1981-10-19 Regular Meeting 1 1,'; !, ~': ",'; ;. -;" ~', . . ~. ,. ,.. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, OCTOBER l2, 1981 (CONTINUED) 939 ASSEMBLY (CONTINUED) -, Mr. Fensel, Chairman of the Hospital Board of Trustees, introduced the new Hospital Trustees and expressed his Board's appreciation 'for this opportunity ,to meet with the Commissioners to discuss the Hospital Lease. PRESENTATION OF CHECK FOR LIBRARY Comm. Armistead'MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi, to accept the check from the State of North Carolina for the Library Capital Project Fund. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o Mr. Harry Payne, member of the N. C. House of Representatives, presented, on behalf of Governor Hunt and his administration, a check in the amount of $l2,SOO to be used for the New Hanover County Public Library Capital Construction.Fund. DISCUSSION AND RENEWAL OF HOSPITAL LEASE Chm. O'Shields commented and opened the floor for discussion of the Hospital Lease. The Commissioners and Trustees discussed the Lease ,paragraph by paragraph. Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Blake, that the Lease as currently written be amended with the change in Paragraph 6 (a) the wording be changed from "budget estimate" to "proposed budget" and that the Lease be renewed for the term of the Lease with those changes. Upon vote, the MarION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION ON HOSPITAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES BY-LAWS The Commissioners and Trustees discussed the By-Laws of the Hospital Board of Trustees. o The Commissioners suggested that the Board of Trustees consider amending the By-Laws to reduce the terms of the appointees to 4 years and allow them to succeed themselves. ' There was also discussion on complaints that had been received pertaining to the members of the Board of Trustees doing business with the Hospital, and the Commissioners suggested that possibly the Trustees ,would also like to clarify that section in the By-Laws. ADJOURNMENT Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chm. O'Shields adjourned the meeting at 8:30 o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted, , ~ ,<S. ,l?L<-~ me:" / ~ Alyce B. Rusmisell" Clerk MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1981 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County ~oard of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, October 19, 1981, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. o Members present were Commissioners Howard L. Armistead, Jr.; Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Donald P. Blake; Karen E. Gottovi; Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr.; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board Alyce B. Rusmisell. No members were absent. Chm. O'Shields called the meeting to order. Rev. B. A. Harper of Pine Valley Church of God offered the invocation. 940 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1981 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF UlNUTES: REGULAR MEETING. OCTOBER 5, 1981, AND SPECIAL MEETING, OCTOBER l2, 1981 Comm. Armistead requested that he be excused from voting on approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October.5, 1981, as he did not attend the meeting. By concensus, it was agreed for Comm. Armistead to be excused from voting on approval of the October 5 Minutes. County Manager Cooper asked that the Commissioners rescind the action taken for "Acceptance of Clean Water Bond Grant For Second Well at Flemington" on Page 937, as a Resolution had been previously adopted authorizing the County Manager to sign these documents and this action was not necessary. Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by.Comm. Blake, ,to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 5, 1981, with the correction on Page 937 as requested by the County Manager. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: o Voting Aye: Abstaining: Comm. Barfield, Blake', Gottovi and Chm. O'Shields Comm. Armistead Upon MOTION by Comm. Armistead, SECONDED by Comm. Blake, the Minutes of the Special Meeting of October l2, 1981, were UNANIMOUSLY approved as presented. ' APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Upon MOTION by Comm. Armistead, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, the following Consent Agenda Items were UNANIMOUSLY approved: APPROVAL OF REPORT OF COLLECTOR OF REVENUE THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30. 1981 The Report of the Collector of Revenue through September 30" 1981, as approved is contained in Exhibit Book VIII, Page 5l. APPROVAL OF TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS The list of Tax Abatements and Refunds as approved is contained in Exhibit Book VIII, Page 5l. PURCHASE OF FIXED DISK AND BUDGET AMENDMENT - DATA PROCESSING Approval was given for the purchase of a B9494-4l fixed disk for the Data Processing Department for a purchase price of $24,000 to be 'financed over 38 months at $7l7.38 per month at the interest rate of 8.5%, along with approval of the following budget amendment to appropriate the funds: o Debit - Acct. #ll 9800 9ll, Contingencies Acct. #ll 4l4l 370; Contracted Services Credit - Acct. I/ll 4132 392, M & R - Equipment Acct. #ll 4132 594, Installment/Lease Pmts. $ 462. 4,600. $,480. 