Agenda 2001 01-08,• ,. ~ `~ ~.. ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AG E ~ ®~ . Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic C9ourthouse . - _ ~ ° 24 North Third Street, .Room 301: , ~~ '' Wilmington, NC TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREERVlCE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ' ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD , 'December 18, 2 0.00 5:30 p.m. '. ' MEETING CAL LED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis,Jr.) INVOCATION - , .PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED , - PAGE ~ : . TIMES ~ .. -ITEMS' OF BUSINESS NO. 5:4.5 p.m: Consideration of Report for Entry Into the Record -Change in 2000-2001 Secondary 1 -. Road Construction Program - N.C. Department of Transportation _ 5:55 p.m, Consideration of Approval of Guidelines for Commissioners Meetings ~ 3 ~ OS M i f i h W d S Di : p.m. eet ng o ater an str t e ewer ct 21 6:15 p.m. Additional Items County Commissioners . County Attorney County Manager . .Public Hearings': .. 7:00 p.m: _ Rezoning: Request by Hubert Smith to rezone approximately 7 acres of property' , 7 ` located at-3145 Castle Hayne Road from R-20 Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business. (Z-717, 11/00) • 87:30 p.m. Rezoning:` Request by John Wessell to,rezone 1.37 acres of property located 11 at 6230 Carolina Beach Road in front ofBeau Rivage Plantation from R-1,S Residential to O&I Office and Institution. (Z-71.8,11/00) 8:00 p.m: I2ezonin~: Request by Berrie Marshburn to rezone approximately 1.50 acres 15 _. of property located at 5331 Castle Hayne Road from RA Rural Agricultural - to CD (I-1) Conditional Use Light Industrial. (Z-714, 09/00) 30 p.m. -~ , Non-Agenda Items (Limited to 3 minutes) ~ ~ ~ ~ , - 9:00 p.m. _ Adjourn •. .NOTE: The ti me listed for each agenda item is estimated and if a preceding item takes less time the Board will move to the nett-item.- ' ~ CONSENT AGENDA NE~V HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ _ ., - . k ~ January 8, 2001 • ITEMS OF B INE US SS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes ` 27 . 2. Approval of Submission of Application for Community Transportation 29 • Program Funding 3. Approval of Veterans Park Development Grant Opportunities ~ 31 4. Approval of New Hanover County Grant Application for Project 33 - - Tomorrow Environmental Education Grant 5_ Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the No Cost Transfer of Vacant Lot 35 - at 1812 Castle Street to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity 6. Approval of Budget Amendments: 6.1 #01-0089. to budget Medicaid Cost Settlement in the amount of $153,479 39 `; ~ received for revenue earned October 1998 -September 1999 i 6 2 l t f #O1-0093 t i b d t to t t f FY 00-01 41 . ac amoun gran o ncrease u ge ua o or 6.3 #01-0095 to increase budget for balance of the Governor's Crime 42 ~. Commission Grant from NHRMC for Communities that Care . 6.4 #01-0098 to adjust budget to actual amount of grant awards for FY 00-01 .43 6.5 #01-0105 to budgeti an additional $9.,500 received from the Partnership 44 ~~ ,, for Children Grant to support the Child Care Consultant Nursing Program. .: ,. i rl•4, . f . .., ~ ~`~, ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARB 0~° COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR B®ARQ ACTinIV ,Meeting. ®ate: 01/08/01 _ ~ . Additional Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Library Presenter: ~ . ~Contact:.David Paynter • SUBJECT: . Consumer Flealth, Library Grant Application BRIEF SUMMARY: • The New Hanover County Public Library is requesting $130,000 from the Cape Fear Memorial , ` Foundation to renovate an area of the Main Library to house a consumer health collection which .was recently received by NHCPL from the New Hanover Cesar=rte Regional Medical Foundation. Renovation would 'be'd'one in conjunction with the proposed .renovation of~the Main Library, if that ' project is approved. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve subrriission of grant application. FUNDING SOURCE: Cape Fear,Memorial Foundation,- ~ ' ATTACHMENTS: . REVIEWED BY: . LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET:• HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider approval of submission of grant application. A work session on-the pending capital .projects, incl~rding renovation of the third floor of fhe Library, is scheduled.to be held on January 1.$ r. COMMIS 'SRS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~Q~UNTY ~OMMISSIONt'R APPROVED try' RE.lECTED ^ REMOVED C7. POSTPONED >HEARi~ ~~.~ s .;~E~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE To: Ted Davis, Jr. (,/ From: David M. Paynter ~/// Re: Cape Fear Memorial Foundation Grant - ' Date:. Jan 5, 200 i The Library would like to apply to the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation for a grant to develop a separate space for the Consumer Health Library; which we have recently accepted from the New Hanover Regional Medical Center. The Library is requesting $130,000; The applications is due January 15, 2001 and requires the signature of the organization's_Chairman. I hope you will consent to do this. If the grant application is successful, it will be placed before the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration at a regularly scheduled meeting. ~l~l~tttillt~; ~~ ~~~~ b t ~H~ J+v CJ ~~6~s+`~~ ~ . ~~~' ~~ . _ CAPE. FEAR' MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM PART I: YOUR ORGANIZATION Name: "New Hanover County Public Library Street Address: 201 Chestnut Street, • - City, State & Zip Code: Wilmington, NC 28401 ' Name of Key Contact Person: David M. Paynter ' Title: Library Director ~ • • ~ ~ Telephone#: (910) 341=4395 Fax#: X910) 341-4357. ' Fiscal'Year End: 9/30/2000 ~ Federal Tax ID# 56-0003'24 1. Is your organization a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under IRS Code Section 501 (c) (3) or a governmental unit? If not, you do not qualify for a grant: If your organization is a 501 (c) (3), please attach a copy of your current. IRS tax- exemption letter with this Application. Yes 2. is your organization a private, nonoperating foundation? If Yes, you do not qualify, for a grant. No 3. Would a grant from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation in the. amount being requested jeopardize your tax-exempt status? ~ ~ - . No •4. Will any of these funds.be used to pay a nationally affiliated organization? 1f yes,. please explain. No 5. Does your organization now, or does it plan in the future, to engage in any way in . the promotion. or advancement of political causes? If yes, please explain.. . No 1 CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM 6. Summarize your organization's background, goals and current. programs. Discuss your assets in personnel, services and programs that could be built upon by the Foundation's help. . . The Consumer Health Library was created to provide information on medical topics that are relevant and appropriate for the general public. Consumer health information covers not only information on signs and symptoms,, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of diseases,;but also includes information on access, quality, and utilization of health care services. An essential part of the mission of the New Hanover County Public Library is to provide accurate and reliable information to the residents of New Hariover-County in areas of significance to their lives. Consumer health information is unarguably of extreme importance because it has such a direct, serious, and potentially profound connection to the well-being of our patrons. The New Hanover County Public Library views the establishment,of astrong Consumer Health. Library as a special part of its service. ` The New Hanover- County Public Library was the logical beneficiary of the Consumer Health Library of New Hanover Health Network when it closed in October 2000. The Health Network Administration recognized that-the. consumer health service~could be enhanced as part of New, Hanover County Public Lbrary'through greater visibility and accessibility, the financial power to purchase additional resources, more professional staff, and expanded hours of operation. It is a national trend to develop strong consumer health services as part of public library systems. New Hanover County Public Library's venture into this area will be cutting-edge and could well serve as a model for the establishment of consumer health libraries throughout the world. The establishment of a separate library within a library is of utmost importance. Concerns of privacy and confidentiality, the ability to study intensively in a quiet atmosphere, and the availability of trained staff can only be guaranteed with the construction of a Consumer Health Library within the Main Library of New Hanover County Public Library. 7. Describe your organization's structure and attach a list of your officers and directors. Please refer to the attached organizational chart ~. f~ fl 2 _~ • • • (PART IL• PROJECT/PROGRAM (Please quantify whenever possible.) 1. Describe the: problem/need that the program/project will address. The Consumer Health Library was a successful program of New Hanover Health Network . {NHHN). The. need ~to eliminate programs because of financial considerations forced the closing of the library in October 2000. Taking on the responsibility for the Consumer Health Library by NHCPL has prevented a valuable community resource from being lost: Without this resource the, state'of consumer health information service in our area would revert to its. state before the .opening of the Consumer Health Library-library patrons in need of consumer, health and medical information would not be able to receive the caring, in-depth, one on one service given at the Consumer Health Library. The New Hanover County Public Library, `s (NHCPL) staff is exceptionally busy providing information across the entire spectrum of human experience acid does not have the necessary time or training needed, to provide excellent consumer health information reference service. The Coastal AHEC library cannot provide this service either. Its, mission is to provide information to health and medical professionals: ~ The information housed in the Coastal AHEC library is much too technical for the average citizen. The. creation of a Consumer Health Library as a separate but integral part of NHCPL is of utmost importance. Part of its predecessor's .success was in comfortable, caring atmosphere and individualized service received by patron's seeking consumer health information. The creation of a separate Consumer Health Library within the New Hanover County Public Library would ensure that the tradition of excellent service would continue. . We are requesting that the .Cape Fear Memorial Foundation provide funds for this renovation. 