Agenda 2001 06-18AGENDA June 1$, 20019:00 a.m. NEW IIANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, ,New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER' WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEIVIS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES NO. 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Award 1 9:20 a.m. 2. Recognition of New County Employees 3 . 9:25 a.m. 3: Recognize the Department of Aging for their Senior Center of 5 Excellence Certification Award ~~ 9:30 a.m. 4. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Budget Ordinances for New 13 Hanover County and the Fire Service District 9: 45 a.m. 5. Consideration of Resolution for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Outside Agency 15 Funding 9:50 a.m. 6. Consideration of Floodplain Ordinance Amendment -Second Reading 17 10:15 a.m. 7. Committee Appointments 21 10:30 a.m. 9. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 23 10:45 a.m. 10 Non Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) 10:55 a.m.. 11. Additional Items: County Commissioners, County Attorney, County Manager 11:10 a.m. Adjourn 1:00 p.m. Meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review *Note: The time listed for each agenda item is estimated, and in the event that a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move to the next item. ~~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC June 18, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit to 3 minutes) 23 2. Approval of Minutes 2~ ~. 3. Consideration of Request for Water and Sewer Service 27 4. Consideration of Bald Eagle Lane Water Line Extension Contract #O1-02$4B 29 and Associated Budget Amendment #2001-55 5. Consideration of Acceptance of Public Dedication of Bridge Road, Area A; 37 Edgewater Club Road, Area B; Glazier Road, Area C; Kings Grant Section 9, Area D 6. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2001.. 2002 Budget Ordinance for the New Hanover 43 County Water and Sewer District Adjourn - , CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 18, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Authorize Staff to Proceed with Property Purchase for Wetland Restoration 47 Project 2. Approve Distribution of Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) Units and Supporting 51 Contracts #00-0348A, 00-0348B, 00-0348C, 00-0348D, 00-0348E. • Distribution of Units to the City of Wilmington, Town of Kure Beach, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Carolina Beach, and the New Hanover Regional Medical Center as per the' MDT Distribution Plan Recommended by the 911 Communications Coordinating Committee and Approved by the Sheriff 3. Award of Bid #O1-0287 and Approval of Contract #01-0287 to Powerhouse 5 Technology, Inc. for the Purchase of Replacement Grate Parts for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department 4.. Approval of Sale of Property at 7`h and Wooster Streets 57 5. Approval of Health Department Fee Revisions: Environmental Health, 61 Animal Control, Personal Health-Medicaid Rate Change 6. Approval of Grant Application for "Diabetic Care for Prenatal Patients" for 67 $25,00 from the North Carolina Medical Society Foundation 7. Approval of Grant .Application for Healthy Homes Asthma Program for 73 $28,600 from New Hanover County Partnership for Children (Smart Start) 8. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 79 Collection Reports 9. Approval of Capitalization and Purchase- Order Requirements 83 10. Approval of PARTF Grant for $250,000 for Veterans Park and Associated 85 Budget Amendment #01-56 11. Approval to Submit Application for Rural Operating Assistance Program 97 Grant Approval of Budget Amendments: 12.-1 01-0224 Non-Departmental/Contingencies/Juvenile Services 99 12.2 #01-0225 Social Services/DSS Administration/Child Daycare/CP&L 100 Intervention 12.3 #O1-0226 General Fund/Emergency Telephone System Fund: Sheriff's 101 Departments'Sheriff-Administration/Sheriff 911 12.4 #2001-51 Federal Forfeited Property 102 12.5 #2001-52 Controlled Substance Tax 103 i ITEMS ®F BUSINESS . 12.6 #02-0229 Human Services Transportation a PAGE NO. 104 rJ IVEW HAN®VER COUNTY B®AR® OF C®MMISS6C(VER~ REQUEST FOR 130ARD ACTION Meeting' Date: 06/18/01 Regular item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant . SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: 'The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Beverly K. Bass -Health. Dept.,, Saundra H. Sikes -Social Services; TEN (10) YEAR: Yolanda M. Fonville -library; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Ronnie L. Ansbach - Engiheering; .Bobby Waters -Health Dept.; Carolyn A. Johnson ,- Tax Dept.; TWENTY (20) YEAR: Elizabeth B. Potter -Tax Dept.; and Elirida P. Crowningshield -Sheriff's .Dept. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: -TE11A DOES PVOT REQUIRE REVIEW • ~~un~ co~IMt~to~~ APPROVED ~ '~' REJECTED Q REMOVED, ~ f PG`s T S ONED Fl~:r,~..~ ~ l8'.0.1 ~G~'''' ~,, ~ ~ ' - -r~,.,.,~ ~.e ~~~l~Q~~ a x ~„ " ~ ..a i '~ .._ r !p ~. ~• ~`k °7 i NEVV HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06118/01 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Recogni#ion of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of newly hired county employees will be provided to the Board .prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS; ITEM ®OES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~~ Recognize new employeesJ~,;~'~'~~a . . ~~~~, ~'' ,,- rnnnnnaccenAic~c~ A/~TInA1C`%!'fflMfiAC'AITC• • AUNTY GOMMiI® APPROVED . ~~! ~` IREIECTED Q Fi'EMOVED (~ ~ { POSTPONED };~ `~ . 3 n This page intentionally left blank} i - ++,,}~ .',~. i'. f~ ~ ~~ ~ ... e ~..-t~ NEVII HAIVOVER COUNTY ~I~ARD ®F C®MMISSIOIVERS ~'~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06018/01 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumpton Contact: Annette Crumpton • SUBJECT: Recognize the ®epartment of Aging for their Senior Center of Excellence Certification Award. BRIEF SUMMARY:. The Department of Aging has been awarded the Senior Center of Excellence certification from the North Carolina .Division. of Aging. The certification award was presented after an extensive audit including on-site monitoring by a specially appointed review team and study of the Department of Aging's programs for the past three years. The certification is valid for three years; from April. 1, 2001 to March 31, 2004. Centers of Excellence provide exemphary services and opportunities to their older adult population and to their communities. The New Hanover County Department of Aging is very pleased and honored to receive this certification and to be viewed as a Senior Center of Excellence. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Commissioners to recognize the Department of Aging staff for their dedication to their mission that made this certification possible. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: Copy of letter of certification and certificate. REVIElNED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve COUNTY. MANAGER°S COMMENTS AND REC011~IV HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recognize and congratulate the department:°`r. -" COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ `' • r~UN3Y COMnflI -- ~APPROVED ~~~ ~-~'' REJECTED C3 '" IR.EMOVED CD ~,-..,,'', POSTPONED D "~ ''~~~ .iF "`~ti ~~,e.M ~}EARi~ ~ ~ a .., t ~ ~:. -J .r y3 ~~ l~ -j .. ~g> ' w,M~ 1'~®~-t~ ~~~-a~~~a ~e~~~ta~er~~ a~' ~ca~t~ ~~d u~~~ ~'e~raccs ~~~~~~~~ o~ Ab~~~. ~Ylichael F. Easley, Governor Carmen Hooker Buell, Secretary April 4, 2001 6 Annette Crompton, Director Nevv Hanover County Department of Aging 2222 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Annette: . Karen E. Gottovi Director The N.C' Division of Aging is pleased to inform you that,' based on the on-site certification visit conducted on February 1, 2001, the Nevv Hanover County Senior Center has bee; determined to be a Senior Center ofi i=xc~i9ence. This certification is valid for three years, from April 1', 2001 to ~Ularch 31, 2004. The re~/iew team that conducted the. certification included, Division of Aging staff, Cape Fear Area Agency on Aging representatives, UNC Center fior Aging Resources arid Educational Services (CARES) staff, two senior, center, directors f rom other counties and regions, and the New Hanover County Senior Tar Heef Legislator. Conoratulations to you and your center for achieving the status of Center of Excellence. Your Certificate of Excellence is enclosed with this report. A number of outstanding strengths were identified in the report information that follows. A few recommendations are also included. The following summarizes the findings of the site review team: i. information and Referrarl, Case ,assistance, and flutreac~ Merit. All merit criteria met. Excellence: All excellence criteria met. Outstanding Strengths 1.),~~.~ nefre~iew~team was especially impressed vvith your emphasis on publicity efforts. The ~~•-~-~~~~~ se~~ii~or~~~n~er~sti`owed docurr~entation for ten regular publications in which you regularly run stories~~ads`~a~nd~ notices. These range from daily and weekly newspapers, including one r--, r~ ~~r srn- . . ~; that~targets~mimonties; to a senior center newsletter and two additional newsletters for congreaate'~r~iEal sits participants and home delivered meals clients. These publicity efforts mGi<e~irifor•"r~iation about the center's prograrris readily accessible tc minorities, people with- disabilities;, anc,~ali older adults in the county. .: , :Mailing A~3dress: 21 Ul uCail Service Center ~ Raleigh, i~IC _7699-3101 ~ (919) 733-3933 ovation: b93 ?'aline; Drive. Raleigh, ~iC 2%003 ~ State CuiErier No. 6-20-02 ~ Fax ~fo. (919} 733-043 ~~ ~,-. _,,r~ 2) .The team especially noted your efforts to make meals available to seniors who need them on the weekends, in addition to the meals they receive through the regular weekday meals ;~ program. 3) Perhaps the most impressive effort covered in this section is the senior center's hurricaneldisaster preparedness and response program. The New Hanover County Senior Center has been a mode! for .North Carolina with its efforts to provide seniors with disaster preparedness, response, and recovery assistance. The senior center works directly with the New Hanover County Emergency Management office as part of the county disaster team to assist seniors with transportation to shelters; deliver food and water; and help with numerous special needs before and, after disaster warnings and evacuations. In the aftermath of a hurricane, the senior center also serves as a focal point for seniors to receive disaster information and assistance. The senior center has also negotiated a disaster relocation agreement with a neighboring senior housing facility, Liberty Commons. Ntost recently, the senior center building has been made generator-ready so that it can be used during electrical outages caused by hurricanes, snow, and ice storms, or any other circumstances creating power outages. 4) The site review team also cited several programs offered or operated by the senior center that are especially noteworthy: The center has a very strong Foster Grandparent Program, which reaches many older adults. The program is strengthened by being administered directly by the Department on Aging and having its office on site at the senior. center. The team also commended the senior center for a particularly outstanding job with the SNAP, VITA, and Senior Games programs. 9@. flther~ Services, rf'rogr~arns, and Activities Merit: All merit criteria met. Excellence: All e~ceilence criteria met. Outstandin Strengths: 1) The senior center offers an impressive range and number of regular programs and activities. The certification application. included seven pages listing regular (weekly or monthly) activities and three pages of special programs and activities offered singularly or on an annual basis. 2) The senior center and the satellite we visited appeared to have a great diversity or" participants in attendance (ender, race, income, education, ability, etc.). ~) Tie senior center makes e;;cellent use. of volunteers, ~Nith G total of 40Q vo{unteers per month reported. `~/e met a number or older adults during our visit who sense as volunteers for the senior center. ''} A,dvccac~, is a ven im orant Dart ar" a se: ~icr center's role but it is an area tha ~ -~~ ~ ~ p t .S SCmeIfmati overicolted or not well documented by senior cen#ers. There was substantial decumentatior, 7. i " of strong advocacy efforts by the New Hanover Ccunty Senior Center on behalf of wider ' adults. i Recommendation: j The site review team recommends that the senior center review its survey process. One goal of the process is to determine how to reach those whc don't attend the center. Although surveys areigiven out at community presentations, it is important to assess the needs of others in the community who do not attend such presentations and would therefore not be likely tc receive a survey. The team suggested looking at alternatives to written surveys; such as surveys.by telephone; web site, focus groups, door-to-door, grocery stores, tloctors' .offices, or through caregivers. (Also see Section I!!. below.) 19'i. ! ~'4anning, Evaiuativn, and input ;rc~m Ober Adults Merit: All'-merit criteria met. i i Excellence: All excellence criteria rnet. Recommendations: -~ 1) jThe site review team recognizes that the VOCAL group is in a fransitionai phase due to I recently assuming a new role. as the senior center's advisory. board: The team. would like to isee the-senior center formalize the board member orientation training .for the group. We ;recommend, rather than including it as part of the business meeting, that the orientation be a separate, two-hour minimum session for both old and new members. i , 2) ;The review team recommends that the center evaluate its overall planning process. When goal setting was done, although the end result was a set of goals, they were not measurable, and specific plans were not in place for reaching the goals that were set. We ;were unable to find documentation explaining why each goal was set. The.team ;recommends that the senior center undertake a very comprehensive, regular p}arming !process that begins with identir`ying needs and priorities and choosing specific goals in keeping with those needs. The process ~NOUId conclude with a detailed plan of how goals will be achieved. i 3) I, The team was unclear about the extent of satisfaction surveys conducted with center !participants. Satisfaction surveys are done for the meal program participants; however, sunieys that measure satisfaction with senior center services and ;brograms also are !,important to give the center. more feedback on activities, classes, instructors, and other aspects or',the center. Questions about specific activities sueh,as: "How did y,ou like_ she ~ class?" "~'ow did you like the ins#ructor?" "~JVhat would-you change about either?" will help ~ guide the center in its planning effiorts. I iY'. StaTf flderit: All merit criteria met. e/lence: All excellence criteria met. Outstanding Strengths: I , 1) ~ It +,vas fiery.clear to the rite r•evief~i team that 'the flew l-ianovE`r ~curity~DepGrk:nent ~of Pacing places a great deal of importance on staff training. each staff ,person had fiat mare training '.J J than the required 15 hours per year; some employees had over 100 hours last year. Training is sometimes included as a part of monthly staff meetings also. 2) A number of staff have been with the senior center for many years. This history of longevity among employees speaks well of management and its attention to employee satisfaction and personnel issues. aJ. Ut3~er ~perati©nal Issues Merit: All merit criteria met. Excellence: All excellence criteria met. ~l. Tlae Extra Mile I~ilerit: All merit criteria met. Excellence: All excellence criteria met. Gutstanding Strengths: 1) .The team was particularly impressed with the emphasis placed on fitness programs and activities. The new walking trail adds another fitness activity that many seniors can enjoy at their own pace and when it is convenient for each individual. The Senior Games program, also mentioned in Section I ofthis letter, is promoted strongly by the senior center and draws a large number of participants. 2) The senior center does an outstanding job of collaborating with other organizations inciutling UNC-~JV, the Department of Socal Services, the county Emergency Management office, the Area Agency on Aging, and many others. 