Agenda 2001 08-06 S r `, , , A~'C I V DA NEW I3AN®VER C®~JNTY~BOARD ®~' COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County. Historic Courthouse 24 NoYth Third Street,-Room 301 . ;;, ~. ~ : ' .., Wilmington,. NC .. . . ' TED DAVIS, JRI; CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT; C OMMISSIONER _ ~ r - ~ ~ ALLEN O'NEAL, CDUNTYMANAGER • WANDA CDPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIEF. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD . . August 6, 2001 5:30 p.m. ' . , MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) ' ' INVOCATION " PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ~ ~ . . .. . ' APPROVAL OF C _ ONSENT AGENDA ~ , ESTIMATED ITEMS. OF BUSINESS • PAGE ' TIMES ~ _ NO.. 5:45 p.irm. 1. Coastline Convention Center. Presentation ~ 1 .5:55 p.m: 2. Consideration of Conveyance of Pender County Parcel to.Cape Fear ~ 3 ' Community College `' 6:00 p,m, 3. Consideration of Award of Contract #01-0208 for. Landfill Cell #6 ` 9 Construction 6 ; ; ~ ~ 6:10 p.m. ~f . , 4.1 Consideration of Grant Award of $5.64,310 from N.C.,.Department of Crime 17 Control and Public Safety - N.C. Redevelopment Center -State Housing Crisis _ Assistance Fund: and Associated BA#f~~96~-6~' c~a -t?~~ ~, ° ~ 4.2 .Consideration of Hazard~Mitigation~Acquisition & Relocation Grant - ~19 Agreements. and. Associated BA#~2-08~-83- aa~©~ -=c~G 6:20 p.m. 5. ,~ Consideration of Appeal of 2001 Real Estate .Identification and Ownership - 21 - u Ellsworth-Sloan; L.LC d/h/a/ Waterfronte Villas and Yacht Club -.R08806-005- 001=00A 6:25 p.m. 6. Consideration of 2001 Rea] Estate Value -Edwin S. Bahouth -. R04320-'002- 23 023-000, . - . Public Hearings ~ ~ ' 6:30 p.m. 7.1 Special'Use Permit for.Singlewide Mobile Home iii an R-20 Residential 25 . , Zoning District ;Location: 2321 Castle Hayne.Road (5-479; 08/01) - A7:00 p.m.. 7.2 Zot ~inl? Text Amendment for Article IX The Design Standards and Regulations. 29 for lSigns (A-311; 07/01) ' .7:30 p.m. 7.3 Sp i cial Use Permit for an Expansion to an Electrical Substation in an R 15 43 - Residential Zoning District at 4600 Blue Clay Road (5-478; 07/0.1) _ . 8:00 p:rn. ` f 8. Second Reading -Ordinance Changes Regarding .Vehicles in Dune Areas and Glass Containers in Dune Areas ~ . ' ~ 45 ' - ~ ' 8:1 S p:m. 9. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District ~ _ ~ 65 ESTIMATED ITEMS OF' BUSINESS PAGE TIMES ~ NO. 8:45 p.m. 10. Consideration of Technical Corrections to Code 51 8:55 p.m. 11. Consideration of Extension of Agreement for Purchase of Interest in Hutaff 53 Property for Mason Inlet Relocation Project 9:00 p.m. 12 Consideration of Cable Franchise Fee 55 9:15 p.m. 13 Consideration ofNHCTV Operational Policy 5~ Additional Items: County Commissioners, County Attorney, County Manager 9:30 p.m. Adjourn ' Note: The time listed for each agenda item is estimated, and in the event that a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move to the next item. . ~, .. MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE ~ , • 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 3'01 . ti ' WILMINGTON, NC 2001 August 6 • , _ ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ ~ .PAGE ' . _ ~ NO. L. ~ Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) 65. . ~ • ~ ~ 2. Approval of Minutes . _ 67 ' 3. Consideration of Request for Water and Sewer Service for Rock Church, Sidbury Road 69 4. Consideration of Request for Water Service for Greenview Ranches and~0ak Ridge ' 71 S:: Consideratiotrof Award of Castle Hayne Sewer Project (HCJD) Construction Contract 75 #01-.0344 . ; 6. Approval of Budget Anaendmen_t #2002-04 Island Park. Water. Extension Capital ~ 79 , Project. ~ , Adjourn , ,. ~ . . N r , . .. ' _. . - . CONSENT AGENDA , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS August 6, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of New Records Retention and Disposition Schedule as Presented by the N.C. Division of Archives and History 3. Appointment of Michael Law, Tammy Hartley, and Joyce Hatem to the New Hanover County Child Fatality Prevention Team 4. Approval of Resolution Relating to the Sale of Surplus Property 5. Reject Bids Received for Upgrade of Overhead Bridge Crane, Bid #01-0308 6. Approval of New Hanover County S1~erifPs Department Jail Inmate Escrow Account with Bank of America 7. Approval of Two New Public Health Registered Nurse Positions Funding of $82,370 by New Hanover County Schools and Associated BA #02-0013 8. Approval of Grant Application - Re-application for Teen AIDS Prevention (TAP) for $45,500 From the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation 9. Approval of Grant Application -Center for Disease Control (CDC) T'B Elimination and Prevention ($10,000) From the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Tuberculosis Control Program 10. Approval of Acceptance of $19,066 From the Corps of Engineers for Snow's Cut Spoil Island Pest (Mosquito) Management and Associated BA #02-0014 11. Approval of Application for State Aid to Public Libraries Approval of Budget Amendments: 12.1 #2002-02 Controlled Substance Tax 12.2 #2002-03 Federal Forfeited Property 12.3 #2002-OS Library Renovation Capital Project PAGE NO. 83 85 89 95 99 101 105 113 137 141 147 153 154 155 i" rl ~~~ .1.~0a'Yt M i SS i (/Y1Q Y- rj' P(/VtS(/YY~J YYlfilA.l(/Yi CIrQ~ . ~ ~ `'C~CUYnfY~ PPir~ 4 5 ~~ ~ ~ j~.d~~~ f'IUwers . ZZrr~Va~.q , . P ~ w ~ ! l dive,(-~ Polr ~ ~-~,- ~-i~s;Q/~- ~ / '~"Q jet iw res~rv sPa-~: cc1 a..,,~~ ,Mu~~~ ~*i-r~-d w/s~~~, ,; ~, C~~. irLPi/ ; ~ liG6~ r 7~ ~~» E7x~/l rC.~ ~ /tl. O'Nea.Q, GtJv LC `r7t7 ~ ih~ ¢~c.c~ . ~inVF.k~YC~, ~m~C~ Ud~ ~vwlt: ~~~" ~ ln~ : l~ Pn vi {~/ ~ rum ,6r,~is~~,~~i ~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~,ro ~ i d 2 ~ -r n k] I' r ~ ~~r- q, ~,,e~ rnd-q~~,v ~n~rj /.~r/~v1 "~ ~ ~ ~C .~ ~a ~ V _ ~~ ,~(~r~, ~~ / ~ S ~~o max ~ e o~u.,~lr~-r orl/ ~"~~ w/ rv ~72M-li _ -- - ~iEVV HA6VOVER 000(VTY B®AR® OF CONi1VllSSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater '06/06/01 n {This page intenti®nally left blank} r ~ ~°~~~~~~itt~n~~4 'f';t~,4 y~a~ +~ • , '~ ~ i- 2 ~ NEW HAN®VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSI®NERS . REQUEST FOft:BOARD ACTION ~ ~. .. ; Meeting ®ate: ®8/06/®1 ,. _ , . Regular Item #: 2 ..Estimated. Time: Page Number:. ` Department: Legal Presenter: Community College Representative .. ~, ' . ~~ Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney ,;.. - SUBJECT:. ._ • .. Conveyance of 4'ender County Parcel to Cape .Fear, Comra~unity College. .p BRh'EF`SUMMARY: ~ ' Through a drug seizure in the 1990s, New Hanover County and Pender County each"acquired a ' ' • ~ 50°Jo .interest in a 78 acre. rural tract located in Pender County (Bulltail). The Community College _",, ~ .requests that each County •convey its interest so the College can develop the site for an emergency .' ~ servicesaraining facility.-The U.S. government has authorized. such use ahd transfer. As requested at the March:26, 2001 meeting, the conveyance is made conditional u.pon'us~e of the .property for public safety education training. • 4ECOM'MENDED M®TION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. Authorize conveyance and execution of non warranty deed with use conditions. ' ..FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ` .~ ~ =ATTACHMENTS: " - ' Yes. ,. . .; REVIEWED BY;' " '.LEGAL: Approvey FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES:. N/A • •~. . " ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ,~ 'Hear presentation and if desired execute deed as recommended above...- - COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ` ' ~ r~4flMY COMMI~IQN _ APPROVED ~. - DEJECTED ~~ . . " IREMOVEp ~ - ,. POSTPONED d ~EARr ~ ~ • NQ obi o.~e +o set..Q. 3' , . . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER NON WARRANTY DEED THIS,DEED, made and entered into this the day of 2001, by and between, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a body politic, party of the first part; and THE TRUSTEES OF CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE, a body politic, having an address of 411 North Front Street, Wilmington; North Carolina 28401, party of the second part; WITNESSETH: That the party of t17e first part in consideration of the sung of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said party paid by the party of the second part; the receipt of which hereby is acic.nowledged, has bargained and sold and by these presents does bargain, sell and convey, subject to the purposes and restrictions set forth hereafter, Lento the party of the second part, said party's, successors and assigns, all of the undivided interest of the parry of the first part i~n and to the following described property, to wit: All that certain parcel of land described in Exhibit "A" atrtached hereto and made a part hereof. ~~, The use of the property described on Exhibit "A" herein conveyed shall be restricted at all times to training of law enforcement, firefighting, rescue,~emergency and similar.public service personnel, which restriction is expressly assented to by the party of the second part by the acceptance of this deed. In the event that said property is utilized for any purposes other than set forth above, the estate herein granted to the party of the second part shall automatically expire and revert to the party of the first part. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of the undivided interest of d1e party of the first part in and to said property and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the party of~thefisecond~partsaid party's successors and assigns forever, so long as said property is used for the purposes hteren Bove set out; if those uses are discontinued, the fee simple determinable estate of the party o'f the second part shall automatically expire and revert to the party of the first part. a ,~ ~ .._ , 4 STATE OF-NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, do hereby certify that on the day of 2001, before me personally came ,who, being by me duly sworn, says that he is the and that is Clerk of NEW HANOVER COUNTY, the body corporate or politic described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the common seal of said body corporate or politic; that the seal affixed to thF: foregoing instrument is said common seal; that the name of the body corporate or politic was subscribed thereto by the said _ ;that the said _ and Clerk subscribed their names thereto and that the said common seal was affixed, all by authority of the governing board of said body corporate or politic; and that said .instrument is the act and deed of said body corporate or politic. 2001. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the day of My Commission Expires: 92413?-0043-001 WLMMAIN\68433.1 Notary Public ~~EXHIBST A., , ' Located in Columbia Township, Pender County., North Carolina. , ' , a short distance. Southeast of S''econdary Road ~121.2.arid.adjacent ° ' _ to'and WEst,of tfie main run of Moores-Creek and being more fully ~ - described as follows, .to wit: BEGIIdNI19G at an iron pipe in a•ditch,lsaid iron"pipe being located at a, point that is 'the ~followi_ng courses and distances from an old, , .railroad spike located in the. paved centerline of Secondary Road ' ft1212 and directly above the center"of a concrete culvert that , ` accommodates the waters of a, ditch beneath the roadway with said •culvert being located tl_4 milES Southwestwardly~along.said road from i.ts intersection with. U.S. Highway Y421•: South 46° 34` West 625.65 feet, South 44° -02' O5" East .264.29•feet, North 31° 18' 20" East 221;97 feet,: North 19° IS' West 38.91 feet., South 78° 57' 40" ` East 1716. 23. feet and South 07°`22' 40" West 37_69 feet to 'the Beginnincj;'and running-thence, from the•Deainning,'so located, South . 78°°01' 49" East 921.07 feet to an iron pipe inline;.thence, South 07° 21'•01" East-.497.62 feet to an iron pipe inline; thence,. South ' ~ 3,3° '09' 25" East. 793.78 feet to an iron: pipe,inline; thence,South • " 00° 99' 43" East 712.55 feet to an iron pipe inlne; thence, South ~ -07° OS' 19" Plest'376.05 feet to an iYcn pipe in. the edge of the. woods; thence, South`03° 41'.37"'Last 1150.40 feet to an iron pipe, ° on ,the Western edge of 'the main run of F;cores Ci-ee:k; ahence,. to - and with the -main run cf Moores Creek as it meanders in a South- westwardly"direction with the following-being traverse courses and , • distances from point :to point along or-near..the western edge of ',' said creek: .South C7° 18' S9" Ir+est 83.26 feet, South 05° 24' 05" - west 119.26 feet, South 00° 04' 29":,West 137.98 feet, South 29° ' .48' 2.0" west 53..50 feet, Seuth 62° 26' 29" Wes.t_187.54~,feet,' South. -04° 20` 3l" East 144.12 feet and South 37° 45' 23":West 111.05 feet " to an olci iron pipe in 'said run; thence, with an old.ma~-l:ed line- ' ,.° tJorth 66°.55'`49:" West 779.99 feet 'to an ofd iron pipe 'iniine; ' thence, North 61° 43' 33"West 608.41 feet to an old iron pine at ' the head of 'a .ditch; thence, North 40° 90' 22" East'1021.91 feet ' to an iron pipe on the Southern edge of Bull Tail Branch; ,thence, - ` -up the run cf Bull Tail Branch as . it meanders in a Idprt:hwest~iardly ~ d"irection h•itL- t1~e following ,being traverse. courses and distances from point :to point along. said :run: North 37°:36'49" West 155.19 feet, Iiorth 26° 44' S6" East 92.68 feet, North 74° 92' 11" t3ast 71'.66 feet and North 33°. 42' 4'3" 47est 82,;.90 feet •to an iron pipe • ~ in said run; t'rrence, ,with a canal ditch. P;orti 0:7° 28' 35" East'. 1231.38 feet to an iron pine in a bend in said ditc]i; thence, " ' . , continuing o:ith said canal North 80° 41'•0'7" F'rest 38.3:51 feet to -- ~n`iron pipe :in said canal at its intersection with another c?itch; - thence, with said other. ditch tdor•th 07° 22' 40" East. 1247.60 feet to the Beginning, containing 78,60 'acres,,more or less and is as ' surveyed by..Thompscn Surveying Company; P;,A, of d3urgaw„'N.C: in ' -. June,. 1.9$6. Together,with~a'4G foot wide roadway easement for'l:,urposes of in= gress, egress and regress to and from this and bt.he~r lands faith ° . said easement .lying adjacent to and South of the :following described - lines: ' ' BrGTNNIiJG at an•-old railroad spike in.the paved centerline'of ` " . Secondary Road y-1222, said spike being located alo;:nci said line . ~• ' at a point .that is South 46° 34' (lest •625.65 feet :from an old spike " . in said road. centerline-that is directly above'the center of a'con- crete culvert that accommodates the waters of a.dit:ch beneath the - roadway with'said culvert being located 0.4 miles S~outhwestwardly" ' along said road. from -its intersection with U. S. Hic7=h~•~ay ;!.421; and running thence, from the Beginning, so located, South 44° 02' O5:`~ • 4 i;as.t 264.24 feet to an iron- pipe inline; thence, Plc,rt?i 33° Z 8' 20" ° , • .. .. East,221.97 feet to a point in••a canal ditch; thenc:e North-19° 15' - ' ,, " West 28.91-feet to a point in said canal; thence,'t;v and with another ditch South.-76° 57' 40" East 171'6. Z3 feet to a point.that bears North ° r . C7 Z2' 40" East 27:69''.feet from'. the Beginning point of the above . described. tract;. thence, continuing South 78'° 57' ~d0" :P,ast 421.0 feet more or less to a point that -marks the termination p~ir,t of this 40 .foot wide roadway easement. ' • .. _. ~. ~7'hzs-pate intentionally left blank} "l ~% . tVEW HANO~ER C®UNTY BOARD OF C®I~IIVlISSIO~ERS ; . ' REQUEST FOR ;BOARD ACTION ~ ' Meeting Date: 08/D6/01 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray:.Church ,. ~ Contact: Ray Church SUBJECT: ' , Capital Project Ordinance-Cell 6A and 6B, Award. of Contract #01"-0208 for Landfill Cell # 6 Construction • ~ , BRIEF SUMMARY: , ' A Capital Projecf:Ordinance'must be approved. to establish the fund for the construction of Landfill ..Cel1 6A and 6B. A bid opening was held on June 21, 2001, at which time only two bids were ' received. The project was re-advertised and a bid. opening was held'on July 19, 200,1. The •project ' . was broken into three components,"Construction of Cell 6A, Construction of Cell 6B after July 1, 2002 with on-site soils, and, Construction of Cell 6.B after July 1°, 2002, using off-site: soils.( Alternate 1) Bids were received as follows: ~ , Bidder Ce11.6A Cell 6B Total Alt #1 Total w/ ` - Alt#1 A11en Grading No bid -. No bid, ~ No bid ~ No bid ' No bid ES&J, ~ ,. $1,297,109.5. $ 956,103.85 $2;253,213.3 $598;000 $2,851,273.4 Enterprises;. 0 5 0 Inc. ~ . SE $1,479;510.5 $1,364,705.6 $2,844,2.16.1 $900,000 $3,744,21:6.1 Environmental 0 0 ; 0 0 . Contracting Phillips & $1,601,306.0 $1,196;1.54.0' $2,797,460.0 $703,.500 $3,500,960.0 Jordan; fnc. 0 0 0 ` 0 Atlas Resource $1,600;023.0 $1,238,265.,5 $2;838,288.5 $550;000 Management 0 ~ 0 0 $3,388,288.5' r"`^""" Via` ~ ~c> aQ, ~rS., ,~ ' j T.halle $1,642,010.0: $1,217,693.5 $2;859,703.5 $770;000''"''"' $3;629, 703.5 -Construction 0" 0 . v 0 - ~0 . The construction wi 1, donsist of earthwork and the installation of a bottom liner syst"em cohsi`sting of a double synthetic plastic liner system over a geosynthetic clay liner system.- The syst`emr'also ` - includes a leachate collection ..piping rietwork grid associated sumps and pump,i~ng stations~~The - - -11 acre cell is divided into two subcells 6A and 6B of approximately 5 5 ,acr~es_each T.herproposal was advertised to have Cell 6A constructed in fiscal year 2002 and a notice to proceed to be , awarded for the construction of Celt 6B on Juiy 1, 2002 when funding became available. The ' intent of this proposal was to save time and money by .bidding both Cells at the same time. The .:contractor ES&J Enterprises,.Inc.-has expressed ah interest in building both Cells 6A and' 6B in • fiscal year 2002. By doing so it would save him mobilization and other costs. Payment. for, the ; Cell6B constructioh woufd~be rmade on July 1,°2002: The benefit to the County by allowing ' construction of Cell 6B early is that the Cell would be available in the event of a hurricane or other natural disaster. ~ - ' ' ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ ~ , :Recommend adoption of the Capital Project 0rdinance;:Staff recommends that the Board approve. the attached resolution. and award contract # 01-0208 to ES&J Enterprises; Inc., the Lowest 'responsible bidder, in an amount of $2,253,213.35. Staff also recommends the Board approve ~ • assooi.ated Budget Amendment Nos. 2002-07 and 02-0016. `. Funds for the construction of Cell 6A in an amount of $1,297, 109.50 are available in the Environmental Management. Landfill budget for fiscal year 2002. Funding for Cell 6B in an amount of $956,103.85 wil- be budgeted in the Environmental Management Landfill budget in fiscal year 2003.., . ATTACHMENTS: r I ~r~ ~ ~ '* Resolution cell6ab.resol. ba2002-07 cpcell6, ea#o2~ooi6. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval as requested above. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~) r4~l~t.~IV! T '4.ViVilY11.7~71® APPR©VED C~~ REJECTED Q , REMOVED f43 ~ s POSTPONED O HEARD ///^~w~ /~ ~ ~gy L~ ~ a I. ~~^iI 10 C~ EXPLANATION: To carry over funds from FY 00-01 to FY 01-02 for Cell 6. ADDITIONAL INFORIUTATION: APPFiO9/AL STATl1S: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners /~ v~ ~~~~® APPROVED ~ .: , t . RE(~~C3~lED ~ `~t POSTPONED ~ ,~ ~,E~`Rn; (p d -J . - .. • . ~ ~ ' RESOLi1TION .• . , ,` , • OF THE .. .. , ' . ~ ~OARi~.OF CONIlVIISSI~NEIZS •• ~ ~ 9 . OF - ., '. _ NEW >EIANOVER'COLTNTY • ;, WHEREAS; after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by ~ • the Environmental Management Department at 2:00 p.m. on the 19`h day of July; 2001, at . } the New Hanover.County Environmental Management Administration Building, 3002 -; Highway 421N, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for the constructiori .of Cell ~6A and 6B at the New. Hanover.. County LandfilL• Bidder. Ce116A .Cell 6B Total .' ~ Alternative Total with . 1 Alternative 1 Thane $1,642,020.00 $1,217,693.50 $2,859,703.50 $770,000.00 ' $3,629,703,50:. Construction Al1en:Gradin No bid No bid .- No bid No bid No bid ES&7, : $1,297,109.50 $956,103•.85 $2,253,213.35. $598;000.00• $2,851,273.40- „ Ente rises, Inc • SE~ $1 ,479;510:50 $1,364;705:60 $2,844,21.6.10 $900,000:00 $3,744,216.10 .l Environmental . Contractin ~ I Phillips & $1,601,3.06.00 $1,196,154.00 $2,792,460.00 $703;500.00 $3,500,960.00 '' Jordan, Inc.- . • • Atlas Resource $1,600,023.00 $1,238,265.50 $2,838,288.50 •$550,000:00 $3,388,288.50- ~, Management . ~ AND WHEREAS, according to G.S. 143=132, if fewer than three bids are• received after the first advertisement for a formal construction bid;: a 'second` ', - ' ,. , ~ ` ' advertisement of the'proposal shall be made and. after this second advertisement, the ` ~ ~ • contract maybe awarded even if only one bid has been received; • AND WHEREAS, after the first advertisement,. only two bids were 'received and ., , .the project was re-advertised as required by General Statutes after which five bids were received; - ,,. ~ . ' • AND WHEREAS, Post, Buckley, Schuch; & Jerrnigan, Inc., the consulting . ' engineers for the projecthave reviewed.the proposals and recommend•award•to ES&J •• • Enterprises, Inc:; ... ., . •, ;AND WHEREAS; the Environmental Management Director and the County. ' _ 1Vlanager recommend that the contract be awarded to ES&J, Enterprises, Inc.;,a North - Carolina corporation, ;the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of Two Million Two - • • . ~ ~• 13 Hundred Fifty Three Thousand Two Hundred Thirteen Dollars, and Thirty Five Cents. ($2,253,213.35); AND WHEREAS, One Million Two Hundred Ninety Seven Thousand One Hundred Nine Dollars and Fifty Cents ($1,297,109.50) is available in the Department of Environmental Management Landfill fiscal year 2002 budget for the construction of Ce116A; AND WHEREAS, Nine Hundred Fifty Six Thousand One Hundred Three Dollars and Eight Five Cents ($956,103.85) will be appropriated in the Department of Environmental Management Budget Landfill fiscal .year 2003 budget for the payment of construction of Cell 6B; AND WHEREAS, the contractor ES&J Enterprises, Inc. may desire to constrict Cell 6B prior to July 1, 2002, and agrees to be paid for construction services on July 1, 2002; AND WHEREAS, having Cell 6B constructed prior to July 1, 2002, will benefit the County in the event of a Hurricane or other natural disaster, NOW THEREFORE, BE.IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for the construction of Landfill Cells 6A and 6B for the Department of Environmental Management, be awarded to ES&3 Enterprises; Inc., in the amount of Two Million Two Hundred Fifty Three Thousand, Two Hundred Thirteen Dollars and Thirty Five Cents ($2,253,213.35) ;and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County ```~~~ Attorney. This the 6`h day of August 2001. (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board t - PROJECT ®RDINAI~CE . " C~'LL 6A //~N® 6B-NIEV1/ HAN01/ER COUIVT'Y LANDFILL.. . , ., BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of. Commissioners of New Hanover County: "~ .. 1. New Hanover County(County) is engaged in the Construction of Cell 6A and ~ . ,: 6B at the ,New Hanover" County Landfill; which .capital project involves .the construction and/or,acquisition of capital assets.. ~'` 2. County desires to authorize. and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted "pursuant to North Carolina General: Statute $159-13.2; such ordinance to '~ , authorize .all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project". - N®W, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: ~ - 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant~to N"orth Carolina General Statute X1.59-13.2. ~ ' 2. The project- undertaken pursuant to this ordinance. is the Construction of Cell ~ ~ , ~~ 6A ands 6B Capital Project, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: _ ~ , Trarisfier in from Fund 700 $ 2,253,214 ... Total $ 2,253.214 4 Thee.-following appropriations necessary #or the project are herewith made from - the revenue,listedabnve: .Capital Project Expense ._ , - $ 2,253,2) 4 ~ . ~ Total $ 2.253,214 ,' ~~ 5. This project ordinance shall be entered' iri the minutes of the Board of , . Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New" Hanover .~ County, and with the Clerk to~ the Board of Commissioners . of New Hanover County. .. .. ~.. ~ ~.~ ::.Adopted this day. of , 200; Clerk to the Board Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of County Commissioners 16 C~ I~EV!! HAN®14ER C®UfVTY DOARD OF COIVINIISSI®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD, ACTION . ~ ~ Meeting Date: 08/06/01` . ~ . Regular `Item #: 4,.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ . ` w Department: Planning Presenter: ~ - Contact: Wanda Coston: SUBJECT: > , .Grant Award of ~5C4,310 from N,C. Department of Crime Control and Public- Safety-lV.C. Redevelopment Center-State Housing Crisis Assistance Fund. BRIfF SUMMARY: .. r ~- ., . - ~ The Planning Department has been awarded a $564,310`grant from the NC.Dept: of Crime . `Control and Public Safety-NC Redevelopment Center, State Housing Crisis Assistance, Fund. $3,200 of the funds will be used to pay for grant application services by a consulting firm; the remaining $561;110 will be used to provide relocation assistance to homeowners effected by ' -Hurricane Floyd: ' : RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. ' ~~ ~,~ .Recommend acceptance of~fhe grant; request authorizatioa-for the Chairman.to.sign the grant - document; request approval of associated budget #02-0005. :. ' FUNDING SOURCE: ~ - - ~ Sta#e , $564,310. ~ . ..F~ ~ i ATTACHMENTS: ~ , ~ . ba2002-05 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' REVIEWED BY; ' • -LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A •. .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . As recommended above. ~ ~ I , ' ~ . ' ; COMMISS'IONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .. ~ • ~~b' ~' ~uiv~r ~~~l~cv APPROVED ~'~~ REJECTED D ?~ .. I~.EMOVED C~ ' :~ 1 ~ . x . ~ POSTPONED. _ ~ ' SEAR®. ~, ~ ~ '~. 7 NE1~U HAN00/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COIVIIVIISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Date: 08/06!01 Budget Anlendrvaent DEPARTMENT: Planning BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0005 ADJUSTMENT State Housing Crisis Assistance Grant-Aid to local governments State Housing Crisis Assistance Grant-Homeowners Contract Services Relocation Assistance DEBIT CREDIT $3,200 $561,110 $3,200 $561,11'0 EXPLANATION: To budget a grant awarded to Planning from the State Housing Crisis Assistance Fund-l Dept. of Crime Control and Public Safety. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~u~v coM~~® ~ ~ ,APPROVEQ I?~ REMOVE: Qr~~l~.~~ 9 ~kEARD ~~~~ .t M. _r ..~ __ ~ ~:~ . ~~ . _ ~E. . ~ ._I~E1N HAIV®VE;R C®UNTY B®AR® ®F C+flMMISSi®NERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ` Meeting Date.:..08/06/01 .. ~` . Regular Item #: 4.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: . - ` " 'Department:: Planning Presenter: - Contact: Wanda.. Coston ,. ~ ~ ' SUBJECT: Hazard Mitigation Acquisition & Relocation Grant Agreements - ~ ~ , .. BRLE1= SUMMARY:. - The Planning Department has. been awarded~a supplemental amount of $376,623 to complete the acquisition and. demolition of owner-occupied residential structures located i:n New Hanover ~~ County.. Two grants were previously awarded and accepted by the Commissioners; the' grants ' included in this agenda item are supplements to the original awards. •: ..° ~. R1=COMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: q Y - ` Recommend acceptance of the supplemental grants; re nest authorization for the Count Attorney, County. Finance Director, County-Manager, Assistande-County Manager, and Planning Director to sign the grant documents; request approval of 'associated budget amendment . #2002,06... FUNDING SOURCE: - .... Federal$173,173 State $203;450. . , . - . . ,; ATTACHMENTS: , ~~- t- ' ~~~ ' ~ ~ ` . . ' . ba2002-06 " .. REVIEWED BY: - LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET:: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COM ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: '~' ~ As recommended above. ~,;. - ~ , COMM1SS10NERS' ACTIONS/COMMEiVTS: . , .. ~4NA~1P~id~~ r APPROVEp ~~~ r . ~ ~?EJEC"TED ~EMOVEp ~ " ~ PO:iTF?C~NE'd ~- .. - ~ ~' ~frARt;? . . - ~ ~'~ $ to D ~~ 7 `J :/~~~ .. _ NE11!! HAIVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COIVIIVIISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/06/01 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Planning-HMGP Acquisition & Relocation BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-06 ADJUSTMENT HMGP-Federal (Grant #1) HMGP-State (Grant#1) Capital Project Expense HMGP-Federal (Grant #2) HMGP-State (Grant #2) Capital Project Expense i DEBIT $86,202 $237,825 $225,000 CREDIT $64,652 $21,550 $46, ;5 EXPLANATION: To adjust budget as a result of the state moving funds from one grant to the other and to increase budget for an additional award of $376,623 for the Hazard Mitigation Acquisition and Relocation project. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners -_'---.~ " ~-u~r ~aMlw~l® APPROVED C~ RE.!E"TED 0 RE:' ' .3 PO:~~i F'.3r~4ED d 6~EARI7 ~ 'P~ b~ f~~'~ ~_ 2 5 ~EV~ HANGIV.ER C~UI~TY B®AR® ~~ .COIVIIVIIS~SI®I~ERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® AC710N Meeting Date:, 08/06/®1 ~ ' Regular item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~~ Department:. TAX Presenter: Bob Glasgow/J.C. Hearn, Attorney. s Contact: Bob Glasgow ~ ` SUBJECT: '~tt ,,~r~~~,r,,~.~,...,~.u ,r,r.,~~ , Appeal of~2001~Re°al'Es#ate ldentif~cation' and Ownership -Ellsworth-Sloan., ,LLC " .: d/,b/a Vllaterfronte Villas, and Yach~~ Club -. R®806-005-001-OOA -Tax Value $ . . 2,280,000 r ;, ... .. BRIEF SUMMARY ~. , ri Subject property consists of '1`°14-boat slips located at the Waterfronte.Vil1as and Yacht Club in Carolina .Beach. Tre~ships~*r-ange~-in°size~fr m 30 LF to 90 LF according to the Tax Department's.. measurements. The water over which the piers are constructed has. a 50 year easement from the state in the name of the WaterfronteVillas Owners Association based on ownership of the riparian or littoral property. Mr. Hearn indicated in his letter of April 30, 2001, to Chairman Davis that "last year they appealed several tax~va(uations and those matters have been resolved.. Since that time,:.however, the . ~ ~ County and my client have not been able to reach an agreement for. deEermining how boat slips . ~shouid be classified, (either real or personal property) and wh-ether or not the-boat slips can be, , taxed separately".On February 7,.2000, not only was the valuation.of the boat slips heard by the - Board of County Commissioners, the subject of the classification of boat slips as real property and' ~'~~ issue of cdnveying boafi slips to•those members and condominium owners that have purchased - • the -right to use these boat slips has been' addressed. The Property'Tax Division with the North Carolina Department of Revenue, stated in a letter dated , February 20, 2000, "boat slips ar.e real property and. should be appraised according to the County's Schedule of Values , .. ;' This,has been done. Ownership of boat slips was also a - addressed. at the Commissioner's February 7, 2000 meeting. The owner. indicated ` ~ ``Ellsworth-Sloan_ was not conveying membership rights Tike most marinas: Deeds are being." ::.: issued so the ownership can be identified." There is no disputing that a form of deed is being - ~ -- issued, but not a warranty deed and no tax stamps are being affixed. tt was the determination~of Mr. William Campbell, Professor of Public Law and Government, Institute of Government, • UNC-Chapel.Hiil,. after reviewing the information identified in the 50 year easement from the state ' " to.the Waterfronte Villas Owners' Association that "the easement from the-state makes thi's a unique situation since it is not a transfer.of deeded ownership of. real property; instead of a transfer of any property,it is a sale or transfer of'the right to a membership to use .the boat slips. Thus, not identifying individual boat slips for tax purposes would be correct:" _ Ms. Wanda King, NC State .Property .Management Office, indicated ;in her telephone response that. ' ""the Homeowners Association is the owner of the riparian property and if they sell a,boat slip, the owner of-that boat slip must apply for an easement after transfer of the riparian property to that owner." It is indisputable that the riparian or littoral property musf be in the name of the owner of the boat. slips. In this case.; the ownership of the boat slips is correctly identified to be the, `` Waterfronte Villas Homeowners Association GS.146-.12(L). • . ,: . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ ' It is recommendedahat the .Board of Commissioners continue to uphold and enforce the state statute regarding the identification of property with a 50 year easement from the state since the ~.