Agenda 2002 08-05AGENDA ~~~pHOVER ~~ y~ G ~~~ ? ,, ~ ~ ,~t Ili , _ 2 ~~ IMPO'EXP/ ~~ IMOUSTRT ~~ NORTHcp August 5, 2002 5:30 p.m. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC TED DAMS, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 5:45 p.m. 1. Second Reading: Water Emergency Management Ordinance 1 5:55 p.m. 2. First Reading: Ordinance Amendment of Chapters 38 and 53 7 Public Hearings: 6:00 p.m. 3.1 Rezoning (Continued -July 8"'Commissioners Meeting Request by Nathan Sanders to 9 rezone approximately 15.28 acres from R-15 Residential. to R-10 Residential. The ~~~ ~ ~ property is bounded by Tidalholm Village subdivision, Kirkwood at Arrondale subdivision and the Northwest corner of Veterans Park. (Z-743, 06/02) 6:45 p.m. 3.2 Rezoning Request by Nam Van Tram to rezone approximately 1.65 acres of property 13 located at 5111 Carolina Beach Road on the northeast side approximately one halfmile north from Monkey Junction from R-15 Residential to CD (O&I) Conditional Use Office aid Institutional (Z-736; 02/02) 7:30 p.m. 3.3 Rezoning Request by Design Solutions for Charles Hollis et al to rezone 4.13 acres of 17 property located at 4718 & 4722 South College Road north of Still Meadow Village development from R-15 Residential to CD (O&I) Conditional Use Office and Institutional (Z-741, 04/02) 8:15 p.m. 3.4 Special Use Permit Request by Paula Shreve to consider a special use permit allowing 21 a private entertainment establishment -Bar in a B-1 Neighborhood Business Zoning District located at 6960 Carolina Beach Road on the northern corner of the intersection with McQuillan Drive. (S-485, 07/02) 9:00 p.m. 3.5 Road Naming & Address Renumbering Request by Mauricio Garcia to consider 25 naming a private road to Deer Creek Latie located near the 1300 block of North Kerr Avenue, east side and renumber the businesses along said road in accordance with the County's Comprehensive Address Grid System (SN-92/07/02) ' f,., Non-Public Hearing Item 9:10. p.m... 4.. Resolution of Intent Request by Henry Conner to adopt a Resolution of Intent to 27 close a portion of Nassau Road located in the Sedgefield Subdivision near the 2100 block of Castle Hayne Road. (SC-78, 07/02) 9:15 p.m. 5. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 3$ ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 9:20 p.m. 6. Designation of Voting Delegate to the 95th Annual Conference of the NCACC in 31 Forsyth County 9:25 p.m. 7. Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) 9:30 p.m. 8. Additional Items: County Commissioners, County Attorney, County Manager 9:45 p.m. 9. Closed Session Pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3) to Consult with Counsel about 33 Pending Litigation 10:15 p.tn. Adjourn Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 ~; WILMINGTON, NC ITEMS OF BUSINESS ' 1. Consideration of Request for Reimbursement Porters Neck -Contract Number 03-0027 37 . ADJOURN • • CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. 1. 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Approval of Minutes 41 Approval of Resolution Authorizing the No Cost Transfer of One Lot to Cape Fear 43 Habitat for Humanity (CFHH) Approval of Southeastern Center's Request to Purchase Property 49 Approval for Department of Aging to Apply for a Family Caregiver Support 55 Program (Title III-E) Grant Monies in the Amount of $25,451 Approval to Continue Standard County Status for Work First Program 57 Acceptance of Community Transportation Program Funding for FY 2002-03 `63 Naming of the Newly Acquired New Hanover County Administrative Annex 75 Approval of Grant Application -Safe Roads Traffic Project 77 Approval of Relocation of Human Relations, Veteran's Service and Risk 81 Management Office Approval of Budget Amendment #03-0014 Public Health/School Health 83 ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COM(VIISSIONEI~S REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 08/05/02 • .Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering .Presenter: Wyatt E. .Blanchard Contact:. Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: , Water Emergency Management Ordinance -Second Reading BRIEF SUMMARY:. During the first half of this year and last year (2001), the amount of rainfall has been significantly below normal. This has yielded. a dry spring resulting in a much higher than normal water use by county customers for such uses as irrigation. The County water system has met the. demand, but our ability to pump the water has been greatly challenged. In the event the situation. gets worse or occurs again in the future, the County must be .prepared. Attached is a proposed water ordinance amendment which. wilt allow the County Manager or his authorized representative to declare a water emergency, if necessary. As indicated, it is set up in three stages, as follows: Stage 1 -Water Conservation Alert. A Stage 1 water emergency may be declared in the event of an immediate water shortage or when there are three (3) consecutive days when water demand exceeds eighty (80%) percent of the water production capacity. Stage 2 -Water Shortage Mandatory Conservation. A Stage 2 water emergency may be declared in the event, of an immediate water shortage or when there are two (2) consecutive days when water demand exceeds ninety (90%) percent of the water production capacity. Stage 3 - Water Shortage Danger Mandatory Conservation. A Stage 3 water emergency may be declared in the event of an immediate water shortage or when there is one (1) day when water demands exceeds: one hundred (100%) percent of the water production capacity. The attached ordinance provides more details. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: This is the second reading. Recommend -that the Ordinance amendment be approved with authorization for the Chairman to execute. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: WaterEmerency0rdinance.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve^w,^ HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval. Second Reading 6~f~C.~NfiY ~UNfMI~~ QP~'R©VED . ~~~ DEJECTED REiVIGVED POSTPONED ;~ '~,~`i ~tEAR~J 8,~f ~ ,~'~ ®R~4FT AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 56, Utilities, of the New Hanover County Code be amended by the addition of a new division to Article 11, Water Services as follows: Add a new section to be designated: Division 2. Water Emergenc~Management. Section 56-40. Declaration of Water Emergency. The County Manager or his authorized representative is authorized to declare that a water emergency exists. Depending on the severity of the emergency, voluntary (Stage 1) and mandatory (Stage 2 and Stage 3) staged water use restrictions as described in this article shall be imposed upon water customers. The declaration shall be made by a public announcement through one or more media sources, such as print, radio, television or Internet, at the County's election. Section 56-41. Staged 1Nater Use Restrictions. Stage 1 -Water Conservation Alert. A Stage 1 water emergency may be declared in the event of an immediate water shortage or when there are three (3) consecutive days when water demand exceeds eighty (80%) percent of the water production capacity. Water production capacity shall be defined as the maximum volume of water that meets state and federal standards that the watertreatment process can produce during twelve hours within atwenty-four (24) hour period. Water .production capacity can vary depending on system component reliability and raw water conditions. During a declared Stage 1 water emergency the following voluntary water conservation practices shall be encouraged: ,~ (a) Inspect and repair all faulty and defective parts of faucets and toilets. ri ~ ,. ~'" (b) Use showerfor bathing ratherthan bathtub and limit showerto no more than !': '~ ~°` ~ five (5) minutes. ` ~ ~ ~~; ~'`"~~ (c) Do not leave faucets running while shaving, brushing teeth, rinsing or .. ~~ ~ preparing food. ~J a (d) Limit the use of clothes washers and dishwashers and when used, operate fully loaded. Operate dishwashers during non-peak demand hours of 6 a. m. to 10 p.m.. (e) Limit lawn watering to that necessary for plant survival. Water lawns before during non-peak demand hours from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.. (f) Water shrubbery the minimum required. Water shrubbery before the peak demand hours of 6 a.m. or after 10 p.m.. (g) Limit vehicle washing. (h) Do notwash down outside areas such as sidewalks, driveways, patios, etc.. (i) Install water saving showerheads and other devices. (j) .Use disposable and biodegradable dishes where .possible. (k) Install water saving devices in toilets such as early closing flappers. (I) Limit hours of water-cooled air conditioners. (m) Do not fill swimming or wading pools. Section 56-42'. Stage 2 -Water Shortage IVlandatory Conservation. A Stage 2 water emergency may be declared in the event of an immediate water shortage or when there are two (2) consecutive days when water demand exceeds ninety (90%) percent of the water production capacity. Water production capacity shall be defined as the maximum volume of water that meets state and federal standards that the water treatment process can produce during twelve hours within a twenty-four (24) hour period. • Water production capacity can vary depending on system component reliability and raw water conditions. During a declared Stage 2 water emergency the following activities shall be prohibited: (a) Watering lawns, grass, shrubbery, trees, flower and vegetable gardens except by hand held hose, container, or drip irrigation system. A person who regularly sells plants will be permitted to use water on their commercial stock. A golf course may water their greens. State, County and City licensed landscape contractors may water by hand held hose or drip irrigation any plants under a written warranty. (b) Filling swimming or wading pools, either newly constructed or previously drained. Make up water for pools in operation will be allowed. (c) ~ Using water-cooled air conditioners or other equipment; in which cooling water is not recycled., unless there are health or safety concerns. (d) . Washing any type of mobile equipment including cars, trucks, trailers, boats, ~_ ~,- .. or airplanes. Any persons involved in a business of washing motor vehicles may continue to operate. (e) Washing outside surfaces such as streets, driveways, service station aprons, parking lots, or patios.. (fl Washing the exterior of office buildings, homes, or apartments. (g) Using water for any ornamental fountain, pool,, pond, etc. (h) Serving drinking water in food establishments such as restaurants or cafeterias, unless requested to do so by a customer. (i) Using water from a public or private fire hydrant for any reason other than to suppress a fire or other public emergency. or as authorized by the General Manager or his authorized representative. (j) Using water to control or compact dust (k) Intentionally vvasting water. (I) Commercial and industrial water customers shall achieve mandatory reductions in water usage through whatever means are available. A minimum reduction of twenty (20%) percent shall be the target; however a greater target reduction percentage may be required depending on the severity of the water emergency. Compliance with the reduction target shall be determined by the General Manager or his authorized representative. Variances to the target reduction may be granted by-the General Manager or his authorized representative to designated public health facilities. Section 56-43. Stage 3 -1Nater Shortage Danger Mandatory Conservation. A Stage 3 water emergency may be declared in the event of an immediate water shortage or when there is one (1) day when water demand exceeds one hundred (100%} percent of the water production capacity. Water production capacity shall be defined as the maximum volume ofwaterthat meets state and federal standards that the water treatment process can produce during twelve hours within a twenty- . four• (24) hour period. Water production. capacity can vary depending on system component reliability and raw water conditions. During a declared Stage 3 water emergency the following activities shall be ..prohibited, in addition to activities prohibited under Stage 2: (a) Watering lawns, grass, shrubbery, trees, and flowers. (b) Washing motor vehicles at commercial car wash establishments. (c) Watering any vegetable garden except by hand held hose, container, or drip irrigation. 1. ~~ (d) Commercial and industrial water customers shall achieve mandatory reductions in water usage through whatever means are available. A minimum reduction of fifty (50%) percent shall be the target, however a greater target reduction percentage may be required depending on the severity of the water emergency. Compliance with the reduction target shall be determined by the General Manager or his authorized representative.. Variances to the target reduction may be granted by the. General Manager or his authorized representative to designated public health facilities. (e) In the event that the prohibition of the activities listed above is not sufficient to maintain an adequate supply of water for fire protection,, all use of water for purposes other than maintenance of public health and safety shall be prohibited. Residential water use shall be limited to the amount necessary fo sustain life through drinking, food preparation and personal hygiene. Section 56-44. Gompiiance Plan During Stage 2 and Stage 3 . Emergencies. The County Manager or his authorized representative may require that commercial and industrial water customers prepare plans detailing measures to be taken by them to achieve mandatory reductions in daily water usage during Stage 2 and Stage 3 emergencies. Such plans shall be completed within sixty (60) calendar days after receipt of notice to prepare them. Section 56-45. Penalties for Violation ofi Mandatory Restrictions. (a) Violations of the mandatory restrictions set forth in this article may be punished by a civil penalty to be recovered in the nature of a debt of Five Huridred ($500.00} Dollars for the first violation, One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars for the second violation, and One Thousand Five Hundred ($1,500.00) Dollars for the third and subsequent violations. Violations may also be punished as a misdemeanor under G. S. 14-4. . (b) This article may be enforced by any one or more of the remedies authorized by G. S. 153A-123. Section 56-46. Authority to Discontinue Service. Water service may be temporarily discontinued for failure to comply with mandatory restrictions in this article. All applicable penalty fees may be applied in the event of such service suspensions: In the event of continued .noncompliance with this article, removal.. of meter and service will be deemed proper and service will be discontinued and tap fees and deposits wilt be forfeited. Section 56-47. Appeal by Customers ofi Penalties and Termination of Service. Any User who receives a penalty and/or has service terminated as a result of ,,. '' / /~""~ violations of the mandatory restrictions in this article may appeal upon notification to the County Manager or his designee. The County Manager or his designee shall be the final decision maker for appeals. Section 56-48. Adoption and Enforcement of Article by Public or Private Water Systems. . Public or private water systems purchasing water from. New Hanover County shall adopt and enforce this entire ,article as a condition of water service. Upon declaration of a water emergency, the public or private water systems shall enforce the appropriate water use restrictions. for the level of declared emergency. Section 56-49. Termination of Restrictions. A water emergency declaration will expire .when the County Manager or his authorized representative determines that the condition which causes the emergency has been abated. The expiration or cancellation of a water emergency declaration shall be publicized. Except as specified referenced herein, the existing provisions of Chapter 56 shall remain in full force and effect. This the 8th day of July, 2002. [SEAL] NE1N HANOVER COUNTY ATTEST: Clerk to the Board Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of.Commissioners NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Kemp P. Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney Contact: Sheriff Lanier and Kemp P. Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney. SUBJECT: First Reading: Ordinance Amendment of Chapters 38 and 53. BRIEF SUMMARY: ' The Sheriff has requested that Chapter 38, Offenses, Article IV, Breach of Peace, be amended to reflect a graduated tier for first, second, third and subsequent offenses.. The article presently has a penalty of 5500 for each and every offense. A graduated approach would more appropriately reflect the increasing severity of later offenses, while not initially imposing a harsh sanction.. The proposal would apply to disorderly conduct and discharge of firearms. The proposed modification to Chapter 53, Traffic and Vehicles, Article II, is a technical correction only addressing redundant language. RECOMMEiVDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider the amendments of the ordinances. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Chapters38&53-Offenses&TrafficOrdinance REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER' Consider the,~Sh,,,en~ will be required. ~~ iaest to amend the Ordinance. if the vote is not unanimous two readings ~~tII~TTY C~MMI~1pN . _, ,, ~PPROVEp ~/" DEJECTED ~ F~EII4QVED ~ ~ ,, ~STP®NEO ~ '~ f . ~Rf~ r~~ , f s.~ ~~~ .~ ~j 53-3G, ~ . DRAFT 2. Article IV, Breaches of the Peace, Section 38-106, Discharge of firearms, is amended by adding a new subsection: The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that the New Hanover County Code be and is amended as follows: Cha ter 38 Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions: 1. Article IV, Breaches of the Peace, Section 38-102, Penalties amended by replacing the existing sentence with the following: Section 38-102. Penalty. Violations of this provision may be punished by a civil penalty to be recovered in the nature of a debt of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for the first violation, Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars for the second violation, and Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars forthe third and subsequent violations. Violations may also be punished as misdemeanor under G. S. 14-4. Violations of this provision may be punished by a civil penalty to be recovered in the nature of a debt of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for the first violation, Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars for the second violation, and Five Hundred ($500.00} Dollars for the third and subsequent violations. Violations may also be punished as misdemeanor under G. S. 14-4. Cha ter 53 Traffic and Vehicles Article II O eration of Vehicles in Dune Area: 3. Article II, Operation of Vehicles in Dune Area, Chapter`53-36, Enforcement, is amended by deleting the existing subsection (c). Except as specified referenced herein, the existing provisions of Chapters 38 and 53 shall remain in full force and effect. This the day of August, 2002. s `~ [SEAL<<~ ~ ,C~C~ ~~ ~~ ~'~ ~~. ~,~ ~:~ .~~~~ ATTEST:' .;~,~f • ~ ~~ ._~~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners - -Clerk to~•the~•Board ~' : h. ; _"~ `) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _ REQUEST FOR 80ARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 08/05/02 . Regular Item #: 3.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes .Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: Z-743, 06/02 Rezoning: R-15 Residential to R-10 Residential BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Nathan Sanders to rezone approximately 15.28 acres from R-15 Residential to R-10 Residential. The property is bounded by Tidalholm Village subdivision, Kirkwood @ Arrondale subdivision and the Northwest corner of Veterans Park. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board debated the request .and ultimately voted 4 - 2 to recommend 'rezoning the Eastern Portion of the request by extending the adjacent R-10 district boundary directly south bisecting the petitioners property. The Planning Staff agrees and with the provision of water, sewer and other nearby services staff recommends approval. ' FUNDING SOURCE:. N/A ATTACHMENTS: . 3 ITEM DOES NOT REQU/RE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: e ~~ G'~9~Mi~IQ~V ~t~'P~iO~EQ ~~ i`~~~`~~ ~~~ ~~ 9 CASE: Z-743, 06/02; APPLICANT: Nathan Sanders REQUEST: R-1~ Residential To R-10 Residential ' .ACREAGE: 15.28 Acres LOCATION: The property is located in the Northwest corner of Veterans Park and is bounded by the Tidalholm Village subdivision and the Kir'wood subdivision. LAND CLASS: Limited Transition -The purpose of the Limited Transition class is to provide for development in areas that will have some services, but at lower densities than those associated with Urban Transition. Residential density should be no more than 2.~ unitslacre, with lower density-being more desirable. The use of clustering and planned unit Developments (PUD) is encouraged. These areas were previously designated as Transition and were intended to provide for more intensive future urban development. However, the provision of public services has been scaled back and less intensive urban development is planned PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 6/6/02: The petitioner's representative presented the rezoning request, stating that they were seeking the rezoning in an effort to provide affordable single family homes in the area. Several people from adjacent subdivisions spoke in opposition to the request for additional density. The Planning Board debated the request and ultimately voted 4-2 to recommend rezoning the Eastern Portion of the request by extending the adjacent R-10 district boundary directly south bisecting the petitioners property. STAFF SUMMARY: The subject property is surrounded by existing developed and developing property. Adjacent and south of the property is Veterans Park a newly constructed County Park and School site. Adjacent and west of the subject property is Tidalholm Village subdiv_ ision which was developed as an R-1~ performance residential development. Adjacent and north of the subject property is a developing R-10 residential development known as Kirkwood at Arrondale. The Kirkwood property was rezoned to its existing R-10 designation in October 2000. County policies recommend that densities in the Limited Transition land classification should be no more than 2.5 units per acre. Although density in the R-10 district is 3.3 units per acre, staff feels that rezoning the site would be consistent with other Comprehensive Plan Policies. Rezoning this property would also be consistent with the adjacent development to the north as well as provide a transition into the existing R-15 performance development, Tidalholm Village, which ultimately transitions into a larger lot development at Lambs Bluff. Access is possible to the property at three locations, two to the west and another to the north into Kirkwood. ~A better transition for the area would allow the western 8 acres to be developed as R-15 with the additional uriits,added to the east. Public utilities are also available in this area. With the provision of water, sewer and other nearby services Staff Recommends Approval. `"~~ ~ _. ,~~1 s •` _ .` ', e Case: Z-743, 06/02 Petition Summary Data Owner/Petitioner: Nathan Sanders Existing Land Use.: Vacant Zoning History: April 7, 1971 (Area 4) Land- Classification: Limited Transition Water Type: Community Water Sewer Type: County Recreation Area: Veterans Park Access & Traffic Volume: 1,800 River Rd. (1999 ADT) Fire District` Myrtle Grove . ® Watershed & Water uality Classification: Lords Creek C(SW) Agtiifer Recharge Area: Shallow Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Kureb Septic Suitability: Class I (Suitable) Schools: Bellamy Elementary • ~~ J {This page intentionally left blank} onrv~ Q e a3i nx d d oy b rG ~ 9 1 - - ,N 0 ro g m p~ oa // oaun P o G e ' a eO ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ m v ae ~' ~ ~ n ~ woe ~ ~ s ~ 4 ~ ~ o a ' ~ ~ d+ off ~ e m~K ^O ~~ ~ ~ @ i ~ ~ ~ s ~ % . ~y - - - - ~ ~ ~' 4 o v _. v ~ ~o ~' I v W m ~~ _ o a o o c = ~6 ~ . _ ~ ~ 2 ® ® 2 ~ W 8 Z Z ~ `2 =~ ' } U~[ m Q~ W Q fL w w ZZa Q~ \ ¢ w orr Q'~mm~ Nx~ywW¢ W O Y 'dy OmCra .I d C. OOU w m S wp.F--ZI-`-ZQF-wwo W ~ ¢ W U W~¢J¢ JQWJO Jm~pJO QJ Q Sm}2LL 2 W J OZQ ~+ C W W H - `-Q~im W'O2J ~Z~O m02 m UCn ~[1'QOw~aCO Q ~Z Z' N ~ FZ w 3 '72(/JQ W 'O W w-Wj}O J Jm Ow Z~- C.7 QZ --~W Q Z m Z r2 J m } O Q Z ~C O OZ ~ T .. 03?~Z p N W Q W ~yI-OI-W m 'm0`20 w2 O wWZtuQZ~OVZ ZQZ-O ~LmOCZ OC.wQ mQy.O O ~ Uw Um LLm~F-~ m 2 m = C V C:J I aN y -- 1 -~ ~ ~ ~' ~ •'~ OrNf~J V' lfJ tO 'O r N (7 ~t ~(J tD 1` m m r r r r r r r tO ~ T a Ur NCh et 117 CO I~mm~r rrrr r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMM1SSiONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 ~` Regular Item #: 3.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: ~-736, 02/0.2 Rezoning: R-15 Residential to CD (O&I) Conditional Use Office and Institutional BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Nam Van Tran to rezone approximately 1.65 acres of property located at 5111 Carolina Beach Road on the northeast side approximately one half mile north from Monkey Junction from R-15 Residential. to CD (0&I) Conditional Use Office and Institutional. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board unanimously recommends approval. Staff also encourages that this property and the two adjacent properties to the south combine into one overall project. Staff recommends approval. - FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 5. /TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • ~~Uf~`Y GO~~ii~ _ ___R ,~IPPROVEp ~ ~ , ~E.JECTED Q ~ENtOVEO ~ . U'~ ~4 J :. . ,.~~'~5 ~ D'2~,,,~'Q.ri ~~ CASE: Z-736, 02/02; APPLICANT: Nam Van Tran REQUEST: R-15 Residential to CD(O&I) Conditional Use Office and Institutional ACREAGE: 1.65 Acres LOCATION: located on the northeast side of Carolina Beach Road, at 5111 Carolina Beach Road approximately half a mile from Monkey Junction between Willoughby Park and Super Wal-Mart. . LAND CLASS: Developed -The purpose of the Developed class is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. These areas are already developed at a density approaching 1,00 dwelling units per square mile. Urban services. are already in place or scheduled within the immediate future. Density may exceed 2.5. units per acre within the developed class, depending upon local zoning regulations. PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 7/11/02: In February, the applicant petitioned for a B-2 Highway business rezoning. Based on concerns raised by staff the petitioner asked the Planning Board to Table the item to pursue a conditional use petition. At the July 11, 2002 Planning Board meeting, the applicant presented his petition to use the existing home on the property for Professional Office uses and in the future allow a family member to operate a Beauty Salon from the same structure. Parking and Landscaping are the only proposed improvements to the site. The Planning Board unanimously Recommends Approval. STAFF SUMMARY: The petitioner is requesting a Conditional Use Office and Institutional Zoning. The subject property is approximately '/~ a mile from Monkey Junction and has 300 feet of frontage on Carolina Beach Road. The property is ,bordered on two sides by a High Density project known as Willoughby Park. The southeast side of the site is adjacent to two long narrow parcels that have a cori~bined~ frontage of approximately 200 ~ feet. These two narrow parcels are adjacent to the developing Lowe's and Walt-Mart project and adjacent to the High Density Willoughby Park project. . Although the most notable commercial district nearby_is the developing Lowe's /Super Wal- Martsite. there are several other commercial districts within %4 mile of this site. Some of these commercial districts are currently undeveloped and some others are vacant. Because there is a significant amount of unrestricted commercial property in the area; the majority of the recent rezonings including the Lowe'sl Wal-Mart site have been conditional use rezonings which have planned the layout of the project and the specific uses for the property. One of the conditions of the Lowe's / Wal-Mart conditional use plan was to provide an access easement to the long narrow parcels that abut the subject property on the South. Ultimately the provision of this access easement allows the opportunity for a High Density Residential development to be expanded into these adjacent properties with the opportunity to interconnect and recapture some trips. In recent months the County has seen an increase in applications for multi family development. The subject parcel is strategically located to become an expansion to the adjacent high- density project. In accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, the subject property and the two adjacent patcels~tof~thte~south are eligible for high-density residential development at a density of 10.2 units per -~.