Agenda 2001 07-09I /~~~ND~ y NEW IIANOVER COUNTY BOAR OF COMMISSIONERS -Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD July 9, 2001 5:30 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF' BUSINESS TIMES 5:45 p.m. 1. 6:00 p.m. 2. 6:15 p.m. 3. ,~ 6:30 .m. 4.1 p 6:45 p.m. 4.2~ 7:00 p.m.._._......4.3 Consideration of Proposal to Perform a Natural Area Inventory Consideration of Jail Construction Management Consideration of Denial of Exemption Tax Year 2000 for Wardens of Vestry of St. James Parish PID R04817-035-002-000 Public Ilearin~s: PAGE NO. 1 21 49 Zoning Text Amendment: Request by Cape .Shade LLC to amend Article II, 51 Section 23-55 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance to permit freestanding canopies to be constructed within front yard setbacks. (A-308,05/01) Rezoning: Request by Stroud Engineering for Grove Park Properties to rezone 5~ 1.67 acres of property located in the 5500 block of the Carolina Beach Road service road south of Monkey Junction from R-15 Residential to B-2 Highway Business. (Z-726, 06/01) Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Req~~est by Liv? Oak Development Company 61 ~ • to amend the Wilmington, New Hanover County, CAMA, Laud Use Plan by modifying the land classification map to extend the Urban Transition Boundary north along Market Street to the Southern right of way of the Highway 17 By- Pass. (LUP-11, 06/01) 7:15 p.m. 4.4 Zonin;; Text Amendment - Request by Staffto amend Section 67 of the Landscape 67 section of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance by adding the Landscape I section as recommended by the Unified Development Ordinance Oversight I Committee. (Z-310,~OSlO1) 7:40 p.m. 5. Consideration of Ordinance Changes Regarding Vehicles in Dune Areas and 83 Glass Containers in Dune Areas 8:50 p.m. - 6. Committee Appointments ` 89 ~~-_`::9:00 p.m. 7 Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 205 ~~ ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BITSINESS ~ PAGE TIMES NO. s 9:05 p.m. Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) . 9:15 p.m. Additional Items -County Commissioners, County Attorney, County Manager , 9;:3D .p:m. _ Adjourn . *Note: The time listed for each agenda item is estimated, and in the event that a•preceding item takes less time, the Board will ,move to the next item. n ~I ~4 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE - 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 ~- ~~ WILMINGTON, NC July 9, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) ~ ~ 205 2. Approval of Minutes 207 Adjourn 0 0 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS July 9, .2001, ; . ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 211 2. Approval of Governor's Crime Commission Grant Application 213 3. Approval of New Hanover Public Safety Commwlications Center Agreement and 215 Bylaws • 4. Approval of Diabetes Today Grant Application for $10,000 from the Diabetes 225 Prevention and Control Unit, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services 5. Approval of Cape Fear Memorial Foundation Grant Application, $75,000 for "Lose 229 Weight Wilmington'' and if Awarded, Approval. of Associated Budget Amendment 6. Approval of Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Grant for 2001-02 and 231 Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #02-0001 7. Adoption of Personal Health Fee Changes (offering 2 new. vaccines), New Medicaid 233 Rates for Medical Nutrition Therapy, and New Federal Poverty Guidelines for Sliding Fee Scales 8. Approval of Conveyance of Pender County Parcel to Cape Fear Commw7ity College 239 9. Adoption of Resolution Requesting, NCDOT to Add Roads in Marsh Oaks 245 Subdivision to the State Highway System 10. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 249 Collection Reports 11. Approval of Correction of Tax Value - R05517-001-000 -The Oleander Company 253 12. Approval, of Correction of Tax Value - R02919-003.039.-000.- Williams; Leah Rose: .25~ 13. Correction of Tax Value Cooperative Bank for Savings R04817-032-002-000 257 14. Approval of Local Law Enforcement.Block Grant (LLEBG) 2001 Application 2~9 15. Approval of Budget Amendment #2001-57 261 16. Appointment of Commissioner as Voting Delegate to NCACC Annual Conference. 263 l 7. Release ~of Value 267 18. Approval of Snows Cut Park Lease 269 19. Capital Project Ordinance -Community Development Block Grant Program 271 (CDBG) Scattered Site Housing Program ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST i'OR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/09/01 ;~ ; Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: ,Department:. County Manager Presenter: Ms. Camilla Herlevich Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Proposal to Perform a Natural Area Inventory BRIEF SUMMARY: The attached memo from Camilla Herelevich, Executive Director for the North Carolina Land Trust, recommends that the County perform a Natural Area Inventory through the N.C. Natural Heritage Program. The major value of the Inventory would be to provide a nationally accepted classification and documentation of important natural areas in the County. This Inventory would allow the County to be eligible for land acquisition grants from state and national sources. The County already has a database of natural area resources. This database, however, needs updating and reclassification in order to meet state and national standards. The total cost of the new Inventory would not exceed $20,000. It is possible that some grant money is available to perform the Inventory. County funds are available through roll-over of FY 2000-2001 Planning Department funds. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Board direct staff to perform the Inventory as a necessary step to ~. become eligible for land acquisition funds: FUNDI(VG SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend approval. • r~Uf~l'1f ~O~flf~ii~' WPPRQVED ~~ REJECTED ~•, REMOVED t~ ~ ;' POSTPONED fl WEARi') ~ ,'` 3~~1 ur6ue. -r~-- s ~-a `~I ~u.,,,~,,~.~,z,D~~~1 `~~ Seek, r~~r d. ' 5~ ~oSt rta~'f~n e~C;~e~ J 20, o ~ ~ .`"~ ~.: jj~ F~:33.'S Yn E~ ~... ~emorant~ur~n 1 2 ~(~a: n'ear' ~~:mover C;ourzty C;arrzmissioners =: ~I'r~zc.y Skr-abal, N~` C:oastai ff'etferatiarz; Aifer ~)'>~'eai; C: zsirt I~rl~tnhr }' per Franz: Camifl~z iV~. ~.-~erieviciz, >tiT~~' Ca~zstai llarrcl ~'r~,zst ~~,~~ ;mate: 1VIay 1, ?UQl . SLaizj: County Natraral Area 1:rzv~~ttar~= I am writing to follow up Trac}+ Skrabal's recent: ccnversation with Ted Davis and Nancy Pritchett .about the need for an updated coLUnty natLiral area invel7lp 1~= after t~!eir ry. (Shore - election;~I wrote Comnnissioners Bosenzan and Pritchett about this issue, so thz ir!fonnation here may look be' familiar to the t~=o of }rou.) I have enclosed a fe~~= pages printed off the Internet that describe the stale Natural ;-lerita~e Program, a progra!n of the NC Division of Parks and Recreation. The state rl7aitltains a. ~ialo~ic~l arnd Cozzserl=atiori 'V~ztabasc~ that leas identified places throughout the staz:e that ha~,%e national, state or ,regional ecological significarce_ In addition; the Natural Heritave Prcgrarr~ encourages more cetaiied Counts= datural Area Ynventaries. The i~nap enclosed sho°~=s the - status of count, inventories as of January; 1 ~9fl. (The Pender County and C~:~slotiv C:ounl}r Inventories have since been completed, as have others throughout the state.} As ~=ou can see., Nets= Hanover Counn_= is conspicuoLlsl}= absent among the "prog-ressive~' counties in not havirng a county inventory. Back in 1 °~4, the County Plar~n.ing Department prinked a boolcle.t entitled C~~~7ser-vcrtioiz liC'S'O%ll'CG,S l71 ~~~'rV ~~i'LUZi)?~E'?` C~>1,ci7t1%. It COnsiStS Of speCl~S 11stS Of planfs and at11.tI11iS fOLIi7.d IP #:11e county and ge.lzeral descriptions of habitat t}=pes. This document formed the basis of the. conservation overlay planning district. (The cover page of the booklet is enclosed, and a sample page of habitat. description as ~~%ell.) A true count= natural area inventory is much more site-sped; c. ~zi:er a field sunTe}j; a. written repolrt I5-,prepa:reai~t {a#,includes both a narrative description and map for each area deem;,d to tie sig=ii~flcan aTl~p"co~~er;,c.onte.nts and a sample site description ft-om the Pender County Natural Area Inventory arse. enclosed. ` h4aiYi Office 1806-1~ Park .Avenue .• \Xiilmii7~tgn. NC 254.0; (910) 790-45%~ • Ft>i (910) 790-Oj92 ncccast«<~~~~-ilmin~ton.ncr New Bern Office 220 Souti~ Front Sneer ~ i'.O. t~o~: 15451 Nc~~: Byrn; NC 28561 (252) 6~4-1937 • Pay; (352j 514-0OSi • jlallenCccanncct.com ~~. • `f~lle advalitages far us of a comprehensive county natural area inventory; U~~(lich follcn~.~s illc. if~terf~«ianc~ll~~ adopted methodolo~r}~ ~~;sed b~~ tl~e North Caro}~ina He.rlt.a~~,e Propra~n are ~i~a~~,y; inCl UC1111~~: C.Jpdat.e,d inl~arnlai.ion; - 6 More detailed, site specific information; and C~ualificatio~l of state and federal fundin~_>> wilts for land acquisition; ~~~ost of ~rhich use tile. l-Lerit~at~~e Pro~~ram date to rangy, projects in the competitive ~n-ant evaluation process. ~~ updated New I-Ianover County Natural Heriage lnvezlton~ should not cost. more than S20_Q(30 a17d ~vauld be a fir>t step; in this time of fiscal shortfall; toward open space r:,roLection when there arc ~ anies availaLle in the future. It luould reduce the electorate's suspicion about how eve select "Green Space" projects the Ilea tiii~e tiia~ we pra~ase a bond referendum or acquisitiien proposal. he, izlwentory itself car~~ies no }egal or regulatory protection; zvareover, t11? bota,~7st producing il~e repo; ~ always obtains p~riltissian E~ro~n any landov~~ner ue~fare cntr;% on private property, However, b}~ identiwing~ t:he mast significant sites lef~ in the county, it r~~ill help 1o focus any potentiall}; divisive det~ates about deveIoplnent on tl.e really important places-places objectwe?y iden#ified Through a scientific process recognized tl~.rougho~ut the country. Please ` . keep this in ~nirid as you look at the budget far this ~,~ear and as you plan for rie~1 ~ ~~~ear. Let me lcnaw how 7 caa1 helt~. • 3 R NATURAL AREA INVENTORI' OF PENY~ER COUNTS', NORTH CAROLrNA ., 1)L=~~S~ 'T'.1T'7-10~~1~;~ t )I= ~hNi. STtI~L> ;' f`:1:1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~,,,T1-_~r_.)~5~ A.I~s_.~~ .... .................. ~ . ~ .. ~ ~ ~ . _ . GLOI_.~~C11' A)~rD SOILS ......... ~ . ~ ;, S~C r~,I~~A=~:~~` OI' Ri.~SLT~iTS ... ~!~T.~_TUIL~L .~-~~~~~_AS ...... .. ................... i' N.!~~ TT_?T_Al COM1~,1Z_iN1TiES ........................... .... 1 PROTTC ~. IO?~i PRit~>I'~i ~. IES ............................ L.~1~?~ii? 01'^;-'Nl=~~ P1 0TrC1I~~.~! ?~1'I'IA~I`v'LS ... ~S .............. .... BIGI ocTlc.,~.~ Stm.~%rzTS ~~~ r~~D,~~~~cLr-gin S~ ~=.c TLS I.:_~_~~,~~ ..~ .. ... ~~J FrrGrR,~, L AW ... - .. ........... ~0 .. ....... . `L~T~ LA s~~~ .... ..... ...................................... ..........3~; SITL %?ESCP1PTrONS ...................... .. ... „ C ~. [vIP _EJFUiVE/r-TGLL Y" ,~HEL T E~ ~~TE:G.~ S ~ T f--. ~, _ ~ _ - .ANGOLA P;r~~ GA.i~~E L,~~~D ... ,~ HOL?~Y SIrLLT~1~ 1\~IACROSITr; . ......................... , ........ .... ;: HOLLY Sr-TEETER GA.?~~IE LAND ..........:. ,~ -~ l ?~~C:LE~^~T SAS%A?\~! ~A .. , ......... ... _ , SOLITH~~'Z.ST i~GE SAS%A~'~~i:^~ ....... .. .. `, :s BE_~~~ G.^~n~L?EN....... .......................... ...... ....... 2~ZAPLT- i~ILL SAVAIv~,iAS M:ACR~JSITL .... c c- I~Za:~'J~L HILL StI'r.00L. RO<~.D S'A~,'f-~1~~'NA :....:.. ~: l~ SHAx~N CR-EL;K SAVAI~~NA ............ ..... ~;{ THE NECK Sr_~~%A1~rNA ......:........ ..... . _^-:J~TtsOT ~, CP,~~±L rL.~T1%,%OODS ~~ . SANll~' (~l_J~f~! S\~~f1.N1' 1~'1~P:'1~\r,/O~ )1:?S ~`. ,: ,~ S ~I ~,"fl t' S1r~~A1\-1l> ~ 1~f;1~1 I~L,~~"I"1}JC~OI)S ....... `~1 ......... .... ........ 1~,rl~YL-''7(.)GVN I~(.:)AI) .`.>A~~~ t~1ti`A .. , ....... ~ ~i~, liI~t~(.;K. 1'1VF=:I=; FLt.:)O.D>''LA1-N M~? C]~;OS]TL--~ ............ . _ '...... _..97 YI_,At..'K F:.]\iFF? 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S':JP~F CI"TY i~!i-~RITIME >;OitiEST ......... ~ 1 TOPSAIL. SOTJ?~T MARITIME FORESTS ........ .. ~ ~ i~ ,__ . ,. , . r... : ... .: _ . ~J ~~ . \ I / ~ II ' Se ~ ~ _ , -, 7 r'z ~ i r ~' -. ~, ~ ~-- .,- ~ ~- ~ _ ~ t ~~ / ' i ~' ~ ~ 1;~ ~~ )r1 . ~ ~. ',1 ~ _r~, f/~ r~, ~ i i, l ~ I r n5 ~~ ~ ,:, ,~ .~~ r ~ ~~ i ` rn ~ ~~,, ~ ~ y ~~ ,~ - .. I ... . r -"', 1 - ~ i ii. Fay` I _. r - ~ ~ d - / Y 1 ~ - ~~ i ~ ~ ~,i ~_,~ _ ~,w.)~ ' -- , ~ ~_ ~ _ : _: / .. _ t ~~ ~ y ~ i ~' I nn ~ i i / - _ r ~ _ `I\ _ ~ \ -_ - ~ ~ f ~_ ~_. ~ r~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~- ~ s ~,_ --7~ r a ~ , =~ ,~~ ~, -~ ~ _ ,. - ,. ~~~ ~~, . f , ~_ _ ~ _ ~ ~ I ~--~~' ~ ~ _ ~ ,~ _ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - l ~~=` r - ~' ~ r ~~/'' i~-~ ~ ~ ,~ti '~--~• j ~ .` /' ,. 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Si~Ilific.~ni :Rai'iiI-~i Ilc~.rif;~~~e Are.3 Sffc s]~niicallc.c:: r)3i.io7lal Si2c: ~~.?t~4 ac]"~~.:: (;}uadranf?Ics: C'a;~~tlc-~I~avnc. t_:~u77-ie~, Lela~7d, ~ Ch,~nelsll~i4>: p~ihlic a17~~ ~.J?ri`,~ai~-~ 1~~]c~~~r~eior~-r1, 7:r.,c-]<y r'oirlt; ~c~_~,i1.t: }-ji]]; 51.x, ~ Pa1-}~.: SI(~NIFIC;.g;~~1~ I{1±,A ~'h~I~I'S: ]'~lc,ri],~;~asi t~;a}~c; hear i~~r-~r1=]oc,c]]>]ail", ],i~turaJ ,-~rc.a cc,",1_~l])s r,:7e c,(~ ta,~-. bcsl c.>.am],le~~ al~t~~l7erc of tl"lc Tidaa C'ypres-C~ri:Ln~, `a~r~ar;7]., c.ollu7~li7-,J~v. 'I7,)~. hid.}7 qualir~~ Sl~'3.777J7 ]S eXj-e17;7Ve aI7d ]~GSSeSSeS OUiSla7id]n~' SC'.en]C Va]lie5. 1~~]a17d 13Se~S V,"]t17JIi ti]G' Sr'~%a]17}_7 (;077t~,7?1 50777E Of L!le O}CJeSt }~nG`,`;7] Sta.I7C1S Of }Oi]"f}e~f L7lI7G; VJI.l}i t1 ELS dd17i10; 't0 i370I"C l}7~+_I1 iO{ 1 ~ r,a7-~ 0; cr~;- Cvera_1l;the. ~;11e. co,l.~tains ]:,il7e 1.7a1-ura] con7~71un.ii~~ Types: incl'~idinr~, ~_}7e. la_~"r- P~;ailal7d Ai]al7iic. V',~]l~te t ,eda]" FG'I;:Sld7ld 0]~~-~~I"G7~'I:17 .\IOL117VeP.1iC. ~1~~371117 F01"GSl. T]7C 5'11.~~ 3]SO SLj7~iOI`f.:; ]`C?i~lJ]~1.17077.5 Qf 1'~ r3'-C ]7}al7tS 'dl;i1 17 VG I"aTe a1-i1P_1aJ.S. r1]77077~' t]7e ]"31"e i)IiiI7tS iS 1]7e redC]"aJ ~SpeC1cS Oi ~.0)7.GL137 ~\'~C]7;.iS fly~traJ~ (~Grl2[ZeQ nauseipula~) and t],le Sta.i:e~Tlv"eatene.d Carolina ~-assr~~Grt (Lilne~i~;~~'r..~ c~crrc~lil~E~l~szsj. T1.7.e ra]-e. aa7~nlals ine]ude t?le Fe.dera]]y a"17C'r. Siate;Falda?7~ered I73a17_a?_ee (TrichechuS r7~l~~t~.rs): The, FO('iCSa:]]}~ aI1C! Slate Ti~~:e~iteI"ieii ;1rue.'1Ca?7. 3111~aiOr {.IiL~IcCiZGI` liiZSSZS,SI~DZGi7S;.c). 3_~?d i17C'_ ~'C~t%i"a'; SpcGleS 0? CGTlcelil S0utrleaSteli7 L2i'~IV_Tj%Oiic CT?!St".1'G1'1PC1Ti.US). L.g.]tiTI~SCAI'I~ I21LATIO?~'SHTI'.S: T]3is site iS 1_~c.ateu in t1.-ie center Gi~?'end.el" Counrv. fron7 near ~~i~~]"n~,ay NC `='~ a.nd Holly Shelter Crce.]~ south~:~~~-d (do~~>1lstream) info Ne-,x~ r a1lor~er Coul7t_~~ r~~-est Of LaSile 1~~`a}~'lle. Ti ?nC1LdC.5 ti7e tld3} pOl~lOnS OI. Sel~eraJ large tnf?iitai!eS: r01}', Sl7e]ier L.i?',:]i. Hal~r:sor~s Cre.e1<: T,Zericks Creed, Tsl~ild C:r~ek, al7d Long Cree_~:. ~ he site is co?,ti~„~IIS r~ itli Ho]1;. Shelter C`me 1,a?id Heal Staff Park; tiviih Rocky PoLnt S3ndl,~lis near the ~-~Ca br~d`~e; and r~~it]7 The. ~ %] Sand Ridge Ilatura] area. I"i0h:17 Oh~l~T11111in,~COIl. li 1S GOIlI7eCt.e~d l7y L]7e hGe.r d0~G,~1S(Te2,S71 t0 the. ~I`L11Sr~~lcl< Pv.'i O,riC;a.I7e real" R1ve.I- }~~laIS11e,S Slt.e. SITE D ~SCI~II'TIO_\T: Northeast CapeFeal-.Ziver F1ood:,lai-zl includes t11e. tidal rloGdp]ai1~l oi~i;lc 1~~OI"t1leaSt t.aDe Fear Rl.ver and itS IIla)Or tTiUL'taTeS Svllt}1 Oi 1.Lllr;%3V ~L. 5?. 1t 3.1S0 i17C]LQcS *e:~-%e71S1VP i0.tT1Vei1!~~ 1,PrraCeS a>^id 1S0]3~~~~ll~ilc.i7d r7SeS',~ lti?lIl Or 3G'~~3Ge.I'i~ t0 i~OGd~]u111112}_ilict. 1 h.0 , tidal pGli:ionis the "d.rou~7ed" blac}~ ~z1ater IZVer c.orr-idor subl7.ler«ed by risin. sea. ievel_ and this area supports ex_te.nslr%e Tidal_ Cyl7ress-Gum Sr~~alnp. Sledge. Forest, a lame area r~-ithin tLe site .in Neu% H~ai7over Coui7t~~ opposite Long Creek, c.Gntains extensir%e~ l7oz>J~r='enl7e- r~~etlarlc~ ~lafis a77d isolated upland r~d~res. The ra-etlal3d flats su.pporl Nol>:rivel7]le Sr~~anlp Foresi, Peatlal7.d Atlal7t,~ ~-C1>>te Cedes Fo7es'i, and PGI7d Pine Vvood]w3d. TJle- isolated hd.ges suppol ~ «%et Pil7e. Flai~~,~oods \>,1e1~ Spc~dGSOI Va»al:!t_ Pi.nc/Scrai=~ Oat: San~]7i]l i~~lixed Oait ~'a1-i~It, ~eric Sa17c1t7.i]1 Sc.-ui~ ;C.nastC Plain `~'~>7a17t. and CGasta] Fz~I7~e Ever~"eel7 F~.~rest. _1ac]cs Is]a~xd, a17 upl.ai7d nse. in sGUt];e.rn_Pellde.r C~oun.ty DCa7 ~ ~ ~~ '?'u.~")e~%~Cl:~ek.,su]~pol~s a DI~~-h~lesic C~a]<-Hic.koly Foresill.aizlra.l c.omn7unJt~~. The Tidal C~~ii"ess-G~n S ~~+ra777],7 occurs oIl inuzldatedto satin aced I7lucks ill floodpla7~7 aloe=as ?]7ai~ar~° re~u]aI"]y`tG inte.Ir.7~ittel.7tly flooded vy tidal :=resl7r~-ate-I-. The de,zse to 117oderat:el.~ dez7.se. caPot~~,- is vaslo~sl7,~ doln~iz~.ated Ley baldc}dress (Tcz,~~odi.um distichz~~1~) and s~~,~h~i tupelo (71:js~a~ bzi!ora)_ e•S]7eC13}}`~~ upStreaIIl Of NC ~! ~. 1~O~V'11SfI"ealll., Sr~'aI?7]J iU]~P.~JG 75 d01711I721iT `,=,~li}, ,~7eG17 aSi7 (< 1 Q.'•:liiZfS ~~,~ ~ ] 3 9 ~-~. ~~ ~._J t i~~ ~1~~~r ~.~~o~%er ~~ou7~t~; s~ 1~ ~~1-~~>>~,- 1989. Nc~~~ Hanove.r Count-j~ r'~a~~nin~ Uc partl~ient '~~ This report is based almost completely upon work performed by David Duf~~lond, a consulting ecologist, under contract with New Hanover County. ~, w y, :,~ ~ h ' ~~The preparation of this document was financed. in part, through a Coastal Area =~ MGnagement Act Grant provided by the N. C. Coastal fv1anagemeni Progran,~.tl.rough °, r'unds provided by the Coastal Zone ManagemenlP,ct of 1972, as amended, vY~hich is administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and ' Atmospheric Administration. I ' <l<3r!(} i~; 1tiC<!t(~r~ i~r7 J1~77. ~,rrt'7i1!t~r'I~~ j~,,rt t!f 71n~~ (.;!nin7>~~. 1"~JJls-.l+ut ~ st.7r7~1 Srt'71~~ ~~~ }7;,~,~t~ ,(~!~i r7r~7;,it tl irt,i!i:,t;I~,r it,7-i,~ nl"s~;~~,7r;}.~ (~>r~~r~,i }>~><t,<:i7G7r!Jt~~i~~I~~+tlt~ f!.,ll~,~a~j7i ~ i~~-~t O~li~ ~ t:,nl~~l~• ;rJ~r1 ~,til;t~~tJit~}; s~~~.~~ c 7<~. <~Jtrl~! i77<~1~Irl!:~ti i'ii ~4~n~r~~ ct t1~~7 s:~~ i7!i~~~.~ ;!7r~ lx~,J7t1 1_!iii~ . Jt tl 1,;,~: ~;7n~ ;~„r< ~ I,:!~~. ~ 7~~i17UV(''] trO71]11~)~ ! itl'$:1 \C,~;f'I~t17177i 1~~;1~!". it iLC~(-C^C~ 1}~1C'1 i}ri l-`,:l~.i. c~i..~,rr~;a1 ~~rn~~l1 ~,+~<,rir!~!li-lI)~"t~ iJr~;; r, i!z~~~i~• l>~~rJ~i d~_~JJ~t:,~~Jt-.tl rllu~r~,~ J1Jr- J~n,:j,l'.~iJJ~~,. l~J.[ <~;~~rt~ful tit~~l~~] ~c7r<:}.:.:, I~12!yr: n~7J 1:~,<_•rrJ i,iJ~at ~t:ilC(_~J7 IS yet. tI! vc•rii~% 7J~?c i7 e;:;i~tt_J~c<~:. -. ]~t' ~']9i~i7]' C."t1]]C71.)T ~;j~l,(~JCR Oj S.\'Fi.]71~1~}!t ] 1CJ17~;1<~i_7 1)]11 f:, 1.}IU1'i~~';~"! j~~!77C~} }7iJ11' {.;;+17 O(~CU7. llif ~(JJ]71- L'<.J"7l }~7C`,]}72C("L)L1S .`,pCC.f-S ]S ln]-('~i~<z.:5 )_)l.Ie l.f.i }I-(~C~U(']i1 j7]-f' )~1.C~77I1C'C'1 LCi Jil:ii7l~ 1Jl i.}J1~ J'C'L};t.l~ld 1'~`I'i<'; ~G_14' 5171"Ll}:)S OCCil7~~. h71.11°7~ ~"}1}'i(_1~71~ ~Il~:_~~r}=}.)]-;i) lti n"7os1 CC))"17I7JC.!7-1}d j?~t'SC.111 71 iI'C i12`~ OCi`_7-! ~hF['_7i for aIi extrncjcd peric,d of Lirnc. ~~~~il.l-lout {~irc ~ <, ~ <.°nt.ial}~~° lo~~-; ,,~wannal-, ve. ~c[:~t.Jtn~~ ~~ar.~i.I}d .l>e~<t.,rnc--~ c > t p(~)ctas777. f~~I~17v Ol C.l;(_ i7 ~,i7,iluCJ]"1 ~~)J!!.'_S ~1.' C!J]-i }U]]~~i<'af l]JI"1C.-IU! }~.C'T O L}'. ~7;I})11:itS LC,I }'ll~~~~J ~:!UC:<.,)`!7,L :+_7~C' S~v3]]11~1}'1 ~II~.L; }~UL [.}~1C,SC u7-e ll;il.,lal}~~~ ]l a1-I"QVJ 1~U7dC_]"517Q 7"1; 0I t' 1,]'72.71 ~3 l~('V~J i('C""'.[ 1k1 ~~.: F;'tl7~i"C)"I~1]'1(jJi1~T aerisel- J;)000Sln. Sa~rannalls are the habitaLti ~~~i7iCl1 s>..Ippol-L unusual assemblages of pitcl,icr j~lanLs. A%el;us' P~- +raj~~> orcl"iids and ~otl?er rela.tivcly rare. her}~aceous plants. The}~ art ~~~etlands Lut. are not senerallj v,~e1. d11r177~ LhC- ~~iQ1gT1175~ SC-laSQ)7. ,S ~~I11~1 i C'sulal- rll-L; S~a~111772~hS C17i ~>e C:7-C?.L('C~ ]'0771 $~)Il'7°_ 1J}1:x5 _S O~ IC~~~' j~CCUS117. Ponds ! v10'N Natural-ponds, other than openings in pocosir_s; occur in scattered localities tl°~rou~~hout t]1e Ccunty ~~nc~>"e.~und~ri}~'iil~ rlarl has heel7. dissolved~~ar~7d tile. suI-face 'ilassiun~IE~eci into Llle tio~xLer table.- ~'oI7~J hahi-tats thus created suj_7j;ort a ~,~arie>1- of shl:un a.nd l~Iei-}_~ sj~~ecies thai- are ;cued to~eth~er in no ntller i-tabit~ai in tLe Slate. T11e best developed e~anlple.s are usually less than aJ1 aCl'P iIl aiea. Tl1e DO]?QS arP_ SLP}=l~ect tQ j1 e1-iOdJC dI~>711~ a??d ~Irllln Oi aiiV~ aCCUl1?ilial.P.d OI"~a117C P.1aLL21"-; pCaC ai7C1. Z\~ei7 Cj'pI(:SS. .~11I1GU~h ll1G}' i11a~ fOI-111 iil OL}7e1- I?a}~iLa LS, L}1°~ ~I-C i110S 'v-iSi}~%l~ a5 islal?ds°'ofw:ate; in ]0~7~1e~a>~ pine-tu:-key oak v,~oodlallds_ ~ "_ ~~. ° ,Several vcij! rare plank aJ-e jargely specfic to these ]labitats. Loose ~~~ater n7il{oii (T~vr~~1~hv11uh1 latiuJ77) and dln~ari bladdeJ7n!Ort and Ut.ricuiaria o]iv<acea), Ii.sLed as t)lreatened specica i» Nnrt.h Carolina, }loth occur in tivaiers of these ponds in New H2no~%e I- Coun~,~. PgJ7d spice (Litsca aestivalisj, a ~~ely rare shr~Llb, ~L-o1n~s around the r~inls or scrne of the pons and ir,ar}~s hi~l~I ,water. ..Other rare species oz }plants fouled in the pol7ds in the CGUnt1!~are Traci-'sbea}"-ush (I:J7~~7chosl~cn-a trac~'J), P~(7}~~b1.775 SDIICel-USl7 ~OGOC113r7S r0}J)Sl7iS]i~, Ctl!-5'rrd9S ~LGC7-Sia ~1P~;~1i~dJ_1~), ~h!~ILC'1'~'raSS (Hveh_ocl`~loa carolinensis) alld pond doh f~<~nJ7el (~,7I ~a~oril_Jm }ej7tOrJhvi]uI~-~ j. These j~onds a~"c eaceedin~l•,~ fra~i)e ecosystenlsand are subject to sc~%ei=aJ de~;radatinns. Tlncoi?- t:rolled disposal of construction and other rubbish has elirninated see-era}. Llse of the ri.11s n7 t17e~ ponds as OI``~i race tracks has caused n1ai1; to becolre wet mudr':y pl.Idd}es; incapai,?]c of suppor[- Ln~ plants. Others ,1a~,~e i;1aa~~-erter_tly been drained by remOVal of oroundti~-ater ~! ~I~l ~.~:~ ~ `.-~ Il.~ c.Gn- St! L100011 Cie dltCl7eS <~nd C1-eat-071 Of h01"]"01~' }~ItS. The. IiL:Ii7~~C]"S Ol h~alLh,,' t';~aJ77j?IeS,Of [11S jla~l74r1 t;-j~e in the CounL~ are d~.~,~ndling rapic':ly. Ilrl~_,(11 t.. .Ir:I~ 1'l~,al".?.t ~-~~~~'~ Jr.ti 1._~:~< ~l,i_r:~I~~ lI',~j- 1',5I ~? 7111' 'illl{"( (~,]I,`;'l. I ,1, (,,,`.. ,v 1~1_.'~;). ~i('S1 ';I:IJJ(I hliiil1'1~1 ~I11 l)1(' (.,(illlll'j. iv"I~al`.!111!~I vv'!~+'ill ~ , l 1, , . ]:~Jr~~d 1~~~:,rit:l, (;~~11~-~r;,l I~~,1(~r_iric. I~'r(~l,c-rti<~~<.. }'~~~ l~(.ill(I ~;I;)](:C (1,115('<x 11 ('<l.lV`<IIlS). I~117[" ~'~;t~ii'~,'. ll1 U.11.1~ l.'1 Il~Cilll (li-V('~li~-il'1]i'T11. 1',~ 3 I',~ 4 I',5 5 I'S{i I' 5 i F'> 8 f I-c,ucl s~JC~ (1,_itti~ ~ lr~;(1,:_11) :' ~; - ~ psi]-ICl 1~ ll1~lI:Ilall~i' 1.Il~,I ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~ .. _ , ie_s ni.l)~~il~l. .~: r~ri.ti,n.1. 1'c~nd s~Jic.:r (:l::iisc:;',_<~r-~,i;~~<~l%;i. S~:rrJS<:u,:,. 1)~~ar1~ }~~ltad(`l~.:r-~~,~ori. (L.,I,~Jrul~:>>~la ~~lit,i(_~~).,i.7atLU-al pr'>rJd. -.c~bbn~ls spJl:r:rusn {.',le<,c 7<~3r~s r~~bhmsil.j. Nai.7.~ral pr:,l1(! ~~_~r,ls r]y rrah (_>>ol~aea n._t_ts<.]])I Vii. t~;ar,ilir?<~ de~,cr~~ >>~(tr I'<,rl,.. S}~F-r-~ ~,-~,i~. Venus' Ily Trap ((llir7ns~a rnusci~~ulaj. I<.t.Jre L~-ac'll..`;a~annaLl; sc):rlc'~~~,-hit ~:;c- graded. genus' fly trap (,IJionaea muscipulaj. M:arij~ Lu~mapp~d occl.uances in rnar;~~l;s oi~ pOCOS])7 V~~<:THliOi] ih'i1C'rP_ tI71I] c°C~~r_S O~ savaj-11"1~31~?-Ilia-~"1:;'t~]L1C I]Fit`.'<' ~iP'r<°1C)~~E'<1. ~'S~a C77"C en ~IV (~7"Chlci ~J~1=11('11"llrl~ COliO?JSFl.l71?~. !~~3Lil'~7 C~~71~1?VL1C OI CIIIi~ x.)11 C')'LJI~C'_S5 alms; I~la11d ~:r deli.. -, Potential Natural A.i-ea (PN~1 - PN1 Pcssil~le bluffs along N.L. Cape )±ear hivcr. ~C:ol.lld support: unusl_lal ~-c~e~Laci(al~ Ivor .area, con.side~rin~ .isolated natLU~e. ~ . r~ . .PN`' Sug,~r Loaf.- Stabilized eolian dune deposit. Impc~ra.~t I~Iist~rical and IZa~~ur.al !an~a-- ,~~, >~,:,=~~ marl,.. C<.trclina l;cach State Parr. PN> 1~1-r-:11-Jeveioped poc~'~sin.1%~~ etatiol; r7orth cif Nc~~~ Harlo~~e;~ C;ounry Air~~~r,rt. 51.~?nulca be c~:rr.fully sL11~-cued for rare. plants ~~'here I:x~ssi~:Jlc and preserved as r~~ccllent example ~~,~ ,t;,g~e. 1~, ~~ ~~ PN4 ~~resh~~rate?- natural pol~ds just, ~~~est of"San~sara. - Pi~i5 Freshwater I~?ond-n~arsi-1 cr_,rl.lpic~:. near lar~~~ (;~=I ~],rl~. l> w ilt. Fine: ~~' ~IIe~~. PN(:i Fncosin in he~~ci~~~aters ~~Jf T'rince C=~~nJt;e's C;rr~ri. a.nd Islan;.l. (~,re•c•l~ I?ossil,l~,~ jenpai-- dized by st(~ne~ goal-7~- developm~7zt. PN7 YoL~n« Atlantic ~~i~iee~ cedar s~.l-amp )rest across t_i.S~ g`_'1- IO00 feet ',v(,5t (->I~ ?~I~~z-tlc Crl-oti-c Sound I~~~:d. Purple pltcLer ~-~lant~,(S<~1rt~~~F~,?7a 7Jt~,u~ ~~1j PNS Sliehtl}~ hr<:~ci.~ish to fresh mal sh 1,1°ansJr.i~::~n. L~1Jl:~e7 7 ~~<~,~.l~l <~7f I-~-c ~„lc~ ~~~". C,.;c eck, ~'~e';;i side r_iC 1~Iasc>nboro Loop P~(~ad near present site c,f ~i~°w HaI7<:~-~,~~r C~oul'~c~ 1~~~ast~~'~+_~a~.e7 l~<,rtl~3 C'a'r<~lirlu N~aturzl i~erit~:l~~.c ~1'r<~<~LaTi~~ ~ ~ -. ~~ T ~ ~ ~ ~~ _. _. (~ ~ ~.)i~t ~:.i~ ~~~ ~r~~Jr E. 11~ C'\ ~r~nGt ~c I II~v6'«G p J ' ::1l~ertU~ tes _-, ' _ _ _ _ t[itor~ ~ o,l ~~E-~r,`r, - _ _ - - - _~= I~ - ~--t-r o~tG r. ti~~ f i~.ts~ts?C ---- 77 L--- -- -- - -I ~ u rr: ~ -_J • i'~!~~~ 1 c~f~ The North Carolina Natural -; .<_ Heritage Program ~s a part of t1~;e~ 1 -w`-, ~: iJ1i~iS~Or. ~~- I"ai"I''.~> a'~,U, r '_`~'~ F;e ~' ~~ ~~ i wllhln the ~ ,~ -- ' UC-,~c ! ,G" , o. !._ ~ y'4'"v'~i ,"lei is c:,,C -~~ fgGt~ra; ~~es:;~"rces Tne program inventories, catafogues,~, ~ {'y: 4 and ,facilitates protection of the ' , ~''~~ ~~ . ~ r; " ~r~::. rarest and the most outstandrng ~ ~s~. ;~~~,;,~ elements of the natural diversity ~ ,~ ~ ~~`, s ,~,~ .~ y of our state. These elements o, ~~ ~ ,vr; natural diversity include those __; ~;.~,'.=~ . plants and animals which are so rare or the natural communities which are so significant that they merit special consideration as land-use decisions are made. i ~^!e ~'r Jli,'g!cGi a.no. Ccns ~; `;~c!r`;~ i1 j 1. Q!C. E16~:-~ ~s a dynamic atlas that includes ecological and location .information about the elements of natural diversity in North Carolina. T ogetner with professional staff, this database comprises the North Cdroiina Natural Heritage Program. The Natural Heritage ~Prog~ram follows methodology developed by T ~~e future ~:.;r~,servar~~c.~~<This methodology is_currently used by 85 programs in the United States, Canada, Central America. and South America. The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program is one of the oldest members of this international network, and with nearly 18;000 records of element occurences in North Carolina, it maintains one of the mast extensive databases. Information on more than 1400 rare plants, animals; and natural communities is incorporated into the database. • By consolidating information about hundreds of rare species and natural communities, the program is .able to ensure that legislators, administrators; and especially the public are able to gEt the information that they need and request; to v~reigfi the significance h tt~:!/iis: uric. edu/pa?~kpro j ect/z~}~zi~/pro grani.htn~ ~,'2/~9 iA'Ul~lt~ ~.2~t1('1111~~1 ~~t~1Ui-gal 1-1~:.1-ilil;'C 1'1~C14_'J"d1T1 ~ ~ ~1'~lf~~e ~' i'J~~?, of various sites; and to evaluate the likelihood and nature of ecological irnpact~. This iniorn~~ation process encourages informed evaluations of 'the trade-oifs associated wit!-r biological diversity ar~d deve!opr~~et-it projects beTore plans have been fiinalized. Finally, this information supports the establishment of priorities for the protection of North Carolina's most significant natural areas. . 1 ~4~ - l~ttp://ils.uilc.eduiparkp, ojeci:/i~?Zp/p~ o~,~-a:m.l~tT~7 ') °l%l99 ;~'l.)TU~1 l- ;a1~(lll]]~~1 1V~<ilCl1'ill 1'-1C'i l~~i~~'~' 1'?~t~<!,1'~117] a~ ~._~ ~ C~i' t c! 11 ~? '~rv1t~\' i -..- __ ~ - _ :-_: 1~~4~r.,It~,r~ ~r~,~c~` ~i _. ;~OUiIE} ~~iit.~tuf ~tf a. i _-_ _ - -__ i. ~! J.r;i(c7 tk 1'ri ~`l t-`ff .1::.~.- ! 1 t owe ~: •~ ~o: i IlCLi ll n.C. ~~r~i~~iica~io-F7~..--- i. ------ Ci:)i'ti~Gt L.!sc. 1- ------_- - - --__II -------------- -1 j Hcr~e '-- • • -~ j r!. 1'<~<.~~ ] cif l County natural area inventories are systematic searches for the best examples of natural habitats and locations of rare and endangered species irl a North Carolina count~l. Natural area inventories produce repots and maps that identify and describe the most important natural areas of a county and their ecological significance. These natural areas are reservoirs of biological diversity, and are sanctuaries for rare native plants and animals whose survival may be in jeopardy. The presence of natural areas can greatly benefit the quality of life for the citizens of a county. Plannina for the conservation of natural areas in a county requires knowing the locations and kinds of natural habitats present; which locations are the best and which are protected. Natural area inventories help counties plan for grov~th and development b}~ identifi,~ing those natural-resources important for maintaining biological diversity and protecting the quality of life. The value of couray inventories for wise planning purposes was recognized recer~t!y when Durham County was honored with an award from the.National Pssaciation of Counties for sponsoring acounty-uAY~ide inventory of natural and cultural resources. The Natural Heritage Program i~as conducted natural areas surveys for nearly fifty of North Carolina's one hundred counties. Copies of the reports of these inventories may be purchased from the Natural . Heritage Program: ~~ ,. .,. ~ ... ' .,, VtaiJ~ UI l~ ~ .Cl~iiC.! f~ ~5 1~1~tp://ils.unc.eau/J~arkproject/1~1,~/countyhtm ~ 9/2199 N N 16 Q ~ ~ .~ (U ~ ~ Q ~r ~" ~ { ~~~ ?~~ -~ :~~' :r ~~`"~ ,~ ~I d .r~~-1 f= ~;" , ,.. 1. '- .. ~~ _ ,, ~ ~ 3r .,, ~ - - ~d `~~~ - .~ ~.~ - _ , fi ~ i ~'"` a ~ z ~ ~ a '~ . C ~` c G ti F R n~ _ C '") • ~. i1 l I y I ~~I ~,x ~w~~ ?~ ~ I7 r I i C1 ~ I P l~ I t"'i f`~ i!f ; ~ i I i ~~ ~ I ~ „ - ~ I (~> I.yl~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~L O i ~~h ~ ~ ~ ~ ( I W ~ ~ I~ } ~ F. ~t'~ ~. = ~~ ~ , I ;, I ~ i i i ,a _ - -~" ~ ~ , ~' ~ ;ry,~ w i I -~ i~, ~, I . ~ ~(5 ~: ~~ I , ~ _ ~t ~~ 1"'~~ ~ I ; ~~ y ~ ~ , l' ~ ~ C i f ;5 I ~ I G ~ V ~~ i.~ ~ ~ I I N ' v ~ ~; O ~ cL% ~. ~ .y ~ ~ ~ .~ U'~ -. A _. W .y N O CO Ga ~l 07 f __ Cn -P W N - 7 t ~ J n n i C7 7 _ C7 C3 ~ O !L n ~'' ~ CD o < ~ C1 ~ _ `1 ~ C ~ O ~ .~_ C CO ,D7 ~ :~ n ,~ y Cp ffJ ~ ~l ~ CD - , A7 L~.1 C O O ~ ~ CD ~ ,.~ ~ ~ O r-„j ~ ~~ ~ CC O ~_ `G O tl: ~' C CD ~ i~ Q7 CD ~ ~ CD J ~ '~, ~ `"~;, O X ri CD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t5 ~ ..+ cD CD Q ,. - ~3 S N v ~ ~ n CD ~ 9] ~T ~ ~ ~ C is i ~ !n ;n _ ~, LU C^ O J Q ~ v ~ O N ~ N \ ~ n n c~ ~ D D y o ~ ~ r S = L7 ~ u ~ ~ C7 c~D ° ' ~ v 07 C:7 ~' ~ ~ CD ~ ~ ~ c ~, ~' -6 ~ ~' m ~ a~ o z ~ g ~- ~ , ~ o ~ ~ m ~ p ~ p O ~ ~ ly = G~ ~ N - ~ C; ~ ~ ~ (D O- CD Cp (D . ~ _ •< ~ ffJ r,1 -1. `G () p . ~ J J r ~ ~ J ~ _ Q CD ~ ~ - ~ ~ `G -+ ~ -~ N . ~ ro • 17 _ t ~ ~, ~ ~„ .p A~ .c. w w w w w w w w w w N N N rv N r- n~ CO ^! C CIl ,`~ w N C ~ c0 CD J G~ U ~ '-~ w N -i C CO ~ ' ~I C U7 -P w Z S .0 -G -D _ ' cD Q: ~ cD z ~- ~- _ ~. m G7 ~ O O ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ CJ N f O ~ ~ (D ~' ~ Q ~- `L O ~ rt ~ J O_ ._ ~ ~ J~ O ~ U O CD CD cn ~ cD O O ~ cn cn ~ o ~ -~ ~ o ~ ~ v ~ _ ~ o .JNj ~ ~ O ~ Ill v ' C ~p CD II' ~ O O ~ O ~ ~ T ~ -~ ~ ~] C~ Cn ~ '~. z ~ z -< ~ C ~ ~ VJ ~ n , n~ ~ ~ "" - ~ -, ~ K cn ~ ~ o 'rt ~ , ~ S cQ ~ 0 Q ~- o' ~ `~ n~ ~ - ~ ~ -o' .. ~ ~ a~ - o ~ ,~ - ~ ~ ~ cn o o ~ ce ,~ - V7 ~ ~ - N ~ ~ O J O' ~ ~~ - _ Q 2 ~ -~ ~' ^j V • '6~ CJU ^,~ W N -- O CJ C 9J G v S < (n C S C C_n ~, J 9? N ~7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • 19 ~This~age intenti®~ally left blink} ~, 2 NEB HAtVO~/~R COU(VTY B®ARD OF C®MMISSI®(VERS REQUESZ F®R B®ARD ACT10N ' Meeting Date: 07/09/01 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: De;par-tment: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Andy Atkinson, Greg Thompson SUB9ECT: JaiB Construction Management BRIEF SUMMARY: As a result of the single-prime bid for the jail .construction that was awarded to J.M. Thompson Company, there was a need to shift from full project expediter services to construction management services. The County requested proposals for those services and received proposals from nine (9) companies and two (2) individuals (see attached list). The corporate proposals ranged from a low of $150,000 to $514,920. With Greg Thompson's experience (see attached ) we believe the addition of two temporary employees would provide the assistance necessary to oversee the project. In addition to the temporary employees we also need to enter into a contract with Ken Weeden & Associates to complete the MBE. oversight which they began for Miller Building Corporation (proposal attached). No budget amendment is necessary. RECOMIYIENDED MOTION AND REt~UESTED ACTIONS: Recommend hiring William Taylor and Allyson High as temporary employees at a cost of approximately $163,650 (for 19 months) and entering into a contract with Ken Weeden & Associates for $51,388. I:UNDING SOURCE: Adquate funds already budgeted in the Jail Capital Project Fund. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEY~IED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMIVIENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend hiring the two temporary. employees to assist the County's Project Engineer in project management for the Jail Pro' t. In addition recommend awarding a contract to Kenneth Weeden & Associates in the amount o ,388 for completion of the M/WBE monitoring and contract compliance services. _ i COMMISSIONERS' ACTl0N5/COMMENTS: Postponed lJ July 9th meeting: r~UfVl'9° ~6~N~ii~;ip" APPROVED (~- ,~. 8?EJECTED ® .~ ~?EMOVED POSTPONED I~ ~ i` Fi;EARI) "` ~~ ~~ .., ~~~~o~ 21 .., ~OrpOrate Proposals: -. Through October 2002 ~ McDonough Bolyard Peck 5389,376.00 Construction Controls 5405,228.00 12.V. Buric i $514,920.00 MSO Tech. $251,850.00 Civelli INC 5445;000.00 Leon Milner X308,000.00 ' .William Taylor Construction 51$1,772.00 ' Contract Management Associates 5150,000.00 Carter Goble Associates. *******5184,196.00****' ~~ I (On site two days per month. Position to supplement Co. staff) II ~ ~ ~ " Individual Proposals fore ~ . ~, 'i'ernporary Errl~loy~llent William Taylor (Project Manager) 528.89 per hour William E. Fritz (Project Manager) 540.00 per hour Allyson I3igh (Administrative Assistant) i 'I 524,500.00 per year ," . ~~~ ~~ ~,a,'~~. 22~.~ .~.~..~. ~; J C • June 15, 2001 T~: Allen O'Neal, County Manager FRC3Nd: Gregory R. Thompson, P.E., Chief Project Engineer SUBJECT: Jail Project, Project Management Over the course ofi my professional career, I have worked as a Project Manager/Engineer for a large number and variety of projects.' In total, I have worked on more than $2 Billion worth of construction projects. Specifically, over $100 Million in the construction of Detention and Court facilities not including New Hanover County's $43 Million Jail Facility and $11 Million Judicial Expansion currently in progress. As a Project Manager for Exposaic Industries, I was responsible for the successful completion of Architectural and Structural precast and prestressed projects from fabrication through erection. These projects ranged from primary structural framing systems for commercial and industrial manufacturing facilities and .parking decks to custom Architectural precast systems. As Chief Project Engineer for New Hanover County, I am responsible for the success of capital projects from inception to completion. In addition to project management, when needed I personally perform all of the necessary engineering and design for a project. These projects range from water and sewer projects, building reriovations, and the construction of new buildings and parking decks. ._. _ ,. .. New Hanover County has .received a number of proposals to perform project management/construction representative services for the Jail Facility project. Additionally, we have received proposals from individuals who are interested in temporary full-time employment with New Hanover County specifically for this project. The temporary full-time employee arrangement is by far the most cost effective means of managing this project. Attached is a partial list of my past and present projects in order to give you some idea of the type and size of projects. I have experience with and specific information concerning the jail projects. Also, I have enclosed the resumes of two candidates who could perform the needed construction representative and administration functions on site. If you have any questions please contact me at your convenience. cc: Wyatt E. Blanchard, P.E. County Manager Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager ~3 Gregory R. Thompson, P.E. " June 15, 2001 Chief Project Engineer Partial Project List~~ 1. Mecklenburg County Jail North, Charlotte, NC - $33 Million 2. ~ Rowan County Justice Center, Salisbury, NC $10 Million , . 3. Forsyth County Jail, Winston Salem, NC - $52 Million 4. Duke University Political Science Building, Durham 5. Philip Morris plant expansion, Concord, NC - $1.7 Billion 6. Duke University Parking Deck, Durham, NC - $9 Million 7. Charlotte Douglas-Int. Airport Concourse Expansion, Charlotte, NC 8. Rowan County Memorial Hospital Parking Deck, Salisbury, NC $3 Million. 9. N.I.E.H.S. Building; Research Triangle Park 10. National Weather Service Building, Ashville, NC 11. Dupont Office Building and Parking Deck, Charlotte, NC $4 Million 12. Performing Arts Building, Charlotte; NC 13. Presbyterian Hospital Parking Deck, Charlotte, NC $7 Million ~14. Valley Proteins plant renovations, Rose Hi11, NC 15. Charlotte Knights Stadium, Charlotte;,NC . , 16. Charlotte Motor Speedway- Highway Patrol Building, Concord, NC 17. Matsushita Compressor Corporation. 18. Crown Crafts Manufacturing Facility, 19. Walce County Courthouse ` ~ 20. O~den.Interceptor and Lift Station, New Hulover County $~ Million 21. Mott Creek Interceptor and Lift Station, New Hanover County $2 Million 22. North East Branch Library, NHC $22 Million. 23. New Hanover County°Judicial Expansion $11.6 Million ' ' ' 24. New Hanover County Jail Facility $43 Million ' ~~. New Hanover County Parking Deck '& Library Renovations $9.3 Million 26. Veterans Park, Hew Hanover County $~.6 Million 27. Mason.Inlet Relocation Project $5 Million ...:~~.,t..., n 24~ Jails • `kF^~"~4 F a I ~ ~ ~ q jj~ ~~.1 'tom ~'~~'~4rt J~..t ~ Page 4 of 7 Opened in 1994, this Direct Supervision Facility was designed to house . 614 sentenced inmates and places special emphasis on inmate programming. Substance abuse education, life skills, domestic violence, parenting, health education, GED, and a high school curriculum provide opportunities #or inmates. It also houses the main production kitchen which utilizes cook to chill method and serves all of the Detention Facilities. A Sheriff s Office 'Training Academy operates on the site providing Detention Officer Certification, Basic taw Enfxarcement Certification, and in-service classes to officers of ~/lecklenburg County Sheriff s Office and ' surrounding agencies. Faci9iity ~€~mrroande~: B~~~a;~~t-1=;;c1< Cr;ra~hU Phar~e: 704-336-4950 '~ci~~i~rJ' ''~1;1~'.:~)-; v'! F. P'~•-r(J3f1YY'i?.5 Administrative Captain ' Ph®ne: 704-336-8~ 07 . ~a~ildiing Specs ® Size: 281,838 sq.ft. ® Cost: $33,200,000 ~ Capacity: 614 inmates ~ Eight 56-bed dry cell Pods utilized for General Housing; ® One 55-bed wet cell Pod utilized for General Housing; ® One 56-bed wet cell Pod which is subdivided into smaller units for Disciplinary and Classification purposes. ® One 55-bed. wet cell Pod which is subdivided into smaller units for Disciplinary, High Security, Inmate Vliorker Housing and General Housing purposes. r~~~;.~rn tc i o0 htt~://www. co.mecklenburg.nc.us/cosheriff/Jails.htm ~. 6/14/01 R®VVAiV C®UIVTY JUSTICE CEN~'Ei~ Salisbury, North Carolina u ~ y~ 3~ ~ "=~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ l ~ .. ~~ >~~e n ~, ~,~ ~ , j ~~ I~r - ;ti t - ~.~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ - =s- . ~}, xx ] _ .~~i z _ _ :. _?..w_. ~ - - ~~ r~'E~ .X ~ ~ - - ,I !~ F ~ 4~ - ~-n- r Y~~ ` - to ~~.~ t-: ]~~"S~z{ , '~ -_. _- _._ project description: 1`Oew Facilities were connected operationally to the existing Historic Courthouse. phased expansion and renovation of existing jail, courthouse, and Sheriffs Office. 1=xpansion included constructing interconnecting jail and courthouse structures of masonry and precast. concrete. Renovation work was located in three lauildings and included complete curtain wall and interiar demolition and reconstruction of a 36,000 square foot administration building. 'rhe never jail contained 962 Reds. ~, ~~ 26~ Jail Page 1 of 2 ' ~ ~ +~"ar K - ~``` 1- • Il~1F®I~MA.'I'I®~ ~~o ~~` S'I'A~'IS~'ICS:11 Stories, 35,000 Scl. Ft. C~I~S'F'Ii~.TC'I'I®1~T: Reinforced Concrete Framing, Masonry/ Metal Siding/ Metal Curtain Nall ,Prefabricated, Steel IVlodular Cells, Eight Plevators. ~,~ -* FE~°1'LJIZES: 73b Modular Steel Cells, Nane Housing Units, Nine Remote Security Control Rooms, Central Control Rooms, electronic Security Systems, staffed Medical/Dental. CAPACI'~T`~1:1,016 Inmates ..~ 's'~ P~~JECT CC35'I': $52 rr~illion .~~;« ~~` C~PEI~~~'I®~T~L: May 27,1995 '~~ ~ DESCIZII''I'I®I~T: Located in downtown Vilirast®n-Salern, this 11 story high rise detention center provides 736 cells (272 double bunked) to accomtnodate 101b inmates, including all security classifications. Support services include food services; medical, laundry, warehotase, and receiving/release: In addition, the fatality includes offices for magistrates and the Winston-Salem Police Department. officers have previously made as -many as three stops in order to incarcerate a suspect. Now all necessary steps n-say be accomplished at the new facility, including breathalyzer, arrest warrant and complete identificatian services. An urban setting also increases the need for visual screening anti security. A vehicular sally port assures that prisoners are both ixr a secure area and screened from public view before being re~rioved from the officer's vehicle. rewired recreation areas are within the secure area• of the facility-and screened from view of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The design allows the majority of all services rewired by the inmates to talcs place in the 2 ~' http://tivww.co.forsyth.nc.us/fcsd/detention.htm 6/14/01 fall Yaffe l OI G housing unit; i.e., dayroom activities, recreation, food services, sick call, visiting, and corrlmissary, thereby reducing requirements for inmate movement within the facilaty. it ct and The Facility is .programmed for internal security to consist of a combinatlon ofd e :indirect supeavision, which is safer and more efficient than using either system alone. The housing areas are organized into two; level sections of cells around a dayroom where most activities will take place. A control room is in -the center of each pod, manned by one officer; another ®fficer will be stationed in the dayro®m. CJne of the factors allowing the county government to afford a long term solution to jail capacity problems is the innovative application of prefabricated cell technology. These modular steel cells are self-contained units which come complete with necessary plumbing and wiring, ar~d cost about $500 less each than field constructed masonry cells. C~IJl~T~ 1VTANI~~EIZ :Graham Pervier . DEP~.TTl' C®j.TI~1'~ ANAGEIZ :Ron Graham GEP•TEIZAL ~E~VICES I +IIZE~'T~I~ :Edward H. Klevinski _ ~~E~~F :Ron Barker A~SI~T.Al~I'li' ~~E~IFF'S : C. C. McGee. I~itIZEC'T'OR ®F DE'I'Eli1TI~~1 SEIZVI~ES :Major Wayne Jaynes AIdCI'TEC'~'S : Rasser international, Inc. , Atlanta Georgia Walter, IZobbs; Callahan, 8z Pierce, Architects, PA ,Winston-Salem North Carolina ST~LJC'd'LTR.AL El'~TGiNEE~S :Sutton Kennedy & Associates, Greensboro North Carolina CAN Si`JL~'t~t'I'S : Stimrrlel Associates, Landscape architects, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Law Engineering, materials Testing and Inspection, Greensboro; liTorth Carolina . C~NT~ZACT~RS :Donohoe Constructio~t Company, General Contractor Starr Electric Company, Electric Contractor Community I-Ieating ~ Plumbing, Inc., Mechanical Contractor Paul Bare ~z Sons Plumbing, Inc., Plumbing Contractor I-Iopeman Correctional " ` Systems;' l'vlodular Steel"Cell IVlariufactilrer` :~ -"' '' ` ~`~ ~- ,, ~, ,~ ~I+Y51cn ~~ 1LE Last I_Tpdated Thursday, May 25, 2000 _ http://www.eo.forsyth.nc.us/fcsd/detention.htm 6/14/01 ~~: =, • :~ ~~ ~.. y ~ ' L~ i }-..,~ Jr ~,~. a ., ''~.'. ~~ ~ k 9 m a .s` ~L' ~~~ ~L 4 1 ~ ~~_ ~b: l~ -c. f 4 ~ 9 :r r _ .. P 4zi - ~~~ ~ tt I t' ~~ ,, ' - .; ~, •- .,~.. _.~., .~ - , 1~ ~a c~ ~~ ~ Ya' ~ ri , 'S• , r ~ ~ ~~ ~ LL .. ~. ~._ ~~. ~. ' _ ® ® ~ . v ' , F ® ~ i c ate t~ ~ . - - ~, ~~ ~ ~. ; ®s t~ c 2 D ADS r ;~ ~ ~~ c 3 ~rw _, ~ T Z 9 ®1994 , ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~p®y''q~ - _ mot'.. Ly <;,isu~e ~xu,~,.-~u'1"ss~`~i.._'~'u..w..=.~.....~'.d~.;..-'~.s~-~.--'-2`e~~,~`..~:.~:. ~LLj t: .. r ~'ev~~~ ~~zf~v~o~ ~a~itic~l ~cie~ce ~ili~ ~n~e ~Tnivev~sity,. _, _ ~~ ~~ Cabav~v~us Cvu~ty, North` Crxv~olince _ ~_ _ ~~~ _ ~ 5 -_ 1! ~~ ~ w¢ 'I j' >> '~a '~~t~ 3 'i F7 ~ i f,_~~ t Li .l ~ 3 1 L t { .. ., t C'o~stv~ctio Cost r, ?r j f ~j '~~~ ,~ ..F` Y ;3'~"t''~"".L,F, 3'"" m. t?a"!i~, F,~ ''.~r~ t,. g"'c"r..~s ~ r ,n-.su t cam. '~ ~#--x'~-y ~-Li ~~ -~',.~ L r. r ~wraP,~e~Sd ~, `~~rr' r,:.... ~ _ ~ ~ ` ~, _. .. ~ ,. rata, f._h,~f ±~,_n,..s=.>.~_ ~_.. ~._.~~,...~ ~.. s"E~~,zs~ ~.5<.: ~.. :mu.~. ,. bx.u., I.:.e:F.,~..hE2'.+i~r„ia:s~'~ ~.~ .,..n..tarl:F~i. _.c.du_,.:.dw.aw....,~-~~~~,!~,tkwG.,~., ~,~ ~'~ss aid Seyva~ov~ ~3uildive~ C ~+: i~~y~ £4~ • .:„~ ~~ X10, 0®® spa ~'t. v'c- cis t ~®a~stv~~ct~®~ ~®st $8,000,000 a ~~ ~~~ -~ .... _ .~.~ fi ....m _~ _. ~n ~ .: ~~ ,j-Clile ~l, 200! 1`~ir. G-r-~egor~ R. Ts~om_nsoTn , .~'. ~. _- ~11 L14 V YAI~ T y"4AAi' Is=)~}Y T WA Y ! ~r12~ Y ,gCau..,l y1, r~v'~~.~.t L' il~`lai~,~.a . i~ a, vv 1'7~c'~al.`7 ~~.a ~..V isllf~y - .. -. . `ii~ Chesni'~i Sus°.et V~rti~i~iil~l~~l, 1 ~ 2°40 r~ n a~~:.. nvinen~~01'°~``~i.". `-' ~~-~ ! n~~j~*fepr~ryy~~¢(~e//-''~ s"?4=~-ii-r [` re}~'t-i-- la•,--;~ ~.~a 7a, ~;-n3Fr j\~.~ PrV~VJU 1 •JV e ~ d~e 1\111.i "L/1L/ll SAl.-L.aVL~1tL~.Ja \.J~11 U.G 11~~,,~1\~ ~o' llll. VCL~ 11V~lil.~ wear Greg: - . Thane yo~~ for re~uestil~~ nzy proposals for se~ice as ~~lle Ne~;v i-~anover County Corlstiu~*~ion Representat:re to ti~~' Vail Pro~~ct. Per o~.tr diszsstdrls, f ha~a~ laid gut t:vo proposal outlines -the first arst;iies to my hire as an individual.{te~ipdrary err~ployee), and the second applies to sny company {'~xJ'illiam.Taylor's Corastn:ction, ~,L~) being contacted to perform essentially the same duties. Eit~ier proposal cont=ains enough speci~lc information such that r~vhen merged ~vitli an appropriate Ne ~v ~-Ianover County contl act document it shout a liedble cantract: , ~ro~osal i ~tertvora~ em~,loy~e~): °"°e;; ^af ~lltie5 of PartteS ~ Resume - William Taylor, General Ccn~acar ~ ~ ' T~~~ of Service and Rate Proposal ` ~? Proposal2 €cont~actor3: ~`/ ~ T~-?ties efP~a~*1Ps ~ Resume - i~illiam Taylor, President of William Taylor's Constfuction, LAC ~ Terms of'Service and.Rate ` ~oposal ' 1 have fatten the ,~~~erty.of estimating the total cost to New l~anover County in o~tairlir~g the desired professional services for 19 months: _____.___~ ' Propasal 1:- - ~ .~ :. Cost to ~C, ... - ~illia~a Taylor , $133,221.'84 {$28.~~ per hear x 190 hours per year, plus .50% for 1~7 ~,' ' . coverage of state/federal tax and FICA) ~ecreiary $ 49,000.00 ($24;000 salary plus 30°'o for 1~-IC's ` coverage of state/federal tax and FICI~} : ` Costs and materials $~ 15,2~0.(?0 T'ofal Pstim~.ted cost to ~l"eur Hanover County - $ r 7?,421.4 3 ~ Pale 1 of s ~rc~~osul 2: host to i±~~ii'~.': William ~'aylor's ~er~strucuon, LLB ~~i7,~72.~t? ($39 per hour ~ 1~0~ hours per year; il~~cludes coverage of state/federal tax andrIC~) Secretafy ~ 4~,~Gu:~c~ ~$24,~~(1 salary Pius 3Golo for i~H~~s . coveragz of stag/federal tax and ~'iCt~) r'osts and materials ~ X3,1©~.~~ iotai eSt1L'lilts°.d cost tv ~'~iW iiaiiOVer ~Our'~iy ~it~i, / ~G.vv if ~lT12er Of i12eSe pro~t7Sa15 IS aecei~tOd, l w1ll ~e laa~`py io ~gur at Zr'1'il.e; l loon ~f7rdYard to worxing with you in safeguarding Iii ew fiar~over ~ourity's s ail fro jec~. Sincerely, i~~rillianl 1 aylo~ ~rosident s • gage 2 of S 33 Cvns~:ction Re~resentduve (Cp.): - ~ J ~) P..eport directly t0 l~re,r Hanover Co'anty's Chief PTOjeci :engineer. 2) , Cons#r~cticn i~~Ionitoring - LJaily quality control inspections of construction activities, : material inspections, ding daily legs, compile monthly reports, take p hotograpl,s, monitor consti~uction safety compliance, compliance. of overall constr~.:ction schedule. 3} assist Ne~v Hanover County and Freemen. ~~hite F~rchitects with the selection of independent testing agencies and coordinate their work with overall consn~uction schedule. 4) Monitor and review all contract documents and notify Nezv Hanover Count and the Architect:cf discret~ancies between the documents and the contractor's performance. ~) Coordinate with the A/E on submittal lirocess and maintain subinittai log. ~~ssist in the approval of long lead items filet might delay thye overall project. ~) Coordinate resolution with the ~?,/F on all incoming and outgoing (BFI's) Request for I.P~Or~Tlatlon. 7) Project Site Documents -Record tyre progress of the project and submit morgthly progress reports to New Hanover County and the ~rchitec~t includung 'information on each ec~ntractor's work, and the work of tl~e entire project, and the percentages of completion arld number and amounts of change orders. a~.eep daily log obtaining a - record of weather, contractor's work Gn site, number of workers, work accomplished, problems encountered, and other similar relevant data as the County may require. ~l<ake as built notations as constt suction is l~r ogressir~g. g) Facilitate comniurication between Ne~,v lanover County ar~d the ~/~; arld contractor. 9} Monitor and assist in erreetive cost control issues. Provide information and reeornmendatior~s to the County as requested regarding constructuon technology and building systems, construction feasibility; alternative construction methods. 