~ ~. ~ develope"r Ellsworth-Sloan, LLC is selling membeYships and the use of the boat slips. We would 'also like the Board to recognize that the boat slips are real property and correctly identified and taxed by the Tax Department to the Waterfronte Villas Homeowners Association. '~ ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQt1IRE REVIEW ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Accept the Tax Department's recommendation. ~,. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: c©uNrr a©Mn~~sstor~# APPROVED l~~ RE:1E~.-ED ^ r.1 ~~ 7r ~ ~.. Rc~.,.al cD Pa~~~ ~11~D o ~~ HEM=,~~ r~',~ ~~~~~ ! DATE , 22 _ _ ~ , `- ~ NEW HANOVER COIJIVT'Y BOARD. OF COMMISSLON.ERS - REQUEST FOR .BOARD ACTION- .~ ~ Meeting Date: 08/®6/01. ;. _ • .Regular- Item #: • 6 Estimated' Time:. Page Number:. Department: TAX Presenter: Robert Glasgow/Edwin S. Bahouth ' 'Contact: Robed Glasgow SUBJECT: ~ - ; ,4ppeal of 2001 Real. Estate Value -Edwin S. Bahouth - R04320-002-023-000 , .BRIEF- SUMMARY: This property: is a 135' x 200' ;lot with a 4$8square foot concrete block building which is known. as , '. 'the Sahara Restaurant. The.land is valued at $243.,000 aiid the building va;fue is $23,101. . Miscellaneous improvements of $7,881 make a total assessed value of $ 273,982. ' Appellant purchased this~'property,in June 2000,for,$230,000. Mr. Bahouth feels the assessed ' ' value' is higher than, the actual market'value because of this purchase price. Appellant has ~ , .- provided an appraisal for $.222,000 as of October 29, 1999 with an inspegtion date of February 2, " ~ 2000. Tle appraisal does not identify the building or improvements only the land. . - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: , The Tax Department has reviewed. the adjacent properties to appellants and. found all three are • a, being, assessed at the same, $1;800 per front foot. There were two sales in close. proximity to Mr... . Bahoufhs property prior to January 1, -1999, the date of our last revahuation. Sale #1 is located at ' ' 6318 Market Street and sold for $325,000 in May 1,997. The land value for this sale was computed to $232,576 or $1,722 a front foot. Sale #2 took place in July 1998. This sale was for ~' ' a vacant lot at 6620 Market Street and had a front foot value of $2;045 based upon the sate. Although appellant's-.purchase .price is less than. the assessed tax valuation, the purchase occurred 18 months after the effective date of the last revaluation and there has been a noticeable decline ' in property values during this period. GS105-287 specifically states, changes in value cannot be made due to inflation, deflation, or.other economic changes affecting-the counfy in .general . It is incumbent that the appellant provide information which shows the assessed value is incorrect . as of January l; 1999,' Appellant has not provided this information and the two sales identified , support fhe assessed. value. The Tax Department recommends the assessed value of $273,982 be upfleld.. .. • FUNDING•SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~ r . . ,. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL'. FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A , ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~OUi' ~~ Recommend ...upholding the Tax Department's assessed value.. ,~-- /APPROVED '~,~~ . ~• i FtEJECTE® ~ F ~'--. ,, ~~ ~,. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ REMOVED O ~ ~ . -1 - .. ~ POSTPONE®~ ,~' . ~, ~.~ --l . {T'his page intentionally left blank} c; " ~ "`H~i~~~~G1 ~~~i~ ,~ ~~ 2-~ ,~ ..~x-~~~t~ NEW~`HAiV®VER COUNTY. ~®AR® ®F COiVII~IISSBO(VE~RS REQUEST FOR BOARD. ACTIN . ~ ~ Nleeting.Date: 08/D6/®1 Case: 5-479, 0~/O1 Special Use Permit for a Singlewide Mobile Home in an R-20 Residential Zoning District Location: 2321 Castle Hayne Road Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and appraved. A. The site is served by the Castle Hayne VFD B. The site is served by individual well and septic. The. septic system has•been inspected and approved:. The New Hanover County Health Department will also inspect the well prior to occupancy. C. The site has access from an existing driveway on Castle Hayne Road. 4. A B. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning ordinance. A. The property is zoned R-20 Residential. Singlewide~mobile homes are permitted by Special use Permit in the R- 20 zoning district. B. The proposed improvements meet the required setbacks of the R-20 district. . 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. A single family home is located on the front of the parcel which is zoned O&I office and institutional. B. Other houses exist on this old agricultural field. C. -Other mobile homes exist on similar property throughout the county. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development fori°dew I3anover County. The subject property is located in the Urban~Transition Land Classification. The purpose of the Urban Transition class is to provide for fi~ttire intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. _ Although there are some residential homes nearby, this field is screened from Castle Hayne Road and some of the nearby commercial development giving the area a rural character. ~,._;, ,,.,.. 26 '~~~ . ;1 ~- . ~ ..~w;Ja . , :.}~~] ~~~ C~'~' I~~`ilr ,~ ita ~~.~ ~; -r , . -----•-~a • • , M , ~ i .. n ~, . ti/y i ~ , - ~ YS~ rn ?O ~ I ~ .. -z: 3 bGdr~o~.•. m, rr r & I - f- , a' ~ ~. ~' z p4rw^ 90C' ~ ~ ' ~T ~` - ~~~ ~~ o~~• ~ . ~~ G ~~ ~ r• I ~ im ~°~ a c NO CHANGE I~ LpCr471pN ~ 1~IELL ~ . _ SEPTIC TANK:SYSTEl,9 WiTHC?Ud' APPROVAL OF THE NEW NANpy>;7~ y • ~ HEA~~H DEPAR7A~lEMT ~, :, FILE f#_-~~ DATE- y -' ~ ~ - ~ / ~, ~'~ M • a ADDRESS - • '~ SIGNATURE ~, " '-'S5 .. - ..- ~ . 1 ~~' - I I'• ~ .4'i'.:. F'c~ ':'l~ ~ `= . ll~r•,l,T ~ ,~I" i,• ,I~l~ 1. .~ •~ I_f l: .~ ••-•r<[)~~'~ (. ,. •- .~,~. I r~~~rlc: (iF i.~:r,l(-; ~IIU l'~)4~~.i7$ ..f.. I 1 P ~..,~ -I~I('•, Fi. C.N. '.i'~, f''.'. 331 3> ! ~~ ,; , • '`N~llV HAlVOIIER COUNTY BOAR® OF COlVIMlSSlONERS REQUEST FOR .BOARD ACTION . IVleeting Date:. 08/06101 Regular Item #: 7.2 Estimated Time' Page Number: , . Department: Planning. Presenter: Dexter Hayes . Contact: Baird. Stewart ..a SUBJECT: ~ ' A-311,07/®3, Applicant: Staff; Zoning Text Amendment for Article !X; The Design Standards and Regulations #or Signs.. ~ ~ ° .. - BRIEF SUMMARY: •,,. The proposed text amendment incorporates the language that the Unified Development.Ordinance Oversight Committee agreed upon during their review of the Design Standards and Regulations for Signs in the current City and County Zoning Ordinances. As .result of this review, several chari'ges , ' .have been made which affect fhe number of signs permitted, the size of the signs and fhe height of the signs. The requirements for signs permitted. in commercial districts are.; one primary free standing.sign per premises is permitted and one auxiliary freestanding sign for property having in . excess of 100 Linear feet of frontage. The area of the prima"ry sign ranges from 35 to 175 sq .ft. and the area of auxiliary sign may be 50°jo of the primary freestanding sign. The height of fhe ° primary sign ranges from, l2 to 30 feet and the height of the auxiliary sign ranges from 10 to 20 feet. The.area and height of the sign is based on the zoning district, the street frontage and- the number of lanes in the street. Additional requirements were also added for offsife Real Estate Signs; subdivision entrance signs, and window signs.° One of the objectives. of the sign regulations , is,to protect the. publicwelfare and to enhance .the appearance and economic value,of the landscape. Staff recommends the adoption of the sign regulations with the added. provision for Carolina Beach Road. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - . At the regularlysch.edul.ed public hearing on Thursday, July 12, 2001 the Pharning Board reviewed ' - the•requirements of the proposed UDO Sign Ordinance. After a brief summary of the proposed sign regulations the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approva(.of.the new sign ordinance with additional restrictions for signs along Carolina ,Beach Road, in accordance with freestanding sign restrictions: of the SHOD which is maximum 6' in height and,maximun~ 150 .square feet .. On .1uly 25th, The UDO Oversight Committee agreed with the Planning Board Recommendation for additional sign restrictions along the Carolina Beach Road. FUNDING.SOURCE: ' n/a ° ATTACHMENTS: '. 13 - ... ~ ~ - r~uiv~Y ~EN~1 ITEM DOES iVOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ A~IPPROVED l~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: REJECTED ® '. ,~ REMOVED . ®, ~ , ~OSTP®IVED COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:. ~ ~o l , .~ ~ ~ ~g.~ CASE: A-311, 07!01 Applicant: Staff REQUEST': Zoning Test Amendment for Article,IX; The Design Standards and Regulations for Signs Attached is the proposed amendment to Article IX The Design Standards and Regulations for Signs for the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. The underlined text is new all other plain text is existing language in the City or County Ordinance. PLAI'~NII`~TC B®ARI~ REC®1VIMEl~i)ATI®N 7/12/01: At the regularly scheduled public hearing on Thursday, July 1.2, 20,01 the Planning Board reviewed the requirements of the proposed UDO Sign ordinance. After a brief summary of the proposed sign. regulations the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the new sign ordinance with one addition. At the same meeting the Planning Board evaluated the possibility of adding a Special Highway Overlay District (SHOD) along Carolina Beach Road from the City Limits south to Snow's Cut Bridge.- Planning staff provided a comparison of the new landscape ordinance; the proposed sign ordinance and the requirements of the SHOD. Although the SHOD setback requirements provide additional greenspace the Planning Board determined that the new landscape regulations would ultimately create/preserve a better corridor provided additional sign controls were implemented. Therefore, the Planning Board recommends adding wording to the proposed L1D® Sign ®rdinance restricting signs along the Carolina Beach Road Corridor to a maximum height of 6' and a maximum size of 150 sq. ft., which is the same as the freestanding sign restrictions from the SI-I®D. ~n .July 25th, The i1D® ®versight Committee agreed with the Planning Board Reeommendation for additional sign restrictions along the Carolina Beach Road Corridor. S`~'A1+ I+ SUlYIIYIARY The proposed text amendrrient incorporates the language that the Unified Development Ordinance Oversight Committee agreed upon during their review of the Design Standards and Regulations for Signs in the current City and County Loning Ordinances. As a result of this review, several changes have been made which affect the number of signs permitted, the size of the signs and the height of the signs. The requirements for signs permitted in commercial districts are; one primary free standing sign per premises is permitted and one auxiliary freestanding sign for property having in excess of 100 linear feet of frontage. The area of the primary sign ranges from 35 to 175 Sq. Ft. and the area of the auxiliary sign may be 50% of the primary freestanding sign. The height of the primary sign ranges from 12 to 30 feet and the height of the auxiliary sign ranges from 10 to 20 feet. The area and height of the sign is based on the zoning district the street frontage and the number of lanes in the street. Additional requirements were also added for offsite Real Estate Signs, subdivision entrance'signs, and window signs. One of the objectives of the-sign ' regulations is to protect th'e ,publc,welfare and to enhance the appearance and economic value of the landscape. Staff`recomme~n~ds the adoption of the sign regulations with the added r ~', ~`~ Jt'1`~!!~~ provision for Carolina Brea~ch'Road. ,~a ~"~~ Z.}`. _ . .~ ARTICLE IX: DESIGN STP.NDARDS AND REGULATIONS FOF SIGNS • . Section 90.` Purpose . , . -~ The purpose of this section is to coordinate the type; placement, and physical dimensions of signs ` within the different zoning districts; to recognize [he commercial communication„requirements of ' - all sectors of the business community; to promote both renovatioa and proper maintenance of ~ . ' signs;.,and to guarantee equal treatment under the law through accurate record loping and ' consistent enforcement. The general objectives of these standards are to promote the.health, safety, welfare, convenience and enjoyment of the public, and in part, fo achieve the following: A. Safety .. r - ~ , , ,. ,, To promote the safety of persons and propertyrby Providing that signs: . 1. . -Do ,not create a hazard due to collapse, ;fire, decay, collision, or . .. 'abandonment; ,, _ '. 2. Do not obstruct fire-fighting or police.surveillance; and.' 3. Do not create traffic hazards by confusing.ar distracting motorists, or by - impairing the driver's- ability to see pedestrians; obstacles, or other vehicles, or to read traffic signs. • ' B:. Communications Efficiency ~` ' ~ ~ ` ° To promote the efficient transfer of information in sib messages by providing 'that: " . . 1.. Those signs.whichprovide messages and information most needed and sought by the public are given priorities;. 2.. Businesses and services may identify themselves; - 3. Customers and otherpersons may effectively locate a business or service;' .4.; ~ No person ar group is arbitrarily.denied.the use of the sight lines from the ` public right-of-way for communication purposes; and '• .,. ' " 5. Persons exposed•to signs are not overwhelmed by the number or size of _ messages presented, and.are able to exercise freAdom of choice to observe - - or ignore said messages, according to the observer''s purpose, - `. C: Landscape Quality-and Preservation _ - To protect the public welfare and.to enhance the appearance and economic value - - - --. - • of the.landseape by,providing that signs: ° . 1. Do not interfere with, scenic. views;. 2. Do not create a nuisance to persons using the,public rights-of-way; " , 3, . Do not constitute a nuisance to occupancy of adjacent. and contiguous . . property by.their brightness, size, height or movement; . ~ 4. Are not detrimental to land or property values; and 5. Contribute to the special character of pa.~ticular areas of the community, ~, helping to orient the observer within it. .. ~D. Outdoor Advertising Signs ,•" Outdoor advertising signs are herein regulatecl,for the purposes of regulating ` excess signage, encouraging the positive economic development of the county, preserving and improving tourism views,. promoting the safety of the traveling- • i public, protecting existing. property values in both residential and nonresidential 'areas; preventing the overcrowding of land, and protecting the aesthetics of the ' ~ county. ' ~7 . ,. . ~ The regulations are designed to prevent their over-concentration, improper placement, and excessive height, bulk, number and area. It is recognized that, unlike on-premise identification signs, which are in actuality a part of a business, outdoor advertising is a separate and distinct use of the public thoroughfare. With a view to this distinction, outdoor advertising signs are regulated differently from on-premise signs. Section 91: General Provisions 91-1 Compliance with Building and Electrical Cedes All signs shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the local and state Building Code and the National Electrical Code. Y r 91-2 Anchoring 1. Signs shall be suspended by nonrigid attachments that will allow the sign to swing in.a wind. All freestanding signs and outdoor advertising signs shall have self-supporting structures erected on or permanently attached to concrete foundations. All portable signs on display shall be braced or secured to prevent motion. 91-3 Wind Loads Solid signs, and skeleton signs other than wall signs, shall be designed to withstand a wind load according to the North Carolina State'Building Code. 91-4 Additional Construction Specifications 1. No signs shall be erected, constructed or maintained so as to obstruct any required exit, fire escape, window or door opening used as a means of egress. 2. No sign shall be attached in any form, manner or shape which will interfere with any opening required for ventilation, except that signs may be erected in front of and may cover transom windows when not in violation of the provisions of Fire Prevention Codes. -~~ 3. Signs shall be located in such a way as to maintain horizontal and vertical Clearance of all overhead electrical conductors in accordance with the National Electrical Code specifications. 91-5 Maintenance and Removal Should any sign become in danger of falling or is deemed otherwise unsafe in the opinion of the Building Inspector, the owner thereaf, or the person or firm maintaining the same, shall upon written notice from the Inspector, forthwith in the case of immediate danger and in any case within 10 days, secure said sign in a manner to be approved by the Building Inspector in conformity with the provisions of the state building code, or remove such sign. If such sign is not removed, the Inspector or his designated agent may initiate legal procedures to obtain the necessary court orders to remove such signs at the expense of the owner or lessee thereaf. 91-6 Abandoned Signs Any on-premises sign relating to any business or other use shall be removed by the owner of the sign or property owner within 60 days after such business or activity has been vacated or terminated. If such sign has not been remove`i after the removal time has expired and after proper written notification has been issued, the Building Inspector or his designated agent may initiate Legal procedures to remove such signs at the expense of the owner or lesser thereof. 91-7 Sign Measurements ~` 1. x General `. ~ ~ :~ For the purpose of this Ordinance, the area, in' square feet, of any 'sign shall be computed by the smallest square; triangle, rectangle,:. circle or combination thereof " . ,which will encompass the entire sign. In computing the sign area in square feet, standard mathematical, formulas for known or common shapes will be used,. In the - -' "~ case'of irreb lar shapes, straight7ines drawn closest to the extremities of the shape' . .y ,,. will be used. .. ' 2. IVlultiple Faces ~ , `~ Where a sign'has 2 or more faces, the area of all faces shall be included in determining the area of the sign, except that. where 2 such faces are placed. back- - y ~ - to-back and are at no point more than 2 feetrfrom one another. The area of the -sign shall be taken as the area of the larger face, if the 2 faces are of unequal area; if the areas of the 2 faces are equal, then the`area of l of the faces shall be taken as the area of the sign. . 9I=8 Lighting, a - ~' - Unlessotherwise specified by this Ordinance, all signs may be illuminated. However., no . ~ sign regulated by this Ordinance may utilize: (1) an exposed incandescent lamp with. an - external reflectorwithout a sun screen or comparable diffusion; (2) an exposed ' , ~ incandescent lamp unless a screen is attached;. or (3) a revolving beacon light. ' ~ _ 91-9 Exemptions .. - This section shall not relate to building design, nor shall the chapter regulate'official traffic signs;. gravestones,.lighting or displays of a seasonal religious or traditional nature (e.g., ` Chrisfmas or Chanukah lights or decorations, Thanksgiving decorations, Halloween lights ' or decorations,~efc.) which are not commeircially-oriented, scoreboards on athletic fields, or ` .~ ~ ~ any,display or construction riot defined herein as `a sign. The regulations of this s~[ion - shall not apply to any sign that is riot visible from the perimeter of thz subject property. 91-10 . Pezmits Retiuirecl _ Unless otherwise spevifically`provided, align permit shall be obtained in accoraance.with the procedures of .Section 92 before commencing the construction, alteration, erection, ' ~ ~ addition"to; or moving of any signor outdoor advertising sign or part thereof.. ' '. ` 91-I1 Indem_xufication~and Insurance 1. All. persons involved.in the maintenance, installation, alteration; or relocation of ': signs near or upon any public right-of-why or property shall a~ee to Bold `. .-,, harmless and indemnify'the city and county; :its .officers, agents, and employees, against any and all claims of negligence resulting. from such work insofar, as this. Ordinance has not speci~fically.directed the placement of a sign. ~ • 2.: No person may engage in the business of erecting, altering, relocating, . ' ~ constructing, or maintaining signs without a valid contractor's:1i'cense and all ' ~ required licenses on the state and federal level. ~ ~ ' ~ . . 3, ,4i1 persons involved in the installation, maintenance, relocation, or'alteration of signs shall maintain all required insurance and shall file with'the state a satisfactory certificate of insurance to indemnify the city, state, or county against '. any form of liability. to a%nunimum of $190,000: :91-12 Prohibited Signs-, ' In all zoning districts the erection, construction, location or the use of any sigmis • ~ prohibited as follows. Such signs,~if de°med to create a public safety hazard by the - , ~ Building Inspector, may be removed imm~ately; otherwise, prohibited signs shall be ' , removed as provided under Sec ~1~ 3 r .. ,.. '. 1. Signs in Public Right-of--Way No sign shall be permitted on or protrude into a public right-of--way, stmt or passageway except as provided specifically for herein. 2. Signs .Attached to Public Property or Utility Structures "`~~~------"` _ Except for signs installed by or with the approval of an appropriate governmental agency, no sign shall be attached to, hung or painted on any curb stone, hydrant, lamppost, strzvt tress, barricade, temporary walk., telephone pole, telegraph pole, electric light pole or other utility pole, public fence or on a fixture of a fire alarm or police call system within any public right-of--way. No detached sign shall be . located closer than 10 feet in any direction from any power or transmission line. (NOTE: This, does not include the supporting structure, e.g., the power pole,) 3. Signs Constituting Traffic Hazards r ,_ . No sign shall, be permitted whereby its Location, nature or type constitutes or tends to constitute a hazard to the safe and efficient operation of vehicles upon any public right-of-way, street or passageway. No sign shall be permitted that would obstruct the line of sight of motorists or pedestrians at intersections, driveways, or along any public right-of--way, street or passageway. No sign shall be permitted, as specified in NCGS § 136-32.2 that would obstruct or resemble traffic signs or signals, or would tend to be confused with a flashing, light of an emergency vehicle. 4. Signs Constituting Fire Hazards No sign shall be permitted to prevent free ingress and egress from any door, window or fire escape. 5: Signs Pertaining to Specified Activities or Containing "Vulgar" Words No sign shall contain statements, words or pictures which describe or display "specified anatomical areas" or "specified sexual activities," as defin~i in this " Ordinance or which contain words which are classified as "vulgar" or "vulgar slang" in The New College Edition of the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. !, 6. Moving Signs . No sign shall be permitted containing or consisting of banners, posters, pennants, ribbons, balloans, streamers or other similarly moving devices or ornamentation, y except as specifically provided herein. _ _ 7. Flashing Signs and Rotating Light Beams No sign shall be permitted which contains or utilizes revolving or rotating beams of Light of strobascopes. No sign shall be erected which flashes, except for time and temperature signs. , 8 Signs on Vehicles No sign shall be placed on a vehicle or trailer which is parkzd or located for the primary purpose of displaying said sign (this does not apply to perrrutted portable signs, or to signs or lettering on buses, taxis, or vehicles operating during the . . normal course of business). 9 Floating Suns ~ . Floating Suns shall not be permitted. Section 92: Ad ministration ,Filing Procedure and Permits ... 92=1 Administration -The Building Inspector shall issue a permit for the erection or . construction only fora sign which meets the requirements of this _ ,Ordinance. - `92-2: .Filing Procedure -Applications for permits to .erect, hang, place, paint, . or alter the. structure of a sign shall be submitted on forms accompanied by a plan showing the following: ., ~ (1~ Area of the.sign; - „' ~ • ., (2) Size,.character, generallayout and designs proposed for painted displays; (3) The method and type of illumination, if any;, ' • - (4) The location proposed for such signs in ~e~lafion to property lines, zoning ~ - ' ~ district boundaries; right-of-way lines, public waterways and existing suns; . - y , ' (.12/7/8.7) r (5) If conditions warrant it, the Building inspector may require such additional ' • ~ - ~ information as will enable him to determine if such sign is to be erected in . - ~ . conformance tivith the requirements of this Ordinance; and. (6) ~• Payment of fee to obtain~building permit. $. .. ` Section 93: ,-Signs Not Requiring Permits The following types of signs are exempted from the sign permit requirements, but must comply with all other requirements of this Qrdinance. ' ~. , ;, (1) Signs used by churches, synagogues, or civic organizations. (2) Construction Signs. '. . fine construction sign for each street frontage of a construction projevt, not to ' ~ • exceed.20 square feet in sign area in residential zones or 35-square feet in sign ' ' - area.in~all other zones. Such signs may be erected 10 days prior to beginning of ' " ~ " construction and-shall be removed within 30 days following completion of construction. ~ - ~ ~ (3) DirectionaUinformation Signs ' Four freestanding directional/informationslgns per lot, not to individually exceed ' ~. ... _ . 3 square.fevt in sign area or 30 inches in height. - , _ _ -.: --- . (4) ~ Individual political signs, . ~ Non-illuminated political signs; not to individually. exceed 12 square feet in sign • area. Such signs shall be removed 30 days following the applicable election or - ~ ~ referendum.. Political signs maybe placed only on private property and only w?th ` the~permission of the property owner, provided that each.candidate for political ~~ office,.or the candidate's local representative in the case of statewide or nat.ronal offices,-shall apply for a general permit for all.personal campaign signs, indicating , that the candidate, is aware of all regulations concerning political signs, that'all supporters, receiving said signs will be advised of these regulations and ordered to ' ~ follow them; and that said signs shall be removed as required by these .regulations. (5) Public signs. or notices of any. sign relating to an emergency. . - (6) Real Estate Signs ~ ~ , One non-illuminated real estate`signs per street frontage,-not to exceed 20 square y feet in sign area. Such signs must bz removed 30 days following rental, sale, or lease. . : - - .. .. ~. .' (7) Incidental Signs not to exceed 6~square feet in aggregate sign area~per occu ant ~~ - P Y . ~. 5 , (8) Residence signs, Nameplates or street address numbers, not exceeding 4 square feet in size. (9) Signs used for bona fide navigational aids. (10) Flags. - ®ff-Site Real Estate Sims - ~ff-site real estate signs are generic signs with display content limited to a directional arrow and/or one descriptive phrase of "open house" or "home for sale;" and allowed off the premises from where the real estate product is being offered and subject to the following ~rovisions• , ~l Located on private property only with written permission of the applicable property owner. The property~owner or real estate agent shall be subject to the applicable penalties for violation of these provisions. (b1 Maximmum size is four (4) square feet. (cl Maximum sign height is three f3) feet, measured from the adjacent ground elevation to the u permost portion of the sign. (d) Limitation of one (1) sign per intersection. (e) I`~1o sign shad `block any si~ht_i3istances of any intersection. ~~ No lion shall be placed within a public or orivate road right-of--way. (gl All signs shall be freestanding. (h) i"'io signs shall be placed on trees, utility posts, traffic control signs o~ other signs. fi) Signs shall not have Lighting, movable elements or flays. ~j) allowable times of iplacement are as f©Ilows: (1) • ~ si4n directin; attention to a temporary sales office or model unit ' in~ a development of multiple lots or units offered for sale may remain in place seven days a ~v~k, for as long as the temporary sales office or model unit is on site. . ~2) A sign directing attention to any property or properties other than a mode] unit or sales office as specified in paragraph (a), may' remain in place fr©ri 4.00 p m on F'ridav to 8:00 a. m. on the following ~Ionday Gn the following specified holidays, signs may be posted after 4.00 p m the day prior to the actual holiday and must be removed by 8.00 a.m. the day following the holiday: (i) New Year's Day (ill Martin i:;uther I{in~, ~Tr. Dav (iiil Goad Friday {Friday before Easter) (iv) Azalea Festival =Friday (vl 1'ilemorial Day (s^i) Independence Dav (vii) Labor Dav (viiil Veteran's D'av ~lx) Thanksgiving Dav - Thurstlay and 1?ridgy (xl Christmas Dav . .. -. ~ .. . . :Section 94: Signs Which Require.A Permit ' -; ,9.4-1 Subdivision Identification Signs. . . ,. ,. ~ .' ~'I'vo subdivision identification suns per entrance, not to exceed 35 sgi-are feet each in ., ' ", • si4n area: Identification s9~ns may be located on privacy and freestanding walls. ' LL ~ .., Unless otherwise specified , if the identification sign is located on a freestanding wall, the wall shall not exceed S feet in height.~or the height of the subdivision. privacy wall, , , • whichever is neater. ` ~. 94=2' Identification Signs One identificationsign per ...apartment or condominium corriplex entrance, not to~exceed-3~ `' . square feet in sign area. Identification signs may be located on walls provided such walls , ' t do,.not exceed 4 feet in`height and 75 square fet in:area. ~ - ~ 94-3 Freestanding Signs in residential areas .. For permitted nonresidential uses, including churches, and synagogues, one.freestanding , ,sign per frontage, not exce~ling 35 square feet in sign axea, and 1 marquee sign not to . ~ exceed 2~ feet in sign at'ea. . ,: All permitted freestanding signs shall have a maximum height limit of 6, feet and shall have a minimum setback of 5 feet from any property line.: For permitted freestanding signs ' ' which are to be illuminated, such illumination must come from a .light source-which is a. y , external to the sign itself. L. '94-4 Principal Use Signs. - . ' , ° • ~ ~ . (1) FreestandingSigris { ~ One primary, fre°stanaing sign per premises, as per Table -1 of this Article. ' b. Auxiliary ; . , ' . ,. ~ . `. An additional (Auxiliary) freestanding sign shall be allowed for property ~ - . • ~' ~ having in excess of 100 linear-feet of road frontage; ore auxiliary freestanding sib shall be permitted for.each 100 linear feeLOfroad frontage: Auxiliary ' • signs may-contain up to 50 percent of the allowable area of primary. , ' freestanding signs or 20 square fit, whichever is greaier. Auxiliary signs shall il not be permitted within 50 feet of any other auxiliary'or primary sign Located on the same parcel of property. No more than 2 auxiliary freestanding signs • shall be permitted on each road frontage for each parcel of property. ' - (2) Wall Signs r ' ~ Up to 5 wall signs per occupancy, in aggregate not to excc~d 20 peTCent~ of .the ~ ~ . ' '~ - area of the;wall to which the sins are attached, up to a maximum size of 250 square feet per each occupancy.. . . £~ (3) ' ,Under-Canopy Signs. , . r-cano sign not to exceed 4 s One und e u o c f t i si ~ 7 ' ° "' e py p r y, q ccupan are ee n gn area. : ~.. (4) ®n-P_rernises Window Signs Any principal building may install on-premises window signs, provided: a. The area of such signs shall not exceed an agQreGate area equal to 10 percent of the total Around floor Glassed window area of the building. b. Such signs, if located inside the window, may be neon signs. c. Such signs are prohibited above the second floor occupancy. (5) Special regulations and allowances for principal use'signs: a. Corner Lots - Where an occupancy is on a corner or has more than one main street frontage, additional wall sign and additional frz~sstar~ding sib are allowed on the additional frontage, not to exceed the number and size limitations of other allowed wall and freestanding signs. b, Minimum Clearance All freestanding; awning, marquee, and under-canopy signs shall have a minimum clearance of 9 feet over any pedestrian use area. c. Awning Signs Triree awning signs per occupancy, not to exceed 20 percent of the surface area of an awning: d. itiiulti-Unit.Signs Multi-unit signs consist of 3~or more individual identification signs. These individual signs shall be designed to reflect. a unified graphic appearance (e.g., size and material type), as determined by the Building Inspector. Individual commercial logos are permitted on multi-unit signs so long as they do not constitute more than 25 percent of the area of t1`Ie applicable individual (\ occupancy identification sign. 3~ Table-1 Frt~standina Sien Standards Zoning Distric, Number of Lares(2) Street Frontage (Feet) Front Setback(3)(4) (~lin./iviax.) (Feet) Max. Primary Sign Height (Feet) ivtax. Aux. Sign Height Feet) Max. Primary Sign Area (SF) hl ax. Aux. Sign Area (SF) B-I,PD 2 `+/A 10(20:..., - 20 10 ~ 50 25 4 < 100 1-0I20 20 NlA 50 ~ ~ N/A > 100 10/20' 20 12 65 32 B-2,I-1,I-2,A-I,SC 2 < 100 10/20 ZO N/A 65 N/A > 100- 10/25 20 18 100 50 4 < l00 10125 20 N/A 100 N/A > !00 10!30 25' 20 15C 75 > 300 10!30 30 - 20 175 90 NOTE (2): Number of lanes refers to the ultima[e number of lanes based upon existing roadway condi[ions a upon const:-uc;ion plans aprroved a, part of the current NC DOT Transportation [mprovemen[ Program. NOTE (3): Notwithstanding the minimum and maximum front setback requirements indicated above, primary freestanding signs which do no[ exceed 6 fee[ in height and are less than 76 percent of the maximum sign area established above may be located within 5 Feet of the front property tine and shalt have no maximum front setback. NOTE (4): "Front Setback" refers to the setback f*om the front or corner side property tines. ~, 8 ,,, . Res. O&I B-1 PD B-2` SC I-1 .AI I-2 . Above Roof X X X ' X }; X. 