Agenda 2001 08-20~~~ . dfi" ~~ -.. ~~A~O~GR CD r {r G .f: ~ i~ ,, _ ',~ ,~ NSJE` IMPO/E%P/ O~ IMOUttnr ~FNOR4H~'p NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 , .~cw,,C ~e~ Wilmington, NC ~ ~ _~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD August 20, 2001 9:00 a.m.. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of Service Awards 1 9:20 a.m. 2. Recognition of New Employees 3 - 9:25 a.m. 3. Presentation of Distinguished Budget Award to the Budget Department 5 9:30 a.m. 4. Presentation of Certifcate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to 11 ' the Finance Department ~~ 9:40 a.m. 5. Presentation by Betty Ann Sanders Adult Day Care Center 15 9:5,0 a.m. - 6. Consideration of Use of Bonds Interest Earnings by Cape Fear Community College 21. 10:00 a.m. 7. Jail Project Update and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #2001-09 25 10:10 a.m. 8: Consideration of Establishment of Living Memorial Policy ~ 31 10:15 a.m. 9. Public Hearing on County's Application for Rural Operating Assistance Funds 33 - 10:25 a.rn. 10. Public Hearing on Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) from U.S. 35 Department of Justice, Bureau of Jus~c Assistance F`~ 3nu1 10:35 a.m. 11. Public Hearing for NCDOT 2001-2002 Secondary Road Construction Program. in 37 , New Hanover County 10:50 a.m. ~ 12. Consideration of Personnel Policy, Article IX Sea(C)3, Continuation of Insurance 47 Benefits for County Commissioners 11:00 a.m. 13. Consideration of Resolution Requesting New Hanover County Legislative Delegation 49 to Introduce and Support a One Cent Local Option Sales Tax for Education 11:10 a.m. 14. Committee Appointments 53 11:20 a.m. 15 Public Health Foundation ~ ~ ~ 105 11:30 a.m. 16. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 113 11:55 a.m. 12 05 Non Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) 4 : p.m. Additional Items -County Commissioners, County Attorney, County Manager 12:15 p.m. Adjourn Note: Times listed for each item is estimated, a nd in the event that a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move to the next item Cc~ b +~~, ~~ ~eu,c~~ !~ ~`~ Co u~~Nia G, . MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC August 20, 2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. Non-Agenda Items (limit to 3 minutes) 113 Consideration of Acceptance of Donation of Property by R.C. Fowler Properties, Inc. 11 Presentation on Status of Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) McKim and 119 Creed/Hazen & Sawyer Consideration of Capital Project Ordinance Bald Eagle Lane/Figure Eight Water Extensions 12 ] Contract No. 01-0284B and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #2002-08 Consideration of Acceptance of Public Dedication Mishoe Estates, Castle Hayne 127 Consideration of Utility Agreement Installation of 24 Inch Steel Encasement for Future 131 Waterline NCDOT Contract #02-0027 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS August,20, 2001 • ITEMS OF BUSINESS .PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 141 2. Approval of Award of Contract #01-0339 for Scrap Tire Management Central Carolina Tire 143 Disposal 3. Approval of FY O 1-02 HUD Grant and Associated Budget Amendment #02-0026 149 4. Approval of New Hanover County Board of Education FY01-02 Budget Resolution 153 5. Approval of Collection Settlements Reports and Changes of 2001 Levy 157 6. Approval of Release of Value 163 7. New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports 165 8. Approval of Resolution Opposing Reduction of Federal Funding for Beach Nourishment 169 9. Approval of Revision of Current Formal Bid Threshold for Purchasing Contracts from 173 $30,000 to $50,000 10. Approval to Waive the Tipping Fee for Big Sweep Beach Cleanup 175 Approval of Budget Amendments: 11.1 # 02-0021 To Budget Appropriated Funds Balance for Outstanding Purchase Orders as of 179 June 30, 2001 11.2 #02-0022 Public Health/Health Education ~ 183 11.3. #02-0023 To Rollover Unexpended Grant Funds from FY 00-01 to FY O 1-02 185 11.4 #02-0024 To Rollover Expenditures from FY 00-01 to FY 01-02 187 11.5 #02-0025 Cooperative Extension ~ 189' 11.6 #02-0027 Public Health/Navigator Partnership 191 11.7 #02-0028 Public Health/Navigator Grant Awards 195 1 i.8 ' #02-0030 Public Health/Nlaternal Outreach- Workers 199 11.9 #02-0037 County Manager's Office/NHC-TV 201 • NE11V HAIV®VER COt1iVTY ~®AR® OF ~®IVIIYIISSI®IVERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® AC1'1®iV Meeting ®ate:, 08/20/01 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant SUBJECT: Presentation of 6Vew Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Christopher M. Long -,Sheriff's Dept.; Timothy W. Alford -Sheriff's Dept.; Warren H. Holt, II -Inspections; Steve A. Nichols -Engineering; Grant D. Gore - Planning; Paula J. Calvert -Health; Kenean B. Kelly -Sheriff's Dept.; Charles L. Wilson - Sheriff's Dept.; Ellen M. Bennett -Sheriff's Dept.; Kimberlee G. Taylor -Emergency Management; Edward A. Wilson -Engineering; Amanda G. Charles -Human Relations; Joseph E. Sheppard - Library; TEN (10) YEAR: Edward J. McMahon -Sheri`ff's Dept.; Craig B. Springer -Sheriff's Dept.; Billy R. Hinson -WASTEC; Nancy R. Russ -Health; Harold G. Adams -Sheriff's Dept.; Douglas H. Price -Sheriff's Dept.; Tommie M. Wells -Library; Jackie L. Jones -Parks; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Teresa P. Elmore -County Commissioners'; Wayne D. Bailey -Sheriff's Dept.; Willie S. Springer - WASTEC; Patricia A. Johnson -Health; Merrily F. Locke -Human Relations; Stephen T. Edens - WASTEC; Evelyn E. Lorek -Finance; Jenean N. Todd -Cape Fear Museum; TWENTY (20) YEAR: Betty M. Maynard -Sheriff's Dept.; Mary M. Antley - "Sheriff's Dept.; Burris K. Fowler - Inspections; Martha A. Robinson -Health; Sharon L. Neuschafer -Health; Martha H. Stein -Social Services; Marsha P. Hayes -Library; Harry Tuchmayer -Library; and TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEAR: Mary Ann Walton. -Human Resources. *Please note the employees entitled to service awards during the month of July are included on this list. Service Awards are scheduled to be presented during morning meetings and there was no morning meeting held in July. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING. SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: JTEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recognize employees and present service awa COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: M rd"Oi1NTY ~0!V1MISStO~_. APPROVED REJECTED p REMOVED ~ /, PQSTFONED ~ ~ ~~ E~EARi) ~ ~ / rf ~ - {7'i~ pale intentionally left black} ~~ ~;~r~r ,~° a .a,Er{~," €~~,~ ~`~~ ~; '~ $ ` ~ --=.-- ~" NEB FlANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COlV!!V!!SSlONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTT®N Meeting Date: 08/20/01 ~p Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene Carney S U ii3J ECT: Recognition of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY:. A fist of newly hired county employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEn11 bOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize and welcome new employees~;"~'~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS,~~1`°"~~ r~~~tfflfT1' 04MM1~' 1 APPROVED REJECTED - L~~ . IYEMG~JI~D C~ ~ P05T~'ONED L~EA:'~i) , t x'-46 m, 3 {This page intentionally left blank} 0 ~ `r~ ~'' ~>. ~~ ~.: ~~ I F j,~ ~~:/ NEVV HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CONIIVIISSIO(VERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT90(V Meeting Date: OS/20/01 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Davis/Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal, County Manager SUBJECT: Presentation of the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the Budget Department for Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2000 BRIEF SUMMARY: Notification has been received from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada that New Hanover County has qualified to receive the.Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the tenth consecutive year. The award is for New Hanover County's budget submitted for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2000. This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting. The budget is reviewed by a panel of independent budget experts who use extensive criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the budget as: a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communication device. Award-winning documents must be rated '°proficient°' in all four categories. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend that the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award be presented to the New Hanover County Budget Department. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTAC~lMENTS: 1. Certificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation 2. Distinguished Budget Presentation Award 1TEiVl. DOES lVOT REQUfRE REVIEI/1/ LVVIY 1 T IVI}~IV!-1laCK J l+V1YIIVIGIV 1 J HIdU KCVVLYIIYI~iVIJHi iVIVJ:, - --- Present award to Budget Department ~~ +~®~IT APPROVED ~ ' ?EJECTED Q • REA~~OVED ~CSi'F'~iVED ~ ~ 5 I;~~~~~ _/ °~ ~ f , f ~( G ~ ~~ ~ _ -~ ;~ ;~ y v ;~ cd ~, ~ r Q~ ~-/ r,) CCU ~ --~ ~ ~ ~ r-+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 4, ~ ~d .L-~~ ~ C~ ~ V I I iii*i l ~ y i i ~ I `°"J~'~r~'~"~'' l 1:J 't1r~O I ,~ ~ ~ ~}'.el I `~~) , ~~ l ~~ ' lii ~ , t c z '.~.1 r '.+~ c ,~ ~~ ~- H Q v N- ti a Z ~~~~o ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ o> ~ y •~~ ~~ N v ~ ~: C ~ ,~„ ~ a o c, °~' ~ M~ c. ~ y h ~~ V Y J ~ ~ S.` v C C C' o, •~, ,~ v, y ~ ~' v M Y ti v ,~ Ct Y v^O hn ~ h 'L ti O ~~ ~b.~ V V H v ~ N u, v ^N J ~' ~; N .: ~ ~,; p: ~ ~ ~ i, -.°? , a ~ ti ~~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ V ~ N N ~~° _ a 'a ~.~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~„ ~~~ ~~.~- U ` ~ ~"~ ~. ~ c, ~, ~a s ~ ~ ~~ ~ ti. a, ~;{~ ~4.. ?~~ ~.;..s ' `~;., a•~ 4 :. `'-5j ~:: ~b n* ( {y~,A O ^~ `~ O ~ ` ' = . N o rz ~~ Q 1V~vv ~lar~®ver ~c~unty, lu~rth Caroling GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 180 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60601 312/977-9700 ~ Fax: 312/977-4806 June 1 S`, 2001 Mr. Allen O'Neal County Manager ...New Hanover County 320 Chestnut St. #502 Wilmington NC 28401 Dear Mr. O'Neal: I am pleased to notify you that the New Hanover County has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the current year from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting and represents a significant achievement by your organization. When a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award is granted to an entity, A Certificate of Recognition for Budget Presentation is also presented to.the individual or department designated as being primarily responsible for its having achieved the award. This has been presented to: The Budget Department We hope you will arrange for a formal public presentation of the award, and that appropriate publicity will be given to this notable achievement. A press release is enclosed for your use. We appreciate your participation in GFOA`s Budget Awards Programs. Through your example, we hope that other entities will be encouraged to achieve excellence in budgeting. Sincerely, Jeffrey L. Esser Executive Director JLE/jamcj Enclosure V WASHINGTON OFFICE 1750 K Street, N.W., Suite 350, Washington, DC 20006 202/429-2750 • Fax: 202/429-2755 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 180 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60601 312/977-9700 • Fax: 312/977-4806 June 1.52, 2001 PRESS .RELEASE For further information, please contact Stephen J. Gauthier at (312} 977-9700 m.®®em®nmm^aem^mm®sm®esaes®mm®^s-m®®^amesne^^ase^aas®aem®m®meemese'm^®n®vasammmam~ Chicago-The Government Finance Officers Association of the United .States and Canada (GFOA} is pleased to announce that New Hanover County has received the GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its budget. The award represents a significant achievement by the entity. It reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to receive the budget award, the entity had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are desigried to assess how well an entity's budget serves as: ~ ;4 policy document A financial plan ~ An operations guide - A communications device Budget documents must be rated "proficient" in all four categories to receive the award When a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award is granted to an entity, a Certificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation is also. presented to the individual or department designated as being primarily responsible for its having achieved the award. This has been presented to The Budget Department . Since the inception of the GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program in 1984, approximately 900 entities have received the award. Award recipients have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and to provide an excellent exampEe for other governments throughout North America. The Government Finance Officer's Association is a nonprofit professional association, serving 14,100 government finance professionals throughout North America. The GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program is the only national awards program in governmental budgeting. • WASHINGTON OFFICE 1750 K Street, N.W., Suite 650, Washington, DC 20006 202/429-2750 • Fax: 202/429-2755 {'his page intentionally left blank} 10 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF CONIIVIISSIONERS REQUEST FOR B®ARD ACTION Meeting Date: O8~/20/01 Regular .Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Chairman Davis/Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Presentation of Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Finance Deparment BRIEF SUMMARY: A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers .Association of the United States and Canada to government units end public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. This is the 20th year the New Hanover County Finance Department has received this award. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTEb ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE:. ATTACHMENTS: lTEIVI DOES 1VOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make presentation to Finance Department staff. ,~` ~a ~"~, __~-~; COMMISSIONERS° ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~''~,~~; °` r~0 GOMN115S ~,~ APPROVED 6tEJECTED © F REMOVED ~ C~ ~~ ,' " POSTPONED ~ .. , k~ VIII=ARi). ~j ~j ~ ~ ._ , Iy,~,~, ~ GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 180 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 800, Chicago, Illinois 60601 Apri 1 13 , 2 0 O 1 312/977-9700 • Fax: 312/977-4806 For information contact: NEWS RELEASE Stephen Gauthier (312) 977-9700 (Chicago)--The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Finan- cial Reporting has been awarded to: New Hanover County, NC by the Government Finance Officers Association of the ,United States and Canada (GFOA) for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR). The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplish- ment by a government and its management. An Award of Financial Reporting Achievement has been awarded to the individual(s), department or agency designated by the government as primarily responsible for preparing the award- winning CAFR. This has been presented to: R. Bruce T. Shell, CPA, Finance Director The CAFR has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program including demonstrating a construc- tive "spirit of full disclosure" to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR. The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association serving app;roxi,matehy(~!y~~1,P4q~_i,x~07n00- government finance professionals with offices ~~~L4fi,.w v~~. viMV~'E~i :.t, ~~ YVtii~ in 'Chicago` ~ I~l~hJi• oils , and Washington; D . C . ~:~~~~~ ~a~~ -~~~ 3 0 - ~a~~ WASHINGTON OFFICE 1750 K Street, N.W., Suite 650, Washington, DC 20006 202/429-2750 • Fax: 202/429-2755 • • • O .~ U O `~' ~. o ~ ~, U U ,..G ~ ~ .., ~+ N ~ +"' 4.i Cf~ '~ ~„'' N v "_' O ~ ~. 4.a 0- I~I I I I II II II II ~ ~' .~ ~_ o~ ~T~~T ~ P~ 0 ,~ .~ r-~ <O<f~ f7 U a ~ ,~ U O ~ ~ ~ .-I N ',~ r--; ~ Q ~ ~ U ~ [~ ~ O ~ ~ U U -~-I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ rt~ ~. ~ ~ '~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ a o ~~ o ~ ~~ x ~ . ;, '„ . .~ ~ s~ ~ ~~ o ~ ~ o s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ la ~ ~ ti 4i ~` . ti N ~ ,~ ~ ~ i. Ci ~ ~+ ~ ~ a ~ k ~~ ~ .~y U a ~ ? O O a., ~ o eo ~ ~ ~ ~ "^' J N ,~ M ~ S, o'^, ~ ~,~~, ~ ~ ` C*1 ~ ~ S`~ N 7 ~ O~`~T`~ a ~i V ti H "~ L e ~ ~ ~ o ") AA ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~o~ ~ v •~ ~ '~ ~y ^~ ~ V N ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ o v ~ ' ~ o . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ o ~' ~a ° '' ~ ' '~ ° ~ a, v ~ ~ ~ C q a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ o v ~ ~ °; ,0 4V a~. , W q {This page intend®nally left blank} 14 NEB HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMIVIlSSlONERS REQUEST .FOR BOARD ACT80N - Meeting Date: OS/20/01 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Betty Ann Sanders Contact: Betty Ann Sanders SUBJECT:: Coastal Adult Day Care; Senior Health Fair BRIEF SUMMARY: Hear presentation on Senior Health Fair to be held at Westfield Mall on Saturday, August 25 2001 from 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. County Commissioners are invited to attend. RECOMMENDED M®TION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITElvI DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEVI/ COUNTY MANAGE Hear Presentation. /CO ~~Qt,1fUT'Y ~6~iMi9~ APPROVEQ ~ ' REJECTED Q REMOVED C~ ~f . ` PQSTPONED ~ i l-~EARC) . r;~: _ FROM CADCG~0D8©OBBORHOLLYP.IDGE PHONE N0. 19103958218 Aug. 13 2001 11:30AM P1 a ~ ~ a ~~ ~~ } ~~ ~ . ~~ ~p ~ ~~~ ,__ ~ ~' ~ t; FP.OM CAD000000©aBOP.HOLLYP. I DGE .~ oas~al Adult I~ay ~alre 3 ,~,, Staff Betty Ann 5andets, executive Uirecror Jennifer Sandra, Program Direcu>r ~,ngus$ 43, 2004 Beth Grc>orns. Activity Director Jute Stowelk, RN, C:linicai Services 1 Jirertur 5y19 C>lea~icler l-)rive • Stiitc 12l • Wiltttingc~~r~, N(: 28493 Tcl: 910-799~~81$ •Fax: y10-799-.3.30.3 E-Moil: cvc~st~~ladultilayc.:ire~r~fli>rmail.com Wrb: www.eu~stal~dultdaycare.c~m IYIr. Allea~ t4'I~Teil l~Tew Flano~ver Coanty 11~anager F'a~: 3d4-4027 fldvisory ~oartl Virginia W Adams,1;2N, Pk~i.-.~. Dare ~? Pwf~ssor School of , ~e~r ~~'• (!'~d~il: Nursing, UNCW ~n Saturday, August 25, 2004, Coastal Adllit 1)ay Cale vvil~ be Elear;or Krsssrn ~.SJYHII, 1'h.I~_ ~1.10alSQe'irlg a .~~89fl0'!' tS11411~ ~~Ir. ~lAC1rL' will 11~ appro:~ianate~ 30 'Professor of Sociolo~j~ grid pt ®v?der3 re~Da-ese~ted and 20 s~}~a1IC~A's. ~yQ&' .Ones M1'vill o~Den ~~le Dircc.ur of Geranrola~, 11N<:W f~&~" ~~ 40:OOa;zla. tl'1'e w®uld like tQ Ind'Ite tiles ~'®IffiYnYSffii®HIC3'S ttl Q`OSH94: by and speak at tllss exciting event. We a~ e~.4rectang 30,00®-- 50,000 l:cc A.. Jackson, Jr., Ph.D. people ~O a@telltl. PrOf~ssnr ur~d ChrtirJ~er~rm. PsycholnAy Deparrment, UNL'1A1 E~ttaClle(1 is a copy Of file $~yer said 5138a1Cer5 sClledLtle for ~®at t® review. If yor<I should llas~e any galestions, please feel flee to sell Hll~. t)an Johnson, P11,D., CTRS Delkirtment ~f I~ealth., I'hysiral l:diuation. and Rec7eari~m, (.INC:W" Audrey C, Marshall, CSW P Nrlson Reid, Ph.L). Chair, Deparrmenc of Sncial u'/ork, UNC~X/ Racy K. Rudyk, M.J.~.> FRCPC Our Family Curing Fvr Your ~'amtly ~o-li'3 1'I'iill~', et n Sanders Exettiu>tave lC9irector PHONE N0. 19103958218 Aug. 13 2001 11:32AM P2 17 FROM CADCBBBOBaOBORHOLLYP,IDGE PHONE N0. 19103958218 Aug. 13.2001 11:32AM P3 Organization... ...._.---....._. ............._ Gantact.---Person .... ~. ':1"ele~hane .. .Tak~._es..... a.o,rs.. Exesg'sse and Yoga . ... Susan Keller-,_..._.._._ . _256-20$4 ... 7' 2' -. - Norizgns Center for HeaGng_Aris_---...;.Janice-Nuliiam„__._:_-; 395-287 i.-- ~ - 7... New „i ~ ......z ,. NHRMC .;,Eileen McCom!ilE-_--- ' 343-2681------- ------------ 1= --------_----.2I ~UNCW Div. of Pub._Sery. & Extendesi_EduTbAnnette Anderson„ _:962-~0®0.„- ..._. -____-_-__-_1 ` ...... ~_ 3_ 'Cornetia Nixon Davis _ Randy_-BarvSngton-,.. ..686_77.95 ....:... ~ .....__....._7' ......._.., ~- Area Agency-on Ag1ng ......................... _._ .__~Jane .tones 395-~F5S3 .~, __....... '~ __-_-- . Senior Center :Annette Crumptc~_- _s 452-640 --------._~' ,..........._~. Choice Care--Giyers ..................--------.._....._.._. .....Adeline_Rab~rtson.. ...254-3438---~-- ---..... ,.......~..._ ....----.......2- .- Southeastem Mental_Healtti Center -•----_- --- '-Parr' Thompson..-..._. __s.796= 3'1_14.:.. ......_--_- 1 _ _---.----.... ~Laplan_---_-_ ........... ... ~ Sondra Robertson s 39Z~$170-, -._„.--,.„- .1 ! - _.---------_-2 Lover C2pe_F~a~ Haspice_..-------..._-- ~ iGmberiy Paul......, 772--5444 .-...,,,...1 ~ Z Parkinsons Association Shiriey,_MitEer,,..„_, .-;392-697 z.-_~ _-_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7': .........._._4 Carolina Can-snes ... .-.-- ;Rick Narriston 35'0-19$1__._.b- ,--____-.--.-,1.,, --„ ,,,,_-,-.-2 Ser-aor ID ~YYPD?_--------------------...__--- ................. :Verna Atwood ~ 3.43-3945 - - .~~.~-.s........__-._........_..-..._._-__...__y....._.._._....,,,.,.,...__ _-- - -....._ 7 . _. _y. 4 ...-_...__........ Accessible Trans~iort',ation------._... ~ Jim Sieme ': 392-0873 ~ ...._... '~ ._._._.._._._2. Crystal..Coast._Physica) Therapy-_ ............ ...... Ret~cca Peabody._ --_- 68'6~~58 -,~ 1 ~ 2 eR.o.~~~.. R~ n7.~G ~ Jean Marie ~: 762-2683 1= 2 tVancy 84ack-_-____-__-- 791-8585 ~ 1' 4 Karen :349-1711 ~ 7_ --___. 2 '.= Carla ~ 762--7924 _ 1 2 _. Bobbi Smith 251--5020 `•. 1. 2 ~~ Cade,-Fear-Literac ~' .Fitness farwLtfe ,_ . ~~il~...Graie~c„~er.. ,.,,.,.,6,2.57-0,97_°1,.:. -7.~ 2 ~~Greg IGoeniq ':• 799-8199 1 4 18 FRAM CADC©0000®BBORHOLLYP.IDGE PHONE N0. 19103958218 Aug. 13 201 11:33AM P4 ~l~~,3I9$ ~~' ~®Q~ ~'~st~eld ~~®~pang ~$ ~. ~0;4Q~~a -- ~:OO~r~t Oponing s}~ech by Mayer David Tones i 0:00am l~r. Mary Itudyl~ "13ezna Versus ,Alzheiynets" I0:30aan Audrey Marshall, Soczal Worker "Corr~unication" ~ ~:~4 D~. ElliS 1VIutXier Pa~'1~22~30T!'S Spec~allgt~N~W I3eti1,NC) 11:30a€n Senator John Edwa~'ds l~epreseattative Will Perry 1-Iill , . ''Pati~t Bill cif Rights" 12:OOpm I~3arold Wells Insurance "Ls~ng Term Csa°e Insurance" 12 :30gm Sohn Caeril{er, Newl°iaraoves Cuunfiy District ~tte.~aey "Telernarketi~ Fraud" 1:00 3axae Stowell, RN Professor at UNCW Sc hool of nursing y 4 . "Advance ~IreCe.i~UPiSN 1.30prriE ..... ''. ~3ti~ C";bvan mean oftJl~tC'~V' C~rexatol~~y School 2:OOpns br. Vsrginia Adams, Dean of'tltii'GW SGh~I of Nursing • 19 {This page intentionally left blank} 20 • NEVV HAN~VER C®UNT'Y B®AR® ®F CpMM1SSl®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:. 08/20/01 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Eric McKeithan, President, CFCC Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Consideration of Use of Bond Interest Earnings by Cape Fear Community College • BRIEF SUMMARY: Cape Fear Community College is requesting to use un-budgeted interest earnings on the 1994 & -1997 bond issues. There are three projects where these interest earnings are desired for use. They are as follows: McLeod Building Elevator Tower $1,211,255, and $75,000 to be held in reserve. Renovate Entrance at Student Development and Northeast corner of Gatehouse Building $38,745. Partial minutes of the Facilities Committee of CFCC are attached: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE VESTED ACTIONS: Although there have been occasions that interest earnings have been used to increase project scope, the normal use for these funds is to pay principle and interest on the debt issue. In these times of tight budgets, the County has not approved any additional capital project funding for county government projects. In following that course with this request, the recommendation from County staff is to use the interest earnings to pay debt service on the 1994 & 1997 bond issues. My understanding is the proposed projects were not a part of the original scope of work under the 94 and 97 bond issues. Most likely, under normal circumstances, I would probably recommend approval of the requested projects. However, under the current economic conditions and uncertainty with state reimbursements I recommend denial of the request for the Community . College. I DO recommend using the interest earnings to pay debt service on the 94 and 97 bond issues. The projects the Community College has requested are valued projects and are needed. The timing is unfortunate. This recommedation in no way reflects on the Trustees or Administration of the Community College FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend denial r ues,t by Cape Fear Community College to use interest earnings for projects as proposed.. COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS; • rClfV7'Y' ~4Mf1/1i~® APPROVED r~EJECTEp p I~,EMf3V~p ~ .