14) assist New HarYover County and the ~rchiteet when the contractor considers the work porton substantially co~riplete. assist fire Architect in preparing a or designated ., ctctOry utems. ~3r.°.11TZ1L'lc`Lr`~ IYSt Of 7ncomple'te or Ldnsatlsf 7, i 1} AS~iSt file Ctltlrit'~ ar3A °~crlli.ecl In Ll1e cllec'i3ut of utilities, operations Systems and equipment for readiness and their initial and testing by the contractor. Assist wili'i the . . ~ . _.. ~, ~.~,..:, :. coordination of on-site testing of the operations and mainterance of tlte,co,~pleted ~._ project witl,~ the appropriate contractors and County personnel. ~Tew Han®ver County: 1) Pay the CR according to the Term of Service and Rate Proposal. 2) Responsible for parking, secretarial assistance and a furnished ofnce including telephone, fax, copier and all other materials, equipment, supplies and costs necessary for the proper performance of the CB's duties; excepting the CB's automobile and auto insurance. 3} Reimburse the CR for the expenses of mileage accumulated to his vehicle(s) in traveling for the. performance of job duties, including travel to and from the job. Mileage reimbursements w•iil be based on wee'~1y mileage log submittals and follow the prevailing federal rate. 4) Hold the CR harmless from liability resulting from the performance or lack of /~ performance of duties. `'t Pale 3 of S ~r~p~sa~ i ~~~~~~ra.ry ~~~~~~~~} - i~.~v~:~.? 32U Car dinar Cove, Burgaw, NC 2325 dome/Office: (91t;) 259-313 I~iobile: (~10) 6~-127 E27'.aii: taylors~,in~star.net Experience: ~ Owner / 1'~esident, ti~iliiam T ayior's Cons~uction, L,LC, Le~ember 2Gt~G-present. Commercial general contiacting firm with unlimited commercial builder's license. ~ C or.str~action Consultant, Self-employed, ~TJi1~gton NC ,August 2~Gi~-present. P rovide n•oubleshooting of existent ~ planned structures. I'esign solutions with woriing drawings (with required engineering perr"ormed in co3laboratior~ wi.tlz local s~.ictura3 engineer). ~ Superintendent, ivVilca~ Construction, Inc., Hampstead,l'~iC, June~Au~ast 2~aG. Leif alter six weeds due to ethical incom~gatibi3ity. ~ Proaect i'Jlanager /Superintendent, IZaysand Building Corp. l:nc., ~~,~ilmington, NC, ~u1y 1999-J'une 2000. Handled commercial repai~•s, renovations ~. new constructions up to $2 iTlillion. Included business solicitation, estimating, sirriple contracts, permitting, layout, hiririg ~ sup~-vis~ng subcorl~acto~~s ~ temp. labor, invoicing, inspections Lz c.o.'s. ~`acilitated owner N architect ~ engineer ~ contactor decisions. Oversaw eight projects (five simultanetusly~ ~ seci.~red six:: c.o.'s during 11 rnontlr period. ~Torl~ed directly for company owner ~-lr. Sandy h~eEacherri. ~ Owner I President, Cardi~ai Builders, Burgaw, i C, 199-prese3rt. Gwner o~ a smal: steel erection c~ concrete finishing compazly. Provide concrete foundations, fram:bng, in~~-ulation ~:, me'•aaal ~~.ish ~vitl~ doors c~. windoFvs. {sn-~alllmediurn cc~n~e~~cial) ~ Superintendent /Crew Leader, Joe Taylor Constriction, Burgaw, IvTC, 3.996-1995. Duties ir~c;?aded concrete foundations, framing, door/window installations, trim. carpentry, shingle/standing rearm roofing ~ tu~'nlzey mettal building erections. (residential & small commercial) ~ Inndepehderit Contractor, Self-employed, Seattle, ~f~vYA, 199-1996. i rovided inte~~ior :laming, sheetrocl: hanging finishing, door/window setting of punchiist resolution fir sirialli medium con~ercial. -Also provided desiv~n ~ labor for Dome repair 8i conversion ...... of houses to ~ ental ~rope7•t1es. . ~ Independent Contractor, Self employed, Pichmond, VA, 1938.1992. Provided design, renovation, addition ~r repair services including framing, sheetrocl~ hanging/fin.ishing, roofing, tiling, suspended ceilings, painting, etc. (residen`ual & small commercial) Also, . fabricated staging devices for Tour de Trump bicycle race & performed a traveling assembly i disassembly of staging devices during 11 day-15 stage racy across seven S~fPS: Education /Certification: ~ i~~` ~,~c~s~:,i53~, gavr~r~: for ~~.rs~•ul Corl i~eti3r~, Coicrcial a~i,lii~aer's I,:c~rase ~ (linli:~lted). ~ ~Yniversity of ~"asl-~ington, Seattle, ~~A. 'V~rginia Corn;i,aonweal~h ~'niversit~r i medical College of °yirgil~ia, ~ichrnond, ~A. Page 4 of 8 ~~opo~a~ I (t~~poraa~ e~.ploy~~) - ~'e~.~s oz S~ri~~ and ~~.~~ proposal ~onstrructian ~.epreseritative (~~ : , l~; ti~Ti11 ~e employed by the County for a period of not less tip l~ months. 2) ~~or~ schedulz wi11 follow the Count;,r's calendar with regard to holidays. ~ ~vee'rily schedule of ~G hours per weed, Monday through Friday, will be standard. In addition to holidays, the CR will ~e entitled t~ ~p to 10 business days leave ~iVithGUt cause per calendar year (entitled leave); usable imparts or altogether at the discretion of the CR but with notice to the Chief Project Engineer. ~) ~1ill be paid by tree Country at dre rate of ~Z~.~g per Hour. ~ , ~) The agreement Wray be terminated without cause ~y eider party wi~1~ a 56 day written nonce to the other parixy. - . _ - _ page S of S Allyson High 2013 Teresa Drive Castle Hayne, NC 28129 910-763-5127 ~~iMMARY , As I have 15 years experience in the Construction Industry, I feel that my knowledge of this field would be a valuable asset to any construction oriented company. ivly work experience allows practical application of my skills in even harried work conditions. I am a conscientious and responsible employee and enjoy working with people. ORK NiS~'ORY administrative Assistant, Atlantic Coast Mechanical, Inc. 1996-2001 New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Master Space & Site Plan Phase IIA, Wilmington, NC (seven million dollar contract with two million dollars in Change Orders j. General office duties of in-field office of iVlechanical & Plumbing Prime Contractor, assistance with preparation of bids for change orders, preparation of time sheets, labor codes and numerous personnel related tasks. Purchasing of consumables and tools, logging in and up date of tool inventory, order. and release of rental equipment. Checking in of materials ordered per P.O. and follow up on back orders. Distribution of correspondence, faxes, RFI's, bulletins; submittal information. Coordination with three subcontractors. Radio coordination of field and office. ~I J ... , ... Administrative Assistant, Atlantic Cocxst 1Llechanical, Inc. 1995-1996 Sweeney Water Treatment Plant Upgrade & Expansion, Wilmington; NC. (Twenty-three million dollar contract.) General office duties of in-field office of General Contractor. Duties included the hiring in of employees, various trades, up to 1 Q8 personnel, preparation of lveekly time sheets and transmittal to Raleigh and related ongoing personnel forms ie; raises, lay-offs, ESC inquiries. Intense coordination of submittal data through subcontractors and Owner. Preparation of weekly meeting minutes. Coordination of correspondence between subcontractors and G.C. Assistance in preparation of O & M manuals and distribution of such. Matching up packing slips with invoices and input of data to computer, cost coding of materials for payment by home office. . . c'~ffce lYfanager, 7:A. y~oods Co., Inc. 199=t-1995 Various job sites in and around Wilmington area. General office duties. Assistance with preparation of project bids, progress billing and maintenance contracts. Total preparation of weekly payroll and quarterly'employer taxes. Coordination of set up of initial company insurance coverage. t9_ fficc ~llanagsr, M c~ R Constructors, Inc. 1992-1993 Corning Tower 4 Expansion, Wilmington, NC. Extensive ordering of piping materials and obtaining competitive price quotes on pipe take-offs. Acquisition of steel, fasteners, tools, lubricants, tubing, hose, gaskets, welding supplies, painting supplies, lumber, concrete. Maintain petty cash and checkbook expense account. ~DUCA~~0~ Cape Fear Community College, Wilmington, NC. Graduated 1981 with A.D. in Business Administration. - ~~ Allyson High 2013 Teresa Drive Castle Hayne, NC 28429.- 910-763-SI27 " King's College, Raleigh, NC. Attended one year, Fashion Merchandising iVlajor. New Hanover High School, Wilmington, NC. ,Graduated 1976. 1V1r. William Boghosian; Shepley Bulfinch, Richardson & Abbott, NHRMC Jobsite Representative, phone: 762-5982 Mr. Sal Castelli, Poole & Kent Corporation, Tampa, phone: 813-299-6230 Mr. "Buzzy" Jones, O`vner, Industrial Sales Company, Wilmington, phone: 763-5126 l~Ir. David Bu•Shea, Vice President, Atlantic Coast ylechanical, Raleigh, phone: , 919-781-694'5 ~ , , • • ,.t ~. 3~• ~ _. .. ~~ ;- ~,~, -~ Q.°ain,~d#y~a¢~h@~.o~.c;.3:-a ore ~a'~~ ai'~~;~T :s l.:~.: ,~ ~v, ~.- To: mmaxwell@co.new-hanover.nc.us ~,. Subject: previous mail incorrect June 8, 2DD1 New Hanover County Engineering Department Attn: Mr. Max Maxwell X14 Chestnut .Street Wilmington, NC 284D1 Dear Mr. Maxwell: In reference to our telephone conversation concerning the administrative assistant position I have applied for at the New Hanover County Law Enforcement project, I offer the following. . During my previ®us employment with Atlantir_ Coast Mechanical, I earned ® $27,4DO.DD per year, plug benefits, for full time employment. Z would be willing to accept an annual salary of ~24,5DD.DD if offered the - above mentio~aed position, with the understanding that health insurance would be available for my children for approximately $~D.DD per month to be deducted from said salary. Z also un'de~a^stand that this is a temporary position, ~il~ich ' does not allow for the full benefit package usually offered to county employees. • Tf further clarification is needed, please d® not hesitate to Contact me. Sincerely, Allyson High ® , 39 PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 9N C~IVNECTI®!V VV6'3'~! T~iE . ~ ~ _F - . SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY: Ken Weeders chi associates Planning consultants P.O. Box 3113, Wilmington, NC 28406 (910)762-6297 June 14, 2001 O 1 • • n ~ Q~ ~ ~ _~ Q ~ H ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ I I r 1 W U] I .^. a' `y C `~,+ a //y~ U '" ~ ~' f o s.. V r 4;~ .b ~ i ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ . 4L~ ~ ~ ,,,,~ `~ ~ ' t~ ~ U r.~ ~ ~ r, `1A h. ~ h^ ~~~' ~ § ~ z - ~ ~ - -, 0 ;{ . ~ t , a a ~ ~ t, =a N I'~oposcd Scope of ~'Vor~ ~elrrt ~ecdel~ ~ Ass®ciatcs, ~lr~c, (~A) dew mover C®. Jail I~c~elope~t Pro~ec~ (Note: Under a previous contract with Miller Building Corporation, KWA completed portions of some of the work noted herein. However this contract outlines only responsibilities associated with those remaining work elements not complete and/or for bid packages which remain to be bid, such as Utilities, YVaterTower and Sewer Packages designated to bid in July, 200.!). I~en Weeders and Associates, Inc. Planning Consultants (lE~tiVA) , proposes the following services and/or assistance with the development of the New Hanover County Jail Complex, specifically related to monitoring and contract compliance services relative to the •. County's M/WBE (DBE) program and DBE goals for the project " described below are principal projects elements for KWA: I. Eleanent l : Iraapleinentation of the CBE IVlast~r Plan . (Note: The acronyms DBE" and M/WBE {"Minority and Women owned Business ~, Enterprises"} have the same meaning in this document and are used interchangeably)., A. General: KWA will assist with..rmplementation,., „ 4 of all aspects of the previously developed DBE Master Plan consistent with the requirements of New Hanover County, to include the identification and/or certification of DBE firms and/or suppliers; monitoring during all construction project phases"for • compliance with DBE overall goals; coordination with various community entities to help publicize, notify, and facilitate involvement by the small and disadvantaged business community; and carry out 3 all of the DBE program elements specified by the County. - ~. Specific Work Items: specific work items shall include the following: 1. Work with New Hanover County Project Management and the Project Architect to help achieve the overall goal of 20% participation by M/WBE firms as subcontractors on this project. 2. Developing and implementing action steps that help insure M/WBE and local small business participation as either prime and/or subcontractors on this project. ~~ J 3. Making presentations to and/or conducting meetings with local, small, and M/WBE- focused organizations to enhance their awareness of the remaining prof ect elements and requirements for doing business with New Hanover County. 4. Help facilitate timely notifications to these firms, concerning special meetings and programs, pre-bid conferences, pre-construction conferences, card swaps,. etc. ~. Reviewing all remaining major phases of the project, and determining, potential work items, sub- 43 4 contracting opportunities, which can be accomplished by M/WBE firms. 6. Help establish individual goals for M/WBE participation on appropriate contracts and/or procurement opportunities to be awarded in remaining phase of the prof ect. 7. Review bids and conduct follow-up activities of Prime Contractor's achievement of goals established for M/WBE participation in respective bid packages, etc. 8.. On-site compliance monitoring after award of contract, on a weekly basis, Providing New Hanover County with written documentation of these visits, using forms/formats provided by the County. 9. Notifying the Assistant County Manager of the need for, and assisting in the mediation of, contractor/subcontractor disputes, and other ' '" `'difficulties' in 'goal achiev"ement 10. Timely submission of necessary monthly reports to the New Hanover County M/WBE Program Office concerning goal achievement by all prime contractors on the project. 11. Assist"in identifying additional M/WBE firms and ' maintaining a Project DBE Directory for this project. Also, assist in disseminating the County's ,'`) '"1 5 Prime Contractor pre-qualif cation and/or M/WBE certification packages. Thislist will be continually updated and may documentation from the Primary Single Prime Contractor, and perhaps second and third tier subcontractors concerning their use of DBEs 12. Assist with the certification process for new firms, according to New Hanover County M/WBE_ program requirements. This includes distributing applications, answering questions, assisting DBE's in completing applications, coordinating and completing site ,visits. 13. Meet with New Hanover County, and the Prime Contractor representatives, to review the progress of the DBE goal attainment. 14. A KWA representative will attend the Project Review Meetings conducted by the Project Manager and/or Chief Project Engineer, to provide and/or. . discuss issues concerning the implementation of the M/WBE program. • 15. Upon award of subcontracts to an M/WBE subcontractor, KWA will conduct meetings to provide direct technical assistance to these subcontractors in the form of meetings to orient them to the county's process, to help with ~~ 6 certifications and to facilitate understanding of the county's and Prime's administrative processes. 16. KWA will establish rapport with local and regional financial institutions to gather and maintain information on creative mechanisms for financial/bonding support for M/WBE firms. KWA will also assist with facilitating the county's existing "prompt payments" process for M/WBE's 17: Review the bid schedule of prime's and subcontractors in order to assure-that adequate "advance notice" of upcoming opportunities be communicated to DBE's ~;. 18. KWA will conduct a "Good Faith Efforts" review of prime's and large second tier subcontractors to determine if adequate efforts and/or outreach efforts :have been taken. . 19. KWA: will conduct Business Opportunity Strategy Sessions (B:O.S.S.) at various',intervals during the project, in conjunction with other community entities, such as the Black Chamber of Commerce, The Partners for Economic Inclusion, in order to facilitate direct interaction between additional • ~ potential primes and potential-DBEs. ~~ 7 s Ken T~eeden Jz 14ssociates, Inc. and New Ilanover County, NC 1. Element I: li~Ionitoring/Contract Compliance: Implementation of County's i~i/WRE (RRE) Program, relative to the Jail Construction Project 1. Retailed Cost Projection; dement 1: Main Construction Contracts, Monitoring/Compliance Labor/Hours • Pe sonnel ~Iourly Rate Avg. 'do of Hrs/Wk Totai No. Hours (58 weeks) Total Estimates) Costs Principal 86 6 .348 ~ $29,928 ~ Diversity Specialist 4S 6 348 $15,660 Clerical 2S 4 232 $5,800 SUBTOTAL 18 $51,388.00 TOTAL, Element 1: • $51,388.00 g 47 {This page intentionally left blank} 48 ~ NEB ~A~OVER CO~R9T~ ~OA~I~ ~F CO1Vl~l9SS10~9EfiS REQUEST FOR B®AR® ACTS®N iVleeting ®ato: 07/09/0 .Regular Item #: 3 . Estimated Time: Page Number: - Department: -TAX Presenter: Robert G. Glasgow Contact: Robert G. Glasgow SUB.IECT: ~y,~,~ra~~~l of Exemption Tax Yoar 2000 for 1nJardens of Vestry of St. James Parish - f'I® R0~8~.7-035-002-000 BRIEF SUMMARY: On September 15,2000, the Tax Administrator denied the request for exemption for tax year 2000. The denial was based on the fact that the property which was formerly the Wilmington Fire Station Headquarters located at Fourth ar~d Dock Streets, was not being used for religious purposes since there was construction on-going and the property from the City of Wilmington on February ,4, 2000. The .property tax value for tax year 2000 has been adjusted to $438,503, which includes $162,935 for the headquarters building, $14,206 for pavement and $261,360 for the Land. The purchase price of the property from the city has been reported to be $305,000 as of May 10, 1998, but the city agreed to reduce the purchase price by $1,143.75 for each. month the city continued to occupy the premises until the closing date.. The appellant indicates the purchase price was $282,125. ~dECOMMEf'~DED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTI®~JS: Recommend the board uphold the denial of the exemption. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Supporting documents are voluminous and furnished under seperate cover. ITEM DOES NOT RE4~UIRE REVlEV!/ - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS`~1~f~,:RECOMtiiEr~DA~'IONS:.. Concur with Tax Administrator. COMMlSSlONfRS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • r,~ry~, oNp~~ ~gp~p~p~p~~g - w ~!IJiV 1 ! i~liVlfVil~7~11~ APPROVED &1~-- ~; ~tEJECTED (REMOVED f"'s '' POSTPONED ~ "~ H;EARi) ' n `` ~``~ ~ j ~~~~~~ T~-~ N~ ; ~~ 27s, o~v . ., SR1EE SUMMARI': Ori September,1'S, 2000, the Tax Administrator denied the request for exemption for tax year 2000. The denial was based on the fact that'the property which was formerly the Wilmington Fire Station Headqua'rfers located at Fourth and Dock Streets, was not being used for religious purposes since there was construction on going and the property was not owned by the parish on January 1, 2000, having purchased the property from the-City of Wilmington on February 4, 2000. The property tax value for tax,year. 2000 has been adjusted to $438,503, which includes $162,935 for the headquarters building, $14, 206 for pavement and $2b1,360 for the land. The purchase price of the property from the city has been reported to be $305,000 as of May 10, 1998, but the city agreed to reduce the purchase price by $1,143.75 for each month-the city continued to occupy.the premises .until the closing,date. The appellant indicates the purchase price k .. . ~~• was $282,125. ~ ~ ~' " APPELLANTS ARGUMENT: St. James Parish contends that since the property was exempt• on January 1, 2000 having been owned by the City of Wilmington and the property vvas purchased by St. James Parish on February 4, 2000,, the property should therefore be exempt from property taxes for tax year 2000. It is further argued that the ,tax value of $438,503 exceeds-the purchase price of $282,125. If the exemption is not approved,. it is the request.of-the parish that the tax value should be reduced to the sale price. Correspondence and information received from Mr. Frank B. Gibson, Attorney for the parish is attached. TAX DEPARTMENTS ARGUMENT: The property was not owned by the parish on January 1, 2000 and when the property changed owners on February 4, 2000 the parish contracted to have asbestos removed, at the same time the City of Wilmington was removing underground storage tanks. The asbestos removal project was completed in mid March and the underground storage tanks removal completed at the end of March. Demolition of the building was started in middle April and completed the middle of July. New construction on the building was begun after Labor Day (September 2000), and is expected to be completed by November -December 2001. The property was not wholly and exclusively used for it's intended purpose as identified in GS 105-278.3. In Worley, 93 N.C. App. 191, 377 S.E,2d 270 (19.89) it states "The rule in North Carolina is that unless `'•~-~ = • '~-~roperty is presently used for tax exempt purposes, it is r"of'tax''exempt`be`cause~~~no~°puhl'i'c`~~'~ purpose is served by permitting land to lie unused and untaxed, present use, not- inferic!ed use, controls." The property value was reduced. significantly by the Tax Department after it was determined 1.999 revaluation value was overstated. It was determined that the land value of `$~261,36~0 and pavement of $14,208 should be maintained, while reducing the 13,722 ~~~Vta44~+~~ square foot~buiLdi.n,g value to $162,935 due to its deteriorated condition, although it was ~:~:~ u.~~,~~r.~~f serving it's.i,nte~ elect ~p~,r,--pose on January 1, 2000. Value is determined based on present use not intended use:~~ ~; ~,~~ RECOMMENDED MO~1C>N AND REQUESTED ACTS®NS: Recomrri~end,the.board,,uphold the denial of the exemption since the property was not owned by the parish on January 1, 2000 and that the property was. not able to be used wholly and exclusively for religious purposes clue to the ongoing demolition and construction which will not be completed until November or December 2001. The January 1, 2000 tax value of the property is $438,503 NEVU ~ANOVEFi COUNTY BOARD OF ~OMIVBISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 07/09/01 ® Regular Item#: 4.1 Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: Planning s .^. Contact: Baird Stewart Presenter: Dexter Hayes SUBJECT: A-308, 05/01;. Zoning Text Amendment for Article 11, Seetion 23-55; Applicant Cape Shade,LLC BRIEF SUMMARY: The applicant would like to amend Article II, section 23-55 which regulates setbacks for overhead Canopies. The petitioner presented information about the product he would like to construct within the setback area. Since the petitioner may not qualify for a variance, the Planning Board discussed different options to accommodate this product including possibly adding a use to the permitted use table. There are several issues ranging from safety and aesthetics to other proposed text amendments. The majority of Automobile and Boat sales occur along major thoroughfares. Allowing canopies this close to the thoroughfare may draw drivers away from the road and to the product on display causing a possible traffic hazard. There is also a concern for adding visual pollution along our major thoroughfares. These covered display areas could even. be considered separate structures, which should .comply with established. setbacks along our public right's of way. During the development of the Land Use Plan, strip development was identified as a major concern. Allowing canopies to be constructed within the front yard could add to this perception. In addition to safety and aesthetics the" newly proposed landscape ordinance does have •some provisions for distributing the required landscaping within automobile sales lots which allows for greater visibility of the display vehicles. Because of the potential safety hazard, the inconsistency with the Land Use Plan, the additional allowances provided for these uses, and because there is already a provision for reduced setbacks for overhead canopies within the existing ordinance. The Planning Board recommended 5 - 1 for Denial.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Sta"fifi.recommends Denial.;. _ ~., - FUN®ING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: 2 ITE~YI DOES NOT REQUfRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER°S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; C®MMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: '"~Ui ~~ APPROVED ~---~ EtEJECTED C~ 1 REMOVED I~ POSTPONED ~ 1 ':°}~ ~KEAR17 5~ CASE: A-308, OS/O1 ~ :applicant: Cape Shade, LLC REQUEST: Zoning Text Amendment for Article II, section 23-55 'The applicant would like to amend Article II, section 23-» which regulates setbacks for overhead Canopies. The proposed language is shown in bold and underlined. 23-55: Overhead Canopy -Any structure placed over, around, or near a fuel pump island, bank drive-thru, or over vehicles on display and intended to provide lighting and/or .protection from the elements for island users or display vehicles shall be considered an overhead canopy. Minimum setback distances shall be determined by measuring a straight. line distance from the nearest point of the required reference boundary (i. e., street right-of- way, zoning district line or property line) to the point on the ground surface which is - perpendicular to the closest edge of the canopy overhang. (7/3/78).Setback distances from . street sight-of-way~,may be reduced. by orie-.half.. (7/10/89) Canopies for display vehicles may be erected along the required parking setback. f'I.ANNING BOARD RECOlV1IyIEND ATI(3N 6/7/01: The petitioner presented information about the product he would Like to construct within the setback area. Since the petitioner may not qualify for a variance, the Planning Board discussed different option's to accommodate this product including possibly adding a rise to the permitted'use table. Ultimately the Planning Board determined that the amendment was •impractic~l and' voted 5-h' to Deny the request. STA'r F SUM>L1ARY Article II, section 23-55 has been amended rivice since the original adoption of the ordinance in 1969. The first amendment clarified how to measure the setbacks. The second amendment adopted in July 1989 reduces the. setback for overhead canopies to one-half the building setback. The front yard building setback in most of the commercial districts is ~0 feet which ma~ke~s the setback for overhead canopies 25'. The proposed amendment is a request to allow freestanding canopies to be located within the front yard setback in accordance with the I 0 foot parking setback. . There are several issues'ran~in~ from safety and~aesthefics=to other proposed text ~°, , M - amendments. The majority of Automobile and Boat sales occur aloe; major thoroughfares. Allowing canopies this close. to the thoroughfare may draw drivers away from the road and to the product on display causing a~possible traffic hazard. There is also a concern for adding visual pollution along our major thoroughfares. These covered display areas could even be considered separate structures, which ~;,,,~slaoirld~com.ply wttli~esfablished setbacks along our public right's of way. During the development of the Land~UsefP~l'an~'str`ip development was identified as a major concern. Allowing canopies to be constructed ~~~ithin=t~he'~front yard could add to this perception. In addition to safety and aesthetics the newly p ,oposea~l'aildseape ordinance does have some provisions for distributing the required landscaping;w-i-thih'a~tomobile sales lots which 1I~lows for~areater visibility of the display vehicles: Because=ofthe potenti~~d safety hazard, the inconsistency with the Land Use Plan, the additional .allowances provided for these uses, and because there is already a provisio~l for reduced setbacks for overhead canopies within the existing ordinance, Staff reeomraaends i3enial. ~2 -, _ ; ~, 1~ew::Hanover County Planning Department 414 Chestnut Street Suite 304 Wilmington N.C. 28401 Mr. Baird Stewart ~~rtst P~~~v L ___ ___ - ~d~~stt~~~~, A- 3~~, ~~~d ®n 7tt' Ja~n~ 20~fl~ rds d~n~~~ ~lF ~a~~n~ '~'~~~ Cape Shade LLC wishes to appeal the recommendation of denial, by the New Hanover County Planning Beard to the Board of Commissioners, for our Petition to amend the New Hanover County Zoning ordinance, Article II Section 23-55 It is Cape Shade LLC's first choice to have the ordinance amended to allow Cape Shade LLC to erect their `canopies 10 foot from the property line, in all residential, commercial anal Industrial applications. osvever it has been mentioned, by the New Hanover County Planning Board, that the use of a Special Use rmit may be an option. ... It is requested that Cape Shade LLC canopies have the following permitted~uses applied to the following districts, and furthermore, be included in Article II Section 23-55, effectively granting Cape Shade LLC the same opportunity to erect their canopies 25 foot from the property line. R20s -Permitted, - ~ 1 - • Special Use, I 1 - Special Use, .:, : S,C .-,=.~: Special Use Oc~~I - Special Use AR - Special Use ~I - Special Use R20 -Permitted, B2 -Special Use I2 - Special Use lr+d~slr9~l, Comra~~r~~l ~ l~~sid~r,Yia! ~nviropo~ts Ri 5 -Permitted, R10 -Permitted. 'fhe Text should identify the type of canopy allowed by these permit, by making reference to the canopy material used, namely 95% impervious, high density Polyethylene and that such canopies shall meet the county wind rating requirements of 110 mph. Due tC3 the light weight, yet extremely rigid materials, these structures should be classified as a new and separate product from ail other forms of conventional and heavy duty stn~ctures, ~.~ ~Ne trust that the ~bb'vexjeets with the board's approval Sincerely Stephen de I~lerk Cape Shads"LLC ~ P.O. Box 672, USFrightsville Beach, SIC ~ Phone# 990-612-1037 ~ Fax# 910-256-4179) Ernaii: info@capeshade. Visit our wet~site at ~;v~,r~:b1l.CzI~J~"e~':~i,.ie?.rfJr39 {phis page intend®nc~ldy legit blink} , .. 5 .Y i~ ~. B Y n, ~~~~, ~ .' ~ N _ f0 (D W ~I m ~ A W N --~ n0 ~ .1 ~ (D O~ V m U l A W N j d ~~ O CJ O ~~~~ t. ~ ~O"{m:L7 Om:UCO~D ~ W .yrC 77- CD 0~2.--. O7 ~m77 ~7~ mC <rro. ~N ~ Z~~<r m(nmZ~\ d . ma~~m p'1 vc)-io ~ ~ ~- ~ mzO an cZ --ims O ~ nDCj'>m~'Z~ ~~ <= d C m (n m~ ~L' r~~D~2~{ mm zaa~ o a O ~ a ~ omz ~ ~zm a> ~~m / Sm~ C mc~n G r ~r r^ < cn ~ ~ CO m ` m z m ~ -< 7C' ads ~ ~ ` \ - O a O \ 0 7 ~ ~ `` o v~ ^ ~ o a` I /\ ~ _ .~. lV \ \ ~ \ 0 and w _ ~W ,~ J-~---~ \7 0 ::, ~.~,~.~ ^J ~, ~~ ~fEVV HAi~®VER COURITY BCAR® ®F CONIIVIISS~C~VERS REQUEST' FOR B®AR® ACTION Meeting ®ate: 07/09/.01 Regular Item #: 4.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes • • Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: Z-726,06/01; Applicant: Stroud Engineering; Located 5500 Block of Carolina Beach Road Service Road South of Monkey Junction. BRIEF SUMMARY: The petitioner is requesting a rezoning from R-15 Residential to B-2 Highway Business. Portions of three parcels make up the applicants request. Currently the frontage of the parcels is B-2 Highway Business. The petitioner presented the rezohing request and compared setbacks and buffering requirements necessary for commercial projects abutting residential subdivisions to the required setbacks necessary for residential development. Several neighbors spoke in opposition to the rezoning. ' The proposed rezoning is a logical extension of the commercial district, and Staff has confidence that the requriements of the ordinance will provide adequate protection. for the adjacent residents in Brewster Place. Dense vegetation presently exists on the property and should be .retained. Another option would be for the petitioner to present a conditional use site plan to ensure a compatible site design. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The .Planning Board discussed the petition -and a motion to approve failed. Upon further discussion the Planning Board recommended ApRroval of an amended petition. The following amendments were recommended 1) the rezoning request on parcel north of Dunhill Lane be rezoned B-2 as requested. 2) Parcel #2 on the south side of Dunhill Lane be rezoned Conditional Use CD(B-2) based on the site plan produced at the meeting provided that (a) the use would be fora hotel, (b) any eating and drinking establishment within the hotel would limit hours of operation to no later than 11:OOpm (c) access shown on Dunhill Lane be closed (d) lighting for the project would be down lighting and directed away from adjacent residents, (e) as shown on the site plan, the existing vegetation to the.rear of the .property remain undisturbed. 3) Parcel#3 the southern most parcel of the petition be rezoned B-2 Highway Business to an approximate depth of 365 feet. At this writing, the Planning Department has not received an .amended petition or a detailed Conditional Use Site Plan. FUNDING souRCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: 6 ITEAA DOES P10T REQUIRE REVIEW r U l CONiNiIQ , APPROVED REJECTED f' ~l«-w~;ti F?EMOVED POSTPONED . -.,~. ~d COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 55 CASE: Z-726, 06/01; APPLICANT' Stroud Engineering RE(~T1EST: R-1~ Residential to B-2 Highway Business ACREAGE: 1.67 Acres LOCATION: 5500 blocl: of Carolina Beach Road service road south of >VTonlcey Junction. LAND CLASS: I)evelopeci -The purpose of the Developed class into provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas'. These areas are ' already developed at a density approaching 1,00 dwelling units per square mile. Urban services are already in place or scheduled within the. immediate future. Most of the land . tivithin the City of Wilmington is designated as developed; except for some Urban Transition and Conservation areas. Density may exceed 2.j units per acre dvithin the `~ developed class, depending upon local zoning regulations. PLANNING BOARD RECO]VIMENDATION 6/7/01: ' The petitioner presented the rezoning request and compared the required setbacks and buffering requirements necessary for commercial projects abutting residential subdivisions to the required setbacks, necessary for residential development. Several neighbors spoke in opposition to the rezoning. The Planning Board discussed the petition and~a motion to approve failed. Upon fiirther discussion the Planning Board recommended Approval of an amended petition. The following amendments were recommended 1) the rezoning request on parcel #1 north of Dunhill Lane be rezoned B-2 as requestzd, 2) parcel ~2 on the south side~.of Dlmhill Lane, be rezoned Conditional Use CD(B-2) based on the. site plan produced at the meeting provided that (a) the use would be for a hotel, (b) any eating and drinking establishment within the hotel would limit hours of operation to no later than 11:OOpm (c) access shown ~on Dunhill Lane be closed (d) lighting for the project would be down lighting and directed away from adjacent residents, (e) as shown o~~ the site plan, the existing vegetation to the rear of the property remain undisturbed. 3) Parcel #3 the southern most parcel of the petition be rezoned B-2 Highway Business to an approximate depth of 365 feet. At this writing; the Planning Department has not received an amended petition or a detailed Conditional Use Site Plan: y: ~ ,, _ -. , S'T'AFF SUMMARY: The petitioner is requesting a rezoning from R-15 residential to B-2 Highway Business. Portions of three parcels make up the applicants request. The properties are located on the Carolina Beach Road Service Road south of Monkey Junction. Currently the frontage of the ~ .'~', parce;1"~~is8zoned~B-2 Highway Business. This area of the County was originally zoned in April 19-/, 1. The,B-~~ zo,ning designation ran parallel to the original right of way to a depth of X00'. As'a result of,de~~el,opment and transportation improvements in the area, additional right of way was .a t e , ,. -jq : ,.,: acc~uired~in the.mid 90's to accommodate the service road, ultimately decreasing the depth of the B-2 district on tl~ parcels to approximatel}' 223'. ,. ~"' . The Monkey Junction area tie's undergone asignificant transformation from a small coiilm`ercial node serving local residents to a larger and developing regional commercial node. This Southeastern quadrant of the intersection has a variety of residential housing with an existing mobile home park and a recently developed subdivision (Brewster Place) as well as a variety of ~, l ~% commercial zoning designations. Since 1991. there have been 8 requests to modify the zoning on parcels South of.the subject properties.. In July, 1999 the adjacent zoning, on property where the Kohl's Creamery is located, was extended to accommodate that use. In considering this request several issues including setbacks, buffering, and storm water management must be evaluated. The required setbacks and buffering are measured from the zonins district. The setback requirement for the rear _yard in a B-2 district is (3.%3)X(Bld,. Ht.) with a minimum setback of 3~' and a minimum buffer of either % the setback or 20' whichever is Qreater. Any development on these parcels will have to meet the storm water mana~~ement . regulations and any new storm water ponds vvi11 have to be located within the commercial district. The proposed rezoning is a logical extension of the commercial district, and Staff has confidence that the requirements of the ordinance will provide adequate protection for the adjacent residents in Brewster Place. Dense vegetation presently exists on the property'and should be retained. . Another option would be for the petitioner to present a conditional use site plan to ensure a compatible site design. Staff Recommends Approval. 0 57 Case: Z-72b, ~6/O1 ~elition Su~m~ry ~alra Owner/Petitioner: Grove Park Properties ' Existin,a Land Use: Vacant . Land Classification: Developed Zoning History: April 1971 (Zoning Area #4) ' Water Tvpe: Well~~'j--~}~~ Sewer Tvpe: County Sewer & .Septic Recreation Area: River Road Park Access ~, Traffic Volume: 2000 (1999 ADT) Fire District: Myrtle Grove VFD Watershed ~i Water .Quality Classification: Motts Creek C(SW) Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Lynn Haven Septic Suitability: Class III~Severe Limitations <- Schools: Bellamy 5~~~ :, Attachment A STR4UD 'EiVG9NEERING, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3961-A MARKET STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28403 (910) 815-0775 May 10, 2001 New Hanover County Planning Dept. ' Attn: Dexter Hayes y 414 Chestnut St. Room 304 tiVilmington, NC 2401 RE: Establishment for change of Zoning Dear.I~~lr. Hayes, In order to provide comfortable explanation area to address the: three required establishments as presented on the back of the standard county application, Iwould -like io address the aforementioned three issues in .letter form. In summary, the request is to extend the B2 Zon>ng Classificat>on to the rear of the properties in hopes of relinquishing the mixed zoning presently existing on all of the presented properties. The present zoning line does not conform to the existing property boundaries and as such presents certain hardships to proposed commercial development of these properties. This, being said I would now address the three issues. The requested change of the zoning is' consistent with the county's Policies for Growth and Development as premised by the fact that the front of these properties is alreadyzoned B-2.~~`Item 3.3(1) under Commercial Development Policies cit"e~ `that commercial development shall be located in existing commercial nodes capable of providin~~ public services, including transportation. Public water and sewer is readily available to all three properties. The properties are located on a service road to one of the most heavily traveled roads in the county, Public. transportation does not extend into the county in this area b~>t--all three properties are well suited to accommodate filture public. transportation considering that they do front on a service road. These properties are also ~~~eii suited to provide drainage for commercial uses riven the fact tine two northern most. tracts have Stornlvvater iti'Iana~~ement permits through NCDE\~Z for commercial uses. Tlie southern most tract is adjacent a large drainage conveyance which has been reali<,ned around the adjoining, residential development known as Brewster Place. This draina~=e conveyance can be demonstrated to have adegate capacity to sen•e thesubject properties without endangering the existing= dramage basin. 59 107 COMt?;IERCc ST. f iESTRON PLAZA. TWO SUITE 6 3961,.4 MAnf;ET ST. 151-A H~NY. 24 GnEENViLLE, NC 27853 ~;'JILP+11t~1GTOPd, NC 28=103 i.9GR;_HCAJ CITY, NC 28557 (252j 750-93'02 ~ ~ (9i C) 815-0175 (252) 247-7479 The requested zoning chance is consistent with the property classification on the land classification map. An excerpt of the land classification map showing the property is . .included, as attachment (B). The three properties fall within the Urbari Transition land classification boundaries. The Urban Transition classification is the most accommodatin, classification for commercial type development. All of the required criteria are available to these properties. These include the aforementioned services and direct access to a thoroughfare. The surrounding land uses substantiate the rezoning request given the commercial character of the adjoining properties fronting Carolina Beach Road. U The appropriate issue to address the final required establishment would be that the land involved is unsuitable for the use permitted under the existing zoning. As mentioned in the opening paragraph the request is to relocate the,zoning'~line to conform to existin, tract boundaries. As presently zoned the rear of the properties are R-1 S. If the properties were capable of being subdivided along the existing zoning, line the residual residentially zoned property would have either poor or no access. There is no benefit to either the adjoining or subject properties to leave the zoning line as existing. The required setbacks for commercial use adjacent residential development ,will be from the property .line not the zonintr Line. Under this premise the setbacks and buffering of the commercial property in relation to the existing residential development will be the same as that calculated for the existing condition. Existing vegetation abLrttin~7 the periphery of the ad~~oining residential property will be retained to the extent practicable. Please consider this request fir approval. Included with this submittal is~ a current plot of the tax map for this area and. a rezoning map which; accurately. depicts the ,properties boundaries as noted in .deeds on record at the New Hanover County'.Registry; .indicates existing zoning conditions, and shotivs proposed rezoning boundaries. ~pectfully Submitted, ~ \. Jame~!Fentress; Jr Pl/,IP`LS Cc i~-larlc Simpson JI-IF/ad File F:Amasier\pw2~3\wpd\rezonenar.doc ~-, NEVV FIAIV01iER COUNTV DOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION IVleeting Date: 07/09/_01 Regular Item #: 4.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: LUP -11, 06/01 Applicant Live Oak Development Company; Located on the YVest Side of IUlarket Street Between CP&L Site and the 17 Bypass. BRIEF SUMMARY.: Petitioner requests a change in part of the Rural Land Classification to Urban Transition on the Wilmington/New Hanover County Comprehensive Plan Land Classification Map. The petitioner explained that changing the land classifications is the first step in planning for future development in the area. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff presented the current status of utility service in the area and reviewed the different land classifications. The Planning Board discussed the Comprehensive Plan Land Classifications and the associated Policies. Since urban services are planned for the area the Planning Board determined that the request was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and unanimously recommended Approval of the request. l=UNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: 6 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: UiU7~ t`;6~fil~l3Sl~~~ APPROVED ~tEJECTED L~ .; PC.EMOVED L'~ POSTPONED ~ )~},EARi') • 61~ CASE: LUP-11, 06/01; APPLICANT: Live Oak development Company REQUEST: Change Part of the Rural Land Classification to Urban Transition on the . _ Wilmington/Nerv Hanover County Comprehensive Plan Land Classification Map. AREA: Porter's Neck LOCATION:, West side of Market street Beriveen the CP&L site and The 17 By-Pass PLANNING BOARD RECOMivIENDATION 6/7/01: Staff presented the current status of utility service in the area and reviewed the different land classifications: The petitioner explained that changing the land classification is the first step in planning for future development in that area. The Planning Board disctissed the Comprehensive Plan Land Classifications and the associated Policies. Since urban services are planned for the area the Planning Board determined that the request was consistent with the Comprehensive plan. and unanimously recommend Approval of the request. LAi~iD CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS: . RURAL -The purpose of the Rural class is to provide for areas of love intensity land uses; such as agriculture; forest management, mineral extraction. and other traditional agrarian uses. This classic ication discotirages the premature conversion of These lands into urban-type rises and the subsequent loss. of resource production. Other land uses of a noxious or hazardous nature with the potential for negative impacts on adjacent uses may be allowed, provided they can be sited in a manner which will minimize their negative effect on surrounding land uses and natural resources. Only low-density residential development not exceeding 2.5 units per acre is permitted, since the extension of urban services into the rural class would be an inefficient use of resources. Compatible commercial and industrial uses may also be allowed provided that natural resources are not adversely impacted. URBAN TRANSITION -The purpose of the Urban Transition class is to provide for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or ~~,il.l be provided with necessary urban - ' service's. The location of these areas is based, upon land use planning policies•requiring optimum efficiency in land utilization and public service delivery. Residential development can exceed 2.5 units per acre within the Urban Transition area provided the development is adequately designed to be compatible with existing and proposed surrounding • ,'land~usesrarid i5"served by: ~1) Se,wer-ithe development shall be served by city or county sewer systems or private packa,e treatmentavstem_s that meet the most stringent State requirements 2) Municipal or County Water System -the development shall be served by City or Count} vvater,.systems or.,a private water s}stem constructed in accordance with Ciri~ of Wilmington standards. .. , 3) Direct access to`a minor arterial or larger access road, as classified under the New PIanover County Thoroughfare Classification System -the development may be required to fully provide or to share in the cost of the provision of roadway improvements needed to adequately serve the proposed development and community in general. VI. Vision and Goals - Lancl Classitcation 62 The developed and urban transition classes comprise the urban service area. The urban transition class provides for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. The developed and urban transition classes allow residential densities greater than 2.5 units per acre. .., The rural class provides for areas of low intensity land uses, such as agriculture, forests and mineral extraction areas. y VI. Vision and Goals -Community Infrastructure The Comprehensive Plan serves as an official statement of where growth and development will be Given preference in the future. Not only does it serve to Guide investment decisions by the private sector and citizens; the plan provides a powerful toolyto direct new infrastructure and investment. The developed and urban transition land classes comprise. the urban service area of Wilmington and the unincorporated County. Beyond the urban service area are the land classes of the non-urban service area. Guiding gro~~~th in the urban service area will deter land development sprativl and provide for more efficient infrastructure levels of service. Policy. direction on how to pay for the needed community infrastructure includes exploration of alternative forms of financing including impact fees; bonds; user fees, and tax increases for the improvements needed to have a high quality level of service. These infrastructure projects will prevent a decline in the level of service provided to the County and City residents. Paving for community infrastructure tivill be fairly shared b_v new development and existing residents VIII. Land Use and Urban Design - Policy 8.1 -New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington shall promote development within an established urban service area defined by the existence of essential urban services and the planned provision of those services. STA~'~' SUNINIAI~Y: The petitioner is requesting a modification of the Lind Classification map to extend the Urban Transition Boundary/Urban sen~ice area north beyond the Porter's Neck Shopping Center. Although County sewer has been extended to this area; capacity in the sewage treatment plant is limited. The County is also planning to extend water service to this area, however; contracts for the project have not been zwarded. "fhe,rec(assification of the area should coincide with the_ planned expansion of urban services. - 63 May Z, 2001 Dexter Hayes New Hanover County Planning Department 414 Chestnut Street, Room 30=1 Wilmington, NC 2801 Re: Land Classification Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Haves: - i , I would like to request a change in the land classification of the property listed below. The current '~: ~, class cation of "Rural" is outdated; The property has no practical value for agriculture, forestry management, mineral extraction or other traditional agrarian uses. A classification of "Urban Transition" would be more appropriate for the following reasons: ® The property currently has, or will have in the near future, all necessary urban services, including county water and sewer; m It has direct access to Market Street and the Interstate-=10 Connector/Wilmington Byp~iss; which is now under construction. There will be no negative impact on streets throu~ll existing ' neighborhoods; ~~ ® It is within walking distance of a large stropping center that includes a grocen~ store, regional post office, bank, restaurants, professional offices, and other service businesses: and, It is very near an existing "Urban Transition" area. The property is best suited for medium-densit} residential development a ttiNc of zoning tha[ flocs not exist in the Porters Neck area. Allowing this type of housing an the tivest side of Market Street will reduce the development pressure on the east side of the street, air area that is classified as "Resource Protection". 