HomeMy WebLinkAboutABC Minutes 01-17-2012 F New Hanover County ABC Board Meeting Minutes January 17, 2012 I. Call to order Chairman Thomas Wolfe called to order the regular meeting of the New Hanover County Alcoholic Beverage Control Board at U0ani on January 17, 2012 in the General Office at 523 S. 17th Street,Wilmington,NC. II. Roll call Ms. Martin,Board Secretary conducted a roll call. The following Members of the Board were present: Thomas Wolfe, Chairman Cedric Dickerson, Vice Chairman David Ili atth e w s, 1 Member Augustus C.Everett, Jr. Member Robert W. Martenis, Member er Others in attendance were: Daniel Sykes, Chief Executive officer Wanda Copley, Legal Counsel Aril Finder, Ex-Officio Member Carol Martin, Board Secretary Gary Cain, ABC Retail and LBD Operations Manager Colonel Arch Jones, NHC Sheriff's Department Karen King, ABC Accounting &Administrative Specialist Danny Meeks, ABC Purchasing and Logistics Operations Manager Charles Bonet', LS3P Associates, Ltd Taylor Simms, LS3P Associates, Ltd Sharman Bowen, Star News Staff Writer III. Approval of minutes from last meeting Ms. Martin presented the minutes from the last Regular Meeting of December 20, 2011. Mr. Martenis made the motion to approve the minutes as written, Mr. Matthews seconded, all approved. Iv. Approval of ro o d...agend4 Motion to adopt the prepared consent agenda as written was made by Mr. Matthews, seconded by Mr. Dickerson, all approved. 1 w.w e (- V. New business a) Mr. Bo .e , L. 3P Associates, Ltd., presented the Board with four(4)proposed Options regarding the 17th & Castle Street Project. Each scheme included itemized cost per square foot, design fees and total cost. The options included developing the existing site as planned; alternatives were to build or lease a building for Liquor-By-the-Drink functions at another location; and building a 21,000sf building on a new site. The Board requested that an analysis of LBD sales by volume and by dollars be performed by ABC LBD Outlet(Stores 103, 10 and 110) for discussion purposes. Mr. Wolfe made the motion to retain an outside commercial realtor to represent the Board,to evaluate cost analysis's and to study market conditions. Mr. Martenis seconded, all approved. Mr. Everett made a further motion to send solicitations that define what the Board is looking for in terms of a commercial realtor, with a specific end date,February 14th, 2012. Mr. Dickerson seconded, all approved. Mr. Matthews volunteered to help with the realtor selection along with Mr. Sykes and Mr. Martenis. b) ABC Law Enforcement office's Unit Monthly (ALE) Report for December was presented by Colonel Jones. Officers performed the following activities for the month of December, 2011: *723 Store Visits *339 Bank Deposits • 11 Change Fund Pickups * Video Investigations • Consent Searches * Compliance Checks • 13 A crest Citations (Includes 3 by Wilmington Police Department) *160 Re-stamps On Site (someone purchased another bar's inventory) • 32 Extra Deputies worked a total of 128 hours in and around stores for December holidays *Cited 3 Underage Possession ABC Law Violations *Cited 3 Unauthorized Possession Violations *Cited 3 "Other Alcohol" ABC Law Violations *Cited 2 Controlled-Substance Violations *Cited 4 Criminal"Other Offences" *Assisted 3 ABC Law Agencies *Assisted 4 Controlled Substance Agencies *Assisted 1 "Other" Agency *Performed 29 Inspections *Completed 56 Training Hours c) Mr. Sykes apprised the Board that Colonel Jones had approached him with the acquisition of two vehicles to be used for ABC law enforcement purposes, at a cost not to exceed$50,000 total. ABC Law nforcement currently has four vehicles in its fleet, .. 