Agenda 2001 05-21AGENDA ~ ,` May 21, 2001 9:00 a.m. NEW HANOVER COZJNTY ~OARI) OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC TED DAVIS„JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES - 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of Retirement Plaques ' 9:20 a.m. 2. Presentation of Service Awards 9:25 a.m. 3. Recognition of New County Employees 9:30 a.m. 4. Consideration of the Decade of the Nurse Proclamation 9:35 a.m. 45 9 5. 6 County Web Page Update P i f M ' h C Fi l Y : a:m. . resentat on o t e ounty anager s sca ear 2001-2002 Recommended Budget 10:05 a.m. 7. Consideration of Work First Plan 10:15 a.m. 8. Public Hearing 5-476, OS/O1 Special Use Permit for an Outdoor Shooting Range in an I-2 District, Location at 470 Highway 421 North 10:25 a.m. 9. Consideration of Establishment of New Firing Range, Adoption of Capital Project Ordinance and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #2001-48 10:35 a.m. 10. Consideration of Adoption of an Ordinance to Prohibit the Unauthorized Disposal of Out of County Waste 10:45 a.m. 11. Consideration of Approval of Award of Bid #01-0275 for the New Hanover County Jail 11:00 a.m. 12. 11:10 a.m. 13. 11:30 a.m. 14. 11:45 a.m. 15. Noon 1:00 p.m. •~dotec The time listed for ea -the next item. PAGE NO. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 19 29 43 47 Committee Appointments 49 x Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 93 Non Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) Closed Session 91 Adjourn .Meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review ~h agenda item_is estimated, and in the event that a preceding item takes less time, the Board will Inoue to • ;- .. ,K MEETING OF THE WATER AND,SEWER.DISTRICT " ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE ' ~ 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 - - WILMINGTON, NC May 21, 2001 . _ - _ _ _ • ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE ~. . NO: • 1. Non=Agenda Items (limit to 3 minutes) 93 2. Approval of Minutes 9~ " 3. Award of Bid #01-0234 and Approval of Contract #01-0234B for Hurricane Protection (rental 97 of Generators on an as Needed Basis) 4. Consideration of Request for Water Service -Coastal Plains Utilities ~ 99 5. Consideration of Island Park Water Line Extension -Contract #01-0284A Bald Eagle Lane 101 Water Line Extension -Contract #01-0284B~ Adjourn • " ~ ~ - - - ~ 1, _ ., CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COi3NTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS May 21, 2001 "'` ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 107 2. Award of Bid #01-0234 and Approval of Contract #O1-0234A for Hurricane Preparedness 109 and Severe Weather Services (rental of generators on an as needed basis) ' 3. Approval of Request to Designate Department of Aging as Lead Agency for Home & 1 I 1 Community Block Grant Funds 2001/2002 and Approve Receipt of Home & Community Care Block Grant Funds in the Amount of $737,854; and Approve Receipt of Title 3F Health Grant Monies in the Amount of $11,183. 4. Approval of Cooperative Extension Funding Agreement Contract #01-0333 141 5. Approval of New Hanover County Health Department Fee Changes Due to Medicaid Rate 149 Changes 6. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection 155 Reports 7. Approval of Release of Value 159 8. Approval of Request by Town ofCarolina Beach for Reimbursement for Sea Oats Project 16l from the Beach Nourishment Portion of the Room Occupancy Tax Fund 9. Award of Installment Purchase Contract #01-0334 with StmTrust Leasing Corporation for 165 the Financing of the Recently Purchased Trash Compactor and Four Wheel Drive Loader 10. Approval of Cape Fear Memorial Foundation Grant 169 11. Approval for County to Participate in Regional Heritage Tourism Project 173 12. Approval of Personnel Policy Changes 175 13. Approval of Bank of America, N.A. Resolution Opening and Maintaining Deposit 177 Accounts and Services ' Approval of Budget Amendments: 14.1 #2001-47 Sheriff Federal Forfeited Property 181 14.2 #2001-49 Sheriff Controlled Substance Tax 1 g2 14.3 #01-0201 HealthBreast & Cervical Cancer Control Program 1g3~ 15. Approval to of Annual Plan for Juvenile Crime Prevention Council for July 2, 2001 to June 185 30, 2002 16. Approval to Establish Position of Director for Juvenile Day Reporting Center l 87 • NEVI HANOI/ER COUNTY ~OAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR DOARD ACT10N Meeting Date: 05/21101 Regularatem #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Libby Johnson SUBJECT: Presentation of New Flanover County Retirement Plaques BRIEF SUMMARY: The former New Hanover County employees listed below are eligible to receive.Retirement Plaques: NAME: DEPT. YEARS OF SERVICE Jane W. Zygmunt Coop. Ext. 19 John W. Davis Human Relations 20 Jo Ann Galloway Library 20 Laraine M. Cutrell Social Services 23 James H. Smyre Sheriff's Dept. 18 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDLNG SOURCE: ATTACFIMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEIM Present retirement plaqu • COUNTY C©MMISSIONER APPROVED ^, REJECTED REMOVED PCS7'' ED O DHTED ~ ~_a.~___-'-~L--- 1 {T'his page intenti®nally left blank} ~~ . ~ ;~ .. ~ ,. NEW HAIVOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COIVIIVIISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTlOIV Meeting Date: 05/21/01 s • • Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact:' Rosetta Bryant SUBJECT: Presentation of iVew Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Robert L. Cowan -Inspections; Carolyn F. Gerganous -Social Services; Asami K. Martin -Social Services; Michelle Scott -Social Services; TEN (10) YEAR; Sidney L. Morgan -Sheriff's Dept.; Robert C. Mazzeo -Engineering; Sheila A. Jamerson -Health; Elizabeth A. Raukth -Health; Sherlyn H. Grantham -Social Services; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Susan J. Jaindl -Budget; Carolyn A. Johnson -Tax; Fonda S. Price - N. C. Coop. Ext.; Kellie P. Daughtry -~ Health; Delisa B. Derseraux -Health; Paula S. Jenkins -Health; Wilma G. Daniels -Social Services; Elizabeth S. Holland -Social Services and TWENTY (20) YEAR: Ruby M. Holiday -Register of Deeds RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 1TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIE3n/ COUNTY COM~fl15SlON~RS.. APPROVED ^ REJECTCD ^ PG"'rONED ^ QATED~~~~ - '3r;:. {T'his page intentionally left blank} .r ., ~;. , . ~:;: ~: ~~ ~ ~ . . .. ~ ;~ . ~~~ ~,. r ~;w+ J1 9 ~b~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~OAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/21/01 Regular Item #:. 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact:. Marlene Carney SUBJECT.: Recognition of Never Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of newly hired county employees will be provided to the Board prior~to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES N07 REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM ND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize new employees.. rnnnnn~cc~n~ieoc~ err~n~oc i nnnnneneTC. ~Oll~1TY COMi~ISaiQN~ APPRn`1ED C,~ 4. y M~ '` ~, t i'OI~iED ~I ' ~ i .. ~ ~ {This page intentionally left blank} i .. R 'v ~~ ` i , , NEB HAIV®VER COUNTY B®AR® OF C®IVIMISSI®~iERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/21/01 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: - Department: Governing Body Presenter: Commissioner William A. Caster Contact: William A. Caster SUBJECT: Consideration of the Decade of the Nurse Proclamation- BRIEF SUMMARY: Commissioner Caster is requesting that Board proclaim the years of 2001-2010 as the Decade of the Nurse in New Hanover County. Mary Ellen Bonzceks and Dr. William Atkinson with New Hanover Regional, Health Network will accept the proclamation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt Proclamation ' FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 24~~ Proclamation: nurse. lTEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE~QMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval of Proclamation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS. COUNIY COMNiISSIQNFR~~ A~P~tovEa o REJECTED ^ REMOVE ^ P `' i ONED ^ HEARD ZI ~^ n /~ Dt~Ttb tf0`' l~Te~v Hanover County hoard o~ C®issioners The Decade of the Nurse •. Proclamation ~ ~ : = Whereas, registered nurses have as their utmost concern the health and well being of the citizens of New Hanover County, often placing their patients' needs above their own; and Whereas, registered nurses advocate for proper health care for citizens when those citizens cannot speak for themselves; and .Whereas,. registered nurses respond to the needs of individual's and communities experiencing illness and injury by helping them manage these adversities to the•best of~their ability; and• Whereas, registered nurses practice as skilled, caring professionals.iri~the service: of health promotion and disease/injury recovery and prevention; and Whereas, registered nL~rses provide care based on a unique body of nursing theory and skills while integrating knowledge from medicine, sociology, physics, biology, chemistry, pharmacology, anthropology, education; business administration, and psychology; and. Whereas, registered nurses practice with the necessary scientific, research, analytical thinking, policy making, resource management, and advanced technical expertise; and Whereas, there are over 1,970 registered nurses and 388 licensed practical nurses in New Hanover County, comprising the County's largest health care ,profession; and Whereas; New Hanover County's population is both growing and growing older, increasing the need for more registered nurses to care for these citizens;. _ iVow, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim the years of 2001-2010, as the Decade of the Nurse in New Hanover County, and urges all residents to j oin the Board in acknowledging the full scope of registered nursing expertise and skills in the advancement of health. Furthermore, the Board encourages the young people of New Hanover County to consider the nursing profession as a powerful career option. Adopted this the 21St day of May 2001 Attest:=,,~;,• , Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Clerk;to the Board ~ ~..~~~ t,, ~ ~~'~~ .. `. NEW 0-IAIVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COIVIMISSIOIVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/21/01 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: IT Presenter: Bill Clontz Contact: Bill Clontz SUBJECT: County Web Page Update BRIEF SUMMARY• The County web site began in 1995 and since that time has undergone many changes. This presentation will outline some of the planned changes that will take place in the near future. This presentation was requested by the Board. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS No action required FUNDING SOURCE: No funding required ATTACHMENTS: • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW CQUNTY COMMiSSION~~ APr^iOVED ^ RE:~`UTED R~'.:C~'CD PC.. T Pte; ED ^ d ',tRF2 Cl R ,~, ~ DATE L i ~ i .~ {This page intentionally left blank} . .. ~ ~ ~: ~, ~ ?.~ +' ,~ j~~~ I'? ' . ,La t ., ~~ .. P1EW HAfVOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COIVINIISSIOIVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTiOiV Meeting Date: 05/21/01 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Presentation of the Coun#y Manager's Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Recommended Budget BRIE" SUMMARY: The County Manager will present the Fiscal Year 2001.2002 Recommended Budget and deliver the budget message. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The County Manager recommends that the Board of Commissioners consider the Recommended Budget, hear the budget message, schedule a public hearing on the budget for June 4, 2001, at 7:00 p.m., and plan to adopt the FY 2001.2002 Budget on June 18, 2001. It is recommended that organizations comment on their recommended funding between 5:45 - 7:00 p.m. on June 4 before the public hearing and that the Board consider scheduling additional budget work sessions, if deemed necessary. FUNDING SOURCE: s ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation of County Manager's FY 2001-2002 recommend budget and approve schedule for adoption. COMMISSiONE S' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ,; KYv~rr . 3 Sa ~~rth_ ~~ ~ P• ~:, ~/ HEARD DATE -`~ ~~ r ~1 ,> r ~, .4? , ~ _~ ~ ! .g ` ~4 NEYV HANOVER COUNTY DOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTTOIV Meeting Date: 05/21/01 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: DSS Presenter: Wayne Morris or Karen Vincent Contact: Karen Vincent SUBJECT: Work first Plan BRIEF SUMMARY: Since the Commissioners have determined that New Hanover County will be a standard county for the 2001-2003 biennium, it is necessary to revise the County's Work First Plan to comply with standard state policy. The changes are minor but the new plan is required.' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Board of Commissioners approve the proposed Work First Plan for the 2001-2003 biennium. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal, State and County ATTACHMENTS: .,. ' .~`~ Plan in its entirety is furnished under separate cover. workfirstpla REVIEYVED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMDII:ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~nnswn~rre~s~re~e+r wi~T /1i1C //~/111A Afl CAITC. H~nRfl p DATE ~ ~ _ ,.~~ Karen Vincent Ub/lb/2UU1 09:12 ~~ , To: Carol Barclay/NHC@NHC cc: Wayne Morris/NHC@NHC, Pat Melvin/NHC@NHC Subject: Revised Work First Plan Other than minor changes in wording, the major changes in the revised Work First Plan due to becoming a standard county are: 1. Eligibility Criteria - As a standard county, we must use the state's standard eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria from the electing county plan as submitted in November 2000 has been-. deleted. (page 34, .VIII.) 2. Appeal Process -Applicants and recipients of public assistance-have a right to appeal decisions adversely affecting their benefits. For standard counties, the state is responsible for hearing those appeals. The appeal process we established as an electing county has been deleted. (page 34, VII: H:) 3. As an electing county, New Hanover had proposed different sanctions for those who failed to complete the substance abuse screening, assessment, or treatment. As a standard county; we are bound by the state policy. The plan has been revised to reflect that we will comply with state policy. (pages 31-32.) ;: ~., (ii. ~1tA, New Hanover County 2001-2003 Work First Plan Revised May 21, 2000 Contact Person: Karen Vincent, Assistant Director for Economic Services New Hanover County Department of Social Services 1650 Greenfield Street Post Office Drawer 1559 Wilmington, NC 28402 (910) 341-4712 (910) 341-4022 FAX kvincent@co.new-hanover.nc.us s New Hanover County 2001-2003 Work First Plan Table of Contents Page Executive Summary 5 III. Conditions within the County 8 A. A brief description that builds the case for the county's plan 8 1. Description 8 2. Vision Statement 9 B. A description of the economic conditions in your county 9 IV. Planning Process 12 V. Outcomes and Goals for the County 15 A. Statewide Work First Goals ~ 15 1. Reducing the Work First Caseload 15 2. Putting Adults to Work ~ 15 3. Staying off Welfare after Going to Work ~ 15 4. Meeting the "All Families" Participation Rate 15 5. Meeting the "Two Parent" Participation Rate 15 6. Avoiding Welfare through Diversion Assistance 15 7. Increasing Child Suppoa-t Orders and Collections 16 for Work First`~Families 8. Child Well-Being ~ 16 B. County Developed Outcome and Goals 16 VI. Plans to Achieve and Measure the Outcomes and Goals 16 A. Statewide Work First Goals 16 1. Reducing the Work First Caseload 16 2. Putting Adults to Work 21 3. Staying off Welfare after Going to Work 22 4. Meeting the "All Families" Participation Rate 24 5. Meeting the "Two Parent" Participation Rate 24 6. Avoiding Welfare through Diversion Assistance 24 Page 2 7. Increasing Child Support Orders and Collections Page for Work First Families 25 8. Child Well-Being 25 B. County Developed Outcomes and Goals 27 - VII. Administration 27 A. Authority for Administration 27 B. ~ Agency Organization in regard to delivering services and determining eligibility 27 C. Agreement between DSS and ESC for Providing Services 28 D. Community Service Program 28 E. Child Care Funds, Transportation Needs, Coordination with Area Authority for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services 28 F. Coordinating with Domestic Violence 32 G. Public/Private Partnerships 32 H. Appeal Process 34 VIII. Electing Counties Only -Eligibility Criteria 34 IX. Emergency Assistance 34 X. Services for Families with Income at or Below 200% of Poverty 35 XI. Services for Non-custodial Parents of Work First Children 35 XII. Child Welfare Services 36 XIII. SUCCESS for Families at Risk Initiative 37 XIV. Funding Requirements 39 A. Maintenance of Effort 39 Page 3 g B. ~ Child Welfare Services 39 C. .Diversion Assistance, Work First Family Assistance, .and Work First Services 40 XV. Innovative County Strategies 40 XVI. Special Issues 42 XVII. Current Electing Counties ~ - 42 XVIII. Certification ~ 43 Attachments: 1. Letters of Support ~ ~ - 2. Memorandum of Understanding - Employment Security Commission 3. Family Violence Option Implementation Plan Page 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NEW HANOVER COUNTY 2001-2003 WORK FIR T PL N S A The New Hanover County 2001-2003 Work First Plan was developed by a committee appointed by the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners and comprised of representatives of human service organizations and the community. GOALS The goals developed by the North Carolina Department of Social Services include: 1. Reducing the Work First Caseload, 2. Putting Adults to Work 3. Staying off Welfare after going to Work 4. Meeting the "All Families" Participation Rate 5. Meeting the "Two Parent "Participation Rate 6. Avoiding Welfare through Diversion Assistance 7. Increasing Child Support Orders and Collections for Work First Families 8. Child Well-Being STRATEGIES Strategies proposed to assist New Hanover County in meeting these goals include: 1. Comprehensive Assessment Process -Thorough up-front assessment to determine if some applicants' needs can be addressed through other resources including but not limited to child care, transportation, emergency financial assistance or benefit diversion. 2. On-Site ESC Interviewers- To provide employment location assistance to Work First clients and other families with income at or below 200% of poverty. 3. Partner with Wilmington Housing Authority - To better assist clients in getting and keeping subsidized housing. 4. Excellent"Tenant School - To provide information to low income families on the role and responsibilities of being a tenant with the goal of increasing their chances to attain and maintain quality affordable housing. 5. Coordinate Services with SEC for Mental Health Treatment -for more effective screening and follow-up for clients with both mental health and developmental disability disorders. 6. Collaborate with Domestic Violence Shelter and Services - To provide services and support to victims of domestic violence. 7. Coordinate Services with SEC for Substance Abuse Screening and Treatment- To provide screening, evaluation and treatment to clients with a substance abuse problem. 8. Promote Job Readiness Programs Utilizing Existing Resources - To provide adequate job readiness skill through resources of New Hanover County Community Action, Cape Fear Page 5 Community College and the YWCA of the Lower Cape Fear. 9. Complete Academic and Vocational Assessment - Of Work First clients through the HRD program of Cape Fear Community College. 10. Increase Awareness of Available Employment Related Training and Services -Through the distribution of more information during the assessment process. 11. Short Term Training - Of needed employment skills, including skills for non-traditional j obs for women through Cape Fear Community College. 12. Educational Program for Parents -Including information on how to be a working parent, child care and child development issues and preparing for the world of work in a short term program developed with the assistance of the New Hanover County Partnership for Children and the New Hanover County Health Department. 13. Resident-Owned Van Service- Will be explored with the Wilmington Housing Authority and the Wilmington Community Development Corporation.. • 14. Pooling Transportation Resources -With other organizations providing some employment related transportation for a coordinated, more comprehensive transportation system. 15. Partner with the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce - To obtain, business support for initiatives to hire and retain Work First clients. ~ , 16. Transportation Coordinator -To garner additional community .support for subsidized employment transportation through contributions and usage of the transportation tax credit: 17. Quality Assurance Plan for Transportation System- To monitor existing .employment transportation options. 18. Wheels to Worlc - Developing a program to use donated automobiles as an option for persons with employment transportation difficulties. .. 19. Recipient Survey - to employed former clients to receive suggestions ~ for change. or improvements to process. 20:. Job.Coaching - Using existing resources through.the WHA, provide on the job support to working Work First clients. 21. Partner with Job Coaching Association-- To explore the possibility of developing a program to assist Work First clients in making career decisions. . . 22. Adult Mentoring -Through the efforts of volunteers from the faith community.. 23. On-Site GED -For persons to work on obtaining a GED at employer-based locations. 24. New Hanover Health Netwark Work First Initiative - To provide support for NHHN employees in entry level jobs to increase skills to move to higher level positions. 25. Computer Based Training -Offered through St. Stephen's AME Church provides curriculums in job readiness and job skills training: r 26. ESC Follow-Up -Through telephone calls to Work First employers to assess placement. 27. Case Management Follow-Up - To address clients problems up to four months after case termination. 28. Fatherhood Resource Center - To offer support and information to Non-custodial.parents • regarding their rights and responsibilities. ~ , 29. Mentoring Work First Children -Through programs offered through Communities in Schools, New Hanover - Pender JOB READY, and the Work Force.Development Board. Page 6 APPEAL PROCESS A licants/Reci Tents who wish to contest a decision adv pp p ersely affectm~ their receipt of public assistance may appeal in accordance with N.C.G.S. $~108A-79 through a process established by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Standard County - No change from state TANF Plan. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Federal/state TANF funds of $5,366,046 and New Hanover County's Maintenance of Effort requirement of 2 643 117 fund Work First activities and some essential child welfare services at 8 008 046. • Page 7 III. Conditions within New Hanover County _ A. A brief description that builds the'case for the county's plan: 1. As the New Hanover County 2001-2003.Planning Committee examines the progress of welfare reform and the current realities for low-income families in our county, it is important for us to keep things in perspective.: We have been extremely successful in putting people to work, reducing the Work First caseload and forming partnerships to help; families overcome barriers. Despite these achievements; however, self-sufficiency still remains an elusive goal for many of our current and former recipients. 'For some; the key problems include lack of affordable housing, limited transportation options and iow wages which cannot lift them-above the poverty level: They have joined the ranks of the "working poor," sharing -their frustrations and concerns. Others have even more deep-seated problems, includirig substance abuse, domestic violence and mental health issues, which can't be resolved with "temporary assistance." Our efforts to address these difficulties must be further tempered by economic realities. We may have a great deal of flexibility in the choices we make, but we still have a limited supply of fiends and certain requirements over which we have no control. We also want to focus on the broader picture, helping as many low income individuals as possible without giving short shrift to those receiving cash assistance. With this in mind, our goal in developing our Work First plan has been to acknowledge the challenges we face and call upon our partners in the community to help us meet them. By the same token, we need the State's support in asking the Federal government to re-examine participation requirements. In light of the change in composition of our caseload, it has become increasingly more difficult to balance the needs of the participants with some of the rules with which we have to work. All these factors need to be considered if we are to move forward. Supporting documentation: 1. Per the Wilmington Star News and data from Wilmington Housing _ Authority's Subsidized Housing Program (Section 8), the average monthly rent fora 2 bedroom apartment (plus utilities) in Wilmington is $600. The median cost of a home is $126,000. 2. As of 8/30/00, there were 797 individuals on the Section 8 waiting list. It is taking up to four months for people to be called into submit an application; six months to complete the process. 3. In September 2000, there were over 1200 vacant 2 bedroom apartments in Wilmington. At the same time, there was, only a handful certified for Section 8. Landlords can get higher rent from the Page 8 private market and seem to be holding out for these additional funds. 4. Public transportation is only available in parts of the city and does not extend to the boundaries of the city limits: The buses stop running at 6:00 p.m. Saturday. service is minimal and Sunday service is non- existent. Our van pool service is not effective in providing work related transportation, which forces us to rely heavily on costly taxi service. The majority of our participants do not own a vehicle. 5. The average starting salary for our clients is approximately $6.50 per hour based on Employment Security Commission (ESC) records. Most of these entry level jobs do not offer benefits. 6. Our 69.01 % caseload reduction is one of the highest in the State as of the most-recent "Able-Bodied Report" (July, 2000). Ofthe 868 cases remaining on that date, 489 were child only (56% ); 379 (44%) contained an adult. There were 388 adults in these 379 cases (9 were 2-parent families). Ofthese, 95 were exempt from work requirements because they have a child under age one; 84 were exempt due to incapacity issues, leaving 209 who were considered "Able-Bodied." Approximately half of those (125) who were deemed "Able-Bodied" were in our "high maintenance" caseload due to issues relating to substance abuse, protective services, inability to retain employment, etc. Overall, we had one of the lowest percentages of Able-Bodied Adults (24.08%) when compared to other large counties such as Mecklenburg (42.4%), Forsyth (43.56%), Guilford (44.05%); Cumberland (40.65%); Durham (35.84%) and Wake (33.92%) 7. Statistics from our "SUCCESS" reviews indicate that this population has multiple physical and mental health problems. Out of 48 clients: • 30 had been treated for mental health disorders; • 30 had been subject to a Child Protective Services investigation; • 23 had more than one medical problem, including high blood_ pressure, sickle cell anemia, HIV, etc.; • 13 had domestic violence issues; • 5 acknowledged current or previous substance abuse problems. 2. Vision Statement Our vision in New Hanover County is "Communities partnering with families to promote self sufficiency, dignity and opportunity." B. A description of the economic conditions in your county New Hanover County is located in the southeastern part of North Carolina. It is the Page 9 ' second most dense county in the state with a land area of 185 square miles and a population of 151,832. We have_a projected population growth within the next five ' ..years (2000 = 2005) of 13.3%.~ New Hanover'County has participated in the state's economic prosperity with a median'household income growth of 44.8% in the last ten • years (from $2'7,364 in 1990 to $39,623 in 2000). The economic growth is projected to continue but at aslower~rate (17.7% from 2000 to 2005). According to information ' obtained from Wilmington Industrial Development, Inc., employment in New Hanover County is divided pretty evenly' .between technical, managerial and professional jobs requiring.specific•skills and/or educational attainment and sales, laborer and service jobs with relatively<low wages and few benefits. Employment in New Han®ver County . ~ .r - . , . Sales 15.1 ~ i Professional 14.2% ' ~ TechnicaVPrecision Craft 16.1% .i .. + Laborer/Operator 14% Farming/Fishing/Forestry 1.3% _~ ,~_ ~ , . ~~ :ti . r--; i • -i .. + . Managerial 11.9% r . , ~,1-, , . , ' Service 14% Administrative Support 13.3% • { _ . Technical/Precision. Craft ~ ~ ~ Sales ~- ,, ~ Professional -- ... ~, • ` ®, ~ Laborer/Operator Service ,Administrative Support .Managerial.. ' - ',_; ~ - ,F.aeming/Fishing/Forestry The Department of Commerce shows a different picture as it looks at where people aregoing to work in New Hanover County. Share of County Er~ployrnent; 1998 Government 17% Fire 5°/ ,~ r Agriculture 1 / ~ Manufacturing 10% TCPU 5/ ~~"' ~ ' ~ Construction 8% ,v,,.,,..~. ~ ' E"'~ ~'~ Retail Trade 24 % ~~ti.~ ;! ~ ,; I Services 25°/ ~ . ~ . ' Whf Trade 5% Construction Manufacturing Government ~ Fire - ' Agriculture Trans/Corn/Pub Util y ~~ __ ' ~ Retail Trade ^ 1Nht Trade Services Page' r0 L According to the Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, over 5,000 jobs in New Hanover County are related to the tourism industry. With an annual payroll of tourism workers equaling $77.77 million, that equates to an average annual income for workers in the tourism industry of $15,500, less than 200% of poverty for a single individual. An industry that has developed in New Hanover County in recent years is the film industry. More film revenue has been generated in Wilmington over the past several years than in any other United States' city,-with the exception of Los Angeles and New York. Wilmington alone has seen more lights, cameras and action than 45 states. This industry has, .however, not been very stable, resulting in long periods of under or unemployment for those families dependent upon film revenues for their annual incomes. The top ten employers in New Hanover County are: • New Hanover Regional Medical Center Hospital New Hanover County Schools Education Corning, Inc. Optical Fiber General Electric Nuclear Energy Production New Hanover County. Government UNC Wilmington Higher Education General Electric Aircraft Engines City of Wilmington Government .. Applied Analytical Industries (AAI) Pharmaceutical Testing Kosa Dimethyl Terephthalate Top Ten Industrial Employers in New Hanover County are: Corning, Inc. General Electric General Electric Applied Analytical Industries Kosa Bedford Fair Industries Louisiana-Pacific Pharmaceutical Product Development Interroll Corporation International Paper Company Optical Fiber Nuclear Energy Production Aircraft Engines , Pharmaceutical Testing Dimethyl Terephthalate Women's Apparel Mail Order Laminated Veneer Lumber Pharmaceutical Testing Conveyer Components Folding Cartons 4,000 2,613 1,500 1,150 1,239 1,116 1,050 687 740 600 1,500 1,150 1,050 740 . 600 400 300 300 275 250 According to Wilmington Industrial Development, Inc. the types of employers/industries being recruited into this area include the bio-technology industry and pharmaceutical companies. The emphasis is to recruit companies that Page 11 havehigher skilled, better paid positions which meet the employment needs of graduates of Cape Fear Community College's Focus Industry Program including the Chemical Technology curriculum and -the University of North Carolina at Wilmington's Marine Biology~and Chemistry~programs. Recent expansions or new industries in the region include a large fiber optics expansion at Corning, Inc. resulting in over 200 new positions and the construction of KCS Enterprises, the manufacturer of Rampage Sportfishing Yachts in neighboring Brunswick County with 400 new jobs. ~ . Recent downsizing in our county include.major layoffs at Bedford Fair, a mail order company and the closing of Block Industries, a textile~manufacturer. The 1999 annual unemployment rate for New Hanover County was 3.0% with the April, 2000 rate down to 2:8%. According to the NC Department of Commerce, in the third quarter of 1999, there were 5,682 active job applicants in our county. ~, _ , IV. Planning Process The members of theNew Hanover County Work First Planning Committee-were designated by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on August 21, 2000. Membership consists of: ? Name F. Wayne Morris- Dr. Arthur Costantini David Rice Dr. A1.Lerch ` : ' Diana Corbett J: Alan Jones Patricia Melvin Pamela O'Brien ' Serena Robinson Rev. John Burton Mack Wade Jewel Sparrow .. Affiliation New Hanover County Department of Social Services (NHCDSS) .Southeastern Center for-Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services (SEC) New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) ~ . New Hanover County Board of Education Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Wilmington.Housing Authority (WHA) New Hanover County Manager's Office YWCA of the Lower Cape Fear (YWCA) Former Service Recipient St.: Stephen's AME" Church NC Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) "~ - NC Employment Security Commission / JobLink (ESC/JobLink) Page 12 Janet Nelson Margie Parker Dr. Eric McKeithan Barbara DeBose David Smith NHC Partnership for Children (Smart Start) Cape Fear Workforce Development Board Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) New Hanover Child Support Office Social Security Administration (SSA) r In developing the plan, the committee organized sub-committees to specifically identify strategies to best address the plan's goals. In addition to committee members, the following individuals worked with one or more sub-committees: Walter Vincent SEC Danny Brock Chairman of Commissioners of WHA and local realtor Chris McNamee NHCDSS Diane Lackey NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Liz Schulz NHCDSS Jean Wall NHCDSS Tammy Galloway WHA Deborah Houston New Hanover County Transportation Coordinator Annette Crumpton New Hanover County Department. of Aging Karen Vincent NHCDSS Rodney Jackson Progressive Transportation Services Janet McCumbee NHCHD Johnetta Duncan WHA (Section 8) Lashaunda Pressley WHA Laura Hines WHA Rose Coston WHA Arena Everett NHCDSS Linda Moore New Hanover County Human Relations Catrecia McCoy WHA Renee McGill-CoY Domestic Violence Shelter and Services (DVSs) Jane Butler SEC Avone Treadwell ~ CFCC Sherylle Cerniglia ESC Ben Gault VR Amy Derck SEC Bill Christ SEC Dee Hairston SEC Lynn Smithdeal NHCDSS Bridget Terry SSA Betty Jo McCorkle NHCHD Sandy Saburn Innovative Coaching Group Fred McBee Communities in Schools/No More Rolling Stone Ray Gilbert, Sr. Fatherhood Resource Center of Brunswick County Page 13 Hugo .Bryant Sharon Benoit Geraldine Fennell Beau McCaffrey Valerie McIver Jim Ormsby Lois.Steele Sally Tribou . Wilma Moses LaSaundria Folks Danielle Metty Candace Artis . • John Ranalli Glenn Kling Fatherhood Resource Center of Brunswick County New Hanover Health Network (NHHN) ESC New Hanover County Board of Education St. Stephen's AME Church WGNI Radio Station YWCA New Hanover County Community Action New Hanover County Community Action CFCC Child Advocacy Commission • NHCHD New Hanover Regional Medical Center Erigine Angels In addition, a focus group was held with Work Firstclients participating in the Job Readiness Class sponsored by the YWCA Welfare to Work Bridges program to get their input into the Work First Plan... The core of the Work First Planning Committee was made up of the.members of.~the New Hanover County SUCCES S Committee. Committee members had made a~prior.commitment to look at the barriers to self-sufficiency for the hardest to serve Work First clients. They had been meeting on a regular basis to review,cases and determine how collaboration between organizations might eliminate barriers. They are committed to continuing that process into the coming year. Individual organizations also committed to pursuing specific strategies as identified in the attached letters of commitment (:Attachment # 1). , , Sub-committees were established for the following areas: Transportation, Housing, Child Care, Job Retention, Education and Training, Child Support, Mental Health and Substance Abuse, and Domestio Violence. Recommendations~of each sub-committee were reviewed and discussed by the Planning Committee. The• Planning Committee discussed possible changes in eligibility requirements. The compiled plan was reviewed by the sub-committee members, and forwarded to the Work First Planning Committee. Draft copies of the plan were available for public scrutiny beginning Monday, November 6t1i at the New Hanover County Public Library Main Branch, New Hanover County Administration Building, New Hanover County Department of Social Services. and on the DSS web site, www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/D.SS/draft.htm. Public comments were requested at the County Commissioners Meeting on November 27, 2000. None were .presented. The plan was presented to the New Hanover.County Board of Social Services for comments and approval at. its meeting• on November ,l 5, 2000. The plan was modified; ,based on recommendations received at each of these steps prior to submission,to the New Hanover Page 14 County Board of Commissioners. The New Hanover County Work First Plan for 2001-2003 was resented to the Board of - p County Commissioners for comments and approval on November 27, 2000. The New Hanover County Commissioners voted on March 26 2001 on the recommendation of the New Hanover County Board of Social Services to reverse their decision and to request the state Chan e New Hanover from electin status to standard for the biennium 2001-2003. V. Outcomes and Goals for the County A. Statewide Work First Goals Many of the state goals have not yet been established for 2001-2002. We intend to meet any expectations that are set. Reducing the Work First Caseload These state established goals are not available at this time. 2. Putting Adults to Work These state established goals are not available at this time. 3. Staying off Welfare after Going to Work The state established goal is to have a minimum of 85% of former Work First participants still off Work First after 12 months. 4. Meeting the "All Families" Participation Rate Effective October 1, 2000, the federal participation rate requires that 45% of all families participate in approved work related activities the required number of hours each week. This expectation will increase to 50% effective October 1, 2001. 5. Meeting the "Two Parent" Participation Rate The rate for "two parent" families where both are able to work is tracked as a subset of the overall participation rate. The federal requirement for two- parent families is 90%. 6, Avoiding Welfare through Diversion Assistance Page 15 These state established goals are not available at this time. 7. Increasing Child Support Orders and Collections for. Work First Families The state established goal is to increase child support orders and collections • . for current and former Work First families by 10%. _ , ~. . 8. Child Well-Being The state established goal is that a protection plan be in place for 100% of the Work First children who are substantiated as abused or neglected by Child Protective Services. B. County Developed Outcome Goals ., We will place our efforts and resources toward attaining and exceeding the state set goals. VI. Plans to Achieve and Measure the Outcomes and Goals A. 1. Reducing the Work First Caseload New Hanover County plans to reduce the Work First caseload through a combination of the following several initiatives: Comprehensive Assessment Process Reducing the.number of people who need to apply for Worlc First is certainly the first step in reducing the caseload. Work First is just one of many tools used by the Individual and Family Support Intake Units toassist families in_ crisis. The client sees one worker who assesses all of the client's needs on the front end and pulls in .appropriate resources from the agency_and other community organizations. In this way we are able to divert many-clients from ever becoming. dependent on the Work ..First Program through the use of child care; transportation resources, or a referral to Child Support Enforcement and Employment Services. On-Site ESC Interviewers ~ . Two Employment Security Commission Interviewers, located in the DSS, will assist Work First applicants and ongoing participants in finding jobs. They provide this same assistance to families. with income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level to prevent them from ever going on the program.