1997-12-08 Regular Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 222 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, December 8, 1997, at 6:30 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Buzz Birzenieks; Ted Davis, Jr.; Charles R. Howell; Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and welcomed all persons present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Assistant to the County Manager, Patricia Melvin, gave the invocation. Commissioner Davis led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ELECTION OFWILLIAMA. CASTER TO SERVE AS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FOR THE ENSUING YEAR County Attorney Copley opened the floor to receive nominations for Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners for the ensuing year. Commissioner Greer nominated Commissioner William A. Caster. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Davis. There being no further nominations, Attorney Copley declared the nominations closed. Motion: Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to appoint William A. Caster to serve as Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Caster stated while passing through the pathways of life, he felt that serving and retiring from the United States Coast Guard after 27 years of commissioned service was the high point in his life; however, to be elected to serve as Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners with the four gentlemen in office and excellent staff, it was truly an honor that could not be topped. He requested a break to express appreciation to his wife whose life changed drastically five years ago when he was elected to serve as a County Commissioner. BREAK Chairman Caster called a break from 6:35 P.M. until 6:45 P.M. ELECTION OF ROBERT G. GREER TO SERVE AS VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR Chairman Caster opened the floor to receive nominations for Vice-Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners for the ensuing year. Commissioner Birzenieks nominated Commissioner Robert G. Greer. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Davis. There being no further nominations, Chairman Caster closed the nominations. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to appoint Robert G. Greer to serve as Vice-Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Caster reported that Vice-Chairman Greer was the First Vice-President of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners and would become President of the Association during 1998, which was a great honor and advantage for New Hanover County and other counties throughout the State. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 223 NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Caster announced that time had been reserved for anyone from the public to present an item not listed on the Regular Agenda or comment on an item listed on the Consent Agenda. He requested all persons speaking to limit their remarks to three minutes. No remarks or items were presented. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Caster asked if a member of the Board would like to discuss any item on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Davis requested removal of Consent Agenda Item 4 for further discussion. Chairman Caster requested removal of Consent Agenda Items 5, 8, 11, and 23. Chairman Caster requested a motion for approval of the Consent Agenda. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to remove Consent Agenda items 4, 5, 8, 11, and 23 and approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes The Commissioners approved minutes for the Regular Meeting ofN ovember 3, 1997 and the Drainage Work Session of November 13, 1997 as presented by the Clerk to the Board. Approval of Request for Funding Sand Fencing and Beach Access Construction for the Kure Beach Renourishment Project The Commissioners approved a contribution of$63, 000 from the Room Occupancy Tax Fund to the Town ofKure Beach for sand fencing and beach access construction as part of the Kure Beach renourishment project. These parts of the project were not included in the U. S. Corps of Engineers project budget, but are critical in the protection of newly constructed dunes. The request was submitted by the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission. Currently, there is a balance of $11.3 million in the Room Occupancy Tax Fund. Authorization to Waive the Fee for Use of the Historic Courthouse for "New Year's Eve Celebration Count Down of the Cape Fear" The Commissioners authorized waiver of the fee for use of the Historic Courthouse during the "New Year's Eve Celebration Count Down of the Cape Fear" sponsored by WECT. The event will be held on December 31, 1997 from 4: 00 P.M. until 11: 00 P.M. Authorization to Implement the "Take Home Cruiser Program" in the Uniform Patrol Division of the Sheriff's Department The Commissioners authorized the Sheriff to implement the "Take Home Cruiser Program" in the Uniform Patrol Division. Currently, patrol cars are in use 24 hours per day and are shared by four deputies. This program will drastically reduce mileage, maintenance, repairs, and time spent by deputies waiting for a patrol car to begin a shift. The program should extend the life of the patrol cars, improve deputy morale, and provide a feeling of safety in neighborhoods where patrol cars are parked. No additional funds are needed for implementation of the program. Approval of Amendments to the By-Laws of the Cape Fear Museum The Commissioners approved amendments to the By-Laws of the Cape Fear Museum Board of Trustees to comply with the change in the Committee Appointment Policy. When a trustee incurs three unexcused absences from regular meetings, those absences are reported to the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Additional changes include removing from the By-Laws the Museum Guild's non-voting seat on the Board of Trustees (the Guild has not existed for several years), and correcting the name of the friends group to Cape Fear Museum Associates. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 224 Authorization For the Department of Aging to File a Grant Application to the N. C. Department ofHeaUh and Human Services to Purchase Additional In-Home Aide Services for Frail Elderly Persons The Commissioners authorized the Department of Aging to file a grant application in the amount of $25,000 to the N. C. Department of Health and Human Services to purchase additional in-home aide services for frail elderly persons. Presently, there is a waiting list of200 persons in need of services. This is a one time grant, and no County match is required. Acceptance of Tax Collection Reports through November 30, 1997 The Commissioners accepted the Tax Collection Reports for New Hanover County and the New Hanover County Fire District through November 30, 1997, as presented by the Collector of Revenue, Patricia 1. Raynor. Copies of the reports are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. Adoption of Resolution Establishing a Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board The Commissioners adopted a revised resolution and approved revised Policies and Procedures for establishment of a Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board to provide direction on how to more effectively manage the solid waste stream. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. Adoption of Resolutions Approving Public Official Bonds The Commissioners adopted resolutions approving existing surety bonds for the Finance Officer, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Tax Collector and ABC Board Chairman. The bond requirement for any member of the New Hanover County ABC Board that does not handle funds was exempt from the bond requirement. Copies of the resolutions are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. Acceptance of Support Our Students (SOS) Grant and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #98-0074 - Cooperative Extension The Commissioners accepted a grant and approved the associated budget amendment in the amount of $3,250 to continue the technical assistance provided by the Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development to Support Our Students (SOS) programs in Southeastern North Carolina for FY 1997-98. The SOS programs provide after school care to students in middle schools. The New Hanover County System Manager is one of six system managers selected in the State to provide staff training and assistance to SOS programs. The System Manager serves counties in the southeastern region. No County funds are required. The Chairman was authorized to execute the necessary grant documents. #98-0074 - Cooperative Extension Debit Credit Cooperative Extension NCSU Grant $3,250 Salary FICA Supplies Travel/Training $2,400 184 325 341 Purpose: To increase the budget for an additional grant awarded for SOS programs. Acceptance of 1997 School Age Quality Grant and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #98-0075 - Cooperative Extension The Commissioners accepted a grant and approved the associated budget amendment for the NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 225 New Hanover County Cooperative Service 4- H Youth Development group to participate in the 1997 School Age Quality grant. The grant is being extended and New Hanover County is one offive (5) counties selected that will receive $12,000. Cooperative Extension has completed "First Steps" which is the beginning process leading to national School Age Care Accreditation for the after school program at Dorothy B. Johnson and W. H. Blount Elementary schools. The next phase "Team Work" will continue to prepare the selected programs to apply for accreditation in September, 1998. The $12,000 will pay the salary of the New Hanover County School Age Care System Manager, training for the "Team" and for incentives and resources needed to achieve the accreditation goal. The Chairman was authorized to execute the necessary grant documents. #98-0075 - Cooperative Extension Debit Credit Cooperative Extension Cooperative Block Grant Salary Supplies Travel/Training $12,000 $6,000 4,200 1,800 Purpose: To budget grant award for the 4- H Youth Development 1997 School Age Quality grant. New Hanover County Board of Education FY 1997-98 Budget Resolution A copy of the New Hanover County Board of Education FY 1997-98 Budget Resolution was included in the agenda information for the Commissioners to review. The resolution is in agreement with the County's FY 1997-98 budget. No action is required by the Board of