Agenda 2001 12-03AGENDA ~?~ ~ ~~pNOVER CD G 2~. y~~ . ~. •Ar ~ ~ . uwr 9J. IMPO~E%P/ Q~ ,iMOUSrnr ~~ NORTH Cp December 3, 2001 5:30 p.m. NEW HANOVER COUNTS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 .Wilmington, NC TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETf, COMMISSIONER ALLENO'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ~ ~ "' ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES NO. 5:45 p.m. 1. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman ~ n/a Wanda M. Copley,.County Attorney Presiding ~ 5:50 p.m. 2. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District n/a 5:$5 p.m. 3. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman Water and Sewer District n/a Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney Presiding ` 6:00 p.m. ,r, 4. Presentation of New Hanover County United Way Employee Campaign Report 1 6:05 p.m. 5. Consideration of Coast Line Convention Center Lease Renewal and Lease Payment 3 6:15 p.m. 6. Consideration of Request from D.A.R.E. (Downtown Area Revitalization Effort) 7 for Long Term Contract ~ ' 6:20 p.m. BREAK 6:25 p.m. 7. Consideration of Concerns of Country Place Road Residents l0a Public Hearings: 6:35 p.m. 7.1 Rezoning Request by Howard Capps to rezone the western portion of a 2.23 acre 11 parcel located at 5700 Nixon Lane north of Holly Shelter Road, from R-15 Residential to B-2 Highway Business (Z-731, 11/O1) 6:45 p.m. 7.2 Zoning Text Amendment Request by the New Hanover County Planning Board to 15 amend Section 72 regarding special uses and Section 50.5 ofthe Permitted Use Table of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance by permitting residential uses by ' ~ special use permit within commercial zoning districts. (A-312, 10/Ol) 7:00 p.m. 7.3 Subdivision Text Amendment Request by the New Hanover County Planning Board 17 to amend Section 20, Section 32, and Section 50 of the New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance requiring construction plans prior to permitting and development. An amendment to the County's Stormwater Regulations, Section ' ~~~ 23.432 is also proposed. (A-313, 11/O1) f ESTIMATED -ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE TIMES - ~'NO. ~ 7:30 p.m. 7.4 Road Renaming/Street Address Renumbering.Request by Planning staff to rename. . 23 a private road from Oakland Drive to Old Oakland Drive and reassign street addresses. The road is_ located in the 4600.block ofNorth College Road on the east side. (SN-90, 12/01) 7:45 p.m. 7.5 Road Namings/Street Address Assignments Request by David Higgins to name two 27 (2) private unnamed roads to Glod Drive and Schlegel Drive and assign street addresses. Both roads are located near the western terminus of Prince George Avenue in Castle Hayne (SN-91, 12/01) • 7:55 p.m. 8. Resolution Intent: Request by Teela Rivenbark to close an unnamed 30 Foot 29 Roadway Easement located near Edgewater Club Road in the Porters Neck Community. (SC-77, ~/01) l`~- U.~OI CrhCU~Cj I~.t1•'L8.m1 8:00 p.in. 9. Consideration of FY 2002-2003 Draft Budget Calendar and Request for Budget 33 Work Session. 8:10 p.m. 10. Consideration New Federal Point Fire Station and Approval of Associated Budget 37 Amendment #2002-20 8:20 p.in. 11. Consideration of Approval of State Permit for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project 49 8:30 p.m. 12. Consideration of Approval of Contract for the Dredging of Mason Inlet .~~` 8:40 p.m. 13. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 53 Non-agenda items (limit 3 minutes) Additional Ite C t C i i ms: oun y omm ss oners, County Attorney, County Manager 9:00 p.m.. Adjourn Note: Times listed for each item is estimated, and in the event that a preceding item takes less time the Board will move forward until , the agenda is completed. °J MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 ~~ ~ WILMINGTON, NC December 3, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit to 3 minutes) 53 2. Approval of Minutes 55 3. Consideration of Approval for Reimbursement Contract for Participation with 57 Developer Contract #02-0154, Castle Hayne HUD ADJOURN • CONSENT AGENDA ,~ ... NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 3, 2001 (', _~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 69 2. Annual Review and Approval of Public Official Bonds 71 3. Approval of NCDOT Mini Grant of $2,000 to Sheriff's Department and Approval 77 of Associated Budget Amendment #02-0091 4. Approval of Application for Community Transportation Program Funding for FY 79 2002-2003 d RJR "'1~~-17- CL1~U~ C.~}~ i1.?.~' CSI S. Approval to Accept Additional Monies in the Amount of $ from Home and 81 Community Care Block Grant Funds and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #02-0089 6. Approval of Release of Value 83 7. Approval of Snows Cut Park Sub-Lease to Town of Carolina Beach 85 8. Approval of Orthophoto Mapping Project: Approval of Contract #02-0138 with 87 Aero-Dynamics, Corporation of Charlotte, NC, Adoption of Project Ordinance, and ~. Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #2002-21 ~~// 9. Adoption of 2002 North Carolina Fire Prevention Code and Related Provisions 93 10. Approval of Grant Application -Governor's Crime Commission 99 11. Approval of Criminal Justice Partnership Program Continuation Grant and 101 Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #02-0096 - 12. Adoption of Resolution in Support of Adding Roads in Brewster Place Subdivision 103 to the State Road System 13. Approval of 2002 Wrightsville Beach Re-nourishment Plan 105 Approval of Budget Amendments: 14.1 #02-0093 Hurricane Expense 107 14.2 #02-0094 Public Health/Project Assist 108 14.3 #02-0095 Public Health/Project Assist 109 14.4 #2002-22 Controlled Substance Tax 110 14.5 #2002-25 Federal Forfeited Property 111 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 3, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 69 2. Annual Review and Approval of Public Official Bonds 71 3. Approval of NCDOT Mini Grant of $2,000 to Sheriff's Department and Approval 77 of Associated Budget Amendment #02-0091 4. Approval of Application for Community Transportation Program Funding for FY 79 2002-2003 5. Approval to Accept Additional Monies in the Amount of $47,077 from Home anal 81 Community Care Block Grant Funds and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #02-0089 6. Approval of Release of Value i 83 7. Approval of Snows Cut Park Sub-Lease to Town of Carolina Beach `: I 85 . 8. Approval of Orthophoto Mapping Project: Approval of Contract #02-0138 ;with 87 . Aero-Dynamics, Corporation of Charlotte, NC, Adoption, of Project Ordinance, and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #2002-21 9. Adoption of 2002 North Carolina Fire Prevention Code .and Related Provisions 93 10. Approval of Grant Application -Governor's Crime Commission 99 11. Approval of Criminal Justice Partnership Program Continuation Grant and 101 . Approval of Associated. Budget Amendment #02-0096 12. Adoption of Resolution in Support of Adding Roads in Brewster Place Subdivision 103 to the State Road System 13. Approval of 2002 Wrightsville Beach Re-nourishment Plan 105 ' Approval of Budget Amendments: , 14.1 #02-0093 Hurricane Expense 107 14'.2 #02-0094 Public Health/Project Assist 108 14.3 #02-0095 Public Health/Project Assist ~ 109 14.4 #02-0096 Criminal Justice Partnership Program 110 14.5 #2002-22 Controlled Substance Tax 111 ~~ Gj {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~! ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce Shell or Julie Griffin Contact: Bruce Shell. or Julie Griffin SUBJECT: Consideration of Coast Line Convention. Center Lease Renewal and Lease Payment $RIEF SUMMARY: This item was tabled at your November 19, 2001 meeting. New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington currently lease space known as the Coastline Convention Center from owner, Charles Carver. The County .pays $50,000 while the City pays $75,000 per year for the space. Additionally, the County and City sublease the property to Coastline Convention Management, Inc., a North Carolina .non-profit corporation created by the respective governments to manage the operation of: the convention center. The City and county have representatives 'on this organization. The City Council approved the lease extension on October 2, 2001 for a three year period with the expectation that t_he County would do so as well. The lease agreement is a contract between the County, City, and the above mentioned parties. The attached resolution provides for a three year funding plan at $47,500, $45,125, and $42,870 for three years ending. April 30, 2003, 2004, and 2005 respectively. Roy Clifton and Jerry Gilson, Chairman and Director respectively of Coastline Convention Management inc. and Charles Carver, owner of the property will be available at the 12/03/01 meeting if necessary. RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of resolution. FUNDCNG SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval of resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved <: ,... • November 1, 2001 ~oa:rd of Commissioners New Hanover County ' Twelve years aga the City of Wilmington anct New Hanover County- established Coast Line Convention Management, Inc. to operate a convention and meeting facility on behalf of the City and County in a splice that: is currently leased ire which the City and County assist with t:he lease payment. The mission of Coast Line Convention Iti~Ianagement, Inc. is to operate a facility in order to generate an addition~il area of community economic impact that, up to that time had not been attempted. The management, of the convention center is self-supporting, covering all operating costs, includ>,ag the employment of a ~f~ull time ~~Direc'or, Qperations Manager, ~Nlar~keting. i~'[ana~gi~r, a r~~art tim1~ Ad.mmistra~r,ive A~ ,istant. ~~ nd other t~~mporar°y- personnel. Tl1e opc~r~ting budget, lass ~~scal year ~e,l,. ~~"?0".000.. ar d wc~ genet•at~;d ~3`?5,000 in revenue;, t~h ;strongest ve~lr in the history of tho ceni,e~r.. (11c ach.crl is a copy of the ,:zudat. for h"iscal Year 2000-2001). ~~ltllou~h all rneetin`rs or events involve a uml r of out of tawr. guests and therefore g~nera.tesales and zoom oct~'upancy tax; the ~ ere ten major everts during r~Y 195~9- . '2'000 through c~Y 2000.2001 that; were tonally ~ ode un o~f' out-of-t,own guests. 'hhese ten b eve;ni~,y alone generates a. ratio impact, o~r ~1.~7 i,~ ~on i~,hrou,~h food, beverage, loclgi~ag, i•efai]., saTcs t~3x and roorrloccupanc,' tax ;~~et--t~.nu ~;s. Z u -~n _'~~,=east three years th.e conve,7{,ion center has .hosted over 12-00 events. These e ~.nt~ ~ -grad of smaller meetings for out-of-town corporations and organizations; 1'c ~~ ~ , it ~~~~r_s holding trade shows, actracaing out-of-town suppliers, presenters and _ _ 838.Z55.6390•~oi ~r 1 ;, _ ~ r~,, ~_~ qE~ various kinds and ~E'amily reLinions, all of which brr,~u~rht out-of-town, ~ 91U.7b3.67~~9~~ ~ ~ hr ~en~-~_ai.edconsiderabie room occupy cy r,ax anti sales tax revenue forthe " ~~r~ 910.%51.3631. r:« ~ . - In a 'i•~ ~~ 1_ Ii, ~ ;zw~-nkion ~r~nte-r is a fac.iliiy fbr various City and County sponsored www.ccaa Vsltow.com ~i«~w„-~;,;~~r~a.,;~~ .. e~~er,~~ ~~~ ~ ~~h ~~:., _15er, E~~.r 1oca~l. charitable organizations. The economic impact gPrer~:~af o~~~ she center. tar e~ce'eds the cost of the space provided 'by-mutual agreement bet'rveeii the Cit,v ~ancl County 'to fund thF expense of space used by Coast Line _ni NuciS[reet Convention ivlaiiagement; Inc. , 4Vilmirgton, North Carolina ,. 28401-3339 ; M , 5 The facility provided by the joint effort between the City and County is located at 501 Nutt Street and is secured by a lease tivith Charles Carver. The current lease expires April 30, 2002. Coast Line Convention Management, Inc. is reauesting of the City and County a renewal of the current lease i'or an additional three (3) years, along with an ol;tionyfor an additional extension oI'two (2) years. This renewal will help us continue to offer a convention facility and services not provided by any other facility in the City or County, with the e~ceptinn of the limited availability of Trask at UNC-W. We already have a number of events that are booked to use the space beyond the present lease i~erm of April 30, 2002. The renewal will shorn these event pla.nne-rs the City and County's continued support for providing i-.hese services in our City and County, will generate sales taY and room occupancy tax revenue for the County, and provide a bridge between the present and future convention center facility clans and operations. This renewal will finally, but, not least, of all, offer our full and part time employees employment security into the future. The Boa.:ca of Coast Line Convention l~lanagement, Inc. and our Director th~:ink you fo-r vuur vision and commitment, to this uni:~ort,ant t~conomi.c generator over these i,~ast twelve years, and respectfully; request. ,your carltinueci support by renewin~~ i;hF: lease ~~~ith tllt> ~_~mk;e.rt~% o~vne: for the term requested. Respectfully yours, '~ •{ ~,_, .- T ~l~-~a l,/ , fit. ~ ~ ~ ; 3 ,- ~ ~ ~~.'.. '~.oy Cl~ii~E,on, !'resid"ens ~ , Coast. Line Convention ?Management, Inc. Att c; ; Allen O'Nea.l, County Manager 3 NE'+/~ ~IANOVER COUNTY BOAR~3 OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST fOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Request from D.A.R.E. (Downtown Area Retritaiization Efifort) for Long Term Contract BRIEF SUMMARY: D.A.R. E. is requesting the County to enter into a long term contract for the provision of services. Please see the attached .letter of request. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: i ATTACHMENTS: I ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: I recommend entering into a five year contract with D.A.R.E. with a five percent-(5 Jo) reduction in funding beginning in FY2002-03. At the end of the five year contract I recommend re-evaluating the County's commitment. D.A.R_E. is an excellent organization: They have done good work as is demonstrated by. their record. They are needed in order to drive the economic train. for downtown Wilmington. However, funding'D.A.R.E. is primarily a city function and should be recognized as such. ~ The proposed reduction in funding over the next five years should ailo,w D.A.R.E. and the city the time to develop their funding strategies. The Film Commission and WID have been mentioned as comparable organizations. The Film Commission and WID are countywide. D.A.R.