~, . u- arcreAlthottgh'~Staff believes that these properties are well situated for increased residential density tfiat can'~be made compatible with and accessible to the nearby commercial center, the proposed use does n'ottelm Hate higher density as a future development option. Staff also encourages that this property an'd~the two adjacent properties to the south combine into one overall project. Staff ~,, RecommendsApproval of the petition. ~ . /~ Case: Z-736, 02/02 Special LTse Permit for:. Professional Offices and aBarber/Beauty Shop in a Conditional Use O&I District Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The subject property is located within the Myrtle Grove VFD. B. The site has dir~,ct access to Carolina Beach Road (U.S. 421) C. City water and Canty Sewer are available nearby. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning ordinance. A. No new structures will be constructed on site. The proposed uses wi]1 be contained within the existing 1 % story brick home. B. The Zoning Ordinance does not specify any additional restrictions for these uses. C. .Existing trees will be supplemented to accommodate buffer requirements. Other landscaping and parking requirenmets will be added to meet the requirements of the ordinance. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity.- A. The property is adjacent to a high density multi-family development and is less than 200 feet from the developing Super Wal-Mart at Monkey Junction. B. The proposed use will be housed in an existing residential structure. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the ' plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The subject property is located in the Developed Land Classification. The purpose of the Developed class is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. These areas are already developed at a density approaching 1,500 dwelling units per square mile. Urban services are already in place or scheduled within the immediate future. Density may exceed 2.5 units per acre within the developed class, depending upon local zoning regulations. B.. The property is near the growing commercial center at Monkey Junction. • r~" Case: Z-736, 02/02 Petition Summary Data Owner/Petitioner: Nam. Van Tran Existing Land Use: Residential Land Classification: Developed Zoning History: April 7, 1971 Water Type: City Sewer Type: County Recreation Area: Myrtle Grove Middle Access & Traffic Volume: 24,000 (1999 ADT') Fire District:- Myrtle Grove Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Motts Creek C(SW) Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary Recharge Area Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Stallings Septic Suitability: Class II Moderate Limitations Schools: Pine Valley Elementary 'l 1 to K K B m ,~;~~ 'a m u tl 4d ~ a '~ ~.o.m~ i W a ~, N rn CTA W N-~p ~ ~ V Qf CTA W Nym ~~_ W m m ~ Dp~2~n'A ~ ~ ~02ZD pj ~ N O o ~ z ~ m nm x~ .{ ~rn<~m ~ooZO~ ~°nn ~-om m n ~ ® ' ® E Z i~ 4^ m ~ o m o. m .~: _ a ov m v -, ,a - .o u $~ m ~ c m ~ ~ ~ W d y4 N~ \ ~ (y ~a Gx a T ~, H W N ~~ ~J ~~G s ~ --- ~yMzu-_ _ ~/ ~ T, s. OVE.~i TON ET _UX PART .rT R.4 C7 /O. ~- QK. 579 /~!a.~4,62 /V//' __ T. S OVE/iTDN ET UX Tri'AcT 9 _.__. ! _:. ::.5/3;.:.z3Z:. 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Di N•~' - _ ..:., ~ ~~ 1 ~~ ._ .. _.. l .. - ~ ~ - ,~ -_ -. _ ~ y ,off c ~ ~ ,~ -r= ~. !n c, a ~,1 ! h _. ....VJ C 1 N I T Y" M ,y SUBSEGT P/POJ~L=IvTY' IS NDT SURVEY-;PFFERFl~JCES' - W/THIN A SP~c)/}L fiLOUr'J BK•. 2.32 PG• 245 H1d ZARD A/?Ef~• AH• Z4.r; . PG. 265 SURVEY PRECIS lO/V1 ~ ~h'• 579 PG• ¢(02 ..,. /; 7so d ¢ ~ K. 279 PG. Sp 7 SUR ~/EY nF T!~FlCT FOR _.._ Tt-iF ESTATE OF POTiT/O/y'S OF TRACTS 819/ AND 10-MYRTLE G/40VE Ft7J~M5 MRSON60R0 TOWNSHIP NEW /-IpNOVC/9 COUNTY ~d,C. ._. SCALE /"c 50: MflRCH 3'.//995 _. 11111un1,,,//. pQ' p~STE9''ti~ • `=~~SfA4 ROGFR M. SEI7TER sa'~6'F~M•g~~;.' ' `/10!11/111111,, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Regular Item #: 3.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact:. Baird Stewart SUBJECT: Z-741, 04/02 Rezoning: R-15 Residential to CD (O&I) Conditional Use Office and Institutional BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Design Solutions fior Charles Hollis etal to rezone approximately 4.13-acres of property .located at 471 8 & 4722 South College Road north ofi Still Meadow Village from R-15 Residential to CD (O&I) Conditional Use Office and .Institutional. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' Iri July 2002. the Planning Board unanimously voted to recommend approval with 3 conditions; 1) reduce the total floor are by 1 /2, 2) buildings should have a pitched roof, and 3) additional parking above the minimum required shall be of a pervious paving material. Staff believes that this southern stretch of South College Road should remain Residential, which is consistent with the surrounding zoning. For these reasons staff recommends denial. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 5 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~4MNii9p~ ~~~ t~ ~t~~^~ ~W~ ~ ~ { a ~`/ , I 11 .a.~ CASE: Z-741; 04/02; APPLICANT: Cindee Wolf for Charles Hollis REQUEST: R-15 Residential To CD(O&I) Conditional Use Office and Institutional ACREAGE: 4.13 f Acres LOCATION: 4718 & 4722 South College Road North of Stall Meadow Village LAND CLASS: Developed -The purpose of the Developed class is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. These areas are already developed at a density approaching 1,500 dwelling units per square mile. Urban services are already in place or scheduled within the immediate future. Density may exceed 2.5 units per acre within the developed class, depending upon local zoning regulations. PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 7/11/02: Based on comments and concerns raised by staff and by the Planning Eoard at the April 11, 2002 Planning Board public hearing, the petitioner is seeking a conditional use Office and Institutioinal rezoning. In July the petitoner presented a Conditional Use site plan that included 4 buildings with a total of 38,400 square feet of office space and 162 parking spaces. Several neighbors from the Wedgfield Subdivision located on the East side of South College Road spoke in opposition. Some of the concerns presented related to poor drainage within their subdivision, traffic on South College Road and the-scale of the proposed project. After some discussion about the site plan and the public comment; the Planning Board unanimously voted to recommend approval with 3 conditions; 1) reduce the total floor area by''/z to 19,200 maximum, 2) Buildings shall have a pitched roof, and 3) Additional parking above the minimum required shall be of a pervious paving material. The site plan has been amended to reflect the Planning Board Conditions. STAFF SUMMARY: The subject property has approximately 400' of frontage on South College Road, and is situated between a Church, a lawn care equipment storage building and a high density development. The Lawn Care business is part of a larger Conditional L1se B-2 highway business rezoning established in 1991. The uses within this conditional use district are limited to the existing equipment storage facility and wholesale nursery and greenhouse operations; which are permitted within Residential zoning districts.' No retail activities are permitted within.the Conditional Use District. The Church to the north of the subject property is a permitted use within a residential district. South of the subject property is Still Meadow Village which is a high density project approved in 1997. In considering this rezoning request it is important to note that the northern property line of the subject property aligns with an existing crossover on South College Road. Given the development in the area this crossover may become an important feature to facilitate interconnectivity. Recent discussions with the developer of The Lakes at Johnson Farm located to the west of the subject property, indicate that additional sections of The Lakes at Johnson Farm will be forth coming. There may be an opportunity to tie that project into road connections provided at Still Meadow Village which abuts the subject property. As more definite plans for development are considered it will be important to provide a street network that will allow some of the interior properties to utilize this crossover. ,,..~-,- a ~,.,.~, ,,..Althouvh~the petitioned O&I zoning does not preclude a high density residential project, it seems ~ t r~N~`.~,~.4~t1~f ty,~ ;E 1l~'r'~i ~ 1" that the best,'iise, of this property would be high density residential. The number of units for high density . projects'_witliiii~the R-15 district and the O&I district are the same, therefore, there is no advantage to rezoning this~-property. In addition there is currently an Office and Institution project being developed in a better location less than % mile south of the subject property near iVlonkey Junction. Staff believes that this southern stretch of South College Road should remain Residential, which is consistent with the ~~ surrounding zoning. For these reasons Staff recommends DENIAL. } ~, , Case: Z-741, 04/02 Special Use Permit for an Office Park in a Conditional Use O&I District Preliminary Staff Findings 1 The board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. . A. The subject property is located within the Myrtle Grove VFD. B. The site has direct access to South College Road. C. City water and County Sewer are available nearby. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning ordinance. A. A site plan that can meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance has been submitted. B. No regulated trees have been identified or observed on site. Prior to any development detailed landscape and development plans will be submitted in accordance with the ordinance. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The property is adjacent to a high density multi-family development, a landscape company, and a church. B. The proposed site plan shows four 9;600 square foot two story office buildings. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general canformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The subject property is located in the Developed Land Classification. The purpose of the Developed class is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. These areas are already developed at a density approaching 1;500 dwelling units per square mile. Urban services are already in place or scheduled within the immediate future. Density may exceed 2.5 units per acre within the developed class, depending upon local zoning regulations. Planning Staff Concerns: 1) Access issues along South College Road and potential interconnectivity. 2) Free-standing Signage shall be limited to 6' high ground sign. i Case: Z-741, 04/02 Petition 5um~nary Data Owner/Petitioner: Cindee Wolf for Charles Hollis EYistinff Land Use: Vacant Zoning History: October 15, 1969 (vlasonboro) Water Type: City Water (nearby) Sewer Type: County Recreation Area: Myrtle Grove Park Access & Traffic Volume: 24,000 (1999 ADT) Fire District: Myrtle Grove Watershed & .Water Quality Classification: Motts Creek C(SW) Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Murville Septic Suitability: Class III (Severe Limitations) Schools: Pine Valley ,~ - r--~ -- S ~~ [~. ~1~ (~ bra+~ ~~ ~~ ~> a `._ .~ i _nW ~ ~N. N \~ \~ W ~I ~ ~-i' \ \ / A ~ ~ ~o N 10m W'V ~CTI? W Nip ~ J y 0 m ~l Of CJf .A W N i m. ` ~ ,A _` p m p~j O ~ y~0~002-100-IW .~+_~~ ~oo~vDi~~rr-rDi~vni~m ~ R° ~. ~~ZZa~'ai3aa3~ o O m G)r mrrmo N -~m000~ZO0o0~ ~ 2301~m C~~~cC<~ S ~OOf/~Z~p ~1rf-Z_Z_rr ~? . cn~-Cp~~nnD~~~ C~rm< m«m y r 'T+ 'Z~C~-i -mG ~<mG0 rO m~ ~7DDA~ = O 2002 O Z ~ Z ~ n ~® : ® ~ T ~ y~= ~~ oo S o 0 0 ~- ~ n g~ m c a ~ y ~ °o f f r-+ A Cn+ W W I I qt I Ii II II I1 I I I I I i I It(tl~ I I I I I I I I~ II II II II I I _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , ~ I I I I , c`+ I I I I, s I f 11 I ~1 I I I I I I I I I I Q I I I' I I `t~ I I I I I '~ I I IfI II i I I ~ I I I_ I I ~ I I I I I I I I I C I I I I I N I I I I I ~ tltl rI+I+I`- E I I I I I I I I I I I I I w l l I I N I I I I I i F I I I ~ i I I ~1tlt I I I ~ I I m i I ~~~ ~ I I I I I . 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S° D f ~ f NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM9SSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION` Meeting Date; 08/05/02 ~~ Regular Item #: 3..4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird- Stewart SUBJECT: 5-485, 07/02 Special Use Permit BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Paula Shreve to consider a special use permit allowing a private entertainment establishment -Bar in a B-1 Neighborhood Business .Zoning District located at 6960 Carolina Beach Road on the northern corner of the intersection with McQuillan Drive. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board unanimously recommended denial, primarily based upon comments about the use not being in harmony with the neighborhood. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 4. /TEM DDES NOT REQU/RE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: r U~' CQ~MI~iQN,~~ APPROVED mss-- +De~u`u I ~2EJECTED I ~dEMOVED ~ 1~OSTPOfyED ~' "~ ~,, ~-~ l~"EARC~ ~ . z~~~~ •~~8/S~~d ~. ~L~in ~~ Case: 5-485,. 07/02 Special Use Permit for: An Entertainment Establishment, Bar, ,Cabaret, Disco in a B-1 Zoning District PLA1V`NING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 7/11/02: The petitioner's representative presented the request. The neighbors presented a petition with 59 signatures in opposition to the request. Several people also spoke in opposition to the proposed Bar. No one other than the applicant's representative spoke in support. The Planning Board unanimously Recommended Denial, primarily based upon comments about~the use not being in harmony with the neighborhood. Preliminary Staff Findangs The board must find that the use will not materially endanger thepublic health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The subject property is located within the Myrtle Grove VFD. B. The site has direct access to Carolina Beach Road (U.S. 421) C. Adequate water and sewer services are available to the site to serve patrons of the facility. ~. The proposed use will be housed in an existing non-residential structure: 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning ordinance. A. The B-1 Neighborhood Business district was established in December 1973. Entertainment establishments, bars, cabarets, and discos are permitted by special use permit in the B-1 district. B. The Zoning Ordinance does not specify any additional restrictions on this type of use. C. The applicant must comply with the minimum parking required for the facility, which is one (1) space for each three (3) seats plus one (1) space for every two (2) employees. ?. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The property has been zoned for commercial use since 1973. B. The proposed use is permitted by special use permit in a B-1 zoning district. C. The existing commercial building has been on the property and used for a variety of commercial uses since 1987. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The site is located at the northwest corner of McQuillan Drive and U.S. 421. With the exception of this small B-1 district the remainder of the property along McQuillan Drive is zoned and used residentially. B. The subject property is located in the Limited Transition Land Classification. The purpose of the Limited Transition class is to provide for development in areas that wilt have some services, but at lower densities than those associated with Urban Transition. These areas were previously designated as Transition and were intended to provide for more intensive future urban development. However, the ,provision of,publ-ic services has been scaled back and less intensive urban development is planned. ~a~ ~~~h'Y ~~4 ~b .~ l~ ~! alt~~~.~~J . ~:.Pla~nnirig Staff+rCo erns: 1) Iri~Decernber1990, a similar request on the southern corner of McQuillan and U.S. 421 was denied. 2) The bui'I'd'~in'g'is~located immediately adjacent to single family houses at the entrance to a residential streets ~~~ 3) Operating hours and noise should be considered ~a Case: S-485, 07/02 ]Petiti®n Summary Data Owner/Petitioner: Paula Shreve EYistin~ Land Use_ Vacant Commercial Building Zoning History: April 7, 1971 (Area 4), Rezoned to B-1 December 1973, . Expansion of B-1 Denied in 1999 Land Classification: Limited Transition Water Type.: Private Sewer Type: Private Recreation. Area: Myrtle Grove Park Access & Traffic Volume: 590 on McQuillan, 3200 on Myrtle Grove, 25,000 on CBR near Monkey Junction (1999 ADT) Fire District: Myrtle Grove Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Lord's Creek C(SW} Aquifer Recharge Area: Shallow water table Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Wakula Septic Suitability: Class I (Suitable) Schools: Carolina Beach Elementary ~~ ~~~~ ~ ., • • • v ~ ~~~u rwt nu. y1b- rbs ,~rlti2 Nov, 2Z 2000 09: 17RM P2 /'~.~ SCCT-o+,l I NW5~0~ 43 w~~ye5xs 11 PG '~Z -. 151.91 -J~ RD P N i Mt~P ~?'42 ~ 15Z.1"j FIgiO R 4 _ M~~ 21.o P.P, .421 d MrA7CL G4ny E ~ , M67AL FE,~ Cs ~ ~ Q C l.to:Z Tu__~al: ~ 1 1 ~ 1 ~ }4-•5 • Q.P. 30 . ~ ' J ~ , j ~.. 1 GJ'fo2`c M E 7d.L ~ ~ t~R-ctc g+oii,.IL ~ t~ ~ 'Af5l1:~G'~ti. 1 IP Bc.rX m , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~3- ~c9~ _ '. ! . r ,•„ ~ ~. 3r.Z ~`®' ~ J ' __._ ~__. _ V p~} ~~~ PTV gN Cwf>< PP ~ 51,3 ; ~ ~ ~ . 1 j i I . `~. r~ p,P, . t ~ J~ -S. . ~5,3'~ ~ ~pdG• r+~+ , ~ x.2.1 wip ~~•~~g~ C A I~~'''a,, ~ ~ e J~~ _,~ttr~ ~ _ SEAL t 1 ~ '~ c O ~ y ~~'~ ~ -, yF~ oQ° ''~~~n.r~uu~~~ _ ~811D2... 8F. PrzEtt4 tom 1.~...~. 1oJ ~.® LiGNELL W. HOOD III (BILLY) b:7.41'Z-' b.C~ Es S . } ~ PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 1G07 NORTH 41h STREET _ ~~. '~~. ~S ~ ~~.~ t~ ~ PE~i~I WILMINGTON. NC 2fl401 PHONE X910) 763.71E1 ' }OV'..C~~.CL:.F~.vot7 FflX(91Q)763-7182 r MAP OF SURVEY EQ R FR11NK N. MAGLSTR~ LOT "'SECTION 1 SUBDlV15DEED~AOOK 1~E PAGE 932 F~AI, FoII~tl TOWNSHIP NEw finxoyER CO, N.C. MAP BOOK >> PAGE 3z SCALE 1~~ ~0~ ~ OATS 11/21/00 UGNELL W. HOOD Ill NC PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR L-1368 g BO ~$ J G 8 V ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~-~y ~VI?CAN-•g ~ e A W Vl A CJ N a m ~ d C7 ~ r7, -IrnmQ .~=.r m COm~nm- fJ~C, '~m~<O~o ?Ri N IZZ~mn ~~ t9 ~ i~~NZOZ-. ~ ~ :mmpyn=Z O Cf ~ ~ ~ .gym yD ~ 7 .D~ m N rr 'r G7 2 .y..T { ~ ~ y ' [n O .~+ ® _ ® ~ E 2 0 ~ ~ 4 m ~ O~ n O m' u~z 0' OW ~ tlD v N~ c - n' II ,~ ~ a o n ~ oo ~ ~ c~ y I ! 1 1~1.'-Jr- ... g~ \ C on x~+•° rxnox+ 4 W ~ ~ ~ 8 N / H N 9 w A 0 NEVI/ HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Regular Item #; 3.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Frances Downs • • SUBJECT: Case: SN-92, 07/02 Private Road Naming to Deer Creek Lane BRIEF SUMMARY: A field inspection of the unnamed private road revealed an improved access approximately 500 feet in .length and 60 feet wide. The road name has been reviewed and approved by Emergency . Services (91 1 }. An effective. date of change is scheduled for October 7, 2002. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning staff recommends naming the private road Deer Creek Lane with the reassignment of mailing addresses alohg the road in accordance with the County's Comprehensive Address Grid System. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 2 ITEM DOES NOT REQU/RE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: I ."l~fV'i~Y ~(~~INjf~ ~~,~~ . *~ppROVED ~ s ~FJECTED ~FMOVED C '~ MJvARs~ ~ ~ ~: / -.. ~~ CASE: SN-92, 07/02 SUBJECT: Private Road Naming to Deer Creek Lane Re-assignment of Mailing Addresses ~ ' LOCATI®N: 1300 Block of North Kerr Avenue, East Side Staff Summary: A field inspection of the unnamed private road revealed ari improved access approximately 500 feet in length and 60 feet wide. The improved road serves access~to six (6) properties used for Business purposes in an Industrial Subdivision. At the present time, all six (6) businesses are utilizing a North Kerr Avenue mailing address. According to the applicant, the majority of the residents who conduct business along the road have agreed upon the name of Deer Creek Lane. The road name as been reviewed and approved by Emergency Services (911). In accordance with-the County's Address Grid System, the assignment of new mailing addresses will be required if the road naming is approved. The County will also be responsible for erecting a new street sign. An effective date of change is scheduled for October 7`h, 2002. Staff Recommendation: Considering the importance of the enhanced 911 system and timely service delivery, the C Planning staff recommends naming the private road to Deer Creek Lane with the reassignment of mailing addresses along the road in accordance with the County's Comprehensive Address Grid System. F ~^w- rr~ ~nray 1~(U~t Y~ ~~ ~~S ~{ ` ~ f ~. ^ k'y t ,~' ~ ,~ . ~ { :i ~ a ~--' .~ ~ a~ 1 fn ' (D W V W C n A W N -+ m ~ Q. ~ ~ N 2C~2~2Z~ZZ~' ~ y v mcmmDmr-mmCD ,.t 37r D- z ~`'~C"2^` 'v m~mcm~2~2S~ ',~~ ~ ' _ CDC mD~DD~ d(O ~ . c c-~,mz~zzw ~ cn a=nc~D~-~~~~ o ~ -~-I~~zm m -Rio-~i~z u' G7C~' mz mYC'~ z d ~ . c7zc')r C) ~ . 2m=m C7 (D zozy of ~ n n zo 0 m ® _ ® F ~ 2 w' F 2 0 ~ _ n Oo p ~ (~ -~ ," ~° ~ m ~ ~ is ~' ° o m ~ ~ ~ ~ ' o ~ ~, ~..\ .C I F Rp 4+~ 1j K~ yS~M _ ,. u"~ \ \ F rt 3 ~ l i W U1 a l~ ti ~ ~~' o n ~\ \ ye ~+~ ~'~.1 .' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Re ular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Pa e Number.: 9 9 Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: SC-78, 07/02 Resolution of Intent to Close Remaining Portion of Nassau Road BRIEF SUMMARY: - Adjoining landowner has petitioned to close a 400 foot segment of .Nassau Road. A Resolution of Intent to close a road or easement must be adopted prior to scheduling a public hearing. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: This remai-Wing segment of Nassau Road abuts the side yards of four residential homes/lots in the Sedgefield development. All four lots receive their primary access either through Fairfield Road or Bermuda Drive. Alternative access options for the neighbors of Sedgefield and emergency service delivery should be considered by the Board in deciding whether to adopt the Resolution of Intent to close the road. If adopted a public hearing will be held onn Tuesday, September 3, 2002. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 4 • ITEM DOES NOT REQU/RE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ANb RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ._- '~3E@EG~'Et ~~~:QVIQ ~ , r ~S" .TPOI~kEt~ "~ Non-Public Hearing Item: `1 Resolution of Intent to Close Remaining Portion of Nassau Road (SC - 78, 07/0?) Petitioner: Henry Conner Location: Anchored Between Spring Road & Fairfield Drive (Sedgefield Dev.) General Comments Henry Conner (adjoining landowner) has petitioned to close a 400 foot segment of Nassau Road located in the Sedgefield development near the Wrightsboro Community. (Plat Book 7, Page 31). In accordance with N.C.G.S. 153A-241, a Resolution of Intent to close a road or easement must be adopted prior to scheduling a public hearing. A site map depicting the segment of road to be closed is attached. This 60 foot right-of--way is mostly unimproved. ' Staff Comments As depicted on the site map, this remaining segment of Nassau Road abuts the side yards of four (4) residential homes/lots in the Sedgefield development. All four lots receive their primary access either through Fairfield Road or Bermuda Drive. County Engineering staff ma_v require utility and drainage easements along the roadway petitioned to be closed. Alternative access options for the neighbors of Sedgefield and emergency service delivery should be considered by the Board in deciding whether to adopt the Resolution of Intent to close the road. If the Resolution of Intent is adopted, a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, September 3, 2002. ...z = ~, nom. r;...,`; 9" ayylrl ., ;- P.1 t ~ ~ ` } Resolution of Intent to ' Close a Portion of Nassau Road Sedgefield Development Whereas, a petition has been filed pursuant to NCGS 153-A-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to close the following described portion of a road; Beginning at the southeastern corner of Lot 76, Sedgefield Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 31 of the New Hanover County Registry, thence from said point ' along the western right of way line of Nassau-Road 400 feet north to the .northeastern corner of Lot 10, Sedgefield Subdivision recordedin Plat Book 7, Page . 31, thence east from said point 60 feet to the northwestern corner of Lot 67, Sedgefield Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 31, thence from said point along the. eastern right of way line of Nassau Road 400 feet south to the southeastern corner of Lot 77, Sedgefield Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 31, thence from said point west 60 feet to the point of beginning which is the southwestern corner of Lot 76, Sedgefield Subdivision. Now, Therefore, be it resolved that this Board is considering closing a portion of Nassau Road to public use and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the Ord day of September, 2002, at 6:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the Old County Courthouse at 24 North Third Street in Wilmington at which time the Board will hear all.. . interested citizens and make a final determination as to whether the road shall be closed. The foregoing resolution. was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the 5th day of August, 2002. Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Attest: Clerk to the Board e DEXTER L. HAYES Planning Director July 3, 2002 Mr. Henry Conner 205 Fairfield Drive Wilmington; NC 28401 Re: Road Closing Application Dear Mr. Cornier: .PLANNING DEPARTMENT 414 CHESTNUT STREET, SUITE 304 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4027 TELEPHONE (91.0) 341-7165 Please be advised that your road closing application has been received and is being processed by the New Hanover County Planning Department. Your request is to close the last portion of Nassau Road. The following time table has been created for your road closing application and will . culminate with a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners if the Resolution of Intent to close the road is approved. Resolution of.Intent Advertised Star News Advertised Star News Advertised Star News Advertised Star News Public Hearing (if resolution approved) Monday, August 5, 2002 Friday, August 9, 2002 Friday, August 16, 2002 Friday, August 23, 2002 Friday, August 30, 2002 Tuesday, September, 3, 2002 The County Commissioners will meet on Monday, August 5, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. in the General Assembly Room of the Old County Courthouse (tentative location), 24 North Third Street to consider the Resolution of Intent and other public hearing petitions. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at 341-7165. Sincerely, '~j . a . (3 .w, q a.o.o S.A. Burgess t Planner ~~ ~_. 9 5 +y~ d a~ $ ~~~~~ ~`HO !~ ~~ 4 N.1 j0 mOO V 0)UlA WN-+0 ~ ~ ~ ~mOD V TGnA 41N ~m ~. Q'.. ~ N -+O C7 Q~ C)37~E71W1'1~~Q O O- D W ~~ n 0 0- O D = 0 1 - S~ZmZOmoDVmiOmt~n' rt 2=. V ZS~Z027oo y m =~ O 0 mm7 o ~~=mzpm~mZmmf ~:Z N ~~mZ~ooZaoazam 2m DAB a w m i7 O ~y<jC/l~jzmC 3p NvDi `G~Ommr~~ D gip. 7~7C OO [a~7O~T m ~m27 m,*'i --~ ~ ~ y ~0 ~ m S m> 2 m c X ~ Z Dn nm(/~ ~a ~ r^ m ~ Z aZ 0 D ww1+ ,V ® ! ® ' E c~ ti T = O p m 0 m m~ ~a m ~ n u b.~ m ~ ° o o ,2 `2 o n, y 4i :7s ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ W N H .~ A ''.~ A .. n ~` f O m d `q NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR SOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: 'Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Davis Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Designation of Voting Delegate to the 95th Annual Confierence of the NCACC in Forsyth County BRIEF SUMMARY: Conference is in Winston-Salem, NC on August 22-25, 2002 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Appoint Delegate FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: NCACC ITEM DOES NOT REQU/RE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS -AND RECOMP DATIONS: '.Request the Board appoint a voting delegate. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~ ~QE~Mi~i®~~ ~PPR01/El~ t~ ~tEJEC'~Et~ ~ ~EOy~C~ ~ ~° ~~t~ F Q _C/~~' COrivr-. ~o~ E-~recr ~~ °PY„°aR°t,N ~~ s~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ e~ 9 y _ a '=~`,T ~ . ~a ..; a Mailing Address: P. O. Box 1488, Raleigh, NC 27602-1488 r tio,~ °o'~ Streer Address: Albert Coates Local Government Center, 215 N. Dawson Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 ` 1J °p""`~` - Telephone: 919-715-2893 • Fax: 919-733-1065 • Email: ncacc@ncacc.org Home Page Address: htt ://www.ncacc.orQ IMPORTANT Designation of Voting Delegate to Annual Conference Please Place on Your Board Agenda Each Board of County Commissioners is Hereby requested to designate a commissioner or other official as the county's voting delegate. Each voting delegate should complete and sign the following statement: I, delegate for hereby certify that i am the duly designated. voting County at the 95th Annual Conference of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners to be held in Forsyth County, North Carolina, on August 22-25, 2002. Signed: Title: Article VI, Section 2 of our Constitution provides: "On all questions, including the election of officers, each county represented shall be entitled to one vote, which shall be the majority expression of the delegates of that county. The vote of any county in good standing maybe cast by any one of its county commissioners who is present at the time the vote is taken; provided, if .no commissioner be present, such vote may be cast by another county official, elected or appointed, who is formally designated by the board of county commissioners. These provisions shall likewise govern district meetings of the Association. A county in good standing is defined as one which has paid the current year's dues." District caucuses for the purpose of nominating district directors shall be held at the Annual conference for those districts in which the term of the board member expires. These districts are listed on the reverse -side of the accompanying memorandum. ,~ ,. PLEASE'RETURN~THIS FORM BY 14oraday, August 12.2002: NCACC .:~ ~.} F. ®. Box 1488 Raleigh, NC 27102-1488 Fax: 919-733-1065 ~., ,r t .. .. ,; „ ~~ NEW HANO!/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMOSSIONERS . REQUEST-FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: Closed Session. BRIEF SUMMARY: Closed Session pursuant to G'. S. 143-318.1 1(a)(3) to consult with counsel. about pending litigation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct Closed. Session. 1=UNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: /TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Conduct closed session. .~. ...-.nnn ~..+ni~w~r~n t~~ n~T~fl IC /l+f1Rfl 11 /ICAITC. ~i:'~i~OV~~ ECTED ~'~i~~OV~O ~r~r a ~~ !%%~ f C ~.. ,~ ~. {This page intentionally left blank} _, a 'i.. .~" L _3~f • e MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Request for Reimbursement Porters Neck -Contract Number 03-0027 37 ADJOURN {This page intentionally left blank} :/ ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater. 08/05/02 Water & Sewer Item #p Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District .Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard • Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Participation in Cost of Water Line Construction Porters Neck -Contract Number 03-0027 l BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff has received a request from SSP Investments, I'nc. and Harnett Waterfront, LLC asking permission- to. extend the County water system from the entrance of Blue Point Subdivision and Porters Neck Road eastward along Porters Neck Road and Edgewater Club Road, across the Nixon Davis property to Futch Creek Road, and proceeding along Futch Creek Road in a westerly direction . to the entrance of the proposed subdivision (See attached map). The estimated cost of the project is $147,000. The District's cost to upgrade the water line along Porters Neck Road and Futch Creek Road to twelve (12) inch would be up to 540,000. This project would construct approximately 1 ,940 feet of the water line, which is planned to serve the Porters Neok Area. In this situation the County will administer the contract based on the bid provided for the Porters Neck water line. This contract is to serve Bald Eagle Lane and Figure Eight Island Area. The money will be paid from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Commissioners approve participation in the construction of the water line in the amount of 540,000 and authorize the Chairman to execute the contract, FUNDING SOURCE: 800-470-4197-6000 ATTACHMENTS: Location Map REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S O TS AND RECOMMENDATI Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~~ ~QNiNiiIQl~ t~PPROVED ~''/~ _~ ~ ~t,EJECTED Q . _ -~ '~ BEM®VED ,~ ` x ~. +~ `,' .~ 7 -r ~- - V','~,r~ 4, V 7 i~ ~t ~4 "' ,~-. mac' ., ~~ ~ .p ~ 7s ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~k ~ ~ ~ ~~ /~ ~ ~ 1 V` 1 !!! Y ~ ~ _ ~ y ~ ~~ .j ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ I /` ~ t / ~T ~(// `~ ,~ } ~^ _ ~~ _ ~ - t ` .~- s~^~ sue' .,1 Proposed - ~'~ `~,. - ~,~*~ <~r -- - ~ ~ 4~ ~. ~ `Water line ~ ~' ~ ~ ~; -~ j Existing ,~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ Water line :... ~-~ Q' ~ _ ~ T ~~ ~~ ~ ,~ - ~ ` ~`,, , ~ ~ 'x ~ ~~ ~ ~5° (~~ ~/H,-~ i-_ ~, _ _,-- ~ - l ~~ ~~ ~ ~ r. Blue Point ~ -.ornelia Nixon ' ~~ - r ,-~ DavisNursing _ ~."~ivi~ i^r ' -~ a' Home ~~. ~~ r i L - _ - I '~ ~~ - .~ i ~ ;~ ~i -___ " ~~ _ - - - ,. s~~~ ---J-_ _ .. .. ~ J ' ~'~ ~ a - ~ 1~'~ n ~ _, _ _ - , F ~ ~~> ~~ i a~:=~ ~ , ~, _ ~.u'. ~- - --- - ' a~'~ ~'~ Porters Meek area ~_ ~ ~~~ ~ ` Water ~ Line - . _ ,r y~°. ~ 1 ' ^ j ~,, ' ~ i- ~ ~ ` "~ `"k ~ " W E ~ r F Yi Y t 2 t rv ~ h~- i . ~ ~ ' ~ ~ r~ ~- ~ ~" ~ ~ ~, _ F 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 7/23/2002 1 12 000 , ' ' ; ` ~ ' .~ ~ s ~ -~ n f s , ; , F v ,.,. " .,~ ^ft~j",. 1 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. 1. Approval of Minutes - 41 2. Approval of Resolution Authorizing the No Cost Transfer of One Lot to Cape Fear 43 Habitat for Humanity (CFHH) 3. Approval of Southeastern Center's Request to Purchase Property 49 4. Approval for Department of Aging to Apply for a Family Caregiver Support 55 , Program (Title III-E) Grant Monies in the Amount of $25,451 5. Approval to Continue Standard County Status for Work First Program 57 6. Acceptance of Community Transportation Program Funding for FY 2002-03 63 7. Naming of the Newly Acquired New Hanover County Administrative Annex 75 8. Approval of Grant Application -Safe Roads Traffic Project 77 9. Approval of Relocation of Human Relations, Veteran's Service a»d Risk 81 Management Office 10. Approval of Budget Amendment #03-0014 Public Health/School Health S3 • 39 {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ NEW HAN®VER COUNTY B®AR® OF COMMtSSt®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrel( Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes for the foliowing .meetings: Regular Meeting, June 3, 2002 Regular Meeting, June 17, 2002 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • ~nf1NTY t^~;MMI SION~g eAt'PROUEp .~,,~" s ~?EJEC?'~D ~ ~' REM01.'~D POSTPOVED z ~~~4RI~ `~~~_~ ~~~5~~~ a ~r ITEM DOES NOT REOU/RE REV/EW {This page intentionally left blank} C~..=1+,~bi sir +d ~ '~`'~+'~ .";,• ~ J ~ ^,r i ~ 4l//?~`.~~tq,~i~ !`l `% NEW HANOVER COUNTY SOARD OF COMMiSSiONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neat SUBJECT: Approval ofi Resolution Authorizing the 9Vo Cost Transfer of One. Lot to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity (CFHH) BRIEF SUMMARY: This resolution authorizes the no cost transfer of one (1} lot to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity (CFHH}, in accordance with a resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on April 19, 1994. This property is owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. A similar resolution was adopted by the Wilmington City Council on July 16, 2002. The lot is currently vacant. CFHH-plans to construct a house on the lot. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~uNT?' ~MMt~~tp1~ . APPROVED ~,~~ ::~ ?EJECTED ~ d REMOVED !~ A'OSTPONED ~ ~, -'~ ~FAR1~ ,~ ~. ~~~ - ~3 1v' Y A A~ ® , y~~y ITY ,f W'IL.MI~IGTO~I .~ ~I' 114 ~~„ t ~~ o 1 ~ ,~.- , T=-~ ~ - ,~ Forth Carob na 1739 ~ P.~. BMX ~~~o ADMINISTftATIVESEftViCES 1 o TDD (910) 341-7873 2842 (910) 341-330 July 1, 2002 _-- -.,r._ I °, ~;~ ~~ ~ ~ x--- .---- _- --ml , a ;, ~ IV~w~ ~ ~ , ~ `7 ~ sfrc .. np,a r, ~ J'f '~~ r {{! _~.._..___~._-_._..-_~...___ f Mr. A11en O'Neal, County Manager ~ ~ n, t~, , ~ . £ ~_ q New ~-Ianover County _n ~ _ ° ~::_,~ t ~ -.,. ._~,.._~ 320 Chestnut Street „___.. Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear NIr. O'Neal, Attached is a resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of one (l) lot to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity (CFHH); in accordance with a resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Conunission on April 19, 1994. This property is owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. A similar resolution will be presented to the Wilmington City Council on July 16, 2002. The lot is currently vacant. CFHH plans to construct a house on the lot. Construction must be completed within 18 months in order for CFHH to retain the property. Please-place this item on the County Commission Agenda for August 5, 2002. Passage of the attached resolution is reco>nmended. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~~~~ Steven D. Bridges Purchasing Agent SDB/sks ~~Attacl'iments (2l *~~~ ~ Jd~~-`~ i~3~ ~, ~` y,} ~ ., ~~ ~~~,~ { ~ ) ~1~Ufi`C. ~lr~,z~ 1 _~/ ^~ i ~~ ~~~4~~hb~;~~. -.,~ ..:. ~~ ~~ yy ~,~~~ ~' ~' ~'° =era i f INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal; County Manager DATE: August 5, 2002 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZL~IG CONVEYANCE OF VACANT LOT TO CAPE FEAR HABITAT FOR HUMANITY RESOLVED: 1. The New Hanover County Commission hereby approves the conveyance of the following lot to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity .for the construction of a single family owner-occupied residency. Parcel Number Address Size *3117-16-82-8732.000 1207 S. 2"d Street 40' x 60' 2. The conveyance shall be subject to the condition that the lot be used to construct a single family owner-occupied residency-for low to moderate income citizen in accordance with requirements adopted by resolution on April 19, 1994.' 3. The deed for conveyance for the lot shall not be delivered until ten days after notice of the conveyance has been advertised, as reduired by G.S. 160A-267. 4. .Conveyance is subject to approval by the Wilmington City Council for their ownership share in the property. Adopted at a regular meeting on 200 ATTEST: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board Chairman *Jointly owned with-the City • ~~ 07/26/2002 10:29 910341592: Resolution V l 1 1 I,LLI \r\ L INTRODUCED BY: ~ Farc, Interinn City Manager DATE: Tuly 16, 2002 ~~ City Council City of Wilmington North Carolina J RESOLUTION AU'1-Ha1~IN~a1TAT FOR CEGrMANITY A~ SOT TO CAPE FEAR RESOLVED: 1 'fie City Council hereby approves the conveyance of the foliocving lot to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity for the construction of a single family owner-occupied residczsce. dress •. Size Pare na 44' x b0' 83117-16-82-8732.000 1207 S. 2 Strect 2. The conveyance shall be subject to the condition that the lot be used to construct a single family owner-occupied residcnce for low to moderate income citizen in accordance with requirements adaptcd by resolution on December 14, 1993. 3, The deed for conveyance for the lot shall not be delivered until ten. days aftcr notice of the conveyance has been advertised, as required by. Cs.S. 160A-267. o 'scion for their 4, Conveyance is subject to approval by the New Hanover CouxLty ownership share in the property 4t Adopted at a regular meeting an ,7u3'~ 1 b ~ 200 2 -~ C~ 1 t ~' ~ ~~.1 `'7' ` ' I l .i'Ny K12 )) ]5 x9 - + !) !S. _ 1 1 M N - 1 I t I ~ ~ $. ''' S~] 5 i a , 3 1 s o~ m~ e n v 1 I~ w I TH i ,s 1 N~ 1~ I `^ 51% 1 1 M _ ~ ~ 31 o I 1 I s] % ! ii Y I r! ~ n ~. i, _ N I 1 11 1 1 :"]~ L. a) ) p .. m = g ~ m I ~ '1 el !! )~ oa w ~ I ~ ~ ~ ` 11 ~ 1 -r d o)i !! i° - 1 N ]s ]! is W 1 1 I I 11 .. m ::~ ~? 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N `,` '. Vi " ~ I _1 ~ I j °i a aryl I I ~ 1 : 1 .. ~. 1 _ _ l~ 1 `371F I'. 71 ~ i 1oRtl 7~^all.. n X11 ~ it ` .. ;` ~. i ~ ~ Il `l-.,J', " II II ~ 11 II. 11 4 1 1~ i 11 1 1 1 1 I1 1 ~; t I . 1 s/-sc dar+ ~:~, {This page intentionally left blank} LI J NEW FIANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Consent .Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dr. Art Constantini Contact: Dr. Art Constantini SUBJECT: Approval of Request to Purchase Property BRIEF SUMMARY: In accordance with G.S. 122C-147, Southeastern Center , an Area Authority for Brunswick, New Hanover, and Pender counties, must obtain approval from all three counties in order to purchase and own real property. Southeastern Center is interested in purchasing property which is contiguous to the current Ocean House facility for the purpose of building a new Ocean House to serve 80 clients instead of 40. The property is located at 1224 and 1226 South 15th Street, and will cost 525,000 to purchase. Southeastern Center has funds budgeted with which to the purchase property. The Pender County Board of Commissioners will approved purches on August 15. approval by the Brunswick County board of Commissioners is being sought at its meeting August 5, 2002 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Southeastern Center's purchase of property at 1224 and 1226 South 15th Street. FUNDING SOURCE:. ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Dr. Art Constantini N.C.G.S. 122C-147 Survey of Property REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~U1~7`Y GQMM~Qr, APPROVED ~E.IECTED ^ 6i!EMOVED s~ POSTPONED ^ ~' ,'.'~ 1-fEARO ~~ ~,~~~; ~„g ~ oa _ .-.~.~ ~9 ~'®ute~ste~n C'ente~ ~®~ Dental I~ealtdt, ~evelapmental Disabilities chi Substance Abuse Sej-vices BRUNSWICK CENTER NEW HANOVER CENTER PENDER CENTER Governmental Complex 2023 South 17th Street 803 South Walker Street P.O. Box 246 P.O. Box 1230 P.O. Box 962 Bolivia. NC 28423 WilmineCOn. NC 284C2-1230 Bureaw. NC 28425 (910) 253-~k785 (910) 251-6w10 (9101259-5476 Fr~?C (9l0) 253-7871 E4X (910) 251-6557 Fr1X (910) 259-354=1 1-800-224-1002 1-800-293-6440 1-800.224-0040 Arthur F. Costantini, PH.D. Area Director July e, 2002 Mr. Allen O'Neal New Hanover County Manager 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC ~ 4,~~ Dear Mr. 