Agenda 2001 02-19. ., _ , ' { ~ ' E N DA NEW xANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMTSSIONERS - ~ AG . Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse ,~~ ~ . 24 North-Third Street; Room 301 `~~' , . .Wilmangton, NC •- TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAMA. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL. CLERK~TO THE BOARD February 19, ,2001 ~ 9:00 a.m. ~ k . MEETING CALLED TO ORDER,(Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) ~ - INVOCATION ~ _ PLEDGE OF ALLE GIANCE .APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES NO. 9:15 a.m ' 1. , ;Presentation of Service Awards ~ 1 . . 9.:20 a,m. ~ - , , 2. Recognition of New County Employees 3 " 9:25 a:ni. ~ 3: Presentation of Storm Ready Award to New Hanover by the National Weather 5 . ' Service ..9:30 a.m. W~ 4. Presentation of 2000 Outstanding Program Award "Constructed Wetlands 7 ' _ Treatment of Leachate Fields" by the NCACC . ~ 9:35 a.>n. 5:: Presentation and Update on RC&D Activities g 9:45 a.m. 6. .Consideration of Beach Re-no>_irish>nent Fund -Funding Policy 1 1 . 9:55 a.m. 7. Consideration-of Permitting Process for the Mason: Inlet Relocation Project 13 10:05`a.m. _ ~8. Consideration of Approval ofContracf,#01=OI87 Relocation of Mason Inlet 17 L0:15 ~a.m: _ ~ 9. Consideration of Adoption of Resolution Supporting Modifications for 19 #~ .Proposed Building Code Changes -. 10:30 a.m. 10. SubdivisionAppeal `Request - 2 ~ 10:45 aan. ~ 11. Meeting of the Water.and Sewer District 83 - 10:55 a.m. 12'. Convene as Board of.Equalization and Review 33 • 11:05 a:m'.- 13. Committee Appointments 35 ,11:15 a.m. 1,4: Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) n/a , 1.1:30 am. 15: Closed Session: Pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a)(5) - to Instruct Staff on Terms 81 of Real Property Purchase `Noon ADJOURN " f ;• ote: The time listed for each agenda item is estimated, and in-the event that a preceding item takes less time - the Board will move to th t it . , . e nex em. • ~_ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT `ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH. TI~IRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC February 19, 2001 ~~' ITEMS OF BUSINESSPAGE 1 NO. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) 83 2. Approval of Minutes 85 Adjourn CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ~ February 19, 2001 • ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. 'Approval of Minutes $g 2. Approval of Continuation Grant -New Hanover County Master Gardeners and 9 t approval of associated budget amendment #01-0125 . , 3. Award of bid #01-0231 and Approval of Contract #01-0231 for the Purchase of. 93 Replacement Grate parts for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental , Management Department 4. Award of Bid #01-0127 and Approval of Contract #01-0127 for the Purchase of a 95 • , f Four Wheel Drive Loader for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department 5, Award of Bid #01-0128 and Approval of Contract #O1-0128 for the Purchase of a 97 Compactor to be Used at the Landfill' . 6. Approval of Public School Building Capital Fund Capital Project Ordinahce and 99 " approval of associated budget amendment-#2001-29 7: "Approval of New Hanover County Health Department, Environme~ital Health, 103 Request to Transfer Water Sampling Project Funds from Salary to Operating/Capital . an approval of associated budget amendment #01-0130 - 8. Approval to Dispose of7ury Cards for .1992-1994 - 107 9. Approval of Release of Value 109 10. Approval of Release of Taxes Barred by G.S. 1.05-378. ~ 1 1 1 ," ~ 11. .Approval to Proceed with~Financial Analysis of County/City Water and Sewer ~ 1 13 .. System , 12. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover Comity Fire District ~ 1 17 Collection Reports ' 13. Approval. of Hiring the Law Firm of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene, & MacRae (LLG&M) 121 "' ~ as. Bond Counsel 14. Approval of$udget Amendment #01-0131 Social Services/DSS- 123 Administration/Crisis Intervention Program/Child. Day Care .- 15. Approval of Resolution Requesting NCDOT to Add' Corum Lane to the State 125 ' ., .Highway System " 16. Approval of Goalsfor Fiscal Year 2001-2002 1 ~7 17. "Approval of Denial of Request for Funds for.NACVSO 131 18. Approval of Advertisement of Tax Liens on Rea] Property. 135. -n ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST ~'OR 80ARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/x.9/01 ~ - Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: :' Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant t. SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following. employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service. with New: Hanover County: FIVE (5). YEAR: Thomas S. Nolan -Tax; .Lawrence Bullock. - Property Management; Charles R. Owens - Property Management; Janet K. Grady -Sheriff's Dept,; Deborah E. Keyes -Sheriff's Dept:; Wanda M. Alverson -Inspections; Ronald T. Long ~ Engineering; - Gregory L. Kennedy • Aging; Jennifer S. Ashlock -Cape Fear Museum; TEN,(10) YEAR: Cynthia M, Graham •, WASTEC; Kirk S. Weingand -WASTEC; Christine B. McNamee • Social Services; Caroline B. Eisenstein • Library; fIFTEEN (15) YEAR:- Howard W. Williams -Property. Management; Martin ` J. Adams -Sheriff's Dept.; Ruth C. Roethlinger - Health;'and. TWENTY (20) YEAR: John Davis - Human Relations. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: {'his page, intentionally left blank} NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/01. Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal . Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Recognition, of New Employees ~, BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of newly hired county employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. ~ . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: ~ . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ ` COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM ND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize new employee COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . APPROVED ~'~rer:,-ed REIECTED Cl ~' ~tEMOVED. ~ ~ ` ', POSTPONED ~ FFEARi~ C~ ~r~~. ~/l~ d~~~... 3 ,, C~"~ ~. ~~~~ tG^a~~i ~~~~ 4 ---ti NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTBON -Meeting Date: 02/19/01 Regular Item #:.3 Estimated Timer .Page Number: Department: Emergency Management Presenter: Tom .Matheson; National Weather Service - Contact: Dan Summers or Debbie Reed SUBJECT: Presentation of. Storm Ready Award by the National Weather Service BRIEF SUMMARY:. F On behalf of the Storm Ready Advisory Board,-the local office of the National Weather Service would Like to formally present New Hanover County with the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA & NWS award for a Storm Ready community. . ' ~ -~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: copy of the award letter from the NWS REVIEWED BY: . ` LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A i '. -. APPR®1iED ~ ~tEJEC'fED ~~5~. ~ - . IaEMOVE® ~ ~ .~ . POSTPOfVED ' t~tEARf•J ~ ~ : U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Na~ianal ®ceanic and Atmospheric Administratifln ~. J NATIONAL WEATHER SERV{CE ~~~ sr~rc s of r~~p . , 2015 Gardner Drive Wilmington NC 28405 ' August 24 2000 New Hanover County Emergency Management Wilmington NC Dear New Hanover County,. On behalf of the StormReady Advisory. Board, we congratulate you on your county StormReady recognition. This success is clearly a .result of the vision, leadership, hard work, and commitment of New Hanover County Emergency Services to the citizens~of New Hanover County. The citizens of New Hanover County should take great pride in having achieved this status. The current StormReady recognition for New Hanover County will be valid for two years. The recognition will expire on August 24 2002. It is recommend that the county apply for renewed recognition well before that date. As a StormReady county, New Hanover County is authorized to use the StormReady ', logo in official letterheads, brochures, or other documents. A digital file of the logo image can be acquired from the National Weather Service Office in Wilmington. The StormReady Community logo is trademarked and subject to certain restrictions which require the Nationa{ Weather Service to monitor its use. If you use the logo, please send the National Weather Service a copy or description. of how it was used.: You are also authorized to make additional street signs like those provided by the National Weather Service. I' ~ . 1 Finally, if New Hanover County is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program, it is now eligible for additional ISO community rating system points. It is recommend that this StormReady Community information be applied during the next ISO rating, if appropriate. ' Congratulations again, New Hanover County, on this achievement. The National Weather Service is proud to have you. as a part of the growing StormReady family? Sincerely, ~ ,- ~3~ a'o . Tom Matheson~~~i Warning CoordrnationfMeteorologist 6 cc~,. StorrnReady~Advisory Board ~: ~p iMOSgfq k~ ' ~ ~OF~~MFM O~ `~~4~ 'NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD Of COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION, " Meeting Dater 02/19/01 : . Regular Item #:" 4 Estimated Time: " Page Number: Department: County Manager." ~ Presenter: Gayle Butsgy, NCACC ' -, 'Contact: AI'ien O'Neal - 'SUBJECT: , Presentation of 2000 Outstanding Program Award "Constructed-Wetlands . ~~ Treatment of Leachate Field" by the NCACC , BRIEF SUMMARY: " The County's Department of Environmental Management-has been awarded an Outstanding ' Program Award from the NCACC for the County's constructed wetland program associated with, tfie Landfill. The attached description from the January 2001 issue of the NCACC newspaper _ outlines the framework of this outstanding and innovative project: " RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that the Board commend the staff from the Department of Environmental Management for their dedication to the~pur uit of environmental conservation in the development of this project. , - F.t1NDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: " ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER' `E,OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ . Accept Award. '..` ,~ '- COMMISSIONERS' A T10NS/COMMENTS: ~~ ~~ Q ' APPRO hre~e:u.~~ REJE . -; REM01/ED ~ ';„ _ ~'. ~#EARi3 ~ ' ~i ~~ ' 7 8 :~ Gen~r~i ~®~ernr~~n Constructed Wetlands Treatment of Landfill Leachate New Hanover County, Paul Marlow, , Environmental Programs Manager rom 1994-1999, the New Hanover County Depart- ment of Environmental Management in conjunc- tion with N.C. State University and Sea Grant conducted a pilot study in which constnicted wetlands were, used to treat liquid leachate .from the landfill. That pilot and another study confirmed that surface flow type constructed wetlands are effective in remov- ~; ing certain pollutants from leachate. Plans are undef ~ '. way to construct full-scale wetlands for treatment of landfill leachate. Construction will begin in the spring of 2001. Once in operation the project. will allow New'_ . ' ' 'Hanover County to reduce and eventually eliminate its ~ ., ' discharge of treated leachate to the Northeast-Cape Fear -, River. The county received $785,000 from the N.C. ~ • Clean Water IVlanagement Fund and put up $243,500 in local .money. The actual use of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment is limited Lt the United States. No other public or private landfill is using the technology. The New Hanover County project is also unique in that when combined with on-site spray irrigation onto closed landfill cells, the discharge of treated leachate could be totally elimuiated by creating aclosed-loop system. Finding available space for the wetlands between existing landfill cells. arid the I00-foot flood plain that borders the property was a challenge as was adjusting the size of the wetlands system to handle the anticipated • volume of leachate. Excess leachate was held u~ a tem- porary pond during cold weather months. Constructed wetlands can minimize the cost of ' tong-term care of closed landfills and provide educa- ~'.°JJ tional opportunities for all ages. It is feasible for other 1 counties, particularly in the southeast that boasts an abundance of natural wetlands. For more information, contact Paul P~'9. I'/larloev at 910 3 a. r~ ^^-'~, ' 43;10. r ~-~, ~s~....~.,~ 4..... ~...,.) It'll _ ,ter : ~:•~- ] / .~. - yy`.:..a~yGarnfP4te4.'~'a: F~"••~"~56Y:Y#'~h;fi1MPG'_4M9.~:OaSA~fi 151A+5*A•~.`II.xY' ..A 2~ , I ~ a;~ 1~ @~iv~~l ~~G~ , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~D REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - lVleeting Date: 0-2/19/01 ~. Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Greg Walker. Contact: Allen O'Neal . SUBJECT: Presentation and Update on RC&D Activities BRIEF SUMMARY: "~ Greg Walker, Executive Director of Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development to review " highlights of their recent project work. - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: - ~ " ATTACHMENTS: ITEM ®OES'N07 REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAG R'S MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . j ~` APPR® , ~tEMOVE® p POSTPONED ~? --::~: °, ~tEARIJ RESOURCE CONSERVATION ~ ~ (~ `"~ ~.~._._~~` CAPE FEAR , and ~ E ~ ~ ~~~~ i DEVELOPMENT, INC... Brunswick ®Columbus ®New Hanover ®Pender ~~~~~'' i' ~i'?i~~tif;-_R~ o. N1AN/\~~H'S OED iGE First Union Building ®201 N. Front Street, Suite 615 ~ Wilmington, N.C. 2 Telephone: (910) 763-6611 s Fax: (910) 763-8989 ®Email: cfrcd®wilmington.net T®: Mr. Dempsey Herring, Administrator, Columbus County Mr. Martin Beach,.Manager, Pender County Mr. Allen O'Neal, Manager, New Hanover County Mr. Huey Marshall, Interim Manager, Brunswick. County , ~+'R®1VI: Greg Walker i Executive. Director Si7B.TECT: Update on RC&D Activities ~DAT'E: February 6, 2001 With this memorandum I would like to request time on a future commissioners' agenda to review highlights of our recent project work. It can also be a time for me to introduce myself to new commissioners in order for them to become familiar with our projects and role in the community. Enclosed is our most recent annual report for your use. I look forward to hearing from you to set a date to visit. I anticipate no more than ten minutes on your agenda: Cc: Don Warren, Chairman, Brunswick County Bryant Sheppard, Vice Chairman, Pender County Roy Lowe, Treasurer, Cohunbus County Howard Loving, Secretary, New Hanover County "~~ aim (~ ©~s ~~5 ~(`~1~9~fi~a~ '""",~4 . _, 1 t ~. ' t %~ '~~~- 1 ® ~;0;4•.~ , ~~ ~y , Anon-profit organization. NE1N HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BDARD ACTBON Meeting Date: 02/1-9/01 "_ Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time`. Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Representative from Beach Communities~l~ Contact: Bruce Shell, Allen O'Neal 'SUBJECT: - Beach Renourishment Fund -funding Policy , BRIEF SUMMARY: .. At the December 18, 20.00 meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, the board approved County funding (not to exceed $820,000) for the current Carolina and Kure Beach renourishment , projects under bid by the Corp of Engineers. The State of North Carolina reduced its funding for the projects. and Carolina and Kure Beaches requested that the non-State portion be paid entirely - by the County. _ The beaches are requesting that the Board of County Commissioners establish a policy whereby, .the County pays al future non-State funding, which would eliminate the beaches from participating in the funding of beach renourishment projects. At the December 18, 2000 meeting discussed this issue as well as beach access maintenance cost being the responsibility of the " beaches. The County Commissioners are asked to consider the policy change for future projects as well as the current projects approved on 12/18/00. ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: _ Consider establishing new funding policy for beach renourishment projects. - FUNDING SOURCE: Room Occupancy Tax Fund ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A • ~ . 'sy+ REJE IREMOVE® ~ J~ '`sal POSTPONES I~ ~ . ,~ EARn ~: f ~~ . ~~i~/.di x;-11 • ' ..~~~n ~-~; a' UU,Yuii~?G1 ars . ~ ~ ~ + a .,. ~.. yy -NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD 0~ COMMISSIONS-RS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. . Meeting Date: 02/19/01 Regular Item#: 7 Estimated Time: _ Page Number: , Department: County Manager .Presenter: Dave Weaver . Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: - Consideration of Permitting Process for the Mason Inlet 'Relocation Project BRIEF' SUMMARY: Information hopefully wiil be available on the Mason Inlet Relocation'Project from the U. S. Fish. and Wildlife Service concerning the status of their Biological Opinion and from the U. S. Corps of ~: Engineers concerning draft permit conditions. This information was provided ~at a work session for ' the Board on February 15, 2001. The attached December 13, 2000 merino reiterates some - . background material. ~: RECOMMENDED MOTLON AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' Staff recommends that the Board- provide direction- to staff concerning the permitting negotiations. f FUNDING SOURCE: ~ - 361.410-3610-7300.6000 ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum REVfEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ `,w ,~~, Provide direction to staff regarding the permitting negotiations. ~,.~ ~Y~ ~, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: - ~ . ~ i - A[~PR~ ~ ;- . , ., - ~EJEC ~ ' ~EMOVf_D ~ `:, ~~ ~?OSTPONE® - ~~R~ 13 NEW ~IAN~VER C®UNTY INTER-OFFICE ., t..~. ~ ~ ~ .~\ ~ ~ ~Ti'\l\~ \\C~~.Y.~~~•iii:4:~<~~~~:\\~:i~~~: ~~~vii'v\i~ ~`\\:~V~~v~rit~i:':~L ~'~i ~•A\f` <\\ l\~4 \\\\\ \~~ \~ December 13; 2000 . TO: Board of Commissioners . FROM: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager /~ RE: Selection of contractor for the Mason.Inlet,Relocatiori'Project Selection of contractor Staff recommends that the agenda item concerning the selection of a contractor for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project be postponed until the Boards January l6 meeting, primarily for the reasons {discussed below) that the Project is more feasible if conducted in April, rather than January. Project Status Staff continues to work with our consultant, Applied Technology Management. (ATM), to complete the permitting process for the construction of the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. There is a need to reconsider the time frame, as stated above, based on the following results of recent discussions between County staff, ATM, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS), Corps ofEngineer, U.S. Natural Marine Fisheries Service, N.C. Division of Coastal Management, and the N. C. Division of Marine Fisheries. Current scenario for Project completion In order to receive a permit. from the Corps, several steps must be accomplished: .~ .y...-.-~..-~j..r.r~~ 1~r'Ks~C )YThe~'USFWS has to prepare a Biological Opinion. The Opinion will include ~Ll~ fl?i~I~,Yj~~~t ~t~;ArS an "incidental takings statement" that describes both necessary conditions on ~1 ~~;~.~, ~ ,, ~, ,~:,:,. the prp~ectr~and how many individuals of an endangered species or how much _~„of ~a~critical;'~habitat can be removed as part of a project. This statement 14 r , . ' ~ ~ incr•¢`4;eases m'severity if the Opinion states that the proposed project will place `. s Board of Cornrimissioners .Page Number Two December 13, 2000 • • the continued existence of an endangered species in "jeopardy." The USFWS presently considers the Great Lakes piping- plover and the Atlantic coast piping plover to be in jeopardy if our Project begins in January, but not sea turtles.. The Great Lakes piping plover, of which there are -less than 100 . individuals left, may use Mason Inlet for over-wintering on its migratory route. The Atlantic Coast population, which is threatened but not endangered, may use Mason Inlet for both over-wintering and nestirig..The USFWS has recently stated that it would be better for the. Project to occur from April through June, rather than in the winter, in order to minimize the impacts on .over-wintering Great Lakes. plovers.. Concerns about nesting sea turtles during late spring and peak summer months, according to the USFWS, could be mitigated by monitoring and movement of nests. 