1 his alternative tivill become especially important when the Connecior/Bvpass is completed in the near future. In addition, this use is not inconsistent with the other properties in the area, ~vhicll are an amalearn of retail, office, light industry, single family homes on couuuercially zoned~lots, and Greenvie~ti~ Ranches - a 64 616 PRINCESS STREET • 4YILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 23401 (910j 762-4356 FAX: %62-601 9 subdivision of 5-acre parcels that are largely vacant and unbuildable. There would be no negative impact on the neighbors. _~ The properties that I am proposing for a change in land classification are 4 8161 Market Street, RO 2800-001-155-000 m 8225 Market Street, RO 2800-001-1~3-000 m 1900 Deerfield Road, RO 2800-001-155-000 ® 1900 Plantation Road, RO 2800-001-02~-000 I appreciate your consideration. Please let me know what I need to do to move this request forward. /'1 Sincerely, % ~ ~ l `e f ~`~~, ~ ` ,Dean Scarafon' President ~,ttaclllllentS 6 This pale intenti®nally left blank} 66 r~~ ~TtM ~~3 .a.~,~~ Wilmington-New Hanover County . ,p(sNlui~y-~, ix _ *; Land Classification Nfap - _ aA: ~ . -"+ ~~ ~ ~p ~~ ®Dowhped ~ L/mkod Tmnaft/on Conaarwdan ® Commun/ty A Wtlmin ton 8 '~agaF)~~.~ © 9 ypaaa ~ Watamhod Boundary Date: 11/18'88 ~ TmnalHon ~ Rasoun;eProfectlon ~ Rurel ®NotAPlanningAroa ®. fJibanOmwthBoundary ~ byNHCOP1ann1ng018 1 _.2 ~ 1 ~ t F _ R ~ f ' ~ 3• 1' ~}I {~ t~ ~ rtC L Cf T~>sw. 3~: ~ i ~ t.~'.y -I w ~ ;3 -i: k -?`,7~t"~ 1 F pia,' _ ~ ~~M1 ~`"j,,.p ~ 1~:~1 , i. ~ ~~ ~`_~ .- _~N ~ ~ ~ '~. }. 'i5c .yam '~ ~, i ~,( ~ ~t~ ~~-^ ; ~ cx:a ~ `'~ ~ "~ y t ~~}~^ ' anF-.,, ; ~u"i, `'~i 4a ~fF 1: _F ~ r < ` ~ ~ },~ ~ t ~ _ ` ~ SR ate.-_ 8F'""s~s-z ~,~, ~j'~i ".,~. `' ~ . •'_ .-d a ,'~j° I. k.,~'' ~'~., ~ ~... ~. ;~;~ of ~~ '' `r~'" y~, ~ , ~•t`~r ~. ~:(`F. > . ,,.` - - ~C ~ ' ~ ~ . ~, /'i L. 4~tffx ! ~K,~ ,.Y ~.T V'.~ 'w t G" ~ 3 G ~ 4 ,3 ~' ; i ^t n Sl4 1 3 '{ •Jf 'i.~r;. '_t v. r ~' '~,~~;"~" ~ ~ F' ~. ~ ~ ~~ '~' ~. ~, M ,~ '-Up c, ` ~=i3' ~, o , I ~ t '~ ~~ ~ j i~ ~ ~ t.-, ss ~yt ~, i`. x - w, `r~ h~~ } ,t rtYC ~ ~ + d t Br;sr?swi~k t''`~ r _ , Y o '~ ,~ ,,.Y ~.~ ~,. ~ ,~4,_ y ~~ r v~~ '~~ ~ .~ x~ - x 1 J ~ ~ y .r~ ~%7f ~ ~ ~' 7 i~ ~ -.r . ~ ~t~1 ~ ~~~ ~ s~f Y r ~ 4 ~ 7° ~ n~ t•~ fsr.i; ~ ~ ''. ~ ~ d . ~~F uiiW:.. i vit Ploasu/n.b/and M.aot 4"t ea ~j~tiys~ 1'c S ~ t ~~ ~' ;'~ I ' 7, ~ ~y~ ~ ~ ~. `~' ~ _J_ k ~ ~~ .i ~ ~ i <• ~ ~ ~. ^ ~ n i%~ ;k 8/ ~..'a m r ~1 ` J v ~ C _ `° -p ci ~ ~ a ~ C e '~ a~ Ol rm C ~ C (D ~ j Oy d O ~ y vim: rn o C ~ i C7 W O O C O. \ ~ _ Q \ ~ ~~ , ~, ~ /J\( - ® = ~ /' ~ _ (n F _ O O u O / ( ~ ~ \ i a C IOJ \ ~ `c p '" s e0 /. eoe °" a .oo /\ iv ° N j °o °e °°o e e eeS o° _ a ~. eO / 0 Y~ ~ ee eFOe v~`~ \~ ! e e v//x^~ a X~ ,~~ '•°°e ~ ~ ~ ~ s oe oe °e :t' ~ a :~" °° eee fix, e e0 '•. •. e .e e ee s° oe ° °~ ee ee i eO°~~ oe ee ~° • , e°e•e i - e ee 'V ~ eO ~ x \ ~ ° _~-- / eee. '- ° / -~._/ ~.~a.~.s ,.. ~~ h (N~..1.2- NEVI HAIVOVER COU~Tl( ~OAR® ®F C®iV6MISSl®IVERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTT®N Meeting ®ate: 07/09/01 Regular Item #: 4.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: A-31®, 05/01; Applicant: Staff; Zoning Text Amendment for Section 67 of the Landscape Section BRIEF SUMMARY; The proposed text amendment incorporates the language that the Unified Development Ordinance Oversight Committee agreed upon during their review of the Landscape sections of the .current City and County Zohing Ordinances. As a result of this review, several changes -have been made to the landscape regulations including; additional tree saving requirements, streetyard .planting. requirements, foundation plantings ,for commercial buildings, and landscaping for .expansions to existing structures. All of these changes were seen as necessary improvements to the existing ordinance. Although the Unified Development Ordinance is still a work in progress, the Board of Commissioners and the City Council have requested that portions of the document be incorporated -into the existing Zoning Ordinance as soon as possible. To date the City of Wilmington has adopted several sections agreed.: upon by, the Oversight Committee. In adopting the new. standards, the City allowed development plans that had already been submitted to be reviewed under the old requirements for a period of thirty (30) days. Staff recommends the adoption of the text amendments and the adoption of the 30 day policy At a meeting on May 30, 2001 the Planning Board held. a workshop to review the requirements of the proposed UDO landscape document. As a result of this workshop several Planning Board Members and one citizen developed a list of discussion items for the June 7, 2001 Planning Board Public Hearing. Although there were several concerns raised, the primary discussion revolved around the bufferyard requirements. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board voted to .recommend approval of the landscape section as G recommended by the UD.O advisory committee, with the following comments; 1) staff hould :;:, ~ ~~.. h. revise the technical standards to allow for a variation in landscape material and height, 2) for maintenance purposes, the wording in section 67-4(6)B.2-d; that requires the fencing in the buffer area to be on the Commercial side of the buffer landscaping should be removed, 3) In addition the Planning Board would like to evaluate the current width requirements for bufferyards and in the future possibly amend the way these widths are calculated. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: 14 ITEhA DOES NOT REQUfRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: r~+DUiv11f ~:®M~i9~1~~ APPROVED E~i:~ REJECTED C,J POSTi=ONED H.EARi:) '~/ I CASE: A-310, OS/O1 Applicant: Staff REQ~JES~': 'Zoning rest Amendment for section S7 the.L.andscape Section Attached is the proposed landscape section for the New Hano~~er County Zoning Ordinance. The underlined text is new to the County Ordinance all other plain text is existing language in the County Ordinance. PI..,AltiNING BOARD REC®P/IVIENDATIflN b/7/Ol: At a meeting on May 30, 2001 the Plannih~ Board held a workshop to review the requirements of the proposed UDO landscape document. As a result of this workshop several Planning Board Members and one citizen developed a~list of discussion items for.,. the June 7; 2001 Planning Board Public Hearing. Although there were,several,concerns raised, the primary discussion revolved around the. bufferyard requirements. Ultimately .the Planning Board voted to recommend approval of the landscape section as recommended by the UDO advisory committee, with the following comments; '1) staff should revise the technical standards to allow for a variation in landscape material and hei~jht, 2) fore ~ ' maintenance purposes, the wording in section 67-4(6)B2-d, that regilires the fencing in the buffer area tq-be on the Commercial side of the buffer landscaping should be removed,-3)~ In addition the Planning Board would like to evaluate the current width requirements.for bufferyards and in the filture possibly amend the way these widths are calculated. S'I'AM' S~11~II~iIAR~' The proposed test amendment incorporates the'lan~uaQe that the Unified .Development Ordinance Oversight Committee agreed upon durin'a their review of the Landscape sections of the current City end County Zoning. Ordinances. as a result of this review, several changes have been made-to the landscape.reglilations including; additional tree saving requirements, streetyard planting requirements, foundation plantings for commercial buildings, and landscaping for expansions to' existing structures. All of these. ,. changes were seen as necessary improvements to the existing ordinance. i Although the Unified Development Ordinance is still a work in progress', the Board of Commissioners and the City Council have requested that portions of the document be " ' incorporated into the existing.Zoning,Ordinance as soon as possible.. To date.the City of Wilmington has adopted several sections agreed upon by the Oversight Committee. Iii . . adopting the new standards, the City allowed development plans that had already been submitted to be reviewed under the old requirements for a period of thirty (30) days. Staff ,~i;ecommencls the adoption of the text amendments and the adoption of the ~O.day policy. hM++ p j~~ ~ . .. ~ ~;i4 »w~ . .'T ,j ~ ,_ ,, ., ~, • AR~~CL~ YI: S~T~'~LEi'~~t~1~'Aa~'~' RE~U~.~~~~i~iS ;.' -Se~'ti®n b7" Landscaping (5/8~) 67-1 Functions -Landscaping accomplishes the following functions: (1) Maintains visual character of the community; (2) Screens objectionable views within and between uses; (3) ~ Defines functional exterior spaces; (4) Reduces.glare into and from the site; (5) J Reduces dust and other pollutants suspended in the air; (6) Controls noise and provides acoustical modification into and from the site; (7) Influences wind patterns and their effects upon proposed uses; ; (8) Contains odors and minimizes their passage into and from the site; (9) Controls the direction and velocity of surface water runoff; (10) Minimizes soil erosion; (11) i/loderates interior and exterior temperatures by controlling solar radiation an buildinffs and y paved surfaces and air polluti®i~; (12) Maintains the esthetic quality of property and enhances its value; . (13) Maintains t}ae integrity of e natural heritage; (14) 1~Iaintains indi~encsus species; (1~) 't'ranspires water. 67-2 Apol icability - In order to meet the. above functions, landscaping shall be required for the purpose of:: (1) Buffering adjoining and competine land uses; (2) Landscaping parksng lots with-five or more parking spaces or those areas 2500 square feet or v more devoted for vehicular use; (3) Retaining existing trees in ail residential sul3slivisions of rnt~re than 5 lots, on High-Density development or Planned Development; and commercial, office and institutional, and industrial developments. (4/2/90) Landscaping for the above three (3) types of projects shall meet the general landscaping performance -~ standards specified in Section 67-3. Additional performance`staiidar`ds; as applicable, 'shall also be met for buffer strips {Section b7-4) a~-fc~;, parking lots (Section 67-5), stmt vards (Se~~iou 67- 10), and I'auridation planti.n~s (se-cti€~n 67-11), i''~':`; r=~rrs- :,~., .,,.~.. ., ~~ 67-3 General Siandards for Landscaping -The following general standards shall be used in the process of designing all landscaping plans: (1) Retention of existing vegetation-- Vegetation existing on thesite at the time of development, ' shall be retained as required below: (A) If existing trees and shrubs on the site where a buffer is required meets at least ~0% of the required opacity standard, then those trams and shrubs shall be retained for use in buffering and supplemented as needed with plantings, fences, and/or berms to meet the ART Vl-1 69 required standards. In all cases,. existing trees greater than ~" in diameter at 4.5 feet in height (DBH) shall not be removed from a twenty foot buffer strip along the perimeter. (B) Hardwood trees at least 8" DBH, all conifer treys at least 12" DBH, and all dogwoods and American hollies, larger than 4" DBH anywhere on the site shall.be considered protected, and shall be preserved to the greatest extent practical and incorporated into required landscaping. (4/2190) Hardwood and conifer treQS at least 2~" DBH and dogwoods, Arr~rican Hollies~and' flowering trees at least 8" I)BI-I anywhere on the site shall be considered protected, and must ' be preserved or their removal rraiti~ated as hereinafter provided, re¢ardless of location on the site, unless the trees are shown #o be dead, dyin~ or s~verelV daatna~ed or diseased as a result of natural factors ~ ' 2 ._.- ? .~ . ' T17ese treys shall be inventoried as part of the landscape plan, in accordance with Section 67-8. If any of these trees are to be cleared from the site, reasons for doing so shall be 'clearly stated on the landscape plan. Suitable reasons for clearing one or more of these trey include such factors as trees cover more of the site area than is rewired to be landscaped and the parcel will be fully used, or that it is impossible to position buildings on the parcel and meet setback retluirements without tree removal. tinsuitable reasons include such factors as more parking than the minimum specified by Section. 80 is desired or that non-selective clearing by bulldozer is less expensive than selective cl'earina by chainsaw. E:,isting trees sp~ified on the required lanlscape plan to remain on the site as a function fulfilling purposes of this Section, shall be protected from vehicular movement and material storage during construction and in the final landscape design. An undisturbed area with a porous surface shall be reserved around each tree as determined by the tree's drip ring of its natural canopy. 'I7.e undisturbed area shall be protected during construction by a suitable fence, such as a wooden slat snow fence or wire fence. (?/2/90) If 'a protected `tre:°'`is "destroyed, substantially damaged, or dies as a result of ne41i2ence on the"•part of tl~e property owner within three years after completion of construction;.'thenyeplacement -trees of a similar species with a 3" DBH shall be planted on the site with a total diameter equal to twice the diameter of the protected tree. For instance, if a 16" diameter [ree is cut down, eight 4" trees will be replanted. (?/?/90) A n~ii7irr~uria arowin~ area of l~~ sg ft shall be provided for each replacerrsent tree. If the reolacetr€ent trees cannot ioe accorrnyaodated on the site, in the iudt?ernent of the Zoning Adralinistrator then a pavrraent ir3ay b'o rude to the Ct~untv's 'Tree Isnproverrrent Fund equivalent to ~e cost and installation for the number of trees w'rrich cannot be planted on site. 5. A minimum of 15 tre°~s at least 2" in diameter (measured 6" above the ground) shall be retained or planted on the parcel for each acre or proportionate area ART VI-~ ~~ disturbed by development. (3/9/88) {2) Selection of Plant materials -All plant materials and their spacing requirements, which are to be planted to meet the opacity and height requirements of this section shall be either selected from the manual, "Tree and Plant Materials for Landscaping," prepared by' and available from the County Planning Department or shall be approved by the lVew Hanover County Agricultural Extension Service. (3) Provision-for other uses - Up to fifteen per cent (1S%) of the area to be landscaped may be covered with surfaces specifically intended to afford intensive use and enjoyment by employees or the public (such as walking paths, bench and table pads, etc,). . (4) adequate sight angles - At all. points of egress from off-street parking areas to a road, unobstructed visibility shall be maintained at an elevation of between three (3) and seven (7) feet of the pavement level, within the two areas formed by two right angle triangles on the sides of the driveway.. Each triangle shall have a base measuring 15 feet along the edge o.f the driveway and a height measuring 30 feet along the edge of the road right-of-way. At the . corners of road intersections, unobstructed visibility shall be maintained at an elevation between three (3) feet and seven (7) feet of the pavement level within an area required by the regulations adopted by the Department of Transportation, State ~of North Carolina; in "Subdivision Roads: Minimum Construction Standards" (Ma_v 1, 1983) and any subsequent amendments thereto or the revelations adopted by the governing body, whichever are the greater. ~~ (5) It is encouraged that stormwater ~-t:~~~~ znanaaement sysgerr~s be inte~ated into the landscaping plan. j (13) Siraale-farrlily residences being ~anstructed an lots ref 2 acres or less are e:~errlpt frorra this section 67=; Additional Requirements for Berms and for Yards in which Buffers are Required Buffer strips are designed to protect adjoining land uses, particularly residential, from the noise, heat, dust, lights, threats to privacy,. and aesthetic impacts from more intense land-uses. Buffer-strips shall be rewired along ail property lines adjacent to a residential use u - y ~~~- „~' . or district. except where a reduced building setback precludes ~lacernent of a buf~'er strip in situations where the adjoining property contains a nonreside~atial use on residentially zoned property, such as a church or school The more intense land use shall be required to provide the buffer as part of its yard requirements. The following requirements shall be met for buffer strips and the yards in which buffers are required: • (1) Location of buffer strips -Buffer strips shall be required to screen any residential use from any ~-~; B ~,-~Rn '_';-T-~--er--~,-~ raon-residential use or district. Buffer. strips shall also be requlred t0 sCrec',n any c:n~~i~:,,µ~.,,.,~. ,w,...,,,~.~.. ~.~.,ti,iv~.~rrn.i,t rC'slden~iai lase or (~dS~T1Ct from any attached housing development or mobile home park or High Density Development or ' Planned Development. However, no buffer will be required for high, density detached ,lots provided lots equal or exceed 5000 square f~.,t. (10/7/91) ART VI=3 ~~ (2) ' (J) (4) (~) (6) Width of buffer strips -The buffers shall have a base width equal to at least 50% of .the required setback. In all cases the base of the buffer shall be equal to or greater than 20 fe<~ Where a utility easement occupies a portion of the buffer, sufficient buffer must be provided outside tote utility easement to meet the required ooacity standards. Allowance. for a decrease in setback with an increase in buffer width -The setback for structures may be decreased if the base width of the buffer strip, as determined in Section 67- 4(2) above, is increased by the same amount. " Uses in the'buffer - No activities shall occur in the buffer except~for maintenance of the buffer and' the installation-and maintenance of water, sewer, electrical and other utility systems where the installation causes minimal disturbance of existing vegetation. No bufferyard required by this section may contain arty buildint: or structure, or extension of any building or mechanical system. `This prohibition: shall attply at the time of issuance of a certificate of occupancy and at any time thereafter, and shall include' but not be limited to• porches decks. patios, I-~''JA.~ combonents, waste containers storage buildan~s or any other . future or structure. whether temporary or g~ertrtanent. Uses in the rear and. side yards abutting a residential use -The-following uses shall be sl-delded from view from the property line of the residential use by means of a 100% opaque solid wall. - dumpsters or other hash holding areas - outside storage areas - loadinJunloading areas ' - heatinJair conditioning units, including roof mounted units. In addition, all lights shall be shielded in such a manner that light from the fixture will n directly radiate into-the buffer strip or beyond. Types of buffer strips -Buffer strips shall provide approximately 100% opacity. Suffer strips may be occupied only by ,natural and/or plantei=l~ vegetation, berms and fencing, as specified below: A. Natural vegetation must be retained in accordance with Section 67-3(1)(A). B. One or more of .the following means shall be used to supplement the natural vegetation as necessary or to provide an adequate.buffer where no,natural -vegetation exists-: 1. Planted buffer strips -The pl'anted.buffer strips shall beat least six feet tall and ~. ~' give approximately 100% visual opacity within one year of planting. Three (3) rows, of planted materials shall be required. 2. Combination planted buffer strip with artificial fencing:.` (a) Artificial fencing shall be,betweensix (6) to ten 10) feet in height, (b} If solid~a~iifcial fencing ,is used, two rows.ofplanted materials shall be provided at a minimum height of three (3) feet at initial planting, and Give at least 50% visual opacity of the fence at planting. L If permeable artificial fencing is used, two rows of planted materials shall be provided and give approximately 100% visual opacity of the fence within one year of planting. (d) The buffer vegetation. shall be located between the fence and the common - property line. ¢ , . _,__ ,u .. ..dA ' AP.T V 1-4 O. 3. Combination berm with vegetation: (a) An earthen berm may be used in conjunction with planted .vegetation .provided that the combined height of the berm and planted vegetation shall - be at least six (6) feet and provide approximately 100% opacity within one year of planting. (b) The slope of the berm shall be stabilized with vegetation and no steeper- than 3:1. The height of the berm shall be 6 feet or less, with a level or rounded area on top of the berm. The berm shall be constructed of compacted e~t-th. (3/9/88) (7) Screening for i]umpsters and ®utsirle Storage along l?teblic Right-Of-~~avs - The following uses shall be screened frorsr the view of anv publicri~ht-ot=way or adiacent property Screening shall be at least S ft in height and rnaa~ consist of living and nonliving material as specified in this section. A. `I'he rear side of a building where that side abuts a streQt right-of-way. or anv duanpster or trash receptacle stoe°age area used in connection with anv business establishment. 13. Any outside storage area for vehicles awaiting: repair in connection with anv automotive or ar-otor vehicle repair business, where the number of such vehicles' exceeds five. C. Anv ou#side storage area for anv epuiprnent used in excavation, buildintr site . preparation or constnaction. No part of anv e~uip~nent stored in such area rnay praiect above the screen. 67-~ Additional Landscaping Requirements for Parking Lots . Landscaping is required for parking lots for the purposes of reducing aesthetic impacts of paving or removing the natural vegetation from large areas; to reduce the noise, heat and dust associated with parking lots; and other purposes as listed in Section 67-1. (1) Applicability -Landscaping shall be require for all off-street parking facilities with live or more spaces or those areas 200 square feet or more devoted for vehicular use. A landscaping plan shall be submitted`n accordance with Section 67-8. . (2) Design Criteria -Landscaping shall be required for parking lot perimeters and for.`parking lot interiors. - (A) Parking Lot Perimeters - A landscaped strip ten (IO) feet in width shall be required. • along any side of a parking lot abutting a stmt right-of-wa_y, separate parking Iot or ' residentially zoned property. This landscaping shall consist of, at a minimum, one 3" calmer evergre°n or deciduous tree every eighteen(18) to twenty-seven (27) feet. If a buffer strip is required in accordance with S~tion 67-4, then the ten foot width may be included as part of the buffer strip. (4/2/90) The landscaped strip rnav be interrupted by driveway connections between parltin~ .lots. If adjaceiat narlcin~ lots are deveioned concurrently then both properties can install a minin~urra of 5 f# strip or anv tzaultiple agreed upon in writing by the two proper#v owners that would ettual AFT V I-5 .. Y i 0 ft of plant: double parki rer~ ui cement. area between the parking lots. Adiacent lots that choose row split along the middle of a drive isle are exempt a ~, Parking .,Lot ,;Interiors - Interior ~ landscaping is defined as the landscaping required within the parking, lot perimeters. Interior landscaping shall be provided equal to 8% of the total area to be used for parking, loading area, automobile .sales lots. driveways ari~d internal dive aisles, or for other vehicular .use or pedestrian use.. Interior landscaping shall be in the form of planting islands, either separate or protruding from the perimeter landscaping. Each island shall have no horizontal dimension of less than twelve (12) ft measured from back of curb to back of curb. (4/?J90) Each island shall have no less than one planted or existing -tree per island, or every ~4~ sg ft with appropriate ~ groundeover to cover the entire island except for a walkway allowance. No parking space shall be located. more than 120 ft from a planting island. All parking- spaces shall be blacked or curbed to prevent vehicles either from overhanging ,planting islands or landscaped yards by an average of more than one foot or damaging adjacent fences or screens. (3/9/88). Depressions and curb cuts shall be allowed for water quality protection. (1) Inferior landscaping within'autonobile sales lots may be distributed so that smaller `understarv trees are utilized toward the interior of the lot, and shade trees are place€3 toward the'~erimeter: (2) Up t~ fifteen peeyent of n landscaped island may be devoted to pedestrian walkways, as needed. (3) At least 75°Io of the trees required for interior Iandscae~inQ shall be of ;~ shade/canopy species as defined in the approved vlantings list. 'phe planting` size shall be a minimurr~ of 2-3 caliper inches. (4} The interior landscaping requirement within storage facilities can be met with landscape islands on the ends of buildings and with protruding perimeter landscaping.(9/5/QO) Por redevelopment of nonconforming parking .facilities containing Pave to t~venty- five parking stalls inclusive. a perimeter landscape strip may be provided in leu of interior landscaping, sub~ect~to the folloaving ret~uirements: ... ~ - , The miiiimurri wid'tli''of-such strip shall ~e ~O ft: - , 2) lior eve:-y forty linear ft or fraction thereof, the perimeter landscape strip shall contain one canopy tree of at least 3" caliper or three understory trees at least six feet in height and a continuous row of evergreen shru?~s at least lS" in hei4ht. F~l 4~~Ihere a peri~aeter landscape strip overlaps a streetyard or bu.~l'eryard reouired elsewhere in this sectian, ~ the more stringent r~uirements shall apply. (~) Parking Area Screening - d~~hen a parking facility is within fifty ft of a right-o'f- way, if the bufferyard provisions of this ordiraancQ do pat call for a planted bu,~er, a low butler shall be incorporated into the.street~yard to provide protection from vehicle headlights within the parking lot. The buffer shall consist of slirubberv, a grade chan4e or planted bean or any combination thereof that serves to shield 74- ART VI-6 ~, traffic on the right-of-way from headlights within the t3arkin~ lot 'f'he buffer shall be a minimum of three ft in height and five ft in width and may be continuous and incortiorated into a str~tyard, provided the streQtvard is fifteen ft or more in . width. depressions and curb cuts shall he allowed for water quality protection ~~'aivers Al 'l;'he County Zonin4 Administrator may waive all or art of the r uirernents of this section for any facility which is limited to eriodic or intermittent use for vehicular parking lots for churches or recreation facilities, provided the facility is coinpietely covered by grass or otherwise presents a landscaped effect. . ~ ~'he County ~onins; Adrrunistrator may waive the requirements of this section for temporary parkin4 lots when in thew determination it will not violates tl~ie purposes of this ordinance. Such waiver shall not exceed one enr. 67-6 Maintenance (1) All existing vegetation that is used to meet landscaping requirements, all required planted .living material., and all required berms shall be maintained by the owner of the property on a continuing basis .. ~ (3/9/~8)Any planted material which becaiti~s dammed or diseased ar dies shall be r2ulaced bs~ the owner within 6(I days of the occurrence of such condition. If, in the o inion of the Zonin Administrator there are seasonal conditions which 'will not ermit the timely replacement of the vegetation (e. . ' too hot or too cool for successful replanting} this requirement rnav be administratively waived until a tiirie certain when the replanting would be successful. (2) Artificial fencing and nonliving scr~nina buf~~rs shall be mairtaineci, cleaned and re aired by the owner of the property on a continuing basis - , ~,,, ,,,, - ~ ,~, p i' r , Such fencing shall be kept free of litter and advertising. 67-7 Administration and Enforcement (1) Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any new project or renovation or expansion to an existing project required to have landscaping as required by Section 67-2, a plan prepared in conformance with the provisions of Section 67-8 shall be submitted to and approved by the Building Inspector. Projects involving the renovation or expansion of existing-structures sh~11~ meet the requirements of Section b7-^-, to the extent practicable. (3/97E8) _ (2) No certificate of Occupancy for any construction or renovation shall be approved by the Building Inspector until: (A) The required landscaping is completed in accordance wish the approved plan; or ' (B) A bond or certified cheek has been posted, which is available to the County, and in sufficient amount to assure installation of the required landscaping. The amoura of the bond shall be submitted by the developer and reviewed and determined by the Board of County Commissioners to be acceptable, or An irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank in a form approved by the County Attorney, or a deposit of funds in escrow, may be accepted in lieu of bond under tale ' terms and conditions applicable to bonds in Section B above. (D) 1Vo surety or portion thereof, as provided for in this s~tion, shall be released by the AST VI-7 ~ l Board of County Commissioners until all landscaping has been installed,. inspected and approved; and until all required certification of such approval has been presented t said Board: .' :. (3) 'The Board of Adjustment may modify or waive the ret~uirements of this section. where it can be demonstrated by the psaperty owner that the spe+cif~c screening buffer or landscaped open space is not needed for the protection of surrounding residential areas because of intervening streets, roadways, drainage ways, or oilier factors such as natural growth of sufficient: height 'and density to serve the same purpose as t}ae repaired screening buffer. The Planning.Director and Urban Forester shall review all regaests for . ~ modificatiorLs or waivers of screening rer~uirements .prior to board of Adjustment review. 67-8 Landscaping Plans -Landscaping plans shall be submitted before or at the time of application. for the ' Buildi ng Permit for all applicable projects specified in b7-2:.These plans shall contain the following information. (3/9/88) (1) Date of plan preparation (2) . Project name and description of land use • (3) Project owner and•mailing address • ' (4) ' A map at a scale of 1"=100' or less showing (A) North, arrow _ (B) Scale .. i © Approximate locations and species of all e:_'s~_hardwood trees at least 8" DBH, all ' conifer trams at least 12".DBH, and all dogwoods and American holiies at least 4" DBH. The canopy drip line of those trees• shall be delineated. (4/2/90) If groves of the protected trees exist that will not be removed or disturbed, it is permitted to label the t grove as such on the map, stating, the approximate number of protected trees an~4 • species nux, without, specifying data on each. individual. tree. ~' ~~-~~, f~_ °~-~- ~ ~- a ~~ , ' .,,., ~i ~ v.\ 11 \. J .i a . (D) Locations, dimensions and square footage of required buffer strips and parking lot landscaping. (E) Details of.required landscaping showing species, dimensions, and spacing of planted i materials and the use and protection of existing vegetation. G (F) Location and square footage of structures and,parking lots. ,. _ - ;•:.; ~ •; ,` _ ,-' - , G Ad acent zozun districts. _ .. ; + (,,~. ,; ,L ', t ) , roxirnate locations :of:a11 trees ¢reater than 8 ( 1 pp ~ "DBH within required buffers and of H A ~ all areas of natural vegetation to be used as part of the buffer. (4/2/90) (I) Setbacks of all structures and specifications and shielding of certain uses, as required. y (3/9/88) ~ ~ (J) All existing and proposed utilities and if applicable, their associated easerr~ents. i • - (K) T,ocation of any Conservation Resources associated with the parcel including any ' Rare and Endangered Species in accordance with the itiorth Gargling ~/ildlife Resources Commission. (~) Proposed schedule for landscaping. (6) Plate on plan stating that pri®r to any clearing, grading or construction activity. tre° protection fencin4 will be inst.Ylled around protected trees or groves of trees. And no construction workers. ..tools. materials. ' or ,vehicles are perrriitted within the tree ART VI-8 7 • protection fencing. 67-9. '1'.ree Removal 1) Permits Ret~uired -~o person, directly or andarectiy, shall rePnove anv regulated trap from public or private property without first obtaining a tree removal permit from the County • , , Zoning Administrator. A tree removal permit is recuired before anv clearin4 grading or other authorizations may be issued including soil and sedimentation control permits and budding permits. An approved tree removal peraiaat for new canstructaon shall apply to the entire site. A tree removal permit may be either attached to the submitted site plan or .the site plan may clearly marked for either approval or denial - . 21 Procedure - Aaplications for tree removal permits shall be submitted to the County Zoning Administrator on forms prepared by ~e County The ~onan4 Administrator . shall review all comtilete applications far tree removal permits and act to grant or deny the perrnat in accordance with this section within 5 worl~ng days of submittal In . applying the provisions of this article, the applicant shall folloe~v normal landscaping practices and may seals technical assistance from landscaping or horticulture prafessionals, as appropriate. 3) ~i~'aivers, 1/~emptions and exceptions The County Zor~inQ Administrator may waive this section during an . emergency such as a Hurricane, tornado- windstorrra, tropical Storm flood or other natural disaster. . ~ If any regulated tree shall be determined to be in a hazardous • candition so as to (1) irprnediately endanger the public health safety or welfare,_or {2) cause an imrr~ediate disruption of public services the Zoning Administrator may authorize the removal of the tree without a written permit. Pollowin4 rerr~oval the honing . Administrator may determine that replacement wvitH additional trees is necessary. In ~riaking such detern~inatian the caning administrator . ~ sHall utilize such professional criteria and technical assistance as rrav be necessary. . ~ ~ (41 Criteria for Permits -Tree ran-loyal permits shall be issued upon a determination by the County Zaning Administrator that the application corraplies avitH all applicable standards ~. of this section and' that anv of the follotiving conditions exist• -. ~ That essential site i~nprovernent_s cannot be accommodated ors the site without tl-ie removal of regulated trees; (~} The regulated tree is dead. severely diseased, iniured, or in danger of falling close . to e:dsting or proposed structures: l?or those regulated trees tivlaich ra~eet or exceed the definition of "SICi"V~I+"ICA~1T" Tree. their removal must be rraiti aced as directed in Section ~7-3 If the treQ is determined to have died or is si naficantly damaged as a result of natural disaster then no aniti anon wall be required unless the tree is needed to meet the minimum number required on the site; (~) The regulated tree is causing disruption of e~risting utility service or causing ..passage problems upon the right-of-way: ~) The regulated trey is posing an identifiable threat to pedestrian or vehica~lar safety ART VI-9 7 1 . cand~t~on of adjacent trees or property. The removal of any SIGi\tIFICANT Tree as defined. by this. ®rdinance must be mitigated,in accordance with the foIlowin~ standards 11 The total caliper inches of all significant trees proposed for removal shall be . totaled and doubled. .The resultan# number of caliper inches must be planted back on the~site~with 2-3 ":caliper trees as a minimum. If ~in the determination of the Loniug ,Administrator, the site cannot . accommodate the required numbers of.-trees then only the amount of trees which can be accommodated on. the site will be re®laced and the remainder of caliper inches shall be mitigated through a payment in lieu of pro`~iding . on-site ~ trees. This payment. shall be made into the County 'T'ree Improvement Fund to be used for plantings of public spaces in the general vicinity of the project. .The amount of the payment shall be in accordance. with the pricing standards of.the Darks I)epartrnent (3~ .Any mitigation trees required as a result of the removal of significant trees shall not be counted to meet the requirements of the bufferyard, bu~l'ers or interior parking requirements• These trees must be provided in addition to any tree required by this section. ~ : ~ ~ - ~7-10 Street Ward I.,andscaping (~ A street yard. as defnetl herein, must be provided for new construction of principal . _ structures or for e~cDansions to existing structures or used whenever additional ofi'-stmt parking is required. ~Iowever no street yard improvements shall be rer~uired far those portions of lot frontage used for driveways constructed in accordance with County or State rlrivewav regulations. 2) It is intended- that street yards be landscaped by meeting the requirements of either the _ following Minimum Standard or Cr~ative_Standard. . (A) 1//Iinimum Standard: for every 300 sg ft of streetvard area., the streetvard shall contain: . .. ~ one Ca€~opy/Shade tree: f3"caliper) minimum or 3 understorv story trees six ft in height, only when overhead power lines exist above the streetvard• . _ __... and ...,. ,,:z - .... ... ,.w_.._,._ (2~ Six shrubs, 12" in height at iilanting. {~) Areas designated for starmavater functions except pined areas shall not be included in the calculation of streetvard square footage. . ~ i~io. mare than 15% of the required street yard shall be covered with an imperviaus surface. This portion of the street yard may be used for wall:wavs fountains walls or fences but no barking areas Shall be permitted in the~~ rls~idnatr~ great (4) If there are existing trees in the proposed streetvard. the. County ~oning Administrator ' may grant credit toward meeting tree preservation requirements provided their caliper is at least 2" or more. In additian the Zoning Administrator may require the saving of ~_ any regulated tree in the streetvard area. (5). The streetvard is caIculafed by multinlying the designated streetvard factor in accordance. with the zoning designation of the property by the linear street frontage of the property. ~'he resultant square footage is required to be installer) as the minimum ART VI-10 7 (E) The regulated tree violates state aa~d local safety standards; ~F Removal of the regulated twee is nec~sary to enhance or benefit the health or streetvard amount. The applicant may ins-tali the streetyard in anv configuration that provides the required amount.of streetyard square footage between the property line and any site improvements. The maximum and .minimum widths as listed in the followHna table may .not be exceeded in any portion of the streetvard ~onin~ I3istrict Streetyard factor. Piiax Nlin 13-2, I-1, I-2,A-I 25 37.5 12.5 ~-1, fl&I. and I-Ii~h 1rBensity 1S 27 ~ Non-residential uses in 12 18 ~ _ Residential districts The app8icant may choose to increase the str~~/ard multipHier up to 25% above flee stated factar and receive an equivalent reduction in the building's front yard setback (7) for all lots recorded prior to the adoption of these requirements that are two acres or less. iI' the ~onina ,~.dministrator determines that the essential site imurovernents cannot be accommodated under theses requirements, Cheri the required stre~etvard square footage mar be reduced by z/~, but in no case shat! be less than one half. Streetyards shall be ret~uired along all street frontage. for sites with 2 or more stmt frontages only the primary street frontage shall. contain the full amount of streetyard as indicated in the table. ill secondary street frontages shad contain 1/~ the required square footage amount. 67-11 faundation Elantings for all portions of buildings which are adjacent to parking facilities or internal drive isles, foundatian 1'lantinas shall be .required and located between the buildings face and tlHe parking or drive isle. The minimum standards are regH~ired° however it is encoura4ed that sites exceed t8ae minimum tivhenever passible. The following; minir+HUm standard shall apply: (:~) The area of the building face adjacent to the parl~in~ area or internal drive isle " shall be coanputed and multiplied by a minimum of 12%. -The resultant total sq footage shall be planted as landscaped areas of sufncient variety hei~lat and sip ~° vrith .plantings listed in the "'Tree and Plant i"//Iaterials for Landscaping" Exemptions from this requirement may be granted when the followin:; circumstances exist or when anv of the fo8lowing conditions are proposed on the site: (11 for those portions of buildings which have drive up services along the side of the building (i.e. pharmacies, banks fast-food dry-cleaners photo shops etc) ~• (3n the. rear side of a building when less than 10% of the total required parldn~ is lacated in the rear of the building and the rear is raot adjacent to anv public right-of-way. 67-12 ~,andscaping for Exaansions to E~istina principal Structures or Uses T'ar expansions to existing? principal structures or uses, the following table shall be utilized ir, ~.RT V I-1 l ~ ~1 calculating the landscaping upgrade ret~uired for the previously developed portions of the site ~ (up to the maximum landscaping required) All netivly developed portions of the site shall be (* subject to the full landscaping re€tuiresnents of this section For expansions where options are ~~~---/// ' -~ listed for streetyard and parl~ing facilitvlandscaping, the~higher standard shall be utilized except where the County has determined that practical difficulties in site develoument~ exist in which case the lower standard will be required. .Expansion -~ Frees . Streetyard Interior Landscaping ~uffervard 10-25% Increase in 1S per acre 1/z the res~uired 4% Fence or 1/z the dross floor area or width for new rewired width for vehicular use area; 'f "' -' construction ne~v construction or 5-2a new parking spaces as required _ ~ . - 26-50% Increase iia . 15 per acre Full dvidth; or 1/z the' 4% or' • 6% Fence and ih.the dross floor area or ~ required width far' ~ required width for vehicular use area: : nevv construction new construction or over I0a0{l0 sr~ ft ~ . increase in gross floor area; or 21-SO new parking spaces as rewired Greatei-•than SO%, Increase in brass 1S per acre Full width required for new construction 3% full width as required for new floor'area or vehicular use aria;. . . construction or over~20.000 sg ft ' increase.in gross floor area• or more . . than -SO :new parkdng ~ .. - a spaces as required .. .. . .... . ... (1) '4~hen a subdivision of previously developed property occurs and a building permfit for new construction is obtained for any newly created parcel; within 2 years of the date that the :final. subdivisi®n plat was approved. all parcels of the original tract shall comply with the above provisions for expansions to e:,istinQ structures or uses. '.~ .~'or consecutive expansions, occurring -within env 2-veer period, the arrrount of the expansions shall be 'summed and the.- maximum landscaping repuirerraents for flee total extent of the expansions shall be provided. f3) t~iot withstanding the shove requirearaents, expansions to existing structures or uses amounting to no more than a total of Sao s~ ft of gross floor area over a 2-year'period shall be exempt from the str_eQtvard and landscaped parking requirements A.RT V I-12 J 67-13 'Authority to Treat.or Remove Trees on Private Property ~, The County Zoning Administrator may cause or order removal of any tree or part thereof on public or private property which is in an unsafe condition damaging to sewers or other public improvements facilities, or infested by an injurious fungus, disease insect or other pest. The County Zoning Administrator may cause or order necessary treatment for any tree on public or private property which is infested by any iniurious fungus, disease, insect or ' other pest when he. determines such action is necessary to prevent the spread of any such injurious condition or pest and to prevent danger therefrom to persons or property or to ye~etation planted on adjacent property Before exercising the authority conferred by this section the County 'Zoning Administrator shall order the owner or occupant of the property to take corrective action The order shall be in writing and shall state that the action specified then must be taken within 10 cansecudve calendar days after the order is mailed. If the condition has not been corrected within the time specified above, the Zoning Inspector may enter upon the property, perform the work necessary to carrect the condition and bill the owner or occupant of the property for the actual costs incurred. The costs of such work if not paid shall constitute a lien against the property. 1~1o foliage shall be allowed to extend from public or private property into any portion of a street right-of-~vav below a height of 8 ft above the rade of the sidewalk at the property line or if no sidewalk grade has been established the height shall be measured vertically above the center of the roadway. The Zoning Administrator may cause or order corrective action to prevent any such condition from existing. Definitions to be added: significant Tree: Any hardwood tree or coniferous tree with a DB:I-I (Ijiameter at breast helglit) equal to or greater than 24 inches or any Dogwood American I4olly ar other lilowering Tree with a DBH equal .to or greater than 8 ". IJnderstorv Free: Any tree 4~' ft at maturity capable of thriving in the lower light intensities found under the canopy of shade/canopy trees. foundation I~lantings : A required Piaa~tin4 area between the curb line or edge of a parking facility or Drive Isle and the building's facade s ~1. ART VI-13 2 °) iVEVN HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COIVii~iiSSiONERS REQUEST FOR 8®ARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/09/01 ~~ Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number:. , Department: Legal Presenter: Holt Moore, Assistant County Attorney and Sergeant John . Murray Contact: Holt Moore, Assistant County Attorney and Sergeant John Murray SUBJECT: ®rdinance Changes Regarding Vehicles in Dune Areas and:-Mass C®ntainers in Dune Areas. BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Please see attached memorandum and ordinances. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend enacting ordinance changes. . FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACI•iMENTS: Yes REVIEVNED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: Recommend approval. a+rann nner~c~~v~u~rnc~i ai+~ ,_. t APPROVED Imo" REJECTED ~EiI~OVED ~ ''. P~STFONE~ ~ ~ ~:~ 2~ 2~d~~9 2~,,~.~t ~ 83 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Z~O: Board of Commissioners PROM: IIolt Moore, Assistant County Attorney~l"A"' RE: Changes to Chapters 23 & 53 of the County Code Vehicle Safety and Glass Containers on Beach Areas DATE: June 28, ?001 The follov~jing Code changes have been suggested by the Environmental Enforcement branch of the Sheriff's Department, headed by Sergeant John Mun-ay. The problems .prompting these suggested changes have existed primarily at the north end of Carolina Beach. The changes, however, will effect all beach areas under New~H,anover County,'s jurisdiction. Explanations of the proposed changes follow:. The .actual proposed ordinance texts are attached. In Chapter 23, which pertains to the Environment: 1. To add a paragraph prohibiting glass containers on any beach areas under County jurisdiction. .. ... . ,,,~,, t,In„Chapter 53,,whrch pertains to Traffic and Vehicles: In sti $53-31,.~:Definitions": ~I+ :. .t 1. ~K, To amend., the definition of _"dune area" to include that .area of land within five Wit, hundred .afeet of the high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean or the Intracoastal. i ~ .Waterway.', The previous definition included land one-half mile from the high-water . 'mark of the Atlantic Ocean. At least one court has found that version. of the. ordinance to be overly broad as to the distance. The Intracoastal Waterway has been proposed as are addition so that beach areas facing the waterway side of inlets would be included. _ (Next Page Please) ~' 53-34, "Restrictions" i . to reduce the speed limit in the dune axea from 25 miles per hour to 15 miles per hour. - 2: to add a paragraph prohibiting operating a vehicle in such a way as to endanger persons in the dune area, adjoining areas, or in the water. 