'Neal:'' As you know, because Southeastern Center (SEC) is an Area Authority for the three (3) Counties, (Brunswick, New Hanover, Pender), we must have approval of all three (3) Counties in order to purchase and own "real property' (See attached 122C-147). In accordance with this law, we are requesting authorization to purchase the property described below. The property is contiguous to property that is already owned by SEC and would be used for the building of a new "Ocean House", i.e., PsychoSocial Rehabilitation Services, Club House. The current Ocean House can serve 40 clients whereas the New Ocean House could serve 80 clients from all three (3) Counties. The total cost of the property involved is twenty-five thousand dollars. SEC has the funds for the purchase of this property and is not seeking any funds from the Counties. Southeastern Center is requesting that this item be put on the agenda for the County Commissioner's meeting and that the approval be recorded in the minutes of that meeting, so that we will have a record of our compliance with 122C-147. I will be happy to attend the meeting and/or to provide any additional information that you may need regarding this request. Thank you for your assistance with this. ~~~ e ~ Sl~ ~Y~3~1Z F. ;~ll:~~'r'~ u~~~ ._~ ~..~_- - . t ` rn~~ .vy~m~i „r o~.~my ACCREDITED Council on Accreditation for Children and Family Services ~~l ~® s Letter to Mr. Allen O'Neal Page 2 July 8, 2002 Property that Southeastern Center is requesting permission to purchase: Property Listing Price 1. 1224 S. 15`h Street BLK 568 W'/4 - 4 as recorded in New $10,000 Wilmington, NC Hanover County Registry Deed Book & Page 1090/0900 2. 1226 S. 15~h Street SW '/4 - 4 as recorded in New Hanover $15,000 County Registry Deed Book & Page 1381 - 0611 • • Sincerei Art Costantini Area Director cas attachment ~~ § 122C-147 SYSTEM FOR DE in the future do not constitute any enti- tlement to ser~~ices beyond those pro- vided for that fiscal year. Nothing in this act creates any rights except to the ex- tent that funds are appropriated by the State to implement its provisions from LIVERING SERVICES § 1220-147 year to year and nothing in this act obligates the General Assembly to appro- priate any funds to implement its provi- sions." An appropriation was made to implement the provisions of this act in the 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990) Session. § 122C-147. Financing and title of area authority property. (a) Repealed by Session Laws 1993, c. 321, s. 220(i). (b) Unless otherwise specified by the Secretary, State appropria- tions to area authorities shall be used exclusively for the operating costs of the area authority; provided however: (1) The Secretary may specify that designated State funds may be used by area authorities (i) for the purchase, alteration, improvement, or rehabilitation of real estate to be used as a facility or (ii) in contracting with a private, nonprofit corporation or with another governmental entity that op- erates facilities for the mentally ill, developmentally dis- abled, or substance abusers and according to the terms of the contract between the area authority and the private, nonprofit corporation or with the governmental entity, for the purchase, alteration, improvement; rehabilitation of real estate or, to make a lump sum down payment or periodic payments on a real property mortgage in the name of the predate, nonprofit corporation or governmental en- tity. (2) Upon cessation of the use of the facility by the area. authority, if operated by the area authority, or upon termi- nation, default, or nonrenewal of the contract if operated by a contractual agency, the Department shall be reimbursed in accordance with rules :adopted by the Secretary for the Department's participation in the purchase of the facility. (c) All real property purchased for use by the area authority shall be provided by local or federal funds unless otherwise allowed under subsection (b) of this section or by .specific capital funds appropri- . ated by the General Assembly. The title to this real property and the authority to acquire it is held by the county where the property is located. The authority to hold title to real property and.the authonty to acquire it, including the area authority's authority to finance its acquisition by an installment contract under G.S. 160A-20, may be held by the area authority or by the contracting governmental entity with the .approval of the board or boards of commissioners of all the • counties that comprise the area authority. The approval of a board of county commissioners shall be by resolution of the board and may have any necessary or proper conditions, including provisions for - distribution of the proceeds in the event of disposition of the .property by the area authority. Real property may not be acquired y means of an installment contract under G.S. 160A-20 unless the Local Government Commission has approved the acquisition. No deficiericy, judgment may be rendered against any unit of local government in any action for breach of a contractual obligation authorized by this subsection, and the taxing power of a unit of local government is not and may not be pledged directly or indirectly to secure any moneys due under a contract authorized by this subsec- tion. 121 ~a ~~. _ •- ~° ~_ i • ', ~.~,:a,o,,,,,o, ~ r ~O ~', ~~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~1 _ ~ ~.A N~ O n Z q a O - ~Z DO ~ I . ~ eo o a o~ Dm ~ o V' ~ ~571~ ~~ ~D ~~z, rn0 Z~o rn m~~ ; l,~zo- ~ qQa :~ T .. gym?: /\J ln. xni m o...~~f. ZDO- Z ~ NZAN n ~(~<7-= ~ ~~ Z 1D O.z o~ ~ - ~~~~ N azooo 1 tlarn ~'~ z om ~ p ~ N ~~Z --~ - ,n ~.. -'~ ~ ~vs -~ m=:~°~ ~ ~~ oS r -~ ~j= ~~ _ g mA N C O D 2 N D ('1 .rL 1 a ~N .._. v c,w rn u o bl O .°i F O z .~~ 3.oa,4Z.Z05 ~ 1~~,1-S N.~91 a X o O r ' z z m m % m ~ mm I'I m r0 ~ ~ Z Z I I ~i 0 ' - 7 L ~ o ~ ~ ` O ien~ srna~ ~~~ ~ ~ < i~ snrrr 1~~5 I-LI-S l ,oo'Z9b _ (M/2! ,99) M,00,4Z.ZON ,L L'4£ L yy i ~! „00,4~,Z~QN ,SB'4Z t ,Z£'6 oja .1 $U D y a ..~ o~ BOOK 2736 • PAGE 405 ,9S'tZ t 9Z (.+ N ~ Z y D c~m~r~ o 1 mo°m~~ o ~-oo O N G VI ~ ~ ~ '~ Vo A Din ~ D r ~ ~ ~zma ~+ t+- o m m i o cnDmo a ~ ~~~z ;~ o ~D2 0 or»m 'oc~~ ± ~~~ m ~zZCDi --{{ -1 m < D ~ J ~ ~ A O >zz. = n o mm -i r N n eo ~.~ m ~ 1 ~ ~ 'I N U I Fi ~ N m m ci N Jo ~ \ p \ ' o ~z. g •f~ I~ ' ~. ~ ~:ooa'o .: ~.i • '.~ ` ~ ~ v ~ D o~j ~ (~ 0 m 2 d s ~ ' Ia l I o ~ o v o m m ~ m ~ £ t'ts ~ ~ M ON --I m ITS ~' --f m ~m Z ~ e o o mo 0 A V o O u ~ ~; I ~ ~, ~ ~ ... °' ~ 9 m IA I o _ ~ I. ~3 !1 {This page intentionally left blank} s NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Aging, Presenter; Annette Crumpton Contact: Annette Crumpton SUBJECT: Approval for Department of Aging to Apply fora Family Caregiver Support Program Title ill-~) Grant Monies in the Amount of $25,451 BRIEF SUMMARY: As Lead Agency for aging services in New Hariover County, the Department of Aging is .eligible for $25,451 in grant monies to implement a Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP)~in New Hanover County for FY 2003. The Family Caregiver Support Program is a new program under Title ILI-E of the Older Americans Act. Monies will be used to pay for services that provide relief for unpaid caregivers of persons 60+. These services include: temporary respite care ih adult day care, nursing home and(or adult care homes; in-home aide services; information and referral and care planning services; and purchase of supplemental supplies which assist unpaid caregivers in their efforts to care for elderly loved ones. Total grant is 525,451._ There is no required"match. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Commissioners approve the request to apply fora Family Caregiver Support Program grant in the amount of $25,451. Request acceptance of the grant if awarded and approval of necessary budget amendment. Authorize County Manager to sign the application.. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal - 525,451 . ATTACHMENTS: Family Caregiver Support Program documents available in the County Manager's office. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NlA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ANU ~ -' IVIl1l tNUA I iUIVJ: Recommend approval as noted. above. nr~-~r~n~c irrinn nn ~.n~~.c. ~CPiUTY C~~MI~1.~A~ ~PI'ROVEp u ' 1~EJECTED ~ 1?EMOVED (~; POSTPONED ET Fi'~AR1~ 1y~ .~~~. {This page intentionally left blank} u' •~~.~yy~~y~y -t nn 1 fy.l ~~~.', ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ J ~~ u NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Contact: Wayne Morris Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time.: Page Number:. Department: DSS . Presenter: Wayne Morris, Director SUBJECT: Approval to Continue Standard County Status for Work First Program BRIEF SUMMARY: In order to comply with N.C.G.S. 108A-27, and aide the State in its compliance with the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program, counties -must submit to the Dept. ofi Health and Human Services biennial plans that describe. the operation of their TANF programs. Work First is the primary TANF Assistance Program in North Carolina. The State will submit an aggregate of county plans to the federal DHHS, The next update will be due November 1 , 2002, and will cover the period of October 1, 2003 -September 30, 2005. The local plan must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. In addition, by August 16, 2002, the Board of County Commissioners must notify the Division of Social .Services of its decision to prepare a Standard or an Electing County Plan.. In compliance with these requirements, the Social Services Board voted to recommend that the Board of County Commissioners notify the State that we again choose to prepare a Standard County Plan, and appoint the 2001-03 planning committee to develop the new plan. • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Recommend. approval of request to submit a Standard County Work First Plan for the period covering October 1 , 2003 -September 30, 2005; and approval of the 2001-03 planning committee .. to develop the plan for 2003-05. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: :LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND REC fNDAT10NS: Recommend approval as noted above. sa COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTSi~ ' ~1M1~~ i ~ ,~ •, i , p~ l F( r.:. . ...5''~ d~~~O PD ~C •y~~a,,•, w~` North Carolina De}~artment of I-health and Human Services Division of Social Services 2?Ol Mail Service Center ®Ralei~h, North Carolina 27699-2401 Courier # 56-20-25 Fax 919-733-9356 Michael F. Easley, Governor Pheon E. Beal, Director Carmen Hooker Odom, Secretary (919) 733-305 .dune 2~, 202 Mr. Allen O'Neal New Hanover County Manager 320 Chestnut St, Rm 502 Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear County Manager: ~•-'" ,~----~"'~°°" Vic: ~or~ first ~'oaznty ~I c~~~ra~t Plan __---~ -~''~B s~ckgro u~ cl--'' ~ .~.. Federal regulations governing the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program '~, ~~ ~ ~~~ 1 xequi.re states to submit biennial,plans that describe the operation of their TANF programs.' The r primary TANF assistance program in North Carolina is the `Fork First Program. Since Work i' First is administered locally in each county, North Carolina law (G.S. 108A-27) requires each ,~' ~~ county to submit a County Work First Block Grant Pl - '~, an every two years. The plan must bey-' ,:,,~~ approved by the board of county commissioners. _ ___ ~ _ _____~_.----`" Th1s a ,each county will again develop a Work First Block Grant Plan, as described in NCGS Chapter 108A-27, to become effective October 1, 2003. This plan will be for October 1, 2003, through September 30, 2005. The State TANF Plan to be submitted to the federal DHHS will be an aggregate of the county plans. 'The Planning committee: NCGS 108A-27 requires county commissioners to appoint a committee of local .leaders to assist in the development of county Work First Block Grant plans. Membership of the committee must include, but is not limited to, representatives of the following: 1. The county board of social services, 2. The board of the area mental health authority, 3. The local public health board, ~. The local school system(s), 5. The business community, The board of~county commissioners; and 6 y~;,~n~:.i~, :~ ., K,~ ~'~'~7~"~ =~' Community based organizations that are representative of the population to be served. r-:' ~'~4 --~ ~ - - ~ f •~ . ."~ ' ' ~ ~' An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer ~~ In addition, it is highly recommended that you include representatives of 1. The local community transportation system, 2. Religious organizations, and ~. Recipients of Work First and other types of assistance and services. County Planning Designation: .,-°' x. ..