1994-02-03 Budget Work Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 3, 1994 BOOK 23 PAGE 930 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held a Budget Work Session on Thursday, February 3, 1994, at 12:45 P.M. in the Senior Center, 116 South College Road, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Sandra Barone; William A. Caster; William E. Sisson, Jr.; vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.; Chairman Robert G. Greer; County Manager, Allen 0' Neal; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. Chairman Greer called the Budget Work Session to order and reported during the last five Budget Work Sessions, the functions of each County Department has been presented. The Commissioners must now provide direction to staff as to how to proceed with preparation of the FY 1994-95 Budget. Chairman Greer reported, in his oplnlon, figures should be presented on revenues generated this year over last year and the amount of expenditures to provide County services for the upcoming fiscal year. Once these figures are prepared, priorities can then be set for preparing the budget. Commissioner Barone asked Chairman Greer if this statement means the County should operate within its revenues? Chairman Greer responded he would like to see this happen, if at all possible. County Manager O'Neal commented on being aware of the fact that the Board does not want a tax increase and reported staff feels new programs should not be implemented and that existing programs should be absolutely necessary. If funding is reduced for outside agencies and cuts go beyond this point, service areas will have to be cut. Staff is now investigating many options in terms of reorganization, such as combining the Cape Fear Community College Library with the New Hanover County Library System. Chairman Greer commented on the positions that have been added and positions needed for parks and other departments, which will have to be addressed. Commissioner Barone inquired as to whether direction has been provided to the outside agencies as to how funding requests should be submitted? Budget Director, Cam McAbee, reported all outside agencies have been requested to submit budgets without an increase over last year's budget. Commissioner Caster inquired as to whether the outside agencles are on a percentage reduction annually? County Manager O'Neal reported a few years ago discussion was held on a percentage reduction annually, but was not officially approved. The following maJor lssues were presented: General Fund: -Fundinq for Education With/without Passaqe of Bond Referendum: If the bond issues pass, the highest increase will be six cents on the tax rate. Discussion was held on new programs that will be implemented by the Board of Education and the need for the County to know the amount of County funds that will be required to implement these programs. The Chairman was authorized to write a letter to the Board of Education and request an analysis of expanded programs and operational areas that will impact the County's budget. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 3, 1994 BOOK 23 PAGE 931 Discussion was held on the maintenance of school facilities. Commissioner Caster reported the Board of Education is cognizant of this need and has planned to allocate a certain percentage of funds for this purpose. vice-Chairman Mathews reported some counties in North Carolina are actually performing the maintenance in the schools, and, perhaps, this should be considered in New Hanover County. Commissioner Barone commented on the School Board being elected officials and the need to properly approach this matter. After an informal discussion with some members of the Board of Education and with the County Manager, possibly the County should initiate a pilot program in one of the schools to see if a County maintenance program would be successful. Discussion was held on the events that would transpire if the school bond issue lS rej ected by the voters and the County's responsibility. Chairman Greer reported if the bond issue does not pass, he will have difficulty in spending tax dollars when the voters have said no. Commissioner Barone reported, in her opinion, the County will be responsible for the school needs regardless of the outcome of the bond issue. In another County where the bond referendum failed and the Commissioners refused to fund the schools, the court ruled in favor of the Board of Education and the County had to fund the educational needs. -Increasinq Staff and Fundinq Requests for the Department of Social Services: The County does not know the exact funding requirements for the mandated programs. A team composed of Deputy County Manager, Andrew Atkinson; Budget Director, Cam McAbee; Human Resources Director, Andre' Mallette; and Internal Auditor, Bruce Shell, will be reviewing the position needs and making a recommendation to the Board. -Addi tional Public Safety Staff Requirements: The Inspections Department is categorized as a public safety activity and as the population continues to grow, more homes are being constructed. The County must be able to adequately inspect the construction trades. The fee schedule in place to cover the cost for