4;\82. CHANGE ORnER G-4 - AIRPORT TERMINAL RENOVATIONS PROJECT Approval was given for Change Order No. G-4 to the Smith Construction Company Contract for the Terminal Renovations project at the Airport. The net increase to the Contract was $78.60 and no budget amendment was necessary. AGREEMENT WITH N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION FOR STATE AIRPORT AID GRANT The Resolution was adopted authorizing the Chairman to execute a Grant Agreement with the N. C. Department of Transportation for Airport Aid Grant in the amount of $79,800 to modify the existing terminal 0 facility for the handicapped; renovate and expand passenger security screening area; and modify and expand the conference and administrative space. A copy of the Resolution and Agreement are contained in Exhibit Book VIII, Page 51. APPROVAL OF 1982 TAX LISTING FORM The proposed form for 1982 tax listing was approved as recommended by the Tax Administrator. RESOLUTION - TITLE IV-D, CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM The following Resolution was adopted making the Agreement for the Title IV-D, Child Support Enforcement Program, administration retroactive to December 3, 1980: , . .. ~', , ; j',.' ,-;.' u MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1981 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION - TITLE IV-D, CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM (CONTINUED) Be it known that it was the intent of this Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that in all'ways and matters the Cooperative Agreement by~nd among this Board, 'the North Carolina Department of Human Resources and the Sheriff of New Hanover County duly executed by this Board on 17 August 1981, be in effect during that period of time, 3 December 1980 to l7 August 1981. 941 This 19th day of October, 1981. . o CONTRACT WITH GENERAL RESEARCH CORPORATION FOR LIBRARY COM SERVICES County Manager G. Felix Cooper was authorized to execute the Contract with General Research Corporation for the Library COM services as recommended by the Library Director. A copy of the Contract is on file in ,the County Manager's Office. ADDITION OF ROADS TO STATE SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM The SR-2 Resolutions were adopted requesting the addition of the following roads to the State Secondary Road System as recommended by the Department of Transportation: Runnymeid Subdivision - Old Mill Rd., Caladan Road, Dulwich Common and Peckham Ct. - (Div. File 11443-N) Brickstone Estates - Raintree Rd. and Pencade Rd. (Div. File #438-N) Wood Haven Subdivision - Wood Hav~n Dr. (Div. File #323-N) Copies' of the Resolutions are on file in the Clerk's Office. o AWARD OF BIDS ON MOBILE RADIO REPEATER SYSTEM FOR 9ll Only one bid was received for a mobile radio repeater for the 9ll system. The bid was awarded to Communication Specialists in the total amount of $16,37l.60 as recommended by.the Sheriff's Department. A copy of the bid tabulation is contained in Exhibit Book VIII, Page 510 BUDGET AMENDMENT - FINANCE DEPARTMENT/PRINT SHOP The following amendment was 'approved in the Print ,Shop budget as business was running far ahead ,of what was anticipated: Debit Credit - Acct. - Acct. Acct. Ilil 3413 4l0, 1111 4133 4l0, 1111 4133 421, Print Shop Charges Printing.& Copying Supplies.& Materials $l9,000. $ 4,000. l5,000. BUDGET AMENDMENT - FLEMINGTON SECOND WELL The following amendment was approved in the budget for the Flemington Water System to reallocate funds for the second well: Debit - Acct. #ll 3990 990, Appropriated Fund Balance Credit - Acct. #ll 974l 900, Trans. to Flemington $67,500. $67,500. o PRESENTATION. OF' RETlREMEliT ,PLAQUES " . _ , On behalf of the Board, Chm. O'Shields presented plaques to the following persons upon their retirement from employment with New Hanover County: Mr. Joseph Markiton Mr. Samuel J. Chauncey Mrs. Ruth C. Kellum Mr. Thad Carmichael Mrs. Sallie H. Bordeaux Mrs. Janie B. Straughan PUBLIC HEARING - 1981 CAMA LAND USE PLAN UPDATE Notice had been published that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing at 9:00 AM on,Monday, October 19, 1981, in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, to consider adoption of the 1981 Update to the Wilmington-New Hanover Land Use Plan - Policies for Growth and Development. Chm. O'Shields asked if there was anyone else present who wished 942 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1981 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING - 1981 CAMA LAND USE PLAN UPDATE (CONTINUED) to sign up to speak on this matter. Chm. O'Shields declared the public hearing open at 9:l5 o'clock a. m. and the following persons appeared before the Board to comment: Mr. Peter Smith, Quality of Life Alliance Mr. Robert Emmett Patrick Doyle gave a slide presentation Mr. Algernon Butler, Jr.,.Attor~ey at Law Mr. Peter Smith presented a petition requesting changes in the proposed plan. c o BREAK Chm. O'Shields reces~ed the'meeting for a break from 9:58 o'clock a. m. until lO:l7 o'clock a.m. PUBLIC HEARING - 1981 LAND USE PLAN UPDATE (CONTINUED) The following persons offered additional comments on the proposed plan: Mrs. Vera Brouse, Quality of Life Alliance Attorney Butler Mr. Tim Gallivan,Right to Vote Association Mrs. Jean DeBell-O'Neal, Coastal Carolina Crossroads Mr. Paul Foster, Clean Water Association Mr,. Peter Smith Mr. Fred Little, President, Wilmington Board of Realtors Mr. Adrian Hurst Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, that a moratorium be placed 'on new condominium/cluster develop~ents, etc. until the Planning Board and the County Commission have resolved the question of zoning and subdivision regulations for multi-family developments. After further discussion and comments from the other Comm~c ' issioners, Comm. Gottovi modified he~ motion to indicate that the moratorium would only affect those areas that were currently designated rural and conservation. o Comm. Barfield accepted that amendment in his s~cond to the motion. Mr. M. H. Vaughan commented. Upon vote, Comm. Gottovi's MOTION WAS DEFEATED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Comm. Barfield and Gottovi Comm. Armistead, Blake and Chm. O'Shields Comm. Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, to continue the Land Use Public Hearing to the meeting of November 2, 1981, and that it be the first item on the agenda for that meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BREAK Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from ll:28 o'clock a. m. until ll:44 o'clock a. m. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - TANGLE OAKS CLUB'MARINA, SECTION 1 Mr. Ken Silliman of the Planning Staff gave the background information on this plat and reported that the plat was being submitted under the 25-lot provision; that none of the improve- ments were in, but the applicant had submitted the requir~d improvement cost estimate. He also reported that the Pl~nning Board had considered the plat at its meeting on October 6 and recommended final approval. o Comm. Armistead UOVED, SECONDED by Chm. O'Shields, to approve the final plat of Tangle Oaks Club Marina, Section 1 as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1981 (CONTINUED) 94:1 POSTPONEMENT OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL - The CAPE (SHIPWATCH VILLAGE), SECTION 1 Mr. Ken Silliman of the Planning Staff requested, on behalf of the applicant, that consideration of this plat be continued to the next meeting. Mr. Harry Oakes, ,agent for the applicant, commented on their reasons for requesting the plat consideration be continued. o Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Blake, to continue consideration of the final plat approval of The Cape (Shipwatch Village), Section l, to the first meeting in November. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. LETTER TO PLANNING BOARD TO EXPEDITE ZONING ORDINANCE REVISIONS Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield" to send a letter to the Planning Board requesting that they proceed as soon as possible with the revisions to the Zoning Ordinance concerning the multi-family zoning. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. REVISION :r:OAIR WTLMIl:lGTON LEASE' Airport Manager R; C. Shackelford, Jr. appeared before the Board to explain the modifications to the Lease with Air Wilmington for Airport property. Mr. 'Shackelford reported that the Airport Commission had considered the Lease Amendment at its meeting on October l5, 1981, and recommended approval. Comm. Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, to approve the amendment to the Air Wilmington Lease for Airport property as recommended by the Airport Commission. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Lease Amendment is on file in the County Manager's Office. ADDITIONAL ITEMS o DISCUSSION ON ZONING PROBLEMS IN CASTLE HAYNE AREA Comm. Barfield commented on the zoning problems in the Castle Hayne area and the necessity of the Planning Board's consideration of looking into zoning of the areas that were not previously zoned. COMM. GOTTOVI'S ATTENDANCE AT HAZARDOUS WASTE SITING'MEETING ,Comm. Gottovi commented on her recent attendance at a meeting in Atlanta on the siting of hazardous waste' disposal facilities and reported that she felt this was a problem that the County would eventually have to look at. DESIGNATION OF NOVEMBER l, 1981, AS HOSPICE SUNDAY Chm. O'Shields reported that he had received a request to designate November l, 1981 as Hospice Sunday and read into the record a proposed Resolution. Upon MOTION by Comm. Gottovi, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, the following Resolution.as read by Chm. O'Shields was UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED: RESOLUTION o The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners designates Sunday, November l, 1981, as Hospice Sunday in recognition of the work being done by Lower Cape Fear Hospice, Inc. in our area. This organization offers the coordinated efforts of health care professionals, social workers, clergy, and volunteers in a program for terminally ill persons and their families so that ~upport and care is provided for those in the last stages of incurable disease enabling them to live as comfortably and fully as possible. Adopted the 19th day of October, 1981. COMM. BLAKE TO WELCOME GOVERNOR'S CRIME COMMISSION Chm. O'Shields reported that he had received a request to welcome the Governor's Crime Commission in a meeting on Oc~ober 29, and due to the fact that he would be out of town requested that someone else handle this for him. 'It was agreed that Comm. Blake would appear on behalf of the County to welcome the Governor's Crime Commissi~n on October 29, 1981, at l:OO p.m. 944 MINUTES 'OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1981, (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) CHM. O'SHIELDS TO BE ABSENT ,FROM NOVEMBER 2 MEETING Chm. O'Shields reported that, at this point in time, it looked as if he would be out of town and unable to attend the Commission meeting on November 2, 1981. DISCUSSION ON ZONING ORDINANCE REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO HORSE STABLES Comms. Blake and Barfield reported on complaints they had received concerning the location of a horse stable in a residential area and requested clarification from the Planning Director on the Zoning Ordinance Regulations pertaining to stables. o Planning Director Hayes explained that there was