~ ,, Each county must notify the Division of Social Servi es by August 16, 2fl02, whethe they will prepare a Standard gran Electing county plan: For d itions and descriptions o~tandard and Electing counties, see NCGS.108A-27.3 and 108A-27.4he..IJi~ision of S~Services will evaluate Electing County plans and will recommend to the General Assembly counties to be designated as Electing based on the thoroughness and strength of their plans. Final designation of Electing Counties will be-made by the General Assembly. ~ `~ Requests for Electing or Standard status must be approved by the board of county commissioners with at least three-fifths voting in favor. Use the attached form to notify the State of your . decision regarding whether to seek Electing or Standard county status. Counties that submit Electing plans may request a change to Standard planning status by submitting, before April 1, 2003, documentation that athree-fifths majority of the board of county commissioners support the redesignation. County Plan ®utline: The County Plan outline is attached to this letter. Your plan should conform to the format in the model. To help Division staff who will review all plans, please use the outline attached. An electronic copy of the model. is available from your Work First Representative. Public Comment: Another important thing to remember as you are developing your local schedule for plan development is the Statutory requirement at NCGS 108A-27.4 and 27..7 to provide the public with an opportunity to review and comment upon the plan. The law does not specify the length of time your plan must be available for review and comment; that is a local decision. Contact Pexson: ' When you notify us of .your status request, please also designate a primary contact person to receive all correspondence from the Division of Social Services during the planning process. ~'he State. Plan: I encourage your county planning committee and county staff tareview-the current State Work First Plan and make comments and suggestions. The current plan can be found on the Internet at http:/1www.dhhs.state.nc.us/dss/tanf.htm. NC DHHS staff will be working this fall to develop a new State Plan that will be submitted to the General Assembly early next year. Comments and suggestions should be addressed to: Wilbert R. Morris, Chief Economic Independence Section ' NC Division of Social Services ' 325 N. Salisbury St. 2420 Mail, Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2420 Deadlines: A timeline chart is attached to this letter that summarizes the deadlines established for the planning process. The State Plan is due to the General Assembly in April 2003. In order to meet this deadline and provide a 45-day public comment period, county plans are due to the DHHS by November 1, 2002. By the end of January 2003,. the Division of Social Services will complete the review of county plans and will make its recommendation to the General Assembly regarding designation of Electing Counties. In the event that you are unable to meet the November 1 deadline due to scheduling of your commissioner', meeting, please. forlvard a draft of your plan as it will be submitted to the commissioners; then submit the final, signed version with any changes noted. '~'ANF' Reauthorization: We are moving fortivard with the TANF/Work First planning process even though the program at the federal level is set to expire this year and- is being reauthorized by Congress. While there will certainly be changes, we anticipate that the planning process~will be worthwhile and will result in plans that can be implemented with only a few adjustments. We feel the need to go ahead and make our plans so that there will be no interruption in the services and assistance that we are providing to citizens through Work First. Once reauthorization is complete; we will adjust our plans as needed. This may include revising the attached planning timeline. We are committed to helping all counties succeed. Please do not hesitate to contact your Work First Representative or the Economic Independence Section for assistance. Sincerely, c L Pheon E. Beal cb Attachments cc: Caunty Director of Social Services C. Ronald Aycock, Executive Director, NCACC e • County, North Carolina Request for Standard or Electing Status for the Work First Program The Board of Commissioners of County voted on . ` {date) to request ~ Standard or ^ Electing (Check:one) Status for the Work First.Program. The vote was for and against, (at least three-f fths in favor). Commission Chair Signature Date 't'he primary contact person for our Work First Block Grant planning process will be: Name: Position/Title: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Due Date: August 16, 2002. Submit to: Wilbert R. Morris, Chief Economic Independence Section Division of Social Services 325 N. Salisbury St. 2420 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 2420 Fax: (919) 733-0645 ~1 Work First Block Grant Planning Timeline Activity/Task Date Counties notified of planning requirements. 6/25/02 Counties notify State of desired electing or standard planning status. 8/16/02 Acknowledgement of planning status mailed to counties. 8/30/02 Counties develop plans and receive public comments. July-Oct. 2002 County comments sought for new State Plan changes. Fall 2002 Cotulty plans for 2003-2005 due to State DSS. 11/1/02 County plans reviewed by State staff. Nov.-Dec. 2002 Recommendation of electing counties submitted to General Assembly. 1/10/03 Draft State Plan scheduled to go out for public comment. January 2003 Draft State Plan revised to incorporate public comments. March 2003 State Plan submitted to General Assembly for approval. April 2003 ~~ NEVV HANO\/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMlSS10NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Transportation Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin Contact: Patricia A. Melvin SUBJECT: Acceptance of Community Transportation Program Funding for FY 2002 - 03 BR1EF SUMMARY: . The Board of County Commissioners approved the County's submission of an application for Community Transportation Program funding from the N.C. Dept. of Transportation on December 3, .2001. We have received notification from N.C. Dept. of Transportation that the application for FY 2002-03 has been funded in the amount of $303,842. This amount includes $155,434 in capital as"sistance, which includes purchasing 4 vehicles for the system [3 vans and 1 minibus], and $148,408 in administrative assistance, including salaries. for the full time Program Manager and. a full time clerical position. The -Human Services Transportation. budget adopted by the Board. of Commissioners for the current fiscal year includes local matching funds of $55,750. No additional funds are required. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request acceptance of grant funding for FY 2002-03, and authorize Chairman Davis to execute ~. contracts for receipt of funding: FUNDING SOURCE: Local Match; Human Services Transportation Program ATTACHMENTS: /TEM ®OES NOT REQU/RE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER' COM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend 'approval. l+~nnn nr~. rr~wrrnnr ni+-rri-f wr.n rl nnnnrw rrn. ,~-P~PROVEf] .zo ~ &~EJEC~ED ' ~EIy®VED L~ f . T~t~I~~E~3 ~ ~' ~ -5.~ ~~' ~. "~ ~~ NE~no ~ANOV~R coun~-rv s®AR® o~ con~rnass~oN~RS REQUEST FOR BOARD-ACTION Meeting D te: 12/03/01 ~___ Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Department: Transportation Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin Contact: Patricia A. Melvin SUBJECT: Approve Application for Community Transportation Program Funding for FY 2002-03 BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County is eligible to obtain grant funding from N.C. Dept. of Transportation for administrative and capital assistance iii the operation of New Hanover Transportation. Services(NHTS). NHTS provides general public and employment transportation to the unincorporated areas of the County; and and human service transportation to clients of human service agencies throughout the County. $425,000 is being requested for the upcoming fiscal year. These funds include $209,000 in administrative assistance and $236,000 in capita! assistance (for the replacement of six vans). Local matching r'unds required will total 555,750, and will be included in the NHTS budget request for the upcoming year. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of request to submit application, adoption of resolution on use of funds, and authorize Chairman Davis, County Manager O'Neal; and County Attorney Copley to execute appropriate application certifications and assurances. FUNDING SOURCE: Local Match: $55,750 to be included in NHTS Budget Request for FY 2002-03 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A C UNTY MANAGER S~COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .Recommend, approval ~- COMMISSIONERS'"ACT10iVSlCOMMENTS: Approved , i 7 "~ I `"~ ~~.- ~~:~_~ 1 ,~ , , , ., r ~~ FY "2002 CTP Applicatiori . Commuriry Transportation Program Resolution Page ~ COI~~I'v'LUNIT1r' TRANSPORTATION PROGR.~M RESOLUTION IZ'ESOLLiTION Applicant Seeking Permission to Apply for Community Tramportation Program Funding, Enter Into .Agreement tib'ith The North Carolina Department Of Transportation And to Provide the Necessary Assurances. C1 tsoard o.f C;otnrnissicners on theday of _,C~-~-' ?O.D~.. Sign ure of Certifying Official i N(~V1C~I ~`ri'~G~c~ :A motion was made by (Board !Member's Name /~ - .and seconded by (Board Member's Name) ~ - ~ ~ - G ry+ ~ ~ ~ S "e"~ ~ for the adoption of the foliewing resolution, and upon being put to a vote was duly adopted. WHEREAS, Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North CaroLna General Statutes and the Governor of North Carolina have designated the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as the agency responsible for administering federal and state public transportation funds; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation will apply"for a grant from the US Department of Transpo-:anon, Federal Transit Administration and receives funds from the North Carolina General Assembly to provide assistance for rural public transportation projects; and WHEREAS, fne.purpose of these transportation funds is to provide grant monies to local agencies for the provision of rural public transportation services consistent with the policy requirements for pIanr:ing; community and agency involvement, service design, service alternatives, tra.ning and conference participation, reporting and other requirements (drug and alcohol testing policy and program, disadvantaged business enterprise program, and fully all//o~~cated co-srts analysis); ( licant's Name ~ ~ ~ ~' ° ~ ~ hereb} WHEREAS, App ' ) assures and certCfies that it ~h~ill comply with the federal and state Statutes, reg lations; executive orders, Section X333 (b) WarrantZ~, and all administrative requirements which relates to the applications made to and grants received from the Federal Transit Administration, as well as the provisions of Section 1001 of Title 18,.U. S. C. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the (Authorised Official 's Title)* ~ ~,, ; r ~ ~ v. of (Name afApplicant's Governing Body) /~ ~ ~ t 3't~ spa ~1C ~' l.~u ~" is hereby authorized to submit a grant application for federal and state fundmQ, make t. e necessary assurances and certifications and be empowered to enter into an agreement with the NCDOT to provide rural public transportation services. I(CertifyingOficial's.Name)* Clerk t0 the Board Lucie Fo Harrel (Title) . do Hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of a meeting of the (Name ofA~plicant's Governing Board New Hanover ~OUnty ~s FY' 2002 CTP Application Community Transportation Pro ;ram Resolution Paae 6 New Hanover Count Board ofi Corini ssioners .Name of Local Governing Board T~ ~-~~'~~'r ~ 21 ~i~L_ ' f --- ; 'abet\ei9h G ~~ Subscribed and sworn to me (date) •°,°•°~~ ok~ -, r ~,~'~ .' °•~ gyp/ ;{^ '~~- ~ C.~.~ t,-~~ - NOTARY' - , ' ~ My Comm. [Voif,~n) Public * ~~~` = a tzpires • c °y~'ea~1o412G06 m ,iddress ~~lY1in~-~t~r'y I~.« ~u~L>~ ~°~, >•....m o,. My commission expires (elate) *Note that the off cial huthorized to submit the grant application, certifying of,~cial, and notary public should be three separate individuals. ~~ • MICHAEL F. EASLEY. G O V ERNO?2 ~>~a ~ ~~- F .. M~,. - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Apri126, 2002 Ms. Patricia A. Melvin, Assistant to the County ~-Zanager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, County Administration Building, Room 502 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4058 LYNDO TiPPETT S EC~TAR : - - Dear Ms: Melvin: • I am pleased to inform you that on April 4, 2002, the North Carolina Board of Transportation endorsed a program of projects to be funded during Fiscal Year 2003. The program of projects included the administrative and employee development portion of the application submitted or, behalf of New Hanover County.. The Board endorsed a maximum budget authorization totaling X148,408 for New Hanover County; representing $126,146 in state funds and X22,262 in local matching funds. A copy of the draft project budget is enclosed for your review. Please tape the time to review the. budget within the next few weeks. This is also an opportunity to make budget revisions within program guidelines prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. Please submit any changes to the Public Transporiation Division by May 26, 2002. Of course the authorized official or his/her designee will need to submit the re~rision using the three.-column format. If }Jou have questions concerning your application, please contact ~~Is. Diane Lackey, in the Pub~iic Transportation Division at-(910) 98~-2424. Please. contact Deirdre Walker at {9I9 j 733- 4713, extension 245 if you have any questions regarding the Fiscal Year 2003 bildget. We look forward to continuing a productive partnership in providing transportation services to the citizens of New Hanover. County. Sincerely, Sanford T. Cross Director 5TC/kj Attachment cc: Mr. Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman MAILING ADDRESS: TELE?HONE: 9i 9-733-d7i3 NODE?ARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: °19-733-1391 PUBLIC I P,ANSFORTATION DIVISION 1550 MAIL SERVICE CENTER - WWW.DOT.STATE.NC.US/TP.ANSIT/TP,ANSITNET/ RALEIGH, NC 27099-1550 LOCATION: ... I RANSPORTATION BUILDING SOUTH W ILMiNGTO PJ STREET RALEIGH NC 67 DRAFT APPENDIX A NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION SECTION GRANT 03-HS-012 APPROVED BUDGET SUMMARY _ EFFECTIVE 07-01-02 PROJECT SPONSOR: NEW HANOVER COUNTY PROJECT DESCRIPTION: FY2003 HUMAN SERVICE TRANSPOR TATION MANAGEM ENT PRO I. TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT - 4521 ADMINISTRATION- $ 146,108 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE JUL Ol, 2002 - JUN 30, 2003 DEPARTMENT -4525 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT- $ 2,300 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE JUL 01,.2002 - JUN 30, 2003 iI. TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL FEDERAL STATE LOCAL ADMINISTRATION- (100%) ( O%) ( 85%) ( 15%) $ 146,108 $ 124,191 $ 21,917 TOTAL FEDERAL STATE LOCAL EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT- (100%) ( O%) ( 85%) ( 15%) $ 2,300 $ 1,955 $ 345 TOTAL. $ 148,408 $ 126,146 $ 22,262 DRAFT DRAFT NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION ' SECTION GRANT 03-HS-012 APPROVED PROJECT BUDGET ;' ~~ROJECT SPONSOR: NEW HANOVER COUNTY ACCOUNT" TITLE DEPARTMENT 4521 - ADMINISTRATION- 121 1p 8~( 1 .LV 2 183 184 197 z61 291 31~. 