'Animated° X= X X X X ;. X Attached (Wall) X P P' P P P Awnin¢ X P P r P X. X Banner X P P r. P P P B alloons/B lim s. . X . P P P ~. P P Construction P~ P ;~ ' P P P "' P Directional ~ P `P ' ' '' P P P - P Fla P P P P =P P Flashing. ~ X X X X X X' Freestanding `P P. P P P P . .Incidental X P P P P~ P Inte al P• P P P. ~.P, `=P 'Pennant , X X X X 'X X. Political. P. ~ P P P ;,'P P Portable- ;. X X: P P P P Pro'estin -. X X X X. X X Real Estate P P P P P P Revolvinff X . X X X X X, 'Sandwich Board X_ X X X X X S . Pu se X X~ X X '°X •X. Wind Device X . X X X• X` .. ~X Window' X P~ P~ P~ P~ P~ •_• - .. ~ KEY: X-Prohibited; P-Permitted; S-Re~uires'Special Use Permit ; :. - , . ~ NOTE 1: See specific sections,for area, height, number, setback, location, perrutting and other sign requirements. • Section 95: Temporary and Special Event. Signs• ~ .; . 95-1 Balloons/Blimps . Allowed for special events with. a permit for up to seven (7) days of consecutive. use, 5 tunes per calendar,'year per location, subject to the following conditions:. 1. The balloon or blimp may not be more than 1,000 cubic feat in size, nor the total " 'of the longitudinal and latitudinal dimensions of 'the device, measured along their ~ ~ • ,_ .. .. ,axes, exce~1371inear fe°t; ~ ; 2. ,,;, The balloon or-blimp shall be sevurely anchored at a point within the applicable. " • .. ~ setback forbuildings iriahe zoning district where the balloon or blimp is flown ' 3. -The balloon or blimp may not be flown more than SO f.~t in the ail unless located ~at least 100 feet from any' active public roadway; its height may thereafter be ' • - :. increased in proportion to its distance from.the roadway, to.;a maximum of 100;3 9 feet. (Example: if the device is anchored 12~ foul from a road, it may be flown at a height of 75 feet; 4. No balloon or blimp shall be flown in windy conditions (sustained winds of 25 m.p.h. or more) or inclement or stormy weather; all applicable state or federal regulations must be observed; • 5. No balloons or blimps may be flown within a 1 mile radius of another such device; and 6. -No device authorized by this section may consist of more than 1 balloon or blimp, or have attached to it any streamers, banners or other paraphernalia. For purposes of this provision, a ball~n or blimp may display advertising copy that is noc specific. to the premises or establishment where the special evet is occurring, but may not be displayed at •any other premises. ~~ "Speoial events," as used in this provision includes grand openings, special sales .and other promotional activities. If, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, any balloon or blimp is creating or contributing to a hazardous situation, he may direct that it be removed or that the manner of i[s display be altered to,remove the hazard. 95-2 Banners Allowed for special events with a permit, for up to 30 days of consecutive use, 2 times per calendar year (separated by a minimum of 30 days). There shall be no more than 2 • banners per c~cupancy per permit. In the case of public parks, each group or activity will be considered a separate occupancy. Museums and cultural arts centers are permitted continuous, year=round display of 1 banner and there is no time constraint imposed upon .any, 1 banner's display. A second banner may be permitted in compliance with the banner restrictions applied to other uses. For ~ and openings; \or other special events, a banner may be used for no more than 30 days for l,tiz~le per calendar year. These banners are allowed with a permit in the Commercial and Industrial districts. 95-3 Flags •. Flags are allowed as specified in Table 3. Ground-mounted flagpoles shall not exceed height limits established in Table 3. Roof-mounted flagpoles shall not excel the maximum .height .permitted in each zoning district for roof-mounted antennae. 1'~1o more than 2 flags shall be permitted per each flagpole not to exceed the cumulative area established in Table 3. The United States, North Carolina, city and county flags are exempt from all restrictions of this Article. Table 3 ~ . Flag Reaulatinns by District Zoning District Parcel Size No. of Flagpoles iviax. rtrea Max. Height Commercial and Industrial Less than 1 acre 3 80 sF 35 feet 1 to 3 acres ~ 5 200 SF 50 feet 3 to l0 goes 10 200 SF 50 Ceet More than 10 acres 1 O 800 SF - 80 feet All Other N/A 1 80 SF eet 9~-4 Pennants i 40 _ . _ 10 •• ~ - and V-type outdoor advertising signs is measured by computing the area,of only ' ~ ~. one side of the outdoor advertising sign. Both sides of a double=faced or V-t . ~ outdoor advertising sign shall be of equal;size: No point on either side shall be more than 15 feet from the nearestpoint of the other side. ' (2} No outdoor advertising sign or part thereof, including base; apron, supports,, - ` ~ supporting structures, and trim, may exceed, 3d fevt in hei~'~t. Rooftop oiltdoor _ advertising signs are prohibited: 96-5 Inspection of Outdoor advertising signs • . ' The Building Inspector shall inspect all outdoor advertising signs periodically to determine: ~ . ..that the same are in a safe condition and meet the requirements set forth in this section. 96-6. Clearance for Overhead Electrical;Conductors Outdoor advertising signs shall be located. in such a w.aX that they-maintain horizontal and:• . vertical clearance of a11' overhead electrical conductors in accordance with National - . Electrical Code specifications, provided that no outdoor advertising sign, except official ` traffic signs, shall be installed closer than..10 fe~thorizontal~y or vertically from any ~ F conductor or public utility guy wire. , . , ... 96-7 :Illumination All outdoor advertising sign illumination devices shall be in conformance with the North Carolina State Building Code, Volume IV and all other state and local codes governing ~. ° .illumination. All illumination shall be designed so as to be~contained to thesign aria of the ' ' outdoor 'advertising sign. ' 96-8 Back of Sign The backs of all outdoor advertising signs shall be painted in a neutral color to blend in :- with the surrounding area. , .. . 96-9 ~ ~ Trimming of Vegetation prohibited - ~ . .There shall be no trimriiing of vegetation on public property or rights-of-way to make an y. outdoor advertising sign more visible. ~ ' . 96=10 . Maintenance - ` All outdoor advertising signs shall be maintained. in arstate of good repair. Whenever it ~. shall appear to the Building Inspector that any outdoor advertising sign has been ` - ~ , 'constructed or is. being maintained..in violation of the.terms of this section or is unsafe or - ~ ~ ins~.~uze, such outdoor advertising sign shall either be made to conforn with all outdoor •. advertising sign regulations or shall be removed atthe expense of the otivner,: within 10 ' ` days after written notification thereof by~the Building, Inspector. 96-I1 Removal of Obsolete Outdoor Advertising Signs Outdoor advertising sign messages which advertise a. discontinued activity or use of a ' building or premise shall be removed within 60 days from the date the activity or use was ` - ` . terminated. Outdoor .advertising signs advertising events such as shows, displays, festivals, circuses, fairs,, .athletic contests, dances, fiind drives, .elections, exhibits, meetings, conventions and the like shall be removed within 30 days aver the'date of termination of such events. ~ . - r ~ „ - ;.. ., . Y .. i~ Prohibited except as navigational aids, or if used by a religious activity or by an ` educational or charitable organization (see Flags). 95-5 Portable Signs ' Allowed with a permit for up to 30 days of consecutive use, 2 times a calendar year (separated by a minimum of 30 days) for parcels zoned commercial or industrial; prohibited elsewhere. Portable signs cannot exce°zi ~35 square feet in size and 6 feet in height, or be located within 5 feet of any property line; one portable sign per parcel. At the expiration of the permit period, the sign, which includes the lettering as well as the signage cabinet', shall be removed. Section 96: Outdoor Advertising Signs ,. 96-1 Where Permitted ,: Outdoor advertising signs and structures that comply with the provisions of this Ordinance ' shall be permitted in I-1, I-2 and A-I zoning districts provided the specific outdoor advertising sign location is 400 feet or more from any residential zoning district, place of worship, public paxk, or school. Outdoor advertising signs shall not be constructed within areas designated under the SH-O district. Outdoor advertising signs shall not be permitted in, upon; or over. any navigable public waterway, marsh, or within 400 feet landward of the mean high water line. 96-2 Location, Setbacks and Spacing of Outdoor Advertising Signs (1) Setbacks Each outdoor advertising sign shall comply with the applicable setback requirements of the district in which it is located. In no case, however, shall an outdoor advertising sign be located less than 10 feet from any right-of-way or property line. __ (2) Corner Lots No part of an outdoor advertising sign may be located within a triangular area formed by the street right-of--way lines and a line connecting them at points 50 feet from the right-of-way intersection. (3) Spacing of Outdoor Advertising Signs - - - ~ No part of any outdoor advertising sign shall be located less than 1,000 feet from any part of another outdoor advertising sign. (4) Back of Outdoor Advertising Sign The backs of all outdoor advertising signs shall be painted in a neutral color to blend with the surrounding area and to prevent the reflection of car lights and sun .light. 96-3 Single Outdoor Advertising Sign Structure An outdoor advertising sign shall be considered'as one sign structure when it is designed to be viewed from: (1) One direction and consists of a single face sign placed in such a manner to be viewed by one directional flow of traffic; or (2) Two directions and consists of two sign faces arraneed either back-to-back or in a V-shape. i (3) In no case shall there be more than 1 sign face per directional flow of traffic. 96-4 Area and Height Requirements for Outdoor Advertising Signs (1) No outdoor advertising sign facing streets with 4 or more traffic lanes may exceed 160 square feet; outdoor advertising signs facing streets with fewer than 4 traffic '° lanes may not exceed 75 square feet. The allowable sign area of outdoor advertising signs with equal size and shape for both double-faced (back-to-back) 11 . iVEVV I~ANOVER COl1NTY B®AR® OF COMMISSIONERS - .. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ • ` Meeting Date: 08/06/01 ' • .. ~ -.: Regular Item #: 7:3 Estimated Time: Page Number: •Departrnent: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes • ~ • -, ~-' Contact: Baird ,Stewart ''SUBJECT: ,. _ , • 5-478, 07/01: Special lJse Permit for an Expansion to an Electrical- Substation '. -iri an R-l5 Residential Zoning District: Locat-ion :'4600 ~1ue-Clay R®ad • .. BRIEF SUMMARY: - • Two representatives from the CP&L presented the :proposed projecf. No one-spoke in opposition: `~ ~~ The,Planning~Board`recommended.approval with the condition that an additional row of 'Wax , Myrtle be added along the right of way behind the proposed crepe myrtles. The'petitionerhas , revised the•plan to ;meet this condition. ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AhID REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ - . The Planning Board recommended approval with the•condition that an additional row of.Wax Myrtle be added along the right of way behind the proposed crepe myrtles. • • `- FUNDING SOURCE: , n%a , . ATTACHMENTS; ~.. ~ . 5 ~ .. - . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE R€VIEW • COUNTY' MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: • _ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • ~ ~~Uf C~~il~il ~ ~ T ~-PPROVED • ~ ~ REJECTED ~ r~ ~~ °, ' ~ ~ REMOVED t`~ ;, y • . ~ ~ POSTPORIED ~ ' `' ;•. S 01. •..~ .. Case: 5-478, 07/O1 Special Use Permit for an Expansion to an Electrical Substation in an R-15 Residential Zoning District Location: 4600 Blue Clay Road PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 7/12/01: Two representatives from CP&L presented the proposed project. No one spoke in opposition. The Planning Board recommended approval with the condition that an additional row of Wax Myrtle be added along the right of way behind the proposed crepe myrtles. The petitioner has revised the site plan to meet this condition. Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site is served by the Castle Hayne VFD B. An electrical substation has existed in this location since the 1950's. C. Area to be fenced with conn-olled access. 3 2. The Board must fond that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning, ordinance. A. The property is zoned R-15 Residential. Electrical Sub-stations are permitted by Special use Permit in the R-15 zoning district. B. The property falls within the I-40 Special Highway Overlay District. FIowever, utilities are exempt from the SHOD restrictions. C. The proposed improvements meet the required setbacks of the R-15 district. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The project area is approximately 9.34 acres located in the upper north side of the 46-acre CP&L property. The proposed disturbance associated with construction of thenew facility is 3.5 acres. B. The existing sub-station is 170'X140' or approximately''/z an acre. The proposed expansion will be approximately 200'X235' or approximately l .0 acre. C. No evidence has been presented that indicates that this expansion would decrease property values. D. As a result of the growth in this region, demand for electric services has increased. Providing electric service to the region is a public necessity. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The subject property is located in the Resource Protection Land Classification. The petitioner has stated that there will be no dishirbance of Threatened and Endangered Species habitat and minimal wetland disturbance. B. A professional environmental service has conducted a review of the site characteristics and has identified tvvo ,wetland areas and one area that potentially provides the required habitat for two threatened or endangered t~;,~llerbal~species~Altfiough~further review of the site will be necessary to confirm the existence of any threatened or endangered~speci~es;;the~petitioner indicates that these threatened and endangered species areas will not be disturbed ~~ ~~ 4,~~N~z~~ C. Although•,t~here~are;some~,yr,J sidential homes nearby, this area of the county continues to have a rural character. Planning Staff Concerns: 1) , , Some significant vegetation exisis onsite and efforts should be made to minimize site disturbance to retain as q.4. ~ much of the significant vegetation as possible, including buffering to adjacent properties. - --F ~. . lVE~ HANOVER C®l1Ni"Y ~®AR® ®f COIVIlVi1SS1 - _ REQUEST' FAR BOARD ACTION Cn1ERS Meeting ®ate: O,S/06/01 •. • Regular item#: 8 Estimated.T,ime: `Page~Number: • . ~~• Department; Legal Presenter: Holt 'Moore, Assistant County Attorney and Ser ea . .Murray g nt John •Contact: Holt Moore; Assistant Couhty Attorney and;Sergeant John Murray, ~. • . ~. SUS-JECT: . g' ' Second Readin i3rdinance Changes-.Regarding Vehicles in Dune Areas and . '~ Grass Containers i 0une Areas. BRIEF SUMMARY: •. . • Please see the attached memorandum and revised Ordinances. The-glass ordinah~ • ce will need to be,passed unanimously in order to enact due to not berng:voted on at the July 9th meeting, ~_ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE VESTED ACTIONS: , 'Recommend enacfing ordinance changes. . FUNDING SOURCE: '. . .rt. ATTAC~lMENTS:. _ ., Yes. • . • REVBEVVED BY: y LEGAL: Approve• FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESO' URGES: N/A . ~ y ` • COUNTY IVIANAOER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDAi'IONS: - " ~ Recommend enacting ordinance changes. V, • , ; : _ . - COMMiSSI0NER5° ACTIONS/COMME9V1"S: .• • ` - . ... .. ., ~~ • _ ` , r~~ APR® • • ~EJECTE®~ .®. ~ :~ ., • ; REMOVED { y ~. • ~ ~OSTPQIVED ~ ~ ,~" , =~ .. ~ _. ,~ _a~~ • ~ - ..~ ,; NEW NANO`/ER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM .,. U r x n, :.,.-.-,,T- t- --~ ~~ Z O: Board of Commissioners ,FROM: Holt Moore, Assistant County Atto;ne_y~r,~l"-°''' ~~'~ Changes to Chapters 23 ~, 53 of the County:Code Vehicle Safety and Glass Containers on Beach Areas DATB: ,lure 28, 2001 The following Code changes have been suggested by the Environmental lnforcement branch ~~ of the Sheriff's Department, headed b}~ Sergeant John Murray. .The problems 1~ronlptillg these suggested changes have existed primarily at the r?orth end of Carolina Beach. The changes, however, will effect ali beach areas under New Ilanover County's jurisdiction. Explanations of the proposed changes follow: The actual attached. proposed ordinance texts aze In Chapter 23, which pertains to the Environment: 1 ~ To add a paragraph prohibiting glass containers on any beach areas under County jurisdiction. In Chapter 53, which pertains to Traffic and Vehicles: In section 53-31, "Definitions": 1. To amend the definition of _°dune area" to include that area of land within five hundred feet of the high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean or the Intracoastal Waterway. The previous definition included land one-half mile from the high-water mark of the Atlantic Ocean. At least one court has found that version of the ordinance to be overly broad as to the distance. The Intracoastal Waterway has been ~,,~~;,,; ; s. j'~ ~~P~~P~~~s,e~d as an addition so that beach areas facing the waterway side of inlets would be included. ~-: , w E C~~,t~_~~.~~~_3~~i~4 ~~,.~ ;,ri %'"~ %Next Page Please) :~ i -_ .,. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ` 53-34, "Restrictions" 1. ~ ~~ to reduce tl~ze speed li~nZit iii the dune area fi;om 25 miles- per hour to ]~5 miles per,hour: . 2.. ~. , to add a paragraph prohibitin ~ o eratin . ~ g p g a ~ ehicle in such away as to endanger persons in tIze dune area; adjoining areas, or in the water. . - ~. `~ to add'a prohibition against all terrain vehicles (A-TVs), motor homes, travel trailers or trailers ofany sort, including personal'watercraft (jetsk~i) trailers, iii the dune area. ~-- S3-36,.."Enforcement„ ~ . 1 toad"d a provision; for civil penalties in the amoiu~t of $100.00 for the frst~violation~ .~ ~, ~ $300.00 for the second violation,~an~d $_500.00 for the third and subsequent violation - _ :Phis adds an alternativzto the'$50.00 misdemeanor charge; w~l~icl~~.vas the exclusive remedy previously., 7~'he z~lisdemednor wot:ild rei~t~ai11 as an option. in the current .proposal. Sun- imarv Al(of the preceding'provisi~ns have~beeii su~~csted iii ~~n effort to imhro~'e'~the safety o~n the beech. •The.first provision is designed to prevent broken glass on the teaches. The primal, cone ~re~arding the glass is that vehicles t~laveI over the glass bottles, which break, creating da gers far h p _~ ersolis on foot. The primary problems with the various types of-tra~ilers~ is that they are prone to become stuck iii the wet sand. Them is also a boatranip for jetskis very near most beach locatio including the north end of Carolina Beaclz, such that trailering jetskis,on the beach is unnecessans, The remainulg,provsions are designed to address the otherprimary.vehicl~e-related problenlsbeii experienced .o~n the beach, and enforcement of those provisions. ~ ~, _. Sergeant Mui-ra;~ wi11 be available at ttie meeting to address any concerns the Board mayhave ... ' about these changes, as well as to offer his perspective as to u~hy these changes are necessary. . .~ `'t' AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUN"fY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County does hereby amend theNew Hanover County Code, Chapter 23, entitled "Environment," by adding the following section: 23-190.1 Glass Containers I'rolgibited on C'c~unty I~~ At-has G.i~ d 1. glass containers shall not be allowed on any b~~i al-eas under the ~uri .Hanover County. ~ ] sdiction ofNew Except as expressly amended above, Chapter 23 shall remain in full force and effect. Adopted this day of , 200I. (SEAL] ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chaii7nan ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~-; 48 ~ .. AN ORDINANCE ~ .. .. OF THE , NEW HANOVER COUNTY .~ BO . ARD OF COMMISSIONERS - • ._ , -The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. does' hereby ordain that Chapter 53, .. . entitled° "Traffic and Vehicles," of the New.Hanover County Code, is hereby amended to read as ` ~ follows; Section, 53-31 D~fnitians t . The rfollowing words; terms-and phrases, when.used in this article, shall hive the meanings • ascribed to them in this section, e;~cept where the contex~U chearly ~iiidicates a~ different -meaning: , ~. .- Dune ai°eanleans al.l lands~ituatedinthis coon y~arid lying within 750'feet ofthe~lo~~~-watel-~ -~ mark of the~Atlant.ic Ocean ox inlets adjacent-thereto. ~ - ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ,Section 53-34 I<~estrictions . . „ No motor velaic,les n~av be operated in the dune area except pis follows: ; . - (1) by a person licensed to drive a:rnotor vehicle on the~publi~c highways; - • .~ .. O either below the high water mark or on property within 25 feet adjacent thereto or on platted roadways. (3), .if oli ~rivatG property; with t~i~e11 permission of,tlie owner of the property; '~ (4) a motor vehicle weighing less than x,000 pounds, except that no all-terrain vehicles . . - ,. '._ (.gTVs), motor :homes.; travel trailers, or other trailers of aiiy kind including personal . • .. watercraft trailers, shall be allowed; (5) at a speed of 15 miles per hour or below; and . .. ., ~. (6) m such a manner as not to endanger persons m the dune.areas, adjoining areas, or m the water. . Sections 53-36 Enforcement ._ (a) ~ Violations of this., article may be punished by a civil~.penalty to be recovered`ir1 the nature of a debt of $100.00 for the first violation,. $300:00 foz- the second violation, ..and $500.00 for the third and subsequent violations. Violations may also be - ~ p hed as a:misdemeanor under G.S. 14-4. . unis ~ `'~' 9 _ ,. Except as expressly amended above, Chapter 53 shall remain in effect as written. Adopted this day of , 2001. (SEAL), NEW HANOVER COUNTY ATTEST: Ted Davis, ,lr., Chairman Clerl: to the Board ® .. ~~ ~VEVY HANOVER C®UIU1'Y DOARD Of CaMM1SSlONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/06/01.. AN ORDINANCE ~• ~ OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that New Hanover County Code be amended as fiollows: A. Chapter35, Human Relations, Article II, Human Relations Commission, Section 35-54, Membership Chapter 35-64. Membership. a). Terms 1) The Human Relations Commission shall be composed of 20 members, 14 sat-large members appointed by the New Hanover County Commissioners, three members appointed by the Wilmington City Council, one member appointed by the Carolina Beach Town Council, one member , appointed by the Kure Beach Town Council, and one member appointed by the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen. ' The balance of the section shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. B. Chapter 56, Utilities,. Article II1, Sewer System, Division 8, Enforcement, Section 56- 282. Procedure for Discontinuation of Service: Chapter 56-282.. Procedure for Discontinuation of Service. Add at the end of the last sentence in subsection (a): If service is discontinued due to violation of one or more of the provisions under Section 56-281, Discontinuation of Service, the owner must correct the violation within thirty (30) days of discontinuance or vacate the premises for failure to properly maintain service with the public sanitary sewer system. The balance of the section shall .remain unaltered, in full force and effect. C. Chapter 56, Utilities, Article II1, Sewer System, Division 8, Enforcement, Section 56- 285, Recovery: Chapter 56-285. Recovery. Add the sentence prior to the existing paragraph: No person shall break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenahce or equipment which is part of the wastewater collection system or the wastewater treatment facilities. Any violation hereof shall subject the offender to both a civil penalty and to the recovery of expense as specified herein. The balance of the section shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. ~ "~` `. This~the~ . ~-.....,~ = day of , 2001. [SEAL] F~'~ ; ~ r ;31:~.]!:~f ~ T. .' ~t~l~~~~:~ . , :,,~, ATTEST: NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board • NEVV HA~N®1lER COUNTY B®ARD ®F C®MIVIISS60(VERS ~. ~. ..REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:08/06/01 . • Regular Jltem #:. 11 :.Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~ " .Department:, Engineering Presenter.: Dave Weaver ~ • , ~ Contact: Dave Weaver/Kemp Burpeau. : , SUBJECT: Consideration of Extension of Agreement'fo~r~`Purchase of interest in Hutaff ' Property-for Mason Inlet Relocation Project• . BR1'EF SUMMARY: . : The attached Fetter from Bill Raney, Attor,riey, outlines the need to pay $25,000 to the Hutaff Trust. ; in order to extend the County's option to 4purchase,.the Hutaff property as part ,of the Inlet Relocation Project. Payment will extend the County's purchase option another 12 months to Augusta 26, 200,2.. The ..fee is non-refundable but will be applied to the :full purchase price upon -' closing of the.: transaction. The need to extend the option stems from the fact that. we wilt not " ' have all the permits before the term of the present purchase agreement ends August 26, 200:1. - ~-We do anticipate having all permits by the end of,the year, based on information" provided by the ' Corps end other agencies. ~ ~ .:. •. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. ` ~ ' Staff: recommends that the County pay the. $25,000 fee:. The money will initially,.come from the • Beach Nourishment portion of ttie Room Occupancy Tax fund. Ultimately;, this cost will become part of the Project cost to be assessed to the benefiting property owner. - , FUNDING SOURCE:. ' Room Occupancy Tax Fund ,. ~ ` . p•. ATTACHMENTS: .. . Letter.frorri BiII Raney REVIEWED BY: LEGAL:.. FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~ j C®UNTY MANAGER`S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ • As recommended. above. ~ - ' : .r- .. COMMtSS10NERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: „~ ~ - . APPROVED ~y~, , - ~ ~ ;REJECTED ~ 'y a 'REMOVED ~ . ~~ . i ~®STPO~VED ~ '~~~ d •. ,A.! t.. ,~~ D,( R r (o ~„ .. -.-~.~._.y~. _ ,___ JUL-17-2001 10 45 WESSELL & RANE'~' W~sB~LL & $..p.,1y~Y. ~.~.P• ~yrrl+Og~fpyPtq AT ,{.,IAW l07 ~ 'NoRTxt s~oozrx~ saga . PoBT C1s'9~a~ P.os 10.8 y~7tf,~TON. NVRTS ~1~120LSAA Q$4®~i Jd~x o. ~~®e$ra. IYS VIII T t A yd, A. Y, J1Z. ~TIl~ F3~ ,~~TI+Y `ylYJ fbG fJ~f r.rJlir~l T~Y.~IPSOly~ 910.7g~-7'473 B~Aa eza~ss-7a¢7 ~~~vw~aQD~aJx~c~v~rsµ-~~ Memo to : Dave Weaver, dreg 'Thompson, tCemp BuY'peau and Ken Shanklin From: ~~.11 Raney Rage; July 17, 2001 Re: Masan Inlet - ~?utaf£ Agreement The Agreement regarding' purchase o£ property rights from the Hutaff Trust "fox the Mason Tn7.et ~Relaeation Fraject was fully executed on .August 26, I999. The closing of .the transaction under the Agreement is to occur within 24 months of X~ugust 26, 1999. The closing date can be extended for 12 months upon payment of an add~.tional $25,000,00 non-refundable fee which will ,be applied to the purchase price if the transaction is ultiimately closed. (Paragraph 11.(b). T.t appears certain that final permit decisions cannot be made until. after .August 26, 2001. Thus an ~=xtension of the Agreement is necessary to keep the Agreement i.n force. The Agreement has been assigned by the Figure "8'~ Beach I3ameowhex's Association to New Hanover County and the County is now the entity with the right to extend the Agreement. please advise me whether you would like for me to contact t1~e attorney for the Huta£f Trust concerning an extens~,cin. If someone from the,Cdunty wants to make the oontact, please give me a call so that I may provide relevant information. cc: Ned Barclay Azt Foineau waR\SxWircri\R96-233-C395 _ . t y;~ } r " lr'~ ~~ 1 `9 TOTAL P.01 J .J r . f . IVES/ HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF C06VINIISSIONERS REQUEST. FOR BOARD ACTION ,~ Meeting-Date: 08/06/01 ~ ~~ 1 ,Regular Item ~ `` . . ,~ #: 12' Estimated Time: Page Number.: • • Depar#ment: ,County Manager Presenter; ,Mark Boyer 'Contact:Mark Boyer , . _ `. SUBJECT: . Cable Franchise Fee • " " BRIEF SUMMARY: - "In order to avoid using the county's property tax revenue to fund the operation of NHCTV (New Hanover County Television), -the best possible source of funding is the cable franchise fee charged to Charter Communications and to AOL-Time. Warner.. The' increase in this fee would be used for `operational costs. involved in cable-casting of Board of Commissioner meetings and, other ' .programming to enhance the public's understanding of local_government. The City of Wilmington. has for. a number of years charged a 5% Franchise Fee: .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ~ -• - •Recommend..iricreasing the franchise fee from 3 % to 5 %. . O=tINDING SOURCE:. ~ • • .ATTACHMENTS: Cable Franchise Fee.do • . REVLE~IIED BY: ~ ,. L"EGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET;. Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - COUNTY MANAGER°S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ' Recommend increasing the fee to 5 % as recomm nded above. Ali of the increased revenue- :. ~ should be used to fund the operation of NHCTV.~„--. ;~ , " - ~ ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 1~~ ~i.. -. .. _.,, APPROVED , ~ ;.;, .' REJECTED ~ • ;; SY ' ~ REMOVED ~ " . ~ ~ . ° POSTPONED. ' ~ ;b • ~EARCJ ~ ,: ;~ ~~ . Resolution Cable Franchise Fees Whereas, New Hanover County is offering quality.ealile tel.wision programming to enhance the public's understanding of local government and Whereas, the continued op anon of New Hanover Col~nty Television (NHCTV) should not be dependent on the coun ,'s property tax base, a ~d . ~ ° Whereas, the City of Wilmingtott has been charg~g a five percent (5 /o) Cable Franchise Fee to AOL-Time Warner Cable fbr a number ofyears, ,\\ ' Now, therefore, be it resolved, that 'the Cable;~Franchise Fee charged to AOL-Time Warner and Charter Communications be increased effective immediately, from three percent (3%) to five percent (5%) with the additional revenue to be used to fiord operation of New Hanover County Television. Ordered this 6th day of August, 2001 i , ~' Attest: Ted Davis Jr., ~ Chairman ~ .. Clerk to the Board 4` ` ,~' ~-; ~, ,~ti ~ 6 ® ~ ~ Resolution Cable Franchise Fees . Whereas, New Hanover County is offering quality cable television programming to ~~ enhance the public's understanding of local government and Whereas, the, Board_of County Commissioners intend to provide funding for operation of NHCTV through franchise fees; rather through the Ad Valorem tax base, and Whereas, the City of Wilmington and the Town of Carolina Beach charge a five percent (5%) Cable Franchise .Fee, Now,. therefore, be it resolved, that the New Hanover County Cable Franchise Fee charged to AOL-Time Warner and Charter Communications be increased effective .September 1, 2001, from three percent (3%) to five percent (5%). . Ordered this 6`" day of August, 2001 Attest: Ted Davis Jr., Chairman ~"~lii~~ ~'~fl~~tll~~'if~,a~~Q.~Vv «~PP~~y~a Mme- ~~.lE~T~D ~~ + ., jai,,. ;~~.~ ~ ~~ _ ~ ._ * _ i N.~w Han~v~r C~a~nty i'e9ev~s6®n ~ ~~ • ~ud~t Pr®je~ti~ns :: ~ - - FY01-02 ` FY02-03 . {10 Months} (12 Months), . R~ve~aues ¢Adciitiona! 2% Franchise Fee} . .Tune Warner.. ~ . ` 194,086.99 232,504.39 , '' ~ Charter Corrimunicatlons ' ~ - 31,657.18 37,988.62 ~. To#ai Reve~aues . ~ ~ ~ 22x,744.17 27t3,$93.m1 "Expenditures `.. 