~~ ~tEARD ~~/ ~ fib. ~- 21 ~r ~~ ~/ ~. ~~ ~r~-GLTJ~~p/~f,6fJ~~ D~ C,~CG %~ Sources of Funds for Various Small Scale Projects i. 1 • Revised Budget for Elevator Tower (McLeod). _ Amount Source Remarks $ 425,000 '94 bonds interest 138,274 Project 801-C '93 bonds 68,171 Balance ' 93 State bonds Leaves $1 Sk in reserve for PBX installation 786,255 Interest '97 bonds Includes $120k for construction of study Total rooms plus $9,700 to cover Architect's fee for $ 1,417,700 increased scope of project * Malces $1.3 million in 2000 bonds available for other projects. 2• Re~~lacement of Pier Amount Source Remarks $ 1,000,000 ~ 2000 bonds I 3 • Renovation of Entrances at Student Develo rnent and l~tortheast corner of Gatehouse Buildin Amount Source Remarks $ 38,745 Interest '97 bonds 61,25 Uncommitted '97 bonds Total $ 1.00,000 4. Access Road at North Campus (Road bed only - no gravel/no pavement) Amount Source Remarks $ 69,555 Uncommitted '97 bonds 5• Physical Education Facilities at North Cam us (includes walking trail) Amount Source Remarks $ 500,000 Excess contingency '97 bonds 6. Additional P rk~i~ng bet nd' hwartz Center (all the way to 4`~' Street) Amount ~ ~ Source '."'i`J Remarks ? ~~,E~x~cess~coitingency '97 bonds (EM's guess $100,000 ;4,. a ~~ 1 ~~ 7• Marine Technolovy Basin Worlc (Dredging, piers and docks for Marine Techno a ramp, fuel and pump station) (Estimates from Rod Andrew due in about two more weeks.) ew boat Amount Source Remarks ? Excess contingency '97 bonds (EM's guess $250,000) 8 • Marina Management Trainin 7 ~ ~ ' u, a• _Marina Development (Floating docks and 60 boat slips leased to Faculty/Staff and Others) $75,000 per 100' floating dock x 3 docks = $225,000 (EM's guess) ~ Tip be fimcled by "loan" from Community Services/ Self-Supporting Assuming h~llf of boat slips are leased to Faculty and Staff and half to "Others," ; EM's guess is that profit will be $100,000 - $125,000 pei- year. (Community Services/Self Supporting funds can be restored in first two years.) b. .Community Services/Self-Supporting/Occupational Extension Courses in Marina ~ ..Management. ~. Part-time employment for Marine Tecluiology and other CFCC students 9. 400 Bloclc of N. Front Street Enhancements (Additional Iandscaping and pedestrian safety for I-Iealth Sciences/Learning Resources Center) 10 Amount Source Remarks $ 125,000 Contingency from~Allied Health By change order with. Clancy ~ Theys Addition and/or uncommitted '97 bonds r ce.lat~ulation of Uncommitted 1997 Bond Funds $ 467,848 Excess Contingency 1997 Bond Funds 242,764 Estimated Interest 1994 Bonds held in Reserve By New Hanover County 75,000 , TOTAL: $ 785,612 ~ 23 This page intend®nally le,~t blank} 24 C i NEY~ HAI~OVER COIJNT'Y BOARD OF COMI~iISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTT®N Meeting Date: 08/2®/O1 i ~~ Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number:. ` Department: Engineering Presenter: Greg Thompson/Andy Atkinson Contact: Greg Thompson, Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Jail Project lDpdate and Budget Amendment BRIEF SUMMARY: Now that the major contracts have been awarded, the project budget needs to be amended to bring it in Tine with the, architects and former project expediter's anticipated budget. The anticipated budget as of April 23, 2001 was $55,281,432. The new anticipated budget is $47,132,000, a reduction of $8,149,432. In order to bring the Capital Project budget in line with the anticipated budget, a budget amendment of $7,058,696 needs to be approved. Budget amendment # 2001-09 is attached for your approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQllESTED ACTIONS: Approve budget amendment # 2001-09. FUNDING SOURCE: Certificates of Participation (GOP's) ATTACHMENTS: }'3 ba2002-09 RE1ilEVVED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: BUDGET HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend approval. • ~~,~ ~`~r~~~ G~ :'~>~ ~~~~:~zIED C~E6~ICVED ~ ~~ ~ tFCSTPO1Vl`D I~tE~-Ri~ ~ , f L . 5. New I-tanover County Jail and Sheriff'~Adrrainistrati®n Faci9ity Total Project budget Status Budget Based on Current Project Variance April 23, 2001 Budget Estimate August 14, 2001 Professional Fees FreemanWhite $3,300,395 Carter Goble $644,500= Miller Building $2,866,245 Sub Total $6,811,140 Reimbursables $140,000 Construction Site Work Pile Foundation Work Precast Cells Jail Facility Utilities Sub total $41,304,217 $3,340,550 $703,035 $1,200,000 $5,243,585.00 $140,000 $1,868,694 $526, 866 $4,012,500 $26,478,430 $1,608,338 $34,494,828.00 ($1,567,555.00) $0.00 ($6,809,389.00) F,F, & E Facility $3,026,075 Sub total $3,026,075 Cstal Hor. Alpine Tower Utilities Administration Cost Easements Contract Labor Sub total $1,758,275 $1,758,275 $35,320 $30,000 $53,681 $1,000 $235,000 $355,001 $41,991,689 $2,917,155 $44,908,844 $2,223,156 $47,132,000 ($1,267,800.00) Total $51,281,432 7% Contigency Total LEC Renovation $4,000,000 $55,281,432 ~!: ,. { ~ ~3 K . ~ ~1 h'6t 1 L ~; ~~ ' t 2 6 ~ _ ~~_ ~ ___ . ,,_ . Print Date 08/14/01 ($9,289,743.00) ($1,776,844.00) ($8,149,432.00) New Hanover County Law Enforcement Center Renovation and Remodeling- Option ~ Addendum 1 . Introduction This Addendum #1 is a supplement to the "New Hanover County Law Enforcement Center Assessment of Renovation and Remodeling Report" prepared by Freeman White, Inc. and issued to New Hanover County on September-2000. The purpose of this addendum is to identify an Option #5 for short-term use of the Law Enforcement Center and to est~ bush the estimated construction cost and related project costs for implementing this option. , No additional assessments of the building were done for this Addendum. Findings from the September, 2000 report were used where applicable. Summary of Option 5: Option S: Expand 911/Maintain Sheriff's current operations/Remodel for Emergency Management/ Renovate Level G for Court holding and Level 1 for Magistrate/ Utilize the remainder of the LEC in its existing condition LEC General Construction Cvsts: Tenant Fit ups: Option 5: Total Construction Costs Professional Fees Budget FF&.E Costs Option 1: Total ProjecC~osts • _ __.__ ___ _ ~ 2 7 August 13, 2001 1 Freeman White, Inc. t New Hanover County Lcr;v 1~:nforcernent Center Report-Addendum #1 Proposed Uses The following section sumr,aarizes what tenants will be housed in each of the Law Enforcement Center's ( ) six levels. Most of the ten2~.nt areas are based on available square footage and not based on an independent ~--/ space program. Level G: Court H-~ldina: The current Intake area would be converted to a Court Holding area Covered Parking: The 41 covered spaces would remain as is. Level 1: NlaQistrate: The current 1976 gsf area currently is used by the Magistrate. No exterior . modifications would be made in this area. The interior would be completely remodeled. Level 2: Existi nQ 911 Center: Minimal demolition, replacement of finishes. 911 Center Expansion: Renovation of existing Emergency Management space Sheriffs Records/ Administration: These areas would be maintained as is with minimal refurbishment. Level 3r Eme~r~ency Management Administration Area: Interior demolition and.renovation of Det~;ctive's area. Sheriff's Evidence Area: Tlris area would remain as is. Leve19: Emergency Management Support Spaces: Emergency Management would use existing Jail spaces as is. Level S: Sheriffs Storage-Areas: Existing :(ail Blocks would be used as is. Estimated Cost Code Comoliance 1. Elevators- ADA Compliance $ 30,000 2. Elevators- Controller Replace $ 50,000 3. Stair Railing Modifications $ 20,000 4. Fire Alarm System $ 70,000 5. Hazardous Materials $ 40,000 6. t1DA Signage $ 10,000 7. Replace Non Rated Cable $ 7,500 8. Firestoppirrg $ 5,000 Su btotal Code Compliance $ 232,.500 Builclin~ Svstern Replacements/Uparades 1. Smoke Shuts Downs (HVAC) $ 68,000 2. Testing and Balance (F-NAC) $ 17,500 3. Existing Duct Refurbishment $ 7,500 4. Pump Replacement $ 5,000 5. Pipe Repairs $ 10,000 6. Pressure Reducing Valve $ I,S00 7. Water Mix Valves $ 1,000 8. Switchboard Modifications $ 40,000 9. 911 Emerg. Gen/UPS/HVAC $375,000 Subtotal Bt~ildingSystem Replacem ents/Upgrades $ 53.5,.500 Renovation Costs 1. Court Holding $ 194,658 2. Magistrate $ 133,874 3. 911 Expansion $ 500,000. 4. Emergency 1~lanagement $ 2SS,000 August 13', ?001 ? Freeman White, Inc • • New Hanover Court; ~ Lcrw Enforcement Center Report- .4ddendztm lk1 ~. Misc. Refurbishment $ 100,000. Subtotal Renovation Costs Exterior Envelope 1. Repair Budget $ 100,000 Szbtotal Repair Bzrdget Option ~: Total Construction Costs Professional Fees (12% of total Construction Costs) FF&E Costs Option 5: Total Project Cost $808, 53? ~' 100, 000 $1,676,532 $ 201,184 200,000 X2,077,716 .,.-.~ , ti,..,.~y., ~ ~ , ~ t -,f ^~r-~;-~, ~~~~~~a}<ay, (/j~~}X..q ate. n'~:.. Atiigust 13, 2001 3 PreemanlVhite, Inc NE1~' HAN01/ER COUI{~T'Y B®AR® ®F' C®NiMISSI®NERS REQUEG~T FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20101 Bu~~get Amerfdment Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: - DEPARTMENT: Jail Capital Project/E~~JC Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-09 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT COPS Financing $6,458,696 ,Transfer in from EOC (Fund 338) $600,000 Capital Project Expense $7,058,696 EOC-Capital Project Expense $600,000 EOC-Transfer to Jail Capital'Project $600,000 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for the Jail Capital Project to the anticipated total cost of the project. To budget transfer of funds remaining in EOC Capital Project to the Jail Capital Pro j ect. -~'`~+,~. J ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ~'~~~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: - ~Q~ifViY ~l~i~Gl~'`~ APPROVED REJECTED ~ 1REMOVED ~ ~'`~ ~~'-`~_ ~'OSTPONE[3 Q 'r , -,~ ~EARC~ j ~ ~~~ ~ -~' ~s, ~_.~._..._.. W. ~,,,,,,...~..~ _~,.. 30 NEIL! HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF C09VIMISSIOIVERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTlO1V .~ Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Patricia Melvin Contact: Allen O'Neal • SUBJECT: Consideration of Establishment of a Living Memorial Policy BRIEF SUMMARY: Commissioner Nancy Pritchett has requested a policy be established. for living memorials to honor and recognize leadership, service and dedication of 'departed citizens who served New Hanover County as public officials, volunteers, members of boards and commissions or employees with -long standing service or contributions. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider approval of Resolution. - FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ,,.4c'~ ~~~., memorial. wp lTE1Vi DOES lVOT REQt!!RE REVIEW - COUNTY MANAGER' ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve resolution. COMMISSIONERS° AC IONS/COMMENTS: ~~; `aSCs`-~GS3E.D ~ ~ . ~>~RI`a ~ ~~'l ~rG~ --- ~~ ~ r~ .~. 31 ~soLUTaoN ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS POLICY ON LIVING MEMORIALS Whereas, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners desires to establish a memorial to honor and recognize the leadership, service, and dedication of ,~ departed citizens who served as county public officials, volunteers, members of boards and commissions, or employees with long standing service or contributions. Whereas, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners desires to preserve the memory of such contributions in a manner which will be accessible to future generations; and . Whereas, the Board'choose~ to honor such great leadership by~plantm~ tree on the "Walk of Remembrance" wrth a New Hanover County Park; rr .. ~, IOdow therefore be it ~'es~~d-that the New H~a~ri~~ve}rvGC~o/nty Board of Commissioners hereby establishes a policy~to'.~nake a contribution~to the New Hanover Cotmty Tree fund in such instances as deemed appropriate to establish a Living emorial Program. Adopted this'the 20th day of August, 2001 ~J,J New Hanover Board of Commissioners Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Lucie F ~ Harrell; "Clerk~fo the Board 1VE~V HANO~ER COUNTY DOARD OF CONIIVIISSIOi~ERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number:. Department: Transportation Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin Contact: Patricia A. Melvin, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Public Hearing on County's Application for Rural ®perating Assistance Funds BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County is eligible to receive an allocation of $106,089 from N.C. Dept. of Transportation to provide transportation assistance to the elderly, disabled, general public in the unincorporated areas of the County, and. emp4oyment transportation to those who do not qualify for assistance via Department of Social Services programs. The grant application was approved by.the Board of County Commissioners on June 18 and was submitted to N.C: DOT on June 29, 2001. The public hearing is required in order to obtain public comment concerning our application for funds. Funds wit{ be expended as follows: Elderly/Disabled Transportation General Public Transportation Work First Transportation No local match fund's are required. $69,838 ~~~~ ~,; $21,085 2312 ~ ~ I ,~ ~~ $15,166 r ~ S.S~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct public hearing . FUNDING SOURCE: N.C. Dept. of Transportation ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: 4 . LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMEN TIONS: Conduct public hearing and receive public input. ~,~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: APPROVEQ ~ E~EJEG7ED q , ;~ f~EMOVED ~, :POSTPONED ~ " 'f A~EARi~ ~ ~ ,, ~~ {This page intend®nally left blank} ~' ..s -~ -,,~ , p NEW HANO!!ER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS ~~. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~, Department: Sheriff Presenter: °~, Contact: Fred Clingenpeel SUBJECT: Public Flearing: Local Lavv Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) from U.S. '' Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance-FY .2001 BRiEI: SUMMARY: Based upon Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Part 1 (Violent) Crimes (per capita), New Hanover ? County has been awarded $130,594 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance for FY 2001. The `~ funding will be used to purchase law enforcement equipment. The match for the grant ($14,510) will be funded through Federal Forfeited Property. The grant requires a public hearing be held for discussion of the use of funds. ~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: HOLD PUBLIC HEARING. After closing the public hearing, recommend acceptance of the grant, request authorization for the County Manager to sign the grant. Request approval of associated budget amendment #02.0029. . FUNDING SOURCE: Federal-grant $130,594 • ', federal Forfeited Property 14,510 ATTACHMENTS: ba02-0029 REVIE~1/ED 8Y: • LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA ,' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Conduct public hearing, receive public input and authorize the County P~anager to sign rant. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~..~.,. u~~.~ .~ ;~ U u~,'a~; ~ ::~ CAF .,y ~~..,;,~~ .~::fi r~~~ ~. rtE.1 ~C7ED , §Q I~oSTp~~~~ ~ n 3 5 . ~~~~~ ~. °~ a. 4l NE11V HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COlVIlVIlSSlONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Budget Amendrraent DEPARTMENT:.Sheriff's Dept-LLEBG Grant/Federai Forfeited Property BUDGET AMENDMENT#: 02-0029 ADJUSTMENT. DEBIT CREDIT LLEBG Grant-Sheriff's Dept. $130,594 Transfer in from Federal Forfeited Property $14,510 Capital Outlay $145,104 Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project Expense $14,510 Transfer to LLEBG Grant $14~ EXPLANATION: To budget LLEBG Grant awarded to Sheriff's Dept. for fiscal year 01 and to set up transfer from Federal Forfeited Property to fund the required 10% match. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ; - ----w f0~11{il~.e ~~~~~?. PRQVED~ x ,; ~P . ~ ~tE~~4VEp. ~ ~ ,~' °' _,,.,.:~ NElN HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COI~IIV~ISS6ONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: O~I20/O1 Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Robert A. Vause, NCDOT Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.lECT: Public Hearing for NCDOT 2001-2002 Secondary Road Construction Program in New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: Conduct required public hearing on the NCDOT 2001-2002 Secondary Road Construction Program for New. Hanover County. Please see the attached scope of work for 2001-200 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct public hearing and consider approval of 2001.2002 road construcfion program. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACI~MENTS: ITEIIA DOES ,NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER°S COMMENTS AND ECOMMENDATIONS: Conduct hearing as noted above. \\~~ !'f17fA RAICCI/'1 p1~~C° nnTAnnee irnnn nrnl~Te. - APPROVED ~ ' 1 ~tEJECTED ~ . f~EMOVED ` POSTRONED ~ ' '~ 1.r~rM.EARi7 J/jJ ~1' /{ r~.' II/ 3 7 ~ re.~~?, f ._ ~~~~~~ ~~ a,,,. SiATf o ~. ~. -~~M~~. STATE of 1~10RTx CAROLINA MICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRE"rARY August 3, 2001 Mr. Allen O'Neal New Hanover County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Room 305 Wilmington, N.C, 28401 SUBJECT :Public Hearing for NCDOT 2001-2002 Secondary Road Construction Program -New Hanover County Dear Mr. O'Neal, The North Carolina Department of Transportation would Like the opportunity to present the proposed 2001-2002 Secondary Road Construction Program for New Hanover County at the August 20, 2001 County Commissioner's Meeting. As in previous years, a copy of the proposed program will be posted at the County Courthouse and public notices placed in the local newspapers. I have attached the copies of the program for your review and will deliver the required copies to the Clerk of the County Cornrnissioners. If there are no objections, please add the NCDOT to the August 20t" agenda,for our public hearing. If there are nay questions or if I can be of further assistance, please contact me at the address or phone number below. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. S' ely, q+q 'j3~~, ~~ Rabert AµVause, P E. District Engineer ~~~~ u~ r~ ~-~'-~ CC : Mr. Lanny Willson jYlember ,Board of Transportation (ate ~~, tr,` ~. H.A11en~Pope; P E ~ Division Engineer Scott C~'ook~e'P~E ; N'ew Hanover County Maintenance Engineer ~~ ~ irS,`~/,.~`~~~. 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (9]0)251-2655 Fax: (910)251-?759 „„ a,.,, ~~ •~~~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ~EP~~~~NT OF ~~NS~®~Tl~.~®N NIICHAEL F. EASLEY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY July 27, 2001 IV1r: Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Room 305 .Wilmington, N.C. 28401 SUBJECT : 2001-2002 Secondary Construction Program Dear Mr. Davis • As required by General Statute 136-44.5, before July 1 each calendar year, the Department of Transportation shall make a study of all state-maintained unpaved roads in order to determine the unpaved mileage in each county and the total in the state. Each county's allocation is determined by dividing the total allocation by the statewide mileage times the number of miles in each county. Secondary road construction allocations are based upon. the amount of revenue generated by the gasoline tax and the final total will not be known until the end of the current fiscal year, ending. June 30, 2001. Should there be any significant change in the county allocation, we will inform you of any adjustments in the Secondary Road Construction Program for 2001-2002. Based on an unpaved mileage of approximately 2.22 miles in New Hanover County, compared to unpaved miles statewide, the secondary allgcation is estimated at $51;544.00. This amount is expected to be approved at the July Board Meeting. The North Carolina Board of Transportation has elected to continue paving down the same lists used last year and using the new list generated by the most recent unpaved road evaluation. The lists are based on a paving priority rating system having two paving . priorities in each county, one for rural roads and one far residentiaUsubdivision roads. The Board now requires a separate listing of roads for each county showing the roads for .which have been previously skipped over for paving because the right-of--way was not available. Although these roads will not be shown on either of the two paving priority 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, N. C. 28401 (910)251-?655 Fax: (910)251-279 New Hanover County Commissioners Page # 2 lists, provisions have been made for any such road to be reinstated to its prior position at such time as right-of--way becomes available, or as soon thereafter as reir~tatement can be administratively accomplished. A copy of the paving priorities, and the list of roads with unavailable right-of--way is attached for your reference. Incompliance with our Board's directives, while addressing overall county needs, we submit the following proposals for the expenditure of estimated secondary road construction funds for New Hanover County, for the period through June 2002. This proposal will be presented in a public hearing at your regularly scheduled meeting on August 20, 2001 at 9:00 A.M. as follows: Estimated July 1, 2001 Total Allocation $ 51,544.00 Highway Fund $22,442.00 Highway Trust Fund $29,102.00 Spot Stabilization, $7,322.00 Paved Road Improvements, $44,222.00 Safety Improvements and Bridge Replacements Roads for Grade Drain Base, and Pave SR 1337M, Marathon Avenue $44.222.00 From End of Pavement to End of System $ 0.00 Length 0.89 Miles Priarity 1F (S) 0.89 NOTE :This is a continuation of funding from previous fiscal-year Total Miles: 0.89 A copy of this proposed program is posted on the public bulletin board'at the courthouse for public review. This program is subject to availability of funding, right-of--way, and environmental review. ` We wish to point out the amount used in the cost of each of these priorities is an estimate. and is subject to variations due to inflation; cost of materials, equipment rate changes, and so forth. 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (910)251-2665 Fax: (910)251-2769 New Hanover County Commissioners Page # 3 VJe appreciate the opportunity to meet with you, the Board and the public, to present this program. Recommended deviations from this submission by the Board of Commissioners must be in compliance with general Statute 136-44.8. In the event right-of--way for any of the proposals is not available, it is our'plan to proceed with the next priority until right-of--way is acquired and funds are expended. You will be notified of changes in this program. In addition, at the end of each calendar year you will be presented a detailed report of work accomplished and funds expended. Very Truly You v .Wilson ber, Board of Transportation H. Allen Po P.E. Division Engineer HAP/RAV Cc: Robert A. Vause, P.E.,~District Engineer Scott Cooke, P.E., New Hanover Maintenance Engineer ~ s 41 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (910)251-2655 Fax: (910)251-2759 SRIQ RATING UNPAVED SECONDARY ROADS * RURAL * COUNTY 25 NEW HANOV PAGE 01. S/R PRTY.S/D NAME LENGTH HOM P/H SCH CH BS IN RF #B B/R TRAF T/F T/PTS 1408 1F N PROSPECT CEME .30 3 N 30 N 60.0 1385. 2F N SAMPSON STREE .43 1 N 10 N 20.0 1318 3F N BLUE CLAY ROA .11 N 6 N 6.0 NUMBER ROADS: 3 TOTAL MILES: 0.84 (F) INDICATES FROZEN TOP 10 PRIORITY AS REQUIRED BY GS 136-44.7 (B) 42 C~ .'.IQ .RATING UNPAVED SECONDARY ROADS *HOLD-LIST* COUNTY 25 PAGE !K PRTY S/D NAME LENGTH HOM P/H SCH CH BS IN RF #B B/R TRAF T/F T/PTS NUMBER ROADS: 0 TOTAL MILES: 0.00 ~') INDICATES FROZEN TOP 10 PRIORITY AS REQUIRED BY GS 136-44.7(8) • ~ 43 RIQ RATING ' '~/R FRTY S/D 337M 1F Y '619 2F Y .461 3F Y NUMBER JNPAVED SECONDARY RO NAME LENGTH MARATHON AVE .89 HERMITAGE DRI .12 CHESTER AVENU .04 ROADS: .3 ADS * SUBDIVN * COUNTY 25 NEW HANOV PAGE 01 HOM P/H SCH CH BS IN RF #B B/R TRAF T/F T/PTS 38 Y 228 N 4.94.2 5 Y 30 N 290.0 1 N 10 N 260.0 TOTAL MILES: 1.05 (F) INDICATES FROZEN TOP 10 PRIORITY AS REQUIRED BY GS 136-44.7 (B) ~:,IQ RATING UNPAVED SECONDARY ROADS *HOLD-LIST* COUNTY 25 NE'W HANOV PAGE 01 'R, PRTY S/D NAME LENGTH"HOM P/H SCH CH BS IN RF #B B/R TRAF T/F T/PTS ";34 Y SONDEY ROAD .33 34 Y 204 N 832.2. NUMBER ROADS: 1 TOTAL MILES: 0.33 '')~~1DICATES FROZEN TOP 10 PRIORITY AS REQUIRED BY GS 136-44.7 (B) • ~ 45 ~T'his pale intend®nally left blank} 46 D F IVEW I-IAIVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COIVIIVIISSIOIVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Regular Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources i'resenter: Commissioners Contact: Andre' R. Mallette SUBJECT: Personnel Policy ,Article IX Sec. (C) 3 -Continuation, of Insurance Benefiits for County Commissioners BRLEF SUMMARY; The above referenced article states that a County Commissioner who was elected to serve one (1) or more terms in office is qualified for continued health and dental coverage under this section of fhe personnel policy once he/she has left office. This matter was requested as an agenda item by Commissioners Boseman and Pritchett. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: No recommendation. This is a commissioner policy decision FUNDING SOURCE: • • ATTACHMENTS: Copy of Article IX -Employee Benefits REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A .HUMAN RESOURCES: APPROVED ~~~ ~~'r' ~EJECTEI3 ~ '; J (REMOVED ~ PQSTPONED ~ ~ ~ ~ ., ~t ~. ` L~~ ~ ~ ~ ~U~~ 7 r~ ~ vt 5 i yt-~u:a` .72.E^~/t'CZi .e~~ ~j,(,~-dom. t;~Cf ~fj~'' ~-Gtrt~ j~-j-evm Q,ir tl-t', ,i,n ~.lae ~) {This page intend®nally left blank} ~,. _ .,~ r ~ r ;, k ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. ~.. c ~ ep y~ ny ~ 1 ~ j~ G k~.