2) The time frame for implementing the project this January, as originally proposed, would have to meet the following permitting schedule: - 'The Biological Opinion would need to be completed by December 26, 2000. - The Corps must then finalize its Environmental Assessment (EA). . ~. - ~`` The State mustissue its 401'water quality certification and consistency- determination with the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) based on the EA. - The ,Corps and County must negotiate and agree upon permit conditions. -- The final Corps permit may be appealed by the USFWS or other Federal agencies. The appeal could take anywhere from several weeks to 120 days. - Mobilization of the dredge must begin by mid-January'in order for the Project to begin and be complete by April. 3) The above scenario to perform the Project this January-April 2001 is not likely given the above permitting actions that must be taken. It is likely that the. USFWS will appeal and may issue a severely restrictive Biological Opinion if required to do so by December 26. In addition, The Biological Opinion would be a jeopardy opinion for the piping plover and may prevent the State from issuing a positive consistency determination. 15 Board of Commissioners Page Number Three ~ `~-f December 13, 2000 ,.. , Future direction of the Project Based on the above constraints and on discussion of proposed project modifications with the various .agencies, staff is pursuing the following option: ' 1) The County can grant USFWS an extension of up to .60 days for completion of the Biological Opinion, subject to the condition that the USFWS is willing to begin the. clock now for the beginning of their appeal process. By beginning the 120-day appeal clock now,rather than when the final permit is issued; we can be more assured that~an April~project date is feasible. , 2) The County can,begin to do its project April through June to meet USFWS concerns on.the pipinb plover. This delay. would be acceptable to the County because the Project could still be completed before hurricane season and before the sandbags deteriorate much further. Delaying the project until April .would also likely remove the. jeopardy aspect from the Biological Opinion, which would allow the State to issue a positive consistency determination. Additional time will also be provided for the .County to work with bidding contractors. A number of contractors have shown considerable interest in this project.. ~ . 3) The above actions would allow for a less restrictive Biological Opinion with regard to the incidental takings statement to be issued by the USFWS. 4) The Corps and USFWS has tentatively endorsed this plan. The State and other Federal agencies also appear to be willing,to work us in this direction. The~above information is a simplification of the process and project. This is a very complex project with numerous parties and interests involved. We will keep you informed as developments continue.. There are, still many variable"s to define. Please feel free to contact me or Greg Thompson for more information.: We will be glad to arrange for a ., presentation at your convenience. cc: ~ Allen O'Neal; County Manager ~ _ -Wanda Copley,`County Attorney Greg Thompson, Chief Proj ect Engineer ,; 16? ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS " REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 02/19/01 _ _ Regular Item #` 8 Estimated Time: Page Number:.. Department: Engineering Presenter: Greg Thompson/Dave Weaver Contact: Greg T,hornpson ' `SUBJECT: ~;r , Consideration ofi Approval of Contract #01-0187 Relocation of Mason Inlet . BRLEF SUMMARY: New Hanover'County started the design and permitting process for the relocation of Mason's Inlet , - on July 21, 1999.. The project will be paid~for from a special assessment process approved by the - " 'Board of Commissioners on July 12, 1999. The permitting process for this project has been extremely complex and .time consuming. Ih an effort to accelerate the project schedule, -the County will open bids. orr February 14, 2001. in. the meantine. the permits will be finalized The ` bids have been qualified in that no contract will be executed for the construction of the new` inlet without all applicable permits and approval of acceptance of tfie permit conditions by the Board of - _ Commissioners: The key provisions of the contract vvere discussed with the Board at the February . 15 work session.. - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: At the time of preparation for this agenda item, bids for the project had not been received and permit conditions had not been identified. Staff recommendation to follow under separate cover.... .FUNDING SOURCEc . 361.410-3610.7300.60:00 . ,ATTACHMENTS: ' REVIEWED BY: _ LEGAL: N/A FdNANCE: Approve $UDGET: N/A . HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND .R~ COMMENDATIONS: ~ ~ - Staff recommendations will follow. i COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS. ~~ x LAPPR® ~ ' F~ ~ ' " ' ~EJE~ED " - ~: @~EMOVED ~ ~f ,. . ! ~ POSTPONED ~°" ~. ~&~AftF~ ~~ o? l°~~ f~.f1.1~`~.~~ L ~~ ~~ ' l i .. 1~_~ a 4v i ~~~rf~~r~ /I~ ~V~) r. , ~ f J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ` REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTION Meeting ®ate: 02/19/01 - ~ Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver/Jay Graham Contact: Dave Weaver. SUBJECT: - Adoption of Resolution Supporting Modifications of Proposed 'Building Code Changes . BRIEF SUMMARY: The attached draft resolution for consideration by the Board of Commissioners addresses - proposed changes to the N.C. Building Code that could significantly increase the cost of affordable housing. The Cape Fear Home .Builders Association, for example, has estimated that up to $4,000 could be added to the cost of a $100,000 home. Essentially, the proposed. changes to the Code are based on the assumption that the entire County would be subject to 130 mph wind conditions. in reality, it has been documented that wind . speeds may drop by 25% as the wind moves inland. It is recommended, therefore, that the.part of the County east of U.S 17 be subject to code requirements that meet 130 mph winds and that the part of the County west of U.S. 17 be subject to code requirements that m2e:t;`120 mph winds. it should be noted that the County must presently meet only 110 mph: winds throughout almost all of the County. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND' REQUESTED ACTIONS: ` . It is recommended that the Board adopt the attached proposed resolution. This proposed ` resolution has been approved by staff with the Cape Fear home Builders Association and reflects the concepts in a draft resolution previously given to you by the Homebuilders Association. ~...... FUNDING SOURCE: ` ATTACWMENTS: ~ , 17E]VI DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW .COUNTY MANAGER'S C ~ ~ NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approva`f:~~ ~. , COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: ~PPR~ ~~ t~EJE ~ REMOVE® 4 FOSTPON>`®~ ~ s_ z . ~ li~3EARiJ ~: ~~ 19 -~ (~)F "1I-IL NLW I IAh(t~VrR C'C)UN~7~-Y' I3C)ARI~ C.)I~ C:"C)MNfISSI(:)NE%IZ5 • WHEREAS, wind contour drawings included in the International .Residential Code show that <rpproximately 55 percent of New Hanover. (_'oianty should reside in the proposed 13Umde-per-Maur wind cone and the remainder of the County should reside in the proposed 120 mile-per-hour `~~ind ZC>n4; • WI 11/RF:.AS, proposed changes to the North C:u~olina f3uilciing C:;ode a>ncerning coiis~tructic~.~z ' standards to ii~~~t minimum wind speeds oi' 130 miles per hour for ail o('New Hanover County de:, ni?t presently reflect actlral wind speeds and could significantly atzd unn~.c;essarily increase tltc ci~st c+f ai~crrdabfe housing in the County; , • WI-iFR)::AS, wind speeds dosing humcanes that have str«ck _i'~!ew l~ianover C..:'otanty have decreased signifrcantly as t}ie hurricanes~move through the Ccaunty away ti-om the ocean; ' •WHEREAS'; North C'arolina's building code regulations necessary ic~r builciin~; homes 'in New Ilanover County should accurately rcflc~;t actual wind corrdititrns in the C'ounty;' ~ • • WH.E.RF:AS, every individual or family living in New Fiani:}ver.Cinanty should be afforded fair ani.l equal oplx~rtunity to 17urcliase a i~ew home, and ^WHEREAS; the Wili-nin~~tan-Cape; Fear I-Ic~me Builders Association and the Cape Dear lrornc buildit~~; industry strive to provide safe, af~~rdable housing fir all Now I lanover County residents, • WHl`~'l~f~:AS, this Board does not believe i.t is advisable to male c}tari~;es to the proposed wind zt~ne~:, in the proposed I.nternatioi~al Residential Code which could iiirther increase the ix~st. of atlcirdablc housing in New Hanover C'ount:y, ' . NOW, !1`HEREFC)RE, the New Hanover County Boa.rij czf'C'ommissioners resc~tves on this 5`'' iiav c,i i~ebnrary, ?QU ].,that the Residential Committee of the Ncirth C'arol.ina I3uildin{~ Code Coiuicil recommend to the full North. Carolina Bu{ldin~=, Code t.'ouncil that the. vvinci zone in which i'~Iew~ iia.n.over County is currently proposed to fie be,redrawn,tc~ such dimensians,as t~ more accurately ~. ... reflect the wind contours defined in the proposed Inten~atioraa.l Residential Code and proposed by th~~ Wilmin~,non-Cape Fear Home L~trilders ilssociatiort. • Adc~pteci February 5, 2UU I . "I'rd i.)avis, C'hairrti»ii 8o~ud at' C'ornmissi.<.~ners New 1-ianover C:'ounty i.:uc:ie 1-iarrel.l -. .-~-_- C~ler~ 1 i tht, Li~~arci a 1 ' !;~,~~;~ I 4 y >~,~~~~~ 20 _. ~i~t~t~~~i~~! , ,:m> T Post-it" 1=ax Nore 7671 ~71e ~~:.. " ~ w' TctiW~^n~ ~j"jF~_._...~../y ~/~ 1 Frvm ~ _._ ..._.._ , _.._ Gn;t?CP! ~ Cn. ~i}v:l ltr » ... ~.1 r`. (~ - y " l ., r~'!lt)tl(' i• '~[,(1] -. J t , ~~ff 77 . F~2ix n .:~ (y. t .... .~ r~.'Z ~_ _ --=:- _ , .~. ~~ Fax P r-.-1 ~! ... ;' ,. f .. ~ - c------- --------... NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION IVleeting Date: 02/19/0. • Re ular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Pa e Number: g g Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: Subdivision appeal request BRIEF SUMMARY: The Planning Staff reviewed and approved a surveyed plat titled Redivision /Recombination Plat of lots 26 & 27 in Indian Cove Subdivision in June 2000. The original map was recorded in the New Hanover County Registry in 1957. At the time of staff approval, an existing access easement of record running from Myrtle Grove Road to lots 26 & 27 was shown by the surveyor and confirmed by staff as the principle means of access. Two neighbors who have used the access easement for several years voiced their concern to the County about additional parties (lots 26 &27) utilizing the private drive. Their objection is based upon the requirement that no more than 3 lots can be served by an access easement in accordance with County Zoning Regulations. The County Attorney' s Office requested that a modified plat be submitted to the County that would provide additional access or recombine the, existing lots. The owner of the tots (Mr. Jackson) has declined the County's request to resubmit a plat. The building permit requests for both lots have been withheld based on the County's access requirements and our recision of the ~~ recombination plat of lots 26 & 27. The applicant has appealed. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: n/a FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: 18 pages ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Hear appeal. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~ ~ _ _ lREJE~T~3 ~ ~,.~ r.r ~,: REM01/E® E~ .. ~STPONE®~ `~ ~ ~_~ ~~ARn ~ ~~ ~ 2~ 1 ~~~ ~~ ~~i~ .d~.r~- SUBDIVISION APPEAL SA-16, 02/01; Applicant: Bruce Jackson Request: Rescind Decision by County Attorney's Office Allowing Surveyed "Recombination" of Two Lots Location: East of 6100 Block of Myrtle Grove Road Indian Cove Acres Subdivision HISTORY In June, 2000, Planning staff reviewed and approved a surveyed plat titled "Redivision/ Recombination" Plat of lots 26 and 27 in Indian Cove Acres Subdivision. The original plat was recorded in Map Book 6, Page.4:5 of the New Hanover County Registry in 197 (see exhibit 1). At the time of staff approval, an existing.access easement of record running from Myrtle Grove Road to lots 26 & 27'was shown by.the surveyor and'. confirmed by staff as the principle means of access (see exhibit 2). With the a royal of the redivision b staff two nei hbors who have used the access PP Y ~ g easement for several years voiced their concern to the County about additional parties (lots 26 & 27) utilizing the private drive. Their objection is based upon the requirement that no more than 3 lots can be served by an access easement in accordance with County Zoning Regulations. A segment of Indian Cove Avenue that could have provided access to the two recombined lots has been purported to be closed since the late 1980's. Until recently, our records did not indicate that the Indian Cove segment was closed by the County and tax documents indicated that the road right of way was still open. The County Attorney's Office has discussed the access issue with the two concerned neighbors who utilize the easement. Comments pertaining to the issue are addressed in two attached letters. ' In summary, the County Attorney's Office requested that a modified plat be submitted to the Countv~that~would;provide additional access or recombine the existing lots. The owner of th ots Mr. J ckson),,has declined the County's request to resubmit a plat. Building permit requests for ~both~ lots have been withheld based on the County's access requirements and our~recision of the recombination plat of lots 26 & 27. The applicant has _ 22 apAealed. i ~ `, i s, ~ WANDA M. COPLEV County Attorney KEMP P. BURPEAU Deputy County Attorney E. HOLT n400RE, Ill Assistant County A[totncy I~JE .A.I~®VE ~®IJI~TTY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM. 309 WILMINGTON,.NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4095 TELEPHONE (9I0) 341-7153 FA,Y (91O) 341-4170 August 21, 2000 Mr. James A. Cobb 6121 Myrtle Grove Road Wilmington, NC ~ 28409 RE: Jackson Lot Subdivision. Dear Mr. Cobb: Thank you for your inquiry regarding the above-referenced development..We contacted Bruce Jackson to inquire whether he,would agree to a plat modification. He declined, indicating his activities were exempt or'otherwise grandfathered as existing lots of record. We will continue to investigate the subdivision. and notify you of any further determinations. ' Please note that even in the event the County determines that a modified plat is required, we cannot address your concerns about use of the deeded right-of-way. Accordingly,~it would appear that you must consulf~ your own attorney to discuss your. rights regarding Mr. Jackson's use of the deeded; easement. Sincerely, Kemp P, Burpeau Deputy County Attorney KPB/kc cc: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Man er 24, Dexter Hayes, Planning. Director . Ann Hines, Chief Zoning Enforcement Officer WANDA M. COPLEY County Attorney KEMP P. BURPEAU Deputy County Attorney E. HOLT MOORS, I^ ~~ I~E'~V ~IAl~TOVEF~. C:®~.Tl~TY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ ' 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 309 ~ a.~, ~ ~ ~~ `j WILMINGTON, NORTH.CAROLINA 28401-4095 ~. .. TELEPHONE,(910) 34/-7153 FAX (910) 34/-4170 ' AssistantCounry Attorney . November 27, 2000 ' Mr. Bruce. H. Jackson, Jr., Esquire ' Jackson. &~ Rivenbark .~ Attorneys,at Law ..Post Office Box 1407 Wilmington, NC 28402-1.407 RE: Indian Cove Property Dear Mr. Jackson: .. ~ Thank you for your letter of November 9, 2000. Ann Nines, Chief Zoning Enforcement Officer, would also be involved in any determination. She has been waiting since we Fast communicated for me to provide additional information about the purported ' road closure. The closure was based on a withdrawal of dedication rather than County road closure procedures. (Book 1376, Page 1132, recorded Ma.y 26, 1987). While the General Statutes do authorize a unilateral dedication, the lack of .notice to the local government or persons purchasing pursuant to a plat, may pose constitutional concerns. As of October 16, 2000, New~Nanover County Tax Land Records has revised the tax maps to .reflect the purported road closure. Should-the road be legally closed; the problem of more than three (3) lots using an .easement arises. At the time of subdivision plat approval no notice was ,provided the ' _ .County that more than three (3) parcels would use the.subject easement. The easement referenced. as the Fred. Spike Road was- created after the effective date of the land development ordinances. The.' recombination here would not appear an adequate exemption in that the resultant lots do not equal or exceed the standards of the County-for accessto the extent enjoyed by the originaiiy platted lots.. In our earlier discussion, I recall .~ you would not voluntarily consent to platting any further access, and indicated you would + litigate if necessary to establish your purported exemption. You might remedy the deficiency by platting an adequate access or by~recombinin your two lots and retaining any right to~place two houseson the unified parcel as squareG~ footage might permit. Failure to remedy the situation may result in subdivision 'revocation. I understand that parties purportedly aggrieved by the subdivision may choose to pursue some potential private litigation against the developers or assigns to~curtail use of the referenced easement. Such private action is not within the scope of the County's review. Please contact me with any questions or comments. You may appeal this determination to the Board of Commissioners by Notice to Dexter Hayes; Planning Director. Sincerely, ~~~° _ Kemp P. Burpeau ~ •' Deputy County Attorney 4 _ ~ _ .. i ~ ~, , .i KPB/kc _ , cc: Ann Hines, Chief Zoning Enforcement Officer Dexter Hayes, Planning Director Sam Burgess, Planner • ~. 2.6 ~ ~ , JACKSON. & RIVENBARK .' ATTORNEYS f~T L.Aw 615 PRINCESS STREET BRUCE H. JACKSON, JR. ,• ~ .WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-1407 TELEPHONE (910) 251-3030 " CHRISTINA RIVENBARK _ . FACSIMILE (910) 763-9375 NtAILING ADDRESS " S;~NDRA RAY CRINER POST OFFICE BOX 1407 . MARY ELIZ~BETHS~tERKO WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1407 „ . - ~ a January 4, 2001 - . NIr. Dexter Hayes ' Planning Director, .New Hanover County ~ .. - .: 41 ~ Chestnut Street ~ ~ ~ . ~. `, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 . RE: Indian Cove Property ~ .. .. Dear, Mr. Hayes: , - Please find enclosed a copy of the letter from. Kemp" Burpeait, Esquire regarding the recombination of my two Indian Cove lots. Upori'receipt of Mr: Burpeau's letter; I called him; then - - you and now write to appeal the County's determination.. I would like to recite herein my position regarding the recombination of my two lots; the . ` County's approval.and now the subsequent refiisal of the County' to issue the permits to build on•the • recombined-lots. ' ' ' The property that is the;stibject of this `'appeal" is apart of the Indian Cove Subdivision . recorded in Ne~,v Hanover County oa J:une 4, 197 in Map Book 6 at page 45: My predecessors in rterest, NIr. and Mrs. Gerald Evans, owned all of. the subject property ogether with all of the property.now owned by others that use the easement called the "Fred Spike Road". Three residences ` currently use-the same easement and have for more than seven (7) years. All three property owners . are either otivners of the "Fred Spike Road" or have deeded easements to use the road. My property, ` ~ also has deeded easements to use the '`Fred Spike Road" - -OiiiMay 26, 1987, pursuant to NCGS 516-96 and by Declaration of ~t'ithdrawal recorded . in Book 376 at Pale 112, my predecessors in interest withdrew the dedication of the Indian Cove ~ ` Road on the. property that~I subsequently purchased. ~ ~ '~ In Julti and Auattst, 1999, I began preparations to pine ,~. ~ _~ ~ ~ chase the subject property from my ' ~ ~ ~ predecessors in interest.; Keith Calder, Esquire handled the sale and purchase of the;subject property. • YIi-.. Calder and my predecessors in interest met with NIr. 