Agenda 2001 01-22-sa=' AGENDA ~~pNOVER C~ . . ,~ '~ ~ u Q ' N~~ INPO~E%P/ O~ - ~ INOVSTRY ~pNORTH~P NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF ~;OlVM1VIISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 • Wilmington; NC -TED DAVIS, JR., .CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREEK VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • CUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD January 22, 2001 9:.00 a.m. , . MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION ` PLEDGE OF ALL EGIANCE APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ` ESTIMATED PAGE TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS NO. 9:15 a.m. 1: Presentation of Retirement Plaques 1 9:20 a.m. , 2. Presentation of Employee Service Awards 3 , . ~5 a.m. 3. Recognition of New Employees 5 °. 9:30 a:m. 4. Status Report on Capital Projects 7 * Jail Project . * ' Courthouse Expansion . * Parking Deck * Administration Building 10:00 a.m. 5, Consideratiori of Revision in Audit Requirements for Nonprofit Agencies Receiving 9 County Funding 10:10 a.m. 6. „ Modification of Memorandum of Agreement with Cooperative Extension Service 11 and Bylaws of Airlie Foundation .10:30 a:m. ~ 7. Consideration of Ordinance Levying Gross Receipts Tax -Short Term Lease or 15 Rental of Motor Vehicles 10:45 a.m. 8. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 23 Additiorial Items County Commissioners ~ - County Attorney , County Manager ' ~30; a.m., Non-Agenda Items - (limited to 3 minutes) .. ADJOURN -Joint meeting with City of Wilmington @ 1:00 p.m. MEETING OF THE •WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 January 22, 2001 9:00 a.m. ~ • ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~~ PAGE NO. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 23 2. Approval of Minutes 25 3. Consideration of Approval of Award of Bid #01-0123 and Approval of Contract, 27 #01-0123 for a Manhole Suction Unit to Jet Vac Sewer Equipment Company for $10$,219.25 i 4. Consideration of Approval of Request for Authorization to Connect Existing i. 29 Retail Center at 5212 North College Road to Sewer Force Main ' $. Approval of Request for Reimbursement for Oversizing Sewer Line =Windy 37 • Hills Contract #01-0204 ~ i ADJOURN ~ • ~~ - CONSENT AGENbA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS January 22, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE a NO. l . ~ Approval. of Minutes 49 2. Approval of Landscape Contract for County Property- 51 3. Ratify Appointment of Christine Leahy to the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board _ 6l of Directors as the Friends of Airlie Representative . 4. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover Fire~District Tax,Collection 67 Reports . 5. Approval,of Release of Value 7l 6. Approval of Library Services and Technology Digitalization (LSTA) Grant 73 7. Approval of Governor's Crime Commission Grant Submittals -Information Technology 77 8. Approval of Governor's Crime Commission Grant Submittals -Prevention and 79 ` Intervention Grants 9. Approval of County, Support for 2001 Legislative. Weekend 125 10: ~ Approval of Donation of Fixed Assets by Insurance Advisory Committee and 127 approval of associated budget amendment #01-0112 11. Approval of Resolution Requesting NCDOT to Add Roads to t11e State Highway 129 System 12. Approval of Budget Amendment # Ol-Ol l l Social Services/Administration/Domestic , l 33 . Violence/Child Day Care ` . ~, - NE1N HAfVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF.COMMI`SSIONERS - , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date.: 01/22/01 Regular Item. #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number:. ; Department:. Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Mary Johnson ~ - . SUBJECT:., Presentation of Nevv Hanover Count Retirement Pla ues Y q BRIEF' SUMMARY: - The former New Hanover County employees listed below are eligible to receive Retirement Plaques: .. ® Brenda F. Coffey -Emergency Management .Dept.. - 20 years, 5 months - - ® Mary Sue Dots -Registrar of Deeds. - 23 years, 3 months RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~~ ..~ ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S~L~OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATiDNS:. - Present plaques'``~~ ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: i r~QUNTY ~OMMISSIONER~ . APPROVED ~~~ .. REJECTED REMOVED C1 . ~ POSTPONED C] INEARi, ~ ¢~ r O W~ - _ -. ~ . - - ~ t T, r {This page intentionally left blank} ~~~~~ ~ ~~ {. t ~ ~C~. t: i 2 t +.~e~ Y 4t 0....- ~ 5~ r '~1, ~~ p ,,. -~ .. ' I~EW HANOV'ER COUNTY BOARD`OF COMMISSIONERS - . 'REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - ' - 1Vleeting Da$e: X1/22%01 . ,: Regu"lar Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number; . ~ Department: Human Resources Presenter:. Allen O'Neal ' - =Contact: Rosetta S. Bryant _ SUBJECT: - - . Presentation of.New Hanover County Service Awards ~. ~ ~ , ' BRl'EF SUMMARY:. " The following employees are'erititfed to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service .with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR,: Patricia H. Barnes ~ Register of Deeds; Yolanda Y. Patterson =Sheriff's -Dept.; Alice M. Hovis -County Manager's Office; Edward L. ~ , McMillan - WASTEC; EIIen.. A, Harrison -Health; TEN (10) YEAR: Diane N. Morgan -Register of Deeds; David M. Bauer -Property Management; Nancy L. Broughton. -Property Management; . Robert M. Blake ~ Sheriff's Dept.; Deborah L. Brown -finance; Laetitia D. Day "- Health; John A. Blume -Social Services Dept.; Patricia A. Jessup -Social Services Dept.; ~ - . ' _ FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: William S. Register -Sheriff's Dept.; Thomas J. Whitmore -Sheriff's Dept.; Dorothy J. Colson - .Health; Jacqueline L. Wiiiiams-Row{and - P-arks; and TWENTY (20) YEAR:. Mamie N. Carlos -Health. ' . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ °, FUNDING SOURCE: _ - ATTACHMENTS.: . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE-REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMIY~EfV~TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: , - Present service award:--~ . - COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: i - ~ ~ (BOUNTY' COMM15S10NFR~ f " 'I ~pRROVED E'~~~ ~ REJ ECTED i 6tEMOVED . CJ a .,~. F®STpONED Cl 3, . . - •, - BEARD ~' ~ ~ , \~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~r~~ ~ ~~C~AY~ -,~~,~ ~ NE1N HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF C®MMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: O1%22/01~ Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter:` Allen O'Neal ,' - Contact: Marlene Carney- SUBJECT:. - . - Recognition of New Employees: BRIEF SUMMARY:' . ~ ' - A list of newly hired county employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: - .. ATTACHMENTS: ~ ` 17EM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMEND AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize new employees;-- ~ y/ t'~' , ., M ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/C MENTS: r~i9UIVTY COI~MiSS10N ~ .. APPROVED ~.. ' 'REJECTED D k 6tEMOVED C.3 y :. @OSTPONED n ' ~~ ffEARD t: ,:. } - . ~l {This page intentionally left blank} ~~~~GC~I~. ~~tlf' 6~~ ~~ ~~t~~~u" ~1~~ t ,-, N.EW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:. 01/22/01 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number:: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'.neal - SUBJECT: Update on County Capital Projects - - BRIEf-SUMMARY: Staff, Architects, Engineer and Project Expediters will present to the Board a status report on each` - of the projects noted above. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED. ACTIONS: No action necessary FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW «` COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE No'action necessary. ~ v COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • . '4` r ~uN~nr co~r~t~s~®N~ IpPPROVED f7 n itEJECTED >w3 °y REMOVED ~ C~ i eOSTPONED i~ `, I1~~A-RC~ ~ ~ r l ~/~O L~~,...~55,~~srn2-~%r-L / ~C f-~~%~~ T~~/'GG~. GcJ,' ~~ ~2Ui'S~~` vJY r~ euLUQ~b~,,; ~Y~ 7yrhi. ~~ of {This page intentionally left blank} ~~j~~ypy~~~,~~~y~t'y~V~,~ ~ p~ ~ a t'1~C'3~/4 ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~.:. --~ .:r .~~ i , Y 44 s ~» ~; t ., •iv J ~; 4~ . ~~ .~ / Caaital Projects ~ . ~ . ~ f: . . ail:. r ~ ~ Basic Jail Facility (including-fees) $37,489,957 • ~ ..Work Release Facility 1,019,789 • 40: Bed- Dormitory 763,511 • Patrol space 900,000 • 10% Contingency ~ 4,017,326 • LEC Assessment Cost ~ ~ --- 4,340,256 • Furniture, Fixtures,'and Equipment 3,026,075 Budget Amount ...... ~ .....:....... ........... .. .......... . " $ 51,556-,914 ~PAY~~~ -r=~-~~ss~.~.~- Schedule; ,~ Approve amended scope of the project 01.22.01 • .....Project completion date 10.30.02 Porkir~ . All inclusive cost as shown in Sharpe AIA's Jan. 18~' report $ 8,346,851 • Schedule: • Approve site and design 01.22.01 • Bids ~ 03.01 • Construction begins 06.O1.Oi .. Project completion date ~ ~, a ~, ti r ~: ® Ad inistration Annex Bui/din 6 Stor version (IT and EOC moved here, 6~' Floor helled in for future growth) ' A11 inclusive cost as shown in Sharpe AIA's Jan. 18~' report $ 13,024,915 Renovations to Existing Administration Building 1,394,463 „ , Budget ........... ..... ......... . .......... $ 14,419,378 t Administration Annex Buildin~~3 Story version; . ~ ~ ~ All ,inclusive cost as shown in Sharpe AIA's Jan. 18*" report :' $ 7,440,496 • ~-' :Renovations to Existing Administration Building 1,465;767 Budget , - ...... ... .......................... .. .......... $ 8,906,263 Schedule: ~ ~. • Approve scope and project 01.22.01 Begin construction 06.2001 • ~ Completion date 09.30.2002 LibraryRenovations: . All inclusive cost as shown in Sharpe AIA's, Jan. 18~' report $ 3,480,210 . Schedule: -Approve scope`and project : . Begin construction 08.2001 . ~ Completion date:. Y 03.2002 . • Project Total Cost ~ Debt Service _ .Beginning FY # of Pennies Jail $51,556,914 $4,350,000 FY 03, 2.7~ . Parking Deck $8,346,851 $700,000 FY 03 .5~' Annex = 6 $14,419,378 $1,210,000 FY.03 .8~ Annex - 3 ~ $8;906,263 ~ $750,000 FY 03 .5~ Library Ren. $3,480,210 $300,000 FY 03 ~ .2~ ... Y NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR,BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/22/01 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Timer Page Number: Department: Budget Contact: Cam Griffin Presenter: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Revision in Audit Requirements for Nonprofit Agencies Receiving County Funding. BRIEF SUMMARY: . NC General Statue 159-40. Special regulations pertaining to nonprofit corporations receiving public funds states that if a county grants or appropriates $1,000 or more in any one fiscal year to a nonprofit corporation or organization, it may require the organization to have an audit performed and a copy filed with the county. At present, County policy requires nonprofit organizations appropriated over $5,000 in a fiscal year to obtain an audit performed by a CPA and a copy filed with the County. It has come to the County's attention that the audit requirement can cause a hardship for smaller organizations due to the cost of an audit (generally, a minimum of $2,000) in relation to the contribution amount. The City of Wilmington is in the process of revising its audit policy effective with FY01-02 as follows: Contributions of .$10,000 and above will require an audit; $5,000 to $9,999 will require a financial review. (The cost for a financial review is generally one-half of an audit cost.) Based on current year nonprofit contributions, and if the County revises its audit policy to be RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider revising the current audit policy for nonprofit organizations receiving County funding to be consistent with the City of Wilmington's proposed FY01.02 audit policy as follows: Contributions of $10,000 and above will require an audit; $5,000 to $9,999 will require a financial review - to become effective July 1,,2001. consistent with the proposed-City policy, seven organizations would not be required to have an audit or financial review, eight would be required to have a financial review. Four of the eight would not be required.to have an audit under the current policy, and 23 would be required to have an audit. FUNDING SOURCE: ~6UNTY C®Mnfll~lON ,APPROVED C~ ATTACHMENTS: REJECTED . REMOVED Ca ~ ., POSTPONED >D ~a REVIEWED BY: ~ HEARD l~ '~ LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RE`O,;IJtRCES N/A / ~~/i ~_ . J COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval of change in County policy requiring an audit for agencies receiving a contribution of $10,000 and above, and a financia~~i~w for agencies receiving contributions between $5,000 to 9,999. ~ 9 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .~ J {This page intentionally left blank} C ''~ihu~i~ ~~'~~JtiE.~'~ ~'` `'.{ell;:..; ~ I. ~ tc~~~! G`K~~~-31~ . ~ ~4 "~r~~~~~ 10 ~ ~ed~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 01/22/01 Regular Item #:. 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager -- Presenter: -Dave Weaver • Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: ' Consideration of Modification -- -- -~t-~'Cfro~e~r~#+v,~ ' of Bylaws of Airlie Foundation BRIEF SUMMARY: The following two items are presented to the Board for consideration based on the recent reorganization that seperated Airlie from Cooperative Extension Service/Arboretum. 1) The. existing Memorandum of Agreement between the County and the CES requires modificatioh, as shown in the attached document; to reduce the management role of CES for Airlie Gardens. The Agreement will stay in effect for the Arboretum. These proposed changes were approved by the Airlie Foundation at their January 9 meeting. ~. 2) The Bylaws of the Airlie Foundation are proposed to be modified, as shown in the attached document, to reduce the emphasis on CES in the mission statement, and to eliminate the requirement for a CES representative to be on the Board of Directors. These proposed changes were also approved by the Foundation at their January 9 meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the changes be approved by the Board. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ATTACHMENTS: Two documents. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL:. FINANCE: N/A BUDGET:. Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval nr~rin~ic irnnnnnrnrrc. r~UIVTY CON1MI~Y®N • ~46 (APPROVED ~~~~ yl, REJECTED Q REMOVED d ,% {~ ~pSTPONED C~ ~~ ~~ yy,~: ~/s~~ ~~~ else ~... ,a New Hanover County Contract # 99-0297R MEiyIORANI)UM OF AGREEMENT NORTH CAROLINA .STATE UNIVERSITY AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY ..This Agreement made and entered into this day of ;2001; betweeri New Hanover County (hereinafter "County") and North Carolina State University (hereinafter "NC State"). - WHEREAS, the .County owns the New Hanover County Arboretum in Wilmington, North Carolina , ` "and believes that in order to promote the efficient use of county resources it is in the best interest of the County that a third party provide educational leadership and professional staffing for the I'raperties Arboretum; and ' WHEREAS, NC State's Cooperative Extension Service has the relevant expertise to provide educational leadership and professional staffing for the purpose of public education, research, and extension; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and responsibilities contained herein, the parties agree as follows: (1) -The County desires NC State's Cooperative Extension Service to provide educational leadership and professional s~tzpcrvisian management of the F`ropert-ies Arboretum. (2) NC State's Cooperative Extension Service has the personnel with the expertise to provide educational leadership and to conduct research, education, and extension. programs on the-I'raperties Arboretum: (3) sr~p (4) ,~, `~ ~~ ~, r`, (5) > , (3) The County shall retain all responsibilities and. shall bear all costs and liabilities "of any kind related to ownership of the ~rerperties Arboretum, including, but not limited to, taxes, and insurance:. (4) The parties agree that either party may cancel this Agreement at any time for any reason, by giving, written, notice to the other party. IN~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be executed in North Carolina as of the date and year first above written. i Ted Davis ~ ~ Chair, New Hanover County ~ Commissioners ~ (SEAL) ,I l! ATTEST:' l ~. Clerk to the Board Jon Ort Director, N.C. State Cooperative Extension Service 13 MODIFICA7CION OF BYLAWS Article I Purposes Section 1: Mission Statement: a. To develop a premier world class garden facility and environmental quality educational program for New Hanover County citizens and all visitors through the restoration of Airlie Gardens to its 20~' century splendor. with emphasis on the horticultural, architectural, cultural, and environmental components. b. To provide citizens and visitois with the highest quality .garden experience, educational programming, and water quality research/demonstration efforts.-~a in-lie~pm~ - Article III Directors Section 1: Composition of the Board. The Board of Directors shall consist of thirteen (13) members nine-(9j ten (10) of which shall be appointed by the New Hanover County Commissioners as follows: One (1) County Commissioner or staff designee One (1) .County Manager or designee One (1) Director of Airlie Gardens or designee -(-~} five (5) At large members appointed by the County Commissioners One (1) Member of Friends of Airlie Gardens, ratified by New Hanover County .Commissioners One {1) Member of the Coastal Land Trust, ratified by New Hanover County Corraiussioners ' The following Board members shall serve by virtue of their position, as indicated:. One (1) UNC-W Chancellor or designee One (1) President of Cape Fear Community College or designee One (1) Member of the Corbett family appointed by Corbett Package Company, its successors or assigns 14 i~ . ~!~~~ ~~a~~~~~ C~.cperative Extensi SerdPCe ® •' as Co81®g® o! R~rlo~it~s~.a l~ Selene®s viiiCB Df fh8 olrc'C'ti1r~'~ 7anuary 1$, 2001 camp~s:9ox7saz Raleigh,.North Carolina 276.7902.1 Y ,i, ~, ~ . , 919:515.281q;.2612, 2813 M.. e.l ~,u r.>>, Jr . ~ - 91'9.515.3;~35(f'arj Chai.rma.n New hIanover County C'omn?issioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2$401.4Q93 Dear.M~~, T)avis: . recently received a-copy u'f'the agenda fGi the 3anuaty 22, 2001 Coer-ir?issioncrs ~ '° '' meeting, and I was somewhat surprised to see the "Iviodifiiation of ~emorand~um of Agreement with Cooperative Extension Service and Bylaws of Girlie Foundation" as an ~ ; agenda item. It was my understanding that issues related to tl?e Cooperative Extension Service would. not move: to items of business or ac;dun until afleer we had a chance t review ~,??d discuss.them.togcthcr. As n?y previous fetter stated, I feel that tl?r3re is ~,ore?t . .need for'.:s to discuss the ?'ask Force Report_ar?d.}~roposed changes before any.decisi^~s . . are n?~tc4e. A copy of the most recent Girlie Foundation 1VIUA was fared to us only two days ago. and is being reviewed by our university attorneys. At this time we cannut support the , amendments. .XL is our understanding that our joint meeting, which was schecfulcd for. January 30.24(?1,1?as been cat?celed because of schedule conllic!;s with some;of the., /Cprr?mr_cei{~q~erS. ~~e Certainly understand calendar conIIicts, Ar?d we anticipate-lirt~-...' C'Neal w?)1 C~iii aa~,t uci ii~ rescued ui~°. tl??S tr?eetiitb. 1 strongly and respectfully request. that item ~G regarding the modification of il?c t~c?A - . , be talren off the January 22, 2401 Commtissiuners' agenda until we have ai? opportuliity to meet face-tU-face and discuss this and numerous other issues. Yours truly, ~" 1 ~ ~` " Jon F. Ort Associate Dean and Director cc: NIr. Robert Cjreer lylr. William Caster ~e~, DgtA 1-1~-~ ~vsa>;: ~ ,~ ' Mv. „~Ul:~ ~UJt;n:i~[: l~o9t-if~'Fsx NOt6 To ~rorr;l; ?+Jls. Nuniy Pritchett ~ co. . Nl?: Allen O'Ncai Co.lDept. , Phana ~ Pndne ~ ~ r yg - Dr..ioc Zut~icna f ~' Pax e Fax A Dr. tivanda Sykes qip - 7~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ '~I - employment enC pragtem Oppo~iunities ere otte~ed to all people regardless atraca, color, national origin, sax, age or disaBiGty. Nor[!t Carolina 5?ate Universi?y, Nath Carolina A.&T beta University, U.S. Department of A.griu!It~lre, and iacal,goyemmFnts cooperating; \.1" • r~ LJ u NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. Meeting Date: 01/22/01 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: Robert C. Glasgow Contact: Robert C. Glasgow ~rnev~c(m~ fd N~~~ ~~~ SUBJECT: ' Ordinance Levying Gross Receipts Tax -Short Term Lease or Rental of Motor Vehicles BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Tax Department recommends the adoption of an ordinance to levy a tax on the lease and/or rental of short term motor vehicles. Short term is defined as the rental or lease, of less than one year. The authority for taxing jurisdictions to impose this tax was in response to Senate Bill 1076 which was i Qtended to reform the taxation of short term rental and lease vehicles. . Previously all short term rental and lease vehicles were identified by the owners to the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. That information was provided local jurisdictions..Tax bills were generated annually by local jurisdictions using a tax rate of 3% of the value of the vehicle. It was the contention of the rental and leasing companies that they were paying a higher tax under this formula. This change in -egislation provides for the local jurisdictions and municipalities to place a one and one half percent tax (not to exceed 3%) on the total rental or lease amount: If,a vehicle is rented in the City of Wilmington the tax would be 3% (1 1/2% to the City and 1 1/2% to the County). That tax will be passed on to the customer by the retailer. The gross receipts tax will be placed on retailers such as Avis, Enterprise; Hertz, and those leasing companies engaged in short term vehicle leasing. There are approximately 20 merchants involved in the short term rental or leasing of motor vehicles within New.Hanover County. AI( merchants located in New Hanover County, which are retailers of short term rental or leases will be required to file a report by the 15th of the following month, identifying the amount of revenue received for the reporting period and ,the amount of gross receipts fax charged by business location. There is no~estimate.of the revenue this tax will generate. Each of the four jurisdictions must pass an ordinance if there are retailers located within their municipalities and they intend to receive tax revenues from this source. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the attached resolution adopting an ordinance levying a tax on gross receipts derived from retail short-term lease or rental of motor vehicles which an effective date of February 1, 2001. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Tax.or 1TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~~Ot-NfiY COMMI~G01+ j APPROVED ~.;~;~.," - ` ~'' REJECTED C'~~ j REMOVED CJ ' ~®STPONED C3 + BEARfa ~ A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: O~Ad.~~~ Recommend approval. A unanimous vote is required on the first reading if the ordinance~is t 15 ~i f!p~ u~ ~ ~{ ~L 'become effe ~ ediately. Otherwise a second reading is required with a majority vote in favor. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~-, Ci;~....a~~b~36~~!' "'cl,: i! pb L%; ~,ial~l~ 16 : ° ~~~ .~~~~~t~, ,:~ y ~~ ti .{. + '1 INTRODUCED BY: Robert Glasgow, Tax Administrator DATE: January 22,2001 ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX ON GROSS RECEIPTS DERIVED FROM RETAIL SHORT-TERM LEASE OR RENTAL OF VEHICLES LEGISLATIVE PURPOSE/INTENT: The North Carolina General Assembly has ratified Senate Bill 10.76, which has been designated as Session Law 2000-2 (the `Act') and made effective for taxable years beginning on or after July 1,. 2000. The Act repealed the property tax on certain vehicles leased or rented under retail short-term leases or rentals and authorized municipalities to replace the lost tax revenue through enactment of a local tax on cross receipts derived from retail short-term leases or rentals. This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A-215.1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the New Hanover Board of Commissioners that: Section 1. Chapter 6 of the New Hanover County Code is hereby amended by adding a new Article XI, entitled `Tax on Short-Term Vehicle Rentals' to read: Article XI. Tax on Short-Term Vehicle Rentals Sec. 6-185. Definitions. In addition to the common meanings of words, the following definitions shall be applicable herein: (a) `Customer' shall mean any person that leases or rents a vehicle on a short-term lease.or rental basis. (b) `General Statutes' shall refer to the North Carolina General Statutes -and any reference to a particular section thereof shall include the same as may be from time to time amended, modified, supplemented, revised or superseded. (c) `Gross receipts' shall mean the amount that is or would be reported~as gross receipts on a state income tax return of a business, or on the federal income tax return filed with the state income tax return if the state return 1 does not separately state gross- receipts for the most recently completed tax year. Taxes collected hereunder are not subject to the tax herein imposed and. are not included in gross. receipts. (d) `L•ease.or rental' shall mean a,transfer, for. consideration, of the use but not the ownership of .property ,to another for a period of time. (e) ,`Long-term lease or rental' shall mean a lease or rental made under a written agreement to lease or rent property to the same person for a period of at least three hundred sixty-five (365) continuous days. (f) `Person' shall mean any individual', trustee, executor, other.fiduciary, corporation, unincorporated association, partnership, sole proprietorship, company, firm, or other legal enti-ty. (g) `Short-term lease or rental' shall mean ..any lease or rental of a vehicle that is not a long-term lease or rental. (h) `Tax Ccllector' shall refer to the County Tax Administrator and any other person authorized to carry out the duties and functions cf. such individual.• (i) `Taxpayer' means any person liable for the taxes imposed by this Article. " (j) `Vehicle' shall mean any of the following: (i) a motor vehicle of the private passenger type including a passenger van, minivan, or sport utility vehicle. (ii) a motor vehicle of the cargo type, including a cargo van, pickup. truck, or truck with a gross vehicle weight of 26,000 pounds o.r less used predominantly in the transportation of property for other than commercial freight, and that does not require the operator to possess a commercial drivers license. (iii) a trailer or semitrailer with a gross vehicle weight of 6,000 pounds or less. Sec. 2-97. Levy of Tax. A tax is hereby imposed and levied~in an'amount equal to one and one-h'alf percent (1.50) 1 8 of the gross receipts derived from the short-term lease or rental- of vehicles at retail to the general public". This ,, °j 1 2 tax on gross receipts is in addition to the privilege taxes authorized by G.S. § 160A-211. Sec. 2-98 .. Collection of the Tax. Every person engaged in the business of the short,-term lease or. rental of vehicles at ,retail to~the general public shall collect at the time of the lease or rental. the tax herein levied, place the tax so collected in a segregated account, and thereafter remit such tax to the Tax Collector in accordance with they provisions of this Article. The taxpayer shall include a provision in each retail short-term lease or rental agreement stating .that the percentage amount enacted by this Article of the total lease or rental price, excluding sales tax, is being charged as a tax on gross receipts. The amount of the tax shall be stated separately from the lease or rental and shown separately on the taxpayer's records. Tine tax shall be paid by the customer to the taxpayer as trustee for and on account of the County. The taxpayer shall be liable for the collection thereof and for its payment •to the Tax Collector and the taxpayer's failure to charge or to collect said tax from the customer shall not affect such liability. Sec. 2-99. Report and Payment of Tax.' Taxes levied • under this Article are due and payable .when a return is required to be filed. Every taxpayer shall, within the time specified, submit a return to the Tax Collector on the form prescribed by the Tax Collector. A return must be signed by the taxpayer or the taxpayer's agent. Returns of taxpayers are due to the Tax Collector each month on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the month in which the tax accrues. As provided in .G.S. 160A-208.1, a return shall not be considered a public record and information contained in a return may be disclosed only in accordance therewith. ~ • Sec. 2-100'. Taxpayer to-Keep Records. The taxpayer shall keep and preserve suitable records of the gross. receipts received by such taxpayer in the conduct of business and such other books or accounts as may be necessary to determine the amount of the tax for which such taxpayer is li-able under the provisions of this Article. It shall be the duty of the taxpayer to keep and preserve for a period of three years all such records of gross receipts and other books and accounts described. All records, books and accounts herein described shall be open for examination at all reasonable hours during the day by the Tax Collector or his duly authorized agent. r 3 19 Sec. 2-101. Tax Collector to Provide Forms. The Tax Collector shall design, prepare, print and make available to all taxpayers operating within the boundaries of the County forms and instructions for filing returns to insure a full collection of and an accounting for taxes due. The failure, of~any taxpayer to obtain or receive forms shall not relieve such taxpayer from the payment of the tax at ,the time and in th*.e manner provided. Sec.'2-102. Situs. T.he transaction giving rise to the tax herein levied shall be deemed to have occurred at the location of the entity from which the customer takes delivery of the vehicle. Sec. 2-103. Penalties and Remedies. The provisions with respect to remedies and penalties applicable to Subchapter VIII (Local Godernment Sales and Use Tax) of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes, as contained in Article 5 and Article 9, Subchapter 1, Chapter 105 thereof, .s hall be applicable in like manner to the tax authorized to be levied and collected under this Article, to the extent that,the same are not inconsistent with the provisions hereof. The governing body of the County may .exercise any power the Secretary of Revenue may exercise in collecting sales and use taxes. Without-limiting the foregoing, and subject to any' changes in the General Statutes with respect to penalties, interest and remedies, the following shall be applicable with respect to the levy and collection of the taxes imposed herein: a. Any taxpayer who fails to file a return on the date it is due, determined with regard to any extension of time for filing, shall pay a penalty equal to five percent (50) of the amount of the tax if the failure to file is for not more than one month, with an additional five percent (50) for each additional month, or fraction thereof, during .which the failure continues, not exceeding twenty-five. percent (250) in the aggregate, or $5.00, whichever is greater. b. Any taxpayer who fails to pay the tax levied herein when due, without intent to evade .the tax,-shall pay a penalty equal to ten percent (100) of the .tax, except that the penalty shall in no event. be less than $5.00. 2 o Sec. 2-104. Administration. In addition to the provisions herein the levy and collection of the taxes herein imposed shall be otherwise administered in the same 4 manner as the Sales and Use Tax as provided in Article 5, Subchapter 1, Chapter 105 of the General Statutes. .Section 2. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,. such portion shall be deemed severable and such holding. shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. Section 3. All ordinances or .parts of ordinance in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance and the taxes thereby levied and imposed shall become effective Februaryl, 2001.. R. Ted Davis, Jr.. Chairmar_ New Hanover Board of Commissioners Adopted at a meeting on ~ 2001. ATTEST: Clerk to the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Attorney ~ 5 21 ,-; {This age intentionally left blank} C~ 22 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~IISTORIC' COURTHOUSE OM 301: 24 NOR nHa H I22 . O ,. . ~ 2 . , `. 001 9 00 a ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE ' NO. L _ Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) ~ 23 . 2. ~~ ~ Approval of Minutes 25 • 3. Consideration of Approval of Award of Bid #01-0123 and Approval of Contract ;27 ' ` #01-0123 for a Manhole'Suction Unit to Jet Vac .Sewer Equipment Company _ ' - ' for.$105,219:25 h - _. ' 4. Consideration of Approval, of Request for Authorization to Connect Existing 29~, :.. Retail Center at 5212 North College Road to Sewer Force Main 5. Approval of Request for Reimbursement for Oversizing Sewer Line -Windy 37 ' Hills Contract #01-0204 .. ADJOURN . ` ~. . - . ' - T.. , •' . . '~~ ~ ~ ,. , .. , . ' NE1N HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS : 6 " REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ Meeting Date: 01/22/01 Water& Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number:. -, Departments Governing Body .Presenter: Lucie F: Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell ~ ~ ~ - SUBJECT: - - Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: -- ' ~ Approve the minutes of the _Regula:r Meeting, January 8, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' Approve minutes. - :FUNDING SOURCE: _ ~ " ATTACHMENTS; ~ " :- ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANA ER'~OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.: ~. Approve rriinutea.W~ ~ "~ ~~ ~~~~ " - ~. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ' ~, - ~ ~ ~t1NTY C©MMISSION .. APPROVED. ~ ;, . ~2EJECTfD L~ _ REMOVED ~ ~ N; . ... - ~-~'QSTPOIVED ~ ~ , ' ~ ~EAR[J ~ ~~,-. - ~~~~ - ! _ - 2:5 ~-- {This page intentionally left blank} ~~a '~.~~t„~~'il ~!~'i9d~YJ~ ~+~~1 '~ ~~~~ 2 6 4~ IVEW HAIVOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Date: 01/22/01 Water & Sewer tem #: 3 Estimated~Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt Blanchard or Amy Akin , SUBJECT: Award of Bid # 01-0123 and approval of contract # 01-0123 fora manhole suction unit to Jet Vac Sewer Equipment Company in the amount of X105,219.25. BRIEF SUMMARY: Funds have been appropriated to purchase a manhole suction unit. .The fo_ rural bid process was used_and the following two bids were received: Jet Vac Sewer Equipment Company $105,219.25 Rodders & Jets Supply Company $123,812.00 The bids have been evaluated and staff is recommending award. to the lowest, responsible bidder, - Jet Vac Sewer Equipment Company. Attached is a resolution. for award. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of the attached resolution awarding bid # 01.0123 and approving contract . # 01-0123 for a manhole suction unit in.the amount of $105,219.25 to Jet Vac Sewer Equipment Company, the lowest responsible. bidder. FUNDING SOURCE: - 800-4704197-6450 ATTACHMENTS: ~' - ;'~ , 01-0123 resolution The draft contract is on fi"I:e in the County Manager's ,Office. .REVIEWED 8Y: .LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - ---~--.._.-. _ ,..._ .,_.._......~...r....sF- i~~ } i~ Recommend approval. Funds are in the current budget. ~~~ - COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~N~ ~EN~iI~~~ -- ~1- APPROVED ~., .~ REJECTED p REMOVED f~ " - I~OSTPONED ~ " - '~ 6~EE#R[J RESOLUTION OF THE WATER SEWER DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS O)F' . NEW HANOVER COUNTY • . ' WI-IEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3.:00 p.m. on the 14`'' day of December, 2000; at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street; Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for one (1) manhole suction unit, Bid # 01-0123: Jet Vac Sewer. Equipment Company $:105,219.25 Rodders & Jets Supply Company $123,812.00 AND WHEREAS; the County Engineer, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Jet Vac Sewer Equipment Company, Sumter, South Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of one;hundred five tholis~nd two hundred nineteen dollars and twenty=five cents ($105,219.25); AND WHEREAS, fiords have been previously appropriated and-are tiow ii7"Account No. 800-470-4197-6450. to cover this contract; „ • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of Commissioners of i~1ew Hanover County that the contract for one (1) manhole suction unit for the Water Sewer District, Bid # 01-0123 be awarded to Jet Vac Sewer Equipment Company in the amount of one hundred five thousand two hundred nineteen dollars and twenty-five cents ($105,219.25); and. that the District is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract; contract form to be approvedby the County Attorney. This 22nd day of January, 2001. (SEAL) 'Chairman, Water Sewer District ` Board, of Commissioners .~" Clerk to the Board~~~~~ 28 . ~~~~~,~~~~~ ~h~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS101VERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 01/22/01 ', . Water & Sewer Item # 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: • Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard • . Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard . - SUBJECTc , . Request for Authorization to Connect Existing Retail Center at 5212 North College Road to Sewer Force Main . ' - - BRIEF SUMMARY: "Staff has received a request, from Dombroski Enterprises, for permission to connect an existing retail center at the referenced address in Castle Hayne to the sewer force main which runs from Caste Hayne to ;North Chase (letter attached). The total design flow based on usage is 2,175 gallons per day{gpd) with the actual flow being approximately 600 gpd. As".indicated by the attached letter from the Health Department, .they are experiencing major septic tank drain field problems. They are required to address the problem- by the Health Department. - . ` ' • We do not normally recommend private. conriections to a sewer force main unless an existing building is involved and the options are used up. - • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED_ACTIONS: Considering this is an existing building, staff recommends approval assuming the owner does not . have a choice and that all cost be paid by Dombroski Enterprises. , FUNDING. SOURCE: NA • - ATTACHMENTS:. Letter , REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve. BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COM.IYIENTS.AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' Recommend approval. ~ ~ ~ ~ COMMISSIONERS'•ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . ~ ~OUiI~Y Od~~N1~9Q APPROVED f~-. • fI3EJECTED REMOVED ~ j~ ~'OSTP®IVED ~ • - ~ ~E~R~ ~ ~ ~ Zg i . I F' ~.,urtni CF~T_ 11,'~~,'" ' s 491 i CaST! ~ ~ r~K.F~ J?C, _ [:H.S~('I F F-lA4'f~fE f~fC ?4~} ~<;'r HTTf'd: 4J`r'F=1TT ~~ ~1f~iCf•~(=1R0 i'•~~W HHi~(0'v'ER C'OUi~iT`r ~i~~If~~~Er'~?i~IG . X14 GHESTf~fUT STR~FT RnClf"j 101 y,JTI f"jTjJrT-(}f.~ f~fC ?R~.}ii1 _ I N -r D' Cr S~~R?r~ I ~ ,-t DEC - 6 20~ .. t] Der i'tii;iVi.'_~~~.~ i Cr F' c+. f' . I"~ r; _ r7 1. c+: f l r_' ~ l.ct r' t i :, , 7 r:'i-If'f'F'f1L7.y' r•~i,+, r'1 c+. f'~'Lc!.! 1 ~~Cf'i(:? r~'r_'fli_.r3f' lrir~~+.i,_ri'+1 c!. T_ 5? ~ .1 _. I"fOf'.L }'1 ('r~l 7 tit~ir ~?Li;+. ti i fl rc.+.`~;t~ F_' ('I~i':fr1F_' f`.1r'_ T flc+.':~rr f,r F:: ' '::~? fir rw- ! t lyc+,~ r,r_(i l { i fl; 1. :dr?9~_ .`r}'1L•'J f•Ja_:ini We+.f1Cr~lF,~r. if-r•~irrlL,~,' }-(r<'`+~ ~~j.l (ia>r?L_ }lc+.'_ r'F:'r_?F'fli:.7•N ;nfC~rm~'Ci rn~~' ~Flci -- t Lflr~' r_~?r i _~ t.l I'lf~ ;~F,,f, j• i r_, .:;'yig ti~:'rIl 1 _ f c+. i 1 i flt~ c+. f7!1 ~ f'1c+. 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T: Lf'11S `~;U1 i_IL:1C~f1 Lr>> rlijf ~a-(•~i i r~, `;;rSL.F•'fil (~f'rir~la~fll°= f'h'~~f•r~~rsfl~G; ~:flf' f~E~"=t ia.~.{..Nr°fli_a.C:iv~a T'~Jf' Lal l r rrf,r_h~r'r1F°d ~ci.f't i r-_+~ 1 r-+•~,r-;F~ ri i ~~ F _ P _ _ ~+ _ _ n ' t _ f , fll r_y Cti f c,+. f l ;f f 1 F? r~'ti' •_ ~_ ~+, r- y I{'r(~f~,+ir~,'F ~+•If~~1~~ ,i~ft ~~f:.`-jF-'f• ~-r-~ f?~~~? fl i,~tr~f'k. C~fl •'<fli ~ ~r..r;~' r~r~~ +` ~r,~•rr•i (~ri~,;~+f~1F, T .l~rrrtk:r f'rif•lh!ctf'~i tr,;,i ~1F'i~+.f'.Lfl;; ff'Qfll ~''C~U_ '°6~1 ... 3 0 r ~ ~ ~ ~~« ~I~,f HEALTH DEPAR~'IVIEIVT ~ • • ENVIRONIVIENTAI~ I~EALT~i ~ ~ ~ . 2029 SOUTH 17TH' STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401-4946 E,,~,,~ ELY E TELEPHONE (910) 343-6667, FAX (910) 772-7810 , • DAVID E. RICE,,IVI.P.H., M.A. LYNDA F. SMITH M.P.A. -Health Director ~ Assistant Health Director CERTIFIED - November 30, 2000- ~ •~ Dombroski Enterprises .~ 4917 Castle Lakes Rd. . Castle Hayne NC 28429 Re: North College Plaza septic system, 5212 North College Road. Dear Mr; Dombroski: • .On November 29,:2000 an evaluat' ion of your septic system was conducted. Af this visit . I noticed that your drainfield was failing and discharging sewage to the ground surface. This is in violation. of state law, and.must be abated within 30 dav~. I nave bPe~ in contact with the New Hanover County Engineering Department about the possibility of your facility connecting to the force main located near your property. They indicated that you must begin the permitting process with their off ce to initiate the inquiry. You -can contact their office at (910) 341-7139.. ~, ; • Iri the interim time, you must take corrective actions to elimuiate the surfacing. ofsewage. - These actions can include the process of pumping: and haulirig the wastewater generated at the facility to eliminate the surfacing sewage. You should contact your certified. subsurface wastewater operator to pursue the option of blowing out. and cleaning the laterals. Either of these approaches is not along-term solution to the wastewater problem • that you are experiencing. If you choose not to pursue the connection to the sewer system, or are denied access to the system, you willbe required to install a full wastewater system repair. This permit ' •, will have to be issued by the New Hanover County Health Department, and will have to - - .~ be installed within 30 Days of issuance. It is imperative that you take immediate action to eliminate surfacing of sewage that exists,~resently. I am issuing a sewage violation' .: 31 ~~ _ .. i~l~le ,V~rY y .notice, which indicates abatement of the surfacing sewage must take place by Dee. 30, 2000. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (910) 3,43-6663. Sincerely, John Minneci, RS Environmental Health Specialist c: Dianne Harvell, Environmental Health Director Tom Stich, Environmental Health Supervisor Pasquaiies Fizza 32 C`~ -N. C. Depattrnent of Environment,: Health, and Natural Resources/Division of Environmental Health . -. , - - ~ ON-SITE WASTEWATER VIOLATION NOTICE - .:, , .. :` i •. `,c_ Stu n• .:..; MAILING... ~: ~ ; Y. r. , OWNER.. ~~Ro..i,. ~ D~niB ock.~.. .- ..:ADDRESS ~Y~/7' 'C~/1Tc.~"~LAk~J' h/)J.~L CICCUPANT., ~A d (~ u n ~, c S Pi Z Z A .. N a ~-N ~.... «~ a~ ..P4 A •i A' .LOCATION - .. _. ^ RESIDENCE ,.... _ .. USINESS ~ : ^ OTHER . '~; , ~' z r z r:1 : ' ` c o ~-t ~ ti ~ 2 ij . .,.. You are hereby notified.that you are violating the Rules adopted by theNorth Cazolina Commission for Health Services or Article 11 of Chapter 130A'of the Getieral Statutes of North Carolina by owning or controlling a residence, place of business, or place of public. assembly which is not provided with an approved wastewater system. Your`u'astewater system is not in compliance; the following . . ~ corrections must be made.. Consult your Local Health Department for advice and required permits ljy calling telephone number . .., .9.10) 3.~ 3- ~, ~ ~ ~ ... .. _..... ~ ~~ -. ' ~- ~ - ~ ~ •'~ Su a.a3~ Last: G.?Viil.l 3L7 lU", I~U1P,'Vili .J V1 C .~J`~if :.7 t-~. ~Install/Repair wastewater system. You must obtain ^ Other Repairs (specify) V an Itnprovement Permit from the local health depart-. ~ '~ " -` • " - ment prior to repairing your system...; - : , ; ~ , ~ ', Eliminate wastewater discharge and, connect to an ^ Perform.Maintenance (sped ' approved wastewater system... , ,." :. ~fi') . ~ ^ Pit Privy must' be repaired/constructed. If the wastewater violation is not brought into compliance by ~-.~GC /L1BE/Z ~O ~ ~y( action will be taken. - , aPProp'riate legal Nodce Issued ~~' ~ 0 •' ~: D 0 J j , .- ' Signet] v~ ~ ~~ _ Date Division of Environmental Health t .Compliance " ` , :• Diu Slgned ent _ Division of Environtii~ttal Health " - DPt~IR L1~ (Rcvii;cd 9/9?) _ . .. ~ OnSim Wasrewncer Secdoo (Ae~iew 10/94) ~ _ ~ ~ ~ - .. ~ ~ .. .... ~ - .. . , ,. ~ -. _ ', . •'. K . ~ .. 'L ' . - .. . 3 3, ~. .. _ ., • ~ '. ~ ~ j ~ .~ t~~•~ •-r . ~t. _ o ~. _ v __: o~~ o« ~'_ `'F~. ~,m~ ~ ~.a ® f Z- - . Nis . _ ~~ : . . ~• .. ~~ , ~ S /~ ,~ v - ~ i ~' ~1~/ ~ t o }h Z • ~ ~,,..,, ~ p i ~ ice%~ `~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ _ y,~~' ~ j:~ .. ~~ . :.~ G A ...:. .._ .... vLt GEORGE AVE ~ ~-----~ A HST T ~----_ (_~_----__J_ ' `-~-_ {This page intentionally left blank} 36 ~ " NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMIVlISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Date: ~O1/22/01 , Water & Sewer Item #~: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: " .Request for Reimbursement for Oversizing Sewer Line Windy Hills Contract #01-0204 BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff has received a request from Southern Lifestyles for reimbursement for oversizing the Windy Hills trunk sewer sine, Located in the southern part of the County just off Myrtle Grove Road -.