~-~ f V ~ ~ f~ ~ `~ l`sJja"~V t7' 1t~.~ V~~~~h.na~.,~ y~ ~[i NEW h1AN0i/ER COUiVTY BOAR® OF COM~IISS6®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIO(V Meeting Date: 08/20/®3 Regular Item #: 13 Estimated Time: Page Number: .Department: County Manager ,Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution Requesting Nevv Hanover County Legislative Delegation to Introduce and Support aOne-cent Local Option Sales Tax for Education. BRIEF SUMMARY: The attached resolution is a draft for the Board's consideration. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider resolution wording nd advise staff. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • REVIE+~/ED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Consider resolution and direct staff. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMP ~~ ~~f~~l~®~~ I ~PPROVE® ~ "~ ~tEJECTED ~! EtEMOVED ;' ~OSTRONED ~ ' !~ At~Fr4Ri~ 4' 9 I~1rI'~IZ-®~FI~~ DATE: August 8, 2001 TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: Allen O'Neal, County- Manager " ~`~ Cam Griffin, Budget Director RE: 1-Cent Local Option Sales Tax Please find attached for your review a resolution requesting members of the New Hanover County Legislative Delegation to introduce and support a 1-cent local option sales tax to fund education. Funding for Education The resolution and legislation could include the following: 1) A Sunset Provision 2) Exclude Food A 1-cent local option sales tax split with the municipalities would generate approximately $18 million if food is included and $16.8 million if food is excluded. County-wide, the tax would be about $24 million if food is excluded. Please let me know what changes you would like in the resolution, or if you have any questions or need additional information. ~' Attachment ~ ~ -~ „ ~' lr~ ~ ~ 9:1;,.x; ~+ 1 ,~~~~~~~,i~ +'~..~ •` .~ ~.. r ., ~~. ref ~ ,~ ~,, ~,~d..`~~ ©t5 ~1G ~ ~''~ e. ,~ g ) Y ~ ( )f (~r1~1~ C~ i ~ .HNyq~~ JJ ~ !t / r~ ~1 r ,„ . ~_ ~=~~ f) • WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners is charged with the responsibility of promoting the health, safety, and welfare of residents of New Hanover County, as well as those. who work within or visit the County; and ~. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has determined that there exists an increasing need to fund education for our children and provide tax relief for senior citizens; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is seeking alternatives to continued reliance on ad valorem property tax as property owners carry a disproportionate share of the tax burden for providing the funding for necessary services and facilities; and WHEREAS, the .Board of Commissioners believe that having the ability to assess an additional 1-cent local option sales tax is the best alternative to raise revenue for capital outlay; N®W, T~-IERElF'®RE, BE IT RES®I,VED, that the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby requests that all members of the New Hanover County Legislative Delegation introduce and support a 1-cent sales tax for New Hanover County to be used to increase funding for our schools and reduce the tax burden on our senior citizens. This the 20`h day of August, 2001. Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Lucie F. Harrell,~Clerk to the Board ~ 51 {T'hi~ page intentionally left blank} 2 NEVV HAN®!!ER C4UNTY BOAR® OF C®IVIN!!SSl~IUERS REQUEST ~'OR B®ARD ADT!®IV Meeting Date: 08/20/01 • • • Regular item #: 14 .Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter:, Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: . Appointments are needed for the following Boards and Committees: Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee ~-t ~ I4-rrvr ~.lo~ins~.Y- ~d (~~rF J ~~u`-~^''- Board of Mechanical Examiners ~~~~In,-i-~ t~c~=~-c.t~ ~ ''~w~S+ LUru.y, i~Q,,,~~c~ 5,`ms Library Advisory Board ~-- M~o+ +1~tal~~rn c~ - ~"7~f~~cr,~) ~ ~~.+s-cu Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee C:~~,ra. ~~~+ A ice,-,~rv~~r RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments FUNDING SOURCE:. N/A _ ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information Sheets and Applications lTEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REV}EW Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: APPROVED '~EiECTED ~ ' REMOVED ~ ~f ~' i~9S7PONfD t~&I~ARCJ ~~ ..~~1 ~Qr.~. L CC~~/IN~ITTEE APPOINTMENTS 2 VACANCIES Term: One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter APPLICANTS: ~~ ~~ Robert H. Johnson, Jr. " 1! ~ Clara Lamb Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications f~~~ { " r rti,:9yj~ ." ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X ADULT CARE HOME COl~ZVIUNJTY ADVISORY COMMITTEE- Nuanber of Members: 16 members (1 member for each permitted facility). One-third of the members .shall be nominated by the Adult Care Home Administrators, and if possible, one member .must be a person involved in the area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex-officio capacity. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses. Terrri: 1 year terms initially; 3 year terms thereafter Qualifications: 1Vlust be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of person with financial interest in any home served by a committee member or employee or governing board member of a domiciliary home served by a committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a domiciliary-home served by this committee may be a member: Statute causing Committee: G.S. 130-9-5. Regular Meeting: First Wednesday of January, April, July; and October at 9.:00 a. m. at the Cape. Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive. C ENT MEMBERS Doris Thompson Connor • 4005. Front Street- Wilmington, NC 28401 763-7483 (H) Jewell Ann Diehn 4953 Tanbark Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 392-6981 (H) Judith M. Foley 661fi Pleasant Pines Court Wilmington, NC 28403 509-1717 Lois Fox 3713 Reston Court Wilmington, NC 28403 799-6847 (H) 251-8111 (W) Jane B. Johnson .1812 .Grace Street Wilmington, NC 28403 762-1525 (H) TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVING EXPIRES First (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year terra) (Appt. To 3 year term on 6/21/99 First (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 First (Appt. 6/21199 to 1 year term) (Appt. 6/i9/00 to 3 year term) First (Appt: 2/2/98 to 1 year term) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Second (Appt. 2/1/98 to 3 year term) (Reappt. 2/ 19/01) 6/30/2002 6/30/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2002 2/28/2004 55 ADULT CARE HOME CO1tiIlVIIJNITY ADVISORY C®1VINIITTEE (CONTINUED) J t ~'ERNI PRESENTLY TERii~I CURRENT MEI~ERS SERVING- EXPIIZES Milton R olph Johnson ~ First 8/31/2001 1319 'bgs Trail . ~ W' ington, NC 28412 (Appt. 8/21/00 to 1 year term) 99-9420(H) 343-7704(W) Robert H. Johnson, Jr. r~~ First $/3112001 ~¢~~ .1812 Grace. Street (Appt. 8121/00 to 1 year term) Wilmington, NC 28401 762-1525 (H) Josephine W. Little Second 2/28/2004 1441 Futch Creek Road Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3-year term)' 686-0299 (H) (Reappt. 2/19/01) Rollie Pollock First 2/28/2004 4937 Shelly Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term) 452-0892 (H) (Reappt. 2/19/01) ' Michael W. Rogers First 6/30/2002 254 W. Bedford Road Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 686-1374 (H) 343-5244 (W) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Richard I. Salwitz First 6/30/2002 1308 Edgewater Club Road #8 Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 686-7040 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Jennifer Marie Sanders First 7/31/02 1817 Glen Eagles Place Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 7/9/01 to 1 year term) 256-9620 (H) 799-8818 (W) Patricia G. Spear First 8/31/2003 5600 Harmony Court Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 8/16/99 to 1 year term) 392-5814 (H) 256-2330 Appt. 8/21/00 to 3 year term). 56 ~~~ ~~~~ v~~ cav~v~-Y ~C~~~~~i~ ~ , - BoA~~ o~ co~n~iss~c~ni~t~s nnnn r-~, 1 1 2VUo 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, l~lC 28401-4093 NEVV HANOVER ~. Telephone (9101 341-7149 B~. OF COMMISSIONERS FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New f/anover County Board of ComrT~issioners. Request for Appointment to: ~ c{. u:~ `~ ~,a~(`2 }"f c7w~n ~ , C o'Y~a ,~y-~ ,a r~ ~~ ~V f~~1.~ ~ ~ a Y`~/ C o rn m zi'-fi- c, Name: _ ~ D~o~e.r'~ ~'(. , ~~.~-~~-~ ~ ~f`. Home How long have you been a Address: _~ ~ l ~ ~y~~ ~ ~~'~,~- 2 ~ -... _ resident of New Hanover County? 3~arg Mailing Address: /~ S S(-,,e-~.s .-1 City and State: ~~ y,-,, ~ ~"~~ ~ ~ C Zip Code: ~, ~ c.~-~.~ Telephone: Home: ~ ~ Q - `~(p ~ - 1 ~ ~ Business: ~ ~-f'a r~~ Sex: M "Race: yV "Age: `7 ~ °This information is requested for lha so/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ~. "Employed by: ~ ~.'~aY"ec~. `°A person current/y employed by the agency or department for which thrs applrcaUon ~s made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec- 4 of.the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: }~~,~~ ~,~.2 Yr1.2a1S-c51-,~'~,u~t~~ ~iyt,~e,,~ ~~/,~b~~-~~~, bo~S~~a ~ o c~ c1 Lo `~ ~ r^ u~ elf" d~-~ d ~~"fi"t-5• v ~e~ l ~- o-c~,f ~ Wh y do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on .the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ~ y ~ ~r s o ~ L'~ J ~ ~ ~„~.~ ~. C o y,. c0-e,rn ~o r ~'~..,a ~l~ , What areas of concern would you like to see the~Bo-~ard, Committee, or Commisssion address? ~: _-~,-t2~oy~ Are .you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: hlo l ~ ~ ~ 57 . ate: ~: .r Signature ~cs~ ( s~L~ /Please use reverse si~a fir ~dditiona/ comments/ ~ REFERENCE Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number ,... ~ 11 ~ 5 . ~m--1 i ~ e. v,`~'~' n ~ ~ 5 - 1-x.5 ~ 3 31 i',. e.,J , "T ~, ~-,-.a.s I~ ?--l a.d d e.~ ~1 ~ 2 5 ~Q a . ~~~~~~~ ~ 1 ~ 2uu0. NEW NANOVER Cfl. ~D. OF CON1Pri1SS10N~€25 58 _ C~ ~d l1/~W f~AN~ 1/,Ef~ C®LIN7"~ ~~Af311.~ ®F ~®l~l,~/1'1SSlt)lVF'R~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room '305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910J 341-.7149 FAX (910J 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the IIlevv Hanover County Board of Corramissioners. Request forAppointment to: Name: -tea ~'~ ,, o : ~Y' ~<_z~~ Home ~ ~ How long have you been a ~ Address: ~o / ,~, TJ. ~~ . . resident of New i-ianover County? ,~ ~~ Mailing.4ddress: yp / ~~ , ~~~z.c-t_~tL.- City and State: ~ ~?~--~~~.~ -t., ~a.~v /~ ~ ~ Zip Code: ,~ ,~ ~,~ _ Telephone: Home: ~~ ! ~~ ~{ 5 ~ 5 oZ ~' z Business: ~'y~r -Z~ "Sex: ~ "Race: ~ "Age: ~ G ~L~ "This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-serti~ of the community is appointed. ""Employed by: ~:~.~~ 7'l. /d : LrUC~~~~ ~~-~~c.~=-~ ~ .~~: ~~ ~ `~ ~ ~ "°A person current/y employed by the agency or department fo which this application is made, must resign his/herposition w New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of tha New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: !%I l ~ l°~-Lr.%~v/ar %L~,r?~IL~Lr"_:±' ~_~ VolunteerActivities: ~~2~c~`c~ ~o-rz-~o~ l ~~'~-~i'.~~.~r.~ '../Q--c.-~~.~i~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ~,~~?,2,~~ ~4 ~-~ L~2e~~-t G' CZ N_~c.2~ .A - - .~,C~~~~~i `Z?2.~~~:t~,z.~~2 G~~-c~, ~~-C-~~~ ~ yYt_- ~, ;~,a...~~.~~r err Z ~n ~_ y What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~,z.¢,,,,~- Whaf areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ,~~t',~~ ~~ -~'.~' r -~~~~ ~ / G~,4~'_. C..ai-t^~~ ~~c. c. ~C:.C~-c-~~-c /Z~. G~~C~r ~~~ T ~-ra,>~ ~ Are you currently serving on other board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, p/ease list: ~%' I /~ . Date: ~~ ~7 O / ~~~ 3 0 2GOi SignatureZ.j!j~i-Qi ~~ ~~.:~,z~- (Pleasa use reverse side far additio al co ments) NE;~' Nt,_ NO C0 . BD OF COM1diS$IGNER$ REFERENCES: Please provide three local personal references: Name ~. ~ e ~ ~ C~ , ~~~ App/icant: ~ ~~-~-~~ ~ ,~~ ~ ~~.~- Phone Number ~~ 60 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ~SOAR® OF MECHANICAL EXAMINERS VACANCfES: ~ ~. 1 - MECHANfCAL JOURNEYMAN -CLASS I 1 -.MECHANICAL JOURNEYMAN -CLASS III 2 -MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS 1 - N. C. REGISTERED MECHANICAL ENGINEER APPLICANTS: MECHANICAL JOURNEYMAN -CLASS I: Anthony Adam Ciiff Thomas L. Crittenden, Jr. ~' Donald K. Lewis Charles T. Ohnmacht, Sr. -~ James S. Williams, III ' MECHANICAL JOURNEYMAN -CLASS IIL Thomas L. Crittenden, Jr. Michael Joseph Hauck Quenton B. Hill MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS: James Robert Croom, Sr.. Donald K. Lewis --Charles-T: Ohnmacht; Sr~- James S. Williams, Ill N. C. REGISTERED MECHANICAL ENGINEER: i ~ en~~~F-- ~~nr; d y ~ rn 5 Attachments: Committee information Sheets Application 61 BOARD ®F MECHANICAL EXAMINERS Number of Members: six members appointed by the Board of Commissioners, each with at least 5 years experience in his field, as follows: 2 mechanical contractors licensed by the Board of Plumbing'and Heating Contractors of N. C. 1 person experienced in gas piping installations 1 person experienced in commercial grease extractor systems 1 person experienced in heat, ventilation and air Conditioning installations 1 N. _ C. Registered Mechanical Engineer ~'erms of ®ffice: Initially, two years for mechanical contractors, one year for remaining three appointees. Subsequent terms: Upon expiration of one-year terms: 2 years Qualifications: Each member shall have a minimum of five years of experience in his or her representative field. Compensation: none Regular Meetings: The Board shall meet after each examination, but not less than twice a year. Statute or cause creating Board: General Statutes 153A-352, New Hanover County Code Chapter 5, "Building" Amended by adding a new Article VII, "Regulation of Mechanical Work", dated 7/20/87 and amendment dated 12/19/88. Brief on Functions: To issue certificates to all persons who (1) provide satisfactory evidence to the Board regarding their training and education; (2) pass an examination administered by the Board, and (3) provide evidence of two years of experience in their perspective fields. To administer written or oral examination quarterly on the first Tuesday in January, April, July and October. The Board may revoke certificates and reinstate certificates in accordance with the County Code. C-[TRRENT MEivIBERS y~ David Pope 609 Shawnee Trail Wilmington, NC 28412 799-2387(H) 763-7318(W) .~ Larry W. Lisk, 5600 Marsh Bay Drive 62 Wilmington, NC 28409 350-0370 (H) 799-8810 (W) CATEGORY Mechanical Contractor Mechanical Contractor TERM SERVING Third TERM EXPIRES 8-31-2001 (Appt. 9/ 18/95) (Reappt. 8/18/97, 8/16/99) Fourth 8-31-2001 (Appt. 8/ 16/93) (Reappt. 9/ 18/95, 8/ 18/97, 8/ 16/99) BOARD OF MECHANICAL EXAiYIINERS (CONTIlV~TED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY SERVING EXPIlZES ..~ Rhonda F. Beck Class I Second 8-31-2001 5417 Andover Drive Journeyman Wilmington, NC 28403 IVlechanic .395-1455 (H) 452-1064 (W) (Appt. 8/19/96, 8/16/99) . Larry W. Lee 1318 Grove Point, Road Wilmington, NC 28409 792-0319 (H) 392-4585 (W) Robert H. Williams 106 Mt. Vernon Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 799-4715 (H&~ Class II First 8-31-2002 Journeyman Mechanic (Appt. 8/21/00) Class III Third 8-31-2001 Journeyman Mechanic (Appt. 8/16/93 to 1 year term) (Reapptd. 8/22/94 to 2 year term) {Reappt. 8/ 19/96, 8/ 16/99) David Sims NC Registered Sixth 8-31-2001 ~ 2721 Shandy Lane Mechanical Eng. Wilmington, NC 28409 (Reappt. 8/16/93) 350-0316 (H) 791-8016 (W) (Reappt. 9/18/95, 8/18/97, .8/16/99) 8/00 \MECHANIC Staff Support: Wes Gray, Chief Mechanical Inspector ~ _ 63 FROM FAX N0. Jul. 06 2001 03:42PM P1 Application far, Appc~intment9 T'~$ ~. 0~2 ~+lt! ~-9/~~~~~R C~Uhi3'Y 32D Chestnut Streit, 14oom 3Q5 wdlmngton, lv~c 28~IL7r-~os3 Telephone /9rQ) 34T-~r4~ FAX (990J 349,47307 Appld~atian fear ~4p~®dratr~ent tca ~ciarrfsr Carnmil~ees, and +Com~7essi .~t~pair~ted bg~ the flew ~-tan®ver Ct~uri~'7r ~®ard of ~tamrraissebners: Request frtr.4pFointme~tt to: ~ECtrr~~tc t~ [t~ 0~~~ ~E~,~ ~CJU.°~ ye~,~..v~ , ---------- ,_ stn ~ Hr~w long ha+re you been a resident of linear Hanover Ct~uniy?-T,~F cx ~o~ ~~ ~. p~, .1 ~ N >a,~~revF ~ and Nome Address. ~ w-r ~ c~ ~ °r ~ `f5`7 n~,~,~~s Address: ~ 11 cJ u~,c ~ ~ fi~t> ~afst~t' ~' city and State: \~l ~~Mt~; ~,~. ~C ~i,~ Code: ~,, '-~(~~- Telephone: ~Iome_ (~to7 to~?,3q ~ Business: ~Lo~_~1~~ ° 18 ~'Sezr: L~ ~'h"ace: __1.~CASi Aitl 'Age: 'This infotzrtatitr» is requested i`pr tits sole purpose of assuring th~f ~ cross-s~tion ®f the cammurrrty is a ~~mproyed ~y: ~ -~ fi7 1~ . a-r'ti,v(~ ~r ~~, ~~~~~~'~ne~, ~« 1 taG ~ #,q person currently errpJvyed by the agency pr department fpr which this appliestiara. is made, rrr~tsf resi mvrtft lUevr i-lartovcr Courr#y uppn appaintmertt, lrt accordance whit Article 'i!!, Sec. 4 of the mew H~novcr Policy. Jvt~ Title: ~5 ~D ArvfeSSiOl7af ActivfPlts; ~- nwiyr~R OP Ca1+~ t Q,A1~~ ~ 0.V ~k ~taS't~~ ARG~ O~ °F{A-C.~ YttlUt~teer Aczivifies: ~'. ~;,~,~._ {+~f.w.t~t t z-rrr~ --- Why do you wish tv serve an the Board, Cd~smittee, ar Commission requested? ~61~ ~Q CSJt~1"Ci1.1.bU'f ~U T~rc ItdtsUS~~^( t+tJhet rlo you fee! are your qua/rficc~tit3ns for senrinF7 orr the Btssrd, Cd+»mrteee yr Comtnissiori requr~sted? ~NV C `~-t"'~"~j~~ry ~~ ~bLPEP-~:c Pf °ti.~ A1V'b 1-~O~-A ~ ~ 1tCro~-lsianv C}~ ~{C ~ LIC`~h14~ ~'. ~p~~°-~ h~tgllwww_ni;cgov.cc~ml~CJaggly~ 6 J U L ~- 6 2~!Cl NEri' HAN05'ER CO 80 OF COM1,11SSIO~~ERS FROM FA?{ N0. Jul. 86 20H1 03:43PM P2 ~}~ptlcanon z~r AP~olntment~ Page 2 of 2 What areas of ~anoern would you Ilke io see the BaarrT Ct7mmltYc?e? car Conv»rssion oddness? Are you currently se~vrng en another board or c®mrnittee sppolnPtd by a n?uniciJltlr tar ~ county? ff so, p Na_ ©ata: ~1~1L.`~ ~d ~ 60 { Signeturej~ AEF~}~~AICE~: PIC'19S~ ~J'Y7VIfI4° tI1P~3 /C7Cc3f perstrnelleferentx~: Name 1'hc~tze Nc~trer . • '-- • ~t#p Jlwww_~flcge~v. cxaml~t~/aPP~Y-~ /b/43 ~5 ~~ 1VtP~V1i 1~.4111~ 1~,~R ~t'~ ~N~~ ~3C~•~~L~ C,~F' ~~ld~'!~'I~~f~lll~fi~ 32t? Chestnut Street, f~com 3D~ 1f{/ilrnin~ta», t1(C ~B~C?1-~C3~~ Telephone (~ ! OJ 3~ 1 ~T 1 ~9 FAX (9101 34 t -~ 13~ ~ppJieati~n far ,~pp~irrtr~'tent to EQards, Gar»vrtft~ee~s, end Com,Trtissi~ax~ ~pporrated By the t~te~r t,~arr+o~e~ Cor~nry BQarrrt ®f ~ort7.ttissfoed~r~. ,~PquesPi°rApAainerxrenitc: Nei' Ilanover County Mecl2anieal Examiners Board ' llTame_ ~IrE'tomas L. Crittendenr Jr. flame .1144 Princeton Dr. , Wilmington. NC NOS;°ng have you Preen a 56 Years ~ddressf rPSid$ne of New Hanover Cnunty~ _ IVtallpn~~ddre~sc 1144 Princeton give ~Cle~rand St~tc: Wi3mingtont NC ~.~ Mader 28403 7-~/~A~an~,~ ~ynnyg, (510) 763--4025 guess. (9I0) 343-1234 ~S°x: Male °Raere: W?zite ,Age: 56 ®7'h,r'-r r~,Parrnaa[Ian is ragv~s't~ad far rh® ~af~s purDa~:g of ra~utir[g thaC atruss-section oT th~a eam+muriey ~ appcfn[set ~~F'mp/rrYed hvr 'I'7-dcwater I-seating and Air Conditioning, Inc. " <4 peY^.:a+s tr rrvnrly ar*+F.ubYad by ShrF egt~Y ar d~~rrmantfar whirls chl~.ep6rianrior~ it trrade, rnc~t rurgn hisJhor' y9dtitFon m,rth lVY~zw.Wmranvev iCguney upon gppdinr„nanG 1n aacorr.~ne~ rvlth.~r[fGl~ 1!L 3ne. 4 of thQ Now Hwft7var ~u»rp f'®rs~nnst f~l'rey_ ash 7atJe: Presid~?nt/owner/License Holder ~POfes~r'orre! ~4ctr~ities: Cape Fear Cc¢mTUni ~y College Heating/Air Conti{ tionzng Hoard Member ~olidrtteer.~4ctf+rr~ids; Contractczs AssoeiationsPast President, Hooting ~. lit Cor_dii;ioning tV.H. Co. W17% dd Y®~ wr'si tq serve @!7 tf7e ~earr~, Cd~IP~9rCt~@, or ~arrtntisslon regv~stGd?To bring 30 gears 2?~eriC-~Y1C~3 to the RaaFd and re~univats the Haardrs activities admin~.stering Journeyzuan's Licenses V~'haz +~® yr~u~fee/ are yaur° qu~/i#;cerlons far servin~d on [h~ ward, Committee, or Ct7rrlmis5i4rs i&quesredr i~TC License iwlder, Plumbing Class I Heating HI rig-H3 ClassT.~6878; Rei'riger~~ion License X1902; many years of experience and the understanding o~ tiie contract 73usiness what areas of concern wrauld you lr7c9 to see-the Boarr9. Committee, dr Camrnissiar[ address To b2 sure the Mechanical Examiners Board de3ivars the education necessarg to provide ]~na~wledgeable mechanics and helpers Are you currantl3r serving an another board or t:ammr'etee appainr~d bye a rnunrclpalityr nr a C+~urttyP If so, p1ea.~e rst: Cape Fear Community College Y3eating and Aar Conditioning Board ~~ "~~ '~f Jul 6, 2Q01 ~ `"l fPlease use revarsri 5id9 ~breddltlanaleammsntsl 66 ,- ~ r t ' (~11 _ i i~ ~ J ~~f~~4 t!nr,Gs~FR CO en ~~~ Cnr~~r~ ~~~~~-~~~;~~s • • Pte~s~ provide Three ,acal p~rson~l refcrenz~s: Name _ a~hone Alr~r'rrDer y' George ~. xtdrier (9I0) 763-~39~! ~, Frank R. Reyna3,ds Jr. (91q) 763-,1519 ~1 ~ Will.zara E, Ec3war~s Jr. (910} 350-0777 ~.~ pax tuat~ ~~~~ a~ `~~~/~'i a~~~ ~.. ~ cram cn.~b~~~ co. Phcnc J Piwno. .1 Fax N .9 ' y r ,~ F~nc # ~.r y ~ `~4~+ e3 *"~ _ ~' - -- - • 67 ~, ~~~ IVEW HAI~lOV~0~ C®~!l1/7"~ ~~ARfl OF COl'Vli1/11~S/~lll~'RS .320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmin ton, NC 28401-4093 9 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. r Request forAppointment to: ~ d.~ ~ ~ ~ Name r` ~ ~ v IrL, S'/~ c ~~ ~~G~=~ Home ~/ n How long have you been a Address: ~9~ l ~ ~f~l7 ~ Y'(/~~-L ~ ~-~ ~,- resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~ ~ Mailing Address: c~ ~~ City and State: ~ ~ L /Yl J~ ~ ~ 0 X/ /~/ ~ ~ r Zip Code: ,~ ~ ~~ 1 l Telephone: Home: ~~o ~ ~~-~ ~~ ~ 3 Business: ~,~6 - :5 ~'`,~ -- ,1 ~~~ ~Sex.• ~. "'Race: vt/ *Age: c~ 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the communirj is appointed, ""Employed by: S~~~l~+' C ~~ ~ L~ ~~~'7 ~l'~ ''A person current/y employedby the agency or department for which this application ismade, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy, Job Title: S~/~U/C C- - ,~~/L~C~~`~ ~ ,~~~9i~~~c~ ~,~D ~l~ ~ c~~~~i?/o;~E~ ~fU Professional Activities: ~ ~ ~ti/ptJ ~: /~°~Er!/ j/~/ ~1~~) C VolunteerActivities: /~'r%~'C /~~` ~r~/~ `/`/~J ~~ Why do you wish to serve on thcr Board, Committee,, or Commission requested? ~~ (~ ~ /~/~~ ~ ~ S ~~(J c- ~ Y ~ c~ a rv ~~' /~ ~ w~ Y ©~ ~S~~=ice G What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~^ C- ~~ ~ rya ~ E~f~ S ,~~so /iv c~Tl/vuEl~ 1lC iop~, What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~? C/2 J~~ ~~7~1a vU~Sff//, Lit ?`n~ C'G 1~fi~r~IJ~' 1' S ~ /i~'-S~~?G ~ S , Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~~~ - //~ ~ (Please use reverse side for additional D lnL2 II '~ Ls I~ ~1,`~c~~-f ~~ ^a , JUL 1 9 20C1 LJ~ ~U,e NE4'i finr~OvE~ CD Rf~ '!F !;phi?.~t~",IONEP,S REFcRENCES: Please provide three local personal references: - Name Phone Number Applicant: ~l ~ ~~~ ~j ~~~{~ l ~/'j 0~ f~ ~ i 69 FRGM : R & H MECNANICAL & METALS INC FAX N0. 9107729935 FAQ :~4. 34~41?p Sul. 06 2001 04:01PM P2 P~ C i tirrrin~tnla, !UC ~~C? f ~C~~3 7°~eshane 19rt~1 ~~~.~rv9 ~Axl~~~ ~~e;-~rso ~f~~~~~'4?6~ {fl~o~~Bj.~p~i7rlP77~'d7~ ~ ~¢aeTj~.p® ~L°~C8~3~Y`~£'S°,. a~J7~ Cd1IT31T?%S3PCf1~ r~ ~~r~f?~17k°~"fia~~T ~7F& 1jId~V4s ~~ry~br~' ~iidll3t}*.$t~~l~ faf ~271?7IY9G~ia1Pf9Y. . ~7~11@$L" f0!',I'~~,~¢BfR~lh~ldt eLl: ~J ~ c P ~,~~ ~r ~.f i rok ~ _ ~:~ ,4 (p ! f j~ ~ f ~ l~'9s~r J~sg Isav~ Yau De~tF B _ _ ftl~,t<.,~ ~1 L,tC~ flP .~2~~ r~~i~srt: of ~1~~}~a~~ve+er ~ounayr~ ~, i.,+ S . ~#~s~d~:~~~~. BThf~ r"n~arn~a~vr ~ r&~~s'~fcP ~s~ solra `+l~a: '`~ .~ur~DCS tl1 ~9 ~~: B cresx-?~a1:°~ta a3`"tiza aynutlVrlPy u aF&c~nte~. °•~ F$rscrr cm~r~~r ~~~, ,~ ~~, ~` d~artrza~t ~ 3t tfrs ~ !`d~wrl~e~u~r Ga+eit ~F7 i~rt~srttd~. neupt va.gi~y }, s/ha~r~d~:~jgn e~viria y ~n aynabttrn:.t~~ en ge~~i~am srfth.~rn'eie ~'°,, u~ar. 4 c~':ha /~ewr.4farr'nve}g ~avrtty t~®ranreeAa'otz~ee~: f ~~1i t'om' ~$ Ctnailt 4~f1•ey do ;+vu ~rstr rc~ ~~n.~e cr.,s~ti~a~ ~~f~~arr~, ~mm.~Crae, ~r ,.~sivr. ra~rasa~9~ ~'o ~,~c ~c~~-ice ~ ~Pt~t ~)+~_~v~+ feel ~r~ y~~rr ~~;alr~~i'satrgn~ ~aP ~n~in~ an t~~ ,5car ; ~~mr,°ai, or szmF~t~ ce~rr~ss~~"~ ,~, ~~ 11?~'~t,e /}'?~~'.~lr.~..~n.e~.t -~,'e~~ -~or 5~'ve-!'ct.,~ ~1e.~. ~ ~ . I --~''33 i3 UJit ~.~yM.ra,i4~ ,,~s`C ~/t$-~ g ` (~' ~J' ~ ~~ . ~}.SP ~ 02C~5`~+ ~^/h~t ar~~s saPc~rac~tn warafa' Y~ct IJka .°a set ~e Sg~r~ Camr»ltta~. ~r ~s~rr~rr.~ssias ~fdr~~~? Q r alfe yvu curr~ntfy S~1"P(t3~ or, 8nn~}i~~ L~crrf csr CarTimftte~ ~IswoTnred ~~ ~ rzrlriCi{~altdy or a ~aunrj7 /f sa, p1e2s~ ks£: ., ! j~PIR,'.9ID Ysd /-uv-r~.•r~® yids s r ~<ldltl~ ~ ~ 1~~L~~1'f'~~ r II _ ! `--J I ~ I NEvti" I1AN04'ER CiJ BD ~.Of CO~~i~`~I;SIO'rERS I FRAM : R & H MECHANICAL & METALS INC. FAX ND. : 9107729935 3u1. 06 2001 04:01PM P3 JUL° 301 ~kT 8t ~~ NHC~ FAQ( NQ. 3414130 P. Q~ R~~RN, ~ P<e~se ravid2 ~ t#~rse lcc~t ~~rsor~~/ r~f~~enc~s: . ~1~1m~' P,~arr~ hJ~rmt~et ,., . ~'~` -. lV~ 9~.4 n1 C~ ~c~ ~O (~d~1 ~°~ ~®a4R1~ ®F COIt/~~1/11SSIE31tlE~`5'. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, lVC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 A~,p/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed 6y the New Hanover Cr~unt~ Board of Commissioners. .Request for Appointment to: ,f~ G ~ (~ ~ ~'? (` G ~ ,./ .!~ I ~' ~ ~. ~-- ~ ~' „~~ ~%~ ~ ~_ Name: ~~' ' ;~ y -~ yJ t~ ~~~~ L Nome ~ How long have you been a Address: ~~ ~ ff~rG ~--7~ -~ ~~-' ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~~fl~ ~S :~tllaiiingAddress: ~G~ ~ %~rcd~- / ~ ~'J ~-~'t" ~ ` City and State: ~~ ~,_J~G~2 l-L'~ ~-~1 ..