'Sam,Bur~ess concerninv -the sub'e . property, the `.`Fred Spike Road" and the use of said road.by owners of Lots 26 and 27. I attach Mr. Dexter Hayes January 4, 2001 _ Page 2 copy of a letter written by Mr. Calder to Mr property. ~ ' Burgess following the aforesaid meeting concerning the In reliance on the County's apparent approval of.Lots 26~and 27 use of their easement of the "Fred Spike Road", I purchased the subject property on August 27, 1999. Following my purchase of the property, I retained the services of Mr. John Benson, a duly licensed surveyor familiar with the property and recombined part of Lots 26 and 27 of Indian Cove Acres together with the closed portion of Indian Cove Acres Road to make two much larger lots. The recombination of the t~.vo forner Indian Cove Acres Lots together with the"closed Indian Cove Road was approved by the County and recorded in the New Hanover Registry in Map Book 39 at Page 327 on June 19, 2000. Following approval of the recombination of the lots and recording of the map as aforesaid, my general contractor, Tim Turner Construction Company, sought permits to prepare the sites and build on one of the lots my proposed new home. The County declined. Thereafter, Mr. Burpeau called me requesting information from me and discussing with me in general the recombination of the two Indian Cove Lots. Some months later, I had not heard from anyone from the County and personally contacted the County to see. what t11e problem was. I was told that there was a "zoning problem" that had to be corrected before permits would be issued. I wrote Mr. Burpeau asking the Cotmry to make a decision and inform me so thatl might move fon"vard. Ireceived shortly thereafter Mr. Burpeau's letter and was informed of my right to appeal the decision, My position is, first of all, that the Subdivision Regulations do not apply to recombination of existing lots as the County Officers have determined and, secondly, the County Officers were consulted prior to my purchase of the subject property and my reliance on their position at that time led to my purchasing.the property. Thirdly, the County approved the recombination of~"the two lots after re.questin~ that ,the easement be widened; from 20 feet to 3.0 feet across Lot A and the subsequent replattirg to accomplish that. ., First Position: The .New" Hanover County .Subdivision Regulations Do Not Apply - To The Recombination Of Lots PreetistinQ The Regulations. 1. The Indian Cove Subdivision was platted and developed in 197, many yzai-s before the present Subdivision Regulations became effective November 1, 196: 2. New Hanover County's Subdivision Regulations were adopted October 18, 196. f~. _ 3. The County's position is that my recombination of the esisfing Lots 26 and 27 2 ~ together with the closed portion of Indian Cove Acres Road, subjects the property to the provisions Mr..Dexter. Hayes January.4; 2001 Page 3 of "the 1965 .New• Hanover County .Subdivision Regulations. One of those provisions contained therein prohibits more than three residences on a "private road": The "Fred Spike Road" is a private • road. There are already three residences on that private road. Therefore, the County contends that I have to plot `'adequate access" in order to keep them from revoking my recombination of the existing lots and continue to deny me permits. ~ - 4. Alternatively, the County takes the position that I may recombine my two preexisting y lots ".:.retaining any right to place two houses on the unified parcel as square footage might permit. .Failure to remedy the situation may result in subdivision. revocation." I respectfully disagree that the T965 Subdivision Regulations. apply here at all to rivo - ~ ,'preexisting lots platted in 1967, based on the Regulations themselves: 1. ~ ~ Article I, Section 14(3) provides that the subdivision regulations are not applicable to subdivisions platted prior to January 1, 1966 (Indian Cove platted in 197), 2. Article I, Section 20(17) provides that "the combination or recombination of portions of previously subdivided lots (Lots 26 and 27 of Indian Cove together with the closed ,portion of ' i Indian Cove Road) where the total number of lots is not increased-and the resultant lots are equal to . . or.exceed the standards of the County as shown in its subdivision ordinance"...are specifically excluded from the subdivision regulations.. The County Officers' position apparently is that "The recombination here would not appear • an adequate exemption (from the Subdivision regulations of 1965) in that the resultant lots do riot equal or exceed the standards of the..County for access to the extent enjoyed by the originally platted lots." The County's position is, apparently; that. the language found iri Article I; Section 20(17) ' specifically excluding recombination of lots from the subdivision regulations applies to access as . well as n~imber of lots and lot sizes where the language is ... "equal to or exceed the standards of the County as-shown in its subdivision-ordinance." , I respecffiilly disagree as to interpretation where the language clearly refers to lot size and number of lots. There is no language referring to access in Article I, Section 20(17).. However, the " recombined lots have the same "access" as before the recombination. In fact, the County Officers required me to'plat a 30 foot easement across the back of Tract "B'' from 120 foot easement (the `'Fred Spike Road") before approving the recombination of the lots. I did replat and it was .,immediately approved by the County on June 19, 2000. The most recent development is that the•County is apparently to become the owner of the `'Fred Spike Road'' as well as Mr. Spike's.home and property. As I understand the buy out program, '•- Mr. Spike's. house will be torn down. Obviously, there. will be only tvvo houses using the "Fre Spike Road" which will then belong t0 the COLIIlty. There. is some indication that the County Mr. De:~ter Hayes January 4, 2001 Page 4 interested in using the property as access to the Intracoastal Waterway for public use. I think that is a great idea and the Spike property is uniquely suited for such purposes. Please let me know when this matter will come before the County Commissioners. With best wishes, I remain Sincerely yours, - /2/l~'L Bruce H, Jackson, Jr. BHJ,jr./beb Enclosure cc: Kemp Burpeau, Esquire . . J. Keith~Galder, Esquire Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Evans t ~ . t - 30 ~ • . . 20,1"6 Streets: Aright-of-way for vehicular traffic which is dedicated to public or private use and constructed.... - to acceptable New Hanover County standards: Streets shall be classified as one of the following: ~. (l) Arterial Streets: Streets and highways of exceptional continuity; designed to route traffic through or around the County. (2). Primary Streets: A.street or highway of considerable continuity, designed primarily as a radial or . - cross-county traffic artery for intercommunication between various sectors of the county. (3 )' Secondary Streets: A street or highway serving as a connecting Tink between two (2) primary or arterial streets. {=1) Collector Streets: Streets which carry traffic from minor streets to the system of •major streets (primary and; or arterial streets). Residential collector roads are further del ned by the N. C. Department of Transportation's Subdivision Roads-Minimum Construction Standards as amended, . (a) Dead End. Roads -These roads are more than 200 feet in.length, open at one end only . .' without pecial provision for turning around and have collector characteristics. . • (b) Connecting Roads -The roads which serve as the connecting road system between other . roads within the subdivision and the thoroughfare system. (c) Loop Roads - A road that has its beginning and endinG points on the same route, It is more than one mile in length and has collector characteristics. (d) Other Roads -These are other,roads"having a "collector" n'pe function in the thoroughfare . system. , {5) Minor Streets: Streets }vhich are used primarily for access to abutting properties. .These local residential subdivision roads do not connect thoroughfares or serve- major traffic generators .and are-further defined by the N.C. Department of Transportation's. Subdivision Roads-Minimum Construction Standards as amended. ~ - • s _ (a) Cu(-de-sacs -These are very short roads, open at one end only, with a special provision for turning around at the other end which is permanently closed. They have a "bulb'' end - designwith a specific turning radii and a limited number of lots. • {b) , Dead End Roads -These are roads less than 200 feet in length, open at one end; only ` without special provisions for turning around and have no collector characteristics. (c) Short Connecting Roads -These roads are normally one block ,long or extend on a block- ' by-block. basis and have no collector characteristics. ` (d) Loop Roads - A road that has its beginning and ending points on the same .route. It is ;less. . ~ than one mile in length and has no collector characteristics, (e) Other Roads -These roads do not connect thoroughfare or serve major traffic generators _ and do not have "collector" characteristics: These include marginal access streets parallel " ~ to or adjacent to Arterial and/or Primary Streets and..highways, and provide access to ` abuttinG properties and protection from through traffic. •. 20-17 Subdivision: A "subdivision" shall include all divisions of a tract or parcel of land into hvo or more, lots, building sites, or other divisions for the purpose, whether immediate, or future, of sale or building development, and shall include al] divisions of land 'involving the dedication of a new street or a chance in existing streets; rovided. however. that the following shall not be included within this definition nor be sub'ect to the regulations authorized by this ordinance: • "(1) the combination or recombination.. of portions of previously subdivided .lots where the total _ number of.lots is not increased and the resultant lots are equal to or exceed the standard of the Count}' as shown in its subdivision ordinance. - (2) the division of land into parcels Greater than ten (10)• acres where no street.right-of-way dedication ,. is involved. the . ublic acquisition by purchase of strips of land for-the widening "or opening of streets; ~ ~ . O P -6- _.. r 1 1 i (4) the division of a tract in single ownership whose.. entire area is no greater than two (2) acres into not more than three (3} lots, where no street right-of-way dedication is involved an'd where the .. resultant lots .are equal to •or .exceed the standards of the County as shown in its subdivision ordinance. ~ ' " ~ ' . • 20-18 Subdivision.-iylinor:.A minor subdivision is a subdivision - (1) involving not more than five lots, all of which front on an existing approved street; and - . (2) not- involving any-new streets or ,prospectiveiy_requirmg, any new street for access to interior property; and ' :. , ~• (3} not requiring drainage. improvements or easements,fo serve the. applicant''s property or interior •~properties. , 20-19 Surface Drainase: A drainage system consisting of culverts and open ditches. ~20-20 Barrier Islands: Any land formation composed of unconsolidated materials lying on the ocean side of the mainland. Estuaries or.wetlands separate the islands from the mainland. 20-21 100 Year Flood Area: The area ~of 100 years flood inundation as shown on Ne~'v Hanover County's OfficiaLFiood Insurance Maps, as amended. 20-22 100 Year £oastal Hazard V :Zone Area: The area;of 100 year coastal flood inundation with hi;h velocity waters and hurricane action as shown on New Hanover: Countti~'s Official Flood Insurance Maps, as amended. Section 21 Tense and Number . , ~ . (I) _The present tense includes the future tense andahe future tense includes the present tense. :.(2) The singular number includes the plural. number and the plural number includes the singular number.- ~ . Section 22- Word Interpretation For the. purpose of this ordinance, certain words, shall be interpreted as follows: ..: (1 } -The word "may" is permissive. (2) `The words "shall" and "will" .are mandatory. (3) The word "building".includes the word "structure". _ •~ . (4) The word "County" shall mean the "County of New Hanover", a county corporation of the State of " ~ North.Carolina. • ~(5) .The words ,"Board of,County Commissioners" or "County' Commissioners" sha{I mean the "New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners". .. (6) :The. words "Register of Deeds" shall mean" the "Recorder of Deeds for New Hanover County, North Carolina". (7) The words "ordinance" and "regulafions" shall mean the "Subdivision Resulations of the County " of New Hanover,~North,Carolina. " " ~ (8) The word "-street" includes the words "road," and "highway". 32 , , -~- t _ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - ~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting.Date: 02/19/01 Re ular Item#: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: g - ~. - Department: TAX Presenter: Robert Glasgow Contact: -.Robert Glasgow SUBJECT: Y .. Convene as Board of Equalization and Review BRIEF SUMMARY: >The Board of.Cou'nty Commissioners may resolve to create a special Board~of E&R to carry out the duties outlined in NCGS 105.322 pertaining to appeals of value. Among. other statutory requirements, .they may authorize appellants.to appeal from the special board to the Board of Commissioners. Otherwise, the Commissioners sit as the Board"of E&R'no earlier than the first Monday in-April arid no. later than the first Monday in May. The Board of E&R must convene to ` hear taxpayers who appeal the value of their. property or appeal"with respect to.the listing and ._ appraisal of property of others.- For many years, the Board of Commissioners have convened as ' the Board off&R and. have scheduled the first meeting on the third Monday in April. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND-REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend .the Board of Commissioners sit as the Board of Equalization and Review and schedule the first meeting on April 16, 2001 at approximately 9:00 a.m. in the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 N. Third Street,, Room 301, Wilmington; N.C. . , 'FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTAC~lMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECD , ~NDATIONS: , - Concur.with Tax Assessor recommendati COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: q _ _ APPROiIED ~ ~ , REJECTED ~ , REMOVED ~ ~~ ,°;. i POSTPONED i-tEAR1~ ~ ~ , 33 ,~,..~..~., uQy~M3 w.,d~,t.. ~~~ ~~y~~:~~ ~7~ ~ ~ ~, .. F i~ s• . ~+. J-. ._ w~+ y 34 'L NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTIO(V Meeting .Date: 02/19/OI Regular Item #: 13 Estimated Time:- Page Number: , Department: Goverring Body .Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact:. Lucie Harrel{ ~ . SUBJECT: Committee Appointments ~ ~ ' BRlE~F SUMMARY: Boards and Commitfees.vvith vacancies: Adult Home Care Community Advisory Committee ~ ' Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority ° Museum Board of Trustees ' Nursing.Home Community Advisory Committee ' Port, Waterway and Beach Commission ~' ° Category: Terminals and Industry .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Make Appointments FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEAA DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW . COUNTY MANAGER'S C011~1'MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments ~ ~ COMMISSIONERS' A TIONS/COMMENTS; .. .-~ ~ . ~ ,. ApPRO~/ED ~ : ,, , I~~JEG'fED f~~MOVED ~ s ' ` ,~ {'~~ ~Q~TPONED ~ b ', ° t ~~ ,.~~ a~~l ~~~~5 ,. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 6 VACANCIES Term: One year term initially, 3-year termsthereafter ,. ~~ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: ~ REAPPOINTMENT -^-Ja'ne B. Johnson ~ ~ X ' ~sephine W. Little X `TSollie Pollock X _ Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications E ,t,a i..-Y~'ti. ~~.'\J ~ jmlw.,~y.W h ra`~T' y' ~ _ p. ~ +wX ~ .4~ 3 6 ~ x~ j -~~ ` ~ ~~ ~:~ ADULT CARE HOME CONTiVIUIVITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE- . ~~ Number of Mernb'ers: 16 members (1 member for each permitted facility). One-third of the members .shall be nominated by the Adult Care Home Administrators, and if possible, one fi . member must be a person. involved in the area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner • ~ shall be appointed to serve in an ex-officio capacity. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses: . Term: 1 year terms initially; 3 year terms thereafter- - Qualifications: Must be a resident ~of New Hanover County. No person or immediate. family member of person.with financial interest in any home served by a committee member or employee or governing board member of a domiciliary home served by a committee, or immediate family. `° member of a resident in a domiciliary home served by this committee maybe a member. . . ,Statute causing Committee: G.S. 130-9=5. - Regular Meeting: First Wednesday of January, April,. July, and October at 9:OO a. m: at-the Cape. Fear Council of Governments, 1480.Harbour Drive. , . - - ~ TERM PRESENTLY TERM - ~ CURI2Ei~TT•MEMBERS ~ SERVING EXPIRES ; . Doris Thompson Connor ~ First 6/30/2002 , 400 S. Front. Street ~ , Wilmington,,NC 28401 ' (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 763-7483 (H) ,(Appt. To 3 year term on 6/21/99 ' , " Jewell Ann~Dehn ~ ~ First, - 6/30/2002 4953 Tanbark Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) ~' :392-69$1. {H) ~ ~ ~ Appt. to 3 year term on, b/21/99'- , Judith M. -Foley ~ -: ~ First 6/30/2003 6616 Pleasant Pines Court' ~ , . Wilmington, NG 28403 ~ (Appt. 6/21/99 to l year term) 509-1717 (Appt. 6/19/00 to 3 year term) . ' Lois Fox ~ First 6/30/2002 3713 Reston Court. Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt: 2/2/98 to 1 year term) ~` 799-6847 (H) 251-8111 (W) ' ' ~ Appt..to 3 year term on 6/21/99:. .. Jane B. Johnson ~ : _ First / ~ 2 28/2001 . 1812 Grace Street '. ~. Wilmington, NC 2.8405. ~ (Appt, 2/1/98 to 3 year term) 762=152 (H) ~ 3 7 ADULT CARE HOME COIti11i !UNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY - TERM CURRENT MEMBERS. ~ .. .. ~ SERVING - ' • EXPIRES Milton Randolph Johnson First. 8/31/2001 • 1319 Riggs Trail . Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 8/21/00 to 1 year term) 799-9420(H) 343-7704(W) Robert H. Johnson, Jr. ~ .First 8/31/2001 1812 Grace: Street ~ ~ (Appt. 8/2,1/00 to l year term) {Wilmington; NC 28401 762-1525 (H) ~ Mollie Coldwell Ley ' j ~' ~ First ~ 5315 Dandelion Drive ,~ - ' Wilmington, NC 28405 (Apps. 2/21/00 to 1 year term} 796-0980 (H) Josephine W. Little ~~~a,Ut-eat First 1441 Futch Creek Road ~~ ~ y Wilrning.ton, NC 28405 .CL , (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3-year term) 686-0299 (H) ~J ti ll ~ D lli P k ' N e o oc • o First 4937 Shelly Drive ~,~ Wilmington, NC 28405 ' (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term) 452-08.92 (H) Michael W. Rogers First 254 W. Bedford Road Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 686-1374 (H) 343-5244 (W) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Richard I. Salwitz First 1308 Edgewater Club Road #8 Wilmington; NC 28405 ~ (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 686-7040 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Louise C. Siler ~ ' ~ ~ First ' 2441 Confederate Drive .~0{5 8403 ~~ ~ ~~~. d~glYC. P ° ~'~~A p 2/2!98 ~3- e Wilmington, NC 2 p ar term) t. y 762-5374 (H) -38 2/28/2001 2/28/2001 . 2/28/2001 ~l 6/30/2002• 6/30/2002 2/28/2001 ADULT. CARE HOME COivTiYIUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS ~ ~: SERVING EXPIIZES Patricia G. Spear ~ First 8!31/2003 5600 .Harmony Court . Wilmington, ~NC .28409 (Appt. 8/ 16/99 to 1 year term) 392-5814 (H) `256-2330 Appt.. 8/21/00 fo 3 year term) Edith Ann Bell Steele .. ~ ~ • First °~ d~'~' -~ " D 2/28/2001 ~~ Leaf Drive 3236 Grey 2840 m ` ~? ~'• Wil ington, NC. 1 {Appt. 2/2/98 to 3 year term) 395-0836(H) ' 395-3802(W) , . COG Long Term Care Ombudsman: Harvin Quidas 14.80 Harbour Drive Wilmington, NC 28403:. . 