a lapse of time between January and March ofl98l when the County did not 'have any regulations concerning private barns and stables and that was the time the permit was issued for the particular stable in question. DISCUSSION ON 1982 TAX LISTING FORMS County Manager Cooper pointed out that the Legislature had recently raised the Sr. Citizen exemption to $8,500 and this change would be reflected on the listing forms that were approved by the Commissioners earlier in the weeting. CITY OF WILMINGTON TO USE SPACES IN LIBRARY PARKING LOT County Manager Cooper reported that the Library Board had met and recommended that 37 spaces in the Library parking lots be used by the City of Wilmington for public parking while the City's Parking Deck was closed. Mr. Cooper recommended that he be given the authority to negotiate contracts with the City for parking on County property until May l, 1982. Ms. Joan Geiszler of the City Manager's Office commented on the efforts being made by private parking lot owners to fill the needs while the City's Parking deck was closed. o 'Chm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Blake, to go along with the County Manager's recommendation and authorize him to nego- tiate ,contracts with the City for parking on County property, until May l, 1982. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION ON LANDFILL OPENING CEREMONY County Manager Cooper reported that the Landfill would probably be ready to open around November l,5:', 1981, and requested direction from the Commissioners as to whether or not they wished to have some sort of opening ceremony. It was agreed by concensus,that some sort of opening ceremony should be planned for the occasion. ENDORSEMENT OF TREATMENT FACILITY FOR ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG DEPENDENCY Dr. Jacob Fishman, Mr. James Navick, Mr. Pete Lewis and Ms. Groves, of the Cumberland Psychiatric Center in Fayetteville, appeared before the Board to request support from the Commissioners for a treatment center for substance abuse for adolescents and adults to be located in New Hanover County. They explained and answered questions on their proposal for the establishment of 0 such a facility. Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi, to endorse the development of a free standing in-patient treatment facility for, adolescents and adults for alcoholism and drug dependency. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. EXECUTIVE SESSION Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, that the meeting be recessed to Executive Session to discuss committee appointments. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting to Executive Session at l2:46 o'clock p. m. I' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1981 (CONTINUED) 945 EXECUTIVE SESSION (CONTINUED) Chm. O'Shields reconvened the meeting to Public Session at 1:00 o'clock p.m. APPOINTMENTS TO OAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS Comm. Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi, to reappoint Mr. H. G. Grohman and Mr. J. R. Fullwood to 3-year terms and to appoint Ms. Gerotha Spain Washington to an unexpired term on the Offender Aid & Restoration Board of Directors. Upon vote, the MOTION, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o ADJOURNMENT Comm. Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, that' the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chm. O'Shields adjourned the meeting at l:OO o'clock p, m. Respectfully submitted, taJ~A 4,k~ Alyce B. Rusmisell, Clerk MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 2, 1981 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Ifonday, November 2, 1981, at 7:00'0'clock p.m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Howard L. Armistead, Jr.; Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Donald P. Blake; Karen E. Gottovi; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board Alyce B. Rusmisell. Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr. was absent. Vice-Chm. Gottovi called the meeting to order and reported that Chm. O'Shields was out of town. o Rev. Arthur H. Williams, Jr. of Pearsall Memorial Presbyterian Church offered the invocation. Vice-Chm. Gottovi then commented on the occupancy limits of the room. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 19, 1981 Comm. Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 19, 1981, be approved as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Blake and Gottovi Chm. O'Shields ITEMS l6 (/fRS. HHITIfEYER) AND l7 (lfR. SHARP) WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA Vice-Chm. Gottovi reported that items #l6 and I/l7, appearances by Mrs. Lois Whitmeyer and Mr. Clarence Sharp, had been withdrawn from the, agenda for this meeting. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Upon MOTION by Comm. Armistead, SECONDED by Comm. Blake, the following Consent Agenda items were APPROVED AS FOLLOWS: , o Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Blake ,and Gottovi Chm. O'Shields RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHANGE IN GRANTEE FOR SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY LOCATED AT 203 McRAE STREET RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHANGE IN GRAJ,TEE FOR SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of ,New Hanover County approved the sale of property located at 203 McRae Street identified as Tax Parcel No. 600l-048l7-0ll-0l0.000 on February l6, 1981 to Ralph H. and William F. Gage and liHEREAS, the correct designated grantees should have been Robert H. Gage and William F. Gage as tenan~s in common.