1996-11-26 Work Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER 26, 1996 BOOK 25 PAGE 708 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Work Session on Tuesday, November 26, 1996, at 7:30 A.M. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; WilliamA. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen 0' Neal; County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. The following newly elected Commissioners were present: Buzz Birzenieks, Ted Davis, Jr., and Charles R. Howell. Chairman Greer called the Work Session to order and announced the purpose of the meeting was for the current members of the Board to discuss major issues and ideas with the newly elected County Commissioners. Growth and Development: Commissioner Sisson emphasized the importance of working jointly with the City of Wilmington to resolve many of the major issues, such as water, sewer, and drainage. One posi ti ve step toward this goal was the recent agreement between the City and County for the joint construction of the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant, which will save money for both local governments. After attending various meetings regarding growth, the citizens of New Hanover County strongly feel that City and County must work together to provide badly needed infrastructure needs. A lengthy discussion was held on why the City and County had not become more unified in the provision of services. Commissioner Sisson reported that during the past four years, many committees had been established to prepare proposals for combining various departments; however, through a lack of communication or personal contact with all members of both governing bodies, these plans had not been approved. Frequently, two members of the Board of County Commissioners and two members of the City Council would meet with administrative staff members and reach an agreement to enter into a joint venture. Since discussion had not occurred with the full membership of the City Council, many proposals were either changed in a manner that was not acceptable to the Board of County Commissioners or the entire effort was negated. He urged the newly elected County Commissioners to work toward developing personal relationships with members of the Wilmington City Council so more progress can be made in the unification of services. Further discussion was held on the deterioration of the working relationship between the City Council and Board of County Commissioners after the failure of consolidation. Chairman Greer explained that when consolidation was considered, the City Council had already prepared an annexation plan. Once the plan was presented to the public, the citizens in the unincorporated County strongly opposed annexation and requested the City and County to consider consolidation. Both governing bodies met and adopted resolutions for development of a consolidation plan to be presented to the voters. Subcommittees composed of City Council Members and County Commissioners were appointed and a plan was developed and adopted by the two governing bodies with the understanding that if consolidation failed, the City would proceed with its annexation plan. Unfortunately, the Board did not recognize at the beginning of the process that a majority of the Council Members were not supportive of consolidation. After this development and the failure of consolidation, conflict areas began to develop between the two governing bodies. Discussion expressed cancelled of Legion Stadium Committee: Commissioner Barone concern for the number of meetings that had been by the City when trying to present the final NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER 26, 1996 BOOK 25 PAGE 709 recommendations of the Legion Stadium Committee. She reported the Board of County Commissioners became involved in the Legion Stadium matter to resolve the conflict that was occurring between the Board of Education and the City Council. There was a great deal of disagreement on the fees to be charged for the use of Legion Stadium. After forming the committee, a plan was developed for the use and management of Legion Stadium. She advised the plan had been prepared, and she urged the new Board to continue to participate and serve on this committee. Development of Community Campus on New School Construction Sites: Commissioner Sisson reported on the need to purchase adequate land to develop a community campus on new school construction sites. This type of an arrangement will allow for auditoriums, athletic fields, gymnasiums, and other recreational facilities to be used by the community after school hours. Also, new schools can be constructed to specifications that will better serve as emergency shelters during hurricanes. Advance planning and design will be required before construction begins, which will require a joint effort between the Board of Education and Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Sisson urged the new Board to move forward with establishing these types of community campuses on new school sites. Discussion of Sales Tax Distribution: Chairman Greer advised that North Carolina General Statutes allow counties to decide on the distribution formula for the collection of the sales tax. There are two formulas: (1) distribution based on the population; and (2) distribution based on the area in which the sales tax is collected. New Hanover County distributes the property tax based upon the area in which the tax is collected; therefore, as growth continues to expand in the unincorporated County the percentage of the sales tax collected increases while the percentage collected by the City decreases. A few years ago, the City Council approached the Board of County Commissioners requesting that the formula be changed in order for the City to maintain its percentage of sales tax collections. The Commissioners felt the County could not make a change within one year because of the drastic reduction in revenues; however, discussion did occur about gradually making the change over a period of years. Discussion of Annexation: Chairman Greer reported in the fifties, the General Assembly enacted legislation to allow a municipality to annex a portion of an unincorporated county in need of urban services. As the State of North Carolina grew in population and counties became more urbanized with a demand for services, counties started providing utility services and fire protection to unincorporated areas. As a result of this action, many municipalities began to annex unincorporated areas with services in lieu of annexing unincorporated areas badly in need of services. This has become a statewide issue, and the General Assembly will have to determine if the annexation law should be changed. Further discussion was held on whether a maj ori ty of the members of the General Assembly would be in favor of changing the annexation law. Chairman Greer reported a majority of the members in the General Assembly were former members of City Councils; therefore, the law will probably remain unchanged. Commissioner Barone reported on attending legislative public hearings regarding annexation laws and advised she presented specific examples of how the City of Wilmington had abused the intent of the annexation law by not taking advantage of opportunities to expand its tax base, such as denial of the PPD project and prohibiting an existing minor league baseball team to use Legion Stadium. At the public hearing in Raleigh, North Carolina, she had made the following comments: (1) require the municipalities to look within their existing borders for opportunities to expand their tax base; (2) prohibit annexation without approval by the Board of County Commissioners; and (3) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER 26, 1996 BOOK 25 PAGE 710 prohibit municipalities from skipping over areas that do not have services to annex areas with services. Currently, there are twenty-nine consolidation bills before the N. C. House and N. C. Senate. A