(see " attached map for location). This project will include .2,426 feet of sewer lines and will serve existing developed lots as well as new development .planned by Southern Lifestyles. The total cost of this sewer line will. be $182,502.00. The proposed sewer line will connect into the Loder Avenue sewer pump station which is being constructed by Loder Development. The District is participating. in the construction of this pump station through Contract Number #00.0085 (copy attached). The_cost to the District to participate in the sewer line will be $16,000. This will be paid upon acceptance of the sewer system. This area is planned for construction by the District in the year 2018. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the District participate in the amount of $16,000. In addition, please authorize the Chairmari to execute the contract. - FUNDING SOURCE:.. . 800-470-4197.6000 .ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Draft Contract -Contract- Loder Development REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval for participation in the amouint of $16,000. ~~ ~~ ~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:- ~6~iU I"y ~BMIVII~9~~ ~4PPROVED E~--; REJECTED Q 'k' ' ~ REMOVED ~ , ~ ~~, ;~OS7P®fVE®~ I~~RD ~ ri ~';.'} New Hanover County Contract # 01 - 0204 ~; ~~ NORTH CAROLINA ~ - _ ,4GREEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS AGREEMENT, dated this day of 2001, by and between the NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "District", CODER DEVELOPMENT, INC., a North Carolina corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Coder" and SOUTHERN LIFESTYLES, LLC, a North Carolina'limited liability company; hereinafter referred to as "Southern"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Coder has developed 28 lots on CoderAvenue in-New HanoverCounty known as Coder Landing. ("the Development")' and WHEREAS, Southern is developing lots in the Windy Hills outfall area; and WHEREAS, Coder and Southern have applied to the Dis"trio for sewer service to the Development; and WHEREAS, the District is unable to provide sewer service to the. Developments without the construction of additions to its sewer system consisting of a regional lift station, gravity lines, force main, manholes and related facilities; and ".' WHEREAS, Coder entered into an agreement, New Hanover County.Contract #00- 0085 for construction for a pump station; and WHEREAS, the District is agreeable to holding, funds from Southern to 6e paid to Coder upon Loder's completion of a pump station and District's inspection. and acceptance r,• ~~~, ~. ~. .+~` ~.~, ~.. ~ ~ ~ New Hanover County Contract # 01 - 0204 ± ~ NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: . . . - ~ 1. Financing and Construction of the Project.. With all. reasonable dispatch after the execution of this Agreement, Loder wilt constructor cause to be constructed a pump station in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared. by Tripp Engineering, which. plans and specifications have been approved by the District, as set forth in New Hanover County Contract #00-0085. Southern shall pay into District for escrow an amount of Forty-Six Thousand One Hundred Seventy ($46,170.00) Dollars. representing its participation in the pump station construction. The escrowed .monies shall be paid by ,.District to Loder or its assignees upon District inspection, approval., and acceptance of the pump station. Southern shall .have not right to participate in any reimbursement for said pump station from District or other parties connecting to the system. , 2. Acceptance of Purrip Station, The .District will accept and take title to the pump ` station as soon as it has been determined by the District that the pump station has been constructed in accordancewith the plansand specifications. Upon acceptance; the District will immediately place the pump station into operation. The District agrees to collect all .domestic sewage from the subject Developments so long as the District owns or operates the system. . 3. As to the Windy Hills outfalt, the District will participate with Southern in a cost... sharing arrangement for construction of gravity lines, force mains, manholes and .related facilities. The overall lines are more fully described in the plans and specification prepared by Cape Fear Engineering. Upon completion ofthe outfall lines and District inspection and acceptance thereof, District shall pay Southern the sum of Sixteen Thousand. ($16,000.00) 2 39 New Hanover County Contract # 01 - 0204 Dollars. Southern will not be entitled to any other reimbursement' payments or compensation from District or other parties connecting~to the systecn._Loder is not a party participating in the herein referenced Windy~Hills outfall lines portion of the project. ~. Nothing herein shall modify or'abrogate the duty of Windy Hill lot owners to pay~to District costs, fees and assessments due under any participation agreements between Loder grid District.. ' 4. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement inures to and is~binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties. fN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution ofthis instrument, by authority duly given and on the day and `year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT" [SEAL] Robert G. Greer; Chairman ATTEST: ; . . Clerk to the Board LOD€R DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LNC:~ [CORPORATE SEAL] BY: ,President' `'t ® 3 New Hanover County Contract # 01 - 0204 ~ " .~ - ~ . .. ,.. ATTEST:. ' . Corporate Secretary " - SOUTHERN LIFESTYLES, L.LC: , , - ~ (SEAL) ' ,Manager • This instrument has been pre-' ' audited in the manner required ..° by`the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: ~ ~~ County Finance Director County Attorney ~~ -NORTH CAROLINA NE1N HANOVER COUNTY I, a Notary Public of the State and ~ -~ County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the District .Board of Commissioners of New Hanover . County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of ,the District, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by-its Chairman, Robert G. Greer, sealed with its corporate. seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of ; 2001: Notary Public . 4 ~ . 41 ,, . , New Hanover County Contract # 01 - 0204 My commission expires: NORTH CAROLINA ~~ - ° " COUNTY.. a Notary Public in and forthe State and County aforesaid, certify that ,personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of LODER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him/herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 2001: Notary Public My commission expires: NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY 1, , a Notary Public, in~and forthe.State and County aforesaid, certify that Manager of SOUTHERN LfFESTYLES; LL' C, a limited liability company, personally came before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument on behalf of the .company, .. - , , - ~ ~ ' . , . . WITNESS my hand and officiai seal, this. day of , 2001. Notary Public - My commission expires: 42 5 ~ ' New Hanover County.Contract No. 00-0085 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ' • .. AGREEMENT ~,~ COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ' .. - AGREEMENT made as of the ' day,of-~+g, 1999 by aril between the NEW ~ ' HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT, a political subdivision of the State • ~ ~ of North Carolina("the District")and LODER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC., a North. Carol~iria•corporation (`'the Company");. ' _ WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Company has developed 29 Lots on LoderAvenue in New Hahover ~ • ~~ County known as Loder Landing_,("the Development"); and,. WHEREAS;• ttie Company has app{ied to the District for sewer service to the Development; and • WHEREA . .. _ , ' S, the District is uhable to provide sewer service 'to the Deveto menu . P • without the construction of additions to its sewer system consisting of a regional lift station,; • gravity Tines, force .main,. manholes and related facilities ("the Project); and WHEREAS, the Company has agreed to assist the District in the financing and construction of the Project in accordance with. the-terms of this agreement; - • NOW, THEREFORE, .in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions • --. herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1: ~ Financing and Construction of the Project. With alt reasonable dispatch . after the execution of this agreement, the Company will, at: its sole cost andexpense, ` construct or cause to be constructed the .Project in accordance with the plans and ` specifications prepared by Tripp Engineering, which plans and specifications have been ~. ~ approved by the District ("the Plans and Specifications"). ~ - '; ?' - _ ~ . _, . ... rm o ~y ~xa 2. Acceptance of Project. The District will accept and take title to the Project as soon as it has been determined b the District that the,Pro~ect has-been constructed Y J in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. Upon acceptance, the District will immediately place the Projecfi into operation. The District agrees to collect-all domestic sewage from the Development so'long as the District owns or'operates the Project. 3. Reimbur-sement.'Opon acceptance of the Project by the District pursuant to paragraph 2 hereof, the District agrees to pay the' Company $153,488.00 to cover~a portion of the cost of the Project. Thereafter,-for each connection to any portion of the .District's sewer system which utilizes the Project for the collection .and/or transport of sewage (excluding connections=for lots within the Development), the District agrees to pay the .Company the sum of~$282.00 per residential unit until the Company has been reimbursed the actual cost of constructing the Project (estimated to be X420,498) less $153,,488.00.- The arriount to` be paid to the ~Corripahy will increase to $450 for each connection made after the District has been reimbursed from theDevelopment Fees provided for below the $153;488'paid to fhe Company pursuant fo this paragraph. The ~ District will, within 30 days of the end of each calendar half year, provide to the Company an accounting of all connections made during the half year, along with a check for the amount of reimbursement due for the period. No interest'shall accrue'on the amount to. be reimbursed to the Company. The-District may at its option prepay the full outstanding amount at any time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the District shall not be required to pay the Company any amounts or to collect a Development Fee for ariy-structure for which a certificate of occupancy had been issued prior to the date of this agreement Reimbursement shall oily be made within the 15-year period permitted by~ the New 44 S:\WOJULoderDev-Lwgreemenl.County.wpd r ~.. .. Hanover County Code. °Lots within the Development" herein means lots owned by the ~~ Com.pany as of the. time of execution. of this agreement. ~ ' _ 4. Limitation on District's Obligation to Pay: `The obligation of.th;e District to payfo the Company ttie amounts provided for in Paragraph 3 above is not a pledge of the District's full faith and credit and is limited to the funds available to the District from - Development Fees. The District agrees to set and collect a Development Fee of $4.50.00 . ' for. each connection to any portion of its sewer system which,. utilizes the Project for. the ~ '~ collection and/oc transport of sewerage; provided, however, that a Development Fee.shall . , not be charged to lots within the Development. The District, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 153A- 284, will require the owner of each piece of real property improved after the date of this- agreement to connect the improved premises to the Project and to pay the Development , Fee in advance of the mandatory hookup. 5. Successors and Assigns. This agreement inures to and is binding u on 9 P the successors and assigns of the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement the day and •.year first set forth abgws~.r,,,,;, ~~•;• ••, ~,~; NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & . •z= SEWER DISTRICT - ~ : ~' - . ATTEST: _ a _ ~.., v ~~N~~~ . ( EAL} l> ~ , .Approved as to farm/County Attorney LODER D/EVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. " ~ K/ ~.,a~~:./ _ __ --- -__._ President __. % . ---~ . ~ ~.,.i~. Secr ary ~.-~J - ~ ~ rl' . (sEA~) .`S INSTRUMENT HAS 6EE`N~RE-t~~~--~ ~~ THI S:IWOJL1Loderoev-L1AgreemenLCaunly ~~pd - ~ - r •, ~ ~ i ~, , . 1N THE M;~;~~i~~i~ Ri=QllIRED BY iH~ - GOVERNPv1ENT AND FISCAL CONTRG_ ,,..,. r -3- - ,. ;.~ , ~~ - ~ .. .1 i i 6 ~~ ;G LOCATION OF 46PROPOSED WINDY HII.IS SEWEREXTINSION 'l E S JANUARY 9, 2001 MAP-NOT TO-SCALE • CONSENT AGENllA NEW-HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - ~ January 22, 2001 , . . ` ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. , 1. ,Approval of Minutes 49 2. Approval of Landscape Contract for County Property 51 3. Ratify Appointment of Christine Leahy to the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board 6l, of Directors as the Friends of Airlie Representative 4. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover Fire District Tax Collection 67 ~. Reports ' S. ~ Approval of Release of Value 71 6. ,Approval of Library Services and Technology Digitalization. (LSTA) Grant 73 7. Approval of Governor's Crime Commission Grant Submittals- Information Technology 77 8. Approval of Governor's Crime Commission Grant Submittals -Prevention and 79 Intervention Grants 9. .Approval of County Support for 2001 Legislative Weekend 1.25 10. Approval of Donation of Fixed Assets by Insurance Advisory Committee and. 127 approval of associated budget amendment #01=0112 11. Approval of Resolution Requesting NCDOT to Add Roads to the State Highway 129 System 12. Approval of Budget Amendment # 01-0111 Social Services/Administration/Domestic 133 ViolencelChild Day Care • ~~ 4g` ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date.: 01/22/01 .Consent Item #: l Estimated Time:' Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F: Harrell SUBJECT: :Approval .of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY:. Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting, January 8, 200.1. - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ' ' ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~pUN'fY C®~M95~9~ ~" APPROVED REJECTED © .~ h4tY '. ~tEMOVED CJ ~~ f . . . r`! ~Py (c~I~rTX4~vy~i4~~?fi~ 4. [..'~ . y r. e 50r ,, t ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/22/01 . Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Timer Page Number: Department: Parks Presenter: Neal Lewis Contact: Neal Lewis/Amy Akin SUBJECT: Approval of Landscape Contract for County Property BRIEF SUMMARY: The Landscape Contract for landscape maintenance at county-owned buildings and facilities is up for renewal. The enclosed resolution includes details on the results of bids and the recommendation to award the two-year contract to Green With Envy, Inc. The total contract is for $181,969.20 for the two-year period ($89,640.00 for the first year and $92,329.20 for the second year). RECOMMENDED .MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of the attached resolution awarding the Landscape Contract to Green With Envy, Inc. FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund 110.612.6120-5000.3700 ATTACHMENTS: 1) . ~~ `~` Landscaping Maintenance Contract (0 i~ s 2) The Contract is available in the County Attorney's office. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve contract and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract with Green and, Envy, Inc.~~„d~~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~UI~TY C6MI~15~Y® { i APPROVED LL~;} I}2EJECTED ® ' ,,, (REMOVED ® ~ ' . ~~~® ~~ .5.1 RESOLITTION OF TFIE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW IIANOVER COYTNTY WHEREAS, the following informal bids were received by the Parl<s Department for a landscaping maintenance contract: Section I Section II Section III TOTAL Annual Monthly Monthly Monthly MONTHLY Amount , Green With Envy $2,420.00 $3,200.00 $1,850.00' $7,145.00 X 12 = $89,640.00 Scott's Lawn $2,600.00. $3,360.00 $1,805.00 $7,76.00 X 12 = $93,180.00 Service Evergreen $,2707.20 $3,500.00 $2,014.00 $8,221.20 X 12 = $.98.654.40 Landscapes Parker $2,803.00 $3,667.00 $2;152.00. $8,622.00 X 12 = $103;464.00 Landscaping *AA Lawn Care *$1,562.00 *$1,519.00 *$847.00 *$3,928.00 X 12 = $47.136.00 *Note: The proposal from AA Lawn Care did not include all costs as required by the request for proposal a~ici t/lerefore, the proposal received is nona~esponsive and was rejected from consideration. AND W~-IEREAS, the proposal received from AA Lawn Care did not include all costs 'as required by the request for proposal and therefore is non-responsive and is removed from consideration; AND WHEREAS, the proposal received from Green With Envy is the lowest responsible bid in each of the Sections; ~ ~ . AND WHEREAS, the contract includes a 3% increase for the second year of the contract term resulting iri a first year's contract amount of eighty-nine thousand six hundred forty dollars 089,640.00) and the second year's contract amount of ninety-two thousand three hundred twenty- nine dollars and twenty cents ($92,329.20) for a combined total of one hundred eighty-one thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine dollars and twenty cents for the two year contract ($ 181, l 96.20); AND WHEREAS; the Parl<s Director recommends that the service contract be awarded to Green With Envy, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of one hundred eighty-one thousand ~~:nine hundred and sixty-nine dollars and twenty cents ($181,196.20) for the two year contract ($89;640.00 for the first year and $92,32920 for the second year); `l 52 _ ~ ~ ~~,: r . . ,AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously ap ro riate 110-6I2-6120-5000-3700 to cover this contract; P p a aild .are now in Account No. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED by the Board of Count C Hanover County that the contract for landscaping maintenance service y °mmissioners of New Contract # 01-0189. be awarded to Green With Envy in the amotult of or the Parks Department, thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine .dollars and twenty cerits $181 one hundred ei Qh ° contract ($8.9,640.00 for the first year and .$92,;29.20 for the sec ~- ne ( 969.20) for the two year Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract con year)' and that the County , the County-Attorney. .tract form to be approved 6y" This 22ndday of.January,-2001. . (SEAL) , : . ' Chairman, Board of County Commissioners -ATTEST: Clerk ' . to the Board , '_ . 53 New Hanover County Contract # O1 - 0189 . ~ , _ , NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT NEW HANOVER GOUN`fY ' -. . ~ ~ da of ' .. '.. ~ 2001'.,. THIS CONTRACT, made and ens-eyed into this `_ y , OVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, by and between NEW HAN eferred to as "county"; and GREEN WITH ENVY', a North Carolina corporation, hereinafter r hereinafter referred to a5 ".Contractor". WITNE55ETH: actor, for the consideration hereinafter fully Set out, hereby That the Contr_ agrees with the County a5 follows: 1, Performance. Contractor Shall provide all landscape and routine 'anover County Offices in accordance to Exhibits "A'?~-and "8", maintenance to all New h attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Time of Performance. contractor Shall commence work February 1, 2001 and 2. work Shall end January 31, 2003. Pa meet. county agrees to pay contractor, for the full and faithful the first year of this agreement from February 1, 2001 through January 31, perFormance for Shall not exceed the amount of Eighty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Forty 2002, which Dollars, ayable monthly in the amount of Seven Thousand Four Hundred ($89,640.00) p 70.00 Dollars: County agrees to. pay.. Contractor, for the full and faithful Seventy ($7,4 ) 1 54 per-('ormahce for the second year of this agreement from February 1, 2002 through January. 31, 2003 which Shall not exceed Ninet -Two Thousand Three Hundred Twent -Nine Dollars and y y Twenty :Gents ($92,329.20), payable monthly in the amount, of Seven Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-Four Dollars and Ten Cents ($7,694.10). Payment is contingent upon County inspection and acceptance of all work. 4. Funding Gontin ec~ncy. Funds have been appropriated only for work hereunder for the balance of the present fiscal year. Any work thereafter i5 subject to subsequent County appropriations. 5. Warranty, The Contractor warrants to the County that any and all Tabor furnished to progress the Work under this Contract will be competent to perForm the tasks undertaken, in a workmanlike. manner, so as to meet the standards of workmanlike duality prevailing in North Carolina at the time of construction, that any and all materials and equipment furnished will be of good quality and new unless otherwise permitted by this Contract, and that the work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects and in strict conformance with this Contract. All work 'not conforming to these requirements may be considered defective. All work shall conform to applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulation. 6. Indemnity. Contractor shalt indemnify and hold the .County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries.or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be per-Pormed by Contractor ~ 55 hereunder, resulting from the negligence of .or the willful act or omission of Contractor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. 7. Insurance. Contractor Shall .maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to New Hanover County, of the kinds and minimum amounts Specified below. 8. Certificates and Notice of Cancellation. Before cornmencing work under this contract, Contractor Shall furnish County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates Shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and Shall contain the following Statement: "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been received by County". 9, U/orkers CornpenSation and Employers Liability Insurance. Covering all of t the Contractor's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required Statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the amount of $100,000/500,000/100,000. appficable to claims due to bodily injury by accident or disease. 