue Line ridership has increased approximately.GO`%~ since the inclusion- of additional stops. Three hundred and sixty seven (3C7) clients have accessed demand response employment traa~sportation throw h .IARC since ®ctober 2001. l7 i GL New ILanover County Job Access Grant Application Project Budget :Fiscal Year 2002 and 2003 Applicants New Hanover County, Area Size; 168,500 population North Carolina ~'Y 2002 "~ ~ 'Total lligible Cost F'A'A Total . , , A. Job Access Project Capital Costs ~ ® 0 I ~ B. Operating Costs Administration . ~. Salary 6389 ~. ;0 ,I Print .Brochures, publicity 1.000 0 Activity: Increase daily service ~ 30,500 30,500 ~ 1-lours to 18 hrs./day Activity: Increase capacity to ~ 33,11.1. 40,500, Serve welfare recipients.: .. And.low-income clients ~~ tln existing~routes; contract with 2Plus,.inc. Activity: increase services to , , 15,_500 ~ 15,500 disabled clients Activity: 1Vlaintain service to 35,50® 3;,500 routes developed in 2001 JARC project . Total 51.22,000 5122,000 *~'ear 2 of JARC grant (FY 2003) will be same as year l (FY 2002) ~ ~~ Total eligible cost for two-year (F~' 2002 and 2003) project. is 548,000. Total .11TH amount for two-year project (TY 2002 and 2003},is $244,000. 18 ~o~- °l J ~~~~~ ~~~®~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~196AiA~~~9 a~ 'Ai~~ BENJAMIN J.QIlATTLEBAUM,II,E%ECUTIVEDIRECTCR' COMMISSIONERS RAWER 899 • WILMINGTON,N.C. 28402-0899 WINDELL DANIELS, CHAIRMAN A CODE 910 • DIAL 341-7700 LEE D. WEDDLE, SR., VICE CHAIRMAN 910-341-7780 ~ ~ ~ MRS. BARBARA F. BAKER ,: 910-341-7768 ~ ~ MRS. LORI A. GAINES R.T. HORTON, JR. OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • 508 SOUTH FRONT ST. JOHN NESSELROADE TENANT SELECTION OFFICE • 341-7747 • (VOIC3 or TDD) ~ M5. YVONNE PAGAN SECTION 8 OFFICE • 341-7727 MAINTENANCE OFFICE • 341-7707 - CLARENCE L. SMITH MANAGEMENT • 341-7744 (Voice orTDD) MS. ROSA S. WEBB RANDOLPH L. GREGORY, CHAIRMAN EMERITUS May 28, 2002 Ms: Patricia A. Melvin, Asst. County l~Ianager New ~Ianover C®unty 320 Crestnut Street, Room X02 Wilmington, N~ 28401-4058 ~Z~:..~i~b Acc~~s ~ran~ ~c~ter of ~up~~~~ Dear Ms. Melvin: We are pleased to hear that New l=lanover County is applying for a grant from the Federal Transit Administration to expand, unify and streamline job access transpot-tationhece in New I~anover County. based upon our experience, transportation to and from work a work site is the primary barrier faced by work First/TANK' recipients and low-income individuals who are tr<~ing to maintain regular employment and work towards family sell=sul~iciency. The program that you have irr~plemented have help to break those barriers, achieve greater efficiencies and develop a county-wide job access transportation system with a sustainable and diverse base of funding. `t~Ie look forward to working with you in a comprehensive manner to meet the job access needs of the lower-income residents of New I~anover County. ~ ~Ie applaud the efforts you have continuously committed to enhance the transportation barriers faced by the low-income residents within the county. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Catrecia McCoy, Director of Resident Services at 341-3217. Sincerely, , ,,l r,~ Benjarivn J. Quattl~l?aum, II Executive Director c: Richard A. James Catrecia McCoy Deborah Houston ~~~ , F. wAYNE b70RRIS, aC5~V Director May 21, 2002 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 1650 GREENF.IELD STREET POST OFFICE DRAWER 1559 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1559 TELEPHONE (910) 341-~ i 00 F.=~`i (910) 341-4?47 Patricia A. Melvin Assistant County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-408 Dear Pat: The New Hanover County Department of Social Services strongly. stiipports the county's . application for a grant from the Federal Transit Administration to provide greater access to employment transportation for low-income working families.. Employment transportation is the primary barrier making fit difficult for low-income persons to . acquire and maintain jobs. By expanding subsidized transportation to more-hours andwider routes and coordinating all the transportation sources in our county to identify the most cost effective .and efficient routes, greater access will be achieved.' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' DSS commis to using. the eo-ordinated system for our Work First clients and other low income persons eligible for TANF funds and needing assistance with employment transportation: Dependant on available funds, we will provide $92,000 of TANF monies, to purch~ISe employment transportation services from this proposed ~prograrn. We look forward to working with you in assisting our county's low income families in their attempts to obtain and retain employment. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Christine McNamee at 341-4732. Sincerely;- ,, %~ i a, ,,.,.1 f .: ..,,_. J F. Wayne Morris, ACSW AGEPICY ?MEMBER: AMERICAN PUBLIC WELF,4RE ASSOCIATION NORTH CAROLINA CHILD AD ~OCACY INSTITUTE Cv-'. • r~ • May 17, 2002 Patricia Melvin Assistant County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, NC 28401-4058 Dear Pat, L Un~erstan~ing ~isai~i?hies Creating opportunities United Cerebr~fl fl ~isy of north Carolina idew iianoa~r Aduflt ~ervic~s I am pleased to hear that New Hanover County is applying for a grant from the Federal Transit Administration to expand, unify and streamline job. access transportation here in New Hanover County. used upon our experience working with individuals with physical disabilities, transportation to aril from work is the. primary barrier in obtaining and maintaining job placement for these individuals I believe that a program such as the one described will help businesses and agencies better support individuals with lower income and/or disabilities. I believe that this program would help break down such barriers, achieve greater efficiencies and develop acounty-wide job access transportation system with a sustainable and diverse base of funding. . I look forward to working with you to help make this project a success. Please let me know what I can do to further support this initiative. If you have any questions, please call me at (910) 763-1787. Sincerely, ~ ,, __,~~'~ . Rena. Davenport, Director of Vocational Supports UCP of 1NC -Wilmington Cc: z6i North Front Street Wilmington, VC z8goi tel gio-763-1787 fax 9io-7b3.1723 co pywiim~a wiimington.net O ~ a., ..W~.. 1110 Castle ,Street o 4Nilmington; N.C. 28401 o Telephone (910) 343-0106 o FAX (910) 343-8~~ Witmiugtun Transit r7uthordfy 23 May 2002 Ms. Patricia Melvin Assistant County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street; Room 502 Wilmington, NC 28401-4058 Dear Ms. Melvin: The Wilmington Transit Authority is fully, supportive of your request for a Federal Transit Administration grant to provide Job Access Funds. it is our understanding that these funds will be used for the creation of new fixed bus/vanpool routes to serve employers. • This program would serve those that the WTA have identifiied as needing increased access to public transportation that the WTA is currently unable to provide due to demographic 'or operating constraints. The WTA will take any steps necessary,to assist you in meeting the needs of the clientele of this important program. Like New Hanover County, the WTA. is committed to improving public transportation programs in the region. We commend -you o~n your commitment and your support of this program. ,If the WTA can be of any assistance to your office in this program, or any public transportation initiatives, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Albert Eby General Manager cc: Lawless Bean, City of Wilmington File, New Hanover County !'1 li 4-- ., B `~~~Ir~ ~~~~~ Full Name: Angela Barr Company:. Britthaven NorthChase 3015 Enterprise Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Bus: (S10) 791-345:r Bus Fax: (910) 791-4845 Full Name: Herb Ellington Company: Textiiease UniTOrm Service 1821 Dawson Street Wilmington, NC 2840? Bus: (910) 763-0184 Bus Fax: (910) 763-0243 E-mail: hellington@textiiease.com Fui! i~Jame: Loretta Evans ~:;omparn': Spring Arbour Rest Noma 809 John D. Barry Road VViimington, ~7C 2>.~.?12 Bus: {910} 7g--=p~~99 Bus Fax:. (910} 799-8210 ~~ ;: Full Name: Geraldine Fennell Job Title: 9rVork First Coordinator . Company: NHC - D55 P.®. Drawer 1559 Wilmington, NC 28402 Bus:. (910) 341-4700 x4908 Bus Fax: (910) 341'-4363 __ ~ , Y {. s~ ~ ,. Full Name: Glenda Haii Company: Britthaven Wrightsville Beach 221 Summer Rest Road Wifinington, ~!C 28405 ' Dus: {910) 256-3733 ,~-~II u ~~.~~s®~y ~~~.