•E.'s specific area of responsibility is downtown CNilmington ar~ly and thus primarily a city function. Currently the County funds D.A.R.E. at $19,000.- 3 ~~~ ~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~,, - ~ . _ ~~6p~/~p~p~ 4 q 3 LIeV[ / ~+tJ~V11Yl~~M~~ . ~ AIPFROVED ~--~- , DEJECTED Q REMOVED ~ ~ POSTPORlED . ~f~ARi~ ~"~'! vYi - a~~rd~r, "a fi~i~i.E''rccc"a`.~."-. r~,l ~ NT .AID I~E~T~~'~~~~~'I~T E~'~'i~~', I~T~. e= __ ; ~ , Planning, Developing and Managiatg j Wilmisigton's Historic River Area ; ' 7 ~ ~'.t 1` ~ 1l ~ fi j J lil) sY 1'~ November 1 ~, 2fl01 ~ ` _,._._ _ . The Honorable Ted Davis, 3r. and New Hanover County Commissioners P.O. Box Wil~lingtor~, NC 2$442 Dear Chairman and County Commissioners, I am writing to request consideration of along-terry= coztra.ct equivalent to the request from Wilmington Industrial Developrr~ent and the Film Commission that will'oe reviewed at the i~lovember 1J, %uUi County ~;ammissioner agenda. since 1 have been tivith the Dou~-ritown Area Revitalization Effort far a short period of time, I was unaware of requests being brought forward by other economic development organizations in our region. Tlie IJowntown Area Revitalization Effort was formed in 1977 as a public/private partnership between New Hanover County and the Cit;,~ of Wilmington with the remainder of the organization's fianding coming from private donations. We have over the last 25 years seen a significant increase in the financial commitment to downtown, which our organization has promoted and assisted in a number of ways. It is our corrnmitnient to continue to pro3note downtown, implement incentive programs to insure the redevelopment of under utilized structures and recruit ne~.v businesses while retaining our existing businesses downtown. Historic Downtown Wilmington is a regional asset and tourist desti~~ation. The programs that D~~I~.E implerrients and supports such as, Econoanic Development, Business Recruitment and Historic Preservation are our principal prog?'anis that have ensured private investment and tourism success. We have been instr-umentnl ire the past in the redevelopment of many buildings tr~rough o~.ri- loan programs and also in the redevelopment of the Coastline Convention Center, ills major business meeting center in the do-vvntoavn area. Although oirr budget has grow~i less than I ~% over the last 15 years we have consistently managed our resources and' maintained the success of dotivntow-n on a limited budget. Tt ic, pfir cin~arP hr,yP ti-3at ~le`?/ I~-~~nrvPr ~'.n7~nty ;vl'l_1 r~~.'~~;.~7~ t}~Q ~or".+-r'21~.'"I7er?t L?Lir organization has for the region and the successes that have been made possible by your continued support in funding, location of government services in downtown and Board leadership. Because of that support the taxable property in downtown Wilmington is at an all-time high and it is our mission to see that the downtown remains a viable location for redevelopment efforts as well as neu• development. Today, the estimated tax value of the CBD is ~154,263,~~3.0©. It is our mission to continue to grow in value through both redevelopment and new investment downtown. DARE has become a highly positive ~,~~,.~,~fnrce,in sustainzrl~ an advant<a~eous tax value downtown, through promotion of our `liistorlc.n~ rfront anc preservation ofour urban assets. m,. _~ .,~,~ .. . , .. „ ., ~: ..~: - ~ ;.. ~ ~ :., ~~ ~ , r~ .t '~ I'os~ Citai:cc I3c~x ?2~5 ° ~Vilnrrrr.on, ~bC 2~i?~? ° (Q10~ 7:~ ~_; ~-1~ ~ 4'-)1C~~ '~;-~(l~)~ I=:~, Eri~ail: dar~~~tivilnain~ ora.net:._ Because of these accomplishments and continuing dedication to our mission we respectfully request that the County Commissioners recognize DARE as an economic development corporation such as the Film Commission and Wihnington Industrial Development and extend to our organization the same five-year ftLnding contract. Because this request is coming to you on short notice, we are requesting that the County Commissioners fully support the proposal submitted by the Committee of 100 and Film Commission and formally hear the petition from DARE, Inc. at your December meeting. Please feel free to contact rr~e for further information at 763-7349. Your leadership is critical to successfiil achievement of our objectives and we thank you for your dedication to the accomplishment of our coals. Sincerely; 1`viarlc A. Saulnier President, DARE, Inc. Cc: DARE, Inc. Board of Directors Allen O'Neal, New Hanover County Manager Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager David Weaver, Assistant County Manager . Patricia I~lelvin, Assistant County Manager attachment • 9 {This page intentionally left blank} io NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 ;~ Regular I#em #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Pat Mazzarone and Angela Waldorf. (Residents of Country Place Road) Contact: Allen O'Neal, County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of Concerns of Country Place Road Residents BRIEF .SUMMARY: Attached is a letter of "appeal" regarding the TRC approval of the Winds Ridge Subdivision. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTfONS~ Hear the concerns of the Country Place Road residents FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~.vvetl i ~ ~rir~rvrluGtc J l.ylyllyltlV I J AIVU K~GUIVIIVItNUA RUNS: Hear.the concerns of the Country Place Road residents. , COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: A~P~oV ~EJECre~ REMOVED p POSTPONED ~ . ~i'EARia ~- ~.. ~~ _ ~~^ ~-~<.-c.carone L(.DfIS L _ 111E Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Mr. O'Neal: November 18, 2001 We are writing on behalf of ourselves and other residents and property owners in Country Place Subdivision to request that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hear an appeal of the .Technical Review Committee's approval of the Winds Ridge subdivision, which .is immediately adjacent to our neighborhood. Specifically, we are requesting that the Board reverse the TRC's directive that Winds Ridge Drive be connected to Country Place Road If passible, we would like to be scheduled for the next available evening meeting on December 3, 2001. We have several concerns with the manner in which the approval of Winds Ridge subdivision occurred; however, our major concern is the connection of Country P1ttce Road to the new subdivision and thusly to Carolina Beach Road. While same of us are concerned about the impact this road extension would have on our property values, our primary concern is the safety of our children and the preservation of the unique qualities of this twenty-five year old neighborhood, which consists of 30 families on 99 acres of land. Please contact one of us to confrrm our appearance. It is our plan to coordinate our presentation among the residents and property owners of Country Place using a limited number of speakers to reduce redundancy to the maximurri extent practicable. Sincerely, Pat Mazzaro` 216 Country Place Road Wilmington, NC 28409 {910) 799-3995 (910)520-1388 ~5U G235t5 Cat . An ela S. Waldorf ~ " S 225 Country Place Road Wilmington, NC 2$409 (910} 791-4800 (910} 395-3984 ec: Wanda Copley Ted Davis ;~..r,r.~ Derek Hayes i `` ~~~-~ ' ~Couritry Place Subdivision residents and property owners 1~ ~3i'~~'~?}~~t, j` --~~ !1~11~i. ~: r~_O?_ n f~EY~I HA~O~ER COUNTY BOARD 0~ COMMISS~O~VERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Regular Item #: 7.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: Z-731, 11/01; Applicant: Howard Capps for Holly Shelter Rd., 9-4® LLC BRIEF SUMMARY: The petitioner is requesting a B-2 Highway Business Rezoning for the western portion of a parcel located in the northeastern quadrant of the I.40 Holly Shelter Road Intersection. The subject property and surrounding area were originally zoned in July 1972. With the exception of a 200' wide strip of R-15 Residential on either side of Holly Shelter Road, the majority of the area is zoned !-2 .Heavy Industrial. The larger R~15 Residential district adjacent and extending to the north of the subject site was de~reloped in 1981 to accommodate the relocation of several houses impacted by the construction of I-40. Although this remainder of R-15 Residential property was created to accommodate a transition of uses, ultimately it would. be difficult to utilize the land for residential purposes because tt is the Icwest part of the site and there are wetlands. Since this is the lowest elevation, this portion of the site is likely to be utilized for stormwater management. Unless the system accommodates runoff from nearby residential uses, stprmwater management for commercial projects has to be located within the commercial district. RECOMMENDED M0710N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The petition' presented the request. Some neighbors expressed concern about having a commercial district along their street. The Planning Board explained that the commercial district already existed and the petitioner was asking for a small expansion to the district. The Planning Board voted. 5.1 approve the rezoning as submitted by the petitioner. '' FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS; 3 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~'~ ~~~i~~3~ ~t ~PPR~VE[I 1~~~-' IIZEJEC7E® ~tEMOVED POSTPONED ` ~ , ~ARi7 -~a- / 3 D~~ CASE: Z-731, 11/O1; APPLICANT: Howard Capps For Hollyshelter Rd., I-40 LLC REQUEST: R-15 Residential to B-2 Hi;h~vay Business ACREAGE: 0.3 Acres ~ LOCATION: 5700 Nixon Lane North of Dolly Shelter Road LAND CLASS: CONIML~tITY-The purpose of the Community class is to provide for a "crossroads" type of development to help meet housing, shopping, employment and public service needs within the more rural areas of the County. Services may be provided to these areas, but not to stimulate more intensive development. Density shall not exceed 2.5 units/acre. These rural areas of the planning jurisdiction are typically characterized by a small . grouping of mixed land uses, such as community shopping, church, school and residences, which provide low intensity retail service and housing opportunities. The only area currently designated as "Community " is Castle Hayne. PLANNING BOARD RECOIVIMENDATiON 11/1/01: The petitioner presented the rezoning request. Some neighbors expressed concern about having a commercial district along their street. The Planning Board explained that the commercial district already existed and the petitioner was asking for a small expansion to the existing district. The Planning Board voted S-1 to approve the rezoning as submitted by the petitioner. STAFF SUMMARY: The petitioner is requesting a B-2 Highway Business Rezoning for the western portion of a parcel located in the northeastern quadrant of the I-40 Holly Shelter Road Intersection. The subject property and surrounding area were originally zoned in July 1972. With the exception of a 200' wide strip of R-l~ Residential on either side of Holly Shelter Road, the majority of the area is zoned I-2 Heavy Industrial. The larger R-1 ~ residential district adjacent and extending to the north of the subject site was developed in 1981 to accommodate the relocation of several houses impacted by the construction of I-^0. The existing B-2 Highway Business district was created in as a series of rezonings in the late 80's and early 90's in anticipation of the proposed I-~0 interchange. In 1988 the subject property was included with a 5 acre tract south of Holly Shelter Road in a B-2 rezoning request. Ultimately only the southern parcel was rezoned. In the summer of 1989 a large 120 acre site which is the current location of Vision Software was .rezoned B-2 Highway Business. The B-2 zoning designation on the subject parcel was the result of a 1992 rezoning request for this entire parcel. In response to neighborhood concerns raised at that time the western 75' of the subjeci parcel were rezoned to R-1 ~ Residential from I-2 Heavy Industrial. Although this remainder of R-15 property was created to accommodate a transition of uses, ultimately it would be difficult to utilize the land for residential purposes because it is the lowest part of the site and there are wetlands. Since this is the lotivest elevation, this portion of the site is likely to be utilized for stormwater management. Unless the system accommodates runoff from nearby residential uses, ~ s~ rmvafer management for commercial projects has to be located within the commercial district. ~.,:.e~,.~..~.,a, Staff or~a~na~ll_yu~supported rezoning this entire parcel in the 1988 petition and given the developrnent~constra~infs of this portion of the site and the attraction of an interstate interchange Staff Recoma~nenc3s~y~pproval. e~ Sf + ~~. ; -: r~ Case: Z-731, 11/Ol Pet~~i®n S~~rr~ar~ I~~ta Owner,~Petitioner: Hotivard Capps for Hollyshelter Road I-40 LLC Existinff Land Use: Vacant Land Classification: Community Zoning History: July 7, 1972 and August 1992 Water Type: private wells Sewer Type: Private Septic and County Sewer Recreation Area: Catle Hayne Park Access & Traffic Volume: 11;000 (1999 ADT) ,~ Fire District: Castle Hayne Watershed ~i Water Quality Classification: Northeast Cape Fear River B(SW) Aquifer Recharge Area: Secondary Recharge Area Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Kureb and Leon Septic Suitability: Class I Suitable & Class III Severe Limitations Schools: Alderman Elementary • ;~ /.3 {'his page intentionally left blank} rf ~1EVV HANOV~R COUiVTY B®ARD ®F COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Regular Item #: 7.