10. Commercial 6enerai Liability. Including coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at least 3 i t 56 in the amount of .$1.,000,000 per occurrence, combined Single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage, New Hanover County shall be named as an additional insured under this policy, 11. Automobile Liability insurance. Covering alf owned, non-owned and 'Hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of $500,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicabie to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. 12. Owners and Contractors Protective Liability Insurance, To be issued in the name of New Hanover County, This coverage shall be provided by a separate policy and written ~,vith liability limits at least in the amount of $1,OQ0,000 per occurrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and /or property damage arising out of work to be performed under this contract on behalf of New i-{anover County, 13. Independent Contractor. It is mutually understood and agreed that Contractor is an independent contractor and not an agent of County, and as such, Contractor, his or her agents and employees.shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. 14. Default and Termination, if Contractor fails to prosecute the work with such diligence as will insure its completion within the contract time, or if Contractor breaches any one of the terms_or conditions contained in this contract and fails to cure said breach within three (3) days of County's mailing of Notice of Default, County may terminate this contract forthwith. • 4 57 15. Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument, by authority duly given and cn the day and year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] Allen O'Neal, County Manager ATTEST: Clerk to the Board [CORPORATE SEAL] GREEN WITH ENVY President ATTEST: Secretary This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner rer~uired by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, County Finance Director Approved as to form: County Attorney 5 \ J 58 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY 1, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F, Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that She i5 Clerk to the Board of-County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and a5 the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was Signed in its name by its County Manager, Sealed with its official Seal and attested by herself a5 its Clerk, WITNESS my hand and official Sea(, this day of , 2001, Notary Public My commission expires: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY (, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personai(y came before me this day and acknowledged that (S)he i5 Secretary of GREEN WfTH ENVY, a North Carolina corporation and that by authority. duly given and a5 the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was Signed in its name by its President, Sealed with its corporate Seal and attested by him/herself a5 its Secretary, WfTNE55 my hand and official Seal, this -day of .2001. Notary Pubic My commission expires: • a 59 {This page intentionally left blank} 60 e NEW HANO!!ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01!22/01 , • Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: '- Department: Governing Body Presenter:: Lucie Harrell • Contact: Lucie Harrell. _ • , a SUBJECT': Ratify Appointmen# of Christine Leahy to the Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of • Directors as the Friends of Airlie representative. -BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ • Ms. Leahy replaces William T. Childs, who passed away last month. .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .. Appoint Ms: Leahy FUNDING SOURCE: ~ - , . - ATTACHMENTS: Letter and. application from the Friends of Airlie ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ' - ' ~QCIiVTY ~®~~~~ ~ • APPROVED REJECTED rl ~2EMOVED ~'OSTPONED I~ ,. ~EARCJ [7 j 61 ~~ ./-Say ~~; ~..~~. i~,-~Ti i i i i i q ~ it January 10, 2001 Ted Davis Chairman _ New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear. NIr. Davis: The Friends of Au-lie were saddened by the death of their representative, William T. Childs„ on the Airlie Gardens~Foundation Board of Directors. At the Friends of Airlie's January 8, 2001 meeting Christine Leahy was selected unanimously as The Friends of Airlie's new representative on the Foundation Board. I feel confident of Christine's ability to represent the Friends of Airlie as well as to always protect the best interests of Airlie Gardens in her actions.. Christine was an active member of the Research Committee and is very dedicated to~putting together an accurate and complete history of the Gardens. She is also an active member of the Friends of Airlie and is one of the Garden's volunteer tour guides. Sincerely, :~~ . ~ . ~ ~~ Lindy Shoaf Chairman, Friends of Airlie a;~~ <~ r ~ F .o - •: ~;1 ~l~r a a. ~i 6206 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 910-4>2-6393 910-45?-6398. `7 . ~ ~l~1~i HAiVC)V~R C~t1n1TY ,~ ~ , ~~d4Rt, OF C®NJI~SI~N~RS . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~ - ` Telephone (910) 341=7149 . , ~ . FAX (910) 341-4130 Application forAppointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the,Net~+ Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for lA,~ppointment to: Airlie Gardens Foundation (Friends of Airlie Appointment) '.Name: ~-rtrls-~ne ~eci~'1~ , How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? ~ U ~r'S ~ . Home ddress: g o-c 5 La.n~ ~ ~m~ n NC g4o3 Mailing Address: // 1 City and State;. ~ //,, Zip Code: //~~ .; :' Telephone: Home: ~~ ~ Q> `t Jc-~."- ~ (q Z Business: 7~ 3 " (~a `t ;~ *Sex: ~ *Race: W 'Age: ~~ *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of fhe community is aPPointed. ~- f 5 ~'. L~ n ~ o n ~eCU n ~-i c s ~s ~ c-~- ~ ra (.(-~ ~e~ . *"A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl; Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ..Job Title: n . i i(1 ~S S S t 5~ rl.~ Mcmbcr-sh,p: Cafe. dear Garztcn C.(ul~, Ca~e Fear Camcra~- Clo , ~icr~-s o~ /}~rl~c . ` Professional Activities: .. ~~-(-~r~ an ed~ca-~ionrx.l +wn- co rG. ~a : Ga,rdcn os L-~ l~~' ~1~+~cS ~...~ l~~' inc. ;~ Volunteer Activin/ties: '~T~r<<~ y~t2~en~s `~h's~r'l~ ~~.Scurr-~R amf~~ ~C+.~an d ince M.a~-c(~ 1q~9 . (~ M~ ga't'e-%~ ion~.~ ~0.G~~rovnG( ~Par~;cr~ cs ~SyCh;~nC WQ~'~- anr~ ~la-~r~ ~-i ~rnmcc!~~ne in San ~i-unc~ S~'~ . 63 Why do you wish to serve on .the. Bi oard, CI ommitte//~~e, or Commission requested//? ~ ~'lst;~e. a. c~.ezp Cornm~-tmcrtT `~ -~Tt~r(ic's pr--cSe~a~~on /T'~S~ru~~l ar~ C ~ ... \ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving ;on the Board, Committee, or Cammission requested? .~ c,~ra~~l ~ a dyna-mac adds-~'an-~-a `{'~e L~oa,~ aS ~ ~av~c Qa~nr~ c~~ ex~s~v~, I ~c,.)1~.c~c c~ `{'hc 13~t/~~S esu-~y ~~ ~'~,-~nc.~.( ha.c~,rauytd - ~a~ eQn~~ lt.~( `~hc be~~rvl; s a h c.v~d rcd ~ ~. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or, Comm ston address?~ ~~ ~ 1 ~ f ~1 S ~Q,~ 7"h~ r C S ~eyG~o(~fY1'G'~T ~t1';G~-Cq ~j~Ci ~!i 5t ova `'~'~' i ~'s ~(~C.: ~i~S~(iCSs.~~ Ddi"4nn~ CtS.~ ~,c2ft.c~ j i- ~ ,1 crttri~rynrnrn~~lCna`~~trJftS~~ pair~Qrornfl~-c T"cir~; is ~U6 ire (rna~c ~ Pc~~~;c ir~yn~,rGrrir~i~ , Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or. a county? If sq' please list: -_ no Date: ~ ~ `6 D l Signature ~ V t~l V~vu.~ . ~-~ l REFERENCES: . Please provide three local persona! references: - ~ '~ ~ \ /// Name Phone Number ~~ L..~r~iY~.~ er ~ C92-S(( uer~-~-3~-3 - N 2c ~~~~.t C~,tk~. 2. ~--~ev~ r-u ~~c~eu-~ ~~r. `7 ~0 3 - ~-F 3 `1 , Q h w - - - - --- ' 64 AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS " ... - Members: 13 9 Board members appointed by Commissioners: County Commissioner, County Manager"or ..designee, Director of Airlie Gardens or designee, 4 At-large members, Representative of Friends of Airlie Garden, and Representative of the Coastal Land Trust 4 ,Board members shall serve by virtue of their positions, as indicated: UNCW Chancellor, President " . of Cape Fear.Community College, Dean of North- Carolina State Agriculture and Life Sciences College, Member of the Corbett family appointed by Corbett Package Company Terms: Initially staggered terms; thereafter, 3-year terms Regular Meetings:, Meetings scheduled as necessary Statute or Cause Creating.Task Force: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners established the Foundation Board on February 15, 1999 Purpose: The purpose of the. Foundation Board is to establish an endowment and receive and distribute • monies for perspective funding of capital improvements at Airlie Gardens; to provide for the oversight of. associations or organizations interested in the objectives of the Airlie Gardens including, but not limited to groups such as Friends of Airlie Gardens, and to encourage the accumulation and dissemination of • 'knowledge of the natural heritage of Southeastern North Carolina. Furthermore, the Foundation Board is to encourage and arrange for gifts, grants, bequests., and devises to the Foundation for its work in the furtherance of the objectives for.which it is organized,- and to provide for the proper expenditure, use, and ..: ~ ~: conservation of all gifts, grants, bequests, and devises so received: TERM • PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT 11~IEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Royce.N. Angel First 6/30/2001 609 Bradley Creek Point Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Appointed 6/21/99 ~ - 256-9176 (H) 962-4189 (W) Agnes R. Beane First 6/30/2001 1005 Airlie Road ~ a Wilmington, NC 28403 Appointed 6/21/99 256-2363 (H) Estell C. Lee • First 6%30/2001 • 1208 Great Oaks Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Appointed 6/21/99 .256-5528 (H) .. Robert,W. Martenis First _ 6/30/2001 -9004 St. Stephens, Place . Wilmington, NC 28412 Appointed 6/21/99 313-1312 (H). , , . ~, . .. 65 AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS (CONTINUED) William T. Childs- Ratified 8/2/99 ~~c'-"C~.uii..e..: d Friends. of Airlie P..O. Box 612 Wilmington, NC 28402 762-8127 ~) Camilla M. Herlevicfi Ratified 6/2.1/99 Coastal Land Trust Member 720 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 " 392-7613 (H) 763-0332 (W) David W. Hays ~ Ratified 6/05/00 - College of Agricultural and Life Sciences NC State University Campus Box 7645 . . Raleigh, NC 27695-7645 919-513=2944 Dr. Eric McKeithan, President , ~ ~ Ratified 6/21/99 .....Cape Fear Community College , 41.1 N. Front Street ' Wilmington, NC 28401 251-5101 (W) Dr. James Leutze, Chancellor Ratified 6/21/99 University of North Carolina at Wilmington 601 S: College Road Wilmington, NC 28403-3297 . County Commissioner: Ted Davis County Manager: Allen O'Neal Director of Airlie Gardens: Bruce Williams Corbett Family Representative: Albert Corbett File: \Airlie 6/00 Ratified 6/21/99 Ratified 6/21/99 Ratified 6!21/99 `1 66 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01122/01 e Number: 4 Estimated Time P # C t It . : em ag : onsen Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover Fire District Tax Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: . Collection 'reports as of December 31, 2000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of reports. FUNDING SOURCE: _ ATTACHMENTS: 2, pages will be forwarded . , °ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ; ; lu.NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: , Recommend approval `"' . COMMISSIONERS' ACTI301~'S/COMMENTS: MMI~Q® ~'0~.11~TY ~O : . APPROVED ~` ----`-.::e.. ` .~ ~ ~ ~. ~tEJECTED ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~tEMOVED ~ ;~ ~ POSTPONES ~ ~ y r ~~it® ~~~ /p~; r``-~ T ~ _ ~ 67. C~~s~~aT Ac~r~~~ .- ~ ~ T ~ ~ --=-- ,- - ~~' >~~~~~~ C~l~#~T'1 TAX CCL~~CTIG~iS ~~~.~.~C~I~S THRU 12~~i/Cl0 CURRENT T.AX ~~~~ ~ 2{~(~:Q . i3R:I~I#VA~ TAX .BEVY DER S`CRCI~L D.I SCDVE~t I E5 ADDE~3 LESS AEAT~~lE~7TS TUTAL TAXES CHARCEi~ At~VE~TSI~iG FEES C~3:ARCE13 ~ISTIr~c ~'E~iALTIES CHA~~~~ CDEA~iIt~~ ~IEi~S CHARGED TOTAL LE1JY C~LLECTIflt~S TtJ .LATE C3UTSTA~tLI~1G HALAPlCE RERCE~iT'AGE CtILLECTEL 'BACK TA~(ES ~~ffim~~~~~~. READ E5TA1'E A~1D B~ERSt}iVAL ~RtIRE~tTY CHARGES ADDED LESS AB ATE~Ei~7S TtITAL TAXES 17UE CULLECTI{3F~S TE3 BATE tIUTSTAfv~1I~tG BALAtVCE PERCEt*ITAGE CtILLECTED RLICf~f LCCi1i'ANCY TAX CD~LECTI.fl~S RRIVIL~GE I.ICE~SE CCII.LECTItJ,~S ~~ vA~a~~~ ~~~~ v~~i~~~. ~77123y9(12~fl~ fi ~~39b~383,~~ 3~b31~784~F~. 89~i4flsi9 9t1$fl54R543s80 ~ 4~3~4.~14~„lb .D{3 mCfl 7Dy~rb3~.32 ~tlt~ ,{l (3 s0~ 90y12~~007g1~ ~ ~~354'14~..16 54~~3b3y96b~89~ 3~1~byC8~~~3b^~ ~3~92b1~i~4fl~23 I~2~:~3~~:5~~.2Cl ~ bOs~sBl~ a 72-~0?~~ 3~~t:5~a'fr77,.32 . ~694~2m9~3 99i323.~, 3~~afll$4b~~? iy(?54~847~88~ ~~~~a,~~~~~~~~~~, 2~3~bT9~8~~~a 3i~Di DEC ~QDC E'ISCAL YTS 1i3~~196~72 1~7~5y40~~2~s 87T~~D 16~593~59 VITAL 1'9f.~~iEY PRCICESSEL THRll CC3LLFCT:IL~I CIFETC'E F(7R ~~ HA~3CVER C~} CITY [~~ ~iIL~Il~GTO~I ~iRIGHTS"~ILLE flEAGI~1~ CAROLINA BEACH AND ~{iJRE BcACH TC9 DATE °' $~~~8b{~9b~i.4G. ' THIS REPORT IS FDR ~ISCAl. YEAR PEGI~VNIf~G 3ULY I~ 2{IgO~ RES?~ECTEULLY' SD~~9I"TTEI3y r -~ ~ PATRTCIA ..J.s G.Pr/'~Y,i'aC1~ ~~ CCILLECTflR CD F, ~tE1lENl3E• i p,_e ~ j'a..t~C ~ ~ _A r^ '& CD~+19It'+I~I3~~G~tl=~.'t..~3GT~IS~~ P~RC~]'d'TAC~ s' b1.3~ rr 68 ~, f~ • ~~~iSEi~T .A~E~1A A 7 ~ > _ . ______ . #~A~1~~'ER ~~3~}~3TY ~R~ GiSTRIC~ °TA~ ~C:LLEC~TIGS ~~3i.LE~7ifl~S T~1R1~ 12J3~1~ LL1R~t~i~T TAX YEAR d ~GOC Ati ~ALflftE~ A~t37~~2 VENIAL ~3RI~INAL TALC LEVY DER S~RflLL ~ 2~457y38~a2~ ~ 14?~83~.a~'l:. Q.ISC~VERTES A~3GEL~ - 11b~4~8,~5 37~.~8 LASS ~~A7'E.N~ETS ~ 479~tE7m5~~ 1~~83.2t~~ TOTAL TAKES C~iAR~E[~ 2~525~3b6~43 $ 1~-6y523ti~2 LISTI~V~ PEI~ALTI~S ~~iAR~EC 28424.28 .t30 TOTAL LEVY ~ 2~52£i~791a~:1 ~4~,~52~m32 CDLLE~T.Ifl3~S T~ SATE 1~~i3~3y86~a9G~ 1t37'3~34~~9~ GUT'STAlV~3I~3~ BALANCE - 389i~}29~.27 ~ 3~ ~~~~U~ ~ ~'ERCEP~TAC~ ~C3.LLECTE~J 54~8I~* ~~.2~~~. BAC~t TAKES REAL ESTATE ..A1~~ ~~~tS03~AL P~,t3~E~iTY 79~~?1.2~i . C~IARG~S A~3i3Efl ~ 1933~.C3 . LESS A$ATEfi~Ei~T'S •3.9~35w91~ o ~~~,~~ TAXES ~~~ - ~~y~l~al4~ ~UT:STA~i~ING 8ALAI~CE '~ ~.7y35~ia~8 RERCE~3TAGE CC;LLECTE~ v ~9~ t2 THIS REPC3~tT~IS EAR FISCAL YEAR E GIN~dTiVC JULY .1~ 20~1(J~ /,.-~.~ .:_: PATRTCIA ~m RA`~'~i~R ~~LLECT~3 tiE RE~E~il~E C~3~lBIf~ED C~LL£CTIC~ "P~RCENTAG~ ~- fi.5.~7"~ 69 . {This page intentionully left blank} . "1 70 NE11V HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF' COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting. Date: 01/22/01 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: `. Department: TAX Presenter: None Required ` Contact: Robert G{asgow ' • SUBJECT: Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: ' .Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request) Bennett, Helga J. ~" $20,000. Everett, Paufine F. 20,000 Gray; Gwendolyn ~ 20,000 - Guthrie; Ronald Horton 20,000 James, Eddie Thelma 20,.000 ` Moore, Lucille Christabell ~ 19,680 '~ Request approval of the following delinquent application fo r exemption from property tax for the following organization: (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request) Charismatic Episcopal Church 806005.010.004-000- ~. Re uest th followin late listi lti b l d t hi w th t ' . q e g ng pena es e re ease as as s e axpayers first offense: C&B Enterprise D/B/A Auntie Armies $ 72..10 Tucker Brothers Realty Co. of Carolina Beach 7.96- RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of these releases. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: . 1TEM'DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AN'D RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ . Recommend appr{-''~u ~OUNTIf CalVIMI~1~3~i - _ - COMMISSIONERS' ACTfON /COMMENTS: ~, APPROVED ~ - f~tEJfCTED O s~'~ . ' . ~,~EMOVED CJ .'f .:1'9 . ~®STPQNED IJ , ~ ~ 6~1~R~3 ~ ~ >~ ~i ppp/// L}.~ ~?~~~ 71 ,..- ,~ ~ i ~~^~~t ai+,n ~;1 .~ ,, ~ i ~ `e '~ ~l ~l. ~ `NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTT®N Meeting Date: 01/22/01 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: Library Presenter: ' :.Contact: David Paynter i , SUBJECT: ~ ~ . ` ~ Library Services and Technology Digitalization (LSTA) Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: The Library is applying fora grant in the amount of $19,975 from the .Institute of Museum & Library Services to catalog 1275 maps and to digitize 350 of the most historical of these. This . will increase access to these resources for the pubiic and wil{ be the first major. digitization of a map collection in North Carolina. . . ~. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request authorization to apply for grant and if awarded to accept award. FUNDING SOURCE: LSTA funds and donations from .Friends of.the Library. Minor expenses will be paid out of.the current library budget (travel & printing.) ~ , ATTACHMENTS: Grant applicafion is omfile in County Manager's office. " % REVIEWED BY: LEGAL; FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A " COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ,~ ~,.. . ~~~~~ COMM1SSlONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: PQL1:N~t' ~®E~if1111~~®~ . APPROVED f"~~---:'' .~; ." ~ ~ B2EJECTED C7 fftEMOVED I I ~ ~ ..; POSTPONED t~ ~'' 2001 I1biLS National Leadersbiip Grants Application Form Face sheet .OMB No..3137-0035 ~CFDA No. 45.312 1. Applicant Organization New Hanover County Public Libra 2. Institutional Mailing Address 201 Chestnut Street 3. City 4. State 5. Zip Code Wilmington NC 28401 6. Web Address www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/L1B/LlBmain.htm 7. Nance of Project Director/Prinapal Investigator ^VIr. ®Ms. ^Dr,. 8. Business Phone of Project Director Beverly Tetterton 910-341-4394 9. Project Director Mailing Address 201 Chestnut Street 10. City - 11. State ' 1'2. Zip Code - Wilrnington _ NC _ 28401 13. Fax Number of Project Director 14. E-mail Address of Project Director 910-341-4357 btetter~ton@co.new-hanovecnc.us 15. Name grid Title 'of Authorizing Official 16. Business.Phone of Authorizing Official David M. Poynter Library Director 910-3'41-4389` ~~ - 17. Sponsoring institution/parent organization, if applicable (e.g., municipality, state, or university). ®check if this entity will manage funds if an award is made.. -Name and address: - New Hanover Count 302 Chestnut Street. Wifmin ton NC 28401 18. Is the applicant organization university controlled? , ^ yes ®no , 19. For museum applicants, Non-Federal operating budget for the most recently completed fiscal year $ .00 20. Check governing control of applicant (select one) ^ State ^ Municipal ©County ^ Private Non-1Profit ^ Tribal Government ^ Other, please specify 21. Type of organization ~ ~~ ' * (rum page for sctections) select only one * please specify 22. Employer identification number/tax ID number 56-6000324 23. Check the number for the type of project select only one For Libraries For Museums For Library and Museum Collaborations ^ O1. Education and Training ^ 20. IVluseums On-Line ^ 30. Library and Museum Collaborations ^ d2. Research and Demonstration ^ 2l, Museums in the Community ®03. Preservation or Digitization ^ 22. Professional Practices 24. Project Title Wilmington & Southeastern North Carolina: Acess to Maps, 1585 to 2000 u„ ;';+.'r a s ..~ ... .; air, > : f ,~ ,• - - p ~-.' 25.GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED $ 19,975.00 26. Amount of Matching Funds $_ 14.909.00 r„ ' ,:<< 27. Grant Period - (Staning,~Date) 1 / 2 / 2002 - 12 / 31 / 2002 (Ending Date) ` 7~ In therspace below,. include names of any organisations that are official partners of the project. ) ~. .':a .. . ~~ ' ~Vilniington and Southeastern lelorth Car®lina: World Wide Access to ~ . . ~ 1Vlaps 1585 to 2000 . Project Dnrector: . Beverly Tetterton, Special Collections Librarian . New Hanover. County Public Library 201 Chestnut Street `Wilmington, NC 28401 ' ' (910) 341.-.4394, btetterton@co.new-hanover.nc.us Requested Funding: $19;975 Project Period: January 2, .2002 -December 31, 2002 Abstract ~ , - The goal of this project is to-make available to the citizens of New Hanover County and other interested: persons across. the United States and the World the remarkable map collection owned by the New Hanover County Public Library, located in Wilmington, North Carolina. To: accomplish universal access to the this collection~the library proposes to prepare . MARC records for each of the 1,275 maps in the collection and to .digitize about one-third or 350_ of the most historically helpful and most requested maps. Access to the map collection, heretofore available only through a sketchy finding aide and the librarians- memory, will become universal through the library's.catalogwhkh has Internet access through the library's webpage. ` The digitized map will be available from the catalog by the use of an 856 tag in the MARC record which takes the user to the image: Other access for the digitized collection will also be made available.on a web .accessible database. ` Several activities rriust take place to accomplish these goals. First, the rriaps must be . .organized into an accession system, secondly three=fourths of the maps must be.cleaned, repaired . and/or encapsulated. The third. activity will involve choosing the maps to be digitized. Finally the library intends to outsource the assigning of MARC records and the digitization. The library anticipates extensive use of the map collection via the Internet. Previous web ` based digital projects, such as the digitization of photograph collections, have been very well ' ,received by various segments of society. The popularity and use of maps has greatly, increased in - recent years due to environmental, historical and genealogical research. Use by historic . preservation groups and archaeologists, as well as university and public school students has also been plentiful. _ - . I ~ , 7.5 i . {This page intentionally left blank} 76 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS € REQUEST` FAR BOARD AC~lOiV r - Meeting Date: 01/22/01 ,~' ~ .Consent Item #:- 7 Estimated Time:. Page Number: ' - Department:", IT Presenter: Bill Clontz Contact: Bill Glontz ° ~ . SUBJECT: n Governor's Ceime Commission Grant Submittals -Information- Technology ' BRIEF SUMMARY: . Request permission to apply for'3 grants from the Governor`s Crime Commission. The 3 grants are for (a) 25 Mobile Data Computers for Sheriff's Department ($253,450), (b) Software for court management ($225,000), and (c) Wireless data connection to the new jail site ($160.,000). Pre-Applications for all grants must be submitted by January 31, 2001 with final applications - submitted by April 30, 2001. , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. Recommend approval of 3 grant applications to Governor's Crime Commission, acceptance of ' " .those grants if awarded to county. Recommend approval of associated budget amendments. Request authorization for County Manager to sign all associated documents. FUNDING SOURCE: . ° Grant funding is advertised as-75°~o,from state funds and 25% from county funds but there, are some Limitations. The chart below indicates the exact source of funds for each grant application. County funds will come from General Fund/Fund Balance. o a ost ran enera un .rant ~ , rant o ware , rant ire ess onnection ota ercent o o o -ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: ° LEGAL: 'FLNANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS-AND RECOMMENDATIONS: '. .Recommend approval to submit grant applications. If approved by the State the Board: will be requested to grant acceptance to match with the use of general fund/fund balance. ., ~''~ -~~t+~' COMMISSfONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:' ~ ~ ~@U1\ITY.COMNf1~5101~~ . APPROVED ~~-~-".