Agenda 2001 10-15i AGENDA ~~, :~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanove>" County HistoYic Courthouse 24 -North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER . ~ ~ ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD October 15, 2001 9:00 a.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.), INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA EST]:MATED , ITEMS OF BUSINESS T:[MES 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards `, 9:20 a.m. 2. Recognition of New County Employees 9:20 a.m. 3. Update on FY01-02 Budget 9:40 a.m. 4 Consideration of Friends of the Library Contribution to Northeast R I 9:50 a.m. 10:05 .m. 10:20 a.m. ' 10:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m 11.: ] 5 a.m. . 11:30 a.m. 11:45 a:m. Noon =~' I00 p.in. , 3:00 p.m. egiona I Library Project and Approval of Associated Budget.Amendment #2002-14 5. Consideration of Conditional Permit-for Mason Inlet Relocation Project 6. .Consideration of Project to Control Erosion at Snows Cut 7. Update on Jail Project 8. Consideration of Approval of Utility Package -Jail Project 9. ~ Consideration of Authorization for Chairman to Sign a Resolution Supporting the Planning Department's Application for a NC DENR Division of Water Resources Grant for Wetland Restoration at 2639 IVliddle Sound Loop Road I0. .Consideration of Request by the. Board of Education for the County to Maintain Ownership of the Veterans Park Drive and Reduce the Speed Limit fo 20 mph 11. Committee Appointments 12. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District Non Agenda Items (limit 3 minutes) . Additional Items -County Commissioners, County Attoniey, County Manager - Adjourn Work Session (will. not be televised) . PAGE NO.. 1. 2 5 7 9 - 11 13 15 17 27 31 41 Note: Times listed for each item is estimated, and in the event that a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move to the next item. - ,i `MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC October 15, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE - NO. I . Non-Agenda Item's (limit to 3 minutes) 41 2. Approval of Minutes 43 3 Consideration of Request for Participation in Cost of Sewer Line Contract #02-0146 45 4. Consideration of Approval of Contract #02-0085 with Pipeline Supply Co. for the ~ 47 Purchase of Water Meters for the Wilm.ington/Hanby Beach Project and Approval of Budget Amendment #2002-16 5. Consideration of Wastewater Impact and Development Fees -Lady of America, 5226 53 S. College Road ' Adjourn CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . October 15, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE ; - ~ NO. - 1: Approval of Minutes , ' ~ 57 ~. 2. Approval of 2002 Schedule of Regular Board Meetings ~ 59 . . ~ - 3. Approval of Wheels to Work Program for Donation of Selected Surplus Vehicles 63 4. .Approval of Friends of Airlie Membership Program 65 - 5. Approval for Library to Sell Duplicate Items form North Carolina Collection 69 6. Approval of Award of Additional $10,000 HUD Grant to' Human Relations and 71 approval of associated budget amendment #02-0059. _ . 7. ~ .Approval of Release of Value - 75 . 8. Approval of New Hanover.Coun ty and New Hanover County Fire. District 77 _ Collection Reports 9. Approval of Correction of Agenda Item for Tax Year 2000 for Wardens_ ofVestry 81 of St. James Parish .. 10. Approval to Transfer the Membership of Clara Lamb from the Nursing Home 83 - ~ Community Advisory Committee to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee .: ~ .11: Authorization to Utilize Tidal-Creeks Program Funds for FY's~2001-2002 and 89 . 2002-2003 for a Position, with New Hanover Soil. and Water Conservation District . Approval'of Budget Amendments: . 12.1 #2002-15 Federal Forfeited Property 91 .- 12.2 #2002-17 Jail Capital Project/Engineering .. ~ 92 :12.3 #02-0062 Foster Grandparent Program 93 12:4 #02-0063 Public Health/Vector Control 94 12:5 #02-0064 Social Services/Administration/Crisis Intervention Program 95 - 12.6. #02=0065 Public Health/School Health 96 -. 12.7 #02-0066 Public Health/Health ~,do--~ - 96a - ~ 13.. Acceptance of FTA Grant for Job Access and Reverse Commute 97 14. Approval of Contract Between.New Hanover County and the New Hanover County 99 . :~ Schools ~l NEVV HANOVER COUiVTY BOARD OF COIVIMiSSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTT®N Meeting Date: 10/1;5/01 e Number: u"lar Item #: 1 'Estimated Time: Pa Re , g g Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant SUBJECT: ~~ Presenfation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRfE~' SUMMARY; - The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Aw ards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Ronald W. Robbin s - Inspections; Marcia L. Smifh -Health Dept.; Thomas W..McCormick -Parks; TEN (l0) YEAR: Conway W. Murphy,. Jr. - , Sheriff's Dept.; Luther D. Martin -Water/Sewer- Finance; Jimmy D. Price- Heath Dept.; FIFTEEN . (15) YEAR: William H. Eubanks -Inspections and TWENTY{20) YEAR: , Ann S. Nines. • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - . FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOF REQUIRE REVIEYV . ~~ - -COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; Present awards ~ ~ '~ • COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: , . r G0i3~fTY C®MMIS31®N€R~' -- - APPROVED L~-''~ - DEJECTED, .. - REMOVED POSTPONED ® • :~ l1ERRD 1 i n I~ D DATE, - - {This_page intentionally~left blank} ~s,,~{^^, ,~~.~.. _nr~ r ~ ~~qq ~e! SF 4~7~ ~i'd'd~ 1'p~d wJ~d~'J&~3~'d ~ ~~+~,~~~a~' ~~~ 2 ;, ~~ *+a;.,r.~~~r'.,k.-aNt.m,'si:+ia~-a.+.. c~r~~i-~".~Xa '~ A ' 7 . ' ~ ~.. NE1N wANOVER COUNTY BOAR,® OF COMIV~iSSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACT10N Meeting ®ate 10/15/01 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: .Page Number: n Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of newly hired county employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING. SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ' ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COM.MEN,1'S'AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize new employees. '~"' ~'"'~ ~' COMM'ISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ' {This page intentionally left blank} n yi 4.8 ~49.d~d.~i ;~ `. ~~IA~~ ~~'~~ • • NEB HA1~01/ER COl1NTY BOARD OF COMMISSI®(VERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: '10/1'5/01 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal/Cam Griffin Contact:. Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Upda#e on FY01-02 Budge# BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff.will present a power point presentation on the FY01-02 Budget. Impact of State Budget, economic conditions, county government reduction process, and challenges of FY02.03 will be included in presentation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: View presentation and direct staff on priorities for.remainder of FY01-02 and FY02-03. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ ` COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: View presentation and direct staff on priorities for remainder of FY01=02 and FY02.03. A copy of the power point will be available at the Thursday staff meeting. ,,~--~-,. ~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~' `'~-~`'~ ~. J . ~~Uf~'tY E®P~fNIS~16~i 1 APPROVED GZEJECTEQ ^ ~tEMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ . HEARD ~! SATE 1 D (S D!_ 5 {This page intentionally left blank} 6 ~~~~~~;~~. ;. ~. ~~ f~Eilll HANOVER COUfVTY BOAR® OF COMMISSlOtVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01. Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Library Presenter: Jane Freeman Contact: David Paynter SUBJECT: Consideration of Friends of the Library Contribution to the Northeast Regional Library _ BRIEF SUMMARY: Jane Freeman, Chair of the fund raising effort for the Northeast Regional Library, will present a check for $115,812 from the Friends of the Library for their share of the renovation of the Northeast Regional Library. This amount represents the the last installment of their "$1,000,000" fund. raising goal and an additional contribution of $45;000 for the renovation of the rear of the building into ~ computer lab and meeting space. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED AC__TiONS: Accept funds for deposit into the Northeast Regional Library project budget. FUNDING SOURCE: Friends of the Library ATTACHMENTS: Revenue Summary ITEM DOES NOT REC~UIRE REVIEW COUNTY iV1AN,4GER'S.COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with the recarnmendation noted above and thank the Friends for their work and dedication to the project. a,~r~~ ~~~ ~"~ ,, ,~„ COMMISSIONERS°''ACTIONSICOMMENTS: ~~'~~UN~PI ~~~®~MIS~i® ,; APPR~VED~~~~C~~ REJECT ED 0~.,~fi,~., 'VY } PD:"s"~~f`ED~iL-I~`.~~e vv y. HEAS~(~ ~"~~"~(i zr ~ ~ r'. . DEPARTMENT: Library-Northeast Branch BUDGET AiVIENDI~IENT #: 20®2-14 ADJUSTMENT Contribution from Friends of the Library Extended Project Expense DEBIT $A~5,OD0 CREDIT $45,000 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional ~ont,ribution from the Friends of the Library to be used to partially fund a computer lab. ~-~~~" ~ '° ADDITIONAL INFORMlATION: AI~PRO~/AL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners °~~PPR VEDA ~ ~"" ~a af,'~~ REJECTEDt,Yp~;~ , e REM01ED POSTPONED p HE~4RD ®ATE ,.~~~?,jJ~l~l • . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 -. Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver . Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration,of Conditional Permit fior Mason Inlet Relocation Project • BRIEF SUMMARY: ' The U.S. Corps of Engineers. may issue a conditional. permit before themeeting on the 15th. However, at .agenda preparation time the permit had not been issued. If the conditional permit is issued before the October 15 meeting with enough time for staff to analyze it and to provide it to the Commissioners for their review, then staff will hand-deliver this item with all materials at least several days before the meeting. RECOMMENDED.MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: A recommendation will be provided once the permit is issued. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The recommendation will be forthcoming when the permit is issued. Staff will keep you informed. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~_- C®~N1Y C©A~NlISSI®Ni~ 1 APPROVEa a REJECTED !~ REMOVED POSTPONED [~~ HEARD ~ ~ 9 . {This page intentionally left blank} , f~~~s~~y~t~~J w.~~ v~1 ,; p~p /J~oB i ~ $ {~;~r i / - - IVE11~ HAIVOVER COUI'dTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR 'BOARD ACT10N . Meeting Date: '10/15/01 Regular Item #: 6 .Estimated Time:. Page. Number: Department: County Manager .Presenter: Dave Weaver - ' Contact:. Dave Weaver SUBJECT: - Consideration of Project to Control Erosion at Snows .Cut BRIEF SUMMARY: The County's Snows Cut Park in recent years has experienced severe erosion of up.to 15 to 20 feet " per year due to strong currents undermining the bank along the AIWW. A bathroom and other structures-may require relocation in'the next. few years. Based on recent discussions between Staff, the Corps of Engineers, and Greg Walker of the Cape Fear Resource Development Council (CFRDC), it may. be possible for the Corps to obtain. funding to correct the problem. . The sofution to the problem most likely would be a .rock revetment along fhe shoreline, possibly with some biological enhancement, e.g" marsh plantings. The cost of-the project would range r from $1.5 - 2.0. million to protect only Snows Cut Park, to $12 million to protect both shorelines - of Snows Cut. ~- Several sources of funding are avail ble. Section 11.35 funding requires a 75 %(Federal): 25°Jo (Local) match ,and is fairly easy to obtain. The"local match would not be required until time of construction which would be several years from now. Corps Operations funding, another option, . FUNDING SOURCE: - is 100~/o Federally funded but is more difficult to obtain. • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Board .direct staff to pursue both 1135 and Corps Operations funding, with the hope thaf Corps Operations funding can be obtained. ATTACHMENTS: . REVIEWED BY: - .. " LEGAL: N/A FINANCE; Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Direct staff to pursue funding sources.as noted above.. Wiz. . ~ ~ .COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:, f= ~, ~, ,.~ " 0®~ C®fllli~9~9®~l - APPROVED p------ " REJECTED 0 • REMOVED p POSTPONED tBEARD ~ 1 ®ATE x~,,1.``5 Q ~C^[,i5i ~M ~~~OC.:~ ~..~ `I c.17 Irv" c° c , if foQ. ' {This page intentionally left blank} 12 ~.. ^~^~ ~i~~?,P~ L:,: ~ - NEiM HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSI®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: -10115/01 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: , Department: County Manager Presenter: Greg Thompson, Capital Project Engineer Ken Weeden &.Associates ` Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Update on Jail Project BRIEF SUMMARY: A brief update will be provided on construction progress, including minority/woman business participation on the project.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Greg Thompson will provide an update on the jail project in general and Ken Weeden will provide an update on minority/women business participation. No action is required. °, J h, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: `--~~fY~~ AUNTY OOMMIS~i® APPROVED C7 REJECTED ^ REMOVED p :,a POSTPONED ~ ,,.4. H~~D 13. . SATE .yb..~n l_~~/oi - {This page intenti®nally left blank}~ I`1 ~ ~~Ot~Siil~~ ~~ 'r ~ Q~~9~3~9~da ti ~ ~~~~h-~~•.,a~t * ~, ~. ~ ~~f ~~, ~y 14 ~ ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: Greg Thompson SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval of Utillity Package -Jail Project BRIEF SUMMARY: - 'On Wednesday, October 3, 2001, New Hanover County received bids for the construction of water and-sewer systems associated with the New Hanover County Jail Facility. An analysis of the bid results had not been'completed at the time-of preparation of this agenda item..Additional information will be provided to you under separate cover. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Please review the additional information. fUNDING SOURCE: 366-431-3660-7300.6000 ' ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: A recommendation will be forthcoming when the bid analysis is completed. COMM15S10NERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~yf *'' ~,;Y' ? • ~~f~ C6~iMtS~P®f~ . ,APPROVED CC~-- REJECTED 0 REMOVED ^ POSTPONED. ~IEARD 8 ~~~ SATE 0 ~ , .Q0 '~ {.This page intentionally left blank} . ~~~ ,. 16' ~~ ~ ~~ NEIL HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 • Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes/ Alex Marks Contact: Dexter Hayes/ Alex Marks/ Greg Walker,Cape Fear RC &D SUBJECT: Consideration of Authorization for Chairman Davis to Sign a Resolution Supporting the Planning Department's Application for a PLC DE1VR Division of Water Resources Grant for Wetland Restoration at 2639 Middle Sound Loop Road. BRIEF SUMMARY: The County purchased the property at 2639 Middle Sound Loop Road. as a component of the New Hanover County Tidal Creeks Watershed Management Program. The County intends to utilize Tidal Creeks construction and enhancement project funds for on site wetlands restoration and removal of drainage pipe which releases stormwater directly into Howe Creek..The total cost of the project is estimated at $32,000 and the grant covers $21,440 thus reducing amount of county funds required to .$10,600. Ln order to reduce the amount of Tidal Creeks Program funds necessary for the restoration project, Greg Walker.of Cape Fear RC&D has prepared the attached application fora North Carolina Division of Water Resources Development Grant. A resolution from the Board of County Commissioners is necessary in order for the project to be considered for the grant. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorization for Chairman Davis to sign the resolution supporting the application for a NC DENR Division of Water Resources grant for wetland restoration at 2639 Middle Sound Loop Rd. Request acceptance of the grant if awarded and approval of necessary budget amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: New Hanover County Tidal Creeks Watershed Management.Program funds already allocated toward water quality enhancement projects and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources. ATTACHMENTS: 7 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval. ME ~lfiV21P ~8MI1~9~B® APPROVED ~-~'" _ REJECTED ^ • REP,~aVED PGa?'PONED ® , : , '~ 7 HEARD p DATE .~.._) ~ I rr s,~ D..f.~ New Hanover County BOCC Request for Board Action Meeting Date: October 17, 2001 Presenter: Dexter Hayes/Alex Marks Contact: Dexter Hayes/Alex Marks/Greg Walker, Cape Fear RC&D Subject: Board authorization for Chairman Davis to sign a resolution supporting the - Planning Department's application for a NC DENR Division of Water Resources grant for wetland restoration at 2639 Middle Sound Loop Rd. Brief Summary: The County purchased the property at 2639 Middle Sound Loop Road as a component of the New Hanover County Tidal Creeks Watershed Management Program. The. County intends to utilize Tidal Creeks construction and enhancement project funds for on site wetlands restoration and removal of drainage pipe which releases stormwater directly into Howe Creek. The total project is estimated to cost $32,000. In order to reduce the amount of Tidal Creeks Program funds necessary for the restoration project, Greg Walker of Cape Fear RC&D has prepared the attached application for a North Carolina Division of Water Resources Water Resources Development Grant. To be considered for the grant a resolution from the Board of County Commissioners is necessary. Recommended Motion and Requested Actions: Authorization for Chairman Davis to ' sign the resolution supporting the application for a NC DENR Division of Water Resources grant for wetland restoration at 2639 Middle Sound Loop Rd. Funding Source: New Hanover County Tidal Creeks Watershed Management Program funds already allocated toward water quality enhancement projects and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources. Attachments: Grant application. { ~'.'.'5~~'..J4v4;~~'~q Jd'~g~ tU ~ITOt~~~~ ~~ ~ '..! " ! ~-". 1 ~ ~®we Creek ('Tributary) 'Tidal harsh ~Zesfo~a~i®n I'roje~t background The Tidal Creeks Program (TCP) is a county initiative begun in 1998 to protect, restore, and enhance water quality within the county`s tidal creeks through the implementation of water quality enhancement strategies. 'The program is funded.by a grant from the State's Clean Water Management Trust Fiord and by New.Hanover County. An advisory board appointed by the County' Commissioners assists county staff with prioritizing- the implementation of the strategies. Two important strategies are the' acquisition_ of vacant property along the tidal cr-eeks to serve as natural buffers and restoration or enhancement projects to correct past mistakes. Studying and analyzing water quality in the creeks is also an important facet of the program. The Program has contracted with UNC-Wilmington's Center for Marine Science Research for this important feature. Important accomplishments of the. Program include the purchase of Airlie Gardens along Bradley Creek, a stream restoration project at Pine Valley Golf Course, and the publication of a brochure titled "Lawncare and Water . Quality Best Management Practices." Lowe Creek'Tributary - Tidal I1/iarsh Restoration The County just purchased the Joseph Johnson property at 2639 Middle Sound Loop Road. The property is 0.57 acre and includes a small tributary that directly feeds into Howe Creek (tidal).. The property also borders Howe Creek. An existing Right-of- - Way (ROW) canoe/boat access easement exists. on the property. (See attached maps showing the easement.) Tl1e small tributary has been. altered (filled) in past years and facilitated by a pipe installation so that the wetland's hazards. could be overcome. The original track of the small stream diagonally crossed this property and ran about 75 feet into the adjacent property, then into the tidal marsh of Howe Creek. Significant f amounts of surface and ground water flow from the tributary. Placement of the fill and installation of the pipe has caused loss of wetlanc'~ attributes such as filtration of nutrients and sediments. Based on the New.Hanover Soil Survey, about 0.3 acre of tidal and non-tidal wetlands have been filled and adversely impacted by previous Iand use methods. Soils mapped on the site include Wakulla sand and Lakeland sand which are upland soils -which are excessively drained. The bottom land hardwood soils on site include Johnston loam which is very poorly drained. Small areas of tidal marsh exits on the site as well. It is the Johnston loam map unit in which considerable filling has taken place. Characteristic vegetation in this area includes Black Willow (Sczlix 3zigra), Black Gum (Nyssa sylz~actica), Tulip Poplar . {Liriodendron tulipifern), and Wetland Chain Fern (Wooclu~rzrdia c~reolatn). . 19 OPTION 1 Restore the former wetland area as it crosses the ROW easement and make it blend with the tidal wetlands immediately southwest of this parcel. The tidal wetlands are omthe adjoining parcel and this option.would take coordination~with this landowner. This option is the preferred option as it follows the original track of the old stzeambed. This option would also require the construction of a small foot bridge in order to maintain the ROW, as required. OPTION 2 This alternative would require the restoration efforts be concentrated on the eastern edge of the property. A small foot bridge may still be needed in order to maximize wetland area-. This option would require the alteration of land that is somewhat higher in elevation resulting. in higher costs. Bot1i scenarios require the development of a znetland restoration plan. T1ie ROW easement remains in place and must be maintained. Restoration P1anrling & li~Iethod . The wetland restoration would include the preservation of the ROW easement for the community canoe/boat access landing. Restoration methods should incorporate natural design features and seek to mimic existing wetlands of similar landscape position. As discussed, the original drainage (wetland) cuts across the ROW easement . . onto the adjacent property to outlet in Howe Creek. Option 1 would 'require coordination with this property owner. 'By installing a foot bridge across the restoration, a maximal amount of tidal marsh and bottom land hardwood ,wetland. can be restored. The ROW and canoe access can then be located to the eastern or dotivn'stream side of the .property. Once either scenario is chosen, the restoration would likely incorporate different types of wetlands, based on landscape position and hydrology. The tidal marsh would incorporate Spartina and as it;transitions into a bottom land hardwood drainage way, species could include Spartina alterniflora, Juncus roernerim2us, Scirpus robustus, Spartina patens, Borrichia fnctescens, M~rica cerifera, Salix nigra, and Nyssa sylvatica. 20 ~ I'raject Budget Depending on the chosen option, the cost of the project installation varies. It is the objective of the County to install the least cost scenario, realizing that it involves working with the adjacent landowner. This scenario `maximizes wetland enhancement benefits to water quality.' Project Plan Development : $9,000 Includes etting project objectives, site evaluations, constraint evaluations, - proposed design and methodology, solution of refezence wetland, development of post-construction monitoring plan. `Construction Costs : $21,000 ~. Site construction, construction oversight, planting, and post-construction ' monitoring. .Administrative Costs:. $2,000 ..~. Funding Proposal - DE1VR-Division of Water Resources New Hanover County Total _ ~. .. , a 4 ,\ ,\ ~ / ~B,QP,r?E-N IiJLET CREEK ~ ~~ ~~~ - ~ ~ - _ ~ ~ ~t ' , _ _ , • ~' `~~ ~ era-•.ra.,r ia~;7,,, ~ , ~~- I ' ~ $ / `50/ / . / r '` ~ ~. G:? I^ w~.ew Tav ~!rT!Y. ~ / f \ ~ ,~i i~ , , .. . l • ' ~ 'yz_ .. ' FLGYA L ~E: ' . f t.0 ~ ` ~ . b ...,3.., . r \ _ ~ ~ f `- ,`\ ~ \ \ ~ ~ ~ , Y~\~ ~ 1.,.~ ~ ` : n~.~as ~ l < \.t Ff :~JX1Lt T~ L cC,: >rr,~ CF ' "~~oy ` ,~~ c t ~ `, l F~En 7zo ' 1 ~ _ ~U - ~ n o O _~ u ~' 1 ~~ \ \ ` ~ ^ ~~"` of ~ ~ - o J ~ Y r ~ ' ~ ~ :, ~ Gt ~~ o~ J . , - - U ` '• ' \ £,c ri7 6~C~!.7.753 P,+~ C-=-f.~ r.- ' ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ . '-___'-----•- r i ' .,~ L ,\ \~ - ~ \ ~ ~• •, l ~~~ ~ \~ , 22 ~~ ~ ~~` - ~ - ~;~ ' ~ ~,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~1. ,~_ • • ~, 2) The board assumes fold od~ligation far p~ynaert of the.bala~ce of project costs; i 3) Z'he board will obtain all necessary S#~txz and Feder permits; . 4) The Board ~ comply with. all applicable laves govemarag the award of contracts and tlae expenditure of public finds by'local ~overnnlent~; WHEREAS, the l~tew Hanover County board of Comr~,;4aioners desires to sponsor the Howe Creek Tidal Marsh Restoration project as a part of its overall plan to improve water quality in the County's tidal creeks. NOW, THERRFi~RE,1~p 1T RESULVED T1-iAT: 1) The Eoard requests the State of North Carolina to provide fin~ncaal assistance to New Hanover County for 1-iowe Creek Tidal Marsh Rest~sration in the amount of ~21,~ti or 6b percent'of project consts~ctaon cost, whichever is the lesser amount. a) The )3oard will supervise construction of the prc~~ct to assure coanpliance ; with. permit coradatior~s and to~ assazre safe and proper constrtaction. according. to appiovesi plaa~s anal specificatiox~; 6) The hoard will obtain suitable spoil disposal ~reass as n~~ied grid a~ other easements or rights-s3f-way that may ~® a~ecessary for co~tructiora and operation of the, project without cost or obligatit~n to tlae State; ` ~ 1he lloaYd exercises the right for public access, however', ~e purpose of this .project is for vva~r quality iznptoverxieaat and pr~~ction. l"'ublic access ~ r~©t appiic~ble raor saaitabie for this site. . ~) Tne hoard wall hold the Stag harmlevs from any dammages that may result from the ct~nstraactioa~, operation and maintenance of the project; 9) ~f'he board accepts responsibility for ~e operation az~rl .b'ixiaazce of th.e coa~apl~d project, Adopted by the New Hanover Caun~ 13oaad of Commrissior~ers ti'ii~ day of 20 Chaixm ?*Iew Hanover C~un~ Coans~issaoir~ers 23 a- a 'r -~ .. ~ ._ ,~ c -e -- +~;' - _ ~ '~7^~x'~-~ z ~p~ a~ ~s_ . x ti ~ _ ~ x= g t ~ -i ~ ~ _ = yy~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ,. irk ~ a~ ~',~9' - ~ ~~~11 ~~.~~ _ ~k ~1"' ~I ~ ~@~ L r~ y~(~ i ih _ a~' k '~ ~~ el9 ~9 ~ v 2 &» ~]M Ya'`~ F , 2 i,r.~ ' ~ # ~ ~ ~4a ~' ~ 'r u + ~ ~ `~ tH Y~ ~`~ r1 '~. ~~ ~.a ~~ ~ ~5~/ ~- ~ ~-~ rt _, YJ ~~.~~ `~ _ Ir'~ VsY S_ ~~Prv`f ~- ~Fk-~ ~1. - ,t - _ _ ~ _ t ~ '3j'~' ;~ ~ ,. .a 'r'~ jfl %r ~ i~ r ~ '~ ~*: ~ = i~ - 5,~ `-'~ - u i ~~ .. 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F~ ~~ ~l c y ~ r t t . r a 9c ~ 7 7~" ~t,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~• ~' ~L ~ fy / I D'~ _ - 4 N ~^ 4 ,.~~ ~ . ~ ~': - 4 ~~,ry t +- ~ s, ,;, .fir ~ '~ ~y 5 ~~~; td _ S r y~ .. -r~_~ '~ i~"~ ~~ 3' _~~ +U ~~~ ~ ~~ :: ~ T, ~, ' ro'S~ ` ~r ' ~ ~ ~ ~, ~'~~ r'te' ~~ ~~ ~~~~ 4~ ~ 4 ~~'~~ ~' - ~~ "`n~ Y ! . 1.~ : u .. rsl' x ~ ~. u r _ rr 3 fr ? r ~ ~! ^ y~~ F' i ~. ~~ ~.dt' '!~ ~`~ HR ,~ .mot ~~,~}j YY _ l~ ~ ~ l~ r ~f~ ~ r r a _ " r~ x ~'i~` ~T7y }m ~~:_' '' y ~. z ~i 1i ' ,. a I ~ ~ r f ~~. ,~ .lid r~~* ~ ~ J ~ t ~ ~ ht r~ ~ ,lh:. F y a _~ a _ ~i g~ ~ r ~ ~ _ ,~ x' . ~ b,Q Lug ~4y'~y' _~ t { y ~.;~ ~ t ,~ ~"~~ ,Y •R ant 1e } :,.s - t ~tp R':. J ~.' '!~' i .~z fir.,. _ ~"~ 11 :~ ~ ~ ~i z ~ .~ .'~ t' r ~~ i~'ttn' _r- ~ r -~, ~ __ .!'~ .LL~ r=~' Y ~ ~'; ~ ! ejq[}~~'y~ F ~ ga L' 1 •~ ?Y~~1 ~ 1 y f~ a Y' h 7a , s ~ ~~'- f'f` ~'.F'~ ,.`M iii F' - - a~' ~ `~-5 - ~ -wax 6k ~`i ~~ ~~ ~ v. t'+ _ 'F, l~+ "f~~ '~'s~~' ~ kfs p~ ~ A { ~ ~k A'. ~r+ v ,~ ~ i `.1 'klf eN~~ ,~, .~ 3y I ~ ~~ 4" ~{ s ~~ 1 -"~t7~`~ G ~ ~~, .~ ~'' q~~; c L. ~~ N`;; •' } ~ _ ~y . :~ Y t,~ ~ t t.~rr ~ ~ 4 +y ~ fi ~~~ ~' ~ ~* N `~ _~ [ Y ~~ l~• d,,, ,~,r ~3~a ~_ ~Y } {This page intentionally left .blank} NEI~I HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR DOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/03. . Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time.: Page Number: Department:. County Manager Presenter: Dr. D. John Morris or his designee Contact: Allen O'Neal or Dr. John Morris SUBJECT:.. Consideration of Request by the Board of Education for the County to Maintain Ownership of the Veterans Drive and Reduce the Speed Limit to 20 mph BRIEF SUMMARY: The attached resolution from the Board of Education requests that the County maintain ownership and control of Veterans Drive and reduce the speed limit to 20 mph. In addition to supporting the reduced speed Limit to 20 mph; County Parks intends to add more speed bumps along the road to slow traffic. The County also intends to install gates to be dosed at night. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of both requests. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY. MANAGER'S Recommend approva'l' 'n^nnnw~c+r~~r~wirr~r~ wi.~ TS ONS: r~iyfliiy ~OMi~is~IQ~i~ f~PPROVED REJECTED REMOVED POSTPONED HEARD ~ ~ : ~. ®ATE _~s _ o~ X27 ~r~c, ~,,ic~ '~.V2,ri~ .~ RESOLUTION OF ' - , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATI®N October 2, 2001 WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Education opened Ashley High School and Murray Middle School in August 2001; and WHEREAS, these schools are located in the Veterans Park complex between River Road and Carolina Beach Road; and , WHEREAS, Veterans Drive runs through this complex-from River Road to Carolina Beach- Road and passes in front of Ashley High School and Murray Middle School; and , WHEREAS, according to the master plan for the Veterans Park complex, the New Hanover County Board of Education intends to construct an elementary school, on the complex adjacent to Veterans Drive; and WHEREAS, Veterans Drive was never designed or intended to be a thoroughfare between River Road and Carolina Beach Road; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Education is concerned about student safety in light of anticipated traffic on Veterans Drive due to a recent proposed condominium development at the intersection, of River Road and Veterans Drive and other development in the area; and - WHEREAS, New Hanover County owns Veterans Drive and can control the traffic on it with speed humps, speed limits, stop signs, and other means; and WHEREAS; the New Hanover County Board of Education believes that New Hanover County should maintain such traffic controls over Veterans Drive; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County would lose such traffic controls if it dedicated Veterans Drive to the North Carolina Department of Transportation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in the interest of student safety, the corveniericefof~paren.ts nits teachers, administrators, and other employees, the New Hanover Co°`"IuntycB~o~a d'?~of Education respectfully requests that New Hanover County maintain owners'~hip~and~control over Veterans Drive, to reduce the speed limit on Veterans Dnve to2'0 m~fp.h., and take other appropriate measures to control traffic on QQ Veterans Drive°while maintaining reasonable and safe access to the schools located 2 U there. ~ ~~t~ ~ THIS the 2"d day of October; 2001. EDWARD B. HIGGIN$, JR., Chairman New .Hanover County Board of Education 29 {This page intentionally left blank} 30 '~~ NEW NAN'®~ER COUNTY $OARD Of COMMISSIONERS - ~- - ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD.ACTfON Meeting Date:. 10/15/01 -~ ~ ' ` 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Regufar Item #: - Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell ~~Contact: Lucie Harrell. ~ - . ~" i SUBJECT: ;:Committee Appointments. i _ i.BRIEF SUMMARY: - . Risk. Management Advisory Committee , ;RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ;Make Appointments. ' -.FUNDING SOURCE: - ~ . . ` ATTACIiMENTS: . i Committee Information `ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMtIV1ENTS.AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .Make appointments."`-°~''~~~ ~~ , - s COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS./COMMENTS:. is ;. A ~OO~i~TY +L4fl~i~9ISSf0~3~~p . REJECTED D - ~ R~~"~bVED O . ~'t~~TPONED ® ~G~ ~~ HERD COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS D RISC IVIA~AGEMEIVT ~-DVISORY CQ1V1M1TTEE 2 VACANCIES The Committee offers advice and consultation for an efficient and economical rrisk management program for the County and other agencies that contract with 'the County. Persons must have experience in .corporate risk management, loss prevention and control, occupational safety and health, claims administration, insurance placement and brokerage, insurance defense (aw, actuarial work, or other risk management experience. The Commissioners established the Committee after dissolving the Insurance Advisory Committee on August 7, 2000. Eligible for APPLICANTS: Reappointment `'George H. Chadwick llf X ~-~'°~ Deborah D. Watts Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications (~ r,,, ,..,.~ '''~~ ,-~- - i t~ 1~ `6~ ~ `i . 3 ~t 32 .,. ...w_~.~ .. . u _~ ~ ~~ ~ ,. New Hanover County Finance Off~ce -Risk Management COIIIn11tL~'E 1VIeffib6I5 xIId Terms _ Ms. Carolyn I. Lyons . . Woodbury & Corngang I'Q Bax 270 W ilrningtgn, N'C 2$402 September 1; 2000 - Septem'er 1, 2002. ` . Mr. James B. Moore, Jr. ^~' . James E. Moore Insurance Agency, Inc. b3t70 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 2 '4~ilmington, NC 24403 . Septetatbez 1, 2000 -~ S~pte~nher ~, 2002 Mi. Henry B. Br He~zy B. Bro Insurance 2 ~ ,~/~ .}- Qv~~~ r t~ 316-~ S: ollege Road ~ Wilzxi.i oz~, NC 2$4I2 . SEp bcr I, 2400 -September. 1, 2001 - ' 1~/Ir. Georbe 1-I. Cbadw%ck, Z~I Geozge Chadwick Izasurarxce . 33O 1 ~Wrill'itsville Avenue 'a~_ - a' /Q ~ ~`-2 ~ ~ i -,o ' Wilmington, NC .28403-4f95 September I, 2000.- Septcsnbcr I, 2001 . a55~51eals ~n~ x~.~ ~3 t 5Q : i r ~n,c ta-EO-~nr ~, ,.~ . - NEW H,aNwER COUNTY RISK MANAGEMENT AD~7_ ISORY COMMITTEE ~`M PLAN ~, Purpose For the purpose. of serving as an advisory_ comTnittee for the benefit of an effioient~and economical risk management program for the County of New hanover (the County), the New N~anaver County Risk Management Advisory Committee (the Cort~nittee) is created~to offer advice and consultation related to risk management to the County and other agencies that. contract with the County far such services. B, Membership The members of the. Committee shall be four (4)~appyinand individuals who are residents of New rianover.Count , who have professional experience in risk management, and two (2) ex officio mem~ers, for a total of six. (6) members.. The Board of Co.:~issioners shall appoint four (4) members. Persons eligible for appointment may Piave experience in corporate risk management, loss prevention and control, occupational safety and health, chaims administration, insurance placement and-`brokerage, insurance defense law, actuari'~1 work, .or other risk management experience satisfactory to the Board of erect Corumissioners. Members ,sha1.1 be appointed for stagg_ terms of three (3} years, with original term expirations as set forth in,a resolution adopted by the Board .of Commissioners of New Hanover County on ~ ,~ 20pp. Each mer::ber of the Cemmittee shall, serve until a successor may be reappointed at the pleasure of the' respective appoirtir:;~ Board. The County Finance Director and the County Risk Manager shall be~ex officio members of the Committee. . resent members of the Wilmington-New- FOUr (4) of the p_ ' Hanover County Insurance F.dvisory Committee shall~be,the initial members of the Risk Management Advisory Com:::ittee. The lengths of their respective terms sha11 be determined by the Board of County Commissioners, with two appointed for one (1) year and two appointed. for two (2} years. Thereafter, appointments shall be for three C. Organization and Adm-inistration but ma (1) The Committee shall meet at least quarterly, Y meet more frequently as necessary. (2) Minutes shill be recorded of each r:eeti ncx. 34 ./ y, ... ~r ~.. D. Scope of Services Municipalities or other governmental are~cies located . within the County may contract witY:-the County to receive risk management services. The `Committee will provide advice ar.d cor.sultati~h.to any such agencies ..through the Fisk Management Division `of the County gi.nance Department. The.Coun~y Ma^aer is .authorized to enter rota such agreements on behalf of the County: E . A~iendment~s This plan m~.y be amended or repe~.lad by the Board of . County Commissioners. _. . - .: - 35 .~ R>=~a~.uTloN O!= T~iE NI~VI HAN4VER COili~TY . BQAR~? OF G0I1r11Vi45SIt~N1=RS WHEREAS, the Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee has, since 1967, provided insurance coverage fortfZe Clry of Wilmington, New Hanover County, snd City and CountyAgencies, with the Gify ancf County each appointing three members to said Comrn;ttee; 2nd WHEREAS, the Vlmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisors Committee ("Committee°) has filed a Report and Petition for bisse~lu#ian with the Wilmington City Council and New Hanover County Soard of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, it appears tCs the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that risk management and placing insurance coverage has developed into 2 profession which involves not gnly ~e placement of insurance, but a process that explores the best and most economicwf method that public entities may use to cope with and fund exposures to risk. In recent years most of the larger cities and counties have created risk managementstaffpositions forcoordlnating piacernent of insurance on behalf of then employers. Also, Canton Alfegood, Executive Director of the Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee, has sated that he desires to retire in August 2940; and . WHEREAS, the NEw Hanover County 8aard of Commissioners agrees wi`d~ the Report and Petition of the Wilm'sngtan-N~w Hanover County {nsurance Advisory Committee and wishes to thank this Committee for its valuable coniributians to the City and Countyfarthe past thirty-three years. i~OW, THEREI=ORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does adopt the following Resolut'on_ R;rSfJLVE~7, that the operational aspects of the Wilmington-New Hanr~ver County (nsurance Advisory Committee shall be terminated on August 31, 2000, and all©wing time to conclude the Committee's administrative matters, that final dissatution of the Committee to tafce place on or before August 31, 200 This the ~''~' day of , 2UU0- 36 New Hanover County William R. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: . ~ Cle to the Board i;0 'd 85~~5I801:6 'QN X~d a~ : o j ~ni ta-~a-~nr NEW f-lANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS ' 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington; NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX /9 t 01 341-4130 .Application for1Appointment ro Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commr'ssioners. Request forAppomrment to: Wilmington-flew Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee Name: ~=eorge H, Chadwick, III ~ • Home How long have you been a Address: 2 3 31 Waverly Drive , ' Wilminr ton, PIC resident of New Hanover County? 4 7 Years Mailing Address: 2331 Gvaverly Drive Wilmington, Nc City and State:.. Wilmington , r1C Zip Code: 2 8 4 0 3 Telephone: Homer 910 - 7 6 3 -17 2 4 Business: 910-762-2489 Ma lc Caucasian 47 "Sex: 'Race: "A®e: "This inlormation is requested far the sole purpose or assuring that across-section of the community is epDOinfsd. Employedby:Ceorge Chadwick Insurance "'. •'A person currently empioyed by the agency ar departmentror which this apPlicahanis made, mustrasi n i q hs/'~erpasitionwi[h New Hanover County upon appointment, in sccordancn with Article 'Jl, Sec. 4 a/ the New Nanovar Counly Persanne/Policy, President Job Title: Professiona/Activities: "'lember of Independent Insurance Agents of America,Independent Insurance.~gents o ns _ ~ s VolunteerAcrivities: Brigade Boys Club-Board,Wi?mington Interfaith Hospitality - IIoard Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? To insure a continuity of service for the different agency's served by the Insurance Advisory Comm.i.ttee. What do you feel are your qua/ifications tar serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? T am a local TndependentInsurance Agent, and-have served on the IIoarTs~nce 1978 • What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Continue to procride ie entities served. by-the Advisory Committee the broadest insurance coverage availa e a t ~e most a Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? 1f so, p/ease list: No ate: __ ~~' - /Please usevoverse side /or odditiane/ comments/ Z/L abed 8Lb qo(' Wd9E~Z 96/90/40 9008E9L OL6 SNI ~I~IMadH~ 03J ~fq ~.ueS (OVER) BE<=ERENCES " Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number Jerry D, Coleman, Sr 910-?62-6334 11 2J P, Luther Brown __ 910-343-1991 3) A,. Dismay Gorham .910-763-9891 G~C~C,(1 !C'/~ _. 3~ Z/Z a6ed 8Lb qof WdL£-Z 86/90/SO 9008£9L OL6 SNI ~IOIMadH~ 03£ ~~q ~uaS Application for Appointments Page 1>of 2 IV~W HAIVOVFf~ CO(INT~ BOAR® O~ COMIV~IS~/ONE/~S 3.20 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 .Telephone (910)- 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commission .Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: Risk Management Advisory Committee Name: Deborah D. Watts, AIC, CPIW How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? 19 gears Home Address: 6220 N. Bradley Overlook, Wilmington, INC 28403 Mailing Address: c/o Carolina Claims Service, Inc., 765 S. Kerr Ave._ • City and State: _ Telephone: Home: Business: 910-3 9 2 -9 6 31 *Sex: F *Race: White *Age: 45 *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is ap, Wilmington, NC 910-256-2011 Zip Code: 28403 **Employedby: Carolina Claims Service, Inc. * *A person currently employed by the agency or department for .which this application is made, must resig New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl,' Seca 4 of'the New Hanover County Job Title: Manager Professional Activities: Wilmington Claims Association, NC Adjusters Association, _ Local, State, and National. Association of Insurance Women Volunteer Activities: Advisor Chi Omega Sorority, UNCW _ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? • I bring a perspective from a claims, risk management professional and~feel ' I-can be helpful. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested?3g Experience, knowledge, and dedication -- specific claims experience with governmental entities/municipalities.. http : //wtiwv, c o .new-hano ver. nc . us/C C/app ly. htm 09/06/2001 {This page- intentionally Zeft blank} MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER.DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE - - 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC " " ... October 15,-2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS _ PAGE - NO. ` L Non-Agenda Items (limit to 3 minutes) ~ ~ ~ 41 2. Approval of Miriutes ~ 43 . x ~ 3 Consideration of Request fori~'articipation in Cost of Sewer Line Contract #02-0146 , 45 4. . Consideration of Approval of Contract #02-0085 .with Pipeline Supply Co. ,for the ~ 47 . ' Purchase of Water Meters for the Wilmington/Hanby Beach Project and Approval of Budget Amendment #2002-16 5. Consideration of Wastewater Impact and Development Fees -Lady of America, 5226 53 .. S. College Road Adjourn . '~ . , . ~ " ~~ ' ~, {This page intentionally left blank} `) 42 C`~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARa OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie f. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: ~ . Water and Sewer Agenda -Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: . Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on October 1, 2001. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS.: Approve minutes. . FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ®UNT`f C®~iMIS~i®N.~ APPROVED C~-~'' REIECTED !~ REn~nGVED ^ F'~u t POKED NEP,RD ~ ~/] 3 DATE _i!;". ~S .C~r ~;~" ~:_.~' {This page intentionally left blank}' ~ ~~"' "'z;:'~7 1 P ~ ~ ~) ~. ~ .. ~" ..+ ~ , . ~~ ' ! ~ ~ l~ ,:~ NEW .HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~~ REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ - Department:. Water:& Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard .. Contact:' Wyatt E. Blanchard ` . SUBJECT: Consideration of Request for Participation in Cost of Sewer Line Contract No. 02-0146 , BRfEF SUMMARY: Staff has received-a request from Wilson Ki, Developer, for 'a proposed project called Deer • Crossing. The accompanying sewer ..project is located on Myrtle Grove Road south of Monkey Junction {location map attached). The sewer project,.is proposed to' serve 159 new residential . units, an existing mobile home park, and a portion of-the existing Hickory Knoll subdivision. The Developer will be required to increase the connecting sewer linefrom eight (8) inches to 'twelve (12) inches to allow other areas to be served in the future. This sewer line -will be 6,028 feet long and is part of_the long range sewer plans for the District. ~ - The District's portion of the cost will .be $86,516, which includes oversizing the main line, adding services for existing houses and adding a new sewer force main~to the existing pump station. The total cost of this portion of the project is $438,199, including the District's cost. • The referenced contract will allow the $86,516 to be paid from the County to the developer in two payments. One-half ($43,258) will be, paid upon acceptance of the project with the remaining one-half plus four. percent interest ($1730.32) being paid twelve (12) months later. - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: l recommend that the contract be approved with payment to the Developer in the amount of r $88,246.32, including. four percent interest, and, for the Board to authorize. the Chairman to execute the contract. - ' FUNDING SOURCE: 800-470-4197-6000 ATTACHMENTS: - ~ Location Map .:Draft Contract ' REVIEWED BY: ' ~ LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A C®UN~ ~©Mi1~ISSP@~~ APPROVED ®-~ DEJECTED . - REMOVED D ~~ i.:. POSTPONED u~. HEARD ~ ~. W z OO N ~ ~ ~ Q ~ W O Q~~z ~ ~ ~~~~ / p~~U LLJ H ~ m / z ~®W Up o ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ (~~1 I l I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.,1 a~ i~ 1 ____ ,'' ~i i a , ~--_--I (~ ~. ~~. Ur d ~~ Z .,/ O ~ L.!_ oa W o ~ ~ ~, I i ~ ~~ w! / ~J I~- I ~ ` ~ I I --i; -~ ~ ~~ ~, i ~ ,~I ~, ~ ^i i~ F~ ~ ~ ! ~EI~T ~~~ ~ Sri ~~~ I ~ ~I~To ~ ~~, ~ ~'t--7 NEW NANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • • • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Water & Sewer item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Contact: Wyatt Blanchard or Amy Akin SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval of Contract # 02-0085 with Pipeline Supply Co. for the Purchase of Water Meters for the Wilmington/Ha~~mby Beach Project and Approval of Budget Amendment # 2002-16. `y - - .v. ~ t.: 4Y BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ ~ -;~,~~~,,~ The Wilmington-Hanby Beach water and sewer project is projected to be substantially co:rnpl,ete,,by early November. The original budget dial not include sufficient contingency funds for th,is~project. Due to unexpected underground problems, additional water lines being added, erosion cont ol~~~~ and stabilization, an additional $360,000 will be needed to complete the project. Budget'~~~ amendment_# 2002.16 in the amount of $360,000 consists of the following:. '~ ~`~4`~4~ .Water Meters $80,000 Wetland Consultant $12,000 Additional Paving (Carolina Beach) $60,000 Additional Construction $208,000 Total $360,000 The additional money is approximately six (6) percent of the original contract. This is a reasonable amount for the project particularly in consideration of the problems which have arisen from the Coastal.Plains water system and the work added to the contract. The Town of Carolina Beach is standardized on one meter that is offered only by one ;,..,,, manufacturer. The bid price from the contractor was $135 per meter,w+th,i~'egotiations b~ri-ng.~ , ,~~,~ , =t-k~e--cc.~~t to $90 per meter. Therefore, f am requesting approval of contract # 02.0085 with ` Pipeline Supply Co. as a sole source purchase allowed in General Statute 143.129(f) based on the standardization by the Town of Carolina Beach on a meter manufactured by only one. company (Master Meter). Pipelihe Supply Co. is the only authorized distributor of Master Meter products in the states of North and South Carolina. The contract is for the purchase of 825 water meters at a unit price of $90 each resulting in a total contract amount of $74,250. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ;k',recommend adoption of the resolution awarding contract # 02.0085 to Pipeline Supply Co. for 825 water meters at a unit price of $90 each for a total contract amount of $74,250, and approval of budget amendment # 2002.16, under the sole source provision of General Statute 143-129(f). The draft contract is attached. FUNDING SOURCE: County funds are being budgeted for this purchase through budget amendment # 2002-16 in account # 880-470.8800.7300-6000 Project # hbsew07g through contributions from Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Fund Balance. ATTACHMENTS: As part of this transmittal, attachment. ,:<, the resolution anal the Budget Amendment is being sent as an ~v 4~ The contract is being forwarded to the County Manager's office separately. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COM,~'CENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approv i+~nn nn~cc~~w~rnc~ Al~Ti AP~IC /f`r111A 11ACAITC• ~~UNTY ~pM~91~Si(7N'~R~ f~pPROVED C~ ~2EJECTE[7 [ ~tEMOVED Cd . POSTPONED HEARD ~ ,` 4 ' _ RESOLUTI®N OF THE _ WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District is responsible for providing the required water meters for the Wlmington/Hamby Beach Project; - AND WHEREAS, as per documentation received from the Director of Public Utilities for the Town of Carolina Beach, the.town is standardized on a specific..water meter manufactured by Master -Meter; - + AND WHEREAS, Master Meter has certified to the District that Pipeline Supply Co., is the sole distributor-of Master Meter products in the states of North and South Carolina; AND WHEREAS, General Statute 143-129(f) allows an exemption from formal bidding for purchase contracts. when a needed product is available from only one source of supply; . AND WHEREAS, the County Engineer has negotiated a per trait price of ninety dollars ($90.00) per meter for eight hundred twenty-five (825} meters, at a.contract amount ofseventy-four thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($74;250.00); - AND WHEREAS, the County Engineer, the Finance Director and the County. Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Pipeline Supply Co., of Sanford, North Carolina, the sole source for the- purchase of eight hundred twenty-five (825) meters at a per unit amount of ninety dollars ($90.00), for a contract amount of seventy-four thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($74,250.00); AND WHEREAS, through approval of attached budget amendment # 2002-16 fiinds will be .- appropriated and in Account No. 880-470-8800-7300-6000 Project # hbsew07g to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County tlZat the contract for water meters for the Water and Sewer District, contract # 02- 0085 be 'awarded to Pipeline Supply Co., in the amount of seventy-four thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($74,250.00); and, that the District is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney; and that budget amendment # 2002-16 is approved. This 15th day of October, 2001. ., (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commi i ers '~` ATTEST:' ,. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Wilmington/Hanby Beach Sewer ° BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-16 ADJUSTMENT Wilmington/Hanby Beach Sewer-Fund 880 Contributions from Kure Beach Contributions from Carolina Beach Other revenue ' Transfer in from Sewer Operating Fund Extended Project Expense Sewer Operating Fund-Fund 800 Appropriate Fund Balance DEBIT $24,625 ' ~ $933,465 $275,375 r $275,375 CREDIT $73,465 $360;°''~ WaterlSewer Engineering Transfer to Sewer Capital Projects $275,375 50 EXPLANATION: to increase budget for contributions from Carolina Beach and Kure Beach for constructia~ ~i ~ . ~. t4a~"I, , i {This~page~~ntentionally left blank} 52 • • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY B®ARD ®F COIVIMISS!®NERS REQUEST FOR BOAR® ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 5 Estimated Time:` Page Number: Department:- Water & Sewer District, Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard , Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard i ~ ~. SUBJECT: ' . . Consideration of Wastewater Impact and Dev"elopment Fees , .Lady of America - 5226 South College Road . BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ . We have, received a request from Donald Britton, owner of a fitness center facility in Monkey Junction called Lady of. America, asking~~that their impact and development fees be reviewed. They are apart of a larger commercial complex which has only one water meter. The amount of wastewater flow projected for that. type: of a facility, based on traditional calculations, seemed excessive based on the projected use. Knowing this, the fitness center agreed to install a separate water meter to determine the actual flow since, March of this. year. Based on the-meter readings, the flow averages just over 110 gallons per day, which is.well below the wastewater usage of a normal gym based on traditional ca'Iculaitons. The fee for 110- gallons per. day would be $1,565. The facility originally paid a 'fee of $19,500 based on traditional calculations. ~ ' No budget involvement. ATTACH Mf NTS: . REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION :~ Concur with the County Enginerr and recommend approval. COMMLSSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: - - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that Lady. of America be charged the minimum fee of $1,565 and receive a reimbursement of $17,935. FUNDING SOURCE: ~~'4~N1Y C©NiIUISSi4N APPROVED L'4-~ ~2EJECTED Rc?,~rJVED . . P05T6'ONED ~ ;5; HEARD DATE ~ ~ J~ 53 r ~~ t~~~~~G~s.c~~!~iQ'~ ~~~ '~ ~ ~i C~ ~~~~, 1 ~ ~' ~: = _ F• I CONSENT AGENDA , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . October 15; 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 57 • ,~ 2. Approval of 2002 Schedule of Regular Board Meetings 59 3. Approval: of Wheel's to Work Program for Donation of Selected Surplus Vehicles 63 4. Approval of Friends of Airlie Membership Program 65 5. Approval for Library to Sell Duplicate Items form North Carolina Collection. 69 6. Approval of Award of Additional $10,000 HUD Grant to Human. Relations and. 71 . approval of associated budget amendment #02-0059. . 7. _ Approval of Release of Value 75 ' 8. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 77 Collection Reports ' 9.. Approval of Correction of Agenda Item for Tax Year 2000~for Wardens of Vestry 81 of St. James Parish 10. Approval to Transfer the Membership of Clara Lamb from the Nursing Home 83 . ~ Community-Advisory Committee to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee 11. Authorization to Utilize Tidal Creeks Program Funds for FY's 200.1-2002 and ~~ 89 ' ~ - 2002-2003 for a Position with New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation .District ~' Approval of Budget Amendments: . 12,1: #2002-15 Federal Forfeited Property ~ ~ 91 - 12.2 ~ #2002-17 Jail Capital Project/Engineering ~ 92 ,12.3 #02-0062 Foster Grandparent Program 93 12.4 #02-0063 Public HealthNector Control 94 12.6 #02-0064 Social Services/Administration/Crisis Intervention Program 95 12.7 #02-006SPublic Health/School Health 96 13. Acceptance of FTA Grant for Job Access acid Reverse Commute 97 t 14. Approval of Contract Between New Hanover County and the New Hanover County 99 _ Schools . .55 {This page intentionally left blank} .. NENV HAN01/ER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS . ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body ~ Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT:. Consent Agenda - Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Regular Meeting, October i, 2001 Airlie Gardens Work Session, September 17, 2001 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ' ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S__COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: _~-.-~ Approve minutes. ~~; .~~, ~~,i COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: - ~Cp~NTY C®MNiISS1~Nj~ REJECTED !