Agenda 2001 03-26AGENDA ~AHOVEQ ~~ :~;~ ?~~ Gy~~ I~ a!~* ~,* II fi 9 ~--i/, IMPO gT3•E%POgT3 0 F ,Iq OUST RY OF NUR'IHCP March 26, 2001 9:00 a.m. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington,. NC TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN ' WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER •'JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis,`Jr.) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES 9:15 a.m 1. Presentation of Service Awards 9:25 a.m. 2. Recognition of New County Employees 9:35 a.m. 3. Presentation and Update on Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development Activities 9:45 a.m. 4.~ Status Report on Activities of the Unified Development Ordinance Oversight Committee 9:.55 a.m. 5. Consideration of A royal of School Board Budget Amendment pp 10:10 a.m. 6. 5'. r lin ~~ Consideration of Approval to ~~e New Hanover Countyyfor•Designation as Electing County 10:30 a.m. 7. Public Hearing: 2001 North Carolina Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program -Scattered Site Housing Category Program (SSHP) 10:45 a.m. 8. Consideration of Conveyance ofBeach Access Formerly in the Unincorporated County to the Town of Carolina Beach 11:00 a.m. 9. Committee Appointments 11:15 a.m. 10. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District .11:30 a.m. 11. Consideration of Approval of Resolution Urging Priority Support for the Convention Center Development Team Funding Proposal 11:45 a.m. Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) . Noon ADJOURN - *Note::The time listed for each agenda item is estimated, and in the event that a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move to the next item. 'µ~ , MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 - _ WILMINGTON, NC March 26, 2001 ~ --'' ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1: Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Request by Carolina Omelet House to Discharge Sewerage to Existing Force Main Adjourn ~_ i CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS February 19, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. ~. 1. Approval of Minutes j3 2. Approval of Request to Apply for FEMA grant under the "F.I.R.E." Program to 55 . Enhance 800mhz Communication System 3. Approval of Request to Apply for Grant for Governor's Highway Safety Program 57 4. Approval of Request to Apply for LSTA Internet Service Improvement Grant 59 5, . ~ Approval of Release of Value 79 6. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire :District 81 Collection Reports 7. ,Approval of Conveyance ofPender.County Parcel to Cape.Fear Community 85 College 8. Approval of SR-2 Resolutions Requesting NCDOT to add Patsy Lane, Buddy 89 Road, and unnamed road off Gordon Road to the State Highway System 9. Consideration~of Approval for New Hanover Regional Medical Center to Lease 93 - __ Property Located at 5310- Greenleaf Drive .. . Approval of Budget Amendments: - 10.1 #01-0152 Sheriff's Department/Federal Forfeited Property ~ 95 10.2 #01-0153 Sewer Operating/Water-Sewer. Engineering ~ 96 10.3 #01-0161 Non-Departmental/Contingencies/Health/Jail Health 98 10.4.. #01-0162 Aging/Senior Center 99 10.5. #01-0163. Health/Partnership for Children-Health 100 . 10.6 #01-0164 Social Services/Administration/Work First-TANF/CP&L Intervention 101 Program. ,. 10.7 #01-0165 Social Services/Adtniilistration/Day Care Services/LINKS 102 10.8 #01-0166 Social Services/Child Day Care ~ ~ 103 10.9. #2001-32 Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project ~ 104 - - 10,10- #2001-33 Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project 105 11. Approval of,EDA Funding for Construction & Expansion of the'City and County 10T ` ~ Wastewater Treatment Facility & Collection :Infrastructure for .fender County .. - , r ~VEV~! HANOVER COUNTY BOARD 0~° COIV1i1~1SS1.01VERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 • Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal £onfiact: Rosetta Bryant Regular Item#: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service, Awards due to their length of service with New. Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Gregory D. Johnson -Sheriff's Dept.; Joseph A. LeBlanc -Sheriff's Dept.; Thomas S. Wallace. -Sheriff's Dept.; Kenneth W. Bradley.. - Sheriff's Dept.; Doris H. Cook -Social Services; Lou G. Miller -Social Services; TEN (10) YEAR: Deborah B. Nash - Human Resources; Tina J. Lovingood - Property Management; LaFaye D. Mack = Property Management; Preston M. Waddell -Property Management; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: David R: Butts -Information Technology; Sherian A. Davis -Sheriff's Dept.; Janice F. Dailey -Inspections; Kenda R. Wigand =Social Services; Linda M. Moore -Hinman Relations; Faye, B. Jacobs -Aging; 'TWENTY (20) YEAR: Stevenson D. Ritch -Inspections; Betty J, McCorkle -Health; Ann M. Barkley - Social Services; Joann Galloway -Library; David B. Barkley • N. C..Coop. Ext:; and TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEAR: Annie L. Stalling -Register of Deeds. - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: r -TE1VI DOES .NOT REQUIRE REVIEW • C~iJNT1' CaMMIIONE~ a APPk?(3~/ED Ell~~r~!.e~~~ REJECTED REMOVED CJ f POSTPONED FIEARIJ ~, /~ This page intentionally left blank} 2 i_ "L~~ .~_~ s .~' IVEVU HAIV~VER COUNTY BOARD Of COMMISSIOiVERS .~ REQUEST~FOR B®ARD ACT1OIV , ~~ Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene.Carney SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees . .BRIEF. SUMMARY: A list. of newly hired county employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: - ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRf REVIEW -~, , COUNTY MANAGER'S COMME SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize new emgioyee . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~iPPROVED t~ {~rese.~.f~d DEJECTED, D REMOVED POSTPONED r^lEAR~7 ~ a..6 ~~ ~~- ~ ~ ~ 0~3 {This page intentionally left blank} ~-~ "" - i 4 ~n~~^~ 1~'~ • IVEYN HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTION Meeting ®a#e: 03/26/01 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Greg Walker Contact:.. Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Presentation and Update on RC&® Activities BRIEF SUMMARY: Greg Walker, Executive Director of Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development to review highlights of their recent project work. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• l:UNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Postponed • t~UIV71' t~©~i~flg APPROVED C3 rt REJECTED [~ REMOVED Ci POSTPONED ~~- ~EARM~ ~~~I~i!~~L~ f ~"~~ ~ CAPE FEAR RESOURCE CJONSERVATION ~ ~~~~ ~ -• ~_.__•._..~~ ~--~ ~~ and ~ ~-- ,~ ~ ~` , ' l i i ~~~~ iK tb_v DEVELOPMENT, ~NC. ~~ ~'/ I ® ® ~'yt.~~''•% t it ~~..'U ~ CJ. ~ Brunswick Columbus New Hanover ®Pender Ntr~~~,r ,, s or~acL ~' i First Union Building ®201 N. Front Street, Suite 615 ®Witmington, N.C. 2 -:_.::y Telephone: (910) 763-6611 ~ Fax: (910) 763-8989 ®Email: cfrcdc~wilmington.net T~: Mr. Dempsey I~~rring, Administrator, Columbl~s County Mr. Martin Beach, Manager, Pender County Mr. Allen ®'Neal, I'~Ianager, New Hanover County Mr. Huey Marshall, Interim I~Ianager, Brunswick County ~~®1~: Greg ~Ialker {~'' Executive Director S'T7)1I,C'~': Update on RC~D Activities ~A'fE: February 6, 2001 With. this memorandum, I would lake to request time on a fixture commissioners' agenda to review highlights of otar recent praject work. It can also be a time for me to introduce myself to new' corr~rnissioners in order for them to become familiar with our projects and role in the community. Enclosed is our most recent annual report for your use. I look forward to hearing from you to set a date to visit. I anticipate no mare than ten minutes on your agenda. Cc: Don Marren, Chairman, Brunswick County Bryant Shepherd, Vice Chairman, Pender County I~oy I:owe, Treasurer, Columbus County Howard Loving, Secretary, New Hanover County 6 i,' ~~ , ~~ ~ ~`~~~. , M~~4: . ~,., • , .~~, ~, Anon-profit organization. . 1. NEV11 HANOVER COUNTY DOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR 80ARD ACTION Meeting Date. 03/26/01 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number:' Department: Governing Body Preseriter: Planning Director Dexter .Hayes . Contact: Commissioner Caster S UBJ ECG': , .. Status .Report on Activities of the Unified Development'Ordinance Oversight Committee BRIEF SUMMARY: A report on the activities. of the Unified Development Ordinance RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: No action:recommended. ` FUI~DiNG SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NO.T REQUIRE REVIEW ANTI' OQMNiIIi~ . ~'' APPROVED t~,~--- B?EJEC7'ED &?EMOVED ® ~ POSTPONED t3 ~iEARta ~~;' -fib: , a..3/a~~~l~.. i Y~e-J - ~ P.ctJ _ ~~ur~E--~O ~~jj ~e 1~:~ i,U i7 s ~., ~.,v~ b22~ ~~ ~' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE To Board of Commissioners Fm Dexter Haye Re UDO Unified Development Oversight Committee March 20,.2001 Work initially began on the UDO as a result of consolidation efforts in the mid 90's. A consultant was hired to work with the City and County Planning Boards to combine all of the existing land development regulations of the two jurisdictions. A draft Ordinance was completed in 1997. Shortly thereafter; work began on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update and it was decided that the completion of the UDO should await the results of those Policy changes. Following the adoption of the Land Use Plan in the fall of 1999, a UDO Oversight Committee was created from members of the Land Use Plan Steering Committee and three representatives from each of the City and County Planning Boards. (see attached membership list). This group has been meeting regularly since that time. . The following components of the UDO have been completed to date: Procedural flexibility through variances and exceptions Signs Historic District Special Highway Overlay District Mixed Use District (adopted by City) Landscaping Telecommunication Towers Conservation Overlay District Nonconformities Enforcement Penalties ~The,remaining items and schedule for the completion. of the UDO includes these items Subdivision Regala-fions March Technical Standards. r` ~~ April EnvironmentaI'~ReguTations May Zoning & Permitted~~Use Table May 'Review & Approval"Process June Definitions & Misc. Clarifications ~ ., , i r ~~ ~ July • • a~i ~ ~ ~ c ~ _ °' ~- O L O O U O O ~ O ,R .. O (D ~ ~ U ' cc G O U ~ L U ~ C ~ LSJ ' C ~ U! cl' O ~ NI I CC L ll V ~' Q L ~: C I U ~ ~~ C O O ~ ~ - ~ r O p ~- O r N M N p M to ". ti M y(. ~- r O N O h ~ O O O _ O N O p p. RS M i N. i O ~ O. i O ~ ~- N p . O N O r N ~ ~ O ~~ M . ~ tf) - ~ ~ ~ O ~ p ~ CJ i N ~ ~ M O i N O CO 07, O. CO O O O p O tf) CD O H O ~ O t~ M t~ [~ M M CO I` N ~ ~ ~ ti M . I~ ~- r r I~ h: O O M Cp O O O V ~f CO ~. d.1 O r r t- ~' O ti O ~ r- ~ M M 07 I~ C O~ r V' N V ~ I`~- r M t7i CO CD V ~Y' M O O 07 r lf) 07 07 00 d' V' ~p (D N O CO O p S O N M ~ d- N ~ CD. c0 (D N M N O c0 ~- 6i O O O ~ O O p O t1~ CO O O ~ O7 ' 1~- M f~ ti N ti M CO Imo- N I~ I`- !` M I~ ~ d O p G ~ r O O ~ C' cn. d co ~ p ~ ~ a~ O Q~ ~, M O O M N O r O (~ r r ~-- r. O M O (D O M O r. O r O r O o N N' O V v p ~ p- ~r p ~ M v p v p v p v p v~ p ~r CO ~ p ~r Cp ~r CO v p N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O ~ 1 . e ^ ~ U ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ca co co ca co ~ c~ ca ro m c c. c c c c c c c c c c c c c LL .,.., ~ .~ O ~ O L O .~ O ~ O ~ O O O O ~ O .~ O ~ O O O O f •~ 0 Z U Z U Z U Z U Z U Z U Z U Z U Z U Z U Z U Z U Z U Z U Z. U ,> L d C C C ~ C "C C C C~ - C C C' C C C O O O ~~ O O O O O O O ~ O _O O. O ~~ Oi Q~ U) (n ~ .L~J ~ U) CI) ~ O) Q~ CJ) ~1 Q) ©. ~•-: C~ C C ~.~ ,C C~ C C C _C C C C C C 0] ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O C Q ~ - C ctS ~ ~ ~ O ~ Q C~ ~ C " tR N Q j - 4J c O m 0 ~ ~ > ~ ' L ~ ~ m~ ° c a ~ ~ M m ro Q o ~ > ~ q T3 Q -~ ~ ~ O ~ C `~ Y O V ~ O Y Q "O X (B ~ X ~ C6 CL . ` + - ~ N ~ a m ~ m X. O > ,_, O U C ~ CD ~ _ W X O ~ ` O l~ d p~ p W , N O M E p CO O m O Z ~ CO N> N O O CO O Q N~ O t0 ~. CO O ~! ~' O p O H O r O O N ~ O N O O p N Gr] ~ ~ N Cn l(7 ~ (~ M <'-r~ ~ d' CO M M .,, cU ~.~ Z C i a C ~ U U C ~ ~ > ~ ~ L~ ~ ~ U C~ _ m -~ ~ m f- LL C~ - ~ ' U) CC Q ~ ` C ~ ~ c II ~. J ~ ~ C ' O C QJ ~ ~ ~ "C ~ C ~ t4 ' C ~ . ~ G , "' > - c C C ~ " U7 a O z / .. I m U ~. s = _ ~ O c n ~ v~ c n c n I - ~ r N M r1' ~ ~ CO f ~ p' ~. ~ < O - r r N M r ~ r ~ ~ ,. r rtiac eel at ~ speeiific level Qf service. I# is vea-y difficult to argue that aiay one clovelaptaleut is irnposieag an "ui~rsasorlable burd~a" ~n the pubAzc sta-eet.. Staff does not apply the "tulduc burden" standard to streets because mat section of the Code specifically 2aoentions water, sewer aracl draAnage. I1tIr. Clack rioted Heat $canae xem,odies suggested arse: The Unified Development ®rdiraatace prtrject and further igepleanentation ofthe Comprrehensive pion will help reduce the aznpact of the developancaat pattetYa on public streets; c~) Tlie City ,may consider an Adequate Public Facilities ~c`clixxszJ~ce wkaiGh would regiure adequate f'acilitiea be ai place at the time the impact of a devclc~prncnt is realised: He noted that tltey at~c ~.czeditily complex. The City would need special local legislation for tlajs regulatic~ta. fin, A.de~uate Public Facilities ~t°ciinance requires .hnancial f~.sible Capital i7nptcave~eut~ plans. to ~nsuria additional capaczty is prograaauned s® the +~zdinance does not becogne a motatc~~ii~ an devclopnient: This option will t•equia-e sigrail~.cant research, pui~lic education azad stakeholder invoivemetYt and will Ise considered during tlee I,.T~~ed T~evelc-prrient Ordinance a~eiada scheduXed .for Late Surearner ZOa1. ,~ cleaestioealanswer and discussi~-n, period followed: .P~s. CIarlc, spoke to Counci4 concerning the ramoval of treCS/naturael vegetation, for esa~tia.l Bite improvements... I3c pointed oat that the present Cade i~ bused tUvrards the zzurnber and size ®#` trees ttr be preserved and not the rrtore important aspects of duality szad location. Also, tlzs Code does not have a'ecluiremeAts for altei~tic~ti cif build;~g f4Qtp~ints or traffic circulation 4i11~. parkitag to save trees. ,P~~ se result;. staff is reduced to n~egoteating wall developers to save trees wiik~ the site improvements because prescrvatio~'of ~otzees carulcak be' requited. Withtaut authority to Ii~it ~r$ding around irces, staff typieaily does not retluire- ret~tatic~za of t,reea that will eventually die. The tTgaifi~d 1~evelopinent C~rciinatAc~ Cv~-s,ight Conzrnittee has cozzapletcd islitial review of'ptoposed changes to lanrlscapu-~g and tree preservation requirements, Iie noted fh~t ~ out9ltl~ consttltastt keas been hired to help with tli~ ~~ pt`opCDSai~. 1~ay~ar Pro-Taro h/i®orc stated that Carolina i'ieach Road leas becr~~.e a blight on rho community. Sloe noted that it is a reaajc~r corzidor into #o~vli arid. to the Carolina Bach area and it needs to be visually inapa•pved.. Coaanoilrne~o6er l~ivenbark entertaialed a zz~otivn tv have tl7e staf f bring before .Council, the balai3ec cif the items that have begin approved oaa the IJDO for implementation and st~ngly uzge t11e County to da likewise by copy o~'a l~esolutioti ar letter. The motion-was seconded by Coulacittrzezz~.ber Padgett and carried unaniinoaasI~r. There was a questic~n/answer and discussi+~n period. 'I'I~1~ 1Vgr. William ~laisnaxat; Taeputy City 3Vlaaiager, t`~vi®wed the Annual City Ana~e~ation l~xdgram Update with Council. I-~e noted that the staff Annexation Comrzaittee is r~5~}oI151lf1e fOr CD£VPloi7iIl~ Rlallft~'T'P.c:s~mrn~±nr7~ntinna .ti.,,+ ~,+„r~ t`':~., ,«.,,.~,_.._A~~~._ .-r.i---- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 • Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: Budget Presenter:. n/a Contact: Cam Griffin SUBJECT:. School Board Budget Amendment BRLEF SUMMARY: ' The School System is appropriating $700,000 from the School Budget Fund Balance for renovations of the New Central Office Building. The attached Budget Amendment was approved by the School Board January 20,2001 - RECOMMENDED MOTFON AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the County Commissioners .approve the Board of Education's action and approve .their use of fund balance (local funding) for renovations to the New Central Office Building. Upon adoption of this budget amendment the schools will have approximately $7.7 million in fund -_ , balance. Their goal is to maintain $7 million. - FUNDING SOURCE: ' ~. ATTACHMENTS: - Schoof Budget Amendment ITFM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW • ~U~1'~'1` G@~IM1~~ ~ APPROVED Ear"-- DEJECTED G3. s -~;: ~?EMOVED C~ ~ ;;- POSTPONED ~ '~ -~IEAR17 CI /~' ~ ~ r~~v vov~~ cou~rr scHaols T~%~~l~~~fl-°~! ~~~JIYI T~3: Cam Griffen ._ ~ - ~~Zfl1V~: Mary Hazel Small !