3) In addition to the large amount of staff training that is offered to its own staff, the senior center also has provided training and assistance to other counties that have asked for help with senior center issues. ~) The Departmenfi on Aging has been vent' involved and. enthusiastic about the regional Project ROAR. As a result, older adults in New Hanover County look to the senior center as a source of help when they need assistance with many issues. GE~ER~f. GUTS3~~l~I1~G STRENGTHS 1. The enter has an atmosphere that indicates that it is well used and loved by the participants. The physical upkeep and user-friendly atmosphere are excellent. 2. The staff is we!!-trained, warm ;and friendly, and it is clear that they like their work. 3. Information about senior center activities is well pualicized throughout the county. 4. There is a very wide scope of activities for a cross-section of people. 5. The re~rie~~v team was im ressed }n~ith the tnorcugh and etricient organization cf the p .9 do,cume;~tation to support tie ~CGP1= Yvaiuation ins~rament. , =~ We ~at the Division appreciate your efforts during this process and the work you are doing in ~le~ i Hanover County to improve the quality of life for older adults and their families. ~ " n. If u Aga~m, congratulations on achieving this distinctio yo have any questions regarding your certification please contact Judy Smith, Reggie Durham,'or myself. Sincerely, Steve Freedman Chief, Service Operations Cc: Karen Gottovi Judy Smith ~ , ' Reggie Durham Jane Jones ' Melissa Richardson Denise Comulada Miranda Strider-Allen Ruth Parenteau ~ , L. Endo""sure _ . S~J~/JL5 ~ , , ~ ,, . ~ , -~ , i t .. i .. ;. . ` _ '_ ,$~yJ ~ ~ y R ~ f~ ni~' ? ~ ~ ~ ~ a n ~f~1e v G ~ ,h ; .. _ d` ~A ~ i",~ k gat < ,~ •~ ~ ~ r r ~ z 4~ r - ;;a ~~ s~ ~ ~ i. ,, . 7~i..~;x . ,. a "emu ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ io ~ ice" ~'°` ~ -~ C v k; `4d so +~'w r, ~'L...i ~ ® Q; -~ ~~~ ., ~ w V ~ ~S ~ ^ ~~ ~ ~; ' ~~ ~ ti p0 a~a ~ ~ .~ r ~~' , ~` ~ ~ 'tie ~ '~ '~ °iS ri e~+ ~ 'wS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ `~ w~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J ~ ~ w ~ ~ a ~ ~ °~d ~ ~ ~ ~w. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ ' A.., ~} ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °r aa m ~ „~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~„~. ~ 1 NEW HAN00/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQlJEST FOR BOARD ACTi01V Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal, County Manager SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Budget Ordinances for Nevv Hanover County. and the Fire Service District. BRIEF SUMMARY: Consideration of the fiscal year 2001.2002 budget ordinances for .New Hanover County and the Fire Service District. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommended that the Board of Commissioners adopt the fiscal year 2001-2002 budget ordinances for New Hanover County grid the Fire Service District. FUNDING SOURCE: a ATTACHMENTS: ~ITE~iA DOES NOT REQUIRE RE1/lEVI/ - COUNTY MANAGER'S CC~:M~MENTS AND RECOMMENDAT Consider ordinance -~'4 COMMISSIONERS' ACTiO'.NS/COMMENTS: 0 ~ l'=0()NTY COMMISSION APPROVED ~ ; REJECTED O ~~EARi) /~~-~~J~~. ~~ ~'fi {-m bye s Cam' -M I.ey ~~, , s t~ b y Mr. Chv:s ~UN1°y f;OMMl~9® ~~ APPROVED ~~'--~ g` IREJECTED ® ~~ (REMOVED C,9 ~ ~~ POSTPONED H;EARi'J ~ ~~. n W~ !1b ~y~ ~n .~13 L ~.M~ s v ~ ~ ~ ~y- ~ fed u ~ s, -~ { -(cam.-+~,~ l.m,ntG ~-i~ pplo~..~Us~v~.:14--' ~-o .f~.~'¢-~a-ta ~ ~_, ~~-' ' ~ ~ ~~ ~~~1, ~u°rF ~ •~ ' ~ 1 4 ~ I e! t ~ 1. ~~ av+t+r Y I d f ~ t } d 't .I °' ~ cr;r,1~~ ~~t`~i~Jt'~, ,~ V:~r• F ~`7 t ~' ~ ~ ~ 1~~ 9~~* y~~~y ~~jj 19~~, )) F t~ ~ +v r ~le+ , { ,~} yj j p~ ~ F {~'~ ry~ qq ~} ~y +g . t ... • ~µ... 5 , t ~ .t ~ .dl' i i i ~ R. ~ e~ h . 9 ~, 6 l~ NEW HANOVER C®UNTY B®AR® ®F COMMlSS!®N1ERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Budget Presenter: Cam Griffin Contact: Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: Resolution for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Outside Agency Funding BRIEF SUMMARY: Consideration of the resolution authorizing and directing the County Manager to enter. into the appropriate contracts with outside agencies for the funding amounts approved in the Fiscal Year 2001.2002 budget. RECOMMENDED MOTION AfVD REQUESTED ACTIOfVS: Adopt"ion of the resolution FUNDING SOURCE: ATTAC~iMENTS: 00"O1 outside agency resol -TEflA DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEYV • r~ul~ ~O~l~i~9 ' APPROVED ~ 82EJECTED L'~ ~2EMOVED ® r~, POSTPONED ~ ~, ~c ,.~10%!~ d ~ s~v..~d ' rep to 5cw•.t.h; f'rum 5.1-a~~ fit' Ise r~ Bu#~~ de ~ m n ~T~w I-~a~®ver County , . ~ . gar ~f ~®rr,rnissi®ners ~slti ~ UVHEREAS, New Hanover County is interested in providing financial support to agencies that serve public ' purposes including economic and physical development; cultural and recreational programs, human services, industrial promotion, and public safety; and i~FlE~EAS, New Hanover County is interested in providing financial support to agencies that benefit tfie citizens of the County. N~VV, THER.EF®RE, EE 1T RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: That the County Manager is authorized and directed to enter into the appropriate contracts with outside agencies for the amount of funding approved in the New Hanover County fiscal year. 2001-2002 budget. ~ t . :~: i -,,,~ ~ ~-, ,-~ rr. ~? i a ~ ~ 14s~'~''~'~'l(i~ Signed this the 18th day of June 2001. (( L. ~ .4; `.~h r;ff ;~° : ~.. a ~' '' ~ . Ted Davis, Jr. `. i " ''~ '1.6 ,.,; ,. Chairman;: New Hanover County ' i Boar.:d of, Commissioners e NE1N HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ,, REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION IVleeting Da#e: 06/18/01 . Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Inspections Presenter: Ann Hines Contact: Ann Hines, 341-7118 x-7251 SUBJECT: Floodp-lain Ordinance Amendment -Second Reading BRIEF SUMMARY: FEMA is requiring, that we update sections of our floodplain ordinance to address floodplain areas where the base flood elevation has not been determined, often referred to as "unnumbered 'A' zones." The amendment reflects minimal Federal standards for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program., added after our ordinance was enacted. This amendment will have little practical effect under the current floodplain maps, as our only unnumbered "A" zone is very small (about three acres), and may be viewed as a housekeeping measure. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A--will not affect staffing or other needs. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Ordinance Amendment 051601.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A Recommend ap I BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A DCTIONS: ~~~ ~~~~5 ~PPROVE® ~~ REJECTED REMOVED t~ ..POSTPONED L'~ BEARD Eg ~~~~~ .._..(O~Ig~ AN ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA,,AMENDING THE FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED . APRIL 3, 197.8, AS AMENDED . TFIE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUi~1TY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Floodplain Management Regulations of New Hanover County adopted April 3, ~ 978, as amended, be and the same hereby are amended as follows: ~. _ . A. Amend. Section 2(1) of Article III, Administration and Enforcement, to read as follows:. , Section 2(1). When base flood elevation data has not-been provided in accordance with Article I, Section 3, then the Building Inspector shall obtain, review and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation data and floodway data available from a Federal, State or other source, including data developed pursuant to Article IV, Section 4(f), in order to administer the provisions of this ordinance. B. Add the following subsection to Article IV, Section 4, Standards for Subdivision ~. Proposals: £ If any portion of a subdivision or other development with more than fifty lots or five acres is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area for which base flood elevation data has not been provided in the Flood Insurance Study, the developer must provide the base flood elevation data, using other sources or detailed methodologies comparable to those contained in a Flood Insurance Study. C. Add the following section to Article IV: Section 5. Standards for Streams Without Established Base Flood Elevations and/or Floodways. Located within the areas of special flood hazard established in Article I, Section 3, are small streams where no base flood data has been provided or where no floodways ~,,,,,._._,;.,~, I s~"~`~ ;f~ha~e,been identified. The following provisions apply within such areas: r r,~.,~ ,~,~ ~ a~,} (,l,)~. No encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial `,~ ~l~k~;~~~,<-~ improvements or new development shall be permitted within a distance of ,; ;~~; ~1~~~ twenty feet each side from top of bank or five times the width of the stream, . •~ n :~,~ whichever is greater, unless certification with supporting technical data by a ~• ,3 registered professional engineer is provided demonstrating that such Q ~~ encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels during the V~ occurrence of the base flooddischarge. (2) If Article IV, Section 5 (1) is satisfied and base flood elevation data is available from other sources, all new construction and substantial improvements within such areas shall comply with all applicable flood hazard ordinance provisions of Article IV and shall be elevated or flood proofed in accordance with elevations established in accordance with Article III; Section 2(1}. When base flood elevation data is not available from a Federal, State or other source, the lowest floor, including basement, and all electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, air conditioning equipment, and other service facilities shall be elevated at least two (2) feet above the highest adjacent grade. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in fiill force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this day of , 2001. Chairman 0 -2- 19 20: NEW HANOVER COUNTY UOAR® OF COMMISSIONER-S REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointmen#s BRIEF SUMMARY: Appointments are needed on the following boards/committees: ABC Board - ~w+ Zeo.v.~oss L~ey~~i}~d.~ Tn he Gc~r+yid~r~~+, Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee -- 7~9 Airport Authority -' Gar+er La.rr+br~~l-[t., C,~: ~'Y-at`thauJS ti+ !,~ Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees - T~ 16 ~~ s eM ~.`'""} 3''"`~''~"'~S - Cati.n.rKq Board of Fire Commissioners - Lo+~'ac, ~tr:t~'i~(q~-La~e) - a6t Jury Commission - Ca~.rdd.l'- - {?.ea.p~+. `~ ~ ~~ 1 cw~s~der+bm'~ Museum Board of Trustees ~J ~(a Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - ~Zev. 3µw, Kau-b~~- Board of Social Services - y~..er~+-~-Gr~'`~ ,! ,r~-,txu~,.y;~,+xts~ Commission for Women rn 7~~i RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: >~ Make appointments FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information Sheets and Applications are voluminous and furnished under separate cover. ITEM DOES NO7 REQUIRE REVIEW APPRO 92EJECTED t~ , ~~~~~ REMOVED ~ ` :.~,:;; POSTPONED ~ ~~~~~ ® ~};EARI~ r ~UiV'TY° ~OI~MI~' VED ~,. , . ~ ~, - . =x ~ , {This pale intend®nally left,blunk} ., , , I„ .. , ~ , .. , . ~ v r .. ~ ~ ~.~ a ~LU u.wM+ ;.Y .a •~ L -~ c . ~ y.~ M r /`\ _ .rcC ~, nj k~ uu / . t~i • ','Y.yE ~S~r~ ~E'~~ fir` • .rg~jE~,~~" s k ~ ~.. t ~2`2..~ :~,,t. i .E ~ . J MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT - ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC June 18, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. ~~ 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit to ~3 minutes) 23 2. Approval of Minutes 25 3: Consideration of Request for Water and Sewer Service 27 4. .Consideration of Bald Eagle Lane Water Line Extension Contract #01-02~4B 29 and Associated Budget Amendment #2001-55 5. Consideration of Acceptance of Public Dedication of Bridge Road, Area A; 37 Edgewater Club Road, Area B; Glazier Road, Area C; Kings Grant Section 9, Area D 6. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Budget Ordinance for the New Hanover 43 County Water and Sewer District Adjourn • ~~ r This page intentionally, left blank} , i iVEW BAN®VER COUN~'Y BOARD ®F COMMiSSiONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV Meeting Date: 06/1S/Ol Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell C • SUBJECT: VNater and Sewer Agenda -Approval of Minutes BRIEF' SUMMARY: Approve minutes for Regular Meeting held on June 4, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of .minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: I7El~A DOES NOT REQUPRE RE4/PEVU COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minutes r~". ';;', ,. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~~ ~~~ APPROVED REJECTED ~ REMOVED POSTPONED 6~EARD +, ~.> ~4> , I ,~,:. ~Y .- 25 ,~, ~. t~~~ ~t~~~ ~~~ '~ ~ 'Y a 26 a NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION IVleeting Date: ®6/18/0 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Request for Water and Sewer Service BRIEF SUMMARY: The Rock Church has ,purchased a tract of land at the intersection of Sidbury and Old Dairy Farm Road (see attached location map). The site will not accept conventional site wastewater disposal, therefore, they are requesting permission to connect to the District's sewer line on College Road. The Church has proposed that they be allowed to construct a private pump station and force main across I.40 to College Road. They have estimated the cost to be $207,900. As an option, they are also proposing that a portion of the District regional planned sewer line along Prince George Creek with a temporary pump station adjacent to Blue Clay Road be built by the District. This option would be near $900,000. The Church is asking -that the District pay all cost above $207,900 if the regional approach is selected. This area is not planned for construction until 2025. The normal policy of the District is that if a developer is remote to the existing water or sewer system, the systems must be constructed either partially or totally in accordance with the District requirements. RECOMMENDED MOTION AIVD REQUESTED ACTIONS: Due to the remote location of the site in relation to the sewer line along College Road and considering the remote planned construction date at this location, I do not recommend that the District participate with District funds. I recommend that the church be allowed to construct and maintain a private pump station and force main. at the church's own cost to hook on to the Districts existing line. FUNDING. SOURCE: No funding involved at this time. ATTACHMENTS: Location map REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A. HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A a.vvw ~ o in„~er~aai:.rt-~ liV1Y1~Y6G1Y 1 J tx LYVIYIIYILIYt!/'11 fVItlJ. - Concurwith County Engineer. r~U ~M~iJ~°f COMM1SSIONERS' ACTIONS/ OMMENTS: APPROVED I'A~ . ~; REJECTED ~ .~ ~2EMOVED ~ '~ .~~ ~..~ POSTPOfVED ~ F~EARCJ ~ '~`2 , 1 +~ `~~?~' r • NEVV HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Bald Eagle Lane Water Line Extension Contract Number ®1-®2846 BRIEF SUMMARY: The referenced proposed contract was presented at the May 21st meeting for approval for construction of the water line to Bald Eagle Lane and Figure Eight Island. It was delayed at the request of Figure Eight Island Homeowners' Association. The bids received for this project are as follow: Bid Bryant Electric $1,933,583.10 Onsite, Inc. $1,263,807.57 T.A. Loving $1,446,797.50 State Utility $1,401,547.00 Colonial Construction $1,498,317.25 Atlantic Construction No Bid Based on the attached memo written May 17, 2001, sufficient money to pay for the project will be collected over time using the existing fee structure. As indicated, this money will be generated from existing tap and development fees as applicable. The Porters Neck community has requested that they be allowed to pay the fees over several years, as indicated in the attached letter. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that Contract #O1-02848 be awarded to Onsite, Inc. in the amount of $1,263,807.57. In addition, please authorize .the Chairman to execute the contract. Request approval of budget amendment #2001-55 in the amount of $1,390,000 which includes contingency. The Island Park Water Extension Project Ordinance is being amended to include Bald Eagle Lane Water Extension. Request adoption of the amended ordinance. FUNDING SOURCE: COPS ATl"ACNMENTS: Location Map Memorandum ~» ba01-55, CPwaterex REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval. IONS: r ~UfV~Y ~~~1~ /APPROVED REJECTED ~ `~, REMOVED ~~-~. :,'-'"~, POSTPONE®® ''~~'` i, l- r 61KEARfJ ~ ~ ~~~' 29 A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153 A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish a water and sewer district; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of a sewer system in the unincorporated County; and . WHEREAS, the District desires to locate portions of the sewer system within dedicated subdivision easements in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, various easements in Ne/~ Hanover County have been dedicated to the public use by the recordation of a subdivi ~on plat or other map; and WHEREAS, G.S. 153A-158 authorizes acquisition of a fee or lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or other lawful m~thod; and WHEREAS, the New anover County Water and Sewer District desires to accept the offer of dedication of cert 'n streets for the purpose of providing sewer and/or water services to County residents by nd through the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R SOLVED as follows: That New Hanover County Water d Sewer District hereby accepts for sewer and/.or water utility purposes the offer of de ication of those subdivision streets and easements as more fully set forth below; Area A: Being Bridge Ro d as more fully shown in Map Book 35, Page 24; Map Book 36, Page 177, and Map Book 21, Page 63, New ,. ~ ,. ~ ~ Hanover County Registry. ~~~ ,~~;.~ ;,~ Area B: L~ ~ ''~~1i~1 ~~~ ~~~~r ;~-,~~ Being Edgewater Club Road as more fully shown in Map Book ' ~~ 37, Page 86, Map Book 35, Page 24, and that 30 foot wide un- '''~ IY~ ~ designated road shown in Map Book 2, Page 113, .New Hanover County Registry. _~ 30 Area C: Being that 60 foot street in Cape Fear Township more fully described in Deed Book 984, Page 224,-New Hanover County Registry, known as Glazier Road. Area D: Being ~ those 30 foot wide drainage easements more fully shown on a plat of Kings Grant,Subdivision, Sections 3 and 9, recorded in Map Book 10, Page 9, and Map Book 12, Page 37, New Hanover County Re~ try. The New Hanover County Water and/Sewer District does not accept said easements and subdivision streets for ~~urposes o~providing any drainage services or road maintenance whatsoever. ADOPTED~ttiis the day of , 2001. NEW HANOVER COUNTY . WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT [SEAL] bent G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Clerk to the Board L~J ., :~` ~ , c, . _~ . .~ 3~ i NEVV HANOVER COUNTV BOAR® OF COMIVIISSiONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:: 06/18/01 • Budge# Amendr-nent DEPARTMENT: Bald Eagle Lane Water Extension BUDGET AMENDMENT•#: 2001-55 ADJUSTMENT COPS Financing Capital Project Expense DEBIT $1,390,000 EkPLANATlON: To increase project budget to include Bald Eagle ,Lane Water Extension. ADD1TlONAL INFORMATION:` , a r>; APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~Qf.11VTlf ~Nll~lo , . ~tEMOVE® ~~~ ~ ' POSTPONED ® ~ r ~_ ~' ~:1=ARiJ ~ . ~}~ CREDIT $1,390,000 ,~, 32 w~+' ," 2 O'r " PROJECT .ORDINANCE. • ~~~ • ISLAND PARK~.WATER EXTENSION ' BE- IT-. ORDAINED, by the Board of~Commissionera of the New Hanover. County Water and Sewer District: ~ • • 1: New Hanover County Water and Sewer District (District) is; engaged fin the ~constructibn of .. the. Island.' Park Vdater Extension., - which capital project involves the construction and/ar,acquisition.' ~~ of capital assets... . • ' - ` ..2 ._ Dstrct~desires to authorize and budget for. said project in a projectordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General•"~ ' Statute $159,13.2, such ordinance to authorize all. appropriations • necessary for the completion of said project. -.- ' • • NOW, THEREFORE, WITNES;SETH•THAT: .` r ;: - ' _ 1. This'. project. ordinance' is ,adopted ,pursuant to North - Carolina .General Statute .$159-13.2. ~ , 2. The :protect undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the ~. ~Construction•bf the-ISland.Park Water Extenson,'which project is herewt"h authorized. . ~ 3 . The ,revenue ,that wi 11 ` finance said project i s : - " ' Transfer from Fund 800. " $ 78,.250 ~~Department of Transportation 225,000 ~~ • ~ Y Contribution from Developers •,2.3.7;500, • • Total ~ 5540;•750 • ~'~ .• , 1 `titi , } 4.~~ The'~following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue, listed above: ~-,/ Capital Project Expense $540,750 ' Total $540,750 5. This project ordinance shall~be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Within five .days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and ,with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Adopted this day of 2001. Clerk to the Board Robert G. Greer, Chairman -Board of County Commissioners - Water and. Sewer District ~~ t~~~~~ ~.~~~~~ _~ :~. ij<rj~?: v \ v • \ \ \\\\ti\ \ '. vv! •v. •\vnvv. .~~ :;:L`^:~:iti"i~~ii ..'.itv \:.: An\\ti1\\av v\\. ti[~v \vl\\~\ \ \\\\\\\~4 ~i: t u~`i:tJ~":~ ti: "v~\~i\~ti~?v~:'i ~i:' v+i:~u `i~iJii~SR~: j;:::;~:' ii ~?:v((:ii ~:`vii::iJiiii:: May 17, 2001 • TO: County Commissioners FROM: .Wyatt E. Blanchard, County Engin~.~' ~,,, '~ ~RE: Bald Eagle/Figure Eight Water Line The existing water tap and development fees which are established by Ordinance will provide a major portion of the money necessary to pay for the extension of the County «,rater line to the Bald E_ogle Lane/Figure Eight Island Area. The ap fee is $1,050 and the water development fee is $720 as established by Ordinance, for a total fee of $1,770 per lot. This woiild be charged to each residential customer adjacent to the proposed line. Each house on Figure Eight would only be charged $720 plus the cost of a large meter at the entrance to Tigure Eight, since. they will be n_ot getting individual taps. Based on the existing homes along the proposed water line and on Figure Eight, the 1:ollowing income would be realized. Existing I2even~ie available: Existing Mainland Customers 270@$1,770 Existing Fig~~u-e Eight (no tap) 408 $ 720 $ 477,900 $ 293.760 771,660 Future ~.even~~e: Undeveloped mainland customers ~ 262@$1,770 Undeveloped Figure Eight customers 15~@$ 720 Grand Total • $ 463,740 111.600 $ X75,340 $1,347,000 The above fees are established by ordinance. The standard water tap fee is $1,050, while the Water Development Fee is $720.00 per customer. 33 Board ~f Commissioners _ ~. f aU~ ~ umber T~~ o NIa~ 17. ?001 These lees are adjustable at the discretion of the County Commissioners. In conclusion. z~istinQ and future customers are projected to senerate funds sufticiznt to build this 51.390.000 project. It should be noted that funds from undeveloped properties will be collected in ttlture nears. ~~ ~~ O i Q ~ ~ • - New Hanover County Bald Eagle Lane N Water Line Extension ti Contract I`Io. 01-0284B s June 5, 2001 Map-IUot-To-Scale NEVV HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMlVIlSSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Christine Neal SUBJECT: Acceptance of Public Dedication Bridge Road -Area A Edgewater Club Road -Area B ~Iazier Road -Area C Kings Grant Section 9 -Area D BRIEF SUMMARY: Area A &B The County plans to-run a water line down Bridge Road (Area A) and a portion of Edgewater Club Road (Area B) currently not State maintained. The right-of-way for both .roads were not originally deeded to the District: The right-.of-way is platted and offered for public acceptance. Attached is a document accepting the right-of-way for water and sewer purposes. Area C The County plans to run a water line and sewer line down Glazier Road (Area C). The right-of-way was not originally deeded to the District. The right-of-way is platted and offered for public acceptance. Attached is a document accepting the right-of-way for water and sewer purposes. Area D The County plans to run sewer lines in designated. drainage easements within the Kings Grant (Area D) Subdivision. This is the most effective route for service to this area. The drainage easements were not originally deeded to the District. The drainage easements are platted and offered for public acceptance. Attached is a document accepting the drainage easements. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend that the District accept the rights-of-way, drainage areas and easements for water and sewer purposes only and authorize the Chairman to execute the attached acceptance of public dedications.. ` FUN®ING SOURCE: No funding involved. ATTACHMENTS: 4 ~ r~fJlVi~ COMiVi't9 - bridgewate APPROVED (~ ~2EJECTED ~ - Location Map ~ REMOVED ® ~~ ~ ":~ POSTPONED ® ~~ REVIEWED BY: ~KEARi•J ~ ~,' LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ffiI I ~ ~. COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approv _; A' RESOLUTION ' - OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOARD OF. COiVIN11SSIONERS, WHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153 A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish a water and sewer district; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of a sewer system in the unincorporated County; and WHEREAS, the District desires to locate portions of the sewer system within dedicated subdivision easements in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, various easements in New Hanover County have been dedicated to the public use by the recordation of a subdivision plat or other map; -and WHEREAS, G.S. 153A-158 authorizes acquisition of a fee or lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or other lawful method; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover. County Water and Sewer District desires to accept the offer of dedication of certain streets for the purpose of providing sewer and/or water services to County residents by and through the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; , NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That New Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts for sewer and/or water utility purposes the offer of dedication of those subdivision. streets and easements as more fully set forth below: Area A: t;: ``: ~Y ~w:, , 4 3 ~~~ . ~. Being Bridge Road as more fully shown in Map Book 35, Page 24,-Map Book 36, Page 177, and Map Book 21, Page 63, New Hanover County Registry. ~ _ ~.Y~~i*~tArea B: ~~:~~~ . ~~~~4~l~~Being Edgewater Club Road as more fully shown in Map Book ~~~.°~= f'3.7, Page 86, Map Book 35, Page 24, and that 30 foot wide un- ° `~~`:~tl`esignated .road shown in Map Book 2, Page 113, New ` Hanover County Registry' . Area C: Being that 60 foot streef in Cape Fear Township more fully described in Deed Book 984, Page 224, New Hanover County Registry, known 'as Glazier Road. Area D: Being those 30 foot wide drainage easements more fully shown on a plat of Kings Grant Subdivision, Sections 3 and 9, recorded in Map Book 10, Page 9, and Map Book 12, Page 37, New Hanover County Registry. The New Hanover County Water and Sewer District does not accept said easements and subdivision streets for purposes of providing any drainage services or road maintenance whatsoever. ADOPTED, this the day of ~ , 2001. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT [SEAL] Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Clerk to the Board • 39 -O O ~Nq` ~o/N <ni 4~ \ Q ~~~ ~, ,~ ~ 4.0 Y 0 'lG, 9~ %pG + ;` RO 6' New f~ar~~ver crr N ~®r lJti i ity Pur-pos~s: E Bridge Road (ARCS. ~} Edgewater Club Road (/.~~~~ g~ N.T.s 5(29/01 ~v N NCH®t'9 ~3f i~C~Ci f®r l.i~i i its Pty J Glazier Road ~ARE,~, ~~ N.i.s 5!29/01 - \ 1 ~ Wat~r & Seyver #5 1 -O I ~ ,; ~. ~~.'~ :~~ '-~' ~~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~, G y t~C r t~,,R~ ~,.~; i ~~ \ ~. ;~ =.~r w,ti' ~ ~ ~. ~~ New Hanover County N Location of Roads E ;for Uti I ity Purposes: Bridge Road (ARCA. ~0.~ S .Edgewater Club Road (AREA S~ ~ZS/o~ 1' J/ New Hanover County. N Location of Road for Utility Purposes: E S. Glazier Road ~a.REA G~ rv.T.s 5/29/01 0 fe~~ C O Q Lane ~7 Ord g ron d fiord Byron Road Kings Grant Location of Drainage N i, Easements for Utility Purposes E Area ~ S 1 June 5, 2001 Ma~Not-To-Scale i I `) Pl NEW. HANOVER C®UNTY BOARD OF COMMtSSt®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact:. Allen O'Neal, County Manager SUBJECT: - Fiscal Year 2003.-2002 Budget Ordinance for the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. BRIEF SUMMARY: . Consideration of the fiscal year 2001-2002 budget ordinance for the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommended that the Board of Commissioners adopt the fiscal year 2001-2002 budget ordinance for the New Hanover County Sewer District. FUNDING SOURCE: i ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Consider ordinance:~y~1~~~ I COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ;~ UfV~ 06MNil~ ~PPROVEO E~ fftEJECTE® ~ y y ,; REMOVE® ® ~ `-~ POSTPONED ~,> f~EARiJ ~ ~ ', -~ 43 i _._ ~ ~ ~ S,i, , ~; ~ _ ~~ r~ CONSENT AGENDA NEW hIANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 18, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Authorize Staff to Proceed with Property Purchase for Wetland Restoration 47 Project 2. Approve Distribution of Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) Uriits and Supporting 51 Contracts #00-0348A, 00-0348B, 00-0348C, 00-0348D, 00-0348E. Distribution of Units to the City of Wilmington, Town of Kure Beach, Town of Wrightsville Beach; Town of Carolina Beach, and the New Hanover Regional Medical Center as per the MDT Distribution Plan Recormnended by the 911 Communications Coordinating Committee and Approved by the Sheriff 3. Award of Bid #O1-0287 and Approval of Contract #01-0287 to Powerhouse 55 Technology, Inc. for the Purchase of Replacement Grate Parts for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department 4. Approval of Sale of Property at 7`'' and Wooster Streets 57 5. Approval of Health Department Fee Revisions: Environmental Health, 61 ~ Animal Control, Personal Health-Medicaid Rate Change " " . 6. Approval of Grant Application for Diabetic Care for Prenatal Patients for 67 $25,050 from the North Carolina Medical Society Foundation 7. Approval of Grant Application for Healthy Homes Asthma Program for 73 $28,600 from New Hanover County Partnership for Children (Smart Start) 8. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 79 . Collection Reports 9. Approval of Capitalization and Purchase Order Requirements 83 j 10. Approval of PARTF Grant for $250,000 for Veterans Parlc and Associated 85 Budget Amendment #O1-56 11. Approval to Submit Application for Rural Operating Assistance Program 97 Grant ~ ~, Approval of Budget Amendments: 12.1 01-0224 Non-Departmental/Contingencies/Juvenile Services 99 12.2 #01-0225 Social Services/DSS Administration/Child Daycare/CP&L' i 100 Intervention 12.3 #01-0226 General Fund/Binergency Telephone System Fund: Sheriffs 1 O 1 ~~ Department/Sheriff-Administration/Sheriff 91 1. 12.4 #2001-51 Federal Forfeited Property 45 102 12.5 #2001-52 Controlled Substance Tax 103 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 12.6 #02-0229 Human Services Transportation 104 Ci 46 • • NEW HANOi/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Contact: Chris O'Keefe Presenter: Dexter Hayes SUBJECT: Authorize Staff to Proceed with Property Purchase for Wetland Restoration Project BRIEF SUMMARY: The Clean Water Management Trust Fund has agreed to allow the county to allocate $200,000 toward the purchase of the subject property located at 2639 Middle Sound Loop Road. A significant portion of the Middle Sound neighborhood drains through the property. The E-s~u-a~ri~n ~d~c.Q Creek Advisory Board has recommended this project. Commissioner Caster has been the Board's representative in this effort. Currently the drainage runs through a culvert directly into Howe's Creek. Once purchased, county staff will work with the Cape Fear_ RC & D, and North Carolina's Wetland Restoration Program to remove the culvert and restore wetlands on the property. A fully functioning wetland will filter pollutants from the runoff before it enters the estuarine creek. The property, as shown in the attached, is the same property that the county originally considered to develop for public estuarine access. The present proposal, however, has no designs for public access. No county funds are anticipated to be needed for this project. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize staff to proceed with acquisition for the wetland restoration project. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 3 (map and two documents) ITE/VI DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend approval. N ~UN`~1f ~fl~N11~' APPROVED f;~'~~ . ,~:: ~tEJECTED ~ REMOVED ~ ~' ~° POSTPONED ® ~` ~~~`~ ~KEARCJ ~ ~°~~~ . 