8100 file: /adult -. ~~ ~ ° . ' 39 Board o f Commissioners New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4093 Telephone (919) 341-7X49 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: -Nursing Ho' s (rest homes) Commission Name: Jane. B Johnson Address: 1812 Grace Street (Please type or print in black ink) r`l How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? 26 years Wilmington NC 28405 Telephone: Home: 762 1525 * Sex: _F - * Race: Business: 341 7700 QZ, 77d W * Age: 59 , ** Employed by: Wi 1 mi ngton Housing Authority Job Title: Accounts Payabl e Duties Performed: clerical, accounting Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: with St. Mary Church Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? A des i re to be of service to those who cannot fully care for their own needs. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Many years of volunteering with the needs of the elderly. What areas of concern would you like to see that Board, Committee, or Commission address? General ~® This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. '"' A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this appIicatiori is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanoaer County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vi, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Date: December 14, 1989 w-o-~~--' ignature (Please use reverse side for additional comments) r . N,~'W NANOVER COUNTY ~ .A BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS ' `~ y 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ::. • Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 • ' Telephone (9101 34 t -7149 .FAX (9101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions " Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. • `~ ova t c i c ZA!e Y C(~ ~ ~l+-l, v,', Request for Appointment to. ~ ~. ~ d ~ t n r+`.r ~ r+~m,~ ~--~r. ~ 'Name: - ~5 r' _ r~ ~, ; ~ a_ C2~ ~ r ` -f- ~- ~ ~ ` Kome ~ • How long have you been a • .Address: ~ ~} ~ ~ ~tti-{-~.~, t~rP~~ k ~ p r;ej resident of Nsw Hanover County? , ~ e~~_ r ~ ' ,Mailing Address: ~~'tr~~, rn<< r ~, r~ t~~ „ City and State: G~'r ~~m r~n :; ~o n ~L T'p Code: ~~.~ ACS J Telephone: Home: ~ ~ ~ C~ ',- ~ ~ - (' •~ ~ of Business: :. "Sex: ~ "Race: Y Y "Age. ~{',l 'This information is requested for the sale purpose of assuring-that across-section of the community is appointed. *Emplo yed by: ~11n ~- ±?. ry~.,, ! y~ ~ ~ r~ , "A person currently emplo}led by.the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/her posiUOn with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. A ' ~'~ Job Title: • Professional Activities: ' "VOlUnteerA~CtIVltleS:~~11.~J~ 17~,..~'T~~ ( t~+r'P. (~P,`1~r'l- ~ /(`~'((~1~^~l'i' ~til"~~~[,~P ~~Lt~ G^~ ~t~lY/- ~+L'~~~~ ~~~~~ ' ,J~ ~ Wh y da you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? T Lv'~ r^)1.1 ~ ',~ -~, ~ ~ ~, ~. i , ~~ 1~(2 ln+~ rin,)+a)~P )~a Ltn~ ~~C,rl• ~,Prl~~ m l~ ~ ;~nir r-~ ~ (tiv ' ~ 11-~e_; n r r ~ . ~., ~ a J What. do you feel ace your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Z o,r+1 (~~ a i t•~-~-.~.~ rl ~f U~r'c rJ,nd ~..~R C io rv~ 1 n a i' -~' %~ •~,. ~ 71 hr-c 'r, r X71 r; tv~ t~)~ / Ure r <"S U What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee; or Commission address? 1~,~ -~.~t~c~vc~-,~nn ~-~ rl''c C~r.~~.an~S ~ ~~,'I-~ S S~~.rnm~nr ~rJrr-. IGSS ~ncl,1 DlJi'~~rvui,~. '~'~r~c~(r'~~ant !n Cnm h~, G c.r' ' ~ v C.c~.l n'~.r-S+'n ,}} ryo,vti z5 u, . ~ . Are, you cwrently serving on another board,or committee appointed by.a municipality or a county? If'so, please list: . ->~~0. •. ate: ., ~ ~ ~ -~„ l j y ' i + / -~ ~ .7 S gnature c~, (Please use reve a side far additional commentsl t~ r NEW HANOVER COUNTY - ~ :- '=' BOARD; OF COMMISSIONERS << ~ r „~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ,~..`~ ~ ~_... J ~, Wilmington, NC 2840 7 -4093 ` Telephone (910J 341-7149 FAX (910J 341-4130 `- Applice°tion for Appointment'fo Boards, Committees, and Commissions ' Appointed /iy the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Re nest for A ~ ~ ~ ~ ?, . , ~ i r q ppointment to: I i -t' t- rn/ 9 ~'P, D ~ 1 /l; C ~ P Name: / ). ~ .''f ~ (~, ~~ l l ~J ~. ~ ~ , Home ~ ~ How.long have you been a (,,; ~ /-~ -Ar-(rlracc: ~ / ~ ~ / i/ / `I ~ ..rcSiuci~ivi`~vCW i7ai7GYcl' i..UilritYl `~^u.. Mailing Address: ~ / . City.and State: I,~I %, /y~'It ~ /~/ I - r .--Zip Code: ;~ ~~(J~ j r . ., Telephone: _ Home: `~ / U) ~{~ ;~' =-- U ~ 9 ~i Business: ~.-- "Sex: ~'~ »Race:.T~~~_ "Age: ,~~,~ • °This information is requested far the-sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. »'Employed by; "A person currently employed by the agency oc department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New NanoJer County upod~appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover C6unty Personnel Policy. ~~ /. _ ._. _._ _Job Tit/2: ~~~~"%Y't? ~l ~ r'.Ci ~ h~!''. Professional Activities: • Volunteer Activities: .. ' y : y u wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commisssion re nested. .l i "~ 1 . ' VLh do o 9 ~ ~ ~ f~ /' 7" S i' / C . ., ~Ur if. ~DG'>> ~~ C%7 c' /-S' CGh /'~P%~U;llc'~,~ ~/~~! `'kh,'iiC~h~'~ i.3U~- .1i6~`/~ jY J / ~ / C/ ' r ' l e ~ ~' J~ -{- ~ Y i C l.1 ~"'~' l c.~'~ ~- % ~' i ~'7~ S ~ , i-~ ~ / r'c`';5 ~ //'~ t°~ r What do you feel are your qualifications for se'iving on the`Board, Committee, or Commission requested --~ • ,, r c~ ~ h C ~' ~ ~~-~' o~ r ~~ ~~ ~_ C1 ~~~ :-~U 1~~~''-' lc ~~ It S~~ What area' of concern won/d. youlike 7o see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~; o, . ~~ •~ ~c h ~~ -~ rv v •c/i/ l r1t`? ~1~ ~ ~~, ~ n~o ~~~- ~I~J p/~~ ~ ~ ~'.1 c h; rr' c'tv~ ~' ~ -~ ~c`k rU~ e~-r~. ~~/~~'~', . y u current/ sere n on an ~ ~ r y ~g other board or committe~appointed by a ' unicipality or a county? If'so, please list: NU __ II 11 ! ~ J' ~~ I ~~ I : ` ~ Signature U' i~~{~C~ . ~-l~~ ~ !~ . (Please se{raverse side fo additional c mmenfsJ ~.. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTTON CONTROL FINANCING AUTHORITY 3 VACANCIES (SIX YEAR TERMS) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Kristin M. Beck ~ X ~homas.L. Dodson X --Michaei Gage Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications q,L~. ~ .J . NEW HANOVER COUNTY INDUSTTrIAL FACILITTF,S ' AN!) POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AUTHORITY . , Number of 1Vlembers: 7 . ' (Must be a qualified elector and resident of the County. No member can be an elected official of the County) - berms: Six years (G.S. 159C requirement) Terms must end on the 22nd of the month. Regular Meetings: As called by the Chairman of the Authority Statute or cause"creating Authority: N.C. General Statutes 159C-4. New Hanover County _Resolution dated February 7, 1977 creating Authority. - Purp®se: To promote the right to gainful .employment opportunity, private .industry, the prevention and control of the pollution of the air, .land and waters of the State of North Carolina . ' in~the safety, morals and- health of the people. ` Prief on functions: (1) To aid in the financing of the industrial manufacturing facilities for "the purposes of providing employment'and raising below average manufacturing wages by financing industrial and manufacturing facilities through the issuance and sale of tax free revenue bonds; _ " and (2) to provide tax free revenue bonds for established -industries. that are in need of modernization in order to 'meet .the pollution control requirements of the country, state, county .and city.- ~, ~TFjRlVi ~ \ PRESF..NTLY TERM ~ , ~URRF..NT.IVIFNi~FRS SEIt~TG EXPIRES William, H. Cameron Second 2/22/2005 , 2706 Calvert Place - Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 6/26/89 to unexpired term) . 251-9$22(H) (Reappt. 2/15/93 and 2/15/99) Robert F. Ruffner, 7r. Second ~ 2/22/2005 1801 I3awthorne Road ` P. O. Box 4189. ~ ~ ~ Wilmington, NC 28406 (Appt. 2/15/93, Reappt. 2/15 ) ~ - 343-1017 {H) 392-5220 (W) ' W. `Lee. Williams Second 2/22/2001 ' 2114. S. Canterbury Drive ~~ Wilmington, NC 28403 343-9530 (~I) 251'-2320 ~ . ~~~ 45 NDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTI®N CONTROL FINANCING AUTHfJRITY (CONTINUED) ~ - TERM . , PRESENTLY . TERM CZ1ItlEtEN'T MEMBERS SERVING EKPIRES Kristin M. Beck. Unexpired : 2/22/2001 3901 Cherry Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 (APPt. 7/21/97) , 791-4456 (I~ 371-5156 (W) G,e~. . Thomas L. Dodson t ~ ~ First 2/22/2001 P. O. Box 1290 (~~ ~ ~`~ '~ ~ Wilmington, NC 28402 ~' ~ A ~t. 31x20/95 PP ) 343-1812 (H) 251-5201 (W~ -john D. May First. 2/22/2003 7804 Masonboro Sound ' ~ ' Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 7/ 18/94 Unexpired) 395-0949(H) 392-3833(W) (Appt. 2/17/97) ~ . -Bruce Moskowitz ~ ~ 'First 2/22/2003 2107 Ascott Place Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/ 17/97) 763-8499 (H) 763-1641(W) Ex-Officio: Steve Diab, Attorney 16 ~N. 'Fifth Avenue Wilmington, NC 28401 763-2426 (W) - 46 J ' ~ • - NEW HANOVER COUNTY • ~ _ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ ~N 3• ~ ~Q~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 } ~ _ "Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 HAN~VER CO. _ Telephone (910) 341-7149,- ~ ~D. OF C4MMISSIQ^!'~'", FAX (910).341-4130• Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions -. ~ ~ Appointed by the New. Hanover County Board of Commissioners. . "•RequestforAppointment to: Industrial Facilities and Pollution ControLFinancing Authority _ • Name: Kristin M. Beck- Home -How long have you been a . • Address: 3901 Cherry Avenue" resident of New Hanover County? 5 yrs. . Mailing Address: 3901 Cherry Avenue City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28403 ~ . • Telephone:'' Home:. (910) 791-4456 business; (910) 371-5156 • 3ex:• Female Race:. White Age; 28 ' Employed by: E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co, • • Job Title: Environmental Leader Professional Activifiesr - - Member of Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) Terephthalates Panel , ' Member of Clean Land and Harbor of Wilmington (treasurer-elect for 1997) Member of Cape Fear River Program Advisory Board Member of.Cape Fear River Program Technical Committee ~ , Certified.NC Grade I Wastewater Treatment P ant Operator ' Member of DuPont Cape Fear Site's Community Advisory Team - ` ' Participate in Manufacturing. & Chemical Industry Council (MCIC) events for DuPont Member of the Carolina Air Roflutiori Control Association (CAPCA) Volunteer Activities: Many of the above professional activities are also performed on a voluntary, basis. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee,. or Commission requesfed? - My response will address each of the purposes of the financing authority: (1) Providing.Tax-Free`Revenue Bonds for Modernization of Facilities to Meet Pollution Control • Requirements: As an environmentai specialist at a major (and aging) manufacturing facility, I am increasingly required to implement new environmental regulations for which compliance costs (in the form of pollution control equipment, record-keeping and reporting," manpower, etc.) are exorbitant. Although the intent of the regulations is commendable, I can truly empathize with those smaller businesses that struggle to find financial means to comply. Many are eventually forced out of business. I see a real need for a team, such. as this financing authority, who can - . provide the needed funds to the upstanding businesses in our community. • •' - (2) Aid in the Financing_of.lndustrial Manufacturing Facilties for the Purpose of Providing Employment: As a member of this community, l support any efforts to attract and' sustain healthy businesses. These new businesses not ort4y provide needed employment, but breathe' life into communities and uplift the overall economy: New industry eventually meansbetter schools, more • " service industries, more financial support to non-profit agencies, and an overall better quality of life. • (3) Aid in the Financing of Industrial Manufacturing Facilities for the Purpose of Raising Below ,Average Manufacturing Wages: As a professional employee of a large manufacturing company, I am fortunate that my wages are adequate for meeting my needs. ! da, however, through my work . frequently come in contact with other industries (including the contract groups we routinely use on • site} where wages place their families barely above the poverty level. Many•of these individuals . have much needed skills but are financially taken for granted due to the low wage status of their job type. The standard needs to be.raised. ~ ,: 47. • n What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? " 5 year member of the Wilmington community 5 year employee of DuPont, a major manufacturing facility, as an environmental ~ J specialist Lifetime NC resident - ' Graduated from NC State (BS) and Duke University.(MS)tyith honors What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee;' or Commission address? (1) Attracting and helping to fund the establishment of new industry (2) Increasing the wages of th.e focal. tradespeople in the community, thereby attracting highly skilled workers to our area (3) Raising community awareness for the high cost of achieving compliance with environmental regulations and the fact the most industries are trying to do the right things. to protect their workers and the environment ~- Are you currently serving an another board or committee appointed, by a municipality or a county? !f so, pleas/e list: N/O Date: ~ / ~ ~ I ~ ~ Signature: l ~,i/.>~'~vt. ~ ~ ~~2;~~-" j, , 1 48 ~ ~ ~~~ MAkt. -U8' 95 4VYUU~ 12 ~ Q2 lVA'1'lUIYS OAfVf{, MAIV 'f~L~91U 2S1 5193 MEW HA1Vt~V~~4 COtJ11trT~ B~Af~L7 'OF G~1VI1Ul1S'Sl+QNER~S N. UU1 ' ~ ~ 320 Cheslnur Srre~~, Roam 3L7~- WI/mingtan, NC 28.01-4093 ' Telephone (91DJ 341-y 149 ' T FAX f 91 G1 34 J-4130 - AppJicalian far Appairrdmanl it, Boards, Cammltrees, ane! ~Cammisslons ". Appofr~iad "by the Naw Hanover Gvvnry Board of Commissioners. ,. ' Wi].min~tc~n~Neor Hanover I.ndus.~r3.a1 Facilities ' Requesr.forAApaintment ro: and Pollution Central.. ~ inancing Auttsc~rity Name: Thomas L. :Dodson '_ . yQme Z7p8 Calvert Place Now lanQ here you hoer: of Address: Wilmington. NG 28403 residenrofNewHanav~rCoutiCyl 7 ears ' ~ailinpsddrass: I'- 0. Box 129x, CItY and State: wi lmin~tan, .NC 'u'p Code:. 28402 " Te/ephvne: ,Yvme; (9107 343-1812 $rsines9: (4t0) 51-57ctt' '77PIs /nfOrmatbn Is mqursted fpr fllr m/s PtxgG29 of assurfnq !flat a aoss•x~ot{an of ttx commvnify is appv irtad. °•E'rrrployecby: NationsBanEc %A pr~a+ cUMSn(iS+ crnplOys,~JDy chs mpanayor dapartrnsnt7'or' which this applfastfon Csmadx, mlr~rrQSfp» hl3iPlrrpoaNlott yritb New Hanorw Ggw~lY upon ePPQl++{m.nl, to acccrdsnax with tlrrlcto V7, Ssc. 4 of th. Nsw N.nover County Pa~onnal WlJey. ' /abTifle: Senior Vice PresidenC Senior Bankin Execueive J'rofessianalAcYivitles:_Curzently Vica Pzes. oC Greater WiIm*neton C~ of Commarro ~ .i ~" President of Cape Pear Area United Way, f°r-mer YoltrnteerActrvi~re~~~r.esid¢nr of ~iendG of RarriPgt,;~ xC Why do you wrsh fo serve on the.Board, Cammitree, or Commiss(gn l8gtlested~ I have a good undcrsCanding pf [he pgrposcs and issues`oF such Cox e~empt:financin and believe I would be pf. serv$ce: WTt$t do. you fee/ are your gv8liflcatpn5 10-' serving on the Board, CCmmltfa@, ar C4azrr;l5stpn rBgUL's29d~ Twent -seven- oars ex erlence i kin Mana ems t ex rienc -with ~ " such Financing facilities. oxen What areas of concern would yaulr'ke to See the Baerd, C'ammittee, flr Commission address? Continuation' of need £or authority [a be .user friendly'to net. and ex ended industr in New Hanover Count i4ra you rurrenily serving cn ~snather board yr cammittaa appo/ntsQ Gy d munlctpal/ty or ,~ county !f sa, p/ease ySt: No ' Data: Marth 8,- 1995 3i naCUre 1 •'t.o [r ~J~~J~~/1~//, . - ~ (Plaaxr eta1 lrYO/SS Sidi far cMdlfrona/ ecurrnrntsr ~ • -'~ f~~R 8 ~ 95 12 % 24 r-..~ .-, .... ~~ „~/'L~ - 91&?gi413~ rte, eea ~ ~ 49 \~ . . ~~. G~ GCMMISS~ON~$ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~. ~~ - ~ nrFV~r NANO vFR couNTy Q~C~C~~~1C~D BOARD OF COMIV11SS10/VERS .320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 APR p 5 ~nnq Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910)'341-7149 ~~ rye'^~r FAX f910) 341-4130 6D. OF CC' Application for Appointment to Boards, .Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: LnID~USJ'!tl~ FffGJt1T7~ ~ f~~ - PO LL y77fl nl Go N'T"n.o L . Name: M ~G FFA t l N• - (r,~. 6 b:.. .. Home How long have- you been a Address: 7~ ~ ~ ~• GQ~L-~7C~ ~ FE .~ ~ ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~- t/1- ~-s Mailing Address: City and State: W ~ LM J ~ ~ i~ ^1 ~ ~- Zip Code: L~ y ~ 9 Telephone: Home: 3 / 3 - ~- ~ 6 `f Business: ~ S T -- 9' 9 9 a "Sex: /~ "Race: h( "Age: S o 'This~informafion is requested for the sole purpose of assuring the! across-section of th'e community is appointed. . " "Employed b y: ~~ 6 ~ C.~2 0 ~ 1 n/ f} M E I7t-r. -r / /~ C . . "A person currently employed by fhe egency'ordepartmenl for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V!, Sec. 4 of dhe New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: 1 ~ L3 i ~ ~~tJT Professional Activities; C Pro , Volunteer. Activities: ~~ l ~ ~ `~ `" ~~ yM .l /J (~'JD~ j-t/~ ~ T ~ ` _ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission-requested? / fi(ff-~L-" f} 1J ire! i Ex ~3 r /v~/ l N~ ~fi ~c /~9z. Fit c ~ ~1 T, ~-r. A~>~ 5 biz Vl r~ ~- 7n-E ~~-1~1 ~ N r ~' y What do you'feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? r 5~~~~ n~ ~ ~v~h~M ~ ~N~ ~~~/ ry 'What areas of concern would you Jike to see the Board; Committee, or Commission address? aQ~c/~v 1 i ~k~i ,~~~ R~r~-T-T( o,~ v~ /,~~ v.~T~ y Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: n/o Date: ® 3- 31 `1 °1 (Please use reverse side for additional comments) Signature REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number ~~ ,i3r-~/ ~t/2 1 ~rNT' 7 9/ - 7~ 3 3 2~ Scow s~;rt~~i~--~ 7~~- 8y~y 3) Ij/ LL ~t-~,0~t S o n/ 3~0 - D ~f Z `~ • • 51 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS MUSEUM BOARD OF TRUSTEES . 1 VACANCY (UNEXPIRED TERM) Allen P. Hunt, Jr. resigned ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT ~` M. Ann Griffith D. Alton Parker, Sr. Earl Sheridan Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 52 MUSEUM BOARD OF TRUSTEES Number of Members: ' 12;• plus ex-0fficio non-voting members who represent the New Hanover County , • Museum Foundation. F -Term of Office: three years ._ - . ,, ... Qualifications: 'Any resident of New Hanover County- who shall be 18 years of age or more shall be eligible to serve as a.mernber of the board. Compensation: none, but maybe reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in performance of his duties.... Regular Meetings:. First.. Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Museum;, 814 Market Street, Wilmington, NC Brief on the Functions: The Board of Trustees shall have and exercise all of the powers, duties and authority necessary for the administration of the affairs and to carry out.the purposes. of the museum; . subject -only to the direction and .control of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.. The . Trustees-,recommend to. the County Commissioners written policies to govern the operation and program of the museum. These should include: Statement ofPurpose, Artifact Acquisition Policy and Operations - ~ Manual, construction; .and improvement of buildings and other structures for the museum, .establish,` support and participate in a planned public relations program, including concerted efforts to solicit private . and other funding to supplement the appropriations by New Hanover County; particularly in furtherance of the capital needs of the museum. " ~~ - TERM CURRENT MEivIBERS SERVING ~ TERM .EXPIRES " Louis, A. Burney,~Jr. Second ~ 6/30/2002 6211.