~~ C-- Zip Code: ~ ~~~ ~ Telephone: f-lome: `7~' 7 ~ ~ .`' ~ Busin.ess: ~ ~ Z d ~~ G" *Sex: ~~~ "`Race: ~'~ #Age: "This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ~-- ~" "Employed by: S',~ 1- ~ ~~G~ ~~a~.~ c~ r~~ Gi!-S~r~'1-- ~-~ ~ i"C-,~-.~ "~ `A person current/y emp/oyedby the agency or bapartment for~6rrch thrs applrcatron rs made, mustresryn hrsiherposrtion wrth ~ New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artida Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover CountyPersonne/ Policy. Job Title: ~'ro;`essional Acthvities: VoiunteerActivities: ~~~~--t2 ~ ~ G~~~~ C Vthy do you wis;o to serve on the Board, Committee, ar Commissiar, requested? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'.~:.~-~ '?_ ~ , ~ ;~ ~ .r1 , ~' . , .a .~' /~- ~ C~iGf,!/T~ #~-~'-°~~2 ~ ~~ ~-~+~' ~- jam` C~ l4° ,~-~" C~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested?. s s %~.,~-~-~- What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Are you currently serving cn ~~ ~1 6 ~ (Please use reverse side for a °r`~ae~o d c~ itt - ted by a municipality of a county? if so, please list: ~, ~ ~ ~ ~; ~~ ~ n rl. ~ II I! __ ~ ~ ~ ~~ JUL 1.6 2001 /i igna tore ~%'~ . ~ _ . - _. comments~EW IiANOVER CO 9N Of COMid!SSIONERS ~~ • Apphcat~on for Appointments I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V V J Li L 1 2 2001. NE49 NANOVER Cd. BD OF CO~~tMiSS(ONERS Page 1 of 2 320 Chestrratt Street, Room 30? YViimi~~gton, t~'C~ 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 3~1-71=19 FAX (910) 3-11--1130 Applicration~forAppointment to Boards, .Committees, and Commissions r~ppointetl by the New .I~anover County :~oartl of Commissioners. Regarest for.-lppointmer:t to: ~t~f}R.l~ P~~ Al _LC~f~L ~~~i'V1Ll~~~s Name: ~_S2A~1 ~ t-.l~~~-~4i~~ How long hcn~e you been a resident oflVe~v Hanover Counh~? ~ 9'S - ~~.~,!_~~~ Hnm e :4 ddress: ~~~_ X __~ ~l t~1 n~~ ~ ~'- %~Iai li rrg :'1 ddress: Citt-~ and State: _~~~~ ~ T~~ i~ ~..-- Zip Code: Telephone: _Nome: ~~~1-_C.__.~~ Business: ~ ~ ~.° ~`~ ~~ *This nzformatiorz ijjs~~; equestedfor the sole purpose of assuring that across-s~e/ction of the comrnu;airy is appointed >r*Empfoyed by: t,'.. f}/Zt~L./R/f~ ~G7fY1 F0~2T ~~ ~'~" ~ / ~ ,112 - '"*,'1 person currently empioved hl• t{;e agency .or department forwhich this application is made, must resign his%her position Coarnn~ upon appointment, in accordance with :=lrticle I~7, Sec. -? of the :Vew Hanover Cozvrty Personnel Policy. .,roh Title: Professiorzal.4cti vibes: S~ I7~~~' i1 ~ 12 ~SSUG1~dTIoA~ v Y"olarnteerActivities: ~ !~ m"!_'~ - YY•hv do vnu wish to serve on. the r9oar•d, Committee, or-Commission regarested? 1~tu I ~ r1y~~S . S GT'hat do you feel are your qualifi (~ ~ ve-~-~ tc for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission regarested? r~ .St ~i~ YYhat areas of concern would yoar like tv see tore Board, Corrtmiuee, or Commission address? _ _ ~ _ http://www.nhcgov.com/CC/apply.htm 7110/Ol __ _---. xppiicanon ror tippo~:ntrrierits--- _ .__ _---__ _..._. _ _. ,:.._..- _:_.. _..._ Page 2 of 2 1 ~~ ~ c n ~ ~- Cie ~ A ~ ~ : vs "~ a ~. ~- ~ Q Cz~. t1 t tl~,C,~- Ar-e you cwrently .rer-vin~ on anodrer board or committee appointed by a municipality or a coarnty? If so, please list: Late. d ~ ~O - O [ Sig RFFERE:VCES: Please pf'ovide three local pet-ronal references: Name 1. ~~ ~ ~ ~~ s ~ ~~~~ 3. ~ ~ (~ -~ /~- S --- . ~. http://www.nhcgov.com/CC/apply.htm r Phone Number u~ 7/10/01 FROM FOUR SEASONS HUAC N CONTRACTIN FAX N0. : 910;527429 Jul, 11 2001 03:01AM PL App-icatiort for Appaintn~ents Page I of 2 3,211 Chestnut Stt~ee~, Doom 315 ~ilmingio~, IVC28-~O1-093 2'ela~horre (914) 341-7149 1~~4X (31 Q) 341-7130 A~plictPfaaaz far ~i~poirstrea-etas tai ~'otrrc~s, C~~n~rcattees, atard Ct~m~aissirr~ts .t~ppoipzte~' ~y ~~e Nesv Fx'ta~vver Caaaa~~ ~amrd of ~aar~arai~sia~zer~ RequesCfor Appointment *o: ~}~~_ ttf! ~ ~ Xt~r~r r'~'~ f'. .._ .. . Name: ~ J4-~'L, ~?S.._1_~1?t'l~t~C' ` 5 ~,- - .. .. ... Hvw lang hc7Ve yora beer a resident o, f ~lrev~ h'arraver County? ~ ~ ~',~ ~ S ... ~~pp ~ . _ E3ornP Atldrez~ __ cG'~ !a'7C1 I t ~ ~~P"r.~r~_ ._ _ _ ....._ MCaalirro ~1de~ess: pc ~'~ i'~lQ ~ c_° k~fy 1 P~a$ i Y. ._ .. _.. . City and' State: _{.,C,~ r ~ e'4? t rsrc~ l e?r..t r ,t3 C~ _ 7.ip {"ode,- 'f ~'`fo ~t ~ - - - _ Telc:p/~nne: Hvrne: ~ .. n " ~v ~=3 ~,. ,.. $T}zis infop'tTtCztton is re~uesfecl jar the sole purpose r~f'cz~~suring that ~ cross~sectinn of the Zvrazrnuntty is ffnoointed '~*Fsnploy2d hy_ ~cl~E' ~PP? a~v~.~~5%,~~c~vn .~-f~~ ~~ .: ~*A_ person cuxrenlly employed by the agency ¢r deptartment for tivh:ch this apnlfcatiorr is made, ritrtst resign hisJher pn.rit~ Cor~nty upon appointment in acCOrtlance 3rFt]t At7icle T~ Sec. ~ of Ih~ New IYtxnover County Personnel Policy. I'rafessiptzadActtvttieS, r'~ ! i°S ~V i A ; , ~ rs-~ ~ ~^J ~~ . _~_~C.- . -- -• YvlunieerACtivitier: _~.I.~~(. ~.~;~.{~~ _, ~ ,'. • _ Y3~hy do you tivisla to sere on the ~3oarr~ C:~mmi#i8e, or Cornrnissian re~eested? ~Q ~~~~~~~~d ~C-' ~~drg~. v .v.r~ ~K. r'}ni % / ~,L. 4 l/° ~ C f91~ P ,. /f'.c~'~ OtL~ / ~ ~p '. / (' ,a l~ Qy•fC" -~"~~S.L/'~ /~rPu~ ~3-sr/ l C R•VC~ !'~t/l~,ti-+~ih'LF~ ~~~ri~~'A.~sz.~ /.y %~yP_Uovtnn-<,~j.rv !/~'~',~if-„7 . f3Tfzat do yt~u fez! are your guarcations for sewing on the BaaaYl, Comrniti~s, Or Cozrunission recruestetl? / .~// P~.~~lr~.n.~~..~=..-i ~. rio,~~'~/'cverrv.. ~rl~gca:.S~L1Qctlrty,o,~.,~~.~s!_C'~Pr I'~r'c 17.~F.y~(1,,2~ .~n.__1 ar^.S , /~.~is~ ~ ~Y P t'.P-wPr / U ~~ c _/lwww.nh ~flv_comlC~:lapply.Iztssi Q7/(39I2fl0~ - 7 • /hat csrec7s of eorr~:ern would vor~ li~:e 1t1 see the Bvard, (:ntfYt[itlce, ter C'vnuni.csion cddress? ~.°~t~. ul_~~° S~o..t.,5~ •~'ri L. r`yN 5 _ C~./c~ . r~ f~ ~ ~ rL .ref c~'-2l ~ Q r-'S. °. Y.@ri-'E S/ r» A11/ Are ynu ctarrrntly.servitag on Another board or cattr~niftee appointed by a risarnicipality or ct cvtsnty'? Tfso, please Ilst: Ikate: ~~ f / ,~ e7a ~ Si~;nantse~~/~"'" , . .-~ ~-_' .~ RFF~.FL~RFnICES: Plerase pTrJVtds thr2e local personal references: ~a12]° I. • ~~ ~~one Number ~. ~np :/Iww'w_ nh c~av_ c~~tlC C/apply, htm i . { o~~a~>'2ao~ . ~ 77 '! ~~ J.UL-.6-O1 FRI 9~~7 NHCC FAX N0. 3414130 11t~i1V ~AJ~It~Y~}~ ~~]UNTY ~C~A~13 ®~" ~~~~I~S.SI®99lE~'S 32® Chestnut Street, Raorn 3®~~ fetlilmington, NC ,284s~ 9.-493 . Te/®phone ~910I 34 f-7T49 FAJC fS J013~i t--~ 130 ARplec~tiar~ fd, ~pfaofntmelpt to ~aaads, Camrttitt~e~, tad CQmmissF~ns ~,op~tn~~~,pb~ rh~~ 1vew11~anav~r County ~®ard o~ C®~rrmssoners. Request farlt~potnrrrrent m: lbw a•-~' /7~v„~..4.,...;. / .~-~_ --~ P, O1 Nome •4a'dress: ~~ 8 ju.~ ~ ~~ > dtaw lane have you beta a --, ' r ~ ~- r,~stdenY of IVew ,F/;~n~ver Cvctnh°~ / `~ S/~'!~rt 1 1~T31Itr9~ A~dPQ3$: 3308 ~it~s/1Dr C9 7~~ir~a ®• ety end stars: ~ilmll~n/ ~ >~~ ?rp code: ~~d_y` _ Telephone: Home: %/~ ~.5 `3~' ~°~ f/~ 7 ~j(~f °SG'A°m '~ °~dCB: J ~r `F oTh%a lnlo~rn~dt~,re is ragp~staAPar !hm sat. ~~ ~~' ~~ . pv~passa 4f az3Vnng t~6r ~ Ctet7S-SacYi48 09 thv eommunityr is yppointed ~~~.,p®oue~5~:..?4'~3~CtEn~SE~~iC~' Ca•,.z'nl'C~ '~ p~~t ccvrovrrty ~p~7yed by thm 9sy or daAartrAf®u+d Par wA/Ct1 PREY ®D&lrCatien ,~ mnt48, r»uat reaigvs tlis/horgosirtan W1th Nmar Nenaue, Camay ~r appohatmonl, an 9c:ard®nca with ~inigt® Vl. Svc, .~ of rho Naar Hanover Count p + i~~f./~~71/T"" Y ~cvrrs~dPb~ey, ./®0 7ir/z: • f'rplessitrnal,s~CtlviPies: ~.on~ 0 7~ ~O1u11 t EF9 ilCY1i/1 fP~$! P~-~c~sr. ,~- !~/rIL~S .vL7fJ'Yr~2i's ~JU./1G~r/ ,y. r,,, ~,~ C C.~ ~+t yr ~ J-7~ ~ ~hY ~® you wish to serve Oh the Board, Corrrmirta : or C4mtr11ssian requt;st9d? "T ~ ~~, ; F ~-e /rJ~l~ (.Ubr'(f~r f .~ ---oErv .-. 7~C - n~~-~v, rye cl'' 3Rrltar do you t'as/ aPe yQW. quell/icariens Tar serving t3rr the 8aard, Committee, os Commission r eszed~ /~e.;~u~:,. =c a.~i ,,~//aP ereas of eoncernnnwould you tr7~a tv see the Beard, .Committee, or ~^amm/,~siun adsiressr' ~n•v r,~ cl ~'C~i4,.ft.~e~,r f3F~7't~ Ct~~~ gyp/ N~'u! j~~+"~lt~r~ 7'~ Gi ~,/~7' 17'!°+~~~ ~flG~,,C~V a, j_ /.1.~,d~J ~. -.ore yov currently se,,,ing orr another Ooard or eommittee a ~ r r Ppoinred @ y a mUnfC/paliCY or a eounryT !f sg, p/ease list; 9`~ v Dar. • • r~ ~~ 1 - ,\~J-J~~-~-- ~/~~~. , (P/aaao o imv • rides r eddidanat eynmm, sf~Yldttdr~e~ / (s1' • 79 F Jt!!.- 6-Ol FR ! 9:57 NHCC FAX N0. 34 14 t 30 ~'FERF PPease pry vlde threB /ucab pepson~/ referer~~eS, Nam@ z~ pry ~o y~r~,.- ~" P. D2 . Phorte° Nura7ber ~(~ 3 ~S~ G~ 3 9 rv 2 =~?73 ~u~c,~~) Past-i4" Fex f~lole 767? - n~'c ~ y~ ram, ~ ~ Ta ~ Ftnm Gfl •p1. Ca. Phxm a Fhcne s ~ T` ' y aL J -trx N ~(~ ~ sett f • ~ 6i Pdx q ~.~ i ~01V111~ITTEE APPOINTIVIEIUTS APPLICANTS: 'John P. Gangemi Lethia Hankins _~ James C. Mahony -`~ Robert. L. Mayo Ronald W. Rylands, Sr. -'' J_ Richard Tamisiea, MD • Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications I ~~G~ ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT 81 ~~RAR~ ~v~soR~ B~~Rn Dumber of Members: 12 Term: three years Quaiifications: see page 3, Item B, 1-8 of Library Board by-laws. Regular Meetings: Third Tuesday each month at 2:30 p.m. at the Library. Statute or cause creating Board: Policy for the Governing and Operation of the Library. Brief on the functions: to develop necessary policies for the efficient and responsive operation of the County's public library system. Also responsible for making recommendations to the County Manager and County Commissioners concerning the operating and capital needs of the library. Board members are expected to actively promote the library's service program; keep abreast with trends in public library development and to work for the continued improvement of library services offered by the County. C NT MEMBERS Jane L. Freeman 30 Saltmeadow Road Wilmington, NC 28411 686-4501 (H) Jane I. Grant 111 Seapath Estates Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 256-2922(H) 392-7682(W) ;~ Lethia S. Hankins 307 S. Kerr Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 395-0074 {H) Mary E. Hatcher 1905 E. Lake Shore Wilmington, NC 28403 762-7259 (H) Emily Sue Ihrig 7600 Hawk Road Wilmington, NC 28411 251-8089 (H, TERM PRRSENTLI' TERI1~ SERVIl~TG EXPIRES Unexpired 8/31/2002 (Appt. 11/27/00) Second .8/31/2003 (Appt. 4/21/97, 8/21/00) Second 8!31/2001 (Appt. 8/21/95, Reapt. 9/21/98) First 8/31/2002 (Appt. 6/ 16/97, Reappt. 8/ 16/99) First 8/31/2003 (Appt. 8/21/00) LIBRARY AD~IS~RY BOARD (Ci~NTINITED) TERM PRESEN'I'LI' TERM CI:JJZRENT MEMBERS SER~IN~ EXPIRES Wilbur D. Jones, Jr. First - 8/31/2002 4700 Chamberlain Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 (Apps. 8/16/99) 793-6401 (H) 793-6393 ~ John L. Lauer First 8/31/2003 . 2235 Deepwood Drive Wilmington, N C 28405 (Appt. 2/15/98, 8/21/00) 256-3563(H) Robert E. Lenzner First 8/31/2002 99 Beach Road South Wilmington, NC 28411 {Appt. 8/1 6/99) . 686-9452 (H) ~, Michelle J. onard ° First 8/31/2001 121 So Second Street Wil ngton, NC 28401 „~ (Appt. i 1/23/98) -3651 (H) Robert L. Mayo First 8/31/2001 6308 Timber Creek Lane Wilmington, NC 5 ~.`~~ 1( (Appt. 9/21/98) 686-7430 (H) . Nancy G. Millen First 8/31/2003 2018 Seawind Lane Wilmington, NC 28405. (Appt. 05/18/98, 8/21/00) 763-9988 (H) ' ~ 1~." Sharon L. W sh ~~:~ First 8/31/2001 ~ 3665 Me stone Drive Wil gton, NC. 28412 (Appt. 9/21/98) 7 -8275 (H) . Library Director: David Paynter 201 Chestnut Street 341-4390, 341-4389 11/00 file: /library.wp ~3 ~uL-~~-u1 w~u ~~36 NNCC FAX N0, 34i4I30 P, Q2 11~~V4P ~~'~ ~~~ ~~~~y ~®~4R1~ ~~ ~~1~'S1~,3NF~q,~ ~~C~ Chast~nux Srr~e~, Rovrra 3p~ ~!lilrntn9tan, NC 2$401-x(393 ~~r:e iJtOd ~4t-714 F~4X 1914d 561-~73Q ~' ~ ~~~eas l ~~01'8$S/OJ78/ .s~ CY1 VI LI ~ S: CUES ~'~ ~"~ tr°oltxtte&r ~d/es: ~ ~~~ ~y do Y+00 wish to Serve pn ~~ ro. L ® tl~i G~ 1~Vhat do yCU feel.are yaur ~qu~!/r'icarians far serufrr ~ ~ ort dfr~ Sward, Cammr'ltee Qr Cammissdan t~quest~da ~~ ~' 3L - ~R~.~ a`~ ~® - ~. 1~Ce~3 cP ~ 2 cs consem w~ou/ you d!&~ tv set the fiord, Committee . ~r Ctan*mis.SrbrS ado'ress,~ C.' ~~'~ c,~ Are you curr~rf pdy 3e~nrin~ on s7rrother board G' Commlttae aDpoint~d b y ~ rrrvnrce~~~ty QP a County? ff Ss, please /isr: Dante: ~ ~~ d~'da/! 1H'oosa use revesr~ sJ~o b. addtrynal rummenr) ~~ _.... .__ ~~~..uv~.w.,~._. ~;. „~,. ; i-u~ wru is:fib ~ NHCC FAR Pl(). 3414130 P, 03 o~~ ~~.~ ~ ~~~ `~ • • 85 ~~~ NFVV HAIVOV~'R ~COUIVTY B~Al4D t)F CO~/IMISSI~NER~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28409-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 RequE .Name Home Address: ~~ Msilin r}~ ddress.~~ City and State: A ~ Zip Code: ~~~ (~,~ Telephone: Home: ~9/d~ ~~~ -' b~ ~ ~ Business: /Y "Sex: _ E? /aJGtX-~-/ *Race: *Age: 'This infor on is r quest far he sole purpose of assuring that a cr ss~ection of the community is pointed. **Employedby ~ ~' ' °A person cu ntly employed by the ag ncy or de artment for which this application i ade, must resign his/h r position with New Hanover County up/~on/appo)intm/e in accor ance with A~ S 4 of the ~ ew Hanover County P~r onnel Policy. /\_. JobTitle: /.-~f~,Y~~/ if /~/4..~ ~~~iS,~~~~.1~_.~/y~"~'~/~~~.d~Lr// ProfessionalActivities~-'+ ~1.~ --~~~~~~C%/~ VolunteerActivities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested?~~_ A~Q ~ ~i/-~~,tiyG p v'i ~ r y y --~---/ ,/.I~~YO.C.L.~.-vai lJ .~. O .t/~ ~ ,l'~iD f r /I.,~ it ~/ /~ /~ .r"1.9a /~fa OfT/ .~ ~ ,is , i ~t ~ / .r~/I i i / y ~ i What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 0 GcJ / What areas of concern would you (ike to see the Board, Committee, or CommissionVaddress? / Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a bounty? if so, please list: ~lJ j Date: (Please use tale side far addit' na/ comma s) ow ran nave ou oeen a Y ,rt.PJ ~ sident of New Hanover County? - l q'~~ .V ~ r. .' ~~° ~' ~i> ~~. r Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. C, ~//' ~_. -- 7 ~ ~ . J DAVYDM. PAYNTER Director July 12, 2001 Chairman Ted Davis. PUBLIC LIBRARY 201 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-3942 TEiEPHONE (910) 341-4389 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Chairman Davis, It is the wish of the Library Advisory Board that Lethia Hankins be appointed to a third term on that board. Mrs. Hankins is a valued and hard working member of the board, and we feel her' reappointment is in everyone's best interest. Not one to merely occupy a seat at board meetings, Mrs. Hankins puts her talents to work on behalf ofthe-board by serving as the vice chairman. She is also a member of the Capital Improvement Committee, and was instrumental in ~ettin~ House Bi11691 introduced by Representative Thomas Wright in the NC Legislature. In asking that.an exception be made to the two term limit policy, we believe it shows the 'high regard in which she is held, not only on the board, but in the community. Sincerely, t~,~, rl Mary .Hat her Chair New Hanover County Library Advisory Board ~ju.y ~~ ff j~nn ~~ ~ -.i D~~C~od~ J U L 1 6 2~?0? NEW HANOVER CO BD OF COMMISSIONERS i S Vi2.1~C ~ l~v'-1-Lc- ~ ve. i~v~ =t-vztrvL . 1`~-i~V~. ~ s c1~-, ~lC~~-`~icm . ~~.~.;~~~i'~I.3 ~"- ~~, ~.cl • u~(~-~~_ ~o ~ ~rnw~ ~ ~~ r~e~ ~~~(~o~%f ~L~. c®~rl~~ss~ofi~'-''R___.~ 4+~1,'~ ~ l~c~.it-Itrt-~ C.~~. ~-~~ ~,~ ~~vc .i~~Dt~eim~"1~ C.ia,~~2~~;~CCc~.~,~r'~~k ~rn~~r~v~,vz-~~.~ I~~°J~~f~ '~~~'~' ~~wc(n~<~ i ~ ~ ~~~a~~ nrFW ~~~~ ~~~ ~oc~~~-~ ~ BOABI~ O,~ GO~VIA/1lSSfC~IVg'f~B Al1G - 8 2001 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wlln7lTe~ pOhone (901 3840 494093 6~N ~'~ COMM~SS~OOER_ s____- FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the. iVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. RequestforAppointmentto: ~ I~/Qfjr~~ A.~~l-r0~~ /~G~~~ Name: /~Ars~.J' ~. ~li9f~~.~/Y . Home / Now long have you been a .,~i ~ Address: f~'~~6'~~jf'T,~~ L~ resident of New Hanover County? / ~ ~~~~ l~ifailingAddress: r/ r/ it City and State: ~/G~/~,C/(~ %v~/; A~C Zip Cade: ~~~~~.~~ Telephone: Home: / y ~ - ~j~~ `yS ~/ Business: "Sex: ~ Race: ~/f ~ ~~^3 /~i~' "Age: °This reformation is requested far the sale purpose of assuring that across-section of Che community is appointed. "Employed by: e~'~~i/t~~D ° "A person currently emp/oyedby the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e V!, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: :u,4 ..s" v 1' L"~/ s : d ~• ,~i~//~%~~"~~°~a9 l lly ._ /9~~r>..-~ ,f '~ .,~~ Professional Activities: 1~i5%~y~Y ~l~~~DB~ Ci/.~Tir/.s~r~GrL,a// ~'r~,t/~ y~- VolunteerActivities: ~~~ S~"~'1~~~~.f',"/fef~~~~~.-rJ C~~-~`J .~rs<'`.~~~5~-.~%..~1~`/C~ ' /jl, f1~ ~• Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Comm t e, r C m s io re u s~~d_~ ~U~ iii 7'.~~~ Jtj.Cle` ~- ~~° _ ~_ /~®,~ fi~/P' tl/~~ % f ~/1'~ . /fir ~ 7•i/~l.~ ®~°." ~.c,~ rp ry~J- /~~j rdv 7- /~ ar/~ ..-~ ~<% sLt~' d .ems ~.~/E .--~~",/~t'~ ~9.~%~' ~~UO What do you feel are our q rfi ion or sere n the Board, Co mittee, or C .~ ~,~ ~~ ,J Eta .~ ~'~,~~ v.~.~~ ~~- .~-~.~~.~~,,~s ,,~ ~x'/f' /~~~C..~ .~- S~ ir- vp LU.~r~~:~ ~ ~ TEL- /t~.~ L3'iPr~L~~~, ~j--~ ~ /~~ °s~ted? _~, 'C,~.~F/h~~ .~ ~j What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, omrr~ittee or Commission address? / ~'~OL~ S%.~~'~ V ~ y' S i ,~ ~r~~6 r~o,~ ,A lS,~ ~~/~ :`~ ~~~i~•lp ~e,,~ ,8ed~'~"S .9~J~ v Sr ~ J~~/cr~-1 ~-° ._.- rs%~~~x~~ s~~~'~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a ccunty? if so, please list: /~~`. ~Date.• ~' ~/~ / Signature ~~~ ~ - / "~~ IPlease use reverse side far additions! comments) L -REFERENCES: ~-~~ ;. _..~ __, ~~- ~~~Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number Applicant: ~"" Mss ~ , r~/I ,g h`J.,~/~" 90 - 1~~~ ~~~®vFR c®un~r~ B 0,4 RD ®~ C ~MM/SS/~NERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, lVC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 • FAX (9101 341-4130 Application far Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: L- % f~~'.~~,f?!Z jr ~1~ Z~r S/~ ~ i C~ -~~ ~~~~ Name: /~C'/3E/2% L . f~ y~ Home ~ ~~r[~l'i/L+<v72' Now long have you been a Address: ~y:~~~9 /'j/~?i.3~ ,~'~~ ,C~,~/ ~;44r~S~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ f y~f~,~s~ Mailing Address: ~~~ ~ /j~;'~3~ /? ~~/2L= ESC ~..t/ City and State: G-~/r'~'~ j~,~l(:v j~/V~ /(,~~' Zip Code: ~~' ~G'.~ Telephone: Hama: ~/~% - ~ ~; ~ - ~ `>r~ ~ Business: °Sex: ~f"`, °Race: L-L ~ °:4ge: ~ .~7~ °This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring thst across-section of the community is appointed. ° mEmplo yed b y: fj~FT/2E1~ ~_~~/~-1 ~~/E.5'T/i~G,~~ ~',5~_~ ~~~-L'T,~/C ~~-~'.~' ° °A person currently employed 6y the agency or department for which this epplicat~an is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec: 4 of the New Nanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ,,~.^^ `, ~ Professional Activities: ~v~~ ~lai~trEEI~I~ /~fr~~'K:==Tal~r <g'; /~,4T-~;r c ,G~~;,,,,y°ir~,"~ ~~~ j~G~ TSM " ~~~I~~ ~F ~crylP,~E'/~~•+,!s`i U~" ;.c-,Z .v . y~~~3c~~s~,~~~ iTrE~ VolunteerActivities: - i?~=Si~~IVT j'7L.~yI~'G's>>/al/=,LS ~rs`S~'tm'., ~' d;T~~~ i%c~?.~iG~~'f; ~'L~c,,~L~-~1~.G~T Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ,:~ih'~r+JG -~c ~-%~~ TG Scc %~fE ~G'1iVT% s" ,c.L~G~G,4Tiz'nI~L ~ f'L'~.TC'~ZI~L. ,~,~r'•"`/.C 1 i ~~ ~~1/°'~4'/J~'.E_ ~r.5 Ti~~' . What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~CTI~'~ /+'.~~'~~ ~. t%f= /1,~~ ~A C~ . , Li,~ -~f~ h~'t /.~/T~`4'C >~' /1c/ ~1= ~1~i~1 What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? fTGiL% 7~E- !/~,c~,~,t,~~i 7~ ST~%`( C.:9-// ~ `~:S~IS T i:~ ~'l%/i"'~t'~''G'/rv~r T.h~.E` ~..~'C"11 T/C~ ~~ 7ff~ /G'G~u~; f~a"'/-~%'Ls~ ~7G/L/ Are you currently ser/v~ing on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: /"~ ~tifC,- L=Chi%'~''/ T Tl~.~ irleasa user verse side for additional comments/ /., ~ Signature ~~~`/ /`G~%~ 1 9 1998 (ovER~ _ ,_ ., ..~ ~. REFEREN . F.S Please provide three local personal references: ' Name Phone Number 1) .~~i¢r/'~~ ~ ~ /!f%~"IZ. ~j -439 ~~ /b`0. y ~j 92 • ~~~v ~r~~~v~~ ~~~~~-~ ~~~~~ ~~ C~a~~~~~f~~~~s 320 Chestnut Streetr Room 305 .Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (91x1 341-7149 FAX (9101 34 t-413® J U L 2 5 2GOi NEVr' HANOVER.CO 90 OF COMMISSIONERS • Application for Apprlintmerrt' to Boards, ~ommltfses, and Cnrr1mr55d®nS Appointed ,6y the .New Hanover' Coarnty Board of Commissioners. Request forAppoinrment to: ~ i F'f~'A~2Y A,~~Jt,sf~,~ ~,~~Q`r~D !Name: ~(~nlr-ll~' 1~I ~t/~i~llr~~ y~,~- , Nome ' How long have you been a Address: r . ,'; '""' %"' ~ ~ ~ resident of New tfanover County? ~ y~~~ ' MailingAddress: f,~~ '',~#-r--~ ~".~' ~'~ - City and State: ~~ '1 ~'LC~ ,=~.~' :'~~l r a' r~-~ G zip Cade: ~.~ °`~ ~.,.~f ep ~ r~ ~' ~ ~ - ~c~ ~,~es Business: ~~`~_ 1 ~ ° 4c~ ~~ Te! llOtie: f'lal7T~: `J'- '~ • ~. r ~°Sex: /}rj~¢~;~'" "Race: ~'L1rt!?.~i.41~/~_ _ *Age: ~ 'This infarrnation rs requested for thv sole purpose of assuring that a cross~ection of the community !s appointed.. *Employed by: . ,,t,fy fr'-~n_/~ - "t"°.•4s ~>~lt~ G D ~=t"'• ° A person eurtenCiy employed by rho agencyor department for which this application is made, must resign his/harposition with lVew Hanover County upon eppoinrment, in accordance with Artlcfe Vf, 5ec. 4 of th®New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ,~ Jnb .True: ~ :~~'%>1 ~ = : * 1 '~~ ~~~1}~'.~~ "' . Professional Activities: ~ ~,~ )-~~1 ~' "l ~'l.rt/Ci ~A.,f t~ /~~,t~ "' ~~ /E ~} 1 "r`-' .`~ ~7" VolunteerActivitit=s: ESQ "~;y~~/f= J ~ ,~~/..1~~-~.~5 ~. ~' ~.i~ ~.~`f,1'rr}'~ ~~"s~~ . Why do you wish to serve on ih~~ Board, Cnmmi[tee, or Comrrlission requested? ~'() ~ Sr~r~f ,~~ What do you fee! are your qualifications for serving on the Beard Cammitfee, or Commission requested? ~_ What areas of concern would you like to sae the Board, Commit7ee, or Corrrmissian addressr' ~,~~",~~~ `'7~J-^~,~r=~-r!~ ~''s~ Tom"' l~~G}'c,~ P~'1tlr;~~G~"~ ~ . Are you currently serving an another board ar committee appointed by a municipality or a county? !f so, please !1st: ~t/~ 1 .' " .. Dater Signature ~r~ ,~ (Plasma use reverse side far additional cnmmantsl . 93 REFERc1VCES: • .. 'Please provlrle three local personal references: Name Phone Number .. Applicant: ~ 7,.,,~~ p -~./ ~YL~~C~S ti ~~ 94 N i ~~W ~~~vo~rE~ co~N~-~ ~®~~® ~~ c~~~~ss~c~n~F~s 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, lVC 2840 ~-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 NEW HANOVER CO 80 Of COMMISSIONERS 0 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~ l !~, r?~ ~_ ~ i~ ~L ~'~ ~.=~ Name: \,~ ~`l (r'. i-l //~ I~ ~1 l ~~ r~l t cS (~-'~ Nf , i~. • Home How long have you been a Address: (,~.-~C~~ ~}~, ~v,ti~ ~~C~/-~~ resident of New Hanover County? ~~~rJ (.~~-~^ ,S• Mailing Address:__ ~ ~5 ~Lrl E City and State: (/ ? t L ~-4 ! t~ C~ , Il~ ti ~ Zip Code: ,~.~-~c~ - ,-;1..-~ U Telephone: Home: 9~~ ' ~ /!~- ~; .~(i J Business: _ (~~'=tv~~ ~ - #Sex: t~''~ k ~ ~'. - "Race: ~ ~ , . ~- C` t`1 t. Cr1 S t L•: Age: /~ ~- "This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed ,~ I i-l \ * * Emp/O ye d b y: ,SL. 1 ~ C~ Z~~~ fl I ~ C ~1 ' (~ ~ ~ r`~, v'Yl ~r ~ 5 i C~•~:.~ c1,^~l i~ O ~ y ~ z ~ ~ !'~ ~/1 ~ it ~ `~"~ Y~ ~ --i c-~-- ° "A person currently employed try the' ency or department for which this application is made,sign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover Cocinty Personnel Policy. Job Title:. ~ l~-~ i' S i ~, its, ~C;~v~~'%? ! G LGC~'~.~'~ '~~~'~~/~~ ~rS7~~ ~- . Professiona/,4CtlVltleS: ~J,{~~C'.J'~-zS ~` V~("'~<~ ~~~yic~r~~ ~i'~~ c ~ C C~~CfI-~,''~~4'~TZ''~`7 r ~`L,c UolunteerActivities: f.~~,~ 1 Wit= ~L., - ~~~ ~ ~ECI~<.~~ ~~i-viii ~'~~~icG:;..~ _t~<Srt ~.,` -n Pc~;~r Why do you wish Po serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I ~Eti~~ S<~,~~~'_~ ~,~ IScf,~ ~~c~~ ...~ Co,-rlvr«_~, ~ I.~~~<~~ ~-.1~~~,,~., ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ f~~1~~~~ 1 ~ 5~~.,,,~ ~~~~ Pu ~, <<~ G~, ~<' ~ ~. 1~1~~Y~ • What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~ . ~'1 ~'-' iwY~ t =~ C e C~ /1/] ~~ 1 ~Ci'~~'~~ • j v } ~ ~~~ ` -.tom-' ~S C~1~ ~~ ~• 1 °`~'-E-' ~ C ~(~e C i G~ ~ F~ Q t~~ It '1~1 ~ C. ^.I` ~ t i ~ `` ~J (.~ ~ ~1~= ~tt~~ ~i c._5 h Vic- C~ ~f` ~-~-!' ~~iLu.~~•~2~ 4~~ . ~cv~' ~s ^C~~C~~, n~ ~C~<'.~• C~'~-i~,.,-~ What areas of ~oncern .would you like to see the Bdard, ommtttee, or Corrimisston o'`dress? i-~ Ciyt_"t _ C~J~~c"~-rr (~ ~ CH1.'1C~:~^i'I ~~ C~~-C~ i.i~ ~1~ ~_~'TL~'~~ ~~ ~ I.~ 1:77 C h c 5 i 1 .