~~~1 ~~~~~ ~' Fuii Name: Jim Hall Company: Winter Park Preschool 648 Bayshore Drive Wilminyton, NC 28411 Bus: (910) 686-0046 Pager: (910) 397-5783 Bus Fax: (910) 686-9796 E-mail: wpps4305@ao{.com Full Name: Joy Hudson Company; Employment Security Commission 717 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Bus: (910) 251-5777 L-mail: hudson.joy@esc.~tate.nc.us r . ~~~~s~~ Full Name: Pam Jenkins Company: Corning, Inc. 310 North College Road Wilmington, NC 28405 Bus: (910} 784-7299 E-mail: jenkinspw@corning.com r~~ ~~~ I ti , , ~~~~a~~n, o~~n~ Full Name: Hillan/ Manning Company: NHHN P.O. Box 9000 ~/vilmington, NC 28402 Bus: (910)343-4027 Bus Fax: (910) 815-5858 E-mail: hiliary.manning@rihhn.orc, Full Name: Chris McNamee Job title: Human Services Planner Company: NHC - DSS P.O. Drawer 1559 Wilmington, NC 28402 Bus: (910) 34.1-4732 Bus Fax: {910) 341-4022 E-mail: cmcnamee@nhcgov.com ~~` ~ . ~~.~~~®~y ~~u~~~~ ~e~~ae~, ~~~ Full Name: Pat Melvin Job Title: Assistant County Manager Company: New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Bus: (910) 341-7184 Bus Fax: (9i0) 341-4027 E-mail: pmeivin@co.new-hanover.nc.us ~~~5~~'i~ ~s°~d~~~ Full Name: Janet Nelson Job Title: Executive Director - , Company: NHC Partnership for Children 3001-B Wrightsville Ave. Wilmington, NC 28403 Bus: (910)815-3731 E-mail: janet.nelson@newhanoverkids.org Full Name: Pam Palanza Job ,Title: President Company: Creative Child Care Solutioins, Inc. 228 Eastwood Road. Ste.. A-3 PMB-193 Wilmington, NC 28403 Bus: (910)799-8914 Bus Fax: (910) 799-6688 E-mail: ppalanza@ec.rr.com Full Name: Marjorie Parker Job Title: Workforce Development Company: Council of Governments 1480 Harbaur Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 Bus: (910) 395-4553 Ext. 213 E-mail mparker@capefearcog.org ~~a~~~~, ~~~~a Full Name: John Phelps - Company: Corning, Incorporated 310 North College Road aNiimington, NC 2$405 Bus; (910)784-7325 Sus Fax: (910)395-7922 E-mail: phelpsjd@coming.com ~~~~~ ~~r~~~t ~~a~~OaZq ~.i1Z -, Full Name: Liz Schulz , ]ob Title: Work First Director , Company: NHC DSS PA. Drawer 1559 Wilmngton, NC 28402 Bus: (910) 341-4758 , Bus Fax: (910} 341-4363 E-mail: ischulz@co.new-hanover.nc.us , ~~~~~°~~~"9i '~~5 Full Name: Bess Shadrach Company: Assisted Care P.O. Box 7665 1rlilmingtan, NC 28406 Bus: (910)763-9933 Bus Fax: (910) 763-9910 E-mail: bess.shadrach@assistedcare.net ~~E~~y ~~~9"~~~~ Full Name: Clarence Smith Company: CFCC 411 North Front Street < Wilmington, NC 28401 Bus: (910) 251-5676 - E-mail: csmith@capefear.cc.nc.us ~~~s ~~:~~~~ Full Name: Leslie Sox Company: ABC Personnel 4004 ©leander Drive Suite F-1 ` Wilmington, NC 28403 Bus: (910) 799-9044 Bus Fax: (910) 799-4876 E-mail: abc28406@aol.com ~~~~°®~~ ~e~~~ Fuii Name: Jewel Sparrow Company: ESC 717 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Bus: (910) 251-5777, Bus Fax: ,(910) 251-5795 E-mail: sparrow.jewel@esc.state.nc.us ~,r~~aZ ~ ~ ~~ ~r F~~s~ .~d~ris~ry C~~.~~i~ Full Name: Lois Steele Company: ` Y1nlCA of the LCF 24 South 17th Street 'JViimington, NC 28401 Bus: {910) 762-7886 Bus Fax: {910)762-7885 F-mail: yvvcareso@wilmington.net ~., ~ " -Full Name: dolly Ticker Company: CFCC 411 North Frant Street Wilmington, NC 28461 Bus: {910j 251-5683 E-mail: htuc9<er@capefear.cc.nc.us , `~ F r' ~~~~°~~~ ~ ~~d~ Full Name: Tonda 1lerdejo Company: 1AJarkforce Development Solutions f-tome: {910) 313-U327 E-mail: tonlver2@aol.com • ~! `.~ ~~pmsp~ry ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~, I~ ~, { ~c ~~rt a,M hw''; Employment Security Commission Of North Carolina 717 Market Street Wilmington NC 28~OI Michael F. Easley 910-251-777 Governor FAX 910-2~1-579 May 1, 2002 Ms. Patricia A. Melvin Assistant County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Rooin X02 ~n_t_ +___ wrr ^onni nnnco VV 1112 L1ng1V11, 1V \_. G04V1-`+VJO Dear Ms. Melvin: Harry E. Payne, Jr. Chairman ,~,~,:~~ &,~ ~ ~ ,~ .:.. ~~ ~ ,~ ~~ %~-- ;, ~~ 1,~,,,~ ;;`, '.,j~rr.'ya n _ ~~..>F1Ptjjr.~~ The North Carolina Employment Security Commission (ESC) strongly endorses New Hanover. County's submission to the Federal Transit Administration for a continuation of the Job Access Grant. Monies, if received, will allow for the enhancement of the County's coordinated transportation system. , . ESC is very aware that the lack of affordable, accessible transportation is a major barrier in low- income families finding and keeping employment. We are active members of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Work First Advisory Committee and commit to working with you to co~~ ~inue to improve transportation in our community. ~` The avai agility of subsidized transportation options to allow Work First, disabled and other low income persons to get to child care and jobs where and when there is a need, will greatly improve the chances for increased self.