County Commissioners. Release of Value - Tax Department The Commissioners released the following late listing penalty as the taxpayer tried to make a valid listing during the listing period: Huggins, Larry $16.64 The Commissioners granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion to the following taxpayers. Applications and letters explaining late filing are available in the Tax Department upon request. Alford, Alice W. Cooper, Mable C. Evans, Mary Kathryn Fussell, Sarah Page Hickman, Mildred R. McLamb, James Hiram Etux. Murray, Mary O. Ravelli, Louis Michael Rooks, Jean R. Shanewise, Jack E. Joyce Ann Waddell, Frances Walton, Mosley L. $20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 16,470 20,000 20,000 12,191 20,000 Adoption of Resolution Relinquishing Items Purchased with Community Based Alternative (CBA) Funds to the State of North Carolina The Commissioners adopted a resolution relinquishing items purchased with Community Based Alternative funds to the State of North Carolina as requested by the Administrative Office of the Courts. The State will assume the responsibility of maintenance and service of the following items: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 226 1 Hewlett Packard Scanjet 5P 1 Hewlett Packard 700 Plain Paper Fax Machine 1 Gateway 2000 Computer 1 Hewlett Packard Printer Deskjet 540 1 Packard Bell Printer 500 1 Hewlett Packard Deskjet 520 1 Gateway 2000 Computer 1 Hewlett Packard Printer Deskjet 820 CSE 1 Gateway 2000 Computer 1 Hewlett Packard Printer Deskjet 500 A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. Adoption of Resolution to Add Roads to the State Highway System The Commissioners adopted a resolution to add roads in Section 1 and Section 2 ofthe Lords Creek Subdivision to the State Highway System. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. Adoption of Resolution to Dispose of a Yamaha 200HP Boat Motor as Trade-in on the Purchase of a new Boat Motor for the Sheriff's Department The Commissioners adopted a resolution to dispose of a Yamaha 200HP boat motor as trade- in on the purchase of a 1997 Yamaha S250TXR motor. Bids were solicited from Greene's Marine Services, Inc., Johnson Marine Services, Inc., and Pages Creek Marine Services, Inc. Pages Creek Marine Services, Inc. was the only vendor that would consider taking the motor as a trade-in for the purchase of a new motor. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. Adoption of Resolution Releasing State Funds Allocated to the Cape Fear Council of Governments The Commissioners adopted a resolution releasing State funds in the amount of$13, 759.56 allocated to the Cape Fear Council of Governments at the earliest possible time in accordance with the provisions of State Law. The Chairman was authorized to execute the necessary documents. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-0066 - Community Based Alternatives The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: #98-0066 - CBA Debit Credit Community Based Alternatives CBA Grant $23, 161 Child Advocacy Commission! Restitution Program $23, 161 Purpose: To budget additional CBA funding appropriated to the General Assembly for restitution programs. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-22 - Federal Forfeited Property - Sheriff's Department The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 227 #98-22 Federal Forfeited Property Debit Credit Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project Expense $227,332 $227,332 Purpose: To budget anticipated funds to cover the purchase of ten vehicles. Federal Forfeited Property funds must be used for law enforcement activities as deemed necessary by the Sheriff. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-18 - Department of Social Services Expansion Project The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: #98-18 - DSS Expansion Capital Project Debit Credit DSS Expansion Capital Project Sales Tax refund Interest Transfer to Other Fund $17,113 55,387 $72,500 Purpose: To close fund (only for accounting purposes). Approval of Budget Amendment #98-0070 - Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project - Sheriff's Department The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: #98-0070 Sheriff-CRIMS Upgrade and Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project Debit Credit Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project Expense Transfer to General Fund (CRIMS) $4,040 $4,040 Sheriff-CRIMS Upgrade Transfer-in (from Federal Forfeited Property) Capital Outlay $4,040 $4,040 Purpose: To budget transfer of funds from the Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project to the CRIMS (Criminal Justice Information System upgrade) for wiring computers. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-0072 - The Cape Fear Museum The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: #98-0072 - Grassroots Science Grant Debit Credit Museum Grassroots Science Grant $118,500 Salary Temporary Salary FICA Medical Insurance Disability Contracted Services Printing Supplies Travel Grassroots Flow-Through Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ 21,317 10,358 2,423 3,041 38 22,900 2,476 14,380 7,150 59,692 16,225 28,500 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 228 Purpose: To budget additional Grassroots Science grant received for FY 1997-98. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-0073 - Human Relations The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: #98-0073 - Human Relations/HUD Debit Credit Human Relations HUD Grant $3,970 Human Relations Advertising $10,000 Human Relations-HUD Advertising Travel/Training $7,630 $ 1,600 Purpose: To adjust the budget to the actual amount of the FY 1996-97 rollover in the amount of $14,530 plus $8,500, the amount of the FY 1997-98 grant award. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-23 - Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project - Sheriff's Department The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: #98-23 - Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project Debit Credit Controlled Substance Tax Controlled Substance Tax $13,001 Capital Project Expense $13,001 Purpose: To increase the budget for additional revenue received on November 20, 1997. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as deemed necessary by the Sheriff. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-24 - Schools Capital Improvements Capital Project The Commissioners approved the following budget amendment: #98-24 Schools Capital Improvements Capital Project Debit Credit Schools Capital Improvements Public School Building Capital Fund $435,374 Capital Project Expense $435,374 Acceptance ofFEMA Funding for Disaster Resistant Community and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #98-0084 - Emergency Management The Commissioners accepted funding in the amount of$32,000 and approved the associated budget amendment for FEMA to hold the Disaster Resistant Community Summit at the Wilmington Hilton on December 8,9, and 10, 1997. Approximately 22 states will be participating in the summit. #98-0084 - Emergency Management/Hurricane Preparedness Debit Credit Emergency Management FEMA-Disaster Resistant Community $32,000 Contracted Services $32,000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 229 Purpose: To budget funds provided by FEMA to hold a Disaster Resistance Community Summit at the Wilmington Hilton. DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 4, CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE AND BUDGET AMENDMENT #98-20 FOR THE NORTHEAST BRANCH LIBRARY Commissioner Davis requested clarification of the amount of money that is being actually financed? County Manager O'Neal responded that $3,200,000 would be financed through Certificates of Participation. Commissioner Davis reminded the Board that this figure did not include the $1,000,000 of donations from the private sector or $500,000 from the sale of county-owned property on Military Cut-Off Road. Commissioner Birzenieks inquired as to the progress of the fund raising committee? County Manager O'Neal responded the fund raising effort appears to be going well. As of this date, the committee has contacted a select number of people who have expressed an interest in making a substantial contribution. Chairman Caster inquired as to whether inquires had been received about purchasing the property on Military Cut-Off Road? County Manager O'Neal responded that inquires had been received, but no firm offers had been made. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to adopt the Capital Project Ordinance to establish the project budget for the Northeast Branch Library and approve the associated budget amendment as listed below. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Capital Project Ordinance is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. Budget Amendment #98-20 - Northeast Branch Library Capital Project Debit Credit Northeast Branch Library Proceeds from COPS Contribution from Friends Proceeds from sale of land $3,200,000 1,000,000 500,000 Capital Project Expense $4,700,0000 Purpose: To establish budget according to Capital Project Ordinance. DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 5, FUNDING FOR TREE FEST '98 - NEW HANOVER COUNTY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION Chairman Caster inquired as to why the additional $1,000 was not taken from the Cooperative Extension Budget? Dr. Bruce Williams, Director ofthe New Hanover County Cooperative Extension, responded the reason for not removing funds from the Cooperative Extension budget was because the event was a cooperative effort involving a number of groups, such as Keep America NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 230 Beautiful, the Parks Department, and other community agencies. This event will be continued annually, and the proceeds received from Tree Fest '98 will be placed in the Keep America Beautiful budget for next fiscal year. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Howell to approve funding in the amount of $1,000 to assist with funding Tree Fest '98. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 8, ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT FROM CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #98-0071 Chairman Caster asked if Cape Fear Community College was giving money to the Cape Fear Museum? Vice-Chairman Greer explained that grant money from the State was received by Cape Fear Community College to offer two educational programs through the Cape Fear Museum. The Community College has requested the Commissioners to accept the grant contribution to offset the costs incurred by the Museum in offering the programs. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to accept the $6,838 from Cape Fear Community College and approve the associated budget amendment to offset the cost of two educational programs, "Join the Jonkannu" and a water quality teacher in-service workshop being offered by the Cape Fear Museum. The County Manager was authorized to sign the necessary documents. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Budget Amendment #98-0071 - Museum Debit Credit Museum Contribution from CFCC $6,838 Contracted Services $6,838 Purpose: To budget contribution from Cape Fear Community College to offset costs of two educational programs being offered by the Cape Fear Museum. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 11, GRANT APPLICA TION FOR "ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HAND WASHING PROGRAM" Commissioner Howell expressed concern about spending $20,440 of federal funds to teach children to wash their hands. He objected to approving the grant since teachers were already being paid and were capable of teaching children to wash their hands. Ms. Betty Creech, Nurse Director at the Health Department, explained that most adults and children do not know how to wash their hands correctly to avoid the spread of germs. She stated after working 24 years in public health, an educational program of this type would be invaluable in stopping the spread of diseases. County Manager 0 'Neal advised that the grant was from the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Foundation, not from the federal government. Motion: After discussion of no state or federal funds being used for the educational program, Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to authorize the filing of a grant application in the amount of $20,440 to the Community Health Improvement Program of New Hanover Regional Medical Center to be used for the "Elementary School HAND WASHING Program." Authorization was given to accept the grant and approve the related budget amendment if the grant is received. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 231 Voting Aye: Commissioner Birzenieks Commissioner Davis Vice-Chairman Greer Chairman Caster Voting Nay: Commissioner Howell APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 23, REQUEST TO APPLY FOR TWO GRANTS FROM THE NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER FOUNDA TION - DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Chairman Caster inquired as to whether staff had approached the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation for any grants? Director of Emergency Management, Dan Summers, responded that no contact had been made with the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation. Chairman Caster suggested that staff contact the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation for projects of this type. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to authorize Emergency Management to apply for two grants from the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Foundation to obtain $6,000 to purchase a land search all-terrain vehicle for search emergencies and $9,500 to purchase infra-red land search detection equipment. Authorization was given for acceptance of the grant if awarded and approval of the related budget amendment. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PRESENTATION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A FARMERS MARKET, FAIRGROUND AND MULTI-USE RECREATION AREA IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY Dr. Bruce Williams, Director ofthe New Hanover County Cooperative Extension, introduced Mr. Leroy Sullivan and stated that Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Bruce Watkins, Chairman of the New Hanover County Fair Board, contacted him in the spring about establishing a Farmers Market in New Hanover County. A mailing was sent to a number of businesses and individuals in New Hanover, Pender, and Brunswick counties that might be interested in the concept. As a result of the mailing, a group of 15 individuals from various areas of southeastern North Carolina met and established two goals: (1) the feasibility of developing or finding a suitable site for a Farmers Market, fairground, and regional park; and (2) establish an organization and time frame to accomplish this objective. The second meeting was held on October 29, 1997 with each member given various assignments. The committee met with officials from the N. C. Department of Agriculture to find out the work that would be involved with establishing a Farmers Market. A survey was performed on various sites that had 75 to 125 usable acres for the complex. Discussion was held on forming a Steering Committee to move forward with the concept. On November 25, 1997, issues were reviewed with officials from the N. C. Department of Agriculture, and it found that more information would have to be gathered before making a recommendation. In closing, Dr. Williams advised the group was not requesting money or any action at this time; however, it was felt the Board of County Commissioners should be informed about the proposed concept. Mr. Leroy Sullivan, representing supporters of a Farmers Market, reported that a Farmers Market was an excellent tourist attraction. He advised that more than 153,000 acres offarm land in North Carolina has been purchased by foreign investors. Concern was expressed for the public not understanding that the small farmer was the person who provided food for the table. Without markets to assist the small farmers with selling produce, these people will not be able to continue to farm. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 232 Director of Parks, Neal Lewis, reported that he had been involved with discussion of this concept and reported numerous comments had been received from the general public about various uses and events that could be held in a regional park. He advised that he would continue to work with Dr. Williams, Mr. Sullivan, and Mr. Watkins on the proposed concept. Chairman Caster, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Dr. Williams for the report. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CHAIRMAN TO WRITE A LETTER OF SUPPORT TO THE N. C. SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION TO DESIGNATE AIRLIE ROAD AS A "SCENIC BYWAY" Mr. Tony Harris, representing the Wrightsville Sound/Airlie Road Association, reported in August the Association made application with the North Carolina Department of Transportation to designate Airlie Road as a Scenic Byway. There are only a few roads of this nature left in the State that fit into this category. After filing the application, there is a 90-day period for the local government agencies to support the designation. The Board was requested to support the designation of Airlie Road by writing a letter of support to the Secretary of the N. C. Department of Transportation. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to authorize the Chairman to write a letter of support to the N. C. Secretary of Transportation, Garland B. Garret, Jr., to request that Airlie Road be designated as a Scenic Byway. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ACTION DEFERRED ON FILING A "PROJECT FOR HAPPIER LIVES" GRANT APPLICA TION TO THE CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION Judge Gilbert Burnett reported on crime, excessive welfare costs, public health costs, and the misery that goes along with these problems. He stated that taxpayers were paying millions of dollars to resolve these serious issues that are negatively impacting the entire nation. After sitting on the bench for 23 years, he is convinced that one source of these problems is teenage pregnancy. After reading thousands of histories on teenage parents and their children, it appears that crime and juvenile delinquency are exceedingly high among this group. Research indicates that parents who are ready to have children provide the necessary care to raise these children to productive lives. A teenage parent can become overwhelmed with trying to earn a living and raise a child alone, which usually leads to crime, drugs, or marriage with more children. The records indicate that a majority of these children become criminals. The purpose of the "Project for Happier Lives" program is to educate teenage girls to recognize the importance of not becoming pregnant until they are ready to have children. A monthly meeting will be held with gifts given to lure the teenage girls to attend. A cash prize of $25 or an equivalent gift will be given at each monthly meeting. At the end of the year, there will be a drawing for five $5,000 success grants for those participants that have remained pregnant - free for the duration of the year. The money will not be given to the girls immediately. A committee will work with the girls on how the money should be spent, whether for an education, a down payment on a home or some other worthwhile effort. In closing, Judge Burnett advised the Health Department would administer the program, and private grants would be used to provide funding for the pilot project. The Commissioners were requested to approve filing a grant application to the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation in the amount of $79,200. Commissioner Davis advised it was his understanding that taxpayers money would not be used to administer the program. However, in the agenda material, there was an in-kind figure of $1 0,000 to cover phone calls, billings and assistance by Health Department employees, which is paid by the taxpayers. Concern was expressed for using taxpayers money to implement the program. Economically, the figures indicate that $17,659 is the cost to provide prenatal care, cash assistance, food stamps, housing, Medicaid, and child care for a single mother and one child for one year. In 1995, there were 219 teenage pregnancies which cost the taxpayers $3,400,000 to care for the mothers and children. When comparing the cost of the "Project for Happier NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 233 Lives" program for five teenage girls who did not get pregnant during the year, it would cost $25,000. If these girls had gotten pregnant, the cost would be $85,000, which is a considerable savmgs. In closing, Commissioner Davis advised the economic benefits from the program would be beneficial; however, he did have a moral problem justifying a County government to pay girls for not doing