2. Describe the objective of the project/program and indicate how individual lives of the recipients will be changed and what benefiits are expected to result. The mission the Consumer Health Library is to ;provide clear, accurate, and current medical and health information. The information provided empowers individuals to make sound healthcare decisions. This is more important now than ever before in the age of managed care where physicians spend such a limited amount of time with their patients. In the past, patients accepfed, and indeed were expected to accept, what they were told by physicians and blindly follow prescribed treatments. Now more and more patients are becoming savvy and particular. They want` to know as much as they can about their conditions, prognoses, treatments, and options, as well as the, cornerstones of wellness--exercise and nutrition. Information .and understanding empower consumers to take control. of the healing process and to make healthy lifestyle choices. Informed patients.do not merely succumb to disease, but. consider it their enemy and fight in any. way. they can. To achieve this, accurate and in-depth medical information, information that. can be found in the Consumer Health Library is of utmost importance. Another objective is to develop a model consumer health library that can be replicated in public libraries.throughout-the world. There is strong interest in America for the provision of accurate health information through public libraries as evidenced in the recent decision by the Public. Library Association to certify reference librarians in the area of consumer health. Libraries in Europe. and India have also shown interest in this area. 3. 3. ~ Describe~the strategies you will develop to accomplish the objective. A Consumer Health Librarian with extensive experience in this area has been hired to manage a ~~ consumer health. library.. He will train,additional staff on how. to best provide sensitive health , and medical information to library patrons. He will also, be responsible for •purchasing current., print and electronic resources for public use and will be responsible for marketing the,program to the community. Key to the success of this program is a significant presence within, the Library. The Consumer Health Library will focus attention on the program, as well as providing a comfortable space for the discussion and research on sensitive consumer health information . issues. ~ , The Consumer Health Library will' sponsor health information programs open to the general. public. Health information resources will ~be made available via the NHCPL's web site. The Consumer Health Librarian, is a member of a statewide. Consumer Health Advisory Committee sponsored by the Health Sciences Library of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The purpose of this committee is to explore ways in which North Carolina Citizens can gain access to online health information.. In this way expertise gained in New Hanover County will have a statewide effect. The Consumer Health Library will continue a unique partnership with the Coastal AHEC Library to extend the consumer library's collection'to counties surrounding New Hanover County. ~ For the last twenty-three years, the Coastal AHEC Library has had an Outreach~Librarian who visits health facilities and- health professionals in these counties: t Duplin Brunswick Pender Onslow Columbus ' Bladen The Outreach Librarian visits health departments, hospitals, mental health facilities, and nursing homes to extend the Coastal AHEC Library's collection. and services. Since July 1999, the Coastal AHEC Outreach Librarian has been marketing and' then delivering individual books, . videos, and documents from the Consumer Health Library collection.to the fifty-four.health facilities in nearby counties. All of the health facilities are overwhelmingly grateful for these.:- excellent patient education materials. ~ , 4. State how; when, and who will conduct an evaluation to measure how well your project/program is meeting its objectives.. The library's success will be measured through evaluations. and statistics. Demographic data will be collected and analyzed. Users will be surveyed in order to evaluate and improve service. Detailed statistics on demographics will be kept constantly. Statistics will also`be kept for the subject classifications of materials used. Evaluations will be mailed quarterly to a sampling of patrons. In-house evaluations concerning the quality of service will be performed once a week. The librarian will supervise these evaluations. Monthly reports will be prepared and distributed to library' ~admiriistratiori and other interested parties. Groups touring the Consumer Health Library will be asked Ito evaluate the facility and give feedback that can in turn be"used to improve our facility. 4 ti j ~ PART N1: FINANCIAL INFORMATION. ~ ' 1. Amount requested from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation. $130,000 2: Develop a complete project/program budget, including income and expenses, for the period you are requesting funds (see attached format). Also, please attach a copyof ..your most recent audit or financial statement with this application.. Please see attached proposed budget 3. List the names of ocgariizations, both public and private„to which you have applied , - ~ for. support for this specific project/program. Also show the amount requested and the status (pending, approved .or disapproved).., Organization Amount Status . New Hanover County _ $46,000 approved .New Hanover Regional Medical Center Foundation - - 30,000 `pending . ~ Gale Research :Inc 5,000 approved Total- ~ ~ . , ~ $81,000 . .. ~. ~ . 5 CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION - GRANT APPLICATION FORM ' 4. Describe how your project/program will become self-sufficient within three years, -, . Staffing' acid materials have already been secured for the program. Additional enhancements will be secured through various grant applications. ' 5. If the funds are to be used for construction or equipment acquisition, explain the bidding process. All bidding will be done according to the rules and standards of the New Hanover County government. CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM PART IV: REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ,. ,, Do you agree to furnish to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation, in a timely manner, periodic progress reports informing the Foundation of the progress made by your project/program? Yes If Progress Report forms are enclosed for projects previously funded for which an annual report has not yet been made, please completo the forms and return with this Application. N/A SUBMITTED BY: David M. Paynter Typed Name of Chief -~ cutive Officer of Requesting Organization Signature of Chief Executive Officer Date Director 6 t Title Ted Davis, Jr: ~ .. . ~ , Typed Name of Chairman of the Board of Directors Signature. of Chairman of the Board Date ' . , of Directors . Signature of Chief Executive Officer and Board Chairman is required for Application to be viewed as complete. • . . Completed Ap"plication must be received in the Office of Cape Fear Memorial - ' ~ Foundation by 5:00 p.m. on the cutoff date for each grant cycle: The cutoff dates . are January 15 and July•i5 annually. ~ - Part ILI:.~Question 2 Attachment, Project/Program information ' ~ ~ ~ - Develop a complete project/program budget, including. income and experises for the period•~you a_r'e requesting funds as shown below: Project Budget.:: From 7/1/2001. To 6/30/2002 'Renovation ~ $107,000 Equipment 10,000 Architectural Fees 13,000 TOTAL $130,000 ' Summary of Proposal - We.propose that the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation provide $130,000 for the renovation of a space in the New Hanover County Library -(Main Branch) for a Consumer Health Library New Hanover County Library a e Organizational Chart _ ~Dircctur (1) ' Administr'ativc ~ . S t:S uppor ~kc Lihrarian - (I), Curnputer ti ' Crvl(:CS tI)- Ail rn i nistrati yr S T upp~,~ t ccii ~1j_ . Librarian I L.brary Library - ~~I) ,. Associate -- ~I) Assistant ~2) - Assistant ~Consumcr Ilcalth ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Director 'T ihrrrian (I} iI} ~' Librarian lII NE Regional Librarian III _ ~ Librarian II ~ Librarian Il Librarian lfl ~ I_rhrarian~ -~- jl) Reference Sup < Pi~1?lir5cn~iccs CirculalionSup Branch bier Chilrh~en's~Sup (I)±_ ~Ij Library Lib ~' Library Lihrrri:n~ I Librarian II Assoc.'. Assoc:: Assoc (I) (T) ~ Mobile: ~ ; ~Zj Library Library Library- Asst Assoc Librarian I Library Asst NIG ' ~~ ~ ~) Assoc. x.11 (6) , _ ~Z) . - - Library - . - I.ihiarianI Librarian I Libr ~' Assoc. . ~ f 1 - -__ ~I) '.Assoc. MG - ~Z) __-- ,~I) Library Assoc. (I) ` Library Assoc. ~l) Library ~ 45 position s Asst (3) .. '`4. .. .. . ~~ . - NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ~ . A-3 Page 2 of 2 ' GENERAL FUND ~ . SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES Years Ended June 30, 2000 and 4999 2000 1999 ~ ' Economic and Physical Development: ' ' .Planning 544,840 585,694 l Contribu#ions~to Outside Agencies 437,387• 407,611 ' Total Economic and Physical Development ~ 982,227 993,305 Culture and Recreation: . Library 2,565,710 2,352,690 Parks and Recreation 1,932,716 1,651,687 Museum 965,469 , 959,403 . Cooperative Extension Service 1,621,614 757,761 ' ~ Contributions to Outside Agencies ~ 133,214 215,310 Total Culture and Recreation 7,21.8,723' 5,936,85.1 Education: Community College Current Expense ~ 2,924,543 2,585,724 :.~ ~ Total. Education ~ 2,924,543 2 585, 724 Debt Service: . Principal 2,535,711 1,988,111 Interest and Fees 2,266,132 1,351,690 Installment lease payments 2;701,283 2,087,491 - Total Debt Service 7,503,126 5,427,292 Tota(Expenditures $113,867,439 $96,280,601 E' • r ~~ % , • 6! NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSLONERS : *! REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/08/01 Department: Museum Presenter: Adam Rahhal Contact: Patricia A. Melvin j SUBJECT: Stucco Replacement for Cape Fear Museum BRIEF SUMMARY: _ At its November meeting, the Board of Trustees of the Cape fear Museum approved replacement . of the current stucco exterior of the building with. metal panels. This decison was a ,result of - review and recommendations by David lisle Architects and the Board of Trustees Building and Grounds Committee. Three bids were recieved on December 27, 200.0. The lowest. bid, submitted by Precision Walls, t~ ~~y Inc, of Raleigh, NC, was $257,858 (6% lower than the engineer's estimated constr 'on cost). - SYztn RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board ofTrustees of the Cape Fear Museum seeks. County Commissioner approval of its recommendation to replace the current stucco exterior of the building with metal panels. J . FUNDING SOURCE:.: , ~"' FY 200001 Approved Budget ATTACHMENTS: ~ P . ~UIVfiY'. rO~MMI~sIONE~~ t APPROVED Lv-~. REJECTED REMOVED CJ ' ` POST['ONED FD~AR1~ ~ t . ~~g~ ~ ~~ . `~ ~' .1~ .,~:f•.... a ,-~ . a ~:~~~a~~~; ;t~~~~ v'dggqq~/~+~~)h~'~ 4..' ' ~` dj_!;r?.~~T~ 4 t C~~ ,~"'~ 4 +~ /,r-~ 9~. ~ ate' . ~'~ r ' ~ . ~ f ... - i o - - . . ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ l~TEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ INTER-OFFICE ~ ~ ~~ MEMO _ .. TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Allen O'Neal, County Manager ` - ` FROM: ~ Patricia A. Melvin, Assistant County Manag ,~ t , ~lt...~.