-sufficiency. ESC staff is currently co-located at the New Hanover County Department of Social Services to better serve the needs of the Work First client looking for employment. Having mass transit routes in the areas of the county where the greatest number of employers are located will make identifying possible employment options and placing persons into employment easier. We look forward to working with you to address the employment and transportation needs of the lower-income citizens of New Hanover County. Sincerely, ~,~ ~,~~ ,. ,~ 'Jewel B. S~ Manager ~' >; yarrow Z ` `~ May 1.8, 2002 _ NIs. Patricia Melvin Assistant New Hanover County ivtanager 320.Chestnut Street Wilmington, IVC 28401 Dear Ms. Melvin: iINGT~N ~s ~r :: r:~~triESr~.~,~~" In January 2001, the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce and the New Hanover County Department of Social Services collaborated to form. the Work First Advisory Council. After educating themselves on Work First, the Council identified three areas that prevented . Work First clients from succeeding. They were: transportation, child care, and employer tnentorng. y Transpoz~tation for Work First clients is crucial to their work success and to their obtaining independence. The Chamber supports the New Hanover County Department of Social Services in their Job Access and Reverse Commuter Grant. If you have. any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me 762-261.1 Fxt. 21.3. S_i~ncerely, t t'~~ r ~ ' 1 ~j ~r~ ~ ~~j~ ~ ~ ~ ' r`~ a ~~ Diana G. Corbett Director, Education Programs One Estell Lee Place • Wilmington, NC 28401 • '1"eleuhon.e 910762.2611 • Telefax 910.762.9763 ww~a.wilmingtonchamber.org ~~ {This page intentionally left blank} rl 4~~. l . ~ ~ ` ` IV,EW HAi~IOVER COUNTY ~OARU OF COiVIiViISSi®iVERS . , REQUEST FOR SOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/03/02 ~.,~ ., Consent Item #:.3, Estimated Time: Page Number:, ; -, ` Department: Parks Presenter: Neal Lewis ~ ` Contact: .Neal Lewis ` SUBJECT: • -' Rules for Major Events on County darks BRIEF- SUMMARYs - ,• ' The. number and size o.f`Major Events (concerts, .festivals,, etc.) held in our County Parks continues .~ ' ,to expand. Our current rules do not adequately address all of the issues surrounding these events. .. `The "Major Events Rules" are an attempt to address the issues ahd to provide'a_consi~stent set of guidelines for anyone to follow when-planning a major event in our County Parks. The Major Events. Packets(attached) includes Major Event rules, the Park.Ordinances, areservation form and the Fee Schedule for proposed Major Events. The.rnajor change is:that the fees for staging these events will increase significantly. The,new ,' rules insure more dependable security (sworn County law enforcement officers) for the event and ; for the' park. The new rules tighten the way alcohol'is distributed and provides more Liability ` ~ .protection for the County.- The Parks and Recreation Advison~ 'Board has approved these new rules.' ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' 1) The Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed ".Rules for Major Events," incorporate . the':rules into xhe Parks Ordinance, and amend the Parks Ordinance to reflect these. rules. , •. - 2) TheBoard of County Con-imissioners approve. the Major Events Fee Schedule a.s a policy of the ' - 'Parks Dep3artme,nt. -The effective date of these actions should be July- 1 , 2002. ` . , FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ..~ , N/A f • ' ATTACHMENTS: ' Major.Event Reservation Packet.w ' REVIEWEi~ BY:. - LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY i!VIANAGER'S CO TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .d ~~ Recommend approva . , '' C®MMISSIflNERS' AC IONS COMMENTS: CQt~iilT`P ~r~~~~SSION~~S . • - IREJ E~' :.' • C3 i :, ,. , . POSTPONED ~ ~ . . ,. , ~IERRD C QRTE ~ 3 •o~...