-~ ,. ~~ . - . _ ' ~tEJECTED Cl '- ~ 1REMOVED E3 6~ASTPONE®~ '' ~ ~. ~- `~ . ~~^ . ,~ 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTf01V Meeting Date:.01/22/01 ~. Consent ftem #: 8 .Estimated Tirne: Page. Number: ~~ Department: County Manager Rresenter: Andy Atkinson; John Ranalli. . ~ Contact: Johh Ranalli ~ ~ .' SUBJECT: ..Governor's Crime Commission Grant Submittals-- Prevention and Intervention. Grants BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Any grant request to the Governor's Crime .Commission is due to be filed by January 31, 2001.. ~. ` Four agencies have requested the County act as Lead Applicant for their grant request..Those agencies are Dreams of Wilmington, Lnc.for $.19,834 to fund an interdisciplinary arts program for . ~. adjudicated youth; Wilmington Health Access for Teens (WHAT) for•$56~,975 to fund a series of . after school health" education%life skills. classes for adjudicated youth; Youth Advocate Programs,- _ ' Cnc. for $150;000 to fund anon-residential community based alternative to , residential/correctional placement of serious juvenile offenders, including gang-involved youth; , and BBPD, Inc. for $130,075.to fund an after school / summer program fof elementary school ~ , youth at risk of becoming delinquent.. , These programs are being presented to the JCPC on January 19,2001. The JCPC will determine if these-grants meet the needs and services established by the JCPC for New Hanover County. That information wIF`be provided to you at the-meeting. All four grants require a 25 % match: None of these'a,re requesting New :Hanover County general fund dollars as part of.the match. ,. - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' Authorize filing the grants with-the County as lead applicant and the agency as the implementing agency. . FUNDING SOURCE:- ~ ` - ATTACIiMENTS: REVIEWED BY: ' LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval: - BOUNTY ~®MM1~9®~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~ ~-PPROVED L. ~QEjECTED ~ -~ . -' ~®STPONED I . ,~~ d/~~ SEN`i BY : 7172328727; JAN -10 ~ 01 10 : d7Ah1; PAGc ~: • ~'he t~ee~ ~.ano~er A~dvflcrate Pry xn Aa~aaaaa3 D~udget 1'~a~raative i 'The fol laying, burDget narrative is an estimate o#'~ the prograrr,'s anticip~.tec! exDsettsars basc;d un tech yuu~h receiving an, average of l0 hours of service per wee'. This narr~atie~e is fur infortttatioalal putpos+~s. Billing wil! be on o CoSi reirtibt~rsenlevtt >?asis. Aisu nr~te that althaugh tl~e huciget nrirr.ative helow is based on 30 }~auth at any give3a time, this is not a contractual ra~tsximum ;asail mute ya>uth msy be re Ferrea_t iCftrnc3irsg al1v~N5. 0. ' ~'e~so~nei - Ql~tate Director oversight and training; ]pro rata sh<ir~ ~t, der t Vice I'resi ;2,b00 / y ~ ~Sv~OV;3E~'T WL'l:l~. . FragramI:~itector~~~&15,00pcr.u~eck, 31,')0 Adntit~istrative 1~11arsager part.tit~te ca ~.120.Ot).per week. a3>24~._ PrQg~ract] $ltd l~Ot3tracts Nlanaber pro rata,sllilr8 4i ~3~).~3p ]3:;r 5^/~9r~n. 1,J~0 ~;tsst P,eimbutserneaat ~/lfaaiage'r prt~ rota s;,are ~ ~i0.00 per wer:lc, 52U Adv©c~ate i~ou.rs ~ X9.00 per hour x Eive 17a3urs of iradi~~idttaUfamily hotars - per youth per w?ek. 23,40, r°-sdvtteate Dlotars (~; $S.Ut) per hour x five Daotcrs of group tirr~c pct y~ulh pct -week. I ] 3,04C} A+:lvUS~<tte sidp~rvi~ion (a? X2.25 pct y4utD1 pex week. I 1,1 ip I ~ `; c;~t~: trainiat c~~ ~~.UU er It©ur ~ ten hours initial tr~tinin aa,aD A,~ o R(t F ~ • oa~gning twa borers per ~advac:rtc pct t~an4]2. ~ l,:t~?U ~aaa~ ~'otai ~~Age3 tad S~Dr~~ies ~~,~31t3 ttial;ioy+e~ he~ae(its in~iudis}g errrplo~er share a#'`n'DCA, U~', L~JC; ~ancl healt,ia i~~~iarttt~~:e C~ 2?~/o c"wages and salaries. ~ .18,020 ' _. , !~. ~a•~vel Vi~:sr Pr~sia#ettt/state Di;'ecttsr pro rata sl;at~e travel (~ ~ 10:(30 ]~:ar ~,~eck. 52Q Prca~ram D;o corer travel (i~J .~4G.t~U per week. 2,0$0 .~c~voc;rtc trnvcl (e~i ~3.UU per contact x U1ree ennt~ets p~r youth pcrweek. 4,G~t? "~"~t~l "T'ra~vel 79~~0 i~' :.t , .~ ' ` 7. ~o {,~. ~, ~.', °SEP;+ 6Y: ; ~ ~ 7t7232S727; JAN-t3-di 10:47AM; . ,PA3E 3/ . ~_ r. .. . , . . .1~3'.. .erect ~ssssi~~a~e to ~'m~~l~ Y~u,th :ic:iiviky f~i~~ci cr, `~4.bt) leer coi~~llct x khrey contacts;per yotF4la i~er week.. - ts,2~t) .. . - :. ,_ . - 'f'a~~ae q~i>rsct A~sist~~oce 4m 4C~a~~t~ ~,~~t$ - Ft.cnt, at;t~ ulilitic~ (r~), ~525.(lU pcr ri~onth, .~ ~,3UU , ~ Tble}~hot~e ex~etases ~ ~~UU.Od ~cr moai4h. ~ 2,~U 0 _ i'vstF,ge ~.~d oveszsi~llt nail tail ~~OrJOU der ii,~osith~ 2,400 f C?f€ice stFppii~s and Fidvertisin~ C~ $200.OU per month. 2,400 ~:quiprlen4 r~s~atsl iricl~sdis~~ copier, fiix, con~j~i~t~?s• and lss-it~ter a~~c! 17~l;ers " , .. ~u ~~~JU,(}U pes~ rn6slkG. 2,4aJ0 , •~ Clinii;al ~'~nsulkufion dnc# trainin.i~.. 5t~U - .. . Youth uc~itlcr~t insur~rse~ cc~ ~20,C1a }~dr n~~is~ath, .• , 24G . ` PY;'anitorir.~ ~s~ quality assuresace r~~ativouate llaur~ c! ~30~~tJ per trirarath. 3+50 - ~ ~~8~.l ~8.~~0..1 expenses.. - A.l ~y~9~~Y~ _ ~ - - ~ ~. YVk:n''3.83Ja1 'v'~'~,S+JA~~~S~'.S E~~y`9~~ .. (ia J 5° f p > /a ca ~c:rt e~szter acenxn~istrFFiive, p~ersozu~el a3ac? fin~rici~l servii:e.s ~u kl7e,tat~l i,~.91"~Ci ~~~~~15~5. 1~,5J~ :. `, , ~,~~rcrt~or's Crantc Cara~tzsissic,tt. ~ .. $ 412,50(3 , • Local hil~tch .. ~37,SOU o`otli Cast (af Pro~r~tm ~ -- ~ 5 9 50.....:_._.0()0 . -. .~ . . - 81 SEU'T 6Y: ~ 7172328727; JAN•tb~01 10;47AM; PAGE aJ7 ~Drt~i"i ~f ~'re-.~pp3ic~eiuRD - C;c4vcrttt~r's ~'ri~ate Cn44ir4~dssiela4 - Pdi~ ,~~~aalvrr ~alaaz~t~v 1f'agt 1: 1. !~ullac u9' 3'rnjec#; Ncw Nanc~ver Counry.~dvucatu a:'rvi,~r~m ~. t9a~}N~IC~p}t ~e~2?4Ci! (R4~444~, 4{$S~YCS9a fC~lr7~9aYa8 ~d161 s~a?f}: Q~tIC' rDf'JUVlr1731e ,-t65t14c U~~ICW ~18IlOY~f {.•OLlilty, p~wyy:aw~?~71CC1- tU Ca)mplete ln$CarirltiC7Un~~*~~M 3. t'~a?~ll~aRrerol4g a['Df~ie#~D: (name and title}: ~.lasly AtfcinsCan, ?CPC Chair ^t. ~°'~118:4?1Cfk} {~'~~4CC4' (84a1984C, ilt9e uaad Zotll{°~?'}4(741i~~: k~*~"need to cwnpl~:tc: i,lt'orrli~+tiori"`**~~ 5, lna~l~e4saealtiiatg ~~gn~~: `iottth ildvucosl•c t'ro~rams, inc... ?007 N,'f~lirc- ~tr~et, H~rris-lurg, Ptl 17iU2, '1'elepllolav. (71 Zj.232-7~RQ; I"3x: {717) 232.3717 .-'"° ~.~ " f,. ~r~ , G. 1'ruj Ls# ~)is>z.r.Qcsr (4a~4a~e, taelc ~~ad i.a;1.rP#,o?l~ 41u4ti~4~4'}: Mark C'.a~elanci, ,~ice.ct~lr far :4lnr#h G~roli+,a, `+'`s~uth ,4rlv.ocat~ Prn~,ro.n?a, lnc,,.`i"c1ephnna~ 252--~3b-2b23 7,~r54¢71Ca99&Y3ti44~ t~g~llcy Froia~~; •~., h., and c ?~*~'~~i°~~'i~ir.zd in!'url,atir~~'1 frr,m Ylli' Fis~ul ~epartments~~~~,~ ~. Csa~~rlit4~sa. As~lgR7tsRel?t; Juveniic Ju ~tiuc 6tltcc~~r~etttio~a 9, 3'rvgr~l~l i~tiori#y: ~' lU. 3's'~ajec3 ,5~~lrril,~ aRa:l ~;nr~Sn~ 9~a4ic: Stoat: July D 1, 2tl{)1 End; 7u11~ 34, ~00~ -Z.'1'}'17s.4a3 .~a;~i~a: €~iryt i~1~l,licati4n, 13.'~etlttawter3 ~3aR~8get';''o4~a~ ~35+1,t}Oq (~31b,~tttJ F'erferal and ~3i, ~~0 Lc,sal l~atsh) t~. -'ra,~~~:#. ;a4s41R14~ry (erne to t3:rx. seal#e?4a:s:s ial ll:tl~;d'rl) Tlt~ ~>a'c~ject will prUvic~C a nom-a'essdentiL~i i+,tr,rnunity-l;nsed uite'.rnutiv~: to residen~,ial/cun~:ctiC~na] l~facemeut ut~ scl~iisus juvenile nt4'ellders incluilirl~ fang-involved youth. Ttl help reduce disprt~purtion~~tc; nvrds~riry cnra4inemLrt, a cum!?reherlsiive nlix of youth and f'nlrily-fucus~tl sersrices int:lladin~ mentaring, struc:tstr:d recreatiula, uuniliut reso-ttticn, ca~rnriiunity lin'~cages and olhel' activiiies tailored to individual nccala wii! be provided. Tt:,, s-{yr,e will be 3vailablc at any given time with ~tppt'®~imatety a0 youth artd famdti~~ serc~ed annually, '1'?ae laroject wi~~ operate 98i.1~~4a~ ;~s4eluvrr C'ualal9y. 82 SE~iT $Y i 7f 7232$727 } .1A~!- i C~ - Ol 1 ~ ~7AM, _ PAt~xE 5/7 . ; . ' ~. &'age Z ,: . "F]a~ Fro~a3e~aa: ~ . E. ~~&a~*~'Need info;•mation~*~~*~ ` ~'r~~ect C~~~~r~tiott ~ . .. .< - Eollotivtng a~n innav;i.tivc ;uiv<iLg~y rnndel, the lyro~e,rom will provide individuuii:ts:d in-home and coinint}aiity based it}teryi~3tivn fvT :;er9ous juvenile off"enders grid their f`ntnil~s, Yout$ wig] ha mdtch~,d with traita:.d, supportive aclvvo~tcs bared born the coanmttsaities set-+,•ad. itcflccting the +:ultura: and - edviieity Lf th+~ prv~rarta partiCip~flt~, advocates wi#1 serve as positive role ma~dc;ls/rrrL-rit~ars anel`a~i9i provide an'alrra of inc{tvidualizcil scrvis;es. Priority reeds i.n life areas,ittclutiing ee9uc~livn, veccatiun, sociatl interaction, nand Uthtir life areas will be assessed through s strength-based process. Written , • it~~3ividtaaliiet! service plarDS tivill i;tclude ypeciLic foals, .services to be provided, and iin~ages with ether ~ ~ , o u.stsur~~c3 ;ir7i1 services. Natural supports wii! be d~v~lc~pad thruug~~t the ut~~niaatican of child/~arnlly temni than will includt t17e P;amily; the astlvi~cate. and positiv® vatunteei•~corztrttunity rra6rn~scrs. A.flvou:ates Milt . praviJ>: } ll hoaar.3 oLtlireCCSer'a'i~:~ nct• yauth/rentily }aer weak ~~ith a minirraurn saf ihrrvc faci-tt~~l"a,e~ s;uaat.acts, ~ pru~rarn slirevtor ana9 ~ssisCanl director.will be t•esponsible !vr c3ay-to-day operatzvns end ~!ill~. pro~rii)e ~onrc; c~irt;cf y:;raices. A vice: president will provide executive oversight. C~ovrclinatiutt cif anaaaitoriaz~evnlustinn, training, fiscal artd atirrtirriStr~9.v~ stapport will ~e jrovided by the YII.!' Su}ipc~ri C.e;ricr (aclzaainistrativc hendt}uarters}': 4~!hile 4hc projc:et i flew to the ser*rice area, the ~ 4!' rnpdel hay _ - proven successfiai !u ci6ht st.atcs. Pv~itiv4 uutcG~n,us hove hcen tschieved wiih serious j°a~+enite utrr~lcl~ars and far,"g involved yu!otla ins;luding the nc7tot7n~,as T~li~t~ds astd Criltis in Texas metropolitura ~rc:;~y.'1`hK . . l~rta~r7tti°s'innavative approach reduces jiayct3il~ crime by; t};providing p~r~sitive corptmunil.y rt~ls models • •, 4vho ptpvid~ supervisidn ire a way that helps yc)utla deveiop the'sr strengths aid cnpatailiti+.;s; ; ~) . uaaep?na~i+~ing education, en~lalsryrraent Farad {ife ~kifls; 3) d~r!cloping ata enduring netwdrk ci.f+:nnitnunit'y ~, - ~uppvrlu; ~a) helping ramifies becn,rge mare ef>`dvtivepararnts; 5j #~c~siering the ycitth's g~ersvnral • ,~ dev~:la,paiac;tlt (tcr3ching cutillis;t s•csulution skills, providing c3z:struclivc rccr+satianal activities, - stalaervising attd guitlia~g youth) while protecting cnmrnui;i;zl safety. ,. - . ' 2 83 SEtrT 9Y: ; 7t?2328727; JAN-iO•bi iq:4gAM; ~ag~ 3 ~ ~'e-a,~er2 t'vuuls ~ §?.educe the. incidence of juvenile crime itt I~ew 9ianovar eorntztunitiew, ~ Etzduc~ C9~e tittsttl)Z; cY!':~ut-uf•~h~sme Girrrcclic~n~1 pl3vcn~ci~is.:imc»ig mint7rity ysx~th ~ lncre.:ase iite safety of nei~;hborltoo~ls by reducing gang aati+rity. ~ kr:t9uce risk f~4lors a~so+:iatcci •~aitn juveiailc ~~rimu and tlelinyueuc;y (e.g,, lack of sclsocsl success. un~~t~~y~lt~yrnertt., ilysfrsnuticmal ftm~ilie,.~, 3utrst;tnc;; ahu•we, negative peti~r,rs5rs~:i~ltian5} PAbE 6J7 ~ it.eep yaut9z urrayl frtru anci'r~r:suro that they :are safely super~+ised, guided, end engaged itt canstratcti~+e 1?iSU9`e time activities. . g ln~r~:asc tls~ nasrnl~tr of youth rLg~a)arly attending an apprnpriat~ educstions! ;bndJar t;ocats©n~td , pru~.~t`tsna, a ~ tnt:reaad the ratsml7er o#' youth +~'ha-arc ettsplgyed and/or who tarp participating'.iit ts;~l?ropriate comu~u:tity . ~ervia:e ac#ivitie5. . 1:mpruvt: rc3uth an+~ family functi3nin and the ability of parent.slgusrdiars tc }~rtsvicle safe, nurturing , cttvit~usttttcnts For t?tLir :1tildren, " ~ , . . ~'roges't A,e9iaiti~s .fst~y 2d141 - - L,ta1~liah alt adtttiraistratiare oi'fice and purcFtnsc cquipmctlt; hire pro~rani c7irs:s:tur ~snd :sz3vt~ct~t~5; l3r~vide crientaticn t~~ainirtg, - ria~ttliza itttaKe attc~ rer~orting pr4ncedures with reterral sot;rces. - lt~c;}~ rsut' 1o d:omrrsunity a:;zncies. the iausiness cntnaz~unity and other cUmtnunily rt;sourc~ 5 to infarnt Ci~etn of the pro};ratn utztl i~t~lisl tltcir sU~port, ~lasgaast 4~9U'il <3Ct~ir~ 3~rving juveniles and raa?lilies d Daagssiss~ tlzs'au~9s ,9urst~ 20fD2 . 5er',+e spproxiniately ~0 youth anti fAnti9ies during the Cf~rlt2'EECi ~tet•iod - Cu18e+;t data and r?erltaate ouicornes, pru aide reports accor4ting ttt schedule., tr.+rbnitur farrtily sa.ti~factinn with sr.rvices through n yuality t1~3usatlce praQr&t't• - ~ubt~tit tit~ncly and accurate reports accn;ding to sch~;t'u!e. - ltc~lularly }~rtwidt :tuff trnittirtg and supervision 3 84 SEi~T BY:.; .. 71723272,"r; .JANiiO-.Oi 14:4~~1M;_ PAGE 7/r ' ~'aags ~ ~ ' .- , . . ~ 'Nea•~'urr¢a~asrr:~ .~ear~raa'rs: _ , Number vF youth ~hc >j©. nt~t recidiuate within six months after service ends ,'~~aanbc~ vl' youth hat "ot; pl,s~caf in statc.~+;urcc::tit~nal faciliticd v~~ithin Six rnuntlis aCtcr sirvics: u-ia4s , ,Nunihet' i~f ya}~th ern•o)Bed in an ai7prnpt7ace educatii~nal prngram and attending ., . regul~tly [~ltitvtbc•r ii F' fan~ilic:s r~'pt»ting Br31?ruvCd Family furaotinnin~ as a re3utt nt`YAP • ,- scavic~s Numb~:r vl'yuuth urliU arc ~mp)Uyr.cl 1'~=gc: 4: ~v:a9u,atsirar'r~ti.~av~is ~at~ ~~.t¢aa~a•iaa~~sand recoa°c9in~: YAP:s evaluation sys'tcm is dcsigncd for dcc~.:rstc rcpc~riin~, n7anitorira~, . • ~ 4rid ave~lu~ti~ri e~f :tbe ~~utr4lty tit' serveces prctv;ded, auacoanes, and client u,nd farnaly sati5faciian, Yro~raa'n ' ~` _dstta is collected via an erttryldischarge term that is used tv cg7rnnare the vbutll's startts at mra:ce nrad at ttae wna;hasaon'vf scrvis:is..Dutts t;nt~;rec~ into than agency's :am~.uterized ir~i'ormati+~n-system correlates with , pa~rfurn:anc~y m~asurss (suhut;6 attcni3~rrop, ~rnpistyrstent, arrests, csut•uf-harne plnceaneats,,r~cidiv~isrn, ` f~rs7ily furS~tiuninp;). . 1~9asr~i¢corits~ b~"4i1d ~rubrt~~ ~area:tvc;'I'hc ~ra~ram drrcvtur tnunit+»'s tlac wot•k c~t'~dvocated aetd tlae . iaeogress r,F!€artilies in relutionsl3ip tv gual5 31aa;ci~cd in Cash yauthlF~rsiily servil=e plan. 14teasursrnene • +ne.ths~ds inchtde: arguing case revaevvs anti r~;va~!w5 t~f gt~rvice plans. Outer rtteftso~s ini~ltsde l7eric~ttic . .t•istt3 trtt, farni3y )tnrraes, t~leph~ne cuntecis or a com~inat.iori of ll}e iwas dcpendir:~ uiaon i•~rnily stalaility. t~9naalrtagitafi•Ca~rsiiaaa~t~d ~y ¢3t~ Ag~tacy utapla9sr4 ~:eneur•: C')ie:ti. sattci Family ;+;9ti;;i'a~tibv~ &r~' crini'irnictii}ra pi'scrvawcs d~°liv~~rcd is rnonifgrwd through rns~i~t~:ly can`~acts by in~iepvnaen9,ts:ldfrhtane 1 n~uni.cirs, h9unitur ~ FulluLV to aiaecifi~; 15rnce~iure dcsigzied t~ elicit it~f`vrrltation ara;~i cunfsrri .that 3erv,cts: wczi: c)~livureti as•rcport~:i. tiYhen service hours are nut caaaiin,led; the dirs;t;wr iw nadficd attd oarnpietes . an investigtatic;n within,five wvr~ing dttyw. I~urtiitorinp a)sa includes questionnaares m~ila;d to farra;lics, TPtcse 5urfey t'urans art accarrab~a}aied by a nevasieticr creaird #•or lami)i 19y Tie 5ugrn~rt('.enter. . f?,dr3iti,~n~18}~, srl internal ti~;~ncy ;tudiior ti~isiCS pra~rutat u'Fti~.es tt+ rL•vticvr t'tie'mairiten~nce and c~th~r r.~lai;rati~ans in te.rrr~s oi',cirrltrtacrttai aornpliaatre, - • -~ 4 . ® r ." . S5: Grant Pre-Application Gove~r~or°s Crime Ct~rrarnissi®n Page 1 of 2 ~2®~ Front St~ee#, ,~' Lute 2®~ ~eieigi~, N, C< 275®~ Phone:(9~9)~33~4554 Fax:(999)~33-:4525 r o i 1. Narrae o$ Project: 8. Cort7rnittee Assignrraent:(se The CORE Project ~ 7UV. 7UST. INTERVENTION 2. Applicant Agency:(name, address, telephone, fax) ra~ai~.f:p ref 1:?e~~~ 17.a1s~ver. Name :...........................:......................................:....................:.......................: 9, grogram Prio~-i~y{select one ~ A ~B ~ C ~D ~~ ~F r Addressl: ~.?~~ r' ~sr,~s: ~:. : : . : .. ~P.Jn ~~~~ ~ , . ....... ......... .: .................................. ........................... ....... :. Addressl: City: ~'~~i1r~iJ;.;~rrrs. ..... State: Zip: ~ .~.:W~ - 10. Pro ect ®ates: - - --- ~ ~ (jJ.Oj 'sQ~1.-7i.%% ~ ~ F ~ ~ Start Date: 07/01/01... End Date: ).":~ ......... ...................... ax: . ............ Phone: 6000324: 56 ~ (Enter dates in mm/dd/yy for - .... Checlc here for state agency: Federal Tax ID#: ~W... 3. Authorizing O$$icial:(name and title) 11. Type o$ Action:(select one) Mr. Allen O'Neal Name: ..............................................................................................................; ~ First Application Title: New Hanover County Manager ~ Continuation of Grant 12. Districts and Population: 4. Financial 0$ficer:(name, title, telephone) U.S. Congressional District:l.'....W.~.W Mr. Bruce Shell ..................: Name .: ............................................................................................. N.C. House District(s):.13................:...,. Title: New Hanover ': C Sen N te Di t(s): 4 t i ....................... . . a s r c Phone: (910) 341-7187 180000 l i f P A at Popu on o rea` roj ect C.) :%U,c http://www. gcc. state. nc.us/applications/gmspreapp/PreApp 1. cfin 1/10/O l ' Grart Pre-Application Page 2 of 2 , 5. la~plesnenting Agency:(name, address, telephone; fax) 13. F#eguesteci Budget Tt~tai Marne: DREAMS of Wilmington, Inc. ............................................................... .: 1st • Addressl; P.O..Box 363......_......,. .................................................................... . Personnel: ~ $1 Address2 : 515 Ann Street .......:......... ..........:......:....................................................: Contractual: $6, y Ct : Wilmington ..............................................................: .......................................... Travel: $9 State: NG Zi 28402 p ~ , Supplies: $1, _~ Phone: _ (910) 772 1501 Fax: (910) 772-1504 ......: ......................:....:...: Equipment:.. ~ $6 6 Pr~'ect ®irector'(name title telephone e-mail) Total Budget: $2 • 9 Name: Tracy Wilkes , Title: _ Executive Director ~ ' ~~~.~...... ..................................: Subtract Match:' (910) 772-1J01 ~ . Phone: .~~...~.~..~.......: • dreamswilmington®cs.com . E=mail: ... ............................................................................................................: Federal Request: 7. !~plernenting Agency ~ro#'ile: a. Non-profit, nongovernmental agencies, please attach. a . copy of your current year's line item operating budget and describe the sources. of those funds. - -b. Attach a'copy of what other funding sources and. amounts,. if any, have been committed for this project or _ have been applied for or are anticipated for the project. ' c. Number of Sworn Officers: i~ ..:........... :........ - '!4. Pr®ject Su~rn~ry:(one to three sentences in length) ° This project will: (please include the counties that the project will operate in) .The CORE (Creative Outreach Reinventing Expression) provides for adjudicated youth ages 11 to 14 a new - but proven -- creative and character-building experience through an interdisciplinary arts curriculum focusing o'n self=expression through the arts. Creative arts workshops - Page 1 - - :< $6, $1 Return to GCC'homepage . ~. . Q V http://www.gcc.state.ncus/applications/gmspreapp/PreAppl.cfin 1/10/01 2001 Grant Pre-Application ~ - page 2 #13 13. Requested Budget. To~a1s: 1st Fear 2nd 'Year Personnel: $17,097.52 $17,097.52 Contractual: $ 6,400.00 $ 6,400.00 - Travel: $ 948:00 $ 948.00 - Supplies: $ .1,400:00 $ 1,400.00 Equipment: $ 600.00 $ 600.00 , Total Budget: $26,445.52 $26,445.52 ~ ~ ' . ' - Subtract Match: $ 6,611.38 $ 6,611.38 Federal Request; $19,834.14 $19,834.14 #14. Project Summary :. 'T'he CORE (Creative Outreach Reinventing expression) provides for adjudicated. youth ages 11 to 14 a new -buff proven -- creative and character-building experience through an interdisciplinary; arts curriculum focusing. o~ self-expressions through fihe arts. Creative arts workshops mill be held after school at the New Hanover Country Detention Center acid the Pathways Day Reporting Center. 88 Grant Pre-Application Page 2 Problem and Pr®~~ct ®Pera~i®n ,_ Pagel of 2 The Problem: This pre=application .addresse's three problem areas in our community: ~s~:: Number one: Lack of positive community based after-school programs for adjudicated middle school 'aged youth.. Studies report that most juvenile ... criminal activity takes place. between"the ]lours of 3 and 6pm. The young. people who are most likely to engage in criminal• activities during-this 3-r 6pm time period arethe very kids who' are the least likely to be involved in positive after school activities. .While the overall number of.pro.grams :: `available is low, .another key 'issue i.s lack of motivation on the part of youth to get involved. The target population perceives many available programs as "not cool" and "not fun". In addition many of .the after- school programs are geared toward younger children and concentrate on academics and tutoring. While academics are an extremely important component, these programs do little to attract .the target population. -Lastly, programs that are court mandated and may .be excellent are often .short-term in nature and do not provide the on-going, long-term connection Project Operation: General Approach:. The CORE Creative Outreach Reinventing expression N project is an interdisciplinary approach to the arts. The focus of the aroject is to. allow adjudicated young. people. to tell their personal stories through a combination of creative writing, videography;'music, theater and the visual arts. Accomplished local artists working. with these young people model the concepts.,of respect, .flexibility and cooperation. Students work in small groups with each teacher in the course of the two-hour .workshop. Target Population:. Youth incarcerated in the Juvenile Detention Center and/or attending.Pathways Day Reporting enter. CORE Workshops will be held after school at the Detention Center and Pathways. Parti:cip,ants will perform their original works for the public at..a series of performances scheduled throughout. the year.' Iri addition to student workshops and performances, families of participants will be encouraged to participatein a series of "FAMILY ARTS NIGHT" workshops. Project History: The DREAMS Program has .been providing classes in the .arts at both .Pathways and the New. Hanover Juvenile Detention Center for the last 18 months and iri the larger community for over 3 years. DREAMS has been successful in _achieving the .initial program objectives outlined in the 1999 Governor's Crime Commission Grant Proposal, and 'we want. to build on and intensify .the curriculum by implementing the CORE Project . approach. How the project addresses the problem: 1. CORE provides the. ind of stimulating after-school program that young people are interested n and-will commit'to. 2.CORE provides positive role models and nurturing entors who help ycung people develop a positive sense of themselves and heir futures. 