47 ---------------------- For.varded by Dexter Hayes/NHC cn 05/09/2001 10:14 Ail--------------=------------ ~;;~,,~~ Bill Holman <Bill.holman@ncmail.net> on OS/08/2001 07:50:48 PM ~,~__-__ Please respond to Bill~cwmti.net To: Dexter Hayes <dhayes~co.hew-hanover.nc.us> cc: Damon Tatem <damon~cwmtf.net>, Steve Bevington <steve®cwmtf.net> Subject: Middle Sound project Dexter, Thanks .for showing me potential projects that New Hanover County is pursuing om tidal creeks ~.,rith CW-NTTF grant #1998A-101 on April 26. CFiNITF wi11 support providing $2008 to acquisition of the property off Middle Sound Loop Road if 'the property oumer donates soma of the value of the land as you described on April 26 and if New Hanover County commits to remove the discharge end restore the wetlands on the site. C~rIlnTF understands that the Div of boater Quality's Wetlands Restoration Program is not interested in the site because of its small size. C4~~ITF hopes that you can move Toward with acquisition on other tidal creeks soon. Please call me ' f you iLave any G-ue-St~GnS Or neeC'. more 1nfOrmatlOn Bill Bill Holman, Executive Director ETC Clean ~rlater r.Sanagement. Trust• Fund 530 North Viilmington Street 1651 nail Service Center Raleig;^_, Dtorth Carolina 27699-1651 ..919-733-6375 phone; 919-733-637a fax . ,,~ ~. , . :;~ , _~ . ;, ~ . • ~,, .~ ; r, z A). ,-v F~'~~(~'~~i''r .~ 4.8~ 4. CAPE FEAR RESOURCE CONSERVATION and DEVELOPMENT, INC. . Brunswick ®Columbus ®New Hanover ~ Pender First Union Building • 201 N. Front Street, Suite 617 • Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Telephone: (910} 763-6611 • Fas: (910) 763-8989 • Email: cfrcd©wilmington.net Mr. Chris O'Keefe Senior Planner New Hanover County Planning Department 414 Chestnut Street, Room 304 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 June 1, 2001 Re: Howe Creek Wetland Restoration Project Dear Mr. O'Keefe: Thank you for the information regarding the Howe Creek project. Our Board adapted this project at oLU- May 31, 2001, quarterly meeting. Accept this letter as our commitment to assist the County ul securing technical and financial assistance in order remove this pipe and restore a stable wetland environment. In order to accomplish our goals; I would suggest that we reevaluate the site so that we can consider potential permitting requirements and devei_op a plan of action. L look forward to working with you and the Planning Department Staff on this project. Sincerely, ~"~ Greg Walker Executive Director Cc: Don Warren, Chairman I-Ioward Loving, Secretary Bill Caster. Member David Greene, Member • 49 A non-profit organization. / %; 50 ~. LS~~'G~ Y fo,~~ . \: / ~ f • ~p~R4Err i, ~~ E r cr-; ~ ~r~ ~ 1 .~L <o F:'r1r.! ,1S ft~,r-£ G'ti~ ~ I . f .~,~~ i~~ .~ ~ Y J Q r, "' S, ~~ . -; c5 /~ ~~ 1 /~.M Y_C::~Vf \`~ _^.:71.17. LPr{r`~N G' i:'".~\ ' r'L GCd C :`E. ' 7L0 \ ' / ire.. ,,or X~. ~. ~ti ' ~ ~~~~ . ,, ~/ • :-~.: \ \ _ Yb ' ~ \ ` -. ~ ~ . ~ ~ .\ ~ `\~~ ~ ~~ ,~ , ~~. ~, • ~ - ~; i f O ~ ~~ ~~~ \` ~. .~~ ~ EZEY 77.0 ~; .. ~.~ •,. ~ \ ` ~.. c1~o~ . ',,\ c~ l ~"~ ~ - ` ' 3 Y I ~ . ,\ \ \ o~ ,, 1 ~ ~ ~~ ..1 al, ____~__ ~ ~ ~` • ~G~ _LF•~iYJ'i LIE' , ~. ~ t`y~ ~ ~ `~\ F~:+,1r~'.:Y 1S57 S.lst;,. \1 Ir U ~' \ \ ,~ ~~ N .`\ '` o _ ~ ,,\ \ ~ - ,} `\ i ~ ~ ~\ ' ~ ~~ \ I ~~~ ~~~ r/'X ~ C 1.11 ~ \ \ kJ . F .-~~~~~~ ii 3---~-R.- r~.`-r~..n.'~. '"~ ~ ti ~--d~~.~q :y. ~{~%` t" r"'~,.~~ ~ yi.t'~1 a , ~ / c r >. ~ ~ j ~~ f ~~'u S iR` .Lee,. ~ i ~ p- ~~ ,f ~ '~ ~ ~"4 '~ ~" ~ "~ yn~ '~ - '+y Jr [ ~J i~~ I ~y+._ ~ r:~~~ Y-':~ ~~ :~ F`r~ ~J '~"' ~;~ ~~. ~ -.'.l ~ ~'te-r I ~ ~4:• F e j„~ i, `If `1 ;'o- ~ ~ .~ ~-~, ~~` `,f~` ~~ ~ r`(, r ~ fit.. „1 < -1'~s t. ~1~`~K ~ '' ~ r w 8 :f~ :ems- ' ' / • , '~~ t ,6~t ~~ ~ '~jp~ /~~' 7Y.i_~," *~ _ ^ t { ~!. ~.sr r ~s - * 1 K' ~ j ~~+f Y ~ ,"ji / .L f fF FP; \ 1 ~ µ r ~ ,rs<., t r i a } ~ ..r ~~y l _ x. ~9 ~ t ~ fib`. , p'~'.. 4 ~~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ i l ~F ,,. r ~ , y~ r .ap . ~ '+~ . , ,r 1r _ Yr'~s' A .f ~ - ~'~,i`.:~. r /~~~~`y ~'>' tLr..: .~ {ems Rf~ +`;'r~. ` 'L* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;: ! ~ .-~ ", 1. ^ . l,.' e 1 ~ '., - ~ ~' E- ~Dr '- 'fir ~~ ,~, J R1 t ! - P`~'l,73~ ~.:;~,r .tee<T~;. .j`5 r r~'+~e ~ Af +9S` cs't~i V' ~° ;~ ~("Y't' ' °t^ ~•~ `~ ~~~ } ~,y~-.s~ ._ ~ ~ "i"5, '5 ~. ~$ r pT <~~ ~ 1' .# '~t~ ~ ,'~l _ f5 r.; ~ ~~ F`y19~~~~ w~ ~r. ya~~., ~ ~ y~+ ~': ~ 1 ~ l ~ \ !' r! : ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ - .E i~ F \\ ~ '~ ,.~ '~~rr ,r ar ,~ ,;~ :~ ~'. ~' ~,.~ ~` ~ Su~b~ect Property ~~ ~` n ~~; ~ ~,.j. ;~~~ ~~r ~ '~~ , ~ i ~ ~' ' ~ :Joseph .Johnson III ~-, ''I;` M -~ 1 ,~ ~' PID R05100`=006 008 .~. I, ~~"` ~ ~ _ .~ ~4 t ~' ,~~.~ /1' ~'° ` 0.57 acres ,,~ ~ ~ f ; ~ _ ~~ ~.: ,_ ~'~~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~~~ ~' / , ;}~ 2639 Middle Sound Loop :Road : r • , ~. f fyy ,y r 1 ~ `~ ~ k ,~ " ~,r' g -- ~ ~;'~ 3~/flfy)tp +{~'F ~ .. Fl `.~:~ 5~ ?!;-.i~'~!111 r ~'tiF F~ S `v ~{.~~r 1 t C r. ~~ ~,,J<~ ~~~ , ,y' t-4~ ~ J~ '~ fM~n O -~ J~ .lJ "~ f~~ ~ f~(Y ~ ~~ ~ ~'.x ~ T ', ~.~..'ti',`+r_'Y ~?` ~ r. - .!f ?~ a~" fit; r+' ~" ,r~ t r• ~c~ `t4~r~ .f +~-`---~.~~~t „~ `.! ~~ _/ ~,H \ ~! r~J}~ys 'W'`~ ~~f /f~~ F'~b-' .E ` w+ik"5~. W' t~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ e5_S ~ \ , .(.." !/~ f ~ ~..f ~, ~ F.c..~L;l ~ (_ k kr.. I ~ .,rf. bY( s ~~ F ~ ~~ ,~ "!1"``T'- ~~ /d:6 °a~ _,, 7r, ram„ ~Y ~ i ~ _ ,~tF .. ~ r t i t~ ~ s t~ f - i t t- _ ~ .. ,~ ~ '' ~d.., ~~ ~ } ~~' "jam '~': ~ ~ i?'b,.1 s Y ay', ~ r J i .a• t ~'.,~ T ~ ~ ly r r~ tip. w ~ ~ ~~ i ,. 1 . ~' > i3 r ?gypp \t .,F i - ~ ?r v a NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Andy Atkinson or Amy Akin SUBJECT: Approve Distribution of Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) Units and Supporting Contracts # 00-0348A, 00-03486, 00-0348C, 00-0348 D, 00-0348E. Distribution of Units to the City of Wilmington, Town of Kure beach, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Carolina Beach, and the New Hanover Regional Medical Center as per the MDT Distribution Pian Recommended by the 911 Communications Coordinating Committee and Approved by the Sheriff. BRIEF SUMMARY: Funds from the 911 Surcharge Account were used to purchase 110 Mobile Data Terminal Units to enhance existing dispatching of calls for the County-wide area. A 911 Communications Coordinating Committee consisting of representatives of agencies receiving dispatches from the County 911 Center reviewed the County-wide needs and the E-911 dispatch record history to develop an allocation plan. The Sheriff reviewed and approved the allocation plan. The plan distributes the units as follows: City of Wilmington Police Fire Total for Cit of Wilmington New Hanover County Sheriff's Department Fire Services Total for New Hanover Count Town of Carolina Beach Carolina Beach Police Department Carolina Beach Fire Department Total for Carolina Beach Town of Wrightsville Beach Wrightsville Beach Police Department Wrightsville Beach Fire Department Total for Wrightsville Beach Town of Kure Beach Kure Beach Police Department Kure Beach Fire Department Total of Kure Beach 44 Units 10 Units 54 Units 26 Units 8 Units . _ 34 Units - New Hanover Regional Medical Center-EMS The Distribution Plan Objectives are to: ~, ,~.~.~,, uu~~t:~ 4~Units~'ro"~'~ ~~r~,, 1 Unit :~,,;,~~, 5 Units..:.,,... 4 Units 1 Unit 5 Units 2 Units 1 Unit 3 Units 9 Units 1. Equip all dispatched agencies for wireless communications , 2• Provide all data to each equipped vehicle so that information self-service can occur -3. Reduce voice workload in the E-911 center 4. Provide enhanced officer safety by providing silent communication Contracts with each agency covering the terms of the equipment transfer have been prepared and review by each agency. A resolution approving the distribution of the units to the agencies and authorizing the County Manager to execute the contract documents is attached as part of this agenda item. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Adopt resolution transferring 76 MDT units to dispatched agencies based upon approved allocation, and authorizing County Manager to execute contracts 00-0348A, 00-0348B, 00-0348C, 00.0348D, and 00-0348E for the transfer of the MDT units. FUNDING SOURCE: No additional funds are to be expended. ATTACHMENTS: The resolution is attached. . t resolution 00-0348 A,B,C,D,E~'for transfer of The contracts are on file in the County Manager's Office REVIEWED SY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend approval. rnnnnnoccina,~n~...~. T '`) ~~ ~~ ~~r`4 , V~bj :APPRO~ REJEC'~°~® ~ REMOVED ~ POSTP®NED ~ ~ ~~R~ ~c( b~d ~ 6 ~, 1~ RESOI,IITION Oh TI-IE BOARD O1F COMiVIISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNT' WHEREAS, the County purchased one hundred ten (110) Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) units using 911 surcharge money; and AND WHEREAS, the 911 Communications Coordinating Committee developed objectives to meet when determining a distribution plan for the one hundred ten (110) Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) units; and AND WHEREAS, the objectives of the distribution plan established were to equip all dispatched agencies for wireless communications, provide all data to each equipped vehicle so that information self-service could occur, reduce voice workload in the E-911 center, and provide enhanced officer safety by providing silent communication; and AND WHEREAS, the 911 Communications Coordinating Committee used the objectives to review different options to determine a distribution plan of the MDT units that would best serve the needs of the County and meet the Committee's objectives; and AND WHEREAS, the County Sheriff reviewed and approved the plan submitted by the 911 Communications Coordinating Committee; AND WHEREAS, the respective dispatch agencies to receive units are the City of Wilmington, New Hanover County, Town of Carolina Beach, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Kure Beach, and the New Hanover Regional Medical.Center (EMS); and AND WHEREAS, the distribution plan. is as follows: City of Wilmington City of Wilmington Police Department 44 Units City of Wilmington Fire Department 10 Units Total for City of Wilmington 54 Units New Hanover County Sheriff s Department 26 Units Fire Services 8 Units Total for New Hanover County 34 Units 53 Town of Carolina Beach Carolina Beach Police Department 4 Units Carolina Beach Fire Department 1 Unit Total for Carolina Beach 5 Units Town of Wrightsville Beach Wrightsville Beach Police Department 4 Units Wrightsville Beach Fire Department 1 Unit Total for Wrightsville Beach 5 Units Town of Kure Beach Kure Beach Police Department 2 Units Kure Beach Fire Department 1 Unit Total for. Kure Beach 3 Units New Hanover Regional Medical Center-EMS 9 Units Total for NIIRMC-EMS 9 Units TOTAL I)ISTRIBUTEI) 110 Units AND WHEREAS, all dispatch agencies are in agreement with the distribution plan and the contract agreement to cover the terms of the transfer; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the distribution plan as recommended by the 911 Communications Coordinating Committee, approved by the Sheriff and the dispatch agencies is approved by the Board of Commissioners; and that the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contracts, contract # 00-0348A, 00-0348B, 00-0348C, 00-0348D, 00-0348E, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 18th day of June, 2001. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board 54~~~~ J IVE~11 HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 j Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Contact: Ray Church or Amy Akin SUBJECT: Award of Bid # 01-0287 and approval of contract # 01-0287 to Rowerhouse l'echnology, Inc. for the purchase of replacement grate parts for the 1lVASTEC Facility ofi the Environmental IVlanagement Department. BRIEF SUMMARY: The formal bid process was followed for the purchase of the replacement grade parts. The purchase of the grate parts are for routine maintenance and are required for the operation of the WASTEC Facility. Three bids were received. Cast Steel. Products $75,773.93 Detroit Stoker Compan $66,989.26 Powerhouse Technology, Inc. $66,825.35 The bids have been evaluated and a resolution is attached recommending award to the IoNrest bidder, Powerhouse Technology, Inc. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend adoption of the attached resolution awarding bid # 01.0287 to Powerhouse Technology., Inc. for the replacement grate parts and approving contract # 01.0287. FUNDING .SOURCE: 700-485-4195-3920 ATT'ACIiMENTS: As .part of this transmittal the resolution is being sent as an attachment. 01-0287 resolution. • The Contract Draft is available in the County Manager's Office REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: .FINANCE: Approve .BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval. r~u ~OM(~t /~PPROVEI~ REMOVE® ® ~ ~ °~ ~,;, . POSTPONE®~ ~' ~.ti ".~° F•t;EARCJ ~ ~' ': ~~T~ , !o~ 1.6 ~ 0 ~{_.~. RESOLUTION ®F TJFIE - B®ARD ®~' ~®MMISSI®NEIiS .: ®F NEW HANOVEIZ C®UNT~' WHEREAS; after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the. Finance Department at 3:30 p.m., on the 22nd day of May, 2001, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington,, North Carolina, and the following ~ bids. were received for replacement grate parts~for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 01-0287: a ~ ~ ~ _ Cast Steel Products $75,773.93 , ~. Detroit Stoker $66,989.26 ~ ' Powerhouse Technology, Inc. $66,825.35 AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the~Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the. contract be awarded to Powerhouse Technology, Inc.; the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount ofsixty-six thousand eight hundred twenty-five dollars and thirty-five cents ($66,825.35); AND WHEREAS, fiends have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-485-4195-3920 to cover this contract; ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Ilanover County that the contract for replacement grate parts for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # O I -0287 be awarded to Powerhouse Technology, Inc. in the amount of sixty-six thousand eight hundred twenty-five dollars and thirty-five cents ($66,825.35); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to exectrte contract # 01-0287, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 18th day of June, 2001. (SEAL) . Chairman, Board of County Commissioners .A x ji Clerk~to the ~Board~ ~~ ' ~d ~. a ~..~ ~J (VE1~l HANO!/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COIVINIISSI4~NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOfV Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Kemp Surpeau Contact: Christine Neal SUBJECT: Sale of Property at 7th and Wooster Streets BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County took control of this site in 1996 pursuant to State Statute, pertaining to' "abandoned cemeteries", by resolution of the City of Wilmington. At that time, this site had fallen into disarray and had become a dumping ground for household waste and various other discarded items. There were no headstones and any evidence of graves was destroyed. .New Hanover County had the site surveyed to determine boundary Limits and ascertain existing encroachments on sifie. Once the limits were established, the County cleaned the site and removed and . re-interred any existing grave remains at the Flemington Cemetery located on Highway 421. The relocated remains at Flemington are denoted in a separate section of the cemetery with an inscribed marble marker. The remaining property at 7th and Wooster is virtually a landlocked parcel of land and would be best utilized by one of the adjoining property owners who have expressed an interest in acquiring the lot. RECOMMENDED MOTION ARID RE UESTED ACTIONS: ~ ' ' We recommend that this site be offered for sale, by sealed bid (date to be determined of a later .time), first to the adjoining property owners and then to any interested non-profit entity. The site will be subject to restrictive convenants such that no structure sha11 be placed on the premise and an easemerit sha11 be retained for access to and maintenance of a sign describing the history of the location. FUNDING SOURCE: No funding involved. ATTACdiMENTS: S'"Y'y Pinetreeresolut Location Map REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: J ~~1~ ~ , ~PPR® ~ ~EJECT~ = ~ ,~. ~ i REMOVEp POSTP®~VED ~ ~~ .~ ~, ~O': ~'0 5~. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the tract sometimes known as "Pine Tree Burial Ground" is a former cemetery site situated between 7th, Wooster, Sixth, and .Queen Streets in the.City of Wilmington; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County acquired possession and control of said premises pursuant to G.S. §65-3, by resolution of the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County; and - WHEREAS, said site retained no,evidence of headstones or other monuments; and WHEREAS,,.New Hanover County has had site work undertaken to remove any remains, which were relocated to the Flemington Cemetery; and • ,. VIlHEREAS; adjoining property owners have encroached on the premises over the years; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires to offer the site for sale pursuant to G.S. §160A-266 to an interested adjoining property owner orison-profit entity subject to restrictive covenants such that no structure shall be placed on the. premises and an easement shall be retained for access to and maintenance of a sign describing the history of the location; and WHEREAS, any conveyance of the site shall be by quitclaim deed only without warranty or representation whatsoever; " NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby resolves that the site formerly known as "Pine Tree Burial Ground" be offered'for-sale and staff is authorized to solicit and entertain offers or bids and execute appropriate conveyance instruments. This the day of May, 2001. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: )rid-- - , ~r.~,, ~,, ~~~}r~~( ~} t. / ~°~~ AA+...r..h?.:1:14 $I t~~f~C<~~w! Clerk to th"~'°e,, Board~~.~`'4 or-sil~.i~ ~T ~.:,~ r ,. } ~~ "J~ n J ~ vJ~~ ~ ' I I I o - I ~' Z` ro ci~; NIA STE LEP ~ I L ~ -- ~ J 1 _ ~~~tn 1 - -_~--- - --- - .,:._. ' VIGNITY MAP Not ro scAtF ~ ___ QUEE~~i SIRE,,? 60' PUELIC R/W I - I of N 84•JJ'00"E i C,2 I. 1 I - ' ~ - L__ _ _ _ _ ~ 61.00' ~ 48.00' ~I O.UG' ^ _ I <400' _ _ ~ 38.25 I _ _ ~ _ _ _ .Yi tv i 41.25' ~ ~ g<,50' - - -I JJ.a t °c I I I FULLWOOD I ' ~ ~ I „~ I ~ I ,~ I ~_ I t o I ;. I R .. "' 108 1567, FC 14461 w I a I 2 I ~ z _ i N 8a'F'OOT 5.00 I i N I~ I EX. i N. I j I ~~ 0 N I I W HARRoS o . I ~ ~~ I ci GB 1 7 99, C 1107 I i _ __ _,______L_ - NI P, AXCf I 41 3~ I :]Q Z I. a_ I ~~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ I J.W" " " ~ Q] .~ ~ jtY a p IU ~{, ° ~" o N oSD JS ~. N ~ ~ ~ I.00 o , ~ ~ I L NIP ~1 I o » JONES ~ DB 856; PG 868 `~ v N v 5~ * ~ N B~ ~N~E 9~~B NIP II !P ,P ' __-___-_-_ ' I _ ... u ~ .............. _ `" ' GO N/ aDP ~ ® P ~ © 8.2J y~y1~ CONC. PAD 4 C~ N MEA '.50~ 6LD0 o~r~. I4'PO \ - 57U000 HOUSE ` \ I * NIP mo- .. V { r `1 ~ I Nl~, S 84'.27 0 f 46.97 NIP KlP N/P y i .. U ~ o O MILLINCTON I / = ;. 5 OS2TJ5'c 5 OS'2T75'E 1 `2 '25'5]"[ ~ S" 05'25'5 t "E 66.00' ~ el (,, ~ J m J _ NAf1 !N > sPlcr, OB 2267, PC IOlS HOUSE O1 n.JT ~' ?2.JT ~ ~ ~ WILLWMSON a m ~~~ U C6 2000, PC d56 ~ .• ',. ~ ~iCON1POL Pr' ^ ~•~•-% N 84'JJ'00`E 10.7.00' NIP ^ , i., '~ L^CONC. AC PAD ALLEY CONrR01 PT I L7P ~ ' S I CQ N1P 5 B4' s I 99.00 NIP I F cIP 1. 1 - _ _ _ _ _ _ - 5 84'33"CO' ~ W ( ° a CEMETERY AREA N r+•~' ~ f` o o McCR1MON D6 6d 1, PC.590 v 0 o x TAX PARCEL:.54-09-21=29, ^ m°o BREW1NC70P( °o OB ZO65 FC 265 I Y' ~ a I Ltl I ~. ' ' ' s y % ARE4: ]6,d50.,,6 S.F~ , ^i 4J ~' 5 84 J4 21 v 18 eJ' NIP I .~ I 84 J3 00 "W ~ ~ ~. ~ ___ _ _________ __ _ FRAME ~ NIP 1267'NIP _____ __-_ __ ~ ~ _ BLDG. -' 9 I Vl a HAYNES c , ~ ti ;ti STORY FRAME BLOC. ~ m. • ~ T ~ DB 576, PC 647 ~ S I " ~ _ ~ 1-. ~ I L u ° ' 'Q SEGAR Si DB i F` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IH. BJ NIP 119.6Z' 242. PG 181 m ~.67 MfP I NIP 5 84'J4'27'ly 150.91' NlP I -_, ~ J ° d ' ~---I---------- W o FOSTER DB N SHE7E RS (/~ I 1431, PG 1016 '.~ I ~ D8 1460, PG i27.T ~ I I I I ~ I . ' ~° BLOCK 6a of wl ~~ I _ ~ - - - - ` I P~-- .. _ -_ ~ __~________~C,__ • ____ acocK s. {'his page intentionally left blank} 6® IVEV+/ HAIVOi/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMIVIISSlONERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACT10N. Meeting ®ate: 06/18/01 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department:. Health Rresenter: Lynda Smith, Assistant Health Director Contact: Lynda F. Smith, 343-6592 SUBJECT: Health department Fee Revisions: Environmental Health Animal Control Personal Health-Medicaid Rate Change BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board of Health has approved some fee revisions in Environmental Health, Animal Control, and in Personal Health Services (due to Medicaid rate changes). The staff gave much consideration before suggesting these to the Board and do not believe these will create great concern from the community. The fee changes recommended are outlined in the attached 4 pages showing the specific current fees and the proposed fees. We estimate the fee changes wil! result in increased revenue by $800 in Environmental Health, $125,547 in AnimaLControl and $11,782 in Medicaid Revenue. This projection is not included in the FY2002 budget revenue due to the timeframe for approval, so this will just show as increased revenue collected in the FY 2002 budget. There may be a need to budget some of this revenue to offset expenditures during the FY 2002, if the revenue is actually collected and a need arises. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve fee changes e FUNDING SOURCE: Environmental Health Fees, Anima( Control Fees, and Medicaid ATTACHMENTS: 4 pages REVIEYVED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend approval. BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ENDATIONS: r~~ 1199 ., ,APPR®! ~$'' ~~ @~S1~NE~ ~ ~ I~EAFt[~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~g ~.4.1~ 1 ~nvsr®nrro~rata~ health ~ivisi®~ , Current Proposed New Body Piercing Artist Permit ~ ~ 0 $200tyr ,; Temporary Tattoo Artist andlor Body Piercing Permit 0 ~ $100 (po not have information available to project~a revenue amount) Projected # of permits: Body Piercing (4) $800 . Projected Revenue From,Body Piercing Permit: _ ~ $800 increased Revenue ('!`10-51D=5111-4118) .~ ~~f~i~~tt ~I~'I 62 ~~ ~ ~~~ :~:~_ i:: ~ r, i ~, >, ~ ~ - d - v 0 o o o ~, ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. _ o o ~ a^ " o v c~G c~C "C) ~ N i •Y ~ • y 3 ~ ~ ~ ~" N °j C v ~~--. G. w ~ N ~ _ C ~ ~ O C ~ ~ O 'L7 ~ N 69 _ c~ ,C ~ ~ ~ .d ~ O v~ ~ ~ O ~ >, ~. . ~ S1' ~. ~ iF 3E ~. ~. Q. ~+ # Q: aF dF O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O C O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c ~ O N O O O O O O O ~ O O O O 0 M 0 O C O O O O O 00 0o c*~ d' ~n ~' d' ~t O co N O ~• t~ ~ o o 0 N N co r-, r-. .--, .-a r•-~ N N N r, N N cal b~3 69 {f3 64 b4 6? 64 69 69 69 Ef3 6F3 b4 6~i 6R 6F3 bR 69 Eft b9 64 64 bS b9 69 I ~ ~-: ~ •~ > o ~, o .~ •~. ~ ~ o ~,. • •~, ~~ ~ a o r ~, 0 O ~ O O ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ _ ~ N ~ -~ •~ bD '~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ' d d o ' ~ ~ o ~ b ~+ > cC G N ~ 3 ~ ~ `~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ .~ .~ ~ ~ ~ .o o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • •-~ o U C O ~ cC ~ O GL+ ~ ~ ~ Q O CJ O U ~ N ~ ~ '-' ~ N ' ~ ~ Aa ~ U ~ . N a a ~ ~ , ~ o r ~-- ~. ~ ~ O . ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ N C ~ O C ~ O -~ O ~ +~ ~ ~ ~ •''' ~ ~ /~ ~ V] ~ S.. . O N ff/ a~ ~/ •~ ~ ~' .-. ~ ' ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ L C/~ C/~ Cl~ C~ O U ~ cti :C . ~ ~ ~ ~ B J ~ ~ O ~ V1 C/~ C/] /~ C'~ O C ~ ~ O O O Ci W GU C S bq cti bA c3 CA , cC .^J ' ^ •„ '" ~ O 1.--1 N ~ F`" ~ 4G ~.. ~ ¢' ~r O ~, O . 'N N O ~ N X ~ ~X ~. N CJ ~ cC ~ w rn ^ C ~. ., c~, + + ~ ~ cG ~ ~ 4 aJ N ~ ~ r ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v~ ~ va ~ w w ~ a ~ ~ 3 ~ 5 ~ ~ x ~ ~ ~ i o> .~ 0 ~~ ~ 'C o °' N ~ ~ ~ L L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U u~~ ~ y ~. 3 ~_ N T O' ~ .~-~ ca N .a i ~ '~ N a ~ 'n G p 4~ •~ O n ~ U ~_ O ~ Q y y ~ ¢ 0. ~« 4 14 iF iF ~ ~ E~ ~ o A ~ g" ~ ~ o ~ ~~I h-~ ~ I! ~I U ~ ~ ~-, H ~ aW o ~' ~~ ~~ ®~ ®~ ~I W' r~ V1 M+~ V ~~ ~~ a~ O ~~ ~ o 0 0 ti O U .D n`. Animal Cantral~Services Proposed Fee Increases ' ' Proposed effective Date -duly 1, 2a0~ Recommepded fee increases in Animal Control efffective July 1, 2001: - Current Proposed Fees Increase With Fee Change Breeder Permit $10.00 $20.00 $ ~~ 650 (6~ x $10) ' Collars/Leashes $3.00 $ 5.00 $ 340 (170 x $2) Boarding . $8.00 $10.00 $ 2,682 (447 x 3 x $2) 'Euthanasia Fee -- $20.00,.. • $ 200 (10 x $20) (These fees account for the inca-ease shown', below in revenue source 4109 -Animal Control Fees.) I~icensin~ @cludes < lyear pets @ 1 year neut. fee) 1 Year/ Neut: $ 9.00' ~ $10.00 $20,000 (20; 000 x $1) 1 Year/Intact $18.00 $20.00 $20,000 ;(10,000 x $2) 3 Years/Neut. $21.00 ~ $25.00 $40,000 (10,000 x $4) 3 Years/Intact $42:00 $50.00 ~ $40,000 (5, 000 x $8) ' fennel T,icensina 5-10 pets $40.00 $ 45.00 $ 825 (16~ x $~) 11-20 pets $60.00 $ 70.00 $ 750 (75 x $10) 21 or more pets $80.00 $100.00 $ 200 (10 x $20) . {'T'hese fees account for.the increase shown below in revenue source 4166 -Dog ~ Cat Tags.) Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Projected Revenue { FY Dud~et Request Proposed Revenue:' Increase 4109 Animal Control Fees $ 35,000 $ 38,872. $ 3,872 4134 Citations Ariimal Control 48,000 48,000. 0 ' 4166 Dog & Cat~Tags ~ 415,044 ~ 536,819 121,775 •4190 Dog/Cat Adoptions 35,000 ~ 35,000 0 Totals : -• --$533,044 ~ $658,691 $125,647. _ Note: Estimates;are derived from our current year to date services/earnings for F~Y 2000-2001: Total'increase from original FY02 revenue budget'request is $125,647. ; :. ACS Fecs2.wpd JPM 05/18/01 ~ 64 , n • DAViD E, RICE, M.P.IL, A'LA. Health Director May 29, 2001 C7 e 1`i~ ~l~~~ l..'d.Jl'a 1 2029 SOUTH 17Tr' STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-b500, FAX (910) 341-4146 To: New Hanover County Board of Health From: Cynthia W. Hewett, Business Officer, Subject: CPT Codes and Rates Effective June 1, 2001 We are reduestin~ approval to increase rates as indicated for CPT codes listed below. We have estimated that revenues for FY 02 will increase by $1.1,782.80. Pease'reference the attached spreadsheet for further information. Code Description Current Rate Medicaid Rate Proposed Rate 99201 Office Visit New Level I ~ $43.00 $60.00 ~ $60.00 99202 Office Visit New Level II $60.00 590.00 $90.00 99203 Office Visit New Level III $86.00 $128.00 $128.00 99204 Office Visit New Level IV $126.00 $188.00 $188.00 99205 Office Visit New Level V $159.00 $236.00 $236.00 99211 Office Visit Est Level I $23.00 $3.00 $33.00 99212 Office Visit Est Level II $37.00 $55.00 $55.00 99213 ~ Office Visit Est Level III 551.00 $76.00 $76.00 99214 ; Office Visit Est Level N $79.00. $118.00 $118.00 99215 Office Visit Est Level V $118.00 $176.00 $176.00 99383 Preventive Visit New 5-11 $119.00 5154.00 ~ $154.00 99384 Preventive Visit New 12-17 $145.00 $]69.00 $169.00 99385 Preventive Visit New 18-39 $135.00 $167.00 $167.00 99386 :Preventive Visit New 40-64 $145.00 $199.00 $199.00 99387 Preventive Visit New 6~ & over $145.00 ~ $215.00 $215.00 99393 Preventive Visit Est 5-] 1 $106.00 $126.00 $126.00 99394 Preventive Visit Est 12-L7 $122.00 $146.00 $146.00 99395 Preventive Visit Est 18-39 $1 12.00 $]42.00 ~ $142.00 99396 Preventive Visit Est 40-64 ~ $120.00 $1.58.00 $158.00 99397 ~ Preventive Visit Est 65 & over $1 17.00 $175.00 $175.00 65 d ~~ y: • s i~EVV HAIVOVER COU9VTY BOARD OF COMNIdSS10NERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACT10lV Meeting ®ate: 06/18/01 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Betty Jo McCorkle, Director Women's Health Contact: Betty Jo McCorkle, 343.6660 SUBJECT: Grant Application for "Diabetic Care For Prena#al Patients°° for $25,050 from the North Carolina Medical Society Foundation BRIEF SUMMARY; The Board of Health has approved this grant application. 1Ne are requesting approval to apply for a $25;050 grant from the North Carolina Medical Society for "Diabetic Care for Prenatal Patients". The grant is for "supplies for self monitoring and diabetes control" for women who develop gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) as a complication of pregnancy. The program will be for the indigent .population who are uninsured/underinsured and/or who do not qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women. A large percent of these women are of Hispanic, Indian, Native American and Chinese origins, as well as a smaller number of Caucasian and Black American Women. Pregnant women at risk for developing gestational diabetes mellitus are referred by physicians to the high risk obstetrical clinic at Coastal OB/GYN at New Hanover Regional Medical Center. At the clinic, the Public Health Staff provides both nutritional and diabetes monitoring/insulin injection education. The staff acknowledges the lack of supplies and medications for these patients. The goal in the treatment of women with gestational diabetes is to decrease risks to the fetus and to improve the odds of a good birth outcome (healthy newborn baby). It is also to guard and improve the health of the pregnant women. This is best accomplished through careful monitoring and the use of insulin if indicated. This cannot be accomplished without the needed supplies and medications being. made available to every women in need of them. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of $25,050 grant application and approval of associated budget amendment if grant awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: North Carolina Medical Society ATTACHMENTS: yes, 4 pages including a budget page REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET COUNTY MANAGER'S C TS AND REC Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A. r~.~ ~#PP820 ~EJEOT'E® ~ ~EMOVE® ~ POSTPOIV E® r~KEARp ~~'~~ (vl/,g . ,~,.~ ~. NC Attorney General's Health Access Grant Project Guidelines and Application InStt11ct1021S The North Carolina Medical SocietyFoundation was Chosen by the North Carolina Attorney General's office to distribute $650,000 in grant funds to be used to provide medical care and/ or pharmaceutical assistance to the citizens of New Hanover, Blades, Brunswick, Columbus, Fender, and Robeson Counties who may otherwise_be unable obtain care and assistance. These fiunds are available as a result ofi a settlement reached by C®Iurnba/HCA~He~lth tare Association arpd the North Carolina Attorney General's offiice. ~tlide ~121e S Grants wi11 be awarded for proposals that benefit the citizens. of the counties served by the former Columbia ,Cape Fear Hospital to include New Hanover, Blades, Brunsvvicic, Columbus, Fender and Robeson counties only. ® Grants will be awarded for medical care including: primary care; preventive care, dental care, health care equipment, facilities, prescription drugs, and`rnobile clinics. Grants will be awarded for proposals that serve citizens who may otherwise dje unable to obtain care and assistance. Proposals must focus on health care delivery to the indigent, underserved and uninsured populations, including th:e working poor. ® Priority will be given to proposals that reach the maximum. number of residents in the defined geographic locations. The number of the targeted populations being served by the proposals and geographic distribution of qualified programs wiN be major'factors in . determining where #unds are given. ® Grants are one time only and will be awarded for a one year period. ® Grants will not be made to influence Legislation, or to influence the outcome of any public election. ` Elgibl'eyy~~O/~rga~uzations 1'Jf i' ' i'1 ~ ~ ~.~#~. ,Only County Health Departments and non-profit organizations that qualify for exemption ~~ .under Section~50~,1,~e,)(3) of the Internal Revenue Cade and that serve New Hanover, Blades, 'Brunswick, Columbus, Fender and Robeson Counties are eligible to apply.. 6 ~~~. '~ , ~,. 