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: A-312, 10/01 Zoning Text Amendment ;Applicant: New Hanover County Planning Board BRIEF SUMMARY: One of the primary objectives of allowing residential uses within commercial districts is to promote mixed use development. Several policies in the Comprehensive Plan support mixed use development where adequate infrastructure exists and with the objective to reduce dependence on the automobile and to preserve open space and natural resources. In addition, the Comprehensive Plan policies recommend specific densities within certain land classifications that should not be exceeded unless the project is exceptionally designed. In order to insure that a mixture of uses occurs and to insure-that the .policies of the Comprehensive Plan are satisfied, Staff recommends that there should be some additional restrictions imposed on residential uses within commercial districts. The following draft set of restrictions could be added to Section 72 of the Zoning Ordinance, which is the section of the Ordinance that imposes Additional Restrictions on Certain .Special Uses. RECOMMENQED MOTION AN® REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff presented the text amendment request from the Planning Board. Staff recommended severa performance criteria to guide the development, help assure that the proposed use will be harmonious with the area, and meet the intent of the County's policies for growth and development. The Planning Board recommended removing criteria ~3 and modifying criteria #10 as noted in boldface italics. The vote was 6-0 to recommend approval with these modifications. FUNQING SOURCE: n /a ATTACHMENTS: 1 ITE01~1 DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIELI/ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMM1SSlONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 'r~Ak~i'~t' 31~iw1~ APPROVED DEJECTED ~lI~VE® ~ ,yr. ~STPONiEii~ I .. , ~~~o ~. CASE: A-312, 10/O1 Applicant: New Hanover County Planning Board REQUEST: Zoning Text Amendment for the Table of Permitted Uses ; ult of discussions about mixed use at previous Planning Board meetings and TRC As a res ` meetings the proposed text amendment would amend the Table of Permitted Uses to permit Residential Uses within Commercial Zoning Districts by Special Use Permit. This amendment could be accomplished by adding an "S" in the appropriate column of the permitted use table. pL~~1NIi`tG BOARD RECOMMENDATION 10/4/O1: Staff presented the text amendment request from the Planning Board. Staff recommended several performance criteria to guide the development and help assure that the proposed use will be harmonious with the area and will meet the intent of the Counties policies for growth and development. The Planning Board recommenced removing criteria ~3 below and modifying Criteria;~10 as noted in boldface italics below. The vote was 6-0 to recommend approval with these modifications. STAFF SUMMARY One of the primary objectives of allowing residential uses within commercial districts is to promote mixed use development. Several policies in the Comprehensive Plan support mixed use development where adequate infrastructure exists and with the objective to reduce dependence on the automobile and to preserve open space and natural resources. In addition the comprehensive plan policies recommend specific densities within certain land classifications.that should not be exceeded unless the project is exceptionally designed. In order to insure that a mixture of uses occurs and to insure that the policies of the Comprehensive plan are satisfied; Staff recommends that there should be some additional restrictions imposed on residential uses within commercial districts. The following Draft set of restrictions could be added to Section %2 of the Zoning Ordinance, which is the sec~iori of the Ordinance that imposes Additional Restrictions on Certain Special Uses. Section 72 - Additional Restrictions Imposed on Certain Specia] Uses ~~~---/// Residential Uses within Commercial Districts - A dwelling unit or units may be permitted in the B-1 or B-2 commercial Districts provided: (1) The dwelling units are part of a mixed use development established to provide innovative opportunities for an integration of diverse but compatible uses into a single development that is unified by distinguishable design features with amenities and walkways to increase pedestrian activity. Such a development shall be in single ownership or unified control of a property owners association. (2) Uses within the development are restricted to residential and B-1 neighborhood business uses. ~"~\ TT a t-n lrl hA t ain}i~ ~nn(I c la (4) A conceptual elevation indicating proposed architecture style shall be provided. (5) Sidewalks must be provided throughout the project. (6) Parking location and quantity should be shared. (7) Community facilities and/or Common area shall be provided. (8) A conceptual lighting plan must be provided. (9) Residential uses are permitted and encouraged in the sa~xte building as commercial uses. . 1n n ,n •ir?xx~r-~,'~~rrcr,rfr n nr ~ In ~ ,W...,,.,,~(L~0)i~Dens~ty~an exceed ?.~ units per acre ~ =Y=====~x~~ fi -< --~Resourc~e~Prote`e"ton Areas if the development is located inside the urban services boun ary, rovicles a~minlmum of 2~ /o pervious area, and is exceptionally designed. Exceptionally destgned~pro~ects shall reduce nmoff from impervious surfaces through porous paving and/or r.W t~' nn•+•Y irifi']tratton~d'euices as well as managing runoff with at least one or more of the followmg water ~~ qualtt~~Best'rlVl'anaQement Practices (ref: NCDENR Best Management Practices Manual for design r ^e °-s+ i criteria): bioretention area, filter.stnp. sand filter, or grassed swales. __~ NE~v ~AN~ovE~ c~uNT~ BoA~D o~ c®n~m~ssioNE~s REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03101 . Regular ;Item #: 7.3 Estimated Time; Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: A-31.3, 13/01 Request: Text Amendments fior Section 20, Section 32, and Section 50 0~ the New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance and Section 23-432 of the Storm Mater Management Ordinance. BRIEF SUMMARY: Until recently, construction plans and profile drawings were only required for the sewer system. Other improvements such as private water systems and public roads are reviewed by non-county agencies. With the adoption of the Storm Water Management Ordinance in September 2000, the county now requires that drainage plans be submitted and approved prior to receiving preliminary approval for subdivisions. Many of these improvements such as drainage or private streets become the responsibility of the homeowners' associations. When the County allows their construction, they should be bui{t in accordance with approved plans. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board has requested that several changes be made to the New Hanover County Subdivisior, Ordinance to.allow for the approval of Construction plans prior to permitting and development. ~t a public hearing held on November lst the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the following changes as proposed by staff. In addition the Board recommended that a provision in the County's Storm Water Management Ordinance also be changed to reflect the new procedures for subdivision approvals. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 4 lTE~YI DOES 1`107 REQUIRE RE~/lE~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMfNDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: `~~i ~~i~ A`PPROVE[~ [~~-~~~~i REJECTE® R~MOVE® ~ f POSTPONE® i~.~RCJ ~` . ,. ~ j ~cbfe~_f~~l ~C~ 0 ~ 13~/. c~a-nta l CASE: A-313, 11/Ol Applicant: New )~anover County Planning Board Request: Test Amendments for Section 20, Section 32, and Section 50 of the. New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance and Section 23-432 of the Storm Water Management Ordinance. The Planning Board has requested that several changes be made to the New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance to allow for the approval of Construction plans prior to permitting and development. At a public hearing held on November 15` the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the following changes as proposed by staff. In addition the Board recommended that a provision in the County's Storm Water Management Ordinance also be changed to reflect the new procedures for subdivision approvals. PROPOSED SI1BI)IVISIOI!+1 AMENDO~IENTS 8/94-1®/O1 I. CONSTRfjCT~ON Pi,ANS uestion Shoccld the County r•e~uire construction plans to be submitted prior to beginning work in a subdivision? Background Until recently, construction plans and profile drawings were only required for the sewer system. Other improvements such as private water systems and public roads are reviewed by non-county agencies. With the adoption of the Storm Water Management Ordinance in September 2000, the county now requires that drainage plans be submitted and approved prior to receiving preliminary approval for subdivisions. Many of these improvements such as drainage or private streets become the responsibility of the~homeowners' associations. When the County allows their construction, they should be built in accordance with approved plans. E~stin~ Ordinance 50-2 Improvements shall be installed in accordance with requirements and standards set forth in this ordinance and other specifications and policies of f, `~ ~ ,~...,,~.~ ~~ N~e~~w,Hanover County. The Planning Department, in conjunction with the '` ~~~'~ C,ourity Engineer, shall review the improvements to verify general ~? ~ vii «~ ~`. 1 conformity to the approved preliminary plans. The developer shall inform ~~ ~th~ ~ anous County inspection officials as to the progress of field work so that_tunely inspections may be made. ~~.`I':~`t~~J 1 ,J ,.-.,~ti~~;~ 1$ Revise *50-2 Impravements Following approval of the preliminary plan the sub-divider shall submit to the County Engineer and other appropriate State and local agencies design and construction plans for the installation of the im rovements as required by the Ordinance and other specifications and policies of New Hanover County ADD *50-3 Upon satisfactory completion of the construction plans the County Engineer shall issue an approval letter for the installation of the required unprovements in accordance with the approved plans and the design standards specified in this Ordinance The Planning Department in conjunction with the appro np ate agencies shall review and approve all reguu-ed unprovements prior to the Final Plat being approved. ADD *5a-~ C®nsta-nction Proceda~res (1) Access -All public agencies shall have access to the premises and structures of a subdivision under this chapter during reasonable hours to make those inspections deemed necessary by them to ensure compliance with the provrsions of this Ordinance. (2) Inspection -The subdivider and /or contractors prior to commencing _anv work within the subdivision shall notify those public agencies charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance to allow scheduling for adequate inspection of these improvements Secti®n 20 I3efiniti®ns AI)D 2~-23 Plans. Constructions: Plan. profile and detail drawings sufficient to indi~,ate the construction of_all improvements associated with the property to be subdivided. prepared by a professional. legally recognized by a State of North Carolina lic_ ensing board as being licensed to perform such activities or undertakings. /9 .Section 32 Preliminary Pian Revise ~ J 32-2(3) The name and address of the owner, and the individual or firm preparing the plan; construction plans, if included shall be prepared by a professional, legally recognized by a State of North Carolina licensin7 board as being licensed to perform such activities or undertakings. Revise 32-3(3) Preparation of Construction Drawings Upon approval of the preliminary plan, the subdivider may proceed in accordance with the preliminary plan as approved and the requirements of this Ordinance in the preparation of Construction Drawings. a) Construction Plans and drawings shall be submitted and approved by the county engineer or other agencies prior to the installation of any required improvements. b) No land-disturbing activity or tree removal may begin on any site subject to the provisions of this Ordinance until all construction permits have been issued. c) Following the installation of the required improvements the subdivider may proceed in accordance with the preliminary plan as approved ~/ and the requirements of the Ordinance in the preparation of a final plat. Revise 32-4 Building Permits Issuance Subiect to sewer availability, building permits may be issued after approval of Construction Plans. Such preliminary approval of building permits shaIl in no way alter the requirement that the final plat be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds prior to the sale or lease of land or buildings within the subdivision. PIS®P®SED STO~i'v1 WATER NIAI~AGEM~I~iT ®~INANCE AM~~1;~ME~1TS Article VII Storm Water Management Section 23-432 Applicability (f) All projects subject to the provisions of this article shall require the issuance of an "Authorization-To-Construct by the County before receiving approvals of ^r°"m~^^r~' n1~J construction plans for subdivisions, and building permits for non-subdivision projects. • • a/ {This page intentionally left blank} NEIL HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COIViMISS~ONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N • • • Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Regular Item #: 7.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: SiV-9®, 12/01 Renarnirzg Oakland Drive to 0!d Oakland Drive BRIEF SUMMARY• Private Road renaming request was prompted by two County agencies to eliminate road name confusion pertaining to emergency service delivery and tax appraisal purposes. An examination of the private road reveals that it contains an easement width of 50 feet, is improved, and has a length of approximately 1350 feet. Presently, the road serves access to 5 residential homes. All five of the residents who live along the road have agreed to the new name (petitioned attached). Emergency 911 has approved Old Oakland Drive. In accordance with the County's Address Grid System, assignment of new mailing addresses will need to be made. Presently, addresses being utilized do not incorporate numerical flexibility between parcels which may pose a problem in the future. for assigning additional addresses. If approved, an effective date of change is slated for March 4, 2002. RECOMMEN®ED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS White this road name request is somewhat similar with other Oaklar~d roads within the County, this request does create a better distinction and is agreeable with the residents who use the road and wanted to retain a part of the Oakland name history in their neighborhood. For these reasons, staff recommends that the existing road name be changed and that street mailing addresses also be modified to rer`lect the County's Comprehensive Address Grid System. FUNDING SOURCE• n/a ATTACHME~9TS• 3 1TE~1 DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIElN COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS.: I~PPR6VE[~ ~ f~EJECTE® ~ .~ k?EMOVED ~ POSl'POiyE®~ > ~iEAR~°) ~~~ r~,~G2, o `~ -.