~~ Partner with Wilmington Housing Authority Page 16 Finding safe and affordable housing is a critical issue for our participants and can affect their ability to function effectively on the job. As a result, we will strengthen our partnership with the Wilmington Housing Authority by having quarterly meetings with supervisory staff as well as the Housing Sub-Committee formed to develop the Work First Plan. This latter group includes members of the private sector, who may be in a position to recruit more landlords to participate in the Section 8 program. Excellent Tenant School The Work First Housing Sub-Committee is evaluating the feasibility of developing a short-term training program in which participants may enhance their skills in several areas with the goal of increasing their chances of attaining and maintaining quality affordable housing. Topics to be addressed include: landlord/tenant relations; crisis resolution. and negotiation skills with landlords; basic budgeting skills; enhanced housekeeping skills; health and safety issues; basic upkeep that saves the tenant and landlord money; resources for better money management. Upon completion of the course, individuals will receive certification which will entitle them to certain benefits. Benefits proposed include rent reductions, partial return of deposit, higher eligibility for the home ownership pool being created by the Wilmington Housing Authority, possible extension of lease at the same rate. The success of the program is contingent on the willingness of the Wilmington Housing Authority to take the lead role and in the proposed cultivation of a group of landlords who will agree to offer incentives in exchange for program participants. Tentative approval has been given fora $1,000 grant from the Eastern North Carolina Poverty Committee to support the school. Coordinate Services with SEC for Mental Health Treatment Mental health issues are a significant barrier to employment for the majority of the clients reviewed through the SUCCESS initiative, as well as for others in our "high maintenance" caseload. A procedure has been developed in conjunction with the Southeastern Center for more effective screening and follow-up on both mental health and developmental disability disorders. Once a worker identifies a client who is in need of an evaluation or treatment, a referral will be made to the Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (ASAP). He/she will serve as the liaison with designated staff at the Southeastern Center who will complete initial evaluations; refer for treatment and assign cases to Case Managers or to the Community Treatment Team as appropriate. The QSAP will monitor continued compliance with treatment and will notify the Work First staff accordingly, regarding issues that could affect the client's successful participation in the Work First program. Contacts have been established with key Southeastern Center staff in Adult Services, Children's Services and Developmental Disabilities so the needs of the whole family can be more adequately addressed. Collaborate with Domestic Violence Shelter and Services Page 17 Violence within the family is also recognized as a major barrier to self sufficiency. The Individual and Family Support Intake, ..staff or the ongoing Work First staff notifies applicants/recipients at the end of the interview of their right to claim an ~exernption from work requirements under the Family .Violence Option. If clients .indicate that they wish to speak with someone further about family violence, the worker calls the Domestic Violence Shelter and schedules an appointment. While the Employment Services Social Worker works with the client to provide appropriate services, no plan of action is completed until the Family Violence Assessment is returned from the :Domestic, Violence Shelter. The Social Worker then develops a plan of action with the client, incorporating the recommendations of the Domestic Violence Shelter personnel. This may-include waiving some, all, or none of the Work -First requirements and arranging necessary services. We ;are continually revising our plans in regard to domestic violence. -Coordinate Services with-SEC for Substance Abuse Screening and.Treatment The New Hanover County Department of Social Services (DSS); recognizes the barrier to self sufficiency created by substance dependence and abuse in the family. All applicants for~Work.First Finaricial Assistance are screened for substance abuse. A positive screen automatically generates.a referral to the ASAP located at the DSS. An applicant who refuses to.be screened is denied Work First benefits. .The ASAP from .SEC provides an in-depth, on site assessment of recipients potentially in need of substance abuse services using the .federal Substance Use Disorders Diagnostic Schedule (SLTDDS) Evaluation. When chemical dependence is indicated, he/she refers the. client for inpatient or out patient long term treatment programs. If the adult fails to comply with the trea_ tment plan developed with the ASAP the adult is~ineligible for cash assistance but continues•to yet Medicaid. The . children remain eligible for Work.First. A protective pa ey e is appointed to manage benefits for the family.,,,- - ~ ~ , Anytime a worker has reason to suspect substance. abuse by a, Work First recipient, the above. process can begin, again.. A~ protecfive~ services referral may be made at . anytime substance abuse is suspected. d Promote Job Readiness Programs Utilizin~~Existing Resources We will provide clients with adequate job readiness skills through promoting the survival: skills. ~ training offered Ito Work ~ First., clients., at New Hanover County Community Action; the ENTRY program provided through Cape Fear Community College ~ (CF.CC), and by increasing the number- of, Work First clients who can participate in the Bridges Prograrn.through the YWCA.. . Complete Academic and Vocational Assessment To ensure the greater possibility of Work.First clients getting and keeping jobs, DSS Page 18 working with Cape Fear Community College will offer a more thorough and comprehensive assessment during the initial application process. Academic and vocational assessments will be provided to assist clients in focusing their j ob search. Increase Awareness of Available Employment Related Training and Services More information on the entire job search process and Work First services will be provided so that applicants/recipients will have a better understanding of their roles and responsibilities in the job search and services available to support them in their efforts to achieve self-sufficiency. Information on area organizations which provide specific training programs, including Employment Security Commission/JobLink; CFCC, Wilmington Housing Authority, YWCA Bridges, St. Stephen's Church, and other such training programs will be distributed and persons encouraged to participate. Services and assistance, including Medicaid, budgeting, Food Stamps, child care, Earned Income Tax Credit; housing, transportation, and activities for children will be described in detail. Short Term Training We plan to work collaboratively with CFCC to.provide clients with the necessary short-term training to enable them to obtain employment in the local j ob market. We will identify possible 6-12 week training programs available through CFCC. Funding barriers will be eliminated through partnering with the faith community, other human services agencies and the financial aid programs at CFCC. We will identify students through the Work First Intake and ongoing units, other community agencies and employers to gain adequate class enrollment. Special focus will be on' non-traditional jobs for women,. such as construction trades, truck driving, machinery, auto mechanics and auto body repair, since these jobs often pay higher wages. Educational Program for Parents Working with the New Hanover County Partnership for Children and the New Hanover County Health Department, we will develop an educational program for parents of infants and small children: The program will include elements of how to be a working parent, child care/child development and preparing for the world of work. Resident-Owned Van Service The Wilmington Housing Authority (WHA) and Wilmington Community Development Corporation (CDC) have committed to work with us to explore the possibility of developing a housing authority resident-owned van shuttle service to provide work related transportation. The plan entails the WHA, .through its- Self Sufficiency and HOPE VI programs to identify residents who have expressed an interest in establishing their own business. Residents will work with the CDC to receive technical assistance in starting a van service, acid making it profitable. WHA Page 19 will. leasevans to these residents and DSS ands other :community agencies will °• ,contract with them to provide•employment related transportation. _ ~ ~_ Pooling_Transportation Resources All human service organizations which are currently providing transportation to their clients, either through agency vans or through a contract, have been approached to . determine if it would be cost effective to pool; our resources; The availability of transportation fundswill be :expanded by .Federal Job Access monies recently awarded to New Hanover County. Those federal dollars; when pooled with local ° :, ~ . funds currently.allocated.for~employment transportation, will allow us to bargain more effectively with transportation providers. A strategic plan will be developed and implemented: ~ T.he result will be ~a more .;reliable _and comprehensive • .transportation system for. all organizations. - .. ~ ~ ; Partner with the Greater Wilmington Chamber, of Commerce The Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce is developing a Work First Advisory Committee to address business issues r;egardirig hiring and retaining Work •.. ~ First~employees. aIts~Transportation'Sub-Committee will educate business leaders about possible tax=incentives of employer Sponsored transportationand will highlight existing local employers who offer.group.employeetransportation. A second sub- . committee will educate business leaders about Work, First and will highlight • employers who are all ready ~hiring.Work First participants. A third sub-committee °. will. encourage ~ employers to integrate training and educational programs into job descriptions helping to ensure that Work First participants will attain independence of the welfare system. The Chamber~will also host several Work First Roundtable _ Discussions where. they will:introduce local Work,First best practices and solicit new business' participation. The Chamber will produce literature. for business owners about Work First and the company benefits it can produce. Transportation Coordinator -. _ ~ Other community- support will ;be garnered for .assistance with employment • transportation through a new Transportation Coordinator position. This position ' ; . would be responsible fora community education effort-on the needs of the working poor targeting civic and service organizations as well as the faith community. Short term and long term commitments to assisting with employment transportation will be developed and implemented. This position will also assist the~area employers in completing the paperwork required to ensure businesses, take advantage of the - . transportation tax, credit: - tir . • . ~ ._ Quality Assurance Plan for Transportation System A quality assurance.plan will be,implemented to monitor transportation services. To ' .: ensure the most.cost.effective and efficient transportation system, other providers r•• ; " ~ will be r approached for , additional,• options 'in :the. provision. of employment Page 20 transportation. Wheels to Work Working with Engine Angels, a faith based organization and other community resources, we plan to develop a Wheels to Work program for former Work First clients. Engine Angels will accept donated automobiles and coordinate with area auto repair shops and possibly the Cape Fear Community College Auto Mechanics' Program to make the vehicles road worthy. DSS will identify former Work First clients with employment transportation needs to receive the cars'for a modest cost. 2. Putting Adults to Work New Hanover County plans to put adults to work through a combination of the following initiatives which have been detailed above: On-Site ESC Interviewers (See VI. A. 1.) Partner with Wilmington Housing AuthoritX (See VI. A. 1.) Excellent Tenant School (See VI. A. 1.) Coordinate Services with Southeastern Center for Mental Health Treatment (See VI. A. 1.) Collaborate with Domestic Violence Shelter and Services (See VI. A. 1.) Coordinate Services with Southeastern Center for Substance Abuse Screening and Treatment (See VI. A. 1.) Promote Job Readiness Utilizing Existing Resources (See VI. A. 1.) Complete Academic and Vocational Assessment (See VI. A. l .) Increase Awareness of Available Employment Related Training and Services (See VI. A. 1.) Educational Program for Parents (See VI. A. 1.) Resident-Owned Van Service (See VI. A. 1.) Poolin Transportation Resources (See VI. A. 1.) Wheels to Work (See VI. A. 1.) Partner with Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce (See VI. A. l.) Transportation Coordinator (See VI. A. 1.) Quality Assurance Plan for Transportation System (See VI. A. 1.) In addition, we will use the following initiatives: Recipient Survey Former Work First clients will be surveyed to obtain feedback on services received, whether services offered to assist them in obtaining employment might be improved or changed to better support employment retention. This feedback will allow us to make changes in the process which might be more effective for future new hires. Page 21 Job Coaching Through Project Self-Sufficiency and HOPE VI, WHA implemented a Job Coach Program wherein clients are visited at the work place; to determine if the transition into employment has been successful... Work First clients .employed at that same work site can participate in this program and obtain personal support and encouragement to retain- employment. The YWCA Bridges program also has an employability~coach who follows Work First clients participating. in that program. Partner with Job Coaching Association DSS will explore the possibility of developing a working relationship with Wilmington Job Coaches Association to provide some limited community service to Work First participants or other low income individuals. This is agroup offor-profit Employment Coaches and Counselors who assist individuals as they make decisions on what is needed to move up in a position and~improve .employment opportunities. 3. Staying off Welfare after Going to Work ' .~ - New Hanover County plans to enable clients to stay off welfare through the following initiatives described above: ~; ,~ On-Sate ESC Interviewers. (See VI. A. l.) Partner with Wilmington Housing Authority (See VI_.-A. 1;),; , Excellent Tenant School (See VL ~A. 1.) Coordinate Services with Southeastern Center for Mental Health .Treatment (See VL A.,1.) Collaborate with Domestic Violence Shelter grid .Services (See VI. A. 1.) Coordinate Services with Southeastern Center for Substance Abuse Screening and Treatment (See VI. A. l .) ~ ~ r ~ . , .. Complete Academic and Vocational Assessment (See,UL,A..I.) Increase Awareness of Available Employment Related Trairiin~ and Services (See VI. A. l.) '~ , Educational Program for Parents (See VI. A. 1.) .. Resident-Owned Van Service. ,(See VI. A, 1.) ~ , Pooling Transportation Resources (See VI. A. 1.). Wheels to Work (See VI. A. l.) Partner with Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce (See VI. A. 1.) Transportation Coordinator (See VI. A. 1.) Quality Assurance Plan for Transportation S sue. (See•VI. A. l.) Job Coach (See VL A. 2.) Partner with Job Coaching Association (See VL A. 2.) : , ~ . . . In addition, we will use the following: _ ~ , Page 22 Adult Mentorin~ Faith community efforts to provide support to Work First clients will be encouraged. Currently, local congregations have begun training parishioners to implement Families First and Family Partners programs. DSS staff have attended trainings and are helping to facilitate the development of these programs. On-Site General Education Degree (GED We will develop opportunities for persons to increase job training and education through the support and opportunities provided by employers.. Specifically, we will promote On-Site GED classes at rest homes, nursing homes, and other employers, along with a paid hour in the day to attend the class. New Hanover Health Network (NHHN) Work First Initiative New Hanover Health Network is initiating an aggressive program to invest in their future workforce. Work First clients, hired in entry level positions, will be offered opportunities to increase their education and skills and advance into higher skilled, higher paying jobs. The process is described below: New employees attend NHHN orientation and CFCC Human Resource Development Program • ~ A vocational assessment will be offered to those employees indicating need and interest. • On-Site GED and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes will be available to employees. • Employees will be given a period of time to complete GED. • A CNA class will be offered through awork/study model in cooperation with local community colleges. • Accelerated programs will be offered to qualified employees. • In specific job categories, additional training may be available after employees meet qualifying criteria. NHHN will offer the program in nine counties. Partnerships will be formed with CFCC as well as other community colleges in the region that serve surrounding participating counties. Nurses and other health professionals who are community college instructors will be secured to teach On-Site classes. Mentoring will be provided by those individuals and others to the employees in the workforce development program. Computer Based Training We will promote St. Stephens AME Church's career development computer based training program for Work First clients and others needing assistance in obtaining a job or improving their current position. We will use the Chamber of Commerce to promote the above initiatives with employers, highlighting the NHHN model Page. 23 program as one to replicate. Em to ment Securit Commission ESC Follow-U , .Employment :Security Commission personnel will call employers of Work First clients several times in the first month after the original placement to ,determine how the employee is doing and what, if anything, ESC or DSS could do to improve the transition from Work First to employment.. Information gathered will be evaluated and acted on to improve the employment opportunities and the retention rate of our '~ clients.. ~ , Case Management Follow-up ~ ~ . _ Work First staff will retain cases as needed, but no longer than four months, following termination of cash ass_ istance in an effort to address problems that could impede j ob performance. 4. Meeting the "All Families" Participation Rate • New Hanover County plans to meet the all families participation rate through the .following initiatives described above: On-Site ESC Interviewers (See VI. A. 1 Partner with Wilmington Housing Authority (See VI. A. l .) Excellent Tenant School (See VI. A. •l:) Coordinate Services with Southeastern Center for Mental Health Treatment (See VI. A. 1.) Collaborate with Domestic Violence Shelter and .Services (See VI. A. 1.) Coordinate Services with.Southeastern Center,for.Substance Abuse Screening and . Treatment {See VI. A. 1.) Complete Academic and Vocational Assessment (See VI. A. l.) Increase Awareness of Available Employment Related Training and Services (See VI. A. l.) 5: Meeting the "Two Parent" Participation Rate New Hanover County plans to meet the two parent,participation rate through the following initiatives described above: On-Site ESC Interviewers (See VI. A. l.) Partner with Wilmington Housing Authority (See VI. A. 1.) ...Excellent Tenant School .(See. VI: A. 1.) Coordinate Services with Southeastern Center for Mental Health Treatment (See VI. A. l.) ;Collaborate with Domestic Violence Shelter and.Services (See VI. A. 1.) Page. 24 Coordinate Services with. Southeastern Center for Substance Abuse Screening and Treatment (See VI. A. 1.) Complete Academic and Vocational Assessment (See VI. A. l.) Increase Awareness of Available Employment Related Training and Services (See VI. A. l.) 6. Avoiding Welfare through Diversion Assistance New Hanover plans to use Benefit Diversion to avoid welfare dependence through the following initiatives described above: Comprehensive Assessment Process (See VI. A. l.) On-Site ESC Interviewers (See VI. A. l.) 7. Increasing Child Support Orders and Collections for Work First Families New Hanover County plans to increase child support orders and collections through our continued commitment to close collaboration with our local Child Support Enforcement Office and the use of the following initiative: Fatherhood Resource Center (FRC) Child support is critical in moving a family to self sufficiency. Many Non-custodial parents face some of the same barriers to self sufficiency that custodial parents face. They lack the education and job skills needed to obtain jobs with wages sufficient to support their children and themselves. Many are unemployed. In addition, there are emotional and personal issues involved that affect their willingness to pay. Non-custodial parents who are involved in their children's lives are more likely to pay child support. Some Non-custodial parents want to tie paying child support to visitation with their children. When they are denied visitation, they refuse to pay support. In order to remove these barriers we must look beyond the court order for support to the individual. It is our intention to endorse and assist in the establishment of a Fatherhood Resource Center in New Hanover County to provide advocacy/education for Non-custodial parents. This should not be an adversarial relationship but one through which Child Support and the DSS can disseminate information about the Child Support Enforcement program as well as other agency programs to Non-custodial parents. The FRC would also advocate with different resources such as Cape Fear Community College, the JobLink Career Center, the New Hanover Partnership for Children, Communities in Schools and the faith community for meeting the needs of the Non-custodial parents. They could partner with the DSS, ESC, and the New Hanover Child Support Enforcement agency to jointly develop resources which Page 25 .. ~ would provide an alternative to jail, i.e., a mandatory referral to the JobLink Career Center, and advocate with the judges to use these resources. 8. Child Well,Being_ New Hanover County plans to ensure child well-being through the use of the following initiatives described above: ~ • " Partner with Wilmin~ton~Housing Authority (See VI. A. l.) . Excellent Tenant School (See VI: A. 1.) ~ ~ ~~ Coordinate Services with Southeastern Center for Mental Health Treatment (See VI. A. 1.) Collaborate with Domestic Violence Shelter and Services (See VL A. 1.) Coordinate Services with Southeastern Center for Substance Abuse Screening and Treatment (See VL A. 1.) : , ~ , Educational Program for Parents (See VI. A. l.) Fatherhood Resource Center (See VI. A. 7.) ` In addition, we.will use the following initiative: Mentorin~ Work First Children ~ _ Our efforts to promote self sufficiency extend beyond the adult Work First clients with whom we work closely. To• address the self sufficiency issues of the next ~- ~ generation, we will explore the possibility of working with Communities in Schools, Mentor at the `Gate, New' Hanover - Pender JOB READY and Work Force Development Board's Focus program administered by the YWCA and Year Round . Youth Enhancement Program within the New Hanover County school system which . ~ provide support and guidance to the adolescent children of Work First clients. This guidance will assist them in making decisions regarding career and higher education choices. Parents of younger children will be made aware of community after-school enrichment acid tutoring programs through brochures and flyers developed and distributed through the DSS. Measurements of Progress toward Above Goals: We will measure our progress toward achieving the goals above through monitoring = the following state and local reports: Goal Status Report - -Shows county's monthly progress toward meeting all eight . goals. Able-Bodied Report -Shows number and % of Able-Bodied adults in caseload, caseload reduction and composition of caseload. - - Work First Case Profile Summary; Breakdown of caseload including length of stay Page 26 • • on program, work code status and employment status. Statewide Work First Progress Report -Shows county as it compares with other 99 counties in regard to meeting all eight goals. Work First Progress Report for Adults Entering Em~loyment -Provides listing of clients placed in jobs on a monthly basis. Monthly Report from ESC Staff Housed at DSS -Shows all recipients they assist in placing in jobs on a monthly basis. Employment Services Management Report -lists all recipients and work related activities scheduled and completed monthly. All Families Counted in Numerator Report - lists all participants meeting participation rate. All Families Not-Counted in Numerator Report -lists all recipients not counted toward meeting participation rate. All Families Counted in Denominator Report -Lists all recipients counted according to federal regulations. All Families Participation Rate -Lists participation rate for all 100 counties. Two Parents Counted in the Numerator Report Two Parents Not Counted. in the Numerator Report Two Parents Counted in the Denominator Report Two Parent Participation Rate Benefit Diversion Cases -Lists individuals who received Benefit Diversion IV-D Collections by Collectin County All ACTS Cases that have a Court Order B. New Hanover is focusing our efforts on meeting and .exceeding the state goals, therefore, we have no separate county established goals to measure. VII. Administration A. "Authority for Administration The Board of County Commissioners have the authority for the administration of the Work First Program. The program is administered in New Hanover County by the Department of Social Services. ' B. A enc~ganization in regard to delivering services and determining eli ibilit~ Work First is just one of many tools used by the Individual and Family Support .Intake Units to assist families in crisis. The client sees one worker who assesses all of the client's needs on the front end and pulls in appropriate resources from the agency and other community organizations. In this way we are able to divert many clients from ever becoming dependent on the Work First Program through the use of child care, transportation resources, Medicaid, or a referral to Employment Services and/or_Child Support Enforcement. Page 27 Two Employment Security Commission Interviewers located in our office assist Work First applicants and ongoing participants in finding. jobs. They also work with families with income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level to aid them in their efforts to become self sufficient and not Work First clients. One Employment Social Worker routinely participates-in the One Stop/JobLink Center located at the EmploymentSecurity Commission. . Family Support Workers located in the ongoing Work First Units maintain both the - eligibility and employment services .portions of low maintenance cases. As needed to meet the client's needs in moving toward employment and self,sufficiency, they - ~ have access to allahe agency resources; i.e:, Child Care, transportation, TANF- Emergency Assistance, county General Assistance, Medicaid and referrals to other ~' community'agencies. ~ `~~ "The riiore difficultor high maintenance cases, such as those~with substance abuse or domestic violence problems,r. are. administered by Employment. Services Social Workers and by Income Maintenance Caseworkers, iri meeting service and eligibility needs. ~ - C: Agreement between DSS and ESC for Providing Services. The New Hanover County:.Department of Social Servicespurchases Work Registration, Job Readiness,: Job Search, -Job Development ~arid ~-Job Placement Services from the Employment Security Commission of North Carolina through the placement of two ESC Interviewers at the Department°of Social Services.. The ESC / Interviewers' duties include providing the following services to Work First applicants and recipients as well as to individuals in families who meet the expanded TANF guidelines with income at or below 200% of the poverty level (Attachment #2): Completing work registration and determining job readiness; providing job .development services; matching job skills ofparticipants-with job openings; referring participants to jobs for which they qualify (emphasis will be upon obtaining jobs that hold the. promise of enabling participants to support themselves and their families over the long run); providing individual and ~~group job search assistance; assisting withjob_readiness activities; providing - ~ . job retention services by following up with employers for a period of time after~participants~.are placed on a job; utilizing the computer terminal to access ahe~Employment Services Information System and other pertinent _ information: necessary for the operation of the Work First Program. D. Community Service Program - - We do not plan to operate a costly community.,service program, in the county. Participants will benefit more from involvement in the YWCA Bridges program Page 28 (Welfare to Work), the self sufficiency program at the Wilmington Housing Authority and other established job readiness programs. E. Describe how your county will prioritize its child care funds. When the availability of Child Care funding is less than the amount needed to serve all eligible children, New Hanover County DSS will prioritize the order in which funds will be expended as follows: 1) Children who need child care assistance to support child protective services. 2) Children whose parents, foster parents, or other adult responsible for the care of the child need child care support in order to maintain employment. a. Mandatory Work First recipients who .work full-time (30 hours b. Foster parents who work full time c. Parents/responsible adults who are employed full-time d. Mandatory Work First Recipients who work part-time e. Foster parents who work part-time £ Parents/responsible adults who are employed part-time Children whose parents, foster parents, or other adult responsible for the care of the child need child care support in order to seek employment. Seeking ® employment: When a parent is unemployed but is seeking employment, child care services must be provided for a minimum of 30 days only if requested and the parent or responsible adult is already receiving subsidized child day care services. a. Mandatory Work First recipients who are seeking employment b. ,Foster parent who are seeking emplovmerit c. Parents/responsible adults who are seeking_employment Children whose parents/fosterparents/or other adults responsible for the care of the child need child care to attend school or job training activities that lead to employment. a. Work First recipients b. Foster parents c. T_e_ en parents attending high school or its eauivalent d. Adults participatinc in GED or Adult Basic Education ~ABE~ programs (6 months maximum) e. Parents or responsible adults who are enrolled in a pOSt secondary education training (maximum of 2 year enrollment Page 29 Children who receive Child Welfare Services and whose families need child day 'care' assistance to prevent or remedy problems that may result in the neglect or abuse of children to prevent foster care :placement to support ~' ', ' family reunification, and to provide support in times of crisis. ~ Children who need child day care to meet developmental needs whose " emotional cognitive. social or physical development~is delayed or at risk of dela - - ~= Children over the aye of ten who are not documented special needs and not receiving care in second or third shifts. Children in relative placements with the exception of children receiving care in second'or third shifts::. '~ _ _ _ ~ -, _ .. Describe in detail .how Ioeal transportation needs .will be met through 1_ocal coordination and collaboration. , .. _ _ New Hanover ,:County . -Department ' of ~-Social Services has been working collaboratively with other community agencies and private employers since January - ~ 200.0 to.'improve transportation~options for,. Work First and other low income county .residents: The Wilmington Housing Authority (WHA) and Wilmington Community Development Corporation(CDC)~have committed~to work with us to explore the ' ossibili of develo in a housin authorit. resident-owned van shuttle service. The . p ty .._.p,- g - _ g _ . y , _ _ WHA, thrqugh,ts.Family Self Sufficiency and HOPE. UL,programs will identify ' residents who have expressed an interest: in establishing their own business. Residents will work with the CDC to receive technical assistance in starting a van • service; and snaking itprofitable: ~WHA will lease vans to selected residents and DSS will contract with them.to provide employment related transportation. - The Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce is developing a Work First ;Advisory Committee to address business_issues regarding hiring and retaining Work , - First employees,., ;Its Transportation Sub-Committee will -educate business leaders about possible tax incentives of employer sponsored transportation and will highlight existing local employers who offer group employee transportation. The Chamber will also host several Work First Roundtable Discussions where they will introduce local Work First best practices and solicit new business' participation. The Chamber " . will ..produce. literature for business owners about Work First and the company ..._ _ benefits it can produce. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - . . •> .. ., ..; ... .Other. community ,support. ;will be garnered for assistance with employment _ ~ .::' ~~~- _ transportation through ~a new Transportation Coordinator position. This position Page 30 would be responsible for a community education effort on the needs of the working poor targeting civic and service organizations as well as the faith community. Short term and long term commitments to assisting with employment transportation will be developed and implemented. A quality assurance plan will be implemented to monitor the transportation providers. To ensure the most cost effective and efficient transportation system, other potential providers will be approached for additional options to provide employment transportation. All human service organizations currently providing transportation to their clients, either through agency vans or through a contract, have been approached to determine if it would be cost effective to pool our resources. The availability of transportation funds will be expanded by Federal Job Access monies recently awarded to New Hanover County. Those federal dollars, when pooled with local funds currently allocated for employment transportation, will allow us to bargain more effectively with transportation providers. A strategic plan will be developed and implemented. The result will be a more reliable and comprehensive transportation system for all organizations. Working with Engine Angels, a faith based organization and other community resources, we plan to develop a Wheels to Work program for former Worlc First clients. Engine Angels would accept donated automobiles and work with area auto repair shops and possibly the Cape. Fear Community College Auto Mechanics' Program to make the vehicles road worthy. DSS would identify former Work First clients with employment transportation needs to receive the cars for a modest cost. Describe iri detail your arrangements for coordination with the area authority .for mental health developmental disabilities and substance abuse services to provide assessments and treatment. Do you have a local agreement? What are the conditions of that a~;reement? The New Hanover County Department of Social Services recognizes the barrier to self sufficiency created by substance dependence and abuse in the family. All applicants for Work First Financial Assistance are screened for substance abuse. A positive screen automatically generates a referral to the Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (QSAP) located at the DSS. An applicant who refuses to be screened is denied Work First benefits. The QSAP from Southeastern Center for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services provides an in-depth, on site assessment to recipients potentially in need of substance abuse services using the federal Substance Use Disorders Diagnostic Schedule (SUDDS) Evaluation. When,chemical dependence is indicated, she refers the client for in patient or out patient long term treatment Page 31 programs: If the adult fails to comply with the treatment plan .developed with the QSAP. the adult is ineligible for cash assistance but continues to yet Medicaid. The 'children remain eligible for Work `First. A protective payee is appointed to manage benefits for the family. • . . Anytime substance abuse is suspected in a household•with children and the parent refuses-screening and/or treatment; a protective services report is made. The Memorandum of Agreement between the DSS and Southeastern Center states the intent to reduce substance abuse related barriers to employment for current Work - '-First applicants'and recipients-and for Food Stamp applicants convicted of a class H "or ~I substance abuse felony offense: Under the terms' of the MOA, Southeastern ' Center agrees to provide representation on the committee developing the Work First County plan, to provide on site- assessment. and. referral to recipients in need of .- substance abuse services; to share in.the responsibility of screening applicants and ' recipients, to provide prevention or treatment services for the recipients' children, and to provide a~ care coordination plan'for the recipient while in,treatment. • - ~ ~ . The screening and follow up assessment by the on site QSAP has proven to be very effective in terms of identifying those with dependence on alcohol and drugs, in accessing treatment for them and in terms.of costs. In light~of the strides made in the area of substance abuse treatment, a procedure has been established to address mental health and`developmental disability issues as well. • ~ Once a~ worker •identifies a client who is in need of an evaluation .or treatment, a referral will be-made to the QSAP. ~He/she will serve as the liaison with designated staff at the Southeastern Center who will complete initial evaluations, refer for treatment and assign cases to Case Managers or to the Community-Treatment Team • ~ ~. ns:'appropriate. ~=The QSAP will monitor continued. compliance with treatment and ' will notify the Work. First worker_ accordingly. regarding issues.that; could affect the client's successful participation in the Work First program: ,Contacts have been esfablished.with-key Southeastern Center staff in:Adult Services, Cliil'dren's Services and Developmental Disabilities so the needs.rof the.-whole family can be more 'adequately addressed.. ~.' -' .