3 ~'S~laries & Benefits (1 Full and 1 Part-time. Employee) 49,183.33 59,020.00 , • ,Editing & Field Equipment ~ 45,00(3.00 - Service Contracts nn Equipment , ~ ~ - 7,000.00 Rdvertising & Contintaing Education > 5;000.00 .. 5;000.00 d Supplies & Software ~ 12,000.00 12,000.00 Closed Captioning Service(9~monttis FY01-02) ~ Equiprrient 22,500A0 30,000:00 . Administrative Reserve - ~ _ 92,060.84 157,873.01 , Total l4xperacigtue-es . 225,744.17 270,393.09 - ~tPPROVED ~ ,,~ ~ . ' REJECTED ~ ' ~ ~ _ P:EMOVED ~ ~ ~~~ ... .. .. OSTPO .. ~ P NED , a~s~lRh? ~~ '. -Cable Fee Info'8-3-01.xls - . Bud~et.Projections-Summary ~ :. ., - ~, ~`1 " . . IVEV~ HANOVER COl1NTY ~~OAR® OF CONIIVIISSIOf~ERS " REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ` . Meeting Date:. 08/06/01 Regular Item #; L3 Estimated Time: ..Page Number: ' • Department: County Manager . Presenter; Mark Boyer Contact: Mark Boyer SUBJECT: " ' NHCTV O"perational Policy . BRIEF SUMMARY: .. - ' At your May'7 meeting, .i.t was decided to table the-0perational Policy for• the county's government information channels until after a,work session- on broadcasting could be held. •. The purpose of the. channels will be to cablecast government-related. programming ofi interest to a " countywide audience that wi11 inform and enlighten citizens as well as encourage participation in ~, county government, ;4n operational policy should be in place outlining the use of~the channels. " RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Discuss/approve attached draft operational policy FUNDING SOURCE: '. . ATTACHMENTS: ~ .. -" Broadcast Policies. ± REVIEWED BY: r ~ ~ .. ' LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET:". HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AN D~RECOMMENDATIONS: . Discuss the draft policy-and approve as the:officiai operation and policy for the County relating to cable TV, , ' l _ w_.. _ COMMiSSIONERS'.ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ' ~~ ~E~ECr~® ~ . , f .. ~ ~EIV10VEp ~ y=~ . ' , ~®STP®IVE'® ~j ~` ,T i " ~.~.. .w.. New~ryl~anover C®unty:~.~~~~.~x:~~...~_ .~ .r~.~~~ k' broadcast Policies and Procedures k~. E ~~~ ~_ n.~..~.~ .. ~...,~w~.~ ~ ,~. Name and Channel Designation-New Hanover County's Government Information Channel, "The Government Channel" will operate on channel ~ on the Charter Communications Cable system and channel 13 on the Time Warner Cable system. The channel designation may change from time to time by either cable system operator. The Government Channel will be known as Nf-ICTV. The programming on NHCTV is originating from the Historic New Hanover County Courthouse, 2~North 3`d Street, Wilmington, NC 28401. 2. Purpose of Channel=The purpose in offering programming on NHCTV is to provide interesting, relevant and timely information about New Hanover County government and its services, that will inform, educate and enlighten, as well as encourage participation in government services, activities and decision making. The county will attempt to provide programming that is fair, accurate and without regard to partisanship or ideology. It is not the intent to create any sort of public forum but merely to provide unfiltered, unedited information concerning .county government issues. 3. Compliance with Laws and lZegulations-NHCTV will be operated in a manner compliant with all applicable federal regulations. 4. Channel operator-The New Hanover Colmty Public Information Officer or his designee, is responsible for determining if programming is consistent with the policies as outlined in this document. 5. Types of Programming-Only programming consistent with the policies and -. _ _~. _ .. mission of New Hano nt w' 1 be aired on NHCTV, Only programming ~,( y county departments will be broadcast on NHCTV. ~ ~l d~ ~ ~~~~TV will not air programming provided by individuals or organizations not considered part of New Hanover County government. New Hanover County will also broadcast character-generated messages related to local government at times when pre-produced video programming is not scheduled. Specifically, programming may include only the following: A. Meetings of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners-Live and taped replays of regular and special meetings will air. Recordings of these meetings are not to be interpreted as an official record of the meetings and „ ..:will be retained for a period of six months. ~,s~"~>''_ ~ :~~: _ ~ ` B~. Meetings of other governmental entities-Live or taped broadcast of official °1 meetings of governmental bodies within the geographical boundaries of New Hanover County in which matters concerning the government of New Hanover County will be discussed. This includes meetings of the elected 58 C~ .' ~ boards of the municipalities of Carolina Beach,. Kure Beach, Wilmington, '~ ." Wrightsville-Beach; and New Hanover County Board -of Education. . . C. County video programming-Pre-produced programming submitted by the. ' ` .departments of New Hanover County government which illustrates the - ' mandates; programs and services of county government; may also include ' programs that, discuss, outline and/or summarize .county governrnenfal _ functions or techniques; programming may include participation from outside organizatioris, agencies, governments or individuals ~as long as such _ participation is central to the program topic. D. Approved agency video programming-Pre-produced programming . submitted by approved agencies, .which is designed to inform -the public of the , services and facilities of that agency "and of general interest; such programming must be sponsored by New Hanover County prior to broadcasting. ` ~ E. County message programmng_Character-generated. information submitted . ` by county.government and its departments includes, blot may not be limited to, job openings,. meeting schedules and agendas, board vacancies and other ' departmental information. - . F. Approved"agency message programming-=Character~generated information , submitted by approved agencies is limited to general acid brief.information ' concerning. meetings, activities, facilities and programs offered within New . " Hanover County by the submitting agency. - 6. General Categories of programming: The programming described above must fall within one or more of the following general categories of programming: A. Announcements or programs concerning emergencies and other timely issues , . ' ~ affecting life-health-safety of the community; _ B. Public proceedings and meetings involving the elected and appointed officials- . of New Hanover County; Board of Commissioner meetings will be broadcast live. Meetings. will also be recorded for~later replay~at regularly scheduled ` times. Programs and meetings that help .explain county policies and programs; .. ` C. Programs' and meetings which inform- the public of the facilities, services and ' programs offered to the citizens of New Hanover County; - , D. Public meetings or'programs of other governments including federal, state, ' regional or local governments; that affect New Hanover County government or residents of New Hanover County if submitted by coLinty government only; ' .. E: Programs that highlight the cultural, environmental and historic resources of New Hanover County; F. 'Public service announcements if submitted by county government. ~_ 7~. ` 'Programming Restrictions: In light of the declared puupose of NHCTV, .the - . following programming restrictions apply: • A. ~ Except as specifically provided in this subparagraph, NHCTV will not air any programming .which has as its purpose the assistance of a campaign for ' election of any person fo any office or .the promotion or opposition to any - ballot position. From th,e time of their announced candidacy, until after the ~, ~' ~ 59 .election, announced candidates to any elected office shall not be permitted to make personal statements on NHCTV, except as participants of formal public meetings in the discharge of their regular. and~routine.duties. Factual information concerning information on any ballot issue affecting county government services maybe allowed. Character generated election results may also be aired. B. Programs containing slanderous, lewd; obscene or violent material will not be aired.. The county recognizes that programs with artistic or social merit may contain content or language considered objectionable to some viewers. However, community standards of good taste will be adhered to at all times. NHCTV shall make the initial determination, which is appeal able in accordance with Section 21 herein. C. Programs containing copyrighted materials will not be broadcast without proper copyright authorization. Approved agencies submitting programming will be responsible for obtaining all necessary copyrighted clearance and shall indemnify and hold NHCTV, New Hanover County and its officers, employees and agents harmless in any case of copyright, infringement. D. Programs that promote, endorse, or advertise any nonprofit agency, private business, commercial service or product, profit-making activity, political candidate or partisan cause will not be aired. E. Programs pertaining;,directly or indirectly, to lotteries or any other device, scheme, plan, promotion, contest, or other program involving prize or chance will not be aired. F. Programs that solicit donations of any kind will not be broadcast, except for those programs made available by approved agencies in which emergency donations are needed to better serve the needs of the citizens during times of emergency. G. Programs that contain outdated or misleading information will not be broadcast. Most programs will be considered `up to date' for a period of six months from video production. H. Requests for access to NHCTV for the purpose~of advocating a personal viewpoint shall generally be denied, unless part of a county government programming strategy to solicit personal viewpoints with equal time provided t to all. I. Programs that do, not meet acceptable broadcast standards for video and audio quality will not be aired. The Channel Operator shall determine which programs meet acceptable broadcast standards. 8. Board of Commissioner 1Vleeting Broadcasts-Meetings of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners will be broadcast live in their entiretx, e~s~ . ` format' ion of . Sires t~e~oanr~- Commissioner takes-~~e-efficiaLactiori-d~rinb 1~-i-s-}~.ortion of thee, HC ~11 pre-e e non-agen onion and it's place NHCTV will oa cast ei era aracte enera d mess~abe or pre roduce rogr inQ r c bination o essa~es or e- oduced progra m~. 60 . ~: . ,~ ~' • 9. :Sponsorship of Video Progr~imming-All video programming, except-taped . , broadcast of official meetings `of the New Hanover County Board of .• • ... ` . ~ Commissioners, must be sponsored by a particular'department or office of~county` , - . ` overnment. Such s onsorshi .must be indicated either verball or in wn~ti ng, at p ' the beginning and`~at he end of each video program., It shah be the; sporisor' s •.~ responsibility for reviewing the program to ensure that it is appropriate for ~~ `~ broadcast on NHCTV and is in conformity with these policies..Only the head of a • particular department or office of county, government is authorized to sponsor programming or sign.any document indicating such sponsorship. ~ , =10. Discretion to, allow or disallow programming-Notwithsfanding anything in these policies to the contrary, New Hanover County acting by and through the ~• ~ ~ County Manager, reserves the absolute right to prohibit the broadcast of any ~ . ,_ , ~ particular video program or character generator message on NHCTV, whether . submitted by county government, any other governmental entity, approved ~ ` ..agency. or anyone else. New Hariover~County will not air any program• submitted , .~ ' .by an individual or agency :not considered to be part of county government, 'governmental entity or approved agency. Furthermore, New Hanover County. • acting by and through the County Manager also reserves the right to authorize and approve programming tfiat is not in,strict compliance with the types of ' ` programming listed herein.as long~as uch programming .is of sigriificant,interest ' to the citizens of New Hanover County and as consistent with the guidelines, : , . ' . restrictions and purpose of the government channel. ~ . . ~ l l :'Technical Standards-A-copy of all programming must be submitted to the •. Channel Operator in VHS format for a full review for conformity' with tliese policies. The broadcast copy of approved programming must be submitted in a , . format consistent~wth the current technical requirements of i~1HCTV. Video and' ` audio quality of all programs must meet acceptable broadcast standards as • ~ determined by the Channel Operator. " ~ •. .. " .. ~ '1'2. 'T'echnical Difficulties-The Channel Operator shah'use best efforts to keep any • . - videotape that is delivered to hire in the same condition as they were in when ' . delivered; however, New Hanover CoLrnrty shall not be responsible for inadvertent - ~ •. ' .~' erasure or damage to such tapes: The submitter,should keep an'archive copy of ' •' • ~ ~ the videotape so that duplicate tapes can be made and broadcast in the event, that ' ~ 'the original tape is unable to be aired due to the'condition of the tape. New ' Hanover County shall not be held liable for programming nit wired due to ~ ~ ; k , 'technical. difficulty. . , , ... ~ - 13: Requests for Programming-County governrrient; other governmental entities . and approved agencies may. submit a request for programming when they-feel it . . ;. . appropriate for broadcast on the County Government Channels. Requests should ~ be made to the- Channel Operator in writing and in consultation with the Channel ' • Operator and/or Public Information Officer. 'This requirement shall .be waived in .. .. the event of a natural disaster or other such emergency at the request of the Director of New Hanover County Emergency~,Management. In order to allow for proper program scheduling and promotion, requests must be submitted prior to the requested broadcast. date in accordance with the following deadlines: A. Emergency programming-as soon as possible. B. Meetings-2 weeks in advance (other arrangements may be made for special or emergency meetings). C. Message programmiri~ at least two weeks in advance. D. Video programming-at least one monih in advance of the requested airing date. The programming must be in conformity with these policies and approved by the Channel Operator prior to scheduling and broadcast. Any programming that does not meet the policies as submitted may be subject to editing as discussed. in the following paragraph, before receiving approval for broadcast. 14. Brogram Edating-With the exception of the replays of meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and other governmental entities, all programming is subject to editing. Such editing is not intended to alter the factual content or overall intent of the material_,being presented. It shall be the general policy that New Hanover County will not edit. any programming that is copyrighted. to someone other than New Hanover County or its departments: In that instance, the submitter will be given an opportunity to secure copyright approval to edit the videotape at the Channel Operator's direction~but at the submitter's expense and resubmit the edited tape for review and possible broadcast. Each governmental entity, including the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has the right to tape its meetings in whole or in part and to air any portion or portions of such meetings as it deems advisable and the Channel Operator has no authority to edit such recordings. Character-generated messages may .be edited to provide for clarity of content. The Channel Operator has the responsibility for the message editing. Such message editing duties may be delegated at the Channel Operator's discretion. 15. Prograrr~ Scheduling-New Hanover County will attempt to provide a 24-hour a day programming schedule. When live activities or videotape are not being broadcast; character generated messages will air.. Schedules of programming will be developed and maintained by.the Channel Operator. Every effort will be made to schedule video programming in an equitable and non-discriminatory manner. When possible, videotapes of regularly scheduled meetings will be aired as promptly as possible to ensure timely broadcast. Scheduling however is at the discretion of the Channel Operator. Scheduling of programming does not guarantee actual airing of such programs since emergencies, technical difficulties, acts of God or other events beyond the control of the Channel.Operator, Charter Communications, Inc., Time. Wamer Cable, or New Hanover County may ` ~ .prohibit or delay programming. • New~Hanover County shall not be held liable for . ,, such failures. , • 16. Videotape ®wnership and Copyright-All programming produced by county V ~ ~ 'government or its departments or agencies shall be considered the property of , ' - New Hanover County and. shall be copyrighted ~as such. New Hanover County. ., ': - ~ makes no representation as to the ownership or copyright of any other - programming broadcast on NHCTV. It is the responsibility. ofthe submitter to ' ~ , , ' ensure that the proper copyright authorization is obtained. New Hanover County ~ , '. ~ ~ and NHCTV shall be held harmless for. any failure. to obtain ,such authorizations. , . ...;. 17. fZetention of Video Programming-Except to the extent required by law; it shall • . not be the responsibility of New Hanover County to refain any video ~ ' programming that is broadcast or submitted for broadcast on NHCTV. The . ~ submitter and/or sponsor are responsible for retaining a copy of the video ' , programming and for. complying with applicable, laws regarding records retention. . The submitter and or sponsor are also responsible for retrieving any videotapes .. . left in the Channel Operator's possession within 15 days of the end of the ~ '. broadcast; after,which time,'the Channel Operator.is aufhori"zed to destroy or erase..' • y . _ the tape(s) without notice to the submitter or sponsor. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is recognized that the Channel Operator may keep certain videotapes • ' ~ on file and may,.reuse these videotapes in whole or in_part in future. broadcasts with proper permission:. L8. Duplication,af-Video Programming-Videotape.duplication services are not . .' ;.offered by New Hanover County, NHCTV. or any department or agency of county government. Citizens wishing°to obtain a copy of any-video,programming should contact the Channel Operator for information regarding vendors of tape ' ' ~ duplication services. It shall be the responsibility of the submitter to determine if .~- ~ duplication of videotape will result in copyright infringement.' The county shall not be responsible for .ensuring that such duplication is 'not a violation Hof ~ , ~ , '.~ copyright laws.. ~ ~ E _ ' 19. Channel Operator and Assigned Staff-The Channel Operator shall be ' ' ~ designated,by and report to the County'1Vlanager or his designee. The Channel ' ' . Operator has the responsibility. ofthe general management of NHCTV and shall ~: ~ ~ .perform .all duties so assigned: The Channel Operator shall perform`his duties in ~• ' a fair and impartial manner. and shall endeavor to ensure the approved ' : ' programming is in conformity with these policies as they may from time to time ~ : , be amended: Additional staff may be assigned duties related, fo'the operations of ~ . " . NHCTV or the county may contract for such services. ' ' :. ~ ~ . ' 20. Use of County-t~wned Equipment-County owned equipmentshall be ., restricted to authorized activities and its use shall be restricted.to authorized staff of the county or trained personnel under the direction of the Channel Operator: _ The loaning or use of the equipment for personal or outside. use shall not be . ' 63 permitted. Authorized activities are limited to the production of county government video programming, the live broadcast and taping of official meetings of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners or other ~J government entity and such other uses deemed appropriate by the County Manager. ' 21. Complaint Procedure.-Complaints regarding NHCTV.programming decisions shall be submitted in writing to the Channel Operator on a timely basis and shall be acted upon in writing by the Channel Operator in a timely fashion. If any citizen disagrees with the Channel Operator's decision regarding a programming complaint, he or she may appeal the decision in writing to the County Manager who has sole discretion in making such final determinations: 22. Funding-It is acknowledged that establishing a reliable funding mechanism will enable NHCTV to become a source of quality governmental information and to produce programming that is interesting, relevant and timely. The budget for NHCTV shall be submitted on an annual basis to the County Manager and shall be subject to the normal county budget review process: Funding is in the discretion of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 23: Indernnifieation-New Hanover County, its officers, employees and agents, are not responsible for•any loss, injury, damage, penalty, claims, costs (including attorneys' fees and expenses); actions, suits or proceedings of any kind, related to the operation of NHCTV and shall specifically (but not by way of limitation) be indemnified and Held harmless from any negligent or intentional act or omission, arising out of the operation of NHCTV, including but not limited to the following: A. Accuracy/inaccuracy of any information broadcast over NHCTV that was submitted by outside sources; B. Broadcast of incorrect information or programming over NHCTV; C. Failure to broadcast programming as scheduled; D. Inadvertent erasures or damage to videotapes; E. Destruction of videotapes not retrieved in a timely fashion; F. Failure to obtain proper copyright authorization. ### 64 C~ MEETING OF THE.WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTIIOUSE 24 NORT>FI THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 , WILMINGTON, NC , ~. • August 6, 2001 • _ ~ ' ITEMS OF BUSINESS •PAGE NO. is Non-Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) ~, 65 • ~ 2. Approval of Minutes- ~ X67 , 3'. ~ Consideration of Request for, Water and Sewer Service for Rock Church, Sidbury Road 69 ' -• " 4: Consideration of Request for Water Service for Greenview Ranches and Oak Ridge 71 ~. ' '.. ~ _ 5. Consideration of Award of Castle Rayne Sewer Project (HIJD) Coristruction Contract ~ 75 . #O1-0344 .. " 6.. Approval of Budget Amendment #2002-04 Island Park Water Extension Capital 79 .. Project • ,' Adjourn. " ,. .~ • ~ _ ~ - _ , . •~ 65 {This page intentionally left blank} °~ 66 ~ IVEV~ HAIV.OVER COUNTY B®AR~ OF:CO~IIiViISSiONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .. . ~ IVl~eeting Date; 08/06/®1 f\ ~~'~iis page iaatentionally left blc~a~~k} a ..yam" ; ~~~~li IIR9,i,?t,-, 68 `:-' NEB ~9~ANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' . REQUEST. FOR 80ARD ACT10N ~. . 9Vleeting Date.:, 08/06/01: . `Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated. Time: .Page Number: ' De ~artment: Water & Sewer Dis rict • p t Presenter;. Wyatt E,. Blanchard. Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard - .~ SUBJECT: R~q'u~ t for Vllater and, :Sewer~Service mock Church - Sidbury Road BRIE1= SUMMARY: . ~~ The Rock Church_ requested water and sewer service at ,the June 18, 2001 Commissioners Meeting.,. It was denied at that time (see attached agenda item) since a'proposed subdivision had> been previously. deriied sewer service on. a parcel' near by. This item is being presented with , additional information. The Rock is:~asking that they be allowed to construcf aprivate-wastewater line and pump to the Di'strict's line'on College Road near Blue Clay Road.. The comparisons of.fhe-two systems are as follow: ,. Rock Request: Serves one entity. Subdivision Request:. Serves multiple residences. ~. • -. Rock Request: Church provides operation".maintenance. - ' - " ;Subdivi•siori Request:. County provides opeation and maihtenance of collection system since multiple users are served. _ .. .,. - ~ - Rock Request: ff church. abandons system, Church would close. - ` Subdivision Request: ff developer~abandons~pump~ station County would be~required to accept . ~. responsibility because of residential use...: - Rock Request: Church will own entire`system - Subdivision Request:. County is~required to take ownership of collection system. The attached map indicates location of proposed site. RECOMMENDED MOTION AN® REQUESTED ACTIONS• .If the request is approved, recommend all costs to be paid by The Rock Church. . ~ FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ~ ~ • t location Map. .. Agenda Item ~ • ATTACHME9VTS: ~ ` REVIEVVVED BY: . . LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A. HUMAN .RESOURCES' N/A . •: .. . ., ~ > . ~~Y1NTY ~l1~~fii~ , . COUNTY MANAGER S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~l ~PpROVED ~~''~~~}.. Agree with County Engineer's recommendation. „~,. ~ DEJECTED . i MOVE® ~ "' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: , ~E . aft #:'-~ NEVV I~AiVOVER COUNTV BOARD OF ~®NBNI~SSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTI®IV: ~ ` Mee#ing Date: ®x/06/01 .. Water & Sewer Item #: ,.4 Estimated Time: Page Number:. ~ , .. ... Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E: Blanchard ~ ~~ ,Contact: Wyatt E.`Blanchard . ..SUBJECT;- • ~ ~" . Eieques# for 9~Ia#er Service - Gre~nview.~tanches and Oak Ri.dge~' . BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ , The County has received a petition (copy attached)-from residents in •the Greenview ranches and Oak Ridge area, who are customers of the Coastaf,`.Plain Water System, asking-that the County- bui(danew water system in their area and take over operation of the exisfing system. • Any decision must be in conjunction with actions of the North Carolina Utility Commission and be' ,compatible with the plans."for the Brierwood area. water. " _ ~ Mr. Reggie Lewis will be present to discuss the petition.,. ± RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ " I recommend that. the Commissioners consider the request. FUND1i\IG SOURCE:. , No.moneys involved. ATTAC1-91MENTS: ' V. . ,Petition . . I~EVIEONED BY: LEGAL"; N/A,FINANCE: ~/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - .. COUNTY MANAGER°S C®MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:.. ~ , Consider the request:. Please'keep in mind the financial plan for the Water and Sewer: District. - . ~. Funds are very'Iimited for any new construction projects a"+;~ ~ . ~, _. , ~ .. . COMMISSIONERS' ACTlONSlCOMMENTS: • ,, ' ' P ., . . DEJECTED ~ rtr~ . _ . _ REMOVED ~ " , ~ ~; . ~®STPONED ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~., . ' ~ ~ • ~ RED ~ ~, ~-tI~ I 5~c~ E G~: r.lJ GU G7~~/GJ^ 1~-~r ~ Cl a~Y1J~A. ~ ! (~~Can b~dcor ~r,,~re~de~ ~ Lpu~e, PInJ Y-~-Q- • ~ eon ~ C'o, l!~ . ~l-~.e. l ~%il~~-. n WE, THE RESIDENTS OF GREENVIEW RANCHES AND OAK RIDGE WISH TO REPLACE OUR WATER SUPPLIER, COASTAL PLAIN UTILITIES. DUE TO POOR WATER PRESSURE, THE QUALITY OF WATER SERVICE IS UNACCEPTABLE. WE~ WOULD LIKE TO HAVE AN EMERGENCY OPERATC~~ TAKE OVER. THIS S YSTElY1. WE DESIRE TO HAVE NEW HANOVER COUNTY CONSTRUCT A NEW WATER SYSTEM FOR OUR AREA. EVERYONE WHO IS INTERESTED IN CHANGING WATER SUPPLIERS, PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION SO THAT WE MAY PRESENT TTY" TO THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT REGGIE LEWIS AT 686/4380. n 72 ~~ ,." _ , .. ~ ,, . . /, ,~ ~~ .. r 4 .. .. ~~~: - , ~~f~f 1( l,~ S/ . .~ L'7 _L..____L~ .. d ` { ~ ~ _ ~ 1" c,t~'~~ . ~ l ~ ll L~~~ Q5L~1_t ~ 1 CLl-~:1 ', `,~fl \~.f `~ 4, 1 - ~. ~f~r- `~ t~ L ~~ / ~~"' Y °~ 1 ~" "U~!lJ~ =.vU ~ v ~ ~ ~:~~1,~. I~ l~ • ~ _~ .~ `. , " ~ --~, ,~ - f) /~~ C'~9.~~+", ~~~ ~ Lid ~~'/r7~, =r?~' ~~s!// ~~-Eic"'.:"Y• .:~~ _ 'ld,~K, l ~.~ "~!,:L ~~ ~`iC~lr':e' r ;n i~f%1 /N'1. ~~ ~7`fi . ,: r , _ ~ 'S-=% 1 f ~ 1 /Y<~ ~- _~ ~. • ~ N - G -. _ ? /U ~ -,. -, .._ " ~. ~, .~ ~ ~ ... ,~ ~ ~ , • ~ ` ~ vY,, ~ ~~ ;~ ~ ~..c-. Lr;;L:~-i ~.-, Z G G G~~-l! ~ 1.~ ~~ ~-%t. G~,~, ~/, L ~ ~d `// :. ; ; ... " , ., 73 •. {~'liis pate intents®nally left black} 1J i 4 .~ .J ,.. - . . . , ~ (VENN HAfV®V~R COUNTY ~®AR® OF.COM9VIIS'S~ONERS . ., REQl1EST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08%06%01.. :. 'f ` : Water& Sewer Item#: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: - ~~ ' Department:' Water& Sewer District Presenter:' Wyatt:E. Blanchard . Contact: •Wyatt E. Blanchard '.'` - • •. ` SUBJECT: ~ ., Castle Hayne Sewer Project (HUD - Construction Contract,No. ®1-0344 ... , .• ~ , BRIEE SUMMARY: , `, - A sewer colleotiori• system .has been designed for the portion of Castle Hayne ~on the -east aide of - ~ the` railroad tr."a.ck: and on the west side of I-40 (map' enclosed).' The project was estimated at._ • .... .. ~ $1,;20.0;000.0.0._. .. The.foliowing bidders provided proposals for construction- of _the project: ; duo 1. Atlantic Construction & Development $947;091.00. s -4t3~~co° ` ° Wilmington N.C: .. - .. ;' 2. R.H. Moore • $948,22`3.00 ~ ~r Murrells,lnlet, S:C. ,:. ~ -, . ,.- 3.: ~ T.A. Loving„ $1,OI4,716.00 .. ~• Goldsboro, N.C. , . 4. DF King$ ~ $"1,094,324.61 • - _ - ` _ ': Wilmington, N.C. .. , 5. .ES&J Enterprises'- $1,711,890..52. • . Autryville, N.C. - .The money for this pro~eet is partially HUD money. A. budget was establshed•~previously for,this project. ~ " ' , . €2ECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED.ACTIONS: 1 recommend that the contract. be awarded to Atlantic Construction and Develdprnent. in the _~ .. amounf of 947,;091.00. In addition, please authorize the Chairman to execufe,the contract.. FUNDING S®UR~E: ,_.. :. • 380-493.3800.7300.6000 ~ 1 - ~ ' ~ ' ATTACHMENTS: ... ~. .. ... A Location.Map ' Certified Bid Tabuhafion . ,. -REVIEWED $Y - ~ LEGAL:" FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve . HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ,:. •;, ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS.AND RECOMMENDATIONS: As recommended above.. / ' ~~p~ r 4d1tl 1! 13' ~iYi1V14~~ , • ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTLONS/COIVIMENTS: . f13EJECTE® ~ ,. ~~ , ' ~ ~ fi~EMOVE® ~ .~.~ '~ ~ ' .. ® ~ ~~ ~~~y e~~.e~~r rKUr1:HNUKEW KUSKE CONSULT 9103439604 70:3414035 , . P:1 1 AClt~l'E?V1/ & ~us~~ John R. AndrEw. P.E, ~•1 J. A. KUSke, P.E. _ - _. CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. J. Phillip Norris, P.E. 902 Market St. s Wilmington. North Caro++na 28401•d733 ~ Tele hone 91p/343-9653 ,Fax 9)0 343-9 ® r A l 604 www.and ewandkuske. July 10, 2001 Nfr. Jim. Craig New Hanover County Engineering Department 414 Chestnut Street,. Room 101 Wilmington, NC 284fl1 RE: Castle Hayne Sewer Collection System A & K Project No. 99289 ®ear iVir. Craig: A successful bid opening was held today for this project. We have reviewed the bids and find them in order. We recasnrnend award t® the Rowest bidder as fo4lows; Atlantic Construction ~ ©evelopment Total t~id $947,fl91.00 Upon your approval we can issue a Notice of Award. Sincerely, o~~~~+ L 4T~'i~;Q { . 7 6 ~,~;_3 ~rr?w ~rl i ,6 i i ~l - ~CJVl GlZ• 1.11 I~vr r r r1 ~vl\Ln l\V~.li\L Vvr.~..~vL VJ (~/~VVI 1 V •J"f1-TCJJJ ~ (- • 1' j F A.i h7 y~ , ` . C N >( Q ~- . ~ Z u' w ~ ~ , ,. ~~ ~: ~~w . ~~ ® ~ ~ yy~~~ VJ M" ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ' ~.LQ'' ~- cij r ;~.~ Ct m'~ "~ - ~ . ~ Q ' .. .. ~ _. _ ~® `•' C o ' . Qy , 0 V c - ~ U ' m ~ . ca ~ ~ ~ r . a ~ ~ '~ ~, ~ . U i rn V ~y ~ ~ r y , y~ ((yy ~. LL / ~'l n..COp y~ W Q ~' g g ~ ~ ®. ~ ~~ ~ $~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~. ~ . a ; m r . ef.. N m' O .. CA C0 ~ ~ C7 h 111 O r ~ Q P~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. .. ~ ~ Q ~. IAQ o$ 1< X X ~ x 0 r . Q ~.~ , . , r ~-.. - - .. ~ ~. - ._ ' m ~ ,, W ~ _ ~ _ . ~ 111 ,;~ ~' !(gyp ~ j N N - _ ~ '. ~ ` w ~ o ". ~ ~ ~ ~. 4 ~ Q m ~ m ~ ~ . z 2vz ~~ c~V~ tj ~ r a~~ W N~ (~ r' ..... ~ c ~ ° ~ c Z m C ~ O C7 p ~. ~ ~ ~L ' ~ J D~ Cfl ~ ~ C = ~ .~ ~ ~ ' y ~ Q R _r~ _ c ~ ~ y„ ~_ Q ~ y ,,W`` ~ 1 /_/ nm IBC -L~ /~ (~~ 1L . Li . Y.[ ~ ~ r'z' W 1S !~ 1.1. w A /1. New Hanover County Cestle -Hake sewer F'r®jeCt July 23, 2001 Map-Not-To-Scale { Y NEIL HANOVER COLDIV~1'Y BOAR® OF C®IVI:IVIISSIOIVERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTION ~`~ {This pubs intentionally left blank} ~~ G ~;~~ . ; ~~~ .~, .~ ~® ~~~~~ . ~y . " CONSENT AGENDA .NEW I-IANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' August 6, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. - 1. Approval of Minutes 83 .• 2. Approvai.of New Records Retention and.Disposition Schedule as Presented by the:. 