-~' RE: Stucco Replacement Project for Cape Fear Museum The Board of Trustees of the Cape Fear Museum seeks-your approval of its recommendation to + .replace the current stucco exterior of the building with metal panels. In its November meeting the Board of Trustees voted to approve replacing the stucco on the exterior of the building with a metal cladding. Several options were reviewed, including brick vaneer. However, the metal panels seemed to present the best opportunity for efficiency in construction; attractiveness, and cost effectiveness. Adam Rahhal, Engineer, in the County's Engineering Department received one: response to a request for proposals from Lisle Architects, Inc. David Lisle, after testing portions of the. exterior walls for potential underlying damages, determined that-there was no such damage and that the metal cladding is the only product which could be placed over the stucco.. To place the • product over the stucco eliminates the cost of stucco removal, and cuts the construction time -~ substantially. The metal cladding color will be consistent with the current color. scheme of the exterior of the building. The estimated cost of the metal panel option, including a 15% contingency is $301,400. ~ , A sample of the metal panels is being displayed in your office for a period` of two weeks for your viewing pleasure.. Copies of preliminary cost estimates; include a coloring rendering of the building with metal panels. is attached'hereto. Please provide feedback by January 10, so the .r project can be near completion by the June 2001., when the dinosaur exhibit begins. .y ~ ~ .. _. .. Spam _ ~ ` Attachments - 2 ~ `- ~' ~ , . s. gape Fear I~us~u~ ~'r~lianina Cost estimate November 02, 2000 fetal Panel ®ption l .Patch and repair {new studs, sheathing and felt) 3. New metal panels ~i7~l~nin~ton, North Carolina 4,000sq.ft. @ $2.00 $ 0,000 14,000 sq.ft @ $19.00- 266 000 $274,000 4. Contingency (15°10) $ 27,400 Total $ 308,400 - ~..__~s_~ -~---~`a _ , ~" ~_ I (1 ~ - - - ~ __ t. e ~ ~ ~~. d ~ ~ ~. r ~ ~ ~4~ ~,_~ --'~ ~~ I ,I ~ ' ~ ~ 1 ~~ s ' '~' '~[ }'~,f ~ '1 ~ gyp! I ~ ~, 55I I,I ' 1 ~ i '1' ~~ ~~r Pr ~ ~ M7T~"~F ~~ ~ •~,~ ~ ~ ,., ' ~ ,1' ~ ~ _ ~ . _ ~ fc ~ -a ~ ~ ~ •~~ j.. li; ~ •r. . , ,y °~;ti , ~ t ~4- ~ a x -~ ~,~,i F,' ~ ~ ~ o 'g. ' i , ~, n ,J3 ~' ,,i Y. •l-T~b~ w .tom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . n• ~~ ' y S'Y ! ,f~ i ` J~1 a ~'„u { i R. f __. _ 'S' 3F 'h rt _J ~' ~ ` _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY-BOARD ,OF COMMISSIONERS _- _ ~_ ._ _ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/08/01 . Additional Item#: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: ~ County Mariager Presenter: . Contact: Allen O'Neal, County Manager ~ _f ' SUBJECT: ~ - Approval of Proclamation Designating January 15, 2001 a s Martin Luther King, - Jr. Day in New Hanover County. - BRIEF: SUMMARY: -Martin Luther King,. Jr. is recognized for his leadership and inspiration of the Civil Rights Movement. He has lead Americans to stand together.for the ideal that our country was founded on that ail men are created equal.- , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve proclamation FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ` ATTACHMENTS: ' ' ~ ~ kingproclamation1$ ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMME AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Approve proclamation. COMMtSSIONERS° ACTIONS/COMMENTS.: i - r~UfUN COMM-SSI pNEA . ..APPROVED ~ --_ ' _ REJECTED ' p REMOVED ~ q _ ~ ~ PDS7('ONED d t_ . .. ,. ,. HEAR~7 ~ ~ ---~_... PROCLAMATION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a pivotal figure, in the Civil Rights Movement who stirred the concern and sparked the conscience of a generation; and WHEREAS, by leading non-violent movements and marches, Martin Luther King, Jr. was vital in bringing a change to the fabric of American life; and WHEREAS, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a man of great courage who never backed down from the Civil Rights struggle, despite numerous death threats and the bombing of his home; and WHEREAS, the charismatic leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired men and women - both black and Caucasian - to stand together and fight for the ideal that our country .was founded on: all men are created equal. '` NOW, THEREFORE, The New Hanover County Board. of Commissioners do hereby proclaim Monday, January 15, 2001 to be Martin Luther King, Jr: Day in New Hanover County and. urge all citizens to recognize his achievements in racial equality and the abolishment of segregation. Adopted this the 8t'' day of January, 2001 SEAL :.~ C~~~ 7 ~~ ~.:s`s o'' ~~~r~ 1 F 1 {"i~ as ~etJ6 t r rF~r.+v t Lucie,F:"Harrell,~C-lerlc to the Board ~„ ... '.t,p .~,. Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman J ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSfONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 01/08/01 Additional Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department:. County Manager. -Presenter:. _ Contact: Allen O'Neal ~ - . SUBJECT: Approvat'of Resolution Requesting the General Assembhy to Change the North Carolina Homestead Exemption. , - BRIEF SUMMARY: . Per Board request, attached is a resolution supporting a change in the Homestead Exemption:. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .. .FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: + REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve' HUMAN RESOURCES: ~, . COUNTY MANAGER'S CO MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS;` . Recommend approval: COMMLSSIONERS' ACT10 S/COMMENTS: ' ~ . .. r~0U1V1Y GOMMI~S(© ~~ ,. APPROVED ~~- . . .REJECTED . p REMOVED . POSTPONE® tJ , .. yEARfJ Resolution of the - New Hanover County Board of Commissioners WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners is charged with the responsibility of preserving an outstanding quality of life for-all citizens of New Hanover - - County; and WHEREAS, it is a proposed goal of the North Carolina Association ofCounty - Commissioners to request the General. Assembly to change the-North Carolina Homestead Exemption to $20;000 or 50% of the value of the residence and change the income threshold to $15,000; and ' WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners believe that increasing the Homestead Exemption to $25,000 and the Income Eligibility Limit to $25,000 will help maintain and enhance the quality of life for seniors in New Hanover County and across the state; ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Conunissioners of Neer 1Iaizover County herebyxequests that.all members of the New Hanover County ~, - Legislative Delegation support raising the Homestead Exemption to $25,000 and the Income Eligibility Limit to $25,000. Tlus the 8'h day of January 2001 {SEALS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ted Davis Jr., Chairman Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board ~~3~~u~~~ ~~~ ~~ • ~ ~~~' `' ~~~C~~ ~: ~' to NEiN HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~' Meeting Date: 01/08/01. - Regular Item. #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: .. , Department: Governing Body .Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell,. ~ ~ , Contact: Lucie F. Harrell - SUBJECT:. - Report for Entry Into .the Record -Change in 2000-2001 Secondary Road Construction Program - N. C. Department of Transportation.: , .., . .BRIEF SUMMARY:. _ As noted in the attached letter from the N. C. Department of Transportation, the 2000-2001 ~- Secondary Road,Construction Program for New Hanover County has changed, and the estimated ' .allocations have decreased from $143,082 to $74,070.65: These revised allocations have been ~ ~:; approved by the N. C. Board of Transportation because of a discrepancy in allocations throughout the state. This change has resulted in a coristruction delay of SR 1337M, Marathon Avenue, - which includes SR 2636,. Indian Corn Trail and SR 2637, Tall Oaks Drive. The tune frame for completing the paving of these roads will depend on future allocations. , RECOMMENDED MOTION. AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - ~ - Accept the decreased allocations so this change can be reflected in the minutes. FUNDING SOURCE:. ~ .. - - . - -.- , .. ATTACHMENTS: .. -, .. .- _ , - .. ~ lTEM,DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW _ , COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ANTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . Recommend approval. ' . ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO /COMMENTS: - f'•QUNTY COMMI5St0N ' APPROVED ~~Fec;,e~c:,fe4l ,,- - REJECTED p . REMO'V'ED (~ ,_ t .. Pt3 PO ST NF'D fl 1 t ' , -, a ~~~ ~.~ :~ ~ . .~~d,,, '.l ~ ~, A ;:,tM~5St0 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA , ~ ~.~ , . DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA ON JAMES B. HUNT 7R. ~ DAVID McCOY ... GOVERNOR SECRETARY December 8, 2000 The Honorable Ted Davis, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~ , 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 V~r'ilmington; North Carolina. 28401 ~ ~ _ . Dear 1~Ir. Davis: Subject: 2000-2001 Secondary Road'Construction Program The North Carolina Department of Transportation presented the 2000 - 2001 Secondary Road Construction Program for New Hanover County based upon estimated allocations. This program was submitted. to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners by letter dated May'31, 2000 and presented in a public hearing on June 19, 2000. This into notify you of changes which have occurred in the program that was presented: Due to the City of Wilmington's annexation, SR 1552; Camellia Lane, is notiv within the city limits and maintenance of the road will be transferred from the Department to the city. Therefore, the Department is no longer planning on paving SR 1552, Camellia Lane, as presented. The estimated allocations as presented for fiscal year 2000 - 2001 was, $143,082.00. The actual . allocations approved by the Board of Transportation in September totaled $74,070.65. Due to the - discrepancy in allocations, the construction of SR 1337M, Marathon Avenue, which includes SR 2636, Indian Corn Trail, and SR 2637, Tall Oaks. Drive, will not 6e completed this fiscal year: ° The time. frame for completion of paving these roads will depend on future allocations. ~ ' As stated in the letter dated May 31, 2000, you will be sent a report of work accomplished and funds, expended for this fiscalyear. Sincerely, ,~/~ Allen Pope, c~ ~r^^~=~~~al3~~ At,yfe`~ ~ Division Engineer HAP/Irnp C°'~';°`'~' ~~ '. ,~ cc: ~ Louise McCoi~l, Member, Board of Transportation ' L. M. Podeszwa, Acting District Engineer . ~.~y S:~E. Cooke, P; E., New Hanover County Maintenance Engineer 2 4.. ~..F _ ,4~. ,. 124 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 251-2655 William A. Caster ~ ~ ~~~fitP tt~ ° Chairman rt G Gr b R ~, ~~Yt~~~~~QX~ ~~~~~ ~~ eer o e . _ Vice-Chairman ~E~.17 ~2TYLII~IEr ~DliYL~~T , BuzzBirzenleks ~rtr 32[T ~tLl'~EStYL1Tf•~trEEf, ~.DDrxti 31T5 Commissioner ~iI2ILTIT$tIIYC, ~trrtll fbttTrrlI2TtI Z$4A1-4II33 Ted Davis, Jr. Commissioner r,~r ~LI.E1E}Tl'~IIYiE (~lII) 3.41-714 Charles R. Nowell ~txx (~1Q) 341-413II Commissioner December 14, 200:0 , MEMO TO: County Commissioners FROM: Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman . SUBJECT: Guidelines for Meetings ,~„ + a ~ . 