~~r~~ v--•L i t' I :~-~ `~"~ ~ ~:-t~- ~ , c• ~ t`~ r`Lv, , ~. S ~vn ~' ~J (C Are you rrently serving on ariot~~ier b ara~ or committee-~ppoinf~d by a municipality or a county? if so, please. list: l4%c ~------ ~~ate: le/of ~~ /,-~ ~C~ Si natur~ ~~ ~' , - --~ _ (Please use;~everse ode for additional comments) -~-~ le,~vide three local persona/ references: 1 _.. _ __. __._ -.A, _-; - - ~ Name Phone Number 96 / ' ' J • COMMITTEE APPOINTIVIEI\ITS NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2 VACANCIES Term: One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter • APPLfCANTS: Rev. John Fredlaw D. Alton Parker, Jr. (il ~ v a. l.ca~-b ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X X ADMINISTRATORS' NOMINEES None Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ~ 97 NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY CONIMIT'I'EE Number of Members: 13 One-third of the members may be nominated by Nursing Home Administrators. Number of members are determined by the number of Nursing Homes in County. The immediate family of a patient in a home may not be a committee member or persons with a financial interest in a home served by the committee. Term: 1-year term initially; 3-year terms thereafter Compensation: none Regular Meeting: called as needed Statute or cause creating B®ard: N.C. General Statutes 130 ;brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes. This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. Each member shall make quarterly visits to the.nursing home it serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. C NT MEMBERS TERM TERM SERVING E~I'IItES Joan Barbara Apke 109 Cromwell Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 799-4574(H) Catherine R. Davis 5613 Greenville Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 395-5512 (H) 350-2100 (W) ;Y,~ ' Rev. John Fredlaw ~~~~~ P.O. Box 715 r%'~ Wilmington, NC 28402 763-8246 (H) 762-3549 (W) Dorothy Lane Grime SS83 Wood. Duck Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 350-0672 (H) Peggy J. Hali P.O. Box 5216 Wilmington, NC 28403 762-4665 (H) First 11/30/2002 (Appt. 9/21/98 to 1 year term) (Appt. to 3 year term 11/15/99) First b/30/2002 ~J (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) Appt. to 3 year term 6/21/99 Initial 8/31/2001 (Appt. 8/21/00 to 1 year term) First 6!30/2003 (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1-year term) (Appt. 6/19/00 to 3 year term) First 2/28/2004 (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term) (Appointed to 3 year term 2/19/01) 9 NURSING I-IOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COiMITTEE (CONTINUED) 'TERM CIJ'RRENT MEMBERS SERVING. Bridget M Harding Initial TERM EXPIRES 2/28/02 «,,,i.. C 2248 Deepwood Drive Wilminb on, NC 28405 Appointed 2/19/01 256-8805 (H) Joseph F. Hughes Initial 4/30/02 605 Plymouth Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 - Appointed 4/16/01 452-1832 (H) 910-254-4690 X-110 .~ D. Alton Parker, Jr. Initial 8/31{2001 5429 '/z Oleander Drive ~~y Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ Appointed 8/21/00 392-3514 (H) Donald E. Price First 2/28/2004 201 Lawton Circle (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1-year term) Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 2/19/01) 799-5358 (H) Steven R. Roberts First 8/31/2003 806 Bay Blossom Drive (Appt. 8/16/99 to 1-year term) Wilmington, NC' 28411 (Appt. 8/21/00 to 3 year term) 397-0665 (H) 256-2330 (W} Eileen B.-Rock First 6/30/2.002 2614 Columbia Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) - 762-5103 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Joseph Tralle Initial 3/31/02 213 Mendenhall Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 Appointed 3/26/01 6'86-2105 (H) Nominated by Nursing Home Administrators: Staff Support: Harvin Quidas, Region O Long. Term Care Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 File: /Nursing 4/01 ~ 99 !1lEW ~~NO ~F~ ~~~~TY BC)AR® ~F C®MI~ISS1~lVE13S 320- Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, IVC 28401-4093 Telephone (910J 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 ~~~~0 `~n ~~~ 0 9 2000 NEV11 NATlGVER c ~. ~D. OF CO?~1Mf~~;C~03 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New /~anover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Name: Rev. John Fredlaw Home 1 1 0 S . 1 3th Street Wilm. NC 28401 How long have you been a Address: resident of New Hanover County? 5yrs MailingAddress: ____P .__O ._ Box 71 5 City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28402 Telephone: Home: { 91 0) 7 6 3- 8 2 4 6 Business: (91 0) 7 6 2- 3 5 4 9 *Sex: Male Race: Black Age: 47 "This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is.appointed. "Employed by: Retired ""A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position wifh New hlanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: Minister Vo/unteerActivities: Director of A Helpin~_Hand Ministries, Inc. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Please see Attachment What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, p/ease list: ~a ®~ ~ ~ -- C~.~ U Signature / (Please useuse re~ide for additional comments) GG p 1 1 AI. AJi1~1L' N 3 ~9 ~'hy do you wish to serve on the board, Committee, or C'on,mission requested? ~ wish to serve on this committee because ~ have great passion for the welfare of oue elderly. I want to ensure that they are properly taken care of in our nursing home facilities. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the board, Committee, or Commission requested? My qualifications include beia~g the Co-founder and Executive director of A helping wand l~'dinistries, line. A ministry whose central focus is aiding disabled, elderly, amd disadvantaged individuals, mentoring for children and much more. i[ also have experienced first hand dealing one on one elderly people in nursing homes. lYiy mother was taken to a facility a few years abo to spend her last days. f have worked in nursing homes around the country and ~ have ease the heeds that these individuals have. also, during my visits as a minister ~ see daily the treatment of our elderly. what areas of concern mould you like to see the l~~ard, Committee, or Co~nanission address? I would like to see this committee address the issue of how having more events for our elderly people to attend. ~ also would like this committee to address the issue of how to include more of our minority elderly persons in such functions ire you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? ff'so, please fist: N~ ~ 101 nlf 1/~ H~l1IC~VER CC~(11117"~ ~®~~® ®~' C®1V1N11SS~0~11gRS 320 CI?estnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ,~ - ~ ~ ., _ Request forAppointmentto: ~Ii iy* N~`fY1C'~ ~~Z~t^r1Y1^1i.At'11T'~J _ ,#~dt)1_Sf1Y'1! ~~YYI Name: ~~ ~-~~'"C~Yl r~~.Y'Ke. Jr • ... Herne ~ How long have youbeen a Address: ~ ~ c~q ~ ~~' ~~ Y1~~Y" ~ ~C' • resident of New Hanover County? _~~~f Y'S , Mailing Address: S(`~~'l~ City and State: ~~ 1 1 ~Y1 t i 1 ~~~ 1'1 ~ C Zip Code: 01.~ ~' Telephone: Home: ~~ a ° ~Sj ~ Business: SQ.~LJ *Sex: ~P . *Race: ~~(11TC , *Age: (~ (~ __ "This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. _ t **Employed by: ~°~,1` 11~~~ *A person currently emp/oyed by the agency or department far which this application is made, mustresign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy: Job Title: Professional Activities: II 1 ,y 1 _ YolunteerActivities: (~:~ t .~Y`CXl - Y' ~..1c~.,-~-e..d ~. 1 1 X11 ~ lF~~ -"' ~ r 1 So it YYl ~ Y11 ST Wh y do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~,~~t' S. ° YYl ~~ ~'~~~~ ~n c~ ~cz.y ~ ~'im e., ~'o ~erU ~ ~ ~ ~~1c~ l i ue~ ~'a Q'~ v~~ ~e~m~.-~ h ~ n~. k~~.c~ -~-z~ -~h~. c.~ m}mur~ ~-~~ . What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? }-~G~ o r~e, or ~'~ 'v -fir r iexzds i `n r .p ~o es a --- ~e c~mrnu n - y , a~ ~ n C~ m ~a.ss ton a r e, e.1 ex- ~ czn e..~ en What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? -- 1~Ore. 5~'~r~~ua.1 Gtt'm~spher~. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: `~' / 2000 ~~ ~, ~ ~ a ~ Q ~ Signature (Please use reverse side for additional comments) } REFERENCE'S: Please provide three local personal references: A lican : ~= pp t • • {~'hi~ p~~e intenti~ntxlly left blr~nk~ NE~11 HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COIV11VIlSSOONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTlOiV Meeting ®ate: 08/20/01 Regular .Item #: 15 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: David E. Rice, Health Director Contact: David E. Rice, Health Director 343.6591 SUBJECT: Public Health Foundation SRIEF~SUMMARY: The Public Health Foundation of New Hanover County will be a local, non-profit organization dedicated to achieving a healthy New Hanover County. It will be incorporated as a 501(C)(3) organization. It will be governed by anine-member Board of Directors and may appoint honorary directors. The mission of the Public Health Foundation of New Hanover County will be to insure the accessibility of healthcare services, to promote good health practices, to develop public health knowledge and methods, and to provide supportive management and professional resources. This foundation will address the Strategic Planning Priorities of the New Hanover County Board of Health and the New Hanover County Health Department, established in October 2000. The New .Hanover County Board of Health Executive Committee recommended the Public Health _ foundation to the Board of Health on June 28, 2001. The Board of~Health approved its - submission to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners for consideration on July 11. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve formation of Public Health Foundation of New Hanover County FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACt~MENTS: Attachment is Public Health Foundation By-laws Kym _ %;`K,~ } t PublicHealthBylaws7-12-01 REVIEWED 8Y: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval with the stipulation that county money cannot be used to fund the Foundation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~o~~i~aQ ~APPROVEta Cr~ iF2EJECTED ;Ci ~R.EMOVED ;~ ,, ~;~STPONEO I ~~i7 ;,,,._ _ 105 ~Y-LAS ®F THE ~.../ PU~L.1C HEALTH F®UN®AT1®N ~F NEW HAS®VER COUNT`(, IBC, Article I I'a~rposes Sec~i~h '!°: I~tissi®¢~ Staterner~t: A. Insure the availability, accessibility and affordability of healthcare services. B. l-'remote good health. practices. C. Contribute to the achieverrient of the Iligh9st practical standards in public health. D. C®nduct public health which wi!I develop new knowledge and methods. ~. Provide supportive managerr~ent and professional resources for more efficient ano ei~ective use of funds: Secti®r~ 2: TM~ general I'~rp®ses ®f the F®undati®rt are as f'~ila~~s: ~,. The Corporation shall be anon-profit corporation to solicit, receive and administer funds for the furtherance of the purposes of this Corporation as 'set forth in the Articles of Incorporation=and: herein. B. ~o do all other things necessary, desirable or useful in order to carry out the purposes and ob}actives of the Corporation. Secti®r~ 3: Organization: The :organization is organized exclusively fior cf~aritable; :religious, educa€ional, and/or scientific purposes under section 501'(c)(3) cf the Internal Revenue Code. ~~ a~ 1 ~„ ~.. r' _, ... .. _. "'' _..1 • • Article i! ~emberahip Secti~ra ~ : The corporation will not have members. Secti~h'1: C®rnp®aiti®r~ ref the Bard. The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) members six (6) of whic~i :shall be appointed by the flew Hanover County Board of Health. The following Board members si-iall serve by virtue of their position, as indicated:. ®ne ~°i) Chairman of the Board of Health ®r~e (1) Vice Chairman of the Board-of Health one (~) i~ew ?-Hanover Ccunty 1-i~alth Department Director ' Secti®r~ 2: H~n~rary ®hectors. In recognitior3 of significant so~~aice to the Foundation or contributions of other nature, the Board of ~ire~,tors tndy also ap~aint honorary or emerifus directors: Such: directors shall ~e considet~ed ex oifici® members of the Board .but. shall riot hay/~ tn~ power to vote at Board meetings. Bectic~~ 3: `Blccti~rs, Ter~~ ahd Va~aracie~. Except in tho case of the initial directors, terms of all directors vUill be for three ,3j years and will commence at a time corresponding with the calendar year utilized for ,Board of Health Officer appointments and expire on the last day of December of the last year of their terms, unless serving by virtue of their position, in which case the Board term shall fully correspond` with and - terminate _upon ,the end of the Board of Health or Counfiy Health Deparfinent appointment. Directors may serve a: maximum of two consecutive terms (six years); they will again be eligible for appointment to tha, Board after one year off the Board. ~ 2 107 ~~o~ii~r~ ~4: Qeaor~sr~. Five (5) members of the hoard with the power to vote shall constitufie a quorum at any meeting of the hoard. Se~~ii®~ ~: F~ar9otiiot~. The Eoard of Directors shall be the governing body of the Foundation. Secti®a~ 'l : ®ffo~er~. The officers of this Corporation shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a ~"reasurer, and such ofiher officers or agents as the Soard of Directors fiend to be needed. ec~a®ra 2: et~o~ of Eiecfii~r~. Vacancies. Except for the Secretary v~~lzo small serve by virtue of his/her position as Director ®f the .9e+~v ~ianover bounty hlealth Department,., t~ ~e officers shall be elected by ~ ~r~,~gut ity of the ®irectors `present at the annual Board 'meeting in August. of each year. T~ey,s~all hole office for t~rdo years (one term). following their election or ,. ,until sa~ccessors are ~l;ected. ~if~ieers may serve a maximum of four years (~ terms). They will again be eligible far electiofi as `officers one year after the completion o$ a second consecutive term. !`~ v~,~a~~cy in ar,y6 a~five shall be filled for. the unexpired term of the official U~ ~oseterrr~ is riot cornp{eted: ~oc~i®n 3: ®utie~ ®f ~fficer~. ;~. ~~r~~ide~t. Te ~ Fr~:sides~t st~al~ be re~~c~~ible f~i° c~rry.;r~g out tl-~~e policies adopted oy the l=o:~r:d~tiora and iLs Board of Directors. hie ar she shall preside at all meetings cif tl~e Foundation, membership, ai9 meetings of the- Board of ®ir~ctors, and all meetings of the Executive Committee. hle or she shall execute all deeds; contracts, agreements, transfers, and' such other instruments as may be ordered-by t+~e Board cf Directors. ~. Vice-President. The Vice-President sha11 perform such duties as may be prescribed from time-to-time by the Soard of Directors or the President. The Vice-President may, in case of the absence or 10~ disability of the President, be assigned by the. Board to perform any or all of the duties of the President. C. Secretary. The Secretary shall preserve in the books of the foundation true records and minutes of all meetings of the Foundation, its Board of Directors, and its Committees. D. Treasurer. Subject to the policies of the Foundation, custody and management of the assets of the Foundation shall be undertaken by the Treasurer . Ail financial transactions shell be overseen and approved by the Treasurer of the Foundation and the Secretary. The Foundation shall operate under an annual budget as. recommended by the Director and the Treasurer and as amended and adopted by the Board. The Treasurer shall review and authorize disbursement of funds according to the budget and transfer of funds among bank and investment accounts, shall periodically revie~ryr the status ~f the budget, interim. financial statements, and the transactions and boo?~s of the Fdundation; - shall. monitor investment accounts anti performance :and shall recommend changes;, shall review the annual indepeneient ai.dit and recommend and rnonitar corrective action, and shall render to the hoard accounts of all fiscal transactions and of the financial condition of the Foundation. Article V Cd~~i~ees Section ~: Comiittees. The Board of Directors may, by resolution, provide for any and ail committees necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs of-fhe F~undatifln. Ct~mmittees `r~~ay also be established by the President as he or she, with .the approval of the l3oar~, deems desirable. The duties and responsibilities of each cornrriittee; not inconsistent with;the By-laws, shall be fixed by the Board of Directors. The President shall be members ex officio of each committee and shall have the power to vote in committee meetings. All other members shall be appointed for certain terms by the Board of Directors acfing for the Board. Vacancies shall be filled' by appointment of the President for unexpired terms. ~ a 109 Artic9e i01 t~eeti~ags ®f the F®undati®n Secta®n 1: ~eguiar ~leetirags. There shall be an annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Foundation, to be .held in August in Wilmington, North Carolina, together with such additional meetings as the Board of Directors may schedule. Sects®ra 2: Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Foundation may be called by a majority vote of the Board of Directors in any of its official meetings. S~cti©r~ 3: IV®tice., At least five (5) days prior to the date set for any regular meeting of the Foundation, notice of the time acid place of such meeting shall. be mailed to -each merriber of the, Foundation. Such `notice may sae made through newsletters or other regular mailings. Article VII 1=iseal dear Sects®n 1: ®a~ration. The fiscal year of the Foundation shall be from ~iui,~ i through::: June''3~7 inclusive. Aa~ticle'~°111 A~raehtirSaents Sects®n 1: _ It~7eth®d. These 8y-1aws may be amended, altei-ed;_ or repealed by a °recorornendation of the Board of Directors at any regular meeting or at any, special meeting (provided notice of the proposed change or amendment is ,given in the notice of such special meeting), with find approval ~by the New Hanover Co!anty Board of Health. 7~0 5 c~ t Approved by the Board of ®irectors of Public Health Foundation of New Hanover `~ County, Inc. on , 2001. Approved by the New Hanover County Board of Corramissioners on , 2001. • • 6 111 {7'his~age intentionally left blank} 112 ~ • [~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC August 20, 2001 PAGE NO. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit to 3 minutes) 113 2. Consideration of Acceptance of Donation of Property by R.C. Fowler Properties, Inc. 115 3. Presentation on Status of Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) McKim and 119 Creed/Hazen & Sawyer 4. Consideration of Capital Project Ordinance Bald Eagle Lane/Figure Eight Water Eatensions~~~ 121 Contract No. O 1-0284B and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #2002-08 ~® -~-IJt-U-~''t 5. Consideration of Acceptance of Public Dedication Mishoe Estates, Castle Hayne ~-,~~'-'~ 127 6. Consideration of Utility Agreement Installation of 24 Inch Steel Encasement for Future 131 Waterline NCDOT Contract #02-0027 ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ 113 ~7'his page intentionally left blank} . 114- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION !Meeting Da#e: 08/20/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E Blanchard Contact: Christine Q..Neal SUBJECT: ®onation of Property by R.C. Fowler Properties, lnc. BRIEF SUMMARY: R.C. Fowler and his wife, Lee Fowler, have made available to the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District fwo tracts of land within the Walnut Hills Development. Both lots have had site evaluations done by Environmental Management's Paul Marlow; and meet his approval. Attached is a resolution accepting the donation of the properties. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTEb ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Board accept these sites for use by the New Hanover County Water and'Sewer District as they are adjacent to an existing well and an existing drainage/utility easement, and authorize the Chairman to execute the resolution. ~'l1NDING SOURCE: . No moneys involved. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map k~'` r jr' RCFowlerponationRe REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECD Execute fhe resolution and thank the Fowlers. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A APPROVED ~+.~ '' ~~~CT~® ,Q 'i ~~@ilnE~ ,`4;i ~~~~ ~ ~ ;. ~5'~ ~y~~ ~~15 A RESOLUTION OF T9~E NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEINER DISTRICT BOARD OF COi111MISSIONERS WHEREAS, Mr. R. C. Fowler and his company, R. C. Fowler Properties, Inc., is the owner ofi certain tracts of vacant real property situated in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, Mr. Fowler is agreeable to a donation of certain .land to the New Hanover. County Water and Sewer District, specifically a 4.39 acre,. more or less parcel, and a 1.92 acre, more or less parcel, both situated in Cape Fear Township; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District is agreeable to accepting the generous gift of such parcels; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That New Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts the offer of donation of land from R. C. Fowler and/or R. C. Fowler Properties, Inc.. ADOPTED, this the day of , 2001. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER,DiSTRICT [SEAL] Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: E ~.~ Clerk to the Board~~~~~~'~`%-~ .~ car. `"'~'"~ ~~ ~. ::.,:, 1' -. ~ ,~ - ~,~ .._ t ~.. „_ ~,. ~ . __ . 116 ~~ RO R ~ _~ I L~ R---- ~-._ ~ `_`~~~J _~ stin 1Nell' ~~~ o ~ r ~' ~ 'Pd, 1 a w __- ~ CAFiO FF qp 1 Site "A~ I 11 ~L ~__ ~_ -sue.-_ _._~~5~1 "- `~v~~.~,~ .~A_,yl`=:r~~' ~~ ~~ ~' , _' semzowlS Cp(JRT l91B'5Bb0'W '~CR,yGI~`DP WAn NNfMPROVep) FOW n/o ~e 1 i ~ `! ! ~7 1 tae ~ ~ ~` ~~ I' PXISTING IRON ! a -PIPET OPEN) I ~ ~ ~ ~5 U'V! ~! f BBO•zaare 1 Q . V 331.11 O~ v,p P N ~ NOTE~.'TNIO MAP IS NOTACERTIPI[O SURVEY ANO - N0.940i BEEN R[VIEW BY A LOCPL GOVERNMEM lac .M ~ PP ~'~'. N~~ O b AGENCY POR COMPUANC[ WITH PArc APP11CABi[ E ~ p. /Og. RfpP Cry 25 ~Y = qlO WJD DtvfLOPMENT T2GUL4TION5.' 5>g BT (~ I .92 AC.± W 13b~3 TF = ~ LEGEND '^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = 0[NTERLINE o ~ ~g .t7~`Op2~~ ul ~1 O ° MONUMENT : lX15TIUG t• IRON PIPE _ _ _ ` 5C `2'~ ', ;N'CONCRCTE p ~ ~s m EYISTING IRCN PIPE ~NZ _ _ ~ . _- -- ~ 1/ Q = 5R IRON PIPE S~' I i ' • ~50ptN1 ~w 12~ ya`~WpPA .l ~'. \ i - p\ o ~~ p~ I°p ,276 \\ SURVEY REFERENCE i E0, 9 0[EO 900K 900 PAGE 001 I • GY5 g+ sVC 115 ~ ` \ '~ 9 Ut HtLL`J ~ MAP BOOK I B PA6G 64 ~ PwPNO IRON OVJ~ YJAUTL NCO N'~ \ WALNUT HILLS SEC. 9 ~ _ ~ roreNl~ ~ a i ~" ONRE00 \ tuNRECORDeD MAn ' -$ w 62P~~ ~~ e0.°i ~ \ ~ , ~ . 0ea'SD00^A' 166.88' N ~7T y r 5•N\i L~j ~ L~H\ ~ / . 4~ ~ y~2~A \, / \ aRVeTAB~e \ 33n \'( \ t278 CURVe Del.s tangc..t rx~ew Cn.9e~rnq Cn<re m \ \ ~ ~... cl 33ro?Da los.m x09.91 scD'sa~lsw I Intel r ~ goh o~ ~ \ 32' 27e1 \ C2 19'01'15 '60.00 358.15 uIB'02'0]'e I IB.35 ~^' N,p.P ~OpERS1E5•INC~ \\\ ~ \~/~ a ~ I RC, FpvhE~O PG. B99 \\ ~ ~ MAP FOR ~~' ~ p8 ~~NEW 11ANOVER COUNTY ~o ' ~ PORTION OF DEED 800K 900 PAGE 851 RC. FOIMFR PROPERTIES, INC. - ~i~ CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP NEW FIANUVER~COUNTY, U.C. ~ ~ 11 11 sting Drainage' and'lltility ' 'Easement I 0 ~a hti O~~/~ ~3: N. ,Ipyl 'V 1~ ? bap. \ \~ / ~'f'°/``*h ~ m s §'' ~: ss ~ e ? ,~' o ~ yes / G~ ~ 'V ~ CO SP /~~JF \ 9 / QYO ^0~h O. / L2601 ! . 2'H 522°aa'3aE~/ FH ~ / ~'\ ~0\ yIS x \. 13 ~ ~ 3 / 'LPL N' ~• Z61, ~.EO. ~ 0 561.5535[/ IN,P ~/u \ ~ // U 6D.91' Z a LEGEND _ e P~ c O 556' i'GO'E c~G C \ / df k9 a`SP ~~ z ~ ~ (~ = CENTERUN[ ].96' ~' 6 \~ / 3> GThe j O u',N O =MONUMENT Q ° ~ ~S jA 1262 c2s~ w `- g o = ENISTING IRON PL'E ~ D' ~ F.p ~ ~ ~.• / / ~ O=5[r:RON nre s9tiO \~/ ~s1 // I 2bl .p/ v ~ b `SCg \ / ~' ~ ! o°°~ " 4.39 AG.. s.t~, `~~po ~\ // ~°, / ~~ ~sl \\ / NOTE' LNtS MqP IS NOT a CERTIFIED SURVEY aNO YAS NOT BEEN REVI[W BY A LOGY GOVERNMENT B~ ~~Cr ~ \' // 265 P AGENCY POR COMPLIANCE tNiN ANY aPR1CA0le - S p \ N G IJWD DEVELOPMENT RCGUTATIONS.' ^^ 5332 \ \ `' ISTING PGA'CR PO:B s a~ ~>Obg CENTER LINE CURVE iaelP /?y,G6 N CURVE 0<I[~ ~n5cm. RADIUS n.ncar~n9 Ctgrd C2 19'01'15 60.00 350.14 NIB'D2'O]E I IB.35 C3 5.2515' 120.00 293.53 530°45'3Bw 222.15 ~~ ~g A '~~ ~ 5aA ~ I I \ 2v '~ ~ ~ Ae`'~?p5"d °0~ SURVEY REFERENCE ~-~ ,P, „x'23 DEED 000K 9C0 PAGG B51 P761 N MAP BOOK i B PAGE 64 ' WAWUT NILlS BEC.9 SE~i n+~ ~ g N~ MAP FOR IuNRtcoRDED Man ~°E°M NEW tiANOVER COUNTY ~~ `Z'-~ ~ PORTION OF DEED 800K 900 PAGE 851 R.C. FOWiER PROPERTIES. INC. 11 1/ Location of Property Offered for Donation ® ® er r rti , I nc® July 25, 2001 Map-Not-To-Scale 1 7 E S {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ - 1VE1M HAN®VER C®UNTY BOARD OF C®N11ViISS1®NERS ` REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: OII/20/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Presentation on Status of IVorthside Wastewater Treatment PlantalfVVIfTP) i~/IcKirn and. Creed/Hazen & Sawyer BRIEF SUMMARY: The Engineering Consultant for the expansion. of the northside WWTP will provide an update on the status of the design of the WWTP. The design is at 60 percent completion. The presentation will include latest cost estimate, project schedule and permit status. RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS; Hear presentation on northside wastewater treatment plant. FUNDING SOURCE:. No funding involved. . ATTAC9~MENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: 1!~fA HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation and the design status of the Northside Waste Water Treatment Plant. , COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~~~ cv~~ri~tvi~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ I ~~ a~., {.This page intentionally left blank} 1 r~rrwr ~ ~"".1, i ~ ~~, -~ ~;~~ 120 NE~V HAN®VER CO!lNTY E30AR® ®F C®MMiSSIONERS. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Water & Sewer teem #: 4 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Capital Project Ordinance-Bald Eagle Lane/Figure Eight VYater Ex#ensions Contract Number 01-02846 BR1EF SUMMARY: The referenced contract-was presented at a previous meeting, but delayed at the request of the Figure Eight Island representative. The proposed water line construction will allow the extension of the County water system along Market Street from the entrance of Marsh Oaks to Porters Neck Road, then along Porters Neck Road to Bald Eagle lane and also along Edgewater Club Road to Figure Eight Island (see attached map). The water line is being constructed at the request of the residents along Bald Eagle Lane and Figure Eight Island, due to their concern of salt water intrusion in their drinking water wells. -The following bids were received: Contractor Bid Amount Onsite; Inc. $1,263,807.57 State Utility $1,401,547.00 T.A. Loving $1,446,797.50 Colonial Construction $1,498,317.25 Bryant Electric ~ $1,933,583.10 As indicated, the total contract to construct the system is $1,263,807.57. The. total project with contingency and an additional well is $1,500,000. In the event the Figure Eight Homeowners decide not to participate,- the project would be reduced by $398,600 which includes the well for $100,000,the total project cost would be reduced to $1,101,400. We must"proceed with award of the contract or plan to re-bid. As of this time, we do not have a final 'decision from the Figure Eight horneowners concerning their desire to receive water. We wiPl provirde additional information to the Board at the staff meeting on Thursday, August 16, concerning revenue generation depending on such factors as additional information for Figure 8. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: It it is decided to proceed with the construction, I recommend that the contract be Onsite, Inc. ih the amount of $1,263,807.57 with authorization for the Chairman to contract. In addition, please approve the associated budget amendment #2002-08 the Capital Project Ordinance, which includes contingency and well construction funds. - FUNDING SOURCE: ~~ G6M~il~~~~~ Water and Sewer Fund Balance-$781,292 ~PPRaVED Certificates of Participation X718,708 ~EJ~VTED Total $1,500,000 ~EAfi" ,~B ATTACI~MENTS: 4y `f°~~~ Location Map CPwaterex ba2002-08 awarded to execute the and adopt 121 LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve N'UMAN RESOURCES: N/A (~° _ ~ 3'~ ~' ~~ '//gyp ~ ~. .':J NEB 1~~4iV~VER COUNTY ~®AR® ®~' C!~NIISS~~ES F2EQl1EST FOR BOARD ACTION 9Yieeting Da#e: 08/2®/01 budget Ar~aendra7~n#~ mReaRAGA1'I'SNT91i4mRTATi DEPARTMENT: Sewer Operating/Water Extensions Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-08 AD.IUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Water Extensions-Bald Eagle Lane Transfer in from Fund 800-Sewer Operating $535,982 COPS Financing $565,418 Capitai,Project Experise $1,101,400 Water Extensions-Figure Eight Transfer in from Fund 800-Sewer Operating $245,310 COPS Financing $153,290 Capital Project Expense $398,600 Sewer Operating Appropriate Fund Balance $781,.292 Transfer to Sewer Capital Projects $781,292 EXPLANATION: To establish budget for Bald Eagle Lane and Figure Eight Water Extensions according to Capital Project Ordinance; to appropriate fund balance necessary from Fund 800-Sewer Operating, to fund the project. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~L1f1PTY C;Ql~~i~~~ APPROVED Q REJECTCD E7 1~EMC" ",~ >~~~~ ~ ~:~~ ~ ~ ,~ 123 €;, ~ PROJECT ORDINANCE BALD EAGLE LANE AND FIGURE EIGHT WATER EXTENSIONS BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District: 1. New Hanover County Water and Sewer District (District) is engaged in the construction of the Bald Eagle Lane and Figure Eight Water Extensions, which capital project involves the construction and/or acquisition of capital assets. 2. District desires to authorize and budget for-said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Construction of the Bald Eagle Lane and Figure Eight Water Extensions, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: COPS Financing Transfer from Fund 800 $ 718,708 $ 781,292 Total $1,500,000 hf~' S:.if srMY~sak+lt3ll "f } ~ l.~ r 'ii,~~~,1 { ~"~~ 124 • • • 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense $1,500,000 Total $1,500,000 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in .the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance -shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Adopted this. day of -200,1. Clerk to the Board Robert G. Greer,-Chairman Board of County Commissioners Water and Sewer District 125 O D 126 New Hanover County Bald Eagle Lane N Water Line Extension E Contract 1`l0. 01-02848 s June 5, 2001 Map-Not-To-Scale NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR DOARD ACTtOtV Meeting Date: OS/20/01 • • • Water & Sewer Item #: 5 Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Contact: Christine Q. Neal SUB.IECT: Acceptance of Public Dedication Mishoe Estates -Castle Hayne Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County has proposed a sewer line to run along. Holly Shelter Road in Castle Hayne. This line will cross the platted streets Shearin Avenue, Bayboro Avenue and Pine Needle Avenue, as shown on a recorded map for Mishoe Estate. This is the most efficient route for service to this area. The streets were not originally deeded to the Water and Sewer District. The streets are platted and offered for public acceptance. Attached is a resolution accepting'the streets. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends the Board accept the streets for water and/or sewer service only and authorize the Chairman to execute the resolution of acceptance. FUNDING SOURCE: No money involved. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map I~_ :rv•~~ `~S p'''r •~": ~k mishoededicati REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve Recommend approval BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~Cj(1~ ~~~~~~~' APPROVED DEJECTED (~ ~tEMOVED (~ ~, ~~ POSTPONED STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ACCEPTANCE ®I+ PUBLIC I)EI)ICATI®N ~UHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer districts; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of a sewer system in unincorporated County; and WHEREAS, G.S. 153A-1~8 authorizes counties and districts to acquire a`fee or lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or other lawful method; and WHEREAS, by an insti-iiment recorded in Map Boolc 4, Page 38 (Mishoe Estates Subdivision), New Hanover County Registry, certain streets have been dedicated to the public use, which streets are more fully described in said instruments and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires to accept one of the above referenced streets, only for the purpose of providing sewer and/or water services to County residents by and through the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts Shearin Avenue, BayboroF"Avenue, an~,Pme,Needle Avenue as more frilly described in Map Book 4, Page 38, Mishoe Estates Subdivision„New Hanover County Registry, for the limited purpose of providing r~ ~`~~d+~azrd water and/or sewer service, only. EYCept as specifically stated above the District does not accept 12~ said street for any maintenance or other ptupose whatsoever. ACCEPTED this • [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY day of , 2001. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Robert G. Greer, Chairman I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally. came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of District Commissioners of New Hanover County; and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, Robert G. Greer, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 2001. Notary Public My commission expires: 129 [: VIEW F~AiV®VER C®UNTY B®AR® ®F C®MMiSSI®~iERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTION Meeting date: 08/20/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number. Department; Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E Blanchard SUBJECT: Utility Agreement Installation of 24 Inch Steei Encasement for Future Waterline NCi~OT -Contract # 02-0027 BRIEF SUMMARY: • As a part of the construction of major highways such as the outer loop, NCDOT will include water and sewer pipes which cross their projects as a .part of the construction process. Including the ,pipe as a part of NCDOT's construction project will save approximately ninety percent of the cost, as compared to the cost after construction ofithe highway. The referenced contract with. NCDOT provides fora 24 inch encasement crossing the new outer loop near Highway 17 in Kirkland. The cost to the District will be approximately $23,000.00. This money will not be paid until the work is performed which is estimated to be mid-2002 or later. • This will allow for a future water line when needed in that area. See the enclosed map for the proposed location of the pipe. ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend that the contract be approved for the installation of the 24-inch casing pipe. In addition, please-authorize the Chairman to execute the contract. FUNDING SOURCE; Water and Sewer Fund Balance ATTACHMENTS: Utility Agreement Location Map. RE~/IEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A • Recommend approval. -- ~ ~ /~A ftAftAI[~[`1/1A1P~r1C1 APB' JS/COMMENTS: ' ~0~ COMMI`a. .. ~RPPROVED ~+- 6tEJECTED ^ ,~ $?EMOVED ':POSTPONED Cl ~ ' , i HEARi) .. ter-.•~ .~..~.~~,~/~..r (- ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~,:,~ ~ Proposed Steet Casement ~`-t~ ,' to be installed under I --~-----;--_- Outer Loop p 0 ~/~ ~~ I New Hanover County Nry"~FSr ', Pips L~cati~n E July 23, 2001 IVlap-not-to-scale s 1VH-Contract # 02-0027 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER & PENDER COUNTIES NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND.. 6!18!01 UTILITY AGREEMENT PRO,lECT: R-2405 A COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the day of , 20_, between the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the Department, and the COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, hereinafter.referred to as the County; VViTNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Department has prepared and adopted plans to make certain. street and highway constructions and improvements within the Counties under Project R-2405 A. New Hanover &Pender Counties, said plans consisting of the construction of US 17 (I-40 Connector) from just east of I-40 interchange to 0.21 km northeast of SR 1571 (Scotts Hili Loop Rd.); said project having aright-of-way width as shown on the project plans on file wifh the Department's office in Wilmington, North Carolina; and, WHEREAS, the parties herefo wish to enter into an agreement for certain utility work to be performed by the Department's construction contractor with full reimbursement by the County for the costs thereof as hereinafter set out. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: 1. The Department shall place provisions in the construction contract for Project R-2405 A, New Hanover &Pender Counties, for the contractor to perform certain betterment work which shall consist of the installation of a 600 mm steel encasement pipe for future ~~ 1 water lines. Said work shall be accomplished in accordance with project special provisions attached hereto as Exhibit "B", and the plan sheets attached hereto as Exhibit "C". 2. The County shall be responsible for the entire cost of the betterment utility work shown in yellow on the attached Exhibit "C". The estimated cost to fihe County is $22,825.00 (as shown on the attached Exhibit "A"). Both parties understand that these are estimated costs and are subject to change. The County shall reimburse the Department for said costs as follows: (A) Upon completion of the construction of the highway project, the Department shat! submit an itemized invoice to the County for cost incurred. Billing will be based upon the contract unit cost and actual quantities used. (B) Reimbursement shall be made by the County in one final payment within sixty (60) days of said invoice. (C) If the County does not pay said invoice within sixty (60) days of the date of the invoice, the Department shall charge a late payment penalty and interest on any unpaid balance due in accordance with G.S. 147-86.23 and G.S. 105.241.1. (D) Any cost incurred due to additional utility work (betterment) requested by the County after award of the construction contract, shall be solely the responsibility of the County: The County shall reimburse the Department 100% of the additional utility cost. 3. Upon the satisfactory completion of the re{ocations and adjustments of the county-owned utility lines covered under this Agreement, the County shall assume normal maintenance operations to the said .utility lines. Upon completion of the construction of the highway project, the County shall release the Department from any and all claims for damages in connection with adjustments made to its utility lines; and, further, the County 134 2 shall release the Department of any future responsibility for the cost of maintenance to said utilit lines. Said releases shall be deemed to be given by the County upon completion of Y construction of the project and its acceptance by the Department from its contractor unless the County notifies the Department, in writing, to the contrary prior to the Department's acceptance of the project. 4. The County obligates itself to service and to maintain its facilities to be retained and installed over and along the highway within the Department's right-of-way limits in accordance with the mandate of the North Carolina General Statutes and such other laws, rules, and regulations as have been or may be validly enacted or adopted, now or hereafter. • • 135 3 IN~WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed, in duplicate, the day (~ and ear heretofore set out, on the part of the Department and the County by authority duly ~../ Y given, as evidenced by the attached certified copy of Resolution, Ordinance or Charter f'rovision,-as the case may be. L.S. ATTEST: BY: CLERK COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BY: CHAIR, BOARD OF COMMISSIONEERS (SEAL) This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. County Finance Officer Federal Tax Identification Number County of New Hanover DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL 136 4 • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COUNTY OF NEW HANVOER Reimbursable Work: The County of New Hanover shall reimburse the Department the entire cost of the betterment utility work performed by the contractor for future water lines. The estimated cost is $22,825.00. Provisions for the payment of moneys to fall due under this agreement have been made by appropriation duly authorized, as required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. By: Title: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF 1, , a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid; do hereby certify that personally came before me for New Hanover County and that by authority duly given .and as an act of said New Hanover County, the foregoing certificate was signed by said Finance Officer and the Seal of New . .Hanover County affixed. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal, this the day of , 20_ Notary Public My Commission Expires: ~' 137 5 {'his page intentionally left blank} 138 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS August 20, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 141 2. .Approval of Award of Contract #01-0339 for Scrap Tire Management Central Carolina Tire 143 Disposal 3. Approval of FY O 1-02 HUD Grant and Associated Budget Amendment #02-0026 149 4. i pproval of New Hanover County Board of Education FY01-02 Budget Resolution 153 ~~ Approval of Collection Settlements Reports and Changes of 2001 Levy 157 6. Approval of Release of Value 163 '" 7. ~ New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports 165 8. Approval of Resolution Opposing Reduction of Federal Funding for Beach Nourishment 169 --- 9. Approval of Revision of Current Formal Bid Threshold for Purchasing Contracts from/` 173 $30,000 to $50,000 ~~ ~/ 10. ° Approval to Waive the Tipping Fee for Big Sweep Beach Cleanup ~'"~'"~ 175 ~~ ~ Approval of Budget Amendments: ~ ~ ~,~ 11.1 • # 02-0021 To Budget Appropriated Funds Balance for Outstanding Purchase~Orders as of " 179 June 30, 2001 ' 11.2 #02-0022 Public Health/Health Education 183 f 11.3 #02-0023 To Rollover Unexpended Grant Funds from FY 00-01 to FY O1-~ 185 11.4 #02-0024 To Rollover Expenditures from FY 00-O1 to FY 01-02 187 1 1.5 #02-0025 Cooperative Extension 189 11.6 #02-0027 Public Heaith/Navigator Partnership 191 ] 1.7 #02-0028 Public Health/Navigator Grant Awards 195 11.8 ~ #02-0030 Public HealthlMaternal Outreach Workers 199 ~I ~ 1.9 #02-0037 County Manager's Office/NHC-TV 201 ~ 139 {This page intend®nally left blank} c~ 140 ~ NE1~( HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTT®N Meeting ®ate: 08/20/01 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell • • SUBJECT: Consent Agenda -Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Work Session with Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board, June 14, 2001 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW r~~UM~Y C;OMMI'~' NS APPROVED i~! REJECTED O REMOVED ~ ~, POSTPOt~#FD ~~EAR1~ ~~ ~" ~`~~ . _r.~~~D ~Of ~~ 1 {This page intend®nally left blank} ~fi~~!~ i :'~<9'~ ~ ~ ~~5 ~~ ~* ~ 1 IVEW HAIVOVE~t C®UIVTV ~4AR® ®F C®NIMISSICIVEFdS REQUEST FOR B®ARD ACTlO~! Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number:. - Department: Environmental Management .Presenter: Ray Church Contact: Ray Church i t SUBJECT: Award of Contract #01-0339 for Scrap Tire Management Central Carolina Tire Disposal BRIEF SUMMARY: The Scrap Tire Act of 1989 prohibited the. disposal of whole tires in landfills in the state of North Carolina. In 1990, the first contract was awarded for the collection, transportation, and disposal of scrap tires at a location outside of New Hanover County.. The cost of $78.20 per ton included staging storage trailers at major fire retailers places of business. Although not required as this is a service contract, Request for Proposals were sent to prospective scrap fire processors. Only one response was received. Of the three locations in North Carolina providing this service, two, US Tire Recycling Partners and Central Carolina Tire Disposal, are owned by the same company. Other processors Located in Virginia and Georgia did not respond to the request. The responsive bid was from Central Carolina Tire Disposal located in Cameron, NC. This company has been providing satisfactory scrap fire disposal services to the county for the past three years. The RFP included a request for three types of collection options: Collection of all tires delivered to the landfill only; Provision of collection trailers at major fire retailers, and, Staging of trailers at major retailers with the .retailers paying monthly trailer rent to the contractor through a separate arrangement. In the past, funds from the Scrap Tire Grant have not fully covered the cost of the program. It has been determined that passing along the cost of the trailer rent to the retailer will allow the county to avoid approximately $15,000 per year in additional cost. RECOMMEtdDED M®TOON AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends awarding contract #O1-0339 to Central Carolina Tire Disposal of Cameron., NC. .Staff further recommends the contract be awarded using Option III, passing the rental cost of 'the trailer to the retailer which benefits from its use. due to the following. In calendar year 2000, there were 3,027 tons of scrap tires generated in New Hanover County at a cost of approximately .$236,000. The State Scrap Tire Tax Reimbursement paid approximately 95°/o of those costs Passing alohg the cost of trailer rental ($135/month) will allow the cost to the county remain at $78 per ton. The option including the rental in the per ton cast was $83 per ton. The option of having. all tires delivered to the landfill was also $78/ton. This option is not recommended due to the increase in traffic to deliver the scrap tires to the landfill. For those .retailers who do not desire to rent a trailer, delivery of those tires to the landfill is an option. Major retailers affected by this change in contract policy have been contacted by mail. FUNDING SOURCE: The majority of the funds are received from the State 2Jo Scrap Tire Tax placed on the purchase of new tires: Any deficit between program cost and .reimbursement is made up from the Environmental Management Fund. ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum to .retailers dated July 3, 2001 Resolution scraptiresreso1.701 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A rc~u~ ~a~~~~~w ~ -~ REJECTED ~ .. RE~~SCDVED C~ ~~~~~~D ~ 14- ~~~~ ~~~~-o~df Recommend awarding contract to Central Carolina Tire Disposal as described above. .~ ~-~"' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~~~'~ ~~". ~,x ~~ ~ "~ /~ T ;~ ~,_.._~ s 1~ESOLU'I'I®N OF TIIE ~®r~12D ~F C®1VIlYIISSI®NERS DF NEW IIAN®VIER C®UNTY WHEREAS, the 1989 Solid Waste Management Act contained asub-section entitled the "North Carolina Scrap Tire Disposal Act" which prohibits the disposal of whole tires into landfills; AND WHEREAS, New Hanover County provides for the collection, transportation, processing, and disposal or recycling of scrap tires generated it the County; AND WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Management requested proposals from scrap tine processing firms for the management of scrap tires; AND WHEREAS, the following bid was received: O tp 1on I - Providing for collection of All tires delivered to the landfill.. $78.00 per ton Option II Providing for the collection of tires at the landfill and major retailers that includes rental of trailers in the cost per ton. $83.00 per ton O tip on III Providing trailers at the landfill and cost of trailer rental at retailers to be paid by retailers under separate agreement. $78.00 per ton $135.00 per anonth for trailer rental paid by retailer AND WHEREAS, Option III provides for no overall increase in cost to the County, AND WHEREAS, the major retailers have the option to enter into. a separate rental arrangement with the contractor for monthly rent of a scrap tire storage trailer or deliver the scrap tires to the landfill, - AND WHEREAS; the contractor; Central Carolina Tire Disposal, has provided. satisfactory scrap tire management services to New Hanover County since 1998, ~~ AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director and the County Manager recommend that a contract be awarded-to Central Carolina Tire Disposal in an amount of $78.00 per ton as described in Option III; AND WHEREAS, funds will be provided from the North Carolina Scrap Tire Disposal Tax, a State Grant. for expenses exceeding revenues from the Scrap Tire Disposal Account, and funds previously appropriated and are now or will be in subsequent year's budget in Account No. 700-480-4191-3771; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that contact No. 01-0339 be awarded to Central Carolina Tire Disposal -for the collection, transportation, processing, and management of scrap tires. generated in New Hanover County; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This the 20`h day of August, 2001. [SEAL] Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Clerk to the Board 14.6 f RAYMOND L. CHU3LCH JR. Director of Environmental Management July 3, 2001 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 '~ i DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 3002 U.S. HWY. 421 NORTH WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-9008 TELEPHONE (910) 341-4340 Fax (91.0) 341-_4371 e-mail rchurch@co.new-hanoyer.nc.us 1!'YEM®RA1~1I)ZTIVI TO: Scrap Tire Generators FROM: Ray Church; Director ~/ ~ Environmental Management/ ~ RE: Scrap Tire Contract Changes The Department of Environmental Management is responsible for the management of scrap tires generated in New Hanover County. For the past several years, the County has absorbed the cost of providing storage trailers at thirteen locations, in addition to trailers sited at the landfill. Unfortunately, the amount of funds reimbursed by the state scrap tire O grant does not fully cover the cost of the scrap tire program in New Hanover County. In an effort to reduce costs, the Department sent' out Request for Proposals for scrap tire management that included several options: (I) Providing for collection of all scrap tires at the landfill anly, ' (II) Continuation of the currenf program with trailers at major tire retailers, (III) Provision of trailers at major tire retailers, but the rental paid by the retailers. To continue the present .program, Option II, would require a five dollar ($5) per ton increase over the current contract price of seventy-eight ($78) dollars per ton, or an increase of over fifteen thousand ($15,000) dollars per year. I'm sure each of you is aware of the difficult budget the County is facing this year. Every effort is being made to cut cost. To avoid additional cost to the County, I will be recommending to the Board of Commissioners that the new contract with Central Carolina Tire Disposal be awarded as Option _III. You will have the option to deliver scrap tires to the landfill, or continue to rent a trailer for your location under an agreement with Central Carolina Tire Disposal. The rental price quoted in the proposal is $135 per month. This still poses a significant savings over paying up to $1.00 per tire to have the tires delivered to the landfill by a scrap tire hauler. ,. The proposed effective date for the change will be September -l, 2001. 