3. to add a prohibition against all terrain vehicles (ATVs), motor homes, travel trailers or~trailers of any sort, inchding personal watercraft (jetski)~trailers, in the dune area. 53-36, "Enforcement" 1_. ~, to add a provision for civil penalties in the amount of $100.00 for the first violation, $300.00 for the second violation, and $00.00 for the third and subsequent violation. This adds an alternative to the $50.00 misdemeanor charge, which was the exclusive remedy previously. The misdemeanor would remain as an option in the culzent proposal. S ummarv • All ofthe preceding provisions have been suggested in an effort to iiYiprove the safety on the beach. The fii.st provision is designed to prevent broken glass on the beaches. The primary concern regarding the glass is that vehicles travel over the glass bottles, which break, creating dangers for persons on foot. The primary problems with the various types of trailers is that they are prone to .become stuck in the wet sand. There is also a boat ramp for jetskis very near most beach locations, including the north end of Carolina Beach, such that trailering jetskis on the beach is unnecessary. The remaining provisions are designed to address the other primary vehicle-related problems being experienced on the beach, and enforcement of those provisions. Sergeant Murray will be available at the meeting to address any concerns the Board-may have about these.. changes, as well as to offer -his perspective as to why these changes are necessary.. AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners ofNew Hanover County does hereby amend the New Hanover County Code, Chapter 23, entitled "Environment," by adding the following section: 23-190.1 Glass Containers Prohibited on County Beach Areas 1. glass containers shallnot be allowed on any b~e.ac1~ areasunder~the jurisdiction ofNew Hanover County. ' Except as expressly amended above;'Chapter 2'3 dial] remain in full force and effect. Adopted this day of , 2001. (SEALS - NEW I~ANOVER COUNTY E - s . Ted Davis; Jr., Chairman ~ • ATTEST: ~. Clerk to the Board - - AN ORDINANCE ~~ OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners ofNew I-lanover County does hereby ordain that Chapter 5~, entitled "Traffic and Vehicles;" of the New Hanover County Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 53-31 Definitions The following words, terms and plu-ases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: 75~ I nW Dz~ne a~°ea mea~,~s all land situated in this county and Iying, within 588 feet of thehis~ki-eater mark of t1~e Atlantic Ocean ~ P ? t~ ~.,.,~~tu'. `I,'u~,,... a y~. adace~ Tx,l~6,~e~. ; n ~ du.~ area d e~; n; fi on . Section 53-34 Restrictions No motor vehicles may be operated in the dune area except as follows: (1) ~ by a person licensed le-se to drive a motor vehicle on the public highways o-f ®~~ mY ~~ (2) either below the high water mark,e~on grope within 25 feet adjacent thereto; ~. 71c~d voadu~a.ys (3) if oneprivate property, with the written pen~lission of the owner of the property; (4) a motor vehicle weighing less than 5,000 pounds, except that no all-terrain vehicles . ' : (ATVs)~~motor homes; travel.trailers, or other trailers of any kind ir~cluding'personal ~ ' watercraft trailers, shall be allowed; (~} at a speed of 15 miles per hour or below; and (6) in such a manner as not to endanger persons in the dune areas, adjoining areas, or in the water. L~) Sections 53-36 Enforcement (a) .Violations of this article may be punished by a civil penalty to be recovered in the nature of a debt of $100.00 for the first violation, $300.00 for the' second violation, . ~~. and' $500.00 for the third and subsequent violations. Violations may also be . punished as a misdemeanor under. G.S. 14-4. Except as expressly amended above, Chapter 53 sha1J remain in effect as written. Adopted this day of , 2001. (SEA.L) NEW I-IANOVER COUNTY ' Ted Davis, Jr.; Chairman ATTEST: Clerk to the Board " ' . .~, ' -, _-.. ,. ... .. ....; J <ti ~. NEW '~BAIV®IIER C®tINTY BOARD ®F COIVINIISSI®IUERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07009/01 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page. Number; _. Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell . SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: ,. Appointments are. needed on the following boards/committees: " Adult Care Nome Community Advisory Committee ~. S«~~ Airlie Gardens Foundation, Doard of Directors 2, Aryel, N~ Fr.,user Commission for Women - Mel~ndQ G-oLL~.6~., 2obc~ n 4cu+t'~' Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory hoard Human Relations Commissian - ~~~p R~I~ , Ue~dre ~";~s---v'"' . ins ectio~s ®e artment Advisor Council -T~ 3~a~-!'~rJa+~.ea !Ge11ry,7al M"`.°'~'' p p y rz.w,a.ed w c ~ ~ ~~ Juvenile Crime Prevention Council- D.~ynnew,~l+~ ~~ Museum Board of Trus#ees (~I,~raUo Sryd, cr.~~-'~, /~~' Planning Board - Mslctv-lec~ p,.~.e, ~ nn,~~.e., tcee~.~-~ ~' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. Make appointments FUNDING SOURCE: A7TACi~ MENTS: Committee Information Sheets and Applications `ITE~'~i .DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER' CO E~NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments. . COMMISSIONERS' A TI S/COMMENTS: • ~6t11V'l~ ~O~/if1~l~~, `l~J APPROVED !~~ ,~ REJECTED tQ REMOVED C"a j rj ,..~I ~9 ®iVlfVl~ 1 1 EG A~~r~®I~ I IVICIV 9 ', 4 VACANCIES Term: One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter .r, • ~ ~ ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: ~ REAPP011`ITMEI\!T =, _ , Jennifer Marie Sanders . ~. Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications _.. , . i ;z,,... , .. .. ,, .. 4 .. ~'~ <~ r n ADULT CARE II®ME CONIYi ';EITNI'I'Y ADVIS®I2Y COI~dITTEE Number of Members: 16 members (1 member for each permitted facility}. One-third of the members shall be nominated by. the Adult Care Home Administrators, and if possible, one member :must be a person involved in the" area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex-officio capacity. • Cornpensation:. None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses. 'Terra: 1 year terms initially; 3 year terms thereafter Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of person with financial interest in any home served by a committee member or employee or governing board member of a domiciliary home served by a committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a domiciliary home served by this committee may be a .member. Statute causing Comrnittee: G.S. 130-9-5. Regular Meting: First Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 9:00 a. m. at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive. C ENT MEMBERS Doris Thompson Connor 400 S. Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 763-7483 (H) , Jewell Ann Diehn 4953 Tanbark Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 392-6981. (H) "__ .. Judith M. Foley 6616 Pleasant Pines Court Wilmington, NC 28403 509-1717 TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVING EMPIRES First 6/30/2002 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) (Appt. To 3 year term on 6/21/99 First 6/30/2002 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) Appt. to-3~year.term on 6/21/99 First 6/30/2003 (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1 year term) (Appt. b/ 19/00 to 3 year term) Lois" Fox First 6/30/2002 " 3713 Reston Court Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year .term) 799-6847 (H) 251-8111 (W) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 . Jane B. Johnson Second 2/28/2004 ~; 1812 Grace Street Wilmington, NC 28403. (Appt. 2/1/98 to 3 year term) 762-1525 (H) (Reappt. 2/19/01) ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COlVIlViITTEE (CONTINUF.~) M . TER PRESENTLY T~RIVI CLtRRENT MEMBERS -- SERVING EXPIRES Milton Randolph Johnson First 8/31/2001 1319 Riggs Trail ~ Wilmington, NC 28412 {Appt. 8/21/00 to 1 year term) 799-9420(H) 343-7704(W) i ~ Robert H. Johnson, Jr. •First - 8/31/2001 ~ 1812 Grace Street ~ ~ (Appt.`8/21/00 to 1 year term) Wilmington, NC 28401 762-1525 (H) Josephine W. Little Second 2/28/2004 1441 Futch Creek Road ~ . Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3-year term) ~ • 585-0299 (H) (Reappt. 2/i9/Ol) Rollie Pollock First 2/28/2004 4937 Shelly Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term). 452-0892 (H) (Reappt. 2/19/01.) Michael W. Rogers First 6/30/2002 254 W. Bedford Road A 2/2/98 1 Wilmington, NC 28405 ppt. to year term) ( 685-1374 {H) 343-5244 ('VII) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 ._>' :.., .. _... , .` Richard``I:~Salwitz~ _.. ' . ' , =; First <, ~ b/30%2002 ~" ...: _ , 1308 Edgewater Club Road #8 Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/9$ to 1 year term) 586-7040 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Patricia G. Spear ~ • First 8/31/2003 5600 Harmony ..Court Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt: 8/ 16/99 to 1 year term) 392-5814 (H) 256-2330 Appt. 8/21/00 to 3 year term) COG Long Term Care Ombudsman: Harvin Quidas 1480 Harbour Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 92. dint 2/01 file: /a • . , .. FROM CAD00000000BORH~LLYRLDGE AppJacat~un Tos A.p~air:~nen~5 s PHONE N0. 19103958218- May. 08 2001 09:06RM P1 . .320.Che~'tnutStreet, IZoo~ra 3t1S ~~Wrlmin~t~~.1V(';~284b1:-4~~3 Telephone (910) 3.41-149 ~9,~~ticatiura~r~r ~ipnia~t#rtte~tt tm Boards, Catn~ittees, end Cos2utsiosio~ r~ppairr~el liy the New ~rr'a"aove~° County I3oarxl' ~~' CoPp?j~[a.~siutt~l'S. RegzresfforflDpaintmcftd to: ,~~„~~~1, cr~-*-~--.y ... --•~w~'°-' Name: _ _ ~~.. ~m ~L.e=~'-~ ... _.. ._ _.... _ - ~~~~ Hvw long have yvu b~cert a resident ofNe~v HanoverCvrcr=ty? , ;=-`-~^"-~,~'~"~'~`-'~ _ _ , .. , ,. _ Homr r3ddress: .~. ",~ .._.~~ ~-.-~„~ ~_~,~~.-~~ tLfaili~g ftddrerss: _ _ ..... .. ...._ ._ .. , __ .. _ .... .~-- Ctty trod State: _ ~_. .~ Zip (:ocle: _.~. ,~..~~ Talspiaona: Homo: !~ f ..~> ~ ~c~"~e.~,[, ,~ 4? ......... _ I3usirress; `~ / ~j . ~. ' *7.'hiy iar~arm~ztiors it Fc~questad for 2hs sole purgosc~ of tlssrtrl~g tJtat of ca».cs-section of the. conamp.rnily rs appvin:~d. ~~ ~-- ~~~ *A persnn czcrrettrly amplayed by fire agency yr ilepcrr7rnenl far wd=tcl= this irpnllcattpta rs made, m~rst r~stgn hts/laer' pe~St 1tPt2 ' C`nunry rtpnrr appnincmerat. trr at~eorriarrce wit/r!!r°ctcle 1~'1, .Sec. ~! of the New I~anaver Cortrrry Persormell-'olicv. ~' . ~ ' .Ivh 7'itde: F'?"OfP3SiOnal f~Ct7Ytt1C;S: Y .~SC~ ~ `- ,~-- -,a/~ ~.T~dd'a~f#z...r_ - tTO l u ntee r ,4 c: ti v i lies: Mtiry do y©u .wish to serve on fire Ijocrxcl,.Camrnittee, or f,°onanai~sstort requested"? ,/~ - ~ - ~-- __ ... r r'~-•a..._. ,~. Wis. What do ynu. feel ~ your quali~rcrrtio~rs for servint; on li=e I~aard, Committee, or CnmmlY,rian r~grtesceti?' )~hai areas of ncer'ss tiY4rrld yt~u Iika to see zlie Baczr•d, Committee, or•C:ornmission address? ~ittp://'www.ca.new-I~anu~ver.z~c.us/cclapply:htYn 41 FROM .CAD00000000HORHOLLYRIDGE PHONE N0. 19103958218 May.. 68 2001 09'07AM P2 Appiieatipn Yor appatiniuielu:~ -J . - •- ~ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ .~ _ .. Are~:ott curreitrty serving on anothgr boarri or committee appointed by a municipality or a cnunty? If so, pleGcse list: 1Jat2: yy ,[.~ r3 ° ~ ... _ StF,matarre _ _. ,- .~,~L_ -~...,~wL. Please provide three local penrorr~l refarcrncas: ~aSTI~ P~'lOTI~ ~LIITl~7 ~1' .~. q .. 4. ,. .~r: hti~pJ/tivww.cd _tte~r-~anovernc. us/~c~~pp~y~tm 94~ ,. COMMITTEE APPOIi~~lVlE~1TS ~iR~1~ G~-RDEN~ FGllN®ATiC~~, IiVC. ~®AFt~ GF ®lRECT®RS 2 Vacancies Royce N. Angel i~ancy Elaine Fauser .Attachments: committee Information Sheets Applications Eligible for Reappointment X 95 AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION, INC. BOARD ,OF DIRECTORS Members: 14 10 Board members appointed by Commissioners: County Commissioner, County Manager or designee, Director of Airlie Gardens or designee, 5 At-large members, Representative of Friends of Airlie Garden, and Representative of the Coastal Land Trust 4 Board members shall serve by. virtue of their positions,, as indicated: UNCW. Chancellor, President of'Cape Fear Community College; Dean of North Carolina State Agriculture and Life Sciences College, Member of the Corbett family appointed by Corbett Package Company Terms: Initially staggered terms; thereafter, 3-year terms Regular Meetings: Meetings scheduled as necessary Statute ar Cause Creating Task Foree: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners established the Foundation Board on February 15, 1999 Purp®se: The purpose of the Foundation Board is to establish an endowment and receive and distribute monies for perspective funding of capital improvements at Airlie Gardens; to provide for the oversight of associations or organizations interested in the objectives of the Airlie Gardens including, but not limited to groups such as Friends of Airlie Gardens, and to encourage the accumulation and dissemination of . knowledge of the natural heritage of Southeastern North Carolina. Furthermore, the Foundation Board is to encourage and arrange for gifts, grants, bequests, and devises to the Foundation for its work in the _ furtherance of the objectives for which it is organized, and to provide for the proper expenditure, use, and conservation of all gifts, grants, bequests, and devises so received. (~~/ TERM \ PRESENTLY' TERM CIJRIZENT MEMBERS SEIt~ING< < E~I'IRES ~ Royce N. Angel R dl k P i d B C '-_~.t,3~:~-~,'~L~, First 6/30/2001. J~ nt oa ra ey ree o 609 Wilmington, NC 28403 ,t~,,~,~°~r, :~ ~ ~ Appointed 6/21/99 256-9176 (H) 962-4189.(W) ~ Agnes R. Beane First 6/30/2002 1005 Airlie Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Appointed 6/21/99 256-2363 (H) Estell C. Lee ~ ~~ ,~,~~ First 6/30/2001 1208 Great Oaks Drive .. ~ ~ 2 ~ .Wilmington, NC 28405 ~;~ ~c.,i.v % -a-~ ' Appointed 6/21/99 256-5528 (H) Robert W. Martenis First 6/30/2002 9004 St. Stephens Place Wilmington, NC 28412 Appointed 6/21/99 313-1312 (H) (~ 9 . AIRI.,IE GARDENS FOUNDATION, INC. B®ARD ®F DIRECTORS (C®NTI~IIJED) C: Bruce Williams First 6/30/2004 1101 Upper Reach Drive Wilmington; NC 28409 Appointed 4/16/O1 313-6785 (H) 755-7435 (W) Christine Leahy Ratified 1/22/01 Friends of Airlie 4910-C Pepys Lane Wilmington, NC 28403 452-9192 (H) 763-1641 (W) . ~ Camilla IVi. Herlevich Ratified 6/21/99 Coastal Land Trust Member 720 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 .392-7613 (H) 763-0332 (W) David W. Hays Ratified 6/OS/00 ' . College of Agricultural and Life Sciences NC State Universitv Campus Box 7645 Raleigh, NC 27695-7645 919-513-2944 ~ " Dr. Eric McKeithan, President Ratified 6121/99 Cape Fear Corrimunity Coile~e 411 N. Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 251-5101 (W)' Dr. lames Leutze, Chancellor Ratified 6/21/99 ~`" °4 Universitv of North Carolina at Wilmington 601 S. College Road Wilmington, NC 28403-3297 County Commissioner: Ted-Davis .County Manager: Allen O'Neal Corbett Family Representative: Albert Corbett File: \Airlie 4/01 • Ratified 6/21/99 Ratified 6/21/99 Ratified 5/8/00 97 er.~Ilo117yt 1/:e1~ 91r7451~'Lbb uN~w PAI~c bl LIAR-18-~9 TUE 14:28 P 01 lVE3fV ~~111~'I~~'~ +C~~lU~"~ ., . 3201 Chestnut Stre~i~, Room 3a~ Vllifi7aing~on, NC Z~4C11-~t1~93 , - 7eraphone isrof 3~r-71-9 fAX (9 yCJ1 341-4130 .t9pp!icatiQn ~r,gppointment tv hoards, Commieia~s, and D~mmissiotrs ~ppoiht~d by the 'iVewr t~araover County ward o#` Camrr:issiraners. //~~ Request• far A~polntment 1a: t-~ 4nn` ~Z_. ~ .~F--~~,.~ ~}~ 8-~-~ Homo 11 ffaw ion$ have you been a Address: l t r~sitlent aP Net~r t!anaver CauntyP ,_~~ 1Ureilln~..4ddress:T_,~~ ~ City and Stare: ~ ~1 . 1..,~ , ~.l,~~fl ~ ,~~ ,, ~ Zlp Code: ~~,~ ~~ telephoner hlame: ~ ~,~} ?~~ ter' 1 '7~ Busin~s~: ~.Gf ~- •77)is Jnl4/rrp~(Qn ~ raatuostae~ for llse,go/a purpa.te Of 8rsuring t/tat a CYQ¢admcdion n{ Xna cammuni3y Ls eppelnPsd. n a m~mproyer! by: ~,~~ ~,c~ °~°- (-~ ~ rrc~2r-+, ~~ ~ ~ ,-->l~s~-t~~.._ .~ "A ~san Curr~ncry omafoyadby rha er~ercy ar department for which airs appllcadian /ID made, must reclgn hLr/ttar pa,atCian y+ri th Nnw /damave~ C'dunty upon eppornrrr+ant, in oacorrlene® w/th .A/tfdfe 1//, Sae. -f o/ ih9 Nnw Hanover ~aeinly Personnel Polinj: ~Llb 7ltl~: ~ t~'YtA 79~t r,{ A7 ~ /t.,.,, ^~ Z ~}- 1 ~ D Yt ~ -.T~,...e,,,.,®. - _,,,,,, P/ofe5sion:alftcts'vitias:~1~S~ yf1 ~ ~ ~ ,~)s+•t~~~~lt,vr.~ ~,.,..~anycA),'~s.*~~~€'~~. ~aiunteerActtvitres: ~a~,1,~'~n..~ ~r~"i'~n.z.1 --- Lt9; ~~:~~-~-•-- ..~`~_,.~,,u~,~e.~~ C'-~aa, -- ~'~r Why drr you wish tv serge on the s3aard, Committee, or Cammission requested?~~ ,. ... _.. _ .. ~,~ d..: v; ---fz~ ~4~~ rte ~e,~~J c? a rLe.~..~v .. _ ~~ ~~.. .fit i v rte, , : ; , . Wtiep o'n you feed year quetlfltations for ~ervtnq an~hE &d.srd, Corrrrrarrrae; or Commf~slar~ reques~ed~ Wharf areas of concern would you llka to ,fee the 8a8rd, Camrnittee, or Commission address? r Are you currently ssrtin<J~ eIr another board t?r COmmitf~8 cTApointed try a r»ur7lCipolity or a county? /f sa, ?~~•3s.~ list: >t1~ Data. ,~ ~~ -~ ~ ..ipnatUry~~'~~ `~ lF~ssa uno rowrme side far gddiriansl commonisl 9~ ~~ 03f15f1997 -17:03 9104515266 UNCW PAGE 02 nP.R-18°99 TUE 14:28 ~ P D2 8~~~'~ sS ~. Ple~sd provlr~e t~ra~ /c~~al,oersanal referBRCas: - Alarrle Phens NLmber ~~'-..~~.~ ~. -mot- _ ~ ~ ~' ~~. z ~• ~' . g • • Sent by: YUILM-CAPE FEAR HBA 9107992610 ;~pptication for Appointments 03!14/01 12:OoPM Job 229, Page.1/2 http:Uwww.cu,new-hanovrr.nc.us•rc a~~j~I~J;;rn ®~6~IJ"68J' ~ ~ielJ/BrJJVdla3a7~~I~g~,~~ 320 Chesfnuf Street, Roem 305 \~_ /,,/ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 . Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 347-4130- Application far Appointment to Beards, Committees, and Commissiotss -.. App~itatenf by the lVew. Nanever Caunty Board of Commissioners. .: --. f7equest far Appointment tn: ; r` ~ t ~ _ rrC.,2'~G,+..S ~- Q ~. rt t ~ '~` / } ~---- ~-------.._.---_~r!<:1SL..4S`?~i_C1.~'L...._.~1LLA.~'~ _.~........`.f"~rF~`'Vf'~h'* -= ,Yoin.~ tonJ have you been a resident of New Hanover County? .•1 ii rf~~c i, l ~. .~ - . __~._ :____. ~ • ~ r ~ ~-~ ti's e' u. .. _. -7 ----- _ - ' ~ -' Hvrrtt: Address: o~ .2., _ ~ LJ r~ _ ~ • j . .~'" ~.: Nlai/irrg Address: -~ .. .. , Gily artd Stele: _.._~L ~ ~n-1, r~.'~'u~ .. _. .. .. ._. .. Zip Code: ~~ S~~ `7 Telephvne: Home: ~ cj I - i l ~a c~ Business: -) ~'! ~ dJ ~ I ~ f I I 'Sex: C-.Race: :._~_-t_t_L~.C .gSi~C~.. ~ 'Acde: _...~C ~_:.!_~ ' This +irfvnri~ti~ri is rerire'sT~ ror ~i7ie sole purpose oi~ assuring i`hat a crass~sectron o~~the ciim~nurrrry ; <rc~ "'Errr io rd b } p Y . y: _~,~ ,_~ n , ; _ n~7~L.=--~ ~2L__~t_"~,~:-./_:' .. ~.~~ ~`_~- ... ~_Lc: c (C~.~_c '`S ,r i .' i S~• ' 'A person currerrtJy employed by the agency yr department for which Flux app/icarion rs made, rnusr rr:';;r~, Uiith New Hanover County upon appaintmerrt, yr accordance with ,4rticle Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Htrra:7:~e~ ;'' Poliry. __ f ( C' ./vh Tit/e: +~ f hc~ C'-k••17,( b.]` l~~Nr rv~ ~ ~;..Y.. ~~Cf' ~:' ~ eC.S Professrorrzrl Activities: _ _ .... __...._.....-- -..-_..._....._...__ .....:................_...___-........---....a---_._.. . UaiunPeer Acrrvities: x--61, r~ e t -~'Ct ~' -F~~GJ ~ r C'r' ,~r,f `>! dti'i ~_ ~~ ~~~J ~L..•~-c "' ' Wiry dv you wish tv serve on the Board, Committee, or Cammissiarl requested? .. S , --~ rti , r~. •y. ~ t -..._.. _ ~ S S ~_~ CfCf",__ s f `~' ~~'~~._- ~ / -'-- . `~...1( G' ~t.`U~ ~ ~Jrt~ .•C w.'~ Y 4'Vh~,t do ynu feel ara your qua/ificalions for servirry on the Board. Committee, or Comrrussion requesrr?¢i' _. _ , ~ , r ~s ,. i`~t ~~._~u-S~.Gi-~ __._.L~1`.e~.. ~ ~1 (J~~ ~/yC...IC ... ~:~~.. ~'~cF [..-r,.1hc.~ ~c G~ ,~..~ t!. _ . J .. _ Whaf areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? .. ~ ~ ~ . ~_.__.____:.~._.~._..._. ~..~_~____-_~__._.~'~l~k~ •~ ~•L~• ~ ; ems.. ~ t ~f c.c.- ~• Are you Curren ~ serving r another board or committee appointed vy a municipality ar a count;- tl :,,:, ;;. .. Date:- J -_ (~{ - .^; Si nature _. , c.l ~' ~C'c~.` /t_1' /~G~-( ~.~.. '~.. ' 9 tx- L 4 • goo Sent by: WILM-CAPE FcAR NBA 9107992610 03/14/01 12:07PM Job 229 Page 2I2 Applti:ation for Appointments ~ http:li~~~ww.co.new-hanover.ne.u•;:cc apnl~.l;;,;i I ,J f;~ FERENCE~ Please provide three local persona/ references: . tiantcNhan41<lE~mber ' _- -_ , ~ ~ .. .~. ~ ~ i _ _ ,L } ... c`y'l t CL, ~ ~ ~~' (~ C-- ~ l 1'1 _ ~/J _ r l.~ ~U`rt~ ~~~ Q~ /~ (`` t i .. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS . - ~. _: ~ ~®IYIMISSI®N FOIZ WOMEN j 2 VACANCIES 2 UNEXPIRED TERMS APPLICANTS: Melinda Haynie Crouch Tan Groff Dawson Robyn M. Gantt Ann Elizabeth Seymour ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT ~. ~ _ _ ,. Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 2 ~, . NEW ;E-IANOVETt C®iVIMISSI®N:l~®I~ WOMEI~T ~_ - Number of Members: 17 7 Appointed by County Commissioners - 7 Appointed by City Council y 3 Appointed by Beach Councils Terms of Office: Three years -may not serve two consecutive terms without an intervening period of one year. Regular I1~iee#ings: Third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the 3'WCA, 2515 S. College Road. Action Creating Commission: County Commissioners meeting of March 6, 1978, Minute Book 18, page 177. Name Change on January 22, 1991. Changed Term of Office to three years on 2/21/94. Purpose:, The Commission for Women serves as a resource for women and families to improve their quality of life; to encourage the development and potential of women; to promote public awareness of women's needs, issues, and achievements; to play a leadership role through coalitions with other women's and civic organizations; to serve as advocates for change concerning the status .of women; to. conduct research and assemble information to determine the status of women; and to report and make positive recommendations regarding the status of women to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, Wilmington City Council, the Wrightsville Beach Board of Alderman and the Carolina and Kure Beach Town Councils. TERM . P1~SENTLI' TE~I CUR T Ml/MBEES - SEi2VlTTG E~PI~ES w ___ .:, ~ Suzanne _T.• DeMnt - ~-, First S/31-/2004 .725-A Bragg Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appointed 5/21/01) 313-6140 (H) 392-0800 Christina L. Demory Unexpired 5/31/2002 3217 Bragg Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 {Appt. 5/22/00) 397=0576 (H) 392-5100 (W) Leslie Hossfeld First 5/31/2004 4710 Park Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 5/22/00, 5/21/01) 392-0750 {H) . X03 N7EdV ~IANOVER COIVIIVIISSION FOR WOMEN (COrdTINITED) ! TERM ~ ,.. PRESEI~[TL'~' TERM CURRENT MEMBERS •~ SERVI~FG ~~ EXPIRES. Monique M. Logsdon First 5/31/2004 324 Covil Avenue ' Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 5/21/01) 251-3603 (I~) 251-8130 (W) Amber Milliken 'First 5/31/2004 342 Toulon Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 {Appointed 5/21/01) ~ 79~=923'4{H) 799-682Q (W) i ~ Vacancy 2ob~n C~ir~' Unexpired 5/31/2002 Vacancy rn~l~~du' G-~,,r,~2.,r Tnexpired 5/31I~003 ,. ~~ . City of Wilmington A~ointees ~~ Ann Burford Sandra Criner . Teresa Gooden ~ Lois Steele ~'vonne' Pagan, President. .3924 Hoggard Drive, :Wilmington, SIC 28403 452-3063 (H) 763-3524 (V~ Carolina'Beach Appointee` " ~' . ~ - . Kure Beach Appointee Jane Dugan Wrightsville Beach Appointee File: \Women 5/Ol 104- JUtY U U1 I-i\1 ,1 L °`!U lYC1VV ~ ~ un nv, J'L1`[~JU ~ "• ~~3t 17 J11~~V V~~ ~V V~i ! B~~R1~ C~~ ~~IS/1MlS~C~l1l~E~'.~ "~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 30~ U1/ilmrngton, NG 2$401-4093 Talar3l9ane (9101 341-7149 .. , _..-; pax rslor s4r-also ~pplic~tic~+~ fdrr.~ppaita#m~rrt' to hoards, Ccrlrmittees, 8rrt~ +~®rr9missiorf~ Abp®inPed by tote lUev~ Nanov~r Gvunty f~r~ard of Cornmissloners, f~equo,5t farAApointment tc: New Hanover County Commission for Women ~ Melinda Haynie Crouch home 2 Island Dr. Wrightsville .Beach ,~/aw!°ng17®~~ yaa~bee>aa 17 years d4ddres~: residan~' of rVew Nan~ver CountyP l~?ailPn~ ~! dd~~ssr P O Box 4 2 0 GtyandStata: Wilmington, NC~''TpCade: 28402 TaPe~~rone; Martfe; (910) 2 5 6 - 310 6 ~usirtexs: (910) 2 51- 3 b 41 apex; Female wRace: White `,ag~:,,,,43 ®13o1r Tndcurrratton l~ /BQ4astead for rho sole puroo.sa of aasvrtn~ that ~ eraldtilactron of ~r® c®mmuniry as ~4poin;ad. ~~~mpt®yadby: self-employed- Attorney at Law °~A parsrsre cwrer,tly rayed ~y ~® og®rrcy or da,r*»cnt f~ which dui anpracatrarr is made, muss resign hr"alher'6raslttbn w/ttr N®w Morrovvr Cawrrl+ upar ~PClrYtrra®nr, hs eeeoro'~rrc~ wlrt4 Arrlcle Vl, 5ec. d a! rho N®ws Hau°®vaa+ Counpgv F'arsonreal Polley. ~1~6 Tet/e; __Attorney at Law, .Certified Mediator and Arbitrator Rrefess!'onal,4Ctl'viti~s: past-President of 5th Judical District Bar, NHCo Bar Assoc Vo1tlnteerActl~ities; Past-President. Board of Directors of Legal Services of .Lower Cape Fear(19 5-1 ~, BarCares Boar o z-rec ors (curren Wtaydo you gash ro 5crve on ehE °aard, Cammitt~ee, or Carrrrrr'ssion requested? I would 1 ike to serve my community and I understand that this commission,nas een respon° sib"Ie for initiating some important & relevant community projects & programs. Vt/lfat do you feel ~ara your ~jualifc~rlen;, t'cr Sara;;~~ 4„ ~a ,~daro', Csmri7r~ee, or Ccrnmissian requested? As a female attorney & mother, I feel I have a broad perspective on needs & '. concerns of all women in the community. irlr'hat areas o~ concern would you ll7ce to see the hoard, Committee, or Cammiss~on addras~? ~~ ~r t ~ n i t; i e s for women, as well as, child care and-education. ,4rr }rou currentl y serving' on another board Qr committee appointed b y a murrcrpallyry or a county? /f sa, please list: No. 1Plaeas® use r~~rsa side lor.~dditr'dnar comrnan JUN 1 4 2001 NEIh' HANOVER CO BO OF COMMISSIONERS • • • 1>1EW I-IANOVER C®IJ1~1TX BOARD OF COli~IiYIISSI~NEI2S 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Tel: (910) 341-7149 Fax: (910) 341-4130 .Application for Appointment to~Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request ,for Appointment to: Commission For Women - Name: Jan Groff Dawson How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? 8 years Home Address: 3727 St. John's Ct. Mailing Address: Same - City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28403 Telephone: Home: (910) 452-4087 Business: (910) 343-0660 * Sex: Female *Race: White *Age: 28 * This information is requested for the sole purpose. of assuring that across-section of the community is -appointed. ** Employed by: Ligon B. Flynn Architects, PLLC 'k* .A person currently.employed by.the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his./her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VT, Sec. 4 ofthe~New Hanover County Personnel•Policy. Job Title:. ®ffice 1'vlanager Professional Activities: No extra curricular job related clubs or activities. Volunteer Activities: Currently not involved in any volunteer activities. D ~ . ~, JUN 2 7 2~v' w NEW HANOVER CO 80 OF COMMISSIGNERS a ., ! ~ . Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I know a lot of women that could benefit from the Commission for Women but unfortunately many do not even realize they have a need. I feel that as an individual the best way to make a difference is to be involved in an organization with the same focus. I want to help as many women as possible realize their full potential as an individual and the importance of maintaining that independence and sense ofself. I feel that being a part of the Commission would enable me to initiate some direction, guidance, and help to these women and others within our community. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee or Commission requested? fiver the past two years I have made the transition from experiencing life ~s a stay- at-home mother ~ wife to experiencing life as a single mother, working full-time. i1'Iy two children are now ages 5 & 2. During my time as a stay at home mother I was able to do things like take my children to the park and the beach and spend time with other mothers who were also married and stayed at home. Also during ' this per?od my oldest child spent a few years attending a local church affiliated preschaol. I spent approximately have years interacting with families and establishing relationships that still exist today. I. have now spent over a year living as a single mother. Since 1VIarch of 2000 ~ have been interacting and establishing relationships with other single mothers,,some have been married and some_have not. I have also established relationships with other women in our community that are single, have never been married and have no children. I believe that these . experiences and relationships tivould::allow me to bring an element o#' diversity into the organization and realize the different needs of iyomen within our community. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee or Commission address? I am concerned by the lack of individuality and the lack of attempts to obtain if. I am concerned about women that would like to make changes in their life but are scared and don't know where to turn for support: I would like to see the- Committee become awell-known-and available resource, and a_hub to a network of resources, that would provide direction for women in all stages and classes of life. v° ~_ ® - 5>=N i tiY: CUASI AL YtLLUW CAti INC. ; Jt1N- 801 FR 1 12 , 53 NNCC 91U 762 4405; JUN-25-01 6:49AM; PAGE 1/1 FAX No, ~4i413o P. 01 . 3~'~ Ch~stncrt •~'tj°>r'~'t, f?o4rrt 3(?.r telephone 19141 34F-7t~t~ F~tX d9tDJ,3.~1-4t30 ~,pp~i~~tia~n fv~ ~,gpoer~tsr~~Pr~ lea cs~r~ ~omPrJrt#e>~'s, ~~d ~raa~rri$s8osas r4ppc~In,d ~laY ~~~ dV~~r ~~a ~+mr ~~^}~~rn~y ~3c~~~~' ~rf ~dr~tar~i~sr®n~~s_ f~C'QUCS~ f01" ~ , 1~ ~ ~ . ~ l pp0inlmene td. t~lame: ~ ~'1 .~~ddPess: ~,~ 1~i1,>3ilirfg~ .Q eft`Bfe,S=FrPJa7~d.6~gtivitlt'S: ~ ~ .~..r-`s ~~~ eo~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~8~~ ~ - reslrlerr~ ef,~le:w~ h°~ote~rer Cour~ty~ .arm ~0/rJ,*'JPB~~r4~bvl~#8i: i,~~ 0' 1 ~ L~d'~'~ll/` .fY~ ~7j~?i~+C. ~':K.~-jl,~fL~L•t0~11b°a ~~tJ° yore w,s1,~ ~s4 ~o~ch / ' ~o ~-,~, cd,~i ~ , ; . _ ,;.-- . ; ., ,~, r :- . ~~ ~® ~'Ed° V8 i9f1 ~'}~ ~C~PC~i ~'QfPflP7j;~'f~~~ OP ~~~armis,~PCra re crest~~s' . ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ,~~~ i ~dct yak fa are yv>,P quay~mcfo~rs for p$~r/Ine ~'aard, C'~mrnirr~®, or ~vmrrrisslvn ~°equ~sred~ ~,~ ~r ~, 6~- ~4fAlly~7 C~ What arrPe,as ~ ~cnrto~rn:wotjld you like ro ~e the ~d~rd. Cnrrrmltte~e,~o ~Cornmrssia~r ~ddrr~ss~ ~ fem. .~ n ~,. .~ .4rB You cul~'sntly sEr'yTnq an ~anz9r.~ier ljg~rd >~r ~v~rn11tP~~ annnl,~r~ P~-.~ -,.•-~~w:_ ~,:-._ -_ - --- -- .. ~ _ .L.~ RFCF_2VED: ~/ $/41 '7 :~3F''RA; -}'COASTAL YELLdW CAg IIdC.; ~9~.3'~; PANE 2 J N- S- t, FR 112 ~ 53 NHCC _ .. - FAX CIO. 3414130 F. 02 ~~ ~ 1 C~ . ~~~~~~~ http:t(www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/apply.htm Application for Appointments Wednesday, June 20, 2001 N~~Y I-~A:1VC~VE.~ COUNTY . ~®A~cl) ~~ CC~lVV1N~ISSJ~(~N~RS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 tiVilmington, NC 28401-4093 - • • Telephone (91 D) 341-7149 `' FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment' to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed (by the New Hanover C~-o`unty Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~R,W ~Yt dJ~crr° ~u.K-~t, ~(/~ vytrr ~,S 1 y}, ~rJvYt.&`7 Name: ~ h, 6/l ~ ~ t ~ ~ fZ ~'rf S-~~~ Ou•/~ q How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? ~ 1 13 Home Address: ~~, Z. i~1 ti~ Fa.Y1 r1-L 1 JL h ~~'t U~ Ma it ing Address: City and State: ~,~~q1 ~ VM d ~ ~"e+~y1 ~ ~ e-" Zip Code.• ~" ~ ~' Telephone: Home: i 1 t.~ ~ ~ J' L67 ~ (~ Business: ~ / C~ `J (~~~!! ~p ~ *Sex: ~~. sb5. +~- ~ -L. *Race: l~l ~;-'~'~.. *Age: T *This information is® requested jor the sole purpose of assuring that a crrross-sectiat of the community is appointed. **Employed by: _ !l't9~u~ ~.~.be JJ~.>' ~~ a ba ~th.~ '~" ~w7~ ~1, ~~~, '"*A person currently employed 6y the agency or department for which tltis application is made, must resign his%her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance will: Article VI, Sec., 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy, .106 Title: ~..: tr ~ 1.S i G J'l.:~t" Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: _ ~~~ y d u~-~ ~;~;, c- Z-~c~.~ {•~. ,a~~~7'i~~ G Why do you wish to serve oat the Board, Committee, or Canmission requested? Wl:at do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Canm/ fission requested? ~~ >,,..~- r7a. W.'~i8~.,t s ~ ~, ~~~t ~ i 5 5 t.s.~ , n drt~.4 ~ ~ a ~ ern ; .d.~G ~..2rt~ P.r7t.t What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? te: 3--~ U _ Signature ~ "' 1~2 - Page: 1 Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please fist: • 1 12 N. Channel Haven Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 910.791.6319 June ~~, zcor New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Sao Chestnut Street Room Soy • Wilmington, NC z84or-4o93 • To the Board: Please find enclosed my application for appointment to the New Hanover County Commission for • Women. In Ntarch of this year, I had the opportunity of meeting Yvonne Pagan, outgoing President of ; the Commission for Women, and spoke to her then and on other occasions about attending meetings and events, and applying for membership. I am very interested in the activities for the Commission, particularly the Women's History Project. As a history undergraduate at the University of Maryland, women's history was a part of my studies, and I have retained my interest in that field. In my career as a • graphic designer, I have also had the opportunity to manage historical documents and data, and assemble that information for journal and book publication, and am eager to offer my experience for the Women's History Project and any ot}Zers. I am ready to be of service and give something back to the community, and hope you will consider my • application. Please contact me if there is any other information I can provide. I look forivard to hearing ~ .....~ from you. Sincerely, • ~-~- /Y~d ~' • Ann Seymour _. ,._„ encl: apfllicatt.on 114 ~ ~IIUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Number of Members: 20, appointed as follows: S At-Large,. appointed by County Commissioners (~ 3 Appointed by Wilmington City Council \ 1 Appointed by Carolina Beach Town Council 1 Appointed by Kure Beach Town Council 1 Appointed by Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen 8 Appointed by various community groups 1 County Commissioner Terra of Office: three years -may not serve more than two consecutive terms without a break of at least one full term between appointments. A Regular Meetings: Currently the Commission meets in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building at 4:30 PM on the second Monday of each month. Statute or caiuse creating Comanission: In July 1980, the New Hanover County Commissioners established, by Ordinance, the Commission as a county agency, previously a City of Wilmington agency. Brief on Eunctior's: (1) Administer the county's Fair Housing and Fair Employment laws; (2) Investigate matters of landlord-tenant disputes, non-discriminatory complaints and numerous other complaints involving intergroup, interpersonal or interagency matters; and (3) conduct workshops on Equal Employment Opportunity, Fair Housing, Community Relations, and Communications. Commission task forces continually explore community interests and concerns with a view towards developing a better community for us all. TERM TERl'vI MEMBERS SERVING E~BR2ES C Anthony Gentile Unexpired 12-31-2001 410 South Fifth Avenue ' Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 2/21/00 to unexpired term} j 815-0377 (H) 763-3383 (W) Lethia S. Hankins First 12/31/2002 307 South Ken Avenue - Wilmington, NC 28403 (Apps. 2/21/00) 791-7833(H) 259-9990 (W) Li~dG Thomas P. Hadd ~ lp First 12-31-2003 ~,,11e~ 1506 Villas nve, Apt. 4 I Wilmin n, NC 28401 (Appt. 12/ 18/00) 798- 09 (H) 254-0303 (W) )llTitiTAN RELATIONS C®MMISSI®N (CONTINUED) ~ ~ • • _ TERM ~ TERM ®® IVIEIVIBERS ~ . -SERVING EXPIRES V . - ~Ivlarla D.. Rice-Evans First 12-31-2003.. , . . ,; . . 4629 Lord Elkin Road ~' ' ~, • ~. Wilmington, NC 28405.,. ~ ~, ~ (Appt. 12/18/00) ~ ~ • . - 793-434,1 ~ (H). 962-7055 (W) .,: ,. Kathryn H .Sal' p~ 'First ,` 12-31-2002 ... ~,~,~f... `~ , , 13Q8. Edge er Club Road ~ . " ~e~edre Ala; rs{-~ Wilmi on, NC 28411... (Appt. 12/6/99) ,, , 6 - 040(H) IVlinisterial Representative:. . Rev.. Joseph Z. Windley Third 12-31 2001- ` ,~ 520 1Vorth Fifth Avenue- ~ :. `; .. ~ <Wlmington, NC 28401 - (Appointed 1/2;1/92, Reappointed 12/92) - •, •, 763-2714 (H)-763-2647 (W) (Reappf..12/1.8/95, Reappt; 12/21/98) County ~ornanissioner: Nancy Pritchett ' ' .; Wilaatington~ City Cotancil Appont'~ees: , _ . Teresa Godoy - ~ ~ . -David„ W. Jackson - Becky bong . •~arolina Beach. Appointee: Iris Orecchia .' Rure Beach Appointee: (Vacant) , Wrightsville Beach Appointee; Linda Askew hoard of Education App®intee: (Vacant) " - ~Ch~rnber: of ~Comrnerce Appointee: .William Baugh , ~~ ~,eague of Women Voters Appointee: Elaine Lagerstrom ~ . Wiliningtori Ministerial Association: .,Stephen J. Sloop.. " NAACP Appointee:.. Iin Glover VN2tv~n ` _ .- Personnel Association ~pponfee: 'Denise Matroni . ' - " .YWCA Appointee: .Lois Hart - • -:_ ~ ~ :.~ ~Actirig Director:. Patri elvin. ~" ~~- " ' ' ~ ~ `- ' - ;File: humanrel '2/00: ~ , . , .., •. • - ; . . Jun-Z6°Z0U1 lI:ZSam From-50UTHEASTERN Tol~aloo~ao 1-010 1'.uuGiuuo. r-uai .~~~~aG~~'on f~ dt~peaf~a~`a~et~# °ta~ ~~~~s, C~arrpmii~~ees, tad ~arryarnissir~ras ,~ppcafa~ted ~~ ~ ~le~ fl~tra~v~ ~u~rty ~a~~s~f ®~ t~raaissac~ra~rs. bequest 7`or AppointmEn;P to: Flurrtan FlblationS Crmrnission I<lame: l~eedres S. 1-l~tirsttarl flnv9r /tang have you bean a ressdenr of thew Mari®ver Cnuniy? 5 years Nome Address: 262 Goa federate C7riv+3 lt~lellirtg Ar1a!ress: ~I#y $ncl State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 2$4fl3 Telephone: flame: (91t~} 7~2-~9~$ Business: (910y 3~3-588 Sex: Pamela #ftace ~aucasiarr gAge: 45 ' *This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring' tidiat a cross-sectlQn of ,the Co"'~tc~nlt7' is appdinred. p ~Frnp/oyer0 by: Southeastern Center for M®nt&I !-Sealth/bevelQpmsrital Disabilities/Substance Abuse ~ ~.~$ perSan currently emp3loYed ley ~iA agef?Cy or dep~rtmeasT fat which this epplicatiorr is r7rao'e, mus# resign h!s/het position with rVew Hana~ver CQUnY3o u~1on :~ppoid7tn3e/is, an accordance with Article AII, Sec. 4 of the New. fl~nOVer Ce~unfir PErsonne! PaGcy. y ... _ Job rue: Assistant Deveiopmen~tal Disabilities Director Professions! Activities: Human 4~elaxions Commission's Gommixtee on Disability; New Hanauer bounty Dept. ofi Social Services Adult Protective Services Inter-Ag®ncY Council;~ Chairperson fior Southvastern Center°s Developmental Disabilities Inter-llgeracy Council; United Cerebral Patsy Advisory Soard; Lighthouse Se,f' Determination Advisory Heard; Member North Carolina Association of Self-Advocates; Member,4Vatianal A,$sociatipn of Parsons in Supported Employment; Certified instructor foc Crises Prevention Institute's Nan-Violent Crisis Ir~tQrvexliion Training; The ARCtVaCatiortat Reh2bilitatidR Screening Committee; l~tC State Case tNana~ement Canfiersnce Planning CammitIQe; Member of the fVorth Carolina pevelopmentat Disability Council`s Developmental Disability Policy Wark Group -Regulatory Suh-Comm'stta9 Advisory Volunteer flcfivities: Co-PourbdPr and Ch$rter Board Member far Caratiraa Canines Far Service. Inc.; Choir Board Member for Coastal Adult Day Care; Volunteer for S4uthpart/Oak {stand Animal Rescue; Member, Member and Life Chain Coordinator for North Grave E•rangelical Presbyterian Church; Co-Founder and Coordinator for "His tidnds° Disability Outreach Ministry of Myrtle Grove Evan9eiiCal Presbyterian Church. 118 C~ Jun-26-200.1, 11:28am.:_-From-SOUTHEASTERN ~ +aiu3138598 T-816 ~.uu~iuu~ r-gai,~ '~ .. . , : 1/i/hy da yAU~.wTsh to serve an the Soard. Commiziee, or Commission requester!? Naving served an t9~e Human l~elBRions Commissian's C4a7tmitteg an DlSabiiity this past yew. 1 h$ve gained a greater . awareness of the pure®se and mission of,the Human Relations Commission anti would like to gpin the ' effart to enhance, community relations through cammunication and coaperation arrtong public and private agencieslservices to erasure that.. ai! citizens of view Hanover County have fair and aqua! access to housing, emplayment, services. -and programs. - 'What d[s yoa~ feet are your qu~fifica#ions t'or serving an the Board, Catnmtree, of :Commission . ` requested -! would bring 22 years professions! experlenc~ inhuman services, specifically disability services, and a . . litc-long ~casnmitsreret tri enhar~cirag the lives of others, net only through tray work but t6zrough rrty . voiUnteer anti church activities: Throa.+gh rny. vvorlc at Southeastern Center, advisory boards,. and inter- . , agency cquncils, ! am very lcnowladgeebta about pui~lic and private human services and community ~: ~~ services in our camm~anity. What ~r~s [af eor~cern would yDu Pike#ta see the Btiartl, CornmitF'eB, of Commr'ssio~ ac~rdress? .. , 1nCreasad cprnmunity:"education and inter-agency communicstianfcoc-pBratibn, disability,, . . ` ~ , awareness/~Gsrn$nuility access issues ~ . ~4re you ~urrer~tiy setviraq on another boer[P or ciamrni#tee epiSOintetP by 'a municipafi#y or a cosrnty? ff _ so>`'~leese fist': Name - ,. , Signeturd_ ~ C)a#e: d ~ . ~ ~F'fiE~3t~ ~7rd7YidB #hree locaP persmnal refetenc~s: , - ~ -. . ~- Name .. - , . .Ph~arae l~umb~s~ "1.. Pst Chapman, Southeas-tarn Center . , ~ ~ 7 3-3~3~ ~. ~• ~. Renee Pontipus. Friend 313-60~L1 3. Leis Hart, Hurrrart Relations Cammissianer ~ X52-910'i . - ~ _ ,~ ... ~~ ;,- Jun-26-2001 11:24am From-SOUTHEr1STERN +9103136x98 T-816 P.0011003 F-581 ~; June 24, 21301 New Hanauer County 8aarci of Commission~+rs 3~t} Che~ut Street ~oqm 305 VYtlm#ngtan, NC 28~C)`1-~093 {:~: Human Re#atfotts C,tamrYtissiQrti Clear SirsltVtadams: P{e$se accept the enclosed Applicatl~art for Appvintrr~nt to ~3oard~, Camatt{trees, Camrnigsirans as ~videnr..e of my desire t® serve on the ivew Hanover County Human Re#et'rans Cc~mrnissicarY. # am ~, prc~essionat with over 22 years Q~7erience in human services, specifically with individLlais with disabil{t#es, and have been employed with Southeastern C$nter's Developmi::ntal Disability Serv#cas for five years. {have served on the Human Ra{ations Commission°s Gamrrirtt9e on t7isabi#ity far tl,~ past year and he{pad establish iha commi#tee and its pur~oose. and he{ped or~nize and coordinate a oarnmunity forum orr accessibl3ity #ssuss in New Hanover Ga~~arity, which was held in Agri{, 2001... { am ccy~founder bn~i a charter board member ft~r Carviir~a Canines l=ar ~ervica, {nc., a Ct~riStian naan~ profit prggr~m here in ~1vi#rninr~tan providing service dogs for ~ap{e with physical disabilities. 3 am aisca achva an a number of ether lace! community sorvie~a advisory boards and inter agency co~mtttaes , 'snciudit~g l.litiited Ceri~bra{ Patsy, The 1.#ghthause Se{f~Datetminatlon Pilot through Tlro$ ARC of North Carolina, Sou~'-eastetn Cantor's l~e~e{opmental Disability's #r-terAgc3rtcy Council, and stew E-fanover County tJepartmertt of 5aciai S~nric~s' Adult Protective Services inter-Agency Council. { am also an active member of my d~urct~.and helped e~#abiish,~a disability,otatreach minisiPy #hrough ~yrtts Grove Evangeiic~l Presbyterian Church. . ^ !t is my desire to oont;nue my comrriitment tsy enhancing the lives of vft}ters through comrneanity seivlcs as a t~a~rnan Relations Commission Commissioner. { appreci~ your cnnsideratian cf my $pplication. Should you -~qu#re additions{ info~rnatian, please fee! fr®e to cc~ntad me at my wank p{x~r~® nwmb®r 3'9~- 65~i3 +or horns phone riumberafter 5:313 pm at 762-'1935. Cordial#y, r D~cfrea S. Hairston 120 ~ ~®ARl~ CAF C~lV1/Vl'~SSI~1V~'13S 320 Chestnut'Street, Room 305 ~` ~ ~ . Wilmington, NC 28401.-4093 T l h (9101 341 7149 ~~ ~~. ~ n ,; ~; . NOV 2 0 2~~0 . `~.~~. NE'r4 KANOVER CO 8D Of COMMISS40NfR5. e ep one - FAX (9.101 341-4130 ." .. ~ App%icatlon for Appoirrtriment to Boards, "Committees;. and Commissions " . `. Appointed by the'New hlanover..County Board of:Corramissioners. • Request for ,Appointment to: ;~>/~~~1 /ct~C~71Os~I~ C.~J/s?«~>~~j.~%-' `, Name: ,~ ~~ ;~~rt~ ~ r c. Name ~ How long have you been a Address: 'l ~.j ~l1-~~'~IGC~-~~l~-~ ~Ln~: ~• resident of.New Hanover County? ' J~~~t • ,. Mailing Address:.. n~riy~-L . ~{~ .City and State: C~C~ (!°`~'!~~-'t`c.~ ~,{ ~-" - Zip 'Code: 2 ~ ~~~ . Telephone,: Homes. C(C~. 1~:~,j ~~~ ~ Business:. ~~~. ~: ~~~~ ' . "Sex: q/1rl *Race: L~i.~ "Age: ~~' . • 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. *Emplo yed by: ~!~'t~t ~~-~~ ~G•6~ I~ ~~~~ ''A person current/y emp/oyed'by the agency or department for which this appUcation is made, must resign his/her,ppsitionrwith ~~. Naw Hanover County upon appointment, in acdordance with Article V!, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel'Policy, • " Job Title: /~} ~ ~d u.1=1vc ~ t ~~ c:tf sc.C£"i ~(/; k.E~J ~ Professional Activities: l~/~tl%, ~Jdti1N0 Volcnteer Activities: Why do you wish fo serve on the Board, Cammittee, or Commission requ2sted?. ~ v 5~4~~~Or~T' `j-Jf-~; "• • r',~~'~-tL Dr; -(~~ C~c~f~~I155lE~~~, .~ ~1Lt~C''. `~~~t~c~. Vii== c4j`c1~,+-5~ .'..~2~~s ~ CG~Gi~/2~ ~~~~~ . • What do you: feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board; Corimmittee, or Comm/ssion .requested? :• _ ~C1lL~j d~~5 (G,Y-~.~~ I ~. What areas. of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? '' . %GuC'rl~;~~. ~~L/~~-3~i~~~i ~/d1 ,D/G1~i25/n~ l~I~i~"7~/LS 77~ LDCa~iZ ~2r/JGU~j~iLS" ~--- Are you currently serving,ori another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: • N v •. . _• .. Date: ... - //~,~~~ ' (Please use reverse. side or a ditional comments) REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: .Name Phone Number ~l ~a~~ ~3{2:~ 3Y~. 7/7~ ~ l /~cKenZr ~ 122 `~ .FROM . PHONE N0. ~ ~ Sep. 29:2000 09=06AM.P1 A,Pp~~c:ation`kor A;ppotntrn~nts Yaffe t or ~ . . 32(3 ~ItesttzuB S`ireet, Room 30S ~ ~ . . r 'Wilmington, NG ~l3~t?1--4093 ' Telephone (910} 3~~-714. . - FA.Y (910) 34.1-•413f1 .? ~ ~9~pplicution• foT,~,~~r~iea~raen# Eo hoards, C'omt~s, ~d ~o~ramis~i+~ns ' ~ipoinAReuT by "tom Ne~-v lY~canovc~ +~vra~aty .~a~°r10, f' C~aarunassioners. d _ / t '. , Requ~s-t f<~r rlppoltttmenr rn: •-- -~''i ~~~.5 ~-~°~._~~,r'AJs~'7 Flou> lare~ have yuu bern rx resident of New Flanaver County? ~.... ;~ -• _ _-• . - . • ~~ ,~ - - ... .- - MoitingAddresro:.....-..---- _~._. ., _-._:.._ ~.__._.~- Cary nnri S#ate: ~_ e1.a~ .',,... Gip Cafie: ~~'' r ~E14'jJF10B82:.~nfi2E: -. 1. ~ ~d.J '~ r,~t±. ...--moo' ~ !--" /~-r ^ ,, r ` . -- •. ',.Sex: _ ~«~ ~'12ace:...~6r~~'''~f~~.~~'~-f~e: ~ •_,-~---- '~71ris inrtirrztic>tt fs requested fnr the sole rrur~;ase o, f'assrir`in~ t~tat a cross-.sedan of the eammurtity is appointed . ~. _~ / . .. .. ~ F.mjltnyed by:. ._:._...•r,.,/!!.~ ar -`~~4 person Currently employed by 1ha dgavray or department for which this crpplacation is mode, must resign hlsffrer posah . County upon apporsrtment, in uccr~rdanee s~13h .4rtarle , Sec. d of IfPe l~ex~ Hc7rritver Cgrtnly Persnnri~! Policy. ' ' ' Jab ?isle: ~--_._........ ~. ~~' _.........-,„._._- .. _ - - J~ ,. ~ e ~ ~ - ~ ~ " .C'rofesstnnalActtutttes.- __ .3"J .,~~ ~'a ~ - ' T~alunleer~cliuities: ~• . '~'" ~ /dYJ .:._. ' ~ f ` f3'hy tlo yotr wlgh to serre on the F3oard, C:ommall~:e, ur ~ummissior~ regueszed? . ~ ~ ~ ~ :~/ r ~, r , . ~ - .~ . ' What do ynu, f' ire yvavr cjcrali~eatia~rs far san~ing an iha f3varc~ Cvn~mitisra," or Cnrrrmission requested? . -~ ~. btip;//w~v'w.r,~az~ew-hanover.ne.us/CC/ap~aly.~±xm . ; 6/2~I01 . ~ ~~ 123 FROM : PHONE N0. Application for Appourtments Sep. 29 2000 09:06RM P2 .._a. . yy~hat nreav of concern ivaulcl you like m see the T3vard, C:ontrt+ittee, or f:omrnisrion c~ddres;c? M Are you parrently serving on ancx~i2r iiocu'd or committee appointed by a mulaicfpaliry or a eounry? If so, please 1rst_ .alIPL: r ! , . ~~ r ~ ,` ~ Sigtillfuag .. -^ - L/~~ ' ... /yf~,clr RFFER~NGES.._ pt~:rxce prrnddr: tfrree local personal references: ?Came Phone t~lumber http:llwvww.co.new-hanovez.nc:.us/CC/apply.~.tm l; ., ,, ,, ~~~1 ~_ '~' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 ~;V A W L Qf V INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Number of Members: 8, appointed by Board of Commissioners Terms of ,Office: Appointments are made for three-year terms. Initially, four members will serve two-year terms and four members will serve three-year terms. Regular Meetings: The Council shall meet at least quarterly and may, at its discretion, establish a more frequent meeting schedule. Action Creating Council: The County Commissioners establish the Council on June 15, 1998. Increased membership to 8 on July 13, 1998. Purpose: The Council will provide advice and guidance to the Inspections Department to ensure consistent, timely, economical, professional, and efficie nt service as an integral part of the department's purpose to protect the lives and property of the citizens living in New Hanover County. TBRNI PRESENTY,Y TERM.. C'CJRRENT MEMBERS CATBGt~RY SERVING EMPIRES .~ James H. Bordeaux At-Large Citizen First 7/31/01. 4115 Cape Landing Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Appointed 7/13198 675-8912 (H) 675-5210 (W) Perry Davis AIA/Engineer Second 7/31/03 3963 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ Appointed 7/13/98, 8/21/00 395-1002 (H) 772-9600 (W) James E. Kenny Residential Builder Unexpired 7/31/01 661b West Airlie Wilmington, NC 28403 Appointed 8/21(00 256-0325 (H) 256-8284 (W) .