something that should not be done in the first place. Commissioner Birzenieks advised he was also wrestling with this issue morally and economically. He recommended deferring action on this item until the next meeting in order to provide the Board more time to think about the request. Ms. Betty Jo McCorkle, a Nurse Director at the Health Department, advised she appreciated the comments and concerns expressed by the Board and stated deferring action would not be a problem. After working in public health for 17 years, she was aware of the costs economically and socially from teen pregnancy. However, American society does reward people for doing things that should be done. For example, a discount is provided on medical insurance, if a person does not smoke, or automobile insurance is reduced if a person uses a seat belt. People tend to respond to incentives. Teenagers have a difficult time making difficult decisions because of peer pressure and many other things. It takes a community to raise a child. The program may not be successful, but it will not hurt to try. Chairman Caster spoke on having a moral problem with the proposed program because it did not seem right to payor reward people for doing something they should be doing in the first place; however, the economics were favorable. He respectfully disagreed with Ms. McCorkle about rewarding people, and stated he wore a seat belt because of safety and did not smoke because it was not good for his health. He advised his children were raised with a weekly allowance and were not paid to wash the car or do small jobs around the house. He agreed with Commissioner Birzenieks and recommended allowing more time for the Board to review the request. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board to defer action on this request until January 5, 1998. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS TO RECOGNIZE DR. HEYWARD BELLAMY, MR. JOHN S. MONROE, JR. AND MR. ROBERT MARTENIZ FOR PROMOTIONAL EFFORTS OF THE SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL AND CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOND REFERENDUM Chairman Caster read a resolution of appreciation in recognition of the efforts given by Dr. Heyward Bellamy, Mr. John S. Monroe, Jr. and Mr. Robert Marteniz for promotion ofthe school and Cape Fear Community College bond issues. He requested a motion to adopt the resolutions. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to adopt the resolution of appreciation as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Caster, on behalf of the Board, presented resolutions to Dr. Heyward Bellamy, Mr. John S. Monroe, Jr., and Mr. Robert Marteniz. He expressed appreciation to them for the time and effort given to promote the bond issues. Copies of the resolutions are hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and are contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. BREAK Chairman Caster called a break from 7:38 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 234 PRESENTATION BY THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT ON THE PROCESS USED TO DETERMINE THE ANNUAL MARKET RATE ADJUSTMENT TO THE SALARY SCHEDULE Director of Human Resources, Andre' Mallette, reported as a member of the N. C. International Personnel Management Association, the County participates in a salary survey of cities and counties throughout North Carolina. The Human Resources Department uses the results of this survey as the basis for projecting the market adjustment for the next fiscal year. In 1993, a Pay and Classification Study was performed with the requirement that the consultant provide the County with a program to assist in determining the market adjustment. This requirement was fulfilled, and a formula and computerized program were developed for the County. The salary data is calculated with utilization of36 to 40 positions as a benchmark. Minimum salaries at the median level for each of the 36 to 40 positions are used and keyed into the formula to determine the new starting salaries for all classifications. The current salaries are subtracted from the new salaries to determine the percentage of change. The percent of change represents a 100% change in the minimum salaries of positions. The difference in the salaries calculated by the computerized program and current salaries represent the percentage used for the market adjustment. Commissioner Birzenieks stressed the importance of paying competitive salaries to employees. He recommended using 100% of job market rate so employees can be fairly compensated. Human Resources Director Mallette advised that 100% of the market rate was recommended. Since the current fiscal year salary figures are used to determine the market adjustment, salaries fall a little behind for the next fiscal year. Commissioner Birzenieks stated that he did not feel action should be taken at this time; however, the County should establish a philosophy and policy on the pay for county employees. Vice-Chairman Greer informed the Board that when the last Pay and Classification Study was performed, the cost to the County was $2.4 million. A majority of people living in the county feel that County employees receive good pay and benefits. He expressed confusion about this item being placed on the agenda unless the Board was being requested to consider funding a larger amount for FY 1998-99. Human Resources Director Mallette advised the issue being discussed was the procedure used to determine the market adjustment for the next fiscal year. A market adjustment means that the entire salary schedule is adjusted by a certain percent with only eligible employees receiving the adjustment. Last year, the Board decided not to approve the market adjustment but budgeted for a 3% merit increase. The $2.4 million cost was the result of the Pay and Classification Study performed in 1993, which showed that a fair number of salaries needed to be increased in order to compete on the job market. Chairman Caster expressed appreciation to Director Mallette for presenting the information, and he requested the Board to think about adjusting salaries so discussion can be held when preparing the FY 1998-99 Budget. APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 10 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE ARTICLE II, OPERATION OF VEHICLES IN DUNE AREAS Chairman Caster reported on the difficulties being experienced by the Sheriff's Department in enforcing the County laws prohibiting operation of vehicles within the protected dune areas. Presently, the violations are enforced criminally through injunctions. The proposed amendment would permit a civil citation of $1 00 per violation, which will greatly assist deputies in enforcing the ordinance. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to adopt the ordinance. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Since the ordinance received a unanimous vote, a second reading will not be required. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 235 A copy of the ordinance is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. APPROVAL FOR THE SOUTHEASTERN CENTER TO PURCHASE THE BELLSOUTH BUILDING ON SHIPYARD BOULEVARD County Manager O'Neal reported the Southeastern Center has requested the Board to approve the purchase of the BellSouth Building on Shipyard Boulevard to address the agency's space needs. Pursuant to NCGS 122C-17, the Southeastern Center must obtain approval from the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, Pender County Board of Commissioners, and Brunswick County Board of Commissioners before the building can be purchased. No county funding is being requested. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to authorize the Area Southeastern Center to purchase the BellSouth Building on Shipyard Boulevard. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. CONSIDERA TION OF SPACE FOR OPERA HOUSE THEA TER COMPANY County Manager O'Neal reported the Opera House Theater Company shared the county- owned Lucille Shuffler Building with the Coalition for Success until October 1997 when Coalition for Success vacated the building. Each tenant paid a lease cost of $1.00 per year, and the Opera House Theater Company has requested sole use of the building. The New Hanover Transportation Services System has requested authority to use a portion of the space previously occupied by Coalition for Success because of a need to house computer equipment that will be received in the near future. It appears the needs for both entities can be met by utilizing shared space in the Lucille Shuffler Building. Commissioner Davis asked if additional space at the Hannaford Building could be used for the Transportation System? County Manager O'Neal responded this space could be considered; however, it appears the space can be leased to a paying customer. Commissioner Howell reported on the need for space and advised free space would greatly benefit the Human Services Transportation System. A lengthy discussion followed on the condition of the building and the necessary repairs. Assistant to the County Manager, Patricia Melvin, advised the N. C. Department of Transportation has requested the County to house the computer equipment on County property for security purposes. After discussion of the repairs needed, Property Management has estimated a cost of $35,000 for the heating and air-conditioning system. No figures have been estimated on the exterior and interior work that needs to be done. If the Board approves use of space in the building for the Human Services Transportation System, the County will be eligible to receive capital assistance from the State to make the necessary renovations and repairs needed to house the transportation service. Chairman Caster asked where the office was currently housed? Ms. Melvin responded the office space was located in the Yellow Cab/PTS building. Every time the County changes operators, the address changes, which is inconvenient for all parties involved. Commissioner Davis asked if Opera House was allowed to utilize the entire building, would this company be responsible for repairs? Ms. Melvin responded Opera House would be responsible for all repairs. Vice-Chairman Greer requested the Board to consider a entirely different approach to this problem. He recommended working with the City to develop a joint transportation system with buses going to all parts of the county, including the beach communities. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 236 County Manager O'Neal reported the State law requires local governments to coordinate transportation efforts. New Hanover County has complied to this regulation by establishing the Human Services Transportation System. The State felt that one entity should be developed to avoid transportation services within the different county agencies. He stated if the County becomes involved with the City in developing transportation for the entire county, the expense will be much greater than the cost of the current Human Services Transportation System. However, in the long- term development of a joint system could be well worth the money, particularly with the need for transportation under the welfare reform program. Unfortunately, trying to combine the system would require a great deal of effort because of the bureaucracy involved with state and federal guidelines. Ms. Melvin reported when recruiting bids for the County transportation service, the Wilmington Transit Authority (WT A) was requested to bid; however, under the current regulations, WT A could not bid without establishing a separate entity because many of the drivers are unionized. It has always been the desire of the County to develop a joint city/county transportation system. Hopefully, this can be arranged in the future. Chairman Caster reported the Board may wish to discuss this issue with the City Council when a joint meeting is scheduled. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Howell to amend the current contract to allow New Hanover County Transportation Services to use the space occupied by Coalition for Success and provide the remaining space to the Opera House Theater Company. Staffwas requested to prepare the amendment to the current lease and the Chairman was authorized to execute the lease documents. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Birzenieks Commissioner Davis Commissioner Howell Voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Greer Chairman Caster Commissioner Davis requested the Board to consider rescinding the vote because he did not realize the motion was to provide space to both the Transportation System and Opera House Theater. Motion: After further discussion of the cost involved for repairs, Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to rescind the action taken on the previous vote. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Birzenieks Commissioner Davis Vice-Chairman Greer Chairman Caster Voting Nay: Commissioner Howell Commissioner Davis recommended allowing Opera House to use the entire building because of the many activities provided by the theater company to the community. County Attorney Copley advised the lease could be amended to lease the entire building to Opera House with no other changes. Motion: Commissioner Davis MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to change the lease to allow Opera House to utilize the entire building. The County Attorney was requested to amend the lease as written, which includes all repairs being made by Opera House, with no NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 237 change in the terms or expiration date of the lease. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Caster expressed appreciation to Ms. Melvin for the excellent job performed in administering the Human Services Transportation System. APPROVAL OF PURCHASING AUTOMATIC DEFIBRILLATORS FOR COUNTY BUILDINGS AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS AND APPROVAL OF ASSOCIATED BUDGET AMENDMENT #98-0081 Dr. Ted Winneberger, EMS Medical Director, requested the Board to consider placing automatic defibrillators in County buildings and County Fire Departments. In May, the N. C. Medical Board declared that automatic defibrillation was no longer a medical act. This action was taken to allow for defibrillation to be made more readily available to the general public. Defibrillation is a method used to shock the heart in an attempt to restart it in patients with sudden cardiac arrest. Technology has been developed for defibrillation to be done safely by lay people. The American Heart Association believes that 100,000 lives can be saved annually if defibrillation was made available to the general public. Each unit cost approximately $3,000 and eleven (11) defibrillator units will be needed for the Fire Departments and approximately 17-20 units for County buildings. In closing Dr. Winneberger stressed the importance of providing this new technology, and he requested the Board to approve the purchase of the units. Commissioner Birzenieks spoke in favor of placing automatic defibrillators in County buildings and fire departments because the units will save lives. Vice-Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to Dr. Winneberger for presenting the information, but stated he was not comfortable with the use of the equipment by county employees and lay persons. Motion: After a lengthy discussion of the County being liable for use of the equipment and the assurance that the equipment was completely safe for use by lay persons, Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Howell to authorize the purchase of20 defibrillator units as requested by the Emergency Medical Services Department and approve the associated budget amendment in the amount of$60,000 from the General Fund Contingency and Fire Service District Fund Balance. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Birzenieks Commissioner Davis Commissioner Howell Chairman Caster Voting Nay: Vice-Chairman Greer #98-0081 Various Debit Credit Contingencies Contingency $60,000 Emergency Medical Services Capital Outlay - Equipment $60,000 Fire Services District Appropriated Fund Balance $33,000 Capital Outlay - Equipment $33,000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 238 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST BY THE WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH BOARD OF ALDERMEN FOR ESTABLISHING A "NO WAKE" ZONE IN LEE'S CUT AT WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Chairman Caster opened the Public Hearing. County Manager O'Neal reported the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen adopted a resolution at its regular meeting of August 28, 1997, to establish a No Wake Zone within a portion of Lee's Cut. The No Wake Zone would be effective from 5:00 p.m. on Friday through 8:30 p.m. on Sunday during the months of May through August. Because a portion of Lee' s Cut is within the unincorporated county, the Board of County Commissioners must also adopt a resolution for submittal to the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission in conjunction with the request by Wrightsville Beach. Chairman Caster asked if anyone from the public would like to comment. No comments were received. Chairman Caster closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to adopt a resolution in support of creating a No Wake Zone in Lee's Cut at Wrightsville Beach. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO UNITED ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO OPERATE A CHILD DAY CARE SERVICE AT 4912 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD ON EXISTING CHURCH PROPERTY (S-418, 10/97 Continued Item) Chairman Caster opened the Public Hearing and announced the special use process requires a quasi-judicial hearing; therefore, any persons wishing to testify must be sworn in by the Clerk to the Board. The following persons were sworn in: Dexter Hayes Terry D. Stephens Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the petition as submitted with the condition that current enrollment not exceed the cap specified in the state license. In support of that action, the Board noted the applicant had been operating the day care for twelve years without record of complaint, and the use would not create negative impacts in the area. There was no public opposition presented at the Planning Board meeting. Director Hayes presented the following preliminary staff findings: General Requirement #1: The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved based upon the following findings: A. The church and accessory uses are already served by water and sewer. There is no known need to expand those services. B. The site has direct access to South College Road. C. The site is located in the Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department District. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 239 General Requirement #2: The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance based upon the following findings: A. Child day care is permitted by Special Use Permit in the R-15 Residential District. The site is zoned R-15. B. The current facility has been in operation for over 12 years. It has received a state license, which means it complies with State guidelines for such operations. C. Off-street parking is provided at ratios that exceed minimum requirements. General Requirement #3: The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity based upon the following findings: A. The day care service is confined to the existing church complex. The church was originally approved by a Special Use Permit in 1973, and the day care has been in use for over 12 years. General Requirement #4: The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County based upon the following findings: A. The church has operated at this location since 1973. At that time, a Special Use Permit was required. Today, a church would be permitted by right at this location. B. There are no records of objections or complaints about the use. Chairman Caster asked if the petitioner would like to comment. Mr. Terry D. Stephens, Associate Pastor of the Christian Advent Church, commented on the need for the day care facility, and he requested the Board to approve the Special Use Permit. Chairman Caster asked Mr. Stephens if he agreed with the findings as presented. Mr. Stephens concurred with the staff findings as presented by the Planning Director. There being no further comments, Chairman Caster closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to grant the Special Use Permit to the United Advent Christian Church to operate a Child Day Care Service on existing church property located at 4912 South College Road contingent upon the enrollment not exceeding the cap under the State license and based upon the evidence presented concluding that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety iflocated where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved; the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity; and the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Special Use Permit is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in SUP Book II, Page 22. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO BELLSOUTH MOBILITY DCS TO CONSTRUCT A 150 FOOT MONOPOLE COMMUNICATIONS TOWER AT 2525 CASTLE HAYNE ROAD (S-419, 11/97) Chairman Caster opened the Public Hearing and announced the special use process NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 240 requires a quasi-judicial hearing; therefore, any persons wishing to testify must be sworn in by the Clerk to the Board. The following persons were sworn in: Dexter Hayes Joe Taylor Joe Smathers Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported the Planning Board voted 6 to 0 to recommend approval of the request as submitted. The discussion focused on how competing vendors negotiate in good faith to provide for collocation, and ifthe County could enforce those efforts. No opposition was present, but Staff did note that one adjoining property owner was concerned about the tower impacting his view of the area. Planning Director Hayes presented the following preliminary staff findings: General Requirement #1: The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved based upon the following findings: A. The site has direct access to Castle Hayne Road, a public street. B. The site is located in the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department District. C. The planned use requires no water or sewer service. D. Current scientific evidence suggests that low frequency communications towers do not emit harmful doses of electromagnetic waves. General Requirement #2: The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance based upon the following findings: A. A site plan pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance has been submitted. B. A communications tower is permitted by Special Use Permit in the B-2 District. The site is zoned B-2. C. An affidavit filed by the applicant's real estate and construction manager states the planned tower would be in compliance with Federal Communications rules, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and the National Environmental Policy Act. D. A letter signed by the applicant's regional zoning counsel has been submitted stating there are no suitable structures within the search area on which to collocate, thus a new tower is necessary. E. The applicant states that the planned tower will be designed to permit up to two additional users. The Zoning Ordinance requires towers of 150 feet or less to accommodate at least one additional vendor. F. The tower height proposed is 150 feet. No residential use is within 150 feet of the base of the tower. Also, the tower and support compound is not within 50 feet of a residential property line. General Requirement #3: The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity based upon the following findings: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 241 A. Most studies submitted to date for similar cases indicate that cellular, DCS, and related communications towers do not have a detrimental impact on property values. General Requirement #4: The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County based upon the following findings: A. A wide range of land uses can be found in the general area. Single family dwellings are located to the south and west. Commercial uses, including retail services and related uses are located to the north and west. B. The tower would be located on a tract zoned B-2 Business. Recently, a small retail center was constructed on the same tract. In closing, Planning Director Hayes reported the nearest tower was located approximately a mile away. Chairman Caster asked if the petitioner would like to comment. Mr. Joe Taylor, the attorney representing BellSouth Mobility DCS, presented copies of affidavits showing the tower would be in compliance with Federal Communications rules, and stated the four findings of fact had been met. He advised the tower was designed to provide for two vendors, and the proposed site was an ideal location for the tower. The Board was requested to approve the Special Use Permit. Commissioner Davis commented on the new technology and asked if any more towers would have to be constructed? Attorney Taylor responded there would be a few more towers needed to fill in the gaps of service; however, most of the towers had been constructed. Chairman Caster asked if the petitioner agreed with the staff findings as presented by the Planning Director. Mr. Taylor concurred with the findings as presented. Chairman Caster asked if any other person sworn in would like to comment. No comments were received. Chairman Caster closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Howell MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to grant a Special Use Permit to BellSouth to construct a 150 Foot Monopole Communications Towers at 2525 Castle Hayne Road based upon the evidence presented concluding that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety iflocated where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved; the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance; the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity; and the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Special Use Permit is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in SUP Book II, Page 22. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 242 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ASSIGNMENT OF HOUSE NUMBERS ON FARM ROAD (SR 2259) Chairman Caster opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported that Farm Road was located approximately 1Iz mile east ofIsland Creek Drive and Sidbury Road. This is a State maintained unimproved right-of-way which extends north and south from Sidbury Road. Approximately four residential homes are located on the north portion of the road. Currently, residents along the road are using a Sidbury Road address. The new house numbers will be assigned based on the County's comprehensive numbering grid system and will improve service delivery for the residents along the road. Emergency 911 has endorsed the request to change the street addresses. Staff recommends assignment of the house numbers on Farm Road. Chairman Caster asked if anyone from the public would like to comment. No comments were received. Chairman Caster closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Commissioner Howell MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to adopt an order assigning house numbers on Farm Road (SR 2259). Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the ordinance is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CLOSE A PORTION OF DANIE STREET IN SEITTER ACRES (SC-73, 11/97) Planning Director, Dexter Hayes, reported that Douglas "Ace" Potter had requested closing the northern portion ofDanie Street located in the Seitter Acres Development 1,500 feet west of the Carl Seitter Drive/Castle Hayne Road intersection. This 60-foot right-of-way is approximately 200 feet in length and serves as access to four platted lots. Planning Director Hayes advised that Danie Street, along with three other streets in the Seitter Acres development, runs south to north from Carl Seitter Drive. All four streets terminate at Wildcat Branch and could serve as potential access to the Jordan property, labeled "A" on the map in the agenda packet. When the Jordan property is fully developed, the potential need for utility easements and improved access should be considered by the Board of County Commissioners when deciding whether to leave the road open on January 5, 1998. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to adopt a Resolution of Intent to hold a Public Hearing on the proposed road closing on January 5, 1998. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Resolution of Intent is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXIV, Page 12. CONSIDERA TION OF PROJECTS TO APPLY FOR A $1.8 MILLION DISASTER RECOVERY INITIATIVE GRANT FROM U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, reported the County has an opportunity to apply for a $1.8 million Disaster Recovery initiative grant from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The County must develop an Action Plan for Disaster Recovery with specific projects meeting at least one of the following objectives: (1) Benefit low-to-moderate income households. (2) Prevent slums and blight. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 243 (3) Meet an urgent need that poses an immediate threat to public safety. After a thorough review by Staff, the following projects would allow for distribution offunds to a wide variety of projects, including the beach communities: Drainage Improvements in Ness Creek Provision of Sewer for WilmingtonlHanby Beach Establishment of a Housing Rehabilitation Program $ Acquisition of Mobile Incident Command Post $ 700,000 $ 258,170 225,000 $ 120,000 Project #2 - Purchase ofland at south end (Wrightsville Beach) Construction ofFire/Police Building (Carolina Beach) $ 300,000 $ 250,000 Total $1,853,170 Assistant County Manager Weaver advised that Staffwas seeking direction on the proposed projects in order to develop the required Action Plan for Disaster Recovery and move forward with applying for project funds. The application needs to be completed by September 1998. He advised that officials from the Town ofWrightsville Beach and Carolina Beach were present. A lengthy discussion followed on the need to clean out hurricane debris from creeks and drainage ditches throughout New Hanover County. Vice-Chairman Greer asked ifHUD money could be used to complete the snag and drag project? Assistant County Manager Weaver responded the Action Plan could be prepared to request money for the snag and drag project; however, Staff felt that $700,000 was needed to improve the Ness Creek area which is in compliance to the low-to-moderate income criteria. The Engineering Department is beginning the second phase of the debris clean-up project in January. Once this phase is completed, the Natural Resources Conservation Service will have completed the project. Vice-Chairman Greer expressed concern for engineers being involved in the snag and drag project. He urged staff to move forward with completing the list of persons who are in need of having hurricane debris removed form ditches and creeks near their homes. He strongly objected to the time that has passed with no relief to these citizens. A map was presented showing the snag and drag work that has been completed. The cost to complete the remaining sites will be $240,000. Vice-Chairman Greer recommended using $250,000 ofHUD funding to complete the snag and drag project. County Manager O'Neal expressed concern for the snag and drag project not meeting the income criteria established by HUD. Assistant County Manager Weaver reported he would be glad to discuss the snag and drag process with HUD officials. Commissioner Birzenieks requested an explanation of how the acquisition of a mobile incident command post would benefit the County. Director of Emergency Management, Dan Summers, reported the mobile incident command would be used as an outpost during major emergency events However, the unit is desperately needed to provide education and training to the community on hurricane awareness. Thousands of hours have gone into training, and this was the major reason that the community responded so well during the recent hurricanes. A program of disaster awareness and information directed to areas of the County that are the least likely to recover quickly from a disaster would significantly reduce the County's long-term financial burden. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 244 Commissioner Birzenieks emphasized the importance of moving forward with the snag and drag project and stated he felt this project should be completed. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to approve the following projects under the Action Plan for Disaster Recovery: (1) Construction of a Fire/Police Building for Carolina at $250,000; (2) Project #2 - Purchase ofland at the south end ofWrightsville Beach at $300,000; and (3) request Staff to see if $250,000 can be used for the snag and drag project. The remaining projects can be approved at a later date once the information is received on the snag and drag project. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Assistant County Manager Weaver advised that contact had been made with the City of Wilmington to see if a joint project could be performed for a housing project. Once more information is available, the Board will be informed about this possibility. APPROVAL OF MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FORFEMA DISASTER RESISTANT COMMUNITY INITIATIVE Chairman Caster reported that New Hanover County had been selected by FEMA to be the recipient offederal funds and resources for a pilot project as a Disaster Resistant Community. The ceremonial signing ofthe Memorandum of Agreement will take place on Tuesday, December 9, 1997 at 9:30 AM. in the Assembly Room. Governor James Hunt and the Director ofFEMA, James L. Whitt, will be present for the execution of the document. Only seven communities nationwide have been selected as pilot communities. He requested the Board to authorize him to sign the Memorandum of Agreement. County Manager O'Neal advised that FEMA was holding a national conference at the Hilton on December 8-10, 1997. The Commissioners are registered and have been invited to attend the seminar and events. On December 9, a mitigation summit luncheon will be held in the Azalea Room of the Hilton, and the Commissioners have been invited to attend. Emergency Management Director, Dan Summers, reported that Director Whitt was excited about the event. He reported it was an honor for New Hanover County to be selected to participate in the Disaster Resistant Community Project. Vice-Chairman Greer stated he felt the Director of Emergency Management, Dan Summers and his staff should be congratulated for the excellent manner in which the County responded to the hurricanes last year. Without this type of leadership, New Hanover County would not have been selected as one of seven agencies to participate in the program. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to authorize the Chairman to execute the Memorandum of Agreement for the FEMA Disaster Resistant Community initiative. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADOPTION OF FISCAL YEAR 1998-99 BUDGET CALENDAR County Manager O'Neal presented a calendar to provide a time frame for the FY 1998-99 budget preparation process. He requested the Board to adopt the calendar and establish a date to hold a Budget RetreatIWork Session during January 1998. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to adopt the FY 1998-99 Budget Calendar and hold a Budget RetreatIW ork Session on January 23, 1998, beginning at 1: 00 P.M. and on January 24, 1997. The Clerk to the Board and County Manager were requested to contact the Hampton Inn at Landfall to see if accommodations could be scheduled for those dates. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSIDERATION OF STATE-REQUIRED CHILD WELFARE POSITIONS Director of Social Services, Wayne Morris, reported the 1997 General Assembly appropriated state and federal funds to create new Child Welfare positions to ensure that every child in North Carolina is protected. Following the tragic deaths of several children who were NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 245 in custody of County Departments of Social Services during the first six months of 1997, the legislation was enacted with the following primary changes: 1. Clarification of the fact that any County Department of Social Services is responsible for insuring the safety of a child while in custody of the department. 2. DSS Social Workers who provide Child Welfare Services are required to meet minimal training standards. 3. State funds are appropriated to bring all counties to State Standards for Child Welfare staffing. 4. The N. C. Department of Health and Human Resources will take over programs that do no adequately protect children. Funds are allocated to counties to bring staffing ratios to State Standards. The required ratio is one worker to 12 families in Child Protective Services and one worker to 20 children for foster care and adoptions. Supervisory ratios are 1 to 5. New Hanover County needs twelve (12) Social Worker III positions and four (4) Social Worker Supervisor positions to meet State standards. No new County funding is needed. The Board of Social Services approved the positions at its November 19, 1997 meeting. Discussion followed on funding. Vice-Chairman Greer informed the Board that funds already appropriated to DSS would be used for the new positions; therefore, as the County develops its own welfare plan, this money will be removed from the current funds. Motion: After discussion of having no choice, Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to approve the positions as requested. Substitute Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer made a SUBSTITUTE MOTION to approve six Social Worker III positions and two (2) Social Work Supervisor positions. Chairman Caster inquired as to whether the positions were required by law? County Manager O'Neal responded it was not a State law; however, if the County does not comply to State standards and a problem should occur, the County would not be in a good position. Since the State has appropriated additional funding, it might be wise for the County to comply to the request. Discussion followed on possible liability to the County if the State standards were not met. County Attorney Copley stated if a child in DSS custody was found neglected and died, the Department of Social Services could become liable. Vice-Chairman Greer asked if a majority of counties throughout the State had complied to State standards? Director Morris responded that only a few counties were in compliance with the new standards. Vice-Chairman Greer complimented the Director of Social Services for performing his job in an excellent manner; however, the Commissioners are responsible for using the funds appropriated to DSS in the most efficient manner. Vote on Substitute Motion: After a lengthy discussion, Chairman Caster asked ifthere was a second to the substitute motion made by Vice-Chairman Greer to approve six (6) Social Worker III positions and two (2) Social Worker Supervisor positions. The MOTION WAS SECONDED by Commissioner Howell. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 246 Voting Aye: Commissioner Howell Vice-Chairman Greer Chairman Caster Voting Aye: Commissioner Birzenieks Commissioner Davis COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Appointments to the Board of Health Chairman Caster reported that three vacancies needed to be filled on the Board of Health in the following categories: (1) licensed nurse; (2) licensed pharmacist; and (3) an at-large public position. He advised the following applications had been received: Licensed Nurse: One application from Gela N. Hunter Licensed Pharmacist: One application from W. Edwin Link, Jr. At-Large Position: Four Applications from Donald P. Blake. John M. Coble, Henry Estep, and Leon Mavrolas Vice-Chairman Caster recommended voting on the applications received from Gela Hunter and W. Edwin Link, Jr. to fill the licensed nurse and pharmacist vacancies. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to appoint Gela N. Hunter to serve on the Board of Health in the licensed nurse category and appoint W. Edwin Link, Jr. to serve on the Board of Health in the pharmacist category for three year terms. The terms will expire December 31, 2000. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Motion: After discussion of two applications being received after the deadline, it was the consensus of the Board to postpone appointment of the at-large vacancy until January 5, 1998. Appointment to the Human Relations Commission Chairman Caster reported that three vacancies needed to be filled on the Human Relations Commission. One vacancy is to fill the unexpired term of Dennis Bowes who resigned. He advised that eight applications had been received and stated that John 1. Manock was eligible to serve another term and desired to be reappointed. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to reappoint John 1. Manock to serve a three-year term on the Human Relations Commission. The term will expire December 31, 2000. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to appoint James Jamison, Jr. to serve a three-year term on the Human Relations Commission. The term will expire December 31, 2000. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to appoint Robert Allison Johnson to fill the unexpired term of Dennis Bowes on the Human Relations Commission. The term will expire December 31, 1999. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Appointments to the Plumbing Board of Examiners Chairman Caster reported that three vacancies needed to be filled on the Plumbing Board of Examiners, two master plumbers and one journeyman plumber. Two applications have been received and both applicants are eligible for reappointment. Chairman Caster advised that one application had been received two days after the deadline for receiving applications. He asked if the Board would like to consider the application or re- advertise for the Master Plumber position in January. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 247 Motion: Commissioner Howell MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to reappoint David Kent Woodbury to serve a three-year term on the Plumbing Board of Examiners as a Master Plumber and reappoint Steve M. Miller to serve a three-year term on the Plumbing Board as a Journeyman Plumber. The terms will expire December 1, 2000. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to appoint Charles Clayton Walker, Jr. to fill the unexpired term of Larry M. James, a Master Plumber, on the Plumbing Board of Examiners. The term will expire December 1, 1998. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Appointment to the Zoning Board of Adjustment Chairman Caster advised that three applications had been received to fill the vacant position on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. He announced that one applicant was eligible to be reappointed and had notified the office that he would like to be reappointed. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to reappoint Larry W. Flowers to serve a three-year term on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The term will expire December 1, 2000. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING CONVENED FROM REGULAR SESSION TO HOLD A REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Chairman Caster convened from Regular Session to hold a meeting of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District Board from 10:05 P.M. until 10:27 P.M. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER Authorization for Use of Point Peter Dredge Spoil Site to Dispose of Dredge Spoil Material from the Cape Fear Community College Boat Basin County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, requested the Board to authorize the County to use the Point Peter Dredge Spoil site for disposal of 5,000 cubic yards of dredge spoil material from the Cape Fear Community College boat basin. Staff recommends approval contingent upon Cape Fear Community College obtaining all applicable permits. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to authorize Cape Fear Community College to use the Point Peter Dredge Spoil site to dispose of 5,000 cubic yards of dredge spoil material from the boat basin contingent upon the College obtaining all applicable permits. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Establishment of Base Salary for Sheriff Relative to Election Filing Fee County Manager O'Neal advised the Board of Elections requires establishing the base salary for the Sheriff in order to develop an election filing fee. The Sheriff is not on a Pay Grade; however, Grade 215 would be an equivalent range. The beginning salary for this range if $61,800. Sheriff McQueen is paid a much higher salary because of his years of service with New Hanover County. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to establish a base salary of$61,800 at Pay Grade 215 for the Board of Elections to develop the filing fee for the Sheriff. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Authorization for Cape Fear Museum to Apply for a Cultural Resources Grant Deputy County Manager Atkinson requested the Board to authorize the Cape Fear Museum to apply for a Cultural Resources grant to improve management and accessibility of archive collections. The grant will be in the amount of $39,554 to fund a temporary archivist position and provide a computer and archive module of the collection management software. No County match will be required if the grant is awarded. The General Assembly appropriated $8 million for grants to non-profit organizations and local governments for this purpose. Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to authorize the NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 248 Cape Fear Museum to file a grant application with the N. C. Department of Cultural Resources to receive a grant in the amount of $39,554 to improve management and accessibility of archive collections by hiring a temporary archivist to work with the software to better manage the system. If the grant funds cease, the temporary position will be eliminated. The County Manager was authorized to execute the necessary grant documents. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion was held on items ofthis nature being presented at the last minute. Deputy County Manager Atkinson responded the Museum Director did not receive the grant documents in time to place the item on the agenda Chairman Caster expressed concern for items of this type being presented at the last minute, and he requested staff to stop presenting items in this manner. Authorization to Release Room Occupancy Tax Funds for the Towns of Carolina Beach and Wrightsville Beach Assistant County Manager Weaver reported the towns of Carolina Beach and Wrightsville Beach have been informed by the U. S. Corps of Engineers that local shares for the upcoming beach renourishment projects are due before January 5, 1998. The Board was requested to release funding in the amount of $342,320 for the Town of Carolina Beach and $157,820 for the Town of Wrightsville Beach as local shares for the beach renourishment projects. Vice-Chairman Greer inquired as to whether the Ports, Waterway, and Beach Commission had approved release of Room Occupancy Tax funds? Assistant County Manager Weaver responded the Mr. Richard Catlin, Chairman ofthe Ports, Waterway, and Beach Commission, was not opposed to releasing the funds since these were approved projects by the Corps of Engineers. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to release funds from the Room Occupancy Tax in the amount of$157,820 for the Town ofWrightsville Beach and $342,320 for the Town of Carolina Beach. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion of the Pilot's Ridge Project County Manager O'Neal reported the Pilot's Ridge project was a joint effort with the Board of Education to develop a community campus for parks and schools. An outline was presented on how to proceed with the issues involved in the project. The components of the project are as follows: Form a Master Plan Pre-Selection Committee consisting of the following membership: 1 County Commissioner 2 County Staff Members 1 Board of Education Member 2 Board of Education Staff Members 1 Parks Advisory Board Member Voting Member Voting Members Voting Member Voting Members Voting Member The Board of Education is under a deadline to open the Pilot's Ridge High School by the fall of 2001. A Master Plan must be developed to determine the location of the school building and associated facilities, park facilities, joint parking lots, and ballfields. The County and School System need to jointly advertise for a facilities architect for the schools and a master planner for the grounds. There is a possibility that one architect could perform both engineering services. The Commissioners were requested to approve the project in concept and move forward with the Board of Education to perform the concurrent advertisements to hire the necessary architects. Commissioner Birzenieks stressed the importance of both the Board of Education and Board of County Commissioners understanding that the project must be carried out according to plan outlined in the school bond issue. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 249 After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed to revise the Master Plan Pre-Selection Committee to consist of the following members: 2 County Commissioners Voting Members 1 County Staff Member Voting Member 2 Board of Education Members Voting Members 1 Board of Education Staff Member Voting Member New Hanover County Parks Director Voting Member Athletic Director for County Schools Voting Member Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Greer to approve the concept of the Pilot's Ridge Project, revise the Master Plan Pre-Selection Committee as listed above, and authorize staff to enter into a joint advertisement with the Board of Education to hire the architects for the project. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Motion: After further discussion, Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to appoint Vice-Chairman Greer and Commissioner Howell to serve as the Commissioners' representatives on the Master Plan Pre-Selection Committee. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Vice-Chairman Greer requested the County Manager to contact the Chairman of the Board of Education, Duke Lineberry, Janice Cavenaugh, and Bill Hill to inform them about the change of membership in the Pre-Selection Committee. Commissioner Birzenieks, again, expressed concern for the County's role in this project and stated he felt the Board of County Commissioners should discuss this matter with the Board of Education. Discussion of "American Heritage River Designation" for the Lower Cape Fear River Commissioner Birzenieks reported that a letter had been received from City Councilman Frank Conlon requesting the Board to reconsider supporting the designation of the Lower Cape Fear River as an "American Heritage River." He informed the Board that he agreed to present this item to the Board; however, he was not trying to encourage the Commissioners to change their position on this issue. After discussion, no action was taken to support the American Heritage River designation for the Lower Cape Fear River. REGULAR MEETING CONVENED FROM REGULAR SESSION TO CLOSED SESSION Chairman Caster requested a motion to convene from Regular Session to Closed Session pursuant to NCGS 143-318-111(3) to provide instructions to the County Attorney. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to convene from Regular Session to Closed Session. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Caster convened to Closed Session at 11 :00 P.M. Motion: Vice-Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Birzenieks to reconvene to Regular Session. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Caster convened to Regular Session at 11: 15 P.M. and reported that no action was taken in the Closed Session. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Davis to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Caster adjourned the meeting at 11: 17 P.M. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 8, 1997 BOOK 26 PAGE 250 Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board