9 NORM F Wanda M. Copley County Attorney Allen O'Neal County Manager Lucie f. Harrell . Clerk to the Board In an effort to better schedule Work Sessions and move the public hearing process more quickly on zoning items for the convenience of the public, I have been thinking of some suggestions that. could serve as guidelines. Please review these ideas and provide me with your comments or recomiilendations. I would like to discuss this issue at the next meeting. 1. Whenever possible, schedule all Work Sessions after Monde.: mornin meetin s or after . Y g g Thursday evening staff meetings. This will allow the Commissioners and Staff to better plan their schedules. ~,, ~ . Sandwiches will be provided between the meetings. 2: Place Non-Agenda Items at the end of the agenda to avoid spending time on items that usually have to be addressed at a later meeting. It is not fair to people scheduled on the agenda at a specified time to wait because a number of people have taken a considerable amount of time discussing an issue that was not listed on the agenda. 3. Begin night meetings at 5:30 p.m. so Public Hearings can begin at 6:30 p.m. This time change would become effective February 5, 2001, to allow the Planning Department sufficient time to implement the change. During the first hour, the Consent Agenda, Water and Sewer Agenda, additional items and other issues can be addressed. Sandwiches will be provided at 5:00 p.m. 4. 1~imit~e~ach~P~ubhc Hearing to 30 minutes as follows: . s ~~~~4~ ~'~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ } ~a k i t ... County Commissioners - ...: December 12,~2~OQ . ' ~ Page 2 .. ' S minutes for the presentation by Planning - 10 minutes for the petitioner and other persons to speak in favor of the request :.'IO minutes for persons in opposition to speak • __._ ~ discussion by the County Commissioners When the Public Hearings are advertised in the Classified Ad Section of the Star News, the notice will .clearly state that hearings will begin at 6:30 p.m. ~ . When notices are mailed by the Planning Staff to adj acent property owners, petitioners, and attorneys, .' - - a letter from the Chairman will be enclosed to inform individuals of the new- guidelines. Attorneys ' and interested citizenry groups will be requested to present •information in advance of meetings to ~ . prevent last minute documents being presented to the .Board without ample time to interpret the , , information. If large groups plan to attend the meeting, they will be encouraged to select two or ' three speakers who will be asked not to presentredundant information..The letter will clearly inform the public of their rightao speak, and no effort will be made to discourage this open process. -The following statement will appear on the Regular Agenda and the Planning Department ad placed ~' " in the Classified Ad section of the Star-News:. 'The time listed, for each agenda item is estimated and in the event that a preceding item takes less -time, the_ Board will move to he next item.. , Please feel free to comment on the proposed guidelines: Your input is important, 'and I would appreciate any remarks whether negative or positive. f t - .. ~' _, 5 .: - ~ ~ ~.~ _ .: ~ .; 4 6 C~ 3AI~O ~,. .~.- N 4 ~~: ~~ tl~ m n ~ o ... ~N anxxia!n'^a"v' O V ~ W A d ~..\ 01 / t* a ,~ D V Of p1~A W N W a~ N ~" 2W"n2m~.m bj ~ ' ~ i Or`mO~-vra ~ ~ 4 r;~ ~~CrC C7 0 ~ 2.m mm2aS N ~. 0:3792D0D ~C j m;0 =tn c~ cn c7 ~ ~ ~D ~- NrN~ao OSm-7m ~~ s DS DSV~'o N p m~ ~~.2~2 CyD ~ G7 n ,, -Di -a-1 C m ~ O O a z Z .r r CD N ® ' ~ ~ ~ €' N ~+ w g n-~°~ o a°a o m ~~ ~ o m ~ ~ ~ / ~d ° ~ $ z y r_n;i iii~~~,~tr Tu I~CGI __ ~D ~ _'""-~--L-L_7 0 gE~ 8 .~ ~. .,:q. .. .. .. ~ _. cp ~. B A LJ 9 J ~1 ° NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ° REQUEST FOR BO_ ARD ACTION Meeting Dater 01/08/01 Regular Item #: 4.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT; Z-717, 11/00; R-20 Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business ` BRIEF SUMMARY: The subject property is located at the intersection of Rockhill Road and Castle Hayne Road. At the November 2000 Planning Board meeting the petitioner presented his request to rezone approximately 18 acres of property. As result of discussions during the meeting the petitioner asked to continue his petition to December meeting so that he could amend his request. The petitioner has decreased the size of his request to approximately 7 acres. The proposed rezoning area still has approximately 700' of frontage on Castle Hayne,Road right of way. Although some setbacks will be required, most of the Swamp Forest which is protected by County Conservation overlay District lies to the West of the floodplain and outside the new rezoning request. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Several neighbors wanted to confirm the depth of the rezoning request. The Planning Board unanimously voted to approve the requested B-1 rezoning to a depth of 300' parallel to Castle Hayne Road right -of-way, leaving additional buffering and floodplain areas to the west zoned R-20 • Residential. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a .ATTACHMENTS: 3 ~. ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMtSSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~Qi11VTY COMN1t~tON~ • APPROVED L'~-''' REJECTED O . REMOVED t7 ,'~ F~t}STI'ONED ~EAR~ C~ ~l CASE: Z-717, 11/00; APPLICANT: Hubert Smith REQUEST: R-20 Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business ACREAGE: Approximately 7.0 Acres LOCATION: South West Corner of the Intersection of Rockhill Road and Castle Hayne Road. (3121-3145 Castle Hayne Road) 8 LAND CLASS: Resource Protection -The purpose of the Resource Protection class is to provide . ' for the preservation. and protection of important natural, historic, scenic, wildlife and recreational resources. The Resource Protection class has been developed in recognition of the fact that New Hanover County, is one of the most urbanized counties in the State, still contains numerous areas of environmental or. cultural sensitivity which merit protection from urban land uses... . PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 12/7/00:. The petitioner presented his revised request. Several neighbors wanted to confirm the depth of the rezoning request. The Planning Board unanimously voted to approve the requested B-1 rezoning to a depth of 300' parallel to the Castle Hayne Road right-of--way, leaving additional buffering and floodplain areas to the west zoned R-20 Residential. BACKGROUND: At the November 2000 Planning Board meeting the petitioner presented his request to rezone approximately 18 acres of property. As a result of discussions during the meeting the petitioner asked to continue his petition to the December meeting so that he could amend his request. The petitioner has decreased the size of his request to approximately 7 acres. The proposed rezoning area still has approximately 700' of frontage on Castle Hayne Road but the depth is limited to the floodplain line' (approximately 350') to the west of the Castle Hayne Road right of way. Although some setbacks will be required, most of the Swamp Forest which is protected by the County Conservation Overlay District lies to the West of the floodplain and outside the new rezoning request. "' STAFF SUMMARY: The subject property is located at the intersection of Rockhill Road and Castle Hayne Road. A small portion of the property at the intersection is already zoned B-1 Neighborhood business. As noted above according to the Comprehensive Plan the subject property falls within the Resource Protection land classification. The purpose of this land classification is to preserve and protect important resources. The County Conservation Overlay Maps indicate that there is a significant amount of Swamp Forest on site. . The property is also divided by a perennial stream called Rattlesnake Branch, which is part of the headwaters of the Ness Creek watershed., Although this site has some unique characteristics of its own, much of the property in this area is zoned R-20 and classified as Resource Protection because of the , presence of a high water table. The proposed rezoning has approximately 7,00' of frontage on Castle Hayne Road and extends almost 1,000' to the west into an existing residential community. There are a few small commercial districts to the north and there is another large B-1 Neighborhood Business District less than two tenths of a mile south. The County has purchased the adjacent property to the south of this parcel for a future park site:}T}e~~~;o'mpreliensiwetPlan has established a policy to locate commercial centers to provide community~leveaaservice and trade needs at key intersections or on major thoroughfares with appropriate ~performanee and~desbnrequirements. The large area of existing B-1 Neighborhood Business Zoning .should pro4 ide a'dequate'service for the surrounding community and since this is not a major intersection there is no s~upportfor;creating a regional commercial node at this location. Future commercial activity will probably occurrto~the north at the interchange of the 17 by-pass. For all of these reasons Staff recommerids~Denial of~the request. Case: Z-717, 11/00 Petition Summary Data Owner/Petitioner: Hubert Smith EYistin~ Land Use: Residential Zoning History: July 1, 1985 (Castle Hayne) Water Type: Well Sewer Tyke: Septic Recreation Area: Castle Hayne Park Access & Traffic Volume: 16,000 (ADT 1999) Fire District: Wrightsboro Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Ness Creek C(SW) Aquifer Recharge Area: Secondary Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: Swamp Forest Soils: Wrightsboro, Onslow, Lynchburg, Johnstori Septic Surtabilrty: Class II, (Moderate Limitations), Class IV (Unsuitable) Schools: Alderman 9 {This page intentionally left blank} 10 ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF C~OMIVIISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/08/01 Consent.ltem #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Pat Melvin Contact: Pat Melvin SUBJECT: Approval of Submission of Application for Community Transportation Program Funding. BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover Transportation Services is supported via funding from federal, state and local government. Federal and state funds are available in the fcrm of Community Transportation 'Program Grants and must be applied for annually. The grant application for FY2001.2002 must be submitted by January 15, 2001, with approva! of the Board of County Commissioners. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve grant application and appropriate assurances and certification„statements. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: ~, COUNTY MANAGER'S COIVbME.NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~~~ . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • f'f11-MT'Y f'~gnMl$SI Nf~~ kF: ;'JVE~ REJECTED ;~ REMOVED ~ i POSTPONEI: 1 ~, FiEARi> , tom` Y~ . _...1_~~r b/ ~~~ 29 ~. FY 2002 CTP Application Community Transportation Program Resolution . Page 1 1.~~'~d,~r!21..~14'~ i w~ ~ .tai.: ~.: °I ~''? ~..,.~,{~~ ~ 'yA s'Xf?~ 4' ~ ¢~w \'y y. ,j "~ f ~~~''-; `^~~..ht ' !S^y.