~ ~ REMOVED p POSTPONED HEARD GATE `~"~'7 5~0 - 57 {This page intentionally left blank} t-':~~`/ V ~'r1~4~'}tls4~~`M~.'l U ii'~F~kY~~ii! ~~~~~ ~ ~~: ~ . ~ ~~ _. , f .. ~ ,""'~ ljw 5~ NE11V HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMBSSIONERS " ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10(V Meeting Date: .10/15/03 Consent ltem #: 2 Estimated. Time:. Page Number; ` Department: Governing Body Presenter: .Lucie Harrell . Contact: Lucie Harrell - SUBJECT: Approval of 2002 Schedule of Regular Board Meetings BRIEF sUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND Rf~UESTED ACTIONS: .Approve schedule ` - FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 2002Reg&StaffMtg. ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ,~ ,COUNTY MANAGERS COMM,~NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . -Recommend approval:...-{,-.~~`'~" ~'`"~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTLO~:COMMENTS: `~fl~~rv c®~~rs~oa~t APPROVED (~/ REJECTED REMQVED FpSTPONED ® ,~9; ~~ ~ HEARD . p_ NEW I3ANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2002 SCI3EI)~JLE OF REGULAR MEETINGS & STAFF MEETINGS STAFF MEETINGS REGULAR MEETINGS January 3, 2002 January 7, 2002 January 17, 2002 January 22, 2002 January 31, 2002 February 4, 2002 February 14, 2002 February 18, 2002 March 7, 2002 March 11, 2002 March 21, 2002 March 2'S, 2002 March 28, 2002 April 1, 2002 April 11, 2002 April 15, 2002 May 2, 2002 May 6, 2002 May 16, 2002 May 20, 2002 May 30, 2002 June 3, 2002 June 13, 2002 June 17, 2002 July 3, 2002 July 8, 2002 August 1, 2002 August 5, 2002 - August 15, 2002 August 19; 2002 August 29, 2002 September 3, 2002 September 12, 2002 September 16, 2002 October 3, 2002 October 7, 2002 October 17, 2002 October 21, 2002 November 7, 2002 November 12, 2002 November 21, 2002 November 25, 2002 ~, ;~Y~No~erriber~27; 2002 ~,~, December 2, 2002 ~1De ember 12, 2002 December 16, 2002 ~'.! ~1.~ ~~ ~ Y„ Conferences: +'=~ ``~~~~'~'` ' NCACC Legislative Goals Conference - n/a ~N ~, 6 ® NACo Legislatiye:Confererce, Washington, DC -March 1-March 5, 2002 NACo 66th Annual Conference, New Orleans, .LA -July 12-16, 2002 NCACC Annual Conference, Forsyth County - Au g. 22-25, 2002 ~ ~ t0 C7 O N ~~ C7 O. ^ V' ~ ' ~ I~ ^. ~ m . 7 N c N N .. •LL. to N m O -~ N O O ~N O G tD O n N .- N c0 N N - - N ~ } 1~'7l0 I~ ~ ~ et r c0 t1') N c7 Q~ v ~ ~' ~ N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O N C4 ^ t0 N r . . . N (n ~ ^ QI cD N^ ~ Q ~ QJ ~ ^ N H {~ LJOa ~ '_ N c7 ll '~ ~. ~ N G7 tD C7 O N c7 ~ r O T N O] N N O~op N N ~ cD ^ O ~ N N ' ~ ~ y oD W C C.) ~ M G0 C ~' y„ ~ ~ . C/1 ~.J ~ ~ ~• n . ^0 Q~ ,. \ ~ ~ ~ Yi ~ U ~ U U L CJ ~ " 4 (1J ~ ~ e ~ ~ ` U U ` ~ '¢ . ~ ~. ~ v U !U ~ v r ~. ~ rG ~ ." J ~ ~ ~ ..~ ~~~ ~ ~ O O. O= O~ . O O O O ~~ V ~ U U VU ` Q~ r ~ v Q PPP""" V V' U V U'. c5 C' y C c ~ U _ ~ _ U ~ U . , ' c C ~ 'F ~ ~ V 2 2 ~ e a < < < < ~ r1\ ~ < d< < G _ O C O O D U U U O O O O r+ ~~ N~~ ~ ~~~ Z Z Z 2 Z Z Z Z Z N e+1,R v~ `O ~ .-.. V'I ,. l/y U- N' < try ~ f^, N b '- ~ ^ N N N~N N ~^ Al _ .. ~ N' m ca ~ fD O ' '- ~ N c J G ~ p •^ ~ Q~F' ~ Q~.N ~H ~ C)~ ~ ON N >> ~? C U zH ~0~ N ~ ~ ~q N . _ ~ .- c7 O ~ N ~ L.~ G 6~A Q) C C ^_ U G U ~ '~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ C ~~m~.~ z a U r ,] ~ C h ~ C ~ ~ ~ ^ C C O O O O c'1 O O 'c^ h 7 ~ ~,~~_ ~ J -. . ~ ' Od cD. .~ CD CO . pq ~ C Y C C y~ ~~ v ~ ~ a~~ ~ cv U. ~ ~ ~ u~ ~,~ .;, ~. U , ~~ ~ ~~ U ~. U U ~~'~'/I ~~-~ -mo w -'`.- - ~. _~ O 4 d ~ N ~¢ ~ G ~ > a'> > i ~.~ ~ bD~ ~ rn~ha~ c e~ c ~h~ m m m mV7Ct~'C.'~ •m ~m = •- = G ~ G•G ce G 6 ~~ G G x G~ E C V 4 G G C 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 ~~~ . cC - G O o o 0 - O.t`~000 r~'OO o g 0 0 o oo 0 0 - ~ v ~n ~r o~ ~ iri c o~ UUUUU, < < < < < 'a ~n er o. v . ZZZZ2 - ` - N N N ' ~ ln. N Q7 (D N ~y,. 'v ,- W u7 ~: c-~ o n v ^~pN N _O c0 c~ O N C7 _ ~ ~ ^ © N ~~ ^~m N ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ NQ7 cD c70- Nc7 LL '-W~ 1- Q~~N L V ~ tD C7 O I~ ~ ~ N N .~ to .N-.r t,0 N ~ . ~~~ ~ C~7 0 t+ v r- ~- N C'7 '~ aa C ~ C • • ...~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ f^' ~~cc ~ ~ ~ ~ . G -~ . r ~ ~ .'.d c• r^ 1 F~ c/7 G° C~ C :/~ ~ ~ F ~. O O O C C O r'~ O O O eY vj 7 O~ 7 t~ N. --' v~ I'• ''. N N N I ~ m N N cD C'3.0 1~ N N ~a~A V' Y~1 `f V N (~ .- Q r N O N N S N _N O r.A aD "U DD U cU , = y G ~ ~ C ~ G' h C' ~ G ~. G, cC ~ O O h ~ ~ N N ~O DD CO ~~ m'~ ~ U r ~ y~ ~ U a ~ ~ ~~~ J ~ ~ ~ C c a ~ o °o v-, <r o~ ° ~. ~ tD c^7 O 1~ N N LL ~ ~ ~ O N ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ N ? c7 O t^. e ? = N ~ N O to c'7. O N C7 O O ~c'f N O O N N ~ ~ ~ m N N L`0 rd ~, ~'~ ~ ~ .~~ ~~ ~ m~ ~~ ~ U' ~ U S cis L"' ~ C' u~ c ~ -c ~ ~ o`cooo O ch O O O ~tv~v~ v N ~C ~ O O ~- N f"1 0A CD `~' ~ ~ ?~ ~ ~~ r ~ ~ ~ ti a4 ~ on ~ ~ a G ~ E cpi°o°o v1 ~ Orn.. . f"1 c'1 T ''.. ~ Q' ~ r 07 1fj ~- N ~ LL m O~ v ~ N c7 ~ ~ ~~~N c) ~ 0.~. O .~.. ~N N O O ~ n - co N N F" ~ ® C7 O ~ ~ r- O N ~ G~ C •~ ~j~ L F-~ ~ O ~ ~ i ~ 'O /~~ L~ ~ 4 . 1J ad .~ v ~~ ~ ~ ,'~ m v a ~ ~ ~ c a. o° 7 v1 ~ ~ CON07 N N n^~m •`, l JO ~ . ~~.pr"~"~~N N N N ~ ^ p ~ N ~ ~- 07 N ®~N N OcD oJ0 N c7 ;1 62 I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OI COMMISSIONERS .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Consent I#em #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: DSS Presenter: Wayne Morris or Karen Vincent Contact: Karen Vincent SUBJECT: Wheels to Work .Program BRIEF SUMMARY: `Work related transportation continues to be a major barrier for Work First clients. Wheels to Work is a program designed to meet the needs of clients for whom public transportation is not an - option. The program is dependent upon donations of used vehicles from individuals, businesses or government fleets. DSS staff have worked diligehtly to develop a program which meets such needs... without unduly burdening county staff.. County Commission approval-is needed to move forward with implementing the program. In addition, the County can insure the success of this. program by authorizing contributions of surplus cars, which may be roadworthy. If approved, county staff will work collaboratively with an entity of the faith community to assume ownership 'of cars, ensure their roadworthiness, and make them available to Work First clients deemed appropriate for program participation. ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Board of Commissioners provide staff authorization to implement the program • and approve the donation of selected surplus. vehicles to Engine Angels for distribution through ,~ ~ _ ~ the Wheels to Work Program FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: .. '~': ': dssreso:wpd . - REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE:. Approve BUDGET: N/A • HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COM.NtEIVTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~.-~-~,~~ ~ '~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS%'COMMENTS: . "CO~~~ co~~~s~~oN l~PPROVED ~ , , REJECTED ~ REMOVED ~ G%- res©(u-~`~-. POSTPONEp ® k~ . HEARD ~ 6 3 V ~2~~.t.~e.~ ~~.~' ~'~'''~-~-rsu~ n~.-r3h~~~ ~~~~ oY~~-a ~ ~~ ~A RESOLUTION OF TFIE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ' - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby resolves: WHEREAS, transportation is a major barrier for Work First clients of the Department of Social Services; and - WHEREAS, existing public transportation is .often insufficient to address the work and daycare needs of Work First individuals for whom the lack of adequats transportation poses a significant barrier to gainful employment; and - - ' WHEREAS, the County desires to facilitate arrangements so as to assist non-profit group(s) it providing used donated vehicles to Work First clients;. and WHEREAS, eligible V_ Vork- First clients would sign promissory notes to cover the cost of insurance, car outfitting, title and tags;.~and WHEREAS, the County anticipates entering into an arrangement with Engine Angels, a non-profit corporation, to receive vehicle donations and convey title to eligible recipients; with Engine Angels and Cape Fear Community College performing necessary repairs; and WHEREAS, donation of reparable County surplus vehicles will promote program objective by helping build an inventory of vehicles for distribution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County .that reparable vehicles designated as surplus in the ordinary course of County disposition of personal property be made available without cost to Engine Angels, with County staff authorized to convey title'. Foilowing`'transfer, vehicles capable of being made operational in a cosh efficient manner will be transferred to low income families in need of employment transportation. Should what was anticipated to be a "reparable" vehicle not be capable of being made operational in a cost efficient manner, the, surplus vehicles may be sold by Engine Angels, with that non-profit retaining .the proceeds for program purposes. Upon approval of the New Hanover County Property Management Director, surplus vehicles conveyed td Engine Angels may, be'store,d on County property until readied for distribution. -This the day of October, 2001- {-SEAL] ..._d ..~.~m~, ATTEST: •~ ~~fCDM:~JI 64 ~ >~~~ ~~,~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Clerk to the_Board ~~ r.. NE1N HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: Airlie Presenter: Thomas Herrera-Mishler Contact: Wendy Knowles SUBJECT: Friends of Airlie Membership Program BRIfF SUMMARY:' The Friehds of Airlie Membership program has been restructured to more effectively attract members to The Friends of Airlie Gardens; -The proposed program includes a range of benefits similar to other botanical gardens around the country. An element of this program~is fhe new corporate membership categories. They have been added as a means of attracting corporate underwriting of programs and events at the gardens. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The County Commissioners approve the proposed membership program. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: New Membership_Structure. ITEM-DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend. approval. 'The Airlie Foundation and Board of Trustees. suggests the changes as recommended. ~ .~,j ~;;~ ` ` COMMISSIONERS' A.~`~I~N/COMMENTS: _~ • ~COUf~T~ ~O~NiiS~iQN APPROVED C'~~ REJECTED ^ ~~IviOVED pa~TPONED ~E.!~ ~~ o~ - X65 Friends of Girlie INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS ~- General Benefits All membership levels get these benefits • Free Annual Admission • Quarterly Newsletter • Membership Decal • Invitations to Members Only Events • Advance Notice of Lectures and Workshops • Listed on:Donors Acknowledgment List - On display at Gardens and Administrative Office - ~ ' 1VIembership Levels Level Type Price Holly IndividuallStudent $25 Gardenia Family ~ $50 Dogwood Family Plus $100 Rose Garden Fellow $250 Magnolia Garden Patron $500 Azalea Garden Sponsor $1000 ~~ft.I~°?~ ' '~ ~~~", 6 6 ~ ~~: Benefits General Benefits for one person General Benefits for one family (2 adults + accompanying children/arandchildren.under 18) All benefits of Gardenia plus 2 tickets to' the Children's Tea Party and a 10%,discount on educational programming All benefits of Dogwood plus a signed copy of the History of Girlie and 2 Oyster~Roast Tickets All benefits of the Rose membership plus invitation to the annual Corporate Luncheon All benefits of the Magnolia membership plus 2 tickets for the annual Swan Ball Gala and listing on Azalea Plaque - Friends of Airlie CORPORATE MEMBERSI-TIPS • General Benefits All membership levels get these benefits • Free Admissions • Quarterly Newsletter " • Membership Decal • Invitations to Members Only Events • Advance Notice of Lectures and Workshops " • Tickets to the Swan Ball -See-description for number of tickets . • Tickets to the Oyster Roast -See description for niunber of tickets . Signed, First Edition of the History of Airlie • . Invitation to Corporate Luncheon • First Option/Right of Refusal to sponsor Friends of Airlie Events: Annual Membership Levels ~ . Camellia ~ $2500 ~ Donor - " - 2 Tickets to Swan Ball - Listed as Corporate Sponsor in gard"en . 2 Tickets to Oyster Roast publications and~literature ` - Listed on Annual Corporate Donor List - 100 Individual Admission Passes " at Airlie Gardens & Administrative ~ - ~ 2 Annual Corporate VIP passes (good Offices for 8 guests) - Live Oak ~ $5000 ~ Patron - 4 Tickets to Swan Ball - Listed as Corporate Sponsor in garden > 4 Tickets to Oyster Roast publications and literature ` Listed on Annual Corporate Donor List - 250 Individual Admission. Passes at Airlie Gardens & Administrative - 4 Annual Corporate VIP passes (good Offices - for 8 guests) - Small Banner on display during Heritage Week Swan ~ $10,000 ~ Benefactor - Corporate Table at Swan Ball (seats 8) - Listed as Corporate Sponsor in garden - 8 Tickets to Oyster Roast ~ publications and literature. - Listed on Annual Corporate Donor List - 500 personalized individual Admission at Airlie Gardens & Administrative Passes Offices - 8 Annual Corporate VIP passes (good - Large Banner on display during ~ for 8 guests) Heritage Week - Logo in program for Swan Ball - Corporate Evening Stroll/Tour Please contact Garden Director Thomas Herrera-Mishler at (910)793-7531, eYt. 401 to discuss potential `in-kind gifts. ~~ J 68 ,. {This page intend®nally left blank} t • • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Consent Item #: 5' Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Library Presenter: Contact: David Paynter SUBJECT: - Approval for Library to Sell Duplicate North Carolina Collection BRIEF SUMMARY: The.New Hanover County Public Library would like to sell duplicate items from its North Carolina collection, and utilize the proceeds to purchase additional materials for the North Carolina Room. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve sale of duplicate materials for the benefit of the North Carolina Room. FUNDING SOURCE: Sale proceeds ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' AC BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A r COf~N71' CfjMMISSION APPROVED ~ REJECTED REMOVED p POSTPONED ~ -~" 9iE~4RD p - ©RT /v ~~ q / :- E/ . /__ 9 {This page intentionally left blank} { j,.1.i/L~~ .Wu~s,l ~~~~i~~~ ,__ -_ • ~ ' I , NE1N HANOVER CIOUNTY BOARD OF COP/IMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Contact:. Carl -Byrd SUBJECT: Award of Additional $10,000 HUD Grant to Human Relations BRIEF SUMMARY: The ,Human Relations Department has been awarded an additional $10,000 HUD grant. The funds will be used for Partnership Initiatives (education/outreach) for fair housing. New Hanover County will partner with Community Development Corporation, Catholic Social Ministries and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend acceptance of the additional $10,000 grant funds; request authorization for the County Manager to sign the grant document; request approval of associated budget amendment #02.0059.. ,' .FUNDING SOURCE: Federal$10,000 , ATTACHMENTS: ;~'` ba02-0059 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~,~ ~7t,~~ ~~y r ~: ti ~ouiv~lY ~®~~IS~P®I~ !APPROVED . ~'- ~. ~ REJECTED ^ ~~, REMOVED p ~ ~` ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ POSTPONED ~ ,~; DEPARTMENT: Human Relations-HUD BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-005J ~ ' ADJUSTMENT DEBIT. CREDIT. Human Relations-HUb Grant - $10,000 Advertising .. ~ ~ $10,000: EXPLANATION: To increase budget additional $10;000:.HUD grant awarded to Human Relations. ADDlTiONAL INFORMATI®N: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board 0# Commissioners ~UP~filo ~6~Rf~~~10 C~~j `~t,~~4 `~~.,~' ~ ~~~~~,' ir'~~`~VED t if ~ Assistance Award/Amendment ua: Department of Housing ~ and Urban development : Office of Administration ~ . .. ... . . 1. Assistance Instrument 2. Type of Action 3 Cooperative Agreement ^ Grant Award X^ Amendment Instrument Number 4. Amendment Number 5. Effective Date of this Action 6. Control Number FF204K014005 1 OCTOBER 1, 2001 NEW NANOVER HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION . 8• HUD Administering Office Department of Housing and Urban Development U. S. 402 CHESTNUT STREET , Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHE O) WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 , 'h ' Floor, 40 Marietta St., NW; Atlanta, GA 30303 16 Sa, Name of Administrator 8b. Telephone Number Gregory Bernard King (404) 331-5001 (X2660) 10: Recipient Project Manager 9. HUD Government Technical. Representative CARL A. BYRD, SR., DfRECTOR Sue Darting, Director, Kentucky Program Center - 1 i .Assistance Arrangement 12. Payment Method ' ^ Cost. Reimbursement ^ Treasury Check Reimbursement ^ Cost Sharing ^ Advance Check Fixed Price ^ Automated Clearinghouse 14. Assistance'Amount Previous HUD Amount $ 40,000.00 HUD Amount this action $ 10,000.0.0 .TotaI.HUD.Amount..._.._.._• . $ 50,000.00 Recipient Amount $ 0 Total Instrument Amount $ ~ 50,000.00 16. Description ~AIVlENDNIENI' 13. HUD CFO ACCOUNTING CENTER P.O. BOX 901013; FORT WORTH, TX 761D1 15. HUD Accounting and A t5a. Appropriation Number 861 /20144(TI N .Amount.PreviouslX.Ob .Obligation by this actic Tota( Obligation ' ropriation Data 15b. Reservation number FHE0-04-01-03 fated......_.......:..._._~__ ............. 40, 000.00............. ............._........:.......... ~..::........._...-10, 000:00 ............................. $ 50,000.00 THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR FAIR HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (FHAP) IS HEREBY AMENDED. - THIS AGREEMENT INCORPORATES ALL PREVIOUSLY ISSUED SUBPARTS. FUNDS ARE DESIGNATED AS FOLLOWS: - CASE PROCESSLNG (7/1/2000 THRU 6/30/2001): {0) $ 0 CAUSE CASES: ~ (0)- $ 0 TRAINING: $22,500.00 EDUCATION AND OUTREACH: $ 2,500.00 `ADMINISTRATIVE COST (AC): $15,000.00 SPEC(A.L ENFORCEMENT EFFORTS (SEE): ~ $ 0 PARTNERSHIP INITIATIVE: ~ 510.000.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT ~~o,ooo.oo 17..LJ RECipient is required to sigh and"retum three (3) copies of this documentta the HUD Administering ~Offce 19. Recipient (By Name) NEW HANOVER HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Si~hature & Titie Date (mm/dd/yyyy) >c~ ~~ ~~ ~ 1 s~ ~ -2 ~t'~ D ~:+ U 18 nt is not required to sign this document. OFFICE OF FAIR HOUSING AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Signature & Title - Date (mm/dd/yyyy) ~~--- . 2 2 SEP ~t~Bi GREGO 8 ARD KING, CAO ~j v ~ THIS INSTRU~, ~ ~ ~~ f~r~ ,_- r~~~ClTSD IN TNF h!A,f1~!L;' F~~ ~! ~ cD B`~ TFIt LGCAL GOVCRf`!i~iENT ~,Pv!~ FISCAL COIUi!?GL ACT. torm rtuu-~u44 (L'Y'9U) ref. Handbook 2210.17 {This page intentionally left blank} ,. iVEW HAN®VER COUtVTY BOARD OF COMMISSI®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01. • Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Bob Glasgow SUBJECT: Release of Value • BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request): Bates, Dorothy M. $ 20,000 Batson, Lucille Shepard 20,000 Brown, Faye Medlin 20,000 Cain, Odell Franklin Grace S. 20,000 Galcik, Walter J. Patricia Brock 20,000 Getter., Lula M.: 20,000 Hocks, Dorothy M. 20,000 Heffner, Jane W. 20,000 Lanier, Wanda 1,0000 Sollena, Elsie Rose 20,000 Ward, Dillon Carolyn 20,000 William, Joseph E. 20,000 Request the following late list penalties be released as the taxpayer has good prior history or this was their first offense: Francis Kilmer Corp. 28.45 Port City Java 471.11 Robinson, R. Elliott Jr. 321.69 Si Si Salsa, LLC 64.39 Talkingnets, Inc. 514.93 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of these releases. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend approvals MMISSIONERS' r Q ~{~ (~ ~(~R{~Q~Q pQ ~Vie11 ~~IMI'YIIW~®ly /APPROVED CS-- REJECTED p REMOVED (~ POSTPONED ® ~~ 1.1EARD p D~-~~ i~l%s.lvr {This page intentionally left blank} , ``KK., ~,~ .;~,~ . ~i ~r1J V li~~~~ =~ p"34,1'~.' lro. 76 ~~~,uv~~~:~--~~_:~~ ~~~ ~~,~~~h, °1 ~ . - _ #. ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSI®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . - ~ Meeting Date: 10/15/01 ,Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: .None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports , BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of September 30, 2001 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of these reports. FUNDING SOURCE:- . , gTTACHMENTS: u T, 7-~ - ~ . NHCColrpt.doc Sept30FDCol.rpt.wpd 1TEM DOES-NOT REQUIRE REVIEW .t r~~~l~r ' E~i~~IS~P6~9 APPROVED ~~ . DEJECTED ® - REMOVED 6'OSTPONED HEARD ~~~ ~ ` SATE ~,I ar-~J ~ o- ~ _ ~' . 1. 77 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM N0.____-- NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE CISTRiCT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS TNRU 09/30J01 CURRENT 7AX YEAR _ 2D01 r r ~ r AO 4ALCREM s MOTOR 1tEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX IEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED S 2 57br105,53 ~ S rr~^.,....~~.~~~... T~~ LESS ABATEMENTS _ 129~8?6.88 ~56l441.8'J- ~ 3b8.39 .755.54- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED 3 2~644~500,58 ~ _ ~~--76~542.52 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED ~ ~ 1632,21 Mw ,00 TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE $ e YIl ~rsi>0 ~.~ 2~551~132.79 195245 85- $ e.l-iw .Iw ~` ys7b~542.52 .. , ..~..,~~. 46 558.05- ~ . OUTSTANDING.BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED $ .-°.. 2~455t886.S4 6 a,.....~ ~~~~_29~984.47 ~ 7.35~* 50.83~* BALK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ CHARGES ADDED 85819.45 LESS ABATEMENTS 1 709.b9 ;941.51- TOTAL TAXES OUF COLLECTIONS TO DATE r.wsm~a # .i~~amrs~~ 86587.53 21yG2S.83r OUTSTANDING BALANCE _ $` +r~b5t5b1.70 PERCENTAGE COLLEGTEO 24.28 THIS REPORT IS fOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 2001. RESPECTFULLY 5UBMITTEC~ '"7" L~ t ~ 4 " ~~'1o.r ~ PATRICIA J. R NOR GOLLEC70R OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE ~- $,eb~ r , -~ rv ~~.,; ~, ,vim ~~ f` ~tRrr,~ r~:~~J ~`~'9 `~^:' ~~ ~~ ~"° ~. /~ ~~V . ~ CONSENT AGENDA DATE: - ITEM NO. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS - COLLECTIONS THRU 9/3'0/01 CURRENTTAX .YEAR - 2001 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL $ 102,139,092..11 $ . ,2;683,934.22 DISCOVERIES ADDED ~ 3,218,455.41 6,179.09 ' LESS ABATEMENTS - 108,894.59 26,423.82 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ~ $. 105,248,652.93 $ 2;663,689.49. ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED .00 ~ .00 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED ~ 53,244.92 .00 .CLEANING LIENS CHARGED. _ 6;076.00. .00 TOTAL LEVY • ~ $ 105,307,973.85 $ 2,663;689.49 .COLLECTIONS TO DATE - 6,985,755.83 - 1,573;721.49 OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ . 98,322;218.02 ,$ 1,089,968,00 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 6.63% 59.08%* , BACK TAXES ~ , REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 3;698,729.73 CHARGES ADDED 53,357.1.3 ESS ABATEMENTS - 30,125.79 , TOTAL-TAXES DUE $ 3,721,961.07 COLLECTIONS TO DATE' ~ - 870,354.68 _ .OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 2,851,606.39 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 23 38% - AUG 2001 ~ FISCAL YTD RENTAL. VEHICLE TAX COLLECTIONS $ 23,350:61 $ ~ 76,373.73 `: ROOM'OCCUPANCY'TAX COLLECTIONS 3.59,539?7 1,256,813.32 PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 579:37 9,533:25 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY; CITY OF WILMINGTON, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH; CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $15;052;297.37. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1,2001.. . RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ~ - ~ ' PATRICIA J. RAYNOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE - * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 7.93% ~~. .. ~9~ ~o~~ IVEW HAIVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 f~ Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Bob Glasgow :SUBJECT: Correction of. Agenda Item for Tax Year 2000 for Wardens of Vestry of St. James' Parish BRIEF' SUMMARY; At -the July 9, 2001, Board of County Commissioners meeting, agenda Item #3, which was the exemption appeal for 2000 for Wardens & Vestry of St. James Parish, was heard and partial exemption was approved. The existing fire station headquarters building was considered to be exempt ($162,935) while the land and feature was approved as taxable. The feature vahue was identified to be $14,206 and should have been $14,208. This typographical error resulted in an approval of a total value of $275,566 when it should of been. $275,568. 'RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the value of $275,568 be approved to correct fhe record. • FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: " OctAgenda.wpd ' -TEIVI DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIE6N . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~j ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS; ~~0~1P ~L'Oiyi~i9Sa~8 ~ /APPROVED [9'' t'tEJECTED REMOVED ® .:r'' 'POSTPONED ~iEARD ~ , ~`~' ~. .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMi5SiONERS-~ , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Da#e; 07,/09/07. Regular item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: •. Departmenfi' TAX Presenter; Robert G. Glasgow Contact: Robert G. Glasgow SUBJECT: Denial of Exemption Tax Year 2000 for Wardens of Vestry of 5t. James Parish - P!D 804817.035-002-000 • BRIEF' SUPIIMARY: ~ - On September 15,2000, the Tax Administrator denied the -request for exemption for taxyear 2000. The denial was based on the fact that the property which was formerly the Wilmington Fire Station Headquarters located at Fourth and Dock Streets; was not being used for religious purposes since there was construction ongoing and the property from the City of Wilmington an February 4,.2000. The property tax value for tax year 2000 has been adjusted to $438,503, which includes .$162,935 for the headquarters building, X14,206 for,pavement and $2fi1,360 for the land. The purchase price of the property from the city has~een 7eported to he $305;000 as of May 10, 1998, but the city agreed to reduce the purchase price by $1,143.75 far each, month the city continued to occupy the premises until the closing date. The appellant indicates the purchase price was $282,125. • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS; Recommend the board uphold the denial of the exemption. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Supporting documents are voluminous and furnished under seperate cover. lTEM DOfS NOT REQUIRE REVIf1N CO NTY AN GER'S CO MENT E MMEND ONS~ ' Concur with Tax Administrator. COMMiSS10NERS' pCT10NSJCOMMEN75~ 6`v ~'~ 6~~Vi~,~~a ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 32 ~~~~ 49 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS _ , REQUEST FaR BOARD ACT10N . . ~ Meeting Date: 10/15/01 (Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell - ~SU'BJ ECT: Approval to Transfer the Membership of Clara. Lamb from the Nursing Home - Community Advisory Committee to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee. BRiE~' SUMMARY: , Harvin Quidas, Regional Ombudsman for both committees, has written a letter requesting to switch the membership of Clara Lamb to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee. The Nursing Home Committee meets quarterly at 4,00 p.m., and Ms. Lamb is unable to drive in the evening or at night. ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the removal of Clara Lamb from the Nursing Home Committee and placing her on the Adult Care Committee. FUNDING SOURCE: ® l ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Harvin Quidas, Council of Governments ITEM DOES-NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .Recommend approval.: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Serving Local Government in: Brunswick County Bald Head Island Belville Boiling Spring Lakes Bolivia Calabash Carolina Shores Holden Beach Leland Navassa Northwest Oak Island Ocean Isle Beach Sandy Creek Shallotte Southport St. James Sunset Beads Columbus County Bolton Bninswick Cerro Gordo Chadboum Fair Bluff Lake Waccamaw Sandyfieid Tabor City Whiteville New Hanover County Carolina Beach Kure Beach Wilmington Wrightsville Bead Fender County Atkinson Burgaw Surf City Topsail Beach ..~ PROGRESS T H 0. 