~ ~~ nee ~_ CASE: SN-90, 12/01 APPLICANT: Planning Staff a SUBJECT: Private Road Renaming- Oakland Drive to Old Oakland Drive Reassignment Street Mailing Addresses LOCATION; 4600 B-lock North College Road, East Side Staff Summary 'T'his road renaming request was prompted by two County agencies to eliminate road name confusion pertaining to emergency service delivery and tax appraisal purposes. An examination of the private road reveals that it contains an easement width of 50 feet, is improved, and has a length of approximately 1,350 feet. Presently, the road serves access to 5 residential homes. All five of the residents who live along the road have agreed to the new name (petition attached). Emergency 911 has approved Old Oakland Drive. In accordance tivith the County's Address Crid System, assignment of new mailing addresses will need to '. be made. Presently, addresses being utilized do not incorporate numerical flexibility between parcels avhich may pose a problem in the future for assigning additional addresses. I#' approved, an effective date of change is slated far March 4, 2002. Staff Recommendation ~'hile this road name request is somewhat similar with to other Oakland roads within the County, this request does create a better distinction and is agreeable with the residents ~vho use the road and wanted to retain a part of the Oakland name history in their neighborhood. ~'or these reasons, staff recornmends that the existing road-name be changed and that street mailing addresses also be modified to reflect the County's Comprehensive Address Crid System, y^'^..~/.'yh LQ ~~` ``'Y~'~T~ V~..1 U.1:11.Y~:'_: ~ '` /~(^ l ~ 4 ~11'Jv{~F `~Li~ ~y {~~'1 U ° i 1 r t~ a~ October 9, 2001 From: Tom W. Carver Jr. 8 Oakland Drive Castle Hayne NC 28429 910-675-1010 To: Frances M. Downs New Hanover County PIanning Department `Vilrnin~ton NC 28401 Dear iV1s. Downs- In response to a request from your department, we the residents of Oakland Drive submitthe following names in order of preference for consideration in the renaming of our street to comply with 911 requirements. Old Oakland Drives 2. Oakland Estates 3. South Oakland Drive Thank you for your. assistance in this matter. C~-n-, ~ ~ ~ -' ~. ---, _~ ;,, -~r -~ U ~' ~f ~~ D'L-- 4 ,~ , ~ ,~ . v v~ as {This page intentionally left blank} a4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMI~ISSfOtVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater 12/03/01 Regular Item #: 7.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Cantact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: SN-91, 12/01,- Naming Roads -Schlegel Drive and Glod Drive BRIEF SUMMARY• 'The applicant is interested in naming two (2) private roads in Castle Hayne in order to receive proper street and mailing addresses. Both roads consist of 18 foot rights of way and are unimproved. (Deed Book 52, Page 597) The proposed naming of Schlegel Drive is approximately 1,104 feet in length; Glod Drive is approximately 602 feet length (see attached map) Several residential homes exist on both roads with at least one new home proposed to be built. Both road name proposals have been approved, by E-911. Street mailing addresses will be assigned in accordance with the County's Address Grid System. If approved, an effective date of change is slaied for March 4, 2002. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Considering the importance of the enhanced 911 system and timely emergency service delivery, the Planning staff recommends approval of naming both roads to Schlegel Drive and Glod Drive respectively, and the assignment of street mailing addresses along the roads in accordance with the~County's Comprehensive Address Grid System. FUNDING` SOURCE• n/a ATTACN(VIENTS• 2. ITEM DOES NOT RfQtl1RE REVIEW/ COUNTY MANAGER°S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS° ACTIONS/COMM'ENTS: ~~~li~ ~~fl+~Mi~QN $ ~1PPR®VE~ REJECTED f ~t,EMOVED ~ ,. ~, ~OSTPONE~ D#FARD ~' a7 CASE: SN-91, 12/O1 APPLICANT: David Higgins S'UBJEC'T: Roads Naming - Glod Drive & Schlegel Drive L®CATI®N: Near Western End Prince George Avenue Castle Hayne Community Staff Summary The applicant is interested in naming two {2) private roads in Castle Rayne in order to receive proper street and mailing addresses. Bath roads n~min f of Sohleglel Dr ve isy and are unimproved. (Deed Book 52, Page X97) The propose g approximately 1,104 feet in length; Glod Drive is approximately 602 feet in length (see attached map). Several residential homes exist on both roads tivith at least one.neav home proposed to be built. Both road name proposals have been approved by E,-911. Street mailing addresses `vill be assigned in accordance with the C~u~o ~ Address Grid System. If approved, an effective date of change is slated for March , Staff Recompnendation Considering the importance of the enhanced 911 system and timely emergency service delivery, the Planning staff rea:ommends approval of addre sets along tlaetroads in el Drive and Glod Drive and the assignment of street ma~hng accordance with the County's Comprehensive Address Grid System. , r , ~ ~, A,~, ~ ~~,~,~~~„~~ ~f !ti ~~ ~~;n ~'..IU ~ ~,.,Y r- ~~--., r -; ~ ht~;- ' C3,~~~ a$ NE'N9 HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/t~3/01 . Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: Resolution of Intent to Close a Portion of an Unnamed Roadway (SC-77, 12/01) idot a Public Flearing Item BRIEF sUMMARY: Te~la Rivenbark has petitioned. to close 492 foot segment of an unnamed. Roadevay located near Sea Shell Lane in the Porters Neck Community (Plat Book 21, Page 81) In accordance with N.C.G.S. 153A•241, a Resolution of Intent to close a road or easement must be adopted prior to scheduling a public hearing. A site map depicting the segment of road to be closed is attached. This 30 foot Roadway Easement is unimproved. RECaMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: As depicted on the site map, this unnamed road segment abuts a 5 acre tract accessible to Edgewater Club Road and four other lots to the southwest that have double frontage on Ramblewood Drive. County Engineering may require utility or drainage easements atohg the Roadway. Future development and alternative access options should be considered by the Board in deciding whether to proceed with the Resolution of Intent to close the road. If the Resolution of intent is adopted, a public hearing will be held on January 7, 2002. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: . 4 r ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~f~fi ~~>r~Q~~R ggqpq~~~A~EMy*Oy~yV~i~E~pvDp~+~p. yn ~j f/ 1 ~ tlY A3h44 "7~ ' •/ aq Non-public gearing Item: SC-77, I2/Ol) esolution of Intent to Close a Portion of an Unnamed Roadway R petitioner: Teela Rivenbark Between Ramblewood Drive & Edgewater Club Road; Porters Neck Location: Anchored G~ne~-aI Comments cement of an unnamed Roadway located near ae 81). In accordance with Teela Rivenbark has petitioned to close a 49n t ° plat Book 21, Pam Lest be adopted prior to Sea Shell Lane in the Po esolu on of In~nt to close a road or easemendtto be closed is attached. rI.C.G.S. 1 ~3A-241, a R a the segment of roa scheduling a public hearing. A site map d roved This ~0 foot Roadway Easement is unimp Staff Comments e site map, this unnamed road segment abuat ha ecdouble frontagb on o As depicted on th a the Edgewater Club Road and four other lots to th TeoLlih`'ttilit or drainage easements alo the .Board ineerin may n y e development and alternative access optio ~ ~ should be considered by Ramblewood Drive. Count} Eng g o close the road. If the Resolution Roadway . Futur in deciding whether to proceed with the Resolution o nten 7, X002. of Intent is adopted, a public hearing will beheld on 7anuary ~k~-~~ ~-~'~1 `1 ,. , r, 'SJ ~~~\ A r ~~ ~' u~.s ~ n Q~ Z_ ~~ o~C 00 2 00 O ~ ° F- ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ N CV ~ ~ 5'' •~` 0 J V m O d ~.f O w ~ ~ a.. °o °o ~,rr~ c~ m ~ ~ U'i Z a_ o0 o0 ~, ~N~ ~ ~ Z o- ~~~ ~~ >>~ o a Q ~ n r ~ Z U oW C~ W .,~ ~ d O ~~ ~~ °o m ~~®~ .`' ~ ~ ~® m _~~~ ::a ~ - ~ ~7 V~ ! I~H~ ~~~ B 41C. u a ~~ ~..e4°,° /V ~ Z ~' a `off ~ ~.. ~7~.~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~~ ~~w WN ~o ~~ ~ ~° t. °.° d~ ~~o o U N ~-- °°m°e° ~ O rae., ~~~~a~~J ~ ~~~~'~~60LOG=;6~~~®~ >-- ~cv) w ¢ o ~z ~ J O a*. . z ~ N O U ,-- -~~ ~~ ` U ~ }l.l W m ...- ~~ ~ `~ o 4zzo ~ ~j ~ s = aW ~ -,~~~ Z' U ~ '~ ~' U ` ~ o ,~ p ICJ N ~~ ~ n~~ W cp Z- U Z I~• V/ C.~ _~^ `r0 4¢ c g v ~ o ~~~ .~ m ~~~ C~ ~~ z o ~, ~ o~~ {~~ ~ ~ z ~ o U ~ 'Q ~ = Ul c a ~ W ,- u., ~~ o ~ '¢ ~ N r ~ . ~ ~ ~~ ~, o~ o ~~ V ¢ O ~o ~ ~~ ~ ' V7 ¢ <~r 7 CC r' > o ~~ <~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~, ,o,...~~ ¢~~ U ~ p W ~ow~ n'~m v~ f- ~ m W ~ ~ ~ ~~m~~ ~ l Z .- N r~7 ,;'~dl Resolution of Intent to Close a Portion of Unnamed Roadway Easement Porters Neck Community Whereas, a petition has been filed pursuant to NCGS 153-A-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to close the following described portion of a road; Beginning at the southern most corner of Lot 2 of the C.E. Rivenbark Division of Land as recorded.in Map Book 21, Page 81 of the New Hanover County Registry, said also being located in the east line of a 30' Roadway Easement as shown on said map; thence, running along said east line 1'. S38° 57"00`" E 492.89" to point; thence; leaving said east line along a new .line 2. S51° 03"00"" W 30.00" to a point in the west line of said easement; thence, along said west line. 3. N38°57"00""W 492.89` to a point; thence; leaving said west line along a new Line. 4. N51°03"00"E 30.00' to the point for beginning. Containing 0.34 AC± and being a portion of said Roadway Easement. l~loe~", ~'herefore, be it resolved that this Board is considering closing a portion of the Roadway Easement to public use and that a public hearing on this question will be he~1d on the 7`~ day of January 7, 2002; at 6:30 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the Old County Courthouse at 24 North Third Street in Wilmington at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final determination as to whether the road shall be closed. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the 3`d day of December; 2001. Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Attest: Clerk to the Board NE1N' HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMII~ISS90NERS .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Budget Presenter: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Contact: Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: FY 20®2-203 Draft Budget Calendar and Reques# for Budget Work Session. BRIEF SUMMARY: A draft FY 2002-2003 budget calendar has been established for the Board's review (attached). This is the preliminary budget calendar, and it will likely be subject to change. Additionally staff requests the Board to establish a budget work session in the near future. The suggested dates are: January 17, 2002 or January 24, 2002 at 5:00 p.m. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: That the Board review and consider approval of the FY 2002.2003 draft budget calendar. Additionally, that the Board consider establishing a budget work session in the near future. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Budget Calendar(Draft) - 0 PTEM DOES lVOT REQUIRE REVIEiJI/ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommer~.dradoption of Budget Calendar for FY 2002.2003 and seta date-for a budget work `a°'~---'`~ ---`' COMMISS+IONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: d>~'PRa~VE~ ~~-~- fREJECT~® i~ . tREMOVE® ~ ~4STF'ONE® i~1 ~~~~~ ~.~ud >~ ~~'~ s~sr Sri ~ ~~0 ~, r~.Z5.a30~m BU®G'FT CALE~ICAB FOR FISCAL YBAR 2002-2003 (~ragt) 20D1 Ncwember 30 Departmental Programmatic Policy Goals for FY 02-03 {ideas for Commissioners' Review) to BUDGET. (Refer to Department Head Memo of 11(5/01.) ©e~e~m~er - >=ebr~aary Meet with Small Groups of Department Heads to Develop and Refine Performance Measures. ®eoember 3 Budget Manual Distributed to Departments. Distribution to Include: Current Organization Charts and Fee Chart for Departments to Recommend Adjustments and/or Enhancements. (ic3~sti~q~t Process ~lpciates Will be Dane Tbr®ugh Lotus ~9etes.) Budget Request Information and Instructions to Non-County Agencies. Deeem~er ~~ Capital Improvement and Capital Project {CIP) Requests to BUDGET. Organization Charts Returned to BUDGET. 2032 January Planning Session with Board of County Commissioners on FY 02-03 Budget. January ~4 Expenditure and Revenue Printouts (Through 12,31;01) to Departments (Information Available on LGFS). January 1~ Non-County Agency Funding Requests to BUDGET. Temporary Salary and Overtime/On-Cal! Salary Requests to BUDGET. Feibruary County Manager Meeting with Department Heads on FY 02-03 _. ,~. ,.. ,.,;~,, .,,_ Budget (May Be Earlier). ?' ~ '~ ;'~ ~ i.,4 Fe~ruar`y _ Disfr`,ibute FY 02-03 County's Programmatic Policy Goals to ~j~ ~tlf'~I~ Y' s `. ,~ ~',,wD,e'partments. ~,~ ,~y,~.,~~~ 3`~ BU®GET CALEi~~9aR FC)R FISCAL ~r'EAR 2002-20fl3 (®rag~) Fe~r~sar ~5 D.epartmental Line Item Expenditure Requests to BUDGET y (ALL REQUESTS iill EXCEPT S~G'HOt3LS). Departmental Revenue Projections to BUDGET. Fee Charts with Adjustments and/or Enhancements to BUDGET. V'V1ar'~i~ 19 Distribute Revis2ol Budget Requests and Printouts to Departments and Board of County Commissioners. i~ar~S~ 2~ FY 02-03 Departmental Accomplishments and Goals, objectives, and Performance Measures Due to BUDGET. - Mai 3 ~ Budget to Board of~County Commissioners (informally}. ~a~ 6 Recommended Budget Information to Departments and Non- County Agencies. County Manager Presents Recommended Budget at Board of County Commissioners' Meeting. ,~ Commissioners Establish Budget Work Sessions. ~9ay 20 Public Hearing. on Budget (Night Meeting). ,dune 3 Adopt FY 02-03 Budget. Juiy ~-1~ Departments Wiil Have Two-Week Period to Revise FY 02-03 Accomplishments and C7bjectives and Performance Measures. • 3S {This page intentionally left blank} 34 ~E~' HANO~'ER COUNTY BOARD OF C09Vii~BSSI0IVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meoting Date: 12/03/01 Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Donnie Hall/Max Maxwell Contact: Max Maxwell SUBJECT; The New Federal Point Fire Sta#ion BRIEF SUP/lMARY: In May of 1999 a project was developed that would allow the New Hanover County Fire District to provide better services to its citizens by relocating its Federal Paint Fire station from Carolina Beach to a location north of Snows Cut just off Carolina Beach Road. In August of 1999 the County Commissioners approved the concept of selling the existing Federal Point VFD station to Carolina Beach and using the proceeds from the sale to help fund a new location for Federal Point Fire VFD. Costs for land acquisition and construction only were estimated to be $950,000. During the land acquisition, the Seabreeze Community Development Group approached the Commission about the purchase of twenty-one (21) acres of Freeman property for the development of a southern park and recreation facility,, but ultimately accepted the concept of including a small community center based within the fire department. Provisions were added to the design of the fire facility to incorporate a larger meeting room, kitchen; and restroom facilities that would move the scope of this project from simply a fire department to a community based facility, providing more than one service to the community and obviously increased the cost of the facility. S Following the selection of the property and the purchase by the County Commissioners, programming, environmental assessments, design work and permits continued. On September 17, 2001, project architect, Ken Newell, presented the programming that includEd the station, site plan, design plan, floor plan, and cost of construction, including the community center element. During the presentation, the Commissioners authorized staff to proceed with the bidding process for the construction of the building. On November 8; 2001, bids were open during a formal bid opening process for the construction of the fire station. The Icw bidder for this project is Hale Construction Company with a total bid including all allowances and selected alternates of $i,i94,378.00. The cost projection of $950.000 was established 2 ''-/2 years ago. It did not include finishings; furniture and equipment (FF&E), architect .fees, contingency, impact and tap fees, back-up generator, additional land cost and the additional space for the community center element. An attached sheet compares the basis for the original project cost estimate with the present budget estimates. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIO~IS• Staff recommends that the project be awarded to Hale Construction Company in the amount of $1,194,378.00 and authorization for the Chairman to execute the Contract and approve the associated budget amendment +2002-20. The Board of Fire Commissioners recommends: - approval of this project. ~~~~ ~~~~~'~, . FUNDING SOURCE: d~1PP~OVE~ (~i•~-'~^ •~ ~ L~FJECT~® ~tl Federal Point Fire Station Cap:`~al Project t~EMOVE® Q 344.436.3440-7300-6000 • Debt service will be approximately $125,000 a year for 20 years. ~OSTP®i~E® ATTACHMENTS: mow. iF~ , ~~,/3/~/,;l~~iv Bid tabulations, architect's letter of recommendation, total project cost budget. ~ ~ ~f quo I a--, r I ' l ~ 5~ b' i/9a~~ ~: ~t''~ ec~ •{t eed I ~f~ 5~ ~, ga/ 1 , BA2002-20 FPVFD Cost Esti REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMME TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACT10 / OMMENTS: ~..JVUa .~ ~, ~rii'~tFJ~~~~Si~f~ 4 ,r ~` 3`~ FEDERAL POINT VFD BUILDING PROJECT 11/01 Cost Estimate 6/99 Cost Estimate Land Purchas e $ 160,130 $100,000 Construction $ 1,194,378 $850,000 FF & E $ 225,000 No allowance Design $ 119,000 No allowance Impact Fees $ 8,500 No allowance Contingency $ 59,893 No allowance Total $ 1,766,901 Comment The Board may remember the prolonged search for a suitable parcel. The current design includes an additional 2,200 square feet over the 1999 concept providing additional features to provide the community meeting room component. The additional square footage includes additional meeting space, extra ~Rt~,restrooms; extra storage and extra kitchen space. • I ,I I i I~ ~9 ~o z 0 U J W W W A. t3J J C~ Z Z H m Q F- rn ~~~ G ~ m ~ ~~~~ ,~ ~ 5 . ~ ?~~ '~.. ~ 4 ~ a j ~ ^!91 ~°~! ~ ~ ~ ~ V a M ~ ~~~~ VJ -~..~ t!1 vj D C9 llJ W D O t7 I C7 p O p p ~ I '' ~~~Y g] ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M I ~ q ~ ~~"3; ..I - C Z PJ N '~~: ~"aC~'C h ~ p W ~ z ~ N ~ m r N 0 0 N i II M ~ .-' Q a ~ ~ ~ ~_ o ~ ~ ~'.-~; 9! g v g S •''•~ y „ W o rtl v~ h Y i q~ ~ :G m E `~ ° d m P ~ o p C~ I , ~. ;,2 r R ~ 4 ~ R ~L w + Q ~ m O : ~:~ *u ~ ~ S 8 E <y ~ Q Q u`q g ~ c n0 ^:e ., ~T Q + + ui m •.~.;~.~ ^i~. e- o h S ~ ;~ ~ d ~: W o w ', ; w o m r~ F; ,.i ~~ Q o O o O a O tr O ^,~ :S ~ e . ~'~ -• n H ~ s . . • O ~ F- iA ,- w w e w u ~ ~ K „'; ~ i ~.~r: 3 ~ - C~~ ~ a r c O o O 0 O 0 O 0 ~ n ^~,~ ,`' _ c ~ ~ ~ ~~ o o I ri,` m y~ O O O O • W ~ Q ~ I r ~~~ ' ~ f- b9 %V W M ~ I .; ?'~n~ /~-~ »mo c ~s c _ ~ m } vy'i ',~"» ~ spa ~ ~ ,~~+, 1 :.'7 1 m ~ ~F. 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E w C c cC O N Q a t0 3 Z Y U m u ¢` m a' • ~~v~~r~ ~ Cooper ®Ne~reli ~ Arci~;te~~s ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS November '13, 2001 Mr. Max lYlaxwell project Engineer New Hanover County 414 Chestnut Street Wil;tungton, NC 28401 Re; Certified Bid Tabulations and Recommeadationsfog Project X950; NHC 1 ire Staribn st Federal Point • Dear 1Vlax, It has been a pleasure to wozk witlt you on this project. We are very pleased that the oonstructiorr bids came in under Lhe estimated budget. Please rind the enclosed bid tabulations that reflect the bids received on 11108101. 1t is our understanding that the County desires to accept all alternate bids: except E2, the propane generator. The County has opted to accept E1, the diesel generator in its place. The multi-ptirrle bids reveal the lowest total, price for canstnrction. However, the low mechanical eontractoz (Performance I?esdng ~ Air Conditioning) did not submit the required MB'E forms, nor did he receive the required pre-qualirication as required by N~3C. His disqualifrcation ze$ults in the single-prime bid as the lowest bona-fide bid by over $3,400. The low bid general contractor is Hale Construction with a total bid, including all allowances and owner- selected alternates, of SI,194,378. Halo Construction has verified that their bid is correct and is ready to proceed asap. We recommend that NIdC award the project as a single-prirnc: contract to Tgale Cor,structian. Y7pon you direction, we will issue a Notice to Proceed to Hale Construction and prepare the contracts far them, Thank you for allo~~~ng us to be involved in this project, We look forward to itti successful eompleeion. Sincerely, , g t~~~ i~~r Ket~ Newell, AIA encl.. • 71g ~, Sgcond m-ve. Gastmnia, N.C. 2805~A Phons 744188.5-8311 Fax 7oC/385-0046 '!OS Inview Rd. ~~49, ~• CoiumbiaY S.C. 29169 Phone $m31'926-3722 Fax 843/926-7771 ~3 NEiJJ1! HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COIVIIV9ISSIONERS REQtlEST FOR EOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11119/01 Budget Arnendrnent DEPARTMENT: Federal Point Volunteer Fire Department BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-20 ADJUSTMENT Installment loan proceeds Extended Project Expense EXPLANATION: To increase budget to anticipated cost of project. ADDlTiONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS; To be approved by Board Ofi Commissioners DEBIT CREDIT $8'!6,901 $816,901 ~~; ~~ ~~! • • i ~, 1 I Il 1 ; -::::~:....~......~........ .:iP;iP~ ,. :::i.::..~::a: M d Q f iCfl: ~-.'^;'° i~~,~~~:3~ ~ p ~`' to Ob ' :i 4i;;~,~j'rQ:;i~: ~ O M M _ ''i`Qi~t:',::J~; iii ~~ ~ C® P. [` ,,.,,~.....:f:m~- f,:4 sss,::..:~ ~ s'f .i~ ~~~~ Q~ ~ ~ ~ , ~.° ~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ Q~ ~.~ ~. ~' .~ .~'d- .~ ~ ~. 'a ~..~ .~ '~ Q..• _ -~ ~~~~~ ~ o~,~.~ ~ ~~~ -~ ~n 50 3Jdd ~p a V V °c 2 ~ , Q N U~~W W ~ O :~ ~ = Q f'- • ~U©i ~ ~ 0 ~ z OO (n2ZN ~~~~ a ~ ~ m ~~'~~ F- S1S~lIHSrla NHS X U O 1 rm ~o Ow Z U 6 ~ UZ 1- O Z ~ ~ W 0 Z~c~wa OOOw~~ LLw~oa y~~~U'~ ~zpzz >a~ UVS>Zr s~~0.~ ym~E~-~ p'~~v~ c~v~iiu00 ~~m~4Q ap°-on Oz~zz migV4¢ ZUF^QQ d W } ~ ~ ~aq~00 a ~ . Q 4 ~wzu~iw ~...or zz ~G~(W7~ a~~o'o ~~ d~~ar~ ,Q~~ww ~a W z W J Q 9700-598-70L LO~ZI i00Z/ET/ZI -, • • i I ~~~~ ~ ;~~' L° 0 ~~ ~. tU ~ $ :~ . ~ ~ '~ ~.: ~~: ~~~ ~ ~'_~ r- Q 2?/F I 90 3Jdd 2 O a 0 c~i W ~~20 [~ Z Z N WQOca :::::::::::::::: i :i ,:: . !:F;;! co m rY ch co ......:.::::::::~:~:::~:::: ~. ~`~~ ~~~ i,'r'!`~'iii~ G O O O b ~ E ±;: I!!::!: ! ! u1 ~ O t~ O 4 O :::::: t ;; fi;i 'u!:;r:i;i~i':i I~!fZ !~:i[~!::::! i~'Z 4 ~ '!d LY! cr D O r ~Y7 1~ O ~ 'd , y c9 ~ `3 p r O c0 Y p':€~::::~;:;!; rJ;~C?::F''!!:; ~ to N t r7 t ~ to ~ C7 ::::: ~:.;aa::::;:.. :.~~':ii'~: ..:i.,::: T r ~ ~ r is ~('~ ii'EiEi!.!' 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O Cp O ~ O O U , w j: :: : :! i ~k~ ti'iiiiiiiiitiiiilli~` 1~ CA p] O N ~ ; F- rc::~ac:::~•~m;::::ni. ~ ELY ~ H3 ~ ~ O:!it;::::;!:!!!:!t :. iiai ~! ... . ~!.~:I ~ 1, 'y N /, ~!ji "iii:: i ~ ~ ~ c W E _~ j!' ~ ~, E d. ~ ~ U m ~ ':i S1S31IHS~f t7 NHS 9700-5 98-70L LO~ZZ T00Z/EZ/TT {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of approval of State permit for the Mason inlet Relocation Project BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff has received a draft State permit for the Mason Inlet Project. In its initial review, staff has read several conditions that require clarification or modification from the State. Staff will be discussing the draft permit with the State the week after Thanksgiving and intends to provide the Board with a State permit several days before the Board's meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Board review and consider approval of the final draft permit. FUNDING SOURCE: No money involved ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval of the permit. Draft and final version permits will be available at-the Thursday staff meeting. Consider approval."-~~~'~"~, ~...;;...,- j; J~,~ / COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • f~M6~ ~APPRO~fE® ~~!~ E~EJECTE® k'tEMOVE® ~ . POSTP~fVED 1'f:EARE~ . ~9 {This page intentionally left blank} ~C ~'- U~~^-'.f.J ~~n--~t~~--~~ ~i tr ' ~ Gls j~~ ;fie ~ ~t -~~~ J ~J 5~ IVE1iV I~AIVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMIVIISSIOIVERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 C7 • i i I • Regular Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Contact: Dave Weaver Presenter: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of approval of contract for the dredging of Mason Inlet BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board, at its November 19 meeting, voted to direct staff to move forward with expedited bidding procedure for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project. Staff has contacted several dredging companies as a preliminary step. Staff has also continued contact with Koester, Inc., the company who previously held a contract with the County for the Project. As this point, it appears that negotiations may be fruitful with Koester. Staff will keep you informed between now and the Board's December 3 meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board will be asked to approve a contract with a dredging company and give authorization for the County Manager to issue a Notice to Proceed within the first two weeks of December, subject to Board approval of the contract. FUNDING SOURCE: 361.410-3610.7300-6000 ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Concur with Mr. Weaver's recommendation` COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 1,~PPR84~F~ t~f s~~,-fEQ~'~® ~i1 [BEM®~E® ~ . fl P9STP®~E®O J~~RD ~, r '~ F S1 {This page intentionally left blank} r, c_- CJ C? ?Jyl ~h~i.'• I Fl ~a MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC December 3, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS Non-Agenda Items (limit to 3 minutes) Approval of Minutes PAGE NO. 53 55 Consideration of Approval for Reimbursement Contract for Participation with 57 Developer Contract #02-0154, Castle Hayne HUD ADJOURN ., .~ .~"3 {This page intentionally left blank} 5'~ NEW NAN®VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 i f i ?~ • Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT; Approval of Water and District District Minutes of November 19, 2001 BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE UESTED ACTIONS: Approve Minutes FUNDING SOURCE: ATi'ACFIMENTS: ~~~ ~E~iMB~a~~ ~ i ` APPROt~ ~/ ' RE,-EC°i°E® Q RENt01/E® ~ POSTP®NE~3 ~ ~ ~ 1~};EAR~J c ' Carr2~~m ~ 7 ~ 3 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ .~ _7L;:. ~._~1..~~d UU~~,,.,:;: ,_.,,-,~ i'~. Qi ; U~.iJ'11 i.i~~ ~) 0~ 1!V .., o,...-~-.r., 1 `~if~~~~~~ )~ 54 NEON HANOVER,000NTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONEi~S REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Reimbursement Contract for Participation with Developer Contract # 02-0154 Castle Hayne HUD ' BRIEF .SUMMARY: As a part of the design of the Castle Hayne HUD sewer project it was feasible to place the main sewer and the pump station on the adjoining property owned by David Greer Construction, Inc, Placing the sewer line on David Greer's property eliminates having to cross numerous lots and wetlands, and saves significant funds for the District. Since Mr. Greer is planning a development on his property, he is willing to work with the County for a solution which benefits both parties by modifying the original design. The District will pay Greer Construction $105,000 toward construction of the sewer line upon acceptance of the line. This is the amount the District would have paid for the sewer line as originally designed. All additional costs will be paid by Greer Construction Company. Working with the Company will save The District the cost of aquiting 2200 feet of sewer easement and a one acre pump station site. i Money is in the current budget for this project. See attached map for location of project, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REpUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the attached contract be approved with David Greer Construction, Inc., in the amount of $105,000. In addition, authorize the Chairman to execute the contract. FUNDING SOURCE: 380.493-3800-7800-6000 ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Draft Contract REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A Recommend approval. R HUMAN .RESOURCES: N/A r~~t~'1~i ~~111Ju~©a' ~>~~~~ ~; ~E~E~~~ ~EMOVE® ~i P9STP9~9E® ~C~R~D 5% l~~W A~~~~~ C®LJI~TY IC'I'ER-®~~I~~ ~: '~~~ v~. ...~.~.~..,. Z •w>.v. • ~ ~• mow., ~~ ?:; t?: ::~<: 'iS~ t\'k ~^ .