Inspections. Commissioner Sisson reported on the increasing demand on the Fire Marshal because of the number of fires that need to be investigated. Presently, adjustments have been made to provide a 24-hour on-call status; however, this arrangement cannot withstand an additional workload. Perhaps, this matter should be considered in preparing the budget. Capital pro-iects - County-wide Communication System: The Volunteer Fire Departments have requested the County to begin the implementation of the 800 mghz system. The County should administer and control the 800 mghz system. Capital pro-iects - New Hanover County Jail: The jail population continues to grow with no indication that this population will decrease. The present jail can last for only a certain period of time and a decision will have to be made for the provision of additional jail space. Also, the Jail Annex is fully utilized. Discussion was held on the need to allow ample time to plan for another jail expansion with a thorough study of the proper location for the jail and the manner in which the project is to be financed. Chairman Greer stated, in his opinion, a capital project of this type should be budgeted instead of utilizing installment financing. Further discussion was held on cooperative ventures NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 3, 1994 BOOK 23 PAGE 932 with surrounding counties. County Manager O'Neal reported this has been successful in some areas of the State where small counties have similar populations and needs. Since New Hanover County is much larger than its surrounding counties, it may not be as successful. Staff will be glad to check into this matter. Space Needs: Staff would like to establish a Task Force composed of two County Commissioners, the County Manager, and a Planning staff member to review space available in the downtown area. There is concern about the stability of the County Annex Building, which may have to be addressed during the next year. If agreeable, this Task Force should be appointed immediately after the budget is adopted in June. The following space needs have been identified: (1) the Jail; (2) Administration Building; (3) Annex Building; (4) EOC Center; (5) Department of Social Services; (6) Health Department; (7) Senior Center; (8) Judicial Building; and (9) Mental Health Center. The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is not large enough to accommodate an emergency. Discussion was held on the location of the EOC and the need to have a secure place during emergencies. There is underutilized space in the Law Enforcement Building on the west side of the EOC on Fourth Street which could be expanded to provide additional space for the 911 Center and the EOC. These divisions need to be near each other and immediate attention should be given to design of these space needs. The space needs for the Department of Social Services have been provided for an interim period of time. The Health Department is experiencing parking and clinical space problems. The department is investigating the possibility of outposting some programs, particularly Home Health, which pays for itself. Commissioner Barone inquired as to whether the Health Department has contacted the hospital for use of its expanded parking facility? Chairman Greer reported once the hospital completes the parking deck, the problem will be relieved. Activities have increased at the Senior Center and they have requested more space for the administration of current programs, installation of an indoor swimming pool, and additional parking spaces. The Judicial Building is in immediate need of additional courtrooms. Numerous trials from surrounding counties are being moved to New Hanover County, which has exacerbated the problem. If the Law Library is moved from the Judicial Building to the main Library, this space can be used for additional courtrooms. There may be opposition to this request by the legal community, but the County has limited resources and must make the best use of these resources. The Mental Health Center is a County owned building and serves as the headquarters for the three counties. The building has been divided into uncoordinated spaces to meet confidentiality criteria. After discussion with Property Management, the current space cannot be expanded. Due to the increased number of clients and the need for privacy, the Southeastern Center is in desperate need of space. Unfortunately, there is not enough land to expand the present facility. Water & Sewer District: The District is nearing the depletion of funds for expansion of the County Sewer System. The Water & Sewer Task Force is currently reviewing options for revenue sources. It is estimated that $150 million will be needed for a collection system to provide sewer to the remainder of the County with $60 million needed for a skeleton trunk system. The following revenue sources have been discussed: (1) implementation of a District Tax; (2) an increase in the tap fee; (3) an increase in the impact fee; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 3, 1994 BOOK 23 PAGE 933 (4) an increase in the monthly user fee; (5) establish an assessment fee; (6) expand the Room Occupancy Tax; (7) implement a Prepared Food and Beverage