-I45 Wrightsville Avenue ` Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ - Appt. 6/17/96; 6/21/99- 256-5347 (H) 251-0790 Sandra Ray Criner: Second ~ ~ 6/30/2003 101 Seapath Estates Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 {Appt. 6%16/97, 6/1.9/00) 256-2138(H) 251-8080(W) Parks L. Griffin First 6/30/2001 '-- 5716 Ruxton Way. , . Wilmington, NC 28409 (Apps. 6/15/98) 392-3235 ~) 763-7191 ~) . John H. Haley ~ . First 6/30/2003 8403 Decoy Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 _ (Appt. 6/19/00) - " 686-5555- (H) 962-3312 (W) . ,- 53 MUSEUM BOARD OF TRUSTEES (CONTINUED) TERM CURRENT: MEMBERS SERVING TERM EXPIRES J. W. Hooper First 6/30/2002 2216 Gillette Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 6/16/97, 6/21/99 763-6915 ~) ~ . Allen P. Hu , Jr. ~ Second 6/30/2003 P.O. Bo 5922 ' ' ~'~~6 Wil 'ngton, NC 28403 I Z ~DO (Appt. 6!16/97, 6/19/00) -4343 • (H) 256-2613 (W) Carole Benton Jackson First 6/30/2002 5609 Ruxton Way Wilmington, NC 28409 ' ~ Appt. 6/21/99 313-0320,(H) Jerry A. Mannen, Jr. ~ 'First 6/30/2001 _._. 1118 Essex Drive ~ - • - Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ (Appt. 6/15/98) ~ " 762-1632 (H) 762-2421 (W) ~ ' F. L. "Tanky'° Meier First 6/30/2002 1708 Princess Street ' Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 6/21/99) ' 762-9841 (H) 762-3544 (W) Donald Patience Second 6/30/2001 ~~ -. a 6512 Providence Road _ Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 6/19/95, reappt. 6/16/98) 686-7657 (H) John Bernhard Thuersam First 6/30/2002 8112 Mason Ridge Lane • Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 6/21/99) 395-2207(H) 763-9515 Tammie M. White First 6/30/2001 ` --- 4120 Abbington Terrace ' Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 6/15/98)- 792-9155 (H) 343-1998 (W) _ Member representing the Museum Foundation: Linda Nance Museum Director, 814 Market Street • //~~ 341-4350 FAX 341-4037 ~°"1° 11/00 file: museum NEW HANOVER COUNTY _ °~ BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, .Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 - .. Te%phone (910J 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 - App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ,,, -..~ _ Appointed by the New.Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to:- ~U'~1e-UYY~ ~d .. ~ t 1 Y`u5'}'E~.S Name: ~- ~~ 1 ~}'l Par Ke,r ~ Sr. Home ~ ~ How long,have you been a . Address ~ ~ ~{. aq ,'~'~ ~ ~ C,Q.rlc.~er n r~. resident of New Hanover County? ~• Mailing Ao'dress: City and State: _~ j ~ m y r~q`~'L~ r~ G Zip Code: ~ $ `~ 03 Te%phone: Home: ~~ Q a 3 JC- l ~} Business: SQ-Y1 ~ *Sex: (~C3.~E?, *Race: V~hi~~ *Age: ~~~ yrs . .'This information is requested for the so/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. `A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition will New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Polioy. Job Title: ---. Professions/Activities: VolunteerActivities: __ _ C` 1 Sd Y1 Y1r1 ! Y1 ! 5~ C1~~c~, - re.1 a~'e~- a-c~' i ~t i ~" i e s - ~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~~ -~-}^~'~" ~ ~Y•y~ r~-~ ~ real and ham, -~-; me. -~-~ serve, s ~ c~ Aid 1 ~ K . ~o c~i~y~ ~~ann~~-- ~hQ bacK -~-o -~'he c~ammun~~'~. What do you feel are your qua/ifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? rv. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ 7C I~0.t15 ! d Y1 Are you. currentty serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/easelist: is ~ c~ --~ :-1 - ~~. Date: Jur~~ '~? . x1000 (Please use reverse side for additional commenfsl ~ 2000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ .Signature .i;i s,~ ~fmin cn~~• Ha:e h ~ Charlot!t ._9_ .st .~. Eaeablie~hedl'.749 ,' Qctotier 31, ~OQ~] . Ms. Sandra Grin,~G- .. -Cape: ~~ar Museum ~ ~ ~ . ' 814 Market St. ~iVi(mingtan, NC 2i:W.a1 . .- ~ f Dear.Ms. Griner: { i Serving on the 8~~.~rd of Trustees fear the past sevErai years has been a rewarding experi~a,,cs. Unfortunately my schedule has made it increa~irgly difficult to attend erio~igh meetings to be a contributiv5 merr9ber. Pease accept this ietter as my resignatian frann the hoard of Tnlstee5 of the Cape Fear Muse.,~~rt ~ftective December 1, 200(}. . Since ely, ` - ,.~j//~~/ ~` r~,~ Alien 1'. Hunt,: Jr. aPh,lr:rd , Canstru~c~iorx Desi~srn / Buixd Facilz~z~ De~aeloprnerct , . i'ost Qfjtcc .$cx ZQ4G! i-l1ilminbtan, :VC ~&4pz • k404 Commancveaitk Drive • Witmingtart, NC 2803 Phone 970-25G-zG13 • Fax 930-L,5o-3822 NEW /-/ANOI/ER COUNTY BOARD OF •COMM/SS/ONERS - 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840 7 -4093 -- Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (91 OJ 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~; t~ - ..-- Request for Appoint~mJ ent to: i~fy/l~~' c. ~.~,`.,"-L ya ~,t p c~ a ~ ~L-GI„S~.Z .-~-s Name: ~. /Y ~v'~t/' l /.-~ .. ~ ~, ~ / ~ ~ Home r How long have you been a , Address: ~~ 4 ~ ~~ G~ ~,~9/-~ G--r~~~~- resident of New Hanover County? ~~_~?`d~- 1 ~ /vlailing Address: S~9 /yC ~ ~ -~ ~ h G Y'`~- City and State: firs' ~ •'~` ~/.? .t~ lt~' L° - Zip Code: ~ ~ ~' .l ~ Telephone: Home: ~ ~ ~~ ~~ (~~ . ,~ ~~ ,flc.//-L-lo )~j~J °M ~l Business: *Sex: ~ *Race: Gt/ .•. "Age: ~-3 'This information is requeste/d for the so/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. **Employed by: e, ,czc.d il.~'~ ,~ ~ST~~~ "A person currently employed by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/ er position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 o/f the New Hanover County' Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~ f ~ e..~ s 4 ~~ /~K~ y S i ~- ~` ~ ~ l2 e. ~-f~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ •~--~~~••~. Professional Activities: ~ ~ /.1 y~ /,tr.~ ~-- iH ~b GdG L- ~~ > , ,v ~ a /~ ~.P` Y- lam/ ~. ~_S~ ~N L b G-~ O ('~-v c~ ~ ~" ,,,~ Volunteer Activities: ~ ~s-___~ -~'/.r o -f ~ M ~ 1~ ~~G f! , ~~ ~ ~~ wig ~`~ ~~<- L ~ ~-G ~/~~%~~. lr ~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? f-3 -e c. c~- ~ s.'t ?' ~/L y v!iG~-~/J GS ~ ~ /L /-~ 1~'~ )~" /~j ~ !/~~ ~~l G ~~ G all/ /~S j~,~,~ ,, What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What areas of concern would you like/to see the/Board, CommittJee, or Commission address? _ ~ ~ f~ ~,~G~-~'~ !~`'//~i' ~d ~~'7c:h-~-E.c~~.~•-ate ~? - ~ S-~-~~-~ i ~ ~ Ar~u currently serving on anothe board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: (__.____.. _.__f __ ` ~ D ~ ~ l 1~~~ ~ / ~~ l 0 ~ Signature (Please usa reverse side for additional comments) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD Of .COMMISSI®NERS , 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093. { Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910)„__34.1-4.130._ Application far Appointment to Boards, Committees, -and Commissions . Appointed by the New Hanover~County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppolntment to: /' i u_ ~ -e y 1~i__,_ ~ d a ~'~ ~'~ ~~ ~ li ~ ~,,z~.. Name: 2rrGCQ~ Home ~/' How long have you been a Address: ~ 0~ ~~-2 ~1 yv 6b~ YJ- /~ • resident of New Hanover County? ~ `y r` _ Mailing Address: ~ ~ y ~ ' ~G -~ h W G ~ ~ f~-1/-f'_ City and State: Vv l S'~+ l 1~1 ~O ~ ~ G Zip Code: ~ ~ ~ y.SJ Telephone: Home: ~ (~ ~ - U ~ ~O! ~ Business: ~ ~r ,Z, - ~Z Z ~,.. "Sex: (r' 4 ~•-~- "Race: ~ t-~-i ~~a ~- ` G`7'l'L1 . Age: 1 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of [he community is appointed. '°'°Emp/oyed by: ~ ~ ~. ~ _ ' "A person currently emp/oyedby the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sac. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: ~ /' D ~'~ ~ (~o r t5 ~' P ~ ~ 1 ~I C 4 ~ .S G /° ~ y t .A Professional Activities: - ~ ~. ~ ~ ~'` ~' ~~ -~ a ~L ~r N 4 ~ a a ~ . , D ~! ~'; c.t ~ G Q S Va/unteerActivities: ~ ! ~„ r -G(-r y~ /1~' ~ ~ ,/~~rl ~" Cl ~/~'c • ,~ r~ ~~c. (yu u~,` (!= f ~/ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Comml~"sr'on requested? ~ ~r „~~ ~ ~ ~... ~ ~ ~~e,-t~~-~ i ~ ~ a-s ~ ~~ 4 I .~ ~~ ~, ~~ , Q S~ ~ r u/f l ~ ~ a F...c ~f ~ ti ~ fie D ~ ~ .~ y ~" 1 !' ~'~ ~ ~, .~~ ~ L~f-rah, What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving Lon the Broard, Co Immittee, or Commission requested? ~.C Q Vt~(~gNc~ ~~ {`"~ V'~ ~ ~h~Gr~ /c.~!'~~~7 /•~S 1~ !~. h y ~.-~ ~'t'/~l-~~d-t G~.. (t ~'` ~.,'~ Wh~a-t,Iarea/s of concern w~o~uld you like to se'e_lthe Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ G~~~! h ~'~"" y y ppointed b y e municipality or a county? If so, p/ease list: Are ou current/ serving on another board or committee a 5 ~ = ~ . % ~ooo - ~ Date: ~ ~ ~ "~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ Signature ~L~ (Please use reverse si for additions! comments) -^ ~~' ~ ' ...... ~,:J'v:3 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 5 VACANCIES Term: One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter APPLICANTS: - Peggy J. Hall Bridget Harding -' Donald E. Price ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X X ADMINISTRATORS' NOMINEES None Attachments 60 Committee Information Sheets Applications. F) NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number: of Members: 13 One-third of the members may be nominated by Nursing Home Administrators. Number of members. are determined by the number of Nursing Homes in County. The immediate ' " family of a patient "in a home may not be a committee member or persons with a financial interest ~ " in a home served by the committee. ~ • Term: 1-year term initially; 3-year terms thereafter - Compensation: none Regular Meeting: called as needed' ' Statute or cause creating.Board: N,C. General Statutes 130 ` . • Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are. residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes.• This may ; include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing home it serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. ' . TERiVI TERM. ' CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES, Joan Barbara Apke First ~ 11/30/2002 109 Cromwell Circle Wilmington; NC 28409 (Appt. 9/21/98 to 1 year term) ~" ~ 799-4574(H) ~ (Appt. to 3 year term. 11/15/99) Catherine R. Davis First ~ 6/30/2002 5613 Greenville Loop Road Wilmington; NC 28409 (Appt: 2/2/98 to 1 year term) . 395-5512 (H) 350-2100- (W) Appt. to 3 year term 6/21./99 Rev. John Fredlaw .First 8/31/2001. .. P:O. Box 715 Wilmington, NC 2$402 (Appt. 8/21/OO.to l year term) 763-8246 (H) 762-3549 (W) ` _ Dorothy Lane Grime First ~ ~ 6/30/2003 5583. Wood Duck Circle - ` Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1-year term) - " 350-0672 {H) ~~ (Appt. 6/19/00 to 3 year term) Peggy 7. Hall LU First 2/28/2001 P,,O. Box. 5216 ~%'t~~ . Wilmington,' NC 28403 r - (Appt. 2/21/00 to '1 year term) ` - 762-4665 (H) - ~ Shirley O. Maso ~ First 11/30/2002 • 1144 Forest is Drive /~ Wilmina n, NC 28403 (Appt. 9/21198 to 1 year term) 763 73 (H) 790-3990 ~ 2~~ ~~ f (Appt. To 3 year term. 11/30/99) NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) TERM - TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVIi`1G ~ EXPIRES ~ J • D. Alton Parker, Jr. '~ ' ~ First 8/31!2001 5429 '/z Oleander Drive - ~ - Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 8/21/00 to 1 year term) 392-3514 (H) !~p, , . ~ ~ ' `" tT,J~~ Donald E. Price ~~ First - 2/28/2001 201 Lawton Circle (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1-year term) - Wilmington, NC 28412 _ , . 799-5358 (H) Linda Register ~ ~ ~ First ~ 8/31/2001 117 Tom enue ~~'•~- ~ (Appt. 8/21/00 to 1 year term) Cast ayne, NC 28429 ~ , ~ ~~~ ~ ' " ' • ~5-9432 (H) 675-5596 (W) - - Steven R. Roberts First 8/31/2003 $06 Bay Blossom Drive • ' (Appt. 8!16!99 to 1-year term) \ Wilmington, NC 28411 (Appt. 8/21/00 to 3 year term) 397-0665 ~ (H) 256-2330 (W) Eileen B. Rock ~ ~ First 6/30/2002 2614 Columbia Avenue ~ - Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 762-5103' (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 ` Jo Faye B. odd ~ - - First ' ' 2/28/2001 4410 Ra erry Road ~ ~ ~ (Appt. 2/21/00 to ~l year term)'- ~/ \ Wilmi ton, NC 28405 l 791- 07 ~) $! Nominated. by Niiising Home Administrators: Staff Support: Harvin Quidas, Region 0 Long Term Care Ombudsman, Cape Fehr Council of _ Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 - File: /Nursing 8/00 - •- ~~~~ . ,.. - - - 62 t, r N~'f/V H14NOVER COUNTY , ~~~~[~~~ BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 'a~V ' c 1999 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 PIEW HANOVER Co. Telephone (9101 341-7149 ~~, OF COMMISSIONERS FAX (9101 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees,' and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: IY~C/L~S'_Z".~/G-- ,~o~-! E Name: ,~: /~~ L~ /9D/sso~ fl X-1 ~'1- °j Nome / ~ How long have you been a Address: S~a ,~ ~h /~..raJ~ ~2 resident of New Hanover County? ~ .3 ~1,~„S Mailing Address: ~ D . ~ , ~ a / ~ -7` City and State: ~V2`~M..~~~-TU ~t./, ~~~ Zip Code: v2~`5~43 Telephone: Home: 7~ a ' '%~~ ~ ,~ Business: "Sex: ~" "Race: l/ "Age: 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed bY: /I~i~12M G ~C~4/~E- FE-142 "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resigm his/her position with /T' New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% Vl, Sec./4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ~ ^/) Job Title: ~.S'u P PD R- T ~ SS ~ s' %-.~-~~ 7"- ~s~' f= T Sl-f a P Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: ~1_.~' 1'F.2.A ~~ ~ (~~ G~.tIG~.: L Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? D//F.e. 3d j/,e~ .~,~~ ~~ f~-t E-A ~ ~ m- C'~ >~- ~1r~-~- ~ /E.~ xe~ a F Tt~E ~.3 oX~ /,y ~ IAN Y~-;~~ ~wS a ~~ //~'F ~E~ 7- -~~•~J ~~ }~'J~ /~..~i ~1 L -~ET7`Ti~/G • cS% 1'tL ~.l /CCv % Cl hC~ ,L~(J(1GLIle i What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ , /(/ ~- What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? /~ Trz~ ~ ~~-c H r s ~ ,ter ~ c. ~.~ -v /s ,4,v~ (~.E"sou.c.. TZ v ~ s Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: U ~~/~ ~~/9 ,/ / (P/ease use reverse side far eddifional commen;s/ .Application fo: Appointments http://wvwv.co.new-hanover. fa , lic.htm. 1V~W ~,a4N01/L~~ C~d~NTI~ ~ ~~j BOA~® OF COMIVIISS/Ol1l~R ,~ . ~.: _ ~ 320 Chestnut Street,' Room 305 ~`' `, ~s,~~.<~ - 'Wilmington, NC 2840 ~-4093 ~'' ~~ , _ Te/eph~one (910) 341-7149 ~~ FAX (910) 341-4130 App/ication for,Appointment to.Boards, Committees, and Commissions . ~ Appointed. by. the New. Hanover "County Board of Commissioners... .: Requesf for Ap intment to: Ll ~ ~ ~~c. u - ~ - - :, ,Name: . ~r ~ { . ~~ How long have you been a resident of New Hano er County? ~ .~ %~ __.__ ` - Home Address • _ Mailing Address:. ; . City and State: `~~ rte, ~ ~z- ~Z ~ ,/? ~ ~G S Zip Code: . ..~- , . Telephone: Home ' ~ •//G~J ~ 5 ~i' ' c~~ ~c~ Business: ._ *Sex.~ . f-- . *Race: Cry ~- ~~S / fa ~ *,qge; *This information is requested foi the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is ' appointed. **Employedby: ,{i~ J i,F-G1i/ ~iG' *A~person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign. -his/her position with New Hanover County. upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the ' ' New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ' .Job Title: ,~ - :"Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: • Why do you wish to serge on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~'y ~ 5~ it/g/zooo i:3o PM What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on-the Board, Committee, or Commission i'eauestedl. Application for Appointments http://www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/appliahtn What areas of concern would you like,to~ see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a'municipa/ity or a county? if so, please list: _`~~ Date; / ~ - .~ - D. J . • . Signature /~; " c:~ ~ ! REFERENCES: U ~- Please provide three localpersonal references: ~ ._ . . NamePhone``Number ~r~ J -, i 3. L jt~c ~~" z L ~~ a~ ~ LLB . ~~S ~ ^ 3 3 `~7 _ ... 6.6 2 of 2 11/8/2000 1:30 PN (. .. .. ~ ~ .. 1 ~ ~~~ North Carolina State Office' ~~ 2 225 Hillsborough Street, Suite 440 0 Raleigh, NC 27603 • (919) 755=9757 NaNwE ~ 0 ~R5 • : E(919) 755-9684 Fax _ g4 EQ C~~h~1S {919) 5os-o29o T~ - ~ . .: December 7, 2000 New Hanover County~Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut. Street, Room 305 Wilmington; NC 28401-4093 •~ - Dear Commissioners; .: , . Enclosed is ah application from Mrs. Bridget Harding to be appointed to a position on ' ' .the Nursing Home'Advisory Committee. Your web site indicates that. several positions ; . will be available in February. . 'Mrs. Harding is a new HARP Health AdvocacyServices,Volunteer who is interested in • the~•quality of care in nursing homes: With her extensive background in health care and ' her kee"n concern for people's well being f believe she would be an .outstanding Advisory-Committee member. • Please contact her directly to discuss the opportunities you-may have. If I can be of further assistance please iet me know.. Sincerely, - _ . • • Joyce A. Dunn. ~ ~ • • Associate:'State Director ,~ ~ . ~ . 601 E Street, 1`TVV Washin ton, DC 20049 (202) 434-2277 www.aar or . g P. g " Esther "Tess" Canja,.President Horace B. Deets, Executive Director ;~, , . ~;,~ icI ~~'; Luvu~ ~~.: JO r 7w~1 r~+ ~ .i-1 W1LI"I GU~11'iCtib ~-~f i~:7t. ~3 ' @ /~~]~/~~ ~°77~f ~~~ l Yf~~'JfWy ~~/~~~,/.~'aJ V+~~fI'~Y/~I~ r f~ ' ~ l~/ 4//"9 J-'l s./ ~~ V V f Yi i v/,~V a'V l Y ~~V 32:a Chestnut Street, Roam 305 L'Vilmingtan, lVC 284Q 1-4093 - 7'e/ephone (9141 34f-7149 FAX 19101 341-4130 a1 pplicaFion fov Appointment to Boards, committees, en,d Commissions Appointec~$y.the tjlew Hanover~Caunty Beard of Cammiss%ners. c; Request for Appointment ra; ~(~C.~,'~.CLG~Yt ~~/yy~,G~ (_,l/l'Yl/~2~'I~LCL~' !Name: ~'iVit.//Z2'U `~y~„/ ~ ° met areas of concern would you iik3 to see the Baar'd, Comnittee, ar Cammr'ssion address? Are you current/y serving on snotf!er bo~3rd ter cpmmrttee appcrnted by a municipality or a county? !f so, please,/rsf: ~~il.L~ . ~/ ' ,. . ~~~~ `/ Laate: Sib7narure ~lC~.~ ~`" ~~ f~'laase vse rev8rse Side far additfonel comments! 68 ~ f pp I _. I Address: / cQQ ~Lt.E?' L /-low lar, have ou been a -------'~` resident of New Hanover Caunty? ' (~ Marling Address: ~~2Lc°i' ~~ ~C~G~-~C~CL',~ City and State: (,-U.~C~~~~~,(J /U~' Z ~,/ ~ ip ~4de: Telephone: Nome: __ ~C/n~~j,~.J' ~r ._- Business: _ ~^~(^0 . ~ ~(p~. "Sex: .Race: ~~ "A9S: J~ °This iAformgtion is requested for tlra sol® purpose 0/ assurigq that across-sar;iaa of th9 pArryrnunif is a Y ppointad, -' "p pdrsnAcurrcy)tly ernpMy®d.~.y Vta agernc/ or da{wr{mQn[ for which thin r~pplrcatiort, rx ew N~ ovPt fount' Paesrtrr7alr(~si , a'ew Hanover County upon sppGrintmertt, in accgrdanca with Ar~ic~a V'!, Sec. 4 al the N wrth Y !icy, ' , ..:Job Tr.'t12: ~~ P.rofessianal Activities: Why do you wish ra serve Can tnp~Eaard, Camrnittee,V cr n ~r,Jhat do you feel a,re ycur qualifrcelions for serving on the Bcard, Committee, or Gommissian requested? , ~~ NFW NANO VER CO LINT ~ ~~~ BDARD OF COMMIES/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~'~~ Q ` 1499 Wilmington, lVC 2840 7 -4093 Telephone (910J 341-7149 ~ N~V HANOYER CO. ` FAX (910) 341-4130. ~ BD. OF COMMISSIONERS Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed ey the Nevv Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: &t~~ ,~%orzJe. e~~c.t.nu ~ursDr ~mra,c`,~.,e_e_, Name: ion c~4Q. ~ . lJrLc.a. Home ,o How long have you been a Address: 20t .~cs.t~~On c~c.~CQ2. resident of New Hanover Cncrnty? ~J2 y~tJLS --~ Mailing Address: ~ l ,~a-u~7~o~, ~t'.gQ2 City and State: ~ ~ ~~ ft/C Zip Code: ~S4 f 2 Telephone: Home: _ g!O - 7.gy,.358 Business: 'This~info~rmation is requested for the sole purpos/e of assur~inpg wthat a cross-section(o~f~the community is appointed. ,: * ~y~6'-may: "~. '~ ~}t~,~..~a. ,~c..e.~ ~-~d`~-fin c..~ c~Z1 G "A person currently employed by the agency or department for whrch thrs appl~catron rs made, st resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: UlC2.. r (LQ..S%.C~2.nZL G~c~ c~2,hWZ l..~L{/h~2.L Professional Activities: ~/olunteer Activities: ~- ~~*1-a-a~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? z- ct Ito, c.1~.~C. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~ No /J ion n- Y~ n _ . Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: . Attachment to application of Donald E. P3-ice dated December Z0, 3999 for - appointment to .the Nursing Hoene Community Advisory Committee Volunteer Activities Seniors' Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) of the North Carolina Department of Insurance :.Trained in~ 1996 and again in 19.99 to provide health insurance information, assistance, and referrals to - senior citizens of New Hanover County - In .1999, received Certificate of Appreciation from the Department of Insurance for outstanding volunteer service _ ~ New Hanover County Master ,Gardeners Association -Trained by the New Hanover County. Center of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service -Serve on the Garden Hot Line which gives gardening advice and assist in raising funds for the Arboretum Why do you wish to serve on the Nursing; Home Community Advisory Committee? . Helping to implement the Nursing Home Bill of Rights for the protection of interests and well being of , residents in New Hanover County nursing .homes would be a natural extension of what I am doing as a SHIIP counselor. As such, I help to implement the Consumer Bill of Rights for Potential Buyers of Long -Term Care Insurance developed by SHIIP and the NC Division of Aging by providing objective iiaformation, assistance and referrals about long term health care ins~u•ance-to senior citizens of New Hanover County. . ~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the-Nursin~~Home C®mmunity Advisory Comzi?ittee? As stated above, I feel that service on this committee would be a natural extension of my service as a . - SHIIF counselor. I work with elderly ,clients -some would be in nursing homes but for the availability of Home Health Care; some have traumatic illnesses; many are stressed by poor health and inability to pay' for medical services, medicines and the bare necessities of.life. Typically, they are overwhelmed by the mass of papers received from providers,. collection agencies, Medicare, and private health. insurers It takes patience and understanding to deal with these confused clients as it does I feel with many of the residents in nursing homes. I feel I have those qualities. I feel that my experience with the regulatory process would enable me quickly to begin to contribute to the work of this committee.. In my professional capacity, I worked with nursing homes, life. and health. insurers, and managed care companies. As a result, I am comfortable tivorking with governmental regulations and the compliance process. . What areas of concern would you like the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee address I believe this committee is fulfilling its purpose and desire to help it continue to do so. - • 71 72 C~ i%v~LhIINGTON/NEW HANOVER PORT, WATERWAY & BEACH COMMISSION Number of Members: 15 . 5 Appointed by County Commissioners, including a County, Commissioner Categories:. Shipping, . Commerce and Finance, Ternunals. and Industry, Environmental- Concerns 5 Appointed by City Council, including a Council member _ Categories: Engineering and Development, .Business, Transportation, Member . at Large 1 Wrightsville Beach (Mayor) ~, ~ 1 Carolina Beach (Mayor) 1 Kure Beach (Mayor) Ex-Officio Members: N.C. 5tate.Ports Authority Executive Director and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director t :. Term of Office: Three years. ~Itegialar Meetings: called as necessary, usually at -4:00 p. m. in the Chamber of Commerce Office: ~ . - .Statute or cause creating Commission: County Commissioners endorsed the formation of this ` Commission on 12/16/74.. Minute Book 16, page 67. The County Commissioners assigned this Commission the responsibility of studying and preparing recommendations .for the best use of the 3 9b Occupancy Funds to be presented to them for approval and expanded .the membership _ . by adding the Mayor of Kure Beach on 4/16/84. Minute Book 19. Purpose of Commission: To investigate, initiate and support general water resources development projects to include (but not limited to): (1) Port Improvements and growth of the shipping industry, (2) Beach renourishment and conservation; and (3) .mitigate declines in water quality.. The Commission will weigh the benefits of these water projects against the possible detrimental effects on the area's environmental quality enjoyed by ;area residents.. .The Commission is constantly studying and staying informed on various projects trying to obtainnew and beneficial projects for this area: The main projects for the azea~ deal with the U.S. Army Corps of"Engineers in requesting studies, seeing if a project is beneficial from a cost` benefit ratio, and attempting to obtain approval and then funding in the U.S. Congress and on the State level, .but this mission is not carried out in isolation, The Commission maintains an 'awareness ` of project effects on the quality of the waters and their interrelations with natural resources. Brief on ~anetions: The Commission works ,closely with the N.C. Department of Resources ' . `Commission for .assistance in obtaining approval- of state funding and projects: An annual meeting is held in Washington for the purpose of lobbying. J WII.,NIINGTON/NEW HANOVER PORT, WATERWAY & BEACH COMMISSION . ~ TERM[- . . PRESENTLY TER11~I CL~4tRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY ~ SERVIlVG EXPIRES Wayne A. Ranson Shipping Second ~ 2/28/2002 246 Inlet Point Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appointed 2/19/9b)- 392-2715 (H) _ Robert L. Randall ~ Commerce & Second 2/.28/2003 314 E. Renovah Circle Finance Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 1/21/97; Reappt. 2/21/00) 762-7499 (H) Lawrence W. 'Saunders Terminals & {Second ` 2/28/2001 105 Chimney Lane Industry Wilmington, NC 28409 791-7642(H) Richard G, Catlin - Environmental Fifth Chairman . 6417 Providence Point Road Wilmington, NC 28405 686-9128(H) 452-5861(W) William A. Caster, New Hanover County Commissioner . Mayor, City of Wilmington Mayor, Wrightsville Beach ` . Mayor,. Carolina Beach _ Mayor, Kure Beach ~ . -.~ . ~ Ex-Officio: Eril~ Stromberg, NC State Ports Authority Howard Loving, Chamber. of Commerce ; . Special Appointees: Joe Augustine,,Chamber of.C~ommerce .Dave Weaver, New Hanover County Contact Person: Richard Catlin, Chairman file: \Port 2/00 74 NElN NANOVER COUi1/TY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room. 305 ` VI/ilmington, NC 2840 ~-.4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 ~..~ ~ ~ "~ F E B -- 7 2001 NE'N"HA,NOVER CO 8D OF COMMISSIONERS App/ication for Appointment to Boards,' Committees, and Commissions . Appointed by the•New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. .Request forAppointment fo: Wilmington/New Hanover Port, .Waterway & Beach Commission (Terminals & Industry) Name:. Sidnev H. Camden Home How long have. you been a , Address: 6709 Piedmont Place ~ resident of New Hanover County? 6 + years. Mailing Address: 6709 Piedmont• Place ~ '. City and ,State: Wilmington, NC ~ Zip Code: 28411 .Telephone: Home: (910) 686-1993 Business: (91:0) 341-5700 *Sext Male *Race: White- "Age: 34 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring thata cross-section of the community is appointed. *.*Emp/oyed by: Almont Shipping Terminals _ . "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must: resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: Vice 'President and General Manager Professiona/Activities: North Carolina Water Resources Congress; Cape Fear River Assembly t Volunteer Activities: Greater Wilmin ton. Chamber of Commerce'; Downtown Area Revitalization. Effort . (DARE Board of Directors. 'Why do you wish- to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I already. participate in many activities associated with the efforts of this commission My ongoing involvement with the Wilmington Harbor Deepening Project and my professional and environmental experience .will help strengthen this commission. " What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the,Board; Committee, or Commission requested? I offer the following experience as my qualifications: 1. Employed by Almont, which is dependent. upon waterway projects. 2. Ongoing state and federal lobbying activities for 'the Wilm~ng_ton Harbor Deepening Project. 3. 4_ years experience as a member of the Virginia Marine~.Resources-- . ~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board Committee, or Commission address? I plan to (ove ' support and .foster the cooperation that exists"between 1ocaT, .state and federal interest; while balancing the needs of the environment and economic activity .Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: No ~~ Date: a7 ~~ 4 r (Please use: reverse side for additional comments) Signature 75 s~-r '~ rfrjl i ' Z ~''iti~ , r 1 .r.5"~a2fR/1 ~i~rf~ L~1r(~Itiz~~ (~E~Er~1 ~ E . . . c~ ~ ~. ~ ni~xlu 'P , ', ~II2I~E L71 ~lE~1T8~°P2L~E2fIS1E5 ~.~~~ ~L~I'afTTL`f , ' OFFICE ADDRESS; 6~6.LEGISLATIVE OFFICE BUILDING ~ ~ - DISTRICT ADDRESS: PO BOX 2274 RALEIGH, NC 27601 -1096. ~ WILMINGTON, NC 28402 ' TELEPHONE: (919) 733-5786 - - (919)"733-5815 FAx : - ~ " ~ ~ (970)343.8372 E=MAIL: dannym@ms.ncgastate.nc.ur' February J, 2001 " ,New Hanover County . , . . 3 Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC :2~401~4093 Re:. Mr. Sidney H. Camden _ : , _ _ Dean Gentlemen: ~ ~ , ` ~ - ~ It is my personal pleasure to provide my recommendation on Mr. Sidney H. Camden (.Sid), for the appointment to the Wilmington/Ne~v. Hanover Port, Waterway and Beach ` '~Coniinission (Terminals and Industry). ',~ ~ I have ersonall known Sid for man .ears p y y y ,and .cannot think of a better candidate. for this commissio,n... With his participation in the many activities associated with the efforts . of this commission, his on-going state and fedexal lobbying activities for'the Wilmington 'Harbor Deepening. Project; and his employment with.Almont, which is dependent upon ` waterway projects, I feel this appointment has been."taylor made" for him. - o ~ Sid is forthright and accurate on particular issues. ~I can attest that he will quickly gain the~trust and"confidence of my colleagues in the General Assembly. _ `' ~ Without uvubt, P~Sr. ~am~deri:will be are rise..to the Wilmington/l~Tew 1-ianover Port, .Waterway and Beach Commission, and I stand willing and ready to assi 1rrr. Should you need additional i n, please feel .free to give m a call. Yo ~ .~ y - - l ~ ~ ,. ,. D c o D ,, . , . .. A .~ - F E B 7 2001,: -: . -. . . 77 -. NEW H~NOVER CO . $0 Of .COMMISSIONERS i9 - .mss 1r JEW HANOVFR COUNTY ~~~~~~1~ ~ _ BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 1~1~! ~ ~' ;^^'n . Wilmington, NC ,28401-4093.. ~yy HANOVER CO. Telephone (9101 341--7149 $a, OF COMMISSIONERS FAX (9701 341-41'30 °~ Application for Appointment to L'oards, Comrriittees,. and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~~ ~j~/IGM~NV~rJ, N~ NANoJc(~ l~dR~ , W%ki~Z.1N,~'t~-ND ~~"7.1LF) CvnnM Request for Appointment to: ~ONI~IERGE f~-N 0 .~ I l~.fU~ ~ CA~6y 2 Y Name: lY 1 Home II FF How long have you been a ' Address: 1 ~ 1.~~ ~ ~ . resident of New Hanover Counryl ~ ~~ Nfailing Address:,A . ~~1"~. ~ ~iljU y ~ ~ ~(~ , City and State: ~ V ~ ~--M ~ ~ G~ ~ ~ ~ Zip Code: 2U~ ~ ( Telep~ene: Home: / ~ O ~ ~ ~ 2- 84 Business: °Sex: ~~~~ 'Race: hl ~ 1 1~ °Age: ~~ ' i his in/c~mation is requested for' th9 sofa pu~pase of assuring C4et across-section of the cammuniry is appointed. ' ':~ perscn currsntly employed 6y the agency cr department for ~.vriich Ihis app/ication rs made, must resign hrs/her position with ~^lew N.anov9r County upon appointment, in eccordsnca with Arr.'c.'s Vl, Sac. 4 0( (ha New Nenover County r'ersonnel rolicy. /~ Jab Title: ~~'~ C~ \1 ~1 ~ r\`__//) Professional Activities:,- ~VS'(^'~. j LJ j ~ U F (~f~~G ~~~ ~ R_l l~ EUTi~1~t~ G ~} t ~ - ~ c,~ "~ ot~0 ~ F t7( R. , ~N ~ 5 . ~ of . { E? , Volun te r e A ctiviti e s: ~~FP~U 2~ ~ ~ ~ ~-(~B 11~_ G ~ ~.L ~-C~ C7~~ ~ ~ E~~ ~~ O ~ ~~ !! 77 '} /~ '~ ~J y ,~~'~ ~~r-iZ ~ ~~S,U ~„~ ~ ~~~1 1"~ Chi ~ \ LQNS ~ y Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Commlttee, or Commission requested) ~ ~YL1. (~1 1 ~ .~T~~ Il~.f i l-~E 11v`~,d~ ~ ~ ~4i: C I~~E FAR C~F~S~ ~~~.5 U (S(~125. >~1 ~~c c/~i ED _T~ (%~? ~4 l STUB: What da you ~~ el are your qualifications for serving on the Baard,.Comm;ttee, or Commission requested) _rS 'S ~I A c.~TZ I ~cU ~~~ ~ D N R i l ~l E , ~ (-}-~1 ~. ~ ~ ~T~'0 ~ I~ c~T~Z.~T" f N I~ ~~ ~-EC ~:'2~ ~~M,C-S What areas of concern would you like to see the Board: Committee; or Commrssion address? ~~Q ~ C~l~L.C~v ~., ~~ l S ~~, 15 ~.1 !~(D I iV C~ ~ ~ ~ 1, At N. C~E _ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ N V i 2.o N M ENTIa L __ -~2~s ~-v ~ n v ~ Yc ~ l7 ~ C-O ~ G' M ~ G ~.vElo pM~-- Are yov currently serving on anotr5er board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please (rst: ~~ Date I \0 '00 (Pleas u averse side fare dition~omments) Signature CgVER) {This page intentionally left ~blunk} NE~V HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Mee#ing Date: 02/19/01 r,~ {'his page intentionally left blank} r .~ :: j. - ~ ~ ~ ~, 82 C~ ' Expenditure Items for Consideration by the Board of County Commissioners following are immediate' steps that can be taken to balance the FY00-01 budget while other options are being reviewed: . 1) .Eliminate all non-essential overtime. Overtime requests would need to be approved by the Human Resources Director. Estimated Savings $200,000 2} .Eliminate all non-essential temporary positions.. Requests for additional temporary hours would need to be approved by the Human Resources Director. (Current temporary, employees would be reviewed on a case=by- ° _ case basis:) Estimated Savings $50,000 3) Eliminate all non-essential travel and training that has not already been paid:. :. Estimated Savings $150,000 4) freeze the purchase of non-essential equipment for the remainder of the fiscal year. . Estimated. Savings $200,000 5) .Freeze all vacant positions other than those essential to public health and safety (e.g., child protective services)., Management Team will continue to . review all vacant positions before approved to be filled. Estimated Savings $500,000 ~.. Total~Estimated Savings~$1,100,000 NOTE: Staff will continue to review: ideas for reducing expenditures and increasing :. ~ revenues. Please .note these savings are for the remainder of .FY00-01. Since the State announced its escrowing of revenue so late in the fiscal year,. .the savings that can be generated are limited. {This age intentionally left blank} 84 C~ NEW HANOVER .COUNTY BOARD OF COMMt~SSI`ONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD. ACT106V .. - . _ Meeting Date: 02/1.9/01 . Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: - . Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell ' Contact: Lucie F: Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes. -BRIEF SUMMARY.: . Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 5; 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND'REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT-REQUIRE REVIEW - Y COUNTY MANAGER S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minutes. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~ - . ~ ~ ~UNTiP C+~4~Mi~~~ '. , APPROVED ~'/ REJECTE® . REMOVED C'~ .-.: / ~ ~ ~ .: POSTPONED ~ FtIARD C.J . . . ..~.~. ~~,„~ ,. . , ~119.~0/~'~v ~~ ~- , ;..t Fkt i• . • ' is f . CONSENT AGENDA • - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CbMMISSIONERS -; , ` ~ . February 19; 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE - NO. - . 1. Approval of.Minutes • ~ 89 . . " ~ 2. ` Approval.of Continuation Grant =New=Hanover County Master Gardeners and 91 , approval of associated budget amendment #O 1=01 ZS 3. ' : Award of bid #01-0231 and Approval of Contract #01-.0231 for the Purchase of 93 / Replacement Grate parts for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department 4. Award of Bid #0,1-0127 and Approval of.Contract #01-0127 for the Purchase of a 95. ./ . ~Four,Wheel Drive Loader for the WASTEC Facility- of the Environmental ' ~, - Management Department .`-; 5. ~ Award of Bid #01-0128 and Approval.of Contract #01-0128 for the Purchase of a 97 ''~ j Compactor to be Used. at the Landfill -- 6. Approval.of"Public School Building Capital Fund Capital Project Ordinance. and 99 . approval. of associated budget amendment #2001-29 7., Approval of New Hanover County Health. Department, Environme~ltal Health, 103 _ - Request to Transfer Water Sampling Project Funds from Salary to Operating/Capital ,' ,: an approval of associated budget amendment #O 1-013 0 8. ~ Approval to Dispose of Jury Cards for 1992-1994 107 °9. Approval of Release of Value 109 10. Approval of Release~of Taxes-Barred by G.S. 105-378' ] I 1 r.. 11. Approval to:Proceed with Financial~Analysis of County/City Water and Sewer 1 13 System ~ , 12. Approval of New Hai~ovei•.County aid New Hanover County Fire District } 17 ` Collection Reports ~ -, - 13. Approval of Hiring the Law Firm ofleBoeuf, Lamb, Greene, & MacRae (LLG&M) 121 as Bond Counsel " 14. Approval of Budget Amendment #O1-0131 Social Serv,ices/DSS- .: l 23 Administration/Crisis Intervention Program/Child Day Care 15. Approval of Resolution Requesting NCDOT to Add Gorum_ Lane to the State 1' 25 Highway System . ~16. .Approval of Goals for Fiscal-Year, 2001-2002 ~ 127 17. Approval of Denial of Request for Funds for NACVSO ~ 131 .. 18. Approval of Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property 13 5 QQ ~J 88 ~~, r~J . , n ~ NElN HANOVER COUN iY~BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS " :. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACl'ION . ~ ~ ~ _ Meeting Date: 02/19/01 _ , Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number:, _ . Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell ! Contact: Lucie F. Harrell ;. _i ' ,~ SUBJECT: - ~~' " - Consent A ends - A g pproval of Minutes _ BRIEF SUMMARY:. Approval of the following sets of minutes: . . ~ Special Meeting with' City Council, January 22, 2001 . Budget Retreat, January 26, 2001 _ Regular Meeting, February. 5, 2001 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS APProve minutes. , . .- . FUNDING SOURCE: -_ " ' ATTACHMENTS: , ,. ~. ITEM DOES NOT' REQUIRE REVIEW ~ ` r-Ufv ~a - , , APPR01/ED ~r . µ _ ~tEJECI'E® ~ _ ~tEMOVED ~ ~ POSTPONED ~ FtEARO . - ~ {This page intentionally left blank} .~ ` Y `` ~~ ~~' ~~ ~I~kU"~r' m1~`~+ru ~90 ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD ~OF COMMISSI®NERS ~ ` , - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/Oa ~ , ~~ ~ Consent item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Cooperative Extension Service Presenter: Contact: Dave Weaver , SUBJECT: . Continuation Grant-New Hanover County Master Gardeners ^ 3. BRIEF SUMMARY..: Cooperative Extension has been awarded an additional $10,000 to continue funding a Master ' Gardener Program Assistant. (Th'e first award of $10,000 was in February, 1999; second award in February; 2000). The grant is from the New,Hanover County Master: Gardener Association and requires no additional County or State funding. - . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend acceptance of the continuation funding; request approval of associated budget amendment #01.01.25. There is no grant document to be signed. FUNDING SOURCE: New Hanover County Master Gardener Association -ATTACHMENTS: ~ ' ... '`~, . ~ ~ba01-125. . REVIEWED BY:~ , LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES:~N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COM.MENtS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. , ~~ . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 't , ' ,;~,;& ~ ~' . ~, is-.y , ' ' .. . ' i~r tll L'~ `n ~, I ~ ~ 1i9 . ~ : ~~ s , , . fit, °;,®~~~ f~ .. ~{4OST ONED 61EARI~ 1 J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD Of. COMMISSIONERS . ~ _ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .. Meeting Date: 02/19/01 Budget. Amendment ~ ' DEPARTMENT: Cooperative Extension Service BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0125 ./ ADJUSTMENT ~ -DEBIT CREDIT Master Gardeners' Assn. Grant ~ $10,000 Temporary Salaries _ , $9,290 FICA ~ ~ ~ $710 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional award by the NHC Master Gardeners' Association to continue funding the Master Gardener Program Assistant position. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS; To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~~ ~~. ~~ APPR~~ . i 92, .-j ,-~ ,~ ~ ~ l -!~ - l.' ' ~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR.®.OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST 'FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Date: 02/19/01 ,~ .. . ' Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management: .Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin ,~ ~ - SUBJECT . Award, of bid # 01-0231 and approval of contract # 01-0231 for the purchase of . replacement grate parts for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management .Department.. ' BRIEF SUMMARY: - The formal bid process was followed for the purchase of the replacement grate parts. Four bids were received from three vendors. `Cast Steel Products $53,960.00 Detroit Stoker (Alternate) $58.,179.5.2 ' Detroit Stoker - $75,392.00 Babcock & Wilcox Volund AP $76,072.10. The bids have been evaluated and a resolution is attached recommending award to the lowest bidder,~Cast Steel Products. f .. - `RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTtONS• ~ - ,. Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution awarding bid # 01.0231 fo Cast Steel . . Products for the replacement grate .parts and. approving contract # 01.0231. FUNDING SOURCE: 7.00.485.4195-3920 ATTACHMENTS: ' being subm tt d separatelyhe resolution: is being-sent as an~attachment.~ The contract draft is ,~ r_ .,e • . 01-0231 resolution.. • ~ ~ • REVIEINED~BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve. HUMAN RESOURCES: NfA ~. . ~ ~ ` APPRO@ ! REJ~ ~ ~; - BtEMO!/E® - ~'OSTPONE~ ~ '~ ~~J ~. y 'BEARD ~ ~ .;~ RESOLUTI®N OF THE . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. OF ~ . . _ NEW HANOVER COUNT' . WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 1st day of February, 2001, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and, the following bids were received for replacement grate parts for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 01-0231: Cast Steel Products Detroit Stoker (Alternate) Detroit Stoker Babcock & Wilcox Volund AP $53,960.00 $58,179.52 $75,392:Q0 76;072.10 AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Cast Steel Products,. the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of fifty=three thousand nine hundred sixty dollars ($53,960.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-485-4195-3920 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for replacement grate parts for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmetnal Management Department, Bid # 01-0231 be awarded to Cast Steel Products in the amount offifty-three thousand nine hundred sixty dollars ($53,960.00); and that the County is hereby authorized 'and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. ' This 19th day of February, 2001. (SEAL) .ATTEST?~ m "~ ~``'-~ 9 0 l"g ~a,;l'"mil}~1~~T.~ ti 4'. `~ ~ ~~ .- .. ~ ' .- '~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ~, ') ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® Of COMMLSSION.ERS -. .. ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIQN - Meeting Date: 02/19/01 ~~ Consent ltern #: 4 .Estimated Time: Page Number:. Department: Environmental Management Presenter; • Contact: AmY.Akin J " ~~ - , . , SUBJECT:. ~ ~ .. -, Award of bid # 01-0127 and appeoval of contract # 01-0127 for -the .purchase of a four wheel delve loader for the WASTEC Facility: of the Environmental Management Department.. BRIEF SUMMARY: The purc-tease of a four wheel drive loader was approved in the adopted- budget for the current fiscal year. The formal bid process-was followed for the .purchase of the loader;.. Three bids were - received from two vendors: R.W. Moore Equipment Company, Inc. $232,654.00 Gregory Poole (Alternate) $261,549.00 . .. Gregory Poo-e. $279,693.00 . The~bids have been evaluated and a resolution is attached recorrimending award to the lowest - budder, R. W. Moore Equipment. Company, Inc. . _. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED'ACTIONS Staff recommends adoption of the, attached resolution awarding bid # 0~1-0127 to R. W. Moore Equipment Company, Inc. for the four wheel drive loader and approving contract # 01-0127. FUNDING SOURCE:.. - , 700.485-4193-6400. ATTACHMENTS; . As part of this transmittal the resolution is being sent as an attachment. The contract draft is - -being submitted separately. ',~ - 01-01.27 resolution • • REVIEWED BY: . LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve ~ HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - COUNTY MANAGER'S COM . NTS AND. RECOMMENDATIONS: ' Recommend ,approval COMMISSIONERS' ACTION 7COMMENTS• r~ n - Al~P~® -df~, • ~tEMOVE® ~ ~ ~ " POSTPONED ~ .° % •;:,' 9lrJ, • ~ x~ ~~jg~, ~~~-• ~~ ~. RESOLUTION OF THE ~j BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~_JJ OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 25th day of January, 2001, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina; and the following bids were-received for a four wheel drive loader for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management. Department, Bid # 01-0127: R. W. Moore Equipment Company, Inc. $232,654.00 Gregory Poole (Alternate) $261,549.00-' - Gregory Poole $279,693.00 '•~ . AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to R. W. Moore Equiprnent.Company, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of t'wo hundred thirty=two thousand six hundred fifty-four dollars ($232,654.00); AND WHEREAS, fiords have been previously appropriated and are now in Account N 0 700-4,85-4193-6400 to cover this contract; - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Corrllnissioners~of New Hanover County that the contract for a four wheel drive loader for the WASTEC Facility. of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 01-0127 be awarded to R. W. Moore Equipment Company, Inc. in the amount of two hundred thirty-two'thoiisand six hundred fifty-four dollars ($232,654.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 19th day of February, 2001. (SEAL) ATTEST: .;: , ,..,, ~,,. .~~ ~~ _ ',3t X419 y/ t ~ Clerk to the Board .-- ' 96 . ,,. -. .~a _: ~x~~G Chairman, Board. of County Commissioners ., ~" -. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ~ REQUEST fOR BOARD ACT60N . , . Meeting ®ate: 02/19/0. , `. ~ Consent item-#:' 5;'Estimated Tirne: Page.Number: ° Department: Environmental Management Presenter: ~ " .. .. Contact: Amy Akin - ~ , - ~"'SUBJECT:... .. _ Award, of bid # 01-0128 and approval of contract # 01-0128, for the purchase of a compactor. to,be'used at the landfill. BRIfF SUMMARY: - ~ , . .. e . The purchase of a trash compactor vvas approved .in the adopted budget fo,rahe current fiscal .year:.. The formal bid process was followed for the purchase of the compactor wi h the proposal being requested in two formats-. Option # 1being-.termed the Single Price Method which is the " equipment price only: Option # 2 was termed. the-Total 'Cost Method and requested a ~ - - maintenance. repair cost guarantee and a guaranteed buyback price: - The County has the option of awarding by either option.; staff's recommendation is to award by - _- Option # 2, the Total. Cost Method. Under this method, repair and maintenance costs will. be paid ' as incurred overt:he next five years up to the guaranteed maximum; any expenses over that " " ' _ , amount will be absorbed by the vendor. At the:end of the five, year period, the County has the ` ' option to self the equipment back to Gregory Poole Equipment Company for $85-,000.,00. ' RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ~ACTIONS• ~ ` Staff" recommends adoption of resolution awarding bid # 01.0128 to Gregory Poole Equipment A " ~ ~ Company and approving contract # 01-0128. . ~. FUNDING SOURCE: . .. 700-480.4191.6400 ~. ATTACHM€NTS: As part of;this trapsmitfal the resolution" is being sent as an attachment. The contract draft is . being submitted separately.. ~ ~ - - ,,f - ' 01-012$`.resolution REVIEWED BY: , . ` LEGAL: ~ FfNANCE: Approve, BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .;. .Recommend approval. ' COMMI5510NERS'~ACTION /COMMENTS° . ., _ ~ ~, • ~f~9EC7 REMOVED ~~~ 7 pasrPOlvE~ ~ . ~ " ~. • r ~LAR a RESOLUTION ' OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:30 p.m., on the 25th day of January; 2001, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street; Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for a compactor for the landfill of. the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 01-0128: Gregory Poole Equipment Co. Option # 1.Single Price Method Equipment Price: ~ $47:6;576.00 Option # 2 Total Cost Method -' Equipment Price: , . -. (Includes cost of maintenance performance bond) ~ $477,358.00 Plus Repair and' Maintenance ~EYpense Guarantee ~ $ 61,752.00 Less Buy Back Price: (IfCounty exercises the Buy Bade Option) $ 85;000.00 Totat Cost. ` ~$4~4,1 10.00 AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director ,and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Gregory Poole Equipment Company; ,the only responsible bidder, by the Option # 2 Total Cost Method in the amount of foar hundred fifty-four thousand one hundred ten dollars ($454,110.00); AND WHEREAS, funds, ,have' ,been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-480-4191-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for a compactor for the landfill of the Environmental Management Department, B id # 01- 0128 be awarded to Gregory Poole Equipment Company in the amotmt of four hundred fifty-:four thousand one hundred ten dollars ($454,110.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 19th day of February, 2001 (SEAL) - :.; . Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST;~~ , s ~~1' ~' f Clerkito the Board~''~~" ~ i1ti~.F,q _.., ,, ",~ ~ r , ~'ti. ~~ ~ ~ '~ - NEW HANOVER COUNTY SOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOtV ' , :. °, `. Meeting Date: 02/19/01 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number; ' ~. - Department: Finance Presenter: Contact: .Bruce Shell 'SUBJECT: ~ . .~ Public School Building Capital fund Capital Project Ordinance BRIEF SUMMARY: Commissioners are requested to adopt the Capital Project Ordinance to establish the budget for the Public School Building Capital Fund project. in the amount of $4,280,980. The funds represent improvements to seven schools throughout the County. The Schools will match the ' ~' $4.3 million of state funds with $3 million of school funds to complete the $7.3'million ~' ~ ~ ~ improvements. Renovations should be complete by December, 2001. RECOMMENDED'MOTION~AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Recommend adoption of the Capita) Project Ordinance; request authorization for the Ch~,irmari to sign the or-dinance request approval of associated budget amendment #2001-29. Request authorization for~the Chairman to sign the seven (7) Rublic School Building Capital Fund apPlications.~. FUNDING SOURCE• .~... '- Public School; Building Capital Fund ~ ' ATTACHMENTS: '` ~ ; ~.,~ . ~:; CPPSBCF. ba01-29, ~ i REVfEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMIV~ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approva . - '~ . COMMISSIONERS' ACTi'~(J'N, COMMENTS: ,. 3r~~ _ ~ .,:. p^ ,4 ~EMBVE®~ ,;., .° ~EARIJ ~ ~ ~ ~' 99 a.-~.I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/01 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Public School Building Capital Fund BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-29 ADJUSTMENT , , DEBIT Public School. Siailding Capital Fund `. ~~. -.$4,280,980 Capital Project Expense, EXPLANATION:. To establish budget according to Capital Project Ordinance. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIO ~. ~ ~~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners r ~ ~ ~ ~"~ ~~~~~ ~~ , a + f. ~~~Odt9E~ ~~~l~°,~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ 10 0 .. ~: ~l:, .~ ; ~~ ~l CREDIT $4,280,980 .; PROJECT .ORDINANCE ~' `PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING CAPITAL FUND CAPITAL PROJECT "BE IT ORDAINED, by .the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover ,County: 1. New.Hanover County (County) is engaged in•the Construction -of the Public School-Building Capital Fund Capital Project, which.., "- capital project involves. the construction and/or acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize, and budget for "said project in . " a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina .General, Statute $159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations " necessary for the completion of said project. . .NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: ,1. This ro'ect ordinance is ado ted ursuant to Nor p 7 P P th Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. ' ~ f2. .The project. undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the ~. Construction of the Public School Building Capital Fund Capita l Rroject, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: • Public School Bldg. Capital Fund `$4,280,980 .Total- $4,280,980 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue .listed above: • Capital Project Expense $4,280,.980 " Total $4,280,"9.80 .101 e 5. This project ordinance 's hall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the _ ' , . Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Adopted this day of 2001. 102 l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . - ~. - Meeting Date:. 02/19/01.- Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time:. Page Number: - Department: Health Presenter: Dianne Harvell, Environmental Health Director _ ,. Contact: Dianne Harvell, 343-6665 SUBJECT::" - ~. New Hanover County Health. Department, Environmental Health, Request to Transfer Water Sampling Project Funds From Salary to Operating/Capital BRIEF SUMMARY: We are requesting approval by the New Hanover County Commissioners for a budget transfer of funds. already budgeted... This. is not a request to increase the amount budgeted for expenditures, - but to trahsfer unspent funds from he salary line into operating and capital. The New Hanover. - County Board of Health has approved this request for the following. Water Sampling Project Funds of $63,000 were earned from the North Carolina Department of • Environmeht and Natural Resources (NCDENR). The revenues were earned by the~New Hanover - County Health Department Environmental Health Division Staff providing vvater sampling services forty a_State funded program. We secured approval to us~this earned revenue to fund 2_p_QS.iti:o-r_i~: - Management Support Technician and Environmental Health Speciatist..The positions were approved for one year with the understanding. these would be .reviewed as new positions as part of the FY 01-02 budget process.- - ~ ~ An amount of $35,240 has not been spent due to our inabilit o_r_ecruit an Environmental He~lt-h S ecialist. We are requesting to expend this amounf on~items of critical r~ee.d__i_r.1_our Vector_Co-otrol Prog~axn. - -- Since we have an amount of $35,240 unspent from the earning of the revenues, we are requesting approval for the following: Amount . , ,Fund/Agency/Organization - Permanone Insecticide (200 gallons @ $34/gal) $ 6,.800 - 110.510-511.2-4210 - Grizzly Mosquito Spray Machines (4) $26,940 110-51D-5112-6400 a GIS Computer. Software $ 1,500 - - ,. $35,240 . . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Approve Budget Amendment No. 01.0130 transferring $ from salary/.fringe to operating/capital. - _ FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ----------w Transfer funds from salary/fringe ~~ ~ %~ alt ~'~ - - ® ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + ATTACHMENTS: ~~9~ ~~®'' REM®~!E® C~ ~ ,~ ~"~ p - ~oSTP®~l`®~ 10 3 .. BA #O1.0130.wpd ~E/~11Z~ [`~ I ~T ~°~ .- °~ f C~:9 f 6~### REVLEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. µ ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ,. ~l ~,: n'~~~~'~''~z:7 ~ ~ ~ ~;, ,~ ~?t~ 1. ~.~ }~~ ;; ~~~ ~ ; .. ~ ~~,- ~ 104 .~,. ~~* ~ S ~ ~ , . ~, ~~ ., r~ - { NEW HANOVER COUNTY. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS " •, REQUEST FOR BOARD a4CT1ON , Meeting Date; 02/19/01 .. " Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Public HeaithNector Control/Administration -Health/Environmental Health - BUDGET' AMENDMENT #: 01-01:30 ADJUSTMENT . DEBIT CREDIT Public Health: • Vector Control:- " ~ ' Departmental Supplies $6,800 Capital Outlay -Equipment $26,940" .. Administration -Health: ' • 't Computer Expenses $1,500 ~, .' ' Environmental Health: . Salaries and Wages $35 240 ' • - EXPLANATION: To transfer unspent Water Sampling Project funds (due to the unsuccessful recruitment of an Environmental Health Specialist) into Vector Control operating expenses.. An amount of $35,240 has ,been. approved by the New Hanover County Board of Health and will be ' used for the-purchase of mosquito spray machines .($26,940); insecticide {$6,800)., and computer . - software ($1,500). "ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ~ " APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners - " ~~~ ~` ~~~ ~ ~. " f~EFd1®V~® ~ ~I~R~ X10 5 {This gage intentionally left blank} .... n r-,~ -.-~ ~ : ~,, .tii' 3b ~ aF ,,.- , .. ~G ~,t7 ~,~~ 106 - ~ ~~4~~~~,. . i ,..~u, ~ ~, : 3 r, .NEW HA:NOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - ~ : - ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION , Meeting Date: 02/19/01 .~ .-. Consent Item#: 8 Estirriated Time: Page~Number: Department: Register Of Deeds Presenter: Becky Christian ~~ ~ F Contact: BeckyChristian - ~ ` SUBJECT; ~. .. ~ ; ~: Removal of Old Jury Cards BRIEF SUMMARY: , .Request permission to dispose of 2 boxes of jury cards from 1993 and one box from 1994, 95; 96, 97. and 98. This is in accordance with G.S. 9-7. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: " a: Permission to destroy. FUNDING SOURCE:. . _ N/A `. ,_> ATTACHMENTS:; ~ , N/A - ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ - - COUNTY MANAGER S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - .Recommend approval. - COMMJSSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS; . _ .. .. ~. .~ ,. ~ l ~~E~`UCp ~~,'~ f ~-€f»ARi7 x _ ~,~~~~ .:a 9~~~-~7 {This page intentionally left blank} F l ~ ~',.. ,~,: :. ~ ii U } ::j :; ~•: .~ NEW HAN®VER COUNTY~BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS •~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/0'1 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: - Department: TAX Presenter:..-None-Required . Contacf; Robert Glasgow • `SUBJECT: - Release.of Value.. - . BRIEF SUMMARY: Requesf the following late I-fisting penalty be released as this was the taxpayer's first offense:: Hunt, ,John K. Gail A. $ 7.91 Request approval of the following delinqueht application for exemption from property tax for the following organization: (aplication and letter explaining Iafe filing available upon request) Kelly's Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church . "R05413.033-019_-000 R05413.01'8.010.000 - ' .. RECOMMENDED. MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' ~ Recommend approval of releases. ®. FUNDING SOURCE: - ATTACHMENTS:. . ' , ~ 17EM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ,COUNTY MANAGER' TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval, COMMISSIONERS' ACTION/COMMENTS: •. - ~. ., . fREMO~l~~ ~~ ` _ ,~ . ,_. ~EAR~ ~. ~,~~~ . ~a~~~~~~ ~~ 109 {This page intentionally left blank} , -.~ -,.- '~ •. ~ '` ;, .. ~, ;. . ~.. , 11 ® ..~_...,,r^a ~. ~~ ~;: ~~ rte. NEW HANaVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV Meeting Date: 02%19/01 r•l TO: Allen O'Neal. County Manager FROM: Patricia J. Raynor Collector of Revenue ' SUBJECT: Release of taxes Barred by G.S. 105-378 DATE: February 7, 2001 As the above referenced statute does not allow force collection of any taxes after ten years from the date due, request the following 1990 charges be released: New Hanover County $ 152,059.98 Fire District 4,505.85 City of Wilmington 45,016.49 City of Wilmington License Tax 8,321.58 ~ ,~ Wrightsville Beach 6,582.58 Carolina Beach ~ ~ 6,884.22 ~ ; Kure Beach ~ 649.45 Total $. 