85 N.C. Division of Archives:and History , 3. Apliointment of Michael Law, Tammy -Hartley, and Joyce Hatem to the New 89 ' _ Hanover County Child Fatality Prevention Team ~ ~ ~ ~ . u 4. ,, Approval of Resolution Relating to th'e :Sale of Surphis Property °95. ` ` . ~ ~ , 5. Reject'Bids Received'for Upgrade of Overhead Bridge Crane, Bid #01-0308 99 ' "6: ~ ' .Approval of New Hanover County Sheriff's Department Jail Inmate Escrow 101 ' Account with Bank of America k 7... _ P.pproval of Two New Public Health Registered Nurse Positions Funding of ~ 105 $82,370-by New Hanover County: Schools and Associated BA #02-.0013 e - ~ ~~~8. ~~ . Approval of Grant Application - Re-application for Teen AIDS Preventioii~(TAP) ~ 113 ' for $45,500 From the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation:' 9. Approval of Grant Application =Center for Disease Control (CDC) TB Elimination 137 and Prevention ($10,000) From the North Carolina Department `of Healtlr~and ' ° Hilman Services,~Division of Public Health, Tuberculosis Control~Program . 10.: 'Approval of Acceptance of $19,066 From the Corps of Engineers for Snow's Cut ` 141 ' Spoil Island Pest (Mosquito) Management and AssociatedBA #02-0014 11. Approval` of Application for State Aid~to~Public Libraries 147 . Approval of Budget Arnendments: - ~ 12.1 #2002-02:Gontrolled Substance TaY ~ 153 12:2 #2002-03 Federal Forfeited Property ~ 154 12.3 #2002-OS Library Renovation Capital Project ~ , 155 ' . . {This pabe i~ct~nti~nally left blank} n 82 0 - .. . ~ ,f h . NEW HANO!/ER C®UIVTY BOAR.® OF COIVI MISSI®'NERS - REQUEST FOR;BOARD ACTION- Meeting Date: 08/06/01 .. . ..Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number:. .. - -..Department:. Governing Body • Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: ~ Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: , " Consent Agenda -Approval of Minutes - . . BRi.EF SUMMARY: Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting held on July 9, 2001. • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND :REQUESTED ACTIONS: • ' Ap.p.rove minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ - ~ . • ATTAC9~MENTS: . l . 9TEM DOES N©T REQUIRE REVIEW . . '. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ., Approve minutes. ~,,r ~; COMMiSSIOiVERS' AC IONS/COMMEiVTS: ' ,APPROVED Ems' ~'~ . , '~ ~tEJECTED f~ , ,''; . . ' REMOVED ~ ;~1~ ~.~,', ,. ~pSTPONED ~ ~ ; _ •~ b .~/0.~/f ~ r ~ {This page intentionally left blank} ,_~~~ ,, f~~i~~ '" ~l~: `"`1 :J ~, ,. NEW HAN(3VER 'COUNTY BOAR® OF~~COIV~~IIiSSICNERS' •" REQUEST FOR D~ARD ACTION • " ~ ~ ~. Meeting Date: 08%06/01 ~ ; ~. ~ . Consent f em #: 2 Estimated Time:•~ Page Number: .,~ - • ~•Department: Governing Body. Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell . ,.. ' • Contact: Lucie F`. Harrell '. ,. . SUBJECT.. ., ., .. . Approval of `New. Records .Retention and Disposition Sch~duie as Presented by ' ~'~ the N. C: Division of Archives and History, ..,. ... DRIEF 5.UMMARY: ~ ~ : " I.n May 2001, the N: C. Division of Archives ahd History issued a new Records Retention grid ~Disp,osition Schedule to replace the 1991 Schedule.. By State Statutes_this::schedule must,be . approved by'the Board of.County-Commissioners.before°distrib:iating to departments for retention and disposal of records:. ~ ,~ , ' ~ ~ A.copy-of the schedule, comprised of 89 pages, is on file in the Governing Body Office for review by, .the County Commissioners. ~ • ~ ~~ ,. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ~ ~ ' Approve the new Records Retention and Disposition Schedule and authorize the Chairman,to sign . the; approval sheet.... .. • .- _ '' ~ ,FUNDING SOURCE: ~ .. :. . J• .. :' .. .. . ~ `. ATTACHMENTS: ,. . I7~M DOES lVOT'REt~UlRE RE1/IEW ~ ~ , _ COt9NTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATLONS• - • ~ ._ • , Recommend approval as recommended above. ~ ~ ` . ' ,. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENT'S.: .... ~. ~UN~ ~o~~i~s~~ . .. ~; ~PPROVE'D, ~ ,; ' ~2EJECTED ~D ~~ ' .:: '. .. 6~EMOVED~ '' [~ • ,,~ . f 1 . - COL~iT3C ItiiA.'~AGE~1E'\T RECORDS RETEVTIO:ti A_~ID DISPOSITYO~ SCHEDULE _~ The records retention and disgosition schedule and retention periods governing the records series listed herein are hereby approved. In accordance with the provisions of Chapters 121 and 132 of the General Statutes of .'1"orth Carolina. it is agreed that the record, do not and will not have further use or value for .official business, research, or reference purposes after the respectid•e retention periods specified herein and are authorized to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the agency or official having custody of them without further reference to or approval of either party to this agreement. It is fitrther ao eed that these records may not be destroyed prior to the time periods stated; however, for sufficient reason they may be retained for longer periods. This schedule is to remain in effect from the date of approval until it is reviewed and updated. .~PI'ROVAI. REC®°+ih•IE~iI3EYD ~6 Jeffr irector Di~lsion of 'ves and History APPROL'ED !~~w' ~_~isbeth C. Evans, Secretary Department of Cultural Resources ~, :J li Chief Administrative Officer Chairman, Board of County Conunissioners April 1, 2001 . . y .~ nll~}; . ~':;i s •y ` .;ci~_ ll ./ ~7'his pate intend®nally left blank} 88 C~ - ,. ~ ~ ~ 1 .. '- . ~: NEW HAIVOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF.COIl1111IIISSIOfVERS , R€QUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ Meeting Date: 08/06/01. . Consent lfem #: 3 Estimated Timer Page Number: ~ . . ,.. `•.. ~,. - Department:. Health Presenter: Janet McCumbee., Child Health Director . _ Contact:, Janet McCumbee, 343.6559- ' SUBJECT: , '- =. Appointments t® the New Hanover County Child Fatality Preven ion Team , BRIEF SUMMARY: We are re"questing the Cou"nty Commissioners to make the appointor"ents of the three individuals ' ' listed .below, to the New-Hanover Couhty Child Fatality Prevention Team: -The Childs Fatality:.' Pr.eventions System was established through the North Carolina General Assembly through the ` sfatute, NCGS Chapter 7B-1400, to prevent the abuse, riegfect and. death of juveniles. .Local °Child Fatality Prevention Teams (CFPT)`are established in G.S. 7B 1406. The goals of CFPT are ' to: ihvolve diverse agencies and disciplines, collect data, share results, act to prevent child deaths, and to reduce the number and rate of child deaths..(Please review attachments fora further explanation of CFPT.) - ' List of individuals for appointment. (Individual applications' attached.) ' ' 1. Michael Law to replace Todd Hatley.in the position as an Emergency'Medical Services .provider °, on-the team since Mr..Hatley is nb longer working at NHC Emergency,Medicaf Services. °2. Tammy Hartley'as an additional member to~represent county agencies and the community at Carge to serve on the,locaL~CFPT: , 3. Joyce Hatem to be appointed as an additional member to represent county agencies and ahe community at large as well. as act. as chairperson for the CFPT. • " :Please refer to the individual applications for further information regarding each appointment ~ t. Bequest. Pleaase contact Joyce Hatem at 343-6692 or Janet McCumbee at 343-6559.if you have questions. , , ~ , • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve. appointment~of 3 applicants to the New Hanover Child Fatality 'Prevention Team; . , ~ " F'U,NDING SOURCE: . N /A' .. - , ATTACHMENTS: ' 5-' . ~ - "~ REVIEWED BY: . ' LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A ~ HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: rC~(jP~ C®~M~~~t~~V ~ Approve"appointments as requested. ~~~/' ~IPPR01lED C/ ' - ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: _ _" '~ Q (~ Janet 11/1cCumbee ' To: Teresa Elmore/NHC@NHC 07/18/2001 11:14 AM cc: Subject: CFPT appointments -please process as requested by Joyce ----- Forwarded by Janet McCumbee/NHC on 07/18/2001 11:13 AM Joyce Hatem To: Janet McCumbee/NHC@NHC 07!18/2001 09:46 AM cc: bcc: Subject: CFPT appointments I am requesting that the County Commissioners appoint the fiollowing individuals to the New Hanover County Child Fatalify Prevention Team: 1 . Michael Law. I am requesting that he replace Todd Hatley in the position as an Emergency Medica! Services provider on the team since Mr. Hatley is no longer working at NHC Emergency Medical Services. 2. Tammy Hartley. I am requesting Ms. Hartley be appointed as an additional member to represent county agencies and the community at large to serve on the local CFPT. She will not be replacing anyone. 3. Joyce Hatem. 1 am requesting myself to be appointed as ~an additinal member to represent county agencies and the community at large as well as act as chairperson for the CFPT. I am replacing the previous chair, Susan Sanderford, who no longer works for the Health Department. Please refer to the individual applications for further information regarding each appointment request. Please contact me ifi you have any questions at 343-6692.. .. , fn~'fi~c~ }~ t y IF ~`~~ 90~'°~ ~. 0 ,n, u~-ui :wc.u Au;Sa lY~.W HHNUVHK l%U H~:AL'l'H EaX N0. 9103414146 P, 02 • . ~fAY-° 8_95.~ION 9,15 NHC C011MISSICN~A$ ' FAX' N0. 91034I4130 P. 02 ,, VFW ~•414lZ?V~~ CQI;//WTY , • 320 C,h estnut Street.. Roo,'n 3 p r • " , Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 • _ . ' ~ ~ . Telephone f91 p/ 341.71 ~g . FAX /9101341=4130 . _ ~ APP/icatipr) for Ap, ~ ~ '.. , . pointment to Boards Cgmmittees, and Commissions: AAPoirlled by the New Hanover County Board of Gp~missione .. .. Re4uest tarA ,. • ~ ~ ~ .:. . rs ~Porntment to: -~- , - 1 ' lVama:_ ~ ~ ~ a i~~Z , '~ L ,~-c.,.~ n :-~~_ .Nome , _, Address: ' • ~'Cv / ~ Si ~ ~ ~ ~4~., /~ 3) Now lane have you been g ..""- ' ..; ~ residenP of New Hanover Cnun, ty? _~ ` ~~ i v ' IY1ailin A IJ C/rrte«... G"~,iµ~ .. . ' J ~ r ; _ City aid State:. (~J 1~ L ~-c ~ ...r G> ' - 7elephone.• ~ / v ~ Zip -Code: %/ -~. -- ' Nome: ~ ~~ 2 c~V ~°~----.~...e_-_,,._,~,~-._.., r Gv BuSinesS: V . ' °Sexr /'LT ~: • cl/v cf'iJ:- S_v 3~ , -~: "Race: ~~_ , . `-`----,_ 'This In/ormalion !s ragvos(od for fha solo puipoter o! Age: , ~ ~ 1B$7.fo ~~ _ ` "cmp/o yed ,~.y; ~ ~~~.:.. ~ ~ U V ~~K... es.:trriiTC 1J1Df a c ctivn o/ the Commu/tily rs appointed, r ~NewHrsoncurcnflysmployedbytlioegen r ~ /-/~~7-~-'i7-,/ .. .~... - . onovmrCoun( ~'3'o deparrrT~nt/brwhi' c~---'a.il i . , Y upary apppjntmertt, in acror ~ this e~pP/ics(ionis rrl~do, m dsnea tviM ~('rr;cla Vl, Svc. 4 o vst resign h/s~IrsrposJr/on wi/h~°' ` ' /0(J 7it/e: : /) ,~ ! tho New'Hanovor County -arsannvl Po/icy, S ~-r ~- /~,.J , ~~~~~ ~ _ i'totessiana/Activities; Vo/unfeei•,gctivities: ~/~i t ,~ • ~ ~`~ " "~`~ -~, ~_ ~~vuc~.Fc . WhY do you wish to serve on tfTe'Qoard, CammitteQ, or Comm/ssion re ue • 0 s e 7~-~yLJ,1 , ~.~.~ ci ~ ' ~' .~Zd tars. ~ r~..-4-1..= ,,Q-c ~-> ~, ,~ t d ~l ,~~~ ` /~T. ` ~l/O L.r./ ~•~'yL v¢C i~7 v r ,-j r'3' ~ ;~^,~ G ~ iZyv..S~ r ~ ,~ " r -. WiTat dpyOU feBiBrE YCbrQud/%h;Ca(iOnS ~prSE/V%r7~.~n the SOa/f~ ~..~ r ,. _ ,~ ~ -r' : ..,. L.a.} i.~.,~ //Jn ~~ -~ ~Or/1r7Jlttee 0I' 1.0I~TrTylSSl4YJ fC, .v1 ~ . • ~ ~ ~-~rl~-~-Y7_fc_ ~ r--~.~, ~r /~ r /eQU~Sr~n.i7: • .W_ hat areas of concarn svovfd ' /~,~.!° ,~;t ~ '/~. ~ .~ .2 a~ . - You /ike to see the Board r-,~ i ` `~ ~ ~' ' c'~i= ,. Com/rrittee, or- Ca r mmission ad -_-~._. .' . ~, ~ca C /'.~/ J--[.,, iiL r ~~ drCSSt' ~ / ~ ~;~,,•/-~ r ~ ~ / `~ ' . Qre Y9lr current/y salving on another board or corrTiniltee a ', { . i/ ~ ~ ppainted by a municipality or a county? //~a, plebs ~+ -. E /i3ft .- _ . ~ Date: ~~/J''~u,~ ., ~ • (Pleasa u:a rnvorso s,do / ± -, aradd;(ivna/comrnanlsl ~ $%Q'rTcTfUrC'~~~~~1' ~ ~ . .. ,. 'k .. _ 91 FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTEP. AND PHONE N0. RP.'ti-10-D1 iIJE D8 ~ 54 f•IEW HAI~OVE~ CJ HEALTH f~A.Y- 8-95 MUN 9:15 ~fHC ^OMri15S IOIVE~S 910 343 9388 Apr. 18 2[181 01:42PM P2 rAX N0, 8103414145 ~, U~ SAX ~t0. 910314130 r. 02 O~E~V H.4ndf~V~~ ~C~t/~tTY 13()AR!3 CAF' ~~1'~~l~SlC,iblt~'RS 3.~0 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ti1/ilmlr~gtan, NC 284v1-4Q93 7'®lephone !9101341.71 ag FAX (99Q1 Sol-di30 .~pp/k~tlor~ for ~ppolvtYm~nt to ~oarcts, Camrrtittees, and Ca;xgmissians ~ppviril~d by tAe Ne~sr i~ano'yer C'otm~t-yy ~tlard of G'arrtrrtis~sip,ners, Request for.4,v~roirrtment ta: ~`,h,~~, ~.tll{~,(~ Y~ f ~,j~ ~~.:~;~'Y7 tYamB: ~m1'YY1l~, ~t~C`~l~ __ Home Now lQaa have you /Seen a ~~ n- C 2~.,i `Q~ ~oi'~ address: iD3Q ~[~~(s{ C~. ra3i'dsnt of New 1•da~nover Covrrry7~'(•S 'til NF1 C~ . 11Q~f/Jnq Addreaa: S ~.tY1e, QS Q ~(•Q, . ,~ Clry and St$1®: 1,.~ ~ancl. . ~C zip Coda: ~~~(5 ~ ~. 7o1®AhPnQ: f-lnme: 383- 62~?5U &u3h'ioss: ~~~- Or'(d 3 SCXi ~ ° a ~'~,ri~Q~.2 "f?2TCS: t~.6~ c ~E_ -. _ ~Aof °~ -- - -- °7A~ ,y~farmaL'orr la raquee(.d far the vale Dw,eaie of ~ssur~p eb07 a arese.sealkn al'!ha commurtrry ;~ mpponMd .~,~,~ky~dbY: ~n~e,~•~110(~.~_~. •~t~,~er C~.¢'~CSQ~U~'C.~S ~~~ .. '°llperyrrn stv~rntly_e»+ployodby 64a agorrvrei d~;9orurant ter~tJrg tliLS dAPtkaUaH~M~do~rnur raalg~i hia/Aarpus,Trer, WhA Alewedanbtror County aeon °punoAr. Jn eccQrdartoeWkh,lrA't/o V!, Sao, 9 oIlfw,Arowdlenever L`euney F+rsann®l4blfan ~ giOb PJY1e: ~9 l ~~~ ~ ~(~~,~ t~ '" ` [~~ Clrt 171,'~~~0(' _ F7r4l8SS+GrrB! Acflvr'tles: ~~ra o~ ~t i ?~-~~~ ; •- ~.1C C~ • on ~ > ~-~- (k9v (s:oCy ~tni ~°s.~ ~.~-~~ FcLV1~l+ Colt-7.- .~-~. ,..k{-Qf15, ~Z=f1C~! V~OI~'1~~ ~S!'C~~C~P~-1YL~~j VolU»teer,gctlvri!®s: ~'~c~ 1~fi .~nC. ~~.. C~iSrS Q~VE.~C_C~`~P. 5i~'Q ~~ J i r .~~ _ Wl7y do you wah tv serve a» she Board. Corrnrartree, or Gbmmtsaie» regwesrod7 S ~`G~`~....~.l1 ~n~C~~11.5~ i n ~n,e.,~_viole,nC ~ ~n ~'~.m~1~~ 1r~,,~a151i n~ (~ ~us~e. Cxc'l~i >~c~ (~L~ .~ ~~ou.~~, t~ ~ e_ ~?S~ . ~.~1:1~.~~~~1~4,'t~P ~ ~C_~1"1~,'C'„~ c~~ ~ilnc~ e~ n ~~~,cl~~,~,~ '~o ~r '~ ~l~k u:~i-cs.~2 -~t(.~"c~..l+~•,'( .:, . i~9'+8f do you Fels! errs your qusUh%catlans For sorvlrg on the 9eard, Cvmmhiee, or Comm/salon requested ~ 11~,~ c~~L!__~~;`'~" y;~-;ms «~~tc1 ~'am'~li~r~ ~.-~~ec~~.~ ~.,y~®t~e~, -fir 5L~~eals. z ~'ee t s can ~i t 1~ Q. d.~ ~'T~C'~ L~ (JQ.(Sj?C.C.~ i v @, -~-U ~1.~'. ('~4.1lif.r~.:~. ~I-s~s3. /X. , ~~ what ereas of conear» womld, you like tv sea rho Boardr CommrYrs~ or C'or-ursi~siv» edd~e9s? ~~~ ~niS •-~~fyre. Are you currently Si+IVI~+I~ err another board or aor»mJtte9 apd~oPr,~d by 9 mvnfsip~bYy cr 8 svvrtty~ /f so, please list; (~rnmW li't-l l.l~, . , tare nr.. is r (~~,~ , n`(•~ r >v n r.:: Irl ~rn.lvr,-l;',.,. "'T°n n w, Oates: ~'1 d ~ ~ ( ~~ fMsoso vz~sr~a olds ro. eda6'Crond vannrrures; 92 J"~A~atur6 cJ.rYk,~-x.m~c~ ~CD.~`~t~Q~_~ l~ r~HY= ~"-°5 C1~N .g,15 t NHC COf~1f1ISSLONERS FAX N0. 91034.14"13G P, 02 -. , . .. . Bt~Af~D ~F ~®~n~i~s/olV~•RS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 1 " •. . , ~ . . " Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 . Telephone` (9.101 341-7149 . " FAX (9 101 34 1-4190 Application. for. Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions - Appointed by the IVew Hanover County Board of Corrrmissioners. -Request far Appointment to: _l~ r l (C t~- ~ ~ ~ f ~~ ~ ,~U j ~ T~~ }'~ ~. b y c~ 1-~-~~-~, Nome '' ~ ~ ~ "~ How ton have you been a _ . Address :.. 5 Z I t C=~~'~ o~ LQ ~ e " ' ~ l /z . r~sidenP o1 New Hariover'Count l ~ l \ ~(z y I ~. - Mailing Address:. ~ ~ , `,,`` W ! " City'and State: 1 VYl { Yl ~ 1'1 ~C . - ~ --~- ~.. ~p :cads: _ -2_ ~ ~t I Z . . Telephone: ~ l-tome: ~~.~~`~~~ Z f , ~ Business• 1J ~-}~ ~~ . . ~ ~ h~~ _ ' °This information is'ieguest®d Por the sole purpose of assuring that a arose-section of th® community is appointed. a «Emplo ye d b y:. .N ~~ C I-1"l <. ° °A parson currently omployed by the agency ar department for which lhJs application is made, muse resign hIs/har posippn with Now Nantsvar County. upon appointment,.in accordanc® with Article V/, Sec. 4 0l the N®w Nonover County Personnel Poky, , , .. .Job Tit/e: ~(i1 < < ~ S2:/"U ~ ' ~-.. /v~~ _ ____ Prole stone/Activities:l.~X?l~t~,tY~G2~f~ ~2,{~ULGGS ~r T . ~utd G f~.%~ I c~-~ q~, ~~Vl~(. t ~ t~ 2~ ~~~ ~~ - y- r ~ ~.. ~ r7 ~e . ~~ .~ J,. ' ' lrolunteerActivities: ~ J~,S' ~~ . ' ,, - . ' fNhy do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission re nested? ~'~~-fYl ' q LC,~.Ir~1~fi~~ ~. ~(~C~ ~'1q- GtS ~=~12.i 1'' -~./~x;~ (`~ ~~15• (~ 'vt~c Vt~t ~C, . .. ' "° '~'/hat ~o you fact err your quahi~cations for serving on the 3oa~d, Committee, or is ` ommission requested) WOr~.. W~l~ D P,:S'C~~S --~~ ~L~ r , U y, , What area's. ofconcern wov/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or °Commission address? :Are'you curreht/y serving on eno;her board or committee. appointed by e municipality or a county? if so, please 1~'st: -~ , :" _ , . Dare . ~'~ ~ ~DOI:: ~ ~ ~ ~ - ' _ !Please use reverse side for rdditiona/ comments). - $igr7atUlQ ~, F~Z,~Q~JEN'TLY ASIA ~IJES'~'~~~15: Local Child Fatality Prevention Teams (CFPTs) ~'h~rt do locral C'F'I'Ts do? Local CFPTs review medical examiner-reports, death certificates, and other records for deceased county residents under age .18. Members discuss outcomes of services and circumstances surrounding the child's death. ~Iav do loc~rl ~'-FPTs review child dcath~~ The purposes of the local GFPT are to: Identify de#iciencies in the delivery of services to children and families by public agencies, 1~'Iake and carry out recommendations for changes that will prevent~future child deaths, and Promote understanding of the causes of child deaths. Local CFPTs and state agencies can use CFPT review findings to determine trends, to target prevention strategies, to identify family and community needs, and to support community agencies in their services to children and families. o ~ervcs ort the loc~ri ~F~~°.? Each local CFPT consists of appointed representatives of public agencies, non-public agencies, and the community, including: ~ County department of social services Local law enforcement agency ® District attorney's office ® Local community action agency ® Local schools ~ County board of social services ® Local mental health agency ® Guardians ad litem ~ Local health care providers ® Local department of public health ~ Emergency medical services District court ® County medical examiner ~ Local day care . ® Parents The board of county commissioners may appoint a maximum of five additional members to represent county agencies or the community at large to serve on the local CFPT. 9~ - Section 1 Page 1 NEVV HA(VOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COIl~~ISSIONERS , . -REQUEST. FOR BOARD. ACTfON . • ~ .Meeting ®ate: 08/06/01 . • `~ ~ Consent I#em #: 4 Estimated Time: -Page Number:4 • Department: County.Manager Presenter: , Contact: Allen -O`Neal ~ ` SUBJECT: • Approval of Resolution Relating to the Sale of Surplus Pr'o:perty • . BRIEF SUMMARY.: ~ ~ . . _ Request for approval of resolution concerning sale of property owned by the.City of Wilmington - - and-New Hanover County for amounty offered $5,900 by Lucille Hartley. Parcel Number ,` R03128-18-30-7960, Rankin Street. Property has.a current tax va-lue of $5,164. The offer will be ' duly advertised for upset bid. . ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED AC~•lONS: Recommend aproval of resolution .., .; . FUNDING'SOURCE: •. _ , .. . •. ATTACFIMEl~TS: , * `ITEIi~ DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ . ~ ~ •. - 000NTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: •. Recommend approval. :, • ~' •. -COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ • - - L ~ ~ ~~~1fV~9"4' COfl~Mt~~z ~ . • .. `J REMOVED .. • ~ POSTPONED ~ `~'~ '. . I R1~ . _ ~ 6 0 ~.: `95 July 25, 2001 Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr. O'Neal: The attached resolution relates to the sale of surplus property owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follotivs: Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer RO3128-18-30-7960.000 Rankin Street $5;900.00 (North end of 16`° Street) The resolution proposes acceptance of the offer from Lucille Hartley for the parcel identified above and in the attachment to the resolution. This property has a current tax value of ~~;164.00. The offer will be duly advertised for upset bid. .Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. Respectfully submitted, _, t ~' ~~ . Steven D. Bridges Purchasing Agent _ .96 SDB aws Attachments ') ~.r r ~; ;,~~ ..:~ ~: ~~ - ?.~ ~. r~ TRODUGED BY: Allen O'Neal, County~Manager - . DATE.. August 6, 2001. • .. ,. . ~. z. ' .. RESOLUTION PROPOSI'i tG ACCEPTANCE OF THE`-OFFER TO PURCHASE REAL - ~. PROPERTY LOCATED AT RAlVKIN STREET (NORTH END OF 16TH STREET) - % ' LEGISLATNE TiVTENT/PURPOSE: ~ ' Thisresohition relates to the proposed sale of~surplus property owned jointly by the City of Wilmington and . .'"New I-Ianover CoLinty; more. particularly identified as follows: ; `. Parcel Number 'Address Amount of Offer Tax Value t roperty Dimensions . :` 3128-18-30=7960.000 ~' Rankin Street $x;900:00 `$x,1.64.00 88' x 1,68' - ,. Offeror ' Lucille'Hartley ~ .. .402 N. 16`" Street, Wilmington; N. C. ~,- _ This parceT.was not offered to'the non-profit organizations constructing owner-occupied houses because the ~` parceL~is•landlocked.and accessible only:to adjacent property.,owners. ,. •• - ~ ~ ~ '- '. ,. . " ~~ The offerors) has":agreed to pay the amount(s) indicated above for the parcel(s) identified. ~ ' The parcel(s) has been' declared ~surplus,by the County'Commissioners and n_ of rieeded:for~public purposes. ' . ~ .. RESOLVED: , .. 1.., . That pursuant to~N.C.G.S..160A, 269; the County Commissioners does hereby propose'to accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein'from'the offerors) as indicated. ' „~`- 5, 2.' That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers. ' 3..: ~ That lVew Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerors) when: ' as ~' The offer is withdrawn after posting-the deposit. - ., b. `The offerors) failao pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days.ofreceipt. . of a notice by certified mail of•availability ofthe deed of conveyance. 4. The offerors) shall~.deposit the, sum of 5% of-the total offer immediately following adoption of"this ~ ; . ,~. .: resolution. ~ . .. .. 5. ~ :_ That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish'a notice of the offer(s) as required by•N.C,G.S. - ' ~ 160A-269.M '. . _ . _ `~. 'Adopted"at a regular Y meeting on ;.. . 20, ^ . •: ~ - `~~ :ATTEST: ~ New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ` - .. ~ ,. ' ~ Clerk to the Board ~ Chairman r~ u r 8 ~' C~ ~•1 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~' ¢"~,3., d' A` 1 e ~ e a ' ' ffi ~ ~ ~ , ~ e ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ a 1 ~~ 1 1 1 1 ' ® + ' t ar 0 9 ~ ga9~ 1 1 I ~ .'I'i'i 1q ~ ~ ~ I m a a , ° N .® ~ 1 ~ _ 1 ~ .../r ~ 1 y i 1 ~ W ° ~ 1 6 1 1 1 . , / A ° l Af 1 ' a $' '1 ~ 1 1 LF 1 N`^ 1 a 1 .' 1 .~ 1 ® a 9 lea AW -'` ~ , 1 o ~ i 1 t8! ~ 1 ~ . a 1 ~ Im v ~~.~ ... 1~ 1® 1 1~ w ~ ICa e 1 ~1 1 ~ ~ ~ CJ ~ ~ i 1 ~` ~-yJ..S L a L~.. .1 ® ~1 a3 1 ~ c~ 6t 1 1 ~ 9 LT 1 a 1 AD . 1 a 1~ @ ~ Iu~ 3s~7 9 ~S7 1 ~® tcl a a~ a ~ a a ~ i ~ ~ 1 A b v ~ O I p na 1 ~ 1~ 1 ~ 1 1 a 1 1 ~ . 4~1 tg 1 1 r V a L~'" t 1' a 1 E zl ~ 1 b ~ 4.1 y 1 ~ ~1l ~~ a 1 ~e ~ a ID' ' IYI a a~.l'°` ; 1 t 1 ~ ~ 6L~; t' 1 1 .., _.__ ~ 1 h1 q . 1 ll .A .A,7 1 / .}a Z - o+ w ~ A ~~ N ffi w $ ~ nt ~ ~ 1 y ~ ~$ a a71 tT7 MQJ . j „9 N ~ 1 1~ 1 ~ ' " y •~~g~ a° y ra • P y 1 1~ $9. 1' e ~ ~ a . ; L9 1 i ~ l S 3 a • e 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W 01 ty a W. ~!1 !7 fv ; .os e ~ ~ .A . CII W ,. .^ 'faf ~ ~ 1 .u 1 N C~ 1 ~ ~ 1.~ 1 a 1 ~ / fD a 1 6 ~~ fD 1 I CO a ~ ~'\ 'w I ~ 1 ~,p~s~q ~ a ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ Q~ ~ ~ m .~ 1 A~ ~ 1 ~ ~' 1 W a ~ V 1 t ~ 1 1 ~ 1 . ~ ~ .1 !D ~ ~ ~ R 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 `1 e ~ ~ 4 :~ 1 f v ~ a 1 ~ f7-d-+-~ S itl . v m .~ m y+~i S r*1 ~I 1-"r 1 ~ . " ~~ tVEVV B~AIrIOVER C®U~NTY ~®ARD OF C®IVLIVIISS9®1VEI~S , . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION , ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ 'Mee#ing Da#e: 08/06/01 ~ ~ ' Consent Item #~ 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: _ ' . . w Department: Environmental Management Presenter: ° .. Contact:. Amy Akin i , . SUBJECT: ~ - Considera#ion of Sids for Upgrade of Overhead Bridge Cram; Bid # 01-03®8. . ,. BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ . The formal bidding .process. was followed to secure bids for an upgrade to the overhead bridge -. crane afithe WASTEC Facility. The upgrade to the crane had been approved iri the.adopted . budget for FY01. Both of the bids received were higher than the budgeted amount. The -=E'nvironmentai=.Managernent, Department will review the existing specifications, make - modificati.ons, and~then~ re-bid the project. :.., .. .- ... '. ` .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt, resolution rejecting bids received for bid # 01-0308 for an upgrade ofithe overhead bridge. crane at t'he WASTEC. Facility. .. ~ ~ ' FUNDING SOURCE: ~ . . . N/A - No funds are being expended'. ~ ~- ' ATTACHMENTS: .. . resolution is attached. The r,,.~, .. . .°01-0,308 resolution. REVIEWED BY: ,. LEGAL: FLNANCE: Approve BUbGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ' COUiVTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:. . - ~ , Reject~f?ids as recommended above:.- %/~~- - / 1'~ _ .. . - - COMMISS10NERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS:. ~ -. . , .. _;~ . ' . ' . ., . ., ' ..:~ _.. 6tEJECTE® ~ - `. . _ ~ ;~ ~ ~. ,. . ~.,, . .. ,. , . , -~ - . .; ... .. RES~LUTI®N ®F THE ~~ARI) ®F C0IVIMISSI®NERS ®F NEW HANOVEIt C®UNTX WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 22nd day of May, 2001, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for an upgrade of the overhead bridge crane for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 01-0308: Morris Material Handling, L.L.C. $411;500.00 I-Ioist & Crane Service Group $424,975.00 AND WHEREAS, both bids received exceeded the amount budgeted for the upgrade; AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management staff will review specifications, make modifications, and then re-bid the project; AND WI-IEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the CoLmty Manager recommend that the bids received be rejected; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners o:fNew Hanover County that the bids received for an upgrade to the overhead bridge crane for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 01-0308 be rejected. This 6th day of August, 2001. (SEAL) . .,-~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: • Clerk-to he.Board i~+ ,. y i" 100 ~ ~ . ~ `.' . - - t. '. - . * , NEVV f~AiVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF C+DIV~Iln9SSl~NERS. REQUEST:FOR BOARD ACTION • ~ Meeting Date:: 08/06/01 ` ~ Consent Item #:.6 Estimated'T_ime: 'Page Number: ~ ; ~• Department: Finance ` Presenter:. Bruce T. Shell. , - ~ Contact: Bruce T. Shell .. SUBJECT.: ` . . ~ ` Nevv Hanover County Sheriffs.Department Jail. inmate Escr.®w Acc®unt with Ba:n,k . . of Arr~erica ~ ,N ~~ ,, BRIEF SUMMARY:.. ' Attached is a Bank of America Certified Copy of Corporate Resolution - Opening and Maintaining , .Deposit Accounts and Services as required to 6e kept on file for'New Hanover County Sheriffs .Department Jail Inmate Escrow account. The following is a list'of individuals that are authorized • • to .complete financial transactions for this account: :. ~ „Bruce`T. SheII,;Finance.Directo•r a. ~ - • Julianne M. Griffin., Deputy Finance Director ~ ~. Barbara D. McClure, Assistant Finance `Director • ' ~ Lt. M:J: Adams, Assistant Chief Jailer . Sgt: Wayne Bailey, Service Desk Sgt. Sherry Troscianiec, Secretary ~ •~ . , RECOMMENDED MOTI®N AN® REOUESTED.ACTIONS: Recommend Board of County Commissioners adopt Bank of America resolution.. ` FUNDING SOURCE:-- ATTAC~iMENTS: . Bank of America Resolution being sent"separately., REVIEYVE® BY: :. LEGAL:.Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A. HUMAN RESOllRCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S .COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: -'. ." .:, - • • ' • •` Recommend adoption of resolution. ,,~/ ` COMMISSIONERS'_ACTIONS/COMMENTS:, ~ ~ ' .. .,~ - _~__ ~~UAiTY ~~~ c ~PPROVE~ . ~~ - DEJECTED ~ '~~~ .. ~EMOVEp" ~ ; ;1 ' ~OSTPOiVED ~ ~~ " •' ~ EA . . ~' R~ . .. - , SANK QF Ab~RICA, N "BANK") ~~~i~i~a~ Cody' of ~o~oraa~® R~~®iu~io~s ~ ~~~~®~~ aa~ ;~ai~a~wen®~ng ~~po~i~ A~coun~s ~a~d 5~a^vie~t~ Nome n.f Corporation New Hanover County Bank of America C~~i~~~~I~ o~ Cty Comm I, the undersigned, hereby certify to , that I am the t an the tvew anover noun y designated keeper of the records and minutes of North Carotin duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of the "Corporation"); that the following is a true copy of resnlutionR duly adopted by the Boat•d of Directors of said Cnrporaticn at a meeting duly held nn the Fi t n day of ~l ~ g71 ~ t- Zen t , at which a yunrttm was present and acted tlu•nugl:out or adopted by the unanimous written conFent of the Bnvd of Directors; and that such resolutions are in fu.11 force and e$'ect and have not peen amended or rescinded. 