~ -b ~~,~i~ Joel Macon U+1a~~~ At-Large Citizen First 7/31/01 P.O. Box 413 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 Appointed 7/13/98 458-6929 (H) 458-8899 (W) Chuck Miller Commercial Builder Second 7/31/03 1012 Bozeman Road Wilmington, NC 28412 Appointed 7/13198,_ 8/21/00 ~ 91-0921 (H) 791-8272 (W) ~2~ 1, ,. , . , INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADyISORY.COUNCIL (Cont.) ~, . _-.. `TERM . , . ~ PRESENTLY TERM CLfiRRENT MEIYiBERS CATEGORY " SERVING `: EXPIRES .. James Miller ` Plumbing Contractor ` Second 7/31/03 ° ~ ' 5717' Carolina Beach Road ~ _ ' `Wilmington,. NC 28412 . . ~ " Appointed 7/13/98, 8/21/00 ,° ' 392-6123 (H) 799-4857 (~ " . Robert H. Williams '' - , Mechanical Contractor First 7/31/03 106 Mt. Vernon Drive ,. . , Wilmington, NC 28^03. Appointed 8/21/00:. • ` 395-4235 (H) 763-1.942, (W) ' ' Ronald Edward Williams Electrical Contractor .,, First 7/31/01 6413 Sentry Oaks Drive ,~~~..,~,"`~~ . , ... ~~ VJilmin ton NC 2$409 ~- ,c.~, ~ Appointed 7/13/98 392-7889:,{H/W) _. ~. . Staff_Support: Jay Graham, Director of Inspections Department . .. ~: File. Inspect - - . IY 1'•. x ~. ~ ' - J11[.-JUL .D1 ' 98 ~..12_~ 47PM WILM DLE RND MRBQ ~ N • 1 C~ U~ J t! ~ M ~ ~ l ~i Kra td ~J'~ fin/ i~/I 1! ~s~~BRD ~~' ~11/1't~71~"SI~,~I,~~~' 32C~ Ch~stnu~ St.~e~~, Ro©~ ~D~ ~11~lmlrrgpr~n, iUC ~~'~~ r-x(753 f~lephar+e r9 f 01 a~$ y-~~~ F~~6' l9 ~~ .3~ i-~ r~0 ... ~,ppli~~tl®r~ ~s~r~ppafntm~rrt'i~ ~oar~s. ~®mrrzt~~s, ~+nd ~a~tmisstans ~ppslnted ,~ ~ Phe 1V~~v H~rtvveP Cr~unty Ebartf c1't;~mrspssion~rs, ' -,,qa~, /~J { b , e~ ti ~~l~/ L7~wN ) ~ ~~M" l~~ ~~U~ 4AiV ~ a'7~tAU~v4 3 ~3 S~.L.~ ~V :) Whar do you fe~i ~r~ your QuaTtflaatdons fc~r servlrr~ a,~ tt,~ card, ~~mm9raee, ~r• Comrnd~srorr r~q~eszedr V ~, d~ l~a~~so `~~a1 tOro ~~qd. ~a~t, . ~ ~ "''~ ~ O~.Y(~, O ~ ~ ~ .~~SVYtVYt~~' W1`tAt areas of Gorlcern avould y~R_U__l_i~~ to set t1~e ward, ~ovrarnirte~, er ~t~rrsmi~,s;vr9 a~d~ress~ ArS yoU curr~nrdy serving 4n another board ar C'or~rz~dtte~ appoFntud by ,~ munl~lpatliy s~r,~ cowry? If so, ,odeasa ldszr O~rgmre use revsrs® slde !ar addlnsnsl cemr»errrsJ /~~~` ~ L J 128 ~ ~-' Jun 3Q ^^ 10:39a Hagood Homes Sent by: WI LM-CAPE EEaR NBA 8107992610 9I~-256-4611 p.l 05/17/00 2:14PW Job 948 Page 2/3 NEUV ~'/A1VC7 MFR CC}ClNTY Bl,~~RD C1F COMIiilISSlONJERS 370 Chestnut Streets Room 305 Wilmingrorl, NC 28407-4093 7•elephane f37a! 34 t-7149 FAX(9tO! 3•:t-130 AFR~rCatrol7 ;dr Appointment to Baa~ds, CammiZ£ees, and Commissions Appointed bythe /4lew Nane~ver County Baard.of Comrnissioners• Re4uest for APPOintnrent ro: ~, r'o-a s., C,,, flolne ` ~ Naw tong have yQU treen a ^.~.~: ~:CCress: ~ ~ t! ~ / (~e.,S~ ~,~ (, ~ (,L/_ yLi ~,esident of New Hanover Counrj7 ~f• ,L'ailing Address: r~~~ S ~ ~ ~ •~ r City and State: _i~r1vYlf%>~,~GV: ~r(. '~~p'~j Zip Code: .?~~~ ---~ 1'e!e,oh an e: Nome: ~ /(.>~ ~,~j~ _ ®'~ ~ Business: ~ ~n~ ~~ ^ y 'SaX: ca.l C... 'Race: ,,, , ~~ ._ °.Q g e: ° 7hs ,itfwmnrion is r®gasarad for me s !e purpose of esswiny that a crow-ssuion o/ rna cOmmunrrp is appointed. "c.^•:played by: ~6~n ~ ~~/J:r_S ~~ C °'.3 porscn curr9nrly mplo yae Op the agency ordapar rmanr far wh.ch this ?epligarian is mode. mustresryn +rsih erposi tiort wrm New h+anavar COUtr1y upon eppainlmsnC iie weeoidsnca. ..:rh ti~~/c/e ~1' ,gam .g ?p the NBW HDrtQVa~ County A9r.: onn ri ?obcy, 1 , Jatr TlF12: ~Yr~~.s ~'~ e-s C' F~ciass;one/ Actr'vities: ~C~,$ C ~r"C.5 /•c~i,., ~- J.~._ ~ f~ ___~. _~ Vctunresr Ltcuv;;ies: '%%~~y eo you v~isn to serve pn the 3osrd, Corrrmirtee,. op Cornmrssion reCue,ted? ./ J r~A Gl.° ~1 d ~v" CR °") G/ J.•~c~ ,r - . `,,. , .~ -e. f ~-__ t'"~'_t ( _.L_ _ Gs~.^f f.7r ! ,s~ ~ G,~„~'] , •,e. i ,~.: ~~/.5/•~3hZ` ~'c. c70~ ~/Cd~>~lhsj Gc,^.o''~ ,,~G~C/ ~-/.~?~S rj• ---1i~'r-+~ =.h,=- da you feae! are your Qualrficattons for serving or7 the Eaard, Comrrvttee, ar Commission reQuesfed? ~~°~~~ `~ -/7_~':e-. ~tc~,, ~Jv,.l~r~~ ~are~ o~'~i /LI~y-C~o..S• rte~,~%~~, ty.'E-`~~_~~t~ ~t~L..: %~~~-ar~jar.as of concern would you fi,ie to see the 8aard, Co.nmietec, or Camm,"ssfon address? ~_~G,~vr_~/Gf .~-~!`_~. ~~ G s. C--~ ~n.6 s'„ e~ ~.~.~~,.~~~~~ c,rt-= /~~y?~.~.~i~ ~.,~Sa7~.., ~. ~F--~u1r..~ ~~'. ~ ~' -s--- _ ~,.__.__ f. ~ y.^.u Currently serving on anorngr ffosrd Cr eammrtte~' d~7pOin!ed t3y a munrci~allty orb county? !r sa, please `rs;: -• ~~ Sirr-arlre ~%~~ •.~.:n.,v ..:r /DVY~ Sldv far nad.,ianal tamman rst '" - ~ --" 130 ~ N.~W HaN®v~R e~v~v~~ ~C~C~C~QdGD BoA~~ o~ c®~vrn~r~SSe®NERS 320 Chestnut Street, .Roam 305 JUN 2 6 ''~"' Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 JEW HANG' FAX (910) 341-4130 6D. OF C0 i ~... Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~5~'E~-t-t ~ 0~1 S ~"~la~i t~*1~,`ty i ~I' ~,p (LA{ (~p~ntc~a ~ Name: ~_~~... ~ • f'~l 6~ (.,D tJ Name How long have you been a Address: 430 C1.AR~?saDo9.T r3t_,)r~. ~ C.AR~4~s~p,. ~3Etac.y resident of New Hanover County? ~O'r' yFptz,S Mailing Address: ~. p , g b~ 413 City and State: C'~l(2.~urJ9a c"3-~'~+c.N tJ,, L, Zip Code: a~~~,~ Telephone: Home: ~~ ! ®~ ~5 B - Ca5 a ~ Business: C~ l O~ ~' ~- Q'~ ~ g 'Sex: ~`y'1 'Race: ~Ji~1-i TE "Age: ~(o °This information is requested for the sale purpose of assuring that across-sactron of the community is appointed. .Employed by: RJoi~a Caat~~;~A t..,a c.~~.tSiNC.,.- i3or~ l=pv2 C~':\.1~~~... Co~T~n.tac.~ZS ° °A person currently employed by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the Naw Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: .;1.t~ J E5-f ~C~i'p 2 Professional Activities: Volunteer.4ctivities: ~-=~tz~£tL. 1~i2-ac~c.~~au~ ~1i Ca,~..r*---ice t~'j~-`a+n(L_ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ~~4_ ?tai 6"~ld/ .w,, ,.... r. _ . , t ,:_ x-~~ t~"E~'t:x. 1' N s PCrt 1..0{:15 A t.a O -t'l~ C..a^- S - ~ t%a e ®~'~ ,.:L..~+iDV a t t~.:~ r<. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? M °( E 1C..Qi:1z-1 ~1 c$ - ~"tZA a^°~ ~ "`' c~ Caa~'LP ~*•1't'E1~- ~J y ~2 S / I~ ui to r -J Ca-~t~ SPEf.+~ i~- 9 t~ q ! `-f ~ ~so-S rt~ ~,s-t~(u,~ F i E~.D ~NVCS 1 l ~ni-dfo2 1=o Z rA9r.~ iE Gs ^'"C'-^+batr-tb1..s t~Gana , What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? S"L'o r+--'G,SL i'tz-i l~+r~`at ~C RJ; e.E l C.~+~S i e~T '~ ,~~ 2r' i Ef~~ra 1 ~ fTr) Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? 1f so, please list: ~.-f °~'~-tuft ~_ ~RJ ~ t~ tr A 5 C~v e.a Ga ~,~r.~ZA-.~ t"~ 2-. 1 ~~ 1 O i..i ,.~ OF GP 420 u N 1i ..4,a Da'e ~ - ~•~-~ 8 Signature /Please use reverse side far additional comments/ QVER.) LDUISTRNR Fax~~1U7b2b1r2 Jun 2~ '01 841 P. 01 Application for Appointments Page 1 of 2 320 chestnut Street,. Room 305 : Wilmington, Pile 28401-4093 ' ~ Telephone (9101 349-7149 FAX (9 901 341-a 130 Application for Appointment to hoards, Cammitteesr and Commissions Appolntegl by fire 111e~v Hanover County hoard o9` Commisslorrers. Bequest for Appointment to: _~/V~~.CG'21t~~- ~=~~~~~',~''`lT AI~V/~5'D~~ !Name: ~o:<:'~IL4 LJ t~yl~N4.5 ~+~' . _' How long have you been a resident of Flew Hanover County? ~ ~~~~ ~ Harrre Address: r -~`?°!C ~Y Ib9alling Address: z • !a 7"'7"J ~~ ~ ~ p ,. ,,~ rd,4%~yc' Zip Code: .78~Z J C%ty 8nd SfBte: ~ /r'~a~~~_E G GQQ Q ~.... ~ ._ Business: /~!~- ~tfr~~. l G ~~ "' - ~D~~ Tsleplrone: Nome: _,r ' ' = ~ ~~ ~~ ,ter "Race: l 11 v 1 ~' ~ ~ /fI ~J *Age: '~.S *Sex: //~r~ r *This rn' formation rs requeste.d for the sole purpose of assuring i ar across-section oft e community is a 'w~Employed by= .. ~<~`Jir,rr%~~~ ~.t'T~°~'.r~IC" c''r~,~-~: * *A person currently employed by the ament in ace~ordance with Articleth~llaSeeC4~of th lVew Hanover f with Nevv Hanover County upon appom , Policy. ,/ Job Title: ~ ~!'`f~e~l~` r ,~' ~'~~ ?~tf,et/~!C:~,~~r'~'~ - Professional Activities: _.~~:""r f ~•) ~.~+~` l~>~rr"7''~ ~ {~ ~°''~" ~"~`'~~'~~'''``-}~ Volunteer Activities: __~~7, ~~,/%/i?~~' ~~~'~~'!~ ' `' ~~'~' ~~'~ -Why-do-you wish to serve on the Boarda-Committee,.or Commission requested? /~ 1 Whet do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~~~~ j} ~ J~'ll~Y fie"' ~J?T~e`-/~CJTtJie.. ~,1_ ir~.~U~~rG~'IP.J~l~C. ~1Nha[ areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~P~L/4' :~`~ ...~~~=1~~-. ~9~A.~,~'nJ~'~~ o,~' ~,~d~'~r~,~~~,~ci-',D r.~.~~~~ ~?aDrrcTs. 6/22/01 httpalwww.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/apply.htin 3 Sent by: WTLM-CAPE. FEAR HBA 9107992610 06/25/98 11:17 nrFVV ~,~~uQ u~R epu~r~~ as~~t~fl a~ co~',~s~a~E~s • 32® Chestnut .$irctii, R'vom 3015 b'~/i.~rriirtgfor7, NG .28401-4©93 Telaphorrs (91[7I.?d1-7Fd9 Prix lsTf3J 3-t~-4 rid Job 218 Page 2/3 i ;~:~4~' "'lJ' lUN 2 S 1998 rrrrn f.f~;v vm ,r ~~: n.^ ~,. .,~ Rp~pGcaUan for A,~pauttmenF' Zf:p P.~+f,ards, CorrUr2irrF+es. and COmr»issions AppcrinPed Uy tpra NEw NanoveY Catrnty $oalty of Cammissr'anerg. Re4cresr forA~poi`ntn~rent fu_ ~ ~~~`~•~ ~~~ ~~'~' lvasnP:s_"(~/~r14~ 1r3~- ~. C~.~,~~t_~ l.~i ~ ~ ~,~::~ r`~~l 5 Fforna f_ ~~ fl'DOY tOd7Q ftdvE yDrt beet! 3 .~dWazs: t~ `~ ! _~ ~P r l ~r"~, ~~.d C S ~X i '~;`P _ veridanc et uo.~.- N~.+omr C®v..n.~ r= '-~ GiyandSrater ~~ 1YY~t<1d~~L~r1, ~c~L- zipcad~ ,~~~bQ"~ Tele~taurre_ Ncm~ l ~-(I ~~ ~~ ~- - •-tT"~~Cf 9usrnt43: (' c. i f ~ ~ ~~l ~ " ~ ~ wt ~~ _ 'Ses: ~ °Aacr: l ~ ~tde: ~7 ~ 'Te1ia srtfon*>ati~ ~.vavaafa~ for tha .role ~cmya>sv a! mssr,fi+iQ d5ar o a+7ss-svcsen d m• cammyrury 4 gya:*laa --fn:IIrt>yeelDy' =~.~1 ~fY1(,3L%~.~C~ r'~_t.. '~..~ ~~-`..~(~~'ti~1C, ~~~ ~.ti+~l'YL~r'lj„~{r~f~i • 'A aors6n a+mrgeny ortmd99wd ay diems 0r daps~ea®.$t9~ brOMClr i1®LS 9L1AAC!!~~ mohdr..err2af svr~yn 1:smFrpa~v....wn Ffew Nmae+or Co,mh aF®n aarps4le west A~i6'ra YS, "Jae..d aI o9®Rbw- Mdnawr farwfg PeraaAwad Y_ f'rblsr'rbrrdl.4ttivlr;es: f7~Q.-(Yli;~l ~T a,~;'~,~~'`s ; tit,! S d ~~fst~+d~4")(~r 1 ~- h.~C ~'~~b't.'C t.:~' C.I,;~.C •~"3' ~..~:'~ 1Fnlurt rear ~ t r; v; a es: any da Y¢~ wPstr ra se,va ar, rht as~d Comrsrtr~~ r9P Camers+ssl0/t recucxde~~ 4~it4 ~d~.( ~ ~:1t ~. Je r~ ~ ftS~u~'~ ~~ I ,~ r~i~ -~ ~ i fYl~~11~ tt~ ~r ~t~1~'~`~, }{1~~.,~.,..^~F ~`Y~(t ~.-`7~'~~~IG~S`~~( rl~t'.~-r'~,~-\1'Lg~. C~Yrlt'~J~' ~ ~ .1 ~ ~~ C t~~a~' f lP'}~~ f {~~ °f ~~..~1-~C.a_~~~.5!{~'.._ ! T h~3..i~~~t...~~~{_ `~ ~.k~~~ ~I~iV{- 4~v 1 b\i`--YO ~.~y~.'' Fr+Ih~t ob you /6tJ pro r+aw qualifrCaraans tars' s~rrvrinA' on ehSeJ 8asrd, Cvm®•rLcrea. nr Cacnrs~fssian regveata>d? 3- 4.1~~t~ 1 ~ ~~"~ ( ~ ~.•f~~-i ~'~c~. t r~ ~t~r~~ ~,~ l ~-r ~~,, n ~~ 5 c~c~- rrt.~rLtiC~ : r~. ~~ nar areas o tanrnr wou you k'kr rar sae 8aard, ~ mare, ov ~drtt/t7tSSit9~ {~1'1C~`t ~ '" it ~ ' (kr~tt~ +r~s ,fir i'~.~- t,t..L~c fd Yau Qu L Y TM~+r/fQ'ran mnar mr 9amrd eanvnrer YV~ ~I ~~fl f7ac-• ~G ~~ ~ ~ rgnerture /RKseav as• rn.ws~ .Wile f4P ldOks4n~! anmmwirSf x~~"~'c~-~,~ r._rt . ... ...... ...E ~~S ~~. . f ,v ~ .~ ~Y~--' (fl~R~ 136 Q COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL / CR1M1~lAL JUSTICE PARTIVERSI-IIP ADVISORY BOARD/ 1 Vacancy (Unexpired term) The Advisory Board has requested the vacancy to be filled with another defense attorney: APF'LICATI4NS Dolores M. Williams D. Lynne Williams Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 1~8 a JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION- COUIVCII. CRIMINAL JUSTICE PAI2TNERSIIIP ADVISORY BOARD Members include representatives from the following categories: Court System, Law .Enforcement, Health Department, Mental Health, Criminal Defense Attorney, Public Defender, Probation Officer, Community Service Coordinator, Business Community, Crime Victim, Recovering Drug Addict, Community Based Corrections Program, Victim Services Program, Employment and Training Professional (Minimum number of board members is ten) Terms: Initially staggered terms; thereafter, 3-year terms Regular Meetings: Meetings are held on the third Friday of every month at 12:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Office of Juvenile Justice; 138 N. Fourth Street. Criminal Justice Partnership items are discussed quarterly. Statute or Cause Creating 'Task Eorce: NC General Assembly established Criminal Justice in 1994, Juvenile Crime Prevention Council' was established 12/21/98. Purpose: The purpose of the advisory board is to develop community-based solutions to the problems of rehabilitation and punishment for criminal offenders. The goals will be to reduce recidivism, to reduce the number of probation revocations, to reduce alcohol and drug dependency among offenders and reduce the cost of incarceration now being paid by counties and the State. CURRENT MEMBERS Community Based .Corrections Program Joanne Lee TASC/Day Sentencing Center 801 Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28401 .... .762-5333;:(W,) , ., ~.,., Community_Service Coordinator Sherita Young 467 Racine Drive, Apt. 306 Wilmington, NC 28403 392-0368 (H) 791-8510 (W) Juv~.a i~~v s.+v~v Chris Oring ~~~,~. 3201 Wri ki~ville Avenue Wilm' gton, NC 28403 3 ~ ~-~-- ~ ~ 79 -9563 (H) 395-9903 (W) +++ 140 'TERM PRESENTLY' TERM SERVING E~IRES Second 9/30/2001 Appt. 9/18/95, Reappt. 9/21/98 _ .;, . ,. , First 9/30/2003 Appt.9/18100 ~ ' First 9!30/2003 Appt. 9/18/00 ,-; ,JUVENILE CItiME I'REVEN')cION COUNCIL/ - ` a CRIMINAL JUSTICE I'AItTNEItSHII' A.DVISOR~' BOARD {COIelTIN(TEI)) :. _ Faith'Community First 9/30/2002 '•• Pastor Bo Baker 313 Shamrock-Drive '' . Wilmington; NC 28409 y Appt. 11/.15/99 . ' 791-1021(H) 791-8996(W) ~ ~ ~ ' Person Under 21 Nephitearya Shantel Bailey First 9!30/2003 321 Hooker Roads Trailer 4 Wilmington, NC 28403 APPt~. 9/18/00.. ~~ Business Community Unexpired ~ 9/3'0/2002 • - Donald B. Harris, 3`16. Church Street .. .Wilmington, NC 28401 APPt. 9%.l~/00 . ' • 763-3916 (Hj.452-0038 (W) Members-at-lame - Harold B_ King Unexpired 9/30/2®01 l0 Island Drive Wrightsville beach, NC 28480 '~ , Appt. 2/21/00 ~ ' 395-1220(H) . ' Erik Lindstrom ~ First 9/30/2003 ~ , .. 330 Stradleigh Wilmin ton, NC 28403-1230 g ~ Appt. 2/21/00 to unexpired term 763-6553(H) 397-8015(W) ~ Appt. 9/18/00 '•. John A. Ranalli ,:,, .,..... . ,.,. Unexpired 9/30/2002 ._ ~ ,Y 7100 Kinsella Court - - . ~ .Wilmington, NG 28409.-4461 Appt. 2/21/00 • 799-3985(H)..799-9652 - A~ericyRepresentatives: , " County Commissioner: Robert G. Greer County Manager's Office: Andy Atkinson, • • • `-Judge of Superior Court: Judge Ernest B. Fullwood . Judge of District Court: Judge John Smith ,District Attorney:;. John Carriker ~ Wilmington City Police: Lt. J.. W. Carey . Sheriff Departrnent:- Col. Steve Smith Mental Health: Art Cosfatini Health Department: Betty'Creech ~ Substance Abuse Center: VirginiaGorman DSS:. Wanda Neidig Schools: Al Lerch ' .Juvenile Courts: Phyllis Roebuck ' - ` ~ United Way:. Vicki Elmore ~ • ~ \Crime 3/00 ~. ~~ ~ . ,' _ 14.E ~r~W ~~lvovFR covnrTY BOARD OF' COlV11VlISS~OItl~RS APR - 4 2001 320 Chestnut Street, Ra'om 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 NEW HANOVER CO Telephone (9101 341-7149 BD OF COMMISSIONERS FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~4'~{.n,.: T~ f`c.sa..~~m ~ r• ~ App/ication far Appointment to Boards, Com~rrittees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request fcr Appointment to: VV~/'I / ~ ~('6l~'1 '~ Name: ~~ 1 D ~e--S ~ , (~/ r ~G ~ cz ~ S - , Name _.-- ~, {-~ Now long have you been a ~ !~ Address: ~//3 ~/ o e G~~~.~~~ ~O , resident of New h'anover County? ~~lc/'S Mailing Address: 3/~~ ~/a~ lit~h~,c~~-~r~" ~r", City and State: ~i ~~n ,~y/~' `~ ~^- ,~ ~ Zip Code: ~~~Q / Telephone: Nome: ~.5~-- ~l ~ ~ Business: ~~~~ ~~S~l IDSex: ,~c...rLR,~~ 'Race: 'Age: 'This infcrmadon is requested tar the so/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is aapcinted. ~~Emp/Dyed by: Ct~ n~ l~tl~/~iZli ~~- _ °',4 person currently toyed ay the agency or de rtment fcr which this ~aplicauon is made, must resign his/her position with Naw Nanovar County upon appointment, in accordance with Llrn~:e V!, Sea 4 of the New Hanover County Pa~sonnel Falicy. i ~ v i Job i tt(e: ~~ ~ ./ l ~+ // ~~ Frafessiana/ A cti'vities: ~~ ~ ~ /~' ,~SSD~~ `a. ~D/L ~~~ ~Qy'" ~SS o C / ~~ ~ ~ ~'7~ ~~C ~ ~sS o VoiunteerActivinss: ~ u7 ~af'IDd-~i^ LS~iis~~t <.SsOe~c~o i~ i~d,~1 ~:~t. ~/rirnc~n~ ~ ~~? ~GL~frflitL ~'~ Why do you wts;'t to serve an the Baaro; Committee, or Ccmmission requested? /t~ ~yL Q~ ~ c~~. , ~~ .. SeTvt eS to:..s o s ~ rc~~/e~ C-/'/ M ~' ~i 2 cY .~i1 /'~ !/~ ~" _~'~ ~ Cyr ,Vi.~S~ What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving an the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~~~ / r , ~, ~ , S~'Vl C~ ~~ ~.t^r -2-11. '~--~-__, C.._.D~1 ~"~-~SCiS f~ v/` L~Pi1'~ / rl/? D 1/2~~~ {/G-.SJOrt Ct ~^~'/ W at areas of~~ncem would you like 7a se~he Board, ~mmittee, or Commisson address? s / U~~°~- U l~'z-~i . . tt'~ 1' I v/Pa~ / /2. G /'/ YY1 e-- Q /`~t~L',/Z ~d0 ~-- ~1' Are you curre.~t/l~y,~se~~nl~ing on another bo/a/r'd or committee appointed b~y/na1 municipality or a coun_tyL?. if so, please list: ti/~S , l'VC.n~ ~<i./'1El/~Y' C.~~/3'1 r71<SS6 0 ~'1~o(- liv9/IZ'~-/L o~~ ~/ ~ft~'1 P~ r~I ~n~~ Qat~: ~, ~ 3, ~ ~~ i (P(ease use raver side far additional comments/ i ~~~ 2~~~ Signature ~ - ~~Y`" ~ . ^ .C a , ~. >. , ~ 3113 Joe Wheeler Dr. ~ ' ` ~ ' . ~ ~ Wilmington NC 28409 b ~ , } .. _ ~ (910),341-5851. . OBJE~'IVE .. .. ~_ . Board rriember where I can utilize my leadership, consensus building, organizational' ` and`iziterpersonal skills in service to New Hanover County. _ .. E~LTGATi®N & TItAIIVIl`,tG . ~ ~AJuris Doctorate; Louisiana State Universiiy;1978 -Licensed to practice law in-Lola iana (1978) and North~Carolina,(1995)< ' Bachelor of Science, I:ouisiana State University, 1974 ` Minimum of 15-hours annually of Continuing Legal Education ,. . Trained as a Court Appointed :Special Advocate, for juveniles, mediator and facilitator . -" EXI'EIZI~NC~ ~ .. Assistant City ~~ttorney -Wilmington, North Carolina - 1995-.date 'Rountree & Seagle, Wilmington, N,C -Clerk, Associate- 1993-95 _ Sole practitioner of law in Louisiana - 1989-93, ~ ~ . I]eutsch, Kerrigan & Stiles; Neiw Orleans, Slidell, LA - Special Partner -1981=88 , Judge John J. Erny, Jr.; "Larose, -LA -Associate - 1979-8Q , ' David A. Hamilton, Baton Rouge, LA - ;4ssociate - 1978-79 As an attorney, I use many skills required by,a board member. Listening. skills and • - other interpersonal skills and recordkeeping are required in dealing with elected - `officials, City management, other attorneys and judges. T use organizational, legal , .expertise and public speaking skills in dealing-with various governmental bodies and -. y tY P . P rtY~ _ and wills in ;.;agencies.., I.have`also taught famll law; commuri roe successions • ~ the Notarial Course sponsored by tl1`e~St:~Tammany Parish Legal Secretaries '' f Association. 1'vIy leadership and consensus building skills are used to.advocate-and to . negotiate. ; .. ~~ . . . _ ~, . ~ r . V®L'UI`d'TEEIZ'~(~AIZT~ ~C'TI~TI'~'IES ' ° NORTH CAROLIlVA: Elected to third term as Treasurer (1998-2001), and three. terms as ~. _~.. ;President (1995-98) of the NEW HANOVER COMMISSIQN FOR WOMEN. Since 1995, -the Com.niission reb larly prepares and implements an annual-program agenda. ,As ' chairnl:an~of the Teen Leadership Experience committee. led the major collaborative . .' community effortao establish and fund-'the Teen Leadership Experience (TLE), a - - =leadership and conflict resolution program which.is-now in its fourth year. •' Coordinated the TLE-Youth Summit held in January 2001. In 2001; chaired the :committee thatpublished the 12 page booklet Women's Work: a Century's Worth. In 1997 ' co-chaired.the committee that published the 80 page needs assessment report, Statics of °~ ~~ anover un for which the Coinmtssion was awarded the Gode o 's `, Women ~n New H Co ty Award, for Outstanding Volunteer Service. ' , : ~ . Secretary (1995), Treasurer (1996), Vice-president {1997-99) and President (1999-date) of the COMMUNTI'1' MEDIATION CENTER OF CAPE FEAR, INC. which provides education and training in the peaceful resolution of conflict to people in the Cape Fear region. Aa special projects committee chairperson (1997-00) worked with Dr. Bruce McKiruie~r, UNCW Department of Communications, on Eracism: a Discussion of Race, a #heatrical production, co-sponsored by the 1898 Centennial Foundation and obtained funding from the NC Governor's Crime Commission for the P.A.C.E. (Providing Adolescents Choices to Enhance) program that provides services to juvenile status offenders. Past member of the Board of Directors of WILMLNGTON HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. which provides housing for low and moderate income families, 1994-1995. LOUISIANA: As a founding member, organized, established and operated SAFE HARBOR, INC., a shelter for battered women and their children in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana.. Served as President from 1992-1993 and as a member of the .Board of Directors from 1990 to 1993. Under my leadership the shelter went from an idea to an operating facility with 4 permanent staff members and beds for 15 victims of domestic violence. Used my organizational, negotiating and interpersonal skills to obtain the support and approval of public officials and local and state regulatory agencies for the establishment, funding and operation of the shelter. Elected to Board of Directors of the LOUISIANA CENTER FOR WOI~IEN & GOVEI<;NM~NT at Nicholls State. University. in T`hibodau;c, LA. in recognition of my leadership roles in the legal profession and community:. As a member, coordinated and held a Girls Leadership Conference for girls ages 10 to 13 in 1993. OTHER BOARD MEMBERSHIPS OFFICES AND VOLUNTEER SERVICES: New Hanover Human Relations Commission awards comritittee chairperson .(1996- 2001); Slidell Bar Association, Past President; Slidell Memorial Hospital Women's Health Foundation Consultant; Northshore Hospice at Northshore Regional Medical Center; The Caring Center of Slidell, Inc:, a shelter praject for homeless women and their children, Vice-president; ~Juvene..Justlce;Task.Force under former, Louisiana Lt. Governor Melinda Schivegmann. H®N®IgS 1998 YWCA Cape Fear Woman of Achievement for Community Service Pro Bono Publico Award from the Louisiana State Bar Association for providing free legal services to indigent battered women as a volunteer through the YWCA Battered Women's Program in Slidell, Louisiana, 1990. Beacon of Light Award for my services to Safe Harbor, 1992. 144 C~ . ~ . ~ ~ . - ~ 32C1 ~'hestn~rt Str'e~t, i4~~rr~ ~CJS - Wilmingtor~,~ N~ .. `~$4G-'~-4093 ~. , - Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 749 _ , , - FAX' (9101 341-~ 1 ~Cl ~~ , . ~ .. _ ~ .. :Applic~~iart ft7r ~ppointrrt~rt$ t® B®~rrJs. ~crmrttiitte~s, end C~rstr~'te~~ac~rr~ • • ~~l?P?~i~tet/:by theJ1lety f~anovea' ~Gt+srntyr Bv~rd;~~ ~a~rr9rl'ais~i~anel's. ~ '._J.... 13~g1Jest fcar,G4ppvrnirnent to:.,' 1 ~ . _.. T ~~ f" (`~ e~'' q d~~ .. - Namss• a~ ~ +,,. ~ , l-~~t17E'• ~ •. :: :`', ~ E4~ .~ t6 t .; }7'ac~r.ldt~g,h~avt? ~/Q`!!}.~?.E'#'in1~,'., ~~ `'irk'<`._ a ...i ~iddressr t U~. ~'resrdenf of New f-l~grlc~v~r Cvvnty? ~ ; ~ ~ rg~~ .. .i .. _ - t+ify BrtCl $f8t~: VV 1 ~ 8'~liC'bt~~~fi ~. dip Cade: t~ +~`~, ~ _"7 T'e%pirone: Nome;-~~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ - business: • ~ ~ ~~ ~.~ ~` ~ ~ ~ . , "Sex: ~PY1l.~ ~~. ' "Race: ~.~~--- °Age •7his infora»rstivn i~+ ro-q~rastad fr~r the soli purpose of a^surinp tlret a crvas-section of hSo community i~ appc~rrrPffid. - ~ ° "A porsott current y employed 4y the agency~as deportment for which this appiroation is LnasiQ, mustr~sir~n his/her pcisitian with • NeW Hsnovar Coernty upon appaintmont, in accordvnca with Article VI, SBc. ~,P~.1Aa Nev,r Hanover County P®~sonnal Fn/icy. • .' Job lit/e: '~7.~ ~ a ~ ,- ArafPSSiona/Activities: - 1/altirereer.4Ctivjries.~' ~_~ ~ d~. ~t ~, d ~.~ G' ~ ~ • V!/hy do you wish ~fo serua ,pn the Boerd, Committee, ar Commission requested? ~ .. ~ _ . _. {{ ,fir ~y i .;. ., - :. , Whef <'lv you feel are your qualifications for serving an the Basrd, Committee or• Corrlmissic~rl requested? '~ ~IIG~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ E G~. Whit areas of cencern woo/d you like Yo see the ,B~arr1. Corrlmi#tee; or ~ar»rnisslbn address?~.,~ . " ~ u,~ i`~ r~+n .5s , ,Are you cur #ly serving pn another hogrrl qr committee gpFroin#ed by -e municipslrty Gr a county? . if sd,= please, Iist: .. ~~ .. - ' 1~afe: ~ ~ " ~ ~ Signs#ure ~ fPleasa use roversa side far addirianal c9mmantS!', . . ~d Wd6b:b@ Z~BZ LZ 'unr ~ 080ZSZ8®T6 'ON ~NOHd ' ; J,~N2i011d SWdI~1IM ~NN~,~ 'Q WO~id ®MM~~ I CC A~P~~I~TCI~d~~ MUSEUM BOARD OF TRUSTEES ~vACANCIEs APPLICANTS: William T. Bertrand ~-- 3 - virginia W. Chiarello ~-~ JoAnn L: Fogler ~- ~ ~' Parks L. Griffin -~- '~ ~ Jerry A. Manners, Jr. Kimberly C. Mash - Karen D. Moorefield ~ y + Eleanor Grace Mosley-Byrd D. Alton Parker, Sr. _ Donald Patience (requesting 3`d term) Robert A. Rand - Earl Sheridan.. x fi Barton G. Williams, M.D. ELLGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets 6 Applications IViUSRUNI BOARD O;F TRUSTEES ~' Number of Members: 129 plus ex-officio non-voting members 'who represent the New.Hanover County ~, Ivluseum Foundation. ~ ,~ ° 'Term of Office:. ,three years ~ . ~ ° ... Qualificationsi~ 'Any .resident of New Hanover County -who shall be 18 years of age .or more shall be ' .; .eligible to serve:'as a member of the board'. '° " 'Compensation;, none, but may bereimbursed for actual expenses incurredn performance of his duties.' Re~ular.Meetings; First. Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Museum, 814 Market Sfreet, .:.Wilmington, 'NC , ` ;Brief on the Functions: The.Board of Trustees shall: have and. exercise all of the powers, duties and.. `, authority necessary' for the administration of the .affairst and to carry out the purposes of the museum, " -subject "only to the direction and control 'of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: , The Trustees recommend, to the County Commissioners:"written policies to govern the operation and program . - of themuseum. These should include: Statement of Purpose,.. Artifact Acquisition Policy and Operations " <° ' ~: `~ Manual; construction and .improvement of buildings- and' other structures for the museum, establish,. " ~ support and participate in a planned public relations program, including concerted efforts to solicit privake . and other funding to supplement.the appropriations by. New Hanover County, particularly in furtherance - of the' capital needs of tfie museum. ~~ ~ .. ~ ~` .TERM[ -. ' CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING TERNf iEYPIItES , 6/30/2002 ' "Louis A. Burney, Jr.~ Second ~ " 6211-14~ Wrightsville Avenue ' Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ ~ Appt. 6/17/96; 6/21799 ~ " . . ~ 256-5347 (H) 251-0790.. ,., .: Sandra Ray Criner _< _ _. ., :. ~.~., Second :' ..'..6/30/2003 .10,1 Seapath Estates - - .__ ° ,Wrightsville Beach,. NC 28480. ~ (Appt. 6/16/97,6/19/00) - :256-213$(H) 25.1=8080(W)= ._ . . 'Parks L. Griffin First ~ 6/3072001 ' ~ ° 57.1.6 Ruxton Way - , ' ~ ,. Wlminb on, NC 28409 (Appt. 6/15198) ° ` - ':392-3235 (H) 763-719.1. (W) ° f' " ~IC%I. Ann Griffith _ Unexpired. ' 6/30/2003 ,; .. 8605 Bald Eagle Lane .. ~ ,~,; Wilmington, NC 28411 (Appt. 2l1~9/O1) ,. " ..686-7481 (H) - . ,~~, : • - ' _ 1 ~-7 MUSEUM BOARD OF 'TRUSTEES (CON"TINUED) TERM CURRENT MEMBERS ~ ~ _ SERVING "~7ohn H. FIaley First ' 8403 Decoy Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 686-655 (H) 962-3312 (W) ~'J. W. Hooper First 2216 Gillette Drive Wilminbon, NC 28403 _ 763-6915 (H) ;Carole Benton Jackson First 5609 Ruxton Way Wilminb on,' NC 28409 ,~ 313-0320, (H) ~ --Jerry A. Mannen, Jr. First r 1118 Essex Drive ~ (J ~ 1 " fi `Wilminb on, NC 28403 ~4 t 762-1632 (H) 762-2421 (W) ' F, L. "Tanky'° Meier First 1708 Princess Street Wilmington, NC 2840 762-9841 {H) 762-3544 (W) Donald PatiencE; Second v/'_,_.. 6512 Providence Road Wilminbon, NC 28405 686-767 (H) v'John Bernhard Thuersam First 8112 Mason Ridge Lane Wilminb on, NC 28401 395-2207(H) 763-9515 ~~ Tammie M. White v~-~~~.~ ~ ~ First ~~ 4120 Abbington Terrace ~ ~=t-~-~3 '' Wilminb on, NC 28403 ;~~ c;~-1 792-9155 (H) 343-1998 (W) Member representing the Museum Foundation : Linda Nance Museum Director, 814 Market Street 341-4350 FAX 341-4037 1 ~ O1/O1 file: museum 'TERM EXPIRES 6/30/2003 {Appt. 6/ 19/00) 6/30/2002 Appt. 6/16/97, 6/21/99 6/30/2002 Appt. 6/21/99 6/30/2001 (Apps. 6115/98) 6/30/2002 (Appt. 6/21/99) 6/30/2001 (Appt. 6/19/95, reappt. 6/16/98) ;.:. .~ 6/30%2002 (Appt. 6/21J99} 6/30/2001 (Appt. 6/l~/98) FRDNi- ; FHX N0. 910-458-6196 ~ Jurc. 06' 2001. 01: 4SPM F'1 ~ , }•, . 3'.~U C~~~'~'~u~ ~~reei. foam ~f~~' ~ . . ~ 9~ltldmir~or~, fidC ~8~~•-x.93 T~1,~}rcote t~rol3~t•»~~ ~ . . .~,~~Odr~~d bY' t~~ NSW ~$~ra~~~r aaeaty ~~' sad C'aa~ra~%~slorrar~. _ llia~t8: r~ ~ ~! I J ~ .fie, ~ ~k ~ ..rJ c. ,.. {{..yy--yy g~q/~ {~.®,g ~y ~ljl~e `'~ Jf) r {~~j~j~~ ~}LL~(~~Is V/{f) ~'~~./( ~ ~ ~,vhc~rr~ :fffara: 1C1 ~ r7~i 1' !''''' ~., j',•~ , °7dtr~ la(Ct+ssatlmmn .+a rIDgcros2a~,~r th~$Dlo,aur,~ass 0P moeur4t~ th~c t $r~va,a~sNan ~f ~~ ~canxni~riay y- ap~d~nr®d ~ „ p~e~ cvar~+ by v ~y ~+m/ ur dap't,dar ~4 Cc4tftiP'4 f3 ur~~u, n°ttirei®ar'~tt ali~f.~~r ~q,~rt~ avifit . .~ltuvld,~naymr Ca~~ty se~gr~ m~~+rrne~r, fn ~a-~r®99,eo~ t+~rdr +~sri~'~CL ~ ~ c~' day Nsssr ~Ip,+~SVa^ ~awsry ,~srnret p~G'~g,, • ~t~F'~ft?rv~l A~ti~ ~~h.~~e~r~e~r~r~'r~e. Wfty~d~ 3r~u ~vd.~? t~ ~~n~e ran the ,~o.~pJd, ,',~rru#t~~. ~r n~mt'sslar~ r~gi~a~t'} ~.~ _~ ~ ~ °~ _ mac. •~'' "-- .~ .t~ J .aJ ;~-~, $? ~ f' r .iJ ~t ~~ 3rov fee.' art. yaarr avallP,eatr~ns fcr 3~svfng Ciro rfa~ ~', ~~rt7fne~, d~/ C~rr~ro$~~c~ rp~~e'~g~'?,~~~,~+ ~ ~~ , • , . SrS~~~e 8rs~'Sr raf c~,~~~rrr ~+~uld Yd~i A'kb PQ sea~f~ ~r~~rd ~`tsmRrfdTd'~'e ®r ~t~rermLrsfgn ~®~raiss~ r- c~+~--~~~ ,~7~,a -Fi . ~i~ yaal ~urrAn tly san.ln~~n"~arrr~~lr~r ~r4~r~ ar ~arnmi . ~aa~fr7t~d By a r77vrpict~~tlPy~ cr a.ca~rnr~~ 1f ss~ ~1a,~s~ iis~ ', r lF1dIDS0 3dc9~rsvg/.rs r1Q8 Baldiriwrel mon •- / .. . '. ., JIJN .-~~ 2001: ~`,~ . • ~~ ~ ~ ,, . . t - NE~r~~f,~w~~FR~a 149 . FROM FAX N0. 910-458-6196 Jun. 06 2001 01:46t'M P2 ,ItIN-- 8-01 -dFp ] 2 ~ 35 NIICC FAQ N0, 3414130 ~'~ l: ~f~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~'E~,~s~. pre~vide three to Cal per~an~! ref~~~rrc~s: . _~a'ama Pfior~a Pl~,rrrtb~r 150 P98t~l~ Fs~x t3ate 797t ^att ~ ~ O / IPe~~~° 9 From CalQ9Dt ~ PROI7G ~ ~ P:wnu # ~ ~/~ J `` .~ i .. ~ r / ~7 f,7 F87~ ~ ~ - ~f !~ ~1w1 n •...~+~.~,+w ~.../ . . - ,. . 'Q ~n .. r ~ ~ ~ ~ U.. ,. ~F~ ~~~®VE~ ~~U~T~ - N1Ml lON~J4 Q ~ ~ 2601 ` ... , . f3OAR17 4F C® SS_ S ~~~ ~.~ ~ 320~.Chestnut Street,. doom .305_ . , ~ ~RCO . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~ ~o EQE coM~15s~oKERS . . ~ ,. ~ Telephone (9).O) 341.-7:149 .~ `FAX (91 OJ 341-4130 ' . , .. Application for Appointment to Boards; Committees, arad Commissio~s• . , ,.:Appoinfed by he Nevv 9-ianover Caunty Board of Commissionersw . .Request forAppointment to: 1~IETiV` HANOVFR COUi~TTY `MTJSEUM BOARD :: Name: VTRC'T~TTA TnT C'HTAR~'T T (~ Home ~: How long have you been a. f1 dQreSS: ~ r T."nrr~rmv n „rv ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~, ' MailidgAddress:." POS.T• OFFICE BOX 4291 - "° -City and State: WILMINGTON, NC ___ ZIp Code: 8406.` . _ Telephone: Nome:. ~ .4 5 2 - 7.7 41 ~ ~ Business: ~4 5 2 - 6 4 3 2 w P m a 1 P ' ~,ahita; , of assuring, that, across-section of the community is appointed. ,~ ceX. his information rs reque ~ d far the sole purpose: *A~es -~ . ~ "Employed by: EDWARD 7ONFS TNVFSTM`T~,t~Trf~ ' "°A person currently emplo yed b'y fhe agencyor department for which this_app/ication ismade, must resrgn n~s%herposif~on wrth ' Neal Hanover, Counr`j upon appointment, in accordance with Artic;e Vl, -Sec. 4 of tha New Hanove~'County Personnel Po/icy. Job Tit/e: I~NVESTMEDiT REPRESENTATIVE ` ' - ProfessionalActivites; MEMBER OF. AMERICAnT BiTSTNFSSTnTOMFN"~ ASS(~C'TATT(1Ny.. - Vo~r't~~etivt~r~e~:& prof women"s ~c1ub. ' - iNhy do yoU -wish `to serve on the. Board, Committee, or Coma-fissionrequested? T FEET TT~~AT T ,:. ... - ~.. ~ : r. ..,~., . _ HAUL' LEADERSHLP AI3ILIIT.E~ THAT WOULD ,COMPLIMENT CIE PRE~Et~T,Z ' .~ MEMBERS .. ~. , :, . . ~; - What do;you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? . - of commerce worker, s~1 pppporter o~ c~.r~er ~ociefC~ & whc~r. What areas of,coricern would you 1~R2`~to see the oar c,mmrttee, or mmissto address?. ~ . . .. r. ~ ~ ~ ro ~~ ., ~ r r . Are.~you currently serving an another board or committee appointed by a municipality or 'a county? .Jf so, pleasa list: REFcREIV CES: - ~. Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number ~- RF~J `ITC'TC~__FRFiIFRTKSF.D7 7E2-dS7f~ ,2. MR. JACK BISSETTE, CPP. 392-5700 3. MS. ELIZABETR~HICKMON ~ a~tY 256-8818 / /f / 152 • Ng~ ~~N~ ~~~ ~®~N~ ;~ ~ . 32°0 Chestnut. Street, Rool-ri 305 . 1iVilrriington, NC 28441=4093. ` • Telephone (910J 341=7149. ' ` .. .FAX (9 101 34 1-4130.. Application for. ,4ppointrrrent to Boards, Committees,, and Commissions • Appointed ~Y the Nebo Hanover County hoard of Commissioners. z ~ Request forAppointmentto: ? t ~ L~~~~''~~--~ ~~~L~ ~~"~~~'~' ,° / . /Name: ~'~ ~T ~~1• L1 t. ~ ~r~ ~ ) F ~ . ,~/ `~ ~ How long have-you been a.' n ~ . Address: '/-~ ~-~~ _ ~~~CY~r~ ~ ~~ L~ ~~- resident of New Hanover County? ~G~. ~Ci~'c _ ....MailingAddress ~ G~-~ ' ~ Ct~.S ~->~~? Y ~ .: . ,, ~ •' . -~.y i I ~ Zi .Code: ~~~GI City and State: ~ I lw~.~.,: C.~ ~, J. ~ ,• ,. . ~ ~ • Telephone: `Home: ! ~//~~~ '~ 5'/ _''', ~ G~ ~ Business: - ~r- C , Sex: Race: ~~tf'. *Age: /~. J .. "This infd~mation is requested for t-h~e~sole purpose of aslsuri~ng that across-section of the community is appointed. rl ""Elnplayed by• ~~~° .~.7~("~c~ t ~1~ ~~E~ / 1--=?~,~'~°--~lC~r~ ,. - ~ '. " '~ person currently employed by the agency or department for which this appGcahon ~s made, must resrgn his/herpos~tron with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article-Vl, Sec. 4 of the Haw Hanover County Personnel'Policy. Job- Title: _ ~ . • Professional Acti-.:.:__. ' • -"VolunteerActivit Wh y do you wish to serve on the Board; Committee, or Comirrission requested? ~ ;' ~r -1~~..~ =~- ~t - ~' 'a--~-L~~-' . ~~'L: ht~.~-xt;G' :~yt'~` ~~d1;~.~',~..t- .~L~2,•'~tf /~"~-.mil! ~~i-!~-~ ~~'~'-~'-~G'~~ GI-y(_ `~'~.,^_ ~1..d-d-f`-''~.rr ~-~t-k1-~ _ . .~ , ,~G!G~ ~ /e> ~% ~ ~I G~'`"~-L(,Y r~°_ { Y~~'~ ~ .C L-~r il~-~. - '~~e~-~-t,~, G%L.- / 'Li.t,,~7'-~.e~L `t`t'' ~?-~~.,~ ~~-+-~ 1Nhat do y~ou_ feel are your qualifications for erring on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ -~ ` `~~ ~ ~ f'l l~~'~r_~. ~ `f~-~.=-•~:?1' ~Z~-~...~ ~.~: tL~.-L1~ G-~~ ~ C.~a~--t~-2~'u--~-~' ~---1 ~~~c~~c-.L-,L ~~.G~.~ ~z.~ - '~ ./ ~ - ~ .~,y~ c..G ~tL~-~.% ~c. tL (~ ~~ ~ tea.. ~ ll7L.~_-G~~G-LfC~~C~-L'., ~L"-'i-' Lr~. ""e.C-~Le-e~'~C-~,U,Gi:.~; C.L~.~iC..`~a.-~ '~ ~"~1i-!R-~L`"[-.~i~=i% / ;'C/_.~J_ '. _ What areas'of concern would you like to see the Boar-d, Committee,~or Commission addiess? /~..~/% -~~' • t~'i. ~ j~.Z~c.:L ~"~--, ,L/~,G~ - ~b-'~- ~ T:L'k--~C.. -~-~(_ ~ /F=' = ~ v~.i , /~ f .L~ ~ ~ Gf',C.~ L ~ %~/ ~f!'1/--~"fsLS ~Z- G/ref'JLC.i~ ~ `1"t'~' • `~~yn..~-~.h.-d--~-<-, ,~2~.CU~1-c<. `ZL--~" _ -l' ;~ ~iz._a;._~c~-~. , - ~ U ; Are .you current/y serving on another board or comrrrittee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/easeaist: ~:. ~ _' fCI MAY i ~ 200i si9natc~e t ....~ . ` (/'lease use.reveise~'side for additonal'c mments) ~~ ~"' ~ • `-/~~ / NEw NaNOVER CO ~~: ~ .. 80 OF COMMISSIONERS •, REFE,4Ei1lCES: Please provide three local personal references: -Name - Phone Number A ,, Applicant:~~~~~i'~~~ \~~ I ~, •FRflM .` PHONE N0. May.. 29 1998 65: 36PM P? .. ,: ,. ~ ~ . ,. . ,'~s ~r7 'Chestt~trt Srr~e ; -.Room 3Q5 . LVilrrring~orr, 1~C 2c3~4?~~~093 _ ~ ' ' i elephnnb' f9 fiGl ~~ t-?739 F.~X (9701 34t-,i'730 , , ,~, App/rcatioir for. Appadntrrerrt 70 ~aas~ds, Comm~t.~s: and Commissions • .d}7polrrad by-th~ ;1V81~ ~frrrover,Ca;~nPy ward of Comarrtsslane~s. .. ; ~' • Xaquest for:r;pporrirment ta:. Cape ~s'aar 1'~az3cm T,3cs=~ of 1'^uare~s .. Names ' .Norris _; Haw fart. have ou been a Address:.~'~/la' ~ ,.reald~rt df Nsya NanOVer GaurtrY? ~~-1~,..S t4?ailltr~ .Qddre~ss: ~ ~~/~a ~~~C'!'~ ~ C.c:J~^} ~' . . . ~~~ _ . ~Tty, arrd ~dae2; __t~1 e.--iL~t /~'t~?~J~/ ", ~+.f ~. Zip -Cede; G"-' ~"r~'~ c~ . T~rle~rhone: NQma: -~..2.. - •~23.5~ 8usin~ss: _ ~~-~ 3 - ~1 '-~ • ~ .. 'Thta ,47lomvdee'pmis rvou~-ated /ar yw malm pcnaasm aP ga4udng J+ar a wmss.,ecti4n el, u`ia C9mmWtity rs aoco;ntod, . . . ' °~~:~tc yeo ~ y: "L,-T' ~-- ~'.~r~ ~'~ ~~ ~ • ~.~.L~' ~ 2~ ~ ~'r-cs-•~'~J T • °'d Pnran currenW antpteypd by yrar agency ar departrr:onrlSr yaalcA tbEr ~rp~te+aQrt ~ r,.aae, :>~TrRLYgrt hs7~AefRCSi~an wJtA ~~ Naev h'aAewrCaunry Open ~awaurmny 1n acrrttA :Yirh Artreto YI Soc d of thm HewK$novor Cnw+sp PeronnaP r"~!ley. ,lea Tr°tle.• ~~~r ~~..rr`.~~7-~;/ .~ ~ itJ~r-'",/~ ~i<v V /,,.I ~., PPafes~/cn~r~icrv,Ife .• ..~U~'~-r.~,Y ~.y8 C.rPt/'Gcn:~.~~IC ~-~,U~ VCfur7tec~+'~e'ivitie:.,' 1 ! • .~~~ 'ati'rry. da Yort wfsr ;~ s$rve ~~ tt~ Boar; `~Cmr»i#:8?, cr ~arnm;.~.~bn Yequs.;t~d~ °~ . r~~ ~f . , Whet da you k~f ere ydur.quallliCat'lan~ for' sarvm~ do"the 84atr~. CA~~rnitr~e, or 4~amrrrfss;en rt~tlastlud? r ., m.a.w...~ ' ', tMhaF areas ref can~em vcUld ;Jav li.~C~ za ~~ the Board, CirrrzitleQ, Or GSr:imlgsiQrr addres.~,~ ~. •ia-~j'~ - •. f ,,,4r® yCU c:rrranilyr srrwrrrp on another bsTaod Or.G'3rr7mrt'rae eppainrad ay a,rriunicr"~r~llry or ~a Gcu»#y?. ff sa, Fluasa list; .gate: ~`~/ ..-~ `~ - . ,rl;,natvre r ~/ /A'aesst~ro avX~sadluonat cvrvrantyt ta7 .. .+ ~ . fVFW 1~~lllC~ V~fy' ~C.~~lN7~ ~CJ.4RD Q~ C~JJ~I~lSSiC~NERS 3~0 Ches-tntrt Street, Rvvm 305 Wilmingrot~, 1VC ~84~.-1-~t?93 Tatephona (91 CJ 341-77#9 FAX (9101 3d t-4130 „~ Applicatian for .4ppt7intmeJSt tb t3aards, Commftze~s, and CQmmssfans Appafnted ~ y the New tlar:aver County 8o~rd of Commfss~onars. RagaesP for.tppaintment to: ~~~ rem ~= ~~~ 02 ~rt2a:~'9 Ptarrs: Je A_ PvYannen, Jr. .. _ Roma dfow (arty bays Rddress: 1118 Essex Drive • . resfdertt of rktew Nenaver Cnunryp 8 years ___ Rrdar&'ng Addre~3: 1118 Essex Drive, T~zZmington, NC 28403 City and Sraee: lid~.mington, NC 28403 Z(Ja Coda: 7"elephone: Home: (910) 762-1632 BusinGSS: . (910) 762-2421 ',Satz: PJ °Racr: ~ ',age: 36 '7bu n+Jormotran Ir ,squaread /or th® sole Au'Awa al .asrwJnp that a ~a-QaeGaar of the e-rmasewi ra Yow Fox & ~iannen L.L.P. ~' ~~e®d •Fm{tlaye9 ~y: , •.Y parsarr e+xrarrW in+day~d by tAo agmncY at daparm ana (or which thL,r ae rYa~ev Hdnaersr Gaunty tiyan q~ycentn~nL by a ti ~. R+r<aao~v /a mado, mtcctratJgn rtish~arP~~sn wJtA . eeo+dencw ~.vr.Jt,4r.raJ® YI, Sst. 1 ar else Now Nenav4r Cavnfy f'etsonnoJ~Key, Jc~ rtP~: Attorney fgrC(r3S.;/c7rr3d Aciivafes: N_C. Academy of `i~-ial Lawyers, N.C. Bar Association VDJ+dl7tdtrACttV(1r~5:- St. James Church, Ducks Unlimited; Historic ~~mington Foundation ~Yhy do ycu wlsh to s'2ry8 oa t}ta Beard, Ccmmfttaa ar CQmrsr(.:.::~n regxt®s; ear' I have a keen interest in the ampreciation of the cultural and historic signific~nnce of our region. ~NhaC .dc yQU tee! are your qua!(f.~c.~uans for sarvrng on the Bosr9, C®rnmiftee, or Cczmmissron re~uestxd~ I have excellent. written and verbal sla7ls and a sincere. apprec~ati~on of, thas area's rich history. ~. ,~ _... 4lthat ore,ts of t:cnorarn would you Cxs to 3se that Board Can. errfttea, ar Cotsra:issr'or~ addr,~ssP I ant interested in the expansion of educational programs for school age chaldren as well as ad' u~t a`wareness progT 6Sre you c;:rrant(Y servlnp an arrothtnr bo.rd or Comrnt"rtea ecpctnrsd ~1 y a municipality or a cet,nty~ !f sv, Ftea:r 6sr: DTot at this time. Date: June 2 1998 ~ ' ~gnatu tPtaar~ uss rovarla tide !ar sdditlanal rommantmJ (QVER) 156 ,. ~~ . ° _, , 3,2~ Chest~nr~~ Si~ree~`, Ra©m 3C~~ ' . VUilrrtington, NC ~84U ~-~~93 ^ ' ~ ~ ~ T®lap~ione f3l fl) 341-7149 FAX l91 Q) 341;4130 • ^,~~~lr"catir~rt for e4ppointtnen~ to. ~'OardSr ~~mmitt~eso end ~arramissda~as " Appo~nr~d 6gr the tVeutr ~anougr ~~sur3ty ~'o~d a)`,Comrnfssione~s. " ~' Regieest fcirAppaintment,to: (Y~ e,~~ c R ter-, ~c'~z~,~;~ c~~ 1 «.~~.~_~, • ,, ~ , 1 r^r ~, . Home ~ . ~ Now lors~. he~+e ytau been a ~ , •` Address: 1... • ~ ~`- resrdtant ®f New Hdnotirer' CaunYy? __~~,~t2~ ,• _ t M~ilmngAo'dresso fro ~~I'C~-~r~r~ l_,1]Lt,1't~ . City end State: l~~i `r1~ P.1( dip Cade: ~ g~ ~ ~-~ ~' Telepr4orse:.Home: Q i0 - t°"f~i 3-'2~3C'~'') 6usinessr ~i'~~ ° ~G 5 - ~iC.~ r^~ ~ , •• °7hi~ inforl»aGan is raQUested far tha sole pcuppae of $spurmy thmt ~ ciuss-sattion of th® community is a,~pointad. ". ~ ~~'~-,era ye~'~y: ~F~a..rrr;cz7`e..c~ ~E u.-4;~r~ ~~ ~r7~.. ~ .. - ~' °,4 ,oers^n currently employed by rr,a agcncyar departmarre for urhlth ihl~ ~ppllcatfan ig made, rrtusP resign hds/hsrposii(on wlrt~ , iVew tisnavar Caunly upam®pprarntman4 in a~cardancQ vvirh Arricle Vl, ~'oc. 4 isf the rtl®r,+yo»a~+®r^ vounrbr P~r~a~nef Policy. . -~- • +~fOfeSSrOr7as Ataivitie3: ~; ~ - . . 1+`vlvnteerAetiviti~s. Y P' L.cu;,Pr ~ ne 1=4~.,~- R,g~~~.nt~cc.r-, Tnrn~ r, .~;r),~a ~.Y1{~~,~.~ "rc:~.~ V4~try de Yov wlsls.ta serve qrs the 8o$rd, Corsimittes, or CammissionregrJested~ T~ hr~ ~ c~.r'~, . '_ , _ , ^ 1 n~o r'~ ~~ '~ r~ ~r •S~Y'tsu"zC~ ~xv~,~ i7Cr r'?<^r-~n"{"l.r^1 C'`+ c~W°i Eor` r~~' ~1~Y~.-l,~.d ~ ' . VIIh~P do. you ~"ael are yduv qualificationd,for ;~~~vin;~ ors. ate ward. ~orrrrrrittee, 'dr ~vrnrniSSior1 request~dr' . .... . ~~-~co~~ a a rr'~ o c-~~ ca ~ n m ~~ C d7rtrrrn ~~7rt_~.a2.~'~ti C~ h~..n~_e~1C1 ;err er'n '~i~r~r Vv~.~1 -J C~R1 ~'Y1 Wl~~'v` . ~ Whit aPee3 of concern.. would yQU rr"ke. to see the Board, Cornmrttee, or CarrrmiSSiOn :address? ~1 nG ~f.CC CLfY'1~ .~rC]C1C'i"1~/P ~r~~~ 1F,~I.,tt'~ n~r~ }~n'Qi ~C~('LZtr1~. C.aiiCea'zl~~ • .. ~ r 1 ' .ore yotr Gulrently senrirrg an anothar hoard or carrrmittee appointed vy:a munir;ipalty or s cour9ty? lfsa, pAeasa'list: • •. D "~ ~ -- ~ ~ .. • flat: ~ .n ~ ~ Signature .~f, f~leass use Y9slersa aids 7dr addl " e~ mm ,. ~`~1 - 6 201 f ' NEYY HANOVER C0 -• • gp OF C06~rriSSi0r~ERS '. a. ~ .157 .. • ~ , ~ ,~F~~~~~vcES: please pmv~de~ three lnnal personal references_ 1~lame _ ~ Phone 1Vur~a7fi~r B e.~-, ~ cxw -~ ~ i O-- ~ to ~ ° ~ °7 ~ ~ ..- ~r// e$p}~11na~t: 9~,1 r~~~~ ~ 1 ~~~ ` ~J 1 't,. "' '. ~ ~ .,, ~~` ~ ... -. '~, apa/}r. A pgyr [w' /pp~/f ~/' }~{p p~/y,^p ~/r ~, ~ ~~ 't . 32O~Chesthut Street; Room 305 • • 1%Vilmington, 1VC,- 28,401-4093 ' Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX -(9 101 34 1-4 1.30 ' ~. ~ '' Application'farAPPoinfinerit.to Boards, Committaes,.and Camrrrissions . • ~ Appointed 6y he Mew Hanowes County Board of ~~rnmissioners. >: , ~e~ Mme. ~. ®-~-'~~,~'~.~ a . - Request forAppointment to: ~ ~ ' .. .. 1~ ~. _ •, T~ - Name: ' L~+f`~.1t1. ~• ~`'~ ~`'~-~e 1. Hoare r. =_ . • : - long have you been a - . . Ho w Address. ~~Z~ ~~S'~'/t'u-~".5~. ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~~~_. . d Mailing Address: ~i.~ C~-J City and State: ~' N~ .h+C. ~ Zip Code: 'c .~ , Telephone;.. ;Nome: ~t ~~ • °~.~~, • ~j~ ~~- Business: ~ { ' . .- ~ ; ... Race: .. d ~.. A e: . ,Sex: ~~~~~ ~ -~,~5 ~ ~- ~ g 'This informatioyn is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community.rs appoi:ited. *€mployed'by: dv +~ . -._ ° "A person curr qtly employed b y jhe agency or deparimen~ for wnicri this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanovar County noon appointment, iri accordance with flrticie Vl,' Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. •. - .Jo6-Title: .. _ .. . . Pi'af A c ' iltu ' ~. ~' ~ VolunteerActivities: ..,: Why do you wish to serve an the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~. ~{~~ ~~''~ C.~~'cZ~Y~. . i j .. y ': : .'. 1 . ? . .: ,:.. d~cxs . ~ What do.you feel are your ,qualifications far serving on the_Board, Committee, or Cominissian requested?' .. , • ~ ~ ,~D~~ b~5 '...tea ~:~~~ ~ ~ t What areas ofconcern would you like. to see the Board, .Committee, or Commission address? - ~ - .~-' Are you currently serving on' ~~ D Date: ~ ~ ® i 1FJease use reverse side fpr addition ! co, r o~f~i (l e ~ inted by a municipality or a courity? if so, please list: U !s JUN -. 6 ~~'~J1 ~ ~ ~1} ignature ~ ~` ! ' NE~h' HANOvER CO ~ ~ , BD OF COMM!SS~ONERS REFERENCES: _: Please provide three local persona! references: Name Phone Number ,~ . ~V, 2. l ~~ 1, ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~a ~ ~..~ c~ -~ ViJf 1'if GUVi - 1.J...VL - JL VddU GUVJ ,. ~-.r111L-1 111. x.111 JIIIIUUL ~ f HUG UG ~ ' - ~ _ y~~JJ~~®.. IJ~frIY ~V9 ~If~jL/A/~)g~}/(~~f1//~~1~//. ~Y f$~~~/~ ~~'Y .. ' 320 Che$tnut Strut, Rvc~rri X05 .~ • ~ •... . 1Nilmrngtan, !VC 2401-~t793' , Telephone~t990! 3417149 . _ ,. FAX (971 349-4930 ' . ~ - .. ~ , ~p¢~licatiast for 1~~apointptaer~t` tc~ ~~,~rcPs; Comrrsitto~s, end ~dr»rrt;ssons • ~ - Appafrrted by th® -V~~ ~Ianc~v~r C~urtt}~ Board a~ C~rr~missioners. ' Rsr7uesi'fdr~ppo;n{mentio: Museum Berard •C?f mrustees !Name- ~~ ca.:acr ,•»~.ae~..~iQS.Ze-~~-~i.~zri3-: ~ , `N.~tstg " Ho~v long hau~ yotd #~esrz a - ,4dG'r~ss ~ 51 ~ t+2~ r3c3? ~ ~c~ ,rife Rn~~ tesfdertt ofNew f~~nover ~ourrry,' 25 yr. Mai(itpgAddrQSS: ,~ gamma ' R T~nsTP 4 --- . ,. ., Ci'8y and 5t,at~: .: 2I,v Code: '-•2841 1 . '1'e%~pllarte: Name: {~1i7) 68~-9952- Bus7r~ess: ~~1Q1 ~~0=2n89 exfi. 222 ' . (NkI :county School Saar} ' "S~x: _.~~,~~ ~ • "Race: ~l~;s "A9a: X51 _ _ ~. gT,'~is infnrmation rs requested far the sale purpose of aS3urirl~ th8t a crass-sactrGrs Qf ihs cominunlty is gppninted. • '' °A 17er~arf currently eri~played b y the apan ay or department forwhielY this epplicstion is rSYOd'tl, t7tttsd resrgn haslhvr pasitJotl With Rl~w Nsnover County uparr eppointdnent, in ®crordanav with Arncla ~Vl, Sac. 's of the New Ksrrovar County t~ers[7nltdl/ Policy. . .. g, ~:. . Job Title: Su~gart s~rvi.cs~s na ~~ n~tra~' 'Work~carca Draveloa~m~i7 t ,'ofessr"anal=.AcrrvitrQS- ~'~N~AE{Naxth ~'ara3.a~n~: Assac~.atian of Educators} , NSA{NatiQna.1_ ~du~aCioxi ~ssrrrciationj,. NAS$E{National ~l~.ianc~ of Mack Educators.} *VaiirnfserActivities: - ----- - ~l/hv'do you wish to serve on ChB' (3vard, Coinmrttee, dr Commission regvesced?N'~~.~ a m~ mar--•-3:~n }.gistbry_, ;.. . s f, ~ o~ _the NOrth Cart5~.Z17 c , 1• ~ .r .. •. .. ,. ::~ t~/hat do fact 'f~~! era your qual(flt:att~ons fcr serving on the Board, Corrztnittee, err Commission requested? _T - __ h " ~, .' What sr~es ~f cortc2rri wuv/d yoU like Pt7 see the Board, Committee, tar Comm%slrart ~da"ress?'-~tc~re acta~zif~es , . wo 1 P ~ to :1-h ~ ' _cra~. u o~aulatian.. sdrel you currently servin~•gn another board or camirli#tee appointed by a rPlurliclg~IFtr° Qr a countY~' /f ~+~. P(eeso list. T . ... ; 5+ tore ~ ~ate~: ~~~ Qna ' • !Please tf rnvarse si 1or BdCitfaITet camt7tartt3l . ~ " .- ~ 161, .- .. t REi-~R~IV CES: . Please provrd'e three IoC2J persona! references: • •• Name . Phone Numtrer y, Dr ° Rick HQ11; day { 9a 0) 35Q-2089 ~~tt 2(}2 ~_ vLrg ~Prt-i-ia '-'o~~ { 91 Q) ?53-5943 ~- Mrs_ L~~riia 91Q 392-QQ74 /-~Pplicant: i~osle -S rd r`. . . 162 . lVE1/V ~I.41V®i/~}~ ~~C~l~l7"lr'~ ~ ~ , ~• 320- Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ , .. - .; • 9 3 • - Wlmin ton, lVC 28401=4t~9 , . ' • ~ Telephone (9701-341-7149. ' _: FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 • Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissi®ns Appointed by the.lVew Hano.yer County Board of Commissi®ners. , • ~44,~ , Request for Appointineni ta: ~''~~5 e°u rr, ~ d , d ~ c ~Y' V,.S~°"~C:S . , Name.w ~P ~-1-F`or, Pc~r Ke~r ~ Sr. ~ ' .. . > Nome _ • , ~ _:.. .: , .. How long have you been a . Address: y~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ I e,Ctnc~C;r ~.'('" • resident of New h'anover.County? Y,~~i° ~' ` 'Mailin®~1 ddress: ~SG1 ~ ~ _ ~ , :City and-State: ~ ~,1 1'M~t'1q~['~ 3~ •C. ~ Zip Cade: ~ ~ `'~~,,3 _ ' . TeJeohane: Home: ~~ ~ a .3 J. ~ .~ : ~' Business: SQi~1 ~ • , ,. "Sex -~~1 ~, . "Race: ~} h 1~~ ~. `Age. ' l ~ ~'('~ , "This information 7s requested for the sole purpose or assuring that a cross--Psection of the community is .appointed. ., . ~' "Emplo yed by; ~2~'1 Y` ~ C~ ~ , - "'A person .currently emplo yed by the agency or department for which this application is made,'must resign his/her position with ,~° Nsw Hanover County upon appointment, iri accordance with Artic/a ,yl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. •:`~ Job Title: ` ---- .: ~ . F ~ ~ ' ' Rrofessional Activities: ~ ~ ' - ` 1 .' VoluntaerActivites: ~.hu~c~, -.'(`~.~~~~,~ QC I ,i `~ l~ 1@f S --. ~~°' 1 `~t~ t'~ ~1 1 1(~1 STY`Y Why doyou vvrsh to serve on the Board, Comrnitiee, or Commission requested? ~~Q~il -~-'#"' °~ ~ ,. -. -.:. . ;. ..: .~ '~ ' '~~. ~re~ ~A:h~ ' ~l~ ~1 1 ~ roe.. ~ .. ,- .: ~ ,. , ., ,. v - G , What do ~you'feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, .Committee, or Commission- requested? •. - ~ /~ Know l ~.~ ~~%~ o ~-~ ' ~eu~ ~.r~ o y~r G c~.~ ~ '~~'s 1~ ~ s~-'~ ~ y what areas: of concern- would you dike to' see the Board Committee; or Commissiari address? ~ ,'C ~?A.~l~ 1~C~ Y~ • -~ ~ '~~ ~- ' -~ ate'- ~e~ v a . ~ c,~ O..r' ° a- Are `you currently'serving on another board .or committee appointed b:y a municipality or a ccunty? ,lf so, please list:. ~. A~ ~ ~ 2000 . r ` ~~ ,~~ Date: ~ t ahG ~' ~ '~~Q© ., ^ _ Sl~n~tu e ' (Please use reve{se side: foradditiona/.comments) - ~ ~` . , ,~ ~.,u - n~~~ ~~~~v~=~ cor~~r~ E30A~L7 ~F CC~~/1~Vf1SSl~D~J~'f3S 320 Chestnut Street, Room .305 -Wilmington, NC 2840 ~ -4093 1'~Iephone .(919) 341-7149 FAX (919) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees,. and Commissions Appointed by the 'New Hanover County Board .of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Cape rear Museum Board of Trustees T% -dame: Donald Patience f ~'ome How long have you been a Address: h51 ~ prnvi r~Anra Rrl ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~~ ~,,..,, Mailing,4ddress: Same as above City and State: Wilmington, 'ETC Telephone Home: (910) 686-%6~i Business: Zrp Code: 28~Q5 Sex: Male *,4ace: titi~i to *Age: b i "'This information is requested fcr the sole purpcse of assuring that across-sec ;%en of the community is aapeinty+. '`Employed by.