2 with one spare. This acquisition would replace two of the four in the fleet, and replacements are requested once the vehicle reaches 100k miles. In the future, these needs will be included in both the budget and in the law enforcement contract. Mr. Everett made the motion to authorize the reimbursement for purchases of ABC Law Enforcement vehicles to the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department not to exceed $50,000 upon presentation of invoices for the vehicles and related accessories. Mr. Martenis seconded, all approved. d) Mr. Sykes recognized employee Ms. Karen King as having served the ABC Board for ten years, and presented her with a framed certificate. e) Mr. Sykes apprised the Board of one update,that a white 4-cylinder operations/administration vehicle had been purchased with the state contract for about $1 8,500. Mr. Wolfe noted that$25,000 was approved by the Board in December. f) Mr. Sykes presented the December 2011 and Rolling 12-Month Comparison. For December, Retail sales were up 4.77% ($199.4k). LED sales were up 4.71% ($33.810. Total Sales were up 4.76% ($153k). For the 12-Month Rolling Comparison, Retail stores showed a 4.7 5% (just over$1.o million) increase in sales, LBD sales were up 2.41% ($228.6k) and Total sales were up 4.04% (about$1.25 million). g) Mr. Sykes presented the Statewide Sales for December, 2011. This information is for spirituous beverages only (no wines mixers are included): Retail: We had a 4.76% increase compared to 4.88% increase Statewide. LBD: We had a 4.71%increase compared to 9.00% increase Statewide. Overall: We had a 4.75% increase in spirituous beverages compared to a 5.47% increase Statewide. ITC ABC required an additional $2 .1 to match the Statewide averages. h) Mr. Sykes presented the Board with Financial Statements for December and Year To Date both compare Actual 2011 to Actual 2010 figures and Actual 2011 to Budget 2011 figures. Mr. Sykes noted that Income from Operations exceeded the budget by $152k. Mr. Sykes further noted that Distributions for Tax, Law Enforcement and Profits combined were up $276k, and that the bottom line, or the Change in Net Assets, is up $33k over the prior year actual. i) Mr. Sykes presented the Board with the First Six Months Revenues &Expenses by Function. This is an income/expense statement for each store with an allocation of Administrative and Warehouse expenses. The allocation percentage per store is computed by dividing the store's net sales by total system's net sales. Mr. Sykes noted that the warehouse has earned$1 65.41 i ;1. j) Mr. Sykes presented a 2011 Employee Turn-over Percentage Report. For the Calendar Year 2011 the Employee Turn-over Percentage is 16.87% compared to Calendar Year 2010's 13.95%. Mr•. Sykes noted that in the last two years, seven employees have retired with over 29 years of service. Mr. Martenis made the motion to accept the Employee Turnover Report as prepared; Mr. Dickerson seconded, all approved. k) Mr. Sykes presented an Employee Diversity Report for Calendar Year 2011. The report provided raw numbers and a breakdown by percentage of New Hanover County's working-age population. The report also provided the Board's race and gender breakdown.down. Mr. Sykes iterated that diversity in hiring qualified applicants is a priority of this Board. Mr. Martenis made the motion to accept the Diversity Report as prepared; Mr. Dickerson seconded, all approved. 1) Mr. Sykes presented the Board with proposed modifications to the Vacation Leave Policy, dated October 6, 2010. The modification is to amend the allowed maximum carryover at December 31 from the current maximum of 40 hours of accumulated leave to 80 hours. Mr. Dickerson made the motion to accept the amendment,Mr. Everett seconded, all approved. in) Mr. Sykes presented the Board with a policy modification to the Introductory Period of Employment, as he understood to be the Board's intent at the December 20, 2011 bard meeting. Verbiage added was "An employee appointed to a part-time regular(non- temporary)position will serve an introductory period ,f 12-months. The exception to the year's introductory period is upon conversion,from part-time to full-time employment, then the introductory period is six months. The introductory period,for a part-time employee is not to be extended beyond the initial 12-month period." Mr. Martenis made the motion to approve the new wording to the policy as written,Mr. Everett seconded, all approved. VI. iQ rr ment Mr. Martenis made the motion to adjourn the meeting; M r. Matthews seconded, all approved. Minutes submitted by, Carol E. Martin, S retary �' 1 Minute s approved by:,, ./ Date: 2—2'/— 7c:)/ -- -- Thomas Wolfe, Chair fi