1995-08-02 Consolidation WS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION, AUGUST 2, 1995 BOOK 24 PAGE 838 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and Wilmington City Council held a Consolidation Study Commission meeting on Wednesday, August 2, 1995, at 8:00 AM. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 102 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A Caster; WilliamE. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Members present from the Wilmington City Council were: Mayor Don Betz; Mayor Pro- Tern Katherine B. Moore; Councilmembers 1. D. Causey; Hamilton E. Hicks, Jr.; Laura Padgett; Charlie Rivenbark; Michael Youngblood; City Manager, Mary Gornto; City Attorney, Tom Pollard; and City Clerk, Penelope Spicer-Sidbury. Chairman Greer and Mayor Betz called the respective boards to order. Chairman Greer announced this was the last meeting ofthe Consolidation Study Commission, and he requested submission ofthe final reports from the subcommittees who had not presented their reports. The following reports were presented. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL REPORT FROM THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE Councilmember Hicks advised that the final report had been forwarded to all members of the Consolidation Study Commission, therefore, he would open the floor to allow the members of the Utilities Committee to receive comments and answer questions. Councilmember Youngblood commented on a 1 % annual increase for water customers in the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District and a 1.5% increase for water and sewer customers in the City, and he inquired as to whether the 1.5% was over and above the 4.9% projected for the new water plant? Mayor Betz responded that was correct and reported the City's projected rate of 4.9% per year was to retire the incurred debt service. He advised the final report had been restructured from the June 26, 1995, report with the recommendations and findings listed separately as well as charts reflecting the existing systems that are public, private, or community owned. He noted that public facilities accounted for 65% ofthe sewer infrastructure; whereas, private water systems outnumbered the public water systems. Councilmember Padgett asked if the Utilities Committee was still recommending a 10% increase annually in water and sewer rates to remove the tax subsidy? Chairman Greer reported when referring to a 10% increase in utility fees, it will not cost the consolidated government more money to operate water and sewer utilities. This increase will allow the water and sewer utilities to become self-supporting within three years. The tax funds now subsidizing the utilities in the amount of approximately $4.2 million will go directly into the general fund. Councilmember Youngblood inquired as to the amount of money that will be removed from the fund balance during the 3-year phase in period? Assistant to the City Manager, Mike Hargett, reported both City and County fund balances would be used over the 10-year period in the amount of $24.6 million with the forecast performed on allowing a reasonable amount of money to remain in the fund balance NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION, AUGUST 2, 1995 BOOK 24 PAGE 839 for the 10-year period. He presented the following breakdown of figures: City Public Utility Fund balance City Facility Fee Fund balance $13.3 million $ 4.2 million $17.5 million New Hanover County W&S District Fund Balance $ 2.7 million New Hanover County W&S Facility Fee Fund Balance $ 4.4 million $ 7.1 million TOTAL $24.6 million Councilmember Youngblood requested Staff to provide a spread sheet reflecting the fund balance contribution over ten years and the minimum fund balance. Councilmember Hicks reported the only item not discussed in detail was street lights. Mayor Betz reported the City handles street lights on a demand basis, which is not a legislative service of the government. The City reviews the requests for street lights on an annual basis. Councilmember Youngblood commented on the completed $8,000,000 of drainage projects in the City from the 1985 bond program and the prioritized list of City projects identified by a consultant at a cost of approximately $45,000,000, and asked since there was no inventory of drainage projects in the County, would there be a series of bond funded improvements to address this matter in the future? Mayor Betz responded the Utilities Committee recommended that the consolidated government update the drainage study to include urbanized portions of the present unincorporated area. Motion: Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by Mayor Pro- Tern Moore to accept the final report of the Utilities Committee. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL REPORT FROM THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Mayor Pro- T em Moore reported the only item left to address was the provision of fire service to the consolidated government. The decision was made to have one consolidated Fire Department with a Fire Administrator who will be the existing City of Wilmington Fire Chief. There will be a Fire Service Administrator position to serve under the Fire Chief, and a Search Committee will be established to review applicants; however, the Fire Chief will make the final decision. Also, Fire Service Districts will be designated. Commissioner Sisson reported the Fire Service Administrator position would be hired by the County prior to the consolidation of the two governments. This person would move into the same position under a consolidated fire service. The two fire service districts would be established with separate tax rates based on the levels offire service provided in each district. The municipal area will be designated as one district with no reduction in current fire services. The current unincorporated County will be designated as the urban district, which will involve an increase in the level of service, but this level of service will be below the level in the municipal district because of the lack of water in all areas and the distances between fire stations. The unincorporated area will have extra expenses because of paid personnel and the installation of more fire hydrants in the County. Commissioner Barone commented on the fire tax rate of 14.5 cents for the municipal fire district and inquired as to whether this was the current cost of fire service in the City? Commissioner Sisson responded this was the current rate. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION, AUGUST 2, 1995 BOOK 24 PAGE 840 Councilmember Padgett inquired as to whether there were areas of the County not being served by the Fire District? Commissioner Sisson responded the only area not being served by the Fire District was the 421 North Industrial Corridor. Fire service is currently being provided by the Wrightsboro and Winter Park Volunteer Fire Departments through a mutual aid agreement. Additional fire protection will have to be provided to North Wilmington; however, the projected tax rate of 6 cents for the urban fire district includes this cost. Councilmember Rivenbark inquired as to whether the present service provided by the Wilmington Fire Department would ever exceed the Wilmington City limits as projected in the proposed plan? Commissioner Sisson responded the plan was based upon current fire service in the City; however, as districts and populations continue to grow, additional stations and services will be needed. Commissioner Sisson commented on general policy issues and explained that with seven Volunteer Fire Departments, the Public Safety Committee did not attempt to negotiate the ownership of property and equipment. The Committee felt items of this type should be worked out with the Fire Chief when the departments are consolidated. If mediation is needed to resolve these policy issues, members of the consolidated board can become involved with the process. The rumor that all assets and equipment of the Volunteer Fire Departments will be taken away is not true, nor is it the intent of the Public Safety Committee. It is felt these issues can be addressed once the fire service is consolidated. Mayor Pro- T em Moore stressed the importance of informing the Volunteer Firemen that the plan presented fully incorporates volunteers as a part of the fire service. Mayor Betz reported this was just one issue that would have to be addressed by the transition board during the year and one-half before the two governments are actually consolidated. Chairman Greer reported in the beginning of the process it was hoped there would be no districts; however, if the City and County revenues and expenses are combined, the fire district tax rate at 14.5 cents for the City and 6 cents for the County will reduce the overall single tax rate of ninety-two cents because these figures were included in the projected tax rate. Discussion was held on the different tax rates within the consolidated government. City Attorney Pollard reported the structure to be established will be two urban service districts. One urban service district, known as the general urban service district, will include all the areas outside the incorporated beach communities. This district will also include a component to provide a level of fire service equal to the volunteer level of service throughout the district. Also, there will be a municipal urban service district, which will be the City of Wilmington as it exists prior to consolidation. This district will receive a level offire service equivalent to the fire protection service currently provided in the City of Wilmington. Commissioner Sisson stressed the importance of the public recognizing that residents living in the City of Wilmington are now paying the increased tax for the current level of fire service; therefore, this tax will not increase after the two governments are consolidated. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION, AUGUST 2, 1995 BOOK 24 PAGE 841 Councilmember Padgett commented on the explanation ofthe two urban service districts and asked if additional levels of taxation can be established legally to address stormwater drainage and solid waste disposal? City Attorney Pollard responded the utility services will operate as an enterprise system which will require the persons using the service to pay for the service. Therefore, charging the user for potentially different service levels should not create a problem with the consolidated government. As to stormwater management, this activity is funded from the City's general fund; therefore, stormwater services will be provided throughout the general urban service district, which is the entire County outside the beach communities. The consolidated board will have to provide those services on the same basis. Mayor Betz responded the following scenarios can be developed: (1) the newly consolidated government would undertake a study and develop a capital infrastructure program that includes updating necessary