• Retired. Part time- self-emDloved medical devices con~t~l rant *'A perseri cur, entiy employedcy the agency or decor-rrert for wh,IG4 this appiicaticn is made, must resign his/her position with New Hancver Ceunry uecn appointment, in accordance wiG't Article vf, Sec. 4 or the New Nanaver County Ferscnne! policy. Job Title: Research Director. Surgical & International Division Frofessiona/Activities: ylanaged medical device R&D facility and personnel. VelunteerActivities: Past member school & library boards in Illinois - -. -„ ... '~/r;y do ycu t~/ish to szrve on the Board, Committee, or Ccmmission requested? ~b,lic. Ser~Jce , lifelong interest in history and archaeology, utilize management experience. Help .continue .current museum success. f~~/hat do you fee! are your qualifications for serving an the Board, Committee, or Commiss;on requested? Business and~Research management experience. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Nothing specific at this time. (Please use reverse side far additicna! comments) ~~~ ~ Signature . ~ONAI.I) PATIE~IC~ 651? Providence 12oad , .... ~Vilnaington, NC 2$•11 . ,Phone &.. Fay 910686.7657 ~,. .. .. ~Nlay 7, 2001 ~ A Nls Lucie k'. carrell • ,, • .... • C~erl: to the Poard of`~ounty Couannissioners ;, . :. 320 Chestnut Street, 12oorri 305_ Wilmington, I~iC 28401-1093 ~ , l nm currently'a me~nbe~ of the Cape Fear ~Iuseurn Board of ~'rustees with.rny •~ ' • second th~'ee-year teran abut to e:~pre. ;~ would like the:com~taissioners to co~asider • reappointing. me to the.~board for another term even though this eould be a. , precerlent-to the fro ®ealy"consecutive terms rule. , - ~ . .. • '~'~ae inuseurn needs a voice of m®deration ®'n the board that ~ii~ help counteract the ~rBSh of uaf~vorable publicity currently e~perietaced. -~ will prodi~e experience, ~ . ~•, su oat" of the professional staff and with anly ~a~e agenda that ~s direeted 10 '. pp , continue to make this an~aseunD-one of the best 3n the'Southeast. I would like the ~ ` op~p®rtunity to ~orkwith i0'Is ~Iaus.as she begins her career at the Cape dear ~, _aluseurr~. ~ , . Please provide the co~anassio~aers ~~th`,•~ copy ~f this lettet•. ~hah~ you. .. , • ., `.Sincerely, .. /~~~~~-u'"W ~i - - ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 1Nilmington, NC 28407-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Board of Cape Fear Museum Name: Robert A. Rand How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? 7 years Home Address: 5600 Surrey Downs Court Mailing Address: SAME City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28403 Telephone: Home: (910)350-3667 Business: (9101675-5651 *Sex: ,Male *Race: Caucasian *Age: 58 *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. * *Emplo yed by: General Electric Compare y **A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment; in accordance with. Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Principal Engineer- ` -- Professional Activities: Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Volunteer Activities: Member of ELFUN Society (GE Community Service Organization) Why do you wr'sh to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? / have attended 2 public lectures at the Museum recently and would like to encourage more such events. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ,,. General interest in and knowledge of history and good communication skills. 166 i JUN - 8 ZOOi NEW HANOVER C0 BO OF COMMfSSiONERS IV~W 1-~.~1Vt~1/E~ ~®1~NTl/ ~®A~';~ OF ~~1V11V71~'S»1V~~4~ 320, Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4U93 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the Neverj'Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: i'i ~~S -a ~-{ dw ~ b a~~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Name: ~t1 r- ( S ~ 2 r t ~ Q ~ Home Haw long have you been a Address: ~~- Q ~ ~~-21'{ W 8d(.~ ~' /~' • resident of New Hanover County? ~ `i'/'. ~- , ll4ailingAddress: ~ y 1 ,~- -2 h W a ~ ~ ,~ (/-2 ~- City and State: ~fv l ~ ~ / lil. y t'O~_ ~ C- Zip Code: ~-~ ~ ~~~ Telephone: Home: ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ ~ < ~ Business: ~ ~ ,Z, - ,~~. ~ Z /'J~ ~1 ~ *Sex: 1 r' 4 ~~- ".Race: !I Sri ~.~a ~ " ~Y'h . *Age.• 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring chat across-section of the community is appointed. * *Emplo yed by: ~ ~ l yl% "A person currently employed by the agency or department for ,which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointme..nct, in accordance witrh-Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Psrsanne! Policy. Job Title: ,~ /" D 1 ~ :~ (~a r- t5 T" p b ~ 1 ~1 ~ s ~ S c /` ...¢ ~ t -2 Professional Activities: ~ c.. ~ ~ na r~" /'-2 -~ ra ~L ~rr+ ~ ~ q ~+ ~ ~ b ~r J+rT L.~. ~ ~~ cr -e s' ~/ ~ /~ VolunteerActivities: ", T ~-' _r •G~`-? ~~ /" ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~:' ~~l[ ~~t ' °s~ ~~7'~. ~c9c, ~`~` ! ~~' j~~ d l ~ ,,~~''-tq ~ / ~` U ~ ~'" ~ a l tow /1 ~S ~ {.ae -.e° y („e.. ~- ~r U - Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? J !~ ~ ~,~4 / ~~ e w,~_, ,.. _ Q s~ ~,°~/~ ~ ~ ~ s ~~ ( -2 /~ ~~j ,~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ r t/~- p~ `~ ~ ~-g.4 . ~ y w- ~ tf o J 4 ~-Q !"~5.~~ ~ +~ -Dr~~ ~+ Cry-7~r ~ s- What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? S f/I' (~ It/c ~ ~ J7 ~`" ~(~ l ci h 1 Gr' ~'~,,rj Vr ~j ~ !~-' ~- /~ w " -i' /~'~/ ! -? ~ ~ -z Gi~m ~t t"S ~.. i What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ ~U~+>Lf ~ `"~" Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality ar a county? if so, p/ease list: D `^ ~ 2~~~ (Please use reverse si far additional comments) - __ Signature ~~~ ' ' '"y '~ . - ~., .,,.y..::~ ... ~...:."tiJ tLT' ,~-' .~ae~s ~ , has ~ ~ ~ Ci~~t}- sa~f'Ccs ~. ltstsa,~r'9~~alntutent to; l' t W S C' ~r•''t ~ 4 ~~~ o T ~r`r.~_f'7'c°e"s Hrnv 1a~ yv~ac beer a ~aic~nt afNe~v HrCoa~setyF ~ ll ~ ~/ ~ ~'~5 clt~ airs: ~, L z~ cam: ~ ~' y~ 3 ~r~~h: ~~; ~ ~ / --~ ~ ~o ~ pus:mss: '~ ~ ~ - / ,~ 3 / ""I'3ai,~ fnf~srztiors it v~q~Jsftedfor tlsc~ s,~ole purpa4a a• f'naa~ing t ra cross.~~nti~ oj'tds~:.rarremamtay is/r3ppotyatest ~ m~~~~gri $j+: ~ i' /T" - ~f"~~°~'O,f'~c~' i fr /': `u ~ ~~ ~ 7f'~-c ~ T ~} ~~ r~~' s''~1C'G~-'~'%r't' ~ --~ ~°*.4 ~rerses~s9 ~tt~ e~ployea" ~ tD~ age~rcy or a"ep~--tfnr which this radicoat~ite !s'~ade, must rs2elgro~ ~ts/7~r~aagltton Caaa~t tBB a~tatra~erat. d~ accur~t~e svJth racde ~ Sec/. 4 o,~/'tht Nesm ~H+ a~v~ Cozr'uy s~~frso-meft .Ynlicy. , / ~ ,. ,lob ?°3~~; ~ ~ u ~rC i ~ ~t ~"~ ~'~~1~~~;r ~,J` ~t,.//'~ ~ ~TS v~ :J~ ~.~°~i % ,ti'c' c " c d~iLYf2334Cei~s ~6t~!'~t~Bd; ,,,~~G ~~ / ~~1 Ca ~~'1 ~/t, O' ~ L. 3~'olatts~ss°.4ct~tlea: T /t?~.~ }o ~ ~~ ~o t r' ~r~ •,~(Gr°'~ ~~ ~ ~ c~c~•~.. ~zs .S ~ , ~~ o~ ~~`' ~ ~'9r}, fldo,y~se tvt.~h to serve o~ ~e Bam't~ Com~ittaa~, or C'~arsdvsion rt~esa'~c~i ~. .~a:~f ~T P°C,57'z~~r ~~,~f''i ~~//Ytrt ~ ~7c.a.t c ~c'•~Gnsa~, O%' / .-r° s e.as f ~'SI !~ ~.G7 ~~ s ~. c. ~c~ ?'~~~er~' ,ors ~ .~ ~i.`f Co.-~...~, ~.~,,`a~`~ . d3~tar dv yr~a,~el ara your qu fall~8cct#oma for serving av~ d~ Cor~~it)aee, ~C~asR-,~ivaao~ r/rq~esre~ !7 ci~i~!ne.5-s 7'D ~f~dr° ca. ~i5ng ...3~u'll.M~ ,~~+lSa-w I tG7~rt__1~.~_ / // .-'~' ) !ZU r !`P~.%~rrS l]i'_ST~'+~ c.#n~ /ri y ~~`f S 77~ T~s ~Gr'•~`'~?~''~ A73rcrt ~.,~ ®,{cntecerei graudtl3~ !6~ ~ set tha ~s~ C,~mmttfea, arCarramisslAn addr~rs? ~_~ uerw aemaas~ah 17:1 COMMITTEE APP011~1TMENTS PLANNING BOARD 2 VACANCIES APPLICANTS: David A. Adams _ Jeffrey R. Bellows John R. Canada 3 + McKinley D. Dul! John K. Batton 3~ ~' Michael J. Keenan Andy Milis ~ ,~'--- Jesse J. (Jay) Peterson, Jr. Tom Riggins Anthony M. Sease Curtis John Wright ELIGIBLE 1=0R REAPPOINTMENT x x Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications r; IV>EUV xA1vw~R coulv~~: P1~A+~rrrIlV~ l~o~.RD ~ , . . . . Numlaer-of iVlembers:.7 " - Term of ®ffice: three. years ,;~omtaensation: $20.00 per meeting - - . - '~ Regular-lVReetings: First Thursday in each month at 7:OO:p. m. in the Assembly Room of the New -Hanover County Courthouse, 20 North Third .Street, Wilmington, NC, ",Subdivision Review -..Committee meets twice monthly on ~Iednesdays at 4:00 p. m: in the Planning Department. ." _ ~~ Statute or cause creating Board: N: C. General Statutes 153A-321: Tdew Hanover County=. Ordinance and Resolution establishing Planning;Board dated-September 2, 19$0, for the purpose ~` .of planning and making recommendations in order that the elected and appointed officials of the .County. may competently perform their duties. brief on the functions: Make studies, of the County and surrounding areas; determine objectives"' to be sougrrt in the development of the study: area; prepare and adopt plans for achieving these ~. `objectives; develop and recommend-.policies, ordinances, administrative procedures, and~other means for. carrying out plans in a coordinated and efficient" manner; advise the Board of . • - Commissioners concerning the use and amendment of means.. of carrying out plans; exercise any functions in the administration and enforcement of various-means for carrying out plans that the. , Board of Commissioners may direct; perform .any other related duties that the Board. of ' -Commissioners may direct. Much of the Board's time is consumed with Land ~Jse Planning, Zoning, .and Subdivision activities. ~ ~ - , ., , - - . T~RIdI ~"RESEIiTT'~.I' TERIl~' C . 'ANT M~Ni~ERS SEIZ'V1~TC - ~X~'IR~~~ ;, . .. ~, -,Walter R~.~Conlogue . _ . ~ . -.. .. _.: ~ First 7/31/2D03 ..; .._." -.,_ ,-- - , '102 Braxlo Lane. ~ .. , Wilmington, NC 28409 ~ {Appt. 7/10!00) ' ~ 395-2190(H) 392-1111 (W) ~ ~. ~ ~ , ", .~' McKinley D. Dull ~ ' •~u First. 7/31/2001 . 314,N: Green .Meadows Drive ~ ~ ' ' ` "' Wilmington, NC _284'05 - (Apps. 7/13/98) ~ ` . 791-971.1(H) 395-6036(W) David C. Grardot First 7/31/2002 ;: . 92? Radnor Road . Wilmingtori, NC 28409 ~ ` (Appt:.8/16/99) .4521078(H) 962-3151(W) :~~ ~ - - . , 1.73 NEW PIAN®VER COUI`~1TY PLANNI1~tG B®ARD (CONTIIeTUED) TER>VI PRESENTIIY CURREle1T MEMBERS SERVIle1G Rodney Q. Harris P.O. Box 450 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 256-3004(H) 256-4475(W) Michael J. Keenan 4700 Wedgefield Drive Wilmington, NC 2$409 ~ 791-6148(H) 313-3344(W) ~, ' Ernest 1. Punkas 501 Prince George Avenue Castle Hayee, NC 28429 675-2453 (H) 675-22670 Robert Franklin Smith 1308 Edgewater Club Road, #10 Wilmington, NC 28411 686-5573(H) 256-69190 TERM EXPIRES Second 7/31/2003 (Appt. 12;16/960, Reappt. 7/11/00) First 7/31/2001 (Appt. 9/21 /98) First 7/31/2002 (Apps. 8/ 16/99) First 7/31/2003 (Appt. 4/ 19/99 reappt. 7/ 10/00) Staff Support: Dexter Hayes, Planning Director 414 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 ., .. 341,-715.. .. ..., . , .:..; :, 7/00 File: IPlan f ~ 7~ Application. for Appointments Pale 1 of Z - '. . ~ ~ " X20 Chestnut Street, Room SOS • Njilmirlgtot~, NC 28401-4093 ' . • ~ Telephone (910) 341-iI49 FA<Y (910) 347-4130 ~ . ~" . •.' , -: :. .Application for Appointrazeiit to ~oarcds, Conznzittees, and Conzznissions . ,. ~ . ,Appointed by the Ne~v Hanover County ~~artl of Conzrrcissioners:.;. , Request for _Appointnzenf to: e w -l~nw hng ha~~e you fieen q resident ~f Neu Hanover Countti~?; /:ys~^, (~~ `I- 7~ (9y~ - ~t - ~~ hr~ ~"x.. / 3_y ;^s, , .., • ~. ~ Honse,.4ddress: .. I `~~' /~vc r. t~ r,~ ~: ~:,-~, ~,~.- h~ailtligAddress: , Ja.'~, ~ :-- . :: ,: • ., „. ~. . Citt~ algid Stater .. : ~ c. K: c ~ Zlp. Code , ~~ e . .. ":. • _ s ' Telephone: Houle: _ ~ 1 i G ~4' t - s=~! `i 3 _ Business: ~',/i~ °~ :` •*This information is requested for tlae' sole pzrrpose of assuring that across-section of the colrlmunity is appointed. . ' *Emplo~~ed big' ~ r~~ ~/ .. - .. , _~~'~ . •' **.A~person currelatly enzplwed by the agency or departmeni•for which this application is lilade,anust resign hisiher posit . " Cqul~ty~ upon dppoil~trnent, in accordance wtth article T'7, Sec: <l of the New Flanover Cautrh~ Personnel Policy. •: ~ ; .. .. ~, . ~/~ r ',Ioh Title ,- : y . , _ ' Professional,4cfivrties: <v~ e ~ ~f-~. ~ h ~c~ ` ~ ~ , .I~olunteerActivities: Cµ ~~ ~e~~, ~ i.,,.; e~,.w, '/ ~; ~ ~ ~""c~~~, e~~ ` .. bt'7w do vozl .h~ish to sense on the Boarcl, Comtnitlee, or Commission requested?:•~ .. _`~ //~~ ~ • I'~hat d0 y0U feel are your quatlficatrons for'sen•~ing on the Board, COni1117ttee, Or Conllrllssion Ye,quested? ' ~~ ~ '~..r CY/ '~'~: G., ~ ., Yy ~,7 c.. r61~ ~y~/o.L~vc.r~ Yh ~ ~: ~ti~ .. - ~~ ~ , ' J .. ~~N -.4 X001_ • ~• ~ file://C:\MyFiles~Application foi Appointments,htm - .: ~, ~ ~= '~ 5/30/01 .. . hEw figraovFR Co ' D Of COMMISSIONERS- . ` Application for Appointments Yage ~ oz ~ u~~rat areas of concern would you Itke to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? V .1' , G: C C - V~ Ct. ~ ( L! v'~a~ ( Y!~ ~~ '~ Gc ~ ~%l Cc ~' ~~ i c~LCa ~, c.~°. i tR, 7~"(' "L~ U` v P,-~-, ,~-i r~ ~~--~.E j .~' i„ ~ef } ,~ ~• ~, -~ .Are yoit currently sensing on another board or committee appointed by a municipality` or a county? If so, please list: /U .° Date: c~,~ ~ ~" Z ye l Signature ~' REFERENCES: ' Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 1. cj ~ c' : 7 0 -- yJ- z y 2. f-~ . 1 \ c;~ ~ e i J-~ ~~ r c~~ :~ G Z - 7 ~ 7 J .. 16 • file://C:\ll~IyFileslApplication for Appointments.htm 5/30/01 .~ a 1`~1AIVIE: CURRICULUM VITAE , David Arthur Adams Social Security Number: 240-40-4098 Date of Birth: 11-26-31 Place of Birth: Lakewood, Ohio ~ ADDRESS: Dept`of Forestry~.- Colle~e of Forest Resources Box 8 0 - 102 Jordan Hall eigh, NC ~ 5-8008 ~ TELEPHONE: (O~fic -7789 ~ FORMAL EDUCATION: 752 ,t Lane ig , 615 __-- - 47-191j _-- Date Degree Degree Institution Major Field of Study Attended Earned ' B.S. N.C. State University Wildlife Cons. ~i Mgmt. 1949-1953 1953 , M.S. hT.C. State University Wildlife Cons, & Mgmt. .1956-1957 1957 Ph.D. N.C. State University Plant Ecology. '. 1959-1962 1962 ® I®d®N-ACAI3EMIC PIZOFESSIONAI, r~NI~ RESEARCH EX3PEIt:IENCE: Employer ' Speeialization Dates Total U.S. Army Infantry 193-1955 2 years N.C. Wildlife Res. Comm. Waterfowl Biologist ~ 195j 1 year N.C. Div, of State Parks Chief Naturalist 1957-1959 2 years I.C. State,Museum Curator 1962-1963 1 year N.C. Div. of Commercial and Commissioner 1963-1968 5 years Sports Fisheries President's Commission on Commissioner 1967-1969 2 years • Marine Science, Eng., and ., ,. <.,:..,.: ,.. .:...:,M ,. .._ „ ,~,., ...~.~~ ::~. Resources National Council on Marine Senior Staff Member 1968-1969 1 year Resources and Eng. Dev., Exec. Office of the President Coastal Zone Resources President 1969-1976 7 years Corporation Ocean Data Systems, Inc. Vice-President 1969-1976 7 years Coastal Zone Resources President 1970-1976 6 years Corporation of N.C. N.C. Dept. of Nat. Res. & Asst. Secretary for 1976-1978 2 years Comm. Dev. Natural Resources 17~ ti ~' ~ ~'EACHING EXPIItIEI~1CE: '. ' ~ .. ,-Total, ~ . . .., Academic ' Institution Title Specialization : Dates , ~ Years N:C. State IJniv. ..Visiting Assoc: Prof. Nat.'Res. Policy & Adm.,, 1978-1982 .. 4 years __ . . - (UNI & FOR) Env. Assessment . N:C. State Univ. Assoc.. Prof. Nat. Res. Policy &.Adm., 1982=1987 S years. (IJNI & FOR) ~ ~ Env: Assessment, Env. Sci. ~ , . -.N.C. State. Univ.' ~ Professor, Nat. Res. Policy & Adm., 1987='1993 b years. ~:. (KIDS & FOR) Env. Assessment, Env: Sci. N.C. State Univ. Professor"Emeritus • Nat..Res. Policy & Adm.,,..' 1994-Present (N1DS & FOR) - Env: Assessment, Env:'Sci. ~ .: . ~ - ,, ' ~ -~ - .,. ~ ~ ~. .~ _. ~ t~ . ,• " . _ ,, _ . . a _ ~ ~r~J ; RECENT PUBLIC~TiONS y Adams, D.A. 1980. A geobased environmental evaluation system (GEE) for use in marine and . estuarine environments. Report to the National Coastal Ecosystems Team, U.S. Fish. ` ' and Wildlife Service, Slidell, LA. Raleigh, NC: Water Resources Research institute of the University of North Carolina. 110 p. Adams, D. A.; Hargett, D.; Seagroves, J.A.; Day, J.W. Jr. 1980. Evaluating impacts upon estuarine-marine systems - a review of three conceptual models. Repori to the Office of Biological Services, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. Raleigh, NC: .Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina. 162 p. Adams, D.A. 1980. Wildlife habitat models as aids to impact evaluation.. The Environmental Professiona12:253-2b2. ~ ' Lancia, R.A.; Miller, S.D.; Adams, D.A.; Hazel, D.W. 1982. Validating habitat quality assessment: an example. Trans. N. Amer. Wildl. and Natur. Resour. Conf. 47:9b-110. Adams, D.A.; Benninger, L.K.; Hosier, P.E.; Overton, M.F.; Reed, J.P. 1982. White Oak River Management Project Final Report. Prepared for North Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources .and Comm. Dev., Office of Water Resour., Raleigh, NC 11 p. and append. Adams, D.A.; Overton, M.F.; Gopalakrishnan, T.C.; Wei, J.S.; Cressman, G.M. 1983. Solving Species-habitat functions with geo-referenced environmental data. In: Lauenroth, W.h.; Skogerboe, G.V.; Flug, M., eds. Analysis of ecological systems: state-of-the-art in ecological modelling: Proceedings of a symposium; 1982, May 24-28; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. New York: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 992 p. (p. 399-409). t~dams, D.A.; Overton, M.F.; Reed, S.E. 1983. The Currituck Sound Management Project: an integrated approach to natural resource decision-making. In: Hernandez, J., ed. A healthy economy and a healthy environment.: Proceedings of a conference; 1983 May 11- 12; NCSU; Raleigh, NC. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina .: Enviioninental Studies Council. 432 p. (p. 295-311). _... ,., }2 ., .. ,.,.,, ;.,, ;;.-.. ,. Lancia, R.A.; Adams, D.A.; Mead, R.; Strait, R. 1983. Development and validation of habitat capability models for national forest wildlife management indicator species. Final report prepared for U.S. Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Dept. of Forestry 121 p. Adams, D.A.; Overton, M.F. 1984. The impact of salinity introduction upon fish habitat in Currituck Sound -- Results of species-habitat modeling. Report prepared by The North Carolina Dept. of Natural Resour. and Comm. Dev., Office of Water Resour., Raleigh, NC: Water Resources Research Institute of The University of North Carolina. 29 p. Gale, J.A.; Adams, D.A., eds. 1984. Cumulative impacts of peat mining. Final project report. CEIP Report No. 40. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources and Community Development, Office of Coastal Management. 418 p. ,-, v ... - '1 Lancia, R.A.; Adarns, D:A.; Lunk, E.M. 1985. Temporal-:and spatial aspects of species-habitat rnodels:.In: Verner, J. e't' al:, eds. Wildlife 2000. Proceedings of an international ~~ symp.osium at Stanford Sierra Camp. FallenLeaf Lodge, 7-11 October 1984. 470 p. (p. 65-69). _. ~~ ~' ~. Seagle, S:W.; Lancia, R.A., Adams; 'D.A. 1986. Spatial and aemporal aspects of'red-cockaded ~woodpeckeT habitat management on the Savannah River Plant site. Final report ~ . submitted to~ the U.S., Forest Service, Southeastern Forest, Experiment Station. Raleigh, , NC: North Carolina State University, °~epartment of Forestry., 55 p. + append. Adams,. D.A: 1986. Wildlife habitat mitigation, reservoir development.. Poster-demonstration presented,at the Forestry Microcomputer Software Symposium, WV University, - ,. . . ' . - ~ Morgantown; WV, 29 June - 1 July, .1986. .. - ` Adams, D.A.; Barnes, J.S: 1986. First Colony Farms reclamation plan. ~ CresweIl, NC: First ' ~- Colony Farms. 27 p.. ~. ' ` Lancia,. R.A: Seagle, S.W.; Adams, D.A.; Lennartz, M.R.; Devine,. H.A. 1987. Integrating _ '. -timber and red-cockaded woodpecker habitat management..Transactions 52nd North.' ` :American Wildlife and ~TrTatural Resources Conference: ; 41-52. " `Beagle, S.W.; L.ancia, R.A.; Adams, D.A.; Lennartz, M.R. 1987. A discriminant function mr~del _ _ -~ of habitat suitability for the red-cocl~aded woodpecker. Environmental Management . 2j:45-56, ,. Adams,- D.A.1987. Microtus chrotorrhinus carolinensis, rock vole. In: Clark, M.I. Endangered, threatened,: and rare fauna of North Carolinas. Occasional papers of the . - °' :` - ~ N.C. Bio': -Survey. 1987.-3. 52, p: (p. 48-50). ` Adams, D.A. ~ Buford,' M.A., Dumond, D.M. 198,7. In search of the wetland boundary. _ Wetlands .7 (1):59-70. • . Lunk, E.M.;.Adams, D.A. 1988': 'A pre- and. post-construction evaluation of the'Chicad'Creek ~..... -,.Watershed; ANC,. , Vegetation analysis subreport ._Wildlife habitat inventory subreport. =•s: . t : ~ :•r-~-~ ~~, :~-•-. Wildlife utilization subreport. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Institute _ , - for Environmental Studies. 34 ± 21 + 15 + .p. + append,-, - •, :_ _.. . . ,. ~.. . Adams, D.A. Renewable resource policy:. Alegal-institutional approach. Covelo, CA: Island, Press. 580 pp. ' ~ ~ Adams, I.A.; Hammond, J.S. 199.1. ~ Changes in forest.vegetation bird, and small mammal ~ . populations at Mount Mitchell,~North Carolina - 1959/62 and 1985. Jour. of the Elisha ~ , K . .. , ,, . :Mitchell Scientific Society 107 (1):3-12. • ... - . .,. _. - ., - . ~ ~.~ ~1 . r . ' INTERNATIONAL EXPEItIEN~CES August, 1972,. Mexico -- Assessed the potential environmental impact of the Las Truchas steel ..project. on estuarine and coastal resources. The proposed Project included ore mining and transport,. a new steel mill, a planned community, and a new harbor, and ancillary terminal facility: (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development). ' April, 1973, Kenya -- Field review and assessment of University of Notre Dame's investigation of Aedes eQvpti ecology and population dynamics in Radi villages near Mombasa. ' (U.S. Department of State, Agency for International Development). August, 1973, British Virgin Islands -- Environmental assessment of calcareous sand dredging. (Hurych Construction and Mining, Inc.). November, 1975, Philippines -Field review of Auburn University's acquiculture development project (Milkfish). Assistance in developing environmental assessment methodology and techniques for water resource development projects. (U.S. State Department, Agency for International Development). ' November, 1975, Indonesia -Discussions with governmental officials relative to organizations of environmental agencies and programs. Assistance in developing environmental assessment methodology and techniques for water resource development projects. (U.S. State Department, Agency for International Development). November, 1975, Thailand -- Discussions with governmental officials relative to organization of (` environmental agencies and programs. (U.S. State Department, Agency for International ` -/ Development). ' January, 1976, Iran -- Review of weather prediction needs for fisheries, recreation, and - agriculture. (Ocean Data Systems, Inc.). August-September, 1.974, Kenya, Tanzania -- Field review and assessment of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's investigation of Quelea bird problems. (U.S. Iepartment of State, .Agency for`International Development):° ~ - - -~~ -" May, 1987, Argentina -- Water pollution modelling and environmental impact assessment,' Parana Medio Hydroelectric Project. (Food and Agricultural Organization, United Nations). February, 1990, USSR -- Discussions of environmental issues with Soviet counterparts in Moscow, Kiev, and Minsk. (People-to--People Citizen Ambassador Program). " October, 1991, Russia, USSR -- Leader of 22-person environmental delegation in discussions with counterparts in Moscow, Routov-na-Donn, Kiev, (People-to-People Citizen Ambassador Program). May, 1993, Russia -- Attempts to develop sport hunting business in Siberia. 182 ~-. .. vl.~,f,J~,y~ D6/27/2fl01 16:©fl 91fl3~36248 ,. NL;,.rUtzlS Mraliv,l.1~EPI-. rr~ut n>.trJ~ hitpcl/wyvw.co.new-hancfiver.nc.us/CC/apply.hCix~Applicatzon for Appot~atments' .. ~ t'a~e ~ ~oi 1 . 320 C'h~st~~ut Strccrt, ~Rov7rt~30.5 ' .. . .. ~~ilrnir~,~tan;'NC 28401-4(}~3 . Tc~lc~phr~r~c~ (~ I t)j 341-7'149 - • ~ Fr~,l'' (9I f)~ 3-1 / -41311 . . ~~p~facratrr~~r f'ar:~pfrr~inta'aaerzt Po J~mcrt°cls, ~'nrraratit7ees, cerarf Conan~.r.,syaons ,~~poanfc~rl ~~ tdie Nea47 Fftanr~ver Cr~u~rt}l ~aae~i a~~~;orn~rrei.~'srr~rzer•;~. ` .. ~. lsc~tluesr~fur.-Jpholrurrrc~r'rr to: __-~7t ~k Ytbt r 1'~-_ _ _ ~f3Q_~~_--" , ------ _ [-- _ .. .----- - , J ~:.. ~ J __-- ----- _..._ . _-. _.-_ . Nr~rr lcne, huge }'au heer7 a rc~siclenl ~f Net~'.l'/crnrn'er' E'oztTtt}' j ----__.: ~ Q ~ .'~..~-5 -----~_.__..~_ -- l~rrrnf; -l.cldr`es,ti ,.~~/ -- - .__.__ _..-- -- ----- - - - ` ~9t1r11Y1;yr ;~G11'h'G1S ,-:1LA.'d"r•1 '~....." ..__.....--- -- ._._..-- --...._ ~7~' D~ • - f ity crnrl.Slal¢ ~ ~ a t~'"t ~ x'1. ~ Yt_~ ,_) V L/ --- --- __ Zrp C.'r.)Je: _-.~ -- - ---- -- , ... ' - .`~ lc:l:?hr>rzc: !-(nn7r: p ~~' 1.3itsrncss: /4-' -3~3 ~~°~~~ "Sex: ~"~ ~ / *RUC':,'. 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PAGE 02 l~ttp://wwtiv.co.new-hanaver.nc.uslCC/~pply.hem.~4pplicatia3~ {:or tlppointrnents Page 2.0~ 2 ~lrhat nrecrs of c•vru•ern ~,~cuxld yuu like to see the liorrrd, f"on?r?~ittee, a• Cotnxn:issir,~rx address' ~l`~s.~`C_~ c~"~s,./`_~- U~~ ~ ~`~.y~t~k~ ~__~3.~s~.5s_= ~_. ~4,.~~s..~?e= ~~~ c,~5~.__.~_~ / ~ ~.~ ~_. ~~' ersos~~~ m e+~~" n~ ~,`~-g w~-}-~ 7~e 4~b1~c w~l~4re. ` Qclr'e~;t~ row ua~'~`~r ~1f •~: /~ ~---- ---------- /~f { ~. i ~~ ~ x`C3 D L1.1"`t.~°.C' }^S ~4-t`l ah ~i~t'~r`CJ.J ~ ~ plt~ pto ~'~'- ~C..~-f,~ C rreT i k N op ~ ~ +~ ~~h--r ~ITr oGt e. i^_5 .-(re you currexcl}~ sen~in~; vn anat~ev ht~artl c?r cD+rtt~tZee crf?pon~reit h~./a xr~e+taic~ipcrlitj~ ur a cvz+nta~° Tf.sa, please 1rsC: L?crte: _~a ~oJ.---.-----Signurrrre izr_r• i~~iu:rv~~~~s: Please 1xro>>i[~c: l6rres local pensonnl references: Nan~c Plane i~Iim~l7er f /-~p~t~ ~"~l a ~~"_`,~..~...__...'~'~~1~? , ~~~c.0 J~ t^ ! trC1~: c..~~(.~~uta~,..5 °~'~. Ld'---~°~.l _I _....~w.._.~.~_...~.~------ . ~ S ~'s ~- hLtp:l/www.ea.new-hanaver,ne.us/CClapply.htm 6!27/ 1 1 06/27x'2@@1 15:55 .91,©3436't~}8 •,NC PORTS P9AIN'[,DEPT, PAGE @3 ~.~Y I~. ~~I~CIWS .•. , ` ~° 5414 Beretta Way Wiimingto~, NC 28409 9I0/392-2337 jbeila~vs@hotrnail.cain _ •; • !~®'~JC ~'641V . ~' Dec. 1996 EJT~IIVERS1a~.OF i~EORTT-I CAROLINA A7; WILMINGTON Wilmington, NC , Mister of Br~siness Adtttitristratiota ~; June i 937 I=LORIDA INSTiTUT£ OF 7'ECl-IiVOL.tJGY Melbourne, F1;,, - B. S. +Dcea~t Engirceerittg June 2001' ~1V. C. S~'ATE POIRTS~AllTHORITY WilminE,rtan, Morehead City, Charlotte, and Greei~sbora, r1C • to Present ~'acilitic~s i9fctrtcrg~r ' Jan. 1997 NORTE-I CAROLINA STATE PORTS AUTI-IC~RITY Wilmin,~ton, NC . to .Tune ^001 ~'a,ciliti~s 11'irrrtta~er, 33'ilrriirt~rtort Tertttittrl • Sept:• 1991 .` NOR'I1-I CARULI.IVA STr~TE PC)12"CS AUTI-IC>Rl'I'Y Wilmington, Mc~rel~ead City ~i CE~arlotte, NC - to Dec.. 1996 Crtnstructinn .Cttginec~t• . • March ~k990 ~' '7"ECTONIC ENG1N3.;1/I2ING C©NSUI~'1'AN'I'S, {'. C. I-lighland Mills, N1': ' ' . ~`toSept:1491 Praj~ctEnglrtc~sr . . E939 McGOEY HAUSi/R & T'DSALL CONSULTING ENGIN>;EItS .. New Wiridsar, NY & Mzifard; I'A ` co t~)90 tr'ivil ~it~itiecrr - • ' . t988`' ~I', C. E. A.SSOCI~."I"I;S, lll'C'.. M.iiford $c ivlatamoras, PA. ' ~~~ to 1990 l'rriject ~'n~xitacet• - . t9$S PAN AM WORLD 51/R~IICES, TNC;. - ACROSPAC.E L~lzf. Cape Canaveral Air ~©rce Station, 1•L to { 986 ... • F'tcilitaL~s Etr;~ine~r ... ,. - t '' .. V.9 tl 9 iWY9 f\Y Lstl lilt®YI V.I 6:. '. '. I*tew l~~f~owor C'oueat~ ~onirtg.l~oAa~d of Adjatstrnceat Mel~c:A• (1996 -1~resct~t) ~ Coraima~nity Aclvgscary Panel,'Wilrnin~ton Region Chemical lndustty '~'icc ~ltais-mtett (1.998 - Present) ® ~Sho~ola '1'aarrnship Planning ~omtnission Chairman (1,483 - 194 i). .. : . ;_. ~. l~le~v I-~annvcr F~umane Society ~orxrd of 1)ir~etors Clsairanan {{999- Present) .... ® Leadership Wiimingtrin(i99i-Present). ~ . ' ~ 1`Te~ Hanover Cc~nnty Building Catninittee Meattlter (E 992 - E 998) . ' °: 1~'ew ~I<anover Cauntyl City of Wilmington Comprelaensiwc Pl:~n I.n£'rastructare Swbcotninitt€~e M.eraaher (139f3) Sunset ~';trk l;l~rrtentary School i3usincss/Scha~ol PartnerslsiP 1'ragram (E998=2d0U) ' ~ . ~ Recipient of the. i)niversiiy at'Nortb Carolina ai ~lYilaa~ingtatt 1997 M1IA f~chievernent Award (Ma.y 1997) .® Whispering Pines .~oaneowners Association Ilottrd oTl3ireciors ~icc President (19.96 - 1997) ®, >~ig Sw•cep 1?ragram (1995 -Present) - . American Management Association fntea•national'i1~Iember Info. 20644488 American Society of Cidil Iungineers Member No. 322531- ' ~ Beta Cvarnsma Sigma 1`Iational l3-xsiness School s'f~onor Society Member No. 59U8I 0 (inducted Oct. 1 y9G) ®:.'Ptti l~agzlpa Pl~i l~tational 1i'Ionor Society Meanher Igo. 7789092 (inducted April 1497) ' m. t.Tniversii~+ of Nr~rth Carolina aY Wilnningian ~iliranni Associati©n l~leml-res~ ' ®'Sons of the American Le;ion Metstber - .Post IO Wilanin;ton, ~1C ~. ` . °; .. - 15` Application for Appointments Page 1 of 2 i~~~~ 3 ?0 Chestnut Stt~eet, Roo»a 305 ~ r, i ~~ ~ +~~ ~~ I~I'iltnington, NC 28=101==1093 ; ~ ...,.~ Telephone (910) 341-7149 i F~x(91o~ 3=~1-=~I~o I _ ~ -~fiA"~ 2 ~ ;2001 Applicaiion.forAppointment to Boards, Committ Appoat~ted by the Ne~~~ I~anover County Board f`, Request for:4ppoininrent to: ~L~~~/N~ E7 ~~~ Name: ~Of~ ,C.. • Cii'QQ//r~~J,~°~ 1 Hot+~ long hm-e V~ar hecrz a resident of ~~e1a^ Flanover County? ~~L y__ ~~.eS J/~'~ ~Dt~~f~T~~~{/~~3 ~~i ~-3 ~c•~• ~~ Home Addresss.• ~~ :L1ai li ng Address: Cite and State:"' /[..~~~~~~ ~1. e Zi p Code Telephone: Horne: %I~~~~~" ~~ ~0 ('~~``~~ ~ ~~~ Business: *Sex: __%'~' P~ G ~ _ *Race: ,~t/~'~S/.~7,:/ *.Age: *This information is re ue.sied for the sole purpose ~?fassuring that across-section of the communrty zs apportzte ~~iz~~~~: ~ssoc. L~ior~J A~1~ ~o~ O~~/ous~• ~,/6~'G; ~/. ~ ~~-~.~ ~/96S°9Z.) **F,tnploved h~-: /Upa/' ~/14D~0 '~ ~AOod , --~C_ ~$ ~~~ ~~~n~~~~ **_4 persorrcmrentlti: employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, naarst resign his~lzer positi Coznzt`v arpon appointment, in accordance ~ritlz,4rticle I/I, Sec. 4 of the Ne1~~ Hanover Counh~ Persorzrzel Policy. .To1i r tle: ` L,4~o~ '¢ ~On'y~I ~~iAe ~7~>i2, • ~~~ ~5~1~- ~~ .. .. Professional <4ctn~ities: I-'olunteer Activities: 'L.O ~i06"L~ ~~/~' ~~~rr /T/~1+4Tbl~ rCb~ LO~n~- /11A~+1.O~~Fh7T ~ON,O 97 a~~s../L-irr/!~'y ZYC-,e L~."''tra~..~~~ni~.~.~r-' /'~~ ~87~~~[Cl'r--% ~ ~'~' ~erl~rr'~~~~ C F. ,~odr~"~"n.~~~r~~1, /994-95 -- ~-~-7~K G'0~'1'I/Y1 f r'T'~ ~ Yr~S, /~° ~`. ~~J f~'~ID /EX.~. ~~TUi~" ~L-'1~Sb~On~C~ /~~,.SSoiQS TT%zt, do you wish to sense nn the Board, Committee, or Corrrnaission requested? ?" sl~os E,~cou/-~~b6E~ ~ s'~2.~t/C ~Y sic. ,c~BLrc-S,~i~~~', 1de~vs~0 Yi7zat do you feel are your qualifications for serviizg on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? , ~ /,60j/~• ~TIJ/~~ ~~i,+Jt~~ ~6~~-S fJ>,/O ~'i~15rC/~' ~t~/t~~ ' p1li LE~t1s~"D, pia LOGO ~1°~.~ok 4D ~,bUS~ ~ /-/~o~~F'~'0~1~i! ~Cl /9~8-~'~ '~ _~Z ~ ~C/,~/~ Ir~iT~2,1'.JF ~~' ~E~'sl~c7sL~ /a1~z,,_Q~l_c~~J_G~ •~_~s~i~ http://www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/cc/apply.htm ~''~ ~~~~ ~'~~~ S/8/Ol Faye ? o f' ~ . Application for, Appointments. ~ = ,. r., ~ `~ ' ~ bt~~rai areas of concern 1~~ould you like to see the Board, Committee, or C mmissiof~ address? _ ~: ~/eJ,~' n/o ~G,07i~Rrj'(' E~4 rPlr~ 4f~~ i' fines T~ ?~Y' /'~O "~I,4~~' ~'!.~ , Ji - sJinl~ ~P.E~M~'1 ~~t~ t~,/r~~c~ 1--IiL< ~~"' /~,1 7,~og',BESr ~ti~~~ fJ~.T,c/~ ~G~~F" oc7~ Co~J~" ~a.~e-~ ,~s~,a~~- f~T'. L,v~/.o Use- IJ~,q.~~~'~~ Arm' ~~R- ,C~L~J~ QIJ~G~yy ~ ~1~~ Are you Currently sernin~ on another board or.contmiftee appoi~zfed by a mztmcrpalrh~ or a;county? If so, please list: - ` .. ~o,~~- ~_ { ~' r ~ _ - - ~ NCCF Headquarters: 3609 Highway 24 (Ocean) Newport, NC 2857D Field Office: 38D6-B Pork Avenue, Wilmington, NC 284D3 Mew Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Rm. 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4095 - June 4, 2001 RE: P~pplication from Mr. John R. Canada for Planning Board Vacancy Dear New Hanover County Commissioners: Please accept this letter as a recommendation for Mr. John Canada for the imminent vacancy within the Planning Board for New Hanover County. Mr. Canada has a professional background in both engineering and in .arbitration; and he has extensive experience in reading and interpreting development plans and associated documents. This combination of practical engineering experience and mediation should make him a valuable .addition to the Planning Board. In (` addition, Mr. Canada has a history of citizen involvement within our community, ~ ~./ and these contributions have been summarized on his application (attached): ` It is my.opinion that Mr. Canada understands the need to balance environmental issues and citizens' interests with the need for economic growth, and I support his application for an appointment to the Planning Board. Thank you for your consideration of this very qualified candidate, and please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, ~~ ~ ~~~ D ~~ -Tracy E. Skrabal JUN - 7 2001 Senior Staff Scientist tJEri' t;ANOVER•CO BD Ot COMt~".ISSiUtJERS cc C. Herlevich q~~p T. Miller _ _ 1 ~ V J. Canada ~ i l (~~[~11~ ~/gyp ii r~, its ~~~)`~~ I(f'I ~~[a i" ~i ~i 7~ ~ i' ~i (~~i~• _. NCCF Headquarfiers Phone: 252-393-8185 ~ Fax 252-393-7508 ~ Email: nrcf@nuoast org ~ Website: www:nuoast.arg _. _.. Field Office.Phone: 910-790-3275 ~ Fax: 910-,790-9013 ~~. t ~L_ . .,. - - ~. .. ,~ . - B'®ARD- OF CO/i1111/1lSSl_~1VF'RS~.. .:• 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ . i' - ' " Wilmington, NC 28401-4053 . , • Telephone (910) 347=7.149 • . . ,h • ., FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 , Applicatoon for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions • Appointed by,the lVevu Hanover County Board of Commissioners; Requ2sL for Appointment to *~ v County p~ anrinc~Bo'a,-d ~. (Vamp: McKinlev D. Du11 ~ - ' Home :. ow`long have ou been a . H y Address 6300 Seamist Ct. •. resident of New Hanover County? 10 y:~,s . . .., - Mailing Address: 314 N- Green Meadows Dr.. - ~ • 8x'05 City and State:. Wilmington ~ ~ Zip Code: 2 - .. ~ 791-9711 - , • ~'usiness: McKinley-Kerr Building., Corp. ' Telephone: ,Home: . .. ' , . .. , .~,~ r ,: ~~ 5 ~ ~ ~. "Sex: Male - "Race: . Caucasion °Age: ,. 36 . ,.. , °This•information is requested for. the sale purpose of essuring that across-section`of~the community is appointed. ~ , mp/Dyed by: ?McKinley-Kerr Building. Corporation ~ ~ , °'A parson currently emplo yed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his,'her position, with `' New Hanover Coursty upon:appointmen6,~in accordance whh Article Vl, Sac.' 4 bf the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job 7"it/ei .President- •: Professional-Activites: pFNC TrI~ 1 minctton Contractors Association(Board Member? VolunteerActivities:. Cape'Fear Rotarv Why do you;vvish to serve on .the Board, Committee, or Coinlimission requested? It, has,. always been in my nature., to dve,of my free' time"'to things that I.feel I can make: a. difference. -. What do' you fee/ are your qua'lificatians for serving on-the •Board Committee, or Commission requested? I -"" am a.county resident with a•degree in Civil Enaineerine CState Registered) _ . _ -What areas of°c'oncern wou/d you /ike to see the Board, Committee; oi•Commission address? 'Generally ~ . speaking, toPmake educated decisions regar~in.g county..planning. ' Are.you.currently serving on another board or;committee appointed b.y a municipality qr a county? Jf so, please lr'st:, ~ ' _., . ~,~~ 2.6 1991 - . - .Date: /_ / . - ~ 9nafure .. /Please use reverse side foi additional comments) A^ID~/~~,rQ. • ~ ~ • - , ' . n~~W ~~~~ v~~ ~®v~v~~ ~ ~~ r-' ~.- r ~ ~ '~~~ i -,,~ ; ~ ~~ ~fl ®~ c ~n~n~JS~J®~~~s 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ` ; ~ .' ' ~~'01 ~ Wilmington, lVC 28401-4093 _ __ N~NI ri/,r~~; ~ ~ ~n Telephone (910) 341'=7149 ~D OF CGMt~ ,;,~~;; r,S FAX (9 f 0) 341-4130" ------. Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees; and Commissions Appointed 6y the IVevv Hanover County 'Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: Name: ~ ~'~/f % ~~ ~ ></~/?%J// Home ~ /~~ How long have you been a ,c Address:" ~~~" ~~~~%O/~~ ~-C~)~~r7 resident of New Hanover County? /y ~i.~,~)fi; S MailingAddress: ~~ ~~ -s«tu:~_- ` City and State: l'Ul ~ ~"ilrJG-TvFt~ ~~~~ Zip Code: 07 ~ ~i~. Telephone: Home: ~~t5 ~ ~ ~ 7~~ Business: "Sex: ~ % "Rar,.e: ~~~-~ #Age: ~o 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring thaP a cross-s8cbon of the community is appointed Employed by: ~,~ y/~~-~ '- ~-L~iJS~y~I~~-7/CjtJ ~~~P,~,'f?L,c/`7fo~~T ~C~~ST COX.1slJ~7i~.' / ,* ° °A person currant/y emp/Dyed b y the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. d of the New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. \ .Job Title: //'~~l-"'~57~Gi1-~T/~~i`-- ~S-iS7,~~1~~, o ~-~G~L ~/~~'I Professional Activities: ~!G~.=S // (-,4"7i ;~ LAC,' T r~'S ~-c=~~ ' ~~.C>,4-~ Y-il~:'L1 - VolunteerActivities: ~~/ j ~ ~ l C„~ ~ ~~,,~--lCti~r_i?~~.Y ~~r~~ue l!i- Why do you wish to' serve on the Board, 'C'"ommittee,. or_Commission reque~s/t-~d? j~% ~~~~-~„~~~~ .i-.~.Z~. ~..-~~,:~~~ l!1ir ~ ~~r' /~~i/,?-.,.. 1 /O,-~/ ~l i/li!'"yt-)l.~ L~?r~ ti~l"~~ -J'L~(~i/i!`,7,C / '`- L~ Y/~"L~.,!-tift~ i l~Z'L~- ~~~..1~L~~~ What do you feel are your qualifications for seivirig on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? / ice' ~~~c~~-- ~/~`~~21~~ 'l~~'SlI i~~,~r S /,G`c~'t~,(J(~ /'J~C~c %~ i C~,Q i r C0/,;~~/~-C7~~~~.~l~J;sz~/~7in~? F.S~i;~-j~.~ ~~pt1; CFS j-CC~1,rSVL~/~7)rJiLj ~~~'~C~~7J/-~ ~h~SIG/~, {~~[~CV;~ici~lic~'~;i7 ~ 1`7i.C1tC7 SiJ,~2~vi5iD,U E1~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? C~.7,~c~a?s_,,E%~iT ~~r?C S ~} / / /~..a ,~ _ .. „/~ /i~. ,~ /1 S?2r,~. ~~~f G .7y/.n,!li1- - _ .i'r ~ ~ n dOIJ... - ~f, /-,: 4 ~~ - - - J ~ - Are ~~yol/u currently serving on another board or committee appoin#ed by a municipality or a county /f so, p/ease lief: ~: l~d~ •' 190 ~ L Date: c~Z ~,~ O - Signature ~t-~.'-Lv~ ~~ ~~7,~ . (Please use re~ vers de fo additional comments) SEP 14 '98 D3~28 FR WACHOVIA-WILM 91D3133340 TO 93414130 P.02i03 lV~W I~AdUC.? ~~'R C~3UlUTY BC~,~RL~ ~?~ ~~11~11/11SSIt7;t~lFRS 320 Ches~tnur Sfr•eet, ,Room 3U5 Wilmington, t~'C 2S~'•0 T -^0.~3 ... . - -- TeleAhone (9TOJ 3-~1.7;,?9 FAX;9r413•~r-^r30 sapptic~tion for Appointmeflt t0 8oatds, ComrnirFees, and Cor°TJnissior~s Appointed by the New Hanover Co~rnty 8r~ar•d o~ Crrramissr'arrers. Revuest J'or ,4ppo;rrrmanr ra:.._~lew Hanover County P1 ann~ng Baard _ _ Name• M Q Name t-la+N iDn~ ttaue you been a tlddress: 4700 Wedgefi ei d Drl Ve resid~nr of rVew Nafiover ~ourtry? ~7 VedrS total ryJa;l;ng ,4ddress:_, 470C 1~~~„~ef~~el d Or~i_y~,_~, Ci[v and State: ~~L,L~lI1Q~clit~ Nr,~th (`arn7lYly~ ZiA Code: 7f34i}9 Tele~hon2: xorne: 97 Q--791-614$ 6uslnes~: 91 Q-313-33A~4 - •Sex: Male °Race: __ t~hite °~~e: 37 'This lnformntiarr i r®gvesred /or the sot~a Purpose of assuring fh9t 9 crass.^action a( th® comrnvnrry rg eDOOrn tad. ,°FrrpJoyzdoy: Wachovia Mortgage Company _ "~1 parson curranrty a~mGldyad 4y tha eg®nay or denarrmant tar ~+h;etr th+s doptiestion is made, rnuzf res+gn hl.Yri4yrPasrrron with Ivaw Hanover Gtiurrty open apydinrrnent, in accrar~ranca with ,drri~ly v!, Sar. a o! rho New Hanover Caunry r'~rsann-i Pvlicy. Jo4 7•irle: Can$tructi On L~ndi nq_ Officer -Vice President Profess+'onal:,et;v;[ies: 1^filiTlingtOn -Cape Fear Home Builders AssoCia°Cion Vvlun,serActivities Saint dark's Cathol°IC Church wyy do you wish to serve on the ~°oard, Committee, or Commi~,;ipn requested? I am both pEr50nd1 i Y and ~ ~ r i r sense approach in dealing with planning issues. Whar dQ yorJ feel era your oz/alifications fa! serving on the 50arp; Committze, or f_pmmisN;nn requ2s=ed? prnfprt~i ona11 v haves ~YtA~c~,rw knnun add i n the d v l onmpnt & ~,l anni ng anal vsZ,S & feQl these skills wauid be beneficial in reviewin~ & resolvin~ conflicts during the approval b;~hat areas o! opriGet'r7 would you I;ke t0 S8~' the BGCrC, pmm;[[e°r yr ommt:;sron addrzss? Z would like tp see a consistent approach used that is fair to all parties involved. _, ire yvu currently SerVirrg on an0fl~2f Do2rp Or Committee appo;nted Dv 8 m.urforpar;[y pr o county? !f 50, please /tS~: --...._._._.._. ,JCL - ~ ._ ._......... Dare- September 14, 1998 S~gr;ature _ fr"~859 V+'g rB"9rSa Soda' /mar 4a~~fron al ~arnm an l,rl 192 N~VU HANOVER COUNTY ~OAR® OF COiV1MiSSIONEFtS ~~~1~';-~;i`~1~'~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 - ~ „~ , ` , , Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 i ~~ ~~ `~.-~` _ Telephone (910) 341-7149 /~~~ F~~;~t~~a (',~, FAX (910) 341-4130 ~~~ ~~ CQM1~~r!v~i^„;-RC Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Planning Board . Name: Andy Mills How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? 10 years Home Address: 1209 Tremont Court Mailing Address: P.O. Box 12073 City and State Wilmington Zip Code: 28405 Telephone: Home: 791-0804 Business: 790-8584 ext.105 "Sex: Male 'Race: White ''Age: 36 "This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ~1 'Employed by: Cape Fear Engineering, Inc. "*A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Project Manager .Professional Activities: Soil and Water Conservation Society, international Erosion Control Association .. ,.. _ _ ,.: ~,..,:. a. ,,.r, ~ ,_. . Volunteer Activities: Supper Optimist Baseball League, Cape Fear Youth Soccer League, Eaton Elementary School Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I feel that's its time forme to get more involved with community issues and I'm requesting areas in which I have some experience in with my engineering and development background. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? In the engineering and development field I have had to become familiar with planning issues and I think this would be an asset in serving on this Board. h What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? At tsdo not have a real coricern. ~ 4pplication for Appointments ~~~~ X20 Chestnut Stt-eel, Room SOS { Lfil»~inbton, NC 28=11-093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-=110 Application_forAppointment to Boards, Committees, air :4ppointed by the Ner~~ I~anover Coanty Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointrirent tn: ~~ 6 ~~,o f ~G~u~vl~C //~ Hot+~ long Izave you been a resident gf.lrela~ Hanover Counh~? . , ~ yE.~ T +3 ~ `~~ Home:4ddre,ss: d' :/©~ -"! l ~ 5~~~ ~t Y~~~ _ ~-Sailing~lddress: ~4-Ls'~ City and State: i~-~~1~-.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t / Y C- Zip Code: ~ ~ ~°' ~ !r Telephone: Home: ~ ~lp ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Business: ~ 0 ~j *Sex: C~ *Race: ~~ ~~ S/~ *t2ge: ~D ~ *This information is requested.for the snle purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. **Enzpl~yed hy: -~.~ - _ ~~~ ~~- • ~~-- -" ~ J~~t'~£. ~ PA~1 **.4 person cxrrrently employed by the agency or department for ti~~hicla this applicafion is made, must resign his/her pnsiti Caunh. upon appointment, in accordance ~a-ith Article T~7, Sec. =1 of the f'~%ew Hanover Couran~ Persomzel PoGcv. l _ ~ a ~ . Joh Title: ~EV~6~f~ QF ot, t;~4°4 £ ~~Jag l ~ t~ tllCc Professional:4ctivities: ~/4WtG.~dlt,~ ~ ~~ " PK•E~5lDE/'dT ~EGf /~~ ~~1 ~ $~lL~/1U~z (.Qb{,~'1 • - et.~r I'olunteerActivities: t~E~' 'X.Q(~, ~F'L U~LIt`~'~ l i)1S~ Ci~~~f~1LC.~d'~ ~46~I~'~ 7•/~(~~~s Ti7ZV do you wish to sense on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ZGS_r~(.~c" ~,~ ~ fll K CCD~I~tUrV r i~~~~~~~f_1°_1L~1~~ - l d ~f&Z-~- vdL ~ l~£ Gr--~ca~~ l~~o~l~~~ `~ ~v~.7~~t~_~5~1~~~~~`'~~G'1Vg- So 7b~is caMO~CJ~~ T7 c-zJl CL 5?7G(, ~ $ ~ ~'~-~ Fug, a ~ R. 6~~IL Gl (~ t-i~7tat do you fee/ are your quali ficatinns for sensing on the Board, Committee, or• Commission requested? , lQt~l~ ~l~ ~~~`vS ~l C foG~k7l~(16~ _~1~~_<~~ .~~J_~: ~,~'" 1 - u.JE2L .43. S -1OG~! O!> T ~ L ~ . ~" x r~r aEtUCE' ~ S 1'TgGi ~-' ~l~eatl~l2 {-a!Z d°(~ ~C/ 5 C5~ ~ LL 5/ ZG.S http: /www.co.new- anover.nc.us/cc/apply.htm 5/S/O1 Pale 1 of 2 L~ ~ U ~S~I MAY 3 12001 NEw HANOVER CO BD OE COMMISSIONERS Application for Appointments ~ Page 2 of Z .' idjhat areas of concern mould you like to see the Board,. Comrnitiee, or Commission address? ...~ C4~7e~ .~ .d1~oPTIDN D~' ~ ~lIdJ~Fd~ ~~~~J ®~l~t~l~Nc~ !3`~ • :C~ v;~s 7~ ~ ~~t o s~r~~n.s l~cufd`~u~ ill !1~" l~l~i~tc97" ~~SP~~s~~` 5 - St~717~{6 ~ Std ,~.L~ CS S ~ ~1 ~~vl ~~w? . `..Are }lau currently sensing on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county?1f so, please list: ___~ ® • ,. Date: Signature . REFERE.~rCES:. ` . • Please pro~~ide three local personal references: . ItiTame :~ Phone Number' . `~ . _ ~. ~: ~. ~Gf3.~L~ /~~ l~~ - 375' . . ... : ... ~~ . ~ - http://www:eo.new-hanover.nc.us/cc/apply:htm ~ ~ ~ 5/8/01 'r. ~ - ~ (~ ~ f ~ ~_ ` NCCF Headquarters: 3609 Highway 24 (Ocean) Newport, NC 28570 Field Office: 380b-B Park Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Rm. 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4095 June 4, 2001 RE: Application from Mr. Jesse (Jay) Peterson for Planning Board Vacancy Dear New Hanover County Commissioners: Please accept this letter as a recommendation for Mr. Jay Peterson for the imminent vacancy within the Planning Board for New Hanover County. Mr. Peterson has a professional background as an architect and land developer, with extensive experience in land planning and conservation design principles. Mr. Peterson has also served as a Planning Board member in Gorneiius, North Carolina; and has a long history of volunteerism and. community involvement. We are very excited and impressed with Mr. Peterson's understanding and commitment to balance growth with citizens' interests and conservation practices. For these reasons, I support his application for an.appointment to the Planning Board. Thank you for your consideration, of this very qualified candidate, and please do. not hesitate to call me if I can be of further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, r i~ ~~ ~ . ~ ~ ~~~~~. ~ Tracy E. Skrabal Senior Staff Scientist CC: C T 1 J Herlevich Miller Peterson ~C~C~~M~ JUN - 7 iCO1 NEVr' HA;NOVER CO e~ of cor/,r~~~ss~oNEas ~!'1fLCif~ t~j~i~'ill1~ ~i".~Tf~l~:~j r~%.','~t ~iCldi~~~~'.i.)L;'~-~,~ NCCF Headquarters Phone: 252-393-8185. ~ Fax: 252-393-7508 ~ Email: ncrf@nccoasi.org ~ Website:-www.nccoast.org Field Office Phone: 910-740-3275 ~ Fax: 910-790-9013 F ~' J FEB '20 2801 ,15?;32 ~FR IBM WILMINGTON NC .910751310 TO 3414130 ~ P.OZ/02~ ' . • Application for ,~gpointments . .. ' ... ~ . Yage •i ~# Z p~~p , .,. 32f~ Ch~strrut Street, Rac~rn 3~~ - • , • .. Wilrningeon, NC 2$441.-~(3~~ Tefephorie (910) 34'7-71~t~ „' ~ ~ ~ - . • j FA.?C (910). 341-~ 13D ' 't i. ~ .. ~ .. l . ~ppiicatiora, fdt' ~4~pointment tQ ~~~ards," C®mrPrittaes, and ,C~~amis,~ions ~: ' •. • • , Apf~UJ17fZ'f~ ~J/j~r ~jJ~ lVB1j11~! ~Y~IPO~I~jP~~:a'clAf}r ~Dc7i'd ~3~ $:d9 ;.•' Fequest far'Appnintmenr7o: ~;-, / f--~/Y / /y U"' LJ G~~~4f'" . , , • - ., /• ' h/owTong have you been s residerar of New Hanover ~'ounty.? ,~ l~ L.- t"-' •. t ~ / ,~ •• ~1 ,Nome Address• . . , t ~-^ r,/~ iVlailing..Address: .:J ~ /7 ~ ~ . • .•~ / r `.~ ' ° airy end State j~l ~ I / r ~ 1~ ~ ~ G'° !~{ ~ ~/ ~ dip Code: l / • . Telephone:. Home: ..• A^~ ~ ~ ~ .~ tf .Business: ~ ~ ~~ ~~. ~ _ • ' 'Sex; ~ ' ~ "Race; "'Age: ~~ Thi$ information is requested for The ~o/e purpose flr assuring That across-section ot. the community Is a 9 ,~~.,. . ~ ~ - _ , ~ ~. . ~.. ~ ~.4 person currently employed by the agency or ~lep~rrrnent for whkh this applicarioa`is made, in~sr rest. appointment, in at:cordance with Article VI, .Seca 4 of the Ne~~, Hanover C©unty Personnel PQlieu. , •, ;, Job Title: ~!/~ ~ • f •_~ ,~ ~ .,~ . ~ •Professianal~ictiwities:, ~ j1 ~v C ~ ~+ ~ / J'~ ~r~ I~~ L !/Olurltear.~CtlVitiCS: ~(!~ C..~ / / "~: G~ ~~r' ~ 1~ ~~/'' 11' .C.i' f~"G+'Gj~ 4`r 1d •~''"~r• YVhy do.,you~ wish to serve on the Board;~Cor»mi"rtes, car Commission regriesleri., `~ p~ • , ' _ ' Whet do -you fee/ arc your qualifications for servir7g:or:tlre Board,./Comminee, or Camrnissr®n.'rnq~ues7'edl ~ ; ~/ - , What areAS~ of concern would you tike to see the Board, Comrnitree, or Commission address? a/~vw~iw.cc~:new-hanaver.nc.us/CC/ lic.. • agp htrn Q2/Z0~2 FEB 28 2001 15 33 FR IBM WILMINGTON NC 9107916310 TO 3414130 - P..02i02 Application for Appointments Page 2 of 2 Are you currently serving orr anopth)er~jtroard or committee appointed 6y a municipafity nr a coifnty~ !f so, p /t/ 1J .. ~77 _ ~ REFERPIV.C.ES~, Please pravide three local persona/ references. Ner'ne Phone Numf~er ~' ~ fir, -~,. 2 i.~~.n~-~®v~.nG.u~ccr~p~~.~ntm a~or~aox ~ TOTAL PAGE. 02 mm c; ~ , ' Page 1 of 3 . • ;Application for.Appointments a . r - ~. , - / Bl ~ }V N . ff 1 Y ~ 4r ~Pi is V 9J / Y ® T p~j ,fie {.°~ ~p ~ A ~y ~+ ~+g n ~ ~+ . .. .. 320:.Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~' ' ~° Wilmington; 1VC 2840T=4093 , . . ~ Telephone (9101 341-7149 _ .m ., FAX (9101 347-4130 m . Application for Appointor®nt to Boards, Committees, aid Commissions - - ; . ~' Appoinfed by the New Hanover County Board. of Commissioners.. ' Request for Appom tment to:. i~l I-~G ~ ~ av~ ~i v+~ Co rYt ~fLt i ~ s i Dell 1 ~ ' ' Name: h~ °~ ' How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? ~ t_~o,t~ • - ` Nome~Address: Zb~l ~aix.~,~~ ~~o,c,~ 11Jri4tn~-Sv~tiS.r Rr...f)„~ Zb`i`~o •' Mailing Address: .D, Z Ltl~ G ~vZ ` ; City and State: 1~;~t~cj}rnn N ~- ~ _ Zip Code: Z~~-I~f7Z- '. ' Telephoner Hame: '?,5~~ 1 S l ~ ~ .Business: '~~4'3-- ~ 1 l D . . . . "Sex: .P~a1~ .•. 'Race: C~;^La ~'a.-. 'Age: '' 3Z " ~. This m ormation ~s requested for the sole purpose o ,assuring t a7 across-section of zhe community i ~ ~.- ~ ~ ~ a • t ` ~ ~ ~'*EmplOyedby: Cid~-t~c.~. LL.G ~,e(i__r^±wa'~y,`~i~j ~ Ae/l~ •t~-icasti B `F(~~„ ~rr~r~{~e~-i`~ , . ~ ~ "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this applicafiQn is made, musts' . ' ' position with New Hanover County upon appointment, ;in accordance with A7ticle Vl, Sec. 4 of the Ne , ~N y Personnel Policy. ~ . • 6/20/01 http://www.nhcgov.comlCCiapply.htm • ' ' Application for Appointments - - . . age. . . N ,. , Job Title: ~ New' Vr ar~sv~t• n~ /~ cry ~v,S ~ ~f µ ~. ` . ~ Professional Activities: - . ' ~~ ~{ r ~ ~~ F .;,. ~, Volunteer Activities: ..,.: . ,,..,.. . m Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commissiojn requested? , ~ ~ a , m ' , `r'te i i 1 , ° } 1 ~ ' ~ "~ b v^ ~ `~ 51 oe+t 1 yI rJ 4` l~w~ f./l . • What do you~feel ate your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requeste ' ~ ~ ~ ~N~ . f ~ ~ .. ~~,, ~e ~ (. f ~~ ~c aS ~ ,racti5e`NY a- 9 eVd . Gov, -t=-1 Caw. rlF,ai areas of concern ~ould you like to see ih~ Board, Goommittee; or Commi ion addre Fjo/i/ ', ' a ` . riother board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyr it o • . ,' .ore you currently serving on a _ ,.