~~ y ti ~AT~: 3/01/01 ~ - : Appropriating Funds for New Administrative Building At the Febn~ary 20`h Board Meeting, X700,000 was approved to be transferred from Local Fund Balance to Capital Outlay for renovations to the New Administrative Office Building. I am sending you a copy of Appendix E for your records. Attachments _ e„c + -~ 12 1 802 SourH 15rH Sra=~r • WILMWGiON, NaRrr+ Car~oun~a, 28401 PyoNe (910) 254-4252 F,ax (91 C) 254-4295 EMAIL MsrnallQnhcs.kl2.nc,us DR. D. JOHN MORRIS, JR. Superintendent MARY HAZEL M; SMALL, GPA Finance Otficsr S"""_ '" ' '' ' ~ r i s 7 ' ~~ a v } ..~ ~, ~,u. ~.... -_ _~..__....4.:~,~__. -__ . . f~EW NANOVER COUNTY SOARS OF EDUCATION Finance . February ~4, 2ti0~ Subjecf: . 2000/2001 Budget Amendments Stafit Member(s) Present: . Finance Officer . Fiscal'implications; $ 945,500.00 Local School Fund ~ 8 $ 700,000:00 , Capital Outlay Fund # 6 Recommendation: Approval -February 20, 2001 APPENDIX E 13 Bud et Amendment 9 Y8 New Hanover County Administrative Unit Local 1=und The New Hanover County Board of Education, at a meeting on the 20th day of February, 2001, passed the following resolution. Be it resolved that the following amendments be made to the Budget Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001. Amount Code Number Description of Code Increase ~ (Decrease) Various See attached ~ 945,500.00 Revenue: 4 ~ 2.4490.000 Miscellaneous lhcome ~ x,200.00 2.4490.795 CISCO Regional CATC's Revenue ~ 110,000.00 ~ ' 2.8100.000.69 % Sales Tax Revenue $ 134,300.00 2.4910.000.000 Fund Balance Appropriation Y 700,000.00 Explanation: Establish budget for donation from Knights of Columbus ' Set up revenue budget for operation of Regional CISCO Academic Training Centers Set up budget far Microfilming Personnel records Set up budget for extended employment of all Assistant Principals Transfer funds for renovations to New Central Office Building Total Appropration in Current Budget 357,003,045.37 Amount of Increase/(Decrease) of above Amendment ~ 945,500.00 Total Appropriation in Current Amended Budget 357,948,545.37 assed by majority vote of the _8oard of Education of New. Hanover County on the G~ ~ day of ~• Chairman, oard of ducation 14 ~,; \ ec ary, 8oard, of ucation Local School Fund Amendment # 8 To establish budget for donation from Knights of Columbus to the Transition for Young Adul#s Program: 2.5200.032.411.000.909 Instructional Supplies 1,200.00 To setup revenue budget for current year operation of Regions! C1SCO Academic Training Cenfers: 2.6990.795.121.000.905 Salaries -Instructors 32,500.00 2.6910.795.211,000.905 Social Security 3,980.00 2.6210.795.199.000.905 Salary -Other Assignments 8,000.00 2.6910.795.231.000.905 .Hospitalization 2,256.00 2.6210.795.311.000.905 Contracted Services 8,000.00 2.6910.795.221.000.905 Retirement . 1,532.00 2.6210.795.541.000.905 Equipment 45,600.00 2.^0210.795.459.000.905 Other Food Purchases ~ 2,200.00 2.6210.795.411.000.905 Instructional Supplies 3,732.00 2.6210.795.332.000.905. Travel 2,800.00 Total 110;000.00 To set up budget for Microfilming Personnel records: 2.6640.002.311.000.927 Contracted Services (Personnel) 11,000.00' To set up budget for the extended employment of all Assistant Principals at Elementary and Middle Schools to be ~7 months during Summer 20~~ a~ due to implementation of redisticting: 2:6410. Assistant Principal Salaries 104,000.00 2.6410. Social Security 8,000.00 2.6410.005.221..000.926 Retirement ~- .11,300.00 Total 134,300.00 Transfer funds for Renovations to IVevv Central Office Building: 2.8100.000.714 Transfer to Capital Outlay 700,000.00 ~ 15 Budget Amendment ~~ ~o Ne4v Hanover County Administrative Unit Capita! Outlay Fund The New Hanover County Board of Education at a meeting on the 20th day of February 2001, passed the following resolution. ~ . Be it resolved that. the follaNing amendments be made to the Budget Resolution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001. Amount Code Number Description of Code Increase Decrease 4.91xx.401.529.000.945 New Office Building Renovations $ 700,000.00 Revenue. _ - 4.4922,000,000 .Transfer from Local Current Expense ~ 700,000;00 , "1 Explanation: Renovations to New Central Ofr~ce Building Total Appropriation in Current Budaet X107,094.325.25 Amount of Increase/(Decrease) of above Amendment 700.000.00 Total Appropriation in Current Amended Budget X107,794,325,25 Passed by majority vote of the Board of Education of New Hanover County on the Z~c ~~ day of -f- ~~~ 20 ~' 1 , '..r, ;• Chairman, -Board of E atio ecr~tiary, Board of aucaticn 16 C~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 • • ' Regular item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: DSS Presenter: Sherman Criner, Chairman DSS Board Contact: Wayne Morris SUBJECT: Work First -Electing County Status BRIEF SUMMARY: In a special meeting on March 20, the DSS Board voted to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners, that in light of the risk and uncertainty of the economy and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding, and with advice from the State, ~6.relinquish electing county status and to request an allocation to make up for a budget shortfall of $600,000. The allocation of $600,000 minimizes the County's losses. As an electing county the County's losses could be much greater, in that any .increases in cash benefits which exceed the block grant allocation, would have to be funded by the County. That. amount could far exceed the $600,000 which had been projected as unexpended TANF funds for the next fiscal year; and which was to be used to support the cost of services, iri lieu of County funds. Those projections no longer appear to be valid, because of the reasons stated in the motion. There is a risk that the electing county block grant for cash assistance payments will be insufficient. If that occurs, the county will be required to fund any increases in benefits. As a standard county, the State will fund the additional cost of increases in cash assistance benefits.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The DSS Board recommends that the Board of County Commissioners relinquish electing county status, aESts-a~-a•I-lsoati-aa~-af-$686}06-`to~~1~e-u~p-tt~e-a-rrtiei~-a~eEi-br~dge# sf~c~r~tfatl-m~`(~ 2Ot7'I-2U0°2. Should the County decide to forego electing county status, the State must be notified by the end of March 2001. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Consider recommendation as noted by DSS Board above. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ '~~''" u~ ~~rrarr~rvN~. APPROVED ~--- ~ 7 ....REJECTED ~ ;; REMOVED ~ ~ { POSTPONED ~ . ~r ~ . . ~fEAR~) X1`4 ~y;~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~, ~~ ~~~ N.,'i,.~. ~........ x~.. ~~.~.,•' c.~~~ . Pat Melvin 03/15/2001 03:29 PM , To: Carol Barclay/NHC@NHC, Susan Boyette/NHC@NHC; Mark Boyer/NHC cc: Subject: Special Called Meeting FYI . --••-•---••••--------- Forwarded by Pat Melvin/NHC on 03/15/2001 03:36 PM •------•-•-•-••••••-••--•-- $~~~~~+ . ®~~S , 03/15/2001 10:25 AM To: • tarthur@webtv.net, scriner@hedricklaw.com, res39@aol.com, Jean.Cherry@cingular.com, _ pgorham@co.new-hanover.nc.us . - . cc: , _ Ann iVlarie Ball/NHC@NHC, Chris McNamee/NHC@NHC, James Oxendine, Julia _ TalbuttlNHC@NHC,-Karen Vincent/NNC@NHC, Wanda Neidig%NHC@NHC, Pat Melvin/NHC@NHC, Allen O'Neal/NHC.@NHC, Cam Griffin/NHC@NHC '= '' ~ ~, Subject: Special Called Meeting - - ' • - ,. ~ ,, a We-will meef at 9:00 a:m: on Tueday, March 20, 2001, in the' Multipupurpose Room A here at the department. Our-only topic wilt be the electing county status~ahd your recommendation to the commissioners. Other items will be handled at our regular meeting on March 28, 2001. We are sending our notices to the media today. I' am including, in-this message, the text of a memorandum which will be delivered to you tomorrow along vvith the<:agenda. If you have . questions, please calf. ~ "" - :, Memo Last fall on our recommendation, the Board of County Commissioners voted to seek electing status in the Work First program for the 2001- 03 biennium. ~iy . recommendation was based on the financial advantage to the county. , The General Assembly appropriates,thefcderal Temporary Assistance for Needy. Families block grant'to be expended for WorkFirst cash assistance payments stafewide: As an electing county, we receive a block grant prorated on our percentage of the state-wide AFDC expenditures in FY 1995-96. Work First cash benefits are paid from this block grant. As long as our Work First caseload decreased at a more rapid rate than the state as a whole, the block grant exceeded the cost for the. Work First cash benefits. As an electing county, we were able to transfer those unspent funds to certain other progra%s~s ~~ t~' ~`~+3iia During the curre'rit~~yeai~our cash assistance block grant is more than $3 million. We will spend alittle more~tl~an ~2 million for cash benefits. Therefore, as an electing ~~Ck~~`2t~~ EY ^c rw-..acs=::'w..w: + ,` ~ 't ~ , , .. - . n, <.. 7 . county, we have been able to transfer approximately $900,000 of the unspent cash benefit federal funds to pay for staff in Child Protective and Child Welfare Services that would have otherwise been a county requirement. However a block grant, like adouble-edged sword, cuts both ways. While the funds identified for cash benefits may be used to replace county funds for certain services when not needed for cash assistance, the converse is true: when the block grant funds . for cash assistance are insufficient, the county must fund those benefits. (Budget Estimates Narrative for NCDHHR, February 15, 2001) The Division of Social Services management predicts, given the state's revenue problems, the General Assembly will probably reduce appropriations for Work First .cash benefits from the current year level. This would mean a reduction in our block grant. If their predictions are true, this would mean that few or no cash benefit funds ° would be available to transfer to children's services. Ln the budget which you approved on March 2, 2001, based on the information then available, we budgeted $600,000 of the cash assistance block grant as revenue for children services. Further,, a reduction in the block b ant places the county at risk of having insufficient funds for assistance payments. To summarize, it appears that the financial advantages of electing status are evaporating. Moreover, with a slowing economy and the uncertainty of day care funding, there is a risk that the block grant for assistance payments will be insufficient. A policy decision must be made: Whether to continue an with a two year commitment as an electing county or forego .electing status for this biennium: Should alze county decide to forego electing status, it must notify the state by the end of the rrionth. ~ 19 {Th~s~~~~ znt~n~i®~c~~~y le~~ blrz~k} NEUV 9~AN®i/ER COUNTY B®ARD OF C®MMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/Q1 ~~ Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Punning Presenter: Baird Stewart Contact: Wanda Colton SUBJECT: Public Hearing - 2001 North Carolina (NC) Smal! Cities Community - Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program-Scattered Site Housing Category Program (SSHP) • BRIEF SUMMARY: Two public hearings are required for the county to receive funds under the above CDBG/SSHP Program. The first hearing was held at the last Board meeting. The Scattered Site Housing category of th.e NC Small CDBG Program must: (1) include activities in which a majority of funds is directed toward improving, preserving, or developing residential areas; (2) address the national objective of benefiting low and moderate income persons; and /or (3} aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight. The County is one of 33 counties in the State that is eligible to receive $400,000 of non-competitive funds which will be used to implement a housing program that will benefit very low-income owner occupied households. The beach communities as non-entitlement municipalities within the County are eligible to receive a portion of these funds.if they have very low-income households that meet the Scattered Site Housing .Program eligibility requirements. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request that the Commissioners conduct a public hearing for citizen comments in order to comply with the requirements for implementation of the proposed County SSHP. This hearing is intended to solicit public input. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 3 1TEM DOES NOTREQUIRE REVIEW Hold public hearing to solicit public inp IONS: UIV71' OOMM(~396m ~ • ~tPPROVED ,~`'v- i~ov~;ccla.~--c~ w~~f REJECTED C7 ~4utyo~-,~1 ~?-~s;~da t?EMOVED L~ 'r,; POSTPONED DI ~1EARi~ (~ ~ ~~ .-, ~~~~ ~ ~~~92~.?9~~' ter"",~~~°d=;;;~ 22~ a {;~~,,ca :~ NE~11 HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Regular Item.#: 8 Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Wanda Copley Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney SUBJECT: Consideration of Conveyance of Beach Access Formerly in the Unincorporated ,County to the Town of Carolina Beach BRIEF SUMMARY: Action on this item was delayed from the March 12, 2001 meeting. Carolina Beach has now .annexed the locations of these various Beach Accesses built by the County with CAMA funding. ,The proposed conveyance would grant the County's interest in such accesses to the Town. The Town would maintain the right of the general public to use the facilities. :Please see the attached memo from County Attorney Wahda Copley. 'RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REpUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize execution of conveyance. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS.: 10110214Assign&Conve REVLEWED BY: LEGAL:.. FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider granting access .per the options as described in the attached memo from Cou ty Attorney Wanda Copley or as mutually agreed upon by the Towns of Kure and Carolina eaches. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ' r UiVTY CaMMi~~I~ -, - APPROVED f/~ ,: REJECTED IriEMOVED t POSTPOfVED E~ ~EARi~ New Hanover County Contract #01-0214 Prepared by: Kemp P. Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney, New Hanover County, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 309, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 . Tax Parcel No.: Adj. 809206-004-002-000 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ASSIGNMENT and CONVEYANCE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER _ THIS ASSIGNMENT and CONVEYANCE, made and entered this day of 2001, by NEW HAN,OVER COUNTY, hereinafter ,called "Grantor"; and TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH, 1121 N. Lake Park Boulevard, Carolina Beach, N.C. 28428, hereinafter called "Town"; ~ WITNESSETH: That Grantor, for and in consideration of Grantor's agreement to maintain and incorporate certain Beach public access improved by Grantor situated on publicaily dedicated streets now situated within the Town of Carolina Beach, into the public works program of said municipality, and other valuable consideration, has granted, conveyed, bargained, assigned, quit-claimed, and sold and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, assign, quit-claim and convey unto-the Town, its successors .and assigns; certain property, more particularly described as follows: Ali those improved public beach accesses .situated on, aver and across the streets known as Ocean Drive, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, Texas and North Carolina, as more fully shown on a plat of Wilmington Beach recorded in Map Book 2, Page 30, New Hanover County Registry, commencing at the intersection of each respective referenced street, thence running to the terminus at the Atlant~c_Ocean beach front, SUBJECT T,O'.