9 , 13eso9vea~, that Bank Of America (the "Bank") is hereby designated as a depository of the Corpnratinn and that deposit accounts and/nt• time deposits (CDs) he opened and maintained in the name of this Corporation with Bank in accordance with the terms of the Bank's Deposit Agt•eetnent and Disclnsut•es and the applicable rules and regulations for such accounts; that any one of the following officers nt• employees of t1uF Corpnratinn ~aessiee•~ #a~~~~s no$ essa~aaes~s T'Finance Director Dteputy Finance Director Title ssis~nt Financ~ir?ntnr Title Assistant Chief Jailer Title Service Desk Sgt Title Secretary Title Title Title is Iterehy authorized, nn behalf of this Corporation and in its name, to execute and to sign any application, deposit agt•eement, siguature card and any other documentation required by Bank to open said accounts; to sign checks, dt•afts, notes, hills of exchange, acceptances, time deposits (CDti? m• other orders for payment of money; to endorse cht~cks, dt•afts, antes, hills, time deoosita (CDe1 or othet• instruments owned or held by this Corpnratinn for deposit with Bank or for collection or discount by Bank; to accept dt•afts, acceptances, and other instruments payable nt Baatk; to place nt•dera with Bank for the ptu•chase and sale of fnt•eign curt•encies nn behalf of this Cnrporatinti; to execute and deliver nn electronic fund transfers agreement and to make transfers nr withdt•awala by electronic transfer on behalf of the Corpnratinn; to obtain nn access device (including but not limited to a cat•d, code, nr other means of access to the Corporation's accounts) that may he used for the purpose of initirtting electronic fund transfers [Corporation agt•ees and acknowledges that neither the Electronic Funds,Transfer Act t15 U.B.C. 1693 et seq:} nor Regulation E (12 C.?.R. Pat•t 205) at•e applicable to any such access davicej; to establish and maintain a night deposit relatinusltip; to execute and deliver n wire transfer agreement and to request, nr to appoint or delegate fi•nm time to time such pet•sons who may request, wires of funds; to enter into any agreements with the Bank for the provision by Bank of various Treasury Management services to this Cnrpnration as such offic nr employee may determine, in his nr her sole discretion, and to sign any and all documents and tike al] actions required by Bank relative to st Treasury Mrtnagement services or the performance of the Corporation's obligations thereunder, and that any such Treastu••y Man.ageme,- agt•eement(s) shall remain in full force and effect until wt•itten notice to terminate given in accordance with the terms of any euclragreemetit shall have been. t•eceived by Bank and that such termination shall not affect any action taken by the Bank. prior to such termination; to rent or lease a safe deposit hnx ft•om Bank, to execute the rental agreement nr lease, to enter the safe deposit box and to terminate the t•ental agt•eemeut nr lease; to trtke whatever other actions or etttet• into whatever other agreements relating to the accounts nr i.nvestment of funds in such accounts with Bunk and to execute, amend, supplement and deliver to Bank such agreements nn behalf of the Cm•pm•atinn upnu ouch terms and conditions as such officer or employee may deem appropriate and to appoint and delegate, from time to time, such person(s) who may he autlinrized. to enter into such agreements and take any other actions pursuant to such agreements in connection with said accounts that the officer or employee deems necessary; and to waive presentment, demand, protest, and notice of pretest nt• dis!tnnnr of any check, ante, bill, draft, or other instrument made, drnwtt nr endorsed by this Cot•pnration; and ~•, ~~a~~a~r ~8~so9el~d, that the Bank be and is het•~hy authorized to honor, receive, certiry, pay nt• exchange for money orders or other i.nstt-umettts all instruments signed in accordance with the foregoing resolutions even though such payment tray create an overdraft ar evert though such instruments may be dt•awn or endorsed to the order of any officer or employee t;igning the same ot• tendet•ed hy~such officer nr employee or a third party for exchange nr cashing, or in payment of the individual ohligatinn of such officer nr employee, ot• for deposit to such. officer's or emplo,yse's personal accnurt and Bank shall not he required nr he under any obligation to 'enquire as to the circumstnncea of the issuance or use of any instrument signed in accordance with the foregoing resolutions nr the application or disposition of such instrument. nr the proceeds thereof; and, fm•ther, that the Bank is authorized to honor any instructions regaz•ding withdt•awals, orders for payment nr transfer of funds whether oral, by telephone, or electrotuc means if such withdt•awal, orders m• transfer are initiated by an shove authorized nfticet• nr employee; and ~, Fase•~~eeiP iResolm'ea~r that the Bank he and is hereby requested, authorized and dit•ected to honor and to treat as authorized, checks, drafts nr other orders for. the payment of money dt•awn or ptu•portedly dt•awn in thin Corporation's name, including those payable to the individual order of any person whose name appears thereon.as signer thereof, when hearing or purporting to hear the facsimile signature of an officer ot• employyee authnrfzed in the foregoing resolutions and Bank sha'_l be entitled to honor, to treat as autltnrized, and to charge this Corpnratinn for such checks, dt•afts, nr other ot•ders regaz•dless of by wham or by what means the actuate ot• ptu•ported facsimile signattn•e thereon may have been affixed thereto, if such signatu.t•e resembles the facsimile specimen du1.y certified to or filed with the Sank by the Secretary ot• Assistant 5ect•etaty or other ntficer t •pnt•atinn or if such facsimile Fignatut•e resembles any facsimile signature pt•evinusly affixed to any check, draft, nr other order drawn in ~t~ Cbr't•atinn's narrte, which check, dt•ait, or ntFter order was accepted and paid without timely objection lty the Cnt•pot•ation, thereby ratify~``~ tlieVuse of• duch facsimile eignattu•e; and the Corporation hereby indemnifies and holds the Bank harmless against any and all loss, cost, drtmng ) expense suffered nr incurred by the Bank at•ising nut of at• in any way related to the misuse or unlawful n• unauthnt•ized use by rt person of sua~// facsimile signatw•e; and aa•ta-AatzM ct•tNae NNC t , . .. ~,: Faerd4ae~ lt3e~:,avoa~, that endorsements for deposit may be evidenced by the name of the Cot•poi•atian being written ar stamped r:~n the check ar other ins-ti•ument deposited, without designation of the patty making the endorsement, and Bank is authorized to supply any erdorsement ati ariy lnstrumeiit tandered fqr deposit ot• collection; and ' 5. ~aoe•4~er ~eso~ve~, that the`Secretat•y yr Assistant 5ecretary.of this Corporation shall certify +.o Bank names and signatures of persons . authorized to action behalf of this Corporation•under the foregoing resolutions "and shall frgm time to time hereafter, as cliauges in the identity of .. •••'d a$icers find employees at•e made, immzdiately report, furnish and certify ouch changes to Bank and shall submit to Barik.a tiew,.acLnunt" store card reelecting such change(s) in order to make such changes effective and Bank shall be fully protected in relying on such ~ t titications •shtill he indemnified and saved harmless $•om`any claims, demands, expenses, losses, or damages resulting from, or growing out of, hnnoring -the sigaatitt•e of.any officer or employee sa cet•titied, or refusing to honor any sig~satut•e.not sa certified; and • • - g5. Faaa~39aot~ Rcso~~ed, the fotebaing resolutions shall remain in full farce and effect and.the authnrity'herein given to"all. of sald`persons shill' remriin iri•eyncahle as far a"s dank is cancet•ned until three (3) business days.aftet• Bank is notified in writing cif the revocation"of such autlwrity ~, sad that receipt of such notice shall-not affect nny action taken by said Bank priorthereto; and `~, geaat$ae~. ~e~~ll~®~~ that.all tt•ansactions by any officer or employee of this Corporation on its 6ehalt' rind in.its name with Bank priut• tq the deli4ery tp Bank of a certified copy of the foregoing resolutiena ru•e, in all respects, hereby ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted;. and _ . . ~, Fae~l~ie~ ~~~s7v~dr that flee Secretary or Assistant Secretary he rind hereby ls,.authet•ized and directed to certify these t~es~lutinns"to said ,Bank tend, that the prpvisinns hereof' ru's in conformity with the Chatter or Ar•ticleb of Incorporation and Bylaws of this Corporation and tltatthe ... Secretary ar Assistant Secrettu•,y he, and' hereby is, authorized and directed to certify, from time. to tune ltareaftei•, the nrunes of the holdereof the shove authciriZed titles and theit• signatm•es on any eignat:u•e cat•d.ot• othardocumensation required by saidBauk.' . - lea a~Ba~ss' ~~`~o~a I have hereunto a~abscribed my tiatne and aftised the seal ofthis Corporation, this day of ' • .. Chairman, New Hanover County Board af•Gounty ' Commissioners ~. .. a •. ~a~k ~n~®r~n~fion • Dnte ' • t. Banking Center Name ~ssociatn'sWName J A~eociate's°Phope Number l.i {This page intentionally left blank} ~,. 104 .. - '.: , .. . iVEV~ HAN®VER COUNTY SOAR®,OF CONIIVIIS$IONERS .. REQUEST FOR~BOAR® ACTtO~J ~ . u ., Meeting Datec 0~%06!01 .. - ~ _ , . ~` Consent Item#: 7 Estimated,Time: Page Number: ,. - .., . Departmenf:~ Health. Presenter: Lynda Smith, Assistant Hith Dir.; Betty Creech,;Commuriity .. Hlth Diractor _ . Contact: 'Lynda Smith, 343-6592; Betty Creech, 343.6647 'SUBJECT: .. •, T'wo IVew Public Health ~tegistered ~lurse Posi#ions fu`nding'of $82,370 13y New. ' -: : Hanover County Schools. ~ , ' ~. DRIEF. SUMMARY: Tha New Manover County Board of Kealth has approved.fhe request for 2 Haw Public Health ` ,Registered Nurse (PHN) positions for the New Hanover County Schools and,has approved ' ~ accepting~the $82,370 funding from Schools to fund the 2 position,. - _ a~ ' .., 'The health department received a letter from,Dr: Alfred Lerch, Assistant Superintendent Student . Support Programs, asking,the.health department to request 2 new Public Health Registered Nurse positions to meet fhe'requiraments for 3 new schools .(Ashley High School, Murray"Middle, ' and Parsley Elementary) opening this fall. Funding of`$83,370.is provided from N:ew Hanover ' County. Schools. We are rega`esting a"ful -time nurse for Ashley High School .and ,full-time nurse to cover Murray'Middle, and Parsley Elementary. ` " . ~ _ .,The nurses will p"rovide'services enabling medically fragile'students to safely attend school and , `~ enabling the schools to comply with law governing meeting student health, needs. ~ " - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND 4EQUESTED"'ACTIONS:- ~< ~ " ~Approva 2 new PHN positions and related Budget Amendment No: 02.0013. " ... F.UIVDING SOURCE: . - .: New Ha"Hover County Sdrools. ~' ATTACFIMENTS: ... ., yes-6 pages including an itemized budget page ~ ~ - as #oz-ooi3. ~ ' " e,. REVLEVUED'SY: . ~" , LEGAL: N/A .FINANCE: Approve .. ,BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ` COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS D RECOMMENDATIONS: " Recommend~appr.oval as°above. ' Y _. ~ ,~ . { _ ". .COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .. ,. _ . , , " . APPROVED .: ~ .: .. 'REJECTED ~ : `,- ~ , ,, [ ~BEMOVED ~ ~ ,~. ~'OSTPONED ~~ - " 1?R[~ ~~w ~~rvov~~ c®uNTY ~®~~®~F c®nnnns~si~~~~s REC~l9EST FOR BOARD ACTiO~ Meeting Date: 08/06/Oi budget Arnend~raent r ^--,. DEPARTMENT: Public Health/School Health BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0013 ADJUSTMENT Public Health: School Health: Contributions From Schools Salaries and Wages Social Security Taxes Retirement-Local Govt. Employee Medical Insurance Expense LT Disability Insurance Employee Reimbursements Training & Travel DEBIT CREDIT $82,370 $65,177 .. $4,986 $3,194 $8,144 $169 $300 $400 EXPLANATION: To budget revenue from New Hanover County Schools to fund two new registered nurse positions. These positions witl~fill nursing service requiremen$s for three new schools opening this fail (Ashley, Parsley, and Murra~r). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPRO!/AL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~tll~'T~ C~~~fll~ ; .~~; ,.~ ~1 ~/ ~ 10 6 ~~-t~: ~-~ '~ 07/20/2001 09:42 9102544352 SUSAN PAGE 02 ~i~.7~ t ~~Li~ ~~~~ New ~a~apver County Scho~is ~„ 1 E03 8. 9 5ei Sheet ~ va;iminyton, rtc 23~oi ~ dew ~Ban~ver bounty ~eait~ ~3apae~t~tent ~~ 2029 S. 97`r' ;7gTeet tiVitmlrtgton, NG ZB~O~ F4. ~. This centr-act wilt begin on July 1, 2001 and end an June 30, 2002 between New Wanover County Schools and New Hanover County Wealth Department. Both parties da mutually agree to the following: New Fiarsov$r County Schnois trill: 1, Ray $794,331.00 ($79,433.10 p®r rrt9~h}for services. ~: Provide an appropriately equipped room for the nurse when she is worising at her design~Qd schrx3i. N~rr 9~areover Cour~iy ~ie~ftts L3eparter~ent will: 1, Supervise nurse (Victoria Wheelers, R. N.), employed by the New Wanover County Schools. 2. Develop and maintain First Aid guidelines and nursing protocols to be used in a1i schools. 3. Provided foil-time nurses ®nd 1 half time nurse to be split between Ashley Wgh school, iVew Hanover High School, Laney High School and ~oiand Grise Middle Schaal. 4. Provide three full time nurses ar+d Otto halftime nurse to be spilt betw~en the remaining six middle schools. 6. Provide six full t'sme nurses and 1 half time nurse far elementany schcois (giving each schcal a nurse for a'/s day every day}. 6. Provide supplies for School 9~tedicai Services. 7. Provide services in accordance with the North Carolina Nurse Practice ~'ot and the guidelines established by 'the NeW Wanover Coun#y Wealth Departme~• 8. provide nursing sup®rvision through #ha Public Weaitil Nur52 Director and the Public Health iVurse Supervisor. This contract cannot be amended, modified or altered except by agreemen#, in writing, 4y du3y a,rtharized of~icia{s for be#h part1es. ~~er party rr~y terminate this contract after giving aThirty-day notice, in writing, afi inteht to do sa. in witness whereof the part9es acting through their duty authorized otTiciais have executed this contract. ~~--`- ~~ ~ o zoo ~ D^7P This instrument has been audited in the NWCS Manner required by the Schoo! Budget And Fiscal Control Act. 1-5840-089-311-00~-903 -~2~43,238.070 2-51~~-311-000-903 -~551,093.D0 CON~'RACTOR C?A~E iJ 0 NHCS FI ANCt= OFFICER DATE 108 ~ ®epartment: Health Division: School Health Oontact Pers®n: Kim/Marcy Contact.Phone Nbr.: ,..6522/6649 .Fund: 110 Agency: ,510 ®rgn: 51.69 ^ I Am Not Requesting New Position Or Increase/Decrease Hours Ohecl~ The Requesteo Action: . New Position O Increase/Decrease Hours . Dote: Two copies of a Position. Description (PDQ) form must accompany this request for a i~ew Position. This form, is iocated on RIH~Forms on ~rvnotesl. Two copies of the PDQ along with this new position request~sl7ould be sent to the. budget Department. , I~ew Position Numher Requested: 2 Requested Positron Classification Title: Public Health Nurse II Requested Pay Oracle: NUZ2; $36,209 - $55,590; prorated based on 10-month salary Proposed ~ffectivo Date 0# Requested Action: August, 2001 Check one: ® Full-Time ^ Part-Time ^ 50% ^ 75% ^ RO Ja Justification Far Requested Action 10-month/year position Three new schools will open in the fall of 2001. Board of Education _ administrative staff have requested that we employ nurses for these schools. They are requesting afull-time nurse for the high school and afull-time nurse to .cover the elementary and middle schools. These nurses will provide services that will enable medically fragile students to safely attend school and enable the .schools to comply.witfi laws governing meeting student health needs.., ~~ 1 p~g . How Will The Requested Action Benefiit The County? Student health problems will be efficiently and effectively managed in the new schools. This should aid with limiting absenteeism and improve school performance. Liability to the schools will be reduced. The schools can comply with laws requiring that student health needs be met. Home schooling can be reduced. Are There Any Employees Currently Performing The Same ®uties And Responsibilities As ®escribed In The Attached PD? ~ Yes O IVo If '°Yes'°, Identify By tame, Position Classification Title And knit. Patty Hochwait Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth Candace Sancilio Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth Mania Swart Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth Ellen Harrison PHN Supervisor Community Hlth/Personal Hlth Gloria Umstetter Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth Rose Bauerlein Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth Dorothy Ashbaugh Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth Laura West Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School H1th Frankie Mincey Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/Personal Hlth Evelyn Bowden PHN Supervisor Community Hlth/Personal Hlth Charlotte Norris Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth Teresa Stanely Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/Personal Hlth Pat McSwain Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/Personal Hl.th Shenita Josey Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/Personal Hlth Mary Jo Newton Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/Personal. Hlth Beverly Fussell Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/Personal Hlth Gayle Bordeaux Public Health Nurse Community Hl~th/School Hlth Deborah Goodwin Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth Patty Hanes Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth Kelly Johnson Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth Leslie Yusko Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth Linda Wright Public Health Nurse Community Hlth/School Hlth If "~'es", What Impadt Would The Request ed Action Have On The Position(s~ Listed? They would continu e to provide comprehensive, timely services to the schools. They would be resp onsible for fewer stude hts; liability related to service delivery would be reduced. What Will Be The Impact If The Requested Action is dot Taken? 110 Schools will be unable to meet requirements for student health services. More at-risk care will be -provided. School personnel will have to neglect their duties to provide health care. The three new schools would not have nursing coverage - ~ unless` services-were reduced at other schools, . ition ~e Funded? How Y~l~il The Pos New Hanover County Schools ft position requires any equipment (unifiorm, computer, vehicle, etc.) please list the equipment and. approximately cost below. Mileage - $300 `Training/Travel - $400 _ ,- ,~ 111. Fiscal Fear 2001 - 2x02 School Health budget (5169) for Additional 7C4vo (2) PAIN ~ School purses Expenditures: Salary ~b5,177 FICA 4,956 Retirement 3,194 Insurance (3~Iedical, Dental) 8,144 13isability Insurance 169 1~iileage 300:. Training/'1'ravel 400 Total 582,370 '`) Revenue: Contribution From Schools $82,370 Pdote: Salary, FICA, Retirement for nine (9) months Insurance ten (10) months because school system pays year round '012 C~ J NE1i~ HAIVOVER COIJIVTY DOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/06/01- Consent Item #: 8' Estimated Time: ..Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Beth Jones, Communicable Disease Director Contact: Beth Jones, 343-6648 SUBJECT: Grant Application-Reapplication for Teen AIDS Prevention (TAP) for X45,50® from the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board of Health approved the grant application to reapply to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation for grant funding of $45,500 for FY 2002 to continue our Teen AIDS-Prevention Program. We began the TAP peer education program in January, 1999, with $32,000 from the HIV/STD Prevention and Care Section of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. After the initial funding, TAP has been funded for two years by the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation: TAP is a unique program focusing on HIV/.STD prevention by providing peer-led presentations to high-risk New Hanover County Teens on a regular basis. TAP is the only peer education program in New Hanover County that serves adolescents in housing developments, the Juvenile Detention Center, and the Wilmington Treatment Center on a consistent basis. TAP answers a need that,is not otherwise filled in this community. At each weekly session, the peer educators teach other teens. the skills to ignore negative peer pressure, as well as, education about HIV/STDs, to help them make safe and healthy choices. By providing this education early, we reduce the risk of the spread of HIV/STDs and improve the quality of life for all citizens. ' This funding request is for a period, of October 1,2001 through September 30, 2002. No county match is required. In-kind support is through existing staff and resources already budgeted in the Communicable Disease Division budgets. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTE@ACTIONS: Approve grant application for $45,500 and approve associated budget amendment if grant avvarded. FUNDJNG SOURCE: Cape Fear Memorial Foundation Grant for $45,500 (no county support other than in-kind staff and supplies) .ATTACHMENTS: Yes-23 pages of grant (including one budget page) and 27 pages in attachments (including 14 letters of support) REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A .HUMAN R~~~©~l~)Rf~E~~~~~10 APP~D,tFD COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: I.,_ ~ Recommend. approval for submitting grant application to the Cape Fear Memorial`Foundatio~ '=1 • COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ '-7 ,~ ~,~/ ~' ~'~~ APPLICATION FOR FUNDING WILL BE ACCEPTED ONLY IF A LETTER OF INQUIRY HAS BEEN SUBiVIITTED BY ORGANIZATION AND APPROVED BY CFMF PRESIDENT Application Form Revised: 4!30199 CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATI®N FORM Part 1 : YOUR ORGANIZATION Name: New Hanover County Health Department Street Address: 2029 South 17th Street City, State, & Zip Code Wilmington North Carolina 28401 Name of Key Contact Person: Seth Wolfe Jones Title: Communicable Disease Division Director Telephone #: (910) 343-6648 Fax #: (910) 341-4146 Fiscal Year End: June 30 ~ Federal Tax ID #: 56-6000324 1. Is your organization a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under I'RS Code Section 501 (c) (3) or a governmental unit? If not, you do not qualify for a grant. If your organizations is a 501 (c) (3), please attach a copy of your current IRS tax-exemption letter with this Application. Yes, governmental unit. 2. Is your organization a private, nonoperating foundation? If yes, you do not qualify for a grant. No 3. Would a grant from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation in the amount being requested jeopardize your tax- exempt status? No 4. Will any of these funds be used to pay a nationally affiliated organization? If yes, please explain. No 5. Does your organization, now, or does it plan in the future, to engage in any way in the promotion or advancement of political causes? If yes, please explain. Organization is a local public health department. Board of Health appointed by County Commissioners. Department does not engage in political activity. 6. Summarize your organization's background, goals and current programs. Discuss your assets in personnel, services and programs which could be built upon by the Foundation's help. Answer on separate page. 7. Describe your organization's structure and attach a list of your officers and directors. ~;~l~,dNl~ ~~ ~7°r~'~~r- Answer on separate page. 114 ~~~ Revised: 4/30/99 CAPE FEAR MElVIDRIAL F®UNI)ATI®N. GRANT APPLICATI®N F®R1VI 6. Slunmarize your organization's background, goals and current programs. Discuss your assets in personnel,services and programs which could be built upon by the Foundation's help. The New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) is a public health facility that provides services to citizens of New Hanover and surrounding counties. Funding comes from state and local government for most programs and services. Some revenues are generated through fees. NHCHD has 10 divisions.that offer programs for the prevention of disease,and the promotion of health. The Communicable Disease Division (CDD) provides medical and educational services to screen, treat, and prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Programs administered by the division include: Tuberculosis Control; Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD); Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Counsel, Test, and Prevention; Surveillance and outbreak control for other infectious diseases; childhood and adult immunizations;. medical recorder and general registration. The division consists of a nursing director, 9 staff nurses, 1 physician extender, 1 communicable disease investigator, and management support staff. There is also a health educator position for Teen AIDS Prevention (TAP), which is eliminated unless fundin' gis appr vo ed. Operating expenses for CDD are approximately $1 ~0, which are used for employee mileage re' ursements for outreach activities and medical;. laboratory, and office supplies, including p ase of some medications and vaccines not provided to NI-ICHD by the state. NHCHD participates in the Southeastern North Carolina. HIV Prevention Regional Community Planning .Group- a group of collaborating organizations, agencies, and individuals who meet to identify local needs and improve HIV prevention efforts. NHCHD is also involved in the Cape Fear Teen Health Council, facilitated by Wilmington Health Access for Teens. NHCHD does not receive any funding specifically to provide HIV and- STD prevention activities, with the exception of the funding from your foundation. Despite this lack of - funding, since 1985 NHCHD Communicable Disease Division staffhave romoted HIV and~TT) }prevention by o,~ ffering; individual testing on a a y basis. The testing procedure incorporates risk elimination/reduction counseling and education for each patient: In addition, ~NHCHD staff offer educational and screening activities in community settin s and distribute literature to medical providers' offices. NHCHD's HIV focus is to prevent t ansr mission of the disease and provide access for free HIV testing to individuals who are at ~k. Obviously, testing alone does not prevent transmission. However, identification of ~ ~ 15. infections, referral for care, and education and counseling can reduce sE' da transmissions. This will continue to be a focus for CDD staff. Primary prevention is much more compassionate and cost-effective than secondary efforts. Behaviors that for some people begin during adolescence must be changed. TAP addresses those behaviors and decisions that are necessary to protect health by teaching life preservation skills. The longer that risk-taking can be postponed, the more well- equipped anindividual will be to make decisions about his or her behavior. NHCHD began the TAP peer education nrnaram in Tansiarv 1999 w;th X32 0~0 from the HIV/STD Prevention and Care Section of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. The initial funding was for six months to pilot a peer education program r teena ens. Though six months was hardly adequate time to implement and evaluate a new program, the initial start-up work was completed. A health educator was hired, a curriculum manual developed, recruitment and training of teen peer educators completed, and successful programs were facilitated by the peer educators. After this initial funding, TAP has been funded for two years by the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation. During the first year, 1999-2000, the TAP program coordinator and eight peer educators tra' ed twelve new peer educators. Together, these twenty TAP deer educators wrote and presented a thirty minute play about peer pressure, stereotypes, and drug/alcohol use; co sponsored the 5`'' Annual Fami v Fun Day in the Park to raise a~,.~eness of HIV and serve as a fundraiser; co inu~l to receive ongoing tranung; served on~anels throu hout the community' .participated in school health fairs; gave numerous presentations to adolescents in the community; and provided one-on-one street outreach to their_peers. During the 1999-2000 funding year, the TAP program coordinator and peer educators facilitated approximately 3-5 peer-led presentations per week to adole' scents~n dif~Prent community groups. During the 2000-2001 year of funding by the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation, TAP expanded greatly. TAP now consists of th,~v trained peer educators who give approximately 5-7 presentations per week to adolescents in different community groups. TAP has achieved the majority of its year-long goals and objectives. For example, TAP has succeeded in giving presentations to numerous groups of students within the school system, increased its weekly after-school groups to adolescents in the housing developments, and provides weekly presentations to the highest-risk adolescents, who are in the Juvenile Detention Center and the Wilmington Treatment Center. Other staff in CDD have provided tremendous support for TAP through secretarial and administrative oversight, as well as assistance with training activities and transportation of peer educators. With the help of the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation, the health educator position and the TAP program can continue to access the hard-to-reach adolescent population. 116 C~ ' The TAP program coordinator has a Master's in Social Work and a Master's in Public Health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She utilizes both her social work skills and her health education skills in working with adolescents. 7. Describe your organization's structure and attach a list of your officers and directors. See attached.organizational diagram and Board of Health list in the.Attachments. Revised: 4!30/99 CAPE FEAR MElV1®RIAL F®UNI)ATI®N GRANT APPLICATI®N FORM PART II: PROJECT/PR®GRAlVI (Please quantify whenever possible.) 1. Describe the problem/need that the program/project will address. The problem the TAP program addresses is the lack of educational programs for adolescents that effectively change attitudes and behaviors. Nationwide, children between the ages of 10 and 19 acquire an estimated 3 million cases of STDs each year. New Hanover County Health Department's STD clinic statistics demonstrate that the percentage of people under the age of 20 visiting the NHCHD STD Clinic has consistently remained within the range of 15% to 23% since 1995 [Source: NHCHD Clinic Statistics, January 1995-December 31, 2000]. Thus, approximately one-fifth of all NHCHD STD clinic patients are under the age of 20. By their presence in the STD clinic, these teenagers are acknowledging that they are engaging in risky behaviors. In NHCHI~'s STD Quarterly Report from October 1, 2000 thru December 31, 2000, 25% of individuals diagnosed with gonorrhea were under the age of 20, 19% of individuals receiving the HIV tests were under the age of 20, and 45% of chlamydia patients were under the age of 20. In addition to the negative repercussions of having an STD, the presence of STDs also increases a person's risk of HIV transmission. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 51% of new HIV infections in the U.S. are among people under the age of 25. For this reason, targeting adolescents with HIV prevention is tantamount to curbing the spread of this virus. Given _ the incubation period of HIV, it can naturally be assumed that many of those who develop AIDS in their twenties and early thirties became infected as teenagers. Many of the behaviors associated with HIV transmission, such as alcohol and drug use as well as unsafe sexual practices, were developed as teenagers. The prevalence of STDs and HIV have reached an alarming rate in both in North Carolina and in New Hanover County. Teens account for 3% of all reported AIDS cases within North Carolina, which is more than three times greater than the cumulative percentage for the.United States. New Hanover County has an STD infection rate that is more than two times higher than the state average. NHCHD STD Clinic statistics show that there has been a 10% increase in the number of people visiting the STD clinic in Fiscal Year 2001, as compared to FY 2000. There has 1 '~ ~ been an 11 % increase in the number of people receiving HIV tests at NHCHD from FY Revised: 4/30/99 CAPE FEAR 1VIEIVIORIAL FOi1NDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM .2000 to FY 2001. There has been an 11 % increase in the number of people diagnosed with both chlamydia and gonorrhea uz New Hanover County in FY 2001, as compared to FY 2000. In April, 1999, the Search Institute published a report on New Hanover County adolescents entitled "Developmental Assets: A Profile of Your Youth." The Institute surveyed students in grades 6 through 12 at the New Hanover County Schools, Cape Fear Academy, and Myrtle Grove Christian School. According to the survey, 33% of the students used alcohol once or more in the last 30 days, and 20% of students got drunk once or more in the last two weeks. Twenty-three percent of students used marijuana once or more in the last 12 months, and 10% used other illicit drugs once or more in the last 12 months. Thirty-three percent of students have had sexual intercourse one or more times, and an alarming 22% of students have had sexual intercourse three or more times in their 1afetime. This report describes the risk-taking behavior of youth living in New Hanover County. The TAP program is taking heed of these survey results, offering positive alternatives to teenagers so that they will be less likely to engage in these .destructive activities. Each of the factors described above puts individuals at a greater risk of acquiring HIV or other STDs. For this reason, it is essential to seek new ways to combat the overwhehning pressures many teenagers are unprepared to handle about drug and alcohol use, HIV/STD prevention, relationships, and other critical issues. TAP utilizes caring and trained peer educators to deliver the lifesaving messages. necessary for survival, and helps teenagers develop positive decision-making skills.. . NHCHD's decision to target the adolescent-population was initially determined in 1998 by the Southeastern North Carolina HIV Prevention Regional Community Planning Group as the area population least served by existing HIV prevention education efforts. While Coastal Horizons Center, Inc. and Cure AIDS of Wilmington-have programs that target injecting drug users and minority females of childbearing age respectfully, the NHCI-ID's TAP- program has been the only local peer education program; that specifically targets adolescents with HIV/STD prevention education. TAP is a unique program in that it focuses on providing peer-led presentations to high-risk New Hanover County teens on a regular basis. TAP is the only peer education program in New Hanover County that serves adolescents in the housing developments, the Juvenile Detention Center, and the Wilmington Treatment Center (an inpatient substance abuse treatment facility) 'on a consistent basis. Peer educators return week after week to the Revised : 4/30/99 CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM same sites, serving as mentors for these high-risk adolescents and influencing them through positive peer pressure. TAP is also unique in that it gives numerous peer-led presentations. during the summer vacation. Whereas many other peer education programs take breaks during the summer, the summer is the busiest time for the TAP program. TAP recognizes that adolescents get into trouble when they have too much time on their hands; for this reason, TAP goes into overdrive during the summer vacation in order to keep adolescents involved in structured activities. For these reasons, TAP answers a need that is not otherwise filled in this community. When TAP peer educators arrive for the weekly sessions at Creekwood South Recreation Center, Nesbitt Courts Recreation Center, and the Derek Davis Recreation Center, the adolescent participants are already sitting.there and waiting for the TAP progxam to begin. They are anxious for something constructive to do during the summer and after school, and they are engaged and enthusiastic during the educational sessions. At each weekly session, the peer educators teach them skills to ignore negative peer pressure, as well as education about HIV/STDs, to help them make safe and healthy choices. ~, 2. Describe the objective of the project/program and indicate how individual lives of the recipients will be changed and what benefits are expected to result. The TAP program espouses three main goals. The primary goal is to promote an environment in Wilmington and the surrounding areas where personal health, safety, and positive life skills are more socially and personally desirable to young people than unhealthy alternatives such as unsafe sexual practices and drug/alcohol abuse. Adolescents are constantly bombarded with peer pressure coaxing them to engage in negative activities: to have sex, to not use protection when they have sex, to try drugs, to drink alcohol, to smoke cigarettes, and so on. The purpose of TAP is to give adolescents the opportunity to send positive messages to their peers to counteract all of the negative pressures. By.providing information, teaching personal risk reduction strategies, and serving as role models for their peers, TAP peer educators help to foster a social climate where it is comfortable and acceptable for adolescents to avoid risky behavior. The TAP program aims to educate teenagers that the risk-taking behaviors that expose them to HIV and other STDs also compromise their potential for healthy and productive adult lives. TAP is a life-skills curriculum that was developed for HIV/STD prevention. Once these X20 . ,Revised: 4/30/99 .. •. GAPE IEEAI~ 1VIElV~~ItIAL FCIUNI)ATI®1~1 -' ~. . ~ ~ ~ GI2AN.