~ RESOLUTION Applicant Seeking Permission to Apply for Community Transportation Program Funding, Enter Into Agreement With The North Carolina Deparnnent Of Transportation And to Provide the Necessary Assurances. , A motion was made by (Board R~Iember's Name) and seconded by (Board Member's Narne) for the adoption of the following resolution; and upon being put to a vote was duly adopted. WHEREAS, Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General Statutes and the Governor of North Carolina have designated the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as the agency responsible for administering federal and state public transportation funds; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation will apply for a grant from the US . Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration and receives funds from the North Carolina General Assembly to provide assistance for rural public transportation projects; and WHEREAS, the purpose of these transportation funds is to provide grant monies to local agencies for the provision of rural public transportation services consistent with the policy requirements for. planning, community and agency involvement,.service design, service alternatives, training and conference participation, reporting and other requirements (drug and alcohol testing policy and program, disadvantaged business enterprise program, and fully allocated costs analysis); , WHEREAS, (Applicant's Name) New Hanover County hereby assures and certifies that it will comply with the federal and state Statutes, regulations, executive orders, Section 5333 (b) Warranty, and all administrative requirements which relates to the applications made to and grants received from the Federal Transit Administration, as well as the provisions of Section 1001 of Title 18, U. S. C. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the (Authorized Official's Title)* of(Nameof.4pplicant'sGoverningBody) New Hanover County is hereby authorized to submit a grant application for federal and state funding, male the necessary assurances and certifications and be empowered to enter into an agreement with the NCDOT to provide rural public transportation services. I (Certifying Official 's Name)* . ~° ~~~t~.i:ln ~a akj~ *~'"' "~ ~:`'~ (Title) do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of a meeting of .~ ~.~ the (Name of Applicant.'s.,Gove~rning Board) New Hart`ove'r'"County Board of Commissioners .~ .yi~~~ duly held on the ,day ofl!~~ , 20_ • 9'' ~~ . 3 O Signature of Cert~ing Official I, ° FY 2002 CTP Application ~. Community Transportation Program Resolution Page 2 New Hanover County .Board of Commissioners Natne of Locat Governing Board Subscribed and sworn to me (date) Notary Public Sea! fI ddress My commission expires (date) "Note that the officiat nufl:orizerl to submit the gram application, certifying official, and nolary puGtic should be three sepn.rrrte individuals. 31 FY2002 Community Transportation Program (CTP) Grant Application Project Nbr: 02-CT- July 2001 -June 2002 PART I -ADMINISTRATIVE AND EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT BUDGET SUMMARY Legal Name of Subrecipieint: New Hanover County Transporation Services Subrecipient's Federal Taxpayer Identification Number: 56-6000324 Period of Performance: July 1, 2001 -June 30, 2002 NCDOT I. Total Project Expenditures Requested Approved (NCDOT Maximum Participation Amounts) Administrative Expenses $ 170,851 ~ $ 0 Employee Development Expenses 2,000 $ 0 Total $ 172,851 $ 0 II. Funding (Do not complete this section) Total Federal NCDOT Local 100% 80% 5% 15% Administration 170,851 136,681 8,543 25;628 100% 85% 0% 15% Employee Development 2,000 1,700 0 300 Total Funding $172,851 $138,381 $8,543 $25,928 APPLICATION NCDOT-PTD 10/16/00 32 \F~ SFY`2002 Community Transportation Program Federal Section 5311 Certifications and Assurances SFY 2001-2002 CERTIFICATIONS' AND ASSURANCES FOR THE SECTION 5311 PROGRAM This page must be completed by checking the certifications and assurances that apply. The individual authorized by the Applicant's governing body to submit the application, make the necessary certifications, and enter into agreement must sign where indicated. The Applicant's attorney must also sign the form. The signatures assure the NCDOT and FTA that the Applicant intends to comply with the requirements for the Section 5311 program. The prospective Applicant whose project(s) will be included in the program of projects for the Section 5311 application for North Carolina should select the appropriate certifications or assurances below. The attached certifications and assurances are described in the Notice dated November 7, 2000; "Federal Transit Administration Fiscal Year 2001 Annual List of Certifications and Assurances for Federal Transit Administration Grants and Cooperative Agreements." The prospective Applicant should understand that they are certifying not as the applicant to FTA, but as a subrecipient providing assurances to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, the applicant on its-behalf, that it will meet the federal requirements outlined in the certifications. and assurances. The certifications and assurances in the Federal Register should be understood in light of this relationship. Certifications and Assurances Required of Each Applicant X II. Lobbying Certification for Each Applicant Exceeding $100,000 X III. Effects on Private Transportation Companies x IV. Public Hearing Certification for Capital Projects that Will Substantially Affect a Community or Its Transit Service ~_ V. Certification of Pre-Award and Post-Delivery Reviews Required . for Acquisition of Rolling Stock x VI. Bus Testing Certification Required for New Bus Acquisitions VII. Charter Service Agreement VIII.. School Transportation Agreement IX. Certification Required for the Award of FTA Assistance to An Applicant for Its Demand Responsive Service x X. Substance Abuse Certifications x XI. Certification for the Job Access and Reverse Commute Program x XII. Certifications and Assurances.for the Nonurbanized Area Program `~ v L. SFY 200 Community Transportation Program Federal Section 5311 Certifications and Assurances } CERTIFICATIONS AND ASSURANCES FOR SFY 2001-2002 ~ / Legal Name of Applicant: New Hanover County Name of Authorized Representative: Ted Davis, Jr. Relationship/Title of Authorized Representative: -:Chairman, Board of Co°:~;C,ommi~ssioners By signing below, I (name) on, behalf of the Applicant, declare that the Applicant has duly authorized me to make these certifications and assurances and bind the Applicant's compliance. Thus, the Applicant agrees to comply with all Federal statutes, regulations, executive orders-and administrative guidance required for the Section 5311 application the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) makes to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in SFY 2001-2002 (FFY 2001). FTA and NCDOT intend that the certifications and assurances the Applicant selects on this . form, as representative of the certifications and assurances of the Community Transportation Program Application, should apply, as required, to each project for which the Applicant seeks FTA assistance through NCDOT now, or may later, seek- FTA assistance through NCDOT ~, during SFY2001-2002 (FFY 2001). The Applicant affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of the certifications and assurances it has made in the statements submitted herein with this document and any other submission made to NCDOT for inclusion in a submission to FTA, and acknowledges that the provisions of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, 31 U. S. C. 3801 et sea., as implemented by USDOT regulations, "Program Fraud Civil Remedies," 49 CFR Part 31 apply to any certification, assurance or submission made to FTA'. In signing this document, I declare under penalties of perjury that the foregoing certifications and assurances, and any.other statements made by me on behalf of the Applicant are true and correct. Date: Signature of Authorized Representative of Applicant ~34 SFY 2002 Community Transportation Program Federal Section 5311 Certifications and Assurances • AFFIRMATION OF APPLICANT'S ATTORNEY for New xanover County (Legal Name of Applicant) SFY2001-2002 Section 5311 Program As the undersigned legal counsel for the above named Applicant, I hereby affirm that it has authority under state and local law to make and comply with the certifications and assurances as indicated on the foregoing pages. I further affirm that, in my opinion, the certifications and assurances have been made with proper legal authority and constitute legal .and binding obligations on the Applicant. I further affirm to the Applicant_that, to the best of my knowledge, there is no legislation or litigation pending or imminent that might adversely affect the validity of these certifications and assurances, or of the performance. of the project. Date: 1 / 8 / 01 Wanda .Copley, Name of Applicant's. Attorney Signature I~ 35 SFY 2002 Community Transportation Program (CTP) Grant Application Special Section 5333(li) Warranty Special Section 5333 (b) Warranty /~"`~ For.Application to the Rural and Small Urban Program ~ ~J The following language shall be made part of the contract of assistance with the State or other public body charged with allocation and administration of funds provided under the Community Transportation Program (CTP): A. General Application The Public Body (The North' Carolina Department of Transportation) agrees that in the absence of waiver by the U. S. Department of Labor, the terms and conditions of this warranty, as set forth below,, shall apply for the protection of the transportation related employees of any employer providing transportation services, assisted, by the Project, New Hanover County ~ (Legal 'Name of Applicant/Recipient) and the transportation related employees of any other surface-public transportation providers in the transportation service area of the project. The Public Body shall provide to the U. S. Department of Labor and maintain at all times during the Project an accurate, up-to-date listing of all existing transportation providers which are. eligible Recipients of transportation assistance funded by the Project, in the transportation service area of the Project, and any labor organizations representing the employees of such providers. Certification by the Public Body to the U. S. Department of Labor that the designated Recipients have indicated in writing acceptance of the terms and conditions of the warranty arrangement will be sufficient to permit the flow of CTP funding in the absence of a finding of noncompliance by the Department of Labor. B. Standard Terms and Conditions (1) The Project shall be carried- out in such a manner and upon such terms and conditions as will not adversely affect employees of • the Recipient and of any other surface public transportation provider in the transportation service area of the Project. It shall be an obligation of the Recipient and any other legally responsible party designated by the Public Body to assure. that any and all transportation services assisted by the Project are contracted for and operated in such a manner that they do not impair the rights and interests of affected " employees. The term "Project", as used herein, shall not be limited to the particular facility, service, or, operation assisted by Federal .funds, but shall include any changes, whether organizational, operational, technological; or otherwise, which are a result of the assistance 6 ~ provided. The phrase "as a result of the Project", shall when used in this arrangement, include NCDOT-PTD SFY 2002 t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS o REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/08/01 Regular Item #: 4.2 Estimated Time: ~ Page Number: .Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: Z-718, 11/00: John Wessell for Peggy. Lewis; R-15 Residential to 0&I Office and Institutional BRIEF SUMMARY.: The petitioner is requesting a rezoning from R-15 Residential to 0&I Office and Institutional. The site has an existing 4,100 square foot building which was originally used as the sales office for the development. The petitioner's attorney presented the rezoning request. The attorney for Beau Rivage Home Owners Association stated that the HOA was negotiating with the petitioner and did not have any objection at this time. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recognizing the recent zoning changes nearby and the existing use of the property, the Planning . - Board voted unanimously to recommend approval. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: ~3 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ,_ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Ct'UIVTY CO~N11~~0 1 ^~ APPROVED Q~``-'"°'°~ REJECTED ~ REMOVED CJ POSTPONED ~ { FIEARi) ~ ~ I ~ 1 CASE: Z-718,11/00; APPLICANT: John Wessell for Peggy Lewis REQUEST: R-15 Residential to O&I Office and Institutional ACREAGE: 1.37 Acres LOCATION: 6230 Carolina Beach Rd. in front of Beau Rivage Plantation LAND CLASS: Limited Transition -The purpose of the Limited Transition class is to provide for development in areas that will have some services, but at lower densities than those associated with Urban Transition. ~ ' Residential density should be no more than 2.5 units/acre, with lower density being . more desirable. The use of clustering and planned unit Developments (PUD) is encouraged. These areas were previously designated as Transition and were intended to provide for more intensive future urban development. However, the provision of public services has been scaled back and less intensive urban development is planned. PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 12/7/00: The petitioner's attorney presented the rezoning request. The attorney for the Beau Rivage Home Owners Association stated that the HOA was negotiating with the petitioner and did not have any objection at this time. Recognizing the recent zoning changes nearby and the existing use of the property, the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval. STAFF SUMMARY: The petitioner is requesting a rezoning from R-15 residential to O&I Office and Institutional. The property is located at the entrance to Beau Rivage Plantation. The site has an existing 4,100 square foot building which was originally used as the sales office for the development. The subject property fronts on Carolina Beach Road which is classified by the Thoroughfare Classification Plan as an Arterial road. Directly adjacent and south of the subject property there is a vacant B-1 neighborhood business district which was established in July 1999. Prior to July of 1999 this adjacent parcel was zoned O&I Office and Institutional. Although much of the property across Carolina Beach Road is zoned R-15 Residential there is a whole sale nursery, anon-conforming junkyard, and some other B-1 Neighborhood Business zoning. Other commercial and institutional type uses are located nearby the subject property. Iri 1995 a petition to operate a child daycare facility at this location was denied. At that time there was significant opposition to the request. The opposition primarily focused on traffic issues. Since 1995 two properties to the south of this property have been rezoned B-1 neighborhood business. The objective of the O&I Zoning Classification is to be a transition between commercial and residential land uses. Since the development is no longer utilizing this space as a sales and information office, there is an existing building and associated parking that ~.,,~~ s~~vac~ant Given the'variety of land uses in the area, and given the fact that there is an existing offce~onsitexSfaffrecommends approval. 12 ~~ ~ . -.t,., .. ~~..R o ' . . ~, Case: Z-718, l 1 /00 Petition Summary Data Owner/Petitioner: John. Wessell for Peggy Lewis Existing Land Use: Sales Office Zoning History: April 7, 1971 Water Type: Community Sewer Tyke: Community Recreation Area: Carolina Beach Road Park Access & Traffic Volume: 25000 ADT 1999 ( ) Fire District: Myrtle Grove Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Lords Creek C(SW) . ~ Aquifer Rech'ar~e Area: Shallow Water Table Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None I~ Soils: Rimini Septic Suitability;-C1ass I (Suitable) ' i . Schools: Bellamy 13 i 14 {T'his page intentionally left blank} n NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/08/01 Regular Item #: 4.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: Z-714, 09/00;. RA Rural Agriculture to CD(I-1) Condition Use Light Industrial BRIEF SUMMARY: In order to change the use of an existing warehouse building, the petitioner is requesting a " rezoning from RA Rural Agriculture to Conditional Use I.1 Light Industrial. The building was built in the early 1970's for use as a wholesale florist company. Wholesale Nurseries and Greenhouses are permitted uses in the RA district. The petitioner's neighbor who shares an access with the petitioner voiced concern about additional traffic on the common driveway and future zoning changes that may result from this approval. There was a brief discussion ensued about who owned the access. • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board voted 4-1 to approve the request subject to the following conditions: 1) The use will be limited to~the Motorcycle shop, 2) The motorcycle shop can only be operated by the current property owner,-3) In order to meet the minimum.Zoning district size the proposed rezoning must include a 60' wide strip connecting the I-1 district across Castle Hayne Road. The Planning Board recommends hat this strip be provic~d oj~! the petitioners property adjacent and south of the subject parcel. ~~ Rma~~ -ham foe. ~".` °~/'n ~`""~'~ L1e~#~3~. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: 6 , ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • • REJECTED ® ,~ ,,#: .. .. .REMOVED POSTPONED t'~ F{FARO 4 Ci.~7{` ~~ dl ~ -.....::~...o: ~ COUNTY CO~ili~i~S6C~ APPROVED ~~1 CASE: Z-714, 09/00; APPLICANT: Berrie Marshburn REQUEST: RA Rural Agriculture to CD(I-1) Conditional Use Light Industrial ACREAGE: 1.44 Acres LOCATION:. 4331 Castle Hayne Road, south of Crowatan Road. LAND CLASS: Resource Protection -The purpose of the Resource Protection class is to provide • for the preservation and protection of important natural, historic, scenic, wildlife and recreational resources. The Resource Protection class has been developed in recognition of the fact that New Hanover County, being one of the most '~ urbanized counties in the State, still contains numerous areas of environmental or cultural sensitivity which merit protection from urban land uses.... PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 12/7/00: The petitioner and his attorney presented the request. The petitioner's neighbor who ,• shares an access with the petitioner'voiced concern about additional traffic on the common driveway and future zoning changes that may result from this approval. A brief discussion ensued about who owned the access. Ultimately the Planning Board voted 4-1 to approve the request subject to the following conditions; 1) The use `will be limited to . •the Motorcycle shop, 2) The motorcycle shop can only be operated by the current property owner; 3) In order to meet the minimum Zoning district size the proposed rezoning must include a 60' wide strip connecting to the I-.1 district across Castle Hayne • Road. The Planning Board recommends that this 60' strip be provided on the petitioner's property adjacent-and south of tlie'subject'parcel. ti STAFF SUMMARY: / In order to change the use of an existing warehouse building, the petitioner is requesting a rezoning from RA Rural Agriculture to Conditional Use I-1 Light Industrial. The building was built in the early 1970's for use as a wholesale florist company. Wholesale Nurseries and Greenhouses are permitted uses in the RA district. Throughout the Castle Hayne area where the zoning is predominantly RA and R- 20, there are several old farms that have been used for growing, propagating and selling a variety of flowers and nursery stock. This area was originally zoned in July 1985. Ali of the zoning on the west side of Castle Hayne Road within''/z a mile north and''/z a mile south of the subject property.is zoned RA Rural Agriculfure. Across from the subject.property, however, there is an I-1 Light Industrial District, which has expanded since the early 1990's. In 1987 there was a request to expand this I-1 district to the north which was denied, however, ten years later in January 1997 this I-1 district was expanded with a Conditional use I-1 rezoning and then in February of the same year the district was expanded again with a combination B-1 and O&I rezoning. The I-1 district was also expanded to the south in 1990. '~~~ ~, ~~A~Ithough~tfie petitioner's request to change uses in an existing building seems fairly innocuous, staff has seueral~coiicern's about the request. First the requested CD(I-1) zone must have some frontage on Castle Hayne Roa""_d` in~order to meet the minimum area requirement for the I-1 .district. Second, given the proximity tto the~Castle:~H;ayne Aquifer, staff is concerned about allowing more industrial zoning in this resotirce protectiont and classification. Staff is also concerned about setting a precedent for Industrial 16 zoning along this sidei of;Gastle Hayne Road. Given these concerns and given the availability of Industrial zoning nearby;Staff recommends Denial of the request. +. 6 Case: Z-714, 09/00 -Special Use Permit for a Motorcycle Shop In a Conditional Use I=1 District Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The board must .find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. -The site is served by individual well and septic. B. The site is located within the Castle Hayne VFD. C. Access to the site is through an existing improved access easement. 2. The Board must find that the use meets .all required conditions and specifications of the zoning ordinance. A. A site plan showing existing features and setbacks has been provided. B. Any additions to the site will have to meet the setbacks and buffer requirements of the ordinance. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. No additional parking or buildings are proposed. B. The warehouse is existing on the property. 4. The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity tivith the plan of development for New Hanover County." A. Other areas nearby are zoned I-l Light Industrial. B. According to the Comprehensive Plan, the property is located in the resource protection land classification which was established, to provide for the preservation and protection of natural resources. Planning Staff Concerns: 1) If the facility expands additional buffering and setbacks may be required. 