-State of North Carolina CAMA Beach Access Grant requirements that the said accesses be available for use by the general public. ~a~v~~.,, ,~ 24 ~~~~~ti,~~'~~ a IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set this hand and seal the day and ear first above written. Y [SEAL) New Hanover County Contract #01-0214 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Allen O'Neal, County Manager • ATTEST: ..Clerk to the Board NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, a Notary Public of the State and County. aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that .she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Manager, Allen O'Neal, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 2001. Notary Public. My commission expires: • 25. POST OFFICE BOX 967 A. A. CAS!®l9TAS ATTORNEY AT LAW 244 PRINCESS STREET • SUITE 12 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-0967 March 2, 2001 I~Is. Wanda M. Copley, Esq. Office of the County Attorney 320 Chestnut-Street, Room 30,9 Wilmington, NC 28401-4095 ~~ r~ ~~ } {ti ~q yl~lFi t ` ~ --~~ ~ . .y ~1 ! ~ f ~ a~ it ~~ ~ ~~ „~;~,;`i f,,,-,., _ Gi~v1 i :': ~.. ,.Yr~ {. 9" .1,Y~13:.. . `~~1 : ~ CO. ~ Yr ~ n c ~ Re: Beach Access Road Alabama Ave. - Kure Beach, NC Dear Ms. Copley: It has come to my attention that New Hanover County plans to deed by Quitclaim to Carolina Beach several access roads leading to the beach including Alabama Avenue. We have been talking on and off with Carolina Beach regarding this area and to date, no definite answer has been reached. We will continue to strive to resolve this matter between Kure Beach and Carolina Beach. - I have.. been requested to inform you that we would appreciate your not conveying Alabama Avenue at this time as the largest portion of it presently -lies in Kure Beach's boundary. I find it strange that you would convey this land to another municipality without inquiring as. to possible repercussions. Again, Kure Beach would appreciate your not, conveying out Alabama Avenue that lies in Kure Beach to anyone until you hear from both Towns acquiescing thereto. Thanking you for your courtesy and cooperation, I am Sincerely your '~ ~~ . Canoutas Town Attorney cc: Ted Davis, Chm. /~llen O'Neal, Co. Mgr. Town of Kure Beach AAC:clm 26 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM MEMOR:4NDU~1: TO: New Hanover Count Commissioners, y ~~~ FROM: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney RE: Conveyance of Public Beach Accesses • DATE:- March 12, 2001 An item on the regular agenda proposes conveying six (6) public beach accesses controlled by New Hanover County and constructed with CAMA funding. The .Parks Department, which currently maintains the properties, favors conveying the accesses to the appropriate Beach town(s) that have or will annex the locations. The proposal as presented would convey all six (6) accesses to the Town of Carolina Beach. After placing the item on the agenda, the Town of Kure Beach attorney contacted the Legal Department to request the removal of one street .access, Alabama, from the Carolina Beach conveyance. We then contacted the Carolina Beach Manager and at that time became aware of a controversy between the towns regarding the Ai~bama access. Apparently each jurisdiction intends annexing to the center line of the street. Each town wants the Alabama access conveyed to it. Both are in agreement that all the remaining five (5) accesses be conveyed to the Town of Carolina Beach. The Board has the following options available: 1. Convey Alabama Street to Carolina Beach; 2. .Convey Alabama Street to Kure Beach; 3. Retain the Alabama Street access, an option not advocated by County Parks; or 4. Convey each Beach town. ownership to either side of the Alabama Street center line consistent witfl their annexation plans, and the towns could determine maintenance through a Carolina Beach/Kure Beach Interlocal Agreement. . • Please contact me with any questions or concerns. 27 WMC/kc cc: County Manager Clerk to the Board - NE1~ HANOUER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS ' - - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTT®N Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Re ular Item #: 9 Estimated. Time: Page Number: g .D.epartment:. Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell - Contact: Lucie Harrell ~ - SUBJECT: - Committee Appointments - . BRIEF SUMMARY: - _ Committee Appointments: Citizens Sofid Waste Advisory Board - /l.iLa-(,~2r ~p~ti,~v,~¢.-~~'f""~ ~d.° Ma.~¢.~ t~-s~'c~~Fo - ~ Nursing Horne Community Advisory Committee Mv~. ~ra.i L1 2 (.~pp~`d•7 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS; - Make appointments ' FUNDING SOURCE: - , ATTACHMENTS: - Committee Information Sheets and Applications - - - ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTlO SICOMMENTS: AUNTY C®MMI~1Q ~ - ~4PPROVED ~ - - t~EJECTED C.p REMOVED . C~ POSTPONED ~ U ` , - ~ ~ S~ ~EARi~ ~ C011~IVllTTEE APPO1NTiVIE~1TS ~~~~z~~s soar®vv~s-r~ ~®U~so~v ~o~~® Vacancy: 1 At-Large Member :: APPLICANTS: , Mary Helen Orth Attachments: Board Information Applications '' ~ ~ , .. °'~' t ~,, ;?~ji1 ~M. ,~ ~, ~:~ RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A CITIZENS SOLID WASTE ADVISORY BOARD WHEREAS, New Hanover County is a densely developed coastal County with sensitive environmental conditions; and WHEREAS, the County has developed innovative and integrated technological systems for the disposal of solid waste to provide environmental protection; and WHEREAS, the County desires to continue planning for sound, of icient, and economical solid waste collection and disposal services; .NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners does hereby establish the New Hanover County .Citizens Solid .Waste Advisory Board, hereinafter referred to as "Advisory Board", and charges it with the following purpose. Special emphasis will be placed on providing direction on how to most effectively manage ,the increasing solid waste stream over the next seven years: `.`The New Hanover County Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board is hereby charged by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to review the New Hanover County Solid Waste Planning Area Solid Waste Management Plan, and to recommend sound, sensible and practical. strategies necessary to accomplish the solid waste management goals contained in the 10-Year Plan." In so serving, the Advisory Board may be expected to perform any the following: 1. To review with County staff all infor-nation relevant to solid waste collection and .disposal; 2. To evaluate and recommend short- and long- range plans for waste reduction a the source, recycling, yard waste composting and waste disposal; 3. To evaluate and recommend reasonable alternatives for assuring revenue necessary to fluid the existing solid waste programs; and ' 4. To evaluate and recommend public service programs for litter control. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Advisory Board shall consist of members, approved by the County Commissioners. BE IT FURTgIER RESOLVED: That the Advisory Board shall operate in accordance with the Bylaws as established by the New Hanover County Boazd of Commissioners and according to the following guidelines: } ~ 31 1. The Advisory Board members shall serve without compensation, but maybe refunded necessary expenses incurred by them in carrying out their duties consistent with the adopted budget. 2. A majority of the members of the Advisory Board shall constitute a quorum for the . transaction of business. An affirmative vote of the majority.~of members present~at a meeting of the Advisory Board shall be required to constitute action of the Advisory Board::. 3. The officers of the Advisory Board shall be chairman, vice-chairman, and a secretary. The .Advisory Board shall elect the chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary from its membership at the organizational meeting. 4. The organizational meetinj shall ~ be called by the Chairman of the County . Commissioners. and shall' be held within thirty days after the appointment of the members of the Advisory Board.. A•lI appointments to the Advisory Board shall be~ completed within ninety days. 5. The Advisory Board shall continue until such time as the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners declares the Advisory Board to be dismissed. - 6. New Hanover County shall bear all costs of the Advisory.Board. As soon as practicable . .after- its organizational meeting, the Advisory Board shall prepare a budget for its pperations. The budget shall be reviewed and subject to the approval of the County Commissioners.. The employment of personnel, purchasing procedures" anal financial management by the Advisory Board shall be subject to the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control•Act. 7. The Advisory Board may utilize officers, employees, agents, and facilities of New Hanover County as needed to carry out the Advisory Board purposes. 8. The Advisory Board shall have the authority to appoint such subcommittees consisting of its membership as well as other citizens as necessary for the accomplishment of its Purposes. day of April , 2000. 2~ ,~~,,,,.. Q . ~?~.. William A. Caster, Chairman Board o~~County Commissioners 32 Signed this the loth CITIZENS SOLD WASTE ADVISORY BOARl7 CITRRENT MEMBERS TERM SERVING Edgar C. Fox First 2525 Canterbury. Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ Appointed 9/18/00 (910)763-7945 (h) .. Buck O' Shields First 745b Dunbar Road Wilmington, NC 28411 Appointed' 9/18/00 (910)686-4163 (h) Vacancy CITY OF WILMINGTON R~PRESEN'TATIVES - Councilman Frank Conlon Ratified 9/18/00 City of Wilmington P. O. Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402 ~, a Bill Reid; Solid Waste Manager - Ratified 9/18/00 City of Wilmington P. O. Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402 CAROi.INA BEACH REPRESENTATIVE) Harry Oakes, Director:ofPublic Works 1121 N. Lake Park Boulevard Carolina Beach; NC 28428 LITRE BEACH REPRESENTATIVE Tim Fuller Ratified 8/21/00 133 Settlers Lane Kure Beach, NC 28449 WRIGHTSVII.LE BEACH REPRESENTATIVE ' .NEW HANOVER COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE Nancy H. Pritchett 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 ~'~~~ TERM EXPIRES 33 /VE1/1/ ~AIVOI/~R C®UNTlo tt~'~_/'.~'; ~~..: ~_ ~~~J ~OAR® ®F CC~I~/1~1ISS1®I11ER.S ~'' ~ Y ;-'~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC ~ 28401-4093 ~ ~~~'~ HAP{` ~~t~ ~'~' Telephone (910) 341-7149 ~fl• OF CCU+'r~`:~~~C~~~~S, FAX (910J 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ' Appointed by the iVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: _ J f7 rl`l/Y(~~'7,~-Ii'v Gir7~cvt, t ~1 f~~ ~E ~ _ ~~i ~~ c~L Name: /~ /~-YC,/ _ YI ~-2f ~ ~1 [.~~ ~'''t'G? s Home ' - % How long have you been a ~ ~ ~~tii Address: `]~~j~J ~~/r ~ZI~L~ {~'i'? t ~~-2 resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~ ' -~ ' ~ J / `J Mailing A ddress: ~ 7~ ~ / ~ Gc S 1~1 (2~t ~ ~,~ (~~ / City and State: G~/l (3~!//~~'~ ~ !`-G"y ?7 /~~ C- Zip Code: ~ j ~~ 7 Telephone: Home: C9/L~ -~ ~ ~~ ~ ' -~ '~ ~ ~ Business: ~/~lr~' Sex: c~1-- *Race: U.~ r~'C_;~ ~, ~'.--~ *Age: <~ °This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring,that across-section of the community is appointsd. "*Employed by: / °'A person currently employed by the agency or departmsnt for which this application is made, must resign his/herposiGon with J New Hanover County upon appointment, in~accordanc(e~with Article V!, Sec. 4 of iha lVaw Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: /{~2 ~tY'~ ci ~~-,,(_ / Jcx~e~)l C~01/~PYy11'LI,G~;: d5 ~f(~ YCU-~t,~t`-~(~I~?.l~(,~~°? C,?-i G?1cLe(a' Professional Activities: VolunteerActivities: V~I~E~,9~2r'~l~ ~4~~7U4`rG'-,'~~~,~/.r r,~ Ul~~/~~~ 1~:?~Jiyl,~~-2CI'Otw~ /.- '' /~~ct !1'?Gc2.~r ,~1.~-? ,~~+~iv~1~i, `l,.a, `~ ;c~,:t~rr:~~. C~~[-~'~ .`~Gl~1l~:L>~„~'~Cd~~~i~~~~'?'kx).( l/r'.r~'-?5 /G~~ ,j~rr _.. Why do you wrsh to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? / ~ ~,~;.~~ ~~kn~ ~ G?.~'~G~ /, L ~trczLY ~'tJ~L' N~tvv_i,~~(I r~'~. ~c.~-y CC~z,t..~ ~ ~Yr~ ~LZG~2 C (r"G~I f~~/1 f~~ic~'K~.fvt. ~~ ~2t G~~ f / ~; ~ ~ u Wha do you feel are your qualifications fo( serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedZ ~~~ ~~'~ /~~ d j~yL-~,~t:,,~~~ ,~~r~~ -~2~uq u,~ u,~/ -/2~ ~,.~ F~ d /~~ ~ ~ ~/.' ;~~ ems: / ~C%R ~ ~ -~ ~-~ ~.~c~ ~z~ /,~J2/~v~ dG11~ 1 NU/lt_~ ~ k~CLtC'' .Y.~2~l ~'C~ f~G~'L*~ i/~/~l"Z~`LL~~ ~1ti-.1/QL7/ZN~(/YC~ CC(:./ f~(F' i7i~G~_G~~~ G~rC'~'L~,GI ~ ~ ."- What areas of concern would you like' t/o see the Board, Co /mm~i~tt"ee, or Commission address? ~l~'~~-T-~-'~~-~i`~-`=~l ~~~zL.c~ ~j ~d'G1 LL'~./LL~C~'J.S iEl G~- Lam' i'l~)GiO : ~.C~000`Z f'fiYLi,~v(cLQ r' w"Z / S i~/J 167 C~ --~'-4'~ _~j _~G~~[,~~ `_/ ,~.u ~/ ~i~YY1llY-E .~ , a~Gt ~ t.c ~~ wi. /1~/ C~z-rte, ~2 G~ ,~ iyL ~ `/~ l~'~-z~<a~~E P C. rc~J ~*~ •2s1!1-~/ f-s c~ ~c 5 I " ~<~z!~ Fc~,~ ~ ~-Q- ~C S~~-rn~ °-, ~.~ G~1w. -~ ww-~~~v~r,r~.t - -- .. A Are you current/y serve on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? , %f,so, please list: Date: Signature (P/ease use reverse side for additional cammantsJ REFERENCES: r. ~. 3. Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone /Number ~ f/a~~~-~- . ~~ ~, dam, ~ ~/. ~ ~~r ~, ~~,~ ~~{~~,/~~ vj ~- r ~ 5 /`~ ~7Ir e • Applicant: ~~CZ 2 ~%~+-~ ~2 r / ~ /' - 7 U~ l r,~'VC 1--~.'~ ,IGt, !"w7r~~ ( CG r1 ' / . e~ C.Q. ~ ~ GL1~12I~' y[ ~ vim/ 5~ ..~_~~~ Q ~ " G7C c',li ~~~./~~ i ~~i°7yG/1G'°z~7c ~~,,,, ~ 35 COMMITTEE APPOIIUTMEt~T~ NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 VACANCIES Term: One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter APPLICANTS: ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT Joseph Tralle ADMINISTRATORS' NOMINEES None Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ~6 NURSING HOME COM1VVi<VUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 13 One-third of the members "may be nominated by Nursing Home Administrators. . Number of members are determined by the number of Nursing Homes in County. The immediate family of a patient in a home may not be a committee member or persons with a financial interest in a home served by the committee. Term: 1-year term initially; 3-year terms thereafter Compensation: none Regular Meeting: called as needed ~ . ; Statute or cause creating Boardr N.C. General Statutes 130 Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes. -This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing home it serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. TERM TERM CURRENT ME1tiIBERS SERVING EXPIRES • • Joan Barbara Apke 109 Cromwell Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 799-4574(H). Catherine R. Davis 5613 Greenville Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 395-5512 (H) 350-2100 (W) Rev. John Fredlaw P.0. Box 7.15 _ Wilmington, NC 28402 763-8246 (H) 762-3549 (W) First (Appt. 9/21/98 to 1 year term) (Appt. to 3 year term 11/15/99) First (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) Appt. to 3 year term 6/21/99 First (Appt. 812.1/OO to 1 year term) First (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1-year term) (Appt. 6/i9/00 to 3 year term) First 11 /30/2002 _ 6/30/2002 8/31/2001 6/30/2003 2/28/2004 Dorothy Lane Grime 5583' Wood Duck Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 350-0672 (H) Peggy J. Hall P.0. Box 5216 Wilmington, NC 28403 762-4665 (H) (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term) (Appointed to 3 year term 2/19/01) 37 NURSING HOME COMMUMTY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) TERM TERM `. ~ ~- CURRENT MEMBERS ~ SERVING EXPIRES Bridget M. Harding ~ Initial ~ 2/28/02 2248 Deepwood Drive ~ ~ ~~ Wilmington, NC 28405 Appointed 2/19/01 256-8805 (H) ~ : D. Alton Parker, Jr. First ~ 8/31/2001- 5429 '/z Oleander Drive . Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 8/21/00 to 1 year term) 392-3514 (H) Donald E. Price ' First ~ 2/28/2004 , ZO1 Lawton Circle (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1-year term) Wilminb on, NC 28412 " (Appt. 2/19/01) ,.. ~ ~ „ 799-5358 (H) ~ ~ , Steven R. Roberts First 8/31/2003 806 Bay Blossom Drive (Appt. 8/16/99 to 1-year term). Wilmington, NC 28411 (Appt. 8/21/00 to 3 year term) 397-0665 (H) 256-2330 (W) Eileen B. Rock - First b/30/2002 2614 Columbia Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 762-5103 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 ' Nominated by Nursing Home Administrators: Staff Support: Harvin Quidas, Region O Long Term Care Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 File: /Nursing 2/01 3g C~ Application For Appointments rv~~v t~A~~ ~~~ ~~nr~v ;- 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305- Wilmington, lVC 2840 ~-4093. Telephone (910) 347-7149 FAX (9.10) 341-4130 http:Uwurw.co.new-hanover.ne.us/CC/applic.htm ,. D ~Cc C~~1~ DEC - 4 2000 NEW HANOVER CO BO Of COMMISSIONERS Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: h/u ~ s ~~ l-~d~ ~. cow. - .~.-- Request for Appoin~ent to: `cn~J ^! ~ ~ ,yG "'n ZS-~ `7 n `- z ^ Z, ~ ~ c.'~.. !J f ~~1 r-- , --~r i i; :_"NLJF`~~~~./ `° Name: S C i~/`~` ~r2J`~ L C Now long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~k'S Home Address: :~? / 3 ~ ~ /V 1~~?A/i~~4 L.L.. ~ ~-. Mailing `Address: City -and State: Ly: L vyl / /~~ T~,L` ~C Zip Code: L~~~ Telephone: Nome. ~/G') ~ ~~6 -2/ ~ S _.- _ Business: ' . .~ *Sex: ~l~f 'Race: C~ ~ C f# ~ ii=!- it! *Age: ~ ~ *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of -the community is . ~ . appointed *Emplo yed b y: *' ~'A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~ , ~V~r G/g-~G-` ~} ~ ~ ~~ !1~ ~ c,' /y (C-Z-.~' /=0 G'~ ~ /L'y G--~ L vl~~ t~'t.- / L ~ u / /~ ~ ~V~ . Pro fessional:Activities.. /~~~is ~'~-/~ p .~.rs i / C ~= Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~-/~Z ~~ S ~1 r o 2 s ~ ~-~ ri`~~' iti"i=o 2 ~F? 7`~..(i ~ Sr7z l/i ~ G-S i ~~-t! s~r/~ ~ i~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or.Commission requested? - S'~i~Cs /'-'-s ~;-. v~Grj ,4~~JiT~,'L. ~iL'~ rK i3/~~T 7~' y ov l~ ~: ~! 5~ ~ ti~~ S r~~~r /-: c ~-T •~ ,~5 ,4-,v ~ r~~cr' ~i>2 ~ ryi~ ~T~ 1 of 2 11/8/2000 1:30 PM Application for Appouitments http://www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/applic.htm What areas of concern- would yo.u like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? o N(s• / G72 Nt C/-3-/2 G-'' C v ti'S V~ G ~ J~i'Lo 7-~ I /C,(~ ~-~D ~ Lam" /~.4.'/~/~/Lf1N/C~ ~4 ~~ ryic~r Tt ~ ~-Tii o.ti ~' Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed.by a municipality or a ,county? if so, please list: yt/o ti'G' ~ - Date: //- 2I _ y'~J .Signature Il--~ ~' REFERENCES: . '` J , Please provide three local personal references:. NamePhone Number l -I L DEC - ~ 2000 _ NE'~r' HANOVER CO ~~ BD OF COMMISSIONERS 2 of t 11/8/2000 1:30 PM NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 ;~ Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Vinton Fountain, III Chaiman Convention Center Dev. Team Contact: Allen O'Neal ~ SUBJECT: Approval of Resolution Urging Priority Support for the Convention Center Development Team Funding Proposal BRIEF SUMMARY: The Conventaion Center Development Team will make a presentation regarding the status of the project. You will most likely be asked to approve a resolution of support. A suggested resolution is attached. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: convresolutio ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Hear presentation and consider resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • r~OUiVTY COMM1~Si©PVE~ ~ APPROVED C•--- ne~~~,~~~/drr~ REJECTED p 0 ~~~~~'`' REMOVED ~ ~40A ~STPONED F~EARi') 3 ; r~ (~z~~.~p~ n~.w s SUGGESTED ` Resolution OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Urging Priority Support For j The Convention Center Development Team Funding Proposal ~ / WHEREAS, numerous attempts have been made to build a Convention Center m the Wilmington area over the past 30 years; and ~ / WHEREAS, conclusive research and analysis h~ shown that the will draw regional and national. convention groups; and of a Convention Center in o~ir community WHEREAS, a Convention Center will help fill tlpe slower tourism WHEREAS, regional competitors in the conventio~i and tourism capabilities and New Hanover County convention ar~d meeting b, older Season for the entire county; and y are expanding and enhancing their convention is being eroded to these expanded facilities; and WHEREAS, there will be significant and diverse ecorl mic ben fits resulting from the Convention Center including the creation of approximately 1200 new jobs and an econoi~i~ben~ rt to the region in the amolmt of almost $60 million; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That The ~ Hanover County Commissioners do hereby support increasing the Hotel Occupancy Tax by 3% and establishing a l~/o\ epared food tax to enable construction and operation of a Convention Center in Downtown Wilmington. / BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That The New Hano~/er County Co missioners do hereby support the recommendation ofthe Convention Center Development Team to retu~ to the beach cot munities $.02 ofthe $.03, based onpoint-of--sale, generated by the Hotel Occupancy Tax for their us rn tourism related rojects and activities. , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That The New anover County Commissioners do hereby encourage the Wilmington City CoLmcil, the Town of Wrightsville Beach, he Town of Carolina Bea h and the Town ofKure Beach to.siipport the proposed. funding method to enable the construction and operation of a C nvention Center in downtown Wilmington. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That The New Hanover County Commissioners will work with the Convention Center Development Team, 'the Legislative delegation, and the elected boards of the four other municipalities to develop alternative funding methods if necessary. Adopted this the 12f'' Day of March, 2001 n ~~. ~~~~~ Clerk of the Board of Commissioners . ~' ~'~'~~ } ,.~ Ct ~. ~~.~ `~,,.~.:~,.,,,,m 4. , . 40B . 3 Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Resolution OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Urging Priority Support For The.Convention Center Development Team Funding Proposal WHEREAS, numerous attempts have been made to build a Convention Center in the Wilmington area over the past 30 years; and WHEREAS, conclusive research and analysis has shown that the construction of a Convention Center in our community will draw regional and national convention groups; and WHEREAS, a Convention Center will help fill the slower tourism Shoulder Season for the entire county; and WHEREAS, regional competitors in the convention and tourism industry are expanding and enhancing their convention capabilities and New Hanover County convention and meeting business is being eroded to these expanded facilities; and WHEREAS, it is prof ected that there will be significant and diverse economic benefits resulting from the Convention Center including the creation of approximately 1200 new jobs and an economic benefit to the region in the amount of almost $60 million; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That The New Hanover County Commissioners will work with the Convention Center Development Team, the Legislative delegation, and the elected boards of the four municipalities to develop an acceptable funding method. Adopted this the _ day of , 2001 Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Clerk of the Board of Commissioners ,r~ Cn~ ~~!TY COP~MSSIONER F,"~:`;OVED J F" ' _CTED E. .°OVED O F;.:,TPONED D HERRD p DATE -~ ~~ Q I P ., t r4:t~i1 ~~.t ~~~ FU ~<`~ ~~VN'~~~~~ . . « Oda }~- } p ~ C~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Additional Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Commissioner Pritchett Contact: Commissioner Pritchett SUBJECT: Consideration of Waiving the Tip Fee for the "Azalea Pride Clean Up" BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board is being requested to waive the tip fee for the Azalea Pride Clean Up to be held on Saturday, March 31, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Waive the tip fee. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMM Recommend approva . ,.,.~.~..,.~.,,..~.,~..,, ,, l,. ,,,,.....~..~,. G ~tilurr~ raMMl~ror APPROVED t,~! REJECTED O 3 REMOVED C.1 POSTPONED ~}FARO 2 ~ ~~' ~'- ~ ~; ~, 1 r $ ~ ~~ n ~~ ~ ~r~ii~i^Q ° ~~ .,~. ~ 1 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH 'T'HIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC March 2b; 2001 ITEMS OF Bl<TSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non-Agenda Items {limit 3 minutes) ~ 41 • • ~ 2. Approval of Minutes ~ 43 • 3. Request by Carolina Omelet House to Discharge Sewerage to Existing Force Main 45 Adjourn . • ~ 41 ~ r - {T'his pale intPnti®nc~ll~y left ~la~ak} 42 + NEVV HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COIVIIViISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number:. , Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrel( - Contact: Lucie F. Harrell 5 U BJ ECT: Approval of Minutes , BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting held on March 12, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. . FUNbING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEP~I DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~~~1N71' COMMI~~IONE~~~ ', HPPROVED Ly'~ REJECTED 0 REMOVED C.l i . POSTPONED d - ~iEARI~ Cl' +~~' i °-. ~,_~ NE1N HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMNIlSSiONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 3. Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Request for Permission to Discharge Sewage to Existing Force Main Carolina Omelet House- 5512 Castle Hayne Road -Castle Hayne BRIEF SUMMARY: . Staff has received a request from N1r. Thomas Reeves, owner.of the Carolina Omelet House (copy attached) to tie into the existing sewer line that runs directly behind his restaurant. He wants to expand his seating capacity to seventy (70) from the existing thirty-five (35) seats, but he is not able to, due to the limited capacity of his septic tank. The projected design sewer flow will be 1,700 gallons per day with the additional seats. Based on the attached letter from the Health Department, his lot will not accommodate a septic tank expansion. If approved, Mr. Reeves will pay all associated costSand will connect to the gravity sewer system, when available. A map indicating the location of the restaurant is attached. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Since this is an existing business, I recommend that he be allowed to connect the restaurant to the existing force main which passes through Castle Hayne. All expenses would be paid by Mr. Reeves. FUNDING SOURCE: 800.170-4197 ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Mr. Reeves Letter from the Health Department Location Map REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: IV/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approv NTS: ~c7f:iNTY ~®MNlISSI~N~RS . APPROVED f REJECTED p REMOVED (; POSTPON€[2 L7 `t ~?;EARfJ ~` January 23, 2001. . New Hanover County Environmental. Health Att: Susan Wr~i~ght ' 2029 South' 17 Street iNilmington;~ NC 28401` Dear Ms. Wright: would like to request permission to expand the seating capacity of Carolina Omelet House by thirty additional seats. In order to expand the seating .capacity, will our present sewer.system be adequate or can we expand the capabilities of the system to accommodate the additional seating? We look forward to your written reply. If you have questions you may contact me at 910.675.1307 {business) or 910.675-0990 (home): Faxed information can be sent to 910.675.0990. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, ~J~ ,/ Thomas S. Reeves Owner, Carolina Omelet House _", .. . V .cr~q ~~l!~~ ~~ t~ i' t~ ~.ar16~~~G'~o ~;~~ J' ~% I~ February 7, 2001 Wyatt E. 131anchard, P.E. County Engineer 414 Chestnut Street Wilrtaington, i~C 28401 Dear IUIr. ~3(anchard, 1-would like to get permission to tie into the existing county sewer dine that runs directly behind our restaurant located at 5512 Castle Hayne Road. According to the Health Department we do not have an area large enough to increase our ,suer capacity in order to increase our seating numbers. Have a fast food restaurant serving breakfas# and lunch primarily for the- working people in our area. Due to our limited seating capacity, much of our potential business is lost. People often come in .and see that there are no empty seats and walk out, or circle the restaurant, look in and keep on going. We have our wait staff on alert to let people know when seats will be available. We can serve the customers quickly once we get them in a seat knowing most people have a limited time to spend for lunch. With the increase in the cost of L.P. Gas,. insurance, and other expenses associated with running our business, we are in desperate need of increasing our seating. capacity. ®ur restauran# provides employment for 13 people in our community. With the loss of some business due to our seating limitations we are experiencing a hardship in managing the expenses of the business. We have been in business for ten years now and have not been able to increase seating in the restaurant. ft is now economically necessary for us to be able to expand our seating capacity . We desperately need to expand in order to survive as a small business. I hope you can work with us and help us solve this problem. !appreciate your time and effort on our behalf and look forwarding to hearing from you soon. if you need additional infiormation, you sari reach me at 910.875.0990 or 1.910.875.1307. Sincerely, . Thomas Stanley Reeves awner, Carolina. Omelet House 47 DAVID E. RICE, M.P.H., M.A. Health Director February 1, 2001 l~ ~ ~l~l ~~ ~ ~J 1~1 ~~+ A~~~ I~~+ PAR~'~~rd'~' ~+ 1°~V~~~leilV~~l°+1'~'A~., ~3~A~'I' 2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET WILMINGTON. NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-6667, FAX (910) 772-7810 Carolina Omelet House Attn; Thomas Reeves 5~ 12 Castle Hayne Road. Castle Hayne NC 28429 LYNDA F. SMITH, M.P.A. Assistan# Health Director RE: Request to increase seating capacity by 30 seats at Carolina Omelet House -» 12 Castle Hayne Road, Castle Hayne Dear i~1r. Reeves: Your request to increase your seating capacity by 30 additional seats has been reviewed by the Soil and Water Division of this department. It was determined that the existing flow rate of 800 gallons per day would increase to 2000 gallons per day. This increased flow rate tivould require the following: 1. Septic tank size - 2625 gallons 2. Pump tank size - 1750 ,gallons 3. Minimum drainfield - 1333. linear feet Our review indicated that the existing system ~is presently undersized for this flow rate "upgrade in gallons per day. A site visit found insufficient area for additional tanks and. drainlines: ' At this time, your request to increase your e.-.fisting scatit,g `capacity has been denied. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 343-6667. Sincerely, Susan R. Wright, RS . Environmental I-Iealth Program Specialist q. ~ srw/dbl ./ -~, C ~; HOLLY SHELTER Rpgp ~~ C ST ' 0 1 s 1 d ®~ ~~g e~ rc~ a~~ - . _ ------- --- . -_IV Sit E March 12, 2001 90 .0 90 180 Feet S -. ,, i - _ J ~~'his pcc~e intea~ti®a~c~lly left blaa~k} CONSENT AGENDA NEW IIANOVER COUNTY BOARD OIL' COMMISSIONERS February 19, 2001 ITEiO~IS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. Kw~ P f Mi l .v 6~,~ 1. Approva o nutes ~ 53 ,k, ~< 2. Approval of Request to Apply for FEMA grant under the "F1.R.E." Program to 55 Enhance 800mhz Communication System 3. Approval ofRequest to Apply for Grant for Governor's )-Iighway Safety Program 57 4. Appi-oval_of Request to Apply for LSTA Internet Service Improvement Grant ~9 5. Approval of Release of Value 79 6. Approval of New Hanover County and-New Hanover County Fire District 81 Collection Reports ~~~e.C~7. Approval of Conveyance of Pender County Parcel to Cape Fear Community 85 College 8. Approval of SR-2 Resolutions Requesting NCDOT to add Patsy Lane, Buddy 89 Road, and umiamed road off Gordon Road to the State Highway System 9. Consideration of Approval for New Hanover Regional Medical Center to Lease 93 Property Located at 5310 Greenleaf Drive Approval of Budget Amendments: 10.1 #01-0152 Sheriff's Department/Federal Forfeited Property 95 1:0.2 #01-0153 Sewer Operating/Water-Sewer Engineering 96 10.3 #01-0161 Non-:Departmental/ContmgencieslHeal~th/Jail Health 98 10.4 #01-0162 Aging/Senior Center ~ ~ . 