~ .. F. Coordinating with Domestic..Violence -~ Violence within the family is also recognzed• as_a major barrier to self sufficiency. The Individual and Family Support Intake worker or the ongoing Work First worker notifies applicants/recipients :at the- end of the interview of their right to claim an exemption from. work requirements: under .the Family Violence Option. If clients • - ~ indicate they wish to speak with.someone further. about family violence, the worker • calls the• Domestic Violence ~ Shelter and 'schedules. an appointment. While the • -~ Employment Services Social Worker works with the .client to provide appropriate - Page 32 services, no plan of action is completed until the Family Violence Assessment is ~ returned from Domestic Violence. The Social Worker then develops a plan of action with the client, incorporating the recommendations ofthe Domestic Violence Shelter personnel. This may include waiving some, all or none of the Work First requirements and arranging necessary services. (Attachment # 3) G. Public/Private Partnerships New Hanover County has a track record of successful public/private partnerships. The Transportation Advisory Committee, made up of public agencies, not for profits and private employers has been meeting since January 2000 to resolve the issue of inadequate transportation not only for working people but for medical appointments and to meet other needs. See E. above. For several years now the DSS has partnered with the faith community. Several local churches have provided financial support to meet one time needs such as car repairs not covered under DSS programs. More recently we have begun working with Families First (North Carolina Council of Churches) and the Family Partners (Catholic Social Ministry) who have agreed to act as mentors for some of our Work First families. St. Stephens Church has also set .up a computer based learning program which we have available as a resource for our clients. , Private industry and public agencies including DSS partnered in designing the ENTRY Program at Cape Fear Community College. Once participants complete the program, one employer, New Hanover Regional Medical Center, has agreed to interview the participants. Several others have agreed to accept referrals from the program for interviews. We have developed an extremely effective working relationship with staff at the Employment Security Commission which has been of benefit to both of our agencies. As noted previously, we contract with them to outpost two of their Interviewers in our office to help clients find jobs and we in turn provide staff at the JobLink Career Center located at ESC. In addition, we have worked together on various planning committees and in conducting job fairs. We also participate in the Wilmington Job Service Employer Committee (JSEC), which promotes "employers and government in partnership." Our interaction with the Cape Fear Council of Governments has been extremely productive as well. Their Workforce Development Program staff spearheaded the implementation of our county's Welfare to Work plan, awarded the grant to the YWCA's "Bridges" program and conducted follow-up training and workshops to keep all of us on track. In addition, our clients benefit from other employment and training programs they sponsor which target disadvantaged youth and adults and Page 33 workers who have been displaced from their jobs due to a plant closure or layoff. They have also invited unto participate in Workforce Development Board meetings, ,which. address workforce issues in both the public and private sector. This Board is . responsible for the oversight of the Welfare to Work program, the JobLink Career Centers and. programs administered by the. Cape Fear Service Delivery Area through the recently implemented Workforce Investment Act. ;~ .;, For several year`s we have worked collaboratively with the New Hanover County Partnership for Children on such issues as child care subsidy and child care transportation. DSS staff work closely withthe Partnership in its strategic planning • process. The Partnership plans to enlist the support of the business community to assist with child care subsidies and to develop a greater understanding of the need for quality child care. Quality child care can have a major impact on reducing workplace absenteeism and turnover. They will take a leadership role, along with other . community organizations, in designing an educational program for the parent who plans to go back to work. _ . ~ - Finally, we work with the Chamber of Commerce through their Work First Advisory ._ Council; • to inform •.employers and to garner their .support ,for, the use of the ~, . transportation tax .credit and to encourage them. to hire Work First clients. The business community is seeing~the need for affordable child care and the Work First Advisory Council will seek employer support for meeting that need through subsidy • and,on site centers. ~: . H. Appeal Process ~ ~.: As a standard county New Hanover will follow the procedures established by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to allow families to • appeal decisions adversely affecting their receipt:of public .assistance. VIII. Electing Counties Only -Eligibility Criteria r . . Standard County -Not applicable IX. Emergency Assistance - Counties mList provide emergency assistance for families. All county plans are limited-by ,, the following eligibility .guidelines: , • ~ .• The family must.have a child who lives with a relative as defined for Work First cash assistance and who meets the •age limit• for Work First cash ~~ assistance:. .. • : Total gross family income must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty Page~34 level. • Family members must meet the same citizenship requirements as for Work First cash assistance. • Assistance may not be provided for any medical care, regardless of whether the participant is covered by Medicaid. • Only short-term benefits may be provided. Short-term benefits are described as: • nonrecurring, short term-benefits designed to deal with a specific episode of need; • Is not intended to meet recurring or ongoing needs; and • Not extending beyond four months. We will follow the guidelines for Emergency Assistance as issued by the state and federal governments. In light of this, we adopted the enhancements noted in DSS Administrative Letter 11-99 effective November 1, 1999, as indicated above. Clients are assessed for Emergency Assistance as a part of an overall problem solving and planning process to enable them to be self sufficient. X. Services for Families with Income at or Below 200% of Poverty New Hanover County is currently serving all Work First parents who are subject to the work requirements. We are providing follow-up arid retention services as needed to former Work First recipients. Depending on availability of funding, we will continue to provide services to families with income at or below 200% of poverty. Services may include problem solving, case management, counseling, job search, job readiness, work-related expenses, transportation and child care. Other allowable services as indicated in TANF guidelines, such as skills training, education, On the Job training and parenting skills will be provided on a referral basis. We will assess our expenditures and staffing patterns in these areas at regular intervals to determine if we have sufficient funds to continue offering these services to those other than Work First recipients and at what level. XI. Services for Non-custodial Parents of Work First Recipient Children New Hanover County will not provide employment related services toNon-custodial parents using Work First Block Grant funds. We need to stay focused on providing services to all Work First participants first. We do intend to maintain a close relationship with our local IV-D office, however, and will examine this issue with them at some point in the future. Child support is critical in moving a family to self sufficiency. Many Non-custodial parents face some of the same barriers to self sufficiency the custodial parents face. They lack the education and job skills needed to obtain jobs that pay well enough to support their children Page 35 and themselves. Many are unemployed. In addition, there are emotional and personal issues involved that affect their willingness to `,,, ~ pay. Non-custodial parents who are involved in their children's lives more often pay child support. Some Non-custodial parents want to tie paying child support to visitation with their children. When they are denied. visitation, they refuse to pay support. In order to remove these barriers we must look beyond the court order for support to.the individual. It is our intention to endorse and assist in the establishment of a Fatherhood Resource Center (FRC) in New Hanover County to provide advocacy/education for Non-custodial parents. This should not be an adversarial relationship but one through which Child Support and the DSS can disseminate information about the Child Support Enforcement program as well as other agency programs. to Non-custodial parents. The FRC would also advocate with different resources such as Cape~Fear Community College, the JobLink Career Center, the New Hanover Partnership for Children, Communities and.Schools and the faith community for meeting the needs of the Non-custodial parents. They could partner with the DSS, ESC, and the New Hanover. Child Support'Enforceinent agency to jointly develop resources that would provide an alternative to:jail, i.e., a mandatory referral to theJobLink Career Center, and advocate with the judges to use these resources. XII. Child Welfare Services The Work First and Child Welfare Sections are committed to working together to ensure the well-being of children served by both programs. We utilize our in-house computer system (AS-400) to first identify common cases. When a new case is assigned to any section, the worker opens a "service" for the client. He/she researches the inquiry screen to determine other services the client may be .receiving. The Work First worker then contacts the appropriate Child Welfare worker (i.e. in the Children's.Protective Services or.Children's Services section) or vice-versa if an open service is identified in the other program. The two workers discuss their involvement with the case and define goals and objectives... Work First activities scheduled conform to the recommendations of Child Welfare staff: The workers maintain regular contact with each.other to determine the progress the client is making and if contracts or expectations need to be changed. Any staffings scheduled to discuss mutual concerns are held jointly.Likewise, if a case is being transferred (e.g. from the Children's Protective Services to the Children's Services Section) or the case is being closed, Work ;First and Child Welfare -staff notify each other:accordingly. All efforts are made to ensure thatwe are~not working at cross purposes with each other and that the safety of the c_ hild(ren) and well-being: of the family remain our primary objectives: We also maintain regular contact among the various sections and educate each other regarding changes in policy which would have a.bearing on each program. We will enhance this arrangement by offering training .which staff in all sections .concerned .can attend together. _ Page 36 XIII. Success for Families at Risk Initiative Following is a report given to the Success Council on July 27, 2000: When we held our first meeting of the Success Coordinating Council on January 20, 2000, we discussed how we planned to mutually review cases of Work First recipients who had used more than half of their 60 month lifetime benefit limit. We knew these individuals had serious problems. We knew that each of our agencies had been involved with most of them at one time or another. We also knew that none of us had succeeded in "fixing" things as far as these families were concerned. Now that we have reviewed 48 cases in the past few months, we have more details than we had previously. Certain patterns have become clearer. Progress has been made, particularly in regard to collaboration among agencies. Although we may have a better understanding of what the issues are, we have more questions than answers at this point. The purpose of this report is to highlight some of our findings and challenge each of us to decide where we go next. In analyzing the data on our 48 cases, several factors were reviewed. These included age of the participants, number of children, education, work history, living . arrangement, vehicle ownership, incidence of protective services reports, treatment for mental health problems, medical problems, family violence and substance abuse issues.. Some of the data came directly from an application form or another agency. Some (e.g. concerning domestic violence, substance abuse, medical orpsychological problems) was extrapolated from DSS case summaries. It is probable that if these records were researched further, the numbers noted in the summary below would be higher. • 30 clients range in age from 30 to 62. 18 are in their twenties. • 36 have 2 or more children under 18 living with them. 12 have one child; 18 have two; 18 have 3 or more. If we were to consider children over 18 as well, however, the majority would have 3 or more. • 26 do not have a high school diploma or GED. Of the remaining 22, 6 have a GED, 13 graduated from high school and 3 have high school plus some post-secondary education. The educational level for the 26 is broken down further as follows: - 1 - 6th grade • 8 - 8"' grade • 5 - 9`h grade • 8 - 10th grade • 4 - 11"' grade • - 26 have not worked in at least 3 years. • 35 live in public (14) or subsidized (21) housing. • 32 do not own a car. Page 37 • 30 have been investigated by a Child Protective Services' worker; 22 of these have been investigated 2 or more times in the past 5 years; 8 of the 30 have .been .referred to a Children's Services worker because .the report was substantiated. • 30 have been treated for mental health problems; 9 are currently in treatment at Southeastern Center.. The primary mental health diagnosis was depression (20). Other diagnoses included paranoid schizophrenia, manic depression, anxiety..disorder and suicidal tendencies. This total represents number of adults and does not include the number of children treated.. ' 23 have 2 or more medical problems. These include high blood pressure, diabetes, sickle cell anemia, back problems, asthma; HIV, knee and hip problems, arthritis and sarcoidosis. • 6 are caring for severely disabled children (cystic fibrosis; cerebral palsy, ADHD; asthma. • 13 have domestic violence issues. ~ • . • 5 acknowledged current.or previous substance abuse problems. • 22 had been denied for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) at some point. In terms of current case status, l,1 of the 48 cases are now closed for Work First. The reasons for case closure are: • 4 became employed f ' ~ •' 1 was awarded Social Security • 1 was awarded SSI • 1 moved out of the county ~ ' • 1 would not develop a Mutual Responsibility Agreement • 1 could not be located • 1 did not want to comply with work requirements • 1 no longer had custody of her child due to CPS issues. This individual just reported she is pregnant. The Success team members began meefing` weekly initially but switched to a bi- weekly meetirig after several months. No meetings were held in July as we wanted ~to report our findings to the Success Council. Sorne agencies sent representatives consistently, others did not. The team members tried to look at the family as a whole in making recommendations. In some instances, the clients accepted services offered; while in others they did not. The liaison with Social Security has been particularly effective in helping clients eitheri with receipt of benefits or with preparation for an appeal. Likewise, Vocational Rehabilitation staff met with five clients and are currently working withawo of these to develop plans. Other referral sources included the Health Department, Housing Authority, Cape Fear Community College, the "Big~Buddy"program, Southeastern Center, "Bridges" (Welfare to Work program), the Cape Fear Literacy Council, Child .Advocacy Commission, Child Page. 38 Support Enforcement and local ,attorneys who handle SSI appeals. In addition, Employment Services' staff accompanied clients to doctors' appointments when the participant's prognosis and work capacity appeared to be vague. At this point, 37 of the original 48 cases are .unresolved though some of these individuals are working toward a goal. In addition, there are now 8 more cases with 30 or more months that need to be reviewed and there will be 15 more coming up in the next three months. We need to schedule these new cases for an initial evaluation and revisit those that we discussed previously. In terms of the "success" of Success, there have definitely been some positive outcomes. As noted previously, the collaboration among the agencies .who have participated has helped not only with providing direction for these cases but with others as well. We each have a better understanding of what our parameters are and have learned about new resources in the community. Some clients have moved off Work First, though it is possible that a few of these will return. The overriding concern, however, is what can we accomplish on a long-range basis? This process has taught us much. We can accomplish more, not just for these individuals but for all our mutual clients, if we continue to work together. On the other hand, it is evident that some of these clients need more help than all of us together can provide. What is to happen to them when their Work First benefits end? ® XIV. Funding Requirements A. New Hanover County will use Maintenance of Effort funds • to support Emergency Financial Services, . • to contract with the Employment Security Commission for two full time employment interviewers out posted at the Department of Social Services,. • ~ to provide Child ~ Care services, • to fund a transportation coordinator position, and • to purchase work related supplies, i.e., tools, uniforms. B. In conjunction .with the Adoption and Safe Families Act enacted by Congress in 1997, New Hanover County's Child Welfare system has three goals: safety, permanence, and well-being. The TANF Block Grant is helping us meet these goals. Currently, 43% of our total TANF funds are spent in the provision of Children's Services. Mandated by state law, these services encompass Children's Protective Services Intake, Children's Protective Services Investigations, and Child Welfare Services to children for whom abuse and neglect have been substantiated. Of the TANF funds spent in the provision of Children's Services, 85% is spent in Children's Protective Services Intake and Children's Protective Services Page 39 • Investigations. Protective Services Intake is. the process of receiving and documenting reports which allege that a child(ren) may ,be abused, neglected or dependent and:malcing a thorough evaluation of :the information provided by the reporter to determine whether a protective services investigation will be initiated. • Children'~s.Protective Services Investigations is conducting those activities necessary to determine whether ornot allegations of abuse, neglect, or dependency are true, and • - to evaluate "the safety of the child in the home.. If,.the allegations are found to be true and the children are. determined to be at~ risk, on-going Child Welfare Services are provided to children and: families to ameliorate the conditions causing the risk. This includes services to keep children safely in their own homes, out of home placement . for children who are:at imminent risk, and arranging treatment services to the family in efforts. to reunite .the children with their, families.:Twenty nine percent of the TANF funds•spent in~the provision of Children's Services isspent in on-going Child Welfare services. All of the children served in~Children's Services meet the TANF criteria. .. ~ .. ~ .. .. _ . C. In' the current budget; Work First Diversion Assistance is budgeted at $286,021. Work First Family 'Assistance is budgeted at • ~ 3 04.1:373. Work First Services is budgeted' at 2 656.630. The maintenance of effort contribution is $1,602,595. ,. .. ~ ~ • XV. Innovative County Strategies ' New Hanover Health Network Work First Initiative New Hanover Health Network is initiating an aggressive 'program to invest in their future workforce. Work First clients, hired in entry level positions, will be offered opportunities to increase their education and skills and'advance~into higher skilled, higher paying jobs. The process is described below: • New employees attend NHHN orientation and CFCC Human Resource Development Program. • A vocational' assessment will~be 'offered to those employees indicating need and interest. • ~ On-Site GED and'ESL classes will be available to employees. • Employees will be given a period of time to complete GED: '~ • ~ '~ A CNA'class will~be offered through awork/study model in"cooperation with local '~ `' ' community colleges: ~~ "Accelerated programs will be offered to qualified employees. • In specific job categories, additional training maybe available after employees meet `. qualifying criteria.: . • ' '. #~ ~ ~ • ' - NHHN will offer the program iri nine counties. Partnerships will be• formed with CFCC as well as other community:colleges in~the regionthat servesurrounding participating counties. `~ Page 40, Nurses and other health professionals who are community college instructors will be secured to teach On-Site classes. Mentoring will be provided by those individuals and others to the employees in the workforce development program. Excellent Tenant School The Work First Housing Sub-Committee is evaluating the feasibility of developing a short- termtraining program in which participants may enhance their skills in several areas with the goal of increasing their chances of attaining and maintaining quality affordable housing. Topics to be addressed include: landlord/tenant relations; crisis resolution and negotiation skills with landlords; basic budgeting skills; enhanced housekeeping skills; health and safety issues; basic upkeep that saves the tenant and landlord money; resources for better money management. Upon completion of the course, individuals will receive certification which will entitle them to certain benefits. Benefits proposed include rent reductions, partial return of deposit, higher eligibility for the home ownership pool being created by the Wilmington Housing Authority, possible extension of lease at the same rate. The success of the program is contingent on the willingness of the Wilmington Housing Authority to take the lead role and in the proposed cultivation of a group of landlords who will agree to offer incentives in exchange for program participants. Tentative approval has been given fora $1,000 grant from the Eastern North Carolina Poverty Committee to support the school. Educational Program for Parents ,,Working with the New Hanover County Partnership for Children and the New Hanover County Health Department, we will develop an educational program for parents of infants and small children. The program will include elements of how to be a working parent, child care/child development and preparing for the world of work. Resident-Owned Van Pool The Wilmington Housing Authority (WHA) and Wilmington Community Development Corporation (CDC) have committed to work with us to explore the possibility of developing a housing authority resident-owned van shuttle service. The WHA, through its Self Sufficiency and HOPE VI programs will identify residents who have expressed an interest in establishing their own business. Residents will work with the CDC to receive technical assistance in starting a van service, and making it profitable. WHA will-lease vans to these residents and DSS will contract with them to provide employment related transportation. Fatherhood Resource Center It is our intention to endorse and assist in the establislunent of a Fatherhood Resource Center Page 41 in-New Hanover County to provide advocacy/education for non-custodial parents. This should.notbe an adversarial relationship but one through which-.Child Support•and the DSS can disseminate information about the Child Support Enforcement program as well as other agency programs to non-custodial parents. The FRC would also advocate with different resources such as Cape Fear Community College, the JobLink Career Center; the New Hanover Partnership for Children, Communities in Schools and the faith community for meeting the needs of the. non-custodial parents. They could partner~with the DS S, ESC, and the New Hanover .Child .Support Enforcement agency to jointly .develop resources which would provide an alternative to jail;: i.e.; a mandatory referral .to the JobLink Career Center, and advocate awith the judges to use these resources.. ~ . Wheels to Work ~ : • - ~. _ .. , ~, . Working with Engine.Angels,.a faith based organization and other_community resources, we plan to develop~a Wheels to Work program for former Work First clients.. Engine Angels • would accept donated aufornobiles and-work with area -auto repair shops and possibly the Cape Fear:.Community College Auto- Mechanics' Program to make these vehicles road worthy: DSS-would identify former Work First clients with employment transportation needs to receive the cars for a modest cost. . ! XVI. Special Issues New Hanover is a coastal community and as such is very susceptible to hurricanes. When we are hit by a hurricane, staff from throughout the agency :are pulled from their normal functions to handle the disaster. Typically we must staff shelters for some time after the agency reopens. Large numbers of citizens normally not receiving any assistance from the county are thrown into economic situations which require assistance. Staff operates the Disaster Food Stamp program and sees a high volume of clients through the Individual and Family Support Intake. unit for financial help and problem solving/advocacy.. At times we • have had to operate one or more Disaster Relief Fund programs as well. Substance abuse is a serious problem due to the high urban nature of New Hanover County. We are the. second smallest county land size and seventh. in population. . - Being a coastal community also affects job opportunities. in.the county. As a tourist community, a significantnumber ofavailable jobs:are rriinimum wage at entry .level, most without benefits. Our challenge is to .assist Work First recipients in obtaining jobs with higher wages and benefits sufficient to meet the basic cost of living. XVII. Current Electing Counties New Hanover County has been.extremely successful in meeting the Work First goals. We have reduced the caseload from 1'689 families in July 1.9:97~to 868 families in July 2000, a Page 42 49% decrease. Since the program began in 1995, our caseload fe1169% from 2801 to 868. We have literally put thousands to work and have a retention rate of 94%! Child Support collections have continued to climb at a rate above the 10% goal established by the state. Being an electing county has given us the opportunity and obligation to work collaboratively with other public agencies and the private sector as can be seen throughout this document. The business community is becoming involved. The result of this collaboration has been better service for our clients. We identified needs in the first Work First county plan, i.e., child care for second and third shifts and increased awareness of the transportation problems and needs of working families in New Hanover County. We have been able to meet some of those needs. There are now three child care centers in the county that provide care for alternate shifts and weekends. Transportation remains a major problem in New Hanover County. However, progress is being made. The community, both public and private sectors, has come together to resolve the problem. Working together we will ,make our vision, "Communities partnering with families to promote self-sufficiency, dignity and opportunity," a reality. XVIII. Certification This plan was adopted by the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners on the day of May 2001. William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover Board of County Commissioners Sherman L: Criner, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Social Services Page 43 Page 44 ~! ~! f ~~- ATTACHMENT 2 Page 45 ATTACHMENT 3 Page 46 ~~ ~i , f~ I ATTACHMENT 4 Page 47 y~ ,. ~ii~~ ~~`~ '';'y ~1~~~ New Hanover County 2001-2003 Work First Plan for Consideration by the Board of County Commissioners November 27, 2000 Page 48 ;: would be responsible for a community education effort on the needs of the working poor targeting civic grid service organizations as well as the faith community. Short term and long term commitments to assisting with employment transportation will be developed and implemented. A quality assurance plan will be implemented to monitor the transportation providers.. To ensure the most cost effective and efficient transportation system, other potential providers will be approached for additional options to provide employment transportation. All human service organizations currently providing transportation to their clients, . either through agency vans or through a contract, have been approached to determine if it would be cost effective to pool our resources. The availability of transportation funds will be expanded by Federal Job Access monies. recently awarded to New Hanover County. Those federal dollars, when pooled with local funds currently allocated for employment transportation, will allow us to bargain more effectively with transportation providers. A strategic plan will be developed and implemented. The result will be a more reliable and .comprehensive transportation system for all organizations. Working with Engine Angels, a faith based organization and other community resources, we plan to develop a Wheels to Work program for former Work First clients. Engine Angels would accept donated automobiles and work with area auto repair shops and possibly the Cape Fear Community College Auto IVlechanics' Program to make the vehicles road worthy. DSS would identify former Work First clients with employment transportation needs to receive the cars for a modest cost. Describe in detail dour arrangements for coordination with the area authority for mental health developmental disabilities and substance abuse services to provide assessments and treatment. Do you have a local agreement? What are the conditions of that agreement? ~ ~ . The New Hanover County Department of Social Services recognizes the barrier to . self sufficiency created by substance dependence and abuse in the family. All applicants for Work First Financial Assistance are screened for substance abuse. A positive screen automatically generates a referral to the Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (QSAP) located at the DSS. An applicant who refilses to be screened is denied Work.First benefits. The QSAP from Southeastern Center for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services provides an in-depth, on site assessment to recipients potentially in need of substance abuse services using the federal Substance Use Disorders Diagnostic Schedule (SUDDS) Evahiation. When chemical dependence is indicated; -she refers the client for in patient or out patient long term treatment Page 31 ~5 programs. If the adult fails to comply with the treatrrienf plan developed with the QSAP the adult is ineligible for cash assistance but continues ~to' yet Medicaid. The (` children remain eligible for Work First. A protective~ayee is appointed to manage ~ / benefits for the family. Anytime substance abuse is`suspected in a household with children and the parent ~' refuses screening and/or treatment, a protective services report is made. .. ~; The Memorandum of Agreement between the DSS and Southeastern Center states the intent to reduce substance abuse related barriers to employment for current Worl: First applicants and recipients and for Food Stamp applicants convicted of a class H _ or I substance abuse felony offense. Under the terms of the N10A, Southeastern ..Center agrees to provide representation on the committee developing the Work First County -plan, to provide on site assessment 'and referral to recipients in need of substance abuse services, to share iri the responsibility of screening applicants and recipients, to provide prevention or treatment services for -the recipients' children, and to provide a care coordination~plan`for the recipient v~hile in treatment. The screening and follow up assessment by the on site~'QSAP lias,proven to be very effective in terms of identifying those with dependence on alcohol and drugs, in .accessing treatment for them and.in terms. of costs. ~ - In light of thestrides made in the area of substance abuse treatment, a procedure has •: , been established to address mental health and developmental disability issues as well. Once a worker identifies a client who is in need of. an evaluation or treatment, a • referral will be made to the QSAP. He/she will serve as the liaison with designated staff at. the Southeastern Center who will complete initial evaluations, refer for treatment and assign cases to Case Managers or to the Community Treatment Team - ~ - .• ~ as appropriate. The QSAP will monitor continued complance.with treatment and will notify the Work First worker accordin~ly~regarding issues that could affect the client's successful participation in the Work First program. Contacts have been established withkey Southeastern Center staff in AdultServzces, Children's Services and Developmental Disabilities so the. needs of the whole{family can be more s adequately addressed. ~ ' '~ .~ .. F. ~COordinatine with Domestic Violence ' Violence within the family is also recognized as a major barrier to self sufficiency. The Individual and Family Support Intake worker or the ongoing Work First worker notifies applicants/recipients 'at the end of the interview of. their right to claim an exemption from work requirements.tinder the Family Violence Option. If clients indicate they~wish to speak with someone further abotit~farriily'v~iolence, the worker calls the Domestic Violence Shelter and schedules ~azi' appointment. While the Employment Services Social Worker works with the~clierit to provide appropriate Page 32 1 ~~ .workers who have been displaced from their jobs due to a plant closure or layoff. They have also invited us to participate in Workforce Development Board meetings, which address workforce issues in both the public and private sector. This Board is responsible for the oversight of the Welfare to Work program, the JobLink Career Centers and programs administered by the Cape Fear Service Delivery Area through the recently implemented Workforce Investment Act. For several years we have worked collaboratively with the New Hanover County Partnership for Children on such issues as child care subsidy and child care transportation. DSS staff work closely with the Partnership in its strategic planning "process. The Partnership plans to enlist the support of the business community to assist with child care subsidies and to develop a greater understanding of the need for quality child care. Quality child care can have a major impact on reducing workplace absenteeism and turnover. They will take a" leadership role, along with other community organizations, in designing an educational program for the parent who plans to go back to work. Finally, we work with the Chamber of Commerce through their Work First Advisory Council,. to inform employers and to garner their support for the use of the transportation taY credit and to encourage them to hire Work First: clients. The business community is seeirig the need for affordable child care and the Work First Advisory Council will seek employer support for meeting that need through subsidy and on site centers. H. Appeal Process As a standard county. New Hanover will follow the procedures established by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to allow families to appeal decisions adversely affecting their receipt of public assistance. '4~III. Fleeting Counties Only -Eligibility Criteria Standard County -Not applicable IY. Emergency Assistance Counties must provide emergency assistance for families. All county plans are limited by the following eligibility guidelines: • The family must have a child who lives with a relative as defined for Worlc First cash assistance and .who meets the age limit for Work First cash assistance. • Total gross family income must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty Page 34 17 NEB HAN®VER COl9NTY D~3ARD ®F C(~MINIISSIOIVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD AOTlOIV Meeting ®ate: 05/21/01 Regular Item #:.8~ Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: S-47C, 05/01 Special Use Permit for an Outdoor Shooting Range in an !-2 District Location: 470 Highway 421 North BRIEF SUMMARY:. Deputy Lee Garriss, the petitioner, is requesting permission through the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department to have a pistol range constructed .on the Point Peter Disposal Area located adjacent to US Highway 421. The property is approximately 44,00 acres and is currently vacant. The proposed shooting range will utilize the southwestern corner of the property. This type of training is necessary for Sheriff to serve and protect our community. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The New Hanover County Planning~Board unanimously voted to recommend approval of the request for a special use permit to operate an outdoor shooting range in an I-2 Heavy Industrial District located at 470 Highway 421 North on the west side of the highway. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: .7 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND .RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 'uOUNTY COMMISSIONEpS APPROVED ^ . ~~- REJECTED ^. REI~i~OVED O PCT='ONED"© HG;::D D~-~~ .~..~w:~.~~,1 g Case: S-476, OS/O1 Special Use Permit for an Outdoor Shooting Range in an ~-2 District Location: 470 Highway 421 iVorth Planning Board Recommendation (May 3, 2001 Meeting) The Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the Outdoor Shooting Range. However, several concerns were raised by the Board pertaining to insurance coverage and gunshot noise affecting downtotivn Wilmington. A1o oaie from the public spoke in opposition to the request. Preliminary Staff Findings , 1. The board must. find that the use will not materially endagger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to.the plan as submitted and approved'. A. The site is served by the North Wilmington VFD • ~'` B. The site will utilize individual well and septic. Since there will be restroom facilities at the project, Health Department permits will have to be obtained. - ~ ~ ' C. The facility wi11_be composed of one building approximately 12;000 s.f:, parking for a maximum of 60 cars; a pistol range, a skeet range, a rifle range with a sniper tower, tvvo combat ranges; and a K-9 training area with a kennel and a small shed. D. All ranges will have a minimum 10' high berm behind all targets. E. All ranges have a northwest orientation. The nearest structures in that direction are over 2 miles away. However, there are some buildings'/~ of a mile north of the site on Highway 421. The properties are separated by heavy vegetation. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required condations and specifications of the coning ordinance. _ A. All proposed shooting ranges are setback 100' from the Road Right-of--way. B. The proposed firing ranges will have a minimum 10' high earth embankment behind all targets. C. "No Trespassing -Danger -Shooting Range" Signs will be posted every ~100''around the perimeter. _'_ _ ~ .. I3. There is at least on qualified Sheriff who is certified as a shooting range supervisor. Saftey rules and regulations for the facility will be adopted. E. The firing range shall be covered by a minimum of $300,000 of accident- and liability insurance. 3. 'The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. Adjacent properties that have agreements with New Hanover Co~mty will continue to utilize the existing access road. Brf~~Th~e~properry ~s;app~o~imately 44 acres and is~currently vacant. The proposed shooting range will only utilize the southwestern corner~of the property. C. No evidence has been presented that the proposed use will injure the value of adjoining or abutting property. D. This type of'ti-aininQ s~necessary for Sheriff s to serve and protect our community. ~'~ ;: .a . 4. 'The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located 2 ®'.. and.. in general conformity with the plan of development for ieiew Hanover County. A. The subject property is located in the Conservation Land Classification. The purpose of the Conservation class is to provide for effective long-term- management and protection of significant, limited or irreplaceable natural resources while also protecting the rights of the property owner. B. The site was used as a disposal site for dredging the Cape Fear River. C. NCDENR has visited the site and determined that no 401 water quality certification is required. D.'~. The Corps of Engineers has also reviewed the proposed firing range and reminds the County that "should the need arise for any future placement of dredge material at this site, they will require that structures be removed or relocated at the County's expense." Clean up of any hazardous material as a result of,this use would also be necessary. Planning Staff Concerns: l) Some significant vegetation exists onsite and efforts should be made to retain significant trees within the project area. • • ~1 Case: 5-476, OS/O1 Petiti~a~ Su~nary Data ~ . Owner/Petitioner: New Hanover County Sheriff s Department Existing Land Use: Vacant _ Zoning History: July 1972 (9A) Water Type: Well Setiver Type: Septic Recreation Area: USS North Carolina Battleship Memorial Access & Traffic Volume: 12,000 (1999 ADT) Fire District: North Wllmington Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Cape Fear River Aquifer Recharge Area: Chiefly a discharge area for ground water flow Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Dorovan Septic Suitability: Class IV (Unsuitable) 22 Schools: Parsley Elementary •~ ~,7 //,.. .,~~ ~ ~ ~. i i f ~ ~' t~.. ~ . i~ .~ ~.... ,, .~ ~, ~~ < ~, f h ~ , r`~: t_~ ~~ ~~ v ~ ~~ _ i0 Y Q ' \\\C ` 1 ~ '~ ' , ` ~~ l~ ,` ~ / .A S ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ 1 , '~- ~~ 9~G~ ~7 ~ i' `;` Fi ~f t ~. r~ l J ..