2) The.Motorcycle Shop may increase the traffic through the residential frontage. 3) The conditional use zoning district must meet the minimum distinct area for the I-1 district. 17 . Case: Z-714, 09/00 Petition Summary Data, Owner/Petitioner: Berrie Marshburn ' Existing Land Use: Wholesale Florist Shop Zoning History: July 1, 1985 (Castle Hayne) ` Water Type: Well ,.. Sewer TXpe: Septic Recreation Area: Castle Hayne Park A & T ff V l 16 000 ~ ~ / ccess ra ic o ume: , l Fire District: Castle Hayne _ Watershed & Water Quality Classification:,Prince George Creek C(SW) Aduifer Recharge Area: Secondary Recharge - Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Murville Septic Suitability: Class III (Severe Limitations) '~ 8 Schools: Wrightsboro • CSC q, ~ooo 0 ~i~~~a7~u~ .~~. ~~ 7~.e. d8s~o~ Q~~n-~OixU /~~ ~~~t,cL~A~t~ ~a.' ~_2~Ze tZi~-. -X33 / ~~Z.~ ~ - ~oL . ~h~Lt,¢~ ,.O~t~i- Q~L ~ u cue c~ ~ ~uu, ~.~~.t ~~~ h, e ~ aA ~ ~Q~,~.,~ ~~~a~.~~i ~.F_m u~.~,u~~ ta~r~ C1~d- e~-,wio~i. o/nx~c. a.l.e, e~~~,ue~ ~ia~ ~-~,a~ ~,2.ctul~:,u.e-x.Py. ~ ~ o,~3e-d~~~.tvin.A,uzty' nanod. o u U Q Sooo `" a~ uGCCVxt -a~?ace-. Cs~~x~~vcaa-zv '+~+~- ~i.~i.eLC~z~~ `~ '~c~.d .a o-~2~,~-zPsv. ~.v vc~a~c~-; w-FA,~it~- 7'1~~?xu,~~ t.t,~td. Pxo~ vx.~.~c~ ~tR.a~~~< c~~/~~xce~a,tlc~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ r' j t /~- ly ~ ,' \./ ~' I . ~ ~ , i l~~ ..T _ ~' '7~'v / ~~ I `, _. fr( .r ~1t~` ~)t7I,-/t /~n11 ~ A.~. . f 1. ~! C.-. ~ ~~-~~ J I ~.,~ ~~%~~,~ ~ti.~ ~ ~~ /..... `y ~ mod ~ ._ l~ ` • ; } •`J /r ` , ` ~`, 1 / ~ ' ~ .I "'1. ~ `, ~ ~~ Cl, 'D ~; 1 ~A~ ~ : 11 . J ~ _,• ~1~~ ~ /, ~,. 20 1 1 ,1.~ ~ 2 i ~e cJa,,f -~_~~ ~~ :,a~' '~i. _ ~ee~ f rd~~e~~ ~~e.~vY~- c~ ~ ode, JLc`~.c~ ~ ~~rc~..~- ~'"~ 5 ~? Y. • ~ ° ~~ o.e s n.a=F" ~..c~ ate- .}~o ."~`t.~.( a-~~ ~,s,--~ _~ . -~ . ~J ~~"W~,..,,.._-----~ '1 ~2+r ~' Y~"r`~"'' ' ~~ . ~ ors ~ oy~~ r' 9p;~-a;~1~~ ~U1,G;~~Ic~:c`',.+,~ nay h~ ~-v -i~~~~ ~~`~ ~J {This page intentionally left~blank} NEW HANOVER:COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .a ~ REQUEST fOR.BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/08/01 - , Water & Sewer~ltem #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~~ . Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell ' Contact: Lucie. F. Harrell .. - - S UBJ ECT: ~. , - . . Approval of minutes ~ . , ... BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Approve th'e following sets of minutes: • - ~ Regular Meeting; December 18, 2000 ~ , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RElZUESTED ACTIONS: ' . ' Approve `minutes. ' , _ .FUNDING SOURCE: ; .... ,.~_ ; ` ' ATTACHMENTS: ;; y ~ ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ ~ 1 COUNTY MANAGER'S OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .. `. ,. Approve' minutes , . ~~~.;r, . ~ ~ . . .,~ COMMISSIONERS'. A S/COMMENTS: .. ., i !. ~ ~ : ~ ~ :. ., .. ,. ~ ,. u . . - COUNTY COlMM 4N ~ . - . ~ APPROVED `~ , ~ i ,_ ~ `. ~. - REJECTED ~ ' ~ • ~ . REMOVED ~ ~, ~,~ POS PO NED ~2 3 r - . F6EARi~ ~ ~ . . .. ; . ::~ ..r. , ....~. / ~ G.~.,~-~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~'~t, p~Y9°r.Ul"~i~ Hsu'. ~: `~ ~~~ ._ ~' .~ ,~ ~, _ ~ CONSENT AGENDA: . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _ ~ :~ . January 8, 2001 ~ ... . . . I ITEMS OF BUS NESS - PAGE . - N0. 1 • Approval of Minutes:: 27 , - ' 2. Approval of Submission of Application for Community Transportation ,. 29 .: Program Funding . . 3. Approval of Veterans Park Development Grant Opportunities • 37 - ~4. Approval of New Hanover County Grant Application for Project 39 Tomorrow Environmental Education Grant - ~' S. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the No Cost Transfer of Vacant Lot- 4T - , - at 18:12 Castle :Street to Cape Fear Habitat for.Humanity ' - ~, ,. 6. Approval of Budget Amendments:' ,. .. .. . '~ 6.~1. #01-0089 to budget Medicaid Cost Settlement in the amount of $153,479 45 received for revenue earned October 1998 -September 1999 2 ~ 6 l a #01 as b d t t a t f r FY 00 O1 ~~ 0093 t i t t f 47 : ncre e ge o c ua moun o g an or - o u - . ~ 6.3 #01-0095 to increase, budget for balance of the Governor's Crime 48 - . Commission Grant from NHRMC for Communities that Care` ~ - 6.4. #O 1=0098 to adjust budget to actual amount of grant awards for FY 00-0 i 49 6.5 #01-0105 to budget an additional $9,500 received from the Partnership 50 . '... ' , for Children Grant to support the Child Care Consultant Nursing Program. . ., .~ - .. '. F 25 . t ~. ,, :. .. - . . ».,~..,..,'~v .„ a. . ~ ... nz. ~,a zs~~.. .. .. 26 {This page intentionally left blank} ° iVEW HAIVOVER CO-LiNT'Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ - REQUEST F®R HOARD ACTION ._ . . Meeting Date: 01/08/01 - - . -. Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: -Page Number: - .Department: Parks Presenter: Neal Lewis ' Contact: "Neal Lewis .. ;~ .._ .. SUBJECT: - ~ - ~~ Veterans Park Development Grant Opportunities. :BRIEF SUMMARY: - There are three grant programs available to New Hanover County for the development of public outdoor recreation facilities and trails. Veterans Park Project is a good candidate to receive any . ~ one, or all, of.these grants. While the total budget for the County's portion of Veterans Park is substantially more than the available grant. amounts, these grants present an opportunity, to ' . accomplish more with the dollars the County dedicates to this project. - . Each of these grants requires a local cash match. The details-of each of these grants are included - - on the enclosed attachment.. A consideration in applying for these grants is that work may not begin on the grant projects until the award of the grant has officiaJiy been made. That should not conflict with he schedule of the work currently underway on the park, or with the County's fiscal - year budget calendar. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED AC~IONS• - Resolution to allow the Parks'Department.to submit applications for LWCF, NCPARTF and 2001 ~- Trails Grants, and that approval be given for required application signatures. ' FUNDING SOURCE: - - , There are two ways he county match for these grants could be addressed. `The County Commissioners couad direct that funds sufficient for the local match be included in the FY01-02 budget. If.the grants are not .received the funds designated as match couad be used for the capital - project. The Commissioners could agree to fund the local match out of fund balance if-tne grants; ,are approved. Local, match if all grants funded fdfly wou d be $762,500.. ' . ATTACHMENTS: - _ _ - Grant Op ~~ portunities 1 • _- REVIEWED BY: , LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve .BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. to submit grant proposals. If gr is are approved your. final concurance and determination of funding source will be required. ~~ ~;,/ -- COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: - ~~ ~A~Mj~~~ ,~-1 APPROVED.. ~„ REJECTED. q ` ~~ - REMOVED- ~ 3 ~>., - ~ -. 7 . PosTPONED , - F6EARi7 T ~~„ /// 4 ' i. - Cs !:JJJ ~~,~Y/ ~~ x a ~ , ~ ~ ~ , ~. ~ ~ H a~ ~ r~ ' an bn ~ ~ ~ E-.~ . ~. w ~ . ~ o ~, W E-~ ~ o , ~ ~ ~ A Z ,~ ~ ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . o . ~ ~ U z ~ o~ ; . ~ __ v ~~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ o .~ ~~~ ~ ~~ o~~ ~ ~ o z z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° x ~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ w ° y ~+ ~ ~ c~3 cn U ~ ,~ Y -~'' ~ ~ . N ~~~ .~ ~ i'. N U ~ r jG ~ ~ ~+ o U .~ ~ {~~~, ~;,:ni~~,a~ti~ ~~ ~ o a~ ta:~ ~ ~ , ~, ,~~, o~ ,. ~~ ..~ ~ . ~ , $ . ~, ,~ ~}+ N ~ +~U~~ ,S" f , ~ 4~•~~~ ~ t ~ ~Yt , ~ °~~»+ ~ j Tt . i o ~ °o ~ oo ~' , , ~ E~ Hz 0 o .~ 0 ~ o.~ o o. O N ~ ~ ~ ~ a3 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 ~~ ,, ~. W .~~ .° o ~~ ~`~ U ~ U ~ •---~ ~ ~ N U ~ ~ N ' ' ~ P~ O U ~."' o .; ~ O U p •,,;,, ~ " ' U ~ ~ ran ~ 4~ . n P-+ "d cd .~ x, ~ ~ a~ ~~ ~ oo~ W a a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w N:,~ ~ H ~ -~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ "i U ~ o~~ U ~ ~ o~ , ~, a i ~ r, o y o °o ~ zx~ w~~ zxa~' ~~ ' NEW. HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS R : , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: -01/08/01 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Library .Presenter:. , Contact: David Paynter SUBJECT: Project Tomorrow Environmental Education Grant- • ~. BRIEF SUMMARY: - The $1500 requested in-this grant would be used to purchase books and other materials related to wetlands research for use by local high school students. It will be matched by funds already in the library's budget. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Recommend approval of grant application and award contingent upon approval by the Department of Environment & Natural Resources. • URCE: • ' FUNDING SO . NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources ATTACHMENTS: Grant Appiicaion REVIEWED SY: . LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET:. HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMM€NDATIDNS: ~ -, Recommend approval.. ~,. ~ . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ . _' . . ~~ , ~ i . i • i ~ . ~` ~rygp~pg~g ,¢q R~ppa~q~q `~~Vi-tV ~ Y 'l~~iY1tY17~70~. ~ - RPPROVED ~+/ ~ , i ! REJECTED tJ ' ~ _ REMOVED • .f~ POSTPONED I~ ~~ • ! ~ ~ M6£AR~ . ~ ~ ~""~ JATi- 2-Ol TUE 10:39 AM N, H, CTY, LIBP,AP,Y ADMII~, PAX. 1`~IG. 9103414357 P~a~ 1: Ap~tACation ~o>; rm r4PpLICANT {K-12 Schaal, Environmental Education Cenrer, Public Library) ~'ublic ]Lilbralry , A?~9I)ItESS New k~anover County ]Public Library 2Ul Chestnut Street, Wilmington, NC 28401.39.24 C0~1NTY Neev T3anoyer JE~~TE$Z D~A,S~N (see attackked reap) Cape pear IS TIE APPLICAN'T' ANON-PROFIT 5tDi{c)3 O~t~ANI.~A.'I,ION? .YES ,'K: PTO ~ ,. GRANT CON'I'A,C7C PERSON Marie Spencer _,,;~,;,_. (Please notz£y 7udy Popea~"this person changes) pOSI'I'T®N Audiovisual Rei'erence Librarian _ 'I'EL,Tl?HONE ~ ~910~341-4390 x.225 ~ TAX 910-341.4357 - ' JE~zi'.[AII, - Ltsed ]R,egularty? 'YES ~. NfT » pREVI0~7S PROJECT TONIO~.ROW WJLNNER? NO 'EAR(S) 'T'his project Toanorrovv Environmental Education Grant Proposal lies been z~eview~d by' Intl his the support of (administrators rnmunity partners, etc.): (~ ~ Name: _ ~/JLur~~ .~-x/ _ 'Title• Library Dxrectyr __ Dav%d Paynter Narrae: Title: ~secutive Director, CFRW Susan Cayes t , Name; 7Citre: ~ . GRADES NUMDEIt Op 5T'UTTEN7CS Z+T~TMIIEI2 OF 7CT'JACIitE~S SC~IOOJL SYS7[`EM MEDIA ST'ECIAI:IST/LIBRARIAN ,~'1~~~JPA.UNE E-MAIL t~ O ~t4t~~i~:LL~3~ , 3~ ~'4i.~tt~f'~'~4~ ~; t sSD~:~i~~ ~ _•.'.~ ~~ . 9 P, 2 `J Nk~C~L P21g~2 3 0( 36 pi t lVEVN HANOVER COUfVTY BOARD OF COMMISSlOIVERS , . . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. ,, • ~`. " ~ ~ Meeting Date: .01/08/01 ~ - • Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time; Page Numtjer: ~ ~ , Department:. County Manager Presenter: °. Contact:, Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: ~ • Resolution Authorizing the No Cost Transfer of Vacant Lot at 1812 Castle Street to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity , :. BRIEF SUMMARY: A resolution was adopted by the New Hanover County Commissioners on April 19, 1994 supporting this project.. ,This parcel is owned jointly with, the City of Wilmington. Cape Fear • Habitat for-Humanity will .construct a single family owner occupied residence on the property within 18 months in order for CFHH to retain the property.