~' APPL~ICATIOlV F012NI ~ - - ` • ,. ~ _ .. ,. skills •are learned, they apply to behaviors and experiences throughout life. The TAP ~ ` '• program offers adolescents the information, skills, and self-esteem building exercises that . - lead to increased self-confidence, improved health; and attainment of life •:goals. - - • - g p p nce in their own and. - . The second oal is-to em ower adolescents to make a ositive differe other .teenagers' lives through education, leadership and being a role model for other ' teenagers. The TAP program currently consists of thirty-two .peer educators, which is the highest number of peer educators who Have participated simultaneously. The, more - experienced peer educators train new peer educatorsduring intensive training retreats.. . . M- ' • ~` The m®st recent training retreat was-held in May,;2001-eighteen experienced. peer , educators trained fourfeen new ones.' The trainngs promote TAP's objective. of . , ~ . empowering adolescents to honestly discuss issues and educate one other. Eachpeer • educator is interviewed and carefully selected by the TAP program coordinator; and share three. main attributes; they demonstrate a zeal for helping their peers; they are dedicated to - alleviating the problems faced by adolescents; and they -come from communities and • - ~ demographic: groups that have been targeted, as "at-risk" for HI~I and other STDs: ; Tn order to make a difference in the community, it_is essential for TAP to select peer .• ~ , are true eers of teena ers at risk of ac wiring HIV or other STI~a, and not educators who p g. q simply teenagers with active leadership roles in the schools. -These teenagers :may seem ., . ordinary, but .they are doing extraordinary things: i - • - :The thirty-tw® peer educators are greatly impacted by the volunteerism and community '. service they provide through TAP, TAP. has given these -teens a message that their -community values them and that they can make a difference in their,.own and other . teenagers' lives, One TAP peer educator, Gordon, who has facilitated TAP presentations ' e • .-every Wednesday morning at the Juvenile Detention Center for the past. 1 1/2 years, stated that'TAP has shown him the "power of one," that he alone'can make,a difference. As an' • ' African-American male, Gordon feels that he .is making an impact by serving`as a p®sitive • , '' role model for the African-American males in the detention center.- Adolescents in the . . • .detention center respect Gordon and his messages of prevention, and openly and honestly ,, discuss the issues that he raises.with them. - - :4 - ~ ~ - • - n Through'continued support, skill-building, and discussions, TAP encourages its peer . educators: to reach beyond themselves and become leaders u1 their community. °At the same time; TAP staff provide. guidance and mentoring to peer educators to'encourage them to . practice positive life skills and reach their goals. 'The subgroup of teens targeted for TAP . training falls in the category of financially needy. and medically underserved: Some, of the TAP peer educators come from single parent homes and some lack an adult mentor. The .. ~. .4 Devised: 4/30!99 CAPE FEAD lVIEll~I®DIAL F~iJNI-ATI®N GRANT APPI.,ICATI®N F®D1VI TAP coordinator serves as an adult mentor for them, helping diem through crises and periods of doubt in themselves. Some of the peer educators Have stated that TAP has given them a sense of meaning in their lives- a positive force to outweigh the negativity that surrounds them in their violence-torn, impoverished neighborhoods. TAP provides an opportunity for teenagers to develop a higher sense ofself-esteem. Research shows that teenagers who. have a higher self-esteem, as well as a supportive adult mentor, are less likely than other teenagers to engage in behaviors that put them at risk for HIV and other STDs. The TAP coordinator searches for opportunities for the peer educators in order to increase their self-esteem and help them achieve success in life. For example, she nominated two of the peer educators for the YWCA Women of Achievement award. 'These peer educators felt honored and proud to have been nominated, and were able to attend a special banquet for nominees. In addition, the coordinator encouraged the peer educators to apply for scholarships to attend the Ryari White National Youth Conference in Denver, Colorado. This youth conference, which took place February 17-19, 2001, was geared towards adolescent HIV prevention peer educators across the nation. Four TAP peer educators ~ received scholarships to the conference: two received national scholarships sponsored by the conference (please refer to the newspaper article in the "Attachments" section), one received a scholarship frorri the Coastal AHEC Minority Health Careers Education Department, and one received a scholarship from the local Ryan White chapter. ®ut of these four teens, only one df them had ever been on an airplane before, and one of them resides in the Creekwood South dousing Development. Their involvement with TAI' has enabled- them to take advantage of opporfunities~to travel and increase their-education. ~ -~ The third goal is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and open communication between TAP- trained teens and their peers, and provide opportunities for question and answer sessions. TAP presentations have enabled hundreds of teenagers to discuss issues of concern to them in an environment where they receive both correct information and respect for their opinions. For example, peer educators facilitated TAP workshops for teenage residents of Nesbitt Courts in Wilmington every Thursday afternoon during the school year. Stereotyped as "uneducated," "criminal-looking," and "unmotivated," the program participants nonetheless demonstrated a strong desire for knowledge. The opportunity to discuss issues of concern to them such as violence and~~relationships was as important as the messages about HIV prevention. In particular, the male participants enjoyed listening to an African-American male peer educator talk frankly with them about relationships, drugs, and alcohol.. By the end of the school year, several program participants were motivated enough to prepare and facilitate parts of the workshop`s, demonstrating the hypothesis that 122 A i . ~ ~ F .. - ' ~ ~~~~~sea: a/3or99 ... .: ,' ~ - '~ ~~ ~ cAPE F>EAla 1VIEIVI®>:~AIJ F~~J1vDA'lc~oly . c~IVT a~~L~c~.~~®1~:FO~~ ., ` ~- if teenagers are given the attention and the opportunity to succeed, they will rise to meet .., . - expectations. ~ _ . :' '`Teenagers around Wilmington often comment that they are bored, and that they get ipto trouble for lack of anything better to do. The majority. of adolescent pregnancies occur ' between the hours of 3 pm and 6 pm, because adolescents are bored and lack adult ~ ' . ~ supervision: The TAP program helps to.combat this problem by providing.adolescents options to keep them occupied. TAP peer educators benefit from:their hours giving presentations. in the community and progranq participants benefit by being engaged in ' constructive activities: The,TAP program coordinator encourages motivated, active ` •. ~ ~ program participants to'apply to become peer educators. t -~ TAP peer educators often include question and answer~sessions in-their presentations. ' y • ' index cards are`passed out to program participants and collected to: ensure the anonymity ,. - = - ~ ` ,° of~questions. Questions recently asked at a session at Coastal AHEC's Health Careers.; . Workforce Diversity Summer Camp include "How do you know if you;have any sexually - , transmitted disease?" "Why do boys~always want to talk to you but then when you talk to - y' {~ ~~ `' ,there they disrespect you?" and "What are the chances of getting pregnant, if you don't use ' a condom?" ~ These' questions reveal that teenagers welcome the opportunity to ,talk. with ~~.;arid listen.to other teenagers. Many of the questions typically center around dating and '.~ ~ ° ~ relationships., ,In feedback and evaluations from presentations, we have,°learned that it has - been extremely helpful for teenagers to learn from their peers that healthy relationships are about self-'respect,. respect for the partner, and open communication. . •= The.Advocate~ a newsletter sponsored by the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition . . .,. . - of North Carolina, printed the results of a survey of parents and kids ages l 0-15. The ; ' . _ survey, :conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation. and. Children Now, revealed that 50% - ~ °of the children said that they personally wanted more information about how to protect ' tlemselves,against I-IIV/AIDS::. '°Too often, adults do not offer teenagers the chance to discuss their concerns about health ` and relationships, 'or teenagers .are uncomfortable being' candid with adults. • TAP provides - ~' teenagers with this opportunity in a safe environment, assisted by a health educator who., - -can provide them`with referral and resource information: - .~, - ~. - , .. - .. ~ ~ 123 A Devised: 4/30/99 CAPE >FEA121VIElVIGRIAL 1" ®><JNDATIGN GRANT `APPI.~ICATIGN F®R1VI ~ 24 3. Describe the strategies you will develop to accomplish the objective. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has conducted research to determine effective_.. strategies to reduce the risky behaviors of adolescents. Based on~current data, the most effective prevention strategy to reduce high risk behaviors among adol`eseents is to train peer leaders to provide prevention messages to at-risk youth. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen•Pregnancy, peer pressure can be a positive influence to assist adolescents in making smart choices'to avoid behaviors that put them at risk for HIV and STDs. One proven strategy•is a series ®f programs for small groups of.adolescents, largely conducted by peer leaders. This research-based evidence directed the' development of the TAP program: The TAP coordinator has identified and trained thirty-two adolescents as current peer leaders. These adolescent educators range in age from 14-22; ten are male and twenty-two are female. Eighteen of the peer educators are African-American, nine are Caucasian, three are Latino. and two are Asian: One of the peer educators is HIV-infected, and acquired. HIV perinatally. The diversity within'the group teaches the peer educators about peaple who are different from them, and helps to dispel stereotypes. Discussions at the weekly peer , educator meetings otlen center around cultural diversity and overcoming stereotypes,. These discussions help the peer educators address the.issue of stereotypes, racism, and cultural differences in their presentations. The health educator selected tie initiaY peer educators from various community sites, including CureAIDS of Wilmington, Girls, Inc.; the YMCA Black• Achiever Program, the, youth group at Union Baptist Church, the Latino youth group at St. Mary's Catholic, Church, and the schools. Successive groups of peer educators have been selected from the community organizations and youth groups where TAP gives regular presentations. TAPI s philosophy is one of empowerment: rather than bring teenagers from the "outside"• into give presentations to youth in a given organization, TAP encourages youth from within the organization to become trained peer educators: In this, way; adolescents give presentations to their true peers. One participant in TAP's weekly sessions at the Creekwood• South Recreation Center has become a peer educator; similarly, one participant in TAP's weekly sessions at Nesbitt Courts Recreation Center is now a peer educator. The educators use three methods to reach the target population: a series of small group programs, community outreach, and one-on-one outreach. Since its inception in January, 1999, TAP peer educators have reached 8,927 individuals through small group ~l s Revised: 4/30/99 ' ,• ~,~ CAPE FEAR 1VIENd~iRIAL, F®:IJNDATI®ht ' GRANT APPLICATI®N F'® :~ presentations, outreach events, and one-on-one outreach activities: In the past nine months,- alone, since `October, 200, TAP. peer educators have reached 3;603 adolescents. ` , Included in the series of small group presentations is basic knowledge of HIV/BYOB and ' identification of risky behaviors:: The most challenging component is in building support for safer behaviors. The following topics are`included in the sessions: determining benefits and barriers to behavoar changes,. assessing individual personal risk behaviors (not.openly), ; and identifying, life goals and priorities and how to~ reach them. Skills building is an ' • ~ -integral part of the series, ,assisting- adolescents in developing methods of resisting external ..pressures and exercising internal control over behavior decisions. "TAP peer educators are , encouraged to follow-the curriculum closely so that-HIV prevention messages are ,, ,; - intertwined with strategies to improve the self-esteem,`confidence, and decision-making ' capabilities of program participants. The TAP program coordinator attends each of the peer-led sessions and offers support when.needed. ~ . a. TAP . eer educators prefer to conduct at least six•consecutiveaessions; however,.the P ~~ quantity of program sessions is flexible in~orderao, adapt to the schedules of collaborating , . ,. agencies.. Whenever possible; the TAP c®ordinator. arranges to schedule four or more sessions at organizations requesting presentations. "Research has demonstrated that the ' ,effectiveness ofhealth-related educational messages is maximized by repeating sessions. -Repeat sessions are also .necessary in order to' involve program participants,in the _ curriculum's interactive games and,exercises. TAP .currently-gives regular presentations at `.. .the following sites: _ . • o Juvenile Detention Center: once a week for the past 1 ~'/z years. . Derek Davis Recreation Center: once a week . • Nesbitt Courts Recreation Center: once a week during the school year . ® Creekwood Soutb Recreation. Center: once a week during the school year.. ,~ - ~'e'ilgnington Treatment Center:.once a week` ~ ` Gir1s,:Ine. summer camp: every"other-week during the summer , ., :.. TAP`:peer educator rneetingi. once a`week- .These programs have high levels of participation rates and are well-established. TAP offers . eachaof these.sites a comprehensive program for.adolescents, teaching them how to respect themselves and' others. TAP is not a program that focuses. exclusively on one or two adolescent issues.. Instead, TAP is a holistic,' all-inclusive program that teaches teenagers • leadership skills, builds their self-esteem, increases their knowledge about how to stay . healthy, and, givesthem something constructive to do, during the after school'and summer :. . - Revised: 4/30/99 CAPE FEAR IVIEIVIORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FOIt1Vi hours. It gives the peer- educators the opportunity to become role models for their younger peers, and to feel proud of themselves. It unifies youth in the community, giving older teenagers the leadership skills and desire to spend time with younger teens. One teenage resident of the Juvenile Detention Center wrmt~ the,,following comment about the peer . educator on his program evaluation: "He shows us care, respect, and treats us like we're equal to him. He showed us kindness and I think that's the best part." in addition to these regular sites, TAP gives other presentations to various community. ' groups. For example, in May, 2001, TAP peer educators gave a presentation to a group of approximately 20 parenting/pregnant teenagers at the .Adolescent Parenting Program of Pender County. In June, 2001, TAP .peer educators gave two presentations to teenagers in the waiting room of the Family Planning Clinic at NHCHD. Also in June they gave two presentations to the twenty participants of Coastal ADC's. Health Careers Workforce Diversity Summer Camp. Currently, TAP gives presentations on almost a daily basis; TAP frequently gives two to three presentations per day. TAP receives daily requests for .presentations. The majority of these.requests come from organizations that have heard about TAP from othei agencies or professionals who were impressed by the presentations. ~ f Since its inception in January, 1999, TAP peer educators have given presentations to 3,2~b ~ teenagers. These small group presentations have taken place~for groups of adolescents at the following collaborating agencies: Cure AIDS of Wilmington, Girls, Inc., the Juvenile Detention Center, the teen pregnancy. division of the Coastal OB/GYN Clinic, the Adolescent Parenting Program of Planned Parenthood, Hope Baptist Church, St. Andrews ,; . ,~:: AME Zion Church, St. Luke AME Zion Church, Soul-Saving Station Church Grace United Methodist Church, the Community Boys and Girls Club, the YWCA, the YMCA summer job program, Coastal Horizons, Wihmington.Health Access for Teens, Student j Action for Farmworkers, Cape Fear Academy, Nesbitt Courts Recreation Center, Wilmington Treatment Center, the Creekwood Festival Committee, Wilmngton Treatment Center; Crisis Line Open House, Creekwood South Recreation Center, Derek Davis Recreation Center, Hoggard High School, New Hanover High School East Campus, the Domestic Violence Shelter, UNCW Greek Organizations, the gay/lesbian youth support group at St. Jude's Metropolitan Community Church, Noble Middle School, Methodist Homes for Children, the Generations Program of Fourth Street, the Wilmington GRASP program, the Coastal:AHEC Health Careers Workforce Diversity Summer Camp, and the NHCHD Teen Clinic. 126 { • ~. Revised: 4130/99 ' . - - '. n r . ` . ~ ~ E FEAR 1VIElVI®RIAL F®UhTI)A'TI'CDN .. ~ . AP _ GRANT AI'I'LICAT~ON ~'®R1VI- " . , ., TAP achieved one of its .greatest goals this year when it was invited into. the school system '; . to give presentations: The ability:to give presentations within the schools enables TAP to 'reach greater numbers of adolescents of orie time. Four TAP peer"educators gave, a . ;presentation to'an assembly of all the seventh and eighth graders at Noble IVliddle School. _ , The peer •educators wrote skits and divided 'the assembly into smaller groups; so that the adolescents could practice refusal skills... TAP peer educators also gave presentations to a . series of healthclasses at Hoggard High-School. TAP plans'to return to'the schools in the upcoming school year. , , , . • • TAP. travels beyond Wilmington's city limits in order to spread its messages of awareness. For example, in May, 2001, ;the Jordan Institute for Families invited TAP to.give a • presentation to faster parents from all'-over the state about accepting HIV-infected foster ' children. 1~our peer educators wrote,skits and poems and developed interactive games to `present to the audience. In March, 2001, TAP teens joiried.other.rriembers of the Cape ` Fear Teen Health Council in Raleigh fox Adolescent HealthAdvocaey~Day at'the N~ , Legislature:.. •.. :. ~ , .The second method of reaching adolescents is through outreach activities. ~. For example, in '~ December 1999 and December 2000, T1~P peer educators participated in several events to_ . raise awareness for World AIDS Day, Peer educators held Vllorld AIDS Day booths at UNCW, Hoggard High School, Lakeside High School; New I-Ianover High School, and . Cape Fear Community College. At these booths they distributed AIDS •ribbons,and . _conducted activities'to raise awareness about H[V and encourage prevention. Six peer . ' . y • . ' educators attended a World AIDS Day celebration. in Raleigh that honored ~-IIV prevention volunteers:- ~ ' . ~ ai, the. Lakeside High , TAP, also held booths this ear at the Ho and Hi h School Health F .. y gg g . School Health Fair, and the Cape Fear Commumty College Health Fair. Every student who walked by the booths was encouraged to spin the ".Wheel of,Fortune" and answer' questions such as "How caii,you prevent yourself from acquiring HIV?" In this way, ;TAP - ~ encourages adolescents to actively think' about how to have a healthy lifestyle. TAP has also set up the "Wheel of Fortune" three times at Independence Mall,"bringing its message, .s of STD prevention and healthy. lifestyles to the place where. many teens spend leisure time.• ' The-third method of educating adolescents is through, one~on=one street. outreach. TAP 1 • peer educators `are encouraged toprovide one-on-one informal education to their peers, - sharing`HIV and STD prevention education with other teenagers. Peer educators are.also , ' ~ trained to provide their peers with support anal referrals for teen issues such as depression, .,~ 2 Revised: 4/30/99 CAPE FEAR IVIENIORIAL F®~TNI)ATI®N GRANT APPLI~CATI®N F®R1VI pregnancy, and substance abuse. At this time, peer educators have talked with 377 of their peers in these one-on-one sessions. Since October, 2000, peer educators have conducted 280 of these sessions; helping their friends in need. The TAP peer educators and staff meet weekly to discuss ideas and practice presentations. Each week, a different teen practices .giving a preseritation to the group.. This strategy introduces the peer educators to different games and activities and provides feedback and constructive criticism to each presenter. The peer educators take advantage of opportunities to expand their knowledge base. Professor Sandy Adams, who teaches a public speaking course at UNCW, has taught public speaking skills to the peer educators on several occasions. The TAP coordinator utilizes her background as a social worker to serve as a mentor both for TAP peer educators and-for program participants. She has developed relationships with program participants that she sees every week at program sites such as the Derek Davis Recreation Center and the Juvenile Detention Center. When in trouble or in need of a listening ear, the program participants come to talk with her individually before or after the program. She thus serves as a mentor for the program participants, encouraging them to stay in school, continue coming to the TAP sessions, and teaching them how to resolve conflicts in anon-violent manner. , If refunded, the TAP program coordinator will continue to utilize her skills as a social worker- when working with the adolescents. She will continue to assess when program = participants :need help, and will continue to talk with them individually, listening to their. _ ___ concerns and sharing resaurce and referral information with them. This social woik piece is a critical component of the TAP program. Program participants tell the TAP program coordinator about problems with relationships, school, family life, sexual abuse, date rape, and other issues, and the TAP coordinator helps, to guide them, or directs them towards services in the community. ~ . TAP has the support of its collaborating organizations. The TAP coordinator is a member of the Cape Fear Teen Health Council, sponsored by Wilmington Health Access for Teens: The TAP coordinator is the co-chair of the Male Involvement Subcommittee of the Teen Health Council. As a co-chair of this committee, she is helping to develop a program for males'only, to begin in the fall semester. The program, entitled Wise Guys, is a successful, evaluated program model, and will take place at the recreation center of one of the housing developments in Wilmington. A TAP peer educator will co-facilitate this program with a WHAT. peer educator. 128 • ~2evised s 4/30/99 , , .' ,, .. • •~ - FEAR 1VIEli~0I2IAL P®iTNI?ATION ~. CAPE GRANT APPLICATION F®R1VI . • " ~In January, 2001, TAP collaborated with Wilmington'Health Access for Teens; Crossroads - Co-op, Communities that Care, the Community Mediation Center, and the New Hanover Commission for Women, in order to put on a youth siimrnit. Along-with Crossroad Co=op: • peer educators and WHAT peer educators, TAP peer educators served as facilitators for . , .small groups at the youth `summit, which focused on developmental assets....-. .. i „ ` ° The TAP program collaborates•on a regular basis with CARE (Coastal AIDS Resource ~ , ~_. • r , . Efforts), which is a volunteer program that offers services and activities for people infected ' or affected by HIV. In November,. 2000, peer educators put together food •baskets for • fifteen New Hanover County residents. living with AIDS.. In December; three TAP peer ~ ' ' educators volunteered at t)~e-CARE children's Christmas party, passinga out gifts and , ' ~ serving food to forty.children and their families affected by HIV, Peer educators have volunteered at CARE's Easter egg hunt for HIV-infected children and at Catnp CARE, the .summer camp for children infected or a~e.cted<by HIV. In January, 2001,-CARE presented= orie TAP peer educator with the Flame of Hope award for his outstanding volunteer service and' leadership role.. • ~• The TAP .program works closely with other NHCHD services. The TAP coordinator is ~ _ . responsible for contacting teens seen in the NHCPID STD program to provide individuate 'risk reduction education and referrals to TAP~programs. Conversely, referrals for HIV -and. - STD screenings at the health department are. made by TAP peer educators-when indicated. . . ~ TAP, peer educators also facilitate educational sessions with teenagers.in the waiting morn of the family.planning clinic. ` .. With future funding; TAP plans to achieve the following accomplishments by October, ~ " . 2002: ` ®. Provide 40 hours of continuing education and skill building. sessions for 32 current, t . "peer educators ~ ' _.. _ • .. Train`eight new peer educators ® Continue to provide weekly presentations at Juvenile Detention- Center . ' Continue to provide weekly presentations at Wilmington Treatment Center Provide weekly after-school presentations at Creekwood South Recreation Center during the school year . Provide weekly after=school presentations at Nesbitt Courts. Recreation Center . •'.during the school year ~ • ~ . Provide weekly after-school presentations at Derek Davis Recreation Center during . the school year " ~V .. . ~ - ~ 2.9 -. Revised: 4/30/99 CAPE FEAR MEIVI®RIAI, F~UNI)ATI®N GRANT APPLICATI®N F~R1VI • Provide. weekly male-only presentations to boys in one. of Wilmington's housing developments. Presentations will be co-facilitated by a TAP peer educator and a WIiAT peer educator • Give presentations in the schools • Continue to give 5-7 peex-led presentations per week to community groups • Help to organize and facilitate this year's Youth Summit, sponsored by the Teen Leadership Experience ® Continue to participate in health-fairs and other outreach activities in the community • Sponsor awareness. booths at the high schools and local colleges for World AIDS Day in December, 2001. • Provide 300 more one-on-one sessions, given by the peer educators to their peers 4. State how, when, and who, will conduct an evaluation to measure how well your project/program is meeting its objective. TAP staff currentlyadminister a standardized pre- and post-test behavioral questionnaire to j all program participants. Susan Roberts, Ph.D., an epidemiologist, volunteered to develop an evaluation survey to measure TAP's effectiveness. This survey, which is a modified version of the Prevention Minimum Evaluation Data Set developed by Sociometrics Corporation, can be viewed in the "Attachments" section. TAP staff administer apre-test of this behavioral.questionnaire to all program participants before the beginning of each new series of presentations; staff ask participants to fill out the instrument again as a post- ~ test during the last class of each series of workshops. At ongoing sites, such as the Wilmington Treatment Center and the Juvenile Detention Center, the test is administered I on a regular basis to program participants. The evaluation tool measures a combination of knowledge and behavioral indicators. Pre- and post-test data will be analyzed and compiled in a project report by September, 2002. The TAP coordinator receives guidance and expertise from Mr. Henry Lister, the evaluator of the Smart Start program in Raleigh, in administering the evaluation. The coordinator consults with both Ms. Roberts and Mr. Lister on all aspects of the evaluation. Role plays and interactive games are used throughout the series to not only liven the presentations, but also to assess the participants' abilities to apply the information learned. Program participant complete an evaluation form after presentations, so that peer educators can assess skills that need improvement. ~o Revised: 4/30/99 CAPE FEAR MEIVIORIAI, FOIJNI)ATION GRANT APPLICATION FORlYI 1 PART III: FINANCIAI, INFORMATION _~ 1. Amount requested from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation. $45,500 for October 1, 2001 to October 1, 2002 In the letter of inquiry, we stated we would request $35,000. In preparing the grant and analyzing the growth of the program, however, we realize that TAP needs $45,500 neat year in order to operate. 2. Develop a camplete project/program budget, including income and expenses, for the period you are requesting funds (see attached format). Also, please attach a copy of your most recent audit or financial statement with this application. See attached budget. 132 3. List the names of organizations, both public and private, to which you have applied for support for this specific project/program, Also, show the amount requested and the status (pending, approved or disapproved). Organization Amount Status Wilmington Housing Authority Yr. 1: $b4,000 Penduag Koss Grant Yr. 2: $6b,337 Yr. 3: $b8,884 4. Describe how your project/program will become self-sufficient within three years. TAP may never be self-sufficient because it is a program for teens, and there are not likely to be opportunities to receive third party payment or charge for services. Because it is a service program and especially because of the population served, there will always be a c f, r"1 .~ ` .:Revised: 4130!99 _ - ' . ':. ,. .. ,; ~. . CAPE FEAR 1VIEIVIORIAI.~OUNI)A'I'I®N . • . ,. .. . -GRANT APPLICATI®IV. F~9R1VI ~ . g p g e o be charged if need for fundin :The reseritations are iven at 'sites not likely to be abl ''` we expect to continue to-reach our targeted population.' ~ ~' " ~.' TAP fund-raisingactivities this year raised. $400. ~ This money was used along~with the ; Communicable Disease Division budget to support activities, while the Cape Fear ~ - . . -' MemorialFoundation money was used to pay the TAP coordinator's salary.- the most critical ingredient to TAP's success.; - ~ There were discussions held with WHAT last year, and we rnutually agreed that TAP 'should not. be integrated into the WHAT peer education program: The groups are very , different, the TAP presentations are meant to be done as a series, the TAP curriculum is . - ~ very structured, arid~the TAP peer'educators want their identity. That evolution may or . ... may not occur later, .but certainly will -not occur: if the peer educators are .not comfortable in .the transition. There were too many successes to risk failure by trying to move TAP to ` WHAT.- The groups collaborate oii some programs. and learn from one another; which will continue.. ~ . ~ - :.TAP is a long term investment in our teenagers. It takes years to changz attitudes acid behaviors in a society full of negative messages,. That does not deter TAP ;but rather ` magnifies the'necessity for efforts to continue.TAP in this community..As described in the ' evaluation section;. we are using standardized behavioral measurement instruments to ., ... measure the success rate of TAP. Thus, over time we hope that the results of the . evaluation will offer scientific evidence of the impact of our program, which-will help with -' funding efforts.. We hope that once these results are:documented, either county or private. ' fenders will be.willing to support our continuing efforts: ~ . Ideally,-TAP needs permanent and stable funding. As TAP •continues to perform well in this community, it is our hope that our community collaborators and partners. will assist us in supporting our efforts for~either county or private-funding for the TAP program; so that fund-raising and grantwriting does not take time .away from, TAP activities.:'. . ~ ,. ,; .. . '- After the current funding cycle from the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation, we were hopeful for more secure and stable multi-year .funding for TAP. We had planned to request total funding from the county for the continuation of TAP as an integral component of disease • - prevention. In light of the current budget, crisis in New Hanover County, however, New Hanover County Health Department did not request funding. of TAP from New Hanover `• County beyond the current level of support in this budget year. Vile, hope that the county ~ `° .: ~ - ~ ~_ 133 ` ., .. ,4 Revised: 4/30/99 CAPF F1EAR 1VIFNdORIAL FOUNI~A.'I'IOlel GRANT APPI.,ICATION FORM will be in a better position next year to expand support of-the program if other funding does not become available. We hope that you will consider funding us again. According to the article "HIV in the United States at the Turn of the Century: An Epidemic m Transition". (Am JPublic Health. 