3. Young people who have participated in the CORE'workshops bile incarcerated continue classes at DREAMS, thereby ,staying-involved iri ...........:........:.......................................................................................:...........................................:........................................................................... ~i~ • Page 2 http ;//www.gcc.state.nc.us/applications/gmspreapp/PreApp2.cfin 89 1/10/01 The Problem: This pre-application addresses three problem=areas in our community: Number one: Lack of positive.community based, after-school programs for adjudicated middle school aged:youth. Studies report:that most, juvenile eriminai activity takes place between the hours of 3 and bpm.` The young peopie who are most likely, to engage in criminal activities during this 3-6pm time period~are the very kids who are. the least likely to be involved in positive after school activities. While the overall number of programs available is low, another key issue is lack of m®tiwatiori on the part,of youth to. get involved. The target population perceives many available programs as "not cool" and "not fun". Tn~addition many of fibs ', after-school programs.. are geared toward younger children and concentrate on academics and tutoring. While academics are an~extremely impor$ant component; . these programs do little to attract the target population. Lastly, programs that are court mandated and may be excellent are often short-term in nature and do not provide the on-going, long-term connection and mentoring that these young people need. l~lui~nber two; .Lack of creative mentorir~g `programs that "follow" the incarcerated youth into the community. Youngpeople who are incarcerated in the,. l\lew Hanover County ,Detention Center and released back into the community offien _return to the same negative environment with little or no supportive services in place.. The lack of support. invariably plays a large role in 1~lew Hanover County's ,'high youth recidivism rate, one of the highest in the state, at over 50.%. dumber Three.. ,Low family and community attachment: i\lational research studies indicate~that youth who engage in criminal behaviors are more likely to come from families~where there is a lack of appropriate role models and positive parenfi involvement: Mental health professionals report these young peopie experience feelings of isolation, disconnectedness, anger and despair.. In interviews conducted. by DREADS teachers with kids at the Ne±~ Hanover Detention Center, mosfi of the young people expressed feeling marginalized and not valued by the community. 90 . -:, ... i ~ - -~ . ~, - _ . Pao ject Operation: ~ . i~ ~ - General A roach: The CORE Creative Outreach Reinventing Expression project is . p,p _ an interdisciplinary approach to the arts. The focus of the project is to allow adjudicated young people to tell their personal stories through a combination of creative writing, videography, music, theater and the~visual-arts. Accomplished . local artists working with these young people model.. the concepts'of, respect, flexibility and cooperation. Studenfis workiin small groups with each teacher in the " course of the two-hour .wo:rkshop. Target Population: Youth incarcerated +n the enile Detention Center and/or attending Pathways Day Reporting Center. CORE Juv - Workshops will be held after school at-the Detention Center aid Pathways. " participants will perform their original works for the-public at a series of performances scheduled throughout the year. In addition to student workshops ." ? " .and performances, families of participants wi11 be encouraged to participate in a . ~" ' series of "FAN~ICY t1RT5 NIGHT" workshops. . ~, ~ :Project History: The DREA1Vi5 Program has bean providing classes in the arts at both Pathways and the New. Hanover Juvenile betention Center for the last . 18 months. and in the larger community for over 3 years. DREAt~15 has been successful in achieving the initial program objectives outlined in the 1999 ~ ~ . Governor's Crime Commission.Grant Proposal, and we want to b"wild ®n a.nd intensify ~~ the curriculum by implementing~the CORE Project approach. . - ~ How fibs pra ject addresses the. problem: ~1. CORE provides the kind of . stimulating after-school program that young people are interested in and will commit to, 2.CORE .provides positive role models aria nurturing mentors who help young people~develop a`positive sense of themselves and their futures: 3. Young people who have participated in the CORE workshops while incarcerated continau . classes at DREAMS, thereby staying involved in act~vitses that enhance person attitudes about themselves and their futures, develop new peer associations, and - recognize their skills and-competencies. 4.CORE helps young people reconnect to ' ` the community, through community-.based. public performances. 5. CARE ,. encourages positive family interaction. by including family members in the creative experience:. " " What.will make.the pro ject,work: 1. Collaboration between the New " Hanover County Detention Center,"Pathways~and Di2EAJV15 ensures the successful ~ . implementation o•f the. CORE Project at both sites. 2. Talented and committed artists who :have experience working with target population. 3:, Good working _ relationship with court counselors. All of these are already in place. . . .~ 91 .. ,.,. P~c~~r~~~a~~ ~e~sssr~~. Project Objective FYoject IV~asure ` 50%•af youth in Pathw ays w ill h~mber of youth enro3led in each participate in CORE Project.. ~ month in Pathways compared to ' ',' .- number participating in CORE project. All you#h incarcerated`in detention ~ Numbi:r of youth in detention center , center w ill paricipate in the on-. on monthly basis campared to number site. CORE rYoject classes. participating in CORE R~oject. , 5l~°l0 of sfl CORE participants w iii Number of CORE participants enrolled enroll in DREA~/!S commun~y-based in at least one DR64~1S arts Blass. - arts program upon release. ~ , 25°10 of CORE ynuth w ill have par~ret/ Nucr+ber of parents w ho have - ; family members w i!! do one of the participated in program snrrew ay. ~~ follow ing: participate in family arts project, serve an parent advisary board„attend a DRE4i1r9% exhibition, volunteer in the arts class. COREyouth w ill participate in at i~iumber of exl'iibitions and youth wa ho least tw o comirrunity-based visual participate. and/or perfo; m6ng arts exhibitions 'Numb'e'r of general public to attend ~ ~ showcasing Yheir creativity. pe~'tormances. Amount of press and media'coverage. , . Decraase in peer altercations, umber of peer altercations reported Increase In pOSetrJe V^alueS {team- to court. ~~ ork, integrity, responsibility, and Nurriber of school suspensions. respect for others). Focus groups w ith youth and parents. CRE~aiV~ Teacher~assessrrerrt. , ,_. ,. , • . , 92 ~ ~ ~ :. r Performance.IV(easures: - ~ ~ ` . - ~ Pro ject-Objective . - Project Measure 5Q% of youth in Pathways will Number of youth enrolled in each ' parti,cipate'in CORE Project. month in Pathways compared to . - ~ ~ number participating in CORE,projest.. 'All youth incarc~rated_ in detention:.. Number of youth in detention center center will paricipate in the on- ~ on monthly basis: compared to number site CORE~Project classes. participating in C062E Project.. 50% of all CORE'panticipants will ~ - .Number of .CORE •participants en~^olied. . enroll in DRE,4~ft5 community-based in at least orie DREAlJ15 arts class. arts program upon release; , . 25% of CORE youth will have parent/ .Number of parents who ,have ~` .family members will do ode of the , parfiicipated in program someway. ~ - following,'`participate in family ~, ~ -arts project, serve on parent ~ ~ . . ` ` ~ advisoryboard, attend aDREAMS - .exhibition, volunteer in the°art~ . . .. ... class. .. . CORE:youth will participate in at ~ Number of exhibitions and youth, who. fedst two community-based visual ~°~ participate. : - dad/or performing arts exhibitions ~' Number of general public .to afitend showcasing their creativity: performances. .. Amount of press and media coverage.. .: - Decrease. in peer altercations, Number of peer altercations. reported :~i.ncrease in positive values (team- to court:. ~ ` ~ . work, integrity, responsibility, and Number of school suspensions. respect, for others). Focus groups with youth and parents. DREAMS Teacher assessment: ~~_ ~ , 93 Evaluation Methods: The evaluation will include a variety of quantitative and qualitative measures including client outcomes such as changes in attitudes, skills and behaviors; client., parent and teacher satisfaction with the program; on-going, monitoring o$ the quality of the intervention` and artistic.achievement. fVlethvds will include surveys, focus groups, in-depth interviews, observations, a review of-the enrollment and attendance database, and a review. of school records. The CORE evaluation wilt be linked to the overall, ongoing evaluation of .the Dreams Program. Whenever possible, evaluation tools and :methodologies already. developed will be adapted for the CORE Project. This will ensure consistenry with the Dreams evaluatio~i, and wi~l1 mean less time is needed to develop and test instruments. Evaluatioh AAethods, 1. DREAM5.5tudent Assess~ent" -.a survey instrument which enables the teacher to assess a students artistic and creative development, and determine if the student exhibits a positive identify, positive- values, and a commitment to learning. 2. "Classroom Observation, Checklist",,;a checklist.completed'by aclassroom observer that helps;to ensure the quality of. the teaching. 3.The Dreams attendance database, which will help~mo;nitor CORE participant enrollment and attendance in Dreams classes will also be used. 4.The "Parent Sdtisfaction Survey" -which assesses parent'satisfaction identifies observable changes in youth attitudes and behaviors-witl also be used. .The attainment of the program objectives, as determined by the performance measurements, will be the framework for the evaluation. Evaluation results will be reported and discussed regularly at monthly staff meetings so that .opportunities to enhance learning and services can be identified. ~dd,itionaliy; Dreams. staf $ will regularly update probation o-Fficers and parents o.n:student progress.. Semi-annual evaluation reports will be prepared and submitted to the Drams Board of Directors'and to the Governors Crime Commission. _.~ {} ~ - I .. ~ y ! .. .. . ,. ~~ ~ - .. ~R9~f~~t ~~t~~Q36'1f ~~B'B~ y l~ e4. ~~~~C~~~~~ . '!. S~~a~e~: ~s~t east ~ pmsa$A~+~ ~at~ ~~~r9~ rite. P~si~ion T21e salary % o~Tir~~ - Rate ~ovot~d ~oc~iarn Coordinator 12000.00 50 ° /a . Cr$atava Dorector 2&50.00 i t30: 3 Creams Artists 5800.00 ~ (~ o~ , ........ ~. $ 0.00.... ~o~a . ~`... _ . $: 0.00.......... 'oia , .: . _. ____- ~~ . .0.00 .......; a/o . . ....._.. 0.00.... _ ~ ~.. % ~. ~ ~ ' ~ - Hourl Y ~~t~ #. of ~o~rs - ~~t~w ~rnployee o oa ~ o . Curreryt employee o.oo ! ~ ;.. o ~ . 15680 00 . ~ . 95 i k . a 3. Fringe Benefits: itemize p~rrarit~c~es.apPlioable-fo-r ~a~t~ben~tfara3! positions. Category Formula '; Total FICA 7.65% ~ 1199.52 Retiz-ement o.oo Hospitalization o.oo ' S Other .014 ; 21a o0 ~>E7fIC$&$S SnID$otal• . 1417 52 TQ$al ~er50nrael: $ ...17097.52......; B. CONTRACTUAL. • Si=RV1CE~ 1. frtdividual Consultants; L ist by pasition,rate of Pay and time required. Position Trtle Pay Rate Time Required (hours) Guest Artists ~ 25.00 256 Iddavidual Co;~sultant Snb$otal; ~ .s4t~.ca.. ... 2. Agency: List by Warne of agency,rate of pay and tune required. Agency Pay Rate Time Required (hours) a.oo i ".....; Consultan$ A.gexacy Saabtotal: o ~ T®tal Con$racttral Services: s4oo c~ `) C. TRAUEL: List cost for transporting clients and casts for travel and su~sistgnce of project personnel Total In-State Travel expenses for all positions ~ 948.00 Total Out of-State Travel expenses for all positions o ~ $~ . Total subsistence for all travel o ~ $ ~..... Total Client transport expenses o.oo Total for all other Travel expenditures ~~--0~~~~0~~0----~~-- Total 'T'ravel: s4$ o0 96 !`~ ~3udget ~~t~ego~y l;os~~ ~~~r o~aByp ' D. 5~9~~?Li~~ ,~~® ~Z~~~ ®P~~ATaN G EX~~~BSE~ ~, dof~ic~ ~aa~apii~~, tie3~.sa~~pl9es, ~arirat6r~g, c®m~~at~r s®~woar~;o~c~ P~9'8t,~'~'gSStt'c'3t8odB c~Yl~ 9$Et~l~laf;1~~0 tra0~aaa~g ~oStS} . . Category ~~ - Total F Program Supplies . 1400.00 - ~~~, ~... r 0~ ~ ~~~ ~. ~~~3i~'M~9V~T • 9. PL9~'CF9~S~ Iterri Description ~Init Prica; . Quantity ' Qigital Camera ~ 600.00' ...... ( ;' ' 0.00 .... ` . ~ ~~,YF°C~S~C~ ~~~~~p~fin~~~ ~i9~td~~~~: c00 00 $~-- ~. ~r'~S~' flP•Fa~S-t~~ Item Description Unit 'rice Quantity $ o 00 ~--~ -- _I ., . . ~ease~ ~~~~pe~t ~a~~tat~i: o.oo . _... ., ` . ~ , ~®$~~ ~~f~9Pd~flB~~~~: 600 00 _. ~'®~f~.~ ~~.~~~~ ~~~~': ...26445.52 . ~ ' 97 ~1a1~~r~C-h~~~~cauonrage / Page 1 oft . 3 ~ q g~ @~g ~y9y~ . Budged ~b9i 159GB:~_ J ~ .. ~ ~ -' ~ ~ 1 .~ 5 _ .~:1 f !. Budget C~tegos'ies: First dear AnticiAated Second Year A. Personnel: '~ $1.7,097:62 17097.52 :: B. Contractual Service: ~ $6 400;00 6400 00 ? ~ _' C. Travel: $948.00. 948.00 ~ '' D, Su Iies/O eratin Ex ense 1?P p g p s: $1,400:00 $1400.00 .................: ~; E. Equipment: $600.00 • 600.00 $~......~.~.:....... , '~ F. Total Bud et: g $26 445.52 2Gq.6.~' ~~ ...'..:':~ ..,:.... $.. i ~ ,' ; G. Subtract Matching Funds: -$6,611.38 ~ _$ 61:1....'% ............:. ;: $19;834 14 19 °~.1Q~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ $~ . . ~C,~ITFST: : . .. ....... ......... 11, Descripti®r~ of hatch: Matching funds may include local, state or private funds, but not other federal funds. A. Juvenile Delinquency Prevention, Juvenile Justice Intervention, Information Systems, . Drug Control and Substance Abuse -~ 25% cash rrgatch only required Describe-amount and source of cash match: DREAMS of Wilmington will apply to the Office of Juvenile Justice i~> Intervention./Prevention Bureau for the full amount of matching-funds. t `' s~«~;..:~i ~. B. Victim Services 25% cash snatch or in-kind match required Describe amount and source of cash or in-kind match:. . ~~~ { i 98 ~ t;: ~ 4~ ~. http://www.gcc. state.nc.us/applications/gmspreapp/PreApp7. cfin 1/10/O 1 Grant Pre-Application'Page 7 : - rage L:or ~ • C. Request For Match Waiver • A~limited number of match waivers will be granted to applicants applying to the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Committee. The awarding of waivers will be based on-the availability of ~~ funds and the Comission's overall rating of the grant proposal. Because "match free" funds are limited and very competitive, applying for a waiver may reduce the likelihood of funding. Match may be waived 'only for nori-profit, non-governmental victim services agencies that are applying for grants \ to improve responses to victims of domestic violence and sexual. assault. A signature is required on page 12 when requesting a match waiver. IlI. Projected Assumption of Project Costs: . The ,project. director MUST state plans for the assumption of project cost after federal funds~are no longer available:to the project and describe how the project will continue to address the problem ` after the grant ends. Funding for, he CORE Project will be sought through state and local ~: ' juvenile justice funding sources as well as local private foundations. ;.,,` The DREAMS CORE Project will continue to reach out to youth at ,the detention center and Pathways Page 7 ..::: Return to GCC homepage 99 l/10/0l errant rre-~ppi~cat~on Yage ~ r a~~ 1 ~a C~r~i~icata®ns ~ . A. Certific'ati®n t~f Mora-Supplanting: ~ The applicant hereby certifies.that federal funds willnot be used to supplant or replace funds or other resources that would otherwise have been made available for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Drug Control and System Improvement, Victims of Criane-Act, Violence Against Women Act or Children's Justice projects. ~. Certification of Filing an Equal ~mpl®ymcnt ®pportianity Program: Check'the appropriate box. ~ The project director certifies that the'applicant/grantee has formulated an Equal Opportunity. Program, which is dated ~.~....:.. (mm/dd/yy) in accordance-with the Amended Equal Employment Opportunity Gui`deliries 28 C.F.R.42.301, et seq.;Subpart E, and that it is on file in the office of: (Office) (Title) ....... (Address) {Telephone) ~.:~. for review and audit by officials of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety or the Office t. ~' of Justice Programs as required by relevant law and regulations. The project director certifies that the Amended Equal Employment Guidelines have been read (28 C.F.R.42.301, et seq., Subpart E.) and that no Equal Employment Opportunity Program is required to be filed by the implementing agency. C. Certification of Submission of Annual Audi#: ~ The project director certifies that a copy of the annual audit (required) will be submitted to the Office of State Auditor and the Department of Crime Control arid Public Safety. D.,Certification of Submission of Project Reports: ~ The project director certifies that a completed progress report (provided in the GCC Grant Award Package) will be submitted at the end of the 12 and 24 months, or more often if requested. If required, the project director certifies that quarterly reports will be submitted. Page 8 >~~s`> Return to GCC homepage, http://www.gcc. state.nc.us/applications/gmspreapp/PreApp8. cfm 1/10/O l (grant Pre-Application Page 9 ~ Page-1 of 2 . ~ Cer~sl•acati®~s: C®n~in~ed .' ~ ~ ~ ~ - . . _- - E. Cet#ification that Applicant is Eligible t® deceive Federal Finds: ~ . ~ - I/ The project. director certifies that neither grant applicant nor any of its officers, directors or ~. -consultants are presently debarred, proposed fo debarment, suspended, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from receiving federal fiznds. (If the .director cannot make this certification, an explanation must be attached. If this certification cannot be provided, the applicant will not necessarily be denied participation in this program. The certification or explanation will be considered in connection with the determination by the Governor's Crime Commission as to whether or not to ` ' approve the application. However, if neither the certification nor an explanation is provided, the application will be rejected.) F, Certi~ficatien l~egardii"ig ~®bbying: {for agencies receiving $100,000 or more) ' The project director certifies that (1) no Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing. or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member,of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee_of a member of . ~ Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, ,. ` the making. of;any Federal loan, the entering into. of any agreement;(2) If any non-Federal funds have been paid or willbe paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer of employee of Congress, or an 'employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal grant, the project director shall complete and submit Standard Form #LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities;" in accordance with its instructions. ... ~. ®ru Frei g 1lVorkplace ~Con'tpliar~ce: (for state agencies only) . r I (project director) certify that (1) a drug-free workplace awareness program was held on and/or will be held annually on.which all grant project employees are required to attend;{2) a copy of the agenda of that program,'including an attendance sheet. signed by all employees, will be provided to ' the Governor's Crime Commission;(3) a statement will be published notifying employees that any ' unlawful involvement with a controlled substanceis prohibited in the grantees workplace and'that specific actions will be taken against employees who violate this rule;(4) all employees will receive a _ copy of this notice;{5) all employees must agree to abide by the statement and to notify the .applicant . _ of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace within 5 days. of the F conviction;(6) within 10 days of receiving such notice, the applicant will inform the Governor's Crime Commission of an employee's conviction;{7) any, employee so.convicted will be disciplined or required to complete a drug. abuse treatment program; and (8) the. applicant will. snake a good faith effort to maintain adrug=free workplace, in accordance with the requirements of Title V, Secs. 5153 and 5154 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. vailc~ble ~'e~hnict~l A~'sist~z~tc~ Ifayou-need assistance in coffipleti®n cf the. grant pr+e-application, please contact. the appropriate program area planner at the Governor's ~rinae Con~aa~ission by calling . (919) 733-4564 . 101 http://www.gcc.state.nc.us/a Iications/ pp gmspreapp/PreApp9.cfm ~ 1/10/01 tJrant Pre-Application Page 9 Page 2 of 2 Program Area Planners: juvenile Delinquency Prevention Committee: Donna Robinson Roshanna Parker 'Juvenile Justice Intervention Committee: Joel Rosch Kim Joris - ' ,,. Victims Services Committee: Barry Bryant ~ Sandy Dixon Stephanie Nantz Drug Control & Substance Abuse , Committee: ~ Craig Turner Wesley Clark Information Systems & Technology Committee: Doug Yearwood Navin~Puri Page 9 , `~?e' ' Re$~a'r9 to GCC homepage 102 http://www.gcc. state.nc.us/applications/gmspreapp/PreApp9. cfm 1110/Ol +• :'; . • ~~ , P a A ii r pp ca;icin Number 59 -~•` ,• •; ; T'rojettDErector* , • - I certify that I a~ee to evmaly with the general aAd fiscal terms and ccsraditiolts of t4s appliczticxi including special,cbttditions; to ceittply Witt the provisions of the Act governing these ,fads and all ot}zerfederai '~•.' laws;, that a1I information pt~esertted is retract; tl~~i tharc has bctn 3.pproptiate coocciinarion wirh a~eeted ' ~ agKncies; that I am duly authorizd by the Applicant tq perrortn the tas(cs of Project -irector tss that' slate • to the terxis and conditiot~3 of this grant application; that costs incurred prlo.r to 'ant approval xnay re§tilt in the expenses bei*t~ absorbed by the implezrx~mting esency; that the receipt of cantor funds throu~:tt the Governor's Crime Comrnssion wilt not supplant state oz Iocal fitnds; and, khat I understand that federal . ~ fi:nds axe Iimitad fo a maximum of twenty-four mcttths, Nz~me; T~i~G .-1~IIl~eS• Y Title:- • EX~CUIIV~', Dit'~C~Ot' ` Agency: d~~A~~ Of ~Il~fi'IICf~tdil, InC. Address:':p'.C~. g9X5C1~ .phone: (91 d) 772-15.41 5.~ 5 Ann ~~I'B~'~ • ~~Imin~tan f~C . " - ~ 28402 Sigxzaturr, _ k~ondgd; a ~"es D ttio ' *?