\ \\\\ October 29, 2001 'I'O: Wyatt E.:Blanchard, P.E: County Engineer FROM: James S. Craig, P.E. '--- Engineering Mana r ' RE: David Greer Reimbursement Castle Hayne HUDBridge~vater Bluffs As part of the Castle Hayne CDBG Project, I requested easements and a lift station site along the eastern side of Mill Branch within, property owned by David Greer. In order to better serve his property for development, Mr. Greer requested to redesign the Castle Hayne gravity sewer system across his property, at no expense to the District. The revised design relocated the original Castle Hayne design farther from the Branch and within future road right-of-ways which will serve Mr. Greer's property. Mr, Greer proposed he would install the approximately 2200 linear feet of gravity sewer and manholes, and provide all easements and the lift station site. In return, he requested eve pay the amount it would have cost the District to install the sewer based on the original design. Mr. Greer would pay all additional cost. I recommend we proceed with NIr. Greer's request for the following reasons: 1,), No cost for easements or lift station site across the Greer property. r-,.r,~,- _,,~~,~ ~..,~,`,;;2,)t ...r~ No additional cost for the sewer system the District would have had. to mstal'1'~'as~,part of the original design. ~:~ rflf~''1(:;~~:gi~ '~: ~ 3) - ~ tilrhile;,more costly to NIr. Greer, his proposed route moves the outfall .,, ,. ~, 5~r~~t~~. ,;. ~ ~ .i ;•; farther.from the creek which is deemed more environmentally friendly. : i. s~ October 29, 2001 Page Two ~. 4) No chance of increased cost to the District based on any changes which may have resulted during construction for this section of the system if installed as originally designed. Please find enclosed a draft contract and a cost brealcdo~vn for the original design ($104,975.00), which I would like to take to the Commissioners for approval at their nett schedtded meeting. Enclosure J S C/aj C s9 New Hanover County Contract # 02 - 014 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY S AGREEMENT, dated this e NEW HANOVER COU AGREEMENT _ day of 2001, by and WATER & SEWER DISTRICT,_ a political of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as `'District" and DAV-D NSTRUCTION, INC., a North Carolina corporation, hereinafter referred to as Bridgewater Bluffs ("the Cori; gravity lines, force main, ma~r,hQl~s'and related facilities ('`the Project"}; and ,.. WHEREAS, the Corporation has agreed to assist the District in the financing and con THEREFORE; in consideration of the mutual covenants and cond~tior~s ~,o~t~+neet; the<;parties herato a~r~e as fcl[ow.s~ . 1. Financing and Construction of the Project. With all reasonable dispatch after the execution of this Agreement, so as to achieve final completion on or before March 1, 1 ~~ WHEREAS, the Corporation is developing lots in New Hanover County known I~ by a S NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER Robert G. Greer, Chairman 2 G( New Hanover County Contract # 02 - 01 ATTEST: ATTEST: OLINA ---------- I, a Notary Public of the State County aforesaid; certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day acknowledged that she is Cferk to the District Board of Commissioners of New Han County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the District; the foreg - 3 ~~ • UHV IU l.7 fCCC1~ VVIVJ 1 RVI~ I IVIV, IIVI.i. auaitea m the manner requirea New Hanover County Contract # 02 - 0154 instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, Robert G: Greer, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 2001. ay of , ' 20'0''1 N:btary Public ~~<' ~or~~~iission expires: i~ 4 ~~ j W U W Q ~ ~ a¢ ^ o m W U G j j W Q ~ ~ 2 Q W O ~ U C3 ~ ~ ti. Z 2 q ~ Z C! U m O O ~ ~ N ~ Q O U ~ ~ M C N CO !L 2t N .- CO 2 W Q ~ Z a U O J- ~ 1. Z O ~ ~ m Q ~? ~ z o a o °- °rn u7 T., U (~ E!T > , C i O U ~ W N Z ~ ~ m ~ ~ Q to _ ~' U W ~ J ~ ~ ~ Q c V ¢ ~~ .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 riooo 00 000oirio00000000oco00000000000000000 0 1~ to O O CD ~ CG EF} (D 69 N O O O O EFT EFT ffT EF) O O (`~ ER 64 fFT 64 ER 6'T ER Efl EFT 64 EFT fFT FfT EH EFT EFT ER 'C' - O O ~ . - (n t\ O CO l17 Q O tf7 (+7 lD (D (h N V (X7 to V V' (h (D N f7 tD I~ ~ ~ EA fA tF} EFT 64 ER Er? fFT 64 EfT 64 Efl EFT 64 V3 ~ O r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Novi ors ui o vioooooov ooco ' N < '~ (`7 V <Y to (O CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 .- 0 0 M 69 fR EA FR ~ fA EFT VT ~ (~ C v) t.f) O .- (~'7 Lf') EfT N N (h M V C'7 CD b t ffT 64 69 EfT ffT 64 64 6~T J J~ J J J J J J J J W W W W W W W W W W J J J J J J J J W W W U Cn Cn U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z COiI O O LNfI N ErNj COD N M N (~') .- V V Q' V ~ ~ O N W / W ~ ~Uw(~ H w ~ U Z_ LL w p NR'~I- 0 0 `- w c cn ~cnw ~ O Cn m W M W L" ~ Z Z Z Z~ p ~ ~ ~~`DCD ocooo °'iD'co o ~~ ¢ QI-¢ii¢~~zZC>v o ~ ~ ~ N N f--U~-U W UNU O U (D 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ u- J J- J ~ J e" J O Z O F- O ¢ oinm°~~~cDO`°ooioco°~~_~~oiDOOwcnwmw°IwU~w n W~}- > > > > > °rn > m U ~ 2 S 2 = 2 = _ = Z = °_- '- °- ~ °- ~" tZ ~ U U Z a ~ ¢ U d w d a w w U ~ U ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ z r > a ~ OX¢v~w [ocONCOCOOOCOCOCOCJCDV rt' VrY V V'V~rininco~coCOOOCOCOCO~vUwd¢Cn N Ch V to CD ~ I~ ~ CD ~ O O ~ N t'7 V' Cf7 (D t~ CO O O N C7 V 117 (D (~ CO O O N M r- ~- ~ .- ~- ~ .- '- N N N N N N N N N N C7 M M ('"i 00 0 0 o c ~ o u u w w z z x = U U w o J H O H H U W O c d ®eve~oprne~t I November 20. 2001 Ma 6S {This page intentionally left blank} 44 • CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 3, 2001 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 69 2. Amiual Review and Approval of Public Official Bonds 71 3. Approval of NCDOT Mini Grant of $2,000 to Sheriff's Department and Approval 77 of Associated Budget Amendment #02-0091 4. Approval of Application for Community Transportation Program Funding for FY 79 2002-2003 i • 5. Approval to Accept Additional Monies in the Amount of $47,077 from Home and 81 Community Care Block Grant Funds and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #02-0089 ~~~, 6. Approval of Release of Value 83 7. Approval of Snows Cut Park Sub-Lease to Town of Carolina Beach 85 8. Approval of Orthophoto Mapping Project: Approval of Contract #02-0138 with 87 Aero-Dynamics, Corporation of Charlotte, NC, Adoption of Project Ordinance, and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #2002-21 9. Adoption of 2002 North Carolina Fire Prevention Code and Related Provisions 93 10. Approval of Grant Application -Governor's Crime Commission 99 11. Approval of Criminal Justice Partnership Program Continuation Grant and 101 Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #02-0096 12. Adoption of Resolution in Support of Adding Roads in Brewster Place Subdivision 103 to the State Road System 13. Approval of 2002 Wrightsville Beach Re-nourishment Plan 105 ' Approval of Budget Amendments: 14.1 #02-0093 Hurricane Expense 107 14.2 #02-0094 Public Health/Project Assist ] 08 14.3 #02-0095 Public Health/Project Assist 109 1.4.4 #02-0096 Criminal Justice Partnership Program 110 14.5 #2002-22 Controlled Substance Tax 111 L7 {7'hi~ page intentionally left blank}. ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARS OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: De artment: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell p Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Regular Minutes of November 5, 2001 BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Minutes FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • i~ I ~ r~~i~ ~EV1~6~~a l~PPR01lED ~~-~' ~ E~EJ ECTE® ~ f~EMOVE® POSTP®NEO !~ ~ k~EAR~ / E? 01~. ~ 69 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW {7'Izis page intentionally left blank} `l ~, ui_r~;;;u ~;;;'~~ r-~, ir:~~5,~'; ~_. CIS S.' )~ ~f;~~~~'.} _i ,~ , ~bfl~~;:';t ~o NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD~.OF~ COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Consent Item #: `2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: None Required Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: Annual Review and Approval of Public Official Bonds BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board is required to routinely review public official bonds in December. The attached resolutions would approve existing bonding of the Finance Officer, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, and ABC Board members handling funds, and set the amount of the Sheriff's bond. RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Enact Resolutions. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ,' ," ~~~ `O`X Sheriffbond0l.w Publicofficalbond0l. PublicOfficialResolution0l AbcbondOl.wp REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S CO TS AN[ Recommend approva . nnnnnntCCllIAICt~C' er_TI NS/COMMEI\ BUDGET: Approve 0 HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A • ~/q~ppl{pt~~f ~~~J~ipP~a~~)~ (~(iy~1E),i~e~~B'~ a;l S rW({~'yp~CirppYaa Fp[~tl~ v LloM, jk(~~~ _ (~YP~Jf,~~~~ ~ ~~ Y'~~M®U ~® ~ ,~l P®~'~'P®~9E® 44~jUU 1RD ~ /)1t~.J9 // f/ A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~} BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~--/ RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 18B-700 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 3, 2001, does hereby exempt from the bond requirement of said Section 18B-700 any member of the New Hanover County ABC Board who does not handle Board funds, including but not limited to the Chairman of the New Hanover County ABC Board. ADOPTED this the 3`d day of December, 2001. NEW HANOVER COUNTY (SEAL) Ted Davis, Ji-., Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~_ iii ~ °iP~:~ ~~. ~`i~ U1~~K,;;J ,_ ~. i"1 ,L.J i ~l~~,t~~~,~ RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY i BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLVED, that pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 109 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 3, 2001, approved the bonds of the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County, New Hanover County Finance Officer,. New Hanover County Sheriff, Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, and New Hanover County Tax Collector and FURTHER RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to certify said approval of such Bonds, with the exception of the Bond of the Clerk of Superior Court, which is not physically present in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 3~d day of December, 2001. NEW HANOVER COUNTY (SEAL) Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board • 73 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOND APPROVAL WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 109 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of County Commissioners conducts an annual review of public official bonds; WHEREAS, said bonds have been reviewed by the County Attorney and found to be in full force and to be in proper format. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners does hereby approve the Surety Bond for the Finance Officer, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, and Tax Collector. This designation of approval is hereby incorporated within the respective bond as if set out in its entirety on the face thereof. This the 3~d day of December, 2001. ~`~ (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS i RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 162-8 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 3, 2001, determined that the required Sheriff's Bond shall be in the total amount of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars. ADOPTED this the 3~d day of December, 2001. (SEAL) NEW HANOVER COUNTY . Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: Board of County Commissioners Clerk to the Board t: 75 {This page intentionally left blank} ~0 NEW HANOVER COl9NTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: • • • Department: Sheriff Presenter: Contact: Capt. Tom Parker SUBJECT: NC-DOT mini-grant of X2,000 to Sheriff's Dept. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Sheriff's Dept. has been awarded amini-grant in the amount of $2,000 from the NC-DOT to support bicycle safety. 'The funds will be used to purchase bicycle helmets. No county match is required. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend acceptance of the grant; request approval of associated budget amendment #02-0091. No signature required on grant document. FUNDING SOURCE: State $2,000 ATTACHMENTS: ~~,,_ ba02-0091 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve COUNTY MANAGE Recommend apprc COMMISSIONERS' BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A S: _. _ . i,6litl U if 9~~db~Q~y.~ ~+P~~O ~. ..6~gJE® t~ ~.~MbVE® ~1 ~ ~®S7'6'®NE®~ ' r 1ARF~ , G'. ~. n7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Sheriff-Uniform Patrol BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0091 ADJUSTMENT NC-DOT Bicycle Safety Grant Supplies DEBIT CREDIT $2,000 $2,000 EXPLANATION: To establish budget for mini-grant awarded to Sheriff's Dept. to support bicycle safety. The funds will be used to purchase bicycle helmets. No match is required. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners _~ e~ Ol s ~, ~ , /,,~ dr~~1 cr ::~ (~I ~:~ ,.~ ~ n~._ ~/~ J _-.`._ ~_.. t.~. _. _ .:J ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIOiV Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Transportation Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin Contact: Patricia A. Melvin SUBJECT: Approve Application for Community Transportation Program Funding for FY 2002-03 BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County is eligible to obtain grant funding from N.C. Dept. of Transportation for administrative and capital assistance in the operation of New Hanover Transportation Services(NHTS). NHTS provides general public and employment transportation to the unincorporated areas of the County; and and human service transportation to clients of human service agencies throughout the County. $425,000 is being requested for the upcoming fiscal year. These funds include $209,000 in administrative assistance and $236,000 in capital assistance (for the replacement of six vans). Local matching funds required will total $55,750, and will be included in the NHTS budget request for the upcoming year. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of request to submit application, adoption of resolution on use of funds, and authorize Chairman Davis, County Manager O'Neal, and County Attorney Copley to execute appropriate application certifications and assurances. FUNDING SOURCE: Local Match: $55,750 to be included in NHTS Budget Request for FY.2002.03 ATTACHMENTS: :~ ~~ 2003 CTP Budget Worksheet Par d.~' Section 5311 Title VI Program Certifica SFY 2003 Special Section 5333(b) Warra SFY2003 Certs&Assurances REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval ~ _ ___ ~P~® ~ ~i~JEO REMOl~~® p ~, POSTP®Il9~~ O ' 1RE~ ~ , ~~ ~~3 99 {This page intentionally left blank} .y Gl~ :J~fU~;'(~~~.j NEVII HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumpton Contact: Annette Crumpton SUBJECT: Request approval to accept additional monies in the amount of $7,077 from Home and Community Care Block Grant funds. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Department of Aging is eligible to receive $7,077 additional monies from the Home and Community Block Grant. Funds will be placed in the Home Delivered Meal salary line. There are sufficient funds in the approved Home Delivered Meal program budget to meet the required 10 match. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Commissioners approve receipt of new funds, $7,077, for Home Delivered Meal Program, and approve attached budget amendment. Request authorization for Chairman to sign the document. FUNDING SOURCE: $6723 Federal; $354 State; $786 Local Match. ATTACHMENTS: ` ~';. ~~~. Letter ofi notification ba02-0089 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACT N /COMMENTS: ~~~ t~ t~EJEC~ED.<;f REMQVE®..-- I~ r `^~ OST,P~NED L _ t fl/ NE1JV HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03101 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Aging BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0089 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Nutrition-CDBG $7'077 Temporary Salaries $7,077 ,J EXPLANATION: To increase budget for addional funds aw ed to the Department of Aging. Funds will be used to pay salary for a temporary meal packer. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners t,~.. ~~,~,~~~;~~.._.~.~~ ~~~iui, ~aP~;~o~~~~. _~, -~~,~ $~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 • • • Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert Glasgow SUBJECT: Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: - Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request) Gaskins, Gwendolyn J. $20,000 Lewis, Ruth Funderburk 20,000 Request the following late listing penalties be released as this was the taxpayers first offense; they certified they mailed their listing on time; or their was a death in the family: Al Hart & Company Corbett Farming Company Corbett Package Company Fenner, Inc. Wilmington Trampoline, Inc. 8.75 78.06 1,078.61 1,858.51 4.73 Request approval of the following delinquent application for exemption from property tax for the following organization: (application and letter explaining late filing available upon request) Cornelia Nixon Davis Nursing Home Institute of Marine & Agricultural Research, Inc 803700.002.109-000 805614-001.114.000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of these releases. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend approva ~~~ ~EllJ~i~Q~39 f~E.iECT'E® ~ i~EMOVE~ P9STP®R9ED 1~;~ARE~ ~ ~ ~ , ~~~~~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~` ~ OL` ~..'L_' 1 . C1t~lU~.~~~.~ ;r ~ ', ~~~"`1 s~f NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST -FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: • Department: Parks Presenter: Neal Lewis Contact: Neal Lewis RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Chairman be authorized to sign the sub-lease to the Town of Carolina Beach. SUBJECT: Snows Cut Park Sub-Lease to Town of Carolina Beach BRIEF SUMMARY: It was understood that when the County approved the new lease with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Snows Cut Park property, that the County would in turn sub-lease the 9.13-Acre tract on the southern. shore of Snows Cut to the Town of Carolina Beach. Carolina Beach will develop, maintain and operate the property, at their expense, as a passive recreation area. The term of the lease will run concurrently with the County's lease with the Corps (25 years). The Corps of Engineers has approved the site plan proposed by the Town of Carolina Beach. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A • ATTACHMENTS: Copy of Sub-Lease is voluminous and available in the County Attorney's office. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A • Recommend approval. TS I,~PR6V 1~~--- ~EJECZ°E© ~ - ~tEMO!/E® f~ ~ POSTP®NED ill ~EARt~ ~: ~~ , ~`~/`gy`p ~ ~~~ ~~ {This page intentionally left blank} (c_l ~"~ ~ra~~,,l ~~: h; ~6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 • • Department: Finance Presenter: Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Contact: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent SUBJECT: Orthophoto Mapping Project: Approval ofi contract # 02-0138 with Aero-Dynamics, Corp. of Charlotte, North Carolina, adoption of project ordinance; and approval of budget amendment 2002-21. BRIEF SUMMARY: An orthophoto mapping project of New Hanover County is necessary in order to comply with FCC Report & Order 94.102 PSAP Requirements of being capable to receive and utilize location data for 911. A request for qualification package was developed by the County and reviewed by the Administrator of the North Carolina Wireless 911 Board. The County received his approval to utilize the wireless 911 funds for this project. Staff proceeded with the qualification procedure as required in section 14364.31 of the North Carolina General Statutes to determine a company best qualified for this project. Aero-Dynamics, Corp. of Charlotte, North Carolina was selected and a price not to exceed $281,390.00 was negotiated. A resolution awarding contract # 02.0138 is attached and includes language to adopt the project ordinance and approve budget amendment 2002.21 for the project. The project ordinance and the budget amendment are also attachments to this agenda form. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution to: 1. award contract # 02-0138 2. adopt project ordinance 3. approve budget amendment 2002-21 • FUNDING SOURCE: Budget amendment 2002.21 transfers funds from the Wireless 911 Fund for the County to the capital project expense account 343-431-3430-7300-6000. ATTACHMENTS: The resolution, project ordinance, and budget amendment 2002-21 are attached: ~~~ ~ ~.} 02-0138 resolution ba2002-21 cportho. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN Concur with recommendation noted above. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ,~PPI~® 6~E~E0°7 ~ ;`. BEM®~E~ ~ ,; r ~ ,} >~OSTP®6~9~ ~ Y , 1`KF~ARC~ , < <~ r ~~;/~ ~:~~ 7 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement for Request for Qualifications, the following companies submitted qualification proposals for the Orthophoto Mapping Project for the County; RFQ # 02-0138: Aero-Dynamics, Corp.; Charlotte, NC Kucera International, Inc., Willoughby, OH L. Robert Kimball & Associates, Ebensburg, PA AND WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 143-64.31 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the County announced our requirements for an orthophoto prof ect and received proposals from firms qualified to provide such services; AND WHEREAS, a review committee consisting of the Information Technology Director, Planning Director, the GIS Manager, and the GIS Assistant conducted an evaluation process and determined Aero-Dynamics, Corp. of Charlotte, North Carolina as the best qualified firm for the orthophoto mapping project; AND WHEREAS; pursuant to Section 143-64.31 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the review committee has negotiated a contract fee with Aero-Dynamics, Corp. of Charlotte, North Carolina, in an amount not to eYCeed two hundred eighty-one thousand three hundred ninety dollars ($281,390.00); AND WTIE.REAS, the Administrator of the North Carolina tiUireless 911 Board has reviewed RFQ # 02-0138 for the orthophoto mapping project and determined that wireless 911 fiends can be used to fund the project because the mapping is necessary in order to comply with FCC Report & Order 94-102 PSAP Requirements of being capable to receive and utilize location data; AND WHEREAS, a project ordinance has been prepared for the orthophoto project and is being submitted for approval as part of this agenda item; AND WHEREAS; budget amendment # 2002-21 has been prepared utilizing funds from the wireless 911 fund to establish a budget and appropriate funds in account 343-431-3430-7300-6000 for orthophoto project in accordance with the capital project ordinance; ~..~...~,;;.:,,,,..=.~A~NIDtUJ.I~EREAS; the Planning Director, the Information Technology Director, the Finance Director and~tfie.County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Aero-Dynamics, Corp. `^.`--`v~y r , G!= ~~.~ ara: UU~~Si~ -. C~fs'~i.~l':{(~ v ~~?~hi~. -_ . of Charlotte; North Carolina, the firm determined by the evaluation committee to be the best qualified firm for the project, in a fair and reasonable fee not to exceed two hundred eighty-one thousand three hundred ninety dollars ($281,390.00); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the project ordinance for the orthophoto mapping project is adopted and approved, budget amendment # 2002-21 is approved, and contract # 02-0138 for the orthophoto mapping project for County is awarded to Aero-Dynamics, Corp. of Charlotte, North Carolina in an amount not to exceed two hundred eighty-one thousand three hundred ninety dollars ($281,390.00); and that the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract; contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 3rd day of December, 2001. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~. ,~., ~,._,., ~~~ ,i ~..,., - ~ .--~--,~ ~~~ ~a'~.,lU~ ~.~-.~ (~} urU-tr....~ (ra~3 ~+{~ Jyw-t l ~. ~~F"., '~ .. {~ ~ --, rte:, r. ~ r ~~~ 1 i 8y NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Orthophoto Capital ProjectlWireless 911 Fund BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-21 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Orthophoto Project Transfer in from Wireless 911 Fund Extended Project Expense $281,390 $281,390 Wireless 911 Fund Appropriate Fund Balance Transfer to Capital Project-Orthophoto $28.1,390 $281,39 EXPLANATION: To establish budget for Orthophoto Capital Project according to Capital Project Ordinance. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ---_ r~ Cab di ' ~:~~~,,.. ~;~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ pgRr.lntcMy~®p~q+l~~R~ /p ,/f/ ~F~iRE~ Vf ~~' ~. qo PROJECT ORDINANCE ORTHOPHOTO PROJECT BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: 1. New Hanover County(County) is engaged in the Orthophoto Project, which capital project involves the construction and/or acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North ~~ Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Orthophoto Capital Project, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: 911 Surcharge $ 281,390 Total S 281,390 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense $ 281,390 Total $ 281,390 • 9/ 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Adopted this day of Clerk to the Board 2001. Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman Board of County Commissioners 9~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Fire Services Presenter: Wayne Burns/Donnie Hall Contact: Wayne Burns/Donnie Hall SUBJECT: Adoption of the 2002 North Carolina Fire Prevention Code and Related Provisions BRIEF SUMMARY: The North Carolina Building Code Council has approved adoption of the International Fire Code (2000 edition with NC amendments)as the 2002 NC Fire Prevention Code. The International Code series has been adopted as the North Carolina Building Code with amendments and is scheduled to be enacted in phases during the year 2002. The Fire Prevention Code is scheduled to begin on December 31, 2001. The provisions of this code are in line with the present Fire Prevention Code and may be slightly less restrictive in some areas and more restrictive in areas related to place of assembly occupancies, an area with a history of large loss of lives in the United States. There are more permitting requirements which are now partially optional and new construction permitting which our office is already requiring. The adoption of this code as the "New .Hanover County Fire Prevention Code" as provided in Section 26 -31 & 32 and the addition of (2) provisions to the present Ordinance: 1) Add a $35.00 civil fine for violation of the fire lane provisions, to section 26.35 (1). See attachment for this proposal. 2) Addition to Section 26.33 of the Fire Prevention Code allowing the Fire Marshal to review and set up a fee schedule for services provided by the Division of Fire Marshal to include permit fees approved by the County Manager. I have also provided an attachment listing the permits and services our Division provides along with suggested fees. The permits listed are referenced in the new Code provisions and do not require Board approval other than approval of the fee schedule. See attachment for this proposal. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend adoption of this code as the "New Hanover County Fire Prevention Code" as provided in Section 26 -31 & 32 and the addition of the (2) provisions to the present Ordinance: FUNDfNG SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: `" FIRE LANE REQUEST 2002 fee schedule.x REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A _ COUNTY MANAGER S CO TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~,.. - ~P~~ Recommend approval. ;-: ~= '~ ~~ :; ®~r COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S/ OMMENTS: FEN!® ®~~;:_ ~EI4Rt~ ~~~ . 1®TE'~ ~AI~OVE1~ C®UlloTTTY FIRE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 307 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4045 TELEPHONE (91 D) 341-7419 Wayne Burns Fire Marshal Proposed addition to Fire Prevention Code Local Ordinance -Sec. 26.3 (,1) Fire Lane- The required width of access lane shall not be obstructed in any manner, including the parking of vehicles. Violation of this section shall subject the offender to a $ 3 5.00 civil penalty for each offense. The 2002 Fire Prevention Code addresses the Fire Lane issue in section 503 ( fire apparatus access roads) .The minimum width, vertical clearance, and sign maintenance requirements are provided and are sufficient for our jurisdiction. My request for a reduced fine is to bring the civil penalty within an acceptable monetary range in comparison to the severity of the violation. A $ 100 fine is ,iri my opinion, excessive for this violation. I will direct division inspectors to politely ask the vehicle operator ,when occupied, to move to the parking lot before any citation is written. Areas that are adequately marked as loading zones will not be affected . A violation would be cited when the vehicle is left unattended while parked in a clearly marked Fire Lane area. The owner of a vehicle parked in the fire lane will be the responsible party. There is a increasing problem with vehicles parking in Fire Lanes in the County Jurisdiction. These vehicles can become obstacles to Emergency Vehicles responding . to calls at busy locations, especially during a holiday and Summer tourist season. Emergency Medical, Sheriff and Fire vehicles should be provided with this area to gain a more convenient access to businesses during emergencies. ~' '~.