312 321 3Z5 337 341 X55 7~ 372 381 3~1 396 441 454 481 .491 395 SALARIES AND WAGES -.FULL TIME SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUTION .7.65% OF TGTAL SALARIES RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION $$3,864 X 4.980% HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION $380 X 12 X 2.75 DISABILITY INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION $7.77 X 12 X 2.75 DRUG TESTS OFFICE SUPPLIES AND. MATERIALS DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES TRAVEL TRAVEL SUBSISTENCE TELEPHONE SERVICE POSTAGE SINGLE/COMBINED UTILITY BILL PRINTING REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE- OFFICE.EQUIPMENT MARKETING PROMOTIONAL ITEMS DATA PROGRAMMING SERVICES LEGAL ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT SERVICES MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS - COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT INSURANCE - PROFESSIONAL LIABILITIES . CENTRAL SERVICES $.74,492 X 9.550% DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS TOTAL DEPARTMENT 4525 - EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT- TRAINING - EMPLOYEE EDUCATION EXPENSE IOTA L . DRAFT APPROVED AMOUNT # $ 57.,876 $ 4,428 $ 2,882 $ 9,120 $ 186 $ 3,600 $ 600 $ 500 $ z,ooo $ 2,500 $ 5,400 $ 3 5 0 $ // ~~ 4,OliV $ 1,500 $ 500 $ ~ 2,000 $ 500 $ Sao . $ 400 $ 36,552 $ 500 $ 2,000 $ 7,114 $ 1.,100 $ 146,108 $ 2,300 $ 2,300 ~q DRAFT NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION .DIVISION SECTION GRANT 03=H5-012 APPROVED PROJECT BUDGET SALARY AND WAGE DETAIL PR07ECT SPONSOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY SQ POSITION NO % FTE RATE NO -- ------------- DEPT. 4521 OB7ECT 121 02 CLERICAL SPEC 01 100 $ 28,065 03 MOBILITY MGR 01 100 $. 29,811 TOTAL TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES DRAFT BUDGET AMOUNT 28,065 29,811 .57,876 57,876 - - -. ,,.. s7ar - - .. .. ~ '~:. Y~/+~' ~a~ ~ ~~ •4A IXwn ~. .STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA I~EPAR~N:~NT OF Z~NSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO.TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY July 11, 2002 Ms: Patricia A. Melvin, Assistant to the County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, County Administration Buildinff, Room 502 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4058 v Dear iV1s. Melvin: RE: FY03 Rural Capital Program Project No. 03-SC-013 Work Order No(s). 9.9052184 011 June 6, 2002, the North Carolina Board of Transportation approved funding in the amount of$155,434; of which $19,890 is state funds and $15,54-'1 is local funds far three (3) lift-equipped vans; one (1) 22 foot light transit vehicle, office equipment, one (1) mobile radio unit and one (1) fare box: Originals of the project agreement to be executed between New Hanover County and the North Carolina Departrn~rit of Transportation are enclosed. The Chairman is authorized to enter into this agreement with the department on behalf of your agency. Please follow the enclosed i.nstnzctions for execution and.return of the agreements. The project end work order numbers referenced above have Veen assigned to your project. Please refer to these numbers on all correspondence. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Johnson at extension 256 or. Deirdre Walker at extension 245. . Sincerely, 1 - Sanford T. Cross ~J Director STC/lcj Enclosures cc: Mr. Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman MAILING ADDRESS; TES=_PHONE: 919-733-4713 LOCATION: NC DEFARTMEN I QF TPA NSPORTATIDN Fi,X: 919-733-1391 TRANSPORTATION BUILDIN^v • ~ P'JE.IC I RANSPORTATION DIVISION ~ - 1 SOUTH W I~MINGTON STP.EET 150 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WWW.GOT.STATE.NC.US/TRANSIT/TRANSJTNET/ RALEIGH NC RAIEiGii, NC 27699-1550 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION SECTION SC GRANT 03-SC-013 APPROVED PROJECT BUDGET PROJECT SPONSOR: NEW HANOVER COUNTY ACCOUNT TITLE 51Z 548 555 557 579 DEPARTMENT 4523 - CAPITAL- O1 OFFICE EQUIPMENT FAX MACHINE 03 LIFT-EQUIPPED VAN (REPLACEMENT) VIN# 2B5WB35ZlMK45b69 VIN# 2B7KB31ZOSK574939 VIN# 2B7KB31Z75K574940 O1 MOBILE RADIO UNIT " O1 FAREBOXES O1 20 PASSENGER VAN CUTAWAY W/LIFT (EXPANSION) TOTAL ' APPROVED AMOUNT-# $ 350 $ 100,251 $ 850 $ 1,200 $ 52,783 $ 155,434 7a APPENDIX A .NORTH CAROLINA .DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION , PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION SEC~"ION SC GRANT 03-SC-013 APPROVED BUDGET SUMMARY EFFECTIVE 07-O1-02 JECT SPONSOR: NEW HANOVER COUNTY PROJECT DESCRIPTION: FY2003 STATE CAPITAL GRANT i. TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES 155,434 DEPARTMENT - 4523 CAPITAL-9.9052184 $ PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE JUL Ol, 2002 - JUN 30, 2003 Il. TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING TOTAL FEDERAL STATE LOCAL CAPITAL-9.9052184 (100%) ( 0%) ( 90%) ( 10%) $ 155,434 $ 139,890 $ 15,544 .,.TOTAL. $ 155,434 $ 139,890 $ 15,544 • ~~ {This page intentionally left blank} 7~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Pa e Number: 9 Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Naming of the New Hanover County Administrative -Annex BRIEF SUMMARY: Purchase of the old Corning offices (former.Brendles Storel for use for County offices has required consideraton of naming the new office. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends to the Commissioners that the new offices be named the New Hanover County Administrative Annex. The new office will closely mirror the function of .the old ..annex at 414 Chestnut Street. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S COM NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~._ Recommend. approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTT N OMMfNTS: ~PRROVED -'~ iREJECTED ~ °.E ~;~,EMOVED ~. i-`i ~DSTF'ONE ~`~~' D~ - ~r.` . ,. ~~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~O~ it't14t~.IV1l) ~~ ~~1~r~"i. 'tlP ". ±;~~~.; `i"' x `w NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR SOARD ACT10N ® ~ Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated. Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff Presenter: Contact: Sgt. Smith SUBJECT: Grant application -Safe Roads Traffic Project BRIEF SUMMARY: This grant is the third year of a thre year grant to provide funds to reduce the number of DWI drivers on the highway. The grant is for 53,050. The grant is through the NC Governor's Highway Safety Program. The total cost for the grant is 59,700. The 56,650 is budgeted in the Sheriff's Department operating budget. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - Authorize filing of the grant. and acceptance of the grarit when awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: NC Governor's Highway Prograrri and general fund ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ' COUNTY MANAGER°S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Authorize the Sheriff to submi e ant application, and approve acceptance of the grant when award letter is received. '~^` iVIIVIIJ~i~, ~~ ,~P~ROVED ~/~ ~E~ECrEa •q~y~~[~~ f / fi ~ ~ ~ 4 ~~~.8 5 Oct- ~k; "~./ - ~~ North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Prograrr~ Small Highway Safety Project Contract -Form GNSP-04 Section A -General Information 1. Name of Applicant Agency NEW HANOVER COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT 4. Name of Project Contact Person for Agency SGT R L SMITH 2. Address of Applicant Agency 20 N. 4TH STREET WILMINGTON NC 28401 5: Telephone Number of Contact Person ('910 341-4184 6. Email Address of Contact Person rhondarad~aol.com 3. Location of Project (if different from # 2) SAME 7. Fax Number of Contact Person ( 910 ) 341-4230 8. Type of Agency O State O Non-Profit County O Higher Education ^ Municipality O Hospital 9. Type of Applicatiori ~ Initial ~3c Continuation Year: O 1 O 2 x® 3 10. Project Title: DADS T A OJECT 11. Budget Total Source of Funds . Project Federal State Local Amount ~ % Amount ; % Amount % Amount Contractual Services ~ Commodities Costs 7200. I 25 1800. ( 75 5400. Other DlreCt COStS 2500. 50 1250. I 50 1250. Total Project Costs ~ 9700. '~ $ 3050. ' $ i $ 6650. 12. Specify How Non-Federal Share Wild Be Provided NON-FEDERAL SHARE WILL BE TAKEN FROM THE GENERAL BUDGET OF THE SHERIFFS DEPT CONTINGENCY For GHSP Use Only To GMS: ^ TH ^ CL ^ JM Date: , 20 To Finance Officer GMS Initials: Date: , 20 .Finance Officer: Initial Date: , 20 -Work Type: Project Number: CFDA#: 20. ~• , ~~ ,°~ ' ;:'t , t }i ^ '~~ Rev ~~02 ~ 1 'UDID11 7g Section B -- Narrative Description of Project Statement of Problem WILMINGTON IS RANKED ELEVENTH CURRENTLY IN THE STATE IN TRAFFIC CRASH PROBLEMS. NEW HANOVER COUNTY IS RANKED 39TH. THOSE RANKINGS HAVE DROPPED STEADILY FROM WHAT THEY WERE TWO YEARS AGO WHEN THE GOVERNORS HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM IMPLEMENTED FUNDING FOR THE SHERIFFS SAFE UNIT„ Proposed Solution G OaI# ~: REDUCE THE NUMBER OF CRASHES EVEN FURTHER THROUGH MORE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT. O bJB CtIV2S: PROVIDE THE SHERIFFS SAFE UNIT WITH MORE EQUIPMENT (CAMERAS WITH RADAR INTERFACE) AND MORE TRAINING TO AID THEM IN THEIR TASK. G O aI# 2: REDUCE-THE NUMBER OF DWI DRIVERS ON THE ROADWAY Objectives: MORE TRAFFIC CHECKPOINTS, MORE PUBLIC AWARENESS THROUGH PUBLIC INFORMATI CAMPAIGNS AND MORE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT 9 Section C - Schedule of Tasks I List the schedule of tasks referring specifically to the objectives listed in the narrative above. 1 PROVIDE THE SAFE UNIT WITH MORE EQUIPMENT AND TRAINING 2. CONDUCT MORE BOOZE-IT AND LOSE IT CAMPAIGNS 3o MORE PUBLIC INFORMATION AWARENESS 4. MORE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT • P~ev ~/~2 79 GHSI'-04 Section D -Budget Detail. (Refer to Instruction Sheet) COntraCtUal SerVICeS Contractual Services To Be Provided Cost m Total Contractual Services Cost Commodities Costs Commodities Cost CAMERAS WITH RADAR INTERFACE $ 7200. $ $ $ $ ~. _/ Total Commodities Costs $ 7200. j Other Direct Costs ~ Travel Cost In-State Travel $ 2500. Out-of-State Travel $ Total Travel Cost ~ 2500. Other Items of Direct Cost Cost Total Other Items of Direct Cost $ Total Direct Costs $ a7oo. \ J Rev i/02 ~( ~ (.! NEiN HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ` Meeting Date: 08/05/02 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Contact: Allen O'Neal l SUBJECT: Authorization to Relocate Human Relations Commission and Veterans Services Office BRIEF SUMMARY: . The Human Relations Commission has expressed an interest in relocating to 801 Princess Street. Relocation .will allow the organization an opportunity to meet current space needs, and provide easily accessible meeting space for Commission and committee meetings. In addition, the State's District Office of Veterans' Services desires to address its own space needs by reclaiming the space currently occupied by the County's Veterans' Services Office. It has been determined that the County's Veterans' Services Office must remain in close proximity to the District Office for ease of access to records. There is enough space available at 801 Princess Street to house both the Veteran's Services Office and the Human Relations Commission. Based upon information obtained from the District Office, the relocation of the Veterans' Services Office needs to occur within the month of August 2002.. Relocation of the Human Relations Commission may be staged over a longer period of time. Relocation of both offices will require some renovation to the space at 801. Princess Street, which can be completed by Property .Management staff. In addition, the adjacent parking lot will need to be paved to meet ADA ' requirements. Concerning future use of the space which Human Relations Commission currently occupies, the Finance Director is interested in moving Risk Management closer to the Administration Building. Use of this space will address such issues. In addition, a noh-profit organization has expressed an interest in leasing a portion of that space. The location is large enough to meet the space needs of both entities. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize relocation of Veterans' Services Office and Human Relations Commission to 801 Princess Street, with necessary modifications; relocation of Risk Management to 402 Chestnut Street.; ,and authorize staff to negotiate with interested parties for lease of remaining space at 402 Chestnut Street. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ~ ~ dZ9Z~ ATTACHMENTS: /TfM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend approval. ~' ~OEU1~I~P ; DROVED ~; «~ RATIONS: i 1~EJECTED ~ Q REMOVED ~ ~ . ; ~~ ~ ~~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~ ff ~~ tiJYJ`U'C~~~::f~r..7 ~} ~:?4tiRr~7~~ _~:. ± > ~~ ! NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSLONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/05/02 I Budget Amendment, Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: .Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Public Health/School Health BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 03-0014 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Contributions-From School $63,803. Salaries and Wages $47,884 . Social Security Wages $3,740 Retirement-Local Govt. Employes $2,420 Medical Insurance, Expense ~ 58,730 Long-Term Disability Insurance $103 Departmental Supplies 5300 . Employee Reimb./Uniforms $g26 EXPLANATION: To budget funds for the addition of one full-time and one half-time school health nurse based on the increasing needs of students with seven nic diseases or conditions. Law requires that the students' health needs be met. `~. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: G~ ~6~iVll~~; . PROVED ~ DEJECTED Q ~t,EM(?VED POSTPONED ,`~~ , .~:` AREJ ~ Ct }~ a, i ~J ~~~a1~~ir`u~,7~ ~~'~K~~ ~n c •.'~' "~ . .. PROCLAMATION BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the Wilmington Rotary Club was founded April 15, 1915 and was the second Rotary Club in North Carolina and charter number 150 in the United States, and 'WHEREAS, "Service above self' continues to be the motto of Rotary International, and WHEREAS, Past Rotary District Governor Herman Blizzard has lived Rotary's motto since his joining the club in 1956, and WHEREAS, Herman Blizzard served as the Wilmington Rotary Club's President in 1975- 1976, District Governor in 1982-1983, numerous years as a member of-the club's Board of Directors and was Rotarian of the Year in 1979-1980, and WHEREAS, Herman Blizzard has documented the history of Rotary from its earliest beginnings through the collection of local, state and international Rotary memorabilia including minutes, news clippings, banners and other artifacts, and WHEREAS, the collection known as "Herman's Archives" will be permanently housed in . the Special Collections section of Randall Library at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim Tuesday, August 6, 2002 as Rotarian Herman Blizzard Day in New Hanover County. Adopted this, the 5~' day of August 2002. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners [Attest]. Ted Davis Jr., Chairman Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board ~'~ Er,: i ED Q '~'O~Tf~OidED ~ ' NfARt) ~j t~' °"".~ -~ ..- =,--p..-y~..j P ~' . ~.-# ~` ~. rr ~ u'~i ~, ~ 'ewe. ':>~°~ „~y~~ ' 4'" `j'-