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ` Consider. adoption of: resolution of conve`y'ance: " ` ° `~ ``"''LL " ` '~" `' FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS:.. ' :. REVFEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A .BUDGET: HUMAN RESOU;.RCES:~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND ~ OMMENDATIONS: • .. Recommend adoption of resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMEN S: ~ ' . ~. - . !i -: ;, ~ , I . • - :., ! , . REJECTED ® ~i ' ` ~. I~2EMOVED ~ , i ~ ~ PQSTPONED 1 f~1.EARiJ ` (~ ' ' ~ ~/ CITY of WILMINGTON North Carolina l'l y F.O. BOX ~ 81 O OFFICE OF THE CITY. MANAGER (910) 341-7810 284.2 FAX (910) 341-4628 . - ~ ~ December 27, 200,0 TDD°(910) 341-7873 Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager •~ , New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 ~~ ~ ~ . . . .r ~ -Dear Mr. O'Neal: ~ _ j , ..{.. Attached is a resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of the vacant lot located at 1812 Castle Street to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity (CFHH), in accordance with aresolution - adopted by the New Hanover County Commission on April 19, 1994. This parcel is owned jointly with the City of Wilmington.. Final conveyance is contingent upon both governing boards authorizing the conveyance to CFHH. CFHH will construct a single family, owner-occupied residence on the property. Construction must be completed within 18 months in order for CFHH to retain the property. Please place this item on the County Commission Agenda for January 8, 2001. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. `Respectfully submitted, ' ~~- _ ~ ,~ Steven D. Bridges Purchasing Agent SDBaws c ~~~ ~Attaclitment~~~~..~' C~==;~ ~iil~~l ~;~i~~ 3 ~ ~ r ~ .'1 .^ ~ b 7 ~ E h b a r ~ ~~ l d~ ~ rv % _ ` k a ~ ` ' .~ ID - ' u y l--r q ~.1 n - q 1~~ i I I~ ~ i ~ 1~ u ~~ ~ y1 ~e ~ v r ~ a f- N ~ h ~D Z `~ ^ ~fn a 4 G ~ '~ '~ u~ n ~ O 'S t bi? ~ ~ a Y M1 _ _ ~a ~ .~.q STREET ~ 1 p ~ b ] N ----~ m+ _ ~ ~ ~ b o N ~ ~ 6 h 0 i 9 / e U ~ q Q / ~ ~ ~~ ~'° ^ ~~ r e ~ ~ ?, ~~ ~ ~~ ~ bb n ~ ~ 1~1 ~ N ii O _~~ ^ ^ ~ ~~J ~ ~ ~ r ~ ,~o ~ ~b , ~.. ~ ~ ~ m l,~ ~.. n ~ , ~ ~ ~ 1l ~~ + ac's ~ /~ N ~ ~ Y g~` ~'~ \ ~~ v [ ~ R ~ ~'. ` ~ h ~~C~~ q N r ~- ~` ~ ` o~ ~ _ ` i ^ ~ a ,` \. ~\'I ~ 1 ~~ "' -- a' "- ~ _ ~D ~_ . ~ ~ .j ~' ~ N _ cj _ " o h ff~~ i0 A ~ ~j m a ~ o w K `..~ N .~ ~ ~ o. ° .s ~~rf} N ~ j ~ 7 N ~ N h N y ' t0 ~Z Z 4 ti ~~ I Q NINETEENTH EIGHTEETH SEVENTEENTH .1 ,yo n ' o , ~ • ~ ; - - ! ~ `~a ~y o i , m ~~~~ m^_ m mt ~ k ~._----~~- STREET STREET i W I.~~I~~eli~li~; ~i~ i l~ I.. ~ `;~~~ ~.~~li:~i~l Iw'i I li'( t ~I~ e -~~ial ~~ I•i ~ •I l_ _~ z f--a-_~-_~- , ~ ~--1 _~:_= J ~~ I~-- ---, ~ ~ F' i o o ~I ~ ~ II. I ~I. ~ .,I_eI . ~ ~ ~ ~. 0 I _ ~ ~ !'_! I 5 r,I ; i ,' Y .4 d ~. ... u 'i Y ~ ~ .. ~ L 3 '~~ •ti ` ~ .. ~ _ i ,I l ~, `~ Y _ .._ I ~ r 1 ., F. ,~ r. ^ .. ~ 1 N ~,. x :~ ; y '~ ' ~. t ' r ~i I ~~Y. j ~ ~I 'Iili~~~'~Illi i .+ > c5 ~ .r ,` `~ Y .. ' ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~'~ {.. fi wui _~ -,.f ~ . ~ i _,:,i ;,,~ ~~ ~ i I,:, :;. x~ ... , :~ hUJ~~" .. - - - ~ V ~ f o.~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY.BOARD OF COIVIMISSIOIUERS ~~ ~~,,,,~" - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _~ ~ ~ - ~- <: - `Meeting Date: _01/08/01 .~o` ~, dud et Amendment ~ ' ~ - .Consent Item #:L.~Estimated Time: Page Number: - - - ;.,, . DEPARTMENT: Public Health - ` . ~. BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0089 , ., ADJUSTMENT . ~: DEBiT ,.CREDIT - Public Health/Child Health Serv. Coord./ ` Nutrition/Epdemiology/TB/Maternity Care ° ~ ~ _ ~ - Coord,/family Planning/Child Health/ ~ , NeurologylChildren's Special Health Service: ~ ' ' - : Child Health Service Coordinator: - Title XIX Fee Maximizaaion ' $14;526. . ~ ,., ' Title XIX Fee Maximization - $3,,481 . Epidemiology: -. _ , . -. ' Title XPX Fee Maximization $7,788 Title XIX Fee Maximization - ~ $13,445 , ' ~ Maternity Care Coordinator: ~ ~ - Title XfX Fee Maximization .: , .. ; $82,910 ' ~' . Family Planning: . , , Title XIX Fee Maximization ~ ~ - $9,476 ~ ~ ~ - Child Health: - - ' ~ - Title":XIX Fee Maximization _ ~ $7;747 - - t. ~.~ - - ,. Neurol'o - - gY~ , Title XIX fee Maximization- - ~ $10,993_ , ~ - . - Children's-Special Health-Service: - "~ ~ ~ ' Title XIX Fee Maximization - " ~ $3,113 - 'Public Health/Laboratory/Administration/ - : - :' : Board Members/Child Health Serv. Coord,/ _ Epidemi:ology'~-Teen Ai'ds` Prevention/ - - ` ,: Maternal~H'ealth%Child~'Health: . ~, . Laboratory: , ~ wT $e ~,,~~~,~~ ~ - Capital,0;u~lay~gE~u,ipment - $2,400- ' j „ ,. Adminnistrat~on. ~ ~,~~~~ - ~t~ 'Contracted `Services N 1 T '~DS~~~ ' . $31,679 - F ~~ ~~Computer Expenses ~ : $25,600 , - Board Members: ~ - ~ ` - ., .. .a. , ' ,~ Training & Travel o ` "Child Health Service Coor"dinator: • . Contracted Services Capital Outlay -Equipment ,• ~..• . Epidemiology:.. w ~ fTemporary Salaries D t t 1 S I' $1,800 • $27,000 $16,000 epar men a upp ies " Capital Outlay -Equipment • Teen Aids Prevention: Salaries and Wages Departmental Supplies Maternal Health: " Contracted Services Child Health: C t t d S vices $15,000 $9,000: ~. ;•. ~ . $7,500 on race er .... - - Departmental Supplies $6,500 $ 3,000 $2,000 $3,000 $3;000 EXPLANATION: To budget Medicaid Cost Settlement. in the amount of $153,479 received for • . revenue earned October 1998 -September 1999 as follows: $25,000.- interpreter costs for all nursing divisions; $15,000 -Epidemiology Temporary Medical Records Clerk; $7,500 - Epidemiology Medical_ Records barcoding project; $16,000 -Child Health Service Coordinator` workstations; $2,000 =Women's Health client transportation; $2,000 -Child Health client • transportation; $3,000 -contracted Child Health Nurse Practitioner.; $3,000 -Child Health shelving and office partitions; $6,000 -Epidemiology flu vaccine; $6,500 -Teen Aids Prevention (TAP) salaries; $3,000 -TAP supplies; $3,000- Epidemiology office furniture and filing cabinets; $2,300 -Women's Health (TANF nurse), computer and printer; $11,000 -School Health computers and printers; $2,400 -Laboratory chairs; $2,000 -Laboratory computer and printer; $4,900 -Women, Infants,.and Children (WIC) computers and printers; $29,000.- Computer ; Support temporary employee; $1,800 =Board of Health Strategic Planning funds; $.5,400 -LCD projector; $2,679 -bilingual signs for main Health Department building, Animal Conteof, and Vector Control. ~ .. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.: ~,; ~ , APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners " • COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • ' ~'' APPROV,E~ .. REJECTE® JREMOVE® ~ ;' - POSTPONED' ' ' NEARi~ 4~6 _. ,~ '" "- • , - . _y. .~. ~ - J ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD `OF COMMISSBONERS' REQUEST FOR BOARD. ACTION Meeting Date: O1~/O8/O1 . Budget Amendment. Consent Item #:`.~Estimated Time: .Page Number:. s, DEPARTMENT: Library `. BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0093 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT .Aid to Public Libraries Grant ` ~ $6,669' . Computer Expenses ~ - $6;669 ~.. EXPLANATION: To .increase .budget to actual amount. of grant'for FY -O1.. Grant amount.is .$204,9.21. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: . APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissionees COMMLSSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . .. _, , ~QUi~Y ~O~~IQ~ ~~ , ~~ ~ - , , ;;'~~ ~•~ ~ ~ ~ r.f~aF. e,4~. ,. _ - ,~PPROV6D ., ~.<<~ { ~! ~t ~o,~.=#i~ i ~ REMOVED E~ . } ~„~ f~ - <~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~r~ r ~ POSTPONED.I:J . ~ ~; ~~~ ~fEARf7 ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~~,'~ [.F' T r ,.`,gig ~~~D/ yni ~i ,, NEW~.HANOVER COU,NTY.BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting ®ate: ®1/®8/01 { Bud et Amendment ` `~ g Consent (tem #:~~3Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Juvenile Crime Prevention BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0095 , ADJUSTMENT DEBT CREDIT Communities That Care..Grant $22,3.60 - Salaries ~ ~ $14,050 FICA $1,070 Supplies $6,900 Auto Reimbursement $1,340 Travel $3,328. Contribution from NHRMC $4,328 EXPLANATION: To increase budget'for balance.of the'Governor's Crime Commission Grant from NHRMC for Communities that Care. This position became a county grant funded position effective November 1, 2000. To budget contribution from NHRMC for this program._ ADDITIONAL INfORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: _ , . ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ 3, $~ :~ `~ •. ~ ~'. 48' ~~0U1v u 8 ~JiB11Vt~~ APPR®~/~ REJEC ~ ~ . REM®VE® ~ °~. POSTPONI~ ~ ~ `~ ~EA~~ t C,~~'~'~' , f ' pl ,~;yyt, l L NEW.HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM1SS10NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION' Meeting Date; 01!08101 , Budget Amendment Consent Item #:~~`~Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ - DEPARTMENT: Human. Service Transportatiori .BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0098 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT ' Work First Allocation $2,683 . DOT-Adm.; Federal .. ,. ,.. `. $88,226 , DOT-Adm., State $131,567 -DOT-Vans $72,601 Work First Expenses ~ ~~ ~ $2,683 - . Contract Services $43,341 CapitalOut{ay ~ $4,700 Motor Vehicles $67,901 EXPLANATION; To adjust budget to actual amount of grant awa rds for FY 00-01. ADD'ITIONAt INFO'RMATION.: - APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissione .~ rs ~~ ~ :- ~ " COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: _ , ..: , - - . '" , ' i ' ~ 4 r - - ~. . - .' ~ ~0. ~ ~ ~',~~ ~ J }..J~ 1~ ~ ' `~ ~ ;J - - ..~A~p~ p~~pppp p ~' ~1,AUld b, n !l~idl-VIId~~ I ~;; ~°'~s ~. .`._ ~IPPROVE®~ ? ,~ '~~t~~ ;~`:1 iREJECTED t~ ~ ; ~ ~ ' Ta'4 ~'~ _ ~ a (REMOVED ~ J cY~ ., - ," ._: ~r~~ %:; '~J_y ~.~ _ y POSTPONED /~ , 4 ~~;;~~ ~'.,5 r l-IEAR17 L~ j'~,~ x ~ - _ , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: O1/08/D1 Budget.. Amendmen# Consent Item #:LSEstimated Time:. Page Number: , DEPARTMENT: Public Health/Partnership for Children Grant BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0105 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT , CREDIT Public Health: Partnership. for Children Grant $9,500 ,Temporary Salaries $7;500 Contracted Services $600 Departmental Supplies . $500 Employee Reimbursements $650 ' Employee Reimbursements/Uniforms $250 EXPLANATION: To budget an additional $9,500 received from the Partnership for Children .Grant to support the Child Care Consultant Nursing Program. This revenue will be used to hire ~ J additional staff that will be responsible for performing hearing screenings in child carefacilities throughout New Hanover County. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: i x~,~~~,fl~;~~v; . ~ 50 ~~~ ~ ;,~,. ~. .~, ~APPeR®~~ .. ' ~tE,lEC`I~® ~ REMONE® ~ ;`~ POSTP®iyE® 6~EARi~ ~ l