~. ... ~:'~'... -' Y'y.. 7~ ~~ .I 23. . '° . _, . . ~---- -------_ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ~~~~_~~` WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS I P.O. BOX 1890 4~JILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 April 10, 2001 IN REPLY AEFEA TO Project Management Branch Deputy tiV. Lee Garris, Jr. New Hanover County Sheriff's Office _ 20 North 4th Street- `Vilmington, North Carolina 28401-4591 Dear Deputy Garris: - Please reference your letter dated March 23, 2001, in which you requested permission by the New Hanover County Sheriff Department to construct a pistol range on the Point Peter Disposal Area located adjacent to US Highway 421, in New Hanover County, North Carolina. As stated in your letter, this 44.10-acre site is owned by New Hanover County and `vas acquired for a dredged material disposal site for the Cape Fear River Project. Our review of your plans for the pistol range indicates that it `vill not be a permanent facility since movement of the range is possible. Therefore, use of the site forthis purpose should not interfere with the use of the site as a dredged material disposal area. However, it is understood that should the need arise for any future placement of dredged material at this site, we will require that structures be removed and/or relocated. All. costs. associated with the removal and/or relocation of any structures will be at the County's expense. tiVe are forwarding a copy of this letter to the New Hanover County Board of Comnussioners. As the property owner, they will have to give you permission to use the site in light of our position. tib~e must caution the County that as the owner of the property they will - also be responsible for the cost of-any cleanup of hazardous material or enviror~rnental contaminants should such materials be discovered on the land as a result of the use of the site as a firing range. You can contact me at (910} 2~ 1-4730 if you have any questions re~.arding the- above. Sincerely, Daniel Smai1 Navi~7ation Project iti'Ianaver 2~ State of North GaroIina . Department of Environment i~; and Natural Resources '4Vilmi~ngton Regional Office _ ~ ltilichael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF EN VIRONMENT AluO NATURAL RESOURCES April 9, 2001 - ~ NIr. Lee Garris New Hanover County Sheriff's Depa'rtrnent 20 North 4`'' St. Wilmington, .North Caroling 28'-101 Subject: V 401 Wetland Certi[~cation Point Peter's Site Pistol and Training Area New Hanover County Dear Mr. Garris- This letter is to advise you that Ms. Joanne Steenhuis, our wetland specialist with the Wilmington Regional Office, has visiied the Point Peter's site, and she has d etermined that no 401 Water Quality Certification is required for the proposed development of it as a Pistol and Training area. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. (910) 39~-3900. Sincerely, Rick Shiver, Water Quality Regional Supervisor ec: Wilmington Regional Office - I?7 C;inlin;lt Ur, lat., ll~ilneingtuu, A~orlil C:nrl'ililur2,'i-!U> :1u I~:yu.ItOppurhlnil}'.Vlirulatice;Action limplo)~cr 'fc;c~>hnncyt0-39,-3900- I~A\91U-3~o-"?(10-t >0~5 rccti~clcd110'~„ tiost•con;ulncr p;~~lcr 25 • May 7, 2001 Deputy Lee Garris NHC Sheriff s Dept. 20 North 4`h Street Wilmington; NC 28401 . Re: Special Use Permit Request, S-476, 0~/O1 Dear Deputy Garris: The New Hanover County Planning Board in regular session on Thursday, May 3,2001 unanimously voted to recommend approval of your request for a special use permit to operate an outdoor shooting range in an I-2 Heavy Industrial District located at 4070 Highway 421 North on the west side of the highway. This recommendation has been forwarded to the New Hanover County Commissioners. They will meet to act on this petition, on Monday, May 21, 2001 at 9:00 a.m. on the third floor of the Old County Court House, located at the corner of Third and Princess Streets, in Wilmington. Please mark your calendar. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 341-7165. Sincerely, Baird Stewart Senior Planner cc: Clerk to the Board File i ~ 27 2.$~ 4 ~T'his page intentl®nally left blank} ~, .1~ ~: NEW ~ANOVER_COUNTY D®ARD OF C®B~IlViISSI~ONERS REQl1EST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/23/01 Regular Item #: Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff Presenter: Sheriff J.W. Lanier, Jr. Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Establishment of New Firing Range, Adoption of Capita9 Project Ordinance BRIEF SUMMARY: With the construction of the Smith Creek Parkway, the firing range located on Division Drive must be relocated. After an exhaustive search, the best location appears to be the "Pt. Peter" site off . Hwy 421 N. The County purchased this site a number of years ago to serve as a dredge spoil site fo.r'the US Army Corps of Engineers. Discussions have been held with the Corps and they are comfortable with our using the site for the new firing range. Thee range site has been reviewed by the NC Dept of Environment and Natural Resources, the Corp of Engineers, and the County Health Department. There are no objections from any of these organizations. Also, the County Planning Board reviewed the site and approved the special use permit at it's meeting on May 3, 2001. Your approval is requested for this special use permit as a separate agenda item. The land where the former range was located was sold to the State for approximately $571,000. - This money has been received by the County. The initial cost for establishing the firing range is $176,825. The tong range plain is to add a building of approximately 11,600 square feet. This will not be needed in the immediate future. We wi11 continue to use the building located at the ofd range site, for storage of ammunition and classroom instruction. A Capital Project Ordinance is necessary to establish the budget 'for the project. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of capital project ordinance and request approval of associated budget amendment #200148 for construction of the new firing range. FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund ($150,045) and Federal Forfeited funds($26,780). Federal Forfeited Funds are being used to cover the cost of the target system. ATTACHMENTS: cpordfiirerang ba01-48. REVIEWED BY: ~Q~lPII~! CQM~h1~SI0NERS . LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A AI'F';~V~q Q / ~~-. °. ~vcD a COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ L Recommend adoptio the Capital Project Ordinance for the Firing Range andwthe related bud et..~ ; amendment. ~iEAt;D ~~ pH7E ~ ~I 0I ,. COMMISSIONER ' A TIONS/COMMENTS: +°"~'` NE'W HAIVOVER COUNTY ~OAR® 0~' C01~91V1ISS1®NERS REQUEST fOR BOARD ACT10iV Meeting Date: ~ ®5/21/01 Budget Amendment Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: General Fund/Federal Forfeited Property/Firing Range BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-48 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT ~~ CREDIT Firing Range . . Transfer in from General Fund , $150,045 ~ _ . Transfer in from Federal Forfeited Property $26,780 Capital Project Expense .. , $176,825 Genera! Fund ~' Appropriate Fund Balance Transfer to Other Funds (Firing Range) Federal.Forfeited Property Capital Project Expense Transfer to Capital Projects (Firing. Range)._, , ~ $26,780 EXPLANATION: To set up budgets according to Capital Project Ordinance. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: tt'OSTPONED~~f==: 6iEARD G~~ ~~, { New Hanover County .Sheriff 's Office Joseph W. Lanier, Jr. Sheriff . Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4691 .Phone (910) 341-4200 Fax (910) 341-403.9 1VIElYIORf1NI)UM TO: Sheriff J. W. Lanier, Jr. FROM: Deputy W. Lee Garris, Jr. SUBJECT: Firing Range Update DATE: April 23, 2001 We have received a letter from Mr. Daniel Small, Navigation Project Manager, US Corp Of Engineers about the 44 acre parcel of Land located on Hwy 421 N. It is owned by the county and was bought with the help of the US Corp of Engineers for use as a spoil deposit area for. dredge material from the river. We have discussed that if the Corp. uses the land in the future, that it will probably not impact anything that we have developed for the range. His letter states that our using it as a range would probably not conflict with any future need by the Corp of Engineers. His letter'is attached. The site has been checked by the North Carolina Dept.of Environment and Natural Resources for wetlands and they found no wetlands. A letter from Rick Shiver, Regional Supervisor of Water Quality for the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources; is attached. The land evaluation from the New Hanover County Health Department for a well and septic permit has been completed. An outdoor firing range requires a special use permit. The updated application has been turned in. It will go before the Planning Board on May 3, 2001 for review and then be forwarded for approval to the County Commissioners June 4, 2001 for final approval. A revised budget will be forwarded to Assistant County Manager for presentation to the County Commissioners for their approval. The proposed budget cost for the range is attached. We met with John Anderson and Greg Smith with the North Carolina DOT . They have given us the OK to use our existing range until Augi.~st 15, 2001 due to our progress on getting the new range open. We have received a reply to our request to the NC National Guard for help in constructing the range. LT. McMahan will inspect the site in May to see if they will be able to help. cc: Colonel Smith Major Causey Captain Parker LT. McCarthy with attachments 3.1 New Hanover County Sheriff 's ®ffice Joseph W. Lanier, Jr. Sheriff- Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4691 Phone (910) 341-4200 Fax, (910), 341-4039 1VIEMORANDZT1dI TO': Sheriff J. W. Lanier, Jr. FROM: Deputy W. Lee Garris, Jr. SUBJECT: Firing Range Budget Proposal DATE: April 23, 2001 This proposal of cost is based on the best information available at this time. The phases of construction will be grouped •~ l) L• and Clearing- This phase will consist of clearing about 20 acres of land.. This will enable County Engineering to do the topo map needed for State and Local permits. We will also . . transport any trash, debris, tires to the landfill-for disposal. Wood debris will be burned on site. ~•, 2) Grading.-This phase will consist of grading the.K-9 area, prepare the pistol area for building the berms, and prepare any road and parking areas.. Any :excess dirt generated will be used on beim construction... , 3) Berm construction- This phase will consist of hauling in the .dirt needed for construction of the berms,. building the berms, and final grading. A well and septic system for the rest rooms will be installed. The rest rooms will be .constructed. The sniper tower,will be constructed. 4) Installation of target system.-This phase will consist of placing the target system, on site , and any wiring, walkways, or plumbing that is required. Lights for the range will be installed: at this time. 5) Range and training building- This phase will consist of building the range and training building ,installation of security systems and fencing. 6) Landscaping- This phase will consist of the planting of trees and shrubs to meet code requirements. 32~ cc: Colonel Smith Major Causey Captain Parker LT. McCarthy with attachments • 33 Proposed Budget for ~2anae 1. Clearing of land We need to clear @ 20 acres of trees and debris. Some of the trees have been knocked down by hurricanes and will need to be cut by hand and removed. a. Chipper $150/hr b. Posi trac bush hog $125/hr c. Trac-hoe w/jaws $125/hr "' d. Manual laborer $21/hr e. Man with chain saw $40/hr TotaUhr $462/hr About 60 hrs will be needed in this phase. Total estimated cost = 60hr x $462/hi= $27,720 ,/~ 2. Grading- a. Dump truck b. Front end loader c. Bulldozer d. Trac-hoe Total/hr About 40 hrs will be needed in this phase Total estimated cost =40 hr x $260/hr= $45/hr $65/hr $ 70/hr $80/hr $260/hr $10,400 3. Berms a. Hot house 1481 cubic yds b. Combat range 1111 cubic yds c. Main pistol 4426 cubic yds d. Small pistol 2071 cubic yds e. Rifle 74 cubic yds f. Roadside side 2222 cubic yds Total yds dirt 11,385 cubic yds Dirt for the berms maybe available from 2 or 3 sources for free but we will have to pay for the transportation cost by truck. This is estimated to be @ $5.00/ cubic yard. Total cost to transport dirt 11,385 cubic yds x $5.00/cubic yd = $56,925 / / The tivell and septic tank and field will be installed during this phase. g. Well -4" submersible 40-50 ft deep with filter system $3,000 '~ 3 Page 2 h. Septic tank and field for @ 600gallons/day $2,500 `/~ The' bathrooms will be patterned after bathrooms used at county parks i. Bathrooms The estimated cost is $15,000 A Sniper tower will be built during this phase. This will be a 20 ft high tower and will also be used by the K-9-Unit for observation during dog training. j. Sniper tower- The estimated cost is $2,000 4. Installations of target systems for pistol range. The system that we feel best. suits our need is a system by Blackwater Target Systems. This is a 20 position system with pop-up targets, turning targets, moving targets, and static metal targets. a. Blackwater targets system- The estimated cost is $26,780 Lights will be installed on 20ft poles. Four will be needed. b. Lights- The estimated cost is @$300/pole x 4= $1200- •~/ Moving targets will be needed for the sniper range. . c. The estimated cost is @$2995/unit x 2 = $5990 5. Range and training building Main building is .145 ft x 80 ft. This would be a metal building on a slab unfinished on the inside.. This is equal to 11,600 sq. ft. a. The estimates cost is @$12/sq ft.x 11,600= $139,200 b. To finish the inside is @$8/sq ft. x 11,600= $92,800 ' Security would consist of cameras and an alarm system for the building._ c. Estimated cost of security systems $5,000 Fencing along the property would be loft high chain link with barbed wire on the top: 1000 ft would be needed along the access road. d. Estimated cost $10/linear ft x 1000ft. _ $10,000 35 Page3 Internal fencing would be Oft high chain .link fence. About 1800ft would-be needed for the K-9 area and sniper area. - - ~ . . e. Estimated cost @ $6/linear ft. x 1800 = $10,800 The parking lot an access road would be paved with asphalt I2. The parking lot is 300 ft x 60 ft.= 18,000 sq. ft. - ;~ c . - , . ~ G o cry-~-P f. Estimated cost @$1.50/sq ft x18,000= $ /~ , S 6. Landscaping The total cast is unknown at this time. We maybe able to use existing trees for landscaping credit but we will need to do the clearing phase first to see if we have any-trees that will' count toward the credits f. . . The above cost are only estimates:. - - - ~ ' TOTAL ESTTi~2ATED COST FOR THE RAI'1GE PROJECT. ~~ ~ $436;315.00 -- ~ ,~ ~~ ~, n a a ~ .~ _ ~, ~,, ~°.~, ,~ ~~~ ~ ~ , ^~ ~. ~- _- ~ ~-, , G, , p, C"v :.r, ~ r; ,- r--, ems, ~ ~ - ~ . - _' >.- .~ r-- ~r ,- ~~,-~ ~ - ;;~ ,~ , ~-: G .~ ',_ ti • .. , -\_ \~ \~ I r .~ ---- ;; = f (~ f ~j !1' tl }) ;i i~ i£ jNf ~~ i79~ .® ._.........._~__......_.__ ._.__ ..............._ ......~.........._ . __..._.........i ~........_......»..... .. ._.,._......._....._..... ... `~ _::~ c `~~ ~ ~ ~ i .... ~ f f ~ ; ~ f ~~ t _ ~ ~` U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGT®N ®1STRICT k Action ld.: 200100617 ~ County: New Hanover NO DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED Property Owner: New Hanover County Sheriffs Office Attn: Lee Garris Address: 20 North 4`h Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4591 ' Telephone: (910)341-4200 Quad: Wilmington UTM: North: 3793250 East: 227480 Zone: 18 Size and Location of project (waterbody, road name/number, town, etc.): Approximately 44.1 acres located on the west side of Hwy 133 / 421, approximately 0.25 mile south of the Elizabeth Holmes Bridge, adjacent to the Cape Fear River, west of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina,' . - Description of Activity: The applicant would like to construct berms to act as barriers on the firing range and cement pad kennels for the K-9 unit. No activities will be undertaken on the north side of the property where the wetland boundary status is questionable. Your work as described above does not require Department of the Army authorization for the following reason(s): ~ ~ .. X There are no jurisdictional waters or wetlahds within the fjoundaries'of the project as described above, however there are jurisdictional wetlands located on the east side of the lot adjacent.tb the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway that will - not be disturbed without a permit. This determination is effective fior five years from the date of this document. - The proposed project does not have a regulated impact on jurisdictional waters,or wet}ands. The proposed project is exempt from Department of the Armyregulations. - (Specify) . Any changes in the described work resulting in impacts to jurisdictionaF~waters or,wetlarids .or 2riy new work in jurisdictional waters or wetlands outside the area described above must be coordinated with the Corps of Engineers prior to commencement. Please contact the Regulatory Official specified below. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work, you must contact the N:C. Division of Coastal . Management at telephone (919) 733-2293 to discuss any required State permit authorization. This Department of the Army determination does not relieve the property owner of the responsibility to obtain any other -required Federal, State, or local approvals permits. Date: April 19, 2001 {~, - ~ . . Cor s Regulato Official: Angie Pennock t\"~ Telephone: (910) 251-4611 p rY SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED.TO THE FILE COPY OF.THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. ' ~, .: u '~ S.~W Farm 65A February 1999 `+ ' " .. _ - ~. .,. ,- , ; , ~. 3~ _ - .. ~' --___~ DEPARTMENT OF TIE ARiHY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS Qo. aox trio WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN AEPIY REFER TO April 10, 2001 Project Management Branch- Deputy W. Lee Gams, Jr.' New Hanover County Sheriffs Office 20 North 4th Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4591 Dear Deputy Garris: Please reference your letter dated March 23, 2001, in which you requested permission by the New Hanover. County SheriffDepartment to construct a pistol range on the Point Peter Disposal Area located adjacent to US Highway 421, in New Hanover County, North Carolina. I~ As stated in your letter, this 44.10-acre site is owned by New Hanover County and was acquired for a dredged material disposal site for the Cape Fear River Project. Our review of your plans for the pistol range indicates that it will notbe a permanent facility since movement of the range is possible. Therefore, use of the site for this purpose should not interfere with the use of the site as a dredged material disposal area. However, it is understood that should the need arise for any future placement of dredged material at this site, we will require that structures be removed and/orrelocated. All costs associated with the removal and/or relocation of any structures will be at the County's expense. We are forwarding a copy of this letter to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. As the property owner, -they will have to give you permission to use the site in light of our position. We must caution the County that as the owner of the property they will also be responsible for the cost of any cleanup of hazardous material or environmental contaminants should such materials be discovered on the land as a result of the use of the site as a firing range. You can contact me at (910) 251-4730 if you have any questions regarding the above Sincerely, • 39- A s _ State of North Carolina Departr,,ert of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional ®ffice Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director - ~ NORTH. CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF~ ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES April 9, 2001 . Mr. Lee Garris - New Hanover County Sheriff's Department 20 North 4~' St. Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: 401 Wetland Certification . Point Peter's Site Pistol and Training Area - - New HanoverCounty ... Dear Mr. Garris= .. ~ .. ~ - .. • This letter is•to advise you thatMs. Joanne Stee nhuis, our wetland specialist with the Wilmington Regional Office; has-visited the Point Peter's site, and she has determined that no.401 Water Quality :. - Certification is required for the proposed development of it as a Pistol and Training area. If you, have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. (910) X95-3900. Sincerely, - -. Rick Shiver, . Water Quality Regional Supervisor, , cc: Wilmington Regional Office , .., - :. • 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Allirmative Action Employer - 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper PROJECT ORDINANCE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FIRING RANGE CAPITAL PROJECT BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the Construction of a Firing Range, which capital project involves the construction and/or acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2; such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Construction of a Firing Range Capital Project,, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Transfer from General Fund $150,045 Transfer from Federal Forfeited .Property ~ 26,780 Total 5176,825 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense $176,825 Total 5176,825 41 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of ',. the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance-shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New .Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. ,Adopted this day of ~ 2001. Clerk to the Board Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of County Commissioners .i+ i ~ f i ~ .: 4.2 ._ _. ;_ NEW H~NOVER C0~lIVTI( BOAR® OF C®MMISSIO'NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTT®N Meeting Date: 05/21/®1 Re ular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: g Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Contact: Ray Church SUBJECT: Adoption of an Ordinance to Prohibit the lJnauthorized Disposal of Out of County Waste BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management operates the Landfill and WASTEC for the benefit of the citizens of New Hanover County. In order to operate these facilities, it has been necessary to contribute tax funds to balance the budget and maintain a disposal fee competitive with regional landfills. It has been determined through waste screening, as required by State and Federal Regulations, that some commercial haulers, contractors, and citizens from surrounding counties are disposing of waste from outside New Hanover County at the Landfill and WASTEC. The Landfill is restricted by permit to receive only those wastes generated within the boundaries of New Hanover County. WASTEC is not restricted by permit but, due to the " ` tremendous growth in the local waste stream, a decision was made, to cease acceptance of out-of-county waste at WASTEC to accommodate in-county waste and prolong the life of the . ~' ,. Landfill. Notices were mailed and signs posted that as of December 15, 1999, out-of-county waste would no longer be accepted. Additionally, prior notices were mailed to haulers beginning in 1997, that N.C.G.S. 130A.309 requires the county report the tonnage of out-of- county waste disposed at its facilities to the County Manager from which the waste was generated. Out of county waste continues to be delivered intentionally, without identification of its place of generation. The ordinance will place penalties on those continuing to fail to identify out-of-county waste. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Solid Waste Advisory Board approved a motion on May 8, 2001, to recommend to the Board of Commissioners that the attached Ordinance be adopted to prohibit the unauthorized disposal of out of county waste. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance oocwaste.ord.fdoc REVIE4HED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCESIV% ~~°~`~~&~~ ' ~` L R~..... --p~ ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: f~ •~~-~ ~ wr°''~ Recommend approval. PO~ ~,,;:N~p COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS/COMMENTS: NEARI~ ZI Ol ' ~ "'#' - DATE r ~s~`~,, AN ORDINANCE- Oli THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD. OI' COMMISSIONERS .The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, Nordi Carolina,.does hereby ordain that Chapter 44, Solicl Waste, New Hanover County Code, is hereby amended, to re~fleeC the following addition to section X14-1, the creation of section 44-3A, an amendment to Section X14,-X15(4,) and the addition of Article IV, Out-o1=County Waste: Section 4~1-1, "Definitions," shall be amended to include the followinb: Ozrt-of=County. iVaste means .any waste produced and collected from sources- ;outside the boundaries of:New Hanover County. ~ , The following section shall be created: - Section 44.3A Disposal of Unauthorized Out of County Waste Prohibited Solid waste produced and collected from sources outside the boundaries of New Hanover County acid delivered to WASTEC or the Landfill~without prior approval are prohibited. Out of County waste delivered to WASTEC or the, handfill anal not identified as Out of County waste and/or without prior approval-will be subject to Section 44.x, Enforcement. '. Section 44-45, "Enforcement," be.amended to read as follows: ~ ~ . - _ (4) Other Yemedies. The provisions of this chapter may also be enforced in any other manner set forth in G.S. 153A-123. The provisions of Article IV of this chapter shall serve as an alternative to the provisions in this section.. The following Article shall be created: ~ ~ - AIZTICI.E IV. ®ut-of County Waste Section 44-85 Title This article may be cited as the "Out-of-County Waste Ordinance of New Hanover County, North Carolina." Section 44-86 Pu ose ' ~r ' : r ., .. .. ~, The New Hanover County Landfill and WASTEC are owned and operated by the ' County of New Hanover, and; 't ~~~~ __. The New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management serves as the s landfill and WASTEC administrator and maintains the landfill and WASTEC for the benefit of the citizens of New Hanover County, and; The New Hanover County Landfill and WASTEC are valuable and limited resources which the owners wish to preserve and conserve, in order that they maybe available for use by the citizens of.New Hanover County, and; The New Hanover County Landfill is restricted by permit to receiving only waste generated in New Hanover County, and; The County has found it necessary to restrict unauthorized out-of-county waste that is received at the landfill and WASTEC; This Article is created in order to properly manage waste and to adhere to permit conditions. Section 44-87. New Hanover County L<uidfill and WASTEC The New Hanover County Landfill and WASTEC; as presently constituted and as may be expanded in the fiiture, shall be used for the disposal of solid waste generated ~ exclusively by the residents, businesses and other institutions located in I~Tew Hanover County unless specifically authorized by.the County Manager or his designee. Section 44-~8. Enforcement A. Criminal Penalty. Any person disposing of waste in violation of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ptulishable by a fine not to exceed $500 per offense or imprisonment of not more than 30 days, or both. Each violation shall be treated as a separate offense. B. Civil Penalty. Any person who is found in violation of this ordinance shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $500 for the first offense, $1,000 for the second offense and $5,000 for subsequent offenses. Each violation shall be treated as a separate offense. C. Other Remedies. Equitable remedies may enforce this ordinance and any unlawfill condition existing in violation of this ordinance may be subject to an injunction or order of abatement. N(~~V, T'HERE]FC)I~E ~E IT ~RDA.INEI) by the County Commissioners of New Hanover County, that Chapter 4.4., Solid Waste, New Hanover County Code, is hereby amended, to reflect the above addition to section 44-1, die creation of section 44~-3A, an amendment to Section 44-45(4) and die addition of Article IV, Out-of=County Waste. Eticept as specifically amended above, Chapter ~l4 shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. 45 2 ~t Adopted this, the 21st day of May 2001. ATTEST Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board .~ New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 46 ~~~. ~ ... ; . ~E lt,. 0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMiSS90NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACl'ION Meeting Date: 05/21/01 . Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval of Award of Bid #01-0275 for the New Hanover County Jail BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Bids were received and opened on Wednesday, May 16, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Board award bid to the lowest responsible bidder. Backup information will follow. FUNDING SOURCE:. ~ ATTACHMENTS: v REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve. .BUDGET: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMME Consider bid award. Backup information will follow COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A s ~QUNTY e©~n~i~sioN~~~ Ara~R®v~a ~' ~~. '~ ~ ~; PG;,:'~'~;:;~Ea O HEAi:D D .~ ~, '~ a °d NEW FIANOVE'R COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05I21/O1 Regular Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Appointments are needed on-the following boards and committees: Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Bicycle Advisory Committee Commission for Women Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority Juvenile Crime Prevention Council/Criminal Justice --- RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make Appointments FUNDING SOURCE: ATTAC9~ M ENTS: Committee Information and Applications ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER' COAENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments. ~nnnnniccinn~roc~ nr inwic irnnnnnrnirc. ~©uivrr e®~~~ioNE~ APPROVED REJ'~ CTCD p PC::::: ~lED D HEr,;;J p ~ (] ._::;'-< COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS A®IJLT CARE HOME COIVIIVIUNITY A®VISORV CONIIUIITTEE 4 VACANCIES Term: One year initially, 3-year terrtis thereafiter ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: ~ REAPPOINTMENT Kavita Persaud Jennifer Marie Sanders Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications s ,, ; ~c. ...... ~._ a, , 50 C% ,~ ~ ~ ~~, ADULT CARE HOME CONIIVIUIVITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 16 members (1 member for each permitted facility). One-third of the members shall be nominated by the Adult Care Home Administrators, and if possible, one member must be a person involved in the area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex-officio capacity. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses. Term: 1 year terms initially; 3 year terms thereafter Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of person with financial interest in any home.served by a committee member or employee or governing board member of a domiciliary home served by a committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a domiciliary home served by this committee may be a member. Statute causing Committee: G.S. 130-9-5. Regular Meeting: First Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 9:00 a. m. at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive. TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SER'4~Lti G EXPIRES Doris Thampson Connor First 6/30/2002 400 S. Front Street Wilmington; NC 28401 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 763-7483 (H) (Appt. To 3 year term on 6/21/99 Jewell Ann Diehn First 6/30/2002 4953 Tanbark Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt: 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 392-6981 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Judith M. Foley First 6/30/2003 6616 Pleasant Pines Court Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1 year term) 509-.1717 (Appt. 6/19/00 to 3 year term) Lois Fox ~ First 6/30/2002 3713 Reston Court Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 799-6847 (H) 251-8111 (W) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Jane B. Johnson Second 2/28/2004 1812 Grace Street Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/1/98 to 3 year term) 762-1525 (H) (Reappt. 2/19/01) 5 ~~: ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY CO?~i IITTEE (C01~1TINUED) TER.1tiI PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EX]PIIZES ~ Milton Randolph Johnson First . 8/31/2001 1319 Riggs Trail ' Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 8/21/00 to 1 year term) 799-9420(H) 343-7704(W) Robert H. Johnson, Jr. First 8/31!2001 1812 Grace Street (Appt. 8/21/00 to 1 year term) Wilmington, NC 28401 762-1525 (H) 7osephine W. Little Second 2/28/2004 1441 Futc}i Creek Road Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3-year term) 686-0299 (H) (Reappt. 2/19%01) Dollie Pollock First 2/28/2004 4937 Shelly Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term)' 452-0892 (H) (Reappt. 2/19/01) Michael W. Rogers First 6/30/2002 254 W. Bedford Road t 2/2!98 t 1 A Wilmington, NC 28405 erm} year o ppt. ( 686-1374 (H) 343-5244 (W) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 ~ Richard I. Salwitz First 6/30/2002 1308 Edgewater Club Road #8 Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) .. 686-7040 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6121/99 , ~ Patricia G. Spear First 8/31%2003 5600 Harmony Court i Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 8/16/99 to 1 year term) 392-5814 (H) 256-2330 Appt. 8/21/00 to 3 year term) COG Long Term Care Ombudsman : Harvin Quidas 1480 Harbour Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 . 2/01 file: /adult 525. . . - `~ -~ 4 ,g,; Application for Appointments 1 Trite ?' Y 1.1~ L 7~ ~~ ~~ il./ 1 i~ 3 .~ ~~ ~~ ~~' C'~1~~1~~`r~`~~.(V~R.~' 3?f) Chestnut Stl°eet, Rovm 30~ • y~Y'ilnzin,~tvl?, NC 2801-~0~3 ret~~>7!)~t~ ~~loj 3-~r--1-~~ F.~1X (9.1 Oj 3 :' 1--~ 130 Page 1 of 2 .Application for Appoilitment to B~c/rds, Calrurlittess, unrl Conznzi.s:sions ~Apporntc'rl 1iy tlee 1'~i~rv Hcuu)ver C'or;ent}% ~30ltrti of C!)/n/tllsstof2er's. ~-IaGt,~~ CA,tt ~Otn~ (. Dml'Ytun~ Request fl~r -lppuintrnent tv: __ __'V~te,$i,J...~__/~vY?7~ --~~i~tsuL1-'tJ.t.~y'-----'~-'-av.~,S-~ `'Z~---.G._.?~!`_Y.L.r~ ~ ---- \'arnc: ~ t ~ ~~;J c r,_ci { _Q_f'S ~^_ M,O Fr'oir luny hone vvzr been a resident of r~`erv Ilunover Cvutuv? _ ____t.!_ _~'w-c~''f'•:`-__ Ifonre Address: L~3oo ~~inn_.~2~k___1~1.n~,_..------_----- ~(ailing.4ddress: ~n30® ..S_~_en~ ~.,(Q~..K._._L,G?j`~.2.,_-------...---- ~~! ~ iV( _ _ Zip C'ud<:: ~•? P ~ ~ C~ iry~ ctnd S'tatc: (n.. -~~ ~ Tcl eplrnne: flrirr; e; Gi-i~---- 19 ~ _Gt;O >---------.....----------- _ _ ~t!sitz~s.r:~i t 0 J, cf o -i d ~l9 *.5'er: ~~mAr.c 'Race: ~-,+.10~~-,~! "`:a,T~ ~ -~7_...--------------- ~`This inTVrrnation is requc~stad,jr.>r the sole ptr.rpvse r~f~us.ti•ttrin~ thin ct crirss-secfiort of the cvntmunity' is appointed. *'LrnplnyedhY"-------'S_~~__1_!s~1Q_..._c~~.~---_~_Y_S~.^'l~_..----~._.~__..__..._--....-------------....._----_- -----------------------... *"A pensen ctrrrenth- c~n~plnti•ed h~- the a,~reneti• ar denartsrentJi~r ~whic•h this crpl;licution is rrurde, nrr.~t resi~rt Izi,S-"lter positio. C:urrnty zrporr appointment, in accordance rvitlt Article t'(, .Sec•. 4 r~/~tha :Veit 1/anvver• Counn• Personnel Polio%. Jn1 Tire: 7,~-lyS1.Cr~,~3 PrvJessi<incrl,-lctil~itie.r:_C~ti1r~AL-C,¢,2L--.~G_~'!t~tLt}'`y---._".~-~..-_~~!-----Df=r9C?.- Il>-r~ )•~-L'~f13i%~-L ~ ~1;Ni~: I'olatnte er ~I ctivitias: GF%tv do yi~tr ~+%islt to serve vrt the Piutrd, C;ornntiitee. or Cvrnnti.za'ion reyttested? -_~~_ ~/ r?c __T A.._J~-- l~'I ~~ ~_.~t_ ~ ~ n~ N. ~_._._ /,"">-~ cJ!~,ri,1J5 -. t:~_~?'>?..~ C~.'_~°. ~_...r ~_.. ~~.y _ `-!.!_. <L~t_t1__ t~)_ i v '~ ")---._Z..(1.--.~c~__L~?4i!/_~.~.._Crrkll2`a..i.1_,.c_%~T':!-S~t,J;`2'~.IFS.S._..--0~---~`S-J~---..._~'`)__EL~E'`~-----C/~.~~ , F4lurt d<~ ynu feel crre yozu• qucrlificatinrts-fnr .tix~rvin~ on the Board, ~'onnnittee, or C'nmrnlssivrt regzee.rted' ~' ., -- ~ `~I r -.__..._------------- - -------------.-_. -- I I APR 1 ~ 2001 ~ 3 http://w~,vvv.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/apply.htm ' L----~- NE'+~ Na•NavER CO 4/4/01 6D pF COMMiSS~ONERS ~',, i~ Application for Appointments YF'ltctt areas ol'concent would port like !o see the f3ourd Conunlttee, or C'onttntssiort address' Page 2 of 2 -1 re yvu cur t•etlt/ti• ser•~~in~ az uacrthcr• hoard ar c•cimntiitee uppnit~ted Vii- u mzenicipnlitti' yr a counrn' if sv, please list: ,Un . ~ , Dcrtc: u' ~~ r~__{_-_--_-- ,S'igrurture _ Please prrn>ide three local persona/ referc:nc•es: Name 1. l~A,~,Sy ~l ~,~ ~~ uJ ~ t ~ /H-G 2. }. /G2-a~',c w,,_~' Phone Number c~ - ~<D ~8 C ~•to ~9 t. u - ~25"~- ~~aa 54 http://tivww.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/apply.htm ~'=-. 4/4L01 FROM CAD00000000BORHOLLYRIDGE Application for A.p~5at~8nent5 • PHONE NO. 19103958218 May. 08 2001 09:06AM P1 . ., ,320.Che~'ttautStreet, Room 30S .. ~ ~ ~ IVilmrrt~nn, Nf; 28401:-093 7'sle~hone (910) 3.41-7199 FAX ('~1©) 391-9130 A,ppdicatiun fvr Apprriru`rne~ct to Rvards, Cvrrr~rdtt`ees, sand ~vmmis~iv~ts Appoan'~b~ the Nexw.R'rrnvver Cvranty 13ocr~•d of Corts~ni~sivtaers. Request for r2ppointment m: ~~~t,,~ ~~ ~- ~u_7_-~-~ _ ~--~~'.°.~ ~° ' " - ^~--- Nome: _ _ .. .. ~~ ~ ..... -•- -- ..... _- Nvw Jong Crave yall been a resident of New Haxover•Cvttnty? Xomr Address; L~.~. ~ .._. ~~~-•~~ ~ -~-mss.-•z~.~ ~ --._._._.. ,...,^ Mailing ffddtess: _.._ ..... .. •-- ...,_ _ .. .... .--- Cary axd State: 1,._t.% ~~ --'~~.~.d,~~.~.j ~ .~ dip Cade: _.~, $..~~ ~` / ~- 7'alephona: Horne: ~~...~ ~~S' ~ - ~j~';~, ~ ~ „_ , _ Business: ~ ~ p - ~ry~...,.,~~ 1 Y`SeX: .cam ~; __ ~ *~C1C~; dr~rCr•~ys7h> ~l~gC: .3 ~ _ s'J'Jris infr>rmazion is rc~quc+sted for the sole pu~rpos~~tr~,of assrtri~g that a cmcs,racdnn of the cotxmurity is appvinteiJ. *'A per.Yan currently employed by the aget~cv or depat•ttnent for which this appJ.lca'tton Js marls, nnrst resign hts/laer• posittor: Caunty upnta appntntmelrt. !x aexordarace rv%th ~3trtcle f~'1, Vic. 4 of the Nov Hanover County Personnel Policy, .Iab Tale: ~~ ~ .~7 ~-~_.,.. ~., Professional Activities:®_~__~..~ ~'~ ~ kr' ~.~ {~_..~--~~ ~„~~_ _ Yoluriteer,~ctiyities: ~~,~,~.~. 1"~ ®~_...._. ~..~.e J.'____. ~ -- _ _ ~. }1~lrv do yvu wish to s~ rve ox the 13oartf Commliiee, nr C.'aumt~ir.410r! rrqucsted? 1~~! -'~~ /Y~Yh-j~rrt do ynv feel rrrt~ your qualifications fnr scYrvirr~ on the lioczrd, Corremittee, or Commi~stcur requested'' ~r -- 3~ltat areas of ncer» worrlcl y<ru like to see the Bvard, Commitlav, orCornmissio>r addieac? ~ttg://~~lt~r'w.co,new-liano'ver,nc.us/cclapply.htm ~JS/2001 ~5 FROM CADC0000000HORHOLLYRIDGE PHONE N0. : 19103°58218 May. 08 2001 09:07AM P2 ~~jIC~1On IOr A~j}OIIIi,1IICItts Are y'ott euneruly serving on another bgarzl or ~cvmmittee appointed by a municipuliry or a crrunty? If so, please list: 2: o d ._ Signature _ ,'=-_ UCt ~~ SJ~ ... _ . $F~£NCF?: Please provide [hree local pc:raaraal rrefsretncets: Name Phone Number 1. 2.. http_I/svwtiv.ca.mew-hanovernc.us/cc%pp~y.~ttm ~~ ® COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ..BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1VACANCY APPLICANTS: Sara L. Chambers Sruce A. Walker, Jr. Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT s 57 BICYCLE ADVISORY CO~IITTEE Number of members: 16 members appointed as follows:. 4 County Commissioners 4 Wilmington City Council 2 Carolina Beach Town Council 1 UNCW 2 Wrightsville Beach Aldermen 1 N.C.D.O:T. 1 Board of Education 1 Chamber of Commerce Term of Office: three years Regular IVleetings: Meeting are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 8:00 A.M. Purpose: The duties of the Bicycle Advisory Committee are as follows: 1) encourage effective bicycle education programs for youth and adults, 2) support the enforcement of traffic laws for all vehicle operaiors, 3) develop and present projects, plans programs, and ideas that will promote a safer environment for cycling in New Hanover County. CURRENT I'vIEMBERS Bethel Paris 809 Shell Point Place Wilmington, NC 28405 256-2377 (H) Paula Drake Smith P.O. Box 594 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Chris O'Keefe; Planner New Hanover County Planning Department 320 Chestnut Street, Room 403 Wilmington, NC 28401 341-7165 Neal Lewis, Parks Director New Hanover County Parks & Recreation 414 Chestnut Street, Room 103 Wilmington, NC 28401 341=7198 (W) 791-8279 (H) TERM PRESENTLY TER1~1 SERV~TO EXPIRES First 5/31/2002 (Appt. 5/17/99) Second 5/31/2001 (Appt. 5/15/95, Reappt. 5/18/98) (Appt. 10/7/91) 5~ FROM Haden/Stanziale FAX N0. May. 03 2001 10:52AM P2 • • e Anpliaatic;n for Appointments P~;e 1 of 2 32U ~'hestnxlt StYeet, Rt~r~t~n 3~5 T~Yi.lmingtora, 1VC' 284171-=~~>3 elephone (91 U) 3.11-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 ~Qp~lirra~z«n far Appvintr~zent to ~'uar~ls, t`ommztfe~s, rrncd C'ammissions ~p~cint~rl b,~ thelVaw Hcu~.over C''n/Ie~aty ~oCXrd rjf t;n~ntassir7ners. Request,fvr.