~e Application for Appointments Fage 3 of 3 m e REFERENCES: Please provide three local persona! references: m m Name Phone Number m' 0 m Q 0 a 0 0 r N ~' http://www.nhcgov.com/CC/appiy.htm b/zo/ol 202 ,,Application Por ApFointments - ~, 1'a~e. l ot~ 2 ,. ~~ /~~®V~~ C~i~~~ ..r ~ : ;. ,~ 320 Chestnut Street, -Room 305 , . ~~.. JUN 1 1: 2~1i~~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 , . FAX .(9.1.0) 347-4130 ,. .. "NEW HANO'JER CO ~ : , . -. i ~.BD`.Of COhtiMiSSIONERS , ' - Application for Appointment to Boards,Committees, and .Commissions , Appoin fed by the IVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. "' Re nest for A ointmerit to.• / V/7 ~. ~G/~lr/y~i b~ '~~~~ - , q Pp / Name: ~!/~'!/S ~~~,,c/ l~~%~T How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County?. ~ ~ yt~jl, Nome Address ~/t1Gf~/~,/~ (~~~~)S . ~~ (~~ - vr0~ Mailing Address: ~ ~~`n~'C - . .. .. ~ ;. . ' City and State: - la~/L/'~~//„/~? 7-G/~..~ , , .. ,!Y~- ~ ~ ~ Zip Code: ~~G~ _ ~ ' Telephone: Home: ~l :(J ` . ~ ~ ~' - ~ f O Z ~_ .Business:(~ ! ~ ~' 3 aG Q *Sex: ~~~ ~-LC *Race:. ' ~~C.~f.:S~rii" _ *Age: ~°7 . *This informaxion is requested. for the sole purpose or" assuring that a .cross-section'of the. community is ap ' ' .~ ,~ " *•*'Employed by: ,. ~ .I L/(~/}"~~~ /'`t" S~=CuP I I /~ S _ ~ . .. r *`*A person currehtly employed by the agency or department for which this application •is'inade, -must resi with New Hanover County upon appointment; in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover C .. Policy. .. . Job Title:. f j~ia/i/ C-//~'L ~~.~G'~.:- ~7~~/~ ~ ..'` } . '~r !'C 5 ~ ~C ~- .. ~ . ` °. Professional Activities: ~/r7/rlC ~;'Srr/~S ~~%'StJL~/~?!~ M>~~G'l//~; /`~~~~?'~-~~'t-~~`~~ULT`~~? `.. Volunteer Activities:. ~~/!7~/ Ol//~~/[L O/ ~i~~1 Gy='"~ s /~ . ~J~'('l 2- i C~~~~cC C~~~,~; ~~i~~~ 5~''OVZ. ~ t~~ ~- ~o~/._-r~ roc: m(3 c~ ~ ~~z~~~/ c . Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or'Commission requested? '~~7-U~ ~~o~--•! ~ /~l`~~- .~(/~z `-( .~J~U~ /c~ ' ~ ~ ,~~i~i/I~ yir/~ %~ L~E1~~~ ~' ~ CbvaJGi L:~ ,. _ U .~~~1-7 ~ J~[J~~^/r~/~/~~'. J~l'~C~r~s . ~P~.~ -TD ~~~ ~ '~"d,~, ~l~Mr~~-r~'~`~ off-" What do you feel are -your. qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission reque to [-~_~ ~ /C L1{ ~~J claLtl "G~ -1?~ ~iJ~-l~'L-- Cf~'1~?c,~~!/~ C~? ~=~J~z~ r ~,vs ~ ~z ~_ yes .(~ ~ ~G ~1~~•~cr~ . °.1.~-u.~~ Use , .~oJ~r,(~~ n~~y~~~ 1 'l1.rxJi /7~i4'r~~~~ :~-5.S</~ S,. What areas of cor~cern would you like .to see the Board; Committee, or Commission address? .. ~ . C-•~rt/c~ /~ S`/k P[~ /~t~~J~r¢-Ti ~ ~J~ ~~~ I.1'c JfLI~'~ ~ ~%'/~'./.~. S'~ L~ . http://www.co.new-hanover.nc:us/CC/apply.htm 06/07/2001 p,pplication for Appointa~nents Page 2 of 2 Are you currently serving on another board ~or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, ,o RErERE.NCES: Please provide three local persona/ references: Nine 1 G~~-~-- Phone Numbe: ___ ~-s z -~ s~ ~. ~ ~7 ~-~ ~ ~l~ _ ~ ~J S ~ _ _ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~# _ `-~5~-- --- 7 `~ ~O ~ 3. ~ ~ t ~ `~ j ~ ~ `~Z ~ ~ ~ ~r - Q 7~0 0 ~. ~~`~ 5~ ~ P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .~ ~ G e ~, ~,-C-~~L ~1~C~-j ~5Z-~3~( ©~+~~IC ~, ~ "7 ~ Z ` ~~ 4 ~ ~6 h'( ~V ~~~~J ~l ~(t~1vVti~ T ~ nlt:~ll1~. ~ f9r~6 ~ l o00 1~ • 3 ~ ~ ~ ;) httn://wvwv.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/annlv.htm 06/07/2001 ~- - • - ~~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT - ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE - 24 ,NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 ~~ WILMINGTON, NC - July 9, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) ~ a.2~a.- o,~,'~r ~ ~ h i c.Gti i 5 w P~ I a~.d-s ~r 5~~r OO a IU n q S ~j'~~" 2: Approval of inutes Adjourn 1 - PAGE NO. 20~ 207 205 ~7'his page intend®nally left blank} 206 1. j NEW HAIVOVER COUNTY DOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/09/01 Water & Sewer item#: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~~ Department:: Governing Body .Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: -Water and Sewer Agenda -Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting, June 18, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of minutes. .FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ' ITEM DOES NOT,REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER' MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~~ Approve minutes. I COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: . ~c~E~iNTY COMM(~ION~~ l+PPROVED p~--- . RirJECTED C3 liE~~~DIIED C3 ' PDST!'Ol~ED d ~~7 (~ ~ . I ~w . ~ 207 n 20~ {This page intenti®nally left blank} ~~~~Ui~aBi~~:~~ '~ ~, .~. ~~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ., a ,;ry 6 ,~ r~ CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS July 9, 2001. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - 8. 9. 10 t 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ~-- 18 19 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. Approval of Minutes 211. Approval of Governor's Crime Commission Grant Application 213 Approval of New Hanover Public Safety Communications Center Agreement and 2.15 Bylaws Approval of Diabetes Today Grant Application for $10,000 from the Diabetes 225 Prevention and Control Unit, North Carolina. Department of Health and Human Services Approval of Cape Fear Memorial Foundation Grant Application, $75,000 for "Lose 229. Weight Wilmington" and if Awarded, Approval of Associated Budget Amendment Approval of Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Grant for 2001-02 and 231 Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #02-0001 Adoption of Personal Health Fee Changes (offering 2 new vaccines), Ne.w Medicaid 233 Rates for Medical Nutrition Therapy, and New Federal Poverty Guidelines for Sliding Fee Scales Approval of Conveyance of Pender County Parcel to Cape Fear Community College 239 Adoption of Resolution Requesting NCDOT to Add Roads in Marsh Oaks 245 Subdivision to the State Highway System Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 249 Collection Reports Approval of Correction of Tax Value - R05517-001-000 -The Oleander Company 253 .Approval of Correction of Tax Value - R02919-003-039-000 -Williams, Leah_Rose ._ 255 Correction of Tax Value Cooperative Bank for Savings R04817-032-002-000 257 Approval of Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) 2001 Application 259 Approval of Budget Amendment #2001-57 ~ 261 Appointment of Commissioner as Voting Delegate to NCACC Annual Conference 263 Release of Value ~ 267 Approval of Snows Cut Park Lease 269 Capital Project Ordinance -Community Development Block Grant Program, 271 (CDBG) Scattered Site Housing Program . 209 ~7'his page ir~t~nti®nally left blink} 210 NEYN HANOVER COUiVTY DOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/09/01 . ~' Consent Item #: l Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. <Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Consent Agenda -.Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Regular Meeting, June 4, 2001 Regular Meeting, June 18, 2001 Consolidiation~ Meeting, June 19, 2001 , Closed Session, May 21, 2001 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEA/I DOES NOT REC~UIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minutes. J ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: I .: ~ ._ i ~ ~ .. i i ~'~i INTY COMMI~ION~' HFF" .DIED C~-- REJi_~ T ED C3 REI~t,OVED C,3 POSTPONED Cl ~ , N;EARO ~ ~ 01 ~~ ~ ~,rr . ~ ~ """ t~:~ ~~ 211 ~7'his pabe intend®nally left blank} f ~~~YLl~+Y1Y11V ~`"~ ~ w n~ .F, +1 y J f + ~ ~~ t ~ 212 ~ NEVV HANO!/ER COUNTY BOAR® OF~CO:NIiVI1SS10NERS . REQUEST 1=0R BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/09/01 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: , Department:. Sheriff Presenter: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Governor°s Crime Commission Grant Application BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover Domestic Violence Unit has the opportunity to receive a grant in the amount of $7,634 from the Governor's Crime Commission. These funds would be used for training in domestic violence issues and to purchase two laptop computers. There are no county funds required. ' A copy of the application is available in the County Manager's Office: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize the filing of the grant application and when grant is awarded accept the grant. Budget amendment will be submitted when the grant is awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: Governor's Crime Commission ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Request permission to file the grant application with the Governor's Crim mmission. When the grant is awarded authorize the County to accept the grant award. , COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: AUNTY COMMI~1®N APPROVED ~C4--- REJECTED t7 REMOVED r POST~~C:i^:FD .FtEARi) 213 {This pale i~atentianally left blanl~} °'~ Q~b~D~~~A t~'~~`~3i.3~ "° n3~ ;~ 2.14 ~J NE1~/ HANOVER COUNTY BOARD 01= COMNIISSIOIVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/09/01 :~ Consent Item #:.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: - Department:. County Manager Presenter: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT:' New Hanover Public Safety Communications Center (NFIPSCC) Agreement and Bylaws BRIEF SUMMARY: As part of the reorganization of the County's E911 Center,.a policy oversite committee is being formed. This committee is made up of the major users of the E911 Center, the Sheriff`s department, the Police department, City Fire, County Fire, end EMS. In addition to those positions the committee will also be represented by the County and City manager's office. The policy attached has been reviewed by all parties and agreement has been reached. The policy was drafted by the County's legal department. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of the NHPSCC Agreement and Bylaws. FUNDING SOURCE: agreement&bylaws. ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMEN ND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. . „._ . ;. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S/COMMENTS: - _._ t~n~~N~v ~oMMr~~ APPROVED REJECTED p REI~'iOVED C>~ E POS-rRONED ® ' ~#.EAR1~ ~....~` ~ . 215 ATTACHMENTS: ;~ NEW HANOVER PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER (NHPSCC) - AGREEMENT AND BYLAWS THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY; CITY OF WILMINGTON and; THE NEW HANOVER HEALTH NETWORK, all of the above being signatories to this agreement. WHEREAS., New Hanover County is an existing governmental structure encompassing the entire geographic, economic, and population region to be served, and has established a Communication Center with the capability of providing consolidated communication services to the parties who are signatories to this agreement. NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree to follow the bylaws for the purposes of administering and providing consolidated communication services for the parties, hereby benefitting them in terms of efficiency and economy. . ~~. ~~ .a p~ 4 1 ~-}~ y F., ~ ~.~ . i ., 4: 216 BYLAWS ARTICLE I -NAME Section I The name of the organization will be the New Hanover Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board, hereafter referred to as the "NHPSCC Board". ARTICLE II -PURPOSE Section ! The purpose of this board is as follows: A. To act as a policy board to the Public Safety Communications Director, and through that Coordinator, to the New Hanover County Commission; hereafter referred to as the "Commission", in regard to emergency dispatch services in New Hanover County. B. To coordinate the dispatch needs and requirements of all public safety agencies utilizing NHPSCC. C. To review policies for the efficient and effective operation of NHPSCC subject to the Commission's final approval ARTICLE III -AUTHORIZATION Section I The authorization for creating a joint provision of communications services I; is based on Article 5, Chapter .153A-76, of the Code of North Carolina, 4 - 1973 and other applicable statutory authority. i ~ - -2- 217 ARTICLE IV -MEMBERS-HIP The NHPSCC Board shall consist of an appointee from each of the following departments: 1. New Hanover County Manager's Office 2. New Hanover County Sheriff 3. New Hanover County Fire Services 4. City of Wilmington City Manager's Office 5. City of Wilmington Police Department 6. City of Wilmington Fire Department 7. New Hanover Regional Emergency Medical Services Section 2 The Public Safety Communications Director, New Hanover County IT Director and New Hanover County Emergency Management Director shall participate, in the meetings of the NHPSCC Board as non-voting participants. Section 3 All appointments to the NHPSCC Board shall be made in writing to the Commission. Section 4 All appointments shall become effective at the~firsf meeting of tlie` 's NHPSCC Board following receipt of the letter by the Commission and formal transmittal of the letter to the Chairman of the NHPSCC Board. Section 5 Notice of new appointees shall be the first order of business at all regular. meetings of the NHPSCC Board and shall. be appropriately entered in the minutes. The new appointee will be eligible to vote on all subsequent NHPSCC Board actions. 21 ~ -~- . ,. •' - , ~, Section 6 -. Alternate.memberstyill be recognized as the voting members of :that ' ., - :- . ~ ~ particular agency or organization, orily .in the everit~that fhe Chairman of the NHPSCC Board has received notice-of the inability of the regular ' . ,:voting member to attend. ~ `, , .. ., , .. . _ ARTLCLE V -.OFFICERS .. :Section 1 :, The officers~of the NHPSCC Board shall be the Chairman and.Vice- . Ch"airman; the PubVic Safety Communications Director sha11 serve as Secretary to the Board. _. ' ` _ - .. . ` Sectioh 2 ~° Officers will be elected from the membership of the .Board at he first regular meeting in July of each year. Section /3" ~~ Officers wiil~ be elected by a, majority of persons voting. New Officers will . assume office immediately following election,- . . '. -Section 4 ,ln the event a vacancy occurs, the vacancy"shall be filled by a majority of ~. the persons votin~g;,and the officer selected shall fill the remainder of the ,. . . office. ., . .. .. , . ' ~~' ~~- ~,~°1~. ~ CHAIRMAN -The Chairman shal(be the chief officer of the Board and preside at .: all meetings of the Board. The Chairman shall have th`e general, powers and ' duties arid management usually vested in the office of Chairman of any organization; and be an ex-officio member.of all committees, and,have such .. , other duties-and powers. as may be prescribed by the Board ~or,these Bylaws. _ ~: 'VICE-CHAIRIIlIAN =The Vice_Chairman shall perform the duties and exercise they . ~ same powers as the Chairman in the event the Chairman is absent andJor unable to carry on those responsibilities. The Vice-Chairman shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Chairman C. SECRETARY -The Secretary shall provide staff to keep the minutes of the various meetings, prepare correspondence, and notify members of regular and special meetings. The Secretary shall also perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the Chairman. ARTICLE Vl -RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES Section 1 The NHPSCC Board is specifically charged by the Commission with the following responsibilities and duties: " A. The NHPSCC Board is subject to the direction of the County Manager and is responsible for reviewing the applications and interviewing candidates for the position of NHPSCC Public Safety Communications Director and recommending at least 3 names in priority order to the County Manager, from which he may make a choice and appointment. If all candidates are either unacceptable to the Manager or unavailable, that information will be given to the Board. The Board shall then complete the process required to submit a new list of qualified candidates to the Manager, from which the Manager may make a choice and .. appointment. Ulfimately, the County Manager has the responsibility and authority for appointing the NHPSCC Public Safety Communications Director. B. The NHPSCC Board is responsible for reviewing the annual budget for the NHPSCC operations, as proposed by the Public Safety Communications Director, and making recommendations to the Manager on that budget. C. The NHPSCC Board is responsible for reviewing standard operating procedures developed by the Public Safety Communications Director and keeping the. -5- . - Co-nmission informed of any situations or circumstances which mig it reduce th`e service capability or performance level of the 911 dispatch system. ' ARTICLE VI{ - ADMfN1STRATIVE ORGAN1ZATiON , ' • ... ~ Section 1 Th,e County Manager bears. ultimate responsibility•for`the operation and . performance of NHPSCC.- However, for .routine administrative purposes, ,. NHPSCC will be organized under the Public Safety Communications Director: . Sectioh,2 The Public Safety Communications Director who has been assigned' • administrative responsibility for NHPSCC shall: ' ~. - ~ A. Be responsible for keeping the NHPSCC Board informed of NHPSCC ~~' ~ ~ •. operations; problems, procedures, and any other factors which would bear on ~ • ' the service and performance of NHPSCC. • • ~ B: Be responsible for having policy issues reviewed and approved by the NHPSCC ' Board.' .. _ C, Be responsible for providing. necessary clerical support for NHPSCC Board - ~ ~ Meetings and activities. D.; Be responsible to meet with the NHPSCC Board on a regular basis.' ,: . ` • ~ E. Be, responsible for .preparing the annual budget for. NHPSCC and submitting it to the NHPSCC Board for their com-menu and recommendations. prior to it being . _ - ,. ' ; : .submitted to the County Manager. ~ ~ .: - ~ -6- .221 . ~ .. . . . ,~ F. Be responsible to work with, and act as a liaison,-for the NHPSCC Board and the County Manager's office. G. Work with the NHPSCC Board on the annual evaluation of the system and delivery of service, for submission to the Commission. H. Serve as an Ex-Officio Member of the NHPSCC Board. Section 3 Ali personnel decisions involving the Public Safety Communications Director such as hiring and termination of the same shall be the responsibility of the County Manager or his designee. ARTICLE Vlll -MEETINGS Section 1 Regular meeting of the NHPSCC Board will held the of each month at or another date as determined by the NHPSCC Board. Section 2 Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or by a request of a majority ofi the members. _, _ .., _. ,. :,,,H Section 3 ~ ° A°quorum shall consist of five of the appointed merliijers of the NHPSCC Board. Section 4 Voting shall be done in person. Section 5 Members shall be notified of meeting by the Secretary or'the NHPSCC Board no less than three (3) days before the meeting: Section 6 The meeting shall be governed by the rules set forth in Sections two (2) -7- 2 ® .. through five (5) of this Article. ARTICLE IX -ORDER OF BUSINESS Section 1 All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. Section 2 The following order of business sha11 be observed at all regular meetings of the NHPSCC Board: A. Roll Call; , B. Recognition of new members; C. Minutes of preceding meeting and action thereon; ' D. Unfinished Business; and , E. New Business ARTICLE X -AMENDMENTS Section 1 These •By.laws may be amended by majority vote of the membership of the ~~~~~ ~ NHPSCC Board at an official meeting of the organization, provided rioti'ce "' of such amendment(s) and the nature thereof has beengiven to all members of the NHPSCC Board at least one (1) month prior to the date of . the meeting at which the amendment(s) are to be considered. Section 2 All Bylaw changes approved by the NHPSCC Board are subject to the final approval of the New Hanover County Commissioners. Section 3 The New Hanover County Commissioners reserve the right to unilaterally -g- 223 amend oi- rescind any and all portions of these Bylaws. Section 4.. _ This hereby repeals any previous Bylaws promulgated by the parties hereto. These Bylaws are hereby approved and adopted this day of , These Bylaws are adopted by the following representatives of the New Hanover Public Safety Communications Center (NHPSCC): Chairman, New Hanover County t~oara of Commissioners uate Mayor, City of Wilmington President & CEO, New Hanover Health Network Date Date 2~~F -9- ~~IVEVV 1-l~iNOVER CDUiVTY CARD' ®F C®IVIMISS1®~ERS, , . REQUEST FOR B®ARD ACTl~N - Meeting ®ate:~ 07/09/.01. Consent Item #: 4, Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ „ . Department:. Health ~ , Presenter: Lynda Smith ~ - Contact: Lynda Smith ' j ,, .. , SU'BJ ECT: Diabetes-Today GrantrApplica#io~ for ~10,000.'frorn the ®i~abetes Prevention and . . C~nf~®I Dnit; North Carolina Departrrien~ of Health and Human Services, . . BRIEF SUMMARYc. ~ ~ .. ~~ We are ~:.reque,'sting approval for the Diabetes` Today Grant ,Application for $10;000 from the Diabetes Prevention and Control Unit, 'North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services . to impterrient-the Diabetes Today community-based piannirig program for Fiscal Year 2002: The ` ~ Diabetes Today Coalition, organized 2. years ago through this same grant, will plan, and execute ,- . . the various interventions. ,.. ~ ~ ~ ` The planned interventions are: _ .. , 1. Sponsor a..vision screening with the Lions Club for people with. diabetes and/or a risk for.. : diabetic eye disease to reduce blindness for people with diabetes. ~' ~,~ .. .` 2. Communicate with the corn~munity through a free standing,6 foot information display in post office lobbies to enlighten and educate the public in hopes of.reaching those with diabetes, yet , undiagnosed. .. L :, ., ~ .. . 3: Offer diabetes self-management classes to' patients and families of patients with diabetes to _, - ~ . -'educate on how to manage. their disease.. _ s ~ , 4..Recruit and enroll 800.1000 participants for weight management to reduce the; risk of "d'iabesty" for overweight, inactive people: ' ` ~ ~~ ., .- -See attached grant application and budget page.. ~ ' ' _RECOMMEN®ED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ` °' ' • Approve. grant application and associated budget amendme,ht for $10,000 if granted. s, Diabetes Prevention and Control Unit.- Not®ICa,ro oa Department of Health and Human Service No county match. required. ,. _ . , a , ATTACHMENTS: . ' Yes-3 page grant, including budget information:. ~ ~ . ., ., . ,;. , .., . " REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: ,' • FINANCE: ~ BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A CoUNT'd MANAGER'S CON NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~,~E1n1'PY~C01~Nii~.. ,., ~` , :Recommend approval. ~, REJECT ~:_Q D MMISSIONERS' ACT N COMMENTS: ~ - ~ R~ `D C3 . ~ , C® ~ ~ . PC ~~tJFD ..,. _ ~ . ._ _ , . '. F[:EARi) , ~ ~. ., ~.. ~ .. i ~ , DIABETES TODAY TI~IIRD YEAR GRANT AP_PI.ICATI®IeT F®R $10,000 The Ne~v Hanover County Health Department hereby requests $10,000 to implement the Diabetes Today community-based planning program for the period August 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002. Has the Health Department received funding from the Diabetes Prevention and Control Unit? YES in FY 99/.00 and F"~" 00/ ®1. Lead Staff Person -Patricia McSwain, R.N..trained in 199b. 1. burden of Diabetes in New Hanover County. A number of factors come together to exacerbate the burden of diabetes in New ~Ianover County. The county is growing with many new retirees over age 65 moving to the area. The African American population is 21 %. The Hispanic population has increased significantly in the last five years. And since IViay 2001 when the hospital closed the Coastal Diabetes Center, people with diabetes in New Hanover County have no place to go for diabetes education and management. 2. Community to be involved in Diabetes Today planning and intervention. The Diabetes 'T'oday Coalition, comprised of 20 members representing agencies and a broad cross section of the community, wi11 plan and execute the various interventions planned for 2001/ 2002. New I Tanover County Post Office staff will assist with the outreach activity in the Post Office stations. The Lions Club will assist with the vision screening; Cape Fear Community College will assist with diabetes education classes; fitness organizations will participate in Lose _ ..-~.. ~ilTeight Wilmington. 3. Interventions. Goal 1. Reduce Blindness for People with Diabetes. Objective: Sponsor a vision screening with file Lions Club far people with diabetes and/or at risk for diabetic eye disease. With equipment developed by the Duke Eye Clinic, screenings for diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration ~ancl g`auc©m~,ai,~wj be conducted at the Community Health Center on October 17, 2001.,4Tle Dube ~~ Today Coalition will recruit an ophthalmologist and volunteers, and will publicize the screening. 13 people per hour will be screened over a b-hour period. Goal 2~; Enlighten the 1/3 of those with diabetes who are undiagnosed. 226 ~:.~~ ~: _:~. ¢} a r a t •' Objective: Communicate'with the community using a free standing: 6=foot display, information, and awareness messages in Post Office lobbies in New Hanover `county. In conjunction with the Diabetes Awareness stamp:for 200; window clerks will wear buttons supplied by the ADA and information cards ', developed by the Diabetes Today. Coalition will be distributed in lobbies. The display will rotate through all Post Office stations according to the following . schedule: Monkey Junction July 1f; through August 18, Azalea Station August 18 • through September 18,.I~Tagnolia Station September 18 thr®ugh October 1; • .. ~ Wrightsville•Beach October.1-15; Carolina Beach October 15- 31; Downtown 1Vlain Branch November and December 2001. A health screening will, be offered in the downtown branch during Diabetes Awareness Month `in November 2001. ' Goa13. Educate people with diabetes about how to manage their disease < Objective: Offer diabetes self-management classes .to patients with diabetes and - - their families. Using the Diabetes Self-Management Education Curriculum materials from the Diabetes Advisory Council, the New 1-,Ianover County Health Department and Cape 1~ear .Community College School of Nursing will offer a .. Fall and a Spring Session. A minimal fee may be charged to cover materials. - • ~ Participants will be recruited' through the Co~imunaty I~ealtli. Center, Tileston Clinic, physician offices and the media. Low-'income; ethnic minorities will be' targeted; but-the,prograrn will be open to allthose in need.~• ~• G®al 4. Reduce the risk of "diabesity"'.for.overweight, inactive, older people. • Objective: Recruit and enro11800=1000 participants for weight.inanage-ment to prevent the onset of diabetes as well as to Help bring it under control. Pending ; additional funding from Cape Fear Memorial•FOundation (applied for), the New Hanover 1-iealth i~epartment and the. New I-Ianover Diabetes T®day Coalition will launch acommunity-wide weight loss and,fitness prograrii, "Lose V~Jeight Wilrriington'. Funding notification is September 35, with release ®f funds October 15. Public kickoff will occur in January 2®02 , " . BUDGET . Advertising = 1500 Contract Services . - 5000 Printing ~ - ~• 1500 Tranin and Travel ~ ~ ~ .1000 •I'ostage and materials -• ` . 1000 d ~ A riL . ~V1®'®®® Activity Aug - Sept 2001 Oct _= Dec 200 Jan - Mar 2002 Apr - June 2002 Vision. Screening X .Post Office Outreach X X Self-mgt.. classes X X Lose Weight Wilmington X X X 22~ ~. '~~VE'!N HAN®VER C~U~VTY. BOARD ~F Ct~IVl1~l1SSIONERS _. ' ~ REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTBOIV . ~ ~ - .~ -, IVleeting Date: 07%09/01 - . ~~ Consent Rein #: 5. Estimated Time:' Page Number: - , Department; Health Presenter:. Lynda Smith •' ~ Contac#: Lynda Smith SUBJECT: - Cape;:Fear 6Vlemorial Foundafion:Grant Application., $75,000 for Lose Weight ..~ Y~ilmie~gton, BRIEF SUMMARY: - . txecH,HNe The Board of Health has approved this grant application. We are "requesting; approval to (;or~+m~}fZe :.submit a grant application for X75,000 to the Cape` Fear Memorial Foundation for a Lose ' . " . Weight"Wilmington project. Weight management is a key strategy to prevent the onset of ` diabetes as well as to help bring it under control. Because .adults .resist exercise more than :~ _ , , ~ ~ they rebel against making healthful food -choices and limiting .portion sizes, Lose Weight .. a Wilmington (LWV~ will target overweight adults and widely .promote the benefits of weight-.loss and ,a healthy diet: LWW will recruit and enroll 800 - 1000 participants. Activities .will focus . on helping people bring physical activity. into-their daily life.. A Program Coordinator and a _ >=itness.Leader will be contracted to carry out the goals of the program (sea budget page in ~ , ' ~ grant application). - . Lose Weight Wilmington will engage partners .such as the YMCA,. YWCA, Senior Center, ~' UNCW, Cape Fear- Community College, Mall.Walkers, City of Wilmington., New Hanover Health Department, Wellness Department `of New Hanover Health Network, .churches and members of the Diabetes Today Coalition. Partners will. help provide in-kind space, speakers, , - ~ and program services as well~ as program participants. Enrollees will be recruited from, . partners,,,physician offices and through media sponsors. A fun and spirited campaign with all partners~will publicly kickoff LWW in January 2002,. RECOIVIMEN'DED MOTION: AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' - Approve $75;.000 grant application and associated `budget amendment if grant awarded. . FUNDING SOURCE : - _,•M .. .. :.. _, ,. , , ` Cape Fear Memorial °Foundat-ion $75,000 (and a $5,000 grant from the North Carolina' Diabetes Prevention and Control Unit, Department of Health and Human Services which will. be applied for later-this would make the total project $SO,000.if ap:proved). No county match required. ATTACHMENTS: Yes; 11 pages including a budget page a:nd 5 letters of support. _ " .: ~ ~ , - ' " REVIEWED BY: , , , 'LEGAL:. ~ FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~ . COUNTY MANAGER'S COM TS AN'D RECOMMENDATIONS: ~~ ~OM1VI1~1aN~ Recommend approval - ~ ~ ' - APPRO`!EC? CC~~ a COMMISSIONERS' ACTIQ' S COMMENTS: ' REJE~'''-D ~ L. RE' .. - ~ ~~~~~.~~ ~ ~ ~~ 2 9 , ~:..~~ 1 . I/F .. . 'C-o71~~. e-u:f~ rava.Q h . ~ ~e~-~>~ . . - ~ :~ , ~ ~ : , :J {'his pe~~e intend®nr~ddy deft blink} w., ~~~~~a~:~at`,~ p~#; C ~Qy ~ a ~~8 ~ .. t. ~ 230 ,, ~, . ~ .: 1~E~' H~~®1/ER COIJNT'Y BOARD OF „COIVIIVIISSIOIVERS " „REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT!®N ' ' - N9eeting Date; 07/09/0.1 .. - . ° _- ~ . . 'Consent lt~em #: 6 Estimated Time: .Page Number:. ~ ~ ' Department:.Aging. ± Presenter: ' ~ ~ Gon#act: ''Howard Brown/Annette Crumpton ~ - ,. _ ... " SUBJECT: Retired Senior Volanteer Program (RSVP) Gran"t f®r 2001-02. ~ ' ;. , , BRIEF SUMMARY:.. .. ,, " ~ The Deparfinent of Aging (RSVP)~has-been awarded a`grant in tfie amount of $54,808 for fiscal - . -year 2001-02 ~ The County's... contribution is .included, in the ,RSVP budget for 2002. The grant - supports-fundingfor 600 volunteers working in New~Hanover County.' This,is the second year of a `fhree-year grant cycle... $52;448 has already been budgeted as revenue•.for FY 01-02; therefore, - the budget amendment is only for the difference in the award amount of '$54,808 less $52,448 °.$2,360). " ° ,RECOMMEN'DED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - Recommend acceptance ofithe grant. ' , Request~.approval of associated-budget amendments#02-0001. . . _FUP~DING SOURCE: .; . ,. Federal'$54,808 w „. .. _ , ATTACHMENTS' ~ :fn's rrr ,ryy _ ' ,~.,. ~ E _~ ,. ~•.., ~ba02-0001 ~ _ -~~'~'~' . _ , - REVIEWED BY: . ` .. LEGAL: ~ FINANCE::. BUDGET: .HUMAN RESOURC€S: NIA . -COUNTY MANAGER'S OM SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ _. "' •~, .. ". Recommend approval.. ~ , ` COMMISSIONERS' ACTI N COMMENTS: ~ ~ G't~UNTY COMN!l~fO " ' _ APPROVED C~~ . .. ,- . ~ ~ ~ " ~ REJECTED ^ • . - •~~ 1 ~- P ~~ F1 E,'.. ~ ~ 7 C? ~,~- 7. 9.. b II ; _ ~ '. / ~ I NEls~ HANOVER CO~Jf\1T'`( BOAR® OF COMMISSIOi~ERS REQUEST F®R BOAR® ACTION Meeting ®ate: 07/09/0 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Aging BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0001 ADJUSTMENT _, RSVP Grant Volunteer Auto Expense EXPLANATION: To increase budget to actual amount of award for EY 01-02. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Comrroissioners r~UNTY GB~ARl91 ° ®N ~~rtovED taEJECTED t7 REMOVED G POSTS=~~is~D ~ FiE/a(' i ~ ~,,~ `~, `'e'1 ~ at~~~ '~~ ~~^ M"~ 61~gR~. • . F, y . • ~.,. y.y~ r~ 232 ~. ~, h DEBIT $2,350 CREDIT $2,360 J AJ ~' NEB FLAN®VER COUNTY B®ARD ®~ C®MIVIISS9ONERS ~ . .. ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ ~ . , n . ` ~ :. Meeting .Date: % 07/09/01 .. _. ~~ '.Consent lterri #:.7 ~ Estimated.Timec Page Number - , Department: Health Presenter: Lynda Smith/Cindy Hewett r ' • ~ .. Contac#: Lynda Smith 343-6592 GindyHewett. 343.6680.. SUBJECT: ~ ' ,' Adopting Personal health Fee Changes (offering, 2 new vaccines), IVew Medicaid :` Rates for:Medica! 6Votr.ition Therapy, and New Federal F'overty:Guide9ines for - . ~ ~. r> . . ,Sliding Fee Scales. a, . SRiEF SUMMARY: We are requestingapprovai for the following.3 items to be effective immediately and retroactive~to - July 1, 2001: - :(See attachment for further explanation.) .. 1. New Medicaid rates for Initial Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) and for Re-Assess MNT. Codes ' ` ~ and ahe unit..billed:have changed. We will now be billing per-unit of T5 'rrminutes,_ instead`•.of the curre~rt. rate of $47 (pediatric] and $50 (maternal) per contact. We do not anticipate earning additiona{ revenue since this is a,change in the unit we ~bifl„ it should result in approximately the . ' • same revenue. , ~ ~ ` ~: 2: Two new vaccines; Hepatis A/B Combinatio.n (our goal "is to increase coverage, for both Hepatits A anal B by offering to protect against both With the combination vaccine. Currently, ~ . most people are coming in for either Hep A or Hep B and do .not receive both:) ' i., PVC07 (7-valent pneumoncoccal vaccine).This will be offered to children who do not qualify for the.: . ' .. free state vaccine because they do not meet~the Vaccine Free for. Children eligibility. We do not j anticipate increased. revenue from adding.theseawo vaccines since•the number projected is small. ; ` '3..New Federal Poverty Guidelines°for Sliding Fee Scales: Slidi-rig Fee Scale--100% to 250% Poverty °~: ~ v . _ Sliding Fee Scale--100°/o to 350 Jo Poverty ~ - ~~ ~ ' 7 _ .. . New Han'over;County'Health Department currently uses these two sliding fee scales based on state r .. " .guidelines. We do not anticipate increased. revenue as a result of adopting"these guidelines. . REC®MMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Adopt fee changes and Federal-.Poverty .Guidelines-.Sliding Fee Scales r ~iV"P~ ~6lNNil~~~ APPROVED ~ C~~ . '" FUNDING SOURCE: . ~ REJECTED ID ; N/A . REMOVFD~ C3 ~ / ~_~ ~. . ~ r ( ~'• I e ATTACHMENTS:.. ~ '^~ ¢, ... Af - Yes-4 pages ~ : ~#E i7 ~ $~' REV9EWED BY: . LEGAL: 'FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N./A . "e . COUNTY MANAGER' TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~ '. Recommend approval. . . COMMISSIJNERS' ACT O /COMMENTS: '. • . . NEW HAN®VER C~T.1N'T~' I-~EAL'T~ DEI'A~Z'TIVIEN~' 2029 S®i1`I'~I 17TH STREET WIY~IVI~NGT®101, I01~ ~~401-4946 TELEPH®101E (9~ 0) 343-6500, SAX (9l 0) 341- 4~46 DAVIDERICE,MPH,I\9A Health Director June 28, 2001 To: New Hanover County Board of Health ~A 1 ~' From: Cynthia W. Hewett, Business Officer'L~~'~ LYNDA F SMITH, NIP H 'Assistant Health Director Subject: Two New Vaccines and New Rates for Medical Nutrition Therapy Services We have recently received information regarding new Medicaid rates for Medical Nutrition Therapy (HINT) services. Currently, these are billed, using "Y" codes (Y2351 and Y2041). As of July 1, 2001 these services must be balled using CPT codes and will be charged according to billing. units (where 15 minutes of service equals 1 billing un instead of the current $47 for pediatric or $50 for maternal, per contact, regardless of time spent. Additionally; we would like to offer two new vaccines. The first is the Combination HEP A/B vaccine (Twinrix). The second vaccine is the PCV-7 (7-valent pneumococcal vaccine- a relatively new vaccine for otitis media in children). The charges for these vaccines will be flat rates which must be paid for at the time of service. Proposed rates are listed below. Code (Description of Service) `~ ""~90635'"(H'BP A/B Comb Vaccine) ;',~~~?' PCV-7'vaccine 97802 (Initial Assess MNT) ~::::~ ».: 97803 (Re-Assess MNT) Current Fee Charged. Medicaid ;f2ate Proposed ~'ee to Charge N/A N/A N/A N/A $47 / $50 per contact $16.70 per unit $47 / $50 per contact $ 16.70 per unit $ 55.00 $ 65..00 $ 16.70 per unit $ 16.70 per unit 234 "Your Heaith -Our Priority" l NEW IIA1v~VElZ C:~IJI~ITX: ` ~IEALTI~ I3EPAR~'IVIFNT . : 2.029 S®tJ'TI3 17'~H S7['I~EET o WIL,IVIINGT®I~1,.l~C 28401-4946 ~ , `'~'FLEPI-I®Ie1E (910) 343-6.500, FAX (910) 341. . 446 ~ . .. ~ - ~ _ . Evc ~vh« Ev<rvdaa. Evcrch<.h'. ' ~ ~ .L,,NDA F SMITH; M P H DAl'ID E RICE; M P N, M A . ~ ~ Assistant Health Director . • 'HealthDirectoi June 28, 20.01 . •. To: ~ New Hanover County Board of Health ' '. ., :.From: Cynthia W. }-lew~tt, Business Officer ~' ,; .. Subject: N;ew Sliding Fee Scale ' We received an email dated June 14;2001 from Dennis Harrington; Chief of Local Health Services regarding new. °~ Sliding Fee Scales that~are'based on riew.Federal Poverty~Lev.els. The New,Hartover County l-lealth Department • o sliding fee scales. The first is for our Family. Planning Program which uses the Sliding Fee currentl uses tw . ,~ y Scale ranging from 100% up to 250% of Federal Poverty (250% of Federal Poverty is the maximum scale approved by the State for this program to use). The second Sliding Fee Scale ranges from, 100% up to 350% of . ~ ' ~ . ~ ,. " • ~ Federal Poverty (350% is the maximum amount approved by the State for use at the local level). ,This scale is ' used by some of the other programs within our health department who base charges on~a~sliding fee scale. ~~ • i F .. . .~ .. . '. . - We are requesting approval to implement use ofahe new Sliding Fee Scales based on the new Federal.Poverty ' ` ~ Level. 'Ifapproved; these scales would be effective as of July:1; 2OOl, Attached are the following: • " 'l) Sliding Fee Scale - 100% - 250% of Federal Poverty -:. 2) Sliding Fee Scale- 100%- 350% of Federal Poverty .. , ~ ~~ : .. , ' ,,, 235 • ~ " Your'Health - 4e~r Priority" ~~ ~` .. p ' cf' %U7:~: L7 ~-.7:i I~ ~D' , CO ~'C~ . O . r ... .~.0 ~ ~... LL CV;! :(}?': N ER ~ M: ;{~: Eft :~}i: EP t-r'.:: H-3 .~' Ef3 ':~': r' EF? N N O v> F N ~ ~ d' : ~ ~` : ~' ~ ~ N :.qk:: N O 4i7.. r- C^. ' N ~~..;. M tb ; V' ~O].: ~ O '?f-i: 67 T~`'i '~ '`- ~ ~ ~ ' c:~l:; I~ ICJ;: 00 i CQ'> O U Fyi N C ;! ~ ': N ~ u~'I`i N Ci` !~ to N r ti ~-~ : N i'G3" 1` ~ ~L>;'? I~ ~ to ..ff+k~i ~ LL ~3;: cfl ~;: E9 ~ .. ~ cf}: Efl .Ef}: EfT ER: ER ~ ~' O Li;; ~ ~ '> M ~ r if3 O M O :CrJ ~' ~.-- :- ' t` r7 O tf] tL` L: I M CO C3y . O I~ ~ N : : Lti3 i ~ M CO U ti- : N b7 M `r , r Q~ a T E::.f!i O "t ~.; 07 ~' ~' r 61 .Y ' 67 'Q' i Q1 ES' ; G1 _ X ~ iiQ is M tr, I' CO - ~f' I, O tea t!) [K] ! r- L. ';lf%: O 4i3: O `J'' In ..~: CO . LU ;: ti s=i : ~ ' !l}a cf} E? tf? cam:', cf3 ~.: ' O ';t ) M M:'~, M ' e,::. c0 : C'7;.; e0 te5 : M M ; M ~ C ~ O : M C~' CO d' h- O cv'i _, .. u'i LO e- N •~ii7 I O . lsi ; O t„ s r .C C'J'; ~ N ~ P -1 i,] : N CO I"' i m : M ti L ._- Ff}% N 64 tai ~fF} M E9 ~:: 69 `~: E9 N?: (fT ~: ff} O :; ~ N: u~ ~ o ctii' ` ~n ~ ~-- ' r~ o co c ~'' ~ oa r ` ~~: o rn ~ ~W ~ ~ O - ~ ~ . G N% ,d. N ~, _ C d~;~ N M 'tq . p V u~" ~ 07 V Cr3 i ~f3 : N tf7 ~ ~~t~3.. ~ tR tf3.:; EL} .F4.: Ey Ef3 : 64 ~EF?: 64 ~ ' t N - G. ~ 6~ r- h1 ..~ ~ ~ M C3 : r- ' M . d .. .. .. _ - > C . to . C7 . tt N c0 : f~ : N M i(S ! M . O V tf7; ~ . :p~ d' t„j Lr'~ . N ~n C ~ :O w O L (.^,: ~ ~? N ~EA`. Ef3 c3: cf3 .~. ~} .~; 69 Ste: d3 U O N ~ ~ ~ ~ `.~ . 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O Q ~ M . p ~ ~ T co .~.. tn;' T c0 tea . cfl 'T t~ T'. ; ~ T: N ; T r' ~ T ~, r °? ~ ° ~ C L T , ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T O = p o ca ~ LL :: Efl off' : Efl ~": tR C~3: ,. cfi ~. 24 E9 r O "O Tom- 7+ C ~ ! O ~ i O, O. ' i• O O O rI Q: ~ '3 ~ O I~ O; Q3 O • ~' • , ` ~ `~ "O - ~ ~ _ ~ O + c6 .~ L :m : ~' M (S:3 : N C~ tom- ~ rte:; : Q~ CO r : . t`~ C I~ ; { ~ l ^ : r . . ~,, . ~q • v-.. L ~ ~ O O .U 1L U O a~ a~ a D ~ '.:a3^ ; CO r' 'SC : : ~ .. ti C':S M ~ ~ .: N N M : ~ ~ M ~ t+3 ; T : d' ~_ , . .. '.. C J C "p 'tn (/~ ` LL Gl.. i ER 4!? K3 : Tf} ':EA E~3" . EfT F~?:; ~ fFj ; FFT _ ,.. . O E Ul O '~. C0~ O N ~ _ ? :~ V ~ ~ r .. _ ~ ~ ~ C6 ~_ ~ - N . " ~ C O. Z ~ Q ~ z LL ' ~ ~: S: "".i .. i .. .: ... ~ :. . .. _ ~ ~ . O • •, - '. r N _ .. O °1 ~ ~'h~is pab e in~~n~~®~ally lift blc~n~} 238 NEYV: FiAN,®VER ~®UNTY B®AR® ~F ~®IViM9SSi®iVERS~ , - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT601~ .. - Mee#ing ®ate°: 07/09/.01 `Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: • Department::Legal Presenter: None ~ ~ ' - . Contact:- Kemp P.. Burpeau, .Deputy County Attorney . .. SUBJECT:, , . , . - Conveyance of Pender County,Parcel to Cape FearCortamunity College. BRIEF SUMMARY: - ` Through a drug seizure in the 19906, New Hanover County and Pender County each acquired a . ' S0°/o interest in a 78 acre rural tract located in Pender County (Builtail}. The Comrriunity College °` requests that each~County convey its interest so the College can develop the site for an emergency services training facility: The U.S. government hasauthorized such use and transfer: As - requested at the March 26,.2001.meeting, the conveyance is made conditional-uponuse`of .the - property-for public safety education training. RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTT®NS: ~• Authorize conveyance and execution of non-warranty deed with use conditions, -• FUiVDING SOURCE: ,. - ATTACHMENT'S: • _ . , ,. . - Yes:- - REVIEVI/ED BY: .. _ . ,LEGAL: Approve FINANCE:"Approve 'BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~~ - .COUNTY MANAGEf2'S CO M~~1TS AND RECOMME~JDATIONS: '.. ~ ., . Recommend approvah: ~ • COMMISSIONERS' ACTIOfVS COMMENTS: . .. - ., .- ., . w ~ ~ ~(.-1~71' PONiNlI • Fe MaVc~~ CL?~ ~ ` w F~ .....~; -td ~D CJ ~ ... •.. . ,. .. - ,` ` ~.. L .. ~ . . ~J .STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER NON WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED, made and entered into this the day of , 2001, by and between; NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a body politic, party of the first part; and THE TRUSTEES OF CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE, a body politic; having an address of 41 1 North Front Street, Wilmington; North .Carolina 28401, party of the second part; WITNESSETH That the party of the first part in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars (~ 10.00) a 0 0 and other good and valuable considerations to said party paid by the party of the second part, the receipt of which hereby is acknowledged, has bargained and sold and by these.presents does bargain, sell and convey, subject to the purposes and restrictions set forth hereafter, unto the party of the second part, said party's successors and assigns, all of the undivided interest of the party of the first part in and to the following described property, to wit: All that certain parcel of land described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The use of the property described on Exhibit "A" herein conveyed shall be restricted at all times to training of law enforcement, firefighting, rescue, emergency and similar public service personnel which restriction is expressly assented to by the party of the second part by the acceptance of this deed. In the event-that said property is utilized for any purposes other than set-forth above, the estate herein granted to the party of the second dart shall automatically expire and revert to the party of the first part. ~'~~ ~~t~~si6~'• TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of the undivided interest of the party of the First part in and?to said property and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the party of the second part, said part;%'s successors and assigns forever, so long as said property is used for the purposes;hereinabove'set oLrt; if those uses are discontinued, the fee simple determinable .. , estate of the party of the second part shall automatically expire and revert to the party of the first part. i i - ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, do hereby certify that on the day of I 2001, before me personally came ,who, being by me duly sworn, says that he is the and that I is Clerk of NEW HANOVER COUNTY, the body corporate or politic described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the common seal of said body corporate or politic; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is said common seal; that the name of the body corporate or politic was subscribed thereto by the said ;that the said and Clerk subscribed their names thereto and that the said common seal was affixed, all by authority of the governing board of said body corporate ox politic; and that said instrument is the act and deed of said body corporate or politic. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal; this the day of 2001. ' _ My Commission Expires: 924132-0043-001 WLMMA1~68433.1 2 2 Notary Public ., .. ,.. ~. • .. "$XHIBIT A.. Located in Columbia Township, Fender County, North Carolina, . ` ~ a shot~distance.SOUtheast of.Secondary Road ~1212:and.adjacent'' ' to and WEst' .of the':main run of Moores .Creek .and- being 'more fully •• described as follows, .to gait: . ~ BEGINNTIvG at an iron'pipe~in a ditch. ..said iron.pipe.being located. - • at a point that is the following courses .and distances from an old. • • railroad spike loc.at~d in the paved centerline of Secondary Road '` X1212 and directly above the center of a concrete culvert that `'` accommodates the waters- of a ditch beneath the roadway with said: culvert being located 0.4 miles Southwestwardly..along said road. - - from its intersection with. U. S. Hiohway,~421: South 46° 34' West' 625.65•feet, South 44° 02' d5'-'' East•.264.29 feet, North 31° 18' 20" ' East 221.97 feet,.tdorth 19° 15' West 38.91 feef,.SOUth 78° 57' 40:" ; , East 1716. 23. feet and South 07°~'22' 40" t9est .37.69. feet to the Beginning;'• and' running thence; from the •IIeginn~ing,' so ,lpcatei3,''South - 78° 01' 49" East '421.07 feet to an iron pipe inline; thence, Souti~ • 07° 21' O1" East 497.`62,feet to an .iron pipe inline; thence, South ' 33° 09' 25" Eas.t.793.78 feet to arr:irort pipe-inline; thence,' South DO° 49' 43" East 712.55 feet to an iron pipe inline; thence; South- , .. 07° 05' .14" West 376.05-feet tq-an iron pipe in. the edge of the • :'. . woods;: thence, So.u'th 03° 41' 37"'East. 1150.10.feet'to an .'iron pipe, . on the Western edge of the maze run of Mcgres Creek;'thence, to and caith the .main Tun of Moores Creek as it reanders in•a South- westwardly~direction with the following being trav.erse:caurses and -:~. distances from, point to point along or near the western edge of • said creek: South 07° 18' S9" West•83.26 feet, South 05° 24` OS"' West '119.26 feet, •South 00° 04' 29';. West 137.,88 -feet, $~outh 29° • - 48' 20"`West -53..50• feet, South 62° 2.6' 29." West 1,87.54 feet, South ., 04° 20' 31" East 144,12 £eet and South 37° 45';23" West 111.05 feet ' fo an old iron Pipe in; said run; thence,'with an old mar_]:ed-line ' ~ ~Ylorth 66° 55'-' 49." 4Jest 779.99 feet'to an old iron pipe 'inline,; ' thence,'NOrth 61° 43' 33" West 6.08.41 feet`to an old iron. pipe at the head of •a ditch; thence, North 40° 4'0'-22" Fast 102:1.91 feet to .an iron pipe on the Southern edge of Bull Tail Branch;,thence, ' up the run of .Bull Tail r"lrancti as it meanders in a, tv'ortaiwestwardly , direction with the following being trave=se courses•anr3 distances °_ ~ _ from point: to point along said .run: .North 3`7° 36' 49" WPSt 155.19 ' feet, Itorth 26° 44' S6" East 92.68 feet,. Clorth 74° 42' 11" East. • 71.66 feet and .North 33° 42' 43" 4lest $2.90 feet to an .iron pipe' ir. 'said run; thence, :with a canal ditch Plorth 07° 22' 35" East . _ •1231.38 feet to an iron pipe in a bend 'in said ditch; .thence, .~" ~ continuing with said canal North 80° 41' OZ" West 383.51.~feet'.'ta , an. iron pipe in said canal at-its intersection with another ditch; thence, faith said other ditch tdorth 07° 22'40" Eas*_. 1247.60 feet • to the Beginning,'containrig 7$:60 acras, more or 1FSSS and is as surveyed by O'honps.on Surveying Company, P.A. of F~ux<.4aw, N.C: in • .. ~ June, 1986. - ' Togethex with'a 40 foot wide roadway easement for purposes of in-. ., .. • gress, egress and recress to and from this and. btherr lznds with ' said easement lying adjacent to and Sauth of the,;Ecrllowng described. .._- - lines: _ .,. .. ' HrGINtIITdG at an old railroad spike, in the paved centerline of _ Secondary Road #1212, said spike being located. alo:na said .line at a, point that is South 46° 34.' •]est 625.65 feet :From an old spike • `in said road. centerline that is directly above' tiie center- of a' co.n- .: • - Crete culvert that accommodates the waters of a:dit:ch beneath ttie roadway•with.'said culvert being located. 