- ,, , - ~. ~, c~~~° e~~° 1 ~AJO~ E J~1~'I' ESE~ZV~TI~3N PACKET R' J er1 ~i"Y .." ~?C"~ ,') ~~i '~ d2,/ '- ~ ~ I NEW IIANOVERC®UNTY . - , PARKS. DEPARTMENT r F ~ UL~S FOR 1A.1~.~ EIl~11iV~'S' '. ~ - - - - r . Any organization holding a Maj or Event on a facility under the control of the New Hanover County :Parks Department shall follow the rules listed below: • - - 1. AMajor Event, for these purposes, is defined as one which. will attract at least Two ~. Hundred (200) participants,,ornne which in the opinion of theNew Hanover County Parks- . ~ ' .Department will necessitate special concerns because of its nature. 2. A Maj or. Event shall be sponsored by anon-profit community organization, co-sponsored by a non=profit organization and a for-profit concern; or sponsored by afor-profit concern so long as a portion of any proceeds derived from the event are contributed to anon=profit organization. -New Hanover County retains the right to verify contributions to non-profit - organizations:. ' .. , . 3. A Major Event shall follow all State and Local laws, including New I~anover County. - ,Parks Ordinances (attached). •' . 4. The .event ,sponsor. is responsible for contacting the New Hanover County Parks ' Department fo schedule the event, and to obtain a copy of~the Major-Event Reservation . ~. Packet. This Packet includes necessary reservation forms and other information required in .advance of the. event: The event sponsor is responsible for completing the Major Event. ,,. ` Preservation Form, and for submitting this form and any others. required by the County prior. to confirmation of the event schedule. ~ - ~ ~~ ,, 5. The..event sponsor is responsible, for obtaining.'liability insurance coverage with a minimum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000)'of coverage :per event. A Certificate of ' Insurance verifying this coverage must be. submitted with the reservation Form. New Hanover County shall be named as an additional insured in the policy: New Hanover County may require,a higher aggregate amount of liability insurance coverage for-some events. -• 6. The.event sponsor shall obtain liquor liability insurance coverage with limits of at least . . One Million Dollars ($1,000;000) per occurrence, specifically for the possession and/or •. distribution of beer and/or wine, if beer,and/or wine is to be.allowed at the event. 7. Beer and wine are allowed on park property in accordance with established Ordinance ..rules. Glass containers are not allowed. Fortified spirits .are riot allowed. Thee sale of beer ~ , and/or wine is allowed byonly bynon-profit event sponsors,.providin~ that the organization ' has obtained the required permit from North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement. The sale ;. ~,, of beer and/or wine directly or indirectly through admission or other fees is governed by this requirement. (see attached NCALE address) 8. The event sponsor shall contract directly with the I~Tew Hanover County Sheriff s department for a minimum of Two (2) off-duty sworn law enforcement officers to be in attendance during the event, at the sponsor's expense. A copy of the receipt for these services shall be submitted to the Parks Department in advance of the event. One of these officers shall be responsible for security within the .area reserved for the event, and one shall be responsible for the security of the remainder of the park area during the event. It is recommended that One (1) additional law enforcement officer be utilized within the event area for each additional two hundred people in attendance (i.e. two officers for 400 people, three officers for 600 people, etc.). 9. The event sponsor shall schedule a meeting with the New Hanover County Parks Superintendent for the purpose of coordinating logistical issues. This meeting is required before final ,approval will be given for the event. 10.. The placement of tent stakes, anchors or any other objects into the ground may only be permitted in certain areas. These locations must be approved in advance by the Parks Superintendent. ~ - 11. Dogs and other pets are strictly prohibited from the site of the event. The event sponsor shall include notice of this prohibition in all advertising for the- event, and shall monitor the event for compliance with this prohibition. The event sponsor shall be responsible for "`~~~------/// removal of dogs and pets from the event site. 12. The event sponsor may place approved banners or si+?ns advertising an event on park property no more than t~vo weeks in advance of the event; in locations approved by the Parlcs Superinterident.Tbe event sponsor is responsible for erecting banners/signs and for removing all of them within two days of the conclusion of the event. 