~pPuirttlrzenL lv: „_~~!_'~~~ (~~/_~7~C1~~-- -. _-_ - _. Hama: (~1'PX.:-_,Lr t .n~}f~ ... -......-_ ..~__ _.___ C.~'I~f'Y1_.-.__. .._ ._ Ilow lung hmc yort bee:7 a resident afNcrv~Janover County? _~!/~.~~. , _ _ . • ~ - i'~ar12C: AddresJ: _ ri~~"t... ,~~51'~=,L-L~• .. _-. .. _. ___.. •---"'--•... _ . . _ Mt~ilino,4tfrlress: _~~ ~5.. ~ ... .. ... .... .. _. ~~' _ . City and State: ~( ,(1.~~~~ ,t'~;,,~t•~ t~~-~ '~ldp L'nde: i~ _ ......_ Telephone: 1lome: ~~~.~~~• --BcLStness: ,~4,7~a~o~ ...-,._ .. .. _ ..~ - '~1'his infnrrrtctiorr is requested jar ttte .mlr. purpnse ofc~cruring that a crass~sectivn of cFte cornrrl~'nlt.!~ i,r appointee!. .~~vF~ployed by: ~GC~~r_~7~_,.-_...- - - _. , ___.. ---' -' .. ._ ~*A pmrsort rYCrrer:ily evaplayPd by floe agency or ~ ~~prtmerrtf7r whfch dais apntlcuaYon is made, must rt+sign hisllaer pa.rili County upnn aapofr..trrtent, in accordance wi``th__.4rticle~ lSec,J ~1~pf~the Nenv flrvtover Cvunty Personnel Policy. Jah 1"itle: . _C.~Y~.L~" ~ l~l~.G~ ~f(*`~f~~~,~t~__. ...___ - ~ ~ ~ Za.~t~x~. Arr",~r'~c~ Cam! ~7 ~~IYT~Y ~ t~~ .err ~~'~c~ ~ ~ ~ Pr~fersiunnl~tcRvifitrs; ~ai.~J~}°~f-~-•'~d~~~~~~.-~~.~.~~1~'1,11°i~3--~~-~'fa'~-. ----.. Ynlunreer~Ic:iirities: __. •••-- •--• •• •° -•'- $' Why clo~~y~~o/n wis/h to .s~~rv2 o1a the Baartt, Cnr>analttae,,,,or C'omndss~on rd[i1.tecletl ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ /~~?~1„_,,,, ' ~tvLit~ 1/~ ~ 1~~~zlL ~. !/17~~Vy~i.! ~l~l~ '"'~G / ~`~"~ ~~'~,~. ~~ R~hat dv you feat ure your c~ualfjlCntivns farscrs~inf; vn the Board, C;nmmittee, or• C-.omrnission rYCrues~a/e~~d? , f ~1CUr~ ~.+'1 Li.Y2C~v~/'~.~c,z.lL~ l~4t GIj ~'~ ~l.~ ~Gr'~~71M ~-p~Y~lyI15~LY7 R1/~ r4Jerjs a.c~rross 7`~ t1,S. ~e~hi~accz/ ~xperca.~Wf7~-xot~.~-~r.7ia1-i l~tr~na:+~ ~•of .~rt._ . ro~.rrn~u~,.~' !+-t~a~s_-_.,~~~.~.~ar..~ss~.s1t~~...~~~c~-- -- D~~-1n~~S'~'Gt/' ~l~'q, jdlCpS' d~'I .~'lS1Dtr~-~' ~d{J~'t~- , http:!/s~v.co.neon-hana~Er.nc.us/cc:/apply.htm ~5102/ZOOI 59 FROM Haden/Stanziale FRX N0. May. 03 2001 10:52RM P3 Appiicati~n foi Appaintmcats ~l'abc 2 al`2 ~, 1~'hn! nrenr o/'C~)neerl) wnulct ynzs lfkc rn .sec; tl~e 13vtrrJ, Cpm;nittee, nr C.t)rllmi.ti•..•iUn nilllr2sc? ~~ ~~ 1 would li~`e. j sez ~ C~,,.,1~-~c~.. ~.ds!-~~ .~~~~ - . ~._7~~1~~~'; ~+~--~.,r_L~ ~•- -z'e f--,~--r ~'-t.rrr~L:~•r~_..~~ca_S ~tre you currently ser/ing on another board yr commfttee'appointed by a munforpalfdy nr a Wxlnry'I ffso, ~IPOSe lfst: Lev.. .`.. ---•- - .. - r-- _-._ - ... _..~-_....._ 13aie; ~. ~~~~ -- .._ Si~rrattu-2 ~. - _ _~ -. .. _~.. .. Plecnce provfclB three locrnl pensorral references' NFUrie phone wTun~ber ~- ~r~c~ -nmtx~ths ~~Y}~nsR- : •~.'~~~~d~'!v ~L~s~.c~r~ , ~G ~-' 7'~d ~ ~• ~ htxp; //iuww. eo.new-hanover. nc-us/cclaPpl~•htm 60 OS/0212041 ~.., FROM Haden/Stanziale FRX Nt7. : May. 03 2001 10:53RM P4 fAlttlcl~mdnt with answers to qucsli0ns in cast: hondwsiting is nul legible on lax) 1: I have worked on bicycle at~d pedestrian planning Projects across the U.S. My goal has always been to Provide alto-nativc9 to driving- i would 17ce community members to have tr~msportarican alternatives to either safely commute or recreate throughout NHC. 2. i receives my undergraduate dagr~ in Park and Recreation AdmiQisp'ation, and my Masters is landscape Ardsitedure. Both of these fields of study, and Past work experience has 311owEd me to complete geenway, aad transp~tation studies acra~ the U.S. The technical expes'ience, c~Qosure to funding sources, and other aammunity Master Plans, could lx an .asset to ~n~~-,;ng ~iuti~s and se~cing opportwlities in New Hanovea County. 3. 1 would like to ~ the committee address long range pltuming efForts for bicycle facilities, as well ns tm-get a variety of funding sorrces for b~lceway improvements and education. s [7 61 Application/~~~'.~ointments Page l of 2 ~~ O~ ~o ~ o~~QS\o~QS ~ ~ ~~ ^~ ~~~v~~ ~ o`` e° NSW H~®V~ C'~ZT1-V~'~ , 3 20 Chestnut St~~eet, Room 30~ Wilmington,- NC 28401-40.93 Telepl~one (9I0) 34.1-?149 F~4X (910). 341-4130 Application fvrAppvintrnent to Bvarcis, Committees, anti Commissions Appvifttecl by the 1Vew Hanover County Board of Contmissio3ters. Request Jor Appointment to: Q, C-~ C L ~ fir ~U~ S ~ ~~ ~ ~ N~ ~ i ~ G~ Hotiv long have you heen a resident of tVc~v Hanover County? ~ YFA2S ffomeAdclress: ~ ~ 0 S~1ar¢~W000.~ ~ ~'~S ~r ~~ailing Address: S pt M s= C iiy crncl Stale: _~ 1 ~~t0 ~ Imo' ~ Zip Code: ~O 't ~~____._________ Telephone: Home: ~ I O . ~~ ~ . ~~ 2~p Business: 1~ ~ ~ . ~~" ~ ~~ "`Ses: ~~1~ *Race: rGl,v fc, s i•,w-r.} *Age: *This infor,7tation ~s requested for the sole purpose gl~assuring that across-secti~/n of the community is appointed. *"E-n:ployed hy: ~ ~V`1 ~~ ~`d~. ~ U N l ~ ~ 15/ ~ ~ ~1°~ ~. `*a person currently employed by the agency or departmc~nt,fnr which this application is made. must resign hi.r/'her position C.'ounr~ upon appnirthnef2t, in accordance with Article ti'I, Sec. 4 of~the ;Vetiv Hanover Gntnh; Pera•onrtel Policy. .~~~~ Title: G ~ 5 ~- ~ ~ I ., s °t- - -- ---- ----- Prof~:~ssional Activities; ~n r.. n ~ )~/ ~~, t] A t rv~ ~\ S'~`(~ t ~~ Gf'~, n_~,n ~ ~ S r P~c~el rJ~~ ~/'~ ~ ~ b~ ~~C' n _ P~lurzteer Activities: }"~a~ ~ Yt~hv do you wish to sefve an the Born•cf, Committee. or Cvrnmission requested:' ^~ J-~lM A ~J~~-L C~MH~~ ~t~~ ~C.-_ ~ e-~~~~~~ ~~C~ S r' d ~J N c0 ; t~j ~J ~ow r_1 r_~~ C%i,..t~_. '~' ('~N_S_~1~,f ~•~.,_~_u,c? -.A: _t S. v-P S . . _ l ~ ~L Cb ~ C w ~ ~ ~ i r~~rc ~t ~tk,,, ~~ ~ ~-~ -fit. ~. l l d ~- o u r G ~ ~' i 22,,.1 S . ~' w a..r ~- ~ro 1~...a-t p c ~ 1 t ~ ~}"~~ ~ . Gl~'hat do you feel are your qualifications for ser~•ing on the Boara: Committee, or Commission requested:' + ` t, - /' ~ V tier 1 G rc~at~ e.. ~+-~t ..ter o~ l~ f'~Crl y a ~-C._ tNV~:r ~ ti N Y`aa r.j~~ nr c ~ os r-~. 15 k V-1- .~a..,~.1 ~rz.~v~s~r~-~,,,~-: ~.,-~ 1 O ~- `{.t.c,~'~ wGf~..t~,~ ; ,-~ Qlow~s~ Y~ ~- A-dvo~.~,.~.~ssv~-c~ 6 l~~hat areas of concern would you like to see the Boara Committee, or C`on:rnission address? http://www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/apply.htm 5/8/2001 ~~.. Application for Appointments ~ Page 2 of 2 ~ r ~` ~ ~, I~t.~ ~ 5 ~'s -~ c h l ~ (,~.~ ~-~ ~ ~1-c s 5 c~ ~-cl e ~ -e I ~ a d v~ ca I-~ r~e..~..~ ~S _~u a~ a l ~...tr ti ~ ~~.c.. i a S~1.L.a,,-~- w o h ~G ~ n~ ~ c,f~.t~,~ ~! ~ fi„ e ~ c ~r r!~... _. a t~o n.r o ti , 1 ~ Are Ayou currently serving on another Goard or canuniltee appointed 6y a municipaliq% or a ctizmtv;' if so, please list: fy ~ Date: Z00 / Signuizn•e _ __~__ REFER.ENC'ES: Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone N~unber ~'. G~r~ Z ~ (~ep_ ~ ~ al}L C4~~~r-1---_ __ ~i~o - ~y ~ - au a~- Lw~_ 2. 3. Mt t R..LC.~-) ~•k Z.U t5 M,a.~-~ IU-~ro2-~~~(-~ ~~ U- 7a~- t! ~3 a,,, - ~~tr - ~u~u 63 http://www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/apply.htm 5/8/2001 ~,:x::, COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS COMMISSION FOR WOMEN 6 VACANCIES 2 UNEXPIRED TERMS 4 THREE 4'EAR TERMS ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Suzanne J. DeMint - Leslie Hossfeld X Monique M. Logsdon Amber Milliken Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 64 ~' „~ ~. NEW HANOVER COMMISSION FOR WOMEN Number of Members: 17 . 7 Appointed by County Commissioners 7 Appointed by City Council 3 Appointed by Beach Councils Terms of Office: Three years -may not serve two consecutive terms without an intervening period of one year. Regular Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month aC 6:00 p.m. at the YWCA, 2515 S. College Road. Action Creating Commission: County Commissioners meeting of March 6, 1978, 1~Tinute Boolc 18, page 177. Name Change on January 22, 1991. Changed Term of Office to three years on 2/21/94. Purpose: The Commission for Women serves as a resource for women and families to improve their quality of life; to encourage the development and potential of women; to promote public awareness of women's needs, issues, and achievements; to play a leadership role through coalitions with other women's and civic organizations; to serve as advocates for change concerning the status of women; to conduct research and assemble information to determine the status of women; and to report and make positive recommendations regarding the status of women to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, Wilmington City Council, the Wrightsville Beach Board of Alderman and the Carolina and Kure .Beach Town Councils. TERI~'I PRESENTLI' TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING- EXPIRES Christina L..~tia.n~.s-- ~-~ M, e Y ~ Unexpired 5/31/2002 3217 Bragg Drive. Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 5/22/00) 397-0576 (H) 392-5100 (W) Donna H. dy ~ .~ ~ ~ Unexpired 5/31/2001 5712 O Tuff Lane ~ jl~'~- ,;~ Wil. 'ngton, NC 28409 - (Appt. 5/22/00) 3 _-0667 (H) 233-5126 (W) Leslie Hossfeld Unexpired 5/31/2001 4710 Park Avenue -~ Wilmington, NC 28403 (Apps. 5/22/00) 392-0750 (H) ~, 6~ IVEW HANOVER COI~'Vi iISSION FOR W01VIE:~t (COi`1TI~Ti UED) ~ J ~ ;~~,~ v CURRENT MElti'IBERS ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~` Christine R. C pell 3'05`5 Weat rby Court ~ - Wilmin on, NC 28405 790- 44(H) 343-3608 ~ v , 3ulie Ann S ~d`~" Qr`~`l ~ r,~A,~ ! ne ~!/ 346 Mi rd Road J //, Wil ngton, NC 2;8405 m ~ '~~~ r~5 7 1-0423(H) ' Patricia T e 1617 ~ ckhill Road. ~ ~~~'~' ~`'~ Cas e Hayne, NC 28429 7075 (H) 343-4480(W) ~' ' . ~~ Dolores M. Williams ~,~~' ~' ~ 3113~7oe Wheeler Drive Wilmington, NC 28409. ~ , 452-7150(H) 341-7820(~V) TERM PRESEi~1TLY =' TERM SERVING EXPIlZES Unexpired 5/31/2001 (Appointed 8/21/00) Unexpired 5/31/2002 (Appointed 8/21/00) First 5131/2003 (Appt: 6/21/99, Reapp. 5/22/00) 5/31/2001- , ~'~Lj O (Appt. S/15/95; Reappt. 5/18/98) City of Wilmington A , ointees C nrlr ~ ii..~.L,vJ ~-rn/~ ~~`./~/r~ v. u b i i U~~~ V'"L. Lois Steele Yvonne Pagan, President 3924 Hoggard Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 452-3063 (H) 763-3524 (W) ' Carolina-Beach Appointee ~ _ ~~v,._ r T~f~nn^ K^lich ,. Kure Beach Appointee U . Wrightsville Beach Appointee ~r.,a_^ ~~nrr; ; 245 Beech Street, Wilmington, NC 28405 256-0005(H) Appt. by Commissioners 6/17/96 ~~ File: \Women 5/00 DONNA ~. G~ADY • 34 $ea Dollar Lane Pawleys Island, South Carolina 29585 Home Phone 343-235-6610 Cell Phone 343-325-3600 Email GR4DYPISC~aoLcom March 21, 2001 • • Ms. Lucie F. Harrell Office of Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Ms. Harrell; On May 22, 2000, I was appointed to an unexpired term on the Commission for Women. My term is due to expire on May 31, 2001. Please copy this letter for each of the Commissioners to read: I have enjoyed sitting on this Commission and I' appreciated the opportunity to serve New Hanover County with a group of wonderful, dedicated and devoted citizens of New Hanover County. The Commission does an excellent service to the community. I would recommend that the present Board of Commissioners visit one of the monthly meetings of the Commission to discover and experience the care and concern the members of this Commission holds for the Commissioners' constituents. I have found that each member appointed to this Commission gives back to the community a part of their individual talents and skills. For that reason, the Board of Commissioners as well as the other government boards charged with filling the seats, need to be more involved in securing their appointments in a timely manner when vacancies come available for this Commission. I was appalled to find that the Commission had vacancies that were not filled because of a lack of commitment by the. other government boards to select individuals to serve. I was'glad to know that the Board of Commissioners had filled all of their allotted seats. The purpose of my letter is to resign from the Commission for Women and to hopefully encourage the Board of Commissioners to replace me as soon as possible. My family has relocated to Pawleys Island, South Carolina. I was born and raised-in New Hanover County which will always be my hometown that I return to quite often. I have moved away before, moved back and may move back again. I know that I leave the county in good hands with the current Board of Commissioners. Lastly, I would like to make a plug for any politician or potential politician. I am a 2000 Fellow of the Institute of .Political Leadership program of UNC-W directed by Mr. Walter DeVries. This program is dedicated to making great political leaders. This program is always in need of sponsorships and could use donations from individuals or businesses for support. But the main point I am making is that any current or potential politician would benefit "beyond their imagination" from taking this 10 weekend course and becoming a Fellow with other outstanding politicians such as Secre#ary of State, Elaine Marshall and closer to home, CommissionerNancy Pritchett. You can visit the web site for more information at www.cinc~,~vil.edu/iopl. Deadline for the Fall Session is May 1, 2001. Sincerely, Donna H. Grady cc: Yvonne Pagan, Commission for Women ~~ CCU ~DMC I f d~~,4R 2 8 2001 NE'rY HANOVER CO BO Of COMMISSIONERS _j ~' Application for ents Yage 1 of 2 V~ ~ ~' ~ 320 Chestt~art Street, Room 305 O Q'l ~ co ~S YY"ihnin~ton, 1VC. 2rg=x(11--093 ~ ~~PNO~s\o~,~. laleph~rte (~10) 3-11-71.1> ' ~~oF ~,o F~~k (~10) 3-11--1130 ~o ,~pplicution_for.=lppointment to Beards, Cc~-nrnittees, and Comtnissions Appointed by tlee IVew Hanover County Board ~f~Comnzissioners.. Kequest for.~ippoinurrerrt fo: ~~ GOr~~N1%SSjG'N ~~ j,{it~iL1~/ ~y-~ I Ko:v long :lave you heerz a resident of:V'e:v Hanover County-? ~ y~5 _-_ -- ._ Home .~ dclre.c.r: / , :~failing_ic'lcb°eJ,s•: _ S/'7`/Q-fF ~'~?__ i%/~~v~---- ----- , City- arul Stcrte: ~'/~.1~-/ /y C---------------- - p ----- ~. Telephone: Horne: ~i G-~j/3;_ ~' ~7 ~'------------- $Ltsirtess: -~/~l i .~~=~'G'_~~~ ---------- ., ~ ., ~ / ~ 7 G-~ k~~Te: ~ ~~ v 1:ace: '`1{'I:J' 117/OY!7fallUr7 7,S i"OgllL'.StE'CI~OY tI7(? sC/C> pL1YpOJ'e of CI,S:S1!r tl"1~•-If7L7f Ct C1'O.S'S-sE.'CtlOi7 Ui the ConIA(i117r11%!~S' app0l;7tC'Cl. **.4 per•sorz currer7tly errrpluy'ed .hv tlu> q~7ency or clepartrnent ji~r tivhich this npplicatiorz is rna~le, nurse resi~~n his,ITer posiii CDrrnn- upnrr appoiiatrrlertt, in accordance vvit{7 _~rticle [-7, 5'ec. ~ of the iVew Hanover C'vtnzt~' Perso7zne! Policv. . , ,Ioh Title' ~~~T ' >~'~ Prgfessiazal,-lcti,,ities: ~Cr~Ii~tG;L%C~_ //G/!~~?_C'G'/L1_ti//i~~l_~_G'2~%.~~~~ Cd/%I!i'1~_~ ~~_ '' ~xIfZC~~° tit~~r3~ ~~ Ct-~r~>; I~3~ c~' Canrtitc-r~'~ -----YL~C~ /e~Gii9-G ~i - G'"olcuzteer:~lctivities: ~%~~?'~~~-LL>~/S'T~,~ ~ ptn_r~ i~AL~=~r-~ llr_t-1% ~ ~ ----~~3"` S~ , .~ , 1-G-~7v d0 volt lvislz to sense On the Board, Canrrnittee, or COrrurrLssiorr regLested? T_/tii'f'~G'V~__ ~ ~ _S~ ~i vs ~---'~-~'~~c~-~~-Gc%~~?'i?~~' _~~/ __~tI r~__C.?Y -~-- ,~fLS~-- ~cJC~ j ~ ~t'L•c~`/~~S /~BCC/~7~ ji'S~~ ~f~L~ ~ I~IfI'~~~iT% G-~' L'~~i.irE7~/ ,dCc. Pte: :'t'''hat CID l'r)I! feel are your quali~icatiorzs for serving orz the Board. Corrrnrittee, or Commission requested? P,`J 5 ~/ c'~`~~__~C~`` ~`_STr~"_t~Cc. ___ ~~c~Ui C_Zic.i~1 _..~_~~ --~f 5_TN'G l~~~f.5__T-~GT'r~f- :~ ~v~ ~S yRs i!/ _~~~'_~ JS/~~~~ ~' /~f~L~__S~-C'7~~'--S__ ~" -/~h`_C~`--- '`'1'9"~e/~E7-i.vG r- 1•Yhat areas of concern ticvulil s%ocr /i/ce to see the Board, Committee, or Comnussion address? ~~ v~/~~~A~~ ~ ~ E~ y ACC ~S ~ ~~ .~/5 r/i/C~ ,t-v'~/L/E'l~~ /C ~~e%~i~'t-~~~. ~-~ S Di T~f>~"~~. ~ t/e.~ J 6 ~_~i%,~_T- Cr~~ _~~?~% ~rSoLleccs_~ _~~~~c~k s ->~..~-~ ._Tt~C_._s//~l~_L-~ _f~i~j.~~'/S / ~.~., ~ ~,~ ,~,1 ~ Up ~-t UC /f ~ Q~/g L / /~~/ ,f=~ t/' ~ Y 7J 5 5 S ~v'l C ES , T~ /-~ SEA, , ~-j~7~' % IS ~R~UL~f G•t/I/17c~ t('E7`°,ec~~'T~ ~~ Ted G~`'TC7~ S~.IVL=~ 8~~r.~~~'I~~ r ~g % A-i ~ ~ ~7~~G / TS f ~S GV/2 r/ c S ~~~:. tippllcation ror Appouitments 1 a~~ ~ ~l • • • ~~~ ~.~?~~~/-~~~~C~'Sffd7°S ~~ PLO Y~i 5 ~ - __. . QC ;T~ ~EZAT~N S ~/7~ ~~I~-~C ~i~t'r~t.o~~5 r's~ ~ ~~~iT~ d F ~~e-~ Are you currently serving on another board or co»crnittee appointed by a municipality or a coainh.'? If so, please list.• ~J~>' Date: -~ . ~ ~. ~~~ ~ _ S'ignrarre RL'FERE:VCES: Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone dumber ~°~s~~ ~ ~ ~~, ter, ~ ~ 2 :7~/_C ~7oZ 69 R, NEVI/ HAIVOVER COUNTY 80,~4RD OF COIV1/V1ISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC .28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~-~i~," 7~~.~-'~ App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County`Board 'of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~e.~ 6~1~~n D ~/?~' L.a ~n ~n / ~SS~ ~,.~~O r ~itiL~ ter( e r Name: .~ C'S ,'l . S, ~', Home ,/ How long have you been a /91j - Pd Address: ~/(~ ~~2 JC ~~"fV N ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ / 9Y - pr~f~~' _'t--- Mailing Address:_~ 7 / O ~,,¢2/<„ ENS ~ City and State: r/v~ ~YNI`l ~/~t/1 /t/~ Telephone: Home: _ ~ ~ ~ Q 7 ,S' y Zip Code: ~O T o 3 Business: "Sex: ~ "Race: ~ "Age: 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring That across-section of the community is appointed. *"Employed by: (j~G Ll/ "A person currently employed by the egency or department for which this app/ication is made, must resign his/her position wit. New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the Newr(anover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: ' J, /1/~{Ar Volunteer Activitles: C D - r c/ it/~~', ltq ~`AtLt<<cJS ah r ~+aaitdnv ~Pfs th SJr.1L'/~y _ -.SeuPil~s ~~C a e~Yiv ~,, Sa ,~' ~ o~lr Co~.,,~, /~'~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~Q What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? / 1 _ ~ ~ ~~%~G~.~J What areas of concern would you like to see the,Board, Committee, or Comrrm/ssion address? Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: /~0 -- __.. _J o~~ s /2 ~ nd ~ ZOOO Signature S (Please use reverse side for additional comments! ~ ..J y~ -~~+~fi~ / '' 1 ~~ ..:a ... .._,, iti .. ~, Supporting Document for application to Netiv Hanover Commission for Women LESLIE HOSSFELD ' Why do you wish to serve on the Commission requested? I am deeply concerned about the status of women_in my community. Empowering women through leadership training, public awareness on the status of women, and development of civic responsibility are issues that are very important to me and my research. What do yotr feel are your qualifications for serving on the Commission? I hold a Masters in Social Science, and am a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at NCSU. My research. interests focus primarily on social inequality. I am an active member in the National Association ,for Women in Education and have recently been chosen by the CoIlege of Humanities and Social Science at NCSU to attend the Conference on Women Leaders in Education to be held in Washington DC this June. In addition, I am a member of Sociologists for Women in Society as well as the American Sociological Association and the Society for the Study of Social Problems. As an active member of these professional organizations I keep abreast of current research on issues pertaining to women and inequality, and thus will bring this expertise to my position~as member on the New Hanover Commission for Women. As a sociologist I have excellent research and analytical skills to address social problems m our. community. What areas of concern would you like to see the Commission address? I am particularly concerned with the needs of younger women in our community and thus would like to see more outreach to this particular population. Young women need training and development in leadership roles and empowerment in our community. Improving the status of young women and creating opportunities. for ther.~ to realize their potential is an important part of community development and one which ensures growth for New Hanover County over the long- term. Another concern is the growing number of single-women with dependent children in our community, many of whom have very low incomes. Targeting this population for development and jab-skills training to become active members of the economy, to ensure self-reliance, is another important undertaking the Commission should expand upon. • ~1 IV.EV~ N.~ NO VFR CO Ul1l7'Y BOARD OF~_C®~/1'11~1ISSION~RS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 FAX (9101 34 l-4130 ~4-~f~,., : T ~s~ ,~""/~ ~ ~ ~ ,4pp/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed ~b\y the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: !`~~'~ ~~~'~G~~:~ C~/~'tl 5Si ~~ -~;~' (~v~~ . Name: . ~ ~ Vl- ~ l~`~ 6 `mot ~ LU ~6YL . Nome How long have you peen a Adc:-es~: 3a~ ~~~ ~ ~~ . resident or New h"anover County? ~ ~~ Mailing Address: S ~~ ~'' City and State: _uU 1' ~` I ft~-4-P~'Yl ! y ~ ~ _ . Zip Cade: ~O `C U`~ Telephone: ; ., ,yome: a ~ f - ,3 jp a 3 Business: ~.~ ~_ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ °Sex: ~i~-~~ "Race:~~',-cam ~I~1.s.~r" ~"~,•Age: ~~ 'This inrcrmation is'rl~quested fcr the scle'purpose of as,/s~u~ring that across-raco~on~ (af the community is appointed °Emp/o yed b y: C,2~~r ~, cJ D ~~c~-~ ~i ;~t..1S1~' / ~ ~ C~ lA~. ~ (/tJ Q /~~-. ~Oil."~}'~/~ ',4 person currently amp/Dyed 6.y the agency cr depanment fcr whrch thrs application is made, must rasiyn his/her positron with New Hanover Counr~ upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of fhe New Hanover County Personnel Folicy. Job TitPe: ~ a~I~ ~~,t-><-~~r~ . P,ootessional Activities: Ue%c/nteerActivit~es: ~" " U Wt;y do you wisrt to serve en The Board, Committee; or Commission requested? ~.--~ [~;V~ ~h~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ''~ ~-~ ~~. ~-(~-~.. (s a~ ~-~~ , ~ a--~ a,n.~ ~~ ~ o ~..~.~, U~-~~~~ vs - vim... G-~ ~ rn ~~S ~. What do you feel are your qualifications fcr serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requesredl -~-- ~~ ~,~ Ual ~ ~.s a~ ~ ~ s~ p w ~ ~ ~ c~ ~. ~" s s i ~--~ . (~ . a.vu ~ ~~~-d i /t ~-"~~ S ~.r AS w~ ~S ~-~,~ ~ ~~~~~, ,~~~~~ ~-~~t'- m, ,mss ~. What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Are you curren_rly serving on another board ar committee appointed by a municipality or a county? !f so> please list: ~~~ n~~ ~;~~r~~n1 .~ Date: ~~~ ~ I V ~ ~~ u AFR ~ 1 2~'Q1 (Please u~a r~(ersa sic ar additions/ com entsl NEw HANOVER CO Pte 0~ COMMISSIONERS L~EFf'RENC S Please provide three /oca/personal references: Narrre Phhon Number ~4' ~Sd-~pb3 313- 03~~ ~~ ~~t~av~o_._ ~r', ~q~ ~ ~ ~Sa- ~ a ~o ~,J ~ a5 - ~r 3v • t • i :. t . ~~ o.. '~~ ItiIONIQUE M. LOGSDON 32=! Covil Avenzae ~ Wilmington, NC 2803 ~ (910) 251-3603 ' email: jemcloaidlaworldnet.att.net ' Education Bachelor of Social Work (Accredited Program) Nlinorin Psychology .. ~ IJNIVERSITI' OF NORTH CAROLINA IN WILNIINGTOIV WILMINGTON, NC HONORS DEAN'S LIST' PHI ALPI-IA HONOR SOCIETY Social Worlc and Related Experience Catholic Social Ministries/ Social Work Intern Field Supervisor: Diane Pisczek Responsibilities included: Serve clients in need through advocating For social and economic justice as well as, Addressing the immediate needs with emertrency Resources (disaster relief or crisis intervention) or direct services such as, food asst., Financial asst., referrals, Network with local Agencies to secure client resources New Hanover Commission for Women Committee Ntember/ Boards & Commissions Supervisor: President Yvonne Pagan {Appointed Volunteer Position) Uiv"CW Student Social Work Conference Volunteer Committee Chairperson/ Organization Supervisor: Dr. Bob Blundo V Family Services of Lower Cape Fear Afterschooi Enrichment Program Supervisor: Darryl Dockery (Volunteer) St. James Homeless Shelter Gatekeeper/ Ntonitor Supervisor: Scotty 1Vlartin - U`i~1CW Leadership Center (Volunteer) Employment YMCA/ Ogden Elementary after-school program Site director, manage 4-~ counselors/ 45 children Tuition collection, bookkeeping, develop programs FRONT STREET BREWERY Waitress, hostess, expeditor Itilaintained cash drawer, trained new employees 74 Spring 'Ol FALL '99- SPRING '01 Spring 'O1 Spring 'Ol Fall '99 Fall "99 Fall '99- Spring '00 (8/96-6/98) (9/95-4/97) ~. IVF~/' H~#N®1/'ER COCINTY ' SOARD OF CO/t/IMISS/OtVERS - 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~~f~c. ; ~ ~sg..,~'/~ ~ ~ ~ Application far Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the Nevv Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request far Appointment to: __~ ~,ti~l ~r'Z, ~ t~ V2 ;~ ~~O Y'r1 YY1 t ~ ~-1 ~i i`1 i ~~ Y~ 1 ~/rte ~/Yl C Yl Name: -~-'~'n 1'~2 ~~ ~1 i I ~ } 1'~ ~ f'~ Home h'otiv long have .you been a Address. 3~ ~ I O U..~ ~Yl ~'~, resident or New f-;'anover County? ~. i t p,~ rS J ltflailing Address: ,~ _~ 1~/l ~[ ~ , City and State: ~;_~ ,'Yl~t }'?; ~.-'~'~ ~ 1'~J ~--- T'p Code: ~ ~ q-~J J - ~~ - 7'elephane: Home: (~ I C,~ `? nq - oi,~:3-~-~- Business: (_~ p. ~'jf /'~ ~-~ - (~~ 02 d "Sex: ~d? YYl t2~, ~ "Race: V \i ~'? ~. ~ ~. "Age: ~. °This mformaticn is requested far the sale purpose of assuring that across-section or th,e community is apoginted »"Employedby: ~`(1l`•/(,:~1 c~-~r ~-I-~r12; 1~o~~J~.~~ ~?02. ~~t~('~ 1~r'1G~ lr~Uf~-~ima 5~~.u~~nf Cc~- (~~lC~^/ "A person currently err;piayed try rl7e sgsncy or department far whrcn this appGcstran ~s made, must resign nos/her position with rV®w i-lanover 1County upon appointment, in eccardanca with .~rricle Vl, Sec. 4 of fhe Jew l-r'snover County Personnel r-olicy. Job Ti t/e: ~`! ~ i.: n l i';~,. j t~ ~ ~~ U ?~C~, 3 r1 G _TM !/ ! l/1~ i~ m v ri r',-C Q r~ ~-,"; n ~ /~ r~ p ri-~" T „~. ri ,~ r-. v ~.. ~ _ ~ ~.,-~-- Professional Activities: f`+'~ u.triL~~i'` ~~' R,,<'~~-~j~,,r-~ (~1,~ •, c~y~ ~,~.~~~~ i~~-~ C, r,.~ ~.~: l/<rlunteer A cfrvities: ~~t~~l/1,~ M >.-~'1 ~'D ~+ Yl !~ ~ r"G C~ ~' ~ ~'? ~, :~ ~, ~ ~ ~r~ 11't 1'n CL (~P I ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~-c"~ ~r' i ~ -~ °I~as~ s~ ~ ~-~ ~~,i.ch~;:,~~ r~~ ~l_rr1~. ~ c ;~ r~n c ~Q "tri-~~ n'?rt~ ~~ r~. ~ !r'/hy do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Cammt'ssion requested? `"-' ~ ti _ 1 r7 D'lt7 /71-(~ L,~. 1'7. vc.h 11t^ f~ l/~/i'~ ~~~1L' S'=- r~ ;~ ~ c ~ (y2 <~ 5 Ll Y1 L1,;,~, ii Li Ct~~~, 1-C; i~ i/NIC i'Yl ~' ~"l f i5 r r S C1.,~ What do you reel are ycur oualifications ror serving on the. Board, Committee, or Commission requested? S o vv ~L~t n.~ fiC`. Prl O Y C'~ ~1 f ~,r~li. 1'1:~ tNE', ~ ~ /1 (i'~ .1.... C,l i1^i 'f"rZ ~Yl i ~ 1 /~ Y i/~i ~ i~Y1 ri`~ /a r1 tJ~ Y'P ~ C'LI TC t'_ S ~'~'l CZ ~' i/V Ci,t:l(~. ~~ b~Y12s="t~UQ-I 'rn; '~''+'1 ~ Lt; (f1YYl t 5S i GY1 . L CtrY1 Ca'gtxrliZ2G~ C~n~ G~eG~ i~~'~;wG"S -rc i rn ~rcvin~-I-~'1 G~/hat areas of concern would you like to see the Eaard, Committee, or Commission address? ~- n/ ,t.~~~1 ~''~'rn~ 4 ~ ~ -!,~k2 r~ Sri vv min r ~;~-;v , eU r~~n er'~ -~ '~ C rn ~. t~ -i-C; ~~J~ ~t~ U. CLt:'~ ~l'~ ~ b ~ ~. ~ ~ S :.~ ~. S C'n c1t i ~r,.~k.C. L ~-Y~' ~~^rl . J =-'.re ycu current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? !f so, p/ease list: ' ~ ~ n ~ _ ~ ,~ I ~ i ?a r' ~. .~ lU , 7_ G ~ ~ 1~ r" nature A TYl~4-_,2 i , ..PNI ~ , ~y,ar 2 7 ~ -~~ ',~~ease user versa side for additional mme}rtsl [.'1~~ ~ I ~ - ' NEW HANOVER CO 80 OE COMMiSSiOrrERS FROM : YWCA OF WILMINGTON PHONE ND. : 910 799 5681 Mar. 26 2001 08: 52AM P2 I~ -F,rR N . S ,Tease prQUlc~s three local p~rscrna! refer'ences' _ ~, -, ~ Name 1 . f7harre Number ~) _~..~s 1 i ¢., I-}ass-Fe Id q to 2- 3~ 2 p r _ - `, ~ .. .' r - v Amber Milliken 342 Toulon Dr. (910) 798-9234 Wilmington, NC 28405 E-mail: jojanamh@wilmington.net Education , University of North Carolina at Wilmington December 2001 Bachelor of Arfs Therapeutic Recreation NRPA/AALR Accredited Program Relevant Courses: Therapeutic Recreation -Program Planning and Implementation,. Principles and Procedures., Trends and Issues Minor in Leadership Studies December 2001 Minor in Gerontology December 2001 Awards and Activities UNC-Wilmington Mentoring Leadership Program 2001 Leadership Certificate at UNC-Wilmington 2000 Recreation Majors Association Secretary 2001 Banquet Committee 2001 Public Relations Co-Chair 2000 Banquet Committee Invitations Co-Chair 2000 Member of NC Recreation Therapy Association 1998 -Present Member of NC Recreation and Park Society 1998 -Present Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority Vice President Operations 2000 Greek Scholar 2000 Sisterhood Coordinator 1999 Alternate Panhellenic Delegate 1 ggg Delegate to the Leadership Conference 1998 YWCA Women of Achievement Selection Committee & Banquet Hostess 1 ggg Relevant Experience Practicum, New'Hanover High East Campus Spring 2001 Practicum, Liberty Commons Nursing Home Fall 1999 Practicum, Mariner Nursing Home Fall 1998 Study Circles Coordinator, YWCA June 2000 -Present Coordinate interracial dialogue groups, arrange kickoff events, action forums, and interracial suppers. Communicate with area officials and organizations about their involvement in the program. . Publicity -Send .out PSA's for events, interviews with reporters to publicize program. Women ofAchievement Independent Contractor, YWCA March 2001 to June 2001, February 1999 to June 2000 Organized, the Women of Achievement Awards Event. Oversaw all aspects of the process, including. public relations and publicity, nominations, selections, and arrangements. This was a record year with 59 nominations,. $6000 raised after expenses were paid, and approximately 450 banquet attendees. Medical Records Assistant, Cypress Pointe Healthcare Center September 1997 -March 1998 Assisted Medical Records Director with maintaining over 100 active long-term and short term ® charts, as well as many outpatient charts. Transported orders to doctors' offices, filed telephone orders, assembled charts, and copied charts. ~~ Junior Volunteer,. NHRMC :. 1993 -1998 :Served as Junior Council Chairman 1995 -1997 Junior' Volunteer Council . _ _ 1994-1997 Vi~lunteer, Cypress Pointe Nursing Home 1993-1997 Other Experience Teacher Assistant, Wesley iVlemoriai Church Summer 1998 --March 2000 Summer 1997, Summer 1996 Assisted.teacherwlth daily day care activities including lunch and snack time; group time, play time, and art. ~ . `~ Kangaroo Kapers Instructor, NNRMC September 1998 -October 1999 Explained to children 3 to 8 years old what it will be like to have a new baby in the family. Nursery Worker,; Wrightsville Beach Baptist June 1998 -August 1998 • • Cared for toddlers -twelve year olds during Wednesday night and Sunday service. Volunteer, C®Ilege Park Elementary Fall 2000 • References Available upon request. _ -, .- ~ ' • ' . - , - 7 ~`` COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS U~T~ ]E'r~~~TTIES r~N~ ~'OI,~ITTI®TV C~rd~'R~I., FAI~~II~TG A~J~'~®T'i' , . 1 VACANCY (SIX YEAR TERM. APPLICANTS: R: Hill Rogers 1 Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications i :, ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT 79 NEW HANOVEIt COUNTY INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING- AUTHORITY Number, of Members: 7 (Must be a qualified elector and resident of the County. No member can be an elected official of the County) Terms: Six years (G. S. 1590 requirement) Terms must end on the 22nd. of the month. Regular Meetings: As called by the Chairman of the Authority " Statute or cause creating Authority: N,C. General Statutes 159C-4. New Hanover County Resolution dated February 7, 1977 creating Authority. Purpose: To promote the right to gainful employment opportunity, private industry, the prevention and control of the pollution of the air, land and waters of the State of North Carolina in the safety, morals and health of the people. Brief on functions: (1) To aid in the financing of the industrial manufacturing facilities for the purposes of providing employment and raising below average manufacturing wages by financing industrial and manufacturing facilities through the issuance and sale of tax free revenue bonds; and (2) to provide tax free revenue bonds for established industries that are in need of modernization in order to meet the pollution control requirements of the country, state, county and .city. CURRENT MEMBERS William H. Cameron 2706 Calvert Place Wilmington; NC 28403 251-9822(H) Thomas L. Dodson P.O. Box 1290 Wilmington, NC 28402 343-1812 (H) 251-5201 (W) Michael H. Gage 7000 W. Creeks Edge Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 313-2864 (H) 259-9990 (W) TERM PRESENTLY TER1~I SERVING EXPIRES Second 2/22/2005 (Appt. 6/26/89 to unexpired term) (Reappt. 2/15/93 and 2/15/99) Second 2/22/2007 Appt. 3/20/95, 2/21/01 First . - (Appt. 2/1.9/01), 2/22/2007 • • • INDUSTRLAL FACILITIES AND POLLUTIOI~T CONTROL. FINANCING AUTI~ORITY (COloTTiNUED) CL ' ~ T NiEIVIBERS John D. May 7804 Masonboro Sound Wilmington, NC 28409 395-0949(H) 392-3833(W) Bruce Moskowitz 2107 Ascott Place Wilmington, NC 28403 763-8499 (H) 763-1641(W) Robert F. Ruffner,-Jr. 1801 Hawthorne Road P. ®. Box 4189 Wilmington, NC 28406 343-1017 (H) 392-5220 (VV) Vacancy Ex-Officio: Steve Diab, Attorney - 16 N. Fifth Avenue Wilmington, NC 28401 763-2426 (W) 2/01 File: \Industry - TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVI~i TG- EXPIRES First 2/22/2003 (Appt. 7/ 18/94 Unexpired) (Appt. 2/ 17/97) First 2/22/2003 (Appt. 2/ 17/97) ~ Second 2/22/2005 (Appt. 2115/93, Reappt. 2/ 15/ 1999) ~1 1~1ar-05-O1 05:23P 1st Atlantic Applica#ion for Appointments 910 256 6009 P_O1 ?agz 1 of 2 . r4pplcatiQn f~r,4ppolntm~t tm Boards, Comrraett~~, and Commpsso®rr~ . f4poaioatad by the 11Pie~v ~a~aover County Board of C~~missl®ra~rs. ~ , ,Request forAppomtment ta: - ._. - •. __ ~'. [ J~ ~ ____ .. Name:.. ..-- - t'pdd~.. ~~~_---._... ..... __ `' How /ong have you been a resident of New Hanover County? -~/~+C.~' ®® pry • _.-~~ e._ _.._ -- : -- Name Address: Obfai/ing Address: J' ®r City and State: •• . ~J~.~e~la-~®a®! i1! ~,, Zi Code: ~ ..._ _... _.....-- ----~---- -. P t . `~ Telephone: Horne: ~Po..~~~~ _~~~'.~ ._._ ._.. __ Business: ~dlJ ° °~.~~°~°~~'~~ *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. * *Empla yed b y: _ ~ ~ 6.T9mL. /~~~7f~.~ -_ __.. _._ ... _ **.4 person currently amp/Dyed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resigr hrs/her positron with New Nsnover County upon appointment, in accordance with ,article 1/J, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: '~~ '- FpN~b~,91Qe._.-.~~-b/lL~~ ProfessionalActrvities: ~t~e9t~~d.4~(~ ~~~t '~~ _. -•- •-----, -- Volunteer Activities: ~'a~t+&~JAt~ __ -, _ . . _ .. .--._ . _- W..phy do you wdishc ~t`o,, rser~~ve,, ¢¢orr the Board, Committee, ar Commissrion requaers~.i~e/dg~ -SQ._'?~ ~~S.~L~v!9/f)~. [PTi~ f ?d ~l~OV14~ d~,.a0~E6.~°i~.G~.`'~ __~~wf/'7~~R~-'~ .- Pa~:,a. ~o~. TNT t,~~.'~T~ f~~eetad3a+,~,r~. - http://www.co.new-hanover.nc_us/CGapplir,.htrrt 2/13/2002 2 Mar-05-O1 05:23P lst Atlantic Application for Appointments 910 256 6009 p_02 Page 2 of 2 What da you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, ar Commission requested? rC . P+~~AI._-sa Lr ~' yFn~~,,,L. ~_ fir'. ~~ ~ _,~'??-~_- ~ --- --~ - - What areas of concern would you like io see the Sward, Committee, or Commission address? __ _- .~'~'~ ~.al s3',t orlon-~ _r~Ar wr,t'~l~G~~ r''~..g.~3. _.~r~s~ ~, . ~~~ r ze. ~~~/E+.-o d'r~ ~EN7'_ Are you current/y serving on another board or cQmmitPee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please lisi:~ Dare: .- f ..g .~ ~- _ -_ . Signature - ~. ! - -- .~.. REFERENCES: Please provide three focal persona! references: (~ Name Phone Number 3. _ _ e ~ .. Sri, ~ _____ . ~-~-...-~~ _ ~: ~~~_--°! ~ ~ ~ -.. ^. - !~ http://www.co,new-hanover:ne.us/C~/applie.htrn 211312Q01 t~ ~3 \,. / JLTV~NII;E CI2IIVIE PitEVENTI®N C®gTNCIL/~I~IIVIINAiJ JLTSTi~E i'Ai~TNEIZS~IiP AI)VIS~IZY ~®AI~D . 1 Vacancy -Unexpired Term (9/30/03) ~ - The Advisory Board needs to have a replacement frorri the Defense Attorney Category APPLICATIONS James M. Maggard Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 84 C~ JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSIiIP ADVISORY BOARD Members include representatives from the following categories: Court System, Law Enforcement; Health Department, Mental Health, Criminal Defense Attorney, Public Defender, Probation Officer, Community Service Coordinator, Business Community, Crime Victim, Recovering Drug Addict, Community Based Corrections Program, Victim Services Program, Employment and Training Professional (Minimum number of board members is ten) Terms: Initially staggered terms; thereafter, 3-year terms Regular Meetings: Meetings are held on the third Friday of every month at 12:30 p.m. in the. Conference Room of the Office of Juvenile Justice, 138 N. Fourth Street. Criminal Justice Partnership items- are discussed quarterly.. Statute or Cause Creating Task Force: NC General Assembly established Criminal Justice in 1994, Juvenile Crime Prevention Council was established 12/21/98. Purpose: The purpose of the advisory board is to develop community-based solutions to the problems of ` rehabilitation and punishment for criminal offenders. The goals will be to reduce recidivism, to reduce the number of probation revocations, to reduce alcoho l and drug dependency among offenders and reduce the cost of incarceration now being paid by counties and the State. TE~rvI ® PRESENTLY' TERM CURRENT MEMBERS ~ SERVING E<~PIRES Community Based Corrections Program Joanne Lee Second 9/30/2001 TASC/Day Sentencing Center 801 Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Appt. 9/18/95,. Reappt. 9/21/98 762-5333 (W) Community Service Coordinator Sherita Young First 9/30/2003 467 Racine Drive, Apt. 306 . Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 9/18/00 . 392-0368 (H) 791-8510 (W) Juvenile Defense orne ` Chris Oring ~~~~ First 9/30/2003 3201 Wrig~i vine Avenue Wilmjxbton, NC 28403 ~ ~ ~-~- ~ ~ ~ Appt. 9/18/00 " 79563 (H) 395-9903 (W) ~ 85 JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL/ ~ - CRIMINAL J[JSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY 1BOARD (CONTINUED) Faith Community ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Pastor Bo Baker _ ` ~ First ~ ` 9/30/2002 ` ~ 3~1°3`Shamrock Drive ~ .. . Wilmin~on, NC 28409 ~ ~ Appt ~l l/15/99 ~ 791-1021(H) 791-8996(W) ~ • Person Under 21 ~ - ~ ~ - Nephitearya Shantel Bailey First 9!30/2003 321 Hooker Road, Trailer 4 ~, ~ ~ ~ ' Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt: 9/18/00 Business Community Unexpired 9/30/2002 Donald E.' Harris. ~ , 316 Church Street - - ' Wilmington, NC 28401 Appt. 9/18/00 763-3916 (H) 452-0038 (W) , Members-at-lame Harold B. King Unexpired 9/30/2001 10 Island Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Appt. 2/21/00 395=1220(H) , Erik Lindstrom First - 9/30/2003 - 330 Stradleigh Wilmington, NC 28403=1230 Appt. 2/21/00 to unexpired term 763-6653(H) 397-8015(W) Appt. 9/18/00 John A. Ranalli Unexpired 9/30/2002 7100 Kinsella Court Wilmington, NC 28409-4461 Appt. -2/21/00 ' 799-3985(H) 999-9652 ' Aaenc~Representatives: ~~ County .Commissioner: Robert G. Greer County Manager's Office: Andy Atkinson Judge of Superior Court: Judge Ernest B. Fullwood .Judge of District Court: Judge John Smith District Attorney: John Carriker Wilmington City Police: Lt. J. W. Carey Sheriff Department: Col. Steve Smith Mental Health: Art Costatini Health Department: Betty Creech Substance Abuse Center: Virginia Gorman DSS: Wanda Neidig Schools: AI Lerch • Juvenile Courts: Phyllis Roebuck United Way: Vicki Elmore \Crime 3/00 ~6 JUL-~ti-UU W~U ~~~4~ r.ui Application far Appointments Pale 1 tx~2 ~~~~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~D5 ' Wilmington, lUC 28407-409,3 T~tephona (9291 341-7749 FAX 1970/ 347-4730 Appldcatran iar ,4ppaintm~nt try Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appor`nte-~ by the N'e~r Hanover Cr~unty Board oi' Cvmmissianers. Request far Appointment to: Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Name: James M. Ma~~ard How long have you Been a resident of New Hanover Cr~unty~ $ 'years . Home Address: 17 Bedfaxd Forflst Drive (pine valley) Mailing Address; CIYy and StaCe: _ Telephone: Home: 'Sex: Mate rs in ormation , ~ppainted. Same '.4~Imin;ton, NC 28~~.2 Zip Code: (910) 350-15$5 Business: (910) 772-902 d1Race: Cauc. #Age: 42 s req' uesfed far the sole purpose of assuring that across-secflon of the communr2y i.s *''Fmptoyedby: James M. Mzxgoard, P.G. and Cit:i~eri's '1!rus.t Mortgage, Inc. " *A person currently employed 6y the agency or depar#mant far which this appGcatlon is made, must resign lils/her pasitr'vn with IVew Hanover County upon appointment in accordance with Ar't7c/e V!, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover Corinry Personnel Policy.. Jab Title: Attorney Profess>onalActivities: Member. CapiCal Murder Defense List; NH Cou~xty dnd .NC tzar a4snr;ar;n„a VoluntaerActivities: Licensed foster parent - Methodist Home fox Children. VVhy da you wlsh ra serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 2 am verp iuter~QSted in addressing juvenile issues inc~i~dzng, but eat 7. J. titl.t°d toO . t~r9~_prr?,yeriti nn _ ]~ttp:/Iwww.co.netiv-~Zauover.nc.us/CCla Iic.htm PD 07119JZpOQ ;~;'.,.. JUL-26-00 WED 23:42 Application for .Appointments P. 02 Page Z of Z What da au feel Are our ualif;G~tions~~for serving nn the BaarcJ, Committee, or Commission Y Y ~ requested? r . I am very active in juvenile Court including DS,S court and j.uver~xl.e rial~r, ..n.. ~ ~ OAe OS'Ei child. ~ ' . ~n!•.•-• ~.• .~ao i'vo;'.~ " s•. • , z.r,.t,'~v.sv.7~s '~ o ,'rte wo -.- Yrirw:cobio•N...v.a~+lann •.~ v ..rv~ ~r vvv v. r. yti k; ~'T ow- ..