subcommittee has been appointed to make recommendations to the full Legislature. However, in her opinion, the annexation law will not be changed significantly as there are legislators who were former City Council members and some who were County Commissioners. Major changes are currently unlikely. Commissioner-Elect Howell agreed with the idea of encouraging cities to explore opportunities for growth within their borders. He advised the South 17th Street Extension was an example of property that would have been totally developed a number of years ago if the City had not penalized development with large impact fees. Discussion was held on the impact of annexation to the New Hanover County Fire Service. Commissioner Sisson reported the Fire Service District would lose taxable property and sales tax revenue. One Volunteer Fire Department will be directly impacted by the first phase of annexation. This fire department will not have a response district, and the Board of County Commissioners will have to determine how to deal with the five-year contract between the Volunteer Fire Department and the City of Wilmington as well as address how to handle fire equipment already financed by the County. He advised as the City proceeds with annexation there will be ideal situations where the City and County should consider joint efforts. Also, the new Board should address financial issues in advance of annexation to prepare for future Fire District budgets. A lengthy discussion was held on the County being more interested ln the residents of the unincorporated County than residents in the City. Commissioner Sisson responded he could not agree with this statement because the County has been extremely supportive of school needs; the Department of Social Services, which mainly serves inner-city residents; funding of the New Hanover County Transportation System in coordination with the Wilmington Transit Authority; automation of the 911 Center; and development of the 800 MHZ System, which has benefitted all City residents. County Manager O'Neal advised the County had made a conscious decision over the years to insure that buildings were constructed within the City, such as the DSS Building and Health Department facility, which increased the City's tax base. Commissioner Caster advised that if any County area had been forgotten, it would be the residents living in Hanby Beach and Wilmington Beach who have not been annexed by the towns of Carolina Beach or Kure Beach. These areas are desperately in need of better services, and the new Board should consider this section of the unincorporated County when making future decisions. Commissioner Barone advised that she understood the Town of Carolina Beach was considering annexing these areas. Commissioner-Elect Birzenieks requested the County Manager to characterize the relationship between the City and County Staff Members. County Manager O'Neal responded the relationship was good; however, improvements could always be made. He advised the County Staff had made an effort to meet more frequently with City Staff to discuss major lssues. Discussion of Fire Protection Plan for the 421 North Industrial Corridor: Chairman Greer presented background information on the fire service proposal presented by the City and the decision made by the Board to adopt the County's plan. He advised while watching the City Council meeting on the governmental access channel, the NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER 26, 1996 BOOK 25 PAGE 711 Council was reviewing the County's plan, and Mayor Betz referenced that millions and millions of dollars would be spent by the County when the County could have used those funds to address infrastructure needs. Chairman Greer advised these types of remarks were not conducive to creating a healthy environment between the City and County. Commissioner Sisson reported the Mayor's remarks were not true. The plan developed by the County would not cost millions of dollars; however, the plan would provide a higher level of fire service in a cost-effective manner. Discussion of School Issues: Commissioner Sisson advised a bond issue would be required to address school needs. A lengthy discussion was held on proj ected school enrollments and maintenance of buildings. Commissioner-Elect Howell asked Commissioner Barone to share her opinion about spending more money on schools. Commissioner Barone spoke in favor of private schools with credits and school vouchers in lieu of building new schools. advised the school system was broken and reported less money needed annually to educate a child in a private school graduated with higher test scores. In her opinion, providing money to the schools was not the solution to the problem. tax She was who more Commissioner-Elect Birzenieks requested Commissioner Barone to comment on split-shifts for schools. Commissioner Barone responded that split shifts had been recommended in the past by the Board of Education, but many parents and students were not receptive to the idea. Commissioner-Elect Howell requested Vice-Chairman Mathews to share his opinion about spending more money on schools. Vice-Chairman Mathews responded he felt that education was a priority and should be supported. Unfortunately, there are many citizens who are concerned about the amount of money being spent with poor test scores. Further discussion was held on the lack of land in New Hanover County for new school facilities. Commissioner-Elect Birzenieks asked if any school systems in the State had constructed schools outside county boundaries? County Manager O'Neal responded there were no schools constructed outside county boundaries; however, a solution would be to look within the City for space and consider renovation of existing school buildings to better serve surrounding communities and preserve these historic landmarks. A lengthy discussion was held on maintenance of the schools. Vice-Chairman Mathews requested the newly elected Commissioners to be sure school maintenance and repairs were performed as scheduled before releasing funds to the schools. Chairman Greer reported until a decision has been made to educate the students who desire an education, it would be difficult to maintain school buildings. Concern was expressed for the lack of discipline among students which has created a tremendous amount of destruction to buildings. Discussion was held on the recent problem being experienced with graffiti. Commissioner Sisson commented on an article in the Star-News approximately three years ago about an individual living in Charlotte who developed a wall cover that was graffiti proof. He requested Staff to check into this matter. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WORK SESSION, NOVEMBER 26, 1996 BOOK 25 PAGE 712 Further discussion was held on gangs in communities and schools. Commissioner Sisson advised that overcrowding of schools encouraged the right conditions for the development of gangs. Fortunately, the Sheriff's Department has been working to be sure that gang crimes are kept at a minimum. Discussion of Commissioners Appointed to Serve as the County Representative on Committees and Boards Commissioner-Elect Birzenieks commented on the number of committees that require a Commissioner representative and advised it would be helpful to meet with the previous Commissioner who had served on a committee to recelve a status report on current activities. Commissioner Sisson responded he would be glad to meet with any of the new Commissioners after being appointed to serve on the various boards and committees. He offered to attend the first meeting of the Fire Commission to introduce the new County Commissioner. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner-Elect Birzenieks expressed appreciation to the Board for taking time to meet and discuss key issues with the newly elected Commissioners. Chairman Greer adjourned the Work Session at 9:10 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board