99 10.5 #01-0163 Health/Partnership for Children-Health 100 10.6 #01-0164 Social Services/Administration/Work First-TANF/CP&L Intervention 101 . Program 10.7 #01-0165 Social Services/Administration/Day Care Services/LINKS 102 10.8 #O1-0166 Social Services/Child Day Care 103 - 10.9 #2001-32 Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project _ 104 10.10 #2001-33 Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project l OS 11. Approval of EDA Funding for Construction & Expansion of the City and County 107 Wastewater Treatment Facility & Collection Infrastructure for Pender County y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 52 NEi~ HANOVER C0~1NTY BOARD OF COIVIM9SSIONERS ' REQUEST. FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dafie: 03/26/01 Consentltem #:. 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell. Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minu#es - ' ' BRIE' SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: , Regular Meeting, March 12, 2001 Closed Session, March 12, 2001 ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. ~ . ~ FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ' • ~ ~f~ltiUl'1~ ~4~MP9 ~~ . APPROVED ~ ~ ~ ; ~tEJECTED ~ p REMOVED G~/ POSTPONED ~ , ~FEARD ~ ~ ~i. ~.~ .. ,~ ~ ~ €~'his p~~e inte~tti®~~rlly left blc~~k} r ~s, J ~` r ~~ a v, . ~ ir'~~: r r `1~.;1 Li~~ _ _ .,~,1 f5~~1~ r+;r_ 54 ~~ l.._J L~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Consent Item.#: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Emergency Management Presenter: Dan Summers Contact: Dan Summers SUBJECT: Request approval to apply for a FEMA grant under the '°F.I.R.E°' program to enhance 800 mhz communication system. 8RlEF SUMMARY: FEMA will be announcing federal grants available to fire department organizations to enhance planning, training, equipment, facilities, and communication resources. Emergency Management, in conjunction with the Fire Services Department, request authorization to apply for this highly competitive grant. Based on our population, a local match up to 30 ~/o may be required if the application is approved. Emergency Management with support from Fire Services desires to utilize grant funds to implement the 800 mhz capital improvement simulcast network. This system enhancement will improve radio signal coverage in the southern end of the County. Preliminary project cost of the system enhancement is approximately $1,500,000. If FEMA awards the full amount in late 2001 or early 2002, the County's share should be $450,000 (30°Jo). The Commissioners will have an opportunity to accept or deny funds associated with the FEMA grant, if awarded and decide how the local match will be funded. The County's cost share would also be reviewed at that time. Implementation of this project will have no effect on 911 system or operation. Equipment transmitters, antennas, and towers associated with this grant will only improve two-way radio performance and in-building coverage for emergency responders. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval to apply for funds and approval of associated budget amendment if awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: FEMA and potential local snatch ATTACHMENTS: None REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A Recommend approval. D HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A '~~ ~o~~l~rc~~ ~RPPROVED C~; A, ^~ REJECTED ~ REMOVED ~g .~, POSTPONED ;d Ff,EARn ~ {This pale intentionally le, ft blink} M .',~ ~. f~~. Qom. ~ ,~. ~~~i'}(i ~6 ~'} _.1, NE~1! HAiVO_VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Consent ltern #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff Presenter:. Contact: Fred Clingenpeel SUBJECT: Grant Application-Governor's Highway Safety Program-$25,000 BRIEF SUMMARY: The Sheriff Dept. wishes to apply for a grant from the Governor's Highway Safety Program. Total project will be $47,000; grant amount is $25,000, County cost is $21,500. The grant will pay for equipment for the Sheriff's Alcohol Field Enforcement Unit. The County's match will come from Federal Forfeited Property funds. , RECOMMENDED MOT90N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Recommend approval to apply; request authorization for the County. Manager and Finance Director to sign the application; request acceptance of the grant and approval of associated budget amendment ,if awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $25,000 . ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: PENANCE: Approve • BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A UN~ Mft~10~5~ APPF;OI/ED '' ~EJ> cTEO c 1<?EMOVED P®STPONED ~EARi7 _~ , /;~ 57 {This pc~~e int~nti®nccll~ le}~t bl~nli} ~ryry l ~~e 1i+~ 5 ~ r- ~~ , y 3 w~.,ff~ ~;~r~} f~ ,~; .. ~~ '' NEB! HANO~ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST -FOR BOARD. ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 .: Consent item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Library Presenter: Contact: David Paynter . SUBJECT: LSTA Internet Service Improvement Grant ~ • BRIEF SUMMARY: - This grant will provide funds to purchase software to manage the Library's public access computers (PAC's). The' software will manage printing from the PAC's, and monitor time of use by the public by limiting Internet access to one hour per patron. The latter especially is strongly supported by library staff, who spend a significant amount of time °policing" PAC's. Print . management will allow use of a debit card and allow full recapture of the cost of items printed. Currently printing is paid-by an honor system. Sometimes patrons leave without paying for .copies. The required match will come from the Library's operating budget. RECOMMENCED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve grant application and acceptance of grant if awarded and approve of associated budget amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: LSTA grant $ 28,644 Match 7 161 (from library operating budget) Total $ 35,805 - ATTACHMENTS: ~ . -LSTA application REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'' Recommend approva I ~OUIt' ~~iMiq~l~; . APPROVED ~/ ~EJECTE[? p . t>~EMOVE® ~ „' ~. " ~'OSi'POfVED ~ ~EARi~ ~ t '`~ ~~~~~ ..~ say of J C~ State Library ofi North Carolina ~ST~ 1~TER~~T SER!!!GE 1iUIPROV~fiVl~~T GP "yN7'S 2001-2002 AppBication t~~~ ,D~~E: Recoivod ,lJy 5:00 ~.m. ~ilarch 30, 2007 in ff~e Li~i-ary ~e~~ elcpmer~.f Soction Of~`6ce, doom 290. SEND a total of 26 copies, including 1 with original signatures in blue ini:. Delivery by US Postal Service: Delivery by commercial service (e.g. FedEx),or hand delivery: LSTA Grant Applications LSTA Grant Applications Library Development Section Library Development Sectien, Raom 210 ' State Library of North Carolina State Library of North Carolina 4640 Mail Service Ceriter Archives & State Library Building Raleigh, NC 27699-4640 109 E. Jones Streei Raleigh, NC 27601 '9. INSTITUTIGN / New Hanover County Public Library~~ LIi3RARY: 2. MAlL9NG ADDRESS: 201 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 3. CCNT,~,C"~ PERS+JN l TITLE: Ronda Anne Grizzle, Computer Services Librarian 4. Pl-IONE: 910-341-4036 i=A~: 910-341-4357 ~-MAIL: r rizzle~co.new- hanover, nc. us ~. F'U~dDS (whole dollars only): Grant Amount Requested $ 2'8,644 (Grant amount maximum $100,000; minimum $10,000) ~- Matching Funds $7,161 (Match must be at least 25% of grant amount requested) Tota6~Project Costs = $35;805 To cor~npiete this application attach pages tivith responses to items ~ 7-1 J. 6. CE>'.Tll"ICATICN APJD SIGNATURES: We arc aware of, and agree to comply with, all state and federal provisions and assurances recuired under this grant program. If awarded grant funds, we assure that we will carry out the grant project according to the approved grant proposal. This application has been authorized by the appropriate authorities of the applying institution/library. David M. Poynter ' Type name~of~libra~y-director ~ ' ~ ~ ~ :~i!, Signature, Libr y Director:. +4 ` ~ ~" ~~ti/,~~=,~ O Date • , «'hr Allen O'Neal, County Manager Type name /title of focal government or Institutional authorizing official Signature, above official Date S LN C-2/01 r. UScRS "r-+I~ID R~SOUR~ES: a. Complete the appropriate space below to show the number of etigibke library us°ers. For co~amunity college libraries:. Use data from Table 26 "Annualized Average Annual Fuil-Time Equivalent (FTE)- 1999-2000" posted at URL < hffp://statelibrary.dcr.stafe.nc.us/lsta/Isfa.htm >. . Source: 1999-2000 Annual Statistical Report (North Carolina Community College System, November 2000). FTE Students , • For libraries serving public and private colleges and universities: Use data from Table 5 at URL <hffp://~niww, northcarolina. edu/pres/publications/publications. cfm>. Source: Statistical Abstract of Higher Education in North Carolina, 1999-2000 (The University of North Carolina, 2000). . _ J FTE Students i~'or public libraries: Use data from Table 1, Public Library Profile, at the State Library's web site: <http://statelibrary.dcr.state.nc.us/Id/plstats9900/9900tablel.pdf>. Source: Statistics Directory of North Carolina Public Libraries, July 1, 1999 -June 30, 2000 (S'tate Library of North Carolina, 2000). Legal Service Area Population " 148,822 ®efinitions: For libraries serving community colleges, the number of FTEs reflects: Average Annual Full-time Equivalent (FTE): This is the data collected by the North Carolina Comm-unity College System and represents the FTE for students enrolled in curriculum and regular budget extension programs. This is the figure that the staff at the Community College System recommended be used as the most accurate indicator because so many of their FTE are not enrolled in courses that lead to a bachelor's degree. 61 -For libraries serving institutions that are part of the UNC system and for independent colleges and universities, the FTE numbers are those col ected for fPED'S and NCHEDS with the following definition: For institutions of higher education, enrollment of full-time students, plus the full-fime equivalent ofpart=time students as reported by institutions. In the absence of an equivalent reported by an institution, the FTE enrollment is estimated by adding , , one-third of part-time enrollment to r'ull-time. enrollment. This data element includes only resident-credit enrollment in courses basic to or creditable to..a bachelor's or higher degree. _ " For public libraries the population of lecgal service area; as defined in Outpuf Mees~rres for Public Libraries, A Manual of Standardized .Procedures (American Library Association, 1987}, is the number of people in the geographical area fior ~;~rhich a public library has been established to offer services and. from which (or:on bEn~if.of Fnihich) the library clerives income, plus any area served under contract for which this iibrary is the primary service provider. 62 C~ b: User Access Workstations (All applicants complete this section.) For every library outlet, list the current number of workstations a>7d bandwidth available for ~.iser access to the Internet and, if any, the number requested for purchase with project funds (grant and local matching funds). Provide figures for ~L.L outlets, not just the outlets for which you are requesting equipment or connectivity. As stated in Measures of Need for Infernet Service Improvement Grants (Information & Guideli'n'es, page 8), evaluations for this grant program will be based on the total number of workstations available fo users in an academic library or a public library system--n'ot on. the basis of -the number of workstations in a single facility. • ~- .f=acility Workstations Bandw~dt't~ ~ (list each library outlet (branch) on a separate line) Current Gates Grant ~` Requested TOTAL Current Rec, _ esrec~ Main iibrary 22 4 0 26 _ T1 Northeast Regional 32 2 (+lab) 0 34 T1 Myrtle Grove 7 1 0 8 256K Carolina Beach 2 2 0 4 56K Law Library . 2 4 0 6 T1 ~. . , .I ~Y,T~-'~1 TnTAL~ 65 13 ~ 0 ~ 78 `~ ,~~piicabie to public libraries only: include in this column the Gates Grant w'orkstation's you will receive in 2001. The number in the workstations "current" column should not include the Gates. ~rorkstations. - New Hanover County Public Library LSTA Grant Application March 2001 ,~ J °. Problem/Need ~ , 1~ccess to the Internet is a very limited resource at all branches of the ., r New Hanover County Public Library. Currently; patrons sign up on a paper list to use the Internet computers, and are requied to note the time they arrived, the time they began working on a pc,. and.the terminal number of the pc upon which they are working. Because this list is maintained at the reference desk; frequent staff intervention is required to manage ,pc access. Patrons forget to sign up, they forgetao` note their ,,start time and their terminal number, and they frequently ignore library policies about session length and _. _ ._ daily use limitations. ~~ At times when the reference staff is busy with patrons requiring reference assistance, patrons may have to tivait extended periods to get access to an internet pc when the patrons using the internet workstations do not. stop . ~~ working after the stated 30 minute time-limit. ~-~ We also have no way of controlling~access to printers, resLtlting in unwanted output being printed, and pages not being paid for that have been ~_/ printed; since payment is on an_ honor system and library policy states that all monetary transactions must occur at the. circulation desk. The current-system interferes with the reference staff's ability to provide. timely and efficient reference service. It favors the- patrons who have learned to exploit tl7e system for their own benefit and -beeps limited- resources locked in the hands of a few patrons, rather than insuring equal access for ali patrons. _. The current system also does nat -allow the library to~ adcqu.ately control the computer supplies budget because of the lack of control over printing from public. workstations. Our technology plan states that we will provide access to remote and local electronic resources and information services, but inherent in this statement must be that all patrons will have equal opportunities for access. The solution we are proposing for this problem will insure equal access and will take the burden of insuring this access from the reference staff, and place it on a computerized access control system. It will also provide control of printing by putting into place a debit card system that tivill insure that only pages that have been paid for are actually printed. 