~4'd 6d.f- ~' v 7"e r The juveni.Ze..justice systam; community based diversion programs end Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a murrlclpa!!ty or a county? /f so, please list: . _ _. _ . __ no Oate: 7 / 2 6 / 04 Signature R ~~EREA~CES: ,Tease provide three local persona! references: ,. , • ~ iWarne Phone Number.. , ~- Hon.. ;Tohn :1. Carroll _ _ 34i-~441b 2. Hon ..:]'ohnt J. Smith .341.-44T6 .~ JUU-Gb-UU Wt:U ~~:44 • .~A1'!~S N~..11~GG 317 North fourth Street, Suite A VV'il.mington, North Carolina 28d0Y {910)772-9029 Fiuail: JIYIlYIag~ard(u3yaf~va.cam Experience dA1Vf~+ S IY~. IVIAGGA~tD, lI',C'. Wilmington, l*iorth Catalina {1992 -present) General practice fzzzrz emphasizing litigation. ' r, ul CITIZF,~1'S TRYJ'ST NId3RTGAG&:,1~1C. ~rVilmiugton; Nortk Carolina (6/93 -present) 1 awn and operate a mortgage.business that currently employs eight loan officers and associated support staff and provides mortgage loan services for North Carolina residents. 9~~3YETZ & MP:GCAI~ I]i11on, Calarada (1991-1993} R.espansiblc for a large caseload in a general civil practice dealing with real estate law, family law, corparate law, and ci~ral litigation. Lr'+~Y t~FF%C~S QF ;1DAVI~ A. LNIEIa. Friseo, Colorado (39891991) O1ZTI+ iwI ~ ~INTliYIAI*t, ~'.C. l~en~ver, Colorado. (1988-1989) I,~~ ~F`~'1CES {~F ~3CS.A..~.~ ~. FRANCYS Denver, Colorado {1984-198$) 1t rrofessioasal Author, "You Fix It -1t's 'ours." Comrntu~ity Assaciatic~ns Institute ~e~ievercxertts {C'All Rack-v I~Iauntain Chapter News 7anuary, 1953. Colorado i,eadership Training PragramParticipant. -Chosen to ptuticipate in training program designed to prepare prospective candidates far political o.fficc,1991. Member, Capital Murder Bar. I am authorized to, and currently engage i.ra, defending individuals charged with murder where the State is seeping, tlac desilh penalty.. ~ ' Education Ilnivcrsity utDen'ver Scuogl of La~v, Denver, Colorado 7.I7., Mardi, 19$Ei. ~Jnivarsity of Copenhagen School of I.aw, Cvperthagcn, Denmark (Summer, 1984), JUL-~ti-UU WLll ~J;4~ Commtanitp Xravolvement interes#s Personal F4eferences 90 t'. U~ Miami Unaversity, Cxford, Ohio ' .. 13.A., Political Science, 1980.. County Chairman _ Sc.~,well'for Scna.te Campaign Chairman -Finn for 7udgc~ Campai~i. Elttorney Advocate (reserve), Guardian Ad-Lirem.Program Mcml~cr -.Capital IYlurdcr Dcfcnsa List_~ _ ' (Butler Trial .1998} (Cheek Trial - 1997} (Vattgbn -Pending) Prevailing PEUty - North Carolina vs. Cobb (2000 - NC Court of Appeals) Licensed roster Home (infant and respite cane) Travel, skiing, t~aclCpackir~g; fly-fishing, diving :ind byvu~hdmting. vlarried, four children (2, 5, 10, and 14}. Judicial references from Colorado andlor North Carolina available upon request. , ' .. .,. ,. NEVV HAIVOVER COUNTY B®AR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTfON Meeting.Date: 05/21/01 Regular Item #: 15 Estimated Time: Page Number: , Department: Legal Presenter: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney Contact: Wanda M. Copley,. County Attorney SUBJECT: Closed Session BRIEF SUMMARY: The closed session will be to discuss negotiations of a potential real estate acquisition pursuant to N.C.G.S. Section 143-318.11(a)(5). RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. Conduct closed session and instruct staff as to the position to be taken by or on behalf of the public body. r .FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • ~~ i' REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS D R Recommend holding closed session. COMMISSLONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 9.1 {This page intenti®nally left. blank} ~~. ~~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC May 21, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1: Non-Agenda Items (limit to 3 minutes) 93 2. Approval of Minutes 9~ 3. Award of Bid #01-0234 and Approval of Contract #01-0234B for Hurricane Protection (rental 97 of Generators on an, as Needed Basis) 4. Consideration of Request for Water Service -Coastal Plains Utilities 99 5. Consideration of Island Park Water Line Extension -Contract #01-0284A Bald Eagle Lane 101 Water Line Extension -Contract #01-0284B Adjourn j I ' ~ 93 {This pale intentionally left blank} NEVV HAN0I~ER COUNTY BOARD Of C01V1NI4SSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTlOtV Meeting Date: 05/21/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Vllater and Sewer Agenda -Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Approve the minutes of the Regular meeting held on May 7, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. ~ FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: JTEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW • ~~ki~TV ~c~h~n~IS~i©N~R AF~,~ ... , -, ;~ R~ ~~ {t ~ 4. F. .;._J Cl ~' H1=~.~y~ ~ c~ ~ 95 DATE ~ - ---,~ {This page intenti®nally left blank} ~, 96 ti:~~ .4.: ~.:, ~~~5 NEW FLAN®VER COUNTY BOAR® ®F C®IV9MISS1®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeti ng, Date: 05/21/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated, Time: .Page Number:, Department:. Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Contact: Wyatt Blanchard or Amy Akin SUBJECT: Award of bid # 01-0234 and Approval of Contract # 01-02348 for Hurricane Protection (Rental of Generators on an as Needed Basis). , BRIEF SUMMARY: The hurricane preparedness contract ensures that pre-selected generator units will be available to .the District on an as needed basis. If generators are needed, the contract establishes weekly rental rates for each type of unit. The District will pay a yearly availability fee ($4,500.00) to have pre-selected generators available during hurricane season. The formal bid process was followed to secure. proposals. Bid packages were sent to 10 companies and 3 responses were received.. Of the 3 bids received, one bidder requested his bid be removed from consideration due to an error in his bid. His written request was filed in accordance with General Statutes. Staff reviewed and agreed that his request was justified. Therefore, in accordance with procedures established in the general statutes, the remaining two bids were considered. Of the two bids evaluated, Aggreko, Inc. offered the~best price and services. /~ Attached is a resolution for award of bid and approval of contract. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of resolution awarding bid # 01-0234 and approving contract # 01-0234B to Aggreko, Inc. FUNDING SOURCE: 500.470-4197.3700 ATTACHMENTS: The resolution is attached. 3 '94'~~ 01-02348. resolutio The contract draft is on file in the Manager's Office. , REVIEWED BY: LEGAL:. FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve . HU-MAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~0[IN1Y C(~M~~(c 'ION<nR Recommend approval. AF~.~~~~~~ -' R"- ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S/COMMENTS: R._ ..: .3 G ~~ Pi...-~+•OJED O WEfii`Z p t DATE ~_~"~_ `~ . ~: f RESOLUTION OF THE `VATEI2 AND~SEWER DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF' NE`V HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 26th day of April, 2001, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmirigtori, North Carolina, and the. following bids were received for hurricane protection services for the Water and Sewer District, Bid # 01-0234: - Availability Fee Aggreko,.Inc. .. $4,500.00. R~4cK Generators .$8,038.00 ~~ AND WHEREAS, the contract .will ensure that pre-selected generator units will be available to District~on an as needed basis and if generafors~ are needed, contract. establishes .w.eekly rental -rates for each type ~of unit; District will pay a yearly availability .fee to have. the pre-selected generators available during hurricaneseason;:. - AND WHEREAS, the:rental proposal availability fee for,the District will be four.thousand five hundred dollars and no cents ($4,500.00); AND WHEREAS, the County Engineer, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Aggreko; Inc... a foreign corporation organized under the laws of -the state of Louisiana, the lowest responsible bidder, "rental proposal. availability fee of four thousand five hundred dollars and no cents ($4,500.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now. in C'lccount No. 800-470-4197-3700 to cover this contract; . . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for hurricane preparedness services for the Water and Sewer District, Bid # 01-0234 be awarded to Aggreko, Inc., rental proposal availability fee of four thousand eve hundred dollars and no cents ($4,500.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute contract # 01-0234B, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 21st day of May, 2001. (SEAL) Chairman, District Board of Commissioners ATTEST:°~f:-~~. ._..~ , . ,~, Clerk to the Board - 9~ -~ - . :~ .: ;~ NEW i~ANOVER COUNTY B0,4RD OF COIVIIVIISS101VERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTT®N Meeting Date: 05/2..1/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Request for Water Service Coastal Plains Utilities - BRIEF SUMMARY: Coastal Plains Utilities has a small community water system with 43 customers located just north of Bayshore adjacent to' Market Street. Staff has received a request from the water system owner and the North Carolina Utility Commission .asking that the system be provided water by the District. The quality of the District's water is apparently better than the water in the community system. In addition,. the system does not have any kind of backup power during a major event such as a hurricane. i ~~ If approved, all connection costs will be paid by the private utility. In addition, the. utility be required to pay the Water Development fee for each customer on the Coastal Plains system before the system connection is allowed. The utility also be charged the established rate for monthly water use. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the request be approved. FUNDING SOURCE: No funding involved ATTACHMENTS: Location Map REVIEWED BY: LEGAL:. FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A .Recommend approval: NDATIONS: ~Qtf~~T'/ ~p~M1S~lONFR r ~.= "t ~, ~±' r~ ~ f Or.... ~ ., i>r 4. tJ DATE ~~-------=~-;1. --~ ,: ,. a -~7~, 1 v rco~st~i r'I~ins Utiiities/Gr~enview Ranch oo~~~ ~~ Nlay 10, 2001 Map-Not-To-Scale ,` .y; ,_~ `_ _c ,~ ~;~ ~~ ~ -- -_ --- o whin - N S E C~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF CONIIVIISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/21/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page. Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Capital Project Ordinance-Island Park & Bald Eagle Lane Water Extensions Island Park Water Line Extension -Contract Number 01-0284A Bald Eagle Lane Water Line Extension -Contract Number 01-02846 BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff has advertised and received bids for construction of water lines to serve the Island Park Industrial Park, the Prince George Subdivision, and the Bald Eagle -Figure Eight Island area. the bids received were well within the estimated amounts as follows: Estimate Bid Island Park $ 600,000 $ 491,595.50 Bald Eagle Lane $1,600,000 $1,263,807.57 . Following is a fist of the bids received: Island Park Bald Eagle Lane Bryant Electric Company $491,595.50 $1,933,583.10 Onsite,lnc $524,471.28 $1,263,807.57 T.A. Loving, Inc. $539,862.50 $1,446,797.50 State Utility $548,743.45 $1,401,547.00 Colonial Construction $577,604.05 $1,498,317..25 Atlantic Construction ~ $571,028.00 No Bid As indicated on the associated Project Ordinance; the Island Park project is funded by Island Park Associates, NCDOT, and the District. The Bald Eagle Lane project will be funded by COPS financing, which will be repaid partially or totally by the customers being served in that area through a development fee and/or tap fee. A proposal for establishing that fee will be brought to the Board at a later date. The contract for the Bald, Eagle. Lane will not be signed until the fee system is approved by the Board. See attached map for location of proposed water lines. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• . Recommend adoption of the Capital Project Ordinance; recommend that Contract 01.0284A be . awarded to Bryant Electric in the amount of $491,595.50 and that Contract #01.02848 be awarded to Onsite, Inc. in the amount of $1,263,807.57. In addition, please .approve the associated budget amendment #2001.50 in the amount of $1,930,750 and authorize the Chairman to execute the contracts. A contingency of approximately 10 percent is included. FUNDING SOURCE: COUNTY C©MNIIS ~ N APPROVED COPS $1,390,000 County 78,250 (from. Fund 800) RE!.~~.TED ^ DOT 225,000 RE;,:OVED Ci/~' Developers 237,500 POSTPONED l3 ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~EARD,~ ~ P10.1 DATE ~ _-____~ /~Q~~ ~~`~ `fi'r ' r'' y ~' i, Location Map CPwaterex ba01-50. REVIEWED BY: _ LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S CO1IG~IENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTT N /COMMENTS: . ~„`~~~r ~t ~,_ ~ ~ ...~,~ .; .~ ~ ~ . -., a ,~ ,~. a ~~,~... , _ ~v 102 ~_~ : ~~ :~;~ ~ . ~~~~ o ~ ~~. ~; ~ ~i i I I i I '~,i,~ I ~I '-~,Y'~' 3 ~ ~L ,~Q ~~1~~r~...-;,=~~ --.+ III; ~I~, (~-~-I I i~ i i n i i ~.~ I I '~1-=~ ((U ~~, (`Zl~ `~~\-~-• f. ``~`.~ i ~I ~ ~ \l. ~`-~ , i ~-~--,fL'1 ~ I ' J '~' y emu" U~~\-r ' G `~ (~ _ !~ 'Ill ~ i I t \ ~ II / I .~y~ ~ ~ 1`\, ~-- ~ ~ .~`" ~-x'111 s ..,. ~, ' .~ ~ ~~v, New Hanover count N y E Island Park S Water Line Extension Contract No. 01-0284A Map Not To Scale May 9, 2001 ® PROJECT ORDINANCE ISLAND PARK & BALD EAGLE LANE WATER EXTENSIONS BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District: 1. New Hanover County Water and Sewer District (District) is engaged in the Construction of the Island Park and Bald Eagle Lane Water Extensions, which capital project involves the construction and/or acquisition of capital assets. 2. District desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Construction of the Island Park and Bald Eagle Lane. Water Extensions, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Transfer from Fund 800 $ 78,250 Department of Transportation 225,000 Contribution from Developers 237,500 COPS Financing 1,390,000 Total $1,930,750 104 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project. Expense $1, 930, 750 Total $1, 930 ,750 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County,, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. ' Adopted this day of 2001. Clerk to the Board Robert G: Greer., Chairman Board of County Commissioners Water and Sewer District 104b *.,. NEVU HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/21/01 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Water/Sewer BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-50 ADJUSTMENT Island Park Transfer in from Fund 800 Department of Transportation Contribution from Developers-Rippy Capital Project Expense Bald Eagle Lane COPS Financing Capital Project Expense Water/Sewer Appropriate Fund Balance ' Transfer to Capital Projects (Fd 803) DEBIT $78,250 $225,000 $237,500 $1,390,000 $78,250 EXPLANATION: To establish project budget according to Capital Project Ordinance. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners 104c CREDIT $540,750 $1,390,000 $78,250 r: €.. {This page intentionally left blank} 1044 ~9~ ~°:'~ Rod F / ~~ /~ ~~'~~ / ~~, i~ ~ ~~: ~~~~ ; ~., .~ ~ .,, ,~~ \ ~ ~- ~ ~ I ~ ~ / ~ / ~ Rte: ~ ~ ~~~ `~ ~ ~ ~\/ ~ ~ ~ ., :. ~ ~~ ~~;P~= \ ~ rZ r ' L. ~~P ~~ ~ ~ ELK / F~'/ /~TD~QC ~ ~OJ \~~ %~ ,~~~~w~ i, e~, _ . _ ; fP~ ~~ /`- % i ~ ~o New Hanover County ;coastal Plains Utilities/Greenview Ranch May 10, 2001 Ma~Not-To-Scale i ~! ,~ Existing County Watf- , :__ Q~i I I ! i 9Wln~ir~,-_ N S E NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~' INTER-OFFICE ..::::: .. ,.~ . ~t:` i - i L i I i ~ \ e w, l\' 1 \C ~~ ~~> > ~~~":::.~ti~: i~\ ~~~~~\~~~\\~~ ~~\\~~`LZ ~~~Z ~\\ Nlav 17, 2001 TO: County Commissioners FRO1~L: Wyatt E. Blanchard, County Engine RE: Bald, Eagle/Figure Eight Water Line The e~istin~ water tap and development fees which are established by Ordinance will prop ide a major portion ofthe money necessary to pay for the extension of the County water line to the Bald Eagle Lane!Fivure Eight Island Area. The tap fee is ~ 1,00 and the water deye(upment Fee is $720 as established by Ordinance, for a total fee of $1;770 per lot. This would be charged to each residential customer adjacent to the proposed line. Each house on Figure Eight wou~(d only be charged $720 plus the cost of a large meter at the entrance to Figure Eight. since they will be not QettinQ individual taps. Based on the existing homes along the proposed water line and on Figure Eight. the f~llo`ving income would be realized. Existinb 12everiue Available: Existing Mainland Customers Existing Figure Eight (no tap) Future Revenue: Undeveloped mainland. customers Undeveloped Figure Eight customers 270~~ 1,770 ~ 477,900 408n, $ 720 5 293.760 262@$1;770 $ =163,70 1 ~ ~@$ 720 $ 1 1 1.600 ~ ~7a,340 Grand Total ~ 1.347.000 The above fees are established by ordinance. The standard water tap fee is $1,00, r hile the Water Development Fee is $720.00 per customer. Board of Commissioners ~~ Page Number Two Mav 17, 2001 These fees are adjustable at the discretion of the County Commissioners. In conclusion, existing and future customers are projected to Qenerate funds sufficient to build this ~ 1,390,000 project. It should be noted that funds from undeveloped properties will be collected in hiture vears. s • CONSENT AGENDA NEW gp,NOVER COUNTY BOAS OF COMMISSIONERS May 21, 2001 PAGE ITEM5 OF BUSINESS NO. 107 1 Approval of Minutes aredness 109 Award of Bid #01-0234 and. Approval of Contract #01-0234A for Hurricane Prep 2. enerators on an as needed basis) and Severe Weather Services (rental of g trenc for Home & 111 uest to Designate Department of Aging as Lead. Ab y 3 Approval of Req rove Receipt of Home & Community Community Block Grant Funds 2001/2002 and App rove Receipt of Title 3F Care Block Grant Funds in the Amount of $737,854, and App Health Grant Monies in the Amount of $11,183. 141 A royal of Cooperative Extension Funding Agreement Contract #01-0333 4• pp Qes Due to Medicaid Rate 149 5 . Approval of New Hanover County Health Department Fee Chan Changes Fire District Collection 155 6 Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Reports 159 7 Approval of Release of Value ~ ~ j 161 A royal of Request by Town of Carolinh Roomf OcRcupancy Tax Fund Sea Oats Pro ect 8. pp from the Beach Nourishment Portion o t 165 Award of Installment Purchase Contraetd Tr1-0334 with SunTrust Leasing Corporation or ash Compactor and Four Wheel Drive Loader 9 the Financing of the Recently Purchas 169 10. Approval of Cape Fear Memorial Foundation Grant 17~ 1 • Approval for County to Participate in Regional Heritage Tourism Project 175 1 12 ,Approval of Personnel Policy Changes 177 13. ~ Approval of Bank of America, N.A. Resolution Opening and Maintaining Deposit Accounts and Services Approval of Budget Amendments: 181 14.1 #2001-47 Sheriff Federal Forfeited Property 182 14.2 #2001-49 Sheriff Controlled Substance Tax 183 14.3, #01-0201 HealthlBreast & Cervical Cancer Control ention Council for July 2, 2001 to June 185 15. Approval to of Annual Plan for Juvenile Crime Prev 30, 2002 Center 187 16. Approval to Establish Position of Director for Juvenile Day Reporting .p. . 105 ~~ °l 106 ,~ • • • NEB I-IAIVO!/ER COUNTY, BOAR® OF COMM9SSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT90N Meeting Date: 05/21/01 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Consent Agenda -Approval ofi Minu#es BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of the following minutes: Regular Meeting, May 7, 200]. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S. OMMENTS AND RE Approve minutes. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: C©UN7Y COMM~~SIONER~" gPPROVED tag'' REJ~CiL-D ^ RE' ~~3 U N "~.~.~:~ 1~ X1,07 DATE ti~ 1 t. ', t, {This page intentionally left blank} .f .. - - ~ ..: . , :.~ N ., +r~tt~ ,', ,,, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM6SSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Mee#ing Date: 05/21/01 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Emergency Management Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin or Dan Summers SUBJECT: Award of bid # 01-0234 and approval of contract # 01.0234A for hurricane preparedness and severe winter weather services (rental of generators on an as needed basis). - BRIEF SUMMARY: The hurricane preparedness and severe winter weather contract ensures that pre-selected generator units will be available to Emergency Management on an as needed basis. If generators are needed, the contract establishes weekly rental rates for each type of unit. The County will pay a yearly availability fee ($14,900.00) to have .pre-selected generators available during hurricane season and the winter weather season. The formal bid process was followed to secure proposals. Bid packages were sent to 10 companies and 3 responses were received. Of the bids received, one bidder requested his.bid be removed from consideration due to an error in his bid. His written request was filed in accordance with General Statutes . Staff reviewed and agreed that his request was justified and allowed his bid to be removed from consideration. Therefore, in accordance with procedures established in the general statutes, the remaining two bids were considered. Of the two bids evaluated, Aggreko, Inc. offered the best price and services. Attached is a resolution for award of bid and approval of contract. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of resolution awarding bid # 01-0234 and approving contract # O1.0234A to Aggreko, Inc. FUNDING SOURCE: 110-433-4330.3700 ATTACHMENTS: The resolution is attached. f 01-0234A resolutio The contract draft is on file in the Manager's Office. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOUF~C~E-%S~rN/•A7~~MI~~IONE~t~ APPROVED C,/ REJCT'"~i C:1 O COUNTY MANAGER'S CO TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: RC'.-. ^ I Recommend approval PC~;~~~;~ED ^ 1 09~ COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: ~ HE~.~:D .p - DATE 'L\ 0 j ;. ~. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ' WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 26th day of April, 2001, at the County Adrrnnistratron Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following'bids were received for hurricane preparedness and. severe winter weather services for the .Emergency Management Department, Bid # O 1-0234: Availability Fee Aggreko, Inc. ~ $14,900.00 R&K Generators `~ ~ ' $31;231.00 AND WTIEREAS, the contract will ensure that pre-selected generator units will be available to County on an as needed basis and if generators are needed, contract establishes weekly rental rates for each type of unit: County will pay a yearly availability fee to have the pre-selected generators available during hurrrcane and severe winter weather season; .= AND WHEREAS, the Emergency Management Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Aggreko, -Inc., a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the state of Louisiana, the lowest responsible bidder,-rental proposal availability fee of fourteen thousand rune hundred dollars and no cents ($14,900:00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been .previously appropriated. and ,are now in Account No. 110-433-4330-3700 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ~of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for hurricane preparedness and severe winter weather services for the Emergency Management Department, Bid ~ 01-0234 be awarded to Aggreko, Inc., availability fee of fourteen thousand nine hundred dollars and no cents ($14,900.00); and that.the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute contract # 01-0234A, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 21st day of May, 2001. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: 4~Clerk"to~tlie'B'oard'~~~; ,: ~J °I 110 f . ~~ ~ ~. ~~.....d~. ~~~ .} NE~1! HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV Meeting Date: 05/21/01 Consent 'Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumpton Contact: Annette Crumpton SUBJECT: Request Commissioners Designate Department of Aging as Lead Agency for Home ~ Community Block Grant Funds 2001/2002 and Approve Receipt of Horne & Community Care Block Grant Funds in the Amount of $737,854, and Approve Receipt of Title 3F Health Grant Monies in the Amount of $11,183. BRIEF SUMMARY: Commissioners are requested to designate the Department of Aging as Lead Agency for Home & Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) services in New Hanover County 2001/2002. New Hanover County is eligible for $737,854 in FY 2001/2002 to provide services to elderly residents. The Home & Community Care Block Grant Committee recommends the following distribution of funds and services: Transportation $99,280; Home Delivered Meals $140,192; Congregate Nutrition $94,614; Case Assisted/I&R $30,436; Senior Center $25,087; Care Management $61,242; In Home Aide Services $200,000; Adult Day Care (Elderhaus) $67,883; Adult Day Health (Elderhaus) 14,757; Group Respite $3,1.13; Adult Day Care $1,250. In Home Aide services will be provided through a contract with dMs Service, Inc.; Adult Day Care, Adult Day Health and Group Respite will be provided through a contract with Elderhaus, and Coastal Adult Day Care. All other services will be administered directly by the New Hanover County Department of Aging. The Department of Aging is eligible for $11,183 in Title 3F Health Promotion monies for 2001/2002. These funds will support health promotion/disease prevention programs scheduled through. the Senior Center. All Home & Community Block Grant and Title 3F funds require a 10% match.. The required match is included in the Department of Aging 2001/2002 requested budget. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Commissioners approved the request to designate the Department of Aging Lead Agency for aging services, approve the request to accept the Home and Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee's recommendation of funding distribution and accept the 2001/2002 Home & Community Care Block Grant funds in the amount of $737,854 and Title 3F funds in the amount of $11,183. Signatures are required on the attached forms: DOA 730, DOA 7.31, DOA.732, DOA 734 (included in agenda packet). FUNDING SOURCE: C©UNTY C4MIVII~SI©NERS HCCBG (Federal) $700,962; State $36,892 Local $81,984 APPROVED E,/ Title 3F State $11,183 Local $ 1,243 REJ~rTED p Total Federal $700,962 State$48,075 Local $83,227 R`~ ~ - ~-~' r PC;,-,-;;N~J ~] ATTACHMENTS: A 32 D A 734 f i d i t HEARD ~ ~~, DATE ~-~ ~l or requ re s gn , DOA 730, DOA 731, DO 7 O a ures. _ . ~~_ .. ~ REVIEWED Bl(: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve .HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval. is .~ ~,n ;; ~ 12~ , _ .. County: New Hanover Date: 4/30/01 SFY 2001/2002 ~01i~E & COlVI1V1I1NITY CARE BLOCK GRANT COMiVIITTEE WORIZS;EI.EET April 30, 2001 DECISIONS Is this a budget revision? Yes x_ No ' Federal/State Home & Community Care Block Grant Funding: Total $737,854 SFY 2002 What amount of monies should these identified services receive? Service Provider Allocation Transportation Department of Aging 99,280 Home Delivered Meals Department of Aging 140,192 Congregate Nutrition Department of Aging 94;614 Case Assistance/I&R Department of Aging 30,436 Senior Center Operations Department of Aging 25,087 Care Management Department of Aging 61,242 In-Home Aide Services Department of Aging 200,000 Adult Day Care Elderhaus 67,883 Group Respite Elderhaus 3,113 Adult Day Health Elderhaus 14,757 Adult Day Care Total Coastal 1,250 $737,854 • hlnck.~a 11~ ~,., ~ ~ ~ o v U ~ a~ 0 N C M ~ 3 O Z a N O 0 c Y m d U c E ~> D N E N O 0 M N C 7 L m 0 L 0 N' f0 C E 2~ a in o °i U ~ ~ > ~ ~ O LL V C z- Z = ~ in 3 U Z a Q a ~ ~~ ~ i~ i pO t~ j Oo I I I m N i~ ~ ' I I 1 O p O m a I N i ~ i I m 1 I i i y l , 1 t i ~I d ~ i I ~ ~ j .................. i ~ , ... _.-__. . __-_-._ v~~ I ~ chi 11 i N ~ N N N I N r i { I I z p 0 0 I (`'~ O ~ N I N ~ i~ i ~ I a~ I I i i j j i ( I , ~ I i I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ~ ~ I 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , (O N V [~ V I i I I I i I I 1 o I I I i I I I ~ N i O o o I~ j I I i j v -~ o ~' c~ vi u~ m~ m ~ m 1 I j U` W C C7 C C C C i i i I ~ i a~ tl j i i i i - - - - - - - - - - I , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , r- v i~ ~ c> r~ I~ I^ Q I ry I I I I ` ` ~I ~ M A I v ~~ ; m co_ O ~ I j m i LL p~ { p C CO I n O I~ M! 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Community service providers shall have procedures governing the evaluation of bids for services and procedures through which bidders and contracted providers.may appeal or dispute a decision made by the community service provider: 6 7. Applicant/Client appeals shall be addressed as specified in Section 7 of the Division of Aging Home and Community Care Block Grant Manual for Community Service Providers, dated July 1, 1992. .._ Community service providers are responsible for providing or arranging"for the prevision of required local match, as specified on'the Provider Services Summary, (DOA-732). Local match shall be expended simultaneously with Block Grant funding. ~. An annual independent audit which meets the requirements of the Division of Aging Program Audit Guide for Aging Services, applicable North Carolina General j'`~`'1 Statutes and Local Government Commission requirements, and O1v1B Circular A- ~~ ~~ 12S or 133 shall be performed. Por-profit community service providers shall have an annual compliance audit which meets the requirements of A-133.... ,The audit shall be performed within six (6) months of the close of the provider's fiscal,year. Upon completion of the audit, a copy of the audit report and any opinion Tetter shall be simultaneously provided to the County and. the Area Agency. NOTE: Audit requirements are subject to revision. 1'he I)i®ision of Aging will aaotify providers when state audit policy is revised. 9. Compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity and Americans With Disabilities Act requirements, as specified in paragraph fourteen (14) of the Agreement for the Provision of County Aging-Based Services (DOA-735) shall be maintained. 10. Providers In-Home Aide, Home Health, Housing and Home Improvement, .and Adult Day Care or Adult Day Health Care shall sign and return the attached assurance to the area agency on aging indicating that recipients of these services have been informed of their client rights, as required in Section 314 of the 1992 Amendments to the Older Americans Act. ;`lam` ~~ 1 ~ ~ (Authorized Signature) ~ (Date) ,f4~',. DOA-734 (revised fl/Ol) July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 dome and Conununity Care Block Grant for ®lder Adults C®rnn~unity Service Provider. Standard Assurances ~/~w tf~noV~r ~un~ ~p~. ~~' ~y,,~y agrees to provide services through the fllome and (Name of Provider) Community Care Block Grant, as specified an the Provider Services Summary (DOA-732) in accordance. with the following:: . 1. Services shall be provided in accordance with requirements set forth in: a) The County Funding Plan; b) The Division of Aging Home and Community Care Block Grant Procedures Manual for Community Service Providers; and c) The Division of Aging Services Standards Manual, Volumes I through IV. Community service providers shall monitor any contracts with providers of Block ' Grant services and take appropriate measures to ensure that services are provided in accordance with the aforementioned documents.. 2. Priority shall be given to providing services to those older persons with the greatest economic or social needs, ,with. particular attention to low-income minority individuals. The service needs of low-income minority elderly and rural elderly will be addressed in the manner specified on the Methodology to Address Service Needs of Low-Income Minority Elderly and Rural Elderly format, (DOA-733). 3. The following service authorization activities will be carried out in conjunction with all services provided through the Block Grant: a) Eligibility determination; b) Client intake/registration; c) Client assessment/reassessments and quarterly visits, as appropriate; d) Determining the amount of services to be received by the client; and e) Reviewing cost sharing/voluntary contributions policies with eligible clients. 4. All licenses, .permits, bonds, and insurance necessary for carrying out Block Grant 117 ,:~,: Standard Assurance to Comply with Older Americans Act Requirements Regarding Client Rights ' for Agencies Providing In-Home Services through the Horne and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults As a provider of one or more of the services listed below, our agency agrees to notify atl Home and Community Care Block Grant clients receiving any of the below listed services provided by this agency of the their rights as a service recipient. Services included in this assurance include: -In-Home Aide ' -Home Care (home health) -Housing and Home Improvement. -Adult Day Care or Adult Day Health Care. Notification will include, at a minimum, an oral review of the inforration outlined below as well as providing each service recipient with a copy of the information in written form. In addition, providers of in-home services will establish a procedure to document that client rights information has been discussed with in-home services clients (e.g. copy of signed Client Bill of Rights statement). Clients Rights information to be communicated to service recipients will include, at a minimum, the right to: -be fully informed, in advance, about each in-home, service to be provided and any change in service(s) that may affect the well-being of the participant; -participate in planning and changing any in-home service provided unless the client is adjudicated incompetent; -voice a grievance with respect to service that is or fails to be provided, without discrimination or reprisal as a result of voicing a grievance; -confidentiality of records relating to the individual; -have property treated with respect; and -be fully informed both orally and, in writing, in advance of receiving an in-home service, of the individual's rights and obligations: , _ Client Rights will be distributed to, and discussed with, each new client receiving one or more of the above listed services prior to the on-set of service. For all ,existing clients,.the above information will be provided no later than the next regularly scheduled service reassessment. ~ ~~--~ Agency Name: ~~ ~j / ~ Name of Agency Administrator: Cam[-~--~-~~- ~u'~`~'' ``' Si ature: (~2-r--~ ~~-~-r~-~'-~' Date: .5'/i ~o lease return this form to your Area Agency on Aging and retain a copy for your files.) 11~ ' ~ o c~i i ~I M' m Mme' rn m Mlm- o.- ~ rn:. ~' : -U Y A N ~I IM~. ~ ~ ~ : - M l ~ lnU~ I \ - N 2 N V . d' '~ r N ~ N V U = .. M: ~ M:` M r ` j ` ` y ° ~ M = r ` _ ` M N ~ ~ U Q L N r ~ ^ ~ M ~. j O : c D ( D ~ m M ~ T M ~'. M CJ f6 m.`V M' IV'~~ ~'. M (C ~. V.N~ ~ : O ~ ~. -~ m. .N 1'~'Iti ~I~ ~':~ ~ s tn: U E :C ~iN U ;N;~ N-Ni ~,N: Nip ~ ~ d': O': iN O N':~ N N' ` ~ ~ N: QJ y':N:~ . N':' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N; (n G N ~ ~ ~ ~ N fJ C , O U d QI N:~im C 'm.-~ O V: ~ m C~ ~ - ~ ~ ` ~ r O N ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ (D N ~ d "6 M ~:m N: m:~ N m. [D m r ~ Vl'. (D N'` ~:O Oi0 0:.- O'O M. ~- O'. 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W W I J a a~ a a a h M v v a` v v J ,J W ~:.] ~., w w r.~ w I w w _[., w W '.:. c. a. ~ :.. F a.. F.LI a: !- F n cn_ F _ a w _ I -- - 0 W -~c o v v y_ en .<i ~~.. n ~9I n "o'n cn .wi ~~a y= ~ I f I N~ z ~..~ ~ ti j~~~ ~ I o~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ;"~ O o`,!aQ <r~..3v1~ CIS ~a~~ ^~ y ~ ~ly ~ U '' N = ~ !'/, L 1. T.. j ~ C j C , ._. ... F:. ~ ~' a ~ ar U v`: n U I c°n F rn ,n. ~ ~ I in ~ ~.~. _ tJ~ ~" ~ F" -- - - -- - - - - - -- -- ~ o -~ ^ o L ,~ ~q cn o N .Tj ~ ~ ~ ~~ N~ N~ ~' U w E op~0 ~n(7~.C~Q ~ W~ >,o 0 u n 'm' v v -ClI rn ~-.Q(7I~ti;4L W J l'.Gl iIC:~IFF M G DOA. - 730 Rev. ] /99 ' Home and Community Care dock Crant for ~Ider Adults V County Funding flan Ldentification of Agiency of Office with .Lead Responsibility for County Funding .Plan County :New Hanover July 1, 200:1 through June 30, 2002 The agency or ot~'ice with lead responsibility for planning and coordinating the County Funding .Plan recommends this funding plan .to the Board of Commissioners as a coordinated means to utilize community-based resources in the delivery of comprehensive aging services to older adults and their families. ' New Hanover County Department of A~~in~ Name of agency/office with lead responsibility ,~ ~.L. ~~ Authorized signature (Date} Annette Cnimpton :Director (Type name and title of signatory agent) • 3 ,.w -- DOA-733 (.Rev.1/99) Horne a~~d Community Care Block Grant for ®lder Adults County Funding Ptan Methodology to Address Service Needs of Low-Income Minority Elderly (Older Americans Act, Section 306(a)(5)(A)(ii)) ' Community Service Provider New Hanover County Department of A~in~ County New Hanover County July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 The Older Americans Act requires that the service provider attempt to provide services to low- income minority individuals ' in accordance to their need for aging services. The community service provider shall specify how the service needs oflow-income minority elderly will be met through ~ the services identified on the Provider Services .Summary (DOA - 732). ,This narrative shall address outreach and' service delivery methodologies that will ensure that this target population is adequately served and conform with specific objectives established by the Area. Agency on Aging, for providing services to low income minority individuals. Additional. pales may be used as necessary. The Department of Aging will continue to focus service delivery to the low income minority with special consideration to those elderly deemed "at risk". :Priority concentration will be placed on outreach to the populations most in need and provision of service delivery to these individuals. In addition, efforts will be made to extend case management support to the most medically fragile Home Delivered .Meals clients. Department of Aging will continue to provide strong health and wellness programs through Senior Center and Nutrition Site activities. 124 DOA-730 (Rev. l /99) Local Government m the North Carolina ~owuties of Braaswick, Colmnbus, New Hanover and Pander ®PBtATION '~'~. Jane ~~>s~,~,~.; ~rtznswick Cc?iaiat~ Ed ~.~loTle^: _ ~'~lzz~iaazs Cuuzzty Annet, ~ ~ .rozznpt®ii, Nev f~Ianover ~oiznty tiy' ~~~°; i~awis, Pander Conxzty ~ . J 'fir.,.. v ~+ ~', ~ y";: ~~~~~?~ .)ones, Legion ~ AAA Director ~~ `~..% ~~ u?} ~ ;~~ ~^_ S~'~' ~i60~/2~0'~ 'l'aac ~~=~ eal~h Pn•®neota€zras ~ ~~asiini; s ~c ~, ~: "~f;~! :!2002 ~'itie iIi-r ' i. ~ ~ ~i3 r'r,~ f;;~aion/Dise~s,. _~r~~, _,~;ca: (.iorr>zer~y~ mown ~a.~ `?'itle TII-~') ~alioc;~'~i;~is i~,r t~` v_; ,~> ale ~s fo~loti~s ~; ~s~ •a~t~, t~ioa~~,~ataa,zz , r 1~7 ~zie~~~azr~ I`~tg ~!,c~aua:9 ~~ ~ ..,v~aaz-n„ ~~~°?s~ :~'p~~S ~cea~raty ~~,~5t ~2,02J t~~~., r~.a~~u~'~z- ~®aan~y ~~Z.~~~ X2,641 ~~::~~~~~ ~~'~ty -~, ~%~'~ ~1,1~0 ,, ~ ~, `?- '~~sx.a3 t :;r~ •~;~®aa ~ 3.~~~~~., X7,4 ~ ;.l'~~' i1L: ~._?~:'~'7~3~~D3",d3tC2f2~S?'d~',P~~~~'g'I~~f3g"fL' _,'' i.dC'.7~d';~P,°'$~~., t"t'G~2~YD"~'~•~rs~ rtC'C~.'~,'~~fi:3~~ :r=.''.?c~~;"':?,'t,t%, ~'Ci,.rv~fR~`T~Ja"'2, tzY1Ll~.SC7"E.'~2PZ2"lb. 1~1z' ~~J;1r.33111922 (;l9'9'2ti2432~5 S:~():~'t£ Cliit~~':' [ii t ~':~s r t ~~, ~iJ~rp' L°C9"', Z. „ s:::~E lc "~i;'edi: t3s e. ~~ x~a~;ase re~er~ax?~6- ,a ~~r~~e ~,~~:~ ~atc~i a~ z-e~~arz^ed ~®r ~'~t~e, ~fi~-~ ~'aA~~~ '~'~^i:~ ~ B,s~i~ ~ ~~i~l ~e ~v~~~iDiz: ~~~~~~~ "i,'E9dP~ ~ ;zriil ~;ai~,~ ~^:; ~~~te~~d~l S~~ ,~aa~ie 3®, 211i9~. ~~~r~,~ ~~. ~~ysJa. ~~r',:~+~~~ti's ~~~-~ ~nndin~ anti.ia~s~aa~ r~2~~~~iR,72$,'y°~°A~@&fl~'~iSsw"ulEri ~nd33 ;'d;~6°'a.~~t~ ~t.,~°a .b"~yn-7~~~~~'9T3;'i. ~?~1~,~~31t~'t~N'l': i a..z r~:zacsiazYg that e~clZ lead'.' ; caf.;~, satzzzzi~.a ~;; ~~itiezz ci,:s;;ri~~~..~b" yr pianneu :,PSI 2009/2~?~-, 1-'e,ltli Promotion ~i..s~~~?:~::; as veil as-gin es~imat.,ci ai?~ount for ~ad~z projec~ cs a~~is°ity. Please be sg~.~ ific n~~c~ -c~er io ille ser3ricc ~iazi~ards. Please sabn~it ;voz~r ~I,.ez3tiz Proznotvn. ideas ara~; aiaao+int o'~ Winding fos . ~ it ~~~itiata~e to me ~~; ~v'f~y 4;~ 200'i. I~ ~ aix have clzzest~ons, please coaa¢~act z~.e. . ~c: i~~Jeiissi i',ichartison ~_i I~i~C~.~.~Ure ' ~'t~~r~ic i~aanzigers _ _ ,. 12 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ADA Employer I~®A-733 (v. l/O1) ~®ffie end Ca~ffi ~ ~i~~~ ~t ~~~- ~~de~ Aa~a~ ~~~~~jr ~a~~g ~~n ~/ieth~ad~aic~gy t® Address Se~rice I~teeds ~of ~..,aw La~cara~e lea®rlty ~ideriy ~ Raa~al ~iderly eider terlca~s Act, Sectis~ri 3€36~~.)~S j(A~~(i~~) ~___:12 E ~®~ty/JScr~cr / )vider_.[~ Jaaiy 1, 2fl~1 th~'alagil ~u~e.3Q, 2fl~2, The ~31der Ar~erics Act resi~aares that tine ser~ce pr®vid~;r at~pt ts~ prn~de scrvaccs to is~v~r-~aca€~e r~aaa~rity ~david~ls accard~race to theme weed foz ~xig services. e caraa~t~y ser~~~e pra~der sii specify iaa~ the se~vace ne..