'North Carolina Y°iedical Society Foundation Grant Application For. "Diabetic Care For Prenatal Paticnts" ,Problem: Need for supplies for self monitoring and diabetic control for women who develop gestational ,diabetes as a complication of their pregnancy. These supplies/medications .would be utilized by the indigent population who are uninsured and do not qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women. A large percentage of these women are of Hispanic, Indian, Native American, and Chinese origins. In addition, there are a smaller numbers of Caucasian and African American women who have some income and perhaps insurance. However their insurance does not include prenatal care or cover these supplies; but their income prohibits them from receiving Medicaid. Hispanic women and the medically under-served in general have been found to be at greater risk for developing GDM (gestational diabetes mellitus). These women reside in New Hanover, Pender, Brunswick, Columbus and Bladen counties. They are often referred by their physician to the high risk obstetrical clinic at Coastal OB/GYN located at NHRMC. The Public Health Staff provides both nutritional and diabetes monitoring/insulin injection education for these patients. Gestational Diabetes mellitus is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. Approximately 4% of all pregnancies are complicated by GDM. However, the prevalence may range from 1 to 14% of all pregnancies, depending on the populations studied: The presence of fasting hyperglycemia may be associated with an.increase in the risk of intrauterine fetal death during. the last 4-$ weeks of gestation. Furthermore; GDM increases the risk of fetal macrosomia and other neonatal morbidities including hypoglycemia. GDM is associated with an increased frequency of maternal hypertensive disorders and the need for cesarean delive .The goal in the treatment of women with GDM is to decrease risks to the ry 69 fetus and this is best accomplished through careful monitoring and the use of insulin if indicated. .~ This cannot be accomplished without the needed supplies and medications being made available ~' to every woman who is in need of them. Typically GDM occurs in the later weeks of pregnancy and if the woman is found to need '~ ~ monitoring only, she will need the following: glucose monitor ($65),$ bottles of test strips for the monitor ($296), 4 boxes of lancets ($22), 4 boxes of alcohol preps ($7), and~4 bottles of urine ~~ ketostix ($43). If insulin is needed; 2 boxes of syringes ($32), and ~-4 vials "of insulin ~ `' ($63-$$4); are also required for the treatment regimen. This brings the avexage cost of monitoring one, woman with GDM to $433 ,and if insulin treatment is required $549. W e have approximately 50 GDM women; half of whom need insulin as well as monitoring. This projects a total of $ 24,550. ~ We would also need $500 for educational 'ncluded an In~ecta-Pad ($100) for teaching insulin self administration and written matenals to i J material to send home with the patients ($400). This brings the total amount requested for .- i' provision of care for these GDM women to $25,050. C', ,. , j "Diabetic Care For Prenatal Patients°1 budget Summary Diabetic Supplies for 90 days for one patient * Glucose Monitor 65.00 * Test Strips for Monitor (8 bottles) 296.00 * Lancets (4 boxes) 22.00 * Alcohol Preps (4 boxes) 7.00 * Urine Ketostix (4 bottles) 43.00 * Insulin (3-4 vials) 84.00 * Syringes (2 boxes) 32.00 TOTAL A 549.00 (if insulin-dependent) ' TOTAL 13 433.00 (if NOT insulin-dependent) Proposed Need: Supplies for 50 Women A 25 insulin-dependent 13,725.00 B 25 non-insulin-dependent 10,825.00 TOTAL 24;550.00 Educational Supplies * Injecta-Pad 100.00 * Patient Educational Material 400.00 . TOTAL 500.00 DIABETIC SUPPLIES ~ 24,550.00 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES 500.00 ~~AND T®TAL ~Z5,os0.oo • 71 a {'his page intentionally left blank} n 72 NE1~I HAiVOVER COUiVTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Janet Mccumbee, Child Health Director Contact: Janet Mccumbee, 343.6559 SUBJECT: Grant Application for Healthy Homes-Asthma Program for $28,600 from IVew Hanover County Partnership for Children (Smart Start} BRIEi: SUMMARY: The Board of Health has approved this grant application. We are requesting approval to submit this grant application to Smart Start for $28,600 (this is a 16 month grant beginning 9/1/01 ending 12/31/02) to provide continuation funding for our Healthy Homes program. Our Healthy Homes program has been in existence for two years and has been funded by state Lead Poisoning and Asthma Program money. We will need a new source of funding as of July 1, 2001. The program employs a half time nurse (Licensed Practical Nurse, LPN) to provide assessments of children and their environments related to Lead Poisoning and Asthma. The focus of the grant will be to continue some of the existing activities, with a new target population of preschool children with Asthma. The nurse will continue to lend support to Child Care Providers in working with children with asthma and with families of children with Asthma. The nurse will assist both providers and parents with environmental controls/interventions and will work cooperatively with existing Child Care Health Consultants in the county. We are requesting $28,600 for 9/01/01 through 12/31/02 to support the half time nurse's (LPN) salary, fringe, and operating expenses to provide prevention, education, and intervention services to preschool children with Asthma, their families, and child care providers. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve grant application and approve budget amendment if grant awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: New Hanover County Partnership for Children (Smart Start) ATTACHMENTS: yes, 5 pages including a budget page REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET Recommend approval. HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A D RE COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: S : ~~ ~~I~ ~tEJECTE® ~ -.,_~-~ ~. YtEMOVE® ~ 'f ~ POSI'P®NEL~'~ ~ ~ ;~~ ~EJ~Ri7 ~ ~~ ' ~~. :~~ .. CPI S/0~1 ~~°~~~' Executive Summary New Hanover County Local Partnership Organization: Title of Project: Healthy Homes -Asthma Management ,$28,600 Amount of Request: Total Project Budget: Summarize below the project for which funds are being requested from the NCPC. (A separate, more detailed proposal must also be submitted per the instructions.) The New Hanover Health Department has a Healthy Homes Program, which has been in existence for two years. This program has been funded by state Lead Poisoning and Asthma Program money and will need a new source of funding July 1, 2001. The program employs a half time nurse to provide assessments of children and their environments related to Lead Poisoning and Asthma. The focus of:tliis grant would be to continue some of the existing activities, with a new target population of preschool children with Asthma. The nurse would continue to lend support to Child Care Providers in working with children with asthma, work with families of children with Asthma, and assist both providers and parents with environmental controls/interventions to help minimize health concerns. This nurse would work cooperatively with existing Child Care Health Consultants. in New Hanover County. New Hanover County (16.4%) ranks above the state average (13%) for'Medicaid claims for children with Asthma -fiscal year 1998. In the spring of 1999, a telephone survey of our largest childcare centers revealed a reported 1 16 known asthmatic children. This is only the tip of (~'/ the iceberg. Asthma data from. our local hospital also revealed 99 child admissions for children with Asthma for 1998-1999. In one month during spring of 2000, the emergency room, had 60 child visits coded as the complaint of Asthma. These statistics do not adequately describe the cost to our community -Medicaid billings, parents' lost days of work; child lost days of school. Specific objectives of the Healthy Homes Asthma Program include:' to provide Asthma education to child care providers; children, and' families; to reduce environmental triggers in child care facilities and homes; to encourage families of Asthmatic children to quit smoking or reduce the child's exposure; to offer home assessments and provide low cost or free interventions to families to reduce triggers; to work cooperatively with the New Hanover County Asthma Task Force to provide ongoing community awareness of Asthma control. We are requesting $28;600 to support the half time nurse salary/fringe/operating expenses to provide prevention; education, and intervention services to preschool children with Asthma, their families, and child care providers. Home assessments can be provided to look for Asthma triggers and provide low cost or free intervention to families. The children would receive education on their diagnosis and how to manage their health through programs such as "A is for Asthma.'' Once the child, family; and child care provider have a good understanding of Asthma and an individual plan for the child, the child should be better able to participate in learning .•~./Y ter; •~ ;,~„~. `~„~activities in preschool programs, and working parents will lose less time away from their jobs. ~~~=~3~`~~i~.w''~'1 , . ^~ta~~ Please mail completed application to: North Carolina Partnership for Children 1100 V~Jake Forest Road, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC ?7604 Attn: Margaret Zealy 74 ' `The Healthy Homes -Childhood Asthma Management and Control Grant History of Program/General Description The Healthy Homes Program has been in existence for the past 2 years at New Hanover County Health Department, funded by state Lead Poisoning and Asthma Program grants. These grants will expire June 30`x', 2001. We would like to continue this program with a new target population -preschool children with Asthma. The Healthy Homes nurse has facilitated a community Asthma Task Force, provided Asthma education to school age children, and worked with Family Child Care Horne Providers to identify environmental triggers. This half time nurse has had additional training in Asthma management and environmental triggers and would be able to use her knowledge and skills with the preschool population. Children with uncontrollable Asthma miss many days in preschool, and are not able to fully participate in learning activities. The younger they are when they learn to help manage their symptoms and avoid triggers, the more prepared for public school they will be. Their parents miss many days of work and spend additional money'for health care for the child. Our Healthy Homes program has established a multidisciplinary Community Task Force to address Asthma in New Hanover County. The Healthy Homes nurse has facilitated Open Airways classes for school age children, facilitated Asthma Camp applications, worked on Asthma Month community awareness activities, and even raised funds for Asthma camps. She has worked one on one with families of Asthmatic children to,help them access care and equipment, and identify environmental triggers at home. Forty-four Family Child Care providers have been served as well, with referrals to our Child Care Health Consultants for further follow-ups of children with Asthma in their child care homes. bleeds Statement New Hanover County (16.4°ro) ranks above the state average (13%) for Medicaid claims for children with Asthma -Fiscal Year 1998 (Ages 0-14). School year 98-99, our elementary school nurses identified 229 children known to them as leaving Asthma. We .know that many other Asthmatic children are still unknown to the nurses. This school year, our school nurses had made five 911 calls within the first month. These were all related to Asthma. In the spring of 99, we did a telephone survey with large child care centers and it was reported that there were at least 116 Asthmatic children known to the child care providers. We get calls frequently at the health department from parents asking questions about Asthma rrzanagement. Family Support Network of Southeastern, N.C., based in. Wilmington, gets calls as well, mainly from parents concerned about how to deal with multiple school absences. The regional American Lung Association hosted Roclaish Asthma Camp; near Fayetteville, N.C. in tilay, 2000 and 33% of the participants were from New Hanover . County. This was a result of the .New Hanover County Asthma Task Force efforts. A local one- day :camp was held May 19, 2001, with twenty-five children in attendance to learn about Asthma. Our local Child Fatality Prevention Team has reviewed one death °~ with the cause noted as Asthma in the last 2-3 years, even though we feel there have been others related. Asthma Statistics from the local Medical Center: Fiscal Year 1998 Data for age < 17 . ® 99 admissions ~ ~ , ®~ Hospital charges greater than $310,000 ® 68% Medicaid '' A one- month sample of Emergency Room visits at New Hanover Regional Medical Center was examined duringthe Spring 2000. There were 60 visits officially coded as the complaint being Asthriza; while many other visits may, have, been coded to; i other respiratory symptoms. I-escri tion of the New Hanover C`oun Childhood Asthma '7Cask Force -Evidence of local collaboration ~ , We presently have representation from the following organizations/groups:- , ® Child C'~re Nursing ® American Lung Association -Regional ® Project Assist ® Community Pharmacist ® Respiratory.Therapist from Medical Center , ® ;Healthy Homes Nurse. ® Sales Representative from,Medical Supply Company ~ ; ® Music Therapist from Medical Center ® Program Analyst from Children's Outpatient Support Services at Medical Center School Nurse ® Physician (local Allergist/Asthma Specialist) ~_ ~'he mission of the New Hanover County Asthma Task Force is to improve the quality of life for children with Asthma in New Hanover County, by involvement in activities which: encourage the use of National Asthma Education Clinic Practice Guidelines; increase the level of Asthma education to families", Health care personnels, ~aers;'and assist in data collection to and general public; help eliminate environmental tribes determine the extent of problems in New Hanover County. - Task Force foals include: , Improving the recognition diagnosis of Asthma.and treatment/medical management '. Decreasing hospitalizations and emergency visits Increasing levels of self management and compliance with treatment regiments ' o' Decreasing school absences 7~6 ~; 2 Goals/Ob'ectives/Interventions for worl:inff with reschoolers 1 To provide Astluna education and training to professionals, child care providers, parents, and children. A. Schedule classes for professionals (1 per quarter). B. Visit Child Care facilities to provide staff education (1 group per week). C. Refer to Child Care Health Consultants to develop individual Asthma plans. D. Work with parents of Asthmatic children to access health care. E. Use "A is for Asthma" curriculum with preschool children (2 sessions of 20 preschoolers per week). II. To reduce environmental triggers for Asthmatic children. ~ Qers (2 A. Offer home visits to families to help identify environmental tngb B. home visits per week). Help Child Care providers identify environmental triggers in their facilities (2 visits per week). C. Encourage families to quit smoking or xeduce smoke exposure for their D. Asthmatic child. Worlc with Project Assist Smoking Cessation Program to do community awareness and find resources for parents to quit. B. Assist families with low cost or free interventions to make their home healthier for their child. III. To network in our community to set up long term support for Asthma ed ucation and services for children with Asthma. A. Continue to add to membership of New Hanover County Asthma Task B. Force. Work with agencies such as Family Support Network to establish more support for families of Asthmatic children. valuation Corn~onent Data will be collected on all services provided: numbers of families and children served, educational sessions, child care facilities visited, home visits made, membership of task force, event specific groups, money raised, etc. Pre and post- tests for knowledge acquisition will be used in classes; as well as evaluation of presentations. We will try to obtain information, with parent permission, on numbers of doctors' visits over the year after all interventions are put in place. We can also monitor days out of child care, "sick days." Sustainability We will continue to look for furiding sources for the Healthy Homes nurse; however, the additional 16 months of Smart Start funding would allow us to further develop an ongoing Asthma Taslc Force, educate the public and affect many individual preschool children's long term health. 77 Budget Narrative -Healthy Homes 9/1/01 - 12/31/02 New Hanover County Health Department 11) Salary/Benefits: Licensed Practical Nurse 20 hours/week @ $1~4.;59/hr. _ $1 ~,174/yr. Fringe (lit off FTE): Retirement: $744.00 " Social Security: $1 161.00 Loig Term Disability: $34.00. Medical & Dental Ins.: $2454.00 Total Annual Salary and Benefits.: $19,67 / 12 = $1,630/month for 16 months =, 526,080 14} Office Supplies: 5300.00 paper; folders, desk supplies , 15) Service Supplies: S53T.00 $250.00 uniform for nurse X287.00 educational material, incentives, low cost interventions .