stormwater drainage in the current corporate limits as well as a program for the unincorporated area through a bond referendum; or (2) develop a utility plan with a capital structure and fee schedule associated with the costs. Commissioner Sisson requested the Consolidation Study Commission to amend the final report of the Public Safety Committee to include appointing a representative from the Volunteer Fire Department's Board of Directors as a member of the Search Committee. Mayor Betz requested an explanation of the duties performed by the Board of Fire Commissioners. Commissioner Sisson responded the Fire Commission was composed of six members who were responsible for preparing and submitting budget requests for the Volunteer Fire Departments to the Board of County Commissioners as well as developing other policies relating to fire protection servIces. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Mayor Pro-Tern Moore to accept the final report of the Public Safety Committee with including a representative from the Volunteer Fire Department's Board of Directors on the Search Committee to be established to review applicants for the Fire Service Administrator position. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Chairman Greer reported action had not been taken on the final report submitted by the Administration and Personnel Committee. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Mayor Pro-Tern Moore to accept the final report of the Administration and Personnel Committee. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ACCEPTANCE OF THE FINAL REPORT SUBMITTED BY THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Commissioner Caster reported the Budget and Finance Committee held its final meeting on Monday and had concluded the projected tax rate of 92 cents was reasonable. Further discussion was held on the projected tax rate of92 cents. Chairman Greer reported this figure should be reduced by costs involved for the provision of fire service in the two urban districts; however, everyone must remember this is an estimated figure because the two governments will not be consolidated until 1997. Also, during the interim period, school bonds will be sold NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION, AUGUST 2, 1995 BOOK 24 PAGE 842 and the tax rate will have to be increased. Councilmember Padgett pointed out that in order to address drainage and solid waste management, the tax rate would have to be increased. Councilmember Youngblood inquired as to whether the provision of street lights and road maintenance would be mandated under the consolidated government? City Attorney Pollard responded the City of Wilmington currently maintains certain stormwater systems, and it would be possible to extend this service to the County. As to streets, discussion will have to be held with the N. C. Department of Transportation to decide what streets and roads will be State maintained or locally maintained. Since there is an urban service district, the consolidated board will have to be prepared to extend those services throughout the urban service district. Councilmember Youngblood requested an example of some services that would have to be expanded to the entire urban service district? City Attorney Pollard responded that streets, street lights, stormwater maintenance, parks, recreational programs, and other services supported by the general fund would have to be expanded throughout the urban service district. Councilmember Causey commented on the rate projections for the separate fire districts and requested an explanation of the 14.5 cents for the Municipal Fire District and 6 cents for the Urban Fire District. Commissioner Sisson responded the current unincorporated County, referred to as the Urban Fire District, is the area not within the corporate limits. The projected fire tax rate of 6 cents will provide for fire service to this district as well as pay for the installation of fire hydrants, paid personnel and at the same time provide a sufficient funding cushion for other unexpected expenditures. The tax rate of 14.5 cents is the amount now being paid by City residents through the general fund for the provision offire service. Under the consolidated government, this tax rate will not increase. Councilmember Youngblood reported unified levels of service will have to be offered; therefore, the tax rate will increase. Commissioner Sisson responded the projected rates are based on the assumption that expenditures and revenues will remain the same. Councilmember Youngblood stated, for the record, the only way to have equal fire service is to provide an adequate water supply, which means that another district would have to be created. In his opinion, to add more districts would become too complicated, and the government would have to move away from the original mission, which was the equity issue. Motion: Mayor Pro- Tern Moore MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to accept the final report of the Budget and Finance Committee. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED BY AN ELEVEN TO ONE VOTE. Councilmember Youngblood voted in opposition. ACCEPTANCE OF THE FINAL REPORT FROM THE CHARTER COMMITTEE Chairman Greer reported the final report had been submitted from the Charter Committee but due to previous tie votes on the partisan or non-partisan issue, this report had not been accepted. Mayor Betz advised that he would switch to partisan elections if the Charter required the election for the initial Board of Commissioners to be held in 1996 instead of 1997. He stated the reason for leaning toward non-partisan elections was based upon the fact the elections will be held in an off year, which fits the activities of non-partisan elections. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION, AUGUST 2, 1995 BOOK 24 PAGE 843 Councilmember Rivenbark advised he strongly felt that elections should be non-partisan. Chairman Greer requested each member of the Consolidation Study Commission to vote yes or no on partisan elections. Roll Call Vote: Chairman Greer and Mayor Betz called for a vote on partisan elections. The following votes were cast: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barone Commissioner Caster Vice-Chairman Mathews Chairman Greer Councilmember Youngblood Voting Nay: Mayor Pro-Tern Moore Councilmember Padgett Councilmember Causey Councilmember Hicks Councilmember Rivenbark Mayor Betz Commissioner Sisson The motion received a TIE VOTE at 6.6 votes rounded off to 7 votes in favor of partisan elections, and 7.4 votes rounded off to 7 votes in opposition to partisan elections. Councilmember Youngblood inquired as to whether partisan or non-partisan elections could be placed on the ballot to be decided by the voters? County Attorney Copley responded the issue could not be placed on the ballot. She reported the Consolidation Study Commission had to decide on whether to hold partisan or non-partisan elections. Commissioner Caster expressed concern for having nine (9) members to serve on the Consolidated Board of Commissioners and stated he felt the citizens would be better served by reducing that number to seven (7) members including the Mayor. He offered to change his vote to non-partisan elections ifthe Consolidation Study Commission would vote to reduce the membership from nine (9) to seven (7) members. Motion: Commissioner Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Councilmember Rivenbark to change the membership of the Consolidated Board from nine (9) members to seven (7) members including the Mayor with non-partisan elections. The Mayor would be appointed for a four-year term, and the three members receiving the highest number of votes would be appointed for four-year terms with the other three members receiving the highest number of votes being appointed for two-year terms. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED ELEVEN TO ONE. Commissioner Barone vote in opposition. Chairman Greer commented on the need to vote on the final report by the Charter Committee and stated before voting on this issue, he would like to discuss the charter that was developed by the Charter Committee, not the draft document prepared by staff. City Attorney Pollard reported the Charter distributed by Chairman Greer would be acceptable; however, when the two governments consolidate, the City of Wilmington and its charter will be abolished. When preparing the second draft, it was felt the Consolidation Study Commission would like for the charter to contain some of the City's enabling legislation. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION, AUGUST 2, 1995 BOOK 24 PAGE 844 Chairman Greer reported the Charter Committee voted on the draft charter that was just passed out; therefore, he would like to discuss proposed changes to this draft. Mayor Betz advised the point to consider was whether the Charter Committee had overlooked including some language in the City's charter that would be pertinent to the consolidated government. City Attorney Pollard reported after the Planning and Zoning Committee adopted its report, it was his understanding a structure was to be established that would include protest petitions, as currently covered by the City's charter; therefore, since the City charter would be abolished under a consolidated government, the draft charter included this recommendation as well as other items recommended by the Planning and Zoning Committee in order to develop one complete planning document. He reported Section 8-1, Section 8-2, Section 8-3 should be included in the charter. Mayor Pro-Tern Moore commented on the protest petition and asked if this issue had to be included in the charter? City Attorney Pollard responded the protest petition would have to be included in the charter, not in the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Sisson reported the Charter Committee did recommend using the protest petition, which could be inserted into the charter; however, the other items such as money in lieu of certain types of performance, could be worked out in separate legislation, not in the charter. City Attorney Pollard reported the special assessments provision was included in the charter because the general law allows assessments without petitions for utility improvements, such as water and sewer. The law does not allow for assessments without the petitions for street improvements and drainage improvements; therefore, if this provision is not included in the charter the consolidated board will not have that authority. If the Consolidation Study Commission wishes to insert this authority in the charter as recommended in the final report of the Planning and Zoning Committee, Section 8-1, Section 8-2, and 8-3 should be included in this document. Chairman Greer reported he did not have a problem with including the protest petition in the charter; however, he did have a problem with including the other items. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED to include the appropriate language to allow the protest petition, to be included in the charter for the consolidated government. Councilmember Rivenbark reported this was a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Committee. Commissioner Barone AMENDED THE MOTION to include the words, "as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Committee. " Further discussion was held on whether to incorporate Section 8-1, 8-2, and 8-3. Commissioner Sisson reported the Planning and Zoning Committee recognized that Sections 8-1, 8-2, and 8-3 should be incorporated into the charter, and the Consolidation Study Commission voted to include these items. Chairman Greer expressed concern for including Sections 8-1 and 8-2, ifit was not necessary. Further discussion was held on including the Committee Reports as an appendix to the charter when submitted to the General Assembly. City Attorney Pollard reported the charter would be adopted by the General Assembly, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION, AUGUST 2, 1995 BOOK 24 PAGE 845 not by Committee Reports. Substitute Motion: Mayor Betz stated since the final report of the Planning and Zoning Committee recommended including Sections 8-1, 8-2, and 8-3 he would MOVE TO MAKE A SUBSTITUTE MOTION to include Sections 8-1, 8-2, and 8-3. The MOTION WAS SECONDED by Councilmember Rivenbark. The floor was opened for discussion. Councilmember Youngblood asked if the Planning Commission should be reduced from nine (9) members to seven (7) members? Amended Substitute Motion: Mayor Betz AMENDED THE SUBSTITUTE MOTION to include Section 8-1; Section 8-2, amending the number of members appointed to the Planning Commission from nine (9) to seven (7); and Section 8-3. The AMENDED SUBSTITUTE MOTION was SECONDED by Councilmember Rivenbark. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED BY A TEN TO TWO VOTE. Chairman Greer and Commissioner Caster voted in opposition. After discussion on the 25-page charter presented by Chairman Greer, the following changes were recommended: Section 2-11 - Vacancy or Removal of Mayor: Currently reads... .the Mayor Pro-Tempore shall be appointed....delete "be appointed" to read as follows: the Mayor Pro Tempore shall serve as Mayor. Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Mayor Pro-Tern Moore to change Section 2-11 to read... "the Mayor Pro Tempore shall serve as Mayor." Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Section 3-2 - Meetings: Currently reads....shall hold an organizational meeting on the first Monday in December... change to read.... "shall hold an organizational meeting at the first regular meeting in December".. (change to be made throughout the charter). Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Mayor Pro-Tern Moore to change Section 3-2 to read,...."shall hold an organizational meeting at the first regular meeting in December." This change is to be made throughout the charter. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Section 8-12 - Transition Board of Commissioners: Currently reads..the transition Board of Commissioners shall assemble on July 1, 1996, at 10:00 AM. in the Council Chambers of the Wilmington City Hall....delete time and place of meeting. Also, change, "make" oath to "take" oath. City Attorney Pollard recommended using the effective date of the government in lieu of an actual date because the charter must be approved by the General Assembly and that date is unknown. Motion: Mayor Betz MOVED, SECONDED Vice-Chairman Mathews to change the charter to read...the transition Board of Commissioners shall assemble on the effective date of the government....Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Motion: Mayor Pro-Tern Moore MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to change the word "make" oath to "take" oath. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Section 8-13 - Initial Government Elections: Due to the change in the number of at-large Commissioners from nine (9) to seven (7), the charter should be changed to reflect this decrease in members throughout the document. Also, this section should be changed to reflect the following NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION, AUGUST 2, 1995 BOOK 24 PAGE 846 language: (1) The three (3) candidates with the highest votes shall serve a term ending in December, 2001. (2) The three (3) candidates with the next highest votes shall serve a term ending December, 1999. Motion: Mayor Betz MOVED, SECONDED by Mayor Pro-Tern Moore to change the charter to read as listed above. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. County Attorney Pollard commented on the Transition Section and the effective date of the consolidated board coinciding with the enabling legislation and recommended changing the charter to read as follows: ....After approval of the charter by the N. C. General Assembly, the Wilmington/New Hanover Consolidated government shall be effective sixty days following publication of notice of the enactment of the consolidation by the General Assembly, or the first day of July, 1996, which ever is the later date. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Consolidation Study Commission to authorize the City Attorney to use the language recommended for the effective date of the transition Wilmington/New Hanover Consolidated government. Article 3. Special Appointments: Commissioner Sisson commented on the need to include the Fire Department under Article 3 and recommended adding the following section: Chief of Consolidated Fire Department: On the effective date of consolidation, the Board of Commissioners shall appoint the person holding office as Chief of the Wilmington Fire Department to serve as the initial chief of a consolidated fire department. After the initial appointment, vacancies in the position of Chief of the Consolidated Fire Department shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Commissioners. The chief of the consolidated fire department shall perform such duties as required by the laws of North Carolina, the charter, the ordinances of the government and as directed by the manager and Board of Commissioners. Councilmember Rivenbark reported if this section is to be added to Article 3, the title of Section 4-14 should be changed to include the Chief of the Consolidated Fire Department. Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barone to add the section to the charter as listed above and change the title of Section 4-14 to read as follows: Chief of Law Enforcement Officer and Chief of Consolidated Fire Department. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. County Manager O'Neal advised the charter refers to the "Elections Director" and reported the general statutes refer to this position as "Elections Supervisor" and he recommended changing this to the proper terminology. Consensus: It was the consensus of the Consolidation Study Commission to change the title to Elections Supervisor. Attorney Pollard recommended adding the following language to Section 6-2 under Article 1 to clearly state the intent of the Consolidation Study Committee: It is the further intent of this charter that the Board of Commissioners will define as an additional urban service district the total area of the City of Wilmington immediately before NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION, AUGUST 2, 1995 BOOK 24 PAGE 847 the effective date of the government solely for the purpose of providing fire protection services in such district on substantially the same basis as such services were provided in the City of Wilmington prior to the effective date of the government. Motion: Councilmember Hicks MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Sisson to add the language as listed above to Section 6-2 under Article 1. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING RECESSED TO HOLD A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairman Greer recessed the meeting at 11: 15 AM. to hold a Special Meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Chairman Greer reconvened to the Consolidation Study Commission meeting at 11:20 AM. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A REFERENDUM ON THE PROPOSED PLAN OF GOVERNMENT CONSOLIDATION City Attorney Pollard requested the Consolidation Study Commission to adopt a resolution calling for a referendum on the plan of government consolidation to be held on October 10, 1995, and authorize the consolidated government to assume the debt of the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. Motion: After discussion of being required to use this terminology on the ballot, Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to adopt the resolution as presented calling for the referendum. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 40. STAFF TO SCHEDULE PUBLIC FORUMS After discussion of informing the public about the consolidation issue, it was agreed to request staff to schedule tentative dates for holding three public forums: one in the City Hall Council Chambers, one in the southern end of the county, and one in the northern end of the county. After further discussion, it was agreed that the public forums should be televised and placed on the government access channel. Further discussion was held on preparing a simple factual brochure to distribute to the public. The City Manager and County Manager were requested to prepare a brochure. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer expressed appreciation to the members of the City Council, the Board of County Commissioners, and City and County Staff for the time and effort given to prepare the consolidation charter. He commented on the importance of allowing the citizens to vote on this issue and adjourned the meeting at 11:45 AM. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSOLIDATION STUDY COMMISSION, AUGUST 2, 1995 BOOK 24 PAGE 848 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, AUGUST 2, 1995 The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Special Meeting on Wednesday, August 2, 1995, at 11:16 AM. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 102 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A Caster; WilliamE. Sisson, Jr.; Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen O'Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the meeting to order and announced the purpose of the meeting was to amend the concurrent resolution adopted by the Board when establishing the Consolidation Study Commission to allow the Commission to include language relating to the City and County debt assumption by the consolidated government. Motion: Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to adopt the resolution authorizing the Consolidation Study Commission to include language relating to the City and County debt assumption by the consolidated government. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in Exhibit Book XXII, Page 40. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Greer adjourned the Special Meeting at 11:20 AM. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board