~'aTl/:.:`I'he Project Director, ~'iraaneial (?Ricer, and Auil;orizi±~g Offi~iai ~',4 ~{ tYQT Ise th m _ „ e sa e person. Strtf funded;under thi3 ;rant may not be at3v otthe guttiori~ing offtciaLs without • dlrecCCri~e Cotnmission approval. ~ ~ - -, pale l ~ .. ~ 103 • _. ~ t ~.. a cat » `y.,! j: y , . a. • - ~ ~ ~ ~ y lt• i a ~ ,,r -~~ i ~ t "Frnw~~iy-~•~p3~-ar-xa'zm a'. .. .. ,. .. ~ t 'r ,' ~,. ~-.. .. ... .. . ~ ~. „i~ na' Fri Appii~cation M1iumlygr ~ - ' T'liszlc'.~I ~fficar* . i cartiFj~thanI agree to compiywith the ~:ll~rat a'itd fiscal t~nTts and cunditi~ns ~fthis appti.eation includi~tg special. ecxldirlons; to eorr>p1v with thz provisians t3f the Act gbyeixtirtg these funds and all crtller r'cderai :aws; Chat alt irxformarar. ~JYCSCnteCl 15 GOTI"~Ctr tllat~th4re~has been appXapriate co+~rdinatian with•affecisd agencies; L'tat I arts duly authc~riza~i by the Applicant to perf~rtl the tasks afFinancial Offerer as they relate to the terms and condit.iane ni thls g~ar:t appliC~ion; that ccstS incurred p;~ior to graalt approval rr:ay resole in the expenses being a'osorbzd by the impi.cmcrting agezlc~j; that the receitiT'of ganTar ttrzlds ti7rou~h the . Governor's Crime Cc~rarnSssioTl will not supplant stnte or lec~l furids;,a.~!d, th~T' I. ulld:,rsfand tllar federal ft:n3s ark limited to a ~axitxtum of~r,venty..£our:~tonThs. ,tiame: ~f. ~fl.l~,:~t..~` ~'1~211 _ .^_, 'S'itle: N~'+N t~crlrl~Jtid~P' t~$erictir; ~aur~ty of New ~i~nover __ Address: ~~~ Gh~stnul St. PF!orle: (~70) ~4~-~~87 F'rn. 5t9~ YVilmingtort ~~ 28401 Signature: _~ ~ Bonded: _ . ^ sees . C.W] tvo ' _ `~OT~: 7hc ~'rojest Ulrector, Ffn.aucial Offictr, an+l Authurxing Clfiicia3 f.'.~N 14C3Y' be the same person. Staff funded un8er ttti,s grant may not be any of the autbri~izing ofYici,als without direct trri~te ComrnissiaA apprcwal. Pegs 11 104. C •--, ., '*-"'•"--~n-*-,e.^~ ~wSf~T-•~-7~s•,~.-.~~-•-^'-'•n~ t~. ." P > ~ ~ ~. ~ ~r*•r~-~TyrT • Pie A.ppUcaUOn r`lumb~r 59 , . ~ Authorizing Offzcial~ ,. l certii ~ trai l a } . `5 fixer ta,e~ttply wid, the getterat and Racal terms and conditlcats of this application including , .special sanditions; to comply ;~ iti7 tltc pmvisioni ~rf the Act govzrnin~ these funds and a1I-other federal laws; tfiat atI inTcxrnation presattted is Correct; that th~sv has been appropriate coordination with at~ectrcl ' ,. ~' z;erkeics; that I atr, duly 2ut~~erized to cotztmit the applicant to these zequiremeuts;~rh:it-costs lz~currad prior to granf s~roval may result in [ltc ehpes;sca beiiag absor~tl by dtc implt;ncntittg n;cncy; and, that a1I -agencies involvLd with lr~is project undezstar,:d that ail fed~~r.1 f~md5 are llzcltted to a maxinittm oftwanty- iour :, OnL~:9, "Chc A.~ti-I?ru; Rouse Act of 1 Q~& requires that suograntees provide assuzance that suo~art Winds will nat ' be cased to suppiarrt qr replace, loc,~l or state rurtds ~ ~~er resourca3 that wild otherwise have been available for law enftxremert and~ot cririnal Justice activit5~s, Ira compliance 'withd.+ai zraanciate, T certify ` that tik receipt of federal i'unds throu~~ the Cri:tte Gort~:~tission strati in uo way upplartt or replace sate ar lc~l funds o, ott:rr resoiL~ces that ~~t•ould tzave been nt~e available. for law enforcement and%or criminal - jt~cice bctivities, F :va~r,e: IVIr, ~Ilen ~'Nea1 ~iti~; ~l~v~ ~1anQV~~ ~a~~'lty ~han~~ Agency: County cf New N~na~-~r` Addr~.~s• •3~~ C~h~Strii~C fit, • ;?hone:. 91 Q3~171 ~3~ ~ X171. ~~~ Wilminc,~pn -- ~ .i`iC S anature: 281601 ~+ ~-- - _.. --- bonded: (~ 'Ye5 [~ I~p °faOTE: The ~'ra~~t Director,l' Snanciad t3t~'icdr, and Authorizing f3ffcial C'A?Y i~da'p be t7ae write lazryop. Staff funded. under this gra~lt may nat be anl+ of the authorizing ott5cials wi#hout direct Crime Commission approval. . ~~ ~. ~~ ~~~ I w ~ J7 ! I YS la' ~1Yhj IIYYfi l 1 V t+tll M~1 J9 ~ { ~! ,~ 3.d Sri. rn~': .,ant :1 +,:~~~~i~F.~.i ~in ,. n~i,y~ t~i~~~~•~ ~{}~~ypy~ (defer to limitations fanazate~ on page 5? • As the Authorizing Official zor this gx~ttfpre-3pplica#iou, lain requfl;itin~tha# the C~ovex~ttor's ` . Crime Cor_~:mssi~n grant this in~zplemen?i,:~ a~ne.r ~ v~~aiver of its. rttaCCh rcgt:zrement. ` 5~zia#ure: .. . ~,ut ariz n~ Ca~"i~.t'~""` ' • , .1.05 P~` °" Gover'nor's C'rinre. Commission 1201 I~ronf 5trcct, Suit:c 200 Raletgli, N. L. 27609 I'I~rouc: (919) 733-'4564 I+aX: (9_t9) 733-4625 201 Gr~1~~ P~~-A.pp~~~at~®~ Ga•aaat Nilna~~er: fU(licial UCC' Use (htlyl l 1. Name of Project: ~~~,~-~ ' `7 Ln~ ~ 1~T ~-~ ~~Y. ~ ~~-~'~ 5. Commit ~~ ~~ssianmenE~chcck one) Ju~enilc Drlntyucnc,yt're e,ittnn ( } ~%r~ mss Se t~s (~ ) ~~ MCC `7~=- 1~5 a~ 1 u r, ~ ~--'1 ~~'~' t Ju,~nil~Tu ic°InL~tvenhon (,~) 5 l~iunCrtnhol « ub~~r;lic, ~.byse t Intc~rma:i4u5r t„ms ( l , i L~ P~t~:ru. t:'~aL( -- - 2 Applicant flgency: (n1me, address, tcfephiiite and lax) lU~~.~ E!~ h o~~-~r .L.a~,,,~,~~ ( '1• i`Y L t i'' r O -E-~ •tL ~ - ~t~ Pi~~grctittPtt~~tri; (~tcleonc) - - .j .U ~t ~ t Pt v.~. t L - ~~p C G ~ ~- '~'e ~•~.S .' t~~t ~.U Um ~' U }` /. . I ~`} ~1~or~' Gili)°'~`I{-`1C1=,`;~~t `llv - ~~~' ~ 10. Pro ect Statttn Ind Endin Dates: _. } ~~~ ~vL 1 ~ ~Y ~ ~ ~~ ) ~ - ~ ~ 1 . l \~ ~ 1 ~ ~ Federal Taa 11)#: J lp -" to C~ C.tGt '~ ~~ 3. Authorizing Official: (rune and title} I I. Type of Action: t ~ •''~. h ~ r V~) R_.•>, l [ X'j first Application 1 )Continuation of Grant ' ~ -t- `~ ~ ~ c~ ~~o. ~~ Y C o ~ h ~ (2. U.S. Congressional District: '~- •4. financial Olricer: (Warne, title and telephone) ~;e ~ ` ; 'r' ~ ~ 1~ N.C. Legislative Distrikt(s): ~'I-louse:. ~ S j l,~t ~ SOntttt;: ~~' _ F i ~Ct 1-~C ~ h 1 Y~ E'- ~~jt-U 1^ ~~~ ~" ~~~~' ~' ~~ r t . Population of Project Area: 1 ~ U t, ~V~ S. Implementing Agency: (nantc, address. telephone and fax) 13. Requested [budget Totals C-l ~`'~ Y'. ~ Y~ • U u`~ U~'`Z I~t Year 2~~a Year . t `-t ~f °110 ' `~il~' ~1 X55 c~ { ~ - `~-~1 ~- -~ ~ Personnel: 1 ~ o-nrttil address) hnnu l I itl c, ial: ~~ ~ Contracu ,,1 ~~ ` ~) ~ ~~ ep ~ c e, C. Project, Director: (name, t . _ L. ~ GIY"' ~.- '~ Y" ~_-~ 1-~ ~1~ ~ + ~'~~t~, Y1"~' Equipment: `t' •~~ - I r7 V 1- . 7. lmplemetting tleency Prolile: laisc attoeh :~ rncics t l ~ ~J ~ ~ ~~ 't olal l3udgCl: ng , p a a. Non-profit, nongovcrun;cn . ~ - -- copy of your current years liar iirm opcruting budget and describe the sources of those funds. sources and t other tiuulin h f h U ~ ~ I Cj ~ ('A ~~ ~ bh'act ti'Iatch: Q " { S I ~ ~ ~/ ~ /~ Q y ' g w a a copy o . Attac u , amounts, ifany, have been committed for this project or I have been applied for rn~ are anticipared to the project. c. Numher of Sworn Officers: ~ _ Federal Rec)uest: ~ `-' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _~ ®,... ,..,.F C. _... Tlris project will provide a series of after-school health educatiorr/life skills classes for 125+ per year court-involved New Hanover and Pender County youth,.ages 10 - 17, and their fanuIies in order to increase awareness, knowledge and skills that will reduce risky behavior and teach responsibility for health care needs. The project will be a collaborative elfort between Wihrungton Health Access for Teens (WHAT). the 5~' District North Carolina Office of hlvenile Justice (OJJ), Pender and New Hanover County Departments of Social Services, Southeastern Mental Health Ceuler. and the Pender and New Hanover County Schools. It will be designed to meet the needs of this special population of risk takers acrd taught by WHAT health professionals along with trained teen peer health educators. with series courpletion coordinated and mandated by the 5~' District N. C. Office of Juvenile Justice. This project will operate in the following counties: New Hanover and fender. Page 1 10 ~ The Prolilcnr: Studies show that only 20`%~ of adolescents receive regular medical care. OJJ. court counselors estimate that New Hanover tmd Pender County youth in Qteir caseloads follow this pallent. For example, one female client is grossly - obese-and in cltrortic poor health but does not receive rtiedical care due to lack of insurance and ignorance of health resources. Half the teens are estimated to have poor self ~esteenr. While over ll3 of the youth arc sexually active, ` only l2`%~ ofthcse use some forut ol'birth control. One sexually active 13 year-old girl, not hiving taken precauCioits against pregnancy, became pregnant by a 16 yetis-old boy. The restilt was tlir abortion for ttie girl,~who ~continttes to engage in unprotected sex with a variety of partners. Similarly, orae~ male juvenile has fathered two . babies by two different teen mothers. Only 2>`%, of the youth communicate with their parents about health issues. Poor hygiene and ctut.rition habits are also a problem for ~1O`% of Urese youth. Arid at least 18'% use tobacco on a regular basis: • Coui-t-involved youth in Ne~v Hanover and Pender Cotnties 1() - 17 years of age have long histories of risky behaviors, such as those above. Their parents often have similar problcnts and do not have knowledge of behavioral healltl issues and their possible couseduences nor where to locale resources that may be available to help themselves or their cllilclren. Major lteallh-related problems, such. as teen pregnancy. sexually transmitted disease, substance addiction,. depression turd accidental trauma are the result of risky behaviors. Some problems are often unidentified because of lack of health care a.nd minimal knowledge of lire needs. .:Project ®per;atinn: : Education and irndersta.adng can help Yecogrrilion of health care needs. They can trlso prevent behaviors tfurl lead to :costly health care allcUor repeal involvement tivith the court systcnt. Court-involved youth, as part of their sentencing or collU~act, will be assigned by the Office of Juvenile Justice (OJJ) to attend and complete the What's WHAT Health Educatiorr/Life Skills triter-school workshops. Teens assigned to the classes will be introduced to We value of prevention as a Bart or re-valuing tltentselves. The program will also address airy irrunediate identified need for health cure by appropri<itereferral and follow-up to local area providers, and will arrange care for those uninsured. WNAT will contract wish an cxperierrced Igcal.counselor/consulUurtlautlior to Icad in the devcloprnent of curriculum ,for this uetiv program and to train the WHAT health educators and Synergy Beer health educators. A Program Coordinator will be hired to provide the necessary prograur logistical and adrninislrative assistance. The WHAT' - Coordinator will work closely wi(h two Court Counselor liaisons assigned to facilitate arrangements for the court- mandated series, including arranging transgorlation to and from the classes. Tlie workshops will each consist of 4 classes and will be presented on a once- a -week ongoing basis each month. Each class will stand alone. to allow newly referred .youth to begin the series at any.point without a lengthy wait.: •i Classes vyill include STD's/Pregnancy Prevention ; . HygiezielSelf-Esteem ;Substance Abuse/Tobacco Use EdUC8tI0I1; illld Corrlrrrnrlicatton Skl'11S IACCeSS t0 Health Care ReSOnICeS ~Wlth pareIlt lI]VOlyen'rellt~.Knowledge Of access'to health care resources available to the youth and their families is a key component of this project. including how to colruruuricate t;vitlt health came professionals. Workshops will take"place in botlrNew Hanover and Pender Counties. One-orr-one educationallcounseling sessions. will be available as needed. Educators will be the WHAT professional health care providers: 2 health educators, 3 nurse practitioners, 2 registered nurses, 2 licensed clinical social workers. a professional counselor, a nutritionist, a .family practice physician and a consultant child psychiatrist. Major responsibility for the progrtun, in addition to the Coordinator, will be with the.h~eaith educator wlio oversees the Synergy Peer Health Educators. Referrals of court-related youth to the WHAT program will come from the-0JJ vvho will also work in conjunction vvitli school counselors. DSS social workers, SEMHC mental health professionals and will in turn assign their shared youth to attend Ctre WHAT classes. WHAT will create and update a btlJletin board vvitll a focus on youth health concenas at the OJJ .in Netiv Hanover County to reinforce health messages learned in classes. Page 2 Project Goals, Objectives. alid Activities, 1- ~~ i~'11;:1ST be com Meted by .Ill a > Ilicants) Priajcct Goals: • I. To ieduce risky behaviors in order lo`lorver the ntunbers of repeat judeilile offenders in the populaiioli of court-related youth ages 10-17 in New Hanover and Ponder Counties. ~ ' II. ~ To increase the overcall health stcitus of court-related youth ages 10-17 iti New Hanover and Pencler Coitillics. in brdcr to i)ICrease sell=cstecin and positive altitudes ilr the youtli rind decrease costs of future health Cale 10 the COt1lltltl1111}~. ~ ._. _ Project Objectives: ~ , 1. Provide netiv,"What's W}-{AT" 1-lealtla Gducaliot~Lite Skill`s classes to court-related youth with a ]tislory of risky behaviors.' 2. Increase knowledge of risky behavior consequences (pregnancy prevention, sexually iransrnitled diseases, etc.) through the "What's WHAT!"health education/life skills workshops. 3. Create positive cliailge in altitude regarding-personal Iaealtll~care and counseling needs. ~~. liliprove communication skills to increasesatisfaclory outcome's in dealing with ~Iegal systenrand health care professionals. 5. Increase self-esteem levels with new education and skills. C. . Tdentil}~ health problems through appropriate screening and physical exams wish referral and`foll'orv-atp.' • A Project Activities: Ju1YlAiigusl ~ . • `litre cotltlselor/consultant ® develop curriculum for workshops • ,~ hire coordinator • establish intcragellcy agrcentelals • purchase office cquipnleut/naalerials September • train trainers and purchase rnalerials for classes (ongoing) October .. begin monthly classes ryith referred youth (ongoing) • • , ,evaluation process begins (ongoing) ' ~ T _ ~ ~ - ' ~ ~ .. !: ' 1 Page 3 ' it L • ~I . - ... ~• Performance i~~leastires and L-valuation Methods ~ ,~; Pci•fni-mra-ice Measures:• 1. °Nunt~cr of voutlt conrpleling the ncrv series. (Obj. 1) ~ , Z, Pre/post tests for knowledge of issues and skills, attitudes about behaviors, and perceptions of conseducnces. 3. Teen risk assessment questiorulaire to identify problems. (Obj. 5, 6) ~l. Number of health care screenings and/or visits performed. (OVj. 4, G) 5. Categories aztd nuuzbers of heahh c<u'e issues addressed by providers. (Obj, 3, 'l, Fi) •, ` li;valuation Methods: The Progrzm Coordinator will be responsible for assuring IhaLall assessments, tests, ar~d other da(a are administered • acrd/or saved appropriately. ® Nlcasure 1. The teen risk assessment already in use b_y WHAT. • Measure Z. Pre and post tests will be created with the assistance of tlze.trvo WHAT program evaluators and `their supervisor. rvlto is the Director of the Psychology Deparhnerzta.t ~UNC Wilm~ing~toh. , ® ~ .Measure 3: Attendance records rviil be matched for accuracy by the Rrogr3rn Coordinator and juvenile court counselors. , ® Measures 4 cYG _5. Data from Wf-IAT medical records will be collected on an ongoing. basis by the 2 evaluators. just as they do for all of tirc clients of WHAT. Individual data sunun<.iries can be accessed i~nrncdialely by the • ev~ilualors with the up-to-date computer network system utilized ai WHAT, ~ • . . "6UZL~ZiVG li2Z~GCS ~IN~? ~2CV~NiZNG ~CZLNQUCNCy UIZIf! lflC C~IZLN, T}l~ f~4~1ZLy, ~tNV CO~JI~UNZiy, ZNC:' (QQ~~1 I~-C-I~-O-?-~-N-N-U-I~ ,. i0: ~N~y ~i KZN50N, N~l Ul y COUNl y ~1~N~G~2 F201~: CVELyN 6. S.ZNGLCi~2y, CXCCylZVC N.Z?CCT02 SUQ~~Ci : 2~QU~Sl f 20/~ NCGU fl~9NOVC2 COUNl y COI~I~ZSSZONC2S t7~4iC: t?CC~~16C2 2~, 2000 ~NCLOSC!?, p.Ler~~.e ~i.nd a ne~ueht tv the COUNiy CO/~~1.ZSSZONC2S ~vn a~pn.vvr~.l to ~mp.Ceme~nt the pnvgnam "~UUC.NZLC l~CLZNQU~NCy; 2ZSK ~ISSCSS/y?~N% ~N~ l2EV~iVlZON" f=unds ,~vn the pnvgnam ru~.L.L cvme ~nvm the. ~OVC2N02'S C2Zl~C COl11l~ZSSZON. ~4 cvpo v~ the ~2~4Nl ~!l lLIC~IlZON ~~. attached. 110 O • IiiJILDii I~ BRI~G.~S ~~'vD 3'R~'b~iV3'I~TG I-ELIiYQI;TNCI' }YITII THi+; C:IIILI>, THE F1~~IiLY, A.:o1D TIIE CCavI~IUNIT'Y, Il~~:. (33BPDl =17 i3 TLiISIiING DRIV;: WIL~IIV~T~3N, NBC 2~4€?9 (9flI~) i91-~'2)~ ~VTLYi. I3. SSie`GLTJ`TAFLY ,c;.tiEGUTIV"E DIlt~CT(JR • Blill7, ZNC. ~~. aeque~t Zng ~und~. ~nvm the. G~V~2~V02'S C2Z/}lC C0~lr1ZSSZON tv . ~mp.le.me:nt the pavgnam... "~uV~NZLC ~~LZNQIJCNCy; 2ZSK ~SSCSS~7CN% ~IN/~ r 2Cfi~NTZON:' B6r~7, ZNC. neyue~.t. uppnvva.l ~avm the NUJ Jl~4NOVC2 COUNT y C0~1/f]ZS.SZON~2S. lhe app.L~cunt, mu.~t be NCGU fl~NOV~2 COlINl.y, the ~mp.leme.ntcno~ a~enc~ .w~.l.L be QB%!~, ZNC.. ., . lhe pnv~ect iu~.C.L pn.vv~de a cvmpaehen2~ve. ~u.ven~.Le L~e..L~n~u~nc~ - lnevent~vn %nv~aam, and enaun.e ~dent~~~catzvn v~ the a~~.lz ~actvn~ at the deve.Lvpme;nta,L 2tac~e~, v~ a ~uven..le.'~~ .Cz~e. that in¢~ ne~.u.Lt ~n de.Li~nyuent Gehavi.v~c. •` _ the i.nnvvuti.ve pn,even.ti.vn Prcq~:nam w~.L.C e.mp.Lv~ ~.tn,ate~,~e~. thn.vu~h a~ten ~:chvv.L cvun~.e.CinJ ;~v~c 2tudent~. and ~nvv~~de hvme=v~2~,t~ w~t.~i panent2, ~vcua~ng vn deve,Ldpi.n~ panenta.L ~Iz~.L.L~ ~e.Lat~n~ tv d~~.c~p.L~ne., ~upenvi.~.i.vn, and pnbb.Cem av.Lv~n~. ~ ` ^ lhe prc:v~nam.w~.~.C- pnvv~de nen~v~.ce~. tv• 30~ at-n~~h ~tudenti~:' and them . ,~ain~.L~e~.. lhe pnv~,nam wi..L,L Ge ~mp.Lemented ~~ve., da~~ u weep: The a~ten ~:chvv.L/ ~.ummen Pav~nam wi..L.L i_nc.~ude ~tudent~. ~n:vm aaea ~chovla whv,'an•e .at-nigh ~vn ac`acJem~c ~a~.Luze, tnuanc~, and. de.L~nyuenc~. ~%eac.hend" and Cvun2e..Cvn~. w~.L.L edentL~~ ~tudent~ ~vn •anti.-avc~a,~ Gehav.vn that cvu.Ld..Cead tv v~v.Lence, dnu~: u~:e, and. others .~:n.v6,Lem G.ehav~wn. /he mi.~~~vn v~' BBlI~,ZNC. ~~. tv cneate vp~vntun~t~e.~ tv guide r~auth as they ina.turce i.nty i.n.dePendent, ~uccea~~u.1 c~t~~en~. lhnvu~h pno~nam~ which` he.L .. ~vuth tv deve:Cv~ high .pen~.vna.G ~tanda=nd~ and g,va.l2, they w~.C.L .Le:ann l~vth the rh~:Cv.~vph~ and ahi.L.C~ v~ 2e.L~-he.Lp and perc~vna.L ne2PvnaiGi.Lito , :. f-vcu~.in~~ panticu.Lan.L~ on .unbari c~vuth irz nei~.h6vnhvvd~. v~ .Limited v~Pontuni~~, l3B%!7, ZNC.: necvgni~ea that it muat ne.Late d,inect:L~ tv_ the ~.tne~.ae. .' ~.l'nv6.L,em~, sand cvnditivna .v~ thv~e rzeih~bvnhvvd~ and, active.( wv2h1 t~war~d the ii,eav.Lut iqn v~ the2e i~:2ue~ . ~ ~ . f unthen, we wi.l.l ~vcu~. vn the we.C.C-6ein~ v~ ~vuth ~~ deve.lvpin~ a ~.tnon~, aen~.e v~ pen~,vna.L identitc~, wvnth and detenminativn; navmvte the invv.Lvement and ~.urPont v~ the Pant~c~pativn v~ Panent~ in the nea.Li.~utivn v~ theirs ~va.~2; incnea~.e cvmmunitc~ panticipativn and .invv.Cvement t~n de~i~w~ mahin~, neav.Lutivn v~ pnvb.Lem2 and actua.Ci~atc.vn o~ cvmmunctc~ ~,va.C~. lhe ~nccnt wi.L.L ~e ,ion appnvxomate.l~ $130, 0%5.50, u~~th the ~nv~nam/ ~und.in~ ~chedu.Led tv ~ie~in ~u.l~ /, 200/ thnough .~une 30; 200Z.a13%~, lNC. wi.~.~ pnvv~de matchin~.~und~ v~ $~3,35~•50 (250 a~. nequined. :.' • Govexnor's Crime Commission ~ Cit"allt NUITIbeI": 1201 Front Street, Sui#e 200 IOfrcial GCC Use Only> . Raleigh, I`1. C. 27609 ' Phone: (919) 733-4564 Fas: (919) 733-4625. • 2fl0"~ Gant ~~~-~.~p~~~at~~ 1. Name of Project: ~~ • " " ~l1 V~NZL~ N~L ZNQ~GNCy~ 8. Committee Assignment: (check one) ' ' 'Juvenile Delinquency Prevention (x) Victims' Services { , ) ?ZSK'`~SS~//RCN/ ~N[7' 17~LZNQl1~NCy`" : luvenileJttsricelntervention { ) InforinationSystcrns ( ) Drug Control & Substance Abuse ( ) Research & Eval. (.. ) 2. Applie5nt Agency: (name, address, telephone and fax) 9. ' Prngr-am Priority (ctrcle one) ' ,N~~U fl>9NDV~2 GOIINI y ;A - c .. E,: F, G . 32o Cf~~SiNIll Sl~~~T • 10. Project Staring and Ending Dates: IUZL~IZNGlON, N.C:2840/ , ~ ~u,( ~/, 200/ thnvu h ~une 30, 2002 Federal Tax ID#:x6_6000 ~2~ 3. Authorizing Official:.{name and. title) .. • 1 1. Type of Action: . /)12 . ;9CL ~1 N 0'"Ntr~1.L )c] First Application ( ~ cgntinuation of Grant COUNly l~~N~G~2 ~ 9/o-J 3~/-~/~4 . • " 12. U.S. Congressional Distract: . • :Financial Officer: (name, title and telcphotic) 4. N.C. Legislative District(s): ~]? . - &2lIC~ l . SfI~L L xouse: / 3 . senate; - / f.ZN~4NC~ ~7Z?~Si D2 . / 9 i o 6!~ / -~/ ~~ Population of Project Area: ~55~ 595 • 5. Implcmenti.ng Agency: (name, address, telephone and fax) I3.' Requested $udget Totals • 6~; ZNC. ~ yea J79/-~29~ _ :.~. , ~~53 -2uSflZNG ~2ZV~ I:~ Year }tea Year ~6-~IIN6ON, N. C. 2809 PersonncL• ~ ,C) , Z )~f . 6. Preject Director. (name, title, tclephbne.8: e-mail address) Contractual: ~f6, ~~~' - /~S. ~V~L yN• 6. SINGLE/~2y, ~X~C. ~Z/ •- .. •Travel: 6000 X753 :2lISflZNG ~!7?I V~ l'9 / o J Supplies: ~, 000 N.C.26o9 ~9J.-42~~ GUZL~JZNGTON , 3 S0 • EquipmcnC 3 S ~ is 1mplemcnting Agency Profile: a. Non-profit, nonco~'crnmcntal agencies. please praeh a /' ,Total- BUdeeC ,~/7 ~ ~ 3~ . ~~ :copy of your current years lint item opera-ring budget and describe the sources of those funds. b. attach a copy of ghat other funding sources and • Subtract Match: ~ ~ 3 i 358 • So .. amounts, if any„h~sc been committed for this project or }ia~•c been applird for or arc anticipa(ed for the project. ( c. Number of S«orn Officers: ~ Federal Requesi:~/3o~ 075. 5~ 14. Project Summary: (onero three sentences in length) -,This project will: ' • I n~v6e an° a~fen Bch-vv.L/~.uinmen ~nv~lnccm ~vrc; e.Cementanr~ "~,.chvv.L" ~v.ufh of=n~a/z b~: ~iecvm~"2Q, d~.Li_n.yuenf. %{te "Pnv~~trLm u~~.L.l ~n"c.Lude ~ccne.nt i.nvb.Cvernenf, cvn~.L~ct neav.Lufi_vn, dec~~.ivn: mahi.n~,, and ~•nvb~em 2o.Cv'cnaQ .~.h ~.L.L~ . • • This project'Will operate in the following counties: /~e~ f/ccnvven Cvunf~ ' Page 1. Problem and Project Operation '. '.., .: ~' ~ :.~ ~.~ - ~-'~ ~ ~~~~~ 1'he Problem: ' In- New ~~lanvven Cvunf~ fhe O~,~i.cp v~ ~uvpnt:.Lp ~uaf ice ~vn / 999; C.dpnf L~Lpd ~lO c~oufh who ~auene anne.a.fed ~vn aa~au.Lf, .Lancenc~, weapvna d~avnden.L~ conduct and dnunh and d~avnden,.Le~, m vanda.L~~ izvn a p , . , . v~.~.e Pv~n.e~~.~vn v~ mani.~uana fv namp, a ~pw. lhe a~.pa nan~.ed ~.nvm l0 (~pQnQ and undpn fv l5 c~ean~ v.Ld. .%he numbena anne~fpd bu a~,e ane: undpn l0- 32; ll-l2t~n~. 126; l3-l~c~n~..37c4; l j~n~. l~J. __. ~uvenL.Le Cyunf l~afa i.n New ~anvven .Lzaf /4~5 de.C~nqupnc~ com~.Lai_nf~, aad 12~. und~acirp.L.i_ned cvm~.Lai.nf.~. %herce wene l135 dp.L~nque f ~uvpn~.Le~ and l26 und~ac~p.L~npcl ~uven~.Lea. lhpnp anp 6~ ~uven~.Lea. ~n Su~ponf Dun :.Sfudpnf~ a S%~9%~lUlvC %20G2AR1 aad /~f~ ~uvpn'L.Lp:a ~n SCCI/2~ ~~i~NlION. Project Operation: B2I~G~S ~1N1~ r 2~V~Ni1NG ~~LINQUCNCy tUIT,~I.Tfl~ CfIILN, T~l~ ~ "BlIIL~ING _ , t=R/l]ILy,,4N/7 CO/r]~iUNl%y, INC."(BBIvI wi..L.L be. fhe' im~.Lpmenf i.n~. a~.enc~ r"v "~(IV~NIL~ ~~LINQLICN'Cu; 21 SK r4SSC.SSI~I~Nl ~`N~ l?CV~NlION" %hc ~navva~i.~v ' Papvp~n.fa.vn P.nv~.nam.wi~~ em~.Lvo nf?afp~~e~. fhnvug.h a~fpn-h_c%vv.C cvunae.L~n~. ~vn ~fudenf~. and pnvvi_de hump-vi.~i.fa w~fh panenfa, ~'vcua~ ~. on deve.Lar~nc~. ~anenfa.L ~hirl~~ ne.Lafi_a~. fp d~~c~p.L~ne,aupenv~~.~on, and ~nob.Lem ~.v.Lv~n~.. Nomp-v~~if~ w~.L.L be made weef~.L~. fv. ~'am~.L~e~. ; lhe pnv~.nam wir.L.C pnovi_dp aenv~cp~. fv .~0 ~f-n~ah afudenf~ and fheirn ~ami..L~e~.. lhe a~fen-achov,L ~inva.nam wi..L.L ~nc.Ludp afudenf~. ~nvm anew .