(cleaning supplies, mattress covers, etc. for asthma) 17) Travel: 5683.00 Around town mileage @ .34 mile 81 miles/month= $27.75/month = $333/year Out-of-town miles, hotel; and food @~$30/day = $3~0., 20) Printin :Educational materials, flyers, mailings = 5400. 23}Training: One employee to attend asthma related workshops = 5150 24) Advertising: Asthma related services or educational offerings = 5450 ' . Total 528,600 Inkind ~ .. . .. , The New Hanover County Health Department will provide a workspace; telephone, computer, access to office' machines; postage, and. administrative support and supervision for the Health Homes Program. 78 NEVV HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF C®MMiSSi®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION iMeeting Date: 06/18/01 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of May 31, 2001 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of reports. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEflA DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend approval. nr+~renasc ~rnnnnncnrrc. L ~p~ ~._......_.._.,~,~ ~. :! ~~E ® n ~EM01ifD !~ „ G~EAR~3 ~j~ ~ ' 4, .~ CONSENT AGENDA D-ATE: ITEM NO. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 5/31/01 CU~tRENT TAX YEAR - 2000 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE~AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS ROOM OCCU~PANCY.TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS MAY 2001 $ 22,171.46 216;018.36 1,653.75 MOTOR VEHICLE $ 7,595,035.20 16,719.55 - 97;084.74 $. 7,514,670.01 .00 .00 .00 $ 7,514,670.01 - 6.124,993.08 ~$ 1,389,676.93 ' 81.51%* FISCAL YTD $ 40,104.21 2,400,882.89 19,459.59 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WIIJMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $139,373,931.01. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING NLY 1, 2000. PECTFULLY SUBMIT'FE __ .~-~`°~~ ~,~> ~~, h..J4i:....v4Wf ll',R ~f.'. ~T ~ ld PATRICIA J. RAI'IvQRc `n ~,;,~,==3t~ COLLECTOR OF REVENUE =a; (;-t ~ ~ ~~~t~4~ * COMBINED COLLECTION`PERCENTAGE - 97.01% _ -. ,y~ ~1 V .0 AD VALOREM $ 87,123,902.08 3,688,140.57 - 811,b56.45 $ 90,000,386.20 ' ~ 4 8,557.50 68,073.23 .00 $ 90,077,016.93 - 88.549,083.10 $ 1,527,933.83 98.30%* $ 3,454,677.32 95,653.29 - 286.877.56 + $ 3,263,453.05 , - 1,413,78.76 $ „ 1;849,574.29 43.32°/~ ,~ ~~~5~'V~ AG~N~A ~;~ T~ -__-----___ 13 ~ ~~' "d ~ °------ ftiF~ ~!~1~~~~+~~ Ct7~~3°Y ~I~.>~ ~I:~~~ICy ~~~ ~~L~~~T~L~~~S ~~.~~~'~~'~ TAY 4'EAR ~ 20Cfl A~ ~I~L~?~Z~A9 P~C~'Ca~ ~a~~-il~,~. ~~~~~~~~~[~ ~~''~~~ ~~~~~r..3~s4i~ ~t~~a.~.~ ~.'~~fii ~1~,'~'~~l~i~~d~i ~ ~{~i9L~e~e~~m" ~ Jt~~~.19a 16A:~a 7~~"~~. 7~~~=5 3~i~E~ Gla v 2~~7_v~~ b ~ ~ ? '~ ~~t~:~~l~.~ $~ ~ -~.1 K-a!^ T 1 ~._ ~. `.,~ ? ~ ~~ ~:: Y ~ 3 Y N L. ~ A ~ J #. i i r'~ ;4 S7 ~ J - 7 { ~f~ G~ ~ 3 C7 1i b 9 ~ r t S a 'a1 'U .w ~o~~.m;rne ~s:am.xr xn m.sp are ~m awswmawa ~.W~ma w.maxm ~sv~ C?~J~~~T,~~'~vIN~ BA~..B~a~C~ ?9~3fl7,~3 ? f~vy~i~'3~7.1 >~`.1C1~ a ~.~cS -- ~ ~ ;s.~.~~~~~ry-,~T. pal cep qa ; i=.a ~ ~ ~: il. i . H S~{ ~ ~ ~C i`~ ~ ~:1~ H 3.. ! ~ r~ ~^ 3' L~ ~~ ;C ~ ~ $~ c: n y q~ ~ 5 ~a U ~ :J. ~ ~ ! ~ ,qq f~^' yy^^ ,, { ~qj ~ ` { , ie 3 ~ Si '~ i.7 ~..i H i.1 a.i ~ L ry 7 L ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 2 pq ~ ~ g t- .:S ~ ~ .L"+:ti ~ C: ~'e ~ i Y i ~ -y G / ~ ~ ~ ~ =1.~.`. S J *.Y:,~u _.. a u T -t' f~ t 9 i '~ 3 ~'. ~. ~ ?~ rya ~ ,:a ~.7 V ~ ea m.w ~ re xa as ~. emrea amraa ~ ~ ¢ ~ ~~$ % ~ m 'l3 ~~i1~a~~,i'9'w'~~~a4'i ~~,~~11ti~t ~ ~~w~~"~~~~ ~'~~ ?fi~.~T~~~~. CL ~~L ~ T~ ~ ~ ~~'.~7~< yy 7p y - y g - ~`(~ ~ ~i i .~ ~ D ~! "l ~ i ~ ~ T- '( - U ~ ,3 L ~ ~ l~ {~ 7 ~ .fA 3~ `.~~ ~ i:~ p ,y~` a{, y~t ~~ i S .~ t a \7 a1 -ii ~ tl ~ ~ ~ L' U li ~ ~ q ' 7 y ~ p q } .. ~i'~ ~ ~ r ,r ~ 3 ~ ~ 9_. ~ 9 ~'V 4.3 P'~d .1 ~ ~ ~L ~i ~ y' . 81 ~7']ais pale intentioa~ally left bia~k} 2 _. NEW I-IANOVER COllNT~ BOARD OF COIVI(VIISSIONERS REQUEST' FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Consenf Item #:.9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce Shell Contact: Bruce Shell SUBJECT: Capitalisation and Purchase Order Requirements BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County currently requires a purchase order for goods and services $500 and over. The County also records transactions for capital. outlay for equipment; vehicles, land,. and building improvements of $1,000 or more. In an attempt to reduce ever increasing paper work, many local governments have increased these levels. The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and the Local Government Commission support increases as well. Effective July 1, 2001 reporting requirements for financial statements provide for reporting of assets $5,000 and greater. Accordingly, I recommend that the purchase order requirement level be changed from $500 to $1,000. Additionally, the level at which we record fixed assets (capitalization) be increased from $1,000 to $5,000. This will keep us consistent with GFOA reporting standards. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REt~UESTI=D ACTIONS: Approve Finance Director's recommendation: FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval. r- `: ~ BEM®11E® ~1 Y' @'OSTP®NED ~J ` ~~ `` S~EARt~ ~ '; ~ <~ ~~~ , ~ fl~~l~~~~' I ~~ {This page inte~ti®nally left blank} -.; : ~ ; ~r~,~--~ ~. .a:; ~ b5 ~: 1_, ~ ~ . . r . ~ 1 ~ a ~~ t IVEYV i~AIVOVER COUfVTY BOAR® OF CONiMISSlOIVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/1~/Ol Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: Parks Presenter: Neal Lewis, Parks Director Contact: Neal Lewis- SUBJECT: Approval ofi PARTS Grant for $250,000 for Veterans Park I3RLEF SUMMARY: The county has been awarded a $250,000 grant for continuing work for Veterans Park from the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund. The county must match the grant with $250,000. Matching funds are available within the project budget. The Board has previously approved applying for the grant. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: NC Parks & Recreation Trust Fund ATTACHMENTS: ,~ ba01-56. REVIEV-!ED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend approval. w..w www.'. e+~.~warre r~ an • BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A L~PR® ll~~~, ~2EM0!/E® ~ ~ ~~ ipOSTP®NE®© `'x ~~ 1~EAR[J ~` 85. ~;~ ~:-~ North Carolina Parks 8 9t¢cr¢ation C°o„m„a .~• •., Trust Fund , . ~~:1 e~ l ~,, ~~~ ~~~~~ May 21, 2001 Jonathaze B. Bowes, Chair Roy Alexander Leslie Anderson lil. '~'i'endell Begley Troy T. Boyd Sr. Harriet L. Farrior Eddie 93olhroolr „ Ron Kincaial Russell ~lld. Rnhirzson id7 Jolzrz ~. Runkle Kenneth Sadler The Honorable Ted Davis County of New Hanover 314 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Chairman Davis: As chairman of the North Carolina Parks and .Recreation Authority, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate you on being chosen to receive a grant. from .the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund. The Authority received 72 applications. with requests totaling nearly $11 million. These protects were of very high quality and the successful applications were truly outstanding. The County of New Hanover will receive a grant for $250,000 to fiend the Veterans Park project. The project period is June 1, 2001 to June 30, ,2003. The enclosed project agreement describes the scope of the project and lists the conditions and requirements for receiving the grant. Please read the document carefully, sign, notarize,. and~returri one"copy to: Ms. Robin Munger, Grants Analyst N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation Mail Service Center 1615 ' Raleigh, NC 27699-1615 Please keep the second signed copy for your- files. Upon receipt of the signed agreement; the PARTF office will send you a check for $250,000. Please complete your.project as described in the enclosed .agreement., Progress on the project must be apparent within six months. If the County of New Hanover deviates from the project agreement, it may be required to return all or a portion of the grant. The County should construct all facilities to ensure accessibility and usability; to the greatest extent possible by persons with disabilities. We are excited about the potential of this project and look forward to working with you to make these resources available to your citizens and visitors. Since ely, ;~ .~ r , 1, ';" ~!'~,;" ~'" I<~ I Jonath~ B. Howes, Chairman ~ (~ ~ O ~~ N `C. Parks and Recreation Authority ® Vv ,. ~ :,, .~ . ~ JBH/rcm ; ~ ~`~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ -, Enclosures ~.~ cc: Steve Moler NEW HANOVER CO BD OF COMMISSI0NER5 °) N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation e MSC 1615 a Raleigh, NC 27699-1615 ~ (919) 733-4181 N.C. PARKS AND RECREATION TRUST FUND PR®JECT AGRE~IVIENT • Applicants: ~ County of New Hanover , Project Number: 2001 -204 Project Title: Veterans Park Period Covered By This Agreement: June 1 2001 to .June 30, 2003 Project Scope (Description of Project): Site Preparation, Lighting, Bleachers; Fencing (4000 Lin. Ft.), Walkways (2400 Lin. Ft.), Picnic Shelter (2600 Sq. Ft.), Playground, Concess/Toilet Bldg (2330 Sq. Ft.), Contingency Project Costs: PARTF Amount $250,000 Local Government Match $1,251,400 AGREEMENT CONDI~'I®NS The North Carolina Parks and Recreation Authority (hereinafter called the "State") and the County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as "Applicant") agree to-comply with the terms, promises, conditions, plans, specifications, estimates, procedures, project proposals, maps, and assurances described in the: North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) administrative Hiles and project application- which are hereby made a part of .the PARTF grant agreement. Now, therefore, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: Upon execution of this grant agreement, the State hereby promises, in consideration of the promises by the: Applicant herein, to obligate to the Applicant the grant amount shown above. The Applicant hereby promises to efficiently and effectively manage the funds in accordance with the approved budget, to promptly complete grant assisted activities described above in a diligent and professional manner within the. project period, and to monitor and report work performance. Eligible Project Costs and Fiscal~Mana~ement The PARTF grant amount must be matched on at least adollar-for-dollar basis by the Applicant. To be eligible, project costs must be incurred during the project period, be documented in the formal. application and described in the project scope of this agreement, and initiated and/or undertaken after execution of this agreement by the Applicant and the State. PARTF assistance for land acquisition will be based on the fair market value of real property or the sales price, whichever is less.. Value must be based upon an independent appraisal by a~ licensed appraiser holding a general or residential certification from the. North Carolina 1 Appraisal Board. •The N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (hereinafter called the Department) shall review the appraisal as to content and valuation. Approval of appraised amounts rests with the Department. The Applicant agrees to begin development on PARTF acquired land within five years of the date of project completion in order to, allow general public access and use. The Applicant agrees to.maintain and make available at proper times to the Department accurate records of all expenditures applicable to this agreement and to submit a final project data sheet and performance report verifying eligible costs to the Department within 60 days after project completion. Accounting records should be based on generally ,accepted local. government accounting standards and principles. Records shall be retained for a period of three years following project completion, except that records shall be retained beyond three-year period. if audit findings have not been resolved. All accounting records and supporting documents will clearly show the number of the project to which they are applicable. ~'he Applicant agrees to refund to the State, subsequent to audit of the project financial records, any costs disallowed or required to be refunded to the State on account of audit exceptions. Protect Execution The Applicant may not deviate from the scope of the project without approval of the Department. When one of the conditions in the agreement changes -such as the project scope, a revised estimate, of costs, a deletion or additions of items, or need to, extend the project period -the Applicant must submit in writina`a request to the Department for approval. The State and Applicant mutually agree to comply with all, applicable federal, state and local statutory provisions governing purchasing, construction, land acquisition, fiscal management and the environment including but not limited to the following: North Carolina Archives and History Act; -Prime Agricultural .and Forest Lands (N,C. Executive Order #96); North Carolina Executive Order #16; Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act (G.S. 159-7 to 159-42'); Formal Contracts, Informal Contracts and Purchasing (G.S. 44A-26, G.S. 58-31 to 58-40, G.S. 87-15, G.S. 133-1:1, G.S. 133-3, G.S. 133 Article 3,, G.S. 1~6-28.4, G.S. 143 Article 3D, G.S. 143-48, and.G:S. 143-128 to .143-1,35;. Conflict of Interest (G.S. 14- 234);Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-336); N.C. State Building Code; and the North Carolina•Environmental Policy Act (G.S: 113A-1 to G.S. 1,1,3A-12). The Applicant agrees to permit periodic site visits by the Department to ensure work progress in accordance with the approved project, including aclose-out inspection upon project completion. After project completion, the Applicant agrees to conduct grant agreement compliance inspections at least once every five years and submit a state provided inspection report to the Department. The Applicant agrees land acquired with PARTF assistance shall be dedicated in perpetuity as a recreation site for -the use and benefit of the public, and the dedication will be recorded in the ~, deed of said property. The Applicant agrees to maintain. and manage PARTS .assisted development/ renovation projects for public recreation .use for a minimum period of 25;: years after project completion. 2 The Applicant agrees to operate and maintain the project site so as to appear attractive and inviting to the public, kept in reasonably safe repair and condition, and open for public use at reasonable hours and times of the year, according to the type of facility and area. The Applicant shall agree to place utility lines developed with PARTF assistance underground. If the project site is rendered unusable for any reason whatsoever, the Applicant agrees to immediately notify the Department of said conditions and to make repairs, at its own expense, in order to restore use and enjoyment of the project by the public. The Applicant agrees not to discriminate against any person on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, age or ability in the.' use of any :property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement. Project Termination and Applicant Eligibility The Applicant may unilaterally rescind this agreement at anytime prior to the expenditure of PARTF funds on the project.. Failure by the Applicant to comply with the provisions and conditions set forth in the formal application, PARTF administrative rules and this agreement shall result in the Department declaring the Applicant ineligible for further participation in PARTF, in ,addition to any other remedies provided by law, until such time as compliance has been obtained to the satisfaction of the Department. • 9 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the State and the Applicant have executed this Agreement as of the date entered below. Applicant _ ~~~~~ Chief Elected Official Title ~ -. State of North Carolina County of ~ , On this day of ~ , 2001, personally appeared before me the said named • , ' to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the' foregoing instniment, and he (or she) acknowledged that he (she) executed the same and being duly sworn by me, -made ,oath that the statements in, the foregoing instrument are true. - , My commission expires (Signature. of Notary Public) 90 4 N.C. PARKS AND RECREATIGN TRUST FUND PRO.IECT AGREEMENT Applicants: County of New Hanover Project Number: 2001 -204 Project Title: Veterans Park Period Covered By This Agreement: June 1, 2001 to June 30, 2003 Project Scope (Description of Project): Site Preparation, Lighting, Bleachers, Fencing (4000 Lin. Ft.), Walkways (2400 Lin. Ft.), Picnic Shelter (2600 Sq. Ft.), Playground, Concess/Toilet Bldg (2330 Sq. Ft.), Contingency Project Costs: PARTF Amount $250,000 Local Goverrunent Match $1,251,400 AGREEMENT C®NDITI®NS The North Carolina Parks and Recreation Authority (hereinafter called the "State") and the County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as "Applicant") agree to comply with the terms, promises, conditions, plans, specifications, estimates, procedures, project proposals, maps, and .assurances described in the North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) administrative rules and project application which are 'hereby made a part of the PARTF grant agreement. Now, therefore, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: Upon execution of this grant agreement, the State hereby promises, in consideration of the promises by the Applicant herein, to: obligate to the Applicant the grant amount shown above. The Applicant hereby promises to efficiently and effectively manage the fiords in accordance with the approved budget, to promptly complete grant assisted activities described above in a diligent and professional ~ manner within the project period, and to monitor and report work performance. Eligible Project Costs and Fiscal Management The PARTF grant amount must be matched on at least adollar-for-dollar basis by the Applicant... To be eligible, project costs must be incurred during the project period, be documented in the formal application and. described in the project scope of this agreement, and initiated and/or undertaken after execution of this agreement by the Applicant and the State. PARTF assistance for land acquisition will be based on the fair market value of real property or the sales price, whichever is less. Vahie must be based upon an independent .appraisal by a~ licensed appraiser holding a general or residential certification from the North Carolina 1 Appraisal Board.' The N.C. De`,partment. of Environment and Natural Resources (hereinafter called the Department) shall review the appraisal as to content and valuation. 