64 • s New Hanover County Public Library LSTA Grant Application March 2001 The problem tivith pc access and print control tivas evident `without any special study being done. The reference staff spends hours every week in policing the Internet pc users, and the number of abandoned printouts is increasing monthly. ~Y1e have no way of measuring how many printed pages are being paid for at the circulation desk (where all monetary transactions are handled) vs. the total number of printed pages. The automated system will represent our first effort to manage printer access, since with our current system and library policies, we are limited in our ability to control.both printing and payment for printouts. The paper sign-up sheets are the first attempt to solve the workstation access problem. They clearly are not working and are placing undue burden on the reference staff. • 65 New Hanover County Public Library LSTA Grant Application March ?001 9.I'roject .Description ;: We are. proposing purchase of _an integrated automated system to control pc access and provide print management. The solution we have chosen integrates access and printing control. ~ . Highlights of this system include: 'Library policies on -daily usage, per session time limits;~and per page printing costs can be preprogrammed into the system, allowing full and equal enforcement of these policies. ® Internet access `vill not regLUre constant staff monitoring, freeing the professional staff to provide reference sei-~Tices to-the patrons m The reported annual maintenance costs are reasonable and can be. accommodated into the Library's annual budget. ® The system chosen has been installed in other libraries with a similar network setup, so that we are assured of the viability of the system before committing to purchase. We are convinced this is a viable solution because it is one that has been put into place in many libraries previously, and the professional hteratlire has yielded a number of success stories from solutions like the one we propose to purchase. ~6 New Hanover County'Public Library LSTA Grant t~pplication March 2001 10. Irnpact~ ' `YIe will kno`v the problem has been solved when ® the reference staff spends no more than 5% of their time managing . public pc access ® when all pages printed are paid for iii advance ® when the pc supplies budget is-back under control The measures that will reflect the extent of success in improving access for . users will be all users have access to the public Internet worl~stations-for exactly ' the same length of time every day ® all users pay the same amount per,page for each page printed " 67 1 °1. ~U~~i~T. NOTE: If multiple problems/solutions are included in this project; provid'~ an overal'I budget, then separate budget subsets and narrative explanations (#'12) for each solution so that the costs of each "mini" project are clearly delineated. Example: An application that included a proxy server and a print management sysfie'm would be considered two projects. Round' amocnts to whole dollars Unit Quantity Cost LSTA Local Total a. vtJorlcstations b. lUlodems or = hletwark cards c. Pointers = ~^witGl"9e:5 d. Servers '~ _ e ~out~rsiNubs/ ~ _ fi. i~U~'nitLlre PHAROS Please g. Software UnipriNT see and detail on PFiAROS attached Sign-Up narrative ,Operating system Other (l. ~l~r°tring i. lnstailation j. Other Debitek debit card system 3 days 1,200 per day hardware Please see detail on attached narrative 10,832 2,708 = 13,540 2,880 720 = 3,600 14,932 3,733 18,665 __ ~~ - New Hanover County Public Library LSTA Grant Application _ March 2001 12. Budget Narrative The project that NHCPL is proposing for this LSTA grant consists of the follotiving categories of expenditures: ® Software ® Hardware/Equipment Installation/Training This narrative will discuss each of these categories separately for the sake of clarity. Soft rare The software that will be purchased is the PHAROS UnipriNT print management system and PHAROS Sign-up pc access system. `di'e expect the following expenditures in this category: Product Quantity/Descri tion Unit Cost Total Cost PHs1ROS Uni riNT 1-Base Charge 5+ rinters X2,500.00 $2,500.00 Printer License 7 rinters X650.00 X4,550.00 PHAROS Sign-Up 1 50+ PC License X3,495.00 X3,495.00 v Licenses for branches a to 10 c's~ X500.00 11,000.00 SQL 7.0 1 License X1,995.00 X1,995.00 'T'otal Software Investment $13,540.00 The base UnipriNT charge will allow for all printers that are publicly accessed to have their print queues controlled by this print management system. The printer licenses are required for printers to access print queues on an 1~1T server. The base Sign-up licenses will allow us to automate pc access at the iVlain library, the Northeast Regional Library; and at the Myrtle Grove branch. These are our busiest libraries with the most demand on Internet pc's. The SQL license `vill allow us to nin SQL on the NT server, tivhich is required to create and use the database that will hold sign-up queues and patron information. hardware and Equipment In order to automate the print management functions, patrons must have a way of converting cash into credit on a debit card. The following 70 • Ne:v Hanover County Public Library . ~ LST_=~ Grant Application . tilarch 2001 expenditures are related to the purchase of the egLUpment necessary to allow this conversion. ~~ Product Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Cash-to-Card System w/dis enser 1 er branch) 3 X3,795.00 X11;385.00 Card controllers (1 er branch, 1 backu) 4 X1,195.00 X4;780.00 Card Encodin s -stem 1 X2,500.00 X2,500.00 General debit cards aid b users) .65/each . Net Debit Card S stern investment $18;G6S.00 Each location `where print management is to be installed- must have a Cash-to-Card system, all`o`ying patrons to encode their own debit cards. Each branch must'also have controllers that allow the cards to be read and payment subtracted from the encoded amounts when copies are printed. These are the Card controllers listed above. Also included in that line item is 1 extra controller, to ser~Te as a backup unit. in case of hardware failure or malfunction. Please note that the cost of debit cards will be charged back to~ t11e patrons; and therefore, this line item exists only as information and does not represent any portion of the total. installation and 'T'raining r Included in the total amount from the budget grid are three days of onsite installation and training by vendor support technicians. These costs are outlined here. Product Quantity/Descri tion Unit Cost Total Cost PHAROS Uni riI\T 2 days X1,200.00 X2,400.00 ,PHAROS Sian-U 1. da ~ $1,200:00 ~1,2Q0.00 Net Installation/Trainin $3,600.00 ~"otal Expected Casts $35,805.00 Library 1'vlatch (20% of total) $ 7;161.00 'dotal grant Amount ~e~uested $28,44.00 71 12. ~~IJGL7~'NARit~TlV~: On attached pages provide a narrative clearly explaining all project expehditures, using the budget grid as a guide. Yau should provide sufficient information to justify costs and to enable reviewers to understand whether they are reasonable. Do not leave any amount unexplained and make sure the link to project activities is clear. Do(far amounts, including item quantities and unit costs within a category, sho~ild b`e provi.ded in the narrative ex~lana$ion. ~ . There must be a detailed description of equipment that will be purchased (b`rand names, makes and' models, specifications), specific affiliated software packages, and .explanation of ariy wiring and installation=costs, Include specifications for al'I equipment.. - . Applications that do not include complete. specifications for equipment v~'rill not be considered for funding.' - - ~~ Applications~that req~iest funding for equipment that does not meet or zxceed the "Minimum Specifications for New.Purchases" or applicable standards of fihe State of i\lorth Carolina IRMC or~iTS will not be considered for funding. , ~ ~. I~IATCI-lll`~G FIJI~~DS: ~ - Confirm the required local matching amount - at least 25% of the grant amount requested, and the source and availability of the matching funds. a. Grant request amount ~ 28,644 X 25% = $7,161 required rraatch. b. The required focal matching funds will be~available July 1, 200. The source of the matching funds is Library operating budget. '14. O~~1~7O1NG COS1"S: Provide an estimate of any mdnthly or annual telecommunications/maintena+rice . charges for the proposed project: $4 692/near Describe the library's plans to pay these costs now and for the next three years. [Note: Project funds cannot be used to cover on-going costs.] Use only fhe space pro~~ided below. . The Library's annual operating budget can be realigned to include the software technical support costs for both PHAROS software packages ($2,1421yr) and the Debitek hardware maintenance fees for all hardware components ($2,550/yr). 72 ~ New Hanover county Public Library LSTA Grant Application ivlarch ?001 dates/Time Span ~.cfivity Responsible Marty , August 1,200.1 Project begins--initial order Systems Librarian for soft`vare and equipment is placed September 17, 2001" ~ Softtivare received, and Systems Librarian, (approximately 6 installed, staff is trained Vendor technical ~`veeks after order) onsite by vendor support representative, patron representatives instructional materials are ready:for distribution j September 24, 2001 Project is complete--System ~ Systems~Librarian, (-or- no later than 1 is put into use at all ~ Reference Staff week after installation branches of the Library, and training are ongoing patron training com feted) begins • New Hanover County Public Library LSTA Grant Application March 2001 16. 't'echnical Stapport The Library's Systems Librarian will be the primary liaison with the . vendor as well as the primary system wide trainer for-this product. ~ll reference staff will be trained at all locations to administer local print server queues and pc access queues. Estimated FTE hours .devoted to support=l0 hours/month., Technical support via the systems librarian is available all,hours~ that the Library system is open-70 hours/week. A technical support and maintenance contract will be.purchased from the vendor, for ongoing service and support. 74 New Hanover County Public Library LSTA Grant Application March 2001 17. Staff ''raining The reference staff at all branches conduct regular N Clive and Internet training for all staff members. This training is suitable for familiarizing new staff `vith NCLive and Internet resources, as well as for serving as a refresher course for-staff tivho have previously been introduced to NCLive and to Internet searching and use. Part of the purchase price of the pc access and print control software that we `vill be purchasing is three days of onsite installation and training by a representative of the vendor from whom we will be making the purchase. The systems librarian will then be responsible for acting as primary staff trainer and technical liaison for the reference staff. J • 75 New Hanover County Public Library Technology Policy The New Hanover County Public Library recognizes the importance of a strong technological infrastructure through which a comprehensive level of information services can be provided and through which efficient and effective support services are maintained. To achieve this goal, New Hanover County Public Library will work closely with the Information Technology Department of New Hariover County in order to maintain the currency of library computer equipment, software, and any associated communications network. The following criteria are the basis of this policy: > The Library will use the IBM personal computer as its PC standard in order to reduce ongoing support and simplify maintenance. > The Library will purchase three levels of computers: -standard desktop unit for office and library applications -a power desk top for services requiring intensive graphics -a server to handle CD ROM products and library software > The Library will replace or upgrade its computer equipment every three to five years. However, based upon specific requirements or needs; equipment may be upgraded before that time frame. > Outdated equipment will be given to New Hanover County for use in other departments or for disposition in the County auction. > This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that it meets current Library objectives. ,`) 7 Adopted by New Hanover County Library Advisory Board 9/15/98 2O The Internet and Public Access Computers The I~Tew Hanover County Public Library provides access to the Internet in order to provide its users information beyond that contained in the Library's collection. The Library, however, does not monitor and has no control over materials available on the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. While the Internet does contain a wealth of information resources, it also provides access to sites of marginal value and access to other sites which may contain ~. material that some patrons will find offensive or which may be illegal. In order to maximize the availability of Iraernet resources to Library users, certain "Rules of Use" have been developed. Failure to abide by them will result in a suspension of user privileges. Rnles of Use Be considerate in your use. You'are in a public place. Respect the privacy of others. Displaying,. sending or receiving inappropriate materials in either text or Graphics which may be reasonably construed as obscene is not permitted (pursuant to NC Statue 1d-190.1). Computer time is limited to one half hour of daily use on designated equipment. If no one is waiting, up to 30 minutes of additional use may be granted. Users by their signature agree to the Internet Access Policy every time access is granted. Minors (under 18 years of age) must have parental permission to use the Internet. Children eight years old and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult or older sibling while using the Internet. It is the responsibility of parents, guardians, or care givers to determine what sites are appropriate for their children. If computers are shared, all users must agree to the Library's Internet policy and sign for access. No more than two persons may use a workstation except by special arrangement. E-mail is permitted on designated equipment through E-mail providers on the Internet. The Iibrary provides no assistance in .its use and assumes no responsibility in protecting the confidentiality of the user's correspondence. Use or "chat rooms" not related to library research is not permitted. Software or files may not be uploaded or downloaded. By special arrangement, inforration may be saved to the "A" drive on a formatted disk available from the Library. Altering of hardware or software settings is not permitted. Misrepresenting yourself by access code, password or signature; or using this equipment for any illegal purpose is not permitted. Making copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data is not permitted unless such use is authorized. All black and white.copies are $.li each. Color copies are available only by special arrangement at X1.00 per page. Adopted by New Hanover County Library Advisory Board May 19, 1999 • 19 77 {This pale intentionally left blank} ~, 78 C~ • • • NEViI HANOVER COUtVTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert Glasgow SUBJECT: Release of Value. BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following late listing penalty be released as this was-the taxpayer's first offense: Fitness for Life $ 65.00 Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (applications and Fetters explaining Fate filing available upon request) Bloodworth., Annie P. $20,000 Katie L. Corbett 20,000 , Dinkins, Ella Louise 20,000 Grady, Arlene 20,000 290 18 Potter, Peggy , Request approval of the following delinquent application for exemption from property tax for the following organization.: (application and letter explaining late filing available upon. request) Wrightsville United Methodist Church RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW R06307-005-005.000 R coun-r~r C'C~MM1~9 , APPROVED €~~ 62EJECTED D REMOVED C.3 -'~~~ /+.yF POSTPONED ?r] ,,, ~IEARI~ CS {This pab e intentionally le~ ft bl~c~k} . ,,.,,,~ uy.~, ,ti ...1.• ~ a(L} 4 ~ ~ r c r~'a?? tl ~ ~.` V ® ~ , r . ~ ~ ~+~~! ,, NE~V H,4N01(ER COUNTI( BOARD OF COMIVI1SSi0NERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Consent ltem #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required . Contact: Patricia Raynor - SUBJECT: IVev~e Hanover County and tVevv Hanover County Fire Di strict Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of February 28, 2001. -RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of reports. .FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 1TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW - COUNTY MANAGER'S CO TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval COMMiSSlONERS' ACTT NS COMMENTS: ;APPROVED ~~ ~~ REJECTED ~ REMOVED (~ ~ - POSTPONED IC9 ~:EARD c~r~s~~T ~~~~~~ ~~C:;~ F?APl~Vc.~? ~CUitiT'`! .TA.;C ; !~C_L~~`i'I~~"v Lu~L~i,~ IC'3~S T~-i~'J ~J~ ~? ~~ ~~.lt~~`i~dT TAX Ys~A~ ~~ ;?~~~ Ar' ~Aj C~~~,~, ;~C~~'~ V~hIC~F ~J`~CGi~l.4'£. TAX t'c`JY P~>~t SCRC;'C.4. ~ ~7y123,?~~~~~~ ~~~~3~L~~,o'7 JISC~V~€?I~S AC~c~ ~~~~5~'~~~~a~~~ ~yr#25a'~9 ir1f1~~ ~:~~~1~ ~~,+~~',a ~ J ~ C j +' ~vyl~~`>°~~~S1~C ~ ~ ~ 3y~d~Zj~G.~~§~ '{ fV ~r'i ~ f-~~'.~i ~ ~ ~'ts~ > 1 ~ ~ p!} ~ ^y ~ .~ P 4. 51 N L ~ ~~, ~-. ~.~ (' ( ~ / y U iJ i y 1 'A SJ 6 A 7 Y ~ C ~ T ::.H T ~. 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L3•`'4sJ~'c 83 "- {This p~8e intenti~onall~ left blank} 84 ~ • • NE1N HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: None Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney SUBJECT: Conveyance of Pender County Parcel to Cape Fear Community College BRIEF SUMMARY: Through a drug seizure in the 1990s, New Hanover County and Pender County each acquired a 50% interest in a 78 acre rural tract located in Pender County (Bulltail). The Community College requests that each County convey its interest so the College can develop the site for an emergency services training facility. The U.S. government has authorized such use and transfer. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize conveyance and execution of non-warranty deed. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Yes REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: ~ FINANCE: Approve BUDGET Recommend approval'. D RECOMM HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ERS' • AUNTY COMMiS~Q® APPROVED ~tEJECTED (~ REMOVED ,f'-. POSTPONED ~ , ~#~EAR6~ ~ ~ ~'~ 85 Na Tide Examination Conducted Bp Ward mrd Smith, P.A. Prepared By: Ward and Smirh, P..4. University Corporate Crm /?7 Racine Drive Wilmingrmr. NC 28-103 Rrnrnred Ta: Ward mrd Smith, P.A. (9/OJ 79J-JA00 New Hanover County Contract X01-0294 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PENDER NON WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, made and entered into this the day of 2001; by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a body politic, party of the first part; and THE TRUSTEES OF CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE; a body politic, having an address of 411 North Front Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401, party of the second part; WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said party paid by the party of the second part, the receipt of which hereby is acknowledged, has bargained and sold and by these presents does bargain, sell and convey unto the party of the second part, said party's successors and assigns; all of the one-half (''/2) undivided interest of the party of the first part in and to the fo lowing described property, to wit: I All that certain parcel of land situated in Columbia Township, Pender County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as that certain 78.60 acres described in Exhibit "A" "`--- s attached hereto and made a part hereof. 0 The property herein described is conveyed subject to any and all restrictions, easements, covenants, rights-of--way, encumbrances and liens appearing in the public records of Pender County, North Carolina. Z a TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of the ane-half ('/z) undivided interest of the party of the first part in and to said property and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the party of the second part, said party's successors and assigns forever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF; the party of the first part has caused this instrument to be executed under seal and in such form as to be binding, all by authority of its r~ti ,., r .' r~ Boa"rd' of Commissioners first duly given, this the day and year first above written. ~' :r~~~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY, ! ~~~~~~. A Body Politic _ ~:, r~ By: Attest: Clerk Title: Ted Davis, Jr t , :Chairman New Hanover County Contract #01-0294 I STATE.OF NORTH CAROLINA ~ . .COUNTY OF ,. ~ I, , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, do hereby certify that on the day of - , 2001, before me ersonally came _ ,who, being by me duly sworn, says that~is the Clerk to the Board. ~County_ C~rnnissioners • is- of NEW HANOVER COUNTY, th~ body corporate or politic described in and ~ which executed the foregoing instrument; that:~~Pknows the common seal of said body corporate or politic; that the seal affixed to the. foregoing instrument is said common seal; that the name of the body_corporate or politic was subscribed thereto by the said C`E7c3-rman ~ . _; that the said Q~arman - and Clerk subscribed their names. thereto and that the said common seal was affixed, all by authority of the governing board of said body corporate or politic; and ~ that said instrument is the act and deed ofsaid body corporate or politic. i WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the day of 2001. ' $ T- o ~ Notary Public ~ F , < My Commission Expires: ~ _ ~ o . G ` <" 5 • 924132-0043 WLMMAIM65303.1 2 ~~ a ~ ' {~'hds p~~e ~ntentionc~lly le,~~ b~~cn~} . ~~ .. NEVV HANO~ER C®UiVTY BOARD ®F COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01. - . • - Consent item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ - Department: Governing Body• Presenter: Lucie Harrell - Contact: Lucie Harrell ~ - SUBJECT: - .. Adopt- SR-2 Resolutions requesting NCDOT to add Patsy Lane, Buddy~Road, and - - ~ unnartied. road off Gordon -Road. to the State Highway System - - _ . ~ BRIEF SUMMARY: SR-1`'Forms have been received for Patsy Lane/Buddy Road and a. dirt-road off Gordon Road `. (adjacent to Murrayville Business Park). The Board is requested to adopt the standard SR_2 Resolutions requesting the State to add the roads. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ • - - Adopt resolutions - _ - .. l-UNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: . SR-1 Road Petitions • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW . ~ - COUNTY MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt resolutions. - COMMISSLONERS' AC ION /COMMENTS: - .. . - F int - . .. ~tPF; ,yED ~- f~ENiO ~0 - .. POST1wi~i~rl~:D ~ ..~ %~ - .• .- - - ...~9 - ~`~' Q2f',C.1~.. 1~C~~TH ~~iIt~LIrIp- I)EPAi~TIY~EI~'T Cad' TRA~~PCDF~TATI~3I~ P>~.'I'ITi~3N F~~ I~~9~I~ ~ADI~'d(7N . F41~M SR-I REVISER l -9 ftUADiWAY ![YP'UFtR9AT'9a;'DAt: {Fletrse ?rim) ' ~ ~ ~ r~~ . e~u„ty~; ~~~cJ`~~ti~t--~~-~- R~ ham: _~c~ ~ ~-a-~-~ >~ _~c~1 r~ (Please itat udCa~lai stresrt nerrles Itngths on Uso b~ bf this folm.l 5~ubdivisidn Name: _ Length (miles): Dumber of occupied homes having strut `rvnte$e: Location; mi3ws N 5 ~ 1N of the inters~tiua of Routs (Clrck otx) and Reroute (3R. NC nr t1ti) (SK. N(' ur US ) ~Y't. tht undcssi~ulcxt, being property owners and/or devcia~er of ____._____.,in ' Cotamry, d0 hereby request ttsr Division of Highways Lp Sdd t}7C 8i7DVC ~L'.f Cfllll:(~ 7():iLi. ~~J~VTAt~~' ~~~N: Name arsd Ad/dress~eF~i/rst~Pjstitio~r. fPleasr Print] Srr>~t Address: / ~ U `f' ~~1r ~'~.-cam ~iJ `-,.~_.P Phone Nwrtyer: ~ g,~.~C Nlalling Address: ~ j ( ~~ ~_...... ___. __.. P'~, la/nt i. I1/ S omFmwn~~i~~a l ~ ~dr~-~ ~ar~.t,Z CIS /~f ~c-cC~C~. /~~~ ~P ~~~ ~~~ ~a~ n ~ _ ~,.~ ysa - ~~35 PRlDPERTY ®aYi,IE mil` MALL-I'Nt;i A.DI7REaS T'EL£I'HC7N_F. NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETiTtON North Carolina i County of New Hanover Petition request for (check one): Addition to State System (L}~ Paving. ( ) Maintenance Improvement O We the undersigned, being property owners on I r 1~ ~t ~®.. e~ ~ ~- a..~+~n - n~ f`nu~c-~ ayy~St-c _~us - t'1cS5 ~~a`~ ~ (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in New Hanover County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to a..c~c~ '~- ~~y~ the above-described road. We further advise tha# the road requested to ~.C~ ~ is ~ ~ miie~ in length and at the present time there are occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. .Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the .necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction. standards required. by the Division of Highways. .This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Aiso, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the pubiic road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by ..representatives of the Division of Highways. . Four copie/s,~o/f recordned subdivision plat e 'Y'7~~_ (~DYG'~O;'1 ~O~ REMAR4~S osed if applicable. PROPERTY OWNERS NAM E MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The, Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: (~-e~,-e Y ~ s ~"~ n o v ~ ~-~- 4 (~- ~ o ~ d o ~~i o a~{ ~ ~ ~ - Co Sg ~-- s Revised Form SR-1 (5-83). Ail previous forms obsolete. 91 NEVV I~AtVOVER COU9VTY BOARD OF COMN66SS1®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 03/2F/01 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Timer Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Andy Atkinson , .SUBJECT: :r New Hanover Regional Medical Center -Leases BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ' New Hanover Regional Medical Center is proposing the following lease for consideration: 'The proposed lease is with Stan Hansley for the property located at 5310 Greenleaf Drive. The proposed lease will be at $500 per month. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:- ' The County has no intended plans for this property. Therefore, recommend lease for approval. - FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 'ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW. COUNTY MANAGER'S COM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Recdmmend. approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~tF; : ; OVEp . REIa' . `Ep ~ . i ~LARi7 ~ ~; .3 p ~~ ``I . 93 ,~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ f _F ~~ ~ y' g ~f 7 Ai f ~~.~ E: ~ ~t` ~ ~~ _~ _ - i ~ ....r _._..._. ~-..-.._.,_ ~ ,. .... .. i' {'~. February 28, 2001 Andv Atkinson Deputy ,County Manager New Hanover County Government Center 320 Chestnut. Street ~ :. Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Dear Andy, It is our understanding that.the New Hanover Bo~ird of Commissioners would like to be informed of any real estate t11e Medical Center proposes to lease to other entities:, In the event that there are County needs for this property, they would like to have the opportunity to discuss this before NHRMC enters into a lease agreement. In accordance with this, the Medical Center has a proposed lease that we would. like to proceed forward with, it is. my understanding that it will be 1~resel~lted on the Consent. Agenda at the upcoming Commissioner's meeting. The proposed lease agreement is with Stan Hansley for the property located at 5310 Greenleaf Drive. The proposed lease will be at $500 per .month. Please let the know if you need any additional information about this proposed lease agreement. The tenant is prepared to utilize this space immediately upon elecution of the lease agreement. Sincerely, 94~ a~~. RLJ: cn ,_ Cc" 't ;-~ f, Richard 1~. JQnes, FACH)/ Vice Pr silent, Strategic Services ~at,?iy.'f"°~i5i„J`,wi ~u~~a,=:2HC «. ~~?5;~',w~$ c.,. 6Y4?:~' P.t.}. L-~Lrx > ,r~~ i2 ; ~~ ~ .>. , ih ~trr ~ S , ~lii i~ ~! trJ~- ' ; ~:.'»f~ -;:a~~CC~ ,~ ; r,_ 14;3-i`C`r+.:j{; NEW HANO!/ER COUNTY ~OAR® OF C0MM9SS10NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: ©3/26/01 • C~ ADJUSTMENT DEBiT CREDIT Sheriff's Dept.: NHTSA Safe Roads Grant $20,925 Transfer in from Capital .Projects {348) $6,975 Supplies $5,600 Motor Vehicles $22,300 Federal Forfeited Property: Capital Project Expense $8,975 Transfer to General Fund-Sheriff's Dept. $6,975 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for Safe Roads Grant; grant has been- increased to fund one additional vehicle, etc. To budget transfer from Federal Forf 'ted Property fund to cover the additional match requirement. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~'~ ~t'~UNY'~° ~ ~ ; ~ . 9~~9 /~ PPRO VE~` REJEC"f~I~' ~' ` ~L"AR~J ~: ~~/ ~__ . ~~ X95 Consent Item #: 10.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Sewer Operating/Water-Sewer Engineering BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0153 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Sewer Operating Fund: Appropriated Fund Balance X537,247 Water/Sewer Engineering Transfer to Capital Projects (Fund 322) X537,247 EKPLANATION: To increase budget for transfer to Fund 322- theast Branch Library. Memo with more detailed explanation attached. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~--~~~,~~C~~ I ~ i~ ~~PF~OV~~ .~ . ~ ~ ~~~, 1~~~ P~STPO6~~®. 96 _. ~w x~®vE~ c®vN~ ~~R-®cE `MEMO March 7, 2001 To: Allen O'Neal, County Manager FM: Bruce T. Shell, Finance Director Re: 1.997 Certificates of Participation /Northeast Library Funding As you may recall, the County sold Certificates of Participation {COPS) in late 1997 for various projects. We are able to utilize unspent funds from these projects to complete the Northeast Library Project without additional debt. A list of the projects included in the 1997 COPS issuance is shown below: Northeast Library building Acquisition ~ $3,000,000 Law Enforcement at Bel! South 1,000,000 Refinancing of Veterans Park Land Environmental Management Scrapper 5,500,000 414,500 Sewer Projects: Greenbrier 1,000,000 Motts Creek 2,000,000 Ogden Interceptor 6,975,000 ~ - a~.s u~"o Northchase Interceptor , ~ 2,800,000 Z4 o, eb-a Fortunately, .our projects have come in under budget and we have funds available ($1,143,740) to pay for the Northeast Library renovations that were previously approved. for payment with additional COPS. Accordingly, we will transfer unspent COP funds from the Water and Sewer District to meet this obligation. In order to make this happen properly within our records, this will require a budget. amendment transferring funds from existing capital projects as well as Water and Sewer fund balance. If you should have any questions please let me know. ;_~,.. ~ . ~- i f _~ cc: 'Cam {Grp+ffin,, Budget Director Andy`Atkinson; Deputy County Manager Julie Griffin, Deputy Finance Director Dottie Ray, Grants Coordiriator ~ 97 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 ,Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 10.3 Estimated Time:. Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Non-Departmental/Contingencies/Health/Jail Health BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0161 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT Non-Departmental: Contingencies $113,000 Health: Jail Health: Contracted Services Departmental Supplies CREDIT $61,000 $ 52,000 EXPLANATION: To transfer funds from Contingencies for higher than anticipated expenses related to inmate medical care including physician fees, prescription drug expenses, and medical supplies. The higher than anticipated expenses are unavoidable as the County is required to provide inmate medical and dental care. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in Contingencies will be $139,300. APPROVAL STATUS: 'To.be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~Uf~ ~~ APPROVE® 7 lREJECTE® POSTPONE ~ : • ~ ~3 ~ .:~ ~bE~4RC~ , ~~~'~ ~ ~ l°~~It~~w\'}~ ~~ 98 ~ - j C~ • • A IVE1~ HANOVER COUfVTY BOAR® OF COMIVIISSIOfVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Budget Arnendr~elnt Aging: Senior Center: Other Revenues Postage Expense Newsletter $2,000 $3,000 $1,000 EXPLANATION: To budget donation to Tides 'n' Times Newsletter for increased expenses related to preparing and mailing newsletter. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: \.1 r +~k. r -- C~Llf~f ~D~b ~~~ >; REJECTED ;~~ REMOVED '` ~OSTPO N ~D ® j F. / _ -`, 99 NEVV HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF •CONiMISS1ONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTfON Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Budget Arnendrnent Consent Item #: 10.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Health/Partnership For Children-Health BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0163 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Health: Partnership For Children-Health: Partnership For Children Grant $6,000 Salaries and Wages $6,000 EXPLANATION: To budget additional money received from Partnership For Children for salaries in the Child Care. Nursing Program to cover the market adjustor sand pay reclassifications. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: -~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 100 ,r `:. ~~~~ i- b~EMOVE® ~3 ~ : . . ., . • t~E~R~9 3 a~~ al~(~u%y NEb'V HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COIV~IVIiSSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ,4CT1®IV Meeting Date: 03/26/01 I L_ a ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Social Services: DSS-Administration: DSS Administrative Grants $30,306 Work First-TANF: WFFA County Issued Checks $30,000 Work First Diversion Assistance $30,000 CP&L Intervention Program: Assistance Payments $30,306 EXPLANATION: To budget additional allocation from the State for the Work First Diversion Program and the CP&L Intervention Program.. No additional Count ds are required. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: T ,;~-R C C- a ~: t,; 1~:: ,~M r~UiV~'~ ~'f ~~F~~•i~~a1 l~PPROVEt: /"~ RE,-ECTED , R~MO!!ED POSTP®NED ~ ~F. ~EARID ~ ~ ~` ~'~ .._3~?6l o 1~~... .