13 . The event sponsor shall complete a Maj or Event Reservation Form, and submit the form to the New Hanover County Parks Department for preliminary approval. 14. Upon preliminary approval by the Parks Department; the event sponsor shall submit all required documentation and fees due at least ten (10) working days prior to the event. A Fee Schedule is included in the Major Events Guidelines. ~~ .i . - - - ,.. June; 2002 + NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS DEPARTMENT , ' MAJOR EVENT RESERVATION F'OItM ` NAME OF EVENT , -- - , ~~ SPONSORING,ORGANIZATION(S)/INDIVIDUALS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` .° FACILITY INFORMATION: ~ . • , 'DATE(S) OF EVENT - ~ • ~... , . TIME(S) OF EVENT , .. ,, .PARK FACILITY ATTENDANCE (ESTIMATED): ADMISSION CHARGED? YES NO. . ALCOHOL: ALL®WED? ~ YES ' NO ' .. ,, YES SERVED BY. SPONSOR? . NO ' . . ~ DO.Y~U PLAN'PO HAVE;A.TENTIINFLATA~LE, E'S'C.? ' ~ YES N® SPONSOR-INFORMATION.: , CONTACT'PERSON/TI'T'LE. f . ' . S'T'REET .~~i9'JRESS - , ; . ,, ' ~ ~ C'?'I"~" ~ ~ STr~TE ZIP . . . . .6` . - ~ PHONE FA% . . - ~ E-iV1AIi;'AI3DRESS: ~ ~' NON-PROFIT SPONSOR FOR=PROFIT SP®NSOR I have read and do understand the terms and conditions of'this reservation , and do hereby agree, on behalf of the sponsor of this event, that all persons participating,in this event shall adhere to and abide by ail applicable Ordinances, rules and regu lations: ', -. SIGNATURE.., ~ D:1Tr ' . OFFICE USE: ~ , PRELIMINARY APPROVAL BY: DATE: ' FORM COMPLETED ~ ~ .. . . .CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE SUBbIITTED ALCOHOL ENDORSEMENT INSURANCE SUBNIITTGD SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT RECEIPT SUBil4ITTED - _, , ' ' ~ SITE VISIT.CONDUCTED. ~ ` • ~° ~ ` .. ; ° PAYbIENT RECEIVED PARKS DEPARTMENT STAFF DATE NEW HAN~VER C®UNTI' PARKS DEPARTMENT vIAJOR EVENT RENTAL FEE SCHEDULE 1. general Rental (Required): N(~N-PR®FIT A. Hugh MacRae Park 'Tennis Lawn Areas $100.00/4-Hours 13. ®gden Part: Large Athletic Field* $200.00/4-Hours C. Greenbox Service (~ Cubic Yards) $17S D. Set-Up/Dreakdown $i~0 (*Note: This includes 100-Amp Electrical Service) 2. Utilities Rea~tal (®ptional -Depending on Event): ~A. Electrical Service $25/Service I3. Potak~le Water.(Food Service only) $25/Service C. Athletic Field Lighting $5014-Hours D. Ogden Park Concession Duildirlg $100/4-Hours FAR-PRa~FIT $200/4-Hours '$400/4-Hours $175 $i50 $25/Service $2~/Service $50/4-Hours $100/4-Hours 3. Non-County Rental Fees: These fees are doubled for events sponsored by individuals/organizations which do not reside in New I3anover County. ~; s . June, 2002 • r. NORTH CAROLINA.ALCOHOL LAW ENLORCLMENT ~ • 108-I North Kerr~Avenue .. North Kerr Office~Park `. ~• <<. - Wilmington, NC 28405 . • 910.395.3902 .. Office hours: _. 8.:00 AM-12:00P1bI .. v iVlond~y-I+riday p ~ • E • ~: e • .. . ' • , ~ ~'~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~~~ NEU'J:He4NOVER COUNTV BOARS OF 'COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BARD ACTION ~ - . .. g . . ~ .. Meeting.Date: 06/03/02 ~ , ._ _ - ._ • , Cohsent Item..#: 4 .Estimated Time: Page Number: • Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal ' `Contact: Cam•Griffin -Allen O'Neal ~ ~ ~ ~ ; SUBJECT: ~ ~' . School Board Budget Amendment • Bf~IEF SUMMARY: , • For purposes of informing you and the .public, I•am including this as ,an agenda item:for you to - • acknowledge.. The New Hanover County Board of .Education's budget amendment reduces th.e ' County's FYOT-02 contribution by $2 million. This budget amendment was approved• by the Board` - of Education on'Msy 6, 2002. The County reduced the cohtribution due'to the current`-'year . budget situation... ` , . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ` e Your approval of the budget amendment is not required, but I recommend you acknowledge the , budget amendment and the Board of Education's action. • , ', FUNDING SOURCE:; . .. ' ATTACHMENTS: Schoo! Budget Ameridment ` /TFM DOES NOT REQUIRE.REV>EW C~4:9;~9TY MANAGER'S COMMENTS. AND R~C.