'Approval of appraised amounts -rests with they Department. The Applicant agrees to begin development on PARTF acquredland within five years of the date of project completion in order to, allow general public access and use. , The Applicant ,agrees to maintain and make available at proper times to the Department accurate records of all expenditures applicable to this agreement and to submit a final project data sheet and performance report verifying eligible ,costs to the Department within 60 days after project completion. Accounting records should. be based on generally ,accepted local government accounting standards and principles. Records shall be retained for a period of three years following project completion, except that records shall be retained beyond three-year period, if audit findings .have not been resolved. All accounting records and supporting documents will clearly show the number of the~project to which they are applicable, The Applicant agrees to refund to the State, subsequent to audit of the project financial records, any'`costs disallowed or required to be refunded to the State on account of audit exceptions. Proiect Execution The Applicant may not deviate from the scope-of the project without approval of the Department. When one of the conditions in the agreement changes -such as the project scope, a revised estimate of costs, a deletion or additions of items, or need to extend the project, period -the Applicant must submit in writing a request to the Department for approval. The State and Applicant mutually `agree to comply with all applicable .federal, state and local statutory provisions governing purchasing; construction,. land acquisition, fiscal management and the environment including but not limited to the following: North Carolina Archives and History Act; Prime Agricultural and Forest Lands (N.C.: Executive Order #96); North Carolina Executive Order #16; Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act (G.S. 159-7 to 159-42); Forrrial Contracts, Informal Contracts and Purchasing (G.S, 44A-26, G.S: 58-31 to 58-40, G.S. 87-~15, G.S. 133-1.1, G.S. 133-3, G.S.. 133 Article 3, G:S,,.136-28.4, G.S. 143 Article 3D, G.S. 143-48, and G:S. 143-128 to 143-135; Conflict of Interest.(G:S. ~14- 234);Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (P.L.' 101-336); N.C. Sta'ta Building Code; and the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (G.S. 113A-1 to G.S. l 13A-12). , The Applicant agrees to permit periodic site visits by the Department to ensure work progress in accordance with the approved project, including aclose-out inspection upon project completion., After project completion, the Applicant agrees to conduct grant agreement- compliance inspections at least once every five years .and submit a state provided inspection.. report to the Department. r The Applicant agrees land acquired with PARTF assistance shall be dedicated in perpetuity as a recreation site for the use and benefit of the public, and the dedication will be recorded in the deed of said property. The Applicant agrees to ,maintain.. and manage .PARTF assisted 2, .development/ renovation projects `for public .recreation ,use for a minimum period ~ of 25 'years ~J after project completion. 2 The Applicant agrees to operate and maintain the project site so as to appear attractive and inviting to the public, kept in reasonably safe repair and condition, and open for public use at reasonable hours and times of the year, according to the type of facility and area. The Applicant shall agree to place utility lines developed with PARTF assistance undergro~uzd. If the project site is rendered unusable for any reason whatsoever, the Applicant agrees to immediately notify the Department of said conditions acid to make repairs, at its own expense, in order to restore use and enjoyment of the project by the public. The Applicant agrees not to discriminate against any person on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, age or ability in the use of any property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement. Project Termination and Applicant Eligibility The Applicant may unilaterally rescind this agreement at anytime prior to the expenditure of PARTF fiords on the project. ' Failure by the Applicant to ,comply with the provisions and conditions set forth in the formal application, PARTF administrative Hiles and this agreement shall result in the Department _ declaring the Applicant, ineligible for further participation in PARTF, in addition to any other remedies provided by law, until such time as compliance has been obtained to the satisfaction of the Department. e • 93 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the State and the Applicant.have executed this Agreement as of the r , date entered below. Applicant ~~. ~~~ .. ~ ~~~ . Chief Elected Official Title State of North Carolina County of On this ,day of , .2001, personally 'appeared before me the said named to me known and known to me ~ to be the person described in and who. executed the foregoing instrument, and he (or she) acknowledged that he (she) executed the same and being duly sworn by ~ me, made oath that the 'statements in the foregoing instn~ment are true. My commission expires (Signature of Notary Public) F NORTH CAROLINA PARKS AI~rD RECREATION AUTHORITY By Date °~ Chairman l../ ~; 94 - ~ 4 NEUV NANOVER COl1NTY BOAR® OF C011JIi1lIISSIONERS RE~2UEST FAR BEARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Pilots Ridge Infrastructure (Veterans Park) BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-56 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT NC-Parks and Recreation Trust Fund Grant ~ $250,000 Capital Project Expense $250,000 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for NC Parks and Recreation Trust Fund grant awarded for Veterans Park. Matching funds are available within the project budget: ADDITIONAL BNFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~ ~~ ~1PPR® ~'~~: ~EMO~ ®~~~ ~ ~ ~, ., . 95 ~T'his,pag~ intentionally left blank} ' ~ ,,, ~, ~ ~ ; ;ti, ~'. r~'~ 4 ~!{k:"a' ~' 96 NEVV HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FDR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: ®6/18/01 • • • Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Transportation Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin Contact: Patricia A. Melvin SUBJECT: Approval to Submit Application for Rural Operating Assistance Program- Grant DRiEF'SUMMARY: New Hanover County is eligible to receive an allocation of $106,089. These. funds are to be expended as follows: Elderly/Disabled Transportation $69,838 ..General Public Transporation $21;085 Work .First Transportation $15,166. We are required to submit an application to receive these funds. There is rio required local . match. The application must be submitted by June 29, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~,,,.,A,,,~~ Recommend approval to submit grant application, and acceptance of grand funds, if a-pprov~d by N.C. Department of Transportation. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTAC!'iMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A .Recommend approval. r~~ ~~~ ~'OS PO Em ~ / ;" 1 =~ S*~EARIa ,` ~'~- , ?~, J8 ~bl-,~q,: ,~~, ~~ 7 {This page intenti®nally left blank} .K, ~r ti t,. 9~ ~~ NE1nl hIANOVER COUIVT'1( BOAR® OF COMNIISSIO~IERS REQUEST 0=0R BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Budge# Arnendn~ent Consent Item #: 12.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Non-Departmental/ContingenciesJJuvenile Services BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0224 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Non-Departmental: Contingencies $108,000 Juvenile Services: Contracted Services -Care $108,000 EXPLANATION: To budget additional funds required to house~County residents in the Juvenile Detention Center. Fewer clients are being assigned to State-funded training school and more clients are being assigned to the Juvenile Service Center which impacts the County budget. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 'With the approval ofi this budget amendment, the balance ,~_.~1 remaining in Contingencies for FY 00-01 will be $31,300. ~` APPR01/AL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~~ a-='' h M COMMISSI®NERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: _ ,. .a=,~~ ~„ , , ; ,',.a,;,, x .. ~~,~; °~, tJ c _ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~E3ECTE® ~ ~~ ~' ~'OSTP®NE®~ ~ . ~ ~ , i~KE~-R13 ~ . >~~~ .,~~~ ~ s~~l~~~~'r 9 9 i Consent Item #: 12.2 Estimated Time: Page Number:. , DEPARTMENT: Social Services/DSS-Administration/Child-Day Care/CP,&L Intervention Program BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0225 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Social Services: , DSS-Administration: DSS Administrative Grants $14,968 . CP&L Intervention Program: Assistance Payments $14,968 Child-Day Care: DSS/Smart Start Day Care $24,290 DSS/Smart Start Day Care ~ $24,290 EXPLANATION: To budget additional State funds for the Smart Start Day Care Program and the CP&L Intervention Program. No additional County dollars are-required.. . ' a ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: - f ~~' APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Uf a . ~.PI'R8~ REMOVE® ~~,a t,,~ , ,~ ~ .'~.F2i~ ,, ~ ~ ~ia5 „_'D 111 ~~. Q~~, _.. .,'. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 12.3 Estimated Time: DEPARTMENT: General Fund/Emergency Telephone System Fund: Sheriff's Department/Sheriff-Administration/Sheriff-911 . BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0226 ADJUSTMENT General Fund: Sheriff's Department: Sheriff-Administration: Transfer In/Emergency Telephone System Sheriff-911: Contracted Services M & R -Equipment Computer Expenses Capital Outlay r: Emergency Telephone System Fund: Sheriff's Department: Sheriff-Administration: 911-Surcharge Transfer To General Fund $66,623 $48,804 $177,671 $27,500 $320,598 $320,598 $320,598 BOUNTY COMMIS NERD • APPROVED REJECTED ^ { REMOVED D POSTPONED D HEARD , GATE ~" EXPLANATION: When the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) project was approved, funds were transferred from the Emergency Telephone System Fund to the General Fund for this project. It has been completed at less than the estimated/budgeted amount. This budget amendment will transfer 911 surcharge funds not required for the project from the General Fund to the Emergency Telephone System Fund. DEBIT CREDIT APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners Consent Item #: 12.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: General fundlEmergency Telephone System Fund:, Sherifif's Department/Sheriff-Administration/Sheriff-911 BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0226 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT General Fund: Sheriff's Department: Sheriff-Administration: Transfer in/Emergency Telephone System Sheriff-911: Contracted Services $6 ,623 M & R -Equipment $x48,804 Computer Expenses $ ~ 77;671 Capital Outlay $27,500. Emergency Telephone System. Fund: Sherifif's Department: Sheriff-Administration: 911-Surcharge $320,598 Transfier To Genera! Fund EXPLANATION: When the Computer Aided Dispatch~(CAD) proj~ transferred from the Emergency Telephone System Fund to the G has been completed at Less than the estimated/budgeted amount. transfer 911 surcharge funds not required for the project from the Emergency Telephone System Fund. 1 ADD1Ti0NAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Boa COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • CREDlT $320,598 320,598 was approved, funds were feral Fund for this project. It This budget amendment will a neral Fund to the .,, Of Commissioners" r r ~~ ~ ~~ f~EMOVE® ~ f~ , 4 ~'OSTPONED f~ "~ ' aKEARiJ ~ `~ ~~`~ . ~~~~SI D.f~, .ate IVEVV d~ANOVER COIJN~Y..BOARD OF COMiVLISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION' Meeting Date: 06/18/01 Budget Arneindment Consent Item #: 12.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Federal Forfeited Property BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-51 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Federal Forfeited Property $5,172 Other Revenue $21,620 - Capital Project Expense $26,792 ., EXPLANATION: To budget additional revenue received 5-30-01 and to budget proceeds from auction. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for !aw enforcement activities as the "Sheriff deems necessary. ~,~,, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: `. ~°t---''~ APPRO!/AL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: r ~~~~T~~ ~~a- ~tBJEG° ~1 ` ~``~ REMOVE® ®~` ~ ~ t ~f as -01 ~~. 102 ~ ~~ ...~. ~ . :~ NEVV HANOVER COUNTY DOARD OF COMMISSIONERS , REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06018/01 `~ Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 12.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: QEPARTMENT: Controlled Substance Tax BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-52 ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT ~ CREDIT Controlled Substance Tax $4,117 Capital Project Expense $4,117 EXPLANATfON: To budget additional revenue received 5-30-O1. Controlled Substance Tax .funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff . deems necessary. AD®ITIONAL INFORMATION: ~,, 1-'~~~`~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners .~-%~ _ ~ ~ ~~ COM'MISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~ :~~~'1 "1~~~'ly~l~' ~~ t~E~fl110~`E~ ~~ ~~ ~OSTPONEI? ~ ~` ~EARCJ - 103 NEW hlANOVER COU.NT.Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater 06/18/01 Budget Amendment. ~ ~ ~~ . ,~. . Consent Item #: 12.6 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Human Services Transportation ~r BUDGET AMENDMENT #:,0229 ADJUSTMENT Contributions from Trans. agencies Contract Services DEBIT CREDIT $214,000 . $214,000 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for anticipated excess revenues over budget through June; 2000; to increase contract service dine item for payments to Progressive Transportation. (Payments to Progressive will be covered by the excess revenue coming in from the agencies.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: `~-=-fi'" APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of .Commissioners ~. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: p t a'~~ I~EMOif~®. ~I '~`" w' ~~ 1~05TPQ-~ED~ ~ ,~ k~EARi . ,4 ~~. . _ ~~lg~ ~n~C, ~~ w...~ 10