0.4 miles ;louthwestwarctly • along said road from its intersection with U, S. Hiq~h~o.ay ;.42Y; and • ~ - -'.running ,thence, from the Beginning, so located,, Sau.th 44°~02' OS" : ' Last 264..29 feet. to an iron pipe inline; thence', t:urth 31° 18' 20" :. . • East 221.9°7 feet to a point in a canal ditch; thencs, North.-19° 15' "' •tvest 28.91 feet to ''a point in said canal; thence, t:o and wi'th.'another ' ditch South 78° 57' 40"-P.a`st 1716.23 feet tb a poir~t that bears North • 07°~22' 40" East. 27.69 .feet from the Heginninc poir•,~; of the above ' '~ ,'. -~ W' described tract; :thence`, continuing South 78° 57' ~iU" .Cast 421.•0 feet _ `,• more or less to a point ,that°;marYs the .termination ppir>~t o,f this 40 ' -.foot wide roadway easement.. ~ ~ 243 ~~'his page i~atenti~nally legit blank} ~~ 244 -i IVE1~ HAIVOVER COUNTY E30ARD OF CO`MIVIISSIONERS REQUEST' FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date; .07109/®1 , - Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell .. .. ~~ :. ~ ... ' , ~. -~Contactr Lucie Harrell ~ . •; , ' °, SUBIECT: ' Adoption of Resolution Requesting NCDOT' to Add Roads in Marsh Oaks . - Subdivision to the State Highvuay Systet~. ~ ~ ~ _ •. ~ ~ BRIEF SUMMARY:. ~ , s, Bayshore Estates, inc. is requesting the Board to adopt..a: resolutio n i:n support'ofi the road .additions. - RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - . ~ {- Adopt resolutions ~ ' . - . ~' • : FUNDING SOURCE: • .. NCDOT , AT,~'ACFiMENTS: . , ` SR-l, Road Petition ~ - . ' ,. o _ ., , ~• ~ 1T~11~ ®®ES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ S . AND RECOMMENDATIONS; ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S CO Recommend approval.. ~, • COMMISSIONERS' ACTI BVS~/COMMENTS: - ` _. ..... .. . , _ .~ ~- . .. ~._ ~ v... ~> - ~ ~ . ...n ~ , . , - ~... ~ RE.1t:~~TED - p .. f: • P~ .~NFD 1D • .. .. U, ~.~ , ...~7~~l~/~~.~Q,yn~, ., , • . ~ • ,, - ,' ' ~ ' . NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PETITION FOR ROAD ADDITION FORM SR-1 REVISED 1-9 =ROADWAY INFQRMATION: (Please Print) County: New Hanover Road Name: Marsh Oaks Drive (addition) (Please list additional street names and lengths on the back of this form.) Subdivision Name: Marsh Oaks Length (miles): - 1 Number of occupied homes having street frontage: 11 ' Location: miles N S E W of the intersection of Route and Route (Circle one) (SR, NC or US) We, the undersigned, being property owners and/or developer of Marsh Oaks n m New Hanover County, do hereby request the Division of Highways to add the above described road. CONTACT PERSON: Name and Address of First Petitioner. (Please Print) Name: Bayshore Estates, Inc. C/O Bill Cameron Phone Number: (910I 762-2676 Street Address: 1201 Glen Meade Road Wilmington, N.C. 284x1 Mailing Address: I-' O Box 3649, Wilmington, N. C. 28406 NAME P~20PEI2TY OWNERS MAILING ADDRESS '" TELEPHONE _ ._ _ `' ~~ ~ ~; 0.t JuN ~ 3 2001 (SR, NC or US) NEw HANDVER CD SD DF COMPAISSIDNERS -. P.O. BOX 369 Wilrnirzgtoa, NC 2506 (910) .762=2676 Fax:. (910) 7b2-2b80 .,,. .. . -. June 21., 2001 ~ . ,. ,. .. ' °= The. Honorable Ted Davis.. ' Chairman New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street... ` Wilmington; NC 28401. ~ ` Re ~ _ Petition for road addition. ~• '• Marsh Oaks Subdivision Section 3 ,Dear Chairman Davis, ::~ .. .. - ` 'Ple"ase find enclosed a Petition for Road Addition for~addtions to the public streets' in Marsh Oaks- which„are now complete and-ready to b'e tui-nedrover to the NC OOT: Also_ included herein -' ar`e copies of the recorded plat of Sections 3 of Nlarsh Oaks which shoo! ah~ new street. and the... ` stre:,t additionsthat we are requesting to be: accepted.. ~ , - ~. ~ - , I would apprzciate the county taking the action necessary to have the streets ,accepted and -~~. forward the materials to the NC DOT-so they in turn may take action, ~ ~ • : ' ,' ~ I have delivered .to the-DOT the. encroaclunent agreements which they require for.street acceptance. - - Should ou~need an additional information or items. please let nie lcno.w.:. _ ._ ~<:. .. _ .:........... . . .. ., . •<; Thank you for your consideration of this Petition.,: ~: . ,.. . , . Very truly~:your .:: _~ . William H.' Cameron ~ _ .. „ ~ ~ ,. ,., . .: . ~~ ~ .. .` ~7'his pale intentionally left black} f/ 248 ~) - AR® OF COM~IVIISSIOIVERS ; NE11~,HANOVER COUNTY BO ' ,REQUEST .FOR. BOARD ACT10(V . ~ ;... Mee#ng Date: 07/09/01 ~~'' Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time:. '.Page Number:, "' ~.. , ,. Department:.1"AX Presenter: None Required , . . Contact: ° Patricia Raynor, _ ~ , SUBJECT:. IVew.Ha~nover ,County aril New Hanover County Fire, DiSfirict~ Collection Reports ; ~~ BRLEF SUMMARY: ~ . ~ ' , '~ .'Coltection reports.as of June 30, 2001 ~ - ' REC®MMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:' •• ' Request aproval of reports. ~. - .. . FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ,. ~ ATTACHMENTS: :, '' " `'` 2 attachments will be forwarded. . . ~ ITEM DOES N.OT REQUIRE REVIEW 1 COUNTY MANAGER'S C MM SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: F .'~. ~ Recomrrmend approval. ,, .. COMMISSIONERS' ACTiO S/ MMENTS: ~... M ~ r ,. ._ ~ ~?UNTY 04l~Mi~~ APPROVED REJECTED p' ' .. . , .. - REMOVED ~ , ,:. - POSTPONED ' ~ ., ' ~ .. . ~i,EARi) ~ , '--~^~ . - . .. " .. - ~ ~, '.. ~. ~; .. .. ,. -. - , .. , , , ... .. - - ,. ~ ~ .... ~ ~.., .. ... . CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO: NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 6/30/01 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2000 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL $87,123,902.08 $7,595,035.20 DISCOVERIES ADDED 3,701,423.02 16,883.78 LESS ABATEMENTS 877,715.76 - 113,112.86 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $89,947,609.34 $7,498,806.12 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED 8,550.00 .00 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 67,362.60 .00 CLEANING LIENS CHARGED .00 .00 TOTAL LEVY $90,023,521.94 $7,498,806.1.2 COLLECTIONS TO DATE -88,941,308.12 -6,641,570.16 OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 1,082,213.82 $ 857,235.96 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 98.80%* 88.57%* PERCENTAGE COLLECTED EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS 98.91%** 88.62%** BACK TAXES { REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 3,454,677.32 CHARGES ADDED 106,943.28 LESS ABATEMENTS 334,789.26 TOTAL TAXES DUE $ 3,226,831.34 COLLECTIONS TO DATE - 1,467.551.25 OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 1.,759,280.09 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 45.48% JUNE 2001 FISCAL YTD RENTrAT»~~"VE'HICLE T~d_COLLECTIONS $ 24,917_.18 $ 65,021.39 TZUOlVI OCCUPANCY TAY;COLLECTIONS 271,871.58 2672,754.47 ` d t.a4~~o4S" PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 34,743.50 54,203.09 TOTAL MON4EY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTO~,~~VRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH, AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $141,197,420.07. ` ~ ~ t ,• . + THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2000. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, I, _ PATRICIA J. RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE l.i -, * COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 98.01% * ,D COLLECTION PERCENTAGE EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS - 98.12% . .~ .. .CONSENT AGENDA GATE • ---=----- . . a ~ I T E Pi N D .. ---- NEW HANOVER` C~UnTY FIRE GISTRT,CT TAX COLLECTIONS . . COLLECTIONS THRU 06/30/01 _ ~' CURRENT. TAX 'YEAR -` 2000 A0 VALOREM aw wwrwaw rw r N:OTCR VEHICLE rrr srsarr rr rw rw ad m+rrr aw rr rr rrr.rar rr rrrw '" ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER'SCRQLL rrw w ~ 2'4579.38b.25 -. $ 243123.97 - ' • DISCOVERIES ADDED 1'19~57b.90 ~ 799.99 Lf~SS ABATEMENTS - 5g1863,'08w 3'893.20-~ ra wsmarara~e~wrw rr ~s rwow r r w ~r TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ~~ r r , . , $ 29F526g100.07 *~ 24Q'C30,?6 'LISTING.PENALTIES CHARGFC.'~ .. ~ - - 2345,18 rrrr'.rr r~erwas ~ ~ ~ .00 r.ewrr rs'+.r w"swr rr ~ Tt]'TAL LEVY $~ 21.528'445.25 , $. ~ 24.0030:76. GOIIECTIQNS'TO DATE 2y4999078,76- ~w rrrwrw rr - 217~185.38- rrrramrrrrrrsrrd , OUTSTANDING BALANCE - ~ w.~mra $ :~ 29936b,.49. $ 22y8~45,38 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED - 3 98,84°~~ 9Co.48~~' PERCENTAGE COLLECTED EXCLUDING ~ ~` `~ ` :. BANKRUPTCIES AND APPEALS '~ 98.91 %~~ 90.56 ~'~~ . 33ACK.TAXES _ ~ ~ w . r ~ . ~ . _ . .m rr r .o ~~ EAL EST-ATE. AND PERSONAL~PROPERTY _ '~ ~ 79,021,28 iA.RGES ADDED ,`3'074,21 tSS ABATEMENTS ~ - ~ .. _. 61bL7,16® - rrmrrrr ®rrr~rrra+r . TAXES DUE` ." ~- c` TOTAL~ . ~• 7546883'3. .. . , . COLLE'CT~IONS TO DATE ' ~ ~ ~ 41y.8b0.8`1•~ wrr rr wrrr rwaw ~OUTSTANDING.BALANCE 339.607:52.: - $~ ~PERCENTAGE' COLLECTED. , - 55,47r ' . . THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR flEGINNTNG-,JULY ,ly 2,000 ®-~ ". _ ' RESPECTFULLY St1BMITT€D~: _ „~ „. ,. " ~ PATR IC IA J, RAYNOR , ' COLLECTOR OF REVENUE: _ ~_ _ ~ ~ COMBINED COLtirCT.ION PERCENTAGE r 98..11° '~~~. COM;~INED COLLECT TON PERCENTAGE ,EXCLUDIN.G BANKRUPTCTES.A'ND APPEAL'S...- 98.19°~ .. ~ . .- 2 ~~ ,~ ._~ a . , .. . ~ ~~~s ~~~~ i,~~~~~i®nally left blank} 252 ,+p. , ° NE~V'HANO!(ER C®llNTY BOAR® ®F C®iVlllII1SSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT1®N . ., ~ . - ~ ~ Meeting Dafe: 07/09/01 ,. ~`, Consent Item #:.11 Estimated Time:, Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None: Required. -. Contact:' Robert .Glasgow SUBJECT: .. ,. ,.... - . ~ Correction of Tax Value -,R05517-001-001-000 -The ®lear~der Company . - . ADfRteE~he~Boa dRof~Equalization' and Review completed its work on Monday, June 18, 2001, letters . . ' were being peepared to those property owners who had appealed their property.values~with the decisions of the Board of E&R.-'It was identified at that time that.the property value for the ° Oleander Company was incorrectly identified to the Board of E&R and to the property owner. The ~° land value for the parcel had a"'50% reduction which was to have been removed to reflect the r ~ market value. Unfortunately, that b0%'factor was not identified until: after this appeal had been 'S,. , , presented to the Board. - _ Ms. Garolyn,Smith, representative for the Oleander Company,.has agreed to the value change ~ - . from $6,766,970. tb $8,069,196 for the land and buildings for. tax year 2001. RECOMMENDE® MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of the increase in value to $8;069,196_ - - °° ' ,. , ' FUNDING SOURPCE: ' . ATTACHMEPITS:`. .. 1TEM D05S NOT REQUIRE REVIEW - . COU'NT'Y MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDAT90NS: Recommend approval. , C®MMLSSIONERS' ACT ~ N MENTS:, : M. ~. ,° ~, ~ UIVI'1° C6MMI~Q . , ,. ,.~, i , ' APPROVED ~- -~ REJECTED ® ~` ° °. REMOVED ~ .° ~ ., . . POSTPONED L3 `.. ~ ~i.EARi) - i _. :~ ° ~, l ~~'I~~s pa~~ intent~r~a~add~ de~~ d~dc~nk} Y~~~,'~ 254 •. , NE~V HAlVOVER COl1NTY~BOAR® OF GOIV!lVIISSlONERS . . - ~ REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTION ~ . .Meeting Date: 07/09/01 ,~ - - ~, Consent Item.#: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' Department: TAX Presenter:. None Required _:. ., , Contact: Robert.Glasgow ~ ~ . ~. , - SUBJECT: ~ ~ . • "' ` ~ Correction of Tax Value - R02919-003-039-000 - 1tVii(iams, Leah Rose ~,: ~, BRfEF SUMMARY: ° ' This item was _identified,after the Board of Equalization and Review had met and adjourn"ed on • 'Monday, June l8, that the value of the abovereferenced parcel did not reflect the changes in ' grade,. condition and physical condition of the land. The changes would reduce the property value 'from $264,861 to $232,412. There is an almost identical residence within two lots of this. :. ' property with. a value of $239,423. Changing the yalue.to'$232,412 is reflective of the market value for this property for January l; 1999,. Subject property. sold for $239,000 in 1994 and. resold in 2000 for $204,000. ~ - This change in value is presented to the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with General Statute .105-325 since the information was identified after the Board of Equalization and • - ~ ~ Revi"ew adjourned. ~. , , RECOMMENDED MOTI®N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~. The Tax Department recommends the value of $232,412 be~approved. FUNDING S®URGE: . { ~~ ATTAC~IMENTS: ITEM DOES iV07 REQUIRE REVIEW ~ , COUNTY MANAGER'S C®MM ~ ~ S AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ` :~ _.~ ,Recomm"end approval._ _ ~ ;,._. ..,~; ' ~:COMMISSIONERS''ACTIO,~J COMMENTS: _ . ... , . .. " U1V1Y tONlMI~!® , _ ~ APPROVED Vii/"' REJECTED ~ Q Y ~, . REMOVED ~ ~ '' POSTPONED ,. ';. ,: . ,. -~#.EARiJ l I. . ~s ~ ,. - - . . .. - X55 _~. ~ ~ ~-. :. ~ . ~ . ~. {This page intenti®nally left blan~k~ ~~5+ ~~~'~~!'~f~ ~: r ~a ~ °' -_~ ,.... ,-° 256 NEB!/ HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST' FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/09/01 Consent Item #: '13 Estimated Time: Page Number: ..Department: jTAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert Glasgow . SUBJECT: Correction of Tax Va1us -Cooperative Bank for. Savings - 804817-032-002-000 BRIEF SUMMARY: It was identified after the Board of Equalization and Review had- met. and adjourned on June 18, 2001, that the value identified on this appeal was incorrect. The assessed value was $ 822,784 . and the value agreed upon was $572,013. This was a clerical error that was not identified before. the Board of Equalization and Review adjourned, therefore,. will require approval of the value by the Board of County Commissioners. This change in value is presented to the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with General Statute 105-325 since the information was identified after the Board of Equalization and Review adjourned. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the value of $572,013 be approved. FUNDING SOURCE: • ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: -HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMEN -AND RECOMMENDATIONS:. Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/C ENTS: _ __ ~OUfVYIf CON1Mi~9®~ • .APPROVED +L~" REJECTED REMOVED ® ~ • ~ POSTPONED t~ HEARD CI ~ 257 J ~7'his page intentionally left blank} C~ `1vl~v+~A ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ "~' tV~-~+~~TC a~ x? qo~~~ 258 NE1N h1ANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTION Meeting Dater 07%09/01 Consent Item #: '14 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department:, Sheriff Presenter: Contact: Fred Clingenpeel SUBJECT: ' Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) 2001 Application BRIEF SUMMARY: The application process is now open for applying for LLEBG funds for fiscal year 200.1. The approximate amount the County would be receiving is $130,593. The County is eligible for $72,955 and the City is eligible for approximately $188,232. Because of the disparity rules, the City (Chief Cease) is recommending combining the funds and splitting the full amount in half, making the two entities receive approximately $.130,593 each. The grant requires a 10% match which the Sheriff will provide through Federal Forfeited Property revenues. The funds will be used for various law enforcement equipment. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Commissioners approve applying for LLEBG funds for fiscal year 2001. Request acceptance of the grant if awarded and approval of necessary budget amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: LLEBG $130,593 County $ 14,510 (from Federal Forfeited Property revenues) ATi'ACNMENTS_ . REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~4Uf~ITY ~OI~Nil~9~ APPROVED E•~i ,; tREJECtED F?.EMOVED POSTPONED C~ H:EARi~ C~ ~ 259 {This page intentionally left blank} ~~~~r~ '~ ~3i~l~^?~q~ ~1.3Y* t +~A'~~,e • .y 260 ~ ~~ IVEOIVV I-~ANOVER COUIVI'Y BOARD OF COMIVIISSIOIVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting ®ate:~ 07/09/01 ® ~ ~ Budged Amendment Consent Item #: 15 Estimated'Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Schools Capital Lmprovements BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-57 ' ADJUSTMENT DEBIT; ,CREDIT interest $3,692,202 Transfer to Public Schools Fund $3,692,202 EXPLANATION: For accounting purposes only; to close fund 330-Schools Capital Improvements-1994 Bonds. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: For Budget Officer's approval;. th ~ eport to Board Of Commissioners at next regular meeting COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ------ ~t~Ui~! COMl1fll$~i I rAPPROVE® ~' . REJECTED ® ~ ,u. REMOVED ~ ~ ~' .. .. . ,.. .:- ... ... ... .. .. _. _ POS?PONED t~ _. FIEARD CZ ~. r, ~~ . I~. ,, f i .. i ~ ~ . `. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~~_ 261 ~ . . i .. ') This pcc~e intenti®nally l~ft~blank} I ~ ~, ~~~ ,,~~'Cp~ ~:~~ ~ ~#~ ~:: e '~' ,J 262 ' ~ NEW HANOVER COUtVTY BOARD OF COIVIIVIISSIONERS REQUEST FOR .BOARD ACTION Meeting .Date: 07/09/01 Consent Item #: 16 Estimated Time: Page Number:. ` Department:: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal' Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Appointment of Commissioner as Voting Delegate for NCACC Conference BRIEF SUMMARY: - Appoint Vice-Chairman Bobby Greer to be the voting delegafe at the August 9 - 12, 2001 NCACC ,Annual Conference in Cumberland County. Vice-Chairman Greer is the only Commissioner 'scheduled to attend. ,RECOMMENDED MOTION AN'D REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make Appointment FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' Recommend approval. // COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO /COMMENTS: _ ~2EMOVED POSTPONED ,~ Ff<EARD ' . 1'`~ •..~.~~~~. of UN'n° ~~~i~A ~APPRG ~ `~ REJECI'E6 .,~ ~._ ~,QSH ~RO~~H4 ~ "'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ _ t .,..., :~~,~ .ao North Carolina Association of County Commissidners • ~; Mailing.?ddress: P. O. Box 1488, Raleigh, NC 2760.2-1488 ypF cow Street Address: Albert Coates Local Government Center, 21 ~ N. Daw on Stree.~;; Ral~.i~Yl-~1'G.~' ~ouNrt ~ rv„ ~i,,,tit_.~.'1 ,. vi r~~,c Telephone: 919=715-2893 ®Fax: 919-733-1065 ®Email: ncacc@ncacc:org--""-- Home Page Address: hitp://www.ncacc.org ~A~~ ~t~ 20-~'E~ ~ ISS~l`~E S TO: County Chairmen,.County Managers and Clerks.to the Board FROM: C. Ronald Aycock; Executive Director DATE: Jtme 25.2001 ~®T~l~TG ~3~I.~~GA'~';ES Enclosed is a voting delegate designation form for the Association's Annual Conference in Cumberland Cotmty on August 9-12; 2001. Please place on your My or August board meeting agenda the selection of a delegate for the conference and return the form to the Association office no later than IVloa~davg July 30.2~0~. On the reverse side of this memo is the list of those district directors from ODD-NUMBERED districts whose sea are up for election this year. URGENT: It is very important that counties from these districts attend the distrccr caucuses on Saturday, August 11, from $:30-9:00 a.m. in the Charlie Rose Agri-Expo Center; immediately before 'the General Session at 9:00 a.m. This is your chance to select your district director. C~I~ ~'OR ~.,~NG-T~l'vI~ COi~I~~SS~C~1~E;f~S Any county, commissioner who.~has reached 20 years of continuous service in the past year is eligible to be honored at our Annual Banquet on Saturday, August 12, b:4~-9:00 p.m. Please contact Gayle Butzgy at 919-71~-4363 if you know of any corririissioner;~wlo should be`=s'o-'honored. If you see a 20-year commissioner whose name°i's`NOT'~' listed below, please contact~iis. 'If their name is already listed, they have already been honored. ~ ~~a ~; 4 ;-~,~~ Frank Bonner, Beaufort t~~~~ James Cash, Johnston Charles Edw~ards,.Bertie .. ~'r" '~} Norman Denning, Johnston Alden Starnes; Caldwell Frank Holding, Johnston Samuel K. Shaw, Camden J.C. Roundtree, Camden Robert Hibbitts, Catawba Earl Thompson, Chatham Henry Dunlap, Chatham Lynwood Norris, Columbus D. J. Fussell, Duplin Bill Bell, Durham She ason, Gates Fraron, Greene Harry Branch, Halifax John Booker, Johnston Horace Phillips, Jones Gordon Wicker, Lee Jasper Eley, Northampton John Liverman; Northampton Don WilIhoit, Orange Thomas D. Nixon, Perquimans .Lester Simpson, Perquimans Charles Gaskins, Pitt. Jimmy Maske, Richmond Timothy Pegram, Vance William Skinner, Warren ~, . , .r ~ ; ~IST~ICT D9RE~TC~R SEATS l~P F4R`:ELE~i~IC~i~ IIV 2009 . . ASSO~C'I~TI~31~i DISTR~C'T ~R.ESEl~t'J<' I)IS~'RIC~' ~I~C"~'~R ~ District 1 Owen Etheridge, Curriruck . , . _ - Currituck, Camden, •Pasquotank, Chowan ~ . Perquimans, Gates, Washingtan, Tyrrell, • Dare, & Hyde Dis$rict 3 . W.C. Jarman, Onslow, ~ , _ Greene, Lenoir; Wayne, Duplin, Onslow, , . , ' Jones, Craven, .Carteret & Pamlico ~ . . ~~ District.5 ~ William Brinson, Bladen ' ~ ~ , Hoke,`Scotland, Robeson &Bladen .. . . ., ° ~3is~t-ict':'7. -`' .` , James. C. B"oone, Northampton . .. . '. . . Northampton; Halifax, Nash, Edgecom'~e ~ ~ ~ _ : ~ _ & Wilson. . _ ~ ,District 9 -Betty Mangum; Wake ~ . ~.,'. ° Wake, Durham; Orange; Chatham & Lee . . Distriet 1~ ~ _ - Fred McClure, Davidson - Rockingham, Caswell, _Alamance, . Y ~ ' . ~ , Randolph, Guilford & Davidson '. . • . Distrsct ~~ .. . Dr. John Thuss; Jr:,,Caldwell . -. Caldwell, Alexander, Burke & .:. Catawba ~ ~ .. • : , .,, District ~5 ~ Torn Bridges; Cleveland' ' ~ `. ~ McDowell; Rutherford, Cleveland & Polk . .. , ,, .: `. ~ist~rict ~7 ~. - ~ Marv Ann Enloe, Haywood ~, , ~ ,Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Macon, .Swain; _ ~ ' i ~ Jackson & Haywood ' ~ ` (. . ~1~~:~I~'I'~t'~'.. Please contact Shsaa~ Vainer at 919-7~5-2493.;f your dis~i-ic~ would ,. ' ~~ like tc~ get a~ copy, of the .history of whichcounties have held. the. dista-ict director - ! i~ ,. posits®ns for various termsover th - .. e ant 20+ ears: ` P . • ~.. , ~ ~ ,_ - _ . . • - • ~ 265 - •. _ ,• , , • ~ . ~OQZH ~RO~~,~ North Carolina Association of County Commissioners ~' 'a6 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 1488, Raleigh, NC 27602-1488 .~ ~.._;~a, o Street Address: Albert Coates Local Government Center, 21 ~ N. Dawson Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 ;,, hw Telephone: 919-715-2893 • Faz: 919-733-1065 • Email: ncacc@ncacc.org °y° ~ ~ oa~~` Home Page Address: http:l/www.ncacc.org '~ couN'r• ~ IMF®RTANT Designation of Voting Delegate to Annual Conference Please Place on Your Board Agenda Each Board of County Commissioners is hereby requested to designate a commissioner or other official as the county's voting delegate. Each voting delegate should complete and sign the following statement: I, voting delegate for the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners to be held in Cumberland County, North Carolina, on August 9-12, 2001. hereby certify that I am the duly designated County at the 94th Annual Conference of Signed: Title: Article VI, Section 2 of our Constitution pxovides: "On all questions, including the election of officers, each county represented shall be entitled to one vote, which shall be the majority expression of the delegates of that county. The vote of any county ~A .~ ~~ ~ v ~.:..~in~agood standing may be cast.by any one of its county commissioners who is~present at the.time.the~w, vote is taken; provided, if no commissioner be present, such vote may be cast by another county official, .elected or appointed, who is formally designated by the board of county commissioners. These provisions shall likewise govern district meetings of the Association. ~ A county in good standing is defined as one which has paid the current year's dues." District caucuses for the purpose of nominating district directors shall be held at the Annual Conference for those districts in which the term of the board member expires. These districts are listed on the reverse side of the accompanying memorandum. PLEASE R:ETLJRN THIS FORM Bar 1Vlonday, ~ulv 30, 2001: NCACC P. ®. Box 14~~ 1Zaleigh, NC 27602-1488 266. Fax: 919-733-1065 '~_,~~~ ~~ ~. (VE~L,HANOVER COIJ(VTY BOAR® OF CONIN91SS00IVERS . . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • . :Meeting Date:.. 07/09/01 ~ , Consent Item #: 17 Estimated Time: Page Number: - , Department:.TAX Presenter: None Required . Contact:. Bob Glasgow - •' . , •` SUBJECT:.. Release of Value: •~ • . BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ .. Request approval of the following delinquent applications for,.exemption from property tax for the ;" following organizations (applications and letters explaining°late filing available upon"request) :Cape Fear Utilities, Inc. . 807107-013-005.000; 801110.001-004.000; RO1.100-005-031.000; 804413-002.004-000; 804413-002.005.000; . . . 805000-006-052.000; 805612.004=004-000; 805612.004-00.5-.000; 806217-001-001.000; ' . 806615-006-004-000; ' 80661.6=008-053.000; 806705-001.015.000; 807119.014.015.000; 807507-002-008-000; 807600-006-054-001; ' . , . 808200-001'-129.000; 8082 T 7-003-001.000 'Child Development Center, ~lnc. _ 804913-00.9-017--000 ` - ,; ., ,. Quality Water Supplies, inc. 805015-001-004.000; 805015.012.014.000; 805618-006,016.000; 807016.002=010-000; 804415.006-005.000.; ~.. 805007.007-002.000;. 806215-001.012.000; 807112-002-008-000; R.07112:D11-002-00.0; ,. : 807112-011-003-.000; - . 80790`0.003-035-001 - ~ ~ - _Wesley'Memorial United Methodist-Church - , 806107=002.003-000- .-~.., :- ~, ,~ - Winter Park Baptist Church ; ~ 805519=013.003-000 ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:, Recommend approval of~releases. , ~. - ... FUNDING SOURCE: - ~ ~ r~~Yi+9~Y CO~fliiii~~9 .. . , APPROVED /~ ~i° • - t~EJECTED C:J ~,p AT~'ACHMENTS: - tIiEMO~/F!~- C,~ ~ , . ROS~i'i,!l~FO CJ ,,.. ITE~II' ®®ES:IVOT REC~UIRE REVIEW • FKEARD ~ x' ~ , .. ,•.. COUNTY MANAGER CO TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: i Recom`mend approval. ~~ ~ ~ 267 . COMMISSIONERS' ACT1 /COMMENTS: i ., ` - ~ ~• {This page intenti®nally left blank} r~~ ~- ..'~,'y,v, _. ~~~ ~'~~ ;'r ~~ ,~) i +,,~.:~:.-~ Syr... _, ~' ~6~ ;.,. - . NEO_iV H:,AiVOVER COl1(V.TY B®AR® ®F COMIViISS10•NERS . -- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 07/09/0.1 ' Cohsent Item #: 18 Estimated Time:.- Page Number; -~ ' Department:- Parks Presenter:. Neal Lewis: • " ~ - " - Contact:- `Neal' Lewis _ _ SUB:lECT: - Snows Cut Park Lease ,BRIEF•SUMMARY: ~. ~ .' - - New Hanover County currently leases approximately- 17 acres of property along Snows Cut from "the U:s.-Army Corps of Engineers. The property has been developed as a park and has- been in use „for-over 15 years. 'It is one of the- more `popular, parks in -the County parks system.. The Corps . has offered fo lease the.Cou~nty an additional,-22~ acres along Snows" Cuf for a period of 25 years.,. The County would .have the opportunity #o expand recreational opportunities 'at the. -park. The: _ n. highlights of the lease are attached. The property will provide: space for the County to relocate . existing facilities should the erosion problems in the existing park.threafen those facilities. The lease includes an Environmental Baseline Survey, stating tfiat, fhe property is free of hazardous or . . ~ environmentally threatening conditions. ". , • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTEQ ACTIONS: The Chairman be authorized to sign the required documents to least 37.47 acres at Shows Cut from the Corps of-Engineers fora period of 25 years. ~ . FUN®1NG SOURCE: „ - .. N/A . .ATTACHMENTS: snowscut.wp • • JTE11A DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ ~ '_. - COUNTY MANAGER'S COM S.~AND RfCOMMENDATFONS - ----~ {1PpROVED ~~ ' . 'Recommend approval. - ~ ~ - ~ 1REJECTED C~ _ ~, ~COMM1SSi0NERS' ACT N /COMMENTS: ~-b~EMOVED C/' f ~ - .. pOSTpONED ~ . .. • ' .' :. -269 .. - New Hanover County Parks Department Snows Cut' Lease -Summary July 9; 2001 1. The area to be leased is 37.47 Acres. 2. The period of the lease is from August 1, 2001, until July 31; 2026. This lease replaces the current lease for Snows Cut Park. 3. The. County is required to submit a development plan for the area to be leased. The plan should include all potential development on the land: There is no requirement to commit to cost, or a time frame, ,for this development. This plan will include trails, roads and parking, rest rooms; picnic shelters; playgrounds, public access (piers). 4. All improvements to the land must be approved in writing by the Corps.. The Corps may request "as-built" drawings of any improvements. 5. The County will submit annual certification that all water and sanitary, systems are in compliance with all applicable regulations. 6. The County agrees to accept the land in its current condition. The land has been inspected. There are places where trash has been illegally dumped, which the County will clean up. 7. The Corps reserves the right to enter and use the land for its purposes. This is in keeping with the Corps' mission of maintaining the navigational cha~~nel of the Atlantic Intracoastal _ Waterway. 8. "The County~,,w~ill provide adequate insurance`coverages~ for facilities and visitors. The °- --- coverages~;r~equired are consistent with the coverages normally maintained by the County for similar~;fa~,i~lites. ~~~ ~`~_ . `~~ Zoo C~ n '(VENN HANOVER C®UNTY B~AR® ®F COMMISSIONERS ~~ . . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ` . .Meeting Date: 07/09/01 ' ~ . ' - ,. .. _ ., Consent Item°#: 19 Estimated Time: Page Number: ` ' ' Department: Planning . Presenter: Wanda Coston ~ ' r. •{ .,. ~ ., .Contact:.. Wanda Coston ~ ~ ~ ° SUBJECT: _ ... ~ - Capital Project Ordinance`-Community Development Block Grant Program, , ": ~ ~CDBG~ Scattered Site Housing Program F ° BRIEF SUMMARY: - The Commissioners are requested to formallyaceept the $400,000~CDBG.grant to implement Scattered Site Housing Programm. A Capital- Project Ordinance is necessary to establish the budget ' y . ~ for fhe project. ,, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. ' ' ! Recommend adoption of the Capital .Project Ordinance; req-nest authorization for-the Chairman to ~;. sign the Ordinance; request acceptance of the. CDBG Grant inahe amount of $400,000 and authorization for the Chairman'to~sign=the grant agreement; request approval of associated • budget amendment #2002.01'. The Chairman`musf also authorize and certify the appropriate ` ~ ~ ~- ~ signatures'for the Requisition for Funds form. . ' FUNDING SOURCE: ~ "` . ,. NC .Department of Commerce "Division of Community Assistance ' ,. ,.,~~ - ATTACHMENTS: ° 1. ~ - '. 17 epcdbg, • ~ ' . .,. .REVIEWED BY: .. ~ - _ LEGAL; FINANCE: ,BUDGET: ~ ' KU MAN RESOURCES.:- ~ ' '°~ ~.:, ~ CO.UNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ " , . .Recommend apProvai. ~.:;~,,,' ~~. ~" ~ .... r °' <, ~~y~• , COMMISSIONERS'-.ACTIONS/COMMENTS.: ~ ~~~~1 ?~PPROV~D ~ , ... . ~. .. 1~EJ.ECTED {,: ,. . ~~REMOVED .. ~~ . , . ~ POSTPONED ~ "`'~ ',- . °. .. ~; , J~KEARI3 l0~/~ ~-~„ . , , .. I~ - ~ .. • .. ~.., ~~ 1 . ,. - . a. . f ~ ~ . .. ., .. SIGNATORY FORM. AND CERTIFICATION Grant No. Recipient Name Address: Si natures of individuals authorized to sign Requisition for Funds forms. (Two signatures required on each requisition g (Signature) (Typed Name) (Typed Title) gnature) (Typed Name) (Typed Titl gnature) (Typed Name) (Typed Title) (Signature) (Typed Name) (Typed Title) r CERTIFICATION '!. () f certify that the signatures above are of the individuals authorized to sign Requisition for Funds form for the above recipient. Certifying Official + Title 2. {)The governing: board .has passed a resolution authorizing the persons above to sign Requisition for Funds forms for: the above recipient: A copy of the resolution is,attached. cerfify that the signatures above are those of the individuals authorized by resolution of the governing board '~ of .the recipient to sign. Requisition for Funds forms. Certifving Official + Title __ . _ __ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SIGNATORY FORM AND CERTIFICATION 1. Indicate name and address of the recipient. 2. Two authorized signatures shall be required on all Requisition for Funds forms. The Division of Community Assistance will check the signatures on each requisition form to see that they match the authorized signatures on the Signatory Form and Gertification. Only the signatures of persons shown on the Signatory Forms and Certification will be accepted. 3. To allow for flexibility. in making requisition requests, it is recommended that four authorized signatures appear on the Signatory~~.orm and Certification. Local governments may choose one of two options in completing the Cer- ~tification. If the local government chooses to use the first option, the chief elected official or the chief finance officer rnust~si~gn~t`he form as the certifying official. In signing as the certifying official; the chief elected official or chiefinan,~ce~'"offiicer certifies that : 7) the signatures are authentic and 2) that the persons designated as signato"r,, i:es are~'authorized to sign requisitions for payment. If the chief elected official or the ohief finance officer is the certifying,o.f,fici~l, that person may not also be an authorized signature, If.the co munity wishes to have both the chief elected official and the chief finance officer sign requisitions for payment, the community should select the second option for certification. In this case, the governing board must pass a resolution authorizing sufficient persons to act as signatories. In addition, an individual who is not designated as a signatory must certify the authenticity of the authorized signatures. Anyone who knows all of the persons authorized to sign requisitions may sign as the certifying official. Another local government staff person or member. of the governing body is recommended. 4. If the recipient wishes to change the persons authorized to sign the requisition for funds form a new Signatory Form and Certification must be submitted to the Division of Community Assistance. ~~../ ~7f~ erasures or corrections may appear on the Signatory Form and Certification. .. .t „ North Carolina Departanent of Commerce `~ _ . ; ! ~ Division of Community Assistance- ~ ,. ;~ ~ .: ~ ,~ " ~ Community Development ~loc1~ Grant.trogram Gram A.bre~rn~x~t - . ,. ,Upon execution of this grant agreement, the North Carolina Department of,Commerce (D-OC) '.:agrees to provide to the recipient Community Development Block Grant assistance under Title I " . of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, (P.L'. 93-383), as amended,. ' authorized by. the DCO.C funding approval, the.North Carolina Community Development Blocl{ ' ; ...Grant administrative•rules, applicable laws and all' other requirements of DOC now or"hereafter ., ` :in'effect. The grant agreement is effective on the date the,""giant agreement~and funding approval - " are signed by the recipient: The.-grant agreement consists of the approved application, including the certifications, maps, schedules "and,othei submissions in the application. any subsequent ` Vamendments to the approved application and funding approval and the~following general terms ~ " . .. and conditions: - .. . " ~• ~ ,; . ~ 1. Definitions. Except, to-the extent-modified or supplemented .by the agreement, any ~ _ - term defined in the North Carolina Community Development Block~Grant: `~ • ' Administrative'Rules, 4 NCAC 19L, shall hive the same meaning when used ,. herein. ~ , ,. ' (a) ~ . ~AQreement means this grant agreement; as"described above, and " any amendments -or supplements thereto. ' . . ,r • . :., . , - ," (b)" ~ Recipient means the entity~designated as a recipient for grant: ' ;. ~ assistance in the grant agreement and funding; approval: `• ~ ~ - -. {c)~ ." Certifications mean the certifications submitted with the grant ~~ , ~ ~"' ~ .application:pursuant to the requirements of Par'ag-raph"(e) of Rule ~ "'""~ ~ " ' " . ~• ~ ,.0407"ofthe North Carolina Community, Develo'pment.Block Grant -~ , . , ,; ~ Administrative Rule's, 4°NCAC ~19L. ~ - ' ,- .. .. (d) `- _ Assistance provided under this agreement means the grant funds.} "~, ~ ' ~' ~ - ' ~ ~ 'provided under this agreement. '' ~ ' - -~ ~ (e) Program means the. community developmentprogram,`project, or . .. . ". ~" ~ other activities, including the administration. thereof, for which ~ ` P . ,.. ` assistance is being rovided under" this agreement. ~ s " ;~• 2. ~.ObIieations of the Recipient. The recipient shall perform~the'~progzam as speeifizd iri , ~ the application approved, by DOC, Z'he recipient shall comply with the certifications ;. , j ' ' ~.. pursuant Paragraph. (e) of Rule .007 of the North Carolina Community Development . _, I ~ `. ~ Page ~~ .. ~ 1 ~ " ~ ~ a , •. :. r ~ ... , . ,. . , ._ . • .t . •. ", ` I .~ ~: ;' r ~r ,• ," Block Grant Administrative Rules, 4 NCAC 19L. The recipient shall also comply with ~° all other lawful requirements of DOC, all applicable requirements of the .General ^``~' Statutes of the State of North Carolina'and any other applicable laws and Executive Orders currently or hereafter in force. 3. Obligations of Rec~ient with Respect to Certain Third Party Relationships. DOC shall-hold the recipient responsible for complying with the provisions of this agreement even when the recipient designates a third party or parties to undertake all or any part of the program. The recipient shall comply with all lawful requirements of DOC necessary to insure that the program is carried out in accordance with the~recipienf's certifications including the certification of assumption of environmental responsibilities under Rule .1004 of the North Carolina Community Development Block Grarit Administrative Rules, 4 NCAC 19L. r 4. Conflict of Interest. None of the following or their immediate, family members, during the'tenure of the subject person or for one year thereafter, shall have any direct or indirect financial interest in any contract, subcontract or the proceeds thereof for work to be performed in connection with the program assisted under this agreement: employees or agents of the recipient who exercise any function or responsibility with respect to the program, and officials of the recipient, including members of the governing body. Thz same prohibition shall be incorporated in all such contracts or subcontracts. ~ ' The assistance provided under this agreement shall not be used in the payment of any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining DOC approval of the application for such assistance, or DOC approval of applications for additional assistance, or any other approval or concurrence of DOC required under this agreement, or the North Carolina Community Development Block Grant Administrative Rules, with respect thereto; provided, however, that reasonable fees or bona fide technical, consultant, managerial or other such services, other than actual solicitation, are not prohibited if otherwise eligible as program costs. `" r, .. .. <, .. - -a _, .. 5. Reimbtu-sement to DOCfor Improper Expenditures. The recipient will reimburse DOC for any amount of grant assistance improperly expended. 6. Access to Records: The recipient shall provide any duly authorized representative of DOC, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the Comptroller General at all reasonable. times access to and the right to inspect, copy, monitor, and examine all of the books; papers, records, and other documents relating to the grant for a period~of five years following the completion, of all closeout.procedures. 7. Proiect Savings. The recipient is obligated to contribute 100 percent of its pledged cash contribution to the CDBGxproject even if the project experiences a savings. after authorized activities are' completed. Any project savings accrue to the CDBG program. Page 2 ,. ~._ J 2 74 ,~ . ifs,. Ali i .. - .. ~. ' ;,,:~ - . r~ Exbenditure of:Non-'CDBG Funds. The recipient must ensure that'non-CDBG funds are- .~t ,. expended along with ,CDBG funds, following the implementation schedule described. in the approved application and modified by the Performance Contract; and shall repon on ' non-CDBG expenditures with each Annual Performance Report; consistent wifh Section '~ ~ _ .1.1 OO. PERFORIUTANCE of the program regulations (4NCAC, 19L). ~ -. ~ 9.: ~ Method of Payment. The Department of .Commerce .uses .the STEP-OUT system for. '- , "CDBG payments to units of local government. Payments on requisitions will b~ made - only by electronic funds transfer. - r_ - , ,10. 1 Fair Housinff.' For each grant year that a CDBG i`s active, a recipient must describe fhe . ~ actions it will take in the areas of enforcement, .education and-remova of barriers and ' _ impediments to affirmatively further"'fair housing. Guidance for developing a~Fair Housing Plan can be found in DCA Bulletin 93-4. " - '11.. Etauai Emolovment and Procurement'Opporturiiri~.~ A recipient must describe the actions it, will take annually. while the grant is open in the areas of enforcement; education aril ~. ~ ,. ~ ..removal of barriers. and impediments tfiat affirmatively further equal access in employment and procurement. This includes a description of steps to be taken in the areas of advertisement, compliance and complaint tracking.,.,. .- ~''12~. Local Economic Benefit (Section ~ Reaulationl. For each yzar that a CDBG is active, a' recipient must describe a strategy whereby opportunities in employment and procurement arising-out of a CDBG assisted project are identified: and made available to low-iizcome ~,R ~ residents within the CDBG assisted area to the greatest"extent.. feasible. This strategy { _ must tncludz (1) identification o~ training and technical assistance rzsources to pr~hare _ ~. ~ ~ low-income residents"for employment'and procurernentopportunities, (2) attempts Eo reach the numerical targets for new hires set forth in the Section ~ re~laation; which~ _' ' ~ applies to recipients receiving $200,000`or more in non-administrative line items `. expended for construction contracts: of at least $ l 00,000.per.contract, and (3) education o f low-income residents within the CDB G assistedarea about the components :and ~PPortu_nties .of the program. . .. •. ..: , .. .:. . 13... - Section-5.04 and ADA. Recipients must complete the,Section, X04 Survey and Transition - Plan. This plan w111 not satisfy all the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities - ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~~ Aet, but i~t ~tirill greet the~minimum requirements fora CDBG assisted projec't:~ ~, ,. ~ . . ~ 14. ~ Obli~atlon of Recit7ient With Regard to Vacant Units. ,The .rzcipient shall ensure that all _ .. .vacant units~being rehabilitated will be occupied by aloes ormoderate-income family by the time close-out occurs.. ~l ~.;~. Utility Assessments or.Fees. Assessments or fees to recover fhe CDBG funded portion . of a utility project may be charged to properties. not-owned and occupied by lo:v and " ' Moderate-income persons.. Such assessments are program income and; as such, must be i . `- used for eligible-CDBG activities that meet a CDBG national objecti~,~e. . ~. - Pa P 3 ~ - ~ g... ~ - '. - 7 r- ~ - .. E .. - - ~~. Schedule for Release of Conditions and Completion Activities The recipient must satisfy all conditions to release CDBG funds within six months of receiving the grant, and draw down all CDGB funds, expend all local~non/CI)BG funds and complete all project activities in conformance with the activities implementation schedule in the application as modified by the Performance Contract. The recipient must obligate all funds within 27 months and spend all funds within 30 months from the date the Grant agreement and Funding Approval is signed by the I)CA Director. The timetable for completion activities may be extended, as warranted by extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the recipient local government, through amendments to the application approved by the Division. Consistent with Section .1104 of the program regulations (4NCAC 19L), based on review of the recipient's performance for conformance with the approved application approved performance schedules, the Secretary of Commerce may withdraw the grant, except for funds already expended. ,- Upon execution of this agreement by DOC and the recipient, the recipient hereby accepts the assistance on the terms of this grant agreement effective on the date indicated below, and further certifies that the official signing this document has been duly authorized by the recipient's governing body to execute this Grant Agreement. Secretary of the Department of Commerce 0 Date: June 1 ~. 2001 Q By: ~~Y'2~Y.~ William A. McNeil, A1CP Director Division of Community Assistance . Date: Name of Recipient ;:: _ ,.., . _ ; ,,. ,~ ,Signature of Authorized Official ,~ 276 Page 4 . ~ 1. .. . .° ,. ~. - ;. North Carolina Division of Community Assistance - Community Develo.pmentBl®ck Grant-Program • . Funding ~ApProval. ~ . • •, ~~ 1.' Name and Address of Recipient ; New Hanover County - , : ~ • • ~ 320 Chestnut Street Y . ,, Wilmington, North Carolina .28401-4061 • ,- 2: Grant Nudnber and Funding• Approval bate ,:. ,• Grant Number, 'Ol-C-0800. - _ . , .. Date-of Original Funding Approval: Tune 15, 2001 . \ Date'of Amended Funding Approval:.: -. ` • :: ,. • 3: Approved Projects ~ ; . - ~ . •Project Number acid Name Approved ~ _ Amount SSH-1 New.Hanover County Scattered Site Housing $400,000 • •. ~ d . _. . ~ .. . ..,, .• . ....: - , otal Grant Awar ..5.400,000,.,. , - ..~. e .., •, . ~.. , .. - ,. ' .4 Funding Approval Conditions ' . ~•. . The following conditions must be: removed in writing by the Division of Community Assistance ~ . ..~ l , .,_ (DCA) in order,for all funds to be released for the approved projects listed in item (3), above: yr g b p ' A. Environmental C®ndition: No funds.ma be~obli ated or.e~ ended in aiiy activity eYCept ' ' for the payment of reasonable costs related to the plannin ,administration, engineering, ; ' ~.. . design and environmental assessments for the approved project until. the recipient has ~ :. • . ~ complied with the Enyironrnental Review ProcedL~res for the N.C. CDBG Program and the P ~ ~ . • ~ CDBG regulations •contained in 4 NCAC 19L.100~. •: • ~.. . . .. • ~ . . County of New Hanover 1 ~ O1-C-0800 ;• . • - -- . ~~./ FUNDING APPR®VAL B. Citizen Participation and Compliance Condition: No funds maybe obligated or expended in any project activity except for the administration activity until DCA is provided with the following documentation of compliance with citizen participation requirements in the application process [4 NCAC 19L.1002]: publisher's. affidavits of notices for and minutes signed by the town (or the county as applicable) clerk of the tvvo required public hearings. C. Floodplain Condition: No funds may be obligated or expended in any project activity except for the administration activity until the recipient .provides DCA with a certification that the project area is not in a floodplain; or with certification that the recipient participates in the flood insurance program, all properties assisted in the project will be covered for flood insurance prior to beginning construction on the property, and all public facilities will be constructed to comply with the applicable floodplain regulations. D. Administration Contracts/lnter-local Aareements_Condition: No funds may be obligated or expended in any project activity except the administration activity until the recipient has submitted either a copy of the contract awarded for administration of this grant or a statement signed by the CEO stating that the contract will be administered internally. E. Performance Based Contract Condition: No funds maybe obligated or expended in any project activity except for the administration activity until the recipient has returned to DCA one copy of the properly completed Performance Based Contract. F. S sII Disclosure Form: No fiords maybe obligated or expended in any project activity except for the administration activity until the recipient has returned to DCA one copy of the properly co-mp'leted `SSHDisclosure Form. G. Amendment Condition: No fiirids may be obligated or expended in any project activity except for the administration activity until the recipient provides written assurance that it commits to assisting the number of units stated in the SSH application and if the number of units to be assisted, the method of selection, or the policies that have been designed for this grant changes, the local government is responsible for following DCA amendment procedures. H. 1'Vlap Condition: No funds maybe obligated or expended in any project activity except for the administration activity until the recipient provides maps of LMI concentrations. Q Proiect Administration: No funds may be obligated or expended in any project activity (~ except for administration until the recipient identifies who will administer this grant. Please list names as well as key responsibilities. County of New Hanover 2 O 1-C-0800 PROJECT ORDINANCE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT SCATTERED SITE HOUSING BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the Community Development Block Grant Scattered Site Housing Project, which capital project involves the construction and/or acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2, .such . ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. _.. ,, _ . 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Community Development Block Grant Scattered Site Housing Capital Project, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is~ CDBG Grant $ 400, 000 Total $ 400, 000 ~~®. ~._. DEPARTIViENT: Planning BUDGET AMEtVDMEIVT #: 2002-01 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT CDBG Scattered Site Housing Grant $40®,000 Capita! Project Expense $00,000 EXPLANATION: To establish project budget according to Capital Project Ordinan ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board. Og Commissioners ,.;.., ,~pPROVED ISREJECTED ~ ~fdIOVEU a ~STP{3~~E® ;~ ____ 2~2 ~~