~chvv.L~ and wir.L.L ~enve ~fudenfa of-n~ah ~vn academic ~ai..Lunp, fnuanc and vff~pn .de.Li,nquencc~. leachen~ and- cvun~e.Lvna wi..L.L i_denfi.~~ ~.fudenf ~'on anfi.-avcia.L behav~vn fhaf cvu.Ld .Lead fv vco.Le.ncp,d2u~ u.ie, and vfhen rnvb.Lem behav~vn. -~ ~uven~.Le dp.L~nqupnc~ have a fnemendvu~. human and econvm~c ~m~acf ' fha,f cv~f cvmmuri~fi.e~. unfv.Ld do.L.Lana. SfnenQ:fhen~n~ ~vut{~'n;. ~.e.L.~- eafepm, ~p.L~-:deve.Lvpmenf, and i1p.C~-cvnfnv.L, i.a a inpan~. v~ .pnvv~a'.~.n~, ,~uveni..Le de.L~nyupncr~ rneventi_vn. lhe nnv~nam w~.L.L 6e ~mp.Lemenfed ~,~ve da~~. a wpeh. , , ' 114 ~~ ~ .. ~ Pace 2 . ' Project Goals, Ob'ectives and Activities (it~It?ST be completed by all aPplica,nts) 'rojectGoal(s): j.v cneafe a ~.a~en commun~fc~ Gc~ afnen~,fhen~n~, pv~i.f~ve avci.a.L ~h~~L.L.i o~ i~vufh. and pa'ncnfa. The ~fnafe~.Le~ a~p.L~ed , ~n the nno~,nam rui.L.L `add2e:a~ .fh~ ~aaue~. v~.:de.Li.n~uenc~, c~vuth. v~o.Lence, teen dnu~, ua.e., ~.chvv.L d.nop-.vuf, etc. l nv~nam act ~v.i.f ~e~. rLi..L1 he.LP of-ni.~h ~uoufh and ~am~.Lirea de.ve.Lo~ ahi..LLa fv add2e~.~ cvn~.l~cf and ~ami..Lc~ inana~.ement ~~.aue:~. 'Project Objecfive(s); -=.«eduee ~uven~.Ce .d.e.L~nyuencc~. a~: nePonfed b~ ~uven~.Ce cvunf data; --seduce teen dnu~, use. a~ meaauned b~ dnue anneaf nafe~ ~vn r~vufh unde.n%. =-seduce achvw.L v~v.Lence as mea~uned b.~~ nePv2fed data vn ~chov.L v.~v.Lence --ch~~Cdnen w~.L.L d'einonnfn¢fe decnea.~ed a~.Qne~ai.ve behavi.vn ¢~ mea~uned 6~ . ~ ~chvvl d~~.c~p.LL2e necondi; --~;artenf~ tUC..(..C rJan'ELCL(JafE Ln the Pnv~rtam as inea~.uned' bo hvme.-v G2~ta aecvnd.~ and ~e~onf~; ' --panenf~ w~.L.L ,deinvn.~fnaf e arc ~ncneaaed hnviu.Led~.e. or e f ~ecf i.ve nan.enf ~n~, nh~~.C.L~, ~afhena'~ ~nc.Cuded; ' -pgnenfn w~.L.L demv,n~fnafe Lncnea~ed hnvw.Ledc~.e ~~ hvcu ty ne~v.Cve cvn~'.L~c ` ~~ - wc:th fhe~n chi..Ld2en that ma .Lead fq de.L~n uenc ; ~ Y ~ -ch~:Ldnen u,,~.1,1' demonafnafe ~ncnea~e.d .~hz.L.La fn aocia.L Pnvb.Lern~hv.Lv~n~,; 0 0 Project Activities: flI?C ~ 20~CCI ~I?~Ci02 ~ NOVf~1BC2-2000 }II2C SIl~ COl/NS~L02S f~B2U~?y-too/ CONT2ACi f10~7C-COlINSCLO2S fCB?Lh4r?y-2oo~ l2~IN COLINSCL02S ~1~42Ch' -200 I~~~N%lfy rA2TICIr~4NiS-SCf~00L/COUNS~LO2S ~r 2IL,~~9y, ~LIN~ ST~42i ~ r 20G2f1~1 S~?VEC~:S ~ ~ ~CILy ---2ooi . I~ONl}lL y ST~tFF ?try O2T5~ ON=GOI N~ ~?OG2~/~ ~V~tLU,4%lONS OM-GOING Page 3 ~ Performance Measures and Evaluation Methods ~ Performance Measums: ' ~20~~C~ 06~~CTZV~S _ ,hone/dewen. ~uveni.le anneat l ~?f 0?I~~NC~ l~~~SU2~S Number v~ ~uveni.Le anne~t~. be~vne aril a~ten ~nv~nam ?educe ~ch.vv.L viv.bence Number v~ incidents. nepvnted be~vne and a~ter~ n2v~nam !?ecneaaed a~~.nes.~ive behavivn .Schvv.l diacip.Cine neconda . a~fe2 Pnv~,nam . Zncneas.ed Pr~v-s.vcia,~ behaviv~ l ae-and-~vsf ~.cvnes a~'ten tfie Pno~nam Zncneas.ed ranfici~afivn v~ Pa2enta Num6e.a v~ ~aaent2 in ~nv~nam Zncreea.~ed hnvw.Ced~,e v~ ~anenf ink, ahi.L;Ln flume via~f necvad~ undn~.~aut- Zncnea~ed hnvw.led~.e v~ cvn~.~icf flume vi~if necvads. a•na' a2~vn 'a ~e~v.~ut ivn ,I Evaluation Methods: ~ I '~Cvmpi.Ce. and cvmpane. data vn ~uveni.Ce anne~ta, ~chvv.C_ vio,L~ence.; de~.lin~uenc~ cvmp.Caint.~, de.Linyuenf ~u~veni.Le~, u.ndiac~~.Cined ~~uveni.~es., daub ,arcneat, etc. ~lrlaintain• attendance necvred2 v~ cvuns.e.lin~ c.Las2eh; '~/rJaintccin record? 0~ a.l.L pre-and-pvs.t acvnes, v~ 2tudenta in cvunne..Ci.n~; #l~laintairz necvad2 v~ a.C.C hvme-viait2 and cvuns.e.~in~ ~es.~ivn~ v~ ~ami.Lie~ in the ~nv~nam; ~l~ata wi.L.C detenm~ne the impact v~ the pno~2a.m invv.Cvin~; atuderit.i and ~ami.liea in the pnv~nam ~tangef anea~. ~'~Cva.luativn- pnoces.2 wi.L.l determine. the extent tv iuhich ~av~n~cm ~va.~2 ate accvmp.Liahed on achieved. lhe eva.Luaf ivn pavice~~. ui~1.L s.enve bvtli as a dia~nv.~tic and ~nv~,nvatic fvv.l.Vanivus appnvache.s. ofi.Ci~~ed inc.lude2: r4V l~0/VZlOl?.ZNG: ~4as.es~ and ana.Lr~~e activities. in cvmpaai.~on tv vvena.C.L vb~ect ive~ and imp.Lementat ivn; QJ 2~~0?%ING: Cvrc2e.lativn v~ the actua.L num6en in an act ivit~ with the num6en anticipafed.2epvrets. wi.L.L be made mvnth,Lc~. Page 4 ' DET~IILED BUDGET ~~ - ,_ :_,. Bud~eE Cate 'o " one ear onl Gzte orv Toi~~ls A. PERSOIv'ivEL ~ 1. Salaries: List each position with yearly sal'ar}' rate. D ~ d' . ote e~ Positron Title S~]ar~• Rate % of Tune r~v~2ct l~i.nectpn / l J $ 30hn.. ~"0% ($24, 000 Vin. J $ 24, 000" Site Cvun~.e.Cvn~ (2J $ 22hn_. ~0°0 (/~, 30~ ctn. J 36, 60~ ,r ,Si.f e Cvun~.e.Lvn (/.~ $ 22hn. 50 0 (/ 1, 500 Vin, J- / 1, /~~0 " ` Van- L~n~ven (/ J $ 6hn. (6, 2~0 ~.n. J~ 6, 2~0 ~lJi:2e~tv~t'~ G~~.~ aa.~ccn~ $30, oooJ (Cvun~.e.Cvn'~ ba~.e aa.~anc~ $23, 000) 2." Ch'erti..me: Group as "l~T" new• Positions, and/or "C" current Salary Subtotal: • 3. cringe Benefi~s: Itemize nercentaaes appiicable foreach bercfit for all positions: FI C~ - , . Retirement - '.~-iosoitalization - ' Otl:er - Benefits~Subtotal: - "Total Personnel: (Trarsfer.to P ale T, Lne I., A)' $. ~~ 2.~~ ~ B. CO;~TiZyCIti.=t1. SER~~TCS 1: Indi~.•idu;tl Consultaa^~ts: L•ist bti• position, rate of pa}' and rime required Po~itio~t Title Pa~• Rate Time Regt:ircd ' ` ~wme-Cvun~e..Lva~. (/OJ $/5ha. . ~~ ~ 6hn~.. wlz.@ $l5hn. x52 wceh~ (j0 ~am~.L~e.~.J _ $~6, 800 (2hn. hvme vi.~zt~ .with ecrch~ ~ami..L~ we.ah.L~~ Indi~7dual Consultant Subtotal: 2 , , Agent}'List byname of agency, rate of .pay and time required ~A~enc.,_ Par Rate Time Required _b • Consultant :agency Subtotal: ' Total Goni,-acn.tal Services: ~`L~6 c~f00 ` ransfer to Page 7, line I., Bl , C TRAVEL: Lut cost for trarisporting_clients and costs for tra~•ei and subsistence of project personnel. Total Tn~•cl: (Transfer to Page 7, line I., C) $~ 6, 000 Pact 5 DE•I';NEED BI,~DGET: CO~T[:v1UED Budget Category (one ~•ear onlti•) _ ~ Cate~on~ Totals D. SUPPLIES r~\'D O"II--IER OPER~~TI~G EXI'E\SIrS (office supplies, field supplies, printing, comauier softn•are, office rent; registrations and indi~•idual- _- _ training costs) -- ~ .~ 7, 000 (~J lvnfa6.~e Cha.Ch l3oand~ L~cci..L vn atudentaJ . Snacha ~ ~ Q ~ndenh and % area . l eric i..~~, ~?a~the.aa, V ~de.o.~, and l a int e.d (yJaf ere i:a.L Total Operating Expenses: 000 ~ (Transfer to Paoe 7, line I., D) > . 7., E. EQt,ZP~~~7 1. Purchase Item Descrption Uric Price C~uantir~• (/ J Cvmputen and % ni.nten $ 1, %50 ' _ • Purchased Equipment Subtotal: $ (,.750 2. Lease or F~ental " . Item Description LTn.. Prce Ot:ar,titl~ Lease (l J /5 %'a~~en~ea. Ilan -(mUnth.Lc~-/2 monthaJ $./2, 000 O~~f'i.ce~C.Caa2nvvm .Pace rcenta.~ ($l, 000-mvnfh.L~-/2mvnth~J /2, 000 (/J Cwp~ ltlachi.ne nen-ta.C ($800-mvnfh-/2mvnfh~.J 9,600 . $ ~5, 350 , Tota] Equ,ipmen~ _ ~ (Transfer to Pale 7, line I., E) TOTAL PROTECT COST: ~ / ~~' ~3~t _ Page 6 n~ ~:.:;~ ~' _. Budget Summa ~~ _ _- 1 Budget Categories -~ First Year. ~ Anticipated Second Year ~' A., Personnel ~ S~ 7~~f ~~ S ' . S 46, 800. s I ~~ B. Contradntal Sen~tce S 6 , 000 i~ S ~! C. Tray et ' O eratin<~ EYpenses S x,:000 ~ S ~ D Supplies , p ~ 35, 350 S , LE Equipment S/ 73, ~~ S --~ ' F. Total Budget (the-sum of lines A - E) 3 35 (G Subtract ~Satchine Funds S ' ~~ -5 H TOTAL fiEDERAL REQUEST ~ S/ 30' 0~5' So11 S °I'I: • Description of Match: fvtatehinc Funds may include local, state or pnvate funds. but not other federal funds. ~..\, • du~•cnilc Detinqucne}•.Pre~cntion' , Ju~cnilc Justtcc incen•cntion, Information Systems. Druc Control and Substance Abuse . 2~% cash match onl~• required • Describe amount and source ofcash match: QQ~ ~J ~wC ~5~, ~~%C~ ~. ~ ~ ~ S8 ~0 B. \'lcum Sen•~ccs' • ~~°:~ cash br in-kir;d mach required Describe amount and source of cash or in-ktnd match: ' , 3I1. I'rojecteti flssurnplion of Project Costs: - • ( ) The project dirrctor ::\1l,'ST state plans for the assumption of project test after federal funds arc no ionccr a~ailablc to the project and describe ho~~• the pro~cct ~~ill continue to address the pro;~lem after the Grant ends. { ° A limited number~of match ~z•ai~~eis ~~•ill be eranted to applicants applyine to the Ju~•enile Delinquency Pre~~en~tion Committee. (See Requests for Match ~\ra~•er on pace 12) The a~•ardinc of a•ai~•ers "'ill be based on the a~•ailability of funds and the.VCommission's os~erall ratine of the Grant proposal. Because "match free" funds are limtt~d and ~ et~ ~ ~ . competiti~•e, apply~fne for a ~ti'ai~•er may reduce the likelihood of fundinc. ~J ' 1\9atch may he ~~:ai~•cd only for non-profit, ndn-cc~t•ernmental Victim sen•ices agencies that arc applytne for erants to impro~•e responses to ~•tctrms of domcsuc ~•iolerice and sexual assault. (See Requests for Match ~\~a~•er~on pace 13)' , F'aLe 7 ~ERTIF[CATIONS: ' _ ,. , _ , A. Certification ofNon-Supplanting: ~. ~x The applicant hereby certifies that federal funds will not be used to supplant or replace funds or other resources that would otherwise have been made available for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Drug Control and System Improvement, Victims of Crime Act, Violence Against Women Act or Children's Justice projects. B: Certification of Filing an Equal Employment Opportunity Program: Check the appropriate box. Ox The project director certifies that the. applicant/grantee has formulated an Equal Oppommiry Program, which is dated~~~~.~G~~n accordance with the Amended Equal Employment Opportunity Guidelines 28 C.F.R.42.301, et seq., Subpart E, and that it is on file in the office of: (Office) ~Q l !~, .,T NC . (Name) ~V~LyN 6. SZN~iL~l~42.y (Title) ~X~C~ / Z ~~ L7.Z 2~C I ~2 (Address) X753 ?llSfIZNG ~2ZVF-~- U1ZLll1ZlUGlON, N.C. 2~~09 (Telephone) (9 / o > ~ 9 / - 42 9 ~ for review and audit by officials of the Department of Crime Control and Public .Safety or the Oftce of Justice Programs as required by relevant law and regulations. ® The project director certifies that the Amended Equal Employment Guidelines have been read (28 C.F.R.42.301, et seq., Subpart E.) and that no Equal Employment Opportunity Proaranl is required to be filed by the implementing agency. C. Certification of Submission of Annual Audit: ® The project director certifies that acopy-of the annual audit (required) will be submitted to the Office of State Auditor and the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety. D. Certification of Submission of Project Reports: Ox The project director certifies that a completed progress report (provided in the GCC Grant Award Package) will be submitted at the end of 12 and 24 months, or more often if requested. If required, the project director certifies that quarterly reports will be submitted. , 120 ~~ °~ Page 8 i t , ~ ~. ' -:i r ' ~' ~ " .- .;CERTIFICATI©NS CONTINU~D~ r' - I~ E. Certification that Applicant"is Eligible to Receive Federal Funds: - The project directorcertifies that neither-grant applicant nor any of its officers, directors or consultants are presently debarred, proposed for debarment, suspended, declared ineligible. or.voluntarily excluded from ~ ' . receiving federal funds. [If the director cannot make this certificatiori~ an explanation must be attached. If this - certification cannot be provided, the applicant will. not necess'ariiy be denied participation in this program: The t certification or explanation will' be considered in connection with the determination by the Governor's Crime ` ' ~ , Commission as to whether or not to approve the application. However, if neither the certification nor an - " explanation is provided, the application will be rejected.] F. Certification Regarding Lobbying: (for agencies receiving $100,000 or more), ` ~ • The project director certifies that (1) no Federally appropriated funds. have-been paid or wilt be paid to any ' person for~influencing orattempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member~of :. " Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with ' the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan,. the - entering into of any agreement; (2) If any non-Federal funds have been paid or will,be paid to any person for, influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member of Congress, ari officer or.employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal . grant, the:project director shall initial here and complete and submit Standard Form,,#LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying"Activities," in accordance with its instructions. ' G. Drug Free Workplace Compliance:. (for'state agencies only) '~ I (project director) certify that (1) a drug-free workplace awareness program was held on " and~or will beheld annually on which alt grant project employees are required to attend; (2) a copy of the agenda of that program, including.an attendance sheet signed by all employees; will be provided to the ' Governor's Crime Commission; (3) a statement will be published notifying employees that any unlativful • ~ involvement with a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantees workplace. and that specific actions will be taken against employees who violate-this rule; (4) all employees will receive acopy of-this notice; (5) all employees must agree fo abide by the statement and to notify the applicant of any criminal drug stanite conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace within 5 days of the conviction; (6) within 10 days of receiving such notice, the applicant will inform the Governor's Crime Commission of an'employee's ° conviction; (7) any employee so convicted will be disciplined or required to complete a drue abuse treatment ` program;. and (8) the applicant will make a good faith effort to maintain a dni~-free workplace, in accordance. with the requirements of Title V, Secs. 5153'and 5154 of the Anti-Dni~ Abuse Act of 1988. :. If ~ru need assistance incompletion of the grant pre-applicauon~ please contact the appropriate program area planner .at the Goveinor's Crime Commission by calling (919) 733-4564 - Program Area P]anners: Juvenile Delinquency.Prevention Conunittee: Donna Robinson 'Juvenile Justice Intervention Committee: Joel Rosch Victims Services Committee:' Barry Bryant ' 'Drug Control & Substance Abuse Comnttee: Craig Turner Information Systems & Technology Committee: Doug Yearwood _~ Pabe 9 Roshanna Parker Kim Joris Sandy Dixon Stephanie Nantz Wesley Clark Navin Puri 121 ~ CGRTIFiCATTONS:. PROJECT DIRECTOR ' 1 i I *P~1C)~i'lE+ : The Project Director, Financial Officer, and Authorizing Official CAN NOT be the same person. Sta#f funded under this grant may not be any of the authorizing afficials without direct Crime Commission approval. Project Director* I certify that I agree to comply with the general and fiscal terms and conditions of this, application; to comply with the provisions of the Act governing these funds and all other federal laws; that all information presented is correct; that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; that I am duly authorized by the Applicant to perform, the tasks of Project Director as they relate to the terms and conditions of thin grant application; that costs incurred prior to grant approval may result in the expenses being absorbed by the implementing agency; that the receipt of grantor funds throu¢h the Governor's Crime Commission will not supplant state or,local funds; and, that I understand that federal funds are generally limited to a maximum of twenty-four months. Name:' . ~V~L.yiV 6. SZN~LC/.~2y Title: ~X~CU/ZV~ UZ2CC/02 Agency: 1313 %l~, ZN'C : Address: 4 X53 2Ll:SfIZNCr ~ /? 2.Z'V ~ ~ZLmZNG1C?N, N.C. 2~~09 Phone: Signature: Bonded: ^ Yes ^ No ~' ,~~;.#~,. ~ ~~S ~PI'~ICA'1['IC1ieT.~S 1VOT ~'bIV~E',.~'ETE~V+;I ~'~a~T`i' THE ~BOV?E ~ TGNA'I'UiiE 122 Page 10 i - - ~ n ' i" ~ CERTIFICATIONS:. FINANCLAL OFFICER ~' _ - i ~ ~ . I ~' .. I *NO'I'E: The. Project Director, Financial Officer, and Authorizing Official, CAN NOT be. , the 'same person. Staff funded under this grant may not be any of the authorizing officials without direct Crime Commission approval. ~ . ~' ~ ~ Financial Officer* i. t ~~ I certify that I agree to comply with the general and fiscal temis and conditions of this application; to comply with the pro~'sions of the Act-governing these fiords.and all other federal laws; that all information presented .is correct; that there has been appropriatz coordination with affected agencies; that 1 am duly authorized by the Applicant to'perform the task`s of Financial.Officer as they relate to the terms and conditions of this grant application; that costs incun~ed prior to grant approval may result in the expenses being-absorbed,by the implementing agency; that the receipt of grantor funds through \ the Governor's Crime Commission will not supplant state or local funds; and, that I understand that federal funds are ' generally limited to a maximum of twenty-four months. , Name: .. Titler , . . -Asency: ~ .'. - Address: , ' ~ Phone: . ',.Signature: ~ Bonded: ^ Yes ^ No X5'1°-~P~ICA~CION IS.N(~'I' ~®'~1~3LE;~'3E ~'I`I'~OU I` THE't~I30~ S~~`vAT~RE~;', .' ~. Page 11 ~ ' , 23 . CERTI~'ICATiC)i~tS: AuTH0~2IZING;~FFICIAL <~ ; -; ;; *i~1~'~'E: ' The ]Project 7Jirector, p'inancial officer, and Authorizing.®fficial CAN NAT be ~.. / the same person. Staff funded under this grant may not be any of,the authorizing officials without direct Crime Commission approval. Authorizing Official* I certify that I -agree to comply with the general and fiscal-terms and conditions of this application; to'comply with the . provisions' of the Act governing these funds grid all other federal laws; that all information presented.is correct; that there has been appropriate,coordination with affected agencies; that I am duly'authorized to commit the applicant to these requirements; that costs incurred prior to grant approval may result in the.expenses being absorbed by the implementing agency; and, that all agencies. involved with this project understand that all federal funds generally limited to a maximum of twenty-four months. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 requires that subgrantees provide assurance that subgrant funds will not be used to supplant or replace local or state funds or other resources that would otherwise have been available for law enforcement and/or criminal justice activities. In compliance with that mandate, I certify that the receipt of federal funds through the Crime Commission shall in no way supplant, or replace state or local fund_s_ or other resources that would have been made available for law enforcement and/or criminal justice activities. Name: Title: Agency: Address: . Phone: Signature: 'Bonded: ^ Yes ^ No REQUEST FOR MATCH WAIVER (Refer to limitations footnoted,on page 7) As the Authorizing Official for this grant pre-application, I am requesting that the Governor's Crime Commission grant this implementing agency a waiver of its match requirement. 124~ignature: Authorizing 04'ficial Page 12 ~~ The Juvenile Crime Prevention Council met at 11:00 a.m. on January 19, 2001 to review applications for funding to the Governor's Crime Commission. The following applications were reviewed and the JCPC recommendations are as follows: Dreams of Wilmington, Inc. -requesting $19,834 to fund an interdisciplinary arts program for adjudicated youth APPLICATION ENDORSED Wilmington Health Access for Teens (WHAT) -requesting $56,975 to fund a series of after school health education/lif a skills classes for adjudicated youth APPLICATION ENDORSED Youth Advocate Programs -requesting $150,000 to fund a non- residential community based alternative to residential/correctional placement of serious juvenile offenders, including gang-involved youth APPLICATION NOT ENDORSED -the JCPC would like to look into this program further, not enough information at this time to endorse • Building Bridges and Preventing Delinquency (BBPD, Inc.) -requesting $130,075 to fund an after school/summer program for elementary school youth at risk of becoming delinquent APPLICATION ENDORSED • Southeastern Center -requesting $72,705 to cover costs for Youth Continuum of Care that are not covered by the SAMSHA grant APPLICATION ENDORSED ~~ • NEUV yANOVER..COUNTY BOARD OF - - . REQUEST FOR BOARD gCTION MlSS~ONERS Meeting Date:.- 01%22/01 ~t~ Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Ti me: Page Number: .. Department: County Manager Presenter: .. ' Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB-- SECT: gpprovat of County Support for 20011e isl ~ • g atlve Weekend BRIEF SUMMARY: Again, during this long session of the Genera! Assembl the be hosting the entire General Assembl y Count on Frida p y, their spouses or guest. The legislat ve weekend Wilber will y, A ril 27th and end Monday,-April 29th. A number of events are la " previous years the County and City have been requested to contribut ~ .begin p nned, As in RECOMMENDED MOTION AND IRE UESTED ACTIONS: ~ - • e $10,000 to the protect. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~ , . ~ . - ~'~' . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW "• ~ ~-vivuntNTS AND R ecommehd approval. ~ ~~~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~PRO~ GO~tMI~I~ VED ~~ ~EJECTEp ~ .,„ -RFMOVEp ;:~;A' ~'OSTPON~D ~ ,~ ~~~ ~ o ~~~~ 25 ~~.~.~ _~~~ ~~ ~c'G ~ U • ... srnrE 4 ~ C 1~ yd ~ a ~ " , S C, .o~~~~ SEW HANp~ES 1~~ EFS 1 ~~ 04 CQ~ . STATE of NORTH CAROLINA • NSPORTATIO DAVID McCOY DEPARTMENT OF TRA - sECxETAxY . DNISION OF HIGHWA`IS JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR December 15, 2000 ~- ;,~~ Clerk ~ . ' Ms. Lucie F • HCounty New Hanover Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, R 1 0935 ~ ,. Wilmington, NC 2840 Dear Ms. Harrell: S stem hway y SUBJECT: Request for Addition to the State ~Hig Sun Coast Drive, . Sun Seeker Drive,, Sunny'Side Drive,. lin Circle ..Crescent Court; Horizon'Court, aDl S File No. 1003 N) inNew Hanover,County -~ ed e receipt of Form SR-l and for. the above subject request. This will acknowl g ur investigation we will advise you of our recommendations. After we complete o ' Sincerely.; ~~ ~~'1 . . H. A. Pope; P.E. Division Engineer HA-P~JWR~n'c cc: D. L. Thomas, P.E. ~~: _ - . P ~ ' 910 251-5724 Fax (910) 251-5727 rive, Wilmington, NC 28401 ' 'Phone ( ) '~ 32 124 Division D . NEW HANOVER Cl7U"NTY BOAR°D~ OF COMM1SSlOlVERS, . , ,REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION = .. . IVleeting Date: fl3./22/01 . .: . ~ -Budget Amendment .. V~' Consent Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Social Ser"vices/Administration/.Domestic Violence/Child-Daycare BUDGET AMENDMENT #:~ 01-0111 ~• ~ ADJUSTMENT DEBIT ~ CREDIT .. ' - ~ Social Services: DSS-Administration: DSS Administrative Grants _-$30;000 Office of Day Care Services ~ ~ $190,990 - Domestic Violence: Assistance Psayments ~ $30;000 t Child-Day Care: .; -Day Care Services $190,990 EXPLANATION; To budget State' funds received for the Domestic Violence Program .and State Subsidy bay Care. No additional County funds are required. ~ .. . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: °To be approved by Board Of Commissioners - COM'MISSIONERS' ACTIOIVSlCOMMENI"S: ~ . _ ~ ~CliVTY C6MMIS~10. APPROVED C' REJECTED p . ~ - REMOVED- ~ ~' ~_ X133 e q .. ""~r... ~ ye1,_ Z. _y i a~ ~ riy ~ r~) 4~ ~~~1~,FL~ ~~ ! ~,"`,°,_:~~ ~,` ~ ~r =sue ``