0 U G H COOPERATION September 24, 2001 SEP2~^nn'~ NEW HANOVER CO _ BD OF COMMISSIONERS New Hanover County Commissioners . Attention: Lucie Harrell, Clerk to the Board Teresa Elmore, Assistant Clerk to the Board 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: New Hanover County Community Advisory Committee Nursing Homes Adult Care Homes Dear Ms Harrell and Ms Elmore: Most recently I contact you concerning a new Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee appointee, Ms Clara Lamb. Ms Lamb had come to me with a request to be transferred from Nursing Home- to Adult Care Community Advisory Committee in order that she better be able to meet her obligations as a member. M~s Lamb'stated that due to declining night. vision she chooses not to drive at evening or nighttime. The New Hanover Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee ~ Quarterly Meetings are at 4 PM at Cape Fear Council of Governments. The New Hanover Adult Care Community Advisory Committee Quarterly Meetings are at 9:30 AM at Cape Fear Council of Governments. Ms Lamb has currently completed ten hours of her required 15 hour initial training as a new Community Advisory Committee Member. This matter is at the discretion of New Hanover County Commissioners. Please advise me as to their decision in this matter. ' ~~'~~~~iEd~~'S ~r~- , 1430 Harbour Drive, Wilminb on, NC 28401. (910) 395-4553 , (910) 395-2684 Fax www.capefearcog.org Page Two I have recenfly revisited the General Statues as to membership quota for Community Advisory Committees.. Copies are included for your review. I ' interpret these to be as follows: 131 D-31, (b-1 & 2) Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committees -- [Currently New Hanover County has 11 Adult Care Facilities with 10 or more beds;. plus 7 Family Care Homes with less than 10 beds.] (b-1) Committee Minimum 5 (b-2) Members (11-3=8) 8 Mandated Membership 13 County Commissioner's Discretion 5 / Maximum Membership 18 .131 E-128. (b-1) Nursing Home Advisory Committees [Currently New Hanover County has 7 Nursing Facilities] - ~~ (b-1) Committee Minimum 5 ~l Members 7-3=4 4 ( ) ~~ Mandated Membership 9 - County Commissioner's Discretion 5 - Maximum Membership 14 The County Commissioners have the option of not exercising their discretionary appointment powers, or they may appoint one and up to five members at their pleasure. - I hope this brings some clarity to the matter of appointments to both the New Hanover Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee; and the New Hanover Adult.Care Community Advisory Committee. I look forward to hearing from you with reference to Ms Clara Lamb's committee appointment. ' Sinc rei . H. Harvin Quidas, Regional Ombudsman Attachments ~5 § 131D-31. Adult care home community advisory committees. , (a) Statement of Purpose. - It is the intention of the General Assembly that community advisory committees work to maintain the intent of the Adult Care Home Residents' Bill of Rights within the licensed adult care homes in this State. It is the further intent of the General Assemblythat the committees promote community involvement and cooperation with adult care homes to ensure quality care for the elderly and disabled adults. (b) Establishment and Appointment of Committees. - (1) A community advisory committee shall be established in each county that has at least one licensed adult care home, shall serve all the homes in the county, and shall work with each of these homes for the _ best interests of the residents, In a county that has one, two, or three adult care homes with 10 or more beds, the committee shall have five members. (2) In a county with four or more adult care homes .with I 0 or more beds, the conunittee shall have one additional member for each adult care home with 10 or more beds in excess of three, and may have up to five additional members at the discretion of the county commissioners, not to exceed a maximum of 25 members. In each county with four or more adult Gaze homes with ZO or more beds, the committee shalYestablish a subcommittee of no more than five members and no fewer than three members from the committee for each adult care home in the county. Each member must serve. on at least one subcommittee. {3) In counties with no adult care homes with 10 or more beds, the committee shall have five members. Regardless of how many members a particular community advisory committee is required to have, at least one member of each committee shall be a person involved in the area of mental retardation. (4) The boards of county commissioners are encouraged to appoint,the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Corn:r;ittees.- Ofthe member, a minority (not less than one-third,~but as close to one-third as possible) shall be chosen from among persons nominated by a majority of the chief administrators of adult care homes in the county. If the adult care home administrators fail to make a nomination within 45 days after written notification has been sent to them requesting a nomination, these appointments may be made without nominations. If the county commissioners fail to appoint members to a committee by July 1, 1983, the appointments shall be made by the Assistant Secretary for Aging, Department of Health and Human Services, no sooner than 45 days after nominations have been requested from the adult care home administrators, but no later than October I, 1983. In making appointments, the Assistant Secretary for Aging shall follow the same appointment process as that specified for the County Commissioners. , (c) Joint Nursing and Adult Care Home Community Advisory Comrrtittees. -Appointment to the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committees shall preclude appointment to the Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committees except where written approval to combine these committees is obtained from the Assistant. Secretary for Aging, Department of Health and Human Services. Where this approval is obtained, the Joint Nursing and Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee shall have the membership required ofNuring Home Community Advisory Committees and one additiona] member for each adult care home with 10 or more beds Iicensed in the county. In counties with no adult care homes with 10 or more beds, there shall be one additional member for eve..y four other types of adult care homes in the county. In no case shall the number of members on the Joint Nursing and Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee exceed 25. Each member shall exercise the statutory rights and responsibilities of both Nursing Home Committees and Adult Care Home Committees. In making appointments to this joint committee, the county commissioners s}iall solicit nominations from both nursing and adult care home administrator for the appointment of approximately (but no more than) one-third of the members. (d) Terms of Of ice. -Each committee member shall serve an initial tezm of one year. Any person reappointed to a second or subsequent term in the same county shall serve a two- or three-year term at the county commissioners' discretion to ensure staggered terms of office, (e) Vacancies. -Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment of a person for aone-year term. If this vacancy is in a position filled by an appointee nominated by the chief administrators of adult care homes within the county, then the county commissioners shall fill the vacanry from persons nominated by a majority of the chief administrators. If the adult care home administrator fail to make a nomination by registered mail within 45 days after written notification has been sent to them requesting a nomination, this appointment may be made without nominations. If the county commissioners fail to fill a vacancy, the vacancy may be filled by the Assistant Secretary for Aging, Department of Health and Human Services no sooner than 45 days after the commissioners have been notified of the appointment or vacancy. (~ Officers. -The committee shall elect from its members a chair, to serve aone-year term. (g) Minimum Qualirications for Appointment. -Each member must be a resident of the county which the committee serves. No person or immediate family member of a person with a financial interest in a home'served by the committed, or employee or governing board member of a home served by the committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a home sewed by the committee may be a member of that committee. Any county commissioner who is appointed to the committee shall be deemed to be serving on the committee in an ex officio capacity. Members of the committee shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties. The names of the committee members and the date of expiration. of their terms shall be filed with the Division of Aging, Department of Health and Human Services. (h) Training. -The Division of Aging, Department of Health and Human Services, shat} develop training materials, which shall be distributed to each committer member. Each committee member must receive training as specified by the Division of Aging prior to exercising any power under G.S. 131 D-32. The Division of Aging, Department of Health and Human Services, shall provide the committees with information, guidelines, trainmg, and consultation to direct them in the performance of their duties. § .131E'-128. Nursing home advisory committees. (a} It is the purpose of the General Assembly that community advisory commute-.s work to maintain the intent of this Part within the nursing homes in this State, including. ing homes operated by hospitals licensed under Article 5 of G.S. Chapter I3IE. It is e fixrther purposo of the General Assembly that the committees promote community . involvement' and cooperation with nursing homes and an integration of these homes into a system of care for .the elderly. (b} (I) A community advisory committee shall be established in each county which - has a nursing home; including a nursing home operated by a hospital licensed under Article 5 of G.S. Chapter 131E, shall serve all the homes in the county, and shall work with each home in the best interest of the persons residing in each home. In a county which has one, two,. or three nursing homes, the committee shat have five members. In a.county with four. or more nursing homes,. the committee shall have one additional ' member for. each nursing home in eYCess of three, and may have up to ,five -additional members per committee at the dis~etion of the county ' commissioners. . (2) In each county with ~ four or more nursing homes, the committee shall. establish a subcommittee of no more than five members and no fewer than - three members. from the committer. for each nursing home in. the county. Each member must serve on at Least one.subcommittee. (3)' Each committer shall be appointed by the board of county commissioners. - Of the members, a minority (nit less than one-third, but as close to one- third as ~ possi~Ie) must be chosen from among persons nominated by a ma}ority of the- chief administrators of nursing homes in the county and- of the governing bodies of the hospitals Licensed under Article 5 of G.S. . Chapter 131E, which operate nursing homes. If the -nursing home admiaistrators -and the governing. bodies of the hospitals. licensed. under Article 5 of G.~, Chapter 13IE, which operate nursing homes fail to make . a nomination within 45 days after written aatification has been sent to them by .the board of county commissioners. requesting. a nomination, these appointments may be made by the board of county comm~~~oners without nominations. . (c} Each committee member shall serve an initial -term of one .year. Any person reappointed to a second or subsequent tern in the same county shall serve, athree-year term. Persons who were originally nominees of nursing home chief ~~m~ni~tors and the governing bodies of the hospitals licensed under Article 5 of G.S. Chapter 131E, which operate nursing homes,. or who were appointed by the board of .county commissioners when the .nursing home administrators and the governing bodies of the hospitals licensed under Article 5 of G.S. Chapter .131 E, which operate nursing homes failed to make ~ninations, may not be reappointed without the. consent of a majority of the nursing.' ' ~~ 55 . 88 - • ~ NEdV HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSfONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . ~ Meetir~g.Date: 10/15/01- - '~ Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: ` Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes/ Alex Marks Contact: Dexter Hayes%.Alex Marks _" `SUBJECT: .Board Authorization to Utilize Tidal- Creeks Program Funds in the Amount of $14,5t~0 Per Year for Fiscal Years 2001-2002 and 200.2-2003 for a New " Position with the New Hanover. Soil and YYater Conservation District. BRIEF SUMMARY. The Soil and Water-Conservation District is creating a new. non-point source pollution water•quality . technical position:.The position will. be based on the partnership. funding from the'USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, the NC Division of Soil and Water Conservation, and. New Hanover County. The County's portion .of the .position's yearly funding can come from ,monies • allocated to the Tidal .Creeks Program .education and- outreach component. The interit of the District is to have the new employee°provide technical and field assistance to the Tidal .Creeks - :program. The New Hanover County Tidal .Creeks Program was established in 1998 following a Grant Award - ~ of`$6 million dollars from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund. In receiving the Gr--ant the County agrees,to spend $11,580,000 in local funds over a five year period. Several Water Quality Enhancement Strategies including the acquisition of Airlie Gardens were developed as part of the. .Tidal Creeks Program. One. of these strategies is the establishment of a citizen education program to educate the residents of the County, especially, those living in the tidal watersheds about water quality issues and to make landscaping improvements in their backyards. Funding of $14,500.for • • this new District position is an ideal use, of the Program's education and outreach funds, RECOMMENDED .MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Authorization to uti-lize Tidal Creeks Program monies of $14,500/year to fund the Soil and Water Conservation District non-point source pollution water quality technical position for the two. years . remaining in the budget.. " FUNDING SOURCE: New Hanover County Tidal Creeks.Watershed Management Program Funds. ATTACHMENTS: l -Letter from David R.Green, Chairman, New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District - REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A .. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approve . COMMiSS10NERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: ~ r~~~ ~Ofi~MBS31~ /APPROVED L~---~ 4 . REJECTED ® ' REMOVED ~ ~ ~y - ~ ` POSTPONED ~ ~ x,'8 g iHEARD ,_~ . • `..DATE -_~ ~ 5 ,~~( ~,'~ ~ • t~ -' {This page intentionally left blank} ~ i ''; , , ~ .aa~~~ 1f ?4~ a HAS } { :, .