1981-08-20 Special Meeting I 906 ! MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST l7, 1981 (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION ON BOND REFERENDUM SCHEDULE County Manager Cooper commented on the staff's preparation of a schedule for the propose4 bond referendum for a waste dis~osal and resource recovery facility. ACCEPTANCE OF CRIME CONTROL GRANT FOR 9ll SYSTEM Comm., Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfiel~, to authorize the County Manager to sign the acceptance of the Sub grant Adjustment Notice 'far,tbe 9ll system and to approve any appropriate budget transfers for these funds that were being received from the State. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Barfield, Blake, Gottovi and Chm. O'Shields Comm. Armistead o DISTRIBUTION OF PROPOSED CONTRACTS lfITH WASTE MANAGEMENT County Manager Cooper distributed the proposed contracts with Waste Management of North Carolina, Inc. that would be discussed at the continuation of the meeting on Thursday. UPDATE ON NUCLEAR EMERGENCY EXERCISE Asst. County Manager Cannon updated the Commissioners on the Nuclear Emergency Exercise that was currently being conducted. Comm. Barfield commented on a video tape that GE had that he would be glad to obtain for the Commissioners and staff to view to help answer questions on nuclear emergency situations. EXECUTIVE SESSION Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, that the meeting be recessed to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters and committee appointments. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: .p.m. Voting Aye: Comm. Barfield, Blake, Gottovi and Chm. O'Shields Absent: Comm. Armistead Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting to Executive Session at l:lO o'clock ; .; -\ ,ro, Chm. 0' Shields' re'~(;nve';edthemeeting to Public' Session at' l: 45' '0 ''Clock p.m. - ". 'cr:,- .-:: (f... APPOINTMENT OF LOUISE GORHAM TO LIBRARY BOARD , a"" Comm Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by.Comm. Barfield, that Mrs.:Louise Gorham be a~pointed to the Library Advisory Board for a 3-year term. Upon vote, the ~OTION CARRIED AS FOLLUWS: , _ }..: ~ ,- Voting Aye: Comm. Barfield, Blake, Gottovi and Chm. O'Shields 'Absent: Comm. Armistead RECESS: TO AUGUST 20 1981, AT 8:30 O'CLOCK',A. M._ ' Comm. GottOVl ROVED, SECUNDED BY Co~. Bartield, that the meeting be recessed until August 20, 1981, at 8: 30 0 clock a. m.' at which time tIle Commissioners would discuss the Waste Management Contract, Cable TV and Committee Appointments. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Comm. Barfield, Blake, Gottovi. and Chm. O',Shields AlJsent: ' Comm. Armisteaa I c- .. '-,' ,.~pm. O'?hields recessed the meet~~g at l:46 o'clook p. m. ", .. , ; ~: . - " Respectfully submitted, , '. A(f~: R~i!ef~ ,-" _ _' ' ~.~ , ,,- r , "1, ~ . MINUTES OF: REGULAR MEETING'CONTINUED.TO AUGUST 20, 1981 o ASSEMBLY , '. ' ' , ,he New Hanover County Board of Co~issioners met in Regular'Session on Thursday, August 20, 1981, at 8:30 0 clock a. m. in the Assembly Room, .New Hanover County,Administration Building, Wilmington,'North Carolina,." (This was a continuation of the' Regu~ar Meeting of August,; l7,_ .l98L);", :, o " Me~berspresent were Comm~ision~~; Johnatnan Barfield; Don;l~ P. ~~ake; ,Karen E. Gottovi; Chairman Claud O'Sbields, Jr.; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; 'County Attorney Robert'W. Pope; and 'Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. RusmiselL Comm. Howard L. Armistead, Jr., arriv<:,.d ?t. 9:20 o'clack .1'.' m. and was present for the rest of the'meeting. Chm. O'Shields called the meeting to order at 8:40 o'clock a. m. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CONTINUED TO AUGUST 20, 1981 (CONTINUED) FIRST READING'OF PROPOSED CABLE TV ORDINANCE AND PROPOSED FRANCHISE County Manager Cooper commented on the background work that had gone into the preparation of the proposed Cable TV Ordinance and the proposed Franchise. 9~~ After discussion, Chm. O'Shields suggested that changes discussed at this meeting and a public hearing be advertised later time. be for a " Mr. George. Roun1:ree, III,'. Attorney for CableA:elevision appeared before the Board to eomment. o Comm. Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, to accept the Ordinance Establishing the Conditions for Awarding Non-Exclusive Franchise for Community Antenna Television Systems as presented. for the first reading. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS 'FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Absent: Comm. Barfield, Blake and Chm. O'Shields Comm. Gottovi ,Comm. Armistead Comm. Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, to approve the Ordinance Granting a Franchise to Cable Television Company to Construct and Maintain a Cable Television System within the unincorporated areas of New Hanover County, North Carolina as presented for the first reading. Upon vote, MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Absent: Comm. Barfield, Blake and Chm. O'Shields Comm. Gottovi Comm. Armistead o Comm. Gottovi stated for the record that the Ordinance that had been adopted for the first reading was not exclusive and did not require all , cable companies to come under it and that, in fact, Jones Cable had no intention of coming under the Ordinance and there would be no way that the County could regulate the quality of service that company provided. She stated further that ,the franchise ordinance that Cable TV wanted seemed to be good and she hoped that the media would pick ,up a copy and look at it .. and put it on the TV and in the newspapers so that the public could see what services would be offered and comment on them. Comm. Blake stated that he would hope that the Jones Cable subscribers would be aware of what was being offered. BREAK Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from 9:20 o'clock a. m. until 9:35 o'clock a. m. COMM. HOWARD L. ARMISTEAD ARRIVED AT 9:20 O'CLOCK A. M. AND WAS PRESENT"FOR THE,REST~OFcTHE MEEIING., APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Chm. O'Shields commented and MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, that there was a form of emergency involved due to the element of time in getting the landfill ready to begin operation. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The County Manager and County Attorney commented. Director of Engineering, Ed Hilton explained the Construction contracts and the Amendment to the operating contract with Waste Management. o . Mr. Ray Rosetti of Waste Management commented on the extra fee increase requested. Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, to approve the Amendment to the Contract with Waste Management of North Carolina, Inc., dependent upon the approval of Waste Management to sign the operating contract, and authorize the Chai~n to sign upon such approval. Up~n vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. , A copy of the Amendment is on file in the County Manager'~ Office. 906 \~'9 08 ... ,~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CONTINUED TO AUGUST 20, 1981,(CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT OF N. 'C., INC. Director of Engineering Ed Hilton and County Manager Cooper commented on the contract with Waste Management of North Carolina, Inc. for construction of the landfill on Hwy. 42l North. Mr. Hilton reported that the total construction project would be $l,943,60l with the deductions recommended by the staff. The Commissioners viewed the proposed construction plans. Mr. Ryal of the'Goodrich Company, who was going to furnish the liner material, commented. Mrs. Carolyn Buchanan of Waste Industries, Inc. commented. o Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi; to approve the Construction Contract with Waste Management of North Carolina, Inc., subject to acceptance by Waste Management of both-contracts, and to allow the use of available funds within the legality of the County to pay for this construction. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Contract is on file in the County Manager's Office. -RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL Upon MOTION by Comm. Gottovi, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, the following Resolution Authorizing Application for Issuance of Bonds for Solid Waste Disposal Facility was UNANIMOUSLY adopted: WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Commissioners desire to provide for the disposal of solid waste through incineration with the residue properly disposed of in a landfill properly approved by State and Federal regulatory agencies; and, WHEREAS, the project is necessary and expedient in order to safely provide for the health and welfare of the County's residents through the proper disposal of solid waste; and, o WHEREAS, it is estimated that the project will cost approximately $l2 million and this is an adequate and not excessive amount due to the high technology involved; and, WHEREAS, the debt management will be carried out in strict compliance with the law as the County has demonstrated on all bonded indebtedness; and, WHEREAS, budgetary and fiscal management, will be carried out in strict compliance with the law as the County has demonstrated in the past; and, WHEREAS, no tax increase due ,to this bond sale is anticipated at this time; and, WHEREAS, no increase in the charge for service is anticipated at this time. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: Andrew J. Atkinson, Finance Officer, is hereby designated the representative of New Hanover County to file the application for approval of bonds with the Local Government Commission. The County's Attorney is hereby authorized to employ bond counsel to represent the County in the authorization and issuance of bonds. o ADOPTED this the 20th day of August, 1981. EXECUTIVE SESSION Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi, to recess the meeting .to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters and committee appointments. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting to Executive Session at ll:l3 o'clock a. m. Chm. O'Shields reconvened the meeting to Public Session at ll:30 o'clock a. m. L06 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CONTINUED TO AUGUST 20, 1981 (CONTINUED) APPOINTMENT OF CHM. O'SHIELDS TO LOWER CAPE FEAR WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY AND COMM. BLAKE, TO CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi, that Chm. O'Shields be appointed to the Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority to fill an unexpired, term and Comm. Blake be appointed ,to an,8-year term on the Cape Fear Technical Institute Board of Trustees. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 909 o RATIFICATION OF CONTRACT WITH DUPLIN COUNTY FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, to ratify a contract between New Hanover County and Duplin County by and between the Finance Officer and Personnel Officer of each County. Pursuant to General Statute Chapter l60A, Article 20, the term of said contract being as follows: l. Purpose - l.aw Enforcement Assistance 2. Duration - Upon agreement of each County 3. Personnel - Appointed by Sheriff of each County 4. Financing - To be borne by Duplin County Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~ 'j' ~[r: :-" " AUTHORIZATION FOR DISPOSAL OF REGISTER OF DEEDS EQUIPMENT Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Blake, to authorize the disposition of the following property in the Register of Deeds Office: 1 Kodak Reader/Printer - Serial #3247 to be sold to Northampton County, North Carolina for the price of $l,649.00. and to authorize the sale of the following property to South Carolina, subject to the receipt of a deposit of of the offer and allowance of a ten day upset period: Horry County i 5% and publication j o 3 Kodak Reader/Printers - Serial #2607 - $l,240.30 - Serial I/l742 - $l,l64.00 - Serial #3ll3 - $l,576.25 l- Kodak Reader - Serial #388l - $2,ll~.83 Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT- Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chm. O'Shields adjourned the meeting at ll;32 o'clock a. m,' Respectfully submitted, ~)5.'11~ Alyce B. Rusmisell, Clerk ' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1981 o ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, September 8, 1981, at 7:00 o'clock p. m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. (This meeting date was changed from'Monday, September 7, 1981, due to the Labor Day holiday.) Members present were Commissioners Howard L. Armistead, Jr.; Jonathan Barfield; Donald P. Blake; Karen E. Gottovi; Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr. County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board Alyce B. Rusmisell. No members were absent. Chm. O'Shields called the meeting to order and offered the invocation.