Tax; (8) implement a Land Transfer Tax; and (9) implement a construction excise tax. Commissioner Barone reported the tap fee and monthly fee are low and perhaps an increase could be considered in these areas. She reported the Task Force is waiting for the exact cost of the needs with a detailed breakdown of each phase. Once this information is received, a report will be prepared and presented to the Commissioners at a regular meeting. Further discussion was held on the City and County seriously considering a regional approach to services, such as a regional Water & Sewer Authority. It was agreed that regional agreements should be pursued whenever possible, since they benefit both governments and the citizens of the County. Discussion was held on all of the space needs presented by the County Manager. Chairman Greer commented on space needs for the jail and judicial system and recommended constructing another building to house the Sheriff's Patrol Division (now at the Airport), the 911 Center, and the Emergency Operations Center. This would provide additional space in the Judicial Building and meet the needs of the courts. Also, in terms of long-range planning, consideration should be given to the CAD System for the 911 Center with particular emphasis focused on being able to move this equipment. Commissioner Sisson recommended locating this building at the Airport which would serve to attract other businesses on Airport property. County Manager O'Neal reported the most appropriate location for centralizing County government and better accommodating accessibility of these services to its citizens is the Long Leaf Mall complex. In his opinion, the Jail and court system should remain at their present locations. Discussion was held on future fire protection. Commissioner Sisson reported fire protection will probably phase into a paid/volunteer service with paid service during the day. The Volunteer Firemen feel this type of system is acceptable, and the Fire Inspections Committee has visited Durham and Guilford Counties with information being solicited from Mecklenburg County to see if this of type of system is working satisfactorily. One item that will have to be addressed is the redrawing of fire districts to conform to the growth in population in order to avoid over funding one department when equipment could be more equitably shared. After further discussion, the following conclusions were drawn: Inspections Department: As long as new positions can be justified and can be funded from revenues generated by the Inspections Department, they can be considered during the budget process; however, staff is to continually monitor the need for new positions. Department of Social Services: A recommendation will be received from the County team appointed to work with the DSS Director to completely review the organizational structure and positions needed. A decision will be made at that time. Water & Sewer: The Water & Sewer Task Force will present a report on options to consider for the generation of revenues. A decision will be made at that time. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUDGET WORK SESSION, FEBRUARY 3, 1994 BOOK 23 PAGE 934 Fire Protection: Once the present study is completed by the consultant on March 31, 1994, this matter will be addressed. COMMISSIONER SISSON EXCUSED FROM THE BUDGET WORK SESSION Commissioner Sisson was excused from the Budget Work Session at 2:25 P.M. Chairman Greer expressed concern for prioritizing items such as expansion of the Emergency Operations Center or implementation of the 800 mghz system until a decision has been made about the space needs for the jail and judicial system. In his opinion, a first priority should be moving the Law Library to the main Library to immediately provide additional courtrooms without a large sum of money being expended. Also, Home Health should be moved from the Health Department to provide additional space. After further discussion, the County Manager was directed to proceed with moving the Law Library into the main Library. Also, it was agreed that a Task Force should be appointed immediately after adoption of the FY 1994-95 Budget to study the space needs in the downtown area, particularly for the Jail, Judicial Building, and the EOC. Funds are to be included in the FY 1994-95 Budget for the space needs study. County Manager O'Neal presented the budget schedule and reported when the Budget Work Session is held on April 13, 1994, staff will know the funding needs for the County Departments and Outside Agencies. It hoped that direction will be given for preparation of the FY 1994-95 Budget so the recommended budget can be presented on May 2, 1994. From May 2, 1994 until May 16, 1994, the budget can be reviewed and additional Work Sessions scheduled before the Public Hearing to be held on May 16, 1994. If additional time is needed, the Public Hearing could be scheduled for June 6, 1994, with final adoption on June 20, 1994. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Commissioner Barone MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Caster to adjourn the Work Session. Chairman Greer adjourned the Work Session at 3:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board