2001; 91:1060-1068), AIDS surveillance data show that the HIV epderriic is becoming increasingly concentrated among racial and ethnic minorities, women, and the poor. The article states that these populations need increased access to prevention programs. Similarly, according to Mr: Colin Powell, the. key to ending the AIDS epidemic is "prevention; prevention and more prevention" (Wilmington Star News, June 26,2001). TAP is heeding this call for prevention. -The TAP program already provides successful, well-attended programs for youth in this community. Without further funding, however, these programs will disappear in October. It is important to demonstrate to the high-risk adolescents in the housing developments, Juvenile Detention Center, and similar sites that TAP is not just another temporary program- providing hope, a structured environment, and guidance from peer mentors and adults for a short time, and then disappearing, leaving the adolescent residents without this positive, structured program in their community. TAP is too important to this population and to .this communityao end. TAP requests continued funding frorri your organization in order to allow TAP to survive this year,. in the hopes of receiving other support the following year. NHCI-ID hopes that TAP will continue to be a consistent force in these adolescent's lives- we request funding in order to make this happen. We welcome suggestions from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation on how to move TAP to a self-sufficient program and commit to .pursue other avenues. I~THCFID is extremely appreciative of the gift from your foundation and recognize that your generosity allowed us to continue this important work. . 5. If the funds are to be used for construction or equipment acquisition, explain the bidding process. N/A 134 ~ ' . ~ APPLlGATION FOR FUNDING VY1LL E ACCEPTED ONLY IF A LETTER OF IIVQUIRY;HAS BEEN SUBMITTED BY ORGANIZATION AND APPRO!/ED BY CFMF PRESIDENT ~ ' ~+ ' ~ `,Application Form Revised: 4130/99 ,,. , CAPE FEAR-MEMORIAL FOUNDATION '' .., - •~ _ `. GRANT APPLICATION FORM .. ,. • Part I11: Question 2 Attachment, Project/Program Information • ~ - ~ ~, ;. .. . Develop a complete project/program budget, ,including. income and expenses for the period you re requesting ', ~ . funds as shown below:- Project.8;i~dget: - ~' ,.From October 1, 2001 To September 30,2002 .. _ Expenses (by Category)' Income (by.Sources)~ , .t - i. .' • - Salaries/Wages :..... '..... _ . $33,467 Cape fear'Mem. Foundation `: $45,000 °. . 1 ~ F/T Health Educator - Fringe. Benefits ..... ..9;174 TAP Peer Educator ~ , . ~ - . ~'• Total ....... • : $42;641 • • Fundraising Activities . ° .. 500 , : Opera#ing Expenses ... ,Employee Mileage . ...::. ......~1;500 ~ ~ Total income .......:... $45,500 Training/Travel. . ~ ........... 1,359 ~ ... .. ., .. .Total Operating`Expenses ..: $2,859 NHGHD In-I{ind Support ..... $17;500 .. ~'OTAL Gra~at F2equest ..: ... $45,500:. ~ . ,. .~ , .. , ' hIHCH® In-Kind Supp®~, ~ , ' , Management Support ' ';'4 . ' , 2 hrs/wk x 52 wks x $12/hr .....1,248` . .. Fringe (25%) ...: ............. 31.2 ~• :: , • ` Administration , • - .,~. 1 firs/wk x 52 wks x $25/hr ..... 1,300 ` Frin e 25°Io ........ 325 . 9 ( ) _ , _... - Profiessionaf Staff Support '~ . ,, 3 hrs/wk x 52 wks x $25/hr plus 40 hrs ~~ initial training ... _ _ ..., ..:.... 3,900 ` .:,.Fringe ..:.....:.....~....... '975 ., " Space _; ~ ;. ,. (36•sq ft x $7/sq ft x 12 mo) ...3,024 Telephone ........:............ 200 . ~ '' Utilities ...........::.......... 600 , ~ ~ ,. Copier Services and Printing .~ .... 800 Employee Mileage. ..~:.... '..... 165 - - . ,Dept. Supplies .... . ... : ....:.. 1,651 - . `, Training/Travel ....:......... 1,800 Total NHCHD In-.Kind ... $16,300 . • Adult Mentor In-Kind Support ~ .. 32sessions/yr x 1.5 =hrs/session . ' x $25/hr- :.. , .:.. - •_ _ ... $1,200 - Total-I'r-Kind ...... . _:$17,500 ~ ~ ~~ °'Total Expenses: -.......:....::.. 63 000- ~ ~ Total Income: ... :....... 63 000 - - , , (including in-kirid)~ (.including in-kind} ' APPLICATION FOR FUNDING WILL BE ACCEPTED ONLY IF A LETTER OF INQUIRY HAS BEEN SUBMITTED BY ORGANIZATION AND APPROVED BY CFMF PRESIDENT Application Form Revised: 4!30!99 CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM PART IV: REPORTING REQUIREMENTS - ~ Do you agree to furnish to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation, in a timely manner, periodic progress reports informing the Foundation of the progress made by your project/program? If Progress Report forms are enclosed far projects previously funded for which.an annual repork has not yet been made, please complete the forms and return with this Application. SUBMITTED BY: David E. Rice, M.P.H., M. A. ~, Typed Name o Chief xecutive Officer of Requesting Organization 1~~/ . . Signature of Chief Executive Officer Date Health Director Title Wilson 0 Jewell, D D S Chairman, New Hanover o~nty Board of Health Typed Name of C irman//of the Board of Directors ~~~C~2~ ~~ °, Si nSi n-~of airman of the Board Date 9 of Director Signature of Chief Executive Officer and Board Chairman is required for Application to be viewed as complete. Completed Application must be received in the Office of Cape Fear Memorial Foundation by5:00 p.m. on the cutoff date for each grant cycle. The cutoff dates are January 75 and July 15 annually. 136 4 ' ~ IVE~Y HAN~IJER COUNTY BOARD OF CO'11~~ISS1®NERS •: REQUEST FOR BOARD:ACTIOIV ~ . Meeting. Date: 08106/01 .. -. ~.~ Co"nsent 1#em #: 9, Estimated Time: Page- Number., " ' Department: Health Presenter: -Beth Jones, Communicable Disease Director Contact: Beth Jones- 343-6648 - SUSJECT: . Grant Application-Center for Disease Control (CDC) TB. Elirnination.and :Prevention 010,0®®) from the Noah Carolina Department of Health and Human - Services, Division of Public Health, Tuberculosis Control`Prograrn ,. BRIEF SUMMARY: ; . ~ ' The Board of Health has approved this grant application for a CDC.TB Elimination and Prevention ": grant of $10,000 for Fiscal Year 2002, to better serve our.growng Hispanic population, to ' improve.TB services to ou{ patients, and to assist with outreach edu,catio,n activities. The funds will be used.to purchase equipment:for directly observed .therapy; to ,purchase . educational tools, to print and translate written material into Spanish, and to contract with ATI ; Interpreter Services.to pay for Spanish speaking interpreter to.work one day a week in the TB . 'Control Program. See. attached grant,for,more specifics. , - . ,, No county funds are required,. ~ ` RECOMMENDED MOTIOR9 AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve grant application'for.$10,000 and approve associated budget amendment if awarded. FUNDING SOURCE.: .. - . , - ~ The North Carolina Department of Health and Muman Services, Divi ion o~ ~~ Public Health, .Tuberculosis. Control Program ' ATTACHMENTS:. „ Yes-3 pages grant application (including memo notifying of requests forR~ap,plEcation) . _ `REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET:. Approve ~ HUMAN RESOURCES; N/A ~ . ., - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ - Recommend a;ppcoval as requested above. ~ `, COMM]'SSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMM'ENTS: ~. ' ' APPROVED / ~ - . ~ . , , : ~tEJECTED ~' ~ . . ., ~ , , Pr.EMOVED / ,. - : ~ POSTPONED I ,.. , ~~EARC3 ._ ___ ,..sr^ieo North Carolina Department of YIealth and 1Human Services ,~~'~-"°A'~' ~~ Division of Public I~ealth ~_ - ~ Section for Duman Ecology and Epidemiology. Y ~~ General Communicable Diseases Control Branch ®T>$ Control Program °~a,;,;;~° ' 225 North McDowell Street, room 3107 E 1905 Mail Service Center ®Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1905 Branch phone: 919-733-3419 ®Branch fax: 919-733-0490 1VIElYl®RANDl.11V1 TO: County and District Health Administrators TB Control Nurse .. Director of Nursing = Flt®M: Carol Dukes Hamilton, MD, TB Medical Director J. Steve Cline; DDS, Section Chie~~.~/~ Sl<JBdECT: Requests for Applications -CDC TB Elimination and Prevention Funds DATE': -July 2, 2001 ~ . Cc: Dr. Kelly McKee Communicable Diseases Branch Head, TB Nurse Consultants We are requesting proposals for one-time funding support focused around your county or district's efforts to control and prevent TB. The awards can be made up to $10,000 per county for any effort or purpose that will address a county need in TB prevention and control. Past awards have been used to purchase computer hardware, software and training for the TB nurse. Other awards have been provided for tuberculosis education, language training and the purchase and development of TB educational materials. Current requests are not limited to areas of prior awards. ' Please keep in mind that the CDC has placed an increased interest in both targeted testing and _ LL_, -- - treatment of latent. TB infection. Also in NC the great majority of TB cases reside with African American males, although the state's demographics have been undergoing a substantial shift toward Hispanic immigrants. Consider the population that you serve and their special needs. There may be an area that you would like to consider expanding if you had the resources. We want to hear your proposal to reduce or prevent TB iri either population group. . In order to simplify and expedite the review process, a template,for the proposal submittal is on the following page. Please limit your proposal to three pages or-less, and submit a budget revision at the time of your funding request. The deadline for receipt of all funding proposals in our Raleigh office is Friday August 3, 2001. You can expect to learn of the decision concerning your proposal during the week of September 17, 2001. ~~~ Thank you for your efforts~in the control and elimination of TB in North Carolina. We look forward to receiving your proposals. ~~a,,~~_ 1 ~.J V +G Olvlya~° °~ s Every Where. EveryDay. EveryBody. An Equal Opportunity /A~rmative Action Employer ,~ • h ..° . x~A~Tx D~P~TlYIEI'~'T ~ ° a • 2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET WILMINGTON; NC 28401-4946 a.a.a.aae,wa,~® ° ~t TELEPHONE`(910)'343-b500, FAX (910) 3'41-4146 ~~ Ev~rywhere:Everyaay.Everyhoay. .. • .. -. . '~ DAVYD E. RICE, M.P.H:, M.A. •.LYNDA F. SMITH, M.P.A. ' Health Director ; - ~ .' Assistant Health Director:. . • • ~ ~ CDC TB Elimination and Prevention _ .. Request for Funding by New Hanover County Health Department " - ~ North Carolina Department of Health .and Human Services ' Divisiori'of Public Health/ Tuberculosis Control Program July 13, 2001` • County: New Hanover' County;#: 065 ° ' `Person submitting this proposal: ~ ' . ~ . ~,. .. .. Name: Maureen Lamphere, RN ~ - `_ ~ Title: TB Control Nurse/NHCHD ~ - ' '. Mailing Address: 2029 S. 17`x' Street,.Wilmington; NC 2840:1 - ~ ~ ,. "Phone Number: (910) 343-6689 .Fax Number:: (9:10)"341- 4146' - - - '- Email Address:. tnlatn~herc~txhc~ov.com - ` ~ . . Number of persons under active surveillance:: 322 .-_ .. . . -- - .. .: Description of Proposal: '" <~ • ., .., ` TheNew Hanover County Health Department is requesting $10,000 funding to better serve-our growing Hispanic population, improve TB services to our patients; and assist with outreach ' educational activities. The number of Hispanics served. by the TB Control Program, as suspects, ' cases, and preventive: therapy has increased from. last year to this year. Funds would be spent by June~30, 2002. . . '. '. . ' i~ ~. , -' Budget Narrative: 1. $300.00 is re uested to urchase a 19" color television and cart to mount it on to be used by '~../ q p the TB nurses for directly observed therapy using the television video phone. There are situations with individuals who are cooperative and responsible in which the video phone can be used by the TB nurses reducing the need for home visits. The purchase of the TV would allow. the video . phone to be set up permanently rather than having to borrow a TV from the audiovisual . equipment room and having to set up the system each time it is used. 2. $150.00 is requested to purchase educational tools. One of our goals this year has been to provide educational inservices to skilled nursing facilities, assisted living homes, and various health care settings teaching the correct way to place a PPD, read a PPD, TB disease, TB infection, and the role of the Health Department. The educational tools that would be purchased are a flip chart to be a visual aid while lecturing and a TB testing arm set used for identifying positive TB reactions. The desired TB testing arm set is made of a new material which looks and feels like real skin. 3. $800.00 is requested to print and translate written material into Spanish for distribution at the Health Department. Most general educational materials needed are supplied by the State, but there are materials developed in the local departments for our use that need to be translated into Spanish. These include drug information sheets, contact letters, and local correspondence specific to our program or a particular patient type, for example pregnant women with positive TB skin tests. 4. $8,750.00 is requested to contract with ATI Interpreter Services. to pay for Spanish speaking interpreter to work one day a week in the TB Control Program. The busiest day in the TB program at the Health Department with the greatest numbers of Hispanics is Thursday, this day the Health Department's contracted interpreter is scheduled to be in the WIC clinic and unable to assist other programs. This requested interpreter would assist the TB nurses with DOT, DOPT, home visits, medication refills, telephone calls, and scheduling of Hispanic patients. Basic Spanish language training has been offered and attended by TB staff. At this time staff are not proficient enough in the language to assure adequate communication and understanding of Hispanics.beingwrved. We are continuing to educate our staff and all recruitment notices are requesting. bilingual applicants. ' 140 ~ C~ • ~IVEVl1 I~AIV~VER COUNTY B®ARD OF C0111~MISSIONERS - .. • ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ ' Fleeting ®ate:._ 08/06%01 ,,Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: ,, `Departm.ent:~ Health Presenter: Dianne Harvell, Environmental Health Director ~ ' • Coattactr. Dianne Harvell,. 343.6666. ~ - , SUBJECT: ,. • Approval of Budget Amendment- for X19,066 firom the Corps of Engineers for. ~._ Snow's Cut Spoil Island Pest (Mosquito) Management - BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board of Health -has approved this request; .The. residents of the area adjacent.to,the Snows ' Cut Spoil lsiand' (West End)' conveyed concerns to the. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers relative to mosquito problems. On July2,.20Q1j Howard Varnam, Contract Officer,. U:S. Army Corps_of Engineers requested New ' Hanover County Health Department,. Vector Control to assess the situafon at Shows Cut. New • Hanover County Health Department; Vector~Control has an integrated' pest management program along with gambusia minnows in .place at Snows Cut: The residents have ex'pressed' not to accept 'IPM management strategy of gambusia minnows with any larvicide option and want the standing • ~ water to be removed. ' • . P,R®.DEC1'E® ~J®RK PLAN ' New Hanover County Heath Department proposes' to move"soil from the high sandy end to fill. water area at Lovv end.. Note: Water- level inside is approximately eight foot below drain weir . `~ elevation.` The proposed project will require rental of equipment for a foue week-period due to the potenti'a'l unstable~•site work conditions. Work can also be supported with additional county owned. - ,. equipment if needed through intra=departmental .resources.. The project completion is dependent . upon the stability' of the material during backfilling operations. Work will commence upon approval. by the U,S. Army-Corps of Engineers. ` . PRCIJECTED COS3 Total Cost is $19,.066,•- see. attached 3 pages for more specifics, including an itemized budget page. Existing staff will provide the human resources~to com,pfete,this project. ~. .=RECOMMENDED MOTION Ah1D REQUESTED ACTLONS: , . - ~`"'Approve acceptance of $19,066 from the Corps of Engineer and related Budget Amendment No. `.02.0014. . :. FU1VDIlUG .SOURCE: i . Corps of.Engineer ' .' AT~ACNIVIENTS: • , ~. ~ • . - .. ` • pMF. 4. ' - 3 pages i.hc}uding an itemized budget on last page- ~~a~o2ooia w . .... .. . REVIEWED BY:~ _.. LEGAL:: FINANCE: Approve F3UDGET: Approve HUMAN-RESOURCES: N/A . ,' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND REC Acceptrecommendation as above. ,~~. , ~. COMM1SS10NERS° ACTIONS/COMMENTS: IDATIONS. ~,~. ~Uf`~0~~;~ . ~.~ a ~#PPROVED ~--~- i~EJECTED REMOVERS C~ j ~?`~,~ ~'OSTPONED ~ ~. ARID ~ ~ ~ fJ EXPLANATION: To budget revenue from Corps of Engineers for Snow's Cut spoil island mosquito management project. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATilS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners - - -----~ ~UiUTY ~i~N~68~ ~; APPROVED ®~ -,: REJECTED Ga REMQVED ~ '.,~T: POSTPONED ~ ~ '~~ ~' ~f.~KEARF~~` ~~~ ~ ~ , _ .~ k _ l~ . _d 142 ~'~~~°~: ~~~~~`~~ •. , _ Dianne ~ianrell To: David ERice/NHC@NHC, Lynda Smith/NHC@NHC cc: Dottie'Ray/NHC@NHC, Ken Sholar/NHC@NHC, Keith ~ 07/12/2001 .10:48 Studt/NHC@NHC, Sharon Neuschafer/NHC@NHC, Debbie, . ~, AM . ' Lovett/NHC@NHC . • ~ Subject .Corps 0# Engineers Request For Additional Work -Snow's Cut Dave_& Lynda, a ;Howard asked Ken to ;put together.a proposal for work on a dredge disposal island in Snow's Cut. • - L Minnows-+'larvicide are the current control methods on this site, however, neighboring property owners do' not find this adequate. Howard proposes that the site be modified to exclude standing water with available fill material. It will require rental of a-bul.{dozer due to site- stability questions. Ken & Keith have. pint together a proposal (see attachment): Best case scenario is o ;~• -complete in .1-week + rent"only large bulldozer. Worst case scenario is presented in proposal. ~~ ••: Howard wiai get a check cut to NHCoHD for $19,066.00 prior to our performing any~of the work, .. as this js outside the scope of our current C0E contract. Do we have fur permission to proceed ~.. . - DH , ~. ,, , , ,. . :. • ., •~, - Snows Cut Proiect:wpd , r - ;, .. Dianne Harwell ~ ~ ~. , ~~~ Environmental Health Director '. . New Hanover County Health Dept ~ ` , 2029:~:S 17th St Wilmington, NC 28401 ~ ~ ,. - Pfione-910-343-66.65 • i=ax•910-772.7810 - - :~ • • . ,~ . ~~ 143 , . ~ i July 11, 2001 Iloward Varnam, Contracting Officer ' L7.S. Army Corps of Engineers ' P O Box i 890 Wilmington, NC 28402 . RE: Snow's Cut Spoil Island (West End) Wilmington, North Carolina ` The residents of the area adjacent to the ~riow's Cut Spoil Island (West Ei~d) conveyed concer~~s to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers relative to mosquito problems. On July 2, 2001, I-Ioward Varnam, Cantract Officer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requested New PIanover County Health Department, Vector Control to assess the situation at Snow's Cut. New Ilanover County I~ealth Department, Vector Control has an integrated pest management program along with garcibusia rz~~nows in place at Snow's Cu±. The residents have conveyed not to accept IP1VI rnanagenzent strategy of gambusia rr_innows with any larvicide option and want the standing water to be removed. On July 10, 2001, I~1ew I~anover County i-Iealth Department, Vector Control stafl'revie~ved the work site and developed a work plan for Snow's Cut Spoil Island ~~Iest End and contacted 1-Iovaard Varnam with proposed abatement strategies. P1~O.IEC'plE~ WO~~ PLAN New'~Ianover County I-Iealth Department proposes to move soil from high sandy end to fill water area at love end. Note: Water level inside is approximately eight foot below drain weir elevation. The proposed pro jeet will require rental of equipment for a four week period due to the potential unstable site work canditions. Mork can also be supported with additional county owned equipment if needed thraugh intra-departmental resources. The project completion is dependent upon the stability oftlie material during backf~lling operations. Work will commence upon approval by the I.I. S. Army Corps of Engineers. P~O,~ECTE~ COST Equipment will be rented from private contractor. Rental (Large Dozer) $ 6,350. Rental (Small Dozer) 3,450 1~uel 3,000 Transportation 420 Labor (2 operators) 288 hours 5,846 'I'OTA, COST ~I9,066 dh/7/11/O1 1.44 i f~ {This pabe intentianally left black} r~, 146 _ C~ ~.. 9~'E~ HAN®\/E~t C®U(VTY B®AR~ ®F C®M~/IISS9®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _. - . " ~ Meeting Date: 08/06/01-. ~ . ' . Consent Item #c ".ll":Estimated Time: Page Number: ., , . . Department: Library Presenter: . F. . Contact: David Paynter "SUBJECT:` . Application for ~S#ate Aid to Public Libraries . BRIE' SUMMARY: " . The Maintenance of Effort Report and Declaration (MOE) and State Aide application forms are " requi-red to be completed before New Hanover County receives its share from the the Aid To .Public Libraries Fund; New .Hanover County Public Library anticipates receiving $198,252 for fisca1.2001/2002: This amount has been included in the Library's 2002 budget. ~~RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: "` -- Place state aid application and MOE on consent agenda for approval. Return signed application and. MOE to"library Administration by 8/31/0.1 deadline. ' FUNDING-SOURCE:. State Aid ~ •,~. .. ' ATTACHMENTS: ` . i Application for Slate Aid to Public,Libraries Maintenance of 'Effort Report and Declaration REVIEWED BV: LEGAL:.BV/A FINANCE: Approve • BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A GOIJNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND. RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend-approval as noted above. .~ r COMMISSIONERS'ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . , ", . ~ APPROVE®. ~- ; ~~ l9~EJECTED ~ ~: ;,i . , ~ t~OSTP01`dED ~ ~ ~' - i4Rp ~ ., ,t ~, ~~ Department of Cultural Resources State Library of North Carolina MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT REPORT AND DECLARATION State Fiscal Fear 2001-2002 (Submit one form for each city/county) The_ __ New Hanover County Public Library (Name of Library) will maintain its local governmental support in order to receive State Aid fiords in accordance with`,. N.C. Administrative Code, Chapter 2, Subchapter 2E, Section .0300: TOTAL County and/or City Appropriations Budgeted and Available for Expenditure FY 2000-2001 (Exch~dirlg capital oa~tlay and State Aid appropriations) ~~., 492,50 S 2, 705 X46 N-gw Ha~o~ze-r r~„n t,~ Name of City or County Signed: (City/County Manager or Finance Officer) for City/County of Signed: /~ ~~~~1~ ~~ (Library Director) Signed: :~ ~'. i~ .. . t ~~ ~, _i ~` . ~~A. SL/LD ~" Rev. 6/01 (Designated Finance Officer of Regional or Independent library governing board) Date: Date: ~ ~-,~~ ~ ~' Date: Submit application to: Library Development Section ~~ State Library of North Carolina ,¢~;~ 4640 Mail Service Center ,;,+~tl Raleigh, NC 27699-4640 `Postmark deadline for FY July 1, 2001 -June 30, 2002 application is August 31, 2001. TOTAL County and/or City Appropriations Budgeted and Available for Expenditure FY 2001-2002 (Ercludirag capi al outlay and Stcite Aid appropriations) , J . ~ ]Department of Cultural Resources • .. State Librai-.y of North Carolina , ' . 'aPPLICAT~~N FAR STATE AID TO PUBLIC LIB12~:RIES. ,.: , : State Fiscal.Year 200.1-2002 ~ . , • ~, ,` (Submit one form only) _ .., I, ~ ~ ~ ,~certlfy that the New NdrlOVPr C'nnnty Pi`ihl ; .~ 'r • 1-. Ted Davis,.. Jr. y, ,, °. •,. :. Name of Library ,. _... Slglja~llY'e ChairofCouniyCommissionersifCountyLibrary ~ ;Chair of Town/City Council i{Municipal Library ` .' ~ ~ Chair of Regional $oard of Trustees if Regional Library ^. Chair of Board oCTrustees if Independent County Library. ` haying~met th'e following requirements, hereby applies for funding from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund. . (il) ; ' Be legally established as required by North ,Carolina statutes. ~. (2) Provide library services easily available.without discrimination to all residents ofthe political, subdivision u supporting the library. ,(3) Employ a director•having a valid North Carolina public librarian certificate and successful.experience~as a • public librarian or administrator. ~ ~ - . (4) Secure operational funds from local government sources at least equal. to the amount budgeted the previous..year. " A. ~-rant to a loca111bra s stem from the Aid to Publtc Libraries F ' p p Y Y p and shall not be terminated but shall be reduced ro ortionatel b the De artment of Cultural Resources if the local funding for a public library was reduced by the-Iocal gov~rriing body as part of an overall general budgetary reduction reflecting local .economic ` conditions and local government fiscal constraints. State funds shall not replace local funds appropriated'for ' ,public library operations, • ~ • • (~) .Expend:funds as authorized in the adopted budget. flny library having an unencumbered operational balance of ' .more than sevznteen percent (17%) of the previous year's operating receiptswill have tfie difference,deducted' . from its state allocation.. • _ (6) 'Obtain aggi-e~ate operational funds from local. sources at least equaling State Aid.. ~_ .~ (7) ,. Pay salaries for professional positions funded from State Aid that are no less than the scale required by-the Division of State Library. • (a) Eacli professional position funded with State.Aid must be~supported by two full-time equivalent {FTE) . " paraprofessional positions. (b) Public LibrananrsrC rtificate e:paid in whole or in part. from State Aid must have a valid North Carolina ' (8) Obtain an annual audit:of.library accounts according to generally accepted accounting principles and submit a copy of.this audit to the Division of State Library by February.2$ of each year. ` ' (9) .Submit a copy of.bylaws and personnel policies to the Division of State Library. {10) C.ompile an:assessment of the library needs of the community, prepare and annually revise along-range plan of = service,. and subrnit copies of needs assessment and Gong-range plans.of service to the Division of State Librarv. , , {I1) Submit a copy of-the agreement establishing the regional or county library, if composed of more than one local ` ' ~ ='governmental unit. ~ .. ' ' _ . (~12) Meet the following stipulations when establishing a new~library or withdrawing,from a larger system: . , . , (a) meet all .qualifications for the State Aid to Public. Libraries prog-ram on•July, l of the yearpri`or to the fiscal . 'year that the library plans to receive State Aid; ' {b) continue to meet all qualifications.fnr the State Aid to Public Libraries program from July 1. to 7une~30 of that year, which shall be known as the demonstration year; • . (c) . file a full application for State Aid by.the June 30 deadline at the close' of the demonstration year iri order to . receive State Aid iri the next fiscal year. , • . ~ •~ ~ Submit application to: Library Development Seciion . , ~ `~ _ ~ • 3 ~• State Library of North Carolina, ' _ 4640 lYlail Service Center ~L/LD ~ Raleigh,' NC 27699-4640 ' , • Rev. 6/01 Postmark deadline for FY July 1, 2001- -June 30, 2002 , - ~ "~' applica#ion is August 31, 2001. Department of Cultural Resources State Library of North Carolina ASSURANCE OF PROFESSIONAL LIBRARIANS WHOSE SALARIES ARE FUNDED WITH STATE AID MONEY State Fiscal Year 2001-2002 The New Hanover- County Public Li:brar~r ' (Name of Library) ~. • -.. Choose one: u (~ Does not pay any professional salaries from State Aid funds ()Does pay the following salaries in whole or in part from State Aid fiends Signed: ~~ ~.~ ~,.~°~'~~ (Librar ector) (Date) The following professional librarians (minimum salary $28,31) will be paid in full or in part frond State Aid funds: NAME ,POSITION *Support Staff: (1) Name (2) Name NAME POSITION *Support Staff: (1) Name. (2) Name. NAME POSITION *Support Staff: . (1) Name (2} Name - SALARY CERTIFICATE NO. _ SALARY _No. of hours per week No. of hours per week -CERTIFICATE NO. No. of hours per week ; No. of hours per week CERTIFICATE NO SALARY • No. of hours per week No. of hours per week *Each professional position funded with State Aid must be supported by two (2) full-time equivalent (FTE) para- professional positions. SLL Re . ~ Submit application to: Library Development Section State Library of North Carolina 4640 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4640. Postmark deadline for:FY July 1, 2001 -June 30, 2002 application is August 31, 2001. J :, i ,. E • oQ . - , ~ ~x • .+z . .~ v, ~ ~m ~ .•ronmr.rn r: ~ ` ~ 00000. o v " n ^ 3 ~" ( w. - ~ +N@@@ N' 1 r * @~ `O {n 0000 U'1. K ~ ~ . .t - W W h ~ w c.7 C] .,# r~+0 r m ' H 0 + Mt+g . Nry .T ~ ~ r~0 ry ~' p .7' "f ~. „ : '• O ~ N . ~ a ' ~. # - ~. ~ . . ... .- raO rN'trC• ~ .. # ~T'ti-NCDO@~ N 00000 O O f^ r ~• to 0000 t(1 ~.., ~ ~. . oaiu w w .., o, N w c' ~ .~.. ~ - - • , # ...~~OOR10~0+ O: ei h-.tNN@OI~ to •00000` O' O, m-~, ,~ tit ~ _ V,#MSn t!1 ~'1ta ~O rnw T 0000: u1 ~ p ~. ~ - y . ., .. ... Z W W o w r w,w ~. N~1LL 101r ,p~ m O~ vqV! -. °K r w ¢` " `T " +4 ; * ~ww .r v. m Q # '"' . .- ~ • ~ ` uooooo0 W O tt1 O.-1 O r+ ooolno o r. .~. 2 TOO-•tN Rlf!1 {n: N O rti.ti O N O .y ..{ ' CT r+NNN P • • ~ .µ .. .O - C~~-14•iNNNN Qs H p . O '-I H '~R1 ~S'~T ~T ttl Or Vi ~0 ~0: ~ - ~ . # .~ - Q r+. w - U ..~ .. lLW W U h , ., . Stn - Y ~. W 111ZW ~F Z o a , ~ ~ ~ nl-az z ~ w w " w3 xc ~ ~ .. ~ z r- ~ z ,. ~ ~ p. } f XOILK U U W '4 Cn to QC7 O C .. Ycr Z WW!- WN p W = 3 N IyJ. ~~ 1 -~ ' Q U' JJ ~N 4 ~ .. - rZNh- CU C,7 h•r JU2. G WOW CM- H H a'GJ d ( •7 -.. LNaUW Q Q " : QCYQ Ztr 3067 aJ Z:3 Qi-.UQ ~ L a. WWOh•+? CQ p -. .ONO • Ca0 ,. O .J-^O KY C - Z ~ Fr SL.7 t/70 C. a C7 'W as as tJ O UQa10F- -O Q R+ J 'U Zv7~A tnH z o c "rQJHM- O w O J ~ ,. . - W S ~ O - ~ V 4 UFe J ~ ~ W -t 7 H LL... i. ~2Q~ CDU/-WW - ~ ' _ . . r t ~ Q YWZ 1-+ ~ J 3 H HO~.` ~ tnatnW J a I-. W Zd J 4 p p ~ ` - @ W Z ~O to WQ.'~:JQ M- Z W l7W C7 Q !•-• LL H. ... w F. ~® - . .r [C -JW4tn D °- HH ~ O a r- J • - coacru.. r x .r .. aa•-t~•,..rn ar-ztnz ~. W Yr ~f:ura ut- zaxo-., ~. w.ay,oa atupwwr. ~ zr. Nf-NCSJ p , awacz ~... ~.. , • al- u: _. c: • O•rOOC7000' O: ~ O~00001 O p; O ,Q ': m~ a. ' ' .. x m' ... ~ a. , srwo: o: , 0. H A o rn . ( ~ .. ' ~ N .-1-. o: ~ :a V ' M ; ~ Y' w ^1 Q ' r. W C' ' dF F-- O ~ .o . - w ('r - `a , a m .-~ ~ ~ ~ w t~. ~ J tY # O\. . o..~ ¢ca . a~ O ~. CP -- r. ~ ~' O, d'F•d' #QO w - ~- _ , NH J. W oN ~; ~ opa~~~ ~ 151 ....' yr+ f„-. r . , Q4., oZ.., ,a, is ' ^ ... ~ , ,... n. ZZ ZC7- X~ ~ ~ N NU ~ ~ ~~ .. _ 00 Oa W. .~ . ~. . {This page intenti®nally left blank} 152 ~ NEW HAN~V~R C®U.6VTV B®AR® ®F CONINIISSI:®NERS = ~ REQUEST fOR BOAR® ACTION Meeting Date.: 08/06/01 NE1i~ 6~AN®VER C~111V1'Y B®ARB OF C®IVIMlSSI®~ERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Mee#ing Date: 08/06/01 Budget Amendment ,~. ~.. Consent Item #: ~~ Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Federal Forfeited Property BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-03 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Federal .Forfeited Property $4,449 Capital Project Expense $4,449 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional revenue received 6-1$-O1. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Cammissioners ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~ (~~~} rip„~ p~~®y~{~A{n7 ~ ~'~,~fRdVED ~/ j ~ ~~} ~~~~~TE=D © 1 ~~ ~ ~~~~~1=0 -~" ~~r~i~~~ I~ ~ // ((~~ 154 - . . EVE` i~~t~®V~~ C®U1VTV ~®AR® OF C®IVI~VIISSIC~IVERS .. - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV ~ ~ 1 • Mee#ing Date: 08/06/01 ~, • . . ~ • ~ 8~dget ~mendri~ent ~~~.~ . 'Consent Ltem #:~t, Estimated Time:.. Page .Number: .. ~ , . DEPARTMfNTc Library Renovation Capital Project • . .BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-05 ~ ~ ' . ADJUSTMENT.,. '', _ DEBIT CREDIT'. ~Cape-Fear Memorial: Foundation Grant $50,000 ' ~ ~ Capital Project Expense. ~ $50 000 EXPLANATION: To increase budget foi• grant awarded from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation for' the Consumer Wealth Library/Space Renovation .project. This grant was accepted by tfie . :Commissi;oners at the 5-21-,01 meeting. . Y .ADDITIONAL INFORMATLON: , ~ • APPROVAL STATUS: For Budget Officer's approval; thin report to Board Of Commissioriers at ` next regular meeting ,, ~. ~ COMMISSi06VERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • .... ',~' ` ~ ~ _ ~ Y ~y ~p~ovE~ ~ ~~ . . ~~iECr~® .. REMOVE :. . . :. ~ '' I ' ~~ i . ~• - , _ ~ .. ~ . ~ m 1 X55 F~ :.- ,.,. ,, .t - -=, y.~ rlii ~t.it; •~.1 ' r ...~. l ~1~~~1" ~.