~.,.;v~ ~~~ ~~''~--~ . ~~, ~y!~~~ Mr._._-;per J a `1.'i`i ~j! ~ J 9`~ FEE SCHEDULE-AND REQUIRED PERMITS 2002 NORTH CAROLINA FIRE PREVENTION CODE • • • Required Construction Permits Code. Description . New Fee Old Fee Require 105.7.1 Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems' See fee schedule N/A x 105-7.2 Compressed Gases $ 50.00 N/A x 105.7.3 Fire Alarm & Detection Systems & Equip. See fee schedule - N/A x 105.7.4- - Fire Pump & Related Materials See fee schedule (. N/A x 105.7.5 Flammable & Combustible Liquids See fee schedule N/A x 105.7.6 Hazardous Materials-install, repair, abandon ~ $ 50.00 ~ N/A ~ x 105.7.7 Industrial Ovens -instal( $ 50.00 N/A x L.P: Gas N/A ~ N/A ~ x 105.7.9 ' Private Fire Hydrants See fee schedule N/A x 105.7.10 Spray rooms, booths & dip operations See fee schedule NIA x 105.7.11 Standpipe Systems- install, modify See fee schedule N/A x 105..7.12 Temporary Membrane Structure-tent, canopy See fee schedule N/A ' x Optional P ermits -Section 105 105.6.1 ( Aerosol Products ~ $ 75.00 N/A 105.6.2 Amusement Buildings j $ 50.00 N/A x .105.6.3 Aviation Facilities $ 75.00 $ 50.00 105.6.4 Carnivals and Fairs $ 50.00 N/A x 105.6.5 ~ Battery- Systems $ 50.00 N/A Cellulose Nitrate Filrn j $ 50.00 $ 50.00 105.6.7 Combustible .Dust Producing Operations $ 50.00 $ 50.00 105.6.8 Combustible-Fibers $ ~ 50:00 $ 50.00 105.6.9 jCompressed Gases $ .75.00 j $ 50.00 ~~ 105.6.10 Covered Ma(I Buildings i $ 75.00 N/A j x 105.6.11 Cryogenic Fluids ~ $ 75.00 i $ 50.00 105.6.12 Cutting and Welding N/A N/A 105.6.13 Dry Cleaning Plants $ 50.00 $ ~ 50.00 j _ 105.6.14 Exhibits and Trade Shows $ 50.00 j N/A X 105.6.15 Explosives 30 day $ 150.00 $ 150.00 x 90 day $ 300.00 N/A X 105.6.16 i Fire Hydrants and Valves N/A ~ ~ N!A 105.6.17 jFlarnmable & Combustible Liquids ~ j A) Class I liquids in excess of 5 gal to 1000 g ~ $ 50.00 N/A & Class II, ClassJllB liquids in excess of ', 25 gal. To 1000 gaL !B) Class I liquids in excess of 1000 gals. $ 250.00 N/A Class II & Class IILB liquids in excess of 1000 gals. C) Operation of fuel dispensing facility $ 75.00 N/A D) Iristalll or remove storage tanks - $ 75.00 ~ N/A above or below ground -per tank ~ E) Pipeline operation N/A ~ j N/A j F) Change contents of liquids stored in $ 75.00 N/A ~ flammable & combustible liquids tank ~ 105.6.18 Floor Finishing $ 50.00 $ 50.00 j 105.6.19 .Fruit & Crop Ripening $ 50.00 $~ 50.00 105.6.20 Fumigation & Thermal Insecticidal Fogging $ 50.00 $ 35.00 '! 05.6.21. Hazardous Materials A) Business $ 50.00 $ 50.00 9S FEE SCHEDULE AND REQUIRED PERMITS 2002 NORTH CAROLINA FIRE PREVENTION CODE B) Industrial $ 150.00 $ 50.00 1105.6.22 HazardousProduction Facility $ ~ - 250.00 N/A 105.6.23 High-Piled Storage $ 50.00 $ . 50.00 105.6.24 Hot Work Operations ~ ~ $ ~ 35.00 N/A 105.6:25 I ndustrial Ovens $ 50.00 $ 50.00 105,6.26 Lumber Yards & Woodworking Plants $ 50.00 $ 50.00 105.6.27 f Liquid or Gas Fueled Vehicles/Equip in Asse $ 35.00 N/A j X 105.6'.28 LP Gas N/A N/A 105.6.29 Magnesium ~ $ 50.00 $ 50.00 105.6.30 Misc. Combustible Storage ' $ 50.00 N/A 105.6.31 Open Burning ~ N/A NIA 105.6.32 Open Flames & Candles $ 35.00 N1A 105.6.33 Places of Assembly j j A) 50 -699 persons $ 75.00 N/A i B) 700-1000 $ 100.00 N/A j C)1001 or more $ 125.00 N/A 105.6.34 Private Fire Hydrants $ 50.00 - N/A X 105.6.36 Pyrotechnic Special Effects Material A) Outdoor $ 100.00 $ 100.00 x B) Indoor ~ $ 125.00 $ 100.00 x 105.6.37 Pyroxylin Plastics ~ $ 50.00 $ 50.00' 105.6.38 Refrigeration Equipment N/A N/A 105.6.39 Repair Garages & Service.Stations A) Under 5,000 sq ft $ 50.00 $ 50.00 B) Over 5,000 sq ft $ 100.00 i $ 100.00 105.6.40 Rooftop'Heliports $ 75.00 ~ N/A 105.6.41 Spraying or Dipping $ 100.00 $ 100.00 x 105.6.42 Storage of Scrap Tires/Byproducts $ 75.00 i $ 50.00' 105.6.43 Temporary Membrane Structions/Tents/Cano $ 35.00 I $ 35.00 x 105.6.44 Tire .Rebuilding Plants $ 75.00 j $ 75,00• 105.6.45 Waste Handling -junkyard, waste facility $ 50.00 , $ 50.00 105.6.46 Wood Products $ 50.00 I N/A Fees and Charges ~ Standby Firefighter or Marshal -Fire Watch $50.00 per,. hour ~ 2 hr minimum Cost Recovery -response to incidents other than normal See FEMA guide response to fires or EMS first responder On Site Plan Review Request $35.00 per hour. Specific Inspection Requests A) ALE $ 45.00 $ 35.00 B) Daycare ~ $ 45.00 $ 35.00 ~ C) Group Home/Adult Care $ 45.00 $ 35.00 Rest Home -Institutional D) Certificate of Occupancy $ 45.00 $ 35.00 E) Private School $ .50.00 $ 35.00 F) Foster Care $ 35.00 $ 35.00 G) After Hours Inspection Request $50.00 per hour 2 hr minimum ~ H) Reinspection for incomplete projects $ 50.00 . $ 35.00 j or third inspection j Plan Review A) Sprinkler Plan and Test ~ $100.00 i $5.00/1,000 sq ft q4 FEE SCHEDULE AND REQUIRED PERMITS 2002 NORTH CAROLINA FIRE PREVENTION CODE B)Fire Alarm and Test $100.00 $5.00/1,000 sq ft C) Fire Suppression Systems $ 50.00 N/A D) Private Fire Hydrant Systems ; $ 50.00 N/A E) Fire Pump or Accessory $ 50.00 NIA Water Flow Tests $ 100.00 ~ $ 100.00 • 97 {Tlzis page intentionally left blank} q$ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff Presenter: Contact: Rhonda Smith SUBJECT: Grant Application-Governor's Crime Commission BRIEF SUMMARY: The Sheriff's Dept. wishes to apply for a grant from the Governor's Crime Commission. Grant funds will be used to purchase Automatic External Defibrillators. The amount of grant funds applied for is $46,053.75; match requirement is $15,351:25. The County's match will be provided by Federal Forfeited Property funds. There are NO positions involved. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval to apply; request authorization for the County Manager and Finance Director to sign the application; request acceptance of the grant and approval of necessary budget amendment if awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $46,053.75 County (from Federal Forfeited Property funds) $15,351.25 ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S CCLM'I~EI Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS/C BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A S: -~-._~ ~~ • REM®~ ~ ,.: pOSTP®~9~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ..~1_r~ ~ .. i q9 {7'hi,~ page intentionally left blank} ~'~ ~7- t ...+~i.J~-' t.,~ ' ,\„~s~~~~ i,~~t . ~~„~. ,~ i,a.y ~ 1~ ; ~~~~«~ ~~~~~;a'•= ~ '\ _., ~~ ® \ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/0.1 Consent Item.#: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Criminal Justice Partnership Program Continuation Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: The County has been awarded a continuation grant for the Criminal Justice Partnership Program from the State in the amount of $141,515 to partially fund the Pretrial Release Program and the Day Sentencing Center. These two programs are necessary to provide Judges alternative sentencing measures as they work with structured sentencing. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend acceptance of the grant; request authorization for the County Manager to sign the grant; request approval of associated budget amendment #02-0096. FUNDING SOURCE: State ATTACHMENTS: .,4 ba02-0096 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: .FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval. • n ;"~~~ 7 i iF? ©©~~pppp~ 1 ~~~/o~`. rx /o/ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Criminal Justice Partnership Program BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0096 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDlT Criminal Justice Partnership Program $141,515 Contract Services $124,000 $1,015 Telephone Travel and Training $500 Commissioners Appropriated Fund Balance $16,000 EXPLANATION: To budget grant award received for the Crim' stice Partnership Program. This will reduce the appropriation from Fund Balance by $16,000. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~..=~~ .~02~~~bJ.~w~~J 102. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 • Consent Item #: 12 Estimated Time' Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution in Support of Adding Roads in Brewster Place Subdivision to the State Road System. BRIEF SUMMARY: NCDOT has notified the County that they are considering the addition of roads in this subdivision to the state system. They have requested the County to provide the adopted resolution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM ,DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEyI/ COUNTY MANAGER'S CS,~.AA TENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. M P ~~~~IOJU~ ~`_ ~~~~ G4~M®~D CO ~- r ~®STp~~~~ ~_ ._103 ~+EAR~ [fit a,,. STATE °' ~~~ ~ _ P gym. ,~ ~ ~,• • STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVEIL~IOR SECRETARY November 15, 2001 104 Ms. Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4093 Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considering the addition of roads in Brewster Place Subdivision (Div. File No. 1007-N) to the state system. After the Board's consideration, if they concur with our recommendation, please furnish this office with the current county resolution and official road name for our further handling. If I may be of further assistance, please advise. Very truly yours; Daniel R. Cumbo, P. E. District Engineer DRC:psj cc: Mr. S. E. Cooke, P. E. r, D ~~ ~~ r,"I (~ i. NOV 1 6 ~~`'' I NEW NANO~ECIO ERS BD Of COM?~~IS. 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 (910) 2~1-26» Fax: (901) 2~1-279 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSFONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 • • Consent Item #: ~ 13 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce Shell Contact: Bruce Shell SUBJECT: Approval of 2002 Wrightsville Beach Renourishment Plan. BR{EF SUMMARY: The Corps of Engineers has .notified Wrightsville Beach and New Hanover County of the beach renourishment cycle for 2002.. The federal share is $1,170,000 while the non federal share is $630,000. The State of North Carolina has budgeted $518,000 towards this project with $112,000 corning from the Room Occupancy Tax Fund. Bids for this project will be opened on December 6, .2001 with contract award projected by early January. The County is asked to forward the $112,000 to the Corps by December 5, 2001 to prevent delays in the opening of bids. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:' Approve project. FUNDING SOURCE: Funds are currently budgeted in the Room Occupancy Tax Fund. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend approval. MENTS: ~~~ 1REMd~~ ~' f' 05 {This page intentionally left blank} ~r)f~t~i Cj~at~;i~).~ 106 ~ `J ~' ~~~'' 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 • • • Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 14.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Hurricane Expense BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0093 ADJUSTMENT FEMA revenues Contract Services DEBiT CREDIT $15,000 $15,000 EXPLANATION: To . se budget for final anticipated revenue and expenses to close out FEMA projects. ADDITIONAL INFORMAT ON: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .... .~sw..! `\ _., ~. ~ .. Awl.. ~.' } ,Irk ~t ~~ ~~®~~. ~~~~~e ~~:..~~~ -'. f ,f~ _.107 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR pocT oN MISSI'ONERS REQUEST FOR BOAR iVleeting Date: 12/03/01 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 14.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Public Health/Project Assist BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0094 DEBIT CREDIT ADJUSTMENT $350 , TATU (Teens Against Tobacco Use) Grant $350 Training & Travel EXPLANATION: To budget amini-grant award from the Health Action Council of North Carolina. These funds will be used to supga king prevention in New Hanover County schools. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved 6y Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .sue.,-~,. ,.,e "~3 ~~~~tl(Jy ki ~ ;~ 111 ~ ; ~,,,,,s ~~~~~1fg1~ t dJl~f i"r 1 NEW HANOVER COlJNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 • • • Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 14.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Public Health/Project Assist BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 02-0095 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Robert Woods Johnson Youth Center $11,800 Contracted Services $9,000 Departmental Supplies $2,800 EXPLANATION: To budget grant award received from Robert Woods Johnson Youth Center. Funds will be used to assist with media campaign and sup lies for the Wilmington Health Access For Teens -Youth Tobacco Prevention Program. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board. Of Commissioners COMM15510NERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Y~ ~' ~~`;U ~~ ~`, 1~';; Irv-~-- _ E ~, ~ - ~~ _ ~. ~ ~~ ~0 9 ~!gR1~~gp~~= t l~ `' .r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Budget Amendment. Consent Item #: 14.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Controlled Substance Tax BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-22 ADJUSTMENT Controlled Substance Tax Extended Project Expense DEBIT CREDIT $3,479 $3,479 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional revenue received 11-14-01. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as r 'ved and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~t7U `' o ~`'~ ~ ~~~~ _I`~,~~ ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/03/01 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 14.5 Estimated Time.: Page Number: ,DEPARTMENT: Federal Forfeited Property BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2002-25 . ' ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Federal Forfeited Property $3,559 Extended .Project Expense $3,559 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional revenue received 10-24-01. Federal Forfeited Property funds are. budgeted as re and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. r ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS° ACTIONSICOMMENTS: ' ~ • ~~t~lft~(~a~'~~} +~~ ~~ y ~~~~ ~ ~~,, qD ~g ,, ~~ a 1~ t - v , ~, ,. _. ' ;P,.; ~, i