-ds a~ icy-incase parity eideriy ~d a-~i c~~~r be met thra~gh e servaces ide~at~ied a~ e ~ro-vidc;r services Sas~~ary {~~A-~32~. `i'bis nat~e sh~li addgess a~tre~cl~ aid se~-~ac~ delyvery ~ethaadai~sgies tit ~~iii etas~~. t3~t this target pap,tia~ is ~de~~ately sewed ~d cat~arrr~ ~ritia specific ai~jectives estahiiisshed by tine Ares. Agea~cy ®~ Aging, f®~ pra~ridg services tc~ la~v i~carr~e ~r~r ixadi~riduais. Additiar~l pages ray lse sassed as necessary. • DOA-733 1Vletl~odology to Address ~erviee I~Teeds of ]Low-Income 1Vlinority Elderly and I~a~ral Elderly Coastal Adult day Care will target low-income minority elderly and rural elderly of New 1=Ianover County that cannot afford our services, but do not need institutionalization. We will work with the Merv I-ffanover County 13eParttnent of Social Services, Area Agency on Aging, Physicians, Social Workers, and other agencies to identify these individuals. The monies will be used for scholarships ffor these individuals. Transportation is available for those clients who need it. Coastal.Adult »ay Care was created to provide a place where older adults who live at home can come and enjoy social and therapeutic activities and receive the assistance they require with their activities of daily living. Caregivers will also benefit. With our assistance, they can continue working and running their family househald, and even enjoy some well deserved tune off. We stay open late on alternating Fridays until 10:30pm and are open every other Saturday from 9:OOam - 4:flOpm. • . X27 ~: . 0 O N M u ~ A ~+ ~, o ° 'man ~ ~ ~ w w ~ 3^.~. ~ ~ 'o z ~ a N •Lti r-I O O Q U .°, i ~_ O c C 0 W i~-i U G r 0 U 'cY U 0 C a on ~i c 0 U R fl7 U L d N 'o F! Q O u ci U °~ '~ M f*J cn ° ~ u ~ ~ 1 .: Q N U z C '~ ~ z z ~ ~ o <C ~ ~ ~, ~o ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ U ° ~ ~ + ' . ~ O ~ •' O ~ ~ i ~ U ~ ~ ~ a~i U v x U . C1 v tom. N ~ ~ C7 ~ i a"i ~ ~ m i ~ 'o a ~ i ~, •~ C. ~ ~ v m m ° ~ ~ . N ~ ~ ` CQ ~' o ~ ~ ,v ~ ~ ~. CJ C U ',~' ~ v . ' i. M i^-. fJ-~ , ~ C_D ~ ~ ~ o c c o o ~ 0 0 o c o c o o ~ . ~ M, m N., G ~ i ~ ~ ~ r _ [i. ~ O ~ U G G Q a a m o c, . c o 0 0 0 c o c o c o ~ ~ ,.-~ C m ~ ~~ r ~ ~ ~ ,~ V O O O O G O G C C O O O O G ~ n .~i '~; ~ `~ ~ ~ r o y ~ '~ r W ~ CS J ~ ~ r G: (. 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W N ~ ~ W N > ~ C ~ ~. ~ Q O ~ O ~ O O p ~ ~ ~ C .~ F/S ~ ~ r~ of v ( D C ~D N ~ w ~ II> 4i W p p ~ ~ V1 a m m o • @ '0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ;; c o c c c o - ~ CA ° m ~ > > C1 2~ `y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,n ~ ~cpD . ~ cp ~ ~ m ~ a = m ~ w t tD 3 -~ 7 ~ a ~ C T in 4 ~ c W 91 n C tT C ~ N ~ ~ (~ ~ ~ ' ' ' ~ ~ ~ 7C ~ ~ (n N v~r • 7 ~ ? N ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ m ~ :i1 !!p?p ' ~ ~ ~ n _ ~ ~ m ~ ~ m ` ,o KK o. ~ •~ ~ ~_ ~ C ~_ . .. ~ W ~ ~ Jn - N ~ Q- M ~ o ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ p `~ C ~ 0 ~ ... ~ ~ m ..~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ c m rz w _ n ~`. ~ ` ~ ~ ~ U l Ul i ~ ~ C.h ~`.. °~ "` ti v ~~ ~ Q 7 ~! ~ ' V ~ 0 a1 ~ ~ ~ ` i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ` _ `- ~ ~v _ '~ s a o h O O dt w .p ~ ~ ` .~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti ~ ~ 4~ ea .i. o ia w w cn [ ai ~ m ~Wj ln W m ~ ~ w D 0~ Go T 1'a ' GO V QJ a Qi N '-~ N CD A ^`•- n cj• ~y ~D ~+ v W C C71 _ C7t W ` A N ~ ti ~ A > r .~ rz+ .-~, `' ,~ T f 'V ~ ~ r J Ll} ~ ~ Cf N T GA 01 A A N O O N fA V 'Ch O . b O 'mi l ^~+ ? ONi V ~ _ ti ~ 77 ~(? ea w ~ p .n. ia, - v , ` u, .ti w ~ ro '~ Ca tp O O. O'7 V O c~ O V w GS'r ~! ' ' Q O O O O O ` O '1 ~. < + s ~'_., VA n O o 0 0 044 ' O' "• W ~ P . O 0 0 0 800 `-~' ' 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. _ ~, O O O Q 0 0 0 ` O ` ' O 0 0 4 0 0 0 '~+ ' O ' ~ ~ G7 W 0 ~. N S' ca 136 FPOM" : ELDERHAUSINC FR>: NO.. May. l~9 2701.17:45AM P3 .: , . DOA-733 •... ~ - (Rev. 1/00) . dome and Conaznunity. Care Bioc~ Grant for Older Adults County Fundinb Plan iVfethodology to.Adaress 5ez-rice Needs of Low-Income Minority Eideriy ' (O1dex Arnerc~.ns Act, Section 306{a){S)(A.)(ii)) - Comn.uniry Service. Provider Eld erhaus ; Inc . - County ti~w Hanover' Judy 1,. 2OOI thr6ugh Ju~'tp 3Q, 00.2 The OlderAmerican~s Act requires that the service provider attempt to provide services to _ low-iacorne ua.in.ority individuals in accorda_.nce ~to their rued fcr a~n~ services. ~'he community service provider sha?I specify how c~~ie service needs oflow-income minority eldzrly w~i.Il be met thous the services identified on the provider Services Sutrmary (DO,~-73?): This n~siative sha11 address outz•-..ach and Service delivery mzthodologies *,hat ~~-iIl ensure chat this t~.x~et population is adequately served and cou~~orrz~ with specific objectives established by the Area Aaencv an Aging; pox prov;di.n~ services to glow ncome.rn_.iionrr individt2ls, Additon~l paaesmay be used as z;ecessa~~%. 1/Ideri~atis markets its program to lo~~ inc«me rr<zin~rin• elderly bti• ineetin~~ ~4~itli DSS socia.I ~,~.~orkers rotxl tliz tl.ree-coit>~t~~ area to keep tl7enl it~t'ornlecl . . about t~tzr.proQrarn. . ~'e also pl:?ce ads t~requuntIti- in tl:e ~~'linttn~ztotl 1o>.ir71;~i. a tiie~Itiiv Atricat7- ~~ierican nz~tispapLi «~cll read b~• lo~~~-iitconie residGc~ts of the area, ~'1171]utulCCnletlts arc re~t~lart~° placed iti cftiu~c~les. Present~iiie~t~s ~zrc tiz~~ie a . i•etci•si~'s n1c:4tilZ~zs and at tZtttritiorl sites.. ~Sc~ci:tl `~rc~ttps ~yiill r~1c>tithIy cncetin~s are beitlF? inti~iled (c~ l~atc cute ~>l lIieir tt~ectitl<,~; ltcre iii;.site so theti~ czt~ tour ottr-tacilitti~. 13rc~cllur~s !lave been place<f at tll_e. Ne~v Ilanc~vcr Cotnt7illr~itti' I~ic:t3llll Center , «'ilic}~ 5cn~cs t7~ait~ly lo«,•~inc~~tne inner ctty residct~ts. 37 FP,OM ELDEP.HRUS i NC FRX N0. May. 89 2101 1H: 47AM P6 - . ~._./ cz.,rl/-~rrr~~.Tl~r~rr ~cI-ors 1. You have the right to be fully informed of aII your rights and responsibilities as a clietrtlpatiezat of the program. 2_ You l~avc the right to appropriate and professional care relating to your needs. ' 3. You have the righk to be fully informed in advance about the care to 8e provided by the pTO~'~- 4. You have tlxe right to be filly informed in advance of any cli~nges in the care that you maybe receiving and to give informed consent to the provision of the mended care. 5. You have the z~ght to participate in dat~rminizrg the care that you ~%ilI receive and in altering the nature of the care as your uecd change. - - 6. You bane the right to voice grievances with respect to care that is provided anal to expect that there will be no reprisal for,the grievance expressed. 7. You have the right to e,~pect that the information you share tivith the agency wi?X be respected ar~d held in strict con:fide~nce, to be sleazed ohiy with your ~~-itteA consent azrd as it relates to the obtaining of other needed community services_ 8. 'Y'ou have the right to e<spect tla~ preservation of your privacy~and respect for you property. 9. You have the right to receive a timely response to your request .for service. 3 0. You shall be admitted for service only if tl~~ agency has the ability to provide safe and professional care at the level of intensity needed. ~ ' 11. You have the c-ight to be informed or agency policies; charges,•and costs for services. l2. If you are denied service solely on your inability to pay, you have the right fo be referred elsewheze. 13. You have the right to honest,. accurate inforina+~on regarding~tlie irciustry, agency and of the progzam in pariieular_ 14_ You bane the right to be fully informed about other services provided by flies agency 138 ~ FRAM : ELDEP.HAUSING FAY, N0. May. D9 2011 1e:46AM P5 .Standard Assurance to Comply with Older Americans Act Requirements .Regarding Client Rights for .. Agencies Providing Tn-Home Services through the ~~ Horne and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults As a provider of one or more of tb,e services listed below, our agency agrees to notify aI1 Horne and Conunuzuty Care Block Giant clierns receiving any oPthe below listed services provided by this agency of the their rights as a service recipient., Services included in this assurance include: -fn-Lorne Aide -Home Care (home health) -Dousing-and Home Inapi-oVement . -Adult Day Care or Adult Day Health Care Notification will include; at a minixnurn, an oral review of the .information outlined below as well as providing each service recipient w-itlz a copy of the information in .written foruz_ Xri addition: providers of i-a-home services wilt establish a proceduz'e to document that client rights infor,~atzon kits bebu discussed with in-home services clients (e,g. copy of signed Client Bill of Rights statement)_ Clients Rights izlfozrnation to be cozzrmunicated to service recipierrts will include, at a tninimurn, the ~ght to: -be fully informed, in advance; about each zt-home service to be provided and any change i-r~ service(s} thafi may affect Lhe well-being of the participant; . -participate in planning and chang~,g any in-home service provided. unless the clier3t is adjudicated zncarupetent; voice a grievance with respect to service that is or fails . to be provided, withatrt discriminatioa~ or reprisal as a result of voicing, a grievance; °confidexrt7a~y ofrecords relating to the indiv7dual; -have property treated with respect; and -be fully informed both orally anal ir2 mitzng, ir1 advance ' of receiving an in-home service, of the individual's rights and obligations. . CIient Rights will be distributed to, and discussed with, each nee, client .receiviri one or ttze above listed services prior to the on-set ol:'service, For aIi exi g more of in#'orr;tation will be provided rto Inter ttaan the ne.~ r4 sung c-li~.ts, the above °gularly scheduled service reassessment. Agency Name: ~`~ ~ 5,-~p~~~,. 0 Name of Agency Administrator: ~/,v~ A ,~ ~} ~C~ Signature:. G' -Date: ~ .S" ~~ J (Please return this form to your Area Agency on Agog and retain a co Py for your files,) 139 NE~~V HAN~VER C®UNTY ~®AR® OF COIVINIISS~®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOtV iVleeting .Date:' 05/21/01 .. . Consent Item #:_ 4 .Estimated Time: Page Number:. ~~ Department: County Manager ,Presenter: Dave Weaver - Contact: Bruce Shell / Andre Mallette /Kent Wooten SUBJECT: ~ ~ ~ - Cooperative Extension Funding Agreement -Contract #01-0333 BRIEF SUMMARY: • New. Hanover. County and the Cooperative Extension Service have agreed to a "send-ih/lock in" arrangement for funding of Cooperative Extension Service personnel. The arrangement provides _ thatahe County and the State will share-50/50 in the funding of these employees. Further, the County agrees to allow the State to draft these funds on a monthly basis via the State Treasurer's Electronic Payments ,System (STEPS). The employees will be classified as State employees. The operating budget (other than salaries and benefits) will remain a County budget subject to County ~. processes for procurement. ~~ The County Commissioners are asked to approve the STEPS method of payment of salaries and °benefits as well as a memorandum of agreement to establish the "send.-in/lock-in" arrangement. ~. Thi's agreement will be effective June 1', 2001,.. - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve memorandum of agreement and STEPS method.. ~- FUNDING SOURCE: ~ - General Fund. ATTACHMENTS: Yes .REVIEWED BY: LEGA.L:. ,FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve 'HUMA'N RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MAIVAGER'.S CO EIVTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend appro f. ^ COMMISSIONERS' ACTI /COMMENTS: .. . . .. ,, .. COUNTY CpMNtISSIONER . ~ ;-,,~, r--~ A, PPS,., . ~_ R CJ - ~' REf'~'U'IED . Cl _ ~ POSTPOiVED O . ~ - HEARD EJ _ DATE b ~ -~-~ 3 - ~ ~ 141 New Hanover County Contract #01-0333 MGM®RANI~YJM .®~ AGI2EEMENrT Between the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service/North Carolina State University and dew Hanover _ County The Memorandum of Agreement is to provide for the establishment. of a procedure and a Trust Fund Account at North Carolina State University to be of service to I~ew Hanover County in a payroll program that places individuals who are employed with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service (either jointly or entirely paid by said county) under one payroll system. Hew Hanover County, hereinafter designated as said county, and the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service/North Carolina State University,`hereinaftei- designated NCSU; 'shall adhere to the following provisions: ~ . Name of Account-The account shall be known as the ' Ne~,a. Hanover Payroll Trost Account. County 2. Purpose of Account -The purpose of the account is to provide. a mechanism whereby funds can be transferred~from said county to,NCSU for use in paying the salary and benefits to Cooperative. Extension employees of said county and NCSU'in. aesingle;monthly paycheck. Procedure for Providing Funds to the Account - A State Treasurer's Electronic Payrrient System (STEPS) form will be completed and original returned with the Memorandum of Agreement. A designated representative of said coLUlty, as defined on the STEPS form, will receive notification from the Extension Personnel Office approximately one week before payday advising of the amount due. The day before payday, generally the last working day of the month, the State Treasurer's Office will initiate a draft against said county's account listed on the STEPS form. The trust account maintained for county salaries will be audited and reconciled by the Extension Accounting Office to assure the month end account balance remains zero. 4. Administration of the Account -The trust account will be maintained in accordance with NCSU accounting policies and procedures. Receipts and expenditures, including salaries and fringe benefits for affected individuals, will be handled through the trust account. A,report, generated by the NCSU accounting system, including receipt, expenditure, .and the current status of the account, will be provided quarterly to said county by NCSU. . 5. ~-Employee.B.enefits,~~Affected employees will participate solely in the North Carolina State Retirement~SystemVand accompanying North Carolina Disability Income Plan. They also will be eligible for~NCSU employee benefits for which they qualify. The Extension Personnel Office wilhfacilitate the transfer of employees from joint state/local retirement to the State Retirement`System. Affected employees will follow state vacation and sick leave ~'~i policies~~ ~Leave.rriamtenance will be administered entirely by. the Extension Personnel «=•Of~fce~ Sa d~eo~u~n~ will be responsible for providing their proportional share of fringe benefits,"including but not limited to the following: 14.2 1 New Hanover County Contract #01 -033.3 A. 'Said county will pay their proportional share of the employer contribution to the State ~~ Retirement System per G.S. 135. . B. Said county will pay their proportional share of state health insurance matching charges per G.S. 135. ~ , C. Workers' Compensation will be administered per SB 162. { 1 } All county extension employees with professional rank as designated in the Memorandum of Understanding between the NC Cooperative Extension Service, NC State University, and the Boards of County Commissioners shall be deemed, for workers' compensation, to be employees of the State of NC (county directors, extension agents, and EFNEP program assistants). {2} All other county extension employees paid from state or county funds shall be deemed, for workers' compensation, to be employees of the county Board of Commissioners in the county in which the employee is employed (4-H program assistants, family nutrition program assistants, secretaries, technicians and any other program support positions). D. Severance pay for County Extension Secretaries and Unemployment Compensation will be handled by the University. E. Said county will pay their portion for accrued vacation leave-up to a maximum of 240 hours upon an employee's separation. Yes ®No ^ F. Said county will pay their portion of state longevity for County Extension Secretaries at their state anniversary date. Yes . ^ No l~ G_ Said county will provide monies to extension employees for payment of an employer matching benefit for the NC 401(k) or other tax deferred programs. These monies will be paid in a lump sum on an annual basis and will not be included in the monthly base salary. Official notification in writing from said county of the lump sum dollar amount to be paid to each employee will be processed for payment and billed to the county for reimbursement to NCSU in the monthly payroll the month after notification is received in the CALS Personnel Office. Yes ^ No H. Said county will provide monies to extension employees 'as bonuses,. county longevity, and/or reimbursement for benefit plans, such as dental costs, in whole or in part. These monies will be paid in a lump sum on an annual basis and will not be included in the monthly base salary. Official notification in writing from said county of the lump sum dollar amount to be paid to each employee will be processed for payment and billed to the county for reimbursement to NCSU in the monthly payroll the month after notification is received in the CALS Personnel Office. Yes ^ No ~ '~ q,'~ New Hanover County Contract #01-0333 6. 'The effective beginning date for implementing this .Agreement will be June 1, 2001 ,and it maybe reviewed annually and may be terminated by either party with asixty-day notice in writing. Signed: Chair, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to Board Date Date Director, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Date North Carolina State University Director of Purchasing North Carolina State.University . Date 3 ~,> New Hanover County Contract'#01-0333. ` STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE TREASURER'S ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS SYSTEM (STEPS). STEPS-IN EFI' AUTHORIZATION FORIvI ,: NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY State Agency Name: . Extension Payroll (Send-in Program) Program Namc: ~ Batch Name: Cncck Onc: Initial Signup Change PARTICIPATING EN [iTY IiVFORMAI ION " III '~; (Assigned 6y State Agency) En[icy Nainc: Entity Address: ' cINAi`(CIAL INSTITUTIOi'i .ACCT. IN O.: - . Institution .Name: Institution Add'ress: ` TFansitlRouting #: - - _ - - - - (Nine D;g;cs) Bank or (CCMT .z,cct ~ {Include any fending zeros) Type of Acct: Checking Savings NCCtitT (Check ;One) OLD ,L-INANCIAL INSTITUTION ACC i. INFO.: (Complete Only-it' a Change) ~ ;. Institutior, Name: ~ - Transit/RouCing ~: - - - - - - - _ ACCT. #: ' PA.RTCIPA i ING ENTITY AU 1 I-iORIZATIOI`(: [, an behalf of the participating entity indicated above, hereby authorize the i`lorth Carolina State Treasurer, his successors and his agents, at-the direction of the State agency .indicated above, to: ` (a) redeem shares of the above designated NCCMT account and to' instruct the NCCititT, its transfer agent, or any of their agents to send the proceeds of such redemptions to any account designated by the State Treasurer; andlor ' (b) initiate ACH debit entries against the above designated bank account, for moneys due the State agency for the. referenced program name, pursuant to the "Established Operational Procedures For State Treasurer's Electronic ?ayments Syscem," which may be in effect from time to time. ~ ;' "~inypce .OfFcer's Namc: ~ Tel: t Signature: - Date: ~ NOTE: RETURN ORIGINAL WITH MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT slate Agency Usc Only: $tatc rrc~s. Usc On~~ i i New.Hanover County Contract #01-0333 t ADDENDUM TO THE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND NORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE TO ESTABLISH THE "SEND-IN/LOCK-IN" ARRANGEMENT IN ADMINISTERING PERSONNEL AND BF,NEFIT EXPENDITURES - " With the effective date of this addendum, the parties agree that all positions attached to the - Cooperative-Extension Service in New Hanover County will be funded on- a salary and benefit - cost share basis of 50 % County and 50 °% State for the duration of said agreement. , ,. , To accomplish this arrangement: ' A. New Hanover County will pay 50% of all salaries of County Extension Agents, the County Extension Director, 50% of the salaries of Extension Secretaries and 50% of the salaries of Arboretum Staff Personnel - B. The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service will pay ~0% of the salaries of County Extension Agents, the County Extension Director, 50% of the sa1'aries of Extension Secretaries and 50% of the salaries of Arboretum Staff Personnel. C. It is further~agreed that New Hanover County and Cooperative Extension agree to establish this send-in agreement with the "lock-in" provision in place providing the matching salary adjustments which may be awarded by the State of North Carolina.. This agreement amends the Memorandum of Understanding between the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina A&T State University and the ~Tew Hanover County Board of Commissioners and shall become effective June 1, 2001. Chairman - _ . New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Date Director North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Date 146 N O O N - O N// LC. Z W M W M' ~ W O O W ~. .- . . d'L . ~ - ~ ~. U LNLJ a O 'J ~' LL. ~'' z ® ' Q W ~r O M ^~. m CO ~N ' to V O N CO O O ~ ~ ~ cOD oOO. cV{ tiA O O ~ ~ p S tfOj d L V M O N N N V N N . i ~ to EA tff N -V~ Ffl 69 F/j 1A - 69 C D FA ~E O - M u~..v V c D O V' c~'i to m O .O O T t~ ~ O c0 to O O M n ~ O to C L '7 M O N N N ~ N M ~ ~ FA trT Fr) N FA H9 fA to !~ to 69 O U m v v Q ~' ` ~ ~ a> N fl Fri- F» F m Y~ (P ~ m M O COD N O (Mp O A ~ ~ N p .- O N ~'r l1T U > sfl FA tH aA av e» in ''~ is~ O 2 A ' m ~ CD CO ~ CD N O - O O O iE O O N N M ~ Imo- V' i~ ~ O V ~ ~ N A m' N N ~ V' N C D ' O F19 EA Efj Nj - fA (A V3 (A ff) (i~ . . F- ~ m eQ M L ~ ~ - ~ T U ~ d~ O R ' V O V (7 m ~ L y c~ ~ u~ ~ v_ r> v o CA Ip U C H ~ O CD of N N N M O m Q :: EA N o a 3 ~ ~ i ? z n c v~ +~ +» v9 F» va ~ ~ ~ .. R U O ~OV In 'O t~ V C0 O. ind O O N N ct N m CA c~i tin cfl ~ to ri tD. ~ ~ ~ i . " M ti p ~ dZ m N 2 N ~ N V r` CT N CD r~ V rn -~. .CO m r~ r~- tin. _~ N }~ y~ O O N O _ O Q7 N C R C E~ C O m N Ff}' N 69 '- b9 ffj N eH N 69 to (~ 69 O ~ C U U Q >, c o O ~ ae 3Q 3e ~ ae o ~ ~ O ~ O. U to M D7 N ~ U a ° r' tiO v v v tO- °- c V r , u ~ ~ C m ~ ~ a ~ .M ~ N CN N ~ ~. S . m Q >, ~ v m co cfl r ~ ~ _ M rn in ~ L ~ ~O C U N' '~ N ~ fA V ~. fA 'V' (A V Fr) 7 69 to M N fA (D fA Z ~ a N N a d CD ~ N. O N (V N <f h ' M ~ ~ CD II ` `° ~ U v h- a I- F- F- F- (~ a a. a a ~ Y ~ ~ N ~ m ~ ° T v ~ ~ O o ~ C ' E R O 'L U U O 2 S Y ~ C ca 3 N Y R U ~ O N . fo to j -tin {This page'intenti®nally left blacnk} NEVI HANOVER COtJfVTY ~OAR® OF COilIiMiSSIONERS . REQUEST.FOR B®ARD ACTT®N Meeting Date: 05/21/01 .~ Consent Item.#: 5 .Estimated Time:,. Page Number: Department:. Health Presenter: Cindy Hewett, Business Officer . Contact: Cindy Hewett, Business Officer 343-6680 ' \ SUBJECT: iVew Hanover County Hea!#h Department Fee Changes Due to Medicaid Rate Changes BRIEF SUMMARY: - New Hanover County Board'of Health approved the fee changes attached to this summary (Memos: February 20, March 19, and 24): Our changes in fees are due to the changes in Medicaid-.Rates. We cannot charge less than the Medicaid Rate for services. Anytime a Medicaid Rate increases we must also increase any fees we would charge to private pay or private insured . patients. Per the attached memos there are three new codes for Matenal outreach Worker - Y2525, Y2526, and Y2527. These result in increased revenues. The other changes will have a neutral (or no) affect on our revenue. (See the Fee Review Schedule for comments.) REC®MMEiVDED MOT1+3N AND REQUESTED ACTSDNS:. . ' Approve fee changes .FUNDING SOURCE: ' Medicaid ATTACHMENTS: ;yes-4 pages REVlEVVED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A " Recommend approval... ' nr~nn n'n~rc~~~wrrn~i wi+-r • ~©uNTY c©r,~nn~ ~ ~oN€~ APPROVED REJECTED ^ I PGS s ~~uUED HEARD CI DATE ~7,1 ~ _ `i"_&._`-~..! ,. DAVID E RICE, M P H, M A Health Duector NEW HANOVEI~ COUNT' I4EALTI~ I)EI'AI~TIVIEN'T - 2029 S®UTH 17TH STRI+ ~T o ~ WILMING'i'®N, NC 28401-4946 TELEPI-IONE (910) 343-6500, FAX (910) 341- 4146 ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ fvcrywhmc. Everyday. Gvcrybrxly. LYNDA F SMITH, M P H Assistant Health_Director April 24, 2001 - To: New Hanover County Board of Health . From: ~ Cynthia W. Hewett, Business Officer ~ ~ . Subject: CPT Codes and Rates -Retroactively effective Julw ~l; 2000 . We are requesting your approval to implement use of the following codes with rates as indicated: Code (Description of`Service) Current Fee Charged Medicaid Rate Proposed Fee to Chargf Y2525 (MOW Brier) $ 0 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 Y2526 (MOW Standard) $ 0 $ 55.00 $ 55.00 Y2527 (MOW Extended) $ 0 $ 85.00 .$ 85.00 58301 (Remove Intrauterine Device) $ 0 $ X4.89 $ 95:00 For Stute sr~pplied vaccines, tlae - ~2 modifier will be user! along with tlae appropriate CPT code wizen billing insairance companies for ad/ninistratiorz of vaccines. The approved reimbursement rate is 513.71 fora single vaccine. The total administration fee for all immunizations given at a visit cannot be greater than twice the fee for a single injection ($27.42). CPT Codes are as follows: 90716-52 (Chicken pox) 90744-52 (HEP-B PED) 90281-52 (Immune Globulin) 90712-52 (Oral Po(iovirus) 90745-52 (HEP-B Adolescent) 90657-52 (Flu Child) 90713-52 (Poliomyelitis SC) 90746-52 (~IEP-B over 20) 90658-52 (Flu Adult) 90732-52 (Pnueumococcal) 90700-52 (DtaP) 90702-52 (DT) ,., m. 9.07/0+7~>52~'(N[~iV1'Rwv~ riasSC~/jet) ~ • ~~~~~~ . -;.~- - .pry .8 ., n ® , ~ f~ ~~~ - • - ~ !--' t - ^~ ~ ~~~ "Your Health -Our Priority» .. `~TE~ ~IAI~T®~R ~®~(JN'I'Y : . • IIEALTI4 I~EI'A1~TIVIEN'T . • . 2029 S®IT'T~I 17TH ST'I~ET ~VII,IVIII~T~T®l~, ~C 2401-4946 ~ ~. 'T~I.EI'~I~l~tE (910) .343-6500, F~~ (910) 341- 4146 ' - - ..varywl~ne. Everydoy. Erorybady. • DAVID E RICE, M P H, M A LYNDA F SMITH, M P H Health Director Assistant Health Director March 19; 2001 To: New Hanover County Board of Health - From:. Cynthia W. Hewett, Business Officer Subject: blew Medicaid Rates - • We received an email. dated February 28, 2001, containing an updated list of the new Medicaid rates, from Dennis E. - Harrington, MPH;.Chief of Local Health Services. These rates are retroactively effective January ly, 2001... After .reviewing this list, there are five of our current fees that need to be increased in order to meet the reduirement that our- - fees should be edual to or greater than Medicaid rates. These five fees are shown below: Code (Description of Service) • Current Fee Charged New Medicaid Rate Proposed Fee to Charge 99387 (New Patient Over 65 .Year Exam) $ 143.00 $ .144.38 $ 145.00 54050 (Destruction/Lesion/Condyloma) $ 89.63 ~ $ 120.89 $ 120.89 46900 (Destroy Anal Lesion(s)) $ 132.99 ~ $ 1.62.26 $ 162.26 W8205 (Parenting Education.Classes) $ 73.00 $ 74.59 $ 74.59 G0001 (Venipuncture) ` - $ _3.99 $ 3.99 "Your 73eukh -Our Priority" ~.. 151 DAVID F RICE, M P H; N[ A Health Director February 20, 2001 To: New Hanover County Board of Health From: Cynthia W. Hewett, Business Officer Subject: New Medicaid Rates We received a memo dated January 23, 2001, along with a list of new Medicaid rates, from Dennis E. Harrington, MPH, Chief of Local Health Services. These rates are retroactively effective January 1, 2001. After reviewing this lis~ there are two of our current fees that need to be increased in order to meet the requirement that our fees should be equal to or greater than Medicaid rates. These two fees are shown below: Code (I~scription of Service) Current Fee Charged New Medicaid Rate Proposed Fee t'o Charge 99203 (New Patient Leve13-Expanded) $ 85.00 $ 85.80 $ X6.00 X2044 (MCC Home Visit) $ 60:00 $ 72.56 $'72.56 , ,. "Yoar !fewth - ,flur Priority" 1 . d O ir9 ~r7 ~~ 0 0 N '~ C O. . N ~- O c7 • • ~~ :~~ ~ ~ ~°' m~ m~ ' 0. C1 x J' ^. ~ ~ w y 2 to '~ v v ~ ~• v w 'F' d N U + G R Vi ~ n n .- n ~ fD "~ ~ O O. o. ~' ~' 7. ~ ~ w o O ~'' O O C~~ ~ ~~ (~• .Y "'* v ~ c' ~ uo v rro ~ w w w w w ~ ~ s O M w ,~~ tJ L .- w w N w x w to N ~ w ,^ wl (D N A w w ~ N ~ w ;i, w N N ~"~ w 2 w. N N ^ J =~ ~D ~ ~1 ~ :~ ~] s~ w J ~ a V ~ J a w J ~ ; J J tea ' X ~ X ~ X_ ~ ~ X G ~ ~ X ~ X U] X :t ~° ~t ~ X ~ ~ ~ >C ti k ~ C v~ "~ ~ ~~ V~ tD n R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w O ~O w ~ '~ ~ J ~ .. ~ N ~ ~ . w N ~O _ - v F- N (D / ~ ~ .p ~ vi ~ O __~ IJ C\ _ 69 ff3 O~ N N W N f/i J W J J f~H - ~ ~ EA .G ~ G1 ~ ~ Go v. ~ R ~ ~ ~ ? o C ~ S ~ '?' S s' s i ~ -: ~ b n ~ ~ ~ y ~ O " w G w w w w m '- C ' ~ ~ ~ O T ~ ~ ~ O O O O w~ < w () ~ W p G ~. ~ '^ - O Q. O w in~ N ~ ti = ~ < ~ t'ii <. N ~ C: C7 C O p- N ' < ~ O ' -~ !~ f~' R' -'~ Q N < [~'~ < n' ~ y ti ~ O ~' , • -Tti- O b a O ... .-. N N ~ ~. n ~ N . v' ~ ., rn -*i ~ v' ~ `G O ~' ra rn r. ~ m N ~ v ' N < < ^_* ~, ~ . m ° ~^ ,.+~.^^r o cc ~ '.+~G (o ~. o ~ ~ S ~. ~ G~ w ,~ io ,~ < O ~ c = ~ O °rn C '~ w ~ ~' `° < , - "O ' 7 co ~~ ~ O -^. ~ o O ~ ~ Zs ~° o <o -• w -+i ~ ~ a c m w : ~ o ~ w ~ a' y N c ~ ~ 'ti ° o N x R. `~ w U ~ UN rn m y ,D ~ ° .~ O ~ cco ~ ~ o o ~• ~ .. .. w r ~ ,<-a G n ? _ •~ ~ C7 ~ cu ~ '. as a ~ = y . rn ~ " vo =. ~ w N Z ~ m . 2 n coo ~ o w c N ~' o ~° 5' ~ r . O ~' ~ '~ 0. w < ~ N UO 'O ~'. ~ O ~ n w O 'O O N. `< O G C. w N c ri OO w 0....0 n -cs a < .~ ,~ ~ '.~ UC O ~' -O O 7 ... O ~ . .° Uo~ N °- N . G- v '' G G ~ w ~-. ~ ~ a: io' F rn Q' O ~ v 0. w O -, n' ~ ,+ n N N d ~" fIG lD CO G N-CO H .. ~`< v R n N~ N i]- C ~ O O O O O C O O. ~ n O n n O O O -c; S w S rc S w <~ ~ rn ~ ~' ^~ w ~' w O- w w Uq c? ' Uo rn - W m ' - ~ w - UO rn ' Ua to ' U4 fo Uo m ' W m ' 5 a a w~ 5 ~ n ° ~ 5 ~ ~ S cfDi S w ~ m ~ d . w ~ ~ n 7 .s ~ m .': m C7 c n n. m a m ~ ~ m~ - m n. c a. m a c f7 O rn c < < < `° < m .n O ^n ~ ~ c o, c o m O ~ N N rn UO ~ = N (OS N tro m ~ ,~ ~ < ~ G• G N . ..~ ~ r (p O P. ~ K O G ~ ~ ti .^ ~ 0. `< 7 !4 1 S D -o N O 0 l J µHµ~ l/'J y` yJ }® N I~ l ~ ... M~ W M~ /d /~ 153 {7'hi,~ page intentionally left blank} 154-.. NEVI HANO~ER COUNTY BOARD OF COIVIIVIISSIONERS .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT101V ' Meeting Date: 05/21/01. -~ Consent ltern #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: - Department: TAX Presenter:.. None Required Contact:- Patricia. Raynor - ' SUBSECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Col{ection reports as of April 30, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED-ACTIONS: Request approval of .reports.. " FUNDING SOURCE: - ATTACHMENTS: ' 1TEM DOES N07 REQUIRE'REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' ACTI NS/COMMENTS: - ~O~~ITY COlidiMl ~Sf~?NFi - APr RC~Vf~D . ~ R~"' HfA~;~ ® ~ ~AT~ '~1 ~ 1.55 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: - ITEM NO. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 4/30/01 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2000 AD VALOREM ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL $ 87,123,902.08 DISCOVERIES ADDED 3,662,875.11 LESS ABATEMENTS - 801,648.99 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 89,985,128.20 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 8,562.50 68,290.58 .00 $ 90,061,981.28 - 88,170.692.72 $ 1,891,288.56 97,90%* $ 3,454,677.32 94,661.21 - 261.516.07 $ 3,287,822.46 - 1,382,520.08 $ 1,905,302.38 42.05% APRIL 2001 $ 17,932.75 155,207.91 276.00 MOTOR VEHICLE $ 7,015,697.39 14,488.73 - 81.755.22 $6,948,430,90 .00 .00. .00 $ 6,948,430.90 - 5.228.638.59 $ 1,719,792.31 75.25%* FISCAL YTD $ 17,932.75 2,184,864.53 17,805.84 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $137,125,697.68. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2000. I~ ECTFULLY SUBMITTE ~~ t a ~ ~ Q~ s-~a/ PATRICIA J. RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE ~ •Z * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96.28% ~~~ ~~ar.._,_..Y ~i~~11 ~,~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~JTR:ICT ~h~ ~~~~~~~~~'~ c~t~:~c~~s ;~~~ ~~l~a~a ~Ur~R.E~1T TAX ~'~A~t ~ ~f~~JG- ~ A~ 'y~a~~s~~~~ ~T~~t V~4;I~.L.~ C~tI~,I~A~ TAJ~ L'~V:Y P~~ ;SCi~DL. 2~~57~3~3~~2.5 2~ts~342ab~ ~~SCC~IJ~~I~S .~1DC~~ 1~7~?Z~8? 61~~:55 , ~.~~5 ~~A7~~^=t'~TS. 5~9~~~~6~~ 2~~ZGsB~s T~3':,~~:. ~A.~~~ ~NA~t~~C ~ 2~~24~9~3.~3~ - 2?~a~~3~~3~ ~ISTi~J~ ~~PvAL~'I~S ~~!~~~_~ ~~3~5~~4. ~~~1 _ m~~m;~..mm~wcae~~m mmwa .+~a~ma ~m~,m~mc~.~aw~e ~.~ i9~L~ I ~IA~J - ~ .. [~yd ~':F±L, 'sNi m1,@yY^~{Y`. ~CO..bIgY l q j^ ~} (~ y , ,~`~ ~[' {'~ ('~ /. fi y ~ ~ 1'1 '~.l 7" 9_.. 1'a ~ 1J ~~ li ~ ~ 7"1 ~ V ~ ~ g A P1 y 'C. J ~ 3i ~ ~ ~ p. '~7 {~ +~ ^~ ^} ~.t9 7 7 ~ ~1 L d 9S . . y 9 ~'` 1 y ^ ~ ~ '? { b p 1 i.7 ~ ~I/ L ~:S.l r~ ...i7 N J g } " ~ A 7 f L~~ 1 ~, ~ .3 . 9 qq $~,~ pp $ ( ~{ ~ y C 9 L ~.J J F1 ~ f1 ~ C i`~ L 7 J ~ p / t , CJ +~ .L 2: `~@ i:1'~if ~ ~nA~mb0~~i2)k ;~ vn :YS'sW '~P~:Stl 7 y y-~l' ~ i t J 1J f i d~ /9 r .i ~ ~' h5 L '~ ~ . .~ ~ 9 .~ ~~ -b ~ ~ ~ ~ aa q33 y- ~ 5 7 t { a q 7 { ~ - 7 m ~:~ !ie .d9 En vd !6f +ID9 i08 Fi ao.ap ¢m t~LTSTA~,Di~~i, ~3A~.'~~i~~ ~ ~5~~31~~~? ~€'=~CE~17~~~ Ct~~.~c~,T~~ ~2~~~' T~~:S Fi~~GR~" IS ~G~ ~i:~~l~L ~'cA~' ~~ I~~I~G J~~.~' .39 2C~~:~ ~. R~S?;~~:~F1JLL'! SU~~?~~'~':~~~ ^ tt-~~, A T7i pp a ~y ~+ ~.+Lt )'~i LJ l~V~~ "v 7_LLCL9 SiJ ~A, i"~fy A.. LtY 1 ~V~ ~ ~~O.J~~C {This page~intentionally left blank} 15~. _. IVEV~ HAN®~lER C®l1NT'Y B®AR® ®F C®IVIiViISSI®NERS ~ REQUEST FOR 80ARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05!21/®1 Consent Item #:- 7 Estimated Time: Pa e Number: g Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert Glasgow . SUBJECT: Release of Value .y BRfEF SUMMARY: Request the following taxpayer be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion (application and ~. letter explaining late filing available upon request): Marshall, Robert L. and Nancy F. $ 20,000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .- Recommend approval of releases. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTAC~iMENTS: ITEM ROES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COM ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval.. COMMLSSIONERS' ACTIO S/COMMENTS: ~ouNrv eon~~ioN~~ APPROVED REJECTED ^ PO~Tr=O,~I,~U ^ { ~: ~, {This page intend®nally left blank} ~,~,~A. ., ~~ :Zi 16 0 .: - . ~ ~ r^ .. a ~~ j~~~~~ IVEVV HAIL®VER COUiVT'Y BOARD OF COMMISSI®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTiOiV Meeting Date: 05/21/01 M Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Approval of Request by ~Tov~n of Carolina Beach for Reimbursement for Sea Oats Project from the Beach Nourishment Portion of the Room Occupancy Tax Fund BRIEF SUMMARY: The Ports, Waterway, and Beach Commission recommends approval of the attached request from the Town of Carolina Beach for reimbursement of $4,625 in Town costs for a sea oats planting project. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff .recommends that the Board approve the reimbursement from the Beach Nourishment portion of the Room Occupancy Tax Fund, in keeping with County policy. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • REVJEW ED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve Recommend approval. BUDGET: Approve. .HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~OUfiiTlf 0®MIyRiS,~i01V~ APPROVED ,r^ REJr~TED p REM; `'~.D p POSTr~aNED ^ . MERRD !D 1 ~ 1 PATE ~ ' .. .1 . _. :_. ~,~ rwY-i4-~uu1 1'luN 11,04 ACl NHL ~:NG1N~.~.K1NU rHx flu, y1U X41 4UUb r, ui OFFICE ~~FAX~i1U;, yp0?`i 9 a ~s~. e:s5ir~o, tlni ooa9oytl 7 x . ~ ' ~~r~,7AC7 APR--11-01 WED 10,06 aM NH CO MANAGER 4 Gar P,s~ ~ ~ v ~ cam . ~. ~ ~~ • ~arg~~r. r " ~ TCWN oB C~ROi IPtA C~ ~ .. 2121 N. ial~ PmrT~ ~ul~ . ~o}ias,l3sach; P1ord~ Caet~llt~ ZB47~ SID 458 2494 BAS 910 4S~ 1997 ~• ~ivnafcb(~bdlw~ssat . MY. Rich ~ G ~ . Post, Wa~$yr 8n~~ ls~ton _ , . ~; Rega~est for fun~~ fop Sep GJ~~ C6ra2ia~ $ .. , ' - ` D+car fie. C~t;in: ~ . pap~brauyl6;~l~'i'eravaof~oiinaBaachs~ceiv~~~ ~$ts , .. ~'a3~sr, Cie Few ~ oa aprd D~vdagraeat ~(R to DSO to~v~i ~Ilo~+i~$, a~ cturaat LTSA{~ ~Beaah ~Qe~shme~tt praj eet, , • ~®px~sposal, t~ I~r• Aavsncai~ (a~ is~ ~~. far a fatal prig of S$® than . iz,ciudvs: . 1.. 10,000 plus 2 311ippfnb 3. ~Z-3 Staff for plalzt~~ (to ~slud-~ usia$ StarQ-~arb~ ~ . ~ , ~, of 80°lo sttxviv~si ate' 31ooz~tbg- ' Thy RC~I) Board xa ao e~cci4ed abaut EGA pNj~:~Y h~vo ~ to ' with ua , • ~ovidi0 a ~~,~0 Sit ea~raca~ th®pvrtohase. TY~'1'~n of Cardlin~Beach reap~Y r~qu tit ~ ~aotn Occu~aao3' T~ Fua$' collaCeB ~. p~ i~r bgac3i Ynaiut> pay t~ t~ainia8 ~~6~• • ~, r ~ ... r.:: 162 ~ ~_~:.~,.: ~.~~~~ .:.~x _ - . ~~~. - - - - ,,••j ~ j l v~t n~ i irnv L:lY~.I1 IYCCtt 11`IV r' Hx, [~U, 910 341 4035 P, 02 APR-11-01 WED 10 ~ 08 At1 NH CO MANAGER' ~ OFFICE ~ FAX NO. 9I 03414027. ~ P, 09 ' rwcri d i, ~uo~ fl:s7/3T. 9:~9/NO. 6a10A8ooCM5 P ~ ` . Port, ~' ~ - ~ . ~,~ ~w~% mad B~acir Com»~is~ion _ - ~ ~ r d,l~e, to trig . ltd ~4OUid you bav~ gay q~ ~yl ~~ , ~' idt¢caa of +9iw~1y, at 45-3. ~-«-• ~~ . ~y $~. ~C •, lit ~ . ' ' dew a . T~iv-~ Coua9e#i ' '~ moor ®~~I ~i ~~'ttblic ~Ivrks ~d D®ve 1. • 163 riHY-14=~uU 1 f10N 11 ~ 04 AM NHC ENGINEERING I+AX N0..910 341 4035 P, 03 FRDf1 l.Ji imi'ngton Ch3mbcr of Cammcrce PFfONE ND. 919 762 9765 May. 83 X881 09:48AM P1 PePY, W~~~tVmSy & ®®aCh C~srnmlton Moy 3, 201 Merno: Dave Weaver Frnm; Howard i©ving Sub)ect; Wilmington/New Hanover Port, Waterway ~c Beach Gommissian Appr©val of Tawrz df Caro(itta 8~ach Reque§# far Sea flats Replenishment 1. The Wilmtngton/New l'~on®ver port, Waterway ~ Eec~ch Commi~slc~n approv®d fine Town of Carolina Beach request for S4,b~5 for Sea fiats replenishment for beach renourfshment at its March brn meei'ing. The Part, Waterway i~ Beach commission formaiiy approved this requested ®xp~nditure to be take>7 from fihe Room Uccupgncy Tax Fund, QAi~ E57E1L LEA PLACE - Wfi.MiNQ'TON, ~IOFi`i'!-1 CARLOLINA 28401 - (9i Q) 7g2~~6'11 164 IVEW HANOVEFt COUNTY ~OAR® OF COIVIII~ISSIONERS REQUEST 1=0R 130ARD ACTION Meeting Dater 05/2~1/O1 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: - °. Contact: Amy Akin or Bruce Shell SUBJECT: Award of Installment Purchase Contract # 01-0334 with~SunTrust Leasing . Corporation for the Financing. of the Recently Purchased 'rash Compactor and Four.VYheel ®rive`Loader. BRIEF SUMtViARY: :. The purchase of the trash compactor and the loader were approved for purchase at the Board of Commissioners meeting on February 19; 2001. These items had been approved in the current budget to be financed. Proposals for the financing have been received and the lowest bid received. was from SunTrust Leasing Corporation. The financing will be for a three (3) year period with semi-annual.payments_ _The bids received were as follows: SunTrust Leasing Corporation 3.85% ' PB.Municipal Funding, Inc. 4.50°0 $ank of America- 4.650J0 .. BB&T 4.89% Attached is the resolution form authorizing staff to proceed with fhe financing process and execute the contract and other documents as necessary to the transaction. REVIEWED BY: ~~,a ~~` i',~~MIS IONIr~~ LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOU'I~CErS: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of the resolution authorizing staff to proceed with the financing process and execute the contract and other documents as necessary to the transaction_ FUNDING SOURCE: Funds for repayment of the portion of the loan due this year are budgeted in accounts 700.480-4191.5940 and ]00.485.4193.5940. ATTACHMENTS: ` As part of this transmittal, the resolution is being sent as an attachment. -~.~ ' ~. resolution for contract # 01-0 suntrust. The contract is available in the County Manager's Office. COUNTY MANAGER'S C4 ENTS Alva KtC:U Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: APPROVED G RATIONS: RE' ' _' ~ D C!. POSTr~OiVt=L? O HEARD ! EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE N0. 01 TO LEASE (SunTrust # 01; New Hanover County Contract # O1-0334) The following Equipment comprises an Equipment Group which is the 'subject of the Master Lease Agreement .dated as May 25, 2001 (the "Agreement") between the undersigned Lessor and Lessee. The Agreement is incorporated herein in its entirety, and Lessee hereby reaffirms each of its representations; warranties and covenants contained in the Agreement. Lessee warrants that noNon-Appropriation and no Event of Default, or event which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both, would constitute an Event of Default, has occurred under the Agreement. An Acceptance Certificate and Payment schedule are attached to this Equipment Schedule and by reference are made a part hereof. The terms capitalized in the.Equipment Schedule but not defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Agreement. EQUIPMENT GROUP The cost of the Equipment Group to be funded by Lessee under this Lease is 5710;012.00 (the "Acquisition Cost"). The Equipment Group consists of the following Equipment which has been or shall be purchased from the Vendors named below for the prices set forth below: -~- Vendor Item Description New Hanover County. Price Contract # Gregory Poole Equipment Trash Compactor 01-0128 ~ ' $477,358.00 Company R. W. Moore Equipment Four (4) Wheel 01-0127 $232,654.00 Company, Inc. Drive Loader Total Amount $710,012.00 The Equipment Group is orwill be located at the following address. Prior to relocation-afthe Equipment Group or any portion thereof during the Lease Term, Lessee will provide written notice to Lessor. New Hanover County Landfill 5210 US Highway 421 North Wilmington, North Carolina (Four Wheel Drive Loader) New Hanover County WASTEC Facility' 3002 US Highway 421 North Wilmington, North Carolina (Trash Compactor) NEW HANOVER COUNTY SUNTRUST LEASII~"G CORPORATION BY: Name: Title: Date: ~^Address:. _ 320 Chestnut Street rl`~"~'''`""~" ` ~''~ ~ W}lmrigton, NC 28401 ,~ Telephone: 910.341,7187 Facsimile: 910.341.4025 BY: Name: Title: Date: Address: Telephone: Facsimile: 166. :.