~MMENDATlONS: ` ' ,Acknowledge the budget amendment:-.~-rY~~~ „ """ ~ ,~ , • C®MM1SS10NERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ . Y l ~ - . ~ .. , . ~ ~~UfVY1P IrO~~+~IS~g~~1FRS ~i4'PROVED, ~+~ ~ - .. REJECTED : ~ . :; ~ . - REMgVED C3 • POSTPONED ~ _ &iEARO 05/12/2002 22:02 ,. j 910-254-4295 FINANCE Budget Amendment #10 Npw Hanover County Administrative Unit -- _. Coca! fund The New Hanover County i3oard of Education at a meeting on the 6th day of May 2002, passf~d the following resolution. Be it resolved that the following arnendmenis be made to the Budget Resolution for fhe fisca year ending June 30, 2002, Amount Cade Number ascription of Code increase (Decrease) Various See attached $1,907,12087; P,evenue, Various SeA attached $1,907,920.87 Explanation: To setup budget for Miscellaneous Receipts and record reducf!on in County Appropriaraon, Total Appropriation in Current Hudget ~ 57,192,838.95 Amount of increasel(Decrease) of above Amendment 1,907,9x`:0,87 Total Appropriation in Current Amended Budget ~ 55,205,7 X8.08 Passed by maiority vote of the board of Education of Nevr Hanover Count~j on the day of ~%~2~,.,~ 20 0 ~ a V i ~ as n Board of Ed 'or~- ~~-~~-~ Lary, Board Education ... ~, '~~''' _.- ~;~~ ~ ' ~1J'A't PAGE 02 r °°t `~~~ 05/12/2002 '22:02 910-254:4295 fINQNCE. PAGE `.03 i_fl~ai s~i,~~~ i=~~a ~,~e~a~,~nt ~ ~~ , ~ R. Nfi~ceilar~es~tas Receipts: - ~ , Tv seta bud t for E-Rata revenue: ~- ~ - t .2 473.45 2,~54p,0$0.349.000.911.01 Telephone Utilities . , ~ 6 68 055 2.6540.080:341.000.911.02 Telephone Utilities _ ; . 8,529.1.3 ~, . ~o set up budget for Explorn6t Grant received from f11e State. ~ , ' ~ for~ll~lorltforCe pevelo~omerrt::- -_s.. _ _ - ~ ~ 4,000.00 2.5930.028.312.000,90 Wor6cshops . North Ga-'aaltna Partnership far Excellence Grant {ffnaf allocation): ' ' ' 2.5930A28.312.000.939.25,a, Warkshops . ~ .5,350.00 - ~ ~ . To incr®ase budget for,4fter School Program ~'ayrol! Expenditures. . funded from After School Proceeds: _ ' 69,670.00 ~. ..2..5500:530.159 Safeties = ; J 330:00 5 - Social Security . 2.5910:530.211 ' , 75,000.00 ^ ~ 171C~8c~Se if1 ~~}3~1°1C~9#Ut@$ 92a$79:13 ,~.. . , . ..Raven~+e 5usrtrn~r'y: . ... ,. . 2.?4490.740:000 ~ E-Rata. Revenue '8,529.13_ . 4,000.00 ' 2.4490.t100.tl00' iVlisaellaneous Revenue 350,00 5 2.4430.028.OOD NC /'artnersilip far ;=xcellence Revenue:.. _ , 75,000.00 • 2.4240:530.000" After Scriool Revenue • . 92,879:13 . increa~a iri 9aevensse . f . v , . .. ~ ~ _ t ~ ~ y_ 1 Local School Funs! 't ~.. -. . 0 i/12/2002 22:02 910-254-4295 ri ~'" "" Gou~~ Redtac~~on caf Gur~~»t Ys~r }~~ps~p~~atis~n~. Estimated Utility Savings 2,6640.080.413.000.931 Fuel (133,000) (40,000) ///} 2.6540.080.322.000.931 Natural Gas `, '., (200,000) 2.6540.080.321.000.931 Electrical Reduction in Quality Development Workshop Accounts 2.5930,028.312.000.939 - Instructional Workshops ,, (178,000) (48,000} 5930A2$.182.000.939 -Substitutes 2 (63,090) _ . 6930.02$.312.000.939 - Supp 2 (10,000) . o~ Workshops 2,6930.026.312.000.921 - Supp . New School Staff Ievelopment 2.5930.028.312.380.000 -parsley (3,000.) (9,825) - 2.6g30.028.312.310.000 -Murray (20,000) 2.5930.028.312.327.000 - Ast~Igy Instructional Services Workshop Accounts 2.6210.002.312.000.907 (5,000) (24,913) 2.s210.002.312.ddo.92e operations -Contracted Services 2.6510.002.311.000.942 (49,000} Gommunity Schools -Equipment Repair budget nc longer needed 2.710 0.002.325 ,000.943 (10,000) Remove continuation budgets of capi+.al equipment in various codes ~ 7100.002.541,000.943 -Community Schools 2 (Zg,935) (1,438) r . 6210. -Deputy Supt 2 (7,774) ``_~J . 641 d.4d5.541.ood.92s - school based Aam 2 {~,ooo) . 2.6210.028.541.000.939 -Quality Dev 000.909 - EC (includes 8,200 for haw schools) 541 432 5200 {13,598) . , . 