224,020.1 ~ These uncollected amounts are .40% of the combined tax levies for the County and the municipalities charged in 1990 in the amount of $54,162,399.28. A total of 413 accounts amount to $100.00 or more. I request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of February 19, 2001, as the Commissioners have approved these releases in the past. PJRaw Copy: B. Glasgow B. Shell B. McAbee ~ ,~~ ~ `'y~ ~ , ~. , k~ Town of Wrightsville Beach . F. Jones N. Troutman C. Peck, Jr. 112 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. , ~ A NEV11 HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FAR BOARD ACTION- Meeting ®ate: 02/19/_ 01 ~ - ' Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department:- County Manager Presenter: ~ . ' ~ - Contact: Allen O'Neal ' ~. . ~ SUBJECT:" Approval to Proceed with Financial, Analysis of County/City Water- and Sewer System . BRIEF SUMMARY: The:Wilmington City Council has directed city staff to'work with .county staff on the conduct of a , - financial analysis to determine the possibility of merging the. two'w_ater and sewer systems of the respective .local government. Attached is a letter to the County manager from the City Manager on this matter. The conduct of a financial ana{ysis/review would be the first step towards a serious took at merger. , . _RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Direct staff to proceed with financial analysis/review FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' Direct staff to proceed with financial analysis/review. ~,~~~ - - COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ , r---- ~El~ou~~ ® ~ ~f ~ ~osTP~lv~~ ® ~ w ~~~ . 113 r ~>~~~ . f~~" ~ ~~-a-- . ~vY ~ & ~ 7 .4 R w, p, by h~ 1739 •. January 30, 2001 Mr. Allen O'Neal County Manager 320 Chestnut Street;, P,oom 502 Wilmington, NC 28401 r_ ~- ; ~ „~;~ i 1 i ~;; .;s:~'J~ri C'J ~3i,,if'G>., . P/iH~1AC1~~x°~ OFI=!GE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER (910)341-7810 - FAX (910) 341-4628 TDD (910) 341-7873 Dear Allen: As you may recall during the recent joint meeting of the Board_of Commissioners and City Council, there was discussion about the potential merger of the City and County's utility systems. During the retreat this past weekend, City Council approved a proposal directing the City's Finance Director to develop in cooperation with County staff a financial projection fora joint water and sewer utility. The Council Members felt that this would be the appropriate first step in the discussion of a joint utility; the matter of the structure and governance would follow, given feasible financial projections. Enclosed please find a brief outline of•the'elemerits of a financial forecast, which was presented to the Council and endorsed by them. I would request That the~city and county Finance staff begin the process as soon as possible., and ask that you. have.the appropriate County staff contact Brent McAbee to get this underway. If you have any questions about this approach. please give me a call at your convenience. We ]ook forward to working ~,n th you and your -staff on this projeci Sincerely, e`~'\ Mary M. Gornto City Manager Encl. Cc: City Council'~•2'? ` Brent McAbee,?.EFinah'ce Director r ~ ..•,~ 114 .. *.,,,~ . .~. . _.. t y yy~ q CITY of WILMINGTON f~ North Carolina P.O. BOX 1810 28402 ,~, . Financial Forecast -.~ Wilmington =New Hanover ' Water and Sewer Operations , ' • Five- year forecast; costs to include operations, routine capital outlay, major capital projects, and debt service.. . • Operational costs should be based on analysis of historic trends and should include increased " '_ , staffing and operating costs related to wastewater plant. expansions and overall expansion of `~ the water and sewer systems, of the two entities. ' . • Engineering staff from City and County should provide a detailed capital. projects plan to include ,expansion/upgrade of the wastewater plants, planned extensions of NHC sewer systen!; new NHC.water systems, water and..sewer extensions in City annexation areas;. and - major rehabilitation projects on.existing systems (City and CoLUity). • Finance staff from City and County should develop a debt plan for financing capital projects not funded with current fund balances. Use of fund balances to finance future capital projects should be forecast with ending unappropriated fund balances projected for both units. ` After the operational, capital and debt plans are finalized, two detailed rate analysis should be developed; one assuming a combined utility supported by user charges and a second continuing the transfer of sales tax by the County. ~_ ` ~ " - WBMc . 01/26/01 ' 115 ~J ,. {This page intentionally left blank} 11~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTfON Meeting Date: 02/19/01 ~~3~5~~1T. AG;~NA ' ~ A T ~ - _---------- 1tiFW #~A~titIV~R Cflt3~tTY F:I4 CIS~RICT 7t~X ~G'~~.~CTIC"~5 . C~?LL~GTIfl3~S ~' ~:RU Cll3il~i1 C17R~tE9~T TALC YEAR -~ 2t~Gfl A~ ~IA~Q~~M ~TCR ~EHICi. tJRIGiNi~~ TAX LEVY ~'~~ .SC~it3LL. ~ 2~~i'57y3~3fio25 ~ 164~7I7y~4 Di SCClVc~3~S A1~IIE~7 X16 ebb i.25 42b ~ 33 LESS AH'~iT~~~~TS 47~745A~5~ 1x977s:~+5- T~TAI. ~AX~S CHA~~~~7 ~ 2i526,-3~JI~95 °~ 1~311Ei~~y2 LI5'fI~G P~?vALTI~S CHA~i~'~a 2'~4i3b~ ~fl0 TuTA~. L~UY ~ 29528~71,5~~i3 163~ibbm42 LC~LLECTIfl~IS TCi ~AT~ ~~3?~7'~~fl8.95^-~ ~.2~,~~'i7.10~ ~3UTST~N~I'~C HALA~ICC ~ ~ 18{3'~30ba57 ~~ 749.32 ' P~RC~N T~1G~ COL~~C~f~~ 92m£5~*~ . 7~0091~ SA~C~ TA~~S R~A~. ~STbfi~ ~~1IJ PE~2S~3I~AL PRt3~'~~tTY ~ 79~~J21m28 ~HARC~S Af~C~~3 ~924~ 83 .'ASS A~AT~~1~1VTS i~~58~6~~ r~r~~ T~x~s ~u~ ~ 79'38743 ~~~.LECT~J~1S T~ C'ATE ?3~76~.1~~' . DUTSTA~123I~ BACA~IC~ ~ 4~ b27.28 ~ P~#~C~NTAG~ CtILL~CT~L - .4253% T''~TS ~.~~D°I IS ~t~~ ~35CAL Y~A~t ~ti~;~;ItvG J~tL~ l.~ 2t3C~m R,~SPECT~t1tLY SU~~iI3'T~Dq _ ;. J ~'AT~tiCIA 9.~ ~Y1VG~t f CDLLECT~~t CF ~t~1l~i~~1E ~ ~tl~f~dlN~t3 COLL~C1fICliv ~'~~iCEtvTACE °° '9i.e9fi~ . ~~~ j - _~ ~ :f, 118 ~.. -, ~ ~ ; y ,. : ~ ' CQ~~~ti3~ AE~1[3A _ 4 ~ ~3A~ . I~~~ ~IG~--=--- '. . e NEB tiA,Q1J~~. C~'U~1TY SAX CC:LL:E~7:Ifl~I:S C~LL~~Ti(I~3~ TH RU (31/~lJ~ . . ~U~2~~7 TAX YEAR .~ 2C~~ A~ VA1.~'E,~l ~I~T~R. ~t~HICL~ ~#~i~INAL TAX LEVY P~ft SCRGL~. 87y12.3~9t12:.08 $ 4~~~3~~12'9~09 ' •:. D~S~OV~~t:I1E$ A~~'~~3 33b4~7:2~7~b~ ~3~73~~36 L.~SS AHA`7~,~~,ti:T'S 72~9'5C~6~72~~ 5~3~C1~~75~- -, TJTAL ~~~~~, CHA~tG~~ '?~~C~4~i,~~,fl2s5"~ ~ 993~y85L~a10 ' Af~11~:tTISt~G ~~~S CNARC~U flQ ~aG .LISTII~~ P~~JAI.TI~S ~HA~G~Ia ~t~tl5~®flZ~ b~fl~ . , ~LEA~fI~i~ <.Z~~S C~iAr~t~I:L 'afl m ~~ . , ,~:~~ .~.~~~,~:~~ ~ ~fl0 . . mom „~~ ~ ' gaj #, ~'LJ~N;. ~~ Y ~ !y ' ~ y } ~` S' 7'L'j11bt~ ~,~'1 ~ R:LJ~ ., , ]~~:~~~~~~7.~ ] /~ i' 7 J ~~ ~~U s 8 . GCLLEC7I~3~iS TO DATA . 84~.i0~i~~b~i.~~~ ~,~:~.~~.~,~,~~~.~:,.~~~.. 3~72b,~2C7.'~2-~ gym.-~~.~~„~~~.~,~.~~.~.~ UUTST~A~3DING ~ALA~d~~ ~ b~0~9,?8~i~49 `~. i/2G9~642~78. P~~C~~1TA~~ CflL~.EGTEI3 9:3..33J~ 7~~~i~i1~ SACK TA~~S ...~ . ~~ ~~AL ~S~ATE ATaD P~~t5d3fi~Al. pRflPE#~TY 3p~a54ib7743Z . LNARG~S Ai3?3E[~ 71~~2t~4~ L,~SS ABAT~M~3;'j. _ 99.~z363..9~i~ T7?':AL TAXES DUB ~ 3p~2oy~r33a~9 ~DLL~CTI~3~JS T0, SATE ~ 1.~15~y~4~3a3`5~ ~UTSTA~~I~`d~. BA:LASVC~ '~ ;2r27~~t3~5.44 P~~t~~~1T?~GE ~~3LLECT~~3 33s72~ , . ~ .. JAS 2fl~ll ~iS~Al. `PTA RCfU C3C~UPA~CY .TAX- ~~iLL.~CTIG'~aS , 87~79i~~Es I y~23~149~7J ~~ii`JTi.~vc LI~~EN.S~ GL'LL`~~T iD,~l.S 36~~flt? i~ y9~~+~.~ . 7.~TAL MQN~Y P~.OC~SS~~} T~~;t3 . CGLL~C~i ~; C~~I~~ ~f' ~~ NAN~~J~~t I;~U~vTY~ ~iTY OF ~iYL~tIN~T~3P~' ~RI~HT~VILi.E BE 44 B~A~H T T 775 3 ~b7 ~ ACH GA..CLi~iA ~3EA~N AIJ. #C~R~ E ~ ~i ~ el SA 8~ . i . TiiiS it~~CRT S ~Cl~t FISCAL J YEAR 'BE~I T~f~IG JULY .1' ~2CJC R,~SP~CI'~=ULLY SU~3~4I7~E ~ ~fl~BI~{~fl C~lLL~CTIO, PEFtC~~}TAC~ ~ 92.40' .. ~. v~ ,~ 120 . \ NEW HANOVER CQUNTY BOARD OF COMM1SS10NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/:19/01 Consent (tern.#:.13 Estimated Time: .. Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney and Bruce Shell, Finance Director ~ ~ ,. Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney or Bruce Shell, Finance Director ' ' ~ SUBJECT: Approval of Hiring the Law Firm of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene; & MacRae(LLG&M) as Bond Counsel. . . BRIEF SUMMARY: , - , The County is required to have bond counsel for bond issues and other financings, . ., RECOMMfNDED~MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends hiring (LLG&M) as the County's Bond counsel FUNDING SOURCE: ' General fund or w/s revenues depending on the issue. Adequate funds are currently budgeted for bond counsel fees. e ATTACHMENTS: - .. REVIEWED BY: - LEGAL: FINANCE:'Approve BUDGET: Approve ~ HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A 4 COUNTY MANAGER'S COM ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approva COMMLSSIONERS' ACTION /COMMENTS: ~ ~ , . , ~ ,.,, ~"~ `-..;'~""'~ 'r qtr "~'~' ~ ~~~ ~~ ~kEARD- ~ . ~~ ' :~ ~F.~~~ .. ~ f~~~/dam ~~~ ~21 ,. xir, ~ .i ~ L_ t:;' t!t~~ f4~3)l~j~4? r.. A ~ 122.. , w ~. _ ~ _~.~: s [ ~ i` ~~.5 \~Y ~M1*M1 ~ .• ~ 4 ~• - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - `• REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N •. • 'Meeting Date: 02/19/01 • Budget Arnendrnent • . Consent Item #: 14 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Social ServiceslDSS-Administration/Crisis Intervention Program/ Child Day Care BUDGETAMENDMENT #: 01-0131 • ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT -. Social Services: ; DSS-Administration: • • DSS Administrative Grants $92,540 . .Crisis Intervention Program: ~ ~ _ Assistance Payments - $92,540. Child Day Care: - DSS/Smart Start Child Day Care $110,000 'DS•SlSmart Start Child Day:Care $110,000 . , • • EXPLANATION.: To budget additional. Federal moneys received for the Crisis Intervention Program ($92,540) and additional State dollars fort S-ma t Start Day-Care Program ($110,000). No County funds are requiretl. , .~ - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ~`'~ APPROVAL STATUS:. To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMFSSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: - - t~EMOli~ ~ ' ' • I~OSTP~b~la~ I~ p ~~ ~;~ ~~ , ~afxg f~~ ~2 3 • . J {This page intentionally left blank} r .~u y't s 124 ~ .~ `~ ~/ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTlOiV Meeting Date: 02/19/01 '~ 'Consent .Item #: 15 Estimated Timer Page, Number: ' Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell ' ' Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECTi ~ . Resolution requesting IVCDOT to add Corum Lane to the .State Highway. System .BRIEF SUMMARY: .. ' An,SR•1 Road Petition has been received from the residents requesting NCDOT to add Corum- .. Lane:. ~,~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTEb.ACTIONS: Adopt SR•2 Resolution requesting NCDOT to add road. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ' ATTACHMENTS: SR-1 Road Petition. ~; ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW " ' . ~ . COUNTY MANAGER'S. CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; . - Recorrimend approua -•~ . ~ COMMISSfONERS' ACT O ' S/COMMENTS: • ,- , ' _ ~~~~ "~RF? z +~~ +~`~i ~~ z ~ ~' • ~ ~vsri~O~E~ ~ f . .. ~~~ , ~ ~ ;125 .. ~ f ~~? NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTtUtENT OF TRANS DIVISiON~ OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina Courty of New Hanover Petition request far (check one): Addition to State:System (Y) Paving (. } Maintenance Improvement ( } ~~~C~~C F E B - 2 2001 NEW H~NOVER CO ' ' BD OF COMMISSIONERS We the undersigned, being property owners on CORL'M LANE (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in New Hanover County do hereby request the Division~•of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ~~~~D the above-described road. We further advise that the road requested to ADD is 352 FEET ~i~ in length and at the present time there are ~_ occupied homes .located on the road. and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary " width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This _ right-ofi-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill: slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for ' sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-ofi-way ,agreement forms that will be submitted to .us by. representatives of ;he Division of Highways. - ' REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed.if applicable. °~ ,. PROPERTY OWNERS NAM E ~~ ~~~ t ~~ MAILING ADDRESS The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner liste to ~'~~~/ 12~ J : -_ Revised Fcrr ~: ..A(I previous forms obsolete. ~, TELEPHONE -- s~~ '~sr--_ ~~9~ ~~ ~~~~ G~/- 028 to ~~ ~ ~~ l-~J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: ,02/19/01. i DRAFT GOALS•FOR POSSIBLE ADOPTION AS NEW HANOVER COUNTY MAJOR MANAGEMENT AND , BUDGET GOALS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 • To provide a safe community to all citizens of New Hanover County:' (1) Provide effective and professional leadership during times of natural and man-made disasters. (2) Work toward reducing the level of crime grid improving .the community security level. (3) Provide an efficient and effective emergency communication system:- • To continue investing in electronic technology (tnternet and.. Intranet) for the efficient facilitation of County business: (1) Enhance the County's technology resources to provide greater public access, efficient internal operations, and improved electronic communication and payment systems. (2) Use the Internet and GIS resources for disaster planning and response.. • To protect the environment and the quality of life enjoyed by New Hanover County citizens: (1) Address air and water quality, storm water management, and drainage. (2) Reduce.risks, of hazards through mitigation efforts. (3) Implement the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies for Growth and Development effectively. (4) Support an efficient waste, reduction system. (5) Concentrate on the infrastructure and operational requirements of the Enterprise Funds. The Water & Sewer and .Environmental Management operations should meet the growth needs of the County.- ~ ' • To ensure.the health and welfare of all County citizens: (1) Improve access to health care, increase preventive services, and reduce lifestyle related risks, (2) Provide low cost transportation services, nutritional meals, and other outreach services to the elderly and frail population. (3) Enhance welfare reform by continuing to move clients toward self- sufficiency. • To ensure equality of all citizens: -~-(1)~r G.onduct fair and honest elections. ~(2);;iPrjomote fair.~freatment and equal access in employment, housing,- and economic development. (3) Improve the quality of affordable housing through rehabilitation and loans to low and moderate income households. . 4~.~; .. .,y,~ F ~.. }r , \1 ~, ~, y f f ` -~ ~ ~ ,. • _2_ To . ensure and encourage prompt, .courteous, and .professional services from all County employees: ' (1): Offer training opportunities for employees, . (2) " Provide a safe working environment. (3) Adopt a pay philosophy and strategy .that will ensure market ~. , competitiveness in recruitment. and retention of qualified .employees in the . current economy. ® To provide for ahe recreational., educational, `and' cultural needs of the community: (1) Continue: to develop Airlie Gardens, Veterans. Park,. grid other park facilities. '. (2} Support the literary needs of citizens through the Main Library and its .branches:..: (3) Preserve the history of New Hanover County by supporting the-Cape .Fear Museum. , (4) Lncorporate the multi-year Capital Improvement Program as an integral . ~ part of the annual budget process. (5) Improve communication and planning efforts with the. Board of Education concerning school funding. M1 ~ To ensure the financial stability and legal protection of the County: ~, (1) Maintain a strong undesignated, unreserved fund balance to atJeast 16.7 ' "percent of the total General Fund Budget i.n an effort to maintain adequate. ' ' reserves and.the highest possible bond rating. (2) Maintain and improve the- current bond rating. with Moody's and Standard . -, ~ and Poor's. (3) Achieve a 98 percent collection rate of ad valorem taxes. , (4) Minimize .litigation against the County and maximize +legal documents that , ensure the County's protection and legal well being. (5) Enforce State and County code provisions. . . - (6) Keep the tax rate as low as possible while providing the essential services , to the citizens of the County. y , .. - 29 RJ 130 ~ NEW HAN~VER .COUNTY BOAR® OF C®MM1SSiONERS .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting ®ate: 0.2/19/0.3 .. . ~~ NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY VETERANS SERVICE OFFICERS January 31, 2001 Mr. Allen O'Neal New Hanover County Manager 320 Chestnutt Street, Room 305 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4093 Dear Mr. O'Neal _~ .. ~ The North Carolina Association of County Veterans Service Officers:has the honor `of l7ostil~~ the lstNACVSO Conference~in the newmillennium. WE will be hosting the conference ill theCabarrus /Mecklenburg County area during the week of June 9, 2001 ~Vhei~ tine tools on thisehallenge ~~~e~l:new it-«~asgoing to take a~lotof hard work and1'lot _ of funding. We are planning various' events to help. raise funds for our conference; but ~~'- ' ; without some monetary assistance from the great counties of North Carolina we will have a difficult time reaching our goals. We are asking for x$2;000 donatioi7~froni'each of the counties. I know that you want your County Veterans Service Offcer to be the best trained service officer possible. This training will expose our CVSO's to some of the best training available. A11 of our trainers will be coming from the Central Office in Washington, DC as well as St. Paul, Minnesota, St. Louis, Missouri, and other regional offices throughout the nation. Our training program is very intensive and thorough. The Department of Veterans Affairs looks very closely at our training to make sure we are well prepared to assist our veterans in all capacities. This is a conference that any county can be proud to have their Service Officer participating in, this conference will provide your Service Officer with the training necessary to ensure quality assistance to all veterans and their dependents in your county. Our-Keynote speaker~for the past several years -has been the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Mr~Hershel Gober. This year we are asking the chairman of the Veterans Affairs' Committee, 'Congressman Chris Smith. His .office has made a commitment to the County Veteran S`ervice'Officers to attend our Conference if possible and to promote a partnership between~the VA and the Cotulties. 132 ~ .~~,~- . '.~ °~ °, "Serving The Pride of North Carolina" This page intentionally left bland} 134 C~ . . -NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQIdEST FOR BOAR® ACTI®N Meeting Date: 02/19/01 "~~~~ Consent Item #: 18 .Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department; TAX Presenter: None Required ' ~ Contact:- Patricia Raynor SUBJECT:. Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property - BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ .. , See attached . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Approve advertisement of tax liens to be published on April 25, 2001 for-.all delinquent 2000 real estate accounts. FUNDING-SOURCE; ~ ~. ATTACHMENTS:. . . Reafadv.l . . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ^ ' ~ - .. r-- --- 1~ PrF~4~~ ~7~4 ~F.JC~~ Q ~ . c POSTP0~1~ ~ ~/~ ~ .. . _ ~EEAR9~ ~` .~. . :~~ .~:~~~ a ~~ 135 3 • ~, 7 TO: Allen O'Neal County Manager ' FROM: Patricia J. Raynor Collector of Revenue • SUBJECT: Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property DATE: February 7, 2001 In accordance with G.S. 105-369, this is to advise the Board of the unpaid real estate taxes for 2000. The outstanding amounts, as of January 31, 2001, are: Governing Jurisdiction Delinquent Taxes • New Hanover County $ 4,989,131.48 New Hariover Co. Fire District 129,792.81 City of Wilmington 1,718,712.81 Town of Wrightsville Beach 69,358:28 ' Town of Carolina Beach 231,677.12. • Town of Kure Beach 45,667.91 Total -All Jurisdictions $ 7,184,340.41 It is necessary that the Board order the advertisement of the tax liens. I recommend that the advertisement be published on April Z5, 2001. A112000 real estate accounts not paid by 5:00 . p.m. on Monday, April 16, will be advertised. I request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of February 19, 2001. PJRaw Copy B^#; Glasgow ~' ~ :- ' ~ • ~~:. ,.. ,; 7; , 1.4' : fr. , .~ ~ . ~ r_`` ~ ` f*~F , ~~~ ~~ , F• ~ }r,,~., ,,, 136 , -- Y ,: ,