1 ~ 7 If you have questions, please call me at 341-4340. {This page intentionally left blank} 148 NEdll HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 • ~: Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Contact: Carl Byrd SUBJECT: FY 01-02 HUD Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: The Human Relations Department has been awarded the standard HUD Cooperative Agreement Continuation Grant in the amount of $40,000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend acceptance of the grant; request authorization for the County Manager to sign the grant document; request approval of associated budget amendment #02.0026. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $40,000 ATTACHMENTS: ba02-0026 REVIEIrYVED BY: LEGAL: Approve- FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~~~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . .. rt~ r ~I1NT1~'~;C)l1~1IVII~~s{i'~i~I ^~ APPr- PAD ~^~'r<,;~t~i Ir~EJ-~::T~~ Q~'~~` ~~ ~.EMuv~°~ c~~`~~~~ }~QcJa^.~~~IJ ~t~'4~ ~~ _ ~ , HEART) ~~ C~ fU~, ~; 9 NEUV HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Budget ~-mendment DEPARTMENT: Human Relations-HUD BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0026 ADJUSTMENT HUD Grant Travel and Training DEBIT CREDIT $10,800 $10,800 EXPLANATION: To decrease budget to actua mount of FY 2002 HUD grant award. (budgeted at $50,800; actual award is $40,000) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ' APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners t"t?~IAITY rOMMl851 1 APi':;OVED ~'~REJ~;~~TE-D- p REMOVED , C3 5~~ POSTPONED~~ ;,,• W~ `. ~~ ~' ... Y Assistance AwardlAmendment U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Administration ysslstance instrument z. I ype or Hcuon ~;ooperative Agreement ^ Grant Award ~ Amendment ~'fnstrumeht Number 4. Amendment Number 5. Effective Date of this Action 6. Control Number FF204K014005 OCTOBER 1, 2001 NEW HANOVER HUMAN RELATIONS COMM(SS10N a• HUD Administering Office 402 CHESTNUT STREET U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development WILMWGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) 16th Floor, 40 Marietta St., NW; Atlanta, GA 30303 Sa. Name of Administrator 8b, Telephone Number Gregory King (404) 331-5001 (X2660) 10: Recipient Project Manager 9. HUD Government Technical Representative CARL A. BYRD, SR., DIRECTOR Sue Darfind, Director, Kentucky Program Center 11. Assistance Arrangement 12. Payment Method 13. HUD Payment Office [] Cost Reimbursement ^ Treasury Check Reimbursement HUD CFO ACCOUNTING CENTER ^ Cost Sharing ^ Advance Check Fixed Price ^ Automated Clearinghouse P.O. BOX 901013; FORT WORTH, TX 76101 14. Assistance Amount ~ 15. HUD Accounting and Appropriation Data Previous HUD Amount $ 0 15a. Appropriation, Number 15b. Reservation number .HUD,Amount this action $ 40,000.00 861/20144(TIN) FHEO-04-01-03 ...Total HUD Amount , _ $ 40,000.00 Amount Previously Obligated $ 0 ...... ... ....................... ........................................._.._.............................._..................................._............_..................................M................__.......................................................................................... ......._Recipient.Amount $ 0 .......................-0bligation•bythis action.....................................~...................40,000.:~~.................... Total lnstrumentAmount $ 40,000.00 ~ Total Obligation $ 40,000.00 16. Descnptton E COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR FAIR HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (FHAP) IS HEREBY AMENDED. ~~ ~r~rrsnrr. rr ~>i~l-.r~r~l-. r-~nrr-~ ~ r+~~-~ _ I m1O AVRCCIVICIV1 IIV~..IJRr-Vnil11 C.7 ALL t'.rCGVIOUSLT iJSUCU SUBP%lK I J. FUIVU~ Al"CC U1=JIldNH I CU H5 FOLLOWS: ..CASE PROCESSING (7/112000 TNRU 6/30/2001): (0) $ 0 CAUSE GASES: (0) $ 0 TRAINING:. $22,500.00 EDUCATION AND OUTREACH: $ 2,500.00 ADCVIWISTRATIVE. COST (AC}: $15,000.00 SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT EFFORTS (SEE): $ 0 PARTNERSHIP INITIATIVE: $ 0 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT ~4o,aoo.ao .Order of Precedence: Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, in the event of a conflict among any of the documents pertaining to the duties and responsibilities of the parties, the Statement of work shall take precedence over the Schedule of Articles. 17. ~ .Recipient is required to sign and return three (3} copies 13. ~' Recipient is not required to sign this document. of this document to the HUD Administering Office 19. Recipient (By Name) 20. HUD (8y Name) NEW HANOVER HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION OFFICE OF FAIR HOUSfNG AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Signa re & Title Date (mm/dd/yyyy} Sign ~ Title Date (mmldd/yyyy) ^ ~ ~.-{~'r =-{--~.j, . ~l V ~_ ~ GREGORY KyFIV~ / '~ ~ farm HUD-1044 (8190) ref. Handbook 2210.17 {.This page intentionally left blank} 152 NEVV FIANOVER COUNTY IBOAR® OF COIVIIVIISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTtOtV ~Jleeting Date: 08/20/01 Consent I#em #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.DECT: 1Vevv Hanover County Board of Education FY 01-02 ..Budget Ft~solution BRIEF SUMMARY: For purposes of informing you and the public, I am including the FY 01.02 New Hanover County Board of Education Budget Resolution that was adopted by the Board of Education on July 17, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Your approval of the resolution is not required, but I suggest you acknowledge the resolution and .approve the use of fund balance (local funds) in the amount of $2.5 million to fund current expenses in the New Hanover County. Board of Education FY 01-02 budget. No State salary increases will be granted until the State budget is adopted. Countyfunded positions will receive the same salary increase as State-funded positions. Funding fora 2.6 percent increase for teachers and a flat $625 for all other personnel is in a contingency account. In addition to these increases, a 2 percent local step increase for classified and central office .personnel was paid in July. FUNDING. SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County Board of Education FY 01-02 Budget Resolution 1TE~ DOES NOT REG2UfRE REVIEVI/ Recommend acknowledgement of budget resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . ~~ co~~~~QN ~~.I~ ~' Rr~.S7iPQN,El2. ~ ~!~ F? . ~~ ~EiA~~i) - ~. \ I ~P'- . ~ ~~/a~~~'a 153 rr~w ~ANOVEx c®UNT~ ~~A~ c~F ~~UC~~~~N ~0®1-2®®2 ~UDGrT ~S~LU~i01v BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit: Sectao~ i. The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the school administrative unit for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002: STATE PUBI,IO SCHt3®L FUND Instructional Programs 72,339,936 Supporting Service Programs 13,596,214 Community Service Programs 38,880 I,C9CAI, ~iJi`ZI2EIVT EXPENSE FUND Instructional Programs Supporting Service Programs Community Service Programs _ Non-programmed Charges ~ " FEDERAL GIaA1~1TS FUND f Instructional Programs Supporting Ser~zce Programs Non-programmed Charges CAPITAL ®ITTLAY Capital Outlay ENTERPId.YSE FUND Supporting Service Programs (Child Nutrition) Community Service Programs (After School) TRUST FUND (Note 1) L®CAL PEIVSION~~FUND,..,,a ' ~ SupportingyS'er~vices~ ;~.t~=.. GI2ANI) TOTAL ' ~, ._ Y y'e's . ;~ ,. 154 ~r}~: 4 ,.,1;~ 85,975,030 21,425, 617 29,179,972 279,688 2,131,688 53,016,965 6,307,963 366,831 664,087 7,338,881 3,04-9,687 8,259,430 300,000 8,559,430 550,000 158,489,993 1 NEB ~-3AN®VER C®iJN'TY ~3®A~'3 ®F EI~UCA~'I0111 . ~ ~~pg-2®®2 BdJI3G~T RES®I,IJ~'I®1~t Sectioaa ~. The following revenues. are estimated to be available for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002: STATE PIIEI,IC SCI3OOL FSJND State of North Carolina 85,975,030 LOCAL CI7RRENT EX~'ENSE FUND New Hanover County ~ 47,411,979. Federal Sources 265,044 Fund Balance Appropriation 2;835,044 Other Revenues 2,504,898 53,016,965 PEI)ERAL GRANTS ~'ITP1I3 Federal Sources 7,338,881 CAPITAL O'tTTLA`a' New Hanover County 3,033,894 Fund Balance Appropriation 15,793 3,049,687 EN'~EIZPRISE P€JNI3 After School Fees Food Sales Federal Sources Appropriated Retained Earnings Other Revenues TRUST FUNI3 (Note 1) LOCAL PENSION FUNID Interest New Hanover County Appropriations Total Public School Pension-Fund GRAND T©TAL .~ 300,000 3,650,000 3,678;000 821,430 110,000 8,559,430 50,000 500, 000 550, 000 158,489,993 155 2 IV~W ITT®iTE~ ~®Z7N'TY ~®1~~ ~~ Ey?UCATIt~N 2®®~-2®0~ ~~~~'T RES®itT~'I~~1 Sec#i®m S. All appropriations shall be paid first from revenues restricted as to use and secondly from general unrestricted revenues. Sec'taon 4. The Superintendent's transfer authority is found in Policy 3140. Sectaoai ~. This resolution shall be entered into the minutes of the Board of Education, and within five days after adoption, copies thereof shall be filed with. the Superintendent, the School Finance Officer and the County Finance Officer. Adopted this ~ ~ day of ,:.2001 Chairman New Hanover County Board of Education Note 1 -The 1"n.cst Fund is fi.inded by carryover ficrcds which will be appropriated from the Trust Fund Balance at a later date. 156 ~ 3 IVEVV HAtVOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert Glasgow SUBJECT: Approval of Collection Settlement Reports and Charges of 2001 Levy BRIEF SUMMARY: As required by N.C.G.S. 105-347 and 105-349, settlement of 2000 levy and charges for 2001 are submitted to the Board for the Collector of Revenue. Attached is the charge sheet. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Board recognize the efforts of the Collector and her staff, accept the 2000 settlement and charge Patricia Raynor with the collection of the 2001 levy. If approved, the Chairman; Clerk and Collector must sign the charge sheet. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: y,~ ;;z,, c''~-,~ Its` ~ ~ r ' _ r ® CHARGEDOC.wpd Nhcdel.set Nhcfdset.doc NHCSETT.wpd NHCFDDELset.wpd iTEfi~ DOES NAT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~9Jf~1`Y OO~NMI~Ip ---~, APPROVED F:~EJECTED Gl ~'OSTPONED Y~ , kiEARi~ ~, ~'^ August 2001 State of North Carolina County of New Hanover To the Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County: You are hereby authorized, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the office of the TaY Administrator and in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real. property of the respective taxpayers in the County of New Hanover and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, in accordance with the law. Witness my hand and official seal, this _ day of 2001.. Chairman, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Attest: Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Cotulty. I, Patricia J. Raynor, Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County, hereby acluzow:tedge receipt of tax books for real estate and personal property for Cape Fear, Federal Point, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Harnett, Wrightsville Beach, Masonboro, and Wilmington Townships, for New Hanover County. This day of 2001. Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County \:wT ~ •"~ i~ ~~ ~~~ ~. . 4 • NEW ~AN~VE12 C~iJNTY SETTLElVI~NT ®~+' TAX C®LI.~C'I'~®NS F ®;i~ 2000 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll $ 94,718,937.28 Discoveries Added 3,718,306.80 Less Abatements - 990,828.62 Total Taxes Charged ~ $ 97,446,415.46 Listing Penalties Charged 67,362.60 Advertising Fees Charged 8,550.40 Interest Collected 238,134.14 Cost Collected 17.778.12 $ 97,778,240.32 Real Esiate Liens* $ ,928,226.19 1~elinquent Personal Property* .1,011,223.59 I3epositcd ~ ~ 95;838,790.54 - 97,778,240.32 $ .00 *1:Jncollected amounts include $.109,970..72 owed by known bankru pt accounts and accounts under appeal: . Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ ~~ ' Patricia 7. Raynor Collector of Revenue P~R: SW NEW IIAAN®~ER COUNTY FIRE I)ISTRIC'T SETTI..EIVIENT ®1F 'TAX ~®I.I,ECTI®NS F®R 2000 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Interest Collected ~ . Real Estate Liens* $ 23,894.35 Delinquent Personal Property* 28,317.52 Deposited 2,723,178.88 $ 2, 700, 510.22 120,376.89 - 54.756.28 2, 766,130.83 2,345.18 6.914.74 $ 2,775,390.75 - 2,775,390.75 $ .00 *Llncollected amounts include $ 2,105.65 owed by known bankrupt accounts. Respectfully submitted, Patricia 7. Raynor Collector of Revenue PTR:sw 160 • • • N oo ~ ~ M N N N ~ ~ O~ d- ,--~ F-+ ~ M ~ ~ t~ ~ .n o0 O G1 0~ [~ ~ ~ v'~ [~ N N fit' ~O ~ d' O~ O~ ~(1 O ~O M d' ~ d' M V~ t!1 ~ C` O W H ~i g ~-, (~ C°'~ W ~ O~ ~D O~ '""" ,--~ O 00 ~ N O ''' ~ "". , ~ ~j O ~D M M O ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ W ~ N ~ ~ N O O r r-, ~ ~ ~ ~ 69 b- CT ~' Vl ~f' M ~ t~ ~ cV '"' N N ~ .. ~ ~j ~n o4 ~D d' ~ . cr O N [~ ~t ~ ~ pq M Vl Ul O O ' ~ ~ ~ N O r, U1 ~ N N M i ~ 64 ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ O ~ [~ O ~; ~ N ~' N N ~ N A M ""_' M M O O~ ~p 00 '~ ~ 00 00 [~ ~ '_'' ~ ~ ~' ~ i ~ ~ 69 v ~ + ~. 4, O Q ~ W ~ H a i ~ W ° a ~ ~ .~ a Z U O c o~ U~ o ~ ° ~ ° ~ ~ W a ~ U h ~ Q ~ ~ A 161 ~ ,-~ ~O N o0 ~ y a N ~ oo ~ Ur ~ O ~ ~ ~ M M E"a ~ M d- M M E.., i ~ ~ i ~ i ~ M ~ ~ O V~ Ol Ql d" ~ 04 (~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 00 r-+ ~ ~ ~ Q; M N ! ' i ~ (~} 6R3 ~ oc> N o0 00 ~ ~ O VJ ~ ~ ~' ' a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O:S ~I M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v~ V7 N N ~ ~ ~p N \ U r ~ - i ~ ~ FI-? 64 6H ~D d' ~O ~O ~ C`1 ~ ~ O M M N~~~ M G.a ~ ~ 00 N Q~ N N ~ ) . ~ r-+ oo r-+ pp ,-~ O O ~ ~ d- M r-+ ,--. n M N , ~ ~ ~ ~ r G9 69 ~ _~ b4 ~ r-- R3 4... O Q O W ~ W ~ ~ . o ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ Z V ~ ~ ~ U ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ p ~U..~ o ~ o ° ~ o _ ~ ~' ~'' o • • • NEVV HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COIVIIVIISSIOIVERS REQUEST F®R BOARD ACTiO(V Meeting Date: 08/20/0 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX' Presenter: None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor SUBJECT: Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following taxpayers. be granted the Senior Citizen /Disability Exclusion (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request): Mathis, Debbie A. $ 20,000 Nelson, Thomas C. 20,000 Regnier, Robert H. 20,000 Warner, Alice Johnson 20,000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: • Recommend approval of these releases. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEA~ D®ES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM~N Recommend approval. ~-~ /1/1 W/1PA1f~f~1/~®IPT[~1 11AT1/1 IP //'~~ ~~~~ ~MM-~~1 APPROVED [: ~2EJECTED ~ ; ~, ~Enf,^t~~.D f POSTS ~3,'~t:. , NEARf~ ~ ~A -~~~ ~ ~~af 63 n {T'his page intend®nally left blank} gtai A, 1 ~ ~~ ~~~~ J 6~° ~~~ • • IVEV~1 I-IAN®VER C®UNT'Y BOAR® OF COIVBNIISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter.:. None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor . SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Flanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: - Collection reports as of July 31, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of reports. FUNDING SOURCE: ATT (A,C-HMENTS: u NHCColrpt.doc ITE1V~ DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMI , TS A Recommend approval. '' l~AAA AnICCI/'11111~Pf [`~ A/"~TI/1 IC nnnn nni ~~QUNT~f ~0llnMl~SIQ~ REJECTED C] F~.EMOVED i`. P(3STPOf4'rrp R9tAR~~ ~ t 5 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO. ' NEVV HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 7/31/O1 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2001 AD VALOREM ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL $ .00 DISCOVERIES ADDED .00 LESS ABATEMENTS .00 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ .00 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALP.i~TCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED RENTAL VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS .00 .00 .00 $ .00 - .00 $ .00 00% $ 3,698,729.73 46,357.96 - 13556.89 $ 3,731,530.80 - 344.309.19 $ 3,387,221.61 9.23% JUL 2001 $ 26,023.80 392,262.88 5,556.25 MOTOR VEHICLE $ : 1,313,549.08 3,531.99 - 7.654.28 $ 1,309,426.79 .00 .00 .00 $ 1,309,426.79 - 564,760.20 $ 744,666.59 43.13%* FISCAL YTD $ 26,023.80 392,262.88 5,556.25 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $1,860,098.81. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGI NG JULY 1, 2001. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, PATRICIA J. RAYDY(~R~rir~~~~~~ ~ ,,•-~r^ COLLECTOR O~ REVENUE"'~"' " v `;,,' ,,~~qq { ~, ~~ * COMBINED COLLECTIOiWPERCENTAGE - 43.13% ~a~'qr ~n=^ . ~.~~Y~4r141. ~~4` `~~ 1,.15 1~ 16 6 ~: Tr ~,µF CC~tiSE?~T kC>~~i~'A A ~' ~ = -_----- IT~~? i'd~o____-- ~3=~i }-iA~i1~~2 ~~U~iT~ ~I~~ ~I:~7RI~T "fAX C~~L~~TIf_'dVS - C~tL~~~ ~~?iti5 ~l~R~ ~7J31~~Z - ~~3~3?.~~1T SAX YEAR ~ Z0~1 ~~ ~7~~~~~~! C~T~R ti~!-IIC.Lc ~I~I~3A~. TA?S LEVY ~~~ S~RQL~ -~ ~~J~ ~ 3~~~5~~C4 ~3~S~~3V~R~~S ~D~~D. ~C3fl ?9~~7 ~~SS AEA~~~f~~'S s{3C 23.1~~0~ ~~~~L ~~~'ES ~N~~2G~G ~ ~~(? ~ 7'654®31 ~ISTI~I+~ ~~itiALT~ES ~~~.~'~~~ et3t7 ~fl{l . ~~L.LLt.l S.1~~ I~ iJM~)~ uO~Ipp E®CH .S L7~ 0stl mID9 ChY YO @d'19 AYk tlL ~:A gHWA e9:1YC AtI-~~7!J ~:1 L:17~."° ~I tiYVY ~i ~ffi ~'A+® 0 , I ~N~a~i~~ CQ~ L~CT~!3 P~S~ C ~~t}~'*~ ~5~1~~~ Sr ~~ '~:~f'1 ~A'.~, t~ - vmrm. r.~m.»fe~~a.w a..~,m~ ~Y'I~iF?~J~S A~~Efl ~~3/Ls i7 L.~S~ A6~~~~~~i~S 33igG~~ 3~TAL TEES D+.7~ ~~' ~~~~67~15 C~l~.~c~T~L;~1S ~'~ ~~~~ ~~~i~+3~39~ ~7~3T~TAS'~t3Ia~G A~Ai~C ~7~22~~7 P-~C~AlTA~~ CG~L~+C~~~ ~ ~ ~ lfl':ry~ T~~~ REP~~T I~ ~~~ ~~_SC~~ Y~A~ 3EG9v~~?~~ JU~.~' l.~ ~~~ 1~ RFS~'~~T~i;~l.~ 5~~~~~c~~ ., w ~~ ~J~~~ ~~T~?ICIA ;3~ ~C~~~E~~~?R ~~ ~~~~~J~~ ~ 167 {This page intentionally left blank} 168 ~ NE1nl HAIVOVER COUNTY HOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01. . ~ - Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Resolution Opposing Reduction of Federal Funding for Beaoh Nourishment BRIEF SUMMARY: The Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen request the support of the County Commissioners in ,opposition of Federal funding reductions for beach nourishment. RECOMMENDED MOTJON AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEflA DOES N©i' REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COIV~MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~~ ry M/1RA AAICC9AAICP2C~ A/~TYI ~IAIC /I~f1flA %fl CP~ITC. l (~~un~v CONINft~iJ~ ~IAPROVED ~.--~. ~E;fECT~p p IREMC' ~ ~ ~, k'OST ~~ :~ `~ , RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO OPPOSE REDUCTION OF FEDERAL FUNDING FOR BEACH NOURISHMENT WHEREAS, America's beaches are one of the country's most irreplaceable assets, both environmentally and economically, and are unparalleled as a source of storm protection, national and international tourism, and recreation for all citizens; AND WHEREAS, many of the developed North Carolina coastal communities, have entered into a 50 year contractual agreement with the Army Corps for assistance throujh the Shore Protection Program for periodic re-nourishment; AND WHEREAS, the Bush Administration, as well as the Clinton Administration, has attempted to reverse the contractually-agreed cost-share for periodic beach re-nourishment projects from 65% Federal to 65% non-Federal thereby imposing a tremendous financial burden on state and local governments and its citizens; AND WHEREAS, the United States House of Representatives has passed a Energy and Water Appropriations Bill that restores current 65% Federal funding for all projects, with the exception of Wrightsville Beach, and the Senate has passed an Energy and Water Appropriations Bill approving a funding reduction less than the House Bill for twenty-two projects; AND WHEREAS, beach nourishment is critical for shoreline protection against the increasuig number of devastating coastal storms and to support the crucial role the beaches of North Carolina have on the economy of the region; ~J AND WHEREAS, failure to restore the cost-sharing formula for beach nourishment project will jeopardize current funding for all existing and future shore protection projects and will have a destructive effect on our nation's beaches. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that New Hanover County Board of Commissioners categorically opposes any reduction of Federal fitnding for beach nourishment projects. Adopted this the 20t1i day of August, 2001 Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to thexBoard F ' ~3A~ ~ J V L.i~~'yj ~* ~! f I~ ~ ~ ~t~ ~f 170. ,:,: ~r, . n "Andy Honeycutt" To: "Mary Gornto" <mart'.gornto@ci.wilmington.nc.us>, "Calvin Peck" -~ <ahoneycut#@towb.or _ <calvinp@townofcarolinabeach:com>, "Carol Barclay" ~ ~ <cbarclay@co.new-hanover.nc.us>, "Allen O'Neal" ter.;-... g> ~,~, <aoneal@co.new-hanover.nc.us> `^.~ +~ 08/13/2001 04:14 cc: PM Subject: Resolution At the Beach, Port, and Waterway Authority (I think that's the order) meeting on Friday there was much discussion about the reduction in funding for shore protection projects (beach nourishment). Mayor Jones suggested a resolution of all governing bodies opposing this cost-share .reduction.- I have drafted a resolution for your review. The resolution may go through another draft with the final copy available by tomorrow morning. Hope all is well. Let ~me know if you require any further information. My direct line is 256.7909. Thanks Andy Honeycutt Town Manager Town of Wrightsville Beach www.townofwri~htsvil lebeach.com 1 - RESOLUTION.doc 171 This page intentionally deft blank} 172 ~ ~9EVV HANOVER COUfVTY BOAR® OF COIVINIISS~OiVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTT®N Meeting Date: 08%20/01 Consent Item.#: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Contact: Bruce Shell or Amy Akin SUBJECT: Revision of Current Formal Bid Threshold for Purchasing Contracts from X30,000. to $50,000. BRIEF SUMMARY: ~~ On August 2, 2001 the Governor of North Carolina signed into law House Bill 1169 (Session Law 2001-328) which increased the formal bid threshold from $30,000 to $50,000 for purchase contracts. The New Hanover County Purchasing Policy limits are established in accordance with limits imposed by North Carolina General Statutes. Therefore, as a result of the change of limits in the new legislation, staff has made the appropriate changes to the Purchasing Policy and request concurrence from the Board of Commissioners on these actions. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of attached resolution stating that the Board of Commissioners concur with the actions of staff to revise the County Purchasing Policy by increasing the formal bid threshold for purchase contracts from $30,000.00 to $50,000.000 in accordance with the change of threshold in North Carolina House Bill 1169 (Session Law 2001.328), signed by the Governor of North Carolina on August 2, 2001. FUNDLNG SOURCE: Not Applicable ATTACHMENTS: .. resolution for change of formal bid thr REVIE~IED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve .HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval`. ~~~~ ~ON1~II~S9®~ APPROVED ~•r-~'' ' REJECTED F?EMOt''~`1 .-, ...POSTE. z ^; ~ hEAt': ~ ~:~ 7 3 RESOLUrI'IOlel OF THE ~OARI) OF COMMISSIONERS O?F' NEW HAlliOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, North Carolina House Bill 1169 (Session Law 2001-328) increased the formal bid threshold for purchase contracts from thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) and was signed by the Govennor ofNorth Carolina on August 2, 2001, effective on the same date; AND WHEREAS; the formal bidding thresholds in the New Hanover County Purchasing Policy are established in accordance with limits imposed by North Carolina General Statutes; AND WHEREAS, as a result of the General Assembly increasing the .formal bid threshold for purchase contracts, County staff have revised the County Purchasing Policy to reflect the new change; AND WHEREAS, the Finance Director and the County Manager desire to inform the Board of Commissioners of actions being taken to bring the County Purchasing Policy into compliance with the new legislation and request concurrence from the Board of Commissioners on these actions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Board of Commissioners concur with the actions by staff to revise the County Purchasing Policy by increasing the formal bid threshold for purchase contracts from thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) in accordance with the change of threshold iri North Carolina House Bill 1169 (Session Law 2001-328), signed by the Governor of North Carolina on August 2, 2001, effective on the same date. This 20th day of August, 2001. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST aw ~ ~,,,, ~. . ~' ~..'~.~C~.}vim Clerk too the Boarcl~ ~~'~~~`~ ~ ~ . ~~~., aM~ ~,~ .~ :. 174 ~~~,_.."~ ~~ ~-- .