- ~t~ ~~~~~ y 9 0 ~~~ ~~'~,~~f , K ~,~, ; ' NEV11 HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISS90NERS . ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTOON. Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 12.1 . Estimated~Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Federal Forfeited Property . BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-15 .ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT Federal Forfeited Property $29,192 Extended Project Expense X29 192 t EXPLANATION: To adjust budget for additional revenue received 9-27-01: Federa! Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must,be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems, necessary. ~''•"`~-~-~°~~ ~,~' . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . • • < <~,~, i _ rcV'~UIV 1 1 ~i01VIM1~1~ 1Tt' . ~?EMOVED M-,~ W FIE~+RD ~ /~ NEW HANOVER C®UNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOtV Meeting Date: 10/15/OT budget Amendment Consent Item #: 12.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' DEPARTMENT: Jail Capital Project/Engineering ' BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-17 . ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Jail Capital Project ~ ' Transfer to General Fund (Engineering) $183,612 y Extended Project Expense $183,612 Engineering Transfer in from Jail Capital Project $183,612. Temporary Salaries ~ $183,612 EXPLANATION: To transfer money budgeted in the Jail Capital Project for contract labor into the General Fund (Engineering). For payroll purposes, these employees cannot be paid from a Capital Project Fund and are therefore being paid along with the Engineering Department's employees. Staff is tracking their payroll expense to ensure they stay within the contract amounts. The money for contract labor was approved, _y_, the Commissioners at their 8-20-01 T meeting. '~ ~ ~~, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~ h Y~/~~I~+iUkiil t,~ ~ O1~YWd'~1~~ 1`~ 4-0Kw~ut~,~~~ APPROVED L. ~'~~' ~Ai§"[~ogy~C'f`~~cpgc{~~~RFJECTED [~ REMOVED ® x ~~ O~aO~~~~',i s~~,r POSTPONE ® r ~~ _ t~ ~~tf~0~`1~2~~1 FIEARD ~ ,, ~:~ ~~ ~~`~l QRTE ~, i ~NEV~ HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Budget Amendment . Consent .Item #: 12.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: "DEPARTMENT: Foster Grandparent Program • BUDGET AMENDM'ENT' #: 02-0062 • ADJUSTMENT ~ • DEBIT CREDIT ' Foster Grandparent Grant $24,409 __ Contract Services $150 Postage." $25 Dues and subscriptions ~ $37 '. Employee Reimbursements $87 . Employee Reimb/Uniforms $189 Training and Travel $33 Volunteer Mileage Expense $9,371 Volunteer Stipends ~ $14,416 . . Volunteer Recognition $400 Computer Expense $300. Departmental Supplies - $75 EXPLANATION: To adjust budget to reflect actual Foster Grandparent grant for operating: expenditures through 12-31-01. This grant runs fr 01-01-00 through. 12-31-01 . ~ . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION• ~ ~ '~ ~ . - ~~~~ . APPROVAL STATUS: To tie approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~''rv ~~2~~r ~_,~ED • .._ ,..~_:3 93}tip, ~~ IVEV11 HANOVER COUiVTY BOARD OF COMM1SSiONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:. 10/15/01 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 12.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Public Health/Vector Control BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0063 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Snows Cut Corps of Engineers Grant $g,5g2 Salaries and Wages $1 109 Equipment Rent $4,773 .. .Contracted Services $420 Fuel and Supplies $2,290 APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: EXPLANATION: To adjust Vector Control budget to ref.l°ect actual cost of Snows Cut project (cost budgeted at higher than actual). ~ ' ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ' `~~'`" .., "~ ~O~NTY r/DOiVl1fll~~~ ~ ,.~ '~~ %APRROVE ``~ __ 6~<QOS7POIVf~ ® ~a; ,.,;.,., NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COIVlMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 12.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Social Services/AdministrationlCrisis Intervention Program BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0064 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT DSS Administrative Grants $31,323 Assistance Payments $31,323 EXPLANATION: To budget additional federal dollars (o~ the Crisis Intervention Program. 'No additional County funds are required. `~,, ,~-~~1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: • ~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • . CO~iV~ ~Of~i~i~l® . . Q ~t~?~,1FGs1ED . © ;~' ~i a~`;~,~~t.fi~~`~~~D C~ c, i~O~T;€~NED GATE .-~-~ D~. /S/4( ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10%15/01 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 12.6 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~ . DEPARTMENT: Public Health/School Health' BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0065 ADJUSTMENT Contributions From Schools Temporary Salaries Social Security Taxes Employee Reimbursements/Uniforms $13,909 $1,064 $177 EXPLANATION: To budget additional fiunding from the Scho~Ns~to cover the cost of a temporary nurse through June 30, 2002 for a special needs child.~~--~,~ . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: G't1ti~E~ CO[~I~tIS~9®~ ~' :~ :^'~+~~:1ECTED .~ ' 'µ' 'f~'REIV1OlfED '~a'; '~ 'PUSl'PONE®® r, ~~ 96 ~~ DEBIT CREDIT $15,150 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Budget Amendment - Consent Item #: 12.7 Estimated Time: Page Number: . DEPARTMENT: Public Health/Health Education .. BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0066 ' : ~ ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT HYPertension _ -. . ~ $12,916 Advertising: Cost ~ ~ $700 Contracted Services.. $8.,700 Printing Charges ~ ~ $300 _ . Departmental Supplies $-1,300 Employee Reimbursements $916 ' Training;& Travel $1 000 EXPLANATION:, To`adjust Health Education budget to reflect actua'I State grant award. ADDITIONAL INFORMATfON: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMM'ISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: f~~6~~iY ~4i~f~IS~I®~i .. gFPROVEQ C,=i_... [DEJECTED [ RE~~.~OVED .I~ ''i~ PC'SI'PONED I~ ~' ~'`~ HEP,'RD ~ ~ ~ ,, ~,. ~ -l - -~. - {.This page intentionally left blank} ~ ' . a ~~ ~ ~. ...~,~~ ~~ ~~~ tf~ ~~ 9 6 b ~~~~ NEVI HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 10/15/01 Consent Item #: 13 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Transportation Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin Contact: Patricia A. Melvin SUBJECT: Acceptance of FTA Grant for Job Access and Reverse Commute BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County has received notification that its April 2000 application for $250,000 in grant funds to provide work related transportation has received initial approval by the Federal Transit Administration in an amount totalling $284,000. We have submitted required documents for final approval and expect final approval, any day. .The funds will be used to provide work related transportation to clients, of participating agencies, which includes Work First, disabled, residents not receiving assistance from agencies. Services will be provided to areas of the county not currently served by public transportation. The grant requires a 50% local match, along with the 50°~o.federal funds. Participating agencies included local .match amounts in their agency budgets for FY2001-02. Thus, no additional funds will be required of the county. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorization to accept the grant, upon final approval and amend the New Hanover Transportation Services budget to reflect grant monies including local match amounts. FUNDfNG SOURCE: DSSTANF Budget - $92,0000 Wilmington Housing Aufhority - $20,000 NHTS Budget - $30,000 ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES; N/A ~, COUNTY MANAGER'S CO MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend .approval. COMM'ISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:' ~~~ C~~Mi~soO °~ /APPROVED ~- in REJECTEQ !~ ` REMOVED - PDSTPOIVED ~ I~EARD ~~ - 1 {This page intentionally left blank} ', J .; ,,-.. ~ ;.~ , ,-;7 _,G, :., ,.M,r '~~. a , r ~s!. . , ~a~°'~ ~n`;r! 9 ~ . ~ _~ NEW HANOV'ER COUNTY BOARD.OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR-BOARD ACTFON - ~ Meeting Date: 10/15/®1 Consent Item#: 14 Estimated Time: Page Number: • Department: County Manager Presenter: .Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: . ~ .~ Contract Between New Hanover County and the New Hanover County Schools BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ _. The NHCS are providing the County with funds to hire 3 teachers for the Juvenile Day Treatment . Cehter. In the past, the Schools have provided teachers in Iieu of funds. This. has not worked as well as the County actually having the teachers on our payroll. There will be no County match required. If the funds are not provided. by the Schools, the positions will be eliminated. :. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the ,Contract with the NHCS and authorize the establishment of the teaching positions.. FUNDfNG SOURCE: New Hariover County Schools ~ ' ATTACHMENTS: - REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: • ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~. As recommended above. ` .. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ • . tU~UIV I i C®IYIIVI~~1®~N~'.~~~, APPROVEEl Ce}~' - REJECTED . - ~2EMOVED ~. . POSTPONED FIEARD ~ . .. SAT .. -.,. New Hanover County Contract #02-0148 CONTRACT BETWEEN. NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS 1802 S. 15TH STREET WIT 2YIINGTON, NC 28401 AND Dav Treatment Program (New Hanover Countyl. Wilmington, NC 28411 Cont~°~ot for ~en~~es This contract will begin on October 1, 2000 and end on June 30, 2002 between New Hariover County- Schools (NHCS1 and Day Treatment Progra~i (N?w HanOVPr Countyl. Both parties do mutually agree to the following: ~ ~ . A. NHCS hereby aac-ees to provide the following: 1. Pay contract invoices to Day Treatment Program (Neiv Hanover County) for approved services at the rate $10, OOO:OO per month beginning October 1; 2001 for 10 irioriths ending June 30, 2002. 2. Provide a contact liaison (the cpunselor/social worker coordinator). 3. Provide a contact liaison for special education compliance. B. Contractor hereby agrees to provide services as follows: 1. Provide center-based and off-site educational and related services for adjudicated delinquents returning from residential .placements, delinquents and at-risk youth who have either been suspended or expelled from school and are not appropriate for school based alternative programs. 2. Provide special education and related services in compliance with state grid federal, law and regulation, 3. Submit invoices for services rendered according to section A. 1. C The maximum allowed charges against this contract shall not exceed $100,000.00. This contract cannot be amended, modified or altered except by agreement, in writing, b_y dul_y authorized officials for both parties. Either party may terminate this contract after giving a thirty day notice, in writing, of an intent to do so. In witness where of the parties acting through their duly authorized officials have executed this contract, This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the school budget and fiscal control act. NHCS -ASST. S~P~P.IP,rI'El`1DENT DATE NHC ~ 1`,A.r;CE OFFICER DATE r ~ ~ - ~ / C 5 Gl CONTRACT012 a New z .aiicv'er Ccuaty DATE PROGR_. ~; 1~ ~'CTOR ATE ~' _ CODE 3 52'00-060-311 X32 000 and 1-5200 069 311_-903 ~g 000 .fir. ry i New Hanover County Contract #02-0148 NEW HANOVER,000NTY [SEAL] Allen O'Neal, County Manager ATTEST: Clerk to the Board Y This'~instrument has been pre- ~udited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney Purchase Order No New Hanover County Contract #02-0148 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS _ REQUISITION FOR PURCHASING THIS IS NOT A PURCHASE ORDER Requisition Account Number: ~_ ~ 200 0~_ 311 040 9a3-~sa.oQQ QO x boot xxx xxx ,~ .5.00 ~ 6~ 3 ,~ xxx %3a~oo, ®o Originating Dept. Student SUppOrt Vendor Number. - ~._/ Date: Sept. 10, 2001 vendor Name: New Hanover Cty. Date Required: 'ASAP Address; FlnanCe dept. Approved By: City: ~ ' State .Zip Phone: Fax: NO MORE THAN TEN ITEMS MAY BE ORDERED ON THIS FORM. ORDERS WITH MORE THAN TEN ITEMS SHOULD BE ORDERED AS MATERIALS AS PER ATTACHED AND THE ENTIRE ORDER ON A SEPARATE SHEET. Date Received Qty. Received Qty. Ordered Unit Description Unit Price Extended Price 1 ea Contract for Da Treatment Pro ram as er attached ioo;coo.oo too,ooo.~e Order In The Following Units Only: EA, PKG, BOX, CTN, SET, FT, YD, LBS, PT, GAL, QT, KIT Copies: (1)White-Purchasing (2)Yellow-School Office 1 ®~ (3)Pirik-Origiriating Department/Teacher Tatal This Page 5 1 60.000 00 Total Other Pages Order Total s 1oo.cco.a~ Discounts Discount $ - Est. Shipping Subtotal $ ~ 00 000 00 6% Sales Tax (calculate on Subtotal which includes shipping) Total OG~~-? 1 ACT WITH 1802 South 15`~ Strcct, Wilmington, NC 8, 01-6479 - (910) 25d-4277 New Hanover County Contract #02-0148 yn1yTRACT C4N'~'RQL SHEET DRESS: ~ ~ F ~r~N7`" P~ G ~~ SCHOOL: /'SEW /~h'/'~D/F2 L~ / y LSD'-/~O~ ~ COV`TRACT TYPE: PROTECT: D %4 Y ~S~l/~F mac'' / ~U (e - T ~ o o COivTRACT DATE: /a / 7 COi~-I~R.ACT A.~iOU~+'I': - BUDGET CODE: ~ S~~,O~~, -~..~11 moo ~ g03 ~ aB~~EQ. #. ~~ - ~~ ~~ . .PROTECT COORDL~I~TOR: , D~ ^~/~ ~-~ j ~-~---- ----- ---- i `; 0 TE :. [~:i ~i d ual s used bet o w s.ho~il d initial and date chi s form after eo mp 1 eti n g t.h e it p r o~ urrs rc I ~ en d t o phi s cc e ~ ~- Date Da'-= • . R c 'v Processed Inirj~ Steps: Reviewed bv: ~ 9 -fit; -_ ~; ~ _~ G' - o~ / , , C,,_. Direr •~ ~ C 4 i ~ r _q r /o •Board Ar.or~ey • ~ Rev-icw•ed by.. ,^ ___ F inane 0 ~'cc for. ---------- A. Insurance & Risk . Q /~ 0/ B. Budget Z~ C. .Pre-audited as rtquimi by law / --~- - ~ 3. Rcvie:wed by: ~ o ~ ~ i!T y-ic J ~ 5- t~ssistant/Deputy Superinteadeai 4. Signed by: / S u pe rintcndenC 5. Signe~by: v-'/ ~~ /°'.~/-o ~ ~cablc) ~ ~a c ba:irmzn (if ap Q • • ~. Purchase Order issued by: ------ Purchasing. - • Pucch~sc Order X • 8 Procrssed bv: - 1 O~ Deparnnent