~ 101 NEVV HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Budget Ar~nendrnent Consent Item #: 10.7 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Social Services/Administration/Day Care Services/LINKS BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0165 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT ~ CREDIT Social Services: DSS-Administration: DSS Administrative Grants $38,000 Child Day Care: DSS/Smart Start Day Care $349,089 DSS/Smart Start Day Care $349,089 LINKS: Assistance Payments $38,000 EXPLANATION: To budget additional State funds received for the Smart Start Day Care Program and the LINKS Program. No additional County dollar re required. . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~ . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~, ~~~, t~ ~,€n. ~,~~ 102 ~PPRO!/~ ~ ~,. , ~ REJEC~'E® ~ ~~' I ftEMOVE® ~3 ; P9STP®I~E~ ~ ~ ... % , a, '~ ~ r ---.- ,`) lVE1iV HANOVER COUtVTY BOARD OF COIVIlV11SSBONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 • Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 10.8 Estimated Time: Page Number DEPARTMENT: Social Services/Child Day Care , BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0166 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Social Services: Child Day Care: Office of Day Care $137,757 Day Care Services $137,757 7 EXPLANATION: To budget additional State funds to the State Subsidy Child Day Care Program. No additional County dollars are required. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ~~~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~~ ~'~vl~l~ v ~ ~. ,~ , ~1pP~®~1EC~•- ~'- - ~EJEO`~(~~ ~ ITEM®VrE® ; POSi7'®~9E~ t~ ~ .,ti.. ~El4RD ~~ ~ : ; NEVV HAfVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS90NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Budget Ar~nendr~nent Consent Item #: 10.9 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Federal Forfeited Property Capital~Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-32 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT Federa! Forfeited Property $5 175 Capital Project Expense EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional revenue rec i ed 3-5-01. ~; ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: `V' APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: CREDIT $5,175 .. ~~) `~~1~ ,, ,~r?`,'Usa.~j r.: ~ /~~~ 104 ~~ : . , ~~~~ ~Uii~ ~~i~~`~ ~ _ REJECT {{ ((( Consent Item #: 10.10 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-33 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Controlled Substance Tax $6,730 Interest Earnings $3,700 Other Revenue $16,000 Capital Project Expense $19,030 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional revenue received 3-5-01; to reduce interest budgeted to actual amount recognized; to increase other revenue budget as a result of a trade in of a vehicle. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: f,4~J~C~~C _~ ' i~EMO1~ED ~, P~~TPO~',IE^ ~f --. {This pabe intend®nall~y left bland} 106 ~ ~ 'v~~~ :.~„i4i ~ ' ~ ~~~3 `~ ~ ; ~._ • s • NEl~1 FIANOVER COUNTY BOAR® 0~' COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/26/01 Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department:. Finance Presenter: Contact: Bruce Shell, Wyatt Blanchard SUBJECT: EDA Funding for Construction & Expansion of the City and County Wastewater Treatment Facility & Collection Infrastructure For Pender County. BRIEF SUMMARY: A special appropriation from Congress, is being made available to entities with economic losses from Hurricane Floyd. New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington may serve as co-applicants with Pender County to request this $1,000,000 grant. The grant requires a $2.8 million match which Pender County would provide. The funds would be used to assist in the construction and expansion of the City/County wastewater treatment plant as well as collection infrastructure in Pender County. Pender County would be the lead agent for all of the grant administration. The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County would agree to act as co-applicants in this: application. The City Council approved participation by the City on February 6, 2001. This would not require funding of the City or County. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize the County Manager to represent the County in this application. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval. APR®@~n C~ ~EJECT~ Q BEM®VE® ® J/ , ~'®STF~~9E~ ® ~ :, ~#E~.RD ~~ ~, 107 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 1 r; - 4 _<<~~~1~-,,. ~cyV ~r ~ ), ~l l;r --.,~~~ . ~~'J' i /,1 1 ') Work Session on Capital Projects O1. 18. 01 Agenda 5:30 pm Joil Project: Presenters: • Sheriff Lanier -Recommended scope • Hank~Miller & Pete Buskirk, Miller Building - Schedules and Budgets • Charlie Reed - FreemanWhite -Renderings • Pete Buskirk -Current Issues Question and Answer session 2~f-o~aaa ;~~~r Direction by the Board ~5D°a ~~~`"`~~s ~d`"~n'} 6:00 pm Judiciol Building and Associoted PorkioQ Deck P~oiects .. Presenter: • Bruce Bowman, BMS Architects - Update on project and parking deck requirements. Question and Answer Session 6:15 pm Ad~ninistrotion Buildin4 / Parking Deck Projects: i~ Presenter: • Rick Collins, Sharpe Architects Parking Deck Project: • Bid Date • Start Date Completion Date • Cost - s13 , ~ ~ z/sue Un `~ E2q ~e%c ~ Administration /Annex Capital Project: Presenter: • Rick Collins ;..;~ - . ~ ~ s. , ,, .~ ~., ~, Work Session on Capital Projects ~` 01. i8. 01 • Three (3) Story vs. Six (6) Story Building • Potential County/City Office Space • Presenter -Andy Atkinson Question and Answer Session Direction from the Board 6:45 pm Library Renovotio~rs Pro, ject: Presenter: Rick Collins 7:00 pm Adjourn • I~ ~._. . n Subject:. Sheriff's Administration /Jail Project Sheriff Lanier recommends that the .Sheriff's Administration /Jail Project proceed, as follows: e The Jail and Jail Administration, including the Work Release building, dormitory area, and Sheriff's Training Facility constructed at the Blue Clay Road site. 1. Chief District Court Judge John Smith has clearly stated the judicial concerns over work release availability and is adamant in his support of this aspect of the facility. 2. The dormitory will provide the only minimum custody housing in the facility and will provide housing for inmate workers (trustees) without tying up a pod. Trying to build such a dorm later would be costly and disruptive. 3. The Sheriff's Training Facility will provide space for classrooms, exercise equipment, showers and locker rooms for the Sheriff's Training Section. There should be serious consideration given to including sufficient space to accomodate the Uniformed Patrol Division: This Division is presently housed in the old air terminal. The building is in constant need of repair and has developed a serious mold and mildew problem. Use of the building (~QQ~~ ~~ for Sheriff's functions was never intended to be permanent and the time has come to provide suitable space. My recommendation is to increase the size of theTraining Facility building to accomodate the offices, work areas and storage space needed. I believe this would be more cost efficient than to continue repairing the old air terminal. s All other Sheriff's. Department functions 1 Sheriff's admin, Records, Civil, Detectives, Vice, Support Services, and ID) would remain in their current location at the Law Enforcement Center and Bellsouth building. I believe it is important to maintain this central presence for the convenience of the public and other criminal justice agencies. I have taken time to review reports on the condition of the LEC and personally examined the interior spaces with you. I believe that modifications can be made to sufficiently address the needs of the Sheriff, 91 1 and Emergency Management without unreasonable expense. ~~ . ~~ ~~~""" N ~~ V ~ ,~ A a`~~ ,~~ ;/ 'v v ~~ . o ~, 1 ~~j .i ~ ~. F a ~ + any ', t ~~ I n `,l` / ~~ti0,. '.~.' p• ~. Fp• ~{~ I ~_ ~ ~~ . V »~ • Mate of Noah Caro 1_~~ General Court of Justice, District Court Division Fifth Judicial District New Hanover County Judicial Building DISTRICT COURT.IUDGES 316 Princess Street Suite 519 Elton G. Tucker Wilmington, N.C. 3 84 0 1--10 9 9 • J.H.Corpeniog, fI Phone: (910) 341-4416 Shelly S. Holt John W. Smith Rebecca w. Blackmore ChieCDistrict Court.lud~e F¢e: 910-341-4071 John J. Carroll, III James H. Faisou. III January 17, 2001 • Col. Steve Smith New Hanover Sheriffs Dept. Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Col. Smith In response to your inquiry about the need for a facility to support a work release program in the New Hanover County Jail, this it to express on behalf of the trial judges our view that such. a program is essential. At least three-fourths of our district court probation revocations involve failure to pay fines or restitution to victims. The lack of a work release program would mean that we will have to tell victims that there is no mechanism by which we can order restitution in those situations where violations require imprisonment in the local jail. The existence of a work release program would make restitution at least possible. Almost all of the contempt commitments in the New Hanover County Jail involve non-payment of child support. The absence of an effective work release program would mean that there would be no realistic possibility of obtaining child support from those who refuse to pay child support unless incarcerated. If we have available an effective work-release program, we can be very effective in some cases in inducing parents to become employed and get some money flowing to the children. A work release program also enables those who must serve time in jail to keep their jobs. When there is no choice other than incarcerating a defendant for habitually not supporting his or her child, the absence of a work release program would mean that the tax-payers would have to foot the bill for keeping the person in jail, when the person could be required to pay for his or her own upkeep if awork-release program were available. My own opinion is that an effective work release program would be publicly popular because it would enable us to force inmates who can safely be released into such a program to reduce the burden on the tax-payers. Not having such a program insures that the inmates will be supported solely by the taxpayers. I can not conceive of a county this size not endorsing work-release. yours, ofin ~`W. Smith Chief District Court Judge ~, °J ~J January 17, 2001 Chairman Ted Davis c4L NHC Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Chairman Davis & County Commissioners: DAVID L, JONES Mavor ~ I met today with County Manager Allen O'Neal and City Manager Mary Gornto, to discuss the on-going parking problems downtown. As you KATHERINE B. MOORE know, there is a severe shortage oflparking for tourists, consumers, and Mayor Pro-Tem merchants. Even State employees working in County buildings .are without parking spaces due to this shortage. In response to this prob]em, the City has been reviewingal] options to COUNCIL i~r1EMBEi2S improve parking, and anticipates participation in the construction of a _ new parking deck in the very near future. The special-use permit for the FRANKS, CONLON new courthouse construction calls for the creation of 500 new spaces. J,C. HEARNE, II Prompt construction of this deck could help alleviate some of the SANDRA S. HUGHES shortage and ease parking problems for the public visiting governmental LAURA W, PADGETT facilities in the downtown. CHARLES H. RIVENBARK, JR. Therefore, in the spirit of cooperation that we now enjoy, 1 respectfully request that you do everything you can to ezpedite the construction of the MARY M, GORNTO courthouse parking deck. Completion of this project will benefit a11, and will continL>e the revitalization of our downtown that we have all worked Cify i'.~anager . so hard to achieve. . THOMAS C. POLLARD City Ai {orney Please take.this request under advisement and let me know if there is anything the City can do to help accelerate the project. PENELOPE SPICER-SIDBURY Cii}~ Cieri< City of Wiln ~ington Ciiy Hall Post Office Box 1810 Wilmington, North Carolina 8402 910 341-7815 Sincerely; .- C~ ~%'•,%-~c~-r_...,.. tel. f' _ David L. Jones Mayor ~ J~, r P.S.: I wish that I could have presented this request in person. However, two State commission meetings call for me to be in Raleigh today. CC: Clty COLlI1C11 City Manager Nlary Gornto ,. . IV~emorandu>r>a ~~ DATE: January 10; 2001 TO: ~ Mary M. Gornto, City Manager Allen O'Neal, County Manger FROM: Bill Wlzisnant, Deputy City Manager ~-L~' Andy Atkinson; Deputy County Manager ~ "~ RE: City-County Office Space Following our initial meeting with the two of you, we met with representatives of Sharpe Architecture, the architect for the County's proposed Third Street administrative office building, to review City and County office space needs and to assess the potential long- term benefit of sharing space in future office buildings. Both the City and County have committed significant resources in recent years to upgrading and consolidating their administrative offices. The County has commissioned . the design of both a three-story and asix-story office building, one of which could be constructed north of the County Library on Third Street. The three-story size would be large enough to house the offices located in the County Administrative Annex building at Fifth and Chestnut Streets and asix-story building, if constructed, could include either the offices located in the County Administration building at Fourth and Chestnut Streets or City offices. The building would have a relatively small (12,000 square feet) footprint, with no area adjacent to the site being available for future expansion. Therefore, the ,building could not accommodate additional future County or City office space needs. The City has consolidated offices previously located in the 138 N. Fourth Street building, the `~rL,I building on Market Street. and the Coleman Center on S. 17th Street into the Municipal Center at 30~, and 315 Chestnut Street. However; as a result of the Municipal Center building addition designed by Ligon Flynn not being constructed, the Administrative and Accounting Divisions of the Finance Department are being temporarily relocated to leased space in the Cotton Exchange for a period of tvvo to three years. Sufficient land is available on or adjacent to the Municipal Center site to allow the development of office space to meet current and fiiture City needs. Based on our discussions, including those with .Sharpe Architecture, we have concluded that significant long-term cost and operational benefits could be Gained for both the public and staff by locating all City and County administrative offices in a single joint local governmental center on a single site. Such a center would need to have a large building footprint to meet current needs and to provide for flexibility in the futtire.~ The joint center could possibly be constructed by adding space on a currently developed site or, if necessary, by purchasing a new site. To determine the feasibility of either alternative, a space needs analysis, site analysis; and long-term development plan would ~' have to be developed with the assistance of a professional design firm. ~. The joint construction of shared office space on separate sites could also reduce building.. _ costs. However; if such construction is constrained by site limitations that reduire small . building footprints and that do not allow for future expansions on the site, the initial cost savings would be offset by operational acid functional inefficiencies, as well as the need to build space required for future expansions on additional sites.. If-the City Council and Board of Commissioners wish to proceed with the development, ' of'a joint local governmenf center. we would recommend that this`be done on an . expedited basis to ensure that existing office space needs are addressed without undue delay. The initial step woLild be to authorize staff to solicit proposals for professional design assistance. If a joint center is -not considered desirable or feasible, then we would recommend that both the City and County proceed with their separate design and construction programs in order to address previously identified office space and operational needs. . Please advise if additional comment or information is'desired. ~~ ~.-