~ . ~~. _~- ~. ' RESOLUTION - . ... • - OF THE ~ - . .. BOARD OF' COMMISSIONERS - _, ~ - OlF . NEW HANOVER COUNTY• WHEREAS, at a duly called meeting of the governing body of New Hanover County held in accordance with all applicable legal requirements, including open meeting laws, on the 21st day. of May, 2001, the following resolution was introduced and adopted: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING;THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A MASTER LEASE ~ ~ " AGREEMENT (NEW HANOVER COUNTY CONTRACT # 01-0334),. EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE NO. 1 AND ,RELATED INSTRUMENTS, AND DETERMINING OTHER- MATTERS IN CDNNECTION.THEREWITH. - ~ ~ :. AND WFIEREAS, the-governing body of New Hanover County desires to obtain certain `equipment (the "Equipment") described in Equipment Schedule No. l to. the Master Lease . Agreement. (Collectively; the "Lease") with SunTrust Leasing Corporation, the form of which has :been available for review,by the governing. body of-New. Hanover County prior to t11is meeting;; , - AND WHEREAS, the'Egiiipment is essential for the County to perform its governmental • ~ functions; ~ - AND WHEREAS, the funds made available under the Lease will be applied to the - acquisition for the Equipment in accordance with such Lease; AND WHEREAS,. County has "taken the necessary steps, including those. relating to any applicable legal bidding requirements, to°arrange for the acquisition of the Equipment; AND WHEREAS,- County proposes to enter into the Lease with SunTrust Leasing Corporation substantially in the form presented to this meeting; ~ - NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BOD_ Y OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY AS FOLLOWS: - Section 1: It is hereby found and determined that the terms of the Lease in the form presented to this meeting and incorporated in this resolution are in the best interest ofNew Hanover County for the acquisition of the Equipment. Section 2: ~ The Lease aild the. acquisition and financing of the Equipment under the terms and conditions as, described, in the Lease are hereby approved. The Chairman of the Board, the Vice-Chairman, the County Manager, the Deputy County Manager, the Assistant County Manager, the Finance Director, the DeputyFinance Director, and the Assistant Finance Director ofNew H , County and any other officer of Lessee who shall have power to execute contracts on behalf of County be, and each of them hereby is authorized to execute, acknowledge and deliver the Lease with. any changes, insertions and omissions therein as may be approved by the officers who execute the Lease, such approval to be conclusively evidence by such execution and delivery of the Lease. The Clerk and the Deputy Clerk to the Board of New Hanover County; any other officer of the County who shall have power to do so be, and each of them hereby is authorized to affix the official seal of New ' Hanover County'to the Lease acid attest the same. Section 3: The proper officers of New Hanover County be and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed' to execute and deliver any and all papers; instruments, opinions; certificates, affidavits and other documents~and to do or cause to be done any and all other acts and things necessary or proper for carrying out this resolution and the Lease. ~~ The undersigned further certifies that the above resolution has not been. repealed or amended and remains in full force and effect and further certifies that the Lease executed on behalf of New Hanover County is the same as presented at such meeting of the governing body of New. Hanover County, excepting only such changes, insertions and' omissions as shall have been approved by the officers who executed the same. This 21 S` day of May, 2001. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr. • Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board ~ • 168 C~ _ iVEVd l~A~~VER C®ll~1TY BO~R® OF C>t~N91VB9SS~ONE~S REQUEST F®R DOARD ACTT®N Meeting Date: - 05/21/01 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Library Presenter: Contact: David :Paynter .SUBJECT: Cape Fear iVlemorial F®undation Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: - Cape Fear Memorial Foundation has awarded the New Hanover County Public. Library. $50,000 to develop a separate space i~n the Main Library for a Consumer Health Library. New Hanover County Public .Library would use the funds to remodel the area behind the reference desk on the first floor for this project. RECOMMENDED'MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommended acceptance of grant FUNDING SOURCE: ~ Cape Fear Memorial Foundation . ATTACF4MENTS: - Letter of Award Grant Contract (2 copies for signature-Dottie has them) Approva'I of application from County Commissioners ' REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S CON.1P ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTICjNS%COMMENTS: ~,; • . ~®c~Nn cen~r~~ioN~ ' APPROVED G POSTi'OIVED ~ HEARD DATE L ® ~~, Board of Directors; Agnes R. Beane N/iltiam H. Cameron J. Richard Corbett. M.D. W. Carter Mebane, III R. T. Sinclair, Jr., M. D, Robert F. Warwick, CPA Louie, E. Woodbury, Jr. • , Garry A. Garris President ~~ ~~r ~~®~ia1 F~~~~a~~~r~ 2508 Independence Boulevard. Suite 200 Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 • - (910)452-06 FAX: (910) 452-58~~,.. March 29, 2001 i Mr. David M. PaVnter . Library Director New Hanover County Public Library 201 Chestnut Sreet , Wilmington, NC 28401 Re,: Consumer Health library/Space Renovation Grant _,"x233 Dear Mr. Poynter: At its meeting on 3/28/2001, the Board of Directors of Cape Fear Memorial Foundation approved a grant of 550,000.00 for your organization. This grant is to help fund the above-referenced project. To accept this grant, please have your Board Chairman sign and date both copies of the enclosed Grant Contract. Retain one copy; for your records and return a copy to me fer my file. We anticipate the check tc be mailed on or before r~pril 13, 2001, contingent upon ou`r receipt. of the sicned contract. , With your acceptance of this grant you .agree to use these funds only /~~ for charitable purposes and to provide progress reports as requested by ~ /J u5. W'e w111 aLLempt t0 iT!ake tri1S request as accommoaat~ng as possible. Please feel free tC p11b1.1CiZe your reCelVinQ ttleSe funds. However, we jNould appreciate a cop,•i of any release ~iou make. The Directors of Cape Fear Memorial Foundation are pleased to su_bpcrt you as you serve our com*nunity and wish you continued success.' ,. Sincerely, - . ~~~~ . , Garry G~~ris President enclosures ,~i 170 - .:.... ~~~: Dedica,'t,"ea ; o Advancing Cod's Desire for our Nealing and Health ' ~ ~ , ~„~„ .: ' CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDP.TIO,N" ' GRANT CONTRACT , Organization: New ,Hanover County Public Library P.mount of" Grant. " 550, 000.00 -' r Date of Payment: 4/13/2001 Term,"of Grant: 12 Months ` Project Title: °. Consumer Health Library/Space R:ehovation Grant IDc #233. Ttie following terms are agreed-upon, as ccndit_ons for this grant: 1. The tax-exempt status verified r: the Droposal .is still ualid; any changes in th,e organization that .could lead"to a'change in the status will be ' reported to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation immediately. 2. The funds will be used by the above-named organization solely for the purposes dESCrbed. 3. The organization will keep ar.d maintain records of expenditures adequate to C~"leC;C the L":Se Of the Grant read_ly aVdllable. PrOQreSS repOrtS COI7Cernlrig budget, personnel and program developments will be timely completed and returned to Cape Eenr t~?emorial Foundation: The.Foundaticn will send report forms well in advance of their due date.. 4'. Thy organization will repay,. upon deriand, to Cape. Fear Memorial Foundation .the amount of" the grant if any condition of the contract is not upheld. .Additionally; the organization will r"epav Cade Fear Memorial Foundation an - amount equal to the book value of any assets acquired through a capital avant from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation if and when your organization :is sold or loses its-tax-exempt status.. 5. The organization will send to the Foundation copies-of any printed publicity regarding. the awardir_c of the grant or the program supported by the grant; " the organization. may, if'it chooses,. refer to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation's - - ,supcort in any such publicity. . ti• ~ Futil~rc ~ palrrn.e_'?tS under r~:ulC1. -.1/ea?-' gra.^.tS ?n'1 11. b2 Sll'D] eCi" t..^_. a'Ta11ab1-lily O_ funds"and to satisfactory. review of progress reports. 7. Tine following special terms will be observed: None. The terms of this contract are accepted by: 'CAPE. F SAR .EMORIAL F NDP.T ~ ON By:-. Garry G- i~, President Date: _~ ~ ~~~~~ • New Hanover County Public Library ~. 8y: °oard charman- Date.: 17~ ~_ ~EV~' ~ ~ - TY BOARD.®F CONIM1SS1t~~lERS REQUEST FOR i30ARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/08/01 Additional Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Library Presenter: Contact: David Paynter SUBJECT: Consumer Healtfi~ Library Grant Application BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Public Library is requesting $130,000 from the. Cape Fear Memorial. Foundation to renovate an area of 'the Main Library to house a consumer health collection which was recently received by NHCPL from the New Hanover County Regional Medical Foundation. ; Renovation would be done in conjunction with the proposed renovation of the Main Library, if that project is approved. -• RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTlONS• Approve submission of grant application. . FUNDING SOURCE: Cape Fear Memorial Foundation ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: - LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Consider approval of submission of grant application. A work session on the pending capital projects, incl ing renovation of the third floor or the Library, is scheduled to be held on January 18. c _ COMMISS~IRS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• _ _ - cau,!~r c~Ml~ls lo~i~~s -.~ . - - - AP°ROVED I . ~'~ ^ - _ _; ~ PONED ^ H DINE n I _,o ~ ~ +D 1 __~ ' iVE~V ~AI~®VER COUNTY ~®AR® ®F C®MMISSIONERS REQUEST fOR .BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/21/01 Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~. Department: County Manager .Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Bill Caster -Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Approval for County to Participate in Regional .Heritage Tourism Project BRIER SUMMARY: New Hanover County is requested to participate in the Cape Fear Regional Growth Team Heritage/Tourism Map by contributing $5,000 to defray costs of printing a regional map of the heritage tourism sites. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COM NTS AND RECOmMENDATioNS: Recommend approva . nnnnnn~ccanatrnc~ wnTr we inn11A11ACA17C. ~®UNTIf C©NiMi~510NEp~ . APPROVED REJ~!~T~'~ ^ RE:~.,,~ ~ :,:~ G PDS T PANED ^ 1 HEARC p QATE ~.,, `~ I ! o I INV®ICE To: Brunswick County Columbus drounty New Hanover County Pender County City of Wilmington . ATTENTI®N MANAGER REFERENCE: , Cape Fear Regional Growth Team Heritage /Tourism Map At the Growth Team meeting on Wed. April ~5t", each of the above entities agreed to accept an assessment of $5000.00 each to cover the cost of printing a regional map of the heritage tourism sites. Amount ®ue to Cape Fear C®G: 5000.00 le se If there are any questsons, p a contact Chris May ASAP. Thanks! Chris May ;,~~ 174 w - hr:, t . _ } f,.,.,~~~1 NE~V HANOVER COUN1-Y BOAR® OF CON9MISS1®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - _ Meeting Date: ®5/21101 Consent Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' Department: Human Resources Presenter: Andre R. Maflette Contact: Andre R. Mallette SUBJECT: Personnel Policy Changes BRIEF Sl1MMARY: Attached for your approval are recommended changes to various sections of the county's. personnel- policy. The reasons for the changes are described below: ~. ® . Ar#icle li -.Classification Plan .° Deleted portion under Sec 3 that was no longer applicable due to the new classification structure. ~ Article Ill -Pay Pian , The changes reflect the language.. needed to administer and describe the new pay plan. Changes to this article also include the deletion of all references to the Emergency Medical Services Department. ~ Article IV. Sec. 11- Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the liyorkplace - Changed.to conform with. the language recommended by lega`L.advisers in their review of court . .decisions. Article VI. Sec. 11- Unlawful Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Changed to include a method that will afford employees a means to report .other types of harassment iri addition to sexual harassment. ® Article VI1. Sec. 27 -.'Emergency Leave and Compensation • . Changed to more accurately reflect the practices used during these periods. Added, guidelines for employees dispatched.to work in other locales as a result of an emergency. ® Article IX -Employee Benefits Changed method of determining years of eligibility for continued health and dental coverage following: retirement. .For the sake of consistency, we recommend using the same definitions anal accrual. of years recognized by the North Carolina Retirement System with fhe added stipulation that the last five years earned prior to retirement must have been with the New Hanover County Government. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend that the Board of Commissioners approve the requested changes and that the - changes become effective immediately upon such approval. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • Copies of the affected portions of the personnel policy. ~ ~4UfVT1i ~pMMiS~I®~~~~, ~.,.. APt~2OVED ~ , r~ REVIEWED BY:. R~JwCTED O LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES:.,,,, at~:~..~?~,'.ED 0 Recommend approval POSTPt3NED ^ ENDATIOIVS; BEARD I~ ~ o~,TE ~,~ log _ X175 r '~ , {This page intentionally left blank} }: ~~. 176 .. ~ ~-, ~-., - ~lEVlf ~HAtV01/ER C®UNTY ~®~,R~ ~F COIVI9VIISSS®(VERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . • .Meeting ®ate: 05/21/1 Consent .Item„ #: 13~ Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell Contact: Bruce T: Shell SUBJECT:. ' Bank of America; N.A. Resolution Opening and Maintaining Deposit Accounts and Services BRlfF SUMiVIARY: •. Attached Bank of America, N.A. Resolution Opening and Maintaining Deposit Accounts and • Services for New Hanover County Savings Account for DSS client. This dedicated savings account is required by the Social Security Administration for deposit of back SSI payments. , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND ..REQUESTED ACTIONS: • Recommend Board of County Commissioners adopt the Bank of America, N:A. Resolution Opening and Maintaining Deposit Accounts and Services for a dedicated New Hanover County Savings ..Account for DSS client. . . • FUND9NG SOURCE: - 'N/A ATTACHMENTS,:.., . REVIEWED BY:' ` LEGAL: N/A FLNANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A "COUNTY MANAGER'S COM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~ - COMMISSIONERS' ACT1 NS/COMMENTS: - ~OUN1Y CpMNiI ION .. - . ~ ~~ ~ - APPROVED. REJECTED p REMQVED POSTPONED• ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ `' ' HEARD - ~°~ ~`~ t~~9~i~d ~~~y ~f ~~aa~ea~a~s®~~~ A$s®eia~®~ae ~~~~ia+~aase~ . BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. (THE "BANK") ~~~~i>ro~ ~~~ ~®ae~aas~®~~ ®~~®~a~ use®~~~~ eased 5~~~®~e~ Name of Unincorporated Association ounty for Tareic ricCar I, the undersigned, hereby certify to Bank o f America, N . A. , that I am the Secretary/Assistant Secretary and the designated keepet• of the records and minutes of NeTa Hanover County for Tareic McCarty , an unincorporated association whose principal address is in the State of North Carolina (the "Association"); that F have full authority to manage, represent, sign for and hind the Association, that the following is a true copy of resolutions duly adopted by the gnverr_ing body of said Association at a meeting duly held nn the day of , at which a quorum was present and acted throughout nr adopted by the unanimous written consent of the governing body; and that such resolutions are in full force and effect and have not been amended nr rescinded. 1. ~~$a~~~rs~, that Bank of America N. A. (the "Bank") is hereby designated as a depository of the Association and that deposit accounts and/nr time deposits (CDs) be opened and maintained in the name of this Association with the Bank in accordance with the terms of the Bank's Deposit Agreement and Disclosures and the applicable rules and regulations for such aceourts; that any one of the following Authorized Representatives of this Association: Bruce T. Shell Finance Director Name Title Julianne M. Griffin De utv FinannP'n;rPnrnr ' Marne Title Barbara D. McClure Name Name Assistant Finance D;~-c'tnr Title ' Title is lierehy authorized, on behalf of this Association and in its name, to execute and to sign any application, deposit agreement, sigitatut•e card and any other documentation required by the Bank to open said accounts; to sign checks, drafts, notea, bills of exchange, acceptances; time deposits (CDs) or other orders for payment of money; to endorse checks, drafts, notes, bills, time deposits (CDs) or other instruments awned or held by this Association for deposit with Bank or for collection or discount by the Bank; to accept drafts, acceptances, and other instruments payable at the Bank; to place orders with the Bank for the purchase and sate of foreign currencies on behalf of this Association; to execute and deliver an electronic fund transfers agt•eem? and to make transfers or withdrawals by electronic transfer on behalf of the Association; to obtain an access device (including but nnf limited to a cats code, nr other means of access to the Association's accounts) that may be used for the purpose of initiating electronic fund transfers [Association agr~e_... and acknowledges that neither the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (16 U.S.C. 1693 et seq.) nor Regulation E (12 C.F.R. Part 206} are applicable to any, such. access device]; to establish and maintain a night deposit relationship; to execute and deliver a wire transfer agreement and to request, nr to appoint or delegate from time to time such persons who may request, wires of funds; to enter into any agreements with the Bank for the provision by Bank of vat•inus Treasut•y Managemenbservices to this Association as such Authorized Representative may determine, in his or her sole discretion, and to sign any and all documents and 'take all actions required by Bank relative to such Treasury Management services or the pet•formance of the Association's obligations thereunder, and that any such Treasury Management agreement(s) shall remain in full force and effect until written notice to terminate given in accordance with the terms of ary such agreement shall have been received by the Bank and that such termination shall not affect any dctinn taken by the Bank prior to such termination; to rent or lease a sttife deposit box from Bank, to •execute the rental agreement or lease, to enter the safe deposit box and to terminate the rental agreement nr lease; to take whatever other actions or enter into whatever other•agreetnents relating to the accounts or investment of funds in such accounts with the Sank and to execute, amend, supplement and deliver to $ank such agreements nn behalf of the Association upon such terms and conditions as such Authorized Representative tray deem appropriate and to appoint and delegate, from time to time, such person{s) who tray be authorized to enter into such agreements and take any other actions pursuant to such agreements in connection with said accounts that the P_uthorized Representative deems necessary; and to waive presentment, demand, protest, and notice of protest or dishonor of any check; Hate, hill, draft, or other instrument made, drawn or endorsed by this Association; and 2. ~soe'$$eep• Res®~v'es$, that the Bank he and is hereby authorized to honor, receive, certify, pay nr exchange for money orders or other instruments all instruments signed in accordance with the foregoing resolutions even though such payment may create an overdraft or even though such instruments may he drawn or endorsed to the order of any Authorized Representative signing the same or tendered by such Authorized Representative nr a third party for exchange or cashing, or in payment of the individual obligation of such Authorized Representative, or for deposit to such Authorized Represeniative's personal account and Bank shall not he required or he under any nhiigation to inquire as to the circumstances of the issuance nr use of .env instrument signed in accordance with the foregoing resolutions nr the application or disposition of such instrument nr the proceeds thereof; and, further, that the Bank is authorized to honor any instructions regarding withdrawals, orders for payment or transfer of funds whether oral, by te(ephnne nr electronic means if such withdrawal, orders or transfer are initiated by an Authorized Representative; and ~s2 ,n,~~ ,+~, n f ~ e ~. ~alr~$$eetr 3t~s®ived, that-the+Bank }ie"and°isYhet eby requested, authorized and directed to honor and to treat as authorized, checks, drafts oz•other orders for the payment of money drawn or purportedly drawn in this Association's name, including those payable to the individual order of any person whose name appea:•s thereon as signer thereof, when bearinglos- purporting to hear the facsimile signature of an Authorized Representative authorized in the foregoing resolutions and Bank shall;,be entitled to honor, to treat as authorized, and to charge this Association for such checks, drafts, nr other orders regardless of by whom or by whai means t~i ~actualtor'*purported facsimile signature thereon may have been affixed thereto, if such signature~•- _•'• rest~htfacsimile specimen duly cet•tified.bn'or fil`ed~wzth the Bank by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary or other officer nr an Authorized Repr se to of this Association nr if such facsimile~signa~,,t";:ii•e resembles any facsimile signature previously affixed to any check, draft, or other nt der drawn in the Association's name;.:which check draft, or other+order was accepted end paid without timely objection by the Association, thereby ratifying the use of such facsimile signature;Uard~the'~Aesociafinn hereby indemnifies and holds the Bank harmless against any and all Loss, cost, damage or expense suffered nt• incurred by the Bank arising out of nr in any way related to the misuse or unlawful or unauthorized use by a person of suc}t facsimile signatu.t•e; and Ott-1~1-B011M &-1998 NNC 4, pa~e~4~e~ des®3v~~9, that endorsements for deposit maybe evidenced by the name of the Association being wxitten or stamped on the check or other instrument deposited, without' designation of the party making the endorsement, and Bank is authorized to supply any endorsement on any instrument tendered for deposit or collection; and ue'$~ee~' i8esa~o9~c~; that the Secretary or Assistant Secretary or other duly authorized officer of this Association shall certify to the Bank names signatures of persons authorized to act on behalf of this Association under the foregoing resolutions and shall from time to time hereafter, as cnanges in the identity of said Authorized Representatives ai•e made, immediately report, furnish and certify such changes to Bank and shall submit-ta Bank a new account signature card reflecting such change in order to make such changes effective and Bank shall 6e fully protected in relying on such certifications and shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any claims, demands, expenses, losses, or damages resulting from, or growing out of, honoring the signature of any Authorized Representative so certified, or refusing to honor any signature not so. certified; and g•; ~a~6~ge~~ R~~~Bv®d; that the foregoing resolutions shall remain in full force and effect and the authority herein given to all of said persons shall . remain irrevocable as far as Bank is concerned until three (3) business days after Bank is notified in writing of the revocation of such,authority and that receipt of such notice shall not affect any action taken by the Bank prior thereto: and 7; ~aee$~~~ des®1~'~~, that all transactions by any Authorized Representative, officer or employee of this Association on its behalf and in its name with Bank prior to the delivery to Bank of a certified copy of the foregoing resolutions are, in all respects, hereby ratified, confirmed; approved and adopted; and g, ¢~~}a~~ ~®aa3et~e9, that the Secretaz•y or Assistant Secretary be and hereby is, authorized and du•ectedto certify these resolutions to Bauk and that the provisions hereof are inconformity with the Articles of Association, Charter, Rules and Bylaws of this Association: Secretary fee `iNa~~~ss `~$$aorc®'~ and intending to bind the Association, I have hereunto subscribed my name ae the - of this Association, this `day of ' _ - ~ Secretary/Assistant Sect•etaty • Banking Center Name Associate's Name Au~:ncir~he'u Phnne Number __ {This page intend®nally left blank} ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTION 4 Meeting Date: 05!21/01 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 14.1 .Estimated Time: DEPARTMENT: Sheriff-Federal Forfeited Property BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-47 ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT ` Federal Forfeited Property $16,115 Capita) Project Expense $16,115. EXPLANATION: To.increase budget for additional revenue received 4-20-01, 4-25-01 and 5-4-01. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as.the Sheriff deems necessary. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved ~„~~ i~'' ~:~v~~~l~l~~i~ '' ~~, "~'c~`~'Et~ "~~'" ~ J~U/~~J ~ fn' ~ ~. (' r; C ~ ~ S f d~~~~ ~_ ~~~ ~ l c ('~ ff y_ ~~{{ ~~1 ,.4 l f''~„/! 4 Y ~ ,ICY V - ~ ,! iVEVV HAtV®~ER COUNTY BOAI~® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST. FOR BOARD-ACTION Meeting Date: ,®5/21/01 . ~. Budget Amendment Consent Iterri #: Estimated Time: Page Number: . DEPARTMENT: Sheriff-Federal Forfieited Property 'BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-47 ADJUSTMENT - _ !DEBIT CRIEDIT Federal Forfeited Property $16,135 . Capital Project Expense $16,115 _ ~~~ ~ .,, r 1 EXPLANATION: To .increase budget for additional revenue received 4-2C-01, 4-25-01 and - 5-4-01. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as~~eceived and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary:, - . ~i >. _.: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: With approval of this budget amendment, the propriated fund balance will be $4,258,562, t i.~~ '~,.. ~ , APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Corrimissioners - COM'MISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: /P - , ~i, ~_ .. ., APPROVED ~ , . REJE.CT~D4~• p - • Rd"ft~0yC~ , C7 , :r. .. pOST'F~OI~ED=p Q ~' HERRD ~-' - ~ V ~Ew ~A~ovER Courv-~Y BOAR®®F c®~~~ss~®~ERs REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Dater 05/21101 Budget Amendrnen~ Consent Item #: Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Sheriff-Controlled Substance Tax BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-49 ADJUSTMENT Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project Expense DEBIT CREDIT $1,653 ' $1,653 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional revenue received 5-4-01. ,Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. •~ .. 6 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ;:~4194~~' ~O~J1~i`~~10N REMOVED d ~':` ~ pOSTpQN,ED~p`. , 1 2 liEA~RD, . ,~, , I~z NEB SAN®~'ER COL9N~'Y ~OAR® ®F COMIVIISSIOIVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 0/21/01 dud et Arnendrnent Consent Item #: Estimated Tune: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Health/Breast & Cervical Cancer Control Program, BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0201 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT' CREDIT ` Health.: Breast & Cervical Cancer Control. Program: "State Grant $4,000. Contracted Services $4,000 EXPLANATION.: To budget additional money received from the State Grant (BCCCP~ to be used tor. screening.' These are one time funds to be used in the current fiscal year. ADDIT90NAL INFORMATION: ~--°°~ .APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~®UN`TY OOMMISSION~~ A~!'ROVEO C,/ RE.1~: -~~ rJ RE'.... , ~D p . ; POSTf~ONED p ~ ~ V b~EAR DATE _'~-~ of {This page intenti®nally left blank} ~ ,~ r-n NEVV HAN®VER C®UNTY ~®ARD OF COMMISSI®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date.: 05/21/01 Consent Item #: 15 Estimated Time: Page Number: Depar#ment: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Annual Plan for Juvenile. Crime Prevention Council for July 2,.2001 to June~30, 2002 BRLEF SUMMARY: Each year the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) is required to.submit an annual plan to the Board of County Commissioners outlining the funding and program ,plans for the coming fiscal year: The plan, if approved, must be submitted to the Area office of the N. C. Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (DJJDP) and then submitted to the State office of DJJDP for final. approval. The document is engthy and is available for review in the County Manager's office. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the plan for submittal to the Area and State offices of DJJDP. ~FUNI~ING SOURCE: NC DJJDP, I"ocal in-kind matches, other state/federal sources ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Consider approval of plan. Staff recommends approva COMMISSIDNERS° ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ®uN~r cQ~~ON~r . .APPROVED RE~+Y,~~`rJ ~ QQ RL'."va~fl ^ ~ .V 5 . POSTPON ED Q HEARD ®~y, SATE ~..~...'~,4:.~ ~ 1,~„ i {This page intentionally left blank} ~ . ~ _ J ~ -~ 1~6 ~ ~ -x ~~~. ~ , #~ . _.. _ ._r... 4M j~ _..-. ~. s - ~ ~. - NEVV N~~lVOVER COUNTY ~Oo4R® ®F COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST-FOR B®ARD ACTION ~ - . - Meeting'~ate: ®5/21/01 . . Consent item.#: 16 Estimated Time:: Page.Number ~ ~~ ' Department: :County Manager Presenter: • t Contact: ,.Andy Atkinson l y { .. SUBJECT: . - ~ Create New Dire+Vtor Position for~the Juvenile Day Reporting:Cereter (.DDRC) BRIEF SUMMARY: • For. the past number of years the Community Boys' and Girls' Club (CB&GC)' has contracted with the County to operate the Pathways Program. This .program was responsible for operating fhe - alternative sentencing program for longterm suspended students and%orcoiart adjudicated youth. The program has grown to a Capacity of 40 young people with the short term-need growing to 100 - offenders. The CB&GC has decided that this program is no longer compatible wifh their other programs and is ending our contract with them as of June.30;:2001. .This is a vital program for our community. It is designed to keep offenders in a program where they can be .evaluated, . , .services provided to meet the needs revealed from the evaluation, and educational services provided to keep them current while. out of the school system. Also, the program, will operate to keep these young people off the streets while their paCents are at work.. . The school system was providing 4 teachers,. 4 teacher's aids, and a head master position for the program. Due to budget restraints these positions will'no longer be available to the JDRC. Needless to say, we are back at square one, and must begin he program again. The JCPC has developed a plan to address this issue. With the $188;000 we have available from the~State in , - JCPC funds we propose the following: ~. ® Establish a County position for the director of the program. Please see the attached job description.. . ® House the. program in the County owned facil-ity on Princess Street that currently houses the . Adult Day Sentencing Center: This will become vacant when Coastal Horizons moves to their new facility in September 2001. - ® The remaining JCPC funds will be used to develop a scaled down program to handle a limited - number of young. people in the short term. ® The director will be charged with the task of growing the program using grant funding to increase the number of young people the program can. take. _ - ®. No County funds will be required for the program other than using the County facility, and the , current school resource officer presently assigned to the Pathways Program. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND:REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve establishment of-nevv granffunded County position at the salary grade of MG08, salary range of $64,,480 to $71,947. FUNDING SOURCE: ~®UNTY e8~,~~~S~l®N ~ , ' . JCPC State allocation. ~ -, APPROVED fig/ - REJCCTED ^ ATTACHMENTS: REMOVED d .. POSTPONED Director's. job description for Juveriile HEARD {{p~ 1 % - -. SATE ~'~-! l n ( - -~ '~,'. - Meeting on Establishing a J REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend establishment f the position with the understanding that if grant funds are not continued the position wil 'urinated. Grant funding for this position is for the period July 1 2001 •~June 30, 2002. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~ .~ ., 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,. pR. D. JOHN MORRIS. JR. StrpeNM9ndenl' `~ I7R. A~.FRFA H. t~RCH, JR. . Asslstanf 9.rpertMendent SYtKient SUppon Prograrru. ®~ F~cferot Progrmms: T~rHng ~~U ~® . iv15.d.t Tc~; Andy A1:iCinson ~~`~rorz~: ,A.l Lerckz ~,`~ . ~2age: 05/11/01 "~ ~,e; Day Sentencing Center Please be advised that witk: tkze recent budget isscres the school system wi11 not be able to support any teaching positions izz the netiv day sentencing cezzter. C: D. Jol%n. ~oxr~s April 16, 2001 jvlr. Andy Atkinson,. Deputy County Manager '~~ ~ %~''? New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street ~ ~~~ 1i-1>`hiVG~JE~I ,~~ Wilmington, NC 2401 ~IAi~JAG~~3'~ O1~Flu~ Dear Andy: On behalf of the Board of Director and myself, we appreciate the opportunity to revise our2001/2002 JCPC Proposal to reflect the monetary and programmatic changes ofthe Pathways/Alternative Education Center to a Day Reporting Juvenile Justice Facility. However, in keeping consistent with the Community Boys & Girls Club of wiiminaton, iv C, Inc. mission, we wiii 'be unable at this time to accommodate your request in operating a program that only targets adjudicated .youngsters in a day reporting format. As you are aware, we entered this collaboration with the initial intent of helping long-term suspended youth acquire the skills necessary for re-entering the: normal school environment. However, we believe that the revised program differs substantially from our initial understanding.. We hope that this decline. does not impair the level of services offered to assist adjudicated youngsters, but our Board of Directors expressed its commitment to conduct only a quality program consistent with our mission and assisted with the necessary financial resources. This was a long and difficult process in reaching a decision. We understand that this program will continue until the end of June, 2001. We would still Like to make sure that our liability concerns are addressed for the remainder of that term; and for any liabilities that may have arisen in the past. In that light, we would appreciate your having Kemp Burpeau contact our attorney, Christopher Leonard, to continue work on this issue. it you are in need o} any >`ilrther information regarding the decision process or the current Pathways/Alternative Education Program, please do not hesitate to call me at 762-1252, Respectfully yours; CONI1VTUh1ITY BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF WILiViINGTON, NC, INC. 4 ti: ~ Kevin J. Y a ood Executive Director cc: Neill Currie 1 eggs Christopher Leonard The ~®Sltl~~ ~'lccce F'o~ Kids Support is greatly accepted through a wild trust or endowment Commwuty Boys &. Girls Club of WiLnington, NC, Inc. 901 Nixon Street P.O_ Box 1612 Wilmington, NC 28?02 (910)762-122 (910) 251-7933 Fax Officers Neill Currie President: .Tim \?ls1L~r.-° vice President Dorothy DeShie(ds Vice President Ctayion Gsell Vice President Christopher Leonard Secretary Loretta Stackhouse Treasurer Board of Directors Cliff Arthur Spence Broadhurst Carl Brown Carl Byrd Kevin Callanan Dan Cameron Tandy Carter Windell Daniels Hilda Cameron-Dill Terome Fennell Ken Haigler Thom Hvrison Stan Hughes W ayne :1'ackson Cathy Jones William Lockhart Hugh MacRae, iII Mary .Moore Faye Murphy Tohn Refinery Jimmy Smith Executive Director Kevin Yelrwood *~'~~~ T Cape~.Fear Area l:Jnf tad 1A/ay . r ~~~~ ~.~~q,. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ' , Department ®f Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention . 13S NORTH 4TH STREET ' - WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 284U1 TELEPHONE: (910) 341-4418 FAX: (91 Q) 341-441.9 Michael F. Easley Dohn Hargrove ' Governor • Acting Director Intervention and Prevention Bureau George L. Sweat , . ~ Phyllis V. Roebuck Secretary ~` Chief Court Counselor 5th District Court :. District May 14, 2001 . Mr. Andy Atkinson, Deputy County .Manager New Hanover County Administration Bldg. 320 Chestnut Street ~ . Suite 502: Wilmi~ngtori, NC 28401 ' l~ Dear Andy: - ~ r A Day Reporting Center is vital to serving the children of New Hanover County who have been long term suspended, or uvha have been court ordered. -into day reporting. The corrimunity efforks and support for a day reporting center will enable us to identify numerous children .who need. a structured multifaceted ' environment and to prevent commitments to the Department of Juvenile~Justice's Youth Academies and to • protect the community as well as serving the identified population. a The County :has currently. budgeted $200,000 .per year fo,r children in juvenile detention. Under the riew. juvenile code more severe restrictions are placed on commitments to youth academies requiring County's to utilize community-based resources to. meet the, needs. The children that were formerly eligible for . Youth Academies are the same children that are in .need of a structured day reporting center. The cost of detention could more than double and there could be_ an increase in out-of-county specialized .foster .: homes. ~ ~ • 1 implore you.to consider the value and importance of this program to our community and ask that you respond favorably to the request for funding. The cost to the County could be excessive if there is not a structured environment to .meet the needs of these children. If we are to meet .the guidelines as outlined in the General Statutes and by th.e Governor, this program is critical to that effort. As Chief Court Counselor, I strongly recommend the funding of a Day Reporting Center in New Hanover County. ~ ~_ Thank you in advance for your consideration. Respectfully Submitted, 191_- Phyllis V. Roebuck MAY.-1,5-01 TUE. 04 ; 31' .~Ph1 ;JUDGES OFFICE FAX N0, 9103414071 ' ~. P, 02 - ~ L"O - ~ s en -~- ~ Gen cz.. {~ ~,. ,. - _ ~ `p .„ y~ fey a. ~~ r.~ t,~'~~~~ .~t~t~~ o~'North Carnlinlz , C~re~rul ,Court of Justice • district. Court .~lvlS'iU12 • - ~ - ~ ~ ~~r'i,~lrJrrdlClcT1 Dl.Sll'ICt N~~y'11~~u~~i~er-<:uuurvaudiciall3uildiug. 316Friacc~ss SUY:~r, Suilcr X19 , ' i6Slrrviug,7grr, NC` 28~f01--1099 ar.>hn J. Ca n•ul1, III. I'Zrnne: (91 fJ) 3~J1- l 11G Chic~!'11i.cLrirt Cuart.Irui~:~ '1~ir:~r (.910)x;3-11=1071.., ,. • .. N1ay 1:5, 2UU1 `: New ~Ianciver Cciirnty Commissioners 32U Chcstr-ut Strcct, Room 30.5` WiltiTiington, Noi~i'h Carolina, 2H4Q1 . . Dear C'ommissioncrs: ,_ ' ' , , - ~. In t>rclcr liar' the judicr~tl aystem to •li'ave. alternatives. fr~r sentencing,. C support the estlblishrYrcnt of a Juvenile D~iy Reporting Center as proposed by the JCi'C. I understand ' Ii~at tlicrc is a rcduest on your May 2't, 2001 agenda to establish ~ position for the director of thisJuvcnilc nay l~,eporliilg Center. Witll the lirrlited funding available, T believe this ' i:5 the ~.lirGCtiprl we ~~ceii to take to insure a Juvenile Day Reporting Ccritcr is in opcratinrt for u5e,by the judges. Without tlie. program, thcsa young j~eople would be on the street . with ,IV supcrvisio~~. .~ . I lx~pc that iri the lutu're, the Juvenile 17~~y 1'Feport.ing Center can grow into a facility that is . able to provide a wide range oE',rerviccs to the young people snit there; °I'hanlc ,yoir for your consideration. If,yt?ir need any additional infonnatiorr.from me or otl~cr nlembcrs ofahc fifth District .ludicial Tcam, please ]et: me know.. • Sincerely, ~~ lohn J. C:arroll,llI . chief ~ristsict Court Judge .. ~~ , ,~ . /`~ '1 " ~:~ J