2 Note: Left equipment budgets in Tech and Maim (this year only) (5,000) Administrative Supplies 2.5,210.028.412.000.939.00 , riot ear Summer Geographlc'Program (2,393) Eliminate Gam/over Eudget ~r5100 325.411.000.908 Budg®t in Arts because $13,000 available in pre 567 - ~ (4,000} Eliminate Workshop 2.6210.584.312.000.901 (70,610) Reduction in At-RisWAttemati~ 5200 068.121 000.903 (2'positfons eurerentiy ceded to State) (5,048) 2.5910. (7,180) 2.5810. (4,512) 2.5910. Local School Fund 2 ~ ~`-~'' ., • 65/12/2002 22:02 910-254-4295 FINANCE PAGE 05. drtstructional Supplies 2,5100.0,61.421.000,907 .Supplemental TextlSOOks @lem~ntary (1.8,627) _ 2.5100.061.421.000.908 . Supplemental Textbooks Secondary (916) • 2.5100.061.xxx.xxx.xxx Classroom Materials, Instructional Supplies 492,949 ( ) 2.xxxx.007.411:xxx iVtedia/Guidance SuppliES (47,497) 2,5200.032,411.xxx EC Instructional Supplies (75,841}' • 2.5200.034.411.000.909 Gifited (2,270) 2.fi190.574.411.000.926 Health/Sex Ed supplies. (6,.174) , 2.5100.575.411.xxx PE supplies (25,999) , 4 4 2.51'00,584.411.xxx - < : Arts Educ. Supplies (43;521) ., . 2.5100,585.411.xxx RflTG supplies . ~--~_- (2,398) __ ._ ' 2.6690.588.411.OOO.xxx ~ ~ Technology. (3,742) 218) (1 '~2.6140.595.411OOO.xxx Health Services , ' Athlefic~Supplies 2.5400.582.419'.~cu ._ , (52,205) Curriculum Development - Elementary and Secondary ' , ~ (23,753) . 2.6210: (1.0,822) 2:6210.002.199A00.90$ . ' Recruitment Budget'in Personnel . ~ ' 5,000 2.6640.002.332.000.927 Subtotal.Exp, Reductions. (1,762,156) , Sales Tax Revenue 2.8100.000.697 See ;Vote Below (237,844 ._: 2.000,000 County Appropriations 2:4110.000,(}00 Decrease in,appropriation . ~~ 2,000,000) • • fVef Ch2n~e !n Local ~udg~f ~ (7; 807,120.ET) . t`7ote;. Sales tax refund available fcr budgeting"purpos es - 1,200,000, ~ , '. Remainder, will .revert to Fund Balance for Appropria tion in 2002/43: . , . ~ Local School Fund 3 ~ , . ~~'~~ • {.This page intentionally left blank} ~/ ~~ . NEiN HANOVER COUNTY BOARD Off' COMMISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION , Meeting Date: 06/03/02 ~ .. : Budget Amendment ' Consent Item #: 5..1 ..,Estimated Time: Page Number: , " ~ DEPARTMENT: Sheriff-Controlled Substance Tax BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-41 --- = - _ _ '. . - , ~ ADJUSTMENT DE81T CREDIT .Controlled Substance Tax $23;835 Other revenue-proceeds from acution ~ 51,900 .. - Extended Project Expense ~ ~ 525,735 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional reven ,received 4-1'S-02, 4-29=02 and 5-15-02 ` . . Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted~as receiv d must be used for law enforcement , activities as the Sheriff deems .necessary:, , , ( . . ADDITIOIUAL INFORMATION: "APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of.Commissioners _' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: - ., -- ,. , ': ~ .. ~ l~E.fECTEEI ~ ...~ ' 'r ~ PEMOVED Q " fi~ .~ ~ - POSTPONED [~ ~ . ,, ~ ~ ~~~`~~ ~ BEARD ~- L~ ,. :` i IVEV1/~ HAIVOVER COIJIU~V B®AR® OF C®IVIIVIISSIONERS REQUEST FOR 80ARD ACTIOB~ IVleeting Date: 06/03/02 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 5.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Sheriff-Federal Forfeited Property BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-42 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Federal Forfeited Property $9,554 Other Revenue-proceeds from auction $13,375 Extended Project Expense $22,929 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as'received and must be used for law enforce nt activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. The amendment also increases budget for pr a received from auction. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~~~+NT~ CC~NiN1~~Si0~1~1~ :' li /~PPRO r ~D REJECTE'J '. REMOVED C~ i ~~' ~ ' POSTPONED ~.r~ : ~IEARD ~, ~~ IVEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COi1111~lIISSiOIVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. Meeting Date: 06/03/02 ' Budget Amendment `Corisent Item #: 5.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Human Service Transportation BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0195 - - - ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT Contributions from Transportation Agencies $150,000 . General Public Allocation $20;000 Contract Services $150,000 Contract Services-General Public Trans. 520,000 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for anticipated excess revenues generated from agencies using the service. The excess revenue will cover payments to Progressive Transportation through June, 200.2. To increase budget for additional funds recei fro . NC-DOT for General Public Transportation. ` ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: G REJ" ' ~~ p 92E1.. ~:.D a ~'0 tr'ONED p EiERRD ~ c~R~E ~ ~ 3,_o a ~;1, ~®Cf~VTI° C4~IMiS~O~~ ~ APPP~"rn c/ ». ~~~ ~, ~,~ :~ ~~ y