~_ r • • L' (VEW I~A(V®VER C®UN1'Y BOAR® ®F C®iVIN19SS0®NERS REQt1EST FOR BOARD ACTT®(~ Meeting Date: 06/20/01 Consent Item #; 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: - Contact: Molly M. Connell SUBJECT: Approval to Waive the Tipping Fee for Big Sweep Beach Cleanup BRIEF SUMMARY: Keep America Beautiful is requesting waiver of the tip fee for the Keep America Beautiful Big Sweep Beach Cleanup September 15, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend waive the tipping fee for Big Sweep, Beach Cleanup FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEiiA -DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend..approvalY,; C®MMISSIONERS' ACS ~~M 'PRQVED G ~tEJECTE!? CJ IRIMO~'" ,: POSTI` ~fEA` "" r ~f ~. ~~ 5~~~~/ ~~~ ll ~, ~ i ~~~ MAN~G~R'S ~F~~CE August 3, ?001 TO: NHC Commissioners Allen O'Neal FROM:. Molly Nl. Connell RE: Big Sweep Saturday, September 15th will be the annual Keep America Beautiful Big Sweep. As in the past, we are asking the NHC Commissioners to waive the tipping for the trash collected on this date. Waste Management will once again be the waste hauler who will be hauling the trash to Wastec after the event. This year Keep America Beautiful is also working with the local school system to encourage them to participate. in this event and to encourage environmental education inside and outside of the classroom. On Friday, September 14t~' KAB will be hosting a Student Sweep. On this day the students will take a field trip to the beach and help clean the beaches that they have played in all summer long. After the clean up the student will enjoy a bag lunch. When the students return to school they will follow-up with math, reading and writing lessons covering what they have learned during this event. We are not anticipating that this second Big Sweep will create a considerable amount of trash. We are however anticipating that this event will help educate the children of the impact litter has on our environment. Thank you for you consideration on this matter! ~~ ~, f ~~, ~~ ,~„r^-~ 1~t~a °~~ .~^~1s:. ~,~, R 1 ~'1'%~ as RPryded Tyf~~ ~/,9~~ /pq ,~-ra~ ~p--~1 /Ap ~gf TI gq ~~/7 ~/ µ~~t qg,~y~ ~+' PaPer 21 ~17SL~~~S51 IlJ ~.Jt~ tlJ ~A~~~ ~ ~ 9 7 ~~ Y re ~il~~ ~~~ 216 North Second Street ®Wilmington,North Carolina ~ (910) 76'Z-a965 n A RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTYCOUNTY DECLARING SEP'T'EMBER 15, 2001 AS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BIG SWEEP DAY WHEREAS, New Hanover County is rich in natural resources and beauty; and WHEREAS, water is a basic and essential need for all life; and, .WHEREAS, trash fouls our waterways as well as our landscapes; and, WHEREAS, every citizen should contribute to keeping our environment clean and healthy by working together to preserve clean water and the natural beauty of our surroundings; and, • WHEREAS, North Carolina Big Sweep is a statewide community effort to retrieve trash from North Carolina's waterways and landscapes; NOW, rfHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby declare September 15, 2001 as NEW HANOVER COUNTY SIG SWEEP DAY, and does fi.irther hereby urge every citizen to do his or her part to restore the beauty of our lakes, streams and shores by volunteering to participate in the Big Sweep event: In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of New Hanover County to be affixed. Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board ~+ flec cletl ~ 0 ^~ Paoer A E~CA ~E~iJ~I~IJIJ ® ~~ AI~~VEIl ~~LTI~~'~ 216 North Second Street • Wilmington, North Carolina ®(910) 762-0965 {This page intend®nally left blank} 17 • [7 NEB HANO~ER COl1IVTY ~OAR® OF C011~N11SS1®NERS REQUEST FOR B®ARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 General Fund: County Commissioners: Appropriated Fund Balance Finance: ®epartmental Supplies Information Technology: Contracted Services Computer Expenses Tax: Departmental Supplies Computer Expenses Register of Deeds: Contracted Services Departmental Supplies Computer Expenses Vehicle Managemen#: $702,982 $786 $50,535 $82,858 " $1,439 $520 $26,610 $2,687 $1,830 M & R -Auto & Trucks $1,221 Property Management: M & R - Buildings ~ Grounds $44,777 ~M & R -Equipment $650 Departmental Supplies $2,900 Build'eng $22,261 Capital Outlay -Equipment $1,550 Engineering: Contracted Services $500 Cemetery. Maintenance $1,792 • Non-Departmental:. ~~`~ Other.lmproyements ~(l11/p~y ~, $218,947 'AAPROVED®!~flA1~~10l~ -, 911 Service: ~EjEC ~ ~ . Departmental Supplies BEM TCD 17 ~'~ $2,455 Contributions To Outside Agencies ~ {3,.','p f-~ $17,480 Computer Expenses ~4STF'~,.;~~~-ta $1,050 ~~~ ~ 179 Sheriff/Administration: ~~~4: „~~ ~ I ~~ "Computer Expenses I-o~, ~ ~~ $1,562 -~:, Sheriff/Jail: Capital Outlay -Equipment $5,250 Sheriff/Jail-Out of County Housing: Departmental Supplies $1,033 Emergency Management: Contracted Services $13,267 Courts/Clerk of Superior Court: Departmental Supplies $12,778 Courts/Court Functions: Computer Expenses $2,058 " Inspections: Contracted Services $3,273 Computer Expenses $3,252 Capital Outlay -Equipment $68,777 Planning: Contracted Services $9,163 Computer Expenses ~ $5,363 Girlie Gardens: Equipment Rent $2,941 Advertising Cost $3,700 Public Health/Animal Control Motor Vehicle Purchases $22,143 Public Health/Administration: Computer Expenses $2,577 r .Public Health/(Navigator Partnership: \ M & R -Equipment $1,058 Public Health/Maternal Outreach: Capital Outlay -Equipment $5,323 ~~ Social Services/Administration: Contracted Services $3,450 Computer Expenses $11,436 ,~ Library: Computer Expenses '$429 Parks: Contracted Services '$2,476 Other Improvements , $4,054 ~~ Museum: Contracted Services $17,440 Departments! Supplies ~ ~~'ti+~~~.,~'" $13,069 Other Improvements„ ~ ,~ ~~~~ $2,335 Computer Expenses ~ ~ ~ ~~Z d ' $1,927 ~ r, ~ {g ~: Fire District: l ~~ Fire Departments: .~~~ ' ~ ~ / ' ,~~4~ ppropriated Fund Balance ` 1~~ OA $19,507 Contracted `Services $1,050 Radios $2,842 Miscellaneous $3,531 • C . I Safety Equipment i ~ . ~ $2,200 Fire Operations: Safety Equipment $7,484 M & R -Auto & Trucks $2,400 Environmental Management Fund: Landfill Operations; Appropriated. Fund Balance $1,206,592 Contracted Services $291,088 Recycling: Contracted Services $18,500 Wastec/Administration: Other Improvements $54,000 Capital Outlay -Equipment $739,485 Wastec/Maintenance: M & R -Equipment $99,464 . Dues & Subscriptions - $4,055 Sewer Operating fund: Appropriated Fund Balance $382,722 Water. and Sewer. Finance: Departmental Supplies $639 VNater and Sewer Engineering: Contracted Services $61,734 M & R -Equipment $5,041 Capital Project Expense $3,995 Capital Outlay - Equipment $162,777 Motor Vehicle Purchases $148,536 .EXPLANATION: To budget appropriated funds balance for outstanding purchase orders as of .dune 30, 2001. The amounts should be added to each appropriation as it appea rs in the budget ordinance in order to account for the payment against the fiscal y in which it is paid (adopted in the budget ordinances for FY 01-02 dated June 18, 2001). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS:.To be entered into minutes COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 181 {This pale intend®nally left blank} tVE~ll H~-IVOVER COUNTY DOARD OF CONIIVIISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 budget Amendment ~.~-_~~. Consent Item #: 11.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Public Health/Health Education " BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0022 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT. CREDIT Safe Kids Coali#ion $800 • Departmental Supplies $800 EXPLANATION: To budget $800 gr t eeceived from Safe Kids Coalition for the purchase_of bicycle helmets. ~ ~ ~' ADDITIONAL 1N~ORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSLONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~Bi~Y ~EI~~9~~a~~`~':? ~PPROVEp ~---~ DEJECTED Q ' ~ENiOVED POSTPONED L7 ~~ . ~EARIO l -. ~ 183 m insurance Commissioner .lim Long, Chair North Carolina Department of Insurance Office of State Fire Marshal PO Box 26387, Raleigh NC 27611 North Carolina Hospital Association, Founding Sponsor July 20, 2001 David Howard, MPH. Health Educator New Hanover Co. Health Dept. 2029 South 17~' St, Wilmington, NC 23401-4946 Dear David: NC SAFE KIDS has received grant funds, which are on deposit with the NC Department of Insurance, for the purpose of providing bike helmets to your local SAFE KIDS coalition. Your SAFE KIDS Coalition is eligible for a grant not to exceed 5800 for the purchase of bike helmets. In order to receive the Brant your coalition must first purchase and pay for the helmets and then submit the original invoice for reimbursement to NC SAFE KIDS, Attention: Paul Jones, PO Box 26387, Raleigh NC 27611. We must have your request for reimbursement not later than September 10, 2001 Once we receive your request for reimbursement and original invoices, it will be forwarded to the NC Department of Insurance Controller, who will send a check to the designated recipient. Our Controller must have an original invoice to reimburse your coalition or the lead agency. If your coalition has not already sent a tax ID number for your coalition or lead organization, the Department of Insurance, NC SAFE KIDS must have the tax ID on file before the Controller can approve any reimbursement. Funds available for the bike helmets are from non-state sources and are not affected by the Governor's freeze on State spending. If your coalition plans to take advantage of this offer, please advise the NC SAFE KIDS office not later than Friday July 27~'. Otherwise, if we do not hear from you the funds will be made available to other coalitions. Please order your helmets using the enclosed order form that includes the NC SAFE KIDS ID number. For each helmet ordered from Bell Sports, the company makes aone-dollar donation back to SAFE KIDS. Sincerely,_ .~.+.£'.~y.ypsNTFa'~9~rtiaF'n~r _ ~ w.rvy5j„` V • ^ ~ 1 ti ly` N~4'-+~ Paul Joucs D" r NC~SAFE~KIDS "'"~ cc;~Jim Newman;'. Controller, NC Dept. of Insurance 'Deborah Stout, Deputy Director, Office of State Fire Marshal ,,~~. ~, !~..:= ~--'"`""File Account 2337 Enclosures: Order Form Check List 1 ~ free: 888/347-3737 ® 919/733-3901 ®Fax:919/733-9171 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~OAR® ~F Ct7lV1lV!!SS!®NERS REQUEST FOR DOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 . ~ ~ludget Amendment Consent Item #: 11.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Various BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0023 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Safe Roads Grant-Sheriff's Dept. $55,052 Supplies $4,846 Auto Supplies $1,700 Training and Travel $2,870 Motor Vehicles $45,636 [. Gates Foundation Grant-Library $766 Supplies $766 Flazard Mitigation=/Project impact Grant $9,137 hazard Mitigation-Schools Retrofit Grant $560 Hazard Mitigation-contract services $9,137 Schools Retrofit-contract services $5'60 Hazard Mitigation Grant-Planning ~ $743 Computer Expenses $743 EXPLANATION: To rollover unexpended grant funds from FY 00-01 to FY 0 -02. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: APPROVED ~tEJECTED Cf ' REMOVED PQSTPONED L3 1 {This pa8e intend®nall~ left blank} ~r~~w~~ ~ ~~ ` ~ rli~'.1C~ ~~* ~ .~:....:...._ Z~ 186 Q NE~l1 H~4NOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMlVI6SSi0NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 • • • •w a.i~v~ cue ~ unaa. County Commissioners: Appropriated Fund Balance Information Technology: Contracted Services Register of Deeds: Contracted Services Training & Travel Property Management: Building. Non-Departmental: Other Improvements Planning: Contracted Services Airlie Gardens: M & R -Buildings & Grounds Other Improvements Public Flealth/Epidemiology: Contracted Services Departmental Supplies Capital Outlay -Equipment Parks: Other Improvements Museum: M & R -Buildings & Grounds Fire District: Fire Departments: Appropriated Fund Balance Emergency Measures Seagate Volun#eer Fire Dept. Winter Park Volunteer Fire Dept. Motor Vehicle."Purchases Other Improvements ' Computer Expenses Capital Outlay -Equipment $1,299,860 $ 6,000 $20,000 $5,000 $276,00® $18,200 $20,000 _ $269,000 '{~~, --~-_._$181,000 `~'PROVEp 1 ~FJECTEp ~ $16,532 ~EMOyEp $34,115 ~'DSTPO C NED ~ ${-28,583 ~~~AR1~ / .""f $258,757 $330,430 $20,012 $26,787 $55,51 $,1L/ $57,466 $48,896 Firefighting Supplies ~ $13,644 Capital Outlay -Equipment $13,625 Sewer Operating Fund: Appropriated Fund Balance $1,515,997 Water and Sewer Engineering: . Capital Project Expense $1,204,625 Drainage: Contracted Services $311,372 EXPLANATION: To rollover the following expenditures from FY 00-01 to FY O1-02. The above items were budgeted in FY 00-01, but completion of transactions did not occur prior to June 30, 2001. General Fund: Information Technology: Funds for Microsoft audit. Register of Deeds: Carry-over funds related to conversion of old files and training employees in new process. Property Management: Funds for completion of Division Drive building project. Non-Departmental: Carry-over funds for the broadcasting of County meetings project. Planning: Funds for Natural Heritage Study. Airlie Gardens: Carry-over of funds for improvements. Public Health: Funds for medical records barcoding project (previously carried over-from FY 99-00 to FY 00-01).`~~~--~~~ Parks: Carry-over funds for.repiacement of Hugh MacRae ball field lighting. Museum: Funds for removal and replacement of museum building facade. Fire District:~°;Carry,#over ofi;fu,nds for rebuilding a truck and purchasing rescue equipment, mobile data t msnal"st(MDT's), and a storage building. Water and Sewer"Eng~n~e~ering:,~'~Funds for water and sewer and drainage projects. ~ G9.'~d 161i4~Y~ pv~,~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: „ , APPROVAL STATUS: moo; be-approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 188 D NEW HANOVER COUNTY. BOAR® OF COMNIISSI.ONERS ` REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Budget Amendrnelnt ,Consent Item #: 11.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Cooperative Extension BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0025 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Revenue-other $85,000 Cooperative Ext. Expense $85,000 EXPLANATION: To establish budget for FY 02 f Cooperative Extension's extended projects. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • ~~GN~'Y ~5~11~IS5~af~ APPROVED ~. DEJECTED q '' REMOVEQ C.~ ~ •~" POSTPOiVED ~EARi) 'x • 189 {This pcege int~nti®ncclly left blank} ,_„- _ ,. „t,_, ,_,~ ,~,~~~~~, ,w !V~,~'` ~L; . ~4~ r ~. ~. . 190 • NE~Y HANOVER COl1tVTY ~OAR® Of COMMlSSIOiVE~S REQUEST f0R BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 08/20/01 budget Amendment ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT ' Partnership For Children Grant $126,000 Salaries and Wages $113,514 Social Security Taxes $8,684 Retirement-Local Govt. Employee $5;162 Medical Insurance Expense $4,886 Long-Term Disability Insurance $296 Contracted. Services $2,000 Cellular Expense $480 Printing Charges $500 " Departmental Supplies $650 Employee Reimbursements $1,600 Employee Reimb./Uniforms $1,000 Training & Trave! $1,000 EXPLAIyATION: To increase Navigator Partnership budget to actual amount of FY 01-02 grant award (budgeted at $24,000; actual award is $150,000). ADDlTlONAL fNFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COiVIMISSlONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~G~~il'` ~lUi~i1~~~ ~PPROVEt~ DEJECTED ( ~Ef~~f3°!ED . ~ ~ ~a ~ i ~NED ~ f,c° '~ =E.AF2i) ~~ ..~b~/old/~/~ • 191 ~. ATTACHMENT I CONTRACT ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Contract #: 3-12-3-03-0553. Direct Services Provider: New Hanover Coun Health De artment Activity Name: Navigator Navigator includes an Intensive Home Visiting Program and a Family Assessment Coordinator. The home visitation program follows the Olds Curriculum. Public Health Nurses make tiveekly and bi-weekly home visits providing social support and resources to build parenting skills to high-risk families (first time mothers, 100% poverty level or below). Information about child health and safety is also shared with the families. A Family Assessment Coordinator, working at the hospital, makes certain all mothers of newborns are visited-and a detailed assessment is conducted on all families. The Family Assessment Coordinator will.perform the assessment and collaborate with all programs screening pregnant woman and families with young children. Appropriate parenting information is provided and referrals to community programs are made as needed. 1 `~'1 ~ ° fi ~. 1 Page 9 of 9 NEW IiANOVER COUNT( PARTNERSHIP FOR CHILDREN ~nn~_2oo2 I • • Contractor: New Hanover County Health. Department Contract # 3-12-3-03-0553 Activity: Navigator Program ~ E ffective JULY 1, 2001 i DESCRIPTION SMART START Personnel 11 Sala /Wa es/Benefits 12 Contracted Services 13) TOTAL PERSONNELICONTRACTED SERVICES COST Supplies and Materials 14 Office Su lies and Materials 15 Services Related Su lies 16) Total Supplies & Material Cost Current Obli ations 142,770.00 2,000.00 144,770.00 650.00 1,000.00 1,650.00 17 Travel 18 Communications & Posta e 2,200.00 480.00 19 Utilities 20 Printin and Bindin 500.00 21 Re air and Maintenance 22 Meetin /Conference Ex ense 23 Em to ee Trainin no travel 400.00 24 Classified Adveitisin 25 In-State Board Member Expense 26) TOTAL NON-FIXED OPERATING EXPENSES 3,580.00 Fixed Charges and Other Expenses - 35 Office Rent Land, Buildin s, etc. - 36 Furniture Rental 37 E ui ment Rental Phones, Com uter, etc. - 38 Vehicle Rental 39 Dues and Subscri tions _ 40 Insurance and Bondin _ 33 BooklLibra Reference Materials - 34) Mortgage Interest and Bank Fees 35 Other Ex enses: N/A 36) Total Fixed Charges & Other Expenses Capital Outla 37 Buildin s & lm rovements 38 Leasehold Im rovements 39 Furniture/ Non-Com uter E t. $500. + er item 40 Com uter E ui ment/Ptinters, $500. + er item - 41 Furniture/E u t., under $500. 42) Total Property & Equipment Outlay. Contracts & Grants 43 Purchase of Services 44 Contracts with Service Providers - 45 Sti ends/Scholarshi s/Bonuses - 46 Grants/Cash Awards 47 Grants/Non-Cash Awards 48) Total Services/ Grants! Contracts - 49) Total Participant Training Expense, 50) Total Expenditures 150,000:00 ~J ~~'his page intend®nally left blank} 194 • • Title XIX Fees State Grant Office of Juvenile Justice (State) Salaries and Wages Social Security Tars Retirement-Local Govt. Employee Medical insurance Expense Long-Term Disability Insurance Cellular Expense M ~ R -Equipment Printing Charges Departmental Supplies Employee Reimbursements Employee ReimbJUniforms $12,656 $52,368 $4,006 $2,166 $137 $480 $1,400 $600 $1,000 EXRLANATION: To adjust Navigator FY O1-02 budget to actual amount of grant awards and budget additional $25,656 in greater than- anticipated Medicaid earnings., (Grants: 1. $12,656 Office of Juvenile Justice grant budgeted will not be awarded, 2. $40,000 additional award from N®rth Carolina Department of o-lealth and Human Services.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ~ APRROVAL STATUSs To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~J ~4~f~~~~?y APPROVED 1>ZEJECTED tai' ~'G`STr=O~1`ED ~ P ^~``~~~/ $25,656 $40,000 $4,886 $2,500 $1,771 ~ 195 Janet McCumbee To: Lynda Smith/NHC@NHC, chewett@co.new-hanover.nc.us 06/29/2001 10:20 cc: Kim Roane/NHC@NHC, Dottie Ray/NHC@NHC AM Subject: INV Funding Decisions This is for your information. This $40,000 from the Women's and Children's branch is to go to the NAVIGATOR Program to help offset the $85,000 of OJJ money which at this time seems to have been cut. (We know we have this $40,000 and Medicaid revenue for 5154 NAVIGATOR budget). ---•--•-•--•----•----- Forwarded by Janet McCumbee/NHC on 06/29/2001 10:15 AM ------•------••---•---•--•- -k>~ Katrina Gay <Katrina.Gay@ncmaii.net> on 06/28/2001 03:37:7.2 PM ---`'~~ - To: Janet McCumbee <jmccumbee@co.new-hanover.nc.us> cc: Carol Tant <Carol:Tant@ncmail.net> Subject: IHV Funding Decisions I know everyone is anxious to hear about funding decisions for next year.. We had ~~ hoped for better news from the House but their proposed budget was a big disappointment, Essentially, the Initiative has on{y $600,000 in state appropriations for all of its obligations, which include: ® 14 I HV projects ® my salary and. administration expenses ® required in-house evaluation (legislation prohibits DPH from continuing to contract for these services) "1 ~-There.,is ajlso approximately $20,000 in reverted funds from a grant we received from fhte~NC#'Partnership for Children that they will allow us to carry-forward to ~ hext~,year..' Obviously, this amount of money does not go far to support any of these obl~i`gatro;ns. The Home Visiting Demonstration Projects (HVDP) Committee had some very `difficult decisions to make about funding distribution and they did an e`~XC Vent job of figuring out how to use these funds to help support everything. ~ ,~ Here is how it's been decided to divvy up the funds: ® $50,000 will be used for evaluation purposes - A detailed plan has not yet been developed for how this will be carried-out by DPH. As you know, the initiative is required to report on specific categories of data by April 1, 2002, so the 1~6 • • evaluation is of critical importance. ® Cumberland and Mecklenburg sites will receive $20,000 each -these sites have other sources of funds to help support their operations. ~ Divide the remaining funds evenly amongst the other 12 sites at about $x0,000 each In the current climate of political scrutiny and very ,limited funding, the HVDP Committee also decided that all sites will be subject to the following funding conditions: ® .State funds must be used to leverage other funds, particularly at the local and regional levels, to sustain the program. ® .Medicaid reimbursement must be maximized within DMA's guidelines for reimbursement of appropriate services provided through IHV projects (including MCC, CSC, Postpartum and Newborn Home Visits, High Risk Maternity Visits, Intensive Psychosocial Counseling). Medicaid receipts will be utilized to support/expand project services. Home visitors' caseload sizes must be maximized. Appropriate caseload sizes for each home visitor should be determined with the supervisor based on needs and. progress of families enrolled. ~ Quarterly reports on the project's progress must be submitted. The format for this report will be provided, using the questions from our recent interviews with the sites. (A sustainability plan must be included with the first quarter's report, and a progress report on this plan along with appropriate budget reports must be included in subsequent reports.) I realize this is a mixed-bag of news, but I feel it is the best we could do under the circumstances. 1 am truly pleased that we were able to come up with a plan that gives something to everybody. The information provided in the recent interviews was very helpful to the Committee. I ,enjoyed doing the interviews and really appreciate you making the time for them. It is clear that all of the sites that receive state funds each have unique strengths and the stafif are very dedicated to this work. At the state-level, a subcommittee will be looking for additional funding sources for the Initiative (such as large private foundations), in an attempt to avoid sites competing with each other for resources. Hopefully, these efforts combined with your local and regional fundraising will allow all the sites to continue to operate at their current capacity. Official communication about these decisions will be sent to you and your agency/health directors as soon as we can send it out. In the meantime, I wanted you to have this information so that you could begin planning. Please don't hesitate to call me if you have any questions or concerns (919-733-4174). I J - Katrina.Gay.vcf 197 {'his page intend®nally left blank} 19~ s • lVEVI1 HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/20/01 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 11.8 Estimated Time: .Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Public Health/Maternal Outreach Workers ' BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0030 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Partnership For Children Grant $8,504 Salaries and Wages $6,363 Social Security Taxes $487 Retirement-Local Govt. Employee $315 Medical. Insurance Expense $234 Cellular Expense $80 Employee Reimbursements $1,025 EXPLANATION: To rollover unexpended Fear Memorial Foundation grant funds from FY 00-O1 to FY 01-02. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: APPROVED ~ ., .jY >~tEJECTED FCEMOVED C~ ~. ,+-, POSTPONED ~ ;~'~ ~IEAR~~ ti, ti ~ 199 {'his page inte~ti®nrxlly left blank} ----~,.<, ..,, ~ .,,~t~~ -~ :: :~~ ~~` ~- 200 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOtV Meeting Date: 08/20/OT ~! Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 11.9 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: County Manager's Office/NHC-TV BUDGET AMENDMENT #:.02-0037 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Cable Franchise Fees $225,744 Salaries and Wages $49,183 Contracted Services $22,500 Computer Expenses $12,000 Administrative Reserve $92,061 Capital Outlay -Equipment $45,000 Advertising Cost $5,000 EXPLANATION: To establish budget for NHC-TV as a division of the County Manager's office. A full-time position, part-time position, operating expenses, and capital outlay will be totally funded by the increase in the cable franchise fees approved by the County Commissioners on August 6, 2001. Full-year revenue and expenditures are estimated to be $270,894. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ~~.. "~` APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: f~PPROVED G, ~ DEJECTED ~ F?.EMOVED I~ . POSTPONED t7 I~EARi7 ~. ~` 201 its --~• ~ ~a~~'~ ~ ~Il ~~'~ ~~'~ ~+~'^>vntlcfiJ ~~ ~<i/,~